#and here we have yuki totally in character haha
shunin-gumis · 1 month
Designs of Happiness - Track A10
L4mps Main Story Translation
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Title: Interstellar Marriage
Characters: Muneuji, Ushio, Nagi, Netaro, Akuta
Summary: The party is in full swing after the toast. Netaro finally arrives and hands out some colorful buns, however… 
Thank you jes @arcanecrayonn and Sou @/716chr for helping me tackle Chihiro's lines! Thank you Jelly @/jellyfish_apple and Aurora @/azurecrystalz for checking over my Akuta and Kuguri lines too!
Behemoth of a chapter, hope you guys enjoy!
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Location: HAMA House - Dining room
Momiji: (I’m worried about Kafka, he’s been sharing a drink with the ward mayors one after the other… There's a lot of alcohol in his system now. I remember he could barely hold his liquor when we celebrated his 20th birthday…)
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Kafka: *yawn* There you are Chief~ Carry me~
Momiji: Huh!? I take my eyes off of you for a second and you’ve already gotten yourself this drunk? 
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Yukikaze: He must have been very excited to see the company finally coming together. Shall I carry him instead?
Momiji: Ah… Thank you, but I should probably get Sakujiro-san to handle him. 
Momiji: (What happened in Kobe couldn’t be helped, but he’d probably sulk if he found out Yuki-nii carried him again.)
Yukikaze: Oh, but I just saw him leaving with Liguang, Kinari and Yodaka to play mahjong.
Momiji: Really, mahjong now?
Kafka: I don’t wanna~ I’m not sleeping till Netaro gets here! We’re gonna take over the world together~
Momiji: (After interviewing Netaro on Daniel’s recommendation, the two of them really hit it off.)
Momiji: (It’s nice to find a colleague you can get along with on a personal level huh, Kafka?)
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Chihiro: Aww, Chii was thinkin’ of snappin’ some cute selfies with Chiefy, but looks like she’s totally busy with Prez right now~ Oh well, maybe later then.
Tao: Yeah. …? Wait, do you hear that?
Chihiro: Huh?
??: ….meat buns~ get high on our meat buns~ made fresh everyday~
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Netaro: So delicious they’d drive you mad! Would you like to dig into one?
Laika: Bun! 
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Chihiro: OH-EM-GEE!! These buns are, like, super duper dazzably adorbs☆ And your robopet is SO slaying that gyaru fit! Chii’s totally obsessed~♪
Tao: Oh, are you Yowa-san, from the meat bun cafe? They did say you’d be coming in late.
Netaro: Indeed, you are correct! I am Netaro Yowa, soon-to-be 18th ward mayor! I was a teensy bit delayed as I was specially preparing these new flavored meat buns, exclusively for this party! 
Chihiro: Chii’s name’s Chihiro! And this is Taotao! These mystery buns look mega delish and poppin‘~♪
Netaro: These ones over here are the “Peculiar Interstellar Marriage☆Natto-Curry Meat Buns,” and on this side are the “Bon Voyage of Laughter☆Cheesy-Shroom Meat Buns!”
Laika: Nattou~♪ Nanana~ Pipipi~
Chihiro:No way! Burstin’ into song like that, seriously, that’s just shooo freakin’ KYUTE ☆ Taro-ppu, can Chii like, snap some selfies with you two? Lemme post them on dazzle too, pretty pleaaase~
Netaro: Why of course, Chii~!
Tao: Crazy how they’re already on a nickname-basis… 
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Chihiro: Hey cutie, d’you have fingers~? C’mon, make a heart-sign with Chii~
Tao: Don’t mind me enjoying one of these buns while you have your photoshoot. Let’s see… I think I’ll go with the cheesy mushroom bun.
Chihiro: Then Chii’s gonna go with this totes rad lookin’ natto curry bun~ Nom-nom time~♪
Tao and Chihiro: *munch*
Netaro and Laika: ….. 
Tao: Mmm…mph? Pft— Haha, hahahahahaha!! W-what’s going on, I can't stop laughing!
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Chihiro: Huh!? Taotao…!?
Tao: Hahahahaahahha—! 
Chihiro: Waitwaitwait! Chii’s, like, got zero idea what’s goin’ on rn, but isn’t a Taotao mega ultra LOL moment like this is equivalent to rollin’ a SSR!? Gotta record this ASAP!!
Tao: Oh man– My stomach hurts…! 
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Laika: Nattou, Giovanni, piroppu~
Chihiro: Gosh, he’s sooo cute, rollin’ on the floor like that ☆ Ugh, my maternal instincts are just overflowing right now! What is this feeling!? I’ve never felt this way before! I literally can’t stop snappin’ pics~♪
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Toi: I-It’s Chii-sama…! I’m walking on the same ground as Chii-sama… Breathing in the same air…! 
Toi: Ahh… I need to express my gratitude for this miracle with a prayer! Thank you for letting me be born in the same generation as my favorite idol! 
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Mashiro: Chii-sama is, without a doubt, one of the highest lifeforms to grace this planet! 
Sonia: Oh wow~ So Chii-shama is one of the ‘chosen ones’? I shee, I shee! 
Chouun: …I believe that all life is equal, but I shall refrain from commenting further. 
Momiji: Oh, Netaro-kun is finally here. Kafka’s already asleep though. 
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Kuguri: Enjoying yourself, cica*?
Ten: We came over ‘cuz we didn’t get to toast together yet. Cheers to finding all the members~
Momiji: Thank you, both of you. Cheers! 
Momiji: (It’s inevitable that new bonds would be formed as more people moved into the dorms but… I have to say, Ten-kun and Kuguri-san are an odd pair, I wonder when they got so friendly with each other?)
Ten: Oh yeah, I saw Shuumai barking his head off when that meat bun guy showed up earlier.
Kuguri: Fufu, perhaps it's some wild instinct at play… Are you sure you should be letting something like that in here?
Momiji: Like ‘that’… Are you talking about Netaro-kun? Sure, he’s a little odd but, I don’t really think he’s dangerous. 
Momiji: (According to Toi-kun’s reading, Netaro-kun is someone we need to lead us to his brother. I made a promise to help him, and I plan to see it through.) 
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Akuta: Mph, everythin’ looks SO super tasty I can’t stop stuffing myself!
Akuta: I’m gonna eat a lifetime’s wortha food here and now! Nobody get in my way, got it!? 
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Ushio: Ugh, how many “seconds” is that already? I can barely stomach watching you let yourself go. 
Kiroku: But… Kurama… that’s your third plate… of yakisoba… too… 
Ushio: So? That has nothing to do with what I just said.
Kiroku: There’s… no need to… feel ashamed… It’s delicious… after all…. 
Ushio: Who said I was embarrassed? 
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Muneuji: Hm… I’m still famished. I should go get seconds as well. 
Nanaki: I’m coming with you, I need more of this pizza— Hm?
Tao: Phew, it’s finally stopped… I laughed so hard I really thought I’d need stitches… 
Chihiro: Wha-wha-whaaa? Why’re there like, a gazillion pics of Tao in my gallery? Weeeird, it’s like I got some kinda motherly instinct takin’ over me….
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Netaro: Ahaha! I may have added just a teensy bit of a secret ingredient~ Right? Laika~
Laika: Shwatch*.
Nanaki: Huh, that’s…!? 
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Netaro: “Euclidean Deconstruction - Instant Undressing Pen.” A lovely invention, if I do say so myself~
Netaro: You see, human clothing can be so… ugh. They’re too restrictive! 
Kiroku: …Where did… he…come from…?
Nanaki: No, before that, who the heck is he? How’d he get all the way here? The door’s behind us… 
Akuta: Hold up, where’s the egg?
~~~(end flashback)
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Nanaki: Ah…! 
Muneuji: What’s wrong? You’re shaking like a leaf.
Nanaki: I-It’s that guy from before…!
Muneuji: ?
Muneuji: —...!
Akuta: Aw yeah, I can feel the calories already!
Muneuji: Everyone, I need your attention.
Kiroku: ?
Muneuji: The strange individual we encountered on top of the school roof after our HosLive, is here right now. The intelligence operative who took the egg with him.
Ushio: Wha!? No way… 
Nanaki: No matter which way you look at him, it’s the same guy. Can’t forget someone who looks like… that. 
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Akuta: …F’real? Don’t remember the dude. 
Ushio: Yeah, didn’t expect much from someone with your brain cells, Idiotake. But… Why's he here? It doesn’t make sense. 
Ushio: Is he the 18th ward mayor? The one they said would come in late. 
Muneuji: Most likely. He must be Netaro Yowa-san. 
Nanaki: What was it again… He was from a secret operation called… Ponzu or something—
Akuta: Yorozu!
Ushio: So you remember that. 
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Kiroku: The… egg is… with him…!
Ushio: What?
Kiroku: Over… there… 
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Laika: Pipipi. Jijiji. Bween.
Nanaki: That’s… not the egg, right? Looks like a regular pet robot to me. 
Ushio: I agree with Panda. 
Kiroku: No… That’s… definitely… 
Muneuji: You were indeed the one who had the strongest bond with the egg. I believe in Kinugawa’s intuition.
Nanaki: Putting the egg aside, you think it’s okay for us to be near that guy?
Ushio: Who knows… He seems dangerous. We should probably keep our distance from him, unless you want to get caught up in explosions or have your clothes stripped off or something… 
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Akuta: Hey so, did we meet on the school roof back in summer?
Netaro: Hm?
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Ushio: What is he— Why the hell would he just march up to the guy and ask him that!?
Akuta: Well y’see, my friends over there think we’ve met before so—
Akuta: Right, guys!?
Ushio: Pretend you don’t know him… 
Nanaki: …Wait, Muneuji!?
Muneuji: Pardon me. I am the 8th ward mayor, Muneuji Kaguya. Would you perchance remember me?
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Netaro: Uji, your eyes are most beautiful indeed. I can’t help but feel I’ve seen them somewhere long ago— 
Muneuji: ….. 
Netaro: But, I cannot pinpoint the memory. How about we hold our greetings now instead?
Muneuji: ….. 
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Akuta: In that case, heyo, nice to meetcha! Je m’appelle Akuta, superhero at your service! 
Ushio: Muu-chan, let’s go! You, too! 
Muneuji: …I understand now. It’s because he is a member of the Yorozu.
Muneuji: Precisely because they are intelligence operatives, they blend in with society by pretending to be civilians. He must not be able to reveal his identity as he did on the roof.
Ushio: Muu-chan, what are you mumbling about?
Nanaki: So, he’s saying that he doesn’t remember us, right?
Muneuji: Indeed. If that is how he wishes to spin this tale, then we must act accordingly. We should not hinder his mission. 
Kiroku: ….. 
Ushio: Right, let’s leave it at that.
Nanaki: Hmm… Well, okay, I guess. 
Akuta: ‘Kay~ Then I don’t care either~ Let’s get back to digging into some good grub! 
Muneuji: …..
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Nagi: *deep sigh*
Sonia: Are you ok, Nagi-shan? 
Nagi: Yeah… 
Sonia: I guess you’re shtill worried… 
Nagi: Yeah. At this rate… something bad is bound to happen. 
Nagi: It might be better to just go back to the shop and hand out flowers… 
Sonia: But… It’s really cold outside at this time of night… 
Nagi: It’s better that way. 
Sonia: ….. 
Nagi: Yeah. This is for the best… Let’s go back. 
Sonia: Nagi-sha–
Momiji: Oh, Nagi-kun, what are you doing all the way here?
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Nagi: …urk. Um, I… 
Sonia: Y-You shee, we got a last-minute order just now…!
Nagi: That’s right. It was very sudden.
Sonia: Y-Yesh, even though we closed the store temporarily just to come to the party, geez!
Momiji: I see… got it. We’re bringing out the cake, so come back soon! 
Nagi: O-Okay, thank you. Then… 
Momiji: Take care! 
Nagi: Urk…!
If player character is female: Momiji: Huh, w-why are you suddenly clutching at your chest!?
If player character is male: Kaede: Why’re you suddenly clutching at your chest!?
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Nagi: It’s nothing, um… I’ll be off, then…! 
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Sonia: Are you okay!? Nagi-shan! 
Nagi: I’m okay… for now.
Nagi: But, my happiness is overflowing… This is real bad. I need to balance it… 
Nagi: …Let’s go, Sonia. Handing out flowers in the freezing cold should help water down this feeling. 
Sonia: Okay! 
A very minor difference between Kaede and Momiji's response to Nagi, being that Momiji is more prone to stuttering when surprised, but I thought it would be good to point out for anyone interested.
Swatch is an exclamation that Ultraman uses.
Cica is how Kuguri refers to the Chief. It means kitten.
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ninjagirlstar5 · 6 months
Dude did you know/read -2+2 before i started interacting with your posts here or did you heard of it from seing me ramble about it? Also PLEASE get your work done first! This chapter is enormous and i wouldn't want it to ruin someone's schedule.
Also I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, not necessarily just the trial it could be of the story in general, if you feel like rambling that is ^^'
Don't worry, I spent my entire morning finishing my textbook chapter and completing a video question that I could finish in like, five minutes tops. I even shut off Discord to focus. It took four hours of my day to complete cause that's college for ya, haha. :']
Yeah, I read -2+2 before we ever interacted on Tumblr! Ngl, I didn't realize the author was you until I scrolled through your Kizuna tag on your blog and went, "hey, wait a minute, I read this fic-!" As for my thoughts on it so far, I loooove it! I love how Kizuna is forced to face the consequences of her actions while Ayame is grappling with the fact that she was this close to choosing to kill someone to save another and that her motivations weren't as pure and good that everyone makes it out to be for saving Kizuna. I love seeing how different the group dynamics have become thanks to how everyone is split up: the majority of the students sticking together, Yuki being forced out of that group due to his secret note but ultimately forming a little trio with Akane and Ayame (and I think Kizuna and Kanata, too, but they're more focused on each other atm when it comes to her recovery), and the lone wolves of Rei, Tsurugi, and Kinji. It really shows how fractured the group has become and that everyone's opinions are pretty complex and different from each other's, even when they stick to one side. I have yet to read the trial as of writing this, but Kanata's death hurts to witness, especially with how...simple it was. I believe she didn't even struggle, she was just sleeping and now, she can never wake up because someone (Kinji) took advantage of that vulnerability and killed her. I'm thinking that Kakeru, at some point, seemed to have walked in and saw what happened, whether it's his attack on Kizuna or Kanata, and tried to attack Kinji or stop him or something but I'm not sure. But her death definitely hits harder due to how simple it is and we can focus on the tragedy that Kizuna will never be able to fulfill the promises she gave to Kanata, her first friend. And how her grief quickly transforms into anger...ooooough, that's so good and in character for her, especially with how hard she's trying to improve herself now. Also, can I just say, I love how socially smart Kizuna is with her words and how she was able to bypass the third motive just by being clever with how she says things. There are many different ways for being intelligence, so seeing that play out with a character that is trying to redeem themselves is great. Ayame is also just...doing her best while grappling with herself and the thought of almost actually murdering someone, but is trying to be supportive of the others. At least being able to confide in Akane allows her to keep going, and she gets to befriend Yuki! It's so sweet...until you remember the twists with these two, haha, gotta love that dramatic irony. Oh, if (or when) we actually get there, that angst is going to huuurt. </3
Anyways, I do love rambling. And I love this fic! (Totally off-topic, but I hope my boy Teruya is gonna be okay from the whole near death experience of guns and stuff. He's gonna be okay, right? Right? I hope he's okay. I don't want anything bad to happen to him even though I know that's gonna be impossible in a killing game genre although I know his survival is pretty much guaranteed since you mentioned that you don't plan to change the death order. Doesn't mean I don't worry for his mental health though.)
