#agere takami keigo
paper--moons · 1 year
Regressor!Hawks Headcanons
(with multiple CGs)
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Although it is perhaps the hero industry's biggest open secret, age regression isn't exactly something the Hero Commission promotes or even knows how to handle. Which is why they aren't exactly pleased when it becomes apparent that Hawks is an age regressor—and one that falls on the smallest side of the spectrum at that. Keigo tried to keep it private, or course, but his entire life has essentially been monitored by the very organization that "saved" him (at the cost of using him, though that's neither here nor there, now is it?). But it's difficult to keep something like this private when big brother is watching you, especially if your little counterpart is entirely too trusting and gets lonely. Really, Keigo didn't want his handlers to know...but who else was he supposed to call when he drops at his agency after another day of nonstop going and going and going until he could go no more? It would be bad if word got out, wouldn't it? Keigo has had it drilled into him that public appearances are everything to a hero, knows he shouldn't be so little where just anyone could find out. And so he does the best he can when the world starts feeling bigger and bigger, holing himself up in an office he barely ever uses and calls the chairwoman. It's the emergency line that only he is supposed to use, and while it isn't exactly an emergency it's easier to press one button than to try to remember a whole string of numbers that will only put him into contact with some secretary until they can "get back to him about his concerns" (they never do). While the situation is handled in the moment, it gets decided very quickly that they can't just have anyone taking care of their former child soldier best agent. And so the Hero Commission sets off playing matchmaker!
Keigo has mixed feelings about the whole "matchmaking" thing, but has come to accept that the Commission does as it pleases—plus maybe they will actually find someone that won't mind taking care of him. It's been incredibly hard to be so small on his own for so long, and he thinks it might be nice to have somebody make his bottles for him or maybe even hold him for a little bit. And while it doesn't surprise him that they set their sights on other top ranked heroes to handle him, he is surprised that their first pick is Miruko. Their reasoning makes some sense when it's explained to him; they are close in age and it won't be questioned too much if they start hanging out more (if anything it'll be good for their careers, or so he's told). Which is what leads to the pair spending their day off together to see what baby Keigo thinks of Rumi—and it is a guarantee that Keigo will regress on his off day, goodness knows he's on such a strict schedule that it's a given. She's excited at the prospect of getting to hang out with the little guy and, while not one for planning, does come at the situation with lots of ideas. Rumi has tons of games and snacks and activities ready to go. And at first Keigo is also excited! Finally, someone that sees that he isn't always a hero! She's prepared to get down on his level and isn't afraid to let him be messy and make mistakes. But Keigo finds himself conking out wayyy before his naptime after their fifth game of hide and seek. At the end of the day, it turns out Rumi is way too high energy for the baby to keep up with and is more suited for older kids or teen regressors.
The Hero Commission's next attempt in finding Keigo a caregiver has them nudging Best Jeanist in his direction. While he's a little over a decade his senior, it wouldn't be too odd for them to hang out since they are both high on the charts and could easily claim they were coordinating on a job. Or at least that's what Keigo figures is the reasoning behind this match-up (because if there's one thing he knows, it's that the Commission is relentlessly calculating in its efforts to create the most ideal public image). Regardless, Tsunagu is a pretty cool guy and they've interacted at plenty of professional functions and whatnot and got along just fine. And unlike Rumi, he's a lot calmer, which is better for when Keigo is small, resulting in a regression day that goes well without wearing the baby out in the process. There's a whole lot more structure than he would have guessed though—it's like Tsunagu had a schedule prepared with him in mind, despite the whole thing being more or less sprung on him. Not to mention how attentive he seems to be. When presented with his snack, he's surprised not to find the handful of trail mix his handlers always gave him after training, but a childish plastic plate covered with apples and cheese clearly diced with a careful precision. It's a small gesture, as are the concerned words when he doesn't dig in right away (Would you prefer something else? You need to eat.). Or at least they would be to most people, but Keigo finds it nearly overwhelming. Even after a few weeks of having him be his cg and adjusting to all the little things like that, something still feels...off. While there wasn't anything wrong with the way Tsunagu took care of him, they didn't exactly click either. But he would appear ungrateful to bring attention to this, and it isn't like he has any other options anyhow.
