#and i can see why ayato is the cover boy
arisewanekosuki · 4 months
TLH -Extra-: A Little Maid!
Today you and Aether decided to take a small break and just rest in Teapot. After breakfast, Keaya invited you to play TCG but... To make it more interesting the loser will have to do something for the winner. You didn't mind that, confident that you would win, you agreed. But it didn't go as planned, Kaeya had a new deck with new cards you didn't have. To your disappointment you lost quickly. -"So... what do you want me to do?" you asked. Kaeya smirked.  -"Give me a moment." He got up from the table and went to another room. After a while he brought...a maid outfit.  -"...A-are you serious?" you asked, already embarrassed. The blue haired male shrugged. -"Why not? It will be fun! If you win next time you can dress me however you want~" he said with a smile.  You took the maid outfit and went towards another room to change. -"Ah, I forgot about one thing... you have to wear it for one day and call everyone here 'Master'~"
In the kitchen Thoma and Mika were cleaning the dishes after breakfast, normally Noelle would be here to help them but today she promised to help some citizens of her city in the morning. You wanted to take some drink, but after entering and seeing only both of them cleaning all plates you decided to help. -"Tho-...Ahem... Master Thoma, Master Mika. Please let me help you." The boys turned around and almost both of them let go of plates they were holding. -"(Y-Y/n)? Wha...why are you wearing...this?" Mika asked, blush covering his cheeks. You sighed. -"I lost in TCG and the loser had to do something for the winner so... yeah." You felt your face getting warmer. -”I hope it’s not Master Ayato’s idea…” Thoma said, wondering if the head of Kamisato really ‘forced’ you into this maid outfit. -”No, it was Kaeya.” you sighed. “Next time I’ll make him wear something funny…” you grumped, crossing your arms. “So… may I help you both?” -”Ah it’s okay! We are almost finished!” Mika said, turning away from you. His heart beating faster just by looking at your adorable self. Thoma smiled but if you pay more attention you could see small blush on his cheeks too. -”Like Mika said, there’s not too much left so we’ll finish soon!” -”Oh okay…” after taking the drink with you, you left the kitchen. … Both boys sighed. They didn’t expect to see you like this and even more to call them ‘Master’. “This is not good for my heart…” Both of them thought.
 You came back to the room where you played TCG with Kaeya but to your surprise he is not there anymore. -”Hm? Where did he go?” you mumbled to yourself, looking around the room. You heard the door opening behind you, when you turned around you saw Cyno and Kaveh. Both guys stopped in their tracks looking at you, Kaveh looking more surprised than Cyno. -”A..Um… Good Morning Master Cyno and Master Kaveh!” You awkwardly smiled at them. -”What! No, wait! Why are you-!? Did someone force you to be a maid?!” Kaveh was first to respond. -”I lost a game in TCG and the loser had to do something for the winner.” you scratched your head. -”Don’t tell me…are you someone’s maid now?!” Kaveh said, worried that you have to listen to someone’s orders.You hummed. -”Not really? I was told to just wear it for one day and call everyone in the house ‘Master’. But ah I wish the skirt would be a bit longer…” The skirt wasn’t too short, but if you remember correctly it is a bit shorter than the maids’ ones in Dawn Winery. Cyno didn’t say anything, too deep in his own thoughts. -”I look weird in it right?” you asked, scratching your cheek. -”Of course not!” both of the boys said in unison. Kaveh coughed into his fist. -”Ahem… I think you look…good in it.” he said, looking somewhere else, with blush on his cheeks. -”I won’t lie, this outfit looks like it was MAID for you.” -”… “ After a moment of silence you snorted. -”Oh Master Cyno…” you said with a small smile on your face. For Cyno it was a win for today. “Did you guys see Ka…. Master Kaeya?” -”That guy with patch on eye? After breakfast I didn’t see him.” -”Me neither. Do you need something from him?” Cyno asked. -”Well he was playing TCG with me so I thought we’ll play some more rounds…” -”If you want you can join us!” Kaveh said with excitement! And you end up playing some rounds against Cyno and Kaveh. You won all the matches against a blonde haired guy who seemed to be distracted by something. While the white haired one was serious like always and yet you did win some rounds against him.
The day was passing slowly. Knowing that there are some people training behind the house you decided to bring them something to drink. While approaching the training ground, one Fatui Harbinger noticed your presence. -”Oh? Didn’t expect you to wear something like this just to bring us drinks.” He smirked, already coming closer to you. -”Well Master Ajax-” He snorted. -”O-oi! D-don’t laugh! I lost the game and I have to wear it till the end of the day!” -”Hmm? Is that so? Whose idea was this?” -”Master Kaeya…” -“I have to remember to thank him for this… maybe I’ll bring him Fire-Water as a present…” -”Okay okay! Take the drink! I need to give it to other-” -”Hey (Y/n)... how much?” You looked confused at him. -” How much what?” -”How much mora do you want to become my personal maid?~” he smiled innocently. -”AJAX!” and the guy started to laugh at your reaction. After being teased talking with Childe, you gave drinks to other people who were training, both some guys and girls told you that you look cute in maid outfit and thanked you for drinks. What you didn’t notice is that the guys couldn’t concentrate on training after seeing you like this.
Not everyone joined today's dinner, many being busy with their everyday life. Maybe it was good for you. At least not everyone had to see you like this. When it comes to boys, some enjoyed seeing you walk in maid outfit and call them ‘Master’ and you end up being teased by them, some weren’t happy that others can see you like this and some… missed the chance to see you like this, much to their disappointment when they found out about it later.
When the moon appeared in the sky, you came back to your room. -“Finally I can take this off…” but before you could do that you heard a knock on your door. “Come in!” The door opened revealing Diluc. “Oh hello Di… Master Diluc do you need anything?” The red haired guy looked at you a bit taken aback, then he sighed and rubbed temples. -“I was hoping it was just a joke but it seems they were serious… I heard that Kaeya borrowed one maid outfit from Dawn Winery, I was wondering what he is up to but… I didn’t expect that…” -“Oh! Don’t worry, I'll wash it and give it back tomorrow!” -“It’s alright. I hope he didn’t force you to wear this.” -“No, no! I lost the game of TCG and the loser had to do something for the winner. Kaeya is not that type to force friends into something they don’t want to, so please don’t be angry at him.” Diluc only sighed again. -“Alright, but I still need to talk to him.” -“Ah Aether now took him for a talk.” -“Then I’ll join them. Goodnight, sleep well.” -“Goodnight!” and with that the Master of Dawn Winery left your room, you finally took off the maid outfit and wore pajamas. “Poor Kaeya… I hope they won’t talk his ear off for too long…” .
---- Thank you for reading till the end! And sorry for mistakes! This one is shorter, tbh I was hoping I would finish it for Maid's Day but oh well....
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yuikomorii · 9 months
Happy 12th anniversary! 🎉
// I can’t believe so many years have passed since Ayato’s first CD drama, which marked the beginning of Diabolik Lovers and the introduction of my girl, Yui. Even if it got its flaws, I will continue to support this franchise! 💘
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I have prepared an edit and a scenario for this special day! It's meant to be a "funny" one, so there will definitely be some cringe moments, but overall it's quite lighthearted. I sincerely hope you find it enjoyable! Besides, I had a blast writing Laito; he always channels my inner mischievousness.
Yui: Hmm… I believe I have all ingredients now!
( Come to think of it, the Sakamaki brothers are vampires but they surprisingly allowed me to celebrate Christmas this year. )
( It’s honestly so ironic that it makes me wonder whether or not they actually did it for… me? )
( A-Ah no, that’s definitely not the case! I’m probably just getting selfish at this point, but I genuinely do appreciate it. For this reason, I’ll try my best to cook all of their favorite dishes so as to show my gratitude! )
( Christmas is such a magical time of the year. It brings back memories of my father and I organizing the annual Christmas Mass together. We used to decorate the church and bake sweets for children, who were so cute when receiving them! Those were activities that truly brought joy to my heart… I sort of miss those times. )
( My father… I wonder, is he preparing for Christmas too? No, he most likely isn’t… )
( I don’t even know where he is to begin with but I truly hope he’s alright… )
( Anyway, I shouldn’t ruin the mood with those thoughts. Now that I've got everything ready for the dishes, I just need to find the right spot to hide Ayato-kun’s pre— )
Ayato: Yo, Chichinashi!
Yui: G-Geez! Ayato-kun, I told you already not to sneak up behind my back!
Ayato: Haa… Fine, fine, I’m sorry.
Yui: It’s— Eh?
( Wait a little, did he just apologize? )
Ayato: Why are you making such a dumb face? You don’t believe my words, do you?
Yui: Y-You got it wrong! It’s just that I wasn’t expecting Ayato-kun to apologize for something so trivial, you see.
Ayato: Hmm, I guess you’re not wrong. But, since Christmas is coming soon, it’d be a pity for Santa Claus to write me on the naughty list after trying to avoid it the whole year.
Yui: Naughty list…?
( Is it just me, or does Ayato-kun really believe Santa Claus will give him a present? I mean… Santa is told to only deliver them to children, and I'm not sure a 17-year-old still qualifies as one. )
( But I can’t straight up tell him that! It will only ruin the magic otherwise… Besides, when that thought crosses my mind, it somehow makes him appear so pure. )
Ayato: Hah? What are you grinning at? I swear, I've made an effort to be a good boy this year!
Yui: That’s really… amazing, Ayato-kun! I’m sure Santa will remember that!
Ayato: Heh? So you really think he’ll bring me something?
Yui: Uhm… Definitely!
( His eyes started sparking, I really can’t say “no” to that…! However, that only means I'll have to get him another gift so that he can have one from "Santa" and another one from me. )
B-By the way, I think I forgot to buy gingerbread syrup. I suppose I should leave before ——
Ayato: No, no, I’ll go!
Yui: You will? Ah, but you don’t have to! I was the one who forgo—…!
( He’s covering my mouth! )
Ayato: Stop blabbering already! Ore-sama offered to buy it for you, so you could try being a bit more grateful!
Yui: That’s… you’re right.
( Maybe it’s for the better. This way, I'll be able to find a hiding place for the present I already have for him. )
Ayato: I’ll be right back!
Ayato: Tsk, I can’t believe that shit was out of stock!
Chichinashi will surely be disappointed, if I come home with nothing! After all, she takes all that Christmas stuff seriously…
What's worse is that I tried really hard to find it, but it was already sold out by the time I arrived!
Tsk, damn it! Why must this be so complicated!?
Laito: Well, well. Seems like Ayato-kun is quite moody today.
Ayato: Get lost you pervert, it’s none of your business!
Laito: Haa… how rude of you, Ayato-kun. And there I was actually intending to give you this, but I guess you don’t need it anymore.
Bye bye~!
Ayato: Wait… What’s that thing in your hand?
Laito: What you ask? Nfu, it’s gingerbread syrup, of course. I was able to get the last one today.
Ayato: Wha—! Oi, you better give it to me or else—
Laito: Or else what~?
Ayato: I’ll—… Nevermind.
Look, you know I’m not into cheesy stuff but Chichinashi really loves Christmas, okay? Getting that gingerbread syrup might make her happy ‘cause maybe it’d remind her of how she celebrated it with her pops. That’s why… I can’t believe I’m saying this but… give it to me, please!
Laito: Woah, it’s honesty hour, hm?
Well, whatever, I don’t really care about that gingerbread syrup anyway, so you can take it if you want to.
Ayato: Really? Gr—
Laito: You didn’t let me finish though. I will only give it to you, if you promise me something.
Ayato: Hah? What the hell is it this time!?
Laito: No need to get so worked up~. All you have to do is to ensure that Bitch-chan consumes at least one glass of syrup at the time you bring it to her.
Ayato: That’s it? Pfft, easiest task ever!
Wait… almost a bit too easy.
Oi you perv, you better not plan something behind Ore-sama’s back, understood?
Laito: Normally I would, but Christmas is just around the corner, right? Who would risk being added to the naughty list at the last minute, right?
— hands Ayato the gingerbread syrup—
Place: Living room
Ayato: Yui! Yui! I’m back and look what I found!!
Yui: Good job, Ayato-kun! Thank you so much for helping me!
Ayato: Now take a seat!
— forces her to sit down —
Yui: Eh? What’s happening?
Ayato: Nothing to worry about, just drink this!
— shoves glass of syrup down her throat —
Yui: Mmh…!!
(What on earth!? I can’t breathe—!)
— Yui swallows it —
Ayato: So~, how is it?
— Yui starts coughing —
Yui: It’s… it’s not as sweet as I remembered. This one is quite bitter.
Ayato: Bitter? Don’t spout nonsense, gingerbread can’t be bitter!
Yui: Yeah… thought so too… but..
(My head started spinning around…)
Ayato: Are you even paying attention to what I’m saying?
Yui: Uuh… Sorry, Ayato-kun, I’m suddenly feeling so dizzy…
Ayato: How—?
( The heck’s wrong with her? Is it ‘cause she swallowed that too fast or…? )
Yui: Ayato-kun…
Ayato: What’s it?
Yui: Has anyone ever told you before that you are… extremely cute?
Ayato: Hah!? I mean, yeah, but what’s up with the random confession?
Yui: Eh? Am I not allowed to compliment the most adorable boy in the whole wide world…?
Ayato: Huh—?
Yui: You see, when I look at you like that… you might not be very clear, yet I can’t help but want to protect you…
Ayato: Protect me? D-Don’t say shit like that, it should be the other way around! After all, Ore-sama is the stron—!
