#and he's planning to cure his lycanthropy
sunxdusk · 2 years
Alduin is dead. The Civil War is over. The devoured souls of Sovengard were avenged. All that's left is a physically disabled Briengr trying to conquer his demons, reconnect with Talos, and keep his beast blood controlled, all while raising the orphaned children he adopted during his travels. Lakeview manor has never been more lively.
All is right and well with the world...or is it?
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sharpedgedfool · 1 year
i fucking love your monster au design for shadow could we have some lore abt him? (if you want to :])
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Apologies for the essay I'm about to drop for your ask jddfgsdkgf, but here's a sketch as a peace offering and I'll drop all the lore I have for you under the read more! Glad people are interested in it cause I'm currently obsessed with it lmao
OK so basically Eggman in this universe is still the mad doctor type, he’s just obsessed with the occult instead of robotics. He’s a mortal human but hunts monsters for experiments and he’s obsessed with gaining supernatural powers to rule the world, and Sonic and Amy with their usual group are his main enemies.
He has a big following of humans (who think he’s trying to save them from monsters) and a rather large army of other monsters who work for him - so he has a ton of resources despite being a 'regular dude', and he’s slowly collecting spellbooks and teaching himself magic.
He finds a rare grimoire, and it unlocks a treasure trove of dark magics. Now his big master plan is to summon a demon to serve him and gain ultimate power, to do this he needs the seven emeralds for the ritual.
Sonic and Amy are the main hero duo in the story, Sonic was cursed with lycanthropy as a child when a pack attacked his village, he was spared because he was young, and went to find a witch in hopes of a cure. The witch he found was Vanilla, her daughter Cream, and Amy who is her apprentice. Before Sonic could be cured he made friends with a few other cryptids who live in the same woods and in the end decided he’d rather stay cursed with them as he had nowhere else to go anyways. He’s not in a traditional pack (all were-creatures) instead they have a rag-tag group with all kinds of different monsters that live with the witches (Tails and Knux are in there somewhere I promise jkfgdhdf). He likes having the werehog strength so he can fight back and protect his new family.
Rouge is a born Vampire, not turned. Her parents were killed at some point and she took over their coven after she avenged them and proved herself worthy. She’s like the Queen of sorts and rules over a majority of the vampires across the world - she has eyes (and ears) everywhere, there's very little she doesn’t know about. So Sonic and Amy ask her for help when they realise Eggman’s planning something big. She has a huge hoard of gems locked up in a big spooky cliffside castle, she’s obsessed with treasure still. She agrees to aid them to overthrow Eggman in exchange for the seven emeralds for herself. She doesn’t want to use them for their power, so they agree.
Everyone teams up to find the emeralds first, but Eggman outsmarts them, and the ritual begins before they can stop him, and once it’s begun it’s irreversible. The only thing they can do at this point is change who the demon is bound to, so Sonic throws himself into the curse (he already has one after all).
Shadow is the demon that’s summoned. Typical demon pacts imply that he’ll do whatever the summoner asks, granting them ultimate power, but he’ll get their soul in return. The catch is if Sonic never asks him to do anything, he’s technically not indebted and Shadow won't get his soul. It’s a game of temptation, but since Sonic was technically an unwilling participant, Shadow's more intrigued than anything - he’s confident Sonic will eventually cave and ask him for something (they always do) so he doesn’t attempt to trick him, he sees no need.
Sonic now has a demon chained to him constantly, and he’s extremely on guard (demons are as powerful as creatures get in this universe) and he’s off put by how genuine Shadow comes across. Shadow asks a lot of questions, and Sonic assumes he’s doing it to learn how to manipulate him - Shadow finds it amusing. Eventually they get used to each other, Shadow and Rouge get along well (though they both tease Sonic mercilessly together so he tries to avoid her but Shadow will nag him to visit) Amy tries to work on a spell to break the bond between them but it's a notoriously hard spell to break (perhaps impossible as they destroyed the grimoire in the fight with Eggman), but eventually Sonic and Shadow are both unsure if they want it to be broken at all…
Sonic starts asking Shadow questions too, and finds out more about Shadow. Originally he was an angel - thousands of years ago he had a mortal friend (Maria) and the two of them were inseparable. Unlike demons, angels rarely interact with the world so her village mistook her good fortune as witchcraft and assumed Shadow to be a demon. They killed her over it, and Shadow was heartbroken - in a fit of rage he lashed out, wiped out their town and proved to them he could be the demon they thought he was. He became a fallen angel, scorned and bitter - not born of pure evil but clearly capable of carnage all the same.
Unlike hellborn demons, Shadow doesn’t enjoy mindlessly committing atrocities - he has to feel it’s a necessary evil or he’ll turn it on his summoner (this makes him dangerous to summon, he’s normally considered off-limits). He’s one of the more powerful demons but he’s hard to reason with to make it worth it. Eggman targeted him specifically because he thought Shadow would side with him as Maria was a distant ancestor of his.
Once the annoyance of being forcefully summoned wears off,  Shadow’s rather pleased Sonic isn’t trying to use him for anything - he’s secretly happy to have someone with decent morals to hang out with (he’s an outcast in hell for obvious reasons) but he’d refused to make mortal contact with anyone willingly after Maria for fear of resigning them to a bad fate all over again.
Again thank you for reading!! I'll have more art to share soon!! :)
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docgold13 · 8 months
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Batman: The Animated Series - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
Professor Milo
Achilles Milo was an unscrupulous scientist from Gotham City who specialized in the biological tampering of animal subjects. He had long been engaging in these illegal practices when he raised the ire of Catwoman, whose cat Isis he had had captured. At the time, Milo was working for Roland Daggett to infect stray animals with a special derivative of the rabies virus, as well as an antidote which Daggett could market, netting them fortune and acclaim. This drew the attention of Batman who teamed up with Catwoman to bring the operation down and save Isis.  
Although his plans were dashed, Milo managed to escape.  He was later sought out by the athlete Anthony Romulus.  Romulus had Milo create for him a performance enhancing drug that could not be detected by standard dope-screening tests.  Milo created such a serum utilizing the genetic material of a timber wolf.  This proved highly effective and Romulus went on to become a celebrated winner of multiple Olympic Gold Medals.  
