#and i like rain but it's the combo of rain + ice + so much mud SO MUCH MUD
cerbreus · 2 years
having an early spring birthday fucking sucks man shitall to do; no good movies, very few exhibitions, its wet and gloomy out and most parks are closed for the season... worst season hate early spring :’(
#what i would give to be able to go on a fun camping and hiking trip for my birthday#but i CANT because the first week of march is fucking MISERABLE it ALWAYS RAINS#and i like rain but it's the combo of rain + ice + so much mud SO MUCH MUD#been trying to think of something for weeks  to do for my bday bc last yr i was recovering from surgery and could barely leave my bed#but there once again is shitall to do and we live in a city now and it's still not really better#probably just going to go to some rock stores + thrift stores#and maybe one of the museums i haven't been to yet if it's open#the weekend after bc sadly i've got a weekday bday this year ;_;#only 2 weeks left to figure shit out...#i would even be fine with a winter birthday fr bc then maybe we could go skiing or tubing 8_8#but theres never even any good snow in march just the shitty wet icy brown stuff that still hasn't fully melted#personal stuff#i really really wish i could go rockhounding for my bday because we live 2 hrs from one of the very few places in the us and on the planet#where you can find Staurolites (aka; cross rocks/fairy crosses)#which are SO neat!!!!#but it's going to be cold and miserable and borderline dangerous to hang out around an icy river and i've already fallen through the ice#and almost died once in my life already so i'm not chancing that#sorry bit of a vent post here i just get older and every year it's a hassle to find something I want to do bc just like... nothing happens#in spring in the north
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writerpeach · 8 months
Anytime, Anywhere
IZ*ONE Kim Minju x m!reader
19k words
Happy Minju Day!
Read on AO3
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“I’m not looking for a roommate, Minju.”
The conversation should have ended there. But it didn’t.
Your front door is wide open and you can’t seem to close it shut. Like there’s something in the way. This something is a girl standing by the open door, carrying a suitcase, looking as pathetic as could be. Her hair is a mess, and the way she's been crying makes her eyes all swollen, nose still red. The only way she could look any more pitiful would be standing in the rain without an umbrella, but here she is with this disappointment on her face because you’ve given her an answer she wasn’t expecting. 
You’ve known Kim Minju since your first year of college. The first person to talk to you during orientation when you were too nervous to even look at anyone. Now you’ve graduated with a stable job that pays well, and moved into your first apartment, a place you can finally call your own—you’re not about to ruin it all. 
Minju was the first person you shared a meal with at campus, the first person you walked to class with that was just as awkward as you were, and you’d practically do anything for her—except let her live with you. 
“Oh, come on. It’ll be fun!” 
Minju has a strange definition of fun. 
“Fun? One more mess to clean up? Having to buy more ice cream because you’ve eaten it all? Running out of hot water to take a shower with? No thanks. I'm not looking for a roommate.”
The girl doesn’t budge from the doorway, like giving up isn’t a part of her vocabulary. “Hey, I can clean up after myself. And I don’t even eat that much, so I won’t steal your ice cream. You won’t even know I’m here.” 
There’s some truth to that. All those years you’ve known Minju, she’s always been the quiet, demure girl who’s always cleaned up after herself and others without asking. You can’t exactly picture her the type to throw loud parties, and she’s probably the biggest homebody that you know. But still—that’s not enough a reason to let her live here on a whim. You enjoy your privacy, your quiet, your hot showers, and most importantly, your time alone.
“Minju, the answer is still no. The last thing I need right now is a roommate.” 
Your answer is firm and resounding, but Minju expects that to change. Like she’s got this laundry list of ideas that will convince you otherwise. 
“But don’t you get lonely? Look, I can clean. And I can cook. Kind of. And I can—“
“No, I enjoy not having anyone around. And I can cook just fine. I have a housekeeper that comes in twice a month. I’m doing just fine, thanks.” Every last word you’re saying puts a big frown on her face. Minju’s great, a terrific friend, but hearing the word no has never been one of her favorite things. 
“But I—“ she starts, and you can tell there’s about to be a double down you can’t prepare for. “I don’t have anywhere else to go.” 
There it is. The pouty lips, the desperation, the puppy dog eyes. This triple combo intended to make you feel every pang of guilt, yet you’ve seen it so many times over the course of knowing her that you’ve grown immune to it. And you know it’s not exactly true. Kim Minju was always the popular one. Always the one with a plethora of friends. So it’s not exactly like she’s about to be homeless if you refuse her. 
“You had friends. So many friends, Minju. I never got to have lunch with you because you were always spending time with them. What happened? Surely you can live with one of them?” 
Minju looks away and down to her feet, like you’ve accidentally found some weakness of hers. Obviously, something has happened to have her standing in your doorway right now, looking so defeated, but when you’ve barely spoken the past couple of years outside of birthday messages, there's really no way for you to know.
“I’ve lost contact with most of them. The others, they’ve moved on. They’ve graduated, have lives, careers, families…” Minju says, as she stares off into space, like she’s seeing everything play out again right before her eyes. 
“And you think I don’t? What happened to you, Minju? You were top of the class. The most popular girl. And now you’re begging for a place to live?” 
Letting out a heavy sigh, there’s a long moment of hesitation before she speaks up again. “I made some mistakes."
Minju pauses again before delving into details. “I made so many mistakes. I moved in with my friend. Chaewon, do you remember her? Kim Chaewon? She was my best friend. We dated for six months and then moved in together. Then, my priorities got really screwed up, I guess. I focused more on going to parties with her instead of studying, and then that caught up with me when exams came around. Lost my scholarship, my interest in classes, and then eventually—lost Chaewon.”
It's a lot to take in all at once. 
Minju has never struck you as the type to be so reckless that she would let everything else spiral out of control. Not when she's the most hard-working and smartest person that you've ever met. Then again, you haven’t talked to her in years, and people change. But at the end of the day, that's still not enough reason for you to let her stay here. 
“I'm sorry to hear that, Minju." That's the only thing you can think to say, but even that seems to come across as a bit hollow. 
“The only person that offered to take me in was Sakura, said she could get me a job where she works. But… I can’t move to Japan. I don’t want to take my clothes off on camera for a living. You know she's an adult actress now? I can't do that."
“Minju, I understand, but I like living by myself, and I really don't want someone else. It’s nothing against you. Things here are nice and—“ 
“I’ll pay extra rent! I’ll pay more than my share. I’ll make sure the fridge is always full. I’ll…”
It doesn't seem to sink in that you're not interested, that you don’t want this at all, that you value your privacy above all else. “It’s not about money. I'm sorry, Minju, but no.” 
Minju isn’t listening. 
Or rather refuses to hear it, like she can't accept your rejection. So there's only one thing left for her to try as she falls to her knees—begging like her life depends on it. 
There's plenty of neighbors around, and having her on your doormat draws all this unwarranted attention that you don't need. But at this point, Minju still can't seem to fathom that your answer will never be the one that she wants to hear.
“Minju, stop.“
“Please, just for like a few weeks? So I can figure things out? I won’t be a bother, I promise.” Minju clutches onto your legs. It's embarrassing how desperate she looks right now, and the few people that walk by staring while this plays out aren't helping one bit. 
“Look, I’ll call around. I’m sure I have some friends with empty rooms that aren’t even getting used.” 
That sounds like a good offer, the best one you can give—but not to Kim Minju. She just clutches harder, so desperate that her nails are almost digging into your thighs through the thin layer of fabric of your pants. It's only been seconds since you've suggested the idea, but already, Minju is giving her rebuttal.
“But I don’t know your friends. So you want me to live with strangers? With people I’ve never even met? What if they try something weird?” Minju whines while finding a way to twist your words, and any last remnants of pity you have left vanishes. 
“Minju, I said stop,” you say with more authority, but it just makes her cling on even tighter. The iron grip she won’t relinquish almost causes you to lose your balance as you push away, trying to peel her off you to no avail. 
“Get up, Minju. This is beneath you.” 
She knows it is. Minju has always been so composed, and she knows that even if all other options are exhausted, there are less extreme measures to take. But there she is, clutching at your legs like there's no other alternative. Like this is her last resort.
"Minju, you need to leave." This isn’t your fault, and yet, somehow, it feels like it is.
"I can be a good roommate!"
Minju gives up on begging, finally rising to her feet with this adamant look on her face, like she’s going to give this one more dire attempt. “Please. I can give you something that's even better than rent."
It should end there. You should apologize that you can’t help, close the door on Minju, then grab a cold beer out of your fridge and forget this day happened. 
“Look, you still like women, right?”
What an odd question. You have no idea where this is going, and Minju has gone from begging to, well, whatever this is. Either way, you don’t answer.
“Come on, I’ve never known you to be shy. Surely you have needs, desires—and I can help with that. Just let me stay for a little bit while I get back on my feet. I can repay you in a way no one else can."
“Have you lost your mind, Minju?”
Clearly, the desperation has gotten to her head. Minju may sound as coherent as ever, yet you can’t comprehend these words. Maybe you need more sleep, maybe you’re a bit dehydrated—
“We’ve been friends for years… and you’ve never thought about me that way?“ she asks, sauntering closer towards you with this new sense of confidence in her step. Minju, she’s hot—very hot, this supermodel body with an angelic face you can stare at for hours. But that doesn’t mean you’ve entertained such thoughts. 
“Now, tell me. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had someone who gets you off as soon as you walk through that door? Someone who drops to their knees without any command. It must get pretty stressful, living on your own, without anyone to even talk to…” 
“It doesn’t, Minju. I’m fine. I really don’t need anything.“
“You keep repeating that, saying the same thing. You’re gonna tell me you wouldn’t enjoy getting between my legs right in the morning? Or having a way to destress after all those long hours at work? You would never want any of that?"
“Jesus, Minju, I’m not paying you for sex. This is ridic—” 
"That's not what I'm saying at all. All I need is a roof over my head, and in exchange—you can use my body as you wish. It can be as quick or long as you want. As many times as you desire. Anytime. Any day. Anywhere. No strings attached, that's my offer.” 
What an insane offer this is. 
“Get inside,” you beckon, because if the absurdity of this exchange won’t stop, at the very least you don’t want anyone else to overhear these suggestions. Minju follows inside, her suitcase still on wheels dragging along while she shuts the door behind. 
“Sit down, please.” 
Taking off her jacket, Minju takes a seat on the couch and crosses her legs, making herself comfortable. She sits right against the backrest, both arms sprawled wide across it while you wait for her to fully explain this ridiculous proposal. 
“Well?" Minju asks, a big cheeky grin, convinced she’s already won. “Sounds like you’re interested. If you weren’t, you would have kept insisting on me leaving, wouldn’t you?” 
Like you could ever get Minju to leave. 
Without much of a reaction, you sink into the armchair to her right. It's hard to find the words to say because she has a point. There were countless ways you could have asked her to leave, but you chose not to. Or maybe you’re just too exhausted by this whole thing.
“So—“ you pause, because you’re sure if you can call her bluff, this little game can end. “You’re serious?” 
Minju curls her lips. An eyebrow raises. She leans forward and folds her hands in her lap. This devilish little look in her eyes doesn’t have an ounce of doubt. “Absolutely. Just hear me out.”
You let out a sigh at the idea of ever entertaining this. “Explain it all. Don’t leave anything out.” 
Minju can’t help but laugh. “I’ve pretty much told you everything already. For as long as you let me stay here, I’ll be available at your disposal. As simple as that. Whenever you want to fuck me, you don’t even have to ask. I’ll drop everything.” 
“I don’t have to ask?” you repeat back, still in disbelief that Minju is capable of coming up with such an arrangement.
Minju nods. "If we come to an agreement today, then you won’t ever need to ask. You can have me in any and every way that you want. No restrictions."
“None whatsoever. You want a blowjob first thing in the morning? No problem. Need to fuck me at night before I sleep? You just say the word. Whenever you get horny, you can go right ahead and shove your cock in me. No need to hold back, ever."
"And you would be okay with that?”
“I’m the one who suggested it, didn’t I? I need a place to live, and I’m sure you wouldn’t mind some help getting off. So we help each other out.”
This doesn't feel real, to hear the girl sitting next to you is essentially suggesting her body to be a form of rent, and yet, this has been Minju's solution like it’s nothing. 
“And I meant anytime. If you’re hard at two in the morning and you wanna fuck a load into me, well, go right ahead.” 
“Jesus, Minju,” you say, and if you had a drink in your hands, you would absolutely be spitting it out right now. ”I’m not gonna wake you in the middle of the night to fuck you.” 
“Hey, I’m just saying. Totally okay if you wanted to. It’s all part of the rules.” 
“And are there any other rules?” Saying no to Minju is never simple, and this offer on the table seems almost impossible to resist. 
“Nothing too painful outside of spanking. Nothing too out of the ordinary or illegal. That should cover it. I’ll be looking for a job to help out as soon as I settle in, that is—assuming we’ve come to an agreement?” 
Maybe you should think this over, sleep on it even. But Minju, she looks like a goddess, with a banging body to go with it, and hey, she’s a friend, not a stranger, so there’s no way this could go wrong, right? 
“I promise you won’t regret this. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this place, and then whenever you need it—I’ll take care of you.” 
Minju really can’t help but be pleased at herself at that.
“Okay, sure. Fine.” 
“We have a deal?” 
“Yeah. Deal.” 
That's all it takes for it to happen.
“One more thing. We’re getting a contract made, to make sure this is all clear and consensual,” you say, and Minju has no complaints with that at all. It’s not that you don’t trust her, but putting it on paper seems only wise given the situation. 
“Understandable. Whatever you need.”
Pleased that this is all settled, Minju stands up from the couch with relief on her face. Then, with a radiating smile, she makes her way towards you, leaning down until she presses her lips against yours, sealing the deal with a kiss. 
“Thank you. You won’t really regret this at all.” 
✦ ✦
The rest of the night is relatively uneventful. 
It’ll take some time to adjust to having someone else in your place. At first, there’s not much conversation between you two other than an exchange of pleasantries while you help Minju get situated. She doesn’t have much in terms of belongings. A couple of boxes, an extra suitcase, a laptop bag and her purse—nothing that can fill a bedroom, which makes sense given the story she’s told you. 
You lend a hand in bringing it all in, and Minju gets her phone charger set up before running herself a long, hot shower that leaves plenty of time for you to think. This ridiculous arrangement starts to feel less surreal when you look around and find your apartment looking less empty. Yet, you’re not exactly sure what you’ve gotten yourself into. 
After giving Minju a quick tour of the place, she winds up sleeping on the couch, since your spare bedroom has served as storage for months. 
Aside from the agreement, nothing really changes overnight.
The next morning, there’s fresh coffee already made when you head into the kitchen. Minju has taken advantage of your breakfast offerings, pouring milk into a full cereal bowl when she notices your presence. Seated at the kitchen table, there’s this innocent expression on her face as she eats, wearing a white tank top and a tiny pair of black gym shorts that do little to cover those never-ending legs. 
“Good morning. Did you sleep well?” Minju asks as you sit down across from her, pouring yourself a cup of coffee before adding sugar and a splash of milk from the nearby carton.
“Well enough. Sorry about the couch. I’ll try to empty out the spare bedroom today.” 
Taking a spoonful of cereal into her mouth, Minju smiles and shakes her head, like your apology is unwarranted. “It's totally fine, don’t worry. I could have slept on the floor if I needed to. I’m just happy to be here at all.”
Minju’s gratitude is every bit genuine, and it looks like she got the best night of sleep that she's had in years. Which is hard to believe, given you’ve spent your share of nights sleeping on that same couch and it's nowhere near comfortable. Then again, you weren’t in the same position Minju was. 
“No breakfast?” 
“Not yet. I’ll cook something in a bit. Need to get some coffee in me first.” 
“Oh, I can do it. Anything I can make you? I don’t mind,” Minju suggests, starting to rise to her feet. 
“No, it’s fine, don’t get up. I like making breakfast.” You sip your coffee, and Minju settles back down to start eating again. Because even if you have someone else sitting across from you now, let alone Minju, you can’t break from routine. 
There’s a bit of awkward silence that happens while the two of you eat, as you’re unsure what to really say. But it’s day one of having a roommate, and you don’t regret it. Not yet. 
"So, are you off to work?" Minju asks, as she gets up from the chair and puts her empty bowl and spoon in the dishwasher.
You nod in response as you tilt your head to finish off the last of your coffee. "Yeah. Well, I work uh, here, actually.” 
“Here? Oh, like from home? That must be nice," Minju replies as she sits back down, like she’s waiting for something else to keep herself busy with.
"It's not the most ideal setup, but it's better than having a commute."
"I can imagine. Well, don't let me keep you then. If you need—you know, anything, let me know.” 
That sentence lingers in your mind while you head to your home office. And the workday starts the same way as it always does: meetings, phone calls, answering emails, the same tedium over and over. The only difference is the addition of Minju when you get up to grab a snack, some water, or more coffee—she’s there to greet you with a smile every time. 
The morning drags on, and you end up working through lunch to get caught up, which ends up being a mistake for many reasons. Now you’re this bad combo of stress and hunger, a recipe for disaster, but one of those problems is easier to solve than the other. So you grab a granola bar out of your desk drawer to tide you over, and as the wrapper lands in the trash can, you realize you can fix the other problem rather quickly as well. 
With Minju. 
It’s the whole reason why you’ve agreed to let her be here in the first place. So might as well test it out, right? And yet, you’re not even sure how to go about it. Summon her and say what, you're stressed, start stripping, and get on your knees? That sounds ridiculous to do, to even think about, especially when Minju hasn't been here for more than 24 hours yet.
Maybe the hunger is getting to you, and you should make a quick sandwich before getting back to work. Or maybe—just maybe, you should ask Minju for what she's offered.
"Minju?" you call out as you lean back in your chair, trying not to sound nervous at all. Within moments, a pair of bare feet enter into the room, arriving like she’s been on standby the entire time. 
You survey Minju from head to toe, this gorgeous thing idly standing before you, as if she’s waiting for orders. It takes you a moment to realize you’re just shamelessly staring at her, but who could blame you? The girl is the epitome of perfection: pale skin, these wide, curvy hips that lead to ridiculously long legs down to her painted toes, and tantalizingly creamy thighs that leave you salivating. 
Her tank top hangs just above her belly button, with the outline of her modest tits completely exposed through the flimsy fabric, the barest hints of nipples brazenly displayed, and there isn’t a hint of anything beneath her shorts besides bare flesh. You’re not sure this isn’t entirely intentional, designed to either tease or lure you into testing the waters, but maybe this is just Minju getting comfortable. 
Regardless, it’s working like a charm to ignite a fire inside you. 
"What can I help with?" Minju asks as her hands meet behind her back, nipples poking through the fabric of her tank top even more visible the closer she gets. She looks completely ready for whatever you’re prepared to throw at her, but you’re not even sure where to begin. 
“Are you busy?” 
“Not at all, just unpacking some boxes. But that can always wait.” 
"Good,” you start out as your eyes drift down Minju’s immaculate body, and can’t help but wonder what she looks like underneath those clothes. “I need—“ 
You take in a sharp breath, not used to something like this—or the fact that Minju might be willing to go along with whatever you imagine. 
“Need what?” She smiles knowingly, understanding whatever it is you need, she’ll happily oblige. You pause for way too long, your mouth suddenly feeling dry at the thought of voicing the idea in your head. “Don’t be shy…” 
Easy for her to say. 
“You need me to get you off?” Minju asks in this sultry voice when you don’t say anything in response, and it sounds so natural when she does, like there’s no reservation of putting herself out there like this. Eventually, you let out this pathetic little nod that doesn’t quite pass as a response, but still gets Minju to slowly drop down to her knees. And the realization of what’s about to happen gets your heart racing. 
“So…” Minju murmurs, as she scoots her body in between your legs. Her palm flattens against your thigh in these slow caresses that send a wave of warmth as it slides to your crotch. “You want my mouth? I bet you taste really good.” 
It's far more direct and open than you were prepared for, and has you trying to find an ounce of confidence. “God, yes.” 
There’s way too much desperation in your voice already, but it’s all Minju needs to get to work. Unzipping your pants, she tugs them down as you lift your hips. Already, your cock aches, getting hard, having no chance of hiding under the thin fabric of your boxers. 
When Minju frees you from your boxers, her hot breath against your bare cock makes you twitch. Her delicate hand closes around your erection, and she pumps with these slow, languid strokes, a motion that gets you to full hardness. In a matter of seconds, your shaft pulsates in her hands, leaking a steady stream of precum to coat her fingers. 
“You’re so fucking hard. This beautiful cock is what I get to play with for the next few weeks?”
Leaning your head back, you groan in response. You stare up at the ceiling while Minju strokes your hard shaft, these painful throbs getting instant relief when she moves in short, but powerful motions that draw a few breaths of bliss. It’s unfathomable, how the smallest touch she offers feels so damn good, this firm grasp she keeps coiling up and down your length at a leisurely pace to make you leak more. 
This is certainly a much better use of your time than staring at screens for hours. 
“You must be so pent up. Feels good, doesn’t it?” Minju asks, dragging a lone finger down from the base of your cock upwards to the head, across your slit, teasing her tongue over to taste precum smearing around, offering the briefest sample of what’s coming. 
“But I know you need more…” As she inches even closer, Minju spits right on top and you gasp at the sensation of saliva on your overheated cock. With each stroke, she spreads the fluid along your pulsing shaft, allowing it to drip down and coat your entire length. Her other hand fondles your balls, tugging on them playfully and doesn’t ignore how heavy they feel, as if it’s her new obligation to do something about that. 
“You needed this, didn’t you?” 
Another weak nod in return, because at this point words fail you. You want nothing more than Minju to guide her hot mouth down, swallowing you all until there’s nothing left. And you won’t have to wait long for that. 
Because even without Minju getting her mouth on your sensitive cock, you’re overwhelmed already. It’s clear she’s no stranger to this, the way her fingers tease and squeeze tightly around your dick, working in tandem with that pretty wet mouth that slides across your balls. Sticky drool spills down her tongue as she takes these sweeping licks against each back and forth, giving them individual care and attention in a way that’s granting pleasure you desperately seek. 
“Delicious,” Minju hums, and doesn’t pause for anything, smirking as her tongue drags up, taking swipes and frantic flicks against the underside of your shaft. 
This teasing, it’s insufferable. 
The soft groans that she coaxes out persist, until eventually her lips hover around your swollen head, and Minju plants a series of wet kisses to coat your dick in that gets you throbbing like crazy. Your patience gets tested as she gathers her messy dark hair into a ponytail in this slow, deliberate way. But you know exactly what’s about to take place. 
Her gaze gets locked tight as her warm tongue swirls around your leaking slit—then she lowers her mouth gradually, and takes just the head into her hot, wet mouth. It’s everything you need. Those perfect lips seal tight, and immediately she bobs her head at a smooth and consistent pace. Not too slow or too fast. 
Minju’s lips work their magic as she works a fist around your throbbing shaft, a grip just right that squeezes right beneath the head that keeps disappearing into her mouth. The tension in your body, it all melts as you sit back and enjoy the warmth of her wet mouth. She’s every bit eager to give everything you desire, this deadly eye contact that never yields, with hollowed cheeks as those soft lips slide down your throbbing cock. 
"Fuck, that’s amazing," you groan out, struggling to catch a steady breath. The way Minju handles your cock is nothing short of masterful, those heavenly soft lips wrapped tight around your shaft, and that equally talented wet tongue that flicks back and forth, tracing along every vein, every sensitive spot. 
It's a little slice of heaven.
