#and get some mini m&ms 😂😂😂
rosicheeks · 1 year
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katyaromanoffpetrova · 5 months
Murderwives favourite snacks? (Besides each other of course). Because somehow, the image of Kat snacking on a mini packet of m&ms whilst on a stakeout mission is so funny to me and I just know Nat would get so mad about the package rustling 😭
First of all, 🚨🚨
Second, I feel like Kat would love chocolate bc she's an emotional eater. She's sad? Chocolate. She's anxious? Chocolate.
I feel like Nat lean more towards old person flavors/candy. Idk why but I can see her enjoy some toffee 😂
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I am loving this Redacted match-up idea. So here goes mine! 😃
• The song my brain’s latched onto right now is “Make Me Cry” by Jacob Collier. The vibes are so perfect. It’s so mellow, and his voice is so freaking comforting. Like…smooth, thick hot chocolate or something. If that even makes sense XD
• I…have no idea what my Ennegram type is. But I’ll totally tell you some other things! I’m a Libra, a Hufflepuff, and last time I checked, my Myers-Briggs type is INFJ? But don’t quote me on that. XD
• Alas, I don’t think I’ve got enough of an attention span to sit through a video essay 😅
• I never really had an imaginary friend as a kid, tbh 🤔
• “Flirty Vampire Boyfriend Helps You Sleep” knocks me out almost every time I listen. So, most nights, it’s that video.
• If I had to change my name, I’d probably change it to Grace. (That’s what it would have been if I wasn’t the name my parents *did* decide to give me)
• Man, that’s a hard question! Buuuut I gotta say, every time I think of my favorite Redacted vids, Vincent’s third video (the one where he “loses control” with Lovely) comes to mind. I might be biased though, because Vincent was my introduction to the channel, but it’s such a good one! The drama. 😍 I freaking love it. We’re not gonna talk about Adam, though, because he terrifies me. XD
• Honestly? I don’t get the hype around David. Maybe it’s just the fact that I’m not a huge fan of Tsunderes (which is funny to me, because I love Aaron) and that I prefer vampires to werewolves anyway, but I dunno. He’s just not my cup of tea.
• I could quote Avatar: The Last Airbender all day long. Don’t even get me started. XD SECRET, SECRET, SECRET, SECRET TUNNEEEEEEELLLLL!
• I want Elliott as a BFF, please and thank you. 🥺
• I wouldn’t say I ramble about this when I’m tired, but if someone else shares the interest too, I’ll talk about musicals for forever.
• Well..I don’t drive, so I don’t really visit many gas stations. XD But my combo would probably be a bottle of water and a bag of mini M&Ms.
• It’s actually a Spotify playlist that my best friend and I made for one of my OCs. 🥰
• This is embarrassing to admit, but I still watch stuff that’s “for kids” from time to time. Barbie movies, Strawberry Shortcake, Sofia the First, pretty much any “girly” show that’s made for someone way younger than 24? I love it. 😊 (It’s probably a comfort thing, now that I think about it)
• Let’s see… Other fun facts 🤔. I’m the “youngest” of four (by like, five minutes, so I don’t know if that really means anything), and if you couldn’t tell from this ask, I use emojis up the butt, and am a total stickler for proper grammar. 😂
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Oh, so I’ve actually thought about this- you know who’d pair wonderfully with someone from a big family? Huxley with his gorgeous, friendly nature and open heart.
He’s just so natural to love and get along with, so easy-going and charming. Our favorite earth elemental would be so mind-boggled by all your siblings but also delighted, just like your family would delight in him and how well-suited the two of you are together-
-and the two of you are so cute together. Huxley has this steady, reliable nature while also being fun and silly and light. I can totally see him genuinely enjoying all the things you do, even the shows for little girls that you’d be initially embarrassed for him to see you watching. No one is immune to the power of Barbie Nutcracker, and Huxley is no exception. He is ready with popcorn, a cozy blanket, and open arms for a movie night.
Earth angel, Earth angel, the one I adore/ Love you forever, and ever more./ I'm just a fool, a fool in love with you.
So this works on 3, count ‘em, THREE levels. One! Earth Angel for an earth elemental? I am a fucking genius. Two. I love the fun, dreamy, romantic vibe for Huxley; it strikes me as something he likes because he heard his moms listen to it. Three. I will seize any and all opportunities to plug a musical, and the Back to the Future musical is so FUN.
Guy is an easy-peasy runner up, because I love to pair musical theater babes together. (I was so sure that was his major before we learned it was creative writing.) I also love Ollie for you, because (fuck JK Rowling and all she stands for but) we love to pair a Hufflepuff with a Hufflepuff.
Note: highly recommend the Back to the Future musical which is rumored to make its Broadway debut soon, it’s very true to the vibes of the movie 🌈
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! ��
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rosicheeks · 1 year
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