#and i feel like if dndads was animated i would like for it to look simplified and or like old cartoons
koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
perhaps a swiftli if youre still taking reqs :-3 does Not have to be romantic if thats not ur jig i just enjoy them as a duo in general
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I honestly love this schetch and i might just make a full piece out of it. They are going camping :)
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cookies-over-yonder · 11 months
find your comfort zone, force yourself outside, lay your soul bare, you've nothing to hide
gift for @oneinchfrog
[title from How To Play The Keys from Rockabye]
Taylor transforms Link into the Musashi to his Kojiro. ✧*.♡.*✧ DnDads Halloween Week Day 2: Costumes and Dressing Up
⊂(´・◡・⊂ )∘˚˳°
"Can I look at myself yet?"
"No! Let me finish this first," Taylor says, staring at his lips with laser focus.
The lipstick feels… fine. It's not terrible, but not great. He could get used to it, he thinks.
His face scrunches up involuntarily from the way the brush tickles his cheek.
"Hold still, I'm making you blush," Taylor says, giggling to himself.
"Okay," Link hums, holding still as possible despite his exceeding ticklishness. "You know, I did play the games, but I've never seen the show."
Taylor gasps and lets out an overly dramatic, disbelieving "no..."
"Um. Yes?"
"Okay. We have to watch Pokémon together. ASAP."
"Like, all of it?"
"Of course! Clear your weekends. And weekdays."
"I'm free weekends, but we both have school—"
"School can wait."
"What about soccer practice?"
" Liiiink…. waaa…." Taylor pouts, and his lipstick shimmers, reflecting the mirror and ceiling lights into a thousand little specks of periwinkle glitter.
Link guides his gaze up from Taylor's lips to his dazzling green eyes. Link's always loved Taylor's pitch black eyes, but these contacts definitely add to the look. He's not wearing the wig yet, but Link's sure it'll tie the look together.
Taylor picked out another set of green contacts for Link—he asked for Link's prescription before even bringing up the Halloween idea—and he wonders how they look on him with the makeup newly added. Taylor said he'd force Link to take them out before bed after hearing about his issues with contacts before.
"I'll watch it with you, I promise. But for now, why don't you just tell me about them?"
Link smiles when Taylor's forced pout breaks into a toothy grin.
"Okay! Well, Jess— Musashi is a total badass," he starts "and she has a tragic backstory," he balls his left hand into a fist near his chest for emphasis, still holding a makeup brush in the other.
He moves onto eyeshadow, diving into an elaborate and animated explanation of Team Rocket's lore, and particularly Jessie's backstory.
"Also, I'm like, totally in love with her," he adds as the final button to his ramble, just as he finishes the makeup.
"A lot to live up to," Link comments with a little smirk, and the slight flush of Taylor's cheeks is the cutest reward.
He huffs and glances away before putting the brushes down. "Let me go get the clothes," he says, before starting down the hall.
"Can I take a look now?"
"Waaaiiit…" he calls back from another room.
He comes back with the clothes: a black sports bra, a white leather crop top, and a white leather miniskirt.
"It's soft on the inside, see?" Taylor says, and he grabs Link's hand—and Link gazes at the magenta nail polish shimmering in the light—and guides it toward the inside of the fabric of the skirt. It is soft. "Do you need help getting dressed?"
"Maybe…" Link says, picking up the sports bra.
"We could also use a tank top, but I thought this would be more comfortable with the layers. And if we cut a tank top, it might be a little uncomfortable, since I'm still kinda shit at sewing, and my machine hates me, but if you want—"
"I can wear it," Link cuts him off softly. "Just… you can help me put it on?"
He isn't sure why he phrased it as a question.
"Yeah, of course," Taylor says, taking the sports bra and shutting the bathroom door with his heel. "Take off your shirt."
Link stands up and does so—it's a plain pyjama tee shirt, stretchy and easy to slide off like everything else he wears—and he places it on the counter.
"Arms up!"
Link raises his arms in the air, and Taylor lifts the sports bra up before the realization paints itself onto his glittering green eyes. He puts a hand on Link's shoulder to push him down, and he obliges, sitting back in the chair, arms still raised.
Taylor slides the bra on without any trouble. It's stretchy, and form-fitting, and not loose at all, but not too tight either. It's fine. It's good.
"Can I look in the mirror? Please?"
"Okay," Taylor says, rather unexpectedly, considering the way he'd emphasized waiting until Link was fully in costume before taking any sort of look.
There's something softer in his eyes too, and Link isn't exactly sure why, but he brushes it off in favour of focusing on his reflection.
Taylor's done makeup on Link before, but it was usually a little bit of eyeliner, maybe some shimmery eyeshadow and nothing more. This is different.
His lips are a deep magenta, just like his nails, and there's glittery deep red blush on his cheekbones. His eyeshadow is white and glittery, presumably to match the clothes, and the black eyeliner on his upper and lower eyelids paired with the dark mascara make his eyes pop even more than before.
The heavy makeup definitely makes the green eyes on their own far less strange, though it's still a little odd. Link's only ever worn clear contacts.
Link's hardly worn makeup before. And this look, well, it's more feminine than anything he's ever done. There's a bit of a flutter in his chest, and while he's not certain why, he suspects it's the novelty of it all. It's new territory, and he actually really, really likes it.
"Does it feel okay?"
"Huh?" Link asks, still gazing at his makeup in the mirror.
