#and haruhi is just like I love my gay dad.
uglygirlstatus · 2 years
Should i read ouran?
YES. assuming you’ve already watched the anime at some point absolutely Yes. I loved the anime when I was 15 and revisiting the series now all these years later by reading the manga definitely reawakened something in me. I really think it is a delightfully fun and absurd story with a lot of heart and a lot of love and a truly iconic ensemble cast. Like the main characters of course but also all the crazy side characters.
It’s also genuinely just extremely funny. I was laughing out loud throughout all the volumes, I think Bisco Hatori is a genius when it comes to comedic timing and character-specific comedy. Everyone is so stupid in uniquely funny ways and everyone loves each other so much. The anime catches up with the manga about halfway through and then it’s all new material about further character development and relationship development and future planning and I CRIED OK!!! Also even the stuff that is covered in the anime is a bit different in the manga, eg the Alice in Wonderland ep is waaay funnier in the manga imo
Here’s some online scans but honestly if your local library has copies I recommend reading those, I’m partial to the official translation. Or be crazy like me and buy the full box set on impulse at 2am
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torposopla · 2 months
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This is why I don't want a reboot for this show, people right now don't know better.
I love Haruhi because she is gender non conforming, she doesn't care about her looks, for her is more important who you're as a person.
As a reverse harem, the joke of the show is that she is a very normal/plain woman without flavor (but she is very smart) that gets all this attention from a bunch of rich men who are hot (and crazy) and do the most preposterous things while she gets annoyed by this behavior but she has to put with it.
Is the men in the show (and her dad, that is a gay man who works while cross dressing) that are shoving into her how she should look and behave in their ideal of what a woman is and just trying to make her more into their idea of femininity (but like she doesn't care).
But the issue with Haruhi is that she really thinks that there is no difference between men and women in a very naive way... and then we have the episode of the beach where some men start harassing some women who participate as clients in the Host Club and Haruhi jumps to defend the women and ends getting pushed into the sea and almost drowned.
All the men in the Host Club got incredible angry at her for doing something so reckless but Haruhi only double down in that she was right for trying to help the women. Later in the episode she understands that while she doesn't care about gender, she is still a woman and as a woman she could never be able to overpower a man in strength. That's why everyone was so mad at her, because she could have ended injured or dead for trying to fight those men alone.
Then later... because this is an reverse harem, all the men in the Host Club are in love with her and are trying to be with her but there is only one destined to be "the one" (Tamaki, the most stupid and annoying of the bunch... but he is the real start of the show) and she also falls in love with him, and while she doesn't really change as a person, while she is figuring out her feelings for Tamaki, she gets all insecure about her looks, about not looking "feminine" enough when she knows Tamaki is incredible handsome.
There is a lot in this story and the manga is my favorite one. The anime ended while the manga was still owngoing so the ending of the anime is different. I understand why there is a crave to see the manga animated again now that finished years ago.
The problem is Haruhi, her dad and all the crossdressing jokes and the jokes in general that I feel that american anime fans are going to be annoying about it in worse levels than Tamaki.
There is people in the comments calling Haruhi "agender" and "non-binary" and saying "she was my trans/non-binary awakening" that totally miss the point of her character. And let's not talk about the dad, people is going to be incredible annoying about the dad.
I'm not ready to deal with the BS and the discourse that is going to spark if there is a reboot.
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I started writing a fanfic for Ouran High School Host Club (it’s been comfort media for me for Years and I… mwah)… do I need to figure out how to use AO3’s posting backend now….
I know it’s like. Probably not everyone’s cup of tea (esp because a lot of my mutuals and followers are aro) but it’s like… transmasc nonbinary Haruhi (now called Haru, they/he/she pronouns, probably aroallo? We’ll see) x gay Kyoya (disowned by his parents and kinda lost) as immigrants in San Francisco. Ranka’s an amazing she/her dad who moved with Haru (I love Ranka).
Part of my brain just wants to write smut and the other part wants to make an art piece on queer Asian culture, immigrant life, and the Bay Area (I guess I’ve been missing home recently). Guess which side is winning (I don’t know how to write smut even though I read a lot of it. This is not a me-being-humble, this is a plea for help <half-joke>).
I’m also very bad at finishing writing projects so I’m like. Cautious about posting it. But maybe it will spark more people to write trans Haruhi…
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ihokshop · 2 months
the family competition in baranomiya is so absurd that i have no idea how it works but the angst potential is so fun. how are contestants chosen? what happens when yukari graduates? does the family just evolve and evolve? does that mean yukari has had other children and siblings and been married before?
actually seems like it's a different set per academic year
and it looks like you can volunteer
but it seems likely that everyone goes through it at least once
but when yukari graduates it seems like the family will be dissolved
so im thinking. haruhi getting tripped up and confused about her feelings towards yukari bc shes not sure if it's just her being gay or that family system or that she feels indebted towards her (it's definitely a combination of all three)
yukari's graduation drawing near and haruhi being like. shit we're probably so close to winning the game but then what. im gonna lose them again
she said to protect her and ive done my job but then after graduation... what. what!!!!
kasuga has been severely unhelpful in this entire mess and has only smiled beatifically each time haruhi dropped by
the children—should she still be thinking of them that way?—call her dad or father within the school, and she expected that. she didn't expect them to call her that on their impromptu excursions outside too. chihiro especially seems torn, because there were moments haruhi swears she was about to see "nee-chan" or "senpai"
(she doesnt wanna admit it either but she's so soft for them. the little ones ask her for help for their homework. ayumi sheepishly ties her hair back. when he's up for it, ryu in the quiet of the school grounds outside, would ask her if it was fine that he might be taking his role as a brother too seriously, and if it was normal that he might want to continue that role, even after.)
classes continue, despite all this. she's only ever invited as a sports sub, and her classmates call her natsukawa-sama, which shes desperately unused to. she goes home to a modest house that they finally upgraded to after some stupid home decorating competition. she and yukari still sleep in the same room because they once tried to sleep separately and they were deducted 5 points for creating an unloving home environment. she goes to sleep. she wakes up with a grown limpet clinging to her because they lost the blanket sometime in the night. she goes to class
she loves this, this warmth that she's used to. she doesnt want to let them go. she cant bear the thought of being strangers in halls anymore
and next year she'll be — if they lose, then yukari won't be h— theirs. (she wont be *their's* she reminds herself forcefully.)
so she does the stupid competition. if she lets herself into yukari's space for longer than necessary, if she thinks of yukari as her wife, if she stares at a pretty face, illuminated softly by the morning light, a beat more than necessary and inhales the scent of warn sugary perfume, that's not for anyone but for her to know
but what's this? yukari has someone to meet on the weekends. her face doesnt lose its grace but haruhi can tell the simmering annoyance beneath when she returns.
she wants to ask who. but isn't it obvious?
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OHSHC Posting in 2022, deal with it
Commentary on episode 23
Starting with the tittle "Tamaki's subconscious melancholy" It's so funny once you realize Tamaki's sub plot and whole ass crisis on this episode
This is so God damn funny, Kasanoda has a crush on Haruhi and he's in ultra denial mode like "wtf no, I'm not gay" but then he finds out she is a girl and he is like "Omfg is this love!?!?" and overthinks every single thing Haruhi says to him. He then goes to the host club AND ASKS FOR HER TO BE HIS HOST, and everyone's like "he likes another guy!??!?!?", and Renge just like "A REAL GAY, A REAL GAY IN MY CLUB OMFG BRING THE CAMERAS GUYS" and it making more girls come cause "gay forbiden romance" is so cool or wtv omfg. I love this show so much,
Also, every single time a girl likes Haruhi I'm like, they don't know it but, good for them. Haruhi is everyone's gay awakening, love a gnc queen
And Kasanoda not giving a fuck about Haruhi calling him Casanova. This guys first crush hit him like a truck, he is constantly trembling poor boy
Tamaki solving the little toy thingy
"Strictly speaking, I'm not Haruhi's father"
OMFG DID TAMAKI NOT REALIZE HE ALSO LIKED HARUHI!?!?!?? Direct transcript of the sub I'm watching cause omfg I can not believe this, he really is that stupid:
Tamaki: I suppose that I'm not really Haruhi's father... (...) then why do I think Haruhi is so cute and so charming? (...) Why am I so worried and unbearable when she's with other guys?
Hikaru: Then... what's the meaning to all your bridal fantasies of her?
[side note, what kind of fucked up rich upbringing did these guys have, why are they associating these very romantic feelings and "bridal fantasies" as a parental thing!?!??] OMFG
Tamaki: Don’t fathers usually want to keep their daughters instead of sending them away to other guys?
Kaoru: What about stopping Haruhi's kisses?
Tamaki: is it wrong to protect your daughter's lips???
