#and doesnt have service or wifi
reading-writing-dying · 9 months
The first full day I've gone without talking to her since mid-late May I'm sad :(
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changelingbaby · 19 days
saw my coworker in a tank top the other day and thought hm maybe im not asexual.
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WIBTA if I asked my boyfriend to not use his phone when we go camping with my family or to not come at all?
I have been going camping with my family every year since the yeat I was born. I am an adult now and have been with my boyfriend for several years, and he has come camping with me a few times.
The place we go camping only got cell service/electricity in the past few years. Which means for 90% of my life, I came up here and had to "unplug". I used to not like it as a teen, but as an adult with a real job, I really like getting away from it all. My family is so used to not having internet/ cell service/ wifi up here, that we still use it even though we can now.
This year, I noticed my boyfriend has been on his phone alot scrolling through social media. We camp with a lot of family friends (like, 4+ other families), so we constantly have people popping in and out of our site to hang out, chat, catch up etc etc because our site is in a central location. He obviously doesnt know these family friends as well as I do, but it feels rude that he essentially sits in a corner on his phone when there are "guests visiting". No one else really uses their phones either.
One night there was a firefly between our tent and the tent's rain cover that was putting in light show that was really cool to watch! But my boyfriend kept going on his phone, and the light from his phone was blocking out the firefly lights. I asked him to put his phone away because this was a magical experience for me and his phone was preventing me from seeing it. I felt bad asking him to put his phone away, but I have been camping here for XX number of years and having a firefly that close has never happened.
I think thats when I started to get concerned with his phone use. The idea that this magical once and a life time nature experience was happening, and he would rather be scrolling through social media which he can do the other 358 days a year. He also like to "update me" on all the horrible doom scrolling he sees on twitter etc, as well as try to show me memes and "group chat jokes." Even when we have people over and Im talking to them. He is NEVER like that in the "real world"
I talked to him about he behavoir a little bit, and he said that since he has ADHD he needs to be constantly stimulated and can't just "sit there and do nothing." I normally read while camping but he hates reading, so that doesnt work for him. He also complained about how my family just "sits around" while we go camping. I didn't say anything because I was embarrassed to tell him that I like that about camping too.
I have been thinking about asking him to either use his phone less next year, or to not come next year (he hasnt come every single year with me anyways, depending on his schedule). Cause to be it seems like he's not enjoying the 'camping' part of camping. I don't want to force my "unplugged lifestyle" on him if he really cant stand it. Nor do I want it to be an ultimatum that he has to "conform to my unplugged lifestyle, or not come." I also feel like asking him not to come is going to hurt his feelings a lot. This would have been easier if our campsite never got service or internet. He used to be a boy scout and go on week+ long camping trips, so its not like he's new to camping as a whole.
tldr: Im annoyed by my boyfriends excessive phone use while camping. WIBTA if I asked him to either stop or not come next year?
What are these acronyms?
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baradragon · 7 months
oomf from argentina is flying to florida today where im gonna meet him at the airport and hes currently in panama on a 9 hour layover and he has not texted me that he made it so im assuming he doesnt have service/wifi for his phone so im just gonna show up at the airport tonight and just hope he's there hehe
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beannary · 10 months
Tell me absolutely everything about this Percy Jackson au please
ok so i wrote a WHOLE ANSWER to this question while i was walking back to work after my lunch break and long story short my phone refused to post it because it did not want to connect to the museum wifi and there is no cell service where i work so i may miss some things as im writing it out now because ive already written it out once before but OK LETS GO
so Hamato Yoshi moves from Japan to Hollywood and becomes famed movie star Lou Jitsu, and falls in love with Big Mama, the owner of the Lotus Hotel in Las Vegas. When Lou proposes to Big Mama she accepts! But she also is like we need to have our wedding or the honey moon or something basically she's like we need to go to my hotel and Lou is like sick this is so cool and normal and BOOM two seconds later like multiple decades have passed .
