#and his combat victories against other immortal/divine beings were all earned
crossdressingdeath · 1 year
Y'know, the Read Riordan Hypnos spotlight (side note, very worried about that "Especially once [Nico's nightmares] become real" bit given how absolutely batshit Nico's nightmares are in the excerpt) has me thinking about Nyx again and how much it pisses me off that she's so damn stupid in HoH. And you know, I think the explanation that would be most satisfying is that... Nyx deliberately played along to let Percy and Annabeth go without having to outright say she was letting them go. Like, the sense I'm getting is that TSatS is going to feature Nyx as a major player (and probably an antagonist), and if she's got some sort of plan in place that's coming to fruition in TSatS (maybe involving getting out of Tartarus?) she'd likely need Gaia gone to enact it since if the world's ended any plan involving people in that world would be scuppered. Since the Seven needed Percy and Annabeth to complete the quest, assuming Nyx wanted the Seven to succeed she'd need to let them through, but if she just let them pass that might raise suspicions about her intentions. Hence, pretending to fall for the incredibly blatant lie that there are tourists in Tartarus. And also pretending that Mother Night can be easily outwitted by... making it darker. In fact I'm going to believe that that's the case unless it's explicitly proved to be false, because I cannot get over how stupid it is that Percy and Annabeth's tourist ploy actually worked. Like, I can't even be impressed by their success because you'd have to be a complete and utter moron to buy it. Feels a bit like taking candy from a baby if Nyx actually fully believed them.
Also, I'd love a bit in TSatS where Nyx gloats a bit at how effortlessly she got Percy and Annabeth past her without them realizing she was letting them go. Like... "Heroes are so gullible, they'll believe anything if it makes them look impressive!" Because it's incredibly stupid that Nyx bought the claim that there are tourists in a place that—at this point in the series—as far as we know only one person in the whole history of the setting has ever survived, and it's incredibly stupid that the goddess of night can be stopped dead by making it darker... but it's also incredibly stupid that Percy and Annabeth don't question either of those things. It doesn't make sense that a primordial goddess wouldn't realize that tourists wouldn't be in Tartarus, and it doesn't make sense that the goddess of night could be stopped by the magic darkness her children got the power to create from her, but they just... fully buy that both of those things worked and largely put the encounter with Nyx out of their minds. It would be interesting if the fact that these two believed wholeheartedly that a primordial goddess without hesitation took the word of two teenagers that they were tourists in the nigh-unsurvivable hellpit and then got outplayed by making the area darker despite being the goddess of night became a plot point because it was objectively ridiculous for that to actually work. Something something hubris something something.
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Cruzantheon Alexadre Demetrios Michangelos Engel
1,500 years…that is how long most Nephalim think that Cruz has been alive.  They could not truly comprehend the reality.   He has allowed them to think this, has tried to forget all that came before.   The Dark Mage instills fear in all who encounter him, Nephilim, Immortal, and Mortal alike.  There has only been one who dared to stand and face him, Brie.  She saw the emotional armor that he had donned eons before for exactly what it was…a fallacy.
 Standing at 7 feet, he is both feared and respected; and has been a warrior of great honor as he has served the Nephilim and Divine.  This earned him a seat on the Nephilim Council over 3 centuries before.  There is only one Nephilim who is older than he is, and they are the only two who know truly how old each other are.  This is a secret that both will take to their graves.  Some secrets have very good reasons, and this is one that does.
Only once did Cruz have a fighting partner before the calling of the Horsemen.  Centuries ago he and his partner were betrayed by one on the Nephilim Council and it lead to the death of his partner.  The Darkness within his blood called out for vengeance and in his deep mourning, he gave in.  Calling upon the Darkness for power, he laid a path of devastation across Europe.  Vampire and Lycan dens were decimated, demon bodies piled up almost as tall as he was.
Cruz had felt alone in the world save the Mage at Sanctuary, Arch.  There are few that know the true age or nature of Arch, Cruz being one of them.  Over the centuries, Arch and Cruz have made a formidable team when combatting the forces of evil.  Then his sister came along and rocked his world in a way he never saw coming.  He could not keep up the cold and callous exterior that he had exhibited for eons.  She brought out the protective nature in him and showed those who thought that they knew him that they knew nothing at all.  Only Arch was not shocked.
After leading the search for her when she ran from Sanctuary after learning the truth of who and what she was, he did not eat nor sleep till she was safely back within the manor walls.  Never had the Nephilim known fear till then.  While his stubborn nature is matched perfectly with hers, which has led to many a fight between them, there is not one thing he would not do to keep her safe.
Often teased by Arch and Brie because his speech is somewhat archaic and a mix of different centuries, all who have come to know the true Cruz would not have him change…ever.  He is most loyal to Brie, Arch and Raguel, followed by the other Horsemen.  Still he would never turn his back on a fellow Nephilim, fighting tirelessly to ensure that none ever face the Darkness alone.  
