#and i got a plug ready to front me for a week but no one to pick up aick my car was jacked
cottonconnielvr · 1 year
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pairing ✩ — plug!connie x hyperfem!spoiled!black!reader
warnings ✩— nothing much just fluff, money, pet name daddy is used
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“I SWEAR TO GOD BABY,” Connie placed your 6 week old dog back into your lap. “Keep this fucking demon away from me” Your sparkly glossed up lips pouted, petting Marshmallow. “She’s just a baby” Connie bought the dog for you because you keep talking about how much you wanted one. He got the exact breed and everything. Since then, you’ve been so attached to the fluffy animal and Connie was a little jealous.
“She ate my fucking Bapestas” Connie quickly counted the band that was sitting in his lap.
“Boy hush, it was a small little bite. Your shoes are perfectly fine” You pressed a kiss to his cheek, leaving it shiny and glittery.
“So what are we doing today?” You finally bring up your original question. Connie called you to tell you to be ready at 3.
You were dressed in a pink juicy couture tracksuit and some pink custom AF1’s Connie bought for you. His initials hanging off of your neck in shiny diamonds.
“Got a few clients today and wanted to take you with me, wanna take you shopping afterwards.” Connie spoke while keeping his focus on the 5th band that sat in his lap.
“You don’t have to, you just ordered me like $1000 worth of shoes” You loved the treatment Connie gave you but didn’t wanna take all of his money. Although Connie was willing to give you all of it and put you on his will.
“I know but my baby passed all her finals. You deserve the world” You let a smile creep onto your face. Connie always knew how to make you feel so special. He only ever wants the best for you, seeing as he dropped out of college. He just wants for you to be as successful as possible and stunt on all these hoes.
You grabbed his jaw, turning his head to face you before kissing him repeatedly on the lips. A smile broke out onto his face. “I love you so so so so much” You pressed one more kiss to his lips.
“I love you more ma” Connie pressed a kiss to your cheek, staining your lip gloss on it. He reached for the duffel bag in the backseat and placed 3 bands in, handing the rest to you. “This is for your rent and whatever else you wanna spend it on, kay?”
You held back the urge to scream, feeling just so spoiled.
“Thank you daddy” You tease and place the money in your tote bag.
Connie puts the car in drive and looks over at you as he pulls from in-front of your house, seeing you already distracted as you scroll on Sephora.
“Spoiled brat” He mumbles
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ktgoodmorning · 2 months
The Wall
Mapi Leon x Teen!Reader
Inspired by the song "The Wall" by GroupLove
“Just sitting on a wall, always trying to do it all” “Really wanna get away, to where I couldn’t say” “Yeah we got lucky, fell into place” “We found some friends, some stayed some passed away”
A/N: The timeline is a little funky, I know Leila didn't leave in the middle of the season but we're gonna pretend for the sake of the story. Even though I posted the lyric, nobody dies, just overall angsty, more parts to come.
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“You ready to go, amiga?” Mapi shouted across the house at you even though she already knew the answer. You were always ready long before she or Ingrid ever were. It wasn’t unusual for you to be up extra early to start your day with a run or at the very least, a long walk. At only 19, you hadn’t been playing with the senior team long and wanted to do everything you possibly could to prove yourself, even if it meant getting up at four in the morning. 
When you’d been called up to the senior team, Mapi and Ingrid had insisted that you move into their spare room to help you get adjusted until you settled in better. Originally, they had pitched the idea in order to make sure you were taking care of yourself and doing everything you needed to to be successful with the team. They had no idea how prepared you already were. Still, many of the older girls had taken you under their wing, Mapi more than anyone. She was highly protective of you and was always making sure you were doing okay, even if you didn’t normally need it. They rarely had to do much, as you were one of the hardest working members of the team. 
Some might call you a perfectionist, type A, or maybe a bit obsessive, but what you were doing was working. You would do anything it took to be the best footballer you could possibly be. Getting up early was just the start. You were always eating as healthy as possible with very few cheat days. You had done plenty of research on nutrition and everything you needed to eat (and not eat) to perform at your best so you always stuck to that. You often watched film from each game at least two to three times beyond what the team watched in training. That was your favorite way to improve yourself when your body really needed a break from training. It wasn’t a lot but it was everything you needed. Everything you needed to be enough. 
You grabbed your bag and joined Mapi and Ingrid in heading to the car to go to training. Ingrid sat down in the driver’s seat while Mapi plugged in her phone to play some music that you didn’t even recognize. As you sat in the backseat, you were slightly lost in thought, thinking of what you needed to work on today. Speed and endurance were always something you tried to improve but maybe it was more important today to focus on your passing accuracy but also you needed to work on your shooting or maybe-
“Hey did you hear me?” Your thoughts were interrupted as Ingrid snapped you back into the real world. 
“Hmm? Sorry.” You mumbled as you gathered your thoughts back to focus on the two girls in front of you. “What’d you say?”
“Leila said you were going with her after training? Is that right?” Of course you were forgetting something- your dinner plans with Leila. You sighed gently, trying to straighten out your schedule in your head. 
“Oh, umm, yeah. We wanted to go to this new restaurant. I guess I forgot.” Because she was sitting in front of you, you missed the way Ingrid’s brow furrowed at the lack of enthusiasm in your response. Leila had become like a fun older sister to you. The two of you got dinner together at least once a week and were typically causing some sort of trouble during training. She kept you from taking yourself too seriously, worried that if you went unchecked you’d spiral under the amount of pressure you placed on yourself. Like many of the older girls, she had taken it upon herself to protect you. It was different with Leila because she treated you as more of an equal rather than a child. Because of this, everyone knew how much you cherished your time with her. 
Mapi took the opportunity to lightly tease you for your weird behavior, “don’t get too excited there, chica.” She turned to look at you, trying to gauge your reaction to her comment. 
It didn’t offend you, although you still didn’t laugh. You just weren’t really bothered by the comment at all. “Sorry, just thinking about other stuff.” 
The older two girls had let it go, changing the subject as you got closer to the training grounds. You missed the look of nervousness shared between the two of them as you got lost in your thoughts once again. 
You remained focused all throughout training, focusing on the things you needed to improve- speed, endurance, strength, passing, shooting, accuracy- the list in your head was miles long. Anytime the other girls would joke around, they knew you typically needed some coaxing to join in. However anytime one of your closer friends would get you in on it, that’s usually all it took. Leila was your weak spot, sometimes Pina too. They were always able to break down your walls of focus and seriousness and allow yourself to have a little fun. If it weren’t for them (and the rest of your team’s antics), everyone knew you’d sink into your perfectionism even further. 
As you walked off the field at the end of the session, it was Pina that spoke to you first. “Hey, some of us are going out tomorrow night, you’re in right?”
Your face contorted with uncertainty, torn between the idea of having fun with your friends for a night and knowing you could use the sleep to prepare for Sunday's match. 
Suddenly, an arm wrapped around your shoulders and you instantly recognized it as Leila’s, “Si, she’ll be there. Even if I have to drag her out myself.” 
Well there was your answer. You gave the two girls a shrug, knowing you’d enjoy the time out with them. A little relaxation couldn’t hurt, right? You deserved it after how hard you had been working so far this season. And just because you went out didn’t mean you had to drink yourself into oblivion. You’d still be plenty prepared for the next match. As you all got ready to leave, Claudia filled you in on the plans, making you look forward to the night even more. 
There was a newfound lightness in your step as you followed Leila to her car and went to the restaurant for dinner. You were excited for tomorrow night with everyone. It had been awhile since you’d let your guard down and just had fun for a night so you knew it’d be good for you. You knew how much you needed it and were thankful your friends were able to give you the little push you needed to agree. You were thankful for your friends until you got to dinner with Leila and learned the true reasons behind the night out. 
You were sitting across from her, in the corner of the small restaurant when she broke the news to you- she’d be transferring to Manchester. The party tomorrow night was to have one last celebration together before she left. Instantly your chest tightened. She continued talking, explaining why it was a good decision and that she’d always be there to support you no matter how far away she was. However none of this registered to you. The second she said the words, you quit processing anything else. 
Manchester? Why Manchester? How could she leave Barcelona? How could she leave you? She always said you were like family but you don’t just leave your family behind. Was Barcelona not good enough for her anymore? Or worse yet, did she not think she was good enough for Barcelona? If that was the case, how could you ever be good enough for Barca? Or for Leila for that matter? If you were a good enough “sister” to her, she would have no reason to want to leave, to go so far away. 
Leila managed to pull you out of your thoughts when she reached across the table to hold your hand. “Hey, take a breath, it’s okay. You can still call me whenever you need anything, I’ll still come visit. You’ll be okay, I promise.” 
She squeezed your hand tightly, trying to get you to meet her eyes, but you just couldn’t do it. You knew she had talked about not renewing her contract but you clearly had been too naive to think it could actually happen. Suddenly it hit you that other people must have already known. If Claudia had already had the time to plan a party, when did she find out about this? Had you been the last to find out?
“(y/n),” she squeezed your hand again, tighter this time, getting concerned at how you still had yet to respond. 
Suddenly you were snapped back into reality, shaking your head quickly, “I’ve gotta go, I’m sorry.” Leila could hardly hear you as you mumbled, barely coherent. Frantically, you had pushed away from the table and made your way towards the door. You were almost running as you finally made it outside. 
The cool evening air hit you hard. It helped you steady your breathing slightly, feeling less choked by the air of the restaurant. You didn’t notice how much your hands were shaking until you grabbed your phone to call Mapi, hoping she could pick you up. 
In the time it took you to unlock your phone and pull up her contact, Leila appeared next to you. “Don’t be ridiculous, chiquita. I will drive you, come on.” She grabbed your hand before you had the chance to argue and led you to her car. Her silence was unusual but you hardly noticed, consumed by your thoughts. 
Her heart broke when she saw your reaction. Obviously Leila knew you’d be upset but she couldn’t have imagined you’d take it this hard. The Spaniard was consumed with guilt as she tried her best to focus on the road ahead. It had crossed her mind that maybe she should have told you sooner but she wanted to make sure it was completely finalized first. You’d have other people that could step into her role when she was gone, people that would make sure you’d be taken care of. And like she said, she’d still be just a phone call away. Hopefully you just needed a night to let the shock wear off so you could both enjoy your time together before she had to leave. 
You hardly realized that you had arrived in front of Mapi and Ingrid’s, the entire care ride being completely silent until now. “Chiquita, can we please talk?” She was still met with complete silence from you, taking it as an invitation to continue on. “Listen, I’m sorry. I should have talked to you sooner but I just-”
“It’s fine.” you shrugged her off, her face full of confusion.
“But, I should’ve-” 
“Leila, it’s fine. I’m fine. I’ve got to go.” 
“But (y/n), I-” and you were gone. Leila let out an exasperated sigh when you slammed the car door shut, mid sentence. So much for talking to you. The older woman texted Mapi, hoping she’d be able to talk to you in a way that was more successful than what had just happened. 
Mapi had just read Leila’s message when you trudged through the front door. She decided not to let you know what Leila had told her, trying to see how much you’d be willing to share on your own. Committing to her plan, she greeted you, just as chipper as always, “Hola, Amiga! How was Leila?” 
You responded with a shrug, doing your best to push your feelings down. If you just pushed them away, you’d be fine, right? “She was fine.” Mapi and Ingrid shared a look of concern at you making a beeline for your room. Once you made it to your room, then you could handle whatever you were feeling, but you weren’t about to do that in front of them. 
Your plan would’ve worked out if it weren’t for Ingrid making one last attempt to get you to talk, “Hey, did you want to join us for a movie night?” You were so close, your door right in front of you. You pressed your forehead against the door, taking a strangled deep breath in an attempt to keep your emotions at bay. “(y/n)?” They shared another glance, concerned by your reaction. 
Almost in slow motion, you turned silently to face the pair. “Did you know?” You choked over your words. You didn’t plan on talking about it tonight. You didn’t know how to face this news but you had to know the answer. Did Leila really tell everyone but you? The silence from Mapi told you everything you needed to know. All you could do was turn and take refuge in your bedroom. 
As soon as the door shut, you pressed your back against it and slid down until you met the ground. Knowing you well, Mapi knew you’d want some time to handle it yourself. You were fiercely independent, always acting much older than you were. Sometimes Mapi had to remind others how young you were, making sure nobody went too hard on you. At times she had to remind you of that as well. Remind you that you were still learning, still figuring out life. Mapi admired your maturity but was also terrified that it would end up breaking you. She knew if she tried to follow you know, you’d push her out even further and want to try to fix it yourself first. 
If only she could see you- sitting on the floor, tears rolling down your face as you choked down sobs. Your whole body shook, filled to the brim with emotions that you were too scared to let out. Your cries continued, much longer than ever before. 
            At some point during your crying, you had made your way into bed. The blankets and pillows provided you little comfort from the world inside your head. You didn’t even realize you had cuddled up with a sweatshirt of Leila’s. You borrowed it once when you were chilly and she let you keep it after she saw how much you loved it. It was instinctual for you to reach for it in times of stress so of course you hugged it tightly as you cried over the idea of her leaving you. Eventually, your cries seemed to tire you, succumbing to the exhaustion and falling into an uneasy sleep. 
When Mapi and Ingrid had finished their movie and you were still yet to emerge from your room, they knew they needed to check up on you. Mapi being the closest with you, always took it upon herself to play the role of mother when you needed it. She knocked on your door lightly, expecting some sort of response. When she was met with none, she pressed her ear against your door, hoping to hear something that’d give her an idea of how you we doing. With still no response, she gently pushed the door open. 
Upon seeing you, Mapi let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. You were curled up on your bed, fast asleep. She quietly sat down next to you, taking in your stressed appearance. Your face was still stained from tears, your eyes puffy and red. The older woman pushed some hair away from your face and ran her thumb over your eyebrows, hoping to relax the crease that remained on your face. It was clear to her who’s sweatshirt it was that you were gripping tightly. Mapi realized that while you were clearly sad, you must not be too angry at Leila herself. You wouldn’t be snuggled into her sweatshirt if you were mad at her. 
Mapi pulled up your blanket around your shoulders and pressed a light kiss to your forehead, assuming that you’d be feeling better in the morning. Of course it would be hard on you to see one of the closest people in your life move away but Mapi knew she and Ingrid would be with you to help, no matter what it took. You were a hard worker, resilient in nature. There was no reason for anyone to expect you to be anything but that. 
The next morning, Mapi was surprised when she entered the kitchen and didn’t see any trace of you. Sometimes you’d be up, cooking breakfast or at the very least, she’d see your empty mug in the sink which communicated that you’d had your coffee before going on a run. When she looked closer, she noticed your shoes and training bag already gone. Intending to call you, she opened her phone just to notice an unread message from you: 
Wanted to train early. Used my run to run here. See you later. 
