#and especially caregiving industries
dayurno · 8 months
i just saw a post about andrew and his meds and how he was probably misdiagnosed for depression but he’s actually bipolar which made him manic all the time bc of his meds and!!!! yes to me andrew has always been bipolar. anyways i just had to share this with someone what are you thoughts on bipolar andrew? i know this isn’t kevin related and for that i’m sorry
"i know this isn’t kevin related and for that i’m sorry" HRGJLDHFGDFJG KDFJG FUNNY....!!!! i do answer non-kevin related asks sometimes but the flesh and the spirit must be willing... i'd say it's occasional like an expert briefly commenting on another expert's field
i thought bipolar andrew was canon? isn't it? i've never really had any extensive thoughts about it; to me it was just a fact of the world like the foxes are orange and kevin is beautiful..... well. regardless. i think it's a good hc if that's what it is :) i'm not all that interested in diagnosing aftg characters with personality disorders and i think a diagnosis of something is not always a concrete reality of life and more so a guideline to follow to deal with a specific cluster of symptoms, but as far as they go, andrew being bipolar makes a lot of sense!
i have a friend who went through the foster system when they were younger and a few years ago i do remember we were talking about andrew and they said a lot of how he was written was taken textbook from a 'how to foster troubled children' manual, which i think is most of what i think about re: andrew's mental health. to me it is more interesting (fiction wise!) to think about the material conditions that caused him to develop the symptoms he did, and less so about the ultimate conclusion of them. does this make sense?
tl;dr: i thought andrew being bipolar was already canon, if it's a hc then it's cool :=)
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riizebabie444 · 11 months
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𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙨 𝙢𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪 🩶
🩶 ─── in this reading, we will explore the qualities of the careers and fields you are best suited for, suggested careers for you and other career messages meant for you.
🩶 ─── picking your pile: take a deep breath and allow your soul to centre itself. when you feel your mind balanced and cleared, allow yourself to be drawn to an image. your eyes may gravitate to one, or you may close your eyes and feel which image is calling out.
🩶 ─── be sure to check out my other readings and don’t forget to share and give feedback. disclaimer: all readings done are for entertainment only. please do not use my tarot readings as a replacement for legitimate advice.
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🩶 𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚
this is a random message but it is very clear. for some or most of you, the career or field you are wishing to go into at the moment, or the one you are already in, is the right one for you. there is also a message to explore your creative potential. it doesn't necessarily mean creating art like music, writing, paintings etc (although that may be true for some of you) it could also mean creative problem solving, a job which requires you thinking outside the box. working in a field where things are done differently to others in the industry. the image i have in mind is google. they do a lot to encourage creativity and the birth of new ideas. you'd fit best in a career which nurtures and encourages your creative side.
it's also best to be in a career where there is the opportunity to grow in every aspect, and to further your position over the years. for example, i don't think you'd feel comfortable and happy in a job where you stay in the same position for years doing the same thing every single day. some people are happy in those jobs. they like the stability and routine. however, you need a job where you can always learn new things and progress. i'm seeing progression is also important to you. it's important to go into a job where you have more opportunities to climb up the ladder, and it doesn't even need to be all about promotions. a job where you regularly switch tasks, or have new projects to work on. as long as you aren't doing the same things every day, you should avoid jobs which do.
a job where you can express the qualities of success and confidence. where you can prove to yourself and others that you are fully capable. it could also be a career which puts you in the public eye. something that makes you feel seen and appreciated. again, promotions are here. you want a job where you can progress to high places. perhaps even becoming a figure of leadership and authority. you may not be confident about such a position right now but when you find something you love and excel in, you would be the right fit for a leader. and for a number of you, caregiving roles may be good for you. it could be anything from nursing to therapy.
okay so here is where it gets a bit negative. with the three of swords you may experience job losses, or disappointment in being rejected from jobs. it could also indicate that you may end up stuck in a very stressful job and toxic work environment. you want to avoid places like that. however, i believe some of you may need to experience it in order to know what is the right or wrong job and workplace for you. and for a number of you i get the message that even though it is difficult and stressful, and the workplace is not good for your mental health, it will not last. you will find a better job or get promoted and belong in a much better space. so if you ever find yourself in that position, have hope that it will improve. i think it is also a message, especially if you are a leader, to not allow a toxic work environment to foster as it is your duty to ensure it is safe and healthy for everyone to work in.
enterprises might also be something you would work well in. i'm seeing representing small or local businesses, as well as larger corporations for a number of you. it could also be setting up your own business. for some of you, you may have a typical job in mind in order to pay your bills and support a family, but deep down you have a dream of having your own business or brand. at one point or another, you might be torn between keeping your job to pay your bills or leaving it all behind and investing in your own business. i think either is fine, however, for most of you who this applies too, the message is to find a balance between the two. you can work full time and have a passion project/business on the side. work on it slowly and over the years it will blossom, i'm hearing. it is crucial you do not pick between the two and instead find a balance.
to add the obvious, you may dream of being your own boss. and i think you would do amazing things as a leader, however, you still need some sort of discipline or balance from elsewhere. if you're your own boss for too long, you can easily get lazy and complacent. so it is important for you to keep a job elsewhere to ensure you don't lose routine or dedication.
one last message is to expect times of change in your career as much as you should expect times of stagnation. any job you have, you will experience boredom at times and excitement at other times. you need to hear this. jobs are not one dimensional. you should expect many things from your career, both good and bad. so don't get your hopes up too high and don't get too disheartened when things don't go your way.
suggested careers/fields: project manager, hair dresser/hair salon owner, investments, influencer, working up the ladder, franchise owner, higher education, professor, networking, entrepreneur, business law, accountant for local businesses, nursing, social worker, therapist, counsellor, childcare, HR, arts and fashion, selling and/or creating luxury goods, beauty guru, acting, admin, consulting, writer, researcher.
cards: high priestess, the empress, six of wands, three of swords, two of pentacle, wheel of fortune
🩶 𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙬𝙤
i'm immediately hearing decision making. for some of you, a job where you can make the decisions would be good however for most, i am seeing that you may not fit best in careers where important decisions fall in your lap. to get one thing straight, every career will involve decision making at one point or another. but some careers involve very important decision making and i believe when you have too many important decisions to make on a regular basis, you can become very stressed. perhaps you are an indecisive person. overall, i think working in a position that requires heavy decision making would not be the best. however, if you are working with others to make decisions, i think it would be a good career for you.
for most of you, if not all, you will find success in the career of your taking. and for a lot of you, the cards are representing another person in regards to your career. a colleague or a business partner. if you dream of being your own boss, perhaps you would do well sharing this dream with someone else. it could also be a colleague. your career will lead to you meeting someone important. or vice versa, you will meet someone and they will help you get a really good job, the job of your dream. of course be careful, because people who help others often want help in return later down the line.
communication is a key theme here. a job which requires you to communicate your thoughts and ideas. for example, sharing stories as a writer, or even as an academic writer sharing research, or in law by communicating and mediating for your clients. i think for some of you, you would like a position of power. and for others you may not. for those who do, you would do well to use your power and authority for others rather than not doing so. you'd find more fulfilment and success by helping others. and mediating also. taking on communication responsibilities for third parties would be a good career for you. for example, an agent who helps people find jobs and corporations to find employees. hosting job interviews for the people you work for. even ghost-writing, communicating on behalf of the client. again with law. you may also enjoy the feeling of being responsible for transfers, employees, assets, moving companies. anything that involves moving one thing from one place to another.
i'm seeing disputes/conflict. perhaps you may deal with this a lot in your work environment or otherwise, it could mean your career typically involves this. i'm seeing HR settling an issue between employees. things like that. you might naturally be drawn to conflict or drama, and if not you are just interested in it. therefore, a position which allows you to be involved in it as an outsider would be interesting to you. there would always be something new to keep you on your toes. and you would feel very gratified after helping others solve their problems. in environments where there is lack of communication and poor leadership, you would fit in well in the role of solving these issues. it's very much a behind the scenes job but it is incredibly valuable to companies.
you need a job which will not disturb your work life balance. it's best to only take on a career which does not require you to work overtime, or where workload leaks into your private time and life. it is important to have a job where you can work hard, but only within the working hours. a job where you can give fair and honest work and feel appreciated enough to have your own time to spend with loved ones and yourself.
a job where you can always remain unbiased. you may feel uncomfortable picking sides so a place which encourages objectivity would be a good fit for you. you might also enjoy jobs in health and fitness. somewhere that encourages others to do their best. teaching, also. law and order are important also.
a slow paced environment would be perfect for you. fast paced might lead to high levels of stress. so slow paced is better. successful careers are built over time. you're not too fussed about seeing amazing results straight away because you know the best results always come after long and consistent efforts. so jobs which require you to be very patient would be good. you expect all of your work to pay off in the future. because of this, i also thing agricultural industries may be good. the final message is to not be swayed by other people's thoughts and opinions. there may be some people who have hidden motives with you and your career. you may struggle to make good decisions and not know who to trust which may end up with you trusting the wrong people. be careful, and hone in on your intuition because it will help you in the most crucial times of your career.
suggested careers/fields: animal care, justice system, politics, judge, lawyer, sales person, guidance counsellor, public speaking, doctor (not specifically medical but in other fields), self-employed, problem solving, mediator, HR, teacher, auditor, law, financial institutions, health and fitness, farming, gardening/landscaping, charity worker, social worker, engineer, scientist, STEM, activist, telecommunication, journalism, trading, public relations, events manager, customer service, liaison.
cards: the magician, the sun, two of swords rv, five of swords, justice, seven of pentacles, high priestess rv
🩶 𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚
overall, this pile feels quiet and mellow. so i think calm jobs that don't involve too much excitement would be good for you. a job that doesn't require far too much effort from you, but you still know exactly what you are doing in the job. which is funny because most of the cards suggest otherwise, but the vibes i'm feeling are different. i randomly heard "beware of snakes" so maybe it is that you want to avoid bad vibes from others. you want to do well and have the personality and potential to perform incredibly (it is represented by the two aces and the magician) but you are afraid of attracting jealousy from others. most of you may believe in nazar, or the evil eye. you want to do well quietly, staying humble and not gaining too much attention from others.
you might want to avoid the overly friendly workplaces, the companies that tell you "we're all like family" because odds are your coworkers will be all up in your business when you don't want them to be. and more often that not, they may not like to see of hear about you doing well. of course, you can choose whichever company you want yo work for, this is all subjective. however, the message is strong here to not let coworkers get too close. if you feel like you need to be cautious, do not doubt it at all. jobs where you can work independently or remotely may be good for you. i think you enjoy the responsibilities and the isolation you can get from those jobs. you can really focus on your own work instead of worrying about socialising and networking (which are important, don't get me wrong but i think you are not the type of person to be heavily involved in such activities).
technology and IT. jobs where you're required to use your brain. you need mental and intellectual stimulation so jobs which require lots of brainwork would be great for you. also jobs which require you to have a sharp and quick mind, and even a quick tongue. a job where you need to respond quickly, on the spot. maybe as a lawyer or judge. i think you are the type of person who tends to avoid making decisions but i believe the best career for you would involve you needing to make decisions as a part of it.
i also see jobs where you can provide stability for others as well as providing stability for yourself. this could mean that setting up your own business to help or guide others would give you a lot of satisfaction. such as a personal trainer, life coach, dietician etc anything that will allow you to improve the lives of others. you could even be thinking of starting your own sales company. i'm seeing a position where you are calm, smart, and powerful. logical and rational, and also honest. key organisational abilities here, like secretarial duties. a job where you can keep things organised tightly.
there is a huge duality here. like, i see you craving to be a bold and confident person in your ideal job, someone who is admired by others but in reality you are afraid to be that person. maybe you are not used to being in the spotlight and you're not ready to start now. so you must find a balance between the two. you can be confident without needing to be in the spotlight. i think your biggest fear in regards to career is conflict. you want to avoid uneasy workplace relationships. you don't want to be too close with your coworkers but at the same time you don't want to be left out. you want to perform well and show off how good you are at what you do but you're terrified of other people being jealous of you. there's not much i can say other than jealousy is often rooted in workplaces. no matter where you work, there will always be others who are jealous of you, some places more than the next. however, what matter the most is your own comfort and confidence. don't admit to defeat out of fear of others. if you love a job. go for it. i'm literally hearing it right now. don't let your fear of others hold you back, but always be careful about what you share.
suggested careers/fields: IT, psychiatry, surgeon, engineer, affiliate marketing, life coach, personal trainer, fertility, army and police, investigations, detective, guide, translator, business job, nine to five, desk job, logistics, bargaining, vlogger, running your own business, innovation, writer, interior design.
cards: ace of swords, ace of pentacles, the magician, king of swords, five of swords, two of swords, nine of wands
🩶 𝙥𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧
i cannot say this first paragraph is for all of you however, it will resonate with some of you. the career you have in mind right now, or the one you are currently in, is not the right one for you. i see there needs to be some change or transformation in your career. of course it is not easy to just change career. but if you feel this message is for you, it might be worth looking into a new career which is more worth your time and effort. there is a decision that needs to be made. if you're thinking of switching careers/field, this paragraph and reading is definitely for you.
