#and for those who've messaged me on anon
trashpocket · 1 year
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au inspired by flight risk where eddie's a celeb and steve is a boyfriend for hire 🥺
(eddie wants to see if the stalking and harrassment from fans and media stops but ends up LIKING liking steve, and doesnt know if steve tolerates him for himself or for his job
and steve ends up liking the eddie behind closed doors, who establishes boundaries with him and respects him, but he doesnt know if he could be loved back when he's just a business. a transaction. nothing more than bullshit Hshsjsjaiav)
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toboldlymuppet · 8 months
psa I've done my best to reply to some asks here, but I'm unfortunately unable to reply to every single one. Mostly from lack of energy and general stresses in my life (personal and career-wise especially, because being an artist in this current environment is draining). Despite previous promises to do better, having to scramble and focus on multiple social medias have been exhausting and this account took a hit from my neglect. I'll be uploading the many artworks throughout 2023 on Twitter over here as well, for back-up and because many of you have stuck by me despite it all and I've always found great joy in sharing my art with fellow fans and supporters. I've also disabled my anon asks because of the slew of frankly disgusting messages I've received (for being an Izzy fan) but remain so grateful for those who've sent me kind words, encouragement, and even questions regarding my craftsmanship. I apologize if I'm unable to answer everyone but your messages have brought me great joy as an artist and encourage me to improve. Life is short and it's something I've been reminded of constantly through many losses and health scares. And if I'm able to share some joy with people who enjoy my art, or even those who encounter it with interest and move on, then I think I will have done a worthwhile thing.
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nctsworld · 7 months
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10k followers... insane!!! i'm always appreciative for all the love on my gifsets, stories, and more. i know i haven't been that active in the last year or so, but i'm always around and am grateful for those who've stuck by over the years. thank you so much <3 y'all are amazing!!!
followers only (i will accept anon messages but i'm hoping you follow me ;_;)
reblog this post (likes don't count)
send me an ask with any of the following emojis and respective specific info below
i will be taking asks/submissions until sunday, october 22nd at 11:59pm pst (pacific time)
as always, please be patient and no promises on getting everyone’s gifts done!
tagging everything with #nctsworld10k for blacklisting purposes
some of the ideas for this i've taken from this sleepover post!
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gifts for you:
💚 gifset of one to three nct members
send in the names of one to three nct members and i’ll make a gifset of them!
feel free to add concepts, colours/colour palettes, videos, moments, etc. (eg. renjun + 7llin series; yangyang + xiaojun + smiling; taeil, jeno, jaemin + blue, etc.)
🎨 aesthetic archive moodboard/gifset
i will glance at your archive and blog and create a moodboard/gifset based on what i see!
optional: let me know what is your specific aesthetic if it isn’t obvious (eg. water, cities, neon lights, colours, etc.)
📖 blurb/fic request
send me one nct member, a genre or two (fluff and/or smut preferable, but i can also do angst and comedy), and any mixture of tropes/kinks/aus/prompts from this list and i’ll write a short blurb or fic!
🎵 song from my spotify list
i will put my liked songs playlist on spotify on shuffle and give you the song that comes up!
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gifts for me:
🍵 confessions
confess to me something on or off anon
🤞 guess the fic 
explain one of my fics to me badly and i have to guess which one it is - here is a link to my masterlist
☀️ song recs
send me your favourite song + the artist who does it and tell me why you like it!
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tagging the wonderful people who have made my time here awesome!!! special shout-outs to y'all :3
@ambivartence @baekhyuns-lipchain @baekonbaek @baekwin @dearlyminhyung @delhyun @djxiao @fadedinmysong @haechanhour @hchan @hotdogct @huangrenjuns @husbandhoshi @hyuckles-chuckles @hyuckworld @hy-ck @jae-min @jaemtens @jenodreams @jeongvision @jjsungie @lee-minhoe @leehanie @leemarkies @lunena @nakamoto @nctaezen @nctdream @nctsjaemin @neocitycafe @neoneun-au @ohoshi @potatzu @ppangjae @ressonancee @sehunniepot @taeminnomuyeppeo @uservernon @vamphaechan @winsmoke @yunogf
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saltymongoose · 5 months
Hi guys, it's been a while. I've been busy dealing with all sorts of stuff in my off time, which I'll detail a little bit more in the tags for those who might be interested.
The important part is that I've been doing a lot better recently after taking some time off to focus on myself. Now that my semester is over, I think it might be time to start posting here again. And with that, I'd also like to announce some new changes to things.
