#and fuck Kathy hochul
cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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#EricAdams and #KathyHochul aren’t changing tunes cuz THEY saw a video of a young black homeless man being held in a chokehold for 15 mins and dying…nope!!Their changing tunes cuz WE saw a video of a young black homeless being held in a chokehold for 15 mins and dying!!
There was people who warned ny voters during the mayoral and governor elections not to vote for these two candidates
The idea that you protect people by excusing killing the mentally ill and homeless is an argument for fascism and eugenics. You protect people with housing, healthcare, compassion. The bloodlust of conservatives is the real sign of what they want, not their empty words.
When i say conservatives I'm including people like Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul. This country is so far right that some Democrats would would rather defend this killing than house and care for people. And they are also the problem
I recall seventeen months ago, I was ridiculed for not being in “full support” of everyone’s favorite candidate running for a particular position. Or, sympathizing with a bigot-lite from Long Island. And seventeen months later… I was right about both of them.
As of this week reading that they’re a bunch of inhumane dinos (democrats in name only) they’re all like “I told you so “
I know cause I’m one of them
FQ Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul a nigpine and a hew! I’ll be feeling like this again after they get voted out of office mark my words
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ohello0 · 7 months
Went downtown these past two days and something that really upset me about the subway announcements is that sometimes they’ll announce that there’s officers on the platform. Which the bad thing is the increased police presence sure but there’s one announcement that goes “there’s 150 accessible stations…” and basically telling ppl to plan accordingly then you get to certain stops and then they let you know the elevator is fucking broken or you exit the train and the escalator isn’t running.
There’s cops at every other fucking stop but not all of the stations are accessible or have functional accessibility accommodations???
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angrypedestrian · 3 months
Posting here where it is safer from new Yorkers (derogatory) but do some people really not seem to grasp that a governor is a governor of a whole state and not just the city you live in, no matter how big it is?
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dora-winifred · 4 months
“we can’t do anything good because then the people who hate us might not vote for us” oh okay
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1americanconservative · 2 months
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Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck Jack Smith. Fuck Fanni Willis. Fuck Nate Wade. Fuck Alvin Bragg. Fuck Judge Merchan. Fuck Michael Cohen. Fuck Stormy Daniels. Fuck E. Jean Carroll. Fuck Kamala Harris. Fuck Anthony Fauci. Fuck Nikki Haley. Fuck Greta Thunberg. Fuck Valerie Jarrett. Fuck Judge Engoron. Fuck Christopher Wray. Fuck Kevin McCarthy Fuck Mike Pence. Fuck Mitch McConnell. Fuck Dylan Mulvaney. Fuck Elizabeth Warren. Fuck John McCain. Fuck Mitt Romney. Fuck Hillary Clinton. Fuck George Soros. Fuck Adam Kinzinger. Fuck Liz Cheney and her fat ass. Fuck Ilhan Omar. Fuck Adam Schiff. Fuck Eric Swalwell. Fuck Barack Obama. Fuck Michelle or Michael Obama. Fuck Al Gore. Fuck Klaus Schwab. Fuck Nancy Pelosi. Fuck Ted Lieu. Fuck Justin Trudeau. Fuck Bill Gates. Fuck Maxine Waters. Fuck James Comey. Fuck Volodomyr Zelenskyy. Fuck Mark Milley. Fuck Lloyd Austin. Fuck Mark Zuckerberg. Fuck Kaitlan Collins. Fuck Don Lemon. Fuck Anderson Cooper. Fuck Whoopi Goldberg. Fuck Gavin Newsom. Fuck Gretchen Whitmer. Fuck Kathy Hochul. Fuck Andrew Cuomo. Fuck Lebron James. Fuck John Kerry. Fuck Mark Cuban. Fuck Cori Bush. Fuck AOC. Fuck Rashida Tlaib. Fuck Chuck Schumer. Fuck Merrick Garland. Fuck Pete Buttigieg. Fuck Katie Hobbs. Fuck Eric Adams. Fuck Alejandro Mayorkas. Fuck Lori Lightfoot. Fuck Jennifer Granholm. Fuck Bill DeBlasio. Fuck Bill Clinton. Fuck Maxine Watters. Fuck Cory Booker's closet case ass. They caused this.
