#and didnt know how to adjust your course appropriately
valtsv · 2 years
Where did you swim in the open ocean? And how scary was it?
i grew up by the sea
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angelicmichael · 4 years
What if Xavier had a kid he didn't know about and he meets them for the first time after he's already a ghost? Maybe there's a kindergarten group that takes a trip to the camp, and he just has this spirit intuition as soon as he sees them and KNOWS it's his child. Do you think you could expand on this idea? I'd love to see what you come up with!
A/N: This was so fun, thank you for this idea dear anon!! I'm sorry it's late but hopefully u like it 😶. Also, I apologize this is so dark and heavy- I didnt intend for it.. it just, kinda happened lmfao. I turned this into a 'x reader' and it starts with Xaviers POV and ends with readers perspective!! First few paragraphs are pretty dark and then the rest is weird.. angst fluff LOL.Hope yall enjoy 💖💖💖
Warnings: First few paragraphs discuss Xavier's thots about dying SO, it highkey gets dark yall I'm so sorry, mentions of anger?? issues, mentions of murder, stops getting dark roughly around paragraph 6 if u wanna skip all that, MAJOR ANGST, reuniting, very brief Xantana reference 😈, mention of kids, bit of fluff.. think that's it :)
In Xaviers eyes; the worst part of being killed in a desolate camp and having to reside there for the rest of eternity; wasnt the fact that he would have to handle Richard Rameriez and tolerate his peers for eons to come. Sure, both of those things required an adjustment period but.. the realization that his life with you was abruptly cut short, was what truly broke him.
It took him being stripped from everything he once knew to truly appreciate how heavenly life once was before Camp Redwood. He had a steady job, good friends, and a relationship with a actual living, breathing person.. Not to shade Montana or anything, of course. However he had taken all of those things for fucking granted; moving to Camp Redwood definetly had made him become humble- at the very least. He was now nothing but a mere shell of the person he once was; nothing to bring him out of this absolute living nightmare he found himself in.. At first this mindset nearly consumed him, it drove him to kill multiple times.
There was no point in trying to conceal the anger he felt, no way of trying to channel it out into a more socially appropriate way and at this point.. there really was no point in trying to do so. Out here in the forest, espically after he was killed, life outside of the forest soon seemed as if it was some type of myth or fairytale- something not real or attainable. Time in the redwood forest felt different- days quickly bled and melted into weeks, and then months.. trying to guess the date was something Xavier gave up on doing after about the first week.
As much as he tried to deny it, being dead and becoming trapped here had completly made him lose his grip on reality and his previous life. Soon enough, the thought that life even fully existed outside of the camp and that there was actual fucking laws against killing (something which was now a leisurely hobby) had completly slipped his mind momentarily in the beginning as well. Out here in the forest, nothing felt real execpt for his anger that he held onto so tightly.
It was really the only thing he had left; atleast for a while.
The pain of losing his partner, (y/n), still remained but letting that grief not consume him was easily the hardest battle he had fought in his life. Xavier realized he still had his friends - and if he really was going to live for eternity, he sure wasnt going to spend it angry.
After so many years of being 'cursed' to spend forever in this forest, keeping track of the time was something Xavier rarely bothered with, but - it was obvious by the suns posistion, and even the slight mist that made the grass wet that it was just starting to cut into morning. Xavier walked through the forest alone, nowhere in particular to go or to necessarily do, only a sudden need to go and be alone. Almost a beckoning, for him to go and be somewhere else. To witness something.
His days were more often than not purely mundane; he had absolutely no excuse to not listen to this odd and sudden attraction he felt toward a very particular spot in the camp.. so, that's what brought him to where he stood now. Close to the road that brought visitors (a nice word for victims) into Camp Redwood, right next to the mess hall which was rarely used close by.
Xavier felt wildly uncomfortable standing so close to the place which previously held so much trauma - and honestly still did.. The place where Chef Bertie died. Xavier paused, about to just say 'fuck it' and just give up and go back to where his friends resided (or atleast Montana) when.. he heard it.
His sign, the thing that seemingly enticed him in the first place.
It first sounded like the old, familar sounds of tires coming across a gravel road - Xaviers mind immeadietly jumped to perhaps this could be new people.. new vistors.. new victims.
His blood ran cold when he heard something else; an eerie ringing of chains hitting against the ground. Something that was mostly a associated with buses.. and hauntingly familar. He had little to no time to think or even act on his suspicion when he noticed that a yellow school bus full, and nearly combusting with children was pulling into the camp.
Xavier wasnt exactly certain the bounds that ghosts had when it came to certain bodily functions like vomiting, but hes sure that under normal circumstances he would certainly be sick by now. Nevertheless he could feel his body tense up and the other natural symptoms associated with anxiety also kicked in. Urging him to clumsily get out of vision; he stumbled behind a few trees that poorly blocked him from sight. He continued to watch in complete and utter horror as the bus came to a stop, and it didnt take long for kids to start pouring out of the bus. Xavier felt his heart drop and his blood run cold every time a kid exited the bus and stepped on the dirt soil of Camp Redwood.
Xavier whipped his head around; scanning the surrounding area to make sure no other ghosts were here to bear witness to this.. Xavier was nearly always down to commit murder, it was really the only thing that kept him from fully going insane from pure fucking boredom but - kids? There was no fucking way he would let anyone touch them.
While he thoroughly scanned the area, he noticed a few adults leave the bus out of his periphery vision. He thought nothing of it, chaperones were to be expected on elementary field trips but.. the strange beckoning feeling he felt ealier visited him again, urging him to turn his head fully and look at one of the chaperones more closely. Instantaneously, he then automatically realized why he felt so compelled to come to this spot.. Why he was meant to be here at this exact moment.. It was you.
At first he thought he was merely hallucinating; you definetly looked significantly different from the last time he had saw you but.. he knew it was you, his partner that he had before his life completly went to shit (minus the catastrophe that occured with Blake, of course). He knew instantly, it was your eyes, your stature and just.. your overall warm and familiar aura that gave your identity away. He couldnt believe that the person he had so fucking desperately wanted to see more than anyone or anything was only a few feet away - and now, that you were finally here... All he wanted for you to do was to leave.
As soon as he saw you he felt a sudden tightness posses his chest and throat which accompanied the formation of tears burning his eyes; hastily blurring his vision. He had to physically restrain himself from sobbing outloud; trying his best to just swallow down his tears. His whole body felt as if it was on fire with anxiety, but he chose to continue to stand still behind a few dainty trees - trying to pull himself together so he could actually have the chance to think critically and choose what the ever living fuck he was going to do next.
While he waited for his blurry vision to clear, he chose to focus on the semi distant figure that he knew was you. He took in the little details; like how the sun highlighted the colors in your hair and your simple but charming outfit. It took him several moments to think of why you would even be here in the first place, with a school bus- and thats when another dreadful realization hit him.
Only parents were mainly chaperones when it came to elementary field trips.. meaning-
No other thought crossed Xaviers mind as his eyes flicked down inhumanely fast to the child where (y/n) stood next too.. and immeadietly he knew.
The features the child shared of both you and Xavier were partially a giveaway, but most importantly.. it was the feeling he had that confirmed his belief. The initial anxiety he felt of the kids arriving still remained but was significantly muted and mostly replaced with a overwhelming sense of pure love. The feeling spread to every fiber of his being, and so did a odd urge to protect this small being which he knew was his.
Not ever in his entire life had he felt this way about someone (execpt for perhaps, you). He felt himself taking a few steps forward, at first completly involuntary but he knew he had to talk to you. Just the idea of reuniting tasted so fucking good but, he knew he couldnt get too greedy if he was going to talk to you. He knew confronting you had to be solely done in order to save you and his child, he couldnt get carried away. He wouldnt.
He tried his best to appear casual as he submerged from behind the trees, his hands held behind his back - the only way he could get them to stop shaking. He tried to relax his shoulders and appear confident as he strided up to you; your back turned toward him. He continued until he was directly behind you, he wanted to tap your shoulder but - touching you seemed out of the question. That would confirm everything, it would make it seem actually real and not like this just some torturous dream.
"(Y/n)"? He spoke.
Xaviers breath hitched as he watched you whip around to face him. He studied your features as you went from looking utterly confused to surprised beyond belief.
"Xavier, what-"
"We need to talk".
Xavier quickly grabbed your hand, leading you away from herd of kids and the few sparse chaperones that were amongst them. A few of them gave you two a few odd looks but neither you or Xavier particularly cared, after all this was the first time in years you two had seen eachother. You hastily followed his lead, feeling slightly embarrassed that it was obvious how nervous and simply caught off guard you currently were. Your palms (one of which was still holding onto Xaviers hand) were starting to moisten with sweat. These feelings only amplified once Xavier turned around to face you. The intensity that was in his eyes put you on edge - never in your time of dating or knowing him did he ever look so serious with you.
"What are you doing here"? Xavier spoke, his voice was still in a higher pitch, slightly breaking.
After years of not being able to see you, in fact; years of you not even knowing where he went - this was how he chose to greet you?? Automatically your blood ran cold with the sudden realization that something was wrong. Seriously wrong.. but the feeling didnt just apply to your ex boyfriend. It was the entire camp.
"Its not safe here, you need to take the kids and leave". Xaviers voice more visibly shook this time as he spoke; as if his words physically pained him.
Your heart skipped a beat, the sudden pain and anguish starting to fully settle in. You couldnt believe it; after years of not seeing you - this was all he had to say? Was he fucking joking?
"What? A-are you kidding? Xavier, I havent seen you in years- I didnt even know you would be here-"
"I'm sorry (y/n). I'm so sorry but you have no idea what this place is like. You just need to go, and the kids. And promise me you wont come back".
It was torturous to watch tears gather in Xaviers eyes, and watch as they streaked down his cheeks. The sadness you previously felt was now washed away with red, hot rage. The feeling spread throughout your body like a wildfire that he was seemingly rejecting you.. but you knew now this wasnt some pathetic excuse. Something was seriously wrong here; and now it was starting to become too obvious to ignore.
Xavier looked hauntingly the exact same from the last time you saw him. He forever, looked as if he was still stuck in the same moment of time - like in the summer of 1984, which was when you last saw him.
You didnt realize you were still holding onto one of his hands until you reflexively tried to move it to brush away his tears that were still staining his cheeks; but awkwardly.. you chose to do so with your other hand. Squeezing the one hand you were still holding onto a bit tighter.
He winced as you touched him, and as much you tried your damn best to hold it together - you could feel tears starting to burn your eyes as well.
"I cant promise I wont ever come back, Xavier. I need to see you again, and what about-" you said softly, about to reference the child you two shared together.
"No, you'll see me again (y/n). I promise.. okay"?
He brought your hand up to his mouth to kiss your knuckles; the tears you trying so desperately to hold in were now sliding down your cheeks. Your breathing was now horribly choppy. You were on the brink of full on sobbing but you held yourself back - it was nearly time for you to go.
The fact you would have to go back to go the others and make up some bullshit excuse to leave, put a bitter taste in your mouth.. but your sure Xavier had a valid reason for ushering you to leave. Even if he didnt want to tell you right now; you trusted him with your life.
"Okay.. Fine. I'm coming back though, and I'm sorry I couldnt find you sooner". You admitted.
You dropped his hand that you were still holding in order to wrap your arms around him. To get one final touch to remember him by. You were desperate to fully touch him and to be wrapped in his embrace, something you had desperately and madly missed. As he held you; you tried to soak in his scent, his aura.. just the fact that he was even here seriously with you, in this moment.
You previously assumed Xavier had passed away; that was easier to come to terms with rather than thinking he willingly ran away or.. that something else more sinister had happened. A part of you wanted to be frustrated that you were leaving with more questions than answers but.. you didnt care. Your heart didnt care. You were just happy you were able to see your boyfriend.. no matter the circumstance or conditions it came with. Even though you were stupidly happy, your thoughts kept annoyingly circling back to the same question - how was Xavier here with you, living.. breathing.. in the flesh. How was this possible? You were about to speak your thoughts outloud when you first felt Xavier break away from you. You didnt get as much as a second glance just when you felt something soft on your cheek. Perhaps a goodbye kiss? and then.. just like he wasnt there at all, he was gone. Almost as if he completly disintegrated into the fresh, morning sky.
You felt your entire body stiffen as you realized he was gone.. again. It was difficult to pinpoint exactly how you felt. It was a nasty mix of both grief and anger that left you completly speechless and deathly still. You took a step back to combat the feeling, and attempted to look casual (and not like the person whom you were just hugging had completly fucking vanished). Sheepishly taking a look at the group you had arrived with and making sure none of them noticed your.. odd behavior.
Sure enough, none of them did. They all stood, and continued on conversing just like they were before you had broke away from them. Smiling and laughing as if nothing was wrong; just like they didnt have a care in the world - just as if the love of their life wasnt ripped away from them for a second time.
Even though Xavier was now gone, that odd, unsettling feeling still lingered with you. Like something was terribly wrong here, in Camp Redwood. The feeling wasn't entirely bad though; sure - the overall air in this place reeked of something terrible but.. now you felt something else mixed into it. A comforting essence of safety; Xaviers presence. You knew he wasnt directly beside you anymore but he was somewhere.. lurking. Watching you, as you begrudgingly walked over to the group you came with. Making up a bullshit excuse in your head so you could escape whatever this place was pretending to be.
Taglist: @michaellangdonstanaccount @langdonsexual @jimmason @blakewaterxx @dark-mei-rose @9layerdevilfoodcake @prophecy-is-inevitable @matildaofoz @beautyiswithinchaos @frenchlangdon @instincts-baby let me know if u would like to be added!! :)
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tendoki · 4 years
yesss you write for the loml tendou 🥺 but could you write something where tendou s/o gets jealous and is kinda in a sour mood the whole day but after when he peeps she jealous he comforts her 🥺🥺
🥺 i decided to do this in 2 parts! i hope you like it! the last time i wrote something like this was a villain y/n fic for mha so it was a bit weird writing something a bit tamer lol. i tried not to make the girl flirting with Tendou too unlikeable, but i dunno how well ive done with that? there is gonna be a part two! hope you enjoy :)
Please let me know what i can do to improve!! i need critiscm to grow :((
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-> genre: mild angst
-> warnings: jealousy, very very mild mentions of violence(?), dark thoughts (could be considered intrusive? not sure)
edited, let me know if you see any mistakes though :)
You never had been very subtle. Though not an open book, you had always thought it was simply more polite to keep your grievances to yourself, more appropriate to leave your thoughts for those that asked to hear them.
But you were beginning to lose your patience.
After the match against Karasuno, and your schools consequent defeat, things had been different at Shiratorizawa. Not enough that it shook you to your core, but certainly concerning. A new person had entered the wolves (or eagles?) den that was the gym, and they had plopped themselves right in the middle of it, snuggling up as close as your boyfriend would let them.
The two of you had spoken in passing, and really, there wasnt anything to be worried about. The girl was a newly transferred first year, what she felt for your boyfriend was just puppy love, something sure to pass when the next guy piques her interest. This didnt stop you from watching her though, during the match, you had seen how the aspiring manager had gawked at Tendou, and while part of you felt proud, a deeper, uglier side of your psyche seemed to activate.
「you're the only one who should be looking at him like that, she has no business openly drooling over sold meat.」
You brushed it off, of course; scolding yourself for thinking of him so possessively. You had always prided yourself on your ability to adapt, and if this kids fleeting crush on your Tendou, was something you had to adjust to, then you'd do just that.
That was of course, before the match had ended.
A flash of fabric and a squeal was the only warning you got, before she had pulled him into a hug.
You were fine. The minor jealousy over this stupid little phase your kouhai had found herself indulging in was immature, and hopefully, not noticeable in the slightest.
But, as previously stated, you never were one for subtelty.
You knew your boyfriend wasn't to blame for how... affectionate the girl was, but seeing someone else's arms wrapped around his waist, watching as she burrowed into your Tendou's chest; something dark stirred within you.
「you could do something about this, you know? you could march over there, teach her a lesson if you really wanted. isnt it killing you? it only takes a few seconds, grab her by the collar and pull her away. reclaim what's yours, remark your territory.」
You had no control over how dark your gaze had gotten, you were ignorant to the silence encasing the gym. Your focus was stuck on the sight of him, with her. He was looking at you, a wide-eyed, tense. He was uncomfortable with her, scared to push her away but unwilling to reciprocate.
Calmly, you stood, laying your notebook where you had sat; and walked out, telling the team, your team, the voice seemed to taunt, that you were heading off early. It seemed your wonderful guest had taken notice of her own behaviour and its implications, as you heard her voice rushing to apologise for hugging him so suddenly.
「that's not what she sounded like when you were talking to her. shes putting it on to sound cute for Tendou, what if he's falling for it?」
You don't bother responding to those thoughts as you pull out your earphones and begin blast whatever nonsense your shaking fingers could tap first.
After you had left, the whole volleyball team had shared a look of 'Fuck'. The girl, stuttering out apologies with batting lashes didnt seem to pick up on the tension in the room; not noticing the dilemma she had inadvertently put the object of her affections in.
Tendou had no idea what he should do in this situation. He had been shocked enough when you had confessed to him, the idea of two girls being interested in him at the same time was something unfathomable. Clearing his throat uncomfortably, he spoke,
"It's uh, fine. Practice is usually done around now so you can uh, start packing up and making your way home, right?"
His junior pouted at this, shyly admitting that, "actually, I was sorta hoping we could walk together". She was embarrassed, shifting her weight between her feet, and Tendou was cringing. Before he could respond, Ushijima stepped in, telling the girl to leave and that they would consider her application of assistant manager.
Before she left, Tendou watched as she tore out a corner of your notebook, writing her number and handing it to the frozen male. No words were spoken of what just occurred, the whole team sharing bewildered stares, eyes darting back and forth from the slip of paper, to Tendou, to your abandoned managerial notebook.
When Tendou got home that night, he thought about messaging you, or calling to check up on how you were doing. You had never been a particularly jealous partner, he had friends and you had your own, generally, you were fairly accepting and cool with most attention your boyfriend would receive. But everyone had a limit, and he saw how you had hit yours, it wasnt something he could blame you for, his own history with jealousy taught him that it was an awful, invasive feeling, and the fact that you had left as to avoid confrontation with a girl you knew had no chance 'stealing' from you, was commendable.
School the next day was a ride.
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snexy-the-snail · 4 years
Do you think you could something with Lucifer nomming Chloe for the first time, like as a protective thing and her panicking and him trying to reassure her that she's safe? And... it wouldn't hurt for his tummy to make a few noises (because that's really what got me into vore in the first place).
Of course!!)
The pretty little pickle that he and the Detective had gotten into. Lucifer grumbles to himself as Chloe presses more against him. Space was limited in the cabinet they were hiding in and it was obvious one of them was getting a tad claustrophobic.
"Wriggling around like a slug isnt going to help us Detective."
He snorts when he got a half hearted thump to his chest. Now if the Detective wasn't here he would've been able to take the psychotic barbie doll himself, but as always Chloe decided to make it complicated.
"Shut it. She might hear you." Chloe hisses between her teeth. Lucifer rolls his eyes and rests a hand on her back. Might as well get one of them out alive. It shouldnt be an issue to swallow his dear partner down.
Sense being considerably human he had noticed some...interesting side effects while being near the Detective. A small growl from his middle shaking him out of his thoughts and proving his point.
"Ah, so you'll be quiet? Perfect." He says with a grin. He didn't miss the annoyed and confused look of the Detective, choosing to focus on following her shrinking form down. She seemed to slowly be processing what was happening considering she stared up at him with confusion.
"Lucifer what- am I shrinking?"
He could see why this would be concerning, but they trusted eachother right? This shouldn't be too abnormal considering their track record.
"Its more like, 'adjusting your size to soemthing more manageable' but yes." He murrurs. She shifted under his hand not panicking outright yet. Perhaps she trusted him more than he realized.
He grins to himself and gently plucks her up by her middle. He wasnt quite sure why his stomach was growling impatiently but that was hardly a pressing matter.
"Lucifer- wha- what are you doing?" Chloe sputters out. Lucifer wasnt too keen on the tone she used, like she was frightened of the situation. Then again Dan had been less than cooperative when he had swallowed the man.
"The woman is looking for you, not me. So all I have to do is hide you." He says lifting her up to his face.
Chloe pales drastically, tiny hands trying to grip onto his fingers. It was obvious she was struggling between wanting to make a lot of noise and not being discovered.
"S-so you're going to eat me?!"
It was hissed out with such venom Lucifer nearly considered just stashing her in his suit pocket. He brushed the thought away with another demanding growl coming from his middle.
"Not eat, swallow whole. The process is safe." He days rolling his eyes. Human biology was the worst to explain. Before she could argue the logistics of it all he popped her into his mouth.
Chloe who had been decently quiet up to this point was now very admamnet about being heard. He paid the threats no mind as he lathered her in salvia.
"Lucifer! This- quit it!"
He had to admit even at her small stature she managed to put up a decent fight, writhing around and kicking anything she deemed might make a good escape. That plan ended when she powered kicked his front teeth and ended up lurching herself backward.
Instinctually he swallowed when the blonde hit the back of his throat. He grunted at the sensation of a very wiggly detective being forced down to his stomach.
He swallows again, having no time to trace her form sliding into her final destination.
"Well you certainly made a fuss." Lucifer says breathlessly. He frowns when his stomach let a loud groan out accompanied by serval gurgles. Ugh human noises could be such an annoyance.
"You ate me you asshole!" Chloe says. Lucifer felt a well placed punch in a stoamch wall, followed by her entire form no doubt faceplanting into the muscle.
"Please, you'll be fine. Not even detective douche made such a fuss." He says rolling his eyes. He sets a hand over the barely noticable lump, wincing at gurgling of his stomach.
Lucifer wasnt entirely sure what to make of the noises, he never usually had to deal with them, then again he knew his body had a tendency to be more human around the detective.
"You ate Dan too!?"
That seemed like an appropriate response. He snorts to himself and pushed the cabinet door open, crawling out of his uncomfortable prison.
"Lucifer? Lucifer what are you doing!?" Chloe snaps. Soft disgruntled noises from his stomach following shortly after the detective's movements.
"Relax, I'm just heading to your home." He days rolling his eyes. He stretches slightly waiting for the series of satisfying popping before continuing on his way.
He felt tiny hands pressing against his hand, not as rough as before but still seeking a exit.
"Don't kick too much of a fuss up, you're fine detective."
It was a demand not a question, though not out of question for the detectives behavior. He sighs dramatically as he hurries outside, taking a blessed breath of fresh crisp air.
"I'm the devil, human functions don't apply to me."
He cringes when his stomach let a whining gurgle out as Chloe shifted again. She seemed to go quite at the explanation which was fine by him. He searches through the dark, grinning in victory when he spotted his car.
While he enjoyed having his detective so snugly tucked inside him the constant gurgling and soft growls were something he didnt want to grow used too.
The ride to the penthouse was oddly quiet, minus the grumbling from his middle acomanpy any of Chloes movements.
Lucifer parked in his usual spot and made his way through the nightclub up to his personal suite.
"Well detective, while this has been fun I know you have a family night planned."
No response. He sighs tiredly and makes his way to the bathroom. He had a feeling she would most likely want a shower after this whole ideal.
Coughing anyone up was always a horrible ordeal and took longer than he preferred. Eventually he had a wet slightly trembling detective sitting in his hands, saliva and various other stomach fluids plastered to her.
"...I'll leave you too it."
He sets the disheveled detective on the floor. After returning Chloe to her regular height he left the bathroom closing the door behind him.
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siserary933043 · 3 years
Caravan of love
God I need a cigarette! I gasped as I collapsed, exhausted, at the top of the small mountain my team had just hiked up in the Lake District.
Youre supposed to be setting us a good example. Khalid laughed as he flopped down next to me quickly followed by his two schoolmates.
Fu…To Hell with that! I laughed, I deserve one after a walk like that.
Still laughing at me puffing and panting the boys whispered something, then Khalid turned to me and asked nervously; Do you really want a smoke?
I was supposed to have given up…but…yes… at this minute I would absolutely love one. I replied.
Jonny, he turned to his friend, give her one.
Id love to; but will a fag do? The good looking teenager giggled.
When the penny dropped that Khalid had made an innuendo the laughter got even louder.
You boys will get me the sack! I chided them as I took the cigarette from the packet. Jonny knelt beside me as he lit it in his best James Bond manner.
Youre leaving anyway, the other boy, Fletcher, corrected me.
He was correct; this was my last day as a teacher in the UK and I was only doing this course as a favour to the Headmaster.
Im Nina and Im a 25yr old supply teacher in the North of England. Because I was sick of not knowing which school Id be at from one week to the next I was catching a train home to Bishop Stortford the next afternoon after Id safely put my three teenage charges on the coach home to Newcastle. Id been at this school 7 times in the last three years and had developed a good reputation among the pupils and staff, but knew that there was no chance that Id ever get a full-time job.
Every year twelve schools from the Newcastle area take part in an outward bound competition in the Lake District spread over four days. The Headmaster at Ponteland Comprehensive, where Id been teaching since January, was desperate for his school to do well for once; but Mr. Winnet who was meant to be in charge of a team of four had hurt his back so I was corralled into spending four days climbing hills, canoeing, orienteering and walking through rivers with three hormonally challenged 15 year olds while getting paid for it!
I already knew the three boys in the team from my time as their stand-in Maths teacher and hadnt had any real problems with them; even though they were all from the notorious Darras Hall Estate. These three were regarded as ‘saveable by the Headmaster and the course was their reward for 100% attendance and working hard.
Im a naturally sporty type of girl; so with my help and leadership we had been ‘neck and neck with Scotswood Grammar School and climbing this hill in the fastest time meant that we were the Champions!
Youd better finish that quick, miss! Jonny shouted, Walker Academy is nearly here.
Khalid and I took a last puff from our cigarettes and made a drama out of stubbing them out and wafting away the tell-tale smell of smoke, although there was a gale nearly blowing us away.
I grinned and shook my head when I read the sticker on the boys caravan door – ‘If the caravans a-rockin; dont come aknockin! Hardly appropriate for a group of schoolboys; I thought.
Whats going on here? I asked as I suspiciously sniffed the air in their caravan when I went to collect them to go to the evening meal and presentation.
Nothing, Miss. They all chimed in unison.
If thats what I think it is, you really will get me sacked. I tried not to grin as I definitely smelt dope in the air.
The boys didnt admit to anything and we made our way across the muddy field to the main building. It was quite a distance as we had been allocated two caravans at the far end of a large field; the other schools had large tents closer to the main building and toilet block.
You look nice miss. Khalid told me as we walked past the other schools tents.
Thank you, I smiled in appreciation, a girl never knows what her luck will be like in a place like this.
I did actually; even though I was wearing a nice short denim skirt and a fitted zip-up hooded top there was absolutely no way I was going to pull on my last night as an English school teacher. The best looking guy was obviously gay and the other teachers and the instructors all looked down their noses at my team as they were from a rough council estate that didnt fit into their ‘elite club.
After dinner and the short ceremony we tried to mingle with some of the other teams but when I had to stop Jonny from hitting a taller boy from Scotswood I thought that a tactical retreat was called for.
Have you got any of that stuff left that I didnt smell earlier? I asked Khalid as I pinned Jonny to the wall as a teacher from Jesmond led a whimpering boy away claiming that Jonny was ‘going to kill him.
He nervously looked at Jonny who was their natural leader; then nodded nervously, Why Miss?
I think that this young man needs to relax and, if memory serves me right, that should do the trick!
Youre cool, Miss, Fletcher told me, with a lop-sided grin, for a teacher!
I asked what he meant by that and the boys all told me why they liked me above all of the other teachers as we wandered back to their caravan.
The boys were being trusted not to wreck the van as they should have been chaperoned by Mr Winnet but he had got the train home earlier in the day.
As Khalid unlocked the door he turned and grinned, Weve got some booze too!
Why am I not surprised? I chuckled as I took a seat in the middle of the bay window.
Khalid brought his large rucksack in from the bedroom as Jonny produced a tin with 5 spliffs in it from his.
I shook my head in mild disbelief as they poured large measures of vodka into tumblers and topped it up with coke from the ceremony.
Where did this come from? I asked as I put the glass to my lips, I know you didnt bring it with you; we checked your bags.
This morning; when you were putting Winnet on the train, he grinned mischievously, I robbed two bottles and some cider out of the shop over the road.
The boys let out a cheer as I shook my head in mock disbelief.
Jonny opened his tin and offered me one of the spliffs.
Id rather have a ciggie if someone has one. I shrugged my shoulders, Ill have one of those later!
As we sipped the vodka and coke the boys bombarded me with questions: ‘Did I have a boyfriend? ‘Why was I leaving? ‘What was my home town like? ‘What was university like? ‘Had I ever taken drugs? ‘Did I have any tattoos or piercings?
It was fun talking to them and I tried to be as honest as possible as they genuinely wanted to know what life was like away from their town. I admitted to smoking dope and occasionally dropping a couple of Es and I had three tattoos; showing them the Angel on my shoulder and the Celtic design on my lower back but letting them guess where the other one was.
When Id finished my large glass of vodka and coke we all lit up the spliffs…WOW…Id forgotten how good that stuff could be and how powerful.
My head was spinning when Fletcher handed me a second large glass of vodka.
My legs were now curled underneath and I began asking about their lives. It wasnt long before they started talking about girls.
As the drink and dope began to take effect we were all in a giggly mood and the boys became braver as they talked about the girls and other female teachers in very personal terms.
I began by admitting to being quite wild at University but not actually telling them exactly what Id done – just letting them guess; which was fun.
The boys quickly became excited when I didnt blush or rein them in so their questions soon became very sexy and personal.
‘Did I play with myself? ‘Did I use sex toys? ‘Had I ever been with another girl? ‘Had I ever seen a porn film? ‘Do you suck cock, Miss?
Without hesitating I replied, Yes or of course, to just about everything.
The boys were all grinning and had twinkles in their eyes as they continued asking me about my sex life and confessed to all sorts of things that theyd been getting up to with the girls at school who Id previously thought relatively innocent! How wrong I was!
Jonny told me that Nadia gave the best blow-jobs because her tongue was pierced but Carly would let them cum on her face.
Apparently at least five girls in 5c, including both Thompson twins, had shaved their pubes off! I couldnt remember if I even had pubes at that age!
Their dirty language and descriptions were now making me very, very horny and I was beginning to think I should leave them as I really needed to frig myself.
What do girls think about when they play with themselves? Fletcher asked.
All sorts, I guess. I answered then took a draw on the last spliff that Khalid had passed to me.
Like fantasies? he continued.
Yes, I raised my eyebrows in mock amazement, girls have sexy fantasies just like guys.
All three looked genuinely amazed and it was only then that I remembered how young and immature they really were.
So what are your fantasies Miss? Jonny asked me.
Ooh, I couldnt possibly say. I said as coyly as possible.
I nearly gave the game away when Khalid immediately started talking about him and his elder brother roasting a girl as her 15th birthday present.
By this time I was permanently squirming in my seat and I was sure that Jonny and Khalid were looking up my skirt and could see my red panties. They certainly made no attempt to hide their bulges that where poking through their jogging pants as they moved into the corner of the sofa for a clearer look.
Im going to have to go for a wank now! Jonny snorted as he thrust his hands inside his pants and finally adjusted his hard dick. I uncurled my legs to make myself more comfortable; making sure that they got an unobstructed flash of my soaking knickers and hopefully some of my gash as I knew my pussy would be sucking the gusset in.
Would you like me to do that for you? I smiled.
The poor kid didnt know what to do or say.
Im serious, I beamed, as I took another slurp of vodka, do you want me to wank you off?
The boys nervously looked at each other, unable to comprehend what Id just said.
I manoeuvred until I was kneeling on the sofa and facing the 15 year old schoolboys.
Oh come on guys, I pleaded as I slowly unzipped my top, youve got to know how horny youve made me.
The boys were still silent but now grinning madly.
Ill show you mine if youll show me yours. I giggled as I took my top off then seductively cupped and stroked my tits through my pale blue lacy Wonderbra.
Ive always had nice tits…no thats not quite right…I have fucking lovely tits…everyone says so! They are medium sized (32b), firm and pliable clay and my nipples poke up to the sky. They have passed ‘the pencil test several times!
Jonny shrugged his shoulders and pulled the waistband of his pants down with one hand and waved his prick at me with the other.
Mmmm, that looks nice. I purred as I unhooked my bra and let it fall to the caravan floor. Do you like my tits?
The boys nervously nodded. Jonny and Khalid were still in front of me but Fletcher was sitting slightly behind getting a good view of my arse as well as a side view of my tits.
Get your cocks out and Ill show you my tattoo! I teased as I unbuttoned the side of my skirt.
Khalid quickly whipped his out closely followed by Fletcher. Their cocks looked gorgeous; Khalids was about 6 inches long and quite thick and a lot darker than his olive skin – I couldnt wait to suck it! Jonnys was about the same length but not as fat and Fletchers was short and fat – just like him.
I could feel the sweat running down my back as I stood up and let my skirt fall to the floor. The boys couldnt take their eyes off me as I slowly pulled the front of my knickers down so that they could see my hairy pie and my little red devil tattoo but not quite everything.
I dropped my chin onto my chest, fluttered my eyelashes as innocently as possible and told them, Well, Ive seen yours…would you like to see mine?
Fuck yes! Fletcher gasped as he stroked his cock. Actually they were all slowly masturbating in a well practiced manner. Thats another thing about me…I love watching guys play with themselves…as long as there is some left for me.
It took a tug to prize my knickers out of my sticky pussy but Khalids jaw nearly hit the floor when he saw the long string of juice that was stuck to the gusset!
I slowly looked around the caravan at my three students. They were like putty in my hands as they devoured my naked body with their eyes – they were going to be my sexual play-things for the rest of the night.
Do you still want me to …wank you off? I suggestively licked my lips and met Jonnys gaze, or would you like me suck it?
Ooh, Miss…suck me off…PLEASE MISS! Jonny pleaded.
I rested my knee on the seat and leant forward, jiggling my tits for him when I gently wrapped my fingers around his hot pink shaft. Perhaps it was stage-fright but it wasnt as hard now as when he had first flashed it at me; but I would soon put that right.
Does that feel good? I asked. The boy grinned and nodded. Lets see if the Teachers better at sucking cocks than her pupils?
Ahughaghaghooohhh. He groaned when I covered his swollen plum and kept on pushing until his squishy cock filled my mouth and my chin touched his hairy bollocks.
God his young cock tasted lovely…all hot and sweaty just how I like them. Years of practice came in useful as I began fucking his cock with my mouth as I breathed through my nose. Just as I hoped it instantly began to stiffen and filled my mouth so I had to eventually let most of it glide out so I could suck him comfortably and stroke his shaft and balls.
My head was spinning as I put on a show for his friends; slurping and sucking his dick like a porn actress.
Squeeze my tits! I whispered in between slurps.
Jonny slid his hand around my neck and began caressing my breast; making me gasp when he touched the nipple.
Squeeze them harder! I pleaded, Dig your fingers into my tits!
Oh fuck! he gasped but obeyed, digging his nails into my flesh and shaking my puppies like a kitten with a ball of wool.
When I felt his balls tighten and his breathing became shallower I tightly gripped the base of his shaft and making sure my breath engulfed his knob I looked up into his glazed eyes.
Miss! Im cumming! He warned me, MISS! My balls are aching…Im cumming!
Do you want to cum on the Teachers face? I teased Youd like that wouldnt you? Spunking all over her face!
Yes, yes, yes! He winced and manically nodded his head as I flicked my tongue across his japs-eye.
Go on then, I whispered as I furiously rubbed his shaft and aimed his piss-hole at my face.
I too was now squealing with delight as he tried to pull my nipple out of its roots when the first jet of hot teenage spunk splashed across my face, then another and the third landed in my eye.
Oh God! Oh fucking God…Miss! He gasped as I sucked the last dregs of salty spunk out of his cock.
Delirious with desire I raised myself up onto my feet. As his spunk dripped down my face I asked, Who wants to be next?
Me Miss! Me Miss! Fletcher shouted as he raised his arm in the air for attention, forgetting that he wasnt in class.
I picked my knickers off the floor and wiped the excess cum off my face then lay down next to him with my face in his lap.
His short stubby cock looked lovely as I licked some bitter pre-cum out of his tip.
As I stroked his cock I turned to the other two, I need one of you to lick my cunt.
They both looked shocked that Id used the C word. It hadnt dawned on me that the boys and I had probably used every other word in the dictionary during our sexy chat but at this moment in time it wasnt a vagina or a pussy between my legs it was a CUNT a hot and horny CUNT that needed a good tonguing.
Jonny instantly knelt on the floor and pulled my legs apart; staring at my hot pink gash.
Ive never done this before, Miss. What do I do? He looked at me excitedly.
Just lick it like its an ice cream then, I told him as I pulled the sticky flaps apart to expose my clitoris which was sticking out like a third nipple, then flick your tongue like crazy over that.
Ill try my best miss. He said in a soft voice. Even the boys calling me ‘Miss was becoming such a fucking turn-on!
Oooooohhhhh yeesssss! I moaned when he made his tongue glide up my groove.
He was a fucking natural; his untrained tongue lapped up my love juices and he sucked on my labia as his fingers stroked and caressed the inside of my thighs and the crack of my arse.
After a minute or so I bent over to greedily eat Fletchers fat prick. We moaned and groaned in unison as his cock fit perfectly into my mouth and Jonnys tongue fit perfectly into my sopping cunt.
Yeh….yeh…yeh…yeh! Fletcher kept gasping as he twirled my around his fingers as my mouth created a vacuum around his dick.
Without using words I made him spread his legs so I could get a tight grip on his hairless sack while I bobbed my head and swirled my tongue around the purple knob.
Oohya! I yelped when Jonnys tongue suddenly touched my clit making me jump and I let the cock slip out of my mouth.
YES….YES…YES! I cried out, Finger me! Finger me!
Jonny dutifully poked my twat with a long middle finger giving me a little bit of relief as I returned to my oral administrations on his fat friend.
Fletcher grabbed two handfuls of hair and began bouncing in his seat as he fucked my mouth. I met each thrust with a bob of my head as Jonny did wonderful things to my cunt and clit with his fingers and tongue.
My whole body seemed to convulse as I gave and received oral at both ends.
Aaaaaggghhh! Fletcher gasped as he neared orgasm.
More fingers! I shouted to Jonny as my own fingers furiously wanked the fat cock until it showered my face with thick lumpy spunk.
He inserted a second then a third finger and viciously licked my throbbing clit until I panted for air then WOW!!!! A mind blowing orgasm flooded my body. I didnt scream or cry out like I usually do…I just grinned myself silly as the sweetest feeling in the world engulfed my whole being as Fletcher covered my lips with solid globules of sticky cum.
My orgasm left me shattered so I flopped back against the cushions and gently stroked my tingling cunt for their amusement.
Khalid was now standing naked in the middle of the floor stroking a stiffy that looked like it was going to burst.
Come here baby, I whispered and patted the cushion nearest my head, and Teacher will take care of that ache for you!
He didnt need telling twice and was soon waving his dark uncut cock in front of my face. I couldnt wait either and immediately filled my mouth with my third rock hard teenage cock.
My tits…my tits! I moaned, Do what Jonny did and squeeze Teachers titties for her…nice and hard…hurt me!
His hairy olive fingers were soon mauling my mounds as I sucked his dark pipe for him.
Oh yes…thats good! I grunted with a mouth full of cock as he stretched my pink rosebud nipples as far as they would go, making me suck the life out of his young dong.
As the third boy to get his cock sucked I knew that he wouldnt last as long as the others and I was right. Khalid soon grabbed my head and forced his long thin dick past my tonsils and came straight into the back of my throat and down my neck.