1. I will now officially be covering fandoms outside of Madness Combat.
Don't get me wrong, Madcom will always be important to me, and I'll always be writing lots of stuff for it (esp the AU :D), but I'd like to expand my writing to cover more topics occasionally too. I feel like limiting myself might do more to inhibit my creativity than not, yk. 🤷‍♀️
I'll definitely be adding OFF to the list, but I'll have to do more thinking about what other games, other media, etc. to cover.
Do feel free to suggest some as well! I am genuinely curious as to what you all would be interested in. 👀👀👀
2. This blog will be changing in its appearance, so there will be a period where everything looks weird for a little bit lol.
Self-explanatory enough: I love the theme we have going, but I feel like it's time for a change. New year, new me, and all that. (Also, my PFP might change too, so don't panic if you don't see the bird guy pop up lol.)
And that's all. Thank you all for reading as always, and I hope you all have been well during my break! <3
Ps. And additionally, a huge thank you to @eldritch-bunny and @peacu0231 for your well wishes, as well as the Anons who've sent in similar messages too. I can't express how much it meant to me (like, it legit made me cry at the time lol), I just appreciate it a lot. <333)
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altraviolet · 2 months
TEG paper edits: done!
I just finished doing edits on the print out of The Echo Garden! 964 pages in this version. It's so emotional to reread. I'm still so proud of it, and so happy that so many people commented or drew art or likewise joined in ❤️
Current plan from here:
-correct the typesetting file. I might change the current font selection (there are pre-selected ones, unfortunately I can't fully customize in my software), which can impact total number of pages
-correct the AO3 version to match the typeset version. with apologies to people who've done translations, there will be very slight tweaks here and there. just think, the original will be preserved in your translations x3
-figure out how to make volumes so ficbinders have a couple typeset options (a thousand pages is too long for one book!)
-sort through the current AO3 Afterword and all my notes and make a Compendium. instead of having a very long Afterword in the typeset versions, I will have a companion file. there's currently a poll on twitter about if people want to get all these files at once or get TEG asap with the Compendium coming later. you have until March 18 2024 to vote, but it looks like folks are willing to wait. the AO3 Afterword will remain the same and/or I may add the Compendium's bonus scenes to it (scenes I wrote that weren't used or were heavily edited)
-there's currently no timeline for the corrections. it will be a daunting task to do it not just once, but twice. the most common correction is em dashes. you better believe I understand how those work now xD I hope...
Once all that is done, I'll be turning my focus towards expanding some original fiction ideas! I do have one more TF fic obligation (SW zine!) and I'm eyeing that mini bang... I would need to make a discord account to join. That's literally all that's stopping me. But, other than all the editing and that one fic and maybe a mini bang thing... yeah! That's all I got.
If there's anything specific you'd like to see in the Compendium, let me know! You can leave a message here or send in an ask. Anon ask box is on.
Cheers =)
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catt-nuevenor · 3 months
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While I do understand where these anons are coming from, as I am disappointed about said changes myself, I am sorry that you have to keep "defending" your work and intellectual property. Like you said, this was a work in progress project that was subject to change at any point throughout its development. This was a bit hard for some of us to swallow, I guess 😂 but you had every right to do so. Personally, my choice is to just not complain but still support you and your incredible work.
We have all experienced your writing skills, so there will definitely be a story that we will fall in love with again. Or a story that we will enjoy, but other fans won't. That is all completely natural and understandable. But people shouldn't keep on annoying you and other fans, who are genuinely excited about the changes, with their "disappointment." In other words, people should move on. Stop yucking their yumms. There is no need to complain to you about something you had every right to do to your own work! I am sure the fans who are excited about the changes will enjoy your incredible writing and the game will be a success!
True fans will stand by you to support future projects they might enjoy, others will keep on complaining, so I guess you should just turn off anon for a while. I am sure that will stop most of these types of asks! You should keep on doing whatever feels right for you and your vision of your work 🥰
I love the meme! Definitely made me chuckle.
And thank you for the support and patience in waiting to see how things play out.
Regarding the previous ask by the anon user, while it is and was frustrating to field comments/questions like this, such things are in the minority. 99% of the time, folks on here are wonderful and/or constructive, and I'm happy to respond to them.
I had contemplated ignoring the anon ask completely, and had half-convinced myself to let it languish unanswered this morning. I answered it as I did because it inadvertently highlighted some of the backlash I received from the announced changes last year, how the general sentiment went and my personal feelings towards them. Most of the messages relating to that period I did not publicly reply to as they either retread already addressed ground, used rude and/or derogatory language, or weren't meant to be publicly answered and expressed that wish in the message text.
