#and for a reason since hes so good at manipulation like that. id be pissed at him too
liquidstar · 1 year
anyway if there is another bracket after ivan vs till... it would come down to either till vs luka or ivan vs luka. which is why i think ivan is going to die next round (assuming it goes normally) because.... it holds a lot more emotional weight for till to go against luka as of rn, since till believes luka is responsible for mizi's death. i dont think he saw that she was saved, all he knows is that luka was taunting her to the point that she snapped and beat the shit out of him. so.... i think he'd be a little mad LOL. and luka would be the type to try and leverage that...
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convoloutedinjoke · 1 year
Rating Disco Elysium characters based on how funny I think their kinks have the potential to be
Harry: the DSM of getting off on things. He likes piss he likes feet he likes the idea of being soooo small and tiny you could step on him like a bug, and while none of these things are funny on their own they are when he does them on account of his being a clown. He would also fuck a clown, incidentally. 8/10, knocking two points off because this lacks the element of surprise.
Kim: Leather and uniform fetishist. No wise guy shenanigans here. Will fuck you serious will fuck you professional. His strap is extremely normal, his daddy/boy dynamics are not a laughing matter. 4/10 because he wants to have relations with his car and is embarrassed about it
Jean: No idea what gets him off but he genuinely believes whatever it is means he’s evil and weird, making him the proud owner of The Worlds Funniest Kinks. 9/10, steals mustard from the homeless without remorse but has a moral crisis every time he cums while fantasising about getting gangbanged in a holding cell. Sad!
Trant: not funny. too passionately open about the things hes into. if you tried to make light of his trampling fetish, he would recite the wikipedia entry on cock and ball torture to you from memory and look delighted to be sharing his interests with you the whole time. 3/10
Klaasje: not funny to most on account of being conventionally attractive and good at billing her sexual encounters as suffused with romantic, literary ennui but it SHOULD be funny to be such a Lana Del Rey motherfucker in the sheets so I’m pulling rank and saying 7/10
Joyce: cringefail class dynamics fantasies. Bodice rippers and the opposite of CEO erotica feature heavily here. This wouldn’t be funny if not for the fact she literally owns a yacht. Also wants to get stabbed a little bit. 5/10, probably read the elysium version of lady chatterlys lover as a teen and still jerks off about it.
Garte: a normal man if there ever was one. has kinks but they aren't funny. wears a bra sometimes and it looks cute. 1/10 probably fun to hook up with and a decent communicator
The Deserter: given the 5 decades of loneliness, im willing to bet his brain has rewired itself into having some interesting potentially bug-related reward pathways but whatever he's got going on is too sad to laugh about. 0/10 :(
Sunday Friend: his kinks would be funny on anyone else, but he’s very very very boring. 2/10, you can pay a twink to do raceplay with you, but it wont dispel the grey miasma of being a mid tier government employee
evrart: I don’t know honestly, the lying and manipulating and petty power plays scrambled my brain despite the rube-Goldbergian elements of all his little tasks. Maybe he’d do predicament bondage? Uh. 3/10. Id let him hit, but he also has kind of a Wallace n Grommit thing going on so I can’t say 0
Steban: big on role playing but isn’t very good at it. Starts giggling halfway through when it becomes apparent how silly the fake muttonchops are. 4/10, less funny than it could be because he has a sense of humour about it
Ulixes: probably has a guro thing but also hasn’t had sex since he started focusing on reading theory and feints at the sight of real blood. This should be less funny than pretending to be Kras Mazov in bed, but he takes himself extremely seriously. 6/10 until he starts getting laid again, then still 6/10 but for other reasons
Gary: cuck chair. 10/10. I am not elaborating because I’m tired now, but someone else made a convincing post at one point
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funnywormz · 2 years
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edit: image description written by @princess-of-purple-prose ! thank you!
[ID: An in-character interview with Dimple from Mob Psycho 100 on 4chan. It reads:
>Interview with Dimple
>Q1. What kind of person were you when you were alive?
A. I forgot... But since its me, I'm sure it was a hella sexy dude.
>Q2. It seems you can communicate with Reigen when you're possessing him. How is that different from others?
A. Who knows. It's probably because we have a shared purpose. Even when you're both sitting in a car, only one of you can use the steering wheel, right? So unless two people agree exactly on which direction they're going, the car's not going to move in the right direction with two people behind the steering wheel. Ordinary people aren't usually conscious when I'm possessing them. It's different for espers, though. Especially strong ones, who can't even possess.
>Q3. What do you feel like?
A. Wet, smooth, slippery. A bit cold, but that can be adjusted. But it's not like ordinary people can touch me to begin with.
>Q4. Why did you stay in the world after giving up on becoming a god?
A. I'm not sure either... Spirits are born from a purpose, like resentment or obsession. Only with strong desire can the spirit body be maintained. But maybe it's like what Mob said. People are just people. You don't have to exist for a reason, and it doesn't matter if you care about it or not. Why does that kid occasionally say something profound when he's dealing with something besides himself?
>Q5. Is there anyone you particularly enjoyed possessing? Anyone you want to try?
A. That old lady or whatever guarding Claw. People who have very little spiritual resistance will do whatever you want, so that feels nice. Being the cult leader of LOL was especially fun! One person that surprised me was the leader of the Body Improvement Club. It was like manipulating a giant robot! Someone I'd want to try... probably Hanazawa. If you give him to me, I'm sure I can take him from being the school idol to the least popular guy in school in a day.
>Q6. What do you do when Mob's at school?
A. I've been going to Spirits and Such more often because interesting things occasionally happen there. Besides that, sometimes I take a walk, watch TV, or I check out your house. (evil laughter) I'm kidding, of course.
A. He's always trying to play pranks and thinks he's got Mob fooled, which is pretty funny to watch. Or at least that's what I thought, but it turns out Mob is really just that gullible. Reigen's like that guy who keeps building shaky towers out of building blocks, and it should come as no surprise when they collapse. He's always using some weird and question means of maintaining it all, and sometimes I just want to poke him a little bit and make him fall. ...I have to repress that desire.
>Q8. If you could become a human and become Mob's friend, what would you do?
A. Become a human... Make friends... Travel, eat food, play sports. Anything would be good, but I'd just like to pass the time as usual. That's enough to make good memories. ...or actually, I think I'd like to do sumo! Even if I can't beat him in powers, I want to use my bodily strength and muscles to toss Mob around. Let him see how that feels like.
>Q9. What was your first impression of Mob? How about now?
A. I thought he was just a kid so I underestimated him. But instead he was scary as fuck. I pissed my pants, okay? I don't think I understand him as much now since he's grown up a lot. I wonder how he'll end up.
>Q10. How can someone see you? A. You need to think that seeing me is something completely natural. Once you can fool your brain, your perspective changes. This is something that you can train, but maybe something completely unexpected will happen. So it's dangerous and not recommended. The easy way is to just let me possess you. The important thing is just to break the common sense that forms your vision.
Q11. Can you eat ordinary food? Please tell me your favorite food!
A. I can still eat and drink, and I'll absorb the energy in the food. My favorite food? Beans and peanuts. That's cute? Yeah, that's right. Also alcohol. Beer has the best alcohol fragrance. You say I sound like your dad? Hmph, shut up.
>Q12. What's the first thing you remember?
A. The memory of my life is entirely gone... I can't remember at all. I feel like it should be like it is now. I stare at the sky a lot. There's some old memories from right after I became a spirit, probably in a cemetery. But I don't know if I have a tomb somewhere. It's all like a prior life to me, anyways. One day, will I forget about what's happening now, too...? Ugh, that sounds like something an ordinary living person would be worried about. Forget about it. End ID]
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pidges-lost-robot · 1 year
Right okay no because episode 4 season 2 of Voltron has been pissing me off since I rewatched it omfg so I’m going to rant about the episode, what parts I found to be be especially egregious and why and then maybe some of the changes I would’ve made.
Right so Greening The Cube pisses me off for one big glaring reason: Pidge’s character development
I will start with the Olkari to really get into why everything about this very Pidge centric episode pisses me off.
So the Olkari are described by Coran as a proud class of engineers, builders of vast cities that could change the shape at the whim of their creators and (unfortunately cause Voltron does this with too many alien species they introduce) ‘a seemingly magical ability to manipulate solid metal and with the wave of their hands build a computer inside a block of steel’. This is a species that is known specifically and immediately for their ability to ENGINEER (this is important) and their technological prowess.
(on a side note though, can someone tell me why the writers and producers decide as frequently as they do to make alien species just kinda ‘have hand wavy magic’ as like their main thing they do, like do this even with the Olkari a little even though their whole deal is like technological and engineering prowess??)
Now we find this out when the team have that spore fight at the beginning of the episode when we learn this is a specifically Pidge centered episode with her classically knocking Lance down a peg by noting that ‘a billion sunsets happen everyday, some genius engineer actually built this’. This line right, this exchange is what the episode tells us it’s built on - it’s not actually.
Much like everything in this show especially in the first two seasons, it has good concepts and terrible execution, no desire to actually develop the characters and so little time in a given episode that they always use so inefficiently so this is an ambitious thing to episode to attempt to tackle in 23 mins, and the fact that this exchange is had with the character that I’m pretty sure the voltron writers process for writing his lines was picking bits of paper out of a hat with the options being ‘flirt’ ‘bad joke’ and ‘dumb’ written on them isn’t helping it’s case.
But in a better show that cared about their characters, this exchange is important at establishing this as a viewpoint Pidge has and opposing viewpoint for her to grapple with throughout the course of the episode. Pidge is arrogantly smart and there’s good reason for that - she’s never wrong. Because she is so often right (often because the writers just say she is), it creates the illusion that she is avid and open learner, but this one line kinda suggests otherwise. Lance is ignorant to dismiss the specific mathematics and engineering that had to go into building the castleship, but it’s interesting character wise how equally quick Pidge was to dismiss the idea of sunset being beautiful because it’s just a natural process that happens every day. Pidge doesn’t really get or seem to consider the ways in which natural or everyday processes in of themselves can be beautiful and valuable.
So we get to the spores and Pidge hears about this planet of technological advancements and engineering and is super excited but do you know who in this episode I don’t see getting super excited despite ENGINEERING being a huge part of his character and who he is, and who would likely be an interesting foil to Pidge as despite his own tendency towards being suspicious and worried about new things tends to be a lot more open to learning new things?! HUNK ‘IOSEFA’ GARRETT!!!
Hunk is the fucking engineer of this team! And you know how we establish that this is how Hunk could be the foil? Because when Pidge points out that the spores or pulsing in a programmed manner rather than a strictly natural one, it is HUNK that points out that he thinks it may be a code and jumps to wondering who the code could be from, not willing to dismiss the idea that this spore is coded. Pidge doesn’t quite outright dismiss it, but she says she doesn’t know because it makes no sense. She makes a definitive statement “You can’t program a spore”
Now Pidge and Hunk should be both be excited for this, but in the actual episode, we see this excitement immediately deplete when Pidge is informed they will not be going to the tech haven, but the forest. Once again, this can build off the point of the episode because it establishes another related thing about Pidge’s character. Not only does Pidge struggle to appreciate the beauty of something like a sunset, almost dismissing it, but she also can be quick to presume that unless something is within her specific wheelhouse of knowledge, that it will not be of interest to her. I believe that if we keep Hunk excited here, this would immediately boost the characterisation already present in the episode. Hunk is not deterred by going to the forest, but Pidge presumes theres nothing that will be of interest to her and therefore is going to bore her. Because the point of this episode should be Pidge can be quick to dismiss things she sees as simplistic, boring, everyday and natural things and that by dismissing them as being beneath her, she limits her own knowledge by doing so.
Which brings me to the team testing out the Olkari tech, and Ryner, the Olkari engineer they interact with the most, remarking that the commands using the headset should be in binary code. It is some of the few actual science in the worldbuilding for this place but I think it messes with the characterisation for Pidge. This is tech that has had to be thrown together using the surrounding forest and resources and having it be specifically be operated in a manner that Pidge out of everyone is an expert in rewards her in a way that it shouldn’t. Pidge has already dismissed that this will have any interest to her (she literally once again reinforced just before this arc when Ryner states that natures designs are superior to any they could devise and Pidge remarks that she will take her computer over a tree any day)
Pidge should not be rewarded in this moment by having an immediate aptitude for this tech. I believe for this part, Hunk should be the most likely to be able to work these things, and that Keith and Lance are shortly after, when they show a willingness to defer to a more knowledgeable party when they’re struggling to get it. But Pidge should have the most trouble. She doesn’t get why she is able to pick it up, and is insistent that she does it alone. Shiro maybe asks why she won’t go and just ask Hunk for help.
Because ultimately, Pidge has built up an identity of being self sufficient and being gifted. She may have gotten picked on, kids may have excluded her, but she understood things they never would. They may have been stronger and bigger, but she was right. And nothing would change that. Well, until she can’t get the hang of this tech.
I think with the way that the cube is used in this should incapacitate the lions for now. They need this tech to infiltrate the main city and regain their leader. Pidge has to stay behind in the forest with Shiro while Hunk, Lance and Keith take the lead on that mission because she isn’t able to work it. The leader is supposed to be the genius leader that is the only one capable of designing the cube who is being threatened but I like that he turns out to be safe and was working with the galra. And I think he should reflect something about Pidge. Lubos is a genius, and he knows that the Galra need him, cause they can’t build this without him. But he believes that this value he has to them means that he has the upperhand, they can’t pull one over on him because he’s the one with all the cards. But he’s thrown his own people under the bus in the name of a plan he turns out to not have the upper hand in because he fails to consider that there was value and purpose in the simpler things, his people didn’t need their value to come from being a part of building something advanced for some one else, they could derive joy and purpose from the everyday things too, and has to actually be rescued by Lance, Keith and Hunk when this all backfires on him.
Now what happens in the episode is that Pidge is told she must have a deep connection with nature which she denies but then has an aptitude for this tech and has the best lion for the plan and saves them all from the galra soldiers. Lubos is revealed as a liar and they all get in their lions and find their weapons don’t work. Now of course, cause in Voltron canon, Pidge is the only one who notices things in her episodes and points out that the cube they use their lions to attack is absorbing their attacks and gets to have an i told you so moment as it gets fired back at them and somehow no other person realises this. Its echoing like Coran’s cube. They try physical hits but it does not work and Pidge is soon shot down in Green. Ryner uses telepathy now to tell Pidge she must bond with her lion more as the Olkari heal her lion and she kinda just sits and thinks about how circuits and codes are like tree roots and that seems to be enough.
She then shoots at the cube, and despite it never having worked, it works now and a tree root grows out the cube destroying it.
Once again, Pidge is just kinda being told she can do things and then she does them or just suddenly comprehends and this all suddenly works out and means so much of the initial set up is fucking pointless. Cause what does Pidge learn here that she didn’t already learn ten minutes ago after being shown to be reluctant to accept new information and then immediately changing her mind cause the plot required it? And on top of this, she saves the day doing the same thing the others did, shooting at it with her lions gun and it simply works cause this episode is Pidge centric?