They're at some exclusive party for pro heroes disguised as an uppity awards ceremony a few months later when he finally figures out why he felt like they didn't click. It's on what should have been one of Keigo's rare nights off, and so he (unsurprisingly) finds himself slipping whether he wanted to or not. He knows his newly assigned protocol in situations like these now though, and stumbles through the myriad of other pros and waitstaff crowding the floor of the party hall trying to locate Tsunagu. Luckily the man is fairly tall, and Keigo has no issue finding him talking to Present Mic. Keigo is just about to tug on his sleeve when he catches a bit of conversation—a mumbled Jeany, can't find Eraser—that indicates that perhaps the flush on the voice hero's cheeks isn't from too much champagne as he originally thought, and suddenly he's connected the dots. The reason Tsunagu had so much more experience in a carer role is because the Commission defaults to him as a sort of stand-in cg and obviously points other heroes in his direction should they need it. Despite everything being relatively perfect it felt too much like being handled still, regardless of the other hero's genuine care. However this conclusion doesn't ease the hurt his small side is feeling about the situation, which ultimately leads to him running smack into a very broad, very familiar chest as he attempts to leave in a hurry. Keigo is stumbling backwards, about to fall for sure before he can even remember his training about balancing himself with his wings, when a hand grabs his shoulder to steady him and he finally looks up.
And who should Keigo find but his own personal hero, Endeavor? Being around the guy already makes his baby brain go !! though typically he can push that aside, but when he's well on his way to being regressed? There is no hope of recovery, Keigo is fully small and awestruck by the man. They have something akin to a staring contest before Keigo finds himself wanting up, even though he hadn't even fallen. Wanting up, wanting to be held, wanting wanting wanting. Keigo has never really been allowed to want like this, and it takes all he has to even find the simplest of words when Enji asks if he's alright. The "'m 'kay" he manages to peep out must not be too convincing, because Enji leads him out of the main area and into a more private alcove to give him a proper look over. Because while he isn't necessarily the brightest bulb, he is familiar enough with the younger hero to recognize that something is off about him. Usually he would be living up these sorts of functions and (more recently) would drag him along for the ride. But he seemed...uncharacteristically standoffish? Too quiet for sure. That's the best Enji can figure at least, until he gets Keigo talking more and gets a nervous string of baby babble about how first they tried having Rumi take care of him and then Tsunagu, but now he's too busy and he doesn't really know how much he liked him anyways and, and, and—and Enji, surprisingly, listens and nods along with what the boy is saying. More surprising though is the fact that he sits with him for the remainder of the event, keeping a careful eye on him much to the boy's delight.
It doesn't take long before small Keigo has decided that he wants his cg to be Enji, much to his big self's embarrassment. Not a whole lot gets to him, but this is something deeply personal that he may or may not be making a fool of himself over. The fact that Enji doesn't turn him away doesn't help matters either, instead only encourages them. For as much as Hawks is supposed to be just that (i.e., like a hawk), Enji finds it becoming more accurate to think of him as a baby duck. A baby duck who is making frequent visits to his agency to "help out". A few months ago this would have annoyed him and he wouldn't have hesitated to kick him out, but lately Enji has been trying to do better, trying to be better for those in his life; even if he can't make up for his past actions, he's figured out that isn't an excuse to continue in the same manner moving forwards. And so he's been letting go of inconsequential frustrations and unproductive anger, focusing more on practicing the patience and understanding that a hero is supposed to embody. So even if Keigo may childishly tease him about being grumpy, he isn't going to make a big deal about it. In fact he'll continue on with his day, with his unsure, awkward attempts to make the kid happy. A pat to the head, a snack bought from a street vendor on impulse because he saw the kid staring (though it turns out he was staring because he thought it looked yucky, apparently), small things like that that all feel foreign to them both. The little gestures mean the world to Keigo, even when Enji gets something wrong. Perhaps even especially when he gets something wrong, because it means he's going to try again and is actually making an effort to figure things out through trial and error; no one has ever made a continual effort like that for him, nor has anyone been so determined to get it right.
