#and do not get me started about his conversation when he thought Eun Ae was asleep bc that will open up a whole new
theinfinitedivides · 10 months
i'm going to say it. i have to say it bc otherwise i will sit there and seethe about it and we don't want that but. ykw Jang Hyun said this and we kind of got it but not exactly so after the sh*t that just went down let me put it in layman's terms—this bitch has no nunchi
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bengiyo · 1 year
The Eighth Sense Eps 7 & 8 Stray Thoughts
Last week, things came to a head as Jae Won started to crack. He decided to run away to the beach with Ji Hyun in a (likely) highly medicated state. Many cute things happened, that I firmly believe were real before Ji Hyun seems to have drowned. I'm certain he's going to live, because it would be unsatisfying for four episodes if he didn't.
Episode 7
Well this use of silence at the beginning is rather crushing.
While I respect the disappointment that their club has been cancelled because of the accident, these seniors are quite heartless. Tae Hyung and Eun Ji.... It's on sight.
Oh, Jae Won, please don't project onto this broken camera. The blurry face out was nice though.
Jae Won came out of his fuzziness just enough to punch Tae Hyung in the face. HIT HIM AGAIN! HIT HIM FOR ME, TOO!
Can someone please not make Jae Won's actions about them for one conversation with him, holy shit.
Did she really just kiss him? Me and her about to beef like Kim and Sheego.
17 minutes and they're just now affirming that Ji Hyun is actually alive.
I like Joon Pyo trying to keep the atmosphere light.
The boss is always a favorite.
I like that Sassy!Ji Hyun still knows how to express gratitude.
Unsurprised to learn that Jae Won stayed by Ji Hyun until he came to consciousness.
The Gang Goes Has Their First Cocktails
I love Ji Hyun and his gay little lamp.
If they had shown Jae Won in bed next to Eun Ji I would have been so sad.
I get why Jae Won is shutting Ji Hyun out, but I wish he'd tell Ji Hyun why.
This was such a quiet episode that the credits feel especially melancholy.
Thinking about how gray and dark Jae Won's world is, but we kept seeing Ji Hyun in bright sunlight.
Episode 8
I loved this boy's Hedwig presentation.
This man said walk a mile in these Louboutin's.
Loving Ji Hyun and his unbothered era.
Sweet relief: the intro music is back.
Ope! Bit Na is not immune to the shade!
They finally see each other and Eun Ji has to be pissy about it. Jae Won does not seem well at all
Tae Hyung is the most pathetic waste of a man we've had in a while. He is the most bitchless man I've ever seen in BL.
Jae Won finally shows signs of life listening to Ji Hyun talk about their relationship.
Tae Hyung is graceless even in defeat. He is terribly unattractive and definitely smells bad.
I love Joon Pyo again. I love when best friends get mad that they weren't told about the romance.
I like how action-oriented Joon Pyo is. He provides additional context about Jae Won at the hospital, and wants to know what steps Ji Hyun is going to take about his crush. Love Ji Hyun's determination to get Jae Won back.
Joon Pyo is the best. Immediately switching from jealous of Ae Ri to excited at the new bonding potential.
Yes, Boss!! Tell these kids to just go for it!
Ji Hyun is quickly becoming one of my favorite gay characters of all time. I like when the younger character refuses to let the older one run away from what they have.
I get why Jae Won is doing this, but I'm not sure what knocks him out of this.
Absolutely incredible episodes of television. After such a desaturated episode 7, there was so much life and color in episode 8. Ji Hyun's skin looked so rich in the final scene. You can feel how assured he is of his feelings and what he wants. Eun Ji and Tae Hyung better not feature next week except to get dunked on one final time.
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mrsparknamjoon · 4 years
02. family matters | reliability • kth
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pairing: taehyung x reader word count: 2.155 genre: drama, light angst rating: pg-13 warnings: none au: ceo/office trope: enemies to friends to lovers tags: ceo!taehyung, office!au, best friend!yoongi, unresolved emotional tension, mutual pining, slow burn crosspost: ao3
summary: let’s go back a few years to see how tae and Y/N’s relationship started and also get a glimpse into the kim family
A/N: it was important for me to start the series with a flasback so that the reader would be familiar with the kim family dynamics and the tension with Y/N right off the bat
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10 years before
“There has to be someone else” I said, staring at the Seoul skyline in front of me as I pondered all the possibilities with hands in my pockets. I'm taking over the family business and the only thing that scares me is making a mistake when hiring people. Well, my dad scares me, and getting a complaint call from him questioning how I managed to ruin Vante Enterprises in less than 6 months of his long-awaited retirement is not in my plans.
“Why?” asked the woman sitting on the large and comfortable couch behind me. Her thin face and dark hair complemented her porcelain skin very well and she was, at all times, the most beautiful person in any room.
“She’s inadequate” I replied, making her roll her eyes.
“Nonsense, Tae Hyung. Y/N graduated at the top of her class, in front of you much less, and did an MBA abroad” the woman said nonchalantly while taking a sip of her tea.
“I meant in regards to the company's culture” I sat down next to her, leaning sideways on the back of the couch and resting my head on my hand.
“Oh right” she set the cup down on the coffee table, “I forgot that you Kims only hire who you can control”
“Honey, this is your opportunity to differentiate yourself from your father” she continued, “Having someone you know in a position like this is important in the long run”
At least in one thing my mom and I could agree on: I would, without a doubt, run the company in a new way. I had already started by choosing people who were suitable for the positions and not because I knew them or my family had some kind of connection with theirs. If, by chance, these two factors intersected, great, otherwise, the best resume wins.
“Known is not the same as reliable” I observed.
Still not satisfied with my answer, my mom got philosophical. “Trust comes with time” she started in a tone as if she wanted to pass for a spiritual being of great wisdom, but I knew she was just trying to be a good mom despite not knowing the exact details of what the family business required.
“I still have six more resumes appointed by someone I know” I leaned over to the coffee table and picked up the papers. “Two of them are former classmates too. How about that?” I waved them back and forth.
“If I remember correctly, neither of them made you stutter for the first time in an academic debate” my mom made a pose like she was thinking, crossing her arms and bringing one hand to her chin. How dramatic... and a liar. I didn't stutter.
“Yup, I think it's time for you to go” I exhaled, slapping my hands on my thighs and standing up. “Thank you very much for coming and giving your input on a subject I did not ask for” I continued in an amusing tone, but low-key serious, taking her by the hand and guiding her towards the door.
“Tae Hyung, you know that Y/N is the right choice” she moved the bag handle over her shoulder. “Be smart” and caressed my face.
“Okay” I sighed, “I love you” and kissed her forehead.
“I love you too” she smirked and left.
I went back to the couch and grabbed the resumes intending to read them one more time to be absolutely sure that I had not missed any relevant information. Very conveniently the first one was Y/N’s.
“She did it on purpose” I thought out loud when I realized my mom had deliberately put it there so I couldn't ignore it. 
Very well then, I started reading Y/N’s resume with legitimate attention, trying to ignore the name and photo at the top. I needed to be objective and impartial, a lot was at stake, but to be completely honest, at first, it was difficult because she has some striking physical features, which most men would find attractive but that was not my case. And even if it was, her personality overshadowed everything else to the point of making me lose any interest. After my common sense settled in, I continued reading, paying close attention to her previous work experiences.
“Hmm, this is interesting” I mumbled to myself.
Unlike the other candidates, Y/N had interned at one of the largest financial institutions in the country during college - something I had no idea, by the way, but not that we were friends back then, of course, because why would she tell me something like that? I really had no way of knowing - and I'm looking for people with experience in acquisitions. Convenient coincidence, I like it.
Moving on, I analyzed two letters of recommendation along with her resume and I must agree that on paper she is the right person. Damn it, I hate it when my mom is right! Still, the matter of company culture is real and I think that a person like her wouldn’t do well here. She is opinionated, impulsive, and hates being told ‘no’. At the same time, she was praised for the exact opposite in the letters, and that made me curious. An interview wouldn't hurt, would it?