(She pinned me down!?)
Yui: Fufu, you’re just so funny when you praise yourself like that…!
Everything about you is so beautiful… your hard yet nicely textured hair, your jade green eyes, your long eyelashes, your ——
Ayato: Tsk, get off me!
— pushes her away —
— Yui falls down —
Yui: Ngh…!
Ayato: …!
Oi! I… I didn’t mean to! Wait, gimme your hand!
— Yui takes his hand and looks up —
Ayato: (Don’t tell me… did that push bring her back to normal? Heh, if that’s so then—)
Yui: Mistletoe…
— puts her hands on his cheeks —
Yui: Holding your face like this makes me realize how soft your cheeks are… They are so round that I wish I could give you more and more Takoyaki until they become even chubbier…!
Ayato: S-Say what—!?
( It’s not like I dislike cheeky women but she’s nuts! )
— Yui gets closer to his lips —
Ayato: …!
Laito: Fufu, hahaha, look at your face!
Ayato: Oi, Laito! Don’t just stand there staring, help me!
Laito: Now why would I? After all, I already did you a favor by giving you the gingerbread liquor~!
Ayato: But you— Did you just say gingerbread LIQUOR!?
Laito: Ex-act-ly! I was simply curious to see what kind of ‘drunk’ Bitch-chan is, and it seems like she’s the honest and horny type.
— takes picture —
Ayato: O-Oi! Don’t you dare to send it to anyone, delete it right now!
Laito: Oh my, look at the time! Now excuse me but I have to take my leave~.
Ayato: You can’t! Save me first!
Laito: Sorry Ayato-kun, no matter how delicious it feels watching you on top of each other while making out in plain sight, I've got better things to do, so... nfu, enjoy while it lasts!
— winks and disappears —
Ayato: You… You bastard! You will pay for this, I swear you wi— Mmh… Mm!
( Now how will I get myself out of THIS situation!? )
( Ugh, that’s what happens when you try helping others. I should have learnt my lesson a long time ago! )
— Yui stops kissing —
Yui: Will Ayato-kun… suck my blood?
Ayato: …!
( Heh, suddenly this doesn’t seem half bad anymore. I might actually grow to like being desired like that~. )
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agustdeeznuts-7 · 24 days
‼️TW: Self harm, dark topic
Hi! If you’re comfortable, may I ask for a S+M boys reaction to a S/I who self harms prior to meeting the boys, and/or is covered in scars? Thank you❤️
Thanks for the request💞
Hon don’t you worry of course I’m comfortable doing this, I don’t mind at all my love. By the way I’d like to say if anyone wants/needs to vent, my dms are always open. Please feel free to reach out. I’m here.
(Disclaimer: this contains themes that some people will find uncomfortable. Please feel free to skip)
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“Hmm..? Love..what are these..? Are you okay..? Do you need anything..?”
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“My dearest I don’t mean to pry but..would you be comfortable enough explaining these to me? …Please…?”
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“Hey..pancake..? Do you..want to talk about it..? You don’t have to but..I’m here..”
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“…Doll..? Care to explain these scars on your beautiful skin..? I’m afraid someone may have hurt you..”
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“Little bitch..what..what happened to you..? O-Of course you’re still beautiful to me don’t you dare ever think otherwise!!”
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“…Hey…what’s the meaning of these..? W-Why..why would you do this..? ..Can I do anything..?”
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“…Eve…what did you do…?”
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“…uh…little masokitty..? What’s these about..?”
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“Hey sow..uh..couldn’t help but notice those scars ya got there. C’mere little one..lemme see..it’s alright..”
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“Oh Eve…it’s okay..I’ve done it too..it’s alright..”
I hope you enjoy
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bsverryin · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ How genshin men proposed to you
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╰┈➤ Diluc, Childe, Ayato
╰┈➤ you've been in a relationship with them for years and finally you're getting married, but how did they propose?
✎ fluff!! No possible warning..HEAD CANNONS ONLY!!! I've been thinking about some good plots while listening to "timeless" by Taylor swift this didn't come into my mind at first but then when I was making little chats that I was supposed to post for today this came suddenly 🥹 if it's not in your liking you can check out my other post <3 enjoy.. cannot assure you of perfect grammer and I'll keep it simple!!
: ̗̀➛ DILUC
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At first, you thought Diluc was getting tired of you each day. He comes home late and doesn't talk to you much before, You felt like he was getting used to you that he got tired, So when he asked you out on a date the next day you thought he was gonna break up with you.
That was actually the opposite of what would happen. When you dated, he was so happy and kept clinging to you. He was so cute that you felt relieved that he's not gonna break up and he's not tired of you. When he asked you why you thought that you're gonna break up you answered him because he doesn't talk to you much before he immediately apologized for making you feel that way and it was because for a certain reason.
You both are on the way to go home but instead he told you that he booked the most expensive hotel that has the most beautiful view just so he can show his appreciation to you. You said that he didn't have to but it's just he loves you so much.
When you entered the hotel he booked, it was so fancy and golden. It felt like you were in a royalty palace, when you arrived in the room he gave you a dress to wear for dinner.
The hotel had its own restaurant on the balcony wherein you can see the other cities, you were a bit disappointed because everything was covered, the only thing that you can see was the empty restaurant and the warm lights and of course Diluc Infront of you. After eating dinner Diluc invited you to the balcony.
On the balcony, you immediately ran to the railing to see all the gleaming lights from high buildings, The stars and moon, were all so perfect.
Suddenly, you felt the lights suddenly open from behind you. When you checked what it was all about, Diluc suddenly bent down on his knee, showing a silver ring.
"From the moment I met you, I just knew it was gonna be you. Will you marry me, my love?" It was the last thing you heard before you started tearing up and kissed Diluc.
: ̗̀➛ CHILDE
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You and Childe visited every nation that existed, you'll always ask him why do you both have to but he just says it's because he loves you and wants to travel with you. You'll spend two weeks in one nation, then in another then the cycle continues he said that it'll end once you both reach his hometown which was Snezhnaya.
Today, was your last day together in Snezhnaya. You met his family, you got close with his siblings! His family loved you and treated you like their own. Childe was really the perfect boy for you. You both visited all the beautiful spots in Snezhnaya. You got tired from all the travels you both did but you can't help yourself but be sad because your travels with him are gonna end really soon.
For the last day in Snezhnaya, you both decided to just have a simple night and have dinner with his family in their own home, he left you early in your hotel room for you to get ready and that he can help his family to decorate for your little party. You wore the prettiest dress you have and gave yourself a simple makeup. Night came and he came back to your hotel room to pick you up.
When you entered their home it was different from before. everything was decorated really pretty and it had a lot of yummy foods too. Childe said to enter the backyard first because his family is waiting for both of you there. You entered the backyard and the first thing you saw was the pictures of you both in a wall and all the memories you made in the places where you both travelled. You cried with happy tears and hugged him as you noticed his family was coming one by one in the backyard door. When everyone was in the room, you cried even harder when you saw the letters that his family had displayed. When the papers were displayed, you recognized it said "Will you marry me?"
You were surprised and happy as he bent down on his knee, you immediately gave him the answer which was yes!. His family were so supportive of you then he kissed you on the cheeks and finally put the most beautiful ring that you've ever seen.
: ̗̀➛ AYATO
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Ayato is a big fan of art and to him you're a work of art. His busy schedule doesn't bother you at all because you loved hanging out with his sister ayaka along with yoimiya.
You didn't think that marriage would ever cross his mind because he knows how stressful it is. The happiest day for you is when you get to be alone with him and he clears his schedule for you which was today.
You're walking together the Inazuma as you lead him to the beautiful and magnificent spots around. Every second, he gives out words of affirmation that you can't think of a day where you'll unlove him. When you're with him it makes you believe in the word, forever. You want to spend the rest of your life with this man and only him.
He looked sad when you said Chinju forest is the last spot that you're gonna visit. You spent the last 6 hours with him, does he never get tired or hungry? You thought. He told you that you both should spend some more minutes and talk about your future, which made you nervous at first but then again he showers you with affirmations and even reassurance that he'll always love you no matter what and when you're about to leave the Chinju forest. The fireworks started blowing up through the sky and that moment was amazing that you wanted the time to freeze. When you thought it couldn't be more better he bent down with his one knee, was he really proposing? Is it really happening?
"I want to be there for you through thick and thin, ups and down and until our hair turns gray and I ask would you let me be that man, Y/N?"
You screamed yes as you hugged and kissed him. The timing was perfect, just the two of you alone spending time together. You couldn't ask for more. It really was the best day of your life.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Could I request Zhongli, Ayato, Al-Haitham and Kaveh with an artist reader who loves drawing them and filling up sketchbooks with artwork of them?
Absolutely! Honestly I absolutely love the idea, like it's just so so cute!! So I really hope you enjoy this just as much as I did enjoy writing it <3
Zhongli, Ayato, Alhaitham, Kaveh with artist!reader who sketches them
TagList: @bleachtheidiot - come get your people!
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⊱ Zhongli definitely saw that your eyes sometimes wander between him and your sketchbook whenever he tells you a story
⊱ so he had 2 ideas why that might be: either you're drawing his story or him, and no matter which one it actually is, he doesn't mind
⊱ he'll wait patiently for you to show it to him, although if pretty much time passed for his liking, he'll gently being up the topic
⊱ if you decide to not show him, he'll completely understand it and wait for the right moment or accept it as it is
⊱ if you do tho, he won't even think for a second about giving you any criticism, he'll just feel his heart melt as the sight of your sketchbook filled with him
"That's such a sweet act of yours, my love. I'm really overjoyed that you love me so much that you made this sketchbook just for me."
⊱ he'll also definitely buy you a new sketchbook! ... Just not necessarily with his own money...
⊱ be ready that he'll tell many people what he discovered that day but if you tell him not to, he'll simply cover your name
⊱ although if you don't mind, he'll be happy to say publicly how amazing his partner is
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⊱ Ayato never bothered in asking you about your sketches since he thought of it as a private matter
⊱ he quickly figured out that it was him you were drawing, it wasn't hard since your eyes often wandered between sketchbook and him, so it'd be hard to not notice actually...
⊱ if he's busy and he sees that you're sketching something, he won't ask you about it since he wants to just focus on his work
⊱ if he's don't busy tho, he'll ask you straight but still respectfully if he could see what you're sketching
⊱ if you decline, he'll smile understandingly before changing the topic onto something else
⊱ if you decide to show him tho, he'll smile in happiness as he looks through the pages
⊱ be ready for him to spoil you in compliments and presents because that's what he gonna do for the rest of this day and maybe even more
"My dear... I'm so glad you let me see it. It's an really adorable thing of you to do. Why don't we get ourselves some boba and walk around the city?"
⊱ he won't tell much people about it but he will, probably just his sister and maybe Thoma as well
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⊱ Alhaitham immediately noticed and realized that you're sketching him, I mean... it would be difficult to NOT notice since you're looking between him and your sketchbook all the time
⊱ unlike the ones above, he first smirks at you before asking what you're doing as if he didn't knew already
⊱ he'll try to have a look at your sketchbook by himself at first byt if you move it away from him, he won't pressure you to show him
⊱ if you let him have a look tho, he's actually so gentle with you, complimenting you all he can
"That's so sweet of you to draw me... I really appreciate it, thank you. Would it be possible for me to have one tiny sketch for myself?"
⊱ he will do his best to not tell anyone about your little admiration for him, even if you tell him it's alright
⊱ although it accidentally spills when 3 boys starts teasing him that he's not very liked, he brings up that you actually admire him
⊱ so if you happen to be nearby while or shortly after their talk, be ready for small teasing or questions
⊱ although don't worry, they like you more then they like him so you can easily get away with it
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⊱ Kaveh is probably the slowest one to realize that you're sketching him from them all, even if your eyes clearly wander between him and your sketchbook
⊱ so whenever you sketch something, he's right over your shoulder trying to peek
⊱ if you hide your sketchbook from him tho, he'll ask you to show him this in teasing tone bur will eventually give up after longer time
⊱ if you show him, he'll be overjoyed barely holding himself from crying in happiness
⊱ so you can be sure you'll receive a lot of affection and compliments after he sees your sketches of him
"Oh my, that's so sweet of you! You're literally so amazing!! Can I keep one sketch for myself? I promise I'll keep it safe!"
⊱ next time someone enters his room, they can see sketch of him drew by his love hanging next to his bed
⊱ he'll immediately tell everyone he knows about how amazing you are
⊱ although if you clearly tell him not to, he'll try to hold back but his roommate will know about it either way...
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d34dg1rl5 · 2 years
Hi! Idrk if u do nsfw or not but if u do can u do yuri ayato as a hard dom with f!y/n? If so thx!
Yuri Ayato x Reader
You were laying on your bed in your dorm at the academy. School was over for today and you were so exhausted and stressed. You messed up a math exam, tripped down the stairs and scratched your knees in the process and you forgot that you had a presentation today, so you left all your material in your room.
While burying your head in the pillow and trying to forget this awful day you didn't gear someone coming into your room (Yuri doesn't knock). He looked at you and jumped down on your bed hovering above you. "Yaaaaaaaaah!" He grinned and poked your cheeks while not allowing you to move.
"Get the hell off of me! I am in no mood! I had the worst day possible! Get the fuck out!!" You cussed at him and turned on your stomach hiding your head under the pillow once again. Yuri looked at you and his face turned angry. "... Behave yourself. Who allowed you to talk to me like that, you brat?"