overall, i'm seeing two different sides to this pile. one side is an authoritarian side, position of power and respect. while the other is more caring and nurturing. your ideal career could be either of those, or both. i see a number of you preferring to be in a job with explicit structure. a jobs that tells you what you need to do. so you know what you need to do every day and there is no confusion over tasks or responsibilities. but at the same time, you want to have some freedom. every day cannot be the same or you'll get bored. that is why is see jobs involved in childcare. you know your responsibilities in regards to caring for children, but with children, no day will be the same. this could also be caring for animals, elderly people, people with disabilities or other vulnerable people.
and although jobs where you can connect with children would be good, any job which can allow you to connect with others in general is a good choice. particularly, partnerships. a business partnership would be great as you can connect with others as well as structure your own enterprise. and since you rely on a structure from others to keep you in order, having other people work with you in an enterprise can keep you in line. also, if you know about the principal agent theory, i think you would perform well as an agent. you do well when performing tasks on behalf of a principal. in addition, when you are working for someone else, you know what you are doing, and what you need to achieve in order to satisfy them. whereas if you are working entirely for yourself, you might often feel confused about what needs to be done.
practical jobs which require thinking (but not too much thinking) would be great for you. you like to be actively involved, both physically and mentally, in your work which means repetitive jobs that have you on autopilot most of the time would be too draining and unsatisfying for you. but still, i think you would greatly appreciate professional settings and/or professional boundaries. i believe some of you may also work well in a field which is somehow connected to your past. for example, if you grew up with financial difficulties, you would be most satisfied in finance. or if you had a difficult childhood, then you would enjoy giving care to children. if you really enjoyed school, you might be most comfortable working in a school. it's that kind of theme and is entirely subjective to your own experiences. but something from your childhood connecting with your career is relevant.
one message here is to let go of insecurities and jealousy and imposter syndrome. because you want to be the best of the best, and you compare yourself to others a lot. you might often feel inclined to outdo others. it's a normal feeling, but the cards here are saying to let go of those thought habits. it will not bring you anything good. building up a successful and stealthy career for yourself will greatly be based on creating a foundation from your values as well as your passion. so don't sabotage yourself or others for your own success. keep in line with your morals. spiritual guidance also comes up here. so perhaps seek some in order to overcome these traits, and maybe consider it as a part of your career.
i can't tell your stance on risk, i feel it is a mixed bunch here. some of you may like taking risk while others do not. if you feel like a career which involves risk is something you are interested in, the cards do tell you that it is a very important decision, however, you must make calculated risks. don't just take the leap of faith. you need a thorough plan. i also see something creative, like art or writing, maybe even food. take it as it resonates and if you feel attracted to pile one also, give it a read because that is the creative pile.
suggested careers/fields: hierarchy, desk job, large corporations, teaching, childcare, primary school, paediatric, healthcare, hospital, banking, army, tax, career advisor, funeral director, financial advisor, insurance, software engineer, therapist, lecturer, spiritual guide, bookkeeping, church, electricity/energy, power plants, technology, chef.
cards: the lovers, death, king of pentacles, six of cups, four of pentacles, the hierophant, the fool, two of swords
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© riizebabie444 — all rights reserved. please do not copy, steal, repost or translate my readings on any site. any act of which will be classed as plagiarism.
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olliandre · 8 months
+my opinion, since I’ve watched all of them for this post
1. I Feel You Linger in the Air (8,9/10)
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DESCRIPTION: Jom is an architect responsible for the renovation of a historic house alongside the Ping River. There he discovers a wooden chest packed with old drawings, drawings that look strangely familiar. The contents are intriguing. However, Jom doesn't have time to concern himself with them; he has plans to reunite with his boyfriend. For years, Jom has been counting the days till his boyfriend would return from his far away studies, only to find him engaged to someone else on his return. Heartbroken, Jom comes to a place of acceptance as he mistakenly runs his car into the river. In the cold darkness, Jom catches the sweet scent of fresh frangipani flowers coming from the stream and in the distance, he can make out a deep, gentle voice pronouncing clearly, "Pho Jom."
MY TAKE: Well deserved first place. It’s the best Thai drama I’ve ever seen and I really hope we’ll get more like this one in the future. Everything was on point - the costumes, the acting, the cinematography. The relationship between the main characters felt real and absolutely believe, especially thanks to P’Bright (Khun Yai), who delievered everything well through his eyes. The story made me emotional to the point I cried like a baby at the end, which didn’t happen for a really long time. To be honest, I could rewatch this series without ever getting bored because of how unique and heartwarming it was. If I were to criticise anything, I’d choose the fact that Jom seemed quite bland during the first few episodes and also the way Khun Yai wasn’t cautious at all with their relationship despite living around the 1920s. However, it can be explained by some things from the novel, which I’m considering to write a post about. Aside from the romance plot, IFYLITA discussed the topic of women’s opression and offered a lesbian sub-plot that made the story even better. I recommend everyone to watch it, it’s ridiculous how little recognition the series got from the BL fandom!
2. The Sign (8,6/10)
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DESCRIPTION: For as long as Tharn can remember, he's had premonitions about those around him, sensing both the good and the bad. Partners on a team of special investigators, when kind and cheerful Tharn met clever and charming Phaya, it felt as though they'd known each other for a long time.
MY TAKE: Another gem showing that the industry is slowly heading to a new, better direction. The plot contains lots of action scenes, investigations and Thai mythology elements, which I don’t think have been used in any series before, at least not in a well known one. I’m a sucker for reinarnation and soulmates motives, I wish Tharn and Phaya believed in each other more though. It was frustrating to see them fight so much. Some of the comedy scenes made me cringe, too. Still, the story was solid and engaging, especially thanks to Tharn and Phaya’s relationship complexity. During some scenes CGI was used and I have to admit they must have spent some budget on it. It’s the third Idolfactory’s drama and they definitely get better with every project. More series like The Sign!
3. Last Twilight (8,5/10)
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DESCRIPTION: Burdened with heavy debt, Mhok, a technical college student, applies for a high-paying job as a caregiver to Day, a badminton player with partial blindness due to infectious keratitis. Day hires Mhok who—unlike other applicants—seems to take no pity on him. With so much time spent in each others' company, the two develop a deep bond. When Day learns he'll have approximately 90 days until he loses what vision he has remaining, how will the two weather the trials ahead?
MY TAKE: I’m gonna be honest, I fell in love with Last Twilight very quickly. The acting was top-notch - I think P’Sea portrayed a blind character really well despite having vision and P’Jimmy… P’Jimmy was just on another level of greatness. Just like P’Bright, his eyes told everything. Every emotion could be seen clearly and he efortlessly made Mhok the viewer’s favourite. Mhok itself was a mature, selfless person, but with Jimmy’s portrayal I think it’s even harder not to love him, not be enchanted by him. I found the story heartwarming and moving, beautifully culminating in the last scene of the 9th episode. At that moment I’ve felt that both Day and Mhok’s journey found some sort of an ending, maybe terribly sad, but also with some sweetness in it. Throughout the whole series it was Mhok teaching Day how to live again after losing his sight and encouraging him to stand on his own legs again. In the 9th episode though it seemed like the dynamic shifted somehow, showing that Day reached some maturity that Mhok haven’t had yet, and that he could help him with his grief too. The whole message of Last Twilight was delivered fully then. However, what happened later completely ruined it. I understand that P’Aof wanted LT to be realistic and because of that he decided to face the fact that Mhok can’t be Day’s caretaker forever. But all of this was handled poorly, seemed rushed especially after 11 episode and I couldn’t bear to watch one of my favourite series trashing itself. After that it was also imposible to ignore the issues I had with Mhok and Day’s relationship anymore, especially the August plot. I hated how although Day showed huge interest in Mhok on the beginning, he suddenly revealed his crush on other boy and he seemed really bothered by Mhok’s confession, too. What a mess. Porjai and Night’s subplot was great though, I liked both the characters and their relationship. I recommend everyone to just watch episodes 1-9 despite some disappointments on the way.
4. Not Me (8,5/10)
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DESCRIPTION: Black and White are twins with a powerful connection. After their parents' separation, though, White’s father took him abroad, and their family effectively severed in two. It isn’t until fifteen years have passed that White—now grown—returns to Thailand. One day, seemingly from nowhere, White feels an agony like death. He recovers in the hospital, but they’re unable to determine the cause. Then he picks up a call from a childhood friend, Tod. Tod tells him that Black is in a coma following a vicious attack, and he learns that Black is in a motorcycle gang. Unable to endure the harm done to his brother in silence, and suspecting it was one of Black’s close friends—Sean, Gram, or Yok—who betrayed him, White disguises himself as Black to root out the traitor. But White doesn’t know his brother as well as he thought; he’s not behaving like the Black Sean knows, distrustful and uncaring about the feelings of others. Sean's suspicious. The difference gets under Sean's skin and makes him feel things he shouldn’t.
MY TAKE: I’ve actually first started watching Not Me around the time it was coming out, but I became bored around the half of it, so I’ve seen the rest of the episodes just recently. It’s refreshing to receive a politics and society problems oriented BL, this series without doubt was mature and one of a kind. Not Me took on many issues the modern Thailand still faces, struggling with democracy, human rights and equality. The relationship between White and Sean was another difficult thing here with its complexity, as they faced their opposite ideas for making a change - Sean being more reckless and hotheaded, while White more rational and fragile mentally. They went through many stages and although they were allies, it’d call it an enemies to lovers dynamic. I felt connected to both of them - to White because I agreed with his methods more and to Sean because of his abandonment issues. What they had was not pretty, no, it was raw and even rough at times, however, they managed to build mutual trust and the ending was satisfying. Definitely recommend!
5. A Tale of Thousand Stars (8,5/10)
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DESCRIPTION: After a volunteer teacher Torfun dies in a tragic accident, her heart is transplanted into Tian. Tian learns about his donor’s life through a series of diary entries that reveal her secrets and interests. Included is her promise to count a thousand stars with Chief Forest Officer Phupha. Tian decides to follow in Torfun's footsteps and fulfill her promise. Now a new volunteer teacher himself, Tian attempts to befriend Phupha who initially gives him the cold shoulder. As the two grow steadily closer, Tian notices his new heart beats quickly whenever he's near the officer. Much like the heart’s previous owner, Tian cannot help but fall for Phupha. Treading on dangerous ground, can he still go through with the thousand-star promise?
MY TAKE: It’s such a classic that I don’t know if there’s anyone who hasn’t heard of it yet, but let’s proceed! 1000 stars for years took a special place in my heart, as it was one of few good Thai BL during the time it came out. I loved the rural atmosphere of Pha Pun Dao and the process of Tian adapting to life in the village. The story was slow, warm and sort of pure, although the tension and chemistry were there. Big kudos for the scene in which Tian came to the conclusion that his feelings for Phupha mean he likes men, since that wasn’t a standard in the „I don’t like men, I only like you” era. Another thing is, P’Mix (Tian), who was a rookie back then, played his role so well that I would never suspect it’s his first time acting! Recommend for anyone seeking comfort, even if it gets sad by the end.
6. My School President (8,5/10)
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DESCRIPTION: Student body president Tinn has a secret crush on Gun, the head of the music club and lead singer of the middling band Chinzhilla. The son of the principal, Tinn is instructed to axe any clubs that don't boost their school's reputation. The music club tops that list and Tinn is therefore Gun's number one enemy. Desperate to save his club, Gun will do anything, even pledge servitude to Tinn. When Tinn learns Chinzhilla has a rule that band members aren't permitted to date until they win the Hot Wave Music Contest, he vows to do whatever it takes to help them do just that.
MY TAKE: At first the fact that the story takes place in a high school setting put me off, as I prefer watching young adult stories, but I gave it a shot because of the good reviews. And after watching it I can say it was definitely worth it. My School President is a silly rom-com that delicately touches some more serious issues. Nevertheless, it was a light watch. N'Gemini and N'Fourth delievered an excellent performance, accurately and realistically portraying the main couple. Maybe it’s because they are just slightly older than the characters, so it was easier for them to understand them. I also still listen to MSP soundtracks. Aside from being simply good pieces of music, they make me feel positive and refreshed everytime I hear them. It’s like an energizer.
7. Bad Buddy (8,4/10)
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DESCRIPTION: Ever since they were young, Pran and Pat's families had a deep and raging rivalry, trying to one-up each other on everything. This also extended to their sons. Comparing their sons' achievements and merits,—whether it be academic or extracurricular—the two families leave no stone unturned to outshine and gloat in front of the other. The rivalry was passed down as a family heirloom and the two boys become rivals in turn. Until... they grow tired and become friends. Really good friends. However, because of their families' rivalry, their friendship has to be kept under wraps. And so began a journey of secret friendship... and then perhaps a secret romance?