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p5x-theories · 1 year
Heya, this might be a bit of a big ask, but I noticed you mentioned in a few posts that you’re learning Japanese. Seiji, Yuki and Mont have the occasional voice line (from what I’ve seen, most of them are in their stat menus, they say something when you go to inspect their character models, and I think they speak when they’re pulled in the gatcha), and I was wondering if you’d be able to translate them? I’m a lil obsessed with them ngl I love their designs and I’d love to know what they say.
It’s totally chill if I’m asking too much, just figured I’d shoot my shot. Your blog is a godsend btw, it’s awesome to have everything we know so far archived in one convenient and trustworthy place 💕💕
Aw, thanks! Glad to hear my blog's been helpful. :D
To be honest as soon as I read this ask I went to go see if I could datamine the voice lines haha, since that seemed like the easiest way to get them all, but unfortunately I'm not super experienced in datamining and can't quite figure out where those are/how to extract them, so digging through videos I guess it is! (If anyone reading this has any advice for datamining audio, any help/pointers are super appreciated!)
Anyway, let's see what I can do here; I'll format this as what I think I hear in Japanese first, then what I think that translates to (and do take this with a grain of salt, as I am still learning Japanese haha!).
Starting with this video- Yuki appears first at ~2:12.
わたしのしは、おみせします!-> "I'll show you my work!" (honestly, it could be a lot of things besides "work", but that seems the most likely, especially with how little we know)
Seiji's right after her...
ともだち... はい。きみとなら、よろこんでともでいたいです。-> "Friends... yes. If it's with you, I'd be glad to be friends." (I'm not 100% sure on the grammar here, but I'm pretty sure this is the basic idea at least)
And then Mont...
はあ... りらっくす、りらっくす... きんちょでしぱいしたら、すべてだいがしょ。-> *sigh* "Relax, relax... if recent work made you tired, everything's alright." (okay honestly this one gave me the most trouble by far. the sigh and "relax, relax" are definitely correct, but I kind of leaned on google translate + my dictionary to help me with this one, so take it with some extra salt. for the record, google translate turns it into "Everything's fine if you're tired." it's also possible the last bit is しよ instead of しょ, in which case google translates it as "Everything's okay if you're kind." not super sure with this one, sorry!)
Next up, the gacha pulls. Yuki's first again!
はじめまして。ふじかわきんをこうきんしゃ。ふじかわゆきみです。-> "Nice to meet you. [???]. I'm Yukimi Fujikawa." (going to be honest. no idea what the second sentence is. not getting anything that makes sense from my dictionary and even google translate gives up on it haha. it's possible I'm mishearing it due to the sound effect?)
Um. This video then barely lets Mont's line play, so I'm not sure if part of it gets cut off. If you know a better one that definitely lets the whole line play, please send it my way haha!
みんあさんとみると、わたしもでつよくなた -> "When I see everyone, it makes me stronger too!" (or... something to that effect?)
And then Seiji...
これに?しらとりせいじともうします。よろしくおねがいします。-> (okay I'll be honest I cannot hear one of the words in this one thanks to the sound effect haha. the rest after the ? is "My name is Shiratori Seiji. I look forward to working with you", I'm just not sure how the first bit connects to it without that word in the middle)
Not strictly what you asked for, but I'll also do what I can of their battle lines/in-Metaverse next, since it's conveniently accessible...
(Also referencing this video since it's a bit easier to hear some of the lines there + there's more of them)
Starting with Yuki at ~3:00!
Baton pass- おまかせを -> "Leave it to me."
One more/hitting a weakness- しんぱんごください -> (seems to be along the lines of "Please take care", but not sure exactly how that applies in this context? For sure it's "please" something at least)
Summoning Persona at ~19:08- いっしょにいきます!-> "Let's go together!", ~19:57- しめます!-> "Closing it!" (honestly this could be a couple things. "closing it" barely makes sense but I'm not sure which translation it'd be instead??)
Hitting a weakness right after that- せてくす!-> "Let's go!" (google translated, since I don't recognize... anything about this phrase tbh, so grain of salt here)
Genuinely no idea what she says when she attacks the shadow with a physical attack, haha, sorry!
Gun attack- もくひょのこくにん、できます!-> (aaanother one I'm not sure how to translate. mostly typing this out in case anyone who sees this is able to weigh in at all hah)
Her all out attack line and finisher are also very hard to hear in this video tbh, but I think I can at least make out the word たしきりました, which google translates as "That was great!" so take that as you will.
In the other video her all out attack line is more audible at ~20:11- みんあここに、かえまくです!-> (another one I'm leaning on google for, it gives "Everyone is here to return!". It's definitely "Everyone is here" something, just not sure what the second part of the sentence means.)
Post battle, ~15:02- こんばんはおろかさにうすびつきます。-> "This evening we will start to make the foolishness disappear." (REALLY guessing with this one. It could start with "This evening" or just "good evening", and I think "foolishness" is correct, but the ending of the sentence is sort of throwing me off tbh)
Next is Seiji... who doesn't seem to talk a lot in combat. Could be they're still recording his voice lines, or maybe it's something to do with his character where he doesn't talk a lot in fights?
Physical attack- そこです!-> "There!"
One more, ~46:21- おわりにします。-> "I'll end this." (might just be おわり, which'd just be "The end"; can't tell if I'm hallucinating more to the sentence underneath the Persona summoning sound effect haha?)
Spotting a chest, ~52:40- そうぞういじょうです?-> "Am I imagining some strangeness?" (kind of going out on a limb with this one tbh)
Locked door (or maybe a delayed post-battle line?), right after that- じゅうじつしたいいちにちでした。それではみんなさ、ぼくはこえで。-> "It was a fulfilling day. Well everyone, that's my opinion." (another one where I'm reeaally guessing here, so take it as you will)
Definitely a post-battle line, 1:02:22- きょうもはりきて��けましょ... -> "Let's keep going today..." (this is honestly just the google translate bc I'm not sure. definitely "Let's [something] today..." at least? as an aside, he's given kind of the downcast portrait with this line, and the chinese subtitle ends it with an ellipsis, so sort of a weird tone here? is it supposed to be reluctant? or disappointed the battle was easy, maybe??)
Finding a safe room ~54:06- あぶないですね?[きょうことぱ]をすすめしません。-> "Isn't it risky? I do not recommend [???]." (honestly this sentence doesn't seem to make sense in context to me haha, and it's making it very hard to figure out what that word in brackets is. I'm not sure if I'm even hearing it right? It might be the idea is he's pointing out it's risky to keep going without stopping at the safe room, idk?)
Leaving safe room (?), right after- ろっくされていますね?るーとをへんこうしましょう。"It's been locked, huh? Let's change our route."
Can't hear the all out attack finisher in the video very well, unfortunately.
All out attack finisher in the other video, ~1:23:32- ぜんりょくをつくしました。-> "I put forth every effort."/"I did my best."
Entering an area in the Palace ~1:31:05- かぜをかんじます。[かくしつろ]がここに。-> "I feel a breeze. [???] is here." (another one where I'm having trouble making sense of the word. this would be easier if we at least had Japanese subtitles, hah).
And last is Mont, who doesn't appear in that other gameplay video I linked like the other two do (I feel like I haven't seen her in gameplay videos for P5X as much in general?), so I just have the shorter video to go off of.
Baton pass- じゅうびOK -> "Preparations are okay." (as in like, "Preparations are ready", or to extrapolate further, "I'm prepared"? I think I'm hearing this one right (OK is a loanword used in Japanese, and Mont used the english word "relax" in a line I listed earlier too))
I can't hear her line for the One More in the video- honestly even with the music overlay, it kind of sounds like everyone's voices are quieter when they summon their Persona in general? Maybe that's just me.
Gun attack- きめるは?く -> (something about deciding. In the video she fires right on the ?, so I can't quite figure out the word)
Can't hear her line well when she summons her Persona, or hits its weakness, either.
All out attack- わたしのきみつけい[ぶる]うけてみなさい!-> (something like "Observe/experience my [something]!", I'm just not entirely sure what it is, especially since I'm not sure I'm hearing the part in brackets right.)
The all out attack finisher I can actually kind of hear, but I can't figure out what sounds she's saying exactly, and honestly I've listened to it like 15+ times now so I think if I hear it much more I might lose it, haha
Sorry, this is maybe a little underwhelming since there's a lot I couldn't really translate! I also don't know a video off the top of my head that has any of their lines in the stat menus, so sorry I didn't really get to that either.
Feel free to send other videos my way (you or anyone else, ideally with time stamps for lines) if you want me to try to translate them, but this is about the level of quality you'll be getting. ^^;
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 days
SISHSJSJ ok wait you’re full on selling me on the hydration idea now wait the goodra hydreigon opposite vibes plus the territorial behavior study sort of thing??? Ok lowk im glad you did some reworking (couldn’t be me id probably flip a table atp) HUT IM GLAD YOU MADE IT WORK because the more i read the more I was like “haha….what if….” Ok I was actually contemplating asking like what if you replaced Dragalge with hydreigon but I figured you probably had some insane type matching involved in that and besides dragon their other typing isn’t the same so I was just like “er yeah idk”
UAHAHAHA LUNA GETTING DOWNGRADED TO A MUK sorry no hate to muk fans i just think its so goofy and its just like the classic team rocket/enemy team grunt pokemon HSHSHSH but yeah Luna will make do fs thank god for your big brain I feel like readers team also feels more stacked now LMAO
EVIL TEAM NAGI LNFAOOO real??? I love the matchups though it’s like that one meme pic of the pink Barbie looking house right next to the pitch black one
LMAOO pursuit is an itoshi free zone…we will note have Emo eyelashes here
OOOH ok very slay ik some pokemon characters have wild designs or very themed designs so wasn’t sure if that was gonna get mixed up or not the crow feather iridescent does slap though
MAMA Y PAPA imagine its a like one of those “a day in the life” videos and imagine garchomp and nidoqueen are also wearing matching aprons like karasus while they deal with all the babies (im also specifically thinking that there’d be some moments wheres there’s the excessive pink flowery aura used in some anime/manhwas where it’s like happy sunshine rainbow family LMAO you can probably tell that’s one of my favorite meme formats)
LMAOO exactly get the best of both worlds the ultimate angst crack fluff combo
After reading your drafts/outline/thoughts for the future peregrine chapters that Nagi is probably the most down bad person to exist like down bad to the point that NAGI is speeding over to catch up to reader before she leaves like bro is MOVING??? Insane ok but fr is some hardcore yuki stan could just throw out some ideas or thoughts I don’t think itd be hard for me to see the vision/get converted just need some guidance….
AHAHAH omg imagine a tabieita breakup SHSHSH ok wait im pretty certain ive read a fic on here that was actually kinda tabieita beef except I think it was like Karasu liked reader but reader liked otoya after Karasu introduced him to her and then in the end he runs to her house in the rain trying to confess before it’s too late but otoyas already in her house and they’re just hanging out and he’s like ok nvm like ok way to step on my heart that fic had me reeling
THATS EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT “haha…nice…” is SO Isagi coded he would totally say something like that (I’m pretty sure he DOES when his old classmate tada is like lmaoooo u just got lucky with that shot no skills lmaoooooooo) wait I love that LMAOO that’s actually the perfect approach to not making it angsty just make Isagi stupid /j LMAO but whether he’s just dense or stubborn or both I feel like that matches his vibe either way soooo
It looks like Mario and Luigi got fused with a piranha plant because what the fuck is that……..but fr tbh I thought I had convinced myself that I’d continue playing anyways just for the sake of following through and I enjoy the gameplay generally too but the new designs I CANNOT I mean I get it because they’re already made so many pokemon they’re probably bound to run out of ideas esp if the design team isn’t changing much but wtf is Gen 9….like I pulled up the dex for serebii and they’re so ugly SHSGSHS also the weird past future versions of old Pokemon whyd suicune become a dinosaur and raikou a giraffe??????
STAY STRONGGGGG real though just like the tags here the edits of them are SO abundant like pleaseee where is the variety!!! But tbh with the way u20 arc goes plus how saes nonexistent in nel I think it would take eightbit their entire studios worth of budget to make me convert so
Oooooh icic im not as in tune to interaction patterns so I lowk didn’t realize that might be the case LOL based off your rules for no exact repeats of trope and character are allowed hopefully the next three will give enough room/inspo for non overlapping ideas though! I’m assuming you’ll probably be safe plus what are the odds right….
LMAOOO imagine once pursuit picks up people are gonna think you’re a Barou blog /j if people actually start fully associating you with sae idek how id react atp it’s so ironically funny…no actually dw when peregrine eventually makes its big comeback people will all go back to their roots and be like “oh yeah this is that really good nagi series yup this is the nagi blog” LMAO
AHAHAH BAYOSAGI in the back as npcs deadpanning like “bro wtf” while aiku and arbok are vibing our running around trying to look cool and pick up girls
Wait I got distracted and forgot to send this earlier but talk abt perfect timing literally right when I choose to come back here and send this in ITS BEEN PUBLISHED BAROU OAEUUUH
- Karasu anon
YESS WE MADE IT WORK i’m so glad i love hydreigon and reader having one matches the vibes of her team so well LMAOAO like between gyarados houndoom and hydreigon alone her team is 50% demons that everyone is afraid of but they LOVE her and they’re actually just sweet and cuddly (actually hydreigon is going to be lowkey sassy but still he really likes reader just can be a bit teenager-ish at times) BRO THE REWORKING HAD ME CRASHING OUT NGL i was literally typing a response to your ask where hydreigon is the starter and donphan is replaced by nidoking but dragalge is replaced by espeon (in a situation where otoya and reader get eevees at the same time) at the same though i was just like 😐😔 the whole time because while espeon provided some type coverage it just felt so BASIC and reader’s team is meant to be fairly non-basic the halfway through typing out the explanation i was like wait…keep houndoom keep the theme get rid of the members we don’t care as much abt and BOOM done and done
LMAOOO no because there truly just aren’t enough poison types and ig muk is decently good…his star is his roserade anyways so it’s fine we’ll just have muk be one of the first pokémon he throws out!! wait also reader having a nidoking is so cute imagine it becomes friends with hiori’s nidoqueen 🥹 DHDKSJS okay wait do you remember the quick ball idea we had w phanpy…lowkey it would be even funnier with deino (baby hydreigon) because they’re not really found in the area so reader’s going ham trying to catch it and accidentally uses all of karasu’s quick balls?? HAHAAH hold on actually this could be done right around the arc where otoya gets his happiny (in that arc otoya flirts with a nurse joy too hard and accidentally gets himself and reader involved in busting a pokémon abuse ring) maybe deino escaped from that ring and that’s what tipped nurse joy off to its existence as well as being an explanation for why there’s a random deino wandering around!!