With that said he flipped your skirt up and grinned as he saw your black panties covering your womanhood. You gasp as you notice what he is about to do. "Yuri, stop that!" He takes off his sunglasses and grins at you. "You have been really naughty, little one." With a quick movement he takes off his shirt aswell and you're able to see his toned chest. A blush creeps across your cheeks and Yuri moves his hand to cup your chin between his thumb and index finger. He licks across your lips and looks at you. His eyes are filled with lust as he looks down at your crotch. Yuri creeps closer and starts licking at your panties. You let out a soft moan as you look down at the pink haired boy doing his thing. "Y-Yuri.. S-stop that..." Yuri looks up at you. "You seem to enjoy this, so why should I stop?" Hid slender fingers dance across your thighs as he moves them to your panty and moves them aside so he could finally see your pussy. "Already wet for me, little one?" He chuckles as he enters one finger and starts to move it around. "Yuri... Ah.. That is r-really good...!" You moan and arche your head back as Yuri moves closer to your neck and starts giving your hickeys.
"I think you're ready for my cock now.." He unzips his pants and slowly starts to glide inside you. You gasp as you feel him and wrap your arms around his back pressing him close to you. "Yuri... T-this feels really good...!!" He looks at you and gives you a quick peck on your forehead as he starts to nibble on your ears as he goes faster. His balls start to slap against your pussy as he goes faster and you try to stiffle your moans which is basically impossible since Yuri goes even faster after noticing that you are trying to hide your moans from him. He sits up slightly and moves his hand to your head. One hand stops at your neck and wraps itself around it while the other hand moves to your mouth. Yuri let's his index and middle finger glide into your mouth. You gag a bit as you start to suck and nibble at his fingers. "That's a good girl.. You're being such a good girl for me.." Yuri grins as you suck faster. You're fully under his control now.
Yuri is still inside you going fast as ever. A moan escapes his lips and he smirks slightly. "I am close babygirl.. Should I come inside you?" You look up at him. "Y-yes daddy... Fill me up with your semen.." Yuri smiles and goes faster as he pumps into you. You fill the warm liquid fill into you and roll your eyes backwards. It feels so good. "Y-yuri... You make me feel so good..!" Yuri smiles as he slowly lets his cock slide out of your pussy. He lays down next to you and wraps his arms around you. "You have been such a good girl for daddy..." He grins and buries his face in your neck. "W-we should do this more often...", you suggest. And just like that something in Yuris head switched as he grins. "Agggaaaainnn??? Yeah! Yeah! Again! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He starts humping against you. You turn to him as you cup his cheek. "Shut up you idiot!" You kiss him softly and Yuri kisses you back. You look at him lovingly as you close your eyes and fall asleep while cuddling close to him.
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Helloooo. I am so sorry if this was bad. As I said before this is my first smut fanfiction EVER. So please be nice to me! ^^" ❤️
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
VAMPIRE SCARA VAMPIRE SCARA, sitting in ur tree stalking u before coming to greet u at the door, he’s the cute boy u see around often so you weren’t scared, but he flashed his smile and showed to huge fangs before digging his teeth into your neck, but shit why did he have to make it feel so good why he did have to tease your body, praise and groan in your ear
Vampire scaramouche X female reader
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Tw: Bl00d, M!rder, S//duction, Going to the club, Drinking,hndjob, f/ngering!, reader and itto get drnk
Featuring: Arataki gang(Mentions of ajax)
Word count: 1.67k
Scara masterlist
Vampire scara has tasted the blood of 100s of people but was never satisfied. Going from person to person, kissing and exchanging spit with them to make them high off of his taste then sinking his clean pearly white fangs into their neck. Only to pull away as the seduced individual took their last breath Infront of his hungry eyes. Humans were so weak, and could never satisfy his own needs to the point where he set himself up to live a 'normal life' in your town as a disguise. But you? You we're captivating at first glance. Watching you from a tree eating with the half blood oni arataki itto and his partner Kuki shinobu. Night after night he sunk into the necks of others. But it was never enough. He needed it to be you. He needed your taste.
"y/n! I know I can always count on my best bud to make the greatest, most aWESUM party's!" itto said cheerfully while banging his glass on the table. He chugged his 7th cocktail. At first it was a competition and your escape from figuring out scara was a vampire, but the two of you started rambling and giggling at the most random things as you tried to gain your composure so at least one of you could take the other home. "iTTO you FUCKING play with BUGS? your wEIRD AS FUck" You snorted and leaned back in your chair. "PSH im not WEIRD. Yourh Just mahd i ALWAYS beat you y/n in EverY single competition. You wanna KNOW WHy?" The drunk oni got up, making the liquid slosh around the table. "BeCAUSE IM. ARAHTAKI, BEETLE. GLAHDIATOR ITTO!" "HELL YEAH. THE SupREME. ONE AND ONI!." you both clinked your glasses, yours being empty as he drunk another round.
"8.." Scara counted, Who was sitting in a corner of the club with his legs crossed and hand covering his mouth, while the other rested on the sidetable covered with liquor glasses as he tried to tune out the bass boosted music and chatter of other humans around him to instigate on his neighbor and her compadre. The club was like a feast to him. 'Pretty' women dressed up in revealing and elaborate outfits from crop tops and booty shorts to elegant dresses as if they we're in liyue. Normally, Scara would put together any outfit since according to many of his victims "He has a beautiful face." Which was enough to sweep anybody off of their feet. But after spying on you and itto once again in the outskirts of narukami park. He decided to 'give it some effort' just for you. He wore the undergarments of his "wanderer" outfit. A sleeveless black turtleneck to let his muscular body glisten through it, shorts and gloves that followed up with a ring on his middle finger. Hoping that he could have you wear the matching one, A beautiful human that lived by themselves just barely getting by. And for that beautiful human, He had a special way of his own planned to praise you.
"Hey itto~~" You giggled while rubbing your finger along the cup. "Ya know who we should invite to come with us next time?" "ooo who who? mY Brou ayato?" "nO!" you slapped his arm. "Scara~ lets invite him next time~" Your legs then squirmed under the table at the thought. 2 days ago he invited himself into your house at 2am. Covered in blood along his mouth and chest, barely keeping his composure as he fell out on your couch. "Oh my archons, Are you okay scara?! D-did you get in a fight?!" You'd ask, but the fledgling vampire was just drunk off the taste of blood from a party his friend childe dragged him into, then drove him to your house after getting the address wrong. His mouth was agape while his eyes we're in a blur from the bright lights within your house. You ran to your kitchen and prepared some of Scara's favorite tea 'Well he does like tea- Maybe that'll help-' You then walked to your bathroom as the tea prepared and grabbed a small warm towel to put over his head. With a beep from the machine the tea was ready. You headed back to the couch after it was done. "Fuhking ajax..im gonna kill him when i see that..." His eyes adjusted, giving a clear view of your presence as you sat besides him, Placing the warm cloth on his head and blowing to cool the tea. The fledgling then stuck out his tongue. Watching you grow flustered at the view of his red dripped fangs. 'H-he really is a vampire...' You held his cloth up as he drunk from the cup, relishing in the perfect way you'd make his favorite drink. With a sigh of relief, You pulled away as he stood up to regain his clarity. He was your neighbor after all, Always knocking at your door no matter the time and inviting himself in by asking for the most random things like a cup of sugar to make his bitter black tea. Which surely didnt require him coming into your house, Getting comfortable on the couch while watching you eagerly pour him another cup with your ass on full display through your shirt and underwear. "Well..If your not responsible.. scara I wont let you come over anymore~" you giggled. "Oh really? Then i guess ill have to try just for you." He licked at his fangs.
Just thinking about it made the fanged puppet feel hotter and sweat more in the club then he already was as he gazed at your drunken and innocent form. God, scara wanted to claim you so bad. He didn't care if you we're or weren't a vampire yourself, he just wanted to taste you so fucking bad. Why keep going for hundreds of years unsatisfied when a beautiful woman like you was always around? Scara snapped out of his horny daze when a woman dressed in a black dress walked infront, then sat besides him. "Arent you a handsome man..All by yourself huh?" She leaned closer to the visibly not amused puppet, resting her head against his shoulder only to look down and notice his built body. "Dam daddy's got some muscles~ Think I can make you feel good down here too?" the woman edged her breasts on his arm as he began to get up to greet you and offer to take you to his home after dropping off itto. He jerked the woman's 'fility body' of his arm and she flopped onto the couch. He turned his head back to your table and the two of you instantly made eyecontact. Your pupils widened at the thought of your own neighbor seeing you in such a embarrassing state. You got up from your chair, Wobbling and bumping into a man behind you while running over to itto "i-itto Lets go home now, Kuki is gonna worry about you" The drunk oni wobbled up. "Oh yeah k-kuki heh heh she's gonna beat the hEll outta me-" You guided his chad body out of the flashing lights and chaos of the club. Which scara planned to follow you home until the woman got up again and tugged at his arm..again.. "Please~ it'll be fun~" she pouted. Just as he was about to give the woman a piece of his mind, his indigo eyes began to flicker purple and the back of his neck ached in pain from his electro binding, cursing his mother for bestowing him with this bloodlust. Reluctantly He gazed back at the woman with a large smirk on his face. "Mhm? Lets go to the alley then~"
The woman undid her bra as Scara had her caged under his arms. "Can you be rough babe? Want me to cry? " She looked up as he observed her body, Unamused. After moments of silence, He leaned into the females neck "Scream for me." he whispered, With a small gasp and drool seeping out his mouth he stung his fangs into the womans neck, squishing his body on her's as if she practically suffocated under his lean form, Her metaled liquid leaked onto his lips as she moaned out in pain. Making scara fantasize instantly of tasting you and your tits pressed against his sweaty chest. "Mph that's it...louder.. don't stop fucking yelling you slut~ you like it when I suck you dry?" He bit harder into the woman's neck imagining your sweet moans and pleads for him to stop. The woman pushed and punched at his built form, but only made the puppet more horny.
A familiar voice rang through scara's ears. He covered the womans mouth and kneel'd down to hide in the shadow of the alley. "I cant believe he saw us there itto- What if he thinks im some drunk loner? :( I love him" You sniffled while walking up to the uber.(Dont drink and drive!) "RelaX y/n the little vamp dude is our homie. He wouldnt judge us, I wouldnt judge you compadre" You smiled at the drunk oni. "Well im sure kuki is gonna judge you itto~" You both got into the uber. Itto leaned onto your shoulder as you began to text kuki of your arrival. After hearing the sound of the car rev down the street he pulled away from the now deceased female and spat back out her blood. "Disgusting."
The next morning you woke up to a ding from your phone.
From: Kuki Shino-bae: "Thanks for bringing the boss home! Hope you slept well and drunk water. Next time im coming with you guys :)" You sighed, knowing the next time you both hung out was gonna be another sober day full of schooling from shinobu.
You got out of bed and showered, Wearing a simple t shirt and shorts as you got a snack from the fridge when suddenly your doorbell rang. 'ugh.. its 5am. whos knocking at the door..' you took another bite, leaving your snack on the table as you walked towards the door. "Who is it?" "Its me. Open the door." You recognized that voice, It was your neighbor..The same neighbor who saw you drunk with your oni friend last night.. You turned the doorknob. "H-Hi scara! Its pretty early isnt it?" Your head was still fuzzy from last night, so you tried to divert the conversation. but you noticed he had a similar outfit on from it. A long sleeve turtle neck with black jeans and a dark purple belt. hanging from the side of it was a feathered shaped gold ornament. "I guess." You closed the door behind him, He walked around your house as if it was his own while you slowly followed, Leading into the hallway that was besides your bedroom. "Do you want some tea kuni? I can make some-" He cut you off, "Theirs no need to exchange pleasantries, Y/n."
He turned back around to you, leaning against the wall with your phone in your hand. "I saw you. At the club with that oni.." Your heart sunk as you away from scara. Preparing to be insulted by your crush. "Fuck you looked beautiful last night." beautiful? "As soon as i saw you, I couldnt take my eyes off of you..shit.. i want you." He rested his arms on the wall. caging you as he once did to a human before. Your breathing began to quicken as you we're both practically within nose distance of eachother. "S-scara..." "Do you want me y/n?..You said you loved me right?" the ornament jingled as he leaned closer against you. "Y-yes..I do love you scara.." "Then can you be a good girl and take it for me?" "T-take wha-" he stuck out his tongue and pointed, You saw his clear white fangs before but never this close... "is this your first time? Have you been bitten before.." he sunk his face into the side of your neck and began licking along it. you smelled divine to him, your already sweet smell along with your lotion. Even before he heard or saw you in that alley he knew it was you. "S-scara~ dont lick there its-" "Answer me. Did another vampire touch you." he trailed his other free hand along your waist, seeping under your shirt and up to your chest. "Did they fucking tell you how beautiful you are baby..How good you smell~" "N-no..Scara~" he chuckled while pulling away from your neck and looking at your plump lips "Thats even better." He smashed his lips against yours, exploring your taste before he began to make you high off his. Only to moan as your tongue intertwined with his eagerly, making you drop your phone. "Hah.. you dirty slut~ if I knew you wanted me this bad..I would've sucked your blood a long time ago." You whimpered at the thought. "Hm? You want me to be gentle~?" He sunk back into your neck, removing his hand from your cleavage to hold your hand. "It'll feel good baby~ now be good and take it." He licked his lips and groaned, devouring his teeth in your neck. "S-SCARA~ MMH~" You squeezed into his hand and squirmed as his body smashed against yours and your boobs squished against his chest. "Mmm. Oh shit..you taste so fuhking good. That's it baby~ let me hear you~" your metallic liquid gushed onto his fangs, coating them in a beautiful red. The ecstacy of it all threw scara into a frenzy. He yearned for you for so long, tasted and killed so many. But it was never enough.
