#and i probably won't but even if i did text him now that just seems like it'd be so selfish
slayfics · 3 days
part 2 of you see katsuki on tv, pretty please 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️
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Let it be a lie.
800 words
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Chapter two
You were ushered out immediately after shattering the TV above the bar with your glass. Only adding to the humiliation and distraught boiling in your chest.
The rest of the night was a blur as you made your way back home, effectively continuing to drink till knocking out. Only to wake up the next morning with a pounding headache. The bright light on your phone shrunk our pupils and elicited a sigh from the late time, 1:12 pm.
You unlocked your phone to check a notification. The first thing you noticed was the abundance of news articles and videos on every platform speculating if Dynamite was dating the women who ran up to him in the crowd. The next thing you saw was your text messages.
[Mina]: Are you ok??
A text from Mina, which could only mean, everyone saw, everyone knew. You rubbed your hands across your face. How could you even begin to respond to that question? You had to know first.
So, you slinked to the kitchen to grab some pain medication and typed out a message to Katsuki.
[You]: You two look good together.
You swallowed the two pills with some water and jumped at the sound of your ringtone suddenly filling the room. Katsuki's contact picture lit up your screen, it was a sight you hadn't seen in a long time.
"Hey," you answered the phone.
"You really think we look good together?" He asked, and your heart dropped. Did that mean they were together?
"She is a beautiful woman, she'd look good next to anyone," you remarked.
"Yeah, that's what my publicist said," Katsuki exhaled a laugh before explaining. "They said it would help me look more approachable and down to earth if I was dating someone. So, they picked out some model and her publicist thought it was a good look for her to be dating a hero."
Your stomach soured, "So you two are dating?"
"For the cameras or whatever, all I know is they said it would help me look good and in turn get higher in the charts," he said.
"Do you even like her?" you asked, your voice sounding harsher than you intended. But the whole situation was making your head spin even more than your hangover.
"Don't know, haven't talked to her. That kiss was just a stunt for the cameras, but I'm supposed to take her out for a fancy dinner or some shit to be seen by the press tomorrow," Katsuki said.
"Oh," you muttered not knowing what else to say. Had Katsuki really changed that much? The Katsuki you knew before wouldn't even pretend to do something he didn't want to. You couldn't decide if this publicity stunt was worse than him truthfully dating her. At least if they were honestly dating it would mean he was happy. "Katsuki," you paused trying to pick your words carefully. "Is this really how you want to make it to number one?"
Dead air filled the line between you both before Katsuki let out a breath, "I don't know." He finally said truthfully.
"I just... never imagined you'd be so wrapped up in the celebrity side of heroism. I didn't think that's what truly mattered to you." You spoke.
"It doesn't. I want to be number one, that's what matters to me. I got a big team behind me now and, they seem to think this stupid bullshit will help so...," Katsuki broke off and paused. "Does it... really seem like something I wouldn't do?" he asked, voice lower.
"Do you remember what you told me you said when you were captured by the League of Villains?" You asked.
"What?" He asked.
"You told Compress I only do what I want to, and I won't even pretend otherwise."
Katsuki paused for another long moment before letting out a chuckle, "Damn I did say that hu? I had a lot of spunk back then."
"You still do," you replied. "How long has it been since you've seen anyone else?"
"Hm? You mean shitty hair and dunce face?" He clarified.
"Yeah, or... even Izuku."
"Don't know, probably longer than the last time I've seen you. Been working so much." He answered.
"Why don't you come to see us... I know everyone misses you, and... let us remind you of the Katsuki we know. Stop being Dynamite for a day."
You could almost hear the cheeky smirk on the other line when Katsuki said, "Ya know- my publicist did free me up around dinner time tomorrow for that model. But- I think I'll tell her I had a change of dinner plans, gonna see some old friends instead. See you idiots then?"
"Yeah, I'll get the gang together." You smiled.
"Alright, it's a date then... a real date." He stated.
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sinners: @queenpiranhadon @unofficialmuilover @maddietries @fiannee @i-heart-carlisle @derangedmango @matchat3a @bakugouswaif @reneinii @peachsukii @pastelbakugou @abadbitchblogs @deluluforcarlos55 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @pinkpurpledreams @that-one-fangirl69 @dreamcastgirl99
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riality-check · 9 months
DILF!Steve concert saga, featuring Eddie POV for this part! part 1, part 2
"I have to open it."
"Gareth. I need to open it."
"The vault is sacred," Archie says.
At the same time, Jeff chimes in, "The vault was your idea, Eddie."
Eddie thunks his head against the wall. "I know. But I need-"
"They're on the last song," Archie says, putting a hand on Eddie's shoulder. It's probably meant to be comforting, but it feels patronizing as shit.
Eddie is a good friend, though. He doesn't shrug him off.
"Once they're through, I'll unlock it," Jeff says, dangling the key slung around his neck.
"But you could do it now," Eddie protests.
Gareth sits protectively on top of the black lock box. "Absolutely not."
Eddie sighs and waits for the guitar solo onstage to end, nodding his head along to the beat.
It's what he usually does when they're backstage, but this time, it brings a smile to his face. Miss Anna was a natural yesterday for her first time headbanging, and her dad is the reason Eddie wants to break the sacred vault tradition.
He wants, no, needs to know if he got the note. If he decided to write something. If he wants to go a little further than PG flirting.
Eddie for sure wants to go further than that. God. Steve's handsome face and his big hands and his thick thighs (deliciously exposed by his shorts in the summer heat) are all wonderful incentives to skip a few steps and go straight to ramming him into a mattress.
Or, with how that shirt clung to Steve's biceps and how his shorts clung to his ass, let him ram Eddie into the mattress. He isn't picky.
(He isn't desperate, either, thank you very much, Gareth. And no, he won't admit how long it's been since he got laid.)
From the house, the audience roars, and Eddie jumps off the arm of the couch he was laying on.
Gareth sighs and gets off the lock box.
"Jeff, open it," Eddie says, staring at the vault and subconsciously making grabby hands toward it.
"Is that how we ask?"
"I could always yank the key off you."
Archie sighs and, ever the peacemaker, takes the key from Jeff and unlocks the vault. The second it's open, Eddie snatches his phone and turns it on.
Please please please let the DILF text back, he thinks to himself as he waits for this stupid metal brick to turn on and give him a resolution to this whole ridiculous situation.
Because, first, Eddie doesn't really jive with kids. Sure, they flock to him in the same way they flock to every other vaguely cool-looking person, but aside from asking if he has to draw his tattoos on every day or if his mommy is okay with him having his hair that long, they generally leave him alone.
And that's okay. Eddie easily made his peace with not having kids about ten years ago. Between his strong preference for men and the way that significantly decreases those odds and the choice to not pass on his truly abysmal family history of mental illness and addiction, it seemed obvious and a lot more selfless.
But Anna was cool as hell. Smart as hell, too, in a way that made Eddie feel like he was looking back at a time before school punished him for being bright and verbose and energetic.
Anna didn't make him want kids. Again, the whole family history thing is a real vibe killer. But she did give him enough fuel, for just an instant, to think that dating someone with a kid might not be a deal breaker anymore.
Or maybe Steve was just that hot.
He whined a lot yesterday, in the hotel, about how hot Steve was.
His phone turns on, and, front and center, is a text from an unknown number:
I guess I don’t have to ask you what you do for a living. Just so we’re even on that front, I’m a teacher, and Anna’s full time job is preschool.
