#and i needed to do something that required less than 2 braincells before going to sleep.
yangjeongin · 11 months
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noyoucannotpushthevoid · 10 months
Edibility of First Edition DnD Monsters (Part A for medical reasons*)
I don't have a 5th edition monster manual lol. I only have monster manuals for 1e dnd and 1e pathfinder. And migraines do weird fucking shit to my brain "Monster" is used loosely. You'll catch on to why quickly I'm sure lol. First edition is WILD. I'll also say here: just because I think something would be tasty or easy to eat does not mean I think it's moral. And their ratings will reflect that :)))). Also, I am a passible cook and don't like to try new things, so a lot of this is just my assumptions. Finally, these rating are based on a person eating one of these “monsters” in a situation in which they have access to other food and do not need to eat these “monsters” for survival
 These "monsters" will be rated on 4 criteria: Edibility, Effort, Taste, and Morality. Edibility, Effort, and Taste will be ranked on 1 to 10 scales, and Morality on a 1 to 5 scale. All these ratings will be added together, the final number will be its final rating, meaning the closer it is to 35, the more edible I deem it to be Edibility (how easy to consume is this creature?): 1 = you're going to be breaking some teeth if you try. 10 = real easy, super easy to eat Effort (how much effort has to go into either getting the edible parts of the given "monster" or preparing the edible parts of said "monster"): 1 = So much effort, probably a DC of at least 20. Definitely time consuming. 10 = a baby could do this. Less than minimal effort needed Taste (What it says on the tin, what I think the "monster" tastes like and whether I think it would taste good (very subjective, but I'll do my best to look at it from the perspective of someone much more willing to experiment)): 1 = you'll probably be vomiting before you even put the thing in your mouth. 10 = mmmmmm, even I'll give it a try Morality: (how moral is it to eat this "monster"?): This is also where the number sequence gets reversed. 5 = don't lose sleep over it. 1 = if it's not already, what your doing should be considered a crime. This is extremely immoral, what the fuck
The "A"s: Aerial Servant (a semi-conscious subtype of the Air Elemental. It's typically not seen on the Material Plane, a) because they're literally invisible here and b) they need to be summoned. When summoned it's to accomplish a task set out by the summoner, if distracted from said task they are known to become incredibly hostile, especially towards its summoner) Edibility: 10 (it is literally just air) Effort: 10 (breathe too hard nearby it and you've effectively consumed it. absolutely no effort is required) Taste: 5 (it's air. I don't know what else to say. it's air from the elemental plane of air, I'm not sure these things even come with a scent) Morality: 3 (upgraded from 2 because I kind of pity how easily it is to eat. And it's like me frfr, I too get hostile when I can't remember what I was doing due to someone interrupting. That being said, it is still pretty much just concentrated air with half a braincell to a) follow orders and b) get mad) Final Rating: 28/35
Anhkheg (big, armored worm with fly eyes and mandibles. Green because I like the Pathfinder coloring better to the brown and pink flesh tones of 1e dnd. They also have two antennae. They are burrowing creatures whose ideal habitat is farmland that borders a forest. Can and will spit all of the acid in their stomach at chosen prey) Edibility: 4 (have you ever eaten an earth worm? I haven't but I've carried enough around in my hands to assume that they don't have a very good mouth feel. An Anhkheg is basically a giant earth worm-like creature with a shell. Not a pleasant experience to eat) Effort: 6 (You've got to crack that shell somehow first (after battling it because they obviously won't go down without a fight and are known to snack on humanoids every once in a while, putting you in the "prey" category in their mind). AC in 1e dnd is only a 2, and in 1e pathfinder it's a 16, so not the hardest shell to crack) Taste: 6 (grassy, acidic. My previous notes say, "like good dirt". I think it would taste decent in moderation, likely included in side dishes to add an acidic and contradictory flavor to a meal) Morality: 4 (it's a dog eats dog world with this shit. They will not hesitate to eat you, so you should not hesitate in kind) Final Rating: 20/35
Giant Ant (Again, what it says on the tin) Edibility: 7 (people eat small ants with ease, I assume giant ants are no different, just bigger and probably can't be baked into cookies or dipped in chocolate. I will leave it to other people to figure out how to serve them. This rating is also boosted due to the arguments of several of my close friends. The primary one being: big = lots more ant meat) Effort: 2 (ants are practically invincible, I'm not even looking at the provided ACs because neither will do justice to just how hard to kill these fuckers are. If I seem to have a personal vendetta against them, I do. Every house I've lived in has had a major ant infestation and, while I'm fine with them outside, they're pretty rad. I don't like waking up with one crawling across my face. The other reason is the house I lived in when I was a toddler not only had chronic ant infestations, but they were fire ant infestations and I still do not forgive those ants for biting me) Taste: 6 (my brother ate them as a kid, alas he doesn't remember how they tasted so I don't know if it was good. That being said people eat them for a reason, so I have to deduce that they probably taste pretty okay. The internet says they taste like cracked pepper, which is good in moderation. They can be used as a seasoning I guess. And crushed up, I mean, they probably look like black pepper too) Morality: 5 (you kill one, seven will replace it. You will never make a dent against and ant army. I don't think you should actively go and try to exterminate them if they aren't doing you any harm. On the other hand I don't think you should really be wracked by guilt for killing one or two) Final Rating: 20/35
Ape (1e dnd offers two types. They are as follows:)   Gorilla (just your average everyday ape. They are non-aggressive and just wish to be left alone. They won’t hurt you so long as you don’t hurt them. they will fight back if cornered, but will also run away at the first available opportunity) Edibility: 4 (apes have a lot of muscle. Therefore, their meat is likely very tough)    Effort: 3 (they don’t want to be caught and trying to find them in on their home turf is going to take you weeks)                         Taste: 2 (I don’t even want to try and imagine how they taste)           Morality: 1 (bestie, what the fuck. It’s not cannibalism per say, but it certainly feels close enough)                                     Final Rating A: 10/35
            Carnivorous (according to 1e dnd, they are the cunning natural predators of humans. Buff. Will hunt you down and take pleasure in your suffering) Edibility: 3 (probably even more muscular than a regular ape)   Effort: 6 (surprisingly it’s less effort, but probably because if you ran into one of them it’s because they’ve been stalking you. In other words, they’ll come right to you, you just have to best them in combat)                         Taste: 2 (I’m good, thank you) Morality: 1 (I can see the excuse for killing one in self-defense. I see no excuse aside from the direst of circumstances to eat one of them. And as previously mentioned, this rating is based off someone in a regular circumstance with access to other food. I don’t care that they’re a human’s natural predator, you don’t need to go as far as to eat it) Final Rating B: 12/35 Overall Final Rating: 11/35
Axebeak (prehistoric ostriches with sharpened toucan beaks. They’re extremely fast. They are exclusively daytime hunters) Edibility: 10 (if we’re going on the assumption that because they resemble ostriches so much they must be similar to eat, then yea, these are quite the popular poultry) Effort: 4 (good luck catching one of them) Taste: 7 (People say ostriches taste like lean beef, which, as someone who barely eats meat, is the inferior type of beef but still tasty to most people who eat meat) Morality: 3 (poultry. But also prehistoric and definitely considered at least at risk of becoming endangered) Final Rating: 24/35
*I've been looking at a screen far longer than someone who's only upright due to painkillers should be. It's kind of making me nauseous, but I digress
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*Cackling* Now rank your ot3's!
*long sigh*
Yes, there are sections, this is a list of 20 things. I like to be organized. These ones I seek out. I like them. I actively enjoy them on purpose.
1. Roloceit: My BOYS. Are these my 3 favorites? perhaps. You can't prove anything (you sure can, just look at my goddamn Ao3). Something about the dynamics here is just...so good for me? The combination of fluff/angst/multi-talented braincells is wonderful. I need these three to watch a documentary and tear it to absolute pieces. Also they would be so good at...actually having methods of supporting each other??? I love them.
2. Analogince: in the same vein, the SNARK. THE SASS. THE GROUPCHAT THAT WE ALL KNOW EXISTS THAT IS SOO OVERLOADED WITH SALT THAT IT'S A DEHYDRATION RISK. Also healthy communication??? supportive signifs??? good shit
3. Anxcietmus: The Dark Sides™. Again, I think these three just get each other. That means great fluff and great angst possibilities ABOUND and especially when it comes to being a menace in the rest of the mindscape. Yes. Good. Have fun.
4. Intruloceit: Someone please make this nerd take a fucking break for once. The chaos of leading what you THINK is a stuck-up buttoned-up nerd only to feel such an odd mixture of pride and mortal terror at discovering a TRUE mad scientist. Yes. Logan deserves to go ape-shit. Let him.
5. Analoceit: Did someone ask for some amused gay judgement? You got the whole scale here, Distinguished, Functional, and Disaster. They don't need the group chat because they can do it with just a look. Perfect. Wonderful.
6. Intruloxiety: slightly less snark, which is why it's ranked lower, but I don't think it would be any less supportive. Between the three of them I think they'd have a conversation about boundaries right up front and constantly be checking in with each other. Which is good!! Please do this!!
7. Loroyality (am i making up some of these names as I go? yes): The Light Sides™! The reason this is ranked lower is because I think they've got some in-canon struggles that would take some time and effort (from errybody) to sort out before I would consider this relationship healthy, but after that? Forget it. We vomiting sushine and rainbows and our teeth hurt from how sweet they are. I have faith in them.
8. Royaliceit: *sniff sniff* did someone say ANGST??? This is the only one I put up here that I mainly look for to get angst because BOY HOWDY. Especially post-POF? Roman you poor thing why do I project so strongly onto you, my god. This is a MESS and they need to do WORK to FIX IT but it's all about the misunderstanding and the healing and oh my god please someone tell Roman his worth is not based on how well his work is received please. Also if you're like me and you subscribe to the headcanon that the last time Patton and Janus agreed on something it was to stay in the closet as long as possible...*choo choo bitches angst town here we come*
These ones I don't actively seek out but you know?? For a headcanon post? They seem pretty chill. Haven't devoted a lot of brainpower to 'em, just think they're neat.
9. Moloceit (my keyboard is so confused you guys): Now THIS. THIS is the obnoxious trio of philosophy majors that ALWAYS hog the good library table. Someone will say ONE GODDAMN thing and they'll be talking about ontology and subjectivity for hours. It's impossible to tell whether or not they're being serious when they do it. As a most-definitely-not-a-philosophy-student, no. I mean, yes but no.
10. Anaroceit: you know those fucking divas that strut into the mall like they own the goddamn place? These bastards. They are the Heathers (except actually decent people) and you will not get between them and their purchases. If you come after one of them the other will overprotective the fuck out of them and rip you to shreds. You might be worried sometimes that they're hurting each other but they do actually talk about their boundaries. solid 7/10.
11. Analogicality: (whoa, we're halfway there...): These three just seem like they'd be super domestic. Not that it wouldn't also be adorable, but just kinda...routine? Virgil doesn't like new shit, Logan likes a schedule, and Patton enjoys doing things together in 'traditions.' Some spice but they're all fairly level-headed so...the most they get is screaming out songs with the windows down (WHOA LIVIN' ON A PRAYER)
12: Intrulogicality: You know those scenarios where you got Person A who runs headlong into crazy bullshit, Person B who likes to pretend they're not as into the crazy bullshit as Person A but is, and Person C who gets dragged into shit? There you go.
13: Anxmoceit: I think once they all sat down and had a conversation they might actually be decent??? But I can't stop seeing Patton and Janus coparenting Virgil so it stays platonic in my head. (listen i don't kinkshame but i am aroace, that does limit me a bit when it comes to this bag of nonsense)
14. Intrumoceit: Again, LONG conversation, but it's better to have one crazy dumbass whom you both love but please stop giving up heart attacks every two seconds bb we can't deal with these palpitations. I think this would require SO much work on Patton's end to make this healthy that I can't see it very clearly.
15. Intrumoxiety: This one I put down here because while Janus isn't the best at being straightforward (or straight) he DOES understand himself enough to actually have a productive conversation when he has to. I think Virgil would be too caught up between the dynamic of Patton and Remus for it to be healthy for him, especially at the beginning. It would end up dumping too much of the conflict resolution into his court and uh...no. No thanks. Do I think they COULD make it work? Yes, of course, but I wouldn't seek it out.
16. Anaroyality: Uhhh yeah they exist. Y'all gotta do some work to establish good boundaries but yeah, I think you could do it. Have a makeup day where everybody just fucks shit UP at a Sephora or an Ulta and try crazy looks on each other. You could do it. I believe in you.
These are the ones I will actively avoid, more often than not. If they're not handled carefully--which is not the responsibility of other creators, I take full blame, this is just how I personally interpret them--they can squick me out. The ones with Roman and Remus are down here, and as a disclaimer, this isn't because I view poly relationships where not all parties are dating each other as inherently inferior, not at all. I just think that within a relationship where both Roman and Remus are dating the same person, that has the potential to go REAL bad REAL quick.
17. Intrulogince: Do I want to see Roman and Remus playfully competing to win the favor of our favorite nerd? yes. Do I think it would end up aggravating the rivalry they already had to really bad places? Also yes. Either with Roman backing off and internalizing the idea that he's not good enough or by exploding on both of them. It's a bad time. No. That being said, I have seen things where Logan is just spoiled by incredible things made in the Imagination and those are very sweet. a good time.
18. Intruprinxiety (that looks so weird when it's spelled out, oh my god it sounded so much better in my head): Again, exacerbating a pre-existing rivalry, oh dear me, and this time poor Virgil's caught in the middle? a mess. There is also the potential for them to be childhood friends to lovers which would be very sweet but the overlap with all of their combined histories are...a lot of baggage. Like so much.
19. Intruroceit: The only way I can see this happening is Roman's inadequacy issues and abandonment issues going THROUGH THE FUCKING ROOF and it would force Remus into being a pseudo-therapist for them and Janus your habit of messing with Roman needs to gtfo right the fuck now.
20. Intruroyality: is anyone surprised that this one is my least favorite? Between the squicks I get from Patton as a character, the relationship between Patton and both of the twins in canon, and how much baggage Roman and Remus have...no. Absolutely not. I have horrible memories of some very toxic relationships that I can absolutely see here and no.
*phew* that was a long one. you're welcome.
EDIT: thank you @shinekittenace for names seriously this post is a mess
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metahigh · 3 years
Pedro Pascal characters as pet vibes
I decided to simplify my life and divide them in two categories: Dog vibes and Cat vibes (wanted to do with other pets but not today).  
Dog vibes
Din: You saved him as a stray pup during a storm. He’s scared of humans but adapts after some time. Reserved. Loyal. Can be easily trained for any type of job. Reads people better than people can do it themselves. Patient with children. Doesn’t get along with other adult dogs but puppies are ok. Always naps and wants to sleep with you. Loves fast car rides. If you have a motorcycle, he will be your co-pilot all the time. Hates your roomba and might chew it to death so he needs gentle training here. Barks only in sight of danger which is evaluated from his perspective only. Washing machine is his nemesis and you can’t convince him otherwise. Tumble dryer can go fuck itself. Vacuum is on a thin fucking ice. 
Ezra: A mix of two pure breeds. Herding dog dad and hunter type mom. Is Exited and Loves his human very much. Learns all the tricks fast but always expects treats or verbal praise. Have great memory for places, people, scents, etc. Can be vindictive and petty at times. Protective and can be provoked to fierce aggression. Loves to be in the wilderness and can be trained even to find edible mushrooms. Howls on the full moon every time without missing a day even if he doesn’t see her. You like to joke that he’s a werewolf, a man trapped inside a dog. You feel uneasy when he immediately stares at you with his intelligent eyes and cocks his head to the side.
Marcus P: Family type. Medium size. Loves everyone unconditionally. Will kiss every stranger and try befriend every breathing creature he sees. But will protect his family and friends till the last breath. Perfect for duty in the forces but I don’t like them so he works with rangers and rescue teams. Can smell lies from kilometers away. That type of dog who joins you in a tub when you take too long in a bath. If you leave him somewhere or, god forbid, die before him, he will wait like Hachiko. He never gets lost and will find you even on another continent. Have one family for the rest of his life. Perfect dog.
Marcus M: Tired. Lost fucks to give. Smart but lazy. Is great at baby sitting. Just Loves naps, snacks and his human. Low maintenance. Please, don't drag him for a morning run or outside during a rain. Surprisingly, enjoys baths, isn’t scared of vets and technology. Great dane vibes. Newfoundland vibes. Loves the beach and ocean, basically, anything with water, far from noisy city. Rivers, lakes are great. Will be a great companion for fishing even if he doesn’t really like cold weather. Secretly enjoys wearing outfits for Halloween. 
Max: Pure breed Doggo. I’m getting shiba inu or husky vibes, so Loud and Stubborn. Has two (2) braincells that he uses to get attention and annoy everyone else. Smart but needs excessive amount of incentive to do something on command. Knows how to open a fridge, doors and climb baby fences at the age of 4 months. Is easily offended but can forgive and forget, if given belly rubs, treats and kisses (in that order only). Pure of heart, dumb of ass. Will accompany children for Crimes and avoid Punishments later so watch out. 
Jack: Big dog from an old family of champions (might be agility, hunting, work duty, dog competitions, etc.) Very competent in the area he was trained for but secretly is a goofy clingy baby. Requires active lifestyle and regular activities. If a dog could be a himbo, he would be called one. Good with people and other animals, even though he sometimes doesn’t understand that you can’t kiss a fish in a tank or play catch with a horse. Pure of heart and slightly less dumb of ass than Max. Do NOT put them together in one place. 
Frankie: A Good Boy. A soft, gentle heart in a hard exterior. I’m sensing pitbull, rottweiler or german shepard vibes. Despite his looks he’s a charmer and everyone wants to baby him. Do not get fooled he’s soft but not naïve. Can and will protect you from any danger. Loves camping and any other outdoor activity. Sometimes eats something from a trash can but feels and looks so guilty afterwards that you don’t have it in you to punish him or even raise your voice. He’s afraid of loud noises and doesn’t trust TV or voice assistance like Alexa. Loves children and, if someone from his household gets pregnant, he will be beside them 24/7. Usually, he’s very talkative and a little clumsy, but will be on his best behavior with a tiny human. Can even be left with a new born baby just watch out for his kisses.
Cat vibes
Javier: He's that cat that lives on the street, everyone knows him and have different names for him. He occasionally visits you. Prey fear him, women love him. He reacts to his names only if he's in a mood. Is fed by everyone. Independent. Understands how to manipulate people. Hunts. Fights local dogs. Generally chill but if you fuck around him, you will find out. If he likes you, you might find a dead bird or a mouse at your porch. Purrs like a damn helicopter engine. Likes to sunbathe. Accidently you found out that he’s a patron for a local bar/pub where he has a personal barstool.
Maxwell: A persian or an exotic. Acts like he barely tolerates you, when in reality is touch deprived, deeply dependent and craves all forms of affection and praise. Eats only expensive food from cans and enjoys brushing (even washing, if you ask nicely). Gets bored from a new toy after two hours. Hoards random objects somewhere in the house and will protect his treasures with his life. Has abandonment issues, please, don’t leave him for more than 5 hours or he will yell at you afterwards and maybe wake you up at 2 a.m. to have a chat. Surprisingly, loves children. 
Oberyn: He’s savannah. Graceful. Magnificent. Royally behaved cat. Lives on attention from both people and other animals and spacious expensive bedding (silk is favorite). Have a sweet tooth so, please, give him berries and fruit. Needs full body contact and constant company or mental/physical entertainment. Will assert dominance, if there are other male species present. He always knows which person is toxic and he will let them know what he thinks of them. He may or may not bring in a new partner/partners almost every two days, so, if you don’t want to pay furry alimony for the rest of your life cut those bells off. He will be gravely hurt and will befriend even more other cats, animals and people out of spite. Might ruin your furniture or knock off stuff from tables and shelves on accident while maintaining full eye contact but it will pass. Eventually. 
Dave: He’s short haired cat with big ears and teeth (I personally see a black cat). Will protest furiously if you try to cut his nails. Loves only members of his household. He has two moods when it comes to affection: 1. Do not breath or look in my direction or I will kill you. You would die for me? Then Perish. 2.You’re my Sun and Moon. I need your love like air. I need to be as close as possible to you. And, of course, the first one usually comes when you want to pet him and the second is his regular mood for 3 a.m. He also knows how to escape outside and always brings you dead animals from his walks. You were getting tired and kinda mad at him for that but then he once brought you a wallet full of cash covered in blood with no id or cards to identify the owner. You decided to hand it to the police who questioned you for two hours because the wallet turned out to be an evidence to a mysterious murder they’re investigating. They wanted to take lab samples from him but when they came to your home he wasn’t there. You almost had a mental break down trying to convince them that you indeed have a cat (lack of cat toys and cat stuff that he doesn’t like did not play to your advantage here) and you’re not mentally ill. They believed you and left. He returned home after a midnight and went to cuddle you while purring loudly. You asked him not to do it again and you could swear he looked you in the eyes and nodded. He likes to be on top of tall things that are not supposed to be climbed on.
Can be both - Pero Tovar: 
(a dog version) You heard whines in a forest and followed them to find a poor dog that fell into cold water. You saved him, of course. He didn’t have a tag, you thought he was a stray and brought him to a vet. On the road there he was well behaved, a little shocked maybe but allowed to be pet, hugged and turned into a cocoon of blankets. The vet told you that it’s not a dog but a wolf. You pay for his rehabilitation and free him into the wilderness. Later you might hear a howl near your house and find dead rabbits at your back porch. 
(a cat version) You were camping in a deep section of a forest. Somewhere in national park or something. And while you were making dinner a regular domestic cat who went feral joined you and begged for food. He’s confused when you pet him as if it never happened before. Don’t try to take him home or he will bite. But he will accompany you for sometime and then meet you again, if you return and offer more food. 
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akari-hope · 3 years
i think a lot of liberal or left leaning adults who were extremely online as children view efforts to curb the amount of noxious shit kids are exposed to online as “puritan pearl clutching” because “they turned out okay” after being mostly unsupervised as kids, but then a lot of them are miserably depressed and suffering long term emotional and psychological damage from the fucking avalanche of bigotry they were exposed to on 4chan or reddit or kiwifarms or encyclopediadramatica or whatever.
2/2  like putting aside that the online ecoystem is TOTALLY different now and it is a lot easier for kids to just suddenly end up on nazi youtube than it was for you as a kid to navigate the labyrinth of late 90s/early 2000s internet, a lot of you VERY CLEARLY did not turn out okay, and that’s not even getting into the fact that other adults like you who were extremely online like you are the ones who are radicalizing teenagers now! where do you think they absorbed all of that propaganda, actually?
hey, i agree with you! the ecosystem IS completely different now. it’s much easier for kids to find things! bc most everything is very clearly labeled! meaning if you are old enough to be on the internet, you are old enough to curate your own internet experience. it is up to you to use features like blacklist/mute, and determine what content you ARE or AREN’T ready to see.
now, points to you anon. everyone else bringing this up was always talking about nsfw content. so props to you for instead accusing me of exposing the children to RADICAL RIGHT-WINGED BIGOTRY. i needed a laugh, thank you! now, i had a lot of negative experiences online as a kid, but uhhhhhhh bigotry was not one of them actually! i never went on any of the sites you mentioned! dunno whose experience you’re talking about! but you don’t know me! so kindly, think for 5 seconds before making wild assumptions about people with zero evidence. i know that requires using the braincell, but i PROMISE it’s so worth it so you don’t embarrass yourself like this.
since you clearly don’t know anything about me, allow me to share! i am a nonbinary lesbian. i am a leftist. i was raised in a mormon household. if you are not american, or otherwise blissfully unaware, the mormon church is a cult. my exposure to right-winged bigotry was DIRECT, not via the internet. which, shocker, is much worse! i didn’t have any choice in that matter. and i’m very lucky that i had the internet and lived experience of being in a fairly liberal area in order to radicalize me and keep me from getting entirely brainwashed by the church. needless to say, if i am accusing someone of “puritan pearl clutching”, i’ve actually got a basis for what that is! and tbh, any time someone uses “think of the children” as an argument, odds are whatever their argument is is actually just evangelical christianity in drag.
now, let’s make something clear - i am in favor of de-platforming fascists, nazis, white supremacists, or any other name they go by. i don’t know where you thought otherwise! but this blog firmly supports punching nazis! HOWEVER. i am NOT in favor of eliminating all trace that something exists. now, i know, critical thinking is hard, so this might seem like it’s contradictory. but let’s use examples to help us!
trump is a fascist. that’s a fact. a powerful and loud one! twitter banning his account, though late and purely performatory, IS good. his individual influence was huge, and it’s beneficial to not have him actively spouting harmful ideology. the active push to get white supremacist and nazi groups off of social media platforms is good, as it does help limit their influence. but, even doing that, these ideologies do not cease to exist! the concept in history does not cease to exist, and neither does the fact that these nazis will disguise themselves and their arguments in order to seem less dangerous, and to avoid filters. that is why it is important for EVERYONE to have access to educative material about fascist ideology. you must UNDERSTAND what it is in order to protect yourself from it!
now, sure, you might say it wouldn’t be a problem if it was completely gone from the internet. but...it still would be. the real world exists, a fact you seem to have forgotten, anon! bigotry, fascism, nazism, it exists in the real world. and you will NEVER be able to shelter children from everything irl. they’ll go to school with baby fascists. they might have teachers, mentors, parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents who are fascists. sure, it’s unfair! it’s unfair to kids that they can be exposed to horrible shit like that, especially unwittingly! especially bc fascists PREY ON UNINFORMED YOUNG PEOPLE. it is EXACTLY for this reason that you need to give them the knowledge, support, and resources to protect themselves. THAT is the job of adults online. THAT is how we create safe spaces for minors. “safety” does not mean “coddling”. safety means an environment where we can discuss and educate on serious, even upsetting, even dangerous topics. it means telling kids a) what things are and b) how to avoid them if they wish to.
so, pray tell, anon - what in any of that is evidence of me “radicalizing” the children to bigotry? can you tell me, in honesty, that it’s better for kids to live in a bubble, to be uninformed and vulnerable? bc i sure can’t! i didn’t have all these resources as a kid, and i sure think it’d be a shame to deprive kids nowadays from them bc things are “bad”. but i know, i know, it’s too hard to think beyond “thing bad” :( the world only exists online, there’s no real-world consequences for any of this stuff. wish that was the world i lived in! you seem very content to condemn total strangers for absolutely nothing from your virtual soapbox.
are we square now? :)
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faunusrights · 5 years
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when will one of these chapters start with ‘wow murphy’s gonna love this and rly enjoy themself’ WHEN IT IS. I HAVE TO KNOW.
okay i am Recognising this chapter so we’re not quite yet in untouched, completely Feral territory which is. nice. thats nice. i like it when i know what im working w/ but who the kell hnows.
Something nagged at her. A forgotten thing. She thought hard, but even so, it took a long moment for her to remember.
me when i go to my room to fetch my dishes for the washing machine but i get sidetracked by my dog being cute and then i forget and go back downstairs and remember the dishes and then i come back up but my dog is still there and i forget again-
Glynda’s hunting instincts were primed, the only part of her that worked with absolute clarity, even now.
this is why she hasn’t noticed cinder’s flirting, the fool, the blithering idiot,
In the split second before she faded from consciousness, she smelled ash, the foreign Aura within her flaring until she could taste it: burning flesh and steady decay. Then it disappeared, fizzling out.
hm. is it a callout to say this is. romantic. this is kinda romantic. hey is this? gay? i think its gay. im gonna settle on it.
its gay.
When she awoke the next morning, it was like pulling herself from some great void,
for some reason THAT was the fingergun that made me spill juice all over my keyboard i see how it is
Then she remembered that at Beacon, her blood usually stayed inside her body.
im thriving for this weird observation. you know when you wake up somewhere new like a hotel or smthng and for a moment yr like ‘where am i’ and u figure it out thru like. normal fucking means. like oh thats not my duvet oh thats not my ceiling oh thats not where my window is-
and then glynda has to judge her location by how much blood of hers is spilled in it. this bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE GOT ONE BRAINCELL AND OFFAL HUNT IS THE THESIS TO PROVE IT-
It was the room she’d all but dissembled in after getting her ass kicked and then saved by Cinder Fall.
sorry im going HOG WILD on quotes but these new lines r SO GOOD and im LIVING for them....................... like until now we’ve had glynda goodwitch, terrifying unstoppable woman and occasional dipshit. now shes all dipshit. just 100% pure dipshit. spread her on a field and you couldnt tell her from the manure. a complete buffoon.
that said its nice to see glynda using her Brainmess for once... i mean she still wont be able to put an otherwise fuck-ton of clues together still because that requires, the ability to multitask, which is surely does not have, but finally she’s taking five fuckin minutes to let herself go ‘well THATS weird’.
There had only been a stirring of life along those red-vein tattoos, swirling just along the cut of Cinder’s dress.
im enjoying the new ‘sexey tattoos’ slant we’re seein in this remaster it was a real shame they didnt get primetime attention last time.
also glynda Why Ya Lookin,
she’d be a heretic to the Law of Semblances twice-over,
I May Not Know My Semblances, But I Know A Bitch When I See One!
For the first time in years, Glynda wanted to set everything aside and rest.
we stan a sleepy bitch................ ugh im so glad she’s finally realising she needs 2 give herself some mfing slack!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because as much as im enjoying the Dragfest she rly needs to. chill.
When she finally emerged from the bathroom, a towel around her waist and her dirty clothes balled in her hands,
look i didnt make this blog to lie that my first reaction to this was tilting my head and going ‘tiddy out? tiddy? is the tiddy out? tiddy?’
look women look hotter doing all the things guys do and this is fact i wont sit down and i Wont Shut Up
No more rushing ahead and getting herself torn up for nothing.
thats a Good One, Glynda,
Winter Schnee had the pale white hair of her bloodline, and the sharp features of the famously reclusive Willow Schnee.
As Ozpin had said, she was twice the age of the younger Schnee daughter, and her blue eyes held all the acuity that age had brought her.
i made a Sound at this i CAN SEE WHAT YOU DID. I SEE IT. I SEE IT,
A single photo hung on the wall next to a placard detailing some kind of award. Glynda pushed her glasses up on her nose to get a better look. Though it had the appearance of a family photo, only the women of the Schnee family were present, Willow and Weiss flanking a newly ranked Winter.
why am i being targeted directly anyway
safdjhgfsdajgh WINTER,....... im still. im Love w/ this main bitch finally... Finally.... i love winter in offal hunt so fuckign much and im so glad she’s here and that we’re getting more details because AAAAAAAAAAAAAA i love her!!!!!!!!!
also i cant.... say anything because spoilers..... but also............. NNNNNNN this convo has just. so much behind it. SO MUCH CONTEXT. its Killing Me,
A strange expression crossed Winter’s expression. It looked like how bruises felt.
im losing my fucking mind rn diesel and kc are going right to hell and they know it but do they care???????????? no. they already are the devil,
okay i went silent for ages and read ahead because i screamed in discord for like ten minutes and it looked like this
Tumblr media
so YEAH theres that, i guess,
Instead, it only filled her with deep unease. Glynda didn't know what Cinder’s game was, but it was becoming clear that it did not align with her own. And the more she thought about it, the less she understood. The less she understood, the more wary she became.
cinder: i wanted to tell this girl i liked her so i wrote her a note that said get out of my desert,
im rly thrivin in this chap i already said it but we’re rly jumping into the meat n bones of the Plot now and its a Good Plot so im excited!!!!!!!!!
“Yes, I think you’ll like her!”
“she’s a lesbian, like you, so maybe her distinguished energy will chill your dysfunctional energies out-”
Glynda pressed her lips; she needed a delicate hand here, needed to carefully choose a response which would divert Ozpin away from the topic. “No reason.”
YES MY FAV LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is Big Me and literally this is MAYBE the best and also funniest line in this entire shitshow remembers the Pasta Bit and /sweats
i also rly enjoy glynda n ozs friendship... i mean im out here remembering the glynda/ozpin/cinder fic so i was already sold on all their interactions but its rly good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GLYNDAS BEST FRIEND MAY BE 200 YEARS OLD BUT GOD DAMN IT WHEN WILL YR BFF EVER BE THERE FOR U LIKE THAT,
theres a Bit here im not gonna go into but. honestly once u kno how offal hunt basically ends? Its Sad and Im Sad. i hate how knowing this whole thing just inflects on everything else and everything glynda wants and honestly this whole fic sucks. why am i reading this AGAIN.
“I have faith in you, Glynda. But there are terrible things that can be done to a person even without killing them.”
we’ve popped the first sad fingerguns but also What The Literal Fuck, Oz,
“Come and catch me, then.”  
im LAUGHING this is much better than the first version because this is SUCH a cinder-brand of shit to say dsfjhgfds she’s SUCH A SHIT-STIRRER but i love her,
“She’s just sent me something. My Scroll is working fine, but I think it’s safe to assume she knows what we’re discussing.”
“What did she send you?”
“An invitation.”
oh finally glynda works out the whole CCT business JHGDSFSDF i wonder if cinder knew shed figure it out or saw her msgs to oz and went ‘ah shit well’
BUT YEAH..... DATE! DATE! DATE! HOT DATE WITH CINDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am. VERY excited as many of u will remember i made a prime shitpost abt That Chap back in the day and ill have 2 REDRAW IT!!!!!!!!! POPPIN BOTTLES!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway this chapter sucked and was also very good in equal measure. as it is Wont,
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