#and he needs Steve to protect him due to his bad deals
daydreamerdrew · 7 months
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The Adventures of Captain America (1991) #2
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Free Space (Too Far Gone? by Metallica)
Day 0
“Absolutely not. We need to put it outta its misery.” Hopper insisted as they recovered in the Harrington home. He grimaced when the sound of screeching and thrashing sounded from the basement, and Steve would have found the expression almost humorous any other day.
“He’s not an it!” Dustin protested, “And we didn’t abandon Will! We don’t leave party members if they can be saved!”
Nancy sighed, taking a gulp of water to gather her thoughts before she spoke, “Will was savable. Eddie is…Is he even Eddie anymore? He didn’t drop when the other democreatures did, but that doesn’t mean anything.”
“It means everything!” Dustin’s voice got a little louder, “I don’t know what final boss battle you guys were watching, but Eddie, El, and Will did most of the heavy lifting!” While tentacles (vines? Whatever, either way Steve wanted to pretend that hadn’t happened) pinned them down, Eddie had turned on Vecna. He’d bared his fangs and lunged, catching the monster offguard enough for Eleven to mindblast the vines (vines aren’t slimy. Definitely tentacles) off of herself. He had even caught a tentacle (but tentacles imply they’re attached to something and the majority weren’t. So…vines?) through the chest for his trouble. Apparently whatever had been done to him made him heal faster, so yay for small miracles.
“He’s staying.” Steve finally spoke up, “Hop, with all due respect I won’t hesitate to do what it takes to protect him.” His voice was even, the ‘from you’ left unsaid but still understood.
Hopper paused before he sighed, “We do this, you aren’t taking care of him alone. The second he becomes too much of a danger…”
“He won’t.” Steve said firmly. They would make it through the night and pull his heart into the day.
Day 1
“Wow, you look bad.” Robin grimaced at the sight of her platonic soulmate absolutely drenched from head to toe.
Steve sighed as he wrung out his shirt, “I had El restrain Eddie so I could chain him up.”
“And that required you to take a swim first?” Robin arched an eyebrow as she walked into Steve’s bathroom and gathered a few towels.
“It was for a bath. He hasn’t had one since at least three days before he died.” Steve grumbled, drying himself off, “I know he’s not exactly Eddie right now but the moment he remembered he had wings was the most Eddie thing I’ve ever seen.” He’d watched as Eddie had gone from thrashing in the plastic pool they’d brought down to flapping a tidal wave in Steve’s general direction, making an almost pleased sort of chirp. The bastard had even looked smug, and it was annoying, but it was all the proof he needed that Eddie still lived, was more than an attack dog. It was progress.
Day 10
“So, um, the party’s gonna deal with Acererak, but the twist is that he’s the DMNPC that’s been traveling with them.” Will explained his next campaign, glancing over to Eddie. The man had to be restrained when people were with him, and the kids needed an adult by their side, but he couldn’t help thinking that maybe the vampire wasn’t so bad. After all, being changed by the Upside Down didn’t mean you were automatically evil, just…different.
Steve smiled softly. He was pretending to read a magazine to give them some privacy, but he heard the curious chirps Eddie was making, the inquisitiveness spoken in a language Steve was starting to learn, and he couldn’t help speaking up, “I think he wants to know more.”
Will’s eyes lit up, “Okay, the big reveal’s gonna be at the end of the tomb…”
Night 35
Steve was woken up by screeching, mournful and terrified. He booked it downstairs so fast he nearly fell down the last steps. He saw Eddie in his little nest of sweatshirts he’d taken from Steve, wings wrapped around himself and brows furrowed, fighting some horrors his own mind had created. Without hesitation, Steve climbed into the nest and laid there, pulling Eddie into his arms and brushing his hair back, “It’s okay,” He whispered, “You’re not alone.”
Day 63
Dustin was sat right next to Eddie, reading from The Hobbit, when he felt a wing wrap around him, startling him out of the paragraph, “You okay? Do you need something?”
Steve grinned, “I think that’s mostly because he can’t do it with his arm.”
Eddie let out a confirming chitter.
“Let’s let him out!” Dustin undid the chains before he could be stopped though, considering it was just he and Steve, there wasn’t really a voice of reason there.
Eddie froze when he was freed, looking around the room as if this was a trap, a trick, and a soft whine pulled from his throat.
“No, it’s okay. Like this, see?” Dustin demonstrated by wrapping an arm around Eddie’s stomach.
Eddie hesitated before he rested a clawed hand on Dustin’s curls and ruffled them. What startled both Steve and his semi-child was the purr that rumbled from the vampire’s chest.
Day 86
Steve walked downstairs with breakfast. They’d found that Eddie could eat normal things but that most of his nutrients came from blood, so the adults had been donating when they could. Thankfully, he only seemed to need to be fed once a day, with Steve giving him human food the rest of the time. He frowned when he heard what sounded like hissing, an incessant ‘s’ sound, “What is it? You okay?” He asked in concern, setting down the cup and approaching his vampire.
Eddie let out an annoyed sort of grunt then continued hissing, shaking his head.
Steve crouched down in front of Eddie, resting a hand against his cheek, “What’s wrong? Do we need El?” Because Eleven was the only one who could communicate with Eddie better than Steve through her static blindfold mind powers (and Steve totally wasn’t jealous, no, why would he be? Totally fine with someone else speaking to his Eddie, totally chill and cool)
Eddie growled, hissing louder, until he stopped and took a deep breath. Robin had been teaching him how to control his emotions, though hers were mostly panic attack related. He leaned into the touch, closing his eyes, “SSSSSStevie.” He whispered.
Steve felt tears spill out, instantly throwing himself at Eddie, “Yeah, Baby, it’s me.” He murmured into a cold neck that still felt so familiar, “Welcome home.”
@steddie-week You can read the entire week here!
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heavencasteel420 · 3 months
Okay. I’m gonna be a hater.
I’m not against St4ncy because of the association between their first time and Barb dying. If they were good together and she really wanted to be with him, then I wouldn’t be rooting for her survivor’s guilt to keep that from happening.
I’m also not against St4ncy because of the S1 graffiti, per se. From a writing perspective, I think the show over-egged the pudding by making both Jonathan and Steve do such shitty things to Nancy in S1. I believe the creators were mainly trying to make certain things happen plot-wise (there needs to be a photo of the demogorgon, the teen confrontation needs to be immediate and public so Jonathan and Nancy can end up at the police station) and trying to foreshadow Steve’s heel-face turn by making his objections to the photos more reasonable, and they did a clumsy job of it. And I think it’s basically fine for the creators, having realized that this was all too much, to quietly drop it. Such is the nature of multi-season TV. Realistically, it’s wild that Steve and Nancy would get back together a mere month after all of that, but, unless a shipper actually says stuff like “it’s not that bad that he would do that, because he was understandably upset” or “it was just vandalism,” I’m not going to assume that they’re chill with the graffiti.
That being said, the whole “Steve’s feelings were hurt because he thought he was being cheated on and he’s young and it was all Tommy’s fault anyway and he apologized” vs. “Jonathan had no motivations other than intrinsic badness and his youth is not a factor and his apology doesn’t count and his terrible home life is not only not an excuse but a justification for Steve’s tenuously connected shitty actions” thing has soured me on large swathes of Steve fans across the board. I’ve seen too much of the so-called real-life justice system to find this attitude anything other than disturbing. But this isn’t exclusively a St4ncy shipper problem. If anything, they at least usually like Nancy enough not to act like she’s somehow at fault for the photos because she forgave Jonathan later (???) or put her “cheating” on Steve on the same level as the guys’ worst S1 behavior.
My main reasons for disliking the ship (in an exclusive endgame kind of way; I’m cool with Stoncy most of the time and I think they canonically had some good times together) are way more subjective. The first reason is that Jonathan is my favorite and St4ncy shippers invariably don’t like or get him. This is predictable, although not inevitable; Jancy shippers don’t dislike Steve so uniformly, for example. So obviously that’s not gonna work out.
The second reason is that I just don’t find the things people like about their relationship very romantic or desirable. He’s protective of her, but that mainly seems to involve trying to keep her from doing things she believes she has to do or retaliating against others in ways she finds distasteful. There’s not a lot of awareness of her perspective. He wants to be with her “no matter what,” with no consideration for the obstacles, but those obstacles seem to include “what she wants” and “what they are both like as people.” I’d get it more if he was like “I don’t know what the future will bring, but I’d like to give this a chance in the short term” or “listen, I can figure out what to do with my life in Boston as well as anywhere else,” but instead he just does not seem to know her at all or be thinking about what they would do as a couple in the immediate future. After a point, that’s just being in love with the idea of being in love.
Also—and I am not trying to be catty here—I think it’s kind of silly to compare his romantic dreams with Jonathan having reservations due to trauma, poverty, and family obligations. That’s not so much a testament to Steve loving her more as it is an indication that he is relatively unburdened by material concerns. He may be broke, but he’s not dealing with entrenched multi-generational poverty. I’m not saying these things to suggest that Nancy would be wrong to break up with Jonathan—sometimes love isn’t enough—or that Steve is less deserving of love because his life is easier, but I am saying that Steve was kinda born on third base here.
I am not convinced that Steve would do “anything” for Nancy! Nor do I think that he should! That is not a good or sexy dynamic in an equal romantic partnership to me! They should both have other principles and goals of their own! (Also. Is the guy who wouldn’t revise his college essay in S2 really gonna move to Boston for her? I think he’s changed, sure, but not in that particular way.)
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jtargaryen18 · 2 years
His Inheritance ~ Chapter 25
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Part 25: Just Breathe
Series Masterlist
Words: 4.3k
Pairing: Mobster Steve Rogers x Mobster daughter reader
Warnings: References to mob crime families, activities, domestic violence, and infidelity. Firearm use, explicit sex, missing persons, and deception. This is a dark fic. Please read responsibly.
Disclaimer: The author of this work claims no ownership of characters aside from the reader, and original secondary characters mentioned. This work is not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content and darker themes. By reading this work or any works on my blog (jtargaryen18), you agree that you are at least 18 years of age. I do not consent to have my work hosted on any third party app or site. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but archiveofourown and tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission.
Summary: For @alexakeyloveloki. Your father is the head of one of the most powerful crime families in Boston but he’s protected you from that life. In your quiet home outside the city, you’ve been cared for and protected. When the desires of a more powerful man with the will to dominate bursts into your life, all your illusions are shattered as he comes to claim what is his.
Sunday was overcast with rain streaking the windows. Today felt calmer. And calm was all you could ask for after the last two days.
Once again, Steve was gone when you woke up. You knew he had a lot on his mind just now. There was so much to deal with.
After you showered and dressed, you headed downstairs for the kitchen. You were expecting to find Yelena’s breakfast ready for you to carry up to her.
As it was, you heard the conversation before you walked into the kitchen. When you entered the room, you found Dyson and Yelena having breakfast at the table where poker games were held. The bruising on Yelena’s face looked worse today. Dyson’s arm was still in a sling, and he looked tired. But there they both sat eating and talking.
The conversation didn’t halt when they saw you coming, and that made you happy.
“I’m glad you got a good report,” Dyson told Yelena as he took a sip of his coffee.
“Good morning,” Luca said as he motioned for you to sit with them, busy at the stove.
“What did doc have to say to you?” Yelena asked.
“Nothing good,” Dyson grumbled. “My elbow is sprained and that will take a while to heal. But he’s also on my ass about my blood pressure. Wants me to take meds for it and alter my diet. Start exercising.”
“He’s just looking out for you,” Yelena replied when Luca placed your breakfast in front of you. A fluffy omelet with fresh spinach, some fruit, and a tall glass of orange juice. “What he suggests is not so bad.”
Dyson scoffed. “I get all the exercise I need trying to keep up with you girls. And now that Nat’s here…”
You couldn’t keep the smile off your face at that thought. “We’re also probably the reason your blood pressure is high.”
“Nah.” Dyson shook his head. “There’s a lot going on. The transition. It will pass. All this food? Yeah, that might kill me.”
Luca held up a middle finger but didn’t turn away from his cut work. “Best cooking in the world and you know it. You, my friend, need to learn moderation. You eat too damn much.”
Dyson shook his head but didn’t argue.
“What did the doctor say about you?” you asked Yelena.
Your friend shrugged. “He wants me to come in and get a scan tomorrow. Make sure there are no fractures. I told him I’m fine.”
That had you and Dyson staring her down.
“You should do that,” you told her. “Just to be safe.”
“Yeah, you should,” Dyson said meaningfully. “It’s quick. The hospital is only half an hour away.”
“With everything going on at the moment,” she replied, “I’ll pass. I’m fine.”
“If you’re worried about me, don’t. Clint and Scott will be here,” you assured her. “I’ll stay with Nat while you’re gone and make it easy. Okay?”
“I’ll go with you,” Dyson told her. “See? Matter is resolved.”
“Neal will be here too,” Luca added.
Dyson didn’t miss the face you pulled at that mention.
“You sure handled Bruce for me, Yelena.” You changed the subject.
Dyson grinned. “Yeah, she did. You did good, kid.”
You made a mental note of asking Yelena what happened there later. Banner was banished, but alive. How could you be sure he wouldn’t come back to create trouble for Nat? How could she rest and recover knowing he was still out there?
“Where’s Steve?” you asked as Scott rushed in through the kitchen door.
“Upstairs with Nat and Clint,” Dyson told you. “He’s sticking around today. Meeting with a couple of potential lawyers this afternoon.”
“How’s that going?” you had to ask. Now that Bruce was out of the picture, he’d need a replacement. When you were part of a crime syndicate, you couldn’t hire just any lawyer.
“He’s got a couple of good prospects,” Dyson explained. “There’s some Barber fellow who’s local. He’s got ties to a couple of the families. There also some guy named Murdock. I don’t know much about him.”
“He’s a good guy,” Luca joined in, moving to the side so Scott could pull something from one of the cabinets. “Blind but a damn good lawyer. I knew his father.”
When Scott turned, he held a vase of beautiful wildflowers in his hands.
“What you got there?” Dyson asked him, finishing up his toast.
“These are for you.” Scott placed them in front of Yelena who froze at the gesture. “Hope you’re feeling better.”
Slowly, Yelena nodded, not taking her gaze off those flowers. “Thank you.”
It was awkward then. The kitchen went silent.
Scott sighed. “I’ll bring the groceries in.”
The sweet sound of Nat’s laughter reached you as you knocked at her door. When the door opened, you were greeted by the subtle notes of your husband’s cologne. Peering up at him you smiled.
“Hi, Sweetheart.” He kissed your lips before moving back to allow you in.
With a collection of pillows behind her, Nat was in the center of her bed. She still looked small, but she was smiling, and you would count that as a win. Clint was gathering up the breakfast trays, moving them off to the side as you took a seat on the side of her bed.
“How are you feeling?”
“One day at a time, right?” she told you, smiling. “How are Dyson and Yelena?”
“Great,” you said. It wasn’t strictly the truth but that’s what either of them would want you to say. “Just enjoying a quiet day.”
“That’s for damn sure,” Clint told you, coming back for Nat’s tray that was next to you and moving it off the end of her bed.
There was a folded newspaper under it. Idly, your gaze roamed over the section of the front page in front of you.
“Huh, I forgot all about my paper,” Clint mused.
There was color photo of a young woman there beneath the headline, ‘Missing Woman.’ You’d never seen her before. But something about that photograph gave you a real sense of foreboding. You grabbed it, picking it up so you could read the article in one of Boston’s top newspapers.
“Oh, my God,” Nat’s trouble tone penetrated your thoughts. “I know her.”
Her green-eyed gaze met yours then returned to the picture on the paper in your hands.
“What’s happening?” Steve wandered back over to the two of you, his attention on the same paper.
“I went to school with her sister,” Nat told him, pointing to the picture. “She works at the donut shop on Brightville.”
Gently, your husband took the paper from your hands. The expression on his face was grave. Clint now stood on the other side of the bed, laser-focused on Steve as he hurriedly read the accompanying article.
Something told you that the donut shop in question was on Steve’s turf. Did the woman’s disappearance have anything to do with the war brewing between the families? Was it just another challenge to Steve’s leadership?
Was Barnes responsible?
“Ladies, if you’ll excuse us,” Steve told the two of you, returning the paper to you. He leaned down to brush a kiss on your cheek. “I’ll see you later,” he whispered in your ear.
Clint followed him out of the room.
“I’m sorry,” you told Nat. “I hope she turns up safe.”
Nat didn’t look so convinced. “Me too. She’s a sweet girl.”
Your eyes skimmed the article now. It didn’t take you long to realize something.
“She went missing the same night Hansen was here,” you said aloud. That sense of foreboding growing in your chest.
“That’s not the part that bothers me most,” Nat said quietly. “She looks just like you.”
You shivered, feeling cold.
Poor Nat had enough to deal with. You didn’t want to add to it. Dropping the paper into your lap, you returned your attention to her.
“I’m glad you and Steve are talking.”
“Me too,” she admitted. “He says I’m never going back to Bruce. It feels like… a wonderful dream. I’m just so afraid I’m going to wake up.”
“It’s real,” you said with feeling.
“Clint believes him. And there’s so much to deal with but Steve says there’s no hurry,” she explained.
“He’s right. You can stay here as long as you need to. This is your home.”
“He says he’ll help us. Once he has a new lawyer, he said I can start divorce proceedings. Once a year has passed, I can get a divorce on the grounds of spousal desertion.”
It was too bad Nat couldn’t just be a widow. There was some reason why the bastard’s life had been spared…
“You have a lot to do with this,” she told you. “I know marrying my brother wasn’t exactly what you wanted but I’m glad you did. He’s a better man for it.”
You didn’t know about that.
“One day,” she said slowly, “I hope you’ll be glad you married him. I hope you’ll be happy.”
Your heart squeezed at her words. You wanted to be happy. There were times since you’d become Steve’s wife that you were.
But it all came at the cost of your freedom and your mind still waged that war every day. It wasn’t just a case of an arranged marriage with the two of you working through the awkward beginning of a relationship like a rom-com. There was danger here, very real danger from a world of crime you’d been born into and couldn’t seem to escape.
“We’ll see,” you told her gently. “Don’t worry about that right now. You need to rest and get better.”
“What happened with Banner?” you asked the minute you thought everyone else was out of earshot.
Yelena worked at loading bullets into the clip in her hand.
“Your husband allowed him to live,” she said after a moment. “He didn’t want to.”
“Banner has been your husband’s consiglieri for a few years now, yes?”
“That’s my understanding.”
“He knows a good deal about your husband’s business along with that of the other families,” she explained.
“He can’t talk if he’s dead,” you reasoned.
Cocking a brow at you, she smiled. “That’s true. But he had a will written…”
You shook your head. “So what? If something happens to him… Seriously? Who has it? Paulina and her sister? Because we could do something about that.”
Yelena chuckled. “It’s not that easy. It’s with a member of his family. His brother is a US senator with eyes on the White House.”
“Does the senator know what his brother does for a living?” you wanted to know.
“I’m certain he does. But if that in any way posed a threat to the brother as a politician…”
You understood. It could have severe consequences. Damn.
It wasn’t fair. Banner just got to skip to another city and start over?
“Is he taking Paulina and Katerina with him?”
Yelena shook her head, laughing.
“Are you sure you feel up to this?”
Yelena picked up the handgun from the table she’d carried out. You watched as she slapped the clip into place.
“This is the third time you’ve asked me this,” Yelena pointed out, smiling. “I even agreed to go for the scan tomorrow because you wanted me to. I’ll be fine.”
Yelena handed the bigger handgun to you handle first. You carefully took it from her, just like she taught you. Careful to keep your finger off the trigger. It was strange how comfortable you’d become in handling guns over the last few weeks.
“Now, this is a bit stronger than you’re used to,” Yelena explained. “This is a 9mm. It’s heavier than your .22 and it has a stronger kick.”
It was heavy in your hand, the metal cold.
“Do you think I’m ready for something stronger?” you asked.
Yelena grinned. “You shot Hansen with Dyson’s .38, I would think so.”
“That was the first time I shot anything.” You held it up, aiming at the target. “How far away is it?”
“Twenty-five feet,” Yelena explained.
“It felt so strange,” you told her, remembering when you pointed the gun at Lloyd Hansen. “It felt even stranger when I pulled the trigger, you know?”
“That’s good,” Steve said. Neither of you had noticed him walking out into the area behind the house where Yelena had set up a makeshift practice site. “You should always remember when there’s a gun in your hand, you are wielding something that can take a life.”
Still holding the gun carefully, you turned to face your husband. “I thought you were going to be meeting with lawyers all evening.”
Steve smiled. “Not all evening.”
You let him take the gun away from you, assuming it was the end of your lesson. And it was a shame because Yelena went to great lengths to set this up, including extra men watching the area around you. It was your first time at target practice.
Steve checked the clip, the chamber before handing it back to you.
To Yelena, he said, “Move that up to about fifteen feet.”
Yelena nodded but as she took the first step, Scott came rushing past all three of you, reaching the target first. When Yelena paused, he grinned at her.
“If you want to show me where to move it,” he told her, “I’d be glad to.”
Yelena rolled her eyes but estimated where it should be moved, ten feet closer. Scott was eager to move it for her, getting it done quickly. He then came back to your group.
Steve moved behind you. “Show me your stance,” he said quietly.
You did as Yelena taught you, putting in the earplugs hanging around your neck. You distributed your weight to keep your balance, held the gun in both hands without tea-cupping it. Your arms weren’t straight, and you leaned forward in preparation.
“Good.” Steve was close behind you. “Now, take a shot.”
“Did you move the target for a reason?” you asked without moving.
“I did,” he said. “It’s how my father taught me.”
It wasn’t the answer you expected. It was so much better.
You pulled the trigger, the recoil stronger than your .22 but not as much as Dyson’s gun. You hit the outermost ring on the paper target Yelena taped up on the stand she’d put together. Your second shot hit a couple inches closer to the middle. The third missed the target entirely.
“Hold up,” Steve told you, placing a careful hand on your shoulder. “Pay attention to your breathing.”
“My breathing?”
Steve’s body moved close behind yours, his chest pressed to your back. He took the gun from your hands, aiming it with just his right. His lips were at your ear.
“Take a deep breath,” he whispered, making you shiver.
You did as he asked, breathing in with him.
“Now, exhale,” he instructed.
You exhaled with him. In the same beat, Steve pulled the trigger. The shot hit just outside the innermost ring.
“Take a deep breath,” he said again. You did. “And exhale.”
Again, just after you started the exhale, he took a shot. The second one was dead center.
Steve handled the gun so comfortably, with such ease. Would you ever be able to do that?
Handing it back to you, Steve stayed close behind you.
“Your turn,” he whispered. “Take a deep breath.” You did. “And exhale.”
As you exhaled, you squeezed the trigger. The shot hit just outside the innermost ring, pushing your excitement higher.
“Again,” Steve ordered.
Keeping your eyes on the target, you took a deep breath. You pulled the trigger on the exhale. This time your shot hit inside the innermost circle.
“Give me one more,” he whispered.
You’d heard that before. But when he said it to you in private, he meant something different entirely.