Eddie grins so hard he feels like his face will split in two.
"Is it him?" Jeff asks, trying to look over Eddie's shoulder.
"Of course it is," Gareth scoffs. "Look at his face."
"What did he say?" Archie asks.
Eddie takes the easier way out and lets him have the phone.
Gareth and Jeff crowd over Archie's shoulders, and Eddie watches their faces change as they read the message.
"Oh, he's bitchy," Gareth says.
"That means he's perfect," Jeff says, with a pointed look at Eddie.
Eddie shoots Archie a clear "back me up" look and gets a shrug in return because all his friends are assholes who know his type way too fucking well.
"What do I say?" he asks.
Archie tosses him the phone. "I don't know. Flirt back."
"I don't know how!"
"You ground against a guitar-"
"And kissed me onstage," Jeff continues. "But you don't know how to flirt?"
Eddie puts his head in his hands. "I didn't have enough sex in high school to know how to do this!"
"That's not an excuse when none of us did!" Gareth says.
Jeff barks out a laugh.
"Just ask if he's free tomorrow," Archie says, like the rational, wonderful friend he is. "This was the last stop of tour. It's not like you have to get anywhere else at a specific time."
"Okay. Okay, yeah, I can do that," Eddie says, hyping himself up. Before he can second guess himself, he writes back.
Since it's summer, I'm assuming you both have off. Can you fit it in your busy schedule to have dinner with a humble musician tomorrow night?
"Oh, shit, did you send it?" Gareth asks, snatching his phone.
"Wait," Archie says, like the rational, horrible friend he is. "Do we know if he's single?"
"Oh, shit," Jeff whispers.
Eddie takes his phone back and refuses to look at it. He wants to shut it down. He wants to drop it. He wants to drive to nearest river and throw it there.
"Am I a homewrecker?" he asks absently.
"Only if you succeed," Jeff says.
"He might have a wife," Archie muses. "He might be straight."
"Okay, dude, enough," Gareth says. "This was supposed to be exciting! Eddie was supposed to get ass!"
"He might be ace."
"Archie, shut the fuck up."
He holds his hands up in surrender, and Jeff pats his shoulder, a little comfortingly, a lot condescendingly.
Eddie sits down on the couch. Puts his head in his hands. Breathes.
He's flirting with a married man. He's absolutely flirting with a married man. This is a new low. This is worse than the time he licked the floor of a restaurant, drunk, for five bucks. This is worse than when he greened out in the parking lot of a Chuck E. Cheese. This is worse than when he accidentally told the gas station cashier that he loved them and immediately walked into the glass door behind him.
This is. So bad.
And then his phone rings, so it'll get worse. It has to. That's how these things go.
Eddie has always been self-destructive, so, of course, he looks at the screen.
I can't swing dinner, but how's lunch? Fair warning: it might be a playground picnic if my babysitter bails.
"Holy shit, I'm not a homewrecker," Eddie says.
"I didn't think you had it in you," Jeff says.
"He's single!" Gareth cheers.
"Can I talk now?" Archie teases.
"I'm not a homewrecker!" Eddie says, and he launches off the couch to hug the nearest person, who happens to be Jeff.
They have to get out of the venue. He has to figure out the logistics of the date and how to be normal by the time he gets there and what to wear and everything else.
But, right now, Eddie is over the fucking moon that Steve is even giving him a shot. And he hopes, giddy as all hell and hanging off of Jeff's shoulders, that Steve feels even a little bit like this.
He writes back, once he's calmed down:
Lunch might just become my new favorite meal.
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chaos-in-deepspace · 17 days
LNDS Spicy Headcanons | 18+
Well I did generalized headcanons for the boys, now we need to get into the spice headcanons. Which honestly is one of my favorite things to write. I regret nothing when it comes to Rafayel's part.
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Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+. Warnings: 18+ Headcanons, Cockwarming, Consensual Somnophilia, Sexting, Dom/Sub Dynamics, Bathtub Sex, Mentions of Oral (M!Receiving), Non-Human Anatomy
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One of the kinkiest men you will ever meet. Is willing to try everything at least once if given the option. The worst part is he doesn't seem like the type at all until you're in the bedroom with him and you realize you might be in danger.
He is normally on top, but doesn't mind being a switch, especially when he's tired. If you want to take charge and pamper him, then by all means. As long as you don't tease him too much he'll let you do just about anything. If you tease him though...well you won't be on top for very long. The moment he loses control you'll be bent like a pretzel.
Xavier has more length than girth, and god damn is he able to use that to his advantage. If anything his dick is actually kind of pretty, with a few prominent veins on it and a soft pink tip. Now how he uses it...he will learn your body so well that he can perfectly angle himself inside of you and make you see stars. There is no saving you at that point.
Xavier can't say he has a favorite position when he's taking you. As long as he can be inside you in some way, shape, or form, he's content. If he had to choose though, he likes being in a spooning position with his cock buried into your heat, his hand on your hip and face in the crook of your neck while he whispers the filthiest things in your ear.
Despite having a larger sex drive than most would think, he doesn't masturbate as often. Anytime he's in the mood he might start, but if he doesn't have you with him it's not as exciting and he often times finds himself wanting to doze off. Only time he'll finish himself off in his own hand is if you're with him, or on call with him and he can hear you moaning as you touch yourself to the sound of his voice.
Xavier can and will send you spicy text messages while you're at work. He's a lot more careful with sending photos though since he'd hate it if you opened an image of him in public and had someone else see on accident. Not because he's ashamed of his body, but because he hates the thought of embarrassing you while you're working. He will, however, happily accept a spicy photo of you at any point in time. He even has a privacy screen on his phone so nobody can accidentally see it.
While Xavier is pretty kinky, he does have a few he is partial to. He likes cockwarming, especially after you two finish. If he had the choice he'd fall asleep with his length still deep inside of you. Another one would be somnophilia, as long as both parties consent to it of course. Xavier feels bad he's always sleeping, so if you ever wanted to use his body he'd be more than happy to let you. Not to mention it would make an amazing wake up call.
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Out of all three love interests, Zayne is the most tame when it comes to kinks. While he is happy enough to indulge you with whatever you want to try out, he is very much content with plain vanilla if that's what you request. Honestly whatever works out for the both of you is what he likes.
Now despite him being fine with vanilla sex, if you suggest trying something a bit more out there, he's probably all for it. Especially if you ask him to dominate you. He's already the top when it comes to sex, even if you're riding him he's holding your hips and controlling the tempo. If you ask for more Dom/Sub dynamics, he'll research it heavily before trying anything.
Zayne's dick is an absolute monster. Not only is it girthy, there's also quite a bit of length there as well and the veins lining the length only add to the sensations. It's the kind of dick that you have to whisper "Never back down, never give up". You won't be walking straight for days. It's the kind of cock that might put you in a wheelchair. It's a damn good thing he's a medical professional because his dick might actually destroy you, and yet you'll still be begging for more. Half the time he doesn't even put it in all the way so that you'll have a chance at being able to go to work the next day. And good luck sucking him off, not even a master could fit his entire dick down their throat.
Zayne's favorite position would have to be you riding him. He'll sit down on a couch with you on his lap, your chest right in front of him so he can nip and suck at it. His hands having an almost bruising grip on your hips as he guide you up and down on his length. Your small whimpers as he tells you how good you are for him. To Zayne, literally nothing can beat the view of you bouncing in his lap.