He needed and finally had you. His hair ran messy as his body burned for more. He let go of your hand, making you gasp again as he shifted down into your shorts to your wet clit. Rubbing two fingers back and forth around your bud as he jerked harder into your neck. "S-SCARA PLEASE~ OH FUCK~" you trailed your hands down his chest, feeling his sweaty abs, leading into his v line and cock. "Fuhck..that's it baby, your doing so good for me. Just like that...touch me more..." You stroked his hard length as it leaked pre cum onto your fingers. Your vision began to feel fuzzy at his aggressive biting and rubbing on your clit. We're you loosing to much blood? "Tell me baby, ngh how fucking good I make you feel. Like a bitch in heat-" he pulled away from your bitten neck, gasping as his drool began dripping down your shoulder and onto your chest. "Ah..you make me feel so good scara~ i-i cant-" "can't what baby?" He moved his fingers down from your clit and into your aching hole. "I-M' gonna cum scara~ m' so close~" "good..that's my- hah~good girl, cum on my fucking fingers, don't stop stroking me." You recklessly stroked his length. Rubbing along the tip and wherever you could touch as his fingers thrusted into you. "S-Scara! D-daddy m' gonna cum. i-" "then do it. F-fuck cum on my fingers, let me taste it~"
You looked at his now glowing eyes. Striking a cord within you and In a matter of seconds your liquids gushed all over his hand as he soon followed with his coating your shirt "God..even your cum taste so good~" he said while licking his hands clean. You fell into his chest after coming down from your high. "W-wait..S-Scara my neck is it-?" You coated your neck with your free hand, happy that the wound was healed, little did you know his bite mark still lingered on you like a hickey. "What? Don't tell me You thought I was like one of those vampires in those stories. Scared of the sun and garlic?" Well he did wear a hat. He sighed as you looked away in embarrassment.
"Tch. how childish." of course it was healed..how else would you make it to the next round?
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bones4thecats · 9 months
If it's okay can I please ask for romantic Carla and Reiji and Yuma with kianna
And this request you can make it however you want it to be about
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To be honest I see her actually sparing these characters
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Carla Tsukinami, Reiji Sakamaki, and Yuma Mukami Name: Reader Sparing {Character} Requester: @nunezs-stuff
A/N: I love writing for Carla, and in all honesty, Yuma has to be one of my favorite characters in the Diabolik Lovers franchise! Well, lil bubbles🫧, have a nice rest of your days/nights!
"Why was life so goddamn unfair?!" You screamed internally.
First, your father sends you and your sister, Yui Komori, at a house full of vampires, who, by the way, basically tried killing you oh so many times. Secondly, these brothers were horrendous to be around. From Ayato's constant narcissism to Laito's perverseness, it just riled you all up to the brink of insanity.
And that's why you were here, holding the last remaining drops of Shirubāraitopoizun, or Silver-Light Poison, which was said to destroy the insides of any demon that ingested it, and that included the ones you had already killed.
"Silver-Light Poison? Is that what caused their deaths?" A male's voice echoed from behind you, making you turn around and glare.
Oh, he was here...
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🦇 Carla had just appeared, as he was in need of an answer from the eldest Sakamaki boy, Shu
🦇 When he saw the brothers all sitting in their respective spots with their veins darkened beyond belief, he looked with a deadly glare to where your room was located
🦇 It wasn't like he cared for the boys, but you were held in high-regard to the First Blood King
🦇 He walked up the stairs and down the hall to find your room, and when he stumbled upon it, he lightly opened it and lowered his dark scarf from around his neck and began to speak
" Silver-Light Poison? Is that what caused their deaths? "
🦇 You glared at him for a second, but when your eyes met his, you sighed and nodded before sitting down on the edge of your bed, which was covered in the clothes that you wore when attacking the boys
🦇 Carla sighed and sat beside you before wrapping an arm around your waist
" Karlheinz will not be pleased with this. You know this, correct? "
🦇 He watched as you nodded and began to shake, your emotions seemed to be taking over your mind at the moment he mentioned the brother's father
" How about this as a compromise to help us both out, hm? I shall handle Karlheinz while you come and reside in my home from now on? What do you say, Miss. Komori? "
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☕ He watched as his brothers' veins became dark and he realized what was happening
☕ Reiji stood up and excused himself before taking off to your room, hearing the chocking sounds of his brothers dying breaths, to which he just shrugged and continued his walk
☕ You must have still been upset about Kanato and the others 'accidentally' draining your sister dry a few weeks prior
☕ He opened your door and sighed, crossing his arms and coughing to get your attention from the book you were looking at
" Silver-Light Poison? Is that what caused their deaths? "
☕ You looked up and when he heard the light sound of water dripping and hitting something, he realized you were crying quietly, quieter than your sister ever did
☕ He sighed and walked up to your side and looking into the book you were holding tightly in your grip
☕ It wasn't just a book, it was a picture book, one covered page to page in photos of you and Yui growing up
☕ Yui and you were far closer than he and any of his brothers were in their lives, and that includes the triplets when they were children
☕ Reiji pulled up a small stool you had and sat down to look at you, his hand reached out to hold your chin and pulled you to look into his eyes
" Was there any of that in my tea or food? " " No, Reiji. There was none in either items... " " Are you speaking the truth? " " Yes. "
☕ He nodded and pat your head, he may not be the best at comforting, but right now, there was nothing better to do
☕ He'll have to explain to his father on what happened to his brothers later, but, it'll be caused by an assassin, he can't have you getting beaten in place by someone else, now can he?
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🌱 He and his brothers were doing God knows what when they arrived at the Sakamaki Manor
🌱 Yuma was hanging at the back, making sure one of the Sakamaki brothers didn't jump them from behind so they would 'get out of their way', as many put it
🌱 Ruki paused his steps once they reached the dining room, which the others found out why when they either looked over his shoulder or they walked in front of him
" Holy shit... what in the name of hell happened here?! "
🌱 Yuma had to close his eye so Kou's voice didn't make him smash his head in with his fists
🌱 He and his brothers walked around the other set of vampires and began to look at their physical looks, veins completely black with their eyes fogged over with blood and a white substance
🌱 The others, on Ruki's orders, went on to find whatever caused the death of the multiple spawns of Karlheinz, while Yuma was sent upstairs to search if there was someone else in the house, since he was the most physically intimidating
🌱 He heard the light sound of water hitting the ground and followed it, which led him to the room that Yui Komori once inhabited
🌱 Opening the door, he saw your smaller form sitting seiza-style on the ground
" Silver-Light Poison? Is that what caused their deaths? "
🌱 That was when he noticed something resting in front of you as you began to cough and hunch over
🌱 Yuma jumped up and picked you up before hurling you downstairs to his brother Ruki's arms, yelling at him to lay you on the couch and for Kou and Azusa to gather things from around the residence
🌱 When he gave you the proper cure, that being a special pollen found in a very old flower the boys somehow had
🌱 While he was thankful you were alright, he made sure you stayed by his side from then on, and it started with moving into the Mukami Manor with him
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dia-souls · 1 year
DIOBOLIK LOVERS Imajin Tokuten Drama CD "Haunted Mansion scary event"
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Original title: お化け屋敷怖いイベント
Source: Fanmade Tokuten Drama CD
Story by: Admin Irsa
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru, Morikubo Shoutaro, Tomoaki Maeno & Rie Suegara.
Authors note: I always wanted a Drama CD based upon boys going to somewhere which is Haunted so instead of waiting for such CD to be released I used my imagination to create one myself. I hope you all will like it. I will try portray all boys true personality of course in this drama they will be whipped for Yui. Kino, Shin and Ayato are chataoic characters, I like their interaction in many drama CDs that's the reason I choose them for this CD along with Yui.
_The scene starts in class.
Yui: Hah! Finally the classes are over I better pack my things up and go home.
*Rustle* *Rustle*
Kino: Ahh my princess wait!!
Yui: Kino-kun.
_Kino approaches Yui while she is packing her things.
Yui: Kino-kun is there something I can help you with?
Kino: No I actually want to take you somewhere!
Yui: Take me somewhere?
Kino: Yes!! You see I heard this rumor about a Haunted mansion I want to explore that Haunted mansion so I am inviting you to come with me.
Yui: K-kino kun a- a Haunted mansion I-I can't go there with you!
_Yui said as her eyes were filled with fear.
Kino: Hmm why?
Yui: You see I am scared of ghost and supernatural beings.
Kino: Supernatural beings? Hey! Are you scared of us?!
_Yui remained silent.
Kino: Say are you scared of me? Huh your silence gives me an answer.
_Kinos face comes closer to Yui. Yui face flushes as she noticed the closeness of his face with her.
Kino: Hum!! If you really are scared of me then consider this as order not invitation.
_He said it with a smirk. Yui turned her chin but kino grabbed her face with his hand to make her look at him and not breaking eye contact.
Kino: So, you are coming with me! right my princess??
Yui: Y-yes.
Kino: Great then let's go right now!!
*Rustle* Rustle*
???: Oi!!! Oi!!! Where in the world are you taking her??!
Yui: kyah!!
_She screamed as she was suddenly yanked away from kino.
_Kino was grabbed by his back collar.
Kino: What the-- hey dude!!?
_Kino turned to look at Ayato.
Ayato: It's our turn to live with her where are you taking her it's against the rule!!?
_Ayato stood between Kino and Yui he made space between them and fitted himself in that space.
Kino: Hey-what is wrong with you!!
_He said as he looked at Yui who was now covered because of Ayato large frame.
Ayato: I waited 3 weeks for her to live with us. No way I am letting you go with her!!
Kino: Princess isn't coming to live with me. We both are just going on a date.
_He said as gave confused Yui a wink.
_Ayato turned away from Kino and grabbed Yui by her collar.
Ayato: YOU!YOU!!! How dare you try to betray Ore-sama you unfaithful women you tried to back stab me with this extra !!!!!?!
Kino: Hahh!! what did you called me!??!
_Yui eyes were now filled with fear she looked at Kino who now grabbed Ayato by collar. Yui got between them before thing got worse.
Yui: STOP IT! Please you two!!
_Kino let Ayato go and Ayato let Yui go as well.
Yui: Ayato-kun me and Kino-kun are actually going to Haunted Mansion that is rumored to have a male demon inside.
Ayato: Oh!! So you both aren't going on date.
_His eyes now filled with sense of relief.
Kino: We were actual_____
Yui: Yes!! We weren't we just want to check it out!!
Ayato: Than let Ore-sama join you!!
_He said as he grabbed Yui by her arm and started walking away.
Kino: Wait!! Wait a minute you aren't supposed to be here. HEY !!
_Kino runs to catch up with them.
Kino: Is it really necessary for him to third wheel!!
*Running sounds*
Ayato: Tch!! If you really want to go then you can go alone why take her with yourself huh?
Kino: Hah don't tell me you are scared that's why you are targeting me?!
Ayato: Pfft!! Me sacred that impossible!
Yui: Please you both stop fighting! Since we three are going how about we enjoy it instead of fighting beside the more people means more fun.
Ayato: Me and having fun with this guy don't be stupid-
Yui: Ahh we are almost there.
_The scene shifts towards the haunted mansion. They approach the entrance of the mansion.
Kino: Wohh this really looks scary!
_Yui's face changes into fear as she continue to see the mansion.
Kino: Ayato what happen you suddenly went quite? Don't tell me that this mansion is scaring you?!
Ayato: Hah as-s if something so stupid could scare o-ore-sama!!
???: Hoh really!?
Yui: Kyyahhhhhhh!!
_All three covered their ears upon hearing Yui shrill voice.
???: Ahhgh!! women watch your voice I have sensitive ears!
Kino: Uwu I think my ears might bleed.
Ayato: UGHH!
_Ayato yelped lowly as he heard the intruders voice. But it was masked by Yui screams.
Yui: S-sor-ry! Shin-kun you scared me!!
Shin: Hmm.... Did I?
Yui: Yes! but Shin-kun what are you doing here at this time?
Shin: Oh!! me I was just strolling around here I saw you here so I decided-
Kino: To stop by and say 'hi' don't give me that idiocity okay!!?
Shin: Then don't buy it and me saying hi to likes of you-
Ayato & kino: Liar!!
Ayato: You are about miles away from your mansion and you telling us you are taking a stroll over here!!?
Shin: Look it might be away from my mansion but I really was-
Kino: In the middle of unknown forest and this time of the day!!
Ayato: Don't play with us!!
Yui: Guys please stop fighting I am so tired of telling you this again and again!
Shin & Kino & Ayato: Hmph!!
Kino: I judged your presence as soon as we entered this jungle. So why are you lying huh.
Ayato: Since we enter this jungle- why didn't I judged.
Shin: Because you were busy bothering her that's why you didn't judged my presence I saw that you were taking her out of the school feeling suspicious I followed you all.
Ayato: What are you stalker eye-patch?!
Shin: Excuse me I don't have enough time to stalk likes of you I was just not going let you have her to yourselves.
Yui: Ehh me?
Kino: What did you say?
