#and evolved him to a torterra and and let him walk with me and when I would talk to him he would be upset/mad
seoafin · 11 months
favorite Pokémon type???,
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Mercs' Pokémon Team Relist
So, I made a list of Mercs’ Pokémon team back in June. But now, I’m going to do it again as a relist, which means changing the Pokémon from the Mercs’ Pokémon party team because it doesn’t feel right to me or something. All mercs’ have Eeveeutions as their partner, we’ll start with the offensive class, defensive class, and finally support class.
Let’s start with this bunny boy from Boston, shall we?
Scout’s Pokémon Team
Eevee; Scout’s Eevee was his first partner as a gift by his mother on thirteenth birthday. 
Clodsire (Shiny); Scout caught his first Pokémon before it evolved. 
Miltank; Scout makes aggressive attempts to calm herself down after saving the Engineer and Pyro from being attacked, however, he later found out that she was being abandoned by her previous trainer.
Raichu (Alolan Form And Shiny); His seven older brothers got him a Pikachu as his birthday gift, and evolved to Raichu in Alolan form shortly after.
Scout’s Extra Pokémon
Oshawott (His favorite Pokémon); Hatched from an egg after Scout received a prize from the contest. 
Wooloo (Shiny)
Phanpy (Shiny)
Sentrent (Shiny)
Absol; Scout met Absol as stray Pokémon
Before we're moving to the Soldier’s Pokémon team, I’m going to give them an extra Pokémon in their base to enjoy relaxing, playing, or training them after battles. Now, let’s continue to the Soldier’s Pokémon team, shall we?
Soldier’s Pokémon Team
Umbreon; He and his best friend Demoman went somewhere to hang out when they spotted two Eevee sitting on the box with written words, ‘Please, take me!’ So, they take two Eevee and train them before they evolve.
Braviary (Shiny); His best friend Demoman gives him a Rufflet as a gift before it evolves.
Zangoose (Shiny)
Soldier’s Extra Pokémon
Deerling; Soldier got Deerling as a gift from his girlfriend, Zhanna, Heavy’s sister.
Finally, Pyro!
Pyro’s Pokémon Team
Flareon; Pyro got Eevee as a gift from a good friend, the Engineer, and using the fire stone.
Rapidash (Garalarian Form And Shiny)
Ninetales (Shiny)
Volcarona (Shiny)
Pyro’s Extra Pokémon
Moving to the Defense class, starting with the Demoman.
Demoman’s Pokémon Team
Runerigus (Shiny)
Dubwool; His family owns a farm with a lot of Wooloos from generation to generation.
Lapras (Shiny) 
Demoman’s Extra Pokémon
Spinda (Shiny)
Sinistea (Shiny)
Zorua (Hisuian Form)
Next is Heavy Weapon Guy.
Heavy’s Pokémon Team
Sylveon; When Heavy was young, he was walking in the woods to search for something then spotted injured Eevee wandered to look for food. Heavy decided to help and give his sandvich to Eevee.
Tinkaton (Shiny); His father gives his Tiffatuff to him before she evolved. 
 Bewear; Got Stufful as gift by his mother and sisters before evolved.
Milotic (Shiny); Got Shroomish from his younger sister Swissmas, however, Heavy didn’t realize that they had a bit of teasing of him once of Shroomish’s face as it had the same face as his angry face.
Heavy’s Extra Pokémon
Lastly, of the Defense class is Engineer born from the Lone Star state.
Engineer’s Pokémon Team
Jolteon; Dell found two Eevee when he was playing his guitar suddenly heard the noise coming inside the barn, then gave one Eevee to Pyro, and used a thunder stone.
Mudsdale (Shiny)
Tauros (Paldean Form And Blaze Breed)
Engineer’s Extra Team
Togedemaru (Shiny)
Yamper (Shiny)
Finally, the last class is the Support class! Let’s begin with the healer.
Medic’s Pokémon Team
Leafeon; The Medic found Eevee who was seriously and badly injured by some aggressive wild Pokémon, then healed, and used the Leaf Stone.
Malamar (Shiny)
Tsareena (Shiny)
Absol (Shiny)
Medic’s Extra Pokémon
Blissey (Shiny)
Next is a Kiwi Bird, born in New Zealand, but he was raised in Australia!
Sniper’s Pokémon Team
Glaceon; His (adoptive) parents gave him an Eevee on Christmas and used Ice Stone. 
Sandslash; Gifted by his (adoptive) father. 
Sandslash (Alolan Form And Shiny); Gifted by his (adoptive) mother. 
Mightyena (Shiny)
Sniper’s Extra Pokémon
Finally, a French man secretly dated Scout's mother and didn't tell his son that he was his father.
Spy’s Pokémon Team
Vaporeon; Got an Eevee as a gift from having an anniversary with Scout’s mother, and uses Water Stone. 
Roserade (Shiny)
Spy’s Extra Pokémon
Rookidee (Shiny)
Ditto (Shiny)
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ckret2 · 5 years
Medical Research
SPOILERS FOR DETECTIVE PIKACHU!! Even the summary has spoilers I ain’t kidding.
Fandom: Pokémon, Detective Pikachu movie Characters: Mewtwo, Harry Goodman, Detective Pikachu but he doesn’t do much Words: 2600 Summary: How, exactly, did Harry Goodman get Mewtwo into PCL? He certainly didn’t capture the most powerful Pokémon in the world. The only possibility is that he persuaded Mewtwo to go. But what would persuade Mewtwo, whose first conscious act was to blast its way out of a scientific lab full of gene experimenting, to willingly walk into one? Notes: Call me Babe Ruth.
"Medical research!"
Mewtwo froze, glowing hand outstretched toward the floating human's chest—still poised to blast him halfway to the northeast Kanto coast with a single mental flex. A Pikachu was clinging to his shirt, huddling over his heart with eyes squeezed shut.
Slowly, Mewtwo's hand stopped glowing. But it didn't let go yet. "Explain."
The human gasped in a breath as the pressure Mewtwo was exerting on his body to keep him floating loosened, then automatically kicked his legs as if trying to stay aloft as he felt gravity take hold of him again. Mewtwo wasn't going to drop him. Not yet, anyway.
"J—just outside Ryme City, in Sinnoh," the human said. "There's a lab! They want—"
Mewtwo's skin prickled at the word lab. "I am not interested in being experimented on by humans again." It raised its hand. The human yelped as he jerked another few feet in the air.
"Listen to him!" the Pikachu cried. "He's not here to hurt you, I promise! Please!"
Mewtwo hesitated, ruminating on the Pikachu's request. The pair had approached it with words instead of attacks, and with none of the complicated machinery designed to entrap and ensnare that the likes of Team Rocket and their many subsequent bounty hunters tended to throw at it. Mewtwo could have chalked it up to cockiness—but the human wasn't even carrying poké balls. Not even one for the Pikachu. The only machinery he had on him was a cell phone.
They weren't here to catch it.
Slowly, Mewtwo lowered the pair—and then dropped them, from three feet up, to the muddy bank of the Cerulean River. The human landed hard and groaned; Pikachu squealed in surprise.
"Very well. I will listen," Mewtwo said. "Explain your research—and why I should want anything to do with it."
"Nnh..." The human sat up, lifted his arms, and grimaced at the mud covering them from elbow down. "Not—not my research. I was—hired, by the guy funding it. You've heard of Howard Clifford?"
"Ahh. Great. Well, he's uh, he's this—big, idealist philanthropist type guy—it's that whole archetype, the benevolent futurist billionaire thing, you know the type—"
"I do not."
The human stopped, mouth partway open, caught mid-sentence and unsure how to go on now. "Right. Well, I'm—I'm sure you'll meet him, if you decide you want to come. Anyway, he wants to make medicine from the genes of Pokémon, that can be used on both humans and different Pokémon. Stuff like, uh, uh... identifying the genes that are altered when Wailmer turns into Wailord, and injecting them into Grotle so they get way, way larger when they evolve."
Mewtwo tilted its head. "Why would they do that?"