Zayne hates having to take matters into his own hands, literally, but sometimes if he doesn't have you with him he needs to do something. Memories of your nights together will be going through his head until he's painfully hard and can't sleep or work. He's not vocal when he masturbates unless he's on call with you, and even then it's small grunts here and there.
Zayne will avoid sending you pictures that are explicit. He might send more teasing photos to you every now and then, but nothing too bad. He's also careful about sending steamy messages. Normally if he does, it's to inform you of what's to come later in the day and it doesn't go too far. When you two are away from one another for long periods of time, he will video call you for some play time. Sometimes he'll even edge you, telling you not to cum until he gets home (which is torture for those business trips that last literal weeks).
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As long as you're willing, Rafayel is more than happy to explore certain kinks with you. Of course only after you both look into it together. He loves teasing you about them while you two look into it, his body draped over your own while his hands explore your exposed skin, asking if you wanted to try the kink you're reading about right now.
He's a switch without a doubt. When he's bottoming he's nothing but a brat trying to be a power bottom and take control of the situation. When he's on top he is a huge tease, coaxing you into begging him for his touch. Either way, sex with Rafayel is always fun. Normally it's a small battle of dominance to decide who tops and bottoms.
Rafayel has more length than girth, and can definitely be called above average in that department. He isn't huge though, but just the right size to make you feel completely full. He also knows how to use it, making you whimper out his name as he slowly drags his length against your warm walls. His dick is pretty smooth as well, the veins not being very prominent. It is extremely sensitive to your touch though, and it's so easy to get him riled up just by running your hand over his pants.
To nobody's surprise, Rafayel likes to take you in the water. Whether it be in the pool, his tub, or the ocean. He has to admit you look amazing while the two of you are in the tub, your hands gripping the edges as you slowly ride him. His hands playing with all your exposed parts, teasing you and slowly bucking his hips into your own. Watching you cum and collapse onto his chest, panting his name as he continued fucking into you while you cling to him until he finishes, sometimes dragging another orgasm out of you.
Rafayel can and will masturbate to the thought of you whenever he has so much of a dirty thought. He's so down bad for you that he can't help himself. Just remembering how your skin feels against him, or how you whimper his name is enough to get him hard. He's not afraid to admit he's had to escape to the bathroom at one of his exhibits before just to get it out of his system. He can and will inform you about how it's all your fault and how you need to take responsibility.
Speaking of how you'll be informed if he masturbates, he will send you photos when it happens. His hand wrapped around his cock while in a closet during an event. Sometimes you'll see the cum dripping from the tip as he tells you n detail what you do to him. If he's at the studio, he'll call you up moaning your name, asking when you can come over. Of course this doesn't happen daily, but it is smart to make sure to have a privacy screen for your phone as well as headphones when you answer one of Rafayel's video calls if you're in public.
Lemurian Form
Rafayel is significantly more sensitive to touch in his Lemurian form. Feeling your hands tracing over his delicate scales will send shivers right down his spine.
He has two...and they're not small either. He has a slit in his tail that's softer than the rest and if you play with it enough, his cocks will come out. They're stacked, one on top of the other. The bottom one is about the side of his normal dick, but the top is significantly bigger.
They're tapered as well, coming to a soft point at the tips. The base of his cock has soft scales that are extremely sensitive (touching them the first time made him cum instantly). The rest of his length is a soft blue color that gradients to a more flesh tone at the top.
His cum is bioluminescent.
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ikyw-t · 2 years
man i just keep having this totally irrational feeling that if i go and apply at the same job where i first met this boy almost 3 years ago exactly now that somehow it would magically turn back the clock and he'll show up for the first time again and i could spent less of the time before he moved away being unnecessarily anxious or such a wallflower about everything and that maybe i wouldn't be feeling so sad about it rn if i had just enjoyed those brief six months a little bit more while it was still happening
#i feel so strongly and so irrationally that i walk back in that store again he'll somehow be there too#and it'll just be 2019 and i can do it again and#man. it's not even regret that makes me want to try to do it all again it's just feeling that i rly didnt appreciate it enough at the time#and now it's probably over for ever or at least it could never be the same again anyway bc i mean rly nothing ever is regardless#it's just..... so sad for me ig i just feel so sad about it.#also ive been sad about him all week and somehow today it just hit me#that we met when he was 24 and i was 20 and it's been 3 years since then so he's 27 now#which somehow makes me feel even more sad and pathetic about being sad#like he literally left this state two years ago and he probably has a whole life out there#and likely does not spend that much time thinking about some 23 year old he knew 3 years ago for six months#sorry to be so dramatic and sad and all that on main#i feel embarrassed to bring this up with my friends bc it just all feels so frivolous and it was like. years ago.#how has it taken me two and a half years to be this freaking sad about it. truly what on earth man#:(#and i probably won't but even if i did text him now that just seems like it'd be so selfish#when he literally moved away 2.5 whole years ago and has probably moved on from whatever feelings he may have even had#like who takes this long to realize they miss someone. who woudl appreciate even hearing from them after this long#idk it's fine I'm gonna go wash my hair since i cut it short again today (well my mom cut it. shout out to her lol)#anyway it's fine! ill be normal about this in a few days probably and then will go back to once again living my life#wisconsin boy#it's kinda depressing to use that tag again but in case u don't wanna see this nonsense pls feel free to filter it out lol I understand
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luveline · 9 months
could we get more bombshell!reader and spencer please?
for you lovely ♡ fem!reader
"Hi, gorgeous." 
Spencer should've known it was you from the soft, sweet-hinted smell of your perfume, but he was distracted by the book in his hands. "Hey, Y/N," he says.
"You realise you've stopped walking? And that we're both quite late?" 
Spencer blows out a confused breath, looking over his shoulders. He'd known where he was when he started but obviously overestimated his ability to walk and read at the same time. "I do now. Thank you." 
"Oh, you're welcome," you say, voice like angora silk. "Let's walk together, yeah? That way you won't get lost again." 
Spencer stammers at your fingers slotting between his, your palm as soft as your voice. Your touch, even, is soft. You curl your fingers around his like he's something precious and the two of you set off together toward the elevator for the BAU floor. "I'm sorry I didn't text you back last night, I was catching up on my beauty sleep, something you clearly don't need to do, and when I saw it this morning I thought I'd rather hear it in person." 
"No, don't be sorry, I knew it was a long shot," he says, momentarily distracted by the (frankly insane) feeling of your hands swinging in tandem. You're probably the last person alive he wants a sorry from. You're beautiful, and you're always sweet, always interested in what he has to say.
You prove it. "I was sorry I missed it, Spence, I thought the whole lactic acid theory sounded interesting. Think you can squeeze it in before the round table?" 
Spencer gives it a try. It's impressive how he manages to focus on two things at once, freaking out about your hand in his —so casual and so unreal— while explaining the twisting science of muscle soreness and fatigue. He nearly doesn't notice you pulling him from the elevator and into the office, but then he gets that sixth sense feeling like there are eyes on him, and he pulls his gaze from your (again, frankly insanely) pretty face to investigate. 
Working with his team, the agents in the BAU office have gotten good at subtlety, but half don't even try to pretend they aren't looking at you. You, in your fancy coat with your cute handbag, and Spencer, ragged in a cardigan and shoes with worn soles, holding hands. You rub the back of his hand with your thumb, your usual sunny smile flickering.
