#and honestly i'd marry you in a heartbeat lol
tennessoui · 1 year
can’t believe there’s no balcony neighbors to friends to lovers obikin au
so like imagine like anakin and obi-wan live in apartments that face each other and are separated by a narrrow alleyway, so when both are out on their own balconies, they can pretty easily see each other and talk. they don’t but they could is the thing, it’s just a weird sort of line to step over, being in someone’s space so intimately but not being invited there, witnessing someone’s life move along like an unstoppable ocean current, but not being in the water with them.
anakin knows what book obi-wan is reading and which newspaper he subscribes to. obi-wan knows anakin’s favored brand of beer and how he sounds when he sings his baby to sleep. anakin has overheard many arguments between obi-wan and his lawyer and his estranged wife about the divorce case. they’re physically close enough that when anakin steps out one summer night, obi-wan can wordlessly pass him a cigarette over the divide. “i don’t smoke normally,” obi-wan says, with a flick of his wrist to shake loose the ash. “i know,” anakin says, because he does. “divorce was finalized yesterday,” obi-wan says. “i know,” anakin says, because he does. “my name’s obi-wan,” obi-wan says. “anakin,” anakin says because he hadn’t known that.
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cambion-companion · 2 years
matey. I have this cute soft idea if you're interested in writing it ofc. basically fem reader where she's a lady of noble blood and knows aemond since they were kids. but there was always this awkwardness around them which slowly turned into disgust (lol bish why you lying, why you always lying) one day she's with helaena or lady friends and they ask her who she would marry from court if she had to choose which she replies with "I would marry aemond in a heartbeat" forgetting that she said that out loud with aemond overhearing it somewhere hiding behind a pillar or something lol. and the next day she keeps questioning herself why aemond is suddenly wearing his nice clothes, helping her with something? and then when she wants to bid him goodnight he replies with a sneaky "I would marry you too in a heartbeat" which ends with her all flustered or something lol. idk what this is honestly, It just popped into my head.
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Hi dearest! I'd love to write a lil something based on this lovely prompt!
Aemond x reader | fluff | Aemond being as discreet as a car backfiring
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Laughter surrounded you, the ladies you sat with in the fragrant gardens tittering to each other, blushes upon their dimpled cheeks. You set aside your book of Old Valyrian poems and leaned in conspiratorially. "Okay Rosaline, your turn. Who would you marry?"
Rosaline, a lovely curvy girl around your age with russet curls and a freckled face, laughed harder. "I cannot say, lady Y/N. Though lord Jason Lannister is rather easy on the eyes is he not?"
You shrugged. "If you go for that sort of pomposity, I suppose."
"Well, who do you fancy, Y/N?" Rosaline asked, huffing at you with slightly narrowed brown eyes.
You hesitated, all eyes now upon you, growing more curious with each second of silence.
"Well? Now you have to tell us!" A girl with straight brown hair piped up, her doe eyes mischievous. "You were so eager to hear our own secrets!"
"I...I've always. Well. Prince Aemond if you must know." Your fingers clasped together upon your lap, so tight your knuckles went white.
There was a beat of stunned silence, then the girls lapsed into another fit of giggles.
"Prince Aemond?" Rosaline choked.
"Haven't you been friends since you were children?"
"I thought they went for their siblings?"
"He doesn't have an eye, Y/N! How could you possibly think he's a suitable match?"
"Excuse me." You said rather flatly. "When any of you ride the largest dragon in Westeros, then you can talk."
"He is rather easy on the eyes." A Tyrell girl spoke in a thin voice. "Though I've heard rumors circulating he is rather callous and keeps to himself."
"He's not callous." You defended. "Though we do have our disagreements."
"Oh yes!" Rosaline tittered again. You fought the urge to smack her. "I've heard you two have been at odds the past few weeks. Lover's quarrel?"
"I-we are not-where did you hear...you know what it doesn't matter." You rose abruptly, forgetting the book beside you on the bench. "Aemond alone is worth a hundred times more than all of you put together. I would marry him in a heartbeat."
"What's under that horrid eyepatch he wears?" A sneering Lannister lady sniggered.