"The sports bra."
Right . Link pulls his gaze away from his face down to his torso.
Link has never worn a bra of any kind.
It reaches to about halfway down his torso, almost like a skin-tight crop top. Link has never worn a crop top either.
It's way tighter than what he would usually wear, but not uncomfortably so.
Again, there's that same flutter in his chest. It's the excitement of something new, probably.
"Is it okay?" Taylor asks again.
"Yeah, it's good."
"Okay. You can wear your shorts under the skirt by the way. I usually do that with mine too, but whatever's comfortable."
Link nods, picking up the skirt. There's a zipper in the back, and the waistband is reasonably stretchy.
He slips it on over his shorts and zips it up without any problem, and Taylor hands him the shirt, which takes and pulls over his head. It fits fine.
He looks in the mirror again. The eyeshadow does look good with the shirt and skirt.
Link has never worn a skirt before.
At least he doesn't think he has. Memory is confusing, and nothing is for certain.
Either way, it looks good.
He likes it.
"The gloves and boots are in my room. You can put those on while I get changed in here."
The boots are also easy to slip into, and the gloves are smooth and soft instead of stiff and scratchy like he had expected.
Though, he doesn't know why he expected that. Taylor has sensory issues even worse than Link's, so it makes perfect sense that he'd put so much thought into making the costume comfortable.
Looking in the mirror, Link almost sees an entirely different person staring back.
He looks like a girl.
Well, the character is a girl, so it only makes sense.
And skirts and feminine makeup don't necessarily equate to gender either. Taylor wears them all the time.
Looking at himself like this, there's that feeling again. It's kind of exhilarating.
His black curls look nothing like the character's hair, but Taylor already knew he's not big on wigs.
The miniskirt makes Link wonder what it'd be like to wear different kinds. Taylor's a big fan of the shorter ones because they offer more mobility in the legs, though Link's always admired the way longer ones look.
"Did you bring your Garfield plushie?" Taylor asks. Link didn't even hear him open the door, but he's stepping out of the bathroom fully dressed in a white top and white pants, with his own gloves and boots, all matching Link. And the wig, periwinkle like his lips, does tie the look together.
"Where do you get your skirts from?"
"Oh—uh, mostly online. It's hard to find skirts that don't make me want to shed my skin in stores in person," he answers, "You wanna get some?"
How did you know , are the first words that cross Link's mind, before he remembers that it's the most logical reason for his question.
There's a look in Taylor's eyes too. Link isn't too sure what it means but it's there, and there's something circulating through Taylor's mind much like his own.
"Yeah, I think so."
Taylor's eyes light up. "I am so helping you look. Heh, I've already seen some I think you'd love."
"Yes!" Taylor says, stepping closer and squeezing Link's arms. "Also, you look hot as hell."
"I—really?" Link stutters out, taken aback by the sudden compliment. Again, not too sure why, as this is Taylor's style.
"Yes," Taylor smirks, and Link gazes at his glittery lipstick once more. It's a really pretty colour. "Now, where's your Garf plushie?"
Link fetches the plush, smiling to himself at the way Taylor suggested using it as the final member of their trio.
Almost as if on cue, the doorbell rings, and the others are here.
"By the way, I love the makeup. Can you do it again for me sometime? I mean, like, not just on Halloween, like—"
"Yes, oh my god , Link, I would give you a whole fucking transformation makeover at the drop of a hat," Taylor says as they descend down the stairs, clearly vibrating in excitement.
"I would love that."
Taylor links an arm around his, beaming with glee. And Link very much shares the sentiment.
This is going to be a great Halloween.
♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
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hermanunworthy · 10 months
Hi, there, Siren, hope you're doing well! If you're still taking dndads ship requests, how about maybe 35 for Cheerkicks/Oakli (not entirely sure on the name here, but. Link and Normal. You get it), please? Feeling in a silly rarepair mood today hehe 💚💚💚
Bullet Holes and Acne Scars (and Other Wounds to Heal)
35. kissing their bruises and scars
from the touch prompts list!
I WAITED A MONTH TO START ON THIS HELP 😭 trust me though ive been so excited about this one, oakicks makes me ill /pos (and also im glad i waited bc i got to use the latest episode as context for this scene!)
cw: violence (including gun violence), blood and injury
also on ao3!
Normal never would’ve taken Lincoln as a fighter, at first.
Ever since they were young, Lincoln has been timid, uptight, the type to go rigid if you get too close to him. Or maybe that’s just in Normal’s case. They’re working on it, though. He thinks. He hopes.
He never would've thought that the sweet kid he used to see kicking rocks in the corner or a soccer ball on a field would one day be kicking FBI agents and military soldiers on the battlefield. With the force of a beast.
Normal thinks he understands, now, why Lincoln’s dads tried to shelter their son so much.
But he also thinks he understands, as he’s too distracted looking at Lincoln to succeed at the spell he’s currently casting, the way he feels. He may not understand what it’s like to be unconditionally loved by his parents (something that arouses a deeply-rooted feeling of envy in him towards his friend, but that’s another thing he’s working on), but he understands what it’s like to feel pressured by his parents. And he thinks, in their own loving way, Lincoln’s dads have pressured him too much. And this is his release. His rebellion. Like a caged animal set free.
And Normal does believe he deserves this. However. It also concerns him greatly.