The human opened his mouth. Then stopped with his mouth open again, brow furrowed, and thought about that. "You know, I—I don't actually... know why they did that. I think I was, uh, busy gawking at the ginormous Torterra when they explained the whole... purpose, of that specific project."
It didn't matter, ultimately. Mewtwo's skin was prickling again, at this talk of genes shuffling between Pokémon as casually as scavengers trading berries, and its instincts were telling it to go hide.
Hide where, though? The human had done what few others had done before: tracked Mewtwo down to its hidden sanctuary, an unobtrusive mountain cave hiding in the shadow of Mt. Moon. Mewtwo's fault for being so being so merciful to other explorers who'd passed through. If it showed mercy to this one as well—and, at this point, it supposed, it would—then its location would be known to this benevolent futurist billionaire the human had mentioned, and who knew how many others would be sent after it. And soon Team Rocket would learn of its location again. This sanctuary was no longer safe for Mewtwo—and it wouldn't be safe for any of the other Pokémon in it, either, if Mewtwo didn't leave it behind for good.
For a moment, Mewtwo was furious at the human for discovering it.
It forced itself not to act on its rage. But the Pikachu sensed the rage all the same, fixing Mewtwo with a hard look, his cheeks crackling.
"You have accomplished a feat that very few humans have ever achieved, in tracking me down on purpose," Mewtwo said. "To have done so, you must know a great deal about me. You must know what I am—what I come from."
The human hesitated, the nodded. "Little—little island near Cinnabar, right? A cloning experiment? Sponsored by a gym leader with ties to organized crime."
"I am far beyond a mere 'cloning experiment.' Tell me: do I look like a Mew?"
"Well, I can't say I've ever seen a Mew, but—" The human stared at Mewtwo for a long moment, taking in its height, its oddly fused fingers, its strange bony sternum, its misshapen double neck, "—but no, you... don't exactly look like the cave art."
"I am Pokémon gene splicing. I am what happens when humans try to improve upon Pokémon—when humans snip DNA apart like so many little lengths of rope and knot them back together. I should not be."
"Hey now, that's pretty harsh on yourself—"
"And there should not be other things like me," Mewtwo said firmly. "I do believe you both came here with good intentions. But your intentions mean nothing in the face of the abominations you're asking for."
The human stared at Mewtwo a moment longer, hard—this time, not like he was taking in its body, but like he was looking for something deeper. Mewtwo didn't like that look. It felt... penetrating.
"Hey." The human's voice was softer now. "Listen." He slowly got to his feet, brushing excess mud off his rear. Pikachu scampered up to his shoulder and settled there. "You've... you've had bad experiences with humans. Especially humans in labs. Especially especially humans in labs talking about genes. I get that. I understand why you wouldn't want to go back to one. I wouldn't blame you or judge you in the slightest for completely rejecting anybody coming up to you to talk about anything that's got to do with humans in labs with genes." He paused. "But I hope you'll consider not rejecting it. Because there's a lot of people and Pokémon out there, right now, every day, suffering—from injuries they won't recover from, from diseases we don't have cures to—and the Pokémon Comprehensive Laboratory in Ryme City is trying to change that. You can't im—"
He stopped, face twisting, swallowed hard; Pikachu fussed with his hair for a moment until he'd collected himself. "You can't imagine what it's like," he said, voice hoarser than it had been just a moment earlier, "what it's like, watching someone you love—waste away, and die. From an illness that there's no cure for yet."
Telepath though Mewtwo was, it had never been much of a mind reader; and what skill it had once possessed had atrophied to nothing under Team Rocket's tender care. It was a very weak empath at best. But it didn't need to be strong to feel the sudden miasmas of decade-old grief leaking from the human, like poisonous gas from a Koffing's craterous pores.
It drifted closer to the human, equal parts intrigued and pitying, feet inches above the muddy riverbank. "You speak from experience?"
The human shrugged with his un-Pikachu-occupied shoulder. "Do you know what cancer is?"
"I've been told I am a cancer," Mewtwo said. "A Mew who's more tumor than healthy tissue."
The human let out a startled laugh. "Well—that shows you can survive it, right? That's more than most people can say. Imagine what that would be like—being made of cancer, but never dying from it." He sniffed hard, shook his head, and collected himself again. "Listen, I uh—I didn't come to talk about my life. Sorry. But—Howard's poured a lot of money, manpower, and poképower into tracking you down. And he's done it all because he believes, sincerely believes, that something in your genes—your weird, part-prehistoric-demigod, part-manmade-mishmash genes—holds the key to making life a whole lot better for a whole lot of sick folks. I don't get the science behind it, but he's got people who do—and to them, you're not Wailord genes in a Grotle. You're everything."
Mewtwo glanced away from the pair, considering the proposition uneasily. As much as it reviled the thought of returning to another lab... had it not been working, for years, to undo the things that Team Rocket had done to it? The damage that had been done to its soul—if it had such a thing—its mind, if not. For years, now, it had been fighting to unlearn all that Team Rocket had taught it about where a Pokémon's worth comes from, and the supremacy of power, and the dynamic of master and tool between human and Pokémon. Mewtwo was not the same Pokémon that had fled from Viridian City so many years ago.
Maybe it was time, too, to unlearn its fear of white coats and the smell of sterilized steel.
Maybe it was time to see if it could redefine how it saw its own genes—not as slap in the face of the natural order, but as a gift to the world.
It wanted to be a gift.
"I am... proficient, in genetics," Mewtwo confessed. "I have conducted my own experiments in augmented cloning. You've come to ask if I'd offer my body to medicine. I can also offer my mind."
The human blinked at it. "Augmented cl—what, what-what, what kind of augmented cloning?"
Mewtwo cringed in shame. "Enhancing a Pokémon's strength. For battle. Augmenting their innate special powers."
"Wh..." For a moment, the human just stared. "Th—yeah! Yeah, that's—that's fantastic. Hey, the PCL's got some Froakie it tries out all its new discoveries on—Froakie adapt really well to new DNA, apparently—you can show them what you've got, see if they think it's useful?"
Mewtwo nodded hesitantly. "My procedures don't allow for genes to be inserted into already-living Pokémon. I'll have to clone new ones."
"Maybe they'll be able to help you figure out how to put it in living Pokémon? Froakie evolve a couple of times, it should be easy to get the genes in them."
"Perhaps. If they're willing. If they're volunteers." It would have to ask them, personally—all the Pokémon in the facility—if they'd volunteered. If even one hadn't...
"So, that's a yes, right?" the human said. "You're in? Gonna come help make the world a better place?"
"Provided I will be treated like a volunteer, not a test subject," Mewtwo said, "yes. I'm in."
"Yesss." The human performed a slow fist pump.
Pikachu cheered, then beamed up at Mewtwo. "Thank you. You've made my partner really happy."
Partner. Not trainer, nor owner, nor master. "I would not have given him a chance had you not vouched for him." It would not have given a chance to any human who didn't have a human to vouch for them; but it had found that Pikachu tend to be particularly good judges of character.
"Wh— Are you talking to—?" The human pointed to the Pikachu on his shoulder.
"Of course. Did you think I, a Pokémon, am only capable of communicating with humans?"
The human paused. "No! No, of course I didn't. I just, didn't think about— He vouched for me?"
Mewtwo nodded. The human smiled at Pikachu. "Aww. That's the sweetest— Hey, buddy. Fist bump." He held his fist up. Pikachu leaned forward, planting both hands on his knuckles; sparks snapped between them.
"This facility is in Ryme City?" Mewtwo asked. "Can you describe the neighborhood so I can find it? Preferably from a bird's eye view."
"Oh, no, don't worry about— Howard said if I actually found you, he could send a charter flight. We get to ride to Sinnoh in style."
"I see." Rich, ran his own science lab, could summon up airplanes at his convenience... Mewtwo had yet to met this Howard, but it was already uneasy at the thought of his power. It seemed like a very familiar power.
But he wasn't using his power to design the world's most powerful Pokémon; he was using it to cure diseases.
And Mewtwo wasn't going to be one of his possessions; it was going to be a volunteer. A volunteer who had been asked to come, by a human and a Pikachu who'd approached with words instead of weapons. It would be a volunteer. Perhaps even a scientist.