"Something far more interesting than what's under your garish skirts!" You shot back, a shocked silence following your impetuous outburst.
You cast one last scorching look over the gathered women, before gathering your dress and taking your leave of them, face burning.
You retired to your chambers, skipping the dinner feast, not wishing to see those girls again that day. You were still fuming. It was true, you and Aemond had not spoken since a heated argument a few weeks prior. However, this was not the first time you two had been at odds. Nor would it be the last, you reckoned.
A soft knock at your door roused you from your contemplation beside the fire. You rose from the sofa, crossing the carpeted floor and swinging the heavy oak door open to reveal Aemond standing in the doorway.
"Oh!" You said, too surprised to come up with anything witty.
"Walk with me?" Aemond held out his arm for you to take. His hair looked like it was freshly brushed, shining silver in the torchlight as he guided you down the hall into a deserted courtyard.
The evening air was alive with birdsong, the sky above a shock of orange and red as the sun made its western descent.
"I came to apologize." Aemond said as the two of you meandered out into the gardens you had spent your afternoon in.
"Apologize? You? Be still my heart!"
"Don't make me regret it, Y/N." The prince groaned, releasing your arm and turning to you, the vista of the city's red roofs and the sparkling sea framed behind him. "I behaved...rather appallingly and I regret not coming to you sooner."
"You were a bit of an ass, tis true." You smiled impishly at the way he fought down a grimace at your words.
"As if you were any better."
"I was right." You folded your arms across your chest.
Aemond clasped his hands tightly behind his straight back. "It is a matter of opinion whether Dorne is more progressive than us."
"No, Aemond. I'm afraid that's a fact."
Aemond breathed hard through his nostrils; you watched with interest as he collected himself. "I came to apologize not to argue further."
He opened his jacket and pulled out a small box from a pocket within. "And to give you this as a sign of my...remorse."
You squinted at him. "Did your mother tell you to say that?"
Aemond didn't answer, his brow raising at you as he gestured for you to take his gift. You lifted the box from his palm, undoing the string and opening it. A silver brooch lay within, bearing the insignia of your house. Small finely crafted letters spelled out your house words below the image.
"It's quite lovely, my prince." Your face softened as you took it out and fasted the piece to your bodice. "I will wear it with pride. Thank you."
Aemond graced you with a genuine smile, his eye lingering upon the pin now secured above your heart. You tracked his gaze with interest as it roved across your curves before snapping guiltily back up to your face.
"See something you like?" You teased, flashing a grin at him.
Aemond didn't answer, though he held your gaze as you stepped closer, noting how the breath caught in his throat at your sudden proximity. Your brow furrowed as you looked at the odd expression on his face, nothing you had seen there before.
"Are you well, Aemond?"
"No." Aemond shook his head. "Let us continue our walk."
The two of you walked side by side around the gardens, the deepening twilight enveloping you, stars unveiling one by one in the dusky sky. Your knuckles brushed against Aemond's, you extended your pinky, hooking it around his. Heat rose to your face as Aemond's fingers slid to tangle with your own, your hands intertwined as you strode along the path back to the Keep.
He did not break his grip on you, even as you stood again before your chamber door.
"This is where I bid you a good night, Y/N." He spoke softly.
"Yes, it is." You sounded breathless, not pulling away as he turned to face you directly, leaning down as he brushed his lips to the back of your hand.
"Yes, Aemond?"
"I would also marry you in a heartbeat."
You stopped breathing. He had overheard the whole exchange in the gardens. Blood rushed in your ears as, wide eyed, you watched as Aemond lingered long enough to take in your expression before he turned on a booted heel and strode down the hallway.
Gathering your wits once more, you shouted after him just as he reached the corner. "Aemond!" He halted, looking back at you with ill-concealed amusement. "Get back here or so help me..." You pointed to the ground in front of your door.
"We can continue this discussion tomorr-"
"No. No, you don't get to say something like that and just walk away." You hissed, leaving your chamber open as you stomped down the hallway to where he stood waiting, his lilac eye sparkling with delight.
Aemond took your forearms in his hands when you reached for him, pulling you in so quickly you stumbled, falling against his chest. "You overheard me today?" You asked, looking up at his angular face as his fingers traced your jaw.
