#and i didnt talk about it. but she has an arc about coming to terms with her greif for how her mother was injured and also realizing its no
fantastic-mr-corvid · 2 months
fuck it its lesbian week of visibility im dropping the Amelia lore. too many bisexuals* in Cela & co, time for Celias lesbian protégé to shine<3 so time for a ramble<3
[*Rametto is ace aro they just dated a boy for a few weeks to try [read: to rub it in Cecios face that he is chronically unable to get in a serious & honest romantic relationship] but the rest are bi/pan] anyway clarification over:
Amelia is one of the less doomed characters, mainly because shes 1. not part of the immediate family group [of her own volition] E.g. she never has her main residence be with Celia except for a few situations for a short amount of time where she he nowhere and 2. Shes part of the 'second generation' aka not Celia Tesoro, Conficcare or even Elenas cohort, so like Rametto, she gets the benefits of the older ones hard work as well as their protection as they grow into their own.
Her story is fairly simple, her mother is disabled due to a gang related attack, so she steps up to avenge her mother as well as make money to support them both. shes barely a teenager, but so angry at the world for her mother getting hurt that she starts hunting down local gang members to find out who did it and where to find them. she starts shaking down students at Rametto's school, leading to a fight where she breaks one of his year mates arms, getting her expelled from her current school. Rametto is curious at to why she was picking fights, especially given with Celia and Conficcares not so long ago rise to the district squad, people are looking to him as their future successor & leader of the younger members. Rametto tells her it wasnt any of them that hurt her mother, hoping to end the issue
but Amelia ends up joining Ramettos school, and thanks to her already existing reputation, she makes a name for herself as an excellent fighter and a smart one too. Her and Rametto are, to put it simply, rivals for the leadership of the students, and have their own followers and factions, but will join ranks when a threat appears from outside. they gain a lot of respect for each other, an open lesbian, and a glass closet case of gender nonconformity. she was traditionally strong and charismatic and he was manipulative and a chess master- they made very interesting enemies, but when united they were terrifying- and Celia noticed and not only fostered that competition, but also [with Tesoros help] carefully made them closer.
Celia became the adult Amelia could unload her worries to [when shes worried about burdening her mother], acting as an uncle of sorts, and Amelia remains one of the only people who Celia has talked about being a woman [or not] with, after Amelia eventually snaps at Celia about being a coward and not being herself, instead hiding behind masks and masculinity, and hiding from the misogyny she 'should' be receiving, but instead all of which gets placed on Amelia's shoulders.
[shoving my old tags here for an explanation for the implications of that argument: #idk why i havent really taled about her before#oh yea its her complicated relationship with Celia re: womanhood & the rejection of it#Amelia is not being transphobic? well thats not her intent. but Celia hiding something that Amelia gets plenty of shit for is important#i mean none of these characters even my beloved butch lesbian are meant to be paragons of virtue#but none of these fuckers are going to therapy ofc they be yelling at each other# and like i get it i feel shit that im genderqueer and yet just pretend to just be a man to be safer. #idk when i write that argument its gonna be uncomfortable but like. that why im writing these characters ]
like Rametto, she has a complicated relationship with Celia, and especially to do with what Celia has and has not chosen to do. still, because Amelia still has her mother who she can talk to, she fares a lot better than Rametto.
Eventually Rametto is forced to join Passione, and she is now the de facto leader after years of progressively friendlier competition. they are still best friends and rivals though, and they keep each other grounded, joking that they are blood brothers [despite neither being men]
if its not already clear, she a parallel to Elena [a openly girl leading] as well as a contrast to Celia who had to hide her own genderfuckery, where Amelia is openly a butch lesbian. but still, she can be so, in large part to Celia hiding her own identity. her & Ramettos friendship is so fun, both bitchy petty and extremely meaningful for the both of them [ALSO her mother survived and so she has a lifeline & family outside of the violent life, even as she needs to enter it- just like how Celia would have never fallen so deep if not for her mothers death. which is why Celia is seen by her as an uncle of sorts, whereas Rametto has said your not my father one to many times for him to not see her as one]
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relaxxattack · 9 months
Piggybacking off the last anon, what is it you like about Jane so much? I find my feelings on her kind of mixed but I lean towards positive.
okay i haven’t read act six in probably like 5 years so bear with me here. *cracks knuckles*
jane is sooo so interesting and it’s really a shame people miss like everything fun about her.
pre-scratch she used her detective work to literally succeed at tearing down the crocker cooperation, to the point that HIC has to fucking abandon ship and head into another universe to have another shot at her evil empire. pre-scratch jane is also fucking hilarious! if you didnt enjoy her antics with john as nannasprite you must just have no heart
meanwhile HIC breaches a new universe, and her FIRST fucking order of business is to NEUTRALIZE JANE CROCKER because of how goddamn detrimental she was to HIC’s plans the first time around.
not ONLY does HIC pump subliminal messaging and brainwashing into nearly every aspect of jane’s life, she also tries to straight up mind control her basically whenever possible! she ALSO sends assassination attempts after jane 24/7! (people will seriously try to say that jane lived a safe normal life… as if she wasn’t almost killed by walking into her backyard.) this is because HIC is fucking scared of jane, as she very well should be!
jane is also NOT a boring weepy annoying crybaby like everyone and their mother complains about. jane is literally the most fucking supportive friend and emotion-repressing dumbass you could ever hope to meet. jane combines john’s emotional repression and jade’s intentional cheerfulness together into one of the most fucked up cases of emotional repression in the whole comic
act 6 suffers from a LOT of shitty writing choices, but it’s not jane’s fault the whole act turns into a soap opera— and she’s ALSO not the only one who acts all soap-opera-y either! literally all of the alpha kids suffer from this, people just like jane the least so they project it all onto her. despite the fact that she did her very fucking best to NEVER talk about her feelings, to the point where she ONLY started telling people about shit when she was mind-controlled or took mind altering substances to make her do so! and you can say “ohhh that’s stupid she shouldn’t repress things in the first place how dumb” but, one she’s sixteen, and two, everyone eats that shit up when it comes from like. literally any other character.
people (cough hs2 writers) act like she would actually be “pushy” with a relationship on jake— as if she wasn’t literally the one who helped him make the decision to explore dating dirk?? because she thought it was the right thing to do???
jane is incredibly thoughtful and mature and people really throw all of those traits out of the window with preference for a version of the story where she Comes Inbetween Their Fave Gay Pairing as if she wasn’t, again, the one who got them together. jane is also extremely interesting in terms of queerness; she’s got the makings of a really interesting arc, not to mention she’s the only human girl that dresses mainly masc! there’s a lot there that people just don’t care to explore.
people just have less patience for the prospit kids in general. not to mention homestuck fans love to be misogynistic and berate jane for stuff they love the men doing, or claim she’s coming between them when she’s not, etc etc. and then because no one was writing fun meta posts about her, nobody ever rereads the comic to grab little scenes or lines to expand the online discussion about her! and then because there’s no discussion about her, people assume she’s boring and don’t go looking for bits to start discussing, which cycles on and on forever until we have the ripple effects we see of that misogyny today. which mostly consists of, “oh i hate jane because she was a villain is hs2”, or, “i know hs2 isn’t canon but i still don’t care for jane because she doesn’t do anything that interests me.” (and she’s only not interesting because of the cycle i mentioned before causing NO ONE to have meta discussion about her).
idk, it’s been a while since ive read so i could be talking out my ass but that’s what i’ve got.
