#and i like it 💁🏻‍♀️
mimiatmidnight · 2 years
Hold on you mentioned a ninth grade friend the other day, but now you say you didn't have any friends at lunch. So you and Meghan both appropriating loser culture now? 🤔😂
Damn, good catch. Sometimes I forget people actually read my tags 💀 Haha ok so in high school I actually did have a relatively large group of friends (though I didn't feel particularly close to them, which is why I said I felt lonelier in high school even though I was part of a big social circle). Anyways the point is that we often didn't have the same lunch period, in which case yes I really did spend lunchtime in the library. It was actually quite nice. There were some days when I did have some friends at lunch to eat with together in the cafeteria and I kind of yearned for my quiet library time lmao
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lansgf · 4 months
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he's just a bit eepy 🥹
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l0vegl0wsinthedark · 7 months
"Okay, this one."
Lily's irate frustration was a nearly tangible crackle in the perfumed air of the boutique. Draco glanced up over the rim of his spectacles.
"Absolutely not," he said calmly.
Lily's fists balled up in the skirt of the slinky, forest green dress she wore. Thousands of shimmery little beads were sewn into the light, clingy fabric. The slit ran all the way up to mid-thigh and the halterneck straps were beaded strings.
"Why." Lily's question sounded from between grit teeth.
"Turn around," Draco said flatly.
A moment of hesitation, and then Lily spun around to reveal her back, exposed from neck to tail bone.
"Absolutely not," repeated Draco, looking back down into his phone, typing out an email with one forefinger, painstakingly slow.
"It's a dress. You want me to buy a dress. This is a dress."
"I want you to be respectably dressed for your seventeenth birthday party," Draco replied without looking up. "You're coming of age, yes, but you will do so whilst dressed as you ought to be."
"As I ought to be," Lily repeated scornfully.
"As a Potter-Malfoy ought to be."
"Why can't a Potter-Malfoy wear something like this?"
"We don't go out in public half-naked."
"This is a floor length gown."
"The whole length of your left leg is on display, as is the entirety of your back." Draco glanced up once more. "Your whole back. You're practically naked."
Lily"s clenched jaw shifted as she gnashed her teeth some more. With forced calm, she said, "Papa, I do not want to be wearing some sort of Victorian ballgown for my seventeenth birthday party."
"More's the pity. But no, definitely not this one either."
"I can wear a jacket over it." Lily raised one eyebrow when Draco looked up again. "I want a leather jacket."
Draco snorted, shaking his head. "I don't think so."
"Dad said I could get one."
"Your dad is an idiot."
"I want one like his."
"Absolutely not. He's a lunatic with a flying motorcycle. You don't want everything he has, trust me."
"It's just a bloody leather jacket, Papa, please!" Lily actually stomped one booted foot, her voice rising shrilly.
"I'm used to strops, darling, I invented them," Draco said, completely unbothered. "Besides, what would your grandmother say. She would faint."
"She told me to get the jacket in black." When Draco looked up in genuine surprise, Lily went on, "She said black would go best with her opal earrings that she's having reset in silver for my birthday present."
Draco stared at her over his spectacles as she stood glaring back at him, hands on her hips.
Then the bell above the door tinkled merrily, and Harry's voice filled the silence of the stylish little boutique as he exchanged cheerful pleasantries with the owner.
Reaching breaking point, Lily shrieked, "DAD!"
"I will not tolerate that sort of screaming in a public--," Draco started.
"Green, eh?" Harry said, walking into the private area Draco had reserved for the afternoon, his own boots loud on the wooden flooring.
"Because I have your eyes," Lily said in her most honeyed voice. "Grandma's eyes."
"Good choice, Lils," Harry said affectionately, sitting down on the plush sofa next to Draco before carefully picking through the collection of truffles set out in little crystal bowls.
"You haven't looked at the dress very closely," Draco said, voice tight.
"Oh?" Harry popped a hazelnut truffle into his mouth, straightened his glasses a bit, and leaned back, crossing ankle over knee. "Let me do that, then." A pause, and then, "She looks great!"
Draco twirled one forefinger through the air, motioning for Lily to spin. "She's half-naked."
"It's the trend now or something," Harry said, shrugging and scratching carelessly through his beard.
"I want to wear it with a leather jacket, Dad," Lily said hastily. "A black leather jacket. One like yours."
Harry grinned, roughing up his hair as was his wont. "Like Sirius'. Yeah, why not? Let's get you one."
Draco's lips were very thin as he pulled off his glasses and turned the full force of his displeasure onto Harry.
"Don't," said Harry. "We said she could pick her own outfit."
"The Minister's going to be at the party," Draco said tightly.
"Doubt he cares, honestly," Harry said, eating more chocolate. "Besides, it's Lily's day."
"I don't like to be ganged up against," Draco said, teeth gleaming white on a forced, very dangerous smile.
"Babe, we're not ganging up--," Harry started.
"Where is James?" Draco said suddenly, raising his voice over Harry's.
"My ears are burning," James drawled, sauntering in. Draco turned in his seat to look at him, his mouth slightly open.
James' hair was a bright, lemon yellow where it stood in a carefully styled, vertical mass on his head. The sides had been shaved down close to the scalp and dyed green.
Draco could only splutter in apoplectic dismay at the sight.