I think the lions stay down for now, they need to use this Olkari tech to shut the thing down before Pidge uses her lion to destroy it with her lions gun. Because I believe that Pidge should not only not have an immediate affinity for this tech, but that as a result of this, should be able to by the end of the episode, which will prompt the bonding with the Lion later to gain access to that ability, the ability to not just appreciate the way that nature can relate to technological advancement but be able to appreciate the value in it. Pidge in the time the others are getting Lubos begins to explain to Shiro that she hates needing to ask for help. Shiro reminds her that she’s part of a team, and her skills are important, but there are things the team can offer perspective on too.
She tells him she knows but and she doesn’t quite finish it, because maybe a little part of her was still valuing her worth to others based on the superior knowledge and programming she could provide and that this in turn made the other side of the coin that she was on some level undervaluing her teammates for not having those same skills. Hunk took to this tech well, he’s not just an engineer but he works a little more intuitively than she does, and Keith while stubborn about fighting and the things he’s good at, is more than comfortable asking advice from those for things he’s not well versed in, and while yes, similarly, Lance can be quick to dismiss the beauty of engineering, he was quick to recognise when this viewpoint did not serve him or the people he was trying to help, and swallowed his pride and adapted to achieve the goal. And more importantly in their comparison from the offset of the episode, Lance can be insecure, but he’s not afraid to be wrong, in fact he expects it.
The core of this episode should be Pidge values intelligence, because to her, if she’s not right, if she’s got it wrong then what value can she have to anyone. And that this belief is limiting her.
Pidge defers to Hunk’s expertise, willing to stay back when the plan to deactivate the cube goes ahead to make she can understand this tech better and maybe get word to the others once she gets it. She can’t help until she can work their tech.
The fights begins to not go well, the cube reflects back at them so Pidge figures out deactivating it will require using attacks not against it, but to isolate it from stimuli it can use against them, but the cube is beginning to mess with the coms and she needs to get out there to them to let them know. She’s scared but if she’s wrong, she’s just gotta keep trying, because being afraid to be wrong will only keep her from getting to them. Ryner encourages her to think of the way nature can be like technology, evolution in a way was a series of refining and improving on a design in response to new conditions, a sunset can only be enjoyed the way it is because a series of variables came to together by chance and refined to allow the experience to be had. Pidge thinks on this, the way that this tech is the same way, and the tech begins to work. She’s still a litlte shaky but she’s beginning to get the hang of it.
She gets the info to them, and they able to lure the cube somewhere that keep it isolated from things it can weaponise, and the Olkari are able to power the cube down. There is the worry that the cube could be activated if the Galra come out to find it, but Pidge feels her lion nudging her mind, able to reach her now the cube has been deactivated. She runs to her lion and rather than thinking of her lion as tech first, sentient second, she recognises that Green has an idea and this is when the ability to use Green’s ray to create spontaneous organic tree growth is used on the cube to split apart the design from the inside. Normally she’d be sad that a design like this is destroyed but in a weird way she can appreciate that is actually looks kind of neat. The other’s remark also that they think it looks cool, Lance even taking a photo of it and sending it to Pidge.
As they head off, Ryner thanks Voltron for their help and plans to join the coalition and gifts Pidge with a small simply engineered model that looks like the machines they had to utilise. Its one of the initial design models they made for the machines and Pidge thanks Ryner for it. As they arrive back at the castle, the little model takes pride of place in Pidge’s work station.
Ultimately the point of this post is that the original episode as it stands frustrates me as it’s an episode that clearly wants to get into Pidge’s character and explore it a little but spends most of the run time being too afraid to allow some of Pidge’s flaws to take any sort of precedence in the episode or allow any of the other team members to offer her any sort of perspective on these flaws. Its too afraid to let Pidge grow and learn things and be wrong. Allowing other characters to interact with these traits of hers, contradict them, and act as foils to them isn’t taking attention away from Pidge, it’s an opportunity to highlight something about her as a person. You can use other characters and how to respond to the main character focus to learn about them through the ways they differ.
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nicoathogwarts · 2 years
Nico walked into the hogshead in jeans, a black t-shirt with a skull and his aviator jacket. It was nice getting to wear his usual clothes for once and not his uniform.
Heads turned and wands were pointed at him. Including Ginny's brother Ron.
“What are you doing here? Come to spy on us?” Ron spat.
“I came for the same reason everyone else did. If I was a spy I wouldn’t walk through the front door would I?” Nico sized up the redhead, in case he had to fight. Though he was trying, Ginny's youngest older brother was not at all intimidating. 
“We don’t know that.” He stuttered, turning red.
Nico held up his scarred hand. I will respect my elders. “We have a common enemy, besides I’d like to actually learn something and if I can’t do it in class here will suffice. I’m here for the same reason as everyone else.” 
“Like I’ll believe that. What is your fancy camp in America not good enough? Why does a pureblood need to learn with us?”
“I’m a de- half blood. My father’s a muggle so piss off will you?” Nico snapped, more than fed up with everyone in the tavern. “My dad has nothing to do with any of this.”
“Sure it does if he or your mum are sided with Him.”
“Ronald stop it. I invited him.” Ginny snapped, getting up and dragging Nico to the seat she’d saved for him.
The meeting continued, people kept glancing at Nico waiting for him to attack or say something in defense of Voldemort. 
Ron glared at Nico until he left with the others. “He was going to say something before he said he's a half blood.”
“Ron, you need to let it go. He was invited and if Ginny trusts him we should too,” Hermione said.
“He was wearing a shirt with a skull on it!”
“He also got detention with Umbridge.” Harry said looking at his own hand “he’s right about us having a common enemy.”
Ron scowled “but he said nothing about You-Know-Who, he’s our actual enemy, not Umbridge.”
Hermione huffed “Ronald. Ginny, Neville and Luna said he was alright. If you trust anyones judgment I think it’d be your own sisters.’”
“She’s fourteen! He could be manipulating her!”
“Or, you’re jealous of him because he’s all mysterious and American. Even the other Slytherins think he’s strange, Balise Zabini won’t stop talking about how the last Nico id Angelo was born in the forties and hasn’t been heard from since he was ten.” Hermione said, she began packing up their stuff “How about we go and get some butterbeers.”
“Sounds fantastic, I’ll pay” Harry said, wanting nothing more then the conversation to move away from Nico di Angelo.
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unholytrinitytrio · 4 years
Pairings: Hawks x Older Reader, Dabi X Older Reader, Shigaraki X Older Reader
Warnings: Age gap, Manipulations, Man Handling
Word count: 976
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He’d be the type to seethe with anger quietly as you carelessly flirt with the  guy. Honestly, are you really that flattered with being mistaken as younger your age.
“Hahaha, surely you don’t think I’m still within my twenties” you giggled happily tucking a hair strand behind your ears flattered that somehow your genetic worked wonders for your age.
He’s trying to make himself look busy while aimlessly scrolling in between his phone’s menu. While holding at the end of your dress shirt, tugging softly at times in order to garner your attention that he was already eager to leave this bitch ass boy that tried his luck.
“So like why don’t we go out? I know this place and we can still take your nephew-”
Having had enough Shigaraki finally straightened his posture behind you easily towering both you and your ‘companion’ putting away his phone inside his hoodie jacket.
“Blah blah blah can’t you shut your fuckin’ mouth already? My ears been ringing ever since shits started coming out of your mouth”
Shocked by the sudden insults spewing out of your lover’s mouth left the other party’s mouth agape.
“Respectfully fuck you” Shigaraki said before grabbing the back of your head smashing both of your lips, looking smugly at the other person.
Pulling back with your bottom lip between his teeth he released it satisfied with your starry eyed look for him.
He hates it whenever someone from the league comments on how you act as Shigaraki’s caretaker.
You sometimes baby him. He took it the wrong way.
Anyway, he was so pissed off of your constant babying that he showed you just how to fuck a baby inside you.
He was constantly whiny at you when you limited the times he asks you for sex. However lifting said ban resulted in digging your grave further. Says that as someone whose older than him he should service you often, even to the point of your exhaustion he still insisted on going at it.
Many times had you lost consciousness while going at it that it doesn’t faze you anymore at waking up with your legs on his shoulder his hips rapidly thrusting against you.
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He was the one who got fooled by your good looks.
He first saw you hanging out by yourself in the bar he frequented. At first he thought you were an easy lay, but the way your eyes twinkle with amusement at his piss poor attempt at flirting his way in between your legs, said otherwise.
Even the bartender who knew better than to fuck with you, warned him amusingly.
Ironically he did bed you and he found it quite pleasant that you let him stay the night. Unfortunately he doesn’t find it quite amusing when you threw a laughing fit after you found out he actually believed you were younger than him or that you were somewhere with his age.
That is until you showed him a legal ID stating your 10 year age gap.
“Fuck I can’t believe I shacked some cougar” he grumbled while rubbing his temples.
“And I never said it wasn’t one of my best fuck” he mumbled before trying to scoot over to your body rubbing his face in between your shoulder.
“Just say you have mommy issues”
“Cradle robber”
Ever since, he always frequented in stopping by at your place, for food or sex he wasn’t sure anymore. Only that he rather spent his time back at your place than the league of people with few loose screws.
You should have never let him stay that night. He was so into his delusions, thinking that he finally has a place to go home that he never really confirmed your relationship with him.
“Dabi for the last time, it was just a one night stand whatever made you think we are going out?”
Grabbing you by your collar, steam dangerously close, making its way from his arms. He nastily spat out his words.
“Look at you, just so damn confused you can’t even plead for your life right”
He gets so turned on whenever you act in a motherly way. Wearing an apron, washing dishes, and even picking stuff he ‘accidentally’ dropped off the ground.
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The grade A ego maniac, younger enterprise boss, that swooned his way inside your pants. He thinks it’s cute when you insisted that you were a lot older than you look.
“For the last time, I’m already old enough to be your mother” yes you were quite exaggerating but that doesn’t change the fact that this young and upcoming hero decided to give you his time of his day with no apparent reason.
Pouting at your answer before having a devilish thought in his head, Hawks leaned closer to you.
“Soo..mommy?” Hawks whispered by your ear before heading off with a smirk sliding past you, ready to return to his previous paper works before he stopped by your cubicle.
Before going out with you, he always implies playfully that it’s your fault he couldn’t date women his age.
He literally guilt tripped you and hinted threateningly to fire you,  into dating him. Whatever works he guess?
Grimacing slightly when you saw his reflection enter your shared bathroom before he looked behind your shoulder to comment on your nightly routine.
“You should really start looking like your age” Hawks said wincing at the memory of how you got cat called by a bunch of rowdy teenagers while you were shopping along side him.
Literally into domestic kink, whenever you two had sex he always insists that you call him daddy and your the mommy.
He’s to into his own fantasy realm that he demands you always greet him with praises and kisses in front of the door whenever he comes back home like a good little wife that you are.
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hnnyoongs · 3 years
akai shuichi headcanons
shuichi wears a beanie all the time because he's self conscious about hir hairline .... and I mean who can blame him? id be too
shuichi saw gin when he was visiting Japan in the 10 years ago flashback and was like ooh long hair is cool AND it'll piss ka-san off flash forward 5 years later when shuichi infiltrates the BO and is like fUck cool long hair dude is a psycho
shuichi cut his hair off when he heard akemi was killed by gin he kinda went into the whole mental breakdown mode and was like fuck this shit because he started growing his hair out cuz of gin and also akemi really liked his long hair
shuichi used to be a band kid when he lived in England and wanted to pursue a career in music (much to the chagrin of Mary) but after tsutomu disappeared he was like fuck that and stopped playing until he entered the BO
shuichi has a really bad memory about things that dont have to do anything with his job kinda like BBC's Sherlock but not as bad
shuichi used to find dead bodies when he was a kid just like shinichi but it wasn't as often maybe like a dead body once a year or something
shuichi named himself dai because that's what Mary actually wanted to name him when she was giving birth she was screaming die die die and tsutomu wasn't there yet so she was like aight die sounds like the japanese name dai the only reason shuichi wasn't named that was that tsutomu burst in and was like FUCK NO
shuichi was picked on when training for the FBI since compared to 6 foot jock white men shuichi was a 5 foot 7 asian with long hair and dressed like a teenage girl who frequented Starbucks in the toxic environment of the FBI for anyone who doesnt fit the mold shuichi had it cut out for him
shuichi showed signs of multiple mental illnesses but they were all difficult to pin down so he was never diagnosed with anything since he refused to talk at the FBI mandated therapy sessions
shuichi's type is someone who is kind but could wield a gun
he used to dislike kids but being around them as okiya has made SOME kids special in his heart
before tsutomu's disspeareance he taught shuichi how to hunt with a shotgun
shuichi lived off of sports drinks and bars whenever he was single since he couldn't rely on take out due to it being unhealthy which wouldn't help his FBI styled life
shuichi taught akemi simple self defense techniques but refuses to teach her how to shoot a gun saying he didn't want her hands to get dirty
shuichi and shukichi blackmail each other for favors by using the "ill tell ka-san you did that one thing that you blamed dad for when we were kids if u dont help me out"
scotch once told him that bourbon's type was a white milf (in reference to Elena who was white and was a mother) so shuichi was scared as fuck when rei met Mary's adult self for the first time
shuichi hates being compared to his mother but the truth is they're the most similar and they both started mimicking tsutomu after his disappearance
the only thing shuichi knew how to cook before meeting yukiko was plain white rice as that was the only thing tsutomu was able to teach him
shuichi mimics an American accent while talking in America or talking in English unless he's talking to his family or he's mentally shook up and his British accent slips out
he thinks in British accented English as well (idc if the animanga shows him thinking in japanese it makes no sense that western raised people like Jodie and camel think in japanese) but he does use some japanese like ka-san and when he's trying to get deep into his okiya persona
he tries very hard to keep the polite speech patterns of okiya Subaru since as akai shuichi he's very .. rude
shuichi's sniper skills were so good the fbi was willing to overlook his disrespect of authority and his tendency to do everything by himself without consulting everyone
shuichi slips into a British accent around James if he's feeling really comfortable
he felt bad about using shiho since she was only a year older than masumi and she hadn't done anything wrong so he vowed to get her and akemi out of the BO
he had a plan to get akemi and shiho out by convincing the higher ups to grant them immunity if they testified but akemi's death derailed the entire thing
he hates to admit it but his family is the most important thing to him he may not contact them that often but he's going to such lengths to bring his father back because he cares for his family so much
shuichi didnt really know what he wanted to do with his life once he took down his father's pursuers but after akemi and scotch he decided that if he solved his father's disappearance first he'd hunt down the BO next tho once learning that Haneda Koji’s death had something to do with the BO he's back at the thing where he doesn't know what to do with his life without revenge
he promised shukichi that he'd be the one to solve shukichi's death if what happened to Haneda kohji also happens to shukichi
he isn't a fan of dates in amusement parks but if it makes his partner happy and smile he'll have fun
dating Jodie was a quiet thing most likely from an attachment maybe due to a bad case or a loss of a mutual friend depending on the agency they might have been legally allowed to date each other but it is usually looked down upon I dont think they went out together often probably spending time together at home ... doing stuff
he identifies as bisexual it was normal to him in childhood since both Mary and tsutomu talked about their past relationships to their children he never told anyone due to the fact it would affect his FBI status since it was illegal in America shukichi and Mary know he's bi but shuichi has no idea Mary knows
akemi and shuichi would take strolls in parks go shopping and go to cafes
he's very self conscious about his height and whenever he goes to Japan it makes him feel good about himself since he's relatively tall there
Mary was the one who drilled japanese into his head not tsutomu
the last time shuichi talked to Mary was when he called her up to tell her to take masumi and leave Japan for Britain after masumi cornered him and scotch him and Mary had a whole argument and after that they stopped talking to each other, not that they talked to each other much in the first place
shuichi learned jee kun do by watching training videos from vhs tapes/cds/YouTube depending on when you consider detco taking place I personally believe conan shrinks in 2018 meaning that tsutomu disappeared in 2001 and shuichi used a mixture of tapes and cds to learn
shuichi can read people really well but has a hard time manipulating people by being nice he can use people by being a jackass very well but trying to be a normal person is hard for him
Yukiko and yusaku remind shuichi of his parents before tsutomu disappeared but like more upbeat
shuichi dislikes full body hugs
akemi and shiho were both anime and romance drama fans so he knows random things about the shows and uses that info to connect with the DB and especially haibara
he considered himself British first and foremost but when asked about whether he considers himself white or asian he'll always go with asian
he started smoking soon after his father disappeared since his father used to smoke and he needed to cope but didn't wanna fall into drugs like cocaine
smoking is heavily looked down upon in America and is seen as unprofessional which helped shuichi go undercover a bunch due to him being a heavy smoker
akemi would make him stop smoking around her and shiho saying that second hand smoking was dangerous and that shuichi who was smoking constantly was going to get lung cancer but he would tell her that he just couldn't stop smoking he did stop smoking around shiho and akemi tho going outside to do it instead
as okiya it makes him go wild because he desperately needs to smoke to cope but okiya cant smoke it doesnt fit his image so he smokes a shit ton at night during his nightly drives
shuichi forced himself not to smoke during his time visiting Japan when he met masumi because he knew Mary would get even more upset with him
shuichi was terrible driving American styled cars and he got so upset that he perfected his drive-in techiuque over the years just to spite the instructor that said he was barely passing
he likes to go on late night drives and speed on the high way because he's a thrill seeking idiot
he has no social media but he created on as okiya Subaru to keep an eye on haibara's higo stan account
he takes offense to the idea that he's stalking haibara he's just p r o t e c t i n g her
he wants shiho to be happy more than anything so he's an avid coai shipper and is exhausted in Conan's obliviousness
shuichi didnt tell shukichi he wasn't actually dead shukichi just walked up to okiya Subaru one day and was like shuuichi-ni-san right? shuichi has long stopped questioning shukichi's weird ways of knowing shit he shouldn't know
shuichi is a sherlockian but he's not like shinichi or hakuba in that he does not hate BBC's Sherlock and actually enjoys it a bit
one upside to shuichi living in America is that he gets to hoard guns because he's obsessed with them he thinks they're really cool it's like conan with Sherlock he starts yapping his mouth of about them
bourbon once dangled a gun on in front of a sleeping shuichi cuz he didnt believe scotch when he said that rye was obsessed with guns and started saying incorrect shit about the type of gun he was holding and shuichi just shot up and started berating him
shuichi hates that chianti is a killer because she's the only person who's as much as a gun fanatic as he is
he tends to steal Jodie's car a lot
he likes fucking with peoples heads it's very fun to him to watch them get all worked up
shuichi hasn't mourned his father yet because he doesnt believe his father’s dead
deep down he blames his father for his mother going slightly bonkers
he didnt want masumi to be a detective at first but now hes proud of her
he drinks a lot as okiya Subaru since he cant smoke as much
he's willing to go to hell if it means he can rip gin from limp to limp
he really hates gin yall I dont think I can convey how much he hates gin
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You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 24
“We lay to rest a beloved member of the community. A mother. A friend. A daughter. A wife. Claudia Stilinski...” We stood on the lawn of Beacon Hills Memorial Cemetery, watching Aunt Claudia’s casket being lowered into the ground. She had been sick for so long and it was starting to turn ugly... But she was in a better place now, that’s what Uncle Noah said. When he spoke at least. I looked past the grieving people, like Ms. McCall, Scott, the entire police department, and looked at Stiles. He looked so tired. His cheeks were tear stained and his eyes were red from crying. 