TL;DR: jane is fucking COOL, she just suffers from intentional fandom ignorance. and she’s also a canonically hot, fat, masc woman, so i don’t know what else you could possibly want.
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strawberryseeded · 7 months
thinking abt bllk (no surprise there) and how (at least until now) all (well, most of?) the characters backstories aka basically the reason for their most prominent issues are, instead of extremely tragic and complex events, simply children's logic applied to recurrent situations in their daily lives (and especially the sport they love):
bachira feels lonely: bachira was a weird and lonely kid who was also extremely passionate abt (and talented in) football, more than any other kid, making bachira feel isolated even when he was playing with others. this got even worse when the kids he played with started to resent him, calling him a "monster" and bullying him. while talking with his mom, she told him to keep believing in his inner voice and ignore those who dont understand him, resulting in bachira giving that voice the form of a "monster" that can play football with him to feel less lonely. which, obviously, made him even more lonely, even if it was an imaginary friend created to aliviate that feeling. because bachira still felt lonely, even after many years and even after playing with other people in school who werent any fun for him, he kept the monster by his side. believing no one could ever beat this monster (thank GODNESS he did 🎉!!! HE is the monster no one can beat!!!! his arc is one of my favs hes literally unstoppable now, i love him dude i love h)
isagi holds himself back too much: isagi (i read the light novel abt him hehe) was a timid and mild mannered kid until he discovered football, which he fell in love with. while playing the sport he could let go of his shyness and actually be selfish and go all out. uuuntil... he entered his high school's reputable football club, where the motto was to play as a team above everything else (a very anti-blue lock logic lol). isagi then, in an effort to accomodate to the social norms of the club (bc hes isagi, and off the field hes calmer and timider), had to simmer down in the field as well. supress himself. at times it seems like his on and off switch is kind of stuck.
barou has main character syndrome: barou was a very, on top of talented, meticulous kid and therefore the best in football out of every other kid he knew, who didnt take it as seriously and were more than happy to let him score all the goals. he didnt understand why they were satisfied with letting other people take all the glory, so he secluded himself, convinced that he was the only player that actually mattered on the field. the best. the Main Character. everyone else was completely worthless, their only use being to serve HIM. (until he got his ass kicked by isagi and became the villan instead of the main character, bc oh, shit, barou's not actually the main character???? then he'll hunt down & DESTROY the main character).
rin (god, rin) has a brother complex (i used to hate when ppl oversimplify whats wrong w him w this term but tbh it does boil down to this lol ToT): rin idolized his older brother like crazy and wanted to be just like him. bc he was also blessed with talent and also had a great relationship w sae, he had everything he needed to fulfill his dream of being the 2nd best striker, the 1st obviously being his older brother, who rin viewed as the best, most talented player in the world. when sae comes back from spain and tells him 'the world is big and im not actually the best, you go and be the best striker by yourself' (basically: our (your) dream is over), rin has a fucking breakdown. its not really a tragic, despair-inducing event, objectively speaking. but in the manga its framed as such bc for rin, in his childish logic, it is. bc his brother IS the BEST player, what the fuck do you mean hes not number 1 outside of japan?? ....then what about rin? if his brother cant be the best, rin cant be the 2nd best either, let alone the best. he feels like sae ruined everything, gave up, broke their (rin's) dream!!!! after sae humilliates him, rin directs all of his frustrations at him and bows to defeat him. as long as rin sees himself as sae's little brother, he's never gonna be able to surpass him, bc in rin's mind, sae is still the best, his talented big brother.
ness believes kaiser, not him, is the magician: ness's case is more serious bc his family was (is?) emotionally abusive towards him. basically, like every other kid, ness believed in magic. the concept of magic is exciting for children and gives them, in the form of play, the opportunity to express their creativity and exercise their imagination; work out a way to make the impossible come true. bc this is so important for their development, usually its the parents role to, at least to a certain degree, keep alive the belief that magic is real. ness's parents, on the contrary, shut down this belief bc it didnt match with their own views. they saw his interests as a waste of time, even letting his sibilings bully him and treat him badly to make him give up on them. ness, however, didnt, and instead found a more socially acceptable way to 'do magic' and express his creativity: football. he feared greatly, however, that football would be taken away from him, so in that faithful match in which he met kaiser he decided to put all of his trust and hard work on him, bc ness believed kaiser was the person who would be able to make the impossible, the magic that ness wanted to create, happen. i think the key to unlock his full potential is stop relying on kaiser so much and start believing in his own magic (kind of like what happened in hiori's arc). we have yet to know kaiser's backstory but i have a feeling those two enable each other's worst traits...
ETC !!!! sorry i got tired of writing lol
anyways these r just my interpretations of the characters feel free 2 b like "was is she ON about"
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amozon28 · 1 year
Spy x Family has done a really good job when it comes to slow burn developing all its characters and world building while still keeping the story interesting and enganging. and with the slow but steady way the characters and plot is being developed its clear to me that Endo has plans for this to be a long term series.
And while this type of story telling is very obvious with Twilight slowly letting his walls down around his family and falling inlvoe with his wife and loving his daughter through as his denials and “for the mission”s he tells himself i actually want to talk about Yor a bit here because her development is far more subtle.
for how happy and loving Yor is its very easy to forget or not notice how incredibly sad her life has been. she didnt get a chance at a childhood because at  very young age she had to become a parent to her younger brother, so much so that she developed her entire life around him. and once he became an adult and didnt need her anymore, she didnt have a life of her own.
and this is where we meet her at the beginning of the series, having no real friends, being told constantly by her coworkers that shes not normal, living in humble furnishings and only owning practical clothing despite having the money to treat herself and live comfortably. and shes still being an assassin despite not needing to provide for her brother.
and this is something she directly confronts during the cruise arc when theres a moment when she thinks she may die, and is at peace with it because up until this point her entire reason for existing, caring for her brother, had been fulfilled. and while she realizes shes still needed by her fake family, that isnt really a healthy substitute for how she values her life
and at first a lot of her development is around her insecurities around her new role as a mother and wife. which is understandable given the time period and the comments she has recieved from coworkers and others that see her as “lacking” in that regard. however everytime she expresses this Loid reassures her shes perfectly fine, and infact she stops thinking this way after the park bench conversation she has with Loid after knocking him out.