Continued use of the serum caused Romulus to transform, becoming more and more wolf-like.  Milo stated he could cure the condition, yet he instead hastened it so that Romulus transformed into a werewolf.  Milo then blackmailed Romulus, stating that he would only reverse the lycanthropy if Romulus used his abilities to take out Batman.   This effort failed and Milo again went into hiding.  
He was later recruited by Amanda Waller to work in research and development at the shadowy Cadmus Project.  Milo’s lack of success led to his being fired from the project.  In a fit of anger, Milo released the creature known as Doomsday who was being held in confinement at Cadmus.  Doomsday’s first act of freedom was to kill Professor Milo.
Actor Treat Williams voiced Achilles Milo with the villain first appearing in the thirty-third episode of the first season of Batman: The Animated Series, ‘Cat Scratch Fever.’  
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Please vote based on the picture AND the description!
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Adrian Mori [Arcane and Androids @thegoldenherd]
Adrian Mori was a human doctor who died in a riot at a secret facility conducting experiments on how to cure lycanthropy. He now sustains himself with secret magic known only to him, and wears a griffon skull in place of his missing head. He values knowledge above all else, and desires to become god along the way.
Andris Harkin [Shades of War @evelynmlewis]
(The following contains spoilers for Shades of War since I like doing reveals about my characters in my books instead of putting things upfront.) Andris Harkin is about 60 years old. He's a practitioner of a lost/obscure form of magic unique to his ethnicity and is known as a "sorcerer", which in-universe is something between a wizard and a prophet. Due to having different powers than other magic practitioners on Valerian, he was kidnapped by the villain, Prince Ellatar and forced by Ellatar's cruel henchwoman Eniss to create a portal that allowed Shade armies from offworld to invade. His two teenage daughters were also killed. After 2 years in Ellatar's captivity, he was eventually rescued and experiences a major guilt complex about his use in Ellatar's plan. He later becomes something of a father figure to two of the female protagonists. He has a very dry sense of humor and prickly exterior and I call him the "salt grandpa".
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dross-the-fish · 8 months
This might be the dumbest question on this blog, but is the motley crew like your AU/fanfic or is it an actual show? Can you also please give me a short summary?
I’m so sorry for asking such dumb questions I just really like your blog and I want to know more😭❤️🫶
It actually started out as a DnD style table top game I made for my friends. I decided to post some of the stuff from it here on tumblr and I'm re-writing it as a fic.
There is a LOT of lore, so I'll try to keep it brief and stick to the broadest points.
It's a goth lit crossover story, it begins with strange events happening all over England. There's an increase in the rat population, clouds of bats fill the sky at night, there are rumors of occult activity. The great detective Sherlock Holmes is called out of retirement to investigate a string of grisly murders and disappears without a trace during the investigation, leaving John Watson to try and find him.
Meanwhile Lawrence Talbot and his best friend Quincey Harker, the son of Jonathan and Mina (dracula) trying to rescue a woman from a wolf attack one night while passing by Baker Street. Lawrence is bitten and the bite is treated by Watson who finds it odd that there are wolves in London as wolves had been extinct in the UK for several centuries at that point and no zoo had reported a missing wolf.
Lawrence feels ill but otherwise fine and goes home thinking he'll sleep it off. Through the bite he contracts the curse of lycanthropy, on his first transformation he kills his entire family. The police investigate but don't connect Larry to the murders. The scene of the crime is a similar state to the one Holmes was investigating when he disappeared leading the newspaper to report the Talbot's as the latest victims of a serial killer at large. Watson questions Larry and Quincey, thinking they may be able to provide him a lead to finding Sherlock and, not knowing who else to trust they reveal Larry's lycanthropy. Watson is skeptical but once it's revealed that Larry is a werewolf he's convinced to help them find the cause of the curse and hopefully a cure.
Their search for a cause and cure leads them to fragments of a strange journal about an allegedly deceased man called Henry Jekyll who's own story seems to loosely mirror a werewolf curse and while trying to break into Jekyll's abandoned lab thinking his serum may have been the source of the curse they run into an unsavory character, Edward Hyde. Edward is at first, unhelpful, but once he realizes Lawrence Talbot is from a wealthy family he offers to help, stating that he knows a few things about Henry Jekyll and can get them access to his research in exchange for a place to stay and some money. Watson is mistrustful and advises the boys not to reveal Larry's condition to Edward until he proves himself an ally. At first Edward plans to mooch off of them for awhile, steal their money and disappear but once they figure out that Jekyll and Hyde are the same person they get him to agree to research Larry's condition and develop a cure derived from Hyde's serum.
Their continued investigation and search for Sherlock and a cure for Larry lead them to all kind of places and they start to assemble a group, picking up the Frankenstein creature and the Phantom of the Opera along their way.
It's eventually revealed that vampires, lead by Dracula have set up a society in England with the intention of taking over. Dracula is working for and with other villains from gothic literature like Dorian Gray, Carmilla, Imhotep the mummy, Dr Moreau, and Griffin the invisible man. Most of whom have sold or are in the process of selling their souls in Faustian contracts to Mephistopheles (Dorian's portrait physically is one). The crew's quest to find Sherlock and cure Larry turns into a bid to save the UK and possibly all of the world from team Dracula and Mephistopheles's machinations.
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bloofinntoona · 2 years
Sebastian werewolf x reader? This is something I can see happening because he always trying to find a cure for Anne and he just goes too far before realisation sinks, which results in a frantic Seb seeking MC help that he doesn’t have time to be wolfing out and with little knowledge of the subject they both just scrambling before MC has to take care of a panic Sebastian throughout the night
oh god sorry for the super late reply. i literally had the idea and story in my head for WEEKS before i finally got the chance to write it.
basically self-indulgent, werewolf!sebastian sallow x f!reader, angst, hurt/comfort
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"Lycanthropy was the state in which a werewolf found him or herself: that of turning into a fearsome and deadly near-wolf. Muggles were far less likely to be infected by lycanthropy than wizardkind, as the wounds had a higher fatality rate. To date, there was no cure for lycanthropy. Lycanthropy was a deeply feared and despised condition, as tragic tales were told that victims begged to be allowed to die rather than becoming werewolves."
