#and he's gonna sleep with morrigan for the ritual
greyvvardenfell · 2 years
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woe more dragon age ocs be upon ye (picrew)
natasha amell / astrid hawke / orion trevelyan
micah tabris / adelaide hawke / rhiann cadash
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sky-fire-forever · 3 years
Someone please ask me questions about my Dragon Age Wardens. Here they are
Orion Mahariel: Dalish elf rogue. He's an archer and a ranger. He's trans, gay, and demisexual. He romances Zevran. He's very kind and hates killing sentient creatures, but is an excellent hunter as long as he knows the creature will be honored and used. He has Alistair complete the dark ritual since he can't due to being trans. He cares very deeply for elf rights and Dalish culture. He believes in a second chance for everyone. He has a huge crush on Sten at first and is extremely curious about other cultures and people. He is fascinated by spirits, but terrified of demons. He's always trying his best.
Rose Tabris: My city elf. She's extremely distrustful of humans and of most everyone, really due to the trauma she's been through. She's very guarded and mistrustful, believing that pretty much everyone is out to get her. She's quite harsh and blunt, not taking anyone's bullshit. She isn't afraid of a fight and she doesn't back down. She eventually romances Leliana, but it takes a long time before she trusts her. She's so conflicted over if she should harden Leliana or not. She just wants to protect her. She's a two-handed warrior. She's a cis woman and a lesbian.
Benten Brosca: My commoner dwarf. He's very sweet and jolly, loving everyone. He's kind and eternally optimistic. He laughs very easily and tries to turn most things into a joke. He really tries to always look on the bright side of things. He doesn't do the Dark Ritual with Morrigan, but he romanced her, so his son still exists. He doesn't die, either. Alistair ends up making the sacrifice. He's cis and straight, but an ally. Probably going to be a rogue.
Orla Cousland: My human noble. Can't decide if she should be rogue or warrior. Kind, but fierce. Has a strong sense of duty. She always wants to do the right thing, but often doesn't know what that is. She is Andrastian and supports the Chantry for the most part. She cares deeply and wants to change things. She hates being seen as weak and always wants to take charge of her own destiny. Cis woman and bisexual. Romances Alistair and eventually becomes his queen.
Eluvia Amell: My human circle mage! She's a trans woman and is bisexual and polyamorous. She romances Zevran and Leliana. She's very curious about the outside world, as she's never experienced it before. She is extremely Andrastian, but hates the Chantry. She loves the Maker, but hates the people who speak for Him. She has a similar view to Leliana about it. She becomes a blood mage and spirit healer. She is a bit emotionally stunted due to not experiencing many milestones of growing up while trapped in the Circle.
Primrose Surana: My elven mage. She's a mage, but she actually supports the Circles and the templars. She's kinda similar to that one mage in the Circle whose name I forgot. She believes that magic is a curse and that they have to atone. She's very fond of the Tranquil and spends a lot of her time with them. She hates being a Grey Warden and wants to return to her tower, where it's safe. She's so scared all the time. She's a cis woman and probably bisexual, but repressed. Haven't decided who/if she's gonna romance, but I kinda like her with Alistair and Leliana
Ralsei Auducan: My dwarf noble. Probably gonna be a warrior. Pansexual aromantic trans woman. She's kinda a bitch. Very spoiled. Thinks she's the best at everything. Violence is her first response. Very hot-headed and easily offended. No romance, but sleeps with Gorim and Zevran. Wishes she could be queen of Orzammar, as she believes it's her right.
Tristan Cousland: My other human noble. Probably gonna be a rogue and an archer. He's very pragmatic and wants solutions. She's kinda rude, but it's just because they're very blunt. He hates authority and understands why Loghain did what he did. Spares Loghain. Romances Nathaniel Howe in my mind and possibly Morrigan
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sugarbubbleslove · 3 years
So...Dragon Age...
Under spoilers because I know not everyone agrees with my choices
Turns out that when I'm romancing Alistair I can't make him do the dark ritual anymore...
Especially since I roll as Cousland who makes him King and promises to become his wife and Queen then...tells Morrigan no.
I even agreed the ritual and went to tell Alistair but...told him to forget it.
Wow. I've come a long way since then.
I used to make Alistair do the DR just so that he and my Cousland could have a happy ending (and I firmly believe that they are happy despite the whole BS of my Cousland going off to find a cure for the Blight despite the danger...like really? I cannot see my Queen running off when there is trouble in the very bloody place she fought to protect).
But now...it just seems...right to have her sacrifice herself. Especially considering she never wanted to become a Warden (Conscripted while her father lay at death's door) so after getting her revenge on Howe and putting Alistair on the throne because she believes that he can be a good King and seeing that light at the end of the tunnel.
But then being told by Alistair they would have trouble conceiving, then being told by Ridoran that a GW needs to die to take down the Archdemon and stop the Blight then being told by Morrigan that there is a ritual that could ensure their survival but it means Alistair must sleep with Morrigan and give her a child that Alistair might not be able to give to her.
Yep, breakdown time (a hell of a whip-lash if you ask me but eh).
So it just seems right that Morrigan is the first person to take my Cousland's 'No' to the Dark Ritual.
Honestly - I did get to Alistair and was listening to him then I was reminded of the conversation he had with my dog asking why no-one ever wants to listen to him talk then was reminded of the conversation where Alistair says if he had his way, she would be the only person he'd ever sleep with.
And it broke me. I literally just stared at the screen and I was like...I can't do that to him so I told him to forget it and ran back to Morrigan and watched her leave.
Plus it adds to the extra heartbreak knowing that even NOW, Alistair is still single showing that he is keeping his promise to Cousland that she would be his last (even though Bioware could very easily have Alistair married by now - it's been 10 years).
I'm gonna go and cry now.
And I LEFT him behind at the gates!! I went through this whole bloody game with him at my back and I HAVE to leave him at the Gate because he'll be a stupid dumb dork who will sacrifice himself for my Cousland and I can't have that!! (Sure Alistair, sacrifice yourself for the woman who lost her whole bloody family. It's a surprise she's even still around in Inquisition!)
But I guess I can make up for it by doing the ritual with my Amell who will be in a relationship with Leliana but I'm like...wouldn't that just be a damn awkward thing when Morrigan shows up at Skyhold with Keiran and I'm just like...did my Amell tell Leliana the story? or did Morrigan just say she found some random guy? *sighs*
I guess I could get away with it by using the Keep but I think I will see about DA2 first.
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bigfan-fanfic · 4 years
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Heskan Aeducan as a Companion
(Face Claim: Can Yaman) - Okay, I really wanted to do this because Heskan is basically the hot romanceable dwarf we’d all deserve in Inquisition. He uses the Dwarf Noble Origin and has the Spirit Warrior specialization, using it as an archer.
Hope y’all like him! Feel free to romance him, haha!
Inquisitor’s Name: Heskan “Hess” Aeducan
Race, Class, & Specialization: Dwarf Archer Warrior (Spirit Warrior)
Varric’s Nickname for them: Feathers
Default Tarot Card: The Chariot
How they are recruited: He joins automatically if you talk to him at the gate leading to the bridge in Skyhold; a cutscene triggers where he and Leliana are speaking and she vouches for his skill and he offers aid to the Inquisition.
Where they are in Skyhold: Aiming his bow over the battlements, taking potshots at trees in the distance.
Things they Generally Approve of: Pragmatic options, manipulating nobles, recruiting prisoners
Things they Generally Disapprove of: Letting prisoners go, executing them, dismissing Sera from the Inquisition, hitting Solas or Dorian
Mages, Templars, Other?: Heskan comes from Orzammar, and is really tired of having to deal with this whole surface conflict, especially as darkspawn get closer and closer to overrunning his people. That said, he prefers the mages. Templars he doesn’t trust.