NO THAT’S EXACTLY THE VIBES like all of reader’s pokémon are 👹💥😈 and nagi’s are 🧚🏻‍♀️✨💖 meanwhile reader herself is super kind + gentle looking (and she actually is) and nagi’s the king of idgaf who would sell anyone out (except reader) for a lukewarm donut (jkjk he’s sweet too just not in the same way as reader)…i honestly rlly like the dichotomy plus reader having all villainous seeming pokémon adds to the “team x thinks she’s one of them” vibe in the beginning of the story…agreed her team is much more stacked now i like it!! zero weak links it’s all absolute monsters i KNOW the league conference hated to see her coming 😓
the most the itoshis get is a mention that they live in another region in like the isagi ova…maybe sae’s an elite four member and since in my mind the elite four candidacy process includes traveling abroad and training with the elite four members there perhaps isagi knows of the itoshis via that?? that’s why he’s not around when barou’s abt to challenge the champion too he’s in a diff region which is why he doesn’t know what actually happened to barou
HAHAHA you know how doggy daycares irl send like updates of what your pet is doing imagine the spin off is just karasu taking photos of all of the daycare pokémon up to stuff so we have garchomp and nidoqueen in the aprons looking after everyone and karasu with his camera just clicking away and each scene starts with like an image with a handwritten caption and then it zooms into the image and we see the scene it’s describing 🥹
NAGI INVENTED DOWN-BAD-ISM peregrine nagi my beloved…he is super simple with his gestures BUT it’s like the smallest things mean so much with him!!! agreed i need a yuki fan to enter my inbox and show me the light LMAAOAO
HAHA i think i read that fic too i was like bruh in no universe (except hollyhock) would i choose otoya over KARASU that was before miraeita was real too so it was especially emo to read
DJDSHSJA OAEU BAROUUU YESS i hope you like it!! it is SUCH a silly story 😭 but yeah agreed isagi not necessarily rejecting her just refusing to accept that she’s confessing is so him i think it’s perfect (and that way isagi stans can still imagine that he does secretly like them)
no because all of the new pokémon keep getting uglier and uglier and they keep doing stuff with the old ones and from i’ve heard the gameplay isn’t that good 😔 i’ll stick w my gen vi and before games thank you very much 🤩
LMAOO you’re so right the itoshi edits are everywhere it’s so funny…hopefully the love is spread during s2 but the good thing abt being a nagi lover is he also gets a lot of edits and content due to having a lot of s1 screentime so at least I’ve got that going for me
yeah just based on my guesses/what usually happens all of the people that follow me and would’ve requested have already done so!! so it’ll be randoms for the last three spots but they likely won’t find my account until i post the first event posts and those gain traction ☝🏻 unless people find me via oaeu barou and happen to see my event ig 🧐
PLS technically pursuit is a nagi story so hopefully once it picks up people will associate me w nagi?? although you’re right in that it is very barou centric so it might give me more of a barou reputation (for example the funeral invite that people keep liking) HAHAA no because somehow seabird is my most popular bllk work?? ig it is pretty good but come on now guys…read bfb…read hollyhock…LMAO PEREGRINE NEEDS A COMEBACK ASAP THE WORLD NEEDS TO REMEMBER WHO MY MAN IS
HAHAAH bayosagi are so done with aiku they all think he’s a major dumbass but he’s also a genius?? considering he’s supposed to become a professor and all…the bayosagi + aiku dynamic is hilarious i honestly love the prequel group just as much as i love reader and co + mc trio they’re so silly yet so sweet
WE LINKED UP YET AGAIN FKDKSJ looking forward to hearing your thoughts!! i think i’ll take a break from the oaeu for a sec after this to work on other stuff but the barou version is nice and long so that should tide people over
0 notes
osakaso5 · 4 years
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La Danse Macabre Rabbit TV Part 1: The First Intermission
Part 2
Yuki: Good job with the shoot, Tamaki-kun.
Tamaki Yotsuba: ...Thanks...
Sogo Osaka: T-Tamaki-kun. You should respond properly...
Torao Mido: What's wrong, Tamaki Yotsuba? You're not nearly as energetic as you usually are.
Tamaki Yotsuba: ...It's 'cause... My character and your characters are all so scary...
Tamaki Yotsuba: I don't want anyone to kill people...
Yuki: Hehe, you're so cute. And despite that, your performance was great.
Sogo Osaka: I thought so, too. ...Don't be sad, Tamaki-kun. It's all just an act.
Tamaki Yotsuba: ...But I don't wanna act like my dad.
Torao Mido: Your dad?
Sogo Osaka: ...Tamaki-kun...
Yuki: Coochie-coo.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Hyah... hahaha! C-cut it out, Yukirin! That tickles!
Yuki: There. Now all the scariness is off your face.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Huh..?
Yuki: You're a gentle kid who's getting teary-eyed over a scary story. I don't see how that makes you anything like your dad.
Torao Mido: I'm not sure what's going on here, but I'm way more scared of Sogo and Yuki than you.
Yuki: Excuse me?
Sogo Osaka: What do you mean?
Tamaki Yotsuba: ...Yeah, I kinda get why.
Torao Mido: R-right? And we're both part of Kokujohyako, so we should stick together, Tamaki Yotsuba.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Haha. Yeah. You're a pretty nice guy, Toracchi.
Tamaki Yotsuba: You can just call me Tamaki, by the way.
Torao Mido: Sure. We've got plenty of shoots ahead of us, Tamaki. Let's both do our best.
Yuki: Heh. It looks like Tamaki-kun's helping us all become a little closer.
Sogo Osaka: I suppose he is.
Sogo Osaka: ...By the way, Yuki-san. I wanted to ask you about something...
Yuki: What is it?
Sogo Osaka: ...Well, my character can be sort of two-faced...
Sogo Osaka: I'm a bit worried that I might not be portraying the different parts of his personality properly... So um, I wanted to hear your opinion on my performance...
Yuki: Ah, you're worried about that? Your inner darkness was out in such full force, I had no idea you were having trouble at all.
Sogo Osaka: R-really!?
Torao Mido: You're not even aware of it yourself? That's pretty freaky, Sogo.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yup! So-chan's always like that!
Yuki: "Your very existence is a thorn in my side. Just die already."
Yuki: That line gave me shivers when you said it.
Tamaki & Torao: T-that was scary...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Y-Yukirin! You gotta warn us before you start saying scary stuff like that!
Torao Mido: Y-yeah. Exactly. Great suggestion, Tamaki.
Sogo Osaka: ...I'm so happy... I never thought an actor of your caliber would compliment my performance..!
Yuki: Sorry. It was such a cool line, I wanted to try saying it myself.
Yuki: Oh, that reminds me. If you could've chosen any other role, which one would you have picked?
Torao Mido: I would've been Libel.
Yuki: Interesting.
Sogo Osaka: He does have strong morals and mental fortitude.
Tamaki Yotsuba: He's like, a hero! I wouldn't have been scared if I'd gotten Gakkun's role, either.
Torao Mido: As a man, I couldn't help but admire the way he sticks to his beliefs, no matter what anyone says.
Yuki: Huh, so you're that kind of guy.
Torao Mido: W-what's that supposed to mean..?
Yuki: Nothing. I actually like you the way you are now.
Torao Mido: ........
Torao Mido: A-anyway, what about you, Tamaki?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Hmm... Leiden!
Sogo Osaka: Ah, I can totally see why. He's so steadfast and strong.
Yuki: And he probably wouldn't get mad at me for sleeping on the job.
Tamaki Yotsuba: He doesn't think about stuff like profits and losses. He kinda just focuses on what's in front of him.
Torao Mido: He does seem like the friendliest member of the Unity Order.
Yuki: Really? I thought my character was plenty friendly, too.
Torao Mido: Is he..?
Tamaki Yotsuba: He was clicking his tongue a lot...
Sogo Osaka: I thought he was very cool!
Yuki: Thanks.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Ugh, So-chan!
Yuki: And what about you, Sogo-kun?
Sogo Osaka: ...Um... Arme, I suppose. I feel like he has something I lack.
Yuki: He's a kind boy who's overjoyed just to walk on the ground,  and who wants to end all conflict  between the Ark and the Surface.
Sogo Osaka: He's so empathetic, despite coming from a world where most people are only fighting for their own interests...
Torao Mido: Like the Osaka household, you mean. You know, I never  was cut out for business. I'm just not built for that stuff. 
Torao Mido: Which is why I genuinely respect you, Sogo. I wouldn't say your analytical side is all negative.
Sogo Osaka: ...Mido-san, you...
Tamaki Yotsuba: You're kinda like Libel.
Torao Mido: R-really?
Yuki: Heh. You definitely said something very heroic just now.
Sogo Osaka: Right. I never even imagined that the two of us would be chatting like this.
Torao Mido: Gee, thanks...
Torao Mido: And what about you, Yuki-san?
Yuki: Well, Cura might be fun.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Wasn't expecting that.
Yuki: It's really funny to see Yamato-kun play a character who blows stuff up for stress relif. I don’t  know if I could pull it off like he does,  though.
Sogo Osaka: I thought he'd be more like Yamato-san is normally, so the scene where he really brings out the bombs caught me off guard...
Torao Mido: I'd like to try walking away from an explosion sometime, too.
Tamaki Yotsuba: You're a pretty funny dude, Toracchi.
Torao Mido: I am?
Yuki: In any case, it's refreshing to do a story that's so different.
Sogo Osaka: It can get extreme at times... I was worried about how our fans would receive it.
Sogo Osaka: Even if it is a work of fiction, it has so many shocking turns...
Yuki: Easing them into the story is a part of our work, too.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Work...
Torao Mido: I thought it was fun to see the other members of ŹOOĻ act like completely new people.
Torao Mido: But I guess that might not be enough for the average viewer.
Yuki: Exactly. For example, all the fans who like you for how sexy and cool you are might be disappointed to see you wearing a hairband.
Torao Mido: Wha... So you're saying the hairband's my biggest problem!?
Yuki: Similarly, the people who like Haruka-kun's assertive personality might be shocked when they see him as the pure-hearted and sincere Arme.
Yuki: In other words, new doesn't always equal good to some people.
Yuki: While playing different types of characters, I received different types of fan responses. And despite what those criticisms may be, I had no choice but to keep working until the drama's over.
Yuki: Are you prepared to do the same?
Torao Mido: ...Yeah. I am.
Yuki: I like the look on your face.
Tamaki Yotsuba: ...Uh, listen. Maybe we could take a pic together right now, and post it online as a behind-the-scenes shot once the drama starts airing?
Yuki: Great idea.
Sogo Osaka: Right. If we show our fans that we're all having fun, it might help them feel at ease.
Torao Mido: Fun...
Yuki: What, are you saying you didn't have fun talking with us just now? I'm shocked...
Torao Mido: N-no..! I didn't mean it like that...
Sogo Osaka: Mido-san, come a little closer to the rest of us. We're taking that picture!
Torao Mido: ...Yeah. Thanks.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Everyone say peace!
All: Peace! 
End of Part 1.
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violeswaifu · 4 years
Lately I’ve done a lot of spams that I hope people have liked. I’ve done a spam on a lot of shadow routes but also 2/3 of the top rated Slbp rated characters.
(Saizo✅ and Masamune✅)
(I combined Saizo’s with his little brother, both different summaries ofc)
So I guess it’s time to include Yukimura in a spam? Here’s my collection of photos of him and lengthy opinions as always. Like a lot of words ahead
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Our lovely Donut lover. I actually like donuts a lot and this is something we have in common so like +500 for you
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The Sanada brothers are so amazing and adorable haha. Nobuyuki was actually in an event recently, idk what to think yet but he’s hilarious in the routes/events. Yukimura has a really fun and unproblematic family so it’s always refreshing 😂 (totally not hinting at Saizo and mainly Masamune)
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Our so called shy boy seems to know what he’s doing hey?
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☝🏼these screenshots were right next to a picture of my husbands (like my real life one) sleeping face and idek why but it was hilarious.
Did you read the claim me at last epilogue or remember it? If you want more screenshots of it let me know 😂it’s a will do
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I always like including these type of pictures, considering giving a girl a hairpin or Kanzashi, often were signs of marital status, class, etc. But right here samurai give their women hairpins as in a marriage proposal, correct me if I’m wrong though
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So before we begin: I tried my best with this review, for some reason writing this review had me on like 100 with being hyper. I also asked a friend to assist me since it’s been awhile since I’ve done Yukimura’s
Route summary as always kinda spoilers:
Remember how I said Masamune’s route gave me my virginity back? Yeah Yukimura’s is full on cavity sugar filled rom-com with the dark military drama
He’s kinda like a “I SHALL GIVE MY LIFE FOR MY CLAN AND MILORD SHINGEN! 😈” but mixed with a “😳🥺”
Sanada Yukimura , The Sword of Japan. One of the Sanada Ten Braves and second son of the Sanada clan
favorite food consist of donuts🍩
His weakness: women
So basically as most light routes go:
you get sent off as a poison tester in place of your younger brother Yahiko. Disguised as Yahiko you arrive to Shingen’s castle with a big pat on the back.
No really Yukimura was quick to welcome you into the ranks of men. Gotta be with the bros right? He’s so cheery about it too, like he’s so pumped up about MC being there that his retainer even had a: “I didn’t know you were doing that kind of recruiting” statement
I’d also like to add, Yukimura and Masamune visit each other’s routes quite often 😂
(tbf the only reason Masamune found out MC was a girl was because he pulled out his sword on Masamune and it cut her. SO THANKS YUKI!)
This was from a recent event story 👇🏼
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Anyways, as Yuki starts to experience confusing attractions to MC (his whole experience with this is fucking hilarious)
But bam all of a sudden Yukimura finds out the MC is actually a woman because silly MC ups and slips off the roof one lovely evening and by accident he touches her chest while grabbing her. He puts two and two together then realizes, “oh shit” she was a girl.
He’s so horrified from having done this to her that he later swears to protect her and help keep her identity a secret. (He’s so cute isn’t he 😂)
Long story short, this fails because Saizo figures it all out (ofc he did lmfao) tells Shingen
she almost died
Spoiler: After Saizo and Shingen engage in a conversation about this, they concluded that MC might be a spy for the Oda. So they ordered her to be beheaded (ouch)
and then Yukimura is like
then next thing you know they’re on their way to meet the Sanada fam.
So although there is the cute, happy parts, you’ve gotta expect the sadness ahead.
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So one thing, as always the parents in this game aren’t always angelic..or alive.. haha sorry
Yuki’s dad well his dad’s expectations for Yuki is to die in battle basically. So that’s pretty interesting to look for in this route. Especially because MC’s father died giving his life up to war.
MC is pretty badass in this one too, she’s got her risky battles and their hard challenges.
MC is awesome because yk she’s not gonna just let this guy go and kill himself.
So she does something special
She gave her dads hairpin to him before battle so as a promised he’ll live to return it for her.
To conclude:
MC: 9.5/10
Funny and cheesy vigin 101: 10/10
Sadness and angst: 7.8/10
Hot and bothered: just wait for the claim me at last event
Anyways Yuki is really fun and events don’t do him justice with his goofiness. I’d say it’s definitely worth it. Saizo and Yuki are definitely a good pair to do
Hell finish off the family and do Nobuyuki and Shingen next if you haven’t done it 😂
If you haven’t done Shingen’s yet: Beware, his is literally so smutt filled 🌝
Any questions or want recommendations just comment below.
Want me to do another character that I haven’t done?
(Someone actually asked about the top three the other day @gay-noodle-clan thanks for the idea 🥰)
-(Thanks Phebe for the help with this!)
Oh yeah I wrote this at 1:20am exactly for no specific reason.. it’s currently 9:20am and I’ve edited this so if you saw this before the edit..I’m sorry you had to see the hyper
Shadow routes I’ve reviewed:
Naraukami Kyoichiro
Kirigakure Hotaru
Mitsuba Kaede/Sogo
Routes I’m currently doing: Fujibayashi Genya
Routes I’m doing next: Fujibayashi Sakuya
My Favorite routes:
Hotaru and Kyoichiro (they are the best pair to do in the shadow routes)
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fruits basket manga lb (chs 131 - 133)
CH 131
We’re learning about the origins of the curse now. Oh boy. 
The cat went to God first ;A; 
omg the cat died first.... 
God saved it!