Once people started to disperse, my parents and I made our way over to Uncle Noah and Stiles. While the adults talked, Stiles and I just continued to stare at the grave. The grounds keepers were starting to cover her body with dirt. 
“Do you want me to spend the night tonight?” I whispered, reaching over and holding his hand. 
Stiles shook his head, chewing on the inside of his cheek, “I want to be alone tonight.” He gave my hand a squeeze.
“Wouldn’t tonight be the worst time to be alone?” 
“I just want to be at home with my dad. I need some time for myself.” 
“(Y/N).” We both turned at my father’s voice, “Let’s go, sweetie.” We both looked back at the grave.
“Okay. Well, call if you change your mind.” I gave his hand a squeeze before letting it slip away. 
We got into the car, making our way back home. 
“How you holding up, sweetie?” Mom turned back and looked at me over the sink. 
“I don’t want to be alone tonight.” I said, looking out the window.
“Well, you don’t have to.” Dad said, “We’ll get into our pjs and watch Disney movies. You know how much Aunt Claudia loved Disney movies.” 
I swallowed thickly, “Actually... I was hoping that I could go to see the Hales. If that’s okay.” Dad sighed loudly and mom smacked him subtly. 
“Sure, baby.” Mom said, a sad smile on her face, “I’ll call Talia when we get home.” 
When I was dropped off at the Hales’, Talia welcomed me with open arms, a blanket, and a hot chocolate. I guess what I needed was away from the whole situation. We played games, Laura braided my hair, we made friendship bracelets. At the end of the night, Laura and Cora had fallen asleep to the movie we had been watching and Derek had snuck us both onto the roof of the Hale house. We were on our back, looking up at all the stars in the sky and the moon shining down on us. We had been in silence for a while until Derek cleared his throat awkwardly. 
“So, uh, are you excited for high school next year?” 
I sighed and shook my head, “After today? I don’t think I’ll be ready for anything.”
“Yeah...” He turned on his side to face me, “I’m sorry about your aunt. I know she was important to you.” 
“Thanks...” I turned, “I guess I’m just kinda worried about everything. I don’t know what life is going to be like without her. And I’m worried about Stiles too.” 
“I bet. I don’t know what I would do if I lost my mom.” He said. Then, he reached out and grabbed my hand, “Whenever you feel like this again, let me know. You can come over and we can do this again. Whatever you need, I’ll be there.” 
I smiled, a slight blush to my cheeks that I really hoped was hidden in the dark, “Thanks, Derek.” 
“Of course.” He smiled, “It’s what friends do.” 
The communication with Beacon Hills was slim to none. And, ya know, that didn’t feel great. I understood that everyone was busy living their lives whether it was being a high school student or fighting supernatural beings or being a supernatural being or the sheriff in a town full of both. But unanswered texts and calls were starting to get to me. 
The ones I got weren’t great either though. Stiles occasionally sent me a long email about the events that had happened since long distance calls weren’t in the phone plan. 
I had learned more about the alpha pack - a blind one, a woman who could definitely use a manicure, a strong man, and twins who could morph into each other. I was almost a little happy I didn’t have to deal with that. 
All the betas were missing except Isaac who had stayed behind. Even if he did get in trouble every now and then. 
And then missing turned into dead. Hearing that Erica was dead really hit me hard. I barely knew the girl, a few moments and quick chats usually didn’t mean that much. But they found her locked in a closet, rotting. It was horrifying. She was a child. She was finally enjoying her life - a new life without seizures and bullying, her parents had taken her to get pictures taken; happy to see that their little girl loved herself for the first time. Now she was gone. 
They found Boyd alive, thankfully. And surprisingly, they had found Derek’s sister: Cora. 
Not forgetting that there were flocks of animals committing mass suicide and kids turning up murdered. It seems home is getting more and more dangerous. Not only was there an alpha pack but there was a creature called a Darach, a dark druid. 
The leader of the alpha pack, Deucalion, was trying to get Derek to join his pack. He also wanted me to join as well, apparently he had been asking where I was. To join, he would have to kill the betas. Derek, who I’m sure was done being manipulated, refused. To keep him safe, Derek kicked Isaac out of the depot to live with Scott. 
Speaking of dead...
Even thousands of miles away, the vision of falling three stories still hurt as much as if I was actually there. A battle between the alphas, Derek and Scott. And honestly, I wasn’t sure if Derek was alive or dead. Every little message I thought to him just echoed in my head. I had cried, tried forcing myself to work through it. But nothing really worked. I still woke up in the middle of the night, naked on the castle grounds having shifted my feelings or else I was instinctually trying to search for him. First it was anger, next it was denial, then more anger. And that was all just last night. 
Hell, not even forgetting to mention the fact that the test Lachlan ran on me was a little more than just a blood panel. They checked for human chorionic gonadotropin hormone aka the pregnancy hormone. And things were just getting better and better. Because it was positive. I am pregnant. And the father may be dead. 
Sending a preemptive long distance fee to Stiles’ PayPal account, I called the house phone. It didn’t have caller ID but it was something. Michael didn’t think it was a good idea, however, it was gonna be a cold day in Hell before I listened to his double agent ass. Lachlan thought I deserved closure. And I trusted him more. 
“Stilinski residence.” Stiles’ voice was a little scratchy, but still loud and clear. 
“Stiles, if you hang up on me I swear you will live to regret it. I still have access to your secret YouTube channel.” There was a pause on the other end, then a sigh. 
“Hey (Y/N). I was wondering why I got an email from my PayPal."
 "Is there a reason I've been on everyone's pay no mind list? Because it's starting to piss me off."
"Well... Derek said that we shouldn't worry about or get you stressed out."
"So not talking to me for months is supposed to help?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Uh... Ya got me there."
I groaned and started tapping my foot, "I just...." My mind seemed to go blank, my heart rate going up. That's not right. I wasn't doing anything to make it spike like this.
"I know, I know. And I'm sorry, I wish I could contact you more. But there's a lot going on here with the alpha pack and Lydia and-and Derek-"
"Shit." I wheezed, sitting down on the bed. My body felt so warm and not in the way it normally would.
"Yeah I know, it's a lot right now-" His voice was drowned out by my senses taking over. It was the familiar warmth of intimacy. But not from me. It was Derek! He was alive. But he was with someone. And that someone-
He was kissing her. Touching her. His heart racing. Her touch set his skin ablaze and nothing else mattered. Not even the wounds on his body that nearly killed him. But all that mattered was her intoxicating touch. The touch of a woman he didn’t know. But her whole being enveloped him.  
I screamed loudly in anger, but behind that anger was so much pain. My chest ached and felt like it was being pulled across the world. I dropped the phone, holding my chest.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! What's wrong?!" My breathing was erratic and my thoughts were going wild between what had just happened and what I was thinking and what I had to do from here. I felt so helpless and alone. What could I do?
Then... There was an answer. Maybe it was the stress? Maybe it was my raging hormones? But I had my answer.
I picked the phone back up.
"(Y/N)! Talk to me, what's going on?"
I inhaled and exhaled deeply, "Derek’s alive."
"He is?"
"But not for long." I hung up.
How dare he? HOW COULD HE? AFTER EVERYTHING WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH OUR ENTIRE LIVES AND HE JUST- JUST THROWS IT ALL OUT? And for what? Who could have been more important than me? I'm his stupid mate for Christ's sake.
But if he wants to sleep around?
He could for the next thirteen hours. Because I'm going back to Beacon Hills for the soul purpose of ripping his heart out like he did mine. And if this emotional trauma affected my child? Well, there were repercussions for that too.
Michael and Lachlan were in my room, watching me as I threw together a bag to take on the plane. Remarkably, as a member of the Lunar Circle I would get free airfare courtesy of Lachlan mostly because the guy was insanely rich and he agreed with my revenge plot, for the most part.
"Okay, let's think rationally here." Michael said, taking things out of my bag as I was putting them in, "He's a total douche bag for doing this. We all agree. But in your state, I don't think you should fly. I mean anything could happen."
"I can fly until I'm thirty-six weeks along." I said curtly, grabbing my things out of his hands and putting them back in the bag.
"Come on, think about what you're doing-"
"I have thought about it. And I'm going to kill him."
Michael looked back at Lachlan who had his arms crossed over my chest, only observing.
"A little help here, Praetor McLeod?"
Lachlan shrugged, "Seems justified to me."
"Murder? Murder seems justified to you." He asked incredulously.
"It's the werewolf way." Lachlan said simply.
"Thank you, Lachlan." I smiled.
"Okay, what about this?" Michael stood in front of my path to my bag, "Murdering him seems like a great idea right now, I totally get it. But-but if you do that, it will weigh heavily on your conscience."
"The Lunar Circle has excellent insurance, including therapy." Lachlan chimed in.
I moved Michael out of the way, "Duly noted."
Michael sputtered, "And-and your baby? What about your baby? That's their dad."
"Their dad who decided to stick his penis in another woman." I raised my eyebrows at him, "That one? Yeah, what a stand up guy."
“But you love him. Don’t you think killing him-”
“Michael!” I slammed my suitcase shut, “Shut up.” I turned and faced both of them, “You’re right, okay? I do love him, which is the worst part. I hate him so much but I still love him. I dedicated my life to him and I thought he had dedicated himself to me. I was wrong.” I zipped the bag and made my way out the door, “I’ll be back at the end of the week.”
Getting on the plane didn’t take long. Relatively short lines, quick ticket, fast boarding. Like someone was looking out for me as I went to kick Derek's ass. Becoming alpha to Derek's pack was starting to sound better and better as the pain continued to radiate through my body. Eventually, I just felt numb.
The people on the plane were nice. I sat next to an older gentleman who slept for the most part so I could whisper profanities under my breath. The stewardess had been kind, making sure I had enough to drink. It seems someone had tipped them off I was pregnant, probably Michael. The guy had been a nervous wreck since he found out I was pregnant. He wouldn’t even let me train, not like he had much of a choice in what I did. But he sure knew how to annoy me out of a room. Lachlan had been supportive, talking about adding an additional room onto mine for a nursery. I told that it wasn’t necessary since I wouldn’t be staying in Scotland that long. 
After the plane landed, I was met by a very tired looking Stiles. We didn’t speak much, just began the drive back home. 
"So...." He swallowed, his eyes darted from me to the road ahead, "Pregnant," He chuckled nervously, "That-that's great! I'm so happy for you.” He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. He was hesitating, he wanted to say something else, “Uh...Speaking of-” I groaned loudly, another lecture. 
He ignored my dramatics, “Maybe you shouldn't kill him. That's not good for the baby..." 
“It wasn’t good for the baby when he decided to take our bond, step on it and rub it in the dirt.” He was silent, but not for long.
"Yeah-but you see we kinda need Derek to help with some big bads. Like Deucalion and the Darach and ya know, other stuff." 
"I remember you telling me about it. I tried to do some research but Lachlan said that we didn’t have too much information on them.” 
“Well that’s not too helpful.” 
We made it back to the house at sunset, which was perfect timing. The cover of night would be great to conceal me in the dark. Sure, he would smell my scent but he would have no idea where I was coming from. I pulled on the handle on the door but stared at it when it didn’t budge. Still locked. I looked back at Stiles. He looked tired, a wreck.
“Would you just... See dad before you cover yourself in blood? He was really excited to hear you were coming home.” Like he always seemed to be, Stiles’ was right. I should see Uncle Noah. 