Romanceable?: Yes, by any gender or race.
Friends in the Inquisition: Cole, Vivienne, and Iron Bull - Heskan and Varric have a not-quite-friendly rivalry.
Small side mission: Run around Skyhold collecting a stray arrow each time you return to Skyhold. 9 arrows altogether, every 3 arrows earns you a Heskan Greatly Approves.
Companion quest: Heskan wants to know if he is accessing the Fade through his Spirit Warrior specialization and asks the Inquisitor and Cole to help him, sleeping in front of them so they can test it. Cole mentions that Heskan is actually afraid of finding out the truth. After he wakes up, the Inquisitor has two options. Neither option impacts the ability to romance him.
Option 1: Lie and say no. This will net Disapproval from Solas and Approval from Cole and Heskan. Heskan seems relieved to learn that he is not upending all the rules for dwarfs and talking to him later reveals he is a little concerned because he’s been getting fragments of dreams, but nothing else comes of this. 
Option 2: Tell the truth. This will net Slight Disapproval from Cole and Great Approval from Heskan. Heskan admits that the idea of breaking all the rules for dwarfs and magic is frightening, but he is thrilled to consider this (if a Dwarven Inquisitor replies they feel the same way, they can earn extra approval). Talking to him later reveals that he has come to terms with accessing the Fade and he wants to attempt speaking with the spirit he has bonded with.
Tarot card change
Option 1: The Chariot (reversed)
Option 2: Knight of Pentacles
Cole’s reflection on their thoughts: “The smile should not have to be my mask, but it serves its purpose, bright and blinding as I bleed from the wounds in my back.”
Comment(s) on Mages: “Poor sods. I’d be pretty tired too if someone shut me up in a tower all my life and didn’t let me breathe wrong.”
Comment(s) on Templars: “We trade these people lyrium and we don’t care where it goes... but seeing what happens to them... I wonder if it’s worth it.”
When looking for something: “Did somebody hear that?”
When finding a campsite: “Care to kick up your feet for a while, Inquisitor?”
When the Inquisitor Falls: “Hurry, save the Inquisitor!”
When they are low on Health: “Hello? Archer needing help over here?”
When they see a Dragon: “You’re gonna go fight that thing, aren’t you?
Default saying: “Sort of brisk out here, isn’t it?”
Travel Banter with Canon Companions of your choice:
Heskan: So, Varric. Varric: (Sighs) Hello, Feathers. Heskan: You don’t like me much, do you? Varric: One handsome dwarf archer is enough for a good story. You’re a bit superfluous. Heskan: Don’t spare my feelings or anything...
Vivienne: Tell me, Prince Aeducan. What are you doing on the surface? Heskan: Madame Vivienne, please. You may call me Prince Heskan. Varric (if present): (Disgusted noise.) Vivienne: That wasn’t an answer, Prince Heskan. Heskan: No... no it wasn’t.
Heskan: Varric? Varric: (Sighs) What is it, Feathers? Heskan: Oh, I apologize. You must be trying to find a way to describe me other than “exceptionally ugly.” Varric: So you read The Tale of the Champion, huh? Heskan: If anything, I’d say that only one of us uses chest hair to distract from our sorry faces. Varric: “Hideously ugly and arrogant” it is, then. Heskan: Lazy writing!
Cole (after Heskan���s personal quest is complete and he is told the truth): She says hello. Heskan: She? She who? Cole: I don’t know... she’s you. (if made more human) I used to see her better. Heskan: Oh. Could you... could you tell her thank you? Cole: She knows. Heskan: Thank you, Cole.
Friendship?: “Hello there, love. Miss me?”
Leaving the Inquisition: “I’m not fond of the way you’re running things here. If you don’t shape up, I’d rather be sucked up into the Fade than hang around here.”
The Fade
How they react: “Well... this is different. Not sure I should really be here, actually.” Their Tombstone: Betrayal What the Fears look like: His dead brother Trian What the Nightmare says: “Ah, the murderer-Prince of Orzammar. Have they forgiven you for killing your brother yet? Or do you think they’re waiting for the right time to strike?” Their reflection about the Fade: "Yeah, I’m not so sure I enjoyed that.” Hawke or Warden: Has worked with both, Disapproves if Hawke or Alistair is left behind. Greatly Approves if Loghain is left behind. Approves if Stroud is left behind.
The Wardens
Their feelings: Respects the Wardens, being a veteran of the Fifth Blight and working with the Hero.  Exile or Allies?: Allies
The Ball
How they feel: “Smile, love. We’ve got a role to play here, so stay guarded.” Where they linger: Outside the door to Gaspard’s balcony Are they good at the Game?: Very much so. What people say about them: “Oh, that dwarven Prince is such a good dancer!” “Tall for a dwarf, isn’t he?” Gaspard, Briala, or Celene?: Prefers Briala through Gaspard
Temple of Mythal
Rituals or Hole?: Hole Agree with the Elves’ bargain?: Agree. Morrigan or Inquisitor for the Well?: Morrigan
Comments on Canon Romance
Cassandra: “Personally, the Seeker frightens me. But if you’ve chosen each other, I can tell she’ll be true.” Dorian: “Treat him well, Inquisitor. He’s been through enough in his life, I can tell.” Sera: “Hah, fun for all, eh? She’s a firecracker, she is.”  Iron Bull: “Heh, he’s a fun one. If you two weren’t together...” Josephine: “Ah, Lady Montilyet. A fine woman indeed. You’re lucky, Inquisitor. They don’t come much sharper than her.” Cullen: “Ah, I’ve met Cullen a few times before. He’s... he’s a better man than I once knew, I’ll say that.” Blackwall: “I’m definitely not qualified to judge. But he’ll treat you right, Inquisitor.” Solas: “Well, to each their own.”
Sexual/Racial preference: Panromantic. Any race.
Nickname for PC: My sweet
Romance only mission: Heskan asks the Inquisitor to accompany him to Valammar, where he has heard rumors of trouble brewing. The party is ambushed by Endrin loyalists who want Heskan dead for the alleged killing of his brother ten years ago. Afterwards, Heskan explains the details of his murky past, including why he killed his brother, and how he has always had to look over his shoulder. Choosing the dialogue response “Maybe I could look for you” locks in the romance, and Heskan expresses awe and joy that their casual flirting actually meant something.
Dialog to being asked for a kiss: “How could I refuse you, my sweet?”
Halamshiral dialog: “Just keep up that pretty smile of yours, my sweet. I promise I’ll put a real one on your face once the party’s over.”
Being asked to dance during mission: “As much as you want. Once this business with the Empress is over, of course.”
Asking to dance post-mission: “Come here... you’ve done so well tonight. If I can help you relax... I am honored.”
What Cole says about companion to PC: “The smile... it used to be false. Fake, fleeting, like feathers in the wind. But now... he is safe, secure...his sweet is here.”
Who is concerned about the relationship?: Varric, Cullen
Who supports the relationship?: Josephine, Leliana, Vivienne, Dorian
Who had a bet running on it?: Blackwall, Iron Bull, Sera
Banter(between NPCs):
Varric: So... you and the Inquisitor? Heskan: Ha, I never figured you for the jealous type, Varric. Varric: I - that’s... ugh.
Vivienne: A well-made match, my dear Prince. I congratulate you. Heskan: For once, Madame, I was not considering politics. Vivienne: Nonsense. Matters of the heart are just as political as anything else. Heskan: (chuckles) I suppose that on that count, we agree.
