#and i got to write a headline for the newspaper. but i couldn't think of anything so i told them to just write one abt Catholic stuff for m
irrigos · 11 months
wait why is your face in mask of the rose <- guy who has definitely missed something
bet failbettergames $3,000 that they wouldnt and then they did so i had to pay up
(it was a kickstarter reward)
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blueberrypancakesworld · 11 months
Lords of chaos Euronymous x reader
Reader has always loved metal music and dressing up for concerts. So, when her friend invites her to go see this upcoming band called Mayhem she puts on her shortest skirt and tiniest top and maybe even hooks up with the lead guitarist. 🖤🖤
Eyes on you in the short skirt
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warning : tiny fluff, kissing, making out, implied sex
Lords of chaos ~ masterlist
Rory Culkin's character ~ masterlist
Info : Thanks for the request and a very good outfit choice I must say ;) It was nice to write and have fun reading, everyone else too
Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
The illuminated room in the evening was not quiet like her parents. Or accompanied by a children's audio book like her little brother's. Nor was it colourfully lit like the party across the hall. ,,A bunch of posers," she muttered as she pushed aside the dark curtain and looked at the colourfully lit house.
It was a party for the town's well-known cheerleader and student body president. Too colourful, too bright for Y/n's taste.
But she didn't let herself be distracted, instead she pulled the curtain back and listened to her music again. Black metal by Venom was playing very loudly from the record player she had bought herself.The only good way to listen to metal she heard her friend say in her head.
She remembered how they had gone together to every shop that sold music. After that, the metal section was more than empty, that was for sure. But not just buying music, everything black that had leather and studs.
Getting ready for concerts and painting their faces with corpse paint was another thing they liked. Alone or together it was all good. Just as she was about to turn to her record player, she heard her phone ring.
Reaching for the receiver and putting it to her ear she heard her friend's voice. ,,Hey Y/n, what's up? Say, I've got a ticket left for Mayhem, they're playing at the city centre tonight" she heard the words and her lips twisted into a grin.
Mayhem was a relatively new band in this music field and yet they were notorious. Not only for the performances they offered which included blood, death, corpses and pretty much everything evil.
Even the band members were no pure background characters. ,,I'll be with you in fifteen minutes," she said, slamming down the receiver and hurrying to her wardrobe. When she opened it, she was greeted by black clothes. Nothing new and yet she knew exactly what she wanted to wear.
She decided to grab her shortest black skirt and the smallest top she had. Not least because it made her body stand out more than a little and maybe she could show off a little too. Slipping into her new clothes she looked at herself in her broken mirror.
It was tight, short and ,,Perfect" she murmured and lastly fixed her hair and make-up, which she decided to keep sexy. Corpsepaint, maybe he'll paint it for me she thought, thinking of the picture of Euronymous she had seen in the newspaper. "The new Satanist children" was the headline and a smirk came to her lips.
The night would be perfect. Grabbing her boots and trying to go down the stairs quietly, she listened once more inside the house.
But her parents were asleep and so was her brother. She was free. Rushing out of the house and taking the short way to her friend's house, she couldn't help but cheer with delight.
Not only would she see her friend, again at a concert together. No, she would also see Mayhem. The walk to her friend's house was quickly done and from there they walked the rest of the short way to their destination.
The city centre or rather the Aulla of the city was big, not huge but big enough to hold a good concert. Showing their tickets, they eagerly mingled with the crowd, grabbed a beer and gazed at the many different people.
All of them looked darker, more satanic and more frightening than the other. But none of this mattered when the band came on stage and the first note was played.
The crowd went wild, screaming and singing along, the first carcasses were thrown into the crowd and Y/n even thought he got blood from somewhere. But it could not have been better. Especially when she was sure that she felt Euronymou's gaze on her. More than once.
But the point where she almost thought she felt the dark magic and Satan was when one of the band members came up to her. She was about to leave and her friend wanted to make a quick stop at the merch stand.
When the band leader came up to them and said, ,,Euronymous wants to see you". No sooner had she said the words than her friend practically pushed her back towards the stage and said, ,,Call me later, I want to know every detail," before she happily continued to pop as if she hadn't noticed anything. But now Y/n was on stage where the band had been a few minutes ago.
It was exciting to look back at the now empty space. Maybe I'll stand here one day? she thought with a smile and had to think back to her bad attempts which included breaking several guitars.
But of course she was a natural. ,,Just go down the corridor, through the black door," he said and showed her the way with his hand. Hastily walking down the corridor, she adjusted her clothes, feeling her heart beat faster in anticipation. Before she arrived at the door, knocked lightly and went inside.
Inside the room, she immediately smelled cigarettes and beer. ,,You're here," murmured a voice she knew only too well. Euronymous, the founder of Mayhem, was sitting on a black, old, worn leather sofa. In his hand was the dark beer bottle as his eyes settled on it. ,,You wanted it," she countered and saw that he was holding onto her bust.
He didn't hide it, he didn't have to because that was what she wanted. He nodded briefly as if her answer was heavy and philosophical before taking another sip of his beer.
Before he put it down on the small table and pointed to his leg with his hand. ,,That's what you're here for with the founder of Mayhem...since I saw you tonight" he said and watched as she came closer slowly almost reverently watching him. Waiting for him to do something she didn't see coming. But he sat still, grabbing her hips as she settled onto his lap.
His grip was not painful but the small circles and the scratching of his fingers over her warm soft skin let her know that she should stay. Shouldn't dare pull away now. ,,You were incredible," she murmured, reaching unbidden for his beer bottle and taking a sip. Saw his eyes watching her body.
The short skirt that pushed up slightly with the new position, the top that followed, the obviousness that she wasn't wearing a bra. His eyes showed more than interest and fascination. It was lust.
Taking the bottle from her lips she put it back, but barely looking back at him she felt his hand buried in her hair. Pulling her closer, no matter the compressed position, he engaged her in an intimate kiss. A kiss in which she felt more than just clearly what he wanted, if it wasn't already clear.
The hand that had not wrapped itself in her hair to pull her against him moved down her hip to her bottom. She twitched and smirked slightly as she felt him tighten the lace on her panties.
One by one they slowly moved closer to her centre, almost making her squeal. ,,I knew it, the little top, the short skirt...you're going to be the perfect night," he murmured to her before pulling her off him and onto the cool couch. ,,Gladly," she replied before pulling him close and wrapping him in another kiss. Knowing that the night had many hours to offer.
@mayhem-things , @bvg-w1res , @icarus-star
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venicebitch00 · 10 months
shiv roy x reader pls!! like i was thinking maybe angsty jealous shiv and then fluff at the end? i dont mind anything honestly i just want shiv x reader content
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shiv roy x reader
a/n: omg i was so worried that nobody would request shiv so i was so happy when i saw these!! i hope you don’t mind i combined the two!! kinda ended angstier than i intended too
1.4 k
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Shiv Roy had a meticulous morning routine that she followed every day without fail. She woke up at 5:00 (exactly half an hour before Tom), got changed, brushed her teeth, and went on a run. After about 3 miles, and when she knew Tom had left for work, she returned home and ate breakfast while scrolling through work emails and current headlines. This morning, however, her usually peaceful routine was interrupted. By you. 
As the woman ate her breakfast bar and scrolled through various news articles she couldn't help but notice your name-making and appearance. At first, it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, your family owned one of the biggest fashion houses in the country so it wasn’t a surprise that some blog would write an occasional fluff piece about the outfit you wore to fashion week or speculations about your relationship with some model or actor. And although she would never dare admit it, she would secretly save everyone to read later. But it wasn’t until she saw your name plastered on an article headline written by her very own family’s news company that her attention was caught. The article detailed that your father had announced his anticipated retirement and you would be inheriting the family company and sole CEO. 
You had met Shiv and college, you wish you could say the two of you hit it off instantly, but you both knew it was from the truth. You both came from wealthy families and were used to having to fight viciously to get a spot at the table, so naturally, an unspoken rivalry formed between you, and the constant need to outdo and impress the other grew. However as your professors began to notice this competition, the more they would pair up the two of you, and eventually over the four years, your rivalry melted into something some might call a friendship. However the passion and intensity remained and it wasn’t easy to forget the late nights spent together fueled by wine and lust, the exam that you were supposed to be helping each other study for long forgotten. 
But as graduation approached and the simplicity of the days on your college campus came to an end, so did your and Shiv’s complicated relationship. She met her prince charming, a wealthy boy from Minnesota named Tom, or as you liked to call him “farmer fuckface”. But Tom was doting, he put Shiv before everything and promised a life of stability. One that her father might be proud of. Tom was safe. Tom was everything you were not. This, however, still did not stop the twinge of hurt she felt reading about this news. She fucking the fact that she had to hear about your life in a newspaper instead of listening to you ramble and giggle endlessly while tangled in your sheets. 
And just like clockwork, as she was fighting the urge to call you your name appeared on her home screen. 
Hey, know it’s been a while but it would mean a lot if you came tonight. I miss you. 
Shiv tried not to read into the last sentence of the message and instead clicked on the attached link you sent. It was an invitation to some party your company was throwing to celebrate your new position as CEO. If it was anyone else, she would of already politely rejected the invitation and made other plans for the evening. But it wasn’t. It was you. So she began to draft her text back. 
I’ll check my calendar. 
Much to Shiv’s dismay Kendall and Roman had also received invitations and insisted on coming with her. Shiv knew of her two brothers' motivations, both had been wanting to get into your pants since she first introduced you to them all those years ago and despite all the rejections they still seemed persistent. 
Shiv Roy was not a naturally anxious person. You can’t be, not when you go into countless business meetings every day filled with dozens of perverted old men just waiting for you to screw up and more focused on your tits that the words coming out of your mouth. But tonight her stomach was erupting in butterflies. 
Right as they walked in, Roman b-lined to the open bar, and Kendall mumbled something about finding Stewy, which left Shiv standing in the middle of your party all by herself. 
“What’s a gorgeous lady like yourself standing here all alone?” 
she could recognize your teasing voice from miles away. Shiv practically snapped her head around to see you, looking as gorgeous as ever, except now more mature and adult than she remember. 
“Bonnie,” you breathed, Shiv’s heart surged at the nickname you gave her years ago after finding out her full name, Sibohan, “fuck I missed you”. You engaged the redhead in a tight hug, one that Shiv hesitantly accepted. 
Once you released, Shiv cleared her throat, “Yeah I..Fuck yeah I missed you too” 
“Come on let’s get you a drink” 
At the bar, Shiv was impressed when you still remembered her order.
“So, I’m surprised you came” 
“Oh yeah, why’s that?”
“You’ve been avoiding me”
Shiv scoffed “I have not been avoiding you”
“Come on, you have to, ever since the wedding” you, of course, referencing Shiv’s wedding to Tom. “Speak of the devil, where is farmer fuckface” 
Shiv chucked at your endearing nickname for her husband, “He’s you know, working” 
“I see” you took a sip from your martini “I’m surprised he let you come here by yourself” 
“What do you mean?”
“I think you know exactly what I mean” You peered up at her from your martini glass with a smirk. “Right well, I think I should make rounds” You fixed your hair and chugged the last bit of your drink. 
“Ah right you’re a busy CEO now aren't you” Shiv smiled, “I’ll see you later”.
Shiv watched you as you made your way around the room, greeting your guests and graciously thanking them for coming to your party. She couldn’t help a twinge of jealousy watching a bunch of strangers receiving your attention and loving praise. Her final straw was when she watched Kendall march up to you. You of course greeted him with a kind hug, one that lasted a bit too long for Shiv’s taste. She watched as he made you laugh and grazed your arm with his own. It used to be amusing to watch her brothers pathetically flirt with you all those years ago because she knew you were hers. But now it just made a pit form at the bottom of her stomach. 
Shiv chugged the last bit of the champagne she had been nursing and made her way to you. She abruptly grabbed your hand, muttering some lame excuse to Kendall about needing you for some “girl emergency” and dragged you to the nearest bathroom. 
Her lips were on yours the moment she locked the door, and your hands wasted no time getting lost in her short hair. 
“Aw what’s a matter Shivy, got a little jealous out there” you pouted her lip at her
“Oh fuck off” she murmured as you began to leave kissing down her neck, to her collarbone. 
“Missed this, missed you”. You felt Shiv’s hands begin to trail down your back, slowly unzipping your dress “Wait, fuck” you mumbled against her lips “What about Tom?”
“I’ve talked to him”
“About us?” you raised a brow.
“No, well, no not exactly. I’ve told him I want a more open relationship,” she stated matter-of-factly. 
“Wow, who knew Shiv Roy was so progressive” You started to kiss her again “What’s next, buying a van and starting a nomadic life?” 
“Oh shut up” you could practically feel her eyes rolling, “and since when did you ever care about Tom?” 
You looked up at her once more, “I just-” you paused, “Fuck, never mind”. You caved and reunited her lips with yours.
You realized this was a battle you were not going to win anytime soon. Before Shiv was your “Bonnie”, she was always going to be “Shiv Roy of Waystar Royco”, and your relationship just didn’t fit into that part of her life. Neither of you was ready to admit how much you meant to one another, so you would just pretend that it didn’t matter. And you figured if you got burned, at least you were electrified. 
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ellie-24 · 1 year
Sooner or later
Summary: Here we go, another installment of my assistant!reader x elvis verse. This is set after Forbidden Fruit, but it can be read independently. Enjoy❤️
Word count: 3.1 k
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You sat on the sofa, surrounded by newspapers and tabloids, sipping your morning coffee. You waited for Jerry's arrival as the two of you wanted to go through a few details for the upcoming events and concerts. Elvis was still sleeping soundly and probably wouldn't be up until afternoon, as usual. Speaking of Elvis. After much back and forth between the two of you for weeks you had trouble keeping the mutual feelings for each other at bay. You didn't know what to call whatever it was between you two. Was is an affair? Was it a liaison? A deep mutual understanding? The beginning of a relationship? Whatever it was you decided that it was in your best interest to keep it secret from the public, even the Memphis Mafia. After all you still officially worked for him. It was difficult at times but first wanted to figure out what it was between Elvis and you.
