#the slap in the face for me was one announcement that said ‘the elevators at this stop are broken but service will resume in December 2024’
ohello0 · 7 months
Went downtown these past two days and something that really upset me about the subway announcements is that sometimes they’ll announce that there’s officers on the platform. Which the bad thing is the increased police presence sure but there’s one announcement that goes “there’s 150 accessible stations…” and basically telling ppl to plan accordingly then you get to certain stops and then they let you know the elevator is fucking broken or you exit the train and the escalator isn’t running.
There’s cops at every other fucking stop but not all of the stations are accessible or have functional accessibility accommodations???
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Hey, I was wondering if your asks were open? If so, could it be possible to get bucky x reader oneshot or something with a reader who sprained/broke their wrist pretty bad? I sprained my wrist pretty bad and need a little something to cheer me up.
Doctor's Order (1)
Summary: Y/N sprains her wrist; Bucky is the only Avenger to understand.
Rating: Everyone
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 800+
A/N: Not Beta’d. To the person who requested this, get well soon!
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Part 1
“It’s not that bad.”
“It happens to everyone.”
Those were the phrases used by the Avengers to console Y/N. It was ironic coming from the enhanced bunch. To an ordinary person, it was that bad and it didn’t happen to everyone. Especially not to the overly experienced enhanced Avengers telling her otherwise.
Who would have thought that bracing a fall could seal someone’s fate for months. Bedridden on a grade 3 wrist sprain wasn’t ideal but it was necessary. Y/N had been restless, eager to use both hands again, to feel normal again. Instead, Y/N’s wrist was bandaged lying limply at her side.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Sighing, Y/N used her free hand to mute the television. Her day had been filled with non-stop visits from the Avengers but none of them understood. They couldn’t understand something they hadn’t experienced. She’d rather be left alone. Attempting to push herself up, a lightning bolt of pain shot through her wrist and Y/N was once again reminded of the helplessness she felt.
No sooner than the yelp escaped Y/N’s lips did the door open.
Clutching her wrist to her chest, Y/N whispered, “Please just leave me alone. You don’t know how it feels-” Her voice caught in her throat when her eyes met concerned cerulean orbs. If anyone knew what she was feeling, it was Bucky Barnes.
Slipping through the crack in the door, Bucky crossed the bedroom with a yellow smiley face floating above him.
“It's from the team,” Bucky announced awkwardly, tying the balloon to the bedpost.
Before Y/N could thank him, his cool Vibranium palm pressed into the center of her back helping her sit up. His flesh hand shoved a pillow behind her to prop her up.
“Thank you,” Y/N muttered. “You didn’t have to do that. I could have leaned on my good arm.”
Bucky stepped back, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “I know, but you don’t have to do it all by yourself.”
Y/N gnawed at her bottom lip. Guilt swirled in the pit of her stomach. She hadn’t expected Bucky to be the one to walk through the door.  “Listen Bucky, what I said-”
Bucky shrugged. “You don’t have to explain. I get it. The team means well.” Bucky’s eyes suddenly lit up, then he pulled a card from his back pocket. “It’s not much but,” he trailed off with the card extended between his Vibranium fingers. His face scrunched up as his flesh palm slapped the center of his forehead. His fingers made quick work of removing the card from the envelope. “Sorry about that,” he mumbled, handing her the card.
Y/N chuckled at his awkwardness. Staring at the front of the card, Y/N smiled at the happy face with the words “Get Well Soon!” printed across it to match the balloon. Written in black ink and all capital letters was the word “You” followed by an arrow pointed to the smiley face. Y/N didn’t need to ask who wrote it. Y/N didn’t understand it, but Bucky always wrote in all caps.
Bucky rubbed the back of his neck gauging her reaction as she one handedly opened the card. 
The bottom read, “IN MY OUR HEARTS,” followed by a bunch of the Avengers names. Each name was written in all upper-case letters. Rather than calling Bucky out on signing the Avenger’s names, she thanked him.
“You should elevate your arm, keep the swelling down.”
 “Thank you, Doctor Barnes,” She mocked.
The super-soldier grinned. “I’ll just let you get back to,” he waved a hand toward the television, “whatever that is. Let me know if you need anything.”
Before Bucky could reach the door, Y/N called out, “Wait.” Bucky turned around. “I could use some company,” she said sheepishly, patting the side of her bed.
Bucky blushed. He raced toward the bed like a dog finally allowed on the furniture. Kicking off his boots, he sat cross legged beside her. His hands respectfully on his knees. Y/N unmuted the TV allowing foreign voices to fill the space. The silence between them was comfortable.
Glancing at the smiley face bobbing at the end of the bed then to Bucky’s upturned palm, she extended her injured wrist lacing her fingers with his. Startled, Bucky’s head snapped over his shoulder to look back at her. She was smiling. The corners of his lips twitched upward. “What are you doin’?”
Averting her eyes back to the screen, she shrugged. “Elevating my wrist.”
The cool contrast of his Vibranium arm acted as ice providing her instant relief but she would never admit it.
Bucky smirked, his Vibranium thumb running feather light circles over her bandage. “Just what the doctor ordered.”
Next Part
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fkinkindagauche · 19 days
Hot Knife
Posting just a snippet here of a one-shot I wrote while work was super slow the past few days and I had this song stuck in my head non-stop (Hot Knife by Fiona Apple). It's omegaverse, which I know is not everyone's cup of tea, so you have been warned! Full tags on AO3.
Read the full fic on AO3
Rating: Explicit | Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, mentions of Chrissy Cunningham/Robin Buckley | Tags: AU No Upside Down, AU Omegaverse, AU College, AU Modern Setting, full tags on AO3
I'm a hot knife, I'm a hot knife
I'm a hot knife, he's a pat of butter
If I get a chance, I'm gonna show him that
He's never gonna need another, never need another
“Him,” Steve said confidently, nodding across the dining hall at a gangly man with a mess of long brown hair who looked like he'd just walked out of a Mötley Crüe show.
“ Eddie Munson ?” Robin asked, nearly spitting out the mouthful of soda she'd just taken.
“Is that his name?” Steve asked, watching as the man - Eddie - nearly tripped over his own feet walking to a table.
“He's not exactly your type, Steve,” Robin replied. 
“I smelled him in the elevator. He's my type.”
“Okay, but he's, like, a huge fucking nerd. He's a music major. He plays Dungeons and Dragons. And he's in a heavy metal band.” She just kept listing things, like it was going to do anything to change Steve's mind.
He waved a hand at her dismissively. “Don't care,” he said, still watching. Eddie was talking to the other people at his table now, gesturing vigorously with his hands then throwing his head back and laughing loud enough that Steve could hear it across the dining hall.
“If you start something with Munson your swim team friends are finally gonna actually disown you,” Robin said. “You being friends with me was bad enough.” 
“Yeah, I think I’m at the point where I’m okay with that. They’re boring.” He had spent his sophomore year becoming increasingly annoyed with his teammates, who seemed to want to stay mired in the same types of people and pastimes they’d experienced in high school. He had enjoyed it during his first year, it had been nice to have continuity and had made the transition to college less jarring, but now he found he was looking for something more , and they all wanted to stay the same. 
He had met Robin in one of his classes, a geeky girl who had no interest in sports beyond what she observed from her section in the marching band, but she constantly made him laugh, and she was an omega, his first real omega friend. He had always been the only omega on the swim team, a bit of a freak of an omega given his large size and muscle mass. The other guys on the team had a tendency to completely forget about his designation, given the scent patches he wore all the time.
“I’m gonna go talk to him,” Steve announced, pushing his chair back. 
Robin shrugged. “Your funeral,” she said, and Steve rolled his eyes. He knew he was a very attractive and charismatic man, Eddie would probably be excited to be approached by him. 
Steve walked over to the table, Eddie still deep in conversation with his friends as he approached, not even looking up at Steve. A couple of his friends glanced up with confused looks on their faces, but Eddie just continued holding court. 
Steve sat in an empty seat directly across from Eddie, who finally acknowledged his existence. “What do you want, jock boy?” Eddie asked, derision evident in his tone. “I don’t sell to athletes, that’s a surefire way to get expelled while you just get a slap on the wrist.” 
Oh, he was a drug dealer. Robin had left that bit out of her list. “I’m not here to buy,” Steve said, holding out a hand. “I’m Steve Harrington.” He hit Eddie with his best bedroom eyes. He knew Eddie couldn’t smell him through the scent patch, but surely he’d heard of Steve Harrington, omega swim team superstar.
Eddie just stared at Steve’s hand, not extending his own. “Can I help you with something, Harrington?” He sounded annoyed. “Or are you just here to stare and interrupt our conversation?”
Okay, that was unexpected. This was not going the way Steve had expected. He typically had no trouble picking up alphas, in fact they tended to be the ones throwing themselves at Steve. He could deal with this, though. Just a little pushback. He’d try again when there weren’t so many people around, maybe Eddie was just shy.
“No, just wanted to introduce myself,” Steve said, smiling. 
Eddie waited for a moment then waved his hand away from the table. “Well, introduction done. Run along, jock boy.”
Steve stood, walking back over to Robin who had dissolved into snorting laughter at the table. 
“Oh my god, you just got shot down so hard,” she said between laughs. “How’s it feel, King Steve?” 
“He must not get subtlety, I might need to be more explicit,” Steve said, refusing to let his confidence take a hit. 
Robin wiped a few tears away from her eyes. “Sure, Steve. It definitely couldn’t just be that there’s one alpha out there in the world that won’t immediately whip their knot out for you at the first sign of interest.” 
Eddie wasn’t sure what Harrington had been doing talking to him, if not to buy drugs. Maybe he was still angling for that, just trying not to scare Eddie away. Eddie knew who he was; everyone knew who Harrington was. Not just the golden boy of the swim team, but an omega with a pussy made of gold, to hear some of the alphas talk. 
He was also a cocky asshole too convinced of his own importance, and Eddie didn’t want to have anything to do with him. 
“What did Harrington want?” Gareth asked, like he hadn’t been sitting there right next to Eddie through the whole conversation.
“Don’t know, don’t care,” Eddie said, and looped the conversation back around to what they had been talking about before, the upcoming campaign for the D&D club. He didn’t want to waste any more breath on that man.
Steve really tried to give up on Eddie after that first flop, but he found he couldn't stop thinking about him. When he'd caught a whiff of him in the elevator it had triggered the strongest response he'd ever had to a scent. The most immediately noticeable notes of his scent were pretty typical alpha scents, something in the woody family with cloves mixed in, but underneath that Steve could catch hints of something sweeter, possibly jasmine, maybe even vanilla. Not typical alpha scents. Layered underneath all of that was just a hint of patchouli. A thoroughly sophisticated scent. 
He'd tried to describe all of this to Robin to explain why he wouldn't give up yet, but she found his hyperfixation on scents in general annoying, and even though she was an omega she had never been able to pick apart a scent as well as he could. Robin's lack of interest notwithstanding, he was too intrigued to give up after just one miss. 
As luck would have it, after swim practice the next day he found himself in the mailroom at the same time as Eddie,  who was filling in the address on an envelope. It seemed like Eddie never wore scent patches; Steve was once again surrounded by his scent as soon as he walked into the mailroom. Eddie didn’t even look up as Steve walked in and grabbed his mail.
“Hello,” Steve said when it became clear Eddie wasn’t going to acknowledge him.
Eddie looked at him, frowning, and his scent went a little sour. “What do you want?” he asked.
“Just… saying hi,” Steve said awkwardly, not sure how this man kept robbing him of his typical charm.
“Alright, you’ve completed your task, run along,” Eddie said, waving a hand toward the door. The hostility was a bit shocking to Steve, who had always managed to skate through life liked by everyone around him.
“Did I do something to you at some point that I don’t remember?” Steve asked, perplexed. 
Eddie sighed and rolled his eyes. “No, Harrington. I just have very little time for drug seeking rich boys who could get me expelled if I sell to them.” 
“I’m not looking for drugs,” Steve protested. “I’m just trying to talk to you.” 
“Sure, sure,” Eddie said, looking like he very much did not believe Steve. He finished writing on the envelope and threw it into the mail slot, brushing past Steve as he left the mail room, not even saying goodbye.
Steve was honestly a bit shocked. He didn’t think anyone had ever been that mean to him, especially not anyone he was showing interest in. He was really going to have to step up his game.
“Steve, you forgot your scent patch again,” Robin said as he sat next to her in the dining hall. 
“I didn’t forget it,” he replied. “I intentionally didn’t put one on.”
Robin furrowed her brow. “I thought you stopped needing to do that to get laid a while ago.” 
Steve sighed. “I thought so, too. But it appears there are still some people resistant to the powers of my scentless charm and reputation.” He looked over at the table where Eddie was sitting with his friends.
“What do you know about him?” he asked Robin, nodding toward Eddie.
Robin looked over her shoulder, following his gaze and sighing. “Really? You're still on this?”
“Yes, I’m still on this.”
“Is this just one of those things where you feel slighted by his rejection so now you need to relentlessly pursue him just to prove you can?”
“No, I told you. It’s his scent.”
Robin made a frustrated noise. “You are so weird about scents, Steve. I mean, I’m an omega, too. I have a nose. He just smells like an alpha. Maybe like an alpha who spent too long in a New Age bookstore, but not in a compelling way.” 
“Well he wouldn’t smell that good to you . I think we’re scentmates,” he declared, but Robin only rolled her eyes. 
“Okay, first, those don’t exist. Second, you claim you’ve found your scentmate at least once a semester, yet you never seem to want to keep them around after the novelty wears off. Doesn’t seem like a fated pair situation to me.”
“None of those were real! This time it is.” He was well aware of how ridiculous he sounded, but it was true. Sure, he’d really liked the way all those other people had smelled, but this was much more visceral. He felt drawn to Eddie in a way he had never experienced before.
“Okay, Steve,” Robin said with a long-suffering sigh. 
The person sitting next to Eddie stood to leave, and Steve took his chance. He stood up and walked over, sitting down next to Eddie. “Hi Eddie,” he said, leaning in as close as he could without risking a punch to the face, so Eddie could get a good whiff. 
Eddie turned to him and glared, but Steve could see his nostrils flare and his eyes widen incrementally before his face snapped back into neutrality. “This is getting old, Harrington. If you don’t want drugs then could you please tell me what you do want so I can never speak to you again?” 
Not a promising response, but at least he’d gotten a little bit of a reaction. “Just wondering if you’re free this weekend,” Steve said. “There’s a party at the Sigma Chi house.”
Eddie laughed in his face, stopping when Steve frowned. “Christ, are you serious? Absolutely not, I wouldn’t be caught dead at a frat party.” 
Okay, yeah, maybe Steve had miscalculated there, it was just the first thing he thought of. “Right. They’re not great. What do you usually do for fun on the weekends?”
“What is this conversation?” Eddie asked, looking more confused than pissed off at this point. “What is your aim here, Harrington? Is this like some sort of prank with your jock buddies?”
Steve made an exasperated noise. “I don’t even hang out with them anymore outside of practice and meets. Not sure if you’ve noticed but I pretty much just spend all my time with Buckley now,” he said, motioning towards Robin.
“I haven’t noticed, because I do not give two shits about you. I don’t even give one shit. No shits are given. Now go away and stop bothering me, you’re putting me off my food.” He pointedly turned his back on Steve, who got up and walked away, a little shell-shocked. He heard a few snickers from Eddie’s friends. 
Plopping down next to Robin, Steve put his head on his arms. “That didn’t look like it went well,” Robin said, patting Steve on the back. “Was he not immediately entranced by your luscious scent?” 
Steve half-heartedly threw an elbow at her. “I could tell he noticed it, but it didn’t help. I think he really doesn’t like me.”
Robin made a sympathetic noise. “This must be very new for you, to not be liked.”
“It is,” Steve whined, sounding pitiful even to his own ears. 
“I mean, you have to admit. You probably have, like, nothing in common with him,” Robin said. 
“How can I know that if he won’t even talk to me?”
“Okay, fair,” Robin admitted.
“What do you know about him?” Steve asked, picking up his head. 
“I already told you everything I know - D&D, heavy metal, and music school. You are interested in none of those things.”
“I could be, though,” Steve said. “Does his band actually have gigs?” 
Robin sighed. “I don’t know, Steve. Are you seriously going to keep pursuing this?” 
“Yes, absolutely. I will not back down from a challenge.” 
Read the full fic on AO3
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owl127 · 4 months
What do you know about boxing? There’s something real sexy about the thought of Lexa training, fighting, and being mended by Clarke. Potential for a one-shot or perhaps a multi part fic?
Sweat, gloves, punching, some footwork? That covers a good part of my boxing knowledge, but yay for the creative license to ✨️bullshit ✨️
Maybe something like sweaty Lexa being constantly patched up by am exasperated Clarke...?
"I wonder if there will ever be a time we meet where I don't have to stitch you up," Clarke said with a dry chuckle that didn't land.
Lexa's bloody lips pulled in a half smirk nonetheless, and there was a sparkle in her eyes, even in the swelling shut one.
"Are you asking me out, Miss Griffin?" the fighter asked, not wincing as the needle threaded through scared, bruised skin. Clarke blushed, but focused on making sure Lexa would have an eyebrow to tell the tale of her latest victory.
