#I want mini m&ms
rosicheeks · 1 year
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kurtbrussels · 1 year
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would you still love me if i ate a stick of JB TankWeld Fuel Resistant Epoxy Putty
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hollowsart · 11 months
this is unrelated to everything but the most delicious forbidden candy snack is Desert Rose Selenite.
that crystal looks like chocolate.
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kawaiichibiart · 6 months
Literally can't believe I opened my fridge and saw some YoCrunch yogurt. The yogurt wasn't the surprise.
The single fucking M&M was.
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This is sealed. I checked. In my mind I was like, "how the fuck did this get a single M&M???"
And then I realize....I can lift the fucking top of the plastic container!!!
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😭😭😭 they must of fucking fallen out-
I didn't even buy these, either my mom or my brother did, they're in charge of the groceries, I only ever go if I need or want something very specific (or if my mom asks me to get something she needs/forgot to buy/didn't realize we ran out of).
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saintslaughter-a · 1 year
I just know the second i go upstairs that my Amazon package is gonna arrive and I'll have to get up so it doesnt get fucking stolen
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tummywrites · 3 months
a nutty summertime "snack" for the calorie-addicted cows 🥜🐮
as if over 9000 calorie desserts weren't enough for you fatties, I have another recipe designed to widen that waist and pack your belly full of caloric, sinful sweets.
first, you have to get off your fatass and go to the store (or, have your groceries delivered, to save yourself some energy) and get the following ingredients.
1 pack of mega stuffed oreos (2520 calories)
1/2 cup of butter (800 calories)
24oz of cream cheese (2160 calories)
1 1/12 cup of powdered sugar (720 calories)
2 jars of peanut butter (or more, depending on how peanut-buttery you wanna go) (5320 calories)
3/4 cup of sour cream (if you want the cheesecake to have a little tang, but if not, do vanilla greek yogurt) (360 calories)
2 cups of chocolate chips (or more, again, your preference) (3520 calories)
1 cup of heavy whipping cream (800 calories)
1 family sized bag of reese's mini peanut butter cups (or more, again, your choice, fatty) (5070 calories)
this comes out to a disgusting, humiliating, repulsive 21,270 calories if you're so out of control that you can't help yourself, and stuff your fat face with every morsel of this cheesecake in one sitting.
I know you can't resist that type of gluttony, so here's how to make this sin:
listen to mommy carefully, okay?
first: make the crust
crush up the oreos to make the crust, either by hand or using a food processor until the oreos form a fine crumb texture. combine this with the 1/2 cup/8 tbsp melted butter. (if you want thicker crust, double this part. also adds an extra 3,320 calories) press this mix into the bottom of a pan that can be opened, like a springform pan. make sure you press it onto the side of the pan about 1/2-1 inch up, to add that delicious crust for the cheesecake. cover this and chill while you continue to the next step.
second: make the filling
get two bowls--in one, pour 1 cup of heavy whipping cream into the bowl and beat until the whipping cream forms stiff peaks. then, in the second bowl, beat the 24oz of cream cheese for 2-3 minutes on med/high, then beat in the 1 1/2 cups of powdered sugar until the mixture is smooth. at this point, make sure you add in your 2 jars of peanut butter, 3/4 cups of sour cream, and 1 tsp of vanilla extract and continue to beat the mixture until it is completely smooth. then, fold in the whipped heavy cream, some chopped up peanut butter cups and chopped up chocolate chips. (for extra calories, add chopped up peanuts as well.) spread this over the crust and place in the fridge for 4 hours, or until the cheesecake has gotten firm.
third: make the chocolate topping
grab yourself a bowl that can be microwaved, then pour 1 cup of heavy whipping cream into the bowl and place into the microwave for 30 seconds at a time, until the whipping cream has just begun to simmer. once it has reached this point, pour the whipping cream over chocolate chips, at least 1 bag. make sure these chocolate chips have been chopped up, so they will melt properly. after the mixture has set for a minute or two, whisk it together to ensure it is completely melted. let the mixture sit and cool for 5 to 10 minutes, and then pour the mixture over the chilled cheesecake and place back in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
once it's set...
garnish with the rest of your peanut butter cups, chocolate chips, and, for extra calories, consider adding the following:
whipped cream
chocolate drizzle
caramel drizzle
mini m&ms
remember, a moment on the lips is a lifetime on your hips, so savor every bite because it'll be with you for the rest of your life.
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a/n: a little festive mat fic! written fairly quickly and minimally edited, but i wanted to get something out for the holiday! not too much more to say except i hope you guys all have a wonderful holiday and i’ll be quiet for the rest of the year, writing and stockpiling fics lol
word count: 4.8k
tw: a little innuendo, nothing crazy
summary: after spending the day hanging out with the team, you have some news for mat
“The snow was a nice touch,” you grin at Holly Horvat. A light dusting of snow is falling outside, the grass in the Horvats’ backyard already white.
Holly laughs, “oh, you know me. I have a connect to make sure even the weather is perfect for our events.” She pours M&Ms into a few small ramekins that are going to be placed around the kitchen island and dining room table where the kids will be decorating gingerbread houses.
The house is bustling with people and noise and you can’t help but love it. You miss having huge family gatherings, ever since your parents moved off Long Island and down south. The rest of your family is scattered to the winds, so it’s nice to be folded into the big team family get togethers. Joining a group of women who love any excuse to throw a party has been one of the biggest benefits from your relationship with Mat.
Half a dozen kids run past you - you spot the Bailey boys and Brock’s two oldest kids in the group as they blur by - holding jackets and their sneakers. “Mini sticks is getting moved outside,” Noah grins as he breezes past you, swiping a handful of M&Ms from the little bowl.
“Stay warm,” you tease, watching him follow the kids out the back door. A parade of adult men follow him - Wahlly, Casey, Josh, Brock, and finally Mat, who stops to give your waist a little squeeze.
“Kiss for luck?” He asks, puckering his lips at you in a dramatic duck face. You giggle and plant one on him, pulling back before he can slip his tongue past your lips.
Mat leans slightly against you, his face a little flushed already from the twenty minutes of mini sticks that’s been going on in the basement. “What do you need luck for?” You ask, carding your fingers through his hair.
“Jacky’s got a wicked wrister,” Mat grins, referring to Casey’s oldest, “and no idea how to aim. Do you know how many pucks to the head I’ve dodged?”
A snort of laughter makes Mat’s lips turn down in a frown. “Oh, I guess you just don’t care about my health,” he sighs dramatically, pulling away from your side. “It’s fine. I’ll take a slap shot to the head and then you’ll see how much you miss my charming personality.”
“Dramatics,” you murmur affectionately, hooking your fingers in his belt loops. “He’s five and you guys use a Nerf ball. I think you’ll live.”
“Maaaat!” Jack comes barreling through the room and crashes into your fiancé’s legs. “C’mon! Everybody’s outside.” The little boy looks adorable in his puffer coat, a little beanie pulled haphazardly over his blonde hair. He wrinkles his face up at Mat in an impatient frown and you can’t help but egg him on.