MY TAKE: This is another series I’ve dropped in half and picked up just recently. Although the entire enemies since birth plot seemed a little bit Wattpad-ish to me, I’ve still enjoyed Bad Buddy a lot. The relationship of Pat and Pran was fun and realistic, they also had good chemistry together, probably due to the actor’s long-lasting frienship. There was something about them that just seemed so natural. Big plus for verse rights and lesbian sub-plot. The only thing I’m not content with was that instead of working things through with their families, the scriptwriters decided to just make Pat and Pran lie and avoid the topic. It could have been handled in a better way.
8. Moonlight Chicken (8,3/10)
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DESCRIPTION: Jim is an ordinary guy running a Hainanese chicken rice diner. One night, he meets breezy Wen when he stays past closing drunk. Brought together by fate that night, intangible feelings arise. Neither can stop thinking about the other despite Jim's efforts to remain unattached. Working at the diner are Jim's nephew Li Ming, Saleng, and occasionally chicken supplier Kaipa who doesn't mind having an excuse to see him.
MY TAKE: I’m a Chinese learner and liked P’Earth and P’Mix’s performance in 1000 stars a lot, so I was looking forward for Moonlight Chicken to come out. The relationship between Jim and Wen disappointed me a bit, as it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. They started off from a one night stand and Jim was doing everything he could to keep things this way, with Wen persistently trying to change his mind. I’m still happy though, because the series maturely portrayed real life problems of Thai people. Jim, as an adult, was a person tied by chores and responsibilities of a restaurant owner and legal guardian for his teenager nephew. It’s understandable for him to take more things than just his feelings into consideration, especially since he was older than Wen. The problems between them made the series even more realistic, but N’Gemini (Heart) and N’Fourth (Li Ming) undoubtebly stole this show from the main couple. Not good for people wanting to watch something romantic and fluffy, nevertheless, still good.
9. Triage (8,3/10)
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DESCRIPTION: Third-year emergency medicine resident Tin has to cope with a deluge of different patients every day. Up until the eighteenth, that is. Tin's life is transformed when university student Tol's car is overturned, and he's rushed to the emergency room in serious condition. That night doesn't end when Tin fails to save Tol's life, though. When Tin next wakes, he finds himself in a time loop, a loop he won't be able to leave until he's altered Tol's fate.
MY TAKE: Triage was a slowburn and it took quite a few episodes for the main couple to start developing feelings, as the time loops didn’t help in building any kind of closeness. They had good chemistry though and I really liked the performance of every actor in this series. Also! The! Plot! It was truly a masterpiece. It turned out that Triage novel is another work of Manner of Death’s author and that those two are actually connected. Doctor Bun and Tan appear in one episode of Triage and if MoD season 2 actually happens, it will be a continuation of the mystery after Triage’s ending. About the ending itself, it wasn’t satisfying. Also, why do I feel like they got some inspiration from the movie Bruce Almighty?
10. To Sir, With Love (8,3/10)
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DESCRIPTION: The Five Dragon Guild is under the leadership of Jao Sua Song. He's skilled and in control in business, but things in the family have become chaotic. By his main wife Li, he has his eldest son Thian. He has a secondary wife Jan with whom he has a son named Yang and he has a mistress named Bua. In a Chinese family, masculinity is prized. Thian is the face of the family, the one who will eventually succeed Song, who will carry the power his father has built. Khun Chai is not a position just anyone is suited to. The love between two men is obstructed by Chinese society.
MY TAKE: Everthing was good here - the acting, the costumes, the setting... a high quality series indeed. I especially loved brotherly bond between Tian and Yang, as it was the purest and the most wholesome thing in this drama. The murder plot was interesting too. However, all of this was simply too prolonged. Because everyone for 17 1-hour episodes straight was running around and trying to find that Tian’s homosexual, they may as well just name the series Tian’s secret. I got sick of it around 9th episode and there were still 8 more. It’s a pity that it completely ruined To Sir, With Love for me. Tian and Jiu, the main couple, didn’t receive many screentime, so it was quite unsatisfying too.
[there will be a link to 11-15 in the future]
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Sometimes i see job listings that say like "Caregiver/Superhero needed" and as someone who's never done caregiving or nursing that comes off as incredibly patronizing to me, especially because these jobs still seem to have low wages. But im wondering if people who work in the industry also see it that way? Or does it signal a vibe like "this employer is aware that the job is difficult" and is that actually a plus?
Like as a caregiver/CNA/Nurse would you apply to a job that has "superhero" in the description?
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duckieberry · 5 months
Genshin 'Littles are known' Classification AU (Part 2 - nation specific info)
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*warning long post*
Link to part 1 -> Here!
this is the second part of the info in my genshin 'Littles are known' classification AU. Please check out part one if you havent already that way this post makes sense!
Being the nation of freedom, Mondstadt has the most open policies when it comes to their Regressor population. Littles in Mondstadt have no real restrictions for career paths and are allowed to do whatever someone of their physical age can do (like drinking and buying alcohol for example though they cannot do it while regressed). The only rule the Regressors of Mondstadt have to follow specifically is that they always need to have a Caregiver on shift with them while working to keep them safe.
Mondstadt’s tests are all done by the church. A sister oversees the test and takes a drop of blood from the one being tested. The blood is then dripped onto the core of an Anemo crystalfly where one of three things will happen.
Faint glow = Neutral
Bright glow = Caregiver
Flickering bright glow = Little/Regressor
Flickering faint glow = Flip
This form of testing is unable to give an indication towards a potential age range and is only good for figuring out overall classification. Anemo crystalfly cores are used in classification tests because as pure elemental beings they react easily to all sorts of changes.
Headspace management:
There are plenty of herbs in the wilds of Mondstadt that can be made into an effective headspace suppressant medication. These medications are available to anyone who needs it and it’s distributed through the church all there is to do is show proof of classification and get a quick check up.
The policies involving Littles in Liyue are just about as open as they are in Mondstadt. There are firm no’s to Regressors working in certain industries either due to danger or being contracted to confidentiality. Contracts signed by Littles are not legally binding just like a contract signed by a minor would be.
Liyue has many different types of rocks and gems that have many unique uses. One of these many uses is classification tests. An illustrious kind of jade known as soul jade is used for this process. The person getting tested has their finger pricked so it is lightly bleeding, the finger that was pricked is pressed against the jade for a few moments, the jade's colour and brightness will begin to shift in reaction to the blood.
Gray = Neutral
Blue = Caregiver
Red = Little/Regressor
When the jade turns Red to indicate a Little, it also will begin to brighten or dim to indicate an approximate age range. 
Pale red/Pink = few months - 5 years
Base red = 6-9 years
Dark red = 10-14 years
Classifying a Flip is a little more complicated as the jade will turn the colour of the classification they lean more towards with the brightness beginning to shift and flicker to indicate the rough age range for the little side.
Headspace management:
The herbs required for making headspace suppressants are abundant in Liyue though a bit hard to gather due to them being found purely on high mountains and sheer cliffs. Like in Mondstadt, Littles only need to get a check up and provide proof of classification to get the medication but in Liyue there is a small fee that has to be paid on top of the examination.
As the nation of eternity, Inazuma has a lot of respect for its Littles as they experience what is technically eternal youth. While treated with respect in most situations they are considered incapable of holding any proper positions, especially those of power. This fact was strengthened during the Sakoku decree.
Inazuma’s testing is more of a ritual and it is done by Narukami shrine. The shrine maidens take fallen petals from the sacred sakura and mix it with a touch of blood from the person being tested. An incantation is recited which gives the shrine maiden performing the ritual visions and information which allows them to interpret the classification. The accuracy of the ritual is all based on the shrine maiden performing it. Tests done by Yae Miko are always the most accurate but she seldom ever does them in favor of other work around the shrine.
Headspace management:
There are no naturally occurring herbs that can create headspace suppressants in Inazuma. All of the medication of this type is imported from other nations, mainly Sumeru and Fontaine. During the Sakoku decree the already limited supply became even more scarce which furthered the misconception that Regressors are not trustworthy of holding any powerful positions. The only people capable of purchasing medication for headspace management were nobles and high ranking officials in the commissions. Now that the borders have opened up this is slowly being rectified.
For a while, Littles in Sumeru were not treated well. Getting into the Akademiya as a Regressor was near impossible. The Littles who did get in had to fight tooth and nail to keep their place and prove their worth. Upon Nahida regaining her power as Sumeru’s archon things are starting to change and policies are beginning to lighten for the Regressors of the nation.
Sumeru has the most advanced and highly accurate tests of any nation though it takes longer to process the results. They’re capable of testing their citizens 2-3 years earlier than most other nations. Their classification tests require the person to have their blood drawn. The sample is then examined directly for the unique hormones found in people with classifications. Results are then determined from the hormones present, their quantity, and their strength. This method allows for the most detailed information about an individual's classification in all of Teyvat.
Headspace management:
Getting headspace suppressants in Sumeru is easy, they are free to all Little residents and can be gotten from the Bimarstan. There is also a wide variety of herbal headspace medications as well.
The treatment of Regressors in Fontaine is mixed. While Littles are protected under law there is still discrimination against them from the nobles and the upper class of the nation. High-end businesses have very low hire rates for Littles. Places like Poisson treat their Little population well and a good amount of the people that live there are Regressors. 
The fortress of Meropide has many policies and regulations put in place to keep its Little inhabitants safe during their time there. Regressors are not allowed to work in the factory for safety reasons so they do other jobs around the fortress.
Fontaine took on the same form of testing as Sumeru but they managed to speed up the time it takes to get results. Due to speeding up the process their results are a little less accurate and they can only test their citizens at most 1 year early then standard testing age.
Headspace management:
Fontaine is the second worst nation for the availability of headspace suppressants. While the medication is readily available it comes at a steep price leaving a decent amount of Fontaine’s Little population without proper headspace management.
The Fatui-
Littles are not permitted within the main ranks of the Fatui. Any that manage to join are kicked out as soon as they are discovered. The Harbingers are almost entirely classified as Neutrals though some are Caregivers (not that it makes them any less brutal in their work).
The House of the Hearth-
Like the main organization, The House of the Hearth is not Regressor friendly. Any of the Orphans classified as Little are made to take headspace suppressants as soon as their classification starts to develop so they won’t regress. As a result of such conditions, regression sickness is very common and tends to be severe though the frequent use of headspace suppressants makes that hard to tell.
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cosmica-galaxy · 2 years
What about jeb, tricky, or sheriff who has a bby woth reader?
HERE'S THE SECOND PART! Tw: Pregnancy and non-descriptive birth mention, but double the sweetness of everything! +Reader has fem parts but is gender neutral +Set in Salty's Self Aware AU – SHERIFF –
The moment you told the sheriff that you were carrying his child, you nearly jumped out of your skin at the sheer volume of the ‘YEEHAW!!’ that the Sheriff bellows out. He could barely contain his mirth when he pulls you in for a very intimate kiss upon your lips, he even dips you down to kiss you even deeper.
You were a blushing mess by the time he finished as he nuzzles you in close and tells you how happy he is that you chose him out of everyone else in Nevada. After that, he begins to prepare a section in the conquered territory of the industrial section that he had control over in Nexus City that would serve as a home and base for you both.
During the first trimester, Sheriff is a little bit nervous, but primarily excited. He’s thinking about you whenever he’s at work and the moment he comes home, he’s all over you with cuddles and kisses that are so sickly sweet they may give you a cavity. The Sheriff begins to fix up the homestead with his fellow MERCs, building up a bedroom and making the abandoned building much more ‘homey’, as per your request.
Most of the things that they have are pretty much mostly metal and concrete, but that doesn’t hinder the Sheriff none as he goes off to find some soft fabrics and materials that he would make into furnishings for your little one’s room. With some luck, he managed to find some wood and fresh pillows in an abandoned house. He brings them back and begins to get to work the moment he can, hammering and nailing the wood pieces together to make a crib that resembles that of an old country-style design.
He also makes sure to catch your eye while he hammers and fixes up the new furniture, flexing and stretching periodically when he knows you’re watching him build up the items for your little one. A little way to make you flustered and pleased with his hard work. It never fails to make you blush and look away in an attempt at modesty, which the Sheriff took pride in. The labor he does for your growing family is worth it if it means he can make the most powerful being in all of Nevada blush with just a couple of flexes and poses.
During the midterms, the Sheriff employs both Church and Jorge to watch over his player while the Sheriff is out doing his missions around the perimeter of Nexus City. Both of the GOL3MS are obliged to watch over his lover while the Sheriff is out and the poor guy can finally have some peace of mind from the thoughts that make him worry that he wasn’t protecting his player enough. Meanwhile, you and the GOL3MS get to know each other more and more as they become regular guardians of you when the Sheriff is not available. He IS the guardian of Nexus City, after all. He has an important job to do. Especially with the Zeds walking about.
In the downtime while the Sheriff is away, you happily answer the curious GOL3MS’s questions about your pregnancy and why the Sheriff was so adamant about protecting you. Upon realizing that you were carrying the boss’s little one, the two begin to take their duties much more seriously. Almost like they were tapping into that caregiving side of their GOL3M natures that they seemingly have long since forgotten. This ranges from getting you whatever you need, to helping you move from one place to another, to simply making sure you’re comfortable. Which feels strange to both Church and Jorge, as it feels…right, in a funny way.