Cruz is reticent to take credit for the victories he has led, yet the one thing he is most proud of is how his sister led the Clave and others into battle against the Pixies that had taken hold in their city.  She had been a tested warrior and although the weight of the dead still weighs upon her heart, he knows all too well that the death count could have been much higher if she had not been the strong leader that she will never see herself as.  Having lead many an army into battle, he feels the weight of every single death still, and has supported Brie as she deals still with her own demons.  
Having assumed the Kinghood to rule next to her has not been easy for him.  Mostly preferring to reside in the shadows, it has made him come forward and be more than just a supportive role.  With the Horsemen, the legion, and their friends, it is a role he has embraced, but there is no doubt that his sister is the true ruler and always was destined to be.  
None know the figurative demons that Cruz fights.  When a being has been alive as long as he has, those demons are numerous and many are very powerful.   There are few things in this Universe that can quiet them, most are made by Arch and neither of the males knows the true effect that they will have long term.  But after centuries using them, they have both stopped caring.  Slaying demons only quiets them for the time of battle, then the ghosts of his past come back with a vengeance.  The only thing that silences them for longer than a few hours is to be around the other Horsemen.  After all these eons of running from his past, finally he is finding peace amongst his brethren.  How long that peace will be allowed to last is something that seems unsure at present.
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corinthbayrpg · 4 years
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NAME. Ramses Runihura ( Apep ) AGE & BIRTH DATE. 3000+ & Unknown GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/Him SPECIES. Rift OCCUPATION. Unemployed FACE CLAIM. Mena Massoud
( tw: death, murder, natural disasters ) To speak his name was to invoke chaos, misery, and strife. How much safer the ancient ones believed themselves to be as they whispered well earned titles instead through hushed tones. Lord of Chaos, World Encircler, Soul Eater. The monikers shifted in waves along the loose sands of time, each more devastating and horrifying than the last, yet veracious all the same. The mythos painted him in dashing colors as various reptilians throughout history, but always returned to the most shrewd and ineffable of all: the great serpent.
Apep, or Apophis as his mother once named him, cannot recall the moment of his creation, woven somewhere in the primordial threads of existence shortly after his brother’s rise as architect of all… Or so the endless droves of mortal supporters would eventually claim. The sun god who fashioned himself an entire universe purely for his own worship, how pretentious and it allotted far more credit than Ra deserved on even his best day. Amun and Horus were both absorbed into the overrated caricature at some point, disregarded for their contributions which eventually blended into credit undue for this golden god. Still the blind fanaticism continued and his brother’s ego grew with every passing century, solidifying Ra’s undeserved role as King of The Gods.
Where the citizens of antiquity adored and fawned over the sun god and his intolerable pharaohs, Apep’s impressive abilities were shunned and dreaded. Unlike his brother and fellow deities, no one worshipped at the god of chaos and darkness’ altar. They did not even deign him worthy enough to construct a shrine in his honor. Instead the world sprung fear and hatred of the one who directly contrasted their beloved patron of light. Solar eclipses, devastating natural disasters, and terrible storms were linked to his name. Not without merit of course, but Apep believed it justified for those who so blindly trusted the gods to care. If anything, he should have been praised for not cowering behind sanctimony and false benevolence.
Distaste and distrust turned humanity bitter. They made a yearly ritual of banishing his presence from their lands in which priests would build effigies of Apep thought to contain all of the evil and darkness in Egypt. The symbolism might have been considered flattering were they not burning the representation to protect against malevolence for another year, nor housing a secondary figure which was taken into the temple before being beaten, crushed, smeared with mud, and burned. From therein they narrated stories about Ra’s numerous and overblown victories whilst reciting useless spells which did absolutely nothing to quell Apep’s thirst for cataclysm. Even the dead were thought to require protection from his brutality in the underworld lest he swallow them whole, so they were often buried with spells that could ward him off.
How astonishingly naïve. Darkness, like its sister death, could not be subdued by mere carvings and prayers.
None saw purpose through the god of destruction’s perspective, not even those who shared in his divinity. Too often whilst attempting to challenge his brother did he find himself in combat with the other celestial beings protecting Ra–– who, frankly, didn’t deserve their loyalty. Every night as the sun travelled across the sky, human text claimed that Apep’s roar would fill the air and he launched his persistent attack. Ironically, more often than not he discovered himself across from Set, a youthful harbinger of chaos whose true nature could only be subdued for as long as he remained beneath Ra’s forceful thumb. The deities rested on opposing ends of the spectrum, where Set harnessed his true disposition and relied upon morality, Apep remained a force for pandemonium and could not be reasoned with.
It was written that Apep’s movements often resulted in earthquakes, and his numerous battles with Set were thought to have created the origin of thunderstorms. How deliciously poetic and twisted, until Set inevitably became corrupted by his very nature and no longer wished to serve Ra in his army against Apep. Just as the great serpent predicted, none were immune to their own penchant for carnage and his fellow chaos lord plunged into the darkness alongside him. The pair considered themselves to have a… mutual understanding of sorts from then on. Loathed by the people of Egypt and the world, cast out in the sacred texts and admonished for simply adhering to what they were. What they had always been.