“Yeah, Mat,” you prod him in the side, looking innocent, “everyone’s outside already.”
He rolls his eyes at you, but grins down at Jack and swoops him into his arms, making Jack shriek with laughter. You prop your chin in the palm of your hand and watch Mat tickle Jack’s belly while he carries him outside. Jack’s little sneakered feet are kicking in the air, narrowly avoiding Mat’s head.
“He’s really good with the kids,” Kristy Cizikas comments, coming into the kitchen with baby Cole propped on her hip.
You scrunch up your face at Cole to make him laugh, “it’s because he’s a big kid himself, right Coley? Huh? Is Matty a big kid?” You giggle at your own baby talk and warmth blooms in your chest when you’re rewarded with a gummy baby smile. “Ooh, you make cute babies,” you tell Kristy.
She shakes her head affectionately, “I swear, they’re all Casey. It’s like my genes didn’t even try.”
“Hey, in like six months you and Mat can start catching up to the rest of us,” Sydney Martin teases, easily passing Alice to you when you reach out for the one-year-old. Alice immediately grabs a chunk of your hair and you wince, untangling chubby fingers from the strands.
You hum noncommittally as you work. “We’ll see what happens,” you shrug. “Might be nice to just be the two of us for a bit.”
“But don’t you want that all the time?” Syd laughs, gesturing to you now that Alice’s fingers are hooked in your mouth. You pretend to nibble on them, making her shriek with laughter. She finishes helping Holly set out the candy, knowing the rest of the kids will start wandering their way into the kitchen.
“One day, definitely,” you nod, settling Alice more securely on your lap, one arm looped around her stomach. The little girl slaps her palms happily on the countertop and you giggle, resting your chin on her head. “No rush though.”
As you settle at the table with the kids, the other guys trail in and out of the backyard, the noise of mini sticks floating inside.
You get to be in charge of Alice during decorating, sitting in between Syd with Winnie and Ashlee with Luca while the kids decorate their pre-made houses. You squirt a line of frosting onto the roof and Alice uses her little pincer grip to place M&Ms on the line. “Oh, good job,” you tell her in a bright, encouraging voice. She rewards you with a half melted piece of candy smushed against your cheek.
“Mommy,” Winnie’s little voice pipes up, “Ali’s makin’ a mess.”
“So are you, Win,” Sydney laughs, wiping up a smudge of frosting off of Winnie’s sweater. “Everyone is going to make a little bit of a mess and that’s okay.”
From your spot at the island, you can see right out the back door and you watch the mini sticks tournament that’s happening. Kids versus adults and honestly, it looks like the adults are having a rough go of it. Mat’s on the ground, a pile of children fighting him. Whally has Cal’s oldest on his shoulders and you honestly wonder how that ended up happening. Sticks have been discarded and the Nerf pucks are strewn around. You watch Casey pull Jack out of the pile on top of Mat, his little arms and legs kicking. From the ground, Mat jokingly sticks his tongue out at Jack and you shake your head. Of course he has beef with a five-year-old.
Bo and Gunnar join the fun outside and Mat slaps the little boy’s hand in a high-five. Your stomach swoops a little. It’s always such a turn-on when Mat interacts with kids, but it’s a little different now.
Alice pats your hand and grumbles a little. “Whoops, sorry, Al,” you squeeze more frosting onto the house for her to decorate.
“Distracted?” Ashlee asks, pulling Luca’s frosting covered hand away from his hair. She wipes his fingers off with a napkin and gives him a pretzel to stick onto his little house. She pops another pretzel into her own mouth.
You hum. “Just making sure he’s not being totally steamrolled by a pack of kids,” you laugh lightly. While Alice works on the roof of her house, you put a few Starburts in place to act as a little pathway going to the door.
In the backyard, Mat stands up, Mack and Wyatt Bailey hanging from each arm. He shakes them gently and you can see both boys’ heads fall back with wild laughter. Meg looks up from where she’s helping Blake with a pattern of Smarties on her roof. “Honestly, if he wasn’t busy with, you know, his actual job,” she laughs, “I’d hire him as a babysitter. The kids loved when he lived with us.”
The entire kitchen of women laugh when the back door slides open and Mat steps back inside, shaking melted snow from his short hair. He stops and looks up, scanning the room full of laughing women. “What?” He asks, eyebrows drawn together. “I interrupt something? Want me to leave so you ladies can keep talking about me?” He laughs brightly, flashing his teeth.
“You can stay,” you offer generously, tilting your head up as he passes for a kiss. Mat’s hand is freezing when it cups your jaw and you flinch a little. He mumbles a ‘sorry’ against your lips before kissing them. When he pulls away, to a soundtrack of ‘awww’s from the women and a joking ‘get a room’ from Sydney, you continue, “but you have to take orders from toddlers, if you do.”
“Like I’m not already doing that,” he laughs, swiping a thumb over your cheekbone and sucking it into his mouth. “Frosting,” he explains, smirking. Your cheeks flush.
Winnie stands up on her chair and leans into you, poking at your cheek with her fingers. “Red, I wanna be red!” She bounces a little and looks over at Mat who scrunches up his whole face at her and tickles her sides, making her shriek with laughter and flop back into Sydney’s arms.
Sydney laughs and tickles Winnie’s side, “girlfriend, you’re collecting boyfriends around here like they’re Pokémon cards.”
Satisfied by the chaos he caused, Mat backs into the hallway, explaining, “I was sent to get more jackets and gloves and sh-stuff,” he course-corrects before letting the curse slip. “It’s freezing out there.”
He’s gone, rummaging through the massive hall closet, before reappearing wearing his own coat and holding an armful of the other guys’ outerwear.
“Who’s winning?” Holly teases, while you all watch Mat struggle to pull a beanie on without dropping anything. He fails spectacularly and gives up when he realizes that everything’s slowly falling to the floor.
Mat scoffs. “The kids, obviously. They’re unhinged,” he grins widely and you can tell he’s having a blast. There’s a chorus of his name being shouted from outside and Mat scoops up the dropped outerwear before dashing off to rejoin the fun.
Sydney leans in and nudges your side gently. “He’s going to be a great dad,” she whispers, smiling knowingly.
You chew at the inside of your cheek and manage a barely convincing smile. “One day, definitely,” you reply, holding an Oreo for Alice to chew at.
She shoots you a little side eyed look and you studiously ignore her, focusing on telling Reese Cizikas how great her house looks. Things start to get messy - well, messier - after a while and the kids get antsy until they’re turned loose from the table to run off around the house. While you clean up the candy, the guys come back inside with the older kids and you can’t help but laugh at how the three youngest men, including your fiancé, have kids hanging off of them.
“If you kids let go of the guys,” Holly says warmly, “I’ll pass around some hot chocolate.”
It’s a mad scramble for the kids to abandon Mat, Noah, and Oliver - and they actually look mildly offended when the kids just toss their jackets back at them in their dash for hot chocolate. You take some of the gear from Mat and lean up on your toes to kiss his cheek, “don’t look so sad, you can have another play date with your friends soon.”