"Seems rather inappropriate," Clarke said, leaning back to inspec her work. Fingers clad in black gloves tilted Lexa's chin here and there, and Clarke nodded in satisfaction.
"I can make it more inappropriate," Lexa said with a confidence she usually didn't show, and she winced at a failed attempt to wiggle her newly stitched eyebrow.
"You're concussed," Clarke argued, but she couldn't fight a smile.
"Your number, then," Lexa reasoned, and the bright LED light of the med room hidden in the underbelly of the arena was suddenly warmer. Clarke picked up her instruments and busied herself with the first aid kit.
"Ask me that when you're not bleeding all over my trousers," Clarke argued, finally looking at the starry-eyed victor of the night.
Someone called Lexa's name down the hallway, and their little bubble of intimacy and gauze popped. Lexa was once again a rising boxing star, and Clarke was the lucky EMT who got paid to touch her.
Before Lexa stood, she held Clarke's hand in calloused fingers, brushing a light kiss where the skin still smelled like fresh latex.
"Believe me," Lexa said, "I will."
OR, idk, enemy to lovers vibe???
Anya slapped Lexa in the face, the sharp sound echoing in the small green room.
"Tell me again what you are not going to do out there?" her coach yelled, and Lexa welcomed the stinging pain.
"I will not--"
"You will not make a fucking fool of yourself! Now get outta here!" Anya yelled in her annoying philly accent. She positioned herself behind Lexa, while Gustus and Niko took positions to her right and left, their towering forms elevating her emerald robe as she bounced down the corridor in the packed arena. She couldn’t discern a single word of the announcer as the camera crew traced her steps. By the time she made it to the ring, her robe had fallen off somewhere, and the tight braids around her head were free to the shouting fans and blinking flashlights.
Lexa was ready for this.
She was a champion, a warrior, a--
She snapped her head to the opposite side of the ring where her opponent had just been announced. And there she was, in all her golden glory, with shorts tighter than Lexa's underwear and braids carefully following her scalp. Clarke Griffin, the Wanheda, the rising star who dared to challenge Lexa's reign. The girl with the easy smile and soft, soft whimpers when she orgasmed, as Lexa had found out less than 24 hours ago.
Lexa thought she was ready for this.
She was a fool.
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ruth-writes · 14 days
I still don't know what to call this so I'm just gonna call it ruthswip and tag all the posts that so I can find them later
Chapter 2: Alex's POV
Content warnings: abuse, depression
I was drunk when the hospital called. It wasn’t much, just two beers. But for someone who’d never drunk before, it wasn’t ideal. I’d only agreed to it because Aaliyah was the first person I’d met in a while whose face I didn’t want to slam a door into before I never talked to them again.
The day we met, Sam had just burst into our dorm, wearing an outfit loud enough to wake everyone in a ten-mile-radius (as always), and announced, “There’s a party tonight, and I think that girl Billie’s gonna be there.”
I’d barely given him a second glance, not letting myself get drawn away from the perfect setup I’d made on my bed. I’d managed to prop my laptop on just the right number of pillows for my neck to not get a cramp from staring at Doctor Who all evening and placed all my snacks within arm’s reach. “So?” I asked dismissively.
Sam didn’t get the hint. He never did. “What do you mean, so?” he said incredulously, walking over and hanging himself from the top bunk. “We have to figure out what to wear!”
I reluctantly paused the show, but only took out one of my earbuds. “We? I’m not going.”
Sam groaned dramatically. “Alex, what plans could you possibly have that are more important than a party with Billie there?” He emphasized her name like it was supposed to tell me something. I didn’t know her, and I hated parties. The list of things that were more important than this party could reach from me to the equator.
I knew he wouldn’t accept any reason, especially not Doctor Who which he considered ‘dumb nerdy shit’, so I sidestepped the question. “Can’t you just go on your own?”
He placed a hand over his heart and feigned being shot in the chest. “On my own? Alex! How am I supposed to talk to her without my wingman there to make me look good?”
I didn’t even hide my eyes rolling into the back of my skull. The only reason I was Sam’s ‘wingman’ was because as his roommate, I was the only person who’d put up with him. “Um, here’s a crazy idea: just go over and say hi.”
Sam rolled his eyes back at me. If we kept this up, we were gonna end up in the hospital because of fallen out eyeballs by the end of the semester. “No one does that, Alex. See, this is why you need my help. What would I even say?”
I wasn’t denying that I needed help, but I sure as hell wasn’t gonna get it from him. “You could ask her about her interests,” I suggested. “Try to find some common ground.”
That, apparently, was not helpful at all. Sam looked flabbergasted. “Alex, are you dense? I don’t want to waste my time with chit-chat. I want to fuck her.”
His unapologetic misogyny never ceased to amaze me. “Then maybe you should just tell her that,” I said sarcastically.
Sam didn’t get it. “You think so?”
“Yeah! It’s straight to the point and honest. Women love honesty these days.” I tried to lay on the sarcasm extra thick, but it was hopeless.
“See, Alex, this is why I need you to come. You just get girls.”
“I thought I had so much to learn from you,” I reminded him.
“You do! We can learn from each other! C’mon, please?” He dragged out the please until he was out of breath.
I groaned. It was clear I wasn’t getting out of this. “Fine. But I’m not carrying you home again. If you pass out, I’m leaving you there.”
“Yes!” he screamed, slapping the bed and making it shake. I winced, covering my ears. “Let’s go! You agreed, there’s no going back now!”
Yeah. My peaceful Doctor Who evening was gone for good.
The walls were shaking from the pounding music when we entered the building. I was kind of worried the elevator would fall as we rode to the top floor, breathing a sigh of relief when we arrived, but the feeling immediately left me once the doors opened.
I let myself take a moment to assess the situation, which wasn’t great. The hall we were standing in was apparently already part of the party. People were scattered along it awkwardly, yelling at each other over the music. Most of them were swaying, some more than others. There was a beer pong table set up a few feet from the elevator, where the wasted jocks were hanging out. I made a mental not to give them a wide berth. Only three of the dorm rooms were open, making me wonder what the people in the other ones were doing. Were they holed up under their beds, wondering if it was too late to drop out without losing their already paid tuition money?
“C’mon,” Sam commanded, pulling me towards the dorm the music was coming out of. People had formed a kind of circle around a few girls, who were jumping up and down in a tight-knit group. Guys kept trying to be a part of it, but they just ended up standing on the edge, breathing down their necks awkwardly. I could perfectly imagine Sam joining them.
Right on cue, Sam shouted, “There’s Billie! Let’s go talk to her.”
I tried to object and point out that the girls were clearly not open to being hit on at the moment, but Sam had already gone ahead and was trying to force himself through the crowd. Unfortunately, he grabbed my arm and pulled me after him before I could run.
One thing about dance floors they never show in movies is how suffocating they are. Everyone is moving around, which means you have to just such up the fact that your feet are getting absolutely trampled and you’re constantly colliding with bodies that are drenched in more sweat than a football player during practice in 100-degree weather. And we weren’t just standing near the edge, we were heading towards the epicenter.
Sam immediately fell in line with the brainless, sex-obsessed guys circling the girls like vultures. But Sam wasn’t a vulture, waiting for his prey to be passed out so he could scoop it up easily. He was more like a hyena, a determined hunter. “Hey, Billie!” he yelled.
The girl with baggy pants, a striped top and her tight curls pulled back into a ponytail turned around and fixed him with an annoyed glare so terrifying I wondered if she practiced it in front of a mirror. “Yes?” she said testily.
Sam wasn’t fazed. “I’m Sam, and this is my friend Alex,” he introduced us.
Her glare moved over to me, and I gave her a small smile she didn’t return.
Sam glanced at me pointedly. “We wanted to talk to you for a second.”
Oh, right. I was supposed to say some magic words that made her so horny for him she’d fuck him in the bathroom next to people barfing. But as she looked at me know, her pissed-off gaze boring into me, I knew in my bones it was a lost cause. “Um… could you maybe… tell me where the bathroom is?” I yelled.
They both stared at me. I felt my face become even more flushed than it already was from the heat. “Um, sure, it’s just down that hall,” she pointed with her finger. “You probably passed it when you came.”
“Thanks,” I somehow stammered and yelled at the same time. I turned and fled, ignoring Sam’s incredulous expression.
Since I didn’t have anything better to do, I decided actually heading to the bathroom and hiding there for a bit didn’t seem like the worst idea. I managed to force myself through the crowd and find the door, only to discover someone who apparently had the same idea first.
She was slumped against the wall, staring at her phone. Her perfectly put together outfit didn’t match the scene. It would’ve been great for some kind of rock concert. The red plaid overall dress stood out against her dark complexion and the rest of her clothes. Under the dress was a plain black shirt and fishnet tights that led all the way to her big leather boots. Her makeup was dark, too, from her eyeshadow to even her lipstick. When she turned to look at me, there was a clacking sound from all of her jewelry clanging together.
“Oh, sorry,” I stammered, moving to close the door, but she stopped me.
“No, it’s fine. I don’t actually have to pee or anything, I’m just hiding. I can leave.”
“It’s fine, I don’t either,” I confessed. “I was looking for a place to hide, too.”
She studied me for a moment, as if she was sizing me up. “Well, in that case, why don’t you join me?”
I made my way over, awkwardly seating myself across from her in the small space. These were the moments when I wished I could be a foot shorter. Just enough to get me to a normal person’s height. We solved the problem by pulling our knees to our chests.
“Why are you hiding?” she asked.
“I just hate parties,” I told her.
“Why are you at one, then?”
“My roommate made me come,” I explained. “He wanted me to help her get into this girl’s pants, but it was pretty obvious she wasn’t into it, so I bailed and asked her where the bathroom was.”
“How noble of you,” the girl commented.
I couldn’t tell if she was being sarcastic in a good way or a bad way. “Thanks, I guess?” I said uncertainly.
She laughed. “You’re welcome.”
I decided to get the subject away from me. “So why are you hiding?”
She gave me a knowing smile. “I just hate parties.”
Yeah, made sense. “So you’re here because…?” I prompted.
“My best friends dragged me.”
“Well, at least it was your best friends and not some asshole the school forced you to live with.”
She frowned, scrunching her eyebrows together. “I don’t know, I’d say it’s a lot easier telling an asshole to fuck off than your friends.”
That was probably true, but I wouldn’t know. “Yeah, I don’t know why I go along with him,” I admitted.
“Maybe you should figure it out before you agree to help him harass women again,” she said flatly.
That shut me up for a bit. Maybe I wasn’t much better than Sam. “You’re right,” I said finally. “I’ll stop.”
She gave another small laugh. “Well, that’s good to hear.” There was an awkward silence until she had the mercy to break it. “So, what do you do when you’re not hiding in bathrooms?”
“Well, I’m majoring in nursing.” That was pretty much it. I didn’t have much of a life outside of school.
She tilted her head. “Are there a lot of guys doing that?”
I shook my head. “Not really. I wanted to go into the medical field, but all the extra stuff you have to do to become a doctor is just too expensive. And I really didn’t want to do residency.”
“How are you paying for your tuition?” she asked curiously.
I was slightly taken aback by the upfront question, but I didn’t mind. “My dad is helping me,” I explained, failing to mask the bitterness in my voice that was always there when he came up.
The girl picked up on it. “You don’t seem too happy about it.”
I sighed, wondering how much to tell her. “Well, he might’ve made the offer after being radio silent for fourteen years, thinking it would fix everything.”
She made a face. “Damn.”
“Yeah. It beats being in even more debt, though.”
“That’s probably true,” she agreed. “Do you know how much it’s gonna be when you’re done?”
I stared at her, not knowing how to react to her directness. “Do you ask everyone you meet about their personal finances?”
She grinned. “I do, actually. I think it’s interesting. And I firmly believe we should make talking about money more normal, because making it a taboo subject stops us from fully understanding our class position and only benefits the oligarchs at the top.”
Oh, so she was a socialist. I should’ve guessed by her outfit. “How are you paying your tuition then? If you’re so comfortable talking about it.”
“I’m not a college student,” she explained without missing a beat. “I’m in dance school, and I pay for that by also giving classes there. I live with my parents, so I can save up a lot of money, too. I want to have my own studio with Billie one day, and we’re gonna run it on a socialist model.”
Of all the information she’d just thrown at me, only one part stuck. “Billie?” I asked.
“Yeah, she’s one of the friends who dragged me here tonight. We’ve been friends since we were little, and we’ve both been at the studio for just as long.”
I swallowed. Fuck, the one time I actually started maybe making a new friend, Sam had to come along and ruin it.
“What’s wrong?” the girl asked.
I didn’t know how or what to say to her. “Was Billie wearing a striped top today?” I asked, grimacing as I eased my way into it.
She frowned in confusion. “I think so? Why?”
I grimaced again. “I’m pretty sure she’s the girl Sam tried to hit on.”
It took a moment for what I was saying to click for her, then she doubled over laughing. “Oh, she’s gonna love when I tell her about this,” she gasped.
Yeah, I could never be seen by any of them ever again. After watching her laugh for a while, I announced, “You know what? I think I’m just gonna leave and hope Sam doesn’t kill me tomorrow.”
She sat up, putting on a straight face again. “You want to get out of here together?”
My heart skipped a beat. Regardless of the embarrassing circumstances, she was a pretty girl asking me to leave a party with her. It felt like a belated opportunity for a teenage experience I couldn’t pass up. “Sure.”
She was much better at navigating through crowds than me, making me take her hand and marching right to the eye of the storm, where Billie and unfortunately Sam still were.
“Billie!” she yelled, making her turn around. “We’re gonna leave!” She motioned to me, and when Billie looked confused, added, “We met in the bathroom!”
Billie gave a confused laugh and a thumbs up, and we left after the girl stole a couple of beers off a nearby table.
The ringing wouldn’t leave my ears, even after we’d been walking around campus for at least twenty minutes. She’d offered me a beer, which I’d taken after some hesitation. Now, I was feeling a little dizzy and almost tripped over the sidewalk.
“Whoa,” Aaliyah said. We’d learned each other’s names now, after trading numbers. “Have you ever had beer before?”
“No,” I admitted. “I don’t usually drink.”
She laughed at me. The sound was much clearer now that we were away from the loud music, letting me appreciate how nice it was. She ran ahead a bit, doing a few pirouettes that made her braids fly out behind her.
“You know, my brother’s a dancer, too,” I told her once I’d caught up.
She grabbed my hand, making me twirl her. “Yeah? Did he ever teach you anything?”
I snorted. “God, no. I’m pretty sure I was born with two left feet.”
She faced me, then reached up to put her hands on my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes. “We’ll see about that. Put your hands on my hips.”
I did, and it made us close enough that our bodies were touching. If I tripped now, it wouldn’t only be because of the alcohol.
“Okay, now put your left foot forward,” she instructed. I stepped on her boot and she giggled. “That’s your right foot.”
“Right. Sorry.” I managed to put my left foot forward.
“Good! Okay, now put your right foot to the side.”
Through stumbles and giggles, we got a rhythm going. It was starting to be kind of fun, until we were interrupted by someone shouting, “Hey, lovebirds!”
We turned to see Billie and another person with blue hair waving at us. “Oh, God,” Aaliyah groaned and stepped away from me as they came closer. “Why are you guys leaving so early?” she called to them.
“We’re not!” the blue-haired person yelled. “We’re just taking a break!”
Then they were standing in front of us, and I had to awkwardly say, “Hi,” to Billie.
“Hey again,” she grinned.
I shifted uncomfortably. “Sorry about earlier.”
She shrugged it off. “It’s okay. It was funny.”
Okay, kill me now.
“It’s Alex, right?” blue hair asked.
I nodded. “Yeah.”
“I’m Riley. They/them pronouns,” they introduced themselves.
My phone saved me from having to say anything else. I glanced at it, expecting it to be Sam calling, but it was an unknown number. Immediately, thousands of the worst possible scenarios popped into my head. Was it about Jamie? What if they were calling to tell me he’d had a suicide attempt? Or worse, not just an attempt? What if he hadn’t even needed to do that, because John had just killed him? “I’d better take this,” I told the group and stepped away.
“Alexander Taylor?” a man’s voice asked.“Yes?” I replied, my heart jumping into my throat.
“This is St. George’s hospital. We’re calling about your brother, James Brown.”
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krak-jj · 7 months
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Feb 14 2024
2nd year midoriya i. x 2nd year GN reader.
summary: a certain green haird boy asks you to be his valentine. let's see how the day goes.
slight cursing!
name calling
use of y/n
friends to lovers
hope you enjoy!-JJ
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"alright, I can do this." midoriyas green eyes bore into the same ones in his mirror.
"i'm going to tell them." he turned to his blue haired friend
"midoriya, if I cause this much stress, maybe you're not ready to tell her," the bluenettes voice came out smoothly.