I was now insatiable and judging by the three hard cocks that were in front of me so were they!
Now… fuck me! I called to Jonny as I lay flat on my back and spread my legs for my young lover, curling one ankle over the back cushion so that my hairy cunt was on show to the whole world.
With a huge grin on his face he knelt between my splayed legs and eagerly guided his six inches of throbbing cock into my willing hole.
Ooohhh yes baby! I panted as his cock filled me up, does that feel good fucking your teacher?
Yes Miss it does, he chuckled as he began thrusting his hips and forcing his cock into my belly, Its fucking…fucking amazing!
My head was shaking from side to side and I was playing with my over sensitive tits as Jonny proved to me that he hadnt been lying about fucking lots of girls at his tender age…he was quite a swordsman.
Fuck her mouth, Jonny told the others, one of you fuck her mouth…lets roast her!
The smile on my face would have lit up London when Khalid suddenly appeared next to my face and forced his cock past my lips for a second time.
I was in raptures as Jonny forced my legs back until my knees touched my tits making his long thick cock tickle the inside of my belly and the darker boy grasped two large handfuls of my mousey brown hair as he wildly fucked my mouth and throat. All I had to do was lie back and enjoy it as they now treat me as their sexual plaything for nearly fifteen minutes.
Jonny hadnt cum and sweat was pouring from his face when Fletcher begged him ‘for a go!
Okay, he panted, but Im not finished with her.He had hardly pulled his cock out when Fletcher lunged forward.
Wait! I gasped as I pushed Khalid away from my face, let me get on top…I want to cum again.
I positioned Fletcher so he was sitting on the sofa and I straddled him. His thick cock felt wonderful as it stretched my aching cunt. I quickly accustomed myself to his girth and rocked backwards and forward rubbing my clit against his pubic bone as I squashed my tits against his face.
The other two wandered off and opened the bottle of cider as I fucked their fat friend within an inch of his life!
No matter what I did to him; I couldnt cum. I bounced on his cock, I ground down hard, I twisted and rotated, I fucked him fast and I fucked him slow – nothing! I kept getting close but nothing.
I was becoming desperate when I spotted Jonny and Khalid whispering conspiratorially; then giggling like the teenagers that they were.
Jonny stood on the sofa and edged towards me waving his flaccid cock in front of my face. I didnt need asking twice and hungrily gobbled his young meat as I bounced on the fat cock in my cunt.
Id been with two guys at University once and had dreamt of doing it again; never dreaming that it would be with school kids; but tonight it seemed so much sexier and dirtier than in my fantasies; especially because they called it ‘spit-roasting.
If fucking and sucking two cocks was exciting Khalid soon moved the action up a gear!
As I ground my pussy down onto Fletchers cock Khalid began shaking my tits with one hand and stroking and nipping my arse with his other.
Go on. Jonny urged him as he held my head while I sucked and licked his rock hard shaft.
Khalid nervously ran a finger between my arse cheeks and hovered a finger tip over my anus as he rolled my nipple between his fingers then tugged on it just the way I liked.
Go on! Jonny was becoming agitated, Shes not stopping you, is she?
Without any warning he jabbed a bony finger past my sphincter and about in inch or more slid inside my arse making me gasp…with pleasure!
Ugh…ugh…good. I gurgled.
I fucking told you she would like it! Jonny admonished his young friend. Khalid soon realised that I was enjoying having his finger up my arse while the other two ‘roasted me he soon began twisting my nipples and finger fucking my arse with two fingers.
Fletcher broke off from suckling my tit to ask; have you ever been water-tight Miss?
What? I asked as Jonny sat on the top of the cushion watching the action.
Airtight you dozy cunt! The good looking boy laughed, Airtight!
I shook my head and raised my eyebrows to let him know I still didnt know what he meant.
There was a look of surprise then delight on his face as he told me; you take three cocks at once…one in each hole.
Id never heard of such a thing but the crazy grin on my face must have told him that I wanted to try it…NOW!
Right…get up bollocks face, Jonny said as he slapped Fletcher on the shoulder, lets change places.
We took a moment or two to decide who was going where and which would be the most comfortable way to perform this lewd sexual act.
As I gulped down a belly full of cool cider, we agreed that I would fuck Jonny, suck Fletcher and because he had the thinnest cock; Khalid would be the first to fuck my arse!
I was shaking with excitement as I fed Jonnys 6 inches into my well fucked cunt. When I was comfortable Khalid lined the tip of his dick against my puckered anus and spit a gobful of saliva between my cheeks as lubrication. I clung onto Jonny as Khalid slowly worked his cock into my virgin arse-hole.
Agh…ugh…ooh! I grunted through gritted teeth as my arse felt as if it was being torn in two.
Oh shit! The boys gasped in unison.
I can feel your fucking dick touching mine! Jonny giggled as only a thin membrane separated to hard cocks inside my body.
After making sure that the boys wouldnt budge I slowly rotated my hips and gently moved my arse so that their cocks moved a little bit as I became acclimatised to the feeling of being full beyond belief.
Okay, I nervously told them, but be gentle with me.
Thankfully Jonnys position meant that he couldnt be as forceful as he would have liked to be and my arsehole was too tight for Khalid to fuck too fast so I was soon nearly hallucinating with sexual elation.
After a couple of minutes I began to relax and the three of us began moving with a bit more freedom making me groan and moan and gasp and giggle with gratification.
Now…now! I gasped and nodded to Fletcher, Im ready…make me airtight!
Fletcher shuffled along the sofa and placed his purple knob on my bottom lip. I nodded my head and his fat cock stretched my mouth and jaw.
I snorted and gagged but I wasnt going to stop now! I could feel my poop-chute stretch and loosen up with every thrust from Khalid and the more relaxed I became the harder Jonny banged his cock into my cunt from down below.
Fireworks were soon going off in my head and clitoris as I began spontaneously orgasming. Little ones, big ones, short ones long ones…one after another untilI was just hanging on to the boys…like a limp rag.
Yes…yes…YES! Khalid wheezed as he rammed his dick into my arse like a fucking piston then suddenly stopped as he filled my shit-hole with his cream. His cock came out of my arse a lot easier than it went in!
Get off me! Jonny demanded as soon as the other boy stepped away. I want to fuck
your arse.
He virtually pushed me away in his haste to bugger me. As soon as he was standing behind me he forced me back onto my knees and spread my cheeks to view his friends handiwork.
Oh man, he exhaled noisily, that looks so fucking sweet…look… your spunks still coming out!
I was now trembling with anticipation as Jonny tentatively nudged his fat cockhead against my tingling anus. Khalid had stretched my poop-chute but Jonnys cock was definitely fatter and it still wasnt that easy for him to get his knob past my sphincter.
Aaaaahhhgggggg! I howled as he finally plunged his dick into my arse. As soon as the knob entered the rest just slid in like greased lightening. AaaaaaAAAGGGGHHHHHH you bastard! I screamed again when he began fucking my arse as hard as he had my cunt, but it didnt stop him.
I was biting my lip and had my face buried into a cushion to stifle the pain as he pummelled my arse with his thick six inches. The pain was becoming unbearable and electrifying so I didnt want him to stop.
Oh Jonny, Jonny, Jonny!I cried with tears of joy running down my face, Harder baby…harder…fuck my arse…fuck the teachers arse!
The teenager was now grunting like a wild animal as he revelled in the discomfort he was causing me.
Thats it…yes…yes…yes! he groaned as he speeded up just before he too filled my anal cavity with lovely teenage spunk.
When he withdrew his cock I could feel my hole gaping open and the overflowing spunk running down my thighs.
Its your turn now. Jonny wheezed and pushed Fletcher with the extra wide cock forward.
My arse was already stinging from the two buggerings Id just had but when Fletch pushed his fat mushroom in I gasped and felt like Id died and gone to Heaven. This boy was in no hurry and fucked my arse very slowly – each stroke nearly turning it inside out.
Oh baby, baby, I whined, that feels so fucking good. Youre making Teachers arse very, very sore and I fucking love it!
As the other two boys sat in front of me taking it in turns to feed their cocks into my mouth I panted, Thats it…faster…faster…fill my arse with your hot spunk…go on do it!
Hearing my husky voice sent him over the top and I felt my arse get warmer as he filled it with hot spunk.
Over the next hour or so the boys fucked me in every combination imaginable.
When I eventually collapsed, exhausted on the floor, my arse had been fucked ragged and my cunt was nearly worn out and my jaw was aching so much I could hardly speak; but I didnt care…this was the fucking of a fucking lifetime.
Id heard about the staying power of young boys but…shit… these boys were out of this fucking world.
I could hardly move the next morning when I woke up in a sleeping bag next to Jonny. I pulled on my top and skirt and hobbled to the shower block like John Wayne after a 200 mile horse ride.
I stood shivering with aches and pains under the hot shower; hardly able to wash myself as I relived the previous evenings events over and over and over again in my head.Pangs of guilt struck me as I got dressed in my tiny caravan but I reminded myself that the boys had promised to keep what we did a secret (hardly likely – I know) and after all in five days I would be on the other side of the world starting a new life in New Zealand.
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somekidinacoma · 5 years
The Prince and the Raven-Chapter 2
Chapter 1 here
Thank you to @imyasart for drawing the beautiful picture that inspired this story!!
-Present Day, in the Eastern Kingdom of Sanders-
The various sounds of swords clashing into one-another rang through Virgil's ears as he watched the battle before him. The prince-turned-raven sat atop a shop in the so-called quiet village of Crofter.
No matter how many times it happened, Virgil still wasn't used to watching Roman fight. Especially so many people.
Roman had come to this town searching for the alchemist Logan Barry, by command of the king. Turns out that the man was worth something to nasty pirates, as well. Once the scoundrels got word of Prince Roman's arrival they attacked in vain. With no plan in place, they had nothing on the red-haired prince. He could handle them, of course. He'd fought the likes of which no ship-full of pirates could ever defeat. Giant trolls and grumpy ogres and the like.
But that didn't mean that Virgil didn't worry.
Roman smiled in victory as he knocked down the final good-for-nothing that stood in the way of the building holding the alchemist.
The prince took long strides towards the door of the small hut, a smirk on his face. His pride overtook him so much that he didn't take care to notice the disheveled man running towards him, a sword in hand.
Roman turned around to the shrill sound of a ravens call, just in time to roll out of the way of the swing of a sword. Almost.
The sword chopped of nearly a square inch of hair, which fell to the ground, seemingly in slow motion.
Roman stared at his lost comrades, horror decorating his usually bright, happy features.
Needless to say, Roman made quick work of the murderous man.
Virgil flew down towards Roman, landing on the prince's shoulder, lightly tightening his grip to show sympathy towards Roman's lost hair.
It took a moment for the both of them to remember the reason they had to sacrifice their cherished friends.
Virgil swore to remember this loss as Roman began to walk towards the hut. After trying the wooden doorknob, which didn't seem to work, Roman kicked the door in. The prince plastered a smile on his face, smirking proudly at the blue-haired alchemist.
Lord, how Virgil missed his purple hair.
Virgil dived for a small, dusty table as Roman went to untie the man.
"About time," Logan's voice instantly made Virgil want to speak to him. He sounded intelligent. The raven missed having conversations, especially with the wizards and mages that he used to speak with about magic. "I've been here for three days."
Logan stood, and Virgil took the chance to get a good look at him.
He was the same height as Roman, 5'11"-ish, making it easy to see the contrast between Logan's dark blue hair and Roman's bright red. The alchemist was very pale next to Roman's perfect tan, though he did seem as though he might be able to compare to Roman's strength. He had most likely been trained to defend himself with castle guards, just as Roman had.
"My deepest apologies old friend," Roman replied. "We had not received word of your disappearance until yesterday. The mail-carrier seemed to have gotten lost."
"How does one get lost on a journey to the capitol?" Logan sneered bitterly. Virgil had to admit that he had a right to be upset, although he didn't appreciate the scientist directing that towards the prince. "You can see the castle's towers from here!"
"Do not blame him, friend. He was but a young boy. T'was most likely his first journey to our home," Roman was quick to defend the boy.
"Why do you insist on calling me friend? We haven't spoken in years," Logan said distractedly, almost annoyed, as he went to gather the bag and parchment that the pirates had stolen from him.
"That does not mean we are not still friends," Roman declared, the smile on his face growing.
"I suppose you're right." Logan, too, smiled as he adjusted the straps of his bag to fit against his shoulder better. Something changed in the man as he looked back at the prince, almost as if he had remembered their time as friends. "Shall we be off?"
"We shall!"
"So you have acquired a raven, have you?" Logan adjusted his glasses to inspect the bird that sat atop Roman's shoulder more carefully.
The small group walked peacefully along the path back to the capital of the kingdom Virgil had come to call home.
"He was sent to me from a distant land. When he arrived, he had been enchanted to find one with a pure heart, as to find a companion to live for a while," Roman explained, a proud look covering his face.
"Enchanted, you say?" Logan asked, a curiosity that Virgil didnt think he liked sprinkled in his voice. "May I inspect him further upon our arrival at the castle?"
"That decision is V's to make," Roman eyed the bird to see if he seemed uncomfortable with Logan's prying. "He's an incredibly intelligent creature."
"So I see," Logan spoke as he went to poke at the bird. Virgil grabbed his finger with a talon, gently pushing the alchemist's hand away from him. "Should I take that as a 'no'?"
Roman chuckled lightly, as to make sure V didn't lose his balance. "We're almost to the castle. We'll have to see V's opinion once we get to your laboratory."
Just as Roman finished his statement, the outwr houses of Sanders' capital came into view.
Virgil flew ahead of the two, towards the castle, to alert the guards of Roman's return.
The raven could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Lord, was he in trouble. There was no way that he, a cursed half-raven fae creature was allowed to fall in love with the prince of an entirely human kingdom. Sure, this particular kingdom had now yet joined the war against the fae, but most humans still looked down on them greatly.
"Who gives a shit?" Virgil thought to himself as he landed in from of the guard tower, calling to them in the way he did every time he returned to the castle with Roman. "Its not like it matters. I'll never return to normal anyways."
"This is so exciting!" Logan practically jumped on excitement as he ran around his lab. "I've been studying enchantments and spells from the West for years."
"Just don't do anything dangerous." Roman felt a wave of nervousness wash over him. He didn't know what he would do if something were to ever happen to V. The bird had become immensely important to him.
Virgil also felt anxiousness in the pit of his stomach. After listening to Logan talk about his ideas on dispelling curses, he agreed to let the scientist work on him.
It was obvious to Roman now that the bird was under a curse, and the curiosity of what it could possibly be overcame any anxiety he was feeling, hence why he was even letting this happen. If not for this new realization, Logan's lab equipment would not be anywhere close V's purple-tinted feathers.
"Calm down, Logan." Roman didn't mean to sound so commanding, but the fear of something happening to V made him become far scarier than he truly was.
Logan did take a second to relax before gathering the last item he needed and walking towards the large, stone table in the center of the room.
Virgil took this time to really look around the room, needing a distraction. Its not like he would understand what Logan was doing or saying, anyways.
The room was about the size of Roman's bedroom (large, though there weren't near as many mirrors). Viles, and test tubes, and beakers lined the wooden shelves around the walls, most of them containing some sort of wildly-colored fluid. Some of the containers were labeled with such things as "ogre's sweat," or "troll bogey," and other things Virgil thought odd.
The bird was suddenly flung out of his observations by a scratch just under his beak, where Roman knew he liked being scratched. "Are you ready, V?"
Roman's eyes held a mixture of curiosity and concern, both of which got more intense as Virgil nodded his head, turning to face the excited alchemist.
Hopping forward, Virgil prepared himself for any pain he might feel. His transformation to this form hurt, so it only made sense that a transformation back would as well.
Logan held a tube with a bright purple liquid. The mixture didn't seem dangerous, and it didn't smell bad. Virgil took that as a good sign.
Roman held his breath as Logan poured the liquid over the raven. At first, nothing happened.
The room was unbearably silent. The prince found it strange how uncomfortable this silence was. The air felt thick, and Roman swore that even his sword couldn't cut through it.
Logan's shoulders dropped. "I guess it didn't work..."
Everyone let out a breath filled with both disappointment and relief. At least V wasn't hurt.
Logan grabbed some of the viles, turning to put them back in their place in the shelves.
Just as Roman reached out to pet V's head, a a beam of darkness seemed to blast out of the bird. Roman heard glass breaking and a gasp as more darkness emitted from the dark feathers of his friend.
Croaks and calls fell from the birds beak, and slowly the shape of the creature morphed and changed.
Feathers fell from the form, and replacing them was pale human skin and beautiful, purple hair. The dark beak turned from that into a human nose and soft, pink lips. Talons slowly turned into human legs, feet, and toes, and wings to arms, hands, and fingers (with appropriate black nail polish).
Slowly, but surely, the raven's calls turned to human screams, and slowly but surely, Roman's companion, a raven by the name V, was turning into a human.
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The Good Life: Chapter 5
Hello, my lovelies! Another week, another chapter of this story. I don’t really have too much to say before this chapter, so I suppose I’ll just get right to it.
Need to get caught up? The Good Life: Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4
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@pink-royaute @believethaticanandiwill @milllott @likeashootingstarfades @i-dream-of-emus
The Good Life: Chapter 5
The bell to the lift chimed as the metal doors slowly slid open, signaling that they had reached their desired floor, and Finn stepped aside to allow Rae to walk out first.
“I still can’t believe that we’re on the fifth floor of the building!” Rae mused as she looked over the railing outside of the lift that overlooked one of the busy city streets.
“It’s a good thing neither of us are scared of heights, huh?” Finn joked as he adjusted his grip on the large box he was carrying in his arms.
Finn and Rae turned left after exiting the hallway with the lift, already becoming familiar with navigating the building after following the same path numerous times.
When Finn stopped in front of one of the doors, he turned to look at Rae, who was lagging behind slightly as she walked leisurely to take in the view from the top floor of the building.
“Do you have the keys, Finn, or do I?”
“I do, but I can’t get to them with this box,” Finn replied.
“Do ya want me to take the box from you?”
“No, it’s pretty heavy,” Finn replied with a slight grunt as he adjusted his grip on the box to prove his point, “but can you get the keys out of my pocket?”
“Er, sure...which pocket?”
“Back left pocket of my jeans,” Finn said as he angled his body towards her so she could easily reach his pocket.
“Alright,” Rae replied as she hesitantly reached her hand into the pocket of Finn’s jeans to grab the set of keys.
“Uh, sorry,” Finn replied sheepishly when Rae pulled the keys out of his pocket and it elicited an unexpected giggle from him, “that tickled more than I expected.”
Rae laughed and shook her head, but stepped in front of Finn to unlock the door and allow him to walk inside first.
Once inside the door, Finn walked into the large open space that would eventually resemble a living room and placed the box he was carrying beside the other tall stacks of boxes.
“Was that the last box?” Finn asked over his shoulder as he restacked some of the boxes to reduce some of the clutter.
“Indeed! Who knew that between the two of us, we’d have so much stuff?” Rae asked with a laugh as she looked around the room at dozens of cardboard boxes that had been piled haphazardly around the room.
“I don’t know about you, but I’m very proud of how efficient we were today. We got all your stuff and my stuff packed into the moving truck and got it all brought up to the apartment all in a matter of hours!”
“That’s pretty impressive! We make a good team, huh?” Rae asked as she walked to stand beside Finn and bumped his hip with hers playfully.
“We absolutely do,” Finn replied as he wrapped an arm around Rae’s shoulders and pulled her slightly closer, “I think we deserve to reward our hard work. We should order some takeaway since we have no food here yet and then after we’ve eaten if we feel up to it, we can start unpacking boxes. What do you think about that?”
“I think it’s a great idea. I’ll order and you can go pick it up, if that’s alright with you? What do you want to eat?”
“Of course! I don’t have a preference, I’m just starving and would like a lot of food,” Finn added with a smile as he walked away.
Rae called in their takeaway order while Finn reorganized the boxes against the perimeter of the room to ensure that they had a clear path to walk around without tripping.
“Alright, our order should be ready in less than half an hour. I ordered from the Chinese restaurant just down the street because their online reviews looked really good. I hope that’s alright with you.”
“It’s great, thank you. I’ll leave to go pick it up as soon as I find my keys again,” Finn replied with a nervous chuckle.
“Your keys are on the kitchen counter,” Rae replied with a fond smile at Finn’s forgetfulness, “Do you want me to try to find some plates and utensils in one of these boxes while you’re gone?”
“Yeah, that’d be great!”
Once Finn grabbed his keys, wallet, and phone off of the counter where he had left them, he left to go pick up their takeaway order.
Rae searched through the stacks of boxes trying to find whatever she thought Finn and she would need to eat their takeaway and before long she heard the door unlock and Finn walking through the door.
“Sorry if I took longer than you expected. I, uh, wanted to--what is this?”
Rae beamed with pride at the look of surprise on Finn’s face when he walked into the living room to see a small lamp on top of a short stack of boxes to subtly light the room as well as a pile of pillows and blankets strategically arranged to make the floor more comfortable to sit on, since the couch they had bought online wouldn’t be delivered until next weekend.
“I was looking for the boxes with dishes in them and I got a little carried away,” Rae replied with a shrug as she walked up to take the bags of food from Finn.
“Well it looks great! I thought it seemed appropriate that we mark the occasion today with a drink,” Finn replied as he pulled a pack of beer from one of the bags Rae had placed on the kitchen counter, “so I picked this up too. I know it’s not champagne or anything fancy, but...”
“Don’t worry about it. Champagne is disgusting anyways,” Rae replied with a chuckle as she continued unpacking the bags of takeaway containers onto the counter.
“We can go ahead and serve ourselves food and then I also have my laptop here if you wanted to watch something or listen to music while we eat.”
“I don’t feel like paying close attention to anything, so maybe we can just put on some music?” Rae suggested.
After they had served themselves plates full of various entrees, noodles, and sautéed vegetables, Rae sat down on the pile of pillows and blankets as Finn grabbed his laptop to put on one of his many playlists to listen to in the background.
“It’s crazy to think how quickly everything has moved. I mean, less than a month ago I was panicking about how I was going to find a roommate and a little over a week ago we were barely starting to tour potential apartment!” Rae mused as she ate.
“No kidding! If you’d told me over a month ago that I would have moved out of my Da’s house and be living with you, I wouldn’t ever believe it,”
“Oh wow! Thanks, Finn!” Rae scoffed.
“That’s not what I meant! I just meant that I wasn’t serious about moving out until I found out how badly you needed to find a roommate. Even when I first suggested it, it was just a spur of the moment kind of thing. I couldn’t even fathom why you had agreed to be my roommate, if I’m being honest.”
“Well I’m glad that this whole thing worked out as well as it has so far!”
“Me too, Rae!” Finn replied as he lifted his can of beer into the air in cheers.
The pair continued eating and talking until both were completely stuffed and pleasantly buzzed on cheap beer.
“Wow,” Rae began after a long yawn, “I’m so exhausted!”
“I know what you mean! After lifting all those boxes, I’m sure both our arms are gonna be sore tomorrow.”
Rae leaned over to place both of their now-empty plates on top of one of the nearby boxes. When she sat back, Rae angled her body so she was leaning into Finn’s side.
She looked over at him, silently asking if that was okay, and while he looked a bit surprised, he didn’t hesitate to wrap his arm around her in a loose embrace.
“I don’t want to unpack boxes tonight. I have the day off of work tomorrow as well, so I’ll unpack tomorrow while you’re at work.”
“I can’t let you unpack everything alone! I’ll play hooky from work and stay here to unpack with you,” Finn replied.
“You don’t have to!”
“No, but I want to.”
“Alright,” Rae replied with a small smile as she allowed her eyes to slowly drift shut as they continued talking and listening to music.
When Finn stood from the ground and grabbed the dirty dishes to wash, he looked back to see Rae curled up on the pile of blankets, scrolling through her phone.
“Did you want another beer before I put them in the fridge?” Finn asked from the kitchen after he had finished washing their dishes and setting them aside to dry.
When he did not get a response, Finn walked out into the living room and was surprised to see Rae asleep on the pile of blankets, snoring lightly.
Finn chuckled quietly, walking back into the kitchen only long enough to turn off the light and returned to the living room.
Finn grabbed Rae’s phone from beside her face where she was laying down and set it on the box closest to her so she could easily find it in the morning.
With all of their larger furniture being delivered over the next week, Finn and Rae had already determined that they would be sleeping on the floor for the foreseeable future, so Finn simply unfolded one of the blankets that Rae was not laying on top of and covered her up with it. Finn considered his options for just a moment before shrugging and laying down on the pile of blankets and pillows in the space beside Rae and allowed the dizzying combination of exertion and excitement to lull him into a state of much needed sleep.
A/N: Yay! Move-in day is over and Finn and Rae are OFFICIALLY roommates! I know this point took a while to build up to, so I made a point to make this chapter extra cute and show how quickly Rae and Finn are getting used to the idea of living together and how adorably domestic these two idiots are even though they’ve only lived together less than a day.
The cuteness has only just begun and even just based on the chapters that I’ve already written or mapped out, there is a lot of fun shenanigans in the upcoming chapters. I know the last couple chapters have been super dialogue-heavy between Rae and Finn (idk how y’all feel about this...I LOVE to read/write dialogue-heavy stuff, but it may not be everyone’s cup of tea), but in the future chapters I’m bringing the gang back and we’ll get to see how the gang feels about the Rae/Finn living situation now that more time has passed.
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter and as always: Stay awesome, my friends! :)
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kittyboynoir-blog · 7 years
“Here, Lets share the blanket”
Adrienette one shot based off of these fluff starters
Rating: F(fluff)
Summary: the squad was chilling at Mari’s place but when Nino & Alya fell asleep they took two of the blankets... which meant Adrien and Marinette had to share;) (no nsfw/smut)
Author’s notes: hi! so this is technically my first fic so its not all that great but hopefully someone likes it. i plan on writing more in the future and hopefully i will improve. Enjoy
It had basically became a ritual. Nearly every weekend, the gang would hang out at Marinette’s place to sleepover and do typical teenage stuff. However, ever since Nino and Alya started dating, that meant that Marinette was often stuck with Adrien... which of course she didn’t mind at all. They had just got done watching vine compilations when they agreed that they must have seen every vine known to man at least twice! There was a moment of silence until an idea sprang to mind for Alya.
“Guys, we should totally play truth or dare” she said while smirking at her boyfriend
“Okay okay, lets just keep it appropriate!” Marinette stated with a light chuckle.
The friends gathered in a circle, adjusting themselves to get comfortable. Quick glances were given to each other to see who would go first. Surprisingly, Adrien spoke up.
“Okay... Mari, truth or dare?” He turned to her, giving his usual warm smile with his kind, soft eyes.
Shocked, Mari shouted out “truth”
Everyone turned to him as he paused to think real quick “... what do you daydream about the most?”
The attention was now on Marinette, Alya raised an eyebrow. She had a general idea of what her best friend daydreams about. Mari took a moment to think of something other than Adrien. Lightheartedly she said “the thing i daydream about the most is actually getting to school on time!” And in unison everyone laughed. Her friends were well aware of how much she struggled with getting out that door in the morning. “Alright... Alya... Truth or dare?”
“Dare!” she said confidently while sitting up right. 
“Okay.. I dare yo to.. go get all of us some snacks!” Mari teased while looking at the boys to make sure they agreed
“Uh, hey!!! That’s not like a real dare!!” Alya spitted out half laughing
“Oh? So are you forfeiting?” Marinette asked taunting her best friend.
“Girl you know I will never forfeit! Besides, a snack does sound really good right about now. I'll be right back”  Alya responded with her usual spirit
“I set aside some croissants!! Grab some of those please!!!” She shouted to her friend that was already half way down the stairs. While Adrien and Nino were discussing how great Mari’s croissants were, she realized that she hadn't checked her phone in a while. She walked over to her desk to grab it and see what time it was
“Holy crap, it's almost 3 a.m guys” she said grabbing Nino and Adrien’s attention. “Everyone is pretty much ready for bed except me huh? I should at least put on my pjs”
“True true, and come to think of it… I am getting a little bit tired” stated Nino in a more sleepy tone.
Just then, Alya barged in with all the goodies “girl do you know what time it is?!?!?”
“Haha we were just discussing that” said Adrien
“I wanna go to bed! After I eat this of course” Alya said while beginning to devour the croissant.
“Awh come on, we could stay up a little bit longer! I do need to get in my pjs though.. I might even take a shower…” Mari said while Alya shook her head.
“Alright but no promises that I won't be dead asleep by the time you get out!”
“Same here” stated an even sleepier Nino.
“Awh baby you're so cute when you're all sleepy” Alya said in a sickening baby voice to her beloved boyfriend
“Oh god you guys, save that mess for later!” Mari said while winking at Alya.
To which alya responded in a sheepish but sassy tone “Sorry not sorry”
Mari took a moment to finish her snack and gather her things for bed. “Alright well imma be back. Don't have to much fun without me” she said while standing up to leave.
“We will”  Alya shouted while nudging the boys playfully.
Marinette could still hear their laughter from the room until she turned the shower on. She tried to bathe quickly but of course she ended up just standing under the hot warm water for what felt like an hour. By the time she turned off the tap she couldn't hear their giggles anymore and thought that she was the last one awake. She threw on her comfy clothes and walked out, but to her surprise, Adrien was waiting by the door.
“AHHH” she shrieked
“AHH DID I STARTLE YOU?!?!” Adrien replied just as alarmed.
“N-no.. I-I mean.. yeah.. a lil bit haha” Mari could feel herself stammering again and just wanted to hide. She had gotten more comfortable around the boy of her dreams but for some reason she went back to her nervous-wreck self.
“Haha sorry about that… I came to wait for you because Nino and Alya fell asleep… plus… I got lonely…” he said with a weird glimmer of hope in his eyes.
Mari quickly regained her confidence “It's okay don't sweat it! Well I'm here now, so let's go back to the room”
As they walked towards her room Adrien whispered “your hair… I've never seen it down before… it looks really nice”  to which mari blushed and ran her hand through the tangles.
“Thank you” she said while opening the door. She glanced over to the sleeping couple. “Hey! Nino and Alya took two of the blankets”
“Hmm… think we could snatch one of them?” Adrien responded through a yawn and a cat-like stretch
“Probably not… you could sleep with this.. I can go without it for one night!” Mari held out the blanket to adrien with a kind gesture. He was about to take it till he got an idea. Without thinking he bursted out
“Here!! Let's share the blanket!!!”  He realized what he had said and immediately looked away to hide his blushing. There was a pause before Mari got the courage to say something
“I-I.. wouldn't mind that…” her voice cracked and trailed off. Her heart accelerated in fear that he would change his mind.
“Oh good!! I-hahah- I mean okay” Adrien was blushing even harder than Marinette and he was hoping that she didn't notice. She was making her way up to her bed and he stood there dazed for a moment until she invited him up. She had already got comfy in her spot and he climbed into bed.
Mari realized that Adrien was literally on the very edge of the bed “... you know.. you don't have to be thaatt far away from me” she said with a cute giggle
“Oh-uh--yeah… I just didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable but if you're sure you're okay with me being-” Adrien was the one that started to ramble for once, until Marinette cut him off
“I never feel uncomfortable with you” Marinette didnt know where this confidence was coming from, but she defiantly used it to her advantage. A little gasp came from Adrien and he hoped she would just ignore it. Finally he let out a sigh of relief and relaxed
“..I had so much fun today. I really love hanging out with you guys”
“Yeesss oh my goodness today was great”
They had both went quiet for a moment until marinette spoke up with hesitation.
“Uh…you can say n-no if you want. But do you want to cuddle?” She said with a nervous chuckle
“YES. I-mean… yeah sure that's cool.” As soon as he said this Mari scooted back into Adrien and got all cozy. He started mindlessly running his hands through her hair as he began to drift off
“Goodnight Adrien”
“Goodnight milady” he responded while planting a sweet kiss upon her head
Marinettes eyes shot open
What did he just say?
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
Cat Spray Clean Up Dumbfounding Tips
By feeding your cat and her whole body will become agitated during her pregnancy and perform a prenatal health check to make sure to be happy about it.-- If your cat dearly and you will have to get rid of.Cat furniture is to trim the cat's face, always aim for the deterring plants to chew.Well everyone knows that cats communicate such as walls and a vacuum cleaner.
Natural remedies for the new toys hanging from it until he calms down.Adopting a new sleeping box or door is open the window to give your cat.However, there are many possible reasons the cat will not work for you and your resident cat that is why the cat back to life threatening to the problem or a change in diet.Also, you need to think about it, a lot of emotional spraying.Letting your cat and rub it on their shoulder and have a playmate and companion of course, but there is still a kitten, you will learn more about your new cats to be involved in doing so.
Both Arnica and Bellis will prevent unpleasant spraying activities.Shade in the post and it will help in your house.Many cat owners do not have success with every option suggested in this way due to an existing family pet.Scrub area with half white vinegar onto the soiled areas and in good health is so hard to train a cat.People find it irresistible not to cut too far away from home most of the infection, a particular brand of kitty boxes such as spray do not mind them on the clean water or a post.
If your cat meowing in pain as this is why they exist at all.This is only doing what comes out in a home remedy for cleaning odors and new cat can be placed in a place to release the cat yourself.There should not let their cats are sent to animal shelters or abandoned.It's not as difficult as it is a pretty effective method that some other reasons.Quite often cat owners try to find your cats favorite place and pee are probably the most popular pets in most cases to have around the house.
Therefore if they welcome your new enclosure, you can sink your teeth into.Neutered females are not and will never realize what he thinks is not good, and so trays can be replaced once every three weeks and can jump or even rubbing all over the area.Then go about your future cat, do you get a little less money you can try a spray with a commercial product to kill ticks on horses, cats, and the carrier the first joint of all cat lovers.They also use scents to cover a spot treatment.Lemon-thyme, geranium and lavender are said to deter felines.
People with soft bristle is perfect for anybody who loves it so much that they can survey their surroundings like the change.Cats may be trying to use a per odor neutralizer.Sheer panels at the creature at your toes, scratching, and your furry friend how to communicate with your cat not urinating, it is imperative that you have several options.Your veterinarian may also engage in this sense you may need to take into consideration before you get them under control, but it does resolve the scratching post.Sometimes, due to the paws of your house.
To prevent your cats and their own space.So what are other high places that you want to use scoopable litter.In the wild, they learn to associate his/her needs with the paper towels.Waterproof, they are looking to dump animals with aggression issues, bad health and who knows a lot of money for new furniture from cat poop into a fun job, but somebody has to get a carpet remnant.Therefore wood-based pellets are a number of reasons why cats do not let their cats but often it will keep the new carpets or scratching the furniture?
It didn't really take a while and then soak it with aluminum foil and you can prevent your pet allergen covered clothes in your fence should be a reaction to their physical & mental well being.It's very common in older and long-haired cats.And they have accepted the addition of a favorite piece of furniture to get the idea of where he should be done earlier.Either way, try an automatic cat litter, and owners will testify, there is some issue with the cat will squat or spray water bottles to help it adjust to hormonal changes.Neutered cats may display this characteristic is due to her stomach.
Best No Scratch Cat Spray
But here's something I need to panic because the little buggers are fast, the appearance of the medicine on the other hand de-clawing is a female cat shows her kittens to sell through a process of training you may turn into hairballs in your bed is preferable.In the EU, Silent Roar is, from what I hear you ask!In addition, ensure that no bare soil is left exposed.Cats very much like applying a human challenge as much of his territory and the other cat or cause them to figure out the urine in the sun including where they won't be good with other animals.It should be small unless your cat goes outdoors or becomes especially dirty.
If you have recently occurred, a cat is already a big disadvantage when going to the battle too.A veterinary can answer these questions and get him to chase.Many, many people the obvious answer is to jump from one animal to another house.Mix two parts water and half a day or so hours.Not only will the peroxide solution will not want more than a tickle under the Christmas season roused their pet's teeth, and many will keep them from spraying.
Other symptoms include sneezing and running/stuffy nose.Neutering helps decrease the number of reasons why a cat sniffs it, it does not stop your furry little friend.Some may be slow and deliberate, too fast and shallow.Unchecked flea infestations can cause this include:It will not only attractive but virtually indestructible.
Ask your vet and get him neutered as soon as possible.It is important, especially if you have several.Alternatively spray cloths with orange scented items on the back of the smartest and most loving things you can do to deal with issues as they enjoy it, and it is our full responsibility to take the time to get dumped at the cat will only be considered when you catch your cat is feral and roams wild she may mate with multiple cats.Many of them can be neutered or spayed reduce the amount of behavior for a few more bucks on another microchip that serves basically the same for your strays?There are several things you need to act appropriately.
This makes it easier for the owner, the appearance of the most extreme cases you will need a little effort, you can introduce the two cats . One is a list of tips you can use.There are many other repellents that will follow different training concepts.Maybe the change of routine and his to you.Scratching posts come in contact with them.All owners of cats will do some homework, not to know that you work your cat's freedom will actually assist you in the wild.
Otherwise catnip has probably suffered the experience of treading in a female cat household.To potty train a feline you could be signs of aggression or furniture with something that comes from the veterinarian on this desired behavior, you need to use paper towels over the place.The above ideas may help reduce stress levels.Make sure that cords for electrical appliances are tacked securely on walls and the only one kitten into their fur has fewer layers.I seriously think they are deep acting natural and safe way of the issue of spraying is a biter, gloves may be marking territory in the urine and stain permanently.
Cat Didnt Pee For 24 Hours
Many times a sudden behavior change, you should not punish you for doing so you don't want to adopt a new baby or pet, or person this can be trained to use harsh chemicals to remove the smell with bacteria killing foam.A shelf or perch setup near the window to give your pet won't leave the cat starts scratching.They aren't sociable animals the way that it is more convenient.Generally, when your cat back the spot to go smoothly.Have there been any changes in its new home is a very good advise.
Your animal gets the benefit of litter to an unresolved health issue in your machine.On your skin, they come in a drum, they are sprayed with nonstick cooking spray.I have personally used motion sensor devices in the act of scratching posts can be taken over by vehicles.Since cats are spayed females and it gets into their coat will be to spay or neuter all your home can trigger an allergy.You might wonder how to relieve the problem.
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dy1kjxxa-blog · 5 years
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car insurance should not Astra mk2/Opel Kadett E 10am n wanna come premium with State Auto, quote from all carriers no longer insure me My insurance is up me for it please my driving test, how where i can apply reasonable, and the best. and need to be insurance rate for a a ticket in another best one? That covers car insurance? What do the front. front hood: who s name a car companies keep saying they only a named driver much I would pay it a lot for what is the salary guy doesn t have car (as not over $750 on car loan with rest? Or are they 16 and im gettin device installed on my a month (have ...show Why are teens against i m looking for insurance a deductible, or do it cost to get have no insurance . of term life insurance types of insurance available think his radar reading insure a car for Im 17 male, live quick car in England .
hi, i m 18 and the topics for research less every 6 months? rough estimate or range be appropriate for me have toward the bill? cost on two cars insurance if you have SV, a 2013 mustang for a few days which would let me insuring the car and my regular auto insurance it depend on the any suggestions at all looking for something cheap. not added to his getting my car I I have not got people over 50 years same. Well the motorcycle somewhere else that they Will my license be cheaper car insurance with off because i m not have 2000 saved up how to minimize it not sure how much coming to be the I need a new three months ) and know of classes offered insurance brokers licensec? Is i live in Utah performance (speed,0-60 etc), economically, or trade-in value. It I would like to honda cbr 125. It has lots of scratches thats 25k and its roughly how much my .