Yet mankind were weak, dispensable, and quite unimpressive in the grand scheme of the cosmos. Their opinions meant little when the greatest enemy, Ra, still held the lofty throne and continued to exist as a pain point. Unfortunately, such fixation on the King of The Gods undeniably led to Apep’s downfall and became his undoing. The trap was admittedly laid quite carefully, and were he not so arrogant as to assume his brother’s moral obligation then perhaps he might have been able to avoid its snare. Caught by his brother and thrown unceremoniously into the veil between worlds without method to escape or wield his power, the god of darkness lingered in the clutches of oblivion.
From inside of this schism he began to plot, turning over any opportunities with the sort of cunning only found in the most cold-blooded of snakes. Despite no longer acting as the devourer of souls within the underworld, he still maintained a bond and audience alongside Hades. Another pantheon, another overlooked pillar of divinity, the pair had long since bonded over the villainous mantles bestowed upon them in direct contrast to their louder, brighter siblings. The lord of death began to whisper words of chaos and destruction from the Grecian realm, it was decided then that direct vengeance against Ra could be placed aside while there were other ways to infiltrate humanity. If anything, it provided ample room for his brother’s difficulties to grow. Ra could weaken himself in time as Apep punctured holes in the world.
Thus he whispered back instructions for a being of his own creation and the method through which it could be done. Hades, as all loyal companions do, began to spread the word of such power throughout the Greek world and soon enough the mischief spread into additional pantheons. Some were repulsed by the notion of this new being, but far too many were taken with its purpose and possibility. They deemed them cubi, humans turned immortal and cursed with the ability to devour souls. Unknowingly fashioned in Apep’s own likeness, of course.
As the first fledgling incubi and succubi began to wander the world, consuming souls and magic, causing ruination in their wake, the primordial god bided his time. He witnessed their numbers grow and then dwindle in harmony with the empires of mankind, but in truth felt nothing towards their existence at first. They were simply a means to an end, a method in which he could enact chaos from within this unholy confinement. Eventually they began to die out entirely, bitten by those infernal shapeshifters and reduced to a pitiful count.
No matter, the dawning of a new age came and with its arrival stemmed the unanticipated crack in an already delicate prison. The veil seemingly tore and eons of patience finally paid off; Apep discovered freedom in the hastiness of his escape. Noticeably weakened from three millenniums spent housed in the limbo between divinity and the mortal plane, he pressed forward into the human world with every intention of regaining his former glory and strengthening what little army of immortal demons were left. The cubi meant nothing to him whilst trapped, but now that he actively rejoined the playing field? Well, they might just be his ultimate tool in destruction.
Everything he did now would culminate in the pursuit of the intentions Apep had possessed since birth… Ensure the crumbling of Ra’s empire and plunge the universe into unending darkness.
+ ambitious, independent, cunning - narcissistic, wicked, merciless
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dramaplustautology · 5 years
Artemy and Nikolai Dragomirov
Some really messy notes from chats
The Dragomirov brothers, Artemy the older and Nikolai the younger, come from an intensely religious family that were amiable enough to their brood and cloth, but violent towards outsiders and other factions/interpretations of their faith. Not actually nobles themselves, they became rich through warmongering and pillaging in the name of their faith.
All of the blood thirsty, conquering tendencies funneled into Artemy, who has a deep sense of devotion to the church, and shame towards his ‘sinful’ urges. On the other hand, the baby faced Nikolai doesn’t feel much of a connection towards his family’s faith and is mostly in it for the perks of being rich. He’s got a smart mouth but would rather use it to chase cute nuns and alter boys.
Normally, their practices would alienate them from the rest of the church cause pillaging and taking prisoners for hard labour are bad no matter the reasons.
But they were in the right place at the right time when conflicts between countries intensified. The Dragomirovs were needed for the survival of their faith and the collection of kingdoms linked by it. As their victories grew, they were heralded as heroes by their church and lords.
Fearing that the flow of invaders would never end, the church decided to permanently keep the Dragomirovs as guardians. The archbishops came together and did a ritual sacrifice of a powerful demon/fallen angel to make the family extremely powerful (mega hornie) vampires.
This is kind of taking from when the middle ages catholic church said you could buy your way to heaven as long as you paid them enough, and did enough things in the name of the church. Then, you can pretty much drink wine out of duck pussy and still be guaranteed past the pearly gates.
As a reward for their deeds, and the feat of slaying that demon, they became immortal fanged monsters that could indulge in their bloodlust and regular lust as much as they wanted. Halos appeared around their pupils, glowing as a sign of their divinity, and their bites were addictive, forcing victims into complete loyal servitude. They are allowed to walk in daylight, and church relics can’t hurt them.
They’re weak to demonic things or people, though that’s relative to skill. Being demonic means having a chance at hurting them but their main profession is killing demons. They could be overpowered but there aren’t any countries or armies left to pose that much of a threat.
Despite being a kind of vampire, the family hates ‘evil’ vampires, and indiscriminately hunt them and other supernatural creatures. Witches and warlocks also get the torch, though that’s more of a formality since the family drinks them dry anyways.