Oh, the cat didn’t want to have eternal life... and the others and God took that as rejection.... seriously? So petty, honestly. I love learning about how it happened but I’m just like... wtf. It’s like all of this generational trauma could’ve all been avoided if God and the animals hadn’t misinterpreted shit LOl
I totally understand Yuki’s feelings here. It must be hard. You’re free, but you’re also letting go of something that was a part of you for so long, something that helped shaped who you are, no matter how negative a situation. 
She’s calling him by his first name KSFJSJFJSF
“When did that promise turn into a curse?” What I’ve been asking since since the very beginning rofl
Haru and Rin!! <3
omg look at Tohru pulling on Kyo’s shirt how cute
is Tohru gonna see Akito? <3
SHE’S HUGGING HER! I LOVE THIS! I love that Akito can see that even after the curse has been lifted, Tohru wasn’t lying about being there for her, about being her friend. Akito needed this, honestly. I’m very happy with the resolution of their rivalry. I’m happy with how the curse broke. 
“The Cat’s wish... wasn’t granted... until much, much later.” IM CRYINGGG
CH 132
Starting the last volume... this is so depressing, I don’t want this story to be over. 
Akigure time, lol. 
Oh is this the final banquet? 
“Things might be a bit tense.” Oh, I’m sure. I don’t think it’s all going to be sunshine and daisies. Akito may be behaving a hell of a lot better and changed her ways, but there’s still a lot of pain here, pain that she directly caused. I’m interested to see how this is going to go. 
LOL @ momiji calling Kyo a cheater we love to see familial teasing!
I love that they’re not all awkward around each other. It just goes to show that a lot of their genuine personalities poked through even among the curse. They all do have a bond, curse or no curse. And it’s very nice to see Kyo being actually included in that bond. 
lool fucking Ayame, man. I love him. 
Aww is Yuki kinda sorta looking out for Kyo around Ayame? I love this. 
“Akito’s ready to see you.” sfjsjfsj
Look at her? She looks so pretty? 
Oh, Shigure got her that kimono. 
Yeaaah, this is what I’m worried about with Akigure as a ship. Akito’s better, but she still has a tendency to fly off the handle if she thinks she’s being slighted, and it makes me worried about how they would handle dispites and arguments without getting physical like that, you know? I’d hope that she’d do it less and less as time goes on. 
“All of you are free. And this may come too late, but for everything... I’m...” Oh my god. Is she trying to apologize? 
She can’t, though. It won’t come out. I bet she probably feels like sorry isn’t enough, in some ways. How do you apologize for a lifetime of suffering that you’ve caused, the trauma inflicted on other people? 
I guess Akigure are official, lol. I mean, I’m glad that Akito’s getting a somewhat happy ending. Shigure, I still don’t like him but he’s a fantastic character. 
Akito’s gonna stay at the estate and be the head without keeping anyone shackled to her. That’s as good of an ending as I could’ve anticipated for her. I’ll be honest: I still feel like she got off a little easy. She should’ve faced some legal consequences, at least. But I don’t dislike her like I used to. She’s definitely come around and I’ve partially forgiven her. 
I’ll talk more about my feelings about Akito and everything once I’ve finished, but that’s where I am right now. 
CH 133
loool who is Mayu talking about? 
OH Yuki and the others know about Akito being a female now? Nice!
“I can’t believe I was so violent... to a girl.” KYO. MY BOY. Omg what a sweetheart? Honey, she was violent to you, too. 
“The last thing I wanted was another guy interested in you.” LMFAOOOO 
“The mood between the two of them has become somewhat gentler than before.” Somewhat? Girl, they’re friends now, and I’m loving it. It’s so cute. 
“He beat the crap outta me.” YES LOL
“Kyo-kun smiles more than he used to. I’ve come to realize that this is his true self.” ;A;
oh my gosh THEY’RE SO CUTE.
How are they even cuter now that they’re dating?!
“Walking together, hand in hand, isn’t something that I’ll ever take for granted.” I’m cryinggggg. ;a; My babies. 
What’s wrong with my bby girl Isuzu? :(
“Not everyone... is in the same situation.” Ah, yeah... 
“How can you act like nothing ever happened? She did all kinds of nasty stuff to Kyo. And she hurt you a lot too. Those wounds will never disappear, will they?” I 1000% understand Rin here. I was waiting for this to be brought up!
Oh, Isuzu, my poor girl. 
This might change later on, but as of right now, I don’t fully forgive Akito, either. There’s just too much that she did to too many people. Like Rin, like Yuki, like Kyo. Even Hatori. I’m generally a forgiving person, but I have a hard time with abusive characters. Maybe it’s from my own past, being a survivor of abuse. Being around it and knowing how they are just impacts you differently, I guess. I don’t know if it’s right to say that maybe people who haven’t experienced abuse are able to forgive easier. 
I haven’t forgiven my abuser, and I never will. Do I still understand why they did it, why they are who they are, and do I still empathize? YES. I feel a lot for people. I feel a lot for Akito on a positive note, and I’m so proud of her progression. She’s a hurt woman who deserved better and who hurt people because she was in so much pain herself. She hasn’t been able to break free of her abuser or heal yet. She needs a safe space to do that, and she’s beginning to learn to be better and be a sweeter person. Tohru showed her that. 
But like Rin, I can’t fully forgive her. If Tohru hadn’t done what she did, hadn’t reached out to Akito, Akito never would’ve changed. She would’ve continued to be horrible and not feel regret for the things she’s done. I appreciate that she was trying to apologize, though. And there are things that I’ve forgiven her for. It’s the worst indiscretions that I can’t. How she treated Rin and Yuki, specifically. I know that she was projecting with Rin. But Rin was a child and an abuse victim herself. Out of all of them, Akito could’ve related to her. Akito knew. She used that instead to hurt Rin, and that is the one thing that I’ll never be okay with. 
“They’ll need time. A whole lot.” Yes. And even then, it may not be enough. Some scars run so fucking deep that even time doesn’t help. I’ve healed from my trauma. It doesn’t impact me anymore. I’ve learned how to cope and move on and now utilize those skills to help others. I think time will help, though, and it may allow others to forgive Akito later. 
Distance is the key here, I think. If they’re not around her, maybe forgiveness will come easier. 
Wow, Akito taking what she learned from Tohru and reaching out to the maid? We love to see it. 
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lys-lilac · 3 years
A Break: IDOLiSH7 Third BEAT! Ep 10 Review
I can’t say that I have wasted a single second not fangirling them...
[Contains detailed spoilers of the episode below. If you don’t want to get spoiled, please refrain from going under the cut. Otherwise, dive right in, and make sure to watch the episode whenever you get the time!]
Also, please enjoy the spam of content I am going to provide and my blabberings.
Check the masterlist- here
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(The fun has started!)
This episode washed all the week’s fatigue away. 
IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER, and Re:vale get to do a special programme on the occasion of Friends Day. Well, each group thinks it’s a good chance, but at the same time, some worry about their decline in popularity since 2 other opposing groups are going to be there.
What Iori reasoned out for his thinking was justified. They were the most recent group that had risen to popularity, so it was expected for him to think that their popularity could waver, if they did a variety show with their rivals. The same thinking can be seen in the President of Yaotome Productions too.
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(He has such a mature personality... One can’t help but admire him...)
We got to hear a little bit of Tsumugi’s voice! I know, she is not a main character anymore, but at least mere sentences from her are worthwhile to hear.
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(Umm, can the guys and Tsumugi be provided with some new clothes? I have been seeing this since S1, haha ^^;)
Just as the meeting of the show ends, the camera starts rolling. And from here only, I can’t express how every scene made me laugh like crazy. I mean, they are hilarious!
I will just provide a gist here. They go to Atami for their show, and are given the challenge of writing a song within 24 hours. Although they are shocked, gradual banters are chatters help them to handle this task too.
And we know, when situation like this shows up, what older guys are going to do.
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(That was scheduled for the wrap up, but oh well.)
Regarding the ratio I talked about in the previous review, it’s the number of members sitting with their legs folded and those who aren’t! Well, their persona reflects through this one picture.
Poor Iori, these guys seem to not hear his instructions and discuss whatever they want. 
I pitied the managers so much. Protecting their stars at each scene, haha. It’s well said that alcohol can bring out the truth. Not some moments after, and these guys started to talk about dicey subjects, totally tossing out the main task in hand. This only stops after the show gives instruction.
Ahem. Tenn was the star of this episode, in my opinion. 
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(My heart... >///<)
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(Look at the two in the background knowing his double sided face, heh. And then there’s Riku.)
Jokes apart, what I said is actually true. We can see his improvement in personality when he has a conversation with Riku. It was not rash, but was formal, which is a good sign of the repairing of their tangled relationship.
The younger guys playing statue was soo cute!
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(ヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝ)
RIKU. BOY. He can SEE GHOSTS. I literally squealed when he calmly mentioned how the ghost that the ‘shopping’ group brought home wants to play with them. And darn, the other two members of ‘courage test’ group didn’t even falter.
Oh. Let me tell you the splitting of groups.
Cooking group- Nagi, Tamaki and Momo.
Washing group- Gaku and Iori.
Courage test group- Riku, Ryu and Sogo.
BGM group- Tenn (he was given to take requests, pftt...)
Shopping group- Mitsuki, Yuki and Yamato.
Since only Riku could see the ghost, he conveyed her each message to them. And this was true that he was not hallucinating. Because when he said that the ghost is going to bathroom to practice scaring the members with them, the result is the proof-
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Tamaki... The extent to which he was scared when the term ‘ghost’ popped up, and using Tenn to hide, was adorable. 
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(How is one supposed to stop screaming when these scenes are shown??!! >.<)
The Tamaki-Tenn dynamics here made me to replay the scenes again and again, and yet again.
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(Darn, he is super kind...)
But again, Tenn, he also didn’t get scared. These two brothers surely are something, huh. 
The courage test. OH GOD. It was the best part of the whole episode. Ahaha, whether it’s Mitsuki being a ghost, or Yuki, or Sogo... I was SCARED so much!! 
You have been warned. The photos below may cause your heart to skip a beat, OR SCARE YOU THE MOST.
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(Nice one, Mitsuki.)
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(Why is he hanging upside down, ahhh!!! Tamaki, I have the exact reaction as you.)
Haha, anyways, Tenn even suggests Riku to ask the ghost to return to her own world, and even sings ‘Dis One’ by Zero for her, as she was a Zero fan.
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(That smile is everything.)
What Riku says at last makes sense. Even though they ended up filming for a same show, they are still different and have their own goals to achieve.
Yeah, so that wraps up the review. I think this is the best episode of the whole season till now, as we saw the guys enjoying, without any tension. But you all know what this means.
We are all going to get some serious matters in the next episode. So buckle up! Apparently, this was also hinted in this episode as Momo found out how some staff from Tsukumo have stepped down from the show. Which means the only person he is sure of has started pulling the strings.
I hope not any guy gets hurt now...
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See you next week~
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tardytothepardy · 3 years
Fruits Basket - Vol. 20
I want to try to break the book into three main chunks. The last time I did that, it was easier to write about. So uh, the first chunk has to do with Tohru and her feelings about Kyo, and Kagura's reaction, the second chunk is Akito and Ren's past being revealed (it's totally a mess but it's to be expected), and the third chunk is about things unraveling.
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Ok cool let's do it. (The picture was at the end of one of the chapters, I just liked it a lot idk) (also tumblr needs to increase the character limit for the alt text, it's only 200 characters, which goes by quick. twitter has like,, 420, which is more manageable)
Tohru came to Kazuma's house to visit Izusu, and Kagura came to confront Tohru about something. What possibly could it be (as if I didn't say so in the beginning)? Kagura was talking about it a bit with Kazuma, and he said he just hopes that Tohru's feelings don't come from a place of pity (which is a mild "oof" point for Kagura, because that's mostly why she loved Kyo), because Kyo has had to deal with people either flat out hating him, or being nice to him out of a sense of pity. Even Kazuma admitted (earlier in the series. I don't remember when but I remember reading it) that part of the reason he took in Kyo as a child was because he was making it up for how he treated his grandfather, the previous Cat. Over time, those feelings fell away, in favor of genuinely caring for Kyo's wellbeing, but Kazuma doesn't seem to be the one who would forget about stuff like that. (Also it turns out that the previous Cat's partner basically stayed with him out of a sense of pity, as well)
It turns out that Izusu and Tohru were talking about the same thing, and Tohru worried if her feelings for Kyo were selfish, because she wanted nothing to take Kyo away from her, not the curse, not the Sohma family, nothing. Kagura then bust into the room, smacked Tohru across the fucking room it seems, and said, "Then fucking tell him that!!" (direct quote, 100%) Izusu yelled at Kagura for hitting Tohru, asking what right she had for doing that, but given Kagura's nature, it doesn't seem completely out of nowhere. She just got pretty emotional in that moment.
For Tohru, it seemed to knock the right screw loose for her, and she thought back to when she was talking about her father to Kyo, and if he said really anything against what she was talking about, she apparently would've just zipped her lips and pretended she hadn't said anything, and moved on, but he didn't. Which is pretty nice of him to do, honestly. Anyway, when she came to again (because she got knocked out from Kagura's emotion-packed slap), Kyo was sitting there, because Kazuma had called him, ("Hey dude so there was a smackdown here and Tohru got knocked out lmao" is how I'm imagining the call. kjdhkfgjh can you imagine Kazuma saying "lmao" I can't) but Kyo didn't ask about the fight (which was a Wise Lesson from Shishou™), another nice thing for him to do, though in my opinion it would be a pretty easy thing to explain.
Ok, so now onto the second chunk, which kinda has some of the stuff in the third chunk later on but whatever. Story flow, it's pristine today.
It starts with some of the,, maids? or something that are in the Sohma house (they never get names so far as I can tell, and I don't really know what to call them, but at one point someone referred to one of them as a maid, I think? Idk.) talking about Ren, and wondering why Akito still let Ren wander around freely like she does. Another said that Akito can only do so much, because apparently there is a crowd of people in the house that are "Ren-followers", and if she had Ren be completely contained within an area, there's a chance that those followers might start some shit, which would be a headache to deal with. One of the maids said that Akito has been sick (or holed up in her room) for too long, and the rest of the Juunishi are doing nothing to help, which does not help with Ren, who spouts out stuff about how the Juunishi doesn't really care about Akito at all. The maids seem to have a particular thing against Ren, because they view her as an unsuitable woman who somehow managed to become partners with Akira, the previous God, I think, but also the father of Akito.
Speaking of Akito, she has a box. That same box that Ren tried to use Izusu to get back. Something about that box has to do with Akira, and it seems important to both Akito and Ren, though honestly at this point Akito is probably just holding onto it out of spite for Ren, I wouldn't be surprised (I, too, am a petty bitch. I understand the mindset). She asked Kureno if he has any idea what is in it, and when he says he doesn't, she simply says, "Father."
Now we jump over to Ren and Shigure, who are also talking about about that elusive box. Apparently Shigure was tasked to get the box, but obviously he didn't succeed. He said (thought? He didn't say it aloud, it was one of those thoughts thing--- anyway) that he didn't really care, he didn't even want to touch that box, much less even look at it, it was no loss to him. Out loud, he says that it would be inappropriate for him to hold it, and Ren agrees, saying that only she can have it, just like how only she could have Akira, when he was alive. Are you already sensing where this is heading? Well, I'll say it anyway.