“I will. I need to rest anyway. Besides, I can’t kill him on an empty stomach.” I winked.
“You terrify me.” He unlocked the doors. We got out just in time for Uncle Noah to jog down the driveway. 
“There she is!” He grinned, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tight. 
“I missed you so much.” I said into his shirt, giving him a soft squeeze. He pulled away and looked over me, “Look at you.” He motioned to my stomach that looked more like I was bloated than a fetus growing inside of me, “This-this is... Mhm. Exciting!” 
I chuckled, “Thanks. Very mhm.” 
“Uh, you hungry?” 
Dinner had been extremely awkward, the conversation mostly coming back to the child growing inside of me. Lots of questions from both of them. Mostly how I hadn't called. In actuality I had called approximately twenty times a day with no answer from anyone per Derek's request. Unfortunately for him, his requests were now being put on the back burner. I excused myself to my room.
My room was kept the same, I'm certain no one had been inside besides Uncle Noah. And from the ruffled blankets, maybe Stiles. Back when we were kids, we used to sneak scary movies and had to sleep in a huddled pile because we were too scared to sleep by ourselves. 
I grabbed a jacket and opened up my window, I was half way out of it when my door opened. Stiles stood in the doorway. We stared at each other for a minute. 
“I may regret saying this one day because I don’t care for Derek, but don’t kill him.” He said, “Kick the living shit out of him, sure. Get in a few punches for me. But don’t kill him. We need him.” Of course, all it took was Stiles to talk me off the murder-ledge. 
“I won’t kill him.” I smiled, “I’ll be home soon.”
Odds are, with the alpha pack threat Derek will have the depot protected. What he failed to remember was that the most dangerous being in the world had a key to every place in the depot. I simply walked in the front door. Almost like he was expecting me.
His scent was so strong, like the forest after it rained. It made this ball of emotion well up in my chest bringing me back to all the love and memories we had shared together. Not all the memories were life and death. They weren't all fights. Some days, Derek and I would curl up and bed and never leave, only grabbing food here and there. His smile would light up his whole face, sometimes it would even reach his green eyes and make them sparkle. When he would nap, he would lay his head on my chest and sleep, like he was finally at peace with himself and the world. That was the person I loved. 
I walked through the main room at the depot, getting to the stairs. The worst part here was the pictures, us together, the pack. I want to make the depot less abandoned and more homey for the betas to have a place to go and relax. Some of the pictures had turned heads at the photo developing counter (but I had managed to convince them that it was for a theater class). The worst part was that on my way here Boyd had been killed. If only I had been here soon, if only I had been here at all. Only two of the pack remained, Isaac and Jackson who was no longer a killer lizard thanks to Lydia. Say what you will about Peter Hale but sometimes he knew what he was talking about.  
If Derek knew I was here, he hadn’t tried to make a move. Smart. 
After wandering a bit, I finally decided to face the music. I found him hunched over his desk in the main office room. Rain was dancing against the fluorescent lights from the street lamps down below. He hadn’t looked up at me the whole time that I walked up to him. He felt defeat and alone. He had lost everything. He was looking down at his desk, his hands laced together. He looked up slightly, more looking at my shirt than my face. 
“I...” His voice was soft and quiet, something unlike the loud, booming man I was used to, “I messed up.” 
“Yeah, you did.” It was silent for a moment, then he spoke again. 
“Who’s with you?” He asked, his eyes scanning the room. 
I narrowed my eyes at him, “No one.” 
“Then why do I hear another heart-” His eyes widened. He stared directly at my stomach. I thought I almost saw his ears perk up. 
“Are you...”
“I am. I’m having a baby. Emphasis on the ‘I’m’.” I really hadn’t wanted to do much talking, I really hadn’t planned on saying anything besides obscenities and screaming at him. He stood up from the desk and quickly came around, he reached his hand out towards my stomach but I smacked it away. 
“You have no right to touch me. Especially when I can still smell her stench on you.” I scrunched up my nose and sneered. 
“Look,” He licked his lips, “I can’t give you a good answer or an excuse-”
“Good, because I don’t want one.” I glared. 
He looked at me a moment then continued, “I don’t know why I did what I did. Something just came over me. Please tell me you believe me.” He put his hand on my shoulder. 
He really should have taken a lesson out of his own book. With amazing speed, I grabbed him by the throat and threw him across the room. When he landed, my features shifted and my eyes glowed red. He groaned, holding at his waist. That’s where he had been injured in the alpha fight, it had healed but it was still sore. 
“I don’t want your apologies.” I growled, walking towards him, “I want you to feel what I felt. The pain and the suffering. The violation...” I chuckled darkly, “You know that I felt her hands on you? Touching the most private parts of your body that only I was supposed to feel. Do you know how disgusting I felt afterwards? I felt used and dirty and it wasn’t even my body.” I stepped on his chest with my boot to keep him down on the ground. He still wasn’t looking at me. I snarled, grabbing him by his shirt and shoving him against the concrete pillar he landed on. 
“Look at me!” I roared, “You broke me into a million little pieces. You didn’t answer my calls.” I punched him. 
“You kept me hidden in the dark about Erica’s death.” I hit him again. 
“You wouldn’t let my family communicate with me and when they did they couldn’t even tell me everything that was going on. I was begging to hear from someone, anyone, I was all alone!” I threw him across the room. 
“You blocked my number two months ago.” I stalked over to him, ignoring the tears running down my face, “I couldn’t even hear your voice on your goddamn voicemail!” I got down on my knees and grabbed his chin so that his eyes met mine. 
“LOOK AT ME!” I screamed, “Look what you did to me! For months you’ve been using our bond for your own strength, strength that used used to heal and have sex with another woman!” My voice was starting to crack as all the things I had thought about were coming out, “See how much my heart broke when I felt how happy you were with someone other than me.” He was finally looking at me. The worst thing though was that his eyes were full of so much love for me, that special twinkle that Peter said only happened when he looked at me. I wasn’t angry anymore, I was devastated. 
“I came here to kill you.” I sniffled, my features shifting back to normal, “I wanted to tear your heart out. But I can’t... I can’t because I love you and I don’t want to hurt you anymore. I shouldn’t have hurt you, but I want to because of what you did.” As the anger fogged cleared, I realized that I was just as bad as he was. 
“You had every right to hurt me-”
“No, I didn’t. I shouldn’t have hurt you. I’m sorry.” I looked down at my hands, “I felt so out of control. I thought I was getting better at it.” 
“You were.” Derek sat up slowly, “It’s the baby. All of your emotions are going to be heightened. More than usual.” 
“It doesn’t matter.” I made my way towards the exit, not caring that he was calling after me, running to catch up to me. I just left him there. Even when I got home and he tried to get into my window, I just ignored his pleading. What I did wasn’t right, I shouldn’t have hit him or punched him. I was just so angry and that anger clouded my vision. 
Weren’t we a pair - one cheats and the other goes into a blind rage. Perfect. 
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bionic-penis · 3 years
Since ive been dogging on it so much i will compile my thots on the new deh movie. I don't know anything about music or theatre or movies so this is coming from my perspective as just someone who enjoys things. Some other things that are relevant given the context of the movie is I grew up poor with a single mom and i suffer from depression and anxiety. Okay okay <33 bulleted bc I REFUSE to write smth well thought out this list will be SO petty maybe if the movie was enjoyable i would be nicer <33
Warning for spoilers!!
First off. They cut out almost all the songs that gave insight into how the adults thought and felt. These are SO fucking important to the story as it fleshes the adults out as more than just set pieces. "Does Anybody Have a Map?" was so important because it introduced the Heidi and Cynthia and showed how they were trying their best despite it all. Cutting this out, alongside with "Good For You" trashed any chance we had at understanding either of the mothers. The one saving grace for Heidi was the fact that they left in "So Big/So Small" but it was not enough
About Heidi... Her relationship with Evan makes me mad. It always has. He is such a dick to his mom and its not even in a believable way imo. There is NO resolution to this. Heidi just offers him advice and sings a song and thats it. They didnt even really fight!! Evan just said his stupid line about how the Murphy's treat him nicer and they part ways awkwardly. Another nitpick about this scene? It didnt have the iconic "ugliness" of the version that im used to. What I love about that version is how the actresses voice dips and sounds so shaky. I love how she doesnt sound necessarily angry, but heartbroken. She sounds devastated. And while I LOVED the actress in the movie she just didn't deliver that same emotion. It felt forced. And the whole scene felt inconclusive.
Its hard having a mom whos always working I understand and this could have been such an amazing moment to showcase that there is no guilty party in this situation. Just a mom whos trying her best and a son who just wants to connect. BUT DO THEY DO THAT? NO. THEY LIKE TO THINK THEY DID BUT THEY DIDNT. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU OH MT GOD THIS ONE PART OF THE STORY MAKES ME WANT TO EAT TWIGS IT MAKES ME SO UPSET 😭😭😭😭
Another thing is that all the songs seen so Evan centric. He sings most of them and I can only really remember two songs that he wasnt apart of
Which brings me to "Requiem"... Which I hated. And have a BIG nitpick about.
First off. Its just shot bad. Theres this moment where it goes from Zoe walking down the hall at school to Larry walking between cubicles to Cynthia walking down a grocery aisle. I felt nothing. The only good thing to come from this is when we see Larry walking down the same way just to return home to cry in Cynthias arms. This is the one moment that got me. The one moment that felt emotionally weighted.
This song could have been shot beautifully. Switching between perspectives and each Murphy's relationship with Colnnor but it doesn't. It lacks intimacy. Even when Zoe is driving her car pedal to the metal driving down an empty road it fails to connect deeply, especially when this moment is never brought up or expanded upon. Also its stupid because at the speed she was going she would have needed a LOT more time to stop than just the split second she has when the light turns red
Another thing about this car sequence?? No stakes. There are no other cars on the road. It wouldnt have even mattered if Zoe hadnt stopped in time. This is one core issue with the movie: there are no consequences for any actions the characters take. I think that id Zoe had ran the stoplight she could have gotten a ticket and opened up a moment for connection between the Murphy's
On more than one occasion we are forced to endure a montage of events that occur without context that I feel are meant to establish that at least SOMETHING happened but what this does is rush character beats AND, especially, Zoe and Evans relationship
Now I LOVE "Only Us" but one cool song does not a relationship make!!
Also the reoccuring montage of Evan falling out if the tree.... 😐
Its such a serious moment but my friend and I laughed. Yeah.... Fail moment.
The way they depict Connor is fucking disrespectful and I hate it and also its fucking awkward. The only reason i sympathised with him at all during the movie was bc he wasnt evan.
Zoe and Evans relationship have no weight
Zoes relationship with her parents have no weight
Evans relationship with Heidi has no weight
No relationship has weight
Ben Platt makes an awful teenager. I dont care how iconic his voice is as Evan. Awful decision to cast him. What was once an emotional exploration of manipulation and acceptance is now a grown man standing in the middle of the hall pissing off frosh, soph, junior, and senior alike
Also the scene with him in the locker room... What the hell... GIRL what senior has a pe class and also??? How have you lasted that long in the locker room we have been doing this for seven years get with the program
What these sequences of Evan standing around looking like That do is NOT establish his anxiety issues but rather make me more likely to shove him in a locker. Seriously. Its borderline stereotypical and makes me embarrassed to have anxiety
I have not even touched on all that upset me but that is enough talking about the bad musical movie for now. If u disagree with me no you dont amen
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giurochedadomani · 4 years
Fic-in-progress type of update that has gotten a tiny, little bit out of hand but I regret nothing and I really want to share it
I’m doing the third and final part of this. 
When I do get to finish this I feel like it’ll work just fine as a one shot, but. Just to give you some context: this scene of the story takes place after a botched plan ends up with the son of a rival capo dead at the hands of? Leonardo? I never bothered to write out what exactly happened on That Fateful Night and now I’m taking 100% advantage of that.  
The thing is, the other mafioso certainly blames him. When Primo manages to keep Leo out of jail by putting the blame of the murder on the son of the town’s mayor, their rival decides to take justice into his own hands, failing to consider how little Primo is likely to stop until he owns the city and ends with every kind of threat vaguely pointed in his direction, Leo’s or this family he has adopted himself into. Enter: 
[Gioia Tauro, Saturday night] 
Uhhhhh there are things I can tag for: mentions of abuse re: Primo’s childhood, discussions of murder and other Mob related stuff, but there are other things that I can’t really tag without spoiling away what happens,  so I’m gonna highlight that this story is basically about a mob war and that violent stuff happens and use the handy ao3 sign of ‘Author decided not to display any warnings’
“Do you want me to tell you, or not?”
“I don’t know, you seem to be doing quite well on your own”. 
It comes off way drier than Leonardo means to, and the without me goes over them, unspoken. He bites the tip of his tongue and stands his ground and tries not to picture the hint of hurt that passes over Primo’s face as Leonardo goes through his business, picking up his suit’s jacket and the briefcase from the sofa as the other looks at him like some kind of gargoyle while he fusses through the office. 
“A bomb. In his office”, Primo explains, slow, after a moment, blatantly ignoring him. “Next week, we’re aiming for Friday, although Fiore needs to tie up some loose ends”. A beat of silence. “I insisted on it being Friday. Less people in the building that day, like you said”. Leonardo won’t give in to Primo’s unsubtle attempts to win him over. “I was going to tell you”. 
He gives the other a sharp look. What he means to be a sharp look, really. It’s kind of endearing that Primo cannot withstand a grand total of half a minute of silence treatment. No, Leonardo’s still pissed that he didn’t call him into the meeting. 
“What loose ends?”, he asks, tone clipped.  
“ID passes. He wants to get a couple of original ones”, rob some innocent cleaning lady of her own pass, more likely, Leonardo thinks, as if he were in some shape or form morally superior to that, “and just modify the photos, keeping it simple. He can’t do that a week earlier, it’d be...”, Primo trails off, looking at him with a tinge of— 
It’d be less likely to call on any unwanted attention, that’s for sure. And truth be told, they’ve never been lucky with forgeries. It’s not as if they’re trying to enter the fucking Quirinale, and one would think that a sleepy guard on a Friday morning wouldn’t pay much attention to some cleaning staff’s passes, but it doesn’t hurt to be a little bit extra cautious: Romano has proven himself to be able to become quite the headache. And he can’t help feeling a little satisfied at how Primo is not diving head first into danger for once in his fucking life— no. He’s annoyed.
Leonardo hums, pensive. He locks the door of his office after they step outside, and speaks again once he finds another direction in which to funnel his irritation. 
“What’s their story, if they’ve got to flee the scene”.
Primo frowns. His patent confusion vindicates Leonardo, for some fucking reason. He focuses on that instead on how much it pisses him off that he already knows that Primo will avoid simply saying that he’s sorry, as if the words were fucking poisonous. 
“They don’t manage to do it, what do they do”, he insists.  
The eerie stillness of the building, empty at that hour, just makes Primo’s silence louder as they walk to the elevator. 
“Why, if someone had thought to ask just that”, Leonardo concludes, sarcastic, stabbing the push button. 
Primo huffs. He can behave like a child all he wants, Leonardo is not going to give in. He’s fully capable of becoming as difficult as Primo can be, when he puts his mind to it. Let’s see if the other can take his own medicine—  
“Her name’s Lucrezia”. 
