#and fixer was his favorite XD
Requesting non-romantic headcanons of the four Weston dorms (separate) having a student in their house that's the go-to inventor and fixer, who always has their head in the clouds about the next thing to make
They fix and make things just fine, it's just the process of making and testing that cause messes in the dorm
Like Violet having to deal with the fact this is the second time they've broken an important pipe, or Greenhill with broken windows after some automatic ball-throwing thingy-majig meant to help them with cricket practice (to be fair, Midford did ask for it) wouldn't turn off
bahahaha this is so good! poor boys XD
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Well, it’s sort of like a problem for the dorms, of course. Does he care as much? Hmm… no, not really. Until it starts to directly affect him (here meaning affecting his frequent naps), he doesn’t pay (Name) too much thought. Most of the issues, Edgar tends to sleep through and leave for others.
Most of the time, he leaves all the problems that this person causes to Maurice to sort out. Either him or Joanne, depending on who happens to be available. … It usually falls to Maurice given that he has more of a backbone than Joanne. Edgar essentially shrugs and says, “Cole, take care of it, won’t you?” rather than deal with it himself. It’s half legitimate depression making it difficult for him to actually do things, and half him just being lazy and not feeling like doing things.
About the time that (Name) ‘fixes’ Edgar’s favorite sofa by replacing it with one they made which is too soft and completely swallows him when he sinks into it, that’s when he starts getting involved. They can’t mess with his sleep schedule like this and just think it’s going to be fine! He tries to convince them to stop, threatening Y’s if they don’t at least stop… fixing… things that he frequently uses.
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As bothersome as the whole thing is, Gregory is at least more proactive than Edgar in the same situation. While he tries not to be harsh, he doesn’t pull punches in reminding (Name) that, well, they’ve broken the pipe, so they need to fix it now. (Both times, in fact.) He keeps reminding them until it gets done.
If nothing else, he has the honor to not send Cheslock to do his dirty work. Cheslock just gets sent on errands to fetch things. Gregory wants so badly to simply ban (Name) from doing any testing in their dorm. He’s not very diplomatic, either, struggling to find the right way to say, “Listen, I appreciate your fixing things round here, but you have to be more careful not to break other things while you’re fixing the first thing, alright?”
The broken pipes are, quite honestly, the biggest headache that he has to deal with. Being that Violet Wolf is full of artists of all kinds, the dorms are filled with instruments and projects. Any of them getting ruined is more complicated than having to replace books which are already in circulation or sports equipment that wears out quickly. It’s a blow to one’s creativity. And water damage is spectacularly effective in destroying art, writing, and musical instruments. (Name) has to learn how to be more careful in general, but especially he needs them to not break any more pipes lest they want to also break artists’ hearts.
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Is potentially the most frustrated by it than his friends would be. Though anyone who had to deal with it would be irritated, Herman has to try extra hard not to let his temper get the best of him. He knows that (Name) is just trying to be of service, which is admirable… so why does it get under his skin so much?? Because they’ve been told multiple times to be more careful and it feels like they just aren’t listening? Dammit. He knows they don’t mean to be so spacey…
At first he’s quite happy to have someone inventing things which will help him and the rest of the house improve their game. He even encourages it. Sports and cricket in particular are something he’s passionate about, so he’s excited to see what they come up with. Until they come up with a machine — at Edward’s request — that pitches balls and happens to also break windows. Clearly things have gone sideways, so he’s fast in getting (Name) to not make any more sports inventions.
He’s so disheartened by the broken windows. They’re a gigantic pain in the rear to fix, and it often means a day or two wasted in replacing the glass depending on how many were broken. In the meantime, the dorm is exposed to cold, rain/snow, or blistering heat, as well as insects. There’s not much help from anyone else because of the house rivalries. So he absolutely recruits (Name) in helping fix it; it’s at least half their fault and half Edward’s for the initial suggestion, so neither of those two are getting out of helping with repairs. And Herman will gladly crack the metaphorical whip if he needs to.
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Good Lord, can he have no rest at all? No? Fine, then. He’s endlessly aggravated by the whole situation, but he tries very hard to keep his composure. Lawrence can at least appreciate the intelligence of a scientific mind such as (Name)’s, so he attempts to nurture that. Of course, that’s incredibly hard to do when they keep causing trouble in the dorm despite not meaning to.
He’s another one who might send his fag to deal with this if he’s a bit too busy to do it himself. (Though as opposed to Edgar, Lawrence does so not because of depression or laziness, rather because he genuinely is quite busy with studies and extracurriculars.) Clayton has a sadistic streak which Lawrence finds useful in firmly reminding (Name) that they have something to clean up or that Lawrence needs them to not tinker around with something in a certain area today.
More exhausting than anything is if he has to keep replacing books thanks to (Name)’s inventions. It’s not uncommon that their experiments and projects will end up accidentally tearing apart books entirely or shredding pages or destroying them in some other fashion. Lawrence’s respect for the written word and pride in his dorm’s personal book collection can’t take much more of this! Not to mention that the books are often required for coursework, so it legitimately hurts everyone’s marks. Isn’t (Name) at all bothered by this???
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TAGGED BY: snatched from dash TAGGING: @x-brokencrowns​​  @alxnetxgether​​  @harttoheart​​  @eternclsky​​  @heretoboogie​​  @nanlanmo​​  @writingxthexsilence​​  @brokenblondeprincess​​  @latinverbis​  @kingdom-of-vanity​  @paddyfuck​​​​
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                                          ✧・゚    𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄.  
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★  ⸻  BASICS
NAME: Raffael Dolan  NICKNAME(S): Rafe  AGE: 29-34  SPECIES: Human
MORALITY: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / gray / evil RELIGIOUS BELIEF: Protestant but not religious VIRTUES: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE: Well, he used to want to get back into the military. He did his basic training after he turned 18 and wanted to combine it with his primary interest that is mechanics, aspiring to become a mechanic in the military. But after his little accident there is no way he could achieve that anymore. So as of right now he’s struggling to find one. I’d say his primary goal in life is to find a goal again before his current state of mind wrecks him completely. LANGUAGES KNOWN: English SECRETS: He keeps everything a secret that concerns his brother’s “business” and what exactly he does to make sure things run smoothly. He makes up lies in front of his parents and they believe him bc hey, he’s the big, responsible one of their boys. Why would he hide anything? His brother Rachel knows that Rafe works for Marky but not that he’s running around, intimidating people in exchange for drugs. Nobody but Marky knows about his substance abuse and even Marky has no idea that Rafe occasionally steals it, too. If it comes out it’s gonna be ugly.
QUIRKS: He tends to misplace his keys the whole time although he uses almost all of them everyday. Same goes for cigarettes he puts behind his remaining ear, he just forgets about it and then gets pissed because he can’t find it. He doesn’t have the best memory, really. Apart from that he always parks his vehicles at work in the same order for no apparent reason and usually lets either the TV or a radio play in the background. He likes background noise, it puts him at ease. SAVVIES: He knows pretty much everything about car mechanics since he runs a local car workshop and apart from that, also a lot about other things related to engines and machines. He likes to figure out how things work and how he can get to make them work. He’s a fixer.