That thought also made it uneasy.
"Ugh, the mud's starting to crust on me." The human shook his hands. Not much mud came off. "You mind if we head back into town so I can wash off in my hotel?"
Mewtwo wasn't fond of the idea of venturing into Cerulean City. It glanced to the side. "There's a river right here."
"Well yeah, but—I don't want to walk back into town with soaking wet pants."
"You could take them off."
The human's face screwed up. "Thaaat's not going to work for a human."
Mewtwo waited for him to explain why. He didn't. Maybe it was an instinct. One must respect other species' instincts, even if one doesn't understand them.
"I will wait, then. At the entrance to the cave." Mewtwo raised higher, preparing to leave for its shelter. It would perhaps be its last opportunity to visit the cave for a long time. "When you're ready to go to Sinnoh, come find me."
"Yeah. Okay." The human nodded. "And—thanks, Mewtwo."
Mewtwo nodded. Then, slowly, spoke: "Thank you. For all of my life, the means of my birth have been a... a burden to overcome. I have lived my life striving to prove that I have worth in spite of how I was made. I think... it will be good to learn whether, despite all the horrors I went through—and committed—some worth can be found in me because of how I was made. I appreciate this opportunity, human."
The human looked surprised. "Wow. That's... You're kind of a deep guy, Mewtwo."
"I have a lot of time to think," it said. "And the most powerful brain on the planet."
The human huffed a laugh. "Hey, before I go—you don't have to call me 'human.' I shoulda introduced myself earlier, but, you know—" He held one hand up, first two and last two fingers pressed together, and imitated the gesture Mewtwo had made when it levitated him into the air. "The name's Harry. Harry Goodman."
"Hairy Good Man," Mewtwo repeated dubiously. "I have seen hairier humans."
"No, it's— That's spelled H-A-R-R-Y," Hairy said. "No I."
Mewtwo nodded slowly. "I can't read."
The human stared at it. Then shook his head slightly. "I don't know why I assumed you could."
Now that they'd been properly introduced—and now that Mewtwo had spilled more of its inner life to a human in thirty seconds than it had to anyone else in the past decade—Mewtwo was more than ready to be alone. To prepare itself for a trip to Sinnoh. To the lab. "Go." It gestured with its head in the direction of Cerulean City. Its highest roofs could just barely be seen over the trees beyond the river. "I'll be waiting."
"Right, right." Hairy turned toward Cerulean City; then turned back around again, in the direction of the nearest bridge back across the river, far in the opposite direction. He sighed quietly. Pikachu craned his head, checking for wild Pokémon along the route ahead.
Mewtwo gently lifted him up—he yelped in surprise—carried him over the river, and sat him on his feet on the opposite bank. "Oh—thanks!" He waved.
Mewtwo nodded again; then floated there, and watched, as Hairy headed back toward town. Pikachu turned to watch Mewtwo over his shoulder until they were gone.
Walking into a lab of its own free will. (Medical lab, it reminded itself again. Medicine, not power.) It hoped it wasn't making a mistake.
It hoped its genes would help people.
Comments/reblogs are welcome! If you want to leave a tip or like the fic on AO3, the links are in my description!
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kariachi · 5 years
Some subspecies 11 pokemon au featuring a smol!Mike and smol!Elena. There’s more too it, but I’m not sure if I’m gonna be able to get the next section postable tonight.
By the time Elena and her father woke up Mike had already gotten dressed, headed across the street from the hotel with Elissa chattering reprovingly at him the whole way, and returned with some bagels, some pastry, and enough bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches to make a Munchlax take pause. Mr. Validus and his Luxray eyed him groggily as Elena automatically tucked into a sneaselclaw.
“You, are as bad as your father.”
He chose to just take that as a compliment.
Despite Mr Validus’s attempts at keeping everything nice and calm and orderly, the early morning was frantic. They were in the best hotel in Jubilife City, courtesy of Mike’s father, and were expected in Sandgem Town by dinner to pick up their starter pokemon. The very idea that a situation like that called for calm and order and not rushing out the door as soon as breakfast was eaten and shoes were on was unthinkable to the two ten-year-olds. They’d been willing to walk there in the dark overnight and all but had to be carried indoors into the nice warm bed that had already been paid for. So it was no surprise that nine’o’clock saw them on the road, with hardly enough time to stop and buy some food and water to keep them for the day, the children chomping at the bit to start their adventure.
“Okay, our options are going to be Piplup, Chimchar, and Turtwig.”
“Oh Piplup, definitely.” As they lead the way down the path, flanked by Elissa and her father’s Luxray, Elena turned a curious look on Mike.
“I’m not surprised, I just don’t know why.” He shrugged.
“Have you seen Empoleon? They’re the most regal pokemon ever.” And he had a legacy to uphold. His grandfather’d had a Polteageist, his father had a Serperior, he couldn’t just get any pokemon. Elena didn’t look convinced by the argument though.
“But Piplup are so… don’t you have enough pride for three people already?” she asked. “Why would you want a pokemon that’s even worse? They don’t eat, you know. They’ll just, refuse to be given food for days on end.” She shook her head. “You should get a Turtwig, they grow food and stuff when they evolve.” As if on cue, he felt a starting pang of hunger, despite having eaten only a short time ago and about his own weight. This did not deter him.
“You sound like my uncle.”
“Your uncle is right.”
“Anyway, Empoleon have one of the best defensive typings and an awesome movepool- if you’re going to be battling you should go for it.”
“Yeah,” Elena countered, “but Torterra’s not a slouch either. It’s just as bulky and it’s a better defensive wall, with about as good a movepool.” She paused to take a sip of water. “It’s what I’m going for. They’re relatively easy to take care of, they’re good battlers and pets, and I really don’t need a pokemon that’s going to get all huffy when I’ve already got you.” Mike took a quick glance around, making sure there were was nobody who wasn’t all but family there to see, before blowing a raspberry at her.
“I do not get huffy.”
“Liar.” He rolled his eyes, pulling a bag of pretzels out of one of Elissa’s pockets. Okay, maybe, she had a point about food-producing pokemon being a good idea. Maybe.
“What about Chimchar,” he asked. “Not easy to get fire-types around here.” Sinnoh wasn’t exactly known for it’s high fire-type population. Ice-types sure, which was part of why he wasn’t too excited about Turtwig, but fire-types, no. Elena just shook her head.
“Actually-” she leaned in, lowering her voice, and Mike did the same “-I’m kinda hoping to get a Flareon. I heard Mr Backlot has some in his garden, and everyone knows he lets trainers catch stuff back there if they ask!” Mike did know that. He also knew, through his father, that Mr Backlot hardly had anything in his garden, actually, and that he just had a handful of whatever random species he wanted brought in from time to time to liven the place up. But he certainly wasn’t going to tell Elena that, not when she clearly had a plan.
The holidays would come and go before they got that far.
“Flareon are cool,” he said instead, and meant it. “I was thinking of getting a Rapidash, or maybe a Drifblim if I can find a Drifloon.”
“Oooo, Drifblim would be useful!”
“A lot of pokemon are useful.” The two jumped as Mr Validus stepped up behind them. “But you shouldn’t be planning so far ahead. Your journey is an adventure, you’re supposed to be seeing what happens.” They gave him a disbelieving look he really should’ve expected, saying something like that to Michael ‘Research Nut’ Morningstar and Elena ‘Future Champion of Sinnoh’ Validus. He shook his head at them. “You’ll see, trust me.” They looked at each other, still clearly not believing, and shrugged.
“If you say so.”
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epic-summaries · 5 years
British LegendsxPokémon - Merlin
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"If any one living is able to execute your commands, Merlin, the prophet of Vortigern, is the man. In my opinion there is not in all your kingdom a person of brighter genius, either in predicting future events, or in mechanical contrivances. Order him to come to you, and exercise his skill in the work which you design."
Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Historia Regum Britanniae Book 8.
I wrote a one shot story and accidentally spoiled all of Merlin’s Pokémon. Then decided not change it.