The sheriff also begins to make a medical center that is close by whenever you get ready to deliver the little demi-god into the world of Nevada, and he continues to prepare for his child.
Then, the due date slowly begins to close in.
The MERC crew is all nervous and anxious as the Sheriff is, especially Jorge and Church, who have both pretty much formed a bond with you. The Sheriff had to put himself on temporary leave as he stays in your shared abode with you. Making sure every little thing he can do for you is done. He also begins to finish up tidying the room and the items he would be making for your little one.
One of these projects he was working on was a rocking horse he made out of pieces of metal and wood. With the rockers being metal and the horse being made of carved wood. It was his most proudest accomplishment he made to date as the little rocking horse was made solely by his out hand. It wasn’t perfect, but it was something he made for his child, so he valued it as a keepsake. He couldn’t wait to take photos of his little one riding the back of the little wooden pony…
You were pretty much also doted on and cared for by your sweeter-than-honey lover as he would massage and give you loving kisses every single day during the last leg of your carrying process. You appreciated it as sometimes when the little one was being restless, he would help soothe the pain and discomfort from the movements the child would cause. Surprisingly, the baby would stop moving and settle down when the Sheriff would hum little southern-sounding songs to your belly. Making you also relax in the process as he would continue to do that for minutes on end.
Then, the day came.
You were with Jorge and Church when you suddenly get struck with a sudden wave of pain as you cry out loudly, making both of the GOL3M’s look over in surprise before they both rush over to help you. Church picks you up while Jorge hits up Sheriff on his comm, letting him know that his player was going into labor as the duo rush over to the new medical center to get you medical assistance.
The Sheriff pretty much abandons his patrol and was rushing back to the base to get with his player in time for his child’s birth. Nothing would stand in his way and if anyone did, his quad-barrel shotgun would deal away with any enemy that dared get between him and his sweetheart. By the time he gets to the medical clinic, he was out of breath but determined to be with his player.
However, the moment he chose to walk in on the medical staff that was helping his kid come into the world resulted in the Sheriff fainting from the sight.
He is reawakened by Church a bit later once the birthing process is finished and his player was laying in the medical cot with a little bundle in their arms. The Sheriff shoots up out of the chair he was set in and begins to walk over to his player and to finally see the little bundle in their arms. His lover could only smile at him as they hold the little swaddled gift out to him and the Sheriff takes it without hesitation.
Upon looking at his little one, he feels his heart melt into a puddle as the little one in the blanket was sleeping soundly and sucking on their thumb. He takes in the sight of their glittering skin and the rather peculiar star-shaped birthmark on their little chest. He gently traces a finger over the birthmark, which causes the little one to let out a couple of giggles as they wiggle in the blanket in response to his soft touch.
The baby opens their little colorful eyes as they look at him curiously and babbles out nonsense as the Sheriff could only chuckle and nuzzle them lovingly.
“Hey there, lil deputy. I’m your pa.” Sheriff affectionately says while he gives the child’s forehead a little tender kiss, which entices a happy laugh and wiggle from the infant in his arms.
The Sheriff feels the pulse of his heart thundering in his chest as he holds the baby close to his body, completely enthralled with the thought of fatherhood as he sits there in the medbay while his GOL3M companions also wave and greet the little one.
As a parent, the Sheriff is very loving towards his kid. He loves playing with them and getting involved with whatever his child is doing. If the kid babbles nonsense at him, the Sheriff will merely nod and go “I reckon so, little deputy.”. He lets the little one ride around on his shoulders and he even puts his oversized hat on his kid sometimes. Giving them affectionate noogies from time to time.
He even finds a little ranger hat and gives it to his kid, who promptly makes it their favorite item. The Sheriff is very happy and proud of his kid and stays involved with his family, which Church and Jorge are now a part of as his kid views them as their big brothers.
The moment he ascends beyond this world and into fatherhood heaven is when the kid’s first word is ‘howdy’.
It was surprising to YOU. Because you didn’t tell Tricky, Tricky told you that you were pregnant. You could only blink in a dumbfounded response when Tricky laughs madly and bounces around in an excited manner. You ask how, mostly because this dude is a zombie, and the clown merely chuckles as he snuggles up to you and says ‘story time~’ in a playful way.
A brief explanation about how he had an improbability drive inside of his body and how he could ‘will it’ to do things he wanted, like revive Hank over and over again after he’s been killed, or get someone he reallyreallyreally likes pregnant with his child regardless if he’s dead or not. You could only blink in flustered embarrassment as Tricky basically admitted that he wanted to knock you up whenever you both had…’fun’. You couldn’t hold your blush back and Tricky quickly noticed it before letting out a mad cackle as he snuggled into your side.
When you asked how many he wanted to have, he refused to answer. Much to your frustration.
The first trimester was spent with Tricky scouring Nexus City, hunting for a place for you to safely live while you were carrying his young. The most ‘safest’ place was in the abandoned section of Nevada, as it was clear of most factions. The only thing that remained were the Zeds, to which Tricky promised he wouldn’t let them hurt you while he was around. It was a small comfort, but you both could handle yourselves out here. You were the most powerful being in all of Nevada and Tricky might as well be a demi-god with his improbability drive.
You both decided on a tall building with a collapsed internal floor, which would help keep the Zeds out and away from your chosen dwelling. Which resides on the upper floors. Tricky may be insane, but he was still intelligent. So, he spends his excessive amount of freetime building up incredibly strong support beams to make sure that your chosen nesting site doesn’t collapse and hurt you and kill your younglings. Tricky would NEVER let that happen, ever.
Meanwhile, his player was busy collecting supplies and materials to start making the abandoned building a much more suitable hosting area to make into a home as Tricky regularly clears out the surrounding zone from any unwanted intruders. His protective nature is already emerging as he relentlessly rips and tears any opponent or wanderer that enters the nesting territory. Be they grunt, bandit, or zed.
Once supplies are found, you get to work with making the bedroom that your kids will call their own and as well as a bedroom for you and your clown lover to finally rest peacefully in. Thankfully, both of you have near-godlike powers, with you pretty much repairing and fixing up the place with a symphony of your iridescent strings while Tricky spawns and duplicates whatever material you both needed to patch up the place. Eventually, the building starts to look less decrepit and much more ‘homey’ and even colorful. Both of you settle right in.
The midterm of your pregnancy came around and you were already needing assistance from Tricky, mostly because of how big you have already gotten. You struggle to catch your breath after a long period of walking and floating offers only a minor reprieve from the struggles. You were pretty much weighed down and much more reliant on Tricky as the Zed pretty much stays near you at all times. His nesting instincts were getting worse by the day, so much so that he broadened the radius of his patrol and the bodies of his victims lay strewn about on the outskirts of the perimeter, which served as a warning to anything else that dared come closer to the building. His player was vulnerable…and that bothered him.
The player could only lay on their shared bed and deal with the cramps and pain from the carrying process. With Tricky attempting to help in any way he could, even if he wasn’t good at doing much, which you could appreciate. As he lays over your body gently and nuzzles into your growing belly, he lets out a couple of insane sounding mumblings about how much he loves ‘them’. Which pretty much perked your ears right up and finally, you popped the question. Just how many kids did Tricky hope and ‘improbability-fied’ into your body. Tricky says nothing as he wordlessly looks at the single crib you both made and duplicates it twice, leaving you with three empty cribs. Your jaw drops and you're assaulted by the sound of Tricky cackling up a storm in response to seeing your face. No wonder you were so tired and sore! This bastard pretty much wished triplets into you! You could only huff in defeat as you lay back down on the bed and give Tricky the silent treatment for the rest of the day. You only broke the silence when Tricky kept trying to talk to you and eventually he brought a dead body back in an attempt to make you ‘happy’ with him again. “SEE? CLOWN KEEP YOU SAFE! CLOWN IS GOOD MATE!” He tells you and walks into the room covered in blood…and promptly slips on it, landing flat on his back. That was when you allowed a spill of laughter and amusement to come out in response to his fall. Tricky was just happy that you started talking to him again after that.
Towards the final stretch of your pregnancy, Tricky is the biggest guard dog you have ever seen. He’s built up a large chain link fence around the perimeter of the building and he’s coming home covered in blood more often than not. You…couldn’t really do much, as you merely lay there on the bed with your heavy abdomen weighing you down. You could only let out a huff of frustration as Tricky takes up the rest of the responsibilities and forces you to rest nearly every day now. “CLOWN SENSES TIME IS CLOSE. YOU STAY HERE. NO WORK.” He told you as he went out to gather supplies for your eventual delivery.
He brings back pretty much whatever he could find that was medical in nature and even a whole stretcher. He sets them aside effortlessly and finishes by fixing up an area that you would be delivering the young ones in. Once that is finished, Tricky comes back and nestles with you for the rest of the day. No longer feeling comfortable leaving you all alone while you're this far along. You appreciate all that he was doing for you, even with him being as unstable as he is. You merely give him cuddles and a loving kiss in response to his effort, which causes him to purr and return the favor.
Then, the due date arrives.
Tricky is suddenly aware of something as you come to and he picks you up, much to your confusion, as he carries you to the medical zone. You were about to ask what he was doing before he spoke up suddenly. “YOUR BODY TELLS CLOWN THEY’RE ARRIVING.” He says, carrying you to the medical stretcher as he prepares the area in a strange and almost alien manner…almost as if he worked in a sophisticated place before he became the clown he is today…
Then, the labor pains hit and you let out a loud cry of pain as Tricky was already getting ready for the delivery. You go into labor as Tricky, in a scarily sane fashion, moves about as if he knew what he was doing. The first child is slowly born and Tricky cleans them up, swaddling the young one as he sets them to the side. Then the second child emerges, with Tricky performing the same routine with cleaning and then swaddling before waiting for the last one to be born. You were exhausted by this point, but continued to push with all of your might, forcing the last one out. Tricky collects the final child before performing the same robotic routine.
Once it was over, you were back to your normal size and very, very tired. You see how Tricky almost seems to jerk about before looking around, as if he was confused. Was…was he even aware of what he was doing?? You give him a confused look before laying back on the cot to rest as the clown himself looks over towards the three wiggling blankets before gasping and rushing over as quickly as he could.
Tricky investigates the little bundle of blankets, while completely disregarding how he got into the medbay, before he looks at each one. The three triplets all sported glittering gray skin as they wiggle and sniff about in their little green-toned blankets. They all had his precious player’s eye colors as they looked at him in a varying degree of interest and confusion. Tricky was shaking like a rapid chihuahua as he took in the sight of his little younglings.
The little children were gifted with a facial birthmark that covered most of their faces and it had similarities to looking like a skull. Which intrigued Tricky as he picked their little bundles up and held them close to his body. Nuzzling and sniffing them all affectionate, getting a variety of giggles and little squeals out of them all as he cuddles them lovingly.
Then, he turns around to see his player looking at them fondly and he hurries over to show them.
“LOOK! YOU MADE CLOWN BABIES! GOOD JOB, PLAYER!! :DD” He praises as the little ones yawn and slowly blink in response to him. You could only smile lovingly at your insane lover as you nod in approval as he already begins to pop off with names for each of them.
As a parent, Tricky is a wildcard. He’s protective, but he puts them in danger from time to time. He can be as quiet or loud as he wants to be. He eats ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING. This leads you with a lot of directives for Tricky to follow, mostly because the kids are starting to mimic his behavior.
And poor Hank…
Imagine the moment that Tricky finds Hank and DOESN’T attack him, but instead sics his hyperactive chihuahua children onto the poor mercenary. Hank knows they’re your kids, so he doesn’t want to hurt them and make you upset, so he has to either turn tail and run from them or put up with their nipping and futile attempt to do him bodily harm while Tricky laughs in the background. One wounds his pride and the other wounds him physically.
You always apologize to Hank and make sure that you make it up to him for putting up with Tricky’s constant ‘training lessons’. You also try to make sure your kids don’t go full stupid on you by teaching them common sense. It seems the eldest child is the only one willing to listen, though.
You have your hands full with your new family and Tricky couldn’t be a happier dad that really loves his rabid little ankle-biting children.
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paper--moons · 1 year
Regressor!Hawks Headcanons
(with multiple CGs)
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Although it is perhaps the hero industry's biggest open secret, age regression isn't exactly something the Hero Commission promotes or even knows how to handle. Which is why they aren't exactly pleased when it becomes apparent that Hawks is an age regressor—and one that falls on the smallest side of the spectrum at that. Keigo tried to keep it private, or course, but his entire life has essentially been monitored by the very organization that "saved" him (at the cost of using him, though that's neither here nor there, now is it?). But it's difficult to keep something like this private when big brother is watching you, especially if your little counterpart is entirely too trusting and gets lonely. Really, Keigo didn't want his handlers to know...but who else was he supposed to call when he drops at his agency after another day of nonstop going and going and going until he could go no more? It would be bad if word got out, wouldn't it? Keigo has had it drilled into him that public appearances are everything to a hero, knows he shouldn't be so little where just anyone could find out. And so he does the best he can when the world starts feeling bigger and bigger, holing himself up in an office he barely ever uses and calls the chairwoman. It's the emergency line that only he is supposed to use, and while it isn't exactly an emergency it's easier to press one button than to try to remember a whole string of numbers that will only put him into contact with some secretary until they can "get back to him about his concerns" (they never do). While the situation is handled in the moment, it gets decided very quickly that they can't just have anyone taking care of their former child soldier best agent. And so the Hero Commission sets off playing matchmaker!