Professor Hecat walked around the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, explaining the Lycanthropy illness, or what you had learned in the muggle world; werewolves. Drawings and photos of human-like wolves filled the chalkboard and walls. You couldn't deny that some of the pictures were terrifying, their teeth were significantly sharper than regular wolves, and you could imagine how painful it would be to get scratched by their long nails. You were too busy scribbling in your notebook to notice an agitated boy sitting next to you. A deep sigh escaped his lips, breaking you from your focus. You looked at Sebastian, his brows furrowed, fingers busy twiddling his quill, yet his paper was untouched.
"Not taking any notes, are we?" You teased.
Sebastian shrugged, flashing you a quick smile that transformed you into a blushing mess. Ever since you met Sebastian at your fifth year, you had already thought that the brunette was severely attractive and charming. At first, you assumed that he was like that with everyone, but you started to notice the lingering touches and gazes that both exclusively shared. It did leave you confused, but you were not the type to rush into a relationship anyways. You were happy enough to see Sebastian healed after the incident with Solomon and Anne - finding comfort to know that Anne was taken care of by their distant relative, and Sebastian stopped using the Dark Arts altogether.
His behavior in class worried you, but you decided to think nothing of it. Sebastian draped his arms around your shoulder, walking with you and Ominis to the library. You found your favorite table on the second floor, setting your papers and quill on the table. Professor Hecat assigned the class to finish a 4,000 words essay on Lycanthropy by next week, and you figured you'd start as soon as possible.
"Are werewolves common in the Wizarding World?" you broke the silence, stretching your arms as you leaned back on your chair.
"Not really," Ominis shook his head, "I've only heard stories from my family. But I have yet to see one in person."
Sebastian scoffed, "Nasty creatures. I would be content with my life not meeting one."
"Well, I wouldn't say they are terrible..."
"Says the person who thinks Thestrals are beautiful." Sebastian lightheartedly chuckled, "By the way, may I borrow the book once you are done with it? I plan on continuing my essay tonight."
You and Ominis shared a look, it was uncommon for Sebastian to not finish his assignment together with the group. You lent him the book anyways, bidding the two boys goodbye as you excused yourself for the night.
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After that particular DADA class, Sebastian was acting a bit differently than usual. You noticed him frequently tucked on the sofa, reading any Lycanthropy books that he could find in the library - including the restricted section. You teased him about it, earning a shrug or dry laughs from the Slytherin boy.
The evening breeze caressed your hair, and the cold sent chills down your spine. Yet your left hand was burning hot as Sebastian held it and shoved it in his pocket, making a comment about how you always forgot to bring your gloves. It was incredibly difficult to listen to what Professor Sharma was spewing about, maybe it was something along the lines of constellations but your head was filled with thoughts about Sebastian. It didn't help that the stars shone brightly that night, mimicking the freckles on Sebastian's face.
Unfortunately, you had to let him go when Professor Sharma assigned the class to draw the constellation seen from your personal telescope. You settled on a spot next to the pillar, setting your telescope to point at a bright area in the sky, finding a constellation to focus on.
"You might need to move the lenses a tad bit to the right." Amit, the brightest student in the class, approached you.
"Ah, right! Thank you, Amit." You did so, thankfully showing a clearer view of the stars so you could move on with the assignment. You thought Amit was a bit odd at first, but you eventually found him pleasant to talk to, especially since he was very knowledgeable.
"If I could add, that is what is known as Serpens Caput, due to its similarity as the shape of a snake-"
Before Amit could finish his sentence, you could feel a hand dragging your arms back. You were surprised to find Sebastian with his brows furrowed, if his gaze could kill, Amit would probably be on the ground already. "She can do it herself, thank you."
"Sebastian!" you lightly hit his arms. Your face was red, a mix of embarrassment and anger filled your body.
The full moon shone brightly that night, illuminating Sebastian's irritated face. He groaned, immediately retreating to the Astronomy tower.
"Merlin- I'm so sorry, Amit. Thank you again for helping me." You frantically followed Sebastian, leaving a confused Amit on the balcony.
Sebastian paced the empty classroom, biting his thumb, eyes still full of resentment and annoyance. "Sebastian?" you called out, "He was just helping me... I don't see the harm in that."
"Ugh, I can't believe you're so naive!" Sebastian walked towards you, he slammed his hand on the wall, trapping you in between, "It was so obvious that he was flirting with you! I saw how he was eyeing you throughout the year. I bet he would shove his hand under your skirt if he has the chance."
Your mouth hung in shock, "That was a terrible thing to say, Sebastian! and I am perfectly capable of defending myself."
"Really?" You swore you saw a glint of red on Sebastian's pupil before he leaned down to crash his lips against yours, forcing his tongue inside as your teeth clashed with his. "How come I was able to do that then?"
Your vision blurred when Sebastian pulled away, your trembling hands pushed him back. It was not supposed to be like this. You were waiting, mentally begging for this boy to kiss you after years of pining, but you didn't expect to have your first kiss taken forcefully. When you braved yourself to look up at Sebastian, you were taken aback to see his shocked expression. He took a couple steps back, voice trembling, "I am so, so sorry, Y/N... I'm not myself right now..."
You were about to chase after him again before feeling a stinging pain on your upper arm. You decided to take off your robes, and to your horror, you found small cuts at the area where Sebastian held you tightly earlier.
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You ended up going on a sneaky trip to the hospital wing, using a disillusionment charm to steal some bandages to cover your wounds - better to fix this on your own than having to explain yourself to the nurse. To be quite honest, the pain you felt in your chest hurt more than the scratches. You had seen Sebastian in his worst moments, but nothing had prepared you for what just happened.
"Y/N!" Just when you were about to head back to the dorm, Ominis ran towards you. His hair was disheveled, totally opposite of his usual proper style. Sweat trickling from his chin, you reckoned he had been running around for a while.
"I've been looking everywhere for you," he huffed, "I heard what happened in your Astrology class. I'm sorry."
You shook your head, "I don't know what happened, Ominis. For the first time in a while, I was scared of him... As if he was going to hurt me."
"Look, there's something I need to tell you," Ominis bit his lower lip, before lowering his voice, "Remember how I told you that Sebastian's parents were professors and they passed away after a research incident?"