“Menace,” Mat grins, reaching around to pinch at your ass.
“I’ll text Kristy,” you giggle, continuing the joke, “Jack can come over and beat you at mini sticks again.”
“I’m gonna toss your phone into the ocean,” Mat deadpans.
You lower your voice and lean closer to him to whisper, “how will I send all those pictures you like?”
“You can keep the phone,” Mat replies immediately and you laugh, tugging at the open edges of his jacket. He pulls you close and you wrap one arm around his waist, his body warm even though his hands and face are cold. You bury your face in his chest and stifle a yawn. Mat’s hand is warming your back where he rubs it up and down your spine. “Still feeling gross after that bug?”
“Not gross,” you tilt your head to look up at him, still cuddled against his chest, “just tired. Haven’t been sleeping well.”
“We can head home, if you want,” Mat offers, but you shake your head again. You like it when the whole group is together and you want to keep enjoying the time with your friends.
You pull back slightly from Mat’s arms, his hands still resting on your back. “I just need a little bit of sugar and I’ll be good to go,” you smile at him. His eyes twinkle before he leans down and plants a smacking, dramatic kiss on your lips.
“Good to go?” He teases when he pulls back.
“Not that kind of sugar,” you giggle, delighted by him always.
“You guys are disgustingly cute,” Ashlee says, breaking into the Mat Barzal bubble that you’ve been enveloped in for the last few minutes. You startle a little and some of the other wives laugh.
“Oh god, she forgot we’re even here,” Sydney shakes her head, an exaggerated frown on her lips.
Meg smirks, “thank god we interrupted them before it went too far.”
Your cheeks are warm from the teasing and Mat just turns on the charm, grinning widely at his teammates’ wives. “It’s all part of the Barzal charm,” he wiggles his eyebrows.
“What charm?” Bo chirps, coming into the kitchen with Tulsa on his hip. “All you’re good at is league mandated iPad time.”
“Don’t forget all the time he spends sitting on his ass on the ice,” Noah grins wickedly.
“Tell us,” Casey asks you, “is it part of his charm when he messes up common sayings?”
You giggle, sucking your lips into your mouth when Mat glares down at you.
“You guys suck,” Mat flips them off, immediately apologizing when he realizes some of the kids are still in the room. “Sorry, Holly, Meg.”
They waive off his apologies, sending him into the den with a tray of snacks for the kids. They’re watching a movie, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer if the familiar music is to be believed, and you know half the dads are also in the den, napping on the couches. Mat disappears for a while too and you leave him to the movie, knowing he’s exhausted. You get to hang out with the girls for a few more hours, interspersed with hugs and drawings from Gunnar and Winnie, before the party starts to break up.
Everyone’s gone slowly and then all at once, and you and Mat are walking the three blocks towards your house. He bumps your hip with his as you walk, his fingers laced with yours. “You coming to the game tomorrow?” He asks, getting a sense of what the week ahead will look like.
“Mhm,” you hum, “I’m going to go with Syd, so I’m not sure if I’ll end up staying the whole game. So make sure you do all the good stuff in the first.”
Mat bumps your hip again and you laugh, the sound echoing in the cold air. “I save all my best stuff for you,” he retorts, unlocking the front door and letting you step inside before him. He winks at you, his entire face scrunching up in his terrible attempt.
You scoff at him and flip the switches to turn on the Christmas lights, bathing the whole house in the warm glow of multi-colored string lights. You sigh happily, loving the over the top decorations you’d insisted on and the way the entire house smells like pine and cinnamon from diffusers and candles left open but unlit. Mat crowds your space and kisses the back of your neck.
“Couch time?” He mumbles against your skin.
“Couch time,” you agree, muffling another yawn.
You race to the bedroom, changing out of your clothes as quick as possible to get into comfy sweats and sweatshirts. Mat tosses a pillow at your face to distract you, but you swat it out of the air, nearly getting your foot stuck in the leg of your sweats.
“You like when I’m a weighted blanket,” Mat says, voice muffled by the sweatshirt he’s pulling over his head. “Why are you racing me to be on top?”
You don’t waste time pulling on your sweatshirt in the room and instead dart back out to the hallway and skip down the stairs, flopping onto the couch in just your sweats, completely topless. Mat’s hot on your heels and grumbles when he sees you yanking the fabric over your head. Smugly, you reply, “I don’t wanna be squished today. I want to use you as a body pillow.”
He submits to his fate and flops down onto the couch, oversized enough that the two of you could lay side by side and be comfortable, and opens his arms for you to crawl onto his chest. The both of you love the soft pressure of the other person laying on top of them so you’ve had to come up with a contest over the course of your relationship - first person on the couch gets to be on top. More often than not, you end up sprawled over Mat since it’s an easy way to transition into couch sex.
Now, you’re so tired you definitely will be keeping all of your clothes on. But you hum happily when you settle on top of him, your knees tucked nicely against either side of his hips, straddling his lap. When you curl up against his chest, your lower back stretches pleasantly and you wiggle a little, wrapping your arms around his torso and tucking your head under his chin. Mat’s arms wrap around you, one hand covering the back of your head so his fingertips can stroke against the shell of your ear.
He pulls the decorative blanket off the back of the couch with his other hand and arranges it over your bodies, making sure his feet stick out on the end so he doesn’t overheat. “You good?” He asks, his jaw bumping against the top of your head when he speaks. You nod against him and close your eyes, settling into his warmth. Mat turns on the TV, flipping it to ESPN before letting his hand rest low on the curve of your back, fingers grazing the top of your ass.
Mat’s heart beats steadily under your cheek and his hand is warm where it rests on your head. Couch time is exactly what you needed today. Your eyelids flutter shut every so often and you must fall asleep for a little nap because the next thing you know, it’s darker outside and Mat is running his thumb over your cheekbone.
“Hey,” he whispers and you lift your head to look at him blearily, momentarily confused.
“Hi,” you mumble sleepily, brushing your nose against his chin. “What time’s it?”
“Just after 4:30,” he replies and now the TV’s playing a rerun of The Office. He chuckles at a joke and rubs his fingertips against your scalp in a little massage. “You’ve been out for like forty-five minutes and I would’ve let you sleep, but I’m starving.”
Your heart skips a beat and you’re fully awake now. “Oh, same,” you say casually, rolling off of Mat and tucking yourself against his side. “I actually would love a piece of that gingerbread house that I ordered.”
“Gingerbread house?” Mat raises an eyebrow. “When’d you get that?”
“It was delivered the other day,” you explain. “I wanted something cute for our first engaged Christmas.”
Mat sits up, taking you with him and you wiggle around so you’re sitting cross-legged on the couch, facing him. “I totally forgot to show it to you,” you shrug, proud of yourself for being so normal. “But why don’t you go take a look and bring me back a piece?”
“Yeah, okay,” Mat shrugs, scratching your scalp once before getting up. “Dessert before dinner usually means eating you out, but gingerbread is cool too.”