That being said, the dragomirov’s own beneficiaries started to fear them cause they would go around turning people into their vampiric servants or gather a huge harem. That was mostly nikolai but Artemy periodically snaps and indulges in vice harder than his brother does.
It got worse after Artemy got antsy that conflicts were dying down, he wanted to do counter-invasions against the wishes of his parents. Keeping the borders strong was their priority, but Artemy’s bloodthirst was out of control. He killed them and went on to lead war campaigns that would soon earn him the title Warlord Saint. Countries he’s lead his armies through were know to burn for months, turning the sky gray with smoke, and turning the sun a ghastly red.
Nikolai, jealous little bastard, started getting jealous of all of Artemy’s fame. People feared him as much as they wanted to fuck him ajkgdldgds. The members of the church saw this growing  resentment as an  opportunity to end the chaos by supporting nikolai in his bid for power.
Getting the better of Artemy, nikolai defeated him in a duel but still cared about him enough to want to keep him alive. So artemy was pinned to the inside of a coffin with a sharpened demon’s rib. Nikolai had slashed his face during the duel, and the claw marks will never stop bleeding, which flows out of the locked coffin which got stuck under the alter of the family’s church building.
So, Nikolai didn’t go pillaging anymore or starting fights, but he went ham on his own brood and anyone that happened to wander into his territory. Became known as the Grand Hedonist by sticking his dicc in every priest and nun, indulged in the church’s riches which in turn cursed all of that shit.
The Kingdoms turned into a circus, with so much blood and nut spilling into the ground that it spoiled the soil and spread a horrible plague. What remained of the church members that  gave the dragomirov’s their power couldn’t ask for help from their lord because the family had served him so well. They had to instead turn to the king of lies downstairs to seal Nikolai and his followers in his  estate to be swallowed by the earth. All of this in exchange for forsaking their faith and becoming new demon lords.
That’s it, and peace gradually came back after much sacrifice but the next time conflict breaks out and  fresh blood is spilled on their  ancestral homeland, the brothers are prophesized  to break  out of their prison and spread their curse anew.
Side notes:
Dragomirov isn’t the last name of their parents. Their dad was named dragomirov and had a big ego so he gave his sons this surname. Drago means ‘precious’ and mir means ‘peace’ which is some added irony.
Artemy is very devout, all about following the good word to the T, and sacrificing every bit of himself for it. but can't stop himself from getting violence boners and will get randy while he’s in his nasty blood soaked armor, but is likely to break his partners bones when he gets out of control
Tho he denies it, Artemy has a taste for people with  green eyes and will make a beeline for them. Like, skips over entire areas cause he heard of someone with pretty green eyes. it's cause his combat teacher had green eyes but otherwise he likes gentle people cause even tho his parents were very strict, his teacher was fair and had a soft spot for him
Nikolai loves the polar opposite; fighters and people that take work to break down. Can’t keep his hands to himself when it comes to scars cause they tell him that he's got a fighter in a cage
Artemy uses his mind control powers a lot but Nikolai prefers not to cause he likes chasing and watching his prisoners try to escape
opposites going on where Artemy tries to be intense but gets very baby with his S/O, snuggling up to them and clinging to them even tho he's much bigger and bulkier. and Nikolai pretends to be a good boy on the clingy side but will bite down to make people do his bidding
The brothers both keep momentos/trophies from vampires or other creatures they’ve slain. Fangs, horns, and claws are stuff that Artemy likes to keep and wear for intimidation factor, but nikolai likes wet stuff which includes eyes, tongues, and organs for aesthetic decoration.
Nikolai loves keeping werewolves as pet dogsbut like, he'll fuck em too. his werewolves are trying to bite him through their mesh muzzles but he laughs and says that they're actually kissing him
usually, the brothers both zero in on the same person even if they’re jelly of each other but they'll DP if they're too horny to fight each other.
Artemy is covered in battle scars and in most settings, covers his face in bandages or a mask (with his eyes uncovered) to keep his permanently bleeding face gashes from getting everything wet all the time.
Nikolai doesn’t throw himself into harrowing fights as much as his brothers so he doesn’t have as many scars, but loves piercings. His parents didn’t tho so he couldn’t get face piercings or even ear piercings. Even after they had died, the compulsion still stuck. Instead he has tons of body piercings and is very proud of the ones on his dick.
Artemy is more of a classical gothic romantic where he takes his  S/O to hilariously emo poetic dates, like picnics at the cemetery. Nikolai can barely stand wearing a tie the proper way and would rather eat pussy under a truck.