Iron Bull: So, are you a one-lover dwarf, or can I expect you again? Heskan: Why, Bull, you know I’ll never forget that magical night... Sera (if present): Ewww! How would that... oh. Fingers. Heskan: BUt in any event, you’d have to ask my sweet one. (The Inquisitor can respond favorably or unfavorably) Favorably Inquisitor: You could... if you don’t mind my presence. Iron Bull: The more the merrier! Heskan: My sweet, the Bull makes an excellent footrest. I’ll have to show you... Unfavorably Inquisitor: Sorry, Bull. He’s mine. Heskan: And I need no other lover. 
Flirt options: Upon meeting (gains Slight Disapproval from Varric), and at almost every interaction. Flirting with him enough unlocks his romance quest without needing to gain higher approval
Break up dialog:
If PC breaks it off: “I understand. It was fun while it lasted, though, eh? I’ll see you around, my - er, Inquisitor.”
If NPC breaks it off(and why): “I... I can’t condone what you’re doing, my sweet. I wish it could be different. I wish I could help you... but I cannot.” (Low Approval breaks off the romance)
Love confession: Heskan takes the Inquisitor walking along the battlements. “I... I never really thought I would find anyone who truly cared... but with you... I feel safe. I feel like... I could be happy.” The Inquisitor can flirt with him, which leads to a sex scene and lazy kissing in the Inquisitor’s bedroom, or say they love him, which leads to him pulling them to him with his bow string and kissing them deeply. “Then I am yours as long as you will have me, my sweet.” In either event, the Inquisitor can ask for a kiss or ask to “take a long walk,” which will result in a brief implied sex cutscene with a shirtless Heskan leaning over to kiss the Inquisitor in their bed.
Romanced tarot card: King of Pentacles
End game dialog: “You’ve done it. Beaten the villain, slain the dragon. I wish I could tell you it gets easier from here... but no matter what, I will be at your side, my sweet. Always.”
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djfatchip · 4 years
Hi Dj Fat Chip! For the New Dragon Age Story Questions: 3, 4 (Wardens) and 1 (Ships) for Vivianna. And 1, 3, 5, 7 (Inquisitors) for Gissella. :D
Hi Rikko, I mean Missy Venom LMAO XD It’s gonna be hard to get used to the icon now xD hahahaha Welcome Rikko’s icon to the Family of Portraits of Dani :D <3 Glad he has a face now to see xD <3
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Here have her face claim: Maria Zhgenti. They kind of act a lot alike LOL XD
3. Did they put Bhelen or Harrowmont on the throne of Orzammar? Why?
Vivianna: Harrowmont. Which was very interesting that The Badass Mole did the same so it fits in our narrative world. But the why, Bhelen didn’t give me much confidence of what he wanted for the people of Orzammar was good. I can’t describe it but it was just something my gut said no to.
4. Did they destroy the Anvil of the Void, or leave it intact? Why?
Vivianna: I destroyed it at the request of Caridin. He knows why it had to be destroyed. As much as I would have loved to have known its secrets and reasons, he knew it wasn’t something to keep and I wasn’t going to go against that.
1. How does your Warden feel about Morrigan sleeping with Alistair/Loghain for the Dark Ritual, if applicable?
Vivianna: Well, you’re going to have to ask Loghain because i’m not sure how he felt hahahahaha! xD
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1. Did the Inquisitor support or conscript the Templars or Mages? Why? Was it something personal, or did they choose whichever side for another reason?
Gissella: I supported the Templars and I support what they stand for: To protect mages against themselves.
3. What happened to the Grey Wardens as a whole? Were they allowed to stay, or were they exiled? Why?
Gissella: I allowed them to stay. What happened to them is something that wasn’t entirely their fault. I’m not even quite sure I understand what happened to them during that battle.
5. Who drank from Mythal’s Well? Was there any real reasoning, or did they do it for the vine?
Gissella: I drank from the well. If anyone has to pay a price, I will do so gladly for it. I am inquisitor and take my job protecting the nation very seriously and since no one else, besides Morrigan, was going to drink from it, I thought I rather have it’s knowledge than someone outside my circle. 
7. Who ended up becoming Divine Victoria. Is your Inquisitor happy with the Divine’s changes and policies? Are they bitter or angry about it?
Gissella: Madam Vivienne. I am very happy she is Divine and I look forward to all the good things she will do to help not just the people but Mages to prosper as well as help restore a bit of tranquility to the people who fear us.
Thank you so much for asking dear! :D <3 
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trvelyans-archive · 4 years
pls tell me abt neva... i love suranas and we need more appreciation 4 them in this fandom. i see she smooches alistair... excellent taste
anon i smooch YOU !!! sorry i’m answering this late i forgot to reply yesterday after work :((
under the cut because it’s kinda long !!!
neva is 19 years old at the beginning of origins ! aka how old i was when i made her last year
she is a very hard worker in the circle because she has a lot of difficulty with magic, i'm not sure why. it doesn't come as easily to her, i think bc she almost tries too hard if that makes sense ? she comes at it from a practical background (studying texts) than a natural, inborn one.
she and jowan are best friends and met one night when she was hiding in the library studying for a test ! they were also each other's first kiss but never really had romantic feelings for each other or anything.
neva is a very hard worker and wants to work very hard for the knight enchanter. she definitely sees him as a father figure of sorts and they are definitely very close. she gets along with the templars really well because she never talks back but she is scared to death of them.
she never wanted to stay in the circle tower forever. she wanted to be able to travel between cities, even if the circle was always the place she would return to.
she has always been looking for a purpose so when duncan proposes she join the wardens, it just fits. there are no templars and it will matter less that she's an elf or a mage because the point of the wardens is just to help !!! so she is very focused on her duties the whole game and doesn't take it lightly. can be kinda hard on herself if she makes a bad decision.
she actually sleeps with zev before she romances alistair, but alistair doesn't know. she doesn't have feelings for zev though, it was kinda the same as kissing jowan - someone she could trust to do this thing she hadn't done before with. i wrote a fic abt alistair finding out about it !!! it's smut and it's bad so read it at your own risk !!!
she loves alistair a lot. it's very much puppy love. she thinks he is big (there's over a foot height difference between them) and handsome and funny and has more love in his heart than she's ever seen from anyone and she loves him so much.
... she also makes him king. she hardens him thankfully but she does make him king (something i am personally opposed to bc no 20 year old should be in charge of a country but. whateva !) and also breaks up with him :( just bc they have their separate duties and she feels like she would be letting her younger self down if she gave up the chance to do something great and important to live a happy life with him, especially when he has duties of his own !!! (even though they can do both but listen she’s 20 and she’s incredibly stressed so she gets a pass on making bad decisions)
alistair does the dark ritual with morrigan. neva does not know. she said she would never ask alistair to do that especially after they break up and morrigan was like kk i'll go ask him and then they did it. alistair knew neva wouldn't bring him with her in the fight in denerim so he wanted to make sure there was a chance of her being safe !!!