Because the paladin is moving so quickly, so aggressively, and the cleric is barely able to even keep an eye on him but it sounds like he's breathing heavily and at one point he thinks he catches a glimmer of something in his eye. And it all keeps distracting him from helping out in the battle himself.
Normal just narrowly avoids another incoming attack. Focus, Normal, fucking focus! He shakes his head, his heart pounding irregularly in his chest, trying to pay attention to anything other than Lincoln, Lincoln, is Lincoln okay—
“Norm!” Scary’s voice calls from a ways away, blasting a fireball directly into a man’s face. “Taylor could use your help!”
“No, I—!” Taylor immediately snaps back from where he stands off, holding a soldier back with their weapons clashed. “Uh, I mean… Yeah! Normie! We need you!”
Normal leaps straight into action, fueled by his friends’ words and ready to defend them, but realizes while he’s charging his spell just what’s going on. Something burns within him, something that has settled deep within his veins and has been repeatedly threatening to burst through these days. Do you really need my help, or do you just want to feel better about being such a dick to me lately?
His spell fizzles out in failure again, and he clutches his head and growls to himself. Lincoln, get out of my damn head!
“Norm— Augh!” Scary, in her distraction, takes a blunt melee attack to the head, knocking her down.
Taylor swivels around with a slash to his opponent to face Scary’s assailant. “What the hell?!” He jabs his sword toward the FBI agent. “Normal! What’s with the weaksauce spells?”
The blood is roaring in Normal’s ears so loudly that he can't even hear himself stuttering. He dizzily looks between Scary on the ground, Taylor standing off against the agent, and Lincoln, off in the distance, surrounded by soldiers. He's paralyzed. His lungs feel compressed tightly in his chest, and not even the strong emotion shooting through his blood is enough to awaken any magic.
Scary, thank the metaphorical heavens and not the godawful place they all visited earlier, manages to make it back onto her feet, but not without great effort. “You're—” She coughs. “You're good, Norm, you're good.”
The squeezing feeling in Normal’s chest somehow worsens. Stop it, don't say that. Why am I even here? I'm no help at all!
He stumbles backwards, and his back bumps into somebody. Before he can turn around to face them, a pair of burly arms are slung around his neck. Already short of breath, the cleric is easy to choke out, and his hands fly up to scratch at their sleeves. Panicking, he looks to Taylor, the closest nearby person, and cries out, “Help!”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Taylor drops what he’s doing and, like a true hero, blindly sprints over to slice the back of Normal’s attacker. The arms release him from the chokehold, and he falls to the ground, heaving for air.
But he isn't able to recover for long, because somebody is yanking him back up by his collar. He braces himself this time, but finds himself face-to-face with Taylor. His expression is twisted in anger, the way he looked at him the last time they argued.
“What the fuck was that, dude?! You can't even use a spell to help me, but you can use me to help you?” He shoves him, nearly toppling him back to the ground.
He… I used a Command on Taylor, didn't I? He didn't even realize. It was just instinct, of course he wouldn't just use his friend like that…
You only ever want to help yourself, a familiar voice scolds him in his head.
“Taylor, quit it, he’s already been…!” Scary is beginning to argue with him now, but Normal can't even pay attention to that anymore.
Lincoln is now fighting Agent Shmegan.
The man is trying to resist his attacks, shielding his body with his arms and trying to talk to him, but the paladin will not let up. “Kid, if you could just— You're making this harder than it needs to be, we just want—”
“I don't care what you want!” Lincoln roars, the first words Normal has heard him say during this entire fight. “I'm not going to listen to you anymore! I hate you adults! Fuck you!” He kicks him again, and again, and he's starting to lose his momentum with each swing but he refuses to give up. “Fuck you! Fuck you!”
Normal knows Lincoln has a history with this man, but he also can tell that this is not just about him and Taylor’s kidnapping.
“Li-Wilson— Please just get a hold of yourself and your friends—” Schmegan orders through grunts of pain. Normal knows Lincoln has been training hard to perfect his soccer kicks, so that can't feel good to take.
“Shut up! That’s Mr. Kicks to you!” The soccer player utilizes a swift kick to the crotch as emphasis.
While the FBI agent is finally doubled over in pain, unable to make any more demands, Lincoln’s body heaves with effort. He looks like he’s preparing another kick, but he’s cut short when a loud gunshot fires out, and he stumbles backwards.
“Link!” Normal shrieks, his body finally allowing him to move again, and he dives over to where his friend has fallen. As he gets close, it becomes apparent to him that Lincoln is crying, and he’s crying hard.
“Sir, let's get out of here.” Another agent, holding the gun used to shoot Lincoln, rushes over to Shmegan’s aid, helping him to lean on his shoulder and escort him back to their helicopter. “Freeman kept us from capturing the King, but we have him and his buddies as hostages for later. We need to retreat for now.”
Shmegan’s face contorts in pain and anger. “That better include Wilson. I have some words for that man about his son.”
The other agent chuckles wryly. “Oh, yes, sir. He’s been incapacitated since the fight began.” He looks down at where Lincoln sits, with no sense of remorse. “Seems we’re not the only ones disturbed by that kid’s violence.”
Normal is crouched by Lincoln’s side, trembling just as bad as he is. “Link, it’s Normal. Normal’s here.” God, that must be the least comforting thing he could hear right now. He must be the last person he wants to help him.
Normal’s hands are on Lincoln’s hands. Lincoln’s hands are on his knee. Lincoln’s blood is on his hands, on his knee, on his clothes, on the ground…
“Dad,” Lincoln sobs weakly. “Dad.”