I got up, went over to my desk, and pressed the button that put me in direct contact with the secretary.
“Yes, Mr. Kim?” Eun Ae answered promptly.
“I need to schedule some interviews next week” I said while fiddling through the resumes and selecting three, “I’ll email you the information”
“Yes, sir”
“Ah, Mrs. Gwa?” I almost forgot. It was better to hide my identity, otherwise, they’ll try sucking up to me thinking it would affect my final decision. And by 'they' I mean two of the three people because Y/N most likely wouldn't even accept the invitation if she knew that I was in charge of the company. “When contacting the candidates, I ask you not to divulge that I'll be the one conducting the interview”
“Okay” she wrote down and I could hear the sound of her keyboard. “Anything else?”
“No, that's all. Thank you”
Between today and the day of the interview, I had to prepare myself for the different reactions I might receive. My position as CEO has not yet been announced in the media and only shareholders know that a new person will take over at the end of the year. They suspect it will be my older brother, or rather, they expect it to be him but to the general dismay it will be me.
Ye Jun is a lawyer and has been involved in the family business since he started reading. However, two years ago in the middle of Christmas dinner, he had a breakdown when my uncles pressured him about some specific problem happening inside the company and he totally lost his composure (with a little help from alcohol, of course). He made a scene screaming that he didn't want that life anymore or even see any of those people again. Then he went on about how much he hated their meetings and the way everyone was fake in front of my father and in private would even criticize the color of the tie he wore. From the corner of the living room, I watched the whole thing go down without a hint of shock on my face because I always knew that moment would come. Ye Jun wasn’t born to be a leader.
The next day, he and my father were locked in the office for almost three hours. When the heavy wooden doors finally opened, dad left looking tired and announced without looking me in the eye, “Now it's up to you, Tae Hyung.” Confused by that statement, I went in and saw Ye Jun with his head between his hands, sitting in the armchair by the window.
“What the hell did you say to him?” I pointed my thumb back at the door.
“That I’m not doing it” Ye Jun replied, lifting his head and interlacing his hands. His posture seemed relaxed as if he were finally comfortable, although there was an uncertainty in his eyes that made me wonder if he was having second thoughts about the decision.
“Do what?” I asked, already knowing the answer.
Ye Jun looked at me and smiled.
“Give in to the pressure, complying with expectations, sacrificing my profession, not being myself”
He paused, standing up and holding me by the shoulders.
“I also told him that the best person for the position is you” Ye Jun's voice was full of affection, “It has to be you, Tae” he patted me on the side and I looked at him stunned.
“Dad will never put me ahead of Vante, Jun” I blurted as soon as I managed to assimilate what my brother had just said.
“Didn't you hear what he said to you as soon as he left?” Ye Jun looked confused for a second “Now it's up to you. You are the next CEO” he said in a firm tone.
I suddenly got embarrassed because it felt like I had just stolen my brother's job. “It doesn't make sense, we have opposite views on how to run a business” I looked away and stared at the floor.
“True, you do, but lately he started to realize that the world is changing and that Vante could be much better off if it started to adapt” Ye Jun stated by squeezing my shoulders and bringing me back to reality. “Of course, there is still a certain traditionalism in our field, but every now and then dad finds himself negotiating with foreign companies where the mindset is what sets them apart and he feels conflicted. Do you continue as you are and please national companies or do you adapt and gain visibility abroad? He wants Vante to remain as the leader in the segment but he is stuck in his own beliefs and he knows it”
After this conversation with my brother, things changed and I started to accept more confidently the responsibility that was placed upon me. However, regardless of how I felt, the criticism would come in full force. Many powerful people will question my father's decision and I wouldn’t be surprised if boycotts took place in the first year.
It was with all these possibilities in mind that my first act as CEO was to completely renew the staff, starting with the most strategic positions and closest to me. One of them was the operations manager, who would act as my right hand, valuing Vante's financial success and setting in motion the vision, strategic plan, and goals I set.
In theory, Y/N was perfect for it, but I wouldn't make it easier just because we knew each other. She was very smart and I was sure that the moment she walked through that door and came face to face with me, her demeanor would change and we would start playing a game of chess.
I dedicated the entire day Wednesday for the interviews and the first two had gone very well, exactly as I had planned and prepared — what a relief! It was almost 4:30 pm, Y/N’s appointment was the last one and I was extremely curious about her reaction, I don't know why. Maybe I wanted to prove something to her, like ‘Ha, look who’s running things now’ or ‘I bet you never thought you would see me sitting here'.
Y/N was always better at everything and I couldn't stand it. I had an obligation to excel at something. She was not perfect as everyone liked to think and, frankly, to worship. But, even if it bothered me to admit, we had things in common and she was qualified.
“Yes?” I said coming out of my reverie when the phone rang.
“Ms. Y/LN is here, Mr. Kim” Eun Ae announced.
“Let her in”
I heard a light knock on the door, followed by its closing and a few clicks of high heels on the floor coming towards me. I looked up and Y/N was dressed in a black midi-length v-neck dress with a stand-up collar that made her look formal but not old. Matter of fact, if I was actually paying attention I could even say that this specific fabric was made for her body type and hugged her in all the right places, but I wasn’t.
“Hello, Y/N” I said getting up from my chair, “Long time no see!” I smiled and took off my glasses, placing them in front of me next to the tablet I had been holding moments before.
Y/N shook her head holding a laugh as she bit her lip and stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world: “You’re so predictable. I’m amused”
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𝗳𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗺𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱 ❤ 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗲 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗹𝘆 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝘀𝗸! 𝗶 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ revised version: 09.25.2021
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pastryseungs · 4 years
Nightmare High (2016)
Dir. Hyun Moon-Sub
⚠️ Spoilers !! ⚠️
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i started watching this because i keep seeing this on Netflix and my curiosity got the best of me hehe. also because i’m quite impressed with Kim So-Hyun’s acting skills and she’s also one of my favorite Korean actors, because of her performance in Love Alarm (2019).
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lmao so i finished this show a couple of days ago and i was supposed to post this after but i decided to collect my thoughts first so i could make this post work haha. i tend to forget what i just watched five minutes after watching it sometimes (its not a quirky thing ;-; i tend to get surprised that i just finished another show that i forget what just happened lol).
anyways, i kinda liked this drama, though i felt like it was a bit of a slow-burn, it showed what the characters were like if they were given the chance to play god, which led to them abusing it then wanting it to stop when they get overwhelmed by it. here’s a list of my thoughts on each characters’ stories :v
1. Kim Seul-Gi
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the name reminds me so much of Seulgi (Kang Seulgi) from Red Velvet lmaoo. Kim Seulgi (Seo Shin-ae) was considered as their class’ “outcast”, with her classmates going out of their way to talk about how she’s invisible and that she’s worthless before proceeding to mess with her stuff. being fed up with her bullies, she decides to go to the counseling office and talk to Mr. Han/Han Bong-Gu (Uhm Ki-Joon) who gives her the layout of their classroom and a red pen, telling her to connect her name with a classmates name with a red line if she wants to be friends with them. after trying this, her classmates start acting nice to her, which eventually led to her not being given the time to be alone and to be with the people that she wants to be with, which then led to her asking Mr. Han if he could reverse the whole thing and go back to normal.
Seul-Gi’s story was honestly a bit sad and frustrating with me. this is why you shouldn’t give people the chance to play god or the chance to control their fate and their surroundings, it just won’t end well. the girl just wanted to have friends that genuinely care for her. the solution that Mr. Han gave her was addicting at first but when it all backfired on her, she decided that maybe it wasn’t for her at all. sadly, she had no other choice but to be trapped in that mirror.