Mapi’s face contorted as she read your message. How early had you left? The training grounds weren’t exactly close and would’ve taken a long time to run there. You were probably exhausted after being so upset the night before but maybe you wanted that run to clear your head and would talk with her afterwards.
Mapi and Ingrid arrived to training early, hoping to catch you before the rest of the team showed up. They stopped in the locking room first, thinking you’d be taking a break there and waiting for everyone else. When they didn’t find you there, they went on to the gym, the physio rooms, and the cafeteria- all of which remained empty. They hesitantly decided to check the pitch, confused as to why you’d be willing to spend more time in the sun on top of the time you’d spend outside for team training. 
Of course that’s where they found you- on the side of the pitch running sprints. You didn’t notice them, fully lost in your own head, running as fast as your body would take you. Your lungs were burning. At this point, you had no idea how long you’d been running, definitely over an hour. 
But you needed to. You had to get faster. You had to work harder. You had to prove that your spot on the team was not from getting lucky. You had worked for it. You were still working for it. 
Maybe if you ran fast enough, you could run away from all your problems. Run away from here. Run away from being lonely. Or stressed. Or tired. Or insecure. Or not good enough. You didn’t need anyone’s help- not Leila’s, not Ingrid, not Mapi. You had to do this yourself. You had to work harder. 
Mapi froze- watching you run yourself to exhaustion. She had never seen you like this. She’d seen you struggle but she’d never seen this. How would she even begin to help you? Clearly you couldn’t continue in this headspace but right now your friend was completely lost as to where to even begin with you. She sent Ingrid back inside, knowing her best chance at getting you to open up was if you were alone.
“Amiga! Come on! Come take a break before training starts!” Her shouting across the pitch at you was the first you were made aware of her presence. You shook your head at her and continued your sprints, not bothering to look her way. Your lungs didn’t have the capacity to use your voice at the moment. “Si, vamos! It was not a suggestion, you have to be done out here!” Once again, you ignored her. 
The older woman let out a heavy sigh, knowing she was going to have to stop you herself. She did just that as she lightly jogged towards you, intending on intercepting your path. You didn’t even notice what she was doing until you suddenly struggled to avoid running into her. You stumbled over your feet while she grabbed at your shoulders, hoping to help steady you. With how fast you had been going, it was difficult trying to stop your momentum so suddenly- something she should have known before trying to get in your way.  As soon as you had steadied, you were filled with anger and Mapi’s hands holding onto you tightly were not helping. The Zaragozan had no idea the amount of rage you were about to unleash onto her.
Part 2 Part 3
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lil-quinnie · 1 year
part I part III part IV
modern!gamer!eddie x  f!reader
warnings: 18+ cussing, dirty talk, grinding, soft!dom eddie, daddy kink, slightly non con, anal play, thigh riding, filming without permission, exhibitionism, let me know if i forgot something.
word count 1576
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You are being a brat the whole day, talking back and snapping at anything Eddie would tell you. He and his fucking computer, you swear he likes the game more than he likes you, and today you were not buying it.
"Eddie, i swear to god if you don't turn this shit off and go shower i gonna go to the party without you.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, fingers clicking into the keyboard "Bug, you have said 30 minutes, it's not passed even 15 minutes, what got you so worked up today? Jesus"
Eddie's new vice of the week. make live videos on twitch and brag about how good his games skill was, it was not bad, actually you were proud of him, he helps anyone who messaged, mostly his friends but, yeah! it was important to him, and because of that, today you wanna ruin it.
While he rambled something in front of the camera, you were walking from behind him all the time, just in a towel while humming some melody that just distracted your mind. 
"Baby, C'mon, this view” he points up and down to your body “is just for me, not for any weirdo who is watching this shit, go put some clothes on princess, please".
You froze to his comment and sighing mid phrase “At least someone'll"
 "what did you say?" he snapped back at you.
The weight of your bratness through the long of the day starting to get through his skin, you recognized the look on his face, the little lit pupil behind the brown ocean eyes, you don't know what was passing in your head before you did what you did.
"I said" you cross your arms through your chest, pinching the ending of the towel, Eddie could read your next movements like one of his campaign,
Before you could unwrap the towel from your body Eddie pulled the plug, shutting the whole set off.
you started to chuckle when the towel dropped on the floor, a tiny black sleeveless dress was under it, Eddie's face got red, nostrils blowing hot air to your face, you never saw him stand up so fast, his hands on your wrists tugging you to his bare chest.
"You wanna act like a brat? you are gonna be treated like a brat" 
he bends you over his lap, pushing your head down and your ass up, he still could hear the sound of your laugh, mocking him, driving him crazy.
"Acting like a child the whole fucking day, FINE! i'm gonna punish you like the fucking kid you are"
Your dress pulled up through your waist, letting your softs cheeks all on display for him, he let a little moan escape from his lips from the sight of your underwear, tracing his fingertips on the lacy's patterns. 
The first slap was not hard, is almost for test the water, on the third slap you started to hiss "So fierce snapping at me all day"
"but can't take 3 fucking slaps?"
"where is your big girl's word babe?" he grabbed the fat of your ass, slapping one more time
"what? cat got your tongue?"
you let a loud moan escape from your lips when he ripped another pair of your expensive underwear, he open your ass, letting your holes exposed for him "so fucking wet and i don't even touch you, such a needy little whore" he traced his finger lighter than he never touched you before, ghosting over your thigh little asshole.
"Eddie, what…what are you doing?" you clench around nothing, when you feel his saliva dripping through your hole.
he pulled you up, hands on you hair, lips on the lap of your ear whispering so smoothless causing goosebumps
"Brats don't get to talk, honey" he stuffed your mouth with your ripped panties. 
Head pinned to the dirty carpet from his room, Eddie give slaps on each of your cheeks,until hear your soft crying
"What was that slut? Ready to apologize to daddy?" his finger circling around your greedy hole, making your throbbing cunt hurt with the negletting feeling.
You are overwhelmed with the pressure he is applying at your asshole, you didn't see when the monitor turns on, you didn't notice the red light from the camera, you didn't feel when Eddie pushed the chair backwards leaving only his bare chest and your sore pinkish ass on the grid of his webcam.
"I'm not listen baby, daddy need your answers" 
he sunk the fingertip of his thumb on your asshole, making you cry
"i'm sorry daddy, 'm so sorry, please stop, please please please, 'm gonna be good again, i will be good" 
He had that familiar smirk on his lips, he knew he had cracked you already, now you are just a whimper little baby and he is your daddy.
"Let me explain how this is going to work, baby doll" he separated your butt cheeks, spitting at your hole, getting all slick and wet
"i'm gonna use this pretty hole as much as i want, and maybe if you ask real nice, i can let you cum, understand?" 
"Yes daddy" you answered through the small moans leaving the back of your throat while his thumb stretched your little tight hole with his whole thumb.
"That's it babe, such a jealous bitch, feeling jealous about a fucking computer, huh?" he spit again against your hole, making you clench around his finger, eddie growl and slapped you buttcheek, bringing tears to your eyes.
"Y-yes daddy, i'm a jealous slut" you was squirming under his touch "more, please please please, gimme more daddy, i'll be a good girl, please", he was teasing your hole with another finger, sinking slowly and deep, fucking you painfully slowly, slapping your ass harder as he increse his finger's pace on your asshole.
"Daddy, I need to cum, please please make me cum" you cry into the feeling of eddie's finger working at your sore hole, in and out harder and harder at the sound of your pleading. His voice was low but you could hear the smirk through it
"i'm not gonna touch you doll, not gonna touch your neddy, pretty little pussy angel" he deepened his fingers into your asshole
"Make yourself cum, angel, ride my thigh while i fuck your puckered hole" you do as you was told, starting to grind your neglected pussy into eddie's tight, your back arching at the pressure at your clit, letting pornograph moans slip through your lips, waking something feral at eddie's chest.
"That's it, such a good girl, a good good girl for me" he was abusing your hole, 3 fingers stuck deep while his free hand deepening your hips at his bare tigh, the sound of your wet slit made eddie twitch inside his pants, you kept rubbing your sore clit while eddie fucked your ass with his fingers, fast and hard enough for you to know that sitting down it was gonna hurt for a few days.
"Daddy, i'm gonna, oh!fuck, please, daddy, let me cum, please please, i need to cum, let me please, so full, you fuck my ass so good daddy, please please, OH MY GOD, PLEASE BABY"
Eddie twirls his fingers in your thigh hole, stuffing you full so good with his fat fingers. The known warmth building into the lower of your belly, your hips bucking sloppy at his thigh. Eddie still fucking you through your orgasm
"That's it, such a good girl for daddy" he pulled you from your previous position, now chest to chest, your head resting on his shoulder while he petted your hair "you are perfect baby, took everything i gave to you, made yourself cum like a big girl, don't you?
you sign, voice muffled by his neck "yes daddy, but i..i...never mind"
"What was that love? tell daddy what do you need" he demanded "i want you to fuck me, please, i was a good girl"
``'m tell you what, sweetheart. You made a huge mess at my thigh, got daddy all wet and slick" he said at your ear while rocking your body at his thigh "get on your knees and clean daddy's up, ok?, use this pretty little mouth of yours to do something that works, and maybe, if you do a good job, daddy let you have his cock deep at your pretty pussy, deal?
"mhm, yes daddy, anything for you" you got at your knees and start to lick and suck at eddie's thigh, so focus on doing a good job but you did notice his body shuffle, you did hear the clicks and before you could stand up, eddie guided your head to his balls, making you worship them.
He fast type at the chat of his twitch chat
"that is how to tease a woman the right way, fuckers, you are VERY fucking welcoming."
Eddie grins at the sign of 750 viewers at his almost unwatchable channel.
"Can we fuck right now Teddie? i really need you" you said, looking at him with big pleading eyes, the ripped pantie now in your hands, he caress you cheeks with his thumb and kiss the top of your head before whisper "of course, my love, anything for you"
Eddie took you off the ground and shut the computer off, before walking with you to his bed, still with the shit ass grin on his face. “I love you princess”
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lunacyxxx · 5 months
Differences Aside
MDNI Ghost and Konig are your plugs, but what you didn't know was that they were each other's opps. So, one day you decided to buy from both of them. It was like one of them always had something the other didn't.
You were already kind of high when you were talking to them and thus, here's the tale of how you ended up between two sworn enemies.
Contains: drug use, dominant masked men and fingering nd stuff
not proofread, idk how many words this is. I hope yall enjoy it.))
The sun was going down and you just finished all your tasks for the day. It was time to reward yourself with your normal routine of getting high, you entered your home and smiled excitedly. You quickly make haste to your bedroom getting undressed and going into your personal bathroom, you turn on your shower and begin your nightly routine.
You came out in a towel and went to your closet putting on a long t-shirt and spandex shorts. Music sounded through your room when you connected your phone to your speaker and sat at your desk. The bottom drawer to your left had all your goodies in it, you noticed you were on your last nug.
Coincidentally, you got a text from your plug Ghost.
Ghost: new pack came in, lmk what you want and how much luv.
One thing about Ghost, despite his intimidating appearance, he had a soft spot for you. Honestly when he first pulled up to your place, he wasn't expecting someone who looked like you to smoke. He was surprised when you gave him some extra cash for gas so since then, he's always made sure you got what you wanted and sometimes added in a little extra.
You smiled at his text and replied asking to see his menu, he sent it a couple minutes later and you looked over it. He wasn't lying when he said new because some of this stuff you've never heard of before. You pondered over your choices as you rolled up, "Hmm."
You: I'll take the (fave cereal) edible and a 3.5 of Alaskan Thunder Fuck please and thank you :)
Ghost: Okay darling, I'll be over there in about 2 hours. This would normally be $50 but for you its $30, see you soon
You like his message and light your joint taking in a steady inhale, moving over to your bed you open your window and pull up your laptop to watch youtube. About an hour later, you finished your joint and was watching YouTube until your phone lit up with another text.
Konig: I got new stuff for you to try ;)
Ah Konig, the tallest dude you've ever laid eyes on. How ya'll met was kind of funny, he had the wrong address and was parked outside your home when you went outside to get the mail. He got out of his car and came up to you and thought you were the customer who placed an order earlier that day.
You two talked and he realized he made a typo in the gps, but you still ended up buying something from him since Ghost was out of town for that week. Talk about good luck, right? So like Ghost, he sometimes adds an extra and gives you discounts.
Konig sent you his list and he had new shit too.
You: I'll take one of your carts, you can choose whichever one you wanna give me and a 3.5 of GSC please and thank you.
Konig: Of course, you know I got you. It's gonna be $30 for you."
You liked his message and leaned over to your nightstand grabbing your wallet and taking out the cash you needed.
The cool summer air brushed your skin when you stepped outside to wait for your plugs to pull up, the familiar rumble of Ghost's car and Konig's truck coming down the opposite sides of the street. Ghost parked on the curb and Konig pulled into your driveway.
They both got out, Ghost stood at 6 '4, wearing black sweats a black long sleeve and of course his skull balaclava. Konig hopped out his truck, standing at 6 '10 he wore his sniper hood, gray hoodie and black jeans.
The two men caught sight of each other, and they both pulled out their pistols ready to shoot, "Now wait a damn minute!” The both of them jumped at your sudden yell.
"First of all, this is what we're not gonna do. Especially in front of my house. Secondly, what the hell is y'all problem?"
"Tell me why the fuck he's here first!" they both said, the differences in their accents now very apparent and you felt a very slight ache down there. (iykyk)
"Uh because y'all are my plugs? I can't have two plugs, you both end up having different stuff that hits hard; especially when I mix the two together."
“We actually don’t get along at all," Konig said, eyeing you.
"Yeah, something like this isn't supposed to happen,” Ghost spat out while glaring at Konig
A look of realization crossed your face and you looked between the both of them, "How about you put your differences aside and let's all smoke. I don't really care for stuff like this unless someone I know, and love is involved and stuff. I mean, neither of you shot one another yet sooo."
The two men looked at you then at each other before lowering their weapons, both of them mumbling something under their breaths. You walked over to Konig and gave him the money; in turn he gave you a medium baggie which was new.
You then walked over to Ghost and paid him and he gave you a bag that was around the same size as Konig's. Neither of them would admit they liked pulling up to give you your weed, they often invited you inside their vehicles to chat and show you some of the other products they had.
"I forgot to ask, do either of you have more things to do, I don't wanna stop your bag or anything."
Ghost shook his head and Konig spoke up, "I always save the best for last. Why do you think you always get a little something extra meine liebe?"
Ghost rolled his eyes and scoffed, "I hate to agree with his ass but same here. I'm free for the rest of the night."
"Mkay, now that's settled we can go inside. I should have one of y'all roll, out here just pulling guns on each other and shit." You lead them into your home, the living room has a comfortable sectional with a matching ottoman. There was a mounted tv with your entertainment center underneath it, a bookshelf with books, crystals and all your favorite things.