You took a deep breath. On the exhale you took another shot. It wasn’t dead center, but it was close.
“You’re getting it,” Steve sounded encouraging.
A quick glance at Yelena showed her smiling as she watched, standing next to Scott. She looked proud.
“Finish the clip,” Steve instructed. “Then you’re going to reload.”
At the end of dinner, Steve had a phone call to take, and he dashed off to his study.
You headed up to your bedroom, your arms, and shoulders sore from your target practice. You were still trying to get your mind around the fact that your husband didn’t put an end to your learning to fire a gun. No, he actually helped you. Was it because you shot Hansen? Or was he just humoring you?
You’d danced earlier too. Stretching your back, you decided a soak in the whirlpool tub was required.
Filling up the tub, you headed back into the bedroom, sitting on the end of the bed to pull off your shoes. Standing, you peeled off your jeans and left them there in the floor. You peeled off your sweater, wincing at the pull in your muscles from the movements.
Reaching behind you, you unhooked your bra just as you reached the tub. Dropping it to the floor, you turned to the small closet in the bathroom. Some Epsom salts would be just the thing for your bath. You added some to the water, started the jets, and sighed happily.
You’d just hooked your thumbs in your panties on each side when his deep voice cut the quiet of the bathroom.
You shivered, feeling some of that ache and fatigue fading as you smiled at him over your shoulder. You took them off slowly, alright. You teased him with the movements, bending over as you did until the garment pooled around your ankles.
You danced out of them, putting on a show for him as you climbed into the tub.
When Steve peeled off his deep red sweater, just as you did moments ago, you were pretty sure you didn’t look that good doing it. Toeing off his shoes, he approached the tub. You got an eyeful of all those muscles, the intricate web of tattoos stretched over them.
His gaze roamed over you too. The bubbling water did little to hide any of you and your breasts were just above the water.
When his hands went for the front of his jeans, you held up a hand. “What do you think you’re doing?” you asked playfully. “This is my bath.”
There was mischief in those blue eyes and his smile was wicked. He paused, but then he pulled open those jeans, pushing them down along with the black boxers beneath. His cock bobbed with his movements, red and ready.
“Are you ever going to take no for an answer?” you shot at him as he climbed into the tub with you, sitting next to you in the water.
Steve didn’t miss your meaning.
“Maybe I earned that,” he told you. “Maybe if I did a better job of teaching you, seducing you, your answer would be yes.”
“I was surprised that you came out to help me with target practice,” you admitted.
“I could have shut it down,” he said. “But that wouldn’t have stopped you, I know… So who can’t take no for an answer?”
You were about to argue that point when he grabbed you by your hips. Steve lifted you, placing you on his lap in the water. Bracing his feet, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back to rest against him, your back to his chest.
It felt wonderful.
Okay, you’d play along.
Steve’s lips chained kisses over your neck and shoulders, the soft whisper of his beard only made it more enticing. His hands slid all over you, teasing your breasts until your nipples tightened, sliding down your belly to explore between your thighs.
“You already taught me today,” you managed, loving the attention he was lavishing on you.
His lips came up to your ear. “How about something else?” he whispered.
“Something new?” you whispered.
“Not entirely,” he said, nudging his heated length up against your ass. “You seemed to like riding me.”
Oh, you had.
“Want to try it another way?”
Steve sat with you in one corner of the enormous tub. Taking each of your hands, he guided you to grab the edge of the tub on either side. He shifted under you, positioning himself. When his hands returned to your hips, he carefully guided you down, filling you with his cock.
It took your breath away and you grip tightened on the edges of the tub as you slid all the way down and he stretched you. His groan behind you was an indecent sound. Holding you there, he gave you time to adjust there in the warm, bubbling water.
When you started moving on him, his hands stayed on you. You did love being able to move at your own pace, to shift until you worked him against all the spaces inside you that drove you wild. You moved slowly at first, up and down, his hands keeping you steady but not taking over yet.
“Breathe.” His voice was low. He nipped at your shoulder with his teeth.
He felt so good, your walls clenching around him as you rode him. The delicate ache at your clit had you shifting so you could move one of your hands to do something about that. But no sooner had you lifted that hand, Steve slapped your ass hard.
“Didn’t say you could let go,” he said roughly.
“But Steve…” You put your hand back.
“What do you need?” He slapped your ass again when you paused. “Keep moving.”
You did, feeling pressure building within you. You were getting closer, but you needed more…
“What does my princess need?” Steve purred as you kept sliding up and down on him, harder now. “Tell me and I’ll give it to you.”
“Need to come,” you pleaded, working yourself on him faster. Holding on with your hands gripping the tub behind you.
“What else?” Steve sounded a little winded himself now. “Tell me…”
You sped up, trying to reach release without that added stimulation. But his hands on your hips slowed you down and he was stronger than you.
The whining sound you made sounded pitiful to your own ears. “I’m close… please…”
“What do you need?” he demanded.
“To come.”
“I’ll stop,” he warned you.
Tears stung the backs of your eyes. Your pussy was clamped around him. Your legs were shaking, and you were pushing off from your toes. Every inch of you was tight, on edge.
“Touch me.” You were desperate. “Please.”
One of his hands slid around to cup you as he allowed you to move freely again, his fingers zeroing in on that delicate target. Oh God, he knew what he was doing too. Using just the right amount of pressure, he worked that button as you moved frantically, fighting to get off.
When you finally went over that edge, you cried out. Truly porno-worthy sounds. Release shook you, tore you apart. But when those spasms faded, you were slumped back against your husband, his arms around you and his breath as ragged as yours.
His cock was still iron-hard inside you, jerking as if to bring that to your attention.
“Come here,” he whispered, pulling himself free of you and urging you to turn and face him. When your knees were situated on either side of him, he impaled you again. This time, his arms were around you, holding you.
Your inner walls were still quivering around him, and you still fought to breathe but it felt… heavenly. You moved together, the water bubbling and sloshing with your motions. Steve stole kisses from your lips, teasing your nipples with his tongue.
“You look so gorgeous when you come for me,” he panted against your skin. “So beautiful.”
Your fingers gripped in his hair, and you rode him as much as he was pressing up into you. It was an erotic dance but one you couldn’t hold long. You were already back on the edge, your body tightening and bracing for the storm.
Your husband was close too. You knew when his hands again grabbed your hips, urging you to move faster on him, using his strength to help you. Watching those heavily muscled arms work while his lips teased your breasts pushed you over, had you wailing as the next wave overtook you.
Steve’s guttural cries blended with yours as you shook together, holding each other in the water. When the earth stopped moving, you held onto him, your head on his shoulder. Your hearts beat together.
Steve’s fingers traced trails over you skin, making you shiver.
“You’re a good shot,” he said finally. “You take it seriously.”
Lifting your head finally, you glanced into his eyes. “Does this mean I can continue learning to use a gun?”
His gaze on you was speculative but finally he nodded. “I don’t like that you couldn’t tell me. I found out about it when you shot Hansen… I don’t want our relationship to be like that. I want you to feel safe in telling me anything.”
You swallowed hard.
Should you tell him about your “manicure appointment?” The fact that Neal told Steve the woman looked familiar put the fear of God in you. Would he understand why you agreed to have Yelena bring a nurse here to give you a contraceptive shot?
Or would he be furious? Would he fire Yelena?
Taking a deep breath, you decided against saying anything. Instead, you nodded, kissing him softly. When that kiss ended, Steve looked content. Happy.
It was a decision you’d end up regretting.
@21stcenturywitchcraft @coconutqueen21 @buckybarnesplumwhorere @bval-11 @caffiend-queenend-queen @candy-and-writing @capsicle-shield @chaoticfiretaconerd @chrisevansgirl @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @coldmuffinbanditshoe @daughterofthenight117 @hv-chw3 @iheartsebastianstanstuff @imanuglywombat @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @justrae9903 @lok1sgrl @lokislastlove @mariaenchanted @marvelouspottering @maxwelllee2020 @nannies-dont-date @nekoannie-chan @nerdwholikesword @notyourtypicalrose @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho @peaceinourtime82 @rainbowkisses31 @rayofdawnworld @richonne4life @rissysthoughts-blog @saiyanprincessswanie @scarletsoldier21-blog @shygirl-000 @supernaturaldean677 @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @team-iron-wannabe-man @titty-teetee @tonib666 @villanellevi @vitamingummies @weebid @what-is-your-plan-today @what-is-your-wish @xoxabs88xox @rosalynshields @naturalthrone22 @marvelovernfan @gotnofucks
@nekoannie-chan @capicheleo20 @eralen @helenasmirkedno @samwinter09 @kawairinrin @tinystudentfirepurse @bluemusickid @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters  @geminievans1  @daughterofthenight117 @sunmoonandbucky @dwights-new-plague @akkinda10 @aubageddon91 @sunflowerstony @jennisahoe @kalesrebellion @candy3002 @tardis-23 @wish-i-was-a-mermaid @cynic-spirit @angstsfordays @tamashigirl @akkinda10 @laurenreadsfics @buckysteveloki-me @justlifethingsx @dancer3205 @shtposting101 @iloveshawnieboi @denisemarieangelina @moonlacebeam @btitannaaaaa @pastathighs @pinkzsugar @lunamyangel @siriusjohnpotter @bababasti @priii @retrxbarnes @norababora @savinasavers @holl2712 @4charmed @janelongxox @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sarcasmoverlordxo @iridescentwafflesauce @ajbunky @dontbescaredtosingalong @candy3002 @joossieisdabomb icrytomuch @buckybuckobucky @nonsensicalobsessions @Bebop282  @onceuponahuntersrealm @crashbarbie @valsworldofcreativity @sunflower-writings @siriusjohnpotter @naelovescandy @rootcrop @traceyaudette @dre6ming @ajdjshei @saraaras17  @broadwaybabe18 @pbeckn26 @ughdontbeboring @terry2227 @beyoutiful9413 @winesex @eclipsxntice @missaprilt23 @Tardisin221bst @Sunflowersoldat @sanfransolomitatm @angrykitsune01 @jesgisborne @lilac-monster @samxira @steverogersismycrush @prettywhenicry4 @lalaooopsie @kboogie98 @captainkimmy87 @lowkeysebby @liecastillo  @saranghaey @traceyaudette@ ktrivia @@wintasssoldier @andydrysdalerogers @patzammit
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matchingbatbites · 1 year
I don't want to write a sequel to my 50 First Dates AU because I prefer it to be a standalone, but I keep having thoughts about it so I'm going to share them here.
Eddie and Steve live in a tiny, queer, beach side town, because when Eddie asked Steve where would he live if he could live anywhere, Steve's answer was always the beach. Eddie made sure to find a place where they would be safe to be together, where Steve would be safe to go out alone.
The town knows about Steve and his condition. They don't remember who found out first, but someone did, and when word spread about what Eddie did every day, just for Steve? They rallied behind him, made sure to treat Steve with the utmost respect and care, doing their best to help Eddie give Steve a normal life.
Wayne moved out to the coast with them, he wanted to stay close to Eddie, wanted to make sure his boy had some kind of support system. They open up a little auto shop because the town is sorely lacking a decent mechanic, and it has the added benefit of letting Eddie be off in the mornings.
He always wants to see Steve in the morning, to see how he's doing, how he's taking it that day. He just wants to be there for Steve, can't stomach the idea of leaving him alone to deal with the crushing knowledge of an unknown life for a single morning.
Honestly though, he doesn't need to work. The government hush money was enough to set them up for life, especially since they're still getting a pretty check every month because Steve's memory loss happened due to their negligence. Eddie enjoys having something to do though, having something to get him out of the house, and getting to spend time with Wayne is a bonus on top of it.
On the really good days, Steve goes around the house singing "Is This Love" by Whitesnake, something that never fails to make Eddie cry because that song came out in '88, after Steve's memory failure started. It's the song they danced to at their wedding, and on his good days Steve can sing it word for word as long as Eddie doesn't draw attention to it.
They spend the bad days on the couch, watching movies that Steve has never seen before, that Steve has seen multiple times, that Eddie knows Steve loves, just to make him feel better.
They spend the really bad days in bed, Eddie curled around Steve protectively, only getting up to use the bathroom and for Eddie to bring Steve something to eat, "Just a bite or two, baby, please. For my own peace of mind."
They never have kids of their own, but they spoil everyone else's kids beyond belief. Every summer, their whole family flies in and invades their little town for a week or two, and Eddie loves watching Steve interact with all of the children, especially their god-daughter, Nancy and Robin's little girl.
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schrijverr · 11 months
I Found Myself a Cheerleader 1
Chapter 1 out of 28
Bumped to the lowest step on the social ladder after his fight with Billy, Steve gets roped in with the cheer team. What starts as a favor to help them out when one member breaks her leg in turn for protection from the brunt of the bullying, sets the universe on a different path.
He befriends Chrissy and grows as thick as thieves with her. Over the summer he adds Robin to his friends as well. Meanwhile Eddie seems to have taken an interest in the fallen king, but Steve can’t figure out quite yet why Eddie is talking with him. Flirting with him?
On AO3.
Ships: eventual steddie & buckingham
Warnings: period typical sexism, period typical homophobia, internalized homophobia, child neglect mention, bullying, f-slur
Chapter 1: The Deal
Steve has quit the basketball team after winter break. Before winter break he was technically still on the team, but not allowed to play due to his concussion. Now he is healed enough to get back on the court, but Billy has turned most of the team against him, which makes playing impossible. Hence the quitting.
However, now he has a slot he needs to fill if he wants to make it into college. He can’t join some braniac team, he’s barely scraping by. Going back to swimming also isn’t an option, since the swim team is practically the same as the basketball team and he doesn’t fancy drowning.
He wishes he could just continue playing basketball. That it wasn’t that bad. That he could man up and make it through. But he can’t, he really can’t. He likes his bones in one piece and the doctor said another concussion might be the end of what his brain can take.
So, he sits longingly alongside the court and watches the team train, aching to just have an activity he is good at again. To not feel like such a failure.
A loud and frustrated sigh pulls him from his thoughts and his eyes are pulled to the cheerleaders that are also practicing in the gym. The captain of the cheer team, Molly, throws up her hands and says: “It isn’t gonna work like this.”
“No need to snap,” Heather, one of the other girls, scowls. “Mary can’t help that she’s sick. She’ll be back after the weekend and then we’ll train the whole thing properly.”
“I know that,” Molly snaps. “But it’s throwing everything off and we need to get this routine straight. We can’t afford to have anyone missing.”
“We know,” Heather rolls her eyes, still posed to fight.
Molly sighs and says: “I just need this competition to go well.”
Heather softens at that and places a hand on Molly’s shoulder and smiles: “We’re gonna kill it. Don’t worry too much, Molls. Lets just run it again, okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” Molly smiles, before loudly clapping her hands and getting everyone back into position to go from the top.
Without realizing Steve has ambled closer to the cheerleaders. He startles a little at the loud clap, before watching at the routine starts up again. He has often watched the cheerleaders, they’re at the sides of big games and the team always stared together.
However, he has never really paid any attention to their training. Right now, though, he watches in awe as they toss each other in the air and keep smiling as they tumble about.
Since he is aware of it, he can clearly see where one of the girls is missing. When some of the girls are lifted some shapes are uneven and a few stay on the ground with an annoyed look. Certain formations are also incomplete. At one point one of the girls nearly falls, because someone who is supposed to be there isn’t.
The routine comes to an end and Steve can clearly see Molly, who is on the cusp of breaking down again. In Steve’s opinion it doesn’t look that difficult, well, what seems to be missing that is. It’s just holding someone up. Not like he has to do a back flip.
He hasn’t consciously realized what he’s doing until he’s tapping Molly on the shoulder. She startles and turns, before getting big eyes and smiling softly as she greets: “Hi, Steve.”
While Steve’s popularity has gone down considerably since Billy showed up, he is still well liked under the female student body. He smiles back at her and says: “Hi, Molly. Uhm- This is really stupid.” He rubs the back of his head, suddenly aware of how much he is not allowed to do what he is about to do. “I-” he lets out a breath and decides to go for it. “I heard you talking earlier, about missing someone. Can I help?”
It’s quiet and Steve immediately regrets even looking in their direction.
A boy doesn’t do cheerleading, it’s a girls sport. Barely even a sport. Just a thing they do to look pretty. He has no business being close to it beyond asking a cheerleader out. He has already plummeted vastly in popularity, the last thing he needs is gay rumors floating around. No matter how true they’d be.
He just wants to be helpful, do something he might be able to for a change. But he didn’t think it through and now he’s done something stupid. Like he always does.
Steve is about to take it back, play it off as a joke or just walk away if nothing comes to mind in the next second, when Molly lights up. “That’s perfect!” she grins. “Mary is a base position, which should be easy to teach. Thank you so much.”
Some of the other girls send him some weird looks, but after Molly’s relieved thanks, he doesn’t have the heart to turn away. So, he awkwardly shrugs: “It’s no problem, not like I have anything better to do.”
He is ignored by Molly, who turns around and addresses the others: “Go over parts you’re struggling with for a little. Lisa, Karen, Susan, come here!”
Three girls come their way as the others devolve into doing their own thing. Molly asks him: “Are you warmed up?”
Steve doesn’t think this will be that much effort, so he nods. It’s honestly his mistake, along with staying in his jeans and shirt.
He is shown the proper way to hold up a flyer. He hadn’t even realized before now that there were multiple positions in cheerleading. However, here he is. He is filling in for a base, so he’s holding Karen, the flyer, along with Lisa, the other base. Meanwhile Susan is the back spotter, she is the first to catch Karen should it go wrong. It’s important to catch the flyer properly or one can risk hurting the flyer quite badly.
Within a few minutes Steve gains so much respect for cheerleading, something he and the other guys have always put aside as some easy girly thing.
As he lifts Karen, he can feel her muscles under his hands as she has to keep everything tense as to not loose her balance on just their hands. Lisa is also a lot stronger than she looks, holding half of Karen’s weight along with Steve. He is already sweating through his polo and he definitely can’t keep smiling as he does this.
After a while he is able to get it. Molly is satisfied with his progress and deems it enough to call everyone together again. She says: “Okay, we can’t go through the routine, because Steve doesn’t know it and he isn’t going to learn this quick. So, we’re just going through the pyramids slowly, alright?”
She gets cheers back and instructs Lisa to make sure Steve knows what to do as everyone moves back to position.
Lisa is his saving grace, because Steve can’t keep up with how easily they all shift between position, creating structures out of just their bodies, before flipping down, tumbling around and doing it again.
He hadn’t realized how much mental space it takes to keep track of everyone’s position. He is very impressed with all the cheerleaders and he is genuinely having fun.
Cheerleading is a physical activity that he’s actually quite good at, throwing Karen around with ease and watching her fly. And for once he isn’t being pushed around.
A part of him knows that he shouldn’t be having fun, that he should have never even offered to do it and play it off as trying to get a date if someone asked. But it’s hard to keep the happiness away or not reply to the high five Lisa offers when they pull off a tricky stunt.
So, it’s not until the basketball team takes a break and he is spotted that the pit in his stomach, that he felt when he first offered, returns. He’s holding one of Karen’s legs when he hears Billy sneer: “Look at that, Harrington’s turned from a king into a princess.”
He can’t risk hurting Karen, so he grits his teeth as he hears the rest of his former team snicker. The stunt still needs to be completed, so Steve tries to tune them out as they bounce so Karen gets the height she needs for a flip.
Once she is safely on the ground, Steve looks at his old teammates, who have all collected to laugh at him. His cheeks burn with shame and he looks to the ground. He just wanted to help, do something nice for a change.
A hand on his arm, makes him look up. Lisa is looking at him with a kind and concerned look. She quietly says: “You don’t have to stick around. We get it. Mary will get better and we’ll pick up training Monday again.”
Steve is quite tempted to take her offer. To just run and be a coward, because a coward is better than being tossed for the tigers. Being a coward is better than being a queer.
However, before he can, Molly is speaking up. She overheard what Lisa said and doesn’t want to stop training. She needs Steve there. She crosses her arms and says: “All of you stop laughing right now, or you’re not getting a date from a cheerleader for the rest of the year. Steve was gentleman enough to offer help when we needed it. Maybe take an example.”
That shuts the boys right up. Steve knows what they talk about in the locker room, almost all the boys there want a date with a cheerleader. A bit of fun at Steve’s expense isn’t worth blowing that chance over.
Billy’s face goes through an amusing journey of emotions. In the end he scoffs and turns away with a: “Let the ballerinas do their thing.”
Molly’s face contorts in a hateful look, before she takes a deep breath and lets it go. Steve honestly admires her ability to do so.
She turns back to Steve and puts on big eyes as she clasps her hands together and says: “Please, Steve, stay for a little. We really appreciate your help. You’re such a gentleman, I mean that, you know. A knight in shining armor. Please, stay a little more, we’d all owe you.”
If he hadn’t grown up around his mother and seen how Molly plastered on the dainty, pleading eyes, he wouldn’t have realized this was a manipulation. She is playing into his masculinity and implying he could score a date if he stays.
Luckily for Molly, Steve is having too much fun to turn down a reason to continue, so he pretends to fall for it. He puts on his best smirk and replies: “I mean, how could I refuse a lady in need of help.”
She brightens up, this time the smile is genuine and Steve feels even better about his decision to fuck what anyone thinks. He has already been kicked to the bottom of the ladder. If he has to be here, he might as well do something fun.
He discovers that cheerleaders train almost more rigorously as the basketball team. He is there for another hour, running through the drills again and again. By the time they go home, he at least knows where to stand to not be in the way, though the arm movements escape him.
As he leaves, Lisa gives him a soft smile. She isn’t the loudest, but Steve quite likes her calm and steady presence. Throwing Karen around together has created a bit of a bond. So, he smiles back and says: “Bye, Lisa.”
“Bye, Steve,” she says. “Thank you for staying. Molly has been really stressed about practice lately.”
“Oh, it was nothing,” he tells her, looking around for a second, before he admits: “It was quite fun actually. You girls are crazy strong. I never realized.”
That makes Lisa let out a laugh and she grins: “We’re full of surprises,” before they truly say goodbye and go their separate ways.
Steve has been avoiding showering at school with the basketball team out to get him, so he gets into his car in sweaty clothes. Today he’s relieved his parents are never home. Explaining why he’s sweaty in his day clothes to his father would likely be the last thing he did.
Another thing he is relieved about, is that it is weekend. He hopes that it either doesn’t go the rounds that badly with no one stuck in one building and that by the time Monday rolls around the excitement will have died down.
He gets radioed by Dustin, asking him to drive him and the rest of the nerd squad to the arcade. He agrees easily, needing the distraction.
Because what Steve hadn’t counted on, is how the cheerleading would get stuck in his head. He had expected it to be a one time thing, something nice that would keep his mind of basketball for a bit, but instead he can’t help but think back on how much fun he’d had.
Cheerleaders have a very different team dynamic from basketball. There is more yelling of good jobs and needing to work together, instead of people trying to steal the spotlight and pushing each other around. It was quite nice.
Plus, it felt great to exercise again. And it felt much more like a team sport with Karen needing to trust him and Lisa to keep her upright and to count on Lisa to do her part, while Steve did his. He can’t deny that a part of him wants to do it again.