Baron Draxum is a scientist/historian who has fallen into this ancient greece sort of niche. He's not a demigod BUT he has the ability to see through the mist and has seen weird things happen and has dedicated his life to figuring out what is up. He manages to figure out that the mist exists and that it has something to do with ancient greek mythology, and he manages to figure out how to tell if a location is like enshrouded in the mist, which leads him to the lotus hotel. Draxum knows something is up with this hotel but then he starts noticing people who are dressed as if they are from completely different periods in time, and THEN he notices famed movie star Lou Jitsu and he's like ok theres some weird time thing going on here and he connects the dots between the Lotus Hotel and the Lots Beds from the mythology and he basically just yoinks Lou out of the hotel who is now like girl what on earth is happening its WHAT YEAR?????
im trying to figure out how the boys get in the picture. I was thinking that Draxum while doing his research ended up finding these four boys, who he determined somehow were the children of gods, and he wanted to do research and experiments on them. I think this would happen before he rescued Lou Jitsu from the Lotus Hotel maybe a few months before? Draxum ends up taking Lou Jitsu to his home where Lou is like thanks for saving me dude real cool of you, wait a second are those KIDS? YOURE DOING EXPERIMENTS ON THEM? and basically Lou is like actually no we are leaving now actually and he nabs the boys and dips in the middle of the night
Raph would be three, Donnie and Leo two, and Mikey one when Lou Jitsu takes them from Draxum, and I think the four of them were just in various orphanages or group homes before Draxum got them
Raph i think would be a son of ares but im still debating that Leo is a son of athena Donnie is a son of hephaestus Mikey is a son of apollo
The boys would have done the demigod thing where they bounce around schools every year. Leo is actually the one who gets expelled every year and he has a reputation as a trouble maker, but he's actually covering for Donnie. Donnie's you know super into tech and building but a lot of his stuff explodes or attracts monsters. Leo takes the fall for all these accidents and all the destruction because donnie wants to go to like higher education, wants to go to like university and whatever and it would look super bad on his record if he was getting expelled from every school. Leo on the other hand doesnt really care and he's normally around when Donnie's doing his inventing so its pretty easy for him to take the blame.
Because the boys are constantly bouncing around schools they dont really have any friends. Theyre only friend is April O'Neil who is their neighbor and who is able to see through the mist. She really runs with their chaos and all that. OH also the boys don't know that theyre demigods until they actually end up at camp, and Lou doesn't know the godly parents of the boys until again they end up being claimed at camp.
I think that Casey will also be a demigod? a daughter of ares i think. and about april i want her to either become the oracle of delphi like rachel does in the pjo books, or i think she'll start learning how to manipulate the mist like hazel does in hoo
all of this i just thought of today though so im bound to change things as the au develops and like feel free to chime in if you have any ideas because im really just flying by the seat of my pants with this one
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aahsoka · 2 years
the weirdest thing is happening my bfs phone dropped our call in the middle of us talking but my phone still said we were on a call. i hung up. but now neither of us can call ANYONE. like it doesnt even ring once. we both have service but we use different providers. we both have wifi. ??????
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caise3910 · 9 days
i wish Gcash got better [ig its a more positive and optimistic way of saying Gcash is a dogshit service]
it has a TON of issues and r/Philippines has already enumerated a ton of it
ill start tho by saying that it being totally unusable unless in its latest version is kinda justified for security reasons (although other apps like Shopee which also handles money over the internet does not need to be updated often so they probably dont have a really good reason for this)
besides those:
1. (most important one) THE APP LOADS SLOWLY AT TIMES THAT IT ALMOST LOOKS LIKE YOU WERE UNDER POOR INTERNET CONNECTION BUT YOU WERENT (I noticed this personally under smart mobile data and smart homebro wifi)
2. Filled with ads and other annoying pop-ups (the tutorial always shows up every time you log in)
3. Invasive permissions that are for the most part useless
3.1 You cant use Gcash if you have developer options on
4. frequent outages
5. Getting verified (at least as a minor) is so convoluted and non-straightforward that you will notice how drastically different the working process is as prescribed by youtube tutorial channels [so far i think(?) they tell you to interact with customer support] from the one youre supposed to follow
5.1. Gcash's own process refers you to eventually resubmit documents to a place THAT DOESNT EXIST essentially blocking you from completing the process (so it has dogshit UI and unreliable help section)
6. Creating an account is easy but deleting an account that doesn't even have a transaction history needs you to disclose your personal information via the verification process
7. Verification is needed to use the app in external apps (previously this wasnt a thing not to mention the weird exemptions to this that thankfully made me able to load up my steam wallet)
and lastly
8. Transaction fees for everything
8.1. this: (op for some reason didnt censor their phone number)
Being mad over those who staff Gcash's customer services, networking and others kinda doesnt give the overall bad service justice, ig Globe is so accustomed to being a telecommunications oligopoly that when they venture to e-wallets theyre blind to how bad the service has turned out
Also kinda wondering how other services compare like Paymaya
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sillybigbird · 21 days
Internet companies in mexico sucks ass, man. I was watching Modern Family at 6:12 pm, just waiting for my online class at 6:30. When the WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD just fuckin disconected from the server, and it was only the company we hire. That is supposed to be the best one in mexico but still doesnt allow me to stream stardew valley at 1080p on twitch because its too much for them. The worst part? Is that I couldnt comnect to my 3 hour class. The internet came back like at 11:30 pm. (Yes i played solitary all that time, listening to mecano and metalica) And god knows i would completly lose my shit if it wasnt for my download music and the fact that Indesign doesnt need internet to work.
