#and his head tatts always win
des-no9 · 10 months
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Vanquish and Orpheus bonding
(not pictured, Voss casually drinking wine and reading his slates at the side)
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Lucifarians: A Family Forged (1980):
Chapter 1 January Twelfth
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Taglist: @spacelizardtrashboys @natsadkid @schizoauthoress @piratewithvigorr @stupidbluegirl @thedollmaker16 @the--blackdahlia
Warnings: violence, smoking, Roddy being Roddy, my weird universe alterations
2200+ words
The Kayfabe Post
Casey's P.O.V:
Thursday, the first day of being at work for the WWF, Saturday the twelfth of January 1980. Part of me still can’t believe that Driskoll got us into the WWF, himself being here alone was explainable, even if he brought his sons it would have been expected, but us, seven women all entering the WWF at the same time, the head office must’ve been smoking something when signing the contracts. Driskoll has already given us an order to get to know the men of the company better, and if I’m honest, I don’t know anyone, and due to my status as a ‘cannibalistic, carnivorous, monster heel’ I don’t think many people are willing to approach me.
I’m not here because I earned it, I’m here because I’m a necessity for the team, or at least, that’s how I view it. That’s how I’ve always viewed it. Ven needed someone to humiliate and, as a natural outcast, I’m the easiest choice. Dirty blonde hair in a masculine style, half dyed copper, thick eyebrows over eyes that can’t decide if they want to be blue or green, multiple scars over my jaw covered by a thick mask which curls under my chin. Heavier than Ven, but much more slender than any male giant, except maybe Baba, and then there’s my tatt-
“Oh dear lord, sorry, are you okay?”
In my absent-minded walking I had knocked myself and another person to the floor, and not just anybody.
Four inches taller than me,
Wild afro hair,
At least double my weight,
André the giant.
Knocked to the floor, by me… Shit.
“Are you okay, Mademoiselle?”
I went as stiff as a statue, and pale like Michelangelo’s David, staring at the floor and awaiting punishment for my carelessness.
“Mademoiselle?” His shadow shifted with his movements as he got closer.
His tone worried, “Mademoiselle?” He lifted me to my feet, I had just enough composure to thank him in his native tongue.
“Who are you, Mademoiselle?” André smiles softly.
“Cas Lucifarian, I’m new here.” I return the soft smile.
André wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer before taking a good look at me and cocking an eyebrow, !Are you, uh…” He snaps his fingers as he tries to find the right words.
“A giant, yeah, well actually I’m a giantess.”
André walks with me, showing me around the arena’s backstage areas, talking about everything and nothing whilst roaming the shockingly empty arena. I say everything and nothing, and I mean it, from the best shops for tailored suits to what places along the road had the best coffee. For the first time I had a friend who I can talk to and know he knows what being a giant is like.
By the time André’s tour ended, Venka had come searching for me so I could be part of the interview with Driskoll and Gene, I managed to get out a quick ‘Goodbye’ to my fellow giant before leaving.
Playing my usual role, the enforcer, the intimidation device, it is my role to scare anyone who I’m told to. Before joining the group, me and my brother Kane worked as a tag team, the Lloyd siblings better known as The Celtic Warriors. From winning tag belts to being a damn human scare tactic.
Focusing back into reality I heard Howard ask Skull how we were doing as a team so far.
I stood behind Skull and Ven, puffing out my chest and crossing my arms to look bigger and scarier.
“You know something,” Skull’s silken voice the mark of a snake, “Howard, my girls have yet to have a match, but we are doing absolutely fine. In shape and ready to rock and roll, every single one of my girls is doing fine.”
“Just look at us,” Ven adds with a smirk, gesturing to her body, “Don’t we just look marvellous, Mr Finkel?”
Finkel smirks, “You could say that again, Miss?”
“Ven, although you can call me Pride.”
Skull glares at Finkel, almost daring the smaller man to try and flirt with his daughter.
Howard readjusts and focuses on the main point of new women in the WWF, “Uh, well, how soon do you girls think you’ll be seeing in-ring action?”
Skull looks at me to answer.
“Soon. Very very soon.” I growl as we leave the interview.
The rest of the day went by rather normally and quickly, Driskoll and Venka taking Helah and Everest with them back to the hotel, while myself, Bellona, Petra and Sydney stay behind to look at the other competitors as they leave.
Bel takes her cigarettes and a lighter from her bag, lighting up as she strides up to me and leans against the wall, puffing out clouds of smoke as she speaks, “Wassup, tall-ass.”
“I’m thinkin’.”
“Dangerous pastime hermana.”
“I know, Bell, I know. Hermana.”
“You addin’ to your phrasebook, Cassie?”
“Only the ones I deem handy to have.”
“Gym, tomorrow, me and you?”
“Gotta train, so yeah, gotta settle in somehow, right?”
“I’ll see you there, alright?”
“Adios, Bell.”
Bellona waves as she goes to grab a ride with the other two.
Bel is the only person who sees me as more of a sister than just a teammate. I look over at the door to the men’s locker room, soon one of those men will face me, now where is he. Putski, no. Rodz, no. Duggan, no. Zbyszko, yeah, he’ll do fine.
“Woah, watch where ya walkin’ lady.” A gravelly voice interrupts my thoughts as I turn to leave.
Lou Albano, oh geez.
Skull had warned me to avoid Lou, although with my gimmick being Gluttony I’m certain he’d jump at the chance to manage me.
“Sorry, Mr Albano.”
“It’s okay kid, you didn’t mean to do any harm, see ya around giantess.” Albano pats my arm as he leaves the arena.
I was still watching Albano, trying to figure out why he had acted so kindly towards me before feeling the hand on my shoulder and turning to be face to face with André.
“Hello Cas,” his soft smile returns, “It’s dark out tonight, maybe you would like to get a ride back to the hotel, I really don’t think a young lady like you should run the risk of meeting any unkind people out there.” In a strange way his voice calms me, the faint Ws replacing Rs and faint Hs of the French accent, almost like a father or older brother.
“I’m okay, André, thank you for the offer though, it’s very kind of you.”
He nods in response, saddened but curious, probably weighing the options of what I could do as much as I am, if I get a taxi my back will hurt tomorrow, but if I walk, I run the risk of getting followed or worse, I was already stabbed once in the past back in Carrickfergus. André pats my shoulder before sauntering off and leaving me all alone once again.
I don’t mind being alone, or rather I didn’t mind back when I worked with my brother, I was outcasted by everyone but him my entire life, our father working in a coal mine in Wales and our mother practically a single mother to two very active children, the only way she got us to stop wrecking the house was to make us train with David Finlay, a god of Irish wrestling.
I put my bag over my shoulder and started on my way back to the hotel, stopping to cover myself up with the shirt I keep wrapped around my waist, the sleeves long enough to hide my tattoos on my wrists, almost all of my sixteen tattoos are on my legs, except the two on my wrists, which I usually hide with tape when working.
It took around an hour to reach the hotel, walking through Philadelphia, a place I have never been before and am starting to hope I will never come back to, reaching the hotel and going straight to my hotel room, locking the door and getting ready to train.
I took off my shirt, shoes, everything except my underwear, starting with warmups and progressing into practising punches, kicks, knees, anything to tire myself, finishing up at just before midnight, showering and doing my nightly routine before falling asleep the moment I lay in bed.
On the morning of January 13th, Sunday, I woke up at six, turning off the radio alarm and stretching as I head to the bathroom, doing my morning routine and getting dressed in a short-sleeved orange shirt and black shorts, my mask for today is an orange and black chequered pattern heavy duty mask which I made sure goes down to the middle of my neck, I head to the local gym, taking my gym bag with me.
You meet all sorts of people in a gym, or so David had told me, back in Carrickfergus I would just train at his house, or at the club in Greenisland with his son or my brother. This gym felt like a whole new world, men from Georgia Championship Wrestling, The World Wrestling Federation and the National Wrestling Alliance. I scanned for faces I had seen last night, I waved to Volkoff, he smiled and waved back before focusing on his workout.