"I agree with iida, midoriya. " todorokis heterocromic eyes stayed glued on his book he was reading. "you've been implying that 'you're ready' for the past 30 minutes." the boy looks up to look at his friend. "class starts in 20." he notifies.
with a quick sigh, midoriya nods, determination evident on his facial features. "Let's go. " he instructs before grabbing the small bouquet of flowers and a handmade card.
he was going to make chocolate. but he knew if anyone caught him doing that in the common kitchen, he would be questioned. and he didn't want to do it at home in case his mother asked. so flowers it was, ones were he asked different girls what flowers should be put into it.
so there he was, with a bouquet full of red roses, daisies, hydrangeas, and a card as his two friends followed after him from his dorm room.
"Alright, midoriya, good luck," iida patted his friends shoulder as the dual hair boy nodded.
"thanks iida" he smiled nervously.
and with that, the boys parted ways. midoriya, who walked to the other side of the floor to y/ns dorm door. and the other two who made their way to the elevator.
he took a deep breath as he raised his hand to knock on their door. but before he could knock he froze. it was like his hand couldn't move to knock on the door.
as he tried convincing himself to just knock already. he finally did it.
no response.
he knocked again. no response.
"their down stairs, aren't they." his head lowered. "oui monsieur." a blonde male nodded.
"you still have time, they don't usually leave for class for another 10." he raised a brow.
"I don't think I could do it in front of everyone, what if they regect me?" He sighed as his hand fell to his sides.
"Why do you think that?" the greenette shrugged. "you'll never know until you ask them, so go, go before thst make it to class." ayoyama waved him off.
he nodded in determination before making his way to the elevator. once he made it in, he pressed button '1'.
'just get to them before they leave. that's all i have to do.'
yet he failed. by the time the elevator door opened. he could see the back of your head facing him from the other side of the glass door.
the next time he tried. you saw kendo from class b and went to say hi. without sparing a look in midoriyas direction.
and each time he tried going up to you. you were busy or leaving. it was like... you were avoiding him. but why would you be avoiding him. he hasnt done anything wrong. right?
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y/n pov.
"y'know you can't avoid him all day." kirishima announces at your lunch table. "kiris, right. the poor thing looks like he might cry." mina mentioned as ahe looked over to the green haird boy.
"dont look over!" you said through your teeth as you forced her to look at you. "i just - i can't face him knowing that he knows i like him. ok?" you looked away.
"how would he know?" kirishima took a bite of his food.
you looked over at him, annoyance paintwd your face at the fact he was talking with his mouth full, but you still responded. "mina said she told him. i've been avoiding him since..." your brows furrowed.
"ohh, i completely forgot about that," she chuckled awkwardly. your ears perk up. "what?" you look at her.
"i never told him." she waived you off with a smile
"what?!" you whispered, yelled as your hands slap against the table
"whatt- i felt like it would give you the confidence you needed." she grinned.
"mina im going to-" your voice was cut off.
"y/n, can we please talk. in private."
you turned your head to catch eyes with familiar dark green ones. ones that always somwhowade your heart beat faster, a blush form on your face, hands go sweaty, and makes you stutter.
but this time. you felt like your heart stopped. "u-uh yeah- i can do that!" you sprung up. once you agreed he lead you outside the cafeteria. "midoriya...you ok?" your voice wavered.
"why havent you been talking to me? its like you're avoiding me." he stood his ground, which made you blush. you weren't used to him like this. you were used to the stuttering blushing mess of a boy.
but, you weren't complaining. "what- midoriya, im not avoiding yo-","i'm not stupid y'n, you have been, and it hurts. so why?"
you hated seeing this side of him, it broke your heart. so with a heavy chest. you opened your mouth and "-"
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The Fangs that Bite the Hand Part 3
Damien rolled over groggily, slapping his hand around the bed for the phone that was annoyingly ringing. Finally, he managed to get his hand around it and squint at the blurry, bright screen. 2:23 AM. Call from The Office. He swiped his finger across the screen and shoved it against his face, mumbling “H’lo?”
“Agent, we need you to come in. We’re sorry to bother you so early, but this is an emergency.” The tinny man’s voice came through, and at the moment he was so sleep-addled he couldn’t place who it was. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, tossing grey sheets off from where they had been entangling his legs. He sniffed loudly, blinking. “Uh. Okay, what emergency?" His limbs felt uncooperative as he reached for the shoes next to his bed, putting them on before realizing that he probably needed to put on pants before his shoes, and that the other agent on the line had said something. "Okay, wait, what?"
"The Carmilla case you took three weeks ago?" He said again, somewhat impatiently. A Carmilla was the vampire version of a Jane Doe, somewhat of a twisted joke in the department. "You've got to pick her up. The Reformation Facility can't keep her. She can't handle the constantly rotating staff and other vampires."
"Undead Beings." Damien cut in. 
"She managed to really bloody another patient. She is a danger to staff, other patients, and herself."
"And why the hell am I being called for this?"
"You know how you picked her up and walked out with her the first day? No one else can do that. The complaint says she screams every time someone tries, and she's made no progress there."
"I'm not exactly qualified to care for-" 
"There's a huge bonus in it, a move to remote work until she is settled, and another agent will be on call 24/7 if you have to go anywhere. The higher ups will bend over backwards if you do this, they have got to keep the contract with the Reformation Clinic or we lose an entire wing of our services. That contract includes honoring removal of any patient that they see fit."
Damien sucked in a breath through his teeth. That same uncomfortable feeling, a sickness churning his stomach at the thought of what happened to her ultimately is what made him stand up off the bed. 
"Okay. I'll be there. Send me the address."
The pitch blackness of the roads caused him to miss the entrance to the facility twice, a large building that reminded him of a State Hospital placed on the very outskirts of the city. The signs showed him he was in the right place, it had lights shining on it to show "Medical Center for Undead Treatment" to passing cars. He flashed his badge at the gated checkpoint, driving his car up to the curb of the entrance. Killing the engine, he glanced at the woman through his windshield, dressed in scrubs and a headband, standing nervously on the sidewalk with a clipboard in her hands. The light coming from the double doors backlit her and made it hard to make out her features, he unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed out of the low car, his jacket hanging over his arm. “Agent Mathews, here for a pickup.” 
As the nurse led him to an elevator, he blinked rapidly and tried to stave off the tiredness creeping into his eyes as they ascended. It was more worrying that the nurse wasn’t prattling off information, just kept glancing at him with that slightly afraid, awkward look. She must be new, probably wouldn’t last the year. After what seemed like far too long the elevator cheerfully announced the end of the ride with a ding. The two of them stepped out, and Damien noted a few things about the place. No windows, the lights were much softer and dimmer than a normal hospital, with the nurses' stations having reading lights clipped onto the sides of their computers. Security guards seemed to be around every corner, walking around with cups of coffee or looking imposing. The darker colors painted on the walls and the tiles of the floor were so much more inviting than a normal hospital. His mind soured at the thought of what task lay before him. To her, it was still a hospital, still a sterile environment that was threatening to rip her apart, starve her, and shove metal objects into her flesh. 
He shook that thought off, then realized they were standing in front of a door with three security guards around it, and the nurse was talking. 
"We can see you from this window, and we'll tranquilize her and pull you out if things get…messy." She swallowed. 
"No." Damien said. If it wasn't three in the morning, he might have had more tact. "Is that how you've been dealing with her every time she has a problem? Because, quite frankly ma'am, that's why you're not getting anywhere with her. I'm almost certain you had access to the lab files, at the very least the cursory ones that only described day to day and not the experiments themselves, but that's the same thing they did every time she so much as hissed at someone." He rolled his neck, cracking the joints to fill the silence as they looked at him. "She's scared, and being knocked out and waking up not knowing where she is over and over isn't helping." 
Damien ignored her babbling as she tried to explain it away, gesturing for the security guard to unlock the door. He walked into the room, and it was closed and locked behind him. 
He winced as he looked at the undead. At the very least, the room wasn't stark white, with walls and floor in the same dull shade of grey. Blood contrasted the floor, splattered in a trail leading to a corner, and that's where she sat, hissing and cowering behind her own arms. Red stained her fingertips, flesh bunched up under her nails. And based on those scratches across her arms, it was her own blood. As she shifted her arms, looking up at him with a strange look, he could see the gaps in her teeth, and the same red color was smeared across her mouth.
She looked tiny still, the feeding tube in her nose had helped when it was in, but she still had a long way to go. The hospital gown covering her form seemed to swamp her, covering thin hips and legs. Cowering in the corner, terrified and not understanding why they were doing this to her, it broke Damien's heart. 
With a groan at his stiff muscles, he sat on the floor across from her. "Hi honey. Remember me?" He asked gently, not surprised when he didn't really get a reaction. "Well, I remember you, that's for certain. Hard to forget. Y'know, I bet you're really scared right now. People you don't know, doing things that reminds you of the other place. But I promise, it isn't the same. Well, it isn't supposed to be. Now, they tell me you're refusing to eat, is that right kiddo?"
For the next ten minutes, he just talked to her, not even sure if she could really understand what he was saying, or if she just liked the tone of his voice. Slowly, very slowly, her arms unwrapped from herself and she was less tense. Tentatively, she started to crawl on all fours to him, one step at a time. He never once changed his reaction, never stopped talking or acknowledged the fact that she was now less than a foot away from him. 
The only time he paused was when she carefully reached out, patting at the jacket he had left on the floor between them. "Oh? You remember that? Yeah, it is nice and comfy. I've had this thing since college, it's a very good jacket." 
Keeping his hands up where she could see them, Damien picked up the jacket by the shoulders. "You want it on again? I'm glad you like it so much." She hissed at him sharply when he lifted it closer to her, for a moment it looked like she was going to dart away. He stopped, just holding it in the air. To his surprise, she reached up and took it from his hands, pulling it into her lap as she sat back on her knees. 
Damien shut the door, glancing back to the team from the medical center looking at him in awe. The undead looked up at him through the passenger window, slightly rocking in place from nerves of him being outside the car. Quickly, he walked around the car, keeping as close to it to stay in her line of sight, her medical papers tucked under his arm. He climbed into the car, resisting the urge to flip the medical center off as he threw the car in reverse. 
"Alright, sugar, we're going to get home. And then I'm sleeping. Lucky for you, I had a friend who could pick up stuff for you while we were gone. If I have to stay awake much longer, I'm going to be crabby tomorrow." He spoke as they drove, the radio turned all the way down. She ignored his ramblings, her red eyes wide and somewhat startled as she watched the trees and buildings fall away. Her hands were firmly grasped around the jacket, keeping it tight to her tiny chest. She yanked on the seatbelt once or twice, but then left it alone seemingly after deciding it wasn't moving. As they pulled into the apartment parking lot, he noted that she seemed to like the car ride. A thought for a future day.
 As he parked and shut off the car, he couldn't help but sigh in relief at the thought of being able to walk in the door and go to bed. The undead in the passenger seat squirmed, a high pitch whining coming from her throat. "C'mon kiddo, it's not that bad of a place. I made it pretty cozy." He climbed out of the car, the same routine as at the center but backwards. Stick close to the car so she wouldn't freak out, open the door, unbuckle her, and haul her into his arms. He didn't quite trust her not to bolt yet, so it was easier to haul her near non-existent weight around.
He shifted her to one hand while he struggled to find the right one, they jangled mockingly. Damn all the keys he had to keep for work. Finally, he found the right one and unlocked the door. 
The kitchen light he had left on was a welcome change from the dim outside environment. She started to wiggle and squirm in his hands, and he quickly dropped down to set her on the ground, nudging the door shut with his foot. She sat there in a heap, and he turned to lock the door. No taking a chance there, she's running off of pure instinct and could take off at any second. Her supernatural nature would make it near impossible to catch her again. 
He ignored her as he walked into the kitchen, taking his wallet and keys out of his pants pockets and set it on the countertop. Almost robotically, he went through the motions of making the coffee pot for the next morning. 
"Hey honey. Let's get my bed set up for you, I'll take the couch. I think you deserve it after-" As he turned around, he paused. Panic filled his chest. She wasn't there. "Kiddo?" He set down the bag of coffee grounds, stepping out into the living room. A quick look around the room yielded no answers, and he picked up his pace to the open bathroom. He yanked the shower curtain across the bar, the rings clanking loudly at him. The shower was empty, and he almost tripped over the rug trying to leave the bathroom in a rush. He scrambled down the hall to his bedroom, eyes quickly bouncing from corner to corner. Finally, a noise gave him pause. That same, high pitched whining. He breathed a heavy sigh of relief, feeling as if his chest had gotten lighter. “Honey? Where are you hiding?” Damein took inventory of the room, and finally noticed something off. The slim closet that he hardly ever used was cracked open. He sank to his knees, gently wedging his fingers into the open gap and swinging the door open. Still in the hospital gown and his hoodie, she sat on top of a pile of old sheets that he didn’t even remember having, cross legged and leaning against the wall. “Oh. You wanna stay there tonight?” She didn’t give any answer, her wide eyed stare giving away no indication. “Okay. At least let me get you a pillow. We’re going to get you into actual clothes. Tomorrow.” She tilted her head in response, and Damien idly wondered how much she understood of any of his ramblings. Either way, it seemed to help, so ramble he would. He stood up with a groan, his back feeling the weight of being awake so early and having done this a few times now. From his bed, he took the pillow on the left side, which was significantly more fluffy than the one he used every night. Fully opening the closet door, he left the pillow just outside of it. It was up to her if she wanted it or not. 
And with that, he found his fingers fumbling over his pants button. Finally, he slid the jeans over his hips and untangled the fabric from his feet, letting them drop to the floor as he crawled into bed. He slipped into the bliss of sleep, unaware that shining red eyes watched…
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jowrites · 4 months
When the Dahlia sings Her Song - 14. Awakening is freedom
TW: Mentions of death, physical abuse, mental illness, depression, anxiety, parental death, verbal abuse, mute disorder, mentions of sex, some smut(in future), cursing
Strangers to Lovers. Lee Heeseung x F!OC(I like giving names).
Masterlist Here. Prev. Next. Jo's Masterlist Here.
taglist: @enhabooks
It was late at night when Heeseung found himself at the bar on top of the hotel. He had a beer he hadn't touched as he waited for the person he needed to see. It’s been 2 weeks and the date was getting closer and closer so he knew he needed to act quick. He heard the elevator ding and knew it was probably his brother who he hadn’t spoken to since their last altercation where he punched him in the face. He was glad Beomgyu actually answered his text and requested to meet up.
“Heeseung,” he heard him call out. “Did you wait long?”
“No, not really,” he said. “Did you want anything?”
“I’ll take a scotch,” he told the bartender. “Now, what’s so urgent that you need to see me? I thought you were done with me.”
“I’m leaving the company,” Heeseung said. “The company and the family.”
“You’re very funny,” Beomgyu nodded to the bartender as he got his drink, taking a sip.
“I’m not being funny, I’m serious,” Heeseung said. “I’ve been preparing for a while now, I’m going to appoint VP Park. I’m announcing it next week.”
“Dad is going to kill you, Heeseung…and I mean literally,” Beomgyu warned.
“Not if he can find me,” Heeseung shrugged.
“You’re going to seriously run away?” Beomgyu asked.
“Not really, but I will be somewhere I don’t think he’ll think twice about,” Heeseung shrugged.
“Wow…so just like that, you’re going to leave me?” Beomgyu raised his voice. “You can’t leave me with this…that…no! I won’t let you! You’re the only one I have!”
“Oh please, don’t tell me now that you’ve ever cared,” Heeseung rolled his eyes.
“I may not be the smartest person or most thankful person ever, but Heeseung you’re the only one I have. Please, don’t leave me!” Beomgyu begged. “I-I know I’ve always been a pest, just an annoying bug in your eyes, and I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry! I’m just a stupid kid, okay? But you’re all I have. I’ll seriously die.”
Heeseung sighed, looking at his brother who had tears in his eyes. As annoying as his brother was, Beomgyu was a soft spot for him, that's why he broke the news to him. He didn’t want to leave Beomgyu behind like this, especially in this state and how much his father hated him. He had to do something about it too.
“What do mean he’s gone?” CEO Lee raged out at his assistant. 
“He’s disappeared, sir,” the assistant flinched as Mr. Lee threw papers at him. “H-his things at his apartment are gone, he left his phone a-and same for Beomgyu. B-but he left t-this.”
Mr. Lee saw the white envelope being held out to him, he aggressively took the envelope and opened it up quickly reading the contents before tearing the paper up and throwing it. 
His assistant bowed and quickly ran out, on a mission to find Heeseung and Beomgyu.
“Why did you have to bring him here?” Gyuri groaned as she saw Beomgyu looking around, messing around with some of the trinkets in the shop.
“Hey, I’m not so excited about this either. I had no idea this dude had even been coming here,” Beomgyu defended. 
“Stop touching things,” Gyuri slapped his hand away.
“Make me,” Beomgyu teased out, sticking his tongue out at her.
“Enough, you said you were going to behave,” Heeseung pulled Beomgyu back, handing him a blanket and pillow. “There’s a room upstairs, go make your bed.”
“Wait, you want me to make my bed?” Beomgyu’s eyes got wide. “I don’t know how to make a bed.”
“Oh my god,” Gyuri rolled her eyes, turning around towards Jay who face palmed.