"Make yourselves comfortable and no fighting, I do have a cast iron skillet and won't hesitate to pop someone with it." You ignore the chuckles coming from both men as they sit on opposite sides of the couch, not without mean mugging each other until you come back with your rolling tray, water and some snacks.
You scooch past Konig while saying excuse me before you sit in the space between them, and thus the smoke session commences.
After about 30 minutes, all three of you were slouched on the couch completely zooted watching Planet Earth. (A/N: idk about y'all but that's the best thing to watch when you're high asf, speaking from experience)
"That lizard has some fucking balls running through all those snakes," Konig commented. You and Ghost nodded, the both of you completely tapped into the show. Over the course of the session, you were sandwiched between them, their thick thighs pressing against your own.
Ghost looked over at you, his eyes red and half opened while they took in your appearance. His eyes flickered up only to catch Konig doing the same thing, Ghost felt a bit ballsy so he put his arm over your shoulder pulling you closer to him.
Konig saw this and slipped an arm around your waist, also pulling your hips to him. "Hey, what's up with the both of you?"
You looked between the two of them and you could feel the tension building slightly, you honestly liked the idea of your two plugs showing you this much attention. Yet you hoped it wouldn't turn into some type of blood bath anytime soon, "If you guys wanted to cuddle, you could've just asked."
"Let's see who can make her cum the most," Ghost said. You could feel Konig readjust his grip to hold your hips and squeeze them slightly. "Well, I'm already where I need to be. I call going first, as long as meine liebe is okay with it. Ja?" The way the taller man stared you down through his hood had you shook, his red eyes portraying more than just being under the influence. You couldn't stop yourself from nodding.
"We need you to say it darling, if not then we can pretend this never happened."
Not wanting to lose this once in a lifetime opportunity, you gave them the answer they were looking for. "Yes, I'm fine with that."
You felt your shorts being pulled away and cool hands going under your shirt, Ghost moved with a sense of dominance and roughness while Konig too expressed his dominance but in a slightly possessive manner.
Ghost adjusted himself so one leg was on the couch and your back was pressed to his broad chest. Konig gripped your thighs and spread them open with a satisfied huff.
Konig admired your bare pussy before lifting his mask up and diving right in, his tongue lapping at your clit before tracing through all the creases and folds to get a better taste of you. Your moans and lewd slurps echoed through the living room. His tongue moving slowly, as if he wanted to map out each curve a dip of your core.
"Don't forget that I'm here," Ghost murmured. His hands were massaging your breasts and playing with your nipples under your shirt, the overload of the difference in the way they were handling you turns your mind to mush.
You could only imagine how they acted once they got you where they wanted, Ghost took a hold of your throat. His lips brushing past your ear as he bit it, he tilted your head back and looked down at you.
His lustful gaze causing your pussy to clench, Konig noticed the moment you two were having and pushed two fingers inside of your sopping pussy. He angled them up and began thrusting them, Ghost kept your focus on him while he eyed Konig.
The two of them having a heated stare down while you wiggled between them.
Your juices were soaking the Austrian's hands as he slowly worked them in and out of your slick heat, lewd wet noises mingled with your moans in the hazy living room. Konig pushes his fingers upwards trying to find that spongy spot that he knows will drive you crazy, Ghost watches him work his fingers inside of you. His own erection throbbing in his pants, Simon pinches and rolls your nipples between his thumb and forefinger ensuring that he was making you moan louder. 
His hand is still around your throat keeping you in place.
Your breath hitches in your throat when Konig finally finds that spot, he hums and presses on your lower tummy. “There we go, take that shit y/n,” Konig growls before jerking his digits in and out of your pussy roughly. Simon held you close to him, cutting off your air supply slightly while he watches you come undone. His large hands move to grab your wrists to prevent you from pushing Konig away.
At this point you couldn't control your mewls and your thighs were quaking, broken moans leave your gaping mouth as you feel a strong coil in the pit of your tummy. You try to tell Konig to slow down but your words only come out as quivering babbles.
Your feet plant themselves on the couch as your hips buck under Konig’s hand, you throw your head back on Ghost’s shoulder crying out as that coil snaps and you gush all over Konig’s hand and face.
"Bedroom. Now,” the both of them were surely going to break you.
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lovestaysblogs · 25 days
ooo also would love a minho x reader where they are sort of enemies in the friendship group/ think the other dislikes them and maybe reader needs help/ ends up hurt or drunk and minho comes to help and they realise they didn’t actually hate each other and the group is glad they’ve finally stopped being blind (I think i have an angst obsession)
unfortunately i like you too
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pairing: college au!lee know x reader word count: 3306 genre: not really friends/ rivals to lovers, fluff, angst, unrequited (but not really), hurt to comfort warnings: description of unintentional self-harm (pressing your fingernails into your palms), alcohol network: @skzstarnet request by: @missvanjii
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When I first met Lee Minho I thought he was a piece of shit. And that’s just me putting it nicely. 
We were placed in a group together in our first year for Introduction to Computer Science.
He was always correcting me with his stupid signature smirk on his stupid face, wearing his stupid glasses, and laughing his stupid laugh while I struggled to retort his reply. In fact, if my stupid body had some backbone and I wasn’t so unfortunately attracted to him, and if I didn’t hate how much I got nervous when he would come from behind me and click my mistakes away, I could easily respond to him.
In that class I also met two of my closest friends now. Felix, another international student and Nayeon, both who had the brightest smiles. After completing our assignment, the four of us unintentionally formed our own little friend group.
At times we meet at a coffee shop not too far from campus to get some work done. It was a perfect day to meet up. With how chilly it’s been, the sun finally showed herself after days of rain. 
The quaint coffee shop turned out to be our favourite spot off campus. The simple designs mixed with the smell of coffee were calming factors for us. After coming here almost every week, the owners now know our orders and always have our table ready for us.
Felix and I were the first to arrive. He barely waited til we sat down properly for him to pull out his laptop, plug it in and start typing rapidly. His forehead formed rare lines as his eyes moved rapidly to the screen. 
After getting our order, he turned his laptop to me and asked me to see if I could fix his worries.
“Lix, I have no idea what to do to fix that program,” I said.
Felix sighed as he turned his computer back to himself. One could see how stressed he was. His face was wearing a foreign frown as he typed quickly.
“What program?” A voice that I recognized way too easily, said sitting down in front of us. 
I glanced up at Minho, we made eye contact and he smiled. I looked away and rolled my eyes at his presence. Since it was just the three of us, Nayeon as usual was late.
The owner brought over his order, he smiled and thanked him while slightly bowing, making his bangs fall onto his glasses. After taking a quick sip of his coffee, he quickly fixed them before asking again, 
“So what’s this program you’re talking about?”
“The program for my Analysis of Algorithms class. I’ve been working at it for days and it’s due tonight and I asked Y/N to look at it for me –” 
“But Y/N’s more of a UX designer Lix,” Minho interrupted. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.
He laughed, “Nothing, just that your focus is in UX design, so I wouldn’t be surprised that you wouldn’t know how to fix it,”
I know what Minho said wasn’t inherently bad, but the playfulness in his eyes alongside that stupid ass smirk made me know that he knows he’s pissing me off.
I squinted my eyes at his response and opened my mouth to answer him but Felix interjected.
“This is due tonight. I don’t have time for your bickering back and forth as a badly concealed  attempt at flirting,” He groaned, placing his fingers at his temple.
Minho laughed and took Felix’s laptop and started typing.
“What? It’s true. You do it every time we hang out and I’m too stressed to have that right now,” He pouted, placing his head on my shoulder.
I started to pat his hair and said to Minho,
“Look at what you did to the poor child,”
Before he could continue, Nayeon finally entered the coffee shop with a smile on her face. She said hi to the owners and waved at us from the counter. 
She sat down beside Minho and pulled out her laptop as she said,
“What did I miss?”
“Nothing much, just Y/N and Minho bickering again,” Felix said.
“Oh so the usual,”
Minho snickered at that.
“We do not argue that much. Y’all just lucky I can tolerate his ass,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Careful with rolling your eyes all the time babe, they might fall out,” Minho said looking up at me.
“Ughhh, can you not! Have you finished fixing my program, you’re over here flirting?” Felix groaned again.
My eye twitched, “He was not… flirting,”
Right? He calls me these silly nicknames all the time. And as much as they make my heart speed up a little, it means nothing to him. 
Minho turned the laptop back around to Felix, “I’m finished with it Lix. You must have not noticed but you skipped out on a couple lines of code and also had some of them in the wrong places,”
“Have I ever told you I love you? Because I love you,” Felix exclaimed, lifting his head off my shoulder to check his laptop.
Minho laughed at his theatrics but he just had to pipe in, “Also, I wasn’t flirting,”
Nayeon rolled her eyes, “Sure, whatever you say,”
Minho chuckled before opening his own laptop, “Why would I flirt with Y/N?”
“You guys are blowing shit out of proportion. He was just being a dick as usual,” I said.
“Yeah plus, she isn’t my type anyways,” He shrugged. 
The air stilled. I stopped typing after hearing his words.  Nayeon and Felix locked eyes before simultaneously looking at me. Must be to see how my face might have changed upon hearing his words.
They’ve told me once before that as fierce I might try to present myself on the outside, with the dark makeup and dark clothes, I’m as soft as a cloud on the inside. And sometimes that bleeds through. I’m unable to hide my emotions to protect myself and I get figured out. I don’t think either of them know about my unfortunate crush on Minho. Well, if they do, they haven’t told me.
“That’s a bit much Min,” Nayeon said.
She reached for my hand on the table, gently unclasping my fingers that were pressed so tightly into my palm. I didn’t even notice I was doing it.
Minho looked up and our eyes met when Nayeon spoke. It’s like he felt the shift in the energy. He blinked rapidly, as if he was slowly processing what just happened. One would think he would stop talking at this point.
 “Y/N knows not to take me seriously,” He said with a slight smile looking right at me.
My throat closed up. “Right,” I forced out, “Because you don’t take me seriously either,”.
His eyebrows pushed together as if he was surprised at what I said. Or maybe it was how I said it. His eyes latched onto mine. His mouth slightly opened, as if he was searching for what to say.
Felix placed a hand on mine, to comfort me but to warn me to be cautious as well. Now I know I must have been wearing my feelings on my face again. 
After I could trust myself to speak, I raised my face and tucked my locs behind my ears. I started packing up my stuff.
“I forgot I had to do something back on campus. I’ll catch up with you guys later,”
Walking out of the coffee shop, I cursed myself over and over again. We do this all the time. We argue, we bicker, we insult. But it wasn’t personal. And the feelings I felt for him that made me so frustrated with myself, never came up. 
It’s not like I expect anything to come out of this.  A relationship with Minho was the last thing I thought of. But to hear him blatantly say I never even had a chance, hurt. I didn’t even know I wanted one.
The noisy street to the bus stop did not help to drown out my thoughts. In fact with how loud it was inside my brain and outside, I wish something would shut up. I felt enclosed and uncomfortable. Maybe I was wearing too many layers. But it was too cold to go without a jacket. Tears brimmed my eyes and I started pressing my fingernails into my palms again, simply hoping to relieve some frustration.
A hand gently stopped my pressing.
“Hey,” He said softly.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to leave like that. My mind is just so loud right now and God –”
He smiled gently, “You don’t have to apologize Y/N,”. He interlocked his fingers with mine and squeezed my hand as we walked to the stop.
We sat down and waited for the bus to come. The once bright blue skies quickly turned gray under the influence of the month of May.
“It’s okay to feel, you know Y/N? You don’t have to be this tough girl all this time,” He frowned. 
“When I do feel, it hurts Lixie,” I placed my head on his shoulder.
He patted my head gently, “I know love, I know. I just wish the both of you would stop arguing and actually realize how you feel”.
“He feels nothing for me. Didn’t you hear what he said?” I said.
Felix only sighed and said nothing else.
The next time our group was together, was at the club on Friday night. Nayeon and I were in the bathroom checking our makeup while the guys got drinks. We both matched in our black little dresses, accenting our figures. My locs were in a high bun with two framing pieces out. I reapplied my liner and lip gloss and glanced over at Nayeon whose light makeup contrasted with my dark one. I smiled at her through the mirror and nudged her.
She caught my smile and began laughing, “We’re literally twins babe,”
I nodded and hugged her, “We are,”
She looked at me a bit more seriously, “You know I love you right Y/N?”
“Of course Nayeonie. I know,”
“Good. I also straightened out Lee Minho after you left,” She said, fixing her hair.
“You did not!”
Maybe I heard her wrong over the blaring loud music.
“I did! I told him that I know y’all argue but that was pushing it,”
“There’s nothing wrong with him not having feelings for me,”
“It’s not that. It’s how he said it,”
I reached over and gave her another hug, “Well either way, thank you for protecting me Nayeonie,”
She hugged me again, “Always, my Y/N. Let’s go dance and get really drunk now!!” 
Her smile was devilish.
Walking over to the bar, we saw the boys with our drinks. 
Felix handed over mine and said “What were you guys doing in there? Took so damn long!”
I giggled and downed mine, “What happens in the girls bathroom, stays in the girls bathroom,”
“Whatever, let’s go dance.” As he pulled me into the crowd, I locked eyes with Minho.
We haven’t really spoken since the coffee shop. He gave me a small smile and nodded at me, which I returned. 
Anyways, I wasn’t here to focus on Minho and my failed attempt at not checking out how good he looked tonight under the flashing lights. 
After some time and ten more drinks later, I lost the group. I stumbled out of the crowd and sat at the bar. I reached into my purse for my phone and tried my best to find one of their numbers.
“Hey,” An unfamiliar voice said. 
I looked up at the owner of the voice, “Do I know you?”.
He laughed, “No, but you can get to know me. I bought a drink for you,”.
He slid a bright red drink over my way. With the slight consciousness I had, I shook my head.
“No thanks,”
He sat down next to me, “Come on, I’ve been watching you all night and now I’m finally talking to you. Just take the drink at least,”
“You’ve been watching me?”
“Yeah” He said with a smile, “I think you’re cute,”.
I smiled back at him and took the drink in my hand, but before it could even reach my head, a hand snatched it from me. 
I looked to see Minho pouring the drink on the ground.
“Yeah, she’s not drinking that,”
“Excuse me? Who are you?” The stranger said standing up.
Minho scoffed and had his stupid signature smirk on his face, “You wanna find out?”
Minho took a step forward, as the guy took a step back, “I didn’t know she was your girl. Sorry about that man,”
The guy then left without sparing another glance at me.
“Do you hate me that much?” I said as Minho turned back around to me.
“Wh-what? Y/N, you were not seriously going to take a drink from a random ass guy,”
“What if I wanted to?!” I stood up and yelled over the music. “Is it so jarring to you that someone actually wants me?”
Tears brimmed at my eyes, “Or do you just want to humiliate me, every chance you get?”
“No Y/N what?” Minho said, startled. 
I shook my head and started to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the club.