With a sigh turned the page of the tabloid in front of you and massaged your temples. You almost couldn't bear to read it. The headlines about Elvis were getting worse and worse lately. Mean spirited articles about his private and family life, his weight gain, him slurring the words and songs on stage, forgetting his lines and appearing to be drugged out everywhere he went. Some even went so far to call him washed up and wrecked. It was truly horrible how they all allowed themselves an opinion about a man they didn't even know. They don't even know what he is going through and they can't imagine the immense pain he is suffering. Yet he still manages to get on stage and perform, like his life depended on it. In a way, it did.
You heard a knock on the door. This had to be Jerry. You closed the tabloid, tossed in on the table and got up. You opened the door and saw Jerry standing in front of you, smiling. "Hey Jerry, nice to see you." you said and pulled him into a brief hug. 
"Hey Y/N, how are you?"
"Ah, you know, same old." you shrugged and lead him inside. "What about you?" He simply nodded.
"Come on. Elvis is still asleep we'll sit in the living area." 
"Sounds good." he agreed and followed you. 
When you sat down you both immediately opened your notebooks and gathered the documents and schedules, wrote down important places and dates, phone numbers and contact information of hotels, performance venues and so on. As you were working through the days you realized how exhausting this whole ordeal will be for Elvis. He loved singing and performing for his audience, but under these conditions presented to you right now it was everything but healthy. He wasn't in his best shape right now, mentally and physically, and you felt bile rise up your throat at the thought of the Colonel and Dr. Nick pumping him full with medications to keep him standing. You huffed and rand a hand through your hair. 
"You alright, Y/N?" Jerry asked, noticing your discomfort. 
"Yeah.. It's just... It's a lot. He..." you trailed off with a deep breath and gestured to the wild array of sheets and papers on the table. 
"...I know. He isn't doing great, everyone can see that." he said with an equally worried expression. 
"Just...Look at this." you grabbed the newspaper you had just read off the table and tossed it over to him. 
His eyes shortly skimmed over the front page and he wordlessly looked up to you, taking in the distressed look on your face. 
"I've read a lot of this stuff as well." he muttered after a while. 
"Most of what they're writing isn't even true, or... wildly exaggerated. They don't know what they're talking about." you replied, throwing your arms in the air. "He doesn't feel good, anyone can see that, yet they continue trample on him for no reason. He is stronger than they think he is, I don't think anyone else could manage to to what he does under these circumstances." you finished your rant.
Jerry watched you, contemplatively. "...You're good for him, Y/N." he finally voiced.
"What?" you questioned. 
He hesitated. "Well, I mean to be honest, Y/N I didn't know what to think of you when I first met you. We all really didn't." He let out a small laugh and rubbed the back his neck. "...But you grew on us. Especially on Elvis. The last few months were hard..." You nodded nodded.  "...But you're there for him."
You laughed nervously. "...Well.. That's exactly my job isn't it?" you shrugged, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. Does he suspect something? Does he know? You knew that Elvis was terribly bad at keeping secrets.
"You're there for him in more ways than you realize I think. He speaks very often of you, Y/N. Very dearly as well. You've become very important to him. I've known Elvis for a long time and know how quickly he forms attachments, how he needs them. From what I gather when I talk to him is that you're what's keeping him up right now." 
Your tried not to choke on your coffee, feeling utterly caught. Instead you just managed smiled innocently and placed your mug on the table again. 
"Well, I'm doing my best. He needs his friends right now."
You started eating your breakfast, opting for a bit of harmless small talk before returning to more serious matters. After you finished you carefully watched Jerry and almost whispered "Jerry... Elvis... He won't stand this much longer." 
"There's nothing we can do. Elvis is a stubborn man. He won't change his ways. He's done it like this for years. He hasn't got the motivation to change anything." 
"I just wish we could help him somehow." 
"I know Y/N. But it's like you said. We just have to be there for him. That's everything we can do right now."
You looked up to him again. "...Yeah, you're right Jerry."
He put a comforting hand over yours. "Just make sure to take care of yourself as well, Y/N. You understand?"
You laugh and gathered your notes and papers. "Says you! When was the last time you took a break?"
"A what?"
You laughed again and got up with Jerry following you as you lead him outside the door. You briefly hugged each other and you watched him approach the elevator. "See you Y/N! And remember what I told you!" He waved his hand and the door of the elevator closed.
You briefly waved back at him with a "You too!" and went back inside.
Feeling the need to do something before Elvis woke up, you retrieved the newspapers and tabloids from the table before Elvis could see them. You knew it would send him into another spiral, so you quickly discarded them into to trash. Then went to the kitchen area and quickly did the dishes. Just as you were drying the last plate you suddenly felt a presence behind you. You didn't even have the time to turn around when you already felt his strong arms wrap themselves around your middle, his soft stomach firmly pressed against your back. He gently propped his chin on your shoulder and nuzzled his face against your neck, inhaling deeply. 
"Good morning, sweetheart" he drawled, running his strong hands up and down your waist. 
"Good morning to you too, darling. You're up early!" you remarked with a smile. 
"Don't blame me. I woke up all alone... and sad... and cold... I missed my best girl." he pouted and planted a quick kiss to the side of your head. 
"Sorry, but I met with Jerry and I wanted to let you sleep. I heard you tossing and turning and cussing almost until dawn... You missed Jerry by a few minutes actually." you said, placing the dry plate into the cupboard above. 
"Yeah, I heard ya." he murmured and subtly tightened his grip on your waist. "You two get along well, don't you?"
You hesitated, not really sure where he was headed with this. "...Well... we both want the same thing, you know." you shrugged. 
"And what's that?" he whispered into your ear, his hot breath tickling you slightly.
"The best for you." You turned your head and looked into his eyes. There was this swirl of emotions again that you couldn't quite make out. 
"...Hm..." he purred and you felt the rumbling of his chest against your back. "You know what would be the best thing for me now, yittle?" he murmured and placed a finger under your chin.
You raised your eyebrows at him.
He just smirked and leaned in, pressing his lips hard against yours. You let out a surprised squeal and dropped the towel you still had in your hands. He grabbed your chin with a bit more force to keep you still and stepped even closer to you, effectively trapping you between his strong body and the counter. You put a gentle hand against his soft cheek when you felt his warm tongue gliding over your lips, begging entrance. When you opened your mouth for him he moaned and let his fingers sink even further into the flesh of your hip. After a while he pulled away from you, making you mewl at the loss of contact.
His panting, the way his lips were parted, combined with his dark eyes, made you throw your head back onto his shoulder with a shuddering breath. He wasted no time and pushed your hair away from your neck, giving him free access. His lips moved across your pulse point down to your collarbone where he bit down hard, making you almost shout his name. Normally he was always very gentle with you, as if almost afraid to break you. Right now though he was marking you up roughly, surely leaving multiple hickeys all over your neck and shoulders. It was new, but you certainly weren't complaining. 
When he's had enough he placed his hands on your upper arms and quickly turned you around, making you face him. He smirked down at you when you wrapped your arms around his neck, playing with the strands of hair at the nape of his neck. You stood on your toes to meet his lips in a more gentle kiss. With an unexpected urgency he lifted you up and sat you down on the counter behind you. You let him step between your legs and pulled away from his mouth to look at him.
Now it was his turn to whimper as he felt your lips leave his. Your tender gaze was fixed entirely on his flushed face as your fingers rose to play with the strands of hair that fell over his slightly sweaty forehead. He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch with a content smile on his now swollen lips. He was so incredibly beautiful, you still couldn't believe that you sat here with him. Your mind briefly went back to the newspaper articles. They were all so very blind. 
"You're so beautiful Elvis." you hummed, a warm smile on your face.
He opened his eyes again and the raw emotion in them almost made you choke. He placed both of his hands on your cheeks, his thumbs caressing your cheekbones. "My beautiful, gorgeous, perfect, lovely, yittle Y/N." he sighed, grinning from ear to ear. You giggled and his smile widened even further, his eyes crinkling. Your laughter was music to his soul. "You're one of the most important people for me right now, you know that right, sweetheart?" his voice now sounded nearly pleading as his eyebrows furrowed a little. "Ya really are, Y/N..." he nodded to himself. He deeply looked into your eyes, as if searching for something. 
"Oh Elvis, dear, you mean so much to me as well. You are so sweet for saying that."
He lovingly smiled down at you and wrapped his arms back around your waist, holding you close to him again. With shuddering breath he slowly leaned down and buried his face against your neck, as if hiding himself from the world. "Ya gotta stay with me." he murmured and closed his eyes. He quietly started humming a tune that sounded kind of familiar, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. 
"...Promise me, yittle."
"I promise."
As you held him, your thoughts went back to Jerry’s words. That you were pretty much what kept Elvis going at the moment. What did he tell him? What were they talking about? You still didn’t know what Elvis really felt for you, but it really seemed to go deeper for him than you originally thought. You worried that you were just a temporarily distraction for him, like most of the girls he acquainted with. You acknowledged that the things between the two of you had developed rather quickly and that he probably wasn’t in the right state of mind for such decisions. Like Jerry said, he was feeling miserable for the past few months anyway. His health, his feelings for Priscilla and Linda that still lingered, the limited time he got to see his only daughter and the betrayal of his manager make him feel lonely, abandoned and vulnerable. 
You were so wrapped up in your thoughts that you didn’t even realize he removed his hand from your waist and searched for your hand. He gently grasped it and intertwined his fingers with yours. He was still humming the tune when he raised your joined hands up next to his head and once again tightened his grip around your waist. Then he started moving his hips, lightly swaying back and forth with you. 
"What are you doing?" you asked after a while with a light chuckle. "Darling, you haven’t even had breakfast, come on."
"No!" he whined, his face still nuzzled into your neck. "I wanna dance with you." he mumbled as he continued to sway. 
You smiled and pushed yourself away from the counter to properly dance with him. 
"You’re not scared I’m gonna step on your feet?"
"Don’t worry about that sweetheart, I’m not wearing my blue suede shoes." he whispered.  
You could feel him smiling against your neck when you laughed at his joke. You resumed to playing with his hair as he pulled you along, dancing in slow circles with you. With your cheek resting on his shoulder you contemplated your own feelings for him. What you felt for him was definitely no longer the silly, starstruck crush you initially had. But it certainly couldn’t be love. You haven’t known each other long enough. Of course there was this romantic sentiment of love at first sight but you weren’t that naive anymore. It wasn’t, it couldn't be that. You had to be careful, it would just over complicate things unnecessarily. Yet, you couldn't stop, nor hide your mind’s and body’s reaction to him. The way he’d look at you, talk to you and touch you made your heart beat faster and your whole focus would shift. 
He leaned back and made you twirl around with one hand over your head. He let out a small whistle as he turned your and pulled you back against his wide chest with a small chuckle. Small gestures and moments like these made your head spin, literally. You laid your head on his shoulder and you danced through the kitchen into the living room. It really felt more like floating than dancing and your cheeks already started to hurt from grinning non stop. His moves became faster and bolder and you could barely keep up with him.
Then he suddenly stopped and after a quick kiss on your hand he made his way over to the record player. He searched through the many vinyls until he found the one he was looking for. He set down the needle and turned to you with a bit of a mischievous grin. He waggled his finger in a come hither motion while the record player was still rustling. Then when you heard the music you finally recognized the tune he was humming the entire time. It was All Shook Up, you finally registered.
You approached him, laughing, and he started swaying his hips again. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from him, his moves were utterly captivating. Despite his failing health, his real talent would never leave him. Truly Elvis the Pelvis. He grinned proudly and came closer. You didn’t really know what to do with yourself and just moved along, though a bit hesitant at first. 
"...Yeah, that’s it, sweetheart. Just let the music guide you." 
"You mean you?" you laughed, becoming a bit more confident. 
"Got a problem with that, sweetheart?"
"Not at all."
Feeling more bold you started swinging your hips as well, matching him. He raised his eyebrows in appreciation and reached out for your hands. He sang along playfully as he turned you inside and out, making you laugh. When the song ended he dramatically dipped you down, and a surprised yelp escaped your throat. You both stared at each other, chests heaving. He furrowed his eyebrows jokingly. 
"What is it, doll? Afraid I won't catch you?" he panted, his glistening face hovering inches above yours. 
"Whew! It was just a bit quick for me I guess." you managed to get out after catching your breath somewhat. He lifted you up again and pointed a teasing finger at you. 
"Hey, none of that, I'm the old man here." 
You laughed and reached out to play with his collar. "...Old man still got them moves though." you whispered and leaned up to kiss him. 
He chuckled into the kiss and lead you to the sofa to sit down for a break. You draped your legs over his lap and he ran his hand up and down your calf. The other gently grasped a strand of your hair, absentmindedly playing with it. You scooted closer laid your head on his shoulder and pressed your lips against the side of his neck. 
"I wish we could just stay like this... Here-" he gestured around "-just you and me, Y/N."
"Yeah, that would be great huh." you answered. "But... sooner or later we have to face reality, darling."
"I'm afraid you're right sweetheart... I'd rather have it be later than sooner though." he murmured as he put his arms around you in an embrace of which you weren't sure if it was meant to soothe you or himself. You both certainly needed it.
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Paris - A miniseries Jamie Tartt x F/Reader
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Hi, babies I was inspired to write this mini-series because honestly, I was looking for Jamie Tartt smut and couldn't find any I was desperate. Then saw this post by @yungbludz expressing exactly how I felt. So took matters into my own hands. This is one of 3 installments leading up to you guessed it smut! Jamie Tartt, baby girl I’m sorry for what I’m gonna put you through in this series. I love you I promise.
Warnings for this chapter: So many swear words I’m sorry I belong on a sailors ship with my mouth most of the time, Adultery!, honestly dickhead boyfriend, I DON’T THINK THE READER SHOULD BE FEELING THIS OKAY SHE’S BEEN MANIPULATED INTO FEELING THIS! Rugby players? The sun. The media. Jack Grealish (yep he gets his own warning), talking of sex. No use of name or y/n. *Iain Stirling impression* A relationship hits the rocks.