Kai laughed, quickly taking the blanket from Beomgyu and nodding for Beomgyu to follow her. Kai and beomgyu had only really seen each other, not really interacting as much in the past. She led him upstairs to his room as he followed her with his things. Heeseung wasn’t too pleased but he followed and watched them and she began to help him make the bed. 
“Kai, don’t spoil him, he needs to learn,” Heeseung folded his arms across his chest. 
She just shrugged and finished helping him. 
“I like her, she’s nice!” Beomgyu said and Kai laughed. 
“Yeah, too nice,” Heeseung said and she got on her tip toes and kissed his cheek, rubbing his chest before walking out of the room leaving the two brothers alone. 
“Wait, what? Is…is that why you did all this? Bro, you fell in love?” Beomgyu’s eyes got wide. 
“Is that such a shock?” Heeseung asked.
“Uhm, yes! Yes it is! How? When did this happen?” Beomgyu asked.
“Actually…I sort of have you to thank, really,” Heeseung scratched the back on his neck.
“Me?” Beomgyu gasped. 
“When you sent me here to annoyingly do your thing,” Heeseung said. “That’s when I met Kai.”
“And then you came home and punched me in the face,” Bomegyu rolled his eyes. “That hurt, you know?”
“I’m sorry about that, okay? As frustrating as you are, if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have woken up from that nightmare,” Heeseung said. 
“Ah, glad you finally realized how bad the dark side really was,” Beomgyu said. 
“He really was such a horrible father,” Heeseung said. 
“Been praying for his heart attack every single day, hey, you know what? This might actually set him off, should I thank you now or when the announcement happens?” Beomgyu jokes.
“You’re horrible…now’s a good time though,” Heeseung teased back.
Beomgyu and Heeseung started laughing, both of them finally feeling like they could be themselves for once. Beomgyu finally felt like he was making progress, he had hoped that the relationship with his brother could be mended now that their father was out of the picture. Starting over felt hard, but he was willing to do it if it meant being away from it all and being able to have a real brother. He always felt like this place was special, and he knew he had a lot of healing to do. He was going to try.
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dmc-tings · 3 years
The Lord's with an S/O (who just found out about their powers)
Alcina Dimitrescu
Noice 👌🏾
But what did you do for this woman to spare you?
She's like... the biggest man hater anywhere
So... if your a guy, you are lucky boi (or if you identify as a guy)
Or perhaps your a lucky lady?
I feel like she won't discriminate if she feels like your important to her
But for whatever reason she CHOSE YOU
So take that as a win
Sure, she's a vampire and has to eat people
Which was something you didn't know
But she doesn't eat in front of you
Even lying to the point of telling you she's drinking wine
You get curious, of course
So when she leaves to "take care of business", you look onto her glass or cup
You see red
"Ok... but it dont smell like wine..."
You take a sip, only to spit it out right away
Retching with disgust, you tasted blood
Your not an idiot, at least not fully anyways
Alcina rushed back, hearing you gag, thinking one of her daughters were bothering you
Only to see the sight in front of her
You looked at her in fear
Which hurt the tall woman's non beating (?) heart
You backed into a corner, thinking the worst
Looking for a makeshift weapon, you grabbed a spoon
To which made the Lady shake her head
"Love, you know I wouldn't-"
"Your a damned liar!!" You barked weakly, "W-what the fuck are you!?"
She sat calmly in the chair in front of you, gesturing for you to take a seat as well
You hesitated, but did comply, not letting go of your weapon (the spoon)
She huffed sadly, normally this behavior would have sent her into a rageful fit
But this is YOU we're talking about
Her little muse, the only mortal that makes her truly happy
"My Love, please calm down."
When you showed no sign of relaxing, Alcina took her glass in her hand, swirling the blood
Then takes a small sip, and lighting a cigarette
She offers you one
You cringe, and with that she pulls back again
After taking a puff, she begins to explain
Mother Miranda, the other Lord's, the creation of her daughter's, the Village, and everything else, prior to your showing up
After she finishes, you lower your loyal spoon
Drinking in all of the information
You looked up at her
"So that's why your so keen in keeping the girls away from me..."
The large woman nodded, looking at you
You bit your lip, but let go of your spoon, placing it back into the table
Alcina looked at you, watching you relax
You nodded a calm understanding
"Well seeing as I know what's going on now... is Mother Miranda going to-"
The Lady Dimitrescu, shook her head
"She has allowed for me to keep you. As long as you only stay in the castle... seeing as that the village is too dangerous. And I don't want you mixed up with the rif-raf."
You smiled and sat in her lap, (cause you can do that) and planted a kiss on her cold cheek
She let out a pleased humm, and returned the kiss
"Just... next time, if you choose a weapon, Love, make sure it has a SHARP end."
Salvatore Moreau
You had known Moreau since before Mother Miranda made an impact on his life
You saw less and less of your significant other
He would disappear and cut your alone time short, whenever the woman called
You were saddened when he finally told you that you couldn't see him anymore
But that's didn't stop him from speaking to you through whatever door, that separated you both
He didn't keep you locked up, but he would lock whatever door was between you
So you couldn't see the monstrous transformation, causing him pain
All you knew is that his voice was becoming more and more disgruntled
As said, you knew Salvatore before this
He was a handsome and intelligent man (despite what's written in Miranda's notes)
And to hear your man become... so in thralled by this other woman, made you suspicious
One day, you both were speaking, with a door between you, as usual
Unbeknownst to Salvatore, you were picking the lock
Eagar to see him
He never noticed the change in your tone, when you got it unlocked, nor the click of the lock
Shoving the door open, and pushing Salvatore back
The male let out a yelp, trying to rush in to the nearby darkness
You stepped through the threshold, eyes blazing and searching
You scanned the room and finally landed on a heap of a shivering... beast?
"Moreau? Is... is that you?" You crept closer, and gently put a hand on his back
"D-dont look at m-me...." he shivered, trying to hide himself
Horrified, you took his face on your hands
"I-is this... the work o-of-"
He cut you off, "Do-dont. Mother loves me... she does... I know she does..."
You felt tears pour down your face
You couldn't bring yourself to speak
That vile woman, had destroyed your dear Moreau
The man you knew and loved was beaten and broken into this sobing heap before you
He looked at you, and reached up to wipe your tears
"Oh... please don't cry... thi-this is her will..."
You shook your head, "what kind of will is this, Salvatore? To turn you-"
He pulled away from you, snarling, "I KNEW YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND!!! Mother loves me, and i-"
You slapped him, your tears stopping, "What kind of man have you become?!"
Disgusted, not with his appearance, but his sniveling attitude
You left
But... not unaffected by what happened to the man you cared about
You left... everything behind, the Village, your family...
Salvatore Moreau never left your thoughts and you never left his
It was a bittersweet life, but you were glad to leave what was happening behind
Angie and Donna Beneviento
These two kept you in their estate
Though Donna hid Angie from you, worried that you wouldn't understand the need for her doll
She also kept the pollen from her plants away from you
You were the first person Donna could talk to, without her illness bothering her
No need for Angie!? And this person don't care!?
Fucking Jackpot!!!
Though Angie does get a bit upset that she don't get to see you
That's about to change
You and Donna where sitting in the backroom, overlooking the waterfall
Enjoying an afternoon tea
"Dear? How are you feeling today?"
Donna looked at you, taking your hand in her's giving you a smile
"I am well." She reassured you, giving your hand a squeeze
Then you sneezed, surprised cause your allergies hadn't started up, due to the lack of pollen
And the abundance of snow and cold
Donna gasped, looking over her shoulder
"Angie, n-"
Angie revealed herself, giggling and plopping herself in your lap
You froze, "A-a doll? Donna... is this a gift?"
You never really liked or disliked dolls
Angie gave another giggle, "No, stupid! I'm Angie. Donna's most favorite doll. And a friend."
Your eyes widened at the living doll, "Uh... im-"
"I know who you are!!" She floated infront of you now
"And we like you!"
Donna was quiet, not surprisingly, but you reached out for her
She gently took your hand in her's
"Donna. Tell me whats going on. Please."
Donna nodded, quietly starting to explain.
The gifts from Mother Miranda, the plants, the pollen and finally Angie
You looked at the floating doll, who was nodding her head along, with Donna's words
Then finally, you pulled Donna closer to your side
"You don't ever have to hide things from me. I never had a problem with the other ways that you cope, Donna."
Your encouraging words sent the woman into tears of joy
She buried her face in your chest
You smiled at Angie, who patted you on the forehead
Karl Heisenberg
You sat in the smaller, (safer) part of his factory
It was a part he had built to keep you safe
From what?
You had asked Karl several times, on different occasions, what was he building
"Its none of your concern." He waved a hand dismissively, "Whats for dinner?"
You always had huffed out whatever meal you made for the pair of you
Karl was always one of three places: meeting his "family", in the factory, or right next to you
The "family" was always thrown into air quotes
You knew he disliked his "family"
He announced his leaving out again, not telling you where
But leaving nonetheless, as usual you waved him off
But today was different, you WERE going to see what the hell was in that factory
Not paying attention to the warnings he gave you, you made your way down
Once at an elevator, you pressed the button
It came up and you were met with a large, large portly man
"Why if it isn't Heisenberg's little kitten."
Shocked you jumped back a bit, but then inched your way inside
"Its alright. I mean you no harm. Come, come."
You stood next to him, "Uh... who are you?"
"You may call me The Duke." He hummed, "But what are you doing here? Don't you know it's dangerous to play here?"
You lifted your chin, "I can handle myself. Thank you."
The Duke gave a small laugh, as you pulled the switch, but didn't speak again
Hitting the bottom floor, you disembarked, waving goodbye
You noticed a door and pushed through
Only to be met with a metal drill nearly splitting your face in two
With a strangled yelp, you lept backwards
"Who's in my damned- KITTEN!?"
You heard Heisenberg's voice above you and looked around frantic
"Karl! What-"
You didn't get to finish, the same monster came at you again
Dodging to the side, only barely missing getting drilled
Running in to the labyrinth, you were soon cornered
You shook with fear, hearing more monsters come after you
Closing your eyes, waiting for the blows to take you to the Great beyond
Your waiting was cut shirt hearing a series of clang's
You moved your hands and opened your eyes
Seeing Karl, standing in front of you shoving all the monsters back...
But he wasn't touching them....
"What... how-"
"Dont just sit on your ass, get up!" He barked, grabbing your arm and pulling you behind him
Once back in the safe zone, you slapped him, breathing heavily
He took it, it was a well deserved slap
"E-explain yourself!"
He sat heavily down, telling you everything.
The reason for the factory, the monsters in it, his powers, Miranda's plan, even pouring out his emotions about it all
You finally understood and took his hands in yours, kneeling down infront of him
"You idiot. All you had to do was talk to me. Not be a "big tough guy" about it."
You kissed his rough hands
And he chuckled at you
"Always understanding. Thanks Kitten."
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toomanyfandoms02 · 3 years
Road Trip -- JJ Maybank
Summary - The gang goes on a road trip and there are fewer beds than planned ;) Reader learns just why JJ doesn't want to sleep in the same bed :(
Word Count - 1.9k
Warnings - angst, mentions of JJ's dad
Hurt comfort y'all, hurt comfort
JJ requests are open! My masterlist is pinned and has dialog prompts if you want some inspiration
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Road trips were one of my favorite things, especially with my favorite people. We were currently going to Kalahari indoor water park in Ohio. I was shaken awake as I feel the vehicle come to a stop.
"Y/n, we're here!" JJ said loudly in my face. My hands came up to push him away from me.
"Shut *up*!" I groaned, sitting up quickly and wiping my eyes. Everyone was gathering their bags and Pope was sliding the door open.
"Have a good nap?" Sarah asked with a smile, I nodded in response, tying my hair into a ponytail. I stepped out of the van and smelled the cool night air. Even from the outside, you could smell the chlorine.
"Y/n, could you go check us in? It's under my name. We will get your bags." I nodded, walking in the huge front doors and immediately being greeted.
"Hi, there! Checking in?" The woman asked, I replied with a polite yes as she lead me to the counter. "Name?"
"It should be under John B, or maybe John Routledge." I tapped my fingers on the counter, looking up at the extremely high ceilings.
"Ah yes, John Routledge. 4-bed suite correct?" My eyebrows scrunched at this. Our room was *supposed* to be a 5-bed. One for each of us, excluding Sarah and John B.
"You mean 5-bed?" I asked. She looked back at the computer, typing something in. She shook her head slowly.
"No sorry, it's indeed set for 4 beds." She made an apologetic face. "I would upgrade you to a 5-bed for free but we are packed at the moment, I'm sorry for the inconvenience." I knew what that meant, considering Kiara and Pope had a little romantic falling out not too long ago.
"That's alright, it's not your fault." I smiled, she handed me 2 room cards and apologized again. I walked out to the group, who was still gathering all of our stuff.
"Christ Kie what is *in* here?" Pope groaned, pulling her bag from the back. They bickered a bit before I interrupted them.
"So bad news," I announced loudly, all heads whipping my way. "they messed up the room." I huffed.
"What? Do we still have one?" John B asked in an annoyed tone. I held up our room cards.
"Yeah but unfortunately we only have 4 beds and not 5." I watched as Pope and Kie awkwardly looked at each other. I was not going to do that to Pope. He needed closure and sleeping with her was going to do him no good. "So JJ and I are going to share a bed." I said giving JJ a look. He just nodded.
I grabbed my bag from his hand and thanked him.
"So you wanna sleep with me huh?" He asked, closer to my ear. I slapped his chest lightly.
"In your dreams J."
"Yeah, you are." He winked. I just rolled my eyes and lead us inside. Our room was on the third floor so we took the elevator up. I slid one of the cards in, hearing a click as the door opened.
The room was beautiful. It was huge and sectioned off into 4 parts. Two parts were full bedrooms. Another part was the kitchen with a half wall the combined where the other two beds were. Then there was the bathroom. Though there was another bathroom attached to one of the bedrooms.
"Holy shit Sarah, you spoiled us." I laughed, setting my bag on the ground.
'This room is awesome!" Kie gushed, walking over to the huge windows to the outside.
"I figured if we are staying for 4 days we would want a nice room to come back to." She shrugged.
"I say we get our stuff in our rooms and go to bed." I said, with a stretch.
"You just woke up from a nap." JJ said plainly. I looked up at him with a shitty look.
"Shut up, I'm always tired." I waved him off. "Sarah and John B get the room with the private bathroom." I pointed to the right. "Kie and Pope get the two beds here, and JJ and I get the other room." We all split off, dragging our bags with us.
I fell back onto the king-sized bed after putting my bag in the corner. The bed was so soft.
"Comfy?" JJ asked sitting next to me and sinking into the bed. "Woah, yeah it's comfy." He sighed, laying next to me.
"This wasn't what I was expecting when they said 4 beds." I thought out loud. "I expected like, 3 small beds and a big bed."
"Me too." He said, staring at the ceiling fan that spun on low. "We don't have to sleep here together though, you can have the bed." He said, pointing to the little couch that sat in our private room. I looked at him with an unbelievable look.
"Are you kidding? You are not going to fit on that couch. You're sleeping in this bed with me."
"Damn, didn't know you wanted me in bed so bad." He teased. He wasn't wrong, though the way he was implying was more sexual than the innocent reason that flooded my head. I just wanted to cuddle him.
Maybe not in the 'just friends' way either.
But he didn't need to know that.
"Mhmmm." I just agreed, standing up and grabbing clothes from my bag. "I'm gonna go get into my pajamas." I said, leaving the room and going into the bathroom. I changed into sleep shorts and a big t-shirt.
I came out of the bathroom, walking into our open bedroom door.
"You care if I close the door?" I asked semi-loudly, not seeing JJ anywhere. He came from the side of the room, ruffling his hair. I bit the inside of my cheek seeing he was only in shorts. Sure, I had seen JJ shirtless *plenty* of times. But now I was going to be sleeping in bed with him.
"Go ahead." He said, turning the lamp on one side of the bed off. I nodded, shutting the door behind me. I climbed in next to him, turning my lamp off.
"Night JJ." I whisperer, falling asleep to scenarios about the boy who was currently less than a foot away from me.
My eyes opened slowly, feeling the bed shifting around significantly. The room was extremely dark as I sat up, trying to figure out what was going on. I blinked profusely to adjust my eyes and looked next to me. JJ was flinching and whining in his sleep, his eyes squeezed shut impossibly tight. I narrowed my eyes at him, was he having a nightmare?
His head shook and his face scrunched. I could only imagine what was going on in the poor boy's head. I shook his arm a little.
"JJ." He ripped his arm from my grip, eyes still closed. I grabbed his hand this time, squeezing it a little hard. He gasped and shot up in the bed, a tear rolling down his cheek. His breathing was labored, grabbing at his chest and looking around frantically.
"JJ, hey look at me." I said, shaking his hand. As his eyes looked into mine, I saw fear.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" He croaked, clearly still holding back a cry.
"I don't care, what's wrong?" I asked, scooting to sit in front of him. He sucked his lips into his mouth, looking down at his hands, which were now detached from mine.