So, he drives up to Dustin’s house, then the others and listens to them gush about the campaign Will is running, making the shy boy blush. Then they move on how Max still has the high score, but she’s gonna meet them there and Dustin will observe her strategy, then beat her.
Steve doubts that, Max is a beast in the arcade. However, he lets Dustin live in his world as he watches them go nuts, lending the group quarters when they start to come up short.
He muses that these kids have a hobby they like. He used to have that, but basketball is kind of off limits right now. Even playing just for fun is ruined, since those games are mostly the basketball team or people who are friends with the basketball team. All of whom now hate Steve.
He still shoots some hoops alone in his backyard and swims laps in the pool (albeit with less ease after Barb), but he wants to do something with other people again.
Once more his mind drifts to cheerleading, but he quickly pushes that thought away. Cheerleading is for girls, he already got enough shit as is, he doesn’t need more. Besides, Mary will return and they won’t even need an extra person.
It’s not going to happen, so he should let it go and find something new.
“For the last time, zoomer isn’t a thing,” Mike complains loudly. Lucas jumps to Max’s defense at that, something that isn’t appreciated and the group devolves into squabbling over DnD categories again.
Steve wonders if he should pick up DnD. Dustin has explained it to him a few times, but it sounded hard and the thought of having to face Eddie Munson and his crew made Steve’s stomach churn.
He knows it’s his own fault that such a group will probably not welcome him with open arms, but it still isn’t a great feeling. Now that he is paying attention to others than the basketball team more, he can’t deny that the Hellfire club seems to like each other a lot more. Something that Steve will never get to experience, because he burned those bridges before they could even form.
Maybe he could join band. His parents forced him to learn piano when he was younger, though he doubts piano is part of band. Besides, he has seen the people at the band table. He likely won’t be welcome there either.
Honestly, at this point the only place he might not get shunned is the Hawkins High school newspaper, but that will be because of Nancy and Jonathan, which will only make it all the more mortifying. No thanks.
Contemplating his position, he lets out a deep sigh. Then yelps when a voice next to him suddenly asks: “Are you okay, Steve?”
He looks down to see Will looking up at him with concerned eyes. Steve forces a smile onto his face and assures the kid: “Yeah, baby Byers, I’m okay. You doing good? Need a quarter?”
“No, it’s fine,” Will tells him. “I was just asking, because you look sad. Mom told me to keep an eye on you. She wants to make sure you know you can talk to her about what all happened. You sure nothing’s bothering you?”
Will says it with the ease of a kid, who isn’t fully aware of when they are sharing too much, but the words hit Steve right in the chest.
After the Upside Down bullshit, he hasn’t been sleeping as well and there is no one really to lean on. He is distracting himself with school and driving the kids around. His parents aren’t home to notice anything, yet here Joyce is, showing more care than any adult ever has for Steve.
He has to swallow as to not break down and ruffles Will’s hair as he clears his throat. “That’s sweet, kid, but I’m good. I promise. Just thinking about school.”
At that Will nods with understanding and it hurts that this little kid knows more about what Steve is going through at his age. No one should have to struggle with kids being mean, but Will especially doesn’t deserve it with all he has been through.
To distract from the moment, he holds up a quarter and says: “Wanna bet I can beat Dustin’s Pac-Man high score?”
Will giggles: “He’ll be so mad if you do. It’s his only pride after Max took over everywhere.”
“Lets go boil his blood,” Steve tells Will, even though he isn’t even good at Pac-Man. However, it will make Will laugh and then he can make the kid try, paying for it, because he saw how Will ran out of coins a bit ago.
The weekend passes further until it is Monday and he is parking at the school. He isn’t looking forward to walking in there, not able to predict what he’ll find. He doesn’t like being unprepared in social situations.
As he walks down the hall, he gets a few weird looks, but no one says anything about it. Maybe Molly’s threat about the dates worked and no one is daring. Steve hopes so.
His luck doesn’t hold up, sadly. During first period a note is handed to him with a crude drawing of him in a cheering costume, the word princess written above it. The door to a classroom is opened for him with the comment: “Ladies first.”
Steve honestly finds it more childish and annoying than hurtful, except that it keeps hitting home what he already knew. That he wasn’t supposed to do that and there is something wrong with him, because he actually enjoyed himself, because he even thought of doing it.
Because cheerleading is for girls. It’s not for boys and the fact that Steve did it and enjoyed it means that somewhere in his brain there is something wrong with him. He already knows that there is something wrong with him, but having it spelled out for him?
It’s soul crushing.
By the time lunch period rolls around, he already knows that he doesn’t want to be in the cafeteria right now. It’s still too cold for anyone to sit outside, besides stepping out for a smoke. So, he sets up camp on a wall outside and eats his lunch. Rather cold than a target.
About halfway through lunch, he hears someone approaching. He steels himself for whatever is coming his way. He turns around, surprised to see it’s Molly and Heather, Lisa running after them as if she is trying to stop them.
She doesn’t make it in time, because Molly is already there. She is staring him down and Steve wonders what she has heard to make her look like that. Uncertain, he asks: “Can I help you with something?”
“Emma broke her leg,” Molly says in lieu of an answer.
“Okay?” Steve replies.
“We need someone to take her place in the competition two weeks from now,” Molly explains further and it starts to click what she is asking.
“No,” Steve denies immediately. He wants to say yes, he would love to do more if he were to listen to the little voice in his head, but he can’t. He has already seen what just one time helping out did to the tatters of his reputation, he can’t imagine what everyone will think or say if he took part in a competition.
Frustration creeps into Molly’s face and she protests: “But Lisa said you told her you had fun. You were good at it. Why not?”
“Molly, no.” Lisa is finally there. She looks apologetically at Steve and says: “I didn’t know she would do this when I mentioned it. I’m sorry, Steve.”
She looks genuinely distraught and Steve instantly feels bad for her. They had built up the most camaraderie together. She obviously felt the same and despite the fact that they needed someone, there was already enough solidarity between them after one practice that she would stick up for him against the cheer captain. That never happens in basketball.
“Let her try,” Heather cuts in, backing up the cheer captain. From what Steve had seen, Heather isn’t afraid to stop Molly if she thinks the other goes too far. Right now she apparently agrees with her friend, though.
Lisa sends him another apologetic look that he answers with a reassuring smile.
Molly gets the attention back on herself and says: “Look, I know why you’re saying no. Trust me, I get it. But this competition is the biggest of the season. It’s statewide and there will be college scouts there. You don’t understand, I need this competition to go well.”
She looks at him with intense eyes and Steve knows this so well. Right now she isn’t trying to manipulate him, she is talking to him as a fellow athlete, whose only chance to get into college is a sports scholarship.
And a part of Steve wants to think fuck it and say yes. He is already hanging on the bottom, might as well do whatever he wants. But he can’t be like the party, like those kids who don’t care and just have fun. He can’t be anything but a Harrington.
“It’s just two weeks,” Heather pleads. “The competition is in two weeks. We’ll train every day so you get it down, you do it once and then you can walk away. We won’t ask more than that.”
“I can’t,” Steve says, sounding apologetic. “You know, I can’t. I should have never offered to help Friday. I don’t even know why you would want to associate with me. You’d be better off trying to convince one of your own friends.”
Molly huffs: “All of our friends are already on the cheer squad.”
“And most girls aren’t able to get strong enough to do the lifts in two weeks,” Lisa adds quietly, joining her friends. She obviously also wants him to say yes, even if she feels bad for how his words were being used against him.
Heather agrees too: “And we can’t teach them how to stunt or catch either in that time. We already know you can fill in as a base. Emma is a base too.”
The more they beg, the harder it is for Steve to say no. He doesn’t want to say no, they all know it, but he has to. He will only be here for half a year more, then he’ll be off to college. He’d like to say in one piece until then and this will be counterproductive.
“Think of it as a deal,” Molly tells him.
“A deal?” he repeats.
“Yeah, the cheer squad is big,” Molly explains. “At least one of us is in all of your classes. We can offer you protection, a social barrier and you can pay us back by doing the competition.”
“I don’t need you to protect me,” Steve scoffs, though it is quite obvious to everyone in Hawkins High that Steve is a prime target without backup. Now that he stopped performing King Steve, it’s like everyone can see all that is wrong with him.
Clearly Molly thinks the same, because she raises her brow at him. She says: “I’m serious, Steve. I know it’s nonsense, but we’re the girls the guys want to get with and the other girls want to be. And cheer squad sticks together. When Tommy harassed Karen at a party, we all agreed he wouldn't get a date. And look at him. He’s with Carol now.”
Steve remembers the cheer squad turning against Tommy, neither of them had ever figured out why until now. Carol has always considered herself too cool for the cheer squad and Steve wonders if her dating Tommy is a rebellion against them.
“If you say yes, Billy won’t have another date with a cheerleader ever. You’ll sit at the cheer table surrounded by girls. If one of the basketball boys wants a date, they have to be nice to you,” Molly lays it out again. “Just think about it for a second.”
Molly is terrifying, Steve decides. If she ever decides to go into business, she’ll be unstoppable. It’s hard to find reasons to say no. He likes it and his father isn’t even home to be mad about it. His parents will be back next month, by that time everyone will have forgotten about this. They’ll never even have to know.
“Does the deal still stand after the competition?” Steve asks. He is also the son of a business man, he might not like it, but he knows the trade well.
“It sticks till the end of the year and if I make it into college and you have to repeat a year, it extends to next year too,” Molly promises. “Lisa will ensure it.”
“I don’t think that will happen,” Steve protests, but he feels quite relieved. He holds out his hand and smiles: “You got yourself a deal.”
“Yes,” she cheers, shaking his hand, before using the movement to pull him from the wall. “Come on,” she tells him. “No more moping outside. It’s way too cold.”
The four of them make their way inside. Steve is a big believer in seeing is believing, so he still braces himself when they enter the cafeteria. However, no one is willing to risk a cheerleader getting caught in the cross fire.
He gets many glares, but he has long since learned to keep his head up and ignore it as he follows the girls to their table. When he gets there, multiple faces erupt in smiles and Karen excitedly asks: “Did you agree?”
Steve is taken aback by how happy they all are with the news. All of them practically cheer when he nods and they pull him in their midst as they start explaining the competition to him. It’s overwhelming in a good way. Their excitement is infectious and it’s the best lunch period he’s had since before Halloween.
When lunch period is over, Heather hooks her arm around his and smiles: “We have History right now, right?”
“Yeah,” Steve agrees, a bit stunned how seriously she takes it without making a big deal out it. He should probably be embarrassed that he is being protected by a group of girls, but he can’t bring himself to care much when Heather rips up the note before it reaches him and he isn’t tripped up again in the hallways.
He has an escort for the entire day and after the last bell has rung, Susan walks with him to cheerleading practicing, because that is what he has agreed to.
This time, he knows better than to try and do this in his normal clothes, so he changes in a toilet stall, feeling a sense of solidarity with all the less sporty kids he’s seen doing that throughout the years.
They start with a warm up, which Steve takes very seriously after how sore he’d been all weekend, as he ignores the looks of the basketball team when they see him stretching with the cheerleaders in his gym clothes.
Those fucker probably thought he would be running far away from them and not dare to do anything they would dislike ever again. Steve feels a smug sense of defiance as he moves to touch his toes.
The others easily slide into splits and Steve honestly has no clue how they do it. Lisa makes eye contact with him from where she is relaxing in a split and quirks a brow at his confused expression, like she can’t understand what is weird about the situation.
“How do you do that?” Steve asks as an explanation. “How are your legs not killing you right now? That’s so fucking impressive.”
Understanding dawns on her face and she softly laughs: “Practice and patience. I’ve been doing cheer since middle school.”
“Wish I could do that,” Steve comments.
“Don’t let coach hear that or she’ll make it her mission to get you there and let me tell you, she is a hardass,” Lisa informs him.
Steve honestly hadn’t considered the fact that the cheer team would also have a coach and anxiety creeps up at the idea of having to face her. Before he can bolt, they’re interrupted by Ms. Miller, who teaches geography. “Everyone gather around,” she calls.
Reluctantly Steve follows after the girls, trying to stay out of sight of Ms. Miller. However, it’s for naught, because Ms. Miller asks: “Molly, have you found someone to replace Emma?”
“Yes, coach,” Molly says. “Steve is helping out.”
Ms. Miller frowns and Steve feels the heat gathering in his cheeks as everyone parts so she can see Steve. Awkwardly he smiles at her and waves. “Uhm, hi, Ms. Miller.”
“It’s coach Miller here,” she tells him. “I expect you to take this seriously. Are you able to do that, Steve?”
“Yes, coach,” the answer comes naturally.
Coach Miller smiles: “Good to hear. Do you have any clue what we’re doing?”
“Uhm, I subbed for Mary Friday, but other than that, no clue,” Steve answers honestly. “Except that it’s for a competition.”
Surprise flashes over coach Miller’s face at the confession, but it is quickly replaced by glee. She claps her hands together and blows her whistle: “Alright everyone, we’re going through the whole thing from the top. Slowly. Make sure Steve knows what’s happening next.”
Everyone immediately starts moving. For a second Steve stands there unsure of what to do, then Heather comes up to him and smiles: “You’re in my group. Come on.”
He easily follows her as she walks towards two other girls. She introduces them both. First she points to a Latina girl with a high ponytail. “This is Sofia, she’s the other base. Look to her for clues.”
Steve nods and shakes Sofia’s hand. He doesn’t have any classes with her, because he thinks she’s a junior. But he has seen her around in Nancy’s AP Honor courses when they were still dating.
“And this is Chrissy, our flyer,” Heather introduces a red hair shy looking girl.
“Hi,” she greets.
“Hello,” Steve replies with a smile he hopes is reassuring. He’s pretty sure the girl is a sophomore, who knows him only by reputation. He doesn’t want to scare her.
After the introductions, Steve is positioned into the starting position. They go through the entire routine at a snail’s pace to ensure Steve can follow along. Today they’re just focusing on being at the right place, tomorrow they’re primarily running through stunts and he’s told that the arm movements will come later.
Like Friday, Steve is having a blast. Sofia is super smart and hilarious. She makes all sorts of jokes under her breath that have all of them struggling not to crack up under the harsh gaze of coach Miller.
Chrissy is also nice and very caring and enthusiastic when she gets out of her shell a little. The only thing is how tiny she is. Steve feels like he’ll break her ankle if he holds her too tightly.
The atmosphere is also so much more fun. Coach Miller is strict much like the basketball coach is, but she still yells out encouragements too. And between the cheerleaders themselves, they’re constantly calling out: “Well done!” or “Oh my god, that was so good!”
If anyone in the basketball team were to do that, they would’ve gotten weird looks and called a fag or something. Steve doesn’t miss it, but he’s sad that all of them are told not to even encourage each other. The most they are allowed is a slap on the back. It doesn’t seem fair.
But he alone can’t change anything about that, so he finds himself in the limbo of smiling when he gets a compliment, but being too awkward to say anything himself as practice goes on.
At they end they all do their cooling down together. Molly takes a place close to Steve and grills him the entire time about how confident he is he can get it before the competition. Steve assures her that he will, though he adds that he doesn’t know if he can keep smiling. “I don’t even know how you all do that,” he tells her.
Molly laughs at that and answers: “Oh, Steve, you are such a guy, you know.”
“What?” he asks, a bit confused and unsure what could have gotten that response.
“Come back to me when you walked a day in heels,” she says instead of answering. “We’re used to smiling through the pain.”
Steve privately thinks that doesn’t sound very healthy, but he keeps his mouth shut, unsure he wants to have this discussion.
They disperse to the changing rooms. Steve contemplates going home sweaty again, but he’s in just his shorts now and it’s still way too cold outside for that. Plus, the basketball team is still going, so he hurries through his shower, hoping he’ll be done, before they get there.
However, they’re done quicker with their punishment laps than Steve expected. So, he’s in the middle of pulling his shirt on when they flood into the changing room.
For a second both Steve and the team freeze, staring at each other in some sort of stand off. Then play is pressed again and Steve is suddenly face to face with Billy, who spits: “What, hanging out with the freaks and little girls wasn’t enough for you, Harrington?”
Steve takes a deep breath, trying not to let it get to him. He replies: “I’m just helping out, Hargrove, you know, doing something nice? Ever heard of the word nice? Or did you skip that lesson in kindergarten?”
Billy bristles and steps forwards, pushing Steve back onto the bench. He gets right up into Steve’s face, who is hit in the face with the stench of teenage boy sweat. He wrinkles his nose, which is the wrong thing to do, because he is grabbed by the front of his shirt and Billy spits: “Those girls can’t help you here. I’m not done with you.”
“Well, I am done with you,” Steve answers coolly, reaching for his bag. He has tried fighting Billy before, that didn’t work out. Now he just hopes he can flee. Let him be a coward, it’s not like anyone here still respects him.
Anger flares up in Billy’s face again and he reels back, probably to hit Steve. However, he is still holding Steve’s shirt, but Steve never managed to put it on properly. So, before the hit lands, he slithers out of it and onto the floor, rolling away and snatching bag as he shoulders his way through the rest of the team, who are luckily too stunned to stop him as he breaks free.
In the hallway, he runs into Lisa, who looks at him in surprise. He looks downs, realizing he’s shirtless and gives her an awkward smile. “Uh, this is intentional?” he says.
“Harrington!” they hear Billy bellow from the changing room and Steve starts power walking away from the changing room, pulling Lisa with him and putting his sweaty shirt on again.
“Are you okay?” Lisa asks with concern.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Steve smiles at her. “Just going to change at home next time.”
“For what it’s worth, I think it really sucks that they’re treating you like that over this,” Lisa tells him genuinely.
“I get it,” Steve shrugs. “I mean, it’s not exactly conventional, you know. Everyone probably thinks it’s a little weird. Hell, I don’t even know why I offered Friday.”
“Still, you’re just doing something nice,” Lisa argues, a small frown on her forehead. She isn’t the fighting type, but she does get frustrated.
“Don’t think they care,” Steve laughs. “They already didn’t like me before this either. They just have something else to hold against me now.”
Lisa’s frown deepens, but she doesn’t say anything.
Steve honestly doesn’t feel like talking about it, so he changes the subject by asking: “You have a car, or want a ride home?”
“I mean, if you’re sure,” Lisa says.
“Of course,” Steve says. “It’s no trouble. And you can tell me more about the terms on the way. I have no clue what coach Miller is telling us 90% of the time.”
That makes Lisa laugh and they set off towards the parking lot together. Luckily, Billy doesn’t try anything with Lisa nearby. Steve tries not to question it too much. He’s tired of trying to figure out what Billy is thinking.
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Thinking about this moment again......
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I know people were shocked at how certain Tony was that the Avengers were going to avenge him if something happened/ rescue him the way they did in the next issue and I think that's ridiculous considering that the only time he genuinely knew help wasn't coming was when he was dying in the blizzard in Iron Man #182 and that was because he knew he pushed everyone away and, to paraphrase him, allowed his alcoholism to get as bad as it did. Normally, Tony has always had faith in his team (when written well, of course) so him expecting them to care isn't that surprising. He'd also just relived the events of the aforementioned issue in this scene and what he visualized when he woke up from that flashback was Iron Man's helmet. Remembering that he was a hero and was a part of something bigger than him is what got him back into action and he motivated by the desire to save Emma from the sentinels.
Him giving Emma his armour so she could escape is what I was actually thinking about. He called it repaying a debt and yes, she'd risked her life to save him before this happened and he never forgets a favour so that's part of it but also, Emma had no one at the time. She was so desperate that she'd resorted to making a deal with Fisk and unlike Tony, didn't have a team that would have her back. Tony knew that that was why Feilong wouldn't have killed him, not then, and that was part of why he was so sure, too. This part has actually been said in the book so it wasn't an observation, exactly.
My point is, one thing about this run that I really appreciate is that Duggan got rid of the idea that Tony has no friends or loved ones or that he was difficult to love or like and that's enabling him to write Tony the way he really is - someone who surrounds himself with good people, someone who is a part of the earth's mightiest heroes, someone heroic and kind and protective of innocent people, someone who didn't need to be lectured on how to be a hero 60 publication years into him becoming a superhero. Emma is so vulnerable right now, with most of her team, daughters, friends and loved ones gone and Tony is actually in a position to be someone she can lean on despite having troubles of his own, and I think that makes a lot of sense. I've heard talk about how he isn't taking care of himself/ needs someone to basically take over his life and I think people who think that way aren't appreciating what's really happening. The thing is, he's made so much progress in all of these years, progress that over fifteen years of Iron Man runs didn't really depict well, if they even acknowledged it, and we're finally getting to see the results of so much hard work on his part - he's on top of his recovery despite being in a position that is extremely triggering to him in multiple ways and it feels realistic. He hosted a Thanksgiving dinner (with Emma) for the others in the resistance and made a toast, he took Emma ice skating when she mentioned that she'd always wanted to do it and he's generally being emotionally supportive towards her. He also communicated his situation with Steve when him and Thor came to his rescue and I'm so glad Duggan didn't create any unnecessary conflict between them due to Tony clearly telling him why he shouldn't be seen having a support system because it would've become all everyone talked about. And now they've met multiple times and are working together, which I like. I like that Tony is working with so many Avengers in this run, too, because why wouldn't he?
The issues he's facing in this run are entirely to do with his technology being in the wrong hands on a much bigger scale than before, Rhodey being framed for murder and being in prison and until recently, in danger and figuring out how to fight back and, I don't know, I like that we aren't being bothered by unnecessary interpersonal conflicts that don't make sense for the characters or Tony's "difficult" personality being the cause of all his problems, which never made any sense for him.
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missvelvetsstuff · 1 year
Where you goin, Star?
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Reader meets Bucky when the truck hauling her show horses breaks down as she is trying to leave for an event and he works for the mechanic. Passionate, secret love affair ensues. After a confrontation with her father, Bucky decides she deserves better than a poor biker like him and leaves town with his friends Steve and Sam.
Three years later, reader is trapped in an abusive relationship and about to give up hope of things ever improving, when Bucky comes back.
Chapter 14
Warnings: swearing, angst, talk of rape and attempted suicide
Star sat in the green room bouncing her leg nervously, waiting to be called out to talk to Anderson Cooper. The only thing that kept her from bolting was Bucky sitting next to her, holding her hand.
Sharon sat quietly, nervous to be spilling the secrets of powerful men but like Y/N was determined to see those men finally forced to accept the consequences of their actions.
Bucky had held her all night, even when she woke up crying, begging someone nameless to stop. He rubbed her back and whispered in her ear that she was safe. That morning she had tried on 5 different outfits before settling on a simple dress in a soft blue.
She was grateful for the make-up artist who was able to cover up the dark circles under her eyes and even out the blotches from crying.
When the intern finally came to take them to the set, Y/N felt like she was going to be sick and didn't want to let go of Bucky's hand. He stood and pulled her up with him.
"You'll be great, doll and I'll be just a few feet away. Anderson isn't some shock journalist and won't pull any gotchas on you. Just be you and tell your side of the story." He kissed her hands one after the other which made her feel warm deep inside.