I headed to one of the heavy bags, ending up between Muraco and Valentine, two men André had told me about the day before. Muraco stops, whispering to a guy standing next to him.
As Valentine walks past he whispers to me, “Careful around Piper, he’s a wild man.”
“Hey, Cas, right? The girl André’s been talking about.” Muraco smirks as he continues his workout.
“Yeah, I’m Cas, André said that you’re Don Muraco.” I reply between punches, keeping my breathing composed.
“Yes miss, although you can call me Don, the giant’s been talking to the boys about his new friend and how you’re a ‘lady giant’ as he put it.”
The mystery guy, probably ‘Piper’, smirks at Muraco before clearing his throat and looking more serious as he looks at me.
“Yeah, I’m a giantess, it’s good to meet you guys, but, uh, who’s your friend, Don?”
Don wraps his arm around the slightly smaller man’s shoulders, “This is Rowdy Roddy Piper, he’s a bit like you, Celtic, Irish are Celts right?”
“Yeah, though I don’t think your friend is Irish, he’s too broad-shouldered to be Irish.”
“I’m Scottish, originally from Glasgow. Can’t speak Gaelic, but I can play the bagpipes.” Piper’s eyes light up, a sort of mad Scottish fire behind blue eyes.
“I’ll see you boys around, I’ve got some more training to do.” I walked off to the treadmills, trying to block out Valentine’s comment. Piper didn’t seem all too wild, or rowdy, but a man like him, muscular, proud enough to wear a kilt, he could spell trouble for me.
I finished up, sitting on the floor and wiping my face with my towel, looking up when the noise of footsteps stops in front of me.
“Yes?” I murmur while staring at Piper’s stupid grin.
“Show me how you fight,” He bent over to be eye-to-eye with me, “you’re new here, I wanna know how ya fight.”
“Yeah, c’mon.” He leads me to a boxing ring being used by other wrestlers.
Piper enters through the ropes, I test the top rope’s slack, tight enough for my purposes, I lean back and front flip over the rope into the ring.
“That’s new, no girls have ever done that around me before.”
“I’m twenty-six and a giantess with a gymnastics background.”
Piper scoffs and we lock up, hand to hand, a test of strength, he goes for a knee to the stomach and I counter with a stiff Irish whip into the ring post, a little too stiff.
“You’re gonna pay for that, lass.” Piper snarls, and suddenly I can’t tell if he’s actually angry or if this is just for show.
I size him up, calculating in my mind how high I need to jump, he comes at me for a high knee strike and I dropkick him, both of us crashing to the mat below, my head bouncing off the near rock-solid boxing ring, making my mask hit my throat and almost trigger my gag-reflex, my breathing gets heavier and I try to hide the impact from the rowdy Scot.
Piper’s up quickly and at my side in an instant, “Cas, you okay?”
I don’t answer, rolling onto my back and struggling to slow my breath. Roddy pulls me up, letting me lean against the ring post and goes to unbuckle my mask.
I push his hands away and unbuckle it myself, before I can stop him, he grabs the mask away and checks my face and neck, he winces and my heartbeat doubles at the idea of him wincing at the mess of scars.
“It’s okay, the cut isn't deep enough to cause much damage, you’ve just bruised up your neck if anythin’.”
“Gimme back my mask.” I whisper, my voice hoarse.
“No, I ain’t finished lookin’ at you just yet,” He smirks, “can I train with ya, whenever we see each other again?”
“Sure, if we see each other again.” I nod as I put my mask back in its place.
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
A tattoo artist question: what changes about how Renji thinks of Zabimaru and what Zabimaru wants of him? (Thank you this AU seems v charming)
This is a really great question which has a lot of importance to the AU, actually!
Readers of my fanfiction and this blog generally know that I think *a lot* about the relationship between shinigami and their zanpakutou in general, and even more about Renji and Zabimaru in particular.
On a surface level, I think most people see Zabs as one of the most straightforward zanpakutou: they like to fight and Renji likes to fight, that's pretty much what there is to it. If you really dig into Renji as a character though, I think that's wrong, I think he actually doesn't like to fight, but he's been so beaten down by his experiences and so angry at the world that he thinks his fists are the only thing he's got going for him.
In canon, Rukia and Renji lost their friends, and I think one of their major motivators in becoming shinigami was for both of them to become stronger together so they didn’t lose each other. They had a pretty hard goal and a strong motivator. Once Renji got to school, he was praised for his strength and his swordwork. When Byakuya swooped in and took Rukia away from under his nose, he doubled down on becoming a strong fighter. It’s not enough, though-- he can’t beat Ichigo, he can’t beat Byakuya. He can’t stop Rukia’s execution. Soul Society Arc Renji is aware, perhaps more than any other character of the series, that he is just a cog in the grander machinery of Soul Society, that going against that is a losing battle from the start. 
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There are hints throughout the manga that Renji and Zabimaru don’t sit well together. When Renji is in jail, Zabs wants to go fight Ichigo again, and Renji scoffs at them-- what good would that do? And of course, there’s the fact that he doesn’t get his full bankai until much later. My take on this is that what Zabimaru wants is for Renji to win and be strong, but Renji knows in his head that jumping in with sword drawn is not always the best way to protect the things he cares about.
Conversely, AU Renji starts from a place where he has nothing to lose. He’s decided to become a shinigami because that’s what people with spiritual pressure are supposed to do, and also he’s sick of Inuzuri taking things away from him. At this crossroads point, he falls in with a group of people who care a lot about art and each other and their community. Pops has traveled all over the Rukon, and has a fundamental faith in the ability of people to help themselves. The people of Inuzuri are in such bad straits that they really have no choice to be selfish and awful to one another. The Seireitei is an elitist nightmare where the people with power use all of it to enrich themselves and use people as tools. But the upper districts of the Rukon are a place where a person can live and make things and be free and help his neighbors. There are a lot of ways it could be better, but it’s also easy for Renji to find ways that he can make things better, not the least of which is by doing a job that takes money from Seireitei people and redistributes it out to the Rukon.
One very important detail is that Renji gets a lot more tatts very quickly, primarily because he’s very fun to tattoo and everyone likes putting stripes on him. It’s always been my headcanon that the stripes are very important to Zabimaru settling into him, and this puts them on better footing right away.
Renji goes through a bit of a tough period where Zabimaru does want to fight all the time, and he really struggles with whether he would be better off as a shinigami. He meets a lot of shinigami, though, and chats with them, and he can see very clearly how they are just tools of the state, that their strength isn’t really their own. I feel like Zabimaru gets this, that winning a fight isn’t any good if it doesn’t change anything. Renji is still a fighter, it’s just that he fights by helping his neighbors and making his town a good place to live and writing angry letters to the Central 46 and when that doesn’t work, befriending a guy who works in Squad 9 and getting his angry letters published in the city newspaper.
He actually meets Rukia at a time when he’s having a lot of these doubts. As it happens, she’s been chafing against the neat and tidy career Byakuya has planned for her (which culminates in her taking the Assistant Captaincy of Squad 6). As she is trying to convince Renji that he should try again for the Academy because being a shinigami is great and really important, she’s secretly wondering if she should even be doing this herself-- he has a lot of good points!
It ends with them deciding that the best thing they can do is to stay on their own tracks. Renji reminds her that she’s got power in the Seireitei, and it’s her duty to do what she can with that, and she counts on him to be her conscience in the Rukon, a way to listen to the people who aren’t represented in Soul Society’s governance.
