#molly hooper appreciation week
mollyappreciationweek · 5 months
That's A Wrap On The Prompt-A-Thon!
So for the first time doing it, it didn't go that badly. We had three participants get prompts (@mizjoely, @dreaminonao3 and myself) and we had six of the fifteen answers posted during the month! I think this may be a yearly thing we do, as it's a lot easier to give individuals who want to participate prompts then do a week of prompts. Plus I can do it for the whole month of December and still run a weeklong Valentine's Day/Galentine's Day/Singles Awareness Day week in February (which we will be back for, this time with specific prompts for the weeklong fest).
(I'm sorry it took so long to post this...my sleep schedule has been awful lately and I've only been awake a few hours at a time the last few days)
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smarthily · 3 months
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Sherlolly Appreciation Week 2024 Day 7 - Relationship Unconditional love
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mizjoely · 6 months
MHAW Prompt #1: Soulmate AU - You get to share the same talents as your soulmate and you probably hit the jackpot because it’s the first time you’ve ever touched this instrument but you’re quite the professional at it, what? Shredding? I don’t know what that is but—oh… hey okay, I just did it I think.
"Shredding really doesn't apply to violins."
Molly shrugged off her obnoxious half-brother's remark. "Don't care," she said as she lovingly touched the strings on her new instrument. "My soulmate calls it shredding and that's all that matters."
She was 13 to his 'I'm-older-so-I-know-everything' 16. He wasn't always this annoying, but Molly knew it was because he was jealous because HIS SoulTalent was knowing all sorts of useless trivia about how the British government worked. How boring was that???
"Anyway, I'm gonna SHRED on this violin for Christmas this year!" she boasted, once again using the term that made him cringe. "And when I finally DO meet my soulmate, at least we won't bore each other to death!"
Fast forward ten years: Molly was right about never being bored to death by Sherlock Holmes.
Whether her half-brother Greg found his relationship with Sherlock's older brother Mycroft boring - well, she never felt the need to ask.
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dreaminonao3 · 7 months
Fanfic Advent Calendar 2023
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open the door for December 3rd
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~ FluffSmut's Masterlist: Everything Else ~
SHIPPING SHIPS (original ficlets)
Love Hits You Unexpectedly, Sometimes
The Most Beautiful Ship in the World
MADE-UP FIC TITLES ~ fic ideas/synopses/plot bunnies 🐰 (generated in response to this ask game)
Fluffsmut's Totally Correct Sherlock Quotes ~ if you fancy a chuckle. Hehe.
~ BBC Sherlock: Headcanons  ~
Fluffy headcanons you can pry from my cold, dead hands
Smutty headcanons that live in my head rent free
Mycroft's Chocolate Stout Cake (for Greg, and Greg only)
“The Dads Are Alright” Headcanon (parentlock/fluff)
221B pets
221B rules (written by @kitten-kin)
Fluffbruary 2022 Trivia Tuesdays: Week 01 . 02 . 03 . 04
~ BBC Sherlock: Rewatch Meta ~
ASiB ~ Why I Love Irene Adler So Much // THoB  ~ Pt. 1 - Beware of the Dog / Pt. 2 - Lights in the Darkness / Pt. 3 - Killing the Hound // TAB ~ Way Too Deep // TLD ~ The Morgue Scene: a look at the script // TFP ~ The Coffin Scene
~ BBC Sherlock: Character Meta ~  Molly Hooper has been done dirty (and I say this as a hardcore Johnlocker) // (mini-meta) John Watson, a man with issues: one and two
~ Good Omens Meta ~
Petronius' Oysters (a modest contribution to a post by @ineffablyruined)
When in Rome... - Aziraphale's Hot Girl Summer?
The Hundred Guineas Club (a modest contribution to a post by @niceprophecies)
Analogies with the Divine Comedy - Canto V (a modest contribution to a post by @theonevoice)
Italian language/culture 101 with Fluffsmut:
Good Omens x Michael Sheen x Ancient Rome - a match made in heaven Italy
The versatility of "cazzo"
"Sticazzi" vs "me cojoni"
Random stuff:  
Half-Assed Fic Recs
Martin Freeman Appreciation Posts
Random Thoughts: StartUp (TV show) // Ghost Stories (2017 film) // A List of Things Sherlock and Malcolm Bright (Prodigal Son) have in common
Jump back to FluffSmut's Masterlist
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mel-loves-all · 1 year
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Sherlolly Appreciation Week 2023. Day 3 Prompt: Chef/Restaurant.