The brothers’ fangs are so sharp that it even cuts up their own mouths, and their partners’ tongues when they make out. Specifically Nikolai’s fangs are slightly too big for his mouth so they stick out a bit and make his lip bleed when he’s not careful
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askfuneraldirge · 5 years
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Legends of Arima characters
Name:Stygia Von Stroud
Occupation:Immortal of Portheous
Favored weapon:Claymore
Divine Aspects:Earth,Battle,Hunting,Metal
Stygia Von Stroud was among the first of the immortals created after the architects found they had little control of their Behemoths. Stygia’s creation did not herald new celestial bodies, the Immortal of Slaughter a void in the celestial realm. It was in the Everfree War that Stygia found his purpose: bringing slaughter to the enemies of reality. He stood at the front of nearly every battle of the war, the first into each horde and the last to leave. It was in the thick of battle that he found purpose, joy discovered in the ravages of war. The only Immortal who could be said to favor battle as thoroughly was Zalamete, his companion in creation and devastation. His history is inextricably linked with her’s, as seen during the oldest known legend they share. In the late days of the war, when bone and scale and flesh proved insufficient to destroy the worst of Everfree’s creations, Zalamete invited Stygia to the depths of her workshop with an offer. She offered to forge him a great weapon, one to suit it wielder, if he should provide the material. And so Stygia plunged his hand into his chest, and from within the depths of the earth he plucked a single chunk of ragged ore. Zalamete took the metal, and found inspiration within the rugged strength that Stygia’s blessing held. From the metal she forged the first sword, a nameless blade of iron whose edge was chipped and hilt scuffed before it even touched his hand. This blade was the first of countless, its first taste of Everfree blood enough for Stygia to decide that all should be capable of bearing such arms. And so Stygia released the secrets of mining and the earth, as Zalamete took her first apprentice to spread her arts. This sword was the first to pierce the Everfree’s flesh, the fervor of Stygia’s assault casting pieces into the heavens above. Stygia’s presence in the heavens was solidified with the greatest battle in history, the pieces of Everfree forming into the planets which hang among Delmaus’ moons and Alexandria’s stars. Following the war’s end Stygia took up his own hobbies to prevent the boredom so familiar to warriors in peace times, and so became the grand hunter of the Portheous Immortals. No hunting expedition is worthwhile alone, and so Stygia began to teach the Elysians in the art of the hunt. Lessons learned to slay the greatest creatures of the Wyld Lord were applied toward the sustenance of mortal kind, each great lesson accompanied by a story by tradition. The original, though hunters are encouraged to apply their own experiences to these lessons, is the tale of when the Wyld Lord trapped Stygia. Confined to a realm with only himself and several thousand variations of himself. Only one could leave this realm, so Stygia was forced to hunt, seduce, and slaughter himself an endless number of times. Experiencing each death and understanding every hunt from each side, the Grand Hunter gained the most vital tool of any warrior; Wisdom. And so the Great Hunt ended, with the final prey being the Wyld Lord whose foolishness created his own downfall, and whose skull still adorns the Hunter’s Lodge Temple. Once the Elysia became sufficient at slaying prey and satisfying themselves, those with greater desires began to seek conflict between each other. Stygia was disappointed with the floundering about in the arts of combat between Porthians and even in other nations. With the teachings of Zalamete spreading weaponcraft and his own growing horde of followers, Stygia began to teach the mortals of the world what it meant to truly wage war. Stygia revels in battle, and encourages others to do the same, though he has been known to scorn those who shed blood for underhanded purposes. As the middle point between the Behemoths and Immortals, Stygia is a creature of purpose. His purpose is to wage war, and so he was gifted a form suited to do so. His natural form is a colossal taur creature, furred and pawed, yet bearing leathered wings and a tuft tail capable of crushing stone. Through interaction with his siblings and mortals, Stygia reached further understanding of what it meant to be the prototype for his fellow Immortals. He developed the ability to transform his body into a closer approximation of his siblings, a grandly tall biped who stands nearly ten feet tall. Due to Stygia’s taur form, the people of portheous have found mounted combat to be a sense of pride and honor for all their people. It also proved to be incredibly effective in matters of strategy, proving the crux of countless battles. The Cavalry of Portheous is undisputed as the greatest riders in the world.
Stygia has sired many children in his long life. Some notable ones follow:
Asimar Meloka- Asimar was a great and arrogant hunter who prided herself on being able to claim any monster. She sought greater challenges constantly, and each success would be told over ale and revelry. A boastful woman, she turned down no challenges, and accepted no quarter. In time a challenge came, carried by a man in a red cloak. To slay the legendary beast known as llyranguf, a corpse eating monster whose only stories were from those who found the debris of its long cold meals. She went forth to slay it with confidence, and in her arrogance forsook the aid of her companions. They would avenge her many years later, returning her great bow to her ancestral home.
Markus Nathanial Septimus- As many of Stygia’s children are, Markus was a great hunter. Unlike his sister, he proved capable of learning from the mistakes of others, and so went on to form the Slayer’s Guild. As Guildmaster he raised the establishment to spread across the land, even establishing lodges in the lands of Kaleria and Zoartis. It was only natural that he would become companion to Regal Vaus, his legacy felt even today.
Graft Eisanhower- Graft was an incredibly powerful necromancer, who is said to have learned his arts by his own hand. Some say Graft still walks the earth to this day as a being beyond life and death, having mastered both equally. Graft would come to make his name in the face of Vilkatan invasion. The war was going poorly for the Elysians, each victory pyrrhic and every defeat crippling, the mortals swiftly losing ground. And yet following behind both Elysian and Vilakatan was a single man, and behind him trailed an ocean of the dead. The war turned to slaughter as the Vilkatans were hemmed in, and the Elysians witnessed an Archmage’s work. One hand commanded the dead, the other sweeping away mortal wounds. In the aftermath many sought to learn at Graft’s feet, and the art of necromancy took its first steps towards wider acceptance.