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this panel is especially interesting to be because it really highlights WHY Yor has so many insecurities about what others think of her, she spent so much of her childhood alone and working instead of playing with other kids her age or having parents to take care of her. shes doesnt have a lot of socialization skills to help her navigate throught the world. its honestly why i think she clings to the title of “mother” and “wife” so hard because those roles has rules and expectations for how to act that she can figure out. but when it comes to just being “Yor” she doesnt know how shes supposed to be
which is why im REALLY excited for the future arcs involving the Ladys Patriot Society. Because all these ladys love Yor for being HERSELF, they praise her for her mothering skills, they think shes awesome and funny and sweet and genuinely enjoy her company. even when she fails or makes mistakes they dont put her down, because everyone makes mistakes thats normal
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Yor has been the sole provider for her and her brother, and being in a league of assassins is mainly a solo job. she doesnt know how to work with others and always thinks she needs to carry her own weight, which is where a lot of her insecurities about not measuring up and having such a low sense of self worth comes from. but the ladys clubs dont treat her like that
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im so excited so see how Yors arc of self worth outside of what she can “provide” for other people and just learnt o love herself as she is.
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gumjester · 11 months
hey shawty its void from discord (i should change my username)
🏚💭💕🤝🎤 for the EAH ask game
🏚 - favourite abandoned plotline/story arc?
what a terrible misalignment of fate that i did not get to originally lament the tragedy of the abandoned hood-badwolf plotline to the biggest hood-badwolf supporter out there...... but i assume you have read that previous answer on that, you know my thoughts!!
another abandoned plotline that grates on my actual real soul is, of course, the missed opportunity with chase redford. i think about it every day. it keeps me up at night. i wont repeat myself too much from this post but by GOD didnt that boy deserve to come to eah and have a nice time???? a decent time????? a remotely better time than whatever the fuck he was suffering through in wonderland??!? chase redford, lost to the depths......
💭 - any headcanons that are important to you?
the more headcanons i think of the more of them i realise to be actual, real spoilers for my rewrite, be that worldbuilding or character arcs...... UMMMMMMMMM.... its important to me that lizzie has braces. or at least HAD them. it feels like a crucial part of her character. you understand
💕 - any other character dynamics you like (family, friends, ships)?
this is another fabricated chase friendship but the very idea of kitty and chase interacting brings me so much joy and in my head they are the very best of friends !!!!! kind of !!! kitty definitely thinks so!!! she loves to fuck with people and chase is very scared of causing problems so witnessing the abject chaos kitty puts everyone through every day is like simultaneous torture and therapy for him. they feel like this image to me
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🤝 - brotp?
this time in terms of canon! DUCHESS AND SPARROW FTW!!!!!!! they work on literally any level - friends, enemies, lovers, a secret fourth thing.... theyre GREAT and lots of fun to write. banter CITY. so many of their traits intersect in fascinating ways... sparrows casual malice vs duchess' much more calculated and intentional approach, his love of music, her love of dancing, their unique approaches to rebellion... LOVE THEM LOTS
🎤 - what would you change about eah if you could?
GESTURES VAGUELY TO MY REWRITE...... ITS ALL IN THERE GIRL. LITERALLY EVERYTHING. the only reason i ever started my rewrite was out of the burning desire to manifest the changes i had always envisioned in the source material on paper..... im right, mattel. why cant you see that. why didnt you TALK 2 ME BEFORE YOU DID ALL THIS
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clementineskesh · 9 months
okay palisade 27 thoughts
Lots happening this episode!!
MOTIONNNNN!!! Huge fan of motion coming back. The motion scream appearing since the beginning, the motion engines....even back in partizan, it always felt like she was meant to come back, and i LOVE how this is being done. the images were so good.
I like Dust! I like Occam Olio. I like the Us doppelgangers and "they are not dead. they do not leave the tunnels."
Seeing Jesset again also makes me sooooo happy thats my BOY i am jesset fan numero UNO and unfortunately he did get his ass kicked completely but he was cute while he did it and badass.
Elle showing up was beyond exciting! i love to see her!!!
"no one's PRO-Motion" Art has NOT been speaking to my mutuals
Longer thoughts: The big narrative swings (not talking lucia (which i love also) bc that was last ep) were SO cool i love how immediately invested art got in the motion clock, im obsessed with the choices, jesset being put in mortal peril was honestly very fun for me (tragedy enjoyer who loves to mourn their faves)
it really is brutal how authority sweeps every faction turn. on the one hand, I think there is a really good sense of weight and scale here; the authoritarian rulers of a whole planet are not weak and easily toppled, it would be worse if they were always getting beat.
On the other hand, I don't love the way they're going about it. Art backing away from Occam having a character moment SPECIFICALLY because he didn't want to roll and lose a pillar (especially in comparison to keith rolling when he didn't need to duing the stellar combustor arc) was so disappointing. it just felt like a worse story and less fun play. I did not like that at all.
Even though the sense of "the authority is huge and complex and every victory will be a struggle" is good to me and i prefer it, it kind of sucks to feel like the blue channel only faction that DOES anything (even baseline/violet cove mission was mostly a success even though they took the baseline L) Like gucci saying "what do you think we do all day?" girl i think they had your number!! you people are seeming pretty unhelpful!!! i would like it if not just Our Heroes but the entire organization were pulling their weight.
The final thing that occurred to me during the first conflict with jade kill and then got solidified later with art is i think its a huge problem that Hexagon doesnt have more named characters. Blank Shore and Occam Olio and SIlverbrick, the attendants of Gentian, all the higher ups of the Bilats, they have all gotten screen time and exploration and interest from the players. By contrast, most of the named Hexagon members pre-exist the faction games, and they are a lot less fleshed out. The twilight mirage character jack mentioned didnt even get a name. they dont care about them, and we have no one To care about.
So i think in the end i like all the narrative turns this took in terms of big swings and choices, but the energy is leaving me feeling kind of disappointed and uninvested in the individual dice rolls and events and attempts. like i enjoy what they do with the outcomes, but getting to the outcomes this week felt pretty :/ I just wish they would care about the cause too!!! i like what they do with authority but i like the cause and i feel like we dont know them at ALL!
our one former exception was baldwin home who was an outside perspective who deepened the connection a lot, and now he's dead, so like, they've all just become pieces on a board instead of people.