Words can’t describe how good Minju’s warm little mouth feels on you. It doesn’t take much for her to get your cock absolutely drenched with a thick layer of saliva, this insatiable hunger to take more, increasing with every stroke her lips make. 
"Just like that, god..." Your voice trails off in a moan as your head hits the back of your chair. “That’s perfect, fuck, Minju—you’re so damn good at this.” 
The words hit her just right. Minju loves the praise, and in return, gives more pleasure, the immaculate pleasure that gets sloppier as she quickens the pace. Her gentle suction increases with every pass of her lips, with every desperate lick and slurp. She doesn’t leave any part out, massaging your balls with her free hand as that delicious mouth swallows up more and more of your length with each and every bob. 
“You really needed this, huh? Needed me to make you feel good?” Minju shows no intention of stopping, your shaft glistening from how much of a sloppy mess she's making. Her soft lips have an intimate way of knowing exactly what you need, this tight airtight seal around your cock every time they slide down, while the gentle tug at your balls gives you a perfect mix of pleasure. 
“It feels so fucking good—ah, fuck, Minju," you say, while your moans fuel this sloppy, absolutely mind-blowing blowjob that you never want to end. If this is going to be a common occurrence, then maybe having Minju around won’t be so bad. And you could get used to the sight of your roommate on her knees. 
This craving for more takes hold, but Minju fulfills it as she goes so deep. Her eyes water the further she gets, but this persistence never waivers, almost reaching the very base as she breathes deeply through her nose to take every last inch to the base. Minju swallows you whole in one motion, and shows no signs of backing down, even as she struggles to hold back her gag reflex.
“Minju—fuck,” you say in between sharp breaths as you stay inside this tight throat while the warmth surrounds you, makes you throb more than ever, building up your release. 
It’s impossible not to stare, impossible not to watch your length disappear again and again between those pretty pink lips as her perfect rhythm continues, this desire that only has one exit. 
“Mm, I can feel you're close," Minju says as she slides your shaft out of her mouth with a wet pop, jerking you off at an agonizingly slow pace. "Tell me where you want to cum. My mouth, my face—or somewhere else?” 
You need a moment to gather your voice before you can even think. 
“Your mouth. Wanna cum in your pretty fucking mouth.” 
Minju quite likes that answer. You aren’t given a moment of respite as she keeps up this same relentless pace, slurping on your length with endless amounts of fervor, with a new goal to suck you absolutely dry. She gets you right on the edge of release, eyes begging, pleading to taste it all, waiting for you to spill down her throat at any moment. 
The desperate look she gives while playing with your balls is more than enough to bring you right over the edge. With a low grunt, you empty into her warm, waiting mouth, thick spurts of hot cum coating the back of Minju's throat like this was just what she was hoping for. The more she drains your balls, the harder you moan, cock twitching with every burst of pleasure, and not a single inch of you isn’t unloading into that talented little mouth. 
Minju happily takes everything, her tongue not letting a single drop spill past those heavenly lips. There's no sign of disappointment on her face as she gulps down your load, with a smile that shows no remorse for taking you over the edge so easily.
"What a huge, delicious load," she murmurs after swallowing it all, running her tongue all over her lips. Minju makes sure to clean every inch of your length, from base to tip, licking and kissing every drop of cum until she's satisfied with her work. 
“Feel better?” 
"Yeah..." you breathe out, struggling to gather yourself, let alone find the right words after the intense high that Minju looks so proud of giving. “Much. Fuck, Minju—you’re amazing. Thanks.” 
“Anytime," she says with a soft laugh, as her hand still clings onto your cock, a few light squeezes and strokes that keep it hard. "Just let me know when you need more, okay? I'll be around."
“I—I should probably get back to work,” you say, sounding almost apologetic. With the euphoric bliss still lingering through your body, you’re not sure how you’ll get any work done, but that’s a worry for another time. 
“Yeah, of course. I still have some unpacking to do.” As Minju rises from her knees, she plants one last soft kiss against your swollen head before getting up to leave you with your thoughts, a moment alone to recuperate. You can't stop yourself from watching as she walks away, drooling over those luscious thighs and that minuscule pair of shorts that her ass practically swallows up. 
Work is the last thing on your mind, but you’ll power through with the help of this appetizer you’ve been given. This little sample is just one dish in a full buffet for what Minju can offer, and there’s no doubt that you’re going back for seconds. 
✦ ✦
It's late in the night by the time Minju stops unpacking. You’ve cleared out the guest bedroom, and she’s settled in enough to make it look like her own space. After working later than usual, you’re slumped on the couch, mindlessly zoning out while the TV drones in the background.
“Hey,“ Minju says as she makes her way in, still dressed in the same attire, this tight tank top that looks even more disheveled, exposing more midriff, and the same gym shorts that you swear look even shorter than earlier. Plopping down beside you, her curves instantly draw your gaze, like this outfit was designed to steal your attention. 
The littlest movement makes her flimsy top ride up, and you have no choice but to stare as Minju adjusts herself, lifting her arms overhead to stretch her arms, which gives a teasing glimpse of those perky tits that seem like they’re just destined to pop out. “Finished with work?” 
Now that there’s a light sheen of sweat worked up from unpacking boxes and organizing her room, her milky white skin looks so good. Minju looks nothing but utterly enticing, which has you dying to get to know that body better.
“All caught up. For now.” 
There hasn't been a moment all day when your full attention hasn’t been elsewhere, when you haven’t been thinking about Minju. She takes another stretch, and you’re sure this is deliberate when it draws a little moan that doesn’t normally come from this sort of relief. This time, your eyes are immediately drawn to her toned stomach, and you can just picture tasting it, covering it in little licks and pecks, this devilish temptation there’s no hope to resist. 
“Well, I should really shower,” Minju says as she starts getting up, but not before giving her stomach a slow caress, like she knows you can't keep your eyes off her. 
“Shower?” There’s obvious intention in the way you repeat it, like you have other plans in mind for her. 
“I’m all sweaty. I’ll be quick. I don’t wanna use up all your hot water.” 
Now, there's only so long you can hold back from testing out the waters, and it only takes a moment to throw aside your own inhibitions. You find sudden courage to give into your urges, and the look on Minju's face can’t hide the surprise from your sudden forwardness. “The shower can wait.“
If Minju’s going to take her clothes off anyway, you might as well give her a head start. 
“Your clothes, Minju." You're still hesitating, even if it's been on your mind all day, even after what she did earlier. "They’ll look better once they’re all off.”
“Then shouldn’t you do something about that, then?” 
There’s a borderline annoyance in her tone, like it’s way too easy if she does it, and wants you to take charge to do it instead. So you’ll indulge that, trailing your hands up her sweaty stomach to take in these perfect abs that flex at your touch.
The sweat that drips on her body, her delicious abs that glisten under your fingertips as you slide up to grab her tits, it heightens your arousal even more. She still isn't wearing a bra, so you give her these light little squeezes through her skimpy top, that makes her back arch, but this annoying barrier of fabric has to go. 
So the moment your hands pull up Minju's top, she lifts her arms to let you slip it off and throw it aside, her tits finally revealed as they spring free. And fuck, are they even better than what you had imagined—soft, round, the perfect size for her body, topped with rosy little nipples that just beg to be touched.
“I can promise you the rest of my body is just as good,” Minju assures as she catches you staring for far too long. No doubt you believe her, because this confidence isn’t just for show, but still, you’ll have to investigate on your own. 
Not the least bit shy, Minju shifts into the couch underneath you, flattening her back on the cushions to bring you down with her. Her slender arms lift high above her head, as if she’s daring you to explore her further, willingly inviting your hands to travel up and down to explore wherever you please. 
You'll accept this invitation without a second thought.
There's an inherent magnetism pulling you closer, as your fingertips caress whatever bare skin is in reach. With so many different paths to explore, all these intoxicating features that you want to taste and lick clean, it’s near impossible to pick where to start. While the gears in your head turn, Minju just stares back, so curious as to what you plan to do first.
It’s impossible to make a decision.
This body, this tight body of a goddess demands your utmost attention. These thick thighs perfect to wrap around your head, wide hips that were made for your hands, and this irresistible stomach that practically screams for you to make a sticky mess on. 
That’s all before you get to see what’s hidden underneath those tiny, barely there shorts. 
Minju’s curiosity doesn’t take long to satisfy while you plant your lips on her stomach, peppering the warm skin in kisses and licks as you taste every inch. This light hint of sweat, the sweetness that you can only attribute to Minju's delicious taste, it all comes from just her sexy stomach. It doesn't take much to imagine what other places would taste like.
The soft sighs that she makes encourage you to lick more, to plant messy kisses that cover every bit of her tight abdomen, while you can hear every breath she takes as you ensure you don’t miss a single spot. 
“God, Minju—“ You continue this feast of unapologetic indulgence, kissing your way upwards towards Minju’s cute chest, roaming between the valley of her breasts. “You’re fucking perfect.” 
“Better not forget that.” Minju gets a shy blush on her cheeks, and her nipples react the moment you tease them by playfully pinching them, rolling them, tugging between your fingers. Before her next breath, you get your lips wrapped around them, and then you take these unabashed slurps, these pretty buds that merit your equal attention. 
The cutest whine escapes Minju when your tongue circles the stiff buds, making them stand out even more under your stimulation. She’s so sensitive, and you relish in that, planning to use it to your advantage later. And fuck, there just isn’t a part of her that doesn’t taste absolutely delicious. 
As breathtaking as the girl’s body is, it’s not even the main event. You’re having too much enjoyment sucking on her cute tits, teasing them with your sloppy tongue, but you just know there’s a growing heat between her thighs, one that mirrors the frustration levels of your dick straining against your pants. 
You’ve got Minju’s body all mapped out, and you could spend all night tasting these delicious curves, devouring her breasts, planting as many kisses on her tummy as you can—but it’s unfair to ignore the other appetizing parts of her deadly figure. 
Besides, you can’t wait to peel those shorts off her ridiculous hips. 
A moment to catch your breath is all you need, because there’s no more time left to hold back your lust. You leave her with one lingering kiss on her stomach, and then your greedy hands peel those annoying shorts off with Minju’s assistance when she lifts her butt up. Through that eager smile, she doesn’t spoil the surprise that there's not even a pair of underwear underneath to stand in the way of her naked body—
That silky smooth, shaven pussy is all you can focus on, already soaking wet when she parts her thighs to give a tempting glimpse at those pink lips, and all you can think about is what they'll feel like wrapped around your cock. 
“Do you normally not wear panties, Minju?” you say, taking a moment to admire the sight of her bare cunt in its glory. 
“Depends on the company,” she admits, this faux innocent expression that is anything but that washes over her. You can’t go another second without getting your cock out, desperate for any kind of relief from this persistent ache while you unzip your pants. Minju watches you strip down with the same hunger in her gaze, shirt pulled over your head in one motion, and then your pants slide off along with your boxers. 
"That's much better," Minju says, and gets her fingers wrapped around your shaft, with no intention of doing anything else except for that. “It's so big, so perfect for me..." 
A firm squeeze gets your throbs going, as if you needed any encouragement to be rock hard, and Minju gets this content little smile at feeling it grow even more between her fingers. 
As the moments pass, her innocent demeanor fades, replaced by a longing gaze fixated on your hardened shaft, where there’s only one destination your length needs to sink into. Sprawling out on the cushions, Minju stretches out her long legs that are practically built to wrap around your body. 
Those wet folds, and your throbbing cock, there's only one outcome when they have their first meeting. 
With no reluctance, you position yourself between Minju's spread thighs, feeling how slick her pussy has gotten with anticipation. You run your cock against her dripping folds that glisten, teasing her slit as your shaft coats itself in her wetness. "It'll fit inside you so fucking well." 
You’re too speechless to apologize to Minju for not eating her out first, but judging by the way she’s looking at you, she’ll live. The initial plunge rips a heavy moan right out of your throat, all these sensations hitting all at once. There's no pause when you pull back, then slide in again unabated, pushing more of your thick shaft into this perfect pussy. 
"Fuck, you're so damn tight, Minju, god—"
“Did you expect anything else?” she asks, before another moan tears through her. There's no resistance to impede you, just inviting wet flesh that wraps around your cock in this wetness, your cockhead sliding deeper into the warmth of her cunt with ease.
“Oh my god.” Her walls tighten around your shaft, this overwhelming heat welcoming every inch into her cunt like it belongs there. “This pussy is perfect. I’m going to use it every chance I get.” 
“I sure hope so. That’s what I’m here for.” 
With nothing else but a confident smile on Minju’s face, and nothing but these erotic little moans as her walls stretch to accommodate every inch, until you can bottom her out for the first time. She’s so fucking tight it’s almost painful, this absolute vice grip that squeezes the life out of your cock, ensuring you aren’t going anywhere. “Your cock is so thick, it’s filling me up so well…” 
The urge to just drive your cock as deep inside of her as possible becomes overwhelming, and Minju doesn't give any signs that she wants to be treated delicately. There's no room for restraint or holding back with how well she takes it all, how badly she craves every inch you've got. “Don’t think for a moment I can’t take you all.” 
So you let the carnal urges take control, grabbing her slender waist and pounding into this heavenly cunt with no remorse. 
“Minju, fuck, your pussy feels so good,” you growl, each thrust only making you want to stay buried in there longer. You’re hitting all the right angles, creating an erotic soundtrack of flesh while Minju's wet cunt swallows you up to the base, squeezing in just the perfect way around every last inch as you pull back and plunge right back in.
“And it’ll feel even better when you cum inside.” 
There’s hardly even any time to think of a response before Minju wraps her long legs around your waist, digging her heels into the small of your back so she can draw your cock in even deeper. “I hope you weren’t expecting to pull out."
Hearing those words is like a shot of adrenaline that makes you pound into her cunt with everything you have, burying your cock balls deep with every long, powerful stroke. 
“Not a fucking chance, Minju. I’m pounding this perfect cunt until I fuck a load inside you.” 
There’s a devilish grin on her face when she hears that, legs tightening to make you backup your words, her dripping pussy clenching harder as if trying to coax that load out sooner. “With how deep you’re fucking me, you better not do anything else.” 
Through all these harsh thrusts, and the rough pistoning of your hips, you need to pull back every once in a while. Only so you can have the perfect view of Minju's body covered in more sweat than before, even more irresistible to not lick the side of her neck, savoring every little taste you can get. 
And the noises she makes only get filthier the harder your hips move, the best encouragement for you to bury your face into the crook of her neck as her beautiful legs keep your body hostage. This pounding is everything you’ve needed, keeping Minju breathless in her moans, a symphony of pleasure that gets siphoned right in your ears.
“This is how I’m going to destroy your cunt when I fuck you. Every single time. Your pretty pussy won’t go a day without getting a huge fucking load inside.” 
“Yeah? You promise?” Minju asks, and you’re fucking her so well, so hard, that she’s getting delirious. “There’s nothing better than getting a nice, thick load filling me up first thing in the morning.” 
That’s all the motivation you need to keep this train of pleasure going. 
Minju can feel it. She can feel how your thick cock twitches with every deep stroke, the pleasure becoming far too much for you to bear. At the tail end of an especially harsh thrust, she wraps her arms around your neck and holds tight, not leaving an inch of space between the two of you while you drill as hard as your hips allow. "Please, I'm going to cum. Keep fucking me, please keep fucking me like this…"
The begging flows freely right into your ears, and these desperate pleas offer another wave of encouragement that pulls you closer and closer to release. And it’s not like you can do much at this point but keep your hips moving, while Minju clings to you, limbs coiled like she never plans on letting you escape.
“Don't stop—I'm going to cum so fucking hard!" Minju cries out, and there's no need to hold anything back as she chases after that release. 
Wanting to speed this up, your lips latch onto Minju's sweaty neck, planting sloppy kisses that make her walls flutter, spilling more wetness while you crash your hips into her. Her thighs can’t stop quivering, breathing frantically until that intense orgasm is almost in range, back arching up in time for the final waves of bliss to crash into her. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck—“ A litany of curses leaves her mouth , filling the room, and then Minju tightens her hold as these messy juices gush all over your cock, unleashing the most unrestrained orgasm of her life that erupts in her body. Through it all, her warm cunt spasms, convulsing, these drenched walls constricting so hard to the point where there's no other alternative than to paint her insides a creamy white. 
“Cum in me, fuck—oh my god, I want it all, fill my fucking pussy,” Minju begs and pleads, her trembling legs with a death grip around your waist. And then she cries out in loud, incoherent moans, only managing to spill out one more thing: "Fucking breed me—"
There’s absolutely nothing that can prepare you for the feeling when you unload inside. Your climax explodes into Minju without warning, several thick spurts of cum flooding deep within her cunt, warm walls squeezing to milk it all out of your balls. Each violent throb is a fresh surge that sends an extra big mess of thick seed into her pussy, an increasing fullness that clings inside while your pulsating cock empties this massive load into Minju. 
During this intense orgasm, Minju’s alluring legs lock you in place, guaranteeing you can't pull out for a second, not until all your pleasure reaches its apex. 
You might be here forever, you think, trapped inside this warm paradise, but you’d be more than happy to never move another inch inside Minju all night. While she basks in the obscene pleasure of her cunt now full to the brim, you can only move enough to pump your load deep, deeper inside her until it finds her womb. 
"That's a lot of cum," Minju says, and she looks absolutely delighted at the mess you've made inside her, like she’s accomplished something grand just by making you explode inside her cunt. 
You have a feeling a hot load inside Minju will be a common sight as coffee being brewed, and it’s almost like she hasn’t drained you once already with this load that’s promising to make a mess whenever it spills out. 
“So, how about that shower,” you suggest, even while Minju hasn't even released the hold from your body yet. She doesn’t have the slightest intentions of getting cleaned up anytime soon, wanting to let this high linger a while longer. 
“Like you said—the shower can wait.” 
There’s never been a better idea. 
"Yeah, it can wait." 
You share a tired kiss as Minju keeps you close, bodies sticky as her limbs finally uncoil and relax. It’s near impossible to not collapse on her from exhaustion, but from the way she gazes at you with thirst lingering in her eyes, there's no such thing as rest. Not when you have this endless freedom to use her as your own personal toy.
When you do eventually pull out, leaving Minju with all of your cum pumped into her tight little cunt, there’s nothing but gratitude on her face to see the results leak out. And when she grabs your cock that’s more than a little sensitive, to give these weak little pumps, you don't have the strength to beg her to stop.
“Minju—“ It feels more like she’s teasing you, rather than attempting to get you back into a proper state of arousal with such lackadaisical motions. "Are you trying to get me to fuck you again?"
“Hmm, maybe,” Minju says, giving you a fleeting glance, and doesn’t mouth anything else, like she’s trying to demonstrate that you can recover earlier than you think, wanting your balls to fill back up sooner than later. “Seems like you might have one more in you…” 
“Yeah. Maybe.” 
With whatever energy is left, you put it into kissing Minju, to explore these lips that haven’t even gotten half the attention deserved. Also as a poor excuse to extend the time you’ll need to recover. Neither of you have any intention of going anywhere during this lazy make-out session, and even while you’re both covered in fluids, you’ll kiss Minju until your jaw hurts. 
“Not bad,” Minju says, a sudden compliment as the kiss intensifies, until her hand slides between your legs to keep pumping your cock, ensuring not a single inch softens. 
“Which part?” you ask, not that you’re particularly interested in anything other than dominating this lip embrace.
“Oh, I don’t know,” she teases, while you plant these light kisses that purposely miss her lips. “But… the part where you’re good at kissing me. And the part where you came inside me. ”
“Sounds like you want more.” 
“Yeah… maybe….” 
“Then consider me convinced,” you say, helping her stand upright, and lead her towards the bathroom—leaving the remnants of your messy load that leaks out of her pussy all over the couch. That’s a problem for another time.
The walk to the bathroom is short, but still gives you plenty of time to stare at Minju’s tight butt, and the mess that clings to her glistening thighs. One of the best features of this apartment is how spacious the shower is, more than enough to fit a second person—or a third, if you were so inclined. 
But neither of you are interested in the shower. 
Minju leans over the sink to check herself out in the mirror, running fingers through her hair to somewhat put herself back together. Staring at her own reflection puts a grin on her face, proud of how disheveled she looks, while also noticing the dark mark in the shape of your lips on her neck.
“You know, I forgot to pack a toothbrush,” she says out of nowhere, attention turned away from herself to the contents of the sink. 
“I can buy you one in the morning.” 
You lean in closer, and your hands snake around Minju’s perfectly slim waist, eager to feel up her tight abdomen once more. That mark on her neck is like a target, and when you take a deep inhale of her intoxicating scent, you make sure to cover her neck in kisses that make her giggle. 
“You came in my mouth. I think you’ll live if we share a toothbrush for one night.” Minju rolls her hips back, grinding against your erection to reawaken your cock back to full strength. These little kisses turn more lustful as she turns her head to connect lips with you for a more sloppy, wet, all-consuming embrace. 
“Fair point.” 
Your hands are far too greedy at this point to do anything but grope Minju’s naked body. The touch of her smooth skin reinvigorates you, sending blood back into all the right places, something that’s blatantly obvious to this naked girl in front of you. 
“I can feel how hard you are again,” Minju mutters, with this shy little expression on her features that’s so out of place. She pushes away from the sink, pressing her lithe figure back, and it's hard not to picture fucking Minju here, slamming your hips hard enough between her shapely cheeks to ripple them. 
“Yeah? Wonder whose fault that is...” The idea becomes more concrete when you squeeze that supple ass, your greedy fingertips sinking into the tender flesh, like her backside was made for your palm to smack as you get in a few light slaps that echo. 
“Do you think my cock will fit in here?” 
Spreading her round cheeks, you get a glimpse at how her puckered hole twitches, already craving you inside it. That bubble butt is absolutely perfect in your hands, and it’s no trouble at all to spread Minju open, as you wonder how it’ll feel to rub your cockhead against her tightest hole. 
"We can always find out.” Minju gets this sultry tone in her voice, hands lingering on the cool countertop as she bends over even further, her ass imploring you to fill that hole. It makes it hard to stay focused with this perfect cunt and tight little asshole both accessible, but there’s only one problem—
“It’s a shame the lube is in the bedroom. And I can’t be bothered to take my eyes off this tight little ass.” 
“I would never.” 
There’s nothing in reach that’s anything but a poor substitute, but you’re not going to walk away for something in your nightstand when you’re throbbing so much between the cheeks of such a perfect ass. So, regrettably, you'll have to postpone your plans to pound Minju's ass. It’ll make it worth the wait that much more. 
Without another word, you guide your length back into her warm little pussy, grabbing her curvy hips to slide back in. 
“Oh fuck— ” When your hardened shaft plunges deep between her legs, Minju nearly collapses over the sink. Her hot cunt feels more than ready for you, all this wetness pooled that’s infused with the creamy mess you left earlier staining her walls. 
The second your hips move, those pretty fucking moans from Minju have no trouble echoing around the walls. Her seductive stare beckons you to fuck her like the toy she promises to be, to use her until she can’t take anymore—a temptation too sweet to turn down. 
"Just like that, your cock is so good, god—just ruin me, fuck, please—“ Minju’s eyes widen from how hard you start slamming into her. This time, there’s absolutely no chance to adjust, nothing less but an incessant replay of your hips as you sink into the hilt, pounding her like the warm, wet, wonderful cocksleeve that she is, getting those heavenly walls stretched out all over again.
With no restraint in your thrusts, you can truly pound this tight pussy without mercy. The warmth that smothers your cock, how slick her pussy has gotten—god, it feels so fucking good that you don't ever want to stop, even after you pump another hot load.