The interview went well. Y/N learned more about how awful her father was when Sharon talked about her time with him. How he bragged about getting her mother 'out of the way' because she kept trying to protect Star from him. How he had beaten, raped and blackmailed Sharon into submission including threatening her family. His plans to have Bucky, Steve, Peggy, Sam and Nick Fury killed to ensure that Star had no one left to turn to but him and John. Sharon had thought that helping John end Alexander would make her life better but she just ended up with John on her all the time so decided to leave the country. When Jessica Jones found her and told her what Star was dealing with she felt like she had to speak up. She hoped to be able to come home and spend time with her own ailing father who had been in a car accident that killed her mother, an accident that Alexander had bragged about having a hand in and threatened to finish her father if she didn't do anything and everything he ordered.
Alexander was dead but his manipulations were still causing problems for innocent people.
Y/N talked about her experiences with her father, how he forced her to marry John and worked to keep her from her rightful inheritance from her mother and grandmother.
She told Anderson that she couldn't get too detailed about what John had done to her due to the ongoing case but what the attorneys said she could talk about was bad enough. Much of her story was corroborated by Jack Rollins confession.
They had to pause a couple of times as she told her story, the memories being too overwhelming to go on without a break.
Once it was all over, Y/N thanked Anderson for helping her tell her story without judgement and Sharon for coming forward and said good nite. She turned to Bucky with red eyes "Can we go home now, Jamie?"
Bucky nodded and pulled her into his side "Yeah, come on Star, let's go home and get some dinner. Pepper had the kitchen make pot pies and special brownies, so a nice hot bath, glass of wine, comfort food and chocolate." He grinned at her "Sounds like everything my Star needs.
She smiled back but her eyes were confused "Why do you work so hard to take care of me, Jamie? It's been 3 years and I'm technically still married. You must have had some kind of life after you left."
Bucky chuckled softly "My sweet, darling,
shining Star." He cupped her face in his rough hands, looking in her eyes sadly.  "I'm so sorry that I left, that I made you believe you couldn't depend on me, that you think you aren't it for me."
He kissed her forehead "You are everything and I will spend the rest of my life proving my love, that you can depend on me again."
Her eyes filled with tears "I, Bucky I, I-" she couldn't keep going and he pulled her into his chest.
Bucky rubbed her back as she cried "Shhh, it's alright Star. You're ok and I will never let John or Brock or anyone else hurt you." He pulled back and looked in her eyes "Even if you decide you don't want me-" he choked up a little and cleared his throat "Even then, I will always protect you. I will always be a call or text away."
He suppressed the urge to kiss her, he would happily go at her pace as long as he could be near her, however she needed.
"Come on, doll. Lets get you home."
After fighting traffic they made it back to Stark tower. There was press everywhere, a few ran up to try and peer through the tinted windows, shouting her name, looking for her. All she could do was sit quietly as Bucky held her hand.
Happy parked the car and got out to look around, making sure none of the paps were able to get in before opening her door.
"Don't worry miss, you're all clear now." He reassured her and offered his hand to help her out.
Star took his hand and smiled "Thank you Happy. I don't know how I could get through this without your help." then kissed his cheek.
Happy blushed and stammered out a quiet you're welcome as she pulled back.
Upstairs, Bucky ran a bath for her and called the kitchen to bring dinner while she soaked in the oversized Jacuzzi tub.
When she got out she lotioned up all over and put on one of Bucky's t-shirts and a pair of sleep shorts.
As she exited the bathroom the doorbell rang, which she figured must be their food.
Bucky made it to the door before her and when he opened it was almost tackled by a beautiful redhead who kissed him hard on the mouth, which is exactly what Y/N saw when she walked out.
Y/N felt her chest constrict, she knew it. Bucky was too good to be true, there was someone else. She turned around to go back to the bedroom before the tears welling up in her eyes started to fall, so didn't see Bucky push the woman off of him.
Star was too caught up in her head to hear Bucky snap at the redhead "Natasha?! What the Hell are you doing here?"
Natasha pouted "I got tired of waiting for you to call me and I saw that you opened your shop. I can work for you, answer phones or whatever." She smiled slyly at him "We can pick up where we left off."
Bucky shook his head "There's nothing to pick up because we didn't leave anything off. You helped us with some work while we finished school but there's nothing else." He looked around, wondering where Star was.
"How did you even get in here? The front desk is supposed to notify her of visitors."
Natasha glared at him "Her who? Have you been cheating on me Bucky Barnes?"
Bucky laughed "That would imply we were in a relationship when we weren't. I've never even touched you. You have to go, just forget we met because nothing will come of it."
He tried to shove her out the door but Natasha was surprisingly strong for her size. "NO! You won't shove me aside after all we've been through together"
Bucky shook his head "All we've been through? You're delusional, I'm calling security."
Natasha saw his phone on the table and grabbed it "How you gonna call anyone Bucky baby?" She teased.
Bucky smiled "Never said anything about a phone." his smile grew when there was a knock at the door and he heard Happy call out "Security! Are you alright Miss Pierce?"
Bucky called back "Come on in Happy, we have an intruder."
Happy came in with Rhodey and looked at Natasha "This the intruder?"
Bucky nodded "You might want to see how she got past Friday. She does not belong here."
Natasha scoffed "You don't have to get all stupid. I was just hoping to get paid."
Bucky looked at her in shock "Get paid? I paid you for all the work you did for us and-"
She laughed "Not that. Please, that wasn't worth the trip here. No, I'm talking about how Alexander Pierce paid me to seduce you so he could show the pictures to his spoiled bitch daughter. Well, he said he would pay me but now he's dead and I know his daughter won't pay me so I hoped to take it out in trade, with you." She winked.
Bucky's eyes turned cold "Pierce sent you? I should have known he wouldn't just leave well enough alone even after I left." He looked at her with something bordering on hatred "I don't know how to get it through your thick head. I told you before and I'm telling you now. I. Don't. Want. You. I never have, never will. You'll just have to write this off as a loss and don't bother us again."
He nodded to Happy who grabbed Natashas arm and pulled her out of the suite "Come with me miss, I have some questions."
Bucky closed the door after they left and went looking for Star. He found her sitting on the side of the bed, hunched over and tears streaming down her face. He sat next to her and she scooted away.
He spoke softly "I don't know what you saw or heard doll but she was never anything to me. She helped us with some paperwork and keeping organized with our plans but that's it. I never touched her. I swear."
She sniffled "It's ok if you did. It's been 3 years and I was married to someone else."
He reached over to caress her cheek "I know but no one I met could live up to my Star. No one ever will." He kissed her softly.
When he pulled away she asked him "Did I hear her mention my father?"
Bucky scoffed "Yeah, she claimed he hired her to seduce me so he could show you pictures to prove I had moved on. Apparently he never paid her so she came looking. Happy took her to find out how she got past Friday."
Star sighed "Even dead my father is still wreaking havoc on my life. When will it end?"
Bucky pulled her close "I don't know Star but I'll be here either way." he kissed the top of her head.
The doorbell rang again and he felt her tense up. "Don't worry doll, it's probably food. I'll get it.
When he came back into the bedroom carrying a tray with food, wine and a red rose in a bud vase she released a breath she didn't realize she was holding.
They both got comfortable and put on one of her favorite shows, Schitts Creek, to watch. They also ate more brownies than they probably should have and started giggling uncontrollably at David and Alexis' shenanigans until they fell asleep cuddled up together.
The next nite they got together with Tony, Pepper, Steve, Peggy and Sam to have dinner and watch Y/N's interview. Star couldn't sit still while it aired and paced around the room.
"I don't know why I agreed to watch this with everyone, I can't stand to watch it myself." She groaned when she saw herself getting overwhelmed and asking Anderson for a short break.
"I sound so pathetic" she mocked herself "My daddy and husband are so mean. I was born in the lap of luxury and never wanted for anything but they were mean to me." She scoffed "When down I become so weak and whiny?"
Bucky went to stand in front of her, taking her hands in his. The warm roughness helped calm her down, his presence soothing her.
"Look at me Star" he paused waiting for her eyes to meet his. "You are not pathetic, you are one of the strongest people I know." He cupped her cheek with his right hand "Just because you haven't suffered financially, doesn't make your trauma less valid. And those fuckers were way more than mean to you. I won't get into what they did do but you know it was so much more than that."
He kissed her on the forehead "A lot of people would have given up and swallowed a bullet."
Stars eyes grew wide and more tears filled them, she looked down at the floor before whispering "I I, I did try but I failed at that too."
The room went silent as she cleared her throat to tell them something she hadn't told anyone.
"It was over a year after you left, my mother was gone, I had no friends, wasn't even allowed to see my horses without permission and John came home one nite, angry and drunk. Something about my father blaming him for me not being pregnant yet. I tried to fight back but I was too weak. He was especially brutal that nite, knocked me out and I woke in our bed, sheets stained from my blood and hurting everywhere. I knew I was trapped and it wouldn't get any better so I swallowed a handful of oxys with some tequila shots. Wrote a note 'I hate you and would rather be dead than live with you.' Brock found me and I woke up in the hospital with a very sore throat from having my stomach pumped. That's when he became my fulltime bodyguard/babysitter. Of course if I did favors for him he didn't care how many pills I took or how much I drank." As she spoke she shrunk into herself. "See, weak."
Bucky gasped and pulled her into a crushing hug "I'm so sorry for what I left you too but I can't tell you how happy I am that you failed. I promise it's gonna get better. You got away from them and after the trial you can move on with your life. You are not weak, you just needed to find a way out." he held onto her, rubbing her back.
Pepper looked at Tony sadly and he nodded in response to confirm that he already planned to do everything they could to help Star through this mess. She stood and went to rub Y/N's arm who was still in Bucky's arms.
"We've got you, Y/N." She looked at Bucky's friends who nodded "We're your friends and family now and will always be here. Those bastards can't hurt you anymore."
Star looked up and pulled Pepper into the hug, trying to speak through her tears but all she could squeak out was a sincere thank you before being overwhelmed and hiding her face in Bucky's neck. The rest of the group stood and joined them, creating a protective circle around Star.
When she was able to calm down Star thanked her friends for their love and support. They sat down to watch the rest of the interview until they were disturbed by a knock on the door.
Tony went to answer it to find Happy, looking a bit frazzled.
"Sorry to disturb you, boss. Thought I should give you a heads up." He looked around "Oh good, Miss Pierce, youre here as well. This concerns you." He paused. "First, that woman last nite was sent by one of Walker's people. Apparently he knew your father sent her to seduce Mr Barnes while he was gone and hoped she would put a wedge between you."
Tony looked at Happy expectantly "I'm assuming theres more."
Happy nodded "Yes. Ever since about 5 minutes after the interview started the phones are blowing up again and the press are at every entrance to the building looking for Miss Pierce." He looked at her "You might be stuck inside for a few days. Now that they know something of what Walker did they are even more determined to have some time with you."
Star shook her head "I knew this would happen but with the trial starting next week, interest was going to surge no matter what I did. I'm glad I got my side out."
@pattiemac1 @hhiggs
Bucky squeezed her hand and she squeezed his right back. He looked her in the eyes. "We'll get through this. Together."
Chapter 15
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Night Moves, Part 4
Summary:  You get your first lesson and meet with Andy
Pairings:  Lloyd Hansen X Reader, Andy Barber X Reader
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, teasing, humiliation, sexual acts with an audience, spanking, degradation, praise kink, fingering, prostitution, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  4K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics​
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“What do you know about Andy?” you ask Bucky, but he ignores your question.  You sigh in frustration, and he gives you a bit of a smirk.  “Bucky, what do you know?”
“I know that since you’re a woman of a certain look…”
“What is that supposed to mean?” giving him a cross look, you furrow your brows, tapping your fingers on the table.  What did that even mean, a woman of a certain look?
“Well, for starters, Andy is a man that only likes women.  Andy is a man that wants a wife.  Andy is a man that needs a wife that is of childbearing age, and he needs you to have this sweet look about you.  Smile,” his hand caresses your cheek, and Steve’s throat immediately clears, never looking up from his drawing.  “He’ll want you to look pretty and innocent.”
“We’re whores.  How innocent does he want us?”
“Us?” Steve looks up from his drawing, and drops his pencil to the paper.  It was a hauntingly beautiful picture of him and Bucky, happy.  You had noticed he never goes where Bucky wasn’t.  Making the nickname the twins a bit more understandable.  “Andy has no interest in us.  And we’re not whores.”
“We’re goal oriented,” the common room says together.
“Aren’t you due for your first public lesson?” Bucky asks, and you shamefully look away.  He gives you a tap on your knee, “Aw, it’s not that bad.  He just performs what’s on your profile.  What do you have on it?” 
“I had to change it,” Steve’s head looks over at you snorting. “What?”
“Let me guess, you were extra kinky.  Into anal, degradation, slapping, choking, just hardcore?” You give him a head nod, and don’t exactly understand how he knew that.  “We’re all the same.  We put down a plethora of kinks on our profile.  Carter goes to pick out the perfect client, but Lloyd confronts us about it.  Gets down to the nitty gritty of it all.  Realizes that we’re doing that to sound more desirable, but he wants us to be comfortable and safe.  That’s not to say you can’t be into those things.  But out on the streets, it’s just straight sex.  Here, it’s curated sex.  And honestly, if Lloyd thinks you would be a good fit for Andy, then you’d be a good fit. Carter isn’t bad, he just doesn’t know us on a personal level.  But that’s why they work.  They make up for what the other lacks.”
“Lloyd can take pity on us.  He’s fiercely protective of all of us.  He’s had a few clients taken care of, and fucking Rumlow will be next,” you had heard that name previously.  Clearly he was hated by all of the talent, noticing how Bucky clenches his fist, but looks lovingly at Steve.  “Carter deals with the business, he doesn’t get involved with us, not too much anyways,” Bucky gives you a smirk, and you slap at his leg playfully to continue on.  “Carter never performs in front of all of us.  Him and Lloyd have teased about sharing though.  He also is a fan of pain.  Not inflicting it either.  But our tall handsome Lloyd, he deals with us.  He makes sure we’re okay.  You see why we’re happy?  He takes care of us.  Wants us to choose how many clients we have.  Encourages us to see the counselor at least weekly if not more.  This life takes its toll on you, but I like the job, and like the comfort they provide.”
“Alright,” Lloyd claps his hands in front of him walking into the common room with his signature cocky smirk.  His body walks straight to you.  Upon reaching you, his hand smooths down your side, and you chirp at him, “Good girl,” his eyes roam around your face, before pressing a hand to your cheek, “Were you always this hot, or was it something I said,” Bucky and Steve give a look up to you, chuckling.  Bucky was almost as perceptive as Lloyd.  Steve chose to ignore it most of the time.  “I took the liberties of taking the gang bang off your profile, too.”
“What?” Steve starts laughing, “You went in hard didn’t you, Sugar?”
“Today, we’re going to go back over our safe protocols for spanking,” you gulp, staring owlishly up at his tall figure.  “And you Sugarpie, you’re our main focus.  You will need this eventually with Andy.  He loves spanking.  Or since you’re so curious, should we try to show you a safe knife kink?  Bucky and Steve are quite good at that,” he hopes you answer in the way that he wants you to.  
He waits with bated breath for your answer.  His hand from your cheek moving to your side.  Bucky bites as his lip, it had been awhile since he got to break in a fresh new bunny for a knife kink, and you looked delectable enough to eat right now.  “Andy, he likes knives?”
“No, sweetheart, Andy is not into knives,” Lloyd says so sweetly, and Bucky’s smile fades.  He had you.  Had every single bit of you, just like a worm on a hook.  You were trouble, and he wanted to see how this played out.  Lloyd was turning into a lovesick fool, and Bucky was here for it.
“Then,” you whisper.  Clearing your throat to make your voice louder, you look only at him.  Knowing that every single person in this room was watching you.  “Then maybe we should do spanking.”
“Very good, Sugar,” the praise went straight to your core as you felt yourself ruin yet another pair of panties.  What was he doing to you?  How did he have this control over you when you barely even knew him?  “Alright,” Lloyd begins, pulling out a chair, he sits down.
Spreading out his long legs, you can’t help but to look at his crotch, oh you wanted to know what he was covering up.  His hands smooth over his white pants, giving you the sweetest little grin, “You may come here,” he puts out a hand for you to take, and you walk slowly over to him.  Assisting you in settling your stomach first on his lap.
“Now, what is the first thing we need to remember?”
“I-I-I,” his hand rubs gently on the swell of your ass, and you can’t even think.  “I don’t know.”
“Your guard,” Wanda calls out, spinning a chair around to get up closer.  She loved seeing the new meat being broken in, as did Natasha who was already front and center.
“Right, Clark is there to protect you, should you need him.  Password for him?”
“Key lime pie.”
“Very good,” his voice was deeper, getting raspier, and you could feel his growing bulge on your belly.  “I don’t wager that Andy should be a problem.  But, should you need Clark, for any reason, do not hesitate to say your word.  You will also have a safe word with your clients.  Keep it the same.  Know.  Your.  Words.  Now,” his hand goes to your thighs, brushing up your supple skin, before going under your dress to pull up over your ass.  Your pretty little girly panties for everyone to view.  “Very pretty, Sugar.”
Dammit.  More arousal rushes to your core, and you know that Lloyd can feel the heat radiating off of you.  Could probably feel your pussy throbbing on his body.  You knew you could feel his.  “They shouldn’t focus on one part of your ass for too long.  This can be a bit painful, but we also should enjoy it right?”
“Right,” everyone answers.  
Lloyd brings back his hand, smacking the right cheek of your ass, and quickly running a gentle hand over it.  Rearing back, he slaps your other cheek harder, and just like the time before softly running a hand over it.  Cupping your ass to give it a jiggle.  
“Take off the panties,” you hear Bucky say under his breath.
“You aren’t wrong,” Lloyd’s hands connect to the elastic of your underwear, and drag it down your curvy thighs.  “You’ll feel it more.  And most will want to see the effect they have on your pretty skin.  They’ll want to see how wet they’re making you.”
Lloyd spreads your ass cheeks, and stares at your swollen cunt.  Slick leaking out of you, and onto his white pants.  Your hole clenching around nothing, and someone in the common area grunts out an approval.  Your puffy lips glistening with how turned on he was making you.  Even the slight humiliation of everyone viewing something you’d prefer to keep private was completely turning you on.  
“I think,” Steve begins, he stands to walk over to look at your juicy pussy, but never close enough to touch.  “I think they also would run their fingers through her folds, to see how sticky and wet she is.”
“Of course they would,” Lloyd’s fingers first touch your bundle of nerves, causing you to yip.  Your back arching up even more, adjusting yourself to make your cunt more visible.  You wanted more.  Swiping a finger through your sticky juices, he pushes through just a bit.  Most wouldn’t notice it, but you felt it.  Felt the rumble in his chest as his finger breached through your entrance, and it only makes you more wet.  Pulling his hand away, he holds it up to look himself, but so does everyone else.  “We’re just getting started, Sugar.  You sure are a receptive little thing aren’t you?” 
“Oh!” Bucky who had made his way to Steve, squats down, “Lloyd has that pretty little pussy all soaked up and sloppy, doesn’t he,” he shoves his fist in his mouth, watching you react to his filthy praises.  “Oh, she is a dirty little whore, huh?  You like when people praise you with a degrading comment?  You’re making a mess on Lloyd.  You’ve got enough slick there to lube up that ass, so you can take two fat cocks.  Have one stabbing into your cunt while the other was in that virgin hole.  You’d take it just like a good sweet slut, wouldn’t you?”
Lloyd’s head tilts to the side, watching your cunt throb at Bucky’s words.  Hiding your head in shame while these men look at your spread cunt, putting you up on display like something to buy and own.  But it still felt so good, and wrong, but that somehow made it better.  “I’d drink up all your juices like I was famished,” Steve adds.
“I’d slap that cunt until you had strings of your slick coating my fingers to your cunt.  I’d have you begging for me to let you cum, while I told you what a worthless little whore you were.  Edge you until you're sobbing my name.  A complete puddle from the inside out.  A fucking mess on the floor, because you’re a pathetic slut who doesn’t get a bed.  Let you fuck yourself on a dildo while you lick up your mess,” damn.  You look up at Natasha who shrugs, “How did that whore hole react boys?”
“Oh, she’s reacting all right.  Damn what a tight little hole you have.  I’d like to see you stretched over two cocks.  You want me and Steve, or Lloyd and Carter?  Ooh, maybe Lloyd and Andy?  Carter can have your ass, while you fist me and Steve, Andy and Lloyd in that tight little pussy.  I want to hear you crying at how full you feel.”
“Yep,” Lloyd grunts.  It didn’t take much for you to realize that he himself had made a mess of his pants and your dress.  “That’s going to be all.  Everyone return to your rooms, and get ready for the evening.  Sugar, you got a new dress, fit for the assistant district attorney,” when no one chooses to leave, Lloyd glares at them.  “GO!”
“You got spanked twice.  You really do have a golden pussy when you make a man cum without being inside you,” Bucky leans over to whisper at you, giving a wink to Lloyd.
“Go on!”
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“Do you think he’ll like me?” you ask Lloyd as he leads you past the showroom.  There would not be a bid for you tonight, you already had your client on his way.  You watch nervously as a few of the girls step into a small box, lingerie on, and smiles; Steve, Bucky, Clint, and Pietro waiting behind them.  The clients enjoyed the pony show.
Posing first behind a sheer panel, the men and women only see their silhouette, before the panel is pulled up and the DJ shines a spotlight on one, while he reads a snippet of their profile.  It was all for the grandeur, especially when the customers had the menu in front of them anyways. They wanted to stir up more emotions on the talent, and it worked.  Had people crawling back multiple times a week.  Willing to drop cash that most could only dream of.
Seeing the private rooms, you grip onto Lloyd’s hand, and he holds it softly.  “Andy is not a bad guy.  I told you, he doesn’t touch the talent the first night.  But,” he gives you a point over to a room that you could see the shadows of everything that they were doing.  The girl’s voice was moaning loudly as the client was pounding into her from behind.  Her body completely flat on the bed.  She was fucked out and along for the ride.
“Andy is a big fan of that room.  He likes to show everyone what he can do.  It’s never announced who is in there.  You just see their shadows as someone destroys your tight little pussy.  And judging by your performance today, you liked the audience.”
“I wasn’t the only one that enjoyed it, Lloyd,” his hand grips tighter on yours, and he stops his walking.
“Don’t think you own me, Sugar.  I don’t fall for the talent.”
“You sure about that?  Your cum on my dress says otherwise.”
“Oh, the talent does turn me on, I’ll never deny that, but I don’t get my feelings involved,” he drops your hand and points to the last door to the right.  “Andy’s waiting,” his voice dark and foreboding as he turns to walk away.  You had pissed him off.  “I need a sweet succulent red head to fuck my frustrations out.  Don’t think it’s more than just physical need,” Lloyd was lying to himself.  He was going to wait until you were finished with Andy before he fucked his frustrations out on you, or better yet, let you fuck your frustrations out on him.  He would feel how your pussy felt.  Too bad he’d have to fuck you with his hand over your mouth.  No one would ever know the effect you were having on him.  No one.