AND THE SIGN FOR THE AUDIENCE THAT SAYS "Never thought he was this much of an idiot"
Tamaki: Did you hear that, me fellow subjects? Haruhi just said that I am somewhat like her dad!
Aww, his conclusion being "she has to live as a guy, I can't bother her difficult life with gay love"
Everyone telling him they are his friends too, crying
These people skip so much class
Everyone kicking cans together!!!
That's it, great episode, I hope Tamaki at least finds out about his own feelings even if he doesn’t do anything about them.
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Ouran High HCs
For the fifteenth birthday of one of my favorite romantic comedies, and the day that I started watching said romantic comedy with my boyfriend who is relatively new to anime it got me thinking about these characters and how wonderfully diverse their personalities are. The show has 100% chaotic energy and I love it so much. I wanted to look at every major character in the host club (Haruhi, Tamaki, Kyoya, Hikaru, my favorite twin Kaoru, Honey-senpai, and of course Mori-senpai.) using all their personalities and make some head-canons for favorite group of crazies!
- She/they icon, we stan
- Always preferred to wear more masculine clothes growing up, they were less expensive than the feminine ones. Plus she felt more comfortable in a pair of shorts as opposed to a dress.
- A very active child, she was always running around her neighborhood, going to the park and doing things with her dad.
- Her dad taught her everything that she needed to know about makeup once she became a member of the host club.
- She worked a part time job in order to help her dad pay the bills and to get food money.
- She thought that she was arosexual before joining the host club. Despite the confessions that she got in junior high they either went entirely over her head or she told them that she was too focused on her studies for romance at that time. Of course all that changed when she met our favorite blonde haired himbo goofball.
- She did wind up taking the conversational French with the twins and often times they'll slip into it for practice. Of course, Tamaki always understands when they talk shit about him so they just do it to mess with him.
Tamaki (my favorite):
- Bisexual king, honestly I love that for him out here living his best life.
- He didn't have much of a childhood between constantly needing to be there for his mom and make sure that she was healthy and okay. It's why he made the host club in the first place to live out his childhood that he was robbed of.
- Is actually way smarter academically than most people might think. If you were to look at the class grades he's always right behind Kyoya. He dedicates a lot of his free time to studying. He's not inherently stupid, just naive.
- His mom was the one that got him into cosplay by introducing him to the various kinds of fabrics. It stemmed into a personal interest that he could lose himself in and distract himself from the loneliness.
- He practiced flirting on Kyoya back in middle school for the future host club once he had his heart set on it.
- In the words of the great immortal J Michael Tatum "Kyoya is probably gay". It was something that didn't even occur to me until I watched him do an Ouran panel and then I was like holy shit the king makes a good point.
- While Tamaki was his gay crisis, he quickly realized that he would spend forever pining after him and eventually shelved his feelings. Tamaki was his best friend and that was more important to him than his feelings.
- Kyoya has always been a really keen observer of people's true intentions. He's excellent at reading people and knowing what they want from him. The only people he has never been able to read perfectly are Tamaki, Kaoru, and Haruhi.
- He originally didn't want to be a doctor but he eventually wanted to prove himself so badly that he told his father that he would surpass his expectations no matter how high they were.
- Doing background checks on people is fascinating to him. It's not just for blackmail purposes but he likes learning people's weaknesses. He's also an excellent chess player.
- The definitive over protective sibling. Anybody hurts Kaoru they will wish that they were dead. Kaoru is the most important person in his life and he would do anything to protect him.
- His tsundere tendencies come from a place of wanting to protect those he loves not out of anger.
- While he is begrudgingly worse at letting in other people once you fight your way through his walls he's actually a really amazing friend and s/o.
- His love of the fashion industry stems more from the model side of things than anything else. He can't design anything of his own to save his life.
- He never cared about any girls in his life before Haruhi came into his. Even though he didn't know how to deal with his feelings she was the first person who ever really showed that she cared about him.
Kaoru (my preferred Hitachiin sib):
- One big gay disaster that is absolutely crushing on Kyoya (I just learned about this ship today and it has stolen my life juice.) To blush when he's working with Hikaru to please the ladies all he has to do is think of Kyoya in his brother's spot.
- Is the far superior designer that can actually make really beautiful clothes. Most of the costumes that are worn by the club are designed by Kaoru.
- His hair is a lot softer than Hikaru's even though it's the same style, hair product and everything. I think that his would be more poofy and Hikaru's more spikey.
- Kaoru has always felt like he had to work harder to be like his brother that when you spend time with him alone at first it will be almost like you're talking to a replica of Hikaru and not a separate entity. At first it's a little bit awkward but once you get him out of his shell you find what a sweet and amazing person he is.
- Kaoru is an incredible skateboarder. He loves the feeling that he gets from the wind in his hair and designed his own skateboard. A lot of his hobbies outside of the club are athletic related causing him to have a more defined body than his brother since Hikaru is basically a cat.
Honey-senpai: - If this boi could make cakes and pastries for a living without the threat of eating them all he would make the best sweets. He knows when something is just the right amount of sweet and when something is too sweet.
- He learned martial arts to be stronger because he knew that people would try to take advantage of him due to his childlike nature.
- Honey had a fight with his grandmother before she passed away over something completely selfish. That is why he is so attached to Usa-chan.
- Him and Mori were always really close, even as children and understand each other better than anybody.
- His constant animosity between him and his younger brother is because he feels like he is constantly being babied due to his personality.
- Mori has autism. He is also selectively mute. I'm sorry I don't make the rules, the show itself gives them to me.
- Looks like a tough guy but in actuality would give the best hugs. I want a Mori hug. Haruhi probably gets the most Mori hugs because he is immensely protective over her.
- Aro-ace baby but gives the best platonic cuddles to any of the club members that are having parental issues.
- While he prefers spicy over sweet he does have a sweet tooth at random times of the day. Has been sighted at a local Cold Stone five minutes before closing in the dead of winter, while it's snowing outside by Kaoru and Kyoya while they were trying to find a place to get warm while out on a date.
- He actually didn't start his athletic endeavors with kendo, he started with ballet and gymnastics when he was really young.
And that's all my head-canons for the day! Happy anniversary to my favorite ridiculous throw everything against the wall and see what sticks to it romantic comedy. I hope that one day we will either get a season two or at this point it would be better to just do a hard reboot. Hoping that one day we will see our boys animated in high definition, even though I feel like an HD Tamaki would definitely kill me.
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whimsyprinx · 3 years
Anyways a while back me and my friends (one of whom is @therealstara ) were rewriting ouran for fun and like so here’s the characters
Haruhi: a nonbinary icon, doesn’t care about gender roles and does what she wants. Sick of rich peoples nonsense. She’s a freshmen, basically the same as in the series but it’s acknowledged by people close to her that she’s nonbinary. I think joining the host club helps her realize she’s nonbinary and also bi!
Tamaki: just a himbo hes pure of heart dumb of ass and adorable, he occasionally get a hold of one of the two host club brain cells (one is almost always with kyoya and the other bounces between the club) he tries his best and means well but usually just causes so much trouble, the host club is like family to him and he genuinely loves them. Also the daddy thing he does in the series either isn’t done or isn’t gross and is done for actual laughs like, it’s ironic and dramatic and not weird and gross. He’s a second year. Bi bi bi
Kyoya: Not a gross asshole, doesn’t do that shit he did where he pinned haru down because that was shitty. He still seems distant at first but it becomes clear that he loves the host club and enjoys being a part of it! He’s probably closest with tamaki though. He still has a lot of his shoulders with his families expectations of him and all that and is expected to act a certain way but eventually haruhi calls him out in his rude behavior and idk learns about him and his life and haru along with the host club helps him grow. He’s a second year. Also bi
The twins: they’re still mischievous but also mean well, when they cross they line they apologize for their actions and make amends fort to make it up and grow. The whole twincest thing is gone none of that is nasty we aren’t having it. They both as the story progresses begin to experiment with their style more, I think one of them will come out as nonbinary too! They both have a mole on their face in a diff place but they also will sometimes use makeup to cover and move the mole when they wanna make people think they’re each other (but that doesn’t happen as often as it does in the og series) they’re freshmen.