Seul-Gi deserved better :<
2. Oh Ki-Chul
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Oh Ki-Chul (Baek Sung-Do) is a student that participates in wrestling/boxing/fighting matches. (??) after a while of not participating, he stumbles upon two students that are fighting and decides to break it up. he was then met with what looks like a student who was also the group’s ‘leader’ telling him that one of the rules of fighting was to never butt-in on someone else’s fight. he was then dared to participate in a fight but turned down the offer as he planned not to do it until he graduates.
after a series of provoking and starting to participate again in other fights. Oh Ki-Chul and Mr. Han spoke about him joining fights, before Mr. Han puts Ki-Chul in a trance to help him see if he’ll win or not. he decides to use this to his advantage, memorizing what he has to do in order to win his fights in the future. eventually, he too had to sign a contract with his blood- like every victim of Mr. Han’s to continue receiving this kind of privilege which eventually led him to being trapped in a mirror too.
my main takeaway from Ki-Chul’s story was that it was kinda weird that Mr. Han just watched from the sidelines instead of holding Ki-Chul back and try to change his mind into not participating in the fight. sadly, he’s not like other Homeroom teachers. for others, they’d probably say that he’s provoking these students into wanting more.. but i think that he’s actually giving them the taste of their own medicine if they decide to abuse their desires if it were given to them. but i still think that Mr. Han’s a bad guy lmao duh.
3. Ahn Si-Yeon
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first of all, i think that Ahn Si-Yeon (Kim Da-Ye) is so adorable !! her character gives me fangirl vibes ✨ sadly, she had to fall for Mr. Han’s trap too. it first started when her classmates accused her of lying to them about her having a boyfriend who lives in Boston, with them purposely making her “overhear” their conversations about someone they know that lies about their personal life. i didn’t really get why she had to lie though, i’m quite convinced that she did that to gain more friends. sadly, they had to pry and pry to the point that she had to find a solution to their nosiness, she started it anyway. Si-Yeon went to the counseling room to talk to Mr. Han, where she was given a notebook to write down her desires. now this part gave me Death Note (2006) vibes.. but with less people dying from heart attacks lmao.
after writing down on the ✨ magical ✨ notebook, her ‘boyfriend’ from Boston suddenly appears out of nowhere, apologizing for taking so long to arrive and be there with her. surprised with her wishes being granted by the notebook, Mr. Han gives her the option to sign a contract with her blood or everything goes back to the way it was.
Si-Yeon then continues making ‘things’ happen through her notebook, until she decided that she didn’t want to continue using the notebook anymore and that she wanted everything to go back to normal. unfortunately, burning the notebook didn’t do anything which eventually caused her to be trapped in the mirror as well.
4. Chun Jae-Soo
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duuuude, my fujoshi side is jumping out i hate myself lmao anywayss i can’t help but ship Jae-Soo (Jang Kyoung-Up) to Ko Ki-Tae (Ji Eun-Sung), they all so give me Kaneki and Hide vibes from Tokyo Ghoul (2014) !!
anyways, Jae-Soo’s story was pretty sad for me but it was kind of a slow burn? idk, maybe i wasn’t paying much attention or time went by slowly for me that day.. but he got so dependent on the drinks that Mr. Han was giving him that he eventually forgot everyone, even his bestfriend! which made him resort to writing the important details of his life on his arms and on the chair of his desk. i was so sad when Ki-Tae saw Jae-Soo’s arms :< he definitely knew what was wrong with his best friend but couldn’t think of a way to help him without the other thinking that he’s prying. ngl though, i honestly thought that Ki-Tae was using Jae-Soo at first but was then convinced that they were actually best friends.
Jae-Soo’s dependence on the drink eventually made him forget his name, even where he was and where his classroom was. which gave Mr. Han the advantage to trap him inside the mirror as well.
5. Do Do-Hee
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Do-Hee (Kim Ji-An) is considered as the queen in her class and was even in their school, Yosan High’s advertisement poster. unfortunately, her boyfriend, Lee Jong-Suk (Kwon Young-Min) cheated on her with a student from the lower level. she was then replaced on the poster with the same girl, which fueled her anger and jealousy towards the new couple. thinking that her beauty is disappearing and she’s being replaced as the prettiest girl in their class, Do-Hee stumbles upon an app that gives her the look she wants with one click. unfortunately, it doesn’t last long and she’ll have to sign a contract with Mr. Han so she could continue using it.
Do-Hee’s features start to get more enhanced, with female students in their school asking her how she got and maintained the far from natural look.. which eventually caused her and Jong-Suk to get back together. after a few weeks of dating, Do-Hee catches Jong-Suk talking to the same girl and retaliated by pouring water all over the two.
unfortunately, her beauty also disappears when her phone’s battery dies and she’ll have to constantly find a way to get an updated phone. the app eventually sent her into a mental breakdown, making her more obsessed with her looks, which gave Mr. Han.. again, an advantage to trap her in the mirror too.
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overall, i think the show was pretty good !! Kim So-Hyun and Lee Min-Hyuk have great chemistry and i ship them a lot ;-; though i kinda think this show was a slow burn and there were parts that were kinda boring for me.
it was also kinda creepy and sad for me since these students clearly have problems but their homeroom teacher that should be mediating this situation and guiding them to the right path is the person who’s actually leading them to his trap, which was so frustrating to watch since Ye-Rim (Kim So-Hyun) and Sang-Woo (Lee Min-Hyuk) were so close to finding out what was actually happening. sadly, Mr. Han is waaaay too ahead of them. kinda surprised of the plot twist too where the camera Sang-Woo was using was supposed to tell about people’s lies, kinda reminds me of that TikTok POV i saw the other day.
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oh-so-scenarios · 6 years
Tell Me...Say It [2]
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Word Count: 4.5k
Genre/Warning: Angst, fluff 
A/N: Please excuse the errors.
⇾ Updates every Wednesday (EST)
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I sit down in my seat and look down at my empty sheet paper. I look up and see the woman walk out the restaurant. My eyes stay on the space she once was for a moment. I chuckle at the conversation we just had
She strolled in the place, without a care in the world. She definitely didn’t mind the judging eyes on her. I smirk to myself, not forgetting the tired look on her eyes. That is someone who had a long day. I call over a waitress, asking her to cancel my order. The hesitant look on her face told me that would be hard to do.
I show her a small before reaching into the inner pocket of my suit coat. I pull out my wallet setting money down on the table.
“That should be enough to cover it.” I voice then take my sheets of paper, stuffing them into the folder they laid on top of. I stand up grabbing my pencil and walk past the speechless woman. The same one who gave me flirtatious eyes when I ordered earlier.
Once again, I’ve wasted my time with another blind date. My mother insists on them, but I don’t believe it’s a natural way to get to know someone. The blind dates my mother sets up are far from natural. She basically calls up one of my father’s rich business partners in hopes of them having a daughter I might like.
After the date I am nagged with my thoughts of the girl. None of them were ever my taste. They were all beautiful, but too all about themselves and I don’t have time for that type of person. I don’t have for dating in the first place. I am working with my father to take over the company he has spent his whole life building. No pressure.
My father, who started off as a medical student started up his company to build better equipment for hospitals. The company did well thanks to the investment of a personal friend of his. I don’t know much about the man other than his name. Mr. Kim. I’m sure my mother said something about Da-hee, my no show blind date, being his daughter. If there was any relationship my parents would be rooting for, it’s this one. It’s a shame that she didn’t show up.
Just when I step out the restaurant, my phone vibrates in my pocket. Thinking it’s my mother, I groan. She must have heard that my date was a flop. I’m rather surprised seeing Taehyung’s name on the caller ID.
I answer and put the phone to my ear. I don’t have time to say hello, being cut off by Taehyung’s loud voice.
“I’m discharge from the hospital!” He chimes. I roll my eyes.
“Good for you.” I reply walking into the parking lot. I stuff the folder under my armpit to unlock the car door. I slide into the driver’s seat and shut the door, placing the folder in the passenger’s seat.
“Jimin got off work at the same time, so he’s driving since my car is at home.” Taehyung explains, “how is the creative block going?”
I groan, staring blankly at my steering wheel, “It’s not going at all. I haven’t been able to come up with anything good! It’s been like this for months now. I know you need these songs too.”