He says it so casually that you don’t really process what he says until he’s already in the kitchen. You bounce up on your knees to look at him over the back of the couch, yelping his name when it finally sinks in. He’s laughing as he pulls the new box down from where it’s been sitting on top of the fridge. “Took you long enough,” he laughs, popping the top of the white cardboard. “That nap really must’ve taken it out of you.”
You scowl at him but don’t reply, anxiously waiting to see his reaction to the gingerbread house. He pulls it out of the box and his lips quirk up in a little smile. “It’s cute,” he says, looking at the house, professionally decorated. “Way better than the ones the kids made today.”
A laugh works its way out of your mouth as he studies it, taking in the details. “Huh,” he mutters, more to himself than anything else, “three people. Must’ve read your order wrong, Squeaks.”
“Oh?” You breathe. “There were supposed to be me and you…” You trail off.
“Yeah, they’re here,” Mat reads the little names iced onto the gingerbread people. “There’s you and Mat and…” he falters, squinting at the third figure, bringing it closer to his face, “Baby B?”
He looks over at you, forehead creased and eyebrows drawn together over his nose. “Baby B?” He repeats the question and you smile carefully at him, hand sliding across the back of the couch so your fingertips rest on your stomach.
“Baby B,” you confirm shakily. Tears well at your lower lash line and you watch Mat for his reaction.
He blinks at you, eyes darting between your face, your stomach, and the gingerbread figure held in his hand. “Wait? Seriously?” He sounds dazed and you can’t blame him. You were freaked out when you took the test a week and a half ago. It’s been the hardest secret you’ve ever had to keep. “You’re…there’s a baby?” His eyes are wide and his jaw hangs open a little.
You nod. “It’s, um, been hanging out for like six-ish, seven weeks,” you whisper, flattening your hand over your stomach. Mat’s eyes track your movement and he exhales a shaky breath.
Mat breathes your name and crosses the room in a few large strides. He cups your cheeks in his hands and studies your face, wiping at the tears that drip from your eyes. “Hey, c’mon, why’re you crying?” He asks, panic edging his tone.
“I know it’s earlier than we planned,” you shrug, “I’m going to be insanely pregnant at the wedding. We won’t get to be, like, newlyweds at all and the honeymoon’s going to have to change or be cancelled altogether.” You ramble on, all of your stress releasing in run-on sentences. You already love the baby, but getting pregnant before the wedding definitely wasn’t the plan.
Mat chuckles a little and you realize it sounds a little watery, like he’s trying to hold back his own emotion. “We’ll figure it out,” he says gently, squatting down so he’s closer to your eye level. “I’m gonna be a dad?”
“Yeah,” you confirm again. “Are you freaking out? Because I’m freaking out.”
“I’m definitely freaking out,” Mat confirms on a hysterical little laugh. His fingers tremble a little against your cheeks. “But it’s a good thing, right? Like, we’re gonna make the coolest babies.”
You nod. “They’re going to have amazing hair,” you giggle wetly.
Mat leans forward to kiss you softly, tasting the tears on your lips. When he pulls back, he rests his forehead against yours, quietly breathing with you. “That, uh, wasn’t a stomach bug last week, was it?”
“No,” you shake your head against his. “I’ve had some pretty aggressive mid-morning sickness this past week.”
“How the hell did I miss that?” He asks and it’s mostly rhetorical because Mat is not the most observant of men on a good day, let alone during a week and a half period where they’re playing a game every other day.
You lean back and tap at your stomach with your fingers, “baby’s already pretty good about not inconveniencing you. It was bad after you’d already left for practice.”
“I kind of can’t believe our baby’s in there,” Mat says, looking down at your stomach. His hands fall to the back of the couch and his fingers twitch, like he wants to reach out and touch you, but he doesn’t.
“Me either,” you admit. “And I’ve had a week to get used to the idea.”
“Shit, Squeaks,” he shakes his head again, a little smile playing on his lips, “a baby. We’re gonna be in charge of a real baby.”
Your answering laugh is a little hysterical. You’re obviously not the first of your friends to have a baby, but it feels insane that you’re here, especially before the wedding. Your parents are going to be so annoyed. “Good thing we have friends who know what they’re doing,” you murmur, covering Mat’s hands with yours and lacing your fingers together. You look at your joined fingers and your heart lurches in your chest. Quietly, you ask him, “we’re going to be good at this, right?”
“Hell if I know,” Mat admits. You frown at him - that was less than reassuring, but at least he’s honest. He jolts a little, his eyebrows lifting into his hairline, and you cock your head at him in a silent question. “I realized,” he says, a little sheepishly, “that I never said I was happy about this, but I am. I’m excited, scared as shit, but excited.”
“Me too,” you let loose a relieved laugh. You hadn’t realized how much you needed to hear Mat say he was happy about the baby. It’s been a weight on your shoulders ever since that positive pink line appeared on the test. “Um, there is one thing you could do for me right now though.”
Mat perks up and nods, “yeah, whatever you need, babe. You’re going to be so sick of me and how attentive I’ll be.”
You have no doubt about that, but for now - “can you get me a piece of that gingerbread? I’ve been craving it since the stupid thing was delivered yesterday.”
Mat laughs and stands up to retrieve the cookie, much to your delight. It’s been taunting you for more than twenty-four hours now and you nibble at the gingerbread version of yourself happily. Mat flops down onto the couch next to you and you tuck yourself up against his side. His hand absently runs up and down your arm, his eyes focused in the direction of the TV, but not actually paying attention.
You’re quiet at his side, knowing he needs to process the news. You were lucky in that you were alone when you found out so you could freak out without Mat seeing just how scared you were. Now that it’s been a week of knowing and Mat’s reaction wasn’t a total meltdown, you can relax a little, even start to get excited about having a little summer baby. Mat will get to spend time with you and the baby since you’re due in late August, by your admittedly shaky math.
Subconsciously, Mat’s hand wanders down your side, splaying on your waist, fingers stretching to cover part of your stomach. He rubs his thumb against your ribs and a little huff of disbelief leaves his throat. “Too bad you’re not due before the wedding,” he says, looking down at you with a little smile, “she could’ve been in the wedding, like Gracie at Bearsy’s wedding.”
Your throat clogs with emotion, thinking of your baby being at the wedding, and you bury your face in Mat’s side so he can’t see how tears well up in your eyes again. “You can’t say cute shit like that to me right now,” you mumble, “my hormones are in overdrive.”
Mat pulls you onto his lap so you’re straddling his thighs. He kisses the corner of your mouth and you sigh, resting your arms on his shoulders. “Let me know when I can start saying cute shit,” his grin is shit-eating, “because I just realized that there’s a chance we could put the baby in the Cup this summer.”
“Gotta win it first,” you counter, teasing him. He rolls his eyes and lets his hands drift over your stomach, broad palms covering the expanse of the still flat area.
“Got a new motivation now,” Mat replies and even though he still looks stunned, you can see how excited he’s getting about the baby.
You look down at where his hands cover your stomach and it’s all too easy to picture his hands holding a newborn baby with his eyes and your nose, a little shock of Mat’s dark hair on its head.