Leonardo is so thrown off by the non sequitur that he almost manages to momentary forget about his exasperation. He stares at Primo for a long moment, the doors of the elevator opening and staying open for them. “...She’s one of his classmates”, Primo adds, as if that clarified anything. 
Leonardo’s bewilderment must be patent on his face because Primo makes a whole show of rolling his eyes, looking up as if asking God for patience. He grabs him and pushes him inside the elevator, pushing the button to the ground floor. 
“Francesco”, he starts again, slowly, once the doors close off again. He’s probably aiming to be more comprehensible, but doesn’t manage to make it look as if he’s not in some way explaining things to a baby. “He’s not out there doing…”, he has to think for a moment to land in something Leonardo could possibly be pissed off about, and he’s not entirely convinced when he says: “...Drugs, or whatever the hell you’re worried about. He’s just got himself a...”, he trails off again, does a florid gesture with his hand as if he could grab the right word, ends up saying a very dubitative: “... friend”. He shrugs, as if deeming it a suitable enough explanation. “So yeah. You can stop being insufferable now”. 
Each button keeps getting illuminated as they descend, a little peep sounding each time they pass a floor. So that’s what was up with them both. Leonardo feels tranquility washing over his surprise, before his gut settles on uneasiness as he continues looking at Primo and the stiffness of his shoulders. 
He passes a hand over his face. 
“Francesco’s got a girlfriend”. 
“You’re not this dense on the usual”. 
“And he told you about it”. 
He’s well aware that Franceso regards Primo with an undercurrent of hero worship. He’s also intimately familiar with how despite the fact that Primo is a man of many hidden talents, romance is, to put it mildly, not the subject he feels most comfortable with. The other is fucking with him in some way, he can’t help feeling sure of that, and it makes him kind of tense not being able to point out exactly where. 
Uncharacteristically of him, Primo feels the need to fill the silence. 
“Don’t be jealous”, he starts once the doors open, and he sounds a tad arrogant, as he always does when— “I told him to do a formal presentation at some point, bring her home to have dinner and all that stuff, let Regina gush and… yeah”. He turns to face Leonardo once he realizes that he has stopped on his tracks, adds, defensively: “You have been weird all fucking day. That’s why I didn’t tell you to come into the meeting”. 
“Lucrezia”, Leonardo repeats. The name sounds familiar. It’s Primo’s closed off expression what makes realization fall onto his mind like a circuit breaker blowing up the fuse: a scratching sound and then fade to black. He stares at Primo in disbelief, mouth hanging open until he can work around the knot at his throat. 
“Brambilla. Lucrezia Brambilla. Brambilla, as in. The daughter of the—”. 
A well-mannered girl, soft spoken and sweet. He has seen her in passing, disappearing behind the tinted windows of his father’s fancy car at the entrance of Francesco’s high school. He knows her father better. Sergio Brambilla.
“And you told him it was a good idea?”, Leonardo asks, in which he’d defend as a very reasonable tone of voice, given the circumstances, but doesn’t perhaps quite manage to hit the whole discreet thing, because Primo makes a sharp movement in the general direction of the night guard booth.
“What’s exactly bad about knowing what the fuck happens in that house?”
Of course. Of fucking course Primo would think it’s a good idea. He doesn’t even know why he’s surprised except that for the very little, trivial fact that he cannot believe what he’s hearing!
“You had a hand on it!?”
Primo has the sheer audacity to look offended. 
“Me? In what? How the fuck could I possibly— As if it were my fucking fault now that your kid likes blondes!” 
“I swear on everything that’s holy, Primo!”
Primo throws a look to the booth over his shoulder, then at him, then promptly grabs his arm and pushes him forward, making him advance towards the garage entrance, past the night guard, who takes a look at them and searches to fade with the wallpaper behind. He loves Primo, God damn them both, he does, but sometimes he’d hit him with a fucking chair, but also no, because someone’s got to keep a levelled head and he refuses to go down the level of a machiavelian, manipulative jerk who deems feasible to intervene in his son’s life like— 
“Shut up for a fucking minute, will you”, Primo says, which is fucking rich. Leonardo shoves him off the moment they’re passing the first row of cars, the itch of a fight bubbling right under his skin. Primo doesn’t continue after seemingly making sure that he’s going to listen. He takes a deep breath before doing so, evidently to rile himself in, which would be the most annoyingly petulant thing in the world if he were any other person. “He took a liking to the girl on his own. They’re classmates, as I said. They’ve been friends since the start of the year, and now, well”, he shrugs, ostensibly. “She’s also going to study in Rome, it seems”. 
It hurts. The fact that not only did Primo know before him about it, but that he has done so for such a very long time. 
“And you planned to tell me when, exactly?”, Leonardo can’t help but to interrupt.
Primo copies his sarcastic tone when he answers: “When you’ve decided to make a problem out of it, perhaps?” 
He knows in his heart that Primo trusts him, and that he does so seemingly to a further extent than anyone else. That he loves him, in his own peculiar way, and that he’d move heaven and Earth to protect him, and his family. That’s why it’s so hard to wrap his mind around the fact that he wouldn’t even bother to mention something like this. Besides, the careless way he’s speaking about it doesn’t really sit well with Leonardo. As if he had landed himself had single handedly on court when he came to know the girl’s father: “You remember that Brambilla accused me of murder, don’t you?” 
“You were acquitted”, the other replies, instantly, tone tense. “You’re a model citizen, for all the guy knows”.  
“He defended that I’m a mafioso”, he insists. He remembers the charges line by fateful line. Refusing to talk about it won’t make him forget what happened, notwithstanding Primo’s look on the subject. “He said that I planned to set up a cocaine distribution ring with the money I supposedly stole from—”. 
“Nothing about them getting together forces you to have a good relationship with Brambilla”, Primo points out, exasperated, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “It’s Francesco the one who’s dating his daughter”. 
Leonardo limits himself to stare at the other from the other side of his Berlinetta when they reach it.  
He should have confronted Francesco directly about it, but no, because the kid’s got an angelic face of never having done harm to a fly and he’s soft. Regina has a sixth sense for these things, she would have been a better option, except that he feared that Francesco would have gotten himself in bigger problems than a girl. It’s not a girl, though, not just like that, and really, there’s probably an option that he has somehow missed that would have prevented him from ending up in a parking lot, being looked at as if he’s hawk’s prey. 
He sighs, opens the car and gets in, going through the usual motions as Primo follows him suit, putting the briefcase on the backseat, his jacket covering it after he fishes out his keys from one of the pockets. 
Francesco could easily say the wrong thing, in the wrong moment, to the wrong person, and neither of them would be none the wiser. He could rat them out in a bid to brag, or because he thinks that he can relax his guard. What if he breaks the poor girl’s heart and she wants to take revenge? He remembers how stupid young love can make you, how blind. 
“Telling Francesco that he can’t do it won’t work”, Primo says, serious, but not quite as biting. “You’ll just be handing him over the perfect excuse for him not to tell you shit in the future”. 
Leonardo wonders if it’s the girl sticking it to her father what appeals to Primo so much about the whole thing, he supposes the other could appreciate a kindred spirit. It’s obvious that he’s talking from experience, and Leonardo doesn’t know if he feels more insulted by the possibility that Primo might be comparing him to Salvatore, of all people, or to Primo’s own dad, of all fucking people, as if he had ever given the slightest indication that he’d beat— That he’d— Just considering the idea that he might have to explain to the other that not every son has quite the same relationship with their father as Primo did with Angelo Nizzuto makes him kind of nauseous. 
Primo must sense where his mind’s heading because he ends up adding: “Doesn’t matter if you’re nice about it, but you can be my damn fucking guest if you want to try”. He shrugs, then looks out of the window, as if he were washing his hands out of the situation instead of biding his time, as Leonardo is completely convinced he’s doing. 
This is a lost battle, if Primo has already taken such a defensive stance on the subject. He’s got months on him, despite all (“They’ve been friends since the start of the year, and now, well”), more than enough time for him to look at Francesco and Lucrezia from every possible angle and to collect every single argument in favor of their relationship before quick starting a confrontation with him. And really, he’s just so blind sided by the whole thing. He must be a really bad father not to suspect a thing for months.  
Leonardo puts the ignition key on, but Primo speaks again before he turns it. 
“I’ve just told him to be smart, to pay attention, and not to run himself into problems” he insists, softer. “Your kid can do that. You know he can. Besides, I’m keeping an eye on him”, he turns to face him, “You can at least trust that, don’t you?” 
That’s very unfair of Primo. It’s not a question of trust. Francesco’s a very inexperienced hot head. He’d be up to his knees in problems before he recognizes the first signs of danger, let alone ask for help. 
“He’ll tell me himself if he does fuck up, you can be sure of that. Holy hell, he just won’t stop talking about the girl, you know? Lulu this, Lulu that”, Primo continues, as if he knew full well that he’s picking at his reticences little by little. Leonardo’s running out of excuses not to associate the pang in his chest with the notion that he’s been kept outside this little secret. “He calls her Lulu”, Primo explains, seemingly flabbergasted at the notion, which is very boldly rich coming from him, and kind of makes Leonardo want to ask him what exactly makes Lulu any more ridiculous of a nickname than Leo. 
He snorts, despite himself.  
Primo smiles a little when he sees him doing so, as if he’s just proved his point. It’d be so annoying, if it wasn’t so genuine.  
“Better to wait the whole thing out. Let him go to Rome. There are more options in Rome. He’ll just grow bored, with time”. Leonardo raises an eyebrow. Primo’s smile takes the barest turn to playful. He deadpans: “Worse case scenario, they do end up getting married and we need to find you a proper suit to wear. You look hot with a suit. I don’t see a downside of the situation for anyone involved”. 
Just like that. As if it were so easy. 
He’d like to have a smidge of Primo’s unwavering faith in their future, of his unstoppable conviction that they’ll always come up on top, though he’s reduced to trust that the other knows what he’s doing and join for the ride. 
Leonardo’s done so many bad things in his life, this is surely his God given punishment. 
“When I told you to solve this I didn’t mean, like, personally”, Primo interrupts his train of thought making a vague gesture towards the backseat. “We’ve got people for that. You keep insisting on that: a good boss knows when to delegate”, he adds, in which Leonardo’s forced to interpret as his attempt to mock him. It’s very unfair, given how different is delivering the suitcase from when he told Primo that, that is, when he had to keep him in bed after getting shot, but he knows where Primo’s going with this. He knows this kind of dance. 
He looks at him and keeps silent, so Primo’s forced to elaborate. If he wants to have dinner with him, he can just ask. Primo purses his lips, frowns a little, but finally says, slowly: 
“I have an idea. That I want your opinion on”, then he stops for a moment, seemingly to revise what he’s going to say, and adds: “That we could discuss, with wine”. 
“You want to have dinner at the Olimpo, then?”, he insists, just to hear Primo say it, and not be the slightest bit surprised when he ignores him. 
“It’s got to do with your cousin. Does he still want to work for us?”
“Antonio? Yes”. 
“How fluent would you say that he’s in Spanish?” 
Leonardo takes the ignition key out. 
An hour later, Dante would finish his cigarette under the street light by the back entrance of the office. He would take a quick look at his watch, and he would get into the car after checking the backseat, adjusting the jacket slightly over the suitcase. If he came back soon enough, he could have dinner with his girlfriend, he’d think, fishing for Leonardo’s car keys in his pocket. Maybe he could take her out next weekend, treat her to somewhere posh by the port. He’d turn the ignition key on. 
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canon-critical · 4 years
⇲Date Posted: January 15th, 2021
⇲Source: wings of fire (book) by tui t sutherland, canon
⇲Posted/Sent by: canon-critical
⇲Includes: mentions of abuse, victim blaming, mentions of genocide, very very brief mention of slavery
⇲ Criticism: the treatment of abuse victims in canon and the harmful messages surrounding it
you wanna know what really pisses me off and what people need to talk about more? about how wings of fire repeatedly pushes the idea that not forgiving your abusers is a horrible thing.
it might not seem like it at first, but if you spend even a minute looking at how abusers and their victims are treated in canon youll see what i mean in no time.
characters who DIDNT forgive their abusers
darkstalker - (rightfully) refused to forgive his abuser and its treated as a villainous trait. yes, darkstalker is an assand deserves no sympathy, and he has million other villainous traits and ways to treat him as a villain, but the fact that he doesnt forgive arctic is treated like one when its not.
tsunami - didnt forgive the guardians. she didnt forgive kestrel for everything she put them through or dune and webs for just standing by, and as a result canon treats her like shes being unreasonable for it. like shes just "holding onto a childish grudge"
glory - kestrel full on physically and verbally abused her for 6 straight years. kestrel was planning to KILL HER. and webs and dune just sat back and willingly did nothing. so they escape and glory, ofc, doesnt forgive any of them and shows no remorse when kestre dies and webs is hurt, which she is 100% in the right for. but what does the story do? treats her like shes being "cruel" and "unfair" for it
characters who did forgive their abusers or tolerate them
peril, clay, starflight, sunny, anemone, turtle, cricket, probably a handful of others with tui's track record
yes, moving on from the past is important and i could maybe forgive it if it was only one or two or if both were treated as a fair option (which it IS*), but it isnt. 3 characters** dont forgive their abusers, and theyre viewed as harsh for it. I DONT CARE how much you like these books or want to defend them. this series has an target demographic of 8-12 year olds, kids who still have a lot of growing to do. it doesnt matter how "mature" a child may be. when that kind of message, that you MUST forgive those whove wronged and seriousky hurt you no matter what or youre being unreasonable, is shown over and over again in a story and neither the story or fandom acknowledges that its wrong and an actual problem? that kind of shit sticks throughout that kid's life.
it wouldve still been bad if the message was used for smaller stuff like an accidental insult or a joke that hit too close to home, but the fact that its being used for ABUSIVE relationships and situations makes it so much worse.
dont even get me started on the darkstalker -> peacemaker thing, which pushes the whole "no matter how bad you are you deserve a second chance" message. that message is bad enough on its own considering how it can be applied to so many bad people (abusers being the one at the forefrony of my mind), its ESPECIALLY bad for darkstalker.
why? for a whole list of reasons including his actions and how he manipulated and abused and routinely threatened his family, his girlfriend, and his friends in order to get what he wants, but for 2 main ones.
1) HE ALREADY HAD SEVERAL "SECOND CHANCES. in his book, darkstalker legends, its shown that hes know about the paths from the moment he hatched. he knew which path was the bad one, and he willingly ignored the good path. i could maybe excuse that one considering hes pretty much the human equivalent of a newborn, but he keeps this choice as he grows despite by then having the ability to seperate right vs wrong. second and third chance? both times clearsight told him what would happen and asked him to stop. what did darkstalker do in response to this? the first time he brushed it off and told her to stop thinking about it. then 2nd time he spells her without her consent in order to FORCE her to stop thinking about it. his fourth chance? when he was released from the mountain. what did he do with THAT chance? betrayred moon's trust, forced everyone to like him, and went right back to doing what got him buried in the first place.
2) he literally tried to commit genocide against an entire tribe. twice. three times, if you count the night/ice battle. he has said/shown that he has no remorse whatsoever for his actions, and would do it again if given the chance. saying he deserves a 5th chance sends a message that souldnt be sent, especially to kids as young as 8-12.