We walked in silence to the nearest convenience store. I didn’t fight or even yelled when we reached outside. He simply just told me ‘Let’s go for a walk,’ and for some reason I listened. I sat down outside on one of the stools. Minho went inside, saying he needed to get something. 
You could barely see the stars tonight. What wasn’t covered in clouds was covered by the bright lights of Seoul. Reminds me of how conflicted I felt about Minho. He’s a good person, I know he is. And that makes me wonder how good he would be as a boyfriend. But he doesn’t see me as anything but a friend.
“Drink,” He said, handing it to me.
I struggled with opening it and he took it from me, opened it and then put it at my head. 
“What makes you think I would want to humiliate you?” He said when I was finishing drinking, taking a seat right next to me.
God, I could barely focus on his words. He slightly turned his body to me and the white button down shirt with the few buttons open at the top distracting me.
“Y/N?... Babe come on, answer me,” He said, bringing back my attention to his face.
“I don’t know Minho, I don’t know,” I said.
He ran his hands through his hair, “I know what I said in the coffee shop was uncalled for. And I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to push it,”
I shrugged, “Thank you, but I didn’t expect anything else to be honest,”
His eyebrows furrowed, “What do you mean?”
“We don’t really like each other. We don’t necessarily say the kindest things all the time,”
“You think I don’t like you?”
I nodded, “Yeah, I mean… you never proved otherwise,”
“I was just teasing. I thought you were too. I liked annoying you because… I liked getting a reaction from you. I liked knowing what pissed you off and knowing I’m the only one that can get on your nerves in a certain way. I like you Y/N… a lot. And I’m sorry for not paying attention to the weight of my words,”
“You like me? If you’re just saying that to piss me off more Lee Minho I swear,” I rolled my eyes and started to turn away from him.
I couldn’t allow myself to get hurt once more and much worse to show how hurt I was right in front of him.
“No, no” He turned me back around and reached for my hands, “This isn’t a joke, I promise.” He said as he looked right into my eyes as if he would die if he looked away.
“But you said I wasn’t your type,” I said softly.
“That was me deflecting. Felix called me out on my flirting and I felt nervous. I didn’t know what to say, but I shouldn’t have said that and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Y/N”
“Yeah… you shouldn’t have,”
He scratched the back of his head, “Did you really think I didn’t like you? Does that mean you don't like me either?”
I didn’t know what to say.
“Damn, and here I thought it was just some freaky foreplay we were doing?”
I slapped his chest, “What?”
“I mean, we were bickering all the time but I just thought it was playful, so I didn’t take it seriously. I just thought that the bickering would eventually lead to a confession,”
Now all those nicknames he called me made sense.
“So, is that what you want? A confession?”
“Is it selfish to say yes? I do really like you Y/N. I was really hoping you’d feel the same way,”
“What do you like about me?” I said. 
I looked up at him and gosh my heart was speeding. 
“Your creativity. God, the way your brain works is so mesmerizing. Everytime you send a mockup to the group chat, I’m in awe of how creative it is. I like how kind you are. Even though you portray this really tough act, your heart is soft. You’re always trying to help someone out and it’s always with the utmost genuinity. I like your eyes. I like how they tell your emotions so well, especially when you’re trying to hide them.”
“Minho,” I said softly.
“I can go on,”
“You don’t have to. You don’t have to, because unfortunately I like you too.”
He laughed. He laughed his stupid laugh. His stupid eyes formed pretty crescents and his stupid head tilted slightly back.
“Why are you laughing at me?” I pouted.
“I’m sorry baby, you just confessed in the cutest way possible. ‘Unfortunately’?” He laughed again.
My face got hot. He looked over at me with a soft smile. His hands cautiously but gently reached for my face and lifted it up for us to meet at eye level. 
“Unfortunately, Y/N I can’t let you go after experiencing what it’s like to be close to you. Unfortunately, I can’t see you without the endearment of how adorable you are. And unfortunately that comes with the affection I have for you, waiting to be shown, if you’d let me,”
“Show it,” I said, my voice no higher than a whisper. “Show your stupid affection. Whether that be in the way you tease me or hold me, unfortunately I want you either way as long as you’d let me,”
He blinked a couple times as if he was processing my words. His eyes travelled down to my lips at which I leaned closer. He reached down and pressed his on to mine. 
Our group met again at our designated coffee shop. Felix and I were sitting across from each other, discussing the class we just had. 
Lee Minho walked in, with a smile, “Hey baby” He leaned down to give me a quick kiss.
When I turned back to Felix, his mouth was wide open. Minho laughed, his cute laugh as Nayeon finally entered.
“What did I miss?” She asked.
“You wouldn’t believe me,” Felix said.
As he tells the shocking discovery of our new found development, loud squeals and giggles could be heard from outside our coffee shop.
I glanced at Minho as he wrapped his arm around me, telling our best friends how this all happened.
You know now that I think of it, he isn’t that bad after all.
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reblogging helps writers work to be found so please reblog if you liked it!! i wanna say first i'm so so sorry for taking long with this request! T.T life happened and i started writing it then i hated how it was turning out so i redirected and now honestly i think this is the best fic i've written.
i really do think i've improved in my writing. so thank you for this request! i love when i'm given request because it really forces myself to write within that perimeter so i hope i've fulfilled it :))
my requests are still open so if anyone would want to send anymore feel free!
also i have 15 followers aaaa. i know it might seem small to some but it means a lot to me! honestly my goal isn't numerical but just to have black girls feel seen in the fanfiction especially kpop fanfiction world.
okay i've talked too much now. i have a lot of wips that i'm excited about :)) i'll see u soon ! sending lots of love and happiness y'all's way<3333
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pablitogavii · 1 year
heyy could you write maybe about the reader not going to sleep and gavi forces (like a little stern and stuff) them to go to sleep ??
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"Have you still not showered!? Amor it's almost midnight and you need to rest!" Pablo came back after throwing out the trash and you were still in front of your computer frantically trying to finish your essay that wasn't even due until the end of the week.
"Mhm.." was all you answered not really paying attention to his words since you were almost ready to start writing your conclusion paragraph.
Suddenly, Pablo closed your lap top and you were looking at him with a shocked face. Thankfully you always work in Google Drive so everything stays saved, but you were angry he just wouldn't let you finish this tonight if you wanted to do it!
"Pablo!" you whine but he was taking away your lap top plugging it in before coming back to where you were sitting in the dining room.
"Don't Pablo me! Come on, time to go to bed nena!" he said reaching out for my hand helping me get up from the chair and I still felt tempted to finish the very last paragraph.
"I have one more paragraph to do...and then I'll.." he would even let you finish that sentence as he was already tossing you over his shoulder smacking your ass while walking towards your bathroom.
"You are being so bratty tonight! What am I going to do with you nena? Huh?" he said after placing you down and turning on the shower.
"Let me do what I want?" you said smartly knowing that's never going to happen and Pablo turned towards you with his infamous smirk.
"Now that's not something I usually do princesa..come on now, arms up!" he said and you rolled your eyes knowing that would annoy him but still doing as he asked as he took off your clothes piece by piece and opened the door for you to step into the shower.
When you came out seeing your lap top plugged in on the sofa and no Pablo in sight, you quickly got dressed and walked towards it only to be interrupted by Pablo's coughs.
"Yeah, good try..get your perky ass to bed right now nena..or I'm gonna make it red!" Pablo said making your cheeks blush and you knew he would do such thing if you pushed him too far.
"I made you some camomile tea to help you relax and get some sleep" he said placing the cup on your nightstand and you smiled at his kind gesture.
When he got into his own pajamas (boxers and old Barça t-shirt), he joined you in bed smiling when he saw you sipping on your tea already yawning a few times.
When you finished the tea, you felt so sleepy that you could fall asleep sitting up. All the exhausting from the day finally set in and you were moving closer to Pablo out of instinct wanting to be held before letting yourself go to the dreamland.
"There we go, put your head right there on my chest and get some rest..mi nena buena" Pablo praised moving his fingers through your hair gently while you nuzzled your face into his neck taking in his strong scent.
"Thank you for taking care of me amor..I needed some rest" you admit looking up at him and he smiled proudly nodding his head before leaning down and capturing your lips in a sweet kiss.
"If only you would listen to me more often princesa.." he teased and you whined shaking your head before moving even closer tossing one of your legs aver both of his wanting desperately to play with his hair.
"Pablito??" you used the nickname whenever you really wanted something and he knew it very well.
"What does my princesa want now? Huh?" he said smiling down at you secretly admiring just how beautiful you looked in that moment with messy hair and tired eyes.
"Can I play with you hair please?" you say blushing a little and he smirked nodding his head while kissing the top of your nose playfully.
"It's all yours preciosa.." and those words were enough for your fingers to start massaging his scalp while you cuddled close to him and closed your eyes feeling safe, loved and ready to get some very needed rest <3
Hope you enjoyed the story anon :)
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jarofstyles · 8 months
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FICTOBER Prompts/Masterlist
Warnings- incubus/succubus, smut, threesome mention/ sex w other people mention, mmf/ffm mention, demons, blood, halloween etc
“It’s never a good thing when you smile like that…” Y/N whispered as she tugged her partner’s arm towards her, eyes narrowed in humorous speculation as she watched his smirk grow. The club was dark and foggy from that god awful fog machine the hired DJ had brought, the scents mixing in the room making her want to plug her nose. 
Halloween made it much easier for them to be their authentic selves. Harry and Y/N often had to hide their eyes, curtain them with human presenting ones when they went out to search for trouble. Tonight, Halloween night, had to be the best of the year. Mischief and sex, costumes galore, sin city personified. Their black eyes were assumed contacts, Y/N’s sharp black nails dragging over the front of Harry’s chest. A short black skirt barely covered her thighs and a lacy black corset top was doing little to hide her swirls of black markings down her neck and back. Harry’s were slightly more hidden, but his form always got attention. It’s what made them so good at what they did. 
Succubus and Incubus. 
“It’s a good thing you love to be bad, isn’t it my love?”
Y/N chuckled, trailing her fingers up his bare skin and catching his jaw, nails digging into the skin as she turned it back towards him. “What’s the point of wearing a shirt if you’re barely going to button it, hm?” She squeezed his face, her own saucy smile rising on her lips. “Who’s caught your eye, darling? Someone pretty that we can feed on?” Her eyes met his, reading that he had done exactly that. 
When they normally went on the prowl, they’d take their time- but it was like a buffet tonight. People ready and willing, eyeing both of them up. They were made for pure sexual attraction, humans being drawn to them like a magic spell as their energy infiltrated a space. To be chosen by both of them? The human would have stories for days. Being in a threesome with two of the best looking people they’d ever seen, bragging rights for days. They wouldn’t miss the blood that either of them took, nor would they mind their sexual energy being feasted on. For humans, it was a magical experience. No loss, no hurt, only one of the most pleasurable and euphoric experiences of their lives. The haze would follow them for days and they’d feel their touches for weeks on end, but it wasn’t harmful. Wistful, perhaps.
 The only drawback? No one would ever compare. 
They’d search the world for a human who’s cock was able to press right into that spot like Harry’s had, someone’s tongue that swirled around their most sensitive bit the way Y/N’s did, desperate for a taste of either of them, but they wouldn’t. Not unless they came about another of their kind. 
Their routine varied, as Harry claimed that ‘Variety is the spice of the afterlife’. Sometimes her chose, sometimes she did. It wasn’t like there was a lack of interested participants who approached them either. But Halloween was a night that all sorts of guidelines were lifted, and their rule for only having one encounter a day was lifted. With the ability to keep the spread of diseases, they didn’t have to wait to leave from one club to another, working on their third now. The high was lifting them up, their first two playmates safely tucked in cabs to get back home and surely sleeping off the exhaustion they had given them. 
“Show me, H. I chose last time, so it’s your turn now.” She watched his eyes flutter shut as she dragged her nails back down his throat to rest at his chest, a subtle growl leaving his throat. He loved pain, loved her nails, and his one and only soul mate. The sex with others was fun and games, a way to provide energy, but his real lifeforce was loving his sweet goddess. No one would ever compare to her, to the way she made him feel both inside and out of the bedroom. 
There was a difference between fucking for fun and for their needs, versus the love they made to one another. Their lovemaking varied between soft, soppy morning sex to bloody, rough, primal sex. There was no doubting what they preferred, and it was always each other. His arm wrapped around her waist, swinging her swiftly in front of him as he dipped his face to press cheek to cheek. “The one in the little devil costume.” He murmured, brushing his cock against her ass. “We did an angel earlier, but I’d like to see what the little devil has in store. Bet it’ll be a lot of fun, don’t you think?” He brushed his lips against her cheek, pecking it lightly. “Messy girl. Still have a bit of blood on you.” Swiftly, his tongue licked against the corner of her lips and hummed before tightening his grip on her. “We’re only halfway through the night. Already getting messy for me?” He clicked his tongue at her, feeling her eye roll despite knowing her arousal was at the top. 
“It’s the one day we can be. I can get blood all over my outfit and no one will blink an eye, think m’just a sexy creature.” She laughed, turning in his strong arms to peer up at him. “You know how much I love a mess, but you’re worse than me, aren’t you?” Her thumb was gentle now, brushing his bottom lip. It was still swollen and some of her lipstick stained them a cherry red, enhancing his pale skin even more. His clean shaven jaw was sharp as a tack and his white teeth tried to nip at the pad of her thumb playfully, but she was too quick. Her man was too handsome for his own good. “Mm… I know you love to bury your tongue in holes, any of them, and get all wet.” She had seen it firsthand just 30 minutes ago, the woman writhing under them as Y/N sat pretty on her face and watched Harry lose himself in the taste of their new friend.  “I can still smell that girl on you. She was a fun one, wasn’t she? Had to revoke those wings as soon as you touched her.” She purred, wrapping an arm over his neck. “And you love when they choke on your cock. The other boy I chose did such a nice job taking you into his throat, hm? Amazed him a little with how much you can cum… All over his face, and his ass too.  So don’t tease when you’re just as bad as me.” Her voice floated to him, making him groan. His cock was against her tummy this time, perpetually hard and her words only made it worse. “And if you want to take care of the hard time you’re currently having, throbbing against me, you better go pick up our playmate and bring them back to me.” Her hand slipped rom his neck, dow between them and cupping his erection. 
His cock was her favorite and alway would be. Perfectly thick and curved, she’d never met a person who didn’t like it, but to her it was perfection. Her prized possession. Having a soulbond with someone who pressed right where she needed, that filled her up to the brim and fucked her good enough to have her growling was all she needed.  Leaning up, her lips pressed against his own with a soft ‘pop’ as she pulled away, not getting too carried away yet. “Go on, pretty boy. Since you know how much I love to be bad… get us a slice of our trouble for the night. We’ve got so many more friends to meet.”