ANYWAY, after origins, they're still broken up and neva visits antiva with zev. contrary to her reasons for breaking up with alistair but she thinks there's gonna be a break and then awakening happens so fuck that i guess CKSKFKS
but !!! before she disappears to find the cure for the calling in inquisition she stops by the palace to see alistair and tell him what's good and says if i can do this do you want to be together again and he goes Yes indeed ma'am (bc they've had years to make their peace with it and grow and they're older and wiser) and yeah... that's it for now !
some fun facts !!!
neva really likes cooking bc she likes following instructions - she finds it brings her a lot of peace !!! she's very neat and organized and tries to keep a level head a lot of the time but can get kinda quiet when she feels insecure about something. when the gang was in orzammar she got the rose from alistair embedded in like. resin or something and she wears it on a chain around her neck - kinda like a worry stone !!! she also has her warden's oath of course. she keeps a meticulously journal and really likes rainy weather and wants to be buried on a cliffside near the ocean (if she finds a cure for the calling ofc). always cold and wearing a bunch of layers !!! likes braiding her hair and finds it really calming. definitely taught jowan how to do it though and also she braided his hair sometimes if they were bored !!!
and that’s a lot of what i have for now !!! there are a bunch of fics in her tag (oc: neva) if you wanna read thru ‘em and there’s a couple on my ao3 @ trvelyans !!! i hope you enjoyed these Fun Facts and Sad Backstory !!! and i hope you had a good day !!!
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antivan-beau · 4 years
51-54, give me your headcanons
Aww thanks, Auby!! I decided to lean in and had a lot of fun with these.
51. Favorite Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor headcanons (any or all)?
GOSH, this is so broad! I’ll go with some HCs for my characters that are a little unusual and/or contradict things established in canon.
Beatrice Cousland - Morrigan performs the dark ritual with Alistair without Beatrice’s knowledge or consent. For those unfamiliar with Beatrice’s story, she and Morrigan get a slowburn romance throughout the events of Origins that has a pretty different trajectory from Morrigan’s canon romance. On the eve of the final battle, Morrigan proposes the ritual, and Beatrice flatly refuses to ask Alistair to go through with it. She is perfectly content to sacrifice herself, do her duty as a Grey Warden, etc, plus she argues that this ritual is just a final way for Flemeth to exert control over Morrigan’s life. But Morrigan can’t bear to lose Beatrice, and she feels she has very legitimate reasons for wanting an Old God Baby that her lawful good gf doesn’t understand. So after Beatrice falls asleep, Morrigan sneaks out and convinces Alistair herself. Beatrice is shocked and upset when she makes the final blow and lives through it. Her time during Awakening is spent with Big Angst trying to figure out why Morrigan would go behind her back, why she would leave afterword, and how the heck is Beatrice gonna find her swamp witch gf again.
Edric Surana - By the end of Origins, my boy’s personality is 50% mage rights, 30% wanderlust, and 20% spite. He has no desire to stick around and be Warden-Commander. He can’t bear to be told what to do or to give other people orders anymore. He also shirks his duty because he and his BFF, unhardened King Alistair, end the game on tense terms, since Alistair doesn’t want to be king and Edric thinks he needs to suck it up. After Edric survives killing the archdemon (in this worldstate, Morrigan’s ritual is very much an awkward act of wlw/mlm solidarity), Edric and Zevran leave for Antiva together. Edric is an active participant in Zevran’s quest to hunt down and kill Crow masters, which pleases them both immensely. I’ve got a vague idea that Edric actually shows up in Kirkwall with Zev during the events of DA2.
Anias Hawke - like many Hawkes, she is a disaster, but I think in her own special ways. She goes from “bright-eyed refugee trying to do the right thing” to “overtired bureaucrat/public figure, constantly thwarted at doing the right thing” to “washed-up celebrity who spends too much time drinking with Isabela on weeknights and Aveline on weekends.” Probably my most unusual headcanon about her is that I simply rewrote the whole end of Act 2 / beginning of Act 3 because I was so mad she didn’t immediately get to have a follow-up conversation with Isabela about stealing and returning the Tome of Koslun. Anias is doggedly persistent and simply would chase Isabela to the city gates if she had to. This short, kind of mediocre fix-it dialogue was my earliest foray into DA fanfic, before I even knew there was an active fandom :’)
Bastien Adaar - Only 15 hours into my first playthrough of this game, so everything about Bastien is subject to change! I’ve been toying with the idea of roleplaying her as a faithful Andrastean who genuinely thinks she might be the chosen one? I don’t see that much with Inquisitors, especially with an Adaar, so I’m trying it out and seeing where it gets me. 
52. Favorite non-Player Character headcanons?
Kirkwall feels so lived-in! My brain is full of specific ideas for the ways the DA2 companions spend their time away from Hawke’s missions. Merrill spending time with Alienage kids and telling them Dalish stories about elven heroes :’) Anders’ clinic is always busy, but every day is a different adventure - delivering babies, curing food poisoning, unexpected veterinarian queries that he’s 100% unqualified to answer but he’s so beloved by Darktown residents that people go to him, anyway. Fenris devotes serious time to learning to read, but I also like to think (after a particular Sebastian party banter) that he decides to teach Alienage elves how to fight. Aveline on the slow, tragic slide from ‘daily city patrols’ to ‘daily office paperwork.’
53. That One Headcanon that hurts to think about?
I love thinking about Taliesen and Zevran re-meeting in Denerim. I HC that Taliesen still has “yeah, we’re best friends! also, would definitely still sleep with you if you asked” feelings for Zevran. But since Zev’s actually experienced some personal freedom + healthy relationships by this point, his feelings about Taliesen are complicated at best. You know when you’ve grown and changed a lot, but somebody from your past shows up, and they haven’t changed at all? And they still have all their old flaws and lame ambitions? Must be an incredibly bittersweet moment for Zev - confronting his changed circumstances and how much he’s grown, but also confronting the realization that he doesn’t have any choice about killing his other lover, too.
54. Fluffiest headcanon ever?
Gosh… everything about Beatrice and Morrigan after the events of Origins’ DLCs. When they finally meet up again, perhaps a year or two after Witchunt, they are finally able to admit the depth and complexity of their feelings, and begin to reconcile their very different worldviews. They settle down in Orlais together, they’re very good moms to Kieran, Beatrice hangs out around the Orlesian court being a chill knight, probably stealing kisses with Morrigan in alcoves that aren’t as private as they think. I commissioned art of them at this point in their lives just to indulge my desire for fluff.
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hamingo · 6 years
6 and 8 for Natalia, 7 8 and 9 for Anise!
Yay thank you for asking!!!!!
Natalia (I wasn’t sure which 8 you wanted so I did both of them)
6. Did they sacrifice the Chargers to save the Qun, or the Qun to save the Chargers? THIS IS IMPORTANT.Natalia saved the Chargers without a second to guess herself. She’d seen how the chargers are a family, and family is the number one priority to her. Losing them wasn’t an option. Natalia knew what they meant to Bull, and if losing them would be to him what losing Kelley would be like to her… Natalia wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
8. Was the Inquisition disbanded, or just turned into the Divine’s honor guard? Why? How much did your Inquisitor want to punch out the entire Exalted Council?They disbanded. Natalia was tired of being Inquisitor anyways, and couldn’t risk it growing. Her hunt for Solas is more of a personal matter anyways, and she’s never really been one for organized groups. If something’s gonna get done, she’s gonna do it herself.
8. How does your Inquisitor feel about Leliana being with the Warden, if the Warden romanced her? Are they jealous?She’d seen the stress melt away from Leliana’s shoulders, and her face light up when she read his letters. Natalia had had mixed feelings about the Hero of Ferelden after the first time she had met him, but whenever his letters were in her hands, Leliana seemed to soften, and Natalia couldn’t help but want to meet the person whose words could melt her spymaster again.
(I had started writing this, and then it turned into a story involving all of the times Natalia had seen Jaydin, which was too much for just an ask but I’m not turning into an actual short story so oooops)
7. What was the Fate of the Warden? Did they die or survive?In-game, Anise died, but that’s only because I hadn’t seen that ending yet, in my canon she lives because she isn’t actually the warden, she’s more of a companion. If she were the warden though, she would have demanded Alistair bang Morrigan, because she wasn’t planning on dying thank you. His choices were 1. Sleep with the sexy witch lady or 2. Die himself, because there’s no way Anise was going to.