*it IS a valid choice. you are under NO obligation whatsoever to forgive your abuser, or try to make them "better people". they hurt you, and youre allowed to be angry. youre allowed to be upset about it. not forgiving them doesnt mean youre being unfair or that you cant "move on" or whatever other bullshit. theyre the ones who hurt you, theyre the ones who can deal with the consequences.
**3 characters, excluding any from arc 3. there are a few reasons for this. the first is that the arc isnt done. yes, sundew is a victim of abuse, but since the arc isnt done i have no idea if shell forgive her parents, or if itll be treated as being unfair id she doesnt. the second is that with the exception of cricket (who does forgive her abuse), the third arc doesnt really have any ties to abuse. it has to do with slavery. and how canon treats that issue is a whole different can of worms ill be opening for a different crit (spoiler alert: it isnt treated well)
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biconicfinn · 4 years
id like to know, what are your takes on politician!Alec? if you want to talk about that
holy shit this is long so i’m putting it under a read more!! 
okay so first of all: alec is someone who has been trained from a young age to be a politician, he would have been educated in diplomacy and politics, his parents were expecting him to become head of the new york institute and they have no qualms about living vicariously through their children and forcing their burdens on them as we have seen in the show.
he was probably taught clave law and the accords, a whole bunch of languages (polyglot power couple malec ftw) because i assume the NYI uses english as their lingua franca because of their location but since institutes also have to deal with local downworld and mundane populations it’s safe to assume that in other countries where english isn’t the main language, they go with the local languages and alec would need to communicate with these other institute heads, etiquette, some formal ballroom dances like the waltz, the art of negotiation, administrative stuff like resource allocation, budgeting, public speaking, the nitty gritty details of the clave workings, in addition to the knowledge of the different races of the shadow world, hand to hand combat, combat with a variety of weapons (he masters archery to utter perfection but he definitely is also incredibly proficient in close range combat as well).
sorry i just love alec and he is definitely more competent than most of the Alec StansTM (yall know what im saying) make him out to be
okay so!!!!! it’s pretty much canon that alec has spent a considerable amount of time as acting head of the NYI; what with maryse and robert always fucking off to idris to lick the boots of the clave and so he probably has a good relationship with the people under his command. he’s probably put protocols in place to reduce casualties and injuries, form patrol teams that are well-balanced so that they are versatile enough to take just about any threat that comes their way, etc.
of course, thanks to a little thing called the nephilim’s deep-rooted homophobia, a lot of the work alec put in probably got negated when he came out. it took a lot of courage for him to come out and to be openly gay. raj was an absolute asshole to alec for no reason and often questioned his leadership decisions post coming out, and even if not all the shadowhunters reacted like that, they did show some resistance(?) to alec’s leadership when he was appointed head and questioned him. it probably took a lot out of him because it’s one thing to have your people doubt you as a leader because of your actions or words; your decisions as a leader, it’s another thing for them to mistrust you entirely because of a fundamental part of your identity that you can’t change. you can build trust by publicly admitting and apologising for mistakes and putting in honest work to be better, but it’s impossible to build trust when the other person doesn’t even see you as human to begin with. 
this is turning into a hoti!alec ramble but i promise i will bring this back to politician!alec okay i promise i just need to establish the headcanons i’m building on first sorry 
okay back to business!!!! i feel like alec is so very genuine and honest outside of the political sphere alec “casual wedding vows” lightwood anyone? so when he does show his ability to be a complete fucking shark in the political arena a lot of people are blindsided because they expected him to be very honest and direct but he knows that as much as he’d like to be genuine, he needs that shrewdness to navigate the political minefield of idris. he prefers directness, but if you take the manipulative, indirect, route and underestimate him, he will not hesitate to turn your own methods against you.
he is also the type of leader who constantly tries to make an effort. his intentions were genuine with the downworld cabinet and i think that if it wasn’t set up in the middle of the shitstorm which was valentine’s re-emergence and the circle’s rise, it would have been more successful. he has a lot to learn and unlearn, and he (an utter perfectionist) will do as much as he can to help the downworld. i like to think that in a post s3 world, but before the time skip, he helps to re-establish the ties between the shadow world factions in new york and focuses on being the nephilim voice of the downworld to the clave, constantly trying to push for new accords and reformed policies, and he makes an effort to not speak over the downworlders, but instead be their representative and ally to the clave because the clave are racist bastards who wouldn’t listen to them but they have to listen to alec lightwood (”it’s lightwood-bane, actually”), one of the heroes who stepped up to defend alicante when the rift to edom opened. (and also because if they did try to slander or belittle him, they risk angering magnus, who has enough clout to embargo most warlocks from providing magical assistance to any local institutes, if he feels that the downworld is being ignored despite the fact that a warlock is the sole reason why alicante was’t razed to the ground, or that he and his husband are being targeted by the clave. because they are That Couple.) in conclusion alec is a good ally okay?
but as much as he tries/tried to do right by the clave, he sometimes also doesn’t give a fuck about them. he’ll be in meetings at idris, and maybe they’re discussing asinine, irrelevant, minor issues that are really just stupid excuses to showboat and compare family clout and whatnot and he’ll be pissed as fuck because instead of discussing actual relevant issues like irregularities/strange patterns in demon attacks, hunting down remaining circle sleeper cells, reparations for the downworld (like for the heavenly fire project), rewriting the accords, rebuilding idris, helping get the attacked institutes back up and running, you know, actual important issues that need attention but no, we’re discussing some petty family squabble that turned into a political feud that involves everyone and their fucking uncle. and he gets so damn angry he just blows up and rants at them and tears them a new one. he finishes his impressively long spiel with “you know what? fuck this. when you guys are done fighting like children and taking up precious time that we should be using to talk about real, pressing issues that affect the entire shadow world instead of five people at this table, let me know and i’ll be there but until then don’t bother. if you’ll excuse me, i’m going back to my husband. thank you. and for the last damn time, my name is alec lightwood-bane. i already changed my damn name legally so fucking use it.” and he just leaves to go back to new york because fuck the clave. 
he goes back home to the loft and it’s like the stress and anger just melts away because he walks in on magnus dancing around the kitchen as he cooks dinner, singing dancing queen at the top of his lungs, laughing when magnus twirls to see him leaning against the doorway of the kitchen with his heart eyes and blushes at being caught doing somethin so silly
he becomes a successful inquisitor by sheer force of will and determination. it’s not at all intentional, but it just happens. with the success of the cabinet and the measures he puts in place, he shares it with other institute heads and slowly more and more institutes are collaborating with the local downworld and most of the time, the statistics pay off in the long run. there are starting troubles as with any new initiatives, but soon enough there is a sizeable number of institutes following them successfully and it’s hard for the clave to ignore. alec gets invited to alicante to discuss the possibility of him becoming inquisitor just when the downworld deputy program is taking off in new york. (it all starts with simon asking “so are you guys nephilim or shadowhunters? what’s the difference? or is it interchangeable?” and then they realise that while nephilim is a term to describe half-angel half-human beings, shadowhunter is a term more commonly used by active duty demon hunters and drops out of use as a self-descriptor when the nephilim in question leaves combat. “so that means technically anyone in the shadow world whose job it is to fight demons is a shadowhunter? right?” and the lightbulbs light up in alec’s head immediately) oops time to get back to it the point. 
okay so!!!! the clave offer alec the position of inquisitor and it’s part recognition for his efforts and acknowledgement of his skills, part them wanting to keep him under their control. how does that work? well it’s simple. if alec is inquisitor and the clave makes it as hard as possible for him to do any effective work, bogging him down with bureaucracy and and votes on motions that are just shy of the majority needed to pass laws etc etc. basically throw every road block they can at him and wear him down; forcing him to step down and thus silencing him, and by extension, the downworlders who rely on him for a voice in the clave. 
malec side note: so they first say that magnus can come to alicante and make an exception for him, and the general plan is to make it look like they’re actually doing something good when it’s to lull them into a false sense of security. (but alec and magnus choose to live in brooklyn first because despite everything, it is still dangerous for magnus to be the only warlock in a city full of nephilim) but then alicante opens up to the rest of the shadow world, magnus becomes the high warlock of alicante, and the clave are dealing with the force of nature that is known power couple and ultimate badasses magnus and alec lightwood-bane. oops. 
but they underestimate the power of alec’s Lightwood(-Bane) DeterminationTM and his sheer stubbornness. so their plan backfires spectacularly when within the first few years, he’s implemented laws to open alicante up to downworlders, expunge criminal records of downworlders who were previously wrongfully charged with crimes, rehabilitation of wrongfully imprisoned downworlders, mandatory downworld cabinet and downworld deputy initiatives worldwide, as well as be part of the core group that rewrote the accords to be more fair. 
alec probably retires after like five years of being inquisitor and then magnus steps down as high warlock and they just travel the world together and be in love and happy, occasionally consulting on political issues here and there but for the most part they just run off into the sunset to be immortal husbands together because they’ve sacrificed enough for the good of the shadow world to last several lifetimes. 
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mydarlinq · 4 years
For the yandere ask game would you mind answering 4, 7,14,17, 26, 35, 36 or 45? Sorry if I asked to many, I adore your blog! :)
4. what songs do you associate with obsession and love
These are my top 3 songs that I feel are relatable with obsession/love
7. without actually condoning violent actions towards others, if you could get away with it without repercussions, what would you do to a potential rival?
I find I take a more passive route, but depending on the person I will get violent. I like to ruin their lives behind the scenes. Spread false information to make them look bad or create false screenshots. Sabatoging is more satisfying because you get to watch them slowly suffer and wither away until they can't take it anymore. If anyone were to fuck with my lover I want them to suffer, not end it quickly. Some people do piss me off and if they did anything to hurt my boyfriend I would snap. if I could get away with it id want to kidnap them and pull their nails out one by one. Make them regret they even looked his way. But remember, all hypothetical.
14. what’s your favorite yandere anime?
That's a hard one.. definitely between Mirai Nikki and happy sugar life.
17. what is the ideal outcome of your romantic relationships?
We get married, maybe have a small house up north where there's lots of forest and lakes so we can go fishing, hunting or ice skating in the winter. Us both to be absolutely obsessed with eachother and spend all our time together. I don't really want kids tbh, but I'd do it for him. 🌺💕
26. does your obsession know your feelings for them? if so, how are they handling it?
I'd assume pretty well! We've been dating since October 9th 2020. He's come to find out that I am yandere but he kinda figured it out on his own. He also knows how intense my feelings are for him and the creepy things he knows I want to do with him like the blood vial necklaces and ect.
35. what’s something you wish you could say to your obsession but you just can’t?
I wish I could answer this, but I've honestly been extremely upfront and forward about anything. I can't recall anything that I'd want to say to him that I'd be afraid to say to him because I trust him to accept me and understand whatevers on my mind. Sorry anon :(
36. what’s your ideal wedding scenario?
I've always liked the idea of a Halloween themed wedding and cutting open a cake with a chainsaw LOL. Something fun where everyone can have a good time is my main goal.
45. have you done anything manipulative to your obsession? if so, do you regret it?
The most I've done is tell him the only reason girls approach him is because they think his voice is sexy and they want to use him for that. Part of me feels bad about it, but I can't say I regret it. I had my eyes locked on him and I was determined to get him. I even spent as much time as I could beside him so people like be able to get a damn hint.
Thank you for all the asks anon! I really enjoy doing these and I'm happy you adore my blog. Hope to see you in my inbox again sometime :D
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rebelcourtesan · 5 years
My D&D 5E Build for Angel Dust
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Angel Dust is a fan favorite character from the web series Hazbin Hotel.  He’s a gay porn star in Hell who is a four armed pink spider demon who is flirty and can cut you down to size verbally while perforating you with tommy guns.  
I heard some people were interested in playing Angel Dust in a D&D campaign, so I decided to try my hand at it.  Though, I disagree with starting off as a Rogue as I’ve seen some people do. 
Long Post Below
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Charisma: First up, Charisma should be Angel’s highest stat.  He is Hell’s most popular porn star for a reason, not to mention being seductive and handsome for a furry spider demon.  And this is important for later on.
Dexterity: Angel is very nimble and prefers range weapons.  This should be next highest.
Constitution: Angel is no front line fighter, but he was slammed to the ground and was not phased by it.  So put your next highest stat in Con.
Wisdom: Angel might not be the quickest to catch on when someone is pissed at him, but he is able to take notice of danger and pushed Cherry Bomb out of the way in time to save her from a sneak attack.  
Intelligence: He’s not the brightest, but I wouldn’t put this as his dump stat either.
Strength: Dump stat.  
Choose the Entertainer background which nets Angel Proficiency in Acrobatics and Performance.  Acrobatics because Angel is a nimble fellow and Performance because being a porn star he has to smile for the camera a lot.  
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                                      *** Race ***
Since we have yet to get a race that has four arms, let’s go with the next best thing. Tieflings are an infernal race with demonic bloodline.  
Because of this they have a natural resistance to fire damage and darkvision that will let Angel see in the dark for 60 ft.  Makes sense as he must be used to night clubbing in Hell.
Also, tieflings get +2 to charisma, which is a positive for Angel and a +1 to intelligence.  Not important, but useful so he’s not dumb as a brick.   
He’ll also get the thaumaturgy cantrip which Angel can use for pranks or as a distraction for his other nefarious deeds.    
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Bard Lev 1 - 4 
We’re going to start Angel Dust off in Bard.  Why Bard and why not Rogue from the start?  Because first and foremost, Angel is an entertainer.  Yes, he’s a porn star, but porn stars are still entertainers.  
Choose the skills Athletics as Angel is willing to charge into a fight with his pal.  Then Insight, because though he ignored or didn’t care that Vaggie was pissed at him, he did notice that Charlie was upset about the Happy Hotel failing.  Plus, in his line of work, he’d have to be working around a lot of bullshitters.  And Persuasion as he’s a fast talker and can flirt his way through problems.   
Lv 1: Angel gets Bardic Inspiration which allows him to grant a bonus die to an ally’s roll. 
Also he gets spells and cantrips. You are free to choose whatever spells you want, but for Angel I would choose Vicious Mockery for when Angel insults his opponents.  Dancing Lights to set the mood for any trysts. 
Charm Person when his flirting succeeds and Hideous Laughter fits Angel’s repertoire of spells. Also choose Comprehend Languages so Angel can flirt in any language and Bane for when he wants to be insulting.          
Lv 2 Angel gets Jack of all Trades which adds half his proficiency bonus rounded down to all his skills he hasn’t chosen.  This will round out his skills nicely.  Song of Rest will allow him to heal his allies through song or oration.  I can see him patting someone on the head and going “it’s okay, baby, you did good.”
Also, choose another spell: Illusory Script to make fake ids or invitations to exclusive parties.  
Lv 3 Expertise lets Angel double his proficiency in two of his skills.  Choose Acrobatics and Persuasion.  
Then choose College of Lore.  This grants Angel 3 more skills.  Pick Deception, Perception, Sleight of Hand. 
Cutting Words will let Angel use his Bardic Inspiration to throw off enemies action by adding penalties to their attacks, damage, and ability checks.  Much like he was doing to Sir Pentius.        
Also, Angel get learn second level spells and gains a new spell.  Feel free to mix and match your spells as you like, though Suggestion is a good spell for Angel.  
Lv 4. You can either use your Ability Improvement to bump up Angel’s Charisma.  We want to max that out as soon as possible.  Or you can grab a feat for him.  The feats I would suggest is Athletic, Mobility, or Alert.