Additionally, Rukia teaches Renji a lot of the stuff he would have learned if he’d gone to the Academy-- shunpo, some principles of hakuda, the most basic and useful combat kidou. Shinigami patrols are pretty irregular in the Rukon, and Renji sees more moral value in being able to protect the place and the people he loves than in enforcing the whims of the state. He doesn’t want to use a sword, because to him, that’s what separates him from an actual shinigami (it could also land him in trouble, because Central isn’t too keen on freelance shinigami). I love the idea that in the absence of an asauchi, a zanpakutou spirit will find something else to occupy, and in Renji’s case, Zabimaru just sits very easily within his body, which is something that someone like Urahara or Kurotsuchi would find absolutely wild. It’s because he’s living out his own values so fully that Zabs is so comfortable in him. He definitely punches a wandering Hollow into oblivion at some point and when some rando shinigami comes out to take a report and is like “how did you do that?”, Renji just shrugs and is like “I don’t know how Hollows work, you’re the shinigami, shouldn’t you know?”
I assume there actually is something about asauchi that enable and amplify a shinigami’s bond with their zanpakutou, so when Renji finally gets ahold of one, because his relationship with Zabimaru is already quite strong, he can just do shikai, and Zabs is just living, finally being in a sword. In my mind, it’s pretty analogous to the way Ichigo is able to unlock a bunch of power levels in rapid succession, because his sword is on board with this.
Renji gets to have another crisis of conscience after this is all over, but I haven’t thought about it all that much aside from the fact that he’s gonna be the one to train with Orihime during the Advance Team arc (as a favor to Rukia who is now questionably the leader of the Advance Team and can’t leave Karakura) and they’re gonna have a lot to bond over.
I’m still debating if/when I’m gonna give him bankai, but I think it’s not out of the question.
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bby-d1p · 3 years
G“So who’s going to go get it?“ Lamelo asked for the literal eight time since we’ve gotten in the car. It was me,Melo and don. “LaMelo if you ask that dumbass question one more time imma put you out my car“ Don yelled gripping the steering wheel.”My bad damn” Melo laid in my lap and started to play with my fingers; specifically my index finger that had Loyalty on it. As a birthday gift for my 18th he wanted us to get matching tatts.”Don is getting the weed ok stop smoking you’re already slow enough“ I whispered in his ear. We hot boxed earlier but melo dropped the blunt in a pile of mud since it had rained. (a/n we woulda had to box ong)
We pulled up to don’s plug I’m guessing; the house wasn’t to shabby, we were on the east side NOLA so its not all glammed up like the west side.The bright green roof and windows didn’t compliment the sore orange and tan panel on the outside. It’s a two maybe three story house. A brolic walked out the house.He had on a black wife beater(a/n we hit women jkjkjk), grey sweats and some ugly ass green shell toe Adidas. Don pulled at least 50 dollars out of his bag. He closed the door of his black and grey Cullinan almost busting his ass on the wet ground causing melo and I to screech. I felt a cold hand trickle up my thigh.”You he gon be gone for like 15 minutes” Melo whispered in my ear. “Um no he’s not“ I smiled as don got back in the car. “dammit“ melo mumbled.Nigga feenin for some cat.
 Don started to hand melo the bag. “Mel- nevermind April you rolling ion got time for my shit getting dropped again“ Don handed me the iridescent bag with two big cookies and what looked like enough to foll 4 fat blunts.They cut their eyes at each other. ”How much did this cost“ I said with an astonished look on my face. “Like 45$“ he shrugged so did I not bad. These cookies are big as hell. I began to grind the substance through my fingers into the pineapple Game wrap.I felt a flash go off from beside me and then got a snap notification. Melo captioned the video; Her focused face😭😍. 
“I don’t make a face when I’m focused” I rolled my eyes as I sparked my blunt  close to my lips. “Um not I get to hit it first“ Don attempted to take the blunt from me. “I rolled every one their own. It’s enough to roll at least three more blunts“ I handed don and melo their blunts. “AP shotgun me” Melo called my by the nickname he gave me sparking his blunt as wel. 
Apparently he thinks calling me a piece jewelry of  is cute.He took a puff blowing out the cloud of white smoke. “Okay“ I smiled scooting closer to him. “Yea no if yall gon be on this shit I’m finna call Aiesha. Yall be TOO horny when you get high “By the time he finished his sentence I was already in Melo’s lap puffing out smoke as he rubbed my thigh with his free hand. I jerked my head back and Melo made a face. “Everyone most likely wants to fuck me. So I assume everyone wants to fuck me even more because who doesn’t like to fuck after we’ve smoke three blunts?” LaMelo and I said simultaneously and laughed. 
“You ready“ Lamelo licked his lips damn he’s so fine when he’s high.”Yea“ I took a puff before blowing the white smoke in his mouth. Just to be a dick he blew the smoke through his nose. I wanna know how to do that but he won’t teach me. “Why“ I made a pouty face. “Because I’m cooler than you“ He chuckled hitting his head on the head rest.”hey y'all” Aisha greeted up through slurs she is high as fuck.We all spoke”im cooler in the bedroom though.” I whispered in his ear running my fingers down his waves and grinding on his lap just to be a tease.I felt him grow and smirked.Don already smoke half his blunt “Don how yo shit half gone already?” I laughed hysterically shit is so much funnier when you’re high.
“BROOO I WANT SOME NAGOMI” I yelled getting off his lap making him cut his eyes at me.”Omg yess bitch yesssss” Aiesha did a little twerk in her seat causing me to slap her ass.”Melo put on yo seatbelt” I tapped his shoulder.”I don’t want to”Lamelo shrugged. “Don’t be feeling on my girl nigga” Don bucked at me starting the car, and just to be petty, of course i blew her a kiss. She pretended to catch an put it on her lips making Don break check us. “GOT DAMN NIGGA” Melo yelled rubbing his forehead because he hit it on the back of Aiesha’s seat.”I said put on your seatbelt” I nicked his neck.
After getting our foo he headed to 
“Stop fucking touching my CRawfISh“ Melo’s voice crack as I took another piece of crawfish from his plate snickering hysterically. “yo who ate my cookies?“ Don said with annoyance in his voice.Aisha,Melo and I looked at each other for like two seconds and busted out laughing. “yall not smoking with me no more“ he kissed Aisha’s lips. “If I wanted to I could take you bitch.” I spoke honestly while LaMelo screech hysterically.”Ahh my nigga she just PLAYED THE FUCK OUTTA YOU“ Aisha began laughing at lamelo.”lets not forget who dropped our blunt bitch“ he shot back at melo making him stop laughing. “Yea bitch shut up“ I picked with Lamelo. He got a tight grip on my neck. “You better stop talking out of turn before you’re not able to talk at all.” He growled. “okay“ I said trying to front but I am DRIPPING okay.”I’ma bout to go to the bathroom that crawfish ran through me” Lamelo disgustedly announced. 
” now that melo left; man I’ll bet you five hundred you can’t even make my girl wet” Don flicked his blunt in an ashtray. “You for real?“ Aisha and I asked at the same time. “On my soul“ He patted his chest, “Bet“ was all I said before Aisha climbed on my lap after I motion her over. Because I always win bets I started to kiss down her neck making her grind her his on my lap. “I don’t have a dick what are you grinding for?“ We busted out laughing. “My stomach hurt!“ Don wheezed. “Getting a factime call for Don Julio“ siri spoke. “Why are you facetiming me were in the same house“ I rolled my eyes.
 “Back to what you were doing I want my five hundred“ Don commanded. “Or yo just wanna watch free porn buut since I’m getting five hundred why not.“ I smirked deviously as I grabbed Aisha’s neck putting my tongue in her mouth. “MMM“ She groaned into the kiss as I felt on her ass.I started to slide my hands in the back of her pants. “If we go that far imma steal you from melo. now if you’ll excuse me; I have to go change my underwear.” She ran off  my lap and upstairs. “Bro here“ Don plopped a stack of money on the table with an attitude. “thank you“ I said as Aisha came back downstairs.“ Yo the moon landing is fake and I know you was getting ya freak on with Aisha and I ain’t mad about it” Lamelo yelled coming back from the bathroom giving me props and sounding dumb as fuck. “How?“ Don grew intrigued. “There was wind messing with the flag in the video but there are no trees or anything in space to create wind so what the fuck?“ he rubbed his waves, sitting back.”Oh shit I don’t know“ I scratched my head. 