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inkandguns · 6 months
“Bitch get the fuck away from my family” would have been appropriate.
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initiala · 3 months
I saw someone’s ✨hot take✨ complaining about Chappell Roan turning down a White House performance but doing the Governors Ball as some stupid “she’s secretly not a lesbian/leftist/ally/whatever because she’s still performing for a political leader”
My sisters in drag, the Governors Ball is a music festival. She didn’t perform at a gig being hosted by New York State Governor Kathy Hochul, on some grand stage titled GOV BALL while thousands of people partied and then some schmoozy state gig was happening behind the scenes.
She went to a music festival for fuck’s sake. Some of y’all really need to sit down and listen instead of yapping for no reason
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thebrainofmae · 3 months
something doubly evil abt Kathy Hochul trying to ban masks after killing congestion pricing, at least temporarily (which would have brought in badly needed funds to repair and upgrade the subways and also would have led to cleaner air because there would be fewer cars in Manhattan), which she did, btw, in direct opposition to the state assembly which had been working on that plan forever. This as she and Adams continue this insane narrative of some giant spike in violent crime on the subways so that they can justify spending absurd amounts of money putting cops and fucking state troopers on platforms to fine fare evaders and kick unhoused people out into the rain.
The two of them are going against the will of the people to turn the subways into derelict surveillance states, knowing that millions of people rely on them every day.
I still can’t get to work on time because of delays but no worries, because now we’ve saved the subways from the nefarious ways of *checks notes* people wearing covid masks or trying to find shelter.
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trascapades · 7 months
Shout out to these and all artists who use their art practices and platforms to fight against oppression and injustice around the world! 
And fuck @instagram for preventing me from reposting this information from @ajplusenglish-blog . The platform logged me out of my own account and "warned" me that it could be permanently removed.
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#ArtistActivists #CeasefireNow #Gaza #Sudan 
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Reposted @ajplus A group of anonymous artists hacked advertisements on dozens of New York City subway trains to bring attention to U.S. tax dollars being used to fund Israel’s attacks in Gaza. ⁣
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The guerrilla artists visually mimicked ads typically seen on the subway and replaced them with commentary on Israel’s attacks or quotes from Palestinians. One poster looks like a hospital ad, but features images of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. President Joe Biden, and New York Rep. Ritchie Torres, with text reading, “Looking to kill healthcare workers? Look no further.” ⁣
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The act of public disruption came the night before New York Gov. Kathy Hochul announced she’d be sending members of the National Guard to the busiest MTA locations in response to a handful of recent violent incidents at stations. ⁣
“The subway is a space for, and occupied by, normal working New Yorkers. In this time where public services are being cut and money is being sent overseas to fund war in our names, we want to take back that public space,” one of the hackers said in a press release. ⁣
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“Our daily lives and commutes should not — in fact cannot — continue as usual.” ⁣
Writers Against the War on Gaza, Art Against Displacement and the Palestinian Youth Movement cross-posted a video about the ad hacks on Instagram and asked people who spot the ads to snap photos and share them with hashtags #MTAArts and #FreePalestine. ⁣
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Producer: Emily Barger⁣
#News #Gaza #Palestinian #Activism #NYC #Subway #Palestine #Israel #Protest #MTAArts #Resist #Disrupt
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sixty-silver-wishes · 2 years
It's 2023 and I live in Florida.
I've lived my whole life in central Florida (with the nearest city being Orlando), and the general political climate I grew up in was pretty moderate. The far-right shift things have been taking honestly came as a shock (although to be fair, confronting the rise of fascism in your backyard is a tough pill to swallow no matter where you live), considering the atmosphere I was raised in; I remember going on vacation to places like Georgia and Tennessee when I was a kid and being shocked to see people flying Confederate battle flags and selling them as souvenirs in gift shops. Florida always felt like more of a mixed bag, albeit a whiplash-inducing one; you can go down to Mims and see Trump signs tacked up everywhere, or you can go to Lake Eola and see pride flags in all the windows.