Honey: he’s not an upperclassmen anymore, he’s either a freshmen or at the end of middle school (what is the Japanese equivalent to eighth grade? Like if we went with that route then ouran and it’s lower level school would be connected ig) his relationship with mori is still close since they’re cousins n all he’s still a sweet summer child and childish at times but not to the point where it’s creepy and gross, he’s short compared to other people his age. He still loves stuffed animals and sweets but outwardly dislikes being called cute and babied but actually love it and the attention (again not in a creepy way)
Mori: literally the exact same hes perfect the way he is I can’t think of anything I’d change. He’s trans. He gets nicknamed grandma because idk he likes to feed and take care of the club and others (I’m projecting because I did this in school and would constantly buy ppl food and treats and give them candy and stuff)
The lobelia school girls: no gross predatory lesbian stereotypes that’s gross we’re not doing this here. They’re gay gay gay and at first think that the ouran guys are being mean and awful to haruhi after they mistake something that happened I think or haru and the host club get into an arguement and are like “oh no not today” and attempt to cheer haru up and whisk her away. They come on strong at first but then realize that how they’re acting was rude and wrong and apologize and genuinely become friends with haru while having a frenemy relationship with rest of the host club . They help haruhi feel more connected to her mom.
Haruhis dad: he’s a drag queen, he’s never called the t slur, no one is transphobic towards him (if anyone in the series was the main character would call them out and deck them) I think he may teach the club cool drag stuff maybe, he starts out overly protective of haru but begins to realize that he’s being over protective and loosens up and starts to trust haruhi and their judgement more.
The host clubs primary goal is to make people happy and have a positive atmosphere for both girls and guys and gnc people to come to (I’m sure it would still mostly be girls and the LGBT’s attending but it’s not exclusively for gorls) it’s not as shady as the original club and no hhh gross stuff happens but there’s still lots of fun hijinks and drama that ensues! They still probs do the whole date thing or whatever but again it’s not gross it’s just meant for fun and to be positive n chill. Honey isn’t asked for a date unless it’s by ppl around his age, any attention from people who aren’t in his age range are usually from people who dote on him and treat him like an adorable younger sibling
Basically I’m removing all the transphobia, lesbiphobia, gross relationships (such as the inc*st and sh*ta as well as kyoyas nonsense and basically every gross uncomfortable thing that went on in the anime and manga) still gonna be like slice of life hijinks with dashes or romance n stuff but it’s gonna be heartwarming and fun and not have icky moments that make you wanna cry
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gone-daddy-gone · 4 years
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part one 🍒
I think they would be that TikTok couple where the girl is dancing and then the boy slowly comes up and wraps his arms around her and kisses her with the music still playing.
They were voted hottest TikTok couple.
Momo tried the “play this with your boyfriend around audio” and long story short Todoroki burnt her phone. 
Todoroki has his profile picture as him and Momo in some glasses flashing a stack of money. 
It was a joke at first but he ended up never changing it. 
Todoroki would make a post about zooning out and day dreaming about Momo being a “good girl” and asking for more
Momo dueted it and said “zooning out  and day dreaming about when he tells you that its not ever yet.”
Todoroki was the first to do the “You look so sexy, you really turn me on videos with your S/O.
He would take the video of Momo as shes getting ready looking all sexy like she is
And she starts talking about their cats bowel movements and he starts laughing cause the audio hits “you look so sexy.” And her eyes widen and shes giggling.
He then spins her close to him and whsipers “You really turn me on, blow my mind everytime.” And she just giggles louder and blushes.
That got like 3 million views.
“I have a boyfriend.” “No my boyfriend crazy, he kill people.”
Uraraka would do silly cute videos
Deku would NOT thirst trap
....on purpose
THEY ARE THE COUPLE TO DO THE “this my baby, and aint NO BODY FINNA touch him.
Uraraka would do lots of cosplay videos.
Her and Deku would do couple cosplay all day long.
They may or may not beg Kiribaku and Seromina to joing them.
Uraraka does that audio where it’s “AND WHY AREN’T YOU IN UNIFORM” in her school clothes, she exits the screen and comes back in with a maid outfit with her fingers doing this. 👉🏽👈🏽
Deku would spend at least two hours replying to the “Damn she bad” “She know what she doin” comments with “Yeah she is :)” “You should see her without the outfit.”
He would do a video with negative and jealous comments about his relationship/ Uraraka with “Bitch I know you sad I know you mad I know you pissed off.” Only he would censor the bad words.
They are that couple that do the whole stand on their back thing and they have to keep getting up till the other person is standing on their shoulders.
Uraraka would dress up in some dark cosplay and lip sync “Do you know who the fuck you’re talkin to?’ audio. 
That’s it. Just imagine how hot that’d be.
Her favorite audio is “make his pockets hurt”
They would do the “I am not gay” audio and flash up pis of Uraraka Momo and Mina. Then they would stare at each other as the blank part of the audio plays out and then go. “You know what i am GAY.”
Kirishima would make his caption. “Girls are beautiful tho “
Bakugou would then caption his with “Not as beautiful as my boyfriend tho.”
They delete fetishizing comments so fast!
Love the Fuck Ice song!
They wouldn’t be the BEST dancers....
But their little dance to “Get the Gat” hit different.
Kirishima does that audio that’s like “No need to shout, no need to yell, no need to have a riot. Shut your eyes, take a deep breath.” To him, and he picked him up and threw him across the room.
Kirishima then later dueted Todoroki’s “Thinking about when she..” video with “When he threw you out of anger and you were kinda into it.”
Kaminari did a video of “Tell your beef, if he says he’s got boyfriend. Then tell him I’m scared of him and I aint fuckin vegetarian.” So he dueted it with him holding up beef and bringing Bakugou in the shot, before pushing out of the way and eating the meat. 
Then he fort night danced.
Kirishima thinks that jake2r is literally the funniest thing on TikTok
“I can fuck your bitch and fuck your mom and auntie.” Is an audio Bakugou OWNS
Jirou would post so many videos of her singing
There would be some with Kaminari in the background just walking by with a dumb smile on his face.
He would then duet it and dance to her singing and do stupid TikTok dances to her voice with a caption. “That’s my baby! Yessir!”
Adding onto the “Fuck Ice” song, Jirou made her own punk version.
With proper credit of course.
On god Denki would try so hard to get her to do the couple audios with him.
CEO of the “Heart been broke so many times” Audio.
Kaminari would do a “Day one of trying to get my girlfriend to dance with me.” To literally any popular dance.
He got her drunk one time and she did it.
Like literally most of the videos in that audio is them two ranging from her being mad, her laughing, her not showing any care, and one of her vibing.
One time he left town and couldn’t do it in person so he did so with a bunch of pictures of her.
Jirou posts video’s of her getting ready to the “I’m your DAD!” audio and she actually screams and Denki runs in scared.
Asaf and Frank are his favorite TikTokers
Sero is a dumb stoner gamer TikToker.
Mina is THE TikTok dancer.
She INVENTED throwing it back!
She can also rap every single Nikki Minaji song perfectly.
She would shake her ass to “Don’t drop that dun dun dun” 
Like she would go ham.
And Sero would be on a trip out of town watching it and all he could duet it with was his jaw hanging open and water coming out of his mouth like drool. 
He would nearly be crying at the beauty he snagged.
Caption would be “Ya’ll wanna know how fast I can run?”
Sero invented the “I’m already tracer” meme.
Mina did a collab with the “Hit or miss girl” and they’re best friends.
“I’m a savage, classy bouige, ratchet.” She owns that audio.
Sero makes fun of all the E boys who say the N word.
Sero is somewhere between an E boy and an anti E boy.
Co CEO of “Heart been broke so many times” Audio.
“What you doin out here with all that ass?” Is another favorite of Sero’s
Sero would get ripped before “I don’t get it, it’s says it’s four for four dollars. No one said anything about tax.” While Mina tries to make breakfast in the background and he fortnight dances.
Sero WORSHIPS the ground Cody Ko and Noel Miller walk on
Mina and Momo collab the most out of the four girls
Bakugou post a video of that audio thats like “Jack i want you to paint me like this” And he’s jack all smooth and sexy
Kaminari then duets it in full sloth costume.
Kirishima duets it laughing his ass off.
Bakugou and Momo do the song together that’s like “I think y’all could use some tips. I’m skinny, I’m winning, and all you bitches are ugly. All the guys in my phone are ugly and fat so don’t call me.” With the camera shaking over to Todoroki eating soba minding his own damn business and the back to Bakugou with “All these bitches on my dick, they giving me head in the lobby” And at that exact moment Kirishima walks by and he grabs the back of his head and bobs it. 
He is very confused and can only laugh and mutter an “OW!”
That video got 5 million likes.
They all do their own version of “Tell me about your schools biggest controversy with this audio.
Jirou’s is just “Mineta”
Kaminari and Kirishima would re create the audio in person.
Mina would get Todoroki, Deku and Kaminari together and lip sync “I am not gay, but lets be precise.” You could see Sero in the background mouthing “Liar.” Mina would push him out of the shot trying to finish the line “cause if she’s pretty than watch her cause ima be fuckin ya wife.” 
They girls would do a really fast paced TikTok to “Ms. Hilton you must be worth a trillion bucks “ With Mina lip syncing that while pulling her sunglasses down to look at Momo walk by. 