You nodded, intently listening.
"You see, I remembered that Sebastian and Anne had briefly mentioned that their parents were keen on learning about Lycanthropy. My suspicion grew when Sebastian has been acting weird after Defense Against the Dark Arts class... So, I secretly sent an owl to Anne." Ominis took out a crumpled letter from his pocket, showing an envelope signed "A.S."
"In the letter, Anne confirmed my thoughts. Mrs. Sallow was a werewolf, and the condition was passed down only to Sebastian. Apparently, even Sebastian didn't know about this until his parents died while looking for a Lycanthrope cure..."
"... And remember the lesson? A person will experience their first transformation when they came of age and during the full moon." Ominis gestured to the window, which was showing a bright full moon.
"Bloody hell!" You cursed, panic surging through your body. Everything made sense now, the anger that you felt earlier now turned into worry and regret. You should have chased after Sebastian earlier, doubts filled your head, imagining if something bad happened to the boy you cared for the most.
"I'll try to find him around the castle. Do you know anywhere he might go?"
You nodded, "I think I might. I shall go straight away."
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"Sebastian?" your voice echoed through the dark hallways. He was not in the Undercroft, and you thought he couldn't go far enough outside of the school. The only other place that nobody knew except you, Sebastian, and Ominis was Salazar Slytherin Scriptorium. You managed to convince Ominis to stand guard outside, to make sure that no other students or teacher found out.
Your deduction was correct, a tattered and torn green Slytherin tie laid on the entrance floor. Ripped cloths from Sebastian's robe and shirt lead him to the Slytherin's room. After you heard a blood-curling scream, you ran past the Cruciatus Curse door and barged into the room.
Your eyes were met with red orbs, glowing in the midst of the dark room. Emerging from the shadow, Sebastian's body was about twice his normal height. Yet his shoulder was hunched, his skin was exchanged to dark-brown fur, and you could see faint light bouncing off his sharp teeth as he growled. His legs were shaped like canine's, ready to pounce you.
You couldn't help but tremble at the sight of the werewolf. You took out your wand and placed it down next to your feet, "I'm not going to hurt you, Sebastian."
As you were about to move, Sebastian darted and leaped towards you, trapping you underneath him. You instinctively held out your arms, using all your strength to hold his shoulder back. His snout was inches away from your face, snarling, ready to attack. "Sebastian!" you screamed, "It's me, Y/N!"
The werewolf hesitated for a bit, and you took the chance to grab your wand. "Depulso!" you casted, pushing Sebastian off you, slamming his body against the stone wall. Sebastian let out a whine, his body slumped down. You quickly ran close to him, cupping his face in your hands, "Sebastian, I'm here. I'm not going to leave you."
Your emotions overwhelmed you as tears started to stream, "Gods, Sebastian, I'm scared I'm going to lose you. Please, listen to me!"
As you were sobbing into his chest, you felt his figure start to move, shifting back to his human form, revealing the handsome face you so much adored. "Y/N?" Sebastian croaked, his weak hands found their way around your waist.
You leaned down to hug him, closing the gap between your bodies, "I thought I lost you..." you sniffled, "You should've told me."
"I'm scared you're going to run away from me if I told you that I'm a werewolf," Sebastian sighed, stroking your hair gently, "I was anxious because I came of age this year, and I had never experienced this before. I tried to control myself, but to be frank, seeing you earlier set me off and I couldn't remember what happened after."
You felt his chest heave, "I'm so sorry, Y/N, I'm sorry for hurting you." Sebastian looked away, but you could see tears dropping down from his eyes, "Look, I understand if you don't want to see me again-"
You pressed your lips against his forehead, down to his nose, and finally landed on his lips. "I love you too much to avoid you, Sebastian," you whispered, rubbing his tears away.
Blush crept on Sebastian freckled cheeks, his hazel eyes finally met yours. "I love you too, Y/N."
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nitrozem · 7 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
Thanks for the ask! Kinda wanna talk about Ajay (just general stuff not related to specific aus/canon) 🤔
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1.) He’s interested in learning more about moon phases and how it affects occults and other things. He wants to write a book but he has no idea where to start with that. He has ADHD so that doesn’t help either (relatable…)
2.) He has this werewolf toy ever since he was a pup and he still sleeps with it or chews it for comfort
3.) He was born a werewolf and has absolutely no plans of curing his lycanthropy because it’s just a big part of who he is, he’d be so damn lost if he became a human.
4.) He is the undefeated tug of war champion. seriously, no one can beat this dude at it!
5.) He’s a bit immature. He’s a sore loser and gets cranky and pouty about losing a game or something. He’ll pester people by doing the thing where he mimics them in a mocking tone and of course he likes to scare people because it’s “funny”
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kingofthewebxxx · 9 months
Continued from here!
Becoming a werewolf was not something he had exactly planned on yet after hunting down and brutally humiliating the werewolf responsible and then putting them out of their misery he decided he had to find a way to move forward besides, he had been complaining about how bored he had been as of late and with no known cure, not for this strain of lycanthropy anyway, he thought he may as well make the most of it and have some fun if he could call it fun, it was much more likely many would suffer because of his actions that followed that by a twisted thread of fate; weren’t entirely of his own making. The werewolf attack had been a random encounter, all of his guards had been killed except Sebastian and he was in a critical condition, his wounds were too severe to be able to tell if he too had been bitten. His loyal sniper had attacked the werewolf who had turned to Jim and bit him hard on the arm and then turned to gorge his heart out, it was brave and it was something even Jim respected.
Looking at Caspian he saw one of his only chances to turn things back in his favour, as they should be. Crouching to the ground he let tears of deep trauma cover his face as his eyes went red, using it to get what he needed. “I’m so sorry I was so horrible to you Caspian. It all hurts and I just wanted everyone to leave me alone, I know I have no excuse but will you let me make it up to you?” he asked looking up at him with supposing pleading eyes. Jim needed Caspian’s complete and utter cooperation, no half-measures. “It is the truth, I know you have no reason to believe me, I’ll show you,” he said as he turned away, pulling back his sleeve to show the miraculously mostly healed bite mark, the outlines of jagged teeth still an angry red. “It shouldn’t look like that I know, should look a lot nastier, I know what it means. All I’m asking is you give me a chance I can’t be sure if this is happening but I had some tests run on my blood and what came back well… let’s just say it wasn’t what you would expect” he said releasing a deep breath he had intentionally held for several seconds to give more effect, performance was everything.