"What are you supposed to look like?!" he finally managed to ask.
James shrugged, scratching behind one pierced ear. "Dad thinks it looks cool."
Draco whirled around in his seat, now glaring violently at Harry. "He was supposed to get a haircut that's also suitable for school."
"He's still on summer break," Harry said.
"His head looks like a bloody sunflower!" Draco said. "Harry, you had one job--"
But Lily was now cackling loudly at James, who in turn stood grinning proudly, hands in his pockets, fourteen years old and sincerely unbothered about a single opinion that wasn't his own. Harry couldn't help grinning, too, but he quickly moved closer to Draco and took one of his hands with both his own.
"Babe, we've talked about this," he murmured gently. "This is one of those times you need to let go. Remember how we talked about letting go?"
"She's seventeen, and he looks someone cracked an egg on his head," Draco seethed.
Harry leaned forward and kissed him squarely on the mouth.
"How about lunch at the Ritz?" he asked gently.
"And then we buy me a black leather jacket," Lily said, hitching up the skirt of her dress and stomping loudly back to the changing room.
"Life was easier when I was seventeen," Draco muttered darkly, glaring at where their son was inspecting a rack of dinner jakcets.
Harry grinned again. "Yeah. A war, a megalomaniac. I really miss those days."
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angelsdean · 1 month
seeing ppl reblog a “shitpost” where dean homophobically rejects Cas in the confession not realizing it’s literally from w* / destiel haters who think dean doesn’t give af abt Cas and would actually do that. like yea I don’t expect ppl to vet blogs but like, I saw it and immediately got a Vibe from it and was right
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anadiasmount · 4 months
i had to resist the urge to yell back at a lady today at work, but she did make my eye twitch 🤗🤗
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dreamedofyou · 1 year
Mark, after picking First for the "Who do you want to kiss?" question:
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Does... Does this mean we might get a SandNick kiss?? 👀
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locamotivednp · 9 months
Happy Time Machine meetup! I don’t take a lot of selfies lol. But I found some that aren’t terrible.
I started watching in 2012ish when I was 16 and now I’m 27 🫢😱
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Heres me watching the uswnt (my gay awaking ofc) with my bffs in 2011ish. We were such nerds together and fully fandom tumblr stereotypes. Superwholock the whole thing lol.
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Here is my drunk ass in 2019 at a karaoke bar. I rejoined tumblr around this time after a break while I was in grad school. I’d been THROUGH IT by this point but I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.
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And here is me right now at work, no makeup, bad brows, tired, old and fully FULLY in my dnp era ✌🏻Work is stressful I don’t love where I’m at in life. But being in my late 20s has been great tbh.
Thank you @energeticwarrior for hosting!
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cahootings · 7 months
Not to brag but my ankles have been working all week and today I walked past one of the PTs I worked with earlier this week (who I almost made cry bc of how well I was walking the other day) and i waved and said “bye I’m walking!” and she said “look at you walking so fast! I could chase you!”
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chuluoyi · 3 months
IM SO SICK of the manga at rhis point gege really NEEDS to bring gojo back and what does he mean he’s taking a break 😭 what is even the point of this story now
…look, if you’re dropping by my askbox just to rant negatively about the manga like this, i’d appreciate it if you don’t at all :’)
so now that you did, let me give you a guide and answers to a happier and stress-free life without hating:
if you’re sick of it then so be it. don’t read the manga. just do what you like to do best and that’s it
and why gege has to take a break? he’s a human too like us and he’s tired after thinking and writing and drawing. we should be grateful that he writes the manga in the first place and not rush him
what’s the point of this manga? yuji is the point of this manga. this is all about his growth. gojo is there to guide him and yes, he steals the show, but the final arc is going to be about the students he nurtured instead of him—it’s only right that it’s that way
hope this clears everything and have a good day :)
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lansgf · 4 months
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ZAK RLLY DID IT LMAO 😭 kinda want that tattoo myself now that I'm thinking actually ✨
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eemolu · 11 months
canon lesbians are good like don’t get me wrong i love them there’s just something about a girl who is a lesbian in every way but canonically…. underground sapphism….. to YOU she’s kissing a man but we all know that’s a fucking lie. she’s lusting after the character who’s as butch as the network will allow. any time they’re offscreen it’s bc they’re hot and heavy saying it’ll never happen again and this is better than any alternative
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whoblewboobear · 1 year
I love America as a person but as a player I’m so disappointed like I wanted so much more from her and week to week it never pans out
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machetegirl109 · 20 days
are you planning on writing again? (i miss your work 😪)
hellooo, luv!! firstly, it warms my heart to read that
i love writing and i had so many fics planned for ellie and abby; but right now im just not sure... life has been pretty nice since started to finally live it and i guess my interests have changed, but i think i might make a small appearance soon, but no promises 🙊😜
but ty for shooting me a anon msg, it really made me happy to know that my work was something you enjoyed. sending love and good vibes your way <333
i love all of you who followed and supported my writings and i will forever be greatfull for each and everyone of u; but fear not - this is not the end, its just the beginning 🫂
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dreamieparadise · 20 days
Colonello giving Momina guidance during CEDEF training.
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princington · 3 months
god i love how detailed marcille's hair is
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zappedbyzabka · 2 months
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