"Just a nightmare." He said, shutting his eyes tightly, another tear rolling down his cheek. I hated seeing him like this, JJ was so strong. I wiped his tear with my thumb and he began hyperventilating again. "But I can't stop thinking about it." He whimpered. "It felt so real." His voice cracked at the end, his hands flying to cover his face.
"Hey, hey, look at me. You're with me, no one else." He still shook with silent cries. "Was it about your dad?" I asked carefully, not wanting to send him into a spiral. I saw a slight nod. "Okay, does this feel like a panic attack?" I asked quietly. He nodded again, I could hear him barely sniffle.
I pulled his hands from his face, the poor baby looked a mess. His face was red and puffy, tears and sweat making it look like someone poured a bucket of water on him. His eyes were shut still, his lips trembling and nostrils flared. I put my hands on the side of his face.
"Just look at me, open your eyes." I stated quietly, his eyes fluttering open. His normally light blue eyes were dim and dull as he looked into mine. "When I was little, I had lots of panic attacks. My mom researched what helps best and skin-to-skin releases oxytocin, a happy chemical." I said, running my hands down his shoulders and scooting closer to him. I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing his back slowly.
His arms still hung by his side as I felt his ragged breathing.
"On both ends." I said, grabbing his hands and slipping them under my shirt, resting them on the small of my back. He pulled me much closer now, resting his head in the crook of my neck. "Now just feel how I'm breathing." I tried to keep a steady breath, for him. My ear was right up against his chest, hearing his speeding heart slow slightly.
"Thank you." I heard him say into my hair, still squeezing me tightly.
"Of course JJ, anything for you." My hands ran up and down his back, his breathing slowed to a calm after a few minutes. He pulled away, wiping his face and pushing his hair back.
"I'm really sorry about that." He apologized.
"JJ, I don't mind. It was no bother to me in the slightest."
"I've never calmed down from a panic attack so fast." He shook his head. "You do that often?"
"Nope, just for you." I smirked.
"Well, I appreciate it, a lot." I could see him chewing on the inside of his cheek. "Any other suggestions you have about skin-to-skin contact?" I was always bad at reading signs, but this seemed like a sign.
"You mean like more intimate ways?" I asked slowly, not knowing if I was crossing a line.
"Yeah, like, do you think it would calm me down more if," he put his hand on my cheek, "if maybe I kissed you?" The room was suddenly much brighter. I could see his eyes and how vulnerable his face was. The fact that I was *not* answering was probably fueling his anxiety. But I knew I could not get words out even if I tried, so I only nodded.
He leaned forward quickly, his lips landing on mine softly. Our noses bumped slightly at the sudden movement. His hand rested between my neck and shoulder and mine pulled him closer by the back of his neck. Our lips detached after a few seconds.
"So you did want me in bed." He teased, just inches from my face. I smiled with a shake of my head.
"You're such an ass." I said, lying back down. He laid next to me, putting his arm around me and pulling me into his chest. "Skin-to-skin also happens to help with nightmares." I said, grabbing his hand. His legs entangled with mine.
"Guess you'll have to sleep with me more often." He said plainly, bringing a massive smile to my face.
"I guess so."
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outercrasis · 3 years
Love Bites
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Pairing: Monster!Max x F!Reader (Lamb)
Word count / Rating: 9k (it's a big boy I know) / EXPLICIT 18+ ONLY
Warnings: Monsterfucking, a handful of angst (some hurt/comfort vibes in here), unprotected sex, oral (f & m receiving), one (1) pussy slap, real switch behavior, blood kink, size kink (please let me know if I missed something!)
Summary: A visit to Max's office goes wrong - but maybe it helps to make things go right.
A/N: Shoutout to @sergeantbannerbarnes who's ask is what set me down this path and to @radiowallet who's ask just snuck its little way right in here 💕 and a shoutout to @escapades-to-rivendell who read this big boy over for me, ily all sm. Alsooo - there might be a special surprise at the very end of this chapter ;)
Series Masterlist
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Your anxiety mounts with every additional floor. The cheery milquetoast corporate music does nothing to help, your hands growing clammy as you near the 13th floor. There's a chance this is a terrible idea. Max has never said anything about visiting him at work before and you worry you’re crossing some unspoken line by showing up unannounced like this. Then again, the surprise treat of blood you have carefully disguised in a regular coffee cup might be able to sway him otherwise.
It feels a little silly being this nervous. You’ve never been this nervous when it comes to Max – it’s just that work is usually something he tries to keep separate from you. Ever since what you like to call The Great Rebecca Debacle, things are kept relatively simple. He gives a general overview of how his day went, how stressful things are, the usual daily complaint about the mysterious and very hated Evan. Otherwise specific details aren’t discussed. Even the work dinners you’ve joined him for have been more social networking than business related.
All things considered, this has the potential to be a bad choice.
Alternatively, this could be the best choice you’ve ever made and result in hot office sex. Possibly with the addition of horns if Max is feeling extra risky. Only time will tell. You’re definitely hoping for the latter.
The elevator finally stops moving, a happy ding! announcing your arrival on Max’s floor. Stepping out you find yourself… disappointed. With Max’s eclectic but beautifully designed apartment, you expected something similar with his offices. In your mind it had been immaculately decorated, large, open floor plan, like something ripped from the set of a trashy unrealistic show off The CW. This is anything but. In fact, it’s even worse than your own offices. At least you have enough natural sunlight for a plant at your desk.
The walls are a dingy gray, the carpet looking like it hasn’t been replaced since the nineties. Cubicles more depressing than your own can be seen through the door of the small lobby, which has a strange smell you hope to never discover the origin of. There’s a shockingly bright piece of corporate art across from the receptionist’s desk, which you feel might have been placed there in a terrible attempt to make the place seem cheery. It only serves to set your teeth on edge. You’re half convinced this isn’t Max’s office at all.
“Hi, can I help you?” The receptionist calls over to you. She must have noticed your confused expression at walking into an office straight out of a trashy horror flick.
“Um, yeah, I’m here to see Max Phillips?” If your hands weren’t full you would have crossed your fingers, praying that she says Max is another floor up or something.
Your dreams are immediately crushed. She perks right up at his name. “Oh! Do you want me to call him up here for you?” Her hand is poised over the phone, waiting for your answer.
“No, no, that’s okay. I was actually hoping to surprise him, if you could just point me in the direction of his office?” You’re really hoping there isn’t some protocol that requires him to come up here. It will still be a surprise but then you wouldn’t get to see that cute little look on his face when he realizes you’ve done something nice for him.
The receptionist points at the door leading further into the offices. “Go through there, turn right, and his office will be at the very end of the hall. You can’t miss it.”
You really wish she would blink. With her plastered-on smile, chipper attitude, and perfectly lacquered nails it feels like you’re talking with a robot rather than a person. Her hand finally drops when you take a hesitant step towards the door. “Thank you,” you uncertainly offer.
“No problem!”
Stepping into the office space is no better. You make a note in the back of your mind to message Sami and let him know how much worse things could be than your few inches too small cubes. The mysterious smell from the lobby thankfully dissipates, only to be replaced by the high pitched hum of fluorescent lighting. With every passing moment you understand why Max prefers working from home rather than in this little hellhole. Maybe you can convince him to come home with you at the end of this visit.
You only make it halfway down the hallway before someone feels compelled to stop you. And touch your shoulder. Gross.
“Excuse me? Can I help you?”
Turning around you come face to face with someone you never expected to see again. Evan Sanders. The last time you saw him you were both pimple faced middle schoolers but there’s no mistaking him. He hasn’t changed all that much really, losing the aforementioned pimples as well as his braces but for some mystifying reason keeping the same hairstyle. You suppose it works for a business setting, but between that and his ill-fitted suit he could do better.
He seems to recognize you as well, squinting slightly before saying your name with a bit of disbelief. You don’t really want to talk to him, but you figure for the sake of social niceties you should. Max probably wouldn’t but then again he’s a vampire and people call him an asshole so that’s probably not the right course of action here. Lame.
“Hi Evan. Long time no see,” you greet.
“Yeah no kidding, how are you? What are you up to these days?”
“Not much, just trying to get by.” It would probably be polite to ask that question in return, but the answer is kind of obvious. He works here in this weird, dark dungeon of an office space.
This is already tiring. You didn’t come here to reconnect with a middle school acquaintance. You came here to be a good girlfriend and potentially live out a little fantasy of yours. No shame in that. Max certainly doesn’t have any when he asks you to dress up in ridiculous slutty little outfits – not that you’re complaining about that either. You’re still waiting for him to pull out the Megara costume. You know he has it and he’s talked about how much he likes her attitude too much recently for it not to make an appearance sometime soon. You wonder if he’ll go for a Hercules or Hades look to match it.
Evan is saying something and you know you should be listening but you’re already so bored. If you remember right the last time you saw him you kicked him in the shins. The specific reason why escapes you now, but you’re starting to remember. This is just so weird. You haven’t seen each other since you were thirteen and now he’s going to pretend like the two of you had been good friends? You just want to deliver Max his “coffee” and kisses, not be involved in whatever this is.
Evan assumes that stance men do when they’re getting ready to settle into a long conversation – legs slightly spread, arms folded casually over his chest. Maybe he’ll mindlessly follow if you continue to take slow steps down the hallway.
You finally tune back into what he’s saying. “So what are you doing here? I wasn’t aware we had any open positions.”
He’s eyeing you carefully now, as though he’s trying to catch you in some sort of a lie. You want to laugh. If you had come here for an interview you would have peeked out the elevator and taken the long trip back down to the lobby. After seeing if they would validate your parking – the prices they charge are practically theft.
“I’m not here to interview, just here to give my boyfriend a surprise visit.” Evan does not get the hint that you’d like to get on with that surprise. You wish you could kick him like you did in middle school again.
“That’s nice of you. Who’s your boyfriend?”
Maybe Evan’s job here is office inquisitor. It feels like it with the game of twenty questions you’ve suddenly embarked on with him. Who even holds a conversation like this? Clearly when one person is barely reciprocating it’s time to end it and move on with your days.
“Max Phillips.”
You can’t say you anticipated the way that answer would twist Evan’s face up. He looks like he just put three warheads in his mouth on a dare only to feel his cheek skin immediately peeling away. That endeavor wasn’t worth the five bucks you made off of it.
Evan’s hand is suddenly on your arm, tugging you to the relative not-privacy along the wall of the hallway.
“You need to break up with him.”
“Excuse me?”
Evan looks around the office, trying to see if anyone is listening in. He lowers his voice, leaning in towards you as he speaks. “He’s not- he’s not a good person.”
You roll your eyes. You know Max has a bit of a reputation but this is ridiculous. Despite his attitude with others, which is admittedly a work in progress, he’s treated you better than any other guy you’ve ever dated. He’s attentive, caring, and he sets your heart on fire with just the smallest of glances. You would have to be insane to give any of that up.
“I know Max isn’t everyone’s favorite, but that’s horrible to say,” you snap at him.
Evan casts another nervous look over his shoulder. “No, what I mean is- he’s not- he isn’t human.”
It’s impossible to hide your shock. He knows. Evan knows about Max and he’s apparently very willing to spill that secret. Thankfully he interprets your shock as you not knowing in the first place.
“I know it’s a lot to take in, but you need to know. You have to break up with him before he tries to eat you or something worse.”
You don’t get a chance to respond, not even a funny quip about how you like when he eats you or to ask one of the thousands of questions you have, as Max’s voice is suddenly filling the office air.
“Hey slugger, you finish those reports… yet?”
Max trails off once he registers that it’s you standing there with Evan and not another coworker. His eyes flash red as he takes in the scene before him and that finally triggers your own realization. Evan, this Evan, is The Evan that Max bitches about day in and day out. Whatever you just stepped in is decidedly not good.
The already long moment continues to linger and you decide to cut the tension. “Surprise!”
A smile slips onto Max's face but it's flimsy. To anyone else it might be convincing, but you know the difference between his real and fake smiles and this is the most put upon one you've ever seen. "Babe, what are you doing here?" he asks you.
"My office randomly closed for the day, so I thought I'd surprise you. I brought you some coffee."
You know Max knows it's not coffee. He can most certainly smell the AB- you squirted into the cup like you were emptying a macabre Capri-Sun. What you don't need is for Evan to know it's not coffee. Despite his apparent knowledge of Max's non-human status it seems like an unnecessary added stressor right now.
"You didn't have to do that, babe." Oh you hate this. Between the fake smile and the seeming condescension you are horribly reminded of one of your exes. It’s an incredibly unflattering comparison. The worst part is you're nearly certain this whole persona has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the long lost schoolmate currently standing between you and Max.
"So what are you two chatting about?" Max asks with a syrupy cheer, carefully eyeing you both over the rim of his cup.
"Just doing a little catching up," Evan unhelpfully explains. Of course he has to offer a terrible, ambiguous answer. It seems purposeful too, a little smirk playing at the corners of his mouth while Max's nostrils flare.
You cut in before he can do more damage. "We went to middle school together. Honestly I forgot Evan existed before I saw him here," you say with a forced laugh.
Was that a bitchy thing to say? Yes, of course. Do you feel bad about it? Not in the slightest. It isn’t even a lie. Max and Evan's beef is between them, not you, and his attempt to use you against your own boyfriend warrants retaliation anyway. You know Sami will agree when you tell him about this later and that's all you need to justify it.
Despite your clear barb at Evan, Max's demeanor doesn't change. He doesn't even offer a glance in your direction as you move to stand beside him. In all your time with Max you've never felt more ignored – his hatred for the other man overshadowing everything else.
“You know Max, given your condition, I’m surprised you’re capable of having a girlfriend,” Evan says. The subtext comes across loud and clear. Another day, another time, you’d be jumping to his defense but Evan knowing still has you so off kilter that words fail you completely.
“Mine is more manageable than yours,” Max replies. “How’s the free Phallisite sample working out?”
Evan’s face turns a bright red. It’s not hard to guess what Phallisite is for and regardless of whether or not his use of it is true, the comment has gotten under his skin.
Now you remember why you kicked him – you had been making good on the promise of giving him something to cry about when he wouldn’t stop whining about how unfair the kickball teams were. Not the time to dwell on it though.
“When are you going to stop pretending, Max?”
Max gives a short little laugh, rolling his eyes. “Pretending about what?”
Honestly at this point, you’re surprised you haven’t seen heads peeking from behind the cubicles. You know you would be if there was a heated conversation like this one occurring only a few steps away from your desk. Either arguments like these are a common enough occurrence that no one is entertained by them anymore, or this office is filled with workers who are better than you.
“Pretending like you’re normal somehow. It’s pathetic and now you’re dragging other people into it to make yourself feel better?” he asks, staring pointedly at you. “Even I didn’t think you were that much of a monster.”
Max’s eyes turn a murderous red and it’s all you can do to drag him away before Evan becomes confetti on the walls. It might not be a bad attempt at lightening up the interior design though.
Especially when taking into consideration the homicidal near-miss, you are incredibly curious as to how Evan even knows. In all of Max’s time spent complaining about Evan you just assumed it was because he was annoying and a shit worker. Seeing it before you now, it’s obvious this runs deeper.
Were they friends before? Something else? Had Evan discovered Max’s secret through a series of ridiculous coincidences and scenarios only ever before experienced on a witty sitcom? You can’t really bet on which of those could be true.
You tug Max back towards the lobby, his eyes fading back into his human appearing chocolate brown. He seems to return to his senses with the distance and moves you into the lobby.
“Are you okay?” you ask. His human visage is firmly in place again, but you can still see the anger thrumming under the surface.
Max ignores you completely. He walks over to the front desk, grabs a slip and scribbles something on it before pressing it and the coffee cup full of blood you handed him previously into your hands, and pushing you into the now open elevator.
“Max, what the hell? You can’t just ignore this and push me out of here,” you whisper furiously at him, not wanting the receptionist to overhear.
He gives you a quick kiss on the forehead and steps backwards into the lobby. “Sorry, lamb. Talk later.”
The doors close, the corporate music fires back up, and you’re left with a coffee, not-coffee, and parking validation ticket in hand wondering what the fuck just happened.
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You’re pacing in the living room, waiting for Max to get home from work. He’s at the office even later than normal and you swear if he’s staying there just to avoid this conversation with you, you’ll ring his immortal neck. This is not something that will get swept under the rug. This will be talked about, at length, until you are satisfied with its conclusion.
Your resolve doesn’t mean you’re looking forward to the conversation. In fact, every cell in your body is screaming to let it go. Max could come home, you could pretend there’s no issue to be dealt with, and do your best to move on. You know where that leads though – the same place it has before.
Mounting irritation. Repressed anger. Distrust. Animosity. The next problem will come along and continue to pile until you’re a year into a relationship with a person that you can hardly stand to be around. Arguments will escalate and suddenly you’re breaking up over an empty Pringles can that’s emblematic of a thousand other larger issues. The Pringles can is simply the easy one to blame it all on in the end.
This entire situation is scaring the shit out of you, but you refuse to let that happen with Max.
You finally hear the click of the door opening a few minutes after 7. Sounds of Max toeing off his shoes, hanging up his coat, and setting down his bag drift out from the hallway, freezing you in place. There’s only so much power stances and motivational pep talks can do to help you now.