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anyways reading that long ass post i forgot to talk about the joe aspect of it all but honestly i was thinking about how everytime something happens in the taylor dating universe, there are like the same 4 types of posts I see being made about taylor swift and honestly its like okay
i feel this getting rambly so like okay the reason people care about taylor's dating life is because taylor uses her dating life to her advantage. Even that famous quote of hers about the different language prescribed to different genders betrays a truth about her business practices that is obvious to anyone who paid attention during 2023 to her dating life and the truth of the matter is, taylor swift has and always will use her dating life to her advantage.
since folklore, starting with seven, taylor has voiced a story arc of her learning to accept her desire for attention. famous people want to be famous for a reason and that reason at its base level is attention or money, usually both. taylor's music pre-pandemic is very good girl era of her and post-pandemic, she has been slowly making music that is more and more disagreeable with the general public. she is more and more willing to portray herself as the villain because after 9 or 10 failed relationships, you have to start doing serious introspection.
it's extremely unlikely that anyone would be the perfect victim whose only problem was that "they loved too earnestly" in every single relationship they've ever been in. and ttpd exposes a lot of what most of the fandom knows to be true but doesn't want to accept for some reason and that is that taylor swift DOES use her dating life to her advantage. i personally dont see anything wrong with that because like duh, so does literally every other famous person out there? so many musicians sing solely about their dating lives and its only a problem when women accept that this is how they stay relevant in the media.
and like a consequence of taylor using her dating life to her advantage is that those people become public discourse. I think there is a reason why she doesnt say much of anything about her relationship with joe on any of these albums but especially ttpd because i do think that although taylor uses her love life to her advantage, she doesnt do so maliciously and has serious conversations with people about how much they care about being private with their love life.
the way she treats the joe relationship has stayed pretty consistent and she has only ever touched upon what in that relationship made her emotionally cheat and then date ratty in ttpd and thats probably all she will ever be comfortable doing because she knows she doesnt have joe's consent for their relationship to be used for her business purposes. i can see part of the reason why we only really get songs about them falling in love on every album is because that's a generic enough type of song that it doesnt say much beyond basic details of how they met and how he made her feel supported.
and so much of this album is taylor trying to come to terms with the fact that SHE chose her life with joe just as much as he did with her, which is why she ends up at "we both did nothing wrong" and "we just didnt know how to love each other correctly" several times on the record because SHE is just as much to blame for choosing to change herself for love. SHE made the decision to change her strategy when it comes to romance to hold onto the idea of what she thought it'd be like to be with joe.
and it's just wild to me to expect the fandom to not have opinions on quotes given to the public from the figures themselves about their feelings on the matter. like, i cannot make it any clearer that if a celebrity doesnt want you to know something, you wouldn't.
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second-string-loser · 2 years
Second Chance is, and always has been, a rina song. Heres Why:
So second chance came on my shuffle the other day and for the first time I actually listened to the song like, thoroughly. And I'm genuinley in awe of how the verses actually foreshadow the arcs of each characters season three much, much better than they do season two. so heres an analysis of the entire song that took way too much time:
Verse One-
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Right of the bat, ricky's line here is so rina coded its not even funny. at the time of the season two finale it wasn't totally clear what these lines meant, but as soon as season three gave us "can we just start over" it became clear that this line is obviously about Rina starting over, getting their second chance. Specifically from rickys side, because gina always gave it her all but ricky is the one who needed the second chance to prove that he cares about this relationship.
Now Nini's verse is not difficult at all to interpret. Shes leaving to go follow her dreams... thats it good talk.
Verse 2-
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When it comes to EJ, we know that this boy values gina as a person in his life so so much. his verse to me really reads as an EJ in hindsight of the breakup. Misreading the signs obviously had a meaning in season two, but also has a lot of weight in the lens of portwells season three miscommunication. I think this line hints at the fact that EJ is going to feel tons of remorse over the way things ended with Gina and that he will (hopefully) truly show that he can become a better guy soon.
Ginas verse was honestly very confusing to me for a while, i wasnt sure what it was saying. But this post by the lovely @blues-valentine finally got it to me! For season two gina, ricky is the scary option. he has put her through hell at this point and even though he is avalible now, shes not willing to risk that pain again. so she puts her walls back up, and she chooses the safer option: EJ. This frames ej as the temporary option, the one she chooses when shes on the run, they were never written to be permanent.
Post Chorus-
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The post chorus is interesting because for 3/4 of them its just repeating the line from their verse that summarizes their main point the best. Self discovery for nini, a new chance for ricky, and a temporary fix for gina. But this line isn't in EJs verse at all! The only one to sing something different than their previous solo. To me this is showing us how EJ keeps finding himself in this cycle of similar relationships that he thinks are supposed to work out but never do. I would put a lot of money on the idea that in season four, EJ will find himself in an unexpected romance somewhere he never thought hed find it. He needs to break the cycle in order to really grow. yeah that sounds pretty gay i know but i promise i didnt mean that it had to be gay. i sure would like it to be though
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The chorus gets repeated a lot through the song, but this one is the one that shows what it really means in terms of the songs message. Nini is finally getting her second chance to fly, now that she is free of the reigns that her relationship was putting on her. EJ truly does have nothing ahead of him but another chance to fall... and fall he does. (its worth noting his tone here is so defeated and broken though, like he really doesnt want to fail but its an inevitability of this relationship just because of the circumstance). Gina is desperate to know "what can make the tide turn" aka what does she have to do to just not get hurt! And ricky.... well ricky wants to know how to get the spark he once had with gina back and better than ever. These are the lines that actually show us what each characters second chance truly is.
And finally... These are the parts of the song that to me REALLY set up the season three love triangle, and also foreshaddow the rina endgame of it all.
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With the final chorus, ej and ricky have their own adlib lines that make it so. damn. clear. how this all is going to end up. the way ej says "it was just another chance to fall" is so definite, so sure. its clear that this is NOT just speaking about the little miscommunication that pw had in season two. its saying that the relationship as a whole was ALWAYS just another chance for ej to fall. and the pure desperation in "what does it take" just shows the way that ricky NEVER gave up on gina, even when it seemed like he did. and hes willing to do whatever he can to make gina happy, even if it means letting her go.
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and finally, even though we've already spelled out how the entire love triangle is going to play out, we close the song by leaving one character behind and moving on with the three whos journeys we will continue to see throughout the rest of the show.
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cocolacola · 1 year
I say Seras's stuff is underdeveloped in Hellsing Ultimate because Hirano had been distraught over gonzo's portrayal of her and hadn't gone into as much depth in his own work because he development "had already been done" with gonzo.
It's why I prefer gonzo seras..? (I actually prefer Seras over Alucard in gonzo) because there is more time and drawn out investment to her development. Expressing her coming to terms with her role as a vampire beyond the bloodlust and sexualized portrayal ultimate does.
Now I love Seras, don't get me wrong. But there is a degree of truth to saying she lacks the same canonical love/respect that characters like Alucard has. It feels rushed, thrown togeather and driven by fan appeal rather than character growth.
(I hope I phrased that right, I'm writing this out while half asleep. words are hard...)
I'd say you absolutely phrased this correctly, in my opinion. there's nothing wrong with preferring what was done with her character in gonzo, i prefer elements of her from that series over the ultimate canon to some degree.
(putting a cut here because my response gets pretty long)
something that gonzo 100% does correctly is steer more away from the weird sexualization stuff. this may be shallow of me, but I think that could be one of the reasons Hirano wasn't happy with what they did with her. i think the way that Ultimate (specifically the earlier episodes) handled her was incredibly disrespectful. there's so many unnecessary things that just... didn't need to be there. i will make another post about that someday. i definitely think she can become overshadowed by alucard because of these things, which is why i think these conversations are especially important.