You exhale loudly before walking to your destination.  Andy was waiting, and you had a job to do.  You hadn’t even left the house because you didn’t have any cash to do anything.  Andy had already promised big bucks should this relationship go any further.  
Opening the door, you gasp.  You were not ready for the man that jumps up from a chair and stands before you.  He was disgustingly handsome.  Kind eyes, perfectly coiffed and styled hair and beard.  He radiated fluffiness, and you find it hard to believe that Andy couldn’t find a wife the traditional way.  You rub your thighs tighter together just thinking about his thick body over top of you.  
“Hey, uh…what dessert are you?” You give him an odd look because you’re not sure what he was referring to.  He extends a hand out to you, and you give him a hard shake, “Good grip. Um, Lloyd calls you girls by a dessert.  Natasha is Devil’s Food Cake.  Wanda is Gingersnaps, Dani is Horchata, Steve and Bucky, I honestly have no clue about.”
“Oh,” you smile, offering him your real name before shrugging, “He always just calls me Sugar or Sugarpie.”
“Sugarpie…I like it.  Does that mean you’re extra sweet?” he gestures to the chair opposite of him, and you sit down, and give him a warm smile. 
“I guess.”
“Is he referring to your behavior or the way you taste?”
“Wow, Andy.  You jumping completely into the sexual territory aren’t you?”
“Why not?  We know why I’m here.  Shouldn’t I know about your taste?” you give him a nod, and uncross your legs.  While everyone else was wearing their favorite style of lingerie, you were in a dress fit for the wife of the ADA.  He raises up his eyebrow, and you spread your legs for him a bit more.  “Further.  And lift the dress up.”
Holding your dress up, you spread your legs even more, giving him a sight of your covered mound.  Leaning forward he starts scooting his chair closer to you.  The legs make a horrendous noise as it slides across the floor, before he just drops to his knees.  Pulling the dress out of your hands, he holds it up higher.  His other hand gives you a tap to your legs, and you spread them even wider.  “Go ahead and put your legs on either side of the chair.”
Lifting one leg up at a time, you hook them on either side of the arms, feeling ridiculously exposed, but the way that Andy stares at your panty clad sex, it has you sweating.  He smirks, but never looks at you.  The gusset of your panties darker than the rest with your nectar, “Whose choice was it to wear cotton?  There’s even a sweet little pink bow.  Sugar, I’m not into a little.  If I wanted that I could have had Wanda a long time ago.  Don’t wear these again.  I prefer lace.  They don’t have to be thongs, but I do like the bottom of your ass cheeks to hang out.  Take these off,” he finally looks up at you with a big cheeky grin.  “Even though it’s not my thing, I will keep them.  What’s got you so wet?  Barely an introduction before I want to see that sloppy cunt or have I made you speechless?”
Dropping your legs, you shimmy out of those panties, holding them up for Andy to grab, “Both,” you gulp.
“Good girl,” that saying again.  It had you quaking.  “Get back in the same position.  You can be a sweet Sugarpie, and do as you’re told, right?”
“Of course,” he was proud that you could follow directions well.  Your legs were already spreading before he ever said anything.  He lifts up your dress with a smile.  You were drenched.  Your slick was even coating your thighs, and Andy begins to lick his lips.
“Do I make you nervous?”
“Me staring at your juicy cunt, turn you on?” your eyes slowly close, and Andy happens to look up at you, “I think that was enough confirmation.  It would be a shame for me not to touch, don’t you think?”
“Lloyd said…he said you didn’t touch on the first meeting.”
“Are you scared of my fingers?  I don’t want you to cum.  I want to give you something to think about tonight when you’re alone.  Have you think about what it would feel like for your cunt to grip my fingers tight instead of your own.  Envision what my cock would look like shining in your creamy release.  I get off on knowing that you’re curious.  But if you don’t want my fingers to pump into your cunt, I can wait.  I’m a patient man.  I would like to see what she looks like gaping open after I’ve finger fucked you.”
You want it.  The low tone of his voice, mixed with the curiosity of what Andy was working with had you in a chokehold.  He looks back down to your cunt smiling, “She’s lonely, Sugar.  She’s basically begging for me to just,” his fingers tease around your entrance before pushing his thick digits into your warmth.  You let out a satisfied moan, and Andy pumps in and out of you slowly.  “She needed this.  She’s been so lonely.  How long has it been since someone fully discovered your body?  Suck on your nipples while their fingers rub right here.”
“Oh!” you whimper as he curls his fingers, hitting over your g spot.  Starting to pant, because that was something new.  Andy wanted this to equally be about your pleasure, and not just his own.
“Keep your legs spread.  Do you squirt?” you shake your head no, and he pops his lips, “Aw, you mean someone hasn’t pushed you beyond what you feel you're capable of.  Keep hitting this spot over and over again until you make a filthy mess.  Have you so overcome with pleasure that you scream out.  I’ve got you all hot and bothered,” his fingers pound into you, and your fingers grip tightly to his arms.
Getting right at the ledge until Andy just stops.  Pulling his fingers out slowly to leave you to whine at the loss of him.  He holds his fingers up, letting you see just how much of a mess you had become.  Slowly bringing each finger to his mouth, before sticking one in at a time.  Sucking your arousal off, and pulling them out with a pop.  Giving you a sinister smile, “I see why he calls you Sugar.  Why do you still have your legs spread for me?”
“Andy!  That wasn’t fair.”
“Goodnight, Sugar,” Andy turns to head towards the door, never giving you a second glance, and you sit up straight.  Bringing your legs back together, and you stand up, smoothing down your dress.  He was right, you were going to head back to your room, and take care of yourself, while you only could dream of it being Andy’s thick fingers.  You wanted more.  Wanted to see what he was hiding in that suit.  
Opening the door, you jump back when you see Clark, “You scared me.”
“I’m always outside of your door,” he points down the hallway, and sure enough, outside of every occupied door was a man.  Varying in stature, and all just as attractive as the talent.  “Are you needing to go back to your room?” he chuckles, and you snap your head to look at him.  “I’m sorry, I don’t think Andy has ever made one moan at the first meeting.  What did he do to you?  And you can completely ignore me if you choose.”
“Just take me back to my room,” Clark continues to laugh as he leads you back to your room.  You were stoic walking back.  Lloyd watches you from backstage.  That was a relatively quick meeting, and he didn’t know what to think about it, other than a message from Carter that Andy was already requesting another night with you.  He could feel the pang of jealousy well up in the pit of his stomach.  Andy wanted more.  And Lloyd  just doesn’t know how to feel about that.
Looking up at Thor who was looking down the hallway, making his typical rounds, head of the guards.  Lloyd tilts his head over towards the exit, “It seems a bit quiet tonight.  We’ve got all our regulars.  I think I’m going to turn in for the night.”
“You mean, you need to see what trouble you can get into?” 
“Not you, too,” Thor gives him a shrug, but doesn’t offer anymore.  Lloyd doesn’t care, so what if he had a sweet tooth, and needed to know more.  He was only getting started on toying with you, and he wanted everyone to know just how weak he made you.  He’d ignore the weakness and jealousy he was feeling.  
Walking past your door, he hears you whimpering, looking over to Clark, who smiled sheepishly.  “What are you doing?”
“There’s still clients in the building.  We don’t leave them, until the clients have left and they have their space back.  I’m guessing Andy left her needy.”
“Go get some coffee, and take a fifteen minute break,” he gives his boss a nod, and walks away.  The pads of Lloyd’s fingers lightly tap on the door, hearing you panting and telling Clark to just go away, “Sugar, it’s me.”
“Oh,” rustling around you, cleaning up your space before opening the door.  “Is something wrong?”
“Andy has already asked for another date.”
“Oh, that’s nice.  Um, what else?”
“Why are you breathing like that?” your bed was a bit disheveled, and your chest heaved with your breathing.  Biting at your lip, you didn’t want to answer.  “You need to release some tension?  Does that greedy little cunt need to cum?  You’ve been all frustrated all day, huh?”
“Do you want my fingers or my cock?”
“I want your…”
“No matter what you choose, you’re the one that’s got to fuck them.  You understand, right?  Or maybe you just want to ride my face?”
“Yes, what?” He asks, closing the door, and turning the lock.
“I wanna ride your face.”
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Taglist:  @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @pono-pura-vida​ @sstan-hoe​ @buckysteveloki-me​ @peaches1958​ @sarcasmoverlordxo​ @openup-yourmind​ @infatuatedjanes​ @filthy-gorgeous-library​ @potatothots​ @randomagnes0210​ @bambamwolf87​ @whimsyplaty92​ @feyfantome​ @lettersandsodas​ @veyzus​  
115 notes · View notes
Stranger Things AU
• Steve and Chrissy grew up together even though they’re not the same age. they’re not too far apart in age
• their parents are well known and well respected in the community
• they both grew up pretty and popular, trying to fit themselves into the idea of what people think they should be
• steve becomes “King Steve” and Chrissy becomes a cheerleader
• they both have self esteem issues that stem from their parents
• they both reach a point where they’re not happy with how others see them
• because they grew up together, they know each other better than anyone. they’re like siblings, and when they’re alone, that’s how they think about each other
• Carol and tommy h are still Steve’s friends, and they tolerate Chrissy due to her parents and her popularity, but she’s younger and she takes Steve’s attention away from them, so they ignore her unless steve is around
• steve still dates Nancy, and gets dragged into all the Upside Down stuff. he doesn’t tell Chrissy, but she knows something happened. he dumps Carol and Tommy, and tries to make amends with Jonathan
• she’s the one who comforts steve after his breakup with Nancy, and even though she had come to like Nancy, steve is her brother so she becomes protective over him
• she gets to know Dustin after the events of S2 since he’s always calling steve for rides and advice
• Chrissy doesn’t know what happened (s2), but she can see that Steve isn’t the same anymore. it’s also the first time she sees the bat with the nails
• he’s quieter, flinches more often. his eyes seem a little haunted, and he’s been having nightmares
• Chrissy comforts him, but because he can’t tell her what happened (the NDAs), there’s not much she can do. but her being there is usually enough
• she watches as he pulls away from Nancy, but gets closer with the kids. Dustin comes around to the Harrington house more often
• she visits Steve at work, and gets to know Robin as acquaintances
• she gets worried when Steve starts spending more hours “at work”
• so she follows him one night. she watches as he, along with Robin, dustin, and Erica (who she’s heard them complain about) start sneaking around
• she ends up in the elevator with them
• Steve immediately freaks about because it’s bad enough his coworker and two children are stuck in this hell elevator with him. now his little sister is there, too
•there’s no way for them to get out, so she ends up under the mall with them, and becomes part of the scoops troop
• Steve and Robin still get captured, but Chrissy manages to get Dustin and Erica to safety. she hates leaving them behind, especially Steve
• she and the kids manage to get Robin and Steve back, but seeing the condition her brother is in breaks her heart
• her heart breaks even more when she finds out what happened down there
• the bathroom scene still happens as it did in canon. Robin comes out to Steve, and he accepts her, and starts to love her (platonically) even more
• Robin and Steve are both so relieved that Chrissy didn’t have to deal with what they did at the hands of the Russians. to Steve, Chrissy is his sister. to robin, she’s a chance at a friend her age, who has never thought she was weird or different in a bad way
• the three of them take Dustin, Max, Lucas, and Erica home after the Battle of Starcourt. after all the kids are at home in on piece, traumatized but alive, they go to Steve’s house
• Chrissy’s parents didn’t know she was at the mall, and they like Steve. they think steve is good for her (as a potential love interest even though they don’t think of each other like than and never will) and because of the Harrington name, trust him. they don’t mind her spending time with him. after that summer, she spends less and less time at home, away from her overbearing mother, and finally feels at home and loved for who she is
• Robin tells her parents she’s okay, but she and her friends are having a big sleepover because they need to remind each other they’re okay, that they made it out of the “fire,” and they allow it. they’re not absent like Steve’s parents, not overbearing like Chrissy’s, but they’ve never really understood her. she starts spending more time with Steve and Chrissy
• Steve’s parents are gone, and have been for months. he stopped caring a while ago, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. he was living alone in a large, old, empty house. Chrissy and Robin (and later the kids) make it a home
• the kids come over a lot, and the group gets closer
• Steve and Chrissy start loosening up and rebelling. Steve graduates, and Chrissy quits cheerleading, following her academic interests instead
• that’s how they come to meet Eddie
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This Is Our Year
Robin!” I exclaim, moving through the throng towards my sister. “Do you want to tell me what the hell is going on?”
Despite having to crane my neck to look up at Robin, my angry tone doesn’t fall flat. She sputters, looking to her companions for a quick answer. I point at her, bringing her gaze back to me. 
“No lies, Robin. I’m serious. You could have been hurt or killed..”
“Kat, I–” 
The curly haired Dustin comes to my right, giving an exaggerated grin.
 “Hi, I don’t think we’ve met officially. I’m Dustin Henderson. From the resemblance and overt authority you so effectively exhibit, I’m guessing you’re Robin’s sister. Eddie talks about you a lot.”  He holds his hand out to shake and I hear Eddie hiss. Not to be deterred, the young man keeps going. “I’m also hoping due to the intimate moment we walked up on, you might be inclined to help us. Or Eddie, really.”
I look down at the hand Dustin holds out and then over at Eddie. He is fighting a blush but gives me a tentative smile, running his hand through his hair. I clasp Dustin’s hand, shaking firmly before he continues. 
“Great. First and foremost, Eddie didn’t kill those people.”
I nod, “Yeah, I know.”
“You know? And you believe him?” That’s Steve, hands on hips as he keeps a protective eye on the members of the group.
“Well. I mean, he didn’t tell me exactly. I know Eddie. He’s not the serial killing type.”
“Absolutely!” Dustin says, “And we are trying to stop the guy who is doing the serial killing and clear Eddie’s name.” 
I’m about to turn on Nancy and Steve, screaming for dragging not only four teenagers but my sister into this vigilante mission when Robin takes a hold of my shoulders. 
“Kat, I need you to have a little faith here. The cops aren’t going to be able to stop this guy. This town… it’s not normal and this gang here has a lot of experience dealing with this type of thing. We’ll tell you everything but you gotta promise to just listen.” She lowers her voice. “For me.. Please?”
My lips maintain a thin line, but I nod tentatively. Robin smiles and puts her arm around my shoulders, leading us toward Skull Rock. 
“It might be best to sit down.” 
“No idea. All I know is that something is causing this disturbance and the last time we’ve seen anything like this, it was a gate. And I hope it is because then we’d have a way to Vecna and a shot at freeing Max from this curse.”
The group has been spitting information about gates, electromagnetic fields and possibly vampires for the past few minutes. I have been trying to breath through the anxiety seizing in my chest. Either these kids are experiencing a mass hallucination or there’s a hellscape inverse of the world where there are creatures being commanded by a man devil called Vecna who kills people to make portals for some reason. Neither were particularly calming.
Dustin begins walking off into the woods suddenly and I push myself to my feet, not wanting to be left alone with my mile a minute thoughts. Eddie joins me and I can feel the heat of his fingers next to mine. I want nothing more than to reach out and clasp his hand.
“Where are you going? Hey, hey, hey.” Steve calls out and Dustin stops, turning towards him. “Eddie’s still a wanted man. We can’t just go for a hike in the woods.”
Dustin holds up his compass. “This steel capsule might be the key to saving both Max and Eddie.” Bringing his gaze towards the aforementioned, he asks, “What say you, Eddie the Banished?”
I turn, looking up at him. I can see my trepidation and fear reflected back at me when our eyes meet. They’re dark but warm, a rock in this endless sea of information. He’s trying his damndest to be brave.
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor, which, if I’m totally straight with you,” He looks at his young friend now, “I think is a really bad idea. But, uh…The Shire is burning.” 
Despite myself, I find myself grinning at his quotation. Dustin hops excitedly, recognizing the lines. Eddie turns back to me, putting his hands on my shoulders. Leaning down, he makes sure I look him in the eyes.
“But that doesn’t mean I will drag you into the flames. If you want to forget this happened, I think all of us would understand. In fact I would love nothing more than to have you miles away from Hawkins, safe and sound.” 
It’s tempting, I won’t lie. I am not a girl with superpowers like this El they keep mentioning. I am not an experienced monster hunter. This morning I woke up and was just a young woman trying to enjoy her spring break. But now… now I’m scared. Not just scared for me but scared for my town, my parents, my sister, but also Eddie. 
He’s frustrating and impulsive but he’s also one of the most kindhearted humans I’ve ever met. Walking into that library to tutor him, I didn’t expect much. But day after day, not only did he chip away at any previous notions of him, but he built a beautiful trust that I don’t extend to many people. He made an effort to make me comfortable while pushing me to be an even better version of myself. And I tried to do the same for him. As time went on it seemed impossible that we hadn’t always been so close.  
Whether the villain is actually a vengeful creature or religious mania from a town looking to point their grief at someone, I won’t be leaving his side. 
Smirking up at him and putting on a brave face that I do not feel, I put my hands on my hips. 
“I’d like to cash in that honorary Hellfire Club membership now.”
His lips quirk up and he squeezes my shoulders. I hear Dustin’s excited laughter causing my own grin to grow. Eddie wraps his arm around my shoulder and we begin to walk.
“So Mordor it is.”
Eddie points his flashlight at the compass in Nancy’s hand which is currently going haywire. Steve begins to remove his socks, tossing them aside. 
“Steve, what are you doing?” Nancy asks, eyeing him warily.
“Somebody’s gotta go down and check this out.” He continues to undress despite the worry on Nancy’s face. “Unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years–”
“In a pool.” Words are somehow out of my mouth before I’ve processed what they actually are going to imply. Steve pauses and the group looks at me. “Don’t get me wrong, those things are great. But swimming in open water and swimming in a pool are a little different. It’s going to be cold, visibility isn’t going to be great, and there’s bound to be a slight current. I think I might be a better option here. I’ve got experience.”
Eddie’s eyes widen and he groans, “Oh shit. You’re grandma’s lake house.”
Robin looks at him in confusion, “You know about grandma’s lake house?”
“He knows about the lake house. Not important. What is important is I have a lot of experience with open water swimming. If I know what I’m looking for, we can be in and out of here much faster.” 
There’s a pause but then Steve nods, “Okay.”
“Okay?!” Eddie exclaims. He turns to me, “No, Kat, you don’t need to do this–”
I grab his hands, making my voice soothing for both of our benefits, “Eddie. It’ll be fine. I want to help and this fits my very limited skill set.”
He searches my face and then squeezes my hands back, “Fine. But if you’re not up within five minutes, I’m sending Harrington in after you.”
I chuckle despite the butterflies in my stomach. “I’m sure Steve appreciates the vote of confidence.” 
Kicking off my own sneakers and socks, I stand in the rocking vessel. As I’m undoing my belt, I hear the feedback of the walkie talkie. 
Eddie mutters into the speaker, “Henderson, Sinclair, put the binoculars down or I’m going to make Vecna look tame. You too, Harrington.”
I look over my shoulder and see Eddie is trying his best to avert his eyes. Feeling an uncharacteristic streak of confidence, I remove my oversized button up and black jeans, handing them to Eddie.
“Keep them warm for me, Munson.” I whisper. Despite himself, I do see his eyes briefly flick up and move quickly back down as they catch on my black underwear. His knuckles go white as he grips the clothes and he nods.
“Will do, Buckley.”
“The boat is not soundproof, Kat.” Robin whines. “Please tell her what she’s looking for so I can not experience this anymore.”
Nancy supplies a succinct description of the gates previously created. Eddie hands me a plastic wrapped flashlight and as I move towards the edge of the boat, he warns, “Five minutes.”
I nod, “Five minutes.” 
Then taking a deep breath, I dive into the water. It’s 65 degrees at best and I’m briefly stunned, brain freezing before I remember my purpose. Kicking down, the faint beam of the flashlight guides me. Thankfully Lover’s Lake isn’t terribly deep so soon I see the murky sediment of the lake bed. 
Moving my light over the bottom, I scan my surroundings. Fish bones, rocks, algae, more fish bones and then there it is. Red, pulsing light. Not typical for the average Indiana underwater environment. I push towards it. 
Once it comes into full sight, there is only one phrase going through my mind: It’s real. Well, that and some choice curse words but, the truth behind the gang’s stories sinks in fully. Getting closer, I hear a warbling sound on the other side. Tentatively, I reach out to touch the luminescent surface and pull back instantly when something flicks against the film. Dropping the flashlight,, I kick up toward the bottom of the boat. 
Breaking the surface, I gasp in great lungfuls of air. My friends in the boat jerk back but I barely notice as I babble, “It’s there, it’s there. Holy fucking shit, the gate is very much there.” I grab the edge of the boat, trying to slow my heart beat. Steve high fives me and Eddie beams at me proudly. 
Robin practically giggles into the walkie talkie, “Dustin, you're a goddamn Einstein. Kat found the gate, repeat, Kat found the gate.”
“What was it like?” Eddie asks, the excited gleam in his eyes he gets when he’s DMing shining bright from his position in the boat. 
“Very red and glowy. Like a mini crater with this weird film over it. Something on the other side scared the sh–”
Before I was pulled completely under the water, I heard Eddie scream my name. Then there was nothing but inky blackness giving way to the red light of the gate. I put everything I had into trying to pull out of the grasp of the tentacle around my ankle but nothing worked. My cries for help go from silent to piercing echoes as I’m pulled through the film and slammed onto hard, ropey rock. 
I can breathe again but the creature, whatever it is, drags me over the ground, my skin burning as it scraps against anything and everything in its path. I can barely register what’s going on around me. I just know it’s wrong. It’s all wrong. 
For some reason it decides to let go of me, depositing me roughly on a pile of what looks like blackened, fallen trees. I lay there, stunned silent. Remotely, I registered red lightning and thought that was odd. But then came the screeches. Pushing up to my feet, I see what looks like bats careening towards me. 
“Fuck.. fuck, fuck, FUCK!” I start to run. I don’t know where, but anywhere is better than here. “Help me, please!” Logically I knew that no one could hear me but logic starts to go out the window when your lifeline seems to be on an imminent countdown. 
I can hear the horrible screeching getting closer and suddenly I’m rammed to the ground with the force of a getaway car. My head slams against the hard ground and I’m dazed, the pulsing burning pain briefly dimmed as my ears ring. The feeling of needle sharp teeth sinking into my shoulder and then my calf brings me back to a stark focus. I go to swing my fist at the bat on my shoulder when a tail wraps around my throat, closing off air.
While my body struggles to live, my brain becomes very black and white.
I’m going to die here.
My parents won’t know what happened to me. 
Robin will know. At least there’s that. 
I didn’t tell Eddie how I felt.
He knows. He knows. 
He has to know. 
I wish I’d told him.
Someone is above me.
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@kik51199  @thewotwots27 @moonixlity 
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vendettaparker · 3 years
What a Dumbass [P.P]
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Summary: Peter’s mistake leads to you being injured. 
