#schetch requests
koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
How about kid Lark and Sparrow for the sketch requests?
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They are so silly i love them, i guess this is after lovewolf but before deck picks.
Thank you for the request (which are still open btw)
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mj-thrush-gxn · 1 year
Hello for the schetch requests may i please get a Link :))) just having fun
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Uhhh… how about… grant and link playing fifa?
i’m going to miss them. the way they ended last episode was awe full and damaged me on a personal level. Grant just wanted to be a good dad to link- that’s all grant wanted. grant wanted to be the dad he never had. grant was doing good for a while. then link got involved. and everything fell apart. i uh.. i also feel very bad for link. link grew up loving his dads and soccer more than anything. he now has two fathers that he loves, but he never wants to see one of them again. he has to cut off grant from his life. link also might associate soccer with hell and erin and the doodler from now on. that’s not great.
i am a grant wilson apologist.
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orionis13 · 1 year
May i please get some link and scary hanging out, can be romantic or platonic, i just like them as a duo :) -for schetch requests
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THEY ARE BESTIES‼️ Scary is making him listen to joy division Linc is Not a fan lmaooo
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notanartist143 · 1 year
Hello, for the dndads schetch requests may i please ask for some taylor and link hanging out? That would be lovely thank you :]
uhh yeah ofc
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Taylor had Lincoln watch a bunch of anime so now he's gonna play fifa with him
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giotanner · 7 years
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Hi @lastlifeonearth and have a nice sunday! Thank you very much for your words, I really appreciate it ♥ Soo... I hope this little tutorial(???) will help you.
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1) I start by thinking about the space that my character will fill. So I do a little perspective. Then I put my character in that space. If you have in mind the pose of the character okay, but at the beginning I always recommend to look at many references. If you look for pinterest "poses drawing" you will find so many!
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2) Then I start drawing the face and the hands. I make some schetch apart, bigger, to see the details or the expression of the face, as I want it.
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3) So the chest, even the abdominals I make sketches apart. If it is three quarters it is not straight, but a curved line. Do you see? I follow this line to draw the legs.
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Finally Red Robin - Tim Drake is here!
I usually use 2H pencil and 2B mechanical pencil (Staedtler graphite 777), I make so many, owh, so many sketches if I want to draw an illustration!
Anyway it’s so general this. Then if you want specific requests for the drawings, tell me.
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stregacorvina · 4 years
Change of plans!
As you can see today is Wednsday XD So no more Tuesday and Thursday entry but one per week, as I am starting to be more busy between sewing and studying again and I cannot manage two entry anymore :( Today as I have almost finished all my dolls clothes I will go back to my core sewing activity: cosplays XD
I will show you one of my latest cosplay, Musa Harmonix from the serie Winx Club! This is actually the second time I have sewn this cosplay, the first one was last year and the latest a couple of weeks ago. The first time I did only the top and the skirt with detachable train, this time I made also the tiara. Unfortunately I still cannot make the wings even if I really wanted to because my work space is too small T_T I am thinking about making them for my dolls, just beacuse I want to make them XD
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I really enjoyed this show until a couple of years ago, I even dragged my boyfriend to see the Winx Exibition held here in Milan last May XD I will leave here some pictures I took at the exibition, there were storyboards for both the tv show and the comics, some initial schetches of the girls, toys and costumes (my favourite part obv)
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(This one below is defitetly my favourite Flora look ever - btw Flora is my favourite Winx together with Musa)
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In the last part of the exibitions there were toys and costumes! I really went to see the costumes, but I have to say that some of them seems really poorly made to me, I have seen cosplayer doing a better job, others are amazing though! I think they are the costume used by the girls that play the Winx in the live shows at the Amusement Park...
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....speaking of the Amusement Park, in case you do not know, the creator of the show (Iginio Straffi) and the producers (Rainbow Company) are Italians and next to my parents house there is the Rainbow Magicland Amusement Park, built by this company, with a lot of Winx themed attractions and live shows (of course I have been there several times when I was younger XD)
But with time my interest in the Winx Club almost disappeared as the latest seasons seems more and more childish to me and even if I stille love most of the looks I stopped watching the show...I think my last one was the 4th season? The Believix one? Oh and I watched the CG one on Netflix, World of Winx I think.... but I definitely do not like their new drawing style!
Anyway, let’s go back to the cosplay XD Here you are the walkthrough of my Musa Harmonix costume!
- Materials
As in the show there are glitters and sparkles everywhere I decided to use two kind of glittered spandex fabrics and some shiny organdy to make this costume!
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In this picture above you can see the lilac glitterd spandex I used fot the top and the main part of the skirt and the fuchsia shiny spandex I used for the top. As I am working with spandex fabrics of course I sewn almost everything with my serger machine and I did all the topstitching with a zig zag stitch on my regular sewing machine.
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For the last fabric choices, I used a plain light blue spandex for the details and some ruffled organdy for the top part in the first version of the cosplay (you will probabily recognise this organdy from all my BJD entry, it is the one I bought in every color available XD)
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In the second version I used ruffled stripes of blue organdy fabric because I ran off of that trim :( But I have to admit that maybe I love the fabric even more that the trim.