"Sorry," Spencer says. "Uh, sorry, I didn't… People are looking."
"I know." You take your hand from his. "It's not professional, huh?" You force a smile, trying to seem unbothered, as though this whole holding hands thing doesn't mean more to you.
Spencer hates to play the profiler card, but it's what he is. He knows you genuinely wanted to hold his hand from the twitch of your index finger alone. 
You've always had a way about you. You're confident and fun no matter how many knocks you take, but you're serious when you need to be and a brilliant agent. Spencer can count on one hand the amount of times he's seen that confidence knocked. He hates that it's because of something he did. 
"I mean, it's not hurting anyone," he says unsurely, trying hard to keep his attention solely on you. 
Your eyes widen, your perfectly powdered face alight. It knocks the air out of him. "Until Hotch tells me off." 
"I'll defend you," he says. It's supposed to be a joke but his words come out honey thick, practically sticky with promise. 
Spencer offers you his hand again. As soon as you take it, he starts pulling you with more confidence than he feels across the office and up to the conference room. 
"Oh, come on, Y/N," Morgan says with a grin when he sees you both, tethered and smiling as you make your way to your adjacent seats. "You're torturing my boy." 
Hotch raises his eyebrows just a touch. 
"It's fine," Spencer says. "I asked her to."
Hotch's eyebrows rise higher. He stares for a moment before glancing back to the case file. "Well, fraternisation between employees isn't permitted. But I'm more worried that you're both late. Let's get back to the case details, please, JJ." 
As much permission as you're going to get, Spencer squeezes your fingers under the desk. You can't hold in a laugh. The team shares a moment of disbelief at the disruption. 
"Spencer Reid," Emily drawls, breaking the short silence with a smirk, "you rake."
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hobiebrownbrowser · 1 year
Constant Arguments
I know there is a lot of angst like this going on but for some odd reason it just feels right to make. I feel as if 42 Miles won't be as affectionate then others make him appear to be. NO HATE ON THEM. I love reading them.
I feel like he'll still have a somewhat cold demeanor. I haven't seen many where Y/N doesn't really care that Miles is The Prowler. Just needing him by her side more than anything was a blessing in her honor.
Earth 42 Miles Morales x FEM!Reader
Context: Angst, fluff, sadness, Mild cussing, happy ending
Translations: 'blame google if they aren't correct' 💀
"¿Por qué no puedes decírmelo? = "Why can't you tell me?"
Necesitamos hablar mami. = We need to talk mommy.
"Quítate de mi camino Miles." = Get out of my way Miles.
summary: Y/N doesn't give a shit if Miles is The Prowler.
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"¿Por qué no puedes decírmelo? You avoid my calls, my texts, everytime I try to talk to you! You act like I'm not even 'ere!" It felt like a train hit her when Miles didn't respond, Breaking the eye contact they held for so long. Y/N just rolled her eyes, fed up with a relationship that clearly wasn't working.
"When you wanna talk, hit me up Hombre, other than that you can leave." Y/N shook her head, grabbing her book bag off the floor and walking towards their shared room.
She was acting like this because he wanted to disappear for more than a whole ass week. Ignoring her, leaving his own girlfriend on read when she was worried sick for him. Only think he had to say was "he was busy." Apparently it was more important than she'll ever be.
Slamming the door once she got inside just to feel tears swell in her eyes. Everything was frustrating her, constant arguments, school. The girl was overstimulated to say the least. Her back pushed up against the wall as she attempts to calm herself down with shallow deep breaths.
It felt like everything she worked for was against her. The man she loves not giving her the care she needs to pull through with all of this shit. Her family pressuring her to do a good job in school.
She just wanted to settle down on a peaceful path, but that seemed to redeem to much in her life. Having to work two jobs day and night was a struggle and Miles knew that. Yet he still did what he said he wasn't going to do.
Leaving her when she was the most vulnerable. She felt as if she wasn't valuable in his life at all. Wanting to cut off the one thing that used to make her life better.
But oh how she loves Miles. At the same time she wanted to apologize, pull him in a strong embrace. But she knew in the end he'd do the same thing. Disappear on her for decades on end.
The last string she held onto snapping just from his cold words. The silence was preposterous yet it kept her in a safe haven, able to run away from her problems just like now.
Taking a few more deep breaths and finally getting up off the dirty floor. She needed something to occupy her mind with, scrolling through her phone just to look at good memories.
She needed to wind down, Wanting to just drop out of school and cut off anyone she thought she knew well. She needed to breathe in this already suffocating air. The man on the other side probably long gone and out the door.
She was right, his figure not on the couch any longer than it should be. She wiped her face before stepping out. Going into the kitchen and grabbing a tub of ice cream before heading back into her confined space.
"Princesa." She cursed under her breath. Hearing his soft genuine sweet voice call her by her nickname. The real question was why was he still here. Turning around to be met with dead eyes. It was funny. They'd been together for a year, yet he looks at her the same way he looked at others.
She simply ignored him. Grabbing a spoon from a drawer and trying to push past the firm man.
"quítate de mi camino Miles." He didn't budge, doing the complete opposite infact. Blocking the exit with his body, She threatened to climb over the table if he didn't.
"Necesitamos hablar mami." He simply just tilted his head, A serious look plastered on his face.
"Oh now you wanna talk, ain't your job more important than me?" She got him right there. Miles eyes avoiding her's before looking back up, his chest withhelding big sigh. He wasn't gonna lie because he knew it was. She wasn't in his shoes. She wasn't constantly having to kill people for money.
No. He wanted her to sit still and be the most cherishing thing he had left besides his madre and his uncle. He was in a stressful predicament. How the hell was he supposed to tell his future wife that he was 'The Prowler'?
Miles was stomped, Looking the love of his life in her eyes before wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. The look of confusion on her face as he told her.
Miles watched as she rubbed her temples, her eyes narrowing down to nothing but disappointment. It all made sense now. Why she'd wake up to an empty bed in the middle of the night. The window sometimes left open on countless nights.
He'd even shown her the exact suit he'd killed in, leading her to a small hidden room she didn't even know they had in the first place. She poked her head in which Miles found a bit cute, Taking it out and putting it on like it was nothing but clothing.
You let out a deep sigh before saying what was on your own mind.
"Miles I don't give a shit that you're The Prowler. I just wanted you to tell me." A sigh of relief left Mile's throat. Apologizing to his chica before pulling her into a tight hug and kissing her soft plump lips.
"I'm sorry for not tellin' you sooner Hermosa."
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Part 2 here 💜
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wannabelife · 5 months
fantasize – csc
pairing: seungcheol x fem reader
genre: smut
synopsis: your friend hurt his ankle in his dance class and needs you to help him to do the basic things. what you didn't know it's that you gonna need to give more than just a hand.
warnings: long ass built-up, i think that's the longest smut i've ever done, nursing student yn, sub cheol, dom service reader, cheol from the last live type of image, unproctect sex (be safe y'all!!! that's just fiction), oral m receiving, fingering, handjob, voyeurism, praise and use of the word slut
a/n: last one of the year!!! planning some things for 2024, and lmk if you have any requests :))) happy holidays guys and a beautiful new year to y'all <3
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you were dozing off in front of your school books when your phone starts to ring, startling you. the number "never answer" popped up on your screen, and contrary to what it says, you click on the green button accepting the call.
"hello my bestest best friend"
"what do you need now, jeonghan?"