All of Lincoln’s fight has left him. Now he’s just a scared, powerless little kid.
And so is Normal, now that he’s drained of magic. He can't cast any more spells. He used the last one to help himself. He can't heal his friend. And dear god, Lincoln’s still crying for his dad. But Grant has been captured. And so have the rest of their dads, it sounds.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck!
He presses down harder on the wound, but he can't tell if it’s even helping to stop the bleeding, or if it’s just him trying to squeeze Lincoln’s hands to help himself calm down. God fucking damn it, I'm so selfish, even as my friend is sitting here with an actual bullet wound… Can’t do shit for him…
He dares to look back up at Lincoln’s face, and finds it even worse to look at than all the blood. His eyes are scrunched up, leaking a river of tears down his face, his lips quivering with each shaking breath. It reminds him of when he got to see this boy as a baby, and how he promised him that it was going to be alright. He has to make this alright again, if it’s the last thing he does.
With one hand still pressing against his knee, Normal uses the other one to carefully lean forward and stroke his cheek again, wiping away some of his tears.
Lincoln opens his eyes, and when they meet Normal’s it’s clear that they are bloodshot and unfocused. “D-Dad…” he still whimpers. “Help…”
It hurts, knowing that he doesn't want Normal, but he tries to put himself in his shoes. What would I want from my dad, if I were him?
He knows Grant wouldn't know any healing spells. But he does know that he was very tender and affectionate with his son. He seems like he’s very gentle in how he cares for him, like he feels like his own dad has the potential to be.
He knows what he wanted his dad to do for him when he got hurt when he was younger. Grant seems like the type to care unconditionally, though. So, unlike his own dad, he ignores the disturbing and gross nature of this situation, and with all the love (and lack of magic) in his heart, he presses his lips lovingly against Lincoln’s knee as if it was simply the scraped knee of a child.
Lincoln gasps at the feeling, and Normal instantly regrets it, feeling like an utter idiot, He has an literal hole in his knee, I can't just kiss it better, this must be hurting him so bad—
“Normal,” Lincoln chokes at last. He grabs one of his friend’s hands and squeezes it with enough strength to break him. “Normal.”
The cleric lets out a squeak from the strong grip, but watches as a golden light begins to slowly, slowly glow from underneath the paladin’s other hand, which is still on his knee. He’s casting Lay on Hands on himself. Oh, Normal didn't even think about the fact that Lincoln hasn't been using any magic, so he probably could've…
But no, Lincoln wasn't able to help himself before, was he? It wasn't until Normal kissed him that that something in his eyes cleared, like a fog being lifted. Did Normal actually help? Or is he just being selfish, just taking credit for something that had nothing to do with—
“Thank you, Normal,” Lincoln breathes. The words he’s been wanting to hear all this time. Normal’s heart squeezes at the sound.
“Did you…” Normal’s own voice feels thick in his throat, and he realized just then that he has tears dripping down his face as well. “Did you even realize what you were doing? How hard you were fighting?”
More tears begin to roll down Lincoln’s cheeks. “It… There was no pain… At first… Only anger…”
He squeezes his friend’s hand back, but it’s not nearly as strong. Not as strong as Lincoln, never. “I was so worried, it felt like losing you…”
Lincoln’s face crumples again, and Normal can hardly bear to look at it. “Normal…”
His eyes wander over Lincoln’s body, realizing that there are other spots of blood not just from the gunshot. All sorts of cuts and bruises, all of which look very painful, but Lincoln hasn't acknowledged any of them. That “zone” that he seems to get into, that rush of adrenaline, that thrill of violence, must be a very, very dangerous place for him to be in. He never wants to lose his friend to that darkness again.
So he shows him the light. He leans in close to each wound, trailing the gentlest of kisses over the dark spots on his legs and the nasty gashes on his arms, never once shying away from the blood or the hair or the sweat or the filth because it's all normal to him, and even though he knows it's selfish to give Lincoln what he wants for himself, he wants to love Lincoln like he’s perfectly new.
“Normal,” is all Lincoln can say now, through his continued crying. “Normal, Normal…” The way he’s whimpering his name, like a prayer upon his lips, only fuels him further, the way it feels to have replenished magic surging through his veins.
It isn't until he gets tugged away by his hair that he realizes he should probably stop. But Lincoln's hand doesn’t move from the back of his head, and when he looks up at him, Lincoln just stares back, his pupils wide. “Normal,” he whispers again.
Lincoln’s gaze is roaming over his face, and especially over the blood drying on his mouth. Normal can taste it, he realizes self-consciously.
“How can you still be so nice to me?” His eyes shine with a horrible, heart-wrenching guilt, a guilt that Normal can feel himself as he fights the overwhelming need to kiss the one little cut that he missed, the one he’s been avoiding, because he knows it would be too selfish of him.
The one on his lip.
“I'm… so sorry.” Lincoln’s fingers loosen in his hair, but Normal still leans his head into his hand before he can decide to let go entirely. “For how I've… I've been so…”
“It's okay, Link,” Normal murmurs, even though he doesn't know if it's true. It’s just hard to focus on the long-term pain this boy has caused him when said boy is caressing the back of his neck so delicately that it makes him melt.
“No. You're my friend. You're my husband.” The certainty with which he says it brings Normal a shiver. “I need to make it up to you.”