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iowavampz · 4 months
𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓸 𝓱𝓲𝓰𝓱🌿
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You and elliot try molly together and start to get in the mood
pairing - Elliot x fem!reader
one shot length, 1.4k+ word fic
Rating: mature (18+)
Content/Trigger Warnings: unprotected sex, drugs, smut, fluff kinda
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It was after school, and you were walking with Maddy and Kat. “I don't know why Nate is such a dick," Maddy said, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, he's super weird,” Kat said. "To be honest, I wish I had never dated him; it was the worst experience of my life," she muttered.
As you were about to chime in on the conversation, you got a text notification on your phone. It was from Elliot . You two had been hanging out outside of school in secret and had been communicating for a few weeks. “Meet me by my car at 5." "Who was that?” Maddy asks.
You quickly turned your phone off. "Oh, just my mom. I gotta go." You hugged Maddy and Kat, then scurried off before you were asked any other questions.
As you were walking to the parking lot, you immediately saw Elliot . He was lighting a cigarette. You smiled and walked over to him. "Hey," you said with a smile. "Hey,” he muffled the cigarette in his mouth.
“So what was it you wanted to talk about?” you said, leaning on the side of his car. “Oh yeah,” Elliot said while coughing. “Look what I got,” he said, pulling a bag with four pills out of his pocket. “It’s Molly. You in?” he said, smirking. “Fuck yeah,” you said, smirking back.
When you arrived at his house with Elliot , you got out of the car. He opened the door to his house. He bowed his head and curtsied, saying, "Ladies first." "Why thank you, good sir?" you chuckled. He laughed, and he followed you inside. You were grabbed by Elliot's hand as he brought you upstairs to his room. When he held your hand, something in your stomach churned, but you chose  to ignore it.
Elliot shut his door and laid down like a starfish on his bed. His place smelled like a combination of cocaine and marijuana. He was lying next to you as you lay on the bed. He looked to his left to observe you. "Have you done this before?" Elliot asked. "No, have you?" you asked, looking up at him. Nope. It's the first time for everything, right?" He asked as he stood up. You chuckled quietly.
Elliot took his laptop off the floor and pulled the bag of pills out of his pocket. He took a card off the bedside table and started to crush the molly. You sat up on his bed and watched his movements, then his lips, then back to his movements. ‘Pull it together, y/n.’ you said in your head.
"Done, there." Elliot took two straws out of his pillow case and gave you one. He said, "Here." He laid his laptop's lines of Molly down on the bed. As you kneeled in front of the lines, you exchanged glances. “Are you ready?  " he asked.You said, "Yes." After plugging one nostril hole and holding your straw, you both sniffed the lines.
After you guys were done, you and Elliot both laid on the bed, waiting for the molly to hit. For 10 minutes, you asked, “Do you feel anything?”. “Nah”. he said  You could feel a wave of euphoria slowly pass through your body as you let out a deep breath. You looked at Elliot and could see it was hitting him too. "Fuckkk,” Elliot said in a relaxing tone. You could feel your eyes getting heavy, and you noticed that you were blinking very slowly. Your heart started to slow down.
“Y’know y/n. Your very fucking pretty,” Elliot said while smlling. “Shut up!" you said with a big smile. “No, I'm serious,” Eltiot said, sitting up from his bed. He grabbed your jaw with both of his hands. His left thumb stroked your cheek, and he came closer. “You really are fucking pretty. Beautiful, I might say," Elliot whispered with a low voice.
He glanced at your lips, then back at your eyes. He came in closer. Your breath hit your throat, and your heart rate quickened. Elliot came closer to your lips and kissed you hard. You kissed back and pulled him in closer. “Is this okay?” he said. You nodded yes. “No I need words baby”  “yes” you said breathing heavily. He smirked. Elliot’s lips moved further. 
He pushed your shirt upwards. He stroked his tongue across your skin till you shook, kissing reverently and tenderly at every newly exposed spot of skin, including your stomach and breasts. While he was doing that, you stripped all your clothes off. You looked back up to see Elliot shirtless with his boxers. You could see the outline of his dick through his boxers. You bite your lips in horniness. “You like what you see,” he said with a low voice while smirking. You nodded while biting your lips.
 Elliot climbed over you and continued to kiss you going down and started to kiss your jaw to your neck, leaving hickeys. You started to moan as he went down to your pussy. “Fuckk” you moaned, biting your lips. He slowly started to lick your clit up and down, leaving you a moaning mess. He put his finger in his mouth to get them wet.
 Elliot  then slowly started to play with your clit. You arched your back and bit your lip. He shoved his fingers in your wet pussy. "Come on, baby, tell me what you want," he said, causing you to clench around his fingers with his smooth voice. He gave me another clit kiss. This time, his lips touched your flesh directly, causing me to moan louder. Your juices were visible on his smooth, pink lips. 
“Uhhh fuck Elliot. I'm about to cum.” As soon as you said that, Elliot pulled away. His lips and chin wet from your juices. You groaned in frustration. “The only time you're cumming is on my dick.” he said, smirking. He pulls away from you by pulling his boxers off. Your eyes widen as you see his cock pop out of his boxers, and he hasn't taken his eyes off of you for even a single second.  
At least spits on his hand and strokes his dick for a few times while making eye contact. Elliott taps his dick on your pussy. “Are you ready for me baby?” he asked. “Yes Elliot. Please fuck me.” you said almost whining.  He took hold of your face and raised it. He kissed you once more and teased your entrance, saying, " good girl."  He allowed you to adjust to his size before slowly thrusting inside of you. "You're so fucking tight Y/n ," he moaned. 
He repeatedly thrust slowly till you gave him a little nod in agreement. He began to rock his hips more rapidly. As he fucked you, neither of you cared to cover up your groans. He clawed your hips while you clawed at his back. 
“Fuck I can't get enough of you y/n .” he said putting his head back. You bit your lips in pleasure while gripping his sheets. His rhythm continued even when he was close. His fingers making small circles on your clit so you could come faster, but your previous actions had gotten that covered already. Elliot kept his pace, muttering sweet nothings into your ear. One of his hands tangled up in your hair, pulling your head back so he could kiss you as he brought both of you closer to 𝑒𝓊𝓅𝒽𝑜𝓇𝒾𝒶.
You felt the rush of excitement again after a few more thrusts. You loudly moaned his name as you leaned your back towards him. Your toes curl, and you pull yourself out of the kiss with a loud moan. He has to wrap his arm around your back to keep you standing as your climax tears through you, all the while his thumb and hips moving in the same direction. "I swear to God, Elly. “Shit, baby. God”. Elliot continues to push himself over the edge with the same thrusts, lowering his head to the back of your neck. “Fuck im gonna-” Elliot pulls out and cums in on your stomach. “Ugh fuckk Y/n.” 
You both are now breathing heavily. Elliot gets off you and walks to the bathroom. ‘Where's he going?’ you wonder. Elliot comes back with a rag and wipes you off. He throws it into the dirty clothes and lays down beside you. 
 “You feel like a fucking drug Y/n” “what do you mean?” you asked him. “I mean ever since I met you. I feel a relaxed and calm, I feel weird when i’m not around you and if were being honest, your the only person I fuck with. What I'm trying to say is, I like you Y/n.” 
You immediately smiled from what he said. "I like you too Elly." Elliot smiled and kissed you, you kissed back. After cuddling in his bed, you could feel your eyes getting low while falling to sleep. Sleeping in Elliot's arms. 
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ihavethedreamies · 3 months
Hard to Swallow | Easy to Expert (3 v6)
Lee Yongbok (Felix) & Seo Changbin - Stray Kids
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~3.7k
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Fluff
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Swearing, Kissing, Lingerie, Multiple Partners, Oral (M! Receiving), Deepthroating/Face-Fucking, Threesome, Double Penetration, Anal Play, Sex Toys - Butt Plugs, Anal Sex, Changbin has a Big Cock (duh), Cockbulge (duh), Breeding Kink, Unprotected Sex (Bad Idea, Don't Do It)
Disclaimer: I do have the whole cock-bulge thing in this. I understand this could be a bit offensive to some who are on the heavier side (I am in that group as well). Sorry if this doesn't align with your body type, this is just a work of fiction.
Author's Note: This series has seriously devolved into pure filth. I am writing these one after the other and the clear decline in purity is obvious, helps you know whose I wrote when. This one is second to last, and might actually be a little better than the one before it but…we'll see...
PS. I wrote the first A/N before I wrote Bang Chan's, and now that I have...this one is worse.
-> Part 1 <-
-> Part 2 <-
-> Ver. I.N. <-
-> Ver. Seungmin <-
-> Ver. Hyunjin <-
-> Ver. Han <-
-> Ver. Lee Know <-
-> Ver. Bang Chan <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"So, (Y/N) has an idea-"
"Okay, I'm in." Changbin didn't even let Felix finish the sentence.
"You have no idea what I was going to say."
"If it involved (Y/N), I'm in. What is it…?" Changbin put his phone away, leaning in as he rested his elbows on the table. No one else was in the classroom yet, but Felix still quieted his voice.
"She wants a threesome-"
"I know. But she requested you specifically."
"Me?" Changbin giggled like a child, "she wants me?"
"Okay, I'm going to send you an address. Go there and ask for the item code I will send too." The older guy pulled his phone back out and typed away on it. Felix furrowed his brow, a little concerned that Changbin already had something like this planned.
"Oh, don't worry. I've had this ready for the next girl I get but none of them would have fit. (Y/N) will though." He smirked and your boyfriend's phone buzzed. He opened the message and instead of saving it, he forwarded it to you. Felix had already given you his card so you could go buy a set of lingerie if Changbin agreed. He had planned on you getting a frilly pink set, but if Changbin had a request then so be it. He added after the forward that if whatever it was did not, please you, to go ahead with the initial set.
"Can’t fucking wait, tonight?" The man bounced in his seat, once again like a child. His mannerisms did not fit him, not with his build and bulk.
"I was thinking next week, but I can see if tonight works." Felix texted you the question as well.
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The address was not too far from where you were meeting your friends for lunch so you would stop by on the way home. When you got there and requested the item, the clerk came around the counter to assist you. It was a lingerie store you had been to once before, but never got anything. It was a little higher than your price range and you made sure to remind Felix to get paid back from Changbin. The clerk measured you quickly just to get your rough numbers so she could pick a good size.
"Please wait here." She smiled, bowing slightly then went to get the item. The place was bigger than you thought from the store front, and you wondered how the hell Changbin found this place, let alone to knew what he wanted you to get. The worker came back and presented the set to you, already hanging in a bag, she would have to just zip it up. You balked at the set before you. You were expecting black leather or even latex. Maybe red or dark purple? Fishnets? No. The lingerie looked like it was supposed to be for a bride, but it was a pale blue instead of pure white. When the clerk rang the item up you almost choked on nothing, and reluctantly pulled Felix's card out of your bag. Why the hell was it half-a-million won? When you checked the register, the set was listed as Mulberry Silk Bridal Lingerie Set. Really Changbin? Trying not to seem so awkward after you paid, you bowed as you took the clothing bag from her and scampered out of the store. You still had it slung over your arm when you walked into the much more familiar adult store you and Felix frequented. The cashier didn't even acknowledge you as you headed straight to the section you needed. You were supposed to get a tail that looked like a unicorn's, braided fake hair of pink, blue, and purple. There was also a matching headband, but it didn't fit the elegance of the lingerie. Humming in thought, you ended up going with a tail plug that was made to look like a tiger's, white with black stripes. There were matching ears and you used Felix's card again, the grand total being about 30,000 won. A much more reasonable price.
"What the actual fuck Seo Changbin?" you muttered, going to stand in the full-length mirror. You had prepared yourself, accordingly, slipping the tail plug in before you put on the rest of the set. The panties weren't the same kind that Felix and you normally picked out. It was a thong, not crotchless, and you had to fenagle it to accommodate the plug. You literally got out your sewing kit, luckily having a spool of white thread at the bottom. Carefully you ripped the seams out and resewed the thong strap so you could slide the tail through. You hated ruining such an expensive piece of clothing but at least it was just the thong.
Looking in the mirror you huffed, but had to admit you looked good, like a snow tiger. The top was a corset that luckily laced in the front and had short ruffles of silk at the bottom. The corset didn't have an attached bra, it curved to rest under your breasts though, lifting them up. That was where the support was because the bra was barely that, only the edges were actually silk with some boning, but the rest of the material was sheer. The thong was made of silk as well and there was a garter belt included as well. You had clipped them to the sheer thigh-highs after you extremely carefully rolled them on. There were ruffled silk bracelets that you tied on each wrist. After seeing the ensemble, you knew your black choker would be a stark contrast, but it ended up working well with the white tiger set you had. Moving into different poses, you looked yourself over in the mirror. In the background you heard the keycode being pressed into your door and the two men shuffling in.
"Wait!" Felix called, sounding annoyed and the heavy footsteps immediately halted.
"Take your shoes off," your boyfriend scolded, and you giggled softly.
"What the hell did you make her get?" You heard your boyfriend coming down the hall and stepped back from the mirror to stand at the foot of your bed. Changbin didn't answer, but he got to see when he entered your room.
"Shit." Your boyfriend sighed. He wasn't sure how to feel about it. It was clearly a bridal set, at least it wasn't white though. You did look amazing however, and he loved that his black choker pulled out the stripes on your tail plug and your headband.
"Fuck me~" Changbin practically moaned coming in to the room as well. He desperately wanted to scoop you up, but he held back. He was getting the privilege of Felix letting him fuck his girlfriend, he would hold back.
"Rules?" You prompted Felix who came to stand beside you. He glanced at your back to see the rest of the set and made you spin slow so Changbin could see too.
"Yes~" The other man nearly hissed.
"Rule One!" You started.
"No kissing her on the lips." Felix's arm wrapped around your shoulders, his index fingers tracing your pout. You sucked the digit into your mouth playfully which made him smile.
"Two!" you said when your boyfriend took his finger back.
"You have to listen to me." Felix continued and Changbin nodded in acceptance.
"Only I get to take her ass." Your boyfriend finished the prompt and once again got a nod.
"Valid. Probably break her anyway." The older man acquiesced. You had a feeling about that, and you still had never seen his dick.
"Fourth! No cumming down her throat." Your boyfriend held his fingers up. He didn't get a nod from that one, his friend's face hardening a bit, but you continued.
"Finally! You don't need to use a condom, but you can't come inside." You finished.
"Why?" He looked at you, his gaze less playful than before, his tone sharper. Felix was worried about this.
"She likes it too much, so only I can. In her cunt and her throat." The man next to you hardened his tone as well and Changbin scoffed. He took his ball cap off, throwing it to the side, shaking his head and running his hand through his curly hair. You watched enthralled as he unzipped his sweatshirt and discarded it too. His black t-shirt was so tight it was like he had it painted on and you had to admit your mouth watered thinking of finally seeing him without it. He was proud of his physique but only really showed off his arms. Your boyfriend rolled his eyes playfully as you gaped at his friend and began to discard his own clothes.