You can’t wait.
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incorrectccrp · 2 months
Ted, to the CCRP group text: How would you guys get a cylinder (5.1 inches in length, ~4.5in girth) unstuck from a mini M&Ms tube filled with butter and microwaved mashed banana? Paul: This is a sexual thing isn’t it Ted: My experiment does not involve anything sexual. Paul: What material is the cylinder made of then Ted: Primarily carbon. It's a variety of organic compounds. Charlotte: Cut the tube. Ted: I dont want to risk a blade coming that close to the cylinder. Bill: What's so important about this cylinder? It's not attached to you is it? Ted: It's attached to a larger structure so there's a weird angle situation to try and insert anything else into the tube. Paul: GO TO THE HOSPITAL. Ted: Emergency services usually don't take kindly to calls about failed experiments. Charlotte: Wait to see if it shrinks on its own? Ted: It has been 3 hours. The cylinder hasn't changed size yet. Bill: Ok. If the small cylinder has blood flow do jumping jacks to shrink the cylinder. Ted: Why would a cylinder have blood flow? Also doing jumping jacks may cause harm to two other objects attached at the base of the cylinder since it will be moving freely. Melissa: I'm sorry I'm just trying to figure out how a "cylinder" that was 4.5 inches in girth could fit INSIDE a mini M&Ms tube. I know there's a lot going on here but this is the part I'm stuck on. Ted: It was smaller when inserted but it expanded due to other factors in the experiment.
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bradshawsbaby · 11 months
My Bee! ✨💛🧡♥️ Is your door still open for Trick Or Treat-ers?? 🎃
Of course! Happy Halloween, sweet friend! I hope you don’t mind a little glimpse into the future with an older Bradley and Mrs. Bradshaw! 🥰
“Here you are, Mrs. Bradshaw,” Bradley grinned as he lowered himself beside you on the front steps of your home, handing you a new bag of candy to pour into the large plastic bowl you had resting on your lap.
“Why thank you, Captain Bradshaw,” you teased in return, smiling at your husband as you tore open the bag, stealing a small piece of chocolate for yourself before you replenished the bowl for the trick-or-treaters.
Bradley wasn’t as subtle—he reached over and grabbed a fistful of candy, tearing open a bag of mini M&Ms before you could slap it out of his hands.
“Bradley Bradshaw!” you scolded, trying very hard to mask the look of amusement on your face as you glared at the extremely childish man you had married.
“What?” he asked, feigning innocence as he poured the contents of another bag of M&Ms into his mouth like it was nothing.
“These are for the trick-or-treaters, not for you,” you laughed, swatting at his hand as he tried to reach for more. “If you’re hungry, there’s still plenty of granola and fruit inside. Very heart healthy.”
“Ugh, getting old sucks,” Bradley pouted, sighing dramatically as he rested a hand on your knee.
“You’re telling me,” you lamented, running a hand through your hair, which was now streaked liberally with strands of gray.
“You’re not getting old, honey. Just aging like fine wine,” your husband grinned, leaning over to give you a tender kiss.
“Sure, we’ll go with that,” you chuckled, the laugh lines around your mouth and eyes deepening as you smiled.
Bradley opened his mouth to respond, but was suddenly interrupted by the sound of small voices babbling excitedly as they hurried up your walkway.
“Well look what we have here, baby!” he exclaimed enthusiastically, smiling at the sweet faces that were beaming up at the two of you. “A princess, a dinosaur, a skeleton, and a ladybug!”
“Wow!” you cooed, your heart warming at the sight of the precious little ones standing before you. “Very impressive!”
“Trick-or-treat!” they chorused, holding up their little pumpkin buckets, already filled nearly to the brim.
You and Bradley filled their buckets with a few pieces of candy each, laughing in delight as they whooped and cheered excitedly.
“Happy Halloween,” you told them brightly, waving as they turned and hurried back to their parents after thanking you and Bradley sweetly.
Sighing softly, you set the bowl of candy down on the step beside you and turned to look at Bradley. “Don’t you miss it? Having little ones like that?”
Bradley’s eyes softened as he looked at you, brushing your hair behind your ear. “Yeah, I do,” he nodded, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you against his chest. “Our kids were pretty damn adorable when they were that small.”
Halloween had always been a big affair in your household, but it was quieter now that Goose and Lydia were away at college, and James wanted to spend all his time with his high school buddies. You and Bradley were still learning how to adjust to this new phase of your lives.
“It makes me happy, seeing all the trick-or-treaters,” you murmured softly, resting your head on your husband’s shoulder. “It makes me think about all the wonderful times we had when the kids were growing up.”
“It really was wonderful, wasn’t it?” Bradley whispered, rubbing soft circles on your back. “Damn, I miss our babies being babies.”
“Me, too,” you admitted, getting a little teary-eyed as you thought more about it.
The two of you were quiet for a couple minutes before Bradley broke the silence with a low chuckle.
“C’mon now, we don’t want to scare the trick-or-treaters away. A couple of oldies sitting on their front porch, crying into the candy,” he joked gently, lightening the mood.
“Who are you calling old? I thought we were aging like fine wine,” you smirked, poking him in the side.
“You are,” Bradley insisted, grinning as he bumped his nose against yours, his mustache tickling your upper lip. “I’m not so sure about me.”
“Oh, shut up, you’re still as sexy as the day I met you,” you told him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing a kiss to his lips.
Just then, you heard soft giggles and a few cleared throats. Turning your heads, you and your husband found that there was a new group of children standing at the bottom of your steps.
“Um, trick-or-treat?”
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rosicheeks · 1 year
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bluebunnymoose · 9 months
Hard Candy Christmas
Hellcheer Holiday Mixtape Entry, Day 2 (not beta-ed, sorry :P)
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Chrissy stroked the pebbled surface of the gumdrop shrubbery around the gingerbread house she'd painstakingly constructed using $15-worth of candy she'd always wanted to try and all the pent-up enthusiasm stored from years of begging her mom to let her make one. Laura had agreed on the condition that the house and candy accoutrements remain as decoration only.
"With all of this energy you hardly need the sugar, Chrissy," she'd remarked, eyeing the colorful sweets with disdain. "Heaven knows your thighs don't either."
She tried not to let the heartbreak show as she swore she wouldn't eat any of it. It was easy to ignore the temptation during the decorating phase, but now that it was complete, she found herself staring at each little detail. Would her mom even know if she snuck a piece? Was it worth the risk?
Chrissy sighed, knowing the answers to both. In a few days it wouldn't matter anyway. Her beautiful, delicious creation would become totally stale and destined for the dump. A few sugar crystals rubbed off on her finger. For decoration only. What a waste...
"-ssy? Hey, sweetheart?" Chrissy jolted from the memory to find her fingers tacky, a half-collapsed gingerbread house on the table before her--its roof and sides wonky and overfilled with icing--, and Eddie ducking down to catch her gaze.
"Sorry, what did you say?"