They had only been dating for two months, but Molly Hooper had become his world. Sherlock could not help but make all her favorite dishes for her. His reputation for being a Top Michelin Starred Chef meant nothing to him as he made whatever she was craving. From a full English Breakfast, Shepherd’s Pie or a Victoria Sponge Cake. The smiles she gave him after enjoying his meals warmed and stole his heart each and every time.
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writingwife-83 · 1 year
Sherlolly Appreciation Week, Day 2: Librarian AU/Professor AU
Thanks for the feedback, peeps! Hope you guys enjoy the ficlet. And Idk why this is a 1940s setting. It just is I guess lol. ❤️ 📚
Falling for You (👈 ao3)
Sherlock flipped a page, then another, then another. He shoved that book aside, discarding it among many others in a growing pile, then picked up another one nearby. Taking a pencil from behind his ear, he scribbled a note or two on his pad of paper, humming quietly to himself. He was admittedly rather engrossed, and didn’t even hear the footsteps approaching. Not until she made her presence more than clear.
“Not again!”
Head tilting up from where he sat on the floor, Sherlock took in the sight of the university’s librarian, Miss Molly Hooper, and she was in rare form. Particularly because she was towering over him.
“Ah, Miss Hooper, good after-“
“Professor Holmes, I do hope you’re going to pick up that mess properly this time!” Her little arms crossed sternly over her middle.
Sherlock glanced at the pile of books strewn about all around him on the floor. “I’ve always picked up the books.”
Molly tilted her head. “Yes, but with no care whatsoever to the Dewey decimal system. Every time you come in here I end up with students unable to find what they’re looking for. And I find that you leave an absolute mess in whatever area you’ve been in. I’ve even found books turned backwards on the shelf!”
Sherlock stood with a little grunt, straightening his suit jacket. “Well, I suppose sometimes I am in a bit of a rush. Lesson planning, and all that. Chemistry class won’t teach itself, you know.” Pausing, he gave her a once over. “Why, Miss Hooper, what a smart looking hairstyle that is. You’ve had it trimmed a bit, haven’t you? And freshly curled?” He threw in a little wink.
Molly’s cheeks flushed pink, but she kept her lips trained in a tight line and tilted her chin up sternly. “I have, though it’s certainly no concern of yours. Now, if you’re finished, I’d like to get these put away.”
When he made no protest, Molly began picking some of the books up and checking the bindings to set them in their places on the shelf. But when she tried to move around the pile on the floor though, she stepped on the edge of one of the books and her heel slipped out from under her.
The second she lost her balance, Sherlock’s arm instinctively looped around her waist, holding her steady while bracing them with his other hand against the bookshelf.
Molly stared back at him, wide eyed and panting, and it occurred to him that they were practically nose to nose.
“Th-thank you,” she stammered.
“For creating a death trap on the floor?”
She sputtered out a laugh, her eyes suddenly shimmering. “For catching me.”
“My pleasure.”
And it really was.
Sherlock realized that his grip around her waist had not loosened. In fact, with each passing second he was only becoming increasingly aware of how it felt to hold her so close. The way she fit so naturally against him…
“I think I’m alright now.”
Sherlock cleared his throat, remembering himself and releasing his hold while stepping back. “I’ll pick these up. Don’t trouble yourself.”
“If you insist.” Molly straightened her cardigan and smoothed some hair behind her ear. “But I’d better find them all in order.”
Sherlock gave her an unabashedly flirtatious smile. “If they’re not… you know where to find me.”
Molly held his gaze for a moment before turning and finally walking away oh so slowly, and Sherlock could have sworn that every click of her heels and sway of her hips was by very calculated design. He certainly couldn’t take his eyes off her until she rounded the corner and went back to her desk.
It took him no time at all to decide that a few of those books would simply have to be placed out of order after all.
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Latest & Greatest Sherlollbrary Additions , "Tootin-My-Own Horn" Molly Hooper Appreciation Week Edition, 12/21/23
Molly Hooper Appreciation Week 2023 Fics (Anthology) AO3 2023
Belonging Means We Won't Be Longing (Rated K+, One-Shot) MHAW 2023, Post TFP AO3 2023
If You Don't Pay The Ferryman You Never Get To The Afterlife (Rated K+, One-Shot) MHAW 2023, Fan/Supernatural, Reaper AU AO3 2023
Shredding Doesn't Apply (Rated K, One-Shot) MHAW 2023, Soulmate AU, Teenlock AO3 2023
Though She Be But Little (Rated K, One-Shot) MHAW 2023, Post TFP, Humor AO3 2023
To Rush Headlong (A Flight of Fancy) (Rated K+, One-Shot) MHAW 2023, Post Reichenbach AO3 2023
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musicprincess1990 · 1 year
Sherlolly Appreciation Week - Day 5
Sorry I'm late (again), but here's the promised Musician AU!