I do, however, think there is a difference between underdeveloped and underexplored. Seras' arc has a clear-cut purpose in the manga and Ultimate canon, but the nuances of it are much more subtle and not explicitly shown. she's more dependent on the other characters to explain and cultivate her situation (such as alucard defending her when walter asks why she was turned, and pip and integra offering their blood at different points in the series)
The reason I usually take issue with people saying Seras doesn't have enough development is because they usually are die-hard fans of other characters with the same amount of issues as her. she goes through an arc just like everyone else. to say there's no substance there is sort of just showing the way people stopped paying attention as soon as Alucard got on the boat and the show started focusing on other characters.
Im not here to say Hirano wrote her perfectly because he didnt. I have a lot of problems with how Hellsing is written. but to say that out of all of the characters that Seras is the one with no development?? it seems like a stretch to me.
when it comes to other people in this fandom, i dont think it's fair to use the "she didn't do anything" argument to simply toss her out of any discussion about the show. that's mostly what im against, so this is actually a breath of fresh air to me. there's so many interesting things to talk about in comparing her development in gonzo vs ultimate.
your point was 100% made and this was great to think about. and as always, thanks for the ask!!!!
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butchpeabody · 1 year
Zetto and/or Kizuna for the character ask?
once again for this...i shall take more if anyone wants to send
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under the a cut once again!
favorite thing about them: when i was a kid the kirb/zetto twist did genuinely make me insane. in a good way. i think hes a really fascinating character in his like...Mentality Switches between personas yk. guy whos a jerk in a funny way vs guy who just actually sucks
least favorite thing about them: honestly i wish it was just made more clear during like episode zero or smth what his stance in sofdti as like....a living thang was? not that it would matter much in the grand scheme of his development but idk kizuna said some SHIT yk
favorite line: id probably say like...a lot of stuff from the nylocke battle in the gemini tournament. absolute lowest point of that guy its really interesting. (obligatory MY ARM AAAAAGHHHHH mention purely because holy shit he was screaming)
brotp: HIM AND GAMESOFT oh my godd them together. aughh. the only two guys who Know the guys who can talk abt shit and he can be sad. solace in understanding and so on
otp: i know its basic but like....alphazet mannn. everything abt the two of them was PAINFULLY gay and its honestly kind of funny kirb (the guy not the character) didnt notice. runner up is him and nylocke becahse i just think they are silly and funny
notp: i dont really have anyone with him that i actively LOATHE but i think its probbably him and kizuna. putting my personal gay zetto hc aside i think theyd both be wayy too codependent unless they got like. therapy. i know a lot of what ive been saying so far makes it sound like i hate kizuna but i dont i PROMISE
random headcanon: i feel like postseries hed find a way to set gs up with a virtual machine desktop of her own so her knowledge of the world can extend beyond what she knows in tome. they spend time bonding over computer science n junk :)
unpopular opinion: im honestly never good at this part but as an adult with better drawing skills now...i actually like drawing his hair
song i associate with them: zetto was never someone i had much of a playlist for back in the day so i had to scrounge a bit but i think i found something satisfactory
favorite picture of them:
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favorite thing about them: REALLY underrated secondary antagonist, interesting moral code, she has insane girlie guilt over her actions that doesnt get explored enough.....and shes a kitty cat :)
least favorite thing about them: her arc in the original series was like...a little inconclusive? i wish she couldve come to terms with sofdtis sentience and whatnot. the trajectory of a2z is changing her in a way im really liking so far though! im excited to see where she goes
favorite line: that whole rant at the tail end of the series where shes just like. a bunch of people she cared about almost died and she was freaking the fuck out. it hurts....i love her she needs THERAPYY
brotp: she doesnt get to interact with too many characters during the series but in my perfect world i think shed be chill with demonking. dont question my madness i know im right
otp: re the previous answer she doesnt interact with a lot of characters, on this note Especially im hesitant to give a definitive answer but i think if her parallels with flamey were more explored...in my perfect world.........theyd work so spicily
notp: same as zetto but also tacking gs onto this. less out of kizunas ability to see her as a person currently and more that in the future if/when she does end up coming around i do feel like gs would still be hurt by it. theyd be buddies tho:)
random headcanon: with the rpg version of tigerlily i sometimes wish that series kizuna had like...a secret lil roleplay presence. not necessarily on tome itself but she has to cool of SOMEHOW right. she made an anime catgirl avatar i KNOW she has thoughts about that shit
unpopular opinion about them: kizuna is probably the most divisive character ive done for this so far...all i can really say is like...i joke about supporting womens wrongs and stuff but i think introspectively she does have a lot of potential as a character that we dont see a lot of because most of the scenes with her are from zettos perspective. AGAIN tho im reallly liking where a2z is taking her so far i hope i get more scraps
song i associate with them: much like zetto she wasnt someone i had playlists for back in the day however unlike zetto i have the PERFECT one for her. nonexistent meet-cute (idlyam) by vylet pony.... feeling it
favorite picture of them:
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aemiron-main · 2 years
I agree that gay!Mike is easier to resolve things out and it works better to explain things. Because it is purely a specific conflict for Mike's character rathen than it being about El or Will too.
With the lack of gay!Mike & and the bi!Mike theory, you have to explain so many things to resolve the plot and dynamics of the characters such as;
1- why and when Mike did fall out of love with El, why El wasn't enough or fit and why Will is better. That just doesn't make much sense to be to wrap up the characters' dynamics and arcs. Because even if you argue that El also did not love Mike, the narrative still makes it that there was something that just didnt click between El and Mike, and that El wasnt enough. It just... doesnt seem a right way to solve this thing to me.
2- With the gay!Mike narrative you can solve that weird tension by just saying that Mike came to realize that he is gay and that is why he is unable to love El romantically. Not because El lacks something in particular, or not because El just isnt fit for him. But because it is something about his sexuality that makes him unable to love El like that.
3- It is more clear cut, and resolves the pitting of El and Will against each other in the narrative. I am not saying Will and El literally are pit against each other, but I am speaking in narrative terms here. Here is that El and Will both serve as potential love interests to Mike. So they are 'rivals' as presented. So in the story where Mike ultimately chooses Will because Will was more fitting for him and was better, it creates a tension between these two characters (El and Will) AND it doesnt resolve the characters' arcs! Even if the writers make El be happy about Byler (I am sure she will), it still stands that El was not meant to be chosen! It just doesnt solve or resolve the issue here!
Like people dont realize it but Mike being something other than gay is actually the thing that complicates the plot, complicates the relationship dynamics and arcs, and just makes the resolving of this conflict and issue harder too. Gay!Mike is clear cut because you only need to explain that Mike is gay and his lack of attraction towards women is what makes him unable to love El romantically. That doesnt have anything to do with El herself. It doesnt even have anything to do with Will. It is purely about Mike himself and his sexuality. So you just have to point that out and that's it! It is easier and resolves all of this shit in a better way!