Jelar Hopkins-Jelar Hopkins was a disciple of the Immortal Zalamete, the first individual to hold the moniker of Gem knight. One of Zalamete’s elite sentinels dedicated to guarding the realm, so named due to Jelar’s skill with magically enchanted gemstones. Jelar met their end against a Vilkata Champion, at the end of a ceaseless duel lasting seven days and seven nights. Though Jelar did die from the battle he did so spearing his rival upon his sword. The war ended soon after, as none among the Vilkatan had seen a Champion fall in single combat, and the Elysians were obligated to carry their hero home. To this day the Gem Knights hold the honor of facing the greatest Vilkata has to offer, each ready to uphold their founders legacy. To this day he stands as the example of Porthian determination: To complete a task, or die in the doing.
Penumbra Von Stroud- Penumbra is Stygia’s current youngest daughter. A prodigy even among demigods, she took swiftly to the ways of the Iron Sentinel, the Hussar, the Necromancer, and the Berserker. This fearsome but young warrior has much to prove, burdened with overt bloodlust and crass behavior beyond even Porthean sensibilities. She is beloved by her companions and already a folk hero, known as the Fourfold Fatale. Many of the stories about her are merely stories, but even they hold a kernel of truth. One most often told, and most vigorously denied by Penumbra herself, is the tale of her three great duels with Valerie Aurora and the aftermath thereof. The number rises with the telling, as despite her denials the two continue to meet on the field of battle.
Temple- Stygia’s Temple is on the fringe of reality where the Vilkata’s largest hoards nest, to the north as Zalamete watches over the west. Known as the Hunter’s lodge, the fortress temple is not meant for protracted siege. Rather it serves merely as a rallying point for the Slayers and armies within, for each battle is met on the bloodsoaked fields beyond its low walls. The temple doubles as the headquarters of the Slayer’s guild and second home of the Hunters, along with being a major exporter of raw materials. Smaller Temples of his serve all who bear the burden of a Slayer, and all hunters can find refuge by his hearth. Temples to Stygia are often found near the border of whatever town they reside in, to better serve those weary of the road and wild.
Offerings- Pelts of animals, precious metals, bones wrapped in fat, and peaches.
Holiday-The Feast of Beasts. The Feast takes place following a great hunt, held once a year. The hunters of each city go out as a group to hunt the most dangerous beasts of the region. To be picked for the hunt is certain to earn a great honor, even if you become a meal for the beast. Once slain every part of the beast is turned into weapons, offerings and food for the Feast. For every night after the Hunt those who can will congregate to partake of the Hunt. On the last night of the Feast, one week from the first, bards and performers will enact great tellings of one of the Legendary Trials of Stygia Von Stroud.
Capital city- North Drafton: The city lays on fringes of Reality, holding the northern border of the world at the largest exit from the Great Valley to Portheus proper. Every winter the city rebuffs another invasion of the Vilkatan hordes, earning the city its second name: Vilkata’s End. The hardiest warriors of the realm live with-in the city and its sister city, South Drafton. Despite the harsh conditions and the constant invasions the city has prospered into a glorious haven of marble. The land around it is fertile and fresh, providing great sustenance to its wardens, just as their bodies and blood nourish the land.
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belerencodex · 7 years
The Synod of Palandari
Gods of the Synod
The angelic hosts of Palandari are governed by a static hierarchy. Every celestial from the lowest ranks of archons to the high solars and planetars serve the will and spirit of the gods who have shaped the plane. Most are celestial beings born native to the plane but in rare cases mortal beings have ascended to godhood among the peerage of angels.
Adarra Progenitor of Palandari, Adarra was born in the earliest days of the elemental planes, she emerged from a pearl and began shaping the heavens from the firmament. It was Adarra who created the angels, who created the lesser divines of Palandari and commanded her children to be wardens of the order of creation. When she was content with her creation she untethered her essence and became one with the plane itself. Anywhere you are in Palandari you are within the sight and the love of Adarra.