BUILD: slender / scrawny / bony / fit / athletic / herculean / babyfat / pudgy / obese / other HEIGHT: 6′1 SCARS / BIRTHMARKS: Well, his face is pretty much scarred beyond recognition, just as a lot of his general left side from the bomb incident. Sometimes you’d be able to find cuts on his arms that are either self-inflicted or due to defending himself if one of Marky’s customers or friends lashed out. Older scars can be found on his shoulder and clavicle as he had a bike accident when he was 14, breaking both in the process as he fell. ABILITIES / POWERS: Rafe used to have a good stamina but due to his current lifestyle that declined a lot. However, he’s still physically strong when it comes to lift stuff or dish out. He still follows a small workout routine. RESTRICTIONS: Rafe’s deaf on his left ear and also almost fully blind on his left eye. It impairs him in his daily life and was a problem especially at work, but he never wanted to ask for help or that others even know how much it bothered him. He was always the one who helped, not the other way around. 
FAVOURITE FOOD: Chicken and Waffles FAVORITE DRINK: Dr. Pepper FAVOURITE PIZZA TOPPING: Chili Peppers FAVOURITE COLOR: Dark Orange  FAVOURITE MUSIC GENRE: Hard Rock and Metal FAVOURITE BOOK GENRE: Listen, he hasn’t picked up a book since the ones he had to read in High School. FAVOURITE MOVIE GENRE: Action Comedies and Super Hero Movies (if that’s even a genre) FAVOURITE SEASON: Summer FAVOURITE BUTT TYPE: He refuses to answer that xD FAVOURITE CURSE WORD: He uses ‘hell’ quite a lot for someone who went to church a lot tbh FAVOURITE SCENT: Campfires and freshly mowed grass FAVOURITE QUOTE:  "Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue." - Bruce Dickinson
★  ⸻   FUN STUFF
BOTTOM OR TOP: Oh he’s a switch but leans more towards Top I’d say? LOUD BURPER OR SOFT BURPER: Loud. SINGS IN THE SHOWER: Oh yes, totally. LIKES BAD PUNS: Yeah but he doesn’t crack them himself. THEIR OPINION ON THE MUN: Honestly, he doesn’t care about me or acknowledges me really right now.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 6x8 a murder is forever
the diamond episode liveblog
Teehee I remember seeing the bonus features bloopers "seamus open up your shirt a little more" 'bill i've been waiting for you to say that'
anyway liveblog time
Is this lady real? I remember smth like that, some lady lived with nonhuman primates. Oh this episode! The one where that gif is from! Masculinity! lol alphas.
As a queer tranny, uh, idk what to do except laugh.
Oh no she dead there's someone sitting beside her? still? How long has kyle been callig? how long has she been dead? why is he pulling out the knife NOW?
Nooo beckett beckett vs linus. RC: Keeps you on alert KB: *somehow got over her hypervigilance ptsd rly easily as soon as that plot served its purpose*
Not get rid of him! Just... move him! "we" she is bringing caslt eon the murder lol "yeah of linus's feelings"
In a hail of bullets! My bedroom is my lair XD His identity? rly?
Ooh ryan is so pretty! Ryan's cute lil shrug Me: queer tranny
RC: So they killed her then they killed her car? THAT IS A LOT OF MONEY HOLY they didn't take the money just cuz? Ryan sweater no tie today, uh... idk i just like it. & hair too. I miss his s4 hair. His s1 hair was fun but college student vibes.
Kyle's outfit is NOT good. but I love the tie.
That "no why did you ask" was so sus
"what were they looking for?" yeah that's the question RC: The most intimate details of the world’s elite? People have been killed for less.
My man should have worn a hat or smth to hide his face not just turn away his head.
Not to be racist but the boyfriend looks like the guy from the car. Well, actually now that I think about it, no yeah it was just my racist programming. Don't I feel like an ass? The boyf also looks vaguely similar to the guy in the security photos tho & that's not racism that's just haircut.
wild beast lol. Yet you say she helped people? They could be aggressive ou said.
It wasn't a client, she was lying to u.
Book: Bioessentialism? Me: No???
Nuclear launch codes? from a therapist?
nf1945 she has access to a private jet???
bc the stuff she got in trouble with was smth that would get her in trouble with the cops too.
Ellis! Tory ellis!
Cool name, Manhattan Raptor
Wow ok so they are all vested up? & they drive their car in front of them? What is even going on? Esposito shotgun moments My man destroys evidence Right Now, I like him he's good
Barrett Hawke RC: Barrett Hawke? As in the legendary fixer? He’s been sweeping the dirt of New York’s rich and famous under the rug for over a decade. (off GATES’S look) Not my dirt. I just – heard. (won't clip) This guy is the one we saw there.
"it was a photo of someone else, your colleagues just thought it was her bc they were thinking about her at the time." Hawke: Your colleagues were mistaken. (shrugs) But that was a micro cut shredder, so unfortunately there’s no proof either way. Hawke: My favorite shoeshine guy’s in that building. Hawke: Hm. Can’t really make out his face. Hard to say who that guy is. C’mon, Detective. What do you really have on me, huh? Do you have a single piece of evidence that I was in her office? Or that I was involved in her death? Prints? DNA? Anything? (she’s silent) That’s what I thought. I LOVE him! I love this guy so much!
Oof my arms hurt from carrying heavy glasses in dishwashing racks all day.
That's why there was a subpoena? Or she was not licensed lol
JE: I’ve got to hand it to this Alice chick, bro. Whatever her monkey theory is has her in with the movers and the shakers. KR: She learned from the real gorillas. Seems to be working with the eight hundred ones in the human world. She was like the dog whisperer for CEOs. [He stops to touch some flowers.] JE gives him an incredulous look. JE: You really buy that? KR: Oh, skimmed through her book. I think there might be something to her theory. For instance, she said that in every relationship there needs to be a masculine energy and a feminine energy. Even in ours. JE: Oh. Well, we know which one you are. KR: I don’t know about you, but I am very comfortable in my masculinity. JE: You do realize you’re wearing a sweater vest, right? KR tries to come up with an argument but they’re interrupted by ANDREW SPENCER.
Clipping that lmao. also: haha queer & trans watching this episode
Rat's ass
Man has a nice outfit imo. why would she need a hidden hotel? how long was she staying?
Becks is right, anonymity not money. I legit thought he was finding another dead body lol it's going to be empty OH RIGHT, HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT THIS?
unless it's glass
KB: We stopped at a jewelers on the way back and he almost had a heart attack.
RC: Given the cash, the hotel, and the private plane I’d say she was making a getaway. Transcript says Gates is the one who calls alice oceans one lol Castle is right, that is a sane theory. bc it's a hella big expensive diamond that's why. bring back demming!!! his short little "ever" the blue butterfly! (this is making me think about glass/silica/quartz & white sapphires & silicon carbide/moissanite & ugh I looooove rocks so much!)
Castle & his stories remember the snake guy back in like s2?
Didn't they already visit a jeweller? love the way he wears his jacket lol So it was smuggled in if this man was copied?