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Why did they not change Ninetales to fairy type in Gen 6? It’s a wizard! It can curse people. Read the sapphire Pokédex entry: Legend has it that Ninetales came into being when nine wizards possessing sacred powers merged into one. This Pokémon is highly intelligent - it can understand human speech. It’s nine wizard together in one. So that’s why Merlin gets Ninetales.
Merlin was born to a single mother. No one knew who his father was, not even his mother. He was made fun his whole childhood, but he had magic powers. He was discovered using his powers by the local Druid. The local Druid took him in and taught him how to use his powers. When Merlin was ten, it was time to get his first Pokémon, which was Vulpix. He had a friend for the first time. Together they explored the forests and did their Druid Training.
Vulpix waited for become a Ninetales. She slither away from fire stones because she knew she would need to wait when Merlin was read. She decided to evolve on the same day Merlin finished his Druid training. They both evolved together.
Ninetales is very quiet and never moves unless she knows she must. Even as a Vulpix she seemed wiser beyond her years. She actually creeps people out. Children stay away.
Her moveset is Flamethrower, Will O’Wisp, Dark Pulse and Solar Beam.
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Lucario feels like a wizard to me. Yes it based on Ancient Egyptian Boxing and Anubis, but it also controls Auras. And reading his Pokédex entries about him controlling auras and understanding human speech. Yup, he’s a wizard to me.
Riolu was lost. He was a merchant’s Pokémon (think merchant from Alexandria) but there was a crash at sea and Riolu barely made it out alive. He walked around trying to find a trainer. He kept going to people but they were not looking for a Pokémon. But Merlin, using his prophetic powers, foresaw when they would meet. It was the happiest day of Riolu’s life. He found a new home.
And with the power of friendship he evolved into a Lucario.
Lucario is a little sassy and but mostly serious. He later helps Arthur with his training when he becomes King.
Lucario’s moves are Heal Pulse, Close Combat, Extreme Speed and Flash Cannon.
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It’s Merlin, he can have two mega evolution Pokémon.
Okay, yes most of this Pokémon are here because they feel like they would be a wizard’s Pokémon. It predicts disasters.
Merlin found this poor girl when she was trying to warn everyone of the Roman retreat from Britain. Merlin, a new Druid tried to help the people interpret her warnings. He eventually understood her but there was nothing he could do. But Merlin decided to take her in and she was very helpful. He was able to help the town he staying prepare for a Pict attack.
Lucario often uses his aura powers to help Absol.
While counselling Kings, he uses her often to help interpret what they should do next.
Her moves are Night Slash, Psycho Punch, Sucker Punch and Swords Dance.
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May it’s a weird choice. But for me I looked at Torterra and the only one I thought could have tree with an ecosystem on its shell for my Wizard and Druid.
Okay, so I really just imagine Merlin finding a Grotle in the forest protecting forest creatures. It’s not a lack of imagination on my part, it’s kind of Turtwig line’s thing. Also, Merlin is traveling in the forest. They were bound to meet.
Grotle evolves helping a village from an attack. I’m imagining Grotle learning earthquake at the same time.
Grotle and Torterra are the team nice and friendly member, until Dramp joins. He and Dramp are bffs.
His moveset is Earthquake, Giga Drain, Crunch and Stone Edge.
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It’s an only grandpa dragon who likes to play with kids. I saw the excuse to give Drampa away, so I did.
Speaking of Drampa in last one. It was Torterra who first found Drampa. Merlin was teaching some new students. Torterra was let some play on him. However, they didn’t know that a Drampa was nearby. Seeing a bunch of children in one place, Drampa came ready to play. The child had fun, Torterra and Drampa became friends. Then Merlin came and saw this dragon Pokémon. He let Drampa come along.
His moveset is Hyper Voice, Fly, Outrage and Dragon Claw.
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Xatu is magical. It’s like Merlin in TOAFK, it see backwards and forwards.
Merlin finally settled down, he knew he had to be for when Vortigern will need him. So it is time to wait. Here he meets a lovely little lady, Gwendolen. He falls in love. They spend time watching the stars and practicing magic and communing with the mythical Pokémon (mainly Celebi). However something happens and Merlin takes her Natu.
Natu evolves into Xatu right before Arthur becomes king.
Xatu is always just there staring into the abyss. He creeps people out.
Xatu has Future Sight, Air Slash, Confuse Ray and Psychic.
When Merlin is put asleep but Nimue, his Pokémon are with him.
Previous- Gawain
Next- Kings/Gym Leader Part 1
And @cukibola for the absol idea.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
15 Best Pokémon Featured in New Pokémon Snap
There are over 200 Pokémon in New Pokémon Snap, and finding all of them is going to require you to explore every possibility in the long-awaited follow-up to one of the best Pokémon spin-offs ever: 1999’s Pokémon Snap.
Of course, while you may want to take pictures of some Pokémon in New Pokémon Snap because you’re trying to catch (photos of) them all, there are undoubtedly some Pokémon you’ll find yourself endlessly snapping pictures of for the simple fact that you just can’t help but fall for their looks, charms, and undeniably photogenic nature. 
But which Pokémon in the upcoming sequel is the most photogenic of them all? That’s the question we’ll try to answer as we take a look at the best Pokémon in the game on the basis of which are the most camera-ready.
15. Murkrow
You know that feeling when you buy a new hat and someone compliments you on it? With his unique head shape, Murkrow basically lives in that feeling. Bonus points also have to be awarded in this instance for the fact that Murkrow’s witch hat-style dome doubles as a built-in Halloween costume that never goes out of style.
14. Meganium
Yes, Meanium’s spot on this list is really all about the petal. Not since Mr. T introduced suburbia to the stylistic benefits of wearing multiple gold chains has a neck accessory made us look at the mirror and think “my neck could be so much more than the thing that connects my head to my torso.” Then again, who among us could wear it so well? 
13. Liepard
In the Pokémon remake of To Catch a Thief (which, in a just world, would be the crime epic starring the foils to that narc, Detective Pikachu) Liepard would play the Grace Kelly role. Maybe it’s the patches around the eyes or the fact the character could escape a sticky situation quite fast, but there’s something about Liepard’s design that screams “stylish thief” in the best way possible. 
12. Toucannon
Oh sure, Toucannon is really just a Toucan, but don’t sit there and act like that’s somehow not impressive. This bird’s might multi-color horn is a nature photographer’s dream, but it’s that sneer that always seems to grace this Pokémon’s face that lets us all know that he’s aware we want to take pictures of him and, in true supermodel fashion, isn’t about to smile for our benefit. 
11. Bidoof
I’m sorry that Bidoof’s giant buckteeth don’t conform to your traditional standards of beauty. I apologize that this dentist’s nightmare has to constantly gnaw on hard surfaces to keep his monstrous teeth from growing. Pardon me for recognizing that this king of beavers is the kind of Pokémon that can fill the space on your digital camera as you desperately snap pictures of everything it is. 
10. Florges
I’m a little bothered to think that Florges is the kind of Pokémon whose looks help ensure that they could murder someone and get away with it, but I’m not going to sit here and pretend that this won’t be one of the most photogenic Pokémon in New Pokémon Snap. Just be aware that this Pokémon protects beautiful gardens, so if you get too close to one, there’s a not-small chance they will murder you and get away with it. 
9. Hoothoot
It’s a small crime that Hoothoot’s eyes get smaller as the Pokémon evolves. I suspect its eyes are a defensive mechanic designed to protect it from predators while it’s young, but those eyes do nothing to protect it from the gaze of wandering photographers. While the fact that Hoothoot cries and tilts its head in rhythm at the same time every day doesn’t technically impact its rating on this list, I can guarantee you it doesn’t hurt. 
8. Lapras
One of the original Pokémon remains among the series’ most photogenic creations all these years later. Lapras size and imposing stature made it feel like a legendary Pokémon before we even knew there were legendary Pokémon. Watching one emerge from the water was a Kodak moment in the original Pokémon Snap, and it seems like the perfect picture of this creature will be just as momentous in the new game. 