The internet, for better or worse, is a public forum of instantaneous reactionary communication with little to no cooldown between incident and response. Little of this is conducive to a reasonable discussion. There are always going to be those who disagree with either my actions, my words, or my decisions when it comes to my work. It would be a little scary if everyone agreed.
I won't be switching anon asks off as it would negatively affect folks who've done nothing warranting it. Collective punishment is not my style. I will be selective with what asks I do and don't answer. Such is exercising my control over the contents of the blog.
Tbh the anon ask wasn't that bad, I've had far worse. A reaction to a frustration without consideration of the contents. Such is the way of the internet.
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bobfloydsbabe · 6 months
On November 8th 2022, an anonymous person took issue with a post I made regarding the use of read more on long fics. All I asked in that post was that people used it, and if they didn’t know how, to google it or ask someone how. Simple. It should not have been offensive, and yet, someone took offense and started a tirade against me.
The post in question was this one:
(I know it says drafts, but I did post it here)
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I put it in the Top Gun Maverick tags because that's where I spent my time. Usually I wouldn't, but I was fed up with having to scroll past 5k word fics, so I wrote this post. Could I have worded it differently or been nicer? Sure. The ask that followed was this one:
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In the next one, they asked me to be kind. I made many of the same points as I did above, as seen here:
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This response was clearly not the one they wanted, so they turned to name calling, vile accusations, and inappropriate sexual messages. I'm going to use the read more here to 1. hide the asks I got because they're upsetting and 2. shorten this post. No one wants to scroll forever to get past this.
Some of the asks I received included but were not limited to:
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That last one is in reference to a message I answered, asking what evidence they had of me being into bestiality. I also do not have twitter.
This went on for hours, and while I was initially laughing, at some point it turned. I started feeling really upset and anxious about it. I remember shaking. Then came the death threat. It caught me off guard. I wasn’t expecting it, and honestly, calling it a death threat might be a little extreme. Nonetheless, the threat of harm shocked me. I replied, trying to give off an air of nonchalance, when in reality, I was freaking out.
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After that, I got a few more asks, upset I was calling it a death threat. I started calling it a threat of harm instead, because it felt extreme. After those asks, I turned off the option to send anonymous asks, which I had not done in all the years I’d been on Tumblr. I had to protect my mental health. I reported it to tumblr support and took a few days off the hellsite to give myself time to process.
Eventually, Tumblr got back to me, telling me they were “sorry I had a bad experience with anonymous asks” and told me to block the anons. I was furious. They dismissed not only me, but the threats I’d received. When I sent in my original ticket, I made it clear they could contact me if they needed more information. They never did. I’m still pissed about that. This was before you had to have an account to send anonymous asks, so they could still come back. I had to block five separate asks to get all of them to disappear.
Anonymous asks are currently open, but I'd be lying if I said I don't still get anxious when I see that grey icon in my inbox. I'm still scared they could come back and start up again. I'm finding it easier to turn off anon these days, and I've had to do it several times since then to protect myself further. I won't hesitate to do it again.
If you read this all the way to the end: Thank you for reading. I know this doesn't affect anyone but me, but I wanted to share this post, regardless. I want to thank the people who have been there for me through it all, and the ones who've listened to me talk about it. I appreciate you.
For now, I'm looking forward to celebrating 10 years in recovery from self-harm next week. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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halfmoth-halfman · 11 months
closing my inbox/taking a break
due to increasing anon hate and some very gross and concerning asks, i've decided that i'm going to be closing my inbox and taking a break from tumblr for a little while. i can only put up with so much and it's getting to be too much when my askbox looks like this after a few days:
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i understand that i have some very lovely anons that i adore talking to. i'm very sorry that other people had to ruin this for those anons and if turning off my askbox will keep you from interacting, but i need to do this for my peace of mind for the time being. that's not to say i'll never open it again, i just need a break and hopefully some time will let people calm down.
posts will still be the same, everything i have coming up is either queued or scheduled for the next week. the may fic recs will be posted this afternoon. i've cleared out my inbox and queued replies to what's already in there outside of request asks.
i mentioned a little "extra" post for tomorrow that was going to be a post of mid-year faves, for all the fics i've found too late for a monthly rec list and ones that i just really love that was meant to post tomorrow, but i'm going to postpone that for now and come back to it at a later day this month.
the next mob!price chapter is scheduled for next friday, june 9th, in the evening and set to be reblogged again saturday morning. i'll probably pop back on for that and to make sure the taglist works properly, and reevaluate my askbox at that time.