“That's it, right there—right there, harder," she says with these breathless whines that are nothing more than unabashed encouragement. Fingers trembling, they dig into the porcelain of the sink, making the entire bathroom resonate with the harsh, wet smacks of flesh colliding together, in unison with each thrust. "Use that pussy—fuck, make me take it all, use me, god, use me, fucking use me—“
Those words, they make it so easy to do so, to keep up these thrusts, to just ram your cock into this hot little cunt that’s aching to be full, clenching down around you like it'll never let go.
And this ass—Minju’s got a perfect fucking ass, that you're already fantasizing about plowing. There's just no end to how much it bounces, the erotic jiggle that fuels your need to smack your palm against it, leaving red marks that'll stay on that pale flesh. 
"You're so fucking wet for me, Minju, god,” you groan out, pulling your cock out just so you can admire all the slick coating every single inch, before shoving it right back in. Minju bites down on her lip, trying to contain her moans with this near blush on her face from enjoying the rough treatment of her body far too much, moaning in bliss every time your thrusts make her hips jerk against the sink. 
“I just can’t help it. Your cock is too fucking big, my little pussy just loves it.” These constant smacks, they make her cunt clench, the pain forming additional pleasure. After your next heavy slap on her ass, your free hand ventures up her bare back, caressing along her spine in a gentle touch. But that gentleness doesn’t last when your fingers form a fistful of Minju's silky black strands—and a firm tug lifts her back so she's staring right into her reflection.
There's something to be said about being able to see Minju's pretty face as you wreck her body. All these priceless reactions she can't hide as she watches herself getting ravaged in the mirror that her hot breath fogs up. It’s an image you’ll never forget. 
You keep a tight handful of hair, each tug and yank rewarded with another moan, and she can barely even keep her eyes open, drunk on bliss as you dominate her body with every powerful plunge of your cock into that drenched warm flesh. 
Minju, through all these rough pumps and strained moans, can hardly keep up. Scrambling to keep a hold of the sink for dear life, she braces for each punishing stroke that reaches into her depths, your deep, rough thrusts that only grow in ferocity as you're both on the cusp of another release.
"Almost there, god—you're so deep, gonna cum so hard," Minju groans out as a euphoric wave hits her body with no chance of escape. "Make me cum on your big fucking cock—make me cum, oh fuck!"
That’s the only warning you’ll get. When the arrival of her violent climax hits, it gets her legs trembling, that sweaty body so close to collapsing that it leaves you to support all her weight as her toes curl into the bathroom rug, walls clamping down around your cock so snug it makes you grit your teeth. You fuck her right through this tsunami of pleasure, hips maintaining the same brutal pace, following the same path she takes until you’re nearly at the boiling point. 
“Minju,“ you growl, and there’s little else that needs to be said to know where this is headed. 
This isn’t asking for permission, but rather giving a final notice that this thick load that’s about to leave your balls desperately needs somewhere to go.
“Where?” Minju asks, struggling to get one little syllable out, and the question lingers as you get your final thrusts in. Without a response, you stare at the reflection in the mirror, pounding into this unbelievably tight girl with everything you have left to offer, until the last possible moment—
“Get on your knees.” 
Pulling out proves to be a challenge, but you've got plans that demand it as you give Minju enough time to collapse down without a shred of resistance, and you can already tell this is going to be a messy finale. The moment her knees touch the cold tile floor, you grab a hold of that gorgeous hair as you furiously stroke yourself in front of her face, squeezing your length that feels absolutely primed to erupt.
You let out a guttural groan of relief when you start to unload all over Minju's pristine features, this massive jet of hot, sticky seed that she doesn’t even flinch at as it lands square in the middle of her forehead, streaking down her cute nose. Your uncontrollable load blasts everywhere, across those pretty pink lips, splattering across cheek to rosy cheek while she stays perfectly still, letting you paint her like the masterpiece she is. 
It just gets everywhere. The beautiful canvas that is Minju’s face, it’s an absolute mess, cum dripping down her chin, a stray strand landing in her hair, more running down the bridge of her nose as you pump it all out and glaze her.
There's just so fucking much that it has Minju looking at you through this hot mess in a stunned silence, wondering how you even managed to have that much pent up inside—this load that has no right being so huge that you almost feel inclined to apologize. But this is really her doing, this sinful body of hers to blame for such a gratuitous payload. 
"There you go, all over this pretty little face," Minju says as she stares in awe, bewildered by how much of you she’s covered in. Your massive load drips down her lips as her tongue catches it, and not a single drop goes to waste. “How do you still have so much—didn’t you just finish inside me?” 
That’s a really good fucking question.
 One without an answer as Minju gives you a long lick of your cockhead before taking it back in her mouth, sucking the rest of you clean with a satisfied hum as it continues to drip down her face. 
“Well—only have you to blame, fuck,“ you groan, and you might just pass out with the way Minju refuses to let that hot mouth off you. “Yeah, this is definitely all your fault. 
Nothing but elation etches Minju’s face when she kisses the tip of your cock one last time, her gratitude for your cum written on her lips. Using a couple of fingers, she cleans up by swirling cum around her lips until it coats her fingertips, then puts them in her mouth, licking them clean, giving an audible slurp as she sucks every last drop down.
Maybe it’s about time for that shower. 
That is, if you could only move. Because even though the shower is only inches away, it might as well be in a whole different neighborhood with how weak and heavy your legs feel. There’s no time to rush, and you don’t mind a few more lingering moments seeing your messy load dripping across this girl. 
“You’re so pretty, Minju.” 
Minju only smiles with those cum-stained lips as the hot water starts. 
✦ ✦
Over the next few days, you’ve gotten quite comfortable fucking Minju on the regular.
This little arrangement already has lived up to its potential, and you wonder how you were ever reluctant about having a roommate—especially with these benefits. The only possible complaint you have is that there just aren’t enough hours in the day to spend balls deep inside Minju. 
There’s no routine to it. When the mood hits. When the clock ends in a seven. When you’re waiting for leftovers to heat up, you’ll seek out Minju to suck your dick, or bend her over whatever surface is closest. 
And it never gets old. 
During work, she’ll sit on your lap, keeping you company during a dull day with your cock all nice and warm inside her, like this little office pet of yours that knows the right moments to keep quiet. In between meetings, you'll bend her over the desk and pump that tight little cunt full of another thick load that she’ll keep inside while she goes to prepare lunch. 
It’s not unusual to be on a video call with a client, with Minju sucking you off underneath the desk, keeping her sloppy mouth on your shaft all the while you carry on business. And the best part—she’ll straddle you, right on top of your office chair, bouncing up and down on your cock with a dozen or so other coworkers on a conference call who are none the wiser. 
Minju is well aware what time you wake up, so almost every morning before you've even tossed the sheets off, she knows exactly what you'll want—a warm mouth deepthroating your cock without being told. 
Later that afternoon, there’s a new book to immerse herself in as she finds her favorite spot to cozy up in when you unbutton her jeans, slipping them off to spread those long, smooth legs so you can feast on her delectable pussy. Minju reads as if nothing is happening, like you don’t have your tongue buried in her cunt, warming up her tight little entrance just enough to slip your cock inside her without distraction. You don’t want to break her concentration too much, so you try your best not to make much noise, but well, it can’t exactly be helped when she feels so fucking warm and wet inside. 
The only acknowledgment given is these subtle moans that slip out when you get every inch of your cock in her, hands holding that narrow waist with a tight, unrelenting grip. But Minju, she’s too lost in this completely different world while you fill her up so perfectly, not even looking up as you fuck her. 
And honestly, sometimes that’s for the best—being able to use her while she’s preoccupied, without either of you muttering a word as you slide balls deep into her incredibly warm cunt. It doesn’t mean, though, that you can’t challenge yourself to get a moan out of her. 
When you inevitably cum inside Minju, a faint smile creeps up on her lips. Otherwise, she doesn’t say a word, turning more pages while you pump a hot mess inside her. She only takes notice of the steady flow of cum inside once you exit her warmth, one hand playing with your load and pushing it deeper into her messy folds, while the other hand continues reading her book. 
The following day, as the coffee brews, your roommate is already on her knees, and you’re fucking her face so roughly that tears stream down her cheeks while she gags around your cock. There’s not any makeup yet on that gorgeous face to ruin, but Minju guzzles down your load and goes about making breakfast, like it's all part of her routine. 
First thing, the next morning during work, you’re railing Minju in your office chair, with her gorgeous, sexy legs perched on your shoulders while you’re taking a short break from another tedious conference call. At this rate, your flimsy chair might give way before either of you cum, but that doesn’t matter too much—you can get your work to buy another one. 
You’re absolutely not paying attention to anything but the pleasure of Minju's tight cunt. 
The breathless moans from her lips are a much better alternative than whatever monotonous voice through the speakers drones on about spreadsheets and analytics. Even though your job doesn’t require you to step inside an office often, your cock buried inside Minju is the only way you can survive these remote meetings—but you continuously double-check that the camera is off and the microphone is muted. That’s a mistake you’ll only let happen once. 
Now that you have Minju all to yourself once the call ends, you lift her body up into the air, cock still buried, and impale her pussy just as hard as before while her legs wrap around your waist. 
She feels so small as you bounce her frame up and down, this weightless girl that’s light as a feather. You could carry Minju around the apartment if you wanted, but this is far more satisfying, a test of how many times you can make her cum while holding her up in your arms, absolutely hammering into her soaking cunt until you fill her to the brim. 
Later on in the afternoon, you get the urge again (as you tend to do), and Minju is sitting comfortably on her bed, laptop out, concentrating on what you presume is finding her next paycheck. Once you walk in, the laptop lid shuts, and she takes those big, cute frames off and tosses them on her nightstand, leaning back onto the bed in anticipation. 
You feel guilty disturbing her search, but you're exhausted from a workday that isn’t even over, so this won’t take long. 
Discarding your pants, you climb onto the bed, hovering your crotch above Minju's face, and pull your cock out of your boxers, as you start to stroke in her direction.
The mere sight of that beautiful face is enough to help you get off without any trouble. A few final tugs and you're there, groaning her name as you spray a pearlescent mess all over her face, thick cum shooting onto her cheek, landing on those pretty lips, a line across her nose, some up the side of her forehead. The relief is instant, the stress of a long day fading away while Minju lies there for you to stare at, your cock resting against her lips as you milk out every drop.
"Thanks, Minju. I needed that," you sigh, taking one more look at your impressive handiwork. “Gotta get back to work now.” 
✦ ✦
Minju hasn’t forgotten to hold up her side of the bargain. 
She’s here to get her shit together, not be a freeloader. While she’s financially destitute at the moment, she pays rent in other ways. Ways that aren’t giving head during a movie or being your personal on-demand fucktoy. Almost every night, without fail, Minju cooks up a delicious meal (and she's equally talented at it as she is at sucking you off). She'll even bring dinner to your office if you're working late and forget to eat. Not only does she do the laundry but also keeps the apartment in order, replenishing the fridge whenever needed.
This all buys you more time to fold Minju in half and unload what feels like a week’s worth of cum onto her flat stomach.
So, it goes without saying that your apartment would be in much rougher shape without Minju. That she’s more than just a warm hole to fuck your load into. She's a pleasure to be around, an ear to vent your frustrations to, someone whose absence would leave a noticeable void. 
Sure, it’s nice to fuck Minju senseless whenever you’re all pent up, but having someone across the kitchen table to talk to during a meal, or someone to watch bad movies with on the couch is just as valuable. 
Which brings you to the here and now. 
It's early afternoon, after finishing a mountain of work, and you go looking for Minju to escape these four walls of your home office that feel like a prison. She’s in her bedroom, sorting through laundry, and stops what she’s doing when you enter. 
Because one glance and she already knows. 
Minju lies on her stomach while you stand in front of her bed, stroking her gorgeous face as she gazes up and gets your cock out. With just the lightest of strokes, her delicate hand pumps the length of your cock, bringing you to full arousal in no time. And once you are, you glide the swollen head of your shaft over her glossy lips, coating them in your glistening precum. 
"You always need my mouth so much, don't you?" she purrs, teasing your cock with her hot breath, tongue dancing across the sensitive underside.
Letting out these little gasps is the only thing you answer, unable to give a proper response as your shaft stiffens unbearably so against the wet tongue caressing you, then her lips part with no further need of words, and invite you to guide yourself into the warm heaven of her mouth. 
A full, deep sigh leaves as those beautiful lips envelop your swollen cockhead. And god, her mouth feels so perfect, so warm while you thread fingers through her hair, holding her in place. She drools down your length, giving more playful licks before starting to devour your length inch by inch, all the way until her nose is nearly pressed against your stomach. 
"Minju—this pretty fucking mouth—fuck," you moan, just relishing her slow, steady bobs as she takes you deep, all of you inside her wet throat, looking right up at you. She savors your taste before saying anything else, lips popping off your shaft with trails of spit down her chin. 
"It feels so good, right? My pretty mouth wrapped around you,” she murmurs, spitting on your throbbing shaft to get it even more glistening, stroking it, rubbing that little sensitive sweet spot she knows you love. “Because your thick cock tastes so fucking good." 
That warm, talented mouth returns, swallowing you whole in one go, and you’re tempted to just fuck her throat to completion—but this blowjob isn't meant for the finish line, even as Minju eagerly deepthroats your length, craving to milk out a load from your balls as soon as possible. 
“Minmin, I—really need to fuck you." There’s a pause in her sloppy movements, to acknowledge the nickname you've called her, like she wants to hear it again. In this moment, you let Minju's warm mouth work her magic on your throbbing shaft, indulging in the sinful slurps she makes, as her tongue lavishes your cock until there’s not a single inch unexplored. But as good as her mouth is, it’s not enough—you need to be elsewhere, somewhere warmer, much tighter, to really satiate this appetite. 
“Stay right fucking there.” 
Minju obliges, staying flat on her stomach, and awaits what’s next with this innocent look full of curiosity as you approach from behind. And while she’s still got on all these bothersome clothes, you quickly rectify that, unbuttoning and tugging her jeans down to her ankles to grant a path to that delicious-looking cunt. 
When you climb on top of Minju, her pussy glistens in anticipation. It takes only a few shallow thrusts to bury your needy cock to the hilt, letting out a strained groan when you're fully sheathed inside her tight warmth. Her little whimpering cries tell you she needs this as much as you did, as her wet folds greedily pull you in, demanding more and more. 
“Oh god, fuck, you fill me up so well,” Minju moans, as you start pounding her tight cunt without warning. No teasing, no mercy. Nothing but a rough, relentless fuck that leaves both of you breathless as she takes every inch, laying idle to accept it all.“Please, just—fuck me, fuck me as hard as you can.” 
Pressing your whole body into Minju's slender figure, you pound away with no restrictions, relishing this prone position that lets you get as deep into this welcoming heat as you please. “Oh my god, Minju—your pussy is—un-fucking-believable."
Here, you can dominate Minju without restriction, and she takes it as well as you imagine. A shuddering groan leaves her lips every time your hips collide, when you plow into her at this rapid pace. While she usually can’t stay quiet while you're balls deep in her, all of a sudden Minju goes silent, not letting a single syllable slip as you ram her cunt with such unforgiving thrusts.
“Hey, uh—“ Minju breaks the silence as you keep her tight frame pinned into the mattress, going as hard as your hips will allow. “Do you mind not cumming inside me this time?” 
Your body takes a pause, and your hips slow down as you register her words. There’s only one instinct, and that’s to empty inside her like usual. It's become so natural that hearing her suggest anything else makes it feel… wrong.
“Asking a lot here, Minju. Do you want me to stop breathing as well?” The audacity of this request when you’ve gone all out at it from the get-go. It’s so sudden and unexpected, because Minju’s the first to beg and beg for you to breed her. 
“It’s just once. I have an interview in half an hour, so I’d rather not have to shower again.” 
She’s really asking for the impossible here. 
“But then I can fuck you again in the shower…” you say amidst all this intense fucking, but the look Minju flashes back tells you that isn’t the answer she wanted. So while Minju’s taking you so hard and fast during this rough fucking, with your full weight on her as you’re pounding away in her slick heat, your cock so eager and ready to explode, yet somehow, you’re expected to pull out—
“Fine. But only this once.” And you can’t believe that you’ve agreed to this the moment those words slip out. 
“Hey, you can still cum in my mouth,” Minju says with this proud tone, like it’s any consolation. “I’ll make it worth your while when I come back. Promise. I owe you.” 
You’re never one to doubt Minju, but this is one big favor she’s going to have to pay back, with interest. Even so, a sigh of frustration escapes your lips when you pull out, flip Minju on her back, and straddle her chest to finish yourself off. 
When you shoot your hot load into her mouth, painting her waiting tongue and lips in these white streaks, it’s a relatively weak and unfulfilling climax in comparison. Despite that, Minju’s still happy to take it, to swallow it all down greedily, like she’s dying for a second one that there’s no time for. 
“Good luck,” you mumble out with a strangled breath as Minju slurps your cock clean with her hungry lips. You can see a mix of satisfaction and disappointment etched on her face that mirrors you, because you both know that load belonged in her pussy. 
“Thank you. I’ll be back in an hour or so. Then you can breed me as many times as you want.” 
✦ ✦
Minju has spoiled you to no end. 
There isn’t a single day when she doesn’t so much as wish good night without draining your balls. Whether you prefer a quick, sloppy blowjob, railing Minju from behind, or watching her fit body do all the work, riding until you finish deep inside her, she doesn’t head to bed without you filling her up.
It’s routine to fuck a load into her first thing in the morning, whether she's brushing her teeth, putting on makeup, or simply eating breakfast. 
This agreement, it's been long enough that you no longer feel the apprehension about using Minju, no qualms about spending every morning with her lips on your cock, to spend afternoons with her face in the couch cushions, drilling her wet little hole while she answers her phone to respond to appointments and interviews.
Nearly two hours pass before Minju returns. The door closes shut with an exhausted sigh, and she sets down her bag, kicking off her heels, and takes a seat right next to you on the couch.
“How did it go?” 
Minju doesn't have an immediate answer. Her focus is elsewhere as she stretches her legs across your lap, settling into a more comfortable position on the couch before responding.
“I…I don’t know. Maybe it went well. Maybe it didn’t. I think they liked me—but that doesn’t mean I’ll get the job.” 
There's a certain hesitation when she answers, like there’s more she wants to talk about but chooses not to. You know firsthand how taxing these interviews can be, as you’ve been on both sides of them, especially for Minju, who tries to look as flawless as can be, only to be passed over because her resumé isn't a mile long. 
“If you don’t, then it means they picked the wrong person.” 
Minju smiles shyly before her eyes drift away. Now, it feels strange to watch someone so usually full of confidence look so unsure of herself. But she shakes that off quickly, like that self-doubting voice doesn’t belong to her, reverting back to that same bright expression. “Whatever happens happens. I'm just thankful you're letting me stay here practically rent free.” 
“Well, you can stay as long as you need. Even if you find a job, there's no need to rush out. This place would be too quiet without you around."
In her black pleated skirt, Minju climbs up and straddles your lap. She leans in and presses her soft lips on your own in a quick kiss, making no attempt to hide her affection.
“So. I owe you a promise."
The insinuation hangs heavy on her words as a shameless smirk takes over her lips. Even after the stressful events earlier, Minju never misses a chance to satisfy your desires, so quick to change from this somber tone into her role as your plaything, like a switch being flipped. 
“If I remember correctly… you keep your lube in the bedroom drawer, right?” 
You’ve done almost everything to Minju; fucking her brains out in every corner of every room, in practically every position imaginable, yet you've done almost nothing to appreciate her exceptional ass. At the bare minimum, you've enjoyed the sight of those perfect plump cheeks as she endlessly rides your cock, but aside from giving them a firm squeeze or some light spanks, it hasn't had the attention it deserves. 
While you have this insatiable hunger to wreck her ass, this is still entirely uncharted territory. So you respond to Minju with a silent nod, getting your hands on her underneath her skirt, grabbing that taut butt through her thin underwear to enjoy this divine handful. 
“I’ll go get it,” Minju offers with a lingering kiss to your cheek, but you grab her wrist to stop her path before she can get off your lap.
“Not yet.” 
Your hold on Minju doesn’t falter as you knead her asscheeks, not willing to part yet. ”Stay here. So I can see how pretty you are.”
Those cute pink cheeks that you covered in your load earlier now have a rosy tint as she looks up, letting you savor this moment a little longer. Your mind races with all the things you’ve yet to do, this perfect hourglass body that’s yours to explore, to use, to do whatever you can imagine. Yet, there’s only one thing you haven’t done to this beautiful girl, one place your cock hasn’t had the pleasure being in—
“What was it you wanted? To see if your cock would fit in my ass?” 
There’s no need for this extravagant fantasy to drag on, so you lift her up still with a firm grip on her ass, and bring her into your bedroom, sitting down on the edge of the bed. 
“I can’t stop thinking about it, Minju.” 
“Me neither.” She sits in your lap as she admits, and with your arms propped back against the mattress, you watch Minju with unwavering attention. 
Every button on her blouse gets undone one by one, tantalizingly slow until it falls open to reveal more pale skin that complements the pink lacy bra you've bought for her. Once that comes off, you take in all that wonderful skin, drinking in those breasts that spill out, and her tight tummy that you've painted with so many loads already. 
“Now the skirt,” you tell her, and Minju flashes a smirk at your impatience. But she obeys, gets off your lap, unzips, then lets the garment fall down those smooth thighs until it lands in a pile around her feet, leaving Minju standing before you in only matching pink lace.
Before her underwear comes off, she spins on her heels to show off this perfect little ass in front of your face, bending over so you can take in the sight of those ample curves that frame your view so nicely. "Care to do the honors?" 
The answer is obvious. 
Giving those cheeks a nice little smack, you hook a finger under the waistband of her thong and slowly peel this little pair of lace down, leaving no detail of her round, scrumptious cheeks unseen, and exposing this tight little asshole you're dying to stretch.
"Hey—are you just going to stare all day, or are you going to put your cock in my ass?”
A difficult choice for sure—with the latter infinitely more enticing. Minju answers the question for herself as you stay perched on the edge of the bed, your focus never shifting from that delicious backside. She heads towards the bedside table, opening a drawer to fetch something. When she returns, you’ve matched her state of undress, getting your own clothes off in a flash. 
Bottle in hand, her gaze trails down your body to see this aching hard length that needs somewhere to sink inside; the sight making her salivate as she reaches for your shaft and pours a generous amount of lube into her hand.
Minju coats your entire cock in the cool, slick lube that only heats up once her hand pumps it, leaving every single inch drenched. This liquid has other plans too, slicking up her fingers before they slip between her own asscheeks, spreading herself and working the lubed digits inside her puckered hole in preparation for what's next.
“You look like you're ready to tear me open," she says, eyes widened at the sight of your big, thick cock, all lubed and primed for her asshole. This isn't an exaggeration as you lie back, watching the beautiful body of Minju straddle over your hips, hovering above you until she finds the right position.
"And you look like you can't wait to have this entire cock inside you."
"Of course I can't," she breathes out, lining you up with her tight asshole. One deep breath later, and she lowers down on you, trying to breach through that taut ring of muscle. You’re not sure how even a single inch plans to fit, and already it feels like it's stretching her beyond what's reasonable. Regardless, Minju still lets out these desperate moans as she tries to work your cockhead inside. 
“Shit, oh fuck—" Minju swears this isn’t her first time taking something up there, but with how tight this ass is, you’re not sure that you believe her.