7. Stoutland
Coming to you from out of left field is a little love for Stoutland. While not necessarily one of the Pokémon that you think about when you start thinking of the Pokémon you can’t wait to take pictures of in New Pokemon Snap, this creature’s giant mustache, canine-like features, and wise nature make it a stealth star of some truly great photos. I’m a little worried that the fact its social status is partially determined by the length of its mustache secretly means it’s secretly a 2012 hipster, but Stoutland is hard to hate. 
6. Comfey
Comfey’s colors will surely draw any photographer’s eye, but the thing that really impresses me about this Pokémon is the idea that it could have starred in a direct-to-video ‘80s Japanese ghost movie that you rented from Blockbuster based on the absurdity of its cover. I don’t truly trust this flower spirit, but I do respect it and suspect I’ll end up taking quite a few pictures of it even if it is out of some kind of Fatal Frame-like defensive instinct. 
5. Primarina
Maybe Primarina is clearly designed to grab your attention, but when you’re talking about photogenic Pokémon, it’s hard to ignore the creature that looks like it’s constantly ready to walk the red carpet. Bonus points in this instance are awarded to Primarina’s operatic attacks which are not only appropriately theatrical for a game about photography but remind us that the sweetest revenge of all is taking someone to the opera. 
4. Sobble
Yeah, Sobble is cute, but most Pokémon are. The real draw of this creature in New Pokémon Snap is its camouflage abilities which should ensure that taking a truly great picture of Sobble will require a little more work. Yes, they also mean that Sobble is pretty much the Predator of the Pokémon universe, but since it’s never done any harm to Carl Weathers so far as I’m aware, I hold no grudges against it. 
3. Torterra
If you were expecting this list to end without a shoutout to the Pokémon that practically carries the world on its shoulders, you were tragically mistaken. Yes, this 700 lbs of awesome creature is largely immobile, but who among us can cast the first stone on that one? As the Detective Pikachu movie proved, Torterra looks great on-screen and should still the show in many New Pokémon Snap photos.
2. Sawsbuck 
Due respect to Eevee, but when you’re talking about photogenic Pokémon with evolving looks, then it’s hard to beat Sawsbuck. As a Pokémon whose looks change with the seasons, Sawsbuck is the rare creature in these games that actually updates its fashion over the course of the year. It’s called style, folks, and Sawsbuck has it. Now, we just need to see how Sawsbuck’s looks change in New Pokémon Snap…
1. Pichu
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I remember fans debating whether or not Pichu was just a cheap Pikachu cash-in when the creature was first revealed. All these years later, though, it’s clear that Pichu is like when Batman gets a new suit in the movies. Was the decision partially inspired by someone’s desire to sell additional toys without needing to come up with a new design? Absolutely, but I still want one. 
The post 15 Best Pokémon Featured in New Pokémon Snap appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3aOiJKd
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nqam-official-blog · 7 years
Finally finished the next chapter here you go.
Chapter 3: Victory is Sweet, but Revenge is Sweeter
    "Where is it? It can't be gone, no, I had it this morning, where did I-"
    "Dip-dop, can you please stop acting so weird? You're driving me a bit crazy here with your constant talking and walking up and down", Mabel interrupted her brother's mumbling. She was currently making some Poké Puffs for their Pokemon but her brother's behavior was more than a bit annoying when she was trying to concentrate.
    "You don't understand, Mabel! It's gone !"
    "What’s gone?"
    "My journal!"
    "So what?", she sighed.
    Dipper couldn't believe his sister. Why couldn't she understand how terrible that was?! His journal was filled with everything he knew, four whole years of labor and adventures just gone! He took a deep breath. Calm down, he told himself. Don't panic, you will find it.
    He decided to go through his day once again. They arrived in Gravity Falls, went to the optometrist, returned home and he made lunch. He was sure he still had the journal while he made lunch. He knew he hadn't just left it lying around somewhere, he wasn't stupid or that careless.
    What did he do after they ate? Right, he walked into the forest with Zoroark and they helped out a Shaymin while Bill was being the usual annoying-
    Of course, how could he have not realized that earlier?! Oh, it was all too obvious now, Bill had the journal! He stole it!
    "I'm out again!", he announced and grabbed his bag. He needed his journal back now .
    "Already? You just came back", Stan voiced, surprised.
    "Yes, Bill has my journal, I need it back!"
    "Bill? The triangle freak you always fight with?"
    "Yes! Now, excuse me, I have to find it."
    Dipper was already starting to walk out of the room, set on giving Bill a piece of his mind before Stan stopped him.
    "Kid, I know that journal is important to you but I have something even more important here!"
    Then he pulled out some flier seemingly out of nowhere and held it right in Dipper's face. The brunet took a step back. What could be more important than getting his journal back?
    "What is that?", Mabel asked while adding some berries to her dough.
    "This is our new TV! The Northwests are housing a tournament and the prize money is 2500 dollars! I've been hoping you two would get back in time for it!"
    Dipper stared at their Grunkle. He couldn't believe it! A tournament was supposed to be more important than his journal?!
    "Why don't you go and fight in it yourself, then, instead of using us to make money!?"
    "Kid, these bones are old and my Pokemon's aren't much younger. I could die of a heart attack while fighting out there."
    That was a lie. Stanley Pines was one of the fittest old men, if not the fittest old man, Dipper knew. It probably came from all the running from the law.
    "A tournament? Oh, that's going to be so much fun! I've been waiting for some good fights for ages!", Mabel cheered.
    "You could always fight against me."
    "Sure, but you're never there. Always out, writing in that journal."
    "Exactly, and that's why I need it back right now! I've put too much work into it to lose it!"
    "Gravity Falls is small, it will come back to you in no time."
    Dipper growled in frustration. Why didn't they get how important this is to him?! If Mabel lost her knitting equipment both Stan and himself would help her find them again. But his journal, filled with his knowledge of legendaries and some blueprints and designs for some inventions, and YEARS of work, was deemed unimportant. Dipper clenched his hands into fists, fuming in anger, teeth clenched tightly together. Stan and Mabel, though, both seemed oblivious to Dipper’s anger.
    “So, when and where exactly is this taking place? Dip and I can’t fight in it if we can’t get there on time!” Mabel cheered happily.
    “Who said I was going to fight in it!? I need to find my journal!” Dipper hollered with a glare.
    “DipDop, you can find your journal LATER! Grunkle Stan needs the money, and if we BOTH enter, it's more likely we can win!”
    “Gah! Why can’t you-”
    “Kid, just go to the tournament. That journal of yours will turn up sooner or later, just like your sister said. And if not, you can use some of the earnings to buy you a new journal. It’s no big deal.”
    Dipper glared but finally gritted out “Fine. I’ll go to the stupid tournament.” Though he sure as hell wouldn’t do it for Stan… actually, this could be a great way to get back at the two for not helping him find his journal. After all, it wasn’t the journal in itself he wanted back, but the content IN it. Simply buying a new journal wouldn’t do ANYTHING for him, he would have still lost all his hard work, all of his information and inventions.
    "Tournament! Tournament! We're so going to win this!", Mabel cheered.
    Dipper rolled his eyes. "I'm going upstairs." Before quickly marching away, blocking out Mabel’s cheers. Once upstairs, he quickly set to work. He had vengeance to plan, after all. Never let it be said Dipper Pines was not a vindictive person. He knew very well he was. Revenge was underrated and so so sweet, and Dipper felt there was some vengeance needed against his family. If they were going to act like his issues and hard work wasn’t important, then they needed some payback. And what better way to do so than through Grunkle Stan’s greed?
    It didn’t take long for Dipper to have the perfect plan. It would look like an accident, not something done purposefully, but hit home nonetheless. He hummed and quickly headed back down and hollered “Since I’m being forced into this anyways, I’m going out to get my Pokemon ready for this!” He didn’t wait for any replies before slipping out, and partially into the woods surrounding the shack.
    Once he felt like Mabel and Stan wouldn’t be able to find him even if they looked, he quickly set about bringing out all his Pokemon and informing them of his plan. Some seemed upset over having to do this, simply because of their pride, but there were those that hopped on the plan, ready to help their trainer get revenge, even at the cost of their own pride. Dipper grinned, this was going to be a piece of cake.