Shin: You really think I will let the only women who can secure our race to hangout in this creppy forest with inferior beings like you. I don't want something to happen to her that's why I decided to follow you all.
Yui: Ummmm.
Shin: And you!!
_Shin steps closer to yui.
Yui: Kyaahh.
Shin: You are really that stupid you should take care of yourself you know that whom you are going with this lower and filthy specie looking at you with them boils my blood.
Ayato: Hey!! hey!! stop there what are you doing huh?!
Kino: How dare you make us feel like third wheels!!!
Shin: Tch.
Yui: Guys I think we need to hurry and go home others will be worried.
Kino: Yeah! let's go inside and explore it princess!
_Kino intertwined his hand with Yui and went inside completely ignoring the duo.
Ayato: He-yy!! Wait for me you extra!!
*Running sound*
Shin: Tch!
Kino: This mansion is really old.
Yui: Achoo!! achoo! It is also filled with dust.
Shin: What is this disgusting smell!
Ayato: ..........
Yui: Ayato-kun what happen? Why are you so quit??.
Ayato: That painting!! That painting is so creepy I am sure it is Haunted !!
Shin: Hmm that painting.
Kino: It's a painting of the owner of this mansion. The demon which is now trapped inside of this mansion.
Yui: A demon!?
Kino: Yes a demon he used to be human the rumors says that he has deep hatred for men.
Ayato: Hatred for men but why?
Kino: Well he doesn't hate all men's he only hate specific types of men.
Shin: Specific types and what are those type?
Kino: Well he hate guys with red and peach hairs you see..
Shin: You-- they aren't peach you filthy pureblood.
_Ayato grabbed him by shoulder.
Ayato: You want to know which type of men Ore-sama hates most!!!?
Kino: Hey!! let go of my shirt you are ruining it!!
Yui: Kyahhhhhhhhh!!
Three of them: Ughhhhhh!!
Shin: I told you to stop screaming so loudly.
Kino: Princess your screams are echoing so avoid doing it.
Ayato: Ore-sama doesn't mind your screaming in bed but don't do it in open.
Shin: ..........
Kino: .........
_Yui face becomes redder at his words.
Yui: H-he means when he is sucking my nothing else.
Shin: I will kill you!! Right here and right now and bury you!!
_The painting beside slammed on the surface. There was silence everywhere as soon as the painting slammed.
Kino: T-that might be beac-cause of the wind.
Shin: Win-dd but the windows are closed.
Yui: Ahhhhh!!!!
_Yui started running towards the entrance to get out of the mansion only for the entrance gate to shut by its own.They saw a shadow appearing at entrance and sound of males grunt.
_Now all of them were running hand in hand with each other.
_Kino and Yui continue running leaving Shin and Ayato behind. They came to halt and run inside the room and lock it.
Kino: Hahh! That was close call.
Yui: Shin-kun and Ayato-kun are left behind I am worried about them.
Kino: I need to find a way for us to get out.
Yui: We need to help them Kino-kun.
Kino: Is there any window around!?
Yui: Kino-kun are you listening to me!?
Kino: Look my princess I get it that you are worried about them but we both need to get out because we will be in danger.
Yui: But___
Kino: I didn't invited them they came because they wanted to and I am not taking any responsibility-
Yui: K-kino-kun please do something I am scared!!
_She said as she drew closer with kino.
Kino: Look-k I mi-ight be demon but I don't know how to handle such-h demons. We need to get out of here.
???: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!
Kino: Wait isn't it a girls scream what is a girl doing here?
Yui: Let's check out.
_They saw Shin and Ayato, Shin was covering his ears.
Shin: I am going to bleed from my ears because of your screeching!!
Yui: Ehh? Shin kun and Ayato-kun are you both okay?
Kino: Wait a minute don't tell me that girly scream was given by Ayato?!
Shin: Of course it was given by him.
Kino: Hahaha!! you talk big look at you getting yourself worked up over something like this!
Ayato: S-shut it-t. Ore-sama was just startled!! Beside this eye patch also screamed when he heard voice.
Shin: Whe-n No-o I didn't!!
Ayato: Ohh! So you don't remember when you started clinging to me you disgusting man!!
Yui: Guy-s I think we should get out off here instead of arguing I am really scared!
Kino: Hmm but I think we should explore it more!
Shin: If you still want to explore it then do it alone I am taking her!!
_Shin grabs Yui and tugged her towards him.
*Glass Shatters*
Ayato: The-e h!!
Kino: Oh no! I think the male demon here is upsetted by our presence!!
Yui: So-s wh-at sh-hall we do?
Kino: That male demon hates mens because his own lover abandoned him for her lover he couldn't believe it so he always thought she was manipulated by the man,thats why she left he is still in this delusion that his lover will return one day. He started taking revenge on every man he sees.
Shin: .........
Ayato: Wah!! So what do we do for it to let us go!!?
Kino: Hmmm the solution is simple he needs sacrifice of men for some reason he let couple go...
Yui: Sacrifice of men's.
_Yui looked at three men's surrounding her with varying eyes.
Ayato: You unfaithful and vile women!!!
Yui: Ehh! No I wasn't thinking of sacrificing you all I wont-
Shin: Shut up we can read what you are thinking!!
_Ayato grabbed Yui.
*Rustle Rustle*
Ayato: Come on we are getting out of here right now!!
_The ground start vibrating.
*Sounds of footsteps drawing closer*
Yui: Lo-oks l-like it's coming here!!
*The atmosphere becomes chilly and sounds of male angry grunts are heard.*
Ayato: I think it will kill us all!!
Shin: We need to get out!!
Yui: Aren't you all demons can't you do something!!!?
Kino: We can but with some one who has body not someone who is invisible and is dead!!!
Shin: Get out of the way!!
*Slam Slam*
Kino: What are you doing!?
Shin: Are you blind can't you see I am destroying the wall for us to get out!!
Kino: The-e wall-
_The entrance is away the demon is coming this is the best option!!
Ayato: Ore-sama will help you too!!
*Slam Slam Slam Slam *
*The sound of wall breaking is heard *
Shin: Let's get out of this place!!
*Running sounds*
Yui: Hahh finally we are out of there!!
Kino: Ehh I wanted to tour it more. What a shame.
Shin: Why are you keen to tour it huh!?what are you a tourist!!?
Kino: F-for no reason!
Ayato: Now that you talk about it you said you heard this rumor around school so how we never heard it and how do you know its exact location huh?
Shin: This means you have come here before right?
Yui: ......... It feels so weird that out of everyone you two putted the pieces together.
Shin: Hahhh I knew it!! The way you were most calmed one throughout the chaos the fact you even knew the directions is so weird.
Kino: Looks like I am busted!!
Ayato: You twik!! I will teach a very good lesson!!!
Kino: Excuse me!! Do you have any right to say that to me huh! I only invited her you came like out of nowhere, third wheelers!!
Yui: It was threat not invitation!
Kino: You all also ruined my romantic moments with her by your idiocity !! You have the nerve to say that! The only good thing that happened was I get to see you both getting fooled!!
Shin: You__
*Rings Rings*
Kino: Shut up!! Yes Yuri? uhuh oh we are now out of the mansion.. Wait.. What!? But that mansio--Yuri don't go there I repeat cancel it don't go there!!!
Shin: Hmm what happen you look like as if you saw a ghost?!
Yui: Kino-kun are you okay did something bad happened?
Kino: I just got call from Yuri he said that he is going to be late to set things up in the mansion!
Shin: .......
Yui: ..........
Ayato: So? whats bad in it?? tell him to take his time!!
Kino: .........
Yui: ............
Shin: ........ You Red head stupid idiot.
______ The End ______
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en-vys · 1 year
ayato - doll
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summary : when baizhu tells qiqi to give you your medicine she mixes it up with an identical bag containing a potion, ultimately turning you into a doll. a very cute one in fact..
warnings : not proofread, sfw, fluff, yelling, medication, thoma being clueless, smelling idk.
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GREAT NOW how could you tell ayato about how you ended up like this…
“qiqi, can you send mrs. kamisato her medicine. It should be in the brown paper bag.” baizhu said, not looking up from his paperwork. qiqi nods as she lends an outstretched hand, “your medicine ms. kamisato.” “mrs!” baizhu says from the back. you giggle, “call me ms. or mrs. qiqi. do not worry” you smile as she hands you a brown paper bag.
“baizhu! this is my new medicine right?” you say, covering qiqi’s ears so your yelling could be muffled. once your hands were off her ears she asks, “why did you cover my ears?” you simply smile and say, “so i don’t startle you with my yelling.” patting her head as you left.
back at the kamisato place, ayato was stressed he couldn’t stop pondering as to what took you so long to get back… i mean baizhu was in town… and normally he’d have your medicine shipped, so what in the world took you so long to get back? his head snapped the other way as he heard the door slide. run-walking towards the front of the estate, hoping to see- “oh thoma. it’s just you.” the poor lavender eyed man seemed hopeless without you around.
he couldn’t function well from a distance, sure before he was wed to you he could live on his own, with ayaka, and thoma. but you gave his life a purpose besides working as a commissioner and being head of the kamisato clan. “oh wait, do you know where my wife is?” ayato asked thoma grabbing is shoulder, “no my lord, although she should’ve arrived 10 minutes ago.” thoma throws a thumbs up.
ayato approaches your office, sliding the door open. to see a small ragdoll, that looks suspiciously like you… horrifically detailed.. “ayaka?” ayato questions, before stepping in to craddle the doll. “hello there. you look just like my beautiful wife.” he takes a whiff of you before continuing, “and.. smell like her too..” he smiles looking at the doll once more. “but you’re not her.” he tosses you aside onto the bench by your desk, covered in throw pillows.
you tried to move, wiggling your raggedy arm around to see if it could be done. you couldn’t even make a real noise. after swinging your arm you found out you could do way more than that. you actually found out that you could stand and walk like a normal person again. you ran out of your office sprinting towards thoma.
“hel- woah! you move!” you nod your limp head as you tug on his pant leg. pointing towards your office and back at yourself. “you want to go in there?” he laughs. “not even my lord lets me go inside of his wife’s office.” he could see your stitched mouth frown. “well hey. don’t be sad.” he says while you dash towards your office, emerging with a picture of you and ayato on your wedding day.
“the mistress? she needs to come back from fetching her meds.. i offered to get it like always, but she was too stubborn and left to go to doctor baizhu herself.” shaking your wobbly head you pointed at yourself and you in the picture. “you want the dress? hah! i donmt know if they have it in your size little one.” his laughs, attract ayaka’s attention. “who are you speaking to thoma?” she questions as she looks toward the man.
“i don’t see who you are speaki- oh! hello there, you look like my sister, or my brothers wife.” you thought for a moment you pointed at yourself and the picture once more. swishing your arms back and forth indicating you were the mistress. “say. thoma.. y/n hasn’t come home yet.. has she?” “no. she hasn’t.” ayato says looking as if hes lost another messenger boy. “my dear hasn’t come home yet and i’m without a clue of what to do without her.”
he slumps down onto his mat, his light cotton candy blue hair trickling down a side of his face. “my lord!” thoma yelps, as ayaka reaches an outstretched hand to block thoma from rushing into things. “are you.. y/n?” ayaka says snapping her fingers while smiling. nodding your head up and down, ayato faces you. “i saw that doll awhile ago. she was on y/n’s desk… slumped in the chair. and hey why is that thing moving is it encha-”
“no dear brother. we must call mr. baizhu now.” he should know how to cure this… this.. potion!”
“oh dear. qiqi. when you gave ms. kamisato her medicine did you see another identical looking bag?” “mrs.” “now qiqi. i need you to think long and hard about what could have possibly happ-” “I saw two brown bags. i handed one to mrs. kamisato.” qiqi says, her stare boreing into the back of baizhu’s head. “did you read the names?” “there were no names sire.” baizhu scoffs, and says “qiqi i put nam-” ayato barges in a vengeful look in his eyes. “well? do you know how to fix my wife? i need her to be fixed by the end of the day so i can give her a very much needed gift… if yo-”
baizhu nods as he continues to interrogate qiqi. “i have the bottle she drank of!” thoma smiles, handing the midway full bottle to a relieved baizhu. “thank you thoma. and qiqi apologize to mr, kamisato. you have worried him dearly about his wife, and may i have a moment of privacy. ms kamisato will be transforming to her normal self very shortly.” as he closes the doors, qiqi nods, turning to ayato, she bows towards him as a sincere apology.
ayato trying to push her back to her standing position “no need for this qiqi… you were just trying to do your job sweetie.” you say, emerging from the sliding door. a very touchy ayato jumping on you. “my love! oh how i’ve missed you! thank you, very much baizhu! ” “you called and i answered. i am at your service my lord.” baizhu takes his leave, qiqi following close behind turning around so she may bow to you.
“my love! i missed you so much! how i wish you were to come back to me!” ayato says, his breath streaming down your neck. “did i hurt you when i threw you to the side?” you shook your head, trying to stand up to thank ayaka for figuring out what you were saying, but the lavender eyed man wouldn’t budge. he just held you, whispering how much he was sorry and how he couldn’t function well without knowing that you were safe in his realm.
“i love you, my muse, my everything.”