8. Did anyone undergo Morrigan’s Dark Ritual? Why?In main canon, Jaydin did, because he and Morrigan were already an item anyways and no one really wanted to sacrifice themselves, they’d all come so far. In the world where Anise is HoF, she made Alistair do it.
9.(Bonus) How does everyone feel about Ariane/Finn?In another life, Anise and Ariane would have made a hot ass couple, and she’s said this to her. As it is, she thinks they’re sweet. Ariane kinda reminds her of Shianni, and Finn is just a loveable doofus. As much as Anise wanted to him, she physically couldn’t. It was impossible. Sooo she approved of them.
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mojavejourneys · 6 years
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The dinner party had been a roaring success and everyone left happy and full. Afterward, the group had gone to visit a friend of theirs, Preston Garvey.  After Preston let them in, they all sat in the living room.
“So... I’m glad you all came here afterthe party. Dinner was delicious, by the way.”
“Well, I try to cook well.” Maxwell grinned.
“But Maxie, may I take a look at...” Preston indicated Maxie’s very rounded stomach. The man nodded and the two went into another room, Preston gently checking it over. “It looks uncomfortable. How are you feeling?”
“Um, good...” There was a notable strain in Maxie’s voice and just as Preston left the room, he let out a scream and clutched at his stomach, the wave of pain practically unbearable.
Maxwell had been napping on the sofa but was woken up. “What the hell--?!” He sat upto see that Maxie was leaning against the wall, breathing hard. “What the hell is going on?!”
“I dunno but it fucking hurts! I can’t...”
“H-Hold on... give me your phone.” Maxwell took the phone and punched a number from it into his own phone. “I’m gonna call Lilith.”
“Shit, I have work soon...” Morrigan shook her head. “Okay, let’s get back home. I need to get ready even though I really should be here...”
“N-No, it’s fine... you go to work... I got this...” Maxie grunted through the agony that was radiating through his entire body.
“Morrigan, you carry him back. I’m gonna try and contact Lilith.” Maxwell had been trying the number for a while. “Come on, pick up...”
The group made it back home and Morrigan gave Maxie a kiss on the cheek before she headed off to work. He had to sit down, trying to focus through the intense pain.
“Any luck?” Matsu asked Maxwell while he was trying to contact Lilith.
“She’s not picking up. It’s going to the answering machine.” Maxwell heaved out an exasperated sigh. “Of all the times... the time when we really fucking need her...”
“Ugh... she might be sleeping... or... oh fuck...” Maxie was now leaning against the bar. “J-Just please fucking help me...”
Matsu winced when he heard Maxie cry out in pain again. He pulled his life partner close, stroking his side. “Come on, sit down. We’ll keep trying...”
“Lilith! I swear if you fucking flaked on us now...” Maxwell growled, hastily hitting redial. “We were counting on you...”
Hours passed and there seemed to be no sign of anything. It was only when Morrigan returned from work that they had some sense of time.
“Eight fucking hours. And no sign of Lilith.” Maxwell ran his hands down his face. “None of the books we have on vampire rituals are helping.” He gritted his teeth. “Maxie’s been in fucking agony for all this time and Matsu’s been on edge...”
“Oh god...” Morrigan pulled Maxie into a tight hug, feeling that his shoulders were shaking with sobs. “Hey, I’m here now too...”
Maxwell’s phone rang just then and he jumped to answer it. “Hmm? Lilith! About fucking time! I’ve been trying to call for the past eight hours.” Lilith apologised and said she was sleeping so much that she hadn’t heard her phone. Maxwell sighed and explained the situation.
“Finally, Lilith got back to us. Okay, I’m putting her on speaker so you can hear her.” He pressed the speaker button. “Help us through this.”
“Alright. Maxie, can you hear me?”
“Yeah, I hear you...”
“Listen carefully. It is hurting, I know, but you need to focus. Focus on the energy that’s pushing inside you and will it to come out. Focus your power, now!” Maxie could barely focus but he tried to do as Lilith instructed, focusing his energies. The pain seemed to lessen and it became easier to focus. In no time at all he felt the power rushing out of him and then he felt a tiny warmth in his arms, followed by a soft cry. “You did it... there you go...”
“Matsu, can you...” Maxie held the baby out to his life partner. As Matsu took the child, Maxie collapsed to his knees and was breathing heavily again. “Fuck... we did it...”
“We did. And it looks like we have a baby girl. How about... Aiko?”
“I love that name.”
“It means love child in Japanese, so... appropriate.” Matsu smiled as Maxie stood. “You want to feed her first?”
“Sure.” Maxie took Aiko back and had a bottle at the ready. “Hey you... look at how cute she is...”
“I’d say that it was all worth it in the end.” Maxwell smiled as he said goodbye to Lilith and ended the call. “Guess I can be the uncle, right?”
“Well I already said I was gonna be the aunt, so...” Morrigan said with a grin.
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tontontonberry · 7 years
I'm professionally obligated to beg for details on your Warden and entire Origins experience.
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Natia Brosca
She likes to turn invisible and steal shit.
If u look at Rica wrong she will fight you in the Deep Roadsat 2 am.
Now that she has enough money for food she keeps at leasttwo sandwiches on her person at all times.
Gave the guards the finger as she left Orzammar. The Aeducan heirloom mace that Duncan gaveher in front of them was her favorite main-hand weapon until she got her paragonsword. Made a big show of having her dusty casteless fingers alllll over it.
Her return to Orzammar can best be summarized as “surprisebitch, bet you thought you’d seen the last of me.”
Daveth was gonna be her best bro and then he died. :(
Taliesen reminded her of Daveth and then they had to killhim. :(
One time Sten made the mistake of asking just how deep theDeep Roads could get. Her response was “as deep as your love” and now she’smade it into her own meme so if anyone asks that question Sten dies in thebackground.
During her origin she had Oskias give her the lyrium andthen make a run for it. Her lie to Behrat about killing him discreetly anddumping his body in a lava flow? She’s used that one a lot. She has a reputation for dumping people in lava flows. Noneof those people are actually dead. Leske’s stress levels skyrocketed every timeto they lied to Behrat about it but they never got caught.
She made Behlen king. She is very aware that he does sneakyshit. He loves Rica and wants to change things for casteless so she doesn’tgive a fuck if he lied about Harrowmont’s real estate shit. Also, sheabsolutely gave him some variant of the Shovel Talk when they arrived. Becauseshe’ll make you king and all but if you ever hurt Rica it won’t matter how manyguards you hire she will find you.
She despises Arl Eamon. Treat Alistair like shit until youcan use him in a power grab what thefuck, mate? She’s gonna loot your whole estate.
The shit elves and mages deal with reminds her of the shitcasteless have to go through so she will also fight you in the Deep Roads at 2am over them. She will stab any Templar (except Ser Bryant in Lothering) in thekidneys. Vaughan Kendells got shanked right quick.
Alistair is her tol dork and she loves him. Cutscenes makethem look the same height while kissing but that is because she uses acollapsible stool to reach him, obviously. She once gave him a flower crown andtold him it was the only crown she’d ever make him wear.
If you say Ferelden needs a strong ruler she will do theWill Smith pose at Anora.
The Fade was weird as shit and she is so glad she doesn’thave to deal with it every time she sleeps.
Her mabari is named Rarebit and she could probably ride himlike a pony because she is a dwarf and he is a giant war potato.