Pairing: Peter Parker x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 2.1K
Warnings: Swearing, like a substantial amount, suggestive content kinda, gun shot wound, and flustered!Peter 
a/n: I really liked writing this. I couldn’t stop laughing at some of the dialogue. and the mistake peter made to cause the whole set-up of the story is so funny to me. like i can legit see him making this mistake. also, i’m gonna make a permanent tag list, so please send me an ask or message me if you want to be on it! <3
        ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
     Peter Benjamin Parker is a fucking dumbass. All the time mostly. Most of the time his dumbassery leads to a lot of annoyed avengers, a lot of clean up, and a lot of spilled secrets. Hence why like three people who definitely shouldn’t know he is Spider-man do. But every once in while his idiocy can lead to an unexpected happily ever after, at least until he fucks something up again. 
     This particular fuck up has yet to be determined as a happy accident or your new 13th reason. It all started when that spider bitch decided it’d be a good idea to watch some explicit content on his laptop. Now, this wasn’t particularly an unknown activity for him to partake in, since we all know about his little impromptu purchase in Germany, but unbeknownst to this dork, his aunt was in the next room over working on a tear in his suit. And to make matters worse, he accidentally just so happened to purchase a subscription using said aunt’s credit card that was pre-setup in his laptop. 
     Now May is a very understanding woman. Very sex-positive, very loving, and inclusive; the whole shebang really. So when she happened to catch this idiot doing what he most certainly shouldn’t have been doing, she wasn’t mad, just thoroughly disturbed. Then she got the notification about the purchase. That was a bit more taboo in her eyes. So Peter was grounded from patrolling for a week and his laptop privileges were revoked for two weeks. That was fucking merciful compared to what this whole fuck up put you through. 
     At the school that following Monday, Peter spent the whole first, second, fourth, and lunch period trying to convince you to take over patrol for a week. Sure, you could definitely handle it, not to pat yourself on the back or anything, but you were significantly stronger than Peter, so it shouldn’t have been that big of a deal. But you just really didn’t want to. Peter had his ‘Peter Tingle’ to help him find danger, while you’d actually have to look. It just seemed harder for you to do than it would be for him. 
     “Why are you even grounded?” You sighed after Peter's 3rd time bringing up the possibility of you patrolling for him at lunch. 
     “He got caught watching and buying p—” Ned started laughing.
     “Ned! Shut up!” Peter yelled, slapping his hand over his friend's mouth. 
     “How has your identity not been leaked yet, Jesus Christ.” You mumbled, giggling. You flipped through your chemistry textbook, writing notes to prepare for Friday’s quiz. 
     “Yeah, and how come you didn’t know May was home?” Ned pushed Peter’s hand away. “Where was your ‘Peter Tingle’ then?” 
     “She’s not a threat, dude. But shit, I really wish my tingle detected her.” Peter groaned, a deep blush covering his features. “Please (Y/N). I really, really don’t wanna leave Queens without any protection for a week. I’ll try to convince May to let me go out on the weekend, so really it’s only five days.” 
     “I guess I could help you out, but you owe me. I should really spend this time studying for my chemistry test. Iron bitch is gonna have my head on a spike if I fail another chem test.” You said, highlighting more notes. 
     “Okay! Delmar’s for a week, anytime, anywhere.” Peter said putting his hand out for you to shake. 
     “Make it a month, I know my worth.” 
     Peter hesitated, but eventually gave in, “Fine, but you better do a good job.” 
        ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
     So now you were stuck patrolling from 8:30 to 11:00 every night. It wasn't bad per se, and nothing too eventful happened. You stopped a small convenience store robbery, gave a few kids some tips at the skatepark, ran some errands for an old lady, and saved a cat from a tree. Thursday night was the real kicker though. Your night had barely started and you accidentally got in the middle of a drug deal between some smaller mob and a real messed-up junkie. This should’ve been an easy takedown, only six people in total that needed to be taken out, but like was mentioned before, you don’t have Peter’s goddamn, stupid fucking tingle. So after taking all six of the perps out you started to walk away after alerting the police. Unfortunately, one of those assclowns had come to, and grabbed the gun a few feet away from him and shot it towards you. The bullet went through your thigh and out the other side. Screaming in shock and pain, you used your own throwing knives and knocked the gun out of the mobster’s hand, then you proceeded to knock him out again with a few good punches to his noggin, maybe a few more, just for good measure. But this wound would need to be cleaned and stitched up. And if you went back to the Tower, Steve and Tony would give you an earful about “watching your surroundings” and “being more careful”. So in a moment of pure adrenaline and desperation, you texted Peter. 
You: are you home
Spider-Dork: Yeah, why?
You: i’ll be there in 5 
Spider-Dork: What? Why? Is everything ok?
Spider-Dork: Hello??? (Y/N)????
(Y/N) declined (3) calls 
Spider-Dork: Answer my calls idiot. 
     Peter’s texting and constant calling was cut short from a crash in his room. 
     “(Y/N)? Is that you?” Peter called from the couch in the living room. 
     “Yeah, can I borrow a t-shirt?” You called, fumbling around accidentally knocking over another lamp. “Oops, sorry!”
     “Uh, yeah sure. In the closet!” Peter called back pausing his show, prepared to make his way over to you. 
     “And some sweats?” You called back, blood dripping all over Peter’s hardwood floor. 
     Peter got up to make his way to his room. “Yeah, second drawer on the left side.” He said as he made his way to his bedroom. Knowing you were in there, most likely changing, he knocked. “You decent?” 
     “Nope, not really. I need a pair of your boxers too, though.” You called through the door, now seeing that the blood splattered on your underwear as well. “Also, bring the first aid kit when you come in.” 
     ‘What? Why?” Peter said in a more stressed tone, pushing his way into the room, completely ignoring the fact that you were very much not decent. “Holy shit.” He said seeing you out of your suit, in your bra and underwear, blood dripping down your right leg, pooling onto the floor. Your hand, red and bloody, pressed onto what he only assumed was the wound and blood seeping through your fingers. 
     “Bring a mop too.” 
     Peter ran out of the room to grab the first aid kit, plus some extra bandages and a cleaning solution. When he came back in he found you in the same state, standing in the middle of the room, eyebrows furrowed in pain, clutching your right thigh. 
     “What the hell happened?” He gasped, motioning for you to sit on his bed. You hesitated, not wanting to mess up his sheets. He seemed to notice your thought process quickly adding, “I have to wash my sheets anyway.” 
     “Gross.” You mumbled, scrunching up your face in disgust and finally settling down on his bed. 
     “Move your hand and tell me what happened,” Peter said kneeling on the floor next to the bed, positioned right at your hips. You removed your hand, bloody instantly seeping onto the bed. Peter winced looking at the hole in your leg, quickly grabbing the peroxide and dumping heaps of it onto your leg, much to your distaste. 
     “I got shot.” You stated as he cleaned the blood around the hole with alcohol pads.
     “Well, no shit. I mean by who and how?” 
     “Mobster. Sneaky bitch got me while I was walking away.” You winced as Peter inspected the wound further. 
     “I need to stitch this up. Did it go all the way through?” He said lifting your leg to look underneath for an exit wound. 
     “Yeah.” Peter found the exit wound and held your leg up with one hand, pouring peroxide on the back of your thigh with the other. 
     “You have to be more careful, (Y/N)! This looks really nasty.” Peter scolded, setting your leg back down and prepping the needle and sutures. “What if this was in your chest? Or—or if you didn’t get here in time? You could’ve bled out!” 
     “Well sorry that I don’t have your stupid tingle to help me out when I’m being fucking shot at!” You yelped, gripping the bedsheets. 
     “You don’t need spidey sense, you need fucking common sense,” Peter mumbled, stitching his first suture.
     “What the fuck did you just say?” You looked at him incredulously. 
     “I— uh, nothing.” Peter huffed, focusing back on stitching you up.
     “This is your all your fault, to begin with!” You accused, shifting uncomfortably, due to the needle constantly being stuck into your leg. “You’re the one that begged me to go on patrol for you! You’re the dumb bitch that got caught watc—” 
     “Ok! Shut up! For God’s sake, you’re never gonna let me live that down.” Peter groaned, finishing up the last stitch. “Flip over.” He commanded, pushing at the side of your waist to help with the movement. 
     “Well, it was fucking dumb. Don’t you check to make sure nobody’s home? God, we all know you’re a vocal bitch too.” You said, fully situated on your stomach. 
     “What the fuck is that suppose to mean!?” He gasped, prepping another needle. 
     “You’re a sensitive boy.” You shrugged, wincing when Peter started his next stitch. 
     “I-I am not sensitive! I’m emotionally and physically staunch!” He defended, going in for another stitch. 
     You just raised an eyebrow in amusement. “Sure, whatever you say, babe.” You winked at him, blowing an exaggerated kiss. 
     “You're a jerk,” Peter mumbled, finishing up his stitching job. “A jerk with a fucked up leg.” 
     You hummed, quite amused. Peter got up and started to collect his medical supplies. He shuffled out of the room to put everything away. When he returned you were trying to get up and walk, wincing at every slight movement. 
     “Here, let me just—” Peter lifted you up, bridal style. A small yelp coming from you when a sharp pain shot through your leg. “Sorry.”
     “It’s fine. Can you help me get dressed?” You said as he walked you over to his desk and set you down in his desk chair. 
     “Sure.” Peter blushed, painfully aware of your lack of clothes. He picked out some clothes from his closet and drawers. He helped you into them, wallowing in the uncomfortable silence, taking in each whimper and wince from you whenever he brushed against your thigh. 
     “Fuck, I’m so sorry.” He sighed after you were all dressed. “This is my fault.” 
     You looked at his distraught face, feeling bad for initially blaming him for the events of tonight. “No, Pete. It’s fine. I should’ve made sure all of the guys were knocked out.” You put a hand on his shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze.
     “No, I should’ve been more careful when I was watching that stuff. I have my spidey sense, I would’ve been able to avoid getting shot. It’s not your fault that you didn’t get bit by a radioactive spider.”
     “Pete, really, I’ll be better by next week anyway. It’s fine.” 
     Peter shook his head, sighing. “I just feel so bad, I shouldn’t have forced patrolling on you.” You hugged him and rubbed his back soothingly. “It’s my fault you got hurt.” 
     “Peter stop. It’s just an unfortunate accident.” You mumbled, hugging him closer. “It could’ve happened to anyone.”
     “But it didn’t happen to just anyone (Y/N), it happened to you. And I caused it. I-I don't know what I’d do if something ever happened to you. What if it was worse?”
     You sighed, pulling away from Peter and cupping his face, seeing the regret and shame pooling in his eyes. Without much thought, you pulled him closer, slowly connecting your lips in a sweet kiss. Truly getting lost in the feeling of his lips against yours, the feeling of perfection. 
     Peter’s eyes widened in shock for a moment, before he was kissing you back, reveling in the feeling he’s been dreaming about for months. You finally pulled away to catch your breath. Peter flushed at your actions, unable to stop the wide smile crossing his features. 
     “Sorry,” You mumbled sheepishly, “just needed to shut you up for a second.”
     “Maybe I should talk more, just to see what happens,” Peter smirked, pulling you in for another shorter, but just as sweet, kiss. 
     You hummed against his lips. “I really like you. Even when you're a dumbass.” You sighed against his lips.
     “The feeling is mutual.” 
     “Rude. I’m not a dumbass.” You gasped in faux offense. 
     “You’re the one with a bullet wound.” he deadpanned 
     “You’re the one who got caught watchin—”
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cevans16 · 3 years
I Could Not Live Without You
Summary: Bucky almost loses you on a mission
Sorry this is a long one! Lots of fluffiness though :)
You and Thor were sitting in the back of the conference room horsing around with a thumb war. 
“You’re such a cheater” you discreetly yelled at him. 
“You are mad that I am winning little one” he teased you
“Little one?! Should I demonstrate that I am a strong demigod just as you!” you yelled a bit louder
“Thor, (Y/N)! Keep it down!” Steve yelled over to you two. You received dirty looks from the rest of the crew until you finally calmed down only for you and Thor to start messing around again.
“(Y/N) if you don’t listen so help me-” Tony was the one to yell at you this time. You looked up at him to be met by a stern expression from the genius man. Tony and Thor were your best friends so getting a certain look from either one of them would calm you down
“Sorry Tony” you whispered back to him. 
“As we were saying - for this mission it will be Thor, Sam, (Y/N) and Bucky” Tony listed the names causing you to groan at the last one
“Is there a problem?” Tony asked
“Yes, HIM” you replied motioning to Bucky. Since you two met, Bucky was never nice to you, he either ignored you or always had to critic something about you.
“Well, Wanda and Vision are on their honeymoon so I see this as a team bonding exercise since you two can’t seem to get along” Tony peered at you. 
“I get along with everyone else, he seems to have a problem with me” you replied. 
“Come on doll, it’s one mission, if I can tolerate you everyday, I’m sure you can tolerate me for a few” he said winking at you causing you to roll your eyes back.
“Whatever are we done here” you said getting up from your seat to start packing. 
You were settling yourself inside the quinjet, you and Thor were the demigods so you were practically there as an extra asset for Sam and Bucky. 
“Want some cashews?” Bucky offered you, you rolled your eyes at him again.
“No thanks” you said walking away from him to sit next to Thor.
“You know both and I don’t know much about Midgard however I think he likes you” Thor said winking at you
“Please don’t” you quickly replied to his comment
“Ohhh but I know you DO like him, Stark said so himself” at that you scoffed.
“What! No! Damn you Tony, what did he say?” you asked Thor narrowing your eyes at him.
“I overheard you and Stark speaking about him” he said motioning over to Bucky. You remembered that day perfectly.
“I think you have a thing for him, don’t you (Y/N)?” Tony picked on you
“NO! He’s rude, a know-it-all and gosh that stupid long hair needs to be chopped off” you quickly replied defensively while fixing a nanotech knife you had built with Tony.
You turned around to look at Tony who was raising one of his eyebrows at you with a smirk slapped on his face.
“That doesn’t sound very convincing” he chuckled
“I think Manchurian Candidate has a crush on you too but I could be wrong---actually I am never wrong” he continued.
“What do you mean?” you asked curiously
“Well for starters, its like in elementary school, boy likes girl but wants to seem cool so he picks on the said girl which in this case is you” he said poking you with one of his tools
“You don’t see it but he always looks over at you when you are not looking, asks where you are when you are not around, that sort of stuff” Tony explained.
“I mean maybe you two should give it a shot” he shrugged
“Not in a million years Tony” you said walking out of the lab, only to bump into Bucky himself
“He’s never been nice to me so why should I do the same” you told Thor. 
Thor didn’t say anything, you and him leaned back against the wall to take a quick nap before arriving to your destination.
“Hey....we’re two minutes out so suit up” Sam said shaking you out of your sleep gently
“Thank you Sam” you said getting up from your seat to grab your equipment
You grabbed two small pistols placing them on each thigh holster, your earpiece from Sam, you placed your sword behind your back and picked up a rifle to head on out.
“Are you sure you can handle that?” Bucky teased you
“I can handle more than that Barnes” you sternly replied
“That she can Bucky, don’t forget she’s a demigod” Sam said, “I do have to ask though, where did you learn to shoot because I’m sure there aren’t guns on your world” he asked 
“Well I train profusely with Nat so I think I’m pretty set in having the best teacher you can get” you explained, Sam nodded walking out the quinjet to lead the way.
“Okay, on my lead, Buck and (Y/N) you go left, Thor and I will head to the right on my signal.....go” Sam led away
“You have my six right?” Bucky asked you
“No shit, you’re part of the team” you replied, the genuine comment surprising Bucky
“Plus I don’t want to deal with Steve’s reaction if you were to be gone forever” you added
Well that was too good to be true Bucky thought to himself. 
You were both deep inside the building where there was Sokovian evidence about new mutants
You were beside Bucky when you heard a loud gunshot, immediately reacting quicker than Bucky due to your demigod senses, you pushed Bucky out of the way causing you both to fall down to the first level, you felt your left arm break. A bullet had hit you on your left rib, without hesitation you shot back to where the bullet had come from, you had great aim killing the suspect instantly.
You felt pain, worse than what a normal gun shot would feel like. When you took out the bullet to saw that it was Sokovian made, this bullet was different you thought to yourself, this wasn’t going to kill you but you knew it could’ve killed a human being. You felt yourself drifting away into a deep slumber, you could hear Bucky yelling for you.
He got up slowly from the nasty fall, made sure the coast was clear, he then knelt down next to you placing you onto his lap.
“No no, (Y/N) WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” he yelled over at you repeatedly.
You looked up at him giving him a soft smile, “Give this.... to... Wanda, she’ll know” you tried your best to speak and then it all went pitch black.
“Bucky! (Y/N)! You guys okay?” Sam yelled over the earpiece
“I’m okay.....(Y/N) has been hit, she’s...down” Bucky said in disbelief, he couldn’t believe the girl he was in love with was dead and he never got the chance to tell you how he felt about you.
He picked you up cautiously, walking back to the quinjet sadly.
Thor was the first one to look at you, he looked over your wound, opening your vest open. “She’s not dead but we need to take her back quickly” he said to Sam and Bucky
Sam nodded heading to the pilot chair to fly you all back home.
Bucky tried not to cry but his tears betrayed him
“She pushed me out of the way” he sniffed
Thor placed his hand on Bucky’s shoulder to calm him down, “She would have done it for anyone, it’s not your fault” he said sitting down next to him
“I never told her how I felt about her” Bucky whispered
Thor smiled at the sound of him saying that, “I knew it” he teased Bucky
“I’m sure everyone did except her, I was an idiot in not showing it in the correct way” he explained
“She’s not dead Bucky” Thor said.
“How do you know?” he asked
“Well for one, I can hear her heartbeat, it’s very faint. And I’d know if I have lost a best friend” Thor explained. 
The rest of the flight back home was quiet.
“Let me see her!” Tony yelled running over to you.
“She’s not dead Stark but we need to check on her wounds, it’s the one on her left rib and she has a broken left arm” Thor explained
“I called Dr. Cho, she should be here soon” Tony nodded at Thor
Tony looked at you, you looked peacefully asleep, he had felt his heart drop when he heard about you. He couldn’t lose his best friend. He wiped away a tear before pushing you over to the emergency room. Bucky followed quickly behind.
“Barnes you can’t be here” Tony said to him
“I’m not leaving her Stark” he replied firmly. Tony looked over at him, eyeing him up and down, he knew it, he knew Bucky liked you. He would save the teasing for another time though, first he had to save his best friend. 
“She also said to give this to Wanda, that she would know” Bucky said handing over the bullet you had placed in his hands.
Tony looked over at the delicate item, how did something so small take down a demigod like you.
“I’ll call Wanda once (Y/N) is out of the emergency room” Tony confirmed.
After what felt like forever, Dr. Helen Cho finally arrived, she looked over at you, replicating your own cells to heal the wound on your rib, it wouldn’t look the same but it was enough to stabilize you. Once she was done with surgery, they wheeled you to the recovery room.
“She looks like she’s asleep peacefully” Nat sniffed looking at you. 
“Yeah she does, how did it go wrong?” Steve asked
“She took the bullet for Barnes” Nat said, this surprised Steve, he in fact thought that you hated Bucky but he was very appreciative that you would protect his own best friend as if he were yours.
“Don’t look so surprised Steve, she would do this for anyone of us. Besides she has a soft spot for Barnes” Nat smirked
“That I have heard” Steve chuckled. 
“Will you two shut up, I feel bad enough as it it” Bucky interjected
They stood there a little bit longer, Nat and Steve headed out, Nat stopped by Bucky, “You should get cleaned up Barnes, it’ll take a while”
“I’m not leaving until Wanda gets here” he replied, with that Nat left Bucky alone with you. 
Wanda and Vis had to cut their honeymoon short
“I’m sorry Wanda but (Y/N) told Bucky about the bullet that hit her, Banner and I have been trying to figure it out but-- I wouldn’t ask you to come back if it wasn’t serious...this is my best friend” Tony choked out at the end. 
“Tony....don’t worry, Vis and I understand, we are heading back , I have a clue on what that bullet could be” she replied calming Tony down over the phone.
Nat and Maria were visiting you again, Maria hadn’t seen you until now. 
“She looks like a sleeping beauty doesn’t she” Nat said, “even with all the debris....maybe we should clean her up, I know she would flip if she saw how dirty she was” Nat laughed at the thought of you
“You’re right, hey Barnes, you have to walk out” Maria ordered him 
“I’m not lea-”
“You have to leave, wait outside for Gods sake, take a shower, she is in good hands and she needs privacy while we clean her up” Nat said
“Fine” Bucky got up from the chair next to you, giving the girls a stinky eye. He quickly went to his room to shower. Although he wouldn’t admit it, the girls were right, he definitely needed a shower. 
Once he was done he went over back to the room they had you in, Nat and Maria were quick to clean you up. Your hair was brushed back, it smelled like subtle lavender, your face was clean and makeup free however your long eyelashes still stood out to him, your clothes were changed. Nat was right, you looked like a sleeping beauty, it hurt his heart though to see you this way. 
Bucky sat down next to you again, Nat handed him a tray with food.
“I know you haven’t ate so here” she said before walking out the door.
Throughout the next few days, everyone else came in to check on you while they weren’t on missions. Thor and Tony checked on you the most, Bucky never left your side unless it was to shower. He felt a sigh of relief when he saw Wanda come inside the room.
“How is she?” Wanda asked looking over at you
“She’s been the same since” Bucky replied
“You look tired Bucky” she said to him, he replied with a faint smile. 
“So what is it?” Tony asked her as he came inside the room followed by Thor.
“The bullet can kill any one of you except-” Wanda was going to explain
“Except demigods and mutants, they use these to knock them out however it sends you into a deep sleep, not a peaceful one though” Banner interjected, he was now followed by Steve, Nat and Clint who had been on leave with his family
“He’s correct” Wanda smiled at him, “Pietro and I never got hit by one of these thankfully”
“So if it’s not a peaceful sleep, why does she look like it is?” Clint asked, “Sorry, I got here as soon as I could”.
“Well it’s more of a battle within, whatever your worst fears are, your past that haunts you, it’s all alive in your sleep” Wanda said
“Oh god” Tony said, he knew what your past was, a traumatic one, you were reliving it and there was nothing they could do about it
“So how do we bring her back?” Bucky asked
“It’s not a how can we its when will she” Wanda said sadly, “I think I may be able to get into her head though, give her some kind of signal” she added
“Sure, it’s not like you haven’t done it before” Nat teased her
“Can you?” Steve asked, Wanda nodded closing her eyes as she placed her hand on your head gently. 
Wanda saw your worst fears; losing Tony, Thor, losing anyone on the team. She saw your past; your dead family, dead friends, everything. She backed out of your head immediately, trying to suppress a cry.
“Honey, it’s okay” Vision soothed her
“She’s going through hell....I have to bring her back” she said, walking over to you again. 
This time she was able to contact you, “(Y/N) you have to wake up, this isn’t real” she explained to you in your dream. 
“I can’t yet Wanda I have to finish this mission” you replied
“There is no mission, you’re in a dream”
“NO.....Tony is gone and I couldn’t save him” you cried out
“It’s a dream....come back to us” Wanda pleaded
“I will Wanda, when I am done here, I will” you said
Wanda was brought back to reality. 
“She’s not ready yet” she said walking out of the room, “she will wake when she is”.
It had been over a month since you were out, everyday the team had a routine to check on you, Bucky never left. 