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DIABOLIK LOVERS VERSUS SONG Bloody Night Vol.Ⅰ  Mini Drama “Ayato VS Subaru”
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Original title: 録り下ろしミニドラマ「アヤトVSスバル」
Source: Diabolik Lovers VERSUS SONG Bloody Night Vol. I Mini Drama
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru & Takashi Kondou
Translator’s note: I honestly can’t help but get some sort of ‘reverse culture shock’ whenever I go back to one of the earlier drama CD series. :p The boys have been toned down so much in the more recent games and CD series, I’ve honestly forgotten how ruthless they can be. Especially Subaru caught me off guard with some of his statement because he’s just a blushy, tsundere cinnamon roll now lol. I’m not into the super sadistic content, but I can definitely understand why some people are frustrated with the change if they initially got into the franchise for the darker content.
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: …God. …Stop bein’ so fuckin’ annoyin’...What part of ‘don’t make a fuss’ do you not get!?
You continue to thrash about.
Subaru: I know you’re not exactly the brightest person ‘round, but you should be able to figure out what’ll happen if I let go of you right now, aah!?
You suddenly calm down.
Subaru: I mean…If you want to go for a one-way trip down there, I won’t stop you. I guess it could be kind of fun to see you land splat against the ground like a rotten tomato. Hehehe…
Your face goes pale.
Subaru: Say, what do you say?
You promise to behave.
Subaru: Hehe, you should have just done so from the very start. You really are a pain in the ass. …Oi, grab onto me a lil’ tighter.
Subaru: Che…Tighter!
Subaru: Exactly, just like that. Now your nape is positioned perfectly in front of me. Heh…
He leans in but suddenly comes to a halt.
Subaru: Fuck…This pisses me off…Your skin’s still covered in his marks…
You ask Subaru what he will do about it.
Subaru: Hah…? Don’t be playin’ dumb with me now. I’m obviously gonna do this…!
He bites you.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: ーー Hah! Haah, haah…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: …Hah! Haah…I’ll erase them at once.
Subaru: Mmh…Nn…Hah!
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: Hah…!
You protest.
Subaru: Heh. …And whose fault do you think that is? Haah!? ーー You’re to blame, aren’t you? None of this would have ever happened if you didn’t let Ayato suck your blood without my damn permission!
You frown.
Subaru: So you’re in no position to complain. If you understand that…Shut up and lemme have your blood…
He continues feeding off you.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: Hah…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: …Hehehe. Writhe in pain even more…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: Hah…
Subaru: ーー Woah there! Whatcha trippin’ for? …Come here!
Subaru pulls you close.
Subaru: …That was only the opening act earlier. The main show starts right now.
You flinch.
Subaru: Heh…That look in your eyes…Hehe, are you shitting your pants? …Nah, you’re not. I bet you actually can’t wait for it.
You shake your head.
Subaru: Makes sense, I guess. No way someone who’d let someone mark her from head to toe would be satisfied after just that.
Subaru: Your wish is my command…So, where do you want it? Your neck? Or perhaps…Somewhere a lil’ lower? …Ughー!
Subaru: If you won’t give me an answer, I’ll do as I wish. I bet you’re fine with bein’ bitten just ‘bout anywhere, aren’t you? As long as you get to feel good. Right…?
Subaru bites you again.
Subaru: Nnh…
*Gulp gulp*
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: Mm…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: ー Hah! …Hah…
Ayato: …Look at you latchin’ onto her like a fuckin’ loser! Hahaha! No wonder you get called a kid.
Subaru: …! Ayato! Is that you, you bastard!? Where are you!?
Ayato: …Right here.
Ayato kicks him away.
Subaru: Uwah!
Ayato proceeds to knock him out cold next.
Ayato: There we go, that guy’s not movin’ for a while.
He walks up to you.
Ayato: Yo, Chichinashi. My bad to interrupt while you were havin’ such a good time. Hehehe…
Ayato: I was watchin’ the whole time. How he was havin’ his way with you. You were makin’ some pretty sweet sounds. Did his fangs really feel that good, huh?
You deny it.
Ayato: Don’t lie to me. It must have been amazin’, no? Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to give such strong reactions. Aah!? ーー Answer me, Chichinashi. Or else I’m gonna strip you bare right here, right now.
You admit to feeling good.
Ayato: Hehehe…Look who’s finally bein’ honest. In that case…
He approaches.
Ayato: ーー It’s time for your punishment.
Ayato bites you.
Ayato: Mmh…Nn…
Ayato: Hahn…
Ayato: Heh…Nice…Cry out even more…Those are the noises I wanted to hear from you.Suits a dumb Chichinashi like you perfectly…Nn…I’ll make sure to teach this body of yours directly…who exactly it belongs to…
Ayato: Nnh…
Ayato: Fuck…! Subaru’s bite marks are a damn eyesore! I swear, Laito is seriously out of his mind to get off on this sorta shit.
You tilt your head to the side.
Ayato: Laito told me to try somethin’ different for once. I decided to roll with his idea ‘cause I hadn’t been feelin’ that thrill as of late, but I don’t know what to do with this frustration.
You seem confused.
Ayato: You know, I tempted Subaru to go after you on purpose.
Ayato: And then I was supposed to watch him suck your blood. Laito said that sorta thing is hella exciting, but I don’t understand his logic at all. I only feel anger from watchin’ some other dude suck your blood.
Subaru regains consciousness.
Subaru: Ugh…Fuck…Ayato!
Ayato: The baby’s awake? Guess we’ll have to move somewhere else then.
Subaru: You fucker…!
Ayato: Hang on tight, ‘kay?
Subaru: Hold up!
Ayato lifts you into his arms and leaps off into the sky.
Subaru: Ayatoーー!!
Ayato lands on the clock tower.
Ayato: …Okay, this’ll do. Chichinashi, don’t move, okay?
You seem terrified.
Ayato: Hehe, how’s the view from up here? Pretty nice, don’t you think? Come on, try lookin’ down. If you were to fall down from here, you’d be dead on the spot.
If I need to switch things up, then this will work just fine. Sucking your blood at a completely different location, savoring its taste as you get worked up.
Your face goes pale.
Ayato: You better cling onto me tight so you don’t fall to your death from getting a lil’ too excited…Do you understand?
You nod.
Ayato: Well then…Let’s continue where we left off…I’ll start by gettin’ rid of that guy’s bite marks.
Ayato bites you again.
Ayato: Nnh…Mm…
Ayato: Hahn…Mm…
Ayato: Nnh…Nn…
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: …Woah there! That was close…! Didn’t I tell you to keep a tight grip? God…Has your body gone limp from fear?
Ayato: Nn…Hah…Guess I have no other choice. I’ll use my necktie to tie you to one of the hands of the clock.
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: There we go. This should do the trick. …Now then, this place is up next…!
Ayato: Hehehe…Your heart’s beating even faster than usual, isn’t it? I bet you’re actually enjoyin’ this quite a bit, aren’t you? You’re such a freak. Hehehe…
He bites you again.
Ayato: Hahn…Mmh…
Ayato: Nn…
You deny it.
Ayato: Don’t be lyin’ now...I can tell by the look on your face…
Ayato: Hahn…Nn…I should have just done this from the very start. There’s plenty of ways to get a kick without havin’ to work up that bratーー
Subaru arrives to the scene.
Subaru: Who are you calling a brat, huh?
Ayato: …!
Subaru: You really fucked with me this time, didn’t you, Ayato? Aah!?
Ayato: Subaru…! The fuck are you doin’...!? Think ‘bout where we are right now!
Subaru: Fuck off! …And you too! Why are you lettin’ that guy have his way with you!?
You insist that there was nothing you could do.
Subaru: Che…He tied you up, huh? Fuckin’ annoyin’...Ugh…
Subaru starts to untie you.
Ayato: Hold up. If you untie her right now, she’s gonna fall straight down, you know?
Subaru: …! …Kuh!
Ayato: She’s a wobblin’ mess thanks to me workin’ my magic on her. I’m way better than you. Hahaha…
Subaru: As if anyone believes the bullshit that comes outta your mouth…
Ayato: Are you stupid? Proves you’re still just a kid. Lemme show you then.
Ayato bites you in front of Subaru
Ayato: Hahn…Nnh…
Subaru: …Ayato! You bastard…!
Ayato: Nnh…Nn…
Subaru: Damnit…Cut the crap! …Oi! I’m the one you should focus on!
Subaru bites you as well.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Ayato: Che…Don’t scarf her blood down like that…You can try as hard as you want, you’ll never win from me.
Subaru: Shut up…! Your voice is ruinin’ the moment…! Oi…You should cry out a lil’ more…To overpower his voice…Nnh…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: ーー Hah! Hehe…Exactly…Cry out more…And let the world know…That I’m way better than that jackass…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Ayato: Keh…! Big talk for someone who’s only profittin’ of someone else’s hard work! It’s not your fangs which are pleasin’ her, but mine!
Ayato continues to suck your blood as well.
Ayato: Hah…Nnh…
Subaru: Oi, you. Lean a lil’ closer. Rest your body against me.
Subaru: …I bet you want me to bury my fangs even deeper into your nape, don’t you?  Nnh…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: Hahー! Hahn…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Ayato: Hahaha…Someone seems a lil’ desperate? Should have expected no less from a lil’ kid.
Ayato: All of your struggles will be in vain though. Doesn't her reaction prove that she likes my fangs better than anyone else’s?  Nnh…Nn…
Ayato: Hah…Check out that dreamy look in her eyes…As if she’s ready to ascend to heaven any second now.
*Gulp gulp*
Subaru: Fuck off…! That’s ‘cause of my fangs!
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: Hah…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Ayato: Say whatever you want. …Come on, Chichinashi. Get a grip!
Ayato: No way this is enough to satisfy you, is it?
Subaru: Exactly…You need to feel me…even deeper…
*Gulp gulp*
Subaru: Hah…Haah…Hehe…Not a bad reaction at all. Sure. I’ll give it to you as much as you want.
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Subaru: Nn…
*Gulp gulp gulp*
Ayato: Hahaha…God, your greed really has no limits, has it? Oh well, whatever. I’ll make an exception for today. …Go ahead and turn into as much of a hot mess as you want, Chichinashi…
Subaru: Hah…Challenge accepted. Come on…Allow my fangs to go even deeper…
Ayato: Hahaha…You better make a clear choice by the end. Okay, Chichinashi?
ーー THE END ーー
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lonely-vault-boy · 2 years
Glitch gang hcs!
Bc I know it’s supposed to be a creepy pasta but I simply do not care.
Faceless Ayato-
He doesn’t understand much about the world and will watch people to try and understand them
This often leads to people being afraid of him staring
He does not speak (he doesn’t have a mouth), but he makes some gurgling noises that the other bois understand
He basically inhales food (again, no mouth). He’s very fond of sandwiches but doesn’t like anything sticky or liquidity.
This includes boba tea.
Very tall and always looks slightly lost
Cryptid Albedo-
Quantum Albedo, you can’t look directly at him
All of his movements are very stilted and awkward. They also don’t follow the rules of physics. Sometimes his hand will end up across the room
It is currently unknown whether or not he is aware of his body parts disconnecting, as it does not appear to bother him
His voice is robotic when he speaks, but his mouth doesn’t move. It’s basically a shadow wearing a mask
Copyright free Archer Bleached Childe
He looks the most normal until you look at his eyes
White glowing void, many people immediately feel overwhelming feelings of anger and despair when they make eye contact with him
He’s essentially blind, but a very good cook and will usually make food for their lil crew
He sees in a very basic form of elemental sight, but usually can’t make out non-elemental beings or vision users very well
He must be focusing in order to physically interact with other people, otherwise they will phase through him
Void Kaeya
He is currently being consumed by the void
He is able to plaster pieces of himself onto other pieces in order to cover up the gaping holes
That’s also why his eye looks like his glove + hand
He’s actually very sweet, but most people avoid him bc they think he has some sort of plague and are afraid of catching it
Klee brought him a box of cute bandaids that she puts over his holes
Sometimes they go on picnics and have to buy supplies, so they put on disguises.
Childe just has a pair of sunglasses (although usually that makes it even harder to see, so one of the others will hold his hand to help guide him. Ayato usually just wears a mask over his face since the rest of him looks normal. Kaeya can usually manage with a low hood and eyepatch (and Klee’s bandaids). Albedo usually isn’t with them to go into town, though one time they tried to put him on Ayato’s shoulders in a trench coat.
He glitched his way out of said trench-coat by accident.
Anyway, they’re all besties and they travel together.
And also occasionally attempt to hunt down their other selves for the pieces they’re missing :)
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diacripticcomplex · 11 months
DL boys reacting to their new hairstyles:
Shu: he really doesn’t give a fuck, “it’s unfortunate they didn’t cover both of my eyes…” he would probably say, both eyes covered means he can sleep in peace,
Reiji: he paid for the look, showed the Pinterest inspo as well, Reiji is a perfectionist so you best believe he wanted that cut.
Ayato: “I look cool all the time, y’all can’t tell me otherwise.” The confidence this man child has is crazy. (Tho I do like it too, dont come for me)
Kanato: he detests it completely, his siblings keep calling him Dora, Grimace Levi Ackerman, etc. Almost pulled a 2008 Britney Spears…
Laito: he asked for those frilly blue extensions to be placed in his hair. Yes they are extensions, he refused to dye his actual hair but he loves how he looks and can honestly pull it off.
Subaru: “everyone’s happy they can see both my eyes now, idk why they gave Shu my style tho…” he also doesn’t care too much, Subaru don’t look in mirrors.
Ruki: “I look like my late father…” honestly it gets him all upset, he’s just praying it grows back quickly.