    "Come on, hurry! We don't wanna be late!"
    "I heard that Pacifica Northwest herself is going to participate!" "No way!"
    "Dragon is the best type!" "No!" "Yes!"
    Bill rolled his eyes. That was why he despised social gatherings, half of all the humans were stupid, most were annoying and only a small percent were decent and useful. For those few, he was at this tournament today. The young man hoped to find some good fighters that he could win over for his plans. Maybe they'd be smart too. That would be so much more useful. He already had enough mindless underlings and his group of researcher could use a bit more support.
    He made his way through the mass of people until he got to the makeshift battleground. It was surprisingly small considering all of this was organized by the Northwests. On the other hand, Gravity Falls was a small town. The few rows of chairs were enough, nevertheless, they held a certain standard. Not just plastic chairs, that would be below the Northwests.  Bill searched for a good seat, found one directly in the front row. Shortly after Preston Northwest made an announcement.
    How happy he was to see so many visitors here, and that so many Pokemon Trainers had signed up, the rules, three Pokemon, first to lose, blahblahblah. Uninteresting and fake. The man kept talking for another ten minutes.
    Bill hummed when he finally announced the first battle. The first name was unknown to Bill. Something like Mirror? He wasn’t sure. Nonetheless, the second name mentioned quickly caught his attention.
    “Pine Tree’s here?” Bill was excited. It was always interesting to watch Pine Tree fight. He now had an assurance his trip wasn’t a waste at least, as well. He hadn't read all of the teen's journal yet but what he had already read was very interesting, and very promising.
    The teen started with his Torterra while his opponent chose a Charmeleon.  Grass against fire, Dipper would clearly have a harder time.
    "Begin!", Preston called.
    "Charmeleon, use Fire Fang, quick!", the trainer shouted and the Pokemon ran up to the Torterra who was too slow to move and got bitten in its front leg.
   "Now, Em-"
    "Torterra, Leaf Storm!", Dipper called.
    The attack pushed the Charmeleon back, a critical hit too. But the fire Pokemon stood up again not willing to go down like that. It started another attack but the Torterra's Giga Drain was too much for it, and the Charmeleon fainted.
    “You did well”, the trainer said and called the Pokemon back.
    “Delphox, your turn!”
    A Delphox? A fire Pokemon against Pine Tree's grass type one. Bill grinned. This fight was bound to be interesting.The brunette teen didn't even hesitate and directly let his Torterra attack."Earthquake!"
    The ground started shaking and Bill was pretty happy he didn't stand where the Delphox did. He had been hit with that attack before, Dipper's Torterra's Earthquake could be rather cruel. Nevertheless, the Delphox held its own and attacked with Mythical Fire directly followed by Ember and various other fire type attacks. No matter Torterra's strength, the grass Pokemon was defeated through the several burns it suffered. With a proud smile, Pine Tree called his Torterra back. Bill had yet to see a time where the other wasn't proud of his Pokemon. Then he threw the next Pokeball.
    "Malamar, time to fight!"
    Determined the Pokemon took its stand on the battlefield holding his head high. That was a surprise, seemed like the young and easily frightened Inkay had evolved.
    "Use Toxic!", Dipper interrupted the other trainer.
    Quick the dark Pokemon came close to the already exhausted Delphox and poisoned the fire type. After that, it was a fairly quick battle. The Pokemon exchanged a few blows until the Delphox admitted defeat. Its trainer called it back and an Amaura took over that side of the battlefield.
    "Only one Pokemon left on Mir's side! If the Amaura loses, the victory will go to Dipper!", some moderator announced unnecessarily. It was obvious after all. It had absolutely no effect- Bill grimaced. The Amaura was shaking like a leaf and constantly looking around at all the people watching. Oh, dear. Seemed like it hadn't fought very often yet. A clear advantage for Pine Tree who directly made use of it. While the Amaura was still looking around, Dipper and his Malmar take the chance and attack.
    "Hyper Beam!"
    The Malmar's attack landed a direct hit, the damage done to the Amaura wouldn't be light. It would be a wonder if it could stand up again at all.
    As predicted the Pokemon laid defeated on the ground. It raised its head just once more but didn't manage to hold it up high.
    "Victory goes to Dipper Pines!", the judge called while both Pokemon were called back.
    The trainers shook each other's hand and, if Bill wasn't mistaken, Dipper and the other one had a quick talk before both left the battlefield.
    Bill was about ready to be bored again before another surprise hit him. Seems Shooting Star was the next up to battle, with a girl named Maki or something? Bill didn’t really care, he was just interested to see Shooting Star fight. It was a bit of a rarity for Bill to see.
    Bill smiled as Shooting Star called out her Milotic first, seems she finally got that Feebas to evolve then. He was wondering why she was struggling with that Pokemon for so long, seems her effort paid out. The other girl quickly brought out a very confident looking Leafeon. Bill chuckled, seems that Shooting Star had the disadvantage this time just like Pine Tree.
    The announcer once again called the match to start, and the two girls quickly got started.
    “Leafeon, Sunny Day!” Leafeon quickly followed the order, raising his head to the sky, eyes glowing bright white, the white engulfing the dark green wisp on his head, and soon a beam shot into the sky, making the sun brighter and chasing away any clouds around the battlefield. Bill had to admit, with what he knew of this Pokemon, that was a smart move. One way or another, the sunlight would provide a huge boost for the Pokemon depending on which ability the Leafeon may have, add in it weakens water types, well this move could seal Shooting Stars fate.
    Mabel quickly retaliated “Milotic, use Aqua Ring!” The Pokemon was quickly surrounded by three rings of water.
    “Leafeon, Solar Beam!” Bill whistled, that was a big one. No wonder the trainer had Sunny Day setup first, removes the whole charging issue. If that hit, there was a huge probability Milotic would be down.
    “Dodge, then use Ice Beam!” Milotic quickly avoided the attack, barely being grazed by the intense beam of sunlight, before firing its own attack. Leafeon cried out as it was hit, sending it back a few paces.
    “Leafeon!” The fox Pokemon quickly scrambled up, obviously worse for wear from the super-effective attack, while Milotic healed what little damage she had obtained from the Solar Beam. Leafeon quickly looked at his owner with a weak grin, before turning back to the battle, seeming very determined. The girl seemed a bit relieved that her Pokemon was still going before she quickly commanded him to use Leaf Blade.
    From there it was rather quick, Leaf Blade did a great deal of damage to Milotic, but Shooting Star quickly got revenge with a quick Disarming Voice, knocking out the already weak Pokemon.
    The trainer seemed upset at the loss of her Pokemon but quickly returned Leafeon, before calling out a Ninetails. Bill wasn’t sure why she’d go with a Pokemon with a type disadvantage, but it made things interesting. Shooting Star was obviously excited, bouncing on the heels of her feet and grinning.
    “Ninetails, Solar Beam!” It was obvious Mabel was not expecting the attack, Milotic was hit and quickly went down. Mabel seemed to deflate a bit from this but quickly came back to her excitement.
    “Great job, Milotic! Sylveon, let's finish this!” Bill was starting to realize that the other trainer might have an obsession with foxes when her eyes lit up as soon as Shooting Star’s Sylveon came out, she also might have quietly squee’d but Bill couldn’t hear very well from here. Well now that Bill thought of it, so far all of her Pokemon have been foxes, and now that he was paying a little more attention he also realized she was wearing clothing designed to look like fox tails and a headband with fox ears. Well… he knew some trainers had a theme but Bill was thinking this might be a little much.
    The battle picked up quickly though. The other trainer did a Will-O-Wisp/Hex combo doing quite a bit of damage to Sylveon, but Mabel used a Draining Kiss that helped heal Sylveon a bit, then a Shadow Ball. The two Pokemon exchanged a few more blows, before Sylveon finished up with a Psyshock attack, causing Ninetails to faint. Once again the trainer seemed very disheartened her Pokemon fainted, but soon she sent out her next Pokemon. And once again it held to her theme.