For the skirt I used a shiny lilac organdy fabric the first time (i hope you can see the shimmer in the picture) ...
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...and a plain lilac organdy fabric the second time because the shop didin’t have the shiny one anymore :(
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But anyway the result was lovely both times
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To give the skirt more puff I added a hidden layer of gathered tulle between the organdy and the satin lining.
As I said before the firt time I did this costume was requested to make a detachable train to remove it from the skirt during crowded conventions so I added a stripe of snaps button to do so, hidden under the skirt.
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And this is the costume worn by the first owner (she did by herself the wings, the tiara and the shoes) - Photo by Totoro Photoset & Video
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For the second costume, this time I did also the tiara and it was really fun to make! I used some aluminium wired, then sprayed with golden paint, some foam for the shell at the center and a resin gem.
I painted the foam with glittered nailpolish and used some thick wires for jewelry to shape the wire. The tiara stays in place with a thin strip of elastic thread that can be hidden in the hair. 
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And this is the second client trying on her dress at home! Again she will do by herself the wings and the shoes.
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I hope you liked this entry and the detour from the BJD entries! Let me know what you prefer!
See you next Wednsday with another cosplay entry, I think!
Chiara (StregaCorvina)
Come potete vedere è Mercoledi oggi XD Perciò niente più post del Martedi e del Giovedi ma un solo post a settimana, perchè sto iniziando di nuovo ad essere parecchio occupata con il cucito e con lo studio e non riesco più a gestire due post :( Oggi, siccome ho quasi finito tutti gli abiti per le bambole, tornerò alla mia attività principale: i cosplay XD
Vi farò vedere uno degli utlimi cosplay che ho realizzato in questi giorni, Musa Harmonix dalla serie Winx Club! Questa è la seconda volta che realizzo questo costume, la prima versone l’ho cucita l’anno scorso e questa un paio di settimane fa. La prima volta realizzai solo il top e la gonna con lo strascico removibile, questa volta ho fatto anche la tiara. Purtroppo ancora non posso fare le ali anche se lo vorrei tanto perchè il mio spazio di lavoro è davvero troppo piccolo T_T Penso che prima o poi però le realizzarò per le mie bambole, solo per il piacere di farle XD
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Mi è sempre piaciuta molto questa serie fino ad un paio di anni fa, ho perfino trascinato il mio fidanzato a vedere la mostra sulle Winx che hanno fatto a Milano a Maggio XD Vi faccio vedere alcune foto che ho fatto alla mostra, c’erano gli storyboards sia del cartone che dei fumetti, alcuni disegni iniziali delle ragazze, giocattoli e i costumi (ovviamente il motivo principale per cui sono andata!)
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(Questa è una delle mie trasformazioni preferite di Flora - Flora è la mia Winx preferita insieme a Musa)
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Nell’ultima parte della mostra c’erano giocattoli e costumi! I costumi sono il motivo principale per cui sono andata alla mostra, ma devo dire che alcuni non mi sembravano fatti granchè bene, ho visto cosplayers fare dei lavori migliori, ma alcuni erano stupendi! Penso che siano i costimi usati dalle ragazze che interpretano le Winx al Parco giochi...
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....e parlando del parco giochi, in caso non lo sapeste sia il creatore della serie (Iginio Straffi) che la casa di produzione (la Rainbow) sono italiani e vicino a dove vivono i miei c’è il Parco Giochi Rainbow Magicland, costruito proprio dalla Rainbow con un sacco di giostre e spettacoli live a tema Winx Club (ovviamente quando ero piccola ci sono andata un sacco di volte XD)
Ma con gli anni il mio interesse verso la serie è andato via via scemando perchè le ultime stagioni mi sono sembrate sempre più infantili e anche se continuo ad adorare i vestiti delle Winx ho smesso di vedere la serie... Penso che l’ultima che ho visto sia la 4 serie? Quella con la trasformazione Believix? Ah è ho visto anche quella in Computer Graphic su Netflix, mi pare si chiami World of Winx.... ma decisamente non mi piace il nuovo stile!
Comunque, torniamo al cosplay XD Vi parlo di come ho fatto il costume di Musa Harmonix!
- Materiali
Siccome nel cartone ci sono glitter e luccichini ovunque ho deciso di usare due tipi di lycra glitterata e dell’organza iridescente per fare il costume! 
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Nell’immagine qui sopra potete vedere la lycra lilla glitterata che ho usato per il top e le parti principali della gonna e la lycra lucida fucsia che ho usato per il top. Siccome stavo lavorando con la lycra ho cucito praticamente tutto con la taglia e cuci e ho fatto la maggior parte delle rifiniture con il punto zig zag della mia macchina da cucire normale.
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Per gli utlimi materiali, ho usato una lycra tinta unita celeste per i dettagli e dell’organza e pizzo arricciati per il bordo in alto nella prima versione di questo cosplay (avrete probabilmente riconosciuto questa decorazione in altri post sulle bambole, è sempre quella famosa che ho comprato in tutti i colori esistenti XD) 
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Nella seconda versione invece ho usato delle strisce arricciate di organza azzurra perchè non avevo più il pizzo :( Ma devo ammettere che forse mi piace ancora di più cosi.