Then it would turn to Urarka who goes “Get the feelin that you don’t really give a” And then Jirou would come in clutch with the censoring and play her guitar on the “fuck” so Uraraka doesn’t cuss because she is baby. 
Deku and Todoroki do the “Who are you?” “Maaaaan I be that pretty mother fucker man.”
Todoroki is the pretty mother fucker.
I’m gonna say that Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari do the “Well, can you tell which one of us is Hikaru?” audio, with the caption when we ask who’s the biggest dumbass, and when it turns to he Haruhi part its literally everyone saying the “thats the dumbest game I’ve ever heard”
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Shipping Prompts
OLD PROMPT LIST TO START THINGS OFF! Send me a Host Pairing with a sentence and i’ll write a short snip bit. as requested it shall be put into categories. Undercut since it’s long. sorry mobile readers. 
Haruhi x Host
Tamaki x Host
Kyoya x Host
Hikaru x Host (minus Kaoru)
Kaoru x Host (minus Hikaru)
Mitsukuni x Host (minus Takashi)
Takashi x Host (minus Mitsukuni)
Reader x Host
Genre (if you see a sentence and want a different genre)
Fluff/ Romance Starters
“ Excuse me but could you not?”
You can’t just kiss me like that and walk away!”
“You! hoodie off! on me! now!”
“It’s a bad idea, me and you.”
“Wow. you’re beautiful…” “I. . you… Shut up!”
“Cuddle intervention.”
“Marry me.”
“I broken my heart so many times i stopped keeping track.”
“If you’re not going to help me then shut up.”
“Hey! feel my shirt it’s boyfriend/girlfriend material.”
“I can’t with you right now.”
“I’m glad i have the ability to say i love you. some people don’t get to say that.”
“How about smiling? You ever do that? Hmm?“
“ i like seeing you smile.”
“It’s so early, please stop.”
“Don’t be mean! I’m just trying to love you!”    
“ hush, i’m trying to kiss you.”  
“  we should get a pet.”
“It’s hand holding season.”
“Your cheeks are so red; it’s so cute!”
“I’m not letting you forget an umbrella ever again.” “Hey! now we can kiss in the rain.” “No.”
“Hug me; I’m cold and love you.”
“Pajamas and movies sounds really nice.”
“Fuck it. you and i will get married right now and we will go live in a van. they can take everything from me but they wont take you.”
“I don’t know what i’d do without you.” “die probably”
“ i can’t believe i fell in love … like an idiot.
“Skip class today, let’s walk together in the park.”
“When I’m with you I can be myself naturally.”
“Take my hand.”
”Don’t pull away – Just a little longer.”
Angst/Gore Starters
“ Where do you think you’re going?”
“If liars could catch on fire then you my love, would be walking in hell.”
“Get out of my face before i knock your lights out!”
“Look me in the eye when i’m talking to you!”
“If you cry they’ll hear us.”
“I thought you cared. guess i was wrong.”
“If i had known that when i married you.”
“You’re a monster.”
“You’re a prideful asshole you know that?”
“Ow. that looks painful. tell me how it feels?”
“You’re extremely stubborn for someone your age. you just refuse to die.”
“No. You lose, you die. so pray that next trigger you pull is a blank.”
“Uh, guys, I think I got shot.“
“I suppose by now you’re starting to feel something’s wrong.”
“It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t anybody’s fault.”
“Our time is running out.”
“Can you walk?”
“Go! you can lift all this off of me so go!”
“Hurt me all you want. But if you hurt him/her i will kill you.”
“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?”
“I don’t know how to love you.”
“Just so we’re clear, we will never be meeting again.”
“How are you holding up?” “How does it look like I’m holding up?!”
“Grab the knife!”
“I won’t go down without a fight!” “I know.”
“Aw. your friend is dead. now it’s just you. think he died cursing your name?”
“ I asked you a question. If you know what’s good for you, you better answer me.”
“If i scream they’ll here and come running. that’s when you capture them” “That’s the plan.” “Then i better not scream.”
“W-what did you just drug me with.”
“I have a lot of viewers right now. they pick how you die.”
Family Starters
“What do you mean you’re pregnant?”
“Babe i love you. but you’re so tiny and your belly is huge!”
“Who knew you would turn soft after becoming a father/mother.”
You heard them. my daughter/son said no.”
“You’re such a pushover when it cokes to your daughter/son.”
“Excuse me? do you kiss your mother/father with that mouth!?”
“After 5 am. their your child.”
“We’re…  wrestling baby!”
“Grab the blanket and come sit with me while i finish up.”
“Don’t touch my daughter/son again!”
“Mommy/daddy will make it better.”
“There there little one. i got you.”
“Just because you weren’t allowed to cry as a child doesn’t mean your own daughter/son has to!”
“Wait! I got a flashlight! Wait!”
“Adoption huh? you’re interested in that?”
“You locked your sibling where!?”
“I never cared if you say your a boy/girl you’re still my baby either way.”
“You want another sibling… ask your dad/mom”
“How to you keep getting hurt?! no really is this your talent!?”
“Never, ever! Start a fight. But you better finish it”
“I can’t wait to meet you.”
“are you sure i can hold them? they wont break?”
“I’m not ready for this. i don’t know if i can do this.”
“When something goes wrong i’m here to help! That’s my job as you Mom/Dad! to bail you out when you get in over your head! I want your first thought to be to come get me not think that i’ll kill you!”
“huh? …yeah you can sleep with me.”
“Guess neither of us are sleeping tonight…huh.”
“I’m so proud of you.”
“No. I’m spending time with my family. It can wait.”
“You just took a bath! how??? when did you???? how did you find mud! it’s not even raining!”
“Well…um, do you guys need anything? a snack? condoms?”
Misc Starters
“I think i just heard a noise downstairs. What should we do?”
“Smile for daddy”
“Where do you go late at night?”
“Why… are you so morbid?”
“Well i went to church.” “you went to church!?”
“You look like a hot topic reject.”
“Kids, grab your shit we’re leaving!”
“All I do is drink coffee and say bad words.”  
“If I die, I’m haunting you first.” “ok. fair.”
“I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “I’m going to start.” “No.”
“Don’t bite me, that’s rude.”
“None of us will ever really know our fathers”
“What the hell are you doing on the bathroom floor at 3 in the morning?”
“you have a very different definition of fun”
“ i’m a simple person. i see a cool rock , i pick it up.”
“Wow i wanna stab my eyes after this”
“I’m being gay with you. Homo intended, dammit.”  
“You need a makeover. Like, yesterday.”
“You know what would make me happy…IF YOU WENT TO FUCKING SLEEP.”
“Do you think you could bribe with me food, and I would forgive you that easily?” “Yes.” “…..fair enough. I accept your apology.”
“All this and heaven too.”
“Hey guys, I’m here and I’m ready to bitch.”
“I’m wearing my boots with shorts and you can kiss my ass.”
“Alright. i’m gonna cry.”
“Success is more important than human contact and love and hugs and…“ “…is that why you’re crying?”
“If you start singing i will put you on mute.”
“Blocked.” “You can’t block me in real life!”
*Host walks into music room* Everyone here is straight! *awkward silence.* *another host* “Who here is straight??”
“Alright… who’s gonna die first because one of you will die.”
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nochiquinn · 4 years
campaign 2 episode 96: what’s a mood whiplash
[insulin fund]
my day sucked, this episode better be amazing
(it will be mostly combat, so my expectations are not high)
oh no liam in a lab coat
is taliesin wearing an eevee shirt
my roommate caught a shiny ninetails, I missed all of that
oh, the banner has the traveler symbol, cool beans
wtf my boyfriend has been singing that all week. I haven't heard it in years and now it's everywhere
cad jumps in a six-foot pool, water comes up to his shoulders
"it's a pinata, guys, you get candy!" matt
jester quick offer it a cupcake
oh well shit
moves shrimp chips away bc I'm stress-grazing
(the battle map camera has been really dynamic and on-point lately, a+)
wingardium leviosa
this is horizon zero dawn now, hit the glowy green part
can decompose make it rust
moves shrimp chips back towards me bc I'm stressed
nott throw the oil like a grenade
yasha: battle cry travis: :EYES:
I play my Gorgon in Attack Mode
"seven players, everything stacks"
oh good I'm not the only one who instinctively does the nickelodeon jingle
I knew at least one was gonna get smashed BUT THE GRAVEL, MATTHEW
look it's still smashing stones
marisha communicating fjord's hp across the table with her face
save a fjord, ride a death cow
someone hug taliesin
look at him, he's gonna combust
tal don't chew your nails they look too nice
hey! no take-backsies!
beau embraces hydroelectricity
"I dunno" "YES YOU DO"
stress level: marisha has forgotten how to chair
"that's how you make a statue!" "and a steak!"