Kou: “Oh so when Oghessy and other mushroom headed dweebs get this cut it’s fine, but when I do it I look bad?? Fuck all of you. Idols gotta change up their looks sometimes..look at Doha Cat’s bald headed self.” He’d go on a rampage and purposely keep it like that for years.
Yuma: “they didn’t even do much just put it in a retarded placement…” he would definitely go back to his OG style in a heart beat.
Azusa: he would be feeling himself. “I feel so elegant…better than whatever is on Kanato’s head..” he’d throw shade at everyone but mainly Kanato’s style.
Carla: “they purposely made me look like that scum Karl Heinz…how disgraceful, Shin go tear off the Stylists head now. “ hates it.
Shin: “I like how I look, and it’s giving me a chance to grow out my hair too, these bitches will love me even more.” He also doesn’t like his brothers cut, it’s offensive to his one eye.
Kino: “well I look better than most of you guys so I think I won, wait no. I did win” cocky little shit but he’s right.
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fruit-of-infidelity · 11 months
⚰︎ DIABOLIK LOVERS Pre-Order Tokuten Drama CD: “Vampire★Juice ~A Suspicious Syrup from the Underworld~” ⚰︎
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Japanese Title: ヴァンパイア★ジュース 〜魔界から変なシロップ〜
CV: Takehiro Kou, Konno Jun
Audio Available: N/A
Author Note: Hehe, finally the goofy vampire juice CD is here for Ryuuto and Richter~! I had sooo much fun writing this because I speed-typed it in three(ish) days. Ryuuto (hopefully) comes across as very silly with how he just speaks before thinking and follows in Kanato's footsteps by starting to strip-off xD (and i think this is the first time he actually cusses on record?? So, big boy steps for him lol). Richter also gets to have some silly moments in this, being babied by his son and proving himself to be a lightweight lolol.
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― Ryuuto is painting in his studio. ―
Ryuuto: Hmm…
No, this won’t do at all.
There needs to be movement. Soft, flowy movement… Of those satin curtains over there, and perhaps even your hair in the wind.
Pet, do me a favour and open that window, there.
― You do as he asks. ―
Now, take a seat back down… Yes, that is much better.
I’ll be able to capture so much more upon the canvas. Don’t shoot me such a hurt expression, Pet. You breathe plenty of life into my art…
This time, however, you alone are simply not enough, fufu.
― Squeak, squeak. ―
…Hm? What on earth?
― Flap, flap, flap. ―
That sound… My, it seems we have a visitor.
― A bat crashes through the curtains, landing on Ryuuto’s paint palette, and then the floor. ―
Oh, good lord…! Tut, what a mess!!
― It leaves little wet and paint covered bat tracks as it stumbles over to him. ―
Bat tracks… and paint. Sigh.
― You stress your concern. ―
It is totally fine, they are tougher than they look... Although, this one clearly this isn’t a Familiar of mine with this level of clumsiness…
― Squeak, squeak! ―
…Aah, and now I see why.
You’re a Familiar from the Demon World, you say? Bearing a package from… Say that name again? Surely not…
From Karlheinz? My Uncle?
Really? Whatever for?
― Squeak! ―
“In gratitude”? Hmph.
…Well, even I am a little curious about this.
Yes, I suppose you can be on your way, and the sender can rest assured that it has been received. Even if reluctantly… 
― It flies off now. ―
…This is certainly something. For Karlheinz to be in any sort of communication with us is unheard of, especially for him to send a package.
This has “suspicious” painted all over it; Who is to say it is even from Karlheinz?
I wouldn’t be surprised if a clumsy Familiar like that doesn’t belong to someone mindless like Ayato, hoping to prank us with an “ominous package”.
After all, what could someone like Karlheinz possibly be sending all the way over here? Furthermore…
Aah, it seems it’s addressed to Richter?
― You wonder what’s inside. ―
Whether from Karlheinz or not, it’s not our place to wonder. We’ll find out once we hand it over to Father, I suppose. Come along…
― You make your way to the living room. ―
One thing is for certain… It is surprisingly heavy.
Richter: What is?
Ryuuto: Ah, Father. Just the person I was looking for.
Richter: Well, now you have found me, do fill me in… Oh, could it be something troubling? Just what is with those grim expressions?
Ryuuto: This package… It is addressed to you.
Richter: Is that all? Give it here, then.
Ryuuto: The thing is, the familiar that dropped it off informed me that it was sent as a “thank you”…. from Karlheinz himself.
Richter: …How interesting. Whatever could he be thinking?
Ryuuto: That’s what I was wondering. Have you been in contact with him lately?
Richter: Not enough to warrant a… gift.
I suppose the only thing to do from here is to open it? There is that saying of “curiosity killed the cat”, and yet I cannot help get ahead of myself…
You, hold the box for me, won’t you?
― You hold the package. ―
Ryuuto: …!! Wait a moment, is this really a good idea?
Richter: Why wouldn’t it be? It’s a package addressed to me, from my brother, in thanks for… Well, who can say?
Nevertheless, I have every intention on opening it.
Ryuuto: Father! Aren’t you worried about it being not all it seems…? 
After all, this sort of stuff… It’s been sent directly from the Makai…!
Richter: Come now. Paranoia doesn’t suit you, Ryuuto.
What about you? What do you make of all this?
― You are curious... ―
Ryuuto: What do you mean “take a peek”? Did you not listen to a word I was saying before, about it being a potential for disaster?
Richter: Usually you are the one telling me to lighten up, fufufu.
― “What’s the worst that could happen?” ―
Ryuuto: The worst that could happen? Well…
― You point out something on the package. ―
Richter: Aah, good eye.
If you’re worried that it’s anything less than what it seems, Ryuuto, I think this person has just the thing to alleviate those concerns. Look…
Ryuuto: …Karlheinz’ seal? The ribbon of the box has been held shut with a wax imprint of it?
Richter: Now that matter has been settled… You, hold it still.
― Richter pries open the box. ―
Ryuuto: ...I really think you ought to be more careful.
Richter: Whatever you say, “Father”. Fufu…
Ryuuto: Hmph.
― Richter takes out the contents of the box. ―
…Oh? Of all things that could have been, it is a bottle?
Richter: With some sort of liquid inside it, yes.
― Richter uncaps the bottle. Pop! ―
Hmm, no smell… and totally clear.
Did you say if there was any letter that came with the package? Any sort of hint of what liquid this might be?
― You explain that there wasn’t. ―
…I wonder if it is meant to be drunk?
Ryuuto: That’s… You can’t be serious!?
Sending some strange, unidentifiable liquid is a little suspicious, don’t you think?
Richter: This is my final warning, Ryuuto… Lest you want to volunteer to be the guinea pig, after all, cut it out.
Ryuuto: Fine… Go ahead and poison yourself, for all I care.
Richter: … …Hmph.
…Perhaps there is something to be had with taking a little bit of caution.
Poison isn’t something I considered… I wonder if even Karlheinz would stoop to such levels, despite the show-off that he is?
― Richter decides to pour a glass. ―
In that case, there is one way we can rule out any ill-intentions. You there, won’t you come a little closer for just a moment?
― You question him. ―
Don’t act so surprised. There is one else here to test it for us, is there?
Ryuuto: You mean to say… Our Pet is taking the first sip?
You truly have lost your mind. If something were to happen to her whilst tasting it…
Richter: Then she has the two of us here to rely on. After all, her life always has been completely and utterly in our hands… Isn’t that right?
Ryuuto: When you put it that way…
Richter: Go ahead, give it a try.
― You refuse! ―
Ryuuto: …I agree with him. Drink it, Pet.
Even if we can’t be sure of what it is…
You’re a human, so – come to think of it – I highly doubt you’ll be in any immediate danger. Especially if this was sent by another Vampire.
And, at the very least… Fufu, I’ve actually become a little curious…
Richter: We give you our word that you’re in capable hands.
― You give in... Gulp!! ―
Ryuuto: Well?
Richter: You aren’t green in the face, nor have you collapsed to the ground thus far…
It appears safe, after all.
Ryuuto: Does it even have a taste, Pet? I don’t quite know if my Uncle has a sense of humour, but if it turns out to be nothing more than water…
― You reassure him. ―
Tut, pour me a glass. Let me taste it for myself.
― Ryuuto takes a sip. ―
…Mm, this is quite good. Not what I expected, after all.
Richter: You mean to say, I was right all along? It is harmless, isn’t it? I told you as much. Even you haven’t reacted to it, Ryuuto.
Now, it seems I’ve been left in the dust, fufu.
― Richter pours a glass, and drinks. ―
…This taste…
As sweet as it is… It is awfully familiar.
There’s no obvious labelling, but I could swear I’ve sampled something similar before. I just can’t quite put my finger on it.
Ryuuto: Whatever it is, if you happen to remember the name of it, it might be worth a daytrip to the Makai to purchase some more.
I have a feeling this bottle will be gone soon enough.
― You finish your cup. ―
It seems someone else here is also a big fan of it? Fufu.
Richter: This taste is definitely bringing back some memories…
To send it all the way from the Makai… Could it have been something Karlheinz and I used to drink as children, I wonder?
― Ryuuto uncaps it again. ―
Ryuuto: Shall I top us all up?
― You warn him. ―
…Fufu, look at you, telling me not to drink so much. There isn’t any harm in one more glass, is there? Are you worried I might upset my stomach?
So, who is for one more?
― You deny. ―
Richter: More for us, then. Please, if you would be so kind.
Ryuuto: And another for myself, I think~.
Richter: Mm… You know, it really is bugging me, that I can’t figure out where I have tasted this before. It’s so distinctly delicious, it should be obvious.
― You try to help him out. ―
 “Is it juice”? No, that would have a distinctly fruity taste. Instead, if I were to try and place it somehow, it has a pungent tang to it.
It tastes more like… …!! Wait…
Father’s cabinet… Yes, that’s just it!
Ryuuto: What, have you figured out just what it is, finally?
Richter: Fufu… Ahahaha. Karlheinz, you shifty little thief…
You there. Are you sure you aren’t to have any more?
― You insist. ―
“No?” In that case… Cheers, Ryuuto. Fufufu!
― They clink their glasses together. ―
Ryuuto: One―hic―more glass couldn’t hurt~
― You interject. ―
We drank the whole bottle, already?
Fufu, talk about getting ahead of ourselves. Although―hic―I suppose it isn’t a celebration without going overboard just a smidge.
Although, if I were to properly overindulge―hic―this evening… I think I would need to fix my sights on you, Pet… Imagine it, won’t you?
Stripped down naked, and sat nicely in my lap~
― You get flustered. ―
Richter: Good grief, Ryuu…to… Have you no… shame?
I’d ask what has gotten into you, but I… think that much is obvious. In the end, you went through… even more of that drink than me.
― You ask if Richter’s okay. ―
Me? I’m perfectly… fine, just a little tired after all that drinking. I suppose I’ve always… been a lightweight drunk, fu…fufu.
Ryuuto: Just a moment! You mean to say, what was in that bottle was…
Richter: Liqueur from… the Makai. Surprisingly thoughtful of Karlheinz, wouldn’t you say?
After wracking my brain, it conjured up memories of… of when he and I happened to break into our Father’s cabinet…
Full to the… yawn… brim with refined Makai liqueur. Fufu.
Ryuuto: Well, well… Who knew the two of you were such miscreants when you were younger~? Colour me surprised.
Not to mention… you didn’t even react to―hic―it, Pet. You hold your drink well… Maybe we should have laced yours with a little something extra~?
Richter: What was in the bottle was not quite like... yawn… like that which humans drink, nor does it seem to affect… …affect them… as much.
Ryuuto: I suppose that might be a blessing in dis―hic―guise. Who is to say you wouldn’t be all over me, if you had gotten a little tipsy~?
One thing is for certain, though… That stuff really warms you up; I think I’m beginning to get hot flushes! Goodness me…~
― He begins to strip. ―
Haa… There~
…Fufu, what is with those wide eyes? It’s just my shirt coming off, don’t get too excited~ You can’t blame me for wanting to cool off?
― You look to Richter for help. ―
Richter: Zz… zz…
Ryuuto: Oh dear, don’t look over there… It seems, after―hic―all that Father has fallen asleep. So, bring your focus back to me, won’t you?
Fawn over your Master some more…
― Ryuuto creeps closer to you. ―
Unless… you want to take the reins this time? What a delectable little thing you are~
Maybe that’s it… Shall I be the “Pet” in this―hic―new arrangement? Go ahead, then… Praise me. Please? Pretty please~?
― You try to wake Richter. ―
Richter: P…Pardon? Did I… drift off, for a moment?
…R-Ryuuto. What happened to your… shirt?
― You offer to get water for them both. ―
Ryuuto: Never-mind that… Water, to sober us up? That’s just an old wives’ tale.
Richter: I suggest we should… Mmh… Just sleep these effects off…
― Richter rests his head in your lap. ―
I’ll just… rest my head here, alright? Your lap makes for… a decent pillow, after all. Don’t… Don’t wake me.
Zzz… Zz…
Ryuuto: Father, what are you doing…!? If anything,we should―hic―or, I should, be the “pillow” in this situation…!!
After all, I’m beginning to take my role as “Pet” very―hic―seriously.
― THUD. ―
― Richter rolls right off your lap onto the floor. ―
Fufufu… Don’t look so worried, he’s completely fine… He is tougher than he looks, even whilst asleep―hic!
Say… A-Are you sure there isn’t any more left in the bottle….?