i am so thankful to all of the kind anons i've gotten and for everyone who's been nice to and patient with me. i have an appreciation for all of you that i can't put into words.
and to the anons who've sent me hateful, racist, misogynistic, and down right threatening messages, i know this is social media, and it's just tumblr, but there are real people behind these blogs with real feelings and i hope no one ever sends you the same kind of hatred and vitriol that you've sent me.
thank you everyone, and i'll see you next week! 💜
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pascallatte · 1 year
Hello to each and every one of the 927 people who followed me when I started and those who are fairly new to the blog,
I have two things to tell you at this moment and though it is hard for me as a writer to tell this to you, I sadly have to.
First is that I'll end my Pedro Pascal x actress!reader series. As much as I loved making it and sharing it with you guys, I cannot ignore the fact that there are anons and sometimes direct messages from other blogs that curse me out and send hate just because of what I'm writing. I've literally said this before, if you don't like my work don't read it, it is for those who enjoy it only. Like why waste your time sending hate when you can just scroll past the content I've been posting. so as someone who writes during their free time with the intent to lighten myself up, I am instead met with constant hate in my asks and messages whenever I post a fic hence me being active only on posting days.
So to the people who've supported me since the beginning as well as my blog grew slowly thank you for being there and I appreciate every single one of your comments and asks that I wasn't able to answer. And to the lot of you, I'm sorry for having to discontinue the series all so suddenly.
Second of all, I am considering deactivating in a month, because every time I open the account or check the notifications, it's always the same person or a couple of anons bombarding me, which ruins my day.
Lastly, I would like to thank you once again for encouraging, liking, and following through on the series until my latest one. Your sweet messages will forever be appreciated and remembered cause I'll be saving a couple of them for motivation. and who knows maybe I'll come back, with a whole different blog or identity... who knows?
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pommunist · 13 days
to that one anon - personally i don't care if i know what is going on behind the scenes, i care that the admins don't know whats going on. argue about the ones who've "leaked" stuff all you want, but as a counterpoint, ryan (sunny's admin) has not made a statement like some of the others have (to my knowledge) - all she has said is that she hasn't heard anything. we can make the argument that they're keeping things from the leakers, but people like her haven't leaked anything and still aren't getting updated.
that is what upsets me, and i do understand things take time but as you said, a cursory message for them would be nice. it is just disheartening to hear from one source that new and better people are in charge (i am not saying the new team is bad btw, no opinion on them yet we haven't seen/heard much of them) but from all the others saying they haven't heard anything.
plus why would any admins, even those who came out with their experience, go like "ahah guys look Qstudios have contacted me and are trying to make things rights 😂😂🫵 they suck !! » if that happened….
the One Big Thing they’ve asked many times is that contact be made with them why would they "leak" any attempt at improving the situation
(and again even if they did, do you care more about things being leaked or do you care about fixing your wrongs ?)
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
My friend abandoned me because they thought I sent them anon hate. The reason they think is because someone told them I was ranting about them in a discord server. How do I prove to my ex friend it wasn’t me who send the anon hate? Everyone keeps telling me to move on but I can’t not if someone believes I sent anon hate just because I was ranting about them annoying me. Thanks to this person telling on me I lost all my friends I am alone now. Why won’t anyone help me? I have to prove it wasn’t me but no one will listen.
I hope for your sake that you can reread this post in ten years and understand the vibe it gives off to me right now.
You sound like a fucking nut, so no, no one is going to be sympathetic to your desire to chase after people who've told you "no". If you aren't my last RSD anon, you at the very least sound like you have similar difficulties.
Trying to ~clear your name~ is irrelevant. That's not the issue that's screaming from every line of your message.
What you just said is:
"I can't stand it if there's a person out there in the world who thinks something untrue about me and therefore dislikes me."
But it is commonplace for people to exist who hate one for stupid reasons or for basically no reason. This is a part of life. One needs to be able to handle it. Tons of people hate me, but why would I give a fuck? The only option to avoid that is to not interact with anybody.
The people who can't handle it are often those with emotional regulation problems and disorders related to extreme fear of abandonment or a need to be perfect at all times because the world consists of Bad People and Good People.
Do you have RSD? Do you have BPD? Could be neither. We can't diagnose you from a random anon even if we were qualified to diagnose a person at all. But a lot of people reading this message are going to sense a similar vibe of something being wrong. This current situation and these other people are the catalyst, but they are not the problem.
The problem is your need to "fix" a situation instead of moving on.