The four Cs! Ryan immediately & quickly: Uh, color, cut, clarity, carat. (smugly, to ESPOSITO) You’d know this if you’d ever bought an engagement ring. Peters: The diamond is colorless. No blemishes and pristine cut. No internal clouding. And uh .. (he places it back on the microscope) … nearly one hundred carats. RYAN’s jaw drops. JE: Man. Hey, how deep would my pockets have to be to afford a rock like that? Peters: Detective, you are not tall enough to have pockets deep enough. JE: *offended* Peters: But I would say it’s worth … $60 million. Conservatively. JE: (chagrined) Yeah, I ain’t that tall.
VG: Six zero, like with another six zeros after that? KR: That would be $60 million, yes.
JE: Nah. Peters said that old school cutters fashioned diamonds with sharp edges. This one has smooth edges, which it means it had to be cut within the last few decades. loooove rocks & rock facts & minerals & gems & giology kslfjlkdjfskldfjsl
RC: For engaged men everywhere I can only hope it wasn’t a ring.
INT - JE+KR’S CAR KR hangs up the phone. KR sighs. JE: So … we thinking the same thing? KR: That it’s a bummer we can’t stop for lunch because there’s a sixty million dollar diamond sitting between us? JE: No. That because of the $60 million dollar diamond sitting between us that we are not-really-but-kinda-sorta thinking about making a run for the border. He smirks. KR glares at him. KR: Hadn’t even crossed my mind. JE’S teasing smirk falls. JE: Of course it didn’t. Nope, you wouldn’t have the stones. All I’m saying.
I went to clip that but ended up clipping way more. The fun little fight scene. Love the "for now" *pushes his partner down when he sees the gun* Love the way they switched places to shoot The diamond! I take WAY too long to think about how a clock is shaped. I CAN read a clock, but I need to think about it whereas ppl SHOULD be able to tell by the positions, the vibes not the math. I couldn't do "subway station seven-o'clock" Covering for each other. We get to see shoes! Esposito's kneel slide thing <3 But like these clowns had HUGE guns, why were they scared off by these little cops with their little guns? btw I need to find that fanfiction again where it went "yeah I don't think it is realistic that ryan had his door slammed into by another car & escaped with nothing more than a cut on the forehead & some wrappings around his ribs" but idk where to find it. Also uh, I am such a lesbian (half man) for Ryan (also a man).
Your neck really would hurt, whiplash huh. But also he def scraped his knees! & what is the point of wrapping up ryan's chest? idk how medical stuff works but I feel like it might not actually help to have tensor bandages wrapped around your chest. But hey maybe some trans!Ryan headcanons! Bill Roe, director: "seamus open up your shirt a little more" SD (KR): 'bill i've been waiting for you to say that'
The rock johnson? it's $60mil, it could SO be abt the diamond. The boys don't even get to take the rest of the day off? I'm surprised gates lets them look into the suv, personal vendetta & all.
Castle is NOT carrying coffee with the way he is swinging around those glasses. RC: So I was thinking. When we work a case together this desk of yours is sort of – kind of – our space. S1 KB: *would probably hit him upside the head or smth* KB: If you don’t like the elephants, I don’t like the elephants. Imagine if he made them go away. You know what's inside them. RC: I actually like those elephants. They obviously have family values and this one’s good with money. Anyway … (NF adlibbed that so I hear)
Primates in africa near the diamond place? I can see that a 60mil gift? Ooh I like how Castle goes back & corrects himself
KB: That … is … surprisingly plausible. Remember when the "extra" covid vaccines were being "donated" to "poor countries" but it was just... corporate greed? But the shape of the gem would be stabbing her...?
Power couple lol
"that's where it is!" "it looks like the one you gave me" How can you tell the difference? Ohhhh it is a costume piece! A detective & maybe also a jeweller.
Not the cops, more likely the insurance company, except the insurance company has no record of the diamond bc if it did the cops probably would have found it
Ooh a penthouse! *leans on esposito* fixer is in a fix!
I love mr hawke. She didn't answer.
They were mugged-- they didn't call the cops they called hawke! Why though? Male mugger, not alice. Her boyf maybe?
Aight we got ryan looking normal again but esposito took off his jacket.
Yay tory ellis!
Remember Ethan Nestor lie detector "the hit was Kind of satisfying"
Edward Peters! Lab grown does not mean fake. It is the same process so it is still a mineral, even if the process is synthesized.
Diamonds are already not worth as much as ppl think.
No, gates would NOT let these two go in to do the interview.
Yep, cartels & profit & stuff like that.
Except that the carbon molecules are each different. Other than that yeah exactly the same.
Leo: Alice and I met when I was in Rwanda doing aid work. We were young and in love. And then one day soldiers came into the village, financed by the diamond cartel. We watched from the jungle as they slaughtered everyone. Casualties of a turn war for profit. That day changed me. I dedicated myself to stopping the cartel's bloody practices. It was a life I knew Alice couldn’t be a part of, but I never stopped loving her.
Leo: Two years ago stones started popping up in Europe and the Middle East. Flawless and being sold for millions. That’s when a gemologist friend of mine happened across a pair of them. He discovered that they were exactly the same. Nature doesn’t make exact copies.
Leo: They were man-made Yeah. I tried to trace them back to their source. All I knew was that they were coming out of the States. And then Alice called me, out of the blue. Said one of her clients, Steve Warner, had a secret.
Leo: Yes. Man-made diamonds are nothing new. But no one had ever produced this quality of gem before. Big and flawless. Soon diamond mines would be a relic of the past. Steve Warner’s technology could change everything. So I approached Warner. I begged him to make his technology available, but he denied he even had it. He was just using it to line his own pockets. The world needed to know and we needed proof.
Leo: yes the necklace. We knew that if we could just examine that stone that we could tie it back to the others. That we could show everyone what he was doing and they could all see that it was possible. Then … everyone would eventually unlock the code.
Leo: No more cartels. No more sponsored bloodshed. We were going to change the world. That night Alice had a plane standing by to take us to a private lab. But she never showed.
So alice happened to get these clients & was able to call her old boyfriend yay.
Worthless-ISH bro, you could still use them in sawblades.
Or you know... don't sell big diamonds, but cut them smaller & sell them normally or sell them to sawblade companies.
Hawke said the warrens didn't hire the clown team tho. No it was the wife! No! You had the gun with the safety off? even tho you only wanted to scare her?
She has her gun with her? in the middle of home?
RC: Now I know it doesn’t really go with the space, but at least it won’t be hungrily staring at you in the morning.
RC: No, I did. I did. I finished reading Alice’s book and there’s a chapter in there that speaks to couples like us. See, we’re both alphas. And it says that we need to define our shared territory together. (he gestures around him) These are pieces all over – these are all my stories. But the shells? That’s ours.
Castle playing lion sounds lol
Ok so that was fun. Good ep. I have about an hour until I need to leave. I'll start on the next one.
0 notes
thenovelartist · 2 years
I saw your post about Mozu's route being a letdown, and I'll just start this off by saying I TOTALLY AGREE!!! Also, my apologies for the random "d" in that post's replies, I accidentally pressed enter while thinking of what to say. Please ignore it haha! My reply got too long and wouldn't fit in the comment box, though, so I just went here to your ask box.