Flash back to Kureno, he's thinking about Akira, from when he was younger and Akira was still alive. He remembers Akira as very beautiful, in a fleeting way. Akira was sickly, all the time, and sad. Everyone knew that he wouldn't live for very long. But since he was the head of the house, of the family, it was imperative that he find a partner and produce an heir. That person was Ren, who was one of his care-takers. The rest of the staff (or something??) didn't like that she was going to be with Akira, it seemed unsuitable, but she was the only candidate. She was the only person who recognized how lonely he was, is what Akira said as a defense when people objected. And so, they were married. The older members of the family despised it, the younger thought it was the beginning of a new change, a new era. Ren said (because this section is flipping between Kureno and Ren) that it was only them two (haha grammar): Akira and Ren, they were all who mattered. She was everything to Akira. So when she had Akito, well, that muddled things. Because now there was another person that Akira loved: his own fuckin child. That's right. Ren got jealous of her own child because Akira loved his very own daughter. That's,, that's something. Shortly after that, Ren decided that Akito would be raised as a boy. Or maybe it was while she was still pregnant. At any rate, she said it was because it would be unsuitable for the head of the family to be a woman, but we all know the real reason: it's so that Akira wouldn't be loving another girl, even though that other girl was his daughter. Jfc Ren is a handful. From Kureno's memory, it seems like even as a kid, Shigure recognized that.
Back to Shigure and Ren, Shigure says that he feels sorry for Ren, probably thanks to all that upset she has. She says the same, that the Juunishi have had to deal with the abuse that Akito has dealt to them simply because of that "bond", and that there's no way that anyone could honestly love Akito. Shigure also comments that sometimes he thinks that if Akito had been raised as a woman, she'd look exactly like Ren, which instantly pisses Ren off. She just starts screaming about "Who do you have to thank for Akito being born! I'm the reason that (insert angry comment about how she's the only reason why x happened)". I'm kinda glad she isn't in the series much, this is exhausting. I know she's in the book later, and maybe a bit more in the next few, but jeez. It's a lot.
Anyway, let's end the chapter with Momiji having his curse be broken. The end is near (for the Juunishi, not this post lmao).
The second that the curse breaks, Akito knows it (that's probably the bond. I doubt it's some kinda "we'll be friends forever uwu" kinda thing, it's just kinda an awareness of each other, or maybe just God's awareness of everyone) and races towards Momiji, begging him to not leave. Now that the curse is broken, Momiji is confused as to how those thoughts he had prior for Akito were even there, now that he sees Akito clinging onto him, whimpering and panicked. Momiji waves her away, saying that he'll keep it a secret, and that Akito should go rest, wasn't she feeling sick earlier?
We pan over to the school, where Haru is asking Yuki if he's noticed anything off about Momiji. Haru can't place it, but something seems off, maybe not. Kyo ends up running into Momiji walking down a hallway, and asks him about it (he overheard the others talking about it), and Momiji just out and says it: his curse broke. He said he imagines that Tohru would be happier about it if it were Kyo's curse that broke, and that he (Momiji) lost. (I guess he lost in some unspoken one-sided competition of "getting" Tohru, because y'know she's not her own person who is capable of deciding these things for herself or anything)
Later, Momiji goes back to the main Sohma estate, to apologize to Akito for how he acted yesterday, but also to say that he won't be staying there any longer. Akito takes it like a champ, slapping Momiji across the face and insulting him, saying that he's a traitor, he has nowhere else to go, his family either doesn't remember him or hates him, he'll never be happy! and Momiji's just like, "Yeah lol I already feel lonely", that he can't be with the person he loves, and he no longer has that One Thing that previously connected him to most of the other people he's close with, and that there's no going back. He does say though, that it's not Akito's decision or place to say whether Momiji will ever be happy or not, because he might not be happy now, that does not mean that he won't ever be happy in the future. He then asks Akito how long she will stay at the house, thinking that eventually, everyone will come back to her, that no one will be happy without her. What if it's actually her that is most afraid-- Akito isn't down for an analysis, she just tells Momiji to leave.
Let's now go down memory lane, down a nice and happy time, especially for Akito and Ren: Akira's death and it's after effects. Happy times. (apparently i was wrong, the thing i said was the third chunk that wove in nicely with the second was just the second chunk, i think this is the actual third chunk)
Akito is thinking back (on a rainy morning, extra points for setting the mood) on her relationship with her parents. With Akira, it was nice, he always was kind and caring, telling Akito that she is what everyone has been waiting for, and that she thought she was the one Akira loved the most. With Ren, however, she was always cruel, from the start. She always glared at Akito, she was always mean. Akito hates her. We're brought back to the day Akira died, where Ren bursts into the room, asking why she wasn't notified sooner, why Akira had to die alone. One of the attendants said his condition worsened too quickly to call Ren close by, but also that Akira hadn't died alone; he died with Akito by his side. The attendant said that Akira's will had been passed onto Akito, she was now the head of the family. Ren was angered at that, there's no reason for Akito to still be around now! She only tolerated her child being around because Akira liked her, but now that Akira is gone, there is no one to love or care about Akito. Akito said that wasn't true, that all of the Juunishi will love her, because of their bond. (Which is basically what Akira said. He put most of that stuff into her head, and she doubled down on it whenever Ren said anything against it, which might as well be every single time they were around each other)
Back to the present, Kureno comes in the room to talk about something, but Akito interrupts him, saying that she was happy when Yuki was born, as the Rat. It was mostly just something she used to prove Ren wrong, and she used it as long as she could (much to the deterioration of Yuki's mental health). She thought back, over the years, to all the bad things that had happened, how she tried so hard to keep everyone close, and how all of them had, one by one, come to "betray" (cough cough, try to live their own lives, cough cough) her. After Shigure and Yuki left to their present residence, Ren said that they had given up on Akito. When Akito again mentioned their bond (which, really, now that I think about it, has basically been the singular thing straining to keep everything under control. Akito's sole sense of identity was being God, she's never had anything else.), Ren waved it away, then challenged that if any of the Juunishi can go out into the world, experience it in all it's freaky magical ways, and not be taken in by it, and instead return to Akito, then she will have been proved wrong, Akito's claims this whole time will have been correct. If they failed to, however, Ren said that Akito would have to give up the Sohma name. But Akito believed it, she truly believed she was right, that nothing big enough would come between her and the rest of the Juunishi (Tohru has entered the chat). She had to believe it, she just had to. But now, it's evident, between how Haru reacted upon learning about Izusu, Momiji's demeanor after the curse broke, the general way that the rest of the Juunishi float away from Akito, that it isn't true, and with that, she has nothing to hope for.
Upon this realization, Ren bursts into the room, knee-length hair floating around her, eyes crazed, knife in hand, demanding for Akira. Demanding for that box, and whatever contents were inside. In response, Akito fuggin yeeted it at Ren, she didn't give a shit. It flashed back to right before Akira died, and he soothed Akito by saying that, despite dying, he will always be with her. He wanted for Ren to be happy. He wasn't upset that he was dying so soon, he knew that he was just a man who was going to die, but he was happy that he was able to have a child, and to have had that child with Ren, and since that child was special, it was proof that their relationship was a special one. Back to the present, Ren scrambles to the box, tears it open hungrily to find,,, nothing. The box was empty. It'd always been empty, said to have held Akira's soul, but it was mostly just something to help Akito with Akira's passing. Suddenly, Akito grabbed the knife that fell from Ren's hand, poised to stab Ren but then--
Hiro's curse broke. Ren can thank that bond she always scoffed at for saving her life. But hey, now Hiro can hold his baby sister, which is nice. Yay for family moments.
Boo for Akito, because it's just really grinding in that the curse is quickly falling apart, and there's absolutely nothing that she can do about it. Ren taunts Akito, asking if she was trying to kill her. The attendants blow up, one yelling at Ren for making such a scene, taking a knife with her, and another scolds the first for giving Akito that box in the first place, it's stupid! The first attendant said that Akito knew from the start that it was empty, common sense would say that much! (idk man it could've held one last letter from Akira to Akito, a letter wouldn't affect the weight of the box significantly, it's not common sense)
Akito leaves the room, and Kureno follows. Akito says that it was both common sense but also not, that there wasn't anything in the box. She wanted to believe there was a chance that something was in that box, some kind of invisible energy that would help her. But even after opening it, seeing that it was empty, she still held onto it, knowing there wasn't anything. And that was her common sense, that's what she thought. She'd never been given any other way of thinking, of living, so why and how should anyone expect differently? Kureno says that she can start learning now, that that was what he wanted to talk about earlier, that she can't stay here, she'll never be able to move on, to which Akito cuts him off with "Fuggin now, bitch?? You're saying that now?? That doesn't help me! It would have helped in the beginning! But not fucking now!" (which btw is true. i doubt akito was even allowed to go to a public school, that she was schooled within the estate. i really believe that she's never really been outside of the the properties that the Sohma family owns) Then she stabs Kureno, with that knife she's been holding all this time. She reasons with it saying that Kureno's "halfway kindness" has been killing her this whole time, that it can't be fixed by Kureno saying that maybe Akito should go touch some grass. As Akito is running from the scene (more like haggardly stumbling), she continues thinking that it's Kureno's fault, it's not on her, until she remembers what Yuki was saying at the New Year's gathering about blame. It doesn't really fix anything, it just momentarily makes you think that you're not in the wrong. *record scratch* What if it's Akito's fault, then? All of this? What if it's her fault? What if it's the fault of the person who made everyone change? What if it's Tohru's fault?? (dun dun dunnnn)
Meanwhile, back at the other Sohma house (Shigure's house?) Tohru has some confessing to do. Before that though, Kyo has some confessing to do, though not about the same thing. He tells Tohru that he knew her mom before she died, and that he was the reason she died. He tells her that they met when he was really young, and how they had kinda become friends (in that way that people become friends by talking often, but Kyo never told Kyoko his name, because he had some weird thing about having a name so similar). That all fell apart the day that Tohru went missing. He promised that he would find her and rescue her, but after finding that Yuki had done it (the evidence was The Hat), he lashed out, and never talked to Kyoko again. Years later, when he was at the crosswalk, who was beside him but Kyoko, who he recognized instantly. He wasn't sure what to do, whether to say something to her or hold back. He was totally able to grab her arm, get her out of harm's way, but he didn't, he was too scared. (plus yaknow the whole cat thing) He beats himself up about, still to this day. He does the same with his own mom's death. It was his fault that his mom killed herself, she couldn't stand having such a monster as a child. It was too much for her, and she couldn't take any longer. (It wasn't. I won't say that his mom wasn't put under strain for having Kyo, for knowing that he wasn't human, that he turned into a weird monster if his bracelet was taken off, but from what we've seen of his dad, it was probably at least 85-90% his dad's fault. He was too caught up in the politics of the Sohma family, ashamed of the fact that Kyo was the Cat, the worst out of them, that he couldn't even salvage having one of the good freaks to have as a child of his, and he took it all out on his wife and later his son.)
And the book ends on that cheery note. (Why do I say stuff like that why I am I like this)
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ae0nx · 3 years
Yayyy, I'm finally here at the last episode of season 2... I'm honestly still working through my final thoughts on this episode and I've just been waiting to write it out so I can stop swirling it around my head.
Oh Kureno...
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Mmmph... ain’t it beautiful. 😈
- Vibing extra hard to the opening cos it’s the last time I’ll hear it for a while (and also cos I’m distracting myself from the sads again)
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I think I might do a ranking of the openings and endings so far at the end of this recap!
- There’s this music in the background that always plays when Akito’s manipulative powers are at work that goes so well with the uneasy tone of the scenes and it’s great.
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Hana was giving me hardcore Tomoyo from Cardcaptor Sakura-vibes in this episode. I think it might’ve been the hairstyle but I dunno, Hana’s also obsessed with her best friend too so they might be more relatable than I thought lol
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Ok. I hate to be predictable but Rin obviously gets Outfit Appreciation this episode. IT’S JUST FACTS. This is Rin’s best outfit so far. I wanna draw it, I wanna wear it. Yes. We should all aspire to include more arm sleeves in our outfits. 5 STARS.
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Omg Yuki, tone it down 😂 WE GET IT. SHE’S MADRE.
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Lol, where’s Kyo? I’m sure he wants head pats too. But, myyyy boy, Momiji...
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...Did he really just pull the ‘let’s pray about it... together 💕’ move?! I am cackling 🤣
I kid, this was another cute moment between Momiji and Tohru. It’s just funny how everyone wants Tohru’s praise and affection... you know... like a GOD.
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Ooooo, I hate to admit it... but I’m starting to love Shigure in full Trickster God mode. This whole episode he was sinfully delightful to watch. Voice acting - of course, was amazing. John Burgmeier makes Shigure’s lilty, carefree tones have such dark and sinister tone this episode. It’s not shocking enough that it feels like it’s a totally different person but it’s almost like as if you’re noticing something new in the painting you pass by everyday. That darkness was always there...
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I am Hatori. Hatori is me. I’m starting to understand why Hatori stays friends with Shigure... 😅😅😅
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“And now we move on to Kureno Sohma, 26, who is about to watch a random DVD given to him by a high schooler”...
I feel like a lot of things that happen to or around Kureno never seem quite right... or legal lol 😅
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Oh Kureno... you poor Begotten Child of Eve... This scene is beautiful. But in general, Fruits Basket is so good with the use of colours and shadow and FRAMING in pretty much all of its scenes and scenarios. The way the whole scene is mostly dark but there’s a hint of purple showing how even though he is away from Akito, he’s never truly AWAY from Akito. It’s a nice touch.
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It was soooo... cool to see Shigure in his true form. Haha, I have no other way to say it. He was being such a smart-ass and was incredibly cold towards Kureno but it’s really satisfying to see Shigure’s ‘real face’. Which is ironic because throughout this whole phone call we don’t actually get a clear view of Shigure’s face. 
That absolute drop in Shigure’s voice in the English dub was excellent as well.
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All the pawns are falling into place... He really is the worst. I don’t like it. I like it.
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CINEMATIC. I love how dramatic this scene and this anime is!!! Also, Kureno’s outfit is great, a long coat is always good. There’s also something very ‘Edward and Bella’ about this meeting and this reveal of the truth. It’s just... so early 00s and it’s great lol
But oh, look wow, Kureno doesn’t have the curse (!)
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I love Kureno’s description of the curse breaking, it sounds so euphoric and beautiful! Also, I have to say, Ian Sinclair was fucking killing it this episode. I was a bit worried about him being Kureno at first because I’ve only known his performances as dynamic and slightly eccentric characters. But, he really nailed down Kureno’s calm and robotic kinda demeanour so that when his eventual breakdown happens...
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It almost sounds alien and so broken like he’s been holding back his tears for so long but also a little bit pathetic which I personally love as a take on Kureno. Because... he is a little bit pathetic. 😬 His whole life is on stand still because of a promise he made to a 7-10 year old girl... when he was in middle school?! I know that tradition is tradition but I genuinely agree with Shigure berating him for letting this go on for so long.
I guess that’s always been my personal problem with Kureno. He could’ve potentially stopped so many Akito-caused disasters in many of the zodiac’s lives just by even telling his own truth. And I know that it’s explained that Kureno just wanted to calm Akito down and reassure her and I definitely felt for him in that moment... but I think I need more of an exploration of how Kureno genuinely feels about Akito without the loyalty promise. I just don’t understand why he’s carried this promise on for so long.
But anyways... I found Tohru’s reactions to what Kureno was saying very interesting...
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Almost... like she finds this... relatable? (I dunno why I’m even trying to be coy when I’m behind rn lol) I’m definitely seeing the reflection between Tohru and Kureno now, lol
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BIG REVEAL(!) I remember when I first found out that Akito was a girl from the manga and I don’t think I really thought anything of it 😂 Like I don’t really think I thought much about her gender, I definitely knew she was feminine but I kinda just read her as androgynous? Kinda the same as how I read Ayame at first. How did the anime-onlys receive this reveal?