He was observing you, your eyelashes, he was deep into your face that he didn’t realize you had opened your eyes. 
“(Y/N)?!” he yelped
You looked back at him, fluttering your eyes slowly, sensitive to the light. Then you sat up fast looking over to Bucky, your face in panic.
“Where’s Tony?!” you yelled
“He’s with Pepper” Bucky stammered still recovering from you being suddenly awake
“Don’t bullshit me Barnes, is he alive?!” you said
“Yes! Why would I lie about that, I’ll call him” he said quickly getting his phone out to dial Tony
“She’s awake” was all he said before hanging up
He leaned closer to you, squeezing your hand, “Honey” he said to you
You scoffed at the nickname, “Who are you and what have you done to James Buchanan Barnes?” you asked curiously
Bucky laughed, he slipped at the nickname, “I’m sorry (Y/N)”
After five minutes Tony came into the room, you looked up at him, feeling your breathing come back to normal to see that Bucky wasn’t lying to you.
“Tony” you choked out pulling him in for a tight hug. You felt your tears fall down your face, you were happy to be back after the nightmares you were dreaming of. 
“I dreamt you were gone and there was nothing I could do and it was so awful” you sobbed into his shoulder. Tony soothed you, rubbing your back softly.
“There there, look you are snotting all over my shirt so obviously I am not dead” he joked causing you to laugh. Bucky had missed that laugh more than anything.
“It was so horrible” you said looking back to him
“I know, Wanda explained to us” he replied, “I’m glad to have you back” he said pulling you in for a hug this time
“You know I mainly missed you wanting to kill this one all the time” he said motioning over to Bucky, “Thor and I were here a lot but this one never left your side” he said giving you a kiss on your forehead, “I’ll let the team know you’re awake, Morgan has been dying to see you but we chose it was best for her not to see you in this state, calm down, I’m in one piece” he said heading out. 
You were still crying, so many emotions were all over the place. 
“I’m sorry about this” Bucky said
“What? No this isn’t your fault Bucky” you said
Bucky’s breath hitched at you calling him Bucky, you had never called him that.
“I would do it again if I had to” you added, giving him a small smile.
“She’s BACK!” Thor came in yelling with a bouquet of flowers, “I missed you so much, we have so much to catch up on!”
“How long have I been out for?” you asked afraid to know the answer
“Over a month” Thor said
Each Avenger came in to greet you back to reality. Every single one giving you the strongest hug you had ever received from any of them. Somehow they also each seemed to mention that Bucky had always been there beside you, that was odd to you but you thought back to what Tony and Thor had said, it couldn’t be though. 
“Auntie (Y/N)!!!” Morgan yelled throwing herself onto you, Pepper and Tony were quick to scold her
“It’s okay.....I’m okay guys, I missed you baby Stark” you chuckled at her excitement giving her a kiss on her head, “are you ready for our monthly date, rumor is we are backed up on two now” you said, Morgan nodded as her smile grew bigger. 
Bucky loved how you were always extra gentle with Morgan, he loved seeing you with kids, you were like a magnet to them. 
The nightmares came every other night, even though you were out for a month you didn’t feel rested.
You showed up late to your first meeting, apologizing profusely for doing so, everyone was extremely understanding since the word had spread that you were still recovering. 
You were dazing in and out of the briefing, looking over at Thor to your right who would always give you a smile. After the meeting was finally over you asked him, “Hey so baby Stark and I are going to our usual, want to come?” you asked
“I would love to but Jane and I have plans” he said, “but I can cancel them”
“No no don’t do that....you and Jane are back! That’s amazing Thor” you genuinely said, you knew how in love he had been with her. 
“(Y/N) can I talk to you?” you heard Steve call you 
You nodded at him, “Tell me everything once I’m done” you said to Thor.
“Hey Steve, I’m sorry again about being late I’m-”
“Don’t worry I’m not here to scold you, actually I want to thank you for saving Bucky’s life. That could’ve killed him” he said sadly at the end.
You pulled Steve in for a hug, “I would do it again if I had to Rogers, I would like to think that someone would save my best friend too” you said. 
“I gotta go, baby Stark is waiting for me” you smiled
“Usual hangout for you two?” he asked smiling
“Yep, I’ve been away for too long” you walked away to get ready with Morgan
You were saying goodbye to Tony and Pepper while you and Morgan headed out the compound. You bumped into Bucky, to be honest you noticed he was around more but you never thanked him for being by your side.
“Where are you ladies off to?” Bucky asked with a smile
“We’re going to the aquawium and ice cweam Mr. Barnes” Morgan answered, “would you wike to come with us?” she asked 
“I’m sure he has other things to do Morgan” you said politely
Bucky looked over at you and Morgan, then back to Tony and Pepper.
“I’m okay with it” Tony said loud enough for you to hear
You laughed at his comment, “Well Mr. Stark said it was okay...really Bucky you don’t have to” you added
“Actually it would be my pleasure” he replied
“YAY! Auntie (Y/N) and I always have fun” Morgan said
Now the three of you walked towards the car garage, you normally took Pepper’s car since Morgan’s car seat was in it. You buckled her in and were about to get into the drivers side when Bucky stopped you.
“I’ll drive” he said
“I can drive Bucky, I’m not hurt” you replied
“(Y/N), you have a cast on your left arm” he asked pointing at it. To be fair you had indeed forgotten about your broken arm.
“Fineeee Barnes here” you playfully threw the keys at him.
He opened the passenger door for you to get inside the car, as he walked over to the driver’s side Morgan spoke.
“I think he wikes you” she giggled
“Morgan not you too” you laughed
Thankfully she didn’t say anything else once Bucky got inside the car. “So uhmm I don’t even know where we are going” he said a little embarrassed,
“Bless you, well first we’re going to the aquarium and then Dairy Queen” you said
“Off we go” Bucky said putting the car in drive heading towards the aquarium.
The ride to the aquarium was quiet besides Morgan talking away, she was very much like Tony in that sense, Bucky caught onto that. 
“I thought we left Stark back home” he half-heartedly joked
You laughed at that, looking over to him, “We did but we have his mini version back there”
Bucky looked back at you, he looked at you differently, this was the first time either of you had hung out without anyone else on the team being around. Morgan seemed to be enjoying both of your company.
The trip around the aquarium was always fun when it was you and Morgan, having Bucky around only added onto it. He would hold Morgan up to see the fishes closer, you would hold her hand to touch the starfishes, you all walked around like a normal little family.
You were going to take a selfie with Morgan when Bucky offered to take it instead.
“Here stand in front of this glass wall” he advised, Morgan and you complied, you knelt down by her side smiling for the picture.
“I can take a picture for you guys, stand right next to your girls, young man” an older lady said to Bucky. Bucky blushed at the lady, not knowing how to tell her that you guys weren’t together. So he handed her the phone and walked over to you and Morgan, you were trying your best to not laugh.
“You have beautiful women here” she added
“Thank you mam” you replied once she took several pictures of you all.
You took the phone looking at the pictures; you, Morgan and Bucky did in fact look like a cute little family. 
After the aquarium you guys headed off to Dairy Queen, Bucky was going to the local one but you let him know that you and Morgan went to a specific one that overlooked the city.
You all ordered your personal favorite ice creams then walked over to a bench that was on the dock. You sat Morgan between you and Bucky, all three of you quietly overlooking the beautiful skyline sunset. 
“I had fun today, you should come more often Mr. Barnes” Morgan said
“Thank you, I had fun too, call me Bucky” he said to her.
Once you all were done you headed back to the car, Morgan asked you this time if you can sit in the back with her, you agreed to do so, you often did when you were with Tony and Pepper, she called you her car buddy. Somehow you and Morgan dozed off on the way back to the compound. You were awaken gently by Bucky.
“Hey, we’re home” he said softly
You rubbed your eyes, yawning again, smiling at Bucky.
“Sorry I don’t know what happened” you said unbuckling your seatbelt. You got out from the car to carry a sleeping Morgan out to her room. 
“Here I got her, you can lock the car” Bucky said as he placed Morgan into his arms.
You guys walked up to the compound, first to drop off Morgan with Tony and Pepper.
“She’s knocked out, yay” Tony joked as he grabbed his daughter from Bucky. 
“The pictures of you three were so sweet and cute” Pepper said, she pulled you over discreetly, “You two would make a cute couple” causing you to blush.
You all said your goodnights, Bucky walked you over to your own room which was a floor below.
“Thank you for this day, that was a lot of fun” he said to you
“Nahhh its all Morgan, she gets it from Tony” you teased
Bucky stopped you in the middle of the hallway, “Look I’m sorry about always being a dick to you. I thought that by doing so my feelings for you would fade away and they sure didn't’” he laughed nervously, “I can’t thank you enough for saving my life, I will forever be in debt to you. After almost losing you, it scared the fuck out of me” he said trying not to cry, “I realized that I could not live without you so I have to ask, will you forgive me for being a jerk and will you go on a date with me? It’s okay Morgan can come along” he joked causing you to laugh.
“Ehhh I wasn’t too nice to you either, you don’t owe me anything Bucky...like I said I would do it again if I had to. As much as I hate Tony and Thor being right, I like you too Bucky. I want to thank you for being by my side even though I wasn’t there to see it, it helped knowing someone else was there for me too. Yes I will like to go on a date with you” you said smiling back to him.
Bucky knew in that moment that his life would get better with you in it, he couldn’t wait to see what the future held for both of you.
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Paring :: mafia dark!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings :: 18+, Smut/NSFW, Dark Themes, Possessiveness, Oral(M Recieving), Deep Throating
Word Count :: 2,787
Summary :: Bucky’s had a long day and you’re the only one he can release his stress on
A/N ::....there may or may not be another part... idk yet.... I just really like Mafia Bucky
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Some days were better than others, for both you and Bucky. 
So far, your day had gone swimmingly. You woke up, did an easy morning stretch to help you wake up, and proceeded to clean around your house in your favorite sundress. There wasn’t much to do, with the house usually clean due to Bucky hiring professional cleaners to come once a week. Still, the dishes weren’t going to do themselves. 
The highlight of your day was a package being delivered. A book that you had pre-ordered from one of your favorite authors. After you cooked your lunch, you spent the rest of your day reading the book, sitting on the dark grey couch in your large living room. That was all you could do besides watching tv or doing a small hobby to keep you occupied until Bucky came home.
Bucky’s day, on the other hand, was infuriatingly long. He was a businessman and a mob boss, meaning he’d usually have long days. If he was lucky, he’d just have to deal with some idiot trying to cheat him. Today was an unlucky day. He received a visit from Helmut Zemo, the head of a Sokovian Mafia trying to start up in Brooklyn. 
Bucky sat at his desk, leaning back in his leather chair as he stared at the man who just entered his office. 
“I already told you the deal Zemo. There’s no bargaining, if you don’t like it save your breath and get the hell out of here.”
The Sokovian ignored him, walking over to a large bookshelf that was against the wall. “You know, for the most powerful man in Brooklyn, you’d be surprised how quickly some of your ‘people’ are willing to betray you if you offer them enough cash.”
Bucky’s eyes narrowed, a scowl forming on his face. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Zemo glanced over for a moment. “The docks.”
A few nights prior, one of Bucky’s incoming shipments of illegal weapons had been robbed. A small number of men were killed, and the rest were injured. There was also a weird symbol that had been spray-painted around the docks, a sign that whoever had done this was publicly declaring war.
Bucky’s jaw clenched and he was now sitting up straight in his seat. “You did that?” “It was quite easy to.”
“So why the fuck are you here now? I could put a bullet through your head in a second.”
Zemo laughed, finally turning to face the other man. “You won’t because you know I’m not stupid enough to come here without just as many men you have.” He let out a small breath, taking a few steps forward. His gaze moved down to Bucky’s left hand, an eyebrow raising with curiosity. “You haven’t married her yet? She’s a lovely woman.”
In an instant Bucky stood up, his hands balled into fists. If a look could kill, Zemo would be dead and his body burning.
“I came to tell (Y/N) thank you. Not long ago, one of my guys got a bit lost and she helped him. Pietro said she was ‘the kindest girl he’d met’ and ‘extremely helpful and friendly.”
Bucky cursed in the back of his mind. It sounded exactly like something you’d do, you were kind and naive by nature, simply wanting to help people when they needed it. It was what drew him to you, and it seemed like it was attracting unwanted attention from others now.
“I’m gonna give you ten minutes to get the hell out of my territory.”
“Why so generous?”
“It’s a nice neighborhood,” Bucky replied sarcastically.
Zemo walked back towards the door, understanding he had pushed the man far enough. A coy smile crept on his face, looking at Bucky one last time. “I’d keep her better guarded and up to speed if I were you. She’s too innocent to be involved with you.”
Once Zemo and his men left Bucky nearly tore apart his office. It took Sam and Steve a good hour to calm the man down and make sure he didn’t do anything reckless. Once he cooled down, Sam revealed that Tony Stark had been the one to cross Bucky. Tony’s father was the previous big bad until Bucky came around.
“I don’t give a fuck what you do Steve, just make sure Tony doesn’t think he’s not get strung up on a tree after I shoot that Sokovian bastard in the head.” 
His voice was full of annoyance and his grip on the steering wheel of his car was so tight the whites of his knuckles were visible. It was one thing for Zemo to publicly humiliate his authority by robbing him, but he had indirectly threatened you by mentioning you to Bucky. You were his and his alone. He had invested far too much in securing you, ensuring that you’d never leave him. 
Bucky leaned on the doorframe of your apartment’s bedroom, arms crossed over his chest as he watched you step around the room. “What are you doing?”
“Going home,” You muttered, continuing to pack your suitcase.
“That’s on the other side of the country.”
“I know.”
“I can’t keep an eye on you if you’re in LA.”
You looked up from the clothes you were packing, glaring at him. “I know.”
Bucky let out a huff. “So you also know I can’t make sure you’re safe.”
You let out a dry laugh, eyes rolling. “I’ll probably be a lot safer once I’m far away from you.”
The man pushed himself off the door frame, now approaching you with long strides. “You’re not leaving (Y/N).”
You threw the shirt you hand in your hand down, turning to face him. “Yes, I am Bucky, because you lie to me!” Your voice was strained, eyes looking up at him full of pain.
“I didn’t lie to you-”
“Yes, you did! You lied to me about what you did and you hid the truth!”
When you and Bucky started dating, he told you he ran a large ‘supply and demand’ business in Brooklyn and that was it. Like the naive girl you were, who had just moved to the east coast, you believed him because you fell for him hard at first. He spoiled you and made you feel like a princess in public, and in private you helped him release all the pent-up stress he had built up from work. A few months later, you finally figured out why Bucky was always so protective of you and wanted to know where you were 24/7. 
Bucky could see the tears you were holding back, mentally cursing at himself for being the cause. He cupped your cheek with his normal hand. You had to resist the urge to lean into his hold.
“I know I hurt you, and I’m sorry, but…” His voice trailed off. In a swift motion, his metal hand wrapped around your waist lifting you up and over his shoulder. “You’re not leaving me (Y/N).”
“James Buchanan Barnes! Put me down this instant!” You slammed your fists into his back to no avail. “I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!”
“I love you too darling,” He mumbled, proceeding to walk you out of your apartment.
You were on the fourth chapter of your book when you heard a car door slam. You sprung up from your seat, moving as quickly as you could to greet Bucky at the front door. When you got there, you saw he had already let himself inside. His brows were knit together, looking down at the door’s locks.
“Why isn’t the door locked?” He questioned before he even saw you.
With the territorial instinct he had when it came to you and his meeting with Zemo earlier, it was clear he was not happy about such a small thing, no matter your excuse.
“Oh, I must’ve forgotten to lock it when I got the mail today,” You said quietly.
He had lectured you multiple times about how important it was you locked the door, even before you move in with him.
You wrapped your arms around his torso, properly greeting him with a smile like you did every day. You had done this so many times, you noticed how long it took for him to softly wrap a single arm around you before walking away. He was upset.
“Go to the bedroom and wait. Now,” He ordered.
Your heart started racing, wondering what was going to happen to you. If he had stress pent up, he would either wait until after dinner or start kissing you roughly the second he stepped in. He had only acted like this when you pushed him to his limit, like when you threatened to leave him or attempted to run away when he first forced you to live with him.
You sat at the edge of your shared bed, hands holding and fiddling with the hem of your dress. When Bucky was this angry, he was painfully rough to the point where you would begin crying. You quickly began thinking of everything you had done recently, wondering what could’ve pushed him to this point.
He walked in, jacket off and the sleeves to his white button-up rolled up to his elbows. Even though your mind was screaming with fear, your body started heating up with desire seeing him. Especially when your eyes glanced down to his pants and saw a hardness forming. ‘Fuck, he’s been thinking about this.’
Walking up to you, Bucky grabbed your chin with his thumb and index finger, forcing you to look up at him. As a sort of last-ditch effort to get some kindness from him, you gave him a doe-eyed look.
He leaned down, pressing a long kiss against your lips before pulling away. “Get on your knees.”
You took in a deep breath, accepting he wouldn’t be gentle. You pulled away from his cold metal hand, sinking down to stand before him on your knees. Keeping eye contact with him, you managed to under his brown leather belt and navy trousers. You looped your fingers at the hem of his pants, pulling them down along with his briefs just enough for his fully erect shaft to be freed. 
With both of your small hands wrapping around his shaft, you could feel yourself growing wet at the sound of his soft groan. At first, you started stroking his length slowly, leaning your face closer to lick the tip and swirl your tongue around the head.
Bucky didn’t allow you to continue this very long. Only a small dribble of precum was licked up before he grabbed a fist full of your hair from the back of your head and pushed himself further in. Another groan escaped him feeling the warmth of your mouth around his cock. He hit the back of your throat and you gagged, not yet ready for him to go deeper. He did it again two more times, warning you that he planned on having you take all of him in his mouth.
Your hands moved up to his thighs to hold yourself steady and you relaxed your throat the best you could in preparation. Once he started to push his dick further in, you could feel tears start to well up in your eyes as he went down your throat. You moaned each time he shoved his shaft down your throat, sending a soft vibration on his shaft.
Bucky eventually started thrusting his hips into your mouth, fully fucking your mouth as tears started to fall out of your eyes. Watching your glossy eyes stare up at him with his cock down your throat he nearly lost it, feeling his ballsack tighten. Not wanting to cum just yet, he pulled out, a string of your saliva falling off his dick and dribbling down your mouth. You gasped and began panting for air, wiping away your drool with the back of your hand.
He sat on the edge of the bed now, pulling your hips to stand in front of him once you stood up. “Off.”
You took off your dress, followed by your bra and wet panties. Already knowing what was going to happen, you moved to straddle his hips. You and Bucky had had sex numerous times before, but you always needed a moment to get used to his size. He wasn’t going to allow that.
With his large hands on your hips, he forced you down his entire dick, groaning at how tight your walls clenched around him.
“Bucky!” You cried out, body tingling as he filled you up, balls deep. 
He held your hips with such a strong grip you were sure there were going to be marks after. He bounced you up and down his cock, watching you with a dark gaze as you moaned and whimpered against him. Only he could make you feel like this, act like this for him.
He thrusted his hips up, and you moaned loudly, back arching as he hit a sweet sensitive spot. “Please!”
“Please, what?” Bucky asked, knowing full well what you wanted. He wanted you to beg.
“Fuck me right there Bucky! Please!”
More than happy to comply, he proceeded to slam into that same spot, your breath growing faster and cunt tighter each time it was hit. His breath was becoming heavy, and his movements ragged.
He watched as you looked down at him fucking you and saw you shudder. “Ah!” Your walls tightened and your release hit you, juices pouring out. Feeling you release triggered his own orgasm, releasing inside of you. You could feel spurt after spurt of hot cum filling you up and your tight cunt gladly took it.
He finally stopped bouncing you, rolling his hips into you and allowing you a few seconds of rest. He pulled his limp dick out but watching your pussy drip with a mixture of both your cum, he found himself hard once again. 
You barely had any time for your mind to clear up after, your eyes widening as Bucky forced you on your hands and knees. Not sparing a single second he rammed back into you, his hand smacking your ass hard. 
You let out a cry, the stinging pain from the spank only lasting for a short while before you felt the pain and pleasure of him filling you up again. 
“Tell me how much you love it,” He breathed out, watching your ass bounce against his hips with each thrust.
“Bucky!” You moaned out, your walls tightening around him again.
You barely had any time to recover from your last high and still sensitive. You started moving your ass against him, feeling his ballsack slapping your clit each time he thrusted. 
“I love it so much!” You breathed out. “I love feeling your big dick fill me up and fuck me!” 
You bit your lip, feeling the juices drip down your thighs. Your arms were starting to grow weak, barely able to hold yourself when you screamed again. Your pussy tightened and released, begging him to cum and fill you up again.
His large hands buried into your hips, continuing to fuck you as you released around him again. His build-up was growing with the sight of you taking his cock, thrusts growing sloppy. 
Bucky wasn’t blind and could tell your arms were going to give out. So, he released his grip on you with his metal arm to lean over you. He wrapped his arm around your chest, holding you up while squeezing your breast. 
Hearing your soft whimpers as he still fucked you did it for him, his hips bucking to release another hot load inside of you. He stayed in you until he finished then pulled out, releasing you to collapse on the bed. 
Weakly, you turned yourself on your back to look at him, face flushed and tear-stained. He lowered himself above you, metal arm pressed down near the side of your head to keep him above you. Bucky’s eyes danced over your facial features. His gaze moved down, watching your chest rise with each pant before looking at the mess in between your legs.
With his other hand, he reached down and dragged two fingers up your wet folds, gathering the juices on them. When he raised them back up to your face, both of your hands grabbed him and began to suck and lick his fingers clean.
“Christ you’re fucking beautiful.”
He pulled his fingers away, smashing his lips against yours. You wrapped your hands around his neck, a hand moving up to play and tug on his hair as you kissed.
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kj-1130 · 3 years
Nothing For Me
Part 7
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Part 6|Part 8
     You and MJ’s relationship continued to grow as time went on. 
     As she started her first year of high school, you worked on yourself, wanting to be good for her.
     Overtime, you learned how to process and deal with things better. You focused on yourself and your developing relationship with MJ and needless to say, things started to look up. 
     The ‘present but not really present father’ thing didn’t affect you as much as it did, but it was still there. It was one of the only things you hadn’t fully processed and to be honest, you didn’t think you ever could. 
     Your father is there, and has been aware of presence for almost a decade. And not once has he given you any type of consolation or love like a father should. You would think after Pepper was getting more involved in his life and forcing him to clean up (most of) his act, he would open his eyes and realize that a whole human being was living with him, waiting for him to realize that they were supposed to be relying on him; not an AI built in the comfort of their room. 
     But nope. Absolutely nothing changed. If anything, things got worse. 
     He was away more often, focusing on the Avengers. Or he was with Pepper, the new love of his life. 
     You tried not to linger on the situation often, knowing it would only lead to pain in your chest. So you just stuffed it in the back of your mind, hoping one day that the pain would just lessen all together. 
     About two months ago, you and MJ had decided to make things official after going on your first date. At first you talked about how fast the two of you were going, but Michelle simply said ‘we’ll be u-haul lesbians then.’ That was the end of the conversation. 