"Mmm. I did indeed. You're quite the sight in your anger." His eye glittered. "Even more enchanting when it's on my behalf."
"They were wrong to say such things." You breathed, your voice only a whisper as the distance between your faces slowly closed.
"I rest easy knowing I have a champion in you, to defend my honor." Aemond chuckled, his breath tickling your lips.
You weren't sure who moved first, or if it was simultaneous, but you felt the press of his mouth against yours, your eyes fluttering closed as your hands buried themselves in his silken hair.
He moved against you, backing you up until you hit the wall, a gasp at the impact opening your mouth to him as he began exploring you with his slick tongue. The scent of him surrounding you, the feel of him caging you in, pressing his knee between your thighs, drew a soft whimper from your lips that he drank down with relish.
"Do that again." He murmured, tugging your hair until you exposed your throat to his touches.
"Make me." You smirked at the arched ceiling, quickly losing what little composure you had won back as he took your challenge to heart.
Aemond made you emit many more sounds of pleasure throughout the course of that night. Stifling your cries with his large hand at one point so as to not alert any nearby guard patrols. With the promises of a lifetime together to come he claimed you as his own, swearing in return to be yours until his dying day.
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104thsquadfam · 10 months
✵ -- your choice!
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following -I have spun the wheel you get Reiner LOL
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Their first impression of your muse:
"Sasha? She's a good friend and like Connie, when she puts her mind to it she's a great soldier. I'm impressed with her skills, I know it's a bit silly to say but I consider her to be like a little sister. I'd love nothing more than to see her live a happy life."
Current impression:   
" She's really grown, she's not as goofy as she used to be....honestly even Connie's grown up. Sure she still is a bit fixated on food but don't let that fool you that girl can take you down in a heartbeat if you get on her bad side....which is a bit hard to do so just don't try, you might find an arrow between your eyes."
Are they attracted to your muse?:  
" Huh? Sure Sasha's a beautiful young lady, capable and strong any man or woman would be lucky to have her. But I see Sasha as more of a sister than a woman I want to marry...does that make sense?"
Something they find frightening about your muse:
" Have you seen how vicious she gets if you take her food? She's mellowed down since our first week in training but I wouldn't go stealing things from her....did I mention she's scarily accurate with her bow? Yeah...watch yourself."
Something they find adorable about your muse:  
" Sasha's pout is adorable, her smile is even cuter too."
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
" Of course I would, if needed but I don't Sasha needs me for that and besides she's got Connie, Jean, Eren, Mikasa, everyone's got her back we're all family....at least that's how I see it."
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
" As friends, yeah sure sounds like fun. Maybe Connie will tag along too or the others."
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  
" One word I'd use to describe Sasha? Unwavering."
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: 
" Why would I want to slap Sasha? No, I wouldn't."
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
" Of course I'd hug Sasha, that's a ridiculous question."
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12 , 16 , 20 for the mash game !! :)
12. If you were a member of the 4077 and had a nickname like trapper or radar , what do you think everyone would call you? Why?
Probably Harvard, honestly. My name is Harvey and that's what my friends tend to call me. Not because I go to Harvard, mainly because it's a play on Harvey, I'm a nerd, and I give off old-man vibes lol.
16. You can pick one of the write off characters to stay on the show and develop, the others’ roles don’t change. Who are you picking?
Trapper 100%. I love BJ, don't get me wrong. But Trapper could have done so much more, and I would have loved to see his character develop. Alternatively, Radar, because he's my fave and him being written off kills me. I'd like him to stay forever 'cause he's my blorbo
20. who would win in a fight , the character you deeply love or the character you cannot fucking stand?
The character I can't fucking stand. Radar is my favorite, and he's too kind to hit anybody, even if they were trying to hit him. My least favorite character (although there is a certain love for them all) is definitely Donald Penobscott. Margaret is an icon, and he did NOT deserve her. I would marry Margaret in a heartbeat this man squandered the chance of a LIFE TIME. Plus she clearly loved him, and he betrayed that. Margaret can be mean but she's got a heart of gold and I adore her.