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jawritter · 4 years
His Old Ghost
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Created For: @spndarkbingo
Summary: Some things from the past just never really want to let go, do they?
Square Field: Mobster AU
Rating: Explicit 
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader x John Winchester
Word Count: 1672
Warnings: Heavy Trigger warning!! Suicidal!Dean, heavy suicidal ideals and implications as well as prompts, control, manipulation, talk of death past and present, depression, language, angst, I think that’s it. Sorry if I missed something.
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons! <3
A/N: As always please do not copy my work! Feedback is golden! This is the last fic for this Bingo! Hope you all enjoy!
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The deep amber brown liquid swirled easily around the tumblr that Dean  held tightly in his grip. His gaze was fixed on large rain drops falling against the window that was behind his desk, blurring the lights of the city that seemed to sit miles below his penthouse office on the 51st floor. 
Below him were thousands of people, young and old, going about their daily lives, only worried about their own little bubble of problems. Most of them were unable to even see past the cell phone that seemed to captivate their attention as they moved about amongst each other. 
With a disgusted snarl on his lips, Dean lifted the tumbler, and downed it in one pull. The burn of the alcohol has stopped affecting him a long time ago. Now it was the only warmth he felt.. 
“Those people, they’re ungrateful for what we do son,” John’s voice sounded from somewhere in the back corner of the room. 
Dean had known he was standing there watching him. When you have lived many years with people trying to kill you, tend to heighten your senses in a way you couldn’t turn off. 
“Get out of my head old man,” Dean’s voice drew out unamused. “I couldn’t give a fuck what they want or don’t want, see or don’t see. It doesn’t matter anymore.” 
Dean could hear John moving closer to the desk, and the wood creaking attop it, as the smell of cigar that seemed to constantly linger around his father, misted with just a hint of some expensive Italian cologne and whiskey let Dean know he’d perched himself on the corner of the desk.
“If it weren’t for us, half of this city would be in ruin. Their businesses  would be shut down, their schools and churches would be sitting empty, and they wouldn't even have a roof over most of their heads. Still, look at them down there, walking around without a care in the world, and you’re  telling me that doesn’t bother you? Not in the least?” 
In truth, it didn’t bother him. He wasn’t mad that most of them were ungrateful, and lived in blissful ignorance.In fact, he envied them. He wished he could walk around in the same happy little bubble they walked and lived in everyday, not knowing what really went on behind closed doors, or the sacrifices other people made at their expense. “It’s just good business,” or so his father always said. Dean was starting to beg to differ. 
He hadn’t  known when he’d take over his father’s ‘family business’ it would come with so much pain, and heartache or so much death. Now here he was, The Godfather, as it were, but it wasn’t anything like it was in the movies. No, it was darker, and colder, and lonely as the grave he’d seem to keep lowering his friends into. 
He thought he could have it all when he was younger. He thought that he could have it all, ruling the city on his throne of control as the people  moved about like his little pawns in a game of chess only he could master. He was wrong. So very fucking wrong, and now? Well, now he was just left with the ghost of the past.
“It doesn’t bother me,” Dean said with a slight shrug of his broad shoulders. John’s dark chuckle sounded from behind him as he got up and moved closer to the window, putting a hand on the cold glass as he watched the rain slip down the pane, determined to ignore the old demon that seemed to come and visit him after every failed job. 
“Sure is a long way down isn’t?” John’s voice said from directly next to him now, as if he was looking down at the city below him just as Dean was now. “You know, it wouldn’t be hard right? The fall? In fact, it would almost be peaceful. Hell, they say by the time you hit the ground from this height your heart’s already stopped anyway, and you're dead before you even hit the ground. It’s as easy as falling asleep.” 
Dean’s jaw clenched as he closed his eyes and fought against the thoughts that were clouding his judgement. “Fuck off,” he growled, but John just laughed in earnest, sending a familiar shiver down Dean’s spine. 
“Come Dean, what do you really have to live for anyway?” John taunted, walking around him like a lion stalking down his prey, getting ready to land the deadly pounce that would ultimately destroy the poor, worthless beast that was weaker than he.
“She will never love you Dean, you know that right? First time shit goes sideways, she’s gonna do the same as every other bitch you have ever used to get your dick wet. She’s just there for the money you hand her, and you know it.” 
John’s hot breath blew against the back of his neck as the next passing words were made in a whisper against his sweat damp skin. 
“But, you had to fuck around and get feelings, didn’t you boy?”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Dean roared, but it only seemed to edge on his torturer even more. 
“No! Feelings make you weak, make you vulnerable!” John’s voice sounded louder than his own, and Dean flinched as if he’d raised his hand and struck him. 
“I shouldn’t be surprised, you always were too weak. You and your feelings were the reason I’m dead today Dean. Sam would have made a better leader. He was smarter, stronger.  You were never even able to protect him.That’s why you let him go off to Stanford, isn’t it Dean, because he’d be safer out of the life.” 
Dean’s fist pounded against the glass in a hollow thud, and he gritted his teeth almost painfully, “Sammy deserved better than this. He deserved to get out.” 
“Is that what Benny deserved today Dean? Was that round through the heart his way of ‘getting out of the life’.He’s in the ground right now because you sent him on that delivery Dean, he’s dead because of you.”
“I said, fuck off!” Dean growled, but to no avail. 
“Do Y/N a favor. Open the drawer where you keep that 45, and end it. A simple shot to the temple and it’s done. She’ll be free of the coward that she’s tided too.”
Dean’s eyes shot to the small drawer at the bottom of his desk, and his pulse quickened.
“That’s it son, do it, end it.” John's voice growled deep in his ear, as one large tear rolled down Dean’s face. 
His legs felt weak. His breath was coming in short spurts as a grip tightened around his pounding heart, like a vise in his chest. John’s voice repeated, growing in his ear to “end it, do it now.” the same tone he’d used his whole life to order him around, and Dean had never been able to disobey an order. 
Maybe his dad’s ghost was right, and was weak. Maybe you would be better if he just ended it, took the cowards way out of this shit show, and let you move on. He’d make sure to leave you enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life.You’d be better off if he were dead.
Before he could even move from his spot against the window, two hands, much smaller than the ones that felt as if they were gripping his throat, slipped around his chest, and your scent seemed to push through the fog of self hate and regret that was weighing on him from years past. 
“Dean, baby breath, it’s okay,” your voice soothed over him, and he turned to lean into your embrace, thankful that you had come in just in time to once again chase the old ghost away. 
“I know, it’s just one of those nights,” Dean murmured into your hair, letting the scent of his favorite shampoo that you always used calm his racing pulse. 
“It wasn’t your fault baby. I can see you literally blaming yourself. Benny knew the risk of what he was going to do, he knew that it could go the way it went. You couldn’t have stopped it if you wanted to,” you try to sooth him. 
Dean’s eyes flickered to the corner of the room, where a pair of glowing yellow eyes shone like cat eyes in a dark alley, and his father’s face disappeared into the darkness. He was never gone forever. He was always there, always lurking, always haunting, taunting him. 
“Come on handsome, let’s get some sleep,” you tell him, grabbing his hand, and leading him from the dark, cold office to the master bedroom were you could keep an eye on him, keep him close to you, and help fight off the old ghost of his past that never seemed to want to let go. 
Tonight he’d win against them again, but there would always be a battle, always a struggle with demons that had their hooks in him so deep, that one day they’d drive them to his grave. Tonight though, he’d hide in the safety of your arms, and your warm embrace to get up and do it all over again tomorrow. Until one day, by an enemy or by his own hand, he’d be lowered into the ground, and with a hero’s funeral to cover up a black soul that had more blood on his hands than the devil himself. 