Another reason this date was a waste of time? I have a musical to work on. My childhood friend Kim Taehyung, not related to the Kim Da-hee I was suppose to meet, is directing his first musical. I, along with Park Jimin, have invested in our friends project.
Despite what we have invested, it’s not enough to afford a big time music producer and lyricists. I have played piano and made my own music for years, aside from my work at the company. Jimin, who is currently a surgeon, is working on lyrics. Taehyung claims to have a guy for the Choreography, but I’ve yet to meet him.
Yet, I have nothing. Before agreeing to work on this project, my work life had all my attention, leaving my piano to collect dust. Though I love music, I became too business for it, which was such a shame. Now, I have Taehyung depending on me for music but I haven’t made any progress.
“Let’s all meet up.” Taehyung suggests. My eyebrows rise in surprise.
“Today?” I question, “Didn’t you just get out the hospital? You need to rest.”
“I’m fine! I don’t need any rest.” He challenges. Despite his words, I hear Jimin in the distant background, “Actually Tae, you need more bedres–”
“See? I’m fine!” Taehyung exclaims even louder, “Let’s meet at your aunt’s music school. That’s where your grand piano is right?”
I release a tight sigh, “One, she’s my sister-in-law and two, I don’t want to drag you into my music sessions. They can be stressful.”
“Well it’s my musical you’re composing for, so I need to be there.” Taehyung argues, “We’re going to Mina’s music school.” He says away from the phone, probably telling Jimin.
“I didn’t agree to that! I’m tired, and was planning on going home to sleep.” Jimin complains.
“Well plans change!” Taehyung shouts back.
I can’t help but chuckle, “Okay, I’ll see you there.” I hang up the phone before Taehyung could speak again. I set the phone in the passenger’s seat and start the car. I head for Mina’s music school, knowing that she’s probably there with a student.
Mina is my sister-in-law who was married to my older brother. Unfortunately, my older brother passed 4 years ago. He was sick with cancer and by the time doctors had found it, it was too late. That was a hard time for our family. But although he’s gone we still love Mina as our own family, along with the daughter they had together.
My niece Eun Ae is as close to the love of my life as I’ve ever gotten. She’s bubbly, happy and lively. Everything that my brother was. She’s only seven, but she’s the smartest seven-year old I have ever meant. Granted that I haven’t met many, but she’s above average in wits.
Although both her parents have musical standings, she doesn’t have the desire to play music. Both Mina and my late brother were music teachers. Mina was more of a big deal than my brother was. Their love for music was what brought them together.
The traffic isn’t as bad as I expected, but I still get to the school after Taehyung and Jimin who sit in Jimin’s car waiting for me. I pull up to the seat beside them and roll down my window to smile at Taehyung, who is closest to me. He scoffs at my expression.
“You sure are smiling widely for someone who has a whole musical to compose,” Tae presses, his tone is sour but he still smiles back.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better.” I state and grab my phone and folder. I turn off the car engine and as I step out, Jimin complains.
“How long are we going to be here?” He states.
“As long as needed!” Tae snaps. I approach the school, ignoring Tae’s blabbering about the script. Taehyung’s musical is about a woman who became blind when she was fifteen and is now 23. She would sit in a park every day for an hour just to feel the sun on her skin. A man sits next to her almost every day and sings. His voice was beautiful. He never spoke to her, or even asked her name but every time he was there to sing something.
The woman gets surgery and is no longer blind but when she returns to the park, the singing man never shows. She searches to find the man whose singing voice she has fallen in love with. On the way, she meets so many people and rediscovers the beauty of life she was missing out on when blind.
It’s a beautiful story, and it needs beautiful music as well. That’s what I am trying to create, but nothing comes out right.
I enter the school, seeing no one at the small check-in desk, but I hear music playing in the air. She has a student. We are arriving with no heads-up. I expect her to be busy. I stroll down the hallway to the room that the music was emitting from. The door is wide open and reveals a younger boy playing the piano while Mina stood listening.
She hasn’t changed much since the last I’d seen her a week ago. Her hair is still black and cut in that same dreadful bob with thin bangs. She still looks tired but holds joy in her eyes. Her usually round face has slimed, meaning she’s been too busy to eat.
She catches a glimpse of me and smiles, walking my way.
“Yoongi, hey. You’re here to use your piano again?” She assumes. She looks past me as I heard footsteps approach behind me.
“Hi Mina!” Tae says too loud. She giggles and greets him back, silently greeting Jimin as well.
“I’m in a creative block,” I admit, “Do you have some old work of yours I can look through for inspiration?” She nods and hums.
“Look in my office, I have a box of work I’ve composed, none of it has ever been used for anything.” She agrees then walks back to her student. I nod at Jimin and Taehyung to head towards the room that holds my grand piano. No one is allow to use that piano but me, and sometimes Mina.
I walk with the guys, but walk past my piano room as the stroll in. I rather head to Mina’s office. The brightly painted hallway walls were orange, matching the vibes of autumn. I’ve been to busy to notice the leaves changing, and the decorations of the seasons being put up. I enter Mina’s office to see Eun Ae sitting on one of the large couches with an iPad in hand.
Her long black hair was up in a high ponytail that was held by some Dora the Explorer hair ties.
She looks up at the sound of the door opening and smiles. She sets the electronic screen down and runs my way immediately. I kneel down and stretch my arms out, bringing her into a big hug when she’s close enough.
“How are you munchkin?” I ask releasing her from the hug. I stand up and pat her head.
“Uncle Yoongi, I didn’t know you were coming!” She cheers, smiling widely. She does a short dance, jumping around chanting ‘Uncle Yoongi! Uncle Yoongi!’
I chuckle and add, “Your other handsome uncles are here too! Jimin and Taehyung are here.”
“Oh really?” She raises an eyebrow, “Is Jimin still blond?”
I begin to look around the room for the box, answering her, “Nope, He’s back to his regular black hair. Taehyung still has brown hair.”
“Good!” She cheers, “Jimin Oppa and Taehyung Oppa look better with natural colors.”
I stop my searching to glance at her, “They’re ‘oppa’ now?”
She shrugs her shoulders pointedly, “I’ve always been oppas!”
I continue to look around Mina’s office for a box of any sorts, but don’t find it.
“What are you looking for?”
“Your mom said she had a box of composed music and sheet music, but I can’t find it.”
Eun Ae thinks for some time then wordlessly walks to a door in the corner of the room. She opens the door to reveal a closet that looks like it hadn’t been opened in some time.
Eun Ae steps in, disappearing from my sight for sometime. She returns, struggling to hold a beaten up cardboard box.
“This is it.” She utters, and struggles to catch her breath. I take the box from her and kiss her forehead to thank her.
“Are you going to come see your oppas?” I add playfully. Eun Ae laughs, but nods and follows me out the office. The box is covered with a thick layer of dust accompanied by some thin spider webs. Wow. Mina hasn’t looked at these in some time?
I walk behind Eun Ae who gallops towards my personal music room. She swings the door open, and grabs Jimin and Taehyung’s attention. Both their faces light up and she giggles.
“Handsome oppas!” She shouts and runs right to Jimin who smiles widely. I scoff and roll my eyes as Jimin hugs her. She then runs to Taehyung who also warmly greets her.I walk into the room where Taehyung is sitting on the floor and Jimin is sitting at the small couch in the corner. I set the box in front of Taehyung. He looks up at me and glances at the box.
“This is a lot of music.” He stares at the box that’s filled to the max with sheet music books. I shrug, “Well, we need a lot of help don’t we?”
We began to look through the books and folders, looking over some works for inspiration. I came to notice that a lot of the pieces were incomplete and at the top held what seemed to be initials, but didn’t match up Mina’s name. I grabbed one brown folder and opened it to see sheet much for a peice called ‘11/24’. My eyes skim over the notes written sloppily in pencil and the music flows into my mind.