Keigo finally gets his moment, his click, when he approaches Enji about if he'd be down to watch him when he's fully small and not just put up with him middlespacing around him on days when criminal activity is slow. There's a bit of hesitancy, and at first Keigo is scared that he's misread the situation before Enji is asking for details on the practical things—the where and the when seeming to weigh most heavy on his mind, though the hesitancy eases when Keigo suggests his apartment given that all his regression gear is already there. When the day arrives, Keigo is trying to stay big long enough to give Enji the grand tour and show him where everything is before he slips too small to tell him, when he finds that Enji has stopped and picked something up from his pile of stuffies he's come to acquire kept in his nest of blankets. Keigo lifts up a little to peek over his shoulder, curious at which toy has caught his attention. The fabric has faded over the years, and despite being well-loved it's obvious the doll has been well-kept. In any other situation, it might have been funny to see the large man holding a tiny replica of himself, but Keigo's regressed small enough that old fears seem closer than time has made them. There's a need to apologize that he doesn't fully understand, but his words aren't coming out right and he's working himself up to tears because he just knows that somehow he's made Enji mad, that he's not even supposed to have toys let alone a hero doll. By the time the first few tears can bubble out of his eyes, Keigo is being shushed and the doll is being placed in his hold as Enji apologizes to him of all things. It's unexpected but not unwelcome, as is the fact that he's being scooped up and rocked back and forth. This is the click that Keigo did not know he had been waiting for, and it goes both ways. While Enji may not be a ball of energy like Rumi or a perfectionist like Tsunagu, he is the one Keigo chose for himself to be his cg. And perhaps for the first time, Keigo believes everything will be alright in the end after all.
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hollowtakami · 6 months
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CONTENT: caregiver!keigo + regressed!gn!reader, pet names (dove, little feather, baby bird), just a fluffy drabble to keep my mind out of a bad place.
AUTHOR NOTE: please keep interactions/tags for this post strictly SFW; ddlg/ageplay/pro+comship are not welcome.
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You could feel yourself slipping.
Huddled under a sea of blankets with an army of stuffies, chewing on the end of your sleeve, you fold into yourself.
The scent of your favourite stuffie under your nose would usually comfort you, but not right now. Above the surface of those blankets was a world. That alone was far too big and scary for you right now.
Your little heart pounded as you count the minutes on your fingers to ease your worries, startling at the faint sound of a door clicking open.
A small sigh and the shuffling of boots could be heard through the ajar door your bedroom, shoes kicked to the side of the rack and a jacket strung up on a hook as you heard a melodic voice call out to you.
“Baby bird, I’m back!” Keigo chirped, the baritone of his voice flooding your senses with warmth.
You do your best to ease the blankets off yourself and with clumsy movements, clutch your stuffie to your chest with your head down as you waddled over to the avian.
Keigo saw you emerge from your room like a lost spirit, floating over to him slowly. His face fell when he couldn’t see yours, his eyes soon clocked onto the stuffie and he soon softened.
“Hey there, dove,” his voice smoother than any sippie cup of warm milk before bed, lowered as to not startle you again. He extended a hand to you, gentle and inviting, whispering, “you feelin’ small?”
With a small nod you raise your head to look up, expecting to see even a small glimpse of annoyance in the suns of Keigo’s eyes; nothing.
He beamed when he saw your face, riddled with worry but willing to trust him. And trust him, you did.
You slowly shuffled into Keigo’s chest, babbling to yourself happily when you felt the tickle of his feathers cocoon around you. He patted your hair, kissing the crown of your head.
“C’mon, little feather,” Keigo smiled, “let’s get you cosy, yeah?”
When you were regressed, your age sometimes ranged. Keigo was no stranger to working with children due to his line of work, and so took to your regression quite well. Hidden behind a mask of tenderness was, at first, the fear of making you feel worse. Though, like a feather in the wind, the two of you found your flow.
“Okay, baby, sit on the bed for me while I find you some jammys, ‘kay?” Keigo softly directed, to which you did with a nod, your stuffie still with you.
Keigo sent a few feather dashing out of the room as he picked through the drawer where you kept your regression gear; pacifiers, sippy cups, your favourite pyjamas.
He turned with them in his hand, smiling to himself when he saw your demeanour light up at the sight. You clapped your hands together happily, letting Keigo get you out of your day clothes and into something comfier.
Keigo eventually got you into bed after calming you down when you got so giddy - he can’t lie to himself though, you were so adorable. He left the room for a moment, crossing his heart and promising you and your plush friend that he would be right back.
Sitting on the bed, tucked into a blanket with your stuffie huddled close to your chest, you popped your thumb into your mouth. You were too baby to think anything wrong of it, babbling to your stuffie about something as you subconsciously suckled and bit at your thumbnail.
Keigo soon came back into the room, a clean paci in his hands, his feathers carrying a tray lined with a sippy cup of warm milk and a plate of apple slices.