Context: Okay so the reader is currently dating Sebastian Love a fake rugby player I’ve made. Very much inspired by that episode of Ted Lasso where Keeley and Ted have that article scare. Also, any political stances are jokes. This chapter is really short sorry. Seb is a dick.
"What the fuck?!" Sebastian yells as he slams our front door open, okay mate we get it you're a rugby player but please don't break the only entrance to our home. This could be a reaction to a bad practice or something has gone down, either way, this will come back onto me and will not end pretty.
"You alright?" I ask as he storms into the room to stand directly facing me with only the crappy coffee-stained table separating us. Stupid question, regretted asking it almost instantly but words are said and you can't rewrite them just because later on you wish it'd been something different. His eyes are so big and bright right now and not in like the way they usually are, almost doll-like in nature little shimmer, no now there was no little shimmer, no light to be seen at all in those soulless eyes. 
"You tell me. Huh? Tell me all about your new little boyfriend." His fucking teammates I swear to god they know not to wind him up it will end badly and he’ll believe it. 
"What’s happened, Seb? Tell me. You can’t come in here yelling at me, accusing me of cheating so use your words. Who would I possibly be cheating on you with?” God, I sound a bit patronising, he is a grown man, not a child.
“Okay gonna play dumb then? Let me give you a hint. Footballer, messy hair, talks like a twat.” He counts these adjectives on his fingers. Oh, surely he’s not talking about.
“I ain’t fucking Jack Grealish!” Ain’t even met the man, he is on the list though, gotta thing for footballers who I’ll never have a chance with.
“Jamie Tartt,” I BEG YOUR PARDON? Oh god, he knows I don’t know how he knows but he knows that Jamie tried to kiss me 3 months ago. I’m gonna die alone this is him breaking it off, he’s only just moved in 2 weeks ago.
“I ain’t fucking him either! You need to stop listening to guys on your team y’know they’re doing it to wind you up.” 
“Explain this then.” He dramatically slams down a newspaper with the front page displaying the headline ‘SEBASTIAN'S LOVE NOW JAMIE’S TARTT’ This is the Sun. Aka one of the most biased shithole of a paper. I say these exact words to him. “Oh so you’re calling me stupid now are you?” I don’t like this. This isn’t a comfortable feeling. I want him to leave. “You gonna say anything bitch?”
“Get out.” My voice is barely above a whisper.
“What?” His voice is the polar opposite of mine, ear drum bursting, heartbreaking.
"I said get out. If you want to choose to believe this newspaper instead of your actual girlfriend then I choose to kick you out."
"But I live here." Hah, not for long.
"For like 2 weeks, you haven't even got to help out with rent yet so really you have no jurisdiction here" Big word for me. "So get out or I won't hesitate to call the sun up and say so much worse." I redact my comment earlier he is a child as he storms out with a pout on his face and a huff. "I'll drop your stuff off on Friday." A little wave goodbye and a door slam later and I am on the sofa shell shocked.
He was a dick. Like damn, I stayed with him for 2 and a half years and he's only just moved in? That was a red flag. I just feel stupid for delaying it this long and letting this be the final straw.
Tonight. Who needs a man when I can read porn and drink wine.
6 glasses of wine and a message from Jamie Tartt reading ‘Drinks tonight?’ later and well you’ll have to wait to hear the rest.
Holy crap I did it, I know its short but this is just a buildup to the good shit. And what fanfic of mine would it be if it didn’t relate just the tiniest bit back to Taylor Swift. Well I hope to see you again when I update next which will hopefully be Friday! Glad you read. If you have any critics or stuff you think would be cool to add either comment of dm me I want as many minds on this as possible. 
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doodle17 · 1 year
Psychonauts Future Fanfic chapter 1
(I am by no means a professional writer, and this was made entirely for fun. But as a warning, chapters may be heavily edited or even deleted and re-uploaded in the future, as I am very self conscious about my writing.)
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Raz looked down at the newspapers set on the table by Sasha. He let out a defeated sigh and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I'm stumped. I don't know what to do..."
"Of course you don't..." Sasha grumbled. Raz looked back to the papers. He tried to examine them closer, seeing if maybe there was at least a small bit of evidence that could lead them to what their criminal was planning. Of course, he found nothing.
The papers were the same old thing. Research facilities and laboratories destroyed and ruined, robbed of everything valuable. The same old headline was on everyone. "Local Research stolen by mysterious strangers." Of course, the Psychonauts knew who it was. But unfortunately, they didn't know why they were stealing hazardous amounts of chemicals and Psi-lirium. And they didn't know where they were taking it.
Raz sifted through the papers before once again looking to Sasha. He tried to give him a reassuring smile. "Ah, c'mon Sasha, well find out! Eventually." Sasha lowered his glasses and raised an eyebrow. Raz looked around the room awkwardly before clearing his throat.
"Well, Agent Forsythe needs us to meet in her office. She says she has a plan." Sasha said with a doubtful tone. He stood up from his chair and waved his hand, gesturing for Raz to follow him. Raz glanced at the papers one more time. He picked one up, quickly folded it and put it in the pocket of his coat, then quickly caught up with Sasha.
As the two of them walked down the hallway, Raz glanced at Sasha. He remembered when he was a kid he would have to look up in order to make eye contact, but now he was almost as tall as him. Maybe even a few inches taller! He definitely changed in the past 9 years. Everyone had. Especially his family. Queepie was going to start his first week at camp soon.
Wow. How time flies... Raz thought to himself. It only felt like his first day at camp was a few weeks ago. I can't believe I'm already 19 years old. Man, time really flies by...He softly chuckled to himself. I remember when I was younger, I couldn't wait to go on crazy missions like this. Too bad I didn't know there was a LOT more boring investigating than kicking "bad guy" ass.
"Something on your mind, Razputin?" Sasha said, breaking the silence and snapping Raz out of his train of thought. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Just thinking about how much things have changed," He gestured to himself. "Including me." He grinned. Sasha shook his head but smiled slightly. "I don't think you've changed as much as you think. Maybe height wise."
"Oh yeah! I'm almost taller than you!" He hovered his hand above Sashas' head playfully. "Ugh, don't remind me. Every day I see you, it just makes me feel older." Raz laughed. "Hey, do you remember that old helmet?"
"Now Razutin, that's a very rude thing to say about Agent Fullbear-"
"No, no, the one I used to wear. The aviators helmet. With the goggles? Remember when Milla got me these glasses because they looked like my goggles?" He pointed the glasses with red tinted lenses resting on his head. Sasha squinted, thinking for a moment. "Ah! Yes, I remember now." He nodded. "Yes, I do remember that helmet. You used to wear it everywhere. I think I've only seen you without a few times before you stopped wearing it."
"Yeah!" Raz said. I used to wear that thing to bed sometimes. I wonder if it's still lying around somewhere... I wonder if it still fits...
The two of them turned to see an exhausted Norma holding a large mug of coffee and folders. Her eyes looked like it was taking all of her strength to hold them up, with dark bags underneath them. She heavily sighed. "Agent Forsythe is expecting you, and there was something else..." She tried to flip through the folders and papers. "Hey Norma, you doin' alright?" Raz asked. She heavily sighed again.
"Honestly, no. The damned receptionist skipped work again this week, so guess who's covering for her." She said with a forced, miserable smile. She proceeded to walk past the two of them as if she didn't stop to talk to them in the first place. "You'd better hurry, Forsythe is getting anxious. You know how she gets."
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"Is that the life of the party, Razputin, I see?" Said Milla happily as the two men walked into Hollis' office. "In the flesh, baby!" Raz said with finger guns. Milla laughed. "Oh, it feels like every time I look at you, I'm expecting to see a small little boy only to be met with a handsome young man. You're turning my hair gray Agent Aquato!" She said with a playful smile. Raz blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "D'aw, well I dunno about handsome -"
"Agents Nein, Vodello, and Aquato..." Hollis looked up from her papers and raised an eyebrow. Raz didn't even notice she was there. He was definitely startled when he heard her voice. She definitely sounded as tired as everyone else working on the current mission. Her desk was full of papers and empty cups of coffee. She lifted her reading classes and rested them her head. "Please, Agents, take a seat. I believe I've got a solution to our situation regarding the recent robberies."
She gestured for the three of them to take one of the seats at the front of her desk. "I believe I've found a way for all of us to figure out what our good friends at the Mandela corporation plan to do with all of the important stuff they've stolen." She said as she reached for a few papers that were resting underneath an empty coffee cup. She tapped them on her desk before sliding them toward the three Agents."There is one for each of you." She said, leaning back in her chair. Raz examined the paper. It had a picture of him, with a fake name and a bunch of other stuff. It looked like a resume of some sort. "Fake personas?" Raz asked, looking from his paper and pushing his glasses into place. Hollis nodded. "Yes, I have a feeling we won't get any farther if all we do is wait for them to attempt another scheme and hope we can get there on time to stop them. But if we can get inside..." She leaned in.
"But, isn't the place guarded by, like, a MILLION guards and security systems?" Raz asked. "Not to worry, Aquato, the two of you will be acting as interns. Milla and Sasha will be acting as your mentors. Otto has made sure that your fake work IDs are fool-proof." Intern, huh? That brings back memories. Raz then remembered being locked in the old closet in nothing but his underwear. He shuddered. Not very good memories.
"This may actually work!" Milla said, admiring her paper. But, who's going to be joining us?" That's right. Raz noticed she was holding a fourth paper. "Yeah, didn't you mention another agent to be the second intern with me?" Raz wondered who it could be.
Maybe Lizzie, or Dogen, maybe Adam! Oh, I hope it's Adam and not Norma. PLEASE, don't let it be Norma... Before Forsythe could answer, someone spoke. "It's mine."
Raz's heart stopped for a moment before it immediately started to beat a million miles a minute. He turned around quickly, almost getting out of his chair. Was it really?
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"L-Lili?!" He sputtered.
(And end of chapter! Thanks for reading! Comments or tips are greatly appreciated as I want future chapters to be exceptional.)
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coppernickeldime · 5 months
Fast Car - Pt. 1?
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A/N: Okay, I'm totally new to Tumblr (only been here a couple months and have just been binging all the great spn content on here). Let me know if I'm not doing this right, haha. I haven't written fanfiction in like seven years, but this is just an au that popped in my head today and I just had to write it. I mean checkoutclerk!dean??? I'm also new to writing Destiel so any tips are appreciated.
Let me know if you even like this? This is all I've written so far, but if yall think it's worth it maybe I'll dig around and turn it into a full-fledged story.
Pairing: AU Dean Winchester x Castiel Novak
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: None really, a little fluff? Alternate Universe
Summary: Castiel, a journalist just recently relocated to Lawrence, begins having run-ins with the new super-hot grocery store clerk. Both Castiel and Dean have a lot going on in their lives. With Castiel fighting to earn the big writing gigs under his family's broadcasting company and Dean working at the grocery store when he gets off from Bobby's garage in order to have money to send to Sam each week, can they find time to figure out what's going on with this chemistry between them? Not to mention that Dean is just beginning to realize his own sexuality.
Here we go:
"C'mon, little bro. You just gotta wait your turn. You know how it is. You're the lowest on the totem pole right now," Gabriel encouraged through the phone.
"Well, it would be nice if I had a little money left over after paying rent," Castiel grumbled as he grabbed a shopping basket at the entrance of the local Piggly Wiggly. "I was under the impression there would be perks to working for family."
"There are! You just gotta wait it out. Before you know it, you'll be like me. Traveling the world to write the big stories," Gabriel said. Castiel rolled his eyes and huffed a little, turning the corner to begin examining the fruit selection even though he knew he couldn't afford any of the produce there.
When he didn't say anything after a moment, Gabriel continued, "Alright, I gotta get going. There are two very hot ladies who should be showing up at my hotel room any minute now. Adios!" The line went dead before Castiel could reply. With another huff, he flipped his phone closed and shoved it in the pocket of his trench coat.
It had been a long day. Well, actually, it had been a long year. Castiel was under the impression that once he finally made it out of school, he could start getting real journalism experience by working for his distant relative's big time news company.
Heavenly Hosts Broadcast Company was not only the largest broadcasting company in Kansas, but the most well-respected. Though it mainly operated out of Kansas City, the company also owned several smaller stations and newspapers throughout the state. After graduating school, Castiel had been surprised to find out that he would have to move to small-town Lawrence in order to be hired as a writer for HHBC, but he felt he had no room to argue being only a distant relative of the company founder. He was thankful to be working under the well-known company at all; it was better than some of the incredibly small newspapers some of his classmates had ended up at.
However, he realized very quickly just how lonely Lawrence was for him. He had no friends or family there to accompany him, nor any peers who were interested in the same field as he was like he had become accustomed to in college.
Castiel woke up at six AM sharp every morning, had coffee with two over-easy eggs, and headed off to work. Once he got to the news station, he said a polite hello to the receptionist, Hannah, and headed to his office. That was where he spent most of his day, answering emails and researching whatever stories were handed off to him.
Unfortunately, most of the stories he received lacked any real excitement. He thought that after a few months he would be entrusted with stronger headlines, but it had been just the opposite. This was why, after receiving the task of writing an article about the local school cafeteria food from his boss Zach, Castiel found himself graveling to his brother about his low-pay and meaningless work.
He probably shouldn't have even called Gabriel, but who else was there to complain to?
While he shopped, Castiel stewed on all of these things and wracked his brain for any ideas of how to make school lunches remotely interesting. He made his way mindlessly through the store, filling his cart with the same items he bought every week.
"Not much of a chef, are ya'?" A strong voice broke Castiel from his stupor. He blinked repeatedly, suddenly unaware of how he even made it to the counter and added his items to the conveyor. He supposed he was too wrapped up in his thoughts on whether or not it would be acceptable to turn his school-lunch article into something political about how all student lunches should be free.
"I'm sorry?" Castiel asked as he looked up from his groceries. His eyes widened slightly as he met the gaze of the young man behind the counter.