― You express your concerns. ―
Pfft…~ Ahaha, you’re really cute when you become all concerned like―hic―that. It’s really a shame that you haven’t even been the slightest bit affected by the stuff, though… You haven’t been, right?
― You try to think. ―
Richter: Y…You’re feeling hot?
Ryuuto: Wh-What a pervert you are, old man…
Trust that you would have picked up on that, even whilst nearly out cold~
Richter: That’s not the case, this time... My head is spinning, and beginning to throb…! Even with the liquor working against me, it’s painful...
…A-Am I on the floor?
Ryuuto: You’re awfully heavy, it’s no wonder you―hic―totally rolled off on your own. Next time, snooze on someone your own size.
Richter: …Right, then. Shift over, Ryuuto.
Ryuuto: H-Huh…!? I didn’t mean…――
― Richter collapses onto Ryuuto. ―
Richter: Rub my head whilst you’re… ouch, at it.
Ryuuto: You want me to take care of you? A-Are you serious, right now? A-Aren’t you the one that’s―hic―the dad here?
Richter: Less complaining, more massaging.
Ryuuto: You’re one to talk about complaining…
Richter: You there… What were you saying about… Zz…
― You nudge him awake again. ―
A-Ah? Oh, yes… Water, fetch me some water. It couldn’t hurt…
― You go to do just that. ―
Ryuuto: Fu…Fufufu… Come, have a look…!
― You place down the water. ―
Richter: Zz….
Ryuuto: I used the―hic―wrapping tissue from the package the bottle came in, to fashion him something a little more fitting for his sleepy state.
How do you think he looks, in his new baby-bonnet~?
― You laugh. ―
And, with him out of the picture like this… I suppose that makes me the one in charge; I’m the new father around here.
So, how about―hic―it? If me being the “Pet” doesn’t quite suit… What do you say to being taken care of, and calling me your “daddy”, instead?
― You fluster! ―
Your face is completely red… From your nose to your ears, fufu. Have I struck gold? Have I discovered you have “father issues”, I wonder~?
Have you been holding out on me this whole time~?
Go on and say it… Call me “daddy”~
― There is a rustling… ―
Huh? Did I speak too loud and wake him up, after all?
― Richter tears off the make-shift bonnet! ―
― And then grabs Ryuuto by his collar. ―
Richter: What do you think you’re doing!?
Ryuuto: Just a moment, now…!
I-It was a joke! A―hic―joke…!
Richter: Attempting to humiliate your own Father with some B-grade arts-and-craft is your idea of a joke, is it!?
Ryuuto: Hey… S-Since when did you get so strong, anyway?
― You plead them to stop. ―
Richter: Whether it’s that liquor getting to his head, or whether he has finally shown his true colours, I will not back down from punishment…!
Ryuuto: “Sleepy drunk”, my ass!
You, h-help me out here!
Richter: And look at you, losing all composure the moment I lay a hand on you.
Tonight is full of surprises for us both, it seems…!!
― You pick up the cups... ―
And, another thing―
― SPLASH! You throw water at them both. ―
Ryuuto: Woah… I’m soaked…!!
Richter: Y-You…
What on earth was that for!?
At the very least… that took the edge of my tiredness off…
 ― You call them childish. ―
…Me? Childish!? You saw for yourself, he started it.
Ryuuto: Pointing fingers. Real mature, Father.
Richter: Do not push your luck with me.
Ryuuto: Hmph.
― You ask them to calm down. ―
We are perfectly calm… At the very least, we were until someone insisted on opening that bottle, that is.
Richter: …Perhaps all this emotion is from that gift, after all. I do suppose we overindulged a little back there, come to think of it.
Ryuuto: And by we, you mean “you”?
Richter: Tut. It is like arguing with a child… Oh. Wait~
― You urge them to reach an agreement. ―
…You are quite right. Surprisingly.
― Richter now pinches Ryuuto by his ear. ―
Ryuuto: O-Ow…! What do you think you’re…!?
Richter: You will come to sorely regret making the pair of us look like idiots if you continue to sit on your drunken high horse.
I’ll unhand your ear once we come to an agreement; Might we never overdrink on suspicious liquids sent to us by Karlheinz again.
I would much prefer to no longer stand here and try and compromise with you, weighed down by this water-soaked coat…
What do you say to shaking on it, Ryuuto?
Ryuuto: …Hmph…
― You plead with him. ―
…Don’t look at me with those eyes, you’re practically backing me into a corner, looking so cute… Sigh. For her sake, I’ll agree.
― Richter lets him go now. ―
Richter: Now, before the second-wave, or the headache, hits me… I need to get myself dried out. If you’ll excuse me…
You, you will be fine to clean this mess up, won’t you?
― You nod. ―
Very good. Afterwards, do come and join me in my study, won’t you? Nothing warms these old bones quite like a hot-blooded woman... Fufu.
Ryuuto: …Ow. You know? I think you made my ear bleed…!
Richter: Good grief…
ーー THE END ーー
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Kinktober Ayato -Day Three-
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Tags for the day: Lap dance and face sitting
Summary: The Yakuza boss has only ever fallen for one woman. He would let her get away with anything as long as she was his. With ease he now has the woman in his grasp.
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Messing with the Yakuza boss wasn’t something no one would ever dream of however you weren’t just anyone. You were his favorite dancer, the one he practically begged to become his private dancer. Though he never stopped asking me to become his personal performer every time he came to the club you never exactly said no. Mainly due to your current boss being a dick. Even I wanted to ditch this club for a sexy blue haired Yakuza boss but my current boss would never even dream of letting me go. Throughout the week I would perform as normal but on the weekends I was reserved the entire day, I wasn’t allowed to dance publicly or privately no matter how much was paid. 
Today was Saturday and I was waiting for the man to walk into the room he had reserved with me in it. And like clockwork he came in and I stood up. Ayato came close to me and held me by the hips, putting his face into my neck. 
“God I missed you.” Ayato may be feared by all of Japan but with me he was a clingy man who needed my presence to calm down.
“Did you have a tough week?” I asked, tangling my fingers in his hair. 
“You have no idea. If only I could see you everyday.” I bit my tongue. I was planning on telling Ayato the exact reason I couldn’t ditch this dog awful place to work for him today but I think I need to do it another day. 
“How can I help you?” I asked, The towering man cupped my face, ghosting his lips over mine. 
“Drowning me in your lips.” This was fucking torture for months, actual fucking months Ayato has been teasing me mercilessly. Treating me not like some slut but as a woman. Even in this goddamn lingerie he was a fucking gentleman and handled me as if I was his wife rather than a stripper. 
“Enough of your joking.” I said, his lips were practically on mine as he came closer. 
“I wasn’t joking, let me taste your lips.” I chuckled, covering his lips breaking free from his hold. He groaned, “Y/n I know you want it. Come on if you don’t want me to, I won't.” Ayato covered his eyes and I sat on the stage of the private party room. 
“That isn’t why.” Ayato dropped his hand looking at me puzzledly.
“What do you mean?” I looked towards the boy and realized what I had said and chuckled before hurrying to him wrapping my arms around him. 
“Come on, I know something that’ll make you relax.” I pushed Ayato into the booth-like seats and straddled his lap placing his hands on my hips as I moved my hips slowly, having his focus move from my earlier words to my movements. 
I teased Ayato for a little before he snapped out of his focus, “You can’t just shut me up by dancing! What were you talking about earlier?” I got up and turned around, continuing to move my body. Ayato finally grabbed my hips and forced me to sit down on his lap which had me grinding down on his cock. 
“Y/n, tell me what yo- F-fuck~ wait, no stop grinding into. . .Shit- shit, Y/n, stop~~ Answer me!” He whined as I moved my hips rougher and rougher until he spinned me down, “You cheeky devil, why won’t you answer me?” 
“I have something you’ll like~” The man perked up. 
“Something I like? Did you get me a gift?” Ayato’s voice was laced with excitement. 
“If you let me go I’ll give it to you.” Ayato bit his bottom lips with a childish curiosity debating whether or not to do as I had suggested. Eventually that curiosity of his won; and he let me go. I got up and locked the door to the private room, going back and pushing Ayato to lay down. 
“Promise not to bite.” Ayato tilted his head but nodded. I straddled his face showing off my cunt that was dripping. I looked at Ayato's expression, seeing him absolutely entranced. I slid my panties to the side and and moved my hips a bit all the while Ayato was staring intently, “ready?” I asked. 
“Fuck yes.” I lowered myself to sit on Ayato’s face and as his mouth latched onto my cunt I watched as his eyes rolled back into his head. As I grinded down onto his face Ayato’s hand grabbed my thighs. To say he was ‘eating’ me was an understatement, he was drinking me as if were a man without water in the desert. His expression looked heavenly as he continued to suck and slurp away at my weeping cunt. If my boss heard I did this he definitely would fire me. 
“F-fuck. . .A-Ay- Any, anymore and I-I’ll cum.” I whined which only spurred the man and I pulled out my tongue throwing my head back as I came in his mouth. My legs shook uncontrollably and I squeezed Ayato’s head like a vice as I came down. I only had enough strength to push myself off of Ayato’s face before I worked on catching my breath. 
“Now you have to tell me what you were talking about.” I groaned, hitting Ayato who wrapped me in his suit jacket and held me. 
“It’s not important.” I pouted. 
“Anything that involves you is important to me.” I sighed. 
“I-I wanna go take your job.” -Ayato perked up and snuggled into me- “But, I can’t leave this place.” I say. 
“Huh? What are you talking about?” 
“Big dicky boss man doesn’t want to let me go. I’ve tried to quit dozens of times but he won’t let me go. So no matter how many times you ask, I can’t-'' Ayato cut me off. 
“That’s the reason you’ve never left? If you told me that I would’ve handled it right away. In fact I can take care of that right now.” Ayato pulled out his phone texting someone, setting the phone on my body and a few minutes later the phone rang and Ayato picked it up and put it on speaker. 
“The building you requested to be bought has been purchased. Though I don’t see why you’re buying a strip club it is done.” Another man said. 
“Good, when will my ownership be on paper?” 
“The earliest I can do is wednesday.” 
“Make it monday.” Ayato ordered. 
“Sir I understand you want the quickest processing time but Monday is-” I leaned into Ayato and whispered. 
“Tuesday.” He sighed and asked for Tuesday which made the man on the phone agree in a heartbeat. After that the call ended and I snuggled into Ayato. 
“Better take care of the girls!” I pouted, “Not just me but everyone working here.” He laughed and nodded. 
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@stygianoir @yunadxd
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Could I request this adorable idea with Ayato, Albedo, and Zhongli?
But yes of course! I'm so happy you liked this idea because I actually also think that it's pretty cute! So anyway, I hope you enjoy <3
Ayato, Albedo, Zhongli react on being called the prettiest boy you've met
TagList: @miya-akane - come get your chalk alchemist~
@bleachtheidiot - come get your people~
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⊱ Ayato who's always well manerred and stoic no matter what, even when he starts blushing, he just covers his face with his hand and after a second, his blush is gone
⊱ so are you really gonna let him go just like that? No, no, no, you MUST make this man a blushing mess!!
⊱ and when you finally tell him your cute little compliment, it certainly works but when he wants to cover his face with a hand, you just hold it to have better look which makes his blush even worse
"Thank you so much, mead... Ah- oh, you're quite bold aren't you? Did you wanted to see my face so badly?"
⊱ oh, what's that? He has some paperwork to do? Well not anymore! Now it's time for him to focus on his lover only
⊱ although you two probably won't be going anywhere out that day because he won't let other people see his flustered face
⊱ so if he didn't gave you much affections recently, it's a great way to make him make up for lost times
⊱ he'll most likely not tell anyone about it because of how flustered that made him and he knows that a small blush may appear if he ever tries to mention that
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⊱ Albedo was always so well reserved and it was hard to even make him blush a little bit, so you decided to make it your job to completely fluster him
⊱ and what's better way that do it AND make him aware of how pretty he is
⊱ and when you tell him that, you can see a little bit of red on his cheeks and how his eyes widen in surprise and now how they're looking at you
"I... I'm really flattered that you think so! Thank you, I'm happy you see me in the same way I see you."
⊱ let's pray that he wasn't working on any dangerous experiments if sone incorrectly because it may have not so beautiful outcome...
⊱ if it is dangerous, he'll be mad and his blush will fastly disappear, although if it isn't then he ready for chalk boy to become flustered
⊱ you may not notice it but it really put him in better spirit for the rest of the day
⊱ he'll do his best to not tell anyone but let's be honest, if he babysits Klee that day, she'll notice that he's in better mood and will ask him untill he tells her
⊱ and she is a child so she may tell couple more people... unless he tells her that it's top secret, then she'll do her best to not spill it out
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⊱ it was pretty hard to make Zhongli blush since his usual reaction the any compliment was a smile
⊱ so why not try giving him a better compliment that should dye his cheeks on pink or red shade
⊱ and it certainly works, once you tell him about how pretty he is, you can see light pink shade and a smile on his face
⊱ he's maybe just a little bit flustered but he's actually more happy than that
"Thank you, darling. You don't know how happy those words made me."
⊱ you think he usually ends up rambling to random people often? Well now it's even worse-
⊱ he may hide your identity or may not, it all depends on how comfortable you are with it and will tell others stories about his lover
⊱ after that, you can be sure all is attention that day is at you alone
⊱ be it handholding, brushing your cheek with his thumb or simply admiring your beauty, he literally has to so one of these for the whole day
⊱ maybe his blush doesn't keep for so long but the affection you get is still worth it all, right?
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