Keigo has mixed feelings about the whole "matchmaking" thing, but has come to accept that the Commission does as it pleases—plus maybe they will actually find someone that won't mind taking care of him. It's been incredibly hard to be so small on his own for so long, and he thinks it might be nice to have somebody make his bottles for him or maybe even hold him for a little bit. And while it doesn't surprise him that they set their sights on other top ranked heroes to handle him, he is surprised that their first pick is Miruko. Their reasoning makes some sense when it's explained to him; they are close in age and it won't be questioned too much if they start hanging out more (if anything it'll be good for their careers, or so he's told). Which is what leads to the pair spending their day off together to see what baby Keigo thinks of Rumi—and it is a guarantee that Keigo will regress on his off day, goodness knows he's on such a strict schedule that it's a given. She's excited at the prospect of getting to hang out with the little guy and, while not one for planning, does come at the situation with lots of ideas. Rumi has tons of games and snacks and activities ready to go. And at first Keigo is also excited! Finally, someone that sees that he isn't always a hero! She's prepared to get down on his level and isn't afraid to let him be messy and make mistakes. But Keigo finds himself conking out wayyy before his naptime after their fifth game of hide and seek. At the end of the day, it turns out Rumi is way too high energy for the baby to keep up with and is more suited for older kids or teen regressors.
The Hero Commission's next attempt in finding Keigo a caregiver has them nudging Best Jeanist in his direction. While he's a little over a decade his senior, it wouldn't be too odd for them to hang out since they are both high on the charts and could easily claim they were coordinating on a job. Or at least that's what Keigo figures is the reasoning behind this match-up (because if there's one thing he knows, it's that the Commission is relentlessly calculating in its efforts to create the most ideal public image). Regardless, Tsunagu is a pretty cool guy and they've interacted at plenty of professional functions and whatnot and got along just fine. And unlike Rumi, he's a lot calmer, which is better for when Keigo is small, resulting in a regression day that goes well without wearing the baby out in the process. There's a whole lot more structure than he would have guessed though—it's like Tsunagu had a schedule prepared with him in mind, despite the whole thing being more or less sprung on him. Not to mention how attentive he seems to be. When presented with his snack, he's surprised not to find the handful of trail mix his handlers always gave him after training, but a childish plastic plate covered with apples and cheese clearly diced with a careful precision. It's a small gesture, as are the concerned words when he doesn't dig in right away (Would you prefer something else? You need to eat.). Or at least they would be to most people, but Keigo finds it nearly overwhelming. Even after a few weeks of having him be his cg and adjusting to all the little things like that, something still feels...off. While there wasn't anything wrong with the way Tsunagu took care of him, they didn't exactly click either. But he would appear ungrateful to bring attention to this, and it isn't like he has any other options anyhow.
They're at some exclusive party for pro heroes disguised as an uppity awards ceremony a few months later when he finally figures out why he felt like they didn't click. It's on what should have been one of Keigo's rare nights off, and so he (unsurprisingly) finds himself slipping whether he wanted to or not. He knows his newly assigned protocol in situations like these now though, and stumbles through the myriad of other pros and waitstaff crowding the floor of the party hall trying to locate Tsunagu. Luckily the man is fairly tall, and Keigo has no issue finding him talking to Present Mic. Keigo is just about to tug on his sleeve when he catches a bit of conversation—a mumbled Jeany, can't find Eraser—that indicates that perhaps the flush on the voice hero's cheeks isn't from too much champagne as he originally thought, and suddenly he's connected the dots. The reason Tsunagu had so much more experience in a carer role is because the Commission defaults to him as a sort of stand-in cg and obviously points other heroes in his direction should they need it. Despite everything being relatively perfect it felt too much like being handled still, regardless of the other hero's genuine care. However this conclusion doesn't ease the hurt his small side is feeling about the situation, which ultimately leads to him running smack into a very broad, very familiar chest as he attempts to leave in a hurry. Keigo is stumbling backwards, about to fall for sure before he can even remember his training about balancing himself with his wings, when a hand grabs his shoulder to steady him and he finally looks up.
And who should Keigo find but his own personal hero, Endeavor? Being around the guy already makes his baby brain go !! though typically he can push that aside, but when he's well on his way to being regressed? There is no hope of recovery, Keigo is fully small and awestruck by the man. They have something akin to a staring contest before Keigo finds himself wanting up, even though he hadn't even fallen. Wanting up, wanting to be held, wanting wanting wanting. Keigo has never really been allowed to want like this, and it takes all he has to even find the simplest of words when Enji asks if he's alright. The "'m 'kay" he manages to peep out must not be too convincing, because Enji leads him out of the main area and into a more private alcove to give him a proper look over. Because while he isn't necessarily the brightest bulb, he is familiar enough with the younger hero to recognize that something is off about him. Usually he would be living up these sorts of functions and (more recently) would drag him along for the ride. But he seemed...uncharacteristically standoffish? Too quiet for sure. That's the best Enji can figure at least, until he gets Keigo talking more and gets a nervous string of baby babble about how first they tried having Rumi take care of him and then Tsunagu, but now he's too busy and he doesn't really know how much he liked him anyways and, and, and—and Enji, surprisingly, listens and nods along with what the boy is saying. More surprising though is the fact that he sits with him for the remainder of the event, keeping a careful eye on him much to the boy's delight.
It doesn't take long before small Keigo has decided that he wants his cg to be Enji, much to his big self's embarrassment. Not a whole lot gets to him, but this is something deeply personal that he may or may not be making a fool of himself over. The fact that Enji doesn't turn him away doesn't help matters either, instead only encourages them. For as much as Hawks is supposed to be just that (i.e., like a hawk), Enji finds it becoming more accurate to think of him as a baby duck. A baby duck who is making frequent visits to his agency to "help out". A few months ago this would have annoyed him and he wouldn't have hesitated to kick him out, but lately Enji has been trying to do better, trying to be better for those in his life; even if he can't make up for his past actions, he's figured out that isn't an excuse to continue in the same manner moving forwards. And so he's been letting go of inconsequential frustrations and unproductive anger, focusing more on practicing the patience and understanding that a hero is supposed to embody. So even if Keigo may childishly tease him about being grumpy, he isn't going to make a big deal about it. In fact he'll continue on with his day, with his unsure, awkward attempts to make the kid happy. A pat to the head, a snack bought from a street vendor on impulse because he saw the kid staring (though it turns out he was staring because he thought it looked yucky, apparently), small things like that that all feel foreign to them both. The little gestures mean the world to Keigo, even when Enji gets something wrong. Perhaps even especially when he gets something wrong, because it means he's going to try again and is actually making an effort to figure things out through trial and error; no one has ever made a continual effort like that for him, nor has anyone been so determined to get it right.
Keigo finally gets his moment, his click, when he approaches Enji about if he'd be down to watch him when he's fully small and not just put up with him middlespacing around him on days when criminal activity is slow. There's a bit of hesitancy, and at first Keigo is scared that he's misread the situation before Enji is asking for details on the practical things—the where and the when seeming to weigh most heavy on his mind, though the hesitancy eases when Keigo suggests his apartment given that all his regression gear is already there. When the day arrives, Keigo is trying to stay big long enough to give Enji the grand tour and show him where everything is before he slips too small to tell him, when he finds that Enji has stopped and picked something up from his pile of stuffies he's come to acquire kept in his nest of blankets. Keigo lifts up a little to peek over his shoulder, curious at which toy has caught his attention. The fabric has faded over the years, and despite being well-loved it's obvious the doll has been well-kept. In any other situation, it might have been funny to see the large man holding a tiny replica of himself, but Keigo's regressed small enough that old fears seem closer than time has made them. There's a need to apologize that he doesn't fully understand, but his words aren't coming out right and he's working himself up to tears because he just knows that somehow he's made Enji mad, that he's not even supposed to have toys let alone a hero doll. By the time the first few tears can bubble out of his eyes, Keigo is being shushed and the doll is being placed in his hold as Enji apologizes to him of all things. It's unexpected but not unwelcome, as is the fact that he's being scooped up and rocked back and forth. This is the click that Keigo did not know he had been waiting for, and it goes both ways. While Enji may not be a ball of energy like Rumi or a perfectionist like Tsunagu, he is the one Keigo chose for himself to be his cg. And perhaps for the first time, Keigo believes everything will be alright in the end after all.
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jobsacademyonline · 1 hour
Become a Skilled Caregiver with JobsAcademy’s Patient Care Course in Alappuzha
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The need for trained healthcare workers proliferates in the modern world, especially in the patient care sector. Caretakers with compassion and ability are more in demand than ever due to the aging population and the increase in chronic illnesses. The Jobs Academy Patient Care Course in Alappuzha is the ideal way to begin a fulfilling career if you hope to work in the healthcare industry and truly impact people’s lives.
Why Choose a Career in Patient Care?
Patient care workers are essential to the healthcare system and provide practical assistance to patients in clinics, hospitals, and home care settings. The work involves more than just helping with everyday duties; it calls for empathy, effective communication, and a thorough knowledge of healthcare procedures. Many people find that giving comfort and respect to those in need is a calling rather than just a job when they provide care.
The demand for qualified individuals in the healthcare sector is rising in India, particularly in areas like Alappuzha. Being a competent carer opens doors to many jobs in the public and private healthcare industries, whether you’re a recent graduate or looking to change careers.
About Jobs Academy Advanced Course
Jobs Academy offers a wide range of adaptable upskilling options via in-demand certification programs. The course modules’ live industry projects, industry-relevant course material, practical projects, and lectures from industry experts ensure long-term professional success. Our students also receive lifetime career counselling and help with job placement.
Course Length: The program lasts six months, with four months of intense training and two months of an internship. In total, there are 360 hours of learning. This mix of theory and practical experience will make you feel fully ready to take on the carer job with confidence.
Why choose Jobs Academy
NSDC Certification: Recognized across the healthcare industry.
Triple Certifications: General Duty Assistant Advanced, Emergency Care Assistant, Dental Assistant.
Hands-on Learning: Balance between theory and practical classes.
Guaranteed Success: 100% placement assistance.
Proven Track Record: Over 1000+ candidates trained and placed.
Cutting-Edge Courses: Designed with the future in mind and perfectly aligned with current job market demands.
Welcome Kit: Start your journey with all the essentials from day one.
Learn Guarantee: Our commitment to your success—gain skills or your money back!
State-of-the-Art Labs: Learn in well-equipped, Government of India-accredited laboratories.
Earn While You Learn: Get 100% of your fees back with our earn-as-you-learn model.
Lifetime Learning: Continuous support and learning opportunities, long after the course ends.
Flexible Financing: Easy loan options to help you focus on your studies, not your finances.
Why Alappuzha?
Alappuzha is well-loved for its scenic beauty and is also becoming an excellent place for quality education and professional courses. Studying in Alappuzha offers a lovely atmosphere that enhances your educational journey. Moreover, the area provides plenty of chances for internships and job placements in hospitals, clinics, and caregiving facilities, making it a fantastic spot to kick off your healthcare career.
Career Prospects After Completing the Course
You will have a variety of options in the healthcare sector after completing the Jobs Academy Patient Care Advanced Course. A high need exists for carers in:
Hospitals: Alongside nurses and physicians, patient care assistants frequently help ensure patients are comfortable and receive quality care.
Nursing Homes: As the population ages, there is an increasing demand for carers in long-term care settings.
Home Healthcare: Since many patients would rather receive treatment in the convenience of their own homes, carers have more opportunities to provide home healthcare services.
Rehabilitation Centres: Carers assist patients in recuperating from operations, diseases, or accidents, and they play a critical part in rehabilitation.
How To Enrol in JobsAcademy’s Patient Care Course?
It is easy to start using Jobs Academy. You can get into this popular course by attending the Jobs Academy Alappuzha centre or applying online. New graduates and workers who want to improve their skills can get in.
Conditions for Eligibility: Those who want to take the course must have finished their higher secondary education (12th grade) or something similar. People who love helping others and want to change their lives should apply.
Why Wait? Start Your Healthcare Journey Today!
Enrolling in the Patient Care Advanced Course at Jobs Academy in Alappuzha is a beautiful first step towards a rewarding and stable career in the healthcare field. With a thorough curriculum, practical training, and knowledgeable faculty, you’ll be ready to embrace your new role as a skilled carer.
The healthcare industry truly needs caring and well-trained carers now more than ever. Make sure to seize the chance to create a fulfilling career that truly enhances the lives of others.
Are you excited to make a leap? Come and join JobsAcademy’s Patient Care Advanced Course today and begin your exciting journey to becoming a skilled career!
Resources - https://bit.ly/4eFEM4q
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emmaharrison · 11 hours
Care Angels: Your Ultimate Support for Compassionate Care and Home Assistance.