The man chuckled lightly as Castiel's confusion, and Castiel found the corners of his own mouth turning up in response. He wasn't sure what was so funny, but just the sound of this man's laugh made him want to join in. Castiel watched as small lines appeared next to the man's eyes, which he also noticed were a rather unfair shade of emerald. He was just a bit taller than Castiel with wide, broad shoulders, hidden by a dark gray Henley with the sleeves pulled up on his forearms. His store-issued apron hung over his chest quite nicely, Castiel thought, and he tried to avoid thinking about whatever the apron might be hiding of the lower parts of the man's body.
"It just doesn't look like you cook much," checkout-guy clarified, gesturing to the array of microwave meals and quick fixes adorning the conveyor. His words brought Castiel's eyes back up to his face, and that's when Castiel noticed the messily styled Ivy-League haircut as well as the freckles decorating the man's cheeks. He suddenly felt unable to speak.
After clearing his throat and feeling his cheeks flush, Castiel found his words, "Uh, yes. I'm afraid I'm not very well-versed in the culinary arts." A bewildered smile graced the checkout-guy's lips, one of his eyebrows raising.
"Yeah, I'd say so. You know, if you add some Sriracha and an egg to these, it makes them like ten times better?" Checkout-guy said as he held up the ten-pack of easy ramen Castiel had picked out.
"Is that so?" Castiel replied.
Checkout guy nodded thoughtfully, sliding the ramen over the scanner until it beeped before turning to place it in a plastic bag.
"Oh, wait," Castiel said hurriedly, turning towards his shopping cart. He pulled out two reusable shopping bags, one decorated with kittens holding rainbow flags and the other with the HHBC logo on it. Checkout-guy rose his eyebrows a bit as he took the bags, the corner of his mouth rising up in a smirk as he placed the ramen inside the kitten rainbow one.
"It was a gift," Castiel found himself saying, suddenly feeling defensive over the bags. Checkout-guy fully smiled then, shaking his head a bit.
"Hey, no criticism here," he replied, holding the palms of his hands up quickly before going back to scanning. He pointed at the HHBC logo, "Do you work for the station or something?"
Castiel nodded as he watched checkout-guy pay special attention to where he placed the loaf of bread. "Yeah, I'm a writer there."
"Oh yeah?" Checkout-guy said, his brow rising in what Castiel couldn't decide was impressed or shocked.
"Yeah, mostly just small stories for now."
"I get the feelin' you're not too excited about that," checkout-guy said with a small smile. "Is that what you were grumbling about the whole time you were shopping?"
Castiel felt heat rise in his cheeks for a second time. He glanced nervously around the store.
"You could hear me all the way up here?"
"What can I say, buddy," checkout-guy replied, the creases around his eyes showing again as he smiled. "It's almost closing time on a Tuesday. There's not really much else going on to drown out the sound of you talking to yourself."
Castiel realized that he was right; there weren't any other customers in the store and it looked like most of the employees had gone home as well. It was pretty quiet, other than the rock music playing over the store speakers in a low volume. Embarrassingly, Castiel hadn't even realized he had been talking to himself while he shopped, though he wasn't all that surprised considering how enveloped in his thoughts he had been. Plus, he buys the same cheap groceries every week, so waltzing around the store was basically muscle-memory at this point.
"I apologize, it's been a long day," he said as he adjusted his tie.
"Don't apologize, man. I get it," checkout-guy said as he clicked around on the register display. "Your total is twenty-nine thirty-five."
Castiel dug into the pocket of his slacks to retrieve his wallet, which he opened to find the last of his grocery money until his next pay day. There was only a twenty and a five-dollar bill.
Slightly flustered now for more than one reason, he spoke again, "I apologize again, but I'll have to ask you to take off the ramen and the jelly."
Checkout-guy's gaze turned from a look of amusement to something more serious. "How much are you short?" He asked, tapping his fingers mindlessly against the side of the register and leaning forward as if to get a peek in Castiel's wallet.
"I've just got twenty-five," Castiel said, a bit bashfully, and pulled out the bills and showed that his wallet was now empty. "It's alright though, I don't need those things anyway." He really didn't need to have those items, but jelly did make peanut butter sandwiches a lot more appealing, and the noodles were a great change of pace from Banquet microwave dinners.
Checkout-guy shook his head, his lips pursing as if he had already made some kind of decision.
"Nah, don't worry about it. The rest is on me, alright?"
"I couldn't ask you to--"
"You didn't ask," checkout-guy said, his smile returning. "I'm offering. Seriously, I had somebody pay for my coffee in the drive-through this morning. It's about time I return the favor."
Castiel eyed him, unsure if he was telling the truth or just trying to get him to accept the offer. The guy shrugged a bit and stared back at him with a confident smirk. 
"Won't you get into trouble?" He asked after a moment.
"No way," checkout-guy assured. "If my drawer is short a few bucks, I'll just pay the balance. Plus, they like me too much around here for me to get into too much trouble." He winked at Castiel as he opened the cash register.
With warmth in his face and a cat-bitten tongue, Castiel handed over his money a bit begrudgingly. "Well, thank you," he managed finally. "That's very kind of you."
Checkout-guy laughed and shook his head, and Castiel wondered what he had said that was humorous.
"Alright, you're all set," the guy said as he handed Castiel his receipt. Their fingers brushed lightly as Castiel took the small slip of paper.
"Thank you, again," Castiel repeated as he began to grab his shopping bags.
"No problem," the guy said. "Have a good one."
Suddenly Castiel found himself wanting to stay in the store all night. He didn't want the sound of this guy's voice or his smile or the brush of his fingers to be over with so quickly.
Castiel nodded in parting and forced himself to walk out to the car.
Later that night, Castiel thought maybe he finally thought of a way to write an article about crappy school mashed-potatoes that was worth reading. He was feeling a bit more relaxed after his encounter at the grocery store, though a bit embarrassed about being so flustered by the attractive guy that worked there and being short on cash. Still, there was an ease in his chest that he hadn't felt in a long while, and he was beginning to think that if he could spin this article into something good, maybe he would finally be recognized for his hard-work.
After the groceries were put away, Castiel put on a record of the complete works of Mozart before heading back into the kitchen. As the instrumentals began to play in the background, Castiel loosened his tie before removing it and throwing it over the back of a kitchen chair. It was nearly nine o'clock by now, and he needed to eat something and get to bed.
He made his way around the kitchen quite smoothly, heating water in a pot on the stove while he opened a packet of ramen. As he stood there, watching and waiting for the water to boil, a thought occurred to him. Without much more consideration, he was pulling the eggs from the refrigerator. He had ten eggs left, which would leave him two for every work-day breakfast. After eyeing the water that was beginning to boil for a moment longer, he decided he'd rather be one breakfast-egg short and have a spruced up dinner in return.
So Castiel pulled another pot from the cabinet and filled it with enough water to submerge the egg. He added it to the stovetop, turning the heat on high and leaning against the counter.
He found himself thinking about the checkout-guy again. It had been a long time since he was romantically involved with anyone, so that had to have been why he was so caught of guard by the man's looks and playful personality. Not to mention his generosity, which Castiel was extremely thankful for as he added the noodles into the boiling water. 
When the food was done, Castiel sat down at his little kitchen table. It was only big enough for two, but he didn't mind. He hardly ever had company, so the small setting was more than enough for him. He settled for a random hot sauce he found in the back of his refrigerator since he didn't have any Sriracha on hand. He was delighted to find that the checkout-guy had been right; the egg and hot sauce drastically improved the made-in-minutes noodles.
If he ran into the checkout-guy again, he would have to let him know he tried it and ask if he had any more cheap-food improvements.
As Dean locked the door to the Piggly Wiggly and began the walk to his car parked in the back of the parking lot, he found himself thinking about the dark-headed journalist that had came through just before close. At first, Dean had wondered if the guy was just a stick-up-his-ass businessman, but after talking with him, Dean decided that maybe the guy was just kind of clueless.
He was funny in a way Dean hadn't quite experienced before, with his talking to himself, frowns, and formal way with words. The guy's blue eyes were stuck in Dean's head, and he found himself wishing he had caught the guy's name.
He wasn't sure why he was so caught of guard by another guy. No use in worrying about it when he would probably never see the guy again, right?
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zaeliaeve · 1 year
ꜰʟᴏʀᴇꜱ [ꜱᴇʀɢɪᴏ ʀᴀᴍᴏꜱ] Chapter 3
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DISCLAIMER: This is all fiction, and I apologize for any inaccuracies or mistranslations, I do not speak Spanish. Thanks for reading!
Life as a Madridista comes with many eyes on you. The press was eating up the new team like a starving lion in the jungle. Anything the players did would make headlines. You could find something small like Cristiano eating an ice cream cone in the morning newspaper and calling him the greatest ever, to people calling for the demise of the entire establishment based off of an old rivalry. Life with that team has and always will have extreme ups and downs.
This week is their first away game of the season, and it's against RCD Espanyol in Barcelona. With all the pressure from the media circus, they have been practicing more and more. Catalina had begun getting familiar with the team during practices, not feeling as tense or on edge as she once was around 99% percent of the team. That one percent of worry came from the one and only, Sergio Ramos.
Catalina had a few run-ins with the long-haired defender during their recent times at practice, and none of them were pleasant. The most recent event came when they collided while turning in opposite directions at the same corner in the training facility. 
"¡Puta madre!" Sergio shouts as he feels a head clash into his hard chest.
A startled Catalina stumbles back and glances up at the blonde, whose face stayed in an unpleased scowl. "I'm so s-" 
Sergio cut her off before she could even finish "Stop being sorry and start thinking with your head"
With that, he was strutting away before Catalina had time to respond. 
Catalina felt like she was sixteen all over again around Sergio. She assumed with age she became more confident and overall was finally coming out of her shell a bit, but this felt like three steps back. Something about him struck her that she couldn't put her finger on. It was a feeling she couldn't describe, nor did she have any interest in exploring it more.
After all, Catalina was there to do a job she was coming to really love so the one-sided hatred wasn't at the forefront of her mind. At least, not until nighttime when the thoughts would creep back up, along with occasionally seeing his smug smile that he always carried with him in her dreams. 
It felt like the job was suiting her, so one-speed bump wouldn't deter Catalina from doing what she needed to. A few of Catalina's shots from the game were put into a couple of sports magazines, her name written in tiny writing at the bottom giving credit. When Catalina had first seen it in stores she squealed and bought a copy along with a frame. Now, on top of her shelf rests a still of Raúl scoring a penalty, the goalkeeper on the ground on the opposite side from the football. 
With the game coming up, they were spending a lot more time in the training facility. 
"Cat I hope you got a shot of that!" Pepe yelled over to the brunette, nodding over to Casillas who landed awkwardly on his face in an attempt to catch one of Xabi's shots.
Xabi was doubled over in laughter, reaching a hand out to steady himself as the laughs kept flowing. Casillas stood up quickly like nothing had happened but the damage was done. A couple of other teammates were chuckling at the goalkeeper who just shook his head in return.
Click click click
Catalina's lips perked up as she watched the group try to regain their composure once again. More and more, Catalina would hear her name called out during practice as a running joke. If someone made a bad shot or did something slightly embarrassing she could hear from the sidelines "Cat please send that to Sports Illustrated!"
Since the team had been practicing so often, it felt more and more comfortable as time had gone on. The players were beginning to build a brotherhood, bonded by experiences only each other could relate to.
A tap on the shoulder caused Catalina to lift her head up from the camera to be met with a familiar curly-haired Brazilian. "Do you mind grabbing another football? We're one short for duos. I'll owe you big time" Marcelo asked, his face sticky with sweat from running.
Catalina pressed the red off button before carefully placing her equipment in the bag strapped to her chest "Yeah, sure no problem"
Marcelo thanked her before pointing off in the direction of the room with tens of footballs stored there. Catalina followed his directions with ease, going back into the facility and turning right; having to open a heavy metal door to enter.
The door shuts behind her as quickly as it had opened, a loud voice causing Catalina to yelp in surprise at something being in there. "Don't!"
The same eyes that crept into her mind at night were now staring back into hers once again. "It locks behind you, too many kids were breaking in here just to get shit" Sergio explains, his tone softer than before.
Catalina was the first one to break eye contact, turning around to shake the silver door handle. It was hard as could be, not even budging a bit. Sergio stared blankly as her pulls at the handle became more frantic with panic.
Please, no. Out of everybody, why him?
After a few more good pulls it was evident that nothing was going to be accomplished by yanking at the metal. Catalina sighed deeply before facing the defender again, who was sitting on the floor in between the racks of footballs. "How long were you in here?" She questions softly, chest slightly heaving as her breaths shorten.
Sergio shrugs his shoulders "Five, maybe six minutes. We needed an extra ball. Why are you in here?" His tone is calm and collected, a stark contrast to hers.
"For the same reason. Marcelo sent me here" Catalina answers as she lowers to the ground, having a feeling she will be here for a good minute.
Catalina reaches into her back jeans pocket when she feels a big lump as she sits, reminding her that her phone was stored safely so there she pulled it out. She checks the top of the small screen and her somewhat hopeful face drops when she realizes she has no bars.
She presses on her aunt's contact just to give it a chance, but the call drops before it has even rung. "Relax, they're gonna realize we're gone and they'll come looking. That, or they'll come in to get the extra ball for duos" Sergio tells her when he sees the clear worry on her face.
Catalina thanks him although she's not even sure what for but Sergio doesn't respond either way. With nothing else to say, they sit in an awkward silence for a couple of minutes, both of them either staring at the ceiling, the footballs, or their own shoes. 
This was Catalina's worst nightmare come true, but she was thankful that he didn't seem to be in a completely horrible mood. Still, the silence was almost mind-numbing. Not being able to take the eerie quiet anymore, Catalina spoke up. "You were really great at the game last week. That was the first time I'd ever watched a football game in person, and it was so breathtaking to see up close" Even if the reason she spoke up was just to break the silence, she meant every word.
When Sergio ignored her again, she kept talking. "You get this really bright fire behind your eyes that I've never seen before. You look like you really belong out there. Like that was what you were created to do. I understand why there are fans lined up around the block just to get a glimpse of that fire" Catalina gains the confidence to look at him, and this time when their eyes meet she doesn't pull away.