This time, Lincoln is the one leaning forward. Normal freezes up, his face flushing red as his husband’s lips land on his cheek.
But Normal doesn't understand. He doesn't need healing, he doesn't have any scars. Not on the outside, anyway.
Is he… kissing my tears away?
Another kiss. And another. Each touch of his lips to his face leaves him with a feeling of warmth and light. Lincoln even reaches with his bloody hands to brush the sweaty hair sticking to Normal’s skin out of the way, and begins to leave kisses on his forehead as well.
Oh. He’s kissing his acne scars.
More tears run down where Lincoln has kissed. Nobody has ever… He's always been told that he's gross, that his acne is a problem, something to be ashamed of. He has spent countless hours staring at himself in the mirror, popping pimples and picking at scabs (despite his sister’s warnings), wondering why he has to look like this and if anyone could ever love him like this. His parents would never do something like this for him.
But Lincoln is. Lincoln, the one he’s been trying to win over for years. Lincoln, the kid he always wanted to play with but wasn't allowed to. Lincoln, the friend who always seemed to shut him down no matter how hard he tried to love him. That same guy is here, sitting on the ground in literal Hell, a bullet in his knee and blood on his clothes, his fingers curling in his greasy hair and his lips kissing his pockmarked face.
“I'm sorry,” Lincoln whispers tearfully against his skin. “Thank you for… for being my friend. For being you.”
As he pulls back, Normal pushes forward, resting his forehead against Lincoln’s. “I love you,” he sighs, selfishly but honestly. He hopes it brings Lincoln as much catharsis as it does him.
Lincoln glances up from where his eyes sat downcast at the blood on the ground, to stare into his husband’s eyes. His hand on Normal’s neck drifts to his jaw. Eyes still glittering sadly, he offers a smile, but the stretching of his lips opens his cut and makes him wince away in pain.
Normal reaches forward with a careful hand, and catches Lincoln’s chin. He really hopes this isn't going too far, too fast, too bold, like he always seems to be going without realizing it. “Let me…?” He can't even finish the question, can't bear another rejection.
But Lincoln beats him to it, kisses him first, kisses him better. Cradles him with such love and care that you’d think he’s the one being nursed back to health.
And it is undoubtedly healing. Something Normal has needed for a long time. Something that tastes like blood and grime and filth, something that tastes so normal and familiar that it feels like coming home. Feels like being blessed by an angel visiting Hell.
After all, Normal always thought Lincoln was more of a lover than a fighter.
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isadora-greenhall · 11 months
DnDads Halloween Week 2k23
Day 1: Watching horror movies
Okay, so I’m giving up getting this finished today, but I’m gonna post what I have so far! It’s a gothcleats date night where they watch a beloved creepy kids film together.
Under the cut so it’s not too long 🫡🙌🏼
(Tentatively titled) Too Close to Home
They’d been planning on going to a fancy restaurant together for their one year anniversary, but about an hour before they were going to leave Linc had received an email regrettably informing them the restaurant had lost power in the storm, and wouldn’t be up again until tomorrow. Lincoln had been relieved — the place wasn’t really his style — and when he’d told Scary she’d looked relieved too.
“Sorry,” Linc had said. “Do you want to head home, or…?”
She’d scoffed. “No? It’s our anniversary?”
Our anniversary. He loved the sound of that. “Well, we could watch a movie?”
Scary’s eyes shone at that. “Ooh, something spooky?”
“Well, we don’t really have horror movies…”
“I didn’t say horror, you dork,” she said affectionately. “Spooky. Like Over the Garden Wall. Man, I love that show. Those pumpkin freaks? Pure nightmare fuel.”
Linc led her over to his family’s DVD collection - Marco had a thing for physical media - and had a quick flip through. Nightmare Before Christmas? No. Paranorman?Nah. Corpse Bride? Maybe. Labyrinth? He moved his body in the way of that film so she wouldn’t spot it — they’d tried to watch it together once before and Linc had found himself getting more jealous as the film went on, because of the way Scary was glued to the screen each time David Bowie and his stupid tight pants were on screen. Not that he could fully blame her…
Then he spotted it. “Coraline!” He pulled it off the shelf and showed it to Scary. “What do you think?”
She looked blank. “Never seen it.”
“What?! I love this film, super creepy.”
She smirked at him. “Is there an orange cat in it?”
“No! …A black one…”
She laughed. “Okay, sold.”
Linc slipped the DVD into the player then they cuddled down together on the couch as the haunting opening of the film began. He could feel Scary beside him, watching awed as the doll was altered to turn into the girl on the cover — blue hair, a yellow raincoat.
She sat, silent and rapt for so long…until Coraline found herself in the Other World and met the Other Mother and Other Father, at which point Linc felt her stiffen beside him. And as the film went on she seemed more and more tense. Lincoln had no idea what went wrong - he was sure she’d love this film, it was edgy and dark and was made in the “coolest animation style ever” (Taylor hadn’t spoken to Scary for a month after she’d declared that). He didn’t know what to do - she hated it when he made decisions for her, and she hadn’t said she wanted them to turn the film off yet.
But then the Other Mother revealed her true colours, and Scary made a small, anguished sound, and Linc decided to call it. He paused the film and turned to her. “Are you okay?”
She didn’t answer for a second, just staring at the screen. Linc winced when he realises it was paused on a shot of the skeletal form of the Beldam, grinning viciously, hands reaching for the girl with dyed hair.