The avian clicked his tongue when he saw you mindlessly sucking your thumb, smiling as he helped the paci into your mouth and wiped your thumb.
“Save your teeth for these apple slices, baby,” Keigo smiled, his feathers resting back into his wings as the tray was set down onto the bed slowly, Keigo snuggled up to you, planting a kiss on your forehead.
You giggled as the scruff on his chin tickled your skin, your bubbly laughs making Keigo’s heart melt.
“C’mere, dove, let me help you with your snack, yeah?” Keigo softly suggested.
You nodded, too baby to want to feed yourself.
After a few slices, you finished off the sippy full of milk, eyes droopy. Setting the tray down on the bedside table, Keigo held you close in a blanket of his feathers, keeping you safe from any monsters while you and your stuffie got some well deserved rest.
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takami-takami · 11 months
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cw: this is an age regression drabble. caregiver!keigo. keep all additions and tags strictly sfw.
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Keigo spent a majority of his life protecting people from a distance. 
He would, of course, always follow that twitch in his feathertips when they told him someone needed safety or comfort nearby. The act of protecting is one that scratches that intrinsic, unquenchable itch baked deep into his feathers and the fibers of his bone marrow beneath; but protection never quite felt tangible to him.
He always thought saving people meant giving yourself until you're empty and then turning heel to take flight. It meant making efficient use of your time, answering every "thank you, Hawks!" with a wink and a gust of his wings to speed away and save the next.
It meant never slowing down or seeing the fruits of your labor.
As a hero, Keigo's actions never felt solid in his hands— so he simply decided he felt that way because he wasn't trying hard enough; that he needed to clock longer hours and more frequent, grueling shifts.
But as a man, protecting you felt so much different from all that.
Keeping you safe is a slow, methodical process. It's a neverending pet project built with loving purpose and steady hands, armed with rolled up sleeves over the bicep and fuzzy teddy bears as his deadly arsenal.
Keigo has always been finely attuned to your little quirks, mannerisms, and subtle displays; so when your eyes go just the slightest bit fuzzy, fingertips wringing a frenzy against your bedsheets while you mumble in the cutest, clipped speech, he knows exactly what to do.
He can coax the tension out of your shoulders with his words alone. 
"You feeling small, baby?" He asks, voice barely above a whisper. Those golden eyes of his gently flick back and forth between yours when he sits, assessing your form curled in on itself against the headboard of your bed. 
And your shoulders droop instantly, nodding once. You gnaw at a chewed up cuticle. 
"Oh, baby, it's okay. S'okay, c'mere," Keigo whispers, arms open with grabby hands for you to crawl and nestle into his warmth. "Shhh, it's alright, little birdie. You can be small tonight. That okay? Wanna be small for me?" 
The thick of his warm palm cradles the back of your skull and you nod like he just offered you a lifeline. The barrel of his chest rises and falls with even breaths, sinking you further as you smush your cheek into the side of his neck with your eyes shut.
He smells nice. You sink even deeper.
Keigo sits cross legged on the bed and leans just the slightest bit back when you sink into him. Like this, he reminds you of an aged, sturdy tree; firm and unyielding with the slightest give, but always consistent and firmly rooted. 
Safe. Warm and safe. 
Always safe.
"Mm," you hum, feeling a bit fuzzier now. 
"Yeah?" Keigo answers. He pulls back to get a good look at you, and you see him smiling ear to ear as if that little sound you just gave was a whole speech. "Get comfy, cause I'm gonna spoil you tonight."
And spoil you he does. 
The next thing you know, Keigo has you sitting cross legged in front of him on the bed, ready to make a few last big decisions.
"Okay!" He chirps, placing two open palms in front of you for you to look at. "We're gonna pick, okay?" His rich voice guides you along gently, smoothly. "Just two, I prommy." 
You nod fervently at the reassurance, nearly straining your poor little neck with the motion. 
You have to think— which is scary— but it's only two times. You can do that. 
"Perfect, dove," Keigo praises as if he just read your mind.
The first question is easy. 
"Blanket fort," he says, clenching his left fist closed and open for emphasis. "Or bed?" He closes and opens the right.
If you were a smidge more lucid, you'd feel a twinge of remorse for how hard you slam down on his left palm.
"Sorry, 'Kei," you droop.
"Awww," Keigo coos genuinely. "You think you hurt me… That's so cute, dove! Yeah, you're a strong one, aint'cha?"
And just like that, you're smiling proud once  more. Keigo's heart soars at a job well done.