I swiftly make my way to the grand piano and set the pages of sheet paper on the music rack. I left up the fall board and sit on the bench. Both Jimin and Taehyung are staring on curiously while Eun Ae watches Youtube videos on Taehyung’s laptop.
I begin to play the song, lightly pressing my hands on the keys. The music flows through the room. The first key is almost a split in the silence. Sounds strange, as we were just surrounded by silence. But the notes following bring warmth. As I play, the music feels like it’s flowing through my body and into my finger tips. It beautiful. It’s grand. It’s happy and cheerful.
I quickly flip to the next page playing as the notes are written. Taehyung gets up from his spot on the floor and stands behind me, listening closely. I flip to the next page, playing the melody and filling the room with the story the music is telling.
I flip the next page, excitement flooding my veins as I played. Now this…this is a masterpiece! I flip to the next page and my hands freeze.
“Yoongi, why’d you stop? That was perfect!” Taehyung walks back to his laptop and kindly takes it from Eun Ae, “could you imagine the opening number with that song? It would be amazing! I want to hear the rest.”
The whole time Tae is speaking, my eyes are stuck on the blank sheet music before me.
“That’s it.” I whisper.
“What?” Jimin says, wanting me to speak louder.
“That’s where it ends. The song isn’t finished.”
“The song isn’t finished?” A worried Tae rushes over, “Well you could ask Mina to finish it right? Yoongi, that song is perfect. The whole music number was playing in my head as you played! We finally have something!”
I sigh and stand up, taking the sheets of music from the music rack. I place them back into the folder and grab yet another folder. That’s how it began. This marathon of playing. Jimin and Taehyung sat and listen as I played as many pieces as I could from that box.
The animated grin on Taehyung’s glowing face told me all I had to know. He was loving the music. I didn’t know Mina could compose like this! Eun Ae, who fell asleep on the floor, using Jimin’s jacket as a blanket stirred.
The music was so beautiful it lulled her to sleep.
I stop playing and turn to look at Jimin and Taehyung. This is the 7th piece, maybe 8th that I’ve played. Some of them weren’t complete, but Tae is in heaven.
“Yoongi,” His voice was almost a whisper, “We have hit the jackpot! Mina has to compose for my show, or finish some of these unfinished works! It would be–”
The door whips open, revealing Mina who stands in the doorway with an uncanny expression. My brows furrowed at her aura. She was standing very rigid and uncomfortable.
“Mina?” My voice comes out small. She’s angry.
Without a single word, Mina walks into the room, picking up all the folders that were scattered on the floor. We all watched in alarm as she gathers all the sheets of music.
“Mina? Mina! Mina, wait!” I call out and move to stop her. She halts all movements, and turns to look at me with hard eyes.
“I’m sorry, did we do something wrong?” I ask. Taehyung and Jimin both stood on their feet, waiting for Mina’s answer. She didn’t speak. Rather her eyes move to look at every single one of us. They lay on Eun Ae’s sleeping figure for a short second and are back on me again. When she doesn’t speak, Taehyung steps forward with a shy smile.
“Noona,” He gulps, “the music–”
She cuts Tae off, “You grabbed the wrong box. Put all the music back and I’ll bring you the right box.”
“Mina,” I sigh and place my hands on my waist, “I’m confused by this big reaction. The music you have here is beautiful. Taehyung loves it. You know he’s working on a musical right? All these pieces you have, there’s over 30 of them, haven’t been heard by anyone. Can’t you work with us to make Taehyung’s musical great?”
“You can’t use this music.” She deadpans. Taehyung’s shoulders drop in disappointment, and the brightness in his eyes dim.
“Why?” Jimin asks.
“You just can’t.”
I groan and run my hand over my face, “Mina, well give you credit! We’re not stealing anything from you-”
“You can’t use the music because I didn’t make it. I can’t give you permission to use it.” She replies then proceeds to pick up the rest of the folders. She sets them back into the box, and turns to face me. The questions must have been right on my face.
“You didn’t make it? So who did?” Jimin digs.
Mina blows out a huff of air, “A student of mine from years back. She did all those pieces.”
“A student?” Taehyung has hope bubbling in his eyes, “So we just call her up and ask her to compose for the musical! She could finish up the ‘11/24’ one.”
Mina shakes her head, “You can’t call her.”
“And why is that?” I speak up.
“Is she dead?” Jimin cautiously says.
“No, I have no idea where she is. I can’t be sure she’s still in Korea.” Mina explains, “And even if you could find her, she doesn’t want to be found.”
“Just tell us her name, and leave the rest to us.” Taehyung urges .
“She doesn’t want to be found,” She repeats then turns to Taehyung with sad eyes, “Taehyung, I wish your musical the best. I can’t wait to see how you bring the story together and share it with the audience. But this music–you’ll have to do without it. I’m sorry. Yoongi please put the box where you found it.” She spins around and picks up Eun Ae, who groans in her sleep because of the movement.
She walks past us all with Eun Ae in her arms and out the door. We stand in silence and Taehyung slumps against the wall.
“But the song was perfect. I had it all worked out in my head already.” He whines.
“Damn, I was already writing lyrics for it.” Jimin mutters.
The dejected looks on their faces makes me sad.
“I–I will talk to her. We’ll figure something.” I promise, patting Taehyung on the shoulder. I move to place the box back in Mina’s office. But before doing that I slip a few folders out the box, including the one titled 11/24.
I stroll back into my office after my 3rd meeting today. I plop down on my chair and groan, hoping that the unattended stacks of documents would disappear. Work grows more stressful, but it feels like the least of my worries right now.
For the past 6 days, I’ve been bothering Mina about that mystery student of hers. The few pieces I sneaked off with stay at my house condo where I plan them over and over again on my smaller keyboard piano. The music is so…beautiful. Just as Taehyung has fallen in love with the music, I can’t get tired of it either.
I gaze blankly at the documents in front of me, and barely notice when my office door opens.
“Yoongi.” A deep voice calls. I snap out of my thoughts and look up to see my father standing before me. I rise from my seat to greet him.
“Dad, I didn’t expect to see you today.” I said, smiling at him. He looked a bit tired. His hair the usual mixture of grey and black, although this time there seems to be more grey than black.
“Your mother wants me to convince you to go on another blind date.” He sighs. I groaned roll my eyes.
“How long will it take before she stops this?” I mutter.
“I’m pretty sure she’ll stop when you get married.” He jokes. I can’t help but laugh along. My father is always being the jokes. We sat and talked for some time. I informed him about how work and the meetings are going. We are working in collaboration with a new lab to upgrade our MRI machines. We made some small talk and a comfortable smile silence fell over us.
“Dad, let me ask you something. What do you know about Mina’s past students?” I question. My father looks confused and his face scrunches up as he thinks. He looks away from me and down at his clasped hands.
“Mina’s past students?” He repeats.
“I went to her school and I found this box full of sheet music. I thought it was her stuff, but it was a student from the past. Do you know any students that she would keep old music of theirs? Mina doesn’t seem like that toye of person.” I explain.
“Mina has only had one serious student from maybe seven or eight years. It’s probably that girl. She taught the girl for some years.”
“What happened? It seems like a soft spot for Mina.”
My dad glares at me with wide eyes, “Did you push her on it?”
I shake my head, “Not really. Her reaction was just a bit much.”
“That girl, the student, was one of the most interesting and talented people Mina had ever met. At least that’s what she told me. The student who mainly focused on piano, she competed in competitions all over the world and had a mind that was constantly holding music. Mina put her all into that girl. She had such amazing things ahead of her.” My dad lets out a regretful sigh and leans back in his chair.
“I don’t know much, but the girl suddenly stopped playing. She didn’t want to play anymore. She stopped music altogether. Mina was so sad to see such a talent go to waste. She never found another student that was on that girl’s level.” My dad pauses, “This is about Taehyung’s musical.”
“Now that Taehyung has heard it, he won’t settle for anything. She kept the music for a reason, right?”
My dad stands up from his seat, “I don’t think you want to open that can of worms Yoongi, let it go.”