There's another silence as Sergio's eyes narrow and his brows furrow "Why are you so nice to me?" Sergio's tone tetters on the line of angry, and confused
Catalina frowns and blinks at him as she tries to find the answer herself. The silence didn't seem to satisfy Sergio's curiosity as he watches her struggle to come up with an explanation.
He stands back to his feet before inching closer to the girl, "I've been nothing but mean to you, yet you still keep looking at me like I've done nothing wrong. Like I'm some good guy" Sergio leans down to her eye level and takes her cheeks into his warm palms.
Sergio almost smiles to himself when he sees her face flush red under his touch, but decides against mentioning it. "You need to toughen up. You have these huge puppy-dog eyes that will make bad people want to take advantage of you. Not everyone has good intentions like you in this world, so you have to have a harder exterior to protect yourself." he says softly as moves his thumb up to on top of her eye to emphasize his point. 
Catalina instinctively wraps her hands around his toned forearms as he cradles her face, nodding and batting her long eyelashes as he speaks earnestly. Sergio catches himself getting distracted by her reaction, his eyelids dropping a bit as his throat tightens "Look at how sweet you are."
"You're like a fucking doll" Sergio's voice goes low and scratchy before he clears his throat and leans back a bit to distance himself.
This was the first time Catalina has truly looked at Sergio, and it did nothing but complicate her feelings more. For somebody so rough, he had plump pink lips that gave him a slight pout that made him look pretty; accompanied by the same deep brown eyes that haunted her dreams that looked kind even when what he was saying would be in contrast to his appearance. 
His thumbs find her eyebrows and push down, creating a forced scowl. "Say fuck you, Sergio."
Catalina's thick eyebrows moved underneath his thumbs in confusion, bringing her out of her dazed state. "What?" 
"You can't let people walk all over you. When somebodies being a dick to you, say fuck you and move on. I've been a pretty big dick to you, so I'll be your starting point " He explains, now moving his hands fully off of her face. Catalina almost whines at the loss of heat.
Sergio uses one arm to pull her up back to her feet but still facing him. "Go on, say it"
There's a quick silence as Catalina processes what's happening. "F-fuck you, Sergio?"  It comes out quiet and like a question.
He laughs, actually laughs at her before shaking his head in disapproval. "I know you can do better than that, chiqui" 
Catalina grows a bit more confident at his sudden fondness, but yet still doesn't know how to approach it right. They make eye contact for a short moment, him grinning at her trying not to laugh again as her brain scrambles. "Fuck you?' It was louder, yet still lacked true heart.
Sergio's knuckles tapped the center of his own chest. "Say it from here, not your head." 
Not wanting to disappoint him again, she takes in a deep breath and mimicked his movements on his chest to her own. Catalina releases pent-up air and says "Fuck you, Sergio." It wasn't fully there, but definitely more confident and strong than before. 
His hands moved up in defense, feigning shock. "Woah, what did I do to you?" The defender teases, earning a playful soft tap on the chest from Catalina. 
Sergio holds her hand in place as his eyes focus on her. "We'll have to work on it more, but that's an improvement. You have to let people know they can't mess with you. You can't look at everyone else with those puppy eyes" He releases her hand and she nods with understanding. 
"Catalina, at the Madrid dinner I shouldn't have-" He's cut off by a loud creek of the heavy door, revealing a sweaty Kaká who looks confusedly at the two who seem to be in a good mood.
Kaká doesn't shut the door, instead leaves it firmly in his hand; implying he already knows of the safety protocol. "Let me guess, you're one ball short for duos?" Catalina half-jokes, gaining a snicker from Sergio.
"Actually, yeah. How'd you guess?" Kaká confirms as catches a football with one hand that  Sergio tosses to him. 
Catalina starts explaining about Marcelo and grabs another ball on the way out, Sergio following behind her. Kaká doesn't miss Sergio and Catalina's eyes glued to each other as they all shuffle back onto the field. 
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demonslayedher · 1 year
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Faster than a speeding train, things that ran through my head while watching this episode:
--This episode was full of fanservice, pure and simple. But meta service? Well, that was a tease.
--Like that close-up on the evening newspaper? There was a big headline that warned people in the mountains to be careful of bear attacks, but the dates were just blurry enough that I couldn't make them out. Dang it, Ufotable!
--But as for that close-up on the missing persons posters at the beginning, if you're looking for names to use for people who already disappeared on the Mugen Ressha, there's a 20-year-old Yamazaki Chiyoko, a 12-year-old girl named Setsuko, somebody with the last name Okuda… not that I believe the mystery woman who got left for dead but left uneaten was among these people, she's only been missing one night and is already expected to make a full recovery with no scars. Including not a single scar on her heart, and she'll have the ongoing protection of the Corp! What a princess! And just… an satisfactory plot device. After all the emphasis on how demons are horrid and leave irreparable damage on those whom they effect, her experience and Rengoku's assurances that she'll be totally fine sort of cheapen this.
--To that effect, Rengoku-san made a better point later in the episode, after Fuku apologizes for assuming demons don't exist. It's better proof of the Corp's hard work if people can go on thinking that, never having been affected in the first place!
--For as morally outstanding as Rengoku is, honesty doesn't appear to be an important virtue. Or at least, dude has no idea how to make a convincing lie. "I'm a bentou seller." Yes. Sure you are, Rengoku-san. I'll bet that after Speedy's attack at the garage, the workers are later going to look to each other once everything calms down, and somebody's going to say, "you know, I don't think that guy was sent here by the railway HQ."
--And Speedy, as a villain, just… ugh. I'm glad Rengoku-san made short work of him and just shut him up.
--I just… I need to sigh again for all the hype I felt for this episode, only to find the writing so… siiiigh….
--Like, I respect that they had constraints in how much they could affect or reframe the plot which comes thereafter, so they chose instead to dig (too deeply) into the lore behind "umai" just as a way of providing fanservice because everyone loves Rengoku-san. And we do!! We love the unnecessary cape flip! We love that he defeats demons with ease! And I certainly love that he has a heartwarming moment hearing that Fuku's mother and grandmother were saved by Shinjuro and that he is emulating his father, and how he wants to tell his father this good news that the people he saved all those years ago are still well, thanks to him. He wants to see if good news like that will do anything to reassure his father of the worthiness of his efforts. I love this quietly sensitive side of Rengoku-san, who is just as prepared to not have such news have any positive effect and will just make his father lash out.
--But……. I don't think they actually did Rengoku-san's character any favors with all this emphasis on how much he loves and respects food. "Don't drop your anpan" is so… not an important thing to focus on in this situation, and taking a bit bite out of food that's not his, well… it's cute and funny, but I feel like it would had been more in keeping with his character for him to catch the anpan and give it back and go on asking questions about his mission. And then showing more disgust for the demon when Speedy steps on the bentou instead of, like, when Speedy's got his nails digging into the boy's flesh, is kinda… kinda not showing Rengoku-san's strength in accessing a situation and zeroing in on what needs to be taken care of. But, sigh, if they had to use the bentou as a plot device, I guess this was a clumsy way to do it.
--Man, they had me so hyped with all that emphasis on atmospheric settings, the Corp members rushing toward the train (and supposedly about to meet their deaths, as we know there's already been victims before Rengoku arrived), and a Corp member who we'd never see again after this… but again, Ufotable only felt enough flexibility to do fanservice, not stakes.
--And just… the whole…….. running faster than a speeding train……….. okay, I'll let this one slide, Pillars DO run fast, Rengoku-san HAS moved this fast in canon.
--If Enmu brought Speedy there as a decoy, I wonder how he did it? "Hey, I need to attract the Demon Slayers' attention for a few days. Be slow and coy with it, leave them presents on your trail." "Why in the world would I do that??" "If you do a good job, I'll tell your idol Upper Moon 3 how cool you are." "IT'S A DEAL!!!!!"
--Leaving all my disappointments aside, there are things I find endearing in this pure and simple fanservice filler. I find Fuku-chan and her granny sweet, and I like that Granny reacted to the sight of Rengoku right away, and acted believably for someone who has had a run-in with demons in the past. Ufotable is totally committed to this bentou lore being part of the plot too, what with making merch and gallery displays themed around the bentou vendors. It was indeed fun at the last Toei Movie Studio event to go on a make-believe set of this shop, complete with all the signs and items on sale. :D
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--And that boy in the blue haori, and the girl who takes the lead once the team of back-up arrives? How can I not like them? (And knowing me, how can I not feel tempted to want to write fanfic about them?)
--Ufotable showing off their soba animation skills is funny, and impressive. I wound up picking up a sweet potato bread for breakfast this morning to be on-theme for a Rengoku episode, but I regretted later that I didn't get anpan and pick up soba for lunch.
--But also… yes, I am a victim of fanservice. Rengoku-san is unnecessarily cool.
--But like
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samueldays · 2 years
Several bluecheka started impersonating Elon Musk on Twitter to make some kind of point about misinformation and verification, so Twitter started suspending them. Impersonation is against the Twitter rules, and has been since before Musk bought it.
The privileged class felt that equality before the law was oppression. Indeed, some even thought it was fascism!
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You wouldn't know a fascist if he danced naked in front of you, Lindsey.
Unlike one of my mutuals, I do not stan Elon Musk per se, but I respect him for having the right enemies. Musk's acquisition of Twitter really is pissing off a lot of shitty people, and they are making a lot of shitty complaints.
Some of the most blatant, IMO, are the complaints that Musk's changes might allow people to spout misinformation/disinformation on Twitter, particularly disinformation from the cover of a bluecheck -- but that was already a deeply entrenched problem coming from inside the house.
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To recap: Olbermann is lying, Olbermann is lying about an important topic, Olbermann is lying in an unambiguously verifiable way, Olbermann continues to lie after being corrected several times, and to cap it off, Olbermann exists in a misinformation ecosystem of journalists and the like who have the gall to boast about their commitment to honesty and fact-checking, and award each other prizes about it.
That's the sort of aggravated misinformation which was on Twitter long before Musk, from verified sources, and it wasn't taken down.
May God strike them all with cancer of the tongue for the abuse they have put the gift of speech to.
In addition to the ones being projectively dishonest about misinformation, there's quite a few other general types:
The innumerate: "Musk could have used his money to solve world hunger!" No, he couldn't, that is the sort of nonsense believed by idiots for whom numbers over a billion are interchangeable with infinity.
The kafkatrapping: "Isn't it a bit fishy that you feel the need to write so much in defense of Elon Musk?" No. That is a wicked form of argument.
The wordcel: "Musk says he supports free speech but he [blocked me/suspended an impersonator/deleted spam email/other thing that sounds vaguely speech-related]." Do you want the Curse of Babel? Because this is how you get the Curse of Babel.
The worrying about things which already happened: "Musk might start to [revoke checkmarks/arbitrarily suspend people he doesn't like/allow hatred and lies on the platform]."
Special dishonorable mention for Robert Reich: "Musk has long advocated a libertarian vision of an uncontrolled internet. That's also the dream of every dictator, strongman and demagogue". I swear he not only said that, he got it past editors and into newspaper publication.
And finally,
The aggressively illiterate. Musk said "To independent-minded voters: Shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties, therefore I recommend voting for a Republican Congress, given that the Presidency is Democratic." and bluechecks started a circlejerk of selectively quoting each other that trimmed out everything before the first comma, everything after the second comma, as well as the word "therefore", and then paraphrased the out-of-context sub-sentence-fragment with headlines like "Elon Musk Says the Quiet Part Out Loud, Tells His Minions to Vote GOP". If you ever wonder why there's such a lack of nuance on the internet, I think This Fucking Shit Right Here is part of it.
Boy, there sure are a lot of loud idiots on the internet!
These seem a little different from the common-or-garden variety of loud idiot, though.
First, of course, is the Checkmark of Nominal Verification. C-o-g idiots generally don't get that. So many of these bluecheka are not merely wrong-on-the-internet, they are wrong with credentials, wrong about that same credential, wrong in a coördinated way about it, and recursively doubling down about the professional, verified, credentialed, expertise that bluechecks supposedly have, particularly bluechecks of a prestigious-sounding profession like journalists.
Second is a certain Orwellian-named coalition, and related coalitions like it organizing against Musk, where I have the sensation that these "coalitions" are more like... hm, "astroturf" is overused and it's not exactly "grassroots" they're pretending to be anyway. Let's go with "loudspeakers".
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Loud, prominent, pushy, often sounding important and official but did you know you can just buy them?, pointless to argue with because there's nobody in the loudspeaker, the speaker element doesn't have its own opinion, there's a million outlets talking with a single voice, sometimes presenting as though it were a much larger crowd than it is, and it's indicative of a degree of coordination and infrastructure in the background that sometimes gets labeled "conspiracy".
And this framing also appeals to me because it lets me [compress/explain/predict] a lot of the complaints as metaphorically "I want sole control of the microphone." Musk has bought a chunk of loudspeakers, and the current broadcaster hates competition.
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sm-writes-chaos · 8 months
I fixed it to be a little better :)
The man whose nature couldn’t even be classified as a man held his knife to the air and with one swoop another was dead. The smell of blood filled his nose, almost making him gag. No matter how many fell he couldn't bring himself to get used to the smell. He started running before anyone noticed what he'd done. The cobblestone sidewalks held many deep puddles and he managed to step in one. Tripping he fell next to today's newspaper, the front headline being about the recent murders. A sketch of his supposed face filled the page. It looked nothing like him yet it still hurt nonetheless, almost as if looking in a mirror except it's the worst version of yourself. The drawing was hardly human, having large horns and a large twisted smile. This was how people saw him, and sometimes when he passed a reflective surface he swore he could see it too.
He ripped the paper up and took the drawing with him. He continued running until he reached his temporary home. An abandoned shack near the shore. He looked at the ripped out drawing once more before putting it on his wall. Next to all the others. In all his years over time the drawings got more and more inhuman. They twisted around in a circle on his wall before reaching a mirror in the middle. 