"One more and you're finished, little bird," he says seriously, like he's presenting you with a quest; and you nod your head with a furrowed brow to accept the challenge, a hero ready to conquer.
"Movie," he says, clenching one palm. "Or storytime?" He clenches the other.
Maybe you weren't quite as ready as you thought.
Tears begin to pinprick at the corners of your eyes. You fight back little hitched sniffles and sobs as you stand in the face of the mountain before you, trying to be brave.
"I… U-Uhm," you hiccup and stutter at the idea of thinking any more than you have to. 
Keigo considers stepping in. His feathers ruffle from the base to the edges of his wingspan, spine stiffening at the sight of you in distress. The itch begins to burn once more and—
You slowly place both palms face down in his, lip wobbling when you look at him. 
"Both?" He asks and your heart swells with gratitude that he picked up on your meaning— of course he would, you beam. Keigo's so smart.
You nod once.
"Both it is, sweetheart!" 
All other decisions from that point onward are made by Keigo himself.
Keigo decides to stand, hushing your blubbers with a kiss to your crown and a teddy placed in your hands to keep you company while he sets the scene.
Keigo decides on the color theme for tonight's blanket fort (baby blue), putting to good use his avian instincts of nest building when he selects the finest comforters and pillows to fluff and stack.
Keigo decides to hand you your fuzziest jammies and softest blankies while his feathers zip off to fetch your favorite mug carrying something hot for you to sip.
Keigo decides on the movie— something animated and lighthearted, a familiar favorite of yours. He suppresses a smile that twitches at the corners, thinking about how excited you're gonna get once you see. You'll squeak "that's my favorite!" like you don't say that every time, and he'll reply once again, "no way, mine too!" 
Keigo decides he selfishly gets more out of this than you do; but at the same time, unbeknownst to him, you decide the exact same thing.
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dreamy-puppy-xo · 6 months
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CG!Hawks/Keigo Takami Stimboard <333
❤️ 🐥 ❤️ • 🌥️ 🦅 🌥️ • ❤️ 🐥 ❤️
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littlebeedreamer · 3 months
I personally made this for my
bestie, @radioactivefreaks,
because Hawks is her fav 🩷
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baby-zakarii · 4 months
Regressor Hawks Moodboard!
With birds, fire, paci adit and superheroes (in this case firefighters lol)❤️🔥
Requested by @notimetodie-licensetokill
Do not repost - reblogging is okay
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sarabandezflagz · 2 months
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Hawks paci edit
aka the ultimate baby bird
got a request? send it here ! thnx !
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gay-poet-gabriel · 5 months
Bhhhh hai...i know this is probably silly or out of ur forte...but can u draw him babying me.... literally coping....
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dont watch bnha but dis cute!!
sorry i didnt relaly draw too much agere or anything buttt i drew u two!
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stray-cattt · 1 year
The Rooftops That Cry at Night
A Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia angst fanfic, hurt/comfort, lowkey vent fanfic, if you’d rather read it on A03, here’s the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45798712
Summary: Just because Dabi is a villian doesn't mean he's going to leave the #2 hero alone breaking down on the verge of a panic attack. He may be an ass but he's not a complete asshole. Might be a bit out of character but I don't really care, I started this fic at 3 AM because someone was playing the flute outside of my dorm and I couldn't sleep. I originally posted this on March 16th, I just forgot to put it here.
Content warnings: panic attack, break downs, and age regression a bit (as a coping mechanism)
 Hawks glanced at his alarm clock that read 3:21AM; letting a sigh leave his mouth he turned off his 4AM alarm for patrol before turning to his balcony. Dressed in his hero attire that he hadn’t taken off in the past two days he took a deep breath before jumping off the balcony and letting his wings spread. Hawks shivered as the brisk night air hit his face. It was nights like these where he flew aimlessly with no destination in mind, just flying to fly. Well not entirely, flying to stop the pounding in his head from his thoughts. The thoughts that were never ending swirling around in his mind. Hawks mindlessly scanned the terrain he passed, even though he didn’t have patrol for another hour he couldn’t find it in himself to stand still for a minute more. His body ached to move, to do anything, to be useful. If he wasn’t working, did he really hold any value?