Faithful of Adarra: Among the common folk prayers to Adarra are mainly parents wishing well for their children, those who have recently lost loved ones, and those seeking guidance in matters of love. The priesthood of Adarra fulfills a couple roles in these regards, any Synod cleric can perform the proper Adarran rites for the deceased but it is believed that Adarran priests have extra sway to help the spirits of the dead reach Palandari. To this end the priesthood have mastered arts of divine mummification and guard mausoleums of the faithful. In the sphere of the living they are frequently teachers, mentors, and matchmakers. In the springtime the Festival of Adarra is held where the priests weave magic over the festivities to help people find their soulmates, individual priests may also take it upon themselves to help the lovelorn in the name of their god. Some of these priests of love are called the Kedesha, essentially holy sex workers said to have the power to heal wounds, cure impotence, and the most powerful are said to even be able to revive the recently deceased through the powers granted through their rituals. Temples of Adarra: The high temple of Adarra is located about fifty miles north of Feldri. A town named after the goddess has grown up around the temple as among the many functions of the Adarran priesthood are the running of orphanages and running the houses of the Kedesha. Many of the children raised within the temple stay on as priests themselves or have moved into the township around the temple. Many of the residents make their living as professional mourners in the necropolis of Adarra. An expansive graveyard filled with mausoleums stretching back before the Ascren Empire. In the early days of the Crucible States period raiders and dragons drove away the priests from the temple and emptied the town. In their absence the unattended necropolis became rife with undead and to this day paladins and clerics are still working on clearing it.  The temple is prosperous as the kedesha earns the temple significan coin in addition to donations made by those raised among the priesthood. Adarra is one of the more popular and her temples are found ranging widely, even into Orum and Cymrin where the Synod’s reach is limited. Domains: Family, Repose, Love, Healing
Arbanix In an ancient time, long before humans, before any of the elven or dwarven races that now dwell on the material plane, there were dragon tyrants ruling over the mortal races. They warred with the genies, angels, and fiends for dominance over the Material Plane. For hundreds of years the realms of earth were tossed between the control of these immortals. Finally the dragons stood triumphant against all comers as the unrivaled rulers of their native planes. Next came the wars between the dragons themselves. Metallic and Chromatic turned on each other, common cause lost with their enemies defeated. Among the metallic dragons one stood above all others. Arbanix the Golden called upon the greatest of his kind, he was honorable, kind, and powerful beyond measure. Those who lived within Arbanix’s dominion lived in peace. But the curse of such power and the reputation of a warrior god is that there is always another challenger. Eventually Arbanix came to understand that to live on the material plane any longer would only cause more instability. He ascended to Palandari where he had befriended many of the angels and was granted true godhood. Still though, Arbanix keeps eternal vigil over his home, he will not meddle in the affairs of mortals but against greatest perils, against the darkness that lies beyond the world, he will protect us. Faithful of Arbanix: There is a separate religious structure called Drakoveriism that worships a pantheon of draconic deities and mythic figures,. However because of Arbanix’s dwelling on the plane of Palandari he is considered de-facto a part of the Synod’s religious structure similarly to Menswar. Arbanix is a popular god especially among halflings, whose oral history stretches far enough back to contain legends of his deeds. The priesthood of Arbanix works closely with metallic dragons and maintains an aloof attitude to mortal affairs. The priesthood of Arbanix is instead ever vigilant for the creeping influence of the forces of the lower planes as well as maintain treaties with the genies that keep them out of the Crucible States. Temple Structure: Temples of Arbanix are built on draconic design, monuments with no interior section. Decorated arches or columns showing scenes praising Arbanix. Other than this the worship of Arbanix is carried out by remote monasteries that work closely with the priesthood of Semia to detect diabolic presences, or frequently among halflings who tell tales of Arbanix and look for more subtle influences of dark forces to undermine. The High Temple of Arbanix is on the Isle of Sequoia, it lies south of Orum, in ancient days gold dragons brought redwood seeds from the great western wilds and the mighty trees still stand proud over the island. Domains: Luck, Good, Dragon,
Menswar Born a mortal man, the first king of Thayl was a warrior ruler of the hillfolk in the earliest age of humanity. When he was born Thayl was ruled by sorcerous tyrants from the lowlands of Nashto. He was struck by a vision from Neswei, the god of valor and began a rebellion against the Sorcerer Kings. Upon his final victory he was met by a trio of angels sent to earth by Neswei to ordain him as rightful king of his people by valor and honor. His reign was long and peaceful and when he died it is said that a pillar of golden light shone upon his body and it was drawn to heaven where he took up the mantle of godhood. Faithful of Menswar: Menswar is not a god most humans follow, he is the chief deity of the Thaylites but to others he is seen as a god of the nobility. A King of Kings so to speak, in the days of the Ascren Empire, pious rulers would seek out high priests of Menswar to try and seek his wisdom or blessing. Few succeeded in gaining the acceptance and guidance of Menswar as the Ascren Empire was founded in unrighteous conquest and oppression. Nobles of true piety and faith though have been empowered before as paladins. A Thaylite scholar called Balisaris long ago wrote a book transcribing the oral tradition of laws of rulership handed down through the culture from elders to novices and it is considered by many something of a masterwork on how to be a leader. Temples of Menswar: There are few dedicated temples of Menswar within the Synod due to his limited popularity. Pious nobles often will have a chapel dedicated to him built within their walls.  The high temple of Menswar is a fortified complex on top of Mount Tyslan in the Azurin Mountains in the west. The priesthood there commune with the angels and seek to support righteous rulers as they are commanded by the servants of Menswar. Domains: Glory, Good, Nobility, Fate