The intense stretch has Minju crying out in bliss, doing all the work as she takes it nice and slow at first. Her fingers find her plump cheeks, spreading them just a little wider so she can fit more of your girth in. You can feel the desperation, that she really does want more of your thick cock buried in her asshole, and you’re aching to make her take your entire shaft with one swift drop of her hips—but she can barely manage your tip.
"You're really getting all in my ass, aren’t you?” she says with a moan, and you’re getting too impatient with the tease of this tight, gripping warmth as more of you sinks into Minju, disappearing past her puckered rim.
Minju puts in all this effort to take more, but there isn’t enough resistance in your muscles to just sit back and enjoy it. Patience thrown away, your own hips rise to meet her halfway, unable to keep your body from moving at all, getting a good grip as you guide her down, bit by bit.
"Keep going, Minmin, that's it," you encourage, and she does her best to obey, lowering her ass until she has almost every inch of you buried. That final push makes her cheeks come in contact with your balls, and her eyes shoot open.
"Oh fuck, oh my god—" Minju sounds so strained and overwhelmed that it almost sounds painful, but her nails only dig into your thighs, anchoring herself to keep you balls deep in her asshole as she looks over her shoulder to reassure you that she's content being this full. 
It takes a few deep breaths before she's ready for more, to get herself accustomed to having you so deep inside, before beginning to ride your cock with this tight, slick hole. All of this warmth around you, this ass, this tight little ass of hers feels like heaven, clenching around you. Minju can’t stop bouncing herself on you, ass smacking down on your thighs as she fucks your cock into her, impaling herself again and again.
"That's it, that's it—this big fucking dick. It's so deep.” Minju groans through ragged breaths, keeping the tempo until her hips move faster. She keeps riding, bouncing that tight little ass of hers, addicted to stretching that hot little hole wider as it accepts every single inch of you.
Your cock, her ass, there's no better combination. 
It's an amazing view, watching that asshole get stretched open, so wide around your shaft while her own hand wanders between her legs. This impossible tightness encourages you to thrust into her, drilling your cock, wanting to get in even deeper than humanly possible. 
You know that Minju can manage on her own, but your greed takes over as you lean her body back, hooking your arms under her knees, and pin them to her chest with your cock still inside her ass. Now it's her turn to let you take over, stretching her wider so she can really feel this deepness inside, opening her up in new unimaginable ways. 
The new angle offers much deeper thrusts, with you holding her weight, wrapping your arms behind her neck and slamming up into Minju with little regard for how wrecked she’ll get, balls deep with every drop of your hips against hers.
"Fuck, please—keep, oh shit!" Her voice sounds so fucked out, the delirium taking over her as your cock fills her, every last inch stuffed to the hilt. And the sounds Minju makes during this assault on her ass are unreal, deep whines ripped right out, fucking your entire length at the fastest pace you can into this tight asshole. 
"Your ass loves taking this fucking cock, doesn't it, Minmin?" You barely have it in you to speak at all, and all Minju can offer is another desperate whimper, unable to voice anything beyond swears at how full her tight hole is with your cock. 
"Please, god—don't fucking stop, don't you dare stop fucking my ass—"
This poor, helpless thing that you take your lust out on, legs spread obscenely wide in a v-shape position you've folded her in just pleads and cries for more. She’s unable to do much but take this pounding, and her mouth stays agape through your relentless thrusts, hammering into such a stretched, full, gaping hole.
Her flexibility comes in handy at times like these as she just lets you ruin her tight asshole without a care, feet helplessly dangling midair in the most pornographic display of carnal bliss, using her body to wring out every bit of pleasure. 
"Use me, oh my fucking god, please use my asshole until you fill it up."
As all those words spill out, there's no reason to fight it any longer as you fuck into Minju with reckless abandon, arms locking her in place to do as she asks, not daring to stop for any reason. With no end to your onslaught of violent thrusts, your balls begin to tighten, the start of an inevitable flood in her tight asshole. “So tight, fuck, gonna blow my fucking load right into your tight ass—“ 
Minju offers no response but her asshole clenching around your swollen shaft, urging you to release into her wrecked hole with everything you‘ve got, and nothing can stop this orgasm from building.
And with one last thrust, you can't hold back anymore. Buried deep, your release explodes into Minju, sending your seed shooting deep into her asshole as you fill her up to the brim with these endless spurts. Her desperate mewls escalate as her ass, this perfect, tight warmth milks your throbbing cock until your entire body shakes with pleasure, draining your entire heavy load into her tight little hole.
You savor this feeling, remaining balls deep into her ass, riding this high for as long as it’ll linger. You're breathless and panting when your grip eases, guiding Minju down as she topples onto her back, pressed up against your chest while your cock slips out of her ruined hole. Your thick seed oozes right out of that tight ass, dripping between her cheeks and leaking out onto your stomach, a beautiful mess of creamy white.
"Still had so much inside you," Minju gasps out, barely able to move a muscle after your merciless pounding. Her entire body stays limp on you, a satisfied wreck with cum still trickling out her ruined, gaped asshole. "I knew you would love my ass." 
“Best thing I’ve ever been inside in.” 
Neither of you has the will to move, staying like this just to catch a breath for a little bit longer, until she rolls off and shifts onto her side, tucking herself into your chest. Minju gives that smile of hers, the one where she's content that you enjoy her as much as you do. "I don't think I can walk out of here... "
"Then don't. You look good just where you are," you reply, glancing at Minju, who lets out a tired laugh at what an utter mess you both are. It's almost a guarantee that she’ll share your bed every night after you’ve made a mess inside her. She spends more nights with you than in her own bed, sleeping next to you, limbs tangled together under the covers. 
Other times, after a quickie before bed, Minju will keep you inside her, too tired to do anything but fall asleep in your arms with no urge to move an inch until the next day. It’s a nice tender moment through all this lust, the realization that she’s more than some mindless fuck whenever you need release. 
Maybe this arrangement has shifted into something more. 
And maybe you’ve really taken a liking to Minju. 
✦ ✦
“Yeah, it’s really nice here,” Minju says on the phone in her favorite pink pajamas during a video call from a friend. The TV plays low in the background as she gets comfortable all sprawled out on the couch, playing off the fact that she's been living at your place for nearly a month now. 
This temporary thing was supposed to be just that—Minju staying only until she could afford a place on her own, has now spiraled into something beyond that. Several weeks later, here she still is, wearing your oversized shirts to bed, shampoo and body wash occupying a lasting residence in your shower, and of course, her own toothbrush next to yours. 
And neither one of you is planning to change that.
Minju’s a near permanent addition to your household. While she's picked up some temp work to keep her bank account from reaching zero, you wouldn't exactly call her employed. Though that matters little; even if she doesn’t help out financially, she contributes in much better ways. 
"Hey! No, it’s not like that. No, I don’t, but I help cook, I clean, and I—“ Minju says in this exasperated tone when you join her on the couch. Cheeks growing red, she stays on the defensive, trying to starve off this teasing on the other end that you're attempting not to eavesdrop on.
"No, not like a maid. It's not—no, he isn't making me. Yuri-ya! I said we aren't together!” Minju almost forgets that you're sitting right next to her, remaining just as loud and whiny as she presses her knees into her chest, desperate to defend herself. 
Clearly, this isn’t a conversation you’re supposed to be a part of, so you should probably excuse yourself—but when you attempt just that, Minju pushes you back down with a bare foot from where you were rising, insisting you stay right where you are. 
"It isn't like that at all!" Minju pouts, and the camera captures every cute little flustered expression that makes her friend cackle. There isn't an ounce of persuasion behind those words as her friend shares in this same amusement with you, face growing more flustered by the second. Still, she remains steadfast to deny these accusations, holding you hostage to listen in by the pressure from her heel digging into your leg, pinning you there to hear these hearty giggles at Minju's expense.
You think you like this friend already. 
Minju is clearly more stubborn than she lets on when it comes to these matters, because Yuri refuses to back down. And well, if she wants you here, then you're more than willing to stick around—but you're not going to stay idle. 
"Okay, maybe once. But that was it. I swear," Minju defends, even if it's an obvious lie, and Yuri calls her bluff as her laughter continues from the other side. She's backed the poor girl into a corner, and you're somehow working together with this person that you've never met, all to make your mutual friend as bashful as she can possibly get. 
When Minju's bare feet land on your lap, it sparks an idea. Your thumb presses into the sensitive arch of her foot, massaging the targeted area with care, causing her eyes to plead not to escalate. 
"You've definitely hooked up more than once," Yuri insists, and you're unable to hide a smirk to see that you're on the same page. "There's no way it didn't happen again."
Minju’s got this ticklish spot that you once found by accident, and it’s so easy narrowing it down to send her into an uncontrollable giggle fit. The longer you linger over it, the more she tries to keep her mouth shut, eyes going wide as she panics when Yuri asks what's so funny. 
That's the opportunity for the killing blow as you press hard into the pads of her feet with both thumbs, overwhelming her as she struggles not to burst into laughter, which Yuri only sees as confirmation that she's right. 
"I knew it!" 
"S-seriously, nothing happened. Don't get the wrong idea…“
Minju’s never been a great liar, and it doesn’t help that she can’t hide her flustered reactions on screen. So rather than continue this drip feed of torture, you just spell the entire situation out for Yuri to understand—playing with the waistband of those cute pajamas, your intentions clear as day. 
“Hey, wait—the video is on!” Minju protests in disbelief as you threaten to yank her pants off her hips. But if she really doesn't want this, especially with Yuri there to watch, then all she has to do is say the word and you'll back off. 
"Then feel free to end the call…" 
But no, the truth is, Minju wants this.
Her eyes shift from Yuri back to you, a nervous look on her face—knowing exactly how this'll play out. All it would take is a second for the call to disconnect, one little goodbye, and you can do this privately. But when you work these pajama pants off past Minju’s hips, there's no such thing. Yuri remains right there on the call, watching on camera while you finish the job and strip your roommate below the waist, leaving her half-naked in the middle of this video call. 
There's a darker redness on her face, looking mortified to be exposed so easily in front of her unseen friend. She struggles for words, and you do the same to her upper half, unbuttoning her pajama shirt as you slowly peel it open, tossing it aside to leave this impeccable body entirely bare. 
With this display of her nude beauty, Minju stops any charade of denial the instant you slide a finger inside, and then a deep groan rolls from her lips at having your finger penetrate her in front of another person's eyes. 
"M-maybe it's happened more than a couple of times,” Minju admits, divulging this secret she no longer has the desire to hide. There's no point holding back, not when you're going to have her moaning on camera. 
"A lot more than that…" you say as you tease her tight entrance with another finger before your pants come off, hardness poking at your boxers until you toss them away as well.
"Hey!" Minju says as you spread open her gorgeous pussy with two fingers, exposing that warmth that's ready for you to sink into. "It's n-not a lot."
"Four times yesterday isn't a lot?" 
Minju just tries her best to not completely dissolve on camera at your immediate betrayal—but it’s not like she doesn’t want it either, as she guides the tip of your cock between the heat of her slit, teasing up and down before the inevitable push. 
“I knew it. Come on, no secrets," Yuri says on the other end as Minju lays there obscenely spread, already whining pathetically, when your throbbing cock demands to slip inside her warm, welcoming pussy. 
“Hey, if you’re going to watch—then no talking.” 
"Not another word,“ Yuri promises her, and that silence holds as you sink inside Minju, so deep and hot inside your roommate. 
A soft groan escapes from her the instant she's so deliciously stretched around your cock. With this additional pressure to perform for a new set of eyes, that makes the arousal much more palatable as you bury your full length into that slippery, wet warmth.
"Oh f-fuck, you feel so good," Minju whimpers, eyes nearly rolling to the back of her head. You can't help but bottom out in her cunt as she looks right into the camera, sharing this moment with Yuri who stays true to her word, not interrupting a second. 
All your initial strokes are anything but gentle, and Minju makes no attempt to keep any moans in that make it to the other side of the video call. It’s something so out of the ordinary, this girl that’s usually so timid, so reserved, watching her crumble underneath every deep pump, her folds absolutely dripping with honey to help guide the friction. 
Even so, it’s not quite enough. While this is all great and everything—it could be even better. You’re supposed to be giving Yuri a show, and you might as well give her a good one.
Minju has no complaints, only uninhibited deep moans when you lift her legs up, knees up right by her shoulders as you fold her up in such a vulgar display of her flexibility, plunging more of yourself to wreck this little hole. 
"So deep—fuck, I can feel you so deep in me,” she mutters out as she takes it all, barely able to hold her phone still in such a vulnerable position, utterly helpless while you're demolishing her tight little pussy with no mercy. You've done this to Minju more times than you can count, this perfect position designed to bottom her out in the easiest way possible—to fuck a massive load right into her pussy in no time. 
"It's so good, please, it's so fucking good—“ Minju becomes nothing more than a whimpering mess, head thrown back against the pillows as you keep pounding into her cunt, thrusting deeper in a rough, erratic pace that's more showing off than anything, and all she can do is keep taking it. 
It's just too easy to fuck Minju like a toy, especially when you've got a show to put on.
"Look at you taking me like this, Minju, oh my god," you groan, watching this warm little hole spread wider and wider around your throbbing cock as it disappears into her depths.
Her cunt feels tighter with each thrust, squeezing your shaft in a slick, unrelenting grip that brings you closer to the edge as she loses any semblance of decency. You don’t let up as she struggles to stay on camera, nearly dropping her phone while trying to hang on through all this ecstasy. 
“Keep going, oh fuck, keep pounding my fucking pussy,” Minju begs, and it's impossible to even focus with how deep her sloppy cunt swallows you back up inside. She lets out all these throaty, helpless moans from the animalistic fucking she's taking, perky tits bouncing from the force of you bottoming her out in front of her friend. 
And again, Yuri plays her part by being a viewer and nothing else. 
Minju, this wet little toy, lets you hammer into her cunt without remorse, and each impact of your heated bodies sends her jolting against the cushions, turning into such a lewd metronome. 
You're close, already so close—all thanks to those eyes of hers, filled with a desperate need to have you shoot your hot cum deep where it belongs. "I'm gonna fucking breed you, Minju—fuck, gonna dump this thick fucking load right in your cunt.”
Minju lets out a long moan of approval, equally on edge from having your shaft thrust right into her slick depths, ready for your balls to empty and pump her full of all your seed. 
“Give me that load, don’t cum anywhere but inside—“ That’s the last thing Minju says before this unavoidable release, face red from being so vulnerable on camera while her legs dangle up in the air, toes curling with every rough pump. 
You're so worked up that it doesn't take anything else but burying your cock into her sopping cunt one final time before you burst, unloading everything your balls have stored up. Your release triggers her own, that peak making her legs tremble in the air, writhing underneath your weight. Both of you let out a collective moan that competes in volume as your combined release gets milked into her womb, spurt after spurt until there's nothing left to empty inside of your roommate. 
Shallow thrusts drag out the pleasure, making sure not a drop of your load isn’t fully deposited inside Minju’s sticky folds until you stay there buried to the hilt. 
While you both pause to catch your breath, there's an unfamiliar satisfied moan of pleasure that you realize comes from Yuri on the other side of the phone call.
“F-fuck,” Minju breathes out, while you still have every inch throbbing inside her delicious warmth. ”Yuri, did you really just get off to this?"
"What? No, of course not," Yuri says, an unconvincing denial of a lie. "Maybe. Did you really expect me not to?"
Minju smiles as best as she can. "I can't blame you. God, there's just so much cum—he dumped his whole load inside me…" she says in smug satisfaction when you reluctantly pull out. 
Her poor little cunt is a wreck, all soaked in her own arousal and yours, this hot load eagerly dripping out onto the couch cushions while just laying there spread in such an obscene way, phone still in her hand, held out to display every detail.
Yuri doesn’t quite know what to say when she sees her friend like this, Minju the innocent angel being fucked absolutely senseless on camera, with a thick, creamy mess that oozes out between her legs.
"So, maybe we've done this a lot," Minju finally confesses to Yuri, who still struggles to respond to all this despite witnessing it moments ago. 
"Maybe?" Yuri replies. 
"Don't act all innocent now." Minju shifts her position on the couch to get a better angle, so the camera can get a good shot of the sticky semen running down her cunt. "You got off to it."
"Maybe. A little bit," Yuri admits, with a low voice shaky in response. "So what if I did?" 
“And maybe I jerk him off when I'm on the phone with you..." 
With a hand covering her mouth, Minju laughs, unable to hold in her amusement. “You don't have to sound so ashamed. It's just you."
“That doesn't mean I need to hear this!" Yuri responds, the embarrassment coming through in her voice. "Oh my god, I can't believe I was talking to you like normal—while you were doing that? Ah, Minju!"
Minju's smile transforms into a devilish grin, enjoying every second of this like she’s earning revenge for Yuri’s earlier teasing. 
“Doing what, Yuri?"
“I—need to go, talk to you later, Minju!" Yuri stammers out, her cheeks brighter than a tomato. The video call immediately ends, with only Minju's soft laughter remaining in response. Looking at the end call icon on her phone for a moment, Minju sets it to the side on the coffee table, then lays her head back into the pillows.
“It's just you and me again," Minju says in her sweet voice, almost like she’s not the least bit exhausted after the rigorous fucking you've put her through. “What now?"
"Maybe we should clean this couch..." you answer, aware of the mess you and Minju have created all over her legs and the fabric, something that certainly can't be ignored.
"Later," Minju says, as if she could even care about that—at least for now. "Right now I need a shower. A nice long, hot one. Come join me. It's not fun washing off all by myself..."
Yet once again, neither of you make it to the shower. 
You follow her right into her bedroom, into the bedsheets that are still warm from earlier today. She doesn't have a chance to clean herself up, still dripping down her thighs when she pins you down into those same bedsheets and has you deep inside her in no time.
“Round two,” Minju says, as if it's not even a question, like this is how it’s going to go for the rest of the night.
“Minmin—wait. Give a guy a moment, fuck."
"No time to rest," she says, with another wicked grin on her face, and you're not used to being on the other end of this. You're the one that keeps the ecstasy going, the one that always makes the first move. This girl, she’s never been so forward like this before, not in the way she takes complete control, so shameless to get what she wants. Certainly not in the way that she grabs your arms and pins your wrists over your head with strength that you didn't realize she was capable of.
"I see why you like using me so much." 
Minju holds you down so tight that you can't even fight this. You're at her mercy now, pinned right under her in this vulnerable state with the weight of her body pressing into you while you can't help but feel like you’re the one who’s a little plaything.
And honestly, you like it.
"I get it now,” Minju purrs while you stay right under her control, a finger caressing the outline of your jaw. She has you helpless, completely trapped by this lust that's making you ache for more of what Minju's offering. "You know, I found a job. One of my friends recommended me, Hyewon. I think you’ve met her before. And it pays well. I'll be able to finally support myself. But you'll let me still stay here, won't you?" 
"Of course, Minju. You know I wouldn't—"
"Good," she says, cutting you off as if there's not any chance of rejection. "But I won't be around in the afternoon like before." 
Minju trails a finger right down the center of your chest, tracing circles along your abdomen. "So that means I'm going to need my fix every morning. And maybe even before I go to work, when I come to wake you up for me."
You've never seen Minju like this, so brazen with her desires as she tilts your chin up and makes you face her directly. 
"And as soon as I get home, I'm just going to jump on your cock for hours, until your balls overflow my little pussy again and again. How does that sound?"
"That—that sounds—"
"Great. It's settled then." Minju gives you the cutest smile as she kisses her way down your neck, lips lingering around your collarbone as she nibbles gently on the skin, leaving her mark. 
"Maybe it's a lot of fun being used by you. But maybe it's even better to use you, right?"
Biting her lip, she slides off your shaft that's still glistening in the mix of her mess and yours, leaving it throbbing in the air. "Oh my god, your poor cock. So fucking hard. And there's nothing you can do about it, huh? It must be torture for you. All this build up inside and nothing to take it out on."
"Now I understand—it’s so much fun to fuck you like a toy," Minju interrupts, right as she slaps your cock with her palm to watch you wince in response from how sensitive you are, doing it over and over again, these utterly relentless smacks that make every part of you quiver. 
"What's the matter? Don't wanna cum again?" 
Without waiting for a response, she slams back down on you, taking you to the hilt in one easy, fluid motion that doesn't leave you without her warmth for long. Even as spent as you are, Minju rides this aching cock of yours like it's the first time you've been inside her today.
"You’ve got my greedy little cunt addicted. I can't live without you filling me with this hot cum every single day. How many more times can I get you to breed me today? Three? Four? Maybe five?"
"Jesus, Minmin, please—" You groan at the thought. As much as you love finishing inside Minju, there's no way you'll be able to survive that—you're exhausted after this round and your body hasn’t gotten anywhere close to recovering. But she just carelessly continues, head thrown back in bliss as she fucks herself on you, spreading her walls that still drip with your load, and yet so needy to have another thick one fill her up to the brim once more.
"I can't wait to find out. You're not going to run out of cum, are you? No, I don't think your balls could do that. They're always so full, just for me, right? Maybe we'll have to keep going until we make sure."
You don't think your poor cock can stand that, but there's nothing to do but watch helplessly while Minju bounces on top of you, using you as nothing more than a toy—a nice hard cock that she can just ride into ecstasy over and over again.
And maybe you'll allow her to do just that.
No, I didn't finish writing this fic the day before realizing her birthday, shut up, this was definitely planned all along.
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spookitapes · 1 year
Hello, i love your fics! Im a bit embarassed but i had an idea earlier today. Imagine beig on a relationship with Ted while hes a trip visiting every margaritaville or rain forest, whatever you prefer and you miss him a lot so when you can finally go visit him on the trip he shows you how much he missed you by fucking you so good you barely walk the next day. Okay thats all, thank you bye!
a/n: oh my gosh don't be embarrassed! pls send me more stuff I love it !!! and thank you so much for the support< 33 it's mainly RFC buuuut i did a little bonus of margaitaville ft. schlatt at the end :))) sorry it took me a minute to see this in my inbox!! but I hope you enjoy it bc this was actually super fun to write !!
surprising ted on his rainforest cafe roadtrip hc's
❧ getting the trip schedule from eddy so you can pick which days works best for you
❧ planning it weeks before they even leave
❧ ted having literally no clue what’s happening
❧ stuffing his face with safari fries when he hears an all too familiar “teddy!” coming from behind him
❧ thinking he’s finally going crazy bc why is he imagining your voice amongst the animatronic themed restaurant's ambiance ??
❧ almost tackling him out of his chair when you finally reach him bc you didn’t realize you were full-on sprinting in the rainforest cafe
❧ a very sweet reunion that takes ted entirely by surprise
❧ (don't worry eddy gets a good angle) it's some nice behind-the-scenes footage for you two :))
❧ “jesus christ honey i didn’t know you’re that strong!”
❧ ted laying his head on your shoulder anytime he can
❧ sharing a sparkling volcano for the memory of it
❧ getting back to the hotel and making out in the elevator on the way to the room you booked
❧ him immediately pinning you to the door when it closes
❧ he's missed you so much
❧ missed your body so much
❧ he'd been having to take cold showers
❧ and that worked until he found the nude polaroids you had left him in his luggage
❧ he's been reduced to jerking off, switching to hot steam instead of a standing ice bath
❧ so you can't really blame him for taking you right there
❧ stripping you of only what's necessary
❧ if your wearing jeans? gone. pants of any kind? bye bye. shorts? across the room...but a dress or a skirt? he's just pushing it up your hips
❧ pulling your panties to the side (if you're wearing any op-)
❧ hiking one of your legs up onto his hip as he barely gets his cock out of his pants before pushing into you
❧ both of you letting out a gasp as he bottoms out
❧ him holding your hand against the door with one hand and rubbing your clit with the other
❧ eventually bringing your leg around his hip up over his shoulder so he can hit deeper
❧ him fucking you so rough the do not disturb sign's swinging on the other side of the door
❧ once you both cum he'll carry you over to the bed so he can finish stripping you
❧ slowly peeling the clothes away as he kisses your skin that appears
❧ him pushing your face into the sheets to muffle the porn star level moans leaving your mouth
❧ "god baby, you're gonna get us kicked out if you keep screaming like that."