 Tonight was quieter than normal, not much seemed to be going on, and it seemed that even the villains had laid down to rest tonight. Something that Hawks craved but remained out of reach. It’s not as though he hadn’t tried sleeping, but every time he felt too restless to stay still and allow himself to relax. Over the past week, he maybe got a collective 21 hours of sleep if he was being generous, lately, the commission had been on his ass with more missions and patrols barely leaving enough time for him to take care of himself. Not that he had the energy to in the first place.
 Hawks sighed, boredom seeping into his bones accompanied by a familiar sense of loneliness. The usual mind-numbing feeling that tended to follow him with these flights seemed to be absent as his thoughts continued to berate him. He felt his insides shake and decided he needed to find a spot to land before he lost control of himself. He landed on the rooftop of a building, unaware of a familiar figure sitting on the opposite side of the roof as his mind seemed to blur out the rest of the world around him. Hawks’ breathing started to rapidly increase as his emotions overwhelmed and enveloped him.
 His knees buckled and he ungracefully knelt down on his knees before hunching over and wrapping his arms around his torso. His body shook as his wings wrapped around himself, Hawks could feel the tears pricking at his eyes. As much as he tried to keep them within the confines of his eyes they fell and continued falling like rain onto the concrete roof. Shallow sobs left his mouth as his mind went into hyperdrive.
     Imagine if your handler saw you like this.  
     What would the commission say about this behavior?  
     Pathetic really how little it takes to break down like this,  
     I thought you were supposed to be a hero.  
 Thoughts continued to swarm him and rally up against him, but before falling into even more of a hyperventilating panic the sound of footsteps approaching him caused him to halt his sobs. Hawks tried to hold himself as still as he could while quieting his shallow breaths to the best of his ability. How long had they been there? How had he not noticed? Hawks cursed his lack of sleep slowly catching up to him, this wouldn’t have been a problem for any other hero, why is he faulty?
 “Hawks?” A familiar voice asked quietly, he would’ve described it as gentle had he not recognized who the voice belonged to. Hawks felt physically unable to give a verbal response back, and when he tried all that left his mouth was a pitiful whine.
 Hawks flinched as a hand lightly touched his wings, but slightly relaxed at the warmth it was emitting before quickly tensing again as he remembered who he was dealing with. Although Dabi had not given off any hostility so far, Hawks still felt on edge. He briefly forgot about the hand on his wings until it moved away, he held back a whimper as the hand was retracted and his breathing began to pick up once again, not realizing how the hand had been grounding him.
 Noticing this Dabi put his hand back on Hawks’ wing and began to pet it trying to comfort the other. Hawks’ feelings were conflicting with one another as he couldn’t tell if it was safe to relax. Safe. When was the last time he felt that, infancy? More treats began to pour from his eyes as tremors ran through his body.
 “Shhh, breathe birdy,” Dabi whispered, trying to get the other to calm down. Hawks’ hands moved from around his waist to clenching his pants as he tried his hardest to stifle the never-ending cries leaving his mouth. Slowly he got his breathing back to normal and all that remained of his tears were hiccups.
 After some time he managed to pull his wings away from his body, no longer shielding himself from Dabi’s gaze. Dabi repositioned himself in front of Hawks carefully noting the noticeable eye bags that weren’t as prevalent the week prior when they met for information exchange, well more Hawks giving information and Dabi giving nothing in return. He carefully swept Hawks’ hair out of his eyes and wiped a stray tear from his face before bringing his hand back. Dabi didn’t miss as Hawks slightly leaned into the light touches. After observing the other Dabi opened his arms for Hawks inviting him into his arms but not moving forward leaving the choice entirely up to the other.
 With slight hesitation Hawks crawled into Dabi’s arms, tears immediately brimming in his eyes as he now realized in full force just how touch-starved he was. Feeling the tremors emitting from Hawks, Dabi wrapped his arms around the other and began to comb his hands through the blond's hair.
 “It’s okay baby bird,” Dabi whispered to the other, Hawks whined in response and grabbed at Dabi’s shirt holding onto him as though he was a lifeline. The two sat there together in silence that was broken apart by sniffles every so often. Dabi hummed a song his mother once sang to him when he was young, a song he had almost forgotten but remembered in the moment.
 “Don’t wanna be a hero, just wanna be a kid again.” Hawks meekly spoke, his voice cracking slightly as he hadn’t used it in hours.
 “You don’t have to be a hero right now birdy,” Dabi replied, his humming coming to a stop. “I’ll take care of you, you need rest more than you need to be a hero right now.”