     Currently, you and your girlfriend were facetiming. You would’ve made the trek to her house but she was about to study and you both knew that you’d distract her. Plus the two of you were due for some time away from each other considering the fact that you’re at her place almost everyday. 
     “Okay, so I found this recipe the other day and I’m just now remembering it.”
     MJ looks at you confused, “Okay?” 
     You roll your eyes playfully.
     “I wanted to try it with you. After my ban from your place has been lifted.” 
     “It’s not a ban,” she chuckled.
     “Well, it sure as hell feels like one ba-”     “Mr. Stark has arrived with a guest,” M.I.A cut you off. 
     “Who is this guest?” 
     “Secretary of State, Thaddues Ross,” the AI replied, pulling up pictures of the man. 
     “Hey M, I’m gonna call you back.”
     “Yeah, yeah,” she nods, looking a little concerned. “Take all the time you need. Let me know if everything’s okay.”
     The two of you give your goodbyes and you ask M.I.A to pull up the live footage from the conference room.
     “Perspective. The world owes the Avengers an un-payable debt. You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives… but while a great a=many people see you as heroes, there are some who would prefer the word “vigilantes”, is what you first hear when you start watching. 
     Immediately your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
     “And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary?” Natasha asks.
     “How about ‘dangerous’?” he replies. “What would you call a group of US-based, enhanced individuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?”
     The secretary activates a screen behind him which begins to play the previous battles the Avengers and SHIELD have fought in. 
     “New York.” 
     He clicks a button, footage of chitauri, shooting guns, and Hulk smashing plays. 
     “Washington D.C”
     A new video appears, showing the insight helicarriers firing at each other with chaos following. 
     The frame changes, showcasing the terrified citizens that were on the flying piece of land. 
     “That’s enough,” Steve interrupts. 
     Ross nods in response and begins his speech again. 
     “For the past four years, you’ve operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That’s an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution.”
     He places a thick document on the table and slides it across to Wanda. As the team slides the book to each other Ross starts talking. 
     “The Sokovia Accords. Approved by 117 countries… it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they’ll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary.” 
     “The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place,” the Captain begins. “I feel we’ve done that.”
     “Tell me, Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now?” There was a momentary pause as the two men’s eyes met. “If I misplaced a couple of 30 megaton nukes… you can bet there’d be consequences. Compromise. Reassurance. That’s how the world works. Believe me, this is middle ground.”
     At this point, you’re walking out of your room after transfering the feed to your tablet and making your way to the elevator.
     “So, these are contingencies,” Rhodey states. 
     “Three days from now,” Secretary Ross begins. “The UN meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords. Talk it over.” 
     Natasha speaks up, “And if we don’t come to a decision you don’t like?”
     “Then you retire.” 
     The elevator stops and you look up seeing the Secretary walk in with someone behind him. You give him a subtle disgusted look before turning your attention back to the security footage.
     As the deathtrap descends, you can feel his eyes lingering on you. 
     “Can I help you?” 
     “You’re a little young to be an intern.” 
     “You’re a little old to be looking at me like that,” you shrug, swiping away from the video on your tablet as you feel him looking over your shoulder. 
     Ross gives an awkward chuckle and furrows his eyebrows. When you reach the bottom floor, he gets ready to step out and places a hand on your shoulder. 
     You look at him like he’s lost his mind. 
     “You seem like a good kid. Be sure to make good choices.” 
     Raising an eyebrow, you refrain from saying what you want to say. You lift your hand and gently take his off of you. 
     “Don’t touch me,” 
     Once he exits, you hear the chatting start back up.
     “Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor,” Rhodes told Sam. “Which is one more than you have. 
     “So let’s say we agree to this thing,” Wilson starts. “How long is it gonna be before they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?”
     “117 countries want to sign this. 117, Sam, and you’re just like, ‘No that’s cool. We got it.” 
     “I have an equation,” Vision announces as you get back on the elevator. 
     “Oh this will clear it up,” Sam mutters. 
     “In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period, the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate.“
     “Toaster oven’s got a point there,” you mumble, stepping back on the metal deathtrap. 
     Steve asks,“Are you saying it’s our fault?”
     “I’m saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict… breeds catastrophe. Oversight… oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.” 
     “Boom,” Rhodey says.                             
     You see Tony lying on the couch, quite relaxed, contradicting the tense atmosphere. 
     “Tony,” Nat starts. “You are being uncharacteristically non-hyper-verbal.”
     “It’s because he’s already made up his mind,” Steve explained. 
     “Boy, you know me so well,” Stark starts, getting up and rubbing the back of his head. “Actually I’m nursing an electromagnetic headache,” he pauses to grab a mug of coffee. “That’s what’s going on, Cap. It’s just pain. It’s discomfort. Who’s putting coffee grounds in the disposal? Am I running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang?”
     Tony puts his phone in a basket and taps the screen. An image is projected of a smiling young man. 
     “Oh, that’s Charles Spencer, by the way. He’s a great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA. Had a floor level gig at Intel planned for the fall. But first, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul, before he parked it behind a desk. See the world. Maybe be of service. Charlie didn’t want to go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale, which is what I would do. He didn’t go to Paris or Amsterdam, which sounds fun. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor. Guess where, Sokovia.”
     He pauses for a second as the team soaks in the information.
     “He wanted to make a difference, I suppose. I mean, we won’t know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass.
     “There’s no decision-making process here. We need to be put in check! Whatever form that takes, I’m game. If we can’t accept limitations, if we’re boundary-less, we’re no better than the bad guys.”
     “Tony, someone dies on your watch, you don’t give up,” Steve rebuttals.
     “Who said we’re giving up?” 
     “We are if we’re not taking responsibility for our actions. This document just shifts the blame.”
     “I’m sorry. Steve,” Rhodey blurted. “That-that is dangerously arrogant. This is the United Nations we’re talking about. It’s not the World Security Council, it’s not SHIELD, it’s not HYDRA.”
      “No, but it’s run by people with agendas, and agendas change.”   
      “That’s good,” Tony starts. “That’s why I’m here. When I realized what my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands, I shut it down and stopped manufacturing.  
     “Tony, you chose to do that. If we sign this, we surrender our right to choose. What if this panel sends us somewhere we don’t think we should go? What if there is somewhere we need to go, and they don’t let us? We may not be perfect, but the safest hands are still our own.”
     “If we don’t do this now, it’s gonna be done to us later. That’s a fact. That won’t be pretty.”
     Wanda finally speaks up, “You’re saying they’ll come for me.”
     “We would protect you,” Vision promised. 
     “Maybe Tony’s right,” the redhead speaks. “If we have one hand on the wheel, we can still steer. If we take it off--”
     “Aren’t you the same woman who told the government to kiss her ass a few years ago?” Sam interrupts. 
     “I’m just… I’m reading the terrain. We have made… some very public mistakes. We need to win their trust back. 
     “Focus up,” Tony says. “I’m sorry, did I just mishear or did you agree with me?”
     “Oh, I want to take it back now.”
     “No, no, no. You can’t retract it. Thank you. Unprecedented. Okay, case-closed--I win.” 
     From what you see, Steve stands to leave abruptly. 
     You then walk out of the elevator, tablet still in hand with the footage up. The captain walks past you just as you turn the corner and spot the team. 
     “Someone’s upset,” you hum. 
     You walk past everyone towards the fridge and grab a water bottle. 
     “Anyway, that was very childish. And kinda stupid.” 
     Inquisitive looks are thrown your way and you hold up the tablet awkwardly as you plop down on a chair. 
     “I was watching you. I kinda do that a lot. It’s not as creepy as it sounds.” 
     You open the bottle and take a sip. 
     “What are you doing down here kid--”
     “Ahhh,” you interrupt. “Don’t call me a kid. I haven’t been a child for years.”
     “Just answer the question,” Tony snaps. 
     “I like to stay informed. No one tells me anything and while you think that these private meetings only affect you, it doesn’t. It affects me too. You may not remember I’m your child but several people do. And that puts me in danger. So yes, I listen to your conversations to make sure it’s nothing I need to worry about.” 
     An awkward silence washes over as you gulp down more water. 
     “Anyway, I was just riding up and down the elevator waiting for you guys to finish. That Ross dude is kinda creepy by the way. But you’re really considering signing that thing?” 
     “Not you too,” your father mutters. 
      You let out a laugh and everyone looks at you strangely. 
      “Is this funny to you?” Rhodey asks. 
      “Yes,” you stop laughing abruptly. “I find it hilarious that this is the same government that was ready to drop a nuke on the city during the Battle of New York not giving a damn about a single civilian that was still in the area. I find it hilarious that this is the same government that lets thousands of children and women of color go missing and not do a thing about it. It’s funny that this is the same government that let HYDRA, Red Room, AIM; all that shit grow right under their nose. It’s funny because this government is the same one that uses taxpayer money for dumb ass projects and unnecessary military funding instead of using it to fund shit that helps the civilians they claim they care so much about. I mean how can you not find this situation amusing?”
     “Look,” Tony attempts. 
     “I’m not finished,” you challenge, looking him dead in the eyes. “This government don’t give a damn about y’all, especially not the three of us,” you say, gesturing to yourself, Sam, and Rhodey. “We’d be booted out of this country before you could even blink if they ever got the chance and you know that.
     “I don’t know why y’all are so adamant on gaining the government’s trust when they don’t give a flying fuck about you or these goddamn civilians. All they care about is power. They don’t care how many civilians come up missing or die in some tragic accident. It doesn’t matter what happens. When they see someone becoming richer or smarter or more powerful than they are, they will do anything to shut that shit down. 
     “I don’t understand how you can’t see that. And maybe it’s just me. Maybe it’s just me and my experience,” you pause, catching the gaze of every person in the room with hard eyes. You take a deep breath and try to calm down. “Sign it if you want to. Think about how many lives you’ll lose then.”
     You stand from your spot and walk into the open elevator, ready to get to the comfort of your bed. 
     It had been two days since the initial meeting and you were currently sitting on Michelle’s bed watching her read. 
     “You’re really pretty,” you muttered out of the blue.
     You saw your girlfriend’s cheeks develop a subtle red tint as she mumbled back a ‘thank you, and continued reading. You groan and gently pull the book out of her hands. 
     “Hey,” she quietly protests. 
     “Please,” you pout, holding your arms out as an invitation.
     MJ fondly rolls her eyes before lowering herself onto you. You hummed contently and squeezed her before planting a kiss on her cheek. 
     She surprised you by turning her head and giving you a lingering kiss. That one kiss soon turned into something more. 
     Michelle gently pushed you onto your back and straddled your hips. Bending down she kissed you once again, her lips gliding with yours. 
     This continued for a few minutes, taking small breaks in between to breathe. You don’t think you could ever get enough of her and hoped that she was feeling similarly.
     You kissed until your jaws hurt. The euphoric feeling still lingered as MJ rested her forehead against yours, trying to catch her breath. 
     “We should do that again sometime,” you mumbled. 
     Your girlfriend nodded in response, giving one more chaste kiss to your lips before dropping to your side. 
     “Tomorrow,” she said after glancing at the clock that read 10:47. 
     “Guess I’m spending the night then.” 
     “I have no problem with that.”
     The next day, you were awoken by beeping from your phone. Once you were fully aware of your surroundings you picked up the device and read the notifications that M.I.A sent through. Scanning through them, you sat up with urgency and played the video. 
     “A bomb hidden in a news van ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than 70 people have been injured. At least 12 are dead, including Wakanda’s King T’Chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Bares, the Winter Soldier. The infamous HYDRA agent, linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations.”
     Carefully removing Michelle’s arm from around your waist, you stand up and move to the corner of the room. You press the contact and hold the phone up to your ear. 
      “Nat what the fuck is going on?”
     You hear the woman sigh on the other side of the phone.     “Look, just… stay wherever you are.”
     “Yeah, okay, whatever. I want answers, Nat.”
     “(Y/n),” she says firmly. “Calm down and go back to whatever you were doing. Right now, this does not concern you and I would like it to stay that way. Do you understand me?”
     There was some silence, before you let out a forced chuckle. 
     “Okay, whatever. Bye.”
     “(Y/n) c’mo--”
     You disconnected the call and gently tossed the phone onto MJ’s desk.     “You sound stressed.” 
     Turning around to face the bed, you see Michelle sat up and leaning against the headboard. You nod slowly and crawl your way up towards her. 
     “I am.”
     You feel her hand take hold of your clenched ones and she rubs them, causing you to relax slightly. 
     “There was a um, bombing at the--the um… signing thing. And no one wants to tell me what’s going on, so,” you end the sentence, shrugging. 
     MJ’s head drops onto your shoulder and you let her cuddle close. 
     “They told me to stay where I was. So hopefully we can get something good out of that.” 
     There was no response and you thought she had fallen back asleep, but you were proven wrong when your girlfriend started getting up. 
     “C’mon,” she instructed, holding her hand out when she saw the look of confusion on your face. 
     Taking her hand, the two of you made your way to the kitchen. 
     She turned around and grabbed your shoulders. 
     “We are going to make some breakfast… or lunch whatever. And then we are going to binge watch until we can binge watch no longer. Alright?”
     You nod your head, chuckling and then got to work. 
     It had been days since you last heard from anyone. No updates from Natasha. M.I.A even told you there hasn’t even been a great deal of movement in the compound. Today you decided you would head back. 
     When you arrived it was quiet. As you walked down the halls you heard distant chatter and followed it. 
     Turning the corner, you were surprised at what you saw. 
     “What the hell happened?”
     The two men turned to look your way, but you were given no answers. 
     Tony had bruises on his face and he looked more tense than usual. Rhodey had some sort of tech on his legs. 
     “You fought them. You fought them all, didn’t you?” 
     Both men looked away and avoided your gaze. 
     “You didn’t even listen to what I said. This is what the government does. I tried to tell you, but you didn’t even fucking listen,” you ranted, your voice slightly raising.
     “Us breaking apart wasn’t the government. Most of this is on some guy th--”
     “Well the government allowed it to happen so I’d say it is their fault!” 
     You turned to your father with pleading eyes. 
     “Where are they, Tony?”
     “Kid, they’re criminals now, I don’t--”
     “Stop calling me that! I’m--I’m not some kid. I’m not your kid,” you let out a frustrated breath. “You--you couldn’t talk it out? Like mature adults? You just had to go assert your dominance somewhere--in what? An--an airport? Some vacant lot? You just had to fight. Do you not know how to communicate?” 
     You looked at the two men, shook your head, and brushed past them. 
     Just when things were alright.
     “What M.I.A?”
     You were currently laying in your bed trying to control the tears that were begging to fall from your eyes due to the amount of overwhelming shit you had been hit with. You talked with MJ for a little while and while it helped a bit, you honestly were still feeling like… well shit.
     “There’s a package for you.” 
     Furrowing your eyebrows, you head down to where the mail is usually placed, get the package with your name on it, and head back to your room. 
     Grabbing a pair of scissors, you cut the tape and open the box. Inside was a letter and a phone. 
     Hey sweetheart.
     It was Natasha’s handwriting.
     I’m sorry. I really am. We all are. I wish things wouldn’t have ended this way, but they did and we can’t really do anything about it now. 
     I listened to what you said. I listened and I tried my best to understand. I don’t think I ever wanted to sign the accords in the first place. The only reason I did so was so that we could stay together. So that I could stay with you. This team is the only family I’ve had in a long time. The fact that that stack of papers could end that scared me. 
     I just kept trying to convince myself that signing the Accords was the right thing to do; anything to keep this team together. Anything to keep everything from falling apart. 
     But the more I thought about it, I realized. You were right. Everything you said. This government doesn’t care. And if the government doesn’t care like they’re supposed to then we need to. People need the government, but they don’t have it. They do have us though. And they always will. 
     I love you. I didn’t say it enough and I don’t know when or if I’ll ever get to tell you that again. You are so precious to me and I’m sorry I couldn’t stay. If you ever need anything, you can always give me a call. 
     You wiped your eyes and gently picked up the phone. You held it in your hands for a moment before setting it down. You folded the letter back up neatly and placed both items in the top drawer of your nightstand. 
     You laid back down on your bed with less tears on your face. 
Permanent Taglist
@stillmanicc​, @annestine​, @ymzki-haruki​
Nothing For Me Taglist
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bottombaron · 3 years
the high school Winterbaron au that I'll never write~
Zemo transfers to an American school. his father caught him attending a protest and he can't have him undermining the Sokovian government so now Zemo is living at his estranged mother's house in America.
his mother, being American, means Zemo has dual citizenship. her and his father are separated but not divorced. (Zemo hadn't seen her since she left them when he was four so their relationship isn't great)
Bucky is part of the large friend group of avenger characters (Steve, Tony, Bruce, Thor etc.) but he feels left out. it used to be just him, Steve, Natasha, and then later Sam. but now Steve is being pulled away by friends like Tony and girlfriend Peggy. Bucky has Sam and Natasha, but Nat is closer with Clint and Sam is naturally more outgoing and popular than Bucky is, with his own friends.
basically Bucky is feeling lonely as fuck.
due to a complex powder-keg of racism, American ignorance (on the avenger's side), and an already deep-seated resentment of the Starks' and the American forces bombing Sokovia (on Zemo's side): him and the 'avengers group' do not get along and are instantly at each other's throats
Zemo is constantly causing mayhem at school and trying to get kicked out and sent back home. everyone pretty much hates him and he's fine with that.
*vague plot hand wave* something happens, a bet between Zemo and the 'avengers' ends up with Zemo getting to take one of them out on a date and they have do what he says for the day
he chooses Bucky and everyone is thrown
Bucky hardly knows this guy and Steve and Tony thought it would be one of them. they try to refuse on his behalf but Bucky's not that bothered, '*shrug* he's like, what? 5 even?? (he's not) I could just pick him up and throw him if he tried anything (he could do that tho), i'll be fine.'
Bucky feels weird about it more because he's not a part of this fucking drama and now he feels like he's been made the center of it
Steve and Tony are fighting over his involvement in this mess (Steve is protective, Tony is dismissive) and Bucky is just tiRED
Zemo had simply noticed Bucky was being abandoned by his friends and thought he looked lonely like him. but he's also a little shit and too busy playing the villain (and having a blast thank you very much) to drop the façade
so Bucky and Zemo agree to meet at a mall for a 'date'
the mall Zemo chooses is huge and luxurious and Bucky already feels uncomfortable in it. he sits and waits in the food court where there's at least a Hot Dog on a Stick he can feel a little within his financial comforts
Zemo finds him and they're off walking the mall
they bicker, they banter, and of course Zemo is fucking weird. he's acting like they've been friends for years and excitedly showing Bucky all the window displays like Bucky isn't (technically) there against his will. but it's not uncomfortable enough that he isn't starting to catch onto Zemo's chaotic rhythm and enjoy himself a little
they start to talk in that sarcastic playfully teasing way. Bucky's dry wit and Zemo's sharp flirty replies work really well together and they're actually kind of having a good time
until Zemo reminds Bucky he has to do what he says for the day and takes him to a really fancy boutique and informs Bucky that his task is to try on some clothes with Zemo
Bucky instantly feels panic when he's in the store, it's too big and too crowded and there's actual security guards in three piece suits giving him the most judgmental looks as if he's a criminal
everyone knows he doesn't belong there and that he's small and dirty
he starts to have a panic attack
Zemo notices and pulls Bucky into a corner of the store, hands him a bottle of water and instructs him to focus on drinking the bottle up to the label. every sip of water he must take a deep breath like he's coming up for air in a pool. let it out. and take another sip. and repeat.
Zemo tells Bucky he's going to be right back and leaves to talk to someone important
Bucky doesn't notice when everyone starts to leave the shop
the doors close, the lights dim, the music stops playing current pop and plays something soft and old. when Zemo comes back Bucky is feeling a lot better
Zemo says he talked with the manager and they told him he and Bucky could have the next couple of hours by themselves in the shop, if Bucky was still willing that is
Bucky feels embarrassed but Zemo starts ranting about everything that's triggering in the store, like it was everyone else's fault and not Buckys'. it makes him feel less ashamed. 'it's these florescent lights, the doormen were assholes, that music hurt my head too, etc'. like what Bucky had just went through was perfectly normal and not something bad Bucky did on purpose or for attention like people normally make him feel.
he doesn't question how Zemo got everyone to leave and the store to soften (he actually doesn't know Zemo is rich, he never bothered to know Zemo at all. he was just the guy everyone at school hated)
the two of them spend the time running around like children with the store all to themselves, the only other person a butler-like-attendant that serves them champaign and cashews.
Bucky braces for Zemo to dress him up like he promised he would. he's expecting a trim three piece suit that Zemo was eyeing earlier or something equally uncomfortable. but with how surprisingly well Zemo had been treating him Bucky feels like he can indulge a small dress up party for the guy
he's surprised again when Zemo's wardrobe choices for him are sinfully soft cotton jeans, t-shirts, and the sexiest leather jacket he's even seen
they're clothes Bucky would have picked for himself and he feels great in them
Zemo for his part steps out of the dressing room looking like Elton John meets Cruella DeVil
the ugliest purple fur coat, heels with gold accents, and a crop top that says 'break my hole not my heart' on it
Bucky: that is the ugliest fucking outfit I've ever seen
Zemo: thank you, I love it 😎
Bucky asks why he wasn't forced to wear something more high fashion, Zemo answers that, 'while I would love to see you in a suit I know you wouldn't be comfortable in one. attractiveness is about comfort. my style isn't yours. I'm comfortable in things that you would never be in which is why I make this look good. and you look exquisite in that.'
Bucky blushes but doesn't disagree. he does however tease Zemo about his outfit. 'are you sure you actually pull that off?'
Zemo: oh hunny, I'm fuckable in anything
Bucky switches into his old clothes and whistles when he sees the price tag. 'I could never afford this' Zemo looks, 'ah yes , that is quite the ridiculous mark up.'
Zemo: which is why I was planning on stealing it ;3
and then he runs out of the store with all the clothes he picked out for Bucky, still in his gaudy outfit
Bucky is dumbfounded but quickly runs after him and they stop only after they're at the other end of the mall, out of breath
Bucky: the actual fuck, Zemo!
Zemo: *is wearing his ~who me? I've never done anything wrong in my cute little life~ face* :3
Zemo explains shoplifting is good actually fuck capitalism
and doesn't explain that the reason why they had control of the store in the first place is because his father is an investor and everything they ran out with was technically already bought the moment they touched it
but he doesn't want Bucky to feel indebted for the clothes or make him feel like he needs charity. and rebellion (even pretend rebellion) is funner
Bucky suspects everything is fine anyway because he's not an idiot but it's funner to pretend for him too
the fantasy world that they've created outside of their actual lives and drama, in this mall, on this day, is freeing
Zemo releases Bucky of their deal, the time having been completed
Bucky, instead of leaving, takes Zemo's wrist and guides him to Hot Dog on a Stick at the food court
he treats him to a $5 dinner and watches, trying not to laugh, as Zemo attempts to eat a corndog with mustard in a pair of white Versace cashmere pants
it's the best date he's ever had
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