I thought sam had cheeto dust on his fingers but no his nails are orange
"you've got a little Nott here on your back"
"not my thing"
there is not a little kima in calliope
aww, him mom love him
official cad family art when
"please don't break my aunt" too late for THAT
liam: [reading intensifies]
boop of restoration
is fjord's other half elf
I enjoy cad's little dope slap
beau what the actual hell
haha I didn't realize what my blood pressure was doing until I stood up, whoof
calliope u lil shit
beau do not fuck cad's sister
yasha do not fuck cad's sister
"no relation" prove it
"we've krunked dead people tea"
found the cannibalsim
"I've roasted fjord a bunch of times"
beau do NOT
oh look it's my dad
jester no
lmao laura's face
nott :(
oh wow no
that's gay
"the people are frozen. go on."
"beau your marisha is showing"
"I run"
cad :(
I love calliope
"not arguing with that"
designated prankster
"your body is a cloister"
"I'm not answering this question"
"your PARENTS watch this show" sdkjhfsk
you know what they've known her her whole life, they know what she's like
hey, she learned how to pitch it
just hide ur confession in a conversion pitch it's fine
(jester loves everyone, that could mean NOTHING, but beau's gonna be catatonic for the next four hours minimum)
🎶last night I told you I loved you, woke up blamed it on the vodka🎶
I love them
he has shit on them forever
that's fma is what you're talking about
"what's rexxentrum" whoooo boy
I love her
make matt act like reani
yessss that's all I wanted
beau also realizes that jester is haruhi suzumiya
"he has a face I wanna punch"
cad :(
"I'll be home soon" stop throwing death flags caduceus
"you're the only one that could have done this"
oh god. oh god he's carver from da2.
I love her
listen to matt, he doesn't trust her anymore
jester keeps her gd promises
pot/kettle, beau
if they do nott’s ritual at the live show I’ll be really upset, I want to watch it
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buffintruder · 4 years
Ouran rewatch ep 9-10
Episode 9
-another formal/casual note: Haruhi uses casual to girls at the club who use formal to them (and all the other hosts)
-the instant coffee is brought up again! this is among my favorite running jokes
-i appreciate how even from the first 2 seconds of interaction with someone from Lobelia, the audience already knows how incredibly gay they are. they have huge “then perish” energy (though... i’m not super familiar with the politics of feminism in Japan, but from a Western view they also seem to fit the kind of feminism that easily becomes terfy and/or ignores intersectionality but anyway.) they also seem very “lesbians do everything better than straight men”, like they even got Haruhi flustered
-they have just as much dumbass drama nerd energy as the host club though
-okay no Benibara was rude about Tamaki being mixed, i don’t like her as much anymore. plus seriously? making Haruhi’s decisions for them? that’s not very good feminism, just saying (i mean okay, later they do sort of ask Haruhi, and the host club are also far from perfect, but still they are very presumptive)
-though Tamaki isn’t much better, i mean really, the Adam and Eve argument against gay relationships? come on my dude, you’re better than that. (though i’m actually curious how well known that homophobic argument is in Japan because it isn’t a very Christian country, but this is aimed for a Japanese audience and said with the expectation of being understood, i feel. i definitely don’t think it holds as much weight in Japan as it would a culturally Christian country, but Tamaki lived most his life in France, so that definitely has influence on him. though i don’t know if Adam and Eve is an argument in France either)
-fun gender note, Benibara uses “boku” as a first person pronoun, which is masculine. other than Tamaki, most of the host club members use boku, i believe
Episode 10
-Okay Tamaki does have a dream about Haruhi’s home that’s somewhat condescending (like, come on, Haruhi is not rich, but they have never given any signs that they are actually impoverished, and actually seem solidly middle class), but on a more positive note, Haruhi actually talks like Haruhi for once! Progress!!
-i think this is the first time we’ve seen Haruhi in clothes that they chose for themself? it’s very feminine, so i guess even though they always wear the male school uniform, their own gender expression seems more complicated than that
-though actually, seeing everyone’s casual clothing is interesting. I did not peg Kyoya for wearing straight up just a vest with what appears to be a low neck tank top (though maybe that’s his commoner disguise)
-wait, Honey pointed out the strangeness of taking off his shoes at the entrance, is that not a thing rich Japanese people do??? are they that westernized????
-at least they’re all trying to be sensitive??? (well, Tamaki and the twins are, the rest of them are acting normally, which is infinitely better.) they’re not doing a great job of it, but they are trying?
-ooof soft moment between Tamaki and Haruhi over Haruhi’s mom!! i don’t remember Tamaki’s whole thing with his mom, but i know this moment will have added pain in retrospect
-Haruhi’s dad!! i love this person, what a cross dressing icon. i love the exaggerated representation of reality that anime often has, like Ranka meeting Tamaki and throwing him against the wall and crushing him like a bug is possibly one of the most comedic scenes in this show
-i do kind of want to know what queer people in Japan think about the treatment of Ranka in this show, like a quick google search says the word used, “okama” is pretty derogatory word for gay, and the English translation uses pretty derogatory terms for trans (both subs and dubs), but that is also the term Ranka uses himself? i don’t really have the context to comment
-also i forgot to mention this earlier, i said that the host club doesn’t use gendered third person pronouns for Haruhi that i’ve noticed so far (though this is not uncommon), but they do consistently call Haruhi ‘daughter’
-Ranka is bi though! and uses the term himself!
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ko-fanatic · 5 years
To Be A Princess: Sleeping Beauty Awakes (part two)
Rating: Teen and up
Fandom: Ouran High School Host Club, Princess Jellyfish AU (sort of)
Character(s): Kyoya Ootori, Haruhi Fujioka, Tamaki Suoh
Pairing(s): (Eventual) KyoHaru, Past TamaHaru
Trigger Warnings: None
Summary: Haruhi had done a lot of dumb things for cute girls, but this really topped all of them.
Other parts in this series: Part one
Taking care of a living animal was a big responsibility that should be thought out thoroughly. It shouldn’t be rushed into, and there were a lot of variables to consider – especially if you had a roommate, who in turn had a big, dumb animal of his own. After all, Antoinette was about as well-trained as her owner, which was to say not very. It didn’t help that Haruhi liked to plan things out ahead of time and wasn’t someone who appreciated reckless spontaneity.
So why the hell did she suggest keeping the cat at her shared apartment? Perhaps it was the way that the girl she didn’t even know was so honestly… saddened by the whole thing. Haruhi liked to think she was strong and didn’t let others’ emotions sway her, but Tamaki’s puppy dog eyes had been successful far too many times for her to truly believe that anymore.
It didn’t help that the girl was so stupidly adorable. Tall, much taller than she was, but it didn’t seem to stop her from dressing like… that. All pink bows and white lace, so oddly young and adorable, even if it should be overwhelmingly saccharine. She could only focus on the tremble of her dew-glossed lower lip and the long eyelashes that hid behind her sunglasses. Fuck, she was gay for those sorts of girls. Innocent and sweet.
However, the answer definitely wasn’t to take in a cat! She didn’t have the first clue of how to deal with a kitten, especially one who was sick. The vet gave her and the girl some advice, of course, but she certainly wasn’t an expert. At least there was google, right? Still, she couldn’t get over the girl’s quiet shushes and coos as the kitten mewled, holding it so gently.
The worst thing was that, after the vet visit was over with and the girl – people just call me Kyo – was about twenty thousand yen out of pocket, she took her to the apartment she shared with her idiot friend. A stranger. Not only that, but she ended up falling asleep before Kyo left, the girl so enamoured with the little kitten – what do you think of calling her Noir? – that she just let her keep playing with the cat until all too late at night. In her bedroom.
She groaned, realising what a gay dumbass she was. A good sign, however, was the soft snores that seemed to emanate from the small pile of blankets and pillows on the floor. Noir had sat herself on top of the little nest rather happily, but the noises were definitely human.
That was when her eyes strayed to the dress that was hung over the back of her desk chair, and her face instantly flushed. Of course, Kyo would never be able to sleep in that dress, but still. She didn’t expect that, even if she was just even more pissed at herself for not even thinking about it for a second. Like she apparently didn’t think a single thing through the previous day.
Noir leaped off the bundle of blankets, the bell on her new collar tinkling lightly, and it seemed Kyo was awake now. Not only that, but Haruhi was just staring at her like a creep. She decided to scoop the cat up in her arms, at least appearing to look preoccupied with something else, but another surprise was piled on top of the large pile already forming on her shoulders.
Kyo sat up, the blankets pooling at their waist, and Haruhi was stunned. Now she looked, she could see the blonde wig carefully laid out on her desk, and Kyo’s was black and cropped short. Not only that, but there was something… distinctly masculine about their torso. Completely flat, the barest hint of their ribcage through their skin, and she couldn’t stop staring.