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rayar32 · 10 months
Okay it's villain OC master post time-
So I have three main arcs planned out for the sisters for now, and each arc has its own big bad, starting with Agares, Milia's "caretaker" and just overall a piece of shit.
Agares is a member of the Neo Illuminati, operating in Europe; his goals lay in eternal unlife, as he is quite literally dying. To reach that goal, he is willing to do anything to anyone; He is selfish, uncaring and just a vile bastard really. His type of villain is the "knows he is evil and couldn't give less of a shit about it." In a way, he's an antithesis to Kallas' fatherly love, since he is technically Millia's "dad" and her only contact with a familiar figure until she escapes.
He's so unreadable the Petroniuses literally stop their quest for a cure for lycanthropy just so they can stop his plans and beat the shit out of him for abusing Milia.
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The second "big bad" is Rebeca's dad, Callum Byrne. Now, he isn't evil per se, he has morals and empathy after all, but Callum is very much willing to do anything to keep his daughter safe.
He's the one that approved the surgery to implant Six into Rebeca, though he was unaware of Six's true nature as a test subject. He works for the Neo Illuminati for a time, and orders the capture of Luiza and Helena's Gears, but eventually steps down from the organization and actively tries to make up for his mistakes.
Six never forgives him for what he made them go through though, of which Callum can do nothing but understand and accept.
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And now the one that I'm very clearly obsessed with at the moment, Lupa
Lupa is a battle hungry, pretty much insane dire werewolf. She wants the Skull of the Beast of Gévaudan to turn every single human into a werewolf so that she can satisfy her lust for combat, directly contrasting the sisters who want it to control/cure their lycanthropy. The sisters catch her attention whenever they first meet, where she beats them into a pulp and forces Helena to go wolf form to save Luiza.
From then on, she stalks them throughout their journey and constantly goads them into giving into their curse.
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So yeah, villains am I right?
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carnivorousvoid · 2 years
No worries!! I get that:) calling 45 year old men babygirl is very important ngl 😌 do you have any pearl thoughts..? She's my bias 😅
-🍂 (<- is that ok?)
Omg a pile of leaves, in my ask box?
Hmm, pearl...I'm not sure what has and hasn't been talked about in regards to her? She's a werewolf, unlike Ren who was born with lycanthropy, she was turned by being bit. Eheheh big white wolf pretty
She lives with the rest of boatem in this old forgotten church out in the wilds but of course it wasn't always like that, she was human once upon a time.
The collection of her boys was slow and accidental. Grian came first (the most troublesome of the bunch) with some convoluted plan to see if the big scary wolf he'd heard about would try to eat him (spoiler: she did not). Scar followed soon after when she tried finding a cure for her afflictions, magic being the obvious first solution. Impulse came a while later, entirely accidentally, stumbling straight into what he thought was an abandoned building to save his own hide...and he waltzed himself right into the wolf's den...Mumbo was accidental, brought about by Grian, and she didn't trust him in the slightest. A fledgling vampire? They can't control themselves, and they had a human around, it couldn't end well in her eyes.
Pearl never meant for any of them to stay, or to sneak into her affections, but enough time really softened her heart. Mistrust of the unknown is natural. She couldn't help slowly growing fond of them all, and she certainly couldn't help the protective nature that came with it. They're "her boys" for a reason after all.
Mumbo was terrified of the woman with the big teeth and sharp claws but more often than not nowadays you'll find him making up any excuse to cuddle up to her when she shifts. It doesn't take a lot of convincing on his end though, wolf pearl is an absolute cuddlebug. She'd be a lapdog if she wasn't absolutely huge, and sometimes that fact does not stop her.
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thedegu · 1 year
current TTRPG blorbo lineup:
Madea: no1 blorbo. (she/they/depends on what face she's wearing)A fiendish changling who was raised in a church (did not go well) has a totally normal relationship with the girl she was raised with and has very good coping mechanisms (this is sarcasm). Has so much fire magic and really can only cast fire magic. her highest stat is her charisma, which is 16, and her lowest is strength at 8. girl failure is doomed by the narrative and is just falling apart at the seams. the party thinks she's doing so much better than she actually is doing. Killed her shitty dad at least
Ale: aka Omolale a mausraman (human subrace homebrew) binder (dnd 3.5 class) (they/he/she/it). They're the old gods specialist little guy, but they really do not like being chosen for four different warring factions. They were put on this planet for a good time, not a long time, and are just baffled why so many people hold them up and say, "This is the dude (gender neutral) I want". Recently found out that they aren't even from the current universe they reside within and are just so in over their head when they want to just hang and get high and maybe smack some monsters for cash, but the multiverse seems to have other plans for them. Also, their name is a slur in their mother tongue, which is why they usually just go by Ale, they just think being called an alcoholic beverage is very funny: Ale's highest stat is strength at 20-24 (depending on what buffs they have active) and their lowest score is dex at 8. ale is a charisma caster.
Rossien: (he/him) an elf beaskin wizard from the ficcoria (basically the fairy country) who came from a lower-noble family and was blessed to be a beaskin, he looks like a large slender owl with humanoid proportions, and while his whole large family had a propensity for the magic he found his way to the wizarding arts. after an unknown force attacked his family so he found himself out on his own he tried to settle down and start over but failed to do so ending up divorced and back on the road for a few years. he is trying once again to get his life back in order by getting his education and ability to vote where he currently lives but due to ending up in an adventuring party it's not looking good on that front.
Ida: (she/her) a now retired adventurer (ie has turned into an NPC) human bloodhunter order of the lycan. the TL:DR for ida is she got bit by a werewolf that attacked her home. She went out for milk (a cure to her lycanthropy) for a decade. Decided that she had enough control over her power to go back home and is not back to being a lesbian housewife <3 also, she adopted like a half-dozen kids along the way (her adventuring party). she has a loving wife, a biological son whom she has a strained relationship with (see leaving for a decade), and an adopted tiefling son who she found on the side of the road and took home like a mangy dog.