    “Umbreon, I’m counting on you!”
    “Trainer Aki is down to 1 last Pokemon, if Umbreon faints, the win will go to Mabel Pines!”
     The battle was a lot quicker this time around. Umbreon tried a Psychic attack, but Sylveon avoided it, and a quick Moonblast had Umbreon almost down for the count. Sheer force of will kept the Pokemon standing, and the trainer seemed very worried for her Pokemon. Umbreon used Moonlight, healing a bit of her health, but Sylveon soon took Umbreon down with another Draining Kiss.
    “Umbreon is unable to battle, victory goes to Mabel Pines!” The other trainer groaned in defeat before carefully going to her Umbreon. She whispered something Bill couldn’t make out, at all, but by the smile on the Pokemon’s face, before she was returned, Bill guessed it was reassuring. Shooting Star proceeded to shake the girl's hand, they exchanged congratulations and good battles, and had a small chat, before departing.
    The following battles were a little boring, no one else could quite catch Bill’s interest like Pine Tree and Shooting Star. So he mostly zoned out thinking of plans until he heard one of the twins names called, only paying mild attention to the other battles, enough to know that none of the others participating really interested him.
    It was in the semi-finals that things really picked up, and Bill was getting excited. He would honestly love to see a battle between the twins, and Shooting Star was up against Bud Gleeful, Bill was amazed Bud even made it this far. That man couldn’t beat a Magikarp with a Zapdos. Though Bill did have suspicions since he didn’t recognize many of the man's Pokemon as his. Perhaps he was borrowing from someone who can ACTUALLY raise Pokemon. One way or another, Bill was sure this would be an easy win for Shooting Star.
    Bill settled back to watch the fight and was unsurprised when Shooting Star quickly took down Bud’s Slowbro. But soon Bud brought out one of the Pokemon Bill didn’t recognize Bud having before, after all, he was pretty sure Bud only had what most would consider ‘lazy’ Pokemon. Those that were known more for sleeping and slacking off than fighting. And while some of them could be heavy hitters, or even have high defenses, it was usually a pain to get them to put much effort into a battle. But no, this Pokemon was not like Bud’s usual Pokemon, it was a Seviper, and a strong looking one at that, much stronger than Bud’s Pokemon looked. But still, if this was Bud, Shooting Star shouldn’t have many issues.
    But as the battle wore on, it seemed Shooting Star was slowly losing, and Bill didn’t know how this was possible. This was Bud, and even if this wasn’t his Pokemon, Shooting Star should be able to easily wipe the floor with him. But it took two of Shooting Star’s Pokemon to take out the Seviper, and then the last one fell to a Krookodile, another Pokemon Bill did not recognize as Bud’s. Bill was dumbstruck of how this could happen. How did Shooting Star loose to Bud Gleeful of all people? It didn’t make any sense. But, nonetheless, Shooting Star was nothing but cordial to Bud, congratulating him on his win and moving off to heal her Pokemon.
    Bill sighed, that was a bit of a disappointment. He was really looking forward to Pine Tree and Shooting Star fighting each other. But he did still get to look forward to watching Pine Tree wipe the floor with his next opponent, and then Bud. Bill grinned at that thought.
    Bill fully zoned in again as soon as the battle was announced, Pine Tree versus Stitched Heart. He was sure this would be amusing, after all, Pine Tree and Stitched Heart still had a bit of a rivalry now, even if neither of them was after Red anymore, and had even become something similar to friends. Whenever they battled though, it got serious, as if they had to prove they were better than the other. Too bad for Stitched Heart’s pride it was usually Pine Tree that won.
    Stitched Heart and Pine Tree exchanged a few words before they sent out their first Pokemon. Stitched Heat sent out Luxray, and Pine Tree sent out Torterra, making Bill have to suppress bursting into laughter. The look on Stitched Heart’s face was one of resignation. It was obvious Pine Tree wasn’t playing around today if he was STARTING with the terror that was Torterra against the primarily electric type trainer, well ⅔ Pokemon were electric so it counted.
    With that the battle was quick. Luxray used Take Down, and while the attack did some decent damage against Torterra, it also damaged Luxray. Pine Tree then had Torterra use Earthquake, lifting his front two feet off the ground and slamming back down causing a crack to head straight for Luxray and for the ground to shake roughly, sending some unprepared saps in the front rows to fall over backward. Luxray went down in one hit, causing Stitched Heart to groan.
    “Oh come ON!”
    Pine Tree very obviously sneered at the exasperated man, snickering. Robbie just groaned again and sent out his next Pokemon, Absol.
    Stitched Heart quickly ordered Absol to use Perish Song, which she obeyed in a snap. Absol sang a dark song, crimson waves coming out of her mouth obviously hurting both her and Torterra. Bill whistled lowly. Both Pokemon were due to faint in just a few turns from that move. Pine Tree cursed before quickly ordering Torterra to use Giga Drain, healing most of the damage from Luxray’s Take Down. Absol then used Future Sight, causing her eyes to glow light blue for a minute, and Absol looked in a direction that Torterra was not currently in before the glow faded.
    Torterra proceeds to use Wood Hammer, knocking Absol out but dealing a good bit of damage to Torterra as well. Stitched Heart curses before sending out his Raichu, his last Pokemon.
    “Trainer Robbie is down to 1 last Pokemon, if Raichu faints, the win will go to Dipper Pines!” The announcer needlessly calls, causing quite a few groans to resound through the stadium. His little notification got repetitive after the second battle. Pine Tree and Stitched Heart just ignored it though and continued the battle.
    Stitched Heart had Raichu use Reversal, dealing minor damage to Torterra. Torterra countered with another Earthquake, Bill was a little saddened to see the meat sacks in the front rows were more prepared this time and didn’t fall again, causing Raichu to faint, only for red static to surround Torterra right after and caused him to faint very soon afterwards, Perish Song having finally taken full effect. The announcer blinked a bit confused for a second before calling;
   “Both Torterra and Raichu are unable to battle, victory goes to Dipper Pines!” Causing applause to break out.
    Stitched Heart very audibly cursed afterward, causing many parents to cover their children's ears.
    “Arceus Dammit! That wasn’t even a fair fight! You didn’t even give me a fucking CHANCE! Just sent out that motherfucking Behemoth first!” Stitched Heart ranted stomping towards Pine Tree.
    Pine Tree very visibly rolled his eyes before saying, not as loud as Stitched Heart but still very audibly, “Oh stuff it, Robbie. I won fair and square, you’re just being a sore loser like always. So suck it up and let's get our Pokemon healed so I can finish this stupid ass Tournament.”
    Robbie let out a screech of very visible rage before flipping Pine Tree off and stalking off, hands in his pocket and posture slouched. Pine Tree threw his hands up in exasperation before marching off himself, though a smile was visible on his face even at the distance Bill was at. Bill just rolled his eye at the dramatics before excitedly awaiting the next battle. He couldn’t wait to see Pine Tree kick Bud’s gleeful ass. Bill snickered quietly at his own pun on that thought, kinda sad he couldn’t share it.
    It was a few minutes before the final match, Pine Tree obviously taking a bit to get his Pokemon fully healed, but finally both were standing on the field, Bud smiling cheerfully, and Pine Tree looking for all intents and purposes bored out of his mind, and the match was called.
    “Our final match is between Bud Gleeful and Dipper Pines. Like the last matches, both may use up to three Pokemon, the battle ends when all three are unable to battle. No substitutions are allowed during this match. With that, let the battle begin!”
    As the announcer called for the battle to begin, both Pine Tree and Bud quickly called out their first Pokemon. Pine Tree sending out Malamar, and Bud sending out his Slowbro. Bill almost giggled in giddy excitement, this battle would be so easy for Pine Tree. Already he had a type advantage on Slowbro, let alone Bill knew for a fact this Pokemon was weak, it’s one he recognized as Bud’s own. There was a quick exchange of attacks, both deciding to inflict status effects first turn. Slowbro used yawn, and Malamar used Toxic. On the turn, before Malamar would fall asleep, he followed with a quick Foul Play, doing quite a bit of damage to the Slowbro simply for the fact of type advantage. Bud was able to whittle down Malamar’s HP while he slept, but soon Slowbro was running on obvious fumes from the Toxic poisoning. Slowbro pulled a final Water Pulse, before fainting from poison damage.