Again - Beverly (Season 1, Opening 1)
Home - Toki Asako (Season 2, Opening 2)
2001 Opening
Prism (Season 2, Opening 1)
Chime - Ai Otsuka (Season 1, Opening 2)
Lucky Ending (Season 1, Opening 1)
2001 Ending (THOSE STRINGS!! 🎻)
Eden (Season 2, Opening 2)
The Charm (Season 2, Opening 1)
One Step Closer (Season 1, Opening 2)
Ahhh, I’m so glad I can now fully envelope Season 3 now. This was a great climax episode. Ian Sinclair really got me good in Kureno’s scene - teary eyed at 2am lol 
See you in Season 3!!! Yayy!
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The Enchanting and Beautiful Temptress 2/ 3
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Summary: Azuma runs into an old acquaintance and Mankai is invited to dress up as Chinese spirits at a ryokan.
This story references some Chinese mythology and you can read more about them here!
牛頭: Niutou
辟邪: Bixie​​
狐仙: Huxian
Thank you so much to Drop for requesting and sharing this story with me! I hope you like it!
And that’s all the details, what do you guys say?
That sounds so freaking cool!
A ryokan with a spirit concept sounds based as hell! I’m hyped!
Yes, it does tickle my interest. The only thing left is to decide who will play the spirits.
Mr. Yamamoto said he wanted to have three in total. They are called Bixie, Huxian, and Niutou.
Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice! I don’t get it at all!
Dude, what the hell!? How did this turn into some crazy rhyming game?
So here are some more details about the Chinese spirit theme. First, about Bixie. She is a female Pixiu, “a creature that wards off evil.” Usually depicted with a pair of deer antlers. They say that Bixie helps out those suffering from bad feng shui.
Next is Huxian. Huxian is a fox spirit who has spent many years training in the mountains alone, and it is described as sexy and alluring in appearance. 
And at last, Niutou. Its name is made from the Chinese characters for “ox” and “head.” Just as you would expect, it is a spirit with the head of an ox. Niutou is responsible for collecting the souls of those approaching death so that they can be judged in front of the courts of hell. Sinners are punished, the righteous are rewarded.
Okay, after hearing the descriptions, Bixie sounds the most like Azuma, yeah? 
I was thinking the same!
Yes, he fits the role like a silk glove!
Since Mr. Yamamoto is Azuma’s acquaintance, it only makes sense that he would participate in the event.
Well, since it seems like everyone agrees, I will take the role of Bixie.
That only leaves Huxian and Niutou.
And you mentioned Mr. Yamamoto also wanted a skilled cook, yes? I think Omi would be good for that part.
If Omi is going to help out, I think he would fit as Niutou.
Isn’t that too obvious? Maybe he wants to play a role he’s never done before. It’d be pretty refreshing to see him branch out.
Alright, then what do you think about him as Huxian?
Why don’t we ask the man himself? What would you like to do, Omi?
Haha, I don’t have any objections. Creating a menu for the ryokan does sound pretty interesting though. 
So next we have Niutou.
How about I take that part? 
When I heard about this whole Chinese spirits project, I thought it’d be a great chance to study and expand my horizons. I wanna give it a shot.
Let me think... Since you can’t be out in public, I think we’ll need to confirm the details of your involvement with Mr. Yamamoto.
I could talk to him about it personally.
Yes, please do.
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…I knew this was going to be themed after Chinese spirits, but I didn’t expect the atmosphere to be so beautiful.
Yeah, it’s even better seeing it in person.
I feel like this place would be scary if you were here alone at night.
Haha, I’m flattered. I wanted to make it truly immersive.
You two look quite handsome in your costumes. They really suit you.
Yeah, you too.
 You guys fit in perfectly!
Fufu, thank you.
Alright then, let’s get started right away. I’ll direct you to your posts.
Yukishiro, you’ll lead guests around the ryokan. Fushimi, you’ll be helping out in the kitchen and bringing food to guests.
And for Tenma, who can’t be seen in public, I think you would do a great job with yumomi.
You’ll be in a position where you won’t have to interact with guests too often, plus it’ll be hard to tell who you are in your Niutou costume.
Oh, and when in costume, I think it would be best to change your language a little to make it seem truly immersive.
That would be a nice touch, don’t you think?
I’ll leave it to you how you want to portray your characters.
Change our language…
I gotta think about this one.
I look forward to seeing how you guys act out your roles.
Ahh, I guess I’m just tagging along? Is it really okay for me just to stay around the ryokan during all of this?
And here I was thinking you guys invited me to help…
Fufu, it’s fine. You already work so hard, I think it would be best if you just had a rest and enjoyed your stay.
I was speaking with one of the waiters earlier. They said that the open air baths have great views. If you get a chance, I think you should really go check them out.
You know it wouldn’t hurt to take a day off once in a while.
Thank you. Well, I guess I should take your suggestions and destress while I’m here.
We’ll see you later.
Good luck, everyone!
To be continued... Read part 3 here!
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icharchivist · 3 years
cries think I made my ask too long so like half of it got deleted bc I typed it right into the askbox. anyways. I come bearing a3 thoughts! at first i was gonna watch the spring/summer and autumn/winter ones and then give my thoughts on both but. turns out i had too many thoughts lol? which i shouldve expected but i actually kind of... got bored by the first two chapters of this event! so i skipped and went to the stranger. and then went back. (1/?)
and then i got to like "tsuzuru and kazunari are having a fight?" and jumped on that like a starving wolf bc helllll yeah! i rly adored kazunari in sardine search, i think he was great! hes just so nice and has good vibes. he and taichi are kind of similar i feel? but i think their respective ages contribute to a lot of difference in their characters. why does it feel like this askbox limit personally wants me dead. (2/?)
anyways! i rly enjoyed the improv scene devolving to a real fight. admittedly i was kinda surprised that the content of that improv wasnt rly too similar to their actual fight? like normally a3 has the story of the play run parallel to like the actual real character drama so i thought the improv might function as the play in this event... it was still good tho. the scene i mean. (3/?)
also i rly liked tenma ragging on them afterwards. like he was mean but. first i adore tenma. second he just felt like. a different meddling type to muku lol? like the vibes he gave me were always like... im going to be a considerate leader and watch out for the ppl under me! therefore im gonna make sure theyre doing fine! aggressively. i think tenmas also just like a friendly person who likes to take care of others in general? like im not saying hes omi or anything but just like. (4/?)
that time he offers his car ride to juza so they can go to school together like hes surprisingly open compared to his initial prickliness. also ive got thoughts abt the tenma juza SSR conversation thing i read. one day ill make a tenma and juza fic and complete a trifecta haha... but thats something for another day! back to the actual story. the way tsuzuru dives right in after kazunari! that was so nice. like its easy to see how much they care abt each other. (5/?)
to the point where like even while theyre fighting theyre like angry but still like fairly quiet bc i think theyre both at least trying to be considerate of each other. ah the moment kazunari didnt respond to tsuzuru trying to talk to him i KNEW he was sick tho. felt proud of myself for calling that one but also the reason i knew is bc i have used the "character being sick during an argument causing them both to make up with each other" trope myself before so uh. like recognizes like haha. (6/?)
anyways the cg there was fuckin beautiful like kazunari looks so sad in the middle bit but then u see his shy smile? like hes sick but hes also like. happy to be there. idk. lovely. i adore kazu i think hes just deeply sweet to other people. tsuzuru telling him "you make everyone around you feel as bright and cheery as the things you design” is so wonderful too (7/?)
now im thinking. ah tsuzuru probably feels quite drained after a script and such (i know i am when i finish any piece--its like the emotions just rush out of me) so i like to think that like yknow. kazunari dropping by his room or whatever helps him set himself back to normal! but also when tsuzurus like oh u left ur magazines here! i suddenly remembered. wait shit kazunari and tsuzuru arent even roommates. wonder how much they bother masumi lmaooo. anyways overall very good story! (8/?)
some more thoughts: itaru and citron were so cute in this event! just like. citron saying itaru winking makes his heart skip a beat and itaru quoting citrons wrong sayings (which. i am also guilty of today i told my brother "we'll jump that bridge when we cross it" so) also i love how yuki is like "thank god i wasnt partnered with that hack" but like. yuki. u could literally just not talk about him. like its so funny to me yuki is like wow i hate tenma but he wont shut up abt him haha (9/?)
i also was a lil taken aback at hearing itaru go "for the lulz" tbh... like it fits him. but im mad it fits him? anywaysss thats all i had for this one! im gonna watch autumn/winter and go say my thoughts on that soon. sorry the ask was so broken up, idk what happened!
OLA FRIEND! Glad to see your thoughts again omg :3c
tho omg the fact tumblr deleted it all + the ask limit was all so evil D: poor friend.
I'm putting my answer under a read more because. Well. *waves hand* it got long.
The non-play events can be perhaps a little harder to get into because unlike the plays events that you start with a clear idea of at least the main plot (re: "they are preparing a play, i know the leads so i know who it will focus on"), non-plays events take a little longer to first set up what event they're participating in, how to prepare for it, and then bring up the conflict and which characters are going to have something to do with said conflict. So i can understand that they're a little harder to get into when we know the plays awaits.
On top of that, the first few events still were a bit tame because since it was early when the app released, i think they didn't go too heavy at once in case some people were still stuck on earlier chapters (esp since especially Winter is hard to unlock)
ANYWAY glad that it sucked you in on the second read :3c
So glad you were invested in that conflict!
Totally agreeing with you about Kazunari, and very good point about Taichi as well! they aren't the Puppy Pair for nothing :'D (Yuki took one look at both of them together and just Knew. His suffering knows no end (lovingly)). But yeah i think they have a lot in common, they both are the really bright and friendly figure, both also started in overcompensating a bit because both wanted to be popular in some ways.
But we do have, on one hand, Kazunari who wanted that rather late in his life while Taichi always thrived for that, the fact Kazunari made friends easily and it's just that he was scared of getting to the next level, while Taichi always struggled with this quest for popularity. In a way too both of them were at least scared to share a part of them, Kazunari worrying to show his thoughts, and Taichi being a spy and all of that... which impacts them really differently considering the guilt it puts on Taichi. And then you add their age into the mix, especially the fact Kazu is the oldest of his troupe and Taichi the youngest of his, it makes them fairly similar all while being fairly different.
both are so interesting to me and i love them bothhh, so it's always nice to see them have focus.
admittedly i was kinda surprised that the content of that improv wasnt rly too similar to their actual fight? like normally a3 has the story of the play run parallel to like the actual real character drama so i thought the improv might function as the play in this event
i love how you are seeing the patterns a3 tends to do it's so neat!
It's true the fight isn't really similar to their actual fight, though i do love that they had "swapped" their personality for the act and ended up insulting each other for theirr swapped personality. Like, Kazunari insulted part of himself in Tsuzuru's character and Tsuzuru did the same?? and then the fight escalated and the way Kazunari broke character hurts bc it's really that Tsuzuru hit where it hurts. But yeah it still wasn't too relevent to their actual fight, though i think the thing is that their fight was as such mostly because they tend to clash often due to their personalities rather than just this singular reason why, so to have the play go more "it's their personalities the problem" kinda hurt lol. But yeah still agreed that it didn't reflect much on the plot itself
I was rereading the improv bit to answer correctly and man since we're going to talk about Tenma next, i just. Love that when Kazunari, breaking character, his eyes sad, tells Tsuzuru "you have no rights talking to me like that..." it then cuts on Tenma being upset. Bc like. Exactly like you say, he wants to look out for the people under him. and like. Kazunari is his friend. A friend he also snapped at once and insulted for being who he was, so he probably could have relived a bit of his fight with Kazunari seeing those two fights; Except that now Kazunari is one of his closest friend and he doesn't like that.
Also like. It was also because he could still hide under the plot of the improv but it's so rare, and it never happened before that point, that Kazunari stands for himself in a "the way you treat me is unfair"? Like again re: his fight with Tenma, when Tenma snapped at him, while Tenma was unfair with him, Kazunari took the blame, called himself annoying and all yaknow?
The fact Kazunari is starting to accept that he can take more place for himself is something the whole Summer Troupe have been trying to help him work on, but especially Tenma. Tenma is always there trying to push Kazunari to say what he means, to express his feelings, to stop hiding.
And for once, Kazunari does that in front of everyone... and it's because he's breaking because of his fight with Tsuzuru.
I think Tenma probably felt it was even more of a reason to get involved like, this is the thing he's been working on with Kazunari about, and now he's being all hurt about it, not on Tenma's watch!
And i totally agree with your take on Tenma! (and would LOVE to read the Tenma and Juza fic once you get to it :3c). I think, Tenma is really caring and is trying to take a place as a caretaker and all, but unlike Omi, he has absolutely no reference for it.
Omi is the eldest of multiple brothers and everything indicates his parents have always been lovely to him. Add to it how he ended up leader of a delinquent crew he was clearly looking after, Omi has a history of taking care of people, of nurturing them, and he knows what he's doing. Meanwhile Tenma grew up on TV sets, mostly surrounded by adults and not by people his age, mostly getting advice from being ordered around by directors i think. And his parents are distant, hyperfocused on their job, not really nursing with him. So Tenma meanwhile really didn't have a family emotional support and was in situation where he couldn't befriend other kids his age. His only reference was probably Igawa (his agent) and i think for a long time he didn't exactly see it, and Igawa remained mostly professional so there was probably the idea of it not being sincere? That Tenma had to grow out of.
So like, they're both extremely nurturing and caring, but my point is that Omi has experiences in it and is at ease with it, while Tenma has been so alone and in places were he had no support system that even if he wants to support others, he still struggles with how to do it because he has no set exemple. And that's his development in the main story arc, to learn from how Izumi shows she cares in order to care back at them all.
Like i mean the way Tenma yelled at them about their mistakes at first feel like he would have picked it up from some directors on TV set yaknow? Probably hearing them say that with no consequences on others actors, seeing it worked, didn't think "that's an abuse of power and the actors probably all think badly of their director for that" but "wow that works", tried it on his troupesmates and realized this is... not how that works. And it's spending time watching how Izumi encourages them that have him fix his way to approach it.
So yeah i got lost too into it but like. I feel you on Tenma i love him so much and i love his development so to see him get pissed and involved there? was really nice. even if he was aggressive about it. He's still learning.
ANYWAY back to Tsuzuru and Kazunari, totally agree with what you say next. They still care a lot about each other and yeah they're at a point where this consideration they have for each other make their anger more quiet than trying to attack one another (Banri could NEVER-). so yeah totally agree with you!
DLKFJDLKF i LOVE the reasoning on "recognizing that Kazunari was sick". Your writer's powers making you see through... *coughs* unlike Tsuzuru....
AND YEAH ALL YOU SAY ABOUT THE CG.. YEAH. Kinda crying thinking about it again now LDKJFLKDJF It's just. Everything about it is so soft and tender. The things Tsuzuru tells Kazunari are soo so sweet sobs. They're just adorable i love those kids. and also i feel you for Kazu he's just that great huh?