Anyway, Radar definitely couldn't beat Donald in a fight. He's not strong enough for one, but more than that there's no way he'd hurt someone. Even if he did, he'd feel horrible about it later. Radar is too much of a good guy to fight Donald.
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suguwu · 1 year
😱😱😱 Bee you do it to Takao like that?? You kill him like that!? No goodbye, no last "I love yous" that's so cruel!!
okay before i get into THAT, you never fail to provide the most beautiful detail to every mundane moment, but if i gushed over every one, this ask would get five part series too
Honest to god i was so certain Takao would've actually left in the end. Like "oh your soulmate's here? guess i'll die" and he just!! goes!! and let's be real in his shoes, i dont blame him. at least he said something. he communicated his feelings and he took a step back because he wanted space.
like yeah reader suffers a bit, but she's got a solid support system. she's got her parents, she's got her friends. have i mentioned i love Abe and Yoshikawa so much?? what would this story be like without them? how would Reader cope without them?? i dare not think.
also you're so good at describing food, i wanted those crepes so much
okay and i must know, what's the soulmate clause in the marriage contract, what was all that about??? it sure sounds like a lot of boring paperwork to me, and a headache to work through. you're so good at weaving subtle worldbuilding in where it matters, but that's the problem, i want the story to be about bullshit soulmate clauses in marriage contracts. what are soulmate laws here, what do they look like
Kita is so good, that's the problem. the progression of their interactions between text and phone call to eventual physical visits was very sweet. If he was an asshole that'd make things easier. and honestly i was Very nervous where it was going because like especially when the wedding got cancelled after reader met her soulmate, i'd lose my mind because you KNOW that got people's tongues wagging.
it's unfortunate that it's not hard to imagine that a lot of people would in fact, find reader insane for not immediately choosing her soulmate in a heartbeat. your neighbors, your co-workers, distant relatives, people on the goddamn street etc
oh my god speaking of, i wasn't kidding when i said i would've fist fight Atsumu in the streets, i could've HOWLED.
Aran is a fuckin blessing because i knew the twins were gonna have Opinions on reader after she rejected Kita. THEY may be protective of Kita, but I'M protective of reader and i'm stronger, i know it. i could beat them. the social expectation surrounding soulmates would be abysmal, can you imagine?? and we only got a little taste of it, when Atsumu just threw his hands up like "He's your soulmate!" as if that was supposed to be the end all be all statement to end an argument. when reader is MARRIED??
oh, you already have a partner? forget them! you met your soulmate! guilt tripped reader for KITA'S choice to remain in contact as if it's her job to manage his feelings. i'd ream Atsumu so hard it'd strip the hair dye from his follicles and he'd have to go back to Onigiri Miya, a brunette again.
thank god reader has supportive loved ones. thank fuckin god. if i got grilled by the general public, or even people in my life why i chose Some Guy and not my Soulmate, i would kill everyone in the room and then myself. SMH
okay i definitely had more to say but i'm gonna cut myself off now before i go insane luv u so much bee, congratulations again on getting part 2 out!!
whisper beloved this had me ROLLING lmao thank you so much for taking the time for this!!
cut because this is a long answer lol
i did do it to takao like that i'm afraid,,,he deserved better but i couldn't give it to him. i knew it from the start
takao could have peaced out and honestly it would have been the expected thing for him to do in this society! so he just took a step back. which i think was hard for him but easier than it could have been, knowing the support system reader has in place. i'm SO glad you love abe and yoshikawa they are also near and dear to my heart,,,love a good friendship!
lskjdflksjdf once i'm done with the fic i may release some of my worldbuilding notes! for the shrine clause (and a clause used by most marriage venues), it's one that allows the person getting married to get out of the contract without any consequences if they meet their soulmate. so they would get their deposit/any money back and not be held responsible for any penalties that might otherwise be described in said contract.
for the form they hand in at the time of marriage, some countries track soulmates and have bureaucratic systems around it. it's almost like a census in some ways. the form is essentially a report about whether either party has met their soulmate and if they are marrying their soulmate. it can be used as a way to stop the marriage if the soulmate desires to do so.
kita is Very Good and that's half of the issue, like you said! and yes, society has a Lot to say about reader's choice - it's very unusual and there's a lot of controversy around people who don't stay with their soulmates (don't even get me started on soulmate divorce).