"my god, not even a 'how are you?' 'how's your day?' nothing?"
"go on, jeonghan, i do not have the patience"
all you can hear is his breathy laugh on the other side before he finally goes to the point. it seems harsh of you, but that's normal in your friendship, none of you minding this kind of treatment, knowing it's just how it is with you.
"okay... actually two things" you roll your eyes as he speaks, and thanks god he is not seeing you, because he would whine about that.
"cheolie got his ankle injured in the dance class yesterday, im taking care of him, but he keeps sighing in pain, and i dont know what to do"
"did the doctor not prescripted any painkillers?"
"i lost the recipe on the way back home from the hospital"
"well, that's seungcheol's fault for trusting you" you take a breath "ice and a generic painkiller won't be a problem if the pain aint going away"
"and the other thing?" you ask.
"so, saturday..."
"no! no, i cant."
"let me finish it, at least!" you sigh and he goes on "saturday i have something to do during the day. dont you have like three or four hours of your day just to check on him... make sure he has something to eat, takes shower, his medicine and everything... the man can't even leave his bed"
"hmm alright. that's ok with me."
"why were you so reluctant to give in that easily?"
"oh come on, hannie... you know you. that's, by far, the easiest thing you've ever asked from me. its quite cute, actually."
"i told seungcheol to ask someone, but you know... he can be stubborn sometimes... he keeps saying he'll be ok by himself"
"what if he really wants to be alone... i wont go if he is not comfortable with it"
"he can't barely walk, yn. he needs some assistance"
"ok... just make sure he knows im going"
"i will. thank you so much, that's a huge help, really. you are the best!"
"i know"
saturday comes, and you decide to go to cheol's around 11pm. you will probably buy some takeout to make sure he eats. you've texted him a few times during the week to ask how's the recovering, and it seems its getting better. it feels like your help will just really need to be an assistance.
getting at his place, you disk the pass code on the front that jeonghan texted you beforehand. you slowly come in, letting your shoes by the door. you've been here a few times, but it's not like you are used to it.
"hello? cheol? im here" you exclaim in a way he can possibly hear wherever he is around the house, but no answer comes.
you let your things on the living room, walking carefully further down his place "seungcheol?" you say, looking around shyly.
you get near to his bedroom door that is closed. what gets your attention is the whinning coming from inside it. your eyes getting big with worry, remembering jeonghan saying how he does it when in pain.
another whine comes, a bit louder, with a groan after it "cheol? can you hear me? are you ok?" you get closer to the door, not wanting to open before he says you can. you are really worried, what if he's trying to get up alone, or even worse, if he fell down while trying it... another groan "seungcheol, can i come in? are you fine?" you try again and nothing.
you hear a gasp this time, and you just decide to go in, what if something happened? he is not answering. you open the door of his room lightly, a little squeaky leaving your month in surprise.
"yn!? fuck!" seungcheol exclaims when he catches your presence, but you close the door fast enough to cut his words. there aint no way you just saw seungcheol half naked on his bed, hand on his hard cock for your eyes to see, a vein popping up while he strokes his length. he wasn't reacting from pain, but quite the opposite.
you walk fast to the living room, not knowing what you should do, until you hear him from his room "yn, wait! wait, please!" he grunts, trying to get his body up from the bed, his pants already in place as he tries to stand up.
you hear the metal of his crutch clicking, and you run over to his door again "no, no, seungcheol, are you standing up? stay there!" your voice gets a bit higher from usual so he gets the point.
you are standing outside the closed door like a coward, your ears touching the wooden material of it, so you can hear whatever he's trying to say from inside.
"i wanna talk to you" he says "i can walk"
"no! stay there, im serious!" you exclaim again, worried that he might fall or hurt if he gets up. you hear a breathy laugh from the other side.
"are you going to stay outside or are you coming in to talk?" he says "if you dont, im getting up"
"are you dressed?" you ask and he scoffs, laughing a bit again.
"of course im dressed, yn. come in, please"
"well, you weren't before" you say it quietly for yourself before finally opening the door.
he is sitting on the edge of the bed, the crutch hanging on his side. he looks at you at his door, he cant help the look he gives you up and down, you feel your cheeks getting flushed from his stare as you glup dryly.
this happens just for a few seconds before he looks down his feet and say "im sorry, i didn't know you were coming. that shouldn't have happened"
that can just be jeonghan's fault, and you wanna roll your eyes again because of him. he told you he would make sure seungcheol was ok with it.
"so, i am sorry then. jeonghan said you were fine with me coming. i can go if you wanna be alone"
"you can stay. its not like i didn't want you here, i'd just finally have some time alone" you understand him, he is on that bed for days and jeonghan is probably not leaving his side for days. he is happy he has a friend like him but he is only human and also like his alone time too.
"i am really sorry for earlier" he says again
"lets leave that there, right? its ok" you say to him and he gives you a subtle smile "i brought you lunch" you state.
"thank you" he smiles again "i just need a shower first, then we can eat"
"alright. take your time" you say, getting on your back to walk out the room.
"hm... yn, i-" he starts but stop it quite shyly. you look back at him.
"what?" you encourage him to keep going.
"i need help to get on the bathroom" you panicked, and you hate that you let it so unworn that he immediately realizes it "no! you wont see anything! just help me walk there" you nod, relieved, going his way to help him.
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you grunt tossing over your bed again, stretching your arm to the table beside it so you can reach your phone to check the time. 2:43am. you cant sleep, you've been in bed since midnight and that's stressing you out.
you sit, laying on the heardboard, your hands going to your face, another grunt leaves in frustration. why the fuck seungcheol have to have such a beautiful cock? its literally making you lose your sleep. and its not like you have completely seen it, he was half covered with the blanket and you peak only a few seconds, but the prominent vein and perfect length can't be possibly forgotten.
the real question is, why are you even losing sleep because of some dick? you are starting to get annoyed. so you play a random podcast on your phone, hoping it will help you fall asleep. you lay again, the speakers not too loud as you close your eyes, getting comfy on the sheets.
the nice and soothing voice of all those podcast speakers sounding like lullaby to your ears. you feel your body relaxing by seconds.
a hand reaching to your thighs, caressing the naked flesh. slowly getting closer to your core until the fingers slightly crossed over your closed clit, your breath is getting stuck to your throat, "do you need help, yn?" seungcheol's voice says causing goosebumps on your skin.
"wh- what are you doing here?"
"couldn't sleep thinking about you either" he says sliding his hand under your panties "oh, you're wet already"
all you do is whine as he starts to slide his finger up and down your center. seungcheol is getting closer, his mouth setting a delicate kiss to your neck as your breath gets heavier.
"does it feel good?" he whispers on your ear when he starts to massage your clit. you're moaning, your cheeks red, not knowing how did this started at first place.
he slips a finger inside and you become a moaning mess, his name like a prey on your tongue. he kisses harder and sucks on your skin, making you clench around him. he adds another finger and you feel yourself closer to the edge.
"are you close, baby?" the nickname makes you moan his name again "then, wake up"
your clock start ringing, your eyes opening fast, startled by the sound "fuck!" you groan. you fell asleep without noticing, and it couldn't get worse than having a wet dream with him.
you hit the clock beside you, silencing its ring tone, before getting up to work, and also to clean the wet mess between your legs.