In Perfect Harmony
Very few people knew of Molly’s musical talent, let alone that it had made her a local celebrity. Her name and her eight-year-old face had been on every tabloid and newspaper in England for a solid six months, as she toured alongside the London Philharmonic. Child prodigy Margaret Hooper was on track to become a world-famous violinist, among the ranks of Heifetz, Kreisler, and Perlman. The violin was her life, her purpose, her first true love.
Until the pain started, and she was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome.
Molly didn’t touch her violin for years, even after she had healed. Eventually, though, she picked it back up, but she only played for herself (and perhaps a few nosy neighbours who might have been listening). Never in public, nor even in front of her family. Her once legendary talent had all but slipped away, and though she was still good (as far as she knew), she certainly wasn’t as good. But the joy of simply playing again was all she needed.
She never told a soul. Not her uni mates, none of her boyfriends, not even Sherlock Holmes (although expected he knew just by looking at her). It was somehow comforting to have that secret, and to have music as an escape when she needed it.
Today, she most definitely needed it.
Molly sighed and rolled her shoulders backward in an effort to relax. She couldn’t precisely say why she was in such a foul mood, nothing bad had happened (for her, that is, no doubt the families of her post-mortems would disagree). By all accounts, it had been a perfectly normal day, and yet she felt somehow on edge… restless. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but it felt like something was about to happen.
At that point, Molly was tired of thinking, and more than ready to lose herself in music. She pulled her violin out from her closet and brought it to the sitting room. After applying rosin to the bowstrings, she adjusted the tuning, then tucked the instrument beneath her chin and began to play. The effect was instantaneous. As she coaxed the melody from the strings, all that tension at her back and shoulders washed away, and she let out another sigh. Her eyes fell closed as she slipped into a sort of trance-like state, and all but the music fell away.
As she drew out the final note of the piece, she returned to the here and now, smiling softly and feeling infinitely more at peace. She lowered bow and violin, turning to put them back into their case when—
Molly barely managed to keep from unceremoniously dropping her violin, though the bow was not so lucky, and shot across the room, clattering against a wall, then the floor. Her free hand then flew to her mouth on a reflex, due to the shock of realizing she wasn’t alone.
There stood none other than Sherlock bloody Holmes, staring at her like she’d sprouted an extra head.
Well. So much for the secret.
Molly heaved her third sigh of the night and went to retrieve her bow. “Sherlock, how many times have I asked you not to barge in unannounced?”
He didn’t answer immediately, and she could almost feel his eyes boring a hole into her skull while she put her violin and bow back in the case. When she finally faced him again, he said, “I called twice. You didn’t answer.”
Frowning in confusion, Molly slid a hand into her pocket, only to find her phone wasn’t there, and she realized she’d left it in her room. “Oh,” she said lamely. “Sorry, I… forgot I didn’t have my phone on me.”
Sherlock said nothing, just stared.
“Erm…” she began awkwardly, “so… what do you need?”
Another few moments of uncomfortable staring, and finally, he spoke, but instead of answering her question, he asked one of his own. “Why did you never tell me you played the violin?”
Not particularly wanting to discuss the whole complicated truth, Molly simply shrugged and said, “I thought you knew.”
“How would I have known?” he shot back irritably.
“The same way you know everything about everybody else,” she shrugged again. “I thought you would have deduced it.”
“Well, I didn’t,” he snapped, and it all became clear. He had missed something. By his own admission, he always missed something, but no matter how true that statement might be, it still bothered him when he did. Especially when it was something important, and this, she supposed, was important to him. And judging by the way he still stared at her, he wasn’t happy with the answer she gave him.
“I don’t tell anyone,” she finally continued. “No one outside of my family knows… except you, now.”
Molly had lost count of how many times she’d sighed in the last fifteen minutes, but she let out yet another. “If I’m going to have this conversation with you, I’m going to need wine.”
He rolled his eyes, but left the sitting room and made his way to her kitchen. Molly followed and went straight for the cupboard, where she opened a new bottle of merlot. She pulled out two glasses, raised her eyebrows at him in a wordless question, and at his nod, set one of them in front of him and filled both. His eyes never left her as she took a gratuitous sip, nor as he took a much smaller one from his own glass. Molly took another few swigs before setting hers down, finally ready to talk.