Tyblin: the newest blorbo and is yet to be 100% fleshed out due to the game starting at level 1, and not yet even going. Tyblin Stonecutter (she/her) is a ranger drakewarden goblin. Due to a bout of Encephalitis when she was a wee bab she has nerve damage in her legs and lower spine, causing great difficulty and pain when she walks. her mom is excellent and made sure Tyblin did not die during this time and is trying her hardest as a single mom. Tyblin's father is a mystery Mamma Mia esc situation where Tyblin's mom was an adventurer for a brief time and had many relations with many strapping young men and women, so even she's unsure who Tyblin's other parent may have been. Anyway, Tyblin is going to get a weird dog who does not leave her alone, and also that dog is a nuclear warhead and one of the queen's swans. once she's settled into being an adventure she's going to love it but until that moment clicks she's so in over her head
Joan: (she/her) Technically an NPC, Joan is one of my favorites to run. she's 18, she's 50, she's a spoiled brat, she's seen the horrors of war, she's an atheist who works directly for a goddess, she hates adventurers, her brother was an adventurer, she's dead, her best friend is a dog, she kills undead for her job, and she's even asexual. every time she shows up and introduces herself as Graywinter the party and players are like, "holly shit your last name is GRAYWINTER like the BBEG?!" and every time, she's just like "This is why I hate adventurers
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xxxlovedandlostxxx · 2 years
@lostxndbroken - continued from - ( + )
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Remus was far far too sharp for his own good. Anthony cursed himself for letting his poker face slip. He'd once prided himself on being an enigma- apart- an island onto himself, needing no one and nothing. But now Remus could surmise his careening thoughts with one look. It was like Remus could see him stealing away in the dead of night, hunting the werewolf down and employing every painful spell imaginable to draw out the monster's suffering. He imagined presenting the head to him afterwards. It could be mounted in the Gryffindor Common Room, where students could pluck the hairs off it's head, write silly jokes on Fenrir's cheeks, cut out his tongue to use it for pranks. The only thing more surprising than the level of hate Anthony felt to this werewolf was how easy it was to imagining himself turning to the farthest extremes of violence to kill it. He had to stop that... Keep those thoughts under wraps- at least around Remus. Better that way. It would give him time to formulate plans- come up with contingencies on top of contingencies. Vengeance must be tempered with logic. "I'm not thinking anything crazy- have you ever known me to be?" he asked innocently, and assumed a calm demeanor and scooted the stool closer to Remus's bedside before taking his hand in a firm grip. "Don't think about all that... For now its just one day at a time, right?" His smile was soft, but weak. If he was honest, the future looked bleak for Remus... There wasn't a cure- only weak treatments at best. The government gave no assistance to patients afflicted with lycanthropy, and certainly didn't devote resources to looking for a cure. Werewolves were unhireable after school ended, and the government also didn't offer financial support for any 'unhireables'.... That couldn't be Remus's fate. He wouldn't allow it. He'd find a cure. He'd kill Fenrir. Failing that, he'd always be by Remus's side. All thoughts became grandiose with passion. But all that had to be hidden, so Anthony's expression was calm- almost drowsy until a grin brightened it. "Hey, I don't know if you have this here, but in the states we play a game called 'hangman' when we're bored. Wanna try it?"
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littleliongirl16 · 11 months
I may regret this, but I drew some art of my werefox oc Kit Haley and vampire oc Feilx Sorrentini with lyrics from Non Stop from Hamilton. I need them to be seen.
I was originally planning to just draw their normal modern day selves with the lyrics since they really fit their cannon story, but was swayed by ooooo hamilton costumes are so pretty and oh my goodness they would both look great in so many of them and- yeah I drew them in revolutionary era clothes because I can
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^ Feilx Sorrentini in the role of Aaron Burr, yelling at his frenemy Kit.
Feilx is anxious, cautious, and tends to get angry with his friends for the unnecessary risks they take. He often winds up in a "well if I can't stop you I guess I have to join you and hopefully help you not get killed" position in their plans. In terms of his similarities with the Hamilton portrayal of Burr, he's often indecisive and hesitant in the same way, and Room Where It Happens lines up well with his frustration about both his friend group and family leaving him out of their important decisions, and sometimes withholding information from him.
Kit is an ambitious, decisive to a fault person who always knows what she wants and what she's willing to risk or sacrifice for that. This is true when she's a young werefox who will pour in any level of effort to get better at shapeshifting and be a fox more of the time. This is true when she's a heartbroken teenager with nothing to lose who decides to risk her life and future to break her girlfriend out of magic prison. This is true when she's out for brutal revenge against the man who "cured" her lycanthropy and stole her fox form.
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^Kit Haley in the role of Alexander Hamilton
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^ Exchange I will keep drawing but this is the beginning of it
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farshores · 1 year
3, 7, 11, 15 and 18 for the Perdes twins?
My kids! Otero and Mei are gonna be highlighted via the respective colors you just saw on their names btw - going undercut because it gets a lil long! sorry for any weird wording/misspelling as well, it's late lol
What are their religious affiliations, and how does their worship (or lack thereof) affect their day-to-day life?
Otero's main god/deity/etc is Stendarr. He acknowledges the pantheons his 3 parents were raised on (Imperial & Yokudan), but Stendarr specifically is his patron god. Had a bit of a religious crisis during the events of VIGILANT, but came back to it more faithful - just in a less....Vigilant of Stendarr way
Mei isn't particularly religious? Whenever you hear her mutter a prayer or curse, it can be one regarding the Imperial, Yokudan, or Aldmeri pantheons, a daedric prince, or something Hist-related she picked up during her time at Black Marsh. She just kinda acknowledges them all - save for Talos. She has no issue saying he isn't a god. If she had to pick any all-powerful being she would acknowledge more often, it would probably be Sheo. Mostly because she keeps running into shenanigans related to him.
Do they regret journeying to Skyrim? Or, if they were born in Skyrim, do they wish they could leave?
Both were born in Skyrim!
Otero does end up going to Cyrodiil at the age of 13 - mainly to try and cure his lycanthropy (changing up the story between him and Tei a bit lol - Tei was, begrudgingly, supportive of this move). But events such as joining up with the Vigilants brought him back to Skyrim! Despite everything that happened - he'd rather stay until duty calls him away from his homeland.