The whole set up about Kazu dropping by his room is so so cute! I love it! Like probably the very first time Tsuzuru braces himself because "oh no i'm not in the mood to stand mister hyperenergy himself" but Kazunari quickly adjust his energy so that Tsuzuru can just recharge without being overwhelmed. Yes it would drive Masumi completely nuts. Which i think is a plus for Tsuzuru like, hey, if Masumi gets annoyed once in a while it's a win. But yeah also i think that Tsuzuru and Kazunari should really have the Artistic Soldiarity of Students in Art school Probably Working Until Very Late To Complete Their Projects. Would love if at the end Tsuzuru gave it back yaknow?
but yeah their story was really nice i'm so glad you liked it! :D
oh god yeah Itaru and Citron were SO cute in it too, i also love the comments Citron makes about Itaru's winks. Just there flirting in front of everyone like those two embarrassing friends huh. (probably with Muku being all starry eyes considering he greatly admires both Itaru and Citron and, well, Romance.). And yeah i love how Itaru ends up so much into Citron's rhythm (and this idiom you said? is glorious actually, 10 points for you)
DLKFJDLKF what a call out toward Yuki. "yes i hate Tenma,no i won't shut up about him, also if YOU say you hate Tenma i'm going to stab you with my needles, have a nice fucking day.". I love their dynamics so much aha
And yeah Itaru is there cursing us the whole time with the fact he's the greatest nerd ever and it fits him perfectly. It makes me laugh so hard.
Thank you so much for having shared your thoughts there! it's always a blast to read through them and i dearly enjoyed it! (+ it makes me relive the event a little and it makes me soft!)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! So glad you had so many thoughts about all of this, what a blast.
thank you for sharing, and looking forward the Autumn/Winter reactions :3c
Take care!
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preathfics · 4 years
Heath17_KO5 AMA responses
Thanks to Heath17_KO5 for answering these for folks. 
You can reach her on the preathfics discord if you have follow up questions!
hardtchill said: mom will love us forever?
Yes, yes. *pat pat*
What inspired KO/Sonnett? I mean, we've seen Soran around, but not very many good Fics of that pairing.
That you can blame on blak0tyler. She started writing them, and I was like “I don’t really ship it because I think they’re too similar, but I love your writing, so I’ll read” and then by the end of the fic I was like “Damn, I kinda see it now.” I think for me it’s partially just that I really enjoy writing both characters (or did anyway). It’s fun to write characters that on the surface can be snide or sarcastic or goofy, but then underneath can have more layers and provide other things to a fic.
Nope! Not me!
Will you write more angsty stuff? Bc you write wonderfully... but it's just all so damn happy!
Hi there musingpredeliction. I think it’s hard for me to have angsty ideas for Preath, and I’m likely to still have happy endings. I was just talking to someone last night about how real life can be hard and can suck so when I turn to fiction, I want it to at least be hopeful, to do things like make me believe in true love (though I am one of the lucky ones that has found that in real life), make me believe in happy endings and beautiful lives, make me believe in magic. If you’d like more angst, I suggest reading more of my Soran or So’hara
Favorite WOSO person IRL? Favorite one to write?
IRL? Idk. It’s hard to judge when I don’t actually know any in real life. Rose holds a special place in my heart. Tobin’s footwork is magic and her laid back, goofy personality makes me swoon. Christen is the epitome of beauty to me both physically and just who she is (or at least who she shows us publicly). I honestly love so many of them. Sonny, KO (yes, still, though I am disappointed and hope she learns and grows), Julie, CRYSTAL!! Moving on from the USWNT, I’m a big fan of Emily Menges (one of the league’s most underrated defenders), Simone Charley, Midge Purce, Jennifer Cujoe, Sarah Gorden, Yuki Nagasato, Casey Short, Ali Riley, the list goes on. Lol. And on a more international player level: Tiane Endler, Mapi Leon, Jenni Hermoso, Sam Kerr, Hayley Raso, (actually a bunch of the Aussies), Vivianne Miedema, and so many more.
Favorite one to write is a bit easier: Emily Sonnett.
is with fandom culture that she is having a problem or the preath fandom specifically? also, i really love her writing, for both preath and soran so i hope that, if she retires, she doesn't delete her work, please! and man, the kelley situation, it's been really hard for us readers and for the writers…
Here’s the thing: part of what I have a problem with about Kelley is the fandom’s response to her. I’m disappointed by her not kneeling. I think she really needs to have more hard conversations and examine why she stood apart from game one and hopefully learn and grow. I’m disappointed in the culture of cancelling someone because they don’t learn and grow on the timeline you see fit, though. That now people will write off entire stories because a CHARACTER version of Kelley (that the authors have created themselves, let’s not forget), is part of it even if those stories were begun before the tournament happened. That her kneeling or not discounts her skill on the field or her actions off the field that we’re unaware of. Again, we only see a part of them, what they publicly show us, and I am very disappointed that she didn’t show us her kneeling for the anthem beyond game one, but I’m also aware that she may be taking steps I have no idea about. I’m not trying to start a discourse, though I’m sure this will, but that’s part of my issue. And then there’s the trickiness that comes of being part of an RPS/RPF fandom, where there’s the distinction between fiction and reality, between what we’d like to be true and what we 100% know. I don’t mean to cast aspersions. I’m not here to judge you anymore than I’m here to judge them.
What brought you to Preathfics, or rather just the WOSO fanfic community in general?
I have always been a soccer fan. I played through high school. But fanfic you can thank lesbianrobinhood for. I was not looking for a new fandom, but she dragged me kicking and screaming anyway. It’s usually the way.
What pairing do you most enjoy writing for? Why?
Hmmm...That depends on what I’m in the mood for. I like writing Soran or So’Hara if I’m feeling angsty or Preath if I’m not, but really it’s more about the individual story than the pairing: which idea captures my attention most in a moment. That said, as I said in another answer: I love writing Sonny, so if I get to write her, even if she’s just the supporting friend to Preath, I am a happy person.
Do you have a favorite fic? Can you make a list like Preathfics did of your faves?
Oooh, ummm...I mean anything by Blake0tyler for sure. I could (and have) read her stuff over and over and over. I love, love, LOVE Here I Am (Signed, Sealed, Delivered), by freshtilapia. I really enjoy The Restaurant by little_oblivion for a great ensemble piece. The One Where Everyone Finds Out is another great one (and all of LittleDanvers’s stuff really). I love the imagery in Portrait of a Soccer Player on Fire by restlessvirtue. Entwined by superdupergust is very good (and hot). And for non-preath one of my faves is unbecomings (but their stuff is locked).
Do you have a favorite fic that you've written before?
Like of my own? Umm...The Time Between or Orlando is Only Home When It Has You, although so far I really like something that is as yet unpublished, and I’m enjoying the way folklore is turning out with JustCrushALot.
what's your favorite color?
Can you ask her why did she suddenly decide to update orgasm fic?
….Should I not? I have a hard time writing smut. I have to be in the right mindset and I haven’t been there in a while, but then I was, so I was like “Let me try” and it worked out.
are you planning on writing anymore explicit preath fics/oneshots?! The one up rn are soooo good!!
Umm...that depends. If I get the inspiration, then yes, certainly, I wouldn’t rule it out. Also I have a bet right now with blake0tyler about something which should result in smut from one of us at least.
To the amazing author of Worth a Thousand words: the story is beautifully written, it's funny, sweet and different from other fics. I totally get the KO thing and I do agree with you on that one but know that it's a fantastic story. (Everything you write is)❤️
❤️ Thank you! That is incredibly sweet! I really appreciate you saying so. ❤️
My opinion isn’t worth much as an anon but I loved Worth a Thousand Words and whoever gave it bad feedback can go suck an egg.
Haha, thank you. I’m glad that you enjoy it!
Heath17_KO5's feelings are so darn relatable, I'm crying just from reading the words fear, disillusionment and disappointment. Creative people are often highly sensitive people and when they feel things, they FEEL things. Wishing you strenghth, clarity and insight, Heath17_KO5. I hope you keep finding joy in the written word, as we do in YOUR written word.
❤️ That is very lovely of you to say. Thank you. Please don’t shed any tears on my account though!
heath17_ko5 is having problems with fandom in general or with the woso/preath fandom? that's a shame, but she should do what is best for her :)
Thank you, I appreciate that. I mean, I think in all fandoms there is a toxic element, but as this is the only fandom I’m currently active in, it’s this one. And it’s not all of you, please don’t think that. I sort of explained in another ask.
I just love Heath17_KO5's stories and everything they contribute. Is there any chance the author will pursue Beacon of Light? No pressure or anything. I just thought it had such a sweet premise. And I am a sucker for a good storm story :D
I am working on chapter 2, it’s just slow going.
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chisupamoved · 4 years
While in an ideal world I’d send over asks etc; I know that won’t happen as one ask limits and for some character’s I can ramble for days with. PLUS I know I’ll get five in and end up just losing my mind and getting fed up, SO.~ This is just a fun and easy way of my characters ‘giving’ I’m pretty much have this as an open ticket if you want to make what they’ve given to ur muse into a thread you can, if you just want to send me a IM saying what was given back fantastic!
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she’d totally get something for his little sister as well as him, so first off she’d make his sister a knitted bunny as bunnies. for him? haha. he’d get a sweater knitted of course, along with some pressed forget me nots-- her expresssing feelings without saying them as y’know she finds it hard etc;
first of all mikuru making her some bookmarks with qutoes on, ones she finds that helps her and hopefully would make yuki smile. her also making yuki knitted book shaped brooch for her to wear.
haruhi getting a knitted frog plushie to go with the frog necklace she got on her birthday? but of course. she’d also make clothes for it as well, as we only know wholesome things here and this is what they need.
she’d get him some bathbombs that they could maybe share? would it be her if she didn’t knit him something? well she’d make him some gloves, while she knows it’ll only be handy while it’s cold weather she just wanted to make him something that isn’t a scarf haha. She’d then also get him some records and some heart shaped fairylights.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 20 days
Ok I’m just gonna merge and put my response to both responses here so I don’t keep double sending stuff into your inbox LMAO
Tbh from what I’ve seen he’s still a pretty volatile player (maybe he’s got brother trauma too) so your kiyora probably cooks LOL
TRUE I do enjoy the Prince yuki duo…imagine Chris giving him tips on training to help him build up stamina so he doesn’t get as tired and strain his eyes as much I’m crying….pause Chris cameo in yuki oaeu….youre onto something
FS I lowk forgot about kurona for a min (sorry bro) but Reo’s physicality esp after the training with Chris would seriously up the plays that Isagi could make too omg I have to admit I’m mainly in it for the character development though LMAOO like Reo and Isagi becoming besties /hj Id honestly love to see them interact more on good terms because a good chunk of what we’ve seen now is Reo being like “Isagi give me back my loser” I dying with the nagi slander hiori would totally be like “if he can haul his ass out of bed to kick a ball maybe I should start moving too” but LMAOOOO I actually laughed out loud the “your mom” comment is BRUTAL I can totally see it happening like Kaiser crumples on spot gripping his next and Nagi’s just standing like wtf is “your mom” that powerful maybe I should try “deez nuts” next time (imagine he does and Kaiser just stares at him like wtf are you 12) Noel noa and Nagi being the ceos of no thoughts brain empty to the point that they have no other option and it forces a Nagi awakening…
I’m just imagining a mean girl powerpuff trio….i guess by color default Rins buttercup and hiori is bubbles so Nagi’s gotta be blossom LMAO I see the vision though
I can imagine asks being distracting especially since our convo is always so long LMAOO (I live for it though) Mira on that grind…flashbacks to your mention of that one baby Justin Bieber audio (I love how I can remember this but not whether or not I’ve sent in an ask)
OH IM WALKING ALRIGHT let’s go grab coffee while we’re at it I think you’re gonna wanna sit down for this convo…ok but wait this is actually dangerous you can’t just drop this thought into my mind and dip!! Yotd x bllk crossover…hold on….im ngl it has been a bit since I’ve watched but imagine aiku or Otoya as jaeha too…both personality wise and color…
Ok now kiyora notes response response LOL
OFCCC and tbh I figured you’d be on the mark with his character (as usual) LMAOO miraverse just too powerful…
Ok wait I think the street fighter thing fits with him perfectly…like he’s always raring to go with breakdance battles and whatnot so I can lowk see it? He lowk would be a street dancer I feel in bllkverse so not that far off in terms of vibes I feel…we also saw him straight up squaring up with Nagi (soccer wise though) in epinagi LMAO so definitely a relatively combative character
LMFAOOOO that panel is so funny but FR thinking back on epinagi where Karasu insinuates that Kiyoras the weak link of the team and kiyoras like “you wanna go bro??” it all makes sense…makes me more excited for epinagi though I wanna see how they interact mid match!! Maybe Karasu and Otoya really were carrying their team (as expected) I’m also crying because from the clip I saw the HEIGHT DIFFERENCE the top of kiyora head reaches like the middle of Karasu ear they really said “ok time to really show how small he is”
- Karasu anon
HAHA i’m abt to post in the next hour or so i hope so you can see for yourself 🙂‍↕️ also side note i can’t stop using the head nod emoji JFNSKKS
AWW no because chris somehow getting involved and teaming up w aiku too?? he gives very blustery sweet but embarrassing uncle vibes where he def has no clue what’s going on but he’s doing his best…gasses up yuki whenever he sees reader meanwhile aiku is giving yuki tips to pull…absolutely insane combo LMAOAO honestly the best part of the oaeu is how many random combos that i can write about (for example i think the premise of the nagi one is going to be that aiku’s going on a double date and he needs another guy who’s going to make him look good in comparison so he picks nagi who’s like tall/cute/athletic enough to not embarrass aiku but uninterested and weird enough to not steal aiku’s thunder but then he accidentally DOES steal aiku’s thunder so he becomes aiku’s opp 😭 aiku turns into the anti wingman fr meanwhile reo and chigiri are like “nagi likes a woman???” so they’re beefing w aiku as well because they need nagi to touch grass FJDJSJSJ)
EXACTLYYY it would help isagi develop as a player and reo develop as a person >>>> no because hiori is def like hold on if THIS idiot can enjoy himself playing maybeeee it’s not thatttt bad 😩 PLS nagi thinks kaiser is just weak to fortnite insults so he’s like “kaiser do you know what happened to candice” and kaiser is like ? who IS candice ? and nagi’s like “candice nuts fit in your mouth 🤣” kaiser considers ending it because wdym he has the most fuck ass immature teammate ever 😰 also wait imagine wildcard kunigami but with nagi instead of isagi 😭 he’s all emo and traumatized and nagi is just like wow you have big muscles it reminds me of barou 👍 or he’d accidentally bring up how he beat him in the 3v3 and it would make poor kuni spiral 😓 also a nagi + kunigami bm vs rin + shidou pxg feels like such an ultimate second selection get back like they def wouldn’t win because plot but it would be insane!! LMAOOO forget nagi developing a new ego because he’s creative or curious he’s forced to because noel noa is NOT abt to help him in any way shape or form 😟
LMAOOO no i love our convos but sometimes i have to just lock in 😩 HAHA the justin bieber audio is a miraverse staple like that’s literally me writing about sooo many random characters it’s unreal (but very enjoyable!!)
i thought abt otoya for jaeha but i feel like jaeha is more extroverted than otoya (plus ponytail) so i thought reo fit better!! although i can def see the aiku vision especially because jaeha is much older than all of the other dragons…also lowkey kaiser kinda serves soowon (cunty blond) it’s too perfect HAHA i’m just thinking yk 🤭
miraverse always ends up connected to canon even unintentionally 🤫 i do agree considering he likes when people provoke him it just made sense to me to put him in that au!! and yeahhh bro karasu is actually kinda mean to kiyora but honestly that’s just the tabito signature like love him but he is top ten assholes in bllk (he’s just joking around though so it’s okay) HAHA okay wait kiyora and i are almost the same height (he’s 165 cm and i’m 163 cm) so that’s good to know for ah…research purposes…hehe so basically i’d barely even come up to the middle of karasu’s ear 🤗 that checks out though because i knew a guy who was 6’3 (nagi’s height) and i deadass had to actively look up to talk to him it kinda made things awkward though because even hugging was lowkey a gymnastic endeavor 😭 i’m perfectly alright w lime 5’9 that’s still tall to me (also that’s otoya’s height i believe…so basically more proof that miraeita 🔛🔝‼️)
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osakaso5 · 4 years
IDOLiSH7 5th Anniversary Special Story: Opening Doors...