After he leave the office, I’m left to my work and my thoughts. I am not sure how long I was in my office. I was reading through records of company deals and humming a few songs I’ve heard on the radio recently.
My cell phone rings in my pocket and I dig through to grab it. It’s Jimin. I answer the call quickly.
“Yes?” I reply.
I am met with heavy breathing, “Eun Ae is at the hospital. She had an allergic reaction at school, we’ve been trying to reach Mina, but she is not answering her phone.”
I spring out my seat, leaving my work. I grab my jacket that’s draped over the back of my chair and start for the door, “Have you called her work phone?”
“Yes, we have. Eun Ae is fine, we have treated her and she’s simply resting. You are a listed guardian, so we had no choice.”
“Of course, I’ll be there soon.”
“Mina!” I exclaim as she quickly shuffles into the hospital room. I’ve been sitting here with Eun Ae for about 45 minutes, blasting Mina’s phone.
“Where were you?” I ask. She ignores my words and makes her way to Eun Ae. Eun Ae was sitting on the bed, messing around with my phone.
Jimin strolls in with a kind smile. He gladly let’s Mina know that one of the kids at Eun Ae’s school gave her a snack with peanuts. They were able to treat her. Mina shows a thankfully smile.
“Darling, I am so sorry!” She mumbles to Eun Ae and picks her up from the bed. I silently walk behind her as she takes Eun Ae out the hospital room to be discharged. Walking in pace with me, Jimin’s eyes stay on Mina’s back.
“She still hasn’t agreed?” He whispers.
I groan, “We’re lucky she’s even letting me in her presence.”
“ So, what are you going to tell Tae?”
“I don’t know yet.”
We approach the front desk wear two nurses are standing and having a conversation. The one sitting behind the desk turns her attention to us before the other follows. When the other nurse looks our way, her once giggling expression turns hard and cold. She’s not looking at me, but rather her eyes are on Mina. I step forward to see Mina better.
I was going to ask what was wrong when I caught Mina’s stone cold face. Her eyes were focused on the nurse leaning against the desk. Have I seen her somewhere before?
I turn around and stare at Jimin who is also watching the silent and awkward exchange. I fix my gaze on the nurse once more. Her eyes shift from Mina to me. Her brows furrow and she scoffs lightly. I watch as she grabs a clipboard off the desk and swiftly walks down the opposite hallway.
I blink over to Mina who seems frozen her spot.
“Mina, are you alright?” My voice makes her jump and she takes a step forward to the nurse at the desk. While she is filling out the discharge forms, I can’t help but stare down the hallway where that other nurse disappear. My eyes flick back to Mina.
What is going on here?
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aiimaginesbts · 7 years
What You Never Had: Chapter 4
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Seokjin x Reader, with Namjoon and Jimin
Genres: Royalty AU, Fluff, Angst, Future Smut
Word count: 4,151 words
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 (M) | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 (M) | 13 | 14 (Final)
Kissing Jin was the most blissful act you could ever have imagined. Of that you had absolutely no doubt. Not that you had another man's kiss to use as a frame of reference. Jin was the only person you had kissed, but this kiss was unlike the kisses you'd shared with him before. His hand cradled the back of your neck as he pressed his lips to yours. The palm placed on your back kept you in place; in fact, it made it impossible for there to be any space between you. Your fists were bunched into his uniform, enjoying the way every part of you was crushed against him, and a soft moan sounded in the back of your throat. The signs of reciprocation spurred him on, making him angle his head to kiss you even more deeply, as if he intended to suck your soul out so he could place it next to your heart that he'd already claimed as his.
Finally he was forced to release you as his lungs screamed for air. "Wow," he panted, still holding on to you.
"Mmm," was your only response before you dragged him into another passionate kiss.
There was no doubt that you could have spent an eternity kissing Jin if it was not for the sound of footsteps approaching the door, causing both of you to jump apart. One of your royal escorts entered and you tried to breathe normally. Biting on your lower lip that you were sure was slightly swollen from the force of Jin's kisses, you acknowledged the new entry with a nod.
If he had noticed that both you and Jin were chasing your breaths, he didn't show it. "Everything is ready, Your Highness. Shall we return to the castle?"
Your heart rate was slowing down to a normal pace as you realised that he was none the wiser to what had gone on in the room just before he entered, but you still cleared your throat before you answered in the affirmative. Following him out the door, you caught Jin's eye and smiled and you were actually excited when he returned it. Perhaps everything would turn out all right after all.
Even though you didn't get another moment in private with him after that incident, you found that it didn't bother you very much. Just the fleeting looks and secret smiles you exchanged with him were enough to keep you on cloud nine. Perhaps it was just your imagination, but you thought that his face positively lit up every time he caught your eyes, and you were pretty sure that you were reacting the exact same way when you looked at him.
There was no doubt that the return of the warm Jin that you loved had you feeling better in weeks, the complete turnabout from his detached attitude since he discovered your identity relieving you from worry and stress. The first one to comment upon the improvement in your mood was Jimin. Having lost to Namjoon in a sword fight, he walked towards the table where you sat while your eldest brother started sparring with the master of swords behind him.
"What is going on with you lately, little mouse?" He asked, taking a seat across the table from you.
You placed your needlework down to narrow your eyes at him. Dealing with Jimin would require all of your concentration and truthfully it wasn't like you were paying the project much attention anyway. Watching your brothers move gracefully, brandishing their weapons in their hands in intricate, dangerous dances had always been more intriguing than any feminine pastimes that you sometimes took up. "Whatever do you mean?" You asked innocently.
"You know what I mean," he commented without looking at you, his eyes on the fight playing out before him. "You've been really chipper lately."
Letting out a fake gasp of indignation, you answered, "Is it wrong for me to be happy?"
"No, I —"
"Would you rather have me miserable?"
"No, of course n—"
"What kind of brother are you, to wish such a horrible fate on his only sister —"
Jimin made an exasperated noise and you giggled, amused that you had managed to annoy him and relieved to dodge his question at the same time. "Of course I want you to be happy, but do you have to be so irritating?"
Before you could point out that he was more irritating than you could ever be without even trying, Namjoon cut you off, having finished his bout with the older warrior. "Speaking of being happy, I've got good news for you."
"What is it?" Namjoon's words were quick to pique your interest and a welcome distraction from Jimin's dangerous questions.
"Do you know about a local celebration taking place in the next town in a few days?"
"Mm-hmm," you said distractedly, your attention once again stolen, this time by the navy-clad figure walking towards you. As your home was heavily protected by the castle guards, Jin was sometimes sent off on other duties while you were under its protection. He must have settled the matter he had to attend to. However, Namjoon's next words had you giving him your full attention.
"I talked Father into letting you come with us."
"Really?" You gushed, gripping his calloused, sweaty hand in excitement. It wasn't very far from the capital, but that was further than you had ever been, and you were dying to venture away from the small world your life had been centered upon. It didn't matter that you would only spend a day there, or would not be able to offer much help. Your joy was contagious, making your brothers grin, and even Jin smiled at your enthusiasm.
Time always had a habit of slowing down when you were looking forward to something, and it did not fail to behave just as you suspected this time. The next few days passed by at a snail's pace, but eventually you were in the courtyard surrounded by people getting ready to depart for the town, arguing with Crown Prince after you saw that a carriage had been prepared for you.
"Why can't I ride on horseback like everyone else?" You demanded of a beleaguered Namjoon.
"It's not very far, but it's still a few hours' ride," he reasoned. "Sitting in the carriage is a lot more comfortable than riding sidesaddle the whole way."
"You aren't thinking of sitting astride the horse, are you?" Jimin interjected, hooking his chin on your shoulder as he smirked. "Please spare our good people the heart attack from seeing their lovely princess dressed like a man galloping about on a horse."
Your face turned red, because that was exactly what you had in mind. You jerked your shoulder to get away from Jimin, trying to hide your embarrassment. The king was liberal enough to let you attend classes and learn how to ride a horse just as your brothers did but such behaviour would unfortunately not be accepted by others.