ANON I AM CLAPPING AND HOLLERING AND CHEERING LITERALLY YES LITERALLY ALL OF THIS I HAVE THE SAME THOUGHTS AS YOU YES!!!!! YESSSSSS!! I have a big post/response to another ask coming in regards to this EXACT topic and what’s been said here and I just cannot emphasize how much I agree with you, YOU KNOW WHATS UP ANON YOU GET IT YOU SEE THE VISION, UR MIND IS HUGE!!! JUST YES ALL OF THIS IM BANGING MY DESK IN AGREEMENT!!! IT HELPS RESOLVE THE NARRATIVE EXACTLY LIKE NOT ONLY IS IT EASIER TO RESOLVE THAN OTHER SEXUALITIES FOR MIKE BUT IT LITERALLY PLAYS A KEY ROLE IN RESOLVING THE NARRATIVE AND CHARACTER ARCS!! And it plays that big role because it’s been SET UP THAT WAY from the START!! Mike has been written as gay from the start and like I’m gonna talk about in my big gay mike analysis, this is supported by EVERY ASPECT OF THE SHOW: the set design, the costuming, the lighting, the soundtrack, the writing, the narrative, the allegories, the cinematography, EVERYTHING!! It’s been built up this entire time!!!! YES!!!!!
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sarcophagid · 2 years
Uhh what’s your favorite TR arc and why??
i think ive talked abt this b4 but it just has so much stuff i like in it. its my favorite in terms of storytelling i'm not deep i like easily recognizable gimmicks for babies idc. theres a bunch of reasons i like it so:
the kisaki-hanma-chifuyu-takemichi teamup i love their begrudging cooperation and their hostility...i miss them every day... when will C4U/KillemAll/The Hanmas come back from the war... i see them in every group of 4... the wiggles, teletubbies, tmnt... it was a team born to die but what a beautiful birth...
i think the tenuous dynamics between the gangs at the time was fun the suspense was good. baji just died, kisaki and hanma still in toman, black dragons about to go warring with everyone, no one likes each other it was a great spawning ground for drama
yuzuha was one of my favorite main characters of the arc... no one else understands this... her sigma philosphy of killing taiju. i talked about this more in an older ask but in summary: i like the “inescapable violence” theme in the christmas arc. yuzuha kills taiju to protect hakkai, hakkai takes the blame to protect yuzuha and becomes BD leader to end up just as corrupt as taiju, cycle of doom. neither yuzuha and hakkai had any bad intention they had the same ‘desire to protect, to do good’ that got pushed to the point of doing bad things. even taiju seems to have his version of good will but theres just something up with that guy dawg.
i really wish they’d say smth abt yuzuha in the future of the manga bcz what is she even doing while her little brothers in the middle of the chaos but also the plot has expanded so much by now that unfortunately she probably won’t make another major appearance -_-
on the other side, taiju was my favorite antagonist, i never draw him but he has one of my favorite designs in the series even though every panel of his jumpscares you. takemichi saw him once and immediately started getting night terrors
going off on a tangent though, i'm... iffy about the 'redemption'. i like taiju but this is on the level of him being an imaginary dude with a big role in a story. the point of the story is that you dont like him, hes still a huge douchewagon... i don’t think the main cast (including hakkai) would still be cool with him even though its been 2 years it’s not something that just ‘gets better with time’. taiju didn’t even really say he was gonna be a better person (im pretty sure he said smth the opposite lmfao but i don;t remember well). in the timeskip, it could be interpreted that he did make an effort to improve given how seriously he took grieving hakkais death, but thats 10+ years after the affair, and even then it’s only an implication! that sketch of taiju with mana and luna never sat right with me why does mitsuya trust him sm all of a sudden...in my opinion they really didnt need him to return?? there are better candidates to nearly castrate sanzu for threatening takemichi, fight the living legends, etc. (what happened to the rest of toman, or just ask anyone here they’ll nominate their little boyfriend ran haitani or smth) i could talk about this a lot but TLDR i think it’d be fine if he just went away lol you dont need to have them make up it doesnt make sense
honorable mention! tenjiku arc was fun i liked getting to see the stories of the side cast (esp kawata brothers, mucho, emma)
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jackiietaylor · 2 years
☕️ people saying eddie is coming back next season + the love for him but complete disregard for max
thank you for asking! this turned out really long
hmm first of all, i don't think he's coming back. i mean i loved him as a new addition and wouldn't be opposed to it if it did happen, but its not going to. thats not really what you asked but let me start with that anyway. i completely understand why people want him back and weren't happy with his death/why he died/how he died, but i can't really say i feel the same way. i mean ill be honest, i was reading spoilers for months before the season came out and knew he was a goner, so maybe thats why im not really interested in a plot where hes alive, but i think it was kinda obvious that he existed the way he did just so they didnt have to kill steve. and i think stranger things as a whole, because of the way they have handled character deaths in literally every season so far (barb, bob, alexei, chrissy, etc), has this weird phenomenon where fans get way more attached to new side characters that exist only to die than the writers have ever intended, and that combined with the constant use of fake out deaths has created this idea that everyone needs to or is going to come back even when it doesnt make a ton of sense or would set the story back. i think theres so many interesting plot lines being set up for s5 (el vs vecna final showdown, max, wills connection to the upside down/vecna, the upside down literally leaking into hawkins) and i just dont think bringing back a character who had a decent (in my opinion) death scene would be a great use of screen time. but like i said i get that people really like him and want him back so if they want to theorize that hes somehow coming back as a vampire or whatever i have no problem with it. they seem like theyre having fun idk
(i dont even know how to word what im trying to answer the second part of your message so this is a little all over the place sorry.) you bring up a really good point about the differences in reaction to eddie and max. i can't say im particularly surprised that all the attention after volume 2 went to eddie instead of max. i think just about everything to do with max's arc this season was done almost perfectly, and its really unfortunate that so much of that is being ignored. also back to what i was saying before about theories, theres so few people really talking about what happened to max/where she is (in terms of the fact that el couldn't find her in the void)/how's shes going to get freed from wherever she is. i think that part of the finale was so interesting but its largely ignored because maxs "death" was overshadowed by eddies. and I dont think that was the intention in the way that those scenes were written, I think thats entirely because of fan reaction. and kinda unrelated but ive also seen a ton of people posting about st and eddie in particular that have either a. not seen the show at all or b. only watched s4 for him, which i mean theres nothing wrong with, but it definitely shows in the discussion thats been happening about volume 2/season 4 as a whole. anyway long story short max has been one of the best characters on the show since s2 and people need to acknowledge that more, especially because so much of s4 revolved around her but shes barely being talked about, even when her plot going into s5 is probably going to be one of the most interesting
send me a topic + ☕️ and ill tell my honest opinion about it
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infizero · 16 days
pokespe reread: firered & leafgreen chapter - closing thoughts! 🔥🌿
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we've come to the end of FRLG! i really like this chapter. its great getting to see these guys again when they're a little older, and seeing silver interact with the kanto dexholders outside of just blue; alongside everything with him and giovanni of course. let's get into it!
first off, i think this is the first arc where there's been such a clear overarching theme. im sure if i really sat down and thought about it i could come up with something for the other chapters, but this is the first one where it's felt so obvious. that theme of course being family - specifically family meeting either for the first time or the first time in a while
we start the story with blue going to finally reunite with her parents, who she hasn't seen since she was five. giovanni and silver are both looking for each other, having been separated when silver was only two. later we find out that deoxys' has red's blood, which connects them biologically and makes deoxys want to seek him out.