Chapter 2: A Variety Of People
Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Tenn Kujo: Good morning.
Riku Nanase: Te... Kujo-san!
Tenn Kujo: Nanase-san. Good morning.
Riku Nanase: Good morning. How’ve you been?
Torao Mido: Morning. This is a lot of people, huh...
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Good morning, Torao-kun. I look forward to our meeting.
Torao Mido: Ah... Same here.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Mornin', Isumin. Did you do your homework yet?
Haruka Isumi: Nope. What about you guys?
Iori Izumi: I did.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Nope.
Nagi Rokuya: Good morning!
Minami Natsume: Good morning. Look at this, Rokuya-san.
Nagi Rokuya: OH..! A limited edition Cocona disk! Have you become a fan of hers, as well?
Minami Natsume: I got it as a gift. I plan to watch it later.
Momo: Mornin'!
Yuki: Good morning.
Riku Nanase: Good morning!
Tenn Kujo: Good morning.
Haruka Isumi: G... Good morning.
Momo: Looks like everyone's here!
Yuki: We've got plenty of time today, so let's take it easy.
Tenn Kujo: That's a terrible idea.
Momo: Yuki's got a point, you know!
Momo: We're all busy people! Let's make the most of what little free time we get!
Riku Nanase: Great idea! I'm really glad I finally get to talk to everyone as much as I want!
Riku Nanase: Let's talk about idols, find a good flavor for us, and come up with a delicious dish!
Tenn Kujo: To celebrate their 5th anniversary.
Haruka Isumi: ...Glad to be working with you.
Momo: Sure!
Momo: Let's get started, then!
All: Yeah!
- - - -
Staff: We'll have the cameras rolling, but don't mind them and just start brainstorming for ideas!
Yamato Nikaido: Huh? You're giving us total freedom to do whatever?
Staff: Total freedom!
Mitsuki Izumi: Uh oh. I hope we'll be out of here before tomorrow.
Staff: You won't have to cook anything yet, you're just deciding what to make!
Yuki: That's going to take at least three days.
Momo: We're all free spirits!
Riku Nanase: Hey, guys! How are we going to sit? Should we make a circle so we can all see each other?
Iori Izumi: We can just sit along the table.
Riku Nanase: But then IDOLiSH7 will have to sit in Re:vale's spots.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yeah. We can't sit in a quad. We'll be on TRIGGER's side, too.
Momo: See? Now they're segregating our seats.
Staff: Uh...
Gaku Yaotome: Hm? Our side? Oh well, I don't really care where we sit.
Gaku Yaotome: Because we're gonna win in the end!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: You're so encouraging, Gaku!
Yuki: See? They're turning  sitting down into a competition.
Momo: Maybe even three days won't be enough for us!
Staff: Uh... Please just get through this before the evening...
Tenn Kujo: Very well. We'll do what we can.
Staff: Alright, we're starting the cameras! 3, 2, 1...
All: ........
Yamato, Mitsuki, Tenn, & Momo: Okay! Let's...
Mitsuki Izumi: Ahaha, we all spoke at the same time!
Momo: We should probably at least decide who leads the discussion!
Yamato Nikaido: Also. Nobody from ŹOOĻ tried to step up to the plate, did they?
Mitsuki Izumi: They're real quiet. Assert yourselves some more!
Toma Inumaru: ........
Toma Inumaru: Ah, right... Sorry.
Momo: Wait, are you actually nervous!?
Toma Inumaru: We're not! We're just not really used to this stuff, so we're trying to figure out our position...
Yamato Nikaido: Can't you do something? I hear you're known for your funny variety appearances. Don't make your senpais do all the work.  
Toma Inumaru: O-okay.
Torao Mido: Hang in there.
Haruka Isumi: Hang in there.
Minami Natsume: We believe in you.
Toma Inumaru: Don't act like this has nothing to do with you!
Mitsuki Izumi: They're so lively already... Okay, so who's gonna lead the discussion?
Tenn Kujo: Why not Momo-san? He's used to this stuff.
Momo: I don't mind, but wouldn't it be more interesting to pick someone nobody's expecting?
Yamato Nikaido: Like Yuki-san, since he's the oldest.
Yuki: No. And I'm not the oldest here because I want to be.
Yamato Nikaido: I'm just showing my respect. Now hurry up and do it.
Yuki: Who's the youngest here? Was it Tamaki-kun or Iori-kun?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yup! Probably me!  
Mitsuki Izumi: Ah, there's three people who are all the same age here. Why don't you do it with Iori and Isumi?
Iori & Haruka: Huh!?
Mitsuki Izumi: It'll be fun! You can be the classmate trio!
Tenn Kujo: Oh, you're all in the same class?
Haruka Isumi: Yeah, just by chance...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Isumin transferred to our school mid-year.
Haruka Isumi: Stop pointing at me!
Toma Inumaru: You three are gaming buddies, aren't you? Thanks for hanging out with Haru.
Iori Izumi: I don't play games. But thank you, as well.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Friend me too, Marucchi.
Toma Inumaru: Marucchi? Huh..? Are you talking to me?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yeah. You're Inumaru, so Marucchi.
Sogo Osaka: Tamaki-kun, that's impolite. I'm sorry about him, Inumaru-san...
Toma Inumaru: Ahaha! I don't mind! I know he calls Re:vale Yukicchi and Momocchi, too.
Yuki: No. I'm Yukirin.
Momo: And I'm Momorin!
Toma Inumaru: M-my bad.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: He calls me Ryu-aniki!
Gaku Yaotome: I'm Gakkun.
Tenn Kujo: I'm Tenten.
Riku Nanase: I'm Rikkun!
Nagi Rokuya: I am Nagicchi!
Sogo Osaka: I'm So-chan, I guess.
Iori Izumi: What are we even doing?
Yamato Nikaido: This kid's Iorin. I'm Yama-san, and he's Mikki.
Toma Inumaru: Ah, it's a pleasure...
Mitsuki Izumi: Hey, Tamaki. Inumaru's Marucchi, and Isumi's Isumin, but what about these two? Mido and Natsume.
Minami Natsume: Oh my.
Torao Mido: Haha, now it's our turn.
Tenn Kujo: You look very pleased about that.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: You're very popular, Tamaki-kun!
Tamaki Yotsuba: Hmm, well...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Minamin and Toracchi!
Minami Natsume: Minamin. Hee hee, how adorable.
Torao Mido: Haha, feels like I'm back in high school.
Haruka Isumi: Could you guys be any happier about this?
Mitsuki Izumi: Looks like they like their nicknames. That's great, Tamaki!
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yeah!
Yamato Nikaido: Wait, what were we talking about again?
Tenn Kujo: Who should lead our meeting about the menu. We were thinking of making the high schoolers do it.
Momo: Oh, right.
Yuki: Let's not always pick either the youngest or oldest. Can't we choose someone in the middle, for once?
Gaku Yaotome: In the middle? Aren't me and Nikaido the closest thing to that?
Yamato Nikaido: Nope, we're totally at the upper end of the age scale. Wouldn't the middle be Nagi and Natsume-chan?
Nagi Rokuya: OH! We are the median value!
Minami Natsume: ........
Nagi Rokuya: ...Have you no reaction to this?
Minami Natsume: Oh, not at all. I was just calculating the average. And I don't think it's us.
Yamato Nikaido: Really?
Minami Natsume: Yes. I believe it's Inumaru-san and Osaka-san.
Toma Inumaru: Oh, right! Me and Osaka were the same age.
Momo: Now there's an unusual duo! Stand next to each other!
Sogo & Toma: .........
Yamato Nikaido: Ooh, nice.
Tenn Kujo: you look very rock 'n' roll.
Toma Inumaru: Ah, you like that kinda stuff a lot, don't you..?
Sogo Osaka: Ah, yes. I do. What about you, Inumaru-san..?
Toma Inumaru: I do too! Have you heard the one that came out this month..?
Sogo Osaka: Huh!? You know about it, too!? Wow, I'm so happy...
Tamaki Yotsuba: They're getting into it.
Gaku Yaotome: Haha, looks like they're getting along just fine. I guess that's just how it is when you're the same age.
Yamato Nikaido: Huh? Are you talking to me?
Gaku Yaotome: Who else would I talk to about this!?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: We've got a lot of people who are the same age! Mitsuki-kun and Torao-kun are too, aren't they? Come stand over here, you two.
Torao Mido: Like this?
Mitsuki Izumi: Whoa, our height difference is huge!
Iori Izumi: ........
Iori Izumi: It certainly leaves a lasting impression.
Haruka Isumi: I know, right. They're totally an odd duo.
Nagi Rokuya: OH! How cute! You are like anime character designs!
Torao Mido: Ahaha! It's the first time I've been part of a duo.
Mitsuki Izumi: Oh, well. We might as well come up with a duo name, then. Maybe it can get us more work!
Momo: You're so greedy, Mitsuki. I like that about you.
Yuki: Can you hold a conversation, like all people of the same age supposedly should?
Mitsuki Izumi: We probably watched the same shows when we were kids! Like sentai stuff.
Torao Mido: What rangers did you watch?  
Mitsuki Izumi: The Four Great Civilization Historangers.
Torao Mido: Ah, me too.
Mitsuki Izumi: I liked India Red!
Torao Mido: My favorite was Mesopotamia Blue.
Nagi Rokuya: OH... They look like they are enjoying themselves.
Minami Natsume: I suppose it's easier to find things in common when you're from the same generation.
Haruka Isumi: You and Rokuya are like that, too. Do you guys have anything in common?
Minami Natsume: I'll go along with what he says. Rokuya-san is of a higher class than I, after all.
Nagi Rokuya: I am very happy that you will watch Magical★Cocona!
Momo: Is that it for people who are the same age?
Gaku Yaotome: I guess? Ryu's got nobody who's the same age.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Right. I wish I did, though!
Yamato Nikaido: Ichi, Tama, and Isumi, Nagi and Natsume, Sou and Inumaru, Mitsu and Mido, me and Yaotome. That's about it.
Riku Nanase: Um..!
Yamato Nikaido: Hm? What's up, Riku?
Riku Nanase: It just so happens that Kujo-san and I are the same age, too!
Tenn Kujo: ........
Yamato's Thoughts: ........! They're so obviously the same age that I forgot to point it out..!
Gaku's Thoughts: We nearly ignored the secret twins! 
Yamato Nikaido: Oh, now that you mention it.
Gaku Yaotome: We sure have a lot of people the same age.
Iori's Thoughts: Nikaido-san and Yaotome-san really are great actors... That was a good save.
Riku Nanase: At first I was like, "No way!", but then I was like, "Wait, are we the same age!?"
‭Iori's Thoughts: His reaction is too exaggerated...
Riku Nanase: But then after thinking back on it, I was shocked to find out that it's actually true! Yay! Samesies!
Iori's Thoughts: Now he just sounds too enthusiastic...
Tenn Kujo: Yay.
Iori's Thoughts: He's jumping on board to try and balance Nanase-san's forced reactions...
Riku Nanase: Te... Kujo-san! Since we're the same age, maybe we watched the same morning shows?
Tenn Kujo: Maybe. Like "The Milkman and the Forest Family?"
Riku Nanase: Yeah, like that one! We used to sing the theme song together every morning!
Tenn Kujo: Yeah, we did. Me and the old milkman on TV.
Iori's Thoughts: Nicely done!
Mitsuki's Thoughts: Great job, Kujo!
Momo's Thoughts: That's Tenn for you!
Riku Nanase: Right, right! I meant together with the milkman! Oh, do you remember that one time?
Tenn Kujo: What time?
Riku Nanase: When the old milkman spilled his milk, and I spilled mine at the same time!
Iori Izumi: Nanase-san, stop derailing the conversation. We're still supposed to choose someone to direct us.
Riku Nanase: Ah, sorry!
Tenn's Thoughts: Nicely done, Iori Izumi.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Why don't we let Sogo-kun and Toma-kun do it? They're right in the middle in terms of age, aren't they?
Momo: Sure, why not? I feel like we can trust them with this, and it'll be a nice change of pace!
Mitsuki Izumi: Okay, you two are leading the discussion!
Nagi Rokuya: OH! It is the birth of a new duo! Let us give them a round of applause!
Clap clap clap
Toma Inumaru: Hehe, you're making me blush here. Thanks for having us!
Riku Nanase: Do your best, Toma-san!
Sogo Osaka: I don't know how well I'll manage... But I'll give it my all. Thank you for choosing us.
Torao Mido: Hang in there, Sogo.
Sogo Osaka: Well then, um... Let me go over the general outline of the project.
Sogo Osaka: We'll have a discussion over what we kind of idol-themed dish we'll make for the show.
Sogo Osaka: After that, we'll get into mixed groups, and travel all over Japan to find the best ingredients we can.
Haruka Isumi: Travel!? We're gonna travel!? And what do you mean by mixed groups..?
Minami Natsume: Most likely that the four of us will be split into different teams at random.
Sogo Osaka: That's right. The staff has already assigned our teams for us.
Haruka Isumi: They have!? Ugh... Can't ŹOOĻ just stick together..?
Tenn Kujo: Oh, are you that afraid of strangers?
Yuki: Come here. We'll look after you.
Haruka Isumi: M-Minami...
Minami Natsume: Isumi-san, there's no need to cower behind me.
Tamaki Yotsuba: So we're getting shuffled!? I wanna be in Ryu-aniki's team!
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: I'm glad to hear that! We've sung together before, too!
Sogo Osaka: U-um, I was there, as well.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Of course, I wouldn't forget about you!
Toma Inumaru: The members are already settled. Uh, four groups of four people... Wow! I'm in this one!
Torao Mido: What's up with that reaction?
Gaku Yaotome: I wanna know, too.
Sogo Osaka: And I'm... Ah, I see.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Quit acting all important! I wanna know who I'm teamed up with, too! Can't you just tell us now?
Sogo Osaka: I suppose we can, but...
Mitsuki Izumi: Wouldn't it be more fun to find out after we've decided on a menu?
Tamaki Yotsuba: I guess...
Momo: I already know I won't be in the same team as Yuki. You don't have to tell me.
Yuki: We always get torn apart for these things.
Tenn Kujo: Of course you do. If you stayed together, one of the four teams would be 50% Re:vale.
Yamato Nikaido: That's a lot...
Riku Nanase: The whole team would practically be Re:vale!
Momo: Oh well, I guess we've got no choice! Yuki! Let's flirt extra while we still can!
Yuki: Yeah, let's flirt.
Momo: Yuki...
Yuki: Momo...
Toma Inumaru: Ah, speaking of which, I saw that thing where IDOLiSH7 would yell stuff whenever Re:vale got all close.
Riku Nanase: You did!?
Toma Inumaru: Yeah. didn't really get it, but it made me bust a gut.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Wanna see it again?
Toma Inumaru: What!? You mean live!?
Mitsuki Izumi: Huh!? Are we gonna do it now!?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Let's do it! Momorin, call Yukirin a hunk!
Momo: He has to do something that would make me say that first!
Tamaki Yotsuba: Do it, Yukirin.
Yuki: Okay.
Yuki: Momo... I'll buy you an apartment.
Momo: You're so materialistic, Yuki! Materialistic and a hunk!
IDOLiSH7: Yeeeah! 
To be continued...
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