"I said it looks like we over-estimated the amount of materials we'd need for mini-Castle Munson," he repeated, gesturing to the kaleidescope of candy chaos around the little house. He proffered the opened bag of M&Ms with a grin edged in powdered sugar. "Shall we partake?"
She kissed the sweetness from his lips then beamed at him. "Absolutely."
------------------------------ I know I have a hellcheer story that's been sitting untouched since last Christmas and a whole separate project that needs to be done by the 23rd, but "Hard Candy Christmas" is one of my FAVORITE Christmas songs so I HAD to do something. Dolly's melancholy wistfulness/wishfulness made me think of a younger Chrissy who wasn't allowed to have candy and this sprang up. If you got this far, thanks for sticking around! Hope you enjoyed it :)
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bordysbae · 1 year
hi can you write more about ethan x diabetes reader maybe from when they first met..
maybe Ethan sees the dexcom on the reader's arm and he's like: what is that?
or they're at some party and she's feeling sick so she goes outside to get some fresh air and that's where Ethan meets him, He asks her if she's okay and she mentions her low blood sugar.
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“new people new things”
ethan edwards x diabetic!reader
as i said before, i think this is the end to the series, but thank you guys sm for both starting and tagging along on this little mini series with me!! <3
also: i added ella (readers roommate from the first story) in this again! and this was kinda the start of ella and luca (if you guys remember that!) which i thought was cute, since everything kinda got tied together in the end! we see how ethan and reader met, them getting back together, and parts of them dating! sorry we didn’t see the breakup, but just imagine it however you want!
the loud music blaring through the speaker, which is connected to god knows who’s phone, isn’t helping your ill feeling at all. the smell of alcohol and sweat makes you want to vomit, and your head is already spinning slightly, so the only thing you can think of is getting some fresh air on the back porch.
you step outside and close the door behind you, which only slightly muffles the sounds from inside. you take a deep breath and inhale the late-night, october air filling the city of ann arbor. as you’re lost in thought, trying to ignore the slightly ill feeling in your system, your attention is captured by the brunette boy who just entered the back porch.
“hey,” he says, leaning over the railing next to you, while swirling the drink in his red solo cup around.
“hi,” you say, turning your body to face him but still leaning against the deck railing.
“i’m ethan”
“i’m y/n. whatcha drinking?” you ask, making conversation to avoid those awkward ‘what’s your major?’ type questions.
“honestly, i couldn’t even tell you. my buddy got it for me, alcohol just tastes like alcohol to me,” he shrugs. “want a sip?” he says, holding out the cup to you.
“nah i’m good, thanks though. im supposed to be driving my friend home, but she’s hooking up with one of those hockey douches so i cant really leave, and i’m honestly not feeling great. sorry, that was a lot of information you didn’t need,” you ramble awkwardly to the stranger, unaware he’s very much a hockey player.
“well, that’s alright. i don’t think you’d want a sip since i’m one of those ‘hockey douches’ anyways,” the boy chuckles, making you gasp.
“oh my god! i’m so sorry! i had no idea!”
“no no it’s alright, i understand why you said that, hockey players definitely have a reputation. but i cant help but ask, you said you weren’t feeling alright? are you okay?”
“yeah, i’m fine. i’m just a diabetic and my blood sugar is slightly going low, but if i go back inside and inhale all that sweat and alcohol stench, i’ll probably drop dead before i can even reach the kitchen,” you joke, making ethan chuckle.
“wow! that’s so cool! i’ve never met anyone at this school who’s a diabetic,” ethan informs you.
“yep! you meet new people and see new things!” you smile, happy he isn’t one to judge you on being diabetic.
“oh wait here, take this! i snatched some from the bowl outside. hopefully that doesn’t make me a bad guy for stealing the kids halloween candy, but at least it’s going to a good cause,” he says reaching into his pocket and grabbing you a small packet of m&ms.
“oh my gosh, thank you so much! you’re a life saver, literally!” you exclaim before tossing a few into your mouth. you and ethan get to know each other for the next twenty minutes or so, until your friend drunkenly stumbles outside looking for you.
“y/n, hockey guys literally give the best head! you seriously need to stop being so against them- oh who’s this!” your friend questions, almost falling over ontop of you.
“uh hi, i’m ethan.” ethan awkwardly chuckles before shooting you an awkward look, making you both burst out laughing. “what are you guys laughing at?” ella drunkenly asks.
“nothing ella, it’s just that ethan plays hockey, but that’s not important. cmon let’s get you home,” you say.
“what does him playing hockey have to do with anything?” ella asks
“ella do you not remember what you just said?” you chuckle. “no?” she says, making both you and ethan laugh even harder. ethan helps you bring emma around the house and into your car.
once you finally get ella settled, he asks you a question, “could i maybe get your number?”
“of course!” you blush, thankful for the darkness so he can’t see your hot cheeks. “i’ll text you. get home safe y/n, okay?” he waves,
“thanks ethan, i’ll see you around.” you smile, before walking over to the other side of the car.
“he’s hot,” ella says, making you face palm. “i wonder if luca knows him,” ella mutters to herself.
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yelenasdiary · 6 months
I want to give the worlds BIGGEST thank you & an even bigger hug to my wonderful, talented, hard working & out of this world amazing friend @tonbelova25 !
This morning the post man knocked on my door with a parcel, a very, very cheeky parcel! & although my birthday is on Monday, I was naughty & couldn’t wait to open it (forgive me!!!)
Inside, I found many amazing goodies! A jar of friendship bracelets because of how big of a swiftie I am 🙈 (each and every braclet was themed with Florence, Yelena & my IG usernames! There was a cute little mug that said tell your pet I said hi, Douglass, Tony & Archie all say hello!! There was snacks! Can’t go wrong with red frogs and mini m&ms! Then there was the Tina from Bobs Burgers Funko! The ADORABLE baby groot fabric! The amazing birthday card, the funny little socks & 2 amazing shirts (one which I will be wearing today)
& then we have this!
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Can we please take a moment to appreciate this?! SHE MADE ME A MIDSOMMAR FUNKO!!! This is by far the BEST Dani Funko I’ve ever seen & it was made by Ton 🥹😍 it’s fucking adorable!!
Thank you thank you thank you thank you xmillion!!!
You’re an Angel! & I’m so beyond thankful for you! 💜
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tilly-tilly-2827 · 3 months
The absolute nonsense inspired by @redpensandgreenarrows
Synopsis: Sometimes being bold isn’t the best way in a relationship. Or the little Drabble about Benedict Bridgerton being bold in the modern AU.
Ao3 post from here!
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“And then he said “But you’re not even my girlfriend.””
“Wait, what?”
“I KNOW!” Sophie crossed her arms in frustration. “Six months, Kate. Six months he’s been fucking me. And when he said that, I just lost my mind,”
“Why didn’t you ask him sooner?”
“Because I thought we were dating! He took me to a private gallery last month. A private candlelit dinner at the Swan London? Sending Flowers every day to my office?
“Isn’t that actually pretty sweet of him?”