“I started playing the violin at two. My mum and dad told me I’d always loved watching characters and performers on telly who played, and they bought me a toy violin one Christmas. Apparently, I never let it out of my sight, and was constantly playing. At first, I expect it was just random noise, but then I started copying what I heard on telly… and I was good. Within a few years, I was old enough to start lessons, and I excelled. By the time I was eight years old, I was considered a prodigy, and was invited to play with the Philharmonic. I had a good six months as their featured artist.
Here, Molly paused, taking another rather large swallow of her wine. “Then I started having pain in my wrist.” She lifted her left hand and pointed to the spot in question, just on the underside of her wrist.
“Carpal tunnel,” he guessed, and she nodded.
“My parents tried to get me to stop playing, but I didn’t listen. I couldn’t imagine not playing the violin, it was everything to me. But one night, while on stage, it got so bad that I couldn’t play. I tried—God, I tried so hard—but I just couldn’t.”
She bit her lip as the bitter memories flashed through her mind, and finally forced out, “Within a week, the Philharmonic had found a replacement violinist. I was utterly destroyed, depressed for months, and my parents were worried I would harm myself. I didn’t… but I thought about it,” she admitted in a small voice. “It took several weeks of physiotherapy, and years of counselling, for me to heal. And it took even longer before I could even think of playing again. In fact it… it took my father asking me to play at his funeral. I had to rent out a violin that fit me, I’d long since outgrown the one I played as a girl, but I played ‘Danny Boy’ for him, one of his favourite songs. I expect he knew that would reawaken my love for music, and for the violin. And it did… but I still haven’t had the courage to perform.”
Having finished her tale, Molly downed the remaining contents of her glass, then poured another generous helping.
Sherlock, who had hardly touched his wine, took a thoughtful sip. “I suppose I understand why you kept it a secret in general… but why didn’t you tell me?”
Molly shrank back a bit, wrapping her arms around her middle. For a moment, she considered lying to him, telling him that the thought simply hadn’t occurred to her. But lying had never been her strong suit, and even if it were, he would still have seen through it. Still, she knew the words she was about to say would hurt him… almost as much as they would hurt her.
“You already criticise my jokes, my appearance, my taste in men—ironic, that,” she interjected. “I just couldn’t bear to have you criticise this, too.”
Sherlock was silent for a long time, and Molly kept her gaze firmly fixed on her hands, not wanting to see the pity and derision she was sure would be written all over his face. But then she saw him move from the corner of her eye, and she couldn’t help but look up as he stepped closer to her. And in his eyes, she found no trace of pity, not an ounce of derision… but an ocean’s worth of remorse.
“I am sorry, Molly,” he said in a low, serious voice. “I have never wanted to hurt you.”
She smiled sadly at him. “I know.”
His eyes flicked back and forth between hers before he spoke again. “Let me be clear on a few things. First of all, your jokes are ridiculous and groan-worthy, but nevertheless, they’ve always made me smile. Your taste in clothing is… curious, but in fact it suits you, and believe me, you have no reason to be at all insecure about your figure. As to your taste in men…” He took another step toward her, coming within arm’s reach, and forcing her to tip her head back to meet his eye. “To own the truth… the only real problem I’ve ever had with the men in your life is that none of them were me.”
Molly’s mouth fell open. “I… you… what?”
Sherlock’s lips twitched as he fought a smile. “Perhaps I haven’t been clear enough.”
And then those lips were on hers, and his hands bunched the fabric of her jumper as they curled into fists at her back. Molly heard a breathless moan as she buried her fingers in his curls, and only belatedly realized it had come from her. His tongue poked out and sought entrance, which she most happily obliged and moaned yet again as he tasted her. She gave as good as she got, and soon he was moaning right along with her.
It wasn’t until he hoisted her up onto the worktop that they broke apart, and Molly put a hand on his chest to stop him. Beneath the layers of clothing, she could feel his heart racing in rhythm with her own, and his eyes, wide and hungry and unfocused, found hers in an unspoken question.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” she asked.
Sherlock looked down bashfully—something she never thought she would see him do. “I don’t think I realized it until tonight… when I heard you playing. I had no idea, not in the slightest, and it irked me to think I had missed it, but even more so that you hadn’t even told me.” He sighed, bowing his head. “Not good, I know… but it’s the truth. And the thought that you’d been keeping this secret from me, while the likes of Tim—”
“Tom,” she corrected him.