As long as he had you, and as long as you were here, he could find his resting place here. This was as close to heaven as he’d ever get, and when he’d died, and they covered him in gold, he’d be able to say he had you, for just a little while. For just a little while, he got to see heaven, and it was all because of you. His hiding place. His sanctuary. A place where his ghost couldn’t find him. 
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Forever Tags: @deanwanddamons @rvgrsbrns @bi-danvers0 @onethirstyunicorn @i-love-superhero @akshi8278 @lyss-dw79 @magssteenkamp @lemondropirwin @squirrelnotsam @hobby27 @spnbaby-67 @mrsjenniferwinchester @defenderrosetyler @screechingartisancashbailiff @thecreatiivecorner  @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624 @busy-bee-angel-misska @justanotherwinchester @brilovesdeanwinchester @idksupernatural @lyarr24 @amandamdiehl @love-jackles-37-blog @miraclesoflove @Waywardsistershy @emoryhemsworth @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel @softsebastian @tatted-trina6 @deanmonandnegansbitch @hayleeharling   @flamencodiva @coldmuffinbanditshoe @bxbyizzy @dirty-pan-goblin @itmejado @supernatural3002 @teresa-67 @thoughts-and-funnies @hearteyes-j2​ @miss-nerd95​
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lookturtles · 4 years
Title: Busted
Ray had just been discharged for the hospital with his arm in a cast. He would like to say that he broke it doing something cool like doing a backflip on a motorcycle, but he had just slipped on a wet sidewalk.
Fraser and Dief were walking next to him.
‘Hey, could you drive me home?’ Ray asked Fraser.
‘Of course. I will be happy to drive your car.’
‘Cool. Cool. Just don’t drive like an old lady.’
‘I don’t understand how driving a car at the speed limit equates to being a senior citizen. My own grandmother was quite fond of demolition derbies and won quite a few awards.’
His eyes went wide. He couldn’t picture an old lady winning a derby, but he couldn’t also picture an old lady with a tatt, but his mom had a rose tatt on her boob.
He got into the backseat of his car and Fraser and Dief got into the front. Fraser buckled Dief in and then himself and Fraser drove slowly.
He laid down on the backseat and thought that it was pretty awesome that the GTO had such a big backseat. The GTO smelled like fast food and leather and it always reminded Ray of when he used to work on the car with his Dad.
His arm was hurting and he really needed a pain killer, but he was determined to wait until he got home. He was a Chicago hard guy after all.
Soon, they were at his apartment building and they went up to Ray’s apartment. He went to his couch and laid down as he kicked off his boots and wiggled his toes.
‘Is there anything I can do for you?’ Fraser asked as he took off his hat and sat it on Ray’s coffee table.
‘Could you get me a pillow and my turtle?’
‘Of course.’
Fraser left the room and came back with a pillow. He put it under Ray’s head and then lifted Steve from his turtle tank and sat Steve on Ray’s stomach.
Ray rubbed Steve’s head and smiled. Steve made a happy noise and Dief laid down next to the couch.
Fraser made sure Ray was comfortable. He even gave Ray some pain killers without being asked.
Having a busted arm might suck, but it didn’t suck nearly as bad as long as he had Fraser, Dief and his turtle.
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junker-town · 6 years
Miami just signed your dad’s scariest co-worker to play punter
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Miami’s punter should always look exactly like this.
National Signing Day begins at 7 a.m. local time. And if local is Australia, then you get this kind of wonderful news before Signing Day begins in America:
It’s official!! I’m a cane Thank you to everyone that has helped me get to this point. LETS GOO!! 3️⃣0️⃣5️⃣ #TNM #BEATUF @CanesFootball @ProkickAus @Coach_MannyDiaz @JohnnyPKA @CoachKalter @CoachKalter @67outlaw @CCSFFootball @tweetiebeattie @richiehedley pic.twitter.com/0kQj7a9Uh4
— Louis Hedley (@LouisHedley1) February 6, 2019
That man is 41 years old, working as a bouncer at a graveyard, and moving to Miami in order to finally assume custody of his son Stitches.
Or actually, here’s the student newspaper at City College of San Francisco, where Hedley transferred a few months after taking up football, in 2017:
The 24-year old from Mandurah, Australia is much more athletic than most punters. Built more like a wide receiver or shooting guard in basketball, Headley is 6’4, 215 lbs. and has a lean athletic build along with the ability to punt the ball well over 60-yards downfield.
A former Australian rules football player, which is a modified version of rugby that plays on an oval field instead of a square one, Headley is part of the trend of Aussie players coming over to America to punt with the hopes of making the NFL.
Bringing punters over from Australia has been A Thing for a while now, with a constant stream of them winning the Ray Guy Award as the top player at the position in college. There’s a whole industry for it in Australia.
From the student paper again:
Headley decided to try out punting when someone who had watched him play Aussie rules football told him he had a big boot and should try punting. Before that Headley had been playing since he was three years old and had played semi-professional for three years in Western Australia.
Headley connected with Prokick Australia, a company that helps Aussie rules players learn to punt so they can head to America to play football. Prokick Australia has helped send multiple punters to City College, many of whom moved on to play at the Division-1 level.
This guy. @LouisHedley1 To Miami. Those who know him understand that he has deserved every part of this. Changed his life,went to JC at CCSF and now heads to Miami with a 3.7 GPA. A scaffolder turned College student. oh and he lives Tatts. On ya Louie. @PatMcAfeeShow #punta pic.twitter.com/ERI2ELeXeR
— Prokick Australia (@ProkickAus) February 6, 2019
Miami has several problems at the moment, but none bigger than punting. The Canes ranked in the 100s for two straight years in punting average, landing dead last in FBS in S&P+’s punting efficiency stat in 2018.
The Canes celebrated the news appropriately:
#WelcomeToTheU #TNM pic.twitter.com/xQa9LX1zXV
— Manny Diaz (@Coach_MannyDiaz) February 6, 2019
Here he is thumping the rock, and this big athlete can probably run some fakes in FBS:
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And now we sit back and wait for the memes to roll in during every Miami game.
0 notes
avidbeader · 8 years
Voltron fanfic: “Scattered” Chapter 16
Season 2 AU. No ships, K+ to T rating. Begin at the beginning here.
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“Pidge? Pidge!” Keith grabbed for her hands, hoping to calm her down. The comm panel winked out as he brushed against her gauntlet. Seeing her eyes morph further into shimmering gold scared him. “It’s all right! I’m okay!”
 “They must be punished!” Her voice echoed on itself, the higher impassioned tones of Pidge and the deep growls of a lion. She was breathing so quickly, almost panting.
 “Katie!” Keith pushed himself up, fighting through the pain and exhaustion. “Katie, calm down!” He put a hand to either side of her face, trying to get her to see him instead of looking through him. “Please!”
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She could see the hangar walls and longed to claw her way out and descend upon the base below. Someone had nearly taken Red’s Paladin from her again. The action must be answered!
She could also see Keith, frightened at what was happening to her. But he was Keith and not-Keith at the same time, fighting for the same space in her vision. She saw her friend and a being of white light so intense it was a wonder he didn’t burn up from the inside. The part of her that was still Pidge now understood exactly why Allura had hesitated about the cryo-pods.
But the greater part, the growing part surrounding her awareness in an emerald haze, was screaming through her head in fury and she wasn’t sure if she could control it.
She wasn’t sure she wanted to.
<> <> <> <> <>
Talk to Green! Talk her down!
At first Keith had no idea what Red meant, then it clicked. Pidge and Green were experiencing the same integration that he and Red had. For him, the connection had been interrupted by a massive dose of sedatives and while effective, it had been traumatic and damaging. He would never do that to Pidge by choice. Right now his only options were his words and his presence. He hoped they would be enough.