After being made paragon she basically adopted her wholeparty into her house. And then did the same to the Awakening crew. (Technicallyhaven’t played Awakening yet but shhh) If anyone in Orzammar tries to tell hershe can’t do something she points out that she’s a paragon, she does what shewants. Then they either have to do what she says or acknowledge that the systemis not infallible mwahahaha.
Also she and Morrigan did the do. For the dark ritual.Because I have the complete bi mod installed and it’s weird magic shit so whywouldn’t it work anyway?
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*jazz hands*
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fen--harel · 8 years
zevran: 3; alistair: 2, 4; wynne: 1, leliana: 1; sten: 1, 2, 5; oghren: 3, 4; morrigan: 2, 3, 5; loghain: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; dog: 1
I love you Liz
Zevran:3. What did your Warden know of the Crows before meeting Zevran? What did they think of the Crows afterward?
Ailonwy didn’t know much about the Antivan Crows prior to meeting Zevran. She just knew them from some stories her mother had told her when she was little and she simply knew them as “assassins from Antiva”. After meeting Zevran she doesn’t like the crows, she thinks their organization of professional assassins are cool but uhm, Zevran and she are a thing, so can you guys go away ?? She did Ignacio’s tasks though
Alistair:2. Did Alistair’s parentage surprise your Warden? How did your Warden’s feelings on the nobility affect their relationship with Alistair?
It didn’t surprise her, when he told her he was the King’s bastard son, I mean see didn’t see it coming but neither did it really affect her. She simply replied “I can’t believe you’re a huge royal pain in the ass,” and the two both laughed about it but she never continued to bring it up in case it was a sensitive topic for him. 
4. How did your Warden respond to Alistair’s dislike of Loghain? Did they share Alistair’s sentiments or disagree?
She definitely knew where Alistair was coming from, she had huge respect for Duncan and considered him her like, shem Uncle, and she barely knew Cailan but she thought he was a nice fellow but she didn’t know much about his ruling expertise. Everytime he would bad mouth Loghain she would sit and listen and nod but never give her input. Her mother told her many stories of the Hero of River Dane so she actually grew up admiring the man and was very pleased when she was finally able to meet him. Instead of automatically thinking of Loghain as a traitor she instead tried to think of reasons why he would leave Ostagar.
Wynne:1. What did your Warden think of Wynne’s views on the Circle? Did they have different experiences regarding the Circle?
Ailonwy doesn’t agree with Wynne’s views on the Circle, she believes that the mages should be free but this is coming from being separated from her cousins who are mages. 
Leliana:1. What was your Warden’s position on the Chantry? Were they wary of Leliana due to their religious beliefs or lack thereof?
It’s funny because Ailonwy uses Andrastian curses like “oh Maker” but because her mother was Dalish she was taught to believe in Elven Gods and despite growing up in the mages. She wasn’t wary of Leliana though it didn’t matter to her that Leliana was like “THE MAKER SENT ME !” Ailonwy’s first thought was “Yes ! Another person to do camp chores !”
Sten:1. Had your Warden ever met a Qunari before Sten? What did they expect?
She hadn’t met a Qunari before Sten and her first reaction was like “MAKER YOU’RE TALL ?!!!” she had heard about Qunari before but seeing one for the first time was a bit shocking but then she got over it and was like “JOIN ME ON MY QUEST !
2. What did your Warden think of Sten’s beliefs that people’s roles are determined at birth? Did they agree?
She thought that as very interesting but definitely not something for her, after hearing all the tales her mother told her about being a bard it became something that she wanted to do. Growing up in the Alienage had been good but she got to the point where she didn’t want to be there anymore and that feeling intensified when her mother passed. She wanted to go out and see the world, hell, see the rest of Ferelden and she resigned herself that she would be stuck in the Alienage forever when her father had arranged her marriage. She felt bad that in Qunari culture they couldn’t decide their own roles but she didn’t mention her opinion
5. Was your Warden amused by Sten’s love of cookies? 
SHE WAS VERY AMUSED WITH STEN’S LOVE OF COOKIES !! Every time they stopped at a town they would check the bakeries to see if they had some and she would buy a good amount to last them until the next town. Whenever they had watch shifts together they would sit and eat cookies in comfortable silence
Oghren:3. What was the fate of Branka? If she was killed, was your Warden regretful? How did they act around Oghren afterwards?
Branka died, Ailonwy sided with Caridin and refused to let anyone else use the anvil. Ailonwy didn’t feel any regret - well, okay maybe a little but she barely knew Oghren and she sure as hell didn’t know Branka so it wasn’t like a hard choice for her to kill Branka so the anvil wouldn’t be used. She apologized but it was def along the lines of “sorry ur wife didn’t make good choices :l”  but then she continued with “you deserve better !!!!” so LOL
4. What was the relationship between your Warden and Oghren? Were they friendly or merely reluctant companions?
THEY’RE LIKE TIGHT BFFLS !! Her, Oghren, and Zevran are basically the trio of bad inappropriate lewd jokes and everyone else hardcore hates them for it because one of them will make a joke and the other two will go off on it and it’ll continue for like ten minutes and Maker save whomever becomes the unlucky butt of their jokes it’s Loghain
Morrigan:2. Did your Warden agree to help Morrigan kill Flemeth? Why or why not?
Of course !! As much as Morrigan doesn’t want to admit it, she and Ailonwy are friends and the moment Morrigan was like “I need you to-” she was basically already on it like she was actually already in the Korcari Wilds fighting Flemeth
3. How close was your Warden to Morrigan? Did your Warden respect her abilities as a witch of the wilds?
They were close !! Ailonwy considered her one of her close friends and despite Morrigan’s initial cold attitude it didn’t deter Ailonwy from wanting to be her friend. She was really impressed by how powerful and how much Morrigan knew and thought it was really amazing that she was able to live and thrive in the Korcari Wilds all her life because Ailonwy’s one trek through it was awful
5. Was Morrigan’s ritual completed? What persuaded your Warden to go through with it or what caused them to refuse it?
She was really surprised when Morrigan asked her to go talk to Loghain to help save them
“I didn’t know sleeping with Loghain was such a big trend now ?”“What?”“What?” 
She told Ailonwy that she and Loghain had to sleep together and produce a child and Ailonwy basically asked her if she could be the one and when Morrigan told her no with a look of disgust Ailonwy sighed and agreed to ask him. It was definitely the better alternative to either her or Loghain dying but she had even decided beforehand that if Riordan were to fail she was going to take the final blow ((she was gonna fight Riordan for the rights to the final blow and Riordan was basically like HUSH U FREAKIN ELF IM DOING IT LOL))
Loghain 1. Did your Warden respect Loghain’s experience as a warrior, if not as a ruler?
She respected Loghain’s experience as freaking everything LOL because her mother idolized him so much she ended up idolizing him as well and completely respected his skills on the battlefield (in court thoughhhhhhh ehhhhhh maybe he could use some help in that aspect LOL)
2. How did your Warden react to Loghain’s fierce love for his daughter? Did they share a strong sense of loyalty to their own family?
She thought it was very endearing !! Especially because at first glance Loghain definitely doesn’t seem like the good fatherly type so seeing and hearing him care so much about Anora was really cute. She also has so much love for her own family and it’s nice seeing someone else with the same values
3. What did your Warden think of Loghain’s suspicion and dislike of Orlesians? Did they consider it to be ill-founded or accurate?