Max walks into view after what feels like an eternity, his horns and wings already out on display, He’s left in his slacks and tank top undershirt, dress shirt already removed to avoid being shredded by his transformation. You don’t miss the way his wings look like they’re slung lower than usual.
He stops short, clearly not expecting you to be standing in the middle of his living room and quietly staring at him. Doing his best to recover from the awkward moment, he flashes you one of his big businessman smiles. You’ve seen it work on a variety of people, but you’re incredibly annoyed that he would attempt it on you. Just who does he think you are? Who he is? You aren’t going to fall for cheap Max is uncomfortable tricks.
“Are we going to talk about it?” you ask. You cringe a little internally. That already came off more aggressive than you wanted it to.
“Talk about what?” Max asks, making his way into the kitchen. You trail after him, stopping at the entrance and leaning against the breakfast bar. His back is turned to you, rooting around in the fridge and his wings rustle uncomfortably, a clear and obvious sign that he knows exactly what you’re talking about.
You aren’t going to have this conversation with him turned around. “Max, please look at me,” you try to say gently.
He huffs, face still buried in the fridge. “Look lamb, could we not? This merger at work is putting me under a lot of pressure and I don’t want to talk about this on top of it.”
Max's spine straightens at your answer, slowly turning to face you. "What?"
You're not sure you've ever denied Max anything, not that he's ever denied you anything either. So far your relationship has been a series of understandings and trade-offs, always making things even between the two of you. A hard no hasn’t been in either of your vocabularies up until now.
He’s pinning you in place with his eyes, the slow moving gold swirl of them becoming firm and solid. You refuse to back down. “You heard me. I said no. We’re talking about this, Max.”
This is already not the direction you’d hoped this conversation would go. Emotions were going to run high no matter what, but you imagined that the two of you could be mature about this. The discussion didn’t have to become an angry one. Then again, you didn’t expect Max to try and avoid it entirely.
“Fine then. Let’s talk,” Max says, crossing his arms over his chest.
You move back into the living room, hoping that the more comfortable setting might put you both at ease. Max follows and sinks into the single armchair. Okay, this will be a distanced conversation then. You sit at the edge of the couch, as close to him as you can get without plopping down on the floor.
You both wait for the other to speak first.
“Well?” Max prompts, an irritated look on his face. He isn’t even looking at you – pointlessly picking at the velveteen fabric on the arm of the chair.
He’s clearly not going to offer any information unless you ask directly. Summoning the courage you’ve been trying to collect since leaving Max’s office this afternoon you blurt out the question that’s been weighing heaviest on your mind. "Why didn't you tell me Evan knows?"
"Because you didn't need to know," Max replies coolly. This bullshit attitude paired with his shitty half answer is really starting to piss you off.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"What it sounds like. You didn't need to know so I didn't tell you."
"Felt like I needed to know when he blindsided me today,” you spit back at him.
He finally looks you in the eye again. “Look lamb, there are a handful of people who know outside of you. I’m sorry if you thought you were super extra special or something, but I did have a life before you entered it.”
That comment digs in deep. He knew it would. While The Great Rebecca Debacle had taught you Max doesn’t go around revealing himself to people willy-nilly, you assumed there would be some others outside of yourself who knew. Past lovers, possible friends, family if he has any remaining. You don’t know for certain because Max never talks about it, but you assume they exist. It doesn’t make his comment sting any less.
“How would I know?” you find yourself saying. “You hardly ever talk about your past, only little hints here or there. For fucks sake, I don’t even know how old you are, Max. How am I supposed to handle randomly finding out someone else knows? Someone you seemingly hate.”
“I don’t know, but it seemed to me like you agreed with my dear buddy Evan today so why don’t you just do us both the favor and tell me what you really think. Then you can stop pretending.”
In a flash, the argument twists in a way you never saw coming. Where the hell did that come from? Throwing Evan’s words at you rather than finding some of his own. Another cheap shot.
“Pretending?” you say with utter disdain, jumping up from the couch. “Tell me at what point I have ever pretended with you. I told you what I thought of you the very first night we were together and that has never changed. If you really think I agree with Evan then you need a bigger reality check than I thought.”
“Reality check?” Max roars, joining you on his feet. “If anyone needs a reality check it’s you, little lamb.” He says your nickname like it’s a threat, twisting the relatively innocent joke into a harsh reminder. It makes your stomach twist, but even with tensions running high you still don’t believe he would ever hurt you.
“Is that so?” you challenge. You know what you entered into with him. Things like squirting blood into a cup make the situation hard to ignore even if you wanted to. If this wasn’t something you wanted, you would have backed out long ago.
“Fine,” Max says, and starts stripping off the clothes he’s still wearing. To say you have no idea what’s happening is an understatement.
“Max? What are you-?”
He cuts you off. “Showing you the reality of your situation.”
He’s left in his boxers, allowing himself to transform completely, only he doesn’t stop where he normally would. He continues to grow, his body filling out beyond his typically broad but athletic build. He gains more than his usual few inches, now pushing upwards of 6’6 as his body adds mass from seemingly out of nowhere. He softens in places, the new physique matching that of a powerlifter. He towers over you in size and mass, and the transformation hasn’t even ended.
A pink tint begins to glow across his skin, which you first mistake for embarrassment until you realize it isn’t stopping either. It darkens, reddening across his entire body, wings included. The tips of them blacken, mimicking the way the colors fade up from the base of his horns.
You notice that those have grown as well. They extend from the position you’ve seen previously, growing backwards towards his pointed ears before twisting forwards again, reminding you of a smaller ram’s horns. The color gradient continues beyond the previous red they’ve ended at, orange and yellow now finishing off the smooth, colorful progression.
Freckles rise to the surface, dotting his skin with darker pigmentation. They dust the back of his hands, the tops of his shoulders, and run down the center of his torso – dipping below the straining waistband of his boxers. You want to reach out, connect the speckles with the tip of your finger, but something stops you. Two somethings actually.
The first is that Max has begun to glow. Everywhere the freckles are on his body, the red tone of his skin fades, blooming into a warm yellow as incandescent light begins to emanate from within. The tips of his horns shine as well, casting a perverse halo of sorts around Max's head.
The second realization comes as a result of the first. There is something else glowing as well, something which you have never seen before. A tail. An honest-to-god tail.
The very end of it is glowing, the shape at the end of it looking like a sickle or a waxing crescent moon. The glow blends back down into red, which turns black once again towards the base of his tail. The length of it has ridges that run along the circumference, reminiscent of the ridges along Max's horns.
It's a lot to take in. Your stunned silence triggers something in Max as well, a dawning realization falling across his face. You're fairly certain he never intended on revealing himself to you like this.
There's a fainter glow along his cheek bones, the gold of his eyes seeming brighter than before. You're nearly certain that is embarrassment making itself known.
You approach him more hesitantly than you ever have before. It's not from a place of fear, but rather concern, worried that if you approach him too quickly he might panic and run or even transform back. Reaching out, you take one of his hands in yours, noting that his fingers glow too.
As though you haven’t been given enough to process, Max's hand is not cold as you've come to expect. He's warm. You have no idea if it's a result of the light radiating from his skin or some other reason, but you bask in it, relishing in the heat.
"Can I-" you hesitate, free hand poised over his chest and looking up to meet his eyes. You can see the apprehension swirling in them. "Can I touch?" you ask.
Words fail Max. It’s almost funny to see. He’s usually so full of quips and smartass comments you expected to hear something along the lines of you already are. His mouth opens and closes almost comically, fangs poking out from behind his lips. He nods his head instead.
You let your fingers glide across his skin. It feels the same as it did before, the only major difference being the temperature. The glow does seem to have some effect, hotter where the yellow is brighter and colder where the red takes back over.
You gently press your fingers into the new plushness of his body. It’s a feeling you already know you won’t tire of. His muscles haven’t gone anywhere, just underneath the additional heft, and you can’t help but imagine the way it will feel to dig your fingers into his chest while you ride him or the added weight you’ll feel as he’s on top of you.
“You’re even prettier than I thought,” you tell him, looking up to catch a storm of emotions passing over his face. You wish you could know what’s happening in his head.
He sinks back into the armchair, barely fitting in it now, and pushes a hand into his hair. “Why don’t you get it?” he asks, sounding defeated.
“Get what?” you ask in return.
He’s hunched over, elbows resting on his knees. There’s genuine anguish on his face now, a pain you’ve never seen before. “I’m a monster.”
You immediately move to comfort him. “Oh, Max-”
“No,” he growls, cutting you off. “Evan was right. I’ve been pretending. I spent months lying to you about how I really look all in an attempt to seem slightly more normal. I let you believe a lie just to feel better about myself.”
Fear grips you, a worry that somehow this has all been some great ruse by Max. Some sort of attempt at a self-confidence boost that’s crashing down around him and now you.
“That wasn’t all this was, right?” You’re afraid to hear the answer. By the way Max is acting, there's really no guessing where this conversation is going.
Max’s eyes widen, pulling you into his lap. His large arms circle around you and hold you firmly in place. “No. No lamb,” he reassures. “I changed the way I looked, but my feelings for you have always been real."
You press your forehead against his, wrapping your arm around to play with the short hairs at the nape of his neck. It's silent for a long moment, Max warring with his own thoughts and you trying to sort out your own.
You could be mad at him. He's right that he has been lying to you for months now and yet looking at him now you can't find it in you. You've never seen him like this. It's as though every ounce of confidence has oozed out from him and despite his hulking size he's never appeared smaller.
The anger you'd felt at being cast aside and literally pushed out from the office dissipates. The pieces click together, explaining the behavior without Max ever saying a word. It still isn't really excusable, but that can be a conversation for another time. Right now you need to discuss something far more important.
You speak softly, looking him directly in the eye. From this distance you have to focus on one or else go cross eyed and you're not sure what you have to say will have the same impact if you do that. "Max, you know I want you right?"
"Yeah lamb, I know," he says dismissively.
You pull back, holding his face in both your hands, and forcing him to look at you. He needs to hear this.
"Max. I want you and everything that comes with that. If I wanted someone else then I'd be with them. I don't care if tomorrow I wake up and you're purple."
That seems to break through, the tiniest smile playing at the corners of Max's lips. "Some days I look a little more orange than red."
"You're not a monster, Max. Well, I mean, you are, but you know what I mean."
Max gives a tiny snort at that.
"I don't give a shit what Evan Sanders has to say. He was the kid who reminded teachers about homework assignments. You think I'm going to listen to that guy? He doesn't know anything about our relationship. He didn't even think I knew. I do though and I wouldn't want you any other way. I love you, Max."
You didn't expect to say those last words. They slipped out without a second thought, shocking you almost as much as they seem to shock him. He's searching your face, looking for something. Whatever it is, you don’t think he finds it. A smile finally breaks out across Max's face, his fangs further emphasizing the curl of his lips.
"You really mean that, don't you?" Max asks.
Your answer is automatic. "I do."
Max pulls you into him, his lips slotting over yours. He’s mindful of his fangs, careful not to poke you with one. You wouldn’t really care if he did.
He’s still grinning when he pulls back from the kiss, the gold of his irises shimmering like those water bottles full of glitter that kids make. “Good. I love you too.”
Your heart leaps at his confession. There hadn’t been enough time between your own and the kiss that followed to worry about him not repeating it back to you, and you’re glad he’s already rectified it. You’re sure you would have driven yourself crazy if left to wonder.
You shift your position, coming as close as you can to straddling him in the chair. The size he’s grown to forces you to shove your thighs around his waist rather than bracket his legs. It’s hardly something to complain about though, pressing your body closer to his and making it easier to grind against him. You can feel Max hardening underneath you – christ, is he bigger there too?
Max’s tongue presses into your mouth, distracting you from further thoughts about the other possible changes to his physique. His hands are everywhere – sliding under your shirt, squeezing at your thighs and waist, encouraging the roll of your hips. You tug at his hair and just like that Max is carrying you in his arms bridal style, marching straight over to the bedroom. You giggle and busy yourself with biting and sucking at his neck, in part to see what color he might bruise. You’re guessing a deep red to match his many freckles.
In a move that reminds you of your first night together, when Max had tried to keep even his wings a secret, he tosses you down onto the large mattress. He covers you with his broad, thick frame, his wings creating a little bubble around the two of you. You love when he does this. It lights up your brain in a way even you have a hard time understanding, everything in your line of vision becoming Max and nothing else.
Your hands find his shoulders and you can’t resist giving them a squeeze as he recaptures your lips. Soft golden yellow spills between your fingers. The newfound softness of his body is intoxicating, making you want to grope and explore every inch of him. You’re glad he already stripped down as much as he did, not wanting the barrier of clothes between you.
Max must feel similarly. He’s grabbing at both your shirt and pants, trying to get both off at the same time and failing spectacularly at both. His urgency makes you laugh, taking over the task of your shirt for him. Your bra comes off along with it and Max eagerly takes a nipple into his mouth. You moan at the feeling, still adjusting to heat coming off of him instead of the usual chill. It feels heavenly, but it’s not enough.
“Max, please.”
You push your hips up, desperate for any kind of friction. It’s completely useless. Max’s large frame keeps you pinned in place underneath him. He releases your nipple with a pop, lust coloring his features. No matter the form he’s in, that’s a look you can recognize. His cheeks glow slightly brighter than before.
“Say it again.”
You shift your hips again, pushing up against the softness of his stomach. “I love you.”
“I’m never going to get tired of hearing you say that.” Max lifts himself up, pulling your panties off as he slowly kisses his way down your body. You have no idea why he even left the panties on when he took off your pants. As though he didn't know this was exactly where things were heading.
He lightly bites at your skin, never breaking it, making your skin erupt with goosebumps. You haven’t actually brought up that particular want with him yet and you’ve previously gotten away with blaming it on the chill of his body, but there’s no denying it now. It’s arousal, cut and dry. Well not dry, but the reason for your reaction is obvious. Despite not saying anything, the curve of his mouth against you tells you he noticed too.
He gives the same attention to your inner thighs. There are sure to be marks left behind for you to appreciate tomorrow. Max’s hand comes up to cup your pussy and you shamelessly grind against him. There’s hardly any relief though because the moment you do, Max gives your pussy a small slap.
“Don’t worry little lamb,” Max says as you cry out. “I’m going to take care of you.”
His mouth stays attached to your thigh while one thick finger slips up the seam of your pussy. He gathers the slick at your entrance and drags it up to your clit, making you whine at the stimulation. It takes all of your will to keep yourself still as he slowly circles it, occasionally moving back down to your entrance, but never quite pushing his fingers all the way in.
After what feels like forever, Max finally moves away from your thighs. “You’re doing so well,” he compliments. He spreads you open with his fingers, staring at you before lowering his head. “Need you all nice and ready for me.”
He only offers kitten licks at first, making you mewl with frustration. You’re not sure how much more of this you can take. Max isn’t usually one to tease. He doesn’t like making you wait for pleasure – all too happy to see how quickly and many times he can make you come. You’re about to ask him what he’s waiting for when his tongue plunges into you.
No matter how many times he does this, you’re not sure you’ll ever get used to it. The length of his tongue reaches in deep, teasing you and hitting nerve endings you didn’t even know existed.
Glancing down you find Max's eyes are closed in pleasure, looking as though there is no where he would rather be than buried between your legs. His nose bumps against your clit, causing a fresh wave of arousal to wet his chin. He groans and pulls you down further onto his mouth. There’s another jolt of pleasure as you realize his tail is flicking behind him happily too.
You can feel your orgasm rapidly approaching, squeezing your own eyes shut as he continues. Reaching down blindly, you fist one hand into his hair, while the other traces the curve of his horn. His newer, larger horns are something you can definitely get used to.
One of Max’s hands moves upward to grab at your breast and the added stimulation finally triggers your orgasm. Your legs shake with the force of it, shuddering as his tongue slips out of you. He continues to work you through it, his finger tracing a small amount of pressure over your clit.
“M-Max, come here, please,” you gasp. He listens, crawling up the bed to lay out beside you. You immediately grab onto him, throwing a leg over his hip and messily kissing him. You can taste the tang of yourself on his lips and groan into the kiss. “Need you, handsome,” you pant into his mouth, toeing at his underwear to get the point across.
Max captures your wrists, easily twisting your bodies on the bed and pinning you in place. You’re convinced he’s going to start teasing you again. There’s no way you can take any more of that, needing to feel him now and not in ten minutes when he decides you’re ready.
Max speaks before you can voice your complaints. “There’s something I need to tell you first, lamb.”
That sobers you up some. Max sounds nervous to share whatever is on his mind. You nod, letting him know that you’re ready to listen to him and not in some far off haze of arousal. He releases your arms and drags a hand over his face.
“I’ve never um- well it’s a bit hard to explain so I guess I’ll just-” he cuts himself off and tips your head up to look at him. It isn’t difficult to guess what he’s nervous about. The glow along his torso is brighter than before, your eyes following it down the soft slope of his stomach, and through the stretched out black fabric of his boxer briefs you can see that the glow does not suddenly cut off at his hips.
After staring for probably a few seconds too long, you look up to see his cheeks blazing yellow. He’s embarrassed alright.
“You- you glow? There?” It’s about as delicate as you can be given the situation.