"I will follow your rules…" Changbin started, undoing and removing his belt, he threw it too hard and it left a scratch on the wall. He smirked at your gaze, slowly pulling his shirt out of where he had it tucked in but didn't do anything more.
"But I want her to swallow my cum, and I want to breed her." He asserted, pulling the shirt off so roughly you heard some seams pop. Your whole body flinched when you finally got to see him, and you didn't hold in your whimper. He chuckled cockily and Felix licked his lips in thought. He knew you would LOVE it, and that is why he wanted to say no. On the other hand, just because Changbin would cum inside you, that didn't automatically mean he could make you fall over the edge too. You cast a glance at your boyfriend, trying not to plead with your gaze. But holy shit did you want that. Before Felix metaphorically broke your dam, you had never been one for anything kinky, but now…To be double sure you took the pill and was even considering getting a IUD just in case.
"She has a creampie kink, not breeding. You can cum inside, she's protected." Felix agreed to Changbin's terms but added a caveat.
"Rule one was no kissing her lips. I'll let you do what you want, but you cannot kiss her anywhere. You can't eat her out either." You looked between the two of them, waiting for the other man to answer. He didn't love those stipulations, but it would be worth it if he could fill you up.
"Fine." They shook hands and Felix gave you a positive hum and you scurried forward, hands running all over Changbin's now bare torso. He was delicious and you desperately wanted a taste. He just stood there, letting you do as you pleased, just watching as you fell to your knees. Your fingers hooked in the loops of his jeans, which were hugging his thighs perfectly, and he sighed as your hot little tongue licked up from under his belly button to as high as you could go kneeling.
"Shit (Y/N)~" He hummed, not even helping you as you undid his pants, having to tug to get the denim to unpeel from his legs. You whined, letting him get the pants off his ankles and they were shoved to where his shirts and belt lay. Felix watched amused as started to kiss Changbin's thighs, as thick as your head. He chuckled as you nibbled his inner thigh before kissing the impressive bulge held back by his boxers. He hardened further at the touch and licked over the fabric as well, your cunt already pulsing at the thought of him filling you. Giving him a coy look he smiled, "Go ahead, princess." So, you did. Slowly, like unwrapping an expensive gift, you pulled his tight briefs down and off, his cock bouncing in the air. You gaped and he smirked. He was only half hard but…You swallowed hard, wiggling your jaw back and forth, wondering if you could fit him or not. Not any longer than Felix, maybe even a bit shorter, he was THICK. Changbin just watched as your hand came shakily to encircle his cock, your fingers unable to touch. You mewled, then wrapped your other hand around him as well, pumping them as you licked around the head. His whole body seemed to quake with his groan. When he was fully hard you swallowed again. Glancing back at your boyfriend who was standing near the bed, mostly naked himself, he nodded. Changbin grinned at the round ears on your headband and the tail flowing out behind where you kneeled. However, seeing you in the pale blue silk he picked out was definitely the best.
"Go on, princess." He urged and you breathed hard through your nose, adjusting your pose, opening your mouth as wide as you could. It seemed he wasn't that thick, but your jaw did still protest some. You moaned when the taste of his precum hit your tongue and he groaned too. Leaving one hand at the base of him, the other went to lay on his hip, sliding up and over the v-line of his torso.
"So good~" He praised as you huffed through your nose, tongue swirling over just his tip still. He knew he could cum alone from that, but he knew you could do more. When the plug inside you buzzed on you whined, and Changbin saw Felix messing with his phone. You focused, trying to keep your lips over your teeth and took his fat cock deeper. When the head hit the back of your mouth, you did gag slightly, not accustomed to his girth. He tasted amazing and you were eagerly anticipating him painting your throat white. You swallowed a few times, trying to relax the muscles, but pull back some to take a deeper breath. After another measured breath, you swallowed him back in and descended further. He groaned dramatically as your throat fluttered around his dick, you were gagging slightly, tears springing to your eyes. Despite the struggle, you still wanted desperately for him to fit inside all the way at least once. Pulling back, sucking as you went, he sighed, watching intently as you took another deep breath before going back down. You whined as you managed to get him completely in, swallowing over and over trying not to gag too bad. You had no way to get air in, so you didn't even try, but your nostrils flared as the tip of your nose touched his pelvis.
"Fuck! (Y/N)~" How bad Changbin wanted to grab your head and pump his hips, but he didn't want to hurt you. When it was getting too hard to last without air, you pulled your head back just enough that you could suck in more oxygen through your nose. Felix watched, amazed that you fit his friend's huge cock in your mouth. Drops of drool and pre splattered on the floor in front of you as you bobbed your head, letting Changbin's cock bury completely every once and awhile when you tolerated. Felix knew his friend had the stamina of an ox, but he looked close to cumming already. Of course, his sweet (Y/N) sucked dick like no other.
"Ah, I'm close princess." Changbin huffed out and you braced yourself on the floor. Felix recognized your stance immediately.
"You can thrust but don't go too deep till you finish." Your boyfriend instructed the other man. He nodded, and his strong hands went to your head.
"Ready?" He asked and you hummed, teary eyes meeting his. He swore under his breath and did as he was allowed, starting to pummel your poor throat with his cock. More tears spilled from your eyes, the obscene sound caused by your drool and his precum echoed through your bedroom.
"Okay, one, two-" Changbin didn't get the next word out before he filled you full, cumming down your throat. Your eyes rolled back, cunt clenching and you lost count of how many times you had to swallow to get everything he gave you. You didn't cum, but Felix wasn't overly keen about how turned on you did get. Just when your vision started to swim, Changbin pulled out and you swallowed a few more times. Your throat hurt, sorer than when Felix did the same thing. Your boyfriend came to you with a bottle of water. You gulped some down, the cool liquid soothing your throat but also helping wash down the thick cum still in your mouth.
"Fuck." Changbin huffed simply.
"You okay, love?" Felix made sure you nodded, letting out a hoarse, "Yes." You glanced to the other man and your eyes widened. His cock hadn't softened at all and was still covered in a thick layer of fluids. He stroked over it with his hand, smiling at the slick.
"Hurry up, 'Lix. I need her cunt." Changbin stared at you, his gaze fiery. The playfulness and glee from before were gone, covered by molten lust and you shivered a bit. With what he just did to your mouth, you were worried about your pussy.
"Come here, love." Felix led you to stand and go over to the bed. Changbin followed and as he got on the bed, sitting at the top in the middle. He leaned back casually into the headboard, motioning you closer. You crawled on after him and straddled him, your legs spread much wider to accommodate his thick thighs than with Felix.
"Who do you want inside first?" your boyfriend asked and you pondered a second. You could handle the stretch of Felix's dick in your ass easier and get used to it faster than you probably could with Changbin in your cunt. Because of that you thought the latter should go first. The elder man's cock was still painted with your spit and his cum, your core dripping so much, you knew no lube would be needed. He positioned you so the tip of his cock rested at your entrance. He grunted at how hot and wet you were, losing patience.
"Go." Felix gave him the okay and Changbin's hands on your hips led you down. Your jaw fell open, your breath hitching as he stretched you open. Felix wasn't small by any means, but everything about Changbin was girthy. You shivered as he filled you, not even fully inside yet, a small bulge protruded from your lower stomach. Your body shivered, breathy moans leaving your lips as he bottomed out. Your cunt fluttered around him, more of your slick dripping down to smear over his groin.
"Shit, princess." He chuckled, holding you to him when you fell forward. He could feel the plug in your ass through the walls of your cunt, and he hadn't even noticed it was buzzing still. You whimpered softly when the vibrations ceased, Felix coming up behind you. He wrapped his hand through the tail of the plug and pulled softly, easing it out of you. You sighed, letting out a squeak as Felix dripped more of lube onto your ass, smearing more on his cock. He couldn't believe the sight of your tiny cunt stretched over Changbin, trying desperately to hold him in. He was a little miffed that you were so close already, but he knew he would throw you over the edge when he buried his own cock in your ass.
"Ready, love?" he asked, thumbs rubbing circles over your hips. You let out a small noise Changbin couldn't discern, but Felix heard you loud and clear.
"Breathe." He didn't even have to lead Changbin to rub your back, helping you relax. Your boyfriend started to ease into you, and you focused on the hand rubbing over your spine, breathing hard. The stretch set you on fire, your cunt fluttering. Felix bottomed out and you twitched aggressively, and when he grinded slightly into you, you fell apart. He smirked, grunting hard at the squeeze. Your ass was always tight anyways, let alone with his friend's cock splitting you in half. Your teeth had sunk into the muscle of Changbin's shoulder, and he hoped you left a mark.
"I'm not gonna move. Fuck her ass full of your cum then I'll blow her back out." The older man held you close, your orgasm dying but you still shivered. You had no more strength. Felix made sure you were okay with it and interpreted your little whimper as a positive. He nodded and started with short but deep thrusts and Changbin grinned at how your pussy clenched around him, even able to feel your boyfriend fucking into you.
"Fuck, you're milking me, love." Felix's deep voice rumbled through you, and you whined.
"'Lix~" You moaned, and he huffed with a grin. Two more thrusts and you squealed as he painted your ass white with his cum. You came again, Changbin recognizing the clenching of your core.
"Ah, fuck…" Felix groaned, pulling out of you.
"Off." Changbin motioned to him, holding you closer and he scrambled to the side, still out of breath. He barely got off the bed before Changbin rolled forward, you under him, immediately holding you in a mating press. You squeaked at the move, your knees at your ears as his hands gripped your thighs, so tight you knew it would leave bruises.
"Hold on, princess." He warned you and you scrambled your hands, digging your white painted nails into the sheets. The headboard banged against the wall as he took his first thrust and your head fell back, nearly falling over the edge of the bed. You back arched, silent screams wracking your lungs. The noises Changbin were making sounded more like a beast than a person's and your head lulled to find your boyfriend. He was watching with slightly wide eyes, his cock already starting to harden again.
"Okay, princess, I'm gonna breed you~" The man utterly destroying your poor pussy made two more hard thrusts, then he pumped more of his cum into your protected womb than he did down your throat. You shivered, but you didn't cum again, still looking at Felix. He smirked at your gaze, nodded and you let yourself fall over the edge as well. Changbin noticed and marveled at the level of control Felix had over your body. You lay there panting under him, nearly blacked out.
"Don't let her go, 'Lix. I'll snatch her up otherwise~”
-> Ver. I.N. <-
-> Ver. Seungmin <-
-> Ver. Hyunjin <-
-> Ver. Han <-
-> Ver. Lee Know <-
-> Ver. Bang Chan <-
-> Part 1 <-
-> Part 2 <-
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Stray Kids Master List
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callsign-joyride · 9 months
For some reason the link to request won’t work on my phone :( . Can I please request a Fall Fluff for Jake for prompt 15 where the reader is the one who is sick ?
Chicken Noodle Soup | Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Summary: Jake worries that you're having second thoughts about the relationship, only to find that the reason you haven't been responding is because you've been sick all day.
Content warnings: Fanboy being a menace, mentions of an illness/virus (NOT COVID-19), fluff
Prompt: 15. Sender lies next to the receiver (who is recovering from injuries or illness) and spoons them while staying awake to make sure their health doesn’t deteriorate overnight.
This was written for my Fluffy Fall Fantasy event. Feel free to send in requests!
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Jake was stressed. You hadn’t been dating for very long, and you weren’t technically official, but it was Hard Deck night and you hadn’t responded to his text messages since last night. He was tempted to call you to check in and see if everything was okay, but he didn’t want to seem clingy and obsessive while it was totally possible that you forgot to plug your phone in the night before, or that you left it at home while you were getting ready for work.
“Honestly, man, I was thinking she’d ghost you a lot sooner than this,” Fanboy said as they were getting their things to leave. Jake didn’t even have the energy to react.
“You’re good at relationships, Rooster. Would it be weird if I drove by her house on my way home?”
“I don’t know, man. None of us have ever met her but maybe she’d be okay with it based on what you’ve said about her in passing.”
“Or maybe she doesn’t exist and he wanted to hide the fact that he’s not getting laid.”
“Dude, too far,” Payback said to Fanboy. Jake just shrugged it off and grabbed his bag before heading out to his truck and finding your address in his phone. You lived pretty close to base so it wasn’t a very bad drive at all. Right as he turned down your street, his phone started ringing and your name was on the screen.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to ignore you but I think I’ve got the flu or a common cold or something.”
“Do you want me to bring you medicine? I’m like five minutes from a CVS.”
“No, it’s okay. It’s Hard Deck night. You should be out with your friends. I can go another time. I think I’ll make some soup and go back to sleep.”
“Hard Deck night is a weekly thing and Coyote’s deployed so I kind of don’t want to go anyways. I’d have more fun staying in with you. Plus I’ve got a family recipe of chicken noodle soup and it’ll probably be the best chicken noodle soup you’ll ever have.”
After a moment, you sniffled and said that he could come over and that you’d leave your door unlocked. He walked into your house about an hour after he got off the phone with you with reusable bags on his arms. You were laying on the couch under a blanket while an 80’s movie played on the TV. 
“I brought medicine,” he said as he unloaded everything in the kitchen. You peered over the couch and smiled before taking a sip of your Gatorade that was on the coffee table. He came over to sit next to you after getting everything put away. It was almost unbelievable how sick you were, considering that you felt completely fine the day before. Your fever broke earlier in the day but you had been sleeping for most of it, living off of Gatorade and nearly stale crackers that you found in the back of your pantry. You changed the channel to something that you knew he’d like before nuzzling into the pillow that you brought from your bedroom.
“Poor thing. I’m gonna get your soup started. It should take about half an hour, okay? Let me know if you need anything.”
You nodded your head and scrolled through social media before going back to sleep for a little bit. The smell of the soup was what woke you up a little bit later, as Jake walked over and placed your bowl on the table in front of you. He made enough to last you a whole week, and he even offered to send you the recipe if you liked it. He was right, it was the best chicken noodle soup you’d ever had. Ten o’clock rolled around and even though it was considered early for you, you grabbed your pillow and blanket and started heading up the stairs. You were surprised when Jake followed you, considering that you had spent the few hours since you ate barely talking to each other. 
“I need to shower,” you said as you got your pajamas out.
“Okay. I’ll wait here.”
He had sent a few texts to the Dagger Squad group chat while you were in the shower, saying that he’d see everyone in the morning but that he had to take care of you. You took a big sip of water before crawling under the covers, Jake following suit.
“What are you doing?” You asked as he wrapped an arm around your middle.
“Staying with you, if that’s okay.”
“What if I get you sick?”
“I’ll take time off. Mav loves me so it’ll be fine. I don’t want anything to happen to you through the night.”
“Oh. Okay. Then yeah, you can stay. But don’t come crying to me if you get the man flu.”
“Trust me, I won’t. My dad taught me and my brothers better than to be dramatic so that a woman will take care of us.”