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and in the end, the day is saved by mew, coming to the rescue of its offspring, which mewtwo appreciates bcuz it's never really gotten to meet mew before. there's also green and professor oak. other than those two, they're all people who are biologically connected and either haven't met or have been separated for a long time.
i just think it's really cool how pervasive this theme is, and how it manifests in different forms! specifically the fact that we get that kind of relationship between humans, between pokemon, and between both. i think thats cool
sort of going off of that, i think the flashback to blue and silver escaping in the beginning is a great opener, even if it takes a while to come back. i actually didnt know until this readthrough that that story was originally its own individually published thing and not technically part of the FRLG chapter!
i think even with that in mind, it serves the purpose of reminding the reader of their backstories, which is specifically important in this arc since both of their origins are explored. it reminds you just how much they've been through and how much reuniting with their families would mean to them, which makes everything that happens with that later in the chapter hit way harder than if we were only reminded of their past in brief mentions in dialogue or whatever.
silver's character in general is really strong in this arc, you really feel for him. and like i mentioned before, it's really cool getting to see him interact with yellow and green! i like both of their dynamics with him, and i think it's especially nice to see how green and silver are on better terms compared to the end of GSC lol
going onto his dad. i really love giovanni in this chapter. i love how he's still a villain but when it comes to silver he's actually like. a good dad? and super dedicated to trying to find him again and protect him etc etc.
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also with all the talk of silver becoming the future leader of team rocket, it reminded me of how in RGB giovanni initially offered red a position in team rocket as his right hand man. back then i mentioned how perhaps in a way, he was seeking to fill the void his missing son left behind, and i definitely think that's true even if he wasn't consciously aware of it.
moving on, MEWTWO!! i love seeing mewtwo work alongside red and the others, and i really like its dynamic with deoxys, im happy they got to be friends in the end. i like how mewtwo fights giovanni bcuz it doesnt want another pokemon to suffer at his hands like it did :( i just really like how mewtwo is portrayed in pokespe in general
last note on the more minor characters in this arc before i get to the more major players - yellow finally gets to be an official dexholder!! yay!!
i will say that i wish they still looked more androgynous; yamamoto definitely draws them more overtly femininely in this chapter. but at the very least we got the "for some reason, she chose to hide her identity as a girl" line in their bio which is a massive win for me. i wont elaborate lest i ramble about non-binary yellow for 5000 years again
anyways. RGB BABEYYY
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i love them sooooo much, i love how much they care about each other ToT seeing blue and green get to actually fucking talk to each other was very much appreciated. and the scene where blue talks to red thanking him for saving her and reassuring him was sooo sweet.
i already kinda said a lot of this, but i like how green and blue react differently to red's little crisis (we'll get there in a second.) blue's been through a lot of shit, of course she wouldn't look down on red for being scared and respect his decision to just stay out of it.
meanwhile green is more hotheaded and so when red, who never gives up, decides to just give up and not even try, green of course gets frustrated. he doesn't really think red is a coward or anything, he just gets frustrated when red shuts him down without even trying to hear him out.
on the topic of red and green specifically, i LOVEEEEEEEE their dynamic in this chapter. i love how much it's shown that they are best friends and they care about each other. even with them arguing, by the end you're never led to believe they're anything other than best friends. getting to see them smile at each other and hang out (and the implication that they hang out one-on-one a lot? at least enough that yellow just assumed that red would be with green) makes me so so happy
and i loveeee how green is constantly looking out for red in this chapter. there's like 3 separate instances where red can't stand and green supports him, and just in general stuff like green always making sure he's ok......... its really really sweet i love their dynamic in this arc specifically so much
alright and now we get to the big one. ohhhh red i love you you have so many issues
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red's crisis in this arc is sooooo gifted kid core. like. he's been this fantastic trainer from such a young age, he became champion, he literally brought down a crime syndicate when he was 11, etc etc.
so of course when he loses to deoxys, he immediately spirals into "oh im a failure im washed up i actually dont deserve to be a dexholder im useless lol". he does not know how to deal with failure.
and the thing is, this definitely stems from his defeat on mt moon. these feelings aren't new, this is definitely something he's thought about before and this experience was just the breaking point. being defeated on mt moon was his first big failure but this one establishes it as a "pattern" in his eyes which is why he freaks out so much.
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from the way he apologizes to his pokemon afterwards, it's also very clear to me that he still has a LOT of lingering guilt about what happened on mt moon. this was already shown in GSC when he left pika behind in order to protect him; he clearly felt extremely guilty about pika getting injured on mt moon and didnt want something like that to happen again. so obviously when something like that happens again here, he gets super upset.
speaking of what happened on mt moon, him being so open to working with lorelei feels a littleeee weird to me? but to be fair they are in a tough situation where they really need to work together and red is a very nice purehearted person so. shrugs. idk i can buy that
another thing about that is how easy it is to read red as still having lasting damage from being frozen in this arc. the instance i found particularly notable was when he and green are undergoing ultima's training.
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they both go through the same amount of strain, but while green is just winded, red gets exhausted to the point where he can't physically stand anymore and has to be supported by green, which lines up with his issues with standing after being frozen which were explored in GSC.
it's never actually stated that red got fully healed at mt silver technically? iirc. but i feel like thats supposed to be the implication, since sabrina sends him to the extra special spring that's supposed to work more thoroughly and quickly, and we don't see him have any more issues related to that damage - at least that are pointed out in the story itself as stemming from that. but subtle stuff like this to me reads as him still having at least some damage even after mt silver
which also can tie into his whole gifted kid mentality in this arc. (this part is more interpretation, bear with me) it's not just about his battling skills, but also him being physically weaker than he was pre-mt moon. i can imagine that that would be something that would continue to frustrate him. even if he's able to know his limits (sometimes lol), he doesn't like the fact that those limits exist in the first place, yknow? he wishes he could just be perfectly able-bodied like before and the fact that he isn't contributes to the feelings of unworthiness he struggles with during this arc.
i guess in summary, as @/sugarglider-s put it. men will literally have a breakdown on the beach about not being able to beat deoxys and therefore deem themselves worthless instead of getting a mobility aid
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on a lighter note. this blank tank top is the best and gayest red has ever looked 10/10 no notes
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and that's about all i have to say for FRLG!! hope they're cool with just chilling in that stone for a while, because it'll be a lil bit before we get back to them. it's EMERALD TIME baby!!!
im excited for emerald purely bcuz. i get to see my little guy again. but also because it's probably the arc i remember the least? like i could tell you shit about the other chapters but i have literally no memory of wtf happens in emerald other than. well. emerald's there. so we shall see!!! see you then!!