“—Irrelevant,” he waved her off, “or even dear ‘Jim from IT’ knew about it—”
“They didn’t, I never told them either.”
“Well, I know that now,” he huffed.
Molly let out a giggle and brushed her hands over the lapels of his jacket. “You’re adorable when you’re jealous.”
His eyes narrowed. “I am neither adorable nor jealous.” “Yes, you are,” she grinned, and before he could argue, she yanked on his lapels and kissed him again, and he responded in kind. No more words were needed as they fumbled their way to her bedroom. They were as they had been so often before: in perfect harmony.
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oblivious-idiot · 1 year
Lockwood and Co Appreciation Week: Day Seven - Free Day!!
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To be fair I wasn't sure what to post for today (and I totally didn't almost forget oops) but I thought today I would say a little bit on the cast!!
So of course everyone knows about Cameron, Ruby, and Ali now, and I absolutely love them. To see this as Cameron's first role is just??? incredible, that man's talent is so crazy. I hadn't seen anything Ali had been in before and Ruby you briefly see in Bridgerton, so it was really amazing to see all three of these young actors having leading roles in a hit show, and I couldn't be more proud of them!!
The supporting actors were also so amazing, and it was so exciting to see people from other pop culture / fandoms in the show too!! Jack (Quill Kipps) was in an episode of Sex Education - which I actually recognised him from! Louise Brealey (Joplin) some of you may recognise as Molly Hooper from BBC's Sherlock (!!) and I was so excited to see her on my screen again, and Jeff Rawle (Saunders) played Amos Diggory in Harry Potter!!
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Amongst others I was so excited to see in the show was Alice Lowe (Adelaide Winkman) who I grew up watching from Horrible Histories (British kids will understand), Paul Thornley (Cutter - the undercover agent) played Ron Weasley in the original Cursed Child cast, and Paddy Holland (Bobby Vernon) who I was so trilled to see cast in the show and start getting acting gigs!! (Yes, Paddy is Tom Holland's brother, but I think it's really amazing for him to get roles outside of the limelight of Tom!)
ANYWAYS, I really really loved the entire cast for the show. As someone who's grown up watching so much film and tv it always excites me to see actors I recognise in new things and also being blown away by new actors because they're just so good. Lockwood and Co was no exception and I cannot wait for season two and more actors!!
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pennywaltzy · 1 month
The Basics -- 2, 8, 9
The Specifics -- 18, 19, 20
2: Are you a pantser or plotter? Pantser. That's probably why I have so many WIPs where I go back to them and I'm all "Where the fuck was I going with this?"
8. Oldest WIP: Oh lord. I think I have some Buffyverse WIPs that I need to dig out of the text file from my old Yahoo Group alternabuffyfic, but the oldest one I have (from when I started writing it) is "Urge To Fight," which is a CSI: NY/Startgate Atlantis fic that I will finish one day. The oldest WIP I have on AO3 chronologically is "When In University..." a Pondlock xfic which I was going to turn into an original fic because I got told Sherlock was too OOC...then series 3 & 4 happened and I was vindicated that he's a soft little meow meow under it all, so fuck all the haters of that fic it's getting finished in the near future.
9. Current WIP: "What Stork Brings," a Star Trek AOS Spirk fic about them adopting twins. It was recently featured on a reblog by the Tumblr user who came up with the original post that inspired it, so I've gotten a lot of kudos and comments on it and, internet and writing time willing, I'm considering doing it for WIPBB this year. So no updates until September, but it would be finished.
18. If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about? I wanna write with my personal fic gremlin @strangelock221b! We have a series she drops the occasional fic in (The Best Laid Plans), but that's mostly my baby. I don't know what we'd right about...maybe a new series with her OC Leland and Mary Bennet, or something in the Star Trek AOS verse or the MCU. The possibilities are endless!
19. How do you keep yourself motivated? Honestly? I've been super unmotivated since, like, May of last year, when I got COVID and developed long hauler symptoms. I will probably start working more once I have housing, since it's super hard for me to not write on a table/flat surface, and I'm stuck at the shelter without internet most of the time (plus right now I'm putting most of my energy into finding housing before we need to leave the shelter). But right now I have an Urge to be artistic, so I'm probably going to work on 2023 WIPBB art claims and fanmixes for a bit and work on "What Stork Brings" when I can fully charge my laptop and sit at the dining room table, which is stuff I can do with a minimal need to be online.