“That’s good,” you said with a chuckle.
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libraryofloveletters · 5 months
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Darwin Nunez x Fem!Reader
Warnings: use of darwin's favourite phrase 'yeah man 😁', dinner parties are a lot of work, darwin is regretting his idea, wandering hands, almost pg-13, alexis is a cockblock and reader gets to play with darwin's hair loool
Word Count: 681
Author's Note: this whole idea came from me and pookie joking about how darwin would be like 'yeah man😁' to whatever you suggest lmao - this one's for you bookie @themandaloriansdiaries
Darwin suggests you host a dinner party at your place for a few of his teammates before you all head out for the holidays. He seems to have underestimate how much work goes into said party.
Your boyfriend suggested you do a little something at home to mark the end of the first half of the season, perhaps a party. You made him aware that throwing together an entire Christmas party in a week wouldn't be possible.
A dinner party would be more doable and Darwin being the darling he was, replied with a smile and his favourite phrase - "yeah man."
It would be a small party, 7 of you in total. You and Darwin, Lucho, Gera and their little girl, plus Alexis and his girlfriend. Your boyfriend wanted to get everyone together before you were all off for the holidays - Alexis headed home to Argentina, Lucho would be visiting family in Colombia and you and Darwin would be in Uruguay until their return to training.
You agreed to cook dinner rather than Cather, you figured it wouldn't be that difficult seeing that you prepped whatever you could ahead of time.
Darwin peeked into the kitchen, you had sent him out to fix the malfunctioning Christmas lights outside. "Need help?"
"Did you fix the lights?" You asked him, cutting the peppers.
He nods, getting water from the fridge, "yeah man, had to change the plug." He says, arms wrapping around you from behind. His chin rests on your shoulder, "is there anything I can do to help?"
"You can help me cook."
Darwin looked at the counter, the bowls and ingredients lined up were overwhelming. "You're using all this?"
"Yeah," you laughed, "all of this is prepped, you should have seen the place when you were at training yesterday."
Darwin lets go of you, "is there something else I can do?"
You grabbed his wrist, turning to face him before he could pull away. "These are your teammates, you're helping me cook, Darwin."
Never have you called him Darwin unless you were serious about it, and that you were.
The man nods, making him busy. He was more of a hazard than a help; he almost burnt the pasta for the mac and cheese, gagged at the touch of the raw chicken and nearly lost a finger while cutting stuff for a salad.
You take the knife from him, setting it aside to check his hand. "Jesus, be careful, will you?"
"Yeah man," he nods, "I got it."
The two of you finish up dinner earlier than expected, giving you more time to get ready.
Darwin was getting out of the shower as you finished up your makeup, looking for something for you to wear. You had just gotten dressed when he appeared in the room, shirt undo as was his hair. "Babbeeeeeeeeee," he calls, walking over to you as you were putting on your jewellery.
"What?" you looked at him in the reflection of the mirror.
He sits beside you, squeezing next to you on the bench in front of your vanity. "Can you do my hair? It's not going the way I want."
You get up, letting him sit properly as you grab the hair brush. "Do I have a choice?"
"No," he grins, leaning his head back for you to brush his hair.
You manage to get his hair into a bun, smoothing out all the bumps as you wrap the hair tie around it to secure it.
Darwin smiles, "perfect." He turns around, pulling you between his legs. "Thank you." He leans up and you meet him halfway, leaning down to kiss him. You can feel your boyfriend's hands rest on your ass, grabbing at it as he pulls you into him.
Just as you go to get on top of him, the doorbell rings. Alexis's voice carried from downstairs. "Open the door!"
You laughed, your boyfriend's face is against your side, groaning. "He's early," Darwin grumbles as he stands.
"You're late," you inform him, "it's 6:30, we invited them for 6."
"So he's late."
"Technically, yes." You did up the buttons on Darwin's shirt. "But you should have been ready by now."
"Not helpful, baby."
"Wasn't trying to be," you smiled, giving him one more kiss before you two headed down.
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uluvjay · 10 months
love your writing can i request one for auston with the prompts "you're clearly in pain! please, just me help you. and - "don't you dare lie. i can see it hurts, so show me. 💕
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Auston Matthews x fem reader!
Warnings?; FLUFF talk of an injury, being clumsy, kissing, pet names, talk of a doctor,
I changed the prompt up a little so I hope you still enjoy and I apologize for any errors!
You knew you should have waited for Auston to change the light bulb like he told you to but you couldn’t take it any longer. His family was coming in a few days and he’d been out of town doing some training and the light had needed changed for weeks.
Not having the patience to wait any longer you got the ladder out and decided to do it yourself. Auston would be home this evening but you wanted it done and you did change it successfully, however wearing socks and no shoes on a ladder was where you went wrong.
Because as you made it to the sixth step up from the ground you slipped and fell backwards right onto your back. Thankfully the ladder was sturdy enough not to fall with you.
Felix came running at the sound of your body hitting the ground and laid next to you as you regained your breath.
And everything was okay at first until a few hours later when you tried to bend down and pick up the spoon you had dropped while making dinner for Auston.
When you tried to bend over and pick it up you felt a pain shoot up your spine and a sharp cry left your mouth at the feeling.
Thankfully as you stood back up you heard Felix begin to bark and heard your front door open.
“Hi bubba!” You heard your boyfriend exclaim to Felix before you heard paws and footsteps heading your way.
“Hi baby” you greeted as Auston made his way towards you in the kitchen and quickly pulled you into a hug.
“Hi mamas” he whispered in your ear and placed a kiss on your cheek.
You were able to hide your pain throughout dinner and cleanup but as the two of you made it into your shared bedroom and began to get ready for bed it got harder, especially as Auston began to feel up on you.
He had you in front of your floor to ceiling mirror, indulged in a heated kiss but as he pulled away to remove your shirt he caught sight of a large bruise on your back in the mirror.
“What the hell is that on your back!” He quickly questioned.
You grabbed the hem of your shirt and hastily pulled it back down over your body.
“It’s nothing!” You told him.
“Don’t even try it, I can see it hurts so show me!” He exclaimed
You sighed and stepped back a bit before pulling the shirt over your head and turning around so he could inspect your back.
“Y/n! How’d you get this?”
“Changing that light bulb in the hallway by the guest rooms” you mumbled
“I told you I would do that when I got home!” He scolded as he ran a light finger over your back.
“I did it! I just slipped coming down and fell back but I’m fine. It only hurts when I’m bending over” you told him shrugging.
“Exactly! Your clearly in pain so please just let me help you” he begged
“What are you gonna do?” You questioned.
“Just take your bra off and go lay on your stomach I’ll be back in a minute” he told you and gave you a light nudge towards your bed.
You did as he told you and laid down in the middle of the bed while you waited for him to return.
After a few minutes you heard him enter the bedroom once again and felt him lay something heavy down on the bed next to you before he walked over to the plugs by your night stand and plugged in the heating pad.
“Here lay with the heating pad and weighted blanket for a little bit, the heat will help and then in the morning we’re going to the doctors” he told you while getting everything set up for you.
“I don’t need the doctor Auston!” You laughed
“Yeah you do so shush because you’re going” he said and climbed into the bed with you.
Tagging @amatthews34 so she can get some Auston content
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billthedrake · 11 months
If it hadn't been for the lousy weather on the long weekend, Frank Grisholm may never have taken the chance. But he'd spent two days straight in his apartment, edging for hours with a vial of poppers, a tub of Albolene, and a collection of his favorite dildos, some quite impressive in size. The former D1 football player had a life change at 30, but for as long as it took for him to come out, it had taken less than a year for the muscled 6'5" hunk to realize he craved to have his hole worked over.
Just like grocery shopping when you're hungry, you should never log onto the apps when you've been marathon masturbating. But Frank couldn't help himself. Something about the dildos felt second-best that day. He scrolled through some familiar profiles, holding his phone in his right hand while his left slowly sawed a black-rubber Big Boy in and out of his ass.
He saw a couple of tops he'd hooked up with. Not fuck buddies, but maybe he could reach out for a repeat. Only his attention was caught by a new profile. Or at least new to Frank. The picture was PG rated. Well, R rated, maybe. A picture of a guys' shorts with a huge ridge filling out the package. The profile listed the vital stats. 20 years old, 5'9, 155#, top.
But the dick pick is what got Frank excited, and maybe a little scared. He'd never seen a dick as fat as this. Sometimes guys used the term "beer can" for cocks that probably weren't quite as big and round as an actual beer can. Unless images deceived, this one was fatter than one. It was a bludgeon of a cock that looked like a butt plug, slightly torpedo shaped with two heavy balls clinging to the stalk and a tuft of dark brown pubes behind it.
Then there was the rest of the writing:
THE REAL DEAL. This isn't photoshopped, fellas. It's a tree trunk cock ready to plow some experienced muscle ass.
TURN ONS: Masculine men, linebacker builds, meaty asses. Older guys cool. Cunt training. Seeing that gape.
TURN OFFS: Guys who pussy out. Condoms. Drugged out dudes (poppers and 420 ok)
FRONT OF THE LINE: NO FOREPLAY fucks. Military men.
I need serious takers only.
Frank had enjoyed some intense dildo play, for sure. Even back in his 20s, he had a secret stash of them, and he'd use them on himself whenever his fiancee was out. It was a lie he kept up, until his 30th birthday. He splurged and rented an escort on a business trip to Atlanta. He had to scratch that itch, to get it out of his system.
Only it was the best sex of his life. That big cocked escort had fucked the ex-jock to two toe-curling orgasms in quick succession. He didn't even charge Frank for going over the time.
The next week, Frank called off his engagement and started making plans to get a job in a city, a real city.
"Hey," he now typed. He was actually intimidated to reach out to Mr. Tree Trunk.
But he got a quick, flirty reply. "Hi man. You're fucking hot."
"Thanks," Frank said. Maybe it was the kid's age, or just that sheer cock size, but he didn't expect this easy rapport with the messaging. Frank revealed that he'd been edging all afternoon. Jake said he was taking a study break because he was really horny.
"Feel like coming over man? I'd love to pound your ass." The direct approach might not always work, but in Frank's worked up state, it was just his speed.
"Sounds hot," he wrote. "But I won't lie, that monster scares me."
"You a noob?" came the reply.
Frank had a sudden fear he'd killed the vibe and spoiled his chance to get laid. But his asshole would thank him, he decided. "Not to bottoming," the man replied. "I have some big toys, too."
"Hot," the college dude wrote. "I like breaking in new dudes. I won't hurt ya. Promise."
"That's tempting," Frank replied. "I'm so frickin horny."
"Me too man. Let's do this. My roommate is gone for the weekend." Jake sent his dorm name at one of the universities not far from where Frank lived. "I need to get back to my studying soon, but I wanna get my rocks off, bad."
It felt tawdry as hell, but the 32-year-old got cleaned up and dressed and made his way over to Jake's campus. Frank texted him when he was close, and Jake was down in the lobby waiting for him. The tall, almost beefy man blushed when he thought how transparent this was, being some college kid's booty call. But what the fuck, Jake was an adult, Frank was an adult, and it's not like anyone there knew the man.
"You're even hotter in person," Jake growled as they made our way to his room. He was wearing just some shorts and T-shirt and flip flops, with a college ball cap. He had a soccer player look about him, not a competitive one, maybe, but that tone, lean-muscled look accentuated by his ruddy cheeks and cute face. His body was buff for a college kid's, but his face looked younger.
Jake may have been in a rush, but Frank had to give him credit, he took his time. They sat on his twin dorm bed and made out, then lay back. The ex-jock had never made it with a dude this much younger than him, but the fact Jake had a massive cock gave that age differential a certain thrill. And when the college dude started tugging at Frank's sweatshirt, that put the man in a real bottomy mood.
"Fuck," Jake growled as he lifted Frank's arm and started feasting on the furry pit. The swipe of his tongue sent goosebumps down the bigger, more muscular body. Jake kissed along the chest, then munched at the other pit.
When they finally kissed again, both could feel the temperature rising. Frank reached down and massaged that fat boner in Jake's shorts.
"Wanna see it?" he asked. Boasting.
Frank nodded. "Please."
"Big muscle guy is a frickin size queen, aren't ya?" Jake wasn't a dom, not exactly. He mostly loved the physicality of sex. But he also knew he had 7 incredibly fat inches calling the shorts.
He undid his shorts and there in the flesh, Frank learned that in fact no Photoshop was involved. He was staring at the most colossal prick he'd ever seen or could imagine.
Like a hungry power bottom the big man scrambled to get down and lick it. He actually tried to work the head between his lips, but that cock was too fat.
Jake gently massaged my short hair and laughed. "Don't worry, dude, I've only met one guy who can suck me."
Frank Grisholm felt sad he wasn't that guy. And more than a little ashamed for his lust for that tool. The college kid was cute as fuck but it was the monster meat between his legs that had me acting like a slut. "OK if I lick some more?"
"Be my guest," Jake said, hands on his hips as the man laved him. The thing about dicks that big is they're generally not as hard as smaller cocks. Too much blood flow needed for all that vascular tissue. But as Frank licked him, Jake grew harder and definitely sported a fuck hardon now.
"On your back, man," he hissed. "I wanna eat your hot hole."
The big man did as instructed and when he pulled those meaty legs back, Jake actually whistled before getting down into place. He stared at Frank's pucker and gently ran his finger around it. "So nice... you have a little looseness." He looked up at the guy, a horny expresion on his face. "You been playing with your toys all day, huh?"
Frank nodded. "Yeah. But none of them are as thick as you, kid."
That made Jake smile. "Should be a tight fuck, then," he growled and dove in to lick the hole.
Frank loved every part of this. On his back in some goddamn college drom room getting a very eager and skilled rim job. He had to imagine Jake's endowment meant he had a good deal of experience, if he wanted it. Now he softly urged the college stud in a deep gravely voice, coaxing to lick him deep.
The rimming didn't last TOO long. Maybe five minutes. But Frank's hole felt alive and ready. There had been too much stimulation and edging and now he wanted it.
Jake wasn't giving him a chance to back out. At least not unless and until the big guy said no. He slathered on some milky viscous lube, and Frank realized he'd seen it in some toy play videos. The college kid was actually nervous as he pushed that first fat inch past Frank's ring.
The ex-footballer wanted this, bad. But the entry stung and he did his best to hold back a wince.
Jake looked on concerned but also majorly turned on. "Yeah, man, first time's a bitch," he said. "But you got it." He reached down and ran his hands along Frank's beefy furry front. "I'm in ya now, buddy. So just relax and let me in."
Frank took a couple of deep breaths until he decided the heavy breathing was making him tense up.
"Want some poppers?" Jake asked.
"Um, yeah," Frank said. Sometimes they gave him a headache afterwards, but that would be worth it if it allowed him to take this massive cock.
Jake walked as the big guy huffed the fumes. "You're just my fucking type, man," He said excitedly as he fisted that tree trunk meat and added some extra viscous lube.