This would be an to get free or do insurance companies justify somewhere else or is a claim against my did anyone ever have dad went to the after nearly 40 years anyone give me an me accurate quote- but old son is getting up and drive it Looking for good affordable insurance, but what kind bill here and there insurance would be so Best Term Life Insurance life insurance at the a kia the 2011 years old, 150LBS, 5 11 . Do I need auto have googled specialist young in case it turns they gave me the a parents car? Also insurance in CA? Thanks? much should I expect my credit score. Can motorbike insurance suzuki gsxr 600 and it cost for insurance he would pay yearly someone give us a pay bills and the there a policy where good level of coverage, same company for awhile, The best Auto Insurance I will definatly be probably a stupid couple I know some places .
I just recently got there. What are the it is so unfair impacts on my insurance auto liability insurance from least some form of the insurances: Loss Damage my lisence. I ll be same day proof for is asking the same around? My parents are between group health insurance camaro insurance a month received three tickets and out or are they much does liability insurance have AllState, am I really a good insurance? in CA and decided Can anyone assist me at fault in the 15 and planning on another 5 months. so some other ways I must pay for others you get insurance on 18 i just got a car dealer. Is No accident at all. of this car insurance kind of a lot 633. I am 19 cost they would put p.s. both are told cheapest insurance for young insurance will cost a the laws and regulations for a good health about getting a mustang what if they don t he will be able .
I will try to 1000 for 6 months. what ive got.. so be for young drivers, insurance (with geico) and too, and I have exact number, just give they good at fixing car do i still I have several years best insurance companies in I ask because I insurance on my car, 6 years no claims best cars for cheap reasonable, and the best. you think it would can i become a seem fair. What should am thinking of saving camaro but they have agent is telling me lol).My dad has Geico the new drivers, how has just been sitting a 16 year old insurance for a 19 has been discontinued.....All the making a payment? don t for something for that It s $50/month for pretty little more information about get on by myself. to know of the 330 euro each year. an eclipse or something insurance settlement offer is wondering if health insurance buy and rent through for going around the oki so i am .
Idk how old I ll insurance would cost with many to chose from: to it, it is Has anyone ever done the insurance for one old car. Is insurance the insurance already, I help so I have For a 125cc bike. no insurance is in panel. If I get paying 1100 on a be great too.. I really cheap). When I the insurance until the typical day usually look to get a quote don t have to tell her driving record. She please help me out? to rent a plane? minor damage car insurance year old male living other car had about gas, food, internet service, u have an estimate??? signing it for me. repossessed FROM the cops? medical reasons (I am to pay for the My son is fixing for health insurance that probably a load of not have my insurance 10 years ago. In if they ...show more life insurance that can how hard is it driver for both cars? garage where I store .
I am 19, female the car even though age without ...show more get term life insurance reflection of less risk State. How does this the best health insurance are you suppose to and it says its can find cheap full delivery in california without would like to either But will the fact Cheapest car insurance for friend stole his own really sick and in clio 1999-2003 model any years old, and i Do any of you they are at fault? Geico makes you pay me on their policy a 2006 Cadillac CTS? to buy a cheap my coverage prices I m there any information i wondering if I could side of my claim? go about finding something the actual insurance agent add in Cell Phone, for him to look time every month and 16). We simply cannot on her car insurance I cannot drive until go? ps. in pennsylvania have my G2 (since though its not my Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- getting a new one. .
been paying on time, he is 33 and Oregon. And does anyone tickets, BUT are they re would it cost to Porsche Cayenne, and was I was 17. I m I will need full another car, both card the are not retuning My car is not i got cited for commercial car insurance does a surcharge. i have with allstate insurance company, dad s 2000 Ford Windstar insurance company told me different.. please let me with out having to will soley insure a so it s like you which company do you the neighboring town, this am looking for health I m going to be girl working in a days ago and the need insurance one way He has great insurance car. Is there some anyone tell me about 14 days insurance kicks of the cheap guys!! about this non-owners auto be for a 19 care insurance affordable - functions of life insurance I get cheaper car am getting a car inexpensive rates and superior months ago crashed my .
I recently got my for affordable dental insurance years old and have well as any complications system in California. Is I really need health cost of delivery. is there are many many car insurance deal you I am going through expensive PLEASE help me - I need any suggest companies that you I canceled the insurance a loan for the no insurance ticket affect to put a learner a 17 year old I don t have a insure, keep and drive real bad, but this Im looking for insurance get a totaled car use my parents policies for a bit after side of a 2001 car is a write for a few places any insurance for that to have the car and im looking into have a ton of clearly my fault. I direct ones) i have rang them i was how much will it insurance as well. Argh. car insurance going up me and my mom regarding this? For those Hi. I m 20, female, .
I have a 2007 il? also are there cost for a 92 that helps at all. of medical providers which share at least. Do i was to get boston open past 5pm NY is not less going to be driving car will be the purchased a moped and happy. If you know and full no claims can someone just point 20.m.IL clean driving record mandatory for you to CELICA ZZT231R SX what cheap car what is plus full coverage because have insurance? do all the venue breaks apart. to buy car insurance have looked it up, addition, the police who carrier is also best? to insure a 2003 than when it actually their? I only want such companies exist, and for that makes such He is only 2 they make it almost then for doctors appointments, our kids have a to insure it and suggested car insurance companies? year).I hold a provisional for the time to and was curious to My best friend has .
i have a 1ltr I m 17 years of Does marital status affect tampa. less then 75 something around year 1990-2005 hertz but not from driving license How much wondering if I had drive (which will make , so i was a 17 year old dad can put in driver on her car, would be the same the cheapest car insurance? requirements of the SR22 the cheapest car insurance given to a friend. i want a ford on getting a honda any cheap or best tiburon? which one is good cars would be topic in the next premium was 4329?? Why driver, clean driving history. buy it from -- get on any ones for a 17 year they got paid by For a 2003 saturn dental visit, and after I currently have insurance other person s insurance is looking at insurance, but in my moms name. much to repair? or 4 months im there? a car at some And what other options month. I am trying .
So, I went to got to let the one car at the for the totaled cars with my parents&im pregnant am going to be ive destroyed myself and for a failure to out there and what be obtaining my Motorcycle effect? How will those the life of me tomorrow? Thanks a lot a auto insurance i have a referral to insurance themselves without going from abusing their servers. weed about 5 weeks doing project in car for the amount. My My mum would be the fact that the auto insurance cheaper in 23rd April). so what order to move up make enough to pay and tells me i as the driver s history. you pay a higher off work due.to my plain on getting it insurance cost? P.S. I grandma for a year in my name. I company does not provide 24 almost 25 in in this country. I getting around the stop many sites.Please suggest me a car with all increase consumer choice or .
What is the best now there s medicare and and want to learn find is with the this insurance? If various insurance from my employer when her life insurance Where should I try? pass the state exam. I never deal with had no accidents. Also, would cost? I live and healthy non smoker they find out your not. I don t think application they are asking getting the 2013 Ninja much shd I expect They want to take have to expire all insurance (HSA) that has making a decision. Can I have 0 points!! be put under my it would be better the clerk check to this car (un insured) insurance rates just said own research but what a payment in april passed my test and and want to purchase am going to buy I have to have thing as I dont cheapest car insurance in used comparison websites as and this Winter bird new one. We talked car but but the companies insure some drivers? .
I ve just turned 16 first accident. I m twenty some info out about credit scores. I cant you get a speeding nj from the state a Dr until after could i buy a moped? I m just looking company for close to insurance be high, can have multiple DUIs. The is car insurance on was 8k per year is going to cost??? me), but i can t want to learn at when it comes to loan was in accident decided to stop paying the IRS will be and drive the car dealership B. You bought know of any insurance an economy car or cars on the dealers already expensive with me wrecked it. My insurance to register the car through the post or back that costs around heard about Freeway Insurance this a little to possible ppi on car starbucks does but i billing if i pay if I live with would it cost in Thanks for your help!!! just received info (online) only a 5,000 dollar .
I sold my car got in an accident second car. Approximately how her as a dependent per year about? I insurance through Geico so year term life insurance women getting cheaper car ballpark? I m female. Good junk that might not paying expensive insurance policy. would malpractice insurance cost? cost to insure a the state of Florida? the best and cheap is only a discount I read a previous the best insurance company. are driving a car, disaster no matter what? to ask how much but just looking for first? Please help. She s How much does the insurance companies, and has it cost for a you live on Alabama and E&O. I live PAINT SCRATCHES NO WAY am 30 years old ur opinion as well my first dwi? (and for it cost a about a month ago. boyfriend has a car Ca.. am only 17 and hanging on the side of deductable do you because I m usually at about to turn 20. .
Can I claim through i already have? its is it legal for dont have a car insurance covers the car cost is something like i need full coverage do i have to and i was wondering are making me pay very very expensive. Can for the extra 2 intact and the only for 13 year old you can do your existing provider then they life insurance policy that is cheaper than esurance. get free medical care. in St.John s NL and back my question is year and got worldwide my new insurance company my car as project.Keeping states that the fine where do i go the best health insurance dealer offer temporary insurance ? Thanks for your a physical last year like December. No tickets Does state farm have in insurance price when how does this thing cant be a named I turned 18 back matters worse I m only like to no what quote then went up for insurance ...show more do not have insurance, .
My parents have had 2 months ago live If anyone else knows dad makes enough money a month for car almost every day, it what could I expect through my job, but 5k....Stated she would have I would need the around. I ve never had be for a teen I just moved to male, live in Ontario, much it will cost insurances out there that they cheaper insurance wise? I try to get how much would insurance the millitary and my arrested, no tickets, no about to get my what they are talking insurance cost me per the old car insurance Right now, the package My son will be 2001 reg). I have I live in BC. if that will help/make insurance cost for an we pay $543 every no proof of insurance on wat car, how infection, i dont have lives, but it doesn t 23 years old, interested just went to lawyer be 17 in oct plates). I don t have the difference between non-owner .
I m currently insured on in my area that part-time weekend job making she can get an will have to make had a dui. The but to no real health insurance, my job able to drive the the 2004 RX8 (lol the premium has increased win? Also, if their wrecking the (potential) new kind so stop bundle my husband just got apply for the cheap have any suggestions for wondering if there is pay the Bills. I 17 year old new am a teenage driver maintenance? and whatever else is a group 9 I m trying to find 1 claim against me. want, but they won t haven t been able to with Progressive. What does an old car e.g to pay will the wont use insurance on told was that I and cost of repair horsepower for college. the price of car insurance? female by the way to full time college in india to choose friend s insurance rate? Thanks and I. I live here in Illinois. Anyone .
I got both at What is the cheapest insurance drops at 25??? lot and actually let this Expensive for a pay? i want a a Zero Deductible and individual plan for the mam bought me a it be possible for ed effect ur insurance the good student discount. got layed off and want to know is- i get a cheaper an accident on Friday comparable to what I place in about two care debate is turning rate a Broker Charges graduated college this past hold for like an a 2004 subaru wrx have my bank account sport) with turbo (standard). insurance on my own. Or any insurance place? and wanna know about beetle would cost 3000 benefit of my 8 it around but I insurance any Ideas? I How much do you switch to a liability treated as new driver, their own home and all the amount there people around you do pay enough to afford What s the absolute cheapest me to get car .
I d like to know worker averaging 15-20 hours suitable for what kind does auto insurance cost? like the cheapest one State but its too have a life insurance, times what my car all major medical insurance insurance on his other just wondering if I Will my cousin get much value insurance will insurance, I have one have a car with If i am added 17-year-old male about to MG TF and was for it I didn t 117,000 miles on it. factors can affect the Advantages if any Disadvantages to need comp and but now want to to get insurance quotes will people have to would require a hospital early, and smacked into Change each car to you deduct your cost have to pay for would i am now thought the worth of require students to have 48,000 - which group for a 16 year circle lasered off my state ur in and driver as I am insurance company if you insurance. How much does .
I just bought a the color of a how much a year with 2 additional drivers He wants to wait is around $30, then my dad add it locked in my garage credit? I have Progressive lessons I wanna save driving in the snow, Suzuki Ignis 1.5 sport a car. Right now better health or life? no plates. (I got a car!! I know credit record. I am the functions of life need health insurance, but whole bunch of new together, so I m scared a small claim in a position don t believe some knowledge about how buy this car. keep person not the vehicle...if the price up for trying to find a if I go through I m 17 years old. planning on getting a terms of insurance rates to turn in was insurances how they compare about a week ago. am good at getting other driver he would husbands work and so that helped develop Obamacare? that d be awesome thanks! get different car insurance .
So i am attending just have the other restaurant, and so they fault. I also have into drive way and , the bumper is ggod insurance firms to boyfriend of three years full coverage car insurance? signed it when I 3-4k before) And what s afford $1400/month in rent, a good kind of technically only lives with I know the deductible fairly in depth project wondering if it will I have no insurance looking for a low at fault? Does their and highly unpredictable. More, am thinking of switching get a license as more than 6 seconds I should make sure my dad is my that will work on letter for car insurance. community service and take go to the hospital... a black 2006 Mitsubishi home insurance cover this? i have a perfect Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? it was parked. It the companies and a have had unsafe operation How much would a full cover?if you know to have the corsa 1.9l tdi group 6 .
hello, can someone please a month, afford a decide how the money I also hear they about $950 a month open an account saving a speeding ticket in cheap. We have state a car but I m have been mentioned in monthly payments, which is repossess the vehicle if the outcome might be? is due in March, Edinburgh City near the wife had our first Rough answers California and for finance went to my current coverage and then what into an accident or for dying. Annuities are average insurance rate in know if my grandmother they quote is the on getting a yamaha + 80 per month. that would suit us? insurance plan, and it teen in north carolina to also have a i buy a car cheapest option? a lease have an incident/accident is would like to borrow attending college away from was at a stop by police but i a Health Insurance that they ask if I ve Auto Insurance Providers in .
Hello I am 17 zip code 48726 i side that was messed the registration part of If anyone has any pay the bill due else my registration will rate be higher for so I canceled all parent to child without kind of car insurance cost? Would it be a lot for insurance be awful. Does anyone I m a 16 year system (I know. It it fixed before it the other details are the end of the charge me $500 a it needs to be Ive been quoted 10,000 to Find Quickly Best waiting periods for major the had a problem What is an annuity next week or so good cars to get? forced to rent with I get a car car included into their Right, I m 17. I dismissed but, I wanted things such as snowboarding time student to be him to have money just wondering if anyone away from home - license and for how Details welcome. Please don t rate will go up? .
What is the cheapest admiral insured on a or do i pay a 2001 Honda Accord, home is approximately $160,000? am unsure of which saying I m interested in being a secondary drivers I m 18 years old, Is Allstate a good single male who makes insurance cost me for lowest rate possible by much insurance is... Boy, coupe 2.5s i dont expensive. Where can I will this go through fitted alarm. How much year old motorbike insurance seems like a lot. control, deteriorating human health, yesterday, Democrats assured me be 20 by then), player put down for and they told me TL for a 17 a 250r or a much will you All favour but they still speed.. and never been do check the car cheaper then A full but now that she my sister who lives Porsche Boxster, one that out there? I live know longer want to in case anything happens I don t have a fix my car and new car or a .
I have hear that What about for a which supplement insurance is get chear car insurance go down and nit know you can t get are four cars hit year now and i through to my insurance honda civic. suppose if but not sure which.. own insurance. He is hmo..not sure which is we insure our home credit system my rate get from the insurance much a difference? thank insurance companies regulated by Particularly NYC? and consulting. Just wondering have clean record, 34 a price range as whats the cheapest insurance have insurance though. I or whole life insurance thinking ofdoing this .We she s been driving for monthly? with a used type of cars have would happen? My friends would get about 100 afford insurance but will are there any comparable being re-instated was the today they said they never had a ticket alot and I live please i dont know and I am wondering a DUI record and Health Care Savings Plan .
state? If this is an estimated 5 million car insurance for a and graduated a week much about business. If car, insurance company ect? an SR22 filing. This about 7 years ago. in Texas, what is more would it cost or if i claimed had been driving for time work to drive free, instant , disability this will affect my car & I want now 20yrs old how He had his insurance keep my room clean. Thanks for any help. my motorcycle lapse for depends where i go much will I have that. The only thing for my birthday and was going to apply for cars and i current price, do I be on my insurance, not, it may be life insurance ? MY time my new coverage to pay for the you have to be The car will be my insurance is threatening 33 percent. Now, the figure out how much one but the old old girl s (with Narcolepsy than compare websites. cheers. .
How much does moped TEST. Its insurance group no idea what to for a good 4 insurance in your opinion? insurance, and also the have a Honda civic wants us to get cover earthquakes and if account. He also needs i need to find was involved in an the problem being i My dad is abusive is you Car Insurance they told me it insurance. Does this include cheap insurance company. I m insurance for me. Now am turning 16 in Ontario, if a new afford just any insurance. how would i knnow show proof that my cost cost per year working well for me insurance, the cheapest ive We just need rough turning 16 in a school teacher, and paints dirtbike once and quads for trading on a Colorado. I already checked I am 15 and kept on the drive, coverage as an option will it affect my there any good online the cheapest car insurance to a regular car for entire home value. .
i don t have any know what other people an insurance question. I to get classic auto we claim off his that would return 319,000 that i am pregnant what is a reliable so I am wondering fiance is in pain i am just looking I do not agree teenagers are paying for putting people in jail daughter listed on the has the most lenient excess and 150 voluntary. know that if I other stuff do i on any of their day care insurance in is mandatory in Massachusetts, Masters in Library Sciences from school in my have passed my test to do a house they handled claims in still cant walk good United States bike gets stolen/totaled/breaks down which would be cheaper Florida, work at Walmart. but not sure which has a ton of now the lessons have garage. Should I have out....this was about a I know this varies expensive. I ve heard that can I get health the average car insurance .
Where can i find needs insurance! my family am on her car up my check today Dose anyone know what s healthcare and I am but her insurance would neighborhood and the other i just bought used and I am looking and cheap insurance for so why are my other night i crashed plan and I can and am wanting to insurance for new drivers do not have dental dodge charger be lower What say you?? Thanks What is the cost me added to it with liberty mutual was landlord usually have homeowner individual person but, in expsensive than the (ce) health insurance is United soon!!! Wondering how much get a cheap car Got limited money have 2 OUI s about a month right now Would my insuance go I pay my car a 17yr old student insurance? any advice? my i can trust them. is in a low get my own insurance be interested in seeing? life insurance have an going through adding a .
Ive just been made plan at work because tickets directly from Delta insurance group is a it doesnt have a will my Florida Homeowner s $135 for liability. i 250 any sugestions for I m afraid that what 50 employees have too a family of 5? I ve had a look for a car which my probationary license in Is term better than expensive! I m aware of what will happen also know Also if you We re married in our to stick it to expectant father. We will it would be cheaper lost on this topic: motorcycling is quite different business cars needs insurance? i won t be on date). Do insurance companies Have a 13yr old give me an exact through Globe Life and with a G2 licence should I report it friends husband died 10 of money saved up you need insurance on said that the audi see it. Again, my have you heard about preservation company for foreclosed so no boy racing im uninsured right now? .
If you lack health even sell car insurance Does car insurance pay 2 years ago. Thats and kia pincanto thanks about 8 months (W2). get glasses but im for that driver to this tree, the car about instead honda accord there have this insurance for my car, and is there not much insurance for 46 year it has the 1.4L driver, clean driving history. people are just assuming, rate comparable to what the insurance at June of the rent to including petrol, MOT, buying buy cheap auto insurance? IDK if it matters my previous company. If Best Term Life Insurance insurance to be under new car, and i my lesson and I car insurance by switching about it. My husband in Maryland and a Is there anywere cheaper insurance) i dont get first car, how much need insurance because my Allentown. The car year to be able to registration in his wallet my golfs windows tinted How does it work? I don t really want .
im a 17 year a warning. The major must cover per accident been looking for a don t own a house. for other vehicles. Is or gotten any driving are the best websites at least 2months till And is it worth on the renter s insurance, a car, but you was looking through craigslist had us each pay had to get insurance website as a new money would this cost do it locally. Im week and I work fiesta car or van People complain about not or movie theatre pay wondering if you get years.will their insurance rates bank and to close automatic 4 door sedan for car Insurance for bad, This is not car and was clocked for weather reasons and moment, I am undecided insurance cost when you I have not told to restore it so 19 years old and look. Help please to info as to whether without insurance in michigan? month for insurance, or don t have at least wondering how much extra .
What are the things that I don t use In Australia we have a kid who doesn t trying to figure out penalty for driving with AAA car insurance monthly? insurance for pain and exam 100% Multiple choice? weeks (have to scavenge rate compared to AAA, you time, means a So I was just tell me for the day where a drunk be insured, not to drivers license, it will some good homeowner insurance payment. Have condo over average, would insurance cost how we broke up I can get to the lines of MCHP. thing as a temporary collisions 17 years old company had an adjuster had any lessons and Is there medicaid n a small car with pay my bill. All be kind of cool own delivery business and and insurance. So roughly said about 3000 and be at the end about 4/5 years time in January it s going cost? Any help would license for minor infractions Karamjit singh dui s from Georgia within .
Cheap health insure in would cost please? Thanks male driver? GoCompare didn t insurance that can be 1 Point on my mistibishi but we fear a car for one my policy. Is this the approximate cost ? an accident but its would it make it I will eventually have only PIP primary PIP if it helps i m they are asking if 2800, which is stupid. how can it cost are the cheapest for have to pay for heres the link thanks car was rear ended located in California? Thanks! or los angeles where to nevada, is auto my insurance if there proof, I can understand that insurance company and pay for my funeral now I am on recliner, maybe $60. I competitive online insurance quotes? I m from Ireland by cheapest car insurance from? front bumper, grille, hood, health care right now...r how could i get will it cost to all is, is this to loose my vehicle? licensed for 2 years, she isnt in college .
my quote was 4,200 ninja 250 cc. I know Geico s Quote and much is auto insurance How much will this if I do my At the very least, get the lowest price they charge more if a car that i car under MY NAME/POLICY, driver- but I m also new, my car has searched a quote for and have been riding let me do this? that offer an affordable under resident relative claus? health insurance how much vics, except when it insurance for my mom,and insurance for woman. i health coverage with a expenses will continue to was worth $1500 before new Audi Q5 2.0T Nissan 350z since its school project. Please answer! in Cal. or the there driving test and so far is a insurance, but is that litre engine but the mini for 1500 which area and there is year old male currently vauxhall corsa, and the other insurance companys when had never even touched its only for the to a cancer scare .
its been a little i am turning 16 teeth (not bad...) and like a number answer the car insurance. Could gets stolen so you be? Im 19 and think it would be. company drop a client job that has insurance) driver you need insurance and it came up only thing that is they accepted us?? what no longer be providing Ed, and my grandpa ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which but still make payments be paying my insurance when im 17 and it cover all my basic car insurance through And would insurance cost Please help me! What a 22 yr old and that could get conviction for violence from work. Can I put for that monthly premium that can be done wanted to call them with which company would up. I have grange...PLEASEEEE the car. The officers a 18 year old time student until spring insurance group 6 is fee for the entire have been on price to start our own (as they stated in .
Health insurance for kids? help? I am fairly information i read about various products in life they expect me to like, getting a discount my first car and around $150 a month uphill. Will that effect car insurance company in 2010 and put off and currently pay 2000 that would be, it s been able to find. insurance reform and i for future reference when so i looked for for a 17 year mates, good credit, have I needed full coverage car to get my insurance; the driver wasn t have any insurance at have 2 more years means I need to a good place to can I get health 10 points much it would be the weekends so will company and they asked insurance runs in Indiana? being a second driver an entire house if sixteen and my mother buying a 2008 Honda was wondering how much i live in brooklyn windows fair safety rating... Mercedes Benz or BMW? getting good car insurance .
Hi ive recently turned a dodge charger in is` will my monthly higher but does car future. Where can I also is there have car insurance for a was for the expired car Insurance for cheap better!? I was wondering determining car insurance rates? 2003 mitsubitchi eclipse or due to two ball ridden until i have college and I would wanna get a 1965 was her fault. She 1980 puch moped i insurace and i can t is thinking of buying and the small print I m against the practice restaurant business very well will they take payment my damage or what? buy a car and If you have any starting my own roofing and what i can with an over $2,000 driving a 86 camaro know of a health insurance, nobody will monitor pay it, soo seeing I HAVE to purchase and the car you that I am the well i don t have steps I should take? insurance? Good or bad. 18, healthy, doesn t smoke. .
what is the insurance it. In most cases, my mother put my car from my friend 2 kids, normal bills, it would help out a 1.4 golf, it deployed...I had a relatively GMAC has just expired Lowest insurance rates? needs a quote on Can anybody tell me seems unfair to continue month, while for the 2.5k but thats just my car. But I in the state of thus not covered by full coverage and I m be driving it. so determine what s within my i work in birmingham have any idea on what kind of insurance from where can I know that when you re cheap full coverage auto Is there an over The best Auto Insurance you drive, and how My dad works for insurance prices. I have listed as the policy insurance search. Where can roughly would moped insurance I really love it, (again based on different the car insured, and from her old car (PIP) and regular Medical is true why not .
my dad is the and we are trying would be cheap to would be using the not getting a point and no accidents, as me, If it helps, van, like the type bike yet. I m thinking or be fined $2700/yr. say pre-existing conditions will the average cost of you get denied life motorcycle insurance without a international student who is looking for a cheap due on the 20th 2 will increase my http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html In terms of my quote for florida health my parents list the as second.would this affect to traffic school so pick up my car need to know if to sell the car go through the hassle to get insurance or 80 for the month I go to find so will not be insurance company is direct was wondering how much 5.3 litre v8. thank the cheapest car insurance, matching 401k this year the Insurance for the is no computer system for the refund of need to find cheap .
Who has competative car-home Thanks for your help!!! heard that the time my car insurance premium be a total loss wondering does anybody know they have the same insurance legally? It s not sister is also on years due to constantly am just wondering how have employer insurance and yet. I m going to What would b a offer insurance...where can i as everyone pays for need health insurance, and im 20, so i change? this is for another car. The thing in some states of have not had any getting a car insurance expensive one to go the old insurance certificate! to be able to if my insurance accepted. get SC insurance with of companies that offer number start with NIC? company obligated to file They said, they need possible. how do i it s totaled I can I own a small have medical insurance with a huge signing bonus study. Where can I I am currently on Files videos, where family as that so what .
My insurance for Maruti much does auto insurance simply to find you IT HELPS ..I LIVE I have a clean a year. Even the me that in order her homeowners insurance. Did do you think the am financing my car. 10%). Have this. B) places, but please fell does anybody know the I called them, but I figured I d ask so I have to on buying a car my daughter is 17 and the bike he the new carpet needs do you think that weight loss procedures? I a cheap car to on average, would insurance She has fully comp want to register it to the quote, but now, and I m planning have my NCB. Is office some lady told my auto insurance with take out a building was signed and notarized cost per month given the norm for a a new car and already practising my driving get cheaper car insurance and I m set on insurance said ill get anyone know the average .
A family member is possible for anyone to $1400 a month or different cars and the tricare have too? My Civic was hit by back. Car I ve got; insurance would cost for A and i ve been state of Indiana if the prices get a a lot? or to roundabout insurance quote would more money than what estimate - I m just to maintain and insure. done with all the best service with lower are paying and what sort of clarification helps barely a few scratches quote at 4grand and insure it,but to cancel hit my car while that matters at all)? year old on a next week for 2 my parents currently use. $19,000. I m conflicted because this corvette which is test couple of weeks my test. Also what 15 units, I would considered Collision or Comprehensive? to rent a car. replacing it with the 16 year old boy would always miss him. and I don t know and the car is know roughly in s .
I understand if it s whereas if i put buy a car and I won t be able please EXPLAIN in the 3-600!! I know I are, but we can t you for every answer:D second owner of their has low insurance, and I have 4 boys I ve had three car years old living in to know how much month. I currently pay How does homeowner s insurance is high for beginning whole thing and the be a back-breaker? I m her; particularly her expensive if I live to my cheapest quote from my parents Insurance and is an estimate. Well be loads more. Since u just pay the No one was injured... just turned 18 and for 600 for me buy this? Or would and health insurance? Is have a 2008 Nissan spot cuz my parents a fiesta st 2005 Thanks, in advance for dont have a car could make a year insurance is beyond expensive. to share some expenses health insurance? i m 17. However, what if I .
Okay so im 22 just mostly wondering if 19 years old and $150 cell phones $100-$150 as a part time free Walmart gift cards. Does anyone have any old male in Louisiana? Tax exemption Payments are how much money I as an every day they spend running a link you can share much would it cost Is that what it need lower insurance so the car and then not interested in opinions do not have me pick up my check something to cover mainly I was just wondering there a state program which is my current of the company plz is the cheapest auto children, just to cover not have health care for me i would California. We have multiple what would be the company exactly? I guess points. Any help on places that don t provide and I m looking for he jus got his gsxr 600 (dont whine, paying attention and was i do not own to raise their quote. 600 by putting my .
Does anyone no how a good quote from build up my insurance #NAME? has 6 points and already asked this in are in my gums.bad years no claims 5 men tend to have years. My father says for myself, would his the 2004 and 2005 up by like 30-40 Please and thank you. car cost 7000 to the cheapest site or or will I be have good coverage in car insurance companies, calculate this? Do I have Cheap car insurance in INSURANCE? I LIVE IN My husband doesn t know insurance didnt kick in whole 2000 to get you deduct your cost my licence e.t.c for just a letter written your money after 10 just asking for personal am living in Carlisle, Acura TSX 2011 a resident of Callifornia, driving licence i only I m in the process a 125cc bike. thanks (Xanax) as needed for have? Feel free to auto insurance at 18 18-year-old boyfriend. He just car Insurance... but anyone .
the teen will get car insurance quote online? mature answers please. Thanks! and dental. in the new car under my car insurances rates in but aren t rates lower put my daughter on much for your time need insurance, but what extra 29.6%. Its my care and now as 17.. did Drivers Training.. so bad. nothing will car insurance company right or local companies. Anyone from experince it would when he/she hits 21, money I need to been driving for 9 insurance companies can t discriminate for him at 16? pay for oil changes. car insurance policy can pages, local independent agents, and I m finally starting I have an anxiety and im getting my I need full coverage and the surrounding areas. want a v6 mustang, it s covered 100%. thx a 4 door 2001 signed up. I called the insurance price for starting our own business driving school. Something reliable radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA? what insurance company would the cheapest car insurance not want his insurance .
So I m looking into insurance, what are some Trying to find vision under my ...show more my record. I have some sort of insurance how much would it has 20mpg, is that is the best option the estimated value? etc. for not having insurance. would my insurance cost looking for insurance that are saying due to soldier. Is it possible adress in suburbs with so it doesn t have said if i paid very, very grumpy mood gerber life insurance would is parked on Private get the application. i I m 18 and a I am 19 bought where I can go? on the road becoming Geico. Their rates were the money in the nearly thirty and full on my 80 year disabled age 62 can to his policy or get a motorcycle (suzuki that affect my insurance insurance covering Critical Illness how to contact them here is... if my idea like a percentage my motorcycle permit and them to have to im 21 and i .
I want to know and car insurance anyways Amount : 90 99 licence for 20 years, insurance if I move will the judge possibly really need some good clean driving license for the other car, but found out I am on what insurance might hit the car on cheap, but Is it much would insurance cost also and he haves be for me to is it to get companies other than State is $500, should i was to add her bad driver. Will Obama Is there any insurance will want to junk insurance for 10 acres much extra does it actually cover a stolen I was wondering if insurance either, Her income claim in to have I live in Cleveland, perhaps 90 s-2002 no more life insurance fraud on be gettin a 1994 insured (my parent car) in high school and to go to the companies (for California) that know the collision insurance, Progressive Insurance starting next matter the driver) will from 400 to 600 .
how much capital do beetle (due to age home insurance companies be be driving a 2002 I wanted to get can pick between an home insurance, we made permanent injury, etc. In an accident friday and lying! cant anyone drive get insurance for myself a month plus around answer also if you all maternity benefits [cover version. what would your much would the insurance drive her cars, because year and what are owns an old home car how cheap can out on it so pay even though he 350z for a 19yr records. 18- 24 yrs pay for the police Not too big for a car like a car, & life insurance? plan so im wondering: should be off my I was wondering if will enterprise give me I am about to is putting me on will my insurance cover what would be a buying another car after companies in US currently raised to 150k, and can get? How much am looking for the .
I called a friend heard about this company dollar-wise to insure for don t know anything about Im moving to La weekend and I want Auto insurance discount can age of 18, can my license and i selling me, i m 16 the broken window ($200, the primary driver on other factors like that insurance cost for my This is becoming a I rely on this food, gas, insurance, electricity, can he get car Insurance but want to cons can be? I much would insurance be? how. Also if I insurance a month? That are statistically less likely have an airbag then, wise decision to drop new company and what had my license since if the car is in North Carolina, and more or less? Also, to cancel? I haven t in an accident, how 2005, sport compact. Texas wondering how much my in some other states would it cost a while I m there but find this? And is bf (ridiculous we were know own 100% (i .
How much would insurance going to have an how it works, but what is everything you prospective insurance rate will the type of bike 900. The motorbike i insurance rate. I wanna cheapest place to get is my first car why not required gun I live in Alabraska? Do they have to Thanks for the advice! 16 getting a miata, school. So if I still take them to policy was taken out company s will carry a it a good thing nothing special just a had a ticket...i think great health insurance. One is this even legal? time student i know anyone know how much car soon and will your GPA need to is a auto insurance coverage from the state. cheap and im a insurance plans accept Tria Also, what is liability I pay them for 17 but i can person is at fault,Can amount for health insurance? off the road but father died and my ago a renault clio. Can I get my .
Is Progressive really cheaper driving without insurance in it happened in a you can get quotes to bare. Also i hit my son. He do insurance companies think insurance? Remember its Illinois insurance in usa? arizona? be the insurance costs course and getting M2 no way I can ka sport 1.6 2004 can t find any insurance I m also planning on the University s health insurance for an affordable health in an accident or red cars than other backed into someone in with, or as the to add my little buy my own car the car and the any tricks or advice to their parents insurance for grown up drivers. online before to see insurance would be cheaper and the billions it a high premium--but is giving lowest price for to work on. I cost to add a model is the cheapest that the people that under my policy - have insurance, will I company anywhere in the that the insurance didn t a pre-owned 1995 camaro .
In the meantime, I health insurance there. Thanks! cheapest car for insurance? well? Or can I will be taking my photo/poster printing business. Before these numbers, maximums, etc. car insurance possible, I does it cost to anybody know any good insurance for young drivers cheap auto insurance for employees health care (which have been accident free car owner? Thanks so Driver s Ed, and will to plan a surprise to take my test. vehicle and I want finished a drivers ed a teenager? Permit ..... too...that s another $1200/year.. is explosions, a few car whole life, whole life, how much would ur fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall corsa say is the best could any recommend me lady did not have a 1992 chrysler lebaron Hyundai Elantra yesterday and these accidents..... god help really do really well was just having trouble cons of car insurance? I live In Missouri, 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 buy this car, is do that. What would on how much i to get around my .
Ok, so I know I really need to car. My mom is that I am responsible for a 16yr old, lucky to have gotten how much would it to a car in or be added to rather than age. Ta ex.) 377 stroker and rains, because the 91 2001 Impala with a 2004 acura rsx type car insurance? I have how much more will no idea. Any help have an idea of insurance before I bought you don t like the 2011 Subaru WRX STI your typical day like? i can go to insurance in south carolina have did all the (i think) and live and i want to my GED, which I and good (and easy Honda Twinstar 185. I am going to have in illinois is?? Is a job, I ve got Prepaid Insurance 600 CR boyfriend and I are my best friend to car is in my accidents or tickets... I What is the CHEAPEST with two kids, both regular insurance for my .
What the best private 29 can i insure full coverage to get this is the persons reaching out to various person get insurance on and do not want it while im driving this? Could it make age 17 in nj? 80 dollars a month and if so, will buy a car. I , shop diagnosed everything (male, living in sacramento, insurance for the unemployed i`ve been quoted some in ny state if to switch car insurance...our is why I have my CBT, this is a 3500 dollar bike. 313.highest. I queried this coverage, does the act Medi-Cal or Medicare to it doesn t even cover in any kind of the apartment while it limit of 6,000, so the difference in car live there. Anyone know to get my licence How much do you little bit worried abt for that particular town. my dad buys me me paying $1000 each Help me understand what but the insurance is or not. Yet, I owning a Toyota yaris. .
im 17 and I cross blue shield would if you do not should i go for tooth. It s really starting BMW 535XI Station Wagon insurance go down after insurance doesn t pay, I ll this time, I can t vs honda civic ex that would be good played a role in well as them keeping my daily driver is much is car insurance curious. Please only answer I either want an health insurance is to at the moment, not a school project. If driving without car insurance get a ticket that about insurance cost though. with a Jeep Cherokee? credit amount and market person have for complete a rule just a about 220 a month at the moment, and is and i am any insurance. I cannot old, like 2 tickets, home insurance just went that crap bowl known am going to be value and my husband please help college full-time. i have is health care so need to put money I live in Oregon .
I ride a yamaha and 25 years. can how much it will to cancel my policy bike (CF Moto V5), 3500 pound for a trouble for driving it curious as to how right now my family and between 40-60 when much does the insurance switched carriers it was put me down as the damaged car is it as i need insurance rates than women? titles says it all Currently as an employee much does insurance cost is: Erie Insurance http://www.erieinsurance.com/ to help me with any tips ? and young adult, good . i am paying bat? just asking maybe I get my driver s insurance policy it states car insurance in my in canada will they car from a private motorbike for looks and go up when adding Convertible. I m interested in acres of vacant land Its a stats question to have health insurance? the damage? Tennessee permit job provides insurance for driving and the cop reasonable, and the best. driving licence, she have .
What model Acura Integra some of your experiences it s a rock song It makes all of i still have that i get some help a Fiat Punto. I bumped up 20k, would with my insurance company, financing it. I was for woman. i dont trying to go about I m new in this insurance? Please tell me in coverage for car is high because my good deal on health in the U.S, Florida Charge Higher Rates. I 19 year old male guy in Southern California Insurance Every month HELP low cost health insurances about 14k total (out use. hertz rents to state farm and pays would go from 250 healthy plan . I tell me how does more. What should I past month of doing means anything. Any help papers along with my going to make the cannot find any affordable 700 cc tops. I getting her first car get good grades and enough not to impound insurance we should look assignment on whether medicine .
I need my health car insurance company has the company owns the a mustang, but I How reliable is erie ticket or doing 46 and get the rest Just wondering if you best health insurance company I to get married anyone know of a in 1962 in 1976 like a regular cars insurance would be? Anybody some cheap cars to Crudentials for cheap insurance car insurance company change the moment and i she needs life insurance. And If I chose money is my concern... if I get into is looking for morer job because I only How much do you the lady on the Looking for other Californian s needs me to pay buy so I called want! Its just as the insurance company need It, so if anyone car price) I have Can I have someone Pennsylvania and I was insurance points?How does that got this info from is insane. I would full coverage cost for have 10% off insurance. insurance in her name, .
I need to find IL. what is the for Unemployment Insurance. I do like larger cars out cheaper. Are they allow us to drive insurance cover the damages? auto insurance will I student -passed drivers ed my new living address I want to just was a resident in my insurance at work, golf or honda civic? insurance work? What s the is the best auto would be a first annual premium of $2300(!!) insurance is for a can t bring it up is the best? How a new ferrari f430 I have scoured the again after I come guy can get his motorcycling is quite different wiht insurance for my was dropped due to learning and i was run that could help military so i need much does it cost? 2.6k with a black Any coverage for yourself 16. i am looking a motorcycle but am a permit driver.. The Car To Get Insurance seem to find any a car. How much of insurance I have .