As for the extra spell, I would pick Enthrall.
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We’re going to take a dip into Fighter.
Lv 1 Pick Archery fighting style which grants +2 bonus to range attacks.  Angel is a weak hand to hand combatant unless dealing with Egg Bois and prefers range weapons like his Tommy Guns.  Second Wind is never a bad addition.  
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Now we fly into Rogue.
Lv 1. Sneak Attack!  Perfect for Angel and he also knows Thieves Cant like a secret lingo between those of the underworld.       
Choose Investigation as your extra skill and guess what?  Choose two more of Angel’s skills to have Expertise in.  Choose from Insight, Persuasion or Deception.
 Lv. 2  Cunning Action lets Angel dash, disengage, and hide as a bonus action.  Makes it easy for him to get out of reach of enemies so he can fight from afar.     
Lv 3.  For the Rogue Archetype I’m going with Swash Buckler to round out Angel’s fighting prowess.  Fancy Foot Work will began attacks of opportunity after a success hit with a melee weapon saving a bonus action for something else like Bardic Inspiration or Cutting Words.   
Rakish Audacity lets Angel add his HIGH Charisma modifier to Initiative.  Also, if by chance he’s within 5 ft of an enemy, he doesn’t need an advantage to do sneak attack damage.    
Lv 4.  Use Ability Score Improvement to bump up Angel’s Charisma as it’s his most useful stat.  If it’s already maxed out, bump up Dexterity to give him greater ability with range weapons and armor class.  Also, you have the option of feats.  Athletic, Mobility, or Alert.  
Lv. 5 Uncanny Dodge Angel can use his reaction to halve damage whenever he takes a hit from an enemy that he can see.
Lv 6 Expertise again.  This time pick Insight and Perception.
Lv 7 Evasion works well as Angel will either take half or no damage against area effects.  
Lv 8 Abilty Score Improvement again.  If Angel’s Charisma is already maxed out, then put points in Dex or Con.  Or the option of the feats Athletic, Mobility, or Alert.   
Lv 9  Panache will let Angel use his by now high Charisma (Persuasion) check to charm enemies or give them a disadvantage in attacking him.  
Lv 10 Ability Score Improvement again.  By now your Charisma should be maxed out.  Get your Dex up or Wis.  Or grab the Athletic, Mobility, or Alert feats.  
Lv 11 Reliable Talent will hone Angel’s skills.  Whenever he uses a skill check that includes his proficiency, any roll below a 9 is considered a 10 on the die.  
Lv 12  Yet another Ability Score Improvement.  You know the score.  If Charisma is already maxed out, redirect points to Dex or Wis.  Or grab feats Athletic or Alert or Mobility..  
Lv 13. Elegant Maneuver will come in handy with Angel’s high Dex score granting him an advantage with a bonus action.
Lv 14  Blindsense gives Angel pretty good hearing.  If he hears invisible creatures, he can pinpoint their exact location within ten feet of him, making it hard to get the drop on him.
And finally, Lv 15. Slippery MInd which grants proficiency to Wisdom saving throws making it easier for out favorite pink spider to fall for spells or manipulation.  
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And there you have it.  You’ve created Angel Dust, a demon spider who relies on his Charisma and Dexterity in role playing, investigation, and combat.  He’s multi-talented which comes from being part of a crime family and scuttling along the underbelly world of Hell.  The build might not give him four arms, but the Dexterity should make up for it.  And rounded out with useful spells.    
The downside is he’s not a strong fighter as he prefers range weapons, but the abilities and skills he has will let him handle himself if they get within melee reach of him.  And he has abilities such as Bardic Inspiration that can help his girl pal Cherry Bomb out in a fight.  
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New voices!!! And descriptions of the others also an update!
Note: I will update this as more voices come and or go, edit: or now simply repost it
First descriptions:
Ink is annoying and talks cryptic, you can ask questions all you want he will never give a straight answer, likes to interrupt my posts or texts because it's fun , everything is a game, scared of pure white spaces, draw stuff, likes using ink free , annoying and doesn't like being ignored: fave quote; it's rude to talk about someone who's watching... Wouldn't you agree?~
Update: ink apparently has a "black mode" that can manipulate the real world (the hell) and makes people go into wired hours of pain uhhh yeah don't ask me cause I don't know, he's addicted to cookies he also dunks them in his tea or hot coco, sometimes the child of the group sometimes the most respected, he's a mystery I swear to- , also has a playlist on YouTube for his music he listens to while drawing or helping me with my fanfiction, so much better at typing than me
Shattered likes putting people down while also being nice and sweet , sings a lot, is very secretive but isn't as annoying as ink with it , uses Bradley hand bold and with brackets, fave quote: ( we are all meant to suffer!! )
Update: doesn't talk much unless it's teasing nightmare or something similar, apparently has a "back-up" whatever that is .., his fave song is shatter me, ugh his smiles when he's co fronting huts my face
Dream is nice and sweet, likes peace and sounds very soft and angelic , likes hot chocolate, can get hut easily under pressure, uses Bradley hand with ' , likes to sing with nightmare, also argues with nightmare sometimes, can't handle sad scenes in movies, fave quote; 'please don't fight'
Update: if you piss him off he will turn into the sass queen who don't take no shit from no one, drinks chamomile tea, likes Steven universe, probs has some sort of problem that I will totally help him with, him and Apollo have an unspoken respect for each other, doesn't always sing when he does tho Steven universe songs usually
Nightmare is irritable but responsible, reminds me to eat and sleep, likes singing with dream, tells others if they are being st****, Id****, other words of that variety, uses book script in all caps, fave quote; CAN WE GET SOME SLEEP NOW?
Edit: he is a total sweetheart when it comes to romance, got a girlfriend (don't ask), hates everyone unless you prove to be "decent" and is a tired dad drinking his pitch black coffee out of his #1 dad mug that killer got him , now preferress to use the star mug that his girlfriend got him
Blue is excited and happy , his laugh is adorable, he hasn't talked much, likes to defend ink , didn't know his name until today , I don't know much bout him, uses asterisks all caps , fave quote; * WE WANT TO PROTECT YOU*
Update: still don't know much , absolutely adores the star sanses theme song and Steven universe sometimes play acting like Steven, exercise gets him excited, everything gets him excited, hates puns for some reason, innocent and open baby
Error is silent but quipps sometimes, for some reason likes teasing ink , he talks in random lowercase and uppercase letters everywhere, usually silent and antisocial except around mum for some reason, helps my anxiety via shutdowns, don't know much about him either, fave quote; aNNnoYiNg SoULleSssS aSsHHhoLLe !!!
Update: he talks more frequently and sometimes when co fronting talks through me in a stuttering voice (that I can't do I mean I try but just can't ugh ) likes toys, is slightly scared of ink, hates people getting his name wrong, hates being touched like at all, fave song: amalgams rag doll and megalo strike back from meltberry
The Killer three are well three people in one group all have violent tendencies and call nightmare boss their names are:
horror, nice and mature out of the three, talks slowly, sleeps a lot so don't talk much and he talks with ! , Also usually comes when I'm hungry or whenever
there's Killer he talks in {, also too cheery and sometimes a bit of a fool, creepy cute, flirty, last time he tried to flirt with me uhh he got stabbed, he's well wierd, got nightmare a #1 dad mug and night isn't allowed to throw it away
{Orr nightys gonna get the stabby stab =)}
Dust talks with [ , he also is the bored and smartest one out of the three, and kinda just retorts killer, moody and an antisocial teen TM
fave quote; ![{ We are the killer three }]!
And Two new voices have appeared they are named Apollo and Artemis
Apollo is nice if not a flirt , guardian angel, likes talking in italics and Bradley hand sometimes with + , like dream but with flirt and sass , fave quote; what's the matter love? Don't remember your guardian angel?
Update: loves me a bit too much, pretty protective, uhhh still don't know more than that
Artemis is quiet and doesn't like to talk much if he does its to scold Apollo or to say hi , likes talking in bookhand script sometimes with ^, nice and shy , fave quote; ^ I guess I'm Artemis since I'm Apollo's opposite^
Update: will throw the shy act when talking about memes, very enthusiastic about memes, new fave quote; ^DO IT FOR DA MEMES!!!^
Red is strict and doesn't like being lazy , talks in an authoritarian voice, demands answers, apparently can ground ink, he made me vacuum the house cause it was dirty, not used to giving complements so his best one is good , talks in italic style Comic sans all caps with / , fave quote ; / INK YOU'RE GROUNDED!! /
Update: doesn't mind puns nothing else really
Ok that's them..and no I didn't name them they name themselves
Absolutely! I do hope you enjoy learning this about us
They hopefully do ink ... Um
'see you I hope you have a sweet day!'
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diyunho · 6 years
The Joker x Reader - “Lady Silence” Part 1
Frost’s younger sister came to live with him 6 months ago; one could say Y/N is a bit of an oddball because she doesn’t talk and she doesn’t like to be touched. The Joker allowed her to help the crew from time to time without knowing that the only reason for the woman’s presence amidst them was actually him.
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You could say you were lucky enough when your brother almost ruined everything with his carelessness; he didn’t do it on purpose, but it could have had very unpleasant consequences at that point.
You were working at one of The Joker’s warehouses when Frost noticed Richard behind you:  Y/N was busy sorting out ammunition from a shipment received the previous evening and perfectly aware of his presence, still she decided not to react.
Jonny took Richard’s gesture as insolence when in fact the guy was debating if he should tap your arm or not; after calling your name and being ignored, he was kind of out of options.
Your brother charged towards the clueless henchman and dragged him away from you, slamming his body against the nearest wall.
“Nobody makes fun of my sister, do you understand?!” the usually calm Frost lost his composure.
Richard was completely taken by surprise and immediately apologized for a mistake he didn’t have a chance to commit:
“I wasn’t making fun of Y/N, I swear!”
“Were you trying to mock her?” Jonny got in his face, panting with indignation. “She doesn’t like to be touched and all of you jerks know it!”
“I wasn’t, I really wasn’t!” Richard defended his actions because it was rare to see Frost in such a state and dangerous to mess with him once aggravated. The goon’s hands went up in surrender since he didn’t want any trouble. “I wasn’t mocking her, ok?”
The Joker saw the altercation from across the storage room and yelled:
“Frost, chill!” and Jonny muttered thru his clenched teeth, wishing for nothing more than to break Richard’s neck:
“Do you know who my sister is?!”
“I said chill!!” J repeated and your sibling didn’t have to look your way to realize you were unhappy with his comment. He wasn’t thinking straight and blurred out a sentence that wasn’t meant for anybody’s ears. At least not yet.
Thankfully, The Joker was too far to hear the dialogue and Richard too preoccupied with his own safety in order to analyze words said in anger by an outraged brother.
“Hey Silence, are you done there?” The King of Gotham shouted because help was needed outside to unload the trucks; he often liked to use the nickname since you didn’t talk.
You nodded a yes and stepped away from the finished chore, ready to take on the new task.
“What’s going on?” J growled as you passed by him, already in a very bad disposition. Three days earlier he dislocated his left shoulder and had to keep the whole arm in a sling; it was bothersome and certainly didn’t improve the mood.
You innocently blinked, pretending to be oblivious to the question.
“Move it faster!” he lost his patience with the quiet woman, opening the heavy metal door so she can get out. Straining himself with the injured arm wasn’t the best idea and the stiff muscles became even tighter. “Shit…” The Joker took a deep breath, the paralyzing ache making him see dark spots.
“Sir, are you alright?” someone close by asked.
“Boss, you OK?” another henchman inquired.
“Mind your own business!!” J barked and dragged his feet towards the office he frequently used as a bedroom too.
You discretely signaled Frost and you both followed The Clown Prince of Crime in his quarters; he was lying in bed and moaned in pain when he had to lift his head up to see who dared bothering him.
“What do you want?” he sneered at Jonny and his sister.
“Mister Joker, if you’re uncomfortable Y/N could make you feel better,” your older brother explained and The Joker sarcastically smirked:
“How? Is she a doctor?”
“No sir.”
“Good, because I don’t need a doctor! Get the hell out and let me rest! Make yourselves useful and aid with unloading the cargo!” he raised his voice and you approached the bed anyway. “Are you deaf, Silence?! Beat it!” The Joker pointed his finger towards the exit, aggravated you were still there. He was starting to sweat from the soreness and you knew that being feverish was an indication of things worsening for him in the next minutes.
Your sibling got out of the room first and you were preparing to do the same when J’s physical discomfort made him mumble:
“So what is it you can do to make me feel better, hm?”
You closed the door and signaled the left arm should be out of the sling. The Joker rolled his eyes and made an effort to indulge your instructions, then scoffed when he figured out the shirt had to go also.
“Do I have to be totally naked?”  
You nodded a no and ignored the sassiness, gesturing for the crabby employer to roll on his abdomen.
Once J did what you required, he sensed your hands gently massaging his shoulder blade. “Lemme get this straight, Silence: you don’t like to be touched; how come you’re touching me?”
No sounds came out of the woman that was patiently searching for a certain pressure point under his skin in order to alleviate the throbbing ache.
“Did I answer my own dilemma?” The Joker frowned.
He sure did: you touching him was different than him touching you.
“Stuck up like your brother!” he admonished, pissed Y/N was calm and didn’t seem to care about his bickering. Suddenly, The Joker felt such a sharp pain in his shoulder he thought you stabbed him. He wanted to move but couldn’t: he was completely numb, courtesy of Y/N manipulating the pressure point she found. Before J could complain some more, your thumb unlocked the pinched nerves and his erratic breathing intensified before gradually returning to normal.
The tense muscles finally relaxed, your fingers giving the body necessary relief. 
“Where did you learn to do that?” he groaned, actually enjoying the soft back rub.
Of course there was no acknowledgement from your part and he buried his face in the pillows, not understanding why he was so drained. You faintly pinched the skin on The Joker’s neck and his eyelids closed; by the time you got the third pressure point he was already asleep, yet you used it to make sure he will be out until morning time.
Frost was waiting for you in front of the room, impatiently biting on his lip.
“Did you see the birthmark on his hip?” your sibling whispered.
“Yes,” you confirmed in a low tone.
“Is it him?”
“It’s him,” you reassured and walked alongside Jonny.
“Are you 100% sure?”
“U-hum,” his sister underlined before taking a separate hallway that led outside to the south part of the warehouse while your brother paced in the opposite direction.
Once in the woods, you carefully listened to the noises: you knew they were there. Y/N walked into the darkness and the wind carried over hushed words:
“Mistress, do you need anything?”
One of your men emerged from the shadows and bowed, his black attire making him almost invisible in the murkiness.
“Master Shiro sends his love,” he clearly enunciated and you widely smiled because a confirmation wasn’t necessary anyway. 
“Next week… at the club,” you gave out the information and the man was quick to pull out his sword when one of The Joker’s henchmen patrolling the perimeter yelled:
“Who’s there?”
40 more swords came out of sheaths in the same time but Y/N raised her hand and they all went down obeying her command.
The woman emerged from behind the trees, revealing herself to a goon freaking out for nothing.
“Jesus Y/N, you scared the crap out of me! I thought it was a wild animal or something!”
You just passed by him and headed back inside, pleased that half a year of infiltrating The Joker’s gang and numerous years of research were lastly bearing a fruitful outcome.