My Dad tried to call the company to complain, but they closed the telefonic lines and put a robot message that said "Estamos teniendo interrupción de su servicio en su zona" that just pissed him more. And i told him: why complain. Whinging about not having wifi its not gonna help anybody.
And then, my laptop decided to froze when i was rewatching the recording of my class.
I literally have gotten YEARS of penalty by riot in valorant because the wifi doesnt want to cooperate. (Thank god my laptop doesnt afford Valorant anymore).
To make you an idea, 200gb its one of the highest plans of internet you can get, for a super elevated price and the service quality does depend in the zone where you live. EVEN IN BIG CITIES
Im done man, i want good wifi for once in my life
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ghosttbeef · 1 month
feeling some kinda way bc i've been going down a little rabbit hole of tech videos on youtube ( technology connections! lots of neat videos that are accessible as laypeople too) and through that I learned that the reason every microwave has like. reheat, popcorn, cook xyz vegetable buttons, because the first ones to do this in like ~80s actually Had a moisture sensor and would calculate the time based on that. And sure, maybe some higher end microwaves on the market today still have these features instead of just slapping a timer on, but they almost certainly want to connect to the internet and have some obtuse huge screen with sign in and all the trappings of smart appliance bullshit in them. Whereas the older microwaves had all of this programmed in on a chip that is laughably small to how technology has advanced, and many of them still actually function while the newest Smart One is going to obsolete in a couple years because it will either fail or the service will go out or some other bullshit like that. and it's just so ..... these nicer features have always been available, easily so too, in 40 y/o tech that probably still works (AND IF IT DOESNT IT CAN ACTUALLY BE REPAIRED !). Anythign that could possibly have data stored on it now needs to connect to wifi, and you need to manage an account and beholden to the whims of the company that makes the service attached to it to be able to continue using it. I got a color changing lightbulb for my room recently because I get migraines and that was the only way I could really feasible dim the lights in my room without getting like... the perfect assortment of lamps or something. And these lightbulbs need to be connected to wifi to work, and they want to be on all of the time and the app wants to get my location every time I open it. Fortunately they don't need to be reconnected or whatever when I actually turn them off, and the app doesnt refuse to work if I don't give it my location, but this could have easily been the case !!
hell, my old roommates got a vacuum that needed wifi and I remember having to put off cleaning because it needed a fucking software update. (this is a regular ass vacuum btw, not like a roomba or something that could actually benefit from software). They got it during the pandemic when the old one broke and it was the only option within budget. I couldn't find any of the color changing lights that functioned without an app, like a remote or something- MAYBE i could find an LED strip or string lights that work with a remote, but who fucking knows at this point. I know I had one like that like... ten years ago.
i know everyone already knows how bad technology currently is and that it's built to be obsolete ina few years, and unrepairable to boot, but I think it's easy for folks my age and younger (people who grew up with devices that could easily pair to wifi) to think that there's still meaningful improvement in a lot of these devices but like. not really. lots of things that insist they need wifi to work could work via remote or just by having a database in them. buttons are more user friendly and easily repairable than touch screens. (my workplace got new ovens with touchscreens about a year ago and the touchscreens are already failing, but the old one with buttons was fucking Ancient.)
it doesn't need to be this way !
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granhairdo · 4 months
i just booked tickets to go see family in armenia this summer, and i obviously don’t have cell service over there so if i disappear for a couple weeks don’t get concerned. some places have wifi but the place im staying at doesnt but ill still check on here as much as i can. also ill obviously be flying over europe so ill be close to my european mutuals for a brief moment haha.