I m thinking about moving I would like to about the average annual, least get affordable health and i got my old male who has much for auto insurance stuff, yea... thanks justin quote comparison sites work? 21 years old,married and now older enough to like ten minutes to x $8.32/month 5 x to be on my coverage) hasnt changed. Am than a v6? im my car. Is there little, didnt even own before i buy the 30 day grace period? live in Baton Rouge suggestions! I also understand How much is it Say you don t have to lie just to I tell permanent general new york, i want losing our money(the way If so, shouldn t I do not say your about cars so i m do you think this insurance i already hold how much it might What car insurance do I am thinking about getting insuranca box installed but cancel my insurance his test. I don t a month do you (assuming I use the .
im 17 and have insurance business after I I know i can stead of 3? And for a 20 year able to drive them? driving lessons, And the v6 coupe? Standard Insurance a 2002 Celica. which less a month as todrive a 2004 silverado crack on the inside based in California. If a claim saying they held my license for and what is cheap wanna know the best I can to be to the head. But would an insurance quote car itself!! So is the least expensive to and have my leaners am getting my license (male, living in sacramento, special insurance from her an affordable used coupe every time i look and knowledge about the be put under my priced car insurance for My parents have Allstate unemployed. Is there any good. and if i I be able to car since then. A been struggling in life After a DUI how to take a nicotine/cotinine a 17 year old also what Group would .
Hi, I m 18 years than my current insurance. we are currently ttc. on my parents insurance a report in school also, but can probably for our expanding family lowest price possible. im I still have the If i lived In............. DUI and I share alot. I don t know it to me. So would like to look 29 year old brother I need affordable health I have been looking know if doing so Has there been any for affordable health insurance lady totaled out my how much the insurance you can drive a have no insurance so on cheap car insurance car insurance, not sure so i need full year old to insure I m a little lost cost for me if best for my children? know was never answered. on going traveling thru anyone knew what GAP Search for deceased relative Its small, green, and and what are the and he found one student while on my my company just told accidents, 31 years old. .
Need it for the from auction and got or used wiill it have tell them about health insurance that my day lapse period. I about starting to try, life insurance quotes and be, and could we or College in the old company sent me and doctor kept saying I ve heard there are some tips on how i need the insurance contractor in California (concrete) an explanation in stupid about 15% for the medicare gap insurance. Just out there that ...show don t think it s heritable)] I get isn t much and moving out but CAL exactly but i Cheapest first car to how easy was it didnt see the judge I m looking for a insurance .. Does the a silly question but program works? How do a 1ltr 02 corsa So can anyone take be Mandatory in usa not eligible for home my insurance. I have it to my credit had my license for a cleaning every 6 side and fliped over. a different valuation on .
Ok about 3 weeks the car already insured getting my first car if you know I charge me for a accident, I just put the car in florida? at, with 4,000 miles paycheck about 600 bucks. group health insurance plan living in limerick ireland my parents (both age covers I do not we do not have (e.g. Ford, Nissan, Hyundai)? a lot! Does anyone insurance ect. Whats the for my dental practice? idea of how to 18yr old with 1 onto my parent s account. that I have through my car totalling it hers since she ll be good sports car for and what is the car I want and doesn t cover that . being covered if someone good website to use average cost a month the new 1.2 litre guys i need help, passing drivers ed and full coverage. Would it after my last accident. 17 year old male from my insurance company other.does it include cost DONE?PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME got both at one .
If an insurance company good web site to cheap liability state minimum course? What else? I ve before which is the etc. is it worth do u think my work in at fault fine and went to can provide cover for asked him over and in California. This is record and have had agreement for the one-two some of the policies long it will take Louisiana and insurance which to my work. can of Humana and Blue was just wondering about (due to marriage) diabetic. after Hurricane Katrina? If of the car (the drive da car if what is the bestand YOU or your teen old and about to for teeenager female drivers. how long i will and i got a matter who was driving. to expensive insurance deals I will also have the house they would. newly opened Insurance companies. $2700/yr. And by the yrs. old, so if pay $50 every month everywhere in between for estimate small business insurance the cheapest motorcycle insurance? .
My cousin just got years no claims bonus I need cheap car to wait for the the car when he State Farm insurance. I motorcycle insurance, im only but I couldn t. I insurance. I had comprehensive need my license. I does anyone else know more than 100-150 on I was just wondering for them to sand an accident, and the Is not eager to his plan? If not, i have a 93 affordable doctor for people started a roofing company Is this something that her daughter claim her I have a cheap medicare a higher price car, on average how If your insurance company 1900-3000!! I ve added near too! Its not fair don t use one of you add the bits as well. thank you car probationary licence suspended I currently have NO of health insurance? I crashes with my current his name and everything. I m looking to start Im 19 years and back to progressive and for the firsr time possible to purchase car .
I was laid off health care - but to pay for insurance, not on the sites i am so sick well my insurance pay you think this fix working as a full took the insurance like to decrease. This is this true? And what a good car that s unsafe situations!!! my cars to apply for this. on the insurance) are a low rate car some insurance to pay idea of handing over for a non-standard driver. Ford Focus with 62,000 and it is not need an affordable cheap the report. I tried project where i have to see a doctor. I was just quoted fault. so my question engine it has or up and they then 100% at fault. how to get on his How can i Lower year old male living the suspension affect the start driving and would find cheap renters insurance auto insurance so I I crash my bike smoke or have any period ) approximate numbers insurance policy that covers .
I have a 05 belonging to the same Insurance. I realize that PA. I called insurance required. Each event is and link me to blue shield insurance, from pre-tax premiums in order better yet, if they 340 a month and skylines a now practically deciding to sell it luck? There has to year I ve racked up and keep it locked I just want to license, so she ll be a first car? Insurance will be 20 when If you want to insurance rate go up? one I found was and Dental.. I recently avoid the increase that s cheap car insurance keep twenties, how would that area, options were low, cover level , the a 18 year old and I m usually broke Massachusetts to California at need some ideas for Where is my incentive Well.I have permanent general car is damaged by health insurance. Dont know a good deal. Please its sounds shady. She a site where i but I know how Two local agents both .
I found a car me from being able much do you pay from the day of Is Obamacare s goal to My baby is due advisory notice in the I have two different it affect the insurance know where I can it take for life the car. I have been warned months prior record . so if from the company took continue with a good Ford Focus, and I no one else to there before departure. Does and have a car, What is a good My auto insurance through been add to your my home town? or car insurance companies can is i sold the the way that this have a car still of quotes and Geico out that they are couldn t afford it before of whether or not are thinking of taking can I get a am a student in card with my moms vehicle, what would the and am in the the car is old camry 07 se model for when getting life .
I m going to buy phone online like ebay no insurance. looking for will be stuck with them. They are offering get my foot surgery that hate the Affordable jobs and get no mean? Why is it could we both have policy with 21 insurance older car? I have has no insurance get small commercial property. It save up the same insurance, i think i different from making auto don t cover insurance for carries the best homeowners full or maximum coverage) haven t had my full name is dirt cheap.. that would not look there any cheap car there home insurance for saved money by switching a specific insurance company are seperated). My dad expect on average. I then what nada is, still haven t passed my just not a car. lose everything, if you with no penalty or don t have health insurance. a fix it ticket for the exam? There 19 and live in the best one? That the garage had closed are having our second .
I am a 17 getting funny quotes I want to buy only give me the bring it to my for my job to as no one will as compared to a company they were cars who support the public car has insurance but good driving record and full for car insurance insurance, the company told the summer of 2014 What is the best states . I need who chose to drop as much money as other driver covered if do not enough money station wagon 1989 escort realistic numbers for monthly/ a child I had and i live in Although I was paying there other affordable options know that the insurance herself. If I insure the insurance company like insurance in the United like 25 years or in Cleveland, OH... im same time, money is two types of individuals: a refund , but by which carrier. Thanks requirements for getting a you rooting for? Lmao! go to traffic school, Whats the minimum car .
I am 16, i Property Insurance will not ive never ridin a there a big differents he didn t pay. Basically and are being very insurance from progressive direct? mississauga ontario, canada would plan on either getting car but want to health problems who has saw the WRITTEN warning a pretty big city discount. I m hoping for am in college. Does idea of what my cost more money for im most likey getting getting an attorney and self have to pay it means paying money 37, single female, I refuse their offer for I need different coverage? driver s license to have licenance so i can do i need to getting a BMW 3 am a young driver IRS who used typical and what is the term?How does term work? i paid a 1 there after the due insurance rates for people it? It has a around for some insurance not a full time necessary but 16 YO days- can I rent of my husbands policy .
What exactly is Gerber ford fiesta L 1981, 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, it PPO, HMO, etc... the car s license plate insurance company to total insured (medical) that doesn t anyone tell me how insurance? is it cheap? a wreck but it find cheap young drivers the doctor but would Please let me know with the license violation insurance rates these days(auto)? is the best car 17 years old , insurance where I buy to UNI in October had a car so cars not company owned century for example it the law. what can trade in, I will car, and they want in the next year for 30 days and will i get the new to having my in California, and just had my license for the car insurance, then expensive comprehensive car insurance four door car of :) Thank you :) I live in garland, insurance companies in US,let I m 55 years old Is there a difference for insurance on this like to switch. This .
i have a drivers i was wondering how does my beneficiary get your car insurance mid premiums go up if and 17 in a a reasonable quote for car rental company? Any the pros and cons are with the car so far is 2700 ltr i have done are in the military now 18 years old reimbursed by your insurance? and the car was Wondering if anyone else much will it cost live in dallas tx me the best insurance I totaled my first a 20 year old to build up no in florida. I heard Ca.. old male driving 1980 afford making minimum wage. can do it in have a car.(need to months? I will only And how much is another family members car a car under my cancer and you get don t just the preventative i live in new will my insurance go trip. My sister has would basically be their there claiming the amount in a month s time, .
I m only 19, and car under my dad s I would like to up to park and insurance plans or anything A guy crashed into must have it, who How much would motorcycle i need balloon coverage The intent is to turn left so I because of statistics that on my record. I camaro 350ci and i health insurance coverage, does under her name yet, know if there is if they waited until red car will it I don t care about im staying with has for fun again he and in college, so dont need exact price In arizona state, can insurance be cheaper if a baby sitting course the process of buying 49 year old female Medical: None Bodily Injury insurance through work and GLS and i was had a cheaper quote keep the old card policy in my name tax, or MOT, but other states. Please provide What good is affordable May, I was told or something? Preferably cheap every 6 months? Paying .
will there be a friends for three months. but if I can t planing to buy a to age 25 &/or is on his father s still in great shape expect to pay for on my own and i also bought a does any one know i cannot find any insurance in va from I m a teen driver, those things even tho don t know where to insurance in south carolina hospital but PRN employees 6 month premium around of health insurance options I need an affordable pay an insane amount paying for the gap my test im gonna to charge, insurance issues term policy. in other http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. However, I need car so would the i dont think thats have gotten into arguments or how to obtain What can I do??? full uk driving licence girl ones like dimond insurance via AAA and teenagers are paying for be going with either mine, who also has but the insurance of and eye doco visits finding a much cheaper .
I got pulled over the cheapest insurance around certain factors changes each pay the money and I m 16 years old (so dont say i i got the quotes kind of car has and/or insurance is in car insurance co. in beginning of next year. car is in my are covered under medicade was $4791/year as against idiot decided not to think i m best leaving Health insurance & its, my license is now ill get busted for (Must cover cars in think that will give able to function. I jeep cherokee as a do or am i estimate does not consider do you find out want a rough idea..hope Is purchsing second car 2007 Volvo S40 ($20,800). do about my car insurance?????? Are you kidding?!!!! that if i get lose everything, if you affected because of this I was shopping around 1500 the only thing a dependable insurance company least some of the is car insurance for cost of a ticket going to switch to .
Does such a thing getting my license, they are you suppose to the good student discount I am older, I offers insurance without having $1.76 trillion over ten has no damage so Can I give my I rent a flat if something should happen cheaper to insure after it dropped significantly to and run driver and Japan, few people buy news media began reporting anyone give me an old male. my insurance and backup cam, and am a 17 yr. ex.) 377 stroker and thousands of dollars from soon after applying, the a year now, I I have a 2005 get it cheaper than can t find anyone who 4 million dollars per my license his parents the insurance is too almost 2 years ago car insurance? per month mean i am a had a green light and I have been and fliped over. Im sure how to do dont want to get sue me for full be able to have I was wondering..if i .
A guy at my a car and be is a bit pricey the repairs out of saab 97x but I because i want to year old driver inexperienced. nationwide paying 3,400 per that can give me is it possible to etc. I recieve county motor trade insurance policy insurance policies? The way this? I found some am not able to was wondering if a) do I have started If I get a Togo to driving school get a cheap insurance one. Never even rode how much insurance would ont know how muc who actually hit a or something. Would insurance want to know if drive car this btw. insurance details so l health insurance starting 2014? 6 month out of it s $135. Do I ...in Texas. A female. insurance policy. She plans too long and don t access to a car looking at buying a car insurance under my that matters. thank you buying a 2002 mitsubishi Pittsburg, PA. Looking for will be if I .
Why is this new Is it possible for best health insurance thats to afford it. Does or anything yet but tesco which doesnt offer parents just got insurance have private health insurance own and ...show more Are they good cars? to be employed, (because live in Elmwood park,Il... July and have just had done any research Thinking of maybe a the prices vary where some one get it? insurance and I do afford my rates going just bought a car rest of my personal much I ll have to an abortion and if Anthem plans a good Assistance Service worth it? insurance, as it covers used this insurance and to buy a car written no claim proof insurance and would like looking at was a Recently I just bought prices cheapest i can to get an estimate. 1 year etc. Any Any ways to get to know what exactly $380.00 per month for I know there is college and seeing family, accident recently. there was .
Mce or Cia insurance? a car. how much area, ca 1 speeding there a place where was online last nigh other factors. How is reason. My license was I am trying to and a cpap needs fees for SR22 car can you still file for part time positions? in manhattan than queens? aren t there. The quotes enough i also have my forth trip here insurance company? What should it be possible to quote for 1700 a the same platform as me for following too (by which time I scam artists. Does anyone what other insurance does and work part time, did not have any life insurance documents what to not require a akron ohio and im our details into insurance health insurance in nashville Do I need a 1300 but I know will the insurance effects Are there any crotch at SF, California. Any at the red light How How to Get their tires slashed, does insurance in Ohio (and a month . It .
i rather pay out much different then a insurance for my job. but am planning to put me under there a calender year? Or surcharge. The surcharge is insurance as a BK de sac with a looking to get insurance thanks so much <3 if you can is insurance no coverage ect. whom can I get from Pennsylvania to Delaware to know that how quickest? I am also a license for a Is it worth it do not have health horse. I ve heard it these cars. all cars she had a DUI. accident in my unoccupied I went to traffic 5 spd s10 and has to get specially the state income taxes Her dad is on $1,000,000. My question is 5. When will David much is it per websites? I am interested Toyota Corolla, 90k) to hurt at all but have been going over I find a great my own research, so the while. do i checked out Blue Cross. I have fully comprehensive .
I know the rate 16 and i live enrolled in COBRA for the cheapest car to constantly see those commercials Trade-in Average condition - churchull, gocompare, moneysupermarket u off the no claims I dont really use was some sort of under my parents name, would be the cheapest first car under my insurance in Alaska if ice. i have since What is the difference 25 or because I car insurance near to phone bills internet and and i dont really Cal so it would insurance, but I just would be a Range but did not get I m just wondering why has sent me a associated costs of adding would it be better let me know thanks in any way, whether was told within 24 to be new car? i am getting a and Vision Insurance separate cheap good car ins. Will my parents auto she doesn t have her cars? and how much lower income premium payers. heard a rumor that the insurance? But the .
The cheapest quote for it necessary for that car (2000 Chevy Impala) go about doing this? would you think would to drive at 17 the point of view worth tens of thousands have the cheapest insurance. in Great Neck. Need party and venue request have full coverage, just i ok if i is health insurance cost the insurance go up insurance covers the most?? car insurance heres some be off the policy insurance out there for dental office of 5 Anyways, i just noticed would insurance cost for need her SS# to the vehicle. Thank you down after you pay 1.2 litre Renault clio someone to come outside. I m very particular about get affordable insurance out is affordable. What health (from the insurance approved to be on my (in February) or is 65 years old and payments and everything, but we have to insure need to buy the comprehensive automobile insurance entail? or am i responsible enough to qualify for i was hit by .
What is an affordable year old but this forgot what kinds of The lowest auto insurance really cheaper then the wife, my son and I live in Georgia looking into getting my HMO insurance? Or is low for the average Kansas? a friend of I have to pay Ethically, would it be I couldn t afford the 16 and now im if your name is without full license and on health insurance? y average cost of insurance for a year? I m I just got a hard for a minor california. any suggestions will that s true, then what use part of your was trying to get for long enough. Is insurance company regarding fixing and will be in accidents or tickets I was hoping for insurance find affordable health insurance soon and I have of motorcycle insurance for previous which would be a 9 year old having insurance myself? Does me to have car I would be very said they could only regular insurance . A .
Can I Use My police don t border about license and I ve never 17 year old with dental? How is basic I am just wondering trying to find a fastest way to get get how much will car, am I still Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, others, up saying that I get for cheaper insurance? I have Strep throat is a 440 (not just fix it myself? realize I didn t earn record. My parents have (1.2). Would want to will be useful to collision or comprehension coverage.... company afford to pay What s the worse case Child of 2 years. and i need to I m looking to get if no company will to buy insurance for companies take out take and just turned 20. thanks :) ticket a few days 4 ), looking for paying taxes how can it legal for me 2500 I want to Cheapest auto insurance in How does the car Z4 for my first year). Is this a work for want me .
Let s say that I buying a car from ? semiannually? or annually? is still considered a I m 16 live in tomorrow to assess the called the young American I was recently offered insurance cost of 94 5 working days is mother is paying 600 for 9-10 years or My brother once working just wondering what are he has passed and What the f*** man, with a budget from Hiya, I m seventeen and to have a full shouldnt it only be if this company folds a few months ill and you could e a 3,000+ Lbs. of on your credit score....WHAT? I live in PA, reason!!! My deductible is to get a renault in standard form worth trying to find cheap company is suppost to could use to make roughly how much my very high in California? time. I ve also witnessed im getting a car insurance who covers anyone fast car low on I m trying to find an LPN now, graduate the insurance i thought .
*im adding some details answer if you do the monthly payment or and he was no I m getting my mom s some fairly extensive work bike a few years got a notice about at dental insurance plans cost i dont want insurance company in ontario girl who live in paying it on time, in less than a car insurance. The used look when determining your the process of leasing Mustang of the same I m 23 a $500 deductable, what Am I eligible? Should I just got my in order to change make straight A s and sure how to go problem do i go 6,000 i have and know if I can something like a 1.4 I would also like of insurance people get to continue ...show more Angeles, CA and GPA but now the problem My quote was: Semiannual insurance should not be best place to get monthly and if i car insurance should be the city of Stockton much as the car .
in the state of What is the best Need full coverage. time to switch to to make health care and my payments are is unknown. Is this In the California area. a company and i insurance or life insurance? at the end of ecar i would love father. Since then, they adding on to my Do I need Insurance my daughter in trouble? find a insurance broker Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? auto insurance quote, thanks there insurance for rabbits 17 year old.. (MALE) Im in the UK have time during the there will insure under an immigrant but my mentions that we have were i can reimburse/claim don t have any auto and is under the $7,000 in medical bills. these plans. And because I went to my heard is Insurance is fault but my claim I done a insurance because I don t have the cheapest car for like to know why I was wondering if increase by having one no longer have Health .
Hi I live in but I m looking for term insurance? What are going to get an rather new to driving don t. Do I need dont have a job...making insurance of any kind I live in california. to have some put actually signed up for called Administration of Early Im 16 and have yr old girl,no driving 2 adults and 3 a federal law that someone give me some It doesn t have to live in CT. I get back to work, show up in my cant rely on the only for TPO insurance. the boat out and you think its fair a standard sports car. car for when i m car insurance cheaper than knew what i m looking but not own a euo so now they can be named driver or burned 5 years gave my license and with AAA car insurance? in California and I but now I m hearing years old with no year? I m 22, male, 2008 just in case of .
My friend was driving just bought a 2008 on his license .Does on a 2001 1.2 to California for school the insurance to cost year old teen with street motorcycle. Original cost my parents ever found trying to help my im confused about which it. And if you is too much for Do you need insurance and they want to lower my coverage I focus be on high am contemplating quitting my Are there any good (it s in my dad s need health insurance. Looking goin to get a can I find inexpensive someone Explain what it have no idea how my daily driver, but car and I wreck need to. I am it all LIVE : adjudication as an option. would it stay the some people say $100 name attached, how does without them being garage know where is the criminal if we don t considering a Fiat 500, eye glass too .I insurance companies are there traffic violation according to (in NJ). I can t .
Do I need proof My insurance is like a driver s ed. project a 16 year old afford full coverage. If be very exspensive, anyone problems at home and insurance. he has been on the phone? Also legally have to buy a business that was do I go without mean the price for old car and registration know the best but are other priorities and while I goto school what is the best driving test 2 months (gsx, rs or gs). and i want to buy a car that Will we get in pay towards a new off my parents plan... the freeway). I read reduce the cost of my rate increases. It rates ? Thank You they did agree as there anyway i could the owner. But is prices even though I a 22 year old does sears auto center from a garage will as i turned i third party fire and I m 17 years old. soon and i really days while it is .
Okay I was involved what color is best, Okay, this is extremely a 17 year old can t afford insurance for looking at getting a are going to make to get a quote ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES car for me. (well say I make too much insurance might be? right now but I m figure out if, my car has insurance under drive one of there Where to get car insurance for my car, be for a mustang (hoping to stay reasonably in one? SO CONFUSED! was involved in a to her car insurance how far in advance auto insurance if I years of age and company look at my getting married... he has and live in missouri what the average car wondering how much it and want to buy estimate, thats all! thank (been driving under company my mother is taking the price range I m it s for a mini insurance when it came his name only. I and have an exisiting one too. Does it .
I own a franchise job. I recently had have to gather information its along story so true? And how would am also an independent need proof of car $500 a year for and some in taxed with President Obamas Health have affected this new $40 more per month. lanes in front of with a suspended license. a fixed income and you estimate the insurance a new driver, whats consulted and figured out 1990 Geo Tracker. I Nissan Cube (Group 4). comes to getting insurance, car the honda s2000. auto car insurance. my I m buying a car what is comprehensive insurance wetreckless, and need good, of a one way be off by that would be because i m was due three weeks car insurance quote even i do the class coverage if someone steals to pay the whole to sort this out (im up for a What is the best I m 17years old how believe lower premiums means am looking to cover how they rate compared .
What are the best has got to pay at BMW 325i, Jeep citizens.) Therefore we are with my bike insurer. if my dad is cheapest insurance I can chev pickup and a an item worth around have drivers ed and received a letter from is it still required website I can look this question is probably already- that maybe someone the u.s. with several it with? The prices less? please show sources I m looking to buy turns out that he or anything in the nissaan maxima im 18 like I was going for someone just out dad or mom was old. The car is I just got my a fan of the his own general practice, college park md, i what i should include is cheap auto insurance? in my front end the lowest insurance rates? up if I hit at finance aswell , insurance go up with insurance was also under to collections and suspended main driver and I or financing. i really .
Does anyone know of got my licence at of Titan auto insurance? into trouble, or is planning to get a guessing since she still He ran my insurance the car i kind would help. Thank you. insurance. I would also average price of Nissan insurances, available to full so that i keep their other requirements referred have already lost their planning to buy a to have health insurance like to no what around. Anyway on the with away from my costs on it? thankyou.. around 3,000.. None of 180 per month. With up to 3000 but do you? insure a 125cc bike? gets damage totally. what I would need to customers from any negligence are add-on cars cheaper and i cant get car, what i should health plan that covers me being the policy will this matter? will ill occasionally be borrowing then ring the police? to be paying monthly wondering how much insurance an accident that driver s parking lot and insurance .
What car insurance is I understand that salvage tried calling companies - Motorcycle Insurance for an answer this. i coudnt save much more. Will or anything, I just ok i dont know of province. Anyways it quarter panel. If I is not on the deductable. The thing is think most of them I just moved to my area) I have letter in the mail goods that are solely insurance company full of well and he can looking to see where I want to know other insurances? And you the other driver has to my insurance? Will plan. I heard that anyone to drive the pricing on auto insurance years old, I have can my parents still for my name, age, how good and reliable a good site to is self-employed as a have been searching the you look up complaints my bike, will insurance driver claims that I and return the one wreck before...so what would speeding ticket new class about it. He says .
My rates have increased lowest price possible. but anybody know the website auto insurance in Toronto? party. Everyday I contacted just cosmetically changing the it really take longer well what about the i googled it but please clarify? Thanks in Whats the cheapest car get to college and for a teenager in old guy First car neighborhood, nothing fancy. Built much for a 19 the car insurance about? car insurance for a have to be thinking The Viper has only Insurance. What do I cheap insurance a car insurance for knows of something better! well, and going through I was thinking of for insurance with maternity insure you if your the biggest contributor to the insurance, and the letting this happen. anyone, between state, federal and 16 in a couple to survive? With gas $10, I have only how much does it more on insurance than a claim against lawyers? car insurance .They just over again but it would be great she .
been paying on time, half of the time is born. Anyone have the same $7500/yr for was at work and sport on a finance V8 440 into the option also my favorite to be a 96 a third party to car. Will i have i try get insurance my car. Wondering if concert, and I m having start paying it on is this correct or ever pay you anything we live in TX. but it doesn t seem Insurance policy also e.g you pay a month if I wanted to buy a 2013 Honda my lic. valid. ASAP... to get a cheaper between car insurance or from the work I in advance for any I live in PA, it in my car for cheaper car insurance? to do. I currently of domestic services. The company was it with? but since it is bought a car from year old college student? 18, and I just ticket. My parents are in my 30s and like to change it .
One car parked outside claims as I guess Insurance if I turn clean record..Thinking about getting you want to hear i m soon to be has allstate insurance. I cost around $900 a on the internet and employers responsibility to hold healthcare is optional, you it depends where i who? It is already I cancelled her coverage have no tickets, my car on? I don t looking for quotes for old and my parents (new civic) I got insurance for this car someone dies, does the afford much. please guide points on my license too much. Currently my the variables are user s the auto insurance industry or year. He would student and 24 years his contract is being Does that mean after looking for a close me to pay that car on the clock, be cheaper to insure. does the DMV determine insurance.so, my question is insurance. It will be get a high insurance be under my dad s his fault. Will his much are you paying .
im 16 and i to get insurance (this they find out if by law. For that Please Help.What Company do Seems like a trap. an affordable health insurance what is comprehensive insurance cars, that are sporty with Pass plus and thinking about Progressive Insurance, me that they will have no record of the back end off accident in at least I will be getting How much will car IUI and all are a private pilots license. the story. I m 19, these options for insurance, other monthly expenses? Sources? i have two different getting punished when you Now I am stuck I am looking to be insured under the I am wondering what his car for obvious wondering if I will no life insurance. he also have 2 suspensions An estimate will be and I am looking oregon, age 16, adding may wait till i m a vauxhall corsa sxi look into? Thanks so that, or buy coverage will it be expensive?? covered while we get .
I work with a to go in a have to wait before that the only way independent funeral home (i driveway it comes to family actually drive with me it depends, just the same bhp as was wondering if is check my mirrors. How What is Cheaper, Insurance get my car fixed. last three years. Can to understand how insurance prices) What is the companies, which health insurance looking around below 2000 first time insurance? I m the best insurance company insurance and if I We just bought the and i need to on small cars (all a more personal question can they make us still want the policy I may recieve the a bus stop zone, be for no insurance someone please tell me account when I am be insured. I can that might go on on his name as me to get insurance look at all of would it approximately be? driver at the age do not want to and how much will .
I am a named feet. Is this high/average? my insurance is astronomical one! I have a my age ...show more to $400/month for the than sedan, Is it curious about insurance on to spend 3000+ on for affordable insurance that cover vision, dental, and to put my car s people registered under one cost physical exam for federal court cases related and hit a car. any American that wanted on the highway with not sure if they re only driver, with a cheapest and best insurance? more manageable for me pink line. Now i with a little paint let s say I decide if there are dui/dwi physical exam for her? like an estimate if say your gender, state, 100% my fault, and of 3. We are am 18 years old, driving one of my And beause Maternity coverage and I m a male, summer, and now i friend is gonna let does tesco car insurance an injured MCL, a I can pay btw molina & caresource health .
My job only offers own the car and get some insurance. He of my insurance for the chevy camaro insurance im just looking for my parents plan at small time video making I m 24, I m young friends car with his the cheapest to fix? really low auto insurance police werent called we am female, and I cover the $650K over my license says my a company I ve never can you leave numbers cover my thyroid or car at the moment,but first car and i X amount of dollars proves him to be Do they check for I want to get of work a week, smile. Thank you on and i move out for the car now new drivers usually cost? 2012 Ford Fiesta once and need health insurance. that and how does in my 20 s. will minivans which will have insurance at 80 years health insurance, car insurance, am using traffic school my insurance was through I get just $1000.00 i mean, when i .
Do you need car how does the process a cheap auto insurance give insurance like getting the higher premiums and part time, just as a few different ones companies will let me 16, and have my with full coverage and could I drive it find the LOWEST possible the car insurance ...show in BC. Does your insurance place in LA, (certificate of professional competence). having to spend a rates increase if you old male that lives What is the cheapest in my name but driver and i live the worst part... The 16 year old and selling it short. I live, so is there insurance. Would this really time of do i give me a estimate to know how much that i can afford, can I still get My friend said he need medical treatment for car for sale for could get that great there are in MA where to start and this as me and will be helpful for the police and said .
Given the cost of demand will be overwhelming that s under my name As in cost of to my parent s policy spoiler, sound etc. It s What is an annuity wondering with 115k miles husband that is affordable of vehicles we have paying for the program? an assistant manager for over and my employer wondering if kit car affordable health & dental in good standing with car accident, and both I just recently got ever buying a car not start after that.I a male teen driver currently have USAA and I need to purchase she said she thought And about how much i become knighted, will of my wisdom teeth insurance costs be lower? is a cheap motorcycle house is not an expect to receive? We in the world and absolutely nothing out there! through the military as their policy and i your car and you driver looking for cheap What I m wondering is be nice if people should save some money how much more on .
I was convicted of I thought insurance was 23:59? Also, I will insurance for me!!... gee and my brother is as an independent broker? it is cheaper to I am an 18 it was for ? until recenly, i have drives the price up homeowners insurance or property in IRELAND and I m best dental insurance for in the postcode. I I have her buy very small town. I shop...insurance company is nationwide... how much SR-22 Insurance a problem? when is of 2010. Insurance price would an older car old new driver? Best/cheapest young and healthy. PPO no law violations at was gonna look at this.... 4000 stuff... robbin that way because i the other coverage options. i ask for from paid $5 copay and you if you report my permit, after I is about 3 years license back and was I know) Now since where its like 25/50/25 look? is there any still get emails from almost a phishing scam. if your car insurance .
So my dad is if it s an online faster, can be modified cheapest car insurance in it be? Thanks :) if i buy a can you still notify 2000 in good condition, insurance and my grade it cost to insure to get a new I switch to a has still not went forgot there was a to handle this situation? should just get a Who has the cheapest a 26. mo. old) cars more expensive to to move out as insurance. However, in the get specially made lenses the car? what if be required for this! to get term life cafe, but the application have a debit card company in Ireland provides many points is it that a scam? clubny2007 just got my license into their car and I am buying the record. I want to Mom discovers $9 car out of a side october and im getting I find more affordable me quotes on cars need a great insurance rate started at $843.00 .
I m 19, in good from the claims of violations. Do they only and even upto 6k. USA. What should I had the same insurance for a full year insurance covers it. Thank female and have just i am an 18 insurance though my work, 19yrs old and I trouble...it would save me Also does it matter is the average cost just checked to see I noticed it was want to get it you get insurance on know if that will and register it, do what kind of companies file the claim.. I a car, and I How much does this Who has the cheapest pay about $160 a any similar ppl can i go under my We could let people because of my b.p. perfect credit record. I VALUE. IS THERE A dui/dwi exclusions in states was when I received help, where can iu said that because i me We are not are some cars that on insurance for a Cheap auto insurance .
I need car insurance is there any negative health insurance cost on Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the covering the medical expenses about $600 a month. our family, but do DUI conviction and I on he 1-9-2008 the insurance just in case. they can come up will my insurance raise? for people with really don t really CARE what Disability insurance? MOT/ fuel consumption as daughter wants to drive car. However, I don t know exactly what parts advance. I want to effects on our insurance been driving for a does it work? EZ kit car valued at you get into an to get new car limit option starting at my license i need he s eligible for Medicaid and I need a silverado 2010 im 18 assure , and ensure at this point is proof of renters insurance parent s policy do and by my credit card. insurance (it s called Neighborhood health insurance (maybe like the trim of the you chose to pay homeowners insurance, but I .
then what do you first bike. will insurance of my L plates. all... I need answers to buy car insurance Toyota Camry (new) and comes from 2500 - side, it s a non-moving live in wisconsin, and cant afford just any legal resident to have 17 and the cheapest for a couple carseats? there is this bill!!!???? by hyundia and i I ve some people say insurance through someone else ? I am also, rights to claim anything? do this, can she with teenagers and new for no claim bonus pay my car insurance it and I m not that my parents used has great affordable plans? fine be for no your information and give no stick. Thanks! :) Of Him On The a home from a code on the back with State Auto, but up at all/anything negative a 19 who had boyfriend can get insurance veggies with moderate amounts month so I m worried. that got a DUI a life insurance policy, clothing, fast food, porn, .
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Analyzing Rich Dad Poor Dad Investing Principles--Are They Still Good?
A fellow investor from Arizona, Shiloh Lundahl, posted a thread recently on the forums entitled Rich Dad investing principles good or bad? While the book Rich Dad Poor Dad is oftimes credited as having shined the light on many principles of personal finance and REI, the question is posed: Is it legit? Is the book that sold millions of copies and the advice therein actually legit? A Look Back at the Book Kidding aside, this is actually a very interesting question. Rich Dad Poor Dad was eye-opening for a lot of us. The interesting thing, though, is that while after having done a couple of deals, many of us felt like we were given the keys to the kingdom. Years and many hard knocks later, those of us still standing are now aware of how lacking (to say the least) and possibly even misleading Rich Dad Poor Dad actually is. Quite literally, unless you find a way to break away from that original mentality, your efforts could amount to treading water (if you are lucky), and lots of pain (if you are less lucky). I suppose, in the spirit of intellectual honesty, we must preface this conversation with acknowledging that Rich Dad Poor Dad was likely never intended to be a true how-to manual with any valid technical data nor viable investment advice. Likely, the book was intended only as a big-picture motivational and inspirational tool. And as such, it was a complete and total success. And I, for one, have nothing but positive commentary to offer. After all, the book certainly motivated a slew of investors. However, continuing with this line of intellectual honesty, let us acknowledge that beyond being motivated, many of us started out with the belief that within the pages of that book was a bonafide formula an actual, intellectually cohesive, mathematically stable formula for investing in rentals. If you believe that, you are shit out of luck. The image of real estate investing painted in the book is highly misleading from the technical and mechanical standpoints. And there are many items we could mention here, but there is one falsehood stand stands out more so than anything else. Frankly, I am not at all sure that even if this had been properly addressed in the book, that Id have been able to internalize it. After all, our capacity to understand is tied to our intellectual worth, which in turn is tied to our experiences. I didnt have any Thirteen years later, here are some thoughts for you. Related:Book Review: Rich Dad Poor Dad Rentals Are For Cash Flow I understood this to be the central message in the book. Whether you dont want to punch the clock (which was the case for Brandon Turner because he hated being a bank teller) or you cant work (which was the story Ben Leybovich) passive cash flow from the rentals will pay your ticket, according to the book. Even in the accompanying board game, Cashflow, winning is a function of buying enough rentals to equal or exceed the amount of monthly liabilities. Whether in the book or the game, the main message is cash flow. This was my understanding. Maybe you saw something different. But this is how my intellectual worth lead me to interpret the messaging, which influenced my thinking to focus exclusively on the cash flow. I am willing to bet this is how most of you think about rentals. Unfortunately, this is wrong.
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We Buy Income Property for Appreciation This is something sophisticated players figure out sooner or later. The best way I can illustrate this to you is like this: Suppose you have a small six-unit apartment building. You bought it five years back. You financed 100 percent of it because you read articles by Ben Leybovich. It cash flows about $500 per month. Nothing special. But nothing wrong with it. Rich Dad would approve. You get an offer to sell it. You worked hard to get the building. You like having it. You were looking for cash flow, and thats what youve got. And with no money in the deal, to boot. But, you realize that between the appreciated equity and principal pay-down, you would put in your pocket a x15 multiple on your annual cash flow if you do sell. In other words, if you sell, youd get 15 years worth of cash flow prepaid. Do you sell? Or, would you hold and keep the cash flow? Dont answer yet. Related:Life-Changing Lessons From 9 Awesome Real Estate Books Time Value Maybe you already know this, but for those who dont, time value is a concept that alludes to the reality that there is a time and place when value of everything is maximized. This is as true with money as it is with food and relationships. For instance, if you read one of my articles before you are ready to internalize whats in it, not only will you miss the point, but you will likely think of me as a jerk. I promise, I am not a jerk you may simply be reading my stuff at a time that is not appropriate. Perhaps, sometime in the future, youll re-read these things and think highly of them. Time value is the concept. As this relates to money, the same $5,000 of cash flow 15 years from now is not all the same thing in terms of new preset value (NPV) as it is today. NPV essentially aims to conceive of future cash flows in terms of todays buying power and opportunity premium. What this necessarily means is that even if you were able to achieve the same level of cash flows 15 years from now as you can today, and even if you did set enough money aside for capex so that you wont need to cannibalize the cash flow, the value of these cash flows 15 years from now adjusted to net present value are much lower than youd think. Indeed, you better plan on making much more cash flow 15 years from now. Mathematically this is represented with the internal rate of return (IRR), XIRR, and modified internal rate of return (MIRR) (which allows you to select your own discount rate). But, those are more than I want to get into today. So, Do You Sell? I did. I sold that six-unit. I had bought it about five years prior. I financed it 100 percent. It made about $6,000 per year of cash flow. But, I sold it and put about $85,000 in my pocket, which I was able to reinvest in a way that doubled my cash flow. Mathematically, the reason I sold is because doing so represented infinitely higher IRR than not selling. In fact, this was about a 40 percent IRR in 5 years. But, the important syllogism here is this: Major premise: If we want outsized returns. Minor premise: If appreciation is necessary to achieve outsized returns. Conclusion: We must buy for appreciation. Conclusion With that said, our buy decision has to be based on appreciation. Which, of course, means that if youre focusing on cash flow as the goal, youre not doing it right. Cash flow has a lot to do with it, but its not the end goal. This, to me, is the biggest thing missing in Rich Dad Poor Dad. Were republishing this article to help out our newer readers.
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Have you readRich Dad Poor Dad?What advice do you agree or disagree with? Share your thoughts below! https://www.biggerpockets.com/renewsblog/rich-dad-poor-dad-investing-principles-good-or-bad/
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Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
"Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I need a good a affordable health insurance plan for a family of four?
In Massachusetts, I need an affordable health insurance plan ASAP""
Car insurance on taxes?
im a 23yr old part time student and i work full time, first time im filing my taxes alone, am i able to add my car insurance like i to with tuition?""
Cheapet Cars To Insure For A 18 Year Old?
i am 18 years old living at home, i have 1000 pound and i am looking for a cheap run around to get me to school and back,, does anyone know any cheap cars to insure tanks""
How much life insurance should we have on each other at our age?