She pulled her knees up to her chest and tugged the shirt down over them - Linc tried not to wince at how that would stretch his shirt. “I just…it hit too close to home, alright?”
“In what way?”
Scary looked like she wanted to die rather than admit it. She waved a hand vaguely at the screen. “An angry mom, a pathetic dad…people changing. Becoming worse. I don’t know, man.”
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not-actually-human · 1 year
can you explain what dndads or critical role is about? i know they’re sort of like podcast campaigns but i don’t know much else :0
okay so theyre both actual play dnd podcasts. basically the people just play dnd and record it and it’s a story and i get wayyyy too invested.
its funny that you chose dndads and critrole because those two podcasts are considered like. the opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to the kind of dnd podcasts out there. they are both very good though
so dndads is the story of a bunch of dads, and their children get transported into a magical world (basically the traditional dnd world) and they have to go rescue their kids. its pretty silly and goofy as far as dnd podcasts go but be warned it will fuck you up. they lure you in with jokes and hahas and then its episode 61 and you are laying on your bedroom floor and crying. anyways thats the premise of season 1. season 2 is the story of those dads grandchildren. i would tell you the premise of season 2 but it would spoil season 1.
now critical role is maybe the most well known dnd podcast? there is. a lot of it and if you are looking to start listening to dnd podcasts i do not recommend starting there. critical role has three separate campaigns (or seasons) and they all take place within the same world but at different times with different characters. if you do want to get into critical role then i think you should start by watching the animated show on amazon prime, the legend of vox machina, which is based on the first campaign. i know, they have an animated show. there is sooooo much content in critrole, and each campaign has over a hundred episodes with each episode being 4 hours long.
now if you want to start listening to dnd podcasts i think a good place to start is naddpod (full name is not another dnd podcast) i think it might be my favorite (although choosing a favorite is like choosing a favorite child) but yeah naddpod has a good balance of serious dnd and silly goofy stuff. there are multiple campaigns but their first one is the bahumia campaign and it is very good, 10/10, highly recommend
oof sorry this got so long, feel free to ignore this i just get very excited when it comes to dnd :]
also!! other dnd podcasts to check out below the cut (if you want lol)
dimension 20
worlds beyond number
just roll with it
and there are so many more but the 6 i have mentioned in this post are the ones i know the most about and have actually listened to
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abeinginsand · 10 months
Countless! Your OCs look cute, I'd love to hear about them if you feel like rambling on the matter! :]
Heya baba! :] Thank you for thinking so and yeah I can share a bit of lore. The three of them aren't a part of the dndads universe originally so the little bits about how they'd meet and befriend the others is an au
Mickey (they/he): +band kid (school band and personal) +friendly and mischievous but more playful than malicious +has mental communication magic (average skill) +music and anime enthusiast (especially Death Note) and has a pet rat named Ryuk after the character +fashion: punk, scene, also likes switching aesthetics randomly +has an older sister +may have agreed to be in Scary's band for the whimsy of it all, but seeing how serious she was inspired him to work harder too Rosalina (she/her): +cheer team captain + loud, confident, energetic, open-minded + pet bunny named Momo (also the team mascot) + fashion: cutesy and usually formal + crystal manipulation magic (weak, she uses it to make small accessories like earrings), often training to improve with mixed results. +I imagine she and Normal would encourage each other with training for both cheer and magic usage Cole (he/him): + looks grumpy but usually shy not angry, will tease and chat with those he's warmed up too + likes writing, books, flowers, flying, autumn, winter, fire (ember smell; reminds him of underworld) +has sparkling demon wings, born a demon rather than dying and becoming one +lives on the main plane of his world with his uncle and visits his parents in underworld. In an au, I imagine he runs into Nicky this way since both are visiting their families and heading back to school etc. + fashion: casual, patterned, purples and greys + can view or share dreams with people if he and the other person are asleep and touching in some way (has loose control, it mostly happens randomly)
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orbitalpirate · 2 years
I'm at disney world and hyperfixating on dndads so uh here's everyone favorite wdw ride (idc if a dad fact/ rad fact disproves them I'm always right)
Henry likes living with the land: an educational boat ride about fruits and veggies sign him up twice. He loves taking lark and sparrow (who find it boring) and talking about protecting the earth.
When asked, Darryl says big thunder mountain, but when Grant was young they would ride Dumbo a lot because Grant liked elephants. So that's his real favorite.
Ron like has strange taste and might have never been pre terry jr. Like Glenn asked his favorite Disney rude and he said the big slide. While Glenn knows that technically there are water slides at blizzard beach he doesn't think Ron knows that.
Okay so I know most people think Glenn is like a Rock n roller coaster guy or maybe a tower of terror or something fast and loose but Glenn loooves the jungle cruise. Like he knows the jokes and the skippers names by heart. He hated the movie, because he felt it made dun of the ride.
Anyways snooze fest over let's get to the interesting characters. Carol loves Soarin. She loves feeling weightless and all the smells, she does not care the wait time.
Samantha loves journey to the imaginary with figment. She thinks its so cute and fun. She wishes there was an inside out attraction.
Mercedes, the fucking legend, loves the haunted mansion she honestly loves the memento more giftshop more than the ride itself. She has asked cast members about witchcraft before and they look at her like she's crazy.
Morgan loves rock n roller coaster, she has always loved loud music and thrills she always had jodie sit with baby nick and she would go on the single riders line at least twice.