When you inevitably send me anon hate for this response, I will block your ass, so think about that before you lash out like a clown.
Also, if you were ranting about this person in a semi-public space, you're clearly not actually their friend. They'd probably move on from you regardless of whether they thought you sent the anon hate.
And if this incident lost you "all" of your friends, then those "friends" consisted of some internet randos you barely know.
Seek treatment for your issues before you point the finger at everyone else.
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mysticalsoot · 2 months
Everything you've said on this situation is something I 100% agree and stand with and honestly is such a breath of fresh air to see after spending so much time in the official Lovejoy discord.
People in there were at first being civil with their opinions despite the tense emotions, but it's quickly turning into a "Fuck Wilbur" train since many are straight up convinced he was the one Shelby was talking about, while those trying to stay neutral or are wishing Wilbur luck in changing for the better should it actually be him are being attacked. Mods have been trying to calm the attackers down but it hasn't worked too well from what I've seen. And it's only gotten worse since one of the Sr Sootmods came out and said how they're all leaving their mod positions since they're also convinced he's the abuser. What especially hurts is that one mod went into the chat and even said "Abusers will always be abusers" as if people can't genuinely change for the better.
Also, while we're all here speculating and all that, what happens if it's officially confirmed that it wasn't Wilbur and was instead one of the many other British musicians who had an ant infestation and mold problem (both of which are very common problems in the Uk from what I've heard)? This isn't something you can fix with an "Oops sorry for jumping ship without proper confirmation." It just feels like it's quickly gotten to a point where "Damned if something is said, damned if not."
Sorry for rambling/ranting, but that discord group really got me heated up. Keep your chin up, king. You deserve the crown on your head for sticking to your guns and dealing with the assholes coming to you.
Honestly the more messages I get agreeing with me, the more I'm shocked. When I first started questioning things, I felt if I even uttered them to my sister I'd be crucified. So many people agree and support me and it's insane. It outweighs the hate by millions. (i say that as if my chest wasn't so tight earlier today that I couldn't breathe!)
i checked the lvjy server and wil's server earlier today. lvjy I didn't read much on, and when I found that wil's was closed, I wasn't surprised. i was told by an anon ask that the mods know more, but if they did, I feel as though they all wouldn't have waited until the rest of the internet said it was wilbur.
people can change. hurt people who hurt people can change. abusers are a different level, and oftentimes are unwilling to change or are aware they can. sometimes they do! I've seen it, abusers can change but it's so so so very rare.
but jumping on the bandwagon based on rumor and speculation and then saying that shit is not cool.
something I've been trying to say is that those who've left and abandoned ship will most likely regret it when and if things come out in favor of wil (which my gut leans to yes, but we'll see), theyll have to deal with the consequences of being rash.
i understand not wanting to support a possible abuser, but Shelby didn't say a name. she didn't say one for a reason, whatever that reason is, I don't know. and I have my own feelings on that but I won't voice them yet.
don't apologize for rambling, I understand your frustrations and I see you. thank you for the kind words and the support, it means a lot and it's helping me keep going<3 I will continue to say my piece until I can no longer do so, for whatever reason.
anon asks are off, don't try sending hate to me or the asker
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Some of my inboxes: a collated answer!
Hey! Some of my anons/inboxes from last year came in around the time I was experiencing some of that fatshaming phenomena (if you don't know what I'm talking about, you don't want to know), and I didn't have the spoons to respond to them at the time. I want everyone to know that I have treasured these messages regardless - thank you. I was for a time seriously considering abandoning the platform, but I ultimately decided that it wasn't what I wanted and so much of that decision comes from those who've stuck by me throughout all of this. It's been tense and admittedly sometimes downright messy - I'm not incredibly proud of calling out some of the bullshit as bluntly as I have in the past, but it is what it is and even if I didn't do the best thing at the time, I am assured in knowing I've said what I've said for the right reasons.
I've collated the inboxes that most closely align here, where I'll answer everyone as best I can, both because it's more expedient AND because I'd like to be able to push this out and finally draw a line under that negative experience. I'm just answering some asks, so if that doesn't turn you on - scroll past, dudes!
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Thank you so much, @trilldax - this was balm to my sensitive, sad soul when I was receiving the worst of the anon hate. YOU are amazing.
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Friends with people I've called out, most likely. They're probably doing it out of loyalty to their friend, which doesn't make it right but does make it somewhat understandable, I guess? But ultimately, the hate only lasted a few weeks and seems to have completely died out in the new year thus far, so silver linings, nonnie!