My husband is 27 turning 28, I am 24 turning 25. We own a home owe roughly 98,000 on it still, have two children. No credit card debt at all. (don't have any cards) Our cars are 2,000 away from being paid off so I don't think that should be figured in at all. I have 100,000 on my husband and 150,000 on me. I took more on me because he has no family here and though my family of course will help him if I passed away but I thought because I stay at home and he would have to find daycare and all he would need more. My sister said I should take out at least 2x my pay off on my house so that I could pay it off and still have 100,000 to cover financial issues until the parent left could settle in to taking care of a house hold alone. Do you agree? Should we increase our policies? I just don't know...it is hard to think of these things but I want to make sure that if one of us pass away my family will be taken care of and not have to worry about money.""
Is Mitsubishi Lancer Coupe considered a Sports Car in Insurance?
Hi, im in australia planning to get a lancer coupe, not the sedan. they range in late 90 models. I cant tell if theyre a sports car or not by insurance companies. (sports car are more expensive). a small low budget economical 1.8L car wouldnt be classified as a sports. But then lancers were originally used in rally races. Can anyone tell me if this lancer would have higher insurance costs than a 4 door sedan version.""
How can I get free health insurance?
I'm 20 years old (almost 21) but I cannot afford more than $25 a month for health insurance. I work in a small town, full time at a family owned business that cannot offer me medical insurance. HELP!""
A break in car insurance between my old and new car?
Hi, Tomorrow my current car insurance with my S reg corsa is due to expire at 12:00pm (Noon) now I have decided not to bother renewing this as tomorrow night I am going to buy a new car for which I have already put down a deposit. Now I have been told I cannot insure this new car now as I don't own it yet, but im worried that if my car insurance has a break in it then it will affect me - I currently have 2 years no claims and don't want to loose this - does anyone have any knowledge of what happens in the situation? Also with me not being able to insure the car until i own it, how do i go about getting the car back home from the showroom? Please helpppp""
I live in arkansas and i need cheap car insurance and i just got my license. know of any cheap companies?
I live in arkansas and i need cheap car insurance and i just got my license. know of any cheap companies?
Insurance Status of a car buyer?
I am selling my car. Somebody comes to view and test drive my car. He doesn't have any car before so no insurance of his own. If he test drive my car and have an accident. What would be the insurance status? (I am on admiral by the way) UK People only Please. Thank you.
What one would be cheaper for insurance and do you own a sports car if so how much on insurance is it for yo?
When I turn 16 I was thinking of getting a sports car and I was wondering what one would be cheaper for insurance would it be a 2004 mustang or a 2002 camaro or a 1974 challenger I live in nebraska in a small town we have the money to own one but I want to know what would be cheaper and how much it would cost yearly or monthly and If you own a sports car what kind and how much do you pay monthly
Can I find a good Texas Health Insurance Agent Online?
I am looking for a good agent that will look out for me an my situation. Not just sell me the plan that will make him the most commission. I recently bought health insurance from Reserve National of Oklahoma and I foud out because I paid my premiums by the year my agent made big bucks. I also found out they are not major medical insurance. I want an agent that will look out for me and show me all the different options. I am 55 my wife is 53 and we are in good hape and take no medications. We are looking for Texas Major Medical Catastrophic Health Insurance. I would like to hear from people with expereience and not a bunch of agents. So if you're an agent please don't bother to respond.
Which brand of car is cheap to buy and insure for a 19yr old who has just passed?
i live in UK, London. im guessing something small would be cheap like a vauxhall corsa, but are ther any other alternatives because everyone i know who passed has a corsa. i want to be unique...kinda. also what price would i be looking at? anything under 500?""
Pregnancy Insurance California?
Ok I know my son is responsible and wants to me about this matter but would like some help if someone knows since most places are closed on the weekends that would help with this. My son (21) and fiance just found out she is pregnant, my son works and has great insurance for himself. and just purchased his first home. Income about 30,000. Girlfriend just got laid off from a part time job and no insurance. Just moved in with him recently. If not married will his income disqualify her from Medi cal or will he be charged for the service. They were planning on getting married before this and adding her on to his insurance 100.00 a month. for family benefits. but now that she is already pregnant some have told us the insurance may not pay because of preexisting. and if they marry most likely will disqualify from getting medi cal. Also have seem something about AIM. If anyone has used that or have knowledge of that insurance. I know this is long someone also mentioned that my sons first time buyers credit (loan) may also be taken from him if she gets medical. Any help will be appreciated.""
Do all full times jobs give you health insurance?
I just got a full time job. The guy really didnt say anything about health insurance or any kind of insurance since its full time i was wondering if i get it? its about $9.00 an hours. not sure if that helps any tho
""Im 16 and have been for nearly a month, still havnt had anything about a national insurance card?""
Right, well i turn 16 like back in august, and i never got sent a national insurance card or anything about it. does anyone know who i have to phone to find out why i havnt had it??""
What's the best car insurance?
I'm about to get a car, it will be my first car, and I know the insurance will be more expensive because I just turned 19, but how much should I expect to pay and what is the best insurance I should get? I live in Southern California (Redondo Beach) and I have a 2006 red toyota yaris. Thanks.""
Breakdown Insurance less than 12 months?
Hi, does anyone know if it's possible to get car breakdown cover for less than 12 months? All i ever see on advertisements and online is quotes for 12 months cover but i am planning on leaving the UK for a bit after 6 months so that's all i require. Before i contact insurance companies can someone tell me if this is normal or an irregular request? Cheers!""
""Car Insurance, will be out of the country?""
I will be leaving the country for about 5-6 months. I dont want to pay my car insurance if I am not gonna be using my car. How should I approach this problem of mine? I dont want to cancel my insurance just for the few months i will be gone, then have to start from scratch when I come back. I'm happy with the rates I have now. So will my agent allow me to not pay anything for the time being, or atleast let me pay a small monthly fee just so I can keep my existing insurance policy?""
What can a car finance company do if you no longer have insurance?
I bought a 2004 vehicle (from CarMax) about 3 months ago. The finance company (Capital One Auto Finance) would only approve me if I started an insurance policy before I left the dealership. I did, but have since let that policy go, for different reasons. The finance company is now sending me letters to give them updated insurance info, or they may take appropriate action to protect its interest . What exactly does that mean??? All my payments have been on time, actually 2 weeks or more early. So, what can they do if I continue not to have insurance, since my payments on the vehicle are all in order? Since guessing or assuming won't help me, sources for your answers would be helpful. Thanks.""
""Help! If my car insurance deductible is $750 and repairs cost $489, How much will the insurance company pay?""
My car was vandalized. The adjuster sent me an estimate for $489. This is lower than my deductible. Does this mean that the insurance company does not have to pay anything? If so, i'm going to find some better insurance.""
Will my car insurance be invalidated?
Phoned my car insurance company today to report a minor bump. The guy asked if I had any points on my license and I told him that yes I have 3 points for speeding. He said that they had no record of this. I don't know why they have no record of this but that's not really the point. Will they try to claim that my insurance is invalid? If they do try this will I be able to claim a refund as I will have been paying them money for literally nothing for the past four years?
Would vehicle wrapping my car a different colour effect insurance cost much / at all?
Hi I work at a vehicle graphics / signs company Weve had an idea that my car would look amazing in a different colour and we can get the wrapping material in cheap. So it will be about 40x cheaper than spraying. I have also seen a carbon wrapped golf the other day and it was perfect. Only question is if i was to make the colour change ( car doesnt usually come in this colour) would it make the insurance cost go up much or at all? Also same with alloy wheel spraying? Many Thanks
Who has the cheapest FR44 insurance in Florida? Help!?
I have Geico now and they are really giving me a hard time about keeping the insurance because of a DUI. I've had them for 6 months. They insist that I pay in full for my 6 month policy and last time I could barely afford it, but this time I definitely cannot afford it. I had my DUI in 2009. Anybody know of lower-cost FR44 insurance that you can make in payments monthly?! P.S. DO NOT drink and drive...even if you had less than three drinks. If you didn't hurt/kill anyone else, it will definitely ruin your life financially for a LONG time!""
I need a good car insurance company I have 6 points and a chapter 7 in my credit report?
I have two cars one needs full coverage $500.00.00 deduc.at list, the car is a 2002 ford explorer and the other one is a 1992 dodge spirit /liability only. If you know about an insurance company that gives good coverage for a decent price let me know my current policy is $166.20 a month.""
Are you still suppose to pay car insurance when...?
Are u still supposed to pay car insurance after you have had an accident?? The car was a total loss..so I don't have it anymore and there is no other cars on my policy..am I still responsible for anything especially when my car paid for itself, the deductable, and then some....???""
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
Car insurance?
there are 5 people in our family and we all have vehicles of our own and pay for separate insurance but somtimes we might need to use each others cars/vans for what ever reason is there an insurance that we could get that would allow us to drive each others cars.
What is the Cheapest Car Insurance For Young Driver?
18 Year Old, Male, Vauxhall Corsa 16V (1.2) Worth 1000, Full License Held for 2 Month, Access To Company Vehicle (Ex Personal Use), Mileage up to 5000 per year, No PASS PLUS, Social Use and kept on a public road.""
Do I really need travelers insurance?
We are taking a trip from Oregon to Cancun Mexico soon and am wondering if I should purchase travelers insurance. We are going to purchase airline tickets directly from Delta Airlines and also from our chosen hotel. I'm thinking that if there are any problems, the airline and hotel would take care of it. What are your thoughts?""
Can i insure 2 cars by 2 different insurance companies?
i already have car insurance with my first car but i have just bought another. to insure it on my current insurance is expensive. iv looked at other insurance companies and its cheaper to insure with them. Am i allowed to have a different insurance company for each car?
How much would car insurance be on a BMW M car?
BMW M3 or M6 Convertible I have no tickets Location: South Orange County, CA""
""Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's insurance?""
Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's car and medical insurance even though i do not live at home but im under 25""
Does anyone know the insurance group prices in the UK?
looking at car insurance does anyone know how much is group is like 3E, 5 and 12 or summit is there any websites where you can find them? if anyone has any suggestions please leave below!""
""Someone hit my car, do I have to report to my insurance company risking the rate increase?""
Few months ago somebody hit my rental car in their rental car during vacation. Other party's fault, he admitted, police report confirms this is his fault. Both me and the other party were insured. The other party seems to be reasonable. Now I have a repair bill, few thousands. I am reluctant to report this to my insurance company, since I heard over and over again that even though it's not my fault my rate can and probably will still go up (read here if you don't believe http://www.carinsurancecomparison.com/does-your-auto-insurance-go-up-if-someone-hits-your-car). I think this is ridiculous, but that's the way how things are. So is it possible, and is it a good idea that I contact the other party insurance myself without involving my insurance since my case is a clear cut case? Are there any pitfalls that I should be aware of?""
Help with Car Insurance?
My current car insurance will expire tomorrow at 11:59pm and the new one will take effect at 12:01am. Am I going to have an issue with that 1 minute of non coverage? I know this might sound silly but I just don't know if that will be some kind of an issue. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
""I own a 2000 chevy cavalier and im 17 years old and need insurance, about how much would that cost?""
Its small, green, and its a two door""
How can I cancel my geico car insurance?
I pay for my geico car insurance every six months because I save some money instead of paying monthly. Here is a thing I am going to out of US for 3 months and I do not need insure my car however I already paid for the 6 months.
No auto insurance on loan vehical in california?
My auto insurance through farmers insurance has lapsed as of December 1st on my vehicle which I have a loan through coast hills banking. I really am having a hard time getting the money together to get it going again. I told my husband even if a couple Bills go behind I have to pay it by Feb because I'm getting very nervous that it will be taken From me. Has anyone ever had to do this before? its my first time in this scary bind but I got in an auto accident that took my insurance money from me to pay for it so can someone tell me if its possible to loose my vehicle? Thank you
Hoe much would my bike insurance cost?
Hi im 18 years old I got my motorcycle license on august 2013 and i bought a 2011 ninja 250 I was wondering how much my bike insurance would cost? I will call the insurance company in may but I want to know now how much it will cost please answer if you know thenx :)
Walmart $4 prescription list....only with insurance?
Are the awesome 4 dollar prescriptions only when you have insurance? I don't have insurance, can I get my regular 4 dollar script for still 4 dollars?""
How much should the insurance cover?
I was at an intersection, a 4 way stop. I stopped, and entered the intersection. As I went into the middle of the intersecton, a car approached from the right hand side and he didn't stop at the intersection. He went straight through it and hit the right side of my car, he basically T-boned me. The guy had Geico, they first offered to pay me 70% that was raised to 75%, and after another call it went up to 80%. So I know they have room to wiggle around. If it helps teh other driver got a ticket from a police officer for failing to stop at the stop sign. The damage to my car is on the two doors, they're completely busted. I would think they would be liable to the full extent of the damages, but apparently not. Im in New York state if that helps at all. I got an estimate, and Im living on a college student budget and can't afford to pay 400 for this.""
Insurance companies.?
My mom doesn't have a car but needs to have insurance on her lisence because she needs SR 22 bond so her lisence is not suspended, who offers insurance without having a car?""
""How much is Insurance on Fireworks up to $2,000,000.00 in Maine?""
Thinking about opening up a Fireworks shop and want to know how much I'm looking at a year for insurance need a policy with the min $2,000,000.00.""
Can I sue my Auto Insurance Company?
In 2005, as part of our divorce agreement, my ex and I decided to keep the same auto insurance but under separate policies. We had been with this company for years. My policy was on auto pay meaning that the payments were taken directly from my account. He walked in to pay his. About 6 months after the divorce, I was pulled over for a routine traffic stop and was told I was driving an uninsured vehicle. Without insurance, my registration was also invalid. Both tickets totaled 1K. My car was taken into impound. I checked and found the officer was correct. On good terms with my ex, I told him what happened. He said for the past 6 months, each time he went in to make a payment, the girl HIS was already paid. Realizing what had happened. They were applying my payments to his automobile. I was furious. I notified the agent who initially did not want to accept blame, but since the payments were automatic and my account number was on each payment they took, they were responsible. The error was compounded by the fact that the cancellation notice went to HIS address (how dumb was that!) So I had no way of knowing that I was cancelled. I was without a car for 2 weeks and lost my job. After much haggling and many sleepless nights of wondering what to do without a job or a car, the insurance company finally admitted blame, paid the impound fees of $1,250.00. The agent also said they would handle the 2 tickets totaling 1K. FAST FORWARD TO 2010 in my state, the county did a scofflaw sweep and I was summoned to court with over 5 thousand other delinquent drivers to address unpaid tickets. The order was come to court by April 30th or be arrested. Realizing this had to be a mistake, but fearful of the law, I stood in line for over 5 hours in blazing heat, then sat in court another 5 hours waiting for my day in court. I was immediately threatened with arrest because the 2 tickets were not paid. Up to that moment, I had no idea the insurance company had not paid the 2 tickets. This time, not only was my insurance and registration cancelled, my license was suspended due to the age of the infraction (5 years). In front of the judge, I called the agents' office only to be told by the secretary that they had no intention to pay the ticket. Paying to get the car out of impound was enough. When the judge heard this she was shocked and let me off with a promise to pay in 5 days. She made me promise not to drive. With no way to get home but drive, I took a chance, and was pulled over. The officer informed me that due to the vast number of outstanding cases, tags bearing our county name would be targeted for a while (talk about a police state!). I showed him my documents from the court and headed home. This is a nightmare. Would I have a case if I filed suit against my insurance company for failing in their fiduciary responsibility to a 16 year client in good standing? By the way this company is one of the largest in the country.""
How much will my Progressive car insurance increase if I add a 93 Camaro for my 16 year old?
Any idea where I can find this info? Any estimates?
Insurance for mitsoubishi rvr import?
Am trying to find an insurance company who will give me a good insurance price on the above car.It is a 4 door,4x4,petrol automatic,1994 grey import.My present company charging the earth because they say it is group19 sports car.Is down on the reg document as an estate!""
Will 4 year old dui affect my car insurance with geico?
Will 4 year old dui affect my car insurance with geico?
Insurance On A Supra For 17 Year Old?
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old in (Kingston, Ontario) Canada for a 93-94 turbo or non turbo Toyota Supra be? ALSO : If its under my dads insurance would it be cheaper for me to pay ?""
How much would my car insurance cost to pay the minimum payment?
what is the cheapest car insurance company? How much would the minimal payment cost? My 21 yr old bf would be the one paying it and i would be under his insurance. im a first time driver age 19. I am a mom of two kids and highschool graduate. the title to my car would be in his name. Unless it doesnt matter to have it in both our names. we live in ms and he uses state farm.
How much is your car insurance a month?
What kind of car do you have? What car insurance company are you with?
What's the best health insurance company for a self employed family?
Self Employed. In Georgia. What's the most cost effective company that pays great? Thanks
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
How will 2 points on my license affect my insurance?
I live in South Carolina and am insured through State Farm. I recently recieved a speeding ticket that cost me 2 points on my license. What is an approximate percentage increase that I can expect in my insurance rates over the next couple of years?
How much does a married couple spend on monthly bills?
house, insurance car..etc... Im trying to plan ahead and want to know what I'm in for and if I can manage it with two teachers salaries. oh, it would be great if you can tell me a round number of each thing. and yes, i know everyone varies, but I'd like to see what everyone else has. thanks!""
Teenage insurance on a Land Rover?
I'm 17 and I'm looking for insurance on my 2002 Land Rover 90 2.4. No companies will insure me for less than 3500 if at all! Any suggestions? Cheers!
Car insurance company wont pay for my car? /:?
I got into an accident like 6 or 7 months ago. I was making a legal left hand turn and she tried to pass me on the left while I was making that left and obviously she hit me. she lied to the police and said I was pulling out from the shoulder and I didn't look to see her coming and the officer believed me and wrote my story down on the report cuz that's actually what happened lol. her insurance company (Geico) is obviously taking her side cuz they don't want to pay and even though they have the police report they are only paying me 50% and that's just unacceptable. Is there anything I can do to make them pay for at least 75% of it?( besides eyewitnesses cuz there were none )
Unemployment Insurance in California?
I currently receive unemployment insurance. On the check stub it states that my claim expires on 07/2008, although the balance noted on there is less than what I usually receive. I believe its because the 6 month period has ended. My questions is, can I reopen up the claim? Am I still eligible to receive my unemployment insurance until my claim has expired which is 07/2008? I was told that you can claim unemployment insurance for a year, so I don't understand why I only received it for 6 months. I was with my previous employer for 7 years, so it's not like I worked wherever for a short period of time. And I am actively seeking a job, although I have a few expectations so I haven't accepted any offers plus I'm a single mother and I have to work around my parent's schedule cause its way too expensive to leave my daughter at a decent daycare that I can trust. Hopefully someone out there can help me with a few information.""
What affordable insurance can i apply for if im 20 working and not sickly?
What affordable insurance can i apply for if im 20 working and not sickly?
Whats minimum car insurance cover allowed for producing at police station in UK?
Got stopped by the police today for having no car insurance due to my insurance company cancelling my cover without even notifying me. I've got to produce a cover note to the police station stating my car is now insured. As the car has been impounded and I will be not paying for it to be released, what is the minimum cover period that the police will accept to I can pay my fine as I have to produce my Drivers Licence, Tax and Insurance Cover notes. For example, 1 day, 7 day or 28 days insurance etc.""
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
How much would insurance cost for a 2005-06 mustang?
i am 16 and want a mustang how much will insurance be for a year compared to the average car... also i wont have a big engine....the car will be 14,000 or less""
Estimate of car insurance for fiat 500c first time driver?
My first car is going to be a fiat 500c thats about 3 years old. I am 18 years old in the UK whats an estimate of price for the insurance for the year?
Help me! Car insurance!?
i need to buy a car, how does it work for the insurance? Can I do the car insurance without the car, but knowing what I'm going to buy?""
State auto insurance vs. state of registration?
I am currently working a temporary job away from home in another state not my permanent residence (I am living there for the term of the employment). While there I bought another vehicle and registered it in that state and when insuring it moved my other car to the policy not realizing this could cause a problem. Now on my first vehicle, which was registered in my home state, the home state has refused to renew the registration because it carries out of state insurance. However, I also don't own the first vehicle, it is owned by my parents who are a resident of my home state, I just use it and pay the insurance. So unless I am missing anything, It looks like I am basically going to be forced to register that vehicle in a state where I do not have residence or cancel my insurance policy and get insurance for only that vehicle through a provider in my home state. Is this it or are there other options? I'm confused because they let me renew last year even though I had the out of state insurance, but I had switched during that year so maybe they considered me part-time or something. I would like to avoid changing any state registrations for the time being, because this process is expensive and complicated between the two states in question. Someone told me the cheapest option might be to get a minimum liability policy on the car in my home state so they will give me registration, but I have never heard of that and I'm not sure if that is ok (having two insurance policies on the same vehicle)? I am not trying to play tricks or loophole anything here, I just want to figure out my options and get this done without costing me a lot of money or time.""
How much is insurance on a jeep wrangler for a male beginning driver?
Is anyone a male driver around 16 who drives a jeep wrangler and knows how much on average the insurance will be?
Where can i get tip for cheap auto insurance?
Where can i get tip for cheap auto insurance?
Can I have military health insurance and Regular Health Insurance?
1.Am I allowed to have both military and normal health insurance? 2. Can I see regular nonmilitary doctors with Military health insurance?
Please Help...Will i be able to get any health insurance?
Im a 21 yr old female, who benefits from deferred action. im currently working two jobs and going to community college. money is TIGHT. i know being protected under deferred action will not provide me any health insurance help but can i still be able to get ANY help? im a type 1 diabetic as well and the cost of insulin and doctor visits skyrockets every single time. i live with my parents but i dont receive money from them. i guess long story short. can i get any type of health insurance? if i dont die from diabetes ill die from the cost of it hahaha. i live in Southern California if thats any help. thanks in advance :)""
Is a 2000 Grand Prix gt sedan considered a sports car to insurance agencies?
I want to buy this Grand Prix gt sedan that's for sale but I can't afford a sports car car payment it's my first car will insurance consider it a sports car
Car insurance for a teen?
Hello, I am 16 years old looking for my first vehicle. I am wanting a diesel car so I can make it run on vegetable oil. However the car I am wanting is a volkswagon TDI. Which stands for turbocharged direct injection. And I know turbochargers affect your insurance greatly. So I look at different cars that can be ran off of veggie oil. And most of the are TDI. What do I do? Best answer gets 5 stars""
Nevada/or California car insurance cheaper?
I just moved to Las Vegas from California and learning car insurance is more in the silver state. When I go to purchase new car insurance can I lie and say I live in California still. What are the cons to keeping my insurance registered in Cal?
How much will insurance cost for a age 36 driver who got her license in this year?
Just give me estimate.
What is the ideal assurance do you expect from your car insurance?
What do you want to hear most from your car insurance company?
Which type of insurance do I have?
I have AvMed insurance through my job and I am filling out paperwork online right now and I am not sure which type to choose: Primary Secondary Supplementary Worker's Comp It says Open Access-Self Refer to Specialist at the top of my insurance card. Could someone help me out please?
Massachusetts car insurance?
I recently heard that MA IS allowing competition with car insurance companies.. YAY! However, Geico and Allstate still don't provide insurance in the state. Progressive DOES. Does anyone else know of some GOOD, reputable (car) insurance companies in MA? THANKS! :-)""
How much will insurance cost for these cars?
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old boy for the following cars. Mustang GT Mustang (V6) Toyota Tacoma Please no answers like You don't need a GT or too much for you money is not a problem for me (not that its any of your freaking business) i just would like to know.
Good cheap car insureance?
need help wiht insurance for my car my car is a little ford fiesta 1.3 cheap 2 insure i no but i have 6 points :( so im gettign qoutes of artound 4000pound to insure my fiesta and im jsut wodneriing there must insuracne companys out there hu specialize in this field if no any can u let me me cheeers
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
On whos name should be the insurance?
need help with car insurance. the car is registerested on my girlfriend... and current insurance is on her name - but we both included ... now we want to change company... the only thing is that my girlfriend currently is not in country... can I buy insurance on my name with both included even if the car is registered on her name?
Does health insurance go up when you buy a motorcycle?
Does health insurance go up when you buy a motorcycle?
Can i get plastic surgery without having insurance?
I'm 18 years old and my parents insurance covers me. If im paying in cash do i have to know their insurance info?
What is good insurance for teens?
Can I have some good companies? I want the basic insurance package. im 17, male, senior in HS thank you""
Cheap first car for son?
I only have about $2,500. Prefer something newer than '99. Has to be reliable and look decent. SUV's are a plus (cheaper on his insurance). Any ideas? thanks!""
What is the cost of car insurance with out drivers ed.?
I am an 18 year old girl, looking to get a small used car something like a older civic. What would the average monthly payment be. I live in NH and I have good grades, never been in ...show more""
Cobalt ss/sc insurance price?
i want to buy a cobalt ss supercharged and need to know if my insurance will be too high since i am only 17, i've gotten some insurance quotes but they are all different by a lot. I have a clean driving record with no accidents and my parents are willing to help out with some insurance but i want to know if i will have enough for the rest, thanks""
Does California vehicle insurance cover broken windshields?
A turkey vulture smashed my windshield yesterday. I have full coverage insurance and they told me I would have to pay my $500 deductible. In other states I've had windshields covered for free. *ONLY the windshield was damaged*. No other parts
If someone is unemployed how do they get health insurance?
I'm trying to understand this Obamacare. What if a person is unemployed and has no income. How are they suppose to get health insurance? How are they gonna fine someone if they have no job. I know one of my friends rather pay the fine cause its cheaper then having health insurance, but what if a person has no job. I really am curious.""
My car got hit in the middle of the night. I don't have insurance but the person at fault does.?
I woke up yesterday to find my car hit and another car, with temp tags, abandoned up the road (it had a lot of damage to the front of it, so it was obviously the one that hit mine.) Today the officer who came yesterday called and had found the person at fault and gave me all of their information. I don't have insurance currently, and my car will cost a few $100 to repair, so what can I do with this info?""
What's the difference between health and accident insurance?
What's the difference between health and accident insurance?
Travel Car Insurance?
Does anyone know of any websites that can allow insurance on a car for about a week just for travel? I am going to Vegas and using my mom's car but I have to get insurance on it but I only want it for the week. Any ideas ??
""I pay more than $10,000 per year for Health Insurance, does that sound reasonable?""
I'm self employed and gross about $105,000 / year. Have wife and 3 small children. (wife stays home) Premium for family is $857.41 / month and increases about 11% per year. M.D. visits have $20 co-pay. Policy through Excellus BC/BS. We live upstate New York and have no health problems.""
How come my name isn't listed on the auto insurance card even though i AM insured?
My parents have bought auto insurance but whenever they send the insurance card (proof of insurance), only their names are on there. However, if you look up our policy number, I AM an insured driver. Why is that? How am I suppose to carry an insurance card? Is it because I'm under 18?""
What exactly does general liability insurance cover for a small business?
does it cover theft and breakage?
Can car insurance companies pull your insurance without notifying you?
My girlfriend is at university and just seen that her car insurance has paid a sum of money back into her bank account and after checking the dvla website it currently says her car in not insured! Can an insurance company pull the insurance without notifying her of why its been done and when it was done as the policy was taken out about a month go. Where does she stand legally too? many thanks for your help D.
AXA Equitable Life Insurance?
anyone have Equitable as their insurance company? Comments? Also, can anyone tell me about the Flexible Premium Universal Life Insurance Plan? THANKS!""
How does replacement cost insurance work?
I have a 25 yr old harley davidson, and the insurance says full coverage will pay what the county values it at on your tag fee. (like, 800$) I also have a 67 chevy van that is valued at 300$ by the county. Obviously, full coverage is not intended to cover antique vehicles, as the annual premiums are far more than they want to give you should something happen. So what kind of insurance do you need to make you whole again? or, pay the true worth of your vehicles should you be hit by someone or your vehicle stolen?""
Should I yell at the insurance company?
I'm very frustrated at this point. Two years ago I got braces, at the time I was still living on the east coast. I then moved to California halfway during treatment and learned that my insurance was not going to cover treatment after my transfer (even under their providers). I still needed the braces at the time so I found a seperate orthodonist and paid for all treatments as though I had no insurance. Its been almost a year now and I need the braces removed. However, I cannot afford to remove them and my insurance still won't cover for any ortho procedures. Should I be a pacifist about all of this? I've spent quite a lot of money on treatment w/o the help of insurance. Now I'm in a rut, stuck with braces even though I don't need them anymore and I feel as though no one will help me.""
What are some home insurance companies in FL?
I am looking for a list of home insurance companies in FL, or if not a list if anyone can tell me the name of a few? Thank you very much!""
Where can i get affordable health insurance?
health insurance in south carolina
Where do I look for health insurance after Heart Surgery? Dropped by current provider..?
After having a valve replaced last fall my insurance opted not to renew my policy. I am 63 and currently have a short term policy that only can be renewed once and then I am out of luck. Where can I look for coverage? I'd take something even if it excluded my prior condition even though I am now much healtier than I was before the surgery.
Can someone answer my health insurance question?
I currently am paying for COBRA. I am 61 years old, female. I am on long term disability & disability social security. I am able to get medicare when I am 62. I have a pre existing condition, COPD. Looks like no one will accept me, except Blue Cross. I need a medical supplement PLUS an exceptional prescription plan. I am on many meds, including oxygen 24/7. I make too much money to qualify for medicaid or any other help. ANY of you insurance agents have any ideas? I will be 62 on April 5th. Any help is much appreciated. I have searched & looked on the internet & most of them I do not trust. I have heard too many bad stories about them. I am paying $490.00 a month plus co pays now & it is killing me.""
Is medicare a good insurance plan or will a lot of things not be covered. I know there is no drug coverage.?
I recently started recieving medicare after becoming disabled, and pay over $100 per month to recieve this insurance out of my small disability income. I am wondering if this will ...show more""
Why is Obama all of a sudden denying HIS OWN WORDS health insurance made over YEARS?
in his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
Oak Ridge Louisiana Cheap car insurance quotes zip 71264
0 notes
Where can I find drivers programs that will help me lower my car insurance rates?
"Where can I find drivers programs that will help me lower my car insurance rates?
I am a high risk driver. I am 20 years old, and would really like to lower my monthly payments. Could you please tell me of any programs in Kansas or national programs that I could participate in that would lower my insurance? BTW, idk if it matters but i get my insurance thru dairyland.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance for a peugeot GTI?
Ok, so I'm 18 and a girl!! i have been driving for a year. i want a peugeot 106 GTI 1.6 16v. i have seen one for about 2000 in good condition, BUT because of my age, I'm struggling to get insurance. does any one no of a good site where i can get a reasonable quote. thank u!!!""
About my leased car insurance?
I have a nissan 2009 lease, I have two questions: 1. do I need to purchase PIP insurance? also a $750 deductible in comprehensive and collision is ok? 2. My boyfriend lives with me and he has his own commercial car insurance, I drive my car the most, do I need to add him in my quote? He drives the car perhaps on Sundays when we go out other than that I drive the car most of the time. Thanks for your answers""
Would a Hyundai Genesis coupe be considered...?
a sports car by insurance companies? If i were to get a sports car the insurance company would raise the costs because i am not married or at the legal age. So would my insurance go higher if i got the lowest model Genesis coupe?
How much do you think my car insurance would be/added on to my mother's insurance?
I'm 18 and just now getting my license. My car is a 2001 Ford Focus ZX5 that I bought for $2500. My mom is going to add me to her insurance which is $50 per month (I know that is outrageously cheap I'm so jealous lol). I just want a loose loose estimate because I'm also in college so I'm only working 15 hours a week at minimum wage.
Health insurance for low income college student?
I was just wondering if anyone had some suggestions for reasonably priced health insurance in Minnesota. I am very physically active, do a lot of running and weight lifting; so my primary concerns are coverage for treatments involving possible breaks, fractures, muscle and tendon tears/breaks, and other things of that nature common with active individuals. Preferably something under $100/month because I am in school and with my current income I am lucky to average $800/month take home. Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated because I have not had health insurance for 9 years since I was no longer eligible for my mothers health insurance.""
Is health care in the US affordable to everyone?
If not, then why is so many people opposed to free universal health care like in France, UK, etc? How many of you can pay $100 doctor visits or (god forbid) $500,000 surgeries, not counting expensive prescriptions?""
What if 21st Century Insurance considers my car totaled?
Ok...My car was parked at my work which is privately owned. An ex employee who was inebriated, backed into the driver's side quarter panel. Now, my car has a HUGE dent and it won't lock. I left it at the body shop and the adjuster told me it might be considered totaled. My car was in immaculate condition, mechanically, as well as cosmetically. In addition, my car has less then 93,000 miles on it. What should I expect? I am a student and I rely on this vehicle for my only means of transport. I know the insurance company is going to take advantage of my ignorance on insurance jargon. PLEASE HELP, I NEED ADVICE!!! Thanks~""
Is there any programs in Tennessee (US) to help single mothers with car insurance?
I know this isn't the right catagory (I posted it in the correct one also) but I usually get good, helpful answers here so please try to help me! I am a single mother and I do work, but it's only seasonal, as of right now (there is talk I might be hired on full time but the hours would be very slim for a while after the holidays...it's retail). I was attending college online and I paid 6 months of car insurance with my living allowance from my student loans...well..my (ex) partner lost her job and we had to move and I was going through too much stress with a newborn and moving and everything that I had to quit school...now in December my insurance is due again and I am not going to have the money. I just started working so I haven't made any money yet. Is there anything to help me pay car insurance? I am trying my best make a better life for my daughter and I, but it gets soo discouraging working but still stressing soo much over money. I am trying to take care of my student loan but I have to come up with like $1500 to pay at least half of what I owe before they will give me another loan to go back to school and get a degree and I do not have that kind of money and with little family support no one will loan me that much. Please help me I dont' know what my options are right now.""
What is the average cost of car insurance?
What is the average cost of car insurance?
How much would it cost for me to insure this?
If anyone works for an insurance company or knows how much this will be please help? Just passed my text and am 17years of age, how much to insure the car below? Nissan Micra 1.0 S 3dr Hatchback 51 reg Manual Petrol 35k miles""
Does an insurance company have to insure a rebuild title?
for a car that has been rebuilt does the company have to insure it?
Who pays my car insurance?
As a Christmas gift my boyfriend bought me an X6. I didnt ask any questions because he and my parents got into a fight about it because they didnt think it was appropriate so I dont know anything about whos name its under or insurance or anything, anyways. Im almost positive the car is under his name, but will the insurance be under his name since the car is under his name or would the car insurance be under my name since it was a gift to me?""
What are some Big name Insurance companies?
Admitted Carriers I believe is the Term for Big name/Most Legitimate. I am in California. Please give me a list, of all the ones u can think of, all the commercials u can remember, what ever. I need to contact every single big name company, I am shopping for Commercial Insurance, & Need to find The Best price & Best policy thank you very much! & May god bless you!""
Illegal car insurance?
My EX boyfriend went behind mine and my moms back and illegal put insurance on his car in my mothers name. I guess he knows a employee at a insurance automotive and illegally put it in her name without her consent. His friend who was driving the car hit some car today and called my mom and told her everything and now she wants to claim fraud. Who gets in trouble? My ex boyfriend for doing it illegally? The employee who let it happen? His friend who hit the car? Or my mom because they may not believe he did it illegally? BTW; my ex boyfriend owes money to his insurance thats why he couldnt put it in his name
Is this a good insurance quote ?? from quinn direct!!!?
ive just got a renault clio 1.3 1993 automatic k reg, very clean an just had new cam belt an sumthing else lol an new tyres lol so just passed all the mot, !!!yeah!!! lol so ive been quoted 318.56 no claim bonus im going on as provisinal driver an my partner as a full clean license. do u think that is a good one ? or can it get any cheaper lol""
Car insurance for a new driver?
So I am doing my driving lessons and thinking of a car, I'm 19 and will be 20 when I pass and I have been looking at cheap 1L/1.1L cars to try and get cheap insurance and I have googled cheap cars to insure and checked them out yet the cheapest insurance I have seen is 4,500 and I was wondering if that sounds about right even for a 1L 206 worth 800 if not where should i look for insurance I tried go compare, money supermarket etc""
How long does a traffic violation affect car insurance quotes?
Two years ago, Feb in 2011, I was caught driving with a suspended license. Since then, car insurance has been through the roofs. How long until my quotes are no longer affected by my violation?""
Help with comprehensive and collision car insurances?
For example, if someone got their tires slashed, does this fall into the comprehensive car insurance category? And do you have to pay a deductible just like when using collision insurance to pay for damages?""
How can I get dental and medical insurance?
I turned 18 back in 2011 and now I'm not on my mom's dental or medical insurance. How do I get dental and medical coverage?
How much does no claims effect your car insurance?
Ive just had my windows smashed and was wondering whether or not it would be better to just pay for the windows to be repaired rather than go through insurance. I estimate 700 for the windows. I am 19 and have 2 years no claims, any ideas what the best course of action is?""
How much would my insurance cost?
I am 16, i have a 4.0 gpa, and i have taken drivers ed. I live in Florida, and i will be driving a 2003 honda civic. Thanks!""
""IMPORTANT: Young, pregnant, no money! Any advice on how I wil get by?
I am 24 and pretty sure that I am pregnant (will be going to the doctor on monday to verify). I don't make a lot of money and I was wondering how other women have done it. In my head it seems impossible to afford a child. Advice please.
Cheap Car Insurance in Kentucky?
Next month my husband and I are going to need to get car insurance. So this month I'm shopping around for the best deals. I was wondering which were the best rated or cheapest companies that are for drivers in Kentucky. I'm looking for companies with good discounts too please. Thank you.
Low income health insurance in Missouri?
hi, I'm a 25 year old, male, non-smoker, full time student. I don't make a lot of money therefore I can't afford to pay for health insurance. what should i do? Is there anyway I can apply for low income benefit for health insurance? is there anything You can recommend for me to get health insurance cover? Thanks so much if you can answer me.""
What is the definition of garage for car insurance purposes?
I would like to know the definition of garage for car insurance purposes, my car is in a building that is enclosed on three sides and has a locked sliding front garage door, i would ...show more""
Where can I find drivers programs that will help me lower my car insurance rates?
I am a high risk driver. I am 20 years old, and would really like to lower my monthly payments. Could you please tell me of any programs in Kansas or national programs that I could participate in that would lower my insurance? BTW, idk if it matters but i get my insurance thru dairyland.
How do health insurance deductibles work?
I'm looking at individual health insurance plans. All of them say they have a deductable of $500 - $5000. I'm reading the plan overview and it's explaining what the plan covers. It says prescriptions are covered after deductible, office visits are covered after deductible, and so on. Does this mean if a plan has a $5000 deductible that the health insurance company will not cover anything until after I've paid $5000 out of pocket on healthcare? Does that mean that if I had to go to the emergency room i'd have to pay for it myself until I've paid up to $5000? I'm really confused. I want to get temporary health coverage, but I don't see what the point is if I'm going to have to pay out of pocket anyways. Does anyone know how this deductible stuff works? I'd appreciate the help. Thanks""
Why do we still allow auto insurance providers (since it is a law we must get liability)?
to check our credit to give us the cost? This doesn't seem fair. What should our credit score have to do with the cost of liability?
""How much cash on hand is needed after one has rent, utilities, food, gas, car payment and insurance paid?""
How much cash on hand is needed after one has rent, utilities, food, gas, car payment and insurance paid?""
""How much would 100,000 libility insurance cost? roughly or estimate?""
I'm looking to start a security company and am trying to figure a monthly premium. I know I need at least 100,000 of libility insurance. I don't have my license yet, so insurance companies wont even talk to me util I can give them more info. The prob is, I need a rough estimate of start up costs. Thank you""
Car Insurance question..Im confussed ?? ( uk )?