Mei on the other hand, while she adored her family, was eager to leave. Partially due to just feeling disconnected from her heritage(s). Moving to Winterhold was a test for herself on how'd she do with long distance; later she began hopping between Summerset, Hammerfell, and Black Marsh in her adult years - trying to learn what she can in hopes to form some sort of connection.
If they are a magic user, what is their favorite school of magic? Do they have a natural talent for magic, or does it require diligence and study?
Mei is super obsessed with Conjuration - maybe worryingly so to those wary of necromancy. But she's not planning to be the next King of Worms! Promise! She just likes to - respectfully - study the way bodies work and function and often works with (volunteered, if she can ensure it) cadavers to make notes on; any reanimation is purely for science and/or seeing how it can function in a medical setting!
Magic came naturally to her, a jack of all trades of sorts, with the conjuration school being easier for her to channel through! She still studies where she can in regards to Restoration, Illusion, and Alteration though!
Otero prefers Restoration, though it's used more offensively due to his training as both a Vigilant and a member of the Dawnguard. Magic, however, did not come naturally to him! What he learned during his time as a vigilant took a lot of near-death experiences/questionable sparring matches - but now he has a pretty solid arsenal of Restoration spells! From healing others to using the power of the sun to burn up undead. Wouldn't want to go through that "training" again though.
How do they feel about consorting with daedra? Do they collect their artifacts? Are there some they would never interact with vs. some they would consider calling upon?
Mei doesn't actively seek them out but doesn't really go out of her way to stop folks who do either. Like I said earlier, she tends to have unexpected run-ins with Sheo. Nothing really amounts from it though. Mei has the following: the Wabbajack (found the hip bone by accident), Mehrunes' Razor (looted it off a bandits corpse), and Sanguine's Rose (she and Courron got shitfaced during finals at Winterhold. Neither of them would hear the end of it from their parent(s) ). All from showing up at the right place at the right time....or wrong time, wrong place - depending on how you look at it.
Otero used to be against it 100% but has been unlearning a lot of negative bias drilled into him by the VoS. He still doesn't actively seek them out - but understands that these princes are important to others. Unless it's Bal, you follow that guy & this Argonian/Akaviri mix is going to smite you on the spot.
He really only owns the Dawnbreaker - which he stole from one of Meridia's followers during a clash between them and the Vigilants. Used to have Molag Bal's mace, but it was only to transport it to one of the safehouses in Skyrim where VoS' dispose of or permanently lock up daedric artifacts.
What is their stance on taking a life? Do they kill without a second thought, in the name of a god or daedra, or do they adhere to pacifism?
Both are Tei's kids in which they do not give a second thought or a blink of an eye. Having a parent who is a leader of a group of assassins will do that to ya. Mei will definitely attempt pacifism at first but isn't really beat up about killing, mainly because for her it always comes down to self-defense. Otero on the other hand is completely desensitized due to, again, his training as a Vigilant. Some of the kills he did he felt some regret for, but still, he won't think twice if the situation doesn't call for it.
I guess the difference between these two is that Mei has more respect for life but knows when it has to end. Otero sees it as something that may have to be taken, sometimes often, for the sake of peace.
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generic-cleric · 2 years
Session 53
Session Doc
There be Curse of Strahd spoilers here... probably
On The Road Again
When we begin the session, we immediately go into more discussion about the deities and I/Arabelle offer them some information to give the party an idea of what we are working with.
The Lady of the Forest, also known as The Seeker, was commonly associated with things like Divination, past, future, fate, flowers, vegetation, wildlife, life cycle. Out of character I gave the examples of the Three fates and Persephone so my players could understand the vibes I was aiming for. Her symbols include antlers, ravens / raven wings, wreaths of flowers. Her domains would have been Nature, Life.
The Lady of the Swamp, also known as The Weaver, commonly was associated with Connection to The Weave, Magic, Water in all its forms, dreams, nightmares. The examples I gave were Hecate, Mystra, and Eldath. Her symbols were usually spiders, snakes, boar tusks, reeds. Her domains were Knowledge and Trickery.
The Lady of the Mountain was also known as The Huntress. Her usual associations were death, Afterlife, precious stones, ores, and metals, lightning and thunder. I described her as having big Pluto vibes. Her symbols were a wolf head with ram horns, ram horns alone, and gemstones. Her domains would have been Death and Tempest. She also gets a little extra bit of lore: She is a grim reaper-like character, or rather a grim hunter. With a pack of wolves at her heels she hunts for those whose time has come to an end, never missing with her spear.
They go back to their home for the rest of the day to discuss this heap of information. They also spitball ideas as to who might make good champions. Vondal thinks Jander and Ireena, Bedlam thinks Victor and Stella.
Sergei says that he thinks Okrin and Jander would make good guardians while Ireena would make a good priestess. He knows that Okrin and Jander have zealous faith for their deities and sees that as an ideal quality. He also feels that they would be fully capable of preserving the longevity of the shrines. He also feels like the position of priestess is not unlike the position she would have had in the Church of Saint Alexei, had she stayed there. He’s also hoping, maybe a little selfishly, that some divine protection would aid her in the fight against Strahd.
For the first time, the spirit of the previous owner of Okrin’s cursed spear speaks to him from the weapon. Kavan also pushes for Okrin to take one of the positions of guardian. If he were not worthy to, he would not have been granted the benefits of the spear. 
Okrin seems flattered but mentions he wasn’t really planning on sticking around after all this was over and done with. Jander says it sounds like a dream but he doesn’t know if he’d be accepted by followers of the Ladies since he’s a vampire. This is where Kavan chimes in and tells Okrin that Jander needs to stop whining, when Kavan was alive he was known as the Living Vampire because he drank blood. Jander is still skeptical and says times have changed a great deal. “Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it, shall we?”
They suspect that if Ireena takes the priestess position, she can still get her lycanthropy cured that way. “Does she even want her lycanthropy cured?” Bedlam’s player thinks to ask. I tell them that I and she don’t really know. She doesn’t like the pain of transforming, but she likes the power and freedom that come with her forms. I think the thought of trying to tame her lycanthropic nature has crossed her mind.