“Yes,” he admits. “I can- I can change back if you’d prefer. I’d understand.”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” you threaten. Did he not listen to you at all earlier? You want him. Glowing penis and all apparently.
“Lay down,” you tell him. Max looks surprised but doesn’t question you. He knows that tone in your voice. It’s your shut the fuck up and listen to me voice, that’s reserved for situations like this one where Max (or others) has said one dumb thing too many.
You don’t go right for it. He needs to be comfortable and relaxed before you tear his boxer briefs off from him. You’re still aching to feel him pressed inside you, but that can wait for the moment. Instead, you rip a page directly out of Max’s book.
You straddle his waist, leaning down to press kisses against every available inch of him. Given how large his transformation has made him, there's a lot of real estate to be had. Sticking true to your own proclivities, you’re unable to resist Max’s horns. They’re simply too tempting in their new form and you plant a hand beside Max’s head on the mattress, giving you the support needed to touch and kiss down the length of them.
The way Max is moaning and squirming beneath you emboldens you to try something you’ve thought plenty about but have yet to dare try. You flatten your tongue along his horn, following the curve as far as you can. Max shudders underneath you. “F-f-fuck.”
You smile and whisper in his ear. “You like that, pretty boy?”
You don’t wait for his answer, repeating the action on the other one. What you assume was going to be his answer distorts into a groan and spurs you onward. You alternate between kisses and licks and when you’re satisfied with how worked up he’s gotten you stop. His hands tighten on your thighs, clearly not pleased with your choice. You echo his words from earlier back at him. “Don’t worry. I’m going to take care of you.”
You slide down his body, noting the way his glow has only brightened. A feeling of pride settles into your chest, knowing that you’ve caused him to feel that way. You randomly mouth along his torso, placing a long line along his waistband before slipping your fingers underneath.
Continuing to tease him crosses your mind, but given his nerves you figure it’s better to rip the band-aid off, so to speak. You look up at Max and he nods, letting you know he’s okay with continuing.
Freed of the confines of the tight boxer briefs, his cock bobs proudly up towards his belly. You had been correct earlier in thinking that he was bigger, and the glow of his body does now include his cock, but the most exciting change is one you didn't expect. He's ribbed – resembling the ridges around his tail. You can't believe he'd been nervous about this. The glowing aspect was certainly unique, but they literally make condoms and toys to mimic what he naturally has. So dramatic, you think to yourself.
If Max needed to breathe, you imagine he would be holding his breath. You don’t need to look up to know he’s waiting for your reaction and filled with apprehension. It’s ridiculous to think that this, after everything, would chase you off.
Rather than offer him compliments or try to assuage his fears, you do the one thing that you know will clear any doubts about his glowing, ribbed cock. You get comfortable and then without any preamble, sink your mouth down around him.
His hips jerk at the contact, chasing the wet heat of your mouth. You press against his hip, a slight warning that you’re the one in control right now and end up enjoying the extra softness you find there. You wrap your other hand around the base of his cock and slowly begin to pump what doesn’t fit in your mouth.
It feels different with the added ridges, but it's not enough to throw you off your game. You give them additional attention, noticing the noises Max makes when you do, and other than that it's like any other blowjob you've given.
In your peripheral vision, you can see Max digging his fingers into the sheets – the light emanating from them emphasizing the force of his grip. You love getting this reaction out of him and with his new features, it's only been made better.
The salt tang of his precum coats your tongue as you swirl it around the tip. Moaning, you continue to bob your head, squeezing at Max's stomach. You can feel his abs jumping with pleasure underneath the layer of fat.
Eventually your jaw begins to ache, unused to his increased size. Max groans when you pull off of him. "Lamb, please."
You place a small kiss at the tip of his cock, giggling. Max looks debauched. The freckles littering his body stand out in stark relief, backlit by his internal glow. You’ll have to ask about that later. You have so many questions, like why he’s been consistently getting brighter, but now isn’t exactly the time.
Before he can complain again, you climb onto his lap and line him up with your entrance. With his newfound size it’s going to be more of a stretch than normal, but you’re certain he’ll fit. You’re too turned on for him to not.
Max sits up, using his wings to help prop himself up, and places his hands on your hips. He holds you carefully as you sink down on him, letting you take your time. You can feel every ridge drag against your walls, increasing your pleasure.
“You look so pretty like this lamb. I love watching you take me,” he whispers to you, along with a thousand other filthy things that only half penetrate your mind.
He feels good. The pain of him stretching you open only lasts for a moment, giving way to immense pleasure. You’ve gotten used to his usual lack of warmth, adjusting to the ways you both have found to help heat him up a bit some days, but this is a thousand times better than warming lube could ever be. You pause once he’s finally buried to the hilt, catching your breath before you attempt to ride him.
Max is kissing all across your face, his arms wrapping around you. “Look at you, you’re perfect. I love you.”
You press your forehead against his chest, slightly grinding your hips and getting used to the way he feels. He’s pressed deep inside you, the feeling of him ending somewhere in your gut. Looking down, you can see light spilling between your bodies, now bright enough to put spots in your vision. You slide your arms around Max’s neck and pick up the pace.
Max completely envelopes all your senses. Every place that Max is touching you feels like your nerves are cranked to eleven, singing with absolute pleasure. His hair feels like the silk of the bedsheets between your fingers, his skin smells like the sweet spice of his cologne. He’s all you can see when you open your eyes. The breadth of his wings, the brick red skin lit by his ethereal glow.
You can’t believe Evan threw around Max being a monster like it was a bad thing. Who would ever want normal when you can have all this?
Max drags his fangs along your neck, making you shudder as goosebumps ripple across your skin again. “I knew you weren’t just cold those other times.”
“I- I didn’t want to freak you out,” you tell him honestly. You had no idea how he would react to that particular want, always being so careful to not hurt you.
Max groans, thrusting up into you. “Freak me out? Lamb, I have to hold myself back from biting into you every second you’re at my side. You smell so sweet.”
It’s not hard to say your next words. “You can do it. I want you to.”
Max pulls back, cradling your face and looking directly into your eyes. “You mean that?”
“I trust you. I love you.” You smile, sure that it looks punch drunk and strung out. It doesn’t mean you mean those words any less.
“I love you too.”
Max returns to your neck, his hands moving to your hips to help control your movements. This is already a messy business, having you bouncing on his lap wouldn’t help the situation. From this position, Max’s stomach rubs against your clit, replacing the pleasure that the decreased movement took.
He kisses and sucks at your neck first, careful not to bruise. He doesn’t want your blood spilling from your veins underneath your skin. His fangs press against your neck, skimming up and down until you’re begging him to stop teasing.
You can feel your arousal pooling heavily, dripping onto Max’s lap. You’re keyed up, ready for that final push that will overwhelm you entirely. There’s a prick at your neck, a momentary pain before you feel a rush of pleasure and you let go of any remaining resolve.
You can feel yourself shaking in Max’s arms, clenching down hard as he sucks and moans into your neck. If there’s any pain, you’re well beyond feeling it. Max fucks you through your orgasm, a satisfying lightheadedness slightly fogging your mind. You’re not really sure how long Max drinks for, the wet feeling of his tongue dragging over your neck signaling his end. You knew he would stop when he should.
It feels like you’re trying to think through a cloud. Every thought is thick and sticks before another one comes to push that one out. You pull yourself in tight to Max, randomly running your hands anywhere you can touch and mindlessly mouthing at his neck. “Cum for me baby, please,” you ask him. He doesn’t need to be told twice.
Max moves you underneath him on the bed, pushing himself deeper into you. Despite the urgency in the roll of his hips, he’s still careful with you. He’s pressing compliments into you at the same time as himself, watching you come undone for him a third time. You look beautiful beneath him, coming for him, and Max lets himself go alongside you. It’s a good thing your eyes are already closed, the flash of brightness Max’s body creates enough to temporarily blind.
Groggily, you reach up and touch Max’s face. “I love you, Max.”
He kisses your palm and repeats the words back to you.
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You wake up in Max’s arms. It’s still dark out so you know you weren’t asleep for too long. Max notices the moment you stir, probably picking up on the difference in your heart rate. “Good morning, sleeping beauty,” he grins at you.
You rub your eyes and blink at him. So it wasn’t a dream then. Max is still laid out beside you, in his full large, red, and glowing monstrous beauty. You’re so fucking relieved.
You throw yourself across Max’s body, nestling your face into his chest. “Holy shit, I thought I dreamed it.”
Max laughs. “Do you wish you had?”
He’s covering, but you can hear the authenticity wrapped in his question. You reach out, running a gentle finger along his horn. “Are you kidding me? I have a glow in the dark boyfriend who is ribbed for my pleasure. Why on earth would I want anyone else?”
Max’s cheeks glow bright as he smiles. Seeing him so happy makes your heart leap. It’s no wonder he hasn’t believed you all these months about how beautiful you find him. You haven’t even been seeing his true self and he’s never been more beautiful than he is at this moment.
You settle into his side, wrapped in one of his wings and mindlessly letting your fingertips dance across his skin. There are many questions you still have, but for now you’re content to lay here and enjoy being snuggled up with the monster you love.
You’re nodding off again when Max speaks. "I'm 136. 137 in three months."
That wakes you right back up. “You’re what?”
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Monster!Max by @mjpens !!!! Thank you so so much for this BEAUTIFUL GIFT Maia! Having the visual reference helped me endlessly while writing this and I am very, very much in love with him 💕 The world now knows of Max and his beautiful beacon penis :)
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A/N: As always, this fic is a relaxed fit so I'll be writing for it based on asks/when I'm feeling inspired. I'll be honest here and say that my attention is probably about to shift back towards my series fics, BUT please still send in asks if you have questions/thoughts to share! I might need a break from my series intermittently, or you might just get me extra inspired ;)
Everything taglist: @radiowallet @sergeantbannerbarnes @pilothusband @max--phillips @starlightmornings @moonlight-prose @practicalghost @sharkbait77 @honestly-shite @shadesofnerdlygrace @salome-c @artsymaddie @niki-xie @doin-stuff @magikfanatic @astoryisaloveaffair @tintinn16 @mswarriorbabe80 @phandoz @amneris21 @tenderwhat @asta-lily @chaoticgeminate @snarwor
Pedro Boys: @iamskyereads @writeforfandoms @girlwholoveswords @beskarboobs @littlemisspascal @ezrasbirdie @anaaaispunk @cannedsoupsucks @jaime1110 @lellowberry @castleamc @missminkylove @thirddeadlysin @maievdenoir @wordsnwhiskey @magpie-to-the-morning @deadhumourist @actuallyprettylucky @dinsangelx
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caylusromanoff · 3 years
I'd never hurt you.
Natasha Romanoff x male reader.
Prompt: reader pranks Natasha with a fake gun.
Cuddling up to Natasha in bed y/n sighs in boredom and shoves his head into Natasha's chest. Snorting she playfully pushes his head away and kisses his nose. "If you wanted them you could have just asked" y/n rolls his eyes and whines. Burying his face in the pillow.
"I'm so boreeeeed" the Irish man moans and forces himself to sit on the end of the bed. Standing up he leans down to kiss Natasha, announcing that he was going to make them coffee. When he gets into the kitchen he sees Steve and Bucky cuddled together on the couch, Yelena and doing the same on the other one and Peter sprawled out on the floor.
Smirking to himself be remembers the fake guns they have for when they prank eachother and he grabs one, surprised at how realistic it looks. He pulls the trigger just to be sure and snorts when a lollipop jumps out. Walking over to Bucky he drags him away from his husband and into the kitchen.
"y/nnnn! I was wa-" "shhh" y/n says. Showing his hand over Bucky's mouth. "I need your help" he says. Running Bucky through the whole prank idea and how he wanted to get Natasha back for the prank she pulled on him the other day. Smirking widely Bucky let's out a laugh before shaking his head. "She's gonna kill you"
"oh just do it you donut" he shoves Bucky away towards the elevator before going and sitting in the more private area of the lounge.
Bucky fakes panic as he runs up to y/n's and Natasha's shared bedroom but before he could knock he literally runs into said redhead. Almost knocking her over. "Shit! Buck. Wheres the fire?" Nat asks. Rubbing her jaw where it hit Bucky's shoulder.
"N-nat? Listen. You need to come now" he says giving her no time to react. He explains the fake scenario about how he and y/n were talking about their pasts together and he said something that upset him and he thinks it may have triggered the ghost, y/n's KGB code name. Natasha turns pale and gasps. Aside from Dreykov, y/n was the most feared person/assassin within the KGB.
Running into the room ignoring Bucky's calls Natasha darts over to where your standing in the corner looking out of the window. You don't acknowledge her and continue your gazing as she comes and stands next to you. "Baby?" When she doesn't get a response she frowns and places her hand on your arm. "Y/n?" Grabbing her hand in a way he knows won't hurt he twists and gently slams her against the window. Glaring down at her he clenches his jaw. "Have you forgotten your place widow?"
Swallowing thickly she shakes her head and decides to go along with it. "N-no ghost. I apologise" Y/n almost blows the whole thing after seeing the fear in his wife's eyes. Clenching his jaw he moves away from her and looks down at his watch, keeping up the appearance. "It's 8:05 in the evening, you should be in bed" he says. His accent somehow stronger.
"y/n- s-sorry ghost. Listen to me. This isn't the red Room. This isn't the KGB. This isn't Russia. Not anymore. We're here in New York. Were avengers remember? We got married last year. Do you remember?" She asks, a tear threatening to fall. She takes another step closer but gasps loudly and freezes when y/n pulls out a gun faster than she can blink. He backs her up to the wall and keeps the gun aimed at her face.
"y-y/n. Please baby it's me. See me please" she whimpers and he smirks widely. Bucky standing there acting like he's ready to protect Nat.
"tell me. You like sucking don't you?" He smirks and Natasha frowns. "W-what-" before she can say anything else y/n pulls the trigger and Natasha flinches and lets out a loud whimper. When she hears Bucky's laugh she opens her eyes and sees a lollipop sticking in front of her face. "suck it" Y/n says with a wink. She slaps it out of his hand and then slaps him hard across the face.
He hisses and brings his hand up to his cheek, rubbing it and looking back at Natasha as she lunges at him and brings him into a kiss before punching him again.n
"ow ow! Okay okay. I'm sorry. I just had to get you back" he says with a grin and kisses all over her face.
"that was meannnn. I thought I was gonna die" she whines and before she can say anything else Y/n shoves the lollipop into her mouth.
"I'd never hurt you"
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i-just-like-goats · 3 years
Kunikida x Reader x Surprise Character (no gender specified) Angst
Summary: unrequited love, don’t we love it?
Warnings: none that I can think of
WC: 0.3k
Kunikida was not one to mix emotions with his work, but you made it so hard for him. Your cheery personality, soft expressions and diligence all attracted him to you. Despite you displaying the qualities he valued, he couldn’t pursue you.
“Good morning Kunikida!”
“Good morning Y/N,”
You walked into the elevator. Hand in hand with Dazai. He strained his smile as the bitter reality slapped him across the face. You were dating Dazai, and you seemed to be so happy with him. He could never have you. Even if by some miracle you parted ways with Dazai (not likely, considering you both truly loved each other), he still wouldn’t be able to bring himself to pursue you out of respect for his colleague.
Dazai was not blind to Kunikida’s affection. He used to often find himself clenching his jaw tighter or clenching his cup with a bit more pressure all while keeping a smile on his face whenever he saw you bonding with Kunikida. But, your assurance eased his jealousy, and he no longer felt that anger he used to feel. He trusted you and he trusted Kunikida. Dazai believed that the three of you were all mature enough to separate personal matters from work. You were all colleagues first and foremost. Even after coming to terms with it, there was still an awkward tension when it was just the three of you.
“I’ll see you later Kunikida! Dazai and I need to go submit some paperwork,”
“Did you end up having to write it yourself?”
“No. Dazai helped a lot. Surprisingly,”
“You both have such little faith in me,” Dazai said with a pout.
“Well, we’ll get going now,” you announced.
Kunikida waved as you walked with Dazai. Alone with his thoughts, his smile morphed into a sad frown. Despite his best efforts to rid himself of his feelings, seeing you with Dazai still squeezed his heart. But he could never pursue you. And he’d have to accept it.
A/N: I think my wheel is going through something.
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oro-e-diamanti · 3 years
The one with Victoria’s boobs
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Description | Victoria needs help taping her boobs for an upcoming performance. You get more than you bargained for.
Content | fluff
Pairing | Victoria x gn!Reader
Word Count | 2420
Some situations in life simply could not be dealt with without a strong cup of coffee. Heading out to an exam, waking up to a text from that ex who still grinds your gears, missing your train, and being late for work ... You, however, thought you were doing fine today, mood high and excited for the day ahead. You had slept in and left the hotel at a reasonable time. You’d do what you loved - make-up - and then watch the band play a kickass show. No additional kick needed to pump you up or help you deal with the hours ahead. You changed your mind the second you opened the dressing room door and came face to face with Victoria's tits. Actually - scratch that - you would need a drink to deal with this.