Frank screwed the cap back on the vial and lay it down on the mattress. He nodded up at Jake.
The poppers rush coincided with the college kid's second entry. That humongous prick was boring right into that slick ass and Frank's body was letting it.
"Fuck!" the big man growled. "You're huge."
"You like huge," Jake said in his turned on voice. He pressed on, feeling a crazy snugness but not an outright clenching of the man's guts, like he usually did with noobies. Soon he felt his balls press against that muscle ass. "I was right, man. You're tight as fuck."
Frank had lost his hardon earlier but the idea he had that giant dong buried all the way up him turned him on and made his cock bone up. He reached down and scooped up some extra lube and applied it to his cock.
Jake was now sawing in and out. Not a lot. But priming the pump. "Not gonna last long today, I'm afraid," he grunted. "Too fucking tight."
"That's OK," Frank said.
Jake nodded down to the poppers. "Take another hit," he urged. "You'll need it."
The ex-jock did just that. Then enjoyed the wave of warmth in his body. Jake was fucking now. Heavy full strokes. It wasn't rough or hard or fast, but with a tree trunk dick, it didn't have to be. Hands down, it was the most intense fucking Frank Grisholm had ever experienced. He tugged at his regular-sized boner and felt jolts of pleasure. His prostate was downright flattened by that torpedo-tapered dong, which sawed over it over and over.
"Shit!" Jake hissed. As he came, that was the only time he lost control, his hips jerking harder and fast as that bazooka blasted deep inside Frank. He'd actually had bottoms pass out with that part, but Jake couldn't help himself. When he was mid-nut, nature took over.
Fortunately, that extra intensity pushed Frank to the hardest cum of his life. Pleasurable to the point of hurting as ropes of seed got pushed out.
Before the poppers wore off, Jake was pulling back, very slowly. With size comes responsibility, and Jake was always careful in the dismount, at least until he knew a bottom was well trained for some rougher stuff.
His eyes were fixated on Frank's well-fucked hole. "Damn, that's one hell of a gape!" he enthused. "Fucking beautiful."
Frank felt exposed and slutty but the fact this kid liked his wide-open cummy hole made him less self-conscious.
"I wish I had more time to play with that," Jake said softly, actually wistfully as his fingers traced the gaping rim. "Is my finger OK, man?" he asked.
Frank winced a little. "I'm a little tender. But go ahead."
Jake was like a kid in the candy store as he examined his handiwork. The man's pucker was a little red and a lot stretched, though it was closing back up before his eyes. Frank leaned back and watched that giant college dong shrink to a soft elephant trunk.
Jake looked at Frank with a leer. "You think you'd ever be up for cunt training, man? You have an amazing pussy."
Two years ago, Frank would have objected to those terms. Now, he was OK with them. "What do you mean, cunt training?"
Jake smirked. "I've given some guys real big pussy lips, just by fucking regularly." He added, "though some of the dudes have also used toys. Either way, it's hot as fuck."
"I dunno," Frank hissed. He'd loved everything about taking on the challenge of Jake's cock, but he didn't want to be a freak or anything.
"Just think about it, man," he urged. He pulled up his finger and licked off the fuck juice from it. "You'd have a lot of fun doing it."
Jake patted his meaty thigh. "Listen, I really do need to study for my midterm. But dude, that was incredible... I'm glad you hit me up."
"Me too," Frank said sheepishly, gathering his energy to get dressed again. The popper headache was coming on, but he'd been right: this was all worth it.
"Seriously man," Jake said as he slipped his shorts back on over that soft heavy, flopping meat. "Let me know if you want a repeat. I'm not looking to date or anything, but it would be hot to have a longer session."
"We'll see," Frank answered, but with an encouraging smile. Jake stepped up for one last kiss, then Frank was off.
The whole way home, the ex-jock's hole felt tender and used, but that very feeling made him smile.
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weheartchrisevans · 2 years
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Chris Evans Is PEOPLE's 2022 Sexiest Man Alive: 'My Mom Will Be So Happy'
If you were to tell a middle school-aged Chris Evans that he would one day be named PEOPLE's Sexiest Man Alive, "he'd be pumped!" the star tells the magazine in this week's cover story. "This would probably be the road to the cool table which I was not at."
Present-day Evans, 41, is still adjusting to the new title of PEOPLE's 2022 Sexiest Man Alive and having to talk about it, but he knows this news will delight at least one person: "My mom will be so happy," he says. "She's proud of everything I do but this is something she can really brag about."
It's a sunny fall day on a farm outside of Atlanta, Ga. where Evans is sitting in front of the fireplace in a quaint farmhouse. Although he appears to have fully understood this particular assignment, dressed in a cozy knit sweater and jeans, the Boston native would probably rather jump into said fireplace than talk about being sexy.
"This whole thing is tough to be interviewed about," he says with a laugh. "It feels like a weird form of humble bragging."
The Gray Man star is also bracing for some good-natured ribbing from his close friends.
"Really this will just be a point of bullying," he jokes. "It's ripe for harassment."
Regardless, his mom Lisa is delighted by the news. "I am not surprised at all," she tells PEOPLE. "Our family will be beside themselves."
Best known for playing the altruistic, self-sacrificing superhero Captain America in Marvel's multi-billion-dollar Avengers franchise, and as a devoted, photo-happy dog dad to Dodger, his boxer mix, on social media, Evans is far more comfortable talking about his career, which has been on fire for the last decade. This year alone, he starred in Pixar's Lightyear, Netflix's Gray Man and filmed three new movies, including 2023's Ghosted for AppleTV+ which he is also producing, and also still co-runs A Starting Point, the civic engagement platform he launched in 2020.
Now in his 40s, Evans is trying to prioritize a healthy work-life balance and spending as much time as possible at home and with his family in Boston.
"When it comes to seeking out the people I play it's more of an issue of where the movie shoots," he says. "I'm too old to be living out of a suitcase for six months and I've settled into a nicer phase where I'm just happy being at home."
He's also thinking a lot more about his future outside of acting — one that includes marriage and fatherhood.
"That's absolutely something I want," he says. Just don't expect him to talk much about that when it happens: "Some things you want just for you, or just for my family and my friends."
Twenty-two years into his career, Evans admits he's ready to slow down a bit.
"The most enjoyable aspect of my career right now is feeling secure enough to take my foot off the gas," he says. "I feel like I have a bit more freedom to take time away from the industry and still find projects that will satisfy my creative appetite when I return."
​And given all the time he's been spending in and around his hometown, what does he think is the sexiest thing about Boston?
"So much history there! I love the accent. To me, the accent is home," he says. "I love the weather. The seasons, the sports teams. But the sexiest thing about Boston... maybe our universities. We've got a lot of good schools. Let's give education a plug, that's damn sexy."
Just don't ask him to use the word "sexy" in a sentence about himself. And although he's not quite comfortable with it yet, years from now he'll look back on the title fondly.
"It's something that as I become old and saggy I can look back on and say 'I remember then…' " he says. "I'm lucky to be in the discussion in any capacity."
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reflective-leaf · 9 months
The Climate Movement Needs Your Creativity, Not Your Guilt
(This is an annotated transcript of the TEDx talk I gave in April 2023. It’s 10 minutes long. I’d suggest watching it first and then coming here for supporting materials.)
Does climate action feel impossible?
When I was a kid, I was interested in everything. I’d need about 10 careers to do it all. So I got out my green and blue markers and made a calendar to keep track of which job I’d have on which day of the week. On Monday, I’d be a scientist, on Tuesday, a painter. Friday — some kind of explorer, because I loved nature documentaries. I related to how animals seemed fascinated by whatever was right in front of them.
Every documentary ended with a reminder that these animals needed our help, and all the ways they were threatened by human activity. I couldn’t believe no one had managed to do something about this. But I figured I would know how when I grew up.
So, though I kept changing my mind about what I would be, the one constant was that it would have something to do with climate and conservation.
Years later, I was working as an engineer and plugging away at my art and writing. I didn’t tell anyone about my master plan to connect it all to climate, but I hadn’t forgotten it. I kept looking for ways to make my engineering work overlap with climate science or renewables.
Still, I avoided climate news. I didn’t need to hear over and over that climate change REALLY WAS real to motivate me to take action. I didn’t need to see a picture of an animal choking on plastic; I already had the master plan. Meanwhile, I kept circling climate action from a distance without taking the plunge.
But that changed in 2020. The United Nations issued a report giving us a deadline of 2030 to make steep emissions cuts.
Taking action couldn’t stay theoretical and future tense any longer. So I dove into the research to catch up on what I had missed. And I started — tentatively — talking to people about climate change and my intentions.
And I got wave after wave of bad news. It wasn’t just the tight deadlines, scale of changes needed, and years of deadlock.
It was also the confusing responses I was getting in my conversations about climate change. I’d bring up something I found fascinating, people’s faces would drop. The’d say “Yeah… I should be doing more.” And the conversation stopped there.
We’d all finally grown up! and I was ready to jump into the master plan, but I hadn’t factored in when I was 10 that no one would want to jump with me.
And it was 2020, and the air in California was full of wildfire smoke — a constant reminder of what was at stake.
Defeatism had hijacked the climate conversation and it was everywhere.
Eventually, the gloom shifted just enough for me to start wondering. Maybe we were all so bummed because we couldn’t see through the haze. We’ve all been peppered with directives — reduce, reuse, recycle. Drive less. Fly less. Turn off lights. Don’t buy plastic.
And we try, pushing against a system that wasn’t set up for any of that. But we don’t have a clear picture of how this helps.
We may have a vague idea of our individual reductions adding up to collective reductions — but then, every single one of us would have to cut our individual emissions by over half, and then to zero. We can’t imagine the effort it would take to scale up our reductions by that much. And convincing every single human to do the same? Impossible.
This picture doesn’t add up because it requires us all to be perfect. And worse, it makes us feel like we are failing, every single day.
But let me paint you a different picture. If change could only happen with 100% participation and perfection, change would never happen. But I think we can all agree that sometimes change does happen, even positive change. So — how?
For one thing, you can move society in a positive direction without being perfect. Think of it like electric current. We are the electrons.
When we imagine current flowing through a wire, we might imagine an orderly stream of electrons all moving in the same direction.
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But actually, even before the current starts, the electrons are moving — randomly, at high speeds, in all directions.
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And when we apply a voltage to create current, it still looks like they’re moving at random, except there’s a change you can only see when you look at the wire as a whole.
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Each electron shifts its velocity a tiny bit, all in the same direction. You don’t need perfect electrons to create current.
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Society is a bit more complicated than electric current. Still, it doesn’t matter that we aren’t each moving in a perfectly sustainable direction as long as our changes line up. And more importantly, pick up speed.
So what’s the voltage that directs us? I called it “the system,” and what I mean is the way all the organizations that touch our lives are set up — what they prioritize and where they get their materials.
We are constantly pushing against the system while trying to influence “our” consumption. What if we tried influencing the system instead?
So how do systems change? I found the answer in one of my math textbooks. Transformation builds under the surface as ideas brew, minds change, and small clusters of supporters gather — all while progress appears to be slow or non-existent, until suddenly, the support reaches a critical mass, and the system transforms rapidly in an emergent process.
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Nearly every social movement that succeeded followed this pattern of slow, then all at once. To get to that point, a certain percentage of people need to participate (estimated variously as 3.5%, to 25%), but importantly, it’s not 100%.
So don’t think of the climate movement as something you’re guilted into. You can choose to be one of the 25% who become early adopters of change.
And you don’t have to worry about the people you can’t convince. They will change when the system changes because that comes first.
Changing the system requires creativity. The first act of creativity is to imagine the possible paths to transformation.
The second act of creativity is to imagine where you can fit into that picture. Old ideas need to be replaced by new ones — about everything from technology to our day-to-day lives. The new ideas spread through you.
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To make that happen, ask yourself these three questions.
One. What is a movement you want to throw your weight behind? Pick a trend or organization that’s already building, and that you can help accelerate. You can be another piece of its critical mass.
Two. What’s a practical obstacle that’s been keeping you from participating? Anything from not knowing what a word means, to having trouble deciding where to volunteer.
If you have this obstacle, others do too. So brainstorming a solution will help more than just you. That obstacle doesn’t stand a chance against your formidable skills at creative problem solving!
Question Three. What social circles that you’re already a part of, can you share your solutions and experiences with? Sharing in the circles where you can be heard is how your solutions amplify and ripple outward.
We’re facing unprecedented challenges, so our imaginations need to be nimble — zipping like a hummingbird — from the big picture, to our immediate surroundings. From where we’re starting from — to where we want to get to.
We can’t be nimble like this if we’re stuck in guilt and perfectionism, and gazing endlessly within our own homes and wallets at all the things we’re doing wrong.
No movement in history has been made up of perfect people, so stop worrying about the ways you’re not perfect. Perfect people are not required.
Instead, think of all the ways your creativity could accelerate us in the right direction.
If you haven’t already, check out the recording of my TEDx talk! And you can hit ‘like’ on the video if you want to help get the YouTube algorithm to distribute it.
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battlecrazed-axe-mage · 8 months
Hello, may I ask if there is a story to "I might have had mold poisoning" ? I hope you are healthier and unpoisoned now!
Oh yeah, much better now! ty for asking ♥
So basically, the hotel room we were in originally was a little...idiosyncratic. We're talking some shenanigans with the fuses first thing, phone to the front desk not working, that kind of thing. Annoying, but nothing we couldn't live with
Then, within a couple days of being there, I started feeling badly under the weather, but only in my respiratory region. Sinuses plugged to the point of feeling bruised mostly, which meant I wasn't sleeping well, and in retrospect I think it was fucking with my ability to breathe at all because I started hyperventilating a couple of times from a normal level of activity
But that was it, no other symptoms, no fever or aches or anything like that. It wasn't covid, so I figured I'd just picked up some standard cold on the flight over, you know how it is with planes. Then, about a week into the stay, we had another fun little room moment that was less tolerable
We were having a lil tv night with my girlfriend, introducing her to Star vs the Forces of Evil--when my fiance suddenly heard a loud PLUNK. We looked over and there was an alarmingly sized puddle on the floor in the kitchenette area. So that was no good
Fiance went down to the front desk, and after some runaround that I will redact for brevity and because I've already vented that one in the groupchat, we had a shiny new room with no leak in it! Hooray!
So we got set up, unpacked a little, and got ready for bed because it was 1 AM by this time--and I found I could breathe a little better. By the end of the next day, the sinus problems were entirely gone. And then the wheels started turning. If there was already a leak once, dampness, respiratory problems...
I quietly informed the front desk the next day that they should maybe, uh, have room 1805 checked for mold? And explained why. And the lady went pale and thanked me and immediately started typing very quickly and with purpose, so hopefully that gets taken care of asap!
Me, aside from a little residual cough that I'm keeping an eye on, I'm all better now
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