Ireena and Vondal take their wolfsbane tinctures and everyone turns in for the night. Except, they find out Ilya is a born werewolf. They are able to safely lock him in the wine cellar, though one of their couches is destroyed in the process. In the morning they find out from him that his lycanthropic nature just started showing itself not too long ago, some nights he can control it better than others, but he’s still learning. He tells them normally the Krezkov children get restrained in the cellar of the house. One of the nights Ilya wanted to prove himself and snuck out of the basement and ended up getting snagged by the werewolf pack. 
Ilya doesn’t know that his twin Peitra was killed in the werewolf raid that night, nor does he know Peitra was brought back by the Abbess.
Around 10 am, the party leaves Vallaki for Krezk on a mission to deliver Ilya to his family. They decided to bring Ireena, Jander, and Lancelot with them this time.
They Let Ireena drive the cart this time with Jander sitting up front with her. Vondal, Bedlam, Ilya, and Lancelot hang out inside the cabin while Veledrel and Okrin sit on the roof of the wagon.
Okrin notices a foot trail branching from the main road. They pull over to investigate and find a spike pit without falling into it. At the bottom of it lie spikes and several skeletons, animal and human. Veledrel shoots some fire bolts into the pit to destroy the spikes and hopefully save someone in the future. On the way back to the wagon they muse and wonder who’s trap that might be.
They reach a point where the road branches off in several directions and resting near the signpost is a wagon and a family tending to the horses. After talking to them the party found out they are leaving Zeidenburg because a man’s head spontaneously exploded and they were afraid to live there after that. The party quietly suspected Lyssa as they boarded their own wagon again and headed on their way.
After a while of travel, the sound of a herd of goats comes from the woods. Bedlam is curious and has the wagon stopped and goes to investigate with Okrin, Veledrel says “let me know if you need anything burned!” and stays with the wagon and everyone else. In the woods, they find basically a gibbering mouther but made out of goats. Bedlam quickly calls for the rest of the party, and Vel because this definitely needs to be burned. They all fight the horrible creature and kill it after a few rounds and move on down the road.
They have a few encounters they avoid by helping Ireena make the animal handling checks to maneuver past them.
At one point the fog thickens and they see bodies hanging from the trees, all of them the same classes as the players. They are thoroughly creeped out by this but they carry on.
It starts getting dark and they decide to pull over and spend a night in the Tower on the Lake. It's like a second home at this point. They deal with their lycanthropic companions accordingly and have a decent night together.
They waste no time in the morning getting back on the road to Krezk. Jander takes some time to sleep in the wagon.
One of the notable interactions they had was at the next crossroads. They could see someone wearing a long red cloak followed by a carriage coming from Tsolenka Pass. They hear a familiar laugh and debate whether or not they should engage with Anastrasya, but they ultimately decide to see what’s up.
She rides up on an undead warhorse and heckles them. Bedlam inquires as to what brings her to these parts and she explains that she was in Ziedenburg inducting Bugomistress Wachter and she’s also now tasked with bringing this gift back to Castle Ravenloft. As it turns out, the gift is a young girl, and she’s part of a monthly tithe to Count Strahd.
Bedlam heckles her about Strahd running an orphanage with Gertruda being there too. Anastraya says they’ll probably just toss this new girl in the woods and let Volenta hunt her for sport, “at least that would be entertaining!” she laughs. She also mentions to them that Ludmilla fed some lady to her pet Hugo- some little pet the abbott was working on? Tore her to pieces like she was nothing. 
Rahadin, on his own undead warhorse from behind the carriage, clears his throat, signaling to Anastrasya to get moving. Bedlam goes to pet her warhorse and casts dispel magic, causing her to fall to the ground. He laughs and she snarls, picking herself up. She swings at him with her claw attack, landing one and dealing 11 damage. She also shoves him prone and laughs at him. He picks himself up, his chest bleeding and his shirt ripped, he climbs up on the wagon and says “Okay guys enough messing around, let’s go” and they get moving. Anastrasya looks back at Bedlam and casts Message, saying “Tell me where I can find you tonight,”
To which he replies, “Meet me outside Krezk after nightfall, if you can sneak away that long." Once Bedlam was certain he was out of her sight, he let Veledrel heal him.
After driving on the road for a while, they notice the flickering of a campfire and the sound of a kerfuffle. The party pulls over to investigate and all roll amazing stealth. They approach the scene to find three beastfolk from the Abbey. After listening to them for a minute, they gather that the beastfolk have left the Abbey and are struggling to survive on their own in the woods. They were currently arguing over starting a campfire. The party didn’t really feel comfortable revealing themselves, so Veledrel ended up firebolting the fire into existence timed with the beastfolk striking the flint. They let the folk celebrate amongst themselves as they snuck back to the wagon and went along their merry way.
They rattle down the road for a bit longer and can see the Krezk junction just up ahead. We thought that was a perfect place to end the session for the day!
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dross-the-fish · 1 year
So, you mentioned Hyde is a chemist, does he have any other interests?
As far as scientific interests go Jekyll is a doctor and he does have an interest in the advancement of medicine, especially in the field of pathology. That's partly why he does agree to begin developing cures for Lycanthropy and Vampirism. Because they are fundamentally diseases, even if they have supernatural components, and he is going to fucking de-mystify them because he has to, he is compelled to find out what makes them tick and he fully plans to write and publish his findings. He does it both out of love for his craft, insatiable curiosity and a desire for fame and acclaim in the medical world.
He also has some interest in mycology but generally leaves that to his associate Alice. There's some overlap between their fields and Hyde is at his most "normal" when he's talking to Alice about new strains of fungus and the medicinal or hallucinogenic properties of different spore samples.
I interpreted Jekyll as being very passionate about scientific pursuits and gave Hyde a love of discovery and experimentation. He is truly a scientist at heart and he lives for new breakthroughs and the pursuit of knowledge and my interpretation is an expert in his field. His biggest draw back is that he's reckless and impatient. His impulsivity also leads him to taking risks that Jekyll normally would not have which can have disastrous results. He also doesn't have any real scruples about ethics, he's down to vivisect an actual human being if he thinks he can get away with it.
I think this got away from me a little, sorry about the ramble :X
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