All Kyo seemed to do was blink slowly, lazily, obviously still half asleep. It didn’t seem to clink, rubbing the sleep from their eyes and yawning. Haruhi couldn’t take her eyes off them, surprised speechless, and when Kyo’s eyes met her own it all seemed to connect in their mind.
They gasped, pulling the blanket up to their chin, their eyes wide and terrified. Like Haruhi was in some way a threat.
“I…” They started but didn’t finish. After all, Haruhi didn’t know what to say, and she was basically a bystander to this. She wasn’t the half-naked one in this situation, “I should… go get dressed. Excuse me.”
They pushed themselves up from the floor, about to snatch the dress up once more when the next contrived, awful coincidence burst through the door, warbling her name at the top of his lungs and carrying a tray of breakfast. Tamaki stopped dead, however, when confronted with Kyo in their underwear, hair mussed, and turned an almost comedic shade of red. Of all days for him not to have the morning shift, why this one?!
“Oh! Uh, sorry! I didn’t know Haruhi had someone in bed- Over! I mean over!” Tamaki babbled, arms waving dramatically, “I’m just her roommate! Nothing going on between us, dude. I mean, we used to go out but that didn’t work out… I’m nothing to worry about though! I’ve got a girlfriend!”
When he finally stopped talking, leaving the room in awkward silence, Haruhi was ready to strangle him. Normal people don’t spill like that to total strangers, although Tamaki never handled embarrassment well. At all. Kyo seemed incredibly embarrassed as well, a flush forming on their face that could rival Tamaki’s, although that was probably partially due to how pale they were…
“Tamaki, thanks for making breakfast, but can you…” She made a vague shooing gesture with her hand, and Tamaki instantly nodded in understanding, all but sprinting out of her room and slamming the door behind him. She let out a sigh, turning away from Kyo so they could pull the dress on once more without a stranger staring at their nearly-naked body, “Sorry about him. When he gets nervous, he just keeps talking. In fact, he never seems to shut up, if I’m honest.”
“Oh, it’s… It’s fine,” Kyo answered almost breathlessly, sounding a little flustered, “I’m clothed now, so you don’t have to keep looking away. Thank you for that, anyway… Sorry, this is awkward, and I’m just running my mouth now too – maybe it’s contagious.”
She chuckled, turning to look at Kyo once more and giving them a smirk. Noir also seemed to have had enough of her company, as she jumped off her lap to go pester her actual owner.
“So… Considering we have a cat together, can I ask your full name? Pronouns?” She inquired, hoping that she looked the slightest bit encouraging and open, not wanting to scare them off. After all, if she had to look after the cat, she’d rather know a little more about this person.
“Kyoya. Kyoya Ootori,” They began, shoulders tense and curling in on themselves a little more, “You don’t have to pretend you didn’t see… Didn’t notice I’m a boy. Man.”
“A body’s just a body,” She shrugged, cutting him off before he could work himself up anymore, “You can’t tell from that, especially as that wasn’t really your choice. I mean, my dad presents as a girl more often than not, but he still likes masculine pronouns? So, you do you.”
Kyoya scooped the cat up, holding her close to his chest. Not like a toy, not how Tamaki would pick Antoinette up as he baby talked her, but it also had the same sort of energy as a child hugging a stuffed toy in search of comfort. Their lips brushed the cat’s soft, black fur as they thought on what she said, turning it over in their mind.
“I just go for the masculine,” He stated after a moment or two, his tone brusque and almost as if he was trying to convince himself. Still, she’d go along with it if that’s what he was most comfortable with – far be it for her to comment, “So, uh. Your ex-boyfriend lives with you, huh?”
“You aren’t that great at small talk, are you?” She teased, “It’s not as awkward as it sounds, honestly. He’s a good guy. I love him as a friend, but I don’t think I was in love with him, you know?”
Kyoya nodded, perching on the edge of the desk. A silence fell between them like a blanket of snow, soft yet cold, and Haruhi wasn’t sure what to say. She could see that Kyoya was thinking, too stuck in his head to really talk to her, and she wondered if he was always like that. Was he an introvert, or was it the odd situation they’d managed to stumble into? Not that it mattered either way, but he seemed different to how he was yesterday.
“Your roommate saw me, and I don’t have any other clothes,” He groaned all of a sudden, face hiding in Noel’s fur. She furrowed her brows, trying to think why that would be an issue, but almost slapped herself when she realised what he meant. The dress. He was self-conscious about dressing that way in front of a relative stranger who knew he was biologically male.
“Well, Tamaki wouldn’t care,” She tried to assure, gaze following him as he wondered around the room, seeming to scan and catalogue every inch as he pulled the wig back on his head, “He’s a good guy, I promise. He wouldn’t be a jerk about that stuff…”
It seemed to fall on deaf ears, however, as next thing she knew the odd boy opened the window, climbing out onto the old, rickety fire escape. She just gaped after him for a moment, too shocked to say anything as that poofy skirt was squeezed through the gap in the window.
“Are you crazy?!” She demanded, rushing towards the window, “That thing’s rusted through, you’re gonna fall! Just use the door like a normal person!”
He kept climbing down, ignoring her for the moment. She had to admire how dexterous he was, climbing down those thin ladders without tripping or tearing the elaborate dress. It was quick, too; like he was afraid to be caught, which she supposed made sense. It barely took any time before his feet were back on the ground, and he was smirking up to her.
“I do this all the time,” He called up to her, waving before he turned his back, disappearing out into the main street. Not for the first time that day, a single thought was on her mind.
What the hell did I get myself into?
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fedoranonymous · 4 years
Infinite List of Beginner-Friendly Anime Recs: Ouran High School Host Club
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"I hate all these damn rich people"
tl;dr I questioned someone’s recommendation for someone else’s first anime on the basis that people who are unused to anime might like something that’s less than 20 hours long and tells one complete story within the first hour or so, and 20,000 words later I decided to make my own post(s) because I clearly had Feelings
26 x 30 minute episodes | watch it: netflix | hulu | funimation
Okay, you know Jeeves and Wooster? Except there’s like six Woosters, and instead of trying to get out of engagements, they’re purposely leading the women on, for profit. Also it’s in high school. 
Follow the Read More for more convincing and trigger warnings (to my best recollection)
Okay, so like, we all know Bisco Hattori meant to be writing a feminist female protagonist, but all you have to do is take Haruhi at their word and you realize what you really have is a nonbinary protagonist. 
Haruhi’s dad, who crossdresses professionally and is just super supportive of his child and is working hard as a single parent and just. A good dad.
All of the characters are really fun hyperactive balls of energy, but the backstories for why they are Like That are nicely compelling as well
Okay you literally cannot list the appeal of a harem anime (genre where the appeal is all the eyecandy characters being in Love Love with the protagonist) without doing a roll call
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hopeless romantic dumbass
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thinks he’s sneaky dumbass
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manic memelord dumbass and depressive memelord dumbass
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bubblegum waif fu dumbass
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easily manipulated dumbass
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oneshot gay panic dumbass
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wrong fandumb dumbass
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really wrong fandumb dumbasses
and our protagonist, Mx. "I don’t care for labels; I want people to get to know me as a person." Themself
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“You’re all such friggin’ dumbasses!”
I’m kidding, while the shenanigans these characters get up to is absolutely fucking stupid in the way only teenagers with way too much time and money on their hands can be, the characters are mainly tolerant to supportive depending on how stupid the antics in question are. It’s a good show with fun jokes, interesting characters, and pretty, pretty visuals. A bit of escapist “if I had all the money in the world” combined with not being able to stand these damn rich people.
Watch Out For:
It’s a gag a day comedy where one character is concealing their gender. Gender issues abound. People tell Haruhi how they should perform their gender, both erring masculine and feminine depending on what they perceive as the truth. Haruhi mostly goes along with whatever unless it’s really stupid; the only thing they won’t wear, it seems, is clothing that bares their belly. 
So Haruhi IS able to set and enforce limits, but mostly they just don’t see what the big deal is. Overall, I find Haruhi’s feeling on gender performance to match my own, but if you’re in a situation where your gender performance is being manipulated, you might find it cringey at best. It’s not every episode, but it is a lot of them.
There’s an episode where Kyoya tries very hard to convince Haruhi that they can’t trust him alone with them, he might try to rape them. Haruhi doesn’t buy it, but Kyoya is surprised he didn’t go through with it. To me, it reads as less a rape scare and more incipient toxic masculinity, which would fit since I think the author is trying to be overtly feminist but is either behind the times or just not being translated with that lens, but the text says it was a rape threat, so be aware of that one.