He gripped her face harder, making those glittering amber eyes look only at him. “Green, it didn’t happen. I’m alive. I’m here. I am here.”
“It nearly ended my sister to lose her Paladin to deceit and murder before! It cannot happen again!”
“I understand that! And I can’t promise that one of us won’t get killed—we’re fighting a war! But we have to trust each other if we’re going to have any chance of winning! Let her go, don’t scare her like this!”
Finally, the eyes were focused on him.
“Did my sister scare you when you merged?”
“Of course she did! She wanted to burn the entire Garrison to the ground and hurt a lot of innocent people in the process! But she held it together! And if she can hold it together, so can you! Please, let Pidge go!”
The expression on Pidge’s face lost some of its wrath and she stared. Keith hoped he wasn’t imagining things, but the amber shine in her eyes seemed to be dimming.
“That…was a low blow, Paladin. Take care of my cub…she values you.”
As Pidge’s eyes faded to normal, they rolled up and she went limp. Keith managed to pull her to him as he fell back, his own strength giving out. He held her close and began to relax as her breathing grew steady. He plucked her glasses from her face and laid them on the discarded laptop.
I agree with my sister. That was a low blow.
Keith gave a soft chuckle at the aggrieved tone from Red. Worked, didn’t it?
Yes, it did. I am…I am proud of you, my Paladin.
Not your cub?
Always my cub.
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Allura took a step back from Shiro. The Black Paladin seemed to be carrying a star in his right hand, the intense light reflecting from his armor and across his face. She had seen that hand in action, on board a Galra ship, and knew its power.
“Shiro? Shiro! What is it?” Torn between trying to calm him or backing away from his fearsome display, Allura didn’t notice that Pidge’s comm screen went down.
His reply was not to her but to the screen. His voice, cold and flat, cut across Iverson as he continued to berate Benítez. “General, I am pausing these negotiations. We’ll be in touch with Commander Iverson when we’ve calmed down.” He turned away and Coran cut the transmission.
All three paladins were visibly trying to calm themselves. The Holts were looking at Shiro with wide eyes as he brought up the cybernetic implant and concentrated on it. The light began to dim and Allura moved to his side.
“What is it? What did Pidge mean about someone trying to kill Keith?”
“Pidge!” Lance and Hunk spoke together and turned and ran from the room.
Shiro took a shuddering breath. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have undercut your authority like that, but I wasn’t sure if I could control myself if I kept looking at them…at the general. Red shared with the other Lions at the same time that Keith told Pidge what happened to him. They—the Lions--they’re all extremely angry at the moment. Seems they’re reliving some old, very bad memories of a paladin being killed by someone he should have been able to trust?”
Allura swallowed hard at that.
“Like a fellow paladin? The Black Lion’s first Paladin?”
She looked down. “Yes, but let’s speak of that another time. What about Keith?”
“This Darzi tried to prevent Keith from calling for help during one of the times he was forcing an interrogation with a truth serum. Red told us that it was only the intervention of a medtech that kept him from smothering Keith to death.”
Allura inhaled sharply at that, fully understanding now why the paladins had reacted as they did. Anger would have been her first reaction as well if she had not been fearful of Shiro. Sharing the information calmed Shiro further and he reminded himself that his oldest friend was still with them. But Allura’s expression hardened as she remembered something.
“I think I know what to do. I’ll need you to ask the Black Lion for help. But it can wait a little.” She turned to her adviser. “Coran, can you take the ship up and away from the planet for a bit? Somewhere nearby but out of their scanners’ range? Show Matt how to do it while you’re at it. Doctor, Shiro, with me.”
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Lance raced down the hallways, Hunk a few steps behind him. He wasn’t sure what had happened to Pidge. His connection to Blue was a jumble of emotions: rage at the attack on Keith and unease bordering on fear over something Green had done. Something that had happened sooner than expected.
He skidded into the cryo-healing room and yelled as a green crossbow bolt buried itself in the wall next to him.
“For the love of—don’t scare me like that! What if I hadn’t been able to adjust my aim?”
Lance could only stare as Keith tugged on the shimmering green line with one hand, trying to pull Pidge’s bayard back. His other arm was around Pidge, cradling her to him.
Hunk appeared in the doorway and looked around with wide eyes before zeroing in on Keith and Pidge. “Is she okay? She looked ready to tear a dimensional hole in space to get at the Earthforce people.”
Keith stopped trying to retract the bayard and set it next to him. “I think she will be. I hope. She’s breathing normally and her heart rate has slowed down.”
“What the quiznak happened? And since when do you use other people’s bayards on your own teammates?” Lance was still highly offended that Keith had actually taken a shot at him.
“I used her bayard because mine and my knife are out of my reach over there. Feel free to fix that situation. And you’re the one who came charging in here without warning!”
“We’re in the Castle of Lions, dude!”
“And where’s Keith been for days, dude?” Hunk’s voice was mild, but the reproach was there. “I’d be surprised if he weren’t on a hair-trigger after everything he’s been through.”
Pidge stirred then, moaning slightly. She opened her eyes and frowned in confusion when she realized she was lying on Keith. “Um, what happened?”
“I’m not really sure, but it was like Green sort of took over for a few minutes. I think it happened with Red while I was Earthside.”
“You were terrifying! Your eyes were turning gold!”              
Pidge scowled at Lance’s declaration. “I am going to have words with a certain Lion. That was not cool, just leaping all over my brain like that.” Keith loosened his hold on her so she could sit up. Instead her expression turned mischievous and she tugged his arms back around her. “But I’ll do it later. You are surprisingly comfy.”
Hunk let out a laugh at that. Keith looked baffled for a moment, then decided to just go with it and tightened his arms around her.
Lance found himself shoved to the side from behind and yelled again. He immediately calmed down when he realized it was Dr. Holt, with Allura and Shiro following him.
“Katie? Is everything all right?” The doctor knelt down beside Pidge and Keith.
“Yeah, Dad, everything’s okay for now. I need to have a talk with Green about boundaries, but I’m fine.” She sat up and looked around for her glasses.
“Boundaries?” Allura looked confused.
Keith handed Pidge her glasses, but looked at the princess. “Yeah, what does merging with the Lions mean?”
Allura’s jaw dropped. “What? Pidge merged with the Green Lion?”
“Yeah. And I think I did with Red, too.”
She staggered and Shiro had to catch and steady her.
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Benítez felt a wave of nausea as the image on the viewscreen disappeared. They had broken off negotiations. Shirogane had declared that they would contact the Garrison, not Earthforce, if they reopened communication. Shirogane had shown them that his alien prosthetic was indeed a weapon, a terrifying one. And while Kogane waking from the coma was good news, he had of course shared what had been done to him.
She ran through her options and decided. She turned to Iverson and spoke before he could start in on her again. “You heard him. Do what you have to in order to be ready to respond to him at a moment’s notice. I am recalling Perkins as a witness and filing the paperwork within the hour to start a court-martial against Darzi. As that will be part of the public record, we have to prepare a statement for the press.
“Please let me know the moment you hear from them. We need to know if Kogane would be willing to testify.”
Gathering the tatters of her authority, General Benítez left to enact her plan.
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The girls established a private group chat on one of their social media networks and added everyone: their parents, Colleen Holt, Hunk’s mom and aunt, and the Shiroganes. Not fifteen minutes later, Rosa began reporting the calls.
The media had finally started piecing together clues from the recorded conversation. They had found Keith Kogane, but he looked to be a dead end, with no relatives, a string of foster homes, and no other history besides the Garrison. The other name to go on was McClain. Rosa was fairly certain that someone would track down Iolana Garrett as soon as they thought to follow up on the other cadets listed as killed in training along with Lance. Whether Colleen would get any attention remained to be seen—no one appeared to have made any connection between the day’s events and the Kerberos mission yet.