PLEASE I AM CACKLING honestly atsumu deserves a fist fight for that one! both the twins do in their own way (osamu distracted kita so atsumu could go after reader). reader's been hoping to avoid them because she knew from aran's stories (they've met a few times, mostly over facetime when he was visiting kita) that meeting them probably wouldn't go well. and...on the money with that one.
thank you thank you for all of the thought that went into this ask. you are always far too kind and i'm so glad you enjoyed it!!!
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kumz-z · 1 year
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I don't know who wants to hear... so over my time on discord I met alot of people.. three guys kinda well we dm more than we speak in my server, one say I'm his type bcs he likes tsundere girls and the big sister vibes... well I am a big sister lol and the tsundere part I don't believe I am one but to know I'm his type is idk how to feel abt it. the second guy, he's pressy for my irl pics though i dont ask for his. he insults my favs on the daily so I ofc insults his ones back. but he always assures me that he'll support my goals and dreams. he says I love you and expects one back from me whenever he says it like gawdam chill. the third guy... I won't say he's the closest to my type of guy, he's too kind for his own good honestly. he listens to my rants and comforts me, i play games more often with him than the rest lmao. I'm probs just a passing beauty to him.
last night, I told my sister. what if I dated the third guy? he sent me his irl pic btw. when I showed it to her, she laughed bcs he's buff but the pic he took makes him look short and fat, though he says he's 169 cm... like girl she was laughing hysterically with the way the guy looks and the question was a WHAT IF. I don't feel anything for the guys, I want to experience love too. she laughs bcs he's on the buff side? when she openly says her type are himbos like u stfu
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if himbos are buff and pretty, dumb and respectful to women... I don't see why laughing at the guy was a thing she did.
she did tell me I'm the pretty sister between us, so if she laughed bcs she thinks I shouldn't be standing next to that kinda guy bcs our looks don't fit then I don't know who's right and wrong here. obviously her though. she once called tsumugi aoba ugly bcs he wears glasses and his long curly blue hair don't fit him well. like girl that's my type of guy, if someone say who's my type to summarise it in one character ITS TSUMUGI AOBA ik I love rei and izumi and hiyori as my top three guys in enstars But tsumugi is the kinda guy I'd marry in a heartbeat if he asked LMFAOOO.
maybe she's young so she can't judge people well ? I still hate the fact she laughed like an idiot when I showed her the pic and say what if I dated the guy, she knows of the first and second guy and she openly told them that she hates them for bothering me and bcs they were obvious... pretty sure at one point, the first guy did tell her I'm his type lmaoo. she shouldnt judge them imo since she only speaks to them in the server and not out of it. she doesn't even look at the server that much so the interaction between those three are so little... she probs hate it when people in the server calls for my name anyways.
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wyverncult · 1 year
copying u. 001 matel gear 002 otasune or whoever else u want to talk about. 003 SNAKE !! or strangelove <3
this took so long to do
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: basic as hell i love SOLID SNAKE though, i love his writing soo much. i also like miller strangelove & otacon. shoutout to amanda for being the only helpful bitch in all of PW though & mantis for looking like that
Least Favorite character: ROSEMARY. sorry. their relationship in 2 made me feel insane
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): IM BASIC... otasune, bbkaz, strangeboss. not favs but i also like fox/gustava & maybe bosselot
Character I find most attractive: genuinely this is hard. probably big mama she's cool as fuck
Character I would marry: raiden should ditch rose and get with a man like me. i don't want to marry him i just think i could treat him better
Character I would be best friends with: let's be real it's probably otacon
A random thought: ^ spent 3 minutes wondering about otacon's love for anime and whether he really liked it or if it was a thing fandom took and ran. i think he does like anime i just also think the whole terrorism thing took over his life for a minute
An unpopular opinion: i dont think rising is bad but i dont think its a masterpiece either. i think its moral is just currently relevant rn 👍
My Canon OTP: strangeboss OF COURSE
My Non-canon OTP: otasune & bbkaz ofc. bbkaz is dubiously canon though so... Schrödinger's canoninity
Most Badass Character: PROBABLY EVA she's just off the shits 99% of the time honestly
Most Epic Villain: i'll be honest even though she didn't get much screentime the boss is the most iconic & her battle was difficult. also made me cry
Pairing I am not a fan of: ......snox, so sorry LOL
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): MGS4 NAOMI. FUCK.
Favourite Friendship: otasune 100% no matter whether what they intended was platonic or romantic i love their partnership the most
Character I most identify with: i mean ill use miller as my icon but i do not identify with or agree with him at all LMAO
Character I wish I could be: UM. NONE. HELP. i WOULD dress like mantis in a heartbeat though.
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: i'd heard about them beforehand but i didnt know who they were until i started playing the game. probably when i got to the Do you think love can bloom? line i was like. was that necessary LOL and thats about when it cemented
My thoughts: GRRR they compliment the other so well. also they seem like pretty bad parents in 4 but i wanted to see more of that and whether it was just everything coming to a crux
What makes me happy about them: i just really appreciate the amount of trust one puts into the other & keeping the one's life in the other's hands. sooo good.
What makes me sad about them: all of mgs4 GRR. i love it it just makes me sad
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: wish there was more than just fluff or philanthropy-era fics
Things I look for in fanfic: post mgs2-era & longer or more seriously-toned fics :]
My wishlist: i wish we got to see between mgs2 and mgs4! that & i wish we got to see more of sunny, maybe in side content, or see otacon post-mgs4 (mgs4 novel is written in past tense but it doesn't exactly count). also someone drew concepts of a co-op game with otacon and snake and i need that in my life
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Mmmmmmm. no clue. i ship snake with weasel sort-of jokingly LMAO
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: HES MY BEST FRIEND HES AWFUL AND I LOVE HIM
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: see above ^ otacon & to an extent weasel
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: OOH. i love his seniorship to raiden & of course i have to mention sunny. thinking about his relationship (or lack of) to big boss and liquid also makes me feel insane though
My unpopular opinion about this character: none off the top of my head!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: normally id want them to put the main protagonist to rest but I'll be honest i DO want another game with snake. that or books about things we havent seen happen. a book written from his pov would be really interesting
Favorite friendship for this character: YOU ALREADY KNOW IT !!! otacon is his lover and best friend
My crossover ship: i don't do crossovers, can't think of any!
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: SHE MAKES ME REALLY SAD id really like to see more of her. ellie you and me lets listen to her tapes sometime i haven't finished them
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: need you ask
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: we didn't really see much of it but her relationship with big boss is extremely interesting just by association of the woman they both lost
My unpopular opinion about this character: i can't believe this is an unpopular opinion.. she's a lesbian 🤯 Also i think that her having a child w huey is fucked up on her part but also extremely funny. sorry you got involved strangelove
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: UGH. we should've seen more of her. shes such a background character it is genuinely sad
Favorite friendship for this character: ... this girl has friends? so sorry..
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icharchivist · 1 year
Which one is your gbf fave? The one you'd fill with kisses, or just have a nice tea, or invite to bed👀👀? Or just have a nice day with LOL
I admit i haven't thought about him a lot for a while now but, if i'm honest, it is still and it will remain Percival.
He's the reason i got into gbf yaknow? Saw his summer EX art. Went to my friends like. hey who's that pretty guy. Friend didn't understand what i was getting at and started spamming me pictures of Vane, Siegfried, and Belial instead. So i just stood there for a while like, okay! until, like it often happens with me, Percival appeared in one of my dreams so i decided to play gbf and here i am 4 years later.
I still love him dearly and would gladly kiss him and i shall stop more musing at that. His softer moments really captured my heart and his storyarc did actually do a huge number on me, so i appreciate him a whole lot.
I got a liiiittle upset at one line in the latest event featuring him and it kinda threw a cold shower on the whole thing so i admit i haven't thought about him much since 🙈 esp since Lamorak was busy being sexy with his suicidal savior complex on the side and well, i have a weak spot for the Wales brothers, what can i say.
But if we're talking about favs i would feel something akin to romantic interest, it's Percival, by a long shot.
I word it that way too bc most of my other major favs are like. family coded to me. Like Randall is my stupid son whom i love so much (he's my only not-Percival character who's Ringed and one of the few characters i legit was VIBRATING and cried when i saw him get a SSR. I'll never forget that day.). Same with Feather. I would kill for Arthur and Mordred without a single moment of doubt. Sandalphon and Seox are brother coded. All that jazz. The Wales brothers and the Dragon Knights walk the line of "could have considered them much more if my heart wasn't taken, but it doesn't mean i can't appreciate the view."
And Belial is my favorite character to discuss and go into deep dive about. I like his twisted little mind, kicks right into my desires to study him like a bug. And while tbh i'm not interested in sex in general. Smash. And well, some days i have Moods about him.
For the girls in general those i love a lot usually easily fall into sister/daughter affection from me, or "i'm your biggest cheerleader", but between you and me. I'd kiss Catherine in a heartbeat. Probably would date her in a heartbeat also. The only reason she didn't rewire my mind completely is because she lacks so much content that it makes me sad. I don't think she appeared in any event since Platinium Sky II???? Which was the first event i actually read when i started playing, to give you an idea of just how long ago that was for me??? God Catherine when are they going to give you content for me to genuinely lose my mind over. So yeah. Miss Cathy. Oghhh.
But honestly if you catch me in some moods i could eventually end up rambling about others characters i feel strongly about, it's just that currently, esp since i'm a little more lowkey about gbf these days, i don't have anything strong to say otherwise.
But there's a lot of characters i truuuuly love and care for.
But yeah. Romantically, in a "would kiss/date/marry"? Percival and Catherine. up there. by a long shot.
Hope that answers your question ;D
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braindeadmaggot · 2 years
Fuck Snog Marry Avoid Kill (Admiral Edition)
Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, Fujitora, Sengoku
Kill - Kizaru. I don't know why but I really, really hate Borsalino. Just... I think he's the worst admiral. Maybe it's because of his lazy-justice attitude. He's wishy-washy and I don't trust that.
Avoid - Sengoku. There's nothing wrong with Sengoku, I like him a lot and he's got a goat!! I love goats!! I hope we get one here on the farm soon. But he's more like a mentor/dad to me, I guess. That makes Rosi my bro and I like that. LOL Law is my son
Snog - Fujitora. Issho is so cute!! I wanna suck face with him soooooo badly. And he has such a great overall disposition. I wouldn't mind marrying him either. I like him a lot. That snog session would be very very long with lots of exploring hands.
Marry - Akainu. Now wait a fucking minute. Sit your ass down before you @ me. Sakazuki has principals. He has strong convictions and he does not waver. That's pretty damn impressive. Now if our world wasn't such shit right now and we actually liked law enforcement as a whole, I think we could all agree that he's a pretty admirable admiral (lololol words). As a military man he's not that bad. I've honestly met worse. But I've also met a lot better. My father was in the military, his father was in the military, I almost joined the military (I backed out last minute because I'm smol and weak, and the day after I went to the recruiter and took my test, I watched a documentary about r*pe in the military... and I got spooked) Also outside of the military, he's a pretty chill, laid back guy who likes training bonsai, wearing aloha shirts, watching the sunset while drinking tea, probably has a couple of pets and plus he has tattoos (and post TS a beard). That's hot. I think he would be a good husband. If he treats his partner with the same respect and passion that he has for the law then yeah, I'd marry him in a heartbeat. This is way Kizaru sucks. He probably has 6 side pieces for every day of the week, plus 2 more for leap year.
Oh, also. If Sakazuki starts policing basic human rights, even just a little bit; instant divorce. Will set all his bonsai and stupid ugly shirts on fire.
Fuck - Aokiji. Kuzan is good guy Sengoku and virtuous Sakazuki put together. He is badass and smexy and has great hair. He'd also make an amazing husband, but he has priorities and needs to go off and save the world. I can't tie him down like that. That'd be unfair to the world. Not everyone can be Clint Barton (the worst Avenger lololol) so yeah, let's fuck him. More than twice preferably
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