She definitely knew where Loghain was coming from and she didn’t blame him, but also she was like @Loghain you wont even let me get nice Orlesian tents for us stop this it’s been like 30 years bruh FERELDEN’S NICE AND ALL BUT IT AINT GONNA SHELTER US FROM THE RAIN ((and Loghain would def rather sleep in the rain than under the cover of an Orlesian tent)) 
4. What was your Warden’s opinion on Loghain’s decision to abandon King Cailan and the Grey Wardens at Ostagar? What did they think of Loghain afterwards?
Ailonwy didn’t really know Cailan or how he ruled so she wasn’t too too upset about his death. She did however, think that he deserved a better fate than to be strung up by the darkspawn at Ostagar and ignored the complaints of Loghain, Morrigan, and Zevran who all pretty much agreed to just toss his body over the bridge. As I mentioned earlier she tried thinking of reasons why Loghain would abandon them and there was times where she was really upset about it. However, when she confronted him about it he did really make a good point about how was it truly his fault just because he survived and Cailan didn’t and Loghain did tell Cailan to not charge in the front with the Grey Wardens and even if the army stayed behind it wasn’t guaranteed that they would have succeeded and then she responded with “but…I trusted you, we trusted you” “Well that was your own fault” “>:(” but then she drops it because if she kept that grudge it would have taken them nowhere
5. Did Loghain survive the Landsmeet? If he did, why did your Warden choose to let him live?
He did !! Ailonwy was about to kill him but then Rior“Change of Plans”dan decided to cut in and ruin everything. When he suggested to make Loghain a Grey Warden she did think that was a pretty good idea and she knew how useful he would be in battle so she agreed 
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a short scene post-Redcliffe, pre-Battle of Denerim. Catalina Tabris finally comes to conflict with Morrigan over an issue; ironically, not over the “I need to sleep with your boyfriend as part of a magic ritual” issue.
A day’s walk to Denerim remains when they stop late into the night. They will be awakened early in the morning and so no one speaks or wastes time pitching a tent. Morrigan has moved her bedroll away from the rest of them, as she always does, when the dog sticks his head into her pack and pulls out a satchel of herbs, and with a bark, soft muffled by the herbs but also presumably out of courtesy so as to not disturb anyone else. Morrigan stops him before he gets far. It seems a halfhearted teasing of her now, and he slinks away toward Alistair’s bedroll, and she turns back to her own to see Catalina sitting crosslegged on it. “Hey,” she says, fiddling with her necklace, still not meeting Morrigan’s eyes.
They have not really spoken since Redcliffe.
“Your warden strength will only do you so much good without sleep,” Morrigan says. Catalina’s elven eyes in the dark glow like some beast of the wilds, fixed impassively on Morrigan.
“You don’t gotta leave,” Catalina says.
Morrigan hoped they would not have this conversation. Against her better judgment, she sits, lowering herself to equal ground. “I am here now, am I not? I am not leaving.”
Catalina snorts. “Not now y'ain’t. But soon as we crack the archdemon’s skull, poof, you turn into a crow and wing off and then you’re a giant spider hiding with all the other giant spiders and your kid grows up sleeping in cobweb hammocks and doesn’t know that his mama’s human.” She looks at her hands. “If it’s not some kinda monster worse'n a giant spider.”
“It will be a child,” Morrigan says, “as any other.” She thinks. Mostly.
“Will it be like Wynne?” Catalina asks. “Like - thing in her head? Like that? ‘Cept it’s a sodding Old God and not a nice spirit.”
“No spirit is nice,” Morrigan corrects. “They are manifestations of attributes that can be corrupted or amoral as anything else may be.” It is something she has told Catalina before, answers to her endless inquiries about magic that she directed at Morrigan to avoid any taint of Chantry bias. It is something that Catalina has not quite grasped.
“Faith saved Wynne,” Catalina says. “Faith’s good.”
Her open-mindedness was something that Morrigan once appreciated, and still often does, but in times such as these she takes it too far into stubborn naivety. She bears the scars of human cruelty and continues to trust blindly. It is so frustrating and in some way admirable. If not for it, Alistair would never have accepted Morrigan, not when they first left Flemeth’s hut so long ago and not in Redcliffe so recently.
“As you insist,” Morrigan says. It is not a matter worth argument at this time. “If I were to guess, I would imagine that the Old Gods were much like powerful spirits, amoral and influenced by the will of those who believed in them.”
“And since it’s Tevinters who’re shit, Old Gods turned to shit too.”
“That is the idea,” Morrigan says.
They both sit there in silence. The rest of the camp is quiet. Morrigan does not know whether anyone is listening or not.
“But you still don’t gotta leave,” Catalina repeats. “You don’t… don’t gotta be like your mother, hide away from everyone.”
“And how much of what you do, how you have become, is like your mother?” Morrigan asks. Catalina’s eyes go wide and she turns her head away, looking down at her hands twisted together in her lap. “Could you so easily turn away from the path she set you upon? Is the person she raised you to be not who you are?”
“S'different. Nothing ‘bout being alone all my life but for my child.”
“And if I told you that is a life I am okay with living?”
“I ain’t okay with you living like that,” Catalina says, staring sharply up at Morrigan again. “You gonna tell me honestly? Really? After all this you want to go back to that life?”
“And what do you propose I do instead?” Morrigan snaps. This is a moment when she does not appreciate Catalina’s stubborn naivety. She should learn when to let go of people. Of Morrigan. “Do you truly think that this is the life that we - that you - shall continue to live after the blight? You do not think that Leliana will return to a cloister, Zevran to Antiva, Sten to Par Vollen, Wynne to her Circle? They shall not stay with you. Why can you not let me go as you will them?”
Catalina frowns. “Haven’t really talked about 'after,’ an’ they wouldn’t be talking 'live away from society an’ everyone and never see anyone again ever’ like y'are.”
“Society is full of Chantry influenced fools who would never be so accepting of anything I do as you are,” Morrigan says. “How do you -”
“Morri,” Catalina sighs.
Morrigan hates it - hates her, when she says her name like that. Morri, her name truncated like a child’s speech, in the same way that Catalina called her cousin in the alienage Anni rather than Shianni, the same way that everyone in the alienage called her Cata. It is the way that she says Zev and Lel, something so familiar and familial, far too affectionate for Morrigan to easily become used to. She wishes that she had not become used to it. She should have held her distance.
“How do you propose that I keep myself and the child safe from the Templars?” Morrigan asks, resuming the thought after too long of a hesitation. She can see that Catalina looks triumphant, like Morrigan’s silence was wavering resolve. “What would you have me do, live in Denerim and raise the king’s bastard child in the shadow of his palace, living as his secret mistress behind the throne in the same manner as you yourself plan to live?”
Catalina flinches. Morrigan swallows the small stab in her heart. If Catalina says, you know what, fuck you for that, bye, and walks away from this conversation, it will be so much easier. She will let Morrigan leave without protest if she hates her.
“Grey Warden mages can live free of Templars,” Catalina says. She does not remark further upon the jab, but she closes her eyes like she is still struggling with the sting of it. “I tell 'em you’re with me, with the wardens, and they leave you alone.”
“I will live in no one’s debt,” Morrigan says, raising her head higher, trying to glare down at Catalina as best she can. “I will ask no one to protect me.”
“Wouldn’t be a debt. We’d be even, if you save me and Alistair from the archdemon, and we keep the Templars away, it’d be fair, no one owes anything…” She looks at Morrigan with wide eyes, a plea. “You can’t live all on your own.”
“I can and I shall,” Morrigan says sternly. “And you shall not follow,” she repeats. “Ever.”
Catalina shakes her head. “Can’t promise that, Morri.”