 Had it been colder that night Dabi might’ve been a bit worried about the other falling asleep on him, but the cold night air was gone now, replaced with air that felt like a light blanket surrounding the two. Not soon after Hawks’ cries died down, soft snores followed, his hands no longer clutching at the others' shirts. Dabi let a genuine smile adorn his face as he held the other now propped up against the wall of the ledge.
 “Sometimes all you need is to be held.” Dabi smiled once more before letting himself fall asleep with the other.
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ao3feed-todoroki · 2 years
A Fiery Little Menace
A Fiery Little Menace by AnonymousWriterMB
Classification AU
The infamous blue fire user Dabi is caught by police and detained, where it's discovered the villain who has murdered countless people is a Little. Not only that but he's been on suppressants nearly half his life. The heroes want to rehabilitate him but he doesn't want that.
So Dabi has decided he is going to cause problems on purpose.
Words: 4711, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Class 1-A, Takami Keigo | Hawks
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, caregiver yamada, Little dabi, Soft Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Little Shit, Non-Sexual Age Play, Age Regression/De-Aging, Classification AU, AU, Fluff, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Needs a Hug, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead Needs a Hug, sfw, Soft Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, agere, little aizawa, alternate universe - littles are known, littlespace, Little Hawks, Soft Takami Keigo | Hawks, Tags Are Hard, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42479148
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ao3feed-hawks · 2 years
Go Beyond!! (My Hero Academia Agere Oneshots)
Go Beyond!! (My Hero Academia Agere Oneshots) by LetThemBeRegressors
My little collection of My Hero Academia oneshots of comfort ships I like. And of course, we wouldn't have a story on my account without agere. I really hope you enjoy! TWs for any chapters will always be at the beginning.
Words: 1728, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Diapers, Soft Takami Keigo | Hawks, Soft Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Soft Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Dabi is a Todoroki, Protective Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Bad at Feelings, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Mentioned Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Abusive Todoroki Enji | Endeavor
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44385082
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bees-making-art · 15 days
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Hello! My name is Fluffy, you can call me anything as long as its nice. I use They/Them pronouns and prefer gender-neutral terms.
I am a writer and an artist and this is my blog for that! I will also cross post my agere writings here and on my agere blog.
Most of my stuff will be x-reader but I also write ships from time to time. All of my readers will be gender-neutral and as description-less as possible.
My main blog is: fluffy-b33z
My agere blog is: baby-bee-time
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I can and will write about many characters (including non-x-Reader ships) but the ones I am either currently hyper-fixated on or am eternally obsessed over are:
Keigo (Hawks) Takami from MHA
Astarion from BG3
Husk from Hazbin Hotel
Logan/Wolverine from X-men
Touden siblings party
Ao'noung from Avatar: The Way of Water
Dave and Karkat from Homestuck
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Beat of the Heart - Logan x Reader
Birds of a Feather - Hawks x Reader (WIP)
Fly Love - Mafia!Hawks x Reader (WIP)
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Husk comforts reader through their period (WIP)
Reader is jealous of Angel (but they don't need to be ;) ) (WIP)
Husk takes care of reader when they slip into a baby regression headspace (WIP)
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Credit to saradika-graphics for the lovely banners!
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dreamy-puppy-xo · 6 months
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Big Brother Keigo <333
❤️ 🎥 🦭 • 🥞 📸 🥓 • 🌊 🎥 ☁️
Keigo as my big brother <33
the seal gif belongs to me!
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paper--moons · 3 years
Regressor!Hawks Headcanons
(with cg!Twice)
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Thanks to his responsibilities with the Hero Commission, Keigo has trouble regressing. Like a lot of trouble. He's quite literally been trained to be their golden boy since he was five, which absolutely wrecked any sense of a normal childhood he could have had. Before that even, he didn't exactly have a good home life to say the least. No, he's always had responsibilities, whether it be to his mother or to his handlers. So when he does finally slip? He falls hard into babyspace. But it's because he's always been so responsible for others that he doesn't let himself regress when he needs to; he simply does not know when or even how to let go, so he always shoves it away for later. Only later never seems to come. What he really needs is the right cg in order to coax him down. Enter Twice.