Who am I? He thought, a thought that he often returned too like a madman. Though the answer never came no matter how many times he screamed into the void. He looked at the first drawing he’d ever put on the wall. It was most resembling a man, a man like any other. He pondered this look before deciding no this wasn’t him. He went down the line until he reached the mirror again. He couldn’t see his reflection. None of the drawings felt right but he had to resemble one of them. He’d discover his humanity he surely would someday. He looked over at his stack of newspapers. Stories of all kinds but his own covered the pages. Stories of vampires, werewolves, witches, and so on. They always came just so close to describing him but they never hit the mark.
Who am I? He thought.
He collapsed on his couch and closed his eyes. He’d seen wars, depressions, new innovations, new ages, new people. But they never got closer to something he was. They discovered so much, but a mere vampire is all they could conjure. It wasn’t right. There was something else. 
Something that drove him, something that yearned for the spilling of blood. He didn’t eat it, he didn’t do anything with it. The mere action of seeing it spill and the satisfying swoosh of his blade was all he needed to be happy. It rejuvenated him. Despite all his research he couldn’t get his brain to understand. Others could do complex equations while he couldn’t even understand himself. It should be simple, all he is is…something after all. It would come to him one day, he just had to keep going. He fell asleep right there with the one question bobbing in his mind and invading his dreams.
Who am I?
So a couple days ago after the mad rage I went into to write this, I decided some things. Really just that this guy is half vampire and half something yet to be discovered…oh man oh gosh please don’t let another project occupy my brain. Might be a good break from HMHH until November though..and it is pretty Halloweeny…. Okay I’m pretty on board with it now. It’s be nice to have a break to not think about HHMHH, esp considering I’m gonna get real comfy with it in November.
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newtsies · 3 years
Great Outdoors || Ch. 1 {{ Kid Blink x Mayors Daughter OC}}
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A/N: hiya! so here's somethings you might wanna know about the story!
1. it's a kid blink x oc story, the oc is the mayors daughter. based off of his line in King Of New York (92sies version) where he says 'a saturday night with the mayors daughter'
2. i included their accents, but not like too much? let me know if you think i should write it with less of an accent or more of an accent.
3. this is based off of the 1992 version but includes some characters from the Broadway version. any character in both versions are based off the 1992 version. for example: racetrack, david, jack, les, mush, ect. are all based off of the 1992 version
4. i won't be writing any of the songs, because it's harder to do that. if you think i should include songs, let me know!
5. i swear the other a/n after this will be way shorter-
word count: 4375
read on wattpad
Heat stuck to her skin as she slipped out the window of her room. In New York, the middle of summer scorched everyone who dare leave their fanned homes. It also scorched those who worked outdoors, or burned those who didn't have homes. But Juliet was willing to take the chances of getting sun burned, she needed to get out of her room.
She had been reading for hours, there was really nothing else to do. Reading for 6 hours tends to get boring, especially when all the books you can read are about wars. Most of the war books were historically incorrect anyways. She swore to one day rewrite every historical book she read, but make it accurate.
She ran down the fire escape and took in the scene of the hot Manhattan streets. She had no idea what to do, Juliet rarely left her house and when she did, it was with her father in a carriage. Without a map or guide to help her, she let her feet lead her through the streets.
"Hiya, ma'am," A boy said exhaustedly, tipping his cap at her, "Care ta hear todays news? The World seems ta want everyone ta know there was a baby born with two heads!"
"Hiya, ma'am," A boy said exhaustedly, tipping his cap at her, "Care ta hear todays news? The World seems ta want everyone ta know there was a baby born with two heads!"
"Oh, well, sure! Is a quarter alright?" Juliet asks, pulling out a quarter from her pocket.
"Ma'am, a pape is only 1 penny!" He smiled at her as he took his cap off and wiped his forehead, "Please, I really couldn't take any more than a penny from a sweet girl like you."
She flushed with embarrassment, "I'm so sorry, I've never been out in the city on my own before. I promise you, loosing a quarter sure doesn't affect me much."
"Thank ya, ma'am," The boy grinned, trading the paper for her coin, "Ya said ya'd neva been on da streets?" Juliet nodded, scratching her arm as the feeling of embarrassment bubbled inside her. "Care ta wander with me?"
"Well- I'm sure you're busy, right? I'd hate to intrude," She rambled.
"Ma'am! I'm free all day, honestly. I'd love ta show ya around, if you're up for it o' course!" He admitted with an honest smile, "Come carry da banner with me for a few more minutes and I'll show you good 'ol Manhattan!"
"Thank you-" She started, pausing to silently ask him for his name.
"Kid Blink," He smiled, "Wanna try sellin' a pape, ma'am?" He offered a newspaper to her, which she hesitantly took and turned to look at people walking by.
Juliet raised the paper and called out, "Daily news!"
A chuckle came from behind her, "All due respect, ma'am. You gotta yell out a headline or a story!" Her cheeks went red with embarrassment but she nodded, flipping through the paper quickly.
"Baby born with 2 heads! ... Medical anomaly!" She added, someone rushed towards her and handed her a penny for the paper. "I did it!"
"Great job, miss! Oh, keep the penny, ma'am!" Kid Blink stated sincerely as Juliet attempted to give him the penny, "Da quarter ya gave me has got me set for longer den a week!"
Juliet admired the boy, for he had great talent when it came to selling newspapers. When she had bumped into him, he had been carrying a whole stack of papers. A stack that looked plenty heavy. However, not once did he complain nor even look for a second as if he might drop them. He just kept carrying them and calling out headlines. Within 10 minutes of meeting him, his stack of papers were all sold.
"Honestly, ma'am, the streets of Manhattan ain't got much to see," Kid Blink explained earnestly, "Oh! I gotta place that's got some good wadda, want to go there?"
She grinned, "I'll admit, I'm a little hungry. I don't know any other restaurants, so if you say the place is good, all I can do is believe you! Lead the way, Kid Blink."
"Please, ma'am, call me Blink!" He stated, starting to walk away. She walked close behind him, nervous from stories her father had told her about the streets, "You alright, miss?"
"Peachy," She lied, "So, you, uh, do this everyday?"
Blink nodded, "Everyday! Carry the banner, eat if I'se got the money, sleep, den do it all again!"
"That's gotta be rough, how old are you?" Juliet asked.
"14, ma'am," Kid Blink replied before turning to her, "How old are you?"
"14," Juliet answered, "It's insane you're doing this everyday, living like this."
He smiled at her and tipped his cap, "Jus' life, ma'am!"
They stood together in front of a restaurant, the sign above it read Tibby's. Kid Blink turned to Juliet with a grin then moved to hold open the door for her. She nodded at him before cautiously stepping in, feeling the boy press against her as he closed the door behind him.
"Blink!" A boy called from a table, waving him over. Kid Blink looked at Juliet and nodded at the table full of boys then started walking over to them. She let her head fall down as she walked close behind him.
"Hiya, boys!" Blink grinned, sliding into the seats and shoving another boy into the wall so Juliet could sit down too, "This is, uh-"
"Juliet," she stated nervously, "Juliet Adams."
One boy joked, "Say, Adams is da mayors last name. You his daughter?"
"Yeah," She laughed, obviously very scared.
They all gaped at her. Kid Blink laughed and wiped the sweat off his forehead, "I woulda neva guessed. Anyways, Ms. Adams, this here is Racetrack, Elmer, Mush, and Skittery." The named boys grinned and waved at her as their names were called.
"Nice to meet you all," Juliet said, "Do you all work as newsies?"
Racetrack nodded, "Yes, ma'am. Now, I've gotta ask. What did 'ol Blink here say ta get ya ta come all da way over here wit 'im?" Blink rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his hair before placing his cap on his head again.
"Well, you see, I've never really left my house, not on my own at least. Kid Blink offered to show me around the city!" Juliet explained before looking at a menu above the register, "What do you boys usually get?"
"Wadda," Elmer states, then adds with a shrug, " 'Ts free."
She glanced around the table, assuming it was a joke, but was met with honest faces. She shook her head, "Why don't you all get some food. I'll pay, don't worry."
Kid Blink interfered, "Ms. Adams, we couldn't possibly let you pay for us-"
"Call me, Juliet, or Julie, all of you. Honestly, you've helped me a lot today, Kid Blink. It's the least I can do to make sure you all have full stomachs for at least a day. Let me pay, please," She pleaded. He looked at her and sighed and nodded before looking over the menu.
"She's a gift from the gods!" Elmer exclaimed, leaning over the table excitedly and giving her a hug. She laughed and pat the golden-retriever-like boy on the cheek.
Skittery nodded in agreement and Albert joked, "An angel me thinks. Think Big Man'll miss her if we keep her?"
"The mayor or God?" Racetrack asked before drinking his water.
Elmer looked at her with a look of fear, "Think he'll try to chop off our heads?" She laughed and shook her head.
"If anything, I'll be the headless one. He'll kill me once I get home. It's already getting dark," Juliet stressed, "I should be heading back after you all eat."
And so the boys and the girl, who had been isolated her whole life, joked and laughed together over plates of food. They begged and begged to help her and chip in for the bill, but she stubbornly refused. Eventually they were forced out of the building due to the 'dinner rush.'
Racetrack had joked, "By dinner rush, he means 5 customers who actually buy da food instead of drink all his wadda!'
They talked for a while longer before reaching the lodging house where 4 out of the 5 boys retreated into the building after waving goodbye to Juliet. Kid Blink lingered behind, hesitant to let her go alone through Manhattan at night. She insisted she would be fine, but Blink knew better than to not trust his gut instinct.
"I'm walking ya home, I cant let you walk alone during da night. 'Specially cuz ya don't know da streets all too well," He explained earnestly.
"I'm sure I'll be fine! Honestly, how dangerous can it be? Besides, won't it be dangerous for you to walk back alone?" She asked.
"Nah! I know dese streets like da back of my hand!" Blink reassured her as he lead her through the streets, "What's it like being da mayors daughter?"
Juliet sighed, "It's not horrible, but he never lets me leave the house. The only time I get to leave is to go with him in a car to some meeting he has. All I do is study. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm lucky. I have a consistent roof over my head, a consistent food source, and I'll never run out of money or new clothes. But what's the point if I don't ever get to talk to anyone?"
"I see," He nodded, "Hey, me an' da boys may not be rich or have any of dat food stuff often, but we sure as hell is a family! Life is worth the living as long as you got good friends to live it with. You ain't neva had no friends ever?"
She chuckled a little and shook her head, "Sure, I've had friends. They were all quite rude and stuck up, though. I sure hope I don't come off that way to you-"
"No, ma'am. You ain't stuck up, don't worry 'bout it!" Kid Blink told her, stopping at the house that towered over them. "Nice place ya got here."
"Thank you," She grinned, "Oh, and thanks for showing me around, Kid Blink."
He tipped his hat and nodded, "My pleasure, Ms. Adams."
"Juliet," She corrected.
"How 'bout Jules?"
"That works too, Blink."
She ran up the fire escape and waved at him from the top. He gave a short wave before turning back around to head back to the lodging house. Juliet tapped on the railing, deciding on what to say to the boy. She groaned and cupped her hands around her mouth.
"Kid Blink!" She shouted, "Think I could help you sell some more papers tomorrow?"
"It would be an honor to spend another day with you! I'll be here tomorrow with some papes, all right?" Blink yelled back, a grin playing on his lips.
"All right! Thank you, Blink!" She waved again before smiling widely and running back into her room.
"Julie?" A voice boomed from downstairs, Juliet cringed.
"Coming Father!" She called, going through her door and down to his office.
He continued to work on the papers laid out in front of him as he talked to her, "I'm sorry about our argument today. Thank you for keeping quiet. I've decided that you can go outside tomorrow, on your own. I trust you, for the most part. Just stay away from those newsboys, got it?"
Her eyebrows furrowed and she tilted her head at him, "What's wrong with the newsboys?"
"Flirts! All of them," He explained angrily, "Dirty and aggressive too!"
"All right, Father. I'll steer clear of the newsboys," She sighed. As she walked back to her room, she laughed to herself. Of course she wouldn't stay away from the newsboys, not like she listened today, right? Kept quiet, She thought, more like wasn't here to make noise.
Juliet woke up the next morning, already feeling the heat from outside, and rushed to her window in hopes to see the newsboy from the day before. Much to her dismay, he was not there. She decided not to stress, maybe he slept in or sold all of his papers already.
"Morning, Father!" She called as she walked into the kitchen, she gave him a kiss on the cheek, "I'm heading out now!"
"Stay safe, Juliet! And remember," He stated firmly, "Stay away from the newsboys!"
She rolled her eyes, "Yes, Father!" Then she was out the door, a wave of heat pushing against her. Juliet smiled before running off towards The World building.
Boys crowded around the town square, shouting and pushing into each other. She looked around and tried to push through the crowd, the kids all backing away from where she was. Juliet looked for familiar faces but couldn't see anyone.
"Ma'am! Ms. Adams! Juliet!" Elmer called out happily, pushing past everyone and bouncing over to her, "Watcha doing in these parts?"
She had to shout over the chaos to be heard, "Kid Blink said he would meet me at my house with papers, but he didn't! Did something happen? Do you know where he is?"
He grinned goofily at her, "Oh, boy, are you in fah a treat! We'se newsboys is on strike! Pulitzah raised the pape prices, so we'se don't sell till he puts it back! C'mon, Blink is over here!" Elmer grabbed her hand and pulled her through the crowd to the very front.
"- Gotta be ambastards and go tell the others that we're on strike!" A boy who stood in front the building shouted. Juliet was dragged by Elmer to stand next to Kid Blink, who turned to her and smiled.
"Say, Jack, we'll take Harlem!" Blink called out to the boy, Jack, and grabbed Juliet's arm.
"Good- Who's dat?" Jack asked the other newsies, Blink and Juliet were already gone.
"Da mayors daughter! Anyways, I got Midtown!" Race shouted before running off.
"Mayors daughter?" He shouted in confusion, but they ignored him and people continued to call out turfs they would go to.