"Y/n! Finally! I need you, come here." While Victoria's face brightened up considerably as her eyes met yours, a smile spreading on her gorgeous lips, you could feel your cheeks heating up. She didn't seem to notice or mind, instead grabbing your hand and dragging you further into the room. Your bag slid off your shoulder, unceremoniously hitting the ground and staying there, forgotten and in the way. "If Damiano keeps ripping off the tape one more time to readjust, he's going to take my nipple off."
"Hey!" He objected. "I'm just trying to improve your boobs, lady!"
"You can't improve perfection, Damiano."
The bickering gave you a moment to evaluate the scene before you. The dressing room was a mess, clothes everywhere and a stylist bustling around, trying to keep the damage to a minimum. Ethan was currently admiring his reflection in the mirror, hands running through his hair, while Thomas kept rummaging around the chaos. And right before your eyes, Victoria, in satin trousers but topless, with Damiano still trying to fix the cross he had put across her left nipple, as Vic kept slapping his hand away.
"Honestly, babe, I need you," she pleaded as your eyes managed to remove themselves from her bare chest and met hers instead. "I can't do it myself because when I try to do it in the mirror it looks weird when I put my arms down. And Damiano just about managed one cross that doesn't look wonky as hell after about 43 attempts."
"I did not need 43 attempts! I was just trying to -"
"Stop it!" Vic slapped his hand away once more, harshly enough for the sound to echo. "Go gel your hair or something, I've got Y/n now."
"I'm your make-up artist, not -" You didn't quite know how to finish your sentence. You weren't what? Victoria's personal boob inspector? Professional nipple-taper?
"Exactly, which means you've got an eye for aesthetic, so please put this tape on me."
You couldn't refuse Vic either way. Not when she was staring at you with those impossibly blue eyes, silently begging for your help. With a sigh, you grabbed the tape out of her hand, slowly unrolling a bit. You had only known her for a little while, but well enough to be aware that she wouldn't back down. Vic was already reaching for a pair of scissors, but you were quicker, tearing the piece of tape off with your teeth.
"Sexy, but scary," Victoria concluded. "But mainly sexy."
You didn't have the mental capacity to deal with what she had just said. Actually, you didn't have the capacity to deal with what you were about to do, but that was a pill you'd simply have to swallow. You hoped your shaky fingers weren't giving you away, as you crouched to eye-level with Vic's boob.
You had never much thought about the feminine beauty of a naked woman's chest before, but your current angle was making you question all your past convictions.
Maybe you were into girls after all.
Maybe you were just into Victoria. It was a thought that had been lingering in the back of your mind for a while now.
As your fingers lightly touched her skin, careful to get the placement just right, she flinched. You looked up, gazes meeting, and for a second there was something in her eyes you couldn't quite pinpoint, but it was gone before you had a chance to reflect on it. Instead, she giggled, "It's way too hot for your hands to be this cold."
Way too hot indeed.
You tried to make quick work of the task ahead and not to stare at her breasts too intently. Not to touch her soft skin too obviously. Not to let your beating heart get the better of you.
"I knew you'd get it perfectly!" Victoria exclaimed, turning towards the mirror and examining her now partly covered boobs. "You just got that kind of eye, Y/n. Thank you so much."
She had thrown her arms around you before you could react. It shouldn't have come as much of a surprise, Vic always being a rather touchy person by nature, but this time she was half-naked, her chest pressed against your shirt. Your arms carefully wrapped around her back, briefly letting yourself enjoy the feeling of silk-like skin under your fingertips, then quickly letting go and taking a step back. Your heart had gone from beating to straight-up racing. You were in so much trouble.
"I'll just put on the rest of my outfit and then you can do my make-up, yeah?" Her eyes shone at you in gradients you hadn't seen before. All you could do was nod dumbly, knowing that nothing was ever going to be the same again.
You hadn't meant to go out drinking with the band, you really really hadn't, yet here you were, sitting in a dark corner of some trendy bar in the middle of Berlin, trying to duck out of every video they filmed for Instagram and sipping on your drink. The mood was euphoric and everyone kept singing along to the songs playing in the background, but you kept to yourself. Your mind was still spinning with images of Victoria, memories of her skin on yours, and the fact that she was standing in front of you right now didn’t help. She was beauty personified.
“Y/n! Dance with me!” Victoria pulled you out of my thoughts as she pulled you up into a standing position.
“Vic, no one is dancing in this bar.”
She had never been much impressed with what other people were doing. You quickly downed the rest of your drink, handing the glass to Damiano, who sent you a conspicuous wink. Whatever that was supposed to mean. You were still standing a little awkwardly when Victoria took your hand and twirled you around, a heavy slap to the bum hitting you while your back was towards her.
“Come on, Y/n, let loose!”
The shock of her actions only lasted a split second, before you broke out into giggles and let her pull you further into her. Her arms wrapped around your neck, trying to move you to a beat that was much too fast to be this close and entangled. You didn’t mind. Hell, you decided, you would never mind anything she did to you ever again. You didn’t even take notice of Damiano, Ethan, and Thomas dancing along around you, too focused on the way Vic was holding you and pressing you against herself. You couldn’t tell anymore if the elation you were feeling was because of the drink you’ve had or because she was looking at you the way she was. In the heat of the moment, you pushed a strand of her from her face, fingers lightly trailing along her cheek. Her mouth was on yours in an instant, pressing a bold kiss against your lips, but it was over before it started and suddenly her body wasn’t pushed up against yours anymore and you felt lost and cold. Victoria was now slinging her arms around Thomas’ neck instead, leaving a similar kiss on him, before giving Ethan and Damiano the same treatment.
Your heart couldn’t decide if it wanted to keep beating or start breaking.
The next days were pure torture. It didn’t help that Victoria had developed a newfound love for going bra-less - and an appreciation for you taping her up. Her behaviour wasn’t much better. You bent over to pick something up? Slap on the butt. She walked by you? No way she wasn’t going to brush past you in some way. Sitting on the couch? She was cuddled up to you in a heartbeat, face mushed into your neck, her breath softly tickling your skin.
Pure torture.
It all came crashing down the night Victoria decided to shake up the hotel room arrangement. She would usually room with Damiano, while you shared with other members of the team that worked behind the scenes. Until you were all gathered in the lobby of your hotel for the night and she loudly announced she was sick of listening to Damiano snore every night - “What the hell, I’ve never snored in my life?!” - and instead was going to sleep with you. Sleep with you. You didn’t miss the looks and snickers of the others as she phrased it exactly like that.
You didn’t have a choice, really. You simply weren’t the type of person to protest - and Vic knew. So you followed her up in the elevator, down the corridor, and into the room like a lovesick puppy, internally debating whether you were dreading this or looking forward to it. As soon as you had both dropped your luggage, she disappeared into the bathroom without another word. You didn’t miss the fact that she did not even attempt to close the door.
Two single beds. You breathed a sigh of relief. No awkward there-was-only-one-bed situation. Or maybe you felt a bit of disappointment. Maybe- No. This needed to stop. You were going crazy. You were supposed to do a job on this promo tour, be professional, maybe make friends with the band if you were lucky, but instead, you were falling deeper and deeper and it all ended with the fact that you had never felt this way about anyone else. It pained you to think that Victoria wasn’t feeling the same. And she definitely wasn’t - you were sure of that. She was a flirty person, she liked to touch and kiss those around her, but none of it went deeper than that. And you were going to have to accept it for what it was.
You were still in the middle of convincing yourself of not feeling anything more than friendship for Victoria when she emerged from the bathroom. Wearing nothing but a pair of panties. It was in that moment you knew you would never get over her.
“VIc, you need to stop doing this.”
Her face fell immediately, going from overly cheeky - which seemed to be her default expression these days - to genuinely concerned. Concerned, and confused. She was by your side in an instant, holding you by your upper arms, seemingly searching your face for answers.
“Do what?”
The direct question was filled with a softness that almost brought tears to your eyes. For a second you contemplated taking it back, changing the topic, and ignoring how emotionally draining the past days had been, but one look into her eyes told you that you needed to be honest with her. Now or never.
“You need to stop touching me. You need to stop riling me up at every opportunity, you need to stop teasing me and brushing up against me because-” The words seemed trapped in your throat. Victoria had moved away, immediately adhering to your request to stop touching you and you hated it. You wanted her hands back on you, you wanted all of her on you. One more deep breath. “Because I cannot stop thinking about kissing you. And I’m not talking about a little friendly peck. I’m talking about kissing the ever-loving shit out of you now and forever.”
It happened so fast. Victoria was on you before you had even finished your last words, lips pressed to yours in a heated and hurried manner, arms wrapping around you to press her body against yours. You reacted as if on autopilot, as if your body knew what to do simply because it had been waiting for it. Your hands tangled themselves in her hair as you responded eagerly to her kiss, before running them down her cheeks and to her neck.
This was nothing like the time she kissed you in the bar in Berlin. That time didn’t even come close to what was happening now. If your heart had been beating before, it was pounding out of your chest now. You thought that for as long as she promised to put her mouth on yours anytime you asked, you would be invincible.
The kiss ended rather slowly. A few pecks and staying close, breath fanning on each other’s faces, eyes still shut for a while until you two managed to separate. Victoria’s smirk was back, tenfold and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Imagined anything like that?”
“You know I did,” you admitted, feeling slightly shy all of a sudden.
“Honestly, though,” Vic said, brushing your hair from your face in the most tender motion. “I’m sorry I put you in a weird position. I think my way of flirting just didn’t work on you.”
“Oh, it worked alright,” you laughed. “I just wasn’t sure you meant it that way. Especially when you kissed me that night and then proceeded to kiss everyone.”
“Yeah, that wasn’t clever. I think I was just scared because you didn’t react so I tried to play it off.”
Victoria pushed another kiss onto your lips, sweet and short and full of reassurance, then promptly hugging you with a force that sent both of you tumbling onto one of the beds. Laughing with all your heart, you pushed her off you but made sure she never strayed too far. You couldn’t help but be amused at the state you were both in, faces heated up and giggly, you fully clothed while Victoria was still lounging in nothing but a pair of black panties.
“For God’s sake, Victoria put some clothes on,” you mocked her, even though you both knew there was no reason for you to mind it anymore.
“You know, I think it’s quite fitting,” she contemplated instead. “It started and ended with my boobs out.”
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imaginesbymonika · 2 years
Confessional Cam
Chapter 5
Pairing: Chris Pontius × fem!Reader
Plot: Y/N and Chris have been hooking up with each other for months now. And the young woman was convinced that they both weren't catching feelings until a confession caught on tape changes everything.
Warnings: Swearing, angst
masterlist | previous chapter
song to listen to while reading
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When Johnny opens up his room they are greeted by darkness and silence. With one sudden motion he turns on the lights: "See, you assholes, we went up here for no reason." He walks into the bedroom and opens up the large closet, while Ryan lowers himself to the floor to peek under the bed.
“No one is in here.”
Bam sighs and nods: "Yeah, you're right." "Also, do you really believe that I would keep the tapes in my room? I make those confessions as well, I don't even trust myself that much." Laughter escapes Ryan’s lips before the three men leave the room again.
“These two would be stupid if they actually thought it would be that easy.”
Y/N concentrates on Chris' low breathing while they both sit in the dark bathroom. The tub underneath her is hard and cold and she wants to reach out to him as they listen to how the voices of their friends become more hushed with each second that passes. Her hand glides over the polished surface. But she stops herself before she can get anywhere near him.
She wants to apologize for what she let out in the elevator. She wants to tell him how she believes that wherever he happens to be might just be the coolest place in the world. But she doesn't. Instead, she hears how Chris gradually gets up. And when he turns on the light he holds out his hand for her to grab, but she simply shakes her head and stands up by herself.
"Well.", he declares and an unhappy look arises on his face: "I'm fucked." And Y/N chuckles softly: "Me too." He joins her and for a second both of them are giggling. He clears his throat: "I know, we never put a time limit on our sex thing, but-.", he hesitates and looks at her the way he did in the mirror: "I know that this is going to sound super creepy, but can I just... for a moment... look at you?"
Y/N nods softly and he understands that there is nothing humorous about their situation. They both knew that this was the end of it. Then he looks at her. Really looks at her. As if her skin was translucent and he could observe the very core of her entity, maybe even go over her thoughts. But Y/N recognizes he cannot do that, otherwise, he would kiss her.
They both held hands during the elevator ride back to the lobby.
"There you two are.", Johnny announces as Y/N and Chris walked back into the hotel bar. She furrows her forehead at which the older man just laughs: "Ryan and Bam over here we’re convinced that you two were trying to destroy the tapes.” At that Chris only laughs and slaps the back of Ryan’s head as he walks past him, making everyone at the table laugh:” You’re so stupid.”
And for a moment it’s as if nothing had happened. “Bam.”, Jason declares :” Do what you promised us you would do.” Bam merely sighs and runs a hand down his face before he looks back up at Y/N:” I wanted to apologize.” The young woman smiles and nods. “And whatever’s on those tapes is most likely not even half as bad as some of the stuff Steve-O said.” “I agree.”, Steveo says and everyone proceeds to chuckle. But deep down Y/N doesn’t want to, all she craves is to hide out in her room.
“Guys.”, she says after a moment and crosses her arms in front of her chest:” I am feeling pretty exhausted, so I am probably going to catch some sleep before tomorrow.” Johnny only nods:” Don’t forget to set the alarm for 4, we need to catch the 6 am flight.” She instantly walks out of the room, not looking back.
Chris watches her leave. This didn’t feel right. Nothing about the last couple of months felt right…besides her, of course.
As soon as Y/N reaches her hotel room the tears start to drop from her eyes. And heavy sobs leave her throat. All she could think about was how she was most likely going to lose her friendship with Chris over that fucking tape. So without really thinking about it she walks back out of her room and down the hallway, she hastily takes a keycard out of her pocket and opens up room 587:
The confessions room.
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yyeonjvn · 2 years
airplane seats pt.2
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pairing: choi beomgyu x reader genre: fluff
weeks had past since your last encounter with beomgyu. it would be lie if you said you didn't think of him at all. he was somehow always at the back of your mind. it sucked a bit realising you might never meet him again.
"excuse me,the members have arrived." a staff informed.
'ah,yes, the boy band.' you thought to yourself. a boy band was to stay at the hotel you were working at and as the hotel manager, you were expected to welcome them properly.
"everything is set, right?"
"yes, absolutely." you nodded and headed for the entrance where they were to be.
the four members were standing with thier manager. 'wait, didn't they inform me that there are five members?' you wondered.
greetings were exchanged, the members were polite and seemed like good persons. the staffs helped them to their rooms.the manager informed that something important came and the fifth member couldn't arrive at time but he would soon.
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almost forty-five minutes passed waiting for the fifth member. you almost told the a staff to cater to them when he arrived. and boy, were you shocked. you froze for a moment and blinked several times to make sure your eyes werent playing tricks with you. the same could be said for him, he looked shocked.
"you are in a boyband?" he couldn't stop himself from laughing seeing your confused face.
"yes, i am,"he answered between his laughs.
"you didn't tell you are in boyband."
"you didn't tell me you work here either."
"true that, now let's get you to your room."
"so what's your plan?"
"huh?what plan?"
"we meet again, y/n. what's your plan?"he neared his face to yours.
butterflies erupted in your stomach at his actions. your mind was flooded with hundreds of thoughts and you couldn't form a comprehensible sentence. so you kept quiet or you would be more embarassed from stuttering.
"what happened? you were really bold last time." he grinned with mocking raised eyebrows.
"it's nothing like that." you finally said, but it sounded too strained.
"you are cute when you are flustered." he squished your cheeks. you groaned and slapped his hands away. he only found your reactions more adorable.
the elevator made a noise indicating that you reached their floor. two of you stepped out of the elevator, he dragged his suitcase across the floor as you led him to his designated room.
"hope you have a great stay, i will go now." you announced as he settled in his room.
"wait, are you free on saturday?"
"yeah, why?"
"meet me at 5 at the flower shop."he grinned widely and closed the door waving his hands.
'he didn't even ask if i wanted to meet him. wait, he didn't specify which flower shop. well, there's one opposite to our hotel. oh my god! is this a date?' you thought.
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"you are late," you spoke as soon as he entered the shop.
"i am not, you are early," he said matter of factly.
"great start, isn't it?" you smiled sarcastically.
"let's start again. good evening y/n! you look fine as fuck," the regret you felt at that moment was immense. ears were red in colour as you tried to act normal ,keyword: tried.
"you don't look bad yourself,"you replied.
"i know,i know. anyways, what's your favourite flower?"
"guess it."
he extended his left hand and looked at you,"wanna hold hands?"
you held his hand in yours and spent that evening walking around the city, not doing anything specifically but wholly enjoyed the time spent with him. it was getting late so you bid each other goodbye and parted ways.
the next morning you arrived at your office and saw a bouquet of tulips with a small note that read 'not really sure if daffodils are your favourite, but i like what it symbolises' with a heart. it was almost like he plastered a smile on your face with his own hands, you couldn't stop smiling the whole day.
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find out what daffodils symbolises, it makes it even cuter😔❤️‍🩹
those who asked for pt.2 -> @fairyofshampgyu @loveliestfelix
edit: i have moved to @hearts4choi everyone!
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