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Welcome to Care Angels! 🌟 If you’re involved in the caregiving world, whether as a professional, a family member, or someone looking for quality care, you know that it can be a rewarding but complex journey.
Caregiving touches every part of life—from providing emotional support to ensuring physical safety, to managing the daily challenges of home care. But you don’t have to navigate this journey alone.
Care Angels is a vibrant community designed to support caregivers, those in need of care, and aspiring professionals. Our mission is simple: to provide compassionate care, guidance, and the tools necessary to create a dignified, comfortable, and safe care environment for everyone.
The Challenges We Face in Caregiving
1.Caregiving often brings many challenges, whether you’re caring for a loved one, or considering a career in caregiving. Some of the most common problems include:
2.Lack of Adequate Support: Caregivers often find themselves working in isolation, which can lead to burnout and exhaustion without proper support.
3.Difficulty Finding Reliable Information: From safety measures to emotional care, it can be hard to find the right advice or resources on how to care effectively.
4.Managing Emotional Stress: Caregivers and families frequently struggle with the emotional weight of providing care, especially when it comes to balancing their own well-being.
5.Understanding Career Opportunities: Aspiring professionals may find it difficult to navigate the world of caregiving, uncertain of where to find resources, training, and guidance to start or grow their careers.
These are real issues that many caregivers face daily, but Care Angels is here to help you overcome them and provide the solutions you need.
How Care Angels Solves These Problems
At Care Angels, we’ve built a community that provides you with the resources, support, and expert advice to tackle these common challenges. Here’s how joining Care Angels can transform your caregiving journey:
Tips and Expert Advice on Home Care and Emotional Support
Caregiving isn’t just about tasks—it’s about maintaining dignity and providing emotional support. With Care Angels, you’ll gain access to expert advice from professionals on how to balance the emotional aspects of caregiving while ensuring the physical well-being of those in your care. Whether It’s learning new techniques for personal care or managing privacy concerns, Care Angels has the insights you need.
Creating a Safe and Comfortable Home Environment
Many caregivers struggle with adapting their home to provide a safe and comfortable environment. In our group, you’ll find advice on how to modify living spaces to meet the needs of those receiving care. From practical tips on fall prevention to enhancing comfort, Care Angels offers a wealth of knowledge on making your home care-friendly.
A Supportive Community to Share Experiences
Sometimes, the best advice comes from those who have been in your shoes. With Care Angels, you’ll be part of a thriving community where caregivers and families can share their experiences, discuss best practices, and offer emotional support. Whether you’re dealing with day-to-day challenges or more complex care needs, our members are here to lend an empathetic ear and helpful suggestions.
Career Guidance for Aspiring Care Professionals
If you’re looking to start or grow a career in caregiving, Care Angels is the place for you. We provide resources and advice to help you navigate this rewarding industry, from finding the right training programs to learning about career opportunities. In a field where compassion meets professionalism, we’ll help you thrive and make a meaningful difference in people’s lives.
Support for Families in Search of Care
Families looking for care often feel overwhelmed by the choices available. At Care Angels, we guide you in making informed decisions, whether you’re exploring in-home care, assisted living, or respite options. Our community provides the practical and emotional support you need to make the best choices for your loved ones.
Why Care Angels Is the Community You’ve Been Looking For
Caregiving is a deeply personal and often challenging journey, but with Care Angels, you don’t have to go through it alone. Our community is a supportive, resource-rich space designed to help caregivers, families, and aspiring professionals navigate the world of compassionate care with confidence. Whether you’re looking to enhance the care you provide, create a safe home environment, or start a fulfilling career in caregiving, Care Angels is here to support you every step of the way.
Ready to Make a Difference? Join Care Angels Today!
If you’re ready to connect with others, gain valuable insights, and become part of a community dedicated to compassionate care, we’d love for you to join us. Whether you’re a caregiver, a family member, or an aspiring care professional, Care Angels is here to provide the guidance, resources, and support you need to succeed.
Click here to join Care Angels now, and let’s learn, grow, and care together!
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dean2000 · 1 day
Why Every Educator Needs HLTAID012: First Aid Preparedness in Schools
In any educational setting, ensuring the safety and well-being of children is a top priority. Educators and childcare professionals have a tremendous responsibility, not only in teaching and guiding children but also in safeguarding them from harm. Emergencies can arise at any time, and the ability to respond quickly and effectively is crucial. This is where HLTAID012 - Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting becomes indispensable. This certification is designed specifically for educators, early childhood workers, and caregivers, providing them with the knowledge and skills needed to handle first aid situations in schools and childcare settings.
In this blog, we will explore the importance of HLTAID012 training, the range of first aid skills it covers, and how it helps educators and caregivers ensure the safety and well-being of children.
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Understanding the HLTAID012 Certification
HLTAID012 is a nationally recognised certification that equips educators and caregivers with the ability to provide first aid in an education and care setting. This training covers essential skills such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), managing allergic reactions, choking, bleeding, fractures, and other medical emergencies. It is specifically designed for those working with children in environments such as schools, childcare centers, and kindergartens.
The HLTAID012 certification provides practical training on how to assess situations, apply appropriate first aid techniques, and monitor children after providing first aid until professional medical help arrives. It is not just about learning how to apply bandages or perform CPR; it involves comprehensive training on risk management, communication, and promoting a safe environment for children.
Why Every Educator Needs HLTAID012 Training
Ensuring Child Safety in Every Situation
Children are naturally curious and active, which makes them more prone to accidents and injuries. Whether it’s a fall during recess, a cut in the classroom, or an allergic reaction to food, educators must be prepared to respond immediately. In such instances, HLTAID012 training empowers educators to act confidently and quickly. The faster the response, the better the outcome.
For instance, a child who is choking or has gone into anaphylactic shock needs urgent care. Without proper first aid training, an educator might panic or not know what to do. HLTAID012 ensures that educators are equipped with the necessary skills to handle these types of emergencies, minimising risks and potentially saving lives.
Building Confidence Among Staff and Parents
Parents entrust schools and childcare centers with their most precious asset—their children. It is natural for them to worry about their child’s safety, especially when the child is not under their supervision. When educators and staff are trained in HLTAID012, it fosters a sense of confidence among both the staff and parents. Parents feel reassured knowing that their child is in the hands of professionals who can handle medical emergencies should they arise.
Additionally, educators who are confident in their first aid skills are more likely to act quickly and effectively during emergencies. This confidence stems from practical, hands-on training provided by the HLTAID012 course, ensuring they know exactly how to respond in stressful situations.
Complying with Legal and Regulatory Requirements
In Australia, the education and care industry is governed by stringent legal and regulatory standards. These standards ensure that educators and care workers are capable of responding to emergencies in a timely and effective manner. Many childcare and educational institutions are required by law to have staff members trained in first aid, particularly in courses like HLTAID012.
The National Quality Framework (NQF) and the Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) both emphasise the importance of first aid qualifications for those working with children. By completing HLTAID012, educators meet these requirements, ensuring their institution remains compliant with legal obligations. This not only protects the children but also safeguards the institution from legal liabilities.
Specialised Training for Childhood Emergencies
What sets HLTAID012 apart from general first aid courses is its focus on child-specific emergencies. The medical needs of children differ from those of adults, and educators need to understand these nuances. Children’s bodies are more vulnerable to certain conditions, and they may not be able to articulate how they are feeling during an emergency. The HLTAID012 course provides specialised training on how to assess and manage these unique situations.
For example, choking is one of the most common emergencies in a childcare setting, particularly among younger children. HLTAID012 equips educators with the specific techniques required to clear a child’s airway. Similarly, the course covers pediatric CPR, which is different from adult CPR due to the delicate nature of a child’s body.
Promoting a Safe and Supportive Learning Environment
A well-prepared and trained staff can help prevent accidents and injuries in the first place. HLTAID012 does not only teach reactionary skills; it also emphasises the importance of creating a safe learning environment. Educators learn how to assess potential hasards and risks in their surroundings, ensuring that the school or childcare center is as safe as possible for children.
By being proactive and implementing safety measures, such as proper supervision, maintaining clear pathways, and ensuring playground equipment is secure, educators can reduce the likelihood of accidents. The course also teaches communication skills, enabling educators to calmly guide children and coworkers through emergency situations.
Providing Mental Health Support During Emergencies
While physical injuries are often the focus of first aid, it is important not to overlook the emotional impact of emergencies on children. Whether it’s witnessing a classmate get injured or being involved in an accident, children can experience fear, anxiety, and trauma. The HLTAID012 course touches on providing emotional support to children during and after emergencies, helping to reduce stress and promote a sense of security.
Educators learn how to comfort children in distress, ensuring that their emotional well-being is prioritised alongside their physical health. In some cases, the course also provides basic training on recognising mental health concerns that may arise following an emergency.
The ability to provide first aid in schools and childcare centers is not just a legal requirement; it is an essential skill that can make a significant difference in a child’s life. HLTAID012 training ensures that educators and caregivers are fully prepared to handle medical emergencies with confidence and professionalism. By equipping educators with the tools they need to respond to emergencies, this certification helps create a safer, more secure learning environment for children.
First aid preparedness is a responsibility that every educator should embrace. With HLTAID012 training, schools and childcare centers can foster a culture of safety, ensuring that children are protected, parents are reassured, and educators are empowered to take quick action when needed.
In the end, every child deserves to learn and grow in an environment where their well-being is the top priority—and every educator, armed with HLTAID012 training, plays a crucial role in making that possible.
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superstudyca · 3 days
Understanding the Importance of the Food Safe Level 1 Course
Food safety is a top priority in any industry dealing with food handling, preparation, and storage. Whether you're working in a restaurant, food production facility, or any place where food is served to the public, ensuring safe food practices is essential. One of the best ways to gain this crucial knowledge is by completing the Food Safe Level 1 Course.
What is the Food Safe Level 1 Course?
The Food Safe Level 1 Course is an introductory training program designed to educate individuals on the best practices of food safety. This course is especially recommended for anyone handling food, including restaurant staff, food processors, caregivers, and volunteers at community kitchens. The training focuses on preventing foodborne illnesses and understanding safe food handling practices.
Why is the Food Safe Level 1 Course Important?
Foodborne illnesses can cause severe health problems and, in some cases, even lead to fatalities. Improper handling, preparation, or storage of food can result in contamination, which is why trained professionals are essential in the food industry. By taking the Food Safe Level 1 Course, participants will learn how to:
Identify potential food safety hazards.
Prevent cross-contamination.
Maintain proper hygiene and sanitation.
Safely store and handle food to prevent spoilage.
Understand the correct cooking temperatures for various foods.
Who Should Take the Food Safe Level 1 Course?
This course is ideal for anyone working in the food and hospitality industry, such as chefs, servers, kitchen staff, and supervisors. It’s also suitable for individuals who handle food in schools, hospitals, care facilities, or community events. Even if you're not in a food-related profession, learning about food safety can be beneficial in your personal life.
What Will You Learn in the Course?
The Food Safe Level 1 Course covers a wide range of food safety topics, including:
Microbiology and Foodborne Illnesses: Understanding harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can contaminate food.
Safe Food Handling: Techniques for proper food storage, thawing, cooking, and serving.
Sanitation and Hygiene: The importance of personal hygiene and cleanliness in preventing contamination.
Pest Control: Learning how pests can affect food safety and how to control infestations.
Legislation and Regulations: Familiarizing participants with local food safety regulations and laws.
Course Duration and Certification
The Food Safe Level 1 Course typically takes 6 to 8 hours to complete, depending on the training provider. Once you pass the exam, you will receive a certificate that is widely recognized by employers and health authorities. This certification is often required for employment in the food industry and serves as proof that you are trained to handle food safely.
Completing the Food Safe Level 1 Course not only helps you gain valuable food safety knowledge but also ensures that you are contributing to a safer food environment for your customers, co-workers, and yourself. Whether you're looking to start a career in the food industry or simply want to improve your food handling skills, this course is a necessary first step.
Stay ahead in the food industry and take control of food safety by enrolling in a Food Safe Level 1 Course today!
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lnlconsulting2 · 8 days
The Importance of a Home Healthcare Business Consultant for Your Growing Business
In the competitive and evolving healthcare industry, home healthcare services have become an essential part of providing quality care. As more people prefer to receive healthcare in the comfort of their homes, the demand for home healthcare services has skyrocketed. However, starting and running a successful home healthcare business is no easy task. This is where a home healthcare business consultant comes in.
What Does a Home Healthcare Business Consultant Do?
A home healthcare business consultant is a professional who helps home healthcare agencies navigate the complex world of healthcare regulations, business operations, and patient care. Their expertise ensures that your business not only complies with all industry standards but also thrives in a competitive market.
Why Do You Need a Consultant?
Launching a home healthcare business involves various components, from ensuring legal compliance to setting up efficient patient care systems. A home healthcare business consultant can help you:
Develop a strategic business plan
Ensure compliance with healthcare regulations
Optimize patient care procedures
Improve financial performance
Increase patient satisfaction
Benefits of Hiring a Home Healthcare Business Consultant
Compliance and Regulations: Healthcare is a highly regulated industry. A consultant ensures that your business adheres to federal, state, and local regulations. This includes Medicare and Medicaid guidelines, which are crucial for your operations.