Both the Pulse and Parkland shootings happened when I was in high school, and I distinctly remember how both of them rocked my community. We staged walkouts at school, had conversations with our families and friends about topics like gun control and the LGBT+ community that lasted for weeks, and it felt like a sense of mourning and desire for progress could be felt within everyone I knew.
Which is one of the many reasons why whatever the fuck Desantis is doing infuriates me so much. I hate to see the place I grew up in turned into what it's becoming, and frankly, it's painful not just to see outsiders see it first and foremost in this way, but for them to be right about it. When Kathy Hochul told conservative New Yorkers to "move to Florida," to me, that felt like a stab in the gut, that the place I lived and grew up in should be recognized nationally like this. For me, that just wasn't Florida. Did we have conservative crazies? Sure, but overall, I always saw Florida as a much more diverse and multifaceted place than people give it credit for. But unfortunately, with the insane laws being passed here and Desantis receiving a level of support that to me seems unthinkable (I swear, he could write "I am a fascist" on his forehead and people still wouldn't give a shit), and the fear I feel every day that things are getting worse and worse, the apathy that follows as a survival mechanism that I keep reminding myself that I can't give into, it feels unrecognizable. And yet, this didn't come out of nowhere.
My advice to those who are still reading? Don't be apathetic. Oppression is happening here, and will continue to worsen, and by writing off entire populations as people unworthy of compassion, you are writing off the people who are oppressed and may not be able to "just leave," who are suffering the most under such legislation and sociopolitical climates. Fascism thrives off of fear and dividing people into "us" and "them," so I'm begging you, remember the humanity of those who are suffering under it- and yes, that includes the people who have been indoctrinated into it. Do you have to like them, excuse them, or forgive them? Absolutely not. But their fears and ignorance are being preyed upon, and that will end up hurting more people in the long run.
Secondly, don't think it can never happen to you. I've seen people in blue states constantly dismiss whatever Desantis and co. are doing because it doesn't affect them, but if he runs for president and wins, he becomes the entire country's problem. And it doesn't have to be him; we've seen far-right ideology spreading across the country, perpetrated by multiple people. I've seen Europeans and Canadians blaming the rise of far-right movements in their countries on Trump and America, and while Trump and far-right American movements may have encouraged them, fascism can show up anywhere; the first step to fighting it acknowledges that there's never just one person to blame; it works systemically and thrives off of apathy. Think critically, stay educated, and most importantly, stay compassionate.
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oldbaton · 2 years
I def vote blue no matter who but the thing is the dems have been such shit that i refuse to preach to people about it. I can’t I just can’t. I understand how that may sounds contradictory but it’s just sort of where I’m at in the Biden years I’m so fucking frustrated. The Dems didn’t stave off a red wave on their own merits I think that’s pretty clear. That new dem governor in Arizona should count their lucky stars after that non campaign. And even Kathy Hochul, who I have a grudging fondness for despite not voting for her in the primaries, barely ran a campaign and it got uh. Really scary there. So I will always always mitigate the conservatives. Always. But I just can’t preach to people about it I can’t bring myself to.
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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fuck kathy hochul
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witchern · 3 months
the Q train was backed up and running on the R line until [redacted] and then it went from the R to the N all the way to coney island and i’m gonna personally throttle kathy hochul with my bare fucking hands
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goodhorse413 · 4 months
Congestion pricing would have been a progressive pigouvian tax on the externalities of car ownership that would have reduced carbon emissions and traffic while raising large amounts of money to fund public transit. Killing it at the last minute at the behest of the automobile lobby who want to keep being de facto subsidized at the expense of the climate is absolutely dogshit policy. This country is ruled by fucking cars.
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pattywagon2go · 4 months
Transit Talk Thursday
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Transit Talk Thursday: Okay, this post wasn't planned ahead of time, but with how much anger I have over this situation building up inside me, I just had to do a post on it. This post will be a rant about New York Governor Kathy Hochul's extremely bone-headed decision to indefinitely postpone the Midtown Manhattan congestion charge. I'll be discussing what the congestion charge would have done, why the charge is a great thing for NYC, what this insanely dumb decision means for New York City, and what you can do about it now. Fair warning, it will be a bit disjointed and much more angry, but I hope it conveys my points nonetheless.