"If you ride with us, Ji Eun will be left by her lonesome," Namjoon persuaded you gently, and you agreed. You knew that he was of the opinion that some of the expectations held by society when it came to women were ludicrous, but he also thought that some scandals were best avoided. Battles had to be chosen carefully. However, it didn't stop you from huffing at Jimin as you climbed inside, Ji Eun following behind you.
Since the small group that you were going with had set out not long before dawn to make good time, there was not much activity going on as you passed through the capital. It made for a very dull ride. Ji Eun was dying to hear more about Jin, but neither of you dared discuss such a topic where so many people could overhear your conversation. To your chagrin, Jin was riding in front of the carriage and you were deprived of seeing him in that position. Halfway through the journey you were joined by Jimin, who provided a welcome breath of air as he told tales of his past journeys and joked about, even though many of them were at your expense.
Buildings rolled past with Jimin providing the occasional commentary about parts of the capital you hadn't visited and about the town you were heading to, but he soon ran out of things to say. The houses and buildings that you'd seen had been interesting to look at in the beginning, slowly declining in size and majesty as you moved away from the castle, but gradually became constant in grandeur, the lack of change making things monotonous. You fought the urge to ask Jimin how much longer it would take to get there, knowing that he would never let you hear the end of it if you'd say anything remotely childish.
The journey must have felt longer than it really was because it was only late morning when you arrived. People were already busy preparing for the celebration, and a small group was ready to welcome your party. Jin managed to flash you a quick smile before he joined the rest of the men who went off in different directions to help with the preparations, most of them already used to these sort of visits. Another man, slightly shorter than Jin also grinned at you as he passed by. You were surprised at his forwardness, but gave him a polite smile in return. Ji Eun, on the other hand, was promptly herded off to one of the kitchens to lend a hand with the upcoming feast.
At first you felt lost, clueless as to what you can do to contribute, but a young woman quickly stepped next to you and suggested that you help her with the flower arrangements. You followed her into the town hall, glad to receive a task that you were confident in performing. There was another matronly lady bunching the flowers artfully into vases but it turned out that the girl who brought you was a novice at the task. It was fulfilling to get an opportunity to impart your knowledge to her while producing beautiful bouquets of blossoms yourself.
Being in the town hall allowed you to observe many people as they bustled in and out of the building, going about their duties for the day. The older woman, Young Ae, provided a running commentary on her friends and neighbours which kept you entertained, and you returned the favour by talking about the princes, a subject that the two women listened to with rapt attention. You fervently hoped that neither of them noticed the blush that crept to your cheeks every time you caught glimpses of Jin, sometimes in the company of one of your brothers. He was too absorbed in his task to dawdle, but another man wasn't.
When the young man with dark hair lingered long enough to get your attention, you remembered him immediately. You were still getting used to people staring at you — you were royalty, after all — so again, you let your lips curl upward slightly, but after the fifth time he sauntered in, obviously only intending to see you, you started to feel uncomfortable. In the end, you decided that he was just a little more starstruck than others and tried to ignore him by pretending that you were concentrating too hard on your arrangements to notice him.
It was still too early for the feast when you finished. Young Ae commented that this was your first time in the town but you hadn't seen any part of it except for the town hall. Both women offered to accompany you but as you knew that they were expected to help with other things, you reassured them that you would be fine on your own. You headed out, looking around in the hopes of finding Jin, but you didn't see him. Keeping in mind that you shouldn't wander around too far by yourself, you ventured around the buildings nearby. The houses were similar to one another, but the small details that set them apart pulled you in; whether it was a cute door sign, an intricate knocker or beautiful plants in pots that were lined up on the windowsills.
The cluster of houses that surrounded you was quiet, probably because most people were concentrated on the activities that were taking place in the heart of the town. Judging that being alone without company was probably not a good idea, you started to head back towards the town hall, but suddenly someone fell against you from behind, nearly knocking you over. You planted your feet firmly into the ground to avoid being face-planted into it. Cross and confused, you turned around to see the man who had been vying for your regard earlier leering at you.
"Forgive me, Your Highness. I tripped," he said, but he didn't look sorry at all. Your instincts were telling you to run, but the last thing you wanted to do was appear rude during your first visit out of the capital, so you decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.
"That's all right," you replied in a voice that you hoped came out sounding more calm than you actually felt. Nodding awkwardly in acknowledgement of his apology, you turned around to leave, but his hand shot out to grab your wrist, keeping you in place. You glanced down to where your limbs were connected then looked up at him, disbelief flooding you at his daring to even touch you, much less stopping you in your tracks.
"Don't you feel this connection between us?" You weren't sure if he was being cocky or hopeful but either way, he was dead wrong. Perhaps bolstered by his good looks, he thought you would be enamoured of him. There was no doubt that he was a handsome man, but he couldn't hold a candle to Jin, who was, in your opinion, the most gorgeous person alive, equipped with the all important attribute of being an absolute gentleman. Something that this young man could clearly work on.
"Excuse me?" This time you couldn't help the derision that laced your answer.
Oblivious to the less than friendly tone that you were using, he pressed on. "We just met today, but I found that I like you very much. From the way you were looking at me, I'm pretty sure that you're feeling something for me too."
Is he serious? You couldn't believe that he had somehow misconstrued you avoiding his pointed looks to be a reciprocation to his interest. "You don't even know me. How can you say you like me?"
His smirk faltered a little when you didn't respond the way he expected you to, but it did not deter him. "I may not know you, but I know real beauty when I see one. We can always get to know each other later."
You scoffed in incredulity, trying to tug your hand out of his hold so you could walk away and put as much distance as you could between the two of you, but he wouldn't relent. Instead of letting you go, he pulled you even closer to him. Immediately your free hand flew up to defend yourself from his attempt to kiss you, but before you could scream for help, a cold, loud voice cut through the sordid scene.
"Your Highness, the Crown Prince is calling for you."
Relief washed over you upon hearing Jin's melodious timbre that managed to force the lecherous man off of you without causing a scene. However, your Royal Guard looked murderous. It was apparent to your molester as well because he retracted from you like you'd grown tentacles and fled the scene. After mutely checking that you were not harmed, Jin marched away and you quickly walked behind him.
He seemed angry, taking big steps that you couldn't match without almost breaking into a run. You had no idea if you'd done anything wrong. The closest to it was that you had taken a stroll without an escort. To be fair, you reasoned with yourself, no one expressly told me not to. However, Jin's silence was unnerving. "Jin?" You called, your voice sounding embarrassingly small even to your own ears.
From the way he stiffened, you were sure that he had heard you, but he kept on walking without an answer. His tall, sturdy figure before you had never seemed so intimidating. Despite feeling unsure of yourself, you gave it another try. "Did Namjoon really call for me?"
"No," he answered into the air without turning around.
You sighed inwardly, but acknowledged that he had a right to be angry. Even though everyone seemed to think that you were safe enough in this town that having a guard to watch over you constantly wasn't necessary, it was still unwise for you to go off alone without someone you could trust. You were very lucky that Jin had found you before anything horrible happened. "Thank you for saving me," you poured your regret and gratitude as well as the hope that it would cool him down in these five words.
At this he softened. You could visibly see his shoulders sag a little with your appreciation for what he had done for you before he swiveled on his feet. The smile that he gave you assuaged your fears, even though it was just a tiny one, and he reached out to give your hand a quick squeeze before letting go in case someone saw the two of you. His strides grew smaller and more forgiving, so you didn't have to rush to keep up with him. The path that he was leading you on was different from the one you took but the general direction told you that you were heading back towards the center of the town.
Before you could reach your destination, however, you stumble across a group of girls playing in a field. Unable to stop yourself, you made your way towards them immediately, ignoring Jin's chuckle as he followed behind you. The young children welcomed both you and Jin into their midst. You were quickly roped into a game of Ring Around the Rosie, and from the corner of your eye you spot the rest of the girls pull Jin into a different game that looked more boisterous than the one you were playing.