20. How many WIPs and story ideas do you have? I have between 65 - 70 published WIPs up on AO3, I think. I haven't checked in a while. I also have a HUGE folder of prompts that I've been trying to whittle down by giving them to Molly Hooper Appreciation week participants in our new December round, though @apromptadaykeepstheblockaway (which is my newest prompt blog) and just to friends of mine who want simple prompts that they can apply to any ship/fandom.
A Writer’s Ask Game
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mollyappreciationweek · 7 months
And the AO3 collection is now open for the 2023 Molly Hooper Appreciation Week Prompt-A-Thon!
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strangelock221b · 6 months
2, 12, 13 and 4 for the new years writer asks?
Thank you!
2. Will you participate in any fandom exchanges or fic challenges, etc?
I usually participate in Molly Hooper Appreciation Week, my own Christmas in July, and my own Fanfic Advent Calendar. Someday, I'll participate in WIPBB.
12. Will you change anything about the way you edit or rewrite this year?
I think I need to stop editing then posting as soon as I'm done with a first draft -- I think it would be better to step away from the fic for 24 hours to let things gel.
13. Aside from fanfic, are there any other fan works you’d like to try creating? Fanart, or fanvids, gifsets, or podfic? 
Not really? I mean, I make covers for my fics sometimes but that's all. I'll leave the other stuff to the people who are good at them.
4. Do you think you’ll stop writing for a fandom this year? Which one?
Fandom? No. Ship? Probably. Do I have to say it? Fine -- Sherlolly. I wasn't satisfied with how Giving came out and yes, it was my first Sherlolly fic in about a year, but still. I still ship Sherlock and Molly, I just think the Sherlolly mine in my brain is tapped out.
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mizjoely · 6 months
MHAW Prompt #2: temul (mongolian) - (v.) signifies a sense of creativity and passion; to rush headlong, to be inspired, to have creative thoughts, and even to take a flight of fancy
To Rush Headlong/A Flight of Fancy
He stood on the ledge, staring down as the wind blew his hair into disarray, down, down, down to the pavement below where his passion for the truth - and, yes, his own arrogance - had led him.
I owe you a fall, Sherlock.
Moriarty was dead, brains blown grey and grisly on the roof behind him. But the moment had been prepared for - why did that ring a faint bell in his memory? Was he echoing someone else's words, yes, a character from a nearly forgotten childhood favorite show, someone else who was dying, who had taken a fall but was about to be reborn.
Project Lazarus is a go.
Mycroft believed they had everything under control, but what was control, really? Nothing but an illusion. Even now, anything could go wrong; people failed - look, there was John Watson, stepping out of a cab as Sherlock slowly, slowly raised his mobile to his ear and spoke the lies that would cause his friend so much grief.
Lies that could all too easily become the truth; there were so many factors, so many variables in this chancy subterfuge the Brothers Holmes were undertaking...
I don't count.
He steadied himself with a breath.
There was one variable he could absolutely rely upon with rock-solid certainty, bone-deep and undeniable.
You've always counted and I've always trusted you.
Governments might crumble, financial institutions crash, consulting criminals blow their own brains out on a whim, but nothing could shake his absolute faith in her.
What do you need?
"You," he whispered as he flung his mobile aside, raised his arms..
...and jumped.
This leap of faith, in the end, was no leap at all, and he fell, secure in the knowledge that all would go exactly to plan, if only because Molly Hooper had been so integral to those plans.
John Watson would grieve, but Sherlock Holmes would live - because Molly would always, always be there to catch him when he fell.
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Thank you for organising the event again this year! I've been thinking if it's on and I'm so glad it is! Thank you and sending you love ❤️❤️❤️❤️
OMG I just saw this in my inbox when I got a new ask to my writing account (I don't get alerts for messages to this account). You're very welcome, m'dear! It was a bit later than planned because WIP Big Bang ran until November 5th this year, and I was dealing with a late Molly Hooper Appreciation Week, so this slipped my mind until last week. But I wouldn't miss running this event for the world. It's one of my favorites!
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mollys-meadow · 6 months
Hi! Molly Hooper Appreciation Week mod here! I saw your tags on the post and I just wanted to let you know you can take as long as you want to answer the prompts, you just have until December 25th to get them. So if you want to participate but can't write anything until, say, February, that's totally fine! We keep our AO3 collections open year round for people to add late posts to.
Oh hi!! Thank you!! I'll definitely consider it because I'd love to participate but I also have a record of biting more than I can chew so we'll see how it goes. Thank you so much for letting me know!!
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