“Exactly.” Sophie took a swig from the bottle, the alcohol burning her throat, “He invited me to Christmas for a family dinner. I teach his sister French every Wednesday evening. Hell, he lets me use his Netflix account. We share my audible password!”
“That is deep, Sophs.”
“And do you know what he said to me? When I asked him how he labeled the relationship?”
“I’m too scared to ask.”
“He said, “intimate fuck buddies”?”
“He DIDN’T?”
“Actually, he did.” Sophie popped a handful of popcorn in her mouth. No, she wasn’t going to care about her three months’ worth of diet, “Two times in my face, just to be clear.”
“That is terrible, Sophs.” Kate shook her head, not quite processing the utter mess her best mate had been in. “That guy should be hanged.”
“I mean, he has a nice dick but that doesn’t justify him to act like one does it?”
“Um, Sophie. Slightly TMI? You know he’s still my brother-in-law. I don’t want to picture his privates when I meet him tomorrow,”
“He does also have really nice abs.”
“I really didn’t need to hear that.”
With her nose scrunched in disgust, Kate turned on the Telly, pressing the movie thumbnail in one swift motion. For her best friend since high school, Kate had organized a movie night for Sophie; an ultimate Richard Curtis movie marathon.
“So, you are going to stop sleeping with him?”
Kate asked, watching Hugh Grant and Scarlet hop on the Mini 1000, sprinting down the highway of the English countryside.
“Well…yes.” Sophie said rather uneasily, nervously twitching her fingernails, “I mean, if I keep sleeping with him, I don’t think I will ever get married,”
“Is he that good?”
“So GOOD.”
“Ugh. Gross.” Kate muttered. “So you just kicked him out in the street last night?”
“Mmm.” Sophie nodded, indulging herself in M&Ms. “Kicked his ass out from my flat at 2:00 in the morning.”
“Pretty bold for you, Sophs. I’m proud of you,”
Kate looked at her with an impressed nod, but Sophie only returned her a lopsided grin, a somewhat dimmed look in her eyes.
“I felt bad, but.”
“Sophie, the guy deserved it. You did nothing wrong.”
“Mmm.” Sophie took another grasp of popcorn, “I guess I’m handling this pretty well. Just this morning, I left a box of his stuff in front of his apartment.”
“You know, the usual. Condoms. Boxers. Old-T shirts. Books. Toothbrushes. Oil paintings.”
“Oil paintings?”
“Who would leave an oil painting in a fuck buddy’s room?”
“Come on Katie, he’s an artist. He can’t help himself from showing off his talents.”
“Actually, it is kind of sweet.”
“How so?”
“He,” Sophie stopped for a moment, hesitating for a brief second, “He…he sometimes gives a painting of me. Sometimes a sketch. After spending a day in the park or a museum,”
“And he’s really good. You know.” Sophie softly said. “And I thought; maybe this was his love language?”
“But I guess I was wrong,” Sophie sighed, “Really, why do I have such bad instincts about men? Is it because of my daddy issues?”
“Let’s leave that for therapy, Sophs.” Kate passed her a glass of wine, pointing at Hugh Grant flirting with Andie MacDowell. “But it is kind of absurd. A guy who causally comes to fuck you and leaves you with an oil painting? He’s got some issues,”
“I know.” Sophie sighed, “He’s got daddy issues as well, so two peas in the pod,”
Both Kate and Sophie continued their marathon of  Richard Curtis’s movies. Both were in tears at the funeral scene of Gareth, crying in their pillows as Matthew recited W.H.Auden’s “Funeral Blues”.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
“I really thought this was going somewhere.” Sophie quietly said.
“Gareth and Matthew?”
“No, Ben and I”
“Right, right, right.”
“He was actually really sweet,” Sophie continued, “Maybe I was a coward, Kate. I was afraid to be the first to say I love you,”
“Are you hearing this?”
“A tapping noise.” Kate looked over her shoulders, a slightly spooked expression, and Sophie did hear the noise as well, a dull clicking sound from the window. “Could it be ghosts?”
“No, it’s probably the curtain railing. Give me a minute to fix it up,”
But it was not the curtain railings.
In fact, it was Benedict Bridgerton, her fuck-buddy, standing under the lamppost.
Leaning over his Chocolate Brown Mini 1000 MK5, the one he had bought the day after she told him that Four Weddings and A Funeral was her all-time favorite,
The one that only goes forty miles an hour,
And Benedict Bridgerton looked devilishly handsome. Dressed in a tight black T-shirt and his usual black jeans. His brown curls ruffled wildly as if he had run his fingers through too many times.
Sophie would say he was more charming than Hugh Grant in the 90s,
However, the fact that he was throwing rocks at her window was not so charming.
Well, pebbles to be exact.
At Midnight. Her flat was on the third floor.
Had he lost his mind?
But as she popped her head out of the windows, Benedict’s face turned into a lopsided grin, as if he were over the moon to see her face. Opening his arms wide as if he were trying to catch her,
Sophie decided to close the window, shut the curtains, and ignore him. Considering his slurred speech and his flushed face, he was probably drunk. Very, very drunk. Although it very much concerned her that highly intoxicated Benedict Bridgerton had driven to her flat, she shook her head, trying to wave her worry away.
After all, he was just a fuck buddy.
She held no responsibility for his well-being,
“Sophie? Are you alright? You’re going to miss Hugh Grant’s Wedding.”
“…Please don’t tell me the man holding a stereo over his shoulder is my brother-in-law.”
“How I wish I could tell you that it isn’t.”
Sophie heard a familiar tune from the distance, presumably from the stereo; the MultiTech vintage boom box from the 80s. The bright blue one he inherited from his father. Some nights Benedict and Sophie would spend all night diving through the cassette tapes; singing the old British BOPs, Duran Duran, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Culture Club, Human League,
…And of course, he would start singing,
“Sophs, aren’t you going to stop him?” Kate asked hesitantly, peeping through the curtains, “If he keeps going on like this, he’s going to wake up everyone in London,”
“Kate, that guy is stubborn as a rock. He’s probably not going to stop until he finishes the whole thing,”
“What is this song anyway?”
“All out of Love. Air Supply. From the 1980s Album Lost in Love. Their fifth studio album that marked over three million sales earning their first multi-platinum,”
“I totally forgot you two were music geeks,”
Sophie buried her head in the cushions. God, she wanted to seal wax her ears shut,
“Kate, how drunk do you think Benedict is?”
“I have no idea. Wait, I think I can see Colin eating popcorn in the driver’s seat,”
“Sophie, do you understand that this guy is absolutely pathetic?”
“Do you think I should call the police?”
“…I don’t really want to bail my brother-in-law from jail, Sophs.”
“Kate, I do actually love him,”
“Oh, so you’re insane as well?”
“I think I’m going to tell him.”
“Do you need a knife?”
“I think I’ll take the frying pan.”
By the time Sophie reached down the stairs, Benedict was at the last verses of the song, singing out of his lungs; “I’M ALL OUT OF LOVE, WHAT AM I WITHOUT YOU, I CAN’T BE TOO LATE TO SAY I WAS SO WRONG”
Although Sophie was only three feet away from him, Benedict Bridgerton the utter drunk, did not lower his voice.