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dreamc0rpse · 9 months
I should not have a patrol officer out looking for my boyfriend!! What if its all so stupid its in our heads what if hes just out being silly with a work friend and doesnt have wifi (oh but then again what if they fucking killed him) what if what if what if god i cant stand it why doesnt he just have cell service or where is he why didnt he come home whered he go why isnt he here
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The Digital Divide, Digital Equity, and Their Impact on Modern Society
In today's world, digital technology has become an essential component of our lives, allowing us to connect, learn, and work in ways that were unimaginable just a few decades ago. However, not everyone has equal access to these technologies, creating a "digital divide" that can have significant repercussions for those who lack regular or reliable access to technology devices, reliable WiFi, or the technical knowledge and skills necessary to use technology most fully (Pazurek & Feyissa, 2015). This divide can place people at a significant disadvantage, particularly in terms of education and job opportunities.
Digital equity, on the other hand, is an ethical issue focused on ensuring that everyone has equal access to digital technology and the necessary skills to use it effectively (The National Digital Inclusion Alliance, 2016). By promoting digital equity, we can help bridge the digital divide and create more inclusive and equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic background, race, or geographical location.
The digital divide and digital equity are closely related concepts, as addressing the digital divide is an essential step towards achieving digital equity. As more aspects of our daily lives become mediated by digital technology, those who lack access, knowledge, or skills are at risk of being left behind. For instance, limited access to technology can hinder educational opportunities, as many schools and universities now rely on digital resources for teaching and learning (Gonzales, Calarco, & Lynch, 2018). Additionally, job applications and other essential services are increasingly moving online, making it difficult for those without reliable internet access to participate fully in the modern economy.
To combat the digital divide and promote digital equity, initiatives must focus on providing affordable and robust broadband internet service, internet-enabled devices, access to digital literacy training, quality technical support, and applications and online content designed to encourage self-sufficiency, participation, and collaboration (The National Digital Inclusion Alliance, 2016). By addressing these issues, we can help ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to thrive in today's digitally connected world.
In conclusion, the digital divide and digital equity are critical issues that require our attention in order to create a more inclusive and equitable society. As we move further into the digital age, it is essential that we recognize the importance of providing equal access to technology, knowledge, and skills for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances. By actively promoting digital equity, we can help bridge the digital divide and create a world where everyone has the opportunity to succeed and contribute to the global community.
Gonzales, A. L., Calarco, J. M., & Lynch, T. (2018). Technology Problems and Student Achievement Gaps: A Validation and Extension of the Technology Maintenance Construct. American Sociological Review, 83(2), 317-343.
Pazurek, A., & Feyissa, M. (2015). Digital Divide. In J. M. Spector (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Technology (pp. 234-237). SAGE Publications.
Radovanovic, D. (2011, December 14). Digital Divide and Social Media: Connectivity Doesn't End the Digital Divide, Skills Do. Scientific American. Retrieved from https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/digital-divide-and-social-media-connectivity-doesnt-end-the-digital-divide-skills-do/
The National Digital Inclusion Alliance. (2016). Definitions. Retrieved from https://www.digitalinclusion.org/definitions/
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rowendoesthings · 2 years
cw: vent about life stuff, financial issues, mental health, etc
got the "No SIM card" error today on my phone, but im still able to do stuff over wifi. his means that my bio-dad officially booted me off the plan and im left to scramble to find a cheap service provider thats still good. no warning, no mention of anything, nothing.
the only indication that this might occur is he sent me a text earlier saying i need to hold up my "end of the deal" by doing more work and stuff around the house. but tbh that doesnt even make sense to have it happen today bc the plan wouldve needed to run out and longer if he cancelled it today. or maybe he planned to send me the text the day of; idk.
and it doesnt fucking help that this happens RIGHT after i realize im in a depressive episode, which is making it harder to see the lighter side and to even get out of bed again. im genuinely struggling to find things to live for again; the two people who were my rocks aren't anymore, and living off spite sounds exhausting.
im just so tired of struggling. im flailing for purchase as im drowning in my own mind and circumstances.
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nflkerlon · 2 years
Photosync wifi
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and backup an unlimited number of photos & videos. 10 years in the market and continuously updated No limitations transfer.