❧ but how can you stay quiet when he's balls deep drilling you from the back giving you the best dick of your life ??
❧ him getting fed up so he puts one of his big ass hands over your mouth as he fucks you harder
❧ just the sounds of skin on skin slapping, ted's groans, and your muffled sobs fill the room
❧ going at least three more rounds before he's carrying you to the bathtub to clean you up
❧ begging him to get in with you and getting him to after pulling out the big eyes and jutted out bottom lip combo
❧ scooting up so he can slide in behind you
❧ just holding each other in the warm bubbley water
❧ "i love you so much baby, remind me to never go on a trip without you again."
❧ it's followed with a tender kiss on your forehead
❧ you pause a moment before shifting your head so you can catch his eyes, a smile overtaking your features
❧ he thinks you're gonna say something sappy, something that'll probably make you tear up
❧ "you can go on as many trips as you want if that's how you're gonna fuck me."
❧ he splashes you with the bath water...
❧ the next day he's calling you to hurry up and get ready, something about needing to be back on the road
❧ he gets met with a long, loud, angry groan in return
❧ "uuhhhh honey, you alright?"
❧ him being met with your pouty face looking up from the mound of pillow you had it buried in
"i don't wanna talk to you. you did this to me!"
❧ he's about to question you before you throw your legs off the side and go to stand...only to go tumbling over before ted leaps across the room to save you
❧"your hero," he's smirking down at you, hands around your back and hip as you dangle mid-air
❧ "...more like my murderer." you murmur it out
❧ "oh and who exactly did i kill? you look alive to me."
you two definitely fuck at jschlatt's during margaritaville
❧ setting it up with schlatt bc you promise him a gift (WINK)
❧ you jump out and surprise them when they get to schlat't's place
❧ him almost tackling you this time
❧ "i fuckin' told ya! HA mother fucker now you owe me $50!" schlatt's laughing maniacally as usual
❧ ted fucking you in front of schlatt as a thank you for the surprise
❧ "this is way fuckin' better than on facetime." (read my other work to get the refrenceeeee)
❧ making you ride him as schlatt records it on ted's phone
❧ reverse cowgirl to get good angles of your pretty face and so ted can watch your greedy hole swallow up his big cock
❧ schlatt shoving the camera in your face when you start getting sloppy, thighs burning from riding your lover for so long
❧ "go on and look at me, angel," he's using his free hand to grip your throat to look at him but your eyes are still closed
❧ ted's interrupting him for a second, "do ya wanna cum? keep on bouncin' then. I'll rub your slutty lil clit if you keep takin' my dick so good."
❧ "be a good little bitch and smile for the camera—thaaaaat's it, honey."
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raribella · 7 months
To Say “I Love You” Right Out Loud | JJ Maybank
summary: JJ revisits his childhood and how he grew up with you through every side of life until he finally understands why this makes you so special
pairing: JJ Maybank x Routledge!reader
genre: fluff, a spark of angst
contains: a combo of “Both Sides Now” by Joni Mitchell and Love Actually (2003), mentions of death and child abuse. John B and JJ are childhood friends in this. I don’t know how to write dialogue. Drug usage (beer, weed).
word count: 6k
author’s note: I was immediately triggered by Joni’s astonishing performance at the Grammy’s and by remembering that the song is in one of my favorite movies. This is my favorite fanfiction I’ve probably ever written and I put so much time and love into this I really hope you like it.
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This is a work of fiction. I do not own the characters of Outer Banks nor any characteristic of the show. I am writing this story solely for my own entertainment and the marvel or comfort of any readers.
Rows and flows of angel hair, and ice cream castles in the air; and feather canyons everywhere. I looked at clouds that way. But now they only block the sun, they rain and they snow on everyone; so many things I would have done, but clouds got in my way.
College had finally ended. They had finally done it. Against all odds and contrary to the expectations of others, the pogues were finally free to embark on their own paths. And so, they gathered for one last celebration, a bonfire near the Cat's Ass, surrounded by shotguns, snacks, and reminiscing in the familiar feeling of just being together.
Spreading themselves along the space at the Chateau's yard, most of them ended up divided the comfortable water at the tub and the warmth of the fire, their laughter mingling with the sound of running water as they shared stories of what each of them could remember of their time roaming the Outer Banks as this fearless gang; the sentiment of each flashback was being intensified from the time they spent apart. As they were the pogues, it was not like their time together was abruptly interrupted, but the responsibilities and the minor distance happened during college, and they couldn't run away from it's effects; but the memories of those days seemed tattooed into their hearts and minds as they could recall every moment in lighthearted detail.
In a corner of the Cat's Ass, JJ found himself lost in a sea of memories, surrounded by the comforting embrace of his friends. You sat beside him in the water, the coolness soothing against your skin, while Cleo and Pope nestled comfortably at his other side. Outside, John B, Sarah, and Kie laughed and joked, their voices carrying on the night breeze. As he watched them, a faint, nostalgic smile tugged at the corners of JJ's lips, his heart heavy with the weight of their shared history, thinking back on how far they had come. They had started as a trio—himself and the Routledge twins, bound together by fate and circumstance.
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The tree of you lay sprawled out on the sand for what seemed like hours, your eyes tracing the ever-changing shapes that danced across the sky. Castles, pirates, turtles—your imaginations ran wild, weaving tales of adventure and intrigue as you watched the clouds drift lazily overhead. At nine years old, you had joined your brother and JJ just a few moments ago, after spending the afternoon at a friend's house watching a Christmas movie, "Love Actually," with her mother.
As you settled into the sand, JJ couldn't resist a playful jab at the movie, dismissing it as a "dumb chick flick." his mind still floated between that child-like distaste of girls and the appreciation of you tagging along with him and John B back then. You swatted at him, your tiny arms barely reaching his chest, but it only elicited a smirk from the blond pogue. It was nice for you to actually share a moment with a nurturing figure at the absence of your own mom, who had just recently left for Colorado. Besides, you had eaten a whole bag of M&M's that she bought for you to share and you really liked the movie, even if it was funny how sometimes Mia's mom would tell you to close your eyes, your ears, or how sometimes you didnt really catch why she was laughing at some weird scene. You just rolled your eyes and brushed JJ's comment off, suggesting the sky gazing then relishing in the opportunity to spend time with him and your brother.
Your days were often filled with moments like this, carefree and full of laughter, the sound echoing against the backdrop of crashing waves. JJ's mother would eventually come to fetch the three of you, ushering you inside for sweet treats and cozy nights spent squeezed together in JJ's tiny room. Or you'd spend hours playing in the grass, watching as the river met the sea, until Big John's bell rang out, signaling the end of another day. You would get home covered in dirt, JJs hair color nearing yours and your brothers, so you would have a nice shower and come out to your dad telling treasure tales and making you hot chocolate.
One day, as Big John finished building a set of three swings for you, JJ's parents arrived. Standing side by side, the couple had brought beer and peanuts to complement what your dad already had inside for the night. That day, you were playing for hours, your small frame struggling to mount the swing until the duo stepped in to help. John B had made a mess while trying to help you hop on, and  JJ stepped forward to push you, but in excited haste, he pushed too hard, and you tumbled to the ground, scraping your knee. As your first cry pierced the air, the adults rushed to your side, JJ's mother soothing your pain with stinging medicine and comforting words.
In the corner of your eye, you caught sight of JJ, guilt etched on his face as he watched you wince in pain. But your brother nudged him, urging him to shake off his guilt and claiming that this was just a mere blip in the larger scale of the adventure you lived today.
And as the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the beach, Luke took charge, setting a bonfire ablaze near the ancient tree in the backyard. The flames flickered casting shadows that stretched out against the sand. You gathered around the fire, marshmallows in hand to be skewered and toasted, laughter filled the air and echoed into the night. The hours slipped away unnoticed, so as the night wore on and the fire burned low, reluctantly, you bid farewell to your blonde friend as he left with his parents.
The life you lived was simple; living in the less fortunate side of the island, you couldnt really enjoy much more than moments like these; the food wasn't fancy, the drinks weren't expensive, your houses weren't pretty and big, so you relied mostly in home made playthings and your own imagination, but you were happy that way; the youthful innocence made all the diferences between you and the kooks be seen with rose coloured glasses, and while in the company of your brother, your best friend, and the team of parents that you saw as guardian angels, it all just seemed warm. It seemed like it would be fine.
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One day, though, just as the sky turns cloudy at the end of summer, signaling the onset of storm season, JJ's demeanor shifted, casting a shadow over his usual brightness. At fourteen now, he had been seeming distant and preoccupied at school for weeks, until one day after class, he reached out to you with a heavy heart. Fidgeting nervously, his hands clammy and cold, he confided in you about his mother's illness, the weight of the words hanging heavy in the air. Knowing how much his mother meant to you both, he sought solace in sharing his burden with you, trusting you with his vulnerability. "Mumma's sick, I think... been in the hospital for a while now," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I can't visit because I'm not sixteen yet... I- I wanted you to know, but you can't tell John B." And as you hugged him, you promised to keep his secret, the first one you kept just between the two of you.
And as JJ clung to you and John B in the solemn silence of the cemetery, the stark reality of their loss weighed heavily upon you, casting a shadow over your once bright and colorful world.. JJ's mother's absence lingered like a specter in their home, his father grappled with the weight of his grief, seeking solace in alcohol and spiraling into a downward spiral of despair. The once vibrant hues of their family life began to fade, replaced by the darkness of addiction and aggression. JJ watched helplessly as his father's temper flared more frequently, his outbursts leaving scars both physical and emotional. The sanctuary of their home became a battleground, each day a struggle to navigate the minefield of his father's unpredictable moods.
In the aftermath of his mother's passing and the turmoil within his home, JJ withdrew into himself, building walls around his heart that even his closest friends struggled to breach. He became increasingly unreachable, his once vibrant presence dimmed by the weight of his grief and the scars of his father's aggression. Some days, he would disappear altogether, only to reappear with a purple eye hidden beneath dark glasses, a silent testament to the struggles he faced behind closed doors. And when he did show up, his demeanor was somber, his face etched with a perpetual frown as he rejected activities he once enjoyed. Even cloudgazing at the beach became a source of frustration for JJ, as he lamented the impending rain or the end of summer, his words tinged with bitterness and resignation. As you and your brother looked on, helpless in the face of his pain, you could only watch as JJ retreated further into himself, the vibrant colors of his spirit muted by the shadows that engulfed him.
The tension crackled in the air as you confronted JJ, frustration bubbling to the surface like a storm about to break. "Why won't you just watch 'Love Actually' with me, like, once? It'd help distracting you, y'know!?" you demanded, your voice tinged with exasperation. "You can't keep avoiding fun, JJ. You can't lose hope and light just because things are tough."
But JJ's response was sharp, his tone laced with bitterness. "Those things are for kooks, y/n" he retorted, his words heavy with the weight of his pain. "Pogues can't afford to indulge in luxuries like love and hope. We have to focus on surviving you know."
Your heart sank at his words, feeling the distance between you grow with each passing moment. "If you really look for it, JJ," you countered softly, your voice barely above a whisper, "I've got a sneaky feeling that love is all around. Even for us Pogues." But JJ's expression remained hardened, his walls firmly in place as he turned away, the gap between you widening with each step he took.
John B stepped in a while later, his voice calm but firm as he defended his friend. "He's been through a lot," John B interjected, his eyes meeting yours with a mixture of empathy and understanding. "Give him time, he'll come around. I know he will."
But despite John B's reassurances, the weight of your worry and frustration bore down on you like a heavy burden. Unable to contain your emotions any longer, you sought solace in the arms of your father, tears streaming down your cheeks as you poured out your heart. "I didn't mean to be petty," you sobbed, your voice choked with emotion. "But I'm just so worried about how Luke has been treating JJ. I miss him, Dad. I miss the way things used to be." And as your father held you close, comforting whispers soothing your troubled mind, you cried yourself to sleep, longing for the comfort of simpler times and the warmth of JJ's presence by your side.
A few days after the heated exchange, JJ found himself drawn to the familiar solace of the beach. As he laid alone on the sand, the rhythmic sound of the waves echoing in the background, he cast his gaze upward, chuckling at the shifting shapes and colors of the clouds above. Yet, amidst the tranquility of the moment, a pang of longing stirred within him.
Reflecting on recent events, JJ realized that he had begun to see clouds from two distinct perspectives—from the highs and lows of life's tumultuous journey. But amidst the solitude, his mind drifted to an understanding; to how he seemed to have looked at clouds like this from two different perspectives now, from up and down, and still he would recall better colorful and elusive memory of your company. He remembered the joy of pointing out funny shapes at the sky with you and your brother, laughter echoing into the vast expanse. It was a memory painted in hues of warmth that contrasted with the darker shades of recent events. In that fleeting moment of recollection, JJ yearned to return to that moment exactly, to say sorry, at least. And alone at that same beach, he felt like he had a perspective of a future for the first time in a long time. He wanted to see if he truly knew clouds at all, or if there was a new side to it.
JJ was abruptly brought back to reality by Pope's punchline of a memory of his own; he was retelling the story of how he met Cleo at college, and how she wouldn't have passed half her subjects f it wasn't for him. As the group erupted into laughter, he did the same to mask the fact that he had zoned out for a minute, but JJ's gaze instinctively sought yours, his heart yearning for the comfort of your smile. And as his eyes met yours, a warmth spread through him, his thoughts drifting to another memory
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Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels; the dizzy dancing way that you feel as every fairy tale comes real. I've looked at love that way. But now it's just another show, and you leave 'em laughing when you go. And if you care, don't let them know, don't give yourself away.
At sixteen years old, you had a full understanding of the dizzying, electric sensation that washed over you whenever JJ emerged from the sea, his board in hand. It was a feeling that stirred deep within you, igniting a spark that refused to be extinguished. Yet, despite the intensity of your emotions, uncertainty plagued your heart. You couldn't decipher JJ's true feelings for you; for every significant gesture or word he offered, there was an equal measure of aloofness or distance.
There were moments when JJ's actions spoke volumes, leaving you breathless with hope and anticipation. But just as quickly, he would retreat into himself, leaving you to question whether his affections were genuine or merely fleeting. And then there were the times when he would disappear into the crowd at a kegger, his attention captured by another girl, leaving you to grapple with the ache of unrequited longing.
Fearing the consequences, you kept your emotions hidden from your brother, John B, despite his keen intuition and suspicions about your lingering glances. Instead, you found solace in the companionship of Pope and Kiara, the only other pogue girl. Your friendship with Kiara blossomed rapidly, providing a safe haven where you could confide in her about everything, including the complexities of your feelings for JJ, seeking her guidance and understanding.
In December of that same year, a vivid memory remains etched in your mind—the day JJ was meant to pick you up from work and take you to the Chateau to meet up with the rest of the crew. Kiara had proposed the idea of a secret Santa, with the stipulation that the gifts could only be candy or chocolate—She herself aiming to guarantee that she'd get a bag or two of Sour Patch Kids. As you exited the souvenir shop, clutching your own "Paradise On Earth" cap, you spotted JJ waiting for you by the Twinkie—the van John B claimed would be safer than the bike. With both hands hidden behind his back, you shot him a questioning look. "Hello?" you greeted tilting your head slightly to the side, to which he responded with a playful smile, feigning surprise at seeing you. "Oh, hello ma'am, your carriage is right here!" he exclaimed, extending his arms towards the open door of the van, one hand tightly clutching something that piqued your curiosity. Hopping onto the Twinkie, you couldn't help but wonder about the mysterious object as JJ closed the door and took his place behind the wheel.
During the ride, JJ attempted to coax the name of your secret Santa out of you, but you remained tight-lipped. Upon parking the van at the Chateau, he sat in silence for a few moments, and you studied him intently. "Oh, before I forget," he said non-chalantly, reaching into his pocket and offering you the object he had been concealing—a ceramic lobster adorned with a tiny Christmas hat, clearly crafted by him. "This is for the nativity scene you keep in your room, I just didn't have time to make the other one..." he explained, a hint of nervousness in his voice as he confessed that he hadn't received your name for the candy exchange but couldn't bear to leave you without a gift.
You stood in awe for a moment, marveling at the thoughtful gesture and the evident reference it held. JJ's apprehension melted away as your eyes met his, a radiant smile spreading across his face. "Wait, wait, wait... Are you trying to tell me that there was more than one lobster at the birth of Jesus?" you quoted, teasingly. JJ rolled his eyes playfully, completing the reference with a loud "duh!" his laughter mingling with yours as you stepped out of the car into the moonlit night, making a lighthearted entrance at the Chateau and eliciting a knowing look from Kiara towards John B.
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As time passed, you welcomed Sarah into the fold, introduced by John B with starry-eyed affection that spoke volumes of their budding romance. With the dynamic between her and Kiara settled, John B wasted no time in proudly declaring their relationship to the group—a declaration met with hugs, smiles, and lighthearted jokes about not hurting each other.
One day, Sarah suggested a surf trip to a lesser-known beach nestled between Figure 8 and the Cut, its pristine beauty a sight to behold with crystalline waters and powdery white sand. As you surfed the afternoon away, basking in the warmth of the sun, you found yourself sprawled on the sand along with the rest of the group, supporting yourself on your elbows and catching your breath as you watched JJ roll a joint with practiced ease. "I like this shit," JJ declared, his voice tinged with a hint of defiance. "We can be neglected misfits or whatever, but I love leading this life with you guys. I don't even care about what people think of me! "long as I have a board and you guys, 'm gonna be saying I'm rich... Especially if I have this!" He gestured towards the joint, his words met with cheers from the group.
Your smile started weak but grew as the group cheered. In that moment, you felt a sense of family, and your appreciation for JJ weighed heavily on your chest. Despite the challenges, he had found a way to see life in a positive light, even after Big John went missing. As the wind blew sea salt into your eyes, you turned your face toward JJ. "Yeah, yeah… you know, I keep saying it… but if you really look for it, I’ve got a sneaky feeling you’ll find that—"
"Y/n, if I hear that quote just one more time!" Sarah interrupted, and the others joined in with her lighthearted protest.
With time, JJ's behavior became increasingly perplexing since after sharing moments like this, he would leave you alone, retreating into the company of the other Pogues with a suddenness that felt jarring and awkward. His focus would shift, his attention consumed by their own banter, leaving you to wonder where you fit into the equation.
It was during these moments of isolation that doubts crept in, whispering of insecurities and unspoken fears that lingered just beneath the surface. Wondering if you did something wrong, you couldn't help but feel a pang of longing as you watched JJ immerse himself in the dynamics of the group, his laughter mingling with theirs as you stood on the sidelines, a silent observer to a world that felt increasingly distant and unfamiliar.
One morning, as you shuffled through the Chateau's corridors, the aroma of breakfast lingering in the air as John B shuffled through the kitchen, you noticed JJ's door ajar. You peeked inside with the intention of wishing him a good morning, only to be met with a sight that shattered your makeshift reality of him. JJ hovered over another girl in his bed, their closeness echoing a betrayal that left you speechless.
"Hey, whoa! Sorry!" His voice softened as he realized it was you, not your brother, at the door. The shock on your face was palpable as you hastily pushed the door closed, shaking your head to dispel the image burned into your mind. Stumbling down the corridor, you muttered a distant "morning" to Kie and Pope, who were still groggy on the couch, woken by the commotion.
Throughout the day, both JJ and yourself moved in a state of flustered avoidance, exchanging glances laden with sheepish guilt. JJ's eyes mirrored the remorse of a caught wrongdoer, but you couldn't summon anger; instead, you carried the weight of hurt and confusion, grappling with the realization that he wasn't yours to claim.
As the day waned and the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Chateau, you found solace on the hammock. With the remnants of the day lingering, you confided in Sarah about the events, the words tumbling out as the weight on your chest grew heavier. The hammock cradled you in its gentle sway as another day ended, leaving you to confront the tangled emotions that now clouded the once-clear skies of your friendship with JJ.
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JJ vividly remembered June of the following year, with your birthday fast approaching. Usually, you wouldn't stop talking about how much you loved having your birthday during the summer, and everyone would plan something special to mark the occasion. Kie and Sarah would always get you fancier gifts, like a new top or necklace, while the boys made sure there was a cake to share, probably under the tree lights at another night spent at the Cat's Ass, chuckling at the stupid name JJ had given to the tub.
But this year was different. You and the girls wouldn't stop talking about this idiotic touron, Jeremy, who had apparently flirted with you when you helped him at the store. Now, your attention seemed solely focused on him, much to JJ's annoyance. He rolled his eyes and huffed aloud whenever Jeremy's name was mentioned, with Pope nudging him to keep his cool.
"He's gonna take me to a summer fair," you grimaced, looking into the mirror as Kiara clasped a necklace around your neck. Sarah and JJ hovered on the kitchen counter, Pope sat on the couch, and your brother leaned against the doorframe of your room with a protective frown on his face. John B always believed you and JJ would end up together, and he felt safe with that perspective because he knew and trusted JJ. But that didn't happen with Jeremy.
Across from him, you, Sarah, and Kie giggled with scenarios and provocations, "What if he brings you a giant teddy bear and tries to win you a goldfish?" Kiara teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
Sarah snickered. "I can already picture it!"
Meanwhile, JJ fought to keep a frown from appearing on his own face. He was unwilling to let you know how he really felt about the situation, and he avoided giving his jealousy away to his friends. As you exited laughing with the guy in his car—a godforsaken Jeep, for crying out loud—JJ was still unknowingly clenching his jaw, his mouth twisted in a disgusted frown.
Sarah, the only one still outside by now, smiled to herself and snuck up on him before reaching a hand to pat his back. The gesture was meant to silently convey far more than his poisoned mind could grasp at the moment.
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He chuckled at that memory; you had to endure a girlfriend of his own during college, and he watched as two or three other guys broke your heart as well—he wanted to go out there and punch them every time, but preferred that only John B externalized that thought. From those memories, he realized he had looked at love from both sides of it with you, from give and take, but years later he wasn't so sure if you'd be keen on the idea of him ever again. JJ turned to you in the tub, whispering, "Where's that lobster I gave you that Christmas?" You were a bit taken aback by his sudden recall but smiled back, mimicking the tone of his voice, "Been keeping it on my bookshelf all year long now."
John B and Sarah were now playfully arguing about the two perspectives from when she joined the group, with Kie tagging along to remind them of how they had to make amends beforehand. It made JJ come back fully into the scene. As he looked around, he realized they were sitting in couples, at least Pope and John B, and he held back a nostalgic smirk at the thought of how his younger self would react to both his old friends now "pussy whipped," stuck in relationships and breaking the "no pogue on pogue macking" rule—he didn't know love at all.
He was different too, at least Kiara said so, coming at him a few days ago before graduation with a whole "you've changed, became more yourself and know how to separate what you went through from what you are, I'm so proud you're opening the surf shop—but please make it eco-friendly" speech. It was nice to look back and realize how his years and moments with the Pogue family kept balancing out all the rest. Now he would open a sick surf shop, Poguelandia flag above it and all, right in the corner from the souvenir one you worked since you were fifteen—he didn't know if you had bigger plans than that after graduating though, but that was an uneasy thought he preferred to ignore.