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Don't worry - I DEFINITELY intend to keep writing. I've finally nailed down the beginning of the next instalment, having plotted out an entire chapter with threads extending beyond to later instalment/s, and have made tentative inroads on writing! I had some extreme writer's block and writing anxiety after the end of last year, but returning to what I love (mostly reading fanfic and making my books) has helped mitigate a lot of the damage. Don't worry - NOTHING HAS BEEN ABANDONED. I still REGULARLY think about how I'm gonna press on!
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Oh my god, @grumpyrissi - this ask was funny! Thank you for this. Unfortunately, I think the mentality of returning fire is what's landed me in the hot seat, and I would HATE for anyone to be put in this position especially because of me. And I'm happy to see all the hand-pudge love! My hands have always been really fat and stumpy-dumpy looking, partly due to a recessive genetic thing that a geneticist actually studied my family for! My being over the standard weight doesn't help their appearance, though I don't mean this in a negative way. I have wrinkly, pudgy old-lady hands and they're capable of a lot! I write with them, I make crochet toys with them, I knit clothes with them, I create cards and bind books and build furniture with them. They might not be 'sexy' hands but they're my hands and through them, I fulfil everything I want to do creatively. I totally get you about the ring sizing, though - some jewelry stores drive me INSANE. I love YOU and YOUR hands, Rissi! Thank you!
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Thank you so much, nonnie - this was such a kind gesture. I wasn't having a good day at the time, but I certainly am now!
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Hi, nonnie! Damn, I wish you'd left a calling card of some sort, because this made me cry when I first got it. Please reach out if you want, I'm honestly down to clown with pals! I'm fairly open-minded opinion-wise, my hard limit is disrespect and I can tend to go a little ham when I perceive that I or someone I love is being treated poorly. I'm not the most rational beetch around, I think!
Thank you so much for the kindness, nonnie. I'm honoured that you reached out to share this with me, and I want you to know how much it meant and still means to me. For a while, I moped in an 'everyone-hates-me' funk but this really helped pull me out of that. Beyond touched by this, and I really want to continue being a blog you check on, one that keeps the smile on your face. Thank you.
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Thank you for this message, nonnie. I really appreciated some additional perspective to break me out of the spiral I was in. When you're getting hate of a really personal bent, it can be super demoralising. There's definitely an element of this, I think - or people who are having issues in their personal lives that they're externalising onto social media as a symptom of lacking resolution or closure. Whatever the reason, I know only part of it is because of their dislike of me, valid or not, and there's much more motivating the desire to actively wish for someone else to feel bad about themselves. Bullying is such an epidemic as it is, and translation to the cyber platform really has just diversified all the ways we humans can hurt each other. I'm in a much better headspace now after having no inspiration and an actual fear of writing for months because of all the bad feelings associated with it, so it is super refreshing and pleasing to be working my way back in slowly.
I don't actually know what the hate anon thing is about - everyone is copping them. I have no idea if it's a bunch of writers slinging shit at each other for various reasons, or if it's one or a small collection of users taking aim at everyone just to stir trouble, or if it's simply a troll fucking with everyone's heads and causing division. I have my own theories, but honestly, it could be anything. It could be all three. It could be none of these. I don't know. It has been really toxic here for a while, which sucks, because I've been here since September 2022 and it was nice and quiet for a good few months until shit started really popping off like mid-last-year. Boredom, perhaps. Who knows? All I'm hoping is that the return of the show brings in more writers for the fandom, which should hopefully thin out the toxicity and make it a nicer place to be. I think there are too many users who've got it in their head that fandom is a real-life game of thrones, and that we've all got to claw and scrape and backstab each other for some sort of prize. Hence the whole 'big blog', 'little blog' rhetoric and the hyper-preoccupation with notes and perceived infamy. People like this will eventually crack under the pressure of their own maladaptive attitude or get caught out for it, so I'm not too concerned. I think it's super damaging to see writing/content-creating as a ladder of achievement rather than a personal enjoyment. I've never engaged in that, nor do I want to.
It'll get better, nonnie, it has to. But it has to start with people wanting to exist in fandom for the sake of creation, not destruction. Hopefully this happens sometime soon.
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Thank you, boo - I've always loved and valued you very much, and I felt super rotten for taking such a long few weeks away from writing. I'm glad to be slowly coming back in stages, and hopefully I'll have new content for ya soon!
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Hey, nonnie! Unfortunately, the Tumblr anon feature is woefully mismanaged. I think that if the developers incorporated some sort of coding that guaranteed that every anon had a random percentage chance of being sent off anon, people would be MUCH less flagrant in their abuse of the system. I get its function. Humans unfortunately suck by nature so much of the time, so naturally it's misused.