Per la gonna ho usato dell’organza iridescente lilla la prima volta (spero che si veda la lucentezza nella foto)...
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...e dell’organza semplice lilla la seconda volta perchè nel negozio a distanza di un anno non c’era più quella iridescente :(
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Ma in ogni caso la gonna era un amore entrambe le volte!
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Per aggingere più volume alla gonna ho inserito uno strato di tulle arricciato fra le balze di organza e la fodera di raso.
Come ho detto prima, la prima volta che ho fatto questo costume mi era stato richiesto di fare lo strascico removibile in modo da poterlo staccare per camminare più agevolmente nelle fiere affollate perciò ho aggiunto degli automatici sulla fodera, nascosti sotto le balze.
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Ed ecco il costume indossato dalla prima committente (si è fatta da sola le ali, la tiara e le scarpe) - Photo by Totoro Photoset & Video
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La seconda volta ho fatto anche la tiara ed è stata davvero divertente da realizzare! Ho usato del filo di alluminio, poi colorato con vernice spray dorata, del foam per la conchiglia al centro e una gemma di resina.
Ho pitturato poi la conchiglia con dello smalto glitterato lilla e ho usato del filo di alluminio più spesso per fare gioielli per dare la forma alla tiara. La tiara si regge con un sottile fil oelastico che verrà poi nascosto dai capelli.
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Ed ecco anche la seconda committente che prova l’abito a casa sua! Anche lei realizzerà personalmente ali e scarpe.
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Spero che vi sia piaciuto questo post e la “deviazione “ di post sulle bambole! Fatemi sapere cosa preferite di più!
Ci vediamo Mercoledi prossimo con un altro post sui cosplay...credo!
Chiara (StregaCorvina)
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
perhaps a swiftli if youre still taking reqs :-3 does Not have to be romantic if thats not ur jig i just enjoy them as a duo in general
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I honestly love this schetch and i might just make a full piece out of it. They are going camping :)
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
Ooooh if you're down maybe Nicky and Hermie in like- princely garments? With crowns and all that jazz haha, they are princes of Hell after all!
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Here you go i dont trully know what princes wear but i tried my best, hope you like it :)
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
No pressure if you don’t wanna! But 🦄 for herm if you wanna do his like “demon form” or something sorry if you’ve done that before I forgor
CW: body horror, many eyes/limbs, clearly disstresed person
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I've decided i had the energy to draw angsty Hermie so I did, i honestly love drawing horror elements so yeah... Hope you guys like it.
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
Hello!! If sketch requests are still open, could you do Autumn Oak/Linda Stampler please? :]
Thank you smmmm <333333
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Here you go @lex-the-lesbiann they both deserved so much better.
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
Hello, hope you're having a nice day! :] For the requests, maybe Hermie and Taylor bonding?
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They are uncle and nephew but also besties and i love them. Taylor is having an adhd moment cause he deserves a little info dumping and hermie loves to listen.
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
(<- got very excited to see you were still taking requests) eheh if it's not too much trouble could I possibly pester you for a pirate Glenn? 😌 Maybe with a little Nick Jr. on his shoulder 💜
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Honestly, love the idea, need to draw him hotter next time tho. Thank you for the request @babacontainsmultitudes :)
I will unfortunetly be closing requests for as of now, they might return in the future. I will be finishing the ones I still got (they will be posted in a bit because i am going on a trip and wont be able to draw for like a week)
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
Are you still doing sketch requests? I'd like to see more of your wheelchair hermie design
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I dont think i have ever drawn Hermie in a wheelchair before, but here you go. I should practise drawing inanimate stuff more.
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
Guys i need ideasssss schetch request pleaseeeee!!!!!
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
Um I dunno if you're still taking requests atm, but are there any rules or conditions that we should be aware of? Do they have to involve certain fandoms and such? And are crossovers also allowed?
Thank you for asking :) yes so far they are still open.
I dont fully have rules but:
nothing really nsfw (i mean like sexual or something, i can do shippy and romantic things but im not intrested in smut nor do i feel comftrouble drawing it)
no incest or selfcest or pedophilic or any ships like that but most ships are fine
any fandom is fine but i'll be probablly more keen to do stuff im intrested in (dndads, toh, paranatural, etc) just honestly ask
I can do specific aus, i will maybe need refrence tho
Crossovers are allowed just specify pls
Request can be more or less specific
If you have any questions either send an ask or ask in the tags/comments here or just message me directly
I might edit this later, but yeah i think that's everything so far. Hope this answered it @milliardpeacecraft
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
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I dont want it as an answer yet (cause there is one more request and i dont wanna forget).
But here is your tangled au @rooolt hope you enjoy (i might have gotten a little overboard on how much i added since this was just a schetch request but oh well i love charakter sheets so...i'm not feeling particularly guilty).
And no doodles version:
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