First of all, what is the congestion charge?
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The congestion charge was an upcoming charge/tax, whatever the fuck you want to call it, meant to charge people who drive into the lower portion of Manhattan, in New York City. This fee would have varied depending on a number of factors, such as the vehicle type and time of day, but it would basically be a toll for any vehicle driving into lower Manhattan. Note that if you're on a highway like the West Side Highway, you wouldn't pay a dime for this, and also this only affects lower Manhattan, so upper Manhattan and every other borough isn't affected by this. The overall goal with this was to disincentivize driving into lower Manhattan, which would reduce air pollution, noise, traffic, and road fatalities throughout lower Manhattan, while using the money to fund the MTA, New York City's transit agency, for its various projects and infrastructure improvements (more on that later).
Now all that is good and all, but to truly understand why this was such a slam dunk for New York City, we need to discuss transit in New York City. Simply put, New York City's transit is world-class. New York City has easily the most expansive subway system in the entirety of the United States, and this is also backed up by great commuter railroads which haul tens of MILLIONS of passengers in and out of NYC each year. New York City is a transit city, no matter how you chop it. Congestion pricing forcing people out of their cars would do jack shit in (apparently) hurting people's abilities to move around because OH SHIT! LOWER MANHATTAN HAS SO MANY SUBWAY LINES GOING THROUGH IT! ITS ALMOST AS IF I DON'T NEED A CAR TO GET AROUND!!!! I WOULD HAVE NEVER EXPECTED THIS!!!!!
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(A rough crop of the area the charge would have affected. Notice all the subway lines.)
And the thing is, its not like the money from this would have gone to waste. From the beginning, this charge was intended as a way to raise money for the MTA, for various projects such as installing elevators at stations which still lack them or much-needed trackwork to improve service and reliability. This would have improved the system that more people would be likely to use had this gone forward.
So if we know that New York City is dominated by transit, and this charge would have only helped said transit get better, why in the sweet merciful fuck did Governor Hochul can this indefinitely?
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And right there is your biggest problem: Suburbanite hellspawns were up and arms about the city attempting to fine them for creating air pollution and noise throughout lower Manhattan, so much so Governor Hochul lost her spine (if it even existed) and she backed down. A small group of rich assbags, who may I remind you don't actually live in lower Manhattan, got the state fucking Governor to gut something that would have helped thousands, simply cause they didn't want to take the train through the city. Fucking unbelievable.
So, exactly what does this mean for New York City as a whole?
Well remember all of those station improvements and renovations the MTA was planning to do via the funds from the charge? Yeah? WELL FUCK YOU, CAUSE IT AIN'T HAPPENING NOW WITHOUT THE CHARGE.
Ramps and escalators for stations which lack them? NOPE!
Trackwork and other infrastructure on the subway and commuter railroads? NOT GONNA HAPPEN NOW BITCH!
This is so infuriating to see happen. Governor Hochul has basically given a fat middle finger to anyone who needs transit but can't use it because they're disabled and their station isn't accommodating for them. So next time you visit the station and its lacking an elevator or wheelchair ramps, unleash every single curse upon Governor Hochul's name for this absolutely inexcusably bad choice.
So what can we do now?
Well, what you can do is give her a call asking her to not delay congestion pricing here. You can also visit this site to send a message to Hochul to get her to regain her spine and actually follow through with this. And while this may be a longshot, should she not do any of this, don't hold back when you give her the boot at the next election.
So, conclusion?
The congestion charge was a slam dunk for New York City as a whole and its infuriating as hell to see it be pushed back indefinitely. New York City is a city that is for the people, not cars, and by indefinitely canning this charge, Governor Hochul has made it clear that she does not care about the people. I'm hoping that she chooses to double back on this, because if she doesn't, it won't just be the MTA which lacks a stream of money.
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