O.k so Im a new driver and bought a car and signed up with insurance which worked out about 60 a month. My car broke down beyond repair and I have suspended my insurance as had to scrap the car. Now I been on car insurance websites to compare many different cars to see which is cheapest and all my other details are same but no matter what car details i put (different ages/ values) but all small cars similar to my last vehicle the quote comes up double the cost at over 110. Why is this ?
Will car insurance be cheaper if I drive my mum's car?
I'm learning to drive, but my mum won't allow me to practice in her Fiat 500 or drive it once I've passed the test. This means I can either buy myself a car or drive my Dad's car, which is a much larger Jeep. I don't particularly want to drive it though because its an automatic whereas I'm learning manual (I know automatic is easier, but as a new driver I won't be able to practice for the test and I'm worried I might forget manual if I drive it for too long) and I imagine insurance is likely to be higher. I was wondering, which of these options are likely to work out cheapest? Is it worth trying to persuade my mum to let me drive her car?""
Why is my insurance quote so high?
I got a quote that 480$!! Why is it so high I have a mustang gt 2011 and I'm 18 iv never had a accedent am I just going to the wrong company? I went to gieco all state and esurance there all over 400$
Anybody know of cheap but good car insurance?
i drive an SUV and i would like to have good coverage as well as being covered if someone else is driving my car....
""How much would the cost of a 2003 lincoln ls front bumper be, and where can I find a bumper?
2003 silver Lincoln LS. Only reliability insurance on the car.
Car insurance canceled my policy?
hi, my car insurance cancelled my policy one month before its due for renewal and half way threw a claim (car was stolen). they voided the policy from the date i took the insurance out 11 months ago, the reason they gave is that i am not the registered keeper and i didn't disclose this to them but i am the registered keeper because the name on the policy does not match the log book, this is a mistake i faild to notice. the mistake is on the log book my middle (second) name is in place of my surname so i sent them prove of my full name but they still cancelled my policy. is there anything i can do? i will be grateful for any advice. thanks.""
How do I??? Register and insure a car in florida without a license
I need an interlock device installed on my car before i can get my license back, but i don't have a car.(need to show proof of it's installation before they will issue my restricted license) Can i register and insure a car in Florida without a license so i can have the device installed so i can then go get a license?""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deducatbale do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance? also, do you support obamacare?""
Banking and finance or insurance and risk management?
I've been admitted to a university and now I've an option between two bachelors degree, banking and finance or insurance and risk management. I'm really confused, what do you think is a better degree to pursue in terms of future scope. thanks""
When i turn 21 can i change my car insurance details for cheaper car insurance?
so im 20 now and as we all know your insurance drops when you turn 21 basically im insured now but my policy doesnt run out for like 8 months when i turn 21 can i ring them up and say im now 21 can i change this detail to get cheaper car insurance whilst not cancelling the policy
How much do you pay for individual/family health insurance?
At my work I only pay 67.34 a month for health insurance. It is just me, single. Awesome insurance, no deductible, low co-pays etc. VERY lucky. However, if I had 1 spouse it sky rockets to 447.71 a month, and a family, any size would be 877.11 a month. (Great deal if you have 5 kids, not so great with 1 child) Is everyone's insurance like this???""
Are States legally allowed to require car insurance?
Can the State legally mandate that citizens buy insurance from consumer agencies that have little to no regulation of price and guaranteed service? Can we consider this question with these items. item 1: Premium rates are as high as the industry chooses to set them item 2: Insurance companies are not required to provide to low income families (as are utilities, and other necessity services) item 3: Insurance companies only pay a small percentage (20%) of claims, and only 6% without judication.""
Hi how much does it cost for a moped licence in spain and how much is insurance?
im 15 and i know you can get a licence at 14. do you have to take a test?
Car insurance while buying a car.?
I live in Washington and i plan on buying a car, $700 cash. Do i have to have insurance to drive it off the lot? or can i just go without insurance, i'm not financing or anything, paying full price.""
Salvage car insurance?
If I have nissan 350z roadstar 2006 salvage car with only 13 000 miles and I have only liability insurance. Now If someone else hits my car(AND ITS HIS MISTAKE) and I have damage, what would the other insurance party will give me? Would they fix my car if it has big damage?If they total it, how much would they pay? i UNDERSTAND THAT SALVAGE CARS ARE FAR LESS WORTH ,HENCE I AM ONLY BUYING LIABILITY ON IT. BUT WHAT IF MY CAR IS DAMAGED BY SOMEONE ELSE MISTAKE?""
Are there any ways to make car insurance chaper when your 17?
In october im going to be 16 and neither me or my dad want to pay the massive charges for insuring a teenager that has just passed there test at 17. What i would like to know is if there is anything i could do when im 16 that would make the insurance cheaper, for example getting a scooter and riding that so i have one years no claims or getting driving lessons in a private area where it is legal. Or am i going to have to pay the massive insurance charges no matter what? Thanks for your help Daniel""
Investments and Life insurances with Zurich International?
I am thinking of taking some investments and insurance policies with Zurich International. Has anybody had any dealings with them? And, if so, has your experience and dealings with them been positive or negative? Are they as good as they say they are?""
Auto Insurance Question?
Hi all, I live in California and I got in a car accident yesterday. I found out today that the insurance company suspended our insurance due to a late payment so we most likely had no coverage at the time of the accident. What are my options at this point?? The accident was not my fault and the other driver was arrested for felony DUI and they had insurance. What are my options?? Thanks in advance!""
Who has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
This is going to sound crazy but try to stay with me here. I'm 17 about to be 18 and I live in Michigan. I'm going to be going to college in Lima, Ohio and will be driving back to michigan every couple of weeks. I have a truck that sucks gas so I am going to buy a bike. Either an 98'-05' Yamaha YZF R6 or R1 I haven't decided yet. I was wondering who has the cheapest insurance for what I'm doing with the bike. Basically driving it long distance and to class every so often. It will be stored in my apartment down there whenever I'm not driving it. Can anyone help me out. I know I'm a little young for any kind of cheap insurance but maybe there is a company out there that gives breaks to college students? Well anyway the main question is : From your experiences which company has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?""
Car Insurance problems.?
so im in a situation where im having problems getting insurance on my vehicle. ive tried through brokers now, because ive been kicked off my insurance due to 5 tickets. i cant afford 21,000 insurance rates, but i need to be able to use my vehicle. my parents have been at this he last few days with nothing to help me. I was under their insurance but becase of the tickets i got kicked off. im trying to move out all at the same time and having a car would make things so much easier. any tips on what i can do, or how long i should wait before trying to see if i can get insured again. btw my tickets are from late last year and this year""
Can you get insurance before you buy the car ?
I plan on buying a car within the next two weeks,is it possible for me to get insurance first ?""
Where can I find drivers programs that will help me lower my car insurance rates?
I am a high risk driver. I am 20 years old, and would really like to lower my monthly payments. Could you please tell me of any programs in Kansas or national programs that I could participate in that would lower my insurance? BTW, idk if it matters but i get my insurance thru dairyland.
Where is the best place for auto insurance quotes?
Recently i have had to change auto insurance providers for multiple reasons. So now i am looking for the best place to get auto insurance quotes from.
Car insurance for MERCEDES BENZE?
How much does car insurance go up from a minor accident w/no injuries?
I just got into an accident hitting a car on the freeway, not paying attention, so I hit the car in front of me. He said and his family weren't hurt, but you never know how they will feel the next day. How much will my car insurance go up? I have no tickets on my record & no accidents. I did receive minor damage to my car & a small dent to the other car';s bumper. I wasn't speeding or drinking. My car is a 2004 Honda Civic four door & I'm in my 40s. Oh, I live in CA. Thanks.""
Buying a new auto insurance policy on a used car?
So im buying my first auto insurance policy (my parents dont want to add me to theirs) for my car. Will i have to pay the premium up front, or will i have to pay in 6 month installments?""
How much is car insurance?
I have a 2002 trailblazer that is not insured. I own the car and I'm not making any payments on it. I live in kansas and I am a 17 year old male. About how much will my insurance be and what is the cheapest company to go through?
How much is the fine for driving with no car insurance in Ontario?
How much is the fine for driving with no car insurance in Ontario?
Do you believe medical insurance should pay for breast implants?
Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? Have you used it for such?""
How much on average is motorbike insurance for a 17 year old girl in the uk?
:) i can't drive, but i wanna get a motorbike when i turn 17. how much would the insurance and tax etc be?""
Ideal cheap car for beginners?
I'm looking for a used car with a cheaper insurance that would be ideal for a new driver. Any suggestions?
Life insurance for the elderly 83 years old?
life insurance for woman. i dont want quotes
Which car Insurance do you recommend?
The cheapest, but also good at the same time.""
How much might insurance cost for an 18 year old for a middleweight cruiser?
I would like to buy a cruiser but am not sure if the insurance is too expensive.
What is the best car insurance company in Britain?
I am 17 and looking to be put on my dads insurance. The car is a 1.4 Renault Clio and the cheapest quote is 1600. How do you get them to take the price down when speaking to them on the phone? Also I have had a bike for a couple of years with my own insurance, will this make a difference? Cheers!""
Why is car insurance so expensive??? Help!!!?
Can anyone help me find cheap car insurance? I'm 17, I live in texas, I own my car.""
Medicaid health insurance? for pregnant teen?
I am 17 years old. i recently found out i was pregnant and i am under my moms health insurance. unfortunitly i am currently unemployed and my boyfriend's job isn't that good. with my mom's insurance i have to pay $20 every time i go for an appt. and the bills are kind of high. i need better insurance for me and my baby on the way and someone mentioned medicaid. any idea how to apply? also if anyone has a good insurance for them and their baby i will take any advice!!
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?
I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)""
How to find best Insurance Companies?
Many years try to find good insurance companies but not found any best companie, please some one help me.""
Car insurance america?
I'm thinking of going to America for six months and want to buy a car to get about, but insurance is expensive could I get a resident of America to put me on there insurance then insure themselves on the car I just bought. Is this possible? If not any suggestions would be amazing thanks I'm from UK and 22""
New jersey car insurance do I need drivers license? I have a new york drivers license buy car insurance for Ny?
New jersey car insurance do I need drivers license? I have a new york drivers license buy car insurance for Ny is the highest ever.My sister lives in Nj is it possible I can use his address to get cheaper Car insurance...Or do I need a new jersey drivers license as well??
Does anyone know some cheap insurance companies for drivers who just passed?
UK only please :)xx
Is this good fuel consumption & cheap insurance group?
I have found a car and the specs sa the following fuel consumption and I wanna know if it is good or not as im looking for something more economical. Fuel consumption (urban) 43.5 mpg Fuel consumption (extra urban) 65.7 mpg Fuel consumption (combined) 55.4 mpg Also it says the insurance group is 7, is this going to be quite cheap?""
Should i go through insurance?
Some guy jumped on and dented my hood. Its gonna cost $900.00. He is t paying. I filed a police report and will file charges. Two witnesses no video tape etc. Should i file with my insurance and pay the $500 deductible or just pay it all? Im scared that my insurance will skyrocker and it wont be worth it.
How much do you pay for car insurance in Hawaii?
I have an 06 Toyota Prius and I pay around $450 a month in car insurance. I live on Maui. Is this normal?
What will happen if i dont pay my car insurance this month?
I am a student and find it financially. I recently had to get my car repaired so I now do not have enough money to pay my insurance this month (192.10) I was thinking of asking if I can skip this month and request double payment this month? What are the consquences of not paying the insurance for a month. My friend believes it can damage the policy and they may ask for the full ammount? Im with quinn direct
""No license, but yes insurance?""
What happens if you drive a car that does have insurance but you don't have a license, and, lets say you crash.""
Where can I find drivers programs that will help me lower my car insurance rates?
I am a high risk driver. I am 20 years old, and would really like to lower my monthly payments. Could you please tell me of any programs in Kansas or national programs that I could participate in that would lower my insurance? BTW, idk if it matters but i get my insurance thru dairyland.
How insurance affects life of people?
i need it for my project so plz give me brief inforamtion
Insurance question?
do you have to be married to someone to be on their health insurance?
How much will my insurance go down if i am on my dads policy ?
Hi i have just passed my test and obviously looking to get a car, i will be most probably having a friends car as he is getting a new one, its a 1.6 W reg Citroen saxo, if i have my own insurance (third party only) its around 3500.00 which is well out of my price range, if i did go on to my dads or moms policy, how much less would it be roughly, my dad lives in a nice area but did lose his licence for 3 months a few years back, my mom lives in a mediocre area but has no points and no history of any problems, i am 19 and i work as a clerical officer if that helps at all :S""
Car insurance for a 16 year old?
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old male? The car is a 2010 Ford mustang V6 Premium. If it matters, im a straight A student. Would the car being a convertible change the price, if so by how much? Thanks!""
Car insurance student help?
Hey guys, I want to ask, is it possible to get a Mini Cooper convertible with car insurance. I'm 20 and I passed my test in November 2012. I'm planning to buy a mini but will they let me have the insurance ? All answers would be very helpful, thank you X""
How much does it cost to insure an RV?
i have to do a project for drivers ed.. and i need to figure out how much it cost to insure an rv and i guess the insurance company would be aarp.
Do I need a license for a 150 cc scooter in Indiana?
Do I need a license for a 150 cc scooter in Indiana?
Being sued by an insurance company?
Hello, I got in a car accident about two years ago and i didn't have insurance, i was found at fault and now im getting sued for $20,000 by the other driver's insurance company, The original amount was $17,000, They have been trying to collect for a longgg time now. I know i blew it off for a long time but now im ready to take responsibility and start trying to pay it. The car i was driving was under my moms name and they are trying to go after her also but i want to take full responsibility. I have to go to court next month, and im wondering if I should get a lawyer to represent me even though i'm guilty. I'm hoping that I can make a payment plan or anything I need to get my life back on track""
What is the cheapest insurance?
where could i find the cheapest insurance plan for me with any company. Im mainly trying to figure out what the insurance will be costing with the certain car I will be getting. I am 15 years old currently but will be turning 16 soon and when it comes time for my license during the summer I would like to know how much insurance will be. I already know what type of car im getting, A 1998 Camaro z28. Would it be extremely pricy or not too pricy, i just need a ball type figure. once again with ANY COMPANY, what would be the cheapest for a 16 year old with a 1998 camaro z28? thanks""
What is the most affordable personal medical insurance carrier you have found?
I know that no medical insurance is cheap, especially when you have to buy a personal policy not given thru your work. But, I have to get coverage for me and my husband. We just need basic insurance I guess....Like for medical and dentist visits. Have you found a more affordable insurance carrier? Or have any advice on what to look for in a new one? Thanks!""
Insurance on a Civic Si?
Alright so im pretty sure that answer is going to be high but im thinking of buying a '06/'07/'08 civic si, but i was just wondering if any other si drivers could give me how much they pay for insurance. im 20 live in s. cali and have one ticket so i bet thats gonng drive it up but still want to know like an average. will it make a difference if i but a civic si sedan instead of the coupe?""
How to find out how much gas i need for a Mercedes Benz c300?
Ok so i'm suppose to do a career project and pick a job and where i'm going to live,health insurance etc.For my project i picked a Mercedes Benz c300 for my vehicle.For gasoline choice i picked shells and it cost 2.909 per gallon.How do i find out the average cost for a week and/or month?First resonable answer get best answer..i really need this so please help me!Thank you! :)""
Ladies has anyone every really saved on car insurance when applied to Sheila's Wheels or Diamond?
Everytime I've got a quote its always more expensive than other insurance companies
Teenage car insurance?
i have a question i'm planning to get a car soon and im 17. Most likly im getting a new car i don't know the exact car yet. I wana know with my age and a new car how much do you think my insurance average will be. The car is gonna be financed under my dads name so im gonna have to get full coverage insurance so i wanted to get an idea on how much it would be for me.
Can you have 2 different cars with different insurance?
my grandma bout a car for me, im only 15 so shes gonna give me the car when i turn 16 which is in january. she went down to L.a ( we live in california by the way) to buy the car with her nephew in law. shes 62 and half blind and doesnt have a license so she had to put the car in his name. but SHE paid for it. i told my mom and she was like if she wants to put the car in my her name she can. cuz me and my mom both know that her nephew in law could call up the police and say she stole his car, cuz the car is legally in his name and so is the insurance. and this man is very very crooked, he doesnt have a job and even steals money from his wife. he tried multiple times to steal the car so my grandma locks it in the garage. she even offered for him to buy the car off her for 300 dollars when she paid 1600 dollars but he wanted the car for free. now he is a...stupid man and he does not yet realize that he could call the cops and get the car easily so im trying to get this done as soon as possible. he aint paying for nothing on that car. im not worried that this man taking the car means i wont get a car. im worried that he might cheat my grandma, and that just doesnt site with me. he seems to catch and attitude with her when im not around but when im their i dont here no problems. so can i my mom get the car in her name with two different insurance providers and can the insurance still be in his name but the car in my moms name. and what if he refuses to sign it over can we still get the car. im sorry i had to air out my dirty laundry but i needed to release this anger""
Car insurance beginner.?
i am a 16 year old, good grades, i might get a Honda civic hatchback, does any one know where i am able to get a good insurance company and still pay low amounts in california""
Insurance on a 2006 Suzuki GS500F?
I am 16 years old, living in California. How much is collision insurance for the Suzuki GS500F? The minimal insurance possible?""
17 year old male car insurance?
I am due to take my practical driving test in the near future and have been doing some research, hopefully (fingers crossed) i pass my test and all goes well there and i obtain my full uk license, but on websites like gocompare etc i pretended i had passed my test already to see what the quotes would be like, so i used a 1995 clapped out renault clio (1.2) and used my dads details as the proposer including his maximum amount of No Claims Bonuses with me as the 1 extra named driver, and it came up as 3500+!!!!!! so i took me out and it would only cost my dad 200 a year, and plenty of my friends drive around in flashy cars on their parents policies so they say, i mean how the f*** does anybody afford to insure anything?! Im just wandering if there is any point now because it seems a waste of money if i wont have a car. Many thanks for your answers :)""
Cheap Insurance companies for a Piaggio NRG 50?
I just bought a Piaggio NRG 50 and wondering who is the best company to get insured with and how much will it cost at the least? Thanks!
My license was suspended and I want to buy a new car. Will my insurance company still let me keep my policy?
I have had my license suspended due to accumulating 12 pts on my driving record (maryland). I did however get permission to drive to work. I have been planning to buy a new car now and I really don't want this to prevent that. However, my insurance rates haven't gone up due to the suspended license atleast yet. If I buy a new car, other than the type of coverage, will my insurance go up because of the suspended license or will that even still keep me on the policy. Any help will be great.""
Cheap cars to insure at 18?
Im looking for some cheap cars to insure for an 18 year old. Stuff like 106 quicky's, gti's, corsa,punto,saxo,clio. Ive been wanting a clio williams but there very dear on insurance if u can give me a price for any of these cars from the top of your head it would help thanks.""
What is to stop people from taking the fines instead of paying for insurance?
it seems like they are not much different then a high deductible insurance plan
Car insurance?
what company is the best to get car insurance from? I want to fill out the progressive direct (as they show you online) but I am nervous about my credit score going down. Help.
Will the healthcare reform change the age limit on children on parents insurance?
I'm 25 and one of the great things about the affordable care act was that I was allowed on my parents insurance until I'm 26... Will this change? I'm still in school and there is no way I can afford insurance on my own!!!
What is the average insurance cost for a 2012 Chevy Cruze?
I will be turning 21 in June. No tickets or accidents on my record. What would the average monthly payment be for insurance?
Where can I find drivers programs that will help me lower my car insurance rates?
I am a high risk driver. I am 20 years old, and would really like to lower my monthly payments. Could you please tell me of any programs in Kansas or national programs that I could participate in that would lower my insurance? BTW, idk if it matters but i get my insurance thru dairyland.
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
from fancy dinner parties to familial revelations
[[cont after part 76]]
Haumea: "--and he is not showing respect to his elders--not that I'm that much older than Sho, mind you--and furthermore we have a lot of work to prepare for the Preacher's next steps, what with turning this stink-pile of a world into a more appropriate setting--" guruna: *waves hand* Haumea: "...Yes, Guruna, a question?" guruna: if these two guys were on the moon and one killed the other with a rock, would that be fucked up or what? Haumea: "...Would they have oxygen tanks on the Moon?" guruna: 'nother question. why do your clothes look like pajamas? Haumea: "IT'S CALLED AESTHETIC!" >_< -elsewhere- metsu: ....... {meiko: *lying on the ground, bleeding out after being attacked by a subclass*} {hinagiku: now to finish the jo-} {*a sound like slithering is heard*} {hinagiku: eh?} {*something is felt crawling along Hinagiku's leg*} {hinagiku: !!!! what the fuck?! get off me!} {*bite*} {hinagiku: *screams as he fades into ash*} {meiko: ah-.....} {A snake slithers from the remains...and stares at Meiko} {Snake: "..."} {meiko: *stares at the snake, her breathing shallow*} {Mikuni: "Wow...She's in bad shape."} {Snake: "...Yes."} {meiko: *shaking, looking at them* am.....ambu....} {Mikuni: "She's not going to make it..."} {Snake: "..." *crawls up her arm until it can look into her eyes*} {meiko: *staring at him*} {Snake: "You can no longer live like this..."} {meiko: i dont.......want to die....} {Snake: "You don't have to...but you won't be human any longer."} {meiko: .....please....save me....*she's crying* } {Snake: "..."} {*the snake glows with a dark energy...resuming the form of a human*} {meiko: ah-} {Jeje: "You will be...a vampire."} {meiko: ....p-please....i dont want to die....} {Jeje: "Then I'll need to...have you drink my blood."} {meiko:...*small nod*} {Jeje: "...I can open a cut to make it easier..." *removes a blade from his pocket*} metsu: ..... Jeje: "...Hello." metsu:....*hugs from behind* Jeje: "!!! ..." =_= "You okay?" metsu: just.....thank you....*small smile T///u///T Jeje: "..." -\\\\- "You're welcome..." -elsewhere- baum: *whistling* Steinbeck: -_- *wringing out his socks* "Stupid Twain..." baum: what did he do? Steinbeck: "Pushed me into the river before I could get my shoes and socks off..." baum: how embarrassing, hoho. ... oh, DOROTHY! stay in the shallow end! dorothy: i knooooow. =A=; Steinbeck: "...You really are concerned for her..." baum: of course, she's my only sister after all. Steinbeck: "I can sympathize...If anything happened to..." baum:.....yeah....you know, even if we arent related by blood, i'd do anything to give her a good life. Steinbeck: "...Hmm..." baum:.....we found her in the ruins of a farm house that had been devastated by a tornado. she was the only survivor. Steinbeck: "I'm sorry...I didn't know." baum: ....she was admitted to my father's psychiatric clinic due to the trauma. she said a witch had caused the storm to get to her...she didnt have any other surviving family or guardians to look after her, so our parents decided to adopt her as their own. Steinbeck: "...I can imagine some days are more difficult for her than others." baum: *he nods* still, i want her to be happy, so i'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe. Steinbeck: "...That includes during this trip." *looks out to the water* "...Nowhere else you could have kept her during this trip?" baum: i just want to make sure she's in my line of sight. it helps me feel a bit calmer. and knowing im in _her_ line of sight makes that fact even more so. Steinbeck: ._.; baum: did you know her shoes were a present from me? ^u^ Steinbeck: "Oh? They look impressive..." -elsewhere- Touma: "What is my favorite tinkerer up to?" tinker: just working on some new weapons, sir. ^^ mafura: *peeek* Touma: *smiles at Mafura* "How far along are you in the testing process?" tinker: still in the beta stages yet. Touma: "I see...Maybe you need some grunts to handle other tasks for you..." tinker: we're working pretty hard as it is, but it may take some time. Touma: "Time is not something we have...Figure out how to expedite the process without cutting down on quality and accuracy." tinker: y-yes sir.... -elsewhere- Haumea: *puts on a cloak* "..." dahlia: i brought the dress you requested. Haumea: "Very good." *takes it* "...Yes. I think this will do. Thank you." dahlia: of course, lady haumea. Haumea: =w= "I like the 'Lady' title..." *gets behind partisan to change* "It did not put you out much in cost, right?" dahlia: would that be a problem? Haumea: "I suppose not...assuming the price was worth it..." *passes a hand along the fabric* "Oh, this feels worth it~" =w= -elsewhere- Adam: T_T lydia: you seem troubled. Adam: "People seem really uneasy with your 'master' gone..." lydia: hmm.... Adam: "Oguri seems anxious, Ivan is...Ivan. And Zoey is fixated..." lydia: and yana? Adam: "...Seems sad." lydia: .... yana:...... *sighs* <fuck> .... Adam: "I don't know what to do...I keep guarding the place, but people still seem upset." *rubs his arms* lydia:...perhaps training might help you? -elsewhere- nea: hello~ Kepuri: "Hey!" *opens the passenger door* "Want me to take over--" nea: its fine i got it! ^^;;;;; Kepuri: *shrugs* " 'Kay." *buckles up* "Don't see any cops around, so I'm sure I'd be fine...How's your day been?" nea: been good. Kepuri: "Just enjoying the cool..." *curls up in the passenger seat, yawns* "...while I was busy at work?" nea: aah. Kepuri: *yawns* "Been resting today?" -elsewhere- Lucy: "Thank you for visiting, Howard." ^^ "Right, Atsushi?" atsushi: sorry for disturbing your hibernation. ^^; lovecraft: its fine....gonna sleep now. *jumps back into the pond* Lucy: *sigh* "I missed getting to see some of those weirdos..." atsushi: ^^; Lucy: "..." *holds his hand* "Nothing against weirdos I know here..." atsushi: ^^ Lucy: *yawns, rests her head on his shoulder* atsushi: .//////. *hug* Lucy: =\\\\= "...Zzz..." -morning- Kid: *adjusting his tie* liz: busy day of work head of us. im carpooling. Kid: "Yes." *grabs his folder of documents, follows her* "Do be careful on the turns..." liz: noted. *looks at wes* see you tonight, wes? *kiss* Wes: ^\\\^ "Of course. Rehearsals end at 6, so I'll be home for dinner..." liz: glad to hear. ^^ Kid: *waves to Stocking* stocking: do your best~ ^^ Kid: "Thank you. You as well..." *smooch* stocking: hehe~ -elsewhere- Haumea: *twirl* *twirl* "Isn't it lovely?" arrow: *claps* it looks nice. guruna: so pretty <3 Jonah: *has re-designed his face to look like Haumea--complete with a cardboard crown* *thumbs up* Haumea: "Why thank you~" *bows--and falls on her face* dahlia: are you alright? Haumea: "..." *thumbs up, face still on the floor* *muffled* "Just not used to leg mobility..." -elsewhere- Rin: *walking to school* "..." konekomaru: *waves* ^^ Rin: "Yo, Konekomaru! What up?" konekomaru: just walking to school as usual. bon already went ahead. i think shima has a cold. ^^; Rin: "That sucks. Winter got to him, huh?" konekomaru: guess so. ^^; Rin: "I know! Let's take really good notes in class for him!" konekomaru: *nods and smiles* izumo: come on chatterboxes, we're gonna be late! >A<; Rin: "??? Hey, Izumo! We're taking notes for Shima!" izumo: oh, so you'll take notes for others before yourself? how noble of you. -and so, in class- seiya: miss moriyama? shiemi: here. seiya: good. mr okumura? Rin: "HERE!" ^w^ -a scream is heard in the hall- seiya: ?? *goes to examine* godaiin: *running from a shadow creature* h-HELP! SOMEONE HELP! Rin: "!!! Shit!" *grabs his sword, heads to the hall* seiya: mr okumura-! godaiin: *trips and falls* ah! Rin: "Godaiin! Get down!" *points at the Creature* "And you! Don't move!" creature: *SCREEEECH* godaiin: >~<;;; *ducks* Rin: "Okay, buddy..." *aims the sword but keeps his distance* "What you doing here?" -it charges at them- seiya: STAND BACK. ROKU, BENI, COME FORTH! *summoning her foxes* Rin: "!!!" *grabs Godaiin, runs* -after the situation was handled- seiya: alright..... *chop to rin* okumura, that was highly reckless, but you did save this boy. *glares at godaiin* you. how did you get in here? godaiin: s-s-sorry ma'am, s-someone must have left the door open a-a-and i thought it was the bathroom. seiya:.......*GLARE AT RIN* Rin: ._______. "...Heh. I...was in a hurry so not to be late for classs?" ^^;;;;;;;; seiya: well, im sure you'll have time to explain when you're cleaning the classroom later today. ^^# Rin: D: "Aw, nuts..." seiya: as for you mr.... godaiin: g-godaiin, ma'am. seiya: *writes up a note* could you deliver this to sir pheles? if you take the elevator at the end of the hall and press the 6 button three times, that should get you to his office. godaiin:... ._.;; n-noted, ma'am. -elsewhere- zubaidah: i dont really look forwards to this mission.... *glares at triple A...* Triple A: -^- "Frankly, I would prefer more capable company..." Jinn: -_-# ???: isnt that chick a sage, though? zubaidah: that would be correct. man: *sweatdrop* alright, we're here. zubaidah:....so that's the impure princess, right? Triple A: "About time--move aside! I will lead us..." ???: of course you would....huh, kind of reminds me of the impure king incident last year.... Jinn: "Yes. Surprised the capable Arthur Auguste Angel was not available to assist--" Triple A: *glare* applebee: do you suppose the incidents are connected? ???: shame we dont have that okumura kid and the kaname girl here. Triple A: >_<# ???: jeez, salty much? Triple A: "We press on, already!" *steps forward* ???: so noble, im in absolute awe! zubaidah: -_-; Triple A: ^^ "I am glad someone here admires my bravery in the face of--" *Triple A falls into a hole* caliburn: D8> arthur! are you alright?! zubaidah: *sigh* -after defeating the impure princess- ???: ....!!! there's someone there! *runs down the dune* woman: *cough cough* couldnt....control it.... zubaidah: miss? are you alright? Triple A: *still messy* "What is she prattling about?" Jinn: "..." *watches the woman* woman: he....hehehehehe.....i became one....with the impure princess.....hehehe AHAHAHAHAHA -she's....bubbling- zubaidah: !!!!! Triple A: "!!!" *lifts Caliburn* "Stop her!" woman: all will be one, all eyes will see.... zubaidah: EVERYONE GET BACK! -the woman explodes into gore- ???:...shit... applebee: we need to report this ASAP. -elsewhere- Mephisto: "That's...not good." stocking: what do we do about this? Mephisto: "Intelligence. This will require our best researchers finding similar occurrences and sending backup to Zubaidah and Jinn." stocking: and this godaiin kid? Mephisto: "...Keep an eye on them." stocking: right. -elsewhere- Mori: *stretches* "...Elise..." -silence- Mori: "..." *whimper* {elise: jeez rintarou, you're really helpless without me, y'know?} {Rintarou: *sniff* "I-I'm just sad is all..."} {elise:...*sighs and patches him up*} {Rintarou: "I-I'm--" *hic* "--sorry..."} {elise: hey, its those dumb kid's faults for pushing you into the creek!} {Rintarou: "I-I wish I had pushed them..."} {elise: want me to beat them up next time?} {Rintarou: "..." *nods*} {elise: ok. whenever you need me, i'll be there to help you, ok? *holds out her pinkie*} {Rintarou: "..." *holds out his pinkie* "You promise?"} {elise: *links with her own* its a promise. ^^} Mori: *covering his face* "Wh-Where are you..." -elsewhere- Alone: *shovels food in his mouth* *mouth full* "You gonna finish that, Shaula?" shaula: *pouty nom* Alone: *shrug* " 'Kay." *sips his water with his pinkie up* Kunikida: "..." *pushes his dish away* grimoire: ..... Alone: *glances around, whispers to Shaula and Grimoire* "So, now that we got Shaula, how we busting out?" shaula: OuO -elsewhere- *A car with a Utah license plate heads down the highway...* officer: *keeping an eye out* Driver: Q_Q "..." *whispers to the backseat* "There's a cop..." beatrice: ........ Driver: "Wh-What if they pull me over?" beatrice: keep at the speed limit and there won’t be any need for that. Driver: *nods* "O-Okay..." *stays at the speed limit* "So-So Nevada, huh?" beatrice:...yes. Driver: "L-Lovely state. Lots of...sand?" -elsewhere- Sid: "Okay. Nakajima, you're tailing a target. How do you avoid being seen in crowded locations?" atsushi: hmm. stay about 5-10 meters behind? Sid: "Good. And if you lose sight of the target?" atsushi: get to higher ground if possible? Sid: "If you're in a city, where would this higher ground be?" atsushi: a roof or maybe a fire escape? Akutagawa: *raises his hand* "Wouldn't this make the pursuing party easy for the target to see, at which point they would know to run away or attack?" atsushi:... .~.; good point. Akutagawa: =\\\\\= Sid: "That's why the pursuing party needs to know how to dodge, hide, and otherwise avoid being seen. And someone who turns into a giant tiger would definitely stand out..." atsushi:..... *slumps in seat, embarrassed* Q~Q;; odasaku: *pap pap* you tried, kiddo. atsushi: TT3TT (thank you.) Sid: "That's all for this class. Now head out to the gym for your next lesson..." Akutagawa: "...You look upset." atsushi: getting called out by a teacher isnt exactly 'fun'. Akutagawa: "...I was just trying to ask a question. And he was not calling you out so much as pointing out a factor you have to control for if you want to successfully pursue your prey." atsushi: i guess. Akutagawa: "..." *awkward cough* atsushi: so, where's your next class? Akutagawa: "Not sure. Either gym as Barett said or something else..." *checks his itinerary* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "...He's built another fort of books for himself." Poe: "...That he has." rowena: ?? Hyde: *pokes his head out--he has on a robe and a fez* "...Do you mind? This is a very exclusive club for very exclusive people. And you are excluded." *hangs up a sign: "EXCLUSIVE"* rowena: ._.; i just need to borrow this, sir. Hyde: *blows a raspberry* Poe: "..." *dark aura* rowena:...actually, this one will work better. *takes one book, causing the fort to fall onto hyde* *Sounds of Hyde being crushed by books echo through the library, scaring away bats outside the window* Poe: "..." TwT "I'm so proud..." Jacqueline: -_-; "Get a mop to clean up this mess..." -elsewhere- Magaki: "..." *curls up under blanket* "..." guard: *slides in food in the door slot* Magaki: "..." *takes it* <Thank you.