You are a stubborn fool, Morrigan wants to say, but to criticize Catalina only makes her double down on whatever decision she has made. She does not let go. She will not, and judging by the look on her face through the dark, a kind of sadness that Morrigan has barely seen matched, there is no way for Morrigan to do as she must without breaking her friend’s heart.
“Don’t gotta be like this,” Catalina says, and Morrigan wonders if the first word that she has dropped from her sentence is you or it. You do not have to be this way or It does not have to be this way.
But either way - “This is how it has to be,” Morrigan says. Catalina shakes her head but does not lodge another verbal protest. She looks tired suddenly, so tired, and Morrigan does not want her to fall asleep right here. She would have to find and use Catalina’s bedroll instead of her own, and Catalina’s most likely smells of dog. She almost says, mostly because she is sure that it would get Catalina to concede, I am sorry, but she bites her tongue on the apology. She has never made one and she will not begin now. “Do not waste your energy fighting this battle that you cannot win. You must save it for the coming battles that we must win.”
Catalina snorts, blowing strands of hair out of her face, but she stands without another word and walks away. Morrigan watches her fade into the darkness. She will try again tomorrow, undoubtedly. She will force Morrigan to disappear without a goodbye as soon as the dust of the battle settles or else be trapped in more arguments such as this forever. Maybe that, to vanish without a word, will finally make Catalina hate Morrigan enough to let her go.
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loghain x tarja for the otp thing
Thanks for the question! I’m gonna split this up into 2 since it’s so long.
1) Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop?
tbh both of them would freak out if the other did that
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time?
definitely tarja
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time?
they both love bathing/showering together, but loghain’s more likely to make it sexy in the shower while tarja’s more likely to make it sexy in the bath
4) Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on?
neither but tarja’s more likely to walk around without pants
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight?
i honestly don’t see them ever getting into that big of a fight. at most, they’d move super far on the opposite side of the bed.
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
neither because that’s kinda creepy
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”?
tarja said it first but only because loghain put a lot of pressure on her to say it (it was right before he did the ritual with morrigan). none of them would end an argument with “i love you”, but they’d say it after they cooled down.
8) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts?
definitely tarja
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after?
neither. and they both have an equal amount of nightmares. tarja’s more likely to sing loghain back to sleep, but loghain ends up singing to her a lot just because she begs him
10) Who is more likely to cheat?
they would never cheat on each other, but tarja’s more likely to cheat at chess. but then she’d confess and apologize only for loghain to reveal that he knew all along
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship?
loghain, definitely. 
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen?
neither of them. they don’t wanna clean up afterwards.
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer?
tarja’s the better singer (although loghain has a solid voice) and always wants to sing with him! he’ll only sing if they’re alone and he’s in the right mood.
14) Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops?
tarja’s far more likely to be affectionate in public, although loghain’s just as likely if they’re in private.
15) Who likes writes the others name on their wrist?
that’s not really a thing i could see them doing...
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ollifree · 4 years
i want to Enable so 3, 28, 29, and 30 for skylar/lucio and also kendra/bull AND ALSO caedan/morrigan.
3. Most common argument?
Lucio: “Tell Salsa to stop eating my shirts!” Skylar: “Fuck off I have.”
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
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A real-er answer is that Skylar reads, or spends time with the pets. He likes going out and about cities to learn the people and culture. Lucio’s solution to his “don’t wanna be alone” disease (incurable) is to just be around Skylar at all times.
29. One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
Do you want spoilers or not, Rey?
After [redacted] whenever Skylar gets sick Lucio’s in a state of “want to help but huge phobia of any and all illnesses now”. Skylar’s the type of person who wants to sleep bad health off; he’s fine with Lucio going anywhere else because he wouldn’t be able to handle seeing Lucio get sick again.
30. One headcanon about this OTP that mends it
There is no mending it there’s only these two trying to love one another within their new boundaries and me crying about it.
3. Most common argument?
They don’t have recurring ones between them, but Bull pulls Kendra away from a fight about once per day. Wait, no, I lied I wasn’t thinking about Kendra’s solo worldstate.
Bull: “So we’re gonna kill Solas, right?” Kendra: “We’re trying the other thing first.” Bull: “Why?” Kendra: “It’s not that simple.” Bull: “Yes it is!”
That disagreement gets continued so long after the wrap-up that Skylar knows it.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Bull spends time with his Chargers or takes the odd mercenary job here and there. During the Inquisition his band would get sent on tasks. Afterwards, he spent time exploring the cliffs of Ostwick.
Kendra mixes poisons and practices knife-throwing, or writes letters and makes trade deals. She liked strolling the grounds at Skyhold and in Ostwick likes walking the beach. Horseback riding is a staple of her day.
29. One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
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Oh boy you ready for Kendra’s deepest, darkest secret Rey? So, during Trespasser, when the Qunari nearly invaded? When the Viddasala tried to get Bull to rejoin the Qun? There was a moment shorter than a second where she expected him to agree. At the time she pushes it down, then pushes it down further, and keeps pushing until it erupts on its own.
Even better is this only happens in her solo worldstate. Her paranoia’s been at max for the entire game and on top of that she’s dealing with the mental, physical, and emotional trauma of the Mark nearly killing her and losing her hand.
30. One headcanon about this OTP that mends it
Bull finds out. Kendra doesn’t come right out and say it, but at one point she snaps and enough comes out that Bull gets it. His response is, “Yeah that’s your paranoid as hell brain being smart?”
Basically it’s the support Kendra gets from him and the famelyan that helps this one. Especially Darrell, with whom a rough conversation of "Talk to someone.” / “To whomst.” / “To me.” takes place and he becomes his sister’s quasi-therapist so she can vent to someone she trusts.
Just say you want to romance Caedan and go.
3. Most common argument?
If Caedan gets it into his head he wants to argue a point there is no getting him to stop. It doesn’t matter if he knows he’s wrong; he’s finally in a place he can talk back without Chantry-enforced consequences and he’s going to take full advantage.
They both have issues with conflict due to their upbringings. For both of them it can manifest as either aversion or heightening, and they’ve each stepped over the line a few times with some minor offense. (That being said they are extremely aware of what triggers the other and avoid stepping on those landmines at all costs.)
As for what they argue the most over: interpretations and castings of spells.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Caedan’s canonically a stay at home dad and I love that for him. On top of caring for (and eventually teaching) Kieran, he does his own experiments in magic. Usually blood magic. He loves experimenting with blood magic.
Morrigan likes making things. Generally they come in the shape of small crafts she puts around their home as protective charms, to look pretty, or just because she can. Sometimes they come in the shape of enchanted objects like a snow-globe with infinitely falling snow, or a fireplace that acts like modern day heating.
29. One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
Caedan very, very nearly didn’t do the dark ritual when Morrigan presented it to him. Logically he knew Morrigan had her own reasons for being there (she certainly wasn’t helping them kill the archdemon out of the goodness of her heart) but it hit hard that this was the reason she had. In the moment, he saw it as a type of betrayal. Because of Alistair (and the other three in the multi protags worldstate) he recognized this was something bigger than him and his feelings on the matter so he agreed to it.
After Morrigan left Caedan was a complete wreck. This was the point in his life when his alcoholic tendencies were at the worst risk of taking over. A large part of it was due to the trauma of growing up in the Circle where people had disappeared on him before and he either never learned what happened to them or they came back Tranquil. Caedan trained himself not to think about it when people vanished from his life and it took a lot of time for the others to convince him it was okay for him to even miss her. Oh, and he tracked time and kept the emotions ring so he knew roughly when their kid was born.
30. One headcanon about this OTP that mends it
I mean they’re together in the end so it works out fine but fuck, you two really had to do this to me on the way there?
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