In the meantime, she fielded media calls and answered “no comment” every time as the rest of the family began texting and calling as they saw the news updates. Then they started arriving in what was rapidly becoming an impromptu family reunion. Seamus and the girls organized food and everyone hovered around the television and a few tablets, looking for the latest information.
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Shiro held Allura up while she regained her balance. “I take it that you know what Keith is talking about and that it’s…unexpected.”
She nodded, still staring at Keith and Pidge. She was trying to gather her thoughts to explain as quickly and clearly as she could, but Pidge jumped in first.
“Allura, what do you need to do to help Keith in the Quintessence department? Can I help or do you want privacy?”
Shiro had not let go of Allura’s arm and he felt her twitch. She clearly wasn’t expecting Pidge to be so…normal…after this merging thing. But doing whatever was needed to get Keith into a cryo-pod and fully healed was his first priority. “Allura, what do you think?”
She bit her lip. “I…I’m not sure. The ceremony on the Balmera was the first time I ever manipulated Quintessence and it was on such a large scale. I think fewer distractions might be better?”
“That sounds sensible. So would you prefer me or Pidge as your lookout?”
Allura hesitated, but Keith replied instantly, “Shiro.”
Pidge opened her mouth to protest, but her father was faster. “Come on, kiddo. I promised your mother we’d get back in touch as soon as you got your teammate back.”
She turned to him, her expression brightening. “You talked to Mom?”
“Wait, you were able to talk to people on Earth? Can we do that?” Lance’s eyes were as wide as saucers.
Shiro glanced at Sam, who instantly picked up on the unspoken message and waved his arms to start shooing the other paladins out. “Come on, all of you. Let’s see if we’re still close enough to Earth to get through.”
Pidge groused a little, but was not about to turn away the chance to talk to her mother. She hopped to her feet and went over to her pile of armor to don it once more. “Allura, if you think the dehydration is a problem, make sure he drinks more before you start.” She looked for her bayard and blinked, noticing for the first time that it was not where or how she had left it.
Keith gave a shrug that was only slightly apologetic. “Lance startled me.”
She picked up the base and quickly retracted it, one eyebrow quirking up at the unfamiliar shape of the projectile. “No problem. When do I get to try your sword?”
“As soon as you can hold it up for more than thirty seconds at a time, squirt.”
“Challenge accepted. Be gentle with him, Allura! I’m willing to bet it’s his first time!” She ran after the others.
Shiro laughed, seeing Keith’s instant blush and Allura’s confusion. Keith looked up at him as he picked up a drink pouch and tried to cover his embarrassment.
“Was she always so…direct?”
“Oh, yes. She gave Matt grief from the time she could talk until he left for the Garrison. He told all kinds of stories on the way to Kerberos.”
Keith grinned at that. “I want to hear some of them.”
“Sure, but later. Allura?”
She moved to kneel at Keith’s side, where Pidge had been sitting, and took a deep breath to center herself. She reached forward and took his hand. Keith’s eyes widened as a gentle glow formed between them. “What…what is that?”
“Your body currently has far too much Quintessence in it. I don’t quite understand why you aren’t showing more symptoms other than perhaps the dehydration.”
“Could Red be helping share the load?” Shiro offered as he moved to sit on Keith’s other side.
“That’s possible.”
“Or the Quintessence could be the reason he was so resistant to the different drugs being used. Keith may have been using the excess to fight it.”
“Also possible. But no matter the reason, there’s still too much for safety’s sake. Keith, I want you to stay still and try to relax as much as possible. I have no idea how this is going to feel for you. If it’s painful, tell me immediately.”
Keith nodded, finished the drink in his hand, and handed the empty pouch to Shiro. He closed his eyes and took a couple of deep breaths.
Allura also closed her eyes and laid her free hand on the floor next to her. Shiro had been going to ask about the process, but thinking back to the ritual on the Balmera, he remembered that she pulled energy from the Castle and somehow multiplied it to save the creature. So here she was taking Quintessence from Keith and feeding it back into the Castle.
As he watched, the faint glow from their joined hands began to spread through Allura. Once she was suffused with it, it began pooling around her and fading into the floor.
He turned his attention to Keith. It would be very like the Red Paladin to downplay it if the process was indeed painful, just to make things simpler for Allura. But to Shiro’s surprise, it looked like Keith had dozed off.
Shiro could not remember the last time he had seen Keith looking so peaceful and relaxed. He concentrated, trying to commit the moment firmly in his memory. It might be a very long time before this happened again.
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Next Chapter
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sugardaddynico · 4 years
basic information
name: mateo perez
nickname(s): none
gender: male
pronouns: he/him
occupation: lawyer
d.o.b: february 19
age: 45
star sign: aquarius
sexual orientation: pansexual/panromantic
open for plots: yes
open for shipping: no
face claim: danny pino
height: 6'0"
eyes: brown
hair: black
tatts/piercings/scars/etc: none
hometown: new york, new york
current residence: new york, new york
parents: juanita and antoni
sibling(s): none
child(ren): none
pet(s): none
positive traits:consistant, organized, thorough
negative traits: critical, unwavering, hard heade
quick facts
His mother would tell you that Mateo was born to be a lawyer, arguing to win an argument from the moment he was able to string together full sentences. And she wouldn’t be wrong. He always had a very convincing way of presenting his side to the story and he knew when he was ten years old that his career path was already set in stone.
He became a lawyer and a damn good one at that. He joined a prestigious law firm in New York City and from there worked his way up to working for the NYPD prosecuting criminals. When his wife fell ill, he left the NYPD to take care of her until her death. .
it was a year before he returned to the working world and is now a partner in a corporate law firm and is working with a recent law graduate named Richard.
has a right hand named journey whom he finds to be a female him. they’ve been working together for 15 years now, nothing romantic has ever happened between them.