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you were able to get on campus on time for your first class of the day. you completed ignore the fact that you just met seungcheol outside in a wheelchair, chatting with jeonghan and joshua when you arrived. all the nervousness gathering around your stomach, remembering the shameless dream you had. you made it short with them, running over to your class soon.
right now, you are done for the day, at your living room table, books spread all over it, a way too common scenery for you. at least today is friday and you can have a much needed rest.
you close the notebook in front of you, resting your head on the back of the sofa, closing your eyes for a bit. you're interrupted by your phone ringing, you come closer, your eyes peaking to try seeing who it is calling.
with your phone on your hands now, your eyes get big as you look to the screen lighting with cheol's name on it. if you wait too long, the call is going to end, so you rush to answer.
"hello?" you sound unsure for some reason.
"hi, y/n? are you busy right now?"
"hmmm... not really, why?"
"you sure? dont want to bother if you are"
you wanna say yes but you are nervous, you dont know what is going to be the next words.
"i finished rehab just now and the way back is around your house, so i thought about calling. do you want to meet up?"
there it is. he wants to meet up, oh lord.
"sounds good. im a bit tired, tho. do you mind coming over?"
"it'd be the best anyways. im on my way"
"okay, bye!" you hang up, a smile on your lips. then it hits you... he is coming here. right now.
you rush to stow all your material. putting some things in place too, which wasnt hard, your house its pretty neat. you also take a quick shower, already hearing the doorbell once you come out.
as you open the door, it feels like the time stopped for a second. seungcheol is in casual clothes, baggy black jeans and shirt, a hoodie hugging his upper body, the cap of it on his head as his now long hair matches his beauty perfectly. his body is steady by the crutch on his both sides. his dimples make its way on his cheeks as he smiles to you by the door.
"come in" you say and he does, living his shoes beside yours on his way inside.
"i brought some takeout" he says as you rush to take it from his hands, leaving the plastic bag at the kitchen island.
you ask him if he wants anything to drink as he sets himself at the table. you eat it out with the beer he asked you. time going by as you chat with each other comfortably.
its kind of a new situation for you two. you first met because of jeonghan, but you've never gotten this close until now. you go out together with your other friends in common and have a nice relationship, but its the first time you two do something alone.
"i wonder why jeonghan called you to go check on me that day" he says cutting your thoughts.
"was it bad?" you laugh breathy, surprised by the sudden statement.
"no, no! its just because we have our group of friends as you know, you are in it. i was just surprised you were his choice between them"
"probably because i work on the healthy system" you say, knowing people are aware of you finishing your last year of nursing school.
"oh! you're right." he exclaims, it now hitting him.
you smile, staring at how cute his pouty lips look when he is thinking. you admire his plump lips and suddenly remember the dream you had just tonight, and then his coc- FUCK! stop! you think to yourself, that's not the time.
the silence takes the room after so much conversation and you decide to clean the table, hoping it cleans your mind too. you take the empty bags to the trash and when you go back to catch the stools left, cheol is jumping his way to the couch. hanging the crutch on the side as he signs after he sits. you laugh a bit, finding cute the way he jumped his way there to get faster, but getting worried once he sighs.
"is it hurting?" you ask, taking the cups and plates to the kitchen.
"its affordable" he laughs it out "it hurts a bit sometimes but its getting less constant" you pout even tho that's a good sign. you feel bad for him.
"is there anything i can do to help?" you say coming back from the kitchen. the table all cleaned up now.
"not really, just come sit here" is all he says, a smile playing on his face. oh my god, why is your tummy getting twisted.
you make your way to him, sitting kinda shy beside him, even tho that's your own familiar house. you stare at each other, not saying anything, you play an awkward grin to him and he smiles endearing. what's happening? you think in your head.
you coff slightly, breaking the silence "do you want a bag of ice for your ankles? is it still hurting?"
you both look down his ankles, his little stitch showing from the cirurgy he had, you grimace in empathy thinking about it and how it must hurt.
"not really"
"can i take a look?" you ask looking at him now.
"why?" he says. oh god, jeonghan is so right, he is kinda stubborn.
"im a nurse, you know..." you fight back lightly.
"not yet. you said you are on your last year still" he smirks and you roll your eyes.
"oh my god, seungcheol. are you scared or something? im not gonna hurt you" you say getting up from his side to go take a look. making his eyes turn big that you cant help but laugh "you are scared, um" you contest.
"no, i am not" he say it in a defensive tone and you laugh again. what a big baby.
in order to look at his ankle, you have to knee yourself in between his legs, as you are taking your position, you realize what a big mistake you did. you glup, going down. he's looking at you, his breath getting stuck when you moved, but he tried not to show his surprise.
you take his foot on your hands, taking care not to hurt him "is this ok?" you ask not spearing a glance.
you look closer, seeing it slightly red, you press your thumb around it until you get on a place that makes him react, so you know where it's sore.
"hm, its not inflamed, just sore, i dont think you need ice, maybe a painkiller if it doesn't go away" you do your final words and he nods. but you cant see, so you look up at him with the lack of response and you see his adam's apple going up and down "what's the problem?" you ask.
"nothing" he says more in a whisper "can you get up now, please?"
that's when you realize, you look around and at your position in between his legs, eyes on his, and now you get it. you get up in one motion "hm- i- sorry" you say.
"for what? thank you for checking" he tries to collect himself and you have no choice but do the same.
you make your way beside him again, and when you look back at him, he has one of your cushion in his lap, you try to suppress the smirk that is threatening to show but he notices it.
"are you seriously hard right now?" you shamelessly say and he glups "all i have to do is get on my knees? that easy?"
"yn, dont do this." he says sharply.
"what am i doing?"
"y'know im trying to end a boner right now. i could fuck but wanna do it when i can make you feel good"
what did he just say right now? "what makes you think i'll let you fuck me?" you press.
you knew what you are doing, but you are surprised that he seems to want it just as much as you do.
"you can pay back later" you say slowly getting closer, placing your hand on the cushion, looking at him for some kind of permission.
he lets his arms off of it, and you take the cushion out of the way. he really has a boner, suddenly the image of his cock coming to your mind again as you breath deeply.
he takes his hand to your face making you look up at him now, taking your hair out of the way, he places his hand on your neck. you two getting closer by seconds, your nose slightly touching before he finally kisses you.
he has the softest lips you've ever kissed. it starts slow like you dont want to lose your breath, but it feels so good that it gets intense fast. you stay some minutes making out before he finishes it biting your lower lip.
"why dont you get on the position you were before?" he says looking at you as you waste no time in getting between his legs again.
he is looking down at you, his lips in between his teeth as his hips bulk forward. you slowly get your hand on his growing bulge, that makes you eager to make him feel good.
you tuck your hand under his shirt, caressing his torso, feeling it hardening at your touch. he takes the opportunity to take his shirt off of him "take yours too, leave the bra on" he demands and you do, throwing it somewhere behind you.
he stares at your breast and feels it tightening in his jeans. you place your hand back, slowly undoing his jeans. he helps you sliding it off as well as his underwear, leaving a gasp when his half hard cock gets free. you stare at the kind of familiar view, even prettier up close. you salivate gulping down, making seungcheol's member throb at your action. you smirk and massage his tighs, not getting where he needs you the most yet.