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Tears and fears and feeling proud to say, "I love you" right out loud! Dreams and schemes and circus crowds, I've looked at life that way. Oh, but now old friends they're acting strange, and they shake their heads and they tell me that I've changed. Well something's lost, but something's gained, in living every day.
Kiara was the first one to leave, claiming that this was really good and that she knew that with the pogues there were never really goodbyes, but that she had an early morning tomorrow with a sea-turtle project. Then, as the fire died out and the minutes turned into hours, the two couples left as well. Pope and Cleo claimed that they still had to shower before going to bed, and John B only snuggled with Sarah, pushing her towards the house. As the couple giggled, JJ noticed from his peripheral vision when you jiggled your eyebrows at Sarah, but the blonde only winked at you, pointing at the both of you at the tub before turning back. You sighed, distancing yourself from him now that you had more space in the water, and JJ held back a smile as the tree lights illuminated your pink cheeks. At twenty-two, he felt just like a teenager in that moment.
There were a few quiet minutes then, you were looking intently at him, drawing each of his features with your eyes as if trying to tattoo the image of his wet torso on your brain, but JJ didn't notice; he was lost in thought, provoked by being alone with you again. JJ realized that ever since he could remember, even though your brother was his de facto best friend and even as the group grew larger, you were there. For every phase and every belief that each one etched into him, you were there. As he looked at both sides of life, at win and lose, you were right beside him, either winning and losing as well or just supporting him emphatically through it.
Somehow he could always just recall how his pogue life acquired a rose-colored filter with you in it; he'd recall life's illusions with you at his side. You were there. You were it. And he didn't know his next step at all, but he wanted you in it; ached for it even.
He feigned cold as an excuse to get you both out of the tub, grabbing the one towel thrown onto a chair and wrapping it around you as you exited as well. He threw a familiar, amicable smile in your direction to disguise how he was, again, lost in his own train of thought. A hand rested on the small of your back as he led the two of you to the Chateau. As you got to the front porch, the other reached for your pulse gently, trying to stop you from entering. JJ became conscious of how he was dripping onto the wooden porch, but he didn't care, calling you by your nickname in a low voice. He was acting fast, planning something but also acting instinctively, intending to speak just from memory.
"Hey, uhm..." he stopped himself again as your eyes locked onto his, growing a little bit nervous now. Your eyebrows shot up expectantly, and some of your hair was sticking to your wet face. You'd be the death of him.
"With any luck, by next year, I'll be going out with one of these girls..." Your brows pinched, and eyes flashed with recognition as JJ shuffled his phone, some drops falling from his hair onto the screen before he turned it in your direction with a picture of Kendall Jenner and sliding his finger so it would also show one of Giselle Bündchen. You laughed, gulping expectantly.
"But for now, let me say, without hope or agenda, just because we finished college— even though it's at Christmas that you tell the truth." You chuckled again, but felt like you were hyperventilating, unable to believe that this was really happening to you. Much less that JJ Maybank had memorized a scene from the "dumb chick flick" you obsessed with since you were a mere child. You battled with your own feelings as you tried to let him finish.
"To me, you are perfect, and my wasted heart will love you until you look like this..." He shuffled again with the tiny screen, a smirk on his face as he turned it to you. A photo of a very old and wrinkly woman made you chuckle. Under it, it read "former surfer lady turns viral as she advises to the risks of not wearing sunscreen." You couldn't hold the cackle that left you at that, not even worried about the rest of the group sleeping inside the house, which made JJ smile widely as well.
"Oh my God! Oh my God, I love you..." A loud sigh met a sob halfway as you looked up, feeling pounds lighter after saying so naturally something you had been burying for years, feeling absurdly proud of just that. "I love you so much, what the fuck! I've loved you forever." You beamed at him again, relief written all over his face as he said it back proudly. "I'm sorry for the wait; it wasn't on purpose—Swear it." He grabbed both your cheeks as you laughed, smiling from ear to ear as his face etched closer to yours by the second. Your noses were touching already when he whispered in a low tone, "fuck, y/n..." as your mouths glued together longingly.
The world seemed to fade away as your lips met, a rush of warmth spreading through you as if the sun had risen inside your chest. JJ's touch was electric, sending shivers down your spine as his hands cradled your face gently, his fingers tracing the curve of your jawline. Every moment felt like an eternity as you lost yourselves in the kiss, the taste of saltwater, beer and weed mingling with the sweetness of the moment.
For JJ, it was as if everything he had been holding back, every unspoken word and hidden feeling, was finally pouring out into this one embrace. His heart raced in his chest as he kissed you, his mind buzzing with the realization that he had found something truly precious in you. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated bliss, a culmination of years of friendship and longing finally coming to fruition.
As you pulled away, breathless and flushed, JJ's eyes bore into yours, filled with an intensity that took your breath away. In that moment, you knew that nothing would ever be the same again. You had crossed a threshold together, stepping into a new chapter of your lives filled with love, laughter, and the promise of a future together. And as you stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, you knew that this was just what you wanted; like you were made for just that.
"I don't even want to come inside, I don't wanna-" you said, sighing mid chuckle, "don't wanna do anything right now, God, JJ, I'm like in a haze!" He clung to you, chuckling, his hands going to your arms, your neck, your hair—he wanted to touch all of you. "Always have the hammock..." he suggested, and you rushed your way there as if just walking would make you lose any time with him.
After you spent a while staring at the stars in the sky, listening to the chirping of crickets in between small, sloppy kisses, JJ sleepily muttered "I feel like I'm fucking high right now," you both laughed "like I'm floating—life accomplishment kind of thing." you swatted at his chest, lightheartedly telling him to stop being silly before readjusting in the wet towel that served as a blanket for the two of you.
Wrapped in each other's arms, you drifted off to sleep, the sound of the river running to meet the ocean lulling you into a state of contentment. In that moment, nothing else mattered except the warmth of JJ's embrace and the soft rhythm of his breathing. It was a moment of pure bliss, a fleeting glimpse of perfection in an imperfect world.
The warm rays of the morning sun gently kissed the faces of the sleeping pogues as they stirred awake, the sounds of birdsong filling the air. Stretching and yawning, they emerged from their makeshift beds scattered across the Chateau, the pull-out couch and matresses on the floor.
As they gathered outside to clean the space free of empty cans and wrapping paper, rubbing the sleep from their eyes, John B's gaze was the first one to fall upon the sight of JJ and you nestled together in the hammock, still fast asleep. He nudged Sarah first, but soon a collective smile spread across their faces as they exchanged knowing glances, a silent understanding passing between them.
"About time," Pope muttered under his breath, eliciting chuckles from the others.
John B grinned, looking at Sarah. "Looks like our boy finally made his move."
Sarah rolled her eyes playfully. "Took them long enough," she teased, but there was genuine warmth in her voice.
Kiara smirked, crossing her arms, she showed a satisfied facade even though she was jumping inside, bubbling with happiness for the both of you; the sparkle of her eyes being hard to hide. "Well, better late than never, I guess."
With a chorus of laughter and gentle ribbing, the pogues left JJ and you to enjoy your moment together, the feeling was that their little family had just grown a little bit stronger. You had woken up the moment the front door banged back against it's frame as it closed the first time, but feeling JJ's chest under your head, you decided to just keep your eyes closed, fighting a grin to show on your face at your friends' commentaries. You were home. And you only wanted to know life now if it was by JJ's side; especially if he'd be scratching your hair like he was doing just now, half a smile on his lips—"Did I take that long?" he questioned, jokingly.
"A lifetime."
If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love, actually, is all around.
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pryllee · 6 months
Blade x Fem! Reader
Blades kinda ooc, slight mention/use of ’red string’ theory, feelings became mutual, slight use of daydreaming/delusions, stellaron hunters, kinda took inspo from smt. Reader was set up lowkey. Reader taking the initiative for a kiss??? , also not proofread
A/N: Kinda hate this with the weird often transitions and overuse of some words, I don't have that big of a vocabulary though so...
Working under a slave of destiny was... interesting? Kind of. The thought of warping to every planet every week or so really wasn't for you.
However, the one colleague that always caught your eye was Blade. You couldn't help but be drawn to him for some reason—like you were attached to him, his blank expression was indeed odd but it lowkey is hot.
And you also couldn't help but imagine that thin line on his face slightly tilting upwards into a small smile if he ever felt the same about you.
You always saw him somewhere or had an encounter with him almost everyday, till one had a girl in it, oh Aeons. Recounting the memory is already such a pain.
During one of the missions you'd been assigned to with him, a pair of girls talking saw him in one of his... ’disguises’ yet one whispered to the other making the other laugh hitting at the girls back, as they looked back with a look of admiration, you shot them a death stare back.
"What?" He asked. And you shook your head in response with a visible annoyed frown on your face.
"How come you're acting like a child again? I won't know what to say if you don't speak." Bit unusual he seemed to talk more this time to engage in a convo.
He clearly still remembered that time where you didn't talk to him for days on end because his replies were so unbelievably dry like you didn't matter—well technically you didn't...or don't really matter to him... And that does hurt a bit.
"Nothing. Those girls prob' would've reported us if they found out." Making up an excuse on the spot, a dumb one infact.
Yet somehow, you ended up in this position where Silver Wolf was ordering French fries, nuggets, and a large bucket of mayo.
"... Do you really need that much mayo?"
"Yeah, what about it?" She asked, clicking her tongue. "Nothing..." You irked up a brow seemingly disgusted at the taste of so much mayonnaise on one nugget, or fry.
"I'll get an iced coffee," Kafka smiled.
You glanced at Blade, still with a monotone face as usual. "...What about you?" You said in a quizzical tone, leading him to shake his head slightly in response like a statue... A perfect scuplture in fa— I mean...
You sat opposite of Kafka, and Silver Wolf. Still seemingly irked at the bucket of Mayo as she dips a nugget double fry combo in it... well more like drowning it.
You glanced over your shoulder, looking at Blade who still just stood as still as a statue.
"What?" He scowled, avoiding your gaze to look out the rain filled window. "Why come if you won't even have anything...?" You said, popping a single fry into your mouth.
"Because–" He paused. "Because what?" Again having him shake his head slightly in response. The sudden change of behavior was peculiar to you, was this really the same ”Blade” you knew... ? Feels like the real ones probably locked up away somewhere else.
"Calm down, hes real." Kafka waved at you knowingly,
"Kafkas right–" Silver Wolf mumbled, still eating with a bulge showing through her cheeks "Whenever you look at Blade, your thoughts become kinda obvious."
Her words made you flush a slight red, as you swiftly grabbed alot of fries and nuggets drowning them in Mayo shoving it in her mouth making her choke a little,
"Ugh— Do you want me dead?!" She complained, holding on her slightly sore throat, while Kafka decided to observe for a little longer sipping on her coffee.
"No, just bothered me how little you take a time but drown it in SO much mayo." You replied, making Kafka chuckle a little.
"I do NOT drown my food in sauce! It's a perfectly fine amount!" She slammed her hands on the table, making the food fling up shortly as you slammed on the table back in response.
"Oh reeeaaally? How come?" You spoke through clenched teeth, "Listen to me, calm down you two." Kafka waved her hand, as you both sunk back into your seats.
"That bad, hm?" Blade asked in a dull tone.
"Shut up before I forcefully shove fries and a nugget down your throat too." You threatnened, as he shot a look of; ’Try me.’ making you furrow your brows in annoyance pouting slightly in sarcasm as you looked away.
Suddenly someone gripped onto your chin, making you turn to them as they forced a nugget into your mouth. "Too bad, I did it first." He spoke, yet this time it was in a different tone—a smug one that pissed you off. You felt like tearing his vocal cords off but you're actually somewhat surprised he ’fed’ you something.
"Ooh...~" Silver Wolf teased with the ’also smug smile’. "Shut." You bit your lip in embarrassment, as you fiddled with your fingers. You wondered what his lips would taste like—hoping for an occasion for you both to be alone as... Ahem.
Your train of thought is interrupted as someone busts the door open making you jerk upwards a little at the sound, screaming for the ’intergalatic criminals’ or whatever to come out.
"Uugggghhgghg..." Silver Wolf groaned, "We barely even ate any, can't I just bring this with me?"
"Just store it in your technique menu console thing, can't you do that?" You asked, as she shook her head a doubtful ’no’.
"Dunno, don't think so. I'll eat this basket of fries on the go." She said as she dumped the whole bucket of Mayo making you irk up a brow once again.
"You four, hands up!" The officer demanded, but Blade almost instantly just threw his sword into the poor guys chest hurrying you to get out of the booth so he could take it back.
You felt a small lump in your throat as he pulled out the sword, blood pooling out from under the officer.
"Don't feel bad now," Kafka whispered into your ear, softly saying your name. As Silver Wolf opened up a path to somewhere else. "C'mon, hurry."
You took one last glance at the people in the place, seeing their bewildered faces were kind of laughable.
But why exactly does Silver Wolf need to worry about the food if she can just open a path up...?
You sat down on the grassy field, staring into the sky seemingly in a daze with the scenic location.
"Where are we?" You asked Silver Wolf.
"Dunno, just chose a random spot that looked nice so I could eat my food 'n peace. Kinda sucks though since it's making my fries cold and soggy."
"You shouldn't have poured the whole bucket of Mayo on it..." You criticized, making her scoff in response. You just sat there, admiring the sunset with how wide this field of grass was. It felt soft to the touch, so peaceful. If you were apart of the Garden of Recollection you would probably engrave this into your mind forever as you sat on a small hill.
You felt someone obviously staring at you, causing you to glance over at the source as you just make eye contact with Blade before he turns around, walking away to Aeons know where.
"Where are you going, Bladie?" Kafka asks, turning around making him pause for a bit. "Somewhere. Oddly familiar with this place."
You actually somewhat could relate. This place felt nostalgic with a sliver of mechanoly hidden in it. It feels like you've been here before.
"Enjoying the place I picked out?" The silver haired asked, as you just reluctantly nod even though you clearly knew it was meant to lowkey mock you...
"I'm gonna go find a spot to try play the Violin." Kafka hummed, walking away to somewhere nearby where she'd still be in sight but as a small figure.
The abrupt change from a weird restaraunt with a mix of a cafe due to the iced coffee to such a calming nostalgic place was odd, but you see weirder things everytime on a mission, so who are you to complain?
Hearing the soft yet elegant demeanor thrumming of a violin made the atmosphere all more peaceful. It perplexes you though, how come it's so... Quiet and nice here? This is like a ’once in a life time chance’.
The bodies of water drew you in though, causing you to go closer when you hear a muffled yell from behind,
"Don't go near the water!" It sounded like Silver Wolf, but her voice rang in your ears sharply, and you touch the clear water with the colors of a pretty sunset. It looked like one of those art pieces a true master would make back in the old days really—
As you come back to your senses when you hear loud rhythms of thuds behind you—presumably footsteps, the body of water drags you in shocking you.
"What the fuck?—" You spoke, yet it echoed out loud and clear. You were stuck in some weird place under the water, but somehow could breathe freely.
Being in such a narrow place wasn't your cup of tea though, the thought of being stuck here in such a small place made your eyes narrow speeding up your beating hearts pace. Suddenly, your surroundings change to a cave, with Blade inspecting some weird murals on the walls.
"...Uhm. Blade?" You asked, cocking your head to the side perplexed. Blade seemingly immersed in observing the mural, you suddenly realize it felt like he was stuck in place—yet his head slightly turned around to glance at you when the water spat you out abruptly.
You coughed up some water aggressively still confused as fuck, "What just happened? Why was Blade looking at a dang wall?" You shake your head, trying to dry off thinking it'll work with you even though it's mainly for dogs...
"... Uhh, you saw Blade?" Silver Wolf asked in a concerned tone as she whispered something to Kafka. Your confusion only got worse when Kafkas expression was slightly changed to show a slight sliver of surprise.
"Oh my!" The lady laughed in a teasing manner, "I never thought you really knew Blade that way."
Processing what she said for a second, your cheeks suddenly dusted a low tint of red as you try to play dumb thinking what you think it might be, "What? Knew what about Blade?"
While Blade noticed your figure, seemingly stuck in a box floating with your hair drifting upwards as you held your palms out but seemed to be restricted.
He was slightly confused seeing your wide eyed expression, as he was about to call your name out in a quizzical tone, you disappeared.
As worried as he was, he tried to find his way back to where you all warped to.
"What happened?" He asks, having Silver Wolf say nothing happened, yet as he recounts the previous memory both of the girls eyes widen with a ’knowing’ look.
"Oh, I see...! I think we should, uhm, go back now to the base!" Silver Wolf spoke in an awkward tone, making both of you confused, well you can't see if Blade really was confused or not... It's like he has no face muscles to smile. You just nod in response running your fingers through your wet hair.
A few days had passed again, after that... Water incident. From time to time Kafka and Silver Wolf would smile and laugh about something whenever you and Blade were there.
Silver Wolf had asked you to do something—which was to give something to him. Apparently from Elio or whatever. You found yourself growing tired when you looked through each corridor and room till you realized he was probably out on the rooftop. Ugh, seriously?
Opening the door, you finally found him...with a girl?
Are you seeing things right? A girl. Presumably one of the other newer colleagues, was laughing and smiling with him. You had no idea what his expression was since his back was turned.
You felt your heart drop as you clearly saw her hand over a letter with a heart stamp seal.
Too bad you couldn't back out in handing whatever Silver Wolf gave you to him now if it really is one of Elios.
Putting on a fake measly smile, you walked closer as you called out to him saying Silver Wolf had something to give to him. Ugh. Couldn't she have sent it through the phone if it's a text?
"Hm—What is that...?" The girl pouted making you cringe a little. And you take that as your cue to leave, telling them to have a ’good’ time walking away back to the door with an empty pit inside of your stomach.
Yet when you need to close the door you somehow accidentally slammed it loudly, making a loud noise echo in 'n out as you hurried down stairs before someone went to check making you embarrassed.
You then find Silver Wolf in the same spot, reporting to her that her dumb request is done.
"Huh? Whats with the sudden gloomy vibe? You were so carefree when I asked you like 30 minutes ago." She asked, blowing gum before it popped taking it back inside her mouth chewing it.
"What gloomy vibe? I'm the same as before." Putting on a fake annoyed smile again at her remark making her tell you to chill and you could go.
As you closed the door behind you in your room, you threw yourself into the bed screaming into your pillow.
It didn't matter how much you'd scream since this place is soundproof for ’disguise’.
"Who the actual FUCK was that bitch?!" You spoke in a mildly loud annoyed tone, scratching your head aggressively messing up a part of your hair when you suddenly hear a few rhythmical knocks on your door. Who the crack could it be now?
You unlock the door, opening it to see Kafka wave as she sat down on your bed inviting herself inside.
"I didn't say you could come in." You scoffed.
"Thats true, but were you the one who slammed the door to the rooftop?" She asked, looking at you with those same gentle hypnotizing eyes tilting her heading slightly. The question embarrassed you, how does she even know that?
"... How do you know that?"
"Silver Wolf. Blade. Girl." She listed how one by one, as you shot her a confused look.
"Doesn't matter though, I just needed to know that—but another thing, why slammed the door after confessing to him?"
Confessing? Confess what? What exactly did you give to him that Silver Wolf wanted you to hand over?
"What?" You deadpan.
"Oh, y'know... The thing. The thing you gave to him." She recounted your memory of it as you felt yourself flush a bright red, yelling at her to get out and that you have NO idea what shes talking about as you lock the door again in a hurry to go to sleep and forget.
Since it was finally the time for the sweeeeet time off, you could just relax at the base—however your encounters with him became more frequent.
As you saw him with Kafka following from behind from afar in a corridor slowly walking closer, also remembering what Kafka said, and how Blade seemed to look at you differently. You instantly turned the other way walking to the closest next hallway you could find trying to avoid his sight.
"Hmm? Thats odd, she usually joins us for a walk when you're here, Bladie."
But he just stays silent, seemingly confused at why you walked away so quickly when you saw him and you were clearly trying to go somewhere. He only continued to walk without a word assuming you went the wrong way
However, that same thought couldn't be kept with how frequent your "wrong ways" became.
When you sat down for a leisure cup of coffee with Kafka and Silver Wolf, you somehow knew he was behind you, but not too close or too far. You glugged the piping hot cup down your throat not caring about the after effects, as you slam your hands down onto the table; "I need to go, just remembered something important."
"Hm? Is it not a good time to relax?" Kafka spoke with a clear sarcastic tone, leading you to swiftly walk away with a hurting mouth, throat, and stomach.
The loud slam caught his attention, noticing how you walked away in a hurry was out of character for you. Don't you usually like coffee times where you three sit down to talk about stuff? Well I guess it should be more like ’tea’ time. Haha, get it?
And another, when you were in your room just chilling sitting in front of your desk on your phone, you heard a few knocks. You asked who was there, but in response was pure silence. So you just reluctantly open the door.
Looking down, "Yes, whos there..." speaking with a lazy tone with a sliver of annoyance looking up to find their eyes, you immediately slammed the door locked when it was Blade who was about to speak.
You immediately curled up into a ball in front of the door out of pure embarrassment. When you finally heard footsteps going away, you got up with extreme wobbling legs walking to your bed.
Also after that, you stayed in your room for the whole day ignoring any knocks on your door, even if it was rhythmical probably being Kafka or a barrage of impatient knocks which was usually Silver Wolf.
And one of the most recent ones were much like the first, in a corridor. You were trying to find a vending machine when you saw him heading your way. His eyes somewhat seemed to light up slightly when he noticed you.
But you were not gonna walk away this time—instead of that, you avoided making eye contact as you kept walking in the same direction, completely ignoring him.
He was shocked, genuinely. Probably pissed too. Why are you the one ignoring him after you'd basically confessed to him? You were talking to everyone expect him.
Blade couldn't help but realize how genuinely depressing his already annoying life was without you, though he knew he couldn't have any of those feelings again with how he planned to finally die after finishing whatever Elio promised.
But it hurt a little. It wasn't fair. Wasn't fair for neither of you. Why even are you avoiding him if you like him so much? At some times you think about finally talking to him and he'd accept your feelings—but you brushed that ’useless’ thought away assuming he thinks you're a creep for wanting him...especially with the weird fantasies you've had.
Kafka eventually noticed Blade seeming to be more out of it than usual. It looked like he was sulking hugging his almost broken sword as he leaned against a pillar.
"Uh. What's wrong with him...?" Silver Wolf pointed his peculiar behavior out. Kafka only shrugged in response with a concerned sigh, "Whats wrong, Bladie?"
"Nothing." He mumbled to himself.
"Oh please, I feel like shes influenced you with the blatant lying." Silver Wolf scoffed, clearly referring to you.
"Speaking of her, is she the reason?" Kafka took a turn to ask. But he was just silent. Probably thinking if you really are the reason.
"I'm guessing thats a yes." Kafka smiled, "Lets go find her, shall we?" Gesturing for Blade to follow. Silver Wolf only stayed behind knowing exactly why.
"So, why are you avoiding Blade?" She asked, with the atmosphere being tense as Blade just sat Beside you. You were sandwiched in the middle by these people.
You had no way to escape now. Your heart thrummed heavily.
"I don't know what you're talki–."
"You've been avoiding me for almost the whole break." Blade interrupted with a stern tone making the atmosphere worse making your eye twitch from how awkward it was.