"Sorry, Jules. Honest ta God, I'se was gonna go get ya! But, the price raise was ridiculous! Anyways, we'se goin' ta Harlem, tell dem about da strike! Dat alright with you?" Kid Blink asked after rambling.
She grinned, "Sure! Oh, guess what? My Father finally decided to let me go out freely, so I don't have to sneak away anymore."
"Nice! How'd ya manage ta convince 'im?" He questioned. They walked together through the streets, Kid Blink pulling his shirt to try and give himself some cool air.
"I don't know! Said he was happy that I didn't make any noise after the conversation yesterday! So, he's letting me out freely and he said..." She paused hesitantly.
Blink looked at her and tilted his head curiously, "What? What did he say?"
Juliet groaned and looked at him, "He told me to stay away from the newsboys. I won't, of course! But it's just- I don't get him. It's hard work, isn't it? I think you should all be admired, working this hard at such a young age with no one treating you fairly."
He laughed, "Thanks, miss! Sure is hard work, but we'se don't complain! Now, when we get ta Harlem, just ignore everything dey say. If dey make you uncomfortable, let me know, alright? I'll soak 'em! Or we can just leave. Whatever's easiest!"
"Thanks, Blink. Let's go," She said hesitantly, walking with him into the new borough.
A young boy ran towards them, "Hiya, Kid! And- pretty goil! Hi! Watcha here for?"
"Gotta talk ta Stitch," He explained, "He here, Scram?"
"Well, I reckon he's out by our circulation building! Trying ta calm down all da boys n' stuff! Hear bout the prices?" The boy, Scram, asked them.
" 'Course we did, Scram. That's what we're here to talk 'bout, 'Hattan newsies is on strike," He explained.
"Strike? Ya crazy! Ya know dat means makin' no money, right?" Scram questioned them, absolutely baffled by the idea of loosing a days pay.
"We know, Scram," Blink sighed, "But listen, if we don't work, they'se don't make money either. They need us! They gotta put the price back up soona o' later!"
Scram gave them a look, "I dunno, Blink! Think da World, Journal, and da Sun, and all of dem can go longer then we can without making money!"
"If we get all of da newsies togedda, they can't ignore us!" He explained, hoping to get through to Scram.
"Whateva ya say, Blink! C'mon, I'll take ya two ta Stitch. See what he gotta say 'bout it!" Scram nodded to the side before walking off. Juliet shrugged at Blink and they both started following him. There was havoc everywhere around the circulation building. People were shouting at each other and pushing each other into the floor. She walked close to Blink and Scram, trying to stay away from the fists people were throwing.
"Stitch!" Scram called out, tugging on the shirt of a boy about a foot taller than him. The boys shirt was tight on his arms and completely unbuttoned. His brown suspenders tugged at his shoulder, probably chaffing him. He had multiple scars all over his chest.
"What Scram? What?" Stitch groaned, shaking the boy off his arm.
"Kid Blink and a goil is here to talk to you about somethin'!" Scram explained.
The boy tipped his hat at Juliet, "Ma'am," Then spit in his hand and shook hands with Blink, "Kid Blink. What's up?"
"Well- We- 'Hattan-" Blink attempted to speak but couldn't talk over the yelling. Stitch looked to Scram and nodded at him.
Scram grinned widely and screeched, "Scram! Da bulls!" Everyone froze, stopped yelling and fighting, and bolted away. Scram waved to them, tipped his hat at Juliet, and ran off with everyone else.
"We'se on strike over in 'Hattan. We want you to join too!" Kid Blink explained.
Stitch hesitated, "Oh, I dunno, Blink! We won't make any money at all! We don't like da price either, but it's hard ta make no money at all. All dem newspaper big shots could go months without making money!"
"Yeah, but they can't ignore us if we get all da newsies in New York!" Blink tried to convince him.
"What's Brooklyn doin'? What'd they say?" Stitch asked.
Blink sighed, "I dunno yet."
"Look, when ya get the nod from Brooklyn, come back. Alright? Get the nod from Brooklyn and you can count on Harlem," Stitch promised. Kid Blink sighed again but nodded.
Juliet tilted her head, "So, Harlem is just a bunch of followers? Can't make your own decisions? Seems like Brooklyn is more the leader of Harlem than you are, Stitch." Both boys looked taken aback by her statement.
"No way, ma'am! It's just- We ain't gonna win dis thing if we ain't got Brooklyn!" Stitch explained.
"Oh! You guys aren't strong enough to help us, right?" She instigated.
"Yeah we are!" Stitch groaned, "Fine. Count us in, alright? The second you guys give up, or show any sign of giving up, Harlem is out. Got it?"
"Got it! Thanks, Stitch," Blink smiled, spitting in his hand and sticking it out for Stitch. He spit in his own hand and shook hands with Kid Blink.
"No problem, Blink. Now, as Scram would say, scram! I got to prepare me boys for a strike," He chuckled. Juliet started off, but Stitch grabbed Blinks arm and whispered to him, "Great gal, pretty too. If we get all da newsboys in one place with her, she's gonna be snatched up quick. Beat 'em to it, Blink. Or someone else will." Kid Blink rolled his eyes at Stitch and tugged his arm away, running to catch up with Juliet.
"Jack! What did Spot say?" Race asked as soon as he saw the leader.
"He was concerned 'bout us being serious, you believe that?" Jack scoffed.
The boys looked amongst themselves before Race spoke up, "I dunno Jack. None of da burrows will join us without the O.K. from Brooklyn."
"Wrong! None of da burrows except for Harlem. Harlem'll be here," Blink shouted as he ran over to them with Juliet.
"Awesome! Nice job, Blink," Jack praised.
He shook his head, "Not me. All thanks ta Juliet!"
"I knew she was an angel!" Elmer gushed, grabbing the girls hands and grinning at her.
One newsboy nudged another, "Looks like one too!" Blink shoved the boy who made the comment with his elbow.
"Shut up, Romeo."
The boy who had been nudged the first time laughed, "He told you!"
Said boy, Romeo, rolled his eyes, "Shut up, Henry."
"So what? We got Harlem, how does that help us? Gives us maybe 50 more kids? We should call it off, Jack. We need Brooklyn," A boy stated glumly. Jack looked at Davey, who Juliet had learned was the co-leader of the strike, with desperation evident in his eyes. David nodded and started to sing.
Juliet honestly didn't know how she ended up on the floor. Before, she was listening to the boys singing and watching them dance. At one point, Kid Blink pulled her up to dance with him and the others. She danced with them, but not for long due to the circulation bell ringing. The newsies charged and shouted at what they called 'scabs.'
Then, she was getting shoved all around. She was on the floor and looking to get out. Harlem came running in to help Manhattan, fighting scabs right along with them. Stitch noticed Juliet's struggles and grabbed her arm, yanking her to her feet. He shoved her to Scram, who took her and lead her out of the crowd.
"Hey, Scram!" Julie said breathlessly, smiling down at the young boy as she caught her breath.
"Hiya, ma'am. Ya alright?" Scram asked her.
She nodded, "No need for the formality, Scram. Call me Juliet, or Ms. Adams if you really insist to be formal."
"Okay, Ms. Adams! We gotta run, da bulls is comin'!" He shouted at her, noticing the police running into the circulation building. Scram grabbed her arm and dragged her away.
"Ms. Adams, please take some wadda," Scram begged her, but she refused. She didn't want them to waste any water on her.
"I'm all right, Scram. I promise. Do you think Kid Blink and all the others are all right?" She asked him. He shrugged.
"I dunno, Ms. Adams, but I can check fa ya!" He grinned and bounced excitedly.
"No! It's fine! Relax, Scram, take a running break. I'll check in with them tomorrow," Juliet assured. Stitch walked up to them and sat down behind her on a crate.
"You alright.. Uh.. Wat's ya name?" He asked.
"Juliet Adams," She replied.
Stitch nodded, "Ya alright, Ms. Adams?"
"Yeah," She reassured, "What happened after the police came?"
"Dey only got one guy, 'Hattan guy. The gimp," Stitch reported, "Dey didn't back down though. Still won't quit. We'll be there 'gain tomorrow." Juliet nodded. "Stitch, introduce her to the boys. Have Charles walk her home, got it?"
"Yessir!" Scram called and walked over to a group of boys. "Hiya, guys! This here is Juliet Adams! Ms. Adams, this is Charles, John, Skippy-"  Juliet swore he kept talking for a hour. There was about 25 boys she was being introduced to, maybe one day she'd actually keep track of them all. She just nodded as he kept listing off names and pointing at boys.
Juliet just kept nodding, "It's very nice to meet you all. I really must be heading home now, though. Thank you for everything, Scram. Tell Stitch I said thanks too, okay?" Scram nodded excitedly and waved at her as she walked off.
"Wait up!" A boy called, running up next to her, "C'mon, I'll walk ya home. I'm Charles."
"Thanks, Charles. Hey, were you at the circulation building in Manhattan, today?" She asked him.
"Yes, ma'am," He nodded, "Wherever Stitch is, I'm there too."
"I see. Gotta follow the leader, right?" Juliet joked.
Charles blushed and adjusted his cap, "Something like dat. Think we can win?"
"The strike? From what I know, Brooklyn basically leads most of the burrows, right? After today, Spot Conlon, whoever that is, will know we won't back down," She started, "Hopefully, he'll join us after seeing what happened today. Then we'll have all the other turfs. We'll be unstoppable with all of them. We're bound to win."
"Well, I guess you're right. Unstoppable, huh? I like the sound a' dat," He grinned.
"Me too," She smiled, "This is my house. Thank you for walking me here, Charles. I really appreciate it. I'll see you at the circulation building tomorrow."
He tipped his hat at her before walking away, "Bye, miss!"
Juliet walked through the doors of her home, "I'm back, Father."
"Dear! How was your day?" He called back to her.
"Good. I really just walked around, I sat by the Brooklyn bridge and just looked over the scenery," She lied.
He huffed in acknowledgement, "Hear about the newsie strike? I think the streets are gonna be too dangerous. I want you to stay inside again-"
"Father!" Juliet sighed, "You can't do that! I've finally had a taste of freedom. Let me stay out, please? I promise you, I'll be extremely careful."
"Fine. Just," He paused, "Stay away from them, okay? They're already getting violent. Don't get hurt, if you do, you'll be stuck inside until you're an adult, got it?"
She rolled her eyes but nodded, "Yes, Father. I'm going to sleep now." She ran up the stairs to her room and groaned as she sat on her bed. She wouldn't stay away from the newsboys. Maybe she wanted to rebel, maybe she like their company. Her Father was right about one thing, they were already getting violent. And although she couldn't pull herself away, she was scared of getting sucked into the angry force of the newsboys union.
a/n: uhhh sorry if this sucked i havent written in a while but i hope you enjoyed!!
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silverspectre · 4 years
lavender rain || locklyle
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🌂 pairing: anthony lockwood x lucy carlyle (mention of flo bones x george cubbins)
🌂 genre: hanahaki!au, could take place anytime during l&c or after teg if the necklace thing hadn’t happened?, angst, idiots to lovers
🌂 words: 1.1k
🌂 tags: yes hanahaki disease iS explained in here don’t worry, angsty stuff, lots of rain, mentions of blood and violent coughing, there’s tension, quill being in l&c is completely disregarded, once again i wrote this at 12 am, there IS a happy ending
🌂 what to expect: “Well? Spit it out, then.”
🌂 author’s note: i keep writing these drabbles at midnight but whateVer and also i haven’t read tcs or teg in a while sO most likely this could take place before that ! this is supposed to take place in the morning, but i kinDa imagined it at night bUT it is in the morning, so no ghosts or anything are out. i hope you enjoy! as always, feedback is always appreciated.
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"Well? Spit it out, then."
The rain poured down impatiently, like the ticking of dozens of clock hands. Rivulets of water dripped down Lockwood’s umbrella like tears. He stared at Lucy intensely, attempting to decipher her odd behaviour. Her hair was wet, though now she was shielded from the rain by the protection of Lockwood’s umbrella. Her shivering had stopped, and she pulled the trench coat he gave her closer. It would've been an endearing sight, if he weren't so frustrated with her.
Lucy had been acting strange for months, now. Wheezing, coughing when she thought he was gone. At first it was small - he dismissed it as a cold, encouraging her to drink tea and not overexert herself on missions.
However, a month was a long time for a cold. The coughing progressed as months passed; it'd been up to half a year now, and she was coughing so violently it was concerning. She’d dismiss the topic, leading to arguments which gained heat over time, resulting in this. A fight had flared up again, the tension between them both creating fiery sparks that only got worse. Holly and George had given up talking sense into them, but it was Lucy who'd lost her mind. Lockwood knew this couldn't go on; it'd effect their teamwork and business in the long run. Still, he was sick of Lucy’s attitude and mysteriousness. Why wouldn't she let him care for her? Why did she have to be so goddamn stubborn? They were a team, and more importantly, friends. Had she lost trust in them? Had he done something wrong? Again? No. He couldn't let her leave again, let her risk her life without him by her side to protect her. She was his anchor, and now, it seemed she was floating away.
He’d left in the heat of the argument. Her nonsense bickering drove him mad. He wasn't sure where he was headed, but Lucy had caught up to him, running on the pavement and splashing through puddles.
First, he'd given her his coat and umbrella. She was shivering, rain soaking her hair and clothes, water droplets lacing her eyelashes. She was still beautiful to him even just standing completely doused as the rain beat down on her. Then, once he was sure she was okay, he demanded an explanation.
"I can explain, Lockwood, j-just please listen... and don't be mad..."
She mumbled something quietly.
"What? Speak up, I can't hear you."
More mumbling. "Sorry."
"Well? Spit it out, then."
"D’you... remember the disease that George was telling you about? Back during the Silvershore case?"