“Christ,” Sophie buried her hand into her hands, Why did he declare it in front of everyone?
At that point, Sophie slapped him across his cheeks. She heard a gasp from the whole apartment, and Colin finally stopped his hands on the popcorn.
At least she didn’t use the frying pan, Kate thought to herself.
“I’m not looking for boldness, Benedict Bridgerton.” Sophie said quietly, “All I’m looking for is sincerity and some fucking decency.”
“Give me those two, and then I’ll start considering your proposal.”
#Writer's Notes
@redpensandgreenarrows, you feed my nonsense
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ghostismybbygorl · 1 year
Random headcannons
I cant think of anything with price atm so enjoy the childrem please feel free to add on id love to start a headcannon chain
Ghost is a gremlin at night. If you wake up in the middle of the night youll spot him in the kitchen not eating but devouring food. Its one after the other first its something sweet then salty and to top it off CHOCOLATE
He his a chocoholic he LOVES chocolate. Easter is one of his favorite holidays because of the chocolate bunnies. He will eat those lindt bunnies like a mad man. Theres always one in his hand
He always carries little chocolates around especially hershey kisses just for the sole reason to fuck with people.
"You want a kiss?" "Uhhh" *pulls out a hershey kiss*
Religiously Cracks his knuckles
He plays guitar and loves to chill out relax and jam out
Hates to play heavy metal he prefers to play more psychedelically music
He kicks with his left foot when he plays soccer.
He has osteoarthritis in his left knee from playing soccer causing him to wear his knee brace. He has chronic knee pain and it tends to get worse when it rains
Knows exactly when its going to rain because of his knee and its a bit freaky
Kiwis are his favorite
He can do the emo scream too well
Was secretly in a screamo band when he was in highschool
He used to skateboard back in highschool but quit when he broke his arm doing a dumbass stunt
He can only do a kickflip now
He plays the drums
He will stand or squat int the middle of a room hyper fixating on whatever hes reading, working on, watching, ect he wont move until its done or he looses interest in it
He has a waterproof speaker in his shower that he plays and SINGS so loud
He's actually a pretty decent singer
He sleeps with a bonnet
He absolutely loves marshmallows and will casually eat a bag of them
King of chubby bunny
A BRAIDING KING no matter how short the hair is HE CAN BRAID IT.
He eats peanut butter straight from the jar
hes a slut for reese's peanut butter cups and the MINI M&MS OF THEM OH LORD TAKE THEM AWAY HELL EAT THEM LIKE A MAD MAN
He loves to eat oranges and will
A.) eat a whole bag if clementines and oranges in one sitting
B). Forget about them and have them rot in the fridge
He has a collection of squishmellows on his bed and has a name for every one of them
SAS MASTER: his comebacks are legendary and dont get me started on the your mom jokes
Religously drinks ginger beer
He loves those fruity cocktails he'll usually order a moscow mule or a cosmopolitan
He loves to read and will finish a book within a day
He read the whole percy jackson series in less than a week
His house is FILLED to the brim with books hes got a cute little catty corner in his house that he likes to curl up and read his book
Has a tumblr and writes fanfiction only soap know about it
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indigosabyss · 6 months
Samkamiles Prompt: Checkup
"Sam, come on, what about mini golf?" Paul demanded, "Can't believe you're flaking out on us like this, man."
Sam laughed nervously, "Listen, guys, I really can't. Been feeling crappy all week, and just want to chill for a bit."
"Because mini golf is such an intense sport." Blake muttered under his breath.
Sam knew why he was feeling crappy. Two days ago, he'd taken a hit to the head by an asteroid. Yeah, the helmet fixed most of the damage, but there were only so many times that could be done before it was more of a simple surface-level fix.
He couldn't exactly tell these guys that, though. So he had to let himself be dragged out to mini golf, with his ears ringing and eyes dotted with spots that really had nothing to do with abandoned helmets this time.
"Sam?" A familiar voice suddenly called out from across the street, and for a moment, Sam was thrown, even though he didn't understand why.
Then he registered Miles walking towards him in plainclothes, side by side with a brown girl wearing blue-framed sunglasses and a Nova hoodie.
It was the red scarf that made it click for him that she was Ms. Marvel. Probably stupid, considering they had been friends for nearly a year now, but it was bound to happen, with her insistence on having a secret identity.
Now he was starting to remember why he was confused to hear Miles' voice here. They were in Carefree. States away from their home turf. Talking in plainclothes.
"Is everything okay?" He asked worriedly, reaching for his bag to silently ask if the helmet inside was needed.
M shook her head, "We should be asking you that, right? Heard you weren't doing well."
Sam made to nod his head, and the world started blurring and fizzling around him. Yup, that train had definitely left the station.
"Who're these guys, Sam?" Blake asked, looking between the two curiously.
"Uh..." He wasn't good at improv on a regular day, and now it felt like his brain was short-circuiting at the potential of his hero life and regular life colliding. Wait, brains ran on electric impulses, right? So a brain could actually short circuit-
"Miles. And this is Ma...ndy?" Miles looked helplessly at Marvel.
"We're from the tristate area." Marvel filled in, smiling just as nervously, "And since my school got shut down for emergency reconstruction this week, we thought to come visit!!"
"Aw, that's sweet." Paul was immediately won over, "Why didn't you tell us, Sam? We would've totally let you hang out with your other friends for the day."
"If you had ever mentioned these friends before." Blake eyed them both suspiciously.
"They're... from an online forum. That I don't really want to talk about. Because I think you guys wouldn't be interested." Sam replied, his head feeling stuffed with more cotton than usual.
Blake and Paule exchanged perturbed glances, but let the lie hold.
"Let's go to your home, huh, Sam?" Ms. Marvel turned to him expectanly, leaning in slightly as she mumbled to him, "You're clearly not recovered from the last concussion."
"Y-yeah." He agreed, the sun becoming overpowering to his eyes at this point.
The three walked away, shoulder to shoulder.
"So, Mandy?" Sam asked, giggling under his breath.
Marvel scoffed, "Really, Miles, you couldn't pick a less gora name?"
"You didn't prepare any aliases!" Miles threw his hands up.
"Is your school really shut down?" Sam asked worriedly, even though he knew for them, with Amadeus's machinery, the travel time meant nothing at all.
"Oh, that was real." Ms. Marvel admitted, "Fing Fang Room left a dragon-foot-shaped hole in the roof."
"No way these two just happened to be good enough friends to drop by unannounced." Blake crossed his arms, "So... which one of those two is he dating?"
"I mean, the girl, right?" Paul replied, "If he's even dating either at all."
"Are you kidding? He didn't even seem to recognize her. Clearly he isn't telling us anything about his life because he thinks we're homophobic!"
"You guys... are so close." Carrie commented, passing by them sipping on a drink, "Yet so far, it's further than even Nova can go in an hour."
"What does that mean?"
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