Don't feel mean, because you're right and you should say it!!! Crow and Shu bantering is the best part in Mozu's Side B. It's not just you. I very much agree with you. Mozu is my absolute fave in the game; the reason why I even looked forward to his route was because he was such a darling in the other routes. His own route was sooo disappointing, though. His route is definitely good from a storytelling standpoint, but from a romance standpoint (which I was looking forward to because it's an otome game), not so much. Side A was so heavy on plot and I feel like there wasn't really any room for romance considering how absorbed and involved they seem to be with the case. It was implied that Mozu caught feelings somewhere along the way, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out why it happened or how it happened. Even worse is we are literally in Teuta's POV, but I never even knew she caught the feelings?! From how I see it, it feels like there's ZERO feelings involved, then… BAM. Confession in Side B. Huh?!😂
Please believe me when I tell you I've played his route three times, and I still CAN'T pinpoint the romantic aspects. There's NOTHING at all. This is an otome game, and if I still can't tell how the MC and the LI caught feelings after a couple of playthroughs, I think there's something wrong. Either that, or I am just being a dumb and dense brick. 😂 Every time I play Mozu's route, in my eyes it's just them caring for each other like how they care for the other Fixers. If anything, I just saw Mozu's route as Mozu and Teuta forming a deeper mutual respect.
I get that Side B is intended for all the fluff that Side A didn't get (due to plot focus) but somehow Mozu and Teuta having those romantic scenes in Side B didn't really make sense to me haha. It all just felt sudden honestly. I wish they gave Mozu more time to grieve for his sister because the scenes they showed of him grieving felt way too short to me, and the sudden tone shift in Side B after all that felt so jarring. Also, what was that with Zora?! It was swept under a rug, too. That was so unnecessary!!! Again, I understand the intention of Side B, but considering how Mozu's route went, I just wish Mozu's Side B focused on him grieving for the sake of continuity with the issues presented in Side A instead of inserting fluff that doesn't make sense.
I'll be honest, Mozu's route would be so good without the romance LMAO. If Mozu and Teuta remained friends even until the end of Side B, I'd be a lot happier. Obviously that wouldn't happen considering how the game is designed, but it doesn't hurt to hope.
I could talk and talk and talk about Mozu's route because I have SO MANY gripes with it despite Mozu being my favorite, but this is getting too long so I'll stop here haha my apologies! That was probably an old post, can you tell I've been digging in the Bustafe tag, haha. Also feel free to dispute any of my points should you wish to! I'd love to know what you think!🙆‍♀️
While you're right and that was an old post (I finished that game... 10-ish months ago now? I should really replay it. It's been a hot minute) I totally understand the feeling of digging through tags for content, particularly in sparse otome fandoms. Ya get a little desperate. XD
NOW! For Mozu's route, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who felt that way!!! I agree with everything you said. He was such a sweet guy! and I knew I wanted to play him second because I didn't want to wait (I played the game out of the "recommended order" and more in the order of how much the guys appealed to me LOL.) SO I was so disappointed that it was what it was! I agree with you that a friendship route in side B would honestly have been better if that's how they were gonna do it in side A. Because I don't have any problem with the intense plot of A. It was actually fairly well done (and twistedly horrifying) So I would have liked it as a friendship route because it just would have been more,,, appropriate, if you will. Just let Mozu find closure and have his new bestie Teuta be by his side the whole healing process.
However, from what I can remember, I feel like it could have been fixed in one of two ways. The first being if side B was, well, firstly, a longer time after side A, but also more about Mozu saying "I think I like you more than just a friend" (or something along those lines) and them maybe awkwardly sorting out feelings instead of a confession and jumping into it. Because that was jarring.
The OTHER way is having Mozu, in his little socially awkward way, trying to sort out his odd feelings in the route. Like, just have little moments of him wanting to hang out longer or having reactions to her that he can't understand and maybe him trying to talk it out with her in a way where SHE understands what's going on but he doesn't. There is this nerdy character in Ikemen Sengoku, Saskue, and in the route, he's is trying to figure out why his heart races when he sees the main girl, so for legitimate scientific research purposes, he asks if he can stare at her for a bit. And at the end of the given time, they talk about how both are flustered and their hearts are racing from staring at each other, and it's so awkward and dorky and adorable. Now, Mozu may have not done it like that, but I feel like having awkward, nerdy little interactions like that throughout the route would have been amazing and in character for socially awkward Mozu.
ANYWAY! From what I can remember, there was so much potential and it was missed. Which is just sad.
Your comment has made me want to replay this game now because it has been a while and I kinda want to comb through Mozu's route again and try to read into everything, see if there's ANY hints of it. LOL (And then replay Shu's route while I'm at it because do love me a blonde gun guy. Sits in the corner in shame XD)
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papers4me · 3 years
Hi, I have always read your furuba reviews and I'm very curious about which are your favorite characters and why?
Thank you for reading my posts<3. I know I've been slow lately, but I'm not in a right emotional place right now, but I'll be back to posting soon. Actually talking abt furuba & story-telling here in tumblr is such a peaceful outlet that I'm thankful for.
While I love 97% of furuba characters, my faves kept changing while I watched the anime. I decided to have 5 top characters as faves & number one kept changing as the anime progressed.
Since I'm all abt story-telling, I think I need to separate the anime from the manga cuz no way in the anime that tohru would be on my top 5, heck not even top 10! I really don't like how her character was reduced to yuki's mommy-tohru, then angel-tohru, then villain-fixer tohru. The real individual tohru with her own personal story is just two eps long, so meh~. Also, while yuki is in my top 5 in the anime, I don't like how he's too perfect & prince in the anime while his own theme is the imperfect non-prince. Kyo's, too in my top 5 but I dont like how his own story is intentionally messed up by the anime with the stupid "I forgot" that contradicts the anime's own canon plot...
So, I'll tell you my top 5 fave character in the manga so fat with no particular order.
Tohru, while I'm yet to uncover her own plot in the manga, so far she has way more character exploration & depth!! She really feels like a different character from the anime! I'm shocked! The facial expressions, the occasional doubtful self-talk, even the "fake-smile"mask she puts is so expressive. She is treated as a character with a personal plot , regardless of being the protagonist. Her own plot is not reliant on being yuki's mommy, or the sohma's shrink, or a fixer. Her own plot line is abt grief & being lonely. It's the most common struggle that we all share regardless of our gender, race, financial status. Death is the ultimate fact & we'll face loosing a loved one & feeling lonely is not related to social skills nor being loved. I'll forever hate the anime for passing on such unique universal theme in favor of emphasizing the most popular shonen-themed coming of age story ( a boy becoming a man) "yuki" or the over-exaggerated drama in "kyo's". Like I dont want them to pass any of the 3 characters plotlines, but the anime made a choice & forever cemented anime tohru as the most "fixer"character in anime history like 98765678 of other female protagonists.
Yuki has way more character & realness in the manga. He doesnt come off as narrator-y as he does in the anime simply cuz the anime only chose the parts where yuki narrates as a voice-over & told us how to feel & dropped all the parts where he's interacting & actually talking to other characters not just the audience. His own personal story is abt "observing, learning & having the guts to make a move & embracing his own imperfection". I love this! Anime yuki is not imperfect. no. he's the icon of perfect prince, he even initiates a set of fanclub girls into the world that they float! He's so perfect, he "heals" a girl simply by talking to her once. That's all it takes him to fall in love & find his soulmate. While in the manga, I'm starting to see yuki display signs of "kind jerk" in the making, that's refreshing!
I admit that I didn't include kyo into my top 5 until se02. Don't get me wrong, he's so endearing since ep1, but didnt seem to be complex nor refreshing as the others. but se02, ep 9 was the first glimpse into his own character depth & I got hooked! I'm so in love with the theme of "repeated mistakes & guilt". it's such a mature theme & speaks to a much wider audience. The more we repeat the same mistakes, the more we self-sabotage our lives. Also, I love the love isn't a magic healing element in his story. He's the most loved character by tohru, yet her love only hurt him more due to his guilt. Moreover, the romantic element itself wasnt a cliche "love at 1st sight, nor lovers since childhood, nor girl fixes a guy, nor guy protects the girl from danger". Not at all. It was "love blooming subtly, little by little by mundane daily life". I cant express how much I applaud Takaya-san for such complex writing. In the anime, kyo only comes when it's his ep, other than that, he's absent or characterless. I hated that. So far in the manga, kyo has an existence even in other plotlines & has different aspects of his character. Also, I'm shocked at how much inner dialogue he has! like no too much that it involves other character nor too little that you dont understand him. It's just the right amount.
Momiji. He's the most balanced character. He isnt fixed by tohru, but isnt perfectly fine either. He's the definition of the right amount of kindness. He doesn sell himself to make other happy like tohru or kureno, nor puts himself in danger to save others like haru. He does help others but also helps himself. He helped his mom forget him cuz honestly that wasnt even his choice. it's the dad's. He participated willingly tho in avoiding her, but he didnt dwell in self pity & locked himself emotionally. He let go of loving tohru & encouraged kyo, but while he genuinely loved kyo, he didnt just back off cuz he's kind & a sacrificial angel. He stood like a man & challenged kyo for tohru's heart, but let go when he realized the choice is tohru's. not them. They can love her aromatically, but she's the one who decides who to be with. I love the theme of "not competing for love". it's not a competition really. never was. Still, as love sick & heart-broken as he was, momiji didnt dwell in self-pity & after allowing himself to heal, he bounced back & smiled. Momiji is no foolish traveler.
The spot is reserved to a certain character that I want the manga to prove their worth. I dont want them to be as shallow as the anime made them to be. I want to see depth. I dont know if the manga writes them better, but once I finish the manga, I'll know.
I wanted to add shigure but no. Despite all the complexity & the unique roles he has & despite how much I love characters with big giant flaws & ugly characteristics, shigre fell from my top 5 long ago. Look, this seems petty but I can't get over the fact that he slept with akito's mom. ewwwww. It makes me wanna puke! so disgusting. yuck yuck yuck! I dont mind that he "cheated"or wanted to "hurt akito by sleeping with ANOTHER woman". As a matter of fact, such acts create drama, ugly feelings & emotional struggle. I love such things in fiction. but he did it with the mother. He actually laid with both mom & daughter in his life. ewwwwww! This level of eww is so revolting to me! Some ppl are disgusted by bugs & worms that they want to puke, me.. when ppl sleep with both parent/off spring, or both siblings. Yuck! & it's even more yuck that it didnt stop their "love" from being real/ happy/ perfect/ passionate! & that it worked in making akito "want him more & be a "woman" for him"... ew!
lol, so yeah~here's my super long answer to ur super short qs. but I dont be "papers"if I didnt write till my fingers hurt, now would I? XD. I enjoyed ur question so much! thanks<3.
Anon, Don't get offended ny my shigure-rant! XD. its petty, I know. if u read this, tell me who's ur fave?
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a-pirate · 3 years
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@smilepal I accidentally turned off my ask box. /facepalm Dunno how or when, but that's fixed now lmao. Veer:
A13: Does your OC have any phobias? If so, where did they come from? He doesn't have any true phobias, per se, but has a fear of being responsible for a group. The Bakkers' haven't had the greatest track record with leaders in recent history. When his father became head of the family, things didn't get worse but they didn't get better. Seeing the way the rest of their band felt about the Bakkers history of leadership, Veer actively bucked against being groomed as a potential future leader. (He never had the balls to tell dad, though.) He wanted no part of it and he never wants to be a boss or in charge of another person's life. Not a fixer, not a family head, not anything like that.
C1: Does your OC have a moral code? If not, how do they base their actions? If so, where does it come from, and how seriously do they take it? He thinks it's "do unto others" but it's more "return unto others." He's a big live and let live person -- and he will return the favor of any positive or negative thing done to him.
E8: What’s one of your OC’s biggest regrets? He regrets that he was the straw that broke the camel's back and was the catalyst for Vendrik leaving the Bakkers. Not actually supporting him when his s. assault was out in the open, and that whole "Maybe it was a misunderstanding" line.
F11: What are some of their favorite things to do for recreation? How did they get into it? What part of it do they like the most? Joy riding, running around to find trouble, exploring, taunting gangoons, movies, the list goes on. He hasn't found a specific thing that really speaks to him. He's always kept moving and found fun in anything he could.
H1: What is your OC’s orientation, romantic and/or sexual? Has it ever been a source of stress for them? Have they always been pretty sure of their orientation? Biromantic and bisexual. It's never been a topic of conversation, and basically growing up around the Mox never inspired him to feel one way or another about it. He never really thought about it. It's just always been interested in men and women.
I4: How often do they cook? Do they order out a lot? He orders out a lot. He doesn't have a steady home and, even if he did, he's always out. So he's almost always going to just order something.
Thanks for the ask message! xD <3
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booksrgood4u · 4 years
Gen & Irene!!!!
I had a feeling you’d ask for them!! Here you go :)
How differently do they think of each other now than when they first met?
This question really sent me down a rabbit hole - when Do you think Gen and Irene first met each other? Irene had clearly met Gen before TT because she recognized him. Gen would have known Irene by sight since trolling her palace with Grandpa Thief as a little boy, but when did they actually meet? Anywho, leaving that aside, I remember in KoA Irene thinks that Gen’s impulsiveness scares her and she tries to repress him. And then in ROTT, when Gen tried to abdicate (somewhat impulsively I might add) Irene throws her lot in with him, and it’s just such an awesome example of how far their trust has developed.
What do their friends/family think of their relationship?
Well, we know that MoW hated it until Gen set him and Irene for a little therapeutic Garden tea party. I love how Gen is always aggressively making friends and setting other people up to form friendships. Like a friend matchmaker.
How do their personalities/skills complement or contrast with each other?
On a personal level, I think Gen brings out The parts of Irene that she has suppressed out of necessity. On a royal politics level, he plays the clown so that people underestimate him, while Irene tries to draw him out where people can see him for all of his strengths. Cue Irene singing “why won’t he be the king I know he is, the king I see inside,” a la The Lion King
What is their favorite aspect of each other?
I really need to reread QoA because that’s where I think the building blocks of their relationship were established. I do think Gen looks at Irene as somewhat of a ‘challenge,’ and I do think he enjoys that challenge. I think he might have ended up with a perfectly nice girl like Agape, but he’d always be trying to find that challenge somehow. I don’t think that’s his favorite aspect about her, but definitely something that draws him in.
Do either of them have pet peeves about each other?
Hahaha, Gens pet peeve is Irene’s boring wardrobe, though she seems to have diversified a bit by ROTT, and Irene pet peeves are any time Gen is acting particularly unkingly in so many ways, not the least of which is listening to a guard tell him so. XD
How would each reconcile with each other after a fight?
Gen probably gives Irene little gifts, Irene probably throws some ink pots and then forgives him anyway. On another note, Gen choosing to love Irene after everything that she did to him was such a huge act of forgiveness, but I think she’s spent everyday since choosing to forgive him for... being Gen. good thing she loves him too.
What would be their ideal vacation getaway together?
Ooh, easy question - Gens library in Eddis! That’s Gens ideal getaway, anyway. I feel like Irene might like a villa on some island where her barons couldn’t bug her.
Think of a new way (AU, different situation, etc.) they could have met for the first time.
Hmmm....maybe a modern AU where Irene is Managing partner in a high power law firm but the other partners are always trying to undermine her. Gen could maybe work for Helen, who has a similar position as Irene’s, but he’s kind of a fixer and makes problems go away for Helen’s client in arguably illegal ways. Maybe Irene’s firm is suing him for some underhanded dealings and he loses the case but wins Irene’s heart. So, like a Suits AU. Idk.
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alnazxr · 6 years
12, 13, 39, 51, 59 for the Apprentice ask :)
Yaaaay thank you for asking me! Wow you gave me some questions that I didn’t have ready answers for. XD
12. Favorite place in Vesuvia?
Asra’s arms. I’m kidding. No I’m not. 
The serious answer to this that initially it’s the marketplace since there was the bakery, but she’d also frequent all of the booksellers and sometimes fancifully browse the different fabrics and trinkets and after the initial staring caused by her return died down she had fun there.
This quickly changes to be tied between the palace garden since many important moments between her and Asra take place there, and surprisingly, the community theatre that Julian and Portia will introduce her to after the events of the game are over and she’ll have many a fun evening there making fun of Lucio, or watching Julian act. She even joins a couple of productions herself as an actress, but she also good-naturedly offers her services to provide special effects if they’re particularly ambitious.
13. How does their laugh sound?
She mostly giggles, but if it’s true, pure laughter it’s loud and unrestrained. Sometimes it even devolves into guffaws and chortling with a couple of very unladylike snorts thrown in which of course Asra claims are adorable. But don’t trust him because he’s a complete besotted fool, they’re not. 
39. What is their biggest motivation to solve the Lucio’s killer mystery?
Initially, it’s spite. If Asra’s going to go off and have cool adventures without her, well she’s going to be the one off on an adventure without HIM for once. Then it quickly becomes a pure desire to find out the truth, which in turn becomes a quest to clear Julian’s and Asra’s names of the crime, and then to maybe somehow get her lost memories back. Then finally ending with saving the world, obviously. All in a day’s work.
51. What is their worst negative quality?
The only bad quality she has that’s consistent across both lifetimes is that she never reaches out to ask for help. Before she died, Estelle was really bad (or good, depending on the perspective) at being selectively communicative. She kept a lot of secrets. She kept a lot negative feelings bottled inside. 
But in both lifetimes, she’s a helper, a fixer, and has an amazing sense of responsibility and duty which makes her naturally fall onto the path of getting Asra to open up more and to face his problems head on. But for all that, and for getting into the habit of sticking her nose into other people’s business, she never thinks to ask for help. And that’s where having a reliable support system of people she cares about comes in handy this time around. ;)
59. How do they flirt?
Wellll considering in canon it basically goes from 1-100 or at least, 1-95 or something there wasn’t too much time for a regular courtship. 
But basically her flirting would be like, a barrage of compliments, more hugs than usual, showing off her dance skills. Pulling the person of her affections into a dance with her. Lots of little gifts that she would say would remind of the person she’s flirting with. Giving them their favourite flowers at every opportunity either in person or having them delivered to their place of residence.
So essentially, she’s a classic romantic.
Thanks again for asking~!
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musikat18 · 6 years
MusiKat’s Graduation Challenge!
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Hi friends! Welcome to MusiKat’s Graduation Challenge!
I’m FINALLY graduating and moving on to university this June, and to celebrate, I thought I’d throw another writing challenge! The theme for this challenge is one near and dear to my heart, an ever-present force through my entire life AND my senior trip: DISNEY!
Under the cut, you’ll find rules, options for your lovely selves to write from, and a list of characters!
Challenge Parameters
There will be two lists of Disney-themed prompts-- Song Prompts and Quote Prompts, all taken from my FAVORITE Disney animated features. You can select up to three prompts total, just make sure to let me know which ones from the list you’ll be writing~
The deadline for this challenge is June 13th, which is when I leave for my graduation trip. My actual graduation takes place on May 29th, but it’s a holiday weekend here in the States, and this is a busy time of year in general, so I figured it would be a little better to take it a little further into the summer.
If you need an extension, it would be nice to know at least 3 days before the deadline, but if it comes at 11:59 on June 12th, no harm, no foul. XD
This is a Reader Insert challenge, so select ONE character from my list. More than one person can write for a character, but no two people will be writing the same prompt.
I’ll take prompt selection notices whenever, though I suggest you know what you’re writing by early May.
Tag me in your fic and tag it with “musikat’s graduation challenge” for me to reblog! If you feel like it would be safer to send to me directly after posting, as well, feel free to do so as Tumblr can be a little wonky at times.
Song Prompts
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes-- Cinderella
So This Is Love-- Cinderella
Part of Your World-- The Little Mermaid
Kiss The Girl-- The Little Mermaid
Beauty and the Beast-- Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Something There-- Beauty and the Beast (1991) @flowerbunbunny
A Whole New World-- Aladdin
Can You Feel The Love Tonight-- The Lion King @jeremiahxvaleska
Be Prepared-- The Lion King
Heaven’s Light/Hellfire-- The Hunchback of Notre Dame @bsotstory
I Won’t Say I’m In Love-- Hercules
Go The Distance-- Hercules
Reflection-- Mulan
Honor To Us All-- Mulan
Almost There-- The Princess and The Frog
Dig A Little Deeper-- The Princess and The Frog
Down In New Orleans-- The Princess and The Frog
When Will My Life Begin-- Tangled
I See The Light-- Tangled
Touch The Sky-- Brave @sparkedupsilver
Frozen Heart-- Frozen
Fixer-Upper-- Frozen @kaitymccoy123
How Far I’ll Go-- Moana
Song of the Ancestors (I Am Moana)-- Moana
Know Who You Are-- Moana
Evermore-- Beauty and the Beast (2017) @goingknowherewastaken
How Does A Moment Last Forever-- Beauty and the Beast (2017) @whatthefuxk-richard
On The Steps Of The Palace-- Into The Woods
Agony-- Into The Woods
Moments In The Woods-- Into The Woods @annathewitch
Quote Prompts
“It would be so nice if something would make sense for a change.” @flowerbunbunny
“Start at the beginning. Yes, yes, and when you come to the end, STOP!”
“Well, there’s one thing. They can’t order me to stop dreaming.”
“If you’d lost all your faith, I couldn’t be here. And here I am.”
“What's a royal ball? After all, I suppose it would be frightfully dull, and-and-and boring, and-and completely... Completely wonderful.“
“Yes, it's only in my dreams. But they say if you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true, and I've seen him so many times.“
“I just don’t see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad.”
“What I want is your voice.”
“She warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.”
“He’s handsome, alright, and rude and conceited and...he’s not for me.” @annathewitch
“You’re only in trouble if you get caught.”
“I am not some prize to be won!” @kaunis-sielu
“I’m a damsel, I’m in distress, I can handle this. Have a nice day.” @skosmo
“A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but the size of his heart.”
“People do crazy things when they’re in love.” @kaitymccoy123
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.” @sparkedupsilver
Character A: “Would you like to stay for dinner?” Character B: “WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY FOREVER?” @sydneyactuallysteve
“Um...you...you fight good.” @yallneedtrek
“I’m not a princess! I’m a waitress!” @im-not-insane-im-a-fangirl
“Listen here, mister. This stick in the mud has had to work two jobs her whole life while you've been sucking on a silver spoon chasing chambermaids around your - your ivory tower!” @im-not-insane-im-a-fangirl
“But he had what he needed. He had love. He never lost sight of what was really important.” @whatthefuxk-richard
“I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice. Here comes the smolder.“ @musicmandy1991
“I should have given it to you before, but I was scared. And the thing is, I'm not scared anymore. You know what I mean?“ @kjs-s
“The only frozen heart around here is yours.“ @im-not-insane-im-a-fangirl
“No! Why? Why do you shut me out? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so afraid of?“
“Are you just trying to get me to talk about myself? Because if you are... I will gladly do so.“
“I'm his mom. I don't have to tell him anything.“
“I'm the village crazy lady. That's my job.“ @bsotstory
“I was raised to be charming, not sincere.“ @whatthefuxk-richard
“You've changed. You're daring. You're different in the woods.“
Character List
Star Trek (AOS)
Jim Kirk
Leonard “Bones” McCoy
Pavel Chekov
Star Wars
Poe Dameron
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Padme Amidala
Leia Organa
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Peter Quill
Clark Kent
Bruce Wayne
Diana Prince
Steve Trevor
Kara Danvers
Barry Allen
Arthur Curry
Zari Tomaz
Amaya Jiwe
Sara Lance
Ray Palmer
Pine Characters
Jack Ryan
Nicholas Deveraux
Cinderella’s Prince
Jake Hardin
FDR Foster
Rex Hanson
Urban Characters
Black Hat
John Kennex
Gavin Magary
William Cooper
Joseph Dredd
Harry Ballard
John “Reaper” Grimm
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sharkfish · 6 years
author questions or something
tagged by the lovely royal entity @jemariel​
1. Do you ever re-read your own stories?
yes. fairly often i would say? like if someone leaves a comment on one i haven’t looked at in awhile, i might go take a look and skim. i have the memory of a stoner goldfish so every read is like the first time lmaoo 
2. Depending on how many fics you have dedicated your time in creating, what are your personal top five of your own fics?
man i’ve got like 43 things posted and most of them i have a pretty strong emotional connection to so it’s hard to pick a favorite, they are all my favorites for different reasons! but idk here’s 5 anyway
riptides, traveling light, demo day, the kissing strangers series, past the breakers
3. Are there any of your fics you love but are not popular?
no one reads past the breakers for several understandable reasons, though i like to think if they gave it a chance they would like it anyway. it features some of the most heartbreaking lines i’ve ever written, but it ends with love & hope & joy. 
4. Are there any of your fics which you want to go back tweek/fix?
lord every time i look at real alpha i think (tho i really like it) that i need to get back in there and clean it up, but so far have been too lazy lmao
5. Do you truly dislike any if your own fics but kept it up cause others loved it?
i deleted one that i really hated despite there being some big fans of it (sorry guys, but i’ll give the docs link out freely). there are 2 that i feel nothing about, i pretty much always forget they exist until i’m looking at my stats or something, but one of them is like #6 of my fics by kudos so... whatever, haha. there’s another one i feel a lil embarrassed about as it was one of my early fic explorations and there are things i really like about it (one of my favorite lines i’ve ever written, actually), but it feels clunky in a lot of ways. i think sometimes about deleting it xD 
6. Do you currently have any WIPs? If so, how many?
this is the funniest question i’ve ever seen lmfaoooo at least 25 
7. Do you have any hiatus fics? If so, how many?
i don’t mess with canon so no :) 
8. What is your favorite genre to write? (Ex; Angst, rom com, mcd, abo, fluff, ect…)
abo, disgustingly sappy, kinky, ideally all at the same time
9. What is you least favorite genre to tackle? (Ex; Angst, fluff, smut, mcd, ect…)
i would not write anything heavily dependent on canon, anything that can’t have a Happily Ever After (which i define as, them together living lives of love & hope & joy). i don’t write things that i don’t enjoy (why would i??) so i’m not tackling it at all xD 
10. Which is your fav character to write POV for? Dean or Castiel?
dean is my go-to because i identify more with dean in general, and i’m not always sure i can fully grok the depth of cas’s brain in pretty much any au. but lately i’ve been having fun taking longer dips into that brain, getting more comfortable with watching the world from his perspective. 
11. Do you have a goal of how many Destiel fics you want to achieve?
i don’t really understand this question. i’ll be super excited when i hit 500k published (80k away!) and i do have wordcount goals. i think i’m a little behind my goal of 300k for 2018, but i might catch up :) 
12. Which of your fics was the most challenging to write?
i’m not sure if challenging is the right word, but i worried a lot while writing traveling light. as a cis person writing a trans character -- i think that’s important for us to do, but i was very conscious of the possibility of fucking it up. i have received plenty of positive feedback from trans people since the story was published, so i feel ok about it now
real talk? the amount of fixer upper i had to watch in order to write demo day was extremely challenging. every second was torture hahahah 
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anodyneer · 7 years
S, T, I, L, E, (S), aaaand, you guessed it, D, (E), R, (E), K. xD (You only have to answer S and E once each xD)
Lol...love this! Okay, let’s get to it...
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged) 
I have sooooo many headcanons, I don’t even know where to begin. Since we were talking about my holiday fic last night, here’s one that I touch on in that - I think that before the fire, Peter spoiled his nieces and nephews. He was still the pack “fixer” or left hand or whatever you want to call it, but for holidays and birthdays, he’d do fun things like scavenger hunts, he’d get the cool gifts for them, and he loved to bake cookies and such. (The baking, I see as more of a stress reliever, and he likes that people are completely thrown for a loop when they find out.)
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Yes - that Derek is intelligent and is a book lover. :)
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? 
I don’t get into very many fandoms, so no, I don’t think so.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.) 
Um...hmm. Okay, Kira was adorable and was pretty badass! (To clarify, I’m neutral about her, but didn’t dislike her. There are TW characters I love, ones I hate, and a few about whom I’m neutral. I think I would’ve really liked Kira if they’d given her more of a chance - and maybe if they hadn’t paired her with someone I dislike...heh.)