Despite enjoying the more relaxing game, your playmates gave up on theirs before Jin's group did. You supposed that as children, their short attention span may have attributed to it, but you didn't mind, letting them sit you down to make flower crowns with you instead. Beautiful wildflowers grew all around, providing ample material for the purpose and you praised the girls as you watch their fingers deftly twisted the stems around to make lovely accessories.
Looking over to Jin, you saw that they have decided to take a break from their game, so you called them over to join your group. As Jin approached you, you motioned for him to sit down next to you. He obliged, but before he could do or say anything else, you tucked a flower behind his ear. You admired how the bright, golden blossom accentuated his lovely visage even as you giggled at his surprise.
"You're really pretty, Jin," you sincerely complimented between the girls' titters. The way his face reddened all the way to his ears and down his neck to his collars amused you to no end. Just then, one of the children placed her finished flower crown atop your head, and another gave you a bunch of wildflowers that she had gathered, too young to fashion a crown of her own. Your heart warmed at their sweetness and innocence, and you thanked them for the presents.
"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," Jin said, having watched the entire scene unfold before him with a warm expression. You were secretly glad that the only people surrounding you now were too young to understand what was going on between you and Jin, especially since your skin also flushed at his compliment.
If it was up to you, you would have opted to stay in this moment forever, but the late afternoon sun signaled the start of the feast, so you had to head back to the town hall. Sure enough, an enormous amount of food was spread out on long tables that had been lined across the town square. You took a seat next to Namjoon, who was sitting at the head of the table in the middle, facing Jimin, who was sitting on his right. The tables were groaning under the weight of plates upon plates of scrumptious looking dishes that tasted every bit as good as they looked. It was the perfect opportunity for you to converse and make an impression on the important people of the town, especially the mayor, who made it easy for you by hanging on to your every word and enthusiastically answering every question you could think of.
Even as you juggled conversations with the people surrounding you, it didn't escape your notice that Jin had started to look withdrawn again. He obviously kept up with the conversation well enough that no one was concerned about him, but as someone who knew him better than most, even a small change in his demeanour was noticeable. After bidding goodbye to the townspeople and thanking them for letting you join in their celebration, you rode back inside the carriage without a fuss. This time he rode next to your window, his eyes concentrated on the road before him but his expression was dark and brooding, which worried you.
Namjoon opted to sit with you most of the way back to ask how the visit had been for you, so you did not have a chance to discuss it with Ji Eun until you had reached your chambers. Once you were on your own with her, the fears that you had let stew the whole journey came pouring forth. Being the good friend she had always been, Ji Eun listened as you retold the adventures you had experienced today patiently.
"Do you think he's still angry at me?"
Ji Eun cocked her head as she considered the question. "Well, you said that he had a good time with you and those girls afterwards, so he can't still be mad at you, can he?"
"Perhaps. Why does he look so bad tempered then? You saw him on our journey back here, didn't you?"
She nodded her agreement to your assessment. "Maybe he's upset about something else."
"Maybe." You exhaled loudly, dissatisfied with the lack of confirmation. Something told you that it had something to do with you, but you knew that discussing it with Ji Eun would yield no results, as she knew less about the situation and about Jin than you did. The desire to find out burned inside you, bubbling more and more as time passed while you cleaned and changed to retire for the night, until curiosity won over.
A poorly thought out, reckless plan formed inside your head, and you wasted no time sharing it with your lady-in-waiting. As usual, Ji Eun was less than enthusiastic to hear about one of your hare-brained ideas, especially when she was involved. You never failed to persuade her to participate though, and not very long after you had voiced out your intentions, she had allowed you to slip on one of her dresses over your nightgown and twisted your hair up into the simple updo she usually wore in the evenings.
You ignored her warnings that you would be caught, only relenting to promise her that you would be careful, then you headed out of your rooms. It was late, and most of the occupants in the castle had turned in, making it easier for you to navigate your way through the corridors. You walked past several castle guards and your heart thumped so hard every time you did but you kept your head down. Fortunately with the way that you were dressed, none of them spared you a second glance and you successfully arrived at your destination without a hitch.
The door to the room loomed before you and you almost bolted from nervousness. However, your worry outweighed your anxiety. Knowing that you would not get a wink of sleep tonight if you didn't find out, you raised a trembling hand and knocked on the wooden door. A part of you wished that the person on the other side hadn't heard you, but footsteps moving towards the door told you that your arrival hadn't gone unnoticed. Your heart rate escalated with each passing second until the door was pulled open, revealing Jin staring at you, open-mouthed with shock.
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theinfinitedivides · 10 months
the MDL comment section for this drama is the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to (bad) takes on Gil Chae and Ryang Eum, and so i thought i should copy something i posted over there in response to several people calling Ryang Eum 'toxic' and a 'liar', as well as add a few extra things:
if we're going to bring up lying, then first off we have to establish that every member of this love triangle have lied to each other at at least one point or another during the series. Gil Chae lied to Soon Yuk about marrying him after he came home from the war if he protected Young Master Yeon Joon and also lied to Jang Hyun about said young master being the one she was thinking of when she called him husband at the end of ep 4, Ryang Eum lied to Jang Hyun about who Gil Chae had looked at when the announcement of war came during the sixtieth anniversary celebration in ep 2, and Jang Hyun lied to Ryang Eum about losing the dagger he had given him as a gift (token of love *cough*) when he had actually given it to Gil Chae to defend herself while they were on the run. it's probably not a good idea to start ranking the lies by the percentage of morality/who got hurt as a result bc that's mostly absent here—a driving concept in MD is that nothing is truly black and white—but that levels the playing field pretty evenly imo.
now the story Ryang Eum told in ep 8 on the journey to Shimyang is not toxic, by any means. it is a well-known folktale in Korea that has been retold both in various folk song recordings and in a 1972 film, and the basic gist of the story is that Gap Dol and Gap Soon loved each other but never quite said it directly/strongly enough (Jang Hyun and Gil Chae dancing around each other anyone?), hence Gap Soon getting married off to another man (Gil Chae's miliary officer suitor) and having his children. there are variations that have Gap Dol coming to ask Gap Soon to run away with him (besties if this keeps going where we think it might we're in danger), but that story was brought up in response to Jang Hyun's query of if it was possible to have one man in your heart for so long and not change, after his conversation with Gil Chae on the ridge; Ryang Eum said that it was, although he did note that 'you cannot do it by effort. nobody, no one can touch that forever until the day you die'. did he use this to partially warn Jang Hyun off of pursuing Gil Chae out of selfish reasons (i said in the tags of a previous post that that line sounded like he was talking more about himself than her)? yes. is he also genuinely concerned about Jang Hyun getting his heart broken by someone who is apparently in love with someone else despite her actions? yes.
we know, by now, that Ryang Eum is in love with Jang Hyun. we also know that Jang Hyun has squarely friendzoned him, though it's still up in the air whether he knows about Ryang Eum's feelings or not. so far, up to ep 8, he hasn't done anything we can really consider as sabotage to the main couple, and from what i've seen of the commentary on ep 9 hasn't done anything in that regard either (except return home early and possibly run into Gil Chae, but we all know the editing on these things when they want to conceal sh*t is shady af). if he really did decide to not to carry Jang Hyun's message in ep 10 specifically so that Gil Chae would go and get married anyway, then we can talk about crossing the line and entering the toxic SL arc and that, by extension, would warrant whatever tf is going on with him in the apparent ep 10 preview. (i have heard the rumors. they're not good) to me, he's not quite there yet. if he was, then we'd have to bring up Gil Chae and her multiple attempts to draw Yeon Joon away from Eun Ae early in the series, and i can hear the misogyny and Gil Chae hater brigade coming back again to join the party from here. if that doesn't happen, then, there's probably another reason why he and Jang Hyun are at odds. not sure if anything can be truly worse than that, but we'll see ig sksksksk
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