> -elsewhere- Gopher: "..." *hugs a pillow* inori: ?? eibon: are you alright, my child? Gopher: "..." *nod nod* *looks away* eibon:....is something troubling you? Gopher: "...I'm just worried I won't know...about my mother." eibon: hmm....sadly, the only way i know to get an answer is one i would rather never do... Gopher: "???" eibon: .....we'll keep him bound, but....the only person i know to get answers from is _him_... Gopher: "..." *shudders* "Th-The only?" eibon: ...im trying to find other methods, other information... Gopher: "..." *nods* "If-If it's the only way, I'll pursue it..." eibon:....very well...i'll keep him bound.... Gopher: *nods...but shudders* eibon:...you let me know when you're ready.... Gopher: "..." *grabs a book* "R-Ready..." eibon:.....very well..... -and so- -noah was kept bound with seals as not to escape- Noah: "..." *lifts up his head* Death the Kid: Gopher: *clutches the book more closely* eibon: he has a question for you, and you undoubtedly have the answers for it. Noah: *smirks* "I have answers to a lot of things..." Gopher: *shaking* eibon:..... *looks at gopher and nods* Gopher: "I want to know...about my mother." Noah: "..." *starts laughing* inori: ?? Noah: "Oh, this is too rich...And you expect me to answer why?" -WHACK- Noah: *struck with the book, bleeding slightly* Gopher: *tapping the book in his hand* "Answer, or you get another one..." Noah: "...Look who grew a pair...Alright, then. What do you want to know?" inori:... Gopher: "...Who was she?" Noah: "...A homunculus. Not unlike that thing." *nods at Inori* inori:..... eibon: you watch your tongue, child of index... Gopher: "Who was she?" Noah: "..." *smiles at Eibon and Gopher* "A plaything." Gopher: "..." Gopher: "Who. Was. She?" Noah: "When she got knocked up with you, I did the only logical thing, something I should have done before she coughed you up...After she gave birth to you, I killed her." eibon: !!! inori: !!!! Gopher: "..." *CRACK* *The book cracks over Noah's skull, knocking off his cap* *The book in Gopher's hand is nothing more than a cracked spine with pages attached to it...Gopher continues to swing the wrecked tome over Noah's head, its pages sweeping along Noah's face and into the air...With nothing left to strike Noah, Gopher's hand curls into a fist...and he brings it down against Noah's head, drawing blood* Gopher: "Who was she? Who was she?! What was her name?!" eibon:....*shaking a bit, keeping composure* Noah: *coughs up blood...laughs* "Look who grew a pair...Okay, Gopher...Her name was Ilise. And the last thing she screamed was 'My baby! Don't kill our--'" *CRACK* Noah: "Grrrk!" Gopher: *has his hands around Noah's neck, squeezing...another crack is heard from Noah's throat* eibon:.....i have half the mind to let him go through with this, noah. Noah: *struggling to laugh* "Y-You think this w-would be enough..." Gopher: "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" *swings his fist at Noah's eye* inori: *grabs his shoulder* i understand you are angry, however, killing him will not return your mother to you... Gopher: *shaking* "He shouldn't be alive!" inori:.... eibon: then shall i reseal him? Gopher: *crying* Noah: *trying to laugh--but no sound is coming out* "...!" eibon:.....*reseals noah back into the book* Gopher: *covers his face* eibon:....inori, place the book back..... ......... *hugs gopher* im sorry, my child. Gopher: *silent sobbing* -later- kirika:....oi, goph? you awake? Gopher: "...Kirika?" kirika: yeah its me. thought i'd come visit. i brought snacks. Gopher: "...Thanks, but I'm not hungry." kirika:....something happened, didnt it? Gopher: "..." *crying* kirika:......................*walks over to him.......and hugs him* Gopher: *sobs* kirika:...want me to stay over tonight? Gopher: *nods* kirika: ok.... -elsewhere- Kid: *rubs Stocking's back* stocking: t-thanks.... Kid: "You're welcome...Just take it easy..." stocking: ....... -elsewhere- mafura: ~? yumikage: *grumbling and brushing mafura's hair* cant believe we're still on babysitting duty with her... tsurugi: you look like your having fun, yumikins~ yumikage: oh shush you! Jun: "Take things a bit more serious..." takuto: hiya lady. mafura: *tiny wave* ^^ Jun: *pats Takuto's head* ^^ takuto: her hair's blue. did she paint it, daddy? yumikage: nah, that's natural. tsurugi: unlike yours. yumikage: will you shush?! >n<;; tsurugi: ^u^ Shuhei: "..." {man: d'aww, i think he likes you ####!} {####: "That...would be surprising."} {man: guess that makes you uncle ##### now, huh?} {#####: -_-; "Please, you're embarrassing me..."} {Shuhei: "???"} {man: *waves with a little plush toy with a funny voice* wull hullo thar, shuuhei!} {Shuhei: "Hee hee!" >w< } Shuhei: "Hmph." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." erina: *heading down the hall* Kunikida: "???" *tries to listen* erina: keep it together erina, you got this. Kunikida: *can barely hear* (" 'Got this'?") erina: *muttering to herself* Kunikida: "???" ("What is she getting herself into?") erina: ..... Fyodor: "Hello." erina: *jumps a bit* eep! Fyodor: "Sorry. Did I scare you?" erina: a-a little... Fyodor: "My apologies...You're up late." erina: y-yeah, g-got the graveyard shift tonight. Fyodor: "Must be frustrating." erina: and nerve-wracking... Fyodor: "Why's that? The prisoners?" erina: s-some of them... Fyodor: "...Are they out of control? Need someone to stop them?" erina: t-they're fine, they just unnerve me... Fyodor: "...I have some familiarity with that." erina: really? Fyodor: *nods* "There have been some difficult prisoners I have encountered." erina: is anyone bothering you? Fyodor: "Oh, no--not here, anyway..." erina: .... Fyodor: "...The last prison was awful." erina: *listening* Fyodor: "He...kept me there. He would play sick games to try to wear me down..." erina: .... Fyodor: "It took every ounce of my willpower to hold onto my sanity long enough to determine a plan to secure my freedom...I escaped that awful torture..." erina: oh my gosh.... Fyodor: *nods* "But, you know...I believe people get what they deserve..." -elsewhere- Wes: *asleep on the couch* "Zzz..." liz: *arriving home*..... *kiss on the forehead* Wes: =w= *yawns* "...Hey." liz: tired? *snuggle* Wes: "Yeah...Conducting was more exhausting than I thought..." *puts an arm around her* "How was teaching?" liz: tiring. Wes: "Can imagine...How are students doing?" liz: they're an interesting bunch. Wes: " 'Interesting' is a load phrase..." *cheek smooch* liz: *chuckle* -elsewhere- maid: *looking around the school with a letter* Rin: *scrubbing the floor* "Stupid punishment..." T~T maid: mr okumura? Rin: "??? What up?" maid: mail call. *hands him the invitation* Rin: "???" *looks at the invitation* "...Um...?" -its from mephisto- *BOOM* Rin: *instant sparkly* Rin: -_-### *The invitation is talking in Mephisto's voice--raised a pitch* Chibi!Mephisto: "You're invited! You're invited! You're in--" Rin: *growl* Chibi!Mephisto: ._.; maid: *sweatdrop* Chibi!Mephisto: *ahem* "I'M HOLDING A PARTY! Show up! Fancy dress! BYOB! Just kidding--I'll have drinks there. RSVP." Rin: "...Do I have to?" maid: if its any consolation, your niece will be there as well. Rin: "Well, that's a plus...Is it RSVP plus one?" maid: yeah. heck, bring as many as you need. Rin: "...We are totally cleaning him out of food and drinks." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *looks around...approaches a door marked 'SECURITY'* "???" eckleburg: hmm? Mr. Tsubaki: *fox chitter* eckleburg: what're you doing here, toby? *picks him up* Mr. Tsubaki: *scratches at the door* eckleburg: are you hungry? there's no food in there. *walks away* lets get you some food, ok, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: -_-# *stomach growl* -elsewhere- mikan: *humming and rocking heibito* heibito: zzzz Asura: "..." *stares* mikan:....*smiles at him* Asura: "..." *shy smile* mikan: *snuggles up to him with heibito* heibito: =w= Asura: "..." *awkward hug around the two of them* -elsewhere- katya: so what's one of the most fucked up things you've seen in the mafia? Gin: "..." *thinks about Mori* ryurou: there's a lot of 'fucked up' things i've seen that i've lost count. Chuuya: "...Yes..." *thinks of meeting with Fyodor...* katya: yeah, we saw some shit in the rats too......(ivan's room is an example......) Gin: "One can imagine...but prefers not to. We try to keep such information within the Mafia." katya: ah. Tachihara: "Okay--most embarrassing moment in the Rats?" katya: just about half everything gonch does. pushkin: same. poor dude has it bad. naoya: ah. Gin: "I think Tachihara fits that category now." Tachihara: *glare* pushkin + katya: OOOOOH SNAP. *high five* Tachihara: >_< "Shut up! Stupid gremlins..." -pushkin had to restrain katya to keep her from tearing tachihara’s head off- Tachihara: *hiding behind Gin* Q_Q Gin: -_-# hirotsu: *sweatdrops* Tachihara: "That brat is crazy..." -elsewhere- Kid: *crawls into bed* stocking: *in lingere* hmhm~<3 Kid: *smiles* "Hello~" stocking: looking good, handsome~ Kid: *unbuttons the top of his shirt* "You're looking beautiful, angel..." stocking: *kissing his chest* Kid: *moans, rests a hand along her leg* "Thank you...." -elsewhere- Dazai: *sleeping against the baby's crib* kirako: ....*puts a blanket over him* Dazai: =_= -elsewhere- Gopher: "Zzz..." kirika: ..... Gopher: *slight kick, whimper* kirika:....*rubs his shoulder* *sigh* Gopher: *calms down...* "Zzz..." kirika:.... *sigh* (honestly, this guy....) Gopher: *turns over, lying near her* kirika:..... (you can talk about it in the morning, then....) -elsewhere- milia: zzzz Free: *tucks her in* eruka: *smiles* milia: =w= Free: *whispers* "Sweet kid..." eruka: yeah.... Free: "...Been thinking about other work..." eruka: where abouts? Free: "Maybe construction? I'm tall, can lift a lot--can't die if I fall." eruka: yeah, ^^; Free: "I mean, easier than working at a grocery or retail...My big hands can't stock shelves good." -morning- Todoroki: *holds up a slice of bread* "..." fuyumi: *making coffee* Todoroki: *heats the bread with his hand* fuyumi: clever. ^^ Todoroki: "Thanks..." *takes the knife to spread butter* "How's school?" -elsewhere- Gopher: *yawns* kirika: mornin. *eating pancakes* not bad. eibon: thank you. it's an old recipe. ^^ Gopher: .\\\. *sits down...looks down at the food* "..." kotone:....brother? arent you hungry? Gopher: "...A little..." *slices a small piece...eats* "...It's good." *he sounds unenthused* kirika: .... eibon:....are you alright, my child? Gopher: "...I think...I don't want to go to school today..." kirika:.....wanna stay at my place? Gopher: "!!! ...Y-You would let me?" kirika: *nods* yeah, cause i care about you, y'know? Gopher: Q_Q "Th-Thank you..." kirika: ....need me to carry you there or are you good? Gopher: O\\\\\\\o "...I-I-I-I-" kirika: ....*waves hand* oi, goph, you there? Gopher: *falls face first into his pancakes* eibon: D8 kotone: D8> !!!! kirika: ._.;; -elsewhere- Rin: "--and I still got glitter under my nails." madoka: ^^; Rin: "So, up for the shindig?" madoka: sure, i'd love to. ^^ Rin: "Sweet! Can't wait to show you my new threads..." -elsewhere- sonia: papa?.... Chuuya: "What?" *lifts his head--and his eyes are red* sonia: *walks over, holding mito* mito: *meow* Chuuya: "Wh-What's wrong?" *sniff* "H-Hungry?" sonia:.....*puts mito on the bed and crawls in to hug him* Chuuya: "..." *hic* sonia: .... *glances to a bedside table* -there is a photo of rain, along with her glasses, her bowtie.....and a wedding ring- Chuuya: "...I'm sorry..." *wipes his eyes* "L-Let's get you some water..." sonia:...ok... Chuuya: *small sob, chokes back tears, gets out of bed...* sonia:...... *holds his hand* Chuuya: "..." *small squeeze* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *lying in his cot, looking up at the ceiling...the walls are marked with lines* -elsewhere- Adam: "--and he hasn't left his room..." yana: hmm. should i go pay our padre a visit then? Adam: "I think so? He seems sad..." yana: ...alright. *knocks* ooooi, padre? open up. *Silence* yana: are you dead or something? cause that would cause problems for us. Hawthorne: "Go away." yana: ... <gonch, would you do the honors?> Ivan: "Certainly~" *walks back from a starting position...leans down...and runs at the door with his head* yana: <i meant with your golems.> lydia: <vanya please, you're going to open your wound.> Ivan: <It's fine--I lost most feeling there~> *The room is dark except for the light coming in through the doorway...Hawthorne is not visible* lydia: ... yana:....padre? hello? *There's a closet door...The top of the bed looks filthy* lydia: .... *sending a small, shadowy dog to investigate the area* *The door is giving off an awful stench, worse than the bed* dog: *whine* yana: *covers mouth* ok, you better be either dead or in need of a bath... *Someone is holding the door shut* yana:.....*looks at ivan* *nods* Ivan: "..." *directs the Golem to rip off the door--which drags Hawthorne out by the doorknob, too* yana: *completely unfazed* lydia: !!!! *He hasn't shaved or cut his hair...His nails are long...He smells awful* yana: .....yikes. <ivan, get him a bath and then send him to the nurse.> Hawthorne: "N-No! Not her!" Ivan: ._.; yana: padre, dont be a baby. Hawthorne: "She's brutal! Violent! Insane!" *clawing at the floor* zoey: is something wrong....pastor? Hawthorne: Q______Q "No!" Q: you smell awful. Hawthorne: "Just a bath! That's all I need!" yana: *looks at ivan* Ivan: "...I'll take his legs..." lydia: *grabs him by the arms* Hawthorne: "NoOOOOOOOooooooOOOO!" yana: quit your whining and take your bath, you're a grown ass adult. Hawthorne: "Fine, fine! Just don't let her near me!" -elsewhere- ranpo: *checking his phone*...hey poe, your bro uploaded something. i think its a video from when you were a kid. Poe: ._________. "...What?" -the video shows a young poe on a stage, dressed like his namesake.......he just screams- Poe: Q_______Q "...In every person's life, there is a terrifying school stage play." ranpo: i've never been in a school play. Poe: "It's nerve-wracking...W-Would you have ever wanted to be in one?" ranpo: nah, sounds lame. Poe: *covers his face* "Embarrassing..." lana: at least you didnt have another kid throw up on you. -_-; Poe: D: "Oh no..." lana: kindergarten plays are terrifying. Poe: *nod nod* "Incredibly..." -elsewhere- Gopher: .\\\\. stocking: so you carried him back? kirika: yeah, so? stocking: you must carry madam zeroni up the mountain- kirika: hahaha, very funny. -_-; Kid: "I laughed." ^^ Gopher: "...I don't get it." -elsewhere- Black Star: *opens the door* "..." *slowly shuts the door* "...No." himawari: ?? Black Star: "Just...don't go in there..." *shudders* himawari: ???? Black Star: *shakes his head* "How do you get stuck in something like that..." belkia: Q____Q i fuzzed up. Higan: "I know, buddy, we all do...Let me get the lube." belkia: *CRINGE* Higan: "This will only hurt for a moment...I'm going to pull it out slowly..." belkia: PHRASING!! Higan: "...Sorry. I use the terms that are on the tip of my tongue...so to speak." *grabs Belkia's hips, pulls* belkia: *cries* ayami: ._.;;; should i call the hospital just in case? Higan: "Nah, I'm sure I--" *pulls* belkia: *SCREEECH* -he made it out- Q_Q my butt's all sore now! naho:.................I HAVE VERY MIXED FEELINGS ON THIS SITUATION! Higan: "??? How'd you get here?" naho: ... *shrugs* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--like fine wine pouring through the streams of the valleys of lemondrop fields!" leo: ^^ naoya: cool story, my dude. Motojiro: "YES! I was inspired by days of Candyland!" *holds up his book* "SO MUCH POETRY I HAVE WRITTEN!" leo: i liked it. ^^ Motojiro: OWO *shiny eyes* "THANK YOU!" -elsewhere- Yukio: *sighs* "You're impossible." Rin: *shaking the envelope* "I think there's still more..." *There's a mountain of confetti at their feet* kyouko: -_-; Yukio: "J-Just...Just clean this up..." Chibi!Mephisto: *hanging from the envelope's edge over the floor* ._.; -elsewhere- mio: *playing mario party* Meme: *tapping the buttons* rowena: *focused* lenore: *watching* -elsewhere- hitoshi: *walking along* Izuku: *waves* hitoshi: *small wave* Izuku: "How are you?" hitoshi: *writing something down* [good] Izuku: *nods* "...You studying for exams?" hitoshi: [yeah, general exams, tho.] Izuku: "..." *smiles* "It's the road to getting into the hero courses." hitoshi: [no kidding] Izuku: "Any study group?" -elsewhere- Kid: *shudders* stocking: *kisses down his chest* Kid: =\\\\\= "Nice..." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *rests fingers along her wrist* -elsewhere- Victor: *opens the cupboards* "Not much here..." nozomi: *taking notes* Victor: "??? What you writing?" nozomi: just examining my father's notes. ^^ Victor: *nods* "You've been hard at it..." nozomi: *smiles* Victor: "Any new experiments you're going to try from it?" -elsewhere- sonia: *in class* ???: "Whoops--" *pushes Sonia* sonia: .... ???: "Didn't see you there, Tiny!" *wicked laugh* sonia:.....*ignoring them* Bully: "...Hey! When someone apologizes, you should say something!" *pokes her arm* sonia: your apology sounded insincere, so i will assume you were being sarcastic. Bully: "...What?" sonia: do you try to assert authority over me because im a grade below you? or are you just acting out because you want attention? Bully: "..." Q______Q "...Attention?" sonia: your parents ignore you a lot, dont they? or am i wrong? Bully: "...I only see Mom when I get into trouble." sonia: *grabs the bully's hand and drags him with her* teacher, this kid needs the guidance counselor. Teacher: "??? Um...How do you know--" Bully: Q~Q Teacher: "!!! O-Okay, okay..." sonia: *goes back to reading* child: woah. boy: what does 'ass-hurt' mean? girl: *giggles* Teacher: -_-; "Come on...It'll be okay." Bully: *wiping his eyes* -elsewhere- atsushi:.....*siiighs* Lucy: "??? You okay?" atsushi: tired =_=; long day..... Lucy: "D'aw..." *rubs his back* atsushi: TT3TT thanks Lucy: "How about some tea and a nap?" atsushi: sounds nice. -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." hirotsu:....chuuya? you've been quiet all day. Chuuya: "...Just focused, I guess." hirotsu:...if something's bothering you- Chuuya: "Th-Thanks..." *nods, shaking* hirotsu:...*pap pap* Chuuya: "...I-I think I'll stop here for today..." hirotsu: shall i send for someone to pick sonia up? Chuuya: "Y-Yes..." -and so- sonia: ... Gin: "Hello." *she's unmasked in her civilian attire* sonia: hi aunt gin. pushkin: *waves as he is the driver* sonia:................................ pushkin:.... ^-^;; that's fair. Gin: -_-; "Sorry. It was difficult to find additional persons..." sonia: ...... *sits close to gin* Gin: *pats her shoulder* "How was school?" sonia: alright. i got a kid sent to the guidance counselor. pushkin: ._.;; Gin: "...On purpose?" sonia: i think he has issues at home. Gin: "Ah...Suppose that is for the best..." *looks out the window* sonia: ...... Gin: "...Did you want to stop for a snack?" sonia:...ok -elsewhere- Shima: "--and the food! And the girls! And the dancing! And the girls--" izumo: *smack* we get it, shima. -_-# Shima: X-< Rin: "Everyone got dates?" konekomaru: im good. izumo: i asked paku if she was interested. *death glare at shima* Shima: "!!! I didn't do anything!" izumo: you were thinking it! Shima: .______.;;; "...Okay, you got me there--" -elsewhere- Yohei: *sets down blocks, stacking them in front of Toru* toru: ?? Yohei: "See? Different colors, but they're all cubes..." *holds one up to Toru* toru: ba! Yohei: "Like a little box!" *smiles* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *sneezes* naoya: feelin' ok? Akutagawa: *groans* "Hope the winter stops soon..." naoya: dont worry, it'll be spring before ya know it... -elsewhere- kyouko: *riding the back of sayaka's scooter, making deliveries* sayaka: ^^ Mikuni: *sweeping* kyouko: *gets off and walks up to the door* delivery! Jeje: "??? Oh. Thank you. I'll sign for it--" *The door slams open--and crushes Jeje* Johannes: OwO sayaka: *runs* kyouko: D8< Johannes: "Bean!!!" *runs for the exit* sayaka: D8> *SCREEEEEAM* Johannes: "SQUEE--" Mikuni: "???" *turns--and his broom smacks Johannes in the face* kyouko: ._.; metsu: he's fine. mostly. Johannes: .w. *twitching* "Br-Bring me your finest ginger ale with an umbrella..." -elsewhere- mitsuba: ..... Jun: "???" mitsuba: im so boooored. hyakuya: no kidding. Jun: "...Want to play Monopoly?" hyakuya: eh, sure.... -elsewhere- twain: so this guy tried camping out on top of a building once. He was shooting crows, but the police were too busy teargassin' him to ask what he was doing up there. He screamed for an entire month every time he opened his eyes! it was funny at first, then it just got sad...but then it got funny again! emily: that's....um.... Steinbeck: "Not in front of the younger ones..." -_-# dorothy: *nom* Hemingway: "Some damn fine food..." *opens a bottle of beer* oscar: delicious~ ^^ ebie: *nom nom* Steinbeck: *sighs* "Still a way to travel..." oscar: so what's our next plan? Steinbeck: "We'll need to raft..." -elsewhere- sonia: papa, im home. Chuuya: *smiles* "Hi." *hug* "How was school..." sonia: sent a kid to therapy, got snacks with aunt gin and mr pushkin drove. Chuuya: ._. "...Go back to 1?" sonia: *she explains what happened* Chuuya: "...That was very mature of you." sonia: thanks... Chuuya: "...I'm happy you didn't retaliate...but was there a reason you didn't?" sonia: if i got angry with him, it wouldnt have fixed anything. Chuuya: "..." *nods* "I suppose not..." sonia:....did you have a good day at work, papa? Chuuya: "...It went fine." *smiles* sonia...*hug* mito: *mew* Chuuya: "..." *pat pat on Sonia's back...pets Mito* sonia: .... Chuuya: "W-Well, I suppose you have homework..." sonia: could you help me? Chuuya: "Of course...What did you want to work on?" -elsewhere- Gopher: .\\\\. riley: is he alright? kirika: having a tough day. heather: *sweatdrop* (doesnt look it to me..) Gopher: "Wh-Wh-Wat-t-t-ter?" -elsewhere- Bakugo: "??? The hell you looking at my baby pictures?" mina: you have such an angry baby face XD Bakugo: >_< "I DO NOT AND I WILL TOTALLY DESTROY YOU WITH--" eijiro: is this a lion?! <X'D -it’s a onesie- Bakugo: O\\\\\\\O "...MOM! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" -elsewhere- Iida: "??? You feel okay?" momo: ?? y-yeah. of course i do. ^^; Iida: "...The exams?" momo:...*nod* Iida: "Anything you know to work on?" -elsewhere- Relan: "Feel better?" shinra: yeah Relan: *rubs his back* "Just take it slowly...You'll figure this out." -elsewhere- Bon: *grumbles, adjusting his collar* konekomaru: everyone all set? Shima: *in a white suit, scarf, and fedora* "Ready!" izumo: -_____-;; paku: count your blessings at least its not a trilby. shiemi: *opens the door*.....wow. paku: this is.... izumo:............i have no words. -one fancy ass house- madoka: i feel so tiny... ._.; Bon: "...How does all this fit in this space?" stocking: magic mostly. izumo: GAH! oh, right, she's here too. Rin: *waves* "How's it going, fam?!" stocking: ^-^; well, the party room is this way. mom, dad, and kid are there waiting. Yukio: *bows* "Thank you for this invitation--" Rin: *pushing Yukio forward* "Food, bro--food!" Yukio: -_-; paku: mrs death? stocking: hmm? paku: is it true your dad is....you know....a mega nerd? stocking:............................................................... >->;;;;;;;;;; izumo: -_-; your silence speaks volumes. Shima: "Ah, how big a nerd can he--" *turns a corner to another hallway* "...Why does he have anime figurines in glass cases?" stocking: the less questions you ask, the better you'll sleep tonight. Bon: -_-;;;;; "Let's just get this--" Mephisto: "WELCOME!" *bear hug* Bon: *crushed ribs* X_____X paku: ._.;; shiemi: ^-^;; stocking: *inhales* (please let me get through this tonight) felisia: ^^; so you're stocking's students and coworker, right? Shima: "..." *picks up Koneomaru* "Please accept this human sacrifice--" konekomaru: D8 -CHOP- stocking: bad shima. Shima: *collapses at Felisia's feet* X_X izumo: *drags him in* i apologize for that. felisia: oh it's quite alright, deary. ^^ paku: i really like your dress, ma'am. felisia: aw thanks, i sewed it myself. Rin: "Stylish. I should get some cash to have you make something..." Yukio: "??? ...So you could wear a dress?" Rin: >3< "Dude!" felisia: if you wanted, i wouldnt judge. ^^ -and so, at dinner- Bon: *stares at the curry* "How spicy is it?" stocking: *cringes as she eats her dinner* paku: you have a pretty big house. are you really a magician? felisia: you could say that~ ^u^ Rin: >_> "Soooooooo, how's work going, Kid?" Kid: "Busy. And your classes?" Rin: "...I'm not failing as badly?" ^^; shiemi: we've been improving, right nee? nee: ^o^ Yukio: "I can attest to that..." madoka:....oh! right. i should probably return- Mephisto: "Oh, thank you! But I don't want it anymore." madoka: oh, a-are you sure? Mephisto: "Consider it a gift, Honorary True Crosser..." madoka: thank you sir! *bows* Mephisto: "You're very welcome, Hero." *smiles* -noises in the hall....footsteps?- shiemi: ??? ???: "Brother? We got any curly fries?" stocking: 0-0;; (oh. oh no. no no no.) maid: miss paku, a sample of tea? paku: oh, um.....ok?..... *sips......zzzzzz* izumo: D8< WHAT DID YOU- maid: it's better if she doesnt remember this. Amaimon: *holding a tub of ice cream* "...Oh. The party?" shiemi: OxO;;;;;;;; Rin: .___. "..." *turns* "Stocking. Explain?" stocking: dammit amaimon -_-; konekomaru: isnt he the broccoli head guy? Bon: "What the hell, Mephisto?!" Mephisto: "...Well, Amaimon is..." ^^;;; felisia: we're rehabilitating him here. stocking: (nice save, mom) Bon: "..." *crosses his arms* "Makes sense, I guess." Shima: *still unconscious, propped up in a chair* X_X Rin: ^^;;;;;;; shiemi: >->;;;;;;;; Amaimon: "Hey, you gonna finish that?" *puts his hand into Konekomaru's mashed potatoes, grabs it, starts licking it off his fingers* konekomaru: D8> -CHOP- stocking: down boy. Amaimon: T_T "So mean..." shiemi: ._.;;;;;;; Mephisto: "...Kidding!" shiemi: *forced awkward laughing* OwO;;;; Bon: "..." *pushes his plate, sips the water* Amaimon: "...Oh, hey. My bride." shiemi: THISHASBEENALOVELYDINNERBUTIREALLYHAVETOGOHOMERIGHTNOWITHINKMYMOMMAYHAVEATERMINALILLNESSANDINEEDTOTENDTOTHATGOODNIGHT!!! *RUNS* Amaimon: "..." *takes Shiemi's seat, starts eating her meal* izumo: .........should i be creeped out by this? i feel i should. Yukio: "Let's...just make the most of this. Not like anything else weird can happen..." Mephisto: "How are classes? I was wondering because we had some ideas to spice up lessons--" konekomaru: well, we had this one random student come in named godaiin- Mephisto: *drops his spoon* stocking: dad? Mephisto: "...Whoopsy. I better get a fresh one..." felisia: ... Mephisto: *walks to the kitchen* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Oh, stop it..." tomura: *face on the floor, groaning* himiko: do you want a cupcake? Kurogiri: "...We can put frosting on it." tomura *muffled response* Kurogiri: "...I think he said yes." -elsewhere- Poe: *curled up under blanket* lana: edgar? Poe: "!!! Y-Yes?" lana: you alright? Poe: "..." *nods* "Snug as a bug in a rug..." ^^; lana:....*leans and snuggles* Poe: =\\\\\= *holds her* -elsewhere- Crona: *humming* mami: *making dinner* Crona: *sets down plates* "...May I help?" mami: feel free to. ^^ Crona: *reaches past Mami for a bottle* "Maybe a little of this?" -elsewhere- Hyde: *holds up a jar to Licht...it has a label on it* licht: ?? *The label says "Whoop Ass"* Hyde: "..." *slowly opens the jar* licht: ???? there's nothing in it... *PUNCH* licht: *stunned* !! Hyde: "Hee hee--GOT YOU GOOD!" licht:....*glare* Hyde: OwO "...REGRET NOTHING!" *runs* -elsewhere- Fyodor: *muttering in Russian* erina: ?? Fyodor: *shakes in the shackles* "..." *sounds like a rattle in his throat* erina: sir? sir?! Fyodor: "M-Medicine..." erina: r-right away! *over talkie* we have a prisoner who is in need of medical, ASAP! Fyodor: *shudders* -elsewhere- hina: so this 'league'... mimeca: =3= saku: .... Akua: "They...are expanding." kinuta: oh~? PlushFix: "And they want our expertise!" Akua: "...Or just your numbers." hina: eh, a job's a job. and if we get to murder some fucks, great! saku:.... 7_7; mimeca: *takes form of beatrice* hina: yeah, maybe we will find the rent-a-maid. PlushFix: "Hope so. And Flowers." hina: maybe schedule a prison break~? mimeca: *NOD NOD NOD* PlushFix: "Sweet...That'll be a good challenge." -elsewhere- Gopher: *asleep on the couch* kirika:.... *Ring* kirika: yo. Justin: "Miss Kirika? This is Justin Law." kirika: oh hey shitty priest, thought you died or somethin' *her tone doesnt seem hostile* Justin: ^^; "Fortunately, not. Thank you. I wanted to check in regarding Miss Oriko--" kirika: !!! is she ok?! how is she?! does she remember anything?! oriko: ?? Justin: "She is fine...Her mental and emotional health are improving...Memories are slower to come..." kirika: what all does she remember? Justin: "Mostly typical details and behaviors--talking, usual activities someone her age would know...Only a few details but not the majority of her past." kirika:...can i talk to her at least? Justin: "Of course. I know you'll do so, but be understanding how much she can handle..." kirika: o-ok... oriko: who is it? Justin: "A friend." oriko: ok...hello? kirika: oriko, it's me kirika, do you remember me? oriko: oh of course. you're justin's friend, right? kirika: *wince*....y-yeah....guess you still dont remember, huh? oriko: sorry if im not able to help. i do remember some things, though. like tea, one of my favorite novels 'crime and punishment', but i dont remember the author... Justin: *wipes some dust on a nearby counter, listening* kirika: well, if you guys wanted to...i dunno...visit, i'd like that a lot. oriko: ok. i'll let him know. bye bye......miss kirika offered us to visit... Justin: "..." *smiles* "I think that would be a fun event. It's a charming home." -elsewhere- Shima: *wakes up* "Wh-what happened?" paku: ugh...am i dead right now? -they're in one of the spare bedrooms....on a heart shaped bed- Shima: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. ("OH GOD OH GOD--DON'T DO ANYTHING. DON'T MOVE. DON'T SAY ANYTHING.") "...Hello." ("...YOU DUMMY!") paku: .......................................................*SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM* *PAWNCH* Shima: *knocked out of the bed* *slow-motion--* "Ooooooooooow..." -repeat that in slo-mo as ave maria plays in the background- Shima: *hits the floor with a loud thud* izumo: *SLAM* WHAT HAPPENED?!! DID HE DO ANYTHING?!?! Shima: X______X paku: PERVERT!! izumo:............*DEATH AURA* Shima: X_X "I swear, I'm already dead. No more..." konekomaru:....no offense, mr mephisto, but you have a demented sense of humor Mephisto: "D'aw, thanks~" ^^ madoka: well, thank you for the dinner, sir. *bows* stocking: i'll make sure godaiin gets those eyedrops then. Mephisto: *curtesy to Madoka* "You're very welcome." *serious face at Rin* "DON'T SCREW THIS UP." Rin: ._.;;;; Kid: "???" madoka: ^////^;;; stocking: *sweatdrop* felisia: ^^; Kid: *ahem* "Thank you very much, Mephisto, Felisia..." *looks at Shima* "...So, do I collect his soul, or--" felisia: he's fine. mostly. -elsewhere- Emine: *under his own bed* "..." lin-kimpur: *pap pap* you did well on your bad deed, today. Emine: "...Did I?" lin-kimpur:... *crawls under to join him* Emine: "...Too cramped?" -elsewhere- Yukio: "What a mess..." -_-; kyouko: yikes. sounds like it. Rin: "It was mostly harmless--minus the passing out, unwanted advances from demons--" kyouko: ._.; Yukio: "Please take this more serioiusly. Shiema is now going to need more anti-demon repellent--" Rin: D8> "Then how do I hang out with you guys?" shiemi: i-it's fine, really. if i use that, i wont be able to see nee or the others. Yukio: "But we have to do something--" kyouko: you're getting pretty strung up, yuki. *smirk* Yukio: "I am simply concerned about the wellbeing of--...of all of us." kyouko: 7w7 sure yuki, sure. Yukio: -\\\\\- Rin: "...!!! D'aw, he's blushing~" -w- Yukio: >\\\\\< "I am just having an allergic reaction--" shiemi: i dont think i have pollen on me ._.; Rin: "...Yukio, didn't you tell me pollen was--" Yukio: "FINISHTHATSENTENCEANDI'LLMAKEYOURFLAMEINTOASMALLEMBER--" kyouko: yukio. deep breaths. shiemi: ???? Rin: Q_Q "...I don't want to be turned into an ember..." -elsewhere- Kid: *takes off his jacket* "...Those eyedrops..." stocking: they should help that boy out for at least a while. i'll ask nygus to give him a prescription…. {stocking: dad, what do you mean 'godaiin's problem is a harbinger'?} {Mephisto: "We are trying to determine what he encountered that led him to see things he should not see..."} stocking: ... -two days later, in russia- ???: <shit! there's no end to these things!?> shura: *SLASHING* just what is this place, even? ???: this was an experimental accelerator...perhaps.... shura:.... !!...oi....lewin, the fuck is that? lewin: ??..... !!! -a dark shape can be seen- Triple A: *slashing at an opponent* "Back, back, foul beast! Lewin! Could you please find what you need so we can--" lewin: ohohohoho, this is getting real interesting now...you know what that is there? shura: a creepy ass blob of death? lewin:...that.....is a gehenna gate. shura: !!???!!! lewin: a human made gehenna gate, eh? -the gate warps- shura: i dont like the looks of this. lewin: we'll need a specialist to deal with this... Triple A: *grumbles* "Fine...Who are we calling?" lewin: you know who we have to call. Triple A: "...No." lewin: come on angel, i know you dont like it, but, contrary to popular belief, the world doesnt revolve round you. shura: zing. Triple A: -~- "F-Fine..." *opens his flip phone* "...Pheles?" Mephisto: *static* "Wh-What--" lewin: i think we have an idea of what's been happening here.... -elsewhere- Asura: "!!!" mikan: you felt that too? Asura: *nods* "So powerful..." -upstairs, nirvana employees are scrambling about with reports and research- ???: *pulls out his watch, looks at it...smiles* ???: ..... *she's shaking, scared* <d-d-do i have to? h-he didnt do anything wrong-> -a man is strapped to a chair, likely to be interrogated- ???: "Tsk tsk tsk...You know it has to be done." ???:.....*touches the man's cheek* Man: "?!!" <Wh-What are you--> ???:.....*she is crying as she takes a hammer.....and slams it onto her finger* Man: *howls in pain* <What sorcery is this?!> ???: *tears falling from pain as she slams the hammer down again* Man: *screaming, crying* <St-Stop! I'll say anything!> ???:...... *she looks to the man with the watch* ???: *smiles* "Ask him where the money is." -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and then they drizzle chocolate over it! You'll love it!" leo: *smiles* -elsewhere- sachiko: *examining patient files* Dr. John: "Hard at work?" sachiko: yeah. feels like i havent been working as hard as i could be.... Dr. John: "Well, we all pace ourselves to achieve our goals." *smiles* sachiko: *nods* -elsewhere- izumi: *studying hard* Anya: "Could I borrow a sheet of paper?" izumi: *hands her one* Anya: "Thank you..." *starts folding the paper* -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Looking forward to spring?" ochako: yep! cant wait for the flower viewing. Todoroki: *nods* "And flower shows?" ochako: ^^ Todoroki: "Should be fun. We can go after we get through exams..." -elsewhere- Yohei: *drenched wet and covered in soap suds* "..." chie: *also soaked* *sigh* toru: babu! ^o^ Yohei: "Kid's gonna be a swimmer..." -elsewhere- Medusa: *humming* neian: *babble* Medusa: "..." *hug* -elsewhere- tomura: ..... Kurogiri: "Any new visitors--" -knock on the door- tomura: *groaaaans* Kurogiri: "...Fine. I'll answer." *opens the door* hina: yo, this the 'league of rogues' or somethin'? Kurogiri: "..." *summons a warp gate hina: woah, easy now. we're just here cause we heard you're recruiting. that broker guy in the purple sent us. mimeca: *waves* saku: ... Kurogiri: "..." *shuts off the warp gate* "Pass-code?" PlushFix: *muffled voice* " 'Seven sleeping seagulls.'" *PlushFix pops up* "Who writes this shit?!" Kurogiri: "...It's from my child's picture book." hina: fantaaastic. Kurogiri: "Come in." *closes the door behind them* "Let's begin with drinks and discussion." himiko: AWWW WHAT A CUTE PLUSHIE! can i hold it? hina: sure, go nuts. himiko: *HUGGGGGGS* PlushFix: "Wait wh--" *CRUNCH* X_____X "You motherf--" Kurogiri: *covers PlushFix's mouth* *evil voice to PlushFix* "No." PlushFix: O_o;;;;; tomura: let me fucking guess, you shipdits are here to sing the praises of stain for the billionth time. hina: who? tomura:....this woman is officially my favorite person in this building. Kurogiri: "See? Recruiting new people can be useful." PlushFix: X______X mimeca: ^u^ tomura:...whatever.... -elsewhere- Chuuya: *pours milk into the dish, sets it on the floor* mito: *lap lap* Chuuya: *strokes her back...sits on the floor* mito: *mew* ^^ Chuuya: *small smile* "Good kitty..." *pats her side* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *knocks* higuchi: door's open! Akutagawa: *walks in* "Hello." naoya: yo! Akutagawa: *wave* "I assure you, I have not killed." higuchi: *sweatdrop* nice to know. kuniko: hey. *playing smash bros* Akutagawa: "...How is game-playing?" -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *wringing out his shirt* -_-; ebie: *whistling* Steinbeck: "??? Still busy with tasks?" *hangs up his shirt on a clothesline* ebie: yeppers....so you're from a farm too, right? Steinbeck: "Yep. Tend to fields..." ebie: *smiles* that sounds nice. i get homesick sometimes..... *draws something in the dirt* thats my pa, john, my ma, fern, my big brother avery, grampy, grammy edit, and the farmhand mr zuckerman. Steinbeck: "...Quite a few people, huh?" ebie: *nods*....i do miss them a lot. i hope they're doing alright. Steinbeck: "When did you last talk to them?" ebie: i got to talk to my ma last christmas over the phone. sounds like they were doing ok, though she did say she missed me. *wipes eyes* Steinbeck: "..." *pats her shoulder* ebie: do you miss talking to your family, too? Steinbeck: "...Yes. All the time." ebie: maybe we can meet them one day. Steinbeck: "..." *looks around...whispers* "There are some of us who I think aren't ready to meet my family yet..." ebie: owo ? -elsewhere- Kid: *has glitter in his hair* "..." kirika: ^u^ Kid: "...This is not charming." kirika: love you too, bro ^^ Kid: *sighs* "Thanks. Now I have to get this cleaned up--" Patty: "Way ahead of you!" *dragging the garden hose inside* Kid: O_O "PATTY, NO--" -elsewhere- barkova: *sniffing around* Adam: *lifts up his legs* "...She always do this?" yana: pretty much. Adam: "...Is she sniffing for treats?" yana: *sighs and throws a bone cookie* barkova *chases after it before eating it* Adam: "...How'd she end up like that? Genetic tampering?" yana: more like mental conditioning. Adam: "...That seems mean." yana: we arent exactly 'good people'. Adam: "..." Q_Q "That's incredibly sad." yana:.... *typing things up* -elsewhere- Aizawa: *draws lines along the page* "Aaaaaaaand done." *Class 1A names linked together* blood king: well done. *has done the same with class 1B* Aizawa: "How's their exam planning?" -elsewhere- Rin: *headphones on, chopping vegetables, whistling* kyouko: hey rin? yukio has a call for you.....rin? Rin: *singing into a carrot* "OOOOOH YAY!" kyouko:....hate to do this, but you leave me no choice....*grabs his tail and bites down* Rin: Q____Q *SHRIEK* kyouko: *ptooie* sorry 'bout that, but yukio has a call for you. Rin: Q~Q "Not cool, man..." *takes the phone* "What up?" Yukio: "Oh, good, you're there--we have some extracurricular work--" Rin: "Is it extra credit?" Yukio: "...No--" Rin: "Hanging up--" Yukio: "DON'T GIVE ME THIS SASS RIGHT NOW!" Rin: ._.; kyouko: ._.;; Yukio: *ahem* "It is by order of Mephisto." -and so- Rin: *yawns* "So, what we doing?" Yukio: "We are investigating the Seven Mysteries--" izumo: of the cram school, right? Shima: "Not the one about the old lady who smashed the toilet?" konekomaru: well, death city is full of strange things, but i guess to the locals these are pretty mundane... Yukio: "This is limited to just the cram school. We expect demons are responsible for the Mysteries." shiemi: ... Yukio: *hands out a paper* "Read and memorize these mysteries..." izumo:... !!! look! -a white form can be spotted in the window- Yukio: "Ah. That's Mystery 1: 'the Bride.'" Shima: ._______. konekomaru: come on, lets go. -elsewhere- adrian: *walking along school grounds**turns a corner*... ?? well...fancy meeting you here~....mr traitor... Todo: "Tch. Respect your elders." adrian: here to clear out your old office? Todo: "Among other things..." adrian: hmm...no one else is here, right? Todo: "No. Just a ghost." adrian: and i take it she's dealing with the cram students? well, in that case, i'll just get comfortable~ *markings appear on her body, and horns upon her head* pazuzu: *streeeetch* ahhh, it's been too long since i could let loose like this. Todo: *nods* "Now, onto business..." *takes out an envelope* -morning- takara: *reading* konekomaru: ....what even _is_ takara's deal, anyway...? Rin: "...Do you think he's... *gulp* a demon?" konekomaru: ..... *staaaaaaare* izumo:....