Jodie likes the carousel of progress. He likes the traditional family values it instills and the optimism of America's future. What a fucking cop.
Terry Jr doesn't like theme parks but he does like the sports themed hotel. When asked by friends he'll say space mountain because it's fast and cool.
Nick, despite being an e.t. guy at Universal studios, likes tower of terror. Nicholas likes the carousel of progress, because Jodie likes it.
Lark wants a mulan ride so bad it hurts him. That being said he likes everest. It's fast and scary and Henry is a little afraid of the yeti which Lark loves.
Sparrow likes the animal kingdom. Not an attraction guy, just wants to see and pet all the animals. He wants to go to SeaWorld and see a whale, which gives Mercedes and Henry heart attacks.
Grant likes meeting characters, though he'd never admit it. He has a picture if him with peterpan that is so precious to him.
I cant know what wdw will look like in 25 years but if absolutely nothing changes, scary likes tower of terror, Lincoln likes the people mover, normal likes its a small world, and Taylor likes the three caballeros ride.
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foundthe8wing · 4 years
I don’t think there’s really much overlap on the Venn diagram of “people who read my posts” and “people who still listen to the show,” but I want to make an effort to put this out there: if you listen to dndads, I would caution you against relying on their content warnings. They’re . . . still not great. 
(On that note, content warnings for this post: discussion of self-harm and a kid using a gun)
The categories they (supposedly) warn for are: profanity, violence, sexual content, drug/alcohol use, animal cruelty/animal death, violence towards children, self-harm/suicide, body horror, and gaslighting/emotional manipulation.
Unfortunately, these things still aren’t being warned for consistently. So, for instance, while there are currently (12/5/2020) no content warnings for episodes 35 and 36 on the official site, the Spotify descriptions contain warnings for “profanity, violence, sexual content, and violence towards children” and “profanity, sexual content, drug/alcohol use, violence towards children, and body horror,” respectively. (Screenshots under the cut). They don’t warn for discussion of self harm.
From episode 35:
Anthony: So Grant has this look of sheer surprise on his face. And he looks down at the wound as it's bleeding, and he goes— 
Grant: I-I felt that. I felt it, I actually felt it.
Darryl: Well, yeah, jeez, I can feel it from here. That looks horrible. Are you okay?
Anthony: He goes— 
Grant: No, it hurts and I don't like it, but it’s... that's something. I thought it would just be— I thought only Yeet would make me— but this did, but... I can't do that. I shouldn't. I don't want— I don’t like this feeling, so that’s... [tone becomes lighter, forced] Let's get in the game coach! Let's go do the game, coach!
Anthony: “You know what it's like when you're depressed and you can't feel anything at all, so even pain makes you feel like you're actually still alive, and that's a toxic negative thing? 
Grant: "Yeah. Yeah. It was. Ever since that I've kind of felt, or I guess not felt is sort of more of a thing, like I kind of just don't feel anything? All the time. Like I don't feel like I'm a person? 
But there are these little brief moments where something breaks through. Like when somebody hurts me or when I hurt somebody and I don't ... It's this weird thing where like my brain, I don't like doing them, but it's like the only thing that's like, “hey, you're still here!” And hurting somebody or killing somebody... it's bad. It's bad, right? It's bad. It's a thing we shouldn't want to do.
Yeet: "Yeah, you shouldn't want to. Sometimes we have to, but it's not a good thing.”
Grant: [trembling, near tears] Yeah, but it feels good to me in the moment, because it just makes this binary, like, “you're here, you're not here”. And if I could do that to somebody or if I get hurt, then it's like, “I'm here!” It's like this proof that I'm still here, and that I'm real. 
From episode 36:
As he runs up, he undoes his shoulder pads, and lets them fall off of his body. He runs and he tackles this huge ass spider hard.
Also, guns aren’t included on the list of what they warn for (imo they should be), but Paeden uses a gun in episode 47, so if you haven’t gotten there yet that’s a thing to be aware of.
Just, you know, be careful, look out for each other, and maybe keep relying on friends if you need content warnings so you don’t get blindsided. 
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strivia · 3 years
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I added 1,919 tags in 2021
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#dndads - 255 posts
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Longest Tag: 135 characters
#it's not that it can't be done well but the handling of it is generally just not something i vibe with it and i'm sick of it everywhere
My Top Posts in 2021
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Ghost!Varian AU where he fucking dies in 3x01.  This was sparked by a conversation with @finnoky back in like August, but it took me like 10 million years to finish the top drawing.
130 notes • Posted 2021-01-13 08:35:09 GMT
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Since learning Jodie is a demon I care more about him than before, what can I say.
153 notes • Posted 2021-04-22 04:13:11 GMT
So I am late to Helluva Boss. BUT.   I feel like Blitzo is the sort of person that's a dick, but if someone seriously threatened his employees the rest of the group, he would GO OFF.  There’s like 2 stills in the trailer that I am looking at intently, and they are these:
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Anyway, sometimes a family is a hitman organization from hell.
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161 notes • Posted 2021-03-18 05:12:33 GMT
I think I’ve mentioned this to multiple people in messages by now, but it’s still taking up my brainspace so
I actually have a lot of feelings about how the deez nuts joke is super idiotic, but at the same time it's basically Glenn going "You don't get to have the power in this situation asshole, I'm gonna undermine you" and it being a catalyst for Ron to undermine his dad because he's doing it to protect someone else.  Like it's stupid, but it's also kinda impactful?  While still being incredibly stupid??