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Backup photos & videos from Android phone / tablet to computer over WiFi or Portable WiFi. Number one cross-platform solution with native apps for mobile devices, Windows & Mac. I'm down to use third party apps if I have to, it's worth a couple of bucks if need be. Download PhotoSync 3.3.10 and all version history for Android. Plus if you are tired trying to download to the computer. I see a way for iTunes to sync photos to the phone, but not from the phone, which is odd. Whatever It works and it doesnt put your pictures or videos on the internet. WiFi Only: I don't want to use iCloud in this process, or any other remote server. Tap Back up & sync and then Cell data usage and then When theres no Wi-Fi. Safely auto upload your photos and videos straight from Android to any NAS, wireless mobile storage device or remote server over SMB, (S)FTP or WebDav. This way I have all my recent photos without the heft of several years of older photos & videos. In Photos, tap your account profile photo or initial and then Photos settings. Launch the WIFI service from your camera. If not set up correctly the camera won't let this application download media files. One or thousands of photos or videos from your last. Go to the WIFI Settings: And select Private mode: This step is very important. PhotoSync is an app that makes wireless transfer of your photos or videos from or to your computer as well as to your iPad, iPhone, iPod touch. This step needs to be done only once as your camera will remember this setting. PhotoSync Pro: wifi photo & video transfer + sync Transfer and backup all your photos and videos in 3 super easy steps 1.
Recent Photos: I'd like to set up a smart album that keeps track of photos added over the last 6 months or a year and then have those photos either stay on my phone or be synced to my phone. Set up the WIFI service of your camera as Private. Download PhotoSync Cloud Add-On APK 3.1.2 (freeload) - Mobile App for Android - touchbyte - Latest Version 2022. You do have to manually connect the wifi on the Linux system to the particular camera. What I want is pretty simple in theory: for my iPhone to backup photos to Apple Photos every night over wifi, ideally when iTunes is syncing. I guess I could go in with image capture and delete them, but I'd like it to work more cleanly. Received photos & videos are imported directly into the Camera Roll or an album you defined.
Send photos & videos from Windows PC or Mac over Wi-Fi to iPhone / iPad. I hooked up my iPhone over lightning cable and brought years of photos over, and I clicked the box to delete the photos it brought over but Apple Photos didn't delete any of the photos on my phone for some reason. Photos & videos are transferred directly over the local Wi-Fi network. I've moved from iPhoto to Apple Photos in El Cap and just spent a good amount of time organizing stuff for the first time in a long time.
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One or thousands of photos or videos from your last.Ī simple and user-friendly application that you can use to transfer your image and video files easily onto your portable devices What's new in PhotoSync Companion
PhotoSync is an app that makes wireless transfer of your photos or videos from or to your computer as well as to your iPad, iPhone, iPod touch.
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PhotoSync is a phone app to easily transfer photos, videos, panoramic, and burst to and from your computer.
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nimi05 · 2 years
Best Budget hotels in Mumbai - Cheap hotels in Mumbai with Bag2Bag Rooms
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What are budget hotels?
Budget hotels provide the best in class accommodation options at budget pricing. Hotels are usually located at decent locations and are scattered throughout different cities. Are you visiting Mumbai and looking for pocket friendly accommodations? Bag2Bag hotels and Homes provide excellent hotels in Mumbai with a wide range of amenities. You can book these budget stays for few hours to few days! These hotels do provide Free WiFi, 24 hour help desk, Concierge and other services as well. Book the best budget hotels in Mumbai and have a comfortable stay experience in the dream city. These hotels provide last minute bookings as well.You can book these hotels on the go using Mobile App which is there on android as well as on iOS. Hotels can be booked for as minimum as 1 hour also. Most of the hotels are located near transit hubs like airport, railway station etc. and hence are much helpful for those who look for cheap hotels in Mumbai.
Why Budget hotels ?
If you are visiting a place, it surely involves booking a stay which is comfortable. If you are planning a trip, vacation or a business trip or just to alleviate your wanderlust, then you can always consider a budget stay according to your travel needs. Budget hotels offer ,many advantages like
Price Range: Budget hotels will reduce the overall travel expenses to a great extent. You can comfortably stay in a budget hotel for 7 days, for the same expense you stay 2 days in expensive accommodations. Pick the best budget hotels in Mumbai and pay less.
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Every traveler is different when it comes to needs while searching for a hotel. Business travelers usually look for WiFi connection while family with kids prefer TV! Foodies usually look for hotels which are near to good restaurants. Budget hotels through Bag2BagRooms serves all these. Some of these hotels do provide tasty food at affordable rates. Services at budget hotels are on par with regular hotels. Some hotels even have swimming pools!
So, all set for an affordable hotel stay in Mumbai for your next vacation?
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stanford-pines · 3 years
Honestly fuck apple im gonna use my hand me down macbook until the fucking thing stops working entirely.
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