coming soon
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kadobeclothing · 5 years
Former Man Utd defender Guillermo Varela dreaming of chance to play at Old Trafford again – for or against old side – The Sun
GUILLERMO VARELA is dreaming of a return to Manchester United – ideally as a Red Devils player. If that is not possible, he would at least like to play against his old club at the Theatre of Dreams once more. 11 Guillermo Varela would love to play at Old Trafford once more – and say thank you to the fans for their supportCredit: PA:Empics Sport11 FC Copenhagen and Manchester United are both through to the knockout stages of the Europa League this seasonCredit: Getty – ContributorEither way, he wants the chance to show the Old Trafford faithful how much they meant to him. And with his FC Copenhagen side into the Europa League knockout stages, the chances of a reunion are rising. First, the Danes must get past Celtic in the last-32 while United take on Club Brugge. Varela told SunSport: “It would be a dream to go back to Old Trafford. It would be a beautiful moment – I wait for this. “Maybe we will get drawn to play Manchester United – we don’t know. But if we do, it would be a dream. “Maybe we will meet again soon. Maybe in the Europa League, maybe in the Premier League. “I’m still only 26. I of course want to go back to the Premier League at some point. “In the future, maybe I can come back and play for Manchester United – I hope. “I would say thank you to the fans. I want to say thank you for a beautiful four years, thank you for your support.” DENMARK DELIGHT The Uruguayan arrived as a fresh-faced 20-year-old straight from his homeland in 2013 and was on the United payroll under three different managers. But unfortunately for him, it did not work out as planned and he ended up heading back to former club Penarol, almost unnoticed by most supporters. In footballing terms, it was a backwards step. But sometimes in life you have to take one step back to take two steps forward. And that is exactly what Varela is doing – taking his first step forward. He is doing it at FC Copenhagen, moving at the beginning of 2019, and is taking it alongside a few familiar faces. Former Premier League players Viktor Fischer, Dame N’Doye, Bryan Oviedo and, until his release at the end of December, Nicklas Bendtner – who decided to move back home this year – are all enjoying life at Telia Parken under former Wolves manager Stale Solbakken. I was younger so it was difficult to come to Manchester United and try to play at 19 years old – I’m not Rashford!Guillermo Varela Speaking at FC Copenhagen’s training ground in the Frederiksberg suburb to the west of the Danish capital, Varela added: “We have a good connection when we play. The Superliga is hard to play. I think it is similar to the Premier League. “I spoke to people about Copenhagen before coming here. In my country some players know Copenhagen. “Nicklas is funny, very funny. He’s good. We like him. He came in the summer. “I like the life and the people. I have some friends here which is better for me. “The weather is very difficult, though – it is very similar to Manchester, it is cold and it rains a lot.” But unlike in Manchester, Varela is one of the first names on the teamsheet. He was David Moyes’ first signing but, despite having a “good relationship” with the Scot, was not given a chance so went on loan to the Real Madrid B team where he regularly worked with Cristiano Ronaldo et al. Varela said: “I was younger so it was difficult to come to Manchester United and try to play at 20 years old – I’m not Rashford! “I was with the Castilla team under Zinedine Zidane for one year. I would train two or three times a week with the first team. It was magnificent. With Cristiano, Karim Benzema, Gareth Bale as well. “I spoke with Cristiano about Manchester United. Chicharito moved at the same time with me. We lived separately but he was very helpful.” 11 The right-back was David Moyes’ first signing at Manchester United but things did not work out as plannedCredit: Getty – Contributor11 Varela is enjoying himself in Copenhagen, both on and off the field, after coming back from Penarol at the beginning of 2019Credit: Getty – Contributor11 Varela will always be grateful for ‘crazy’ Louis van Gaal who gave him his 11 United appearancesCredit: AFP or licensorsSpanish-speaker Juan Mata was particularly accommodating as Varela settled back in Manchester and was finally given his chances under “crazy” Louis van Gaal – 11 chances to be precise. Those 11 appearances for the Red Devils all came in a three-month spell in the 2015/16 season, starting with a 0-0 draw at home to West Ham in the December and ending when Philippe Coutinho got the better of him in the Europa League last 16. Varela has no regrets over the Coutinho goal – “it is football” – but instead looks back fondly on his brief run in the senior side. He said: “Van Gaal gave me the chance to play so I have to say thank you. He is a crazy coach. He was always angry with the players but it was good. I enjoyed it. “I played 11 matches. I enjoyed every single one. I played one game in the Champions League, I played in the Europa League. “Playing for Manchester United is amazing. Of course, it was a dream. MAN UTD NEWS LIVE: Follow for all the latest on the Red Devils “Growing up, it was always about Manchester United, ahead of Real Madrid and Barcelona, because of Diego Forlan playing there. So for a player from Uruguay, it was a dream to play for Manchester United. He was my hero. “But I had to play more. At Manchester United, playing only one or two games a month was not good. I had to play every game and at Manchester United that was difficult.” Van Gaal’s time at Manchester United ended two days after winning the FA Cup – and with the Dutchman’s sacking, Varela’s Old Trafford career was over too. Jose Mourinho came in but after just a month in pre-season together, Varela was back out on loan, this time to Eintracht Frankfurt. Things started well in Germany but a serious left ankle injury meant he missed eight months of action. TATT WAS A BIG MISTAKE Frankfurt reached the DFB-Pokal Cup final against Borussia Dortmund but Varela hit the headlines for his off-field antics, specifically with a tattoo and an angry Niko Kovac. Reports he missed the final due to the tattoo causing an infection were false, but the heavily-inked Varela happily opened up to give his version of events. He explained: “I got a tattoo at the top of my back on my neck. It was during my injury, while I was not playing, about three months before the final in May. “[Manager] Niko Kovac said to me, ‘I don’t want you to get any more tattoos.’ “I said, ‘Why? I’m injured…’ “He said, ‘Yes, I know but you have to respect the players and the staff.’ “I said, ‘Okay, I understand but I am injured.’ Then when I started to play again I got this one done on my arm [a woman’s face]. “He said to me, ‘No, no, no. You stop here because we have the final in one week and I told you before you have to finish with your tattoos so now you are out.’ 11 Varela sat down with SunSport reporter Joshua Jones at the FC Copenhagen training groundCredit: Joel Dugdale11 His final game for the Red Devils was a 1-1 draw with Liverpool in the Europa League as Philippe Coutinho scoredCredit: AFP – Getty11 The Uruguay international missed much of his season on loan with Eintracht Frankfurt through injury – then was not allowed to play in the DFB-Pokal Cup finalCredit: Getty – Contributor
“I didn’t get infected, that’s not true. It was just because I got it.” Varela can smile about it two-and-a-half years on, largely because he has put it all behind him as he resurrects his career in Denmark. Now he wants to make a more permanent mark by returning to England, proving himself in the Premier League and going some way to finishing his unfinished business from his time at Manchester United. 11 It was the inking of the woman’s face on his arm that landed Varela in trouble with Niko KovacCredit: Joel Dugdale11 Varela got this tattoo at the top of his back during his injury lay-off while on loan at Eintracht FrankfurtCredit: Joel Dugdale11 Varela played twice for Uruguay at the 2018 World Cup as his country reached the quarters, losing to FranceCredit: Getty – Contributor
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source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/former-man-utd-defender-guillermo-varela-dreaming-of-chance-to-play-at-old-trafford-again-for-or-against-old-side-the-sun/
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sugardaddynico · 4 years
basic information
name: adelaide shepherd
nickname(s): addie, ads
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
occupation: student/waitress
d.o.b: june 5
age: 24
star sign: gemini
sexual orientation: pansexual/panromantic
open for plots: yes
open for shipping: yes
face claim: mae whitman
height: 5'3"
eyes: brown
hair: brown
tatts/piercings/scars/etc: ears pierced
hometown: melbourne australia
current residence: verse dependent
parents: annalise and robert
sibling(s): none
child(ren): none
pet(s): none
positive traits: gentle, affectionate, adaptable
negative traits: nervous, indecisive, quiet
Adelaide has always been a kind soul and because of that, she has sometimes gotten walked all over by the people she cares for but she’s always forgiving them. She can make the best of any situation or well, she tries to anyway. Need a cuddle and Addie is the one person you should seek out.
She is also somewhat awkward and usually never goes for things that she wants, figuring if they were meant to be hers then she’d get them. She can go back and forth on things too, flipping from yes to no and then back again.
quick facts
she loves nature and just being around it. She can sit for hours in the woods without a care in the world.
she’s exceptionally good at science and math and used to want to become a botanist but that was a long time ago.
has horrible taste in romance but she still believes in true love and all that fairytale stuff, she’s just scared to actually go for it anymore.
favorite flower is the sunflower because it reminds her of home.
coming soon
extended bio (triggers: stalking and abuse)
Born and raised in Melbourne, Australia on June 5, Addie was always a quiet and shy girl from the moment she was born. Her family was very well put together and while they were lower class, they never really suffered much in the way of clothing and a roof over their head. Her mother was a grade school teacher and her father is a garbage man. She doesn’t have any siblings, but Addie doesn’t mind. When she was sixteen, she met a boy named Anthony. Her grades started slipping the more time she spent with him and eventually, her parents found out about him. They forbid her from seeing him again and once she came to her senses, she realized how idiotic she was being. The next couple of years were hell, Anthony kept trying to win her back until her parents finally got a restraining order against him. He broke it and got tossed in jail. They thought it was the end of it. She went to college and got a degree in foreign languages, teaching a class at a local community center.
Shortly after, Anthony popped back up and started stalking her again. The police wouldn’t anything seeing as how he’d gotten smarter and covered his tracks. She did what she thought was best. She packed her bags, bought a plane ticket and left. She arrived in England and spent a few weeks traveling different cities until she stumbled upon London. It seemed like a decent place and so she settled down. She still looks over her shoulder though every time that she went somewhere and could swear that someone was following her. It was impossible though. Right?
0 notes