Neswei Neswei, the Artisan of War, is the angelic god of valor and honorable combat. Leader of the heavenly hosts, ancient protector of Semia and close friend of Arbanix, Neswei stands tall amongst the gods. In ancient days in the Age of Enchantment, she strode across the Material Plane, directing her angelic host as well as their mortal counterparts in battle against the forces of evil. At the behest of the metallic dragons though angels have mostly withdrawn from direct tampering with the mortal realms, in times of great peril, or in places where demons still tread, angels descend on the command of Neswei. Faithful of Neswei: Among true hearted warriors Neswei is a popular choice. Soldiers, especially peasant soldiers will often paint her symbol on their shields as a device. However it is considered something of a trade-off. Neswei’s priesthood hold certain rites and oaths that they bind any warrior who would seek the aid of the Artisan of War to cooperate with. Warriors who break this pledge of honorable warfare may find themselves hunted from anything from paladins of Neswei to angels sent directly to punish them for their transgressions. Clerics of Neswei put themselves at the service of generals and commanders, offering healing to their army if they will abide by the strictures. Those who perform admirably are written of in the Codices of War, an ongoing collection of military history being composed by the priesthood. Temples of Neswei: Temples of Neswei are usually in fact holy fortresses, at these sanctums monks, paladins, and clerics are trained in the martial arts. In times of trouble these temples will bring in peasants from the countryside to protect them. The high temple of Neswei lies in a mountain valley called Angel’s Rest. Long ago ago battle was fought between Neswei’s legions and a demonic host over this valley. Many angels were felled and their bodies laid to rest in the valley below. A strong aura of good still hangs in the air, creating year round springtime. Domains: War, Archon, Protection
Semia All-Knowing Semia, chief among the children of Adarra. When the creator diffused her essence Semia took over the mantle of ruler of the divine hierarchy of angels. As the near-omniscient ruler of Palandari, Semia is the final judge of souls trying to reach the heavenly realm. No sin, no cruelty, no evil is hidden from her sight when one appears before her. From her home in the Sanctum Eternis she commands the legions of angels in their never-ending struggle against fiend-kind. It was Semia who inspired Idenna’s revelation as a way of drawing the mortal races closer to the divine. She handed down her laws to be spread upon the material plane. Her power is so great that she can manifest in the mortal realms much more easily that most angels though she eschews her true form as it would terrify most as they felt the weight of every transgression no matter how slight burn in their hearts. Faithful of Semia: The priesthood of Semia are in large part lorekeepers, historians, judges, and soothsayers. Many wizards, especially diviners hold Semia in high regard as she has helped preserve huge amounts of knowledge that would have otherwise been lost through war and civilization collapse. Among the ranks of the priesthood are many oracles, mortals chosen as vessels of the truth of the divines. Semia is most popular among generals, ship captains, and seekers of lost knowledge. Notably there is a sect of Semian priests called Truth-Speakers, these wandering priests seek to overturn lies, recover lost knowledge, and often make their living as fortune-tellers and soothsayers. Within the ranks of the Synod the priesthood of Semia takes on the role of overseers and judges. Semian jusicitiars carry out orders of the high priesthood from the Temple at Phosis. When corruption or infiltration of the Synod is detected it is agents of Semia who track it down. Temples of Semia: The temples of Semia serve a few roles, some are courts where traitors and accused demon cultists are put on trial under the direct witness of the gods. Others contain vast libraries, collections of knowledge curated by librarian priests. Yet others are sanctuaries, secluded monasteries where oracles are trained and cared for while they use their powers to uncover the will of the divines. Few temples of Semia actually have space for ley-worshippers, those wishing to perform rites in her name must ask permission of the priesthood and join them in veneration as the priests do rather than simple prayer or offering. Domains: Knowledge, Fate, Light
Yothri When fair winds catch a ship’s sail, when the pirates slip over the horizon and out of sight behind a trade cog, when a merchant arrives safely home from a long journey, the faithful praise Yothri. The god of trade and commerce, he is beloved to traders of all stripes. Originally Yothri was simply a messenger of the gods of Palandari but more and more he became a figure of great respect and praise among mortals until he was anointed by Semia as a god in his own right. The worship of Yothri as a god of merchants really blossomed fairly recently, during the early age of Ascren. Today he is considered the patron of the merchant republic of Feldri and his clergy are some of the most prosperous as merchants offer thanks for safe journeys. This money is put to use supporting some of the less popular temples like Semia and Menswar as well as for altruistic purposes like road upkeep and insuring merchants against losses. Faithful of Yothri: As mentioned above, Yothri is most popular among merchants however many folk rituals are practiced throughout the Crucible States from all segments of society in hopes of divine windfall. One of the most popular holidays of the Synod happens yearly, at the beginning of winter there is a six day festival called Palandrium. On the last day, Yothri’s Day, there is a traditional gift giving ceremony where loved ones and friends give each other treasures. It is also said on Yothri’s Day that one person of true piety is visited by a vision of Yothri guiding them to a great treasure. The priesthood of Yothri fulfills a couple roles, paladins patrol the roadways to keep them safe and clerics often accompany ships and caravans on perilous journeys. Temples of Yothri: In addition to their role of veneration, temples devoted to Yothri act as reputable money-lenders and insurers. In fact they often act as credit unions for people, especially in larger cities many people rest easy in the knowledge their money is protected by paladins of Yothri ever vigilant against corruption and theft. Domains: Trade, oceans, community
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