I am a little hesitant with Patreon because of the nature of its paywall thing. (I used to have the pay-thing active on Tumblr, but I no longer do that because of the ethics of creating fandom content and the inadvertent/implied overlap with possible financial gain, so I turned it back off.) I know you can unlock that feature, but there's definitely more of a community feeling here and an ease to interaction that I don't really think Patreon has, but that just comes from having been a user interacting with other profiles at one point (mostly Sims CC, lol). I'm probably going to stay on Tumblr for now, cuz I've grown such a community here and I don't really want to let some fuckwits wreck that for me because of whatever-the-fuck-reason they have to send me crap. Thank you, nonnie! I'm so thankful for your message.
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Eyyyyy, Luna! Thank you so much for your words. It was dark there for a while, but I've pushed through and decided to remain on the hellsite (I guess it's called that for a reason, haha!). I'm making progress on writing, too! YAY! I had fuck-all inspiration for a good while there, but I think the break was good as I did end up writing like a demon for about a year. I look back and I'm so proud of the work I did, and no crappy little text messages are going to take that away from me. I want to keep making work that I'm proud of, and hopefully I continue to do that for a long time. I often go back to certain fanfics that I love, that make me feel safe and comforted and familiar, when I'm feeling down, and the mere possibility of serving as that for even one other person is why I'm determined to stay and ignore the rotten apples.
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Hey, nonnie! Thank you so much for this. I'm so honoured that you enjoy my writing! I'm doing better now, but just so you know I've really appreciated your kind words. They helped me through the rough patch HEAPS.
I am happy, I am healthy, I am EXCITED and I hope 2024 is good for ALL of us!
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criminalmindsgonewrong · 11 months
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Today marks the end of a loooong journey. Those of you who've been here for a while will remember it all because I wasn't very quiet about it. I started my teacher training three years ago, and then got really sick and today, I am officially finished with my course and a Qualified Teacher and I want to celebrate with you guys and also kickstart myself back into writing...so I'm going to do an Event! (And hope that it doesn't completely flop)
I'm going to try to get out a fic a day - that's bold of me, I know - for as many prompts as I get. They'll be of varying lengths according to how into writing them I get, because I'm never very good at sticking to a wordcount.
Categories you can send a prompt in for are:
hotchniss family au (i'm desperate to write more for this lot)
BAU found family
taylor swift lyric + ship/character
character/ship + trope
drop them in my inbox or message me <3 on or off anon, i don't mind. Fics can be submitted up until June 30th <3
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basilone · 6 months
hey i hope you’re well! i was interested in hearing your thoughts about this, people new to the fandom have been posting gifs for bob but you can tell the gifs are not theirs. they don’t credit the gif makers or tell people they have permission to repost gifs, or any of that and those who credit, only credit pinterest. you can tell it’s not their gifs by the coloring and how each gif is extremely different from the other, like the gifs are from different sources/gif makers. how do you feel about that?
Hi anon! I'm doing well, thank you, and I hope you are too. 😊
I gotta level with you first and say that I hope your ask isn't meant to shit-stir or cause any trouble in the fandom for the person(s) who're doing this sort of thing. If you truly want them to realize the errors of their ways, please consider sending them a private message to explain why this isn't a nice thing to do in fandom. (And, of course, do not reblog a post that is full of reposted gifs. It hurts my heart every time those posts get any type of engagement!)
That said, I have thoughts on this. I have a lot of thoughts on this, because the reality is that I'm tired.
I always operate on the basis of good faith in fandom. People who are new to fandom might not be aware of some things that are common sense to us who've been in fandom longer. People might not be aware that what they're doing isn't good. People might have seen other people do these things before, and they might not know that they're not supposed to do them.
For those people, let me say this: Pinterest, Twitter, WeHeartIt, Google, etc. are not sources for gifs. If you do not know a gif's origin, do not use it in your posts. If you don't know who made it, do not use it. I don't care if it's the best gif you've ever seen, I don't care if it fits whatever fanfic you're publishing, I don't care if it's perfect for your roleplaying. That gif isn't yours. That gif belongs to a gifmaker like myself, who has often spent hours creating that gif and has published that gif in a set on their own blog.
If you want to use that gif in any way in your own post, the bare minimum you should do is credit its original creator. They've worked hard on it and they deserve to be credited for that! Simply @-ing our username or using Tumblr's gif search will suffice, as we always get a notification of that. Also consider asking the gifmaker directly if you can use their gif in a particular post/fic: they will often say yes, but please also respect a 'no'.