Cost Efficiency: Consultants analyze your current financial standing and implement strategies to cut unnecessary costs while improving revenue streams. This leads to better profitability without sacrificing patient care quality.
Improved Operations: From staff training to administrative processes, a consultant helps optimize your daily operations, ensuring that your services are efficient and effective.
Business Growth: A consultant provides valuable insights on market trends, allowing your business to grow and adapt to changes in the industry. This is especially important as more healthcare services shift to home-based models.
Key Areas Where a Consultant Can Help
Staff Training and Development: Ensuring that your caregivers and healthcare staff are well-trained is crucial for delivering quality care. A consultant can assist in setting up training programs to ensure that staff meets industry standards.
Technology Integration: With the rapid advancements in healthcare technology, staying updated is key to improving patient care and operational efficiency. A consultant can recommend and implement technology solutions that suit your business needs.
Marketing and Business Expansion: A consultant can guide you through the process of marketing your home healthcare services, attracting more clients, and expanding your business to new areas or services.
How to Choose the Right Home Healthcare Business Consultant
Selecting the right consultant for your business is a critical decision. Consider these factors when choosing a home healthcare business consultant:
Experience in the Industry: Ensure the consultant has experience in the home healthcare sector and understands the unique challenges of the industry.
Proven Track Record: Look for consultants with successful case studies or testimonials from previous clients.
Comprehensive Services: The consultant should offer a wide range of services, from financial planning to staff management and regulatory compliance.
Hiring a home healthcare business consultant can be the key to successfully navigating the complexities of the healthcare industry. Whether you’re just starting your business or looking to improve and expand, a consultant can provide the expertise and guidance needed to achieve long-term success.
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vadzoseo · 13 days
From Day to Night: The Power of 1080p Low Light Camera in Continuous Patient Monitoring
Continuous patient monitoring is essential in the healthcare industry to guarantee prompt intervention and uphold high standards of care. The 1080p low light camera is one technological development that has greatly improved this technique. These cameras are very clear and detailed, especially in dimly lit environments. This blog examines the revolutionary potential of 1080p low light cameras in patient monitoring, emphasizing their uses and advantages in many contexts.
1. Understanding 1080p Low Light Cameras
What is a 1080p low-light camera?
A 1080p low light camera is a high-definition camera designed to deliver clear and detailed images even in low-light environments. The term "1080p" refers to the camera's resolution, which is 1920 x 1080 pixels. This high resolution ensures sharp and accurate video footage, while the low light capability allows the camera to perform effectively in dim or variable lighting conditions.
Why Low Light Capability Matters
In healthcare settings, lighting conditions can vary dramatically. Traditional cameras may struggle to capture clear images in poorly lit environments, leading to missed details or compromised patient safety. Low light cameras address this challenge by utilizing advanced sensor technology and image processing algorithms to maintain image quality even in low-light situations.
2. Advantages of 1080p Low Light Cameras in Patient Monitoring
Enhanced Image Quality Around the Clock
One of the primary benefits of 1080p low light cameras is their ability to provide high-resolution images around the clock. Whether it’s day or night, these cameras ensure that healthcare professionals have access to clear and detailed visual information. This consistent image quality is crucial for monitoring patient conditions, detecting abnormalities, and ensuring that any changes in health status are promptly addressed.
Improved Safety and Security
Low light cameras play a vital role in enhancing patient safety and security. In environments such as hospitals and nursing homes, continuous monitoring is essential for preventing accidents, detecting falls, and identifying any suspicious activities. The ability of 1080p low light cameras to function effectively in low-light conditions ensures that patients are always under surveillance, regardless of the time of day.
Reduced Need for Additional Lighting
Traditional monitoring systems often require additional lighting to ensure image clarity, which can be intrusive and disrupt the patient’s environment. 1080p low light cameras, however, can operate efficiently with minimal or no additional lighting, preserving the patient’s comfort and maintaining a natural setting. This feature is particularly beneficial in sensitive environments where constant artificial lighting is undesirable.
3. Applications of 1080p Low Light Cameras in Healthcare
Continuous Patient Monitoring
In critical care units and emergency rooms, continuous patient monitoring is essential for tracking vital signs and detecting any sudden changes in a patient's condition. The clarity provided by 1080p low light cameras ensures that healthcare professionals can observe and assess patients even in low-light or nighttime conditions, leading to faster and more accurate responses to any health issues.
Long-Term Care Facilities
In long-term care facilities such as nursing homes and assisted living centers, 1080p low light cameras are used to monitor residents around the clock. These cameras help in ensuring the safety of elderly individuals who may be at risk of falls or other accidents. The ability to monitor patients in low-light conditions helps caregivers respond quickly to any incidents that may occur during the night.
Remote Patient Monitoring
With the rise of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring, 1080p low light cameras are becoming increasingly important. These cameras enable healthcare providers to remotely observe patients' conditions and provide timely feedback or intervention. The high-resolution and low-light capabilities of these cameras ensure that remote monitoring is as effective as in-person observation, even when patients are in low-light environments.
4. Technological Features to Look For
Advanced Image Processing
To maximize the benefits of a 1080p low light camera, look for models equipped with advanced image processing features. These include noise reduction, automatic gain control, and enhanced contrast adjustment, all of which contribute to clearer and more detailed images in low-light conditions.
Wide Dynamic Range (WDR)
Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) technology is another important feature in low light cameras. WDR allows the camera to capture details in both bright and dark areas of the image, ensuring that important information is not lost due to varying lighting conditions. This feature is particularly useful in healthcare settings where lighting can be inconsistent.
Integration with Monitoring Systems
For seamless patient monitoring, ensure that the 1080p low light camera integrates well with existing monitoring systems. Compatibility with digital health records and real-time alert systems enhances the overall effectiveness of patient monitoring and enables prompt response to any health issues.
5. Conclusion remarks
Continuous patient monitoring systems have made a major technological development in healthcare with the addition of 1080p low light cameras. These cameras increase patient safety, improve monitoring accuracy, and lessen the need for additional lighting by providing high-resolution images and dependable performance in low light. 1080p low light cameras will surely play a bigger and bigger part in delivering excellent, round-the-clock patient care as healthcare continues to change. Purchasing these cutting-edge camera systems guarantees that medical professionals have the resources necessary to give the finest care possible under any lighting circumstance.
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tursanoosaville · 13 days
Finding the Right Employment Agency in Caboolture: Your Guide to Success
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Looking for a job can be challenging, especially in today's competitive market. Finding the right employment agency can make a significant difference in landing your dream job or filling an open position. Caboolture, a growing region with a vibrant business scene, has several employment agencies that connect job seekers with employers. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about finding the right employment agency in Caboolture, the challenges you may face, and how to navigate the process step by step. We'll also provide a real-life case study to give you a deeper understanding of how an agency can benefit you.
What is an Employment Agency?
An employment agency acts as a bridge between employers looking for talent and job seekers searching for work. They provide recruitment services for a variety of industries, from entry-level jobs to specialized positions. These agencies screen candidates, match them to suitable roles, and assist employers in filling vacancies quickly and efficiently.
Why Choose an Employment Agency in Caboolture?
The employment agency Caboolture sector has become increasingly essential as more businesses are setting up operations in the region. Local agencies understand the Caboolture job market better than national or international firms, offering tailored services that meet the specific needs of both job seekers and employers. By partnering with an agency in your area, you gain access to job opportunities that might not be advertised elsewhere, and employers benefit from candidates who are already familiar with the local community.
Common Topics You Should Know About Employment Agencies
1. How Employment Agencies Work
Understanding the inner workings of an employment agency is critical for both job seekers and employers. Most agencies operate on a contract basis with companies, providing them with temporary or permanent staff. Job seekers register with the agency, and their profiles are matched with suitable job openings.
The agency handles everything from resume screening to preliminary interviews, ensuring that only the most qualified candidates reach the final stages of hiring. For employers, this eliminates the time-consuming process of sorting through unqualified applications.
2. Benefits of Using an Employment Agency
There are several benefits to using an employment agency in Caboolture for both job seekers and employers:
Access to Hidden Job Markets: Many employers don’t advertise their openings publicly but rely on agencies to find candidates.
Save Time: Job seekers can fast-track their applications, while employers save time on recruitment.
Expert Guidance: Agencies offer professional advice on resumes, interviews, and even salary negotiation.
Flexible Opportunities: Many agencies specialize in temporary or part-time work, making them ideal for those looking for flexible employment.
3. Types of Jobs You Can Find Through an Employment Agency
Agencies in Caboolture often specialize in various industries, including:
Administration and Office Work: Secretarial, clerical, and data entry positions.
Trades and Labor: Skilled and unskilled labor, electricians, plumbers, and more.
Healthcare: Nursing, caregiving, and other medical roles.
Retail and Hospitality: Customer service, cashiering, and management positions.
Challenges You May Face When Working with an Employment Agency
While using an employment agency Caboolture can be incredibly beneficial, it’s not without challenges. Here are some common hurdles:
1. Limited Control Over Job Selection
When you rely on an employment agency, you might feel limited in your choice of jobs. Some agencies may push positions that aren’t the best fit for you, especially if they're trying to fill vacancies quickly. It's essential to communicate your preferences clearly from the beginning.
2. Competition from Other Job Seekers
Employment agencies work with a large pool of candidates, which means you'll be competing with others for the same roles. Having a standout resume and solid interview skills will give you a better chance of being selected for top positions.
3. Lack of Transparency
Some agencies may not always provide full information about job offers, especially if it’s a short-term or temporary role. Be sure to ask detailed questions during your interview with the agency, including pay rates, job duration, and job responsibilities.
4. Waiting for the Right Match
Patience is required when working with employment agencies. They won’t always have the perfect job available immediately. Sometimes it may take days or even weeks before a suitable role comes along.
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Work with an Employment Agency in Caboolture
Step 1: Research and Choose the Right Agency
The first step in your journey is to research and identify the best employment agency Caboolture has to offer. Look for agencies that specialize in your field of interest, and read reviews or testimonials to ensure they have a good reputation.
Step 2: Prepare Your Resume and Documents
Before registering with an agency, ensure that your resume is up-to-date and tailored to the kind of jobs you're seeking. Having professional references and any relevant certifications will also make your application more appealing to employers.
Step 3: Register with the Agency
Most agencies will have an online registration process where you can upload your resume and provide personal details. Once registered, you’ll likely be asked to attend an in-person or virtual interview with one of the agency's recruiters.
Step 4: Discuss Your Job Preferences
During the interview, it’s essential to communicate your preferences clearly. Be upfront about the kind of role you’re looking for, your availability, and any restrictions you may have regarding location, salary, or hours. This will help the agency match you with the most suitable opportunities.
Step 5: Stay in Regular Contact
Once you're registered, it's crucial to maintain regular contact with the agency. If you haven't heard from them in a few weeks, follow up to check if there are any new job opportunities. Staying proactive shows the agency that you're serious about finding employment.
Step 6: Prepare for Interviews
When the agency finds a suitable role for you, they'll arrange an interview with the employer. Be sure to research the company beforehand and practice common interview questions. The agency may provide you with tips and feedback to help you succeed in the interview.
Step 7: Negotiate Terms
If you’re offered the job, the agency will often handle negotiations on your behalf, especially regarding salary and other employment terms. However, it’s important to communicate your expectations clearly and ensure they’re represented during the negotiation process.
Case Study: How One Job Seeker Found Success through an Employment Agency in Caboolture
Meet Sarah, a Caboolture resident who was struggling to find a stable job. After being laid off during the pandemic, she sent out numerous resumes but received little to no response. That’s when she decided to register with a local employment agency Caboolture.
The agency quickly matched her skills to a temporary administrative position with a local construction company. Although it wasn’t exactly what she was looking for, the agency reassured her that it could lead to more permanent opportunities.
After a few weeks on the job, the employer was so impressed with Sarah's work that they offered her a permanent role with a significant pay raise. Sarah is now the office manager, and she credits the employment agency with helping her get her foot in the door.
Conclusion: The Value of Using an Employment Agency in Caboolture
Whether you’re a job seeker or an employer, working with an employment agency Caboolture can offer a range of benefits. From time-saving recruitment processes to access to a wider pool of candidates or job opportunities, employment agencies are a valuable resource in today’s competitive job market.
While there may be challenges along the way, such as limited control over job selection or competition from other job seekers, following the right steps can lead to success. Remember to research agencies thoroughly, prepare your documents, communicate your preferences clearly, and stay proactive throughout the process.
With the right approach, finding employment through an agency can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Just like Sarah in our case study, the next opportunity that comes your way could be the one that changes your life for the better.
Whether you’re starting your career, seeking a career change, or an employer looking to fill a crucial position, an employment agency in Caboolture can make the process faster, easier, and more efficient. Don't hesitate to reach out and explore the possibilities today.