    Malamar seemed to barely withstand the attack, waking up and looking a bit droopy. Pine Tree still had an almost stoic and bored look on his face though, as he waited on Bud’s next Pokemon. Bud hummed a little before quickly recalling Slowbro, sending out the Seviper from earlier. It only took a quick Poison Jab from the snake Pokemon to take down Pine Tree’s Malamar. Pine Tree seemed to sigh, almost overly theatrically, before sending out his Torterra. Bill narrowed his eyes in thought, something was up here, he could just feel it.
    Another series of blows were exchanged, only for Torterra to faint before Seviper. Bill bit his lip, that can’t be quite right, Seviper may be well set against the partly poison type, and oddly strong for Bud, but Torterra was a beast. Bill quickly glanced at Pine Tree as he recalled his faithful starter, he seemed to be frowning in disappointment but… something in his eyes just screamed amusement, as if a plan was going right. What was Pine Tree planning?
    Soon Bill’s rival quickly tossed out his final Pokemon, not surprisingly it was his Zoroark. The faithful fox cooed happily at being in a battle, and the battle resumed after another announcement from the announcer. Zoroark seemed to be rather expertly dodging most attacks, while quickly knocking down Seviper’s health. Now that seemed a lot more normal, the fox Pokemon being both fast and quite strong, as well as tricky. Soon Seviper was down for the count, and Bud sent out his final Pokemon, the Krookodile from before. Bill was on the edge of his seat, watching the battle closely. It seemed to be a rather close battle, but Krookodile was seeming quite exhausted, and it almost seemed like Pine Tree would still pull a win. But…
    Bud called his next attack, Krookodile charging forward with a Foul Play, really that shouldn’t do overly much damage to Zoroark due to being the same type but… Bill watched the attack hit, and Zoroark stumbles back. He caught the Pokemon shooting a quick glance to Pine Tree, who seemed to barely nod, before the fox quickly swayed, and with a cry collapsed, fainted. A wave of cheers flooded the stadium, but Bill furrowed his eyebrows. That didn’t seem right, Zoroark should have been still standing after that attack. Bill knew the strength of Pine Tree’s Pokemon well, and that battle was lost to conveniently for Bill’s taste. Something was definitely wrong there.
    The battle was quickly called, Bud declared the winner, and gifted the check for $2,500, as Pine Tree congratulated the old, weak, trainer. Bill watched Pine Tree quickly stalk off to most likely heal his Pokemon, his single eye following the trainer until he walked out of sight. Bill barely stayed in his seat for the ending ceremony, replaying that battle over and over while calculating what he knew about Pine Tree’s strengths. Finally, the ceremony shit was over, and people were free to start leaving without question.
    Bill quickly got up from his seat and ran through the crowd. He wanted to get to Dipper before the other's family could get to the brunet. He passed trainers and their Pokemon, nearly running some kid over in his haste. Pine Tree had to still be nearby, and Bill needed to talk to him. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer on talking… or his offer.
    Bill barely picked up a snatch of conversation as he blazed past two familiar looking trainers, barely registering they were the two that battled the twins in the beginning.
    “Miiirrrr, I can’t believe we lost.” Fox girl whined.
    “It WAS inevitable!” The other replied.
    “Yeah but it’s our stor…”
    And Bill was already out of hearing range, not really caring. He was not going to have Pine Tree vanish on him because he was being slow. Finally, he rounded a corner, catching sight of the teen he was looking for.
    “Pine Tree! There you are, hold up!” Bill called, grinning now. Pine Tree quickly turned around a scowl already on his face.
    "What do you want, Bill?"
    "Nothing, nothing! Just here to congratulate you on your victories! Even if you did lose in the end!", he exclaimed, maybe a bit too cheerfully.
     " You want to congratulate me ?" Pine Tree raised one eyebrow. "Forgive me if I don't believe that."
    "You should, it is true after all. And on top of that, I have an offer for you!"
    “An offer”, the other repeated with the same skeptical voice as before. Bill was starting to get a bit annoyed.
    “Yes, an offer Pine Tree. A very good one too. You see, I run an organization, and I want you to join it.”
    "And what is this organization about?"
    "We research Pokemon and want to make the world a better place."
    “Why do I have a hard time believing that's all you do?”
    “Now Pine Tree, don’t be so suspicious! Honestly, we research Pokemon, especially legendaries, and it's all to make a world where the weak are protected by the strong, not pushed around and suppressed. And wouldn’t that be nice? A world where orphans are actually well taken care of and adopted, where the homeless are offered shelter and food, no more neglect, no more abuse, and even if there is it's handled better. Where anyone can point out injustice and it will be fairly dealt with, not just ignored.” Bill rambled out the very simple version of his plan, so caught up in explaining he didn’t note the flash of surprise during his spiel. By the time he was paying attention fully again, Pine Tree was back to glaring at him.
    “... Even if I do fully believe that is all, Cipher, why do you want me? It’s not like we’re friends or something.”
    Bill grinned slyly, fishing out the journal Pine Tree dropped. “Well, quite frankly, while we’re not friends. You are a strong battler and…” He finally offered the journal to Pine Tree, whose eyes widened in surprise, before narrowing again and quickly snatching it back while Bill continued as if he didn’t do so. “You’re obviously quite smart. I have enough battlers, but I need more brains, and it seems you fit the description Pine Tree!”
    “So… you stole-”
    “Found, Pine Tree, I found it lying on the ground in the middle of the forest.” Bill quickly corrected, still grinning smugly.
    Pine Tree made a sound similar to a growl before continuing “STOLE since you didn’t think to RETURN IT and knew it was mine! Nonetheless, you stole it and read it and decided you needed more brains on your team?”
    Bill’s eye twitched a little, and his grin turned a bit more strained, but he said “More or less, well I didn’t read it so much as pick up bits and pieces because your handwriting is atrocious, but anyways. Yes, that is more or less what happened.”
    Pine Tree sighed in exasperation before tucking his Journal away. “... Are there any benefits to this? Pay? Is it really as positive as it sounds?”
    Bill’s grin returned back into full beam and he cheerily said “I didn’t say a word that was a lie Pine Tree!~ And I do pay, yes, and on top of that think of all the info you will gain, it’ll be fun~” Bill finally offered his hand to the teen, eye twinkling in excitement.
    “So, what do you say Pine Tree? Want to join?”
    A white haired teen grinned as he went over the information he had gained, eyes glittering with barely concealed malice. “While I’ll be, it seems we now know what dear William’s plans are, don’t we?” He drawled with a rather heavy southern accent. He quickly got up, motioning for his lackeys. “Prepare for an attack! We’re gonna be HEROES soon as we stop this evil organization!” He called in excitement. There was a resounding cheer as they all quickly headed out to prepare. The teen quickly sat back down grinning.
    “I’ll end this quickly, and maybe then my sweet sugah pea will fall in love with me then.” He giggled eerily, as he gazed at a stolen photograph of a teen girl with brown eyes and hair.
Rarex vtcnhi ovd v thidrfbritr, rari nq xhb shi'c drr nc xrc…
A/N: Hello, everyone! I’m very sorry this chapter took so long, but as a note of warning for the future, I suck at keeping a good schedule on updates. Especially since I’m in college now. On another, slightly sadder note, there is a good probability this will be the last chapter truly co-written by Mir and myself. This is still very much a story we made together, and it will always be, but when it comes down to the actual writing of it… well Mir kind of fell out of the BillDip fandom, and I can see why. I did the same for awhile. BUT I’m going to try to keep this fic going! And if Mir doesn’t mind perhaps they’ll still read through or give me ideas! But from here on out there is a good chance it will just be me writing this.
Now! The cipher at the end… your hint is it’s quite simple. 2 different very simple ciphers. Extra hint number two: Solve for X! (16-x)/sqrt(x)=6
Thanks for reading! ~Aki
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