And the reality here for me as a gifmaker is also this: I'm tired of asking people to credit me. I'm tired of having to message people and request that they credit my work in their posts. The HBO War fandom is pretty mild in how often this sort of thing occurs, but I have been part of another fandom where my work gets reposted on a regular basis. So regular, in fact, that I have utterly soured on the roleplaying community (the worst offenders when it comes to gif reposts!) and have taken to blocking people instead of asking them time and again to credit me. I'm so tired of it that I actually do not message anyone about it anymore, because my temper in regards to this has frayed over the years and I don't want to be a massive bitch to someone who might not even know that what they're doing is wrong.
I hope that this answer will create more awareness in our fandom and will make people credit the lovely gifmakers in our community for their work. Please don't use my words as an excuse to dogpile the user(s) who repost gifs, as they might not have realized they're committing a fandom faux-pas. Consider letting them know in private! (And if they refuse/ignore it or don't think it's that big a deal, you'll know they don't see gifmakers and other creative contributors to the fandom as people. We're just content machines to them, and in that case you can feel absolutely free to block and ignore that user from there on out.)
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Any tips on how to overcome a scarcity mindset when it’s your actual situation?? Like I am living with my parents who heavily control my diet, so when I’m alone or in a safe place I end up binging “unhealthy” things, which doesn’t feel great. I’ve tried telling myself that I can always have more later if I want, but the fact is that I can’t because of my situation. And that’s kind of the only method or mantra (what really helps me is repeating little supportive phrases to myself) that I’ve seen in my research.
This is a tough one, anon. I think you're going to have to do some damage control now, and start making plans for treatment once you are able to leave this environment. So instead of telling yourself you can have more later if you want, tell yourself "It is wrong that this is happening to me. One day in the future I will begin to heal from this." Just focus as much as you can on your hope and not on your distress.
Do you have a locker at school or any place your family cannot access? A job that provides you a cubby/locker to store your things? If so, it could be a good idea to stash sealed nonperishables (so that you don't grow mold or attract mice.) Some ideas could be: sleeves of crackers and those single-serve pouches of peanut butter, granola bars, packets of nuts or dried fruit, potato chips. Try to stash nutritious things but it's okay to keep treats too, so you don't create a guilt mindset around these foods. Then you can tell yourself "I'm not going to starve. I do have enough. I do have some control." (A lot of unhealthy relationships with food are about control, and it sounds like you have a scary lack of control in your own life right now.) If you could even get a lockbox to hide somewhere in your room (or in your car, if you have one) you could stash these nonperishables there, and keep the key on your person at all times. Ooh, and if you're afraid you're not getting enough nutrients, invest in a multivitamin too. Just remember to come up with a ready-made excuse for what's in the lockbox in case your family finds it. Maybe stash food in multiple places, as long as it's nonperishables. Oh, and anon, I feel for you having to tell you this, but please make a note to bring this up in treatment if you seek therapy once you're free. Lots of people who've lived in scarcity develop extreme trauma and food hoarding behaviors, to the point of eating foods that are unsafe or keeping their house in unsanitary conditions. Right now, you may need to hoard and that's the honest reality. But do keep your eyes on a future where healing is accessible, not just survival.
Remember, it's okay to eat junk food. I understand it's not ideal to live on it, but if it's all you can access, it's better than starving and you need to remind yourself that so you don't feel guilt. But "junk foods" are the kinds that are easiest to binge, especially if you have a scarcity mindset because they have the sugars, salts, and fats that you'd be desperately seeking if you were starving in the wilderness. So it's a bit of an instinctive reaction to want to go ham on these things if you live in fear of going without, so try to tell yourself not to feel guilty about craving them. No matter what you're eating, make sure you take a breath every few bites. Take a moment to remind yourself that you are alone, in your space, you are totally safe, that you are allowed to not only eat freely but to enjoy your food. Be patient with yourself if this message doesn't sink in right away, as you are living in a traumatic situation where that is not always the case. But teaching yourself strategies to prevent or interrupt the binge process is always helpful. Stay patient and keep working on it.
Do you have friends who are aware of what you're going through? Anyone who can help you to get a little bit of extra food here and there, or whose house you can visit to get a real meal? If you must live on snacks, they will keep you from starvation, but a real meal here and there will do you wonders, as will the knowledge that you have a safe space and people to validate that what is happening to you is wrong.
Never stop working on your exit plan and envisioning your future of healing. I hope you get through okay.
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