Now, Jin naturally fits a very specific category of cg without even trying, and that's the role of an older brother. Maybe he's not so great at taking care of himself, but in spite of (or perhaps because of) that he tries to make sure those around him are happy and taken care of. He's kind where it counts and cares deeply about those he considers his friends. So when the League starts working with Hawks and grows to trust him, he naturally extends that same warmth towards him as well! The others are still a bit standoffish around him, but Jin likes him. Hawks will actually joke around with him without treating him like a joke himself (which is more than can be said for some League members). But Jin can tell that there's something else going on beneath the surface, and none of that paranoid traitor talk that Dabi keeps spewing. So naturally he doubles down on his friendship efforts and sticks to him like glue.
The stress of playing double agent is no joke however, especially when one ignores their coping mechanisms. But Keigo can manage it, like he's always managed it—until he can't anymore. It eventually all comes to a head not long after the merger with the Meta Liberation Army. He's trying to preen his feathers, a habit the Commission discourages even though it's something he needs to do, when he starts slipping. His fingers fumble and become clumsy as his mind fogs over during the one peaceful moment he's had in what feels like ages. He's tangling and tugging at his feathers and it hurts but at least it's something. And then there's a voice, gentle in his ear and immediately he registers who it is: Twice. The Here, let me help. Show me how I can help. comes so naturally from someone who is supposed to be a villain but for all the world sounds a hero that Keigo can't stop the tears from finally spilling over.
Somehow, Jin gets him settled until he's only making the occasional watery hiccup into his shoulder, belatedly realizing he's been pulled into his lap and is being rocked. Keigo also realizes that he feels the safest he's felt in years—maybe the safest he's felt in his entire life, which is a bit alarming. And as he clutches at Jin's jumpsuit, Jin understands that he's got a baby bird on his hands. There's a lot of mutual trust and understanding that suddenly washes over them both, having been built around their friendship from the past few months without them knowing. So it feels almost too natural as Jin picks him up and takes him back to his room for a soft movie night. He wipes away the tears and wraps Keigo in a couple of super plush throw blankets before getting the movie going; he's never been more thankful for the nicer accommodations that the MLA provided until now.
Keigo doesn't know how much time he stays small for exactly, but given that he put it off for so long, it's not unreasonable that he stays small for a couple of days. And while his worry might have otherwise seeped into his regressed headspace and caused a lot of undue stress for the poor baby bird, Jin takes care of everything���at least on the PLF end of things. He isn't disturbed over the next day and a half, being explained away as having come down with a stomach bug. No one argues with Jin over the position of keeping an eye on the "sick" hero either. And the entire time he's small, Jin dotes on him as if he were sick—or maybe not sick, he realizes. No, he's just treating Keigo as little as he feels. Helping him with every small thing, like spoon-feeding him his meals or changing his clothes, checking in with him as he takes care of him. Is this okay, bubba? Let me help you. Always always wanting to help.
When he does manage to come back up it's a slow process. He starts middlespacing hard around the time that Jin is changing him, and suddenly feels self-conscious. How can he not, when his every action has always been up for scrutiny? But everything is still too much for him even as he's occupying that space between little and big. Tears heating his eyes and hiccups bubbling out of his throat as he tries to push Jin away, his I do it, I do it! coming out a little scratchy since he hasn't used his voice much beyond the occasional coo while he was small. It's a sad sight, and though Jin can tell it's coming from a place of embarrassment he allows Keigo the space he needs to try and come back up even if he may not be entirely ready. Both physically in the moment, and time wise in order to sort his thoughts and feelings out. Though he does make sure to let him know that he doesn't think any differently or negatively about him, promising that no one else knows and that he doesn't plan on telling them either. He's also sure to let him know that he didn't mind taking care of him; Jin knows all too well what it's like to feel like a burden and doesn't want Keigo thinking that way of himself.
As soon as his baby brain catches up a few days later and recognizes that Jin is willing to be his big brother it's all over. Keigo has always had a good grasp on his headspace, but now the second Jin starts joking on this side of silly, he's a giggly mess. He finds himself shadowing after him too instead of the other way around, as it often had been before. Jin gives him the caring sort of attention he's never had and suddenly Keigo wants. Wants wants wants. It doesn't get any easier to deny that want as time progresses either. Suddenly he has stuffies, and bottles, and blankets—again, all the things he's never really had but always wanted, all of them being gifts from Jin. It's almost too much for him at times, but there's no denying the happy little flutter of his wings when he's with Jin and allowed to simply exist with no pressure. And while it both helps and complicates his mission, he knows that no matter what happens that he'll have him by his side.
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regressionworldz · 2 years
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Decided to draw some regressor!hawks and regressor!midoriya, they are both such cuties!
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