Tbh the first time I heard Glenn's dunk on Willie I was like, wtf are you doing nooooo.  But at the same time, it breaks this oppressive energy.  It gives everyone inspiration.   I feel like the other two were more directly being supportive of Ron.  But I feel like Glenn's very stupid move actually had a more tangible outcome?  Which is fucking wild.
300 notes • Posted 2021-06-18 01:30:55 GMT
Blitz being protective of Moxxie
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I’m not the first person to point this out.  But until Striker attacked Moxxie Blitz hadn’t made a single attack on Striker.  But even more notably.  This is the first unarmed combat strike we see Blitz make against anyone on screen across all of the episodes.  We have never seen him scrap unarmed in a real fight until right here where he goes the fuck off.
677 notes • Posted 2021-05-04 19:01:15 GMT
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koszmarnybudyn · 7 months
Hey! I know it’s been like… a year, but do you still have any thoughts about your DNDads magical girl au?? It looks really cool and I’m a bit late to the party!
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Soooo this made me revisit my old designs and since i improved a lot i just might re-do some of them, still keeping mostly to the ogs. Also hi im sorry for not replying earlier (this has been sitting in my ask box for a whileee) but i'm happy people are still intrested in it.
Honestly i've been thinking about the og dads as magical girls more lately but unfortunetly i suffer from can't draw middle aged man and give them justice yet syndrome so I havent yet.
I'm honestly always half thinking about making a whole ass comic out of this au because i absolutly adore it as a concept (if any actual writters wanna hit me up feel free to i have vague ideas but im not much of a writter).
But well i think the teens got their powers from a generational thing maybe, like the kiddads had some magical gems that belonged to the odyssey dads and just before they were kidnapped they passed them onto the kids. (Lark and Sparrow had one half of a stone/gem), oh and so Normals gem is cracked perhaps and that's why he struggles with his powers maybe?!) (can you tell im basiclly making all of this on the fly?)
Also the gems would change color slightly depending on the user (thought i dont think they would do a lot because in my head each family has their color and it doesnt change much)
Each magical girl has their own theme (it can be a mix of stuff, and sometimes its pretty vague) but i had a few designs/ideas floating aroung for the kiddads with Sparrow with a wolf theme (and maybe he and Lark having a sun and moon motif), TJ with a wizard+wampire+some mcr/goth influences etc.
The plot is a lot like canon only more anime magical girl trope and i think i would enjoy a bit more slice of life since with an au we can afford that. The mayor would be a major villain, there would be a few one episode villains like in the early season stuff, and over the course of the series the plot would unveil.
Of course most of this is completly hipothetical since its mostly just the thoughts in my head but it is fun to think about, and i do genuinely wanna revisit this au :)
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
My wrist kinda hurt cause i think i used them so much, so no doodles for today episode rn, cause i just chilled and listened, but you do get my thoughts.
Spoilers for dndads episode 36 below.
Holy shit that was great, the cast was so funny in the intro i cackled like a bird.
I knew i just knew terry and the other teendads would be brainwashed in some way, and i was right!!! So cool for Anthony to bring back the gauntlets.
Terri was great, i adore how Beth potrays her, shes so cheery and unhinged its a nice combo.
Hermie is just crushing on everyone at this point lol, now i wanna draw link as an anime boy with like the flower backround.
I knew giving him the tape mesure was a bad idea, my theory was that he would use the black parade as his army of minions tho, since he is actually depressed, looks like scary and wants power and revange, that might still happen tho.
I can't wait for the angsty drawing this episode will bring and for the sad shit show of grant having to kill terry, being brainwashed and his interactions with link now. The wilsons are not bugs like the oaks for me but i still wanna study them, (link is his baby boy who has also grown up been traumatized and that he cant quite reqognize anymore T^T)
Oh i cant wait till they long rest Scary comes back and she has to deal with the consequences of losing terry.
Link and Normal are buddies, and they have absolutly none romantic chemistry, and i love that, i feel like its that one friendship that the thought of being with them in a romantic sense would make you wanna puke, they are bros tho.
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
For headcanons, I've been thinking about certain merch Hermie might have. I think it'd be fun if he had a few mugs, posters, and other decorations/accessories.
For one mug idea, I imagine it's a Two face themed one with a big coin on both sides. The coin has two face on it with him turned to the left on the tail side and right on the heads side.
Also maybe Hermie has a comic-strip patterned blanket but instead of using it, most of the time he leaves it hanging up in his bedroom to look at :)
Do you have any specific Hermie merch-related hcs?
Okay i read this as like what merch should hermie get as in on the official dndads store lol, but i got it now haha.
But as of my first thought i think the dndads crew would get so much money if they created a hermie squich toy like the bugging eyes one, the fandom would go crazy for that, we would be lost in the sauce. A visual aid below:
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But as of merch he would own, i think he has a lot of posters, definitly clothes/cosplays to stay in charakter, i think he definitly has a heavy book shelf filled to the brim with comics. He has funko pops, and like so dang many, im sorry he does. I feel like he has a dc crossover hatsune miku or like a sexy anime version of a dc charakter that taylor gifted him. He has batman themed pjs definitly and a really ugly onesie. Idk what else he would have really. I think he's a guy who enjoys vintage, so he definitly has some vintage stuff.
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