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what? 
Not really. I guess the closest to crack fic that I’ve gotten is a fic where Derek gets drunk and sings karaoke to profess his love to Stiles, and Stiles is too drunk to remember. (He finds out six years later.) It really isn’t as cracky as it sounds, but still...
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t. 
This one is a tough one - maybe Stydia? I don’t have a problem with the pairing or people who like it (and don’t actively dislike it), but I just can’t see them as anything more than friends. It doesn’t have anything to do with being a Sterek fan. I just never saw much romantic chemistry between them.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom? 
I guess probably Sheriff Stilinski and Derek. (Would have loved to have seen fanon become canon, with the sheriff becoming somewhat of a father figure for Derek.) For WC, it’s Peter and Mozzie, hands down.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc? 
Oh, definitely Stiles. He started out as the comic sidekick, and then Dylan happened.
For this meme.
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mootmuse · 7 years
I was tagged by @dandelionandbuttercup​! Because I’m too cool to follow rules or something I usually don’t do the ‘add more questions/tag this many people’ thing, so consider yourself tagged if you’d like to be!
I don’t actually know if I’m supposed to be answering all the questions or just the previous person’s. I feel so old. How does tumblr work.
questions by ciri-yen-idris:
1. your favourite villain?
I’m trying to think of something unique but I think I’ll just go with- oh wait instead of ursula (although I adore her) I’ll say Carlocimi Dretto in the second book of the Dark Tower series. He isn’t a major villain and the reason I like him is that King’s habit of explaining at length plot-irrelevant details of side character’s lives makes him seem hardly villainous at all. He helps Balazar do terrible things, doubtlessly, but his few pages humanize him so well, and the last couple lines of his perspective are downright beautiful, the last the kind of line which sticks in your head forever. The poetry of that last sentence from his perspective is all the more beautiful because of he way he - unless I misremember, it’s been a while since I read the whole book - died without much fanfare at all in the shootout that happens later. He was a human, he was a person with all these beautiful thoughts that no one would ever know about except him, and because he was on the opposite side of Our Heroes he had to die. And then he’s just gone. The protagonists don’t really notice his death. They didn’t even really know he was alive. But the reader knew. It’s so different from the way Bad Guys (tm) are usually treated in works of fiction, especially works with action in them like the Dark Tower has. Cimi’s small and human part of their long sprawling story has always stuck with me.
2. who is your role model?
I’ve never had enough imagination to have a role model. I can never think of one when I come across these questions.
3. your favourite artwork?
I’m bad at favorites so I wouldn’t call it my fav ever but this one comes to mind.
4. did you accomplish any of your new years resolutions?
Since resolutions have a reputation of just being a thing people mean to do and then never do, I’ve never done them. It feels like a waste of time, I don’t need another reason to be disappointed in myself. XD
5. describe your ideal holiday in 4 words
internet distractions and cats
6. if you had the ability and time to build/make/forge anything you want with your own two hands what would you choose?
a magical fixer of all health problems everywhere across the world. in more realistic goals, a gaming pc
7. are you a procrastinator?
let me get back to you later
8. if you could bring any creature/beast from a movie/book/tv show to life, which would you choose?
only one who could deal with no longer having a plot-mandated purpose. so probably an animal. I refuse to be the cause of some poor fictional person’s existential crisis.
9. which legend/myth do you want to be true?
the commonly referenced belief that housecats are magical beings who can see and sometimes slip into other dimensions
10. is there something you dislike to eat?
mushy carrots
11. favourite time of the day?
night is usually when i’m the most settled and happy, but dawn is beautiful when i’m unfortunate enough to be awake and out when it happens
dandelionandbuttercup’s questions:
1 do you have any pets?
many! too many. lots of cats, mostly outside cats.
2 if yes, do you take many pictures of them?
mostly just the one who hangs out in my room and is more ‘my’ cat
3 have you ever dated a girl?
i have never really dated
4 would you smooch a ghost? choose one of the sequent options.
let’s go with c
5 do you regret?
of course
6 mountains?
are gorgeous, but usually only from a distance. from up close they just mean a lot of exercize is coming
7 who is a real nice person?
idk idris elba seems nice. no one’s 100% nice though.
8 do you think is weird to call chips and fries at the same way?
nah slang tends to get all mixed up when different groups interact, i think it’s cool that things like the internet has allowed for that kind of culture mixing. also using non-american slang makes me secretly feel like i can pretend to be cool don’t tell anyone
9 is there someone you don’t miss?
oddly enough neither mom nor i missed my stepfather when we moved after she divorced him. idk why, he wasn’t that bad (aside from being a really bad match for mom)
10 are you thirsty right now?
i am not, but i should be drinking that thing i have with vitamin c and shit in it
11 your opinion on the insult “go fuck yourself”?
it feels great to say, doesn’t it? so satisfying. there’s something very satisfying about it, despite the fact that literally speaking it doesn’t work as an insult. ‘go perform a typically rather pleasurable activity!’ ‘aw do i have to’
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mojavejourneys · 8 years
rules: answer the questions and tag some blogs you’d like to get to know better
nicknames: Mei (from my usual online identity) or Maxie (my main OC)
time right now: 09:15
last thing i googled: fisto I got stuck trying to find Fisto on FNV so I was looking up where to find him XD
fave music artist: Varies depending on my mood but Goldfrapp and JT Machinima song stuck in my head: Goldfrapp - Human last movie i watched: Carry On Girls last tv show i watched: I don’t usually watch many TV shows but I think the last one was Tattoo Fixers. what i’m wearing now: What I passed out in last night.
BONUS - what I should be wearing: Probably something else LOL when i created this blog: I can’t remember exactly but the blog itself is around 2-3 years old (It was converted from a disused blog I remembered the password for). But it’s been in its current form for around 1 year now?
i post: It’s a clusterfuck of things. Mostly Fallout content but there is some occasional gay porn posting (reason I advise being 18+ to follow me), cat porn, music and other interesting things.
do i have other blogs: Technically yes but they are very disused.
do i get asks regularly: Not really. I only get the odd ask here and there.
why did i choose my url: Mostly goes back to Maxie’s solo verse when he was travelling around the Mojave a lot. Even though his main verse is in the Commonwealth now XD
gender: Non-binary with slight male lean
hogwarts house: Hufflepuff (because badgers) or Slytherin (because sneks)
pokemon team: Main Pokemon games, I’d have to go Team Magma. Pokemon Go, Team Valor.
fave color: Black, red and purple (YOU CANNOT MAKE ME CHOOSE JUST ONE)
average hours of sleep: 6-7 usually
favorite characters: Arcade Gannon, Nick Valentine, Hancock, Preston Garvey, Ulysses, Christine Royce, Magnolia, RJ MacCready, Three Dog, Sarah Lyons (all from Fallout), Jesse McCree (Overwatch), GLaDOS and Wheatley (Portal), Gordon Freeman (Half-Life).
dream job: It’ll never happen but I’d like to work for Bethesda. <.<
number of blankets i sleep with: 1
If you want to do it then I tagged you :P
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