Folks with troubled parental situations might not like some of the characters’ backstories, “bad parents in all their forms” seems to come up a lot. (Another trans allegory?)
OHSHC is a lot of people’s gateway to understanding that they might not be cis, and that it’s safe and healthy to explore gender roles and how they affect your life. It’s also a much beloved classic comedy show. Googling for images shows that yes, people are still asking Google when season 2 is coming. There’s also a live action remake, but I cannot vouch for quality. It’s some good shit, y’all. 
0 notes
taromilksnake · 4 years
9:42pm i should just go to bed
productive day...maybe the way to more present is to keep detailed log of the most mundane? track anything and everything
today went well enough but like roots growing or teeth aligning in a retainer there’s a running undercurrent of unease
woke up to the smell of burning plastic (which turned out to be a burning ship on the waters), edited my scholarship essay (losing interest and heart...but just need to get it done lol), quickly dressed to go fuck around at ceramic heights (made a “cup”, platypus with ‘QUEER’ on it), came home (got gas and mcd on the way back), sat by sherry’s work desk and shared mcnuggets snack/lunch, took a shower, went and got groceries with sherry at trader joe’s, came back tired, tense from her irritation (not at me, but loud sounds made me jump; nervous, trying to be appeasing and realizing how it makes it worse but not able to stop it), put groceries away, been hiding in my room on tumblr (donating, reading) and youtube (music, hanae) since 7ish. still running my brain tired trying to imagine how i would look on T, stressed about if i would be allowed on w/ long hair (would i have to chop it off and start over if i want to be on T?), running brain tired trying to figure out if im secretly a trans guy...
for: always wanted to be “handsome,” tomboyish in activity, insecurity about height, sympathized w/ guys, thinking hard about f/m relationships since a long time (but how much is accounted for just being bi/nb? how can things like this be seperated??), imagine being a gay guy in sexual fantasies, like the idea of masculine face, upper body
against: how much is just suppressed dissatisfaction w/ body (ie just needs to work out and gain hot bod)? do i have a sense of dissatisfaction?, looking for “quick” and easy fix rather than “putting in the work” (i.e. voice training, binder, makeup), do i just want to be sexually attractive to dean?, don’t have bodily dysphoria? minimal/no social dysphoria?
hinge: like the idea of deeper/husky voice, but dont dislike my own voice (i think? i feel like i would miss it), fear of repercussion of being trans in primary school education, conflicting feelings about top surgery (conforming to concepts of masculinity vs the sense of arbitrariness of it all), heavy relatable moment to haruhi, fear of emotional processing changes (emotion =/= personality, but not believing it), excited/queasy/nervous at the idea of being seeing seeing as a “freak” (guy w/ chest) but not wanting to compromise parts of the body i dont mind, how will i tell mom and dad???? what if i lose friends
i can come back and add to this as i think of more, i suppose...trying to maintain perspective and believe that i have all the time i need to figure this out. it just feels like i have too much on my plate against my will...
also a resurgent resentment/anger/sadness at old loves now that i’m learning about bisexuality...not much to do but feel it fully, accept it, and move on...
also my dream life is basically living w/ dean and the idea that that might not happen i still can’t wholly accept...i know i will and can, but i dont want to..
i guess rn order of operations (remember, this is on the timespan of years):
- get credential
- work as teacher and earn money (gain credits + work up to masters)
- grow hair out + find hairstyle that is “me”
- pay back grandparent(s), sherry, save up money to put down deposit for house and live there
- decide to start T (or not)
- think about what to do with dean (we’ll still be friends either way, so. dont worry lol)
other things that i want to improve on in general is to be more spontaneous/present, to find sense of identity, to not be apologetic/jumpy when taking up time and space, to get a glimpse of how others see me (good, capable, generous), exercise+diet to maintain physical and mental health, relax+ have free time to do arts n crafts AND go on trips/camping (think the joy of outdoor school, NYC w/ band...)
a thing to keep in perspective is that had things not happened as it did w/ dean (ie not dating), we would very likely not have gotten as far as we did today...so just relax and don’t be afraid...there’s nothing to be scared of, really. all the things that you secretly want (showing dean taiwan, camping together, living together), all of them, they’ll work out one way or the other. focus on you, not for him, not for mom, sherry, or anyone else, but for you. the other person that is with you all the time, the one that you should learn to love, to not neglect. you get out what you put in.
your end goal is just to have a memorable life. that’s all!
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animeride-blog · 7 years
Brothers Conflict Anime Review https://animeride.com/uncategorized/6038/brothers-conflict-anime-review/
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Brothers Conflict Anime Review
Basic Info
Aired:July 2,2013 to Sept 17,2013
Source:Otome Game
Studio:Brian’s Base
Genres:Harem,Romance,and most importantly,Shoujo
Ema Hinata’s father,Rintaru Hinata is a famous explorer, fell in love with Miwa Asahina a fashion designer. For some reason,the two newly weds want space,because of that our heroine, Ema decides to live with Miwa’s THIRTEEN SONS(How?!). Ema basically went from being an only child,to a girl with THIRTEEN STEPBROTHERS. Each brother has their own harem trope(I will go into this,later on). Ema finds out that her THIRTEEN BROTHERS all,are in love with her. Which one is she going to end up with?
Ema Hinata
Ema is the daughter of Rintarou Hinata,who is an explorer. She likes video games,and she can cook. Ema is happy with her new family,however she often compares them to a pack of wolves. She has a pet squirrel named Juli (who is AWESOME btw). Ema and (best brother) Louis are the only one who can communicate and understand Juli. She is nicknamed “Chi” by (best brother) Louis and Juli.
The Brothers
Masaomi Asahina
Masaomi,is second best brother and the first-born son and he isn’t weird around Ema,from what I have seen so far. Thats all I know though.
Ukyo Asahina
Ukyo is the stereotypical “Anime Guy That Makes Glasses Sexy” Trope. He is a lawyer….that is all I know. Oh,he’s also the second born.
Kaname Asahina
He is the third born,a monk and a PERVERT. He often calls Ema his ‘Cute little sister’ in a non family like way. He’s in a club thats basically the Host Club but with BUDDISM! Also,he is a pervert.
Hikaru Asahina
Hikaru is the fourth born son and third best brother. He is the trap character. From what I saw in the anime,he just watched all the drama unfold and even made a PREDICTION on who’d Ema would love back. Other than that he’s basically Haruhi’s dad from Ouran,except he doesn’t work at a gay bar.
Tsubaki and Azusa
They are a trope which I like to call,’The Hikaru and Kaoru trope’. They are voice actors. They are the 5th and 6th born.
I hope to god thats a pencil
Natsume is the 7th born and is somehow Tsubaki and Azusa’s triplet. Thats hard for me to believe,yes I know fraternety is a thing but still WHAT? Okay so he’s a game designer. His cats are adorably named Tsubaki and Azusa.
Louis the 8th born and the BEST BROTHER. He is a hairstylist and best brother. He is the only other person,besides Ema,to talk to and understand Juli. Did I mention that he’s my favorite?
I didn’t like him at first,but now I do. He is an athlete. From what I saw,he can get angry and jealous pretty easily,though.
I honestly forgot he was even there,he got so little screentime. Apperently,he is Tamaki,’The Princely Type’ but not with the comedic edge(Yes,I am compairing it to Ouran). He only has 4 or 5 lines in the entire anime.
(Warning:He’s 2Edgy4U) He is the only brother in the Asahina clan who actually knows that he should stop thinking that way about his new stepsister. Other than that,he is a delinquient who is actually a really nice guy. (And he got the best line in the dub “Yo,what it do?”).
He is the second youngest and singer. He is a jerkwad. The nicest he was was in the last 2 episodes of the show,and only got one apperence in those two episodes
Wataru is the smallest,most innocent bean and he must be protected at all costs. He is also the youngest of the Asahina bros.
The openings and endings were pretty,’meh’. They weren’t bad,but they weren’t the greatest. The BGM on the other hand,is really,really good! Its even ~magical~ at times.
The animation is the best part about this show,the art style is nice and the backgrounds are very detailed. The character designs do scream ‘shoujo’ which,I think,is a good thing. Props to you,Brians Base!
The anime had good moments and bad moments,however the bad outweighs the good,like twelve of the brothers (I’m not counting Wataru because he’s too young) having a crush on their step Sister,sorry boys,Incest is NOT wincest. As you noticed,I have compared it to Ouran Highschool Host Club,my favorite shoujo anime,to this alot. This anime basically feels like that,but it taking itself seriously,also some brothers seemed to be like the Ouran boys with one crucial detail removed Iori=Tamaki if he was more serious,Ukyo=Kyoya if he wasn’t the ‘Shadow King’,Wataru=Honey if he didn’t have a dark side,Tsubaki and Azusa=A toned down Hikaru and Kaoru,Hikaru=Ranka if he was younger and not Haruhi’s dad) I tried SO HARD not to compare,I really did. Another con is that the brothers that aren’t Tsubaki,Azusa,Natsume and Yuusuke,barely having any screentime(Iori is the one that suffered this most). Anyways,back on track. The good points of this anime are the animation,the background music, and the characters Louis,Juli and Wataru. So what do I think about this anime?