0 notes
jobtrainingprograms · 13 days
Finding the Right Employment Agency in Caboolture: Your Guide to Success
Tumblr media
Looking for a job can be challenging, especially in today's competitive market. Finding the right employment agency can make a significant difference in landing your dream job or filling an open position. Caboolture, a growing region with a vibrant business scene, has several employment agencies that connect job seekers with employers. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about finding the right employment agency in Caboolture, the challenges you may face, and how to navigate the process step by step. We'll also provide a real-life case study to give you a deeper understanding of how an agency can benefit you.
What is an Employment Agency?
An employment agency acts as a bridge between employers looking for talent and job seekers searching for work. They provide recruitment services for a variety of industries, from entry-level jobs to specialized positions. These agencies screen candidates, match them to suitable roles, and assist employers in filling vacancies quickly and efficiently.
Why Choose an Employment Agency in Caboolture?
The employment agency Caboolture sector has become increasingly essential as more businesses are setting up operations in the region. Local agencies understand the Caboolture job market better than national or international firms, offering tailored services that meet the specific needs of both job seekers and employers. By partnering with an agency in your area, you gain access to job opportunities that might not be advertised elsewhere, and employers benefit from candidates who are already familiar with the local community.
Common Topics You Should Know About Employment Agencies
1. How Employment Agencies Work
Understanding the inner workings of an employment agency is critical for both job seekers and employers. Most agencies operate on a contract basis with companies, providing them with temporary or permanent staff. Job seekers register with the agency, and their profiles are matched with suitable job openings.
The agency handles everything from resume screening to preliminary interviews, ensuring that only the most qualified candidates reach the final stages of hiring. For employers, this eliminates the time-consuming process of sorting through unqualified applications.
2. Benefits of Using an Employment Agency
There are several benefits to using an employment agency in Caboolture for both job seekers and employers:
Access to Hidden Job Markets: Many employers don’t advertise their openings publicly but rely on agencies to find candidates.
Save Time: Job seekers can fast-track their applications, while employers save time on recruitment.
Expert Guidance: Agencies offer professional advice on resumes, interviews, and even salary negotiation.
Flexible Opportunities: Many agencies specialize in temporary or part-time work, making them ideal for those looking for flexible employment.
3. Types of Jobs You Can Find Through an Employment Agency
Agencies in Caboolture often specialize in various industries, including:
Administration and Office Work: Secretarial, clerical, and data entry positions.
Trades and Labor: Skilled and unskilled labor, electricians, plumbers, and more.
Healthcare: Nursing, caregiving, and other medical roles.
Retail and Hospitality: Customer service, cashiering, and management positions.
Challenges You May Face When Working with an Employment Agency
While using an employment agency Caboolture can be incredibly beneficial, it’s not without challenges. Here are some common hurdles:
1. Limited Control Over Job Selection
When you rely on an employment agency, you might feel limited in your choice of jobs. Some agencies may push positions that aren’t the best fit for you, especially if they're trying to fill vacancies quickly. It's essential to communicate your preferences clearly from the beginning.
2. Competition from Other Job Seekers
Employment agencies work with a large pool of candidates, which means you'll be competing with others for the same roles. Having a standout resume and solid interview skills will give you a better chance of being selected for top positions.
3. Lack of Transparency
Some agencies may not always provide full information about job offers, especially if it’s a short-term or temporary role. Be sure to ask detailed questions during your interview with the agency, including pay rates, job duration, and job responsibilities.
4. Waiting for the Right Match
Patience is required when working with employment agencies. They won’t always have the perfect job available immediately. Sometimes it may take days or even weeks before a suitable role comes along.
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Work with an Employment Agency in Caboolture
Step 1: Research and Choose the Right Agency
The first step in your journey is to research and identify the best employment agency Caboolture has to offer. Look for agencies that specialize in your field of interest, and read reviews or testimonials to ensure they have a good reputation.
Step 2: Prepare Your Resume and Documents
Before registering with an agency, ensure that your resume is up-to-date and tailored to the kind of jobs you're seeking. Having professional references and any relevant certifications will also make your application more appealing to employers.
Step 3: Register with the Agency
Most agencies will have an online registration process where you can upload your resume and provide personal details. Once registered, you’ll likely be asked to attend an in-person or virtual interview with one of the agency's recruiters.
Step 4: Discuss Your Job Preferences
During the interview, it’s essential to communicate your preferences clearly. Be upfront about the kind of role you’re looking for, your availability, and any restrictions you may have regarding location, salary, or hours. This will help the agency match you with the most suitable opportunities.
Step 5: Stay in Regular Contact
Once you're registered, it's crucial to maintain regular contact with the agency. If you haven't heard from them in a few weeks, follow up to check if there are any new job opportunities. Staying proactive shows the agency that you're serious about finding employment.
Step 6: Prepare for Interviews
When the agency finds a suitable role for you, they'll arrange an interview with the employer. Be sure to research the company beforehand and practice common interview questions. The agency may provide you with tips and feedback to help you succeed in the interview.
Step 7: Negotiate Terms
If you’re offered the job, the agency will often handle negotiations on your behalf, especially regarding salary and other employment terms. However, it’s important to communicate your expectations clearly and ensure they’re represented during the negotiation process.
Case Study: How One Job Seeker Found Success through an Employment Agency in Caboolture
Meet Sarah, a Caboolture resident who was struggling to find a stable job. After being laid off during the pandemic, she sent out numerous resumes but received little to no response. That’s when she decided to register with a local employment agency Caboolture.
The agency quickly matched her skills to a temporary administrative position with a local construction company. Although it wasn’t exactly what she was looking for, the agency reassured her that it could lead to more permanent opportunities.
After a few weeks on the job, the employer was so impressed with Sarah's work that they offered her a permanent role with a significant pay raise. Sarah is now the office manager, and she credits the employment agency with helping her get her foot in the door.
Conclusion: The Value of Using an Employment Agency in Caboolture
Whether you’re a job seeker or an employer, working with an employment agency Caboolture can offer a range of benefits. From time-saving recruitment processes to access to a wider pool of candidates or job opportunities, employment agencies are a valuable resource in today’s competitive job market.
While there may be challenges along the way, such as limited control over job selection or competition from other job seekers, following the right steps can lead to success. Remember to research agencies thoroughly, prepare your documents, communicate your preferences clearly, and stay proactive throughout the process.
With the right approach, finding employment through an agency can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Just like Sarah in our case study, the next opportunity that comes your way could be the one that changes your life for the better.
Whether you’re starting your career, seeking a career change, or an employer looking to fill a crucial position, an employment agency in Caboolture can make the process faster, easier, and more efficient. Don't hesitate to reach out and explore the possibilities today.
0 notes
Finding the Right Employment Agency in Caboolture: Your Guide to Success
Tumblr media
Looking for a job can be challenging, especially in today's competitive market. Finding the right employment agency can make a significant difference in landing your dream job or filling an open position. Caboolture, a growing region with a vibrant business scene, has several employment agencies that connect job seekers with employers. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about finding the right employment agency in Caboolture, the challenges you may face, and how to navigate the process step by step. We'll also provide a real-life case study to give you a deeper understanding of how an agency can benefit you.
What is an Employment Agency?
An employment agency acts as a bridge between employers looking for talent and job seekers searching for work. They provide recruitment services for a variety of industries, from entry-level jobs to specialized positions. These agencies screen candidates, match them to suitable roles, and assist employers in filling vacancies quickly and efficiently.
Why Choose an Employment Agency in Caboolture?
The employment agency Caboolture sector has become increasingly essential as more businesses are setting up operations in the region. Local agencies understand the Caboolture job market better than national or international firms, offering tailored services that meet the specific needs of both job seekers and employers. By partnering with an agency in your area, you gain access to job opportunities that might not be advertised elsewhere, and employers benefit from candidates who are already familiar with the local community.
Common Topics You Should Know About Employment Agencies
1. How Employment Agencies Work
Understanding the inner workings of an employment agency is critical for both job seekers and employers. Most agencies operate on a contract basis with companies, providing them with temporary or permanent staff. Job seekers register with the agency, and their profiles are matched with suitable job openings.
The agency handles everything from resume screening to preliminary interviews, ensuring that only the most qualified candidates reach the final stages of hiring. For employers, this eliminates the time-consuming process of sorting through unqualified applications.
2. Benefits of Using an Employment Agency
There are several benefits to using an employment agency in Caboolture for both job seekers and employers:
Access to Hidden Job Markets: Many employers don’t advertise their openings publicly but rely on agencies to find candidates.
Save Time: Job seekers can fast-track their applications, while employers save time on recruitment.
Expert Guidance: Agencies offer professional advice on resumes, interviews, and even salary negotiation.
Flexible Opportunities: Many agencies specialize in temporary or part-time work, making them ideal for those looking for flexible employment.
3. Types of Jobs You Can Find Through an Employment Agency
Agencies in Caboolture often specialize in various industries, including:
Administration and Office Work: Secretarial, clerical, and data entry positions.
Trades and Labor: Skilled and unskilled labor, electricians, plumbers, and more.
Healthcare: Nursing, caregiving, and other medical roles.
Retail and Hospitality: Customer service, cashiering, and management positions.
Challenges You May Face When Working with an Employment Agency
While using an employment agency Caboolture can be incredibly beneficial, it’s not without challenges. Here are some common hurdles:
1. Limited Control Over Job Selection
When you rely on an employment agency, you might feel limited in your choice of jobs. Some agencies may push positions that aren’t the best fit for you, especially if they're trying to fill vacancies quickly. It's essential to communicate your preferences clearly from the beginning.
2. Competition from Other Job Seekers
Employment agencies work with a large pool of candidates, which means you'll be competing with others for the same roles. Having a standout resume and solid interview skills will give you a better chance of being selected for top positions.
3. Lack of Transparency
Some agencies may not always provide full information about job offers, especially if it’s a short-term or temporary role. Be sure to ask detailed questions during your interview with the agency, including pay rates, job duration, and job responsibilities.
4. Waiting for the Right Match
Patience is required when working with employment agencies. They won’t always have the perfect job available immediately. Sometimes it may take days or even weeks before a suitable role comes along.
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Work with an Employment Agency in Caboolture
Step 1: Research and Choose the Right Agency
The first step in your journey is to research and identify the best employment agency Caboolture has to offer. Look for agencies that specialize in your field of interest, and read reviews or testimonials to ensure they have a good reputation.
Step 2: Prepare Your Resume and Documents
Before registering with an agency, ensure that your resume is up-to-date and tailored to the kind of jobs you're seeking. Having professional references and any relevant certifications will also make your application more appealing to employers.
Step 3: Register with the Agency
Most agencies will have an online registration process where you can upload your resume and provide personal details. Once registered, you’ll likely be asked to attend an in-person or virtual interview with one of the agency's recruiters.
Step 4: Discuss Your Job Preferences
During the interview, it’s essential to communicate your preferences clearly. Be upfront about the kind of role you’re looking for, your availability, and any restrictions you may have regarding location, salary, or hours. This will help the agency match you with the most suitable opportunities.
Step 5: Stay in Regular Contact
Once you're registered, it's crucial to maintain regular contact with the agency. If you haven't heard from them in a few weeks, follow up to check if there are any new job opportunities. Staying proactive shows the agency that you're serious about finding employment.
Step 6: Prepare for Interviews
When the agency finds a suitable role for you, they'll arrange an interview with the employer. Be sure to research the company beforehand and practice common interview questions. The agency may provide you with tips and feedback to help you succeed in the interview.
Step 7: Negotiate Terms
If you’re offered the job, the agency will often handle negotiations on your behalf, especially regarding salary and other employment terms. However, it’s important to communicate your expectations clearly and ensure they’re represented during the negotiation process.
Case Study: How One Job Seeker Found Success through an Employment Agency in Caboolture
Meet Sarah, a Caboolture resident who was struggling to find a stable job. After being laid off during the pandemic, she sent out numerous resumes but received little to no response. That’s when she decided to register with a local employment agency Caboolture.
The agency quickly matched her skills to a temporary administrative position with a local construction company. Although it wasn’t exactly what she was looking for, the agency reassured her that it could lead to more permanent opportunities.
After a few weeks on the job, the employer was so impressed with Sarah's work that they offered her a permanent role with a significant pay raise. Sarah is now the office manager, and she credits the employment agency with helping her get her foot in the door.
Conclusion: The Value of Using an Employment Agency in Caboolture
Whether you’re a job seeker or an employer, working with an employment agency Caboolture can offer a range of benefits. From time-saving recruitment processes to access to a wider pool of candidates or job opportunities, employment agencies are a valuable resource in today’s competitive job market.
While there may be challenges along the way, such as limited control over job selection or competition from other job seekers, following the right steps can lead to success. Remember to research agencies thoroughly, prepare your documents, communicate your preferences clearly, and stay proactive throughout the process.
With the right approach, finding employment through an agency can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Just like Sarah in our case study, the next opportunity that comes your way could be the one that changes your life for the better.
Whether you’re starting your career, seeking a career change, or an employer looking to fill a crucial position, an employment agency in Caboolture can make the process faster, easier, and more efficient. Don't hesitate to reach out and explore the possibilities today.
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