"I'll leave the room so you two can be more honest with each other." Kafka abruptly got up, as your hand extended out slightly to tell her to stay with how you didn't want to stay here all alone with him, but your voice felt like it disappeared when you saw him staring at your hand from the side.
"Ah..." You mumbled, taking your hand back placing it on your lap trying to avoid making eye contact.
"Why?" He asked, leaving you confused.
"Why what...?"
"The ’avoiding’." He quoted, like it was a movie title for some reason.
"I—...uhm. Thats erm." You tried to find a good excuse for the moment, but the way he suddenly placed his hand on one of yours made you speechless.
Why the actual fuck is he suddenly so intimate? Well I guess Kafka could've gave him a tip or two.
"Do you wanna... kiss?" He bluntly asked, making you cringe a little in perplexation. What exactly type of tips did Kafka give him? Like the consent thing is nice and all but...???????????
You sigh, since hes the one that asked, I guess it won't really matter.
You grab onto his collar with both hands pulling him closer, kissing him like an amateur. As you pull away you feel yourself heat up when you clearly see his frown slightly lift into a small—almost unnoticeable smile.
He kisses you back this time, as your grip on him loosened melting into the kiss. You knew he couldn't hug you due to the injuries on his body, but it's fine.
Nothing else mattered. Atleast for now.
But for some reason, you only got shyer from there. Sure you've always wanted to be with him but...
Blade would randomly hold onto your hand sometimes and you'd shake it off quickly with a bright red face. He didn't find it offensive at all, more like he found it funny. His expressions were still pretty much blank around you but it was still nice to see a small smile a few select of times.
It didn't help with how he only got bolder from there—randomly kissing you during missions leaving either Silver Wolf or Kafka in a state of shock if they happened to see it.
Silver Wolf would just walk away in disgust and tell you both to go get a room. Well, in a joking manner.
Kafka would laugh and tease about it for a whole week making you pissed, it didn't help with how Blade managed to be there by your side each time too.
"Stop following me around like a lost puppy..." You spoke in a low, awkward tone.
"I'm pretty sure you like that."
"Touché– But don't you have anything else to do other than cling onto me whenever we see each other?"
"I do. I just like doing it with you."
First of all, that sentence was horribly worded. Sure he had no idea what it sounds like, but you on the other hand imploded into a red brighter like nothing else before.
"Wrong phrasing, Blade." Silver Wolf replied for you.
Till one thought came to you... What happened to that girl that confessed to him?
hint: someone killed her :)
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gutz3rfryer · 1 month
some ideas i have for my rewritten version of RWBY MAIDENS Maidens can only control environments and the weather. Also they can change their surroundings, from a high tech hallway to a red maple forest (like an illusion). (so no sword making or whatever just purely environmental) - team rwby becoming the Maidens a. Ruby becomes the Spring maiden (can control flora and wind) b. Weiss becomes the Winter maiden (can create snow storms and ice powers) c. Blake becomes the Fall maiden (tornados and clouds/rain) d. Yang becomes the Summer maiden (heatwaves and thunderstorms) Maidens can used their combined powers to make combos, Fall and Winter making it hail or Fall and Summer making a dessert storm. YANG Technically she shouldve graduated at this point, however she chooses not to, after finding out that Oz invited Ruby (15) to train at Beacon Academy, she managed to convince Oz to let her redo her senior year at the academy to support Ruby. JAUNE the Jaune we know will be put in the bully team from the 1st vol, my version would be more of an androgynous-femme presenting guy BLAKE & RUBY they can make their own little book club :) BLAKE & WEISS I think Blake would stand up for Weiss (and the other way around), especially if Jacques would come to visit Beacon, after finding out that Weiss went to Beacon instead of Atlas Academy. Before Jacques would be able to hit Weiss, Blake would step in and put him in hsi place. BEACON, HAVEN, SHADE & ATLAS ACADEMY DRESS CODE Most strict in dress (1 being most strict to 4 least strict about it/only cares about results) 1. Atlas (has to wear assigned uniform, miss a tie or want to wear pants instead of a skirt? get expelled scrub (also the most discriminatory school)) 2. Shade 3. Haven 4. Beacon (''male student wears a skirt? ok and?'') Beacon Academy ''Dress Code'' Honestly they dont care if you bribe a fashion student or get a tailor to make a longer skirt or flared pants, as long that it has the Beacon Academy Pattern™️ and ''wearing'' the tie, anything goes
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ADAM (vs YANG & BLAKE) Making him more obsessive and weird by wearing Blake's tail (which he cut of before she escaped) as a belt. Also making him more Bull than original, because to this day i still dont see what makes him a Faunus. Like the black colored horns are cute but those can be easily mistaken for colored hair. Fall of Beacon (Adam vs Yang & Blake Round 1) Same story but instead of Yang immediately being defeated after getting her arm cut off, she powers through and uses her firey semblance the stop the bleeding in her arm, while Blake keeps up the good fight. After the bleeding stops Yang steps back into the ring to give Adam a burn scar. After losing too much blood Yang caves in while tries to keep her on her feet. Adam also takes Yangs severed arm Comm Tower (Adam vs Yang & Blake Round 2) Adam teases Yang by throwing her severed arm at her, but shrugs it off and tells him he can keep it. QROW & RAVEN Instead of turning into normal looking Ravens/Crows, they turn into a Nevermore look alike. Originally a power given by Oz, now turned curse by Salem. Both Qrow and Raven now constantly have to fight for control with their Grimm halves. Qrow has partially given up, hence the drinking, so his hands look like bird claws and his body is covered in feathers. Raven keeps her distance to avoid hurting anyone. Unbeknownst to them Salem is using their eyes to spy on Oz. SALEM/White Fang im not sure of this idea but instead of the White Fang (which will be renamed to something else) being a equal rights group, they're followers of Salem, the False Goddess, who gives promises that by serving her, they can save their world/make their world better. And that the Grimm exist to ''get rid of the bad people/sinners'' However i think there is a sort of White Fang group but only in Atlas where the most hate crimes, slavery and discrimination happens. As SDC and other companies in Atlas use Faunus for entertainment (for example Bull fighting for Adam) or for slavery. Yes that would imply that Blake was once a follower of Salem's, but turned around after the train incident. TEAM STRQ this might be the worst idea but hear me out. Team STRQ was a polyamorous quad. (in this version Raven and Qrow are >NOT< related) After Summer's death (at assuming Salem's hand), there was a lot of trust issues after, considering neither Qrow nor Raven told Tai what actually happened, and they slowly drifted apart but they all stayed in touch or checked up on the kids and Tai, Qrow would visit more often, while Raven stayed away for their (R&Y) safety. Raven and Qrow keep butting heads cuz they blame eachother for Summer's death/not saving her, but deep down they still care for eachother. Both Ruby and Yang are their kids (its Remnant they can like make kids in a tube or something). Yang has Qrow's alcohol problems (they sometimes drink together) Ruby has or had Raven's selflessness well thats all the ideas i have, nothing solid, just seeing what sticks to the wall. Admittedly the STRQ one might be a bit out there, considering Qrow and Raven are well known as siblings, and yes its weird as fuck idea to have them being/or were together as a couple. But if you remove the context of them being siblings, and see them having arguments, they argue as if they're a divorced couple. Also Qrow is more of a dad than Tai, protecting the gang when they're going on a trip, when Ruby is 15-16 yrs old (in the actual show). And generally being there for the gang. Even before Vol 4 Tai didnt even visit once, but was able to send Zwei. Qrow stayed the whole time, hanging out with Ruby and Yang but i dont remember in vol 1-3 Ruby or Yang ever calling Tai, y'know their dad? But again these are all ideas, nothing solid, just me rambling about RWBY stuff, uh uhm.... are these good ideas? most likely not feedback and criticism is appreciated :) my team rwby redesign v
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crystalelemental · 4 months
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Emerald League defeated. With the team I had planned on, which worked as well as I could've hoped.
The team is as follows:
Blaziken (Lonely)
Delcatty (Hasty)
Tropius (Bold)
Banette (Naive)
Walrein (Naughty)
Mawile (Jolly)
All were caught as the first female we encountered. I didn't reset for any natures. This is the only time Mawile has ever cooperated with me.
Blaziken absolutely demolished Sidney and Glacia. Admittedly, they kinda threw? Sidney didn't use Sand Attack, and Glacia didn't use a Water move. Bulk Up + Fighting move just broke both.
Banette obliterated Phoebe. Shadow Ball spam easily knocked out everything in one shot. Granted, crit on Sableye, so like...that's a bit cheating, but I count it.
Walrein slapped Drake apart, except for Kingdra who got her to 1HP. She did not outspeed Flygon.
Tropius was supposed to help against Wallace, but failed to outspeed Wailord of all things and got hit by Blizzard, dying instantly. I had revived Walrein to hopefully do this exact thing, and it Body Slammed until Walrein dropped. We were aiming for a paralysis, which we got on Ludicolo before dropping. Then...the fun.
I mentioned leading into this that I had a game plan for Mawile. That game plan is revealed now, through Baton Pass. Iron Defense Baton Pass into Calm Mind Delcatty. I admit, I threw in the Double Team boosts for funsies, to create this specific combo. It swept Wallace no problem.
And to prove its efficacy, we swept the League with it. You know what the really messed up part is? It was hard as hell.
Sidney's Mightyena has Roar. He can force you out and remove all your buffs. Phoebe's Curse ignores accuracy checks. Wallace has Rain Dance/Water Spout, which is going to kill you if it lands so you cannot fuck around that long. Glacia...okay, she only has Hail, but for some reason missed only one attack ever despite +5 evasion. I legitimately questioned if Ice Ball always hit under Hail and no one knew. And Drake has nothing, Shelgon's easy to play around. Paralysis is a bit spooky I guess, but he can't hurt Mawile. We had a legitimate, absolute bitch of a time on this one.
Which is kinda great. Emerald really did introduce counterplay to all its new tech. It does not make it easy to come in and sweep whatever you want. And I kinda respect that, even if it did ultimately pave the way for "the best and most consistent approach is just high damage offense."
That said, the same kudos cannot be extended to Mr. Stone.
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(Note: she was 53 before starting League Sweep; Delcatty levels like crazy)
Steven's Skarmory can, as expected, not even come close to denting Mawile. And Delcatty has Cute Charm which just further locks down Skarmory's shit. Aerial Ace is a very funny anti-evasion strat, though. Would absolutely kill Ninjask. His team is exquisite in all else, and it feels only fitting that Mawile be the hard counter to him that she was destined to be. For added fun, had Delcatty not been -Def nature, we likely would've been fine, even without evasion. The evasion was just an added little fuck you to not even need healing items.
So yeah. Emerald defeated. That was fun. Absolutely huge fan of Walrein, and while I didn't get to play to Calm Mind Banette, I have every confidence it would perform well enough to handle Wallace given access to Thunderbolt and Psychic. Blaziken remains the best, and running this nonsense Delcatty was divine. Mawile is actually great. Hit level 41 and you're pretty much set to do what she needs to do, and it really does just complete negate some fights. Tropius...buddy, I liked running you all game, but the League kinda dunks on you way too hard. Flying offers nothing, it's actively bad in several places, and Wallace is extremely too balanced for its sole Grass type move to do much. Especially since Wailord can both remove its potential Sunny Day/Solarbeam combo, and one-shots with Blizzard. I am not too impressed with Tropius, sadly.
Next up is supposed to be FRLG. I have to admit, I'm not super excited about it? I might do Platinum next. But I did want to cover everything, so...who knows, we'll see what I pick up.
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yakool-foolio · 11 months
I am actually having more monster hunter x rain code brainrot now, what monsters do you think the NDA people prefer to hunt like do they have a favourite monster? Or alternatively, if you were to assign the detectives monsters from MH, which would they be? I think you might have mentioned something about Vivia being a bit like Malzeno but what about the others?
That makes two of us with the Monster Hunter Rain Code brainrot combo! For whatever monsters they prefer to hunt and associate them with, I picked from the Rise Sunbreak pool since that's the game I'm placing them in for the crossover AU. Though it's very possible I could cheat and pick a monster that's in World if I feel like it heh. Enough dilly-dallying, time for the list!
Yuma - I feel like he'd favor hunting Rathalos, a good challenge while also not too overly demanding like an elder dragon. It's a good show of strength without putting himself in too much danger. The posterboys are fighting! As for what monster I associate him with, I'd say Chameleos suits him pretty well. An elder dragon with the ability to blend in with its surroundings and create mist, while also acting very jittery and unpredictably. Yep, that sounds like our lad.
Halara - They enjoy hunting down Goss Harag since they treat it like a sparring session. Two powerful blade wielders battling to the death, just the average hunt for Halara. This is where I start to cheat by saying that Halara's associated monster is Glavenus. Another sword-like monster, Glavenus is known for being one of the strongest brute wyverns while also being the most intelligent, fitting for Halara's excellence in brains and brawn.
Desuhiko - Taking the surname Thunderbolt to the extreme, he absolutely loves to hunt Zinogre. I associate Desuhiko with electric guitar motifs, so for Zinogre to also have electric guitar in its theme makes it all the better. I associate him most with Tobi-Kadachi though, the electric flying snake-squirrel simply fits him to a T. He managed to get the highest honor one can receive since Tobi is my favorite monster.
Fubuki - Her favorite monster is Velkhana! She likes to think of the icy elder dragon as royalty, so she treats the monster with utmost respect in battle, even if it means she often finds herself incased in ice for her chivalry. I feel like she reminds me of Mizutsune the most, since this monster appears harmless at first, but its bubbles are surprisingly deadly in unconventional ways by tripping up hunters.
Vivia - He's definitely the type of person who prefers not to hunt unless absolutely necessary, but when he does, he gravitates toward hunting Gore Magala. That is, until he tries to snuggle under one while using its fluffy wings as a blanket. And of course I associate the anemic vampire with the vampiric dragon Malzeno! Once a peaceful monster living in harmony with humans, its tranquility was destroyed while fighting for dominance against a powerful, demonic elder dragon. This battle forced Malzeno to form a symbiotic bond with parasitic leeches that infected it, something that Vivia would most likely sympathize with (and is definitely a plot point in the crossover AU).
Yakou - The chief achieves the greatest thrill when hunting Crimson Glow Valstrax. It's basically like fighting fire with fire with these two rocketeers. Maybe this monster even reminds Yakou of Yomi due to its title as the 'star of despair,' much like what the leader of Amaterasu has become over the years. It's certainly one way to take out his pent-up guilt and rage. I'm gonna cheat again by associating Yakou with Namielle. The sea dragon propaganda prevails!
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lonelinessmademecrazy · 2 months
You said you've been writing down (or rather, typing up) whatever comes to your head when you first wake up. Would you be comfortable sharing some of the things you've written?
Sure, I see no harm in that. Some of the dates are a bit off due to me forgetting what days I had or had not accounted for.
Also, this will probably have a “read more” section bc this is LONG.
pasta would be better without the wait time. Why can’t it be packaged like udon?
No, I’m not paying for your tax write-off of a vacation
I’m not a monster. I’m not a creature. I’m not a god. I’m human. I’m normal. I’m perfectly normal.
Just like the coocoo bird effect,I killed my false parents. Dug my teeth into their flesh and tore and shred until there was nothing left. Only blood and bone shards.
cheese. not celery. CHEESE. Worst salsa de queso ever
I want chocolate
Feigning humanity only starves me further.
They worship the very thing that will kill them. They know it’ll kill them. Why do they expect appreciation from an old deity?
el conejo es muy delicioso
Tear, rip, shred, filét, slice, stab, scratch, do what I want. I’m so hungry and so angry.
Need to make friends. I’m so lonely
You’re a fucking liar. Go kill yourself.
Better yet, let me do it for you, pathetic waste of flesh.
I’m not a monster. I’d never eat that. I’d never do that. Nobody should worship me.
I’m just a normal human.
Kitty cat!! In car!! I want a pet kitty!
Those macarons were so fucking good. I should go get some more. Vanilla and pistachio
Water would be nice. It’s so hot
Mayonnaise is such a weird condiment
Cookies and cream flavored milkshakes are the best thing to grace the shelves of my fridge.
How much could a creature possibly need to eat? So many lives lost.
Sleep is for the weak
God, please let me sleep
Sleepy time tea
Check the mail
Cult. It’s a cult. They’re in fucking cult.
They worship the same thing that warned me about them
Don’t let them know
I know
I’m starving
Cake pops would sell so good on campus.
What do you mean you want a cheeseburger combo with no cheese. That’s just a hamburger combo.
No, a combo is just the burger and fries, you’re thinking of a meal. The meal has a drink with it.
I fucking hate fast food, oh my god
My thoughts get louder at night. Just when I think things are changing.
My thoughts get louder at night.
The insistent need to tear and rip and shred. I’d never, though.
I’m not a monster.
Shut up, you can make your own damn french fries.
I deserve a pay raise
That guy is not even real. Why does everyone think he’s stalking me?
It’s raining so much. I hate hurricane season
Can I PLEASE make it to work without driving through a literal flood??
Milkshake?? Eh, ice cream is better
Hunger. It’s all I feel. No matter how much I eat, I’m always hungry.
Maybe I’m not eating the right thing.
My teeth itch every time one of you talks. You’re all so annoying, I just wanna bite out your jugulars.
Bacon jerky
Something claws from deep within, begging for just a taste. Just a drop, a shred, a chunk, a bite.
I don’t want to eat that. That’s gross. But my brain tells me otherwise.
I’ve been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet
A pawn and a king
How many lives did they truly live? How many times did they all repeat that same, vicious cycle.
How lucky am I to be an outside viewer.
An observer
Kimchi jiggae and a big ass bottle of strawberry caplico
I want strawberry milk
He’s not the guardian. He’s the firebrand. That fucking liar. You’re just as bad as your captor.
Mmmm steamed egg
Vanilla ice cream
No, strawberry
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yungchaeng · 2 years
Can i request a really fluffy first kiss w jeong? No pressure tho! Love your works!!
October Ice Cream (Twice: Jeongyeon)
genre: fluff - word count: 1493
authors note: thank you anon!! sorry it took a little while to write. i had to fight the urge to turn this into a whole fic multiple times while writing this lol. i hope it was what you had in mind :)
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The sky was cloudy and grey. The streets were swarmed with people on autopilot, each busy and enthralled in their daily routines. It was just any other mundane day when you met her, but from then on, no day could ever be grey again. Not to you anyway.
You were staring out the window of your usual bus, bopping your head to music way too loudly playing on your headphones when you felt a tap on your shoulder. Your eyes met hers and she sent you a kind smile, instinctively you moved your headphone out of the way.
“Could I sit here?” she politely asked, motioning to your bag on the seat next to you.
“Oh,” you realised and quickly moved your things out of the way for her. “Sorry, I didn’t realise.”
“That’s okay,” the girl laughed as she sat next to you. “I saw you were all deep in thought, you had the whole melodramatic lean on the window and stare combo going on.”
You laughed along and playfully nudged her, “Hey, you can’t blame me. It’s been a long day.”
“Tell me about it.” The girl huffed.
She raked her fingers through her short black hair, and you suddenly realised you were staring. How could you not, though? She was an incredibly beautiful girl. A warm smile was still on her lips, accompanied by a slight twinkle in her deep brown eyes. Those would forever be your favourite thing about her, those kind eyes – always with a sparkle in them. There would never again be anything brighter than that.
“So, where are you headed?” she said, whisking you away from your thoughts of her.
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks as you realised she completely caught you staring. The smile on her lips turned to a playful smirk when you stuttered “oh- I, uhm, the station.”
“Good.” She nodded, satisfied. “Me too.”
And so it began.
You weren’t usually the type to start conversations with strangers, probably because you were constantly listening to music instead. The thought never even really struck you that you could make a meaningful connection with someone somewhere as regular as the bus, but this stranger quickly turned into a friend as the two of you talked for the rest of the bus ride. The both of you clicked almost instantly as you talked as if you’d known each other for years.
You loved her laugh, and how playful she was, the way her deep voice made her sound so calm when speaking all the while her enthusiasm still peeked through her words. You really liked her. And you realized just how much when your bus stop came along and you both got out.
You shot the girl a look when the bus drove away, dissatisfied that your time had come to an end. Before you could say anything,  she spoke up “…would you like to go for ice cream?”
“Ice cream?” You asked with a raised eyebrow. “It’s October.” with a glance at the cloudy sky you added, “and about to rain.”
“Come onnn,” the other girl cutely whined. “Just accept my lame subtle excuse to hang out with you more.”
“subtle?” you quipped teasingly.
“Shut up,” she pouted. “You coming? I’m buying.”
You laughed at her antics. Honestly, you were already convinced when she asked the first time, but with the fact that your October ice-cream would now be free combined with that cute pout of her bottom lip… “how could I say no to that?” a smile crept up on your face as did one on hers when you linked your arm with hers. “wait…what’s your name actually?”
“My name? Oh, I can’t give you my name.” she shrugged, chuckling. “Stranger danger and all.”
“stranger danger?” you hit the girl on her arm and feigned offense. “when you were the one that just asked me on a spontaneous date?”
You winced as when you realised you actually just assumed that she meant all of this as a date. And that you just said the word ‘date’ to her out loud. However, your doubts and the idea that maybe it was all just wishful thinking dissolved when she smiled at you.
“Fair enough,” The girl nodded. “I’m Jeongyeon.”
“Jeongyeon,” you repeated. “Pretty name. Fitting for a girl like you.”
“aaaaah, cheesy.” Jeongyeon scrunched up her nose, trying to withhold a smile. “are you like this every day?”
“I guess you’ll just have to find out.” You shrugged with a slight smirk. With a small tug on her arm, you dragged her along with you. “Come on, let’s get going, Jeongyeon. A pretty girl promised me some free ice cream.”
The ice-cream was cold. Of course it was, it was the middle of October, but for all the warmth you could ever need the only thing you had to do was look over at Jeongyeon. Her bright and wide smile and the genuine kindness she showed you and others around you made her feel warm to you, comforting and comfortable.
When you adoringly watched her as she nearly melted at the sight of a puppy and basically sprinted to go pet it, you knew for sure; this girl was beautiful, both inside and out.
Getting ice cream had turned into a walk around the city, which turned into grabbing a bite to eat a diner. You didn’t want to say goodbye. Neither of you did. But as the shops started to close, the sun had gone down and the streets went quiet, you knew it was time to go home.
“When are you taking the bus again?” Jeongyeon asked you. Her hands were in her back pocket, and she swayed back and forth on her feet. You both ended up back at the station, the place where you were supposed to split ways in the first place. By the way she bit down her bottom lip and hesitantly looked at you, you could tell…she was nervous.
“Tomorrow. Same time, same place.” You gave her a reassuring smile. “Will I see you there?”
Jeongyeon sighed, seemingly of relief. “Definitely.”
“Good.” The ever-present grin you had on your face was still plastered on there. A complete stranger to you less than 6 hours ago had managed to make a grey and cloudy day into a colourful one. “Today was fun. It was nice to meet you, Jeongyeon.”
“Nice to meet you too,” she engulfed you into a hug you almost immediately melted into.
When she let go of you slightly, you leaned back and looked at her. You bit down your lip in anticipation, still holding on tight to her. For that moment in her arms, you forgot about the chilly autumn wind and blocked out the noises of the cars passing by. Your glance shifted to her lips and you smiled. You knew it from the moment her thumb swiped over your cheek to wipe away ice cream and you met her affectionate eyes, maybe you even knew from the first time you saw the smile on her lips – you wanted to kiss her.