I don’t love it,but I don’t hate it,I am indifferent towards this Anime.
It’s not my least favorite anymore. Maybe I would like it more if Ema wasn’t related and it was just a bunch of brothers,fighting over this one girl,that way it would have less incest vibes.
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Shipping Sentence Starters.
Send me a Host Pairing with a sentence and i’ll write a short snip bit. as requested it shall be put into categories. Undercut since it’s long. sorry mobile readers.  I WANNA STAB MY EYEBALLS! SO I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT! I STARTED THIS AROUND 9:30 IT’S NOW 11:30
Haruhi x Host
Tamaki x Host
Kyoya x Host
Hikaru x Host (minus Kaoru)
Kaoru x Host (minus Hikaru)
Mitsukuni x Host (minus Takashi)
Takashi x Host (minus Mitsukuni)
Genre (if you see a sentence and want a different genre)
Fluff/ Romance Starters
“ Excuse me but could you not?”
You can’t just kiss me like that and walk away!”
“You! hoodie off! on me! now!”
“It’s a bad idea, me and you.” 
“Wow. you’re beautiful. . .” “I. . you. . . Shut up!”
“Cuddle intervention.” 
“Marry me.”
“I broken my heart so many times i stopped keeping track.”
“If you’re not going to help me then shut up.”
“Hey! feel my shirt it’s boyfriend/girlfriend material.”
“I can’t with you right now.”
“I’m glad i have the ability to say i love you. some people don’t get to say that.”
“How about smiling? You ever do that? Hmm?“
“ i like seeing you smile.”
“It’s so early, please stop.”
“Don’t be mean! I’m just trying to love you!”    
“ hush, i’m trying to kiss you.”  
“  we should get a pet.” 
“It’s hand holding season.”
“Your cheeks are so red; it’s so cute!”
“I’m not letting you forget an umbrella ever again.” “Hey! now we can kiss in the rain.” “No.”
“Hug me; I’m cold and love you.”
“Pajamas and movies sounds really nice.”
“Fuck it. you and i will get married right now and we will go live in a van. they can take everything from me but they wont take you.”
“I don’t know what i’d do without you.” “die probably”
“ i can’t believe i fell in love … like an idiot.
“Skip class today, let’s walk together in the park.”
“When I’m with you I can be myself naturally.” 
“Take my hand.”
”Don’t pull away – Just a little longer.”
Angst/Gore Starters
“ Where do you think you’re going?”
“If liars could catch on fire then you my love, would be walking in hell.”
“Get out of my face before i knock your lights out!”
“Look me in the eye when i’m talking to you!”
“If you cry they’ll hear us.”
“I thought you cared. guess i was wrong.”
“If i had known that when i married you.”
“You’re a monster.”
“You’re a prideful asshole you know that?”
“Ow. that looks painful. tell me how it feels?”
“You’re extremely stubborn for someone your age. you just refuse to die.”
“No. You lose, you die. so pray that next trigger you pull is a blank.”
“Uh, guys, I think I got shot.“
“I suppose by now you’re starting to feel something’s wrong.”
“It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t anybody’s fault.”
“Our time is running out.”
“Can you walk?”
“Go! you can lift all this off of me so go!”
“Hurt me all you want. But if you hurt him/her i will kill you.”
“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?”
“I don’t know how to love you.”
“Just so we’re clear, we will never be meeting again.”
“How are you holding up?” “How does it look like I’m holding up?!”
“Grab the knife!”
“I won’t go down without a fight!” “I know.”
“Aw. your friend is dead. now it’s just you. think he died cursing your name?”
“ I asked you a question. If you know what’s good for you, you better answer me.”
“If i scream they’ll here and come running. that’s when you capture them” “That’s the plan.” “Then i better not scream.”
“W-what did you just drug me with.”
“I have a lot of viewers right now. they pick how you die.”
Family Starters
“What do you mean you’re pregnant?”
“Babe i love you. but you’re so tiny and your belly is huge!”
“Who knew you would turn soft after becoming a father/mother.”
You heard them. my daughter/son said no.”
“You’re such a pushover when it cokes to your daughter/son.”
“Excuse me? do you kiss your mother/father with that mouth!?”
“After 5 am. their your child.”
“We’re. . .  wrestling baby!”
“Grab the blanket and come sit with me while i finish up.”
“Don’t touch my daughter/son again!”
“Mommy/daddy will make it better.”
“There there little one. i got you.”
“Just because you weren't allowed to cry as a child doesn't mean your own daughter/son has to!”
“Wait! I got a flashlight! Wait!”
“Adoption huh? you’re interested in that?”
“You locked your sibling where!?”
“I never cared if you say your a boy/girl you’re still my baby either way.”
“You want another sibling. . . ask your dad/mom”
“How to you keep getting hurt?! no really is this your talent!?”
“Never, ever! Start a fight. But you better finish it”
“I can’t wait to meet you.”
“are you sure i can hold them? they wont break?”
“I’m not ready for this. i don’t know if i can do this.”
“When something goes wrong i’m here to help! That’s my job as you Mom/Dad! to bail you out when you get in over your head! I want your first thought to be to come get me not think that i’ll kill you!”
“huh? . . .yeah you can sleep with me.”
“Guess neither of us are sleeping tonight. . .huh.”
“I’m so proud of you.”
“No. I’m spending time with my family. It can wait.”
“You just took a bath! how??? when did you???? how did you find mud! it’s not even raining!”
“Well. . .um, do you guys need anything? a snack? condoms?”
Smut Starters
“ I think we should. . .  order in tonight.”
“I know how to shut you up.”
“I’m not just a pair of legs you know.”
“Tonight i’m going to pound you so hard you’re not going to walk in the morning.”
“On your knees.”
“I bought you something.”
“I want you to scream my name”
“Wait, wait, wait! You want to do it here?
“Ouch, that kind of hurts.”
“S-slow down!”
“Tell me what feels good.”
“You want me so bad don’t you.”
“Ah, that feels good…”
“I bet I’m strong enough to pick you up.”
“Touch me. I don’t care how. I just need to feel something right now…”
“Bite me.” “Where?”
“We’re in a car!” “We are in a car. ;)”
“What’s your rush?”
“A simple kiss turned into a bit more. . .”
“Just where exactly do you think you’re going to put that thing?”
“The cuffs stay on, until I say otherwise.”
“All I need is five minutes and two fingers.”
“There’s nothing good on tv tonight.” “Does that mean we can have sex then?”
“Make it rougher.”
“Isn’t the thrill of getting caught half of the fun?”
“Whoever screams the loudest loses.”  
“Can you help me take care of this boner?” “Take care of it yourself!” “Well, it’s your fault it’s there in the first place!”
“I want you to watch me when I fuck you.”   
“I got a collar with your name on it.” “You got me a what?”
“breed me.”
Misc Starters
“I think i just heard a noise downstairs. What should we do?”
“Smile for daddy”
“Where do you go late at night?”
“Why. . . are you so morbid?”
“Well i went to church.” “you went to church!?”
“You look like a hot topic reject.”
“Kids, grab your shit we’re leaving!”
“All I do is drink coffee and say bad words.”  
“If I die, I’m haunting you first.” “ok. fair.”
“I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “I’m going to start.” “No.”
“Don’t bite me, that’s rude.” 
“None of us will ever really know our fathers”
“What the hell are you doing on the bathroom floor at 3 in the morning?”
“you have a very different definition of fun” 
“ i’m a simple person. i see a cool rock , i pick it up.”
“Wow i wanna stab my eyes after this” 
“I’m being gay with you. Homo intended, dammit.”  
“You need a makeover. Like, yesterday.”
"You know what would make me happy...IF YOU WENT TO FUCKING SLEEP."
“Do you think you could bribe with me food, and I would forgive you that easily?” “Yes.” “…..fair enough. I accept your apology.”
“All this and heaven too.”
“Hey guys, I’m here and I’m ready to bitch.”
“I’m wearing my boots with shorts and you can kiss my ass.”
“Alright. i’m gonna cry.”
“Success is more important than human contact and love and hugs and…“ “…is that why you’re crying?”
“If you start singing i will put you on mute.”
“Blocked.” “You can’t block me in real life!”
*Host walks into music room* Everyone here is straight! *awkward silence.* *another host* “Who here is straight??”
“Alright. . . who’s gonna die first because one of you will die.”
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