Lockwood slowly nodded. It was the Hanahaki disease, a new discovery - and cause of death. Cases of flower-vomiting ghosts had gone up in London. It all started with unreciprocated love. One-sided. The victim would start having seeds in their lungs, flower seeds. It was unknown how they got there, but they'd grow their roots down in the early stages. It was hard to detect, with minor symptons of chest tightening and trouble breathing. It could’ve been passed as heartburn. As the disease progressed, flowers would grow, and bloom. The victim would cough buds, but they still had time to get over their love. It wasn't enough to die; no, it wasn't until the victim started coughing up entire flowers with the stem that the disease had hit the final stage. There were only two ways to cure it, or you'd face certain death. You either had the love reciprocated, or got the flowers surgically removed, and risked losing the ability to love. By then, the love would be too deep to get over.
"It made headlines over the newspapers, the medical discovery... but of course, the disease made no logical sense."
She coughed, leaning down and almost retching onto the pavement as Lockwood held her umbrella.
She produced a single lavender flower, blood staining some delicate petals. It couldn’t be real.
"I have it," she rasped, throat still raw. She looked at him weakly, so vulnerable. "I s'pose i should tell you now. I’m-" her voice caught in her throat, "-scheduled for surgery next Sunday morning." Were those tears in her eyes? "I love you, Lockwood." A tear rolled down her cheek, and she was quick to wipe it away.
Lockwood stood in half-shock. Why hadn’t she told him earlier? It would’ve saved a lot suffering for the both of them. He loved her; he was sure. Hadn’t it been obvious?
"Luce, you're going to regret paying for that surgery."
"I know-" Her voice cracked, fresh tears streamed down her face.
He couldn't even say the next line, pulling her close and encapsulating her lips into a kiss.
Her lips were soft, tasting of tears and strawberries. He didn't mind. His hand found her jawline, thumbing at the bend of it near her ear. She fell apart against him, tears falling anew, and he pulled her closer until he was out of breath.
"Luce," he wiped her tears away and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "I love you too."
Her eyes widened, then she turned to the side and lurched forward to cough. He held her. She coughed violently once more - it sounded more painful - and wilted lavenders imbrued in blood fell on the ground. Roots and all. Wasn’t this how the disease ended?
She coughed a little more, getting the taste of blood out of her mouth. She smiled. "I think I’ve gotta call the clinic now," she joked, voice weak. "Have to cancel that surgery."
"Not the time for jokes now, let's head back. You’re still cold and wet. C’mon." He grasped her hand, which fit snug in his, much to his delight. She leaned on his shoulder as they walked back.
"You’re wet too, Lockwood."
He hadn't noticed. "Am I?"
She pecked his cheek. "I’ll make tea for the both of us."
"Not you; Holly."
"Right. You think George’ll be okay?"
"He’ll be fine."
"But he'll be third-wheeling, won't he?"
"Eh, he's got Flo."
Lucy laughed. It was a pretty laugh, and it suited her. "They’re ought to get together soon."
"Enough about them." Lockwood waved the subject away. "Why didn't you tell me that you had the disease earlier?"
"I..." Lucy paused. "I didn't want to ruin our relationship. We work well together, and I didn't want my feelings to get in the way of that."
"You should've told me," Lockwood said softly. "We could've gotten through it together. We’re a team, and I want us to have that trust and honesty."
Lucy nodded as they neared 35 Portland Row.
"Change into something warm, alright?" Lockwood said.
"You too," Lucy replied.
"I love you, Luce."
"I love you too, Lockwood."
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“Honestly, it was about bloody time, you two.”
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sweetkiwi-vt · 5 years
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Creepypasta OC
Pablo and Lilly #digitalart #creepypasta
About the characters:
Both are related.
The man in the chair is called Pablo...
No wait.
I'll just let them speak.
My name is Lilly Ork and I'm 4 years old.
I like pandas and bears, because they are really cute!
I also like listening to my papa. He always gives me something fun to do!
I don't like lemons. They make me want to throw up, also I don’t like chilies, but I like cakes! Papa doesn’t let me to eat them so much though.
I don’t have a mama or grandpa and grandma. I saw papa kill them.
I don’t go to school either. Papa said that that's a bad idea.
Daddy told me that when I was little I met my grandma and grandpa once. They didn’t like me, when I asked about my mommy he said she didn’t like me either!
I didn’t mind it though. As long as papa gives me Pat's on the head and buys me new toys every time an old one gets dirty I don’t mind!
I have long brown hair made in pigtails, with such cute pink ribbons I took from a girlie I saw on the street. She got really mad at me, her mommy too. So papa took her out that night! Then he gave me the ribbons!
I wear a really pretty one piece dress with paws print on it! Papa bought me that dress recently, but from being nice white color it turned red, the brown. When I asked my papa about it, he told me that red color changes to brown when dry. I think I missed a part then.
One day I got really sick, my eye was really itchy, so papa and I went to see a doctor.
Papa then told me that I had Heterochromia. I'm not sure what that means. He gave me an eyepatch to hide one of my eyes.
I have a story on that too. Little while ago I got lost in a supermarket. Papa and I were out shopping for trash bags and something to eat. An old lady found me there. She told me I have beautiful eyes. Apparently I have one green and one blue eye.
Papa was mad at me for going off on my own, but he praised me for finding another annoying victim.
I don’t speak much, papa doesn’t like noise, so I'm quiet. I don’t really like to speak either. Now that I think about it, I don’t like hearing other people talk. Papa always talks to me and with me but I don’t hate it. Because its papa.
When I'm alone with papa and not haunting annoying people, we usually draw and collect things. I like doing that!
It's really fun to collect rocks and then draw on them!
What I dislike to do is talking with older men. They always look weirdly at me. My papa too dislikes them.
I cant read or write but papa is teaching me!
I can now read headlines of newspapers alone!
I really like my teddy bear. This is 3rd one already.
I like to give poison to people my papa points out to me.
I usually walk to a person papa doesn’t like and then lead them astray!
Then my papa strangles them!
If not that, then I put white poisonous powder I have in my teddy bear.
People don’t suspect anything. That's weird.
Well it was nice talking to you!
Papa is behind you though. His eyes are telling me that both of us were quiet annoying and noisy just now!
Good bye! It was nice talking to you!
My name is Eren Ork. I am 24 years old, a collage drop out and orphan.
Well not to then full extent, as you will hear later on, I killed my mother, father and step brother.
Because I was bored and they were all annoying.
That's what I hate the most, annoying people.
This is my story. It's not short but well, listen to it while you still can.
I've been alone since I can remember.
I grew up in a rich family.
"Next heir of our cooperation"
"He is so smart he can do anything."
Well, I would've stayed if my mother wasn’t a cunt like she was.
She would force me to study and made me spend my hours watching my father work.
Maybe because she wasn't even sure if I was my father's child.
As far as I know, I'm a single child. An only son of the CEO, and like I said only one who can actually take over the company.
So I was adored and respected to some point.
I learned how to act.
How to play a piano.
And how to hate my family.
I never went to actual school. Other then my mother's abuse in a way, I was always alone. So when I turned 12.
I discovered something really amusing.
"We are reporting. The several killings that have been going on. As the reporters from the scene are reporting. In this small house, like you can see. We found multiple bodies. Their skin was used as a canvas, is what the policeman are stating. It is still..."
My face was glued to the screen.
The fact, that someone could do something like that, amused me. It seemed interasting. I wanted to try it.
"What are you doing?! Aren’t you supposed to study?!" My mother was screaming at me from the door to my room. She's so loud and annoying.
"Get away from that. Damien! Take that thing out of my son's room!" So loud.
"You move away from that thing!" She stomped next to me, and grabbed me for my arm and pulled me up.
"Let me go, you loud hag." Is what I told her.
She just frowned and slapped me.
I felt it, I wanted to return her the same favor. But my father was behind her.
"Just what do you think you are doing?!"
That night, they fought through the whole night.
I just thought.
"Oh. This is fun"
For the 1st time in my whole life I found something fun. Yes, the 1st time.
Due to my actions and absence, my father bought me a cat. It was loud so I killed it. Then the dog, then the hamster, then they just gave up on buying me pets. I would always think of some reason on how they died. I couldn't tell them I liked how when they kinda screamed.
So, when the tutors would come in...
I would make them turn away.
Leaving my father and mother the only other option to educate me.
Boarding school.
When I was 15. I got sent into the boarding school. It was a private school, which are usually boarding schools. Unlike other rich boys I was thrilled to get sent into one.
I was away from that annoying mother. But...
Now there were some adults with no real status giving me orders...
So annoying.
It wasn't an only boys school so.
"Hey Pablo is kind of handsome?"
"I know right. His brown hair and eyes are so special!"
To let you know. I have dark brown hair and green eyes. I was told a lot that my Emerald like eyes resemble my mother's, never saw her in color, and my hair kind of resembles my father's. That's why they probably suspect me not being an true Ork, but a bastard child of some sort. And my build, well it was normal. I had height, but I wasn't anything special really. So...
"Ahhh. I wonder how would be to date him." "His family cant reach mine though" I never understand those girls.
So they are annoying.
I want them to go away.
"Hey" I spoke in a normal tone. I didn't want to let them know I'm pissed off. More like "They are giving me a headache."
"Oh sorry." The girls looked at me surprised. Only one of them spoke.
They had sad faces on. I couldn't care less. I would like to see them all cry. Maybe I could mess with them for a bit.
I could only grin on that idea. The fact I didn't think of something like that for so long....
So by the time I was about to graduate. I was considered popular in my school.
People would want to talk to me.
For the first time in my whole life, what my bitch of mother thought me paid off.
I was popular, I had fun ruining people's lives.
Until I mention the rest. For the whole 4 years I haven't visited my mother or father. I couldn't stand idea of them.
I haven't seen them or talked to them for 3 or 4 years. My boarding school didn’t allow parent visits, so I saw them at the day of graduation for the 1st time after 3 years.
"God. You've grown so much Pablo." My mother was standing in front of me. When I was 14 I was still looking up at her, now I have to look down to be able to follow her. She had her hand on my cheek. She was crying. I still didn’t understand it. She was also annoying. But during my time here. Other then good grades and popularity. I gained ability to fake my feelings quiet easily.
Not that I felt any.
I just smiled at my mother. "You've gotten older mother.".
"Well aren’t you mister obvious."
My father was staring at me from the side. He had a grown on his face.
You asshole.
What so I don't take after you anymore so you get all cold with me.
After the graduation ceremony. I returned home. And started collage.
In collage it was the same as high school. This time it wasn't a private school. My father's business was falling apart.
He also held a grudge against me never visiting home.
Like I care.
In collage, I met an interesting girl.
She was from a poor family and liked me.
So we started dating.
It was a good way for me to try out discovering "love".
Since it seems like my mother is planning something. Just to be ready.
One day, she called me drunk and came to visit her.
And we slept together.
And then, the bitch disappeared.
She dare disappear after using my body.
And year later, she appeared. But this time she had a baby with her.
An ugly worm.
Annoying. Annoying.
They are all annoying.
She gave the brat to me and left again. Like hell.
"What the hell?! Just what do you think you just did?!" Screamed my mother at me as I was left in a hallway, door just closed with 2 month old baby in my hands.
"Now no one would want to wed you! You idiot chil--" next thing I knew was that my grip was on my mother's neck. "You are so annoying and loud. Another word and Ill snap that God damn neck of yours." I let her down.
Baby was just looking at me, she didn't cry. Just stared. That took my interest.
"I will be in my room."
"Pablo! Get back here!" I walked away listening to my mother scream my name as I went up the stairs to my room.
I was 20 when I got my daughter in my hands.
Pretty young.
She was the only quiet one. She cried first few months until she turned one. After that she didn't cry almost at all.
My father and mother didn’t like Lilly one bit. So when she turned one I dropped out of collage and was kicked out of my house.
I saved money over the course of my birthdays from age 18 to 20 and had enough money to get myself a apartment and small job.
You think that's the end of my story?
Of course not.
When Lilly turned 2.
I went back to my house. Just to show Lilly her family.
There I met, a boy. He was around 10 years old. Heh. My parents adopted another child. To rise him as their company's successor.
Apparently, my father's company got big after I left.
They didn't even bother to tell me, to visit their only son.
I put Lilly down and snapped.
I killed my whole family that night. Oh how?
Simply by strangling them all to death, wouldn't be enough? Well that’s right.
Despite them being worse the horse crap. They did let me in the house.
We were invited to dinner every weekend. So I thought of a better way to kill my family.
I purchased a slow killing poison, I made Lilly put some in my father's tea when he was playing with her. For my mother, when I was showing her off my cooking skills, I cur her wrist open. I could just grin as she bled out. How did I not get found out? Because I had Lilly with me. I would go out of the kitchen "to fetch something" while Lilly would be in kitchen for a little while then start crying or scream. My plan went just as expected.
My father collapsed after being drugged for weeks on the poison, and my mother would be killed in a matter of hour.
All that was left was to get rid of evidence and then act as if I know nothing.
That day staff was out of the house. So Lilly didn’t have to scream or cry. There was a main butler and maid, but they didn't really care, being occupied in their own business.
So I just gave my mother sleeping pills. She probably overdosed. And the fiasco with my father went as planned.
So my dirty Step Brother, he too was a sleep. All that was left was to...
Bam. Put the house on fire. That's what I did. And...
"The big cooperation of the Ork family has fell under, due to the whole family's death. The whole house was burned to the ground by, how it seems, a mistake from one of maids. She used the fire lamp trying to light the rock over in the kitchen, burning the whole house down. Fire started in the kitchen  making the staff fall unconscious due to the smoke. When the family noticed the fire it was already too late."
I was staring at the screen with grin on my face. Lilly in my lap looking at the screen. Lilly was smiling,
The first words she every said were papa.
After that she never spoke again.
She was smiling this time and seemed really exited. "Papa! We do that again?!" Didn’t expect her to react that way.
"Did you find that fun?"
Lilly nodded at my question.
She is truly my daughter.
I put my hand on her head.
"Of course, well kill lots and lots of annoying people again."
And so
My killing spree as a Black Demon began. Yes. My nickname is only black. I wonder who is the worst in our duo? I gave my precious angel a teddy bear, in teddy bear there was poison. Every time we go to kill.... We are always ready.
Hope you liked them. I'm planning on changing their names , but I don’t now in what.
If you have a suggestion please do tell me.
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