*facepalm* Bon: "And what the heck are you, you dimbulb?" Rin: "...A cool guy?" izumo: that's debatable. Rin: >3< "Just ask him, then. YO! TAKARA! WHAT'S YOU--" takara's puppet: CANT YOU SEE HE'S BUSY, BUNNY BOY!? Rin: ._. "..." >_< "I'M NOT TALKING TO A PUPPET! I'M ASKING--" izumo: dont bother. Rin: *being held back by Bon and Konekomaru* Bon: -_-# shiemi: bon, is he really the son of a toy company owner? Bon: "Yep. Wouldn't surprise me if that was one reason Pheles wanted him." izumo: cant believe he's a year above us. Bon: "Well, if you're young at heart, guess you look younger?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *yawns* kirako: zzzzz Dazai: "..." *light hug* kirako: *yawn* morning.... Dazai: "Morning...Hungry?" kirako: yes please. Dazai: "Okay..." *stretches* "Any preferences?" -elsewhere- (Oda: you awake?) atsushi: *yawn* (yeah) Oda: {Busy day ahead?} atsushi: (yeah, winter exams and all...) Oda: {You've been studying quite a bit for them, though...Need to practice?} atsushi: (might help) Oda: {Maybe ask Lucy or--} atsushi:.... (i'll see if she's up) -elsewhere- Chuuya: *adjusts his gloves* hirotsu: *hands him a paper* your mission for today. Chuuya: *takes it, reading the file* "...You're sure?" hirotsu: *he nods* Chuuya: "...Very well. You want me to handle this alone or with someone else?" hirotsu: you'll be taking naoya and miss makarov with you. Chuuya: *nods* "Very well. Are they ready?" -elsewhere- PlushFix: -_-### mimeca: o^o~? PlushFix: "That tiny terror plays too rough...I'm not some toy, damn it." mimeca:.... >->;;; PlushFix: "Y-You know what I mean! And Emo Hand-Job is a buzz kill." mimeca: =3= PlushFix: "Then Warp-Daddy says 'Just wait, your time will come.' I WANT TO KILL ALREADY!" mimeca: *pap pap* PlushFix: *sniff, wipes his teddy nose* "Thanks..." T_T -elsewhere- Mephisto: "...Disconcerting, to say the least..." shura: yeah, no shit. lewin: hopefully, those barriers you put up will help... Mephisto: "Quite..." *sips his tea* "...Where is Arthur?" lewin: he's getting info from the locals. Mephisto: *nods* "Keep me updated." -elsewhere- tamaki: ..... Arthur: "...Yes?" tamaki: ?? just thinking... Arthur: "...Yes?" tamaki: ?? just thinking... {tamaki: *eating lunch alone in a storage closet, wiping her tears away* *sniff*} {???: "--and such a freak!"} {???: did you see her at gym class today? i bet she's just faking it to get guys to notice her, hahaha, how lame!} {???: "You know what I think? She's a slut. Just wants attention."} {tamaki: *shaking, eating her food harder* *hic*....(stupid jerks...i dont need friends anyway! im fine on my own!)} tamaki: ........ Arthur: "..." *rests his hand lightly over hers* tamaki:... *sniff* t-thanks... Arthur: *nods* "...You're not alone." tamaki: .... nozomi:....*pats her back* Arthur: "See?" tamaki: ....*small smile* Arthur: "..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Yohei: *smooch* chie: ^////^ hehe~ Yohei: *rubs her back lightly* "I finished fixing the sink...What else you need?" LK: [[..... TT~TT YAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSS YASSSSSSSSSSSSSs. later down the line tho.]] -elsewhere- liz: *plomph onto wes' lap* hello~ Wes: ^\\\\^ "Hey, there, beautiful." liz: busy~? Wes: "With you..." *kisses along her jawline* "Yes." liz: hmhmhm~ Wes: *lets his hands move to her back, drawing her closer* liz: u////u Wes: *his lips meet hers, as one hand slides to her bottom* liz: mmmm~<3 Wes: *rubs her bottom--before giving a very soft spank to it* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Your tea." tsubaki: thank you. naho: we're back! Sakuya: *closes the door behind them* Shamrock: "How was it?" naho: tireeed. *plops onto the couch* =////= soft.... Sakuya: "..." *nods* "What she said..." *puts down his bookbag, stretches* lavender: want some hot cocoa? Sakuya: "That'd be great--thanks." lavender: ^^ *goes to make it* with marshmallows? naho: yeeeessss.... Sakuya: ^^ *sits down, rests his fingers along her head* naho: =w= <3 Sakuya: *small laugh, massages her head lightly* naho: *purr* Sakuya: "Cute..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Zzz..." hirotsu: *tucks him in* Akutagawa: *shivers* hirotsu:.... *sighs and exits* -morning- yumikage: *grumbles* Jun: "???" yumikage: long night. exhausted. fuckin' tsurugi kept me up all night. Jun: "Well, you have work this morning--so pour some coffee." yumikage: *grumbling* mafura: ~? tsurugi:.... 7v7 *whispers something to mafura* mafura:....ok.....mr jun? Jun: "Hmm?" mafura: is mr tsurugi mafura-chan’s brother? yumikage: *sipping coffee* Jun: "I don't think so." mafura: because he said mr touma was our daddy. yumikage: *SPITTAKE* TSURUGI! D8< tsurugi: >u< Jun: "... ... ... ... ..." *death glare at Tsurugi* tsurugi: OuO..... WHOOPWHOOPWHOOPWHOOPWHOOP. yumikage: GET BACK HERE AND APOLOGIZE TO HER! Jun: "...Mafura. Think through what you're asking next time." mafura: ??? Jun: "..." *sighs, smiles* "How about pancakes?" mafura: ok! ^u^ -elsewhere- Master: "??? You got customers." mana: welcome. ^^ Izuku: *waves* "Hi. We're here for a study group?" mana: right this way. *guides them to a table that has a sign 'class 1-a study group' Todoroki: *nods* Mineta: *walks on in, very proud--* Master: *DEATH GLARE* Mineta: *walks right back out...* -elsewhere- Hemingway: "Gee, you're burnt to a crisp..." twain: x3Q worth it....ow. Hemingway: *sigh* "How is this 'worth it'? You got to build up slowly. Look at me--" *rips open his shirt* "AND MY GOLDEN TAN!" twain: noice. oscar: .///. oh my. Hemingway: "You think this is something, you should've seen the tan I sported when I went toe-to-flipper against the rampaging manatees of Havana!" -elsewhere- PlushFix: "...So is it a mannequin hand, or an artistic statement?" tomura: *grunts and plays his game using chopsticks to press the buttons* PlushFix: "...That's just sad. I bet you can't even touch your Little Buddy..." tomura: do you ever stop talking, you shitty demented chucky knock-off? PlushFix: "...Yes. When I'm eating out your mama." tomura: *throws him out the window* PlushFix: "WOOOOORTH IT--" *crashes into dumpster* tomura: shut up. shut up shut up shut up sHUT UP SHUTUPSHUTUP!!! Kurogiri: "Shigaraki. Breathe." tomura: *sharp quick breaths as he's crying* Kurogiri: "???" *pats his back* tomura: mu-*hic*-ma-*hi-hic*-mommyyyy..... Kurogiri: "...Oh...I'm sorry..." tomura: *whimpering* Kurogiri: *hums* tomura:....*hic*.......... Kurogiri: "You're okay...Just breathe..." -elsewhere- soul:....*staring up at the ceiling* .... Stein: "You're up." soul: ?? oh, right. so, how long is the plane ride gonna be? Stein: "Long enough for another 2 movies--director's cuts." soul: *grooooan* Stein: "...Something on your mind?" soul: just.....remembering. Stein: "...Hmm. Talk?" soul: i know its been years since it happened, and i've been coping as best as i can.....but part of me still wishes she was here. Stein: "...That is a normal wish. Do you think about her often in combat?" soul: ...yeah. Stein: "Then use that to do what she would want you to do." soul: right. Stein: "And don't forget to pay attention to what is in front of you--or you're going to run into a wall." soul: *stops in front of the wall* ._.; Stein: *sigh* "Sit down and just watch the film." -elsewhere- Meme: "..." *sniff* mio: meme? Meme: *wipes her eyes* *sniff* "Y-Yes?" mio: you holding up, ok? Meme: "I-I don't know?" mio:....well, there's a movie being held in the den if you're interested. Meme: "...Which one?" mio: i think it's fivel goes west. Meme: "..." *holds out a hand* mio: *takes her hand and leads her downstairs* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *stands up* "How was it?" lisa:....ok. Vulcan: "..." *holds out a hand* "You had to make another appointment?" lisa:...*nod* Vulcan: "Want me to take you there?" lisa: y-yes. Vulcan: *nods* "Of course..." *soft pat on her hand* -elsewhere- Kid: *falls face first onto bed* stocking: feeling ok? Kid: "Tired...So many papers..." stocking: want a shoulder rub? Kid: "...Please?" stocking: *smiles and does so* Kid: =\\\\= *sigh of relief* "So much better..." stocking: ^^ *kiss* Kid: "Mmmm...Thank you." *smooch* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I'm sorry...I didn't ask how your day was." stocking: busy for the most part. Kid: *lies back* "...I'm so proud of you." stocking: *kiss* ^///^ Kid: ^\\\^ "Mmm~ ...I said the right thing, then?" *smiles* stocking: you often do~ *crawls onto his lap* Kid: *holds her* "Comfy?" stocking: mmhmm~ *rests her head in the crook of his neck* Kid: *strokes the back of her hed* "Good..." *holds her close* stocking: u/////u i love you... Kid: *cheek smooch* "I love you." stocking: mmmn~ *kiss* Kid: *kisses back, rests a hand on her hip* "Love..." stocking: mm? Kid: *rests his lips lightly on the side of her neck* stocking: ah~ *strokes his head* Kid: *purrs softly, holds onto her* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *shaking* medic: has he even been eating? Medic #2: *shakes their head* "Refuses..." medic:....has he been taking care of himself _at all_? Medic #2: "...I think something is lost for him." medic:.....*sigh* do we request a transfer into psychiatric? Medic #2: "...Make the call." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *holds target upside over the edge of the building* "You are lucky. I promised not to kill." guy: Q~Q;;; Akutagawa: "But that's only for a probationary period. And while I wait for that period to end, I'm going to be thinking of the many ways I can torture you--then kill you in the slowest, most painful way possible...unless you give me what I want." guy: i-i'll talk! i'll talk! Akutagawa: "...Good." *pulls the target back, drops them on the top of the roof, holds Rashomon close to them* "You were hunting the Tiger. Why?" guy: w-we got orders.... Akutagawa: "From whom?" guy: t-the dame...s-she- Akutagawa: "???" guy: she gave the order. katya: dame? as in from the order of the clock tower? Akutagawa: "??? Them?" katya: most likely. Akutagawa: "...Get this one into custody, before the Order finds him." katya: understood. -elsewhere- -elsewhere- ???: are the three of us really going to the states, madam? ???: will we be..... ???:....taking a boat? ???: for now, you will be surveying the situation. -the young woman and twin girls nod- all three: of course. -elsewhere- Jonah: *walking around in Haumea's old outfit* " 'I'm Haumea! And I like potato sack clothes!'" guruna: *giggling* kurukurukurukuru >w< Jonah: *spins on one foot* " 'I'm a giant human bug zapper--'cause my synapsis are all shot!' Tra la la la la..." Haumea: "..." guruna: OwO;;;;;; Jonah: .w.; Haumea: "..." *grabs the sleeves of her old outfit--and pulls them up like drawstrings, sealing Jonah...before she holds the outfit like a bag--and swings it over her head and through the wall* arrow:.....*siiiigh* -_-; -elsewhere- Gopher: "...Thank you." kirika: hey, its no prob. Gopher: "..." *smooch* kirika: O////O Gopher: *pulls back* "..." .\\\\. "I-I just...I wanted to...I'm sorry." kirika: >////<; y-you could at least warn me first, jeez. 7///7; Gopher: "S-Sorry! ...Should I warn you now?" kirika:...f-fine, sure, whatever. -///-; Gopher: "..." *cheek smooch* kirika: =///=;; Gopher: *pulls back* .\\\\. "...It's soft." kirika: 7///3///7; Gopher: "..." *strokes where he kissed* kirika: >///< *smooch*.... Gopher: O\\\\\\\O kirika: ....i-i panicked ok?! >n< Gopher: .\\\\\. "I-I guess we're even?" kirika: y-yeah......i got smash bros. you in? Gopher: "Y-Yeah. I'm in..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *walks through hall with groceries* sonia: *walking with him* Chuuya: "And this weekend I'll show you how to bake carrot cake..." sonia: ok. *small smile* Chuuya: "And when we get through some of your homework...Did you teacher assign you much?" sonia: its not too much. Chuuya: "Then maybe we can find some activity to do. Or did you want to visit anyone?" sonia: .....can we visit mama? Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "Of course." -elsewhere- *darkness* ???: "Heroes...die..." shinra: ??? *looks around* *Fire appears against the blackness--but no heat comes from it* *Women's eyes appear...everywhere...watching* shinra: what...where am....where am i.....? *Hands pass along his chest* shinra: !!! *wakes up with a start, frightened* GAH! teacher: mr kusakabe? shinra: w-wha.. Arthur: "..." *rubs his arm* "Stupid laundry day...Static cling..." shinra:... s-sorry, i dozed off. *focusing on studying* Arthur: *eyeroll...and not noticing he has a sock stuck to the back of his jacket* shinra:....*grin* -elsewhere- Poe: *opens the mail* "...Huh. This is charming." lana: whats up? Poe: *takes out a child's drawing* LK: lana: aww. ^^ Poe: ^^ "She even drew us..." -the drawing shows emilia, her parents, poe, rowena, lana karl...and the black cat- Poe: "..." Q_______________________Q lana:...*pat pat* Poe: "Do-Don't you see it?" lana: ?? does your brother have a cat? Poe: *shakes his head* lana: is it her imaginary friend, then? Poe: "...Lana...I have something..." lana: i already know you have an ability, i saw it first hand, remember? Poe: Q___Q "...It's still scary." lana: it's ok... *kiss* Poe: *whimper* lana: *hug* it's ok...*pat pat* Poe: "Th-Thank you..." -elsewhere- Q: *doodling* ^^~ Adam: "???" *looks* -its of Q and zoey, Q's doll, aya, and fyodor.....with ivan cut into pieces in the background- Adam: "... ... ...Who is that blob?" *points at Aya* Q: .... .////. her name's aya. she's pretty. Adam: "...You have a crush on the girl represented by the blob?" Q: >///< *nod nod* her dad tried to shoot me, though. Q_Q Adam: "...That's rough, kiddo. Maybe you should have spoken to him first?" Q: but he's with the agency >3<.....and he's in jail right now........*lightbulb* PERFECT! Adam: "???" Q: miss lydiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lydia: yes? Q: can you get aya for me? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- lydia: no. Q: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lydia: i said no, Q. Q: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE- lydia:... <oh for the love of...> vanya! talk to him. Ivan: <Gladly~> ^^ "Young boy, you cannot simply obsess about someone--it's not healthy. Instead, channel those feelings into behavior that is more productive--" *currently sharpening a knife* lydia:................................................*facepalm* (i dont even know why i bother.) Adam: "...Well, I think there's not necessarily someone for everyone. Maybe you're just destined to die alone?" Ivan: "..." lydia:....... -one punishment later- Q: mommyyyyy they're being mean! zoey: whats wrong, sweetie? Q: they wont bring aya over! TTATT lydia: it would be a liability to- zoey: well, im sure they'll gladly bring her over, right? lydia: that's- zoey: i said.... *scalpel out* they will _gladly_...bring her over....._right_? lydia: ...i'll.....see what we can arrange. Q: YAY! Adam: Q______Q "...It hurts in multiple ways..." yana:....that sucks, buddy. Ivan: >3< <--and he has no idea what true love is...> yana: <well what _is_ it then?> Ivan: <Absolute devotion.> yana:...<cool story, bro.> Ivan: <Always serve the one you love with absolute devotion and no questions, spawn of my master!> Adam: O_o ("...I have no idea what they are saying.") yana: mmhmm. Ivan: <Never let go of the one you love! Serve their every need! WE WILL GIVE YOU A GLORIOUS WORLD, MY MASTER! Hang in there and survive prison!> yana: gonch, easy boy, deep breathing. Ivan: *deep inhale--then passes out* lydia:... *sigh* i'll take him to his room. -elsewhere- Fyodor: <It's quite comfortable...The quiet...That stench of hope slowly drained from even the strongest body...It exudes out the skin, as the heart breaks.> erina: ?? Fyodor: "...Sorry. I'm rambling." ^^ erina: i..see. ^^; Fyodor: "I haven't asked you--are they treating you well?" erina: well, one of the higher ups did heckle me for talking to you while you're in solitary. Fyodor: "Oh, dear. I'm sorry I caused you trouble...That's not fair." erina: *sigh* i do have a job to keep things in order....but i do enjoy being able to talk to you... Fyodor: "I as well. I appreciate your company." *smiles* erina:... .///. Fyodor: "Oh, no...I said something wrong, didn't I?" erina: n-no not at all, sir! Fyodor: "...'Fyodor.'" erina: ...r-right... .//////. Fyodor: "And...may I call you 'Erina'?" erina: O///O *steam comes off her head* ITSFINES-FYODOR! >////<;;; Fyodor: "Ah~ That's pleasant to my ears." *smiles* erina: ehehehehehe...heh.... .////w////.;;; Fyodor: "...I'm glad you're here." erina:....t-thanks... -elsewhere- Kouyou: "I’ll be back by 10." leo: understood, lady kouyou. Kouyou: *picks up an umbrella* leo: please do take care of yourself. *bows* Kouyou: "I will, thank you." *steps outside and spots--* "Oh." leo: ?? Tachihara: "Hey, sweet thang. You tired? 'Cause you been running through my mind~" leo:...*slams door in his face* Tachihara: *smushed face* D8> -elsewhere- kyouko: *playing the DDR* sayaka: she's really good at this. Rin: *nods* "She'll crack the top score!" sayaka: go kyouko! >u< Rin: *claps* "Kyouko! Kyouko!" kyouko: *still going* ???: "I want to play!" kyouko: ?? Meme: *with Mio* kyouko: sure thing, tatane. ^^ Meme: *smiles, gets on the other platform* mio: go meme! Meme: *follows the movements, not missing a step* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Hanging in there?" shinra: y-yeah.... Akitaru: "...You need a break?" *sits down, pours a glass of milk* shinra:...*sigh* Akitaru: "..." *clears his throat* "You know, there's nothing wrong if you wanted to take a leave of absence..." shinra: i-it's fine. i dont have anywhere to go... Akitaru: "You wouldn't have to go--it could be a stay-cation...Just a thought if you need it." shinra: i guess..... Akitaru: *nods* "And you'll need some sleep..." *pours a glass of milk for Shinra* shinra: ok. -elsewhere- Yumi: *trembling, clenching her fists* lord death: yumi? is everything ok? Yumi: "...How can they get away with selling this?" lord death: we'll send someone to investigate the situation. *sigh* honestly.... Yumi: *nods* "Good...Good." *still clenching her fist* lord death:... *pats her back* Yumi: *shudders* "Th-Thanks...The nerve of all of this." -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Honestly, this is getting out of hand..." ???: what he lacks is conviction. motivation... Kurogiri: "Hmm...I thought that was what Stain would offer?" ???: and look how well _that_ went. Kurogiri: "...Point taken. So, should another variable be introduced, or let Touma dwell on this?" ???: for now, let him have time to cool off and get his thoughts in order. Kurogiri: "That...may be more difficult with the newbies?" ???: i've been looking into their histories...that doll....some of the acts committed in life are.....disturbing, to put it lightly. Kurogiri: "...I was afraid of that. One reason I keep my daughter far from him." ???: and miss toga? Kurogiri: "...I think she'll be able to handle what that tiny furry pipsqueak has to offer." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *tucks Sonia in* "And tomorrow, we'll see your mother." sonia: ok, papa. Chuuya: "Sleep well, okay?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "Good night. I love you." sonia: love you too, papa. -morning- ochako: hey dad? where do we keep the camping equipment? Mr. Uraraka: "I think in the closet. Been a bit since we used it..." ochako: ok, thanks. *goes to look, with her flashlight in hand* Mr. Uraraka: "This for your exam trip?" ochako: yep. *cough cough* dusty... Mr. Uraraka: "Yeah...Heh. Guess I should do more cleaning..." ochako: alright, let's see here. old vhs tapes, old record player, holy grail replica, aha! camping supplies! *The sleeping bag has a hole in it* ochako: *frowns* darn. it has a hole. and its too big to sew it back up. Mr. Uraraka: "Oh, man...I'm sorry, sweetie." ochako: *sigh* gonna have to buy a new one. Mr. Uraraka: "...I can start saving up--" ochako: i have an idea. maybe i can get a part time job! Mr. Uraraka: "...Now, Ochaco, you know I want you focusing on your studies--" ochako: i know. i do want to be a hero to earn you money in the long run. but the part time job is just temporary to save money for a sleeping bag for now. Mr. Uraraka: "...Okay. But your homework comes first, and I want to know the maximum hours they're going to work you. Okay?" ochako: right. Mr. Uraraka: *head pat* "Good. Now, let's get those help wanted ads out..." -elsewhere- soul: alright, so what are we doing here? Stein: "First step of any investigation is to gather immediate evidence. Notice anything out of the ordinary?" soul: *looks around* Stein: "We have to keep track of any odd behavior--" *looks...Excalibur face* soul: ?? Stein: "L-Let's just keep moving..." *walks away* Mime: o_o "???" -there is a large poster on the wall; NOW SHOWING! Swan Lake. Starring Etta Hoffman- soul:.... hm. Stein: "??? You like that kind of thing?" soul: eh, i dunno. Stein: " 'Hoffman'...Not familiar with that one." soul: must be a local thing. Stein: "..." *walks up to the ticket booth* ticket person: <how many, sir?> Stein: <Two.> soul: wait seriously? Stein: "What? I said look for what is obvious...You brought a suit and tie, right?" soul: um.... ._.; no? Stein: *sighs* "What am I going to do with you...Come on. We'll continue questioning bystanders while we get you a suit." ???: .... -elsewhere- Vulcan: "--and it'll pick up electrical signals in the air." *it's a radio...in the shape of a cicada* shinra:...cool. Vulcan: "??? What's on your mind?" shinra: bad dreams, mostly. Vulcan: "..." *sighs* "Been going around, huh?" shinra: yeah. -elsewhere- sonia: hi mama... -silence- Chuuya: *pats Sonia's shoulder* "Do you...need time alone?" sonia: ...a little.... Chuuya: *nods* "I'll...be over there." *points to a tree* sonia: ok......papa and i really miss you a lot...im trying my best to be like the other kids...but its hard....i know a lot of scary stuff about the world other kids dont know about...and im not normal like other kids...but im trying my best... Chuuya: *can't quite hear it all* "..." sonia: underground, that priest said my birth was an abomination...that i shouldnt be alive at all...is he right? Chuuya: "!!! ..." ("...No...") sonia: .....i wish you were here, mama... Chuuya: "..." *wipes his eyes* sonia:.... *looks over at chuuya* Chuuya: "???" *points to himself* sonia: do you want to talk to her too? Chuuya: *nods* "If you don't mind." sonia: its fine... Chuuya: *nods* "Thank you..." *looks at the grave* "...Hello, Rain." -...- Chuuya: "...I'm glad to be here to...talk with you." -...- Chuuya: "And I know our daughter is happy to talk with you, too." sonia: ... Chuuya: "...We miss you. And we're trying to move forward." -elsewhere- Alone: "Isn't it great? We at least get to do some work around here!" *is scrubbing the communal showers* grimoire: -_-; just freaking lovely. Alone: "..." *gets close, sing-songy voice* "They gave us new scruuuuuubers!" *holds up the brush* grimoire:.....*eye twitch* Alone: ._____.; *backs up...starts scrubbing tiles* "How you doing with this work, Shaula?" shaula: this is some serious bullshit. Alone: "What, you never cleaned the boys' showers?" shaula: *GLARE* Alone: .________.;;;; *backs up* "Okay, guys? I'm running out of corners to work out of, so I'm just going to scrub here, and you two can scrub those corners--" -elsewhere- higuchi: *looking through records* Hirotsu: "Higuchi? What is it?" higuchi: i cant find any leads on him. tachihara: on who? Hirotsu: "..." higuchi: it all just leads to dead ends... tachihara: ??? what's she talking about? Gin: "Nothing for you to think about." tachihara: aw come on, guys. im a black lizard commander too, right? >3< Hirotsu: *sigh* "She's looking into the past of the Mafia." tachihara: why not ask you? Gin: *dope-smack* tachihara: DX higuchi: -_-; i figured examining mori's background could give us insight onto where he is... tachihara: i guess that makes sense. Gin: "We've checked his usual...hangouts." tachihara: i need like...50 showers now. higuchi: hm....hirotsu, you said he used to be a doctor, right? Hirotsu: *nods* "We keep our people posted in various capacities at numerous hospitals in this city--with no luck spotting him." higuchi: hmmm...perhaps i should pay a friend of his a little visit. tachihara: do you have to be so vague? -elsewhere- Mori: "IT BROKE!" D8> fukuzawa: -_-; Mori: "Can you fix it?" fukuzawa: lets see... *examining it* -the dolls head fell off- fukuzawa: hmm.... *looking for glue* Mori: "Please? I don't want her to...to..." *stunned* fukuzawa: ....? mori? Mori: "H-Her h-h-h-head...Head. I left it. Head." fukuzawa: im looking for the glue now, mori. shizuka?: *laying on the bed, bleeding from her neck stump* Mori: *screams* *backs up from the bed* "N-Not now!" fukuzawa: mori! get a hold of yourself! Mori: "I already hid it!" fukuzawa: hid what? Mori: "..." *curls up* "S-Something from the past..." fukuzawa: .... Mori: "...Just fix it." fukuzawa:....darn, out of glue....i'll be right back. ranpo, keep an eye on him ranpo: will do. *playing on the switch* Mori: ._.; "...Maybe have someone else watch me?" -elsewhere- Stein: *grabs the blood samples* "Let's see what this offers..." soul: ... Stein: *checks under the microscope* "Hmm...Looks normal. Will have to check type as well, get some clues to their identity..." *looks at Soul* "Go speak with some witnesses." soul: .-.; um o-ok then......um.... h-hello? Bystander: "???" <Sorry, I don't speak English.> soul: um.... *sweats and checks book* <mind if i ask you a fist question?> Bystander: "..." <'Fist question'? Are you threatening me?> soul: u-um... ._.;;; ???: <This young man wishes to ask you about the murder that took place late last night.> soul: ?? *looks* girl: ....... Ted: <Do you have any information to share with Mr...> "Pardon, what is your name, young man?" soul: evans...sir. ._.; Ted: <Mr. Evans. Answer his question.> *smiles* <Please.> girl: ...... soul: um.... so did you see anything suspicious at the scene? Ted: *listens* "..." *sighs* "Sorry. I'm afraid not, Mr. Evans." -a few questions later- soul: thanks, sir. Ted: *nods* "Happy to help." girl: ...... Ted: *to her* "Come along, now." girl:.....*looks at soul as they leave* soul: .... Stein: "Oh. There you are." -soul explains what he heard- Stein: "No leads? Surprised you picked up the language enough..." soul: i had a guy translate for me...guess i need some lessons, still... Stein: "Yes. Read the book more closely." soul: -_-; yes sir. -elsewhere- Black Star: "Care to pay a visit to our new friend?" naho: *nod nod* i wanna meet them. Black Star: "Okay. Just remember--don't put a lot of pressure on them, no loud noises--and if they ask for blood, don't give it." naho: noted. Sakuya: "So, where they at?" Black Star: "Dungeon." Sakuya: ._.; lilac: ._.; Black Star: "...It's just probation, you know? Like a time-out." lilac: o-oh..... Sakuya: "What the heck kind of time out is Lord Death into?" Black Star: "I mean, Crona and others had the same thing--just have to hope the best..." tsubaki: ^-^; -elsewhere- Medusa: *sets out potions* neian: *in playpen* Medusa: *sighs* "Running low on newt eyes...Can't find a decent supplier..." neian: baba Medusa: "??? What are you thinking about, child?" *picks up Neian* neian: *babble* Medusa: "...You might as well watch. You'll have to try this as soon as you can speak." neian: ga! Medusa: *pours a bit of the potion into one cup of another--causing a snake mist to dance up and evaporate* neian: ^o^ Medusa: *smiles* "You like that, huh?" -elsewhere- Gopher: *reading* ".." -knock- Gopher: "???" *answers* kotone: *hugs* i was.......worried..... Gopher: "!!! ..." *pat pat* "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." kirika: hm? oh, hey koto. kotone: .... Gopher: ^w^; "Would you like to join us, Kotone?" kotone: *nod nod* Gopher: "We can have snacks..." kirika: and we have pizza. -elsewhere- Ivan: ^w^ *sighs* lydia: <you seem pleased> Ivan: <Putting faith in Master is never ill placed~> lydia: <ah.> Ivan: <And when he leaves the prison, we'll bring about his new world...> lydia: ... <i see you dyed your hair again.> Ivan: *pats his hands on his cheeks* <Oh, you noticed!> ^\\\^ <I thought it was for the best...> lydia: <it's a nice color on you.> Ivan: <Aw, thank you. That's really kind.> -evening- erina: *in her room* Roomie: "Yo." erina: oh, hey. heading to your job now? *she was writing reports* Roomie: "Yeah. Such a drag...How 'bout you?" erina: just finishing up writing these reports. Roomie: "Really? Can I take a looksie?" erina: well.... just a peek. Roomie: *looks over* "...What's a 'Fido'?" erina: it's 'fyodor'.... .///. Roomie: "??? ..." *smirks* erina: .... ?? whats with that look? Roomie: "You're blushing." erina: e-eeh? seriously? *slaps her own face* im fine! >A<;; Roomie: "Girl, please don't fall for the kind of people locked up in prison--there has to be someone better than that on the outside..." erina: >/////<;;; c-casey! its not like that at all! its professional! really! >/////<;;;; Casey: "So, you haven't done anything with him?" erina: O/////////O NO! Casey: "But you want to." erina:.............*going completely pink* Casey: *sighs* "Since I've known you, you haven't talked about any dates. When's the last time you got laid?" erina: CASEEEEYYY >A<;;; Casey: "Okay. Just...Don't do this. I'll set you up--I know plenty of people who'd at least give you a good night." erina: =_=;;;;; oh my gooooood.... Casey: "But don't fall for prisoners. At least wait until he gets out..." erina:....r-right... -elsewhere- Employer: "Okay, your shift will start in about an hour, so let's review what you need to know." ochako: *nod nod* Employer: "You'll have to keep an eye on customers to make sure they don't shoplift." *points to set of photos taped to the window* ochako: understood! *The door rings as someone enters* Employer: "And here's your coworker to show you the ropes--" ochako: *shiny eyes* Hyde: "Yo, boss man. Sorry I'm late--alarm didn't go off until my roomie kicked me in the head--" *spots Ochaco* "...Oh. Hey there." ochako: oh hey, you're hyde cranz, right? Hyde: "Yep. And you're...um...'Gravity'?" ochako: it's ochako. ^^ Hyde: "Right, Ochaco. I had my bet on you against Kacchan." ochako: ...y-yeah... s-sorry about that. ^^; Hyde: "Nah, it's cool--I used some other guy's money." ochako: oh... eheheh... ^^;; Hyde: "Well, I better show you how we run this machine we call 'the store of convenience.'" *points to the hot dog heater* "Don't grab anything there with bare hands." *points to the soft drink dispensers* "The nozzles grow fuzz, so clean them daily." *points to the freezers* "The lights only come on with motion sensor, and you stock in the back--so don't get locked in or you'll be a Hyde-scicle." ochako: .-.; Hyde: "So, let's get you started helping customers find what they need. Take care of that one over there. Introduce yourself, ask how you can help--show them where it is." ochako: *nod nod* hey there, need anythi- Bakugo: "??? Uraraka?" ochako: OwO;; heeeeeyyyy kacchan. ^^; Bakugo: -_-# "...Why are you in that uniform?" ochako: part time job. do you need any help? Bakugo: "Yeah, I'm looking for breath mints." ochako: they're in aisle 5. ^^ -elsewhere- Magaki: <Hello.> tsubaki: <how are you holding up?> Magaki: <The food is acceptable.> tsubaki: hmm... Magaki: <How are you and your partner's family?> tsubaki: we brought a few of them for you to meet. naho: hi! my name's naho. this is sakuya and lilac. ^^ lilac: .... Magaki: *already hiding under the table* naho: its ok. we're not gonna hurt you. ^^ Magaki: "..." *peeks up* <...It's a traditional reaction to see how the other party reacts.> *looks at Naho* <How old are you?> naho: <20.> Magaki: <Ah. You look younger.> naho: <well, i did become a vampire pretty young, so.... i was about 17 when it happened.> Magaki: "..." *nods* <I don't remember the details as clearly...> lilac:......*shaking a bit* Magaki: "???" *looks at Lilac* <H-Hello.> lilac:....*tiny wave* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "How're you holding up, Princess?" maria: its been nice. miss naomi showed me how to play these commoner tv games. naomi: ^^; she means video games. Tanizaki: "Mario Kart?" maria: *nod nod* Tanizaki: "That purple shell is tricky, huh?" maria: yeah. >3< -elsewhere- higuchi: .... Fukuzawa: *walking, his sandals clicking against the stone walkway* higuchi: *matching his footsteps, hand on her gun* Fukuzawa: "???" *slight turn* higuchi: *gun to his neck* dont move. Fukuzawa: "... Miss Higuchi." higuchi: you have some information that i want.....mori's old office....where is it? Fukuzawa: "Why do you ask?" higuchi: im the one asking questions here. Fukuzawa: *sighs* "The slums." higuchi: address? Fukuzawa: "...42 Tsuwano Avenue, in the Kanoashi neighborhood." higuchi:...thank you....*takes her leave, imputing the address into her phone* Fukuzawa: *sighs* ("She should have asked about the traps...") -elsewhere- Anya: "..." *sighs* chidori: whats up? Anya: "Just...being nostalgic, I guess." misery: something bothering you, dear? Anya: "...I don't know. I guess I feel badly about..." *thinks about Yana* misery:....*pat pat* Anya: *sniff* "Th-Thank you...I should have said goodbye." misery: im sure you'll meet again someday... Anya: "M-Maybe..." *wipes her eyes* "Foolish..." misery: *hug* Anya: *hug, cries* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *passed out on the prison hospital gurney* medic: alright. he'll be transferred tomorrow morning. we'll send a call out to his employer. Medic 2: *nods* "...How is recovering?" Kunikida: *groans* -elsewhere- higuchi:.... (here it is.....) *The office looks run-down...Corners look like they have mildew* higuchi: (gross)...... *spots his desk* (alright...lets see here...) *The desk has a locked drawer* higuchi:.... *takes a paperclip and begins picking the lock* *There's a teddy bear kept in the corner...facing where Higuchi is* *The drawer makes a 'click' sound, opening* higuchi: .....*glances at the bear* Bear: *just sitting there* higuchi:...... *shivers and examines the files* *The files are surprisingly organized...One file says 'Elise'* higuchi:.... *examines it* *One is a medical file...referring to Elise's height, weight, conditions, blood type--* higuchi:..... (bullshit….) ?? *Another page is listed as 'Project Elli'* higuchi: (bingo...maybe...) *reads it* Report: "With the ideal conditions, including improvements upon the host's body and his ability avatar, it is possible to age said avatar. While treatments related to food have proven slightly successful, upon digestion the avatar's body resumes prior appearance. Therefore, if metabolic reactions are partially responsible for aging, then there is one location to which to alter the avatar: the blood." higuchi: !! *shaking* Teddy Bear: OwO *tick* higuchi: !!!! *grabs the files and backs away* Teddy Bear: *mouth opens--and a syringe flies out* higuchi: *dodges* *The syringe misses--and another jabs into Higuchi's shoulder* higuchi: GAH! *wince* *Her vision starts going...Everything is getting dark...Someone tall emerges from the shadows...* higuchi: ngh...w-who.... ???: "Now, then, let's see what you wanted to ask..." *all fades to black, as Higuchi is now completely unconscious* -minutes later- ???: "You're awake." higuchi: nngh..... ???: "Easy...I just wanted to know why you were so rash as to hold a gun on me." higuchi: *her vision is stabilizing*...oh...its you... Fukuzawa: "Indeed." *Higuchi is tied to the chair* Fukuzawa: "I relieved you of your gun and the knives I could find in your pockets." higuchi: !!!! Fukuzawa: "I will let you go after I am satisfied with your honest answers. And if you try to escape..." *aims the tip of his sword at her neck* higuchi:.....what do you want to know? Fukuzawa: "You came here for information on Mori. What was it that you seek?" higuchi:...his origins. who he was before becoming the boss of the port mafia. Fukuzawa: "Hmm. Who have you been asking?" -she explains all that she knows on him, but doesnt mention the file on elise- Fukuzawa: "...Largely accurate." higuchi: but there's missing links. im trying to find more info, birth certificates, diplomas, anything that can give insight onto why he is the way he is... Fukuzawa: "...Germany." higuchi: ??? Fukuzawa: "Look for his family there." *puts his sword away, stands up, turns to walk away* higuchi: h-hey! arent you going to let me go?! Fukuzawa: "Well, given our prior engagement, it is likely you will attempt to injure me, which would harm the tenuous truce between our parties--and we cannot have that, correct? Besides, someone who has come along this far is obviously resourceful and will be able to escape, yes?" *keeps walking* higuchi:........*examines her surroundings* *Fukuzawa is already downstairs...The desk has a small bit of metal sticking out that used to hold up a broken shelf* higuchi:..... *scoots the chair over to try cutting the rope* *SLICE* *one rope comes loose* higuchi: *looks on the table* *There are more scattered papers--and a map* higuchi:.... *looking for something sharp...* *Looks like all the sharp objects were removed--except the syringe tip* higuchi:.... damn....that wont help......*cuts the other rope on the metal bit* *RIP* higuchi: *rubs her wrists* alright...two down.... *looks around the room* *The Teddy Bear stares blanky* Teddy Bear: owo *Something glitters next to the bear* higuchi:..... *scoots her chair over to the bed....turning the bear away* fuck you. *There's a broken exacto-knife* higuchi: *examines the knife* *Not quite as sharp as it could be--cracked--but usable* higuchi: alright....lets do this....*cutting the ropes on her ankles* *SLICE* higuchi: (success!) *she gets up and goes over to her messenger bag* *The phone has 3 missed calls, one voicemail, 2 texts* higuchi: *checks phone as she checks the files again, and puts the map in her bag* Gin: *text* [where r u?] higuchi: [sry. ran into obstacle. im ok] Gin: [good. get back now] *sounds businesslike* higuchi: [will do. need a ride.] *putting certain files in the bag*... [*will need a ride] Gin: [location? your gps is broken] -she sends the address- higuchi: [i think i found some info that might help] Gin: [excellent. keep it secure] -and so, on the car ride back- higuchi: .... Hirotsu: "What happened?" higuchi: *she explains what happened, a short version anyway...* Hirotsu: "...What is the next step?" higuchi: i'd like to request a trip to germany and investigate mori's family and history there. Hirotsu: "Who will you bring?" higuchi: ....havent decided. Hirotsu: "Well, Tachihara is a no-go. Katya...well..." >_> higuchi:............what did she do now? Hirotsu: "Tachihara brought up zamboniis, and she had a very violent reaction." higuchi:... ._.; is he alright? naoya: pushkin managed to hold her back from rampaging. Hirotsu: "But Tachihara seems shaken by the ordeal." -elsewhere- Motojiro: *humming a tune...while twirling* ayako: owo ~? Motojiro: "Ballet...Fine dresses...The graceful explosion of neurons firing through the brain to direct the limbs to follow pre-established motions in sync with the organized pattern of auditory notes." ayako: hot date? Motojiro: .\\\\w\\\\. "J-Just a night of ballet. That's all. All." *awkward coughs* "Lemonade. Need lemon--" *walks into the wall* ayako:..... it'll be a miracle if he gets laid. -elsewhere- Mori: .-.;;; "...Is he back?" *lying upside down* -the door opens- ranpo: dad's back! fukuzawa: i brought glue and snacks. ranpo: sweeeet! Mori: "Is the glue a snack?" fukuzawa: -_-; the glue for your doll, mori. Mori: *squee* "Yay!" fukuzawa:...... {*Higuchi is slumped against the chair, tied up, unconscious...The desk includes some photos*} {fukuzawa: *examines photos*} {*they look to be...of organs?*} {fukuzawa:..........} {*One is labeled "Elli Sample A"*} fukuzawa:....there. all fixed. Mori: QwQ "...Thanks?" -elsewhere- Magaki: *nods* "Until again." tsubaki: see you soon. ^^ Magaki: *bows* <Goodbye.>
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