One week later
The music at the club was deafening and Antoine Mercier was enjoying the strip show; the French smuggler had no business being there after the negotiations ended, yet The King of Gotham allowed him to stay nevertheless.  
“Oh my God Mister Joker, where do you find these girls?!” Antoine got J’s attention, lustfully staring at the twins leaving the stage in a hurry. The song changed and he anticipated the next vixen gracing the runway with her presence.
The Joker was bored and quite irritated with the guest that asked the same dumb question every time he liked a stripper.
“Oohhhh!” the smuggler grinned when a girl wearing a short kimono style robe appeared on the stage, seductively walking her way up towards the two guys present in the Red Room. The Joker was texting on his phone and didn’t pay attention, too busy setting up another meeting for the next day; it could have easily made him about 2 million dollars richer.
The woman hopped off the stage and Antoine tried to pull her in his embrace but she dodged his touch.
“Come’ere sweetheart, I want a lap dance!” he reached for the cute mask covering the girl’s face; she eluded him again. “I love being teased,” he winked and scratched his crotch, ogling the mysterious creature in front of him. She bent over and the smuggler couldn’t take it anymore: he tried to get up while she pushed him back on the chair, allowing him to untie her robe. A second later she slapped his hand away and her attention switched towards the green haired man.
“Not now, sugar!” J snarled when her legs popped under his nose. The girl took something out of her pocket and he still didn’t look up from his cell. “I said…NOT.NOW!”
She held the piece of plastic in front of his eyes and he couldn’t avoid glancing at it: an FBI legitimation with Antoine’s picture, the name “Frank Johnson - Special Forces Unit” printed right under.
The Joker sucked on his teeth and placed the phone on the table near him. He yanked the ID out of the dancer’s hand, his bad shoulder acting up since he didn’t keep it in a sling anymore. The woman went back to Antoine, distracting him for a few moments.
The undercover agent had no clue about the item and was wondering about it when the girl unexpectedly straddled his lap. She started grinding against him and he lost concentration, his mouth sliding down towards her lacy bra.
“How much for a night, honey?”  Antoine groped her and immediately sensed his throat being pierced by something sharp. He struggled to throw the girl on the floor without success; the knife went out and back in his flesh again, both her hands twisting his neck to the left with such ferocity it snapped.
Everything happened so fast J barely saw the short blade she took out of her messy bun; he jumped off his seat and she got up also, the limp corpse collapsing to the ground with a muffled thud.
“What the fuck is going on?”
The woman didn’t seem startled by the loaded gun pointed at her and she slowly took off her mask.
The Joker forcefully exhaled, barely containing his surprise and managed to utter:
“What’s the meaning of this, Silence?”
The silky robe glided off your frame, exposing Y/N to a confused Clown Prince of Crime. You span on your high heels and the sight of the tattoo covering your whole back made him gasp: two dragons with intertwined tails, surrounded by cherry blossoms. The ink was a work of art and also the mark of the highest rank in the Ozunu clan: the Japanese mafia owned more than half of the major cities in the country and The Joker stayed away from them. Not because he didn’t want to do business with them but because they’ve never given him a sign they would be interested in a partnership so he gave up.
And now they were at his doorsteps.
You heard the beads moving and you knew J was gone without looking.
“Sir!” the henchmen waiting outside the Red Room gathered around their boss, thinking he has important instructions. Instead he rushed by them, fuming at the thought that the man in charge of his security took him for a full: Jonny Frost was The Joker’s target and he intended to get some answers before blowing his brains out.
Y/N stayed behind in the Red Room for a few moments and soon after another woman joined; she grabbed the robe from the floor and placed it around your shoulders. You tilted your head as a thank you and she asked:
“Mistress, are we following?”
You nodded a yes and she continued:
“Are you going to change in the van? Master Shiro is already there; we can take the shortcut.”
You agreed and couldn’t deny the feeling building up in your heart: it wasn’t anxiety or distress, more like relief after almost losing hope that you’ll ever find him again.
The Joker kicked the door opened, mad beyond control; he was so angry he didn’t notice it wasn’t locked.
Jonny was in the middle of the living room at his house, sipping on whiskey and waiting for his boss. Like it was hard to guess knowing the lovely temper he possessed.
“You son of a bitch!” J barged in, panting with indignation. “You Goddamn traitor!” he took the gun out from his holster and Frost replied:
“I’m not a traitor, sir.”
“You’re not?! Then how do you explain your sister has the symbol of the Ozunu clan tattooed on her back?” The Joker shrieked while your brother serenely admitted:
“She’s married to their leader sir.”
J was so furious his ears started ringing:
“Is that an insignificant detail you forgot to mention??!!” he yelled and took the safety off his pistol, done with the interrogation.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, sir,” your sibling took another sip of whiskey which prompted more outrage from a very worked up Joker.
“Are you threatening me Frost?!”
“I’m not the threat sir,” the truthful response accompanied someone’s voice coming from behind The King of Gotham:
“Mister Joker, please don’t point your gun at my brother-in-law.”
J instantly noticed a lot of movement and realized he was surrounded by a lot of people dressed in black, their faces covered in the same fabric; only the eyes were visible from behind the dark veils.
The Joker lowered his arm and turned around, facing the man that stood by Y/N; maybe in his late thirties/early forties, dressed in a traditional Japanese kimono that matched yours.
“Mister Joker, we finally meet,” your husband smirked. “My name is Shiro Ozunu and I believe you’re already acquainted with my better half,” he introduced himself while emphasizing who the woman was. “I’m sorry it took us quite some time before answering your proposal; one can’t be too careful these days.”
J was debating on the whole charade, skeptical about the unexpected encounter.
“That’s why you sent your wife and her brother to spy on me?” the spiteful tone made Shiro cut it short: he had no patience for anybody else’s outbursts except his wife’s.
“Like I said, one can’t be too careful these days! I’m here now: would you like to talk or not?”
The Joker puckered his lips, sick and tired of his shitty day:
“Maybe,” he resentfully grumbled.
After four months, Monday - 6pm
“This way Mister Joker,” Frost leads the way towards the main residence belonging to the Ozunu family.
Located 3 hours away from Gotham on the outskirts of New York, the gated property is huge. It actually resembles a small village: the houses are built in the Japanese style and the sculptures decorating the vast gardens remind of the Meiji Era.
The Joker is here for the first time under the pretext of a business meeting: Shiro and his wife want him close for different reasons, not that J is aware yet.
Jonny takes a right on the path leading towards the terrace, when the sound of some kind of turmoil makes your brother shrug and the familiar noise causes him to quicken the pace.
The green haired guest is silent, mostly because he’s still irritated about his trusted henchman’s stunt. He keeps up with Frost though and when the row of decorative shrubs ends, they both see something that’s worrisome to your brother and puzzling to J: you and Shiro are engaged in a sword fight, relentlessly attacking each other.
“What are they doing?” The Joker finally bothers to articulate a sentence out of pure curiosity.
“They’re having a disagreement sir,” Jonny gulps, more and more nervous. “When they fight they don’t verbally argue; they do this.”
“Are those things sharp?”
“Very,” the short clarification makes J more interested.
Such display of skills The King of Gotham has only seen in movies; you could say he’s fortunate enough to witness a very different domestic dispute - courtesy of Shiro Ozunu and his spouse.
Your blade whooshes in the stillness and before your husband can dodge, you intentionally cut a piece of his sleeve, triumphantly snickering when it lands on the grass.
“This…this is my favorite kimono!” Shiro pants, vexed you did such a thing. He prepares to charge but he gets interrupted by a distressed Frost that can’t take it anymore:
“Shiro-san! Y/N! Mister Joker is here!”
The couple gazes at the two men, trying to regain composure; after exchanging mean looks, you put the sword down first and your husband does the same.
“Apologies Mister Joker,” your husband growls, “we weren’t expecting you this early.”
“It was a smooth drive,” J lifts his nonexistent eyebrows, bummed the spectacle is over.
“Welcome,” he is greeted by the host and you acknowledge him with a faint bow before stomping in front of the small group. Your brother runs and catches up with you, closely followed by Shiro and The Joker.
“Trouble in Paradise?” J blurs out since he’s not a sensible person.
Your husband laughs at the bold question, deeming it to be amusing instead of rude:
“Not even close. We just had a small quarrel; marriage can be stressful sometimes and you have to let out steam.”
“Is it because you’re jealous I saw your wife at the club in a skimpy bra and panties?” The Joker nonchalantly mentions as a payback for the past and Shiro pretends to brush it off.
“Careful Mister Joker; at one point I might not find your remarks funny.”
“Just saying,” J grins and has to persist with his inconsiderate observations. “I’m sure you’re afraid another man might steal her from you.”
Shiro doesn’t lose his cool but lashes out in the most elegant way possible; he’s amazing like that.
“Steal her from me?! Y/N is not an object for someone to steal Mister Joker. And I really pity the man that would dare such an affront not because what I might do, but because she would take it as unforgivable insult and she’s far more despicable than I am.”
J huffs, vexed he can’t initiate trouble while Shiro purposely stirs the conversation in a different direction:
“I trust my wife more than I trust myself, Mister Joker” and he pauses for a second. ”Did you know we grew up together?”
“Did ya’?” the visitor seems surprised.
“Yes. Her father worked for mine and they lived here. When her parents divorced, Jonny went to stay with their mother and Y/N remained here with her dad. There weren’t a lot of children for me to play with; I was the only heir to the fortune and my father kept me under strict lockdown. When we were kids, she used to come to my house or in same rare instances, I was permitted to go over to her house. As we grew up, we became pretty much inseparable. One night when we were teenagers, she didn’t make it home.”
The Joker snorts, fully aware what it means and Shiro smiles at the cherished memory.
“I’ve been in love with her since I was old enough to know what it meant. Such a shame my father didn’t understand…When he found out about us he chased her away simply because he couldn’t accept an outsider as a suitable partner for his son.”
“An outsider?” J repeats, not getting the idea.
“Y/N is not Japanese Mister Joker and my father was an old fashioned traditionalist,” your husband recalls the ordeal. “He even had an arranged marriage in mind for me. Can you imagine in this day and age to be told whom you should love?!”
The Joker lifts his shoulders up, ignorant about the subject. What would he know about love anyway? Probably nothing.
Shiro reprises his story, upset the details are making him remember the struggle:
“Y/N’s dad continued to work for my father and she was forced to move with her mother 60 miles away. It wasn’t far, yet I was under surveillance 24/7 and couldn’t escape. After a month of being apart, she showed up at the gates, begging for the security to let her in; she walked all the way here because she missed me. One of the guards went and told my father and you know what he did? He sent 6 experienced fighters to teach her a lesson which translated into beating her to death. Who would do such a thing?! Unleash a group of assassins against a defenseless 19 years old girl that just wanted to see the boy she loved…”
Your husband dwells on his thoughts and J is surprisingly immersed in the topic:
“Obviously she survived,” he gives a hint he’s waiting for Shiro to reprise the dialogue.  
“Not thanks to me,” the leader of the Ozunu clan gathers his long hair together and brings it to front on the left side of his body. The wind blows it back over his shoulder again and he sights, frustrated. “A friend of mine, and like I said I didn’t have too many due to my imposed social status, came to tell me Y/N was here and that my father ordered her demise. He knew he will get in big trouble, but he still risked his life and told me. He also helped me sneaked outside the property and I ran away with Y/N. My dad was mad beyond control and disowned me; I really didn’t give a damn since I had what I wanted,” Shiro proudly states. “The next five years weren’t easy, but Y/N’s mom took as in. My father sent messengers on a monthly basis, promising that if I abandon my stupid ambition it will all be forgiven. Since when loving someone is stupid ambition anyway?!”
The Joker doesn’t answer the rhetorical question and ascends the steps leading to the covered terrace where dinner awaits.
“When I was 26 and Y/N 25, we got married. Later that year I received the news of my parent being severely ill. I was an outcast, yet the thought of leaving everything to someone else besides his own flesh and blood made him reconsider his decision regarding the estranged son. I suppose him being a traditionalist led to something good for once… First, Y/N wasn’t part of the deal: he wanted me to divorce in exchange of the empire. But given the situation, I twisted his arm and got what I wanted: I was allowed to come home with my bride. Please take a sit Mister Joker,” Shiro encourages J since they reached their destination.
A small table is set under the canopy with several dishes, chopsticks and regular dinnerware next to the plates.
“I hope you like the food Mister Joker,” your brother makes small talk and his employer groans:
“I like Asian food or did you forget that?”
You start picking shrimp from your platter and move it over to Shiro’s since that’s his favorite. He might be on your shit list for the moment but you still love him.
The chat resumes and you quietly listen when suddenly Shiro’s chopsticks pop up in front of your mouth: an oyster for his wife, which happens to be her favorite. You accept the peace offer and chew on the morsel, still not looking his way.
The Joker keeps on eating and scans the furniture scattered around the patio, inspecting the various framed pictures.
“Is that you?” he gestures towards the image closest to him depicting two young men and a girl.
“Yes, I’m the one with the blue kimono and the girl is Y/N. The other guy is the friend I told you about earlier: an orphan my father took in and used as a currier. After he told me Y/N was here to see me, he disappeared. Over the years we tried to find him but he just vanished from the face of the earth; I’m certain my father did something to him.”
“He’s probably dead then. Why are you still searching?” J yawns, rather exhausted after the long drive.
“My wife is alive because of him and we are together because of him; I wish I could repay his loyalty,” Shiro explains. “He knew he would be severely punished but he still helped us.”
“Hm,” J puffs. “Good luck then.���
The Joker is spending the night and after finishing dinner he was taken to the guest house near the main Ozunu residence.
You just took a shower and crawled in bed by your husband, debating if you should say anything.
“…Shiro… are you awake?”
He wiggles a bit and switches his position so he can face you, not having any objections when you take a strand of his long hair and twist it around your fingers.
“…I’m sorry I ruined your favorite kimono…” you apologize for what you did a few hours ago.
Shiro scoots over towards you and pulls you in his arms, pouting.
“It’s ok, I have so many…”
“But that was your absolute favorite…” the regret in your voice makes him cringe. You caress his face and whisper:
“He didn’t recognize us…”
Your husband kisses you and frowns:
“Do you think he’s faking it?”
“No, he’s not faking it. He doesn’t remember anything…” you sulk and the teary eyes disturb your spouse more than it should. What better way to improve the mood than using a silly request?
“Hey Y/N, you know what? Will take everything as it comes, but in the meantime you should seriously think about how to compensate me: either we make out and then we make love or we make out and make love in the same time.”
You burst out laughing at his antiques, having a difficult time choosing:
“Take your pick !”
While the couple is reconciling from the fight they had earlier, The Joker is getting ready to go to sleep. He drags his feet on the carpet, studying the exquisite decorative items adorning the bedroom. He stops in front of the picture placed on top of the fireplace, recognizing a duplicate copy of the image he asked Shiro about at dinner time.
J glares at the frame, still not realizing that the 20 years old young man that joined Shiro and Y/N for a group picture almost two decades ago is actually him.
Part 2: diyunho(.)tumblr(.)com/post/183207279431/the-joker-x-reader-lady-silence-part-2
Part 3: diyunho(.)tumblr(.)com/post/183762832056/the-joker-x-reader-lady-silence-part-3
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