But if there was one thing you learned about Jeongyeon after having spent the day with her, is that she probably wasn’t going to initiate anything like it – not yet anway. She wouldn’t want to impose on anything, probably. Therefore, you’d just have to take matters into your own hands a bit.
“So Jeongyeon,” you started and she replied with a hum. “You take me out on a date, pay for my ice cream and my dinner.” A sly grin found its way to your face again. “Are you not gonna kiss me?”
She laughed at your directness. “I’d love to, actually.”
She leaned in, her forehead touching yours first. A nervous chuckle escaped your lips when her hand found the back of neck, pulling you in closer to close the gap between you. Her lips were soft and warm as they locked with yours. They moved eagerly, but never too hurried. You held on tighter to her and were grateful that she held onto you when kissing you so sweetly as you had felt your knees might give out right in that moment. All of a sudden you understood that damn butterflies in the stomach cliché, because that was exactly what Jeongyeon seemed to do to you.
You sighed and pouted as Jeongyeon broke the kiss, silently pleading for more. It took a second before your eyes fluttered back open again, and you met her gaze. She teased you for your pouting and you playfully swatted her on the shoulder.
Once more you hugged, your head spinning as you both said your goodbyes. You turned on your heels when you heard the other girl speak up. “Wait,” Jeongyeon said and held onto your wrist. “You never actually told me your name.”
With a smirk you quickly pecked her on the cheek, making her smile. “I’ll tell you tomorrow.”
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blubberquark · 1 year
Self-Synergy, Anti-Synergy, Pools
In a roguelike-like game with skills and pick-ups you need to choose between, such as The Binding of Isaac or Nuclear Throne, or in a drafting and deck-building game, such as Slay The Spire or the "arena" and "dungeon run" modes in Hearthstone, there is the possibility of self-synergy.
Self-synergy is the opposite of balancing a game for one-off units, or one-off cards (sometimes called "one-of" tech cards because you only need one of them in your deck at most, even if you could have more; I do not know if that is a malaproprism). Let's start with some hypothetical examples: Say you have a buff that makes healing cheaper, and then you level up again and encounter a choice where one option is to pick more spell damage, and one choice is to make healing more effective. If you already have cheaper healing, there is synergy between cheaper healing and stronger healing. But why stop there? If you have one buff to healing power already, picking a second copy of that buff to healing power has the same potential for synergy. If you get any healing spells, they will be better. Maybe they will be better by roughly the same amount. Another example: You are playing a (hypothetical) drafting card game. You have a card that lets you draw a card when you play it in beast mode. You don't have any beast mode activating cards yet. If you pick another card that has an extra effect when in beast mode, it will make your first card that activates beast mode that much better. Another example: You are playing a role-playing game with random loot. You are wearing an amulet of fire damage, a ring of ice damage, and a crown of poison damage. If you find a ring of fire damage. Obviously having +2 to fire damage is better than having +1 to fire damage and +1 to ice damage, unless your ice spells are levelled up already. You would rather use the best spell all the time, unless fire and ice have cooldowns.
If picking the same thing again multiple times is a good move, even if you have nothing that enables the synergy yet, it's self-synergy. If a thing just has a synergy with itself, like a murloc that gives +1 to other murclocs, and would thus give +1 to another copy of itself, that is just regular synergy.
The clearest example of self-synergy in an actually existing game is Risk of Rain (at least the first one). There are so many items which can stack, and which you should pick multiples of when you can, to enable synergies that much harder. Faster attacks stack, and enable items that have a chance to cause an effect on attack more often.
On the other hand, many games have upgrades, skills, or items with mechanics with a mutual anti-synergy. Let's call the anti-synergy version of self-synergy anti-self-synergy. Anything that casts from hit points has anti-synergy with other things that cast from hit points, including itself, because casting from hit points too much runs the risk of running out of hit points.
Games often prevent self-synergy effects by having upgrades drawn without replacement from small pool (Nuclear Throne) or limit it by making it risky to pick a card purely speculatively (Slay the Spire) or prevent it by making effects not stack. Some games have the potential for self-synergy, but in the Hearthstone arena mode, it's never the right choice to pick a second Murloc just because you already have one Murloc, even though the upside could be amazing. Some types of pick-ups like "tears up" items in The Binding of Isaac have strong self-synergy, making subsequent tear effects that much more effective, while "damage up" items are not really synergistic, but just good, individually, and their effects add up in a linear fashion. In Diablo and derived games, there is no game design pressure for these kinds of things, because you can keep around set pieces, synergy enablers, and combo items in your chest or inventory on the off chance they might become useful later. It's less of a "speculative pick" and more of a "don't sell, yet" situation.
Self-synergy is often a "win more" thing. You don't need more of one thing when enabling a synergy even once would win you the game or at least give you a competitive edge.
In FTL: Faster Than Light there is anti-synergy between picking multiple missile weapons (because missiles are a scarce resource) or between using multiple beam weapons (because beams can't take down shields for other beams), and for most species there is no benefit to picking a second crew member of that species over picking a different species - with one exception. Every subsequent Mantis crew member increases the viability of buying a transporter and switching from a ship weapons play style to a boarding party play style. Having two Mantis makes it really tempting to pick a third, even if you don't have a transporter yet. Having three Mantis will make reconstitutive teleport that much better with a transporter.
Imagine you are designing additional content for Slay the Spire, FTL or Hearthstone. Adding underpowered cards to Hearthstone will probably not change the meta-game in the "constructed" format. They would just never be played. Adding underpowered and individually weak cards that enable synergies on the other hand might change the metagame in the "constructed" format, but not "arena". Card pools in Hearthstone are rather big, so players can't count on finding a card that completes a combo during their draft. Adding weak cards with potentially strong synergies widens the gap between arena and constructed. Adding unequivocally strong cards just breaks the game and leads to power creep.
Contrast this with Binding of Isaac, where adding a strong item to the shop pool is Isaac makes shops stronger, creates incentives for saving 15¢ and spending a key on a shop door, but adding a weak item to the boss or treasure room pool just makes the game harder. Synergies are too random to plan ahead.
In FTL, pools for weapons, crew, systems, and augmentations are rather small. The only pools that are big are events. You can't count on getting a beam weapon or cloaking when you need them, but you usually get something. You can easily add more events to FTL, but you can't add more species, or more weapon types, without completely changing the balance of the game. In the same vein, adding more cards to Slay the Spire would trash the existing potential for synergy or self-synergy. One way to keep the potential for synergy would be to add the existing synergies to the new cards or items, but this could easily result in power creep or overly complex card text.
Just adding more stuff to a game would cause the difficulty/power levels of random decks/builds, drafted decks/builds, and constructed decks/builds to diverge drastically. This can be counteracted by changing around certain pools, making certain items/cards a guaranteed find, increasing the size (shelf space) of shops, and so on, but all those game design tweaks have knock-on effects.
The existence of random items, speculative picks, self-synergy, synergy, item pools, item rarity tiers, and randomly populated shops creates a dynamic where there is an optimal size of certain pools, an optimal amount of content for certain game modes, and adding or removing content will affect different game modes differently.
Most games that have multiple game modes, like Hearthstone with "arena" (draft) and standard (constructed) mode, or The Binding Of Isaac with a normal mode and "greed mode", are struggling to keep the power levels of items/cards and the size and shape of pools consistent. Adding more stuff and changing pool sizes pushes different modes in different directions, and requires counter-balance patches to cards or enemies that affect different modes differently, but in the other direction.
There is an optimum amount of stuff in a game design, and it's often less than 20. Whenever you add more stuff to your game, you should ask yourself: Am I adding a card? Am I adding a skill? Am I adding a sword or gun? Or am I adding a random encounter with flavour text?
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
(Inspired by your recent post on Haineko and also that fic you wrote about Hinamori getting the hogyoku) I bet Matsumoto and Hinamori could get an epic combo move, I read somewhere that if you tried to get too close to a volcanic eruption you'd get encased in volcanic ash and die inside the solid shell it'd form. Which feels somewhat thematic for them based on vibes alone.
yeah YEAH!
Rangiku and Momo are two characters I would love to see hang out more. It's clear that they already have a good relationship prior to Aizen's defection--we see them conspiring to do something for Hitsugaya on his birthday in the fireworks flashback, and Rangiku is the one who brings Aizen's letter to Momo when she's in prison, even though it's technically evidence or something.
It's actually a little weird that we know absolutely nothing about Rangiku and Gin's relationship once they left the Rukon. I kinda get the feeling that Gin blew her off completely, but maybe there was a period where they had a relationship again. I get the definite sense that they are estranged at the time of the defection. My point in this is: did Rangiku have any sense that Aizen was not what he seemed to be? I feel like out of all the people in Soul Society, Rangiku is the one who might look at Aizen and, in particular, his relationship and actions toward Gin, and say, "wow, there is definitely something about this dude that does not add up." In other words, I also don't know if she had any sense of Momo being gaslit by Aizen while it was happening. That being said, I am at the age where, a couple of times now, a friend tells me they are getting a divorce and it feels like it's coming out of nowhere, but at the same time it doesn't. It's a really complicated feeling of "I should have seen this" but also not, because hiding the broken parts of a relationship are often part of what makes it so broken. All of this is to say that I think that Rangiku would have really been there for Momo in the aftermath, partly as an exercise in dealing with her own lingering Gin-feels, and I love they idea of them working some of this out through developing some sick moves.
I do not know a lot about volcanos, but I know that they exist in one of those batshit regimes of physics where temperatures are so high that you run into all kinds of nonlinear effects dealing with the compressibility of air and ionization effects. If you wander through the rabbit warren of volcano-related horrible-things-that-will-kill-you-but-have-really-cool-names, it's all stuff like "oh, this happens when pyroclastic debris hits running water and accelerates to insane speeds" or "if the eruption column can't entrain enough air, it will collapse and rains molten material down on everything"
In other words, I think Tobiume and Haineko are two great tastes that would go even better together. Rangiku could embed Haineko into one of Momo's lava jets and use it to make a controlled lahar to throw in people's face. Momo could create a pyroclastic surge with Haineko, and sandblast the landscape, gaining the sort of +2 spiritual damage you get from hitting things with a zanpakutou. The possibilities are endless. It's not even just a case of being able to do unique things, but just taking advantages of each other's strengths. Maybe it's easy for Momo to create magma, but hard to move it around, but Rangiku can do that easily. Releasing Haineko in an area where Tobiume is going off is going to add auto-fire damage, that's a freebie.
This would take so much practice and be so much fun and Hitsugaya would be in favor of it in theory, except that he's sitting in his office with an ice pack on his head, doing all of Rangiku's paperwork because he knows she's going to be "too tired" later. That is, until Momo comes running in with the latest research journal she got Lisa to import from the Living World for her, because it turns out that with a combination of hot gas, ash and ice particles you can make volcanic lightning.
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years
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New glyph combo acquired! I watched a few more seconds and saw that it stops falling objects. I also managed to actually get a few decent enough glimpses of it to make out what the entire thing looks like.
It’s one light glyph, surrounded by one ice glyph and one fire glyph. Hmm… not sure if I see any connection there to negating or lessening gravity. I guess light is, well, light.
On a more important note, Luz did that thing I do every other week where I decided that Today Is The Day I’m fInally Going To Get My Life Together and then just never do. Her To Do list for the day includes constructing a fully-functioning portal door, something that took Philip at least ten years, figure out every possible glyph combination which would probably require a lifetime or more (which is not really an option for Luz, unless… you know) and figure out Belos’ evil plan and defeat him. And even I’m not sure what Belos’ plan actually is, much less how they’d go about defeating him.
Suffice it to say, Luz is taking on maybe a little too much.
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This made me burst out laughing. Is Belos evil? Do you think!??
Also, wasn’t Ruler’s Reach the name of that book King & Luz wrote in that one episode in season one?
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It got better.
The real question is, who was he trying to send that picture of Little Rascal to? Probably one of the Emerald Entrails. My money’s on Willow.
(that profile picture, it’s… it sure is something)
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I wasn’t too far off with what I said about Luz making that reminder months ahead. She and Camila apparently have some tradition that they do every year and this being the first time in years that they’re apart for this occasion… it’s got Luz catching the sad. And so she tries to distract herself with working on a hundred things at once, and as a result, accomplishing very little.
On another note, that is Eda’s old grudgby jacket she wore back in Wing It Like Witches*. It looks good on you Luz. Maybe you should try it on. See if its fits. Who knows, maybe what you need to get out of your funk is a new wardrobe.
I’ve seen art of Luz wearing that jacket, is what I’m trying to say.
(*i went back to rewatch a scene from that episode and I spotted Raine in a photograph in Eda’s photo album)
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So Amity has her own problems that can distract Luz. 
So today is the day of the Bonesbrorough Brawl which sounds like some kind of wrestling thing, but I assume magic is involved too. Or maybe it’s not at all like wrestling and just straight up duels or some such. That doesn’t exactly look like a wrestling outfit Alador’s wearing there (I’ll talk more about the photo in a sec).
But today is also the tryouts for the Emperor’s Coven. Odalia has already signed Amity up for it and Alador assigned an Abomaton to, ah… escort her there. Now, I don’t know when witches are considered adults on the Boiling Isles, but Amity is what? Fourteen? Maybe fifteen? Isn’t that a little to young to be joining the army? I know Hunter was probably younger, but he’s a special case… then again, he was serious about the Emerald Entrails joining and they were around Amity’s age, soooo…
Amity, of course, doesn’t want to join the Emperor’s Coven. In fact, she doesn’t want to join ANY coven anymore. She just wants to go to the brawl, compete and hopefully win, like her dad once upon a time.
It is not lost on me that this is something Amity wants to do with her dad, you know, something they can share and have in common… and meanwhile, Luz had something she wanted to do and share with her mom. So much for a distraction.
Let’s talk about the photo  for a sec. Obviously, we have Alador as the central figure. He’s obviously much younger, his eyes are brighter and doesn’t have the bags they do in the present. His hair looks a bit more well-kept although his hands are still stained (thought that could be from the fight). He had the goggles already. He’s also wearing some kind of tank on his back, probably for his abomination goop.
If we look in the lower right corner we can see Odalia. It’s kinda hard to tell, but I think she might be blushing? If we look a bit above Odalia, on one of the large skulls in the background, we can see Eda and Raine watching the spectacle from above. On the lower left we find Darius booing. Already Alador’s rival back then, huh? Also, the person with the fangs next to Darius kinda looks like a vampire, which we know exists on the Boiling Isles.
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tobiasdrake · 11 months
First team created at random incorporating the new Kitakami Pokemon. ^_^
When I rolled the dice, these six Pokemon were assigned to me:
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So this is what I did with them.
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Furret's not a very strong Pokemon in direct combat. His stats are abysmal. What he does have going for him is a decent selection of buffs and Baton Pass, which can be used to set up his teammates.
I was torn for a while between Agility, Coil, and Amnesia. I wound up going for Coil because it confers three stat boosts, which will be relevant when we get to Ribombee. Attack and Defense are also good for powering up Mudsdale - As is Agility's Speed, to make up for Mudsdale's terrible Speed.
Since Furret's mainly here to buff and pass, I gave him Bright Powder to help him hold out against enemy attacks long enough to do the job.
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Ribombee's Quiver Dance is the Special equivalent to Coil. She doesn't get much from Coil's Attack boost, but Stored Power gains +20 base Power for every individual buff, with no upper limit. If she picks up a few buffs from Furret, she can fire it off strong - or power it up further with Quiver Dance.
She can also send buffs down the line with a Baton Pass of her own. In a pinch, unable to set up, she can also resort to Pollen Puff for flat-out blasting.
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Crawdaunt's pretty straightforward. Angry crab go smash. Especially with Attack and Speed buffs picked up from Furret, and the Razor Claw for improved crits on the already improved-crit Crabhammer and Night Slash.
He's also pitching in with False Swipe for any Pokemon catching I might want to do. And he can Swords Dance himself if the mood strikes.
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Victreebel is rocking the Sunny/Solar/Chlorophyll combo, simple enough. With Sleep Powder to help clinch it, Sludge Bomb as a backup option, and a Heat Rock to extend the Sunny weather.
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Mudsdale is built for stacking Defense like a madwoman. Between Defense stacks from Furret's Coil, Defense stacks from Stamina triggers, and Iron Defense if she needs to get started from zero, it's only natural to throw Body Press in there for good measure.
Weighing in at 2,028.3 lbs, the single heaviest Pokemon I've yet to register in either the Paldea or Kitakami Dex, she's easily got the bulk for a powerhouse Heavy Slam.
I foresee Mudsdale going MVP.
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Which leaves Goodra. Goodra has a lot of flexibility when it comes to Type coverage and especially weather shenanigans. The last team he pulled for, he was rocking the Rain Dance/Thunder combo with Aqua Tail.
This time I want him to back up Victreebel, either to set him up or take the baton from where he dropped it. So I swapped out Rain/Thunder/Water for Sunny Day and Flamethrower for synergy. With Ice Beam for coverage against Ground and Flying types.
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pagerunner-j · 2 years
I know I'm late to the party here, but I picked up Jedi: Fallen Order when it was free on PS+, and have been spending some of my sleepless hours over the last several days playing through it. I'm not done yet, but I'm getting close. A few thoughts about it, in no particular order.
(spoilers, probably, but they're mild.)
Cal, I'm very sorry I was disinterested from early impressions and thought you were kind of bland. You are, in fact, a good, good egg and I'm glad to have you.
Force-based psychometry should have been a thing a whole lot sooner. It's also probably the most elegant choice they could have made for in-game lore drops. Thumbs up.
BD-1: best droid.
Whoever designed BD's holomaps, however, needs to be dragged out back and given a...stern talking-to.
On that note: oh dear god does this game need fast travel. Please. I am begging with all my heart.
I mean, Merrin can apparently teleport wherever the hell she wants, so can't she teach us or something? You can come up with a narrative excuse here, guys. I PROMISE YOU CAN.
Side note: I never did watch the Clone Wars series, and God knows there's too much ancillary Star Wars media to keep track of everything unless you make it your full-time job, so this is my first encounter with the Nightsisters.
They are entirely my jam.
Neeeed mooooore.
Overall thoughts: I appreciate what they're going for with the combat in this game; I'm not very good at it, although I'm getting better; I'd probably get better much faster if I were less impatient on account of not wanting to retrace my steps all the time if I screw up, because I reiterate: OMG THESE MAPS.
Upside? Story difficulty exists. Thaaaaaank yooooooou.
Related: There are some combat achievements I haven't dinged yet and am planning to try in the post-game, and I'll probably change the difficulty back at some point while I'm at it, now that I've got the maps fully cleared and at least kind of know where I'm going? Mostly.
Having found every chest (thank you to whoever wrote the guide at True Achievements; you rock) and thereby discovered pretty much every poncho variant known to mankind -- except for the clear plastic kind they give you at theme parks so you can keep dry in the rain and/or at messy stage shows, and now I wish they'd tossed in one of those for kicks -- I would like to encourage the devs, if they have the time between now and April, to put a few different kinds of collectibles on the map next time. Just one or two. For me.
(Oh, ponchos. The '70s were a weird damn time, okay.)
Elemental Nature II + Magus: pretty pretty lightsaber combo.
I was also super torn about color choice, but I went with cyan and really have no regrets. My personal headcanon for it: you find your crystal in a cave of ice, you might as well stick with the color palette.
Above all, though, the main reason I started writing this list was the scene I just watched, where we got to a pivotal dramatic moment and Cal got properly knighted, with a lightsaber and all, and my jaw fucking dropped, because it's been decades now of Star Wars and all these movies and shows and games and books and shit and -- again, with the caveat here that I absolutely haven't seen everything, but still -- that was the first time I'd seen that happen.
and seriously
all the points to the devs of this game for making the obvious choice that somehow wasn't obvious at all.
(P.S. If you give me a bogling pet for my ship, LET ME PLAY WITH IT. Glimpsing it in the vents now and then is not enough. I pout. Still amused that Greez A: has noticed signs of its presence, if not its actual presence and B: is perplexed by it, though.)
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
Introducing my teams Pt3 - Mono Bow
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disclaimer: I build my teams mostly based of a certain thematic and just for fun, they are not fully “meta” oriented and while I’m sure they can be improved upon I’m generally happy with the compositions.
Ganyu - Burst Support Yelan - Off-field DPS Childe - Main DPS Diona - Support
The fact that this team started bc I ship Chilyu.... Anyway I wanted Childe and Ganyu together and apparently the way to go is permafreeze combo, at the time I was going to add Xingqiu for sub dps and Diona for double cryo and shield/healing but THEN Yelan was announced and I went "haha what if full archer team?" and here we are.
So yep, permafreeze, everyone supports or boosts the ginger and he goes wild on the field as he likes to do, simple. In the case the fatui menace is on cooldown Ganyu can pick up the slack and DPS by herself rather easily.
Rotation goes Ganyu E -> Ganyu Q -> Yelan Q -> Childe E and go wild -> Childe Q -> Diona E -> Diona Q -> Yelan E
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Disco ball Ganyu is still Nuke Ganyu. Her burst lasts so long she's usually ready to go when the first one starts giving 100% uptime on that cryo. Can deploy her flower for some energy or to lure some enemies but doesn't always work that well. //cries in no Amos Bow or Acqua Simulacra Hunter's Path is usually recommended for Melt Ganyu but it's the only 5* I have and it's a crit bow idk, she used to have Viridescent Hunt. One could argue Diona's EM burst buff helps but it's minimal. 2pc Noblesse 2pc Blizzard for that burst and cryo buffs Atk/Cryo/Crit dmg as per usual offensive builds, she just gotta keep that cryo raining down.
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Yelan is insanely amazing, seriously, her burst does so much dmg so quick and she's rather fun and easy to use and build. She's mostly a quick Q swap but her skill is incredibly useful also achieving that freeze when the whole field is raining ice, and easily doing 20k per thread. Favo Warbow for energy reasons, she's easily the team's battery with how fast and easy she procs the passive. 4pc Noblesse to boost her burst and other members. HP/Hydro/Crit as she scales off HP and to proc the bow and get those numbers. I'm quite happy with how much HP these pieces give her omg.
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Ah yes the war criminal. Comes out to absolutely destroy everything on sight charging wildly and attacking violently, we love to see it. There are SO many blue numbers on screen once this guys starts lashing out with that riptide mechanic and the support of Yelan's and Ganyu's burst is insane. Enemies can't attack you if they can't move, and they all fall down quite easily... Sad crit rate but he never crits anyway, we know that. Rust for raw power being his BiS before Polar Star dropped, 4pc HoD for that sweet sweet hydro and atk bonus tailored for him and Atk/Hydro/Crit as per usual DPS builds. C1 gives me a bit more of leeway with his long cooldown but if anything is even alive by the time he's done the girls can pick up quick.
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Let's not kid ourselves, this girl is the backbone of the entire team. Shielding, Healing. Ganyu battery and support. She's got it all. The rest would be dead without her, quite literally. Sac bow for ER and the passive that can allow for an extra shield uptime. 2pc Tenacity 2pc Maidens HP/HP/Healing for those sweet sweet heals. Her burst heals around 7k per tick enough to quickly patch up anyone who needs it (usually childe) while providing a mini version of Ganyu's cryo field that Yelan can use with her threads.
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So much blue at once.
I love this team with a passion, they would be so funny to interact together I have lots of headcanons LOL. The 5* are crowned at least once but hey Diona's C6 sooo they're even. They also all have the dragonspine wings bc matchy matchy. Kinda hope to get them better bows one day (Yelan's and Diona's used to be swapped bc sac bow meant free C1 Yelan) but we'll see we'll see.
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