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blog-of-reaction · 8 months
Alright so, thoughts. I knew that professor was evil but did anyone listen to me? No. How dare the characters not be able to hear my talking at the screen.
Ranger dude (look no one ever says his name, it’s not my fault) is apparently part of some ancient bloodline of warriors or something. Cool for him. He (kinda) got to kill Richie so also good for him. His arc was cool and idk if he’ll be in the 2nd season. But yeah, he’s cool.
Apparently creepy lady is actually kinda a good guy. Who’d’ve thought. So yeah, I hope she successfully kills the nine dark lords and takes down that whole empire.
Richie is actually kinda smart and yeah I’m, he killed his dad but was kind of justified. He and Seth really should’ve figured their shit out though. They never really got some uninterrupted time to actually talk.
Seth is so done with this shit which I can respect, he’s also angry at Richie even though their dad was an abusive piece of shit, which I can also respect. He needs a bit of time to come to terms with this new information. But he just up and left Richie. Like dude, come on. I mean, Richie kinda left him to but whatev. Also, why didnt he grab the money while rescuing Richie. Like, they’ve gone through so much shit because of it (I mean it was never just about the money but I digress). Plus, Carlos mentioned, in front of Richie if I recall correctly, that it was more than just money, that it was something to do with the oil business and expanding their empire so like why in the world?? I hope in the chaos everyone forgot about it and it’s just sitting their in a random place in the middle of nowhere.
Also, Carlos’ reaction when Seth mentioned Richie killed their dad was hilarious.
And finally the heist/labyrinth. That shit seemed way to easy. Like, it’s talked up to be some big thing about how to hero brothers beat the gods at their own game. I honestly hope it wasn’t about that because like yeah, it seemed to easy.
Scott. They never really payed off on that whole hinting that he was a supernatural creature thing. He just got turned into a culbera. And I mean, it could just be my past experiences of watching teen wolf but usually if someone attempts to turn a supernatural something into another supernatural something it doesn’t go well.
Kate. I have a lot of thoughts about her and I’m not sure how to word any of it. But I mean, I do like her and that chainsaw thing was pretty cool. Although why she didnt ask to go with Ranger dude is a mystery to me. Well I mean, not really I guess. Her old life is thoroughly gone now, but still. Like, why didnt she just drive away? However I too can see the appeal of going with Seth Gecko to parts unknown (but knowing that probably you’ll steal some stuff.) yeah. Idk. I’m interested to see how everything has changed her in the next season. Her tenacity is admirable though. When she decides to do something she is going to get it done. I don’t know, she kind of reminds me of Shallan in some ways. I have yet to decide if that means good or bad things to come for her.
Carlos. Dude, how stupid can you be? If you run a big coup and then it turns out your co-conspirator doesnt actually really care about you that does NOT mean that you should team up with the guys you just led a coup against. Like, that is one of the worst possible things to do given who everyone is and stuff.
I really didn’t appreciate the general sexism of the show but I guess I can get over it. I mean, it’s not really that different from other shows sadly.
Gore was a bit much but I wanna see this through. Plus, it’s helping to prepare me for watching Hannibal one day.
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jetiisyandereclones · 2 years
I LOVE your Yandere clone family au, but is it wrong that I feel Hunter wants out of the situation as much as the darlings that haven’t given up trying to escape?
Ok, this could be interesting. I personally see him staying as a yandere, but that's just me.
So, alternately. Hunter sees whats going down.
His brothers are rounding up the jedi, throwing them in isolation cells, and gods forbid, they are collaring and chipping them?!
He just got back to tipoca, his brothers and omega behind him. They go through tipoca and hes horrified. Clones dragging drugged jedi masters around and toting younglings through the halls like they were prize pets
What. The. Hell.
He sees arc trooper fives trying to gently maneuver the 7 foot general shaak tii into am isolation cell. Echo suddenly runs up to him, hunter thinks hes going to demand what they are doing, why are the jedi being imprisoned.
Instead he helps fives. Takes the generals other arm, enquiring as to her health, is she alright, did she hurt herself.
Hunter was alarmed. None of the batch were seeing any issues here. The best generals in the gar were here, all in various states of consciousness.
Hunter turned to his vode, about to ask if they were seeing the same thing he was when crosshair spoke up.
"They got them all back. Good. I was worried there would be casualties."
Wrecker and tech agreed. Little omega didnt know any better and went along with it.
"There were a few escapees but they are being rounded up as we speak."
Tech spoke up, nise buried in his data pad.
"Your beloved has been rounded up, but the alpha squad has already put a claim on both her and her partner"
Crosshair looked sick at this.
'Good, at least he sees this madness...'
"No. She was supposed to come to me. She chose me. She saved ME, not them"
"I'm sorry crosshair. Unless you arrange something with them, your love is out of your reach"
Crosshair snarled an stalked off, leaving hunter confused.
"Tech, what's happening?"
"The end of the war, and the retrieval of the jedi"
It was rex, and in his arms, ashoka tano.
"What are you talking about., retrieval? And is that a peice of the jedi temple?" Hunter pointed out as two tech clones walked by with a wall mural.
"Fox killed palpatine. His ad'ika discovered he was a sith lord and tried to confront him. She almost died, but fox stopped him."
At this the togrutan in rex's arms shifted, frowning in what hunter could only assume was a drugged sleep.
Rex tenderly soothed the frown line out of the togrutan's face.
"I know it's hard to see them like this hunter, but it's for the best. The world was going to abandon them like they did us. We couldnt let that happen. They'll come to terms with it. The young ones are already settling in. Look" he turned to see a young twi'lek and human youngling running around, playing with a tooka under the watchful and fond gaze of a group of shinies.
Hunter felt sick
"Are you okay?" Rex asked concerened
'No' hunter thought.
"Uhh, yeah. Yeah I'm fine, just tired I guess"
He hoped to god this was a mightmare.
Rex smiled understandingly.
"I know this seems strange, you never had a jedi padawan or general to call your own, but I promise, they grow on you. Become family"
He looked at ashoka again as she squirmed I his arms.
"They all will"
All hunter could see were cuffs and cells, and madmen.
'I'll help you', he thought as rex put ashoka gently down In a holding cell.
It's been 3 months and more jedi come and go out of the cell than he can stand. They always come out looking so broken. Vulnerable and scared. Clinging to their "family" as they are half carried to a room to bond with the clones.
It made him sick.
He was the only one on kamino who thought this way. The only clone that is. Plenty of jedi want off badly. Some made it but were dragged back.
The final straw was when hunter saw vera, a jedi who saved crosshair from drowning when he was just a kid, dragged off into isolation by crosshair and the alpha clones for trying to escape with her love.
He was gonna help them. If he could only get a handful off then he would do it.
He couldnt stay anymore in this sick twisted paradise.
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