#and i can see macaque doing this too idk i might be projecting
yamiiwaii · 2 years
macaque has insomnia because i said so and i like to think he just sits in his dojo or wherever the hell until he passes out because thats the only way he can sleep
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elirastudio · 2 years
Could wukong be put into a sort of hibernation or dream like state? At least, that's the closest thing we've got to death and it might stop him from trying to escape or even suffering and living with nothing but painful memories. Though there is a bit of a problem where he could just sort of communicate to people in their dreams or something similar. Ik there isn't actually anyway way of you know, killing him but maybe they could knock him out? Just enough to at least keep his consciousness asleep so that he wouldn't be able to atsro project onto anyone. Though, this does kinda remove most of the plot so I guess not?
I haven't been too updated on the story so there might have been something I missed but idk
Firstly, thanks guys to not give up on me, I like hope that between all of us we will keep entertained with fic- just don’t send them to me as a question cuz they won’t be seen by too many people, just do them and tag me so even the people that doesn’t follow me can see them.
Aehm anyway, well let’s say that I stick a lot to what the canon of jttw gave to me and I write around it, the state that wukong was in was the best “keep him down state” that we could have, killing aside from the fact that is very hard is possible, but macaque didn’t want it.
Now let me explain to you how wukong is imprisoned
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This things are not there cuz they are cool, they have a purpose, you see it’s stated in the jttw, that heaven was able to keep down the monkey king using a billhook to pass his clavicle; apparently that bone in the body controls the magic, so keeping it broken prevents one to use magic.
Then in our case we also added a golden seal just to be safe. That’s why wukong took so long to give MK his powers, he had to do it slowly and painfully, it drained a lot out of him.
And of course macaque never realized that all of this wasn’t enough until it was too late, and MK already received all of wukong powers.
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
u want to answer the first half???? 🥹🥹
sure! anything for you, boo <33333 sorry it took me this long :’(
oh Lordy, ok
Share a song that makes you think of [fic title]
ok so even tho you didn’t place a specific title imma pick Frayed Strings and A Meeting at the Beach for the song People You Know by Selena Gomez bc i enjoy me some bitter and Six Eared “has not moved on” Macaque 🤭
2. Do you read/reread your own fics?
yeah! but it’s mostly after someone makes a comment on something they liked bc i, too, want to find that scene or line and enjoy it 🥰
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
it’s honestly a tie between The Shrine of Emrys and A Meeting at the Beach which is funny bc they are so different from each other lmao
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
oh, uh, *checks folder* give me a sec
*coughs* 43 👉👈
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
can find answer here it’s literally just all of my stranger things ufos lmao
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
oh yeah, all the time. too many really to list them all 😓 but there’s Bones by @theoceanismyinkwell and you shake my nerves and you rattle my brain by @yikeshereiam just to name a couple (very good btw highly recommend)
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
i’d rather not say
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
rn it’s my swk & reaper series, frayed, and my dr geyer fic. all of which are long term fics lmao
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written!
it’s like every other day? i try to write often to keep me from writer’s block and it’s nice switching from wip to wip when i feel overwhelmed by the other
and i did write today! so have a snippet:
Frank O’Brien, in the words of his mother in-law, was a man you could never really figure out without walking on eggshells. In the words of his sister, he was a man that took after their uncle. In the words of Jenna, he was a cautious soul.
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
tbh the frayed AU wasn’t one i thought many people might have liked since i write macaron being very bitchy and salty about a lot of things and i know he’s a beloved character in the lmk fandom. like, i’m not writing him that way bc i hate him (far from it). I write like that bc that’s what i imagine what his internal dialogue might be like.
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
not really, i just find one that fits the mood of the scene or my own mood
12. Do you have a playlist for your current WIP(s)? Share it!
lol no 😙 I’m not really one to create wip or character playlists but it’s a lot of fun listening to others!
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
it honestly depends. no planning was done when making the dr geyer fic or any of the merlin fics. the planning came after bc my ambitions for them were more than i expected
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
oh gee, idk honestly. it would be cool to see a comic of the Shrine of Emrys just because the exaggerated expressions would be hilarious
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
long answer can be found here. short answer: it is a chaotic process that ends in prayer
but yeah there you go! i’m so sorry this was late babe 💖 had this saved in my drafts so I could answer it all and then it got buried in there 😖 BUT! hope you enjoyed my answers 💕💕💕💕
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