"fucking get on my cock" he groans and you get a bit surprised by his tone so you immediately do as he says "good girl" he praises and you moan, you fucking moan. never in your life you thought you could moan by just a man's words, he's not even touching you. you press your core seeking for relief.
as you are handing his dick, you collect the pre cum, spreading it out in your hand and at his member. you start pumping it until he gets fully erect.
he gets foward on his seat and you look up at him as he gives you a cheap grin while collecting your hair. you know what he's doing and you let him. once your hair is in a ponytail in his hands, he brings his other to your chin to look at him.
"open up" he demans caressing his thumb on your lip. you open it wide, sticking your tongue out, making him laugh "you know it well, hm?" he says and you nod dumbly.
he gets your hand out, the one that has been working on his cock until now, he looked at it messy with his juices and after to you "clean it"
you're not so sure if that's what he wants but you start to lick your palm, getting the first tastes of him, licking your indicator first and them finishing it with both middle fingers as you suck it dry, humming at it. he nods, approving what you did.
"now, lace your fingers together for me" you do it and he press them on your chest, not putting any pressure, just keeping in place "if it gets too much you tap my wrist, got it?" you nod "i need you to use words"
"yes" you answer.
"good. now show me how you will do it" he says and you undo your fingers, tapping at the side of his wrist "very good" he praises again and you gasp "calm down, you will get what you need now" he says as he pulls you upper on your knees "open up again for me" you do "now suck my cock, little slut" he demands and you dont excitate to put your lips around his head.
he moans, laying on the back of the sofa again "you're so obedient, arent you?" you hum as you work your tongue around it before sucking it, finishing with a pop.
he throws his head back and you finally start to fully suck him off. he presses your scalp, starting to make some pressure needing more of you to feel good. you relax on him, letting him take control, as he fucks your mouth harshly.
you're getting out breath, tears falling down your cheeks as you moan around him "fuck" he reacts, slightly throbbing on your tongue. he looks at you as your eyes roll back at his cock reaching the back of your throat.
he pushes you off of him, a line of spit connecting your lips to his head. your chest going up and down, "get up" he demands once again, freeing you from his hands.
you're up in front of him as he reaches to your shorts, starting to unbutton it "im the only one who gets to get naked, so unfair" he says, tugging your shorts down your legs as he hands your waist making you turn around with easy, you yelp in surprise "lay your back" he says and you go down, reaching for the table in front of you. before you can see it happening, he rips your thong from you.
"seungcheol!" you exclaim and he doesn't say much, looking at the wet spot you left on it "its all wet, you ruined it, it hadn't much use anyways" he defends and you scoff. again, before you can see it, he is slapping you on your left butt cheek, you yelp as your eyes close, feeling the pain turning into heat "behave" he says and you just reply with a weak "ok".
he lets his fingers go up and down your slick as you sigh at his touch "oh my god, did you get this wet just from sucking me? such a cock slut"
he brings his wet fingers to his mouth, cleaning it dry, humming at your taste "you taste so good, i could eat you out for hours if i wasnt so desesparate to fuck you" he gets his hand back to your core, drawing circles at your sensitive clit now. your hips go up, opening space for him, melting at the feeling of his fingers on you. you moan his name, almost whispering it as you throw your head back, the pleasure getting more intense as the time goes by.
he slides a finger inside and you're already clenching on his finger. he fucks you slowly, eventually adding a second finger to scratch you out. he speeds up, curling it slightly as he reaches your spot, you moan loudly. that's better than in your dreams.
"cheol... i- please" you say breathlessly, sounding dizzy because you felt like you were.
"what's that?" he askes slidding his fingers off of you as you cry out.
"fuck me, please! i- i need you" you say it getting your hips down on him, slightly touching his bare cock with your core as he groans.
"ok, needy" for the first time, he sounds not so composed.
one hand in your hips, another one in his cock, he angles it to your entrance. you start to sit on it until you bottoms up. you relax on him, both of you sighing, adjusting yourselves at the pressure.
he undo your bra so it slides down your arms before handing your waist again, keeping you in place as he starts to fuck you. your hands getting back on the table for some stability as you hear the sound of your skins meeting. his hands leaving marks on you as you moan.
suddenly, you feel his thrusts haunting as he groans, sitting back on the sofa. his head resting and he whimpers in frustration, feeling you throbbing around him, asking for more, from the lack of stimulation.
"im sorry" you say.
"dont be sorry" he reassures you.
"what's wrong?" you ask slidding it off of you, he gasps from the loss and you turn around to look at him.
firstly, he whimpers again, looking at your bare titties for the first time. you follow his line of view, noticing him staring immediately as he's hoping to suck all of it, leaving marks there is all he wants right now.
he collects himself, meeting your eyes "my ankle is hurting from that position" he says, frustrated.
you get closer, caressing his hair back "that's ok. im sorry it hurts" you pout. he's looking up but you are so close right now, that he is trying so hard not to stare at your breast again.
"sit down on me" he says.
"will it not going to hurt you still?" you ask concerned.
"i dont know, im hoping not. i've never fuck anyone while injured before" he contests and you smile at his remark "come on, sit here" he demands again, tapping his thighs to you. how can you say no?
you do as he says, sitting on his lap, taking care not to crash with your weight in it.
"relax, baby" he says again pressing you down on him so you get his point.
you sit there, and he starts to caress your thighs, going up to your sides and back, making goosebumps appear all over your body, your core gathering your juices again. you hand his neck, bringing him to a kiss. he sneakily reaches your breast, caressing his fingers at your nipple. you whimper in between the kiss, encouraging him to do the same on the other one.
his hands are everywhere and he breaks the kiss to work his lips on your neck, it feels like the foreplay all over again and you're aching for some friction. as if he reads your mind, his hands are back on your ass, spreading it open and foward, the motion making you slide on his cock as both of you gasp, "keep going" he whispers on your ear, getting back to kiss there as you start to move your hips on him, feeling the prominent vein that you've only seen before.
he keeps going down to the valley between your tits until he greases his teeth on the left nipple, you arches your back moaning, and he does the same to the other one, taking his time on it. when he's done, he stares at his work, your nipples sensitive and red from all the sucking and licking.
"go on, ride me" he says looking now back at you.
you push your body up a little as you hand his cock back to your entrance, sliding it in easily now. you dont waste time on starting to move up and down on him. you throw your head back from the pleasure, as he admires your figure, collarbones and breast moving as you do on him, his eyes meet at where your bodies are connecting and he cant help put touch your clit.
"oh fuck" you moan it out as he works his fingers on your clit. you're throbbing around him "im so close, it feels so good, cheol" you say whimpering and he grunts, encouraging you to keep going as his high is close too.
you throw yourself on him, your face getting buried on his shoulders now, your thrusts haunting with your cum approaching. he senses it, handing your waist once again, applying force to help you with it.
"fuck, im gonna cum" you announce, slightly biting his skin, that's the ending point for him as he feels his high coming.
"where can i cum?" he askes you beforehand as you desesparate repeat inside as an answer "are you sure? oh- fuck" he's holding in, but he needs to make sure.
"please, please, cum inside" you whine and thats enough for him to let it go, he's cumming before you with a intense gasp after a low moan.
you whimper feeling him filling you up, making you cum right after him. you fight to keep thrusting, just to keep a bit of the friction to ride off your highs. your thighs all messy with both of your cums and so is his lap.
you stop once you're done and cant take it no more, you slide off of him, throwing yourself beside seungcheol on the sofa. eyes closed, your heads resting at the headboard, both of you panting out of breath still.
"im on the pill" you suddenly deliver those words, realizing you didn't say it before.
"fuck, i swear when im all good im gonna fuck you senseless" he spits it out, his mind wherelse. your sore pussy clench, even tho you've just got fucked by him, i guess you too are not satisfied yet. you can't wait for him to get all healed.
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norrisleclercf1 · 10 months
Hey Dad
Pairing: Charles x Mom!Reader x Lando
Rating: PG-13
Words: 2.2K
Warnings: major angst, Reader is facing her lies, Elijah is lost and needs answers, Elijah blames you for not having a relationship with his father. Charles drives for RedBull and Lando Mercedes, deal with it
Synopsis: Elijah didn't want to be at the race, he couldn't be around his family right now. He was tired of the lies. Thankfully the biggest lie is there at the race
A/N: Elijah is 15 and Cecile is 11, also this might seem chaotic writing because this is from Elijah's POV so it's his messy mind trying to put everything together
Our Boy Series Masterlist / Our Boy / The Hunt for Fruit/ Together Again
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Elijah knew he should've stayed in bed. He should've rolled back over and missed the Monaco GP. That's what he should've done. Instead, Cece came barging into his room without a care in the world and kicked her older brother out of bed. Literally kicked him. Sitting down at breakfast, watching as his Pa dotes on his Dad and Ma, he should've told them he didn't want to go. 
But seeing how happy his Pa was at being home and racing in Monaco, held his tongue. Ma would've let him stay when he voiced his dread. This bottomless pit ever since they walked through their apartment doors. Instead, he waved it off and just acted his usual self. Now, here he is in the hot weather feeling this dread grow more and more. 
Could this be a sign again? He still remembers when Dad got in his horrible accident. The same feeling was there. He can still remember listening through the radio as he crashed, the screams coming from you. Shaking his head, riding those dark thoughts, he takes several deep breaths. "The hell is wrong with you?" Groaning, he turns his head, looking at the face of his annoyed sister. 
"Go away, Cece." Elijah thumps his head on the Mercedes garage, not wanting to talk to anyone. "You're being a dick, have been since you woke up." Her fingers typing fast on her phone, probably texting Uncle Carlos's or Oscar's kids.
"Maybe I wouldn't be a dick if you didn't kick me out of bed." Cece makes a noise, clicking her screen off and looking up. "Please, you've been this way since we arrived. You snapped at Dad last night and barely spoke to Papa or Mama. What's going on with you?" Elijah rips his headphones off, angry for no reason. 
"Mind your own business, Cece. You don't need to know everything about me." He snarls, storming out of the garage. "Woah, easy there, Elijah." Running right into his Dad, he rolls his eyes, not even stopping to apologize. "Hey! Get back here, young man!" Lando roars, tired of this attitude. "Make me!" Elijah snaps back, ignoring his Dad's cries, losing him in the crowd. 
Elijah pays no mind to where he's going. He can't go to the Red Bull garage. Dad probably already told his Pa and Ma what he did, and Cece is definitely whining to Dad about how Elijah talked to her. It was all a mess. He should've stayed in London with his grandparents. Nothing but anger and confusion coursed through his veins, trying to make sense of everything. 
Why was he so angry? He hated acting like this to his family, they loved him so much, and now he's treating them like this? He deserved the worst punishment right now. Shoving his hands in his jeans, he keeps walking, not wanting to stop where anyone would recognize him. 
"Elijah?" He stops, hearing the familiar voice of his godfather. "Uncle Lewis." Lewis smiles brightly, pulling the boy into a hug, happy to see him here. "What are you doing all the way down here? Shouldn't you be with your Dad or Pa?" Lewis pats his back while Elijah just shrugs.
"I got in a fight with Cece and snapped at Dad. So I'm avoiding." Lewis sighs, seeing the turmoil that, at 16, Elijah shouldn't be going through. 
"Come on, let's talk over here." Lewis directs Elijah over to a private lounge. "Talk to me, what's going on?" Elijah stares at Lewis, holding back. "I won't tell your parents. I swear." The young boy pulls at his hair, Lewis watching as his godson battles with himself. "I found something that Ma has been hiding." Lewis sits up straight, clearing his throat. "Oh." Elijah nods, looking away. 
"My father....he's been writing to me since I was born. 3 or 4 letters a month for 16 years. I found the letters while I was looking for my birth certificate. Needed it for the contract I was going to sign with Prema." Elijah wrung his fingers, unsure how Lewis was going to take this. "Elijah, don't tell your mother that you know." Head snapping up, Elijah stares at Lewis, shocked. "What?" Voice turning hard startled that Lewis was suggesting this. 
"Don't tell your mother anything. I'm serious. Some things need to stay buried. This is one of them." Lewis reaches for Elijah, but he yanks back. "Oh my god, you knew. You knew that my father was sending me letters? Uncle Lewis, please tell me." How could the man before him, someone he respected, hide this from him.
Elijah told him everything. "Yes, I knew. But Elijah, there is a reason your mother has kept this from you. Don't go prying." Standing, he starts to pace, figuring out his thoughts and what to ask next. 
"I know who my father is. I've always known. He's my father, Uncle Lewis. I deserved to have a relationship with him. Yet you and Ma have kept this from me? Why? I need answers." This was the real problem. Elijah started to feel this way when Cece found out which one was her father.
He began to dig, and he dug deep, finding everything out. He was ready to confront his Ma, but something stopped him. Putting everything back and hiding the letters locking away this knowledge. 
"Elijah, your mother has her reasons. Just respect that." Lewis begs, trying to reason with the teenager. "No!" Elijah yells, darting out of the lounge and heading for his mother. "God fucking kid." Lewis dialing you, ready to warn you about the incoming storm. 
Elijah runs, not looking where he's going, only being stopped when he runs right into a body knocking him to the ground. "Hey, easy there, son. Might hurt someone." Elijah breathes heavily. Looking up, he stops all air sucked out of his lungs. "Dad." Scrambling up, Elijah hugs the person before him, hugging him tight. 
"What do you mean Elijah knows?" You snap as Lewis tells you everything that just went down. "I mean, Y/n, he knows he's his father, and you hide all the letters. Why would you do that? That boy deserves to know his father." Lewis hisses while you pace, trying to not overthink. "No, he doesn't; that bastard left me, Lewis. When I told him I was pregnant, he just left. He has no right to my son." Whispering as a mechanic walks past.
"Please, that excuse might've worked when Elijah was still a toddler. But he's 16 and wants to know his father. He still has parental rights over Elijah, doesn't he?" You freeze, eyes growing wide as you bite your nails. "Yes, yes, but I lied. I told Charles and Lando that he signed them away." Lewis throws his hands up, letting out an empty laugh. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Blinking fast, you try hard to remain composed as you can't let the cameras or anyone see you like this.  
"Don't judge me, Lewis. You helped." Waving his hand, Lewis turns away. "No, don't drag me into this. I didn't lie about parental rights. That's all you. I only helped because....because you're family." The two of you stare at one another, everything you hide coming to smack you in the face.
"He's going to hate me for the rest of his life. He'll never forgive me." Covering your mouth, you see Lando and Charles make their way towards you, clearly unhappy and Cecile worried. "Yeah, you might want to worry about those two before Elijah." Lewis waved at Lando and Charles, who smiled back. 
"Dad." Elijah's arms tighten around the man before him while the guy pats his back awkwardly. "Um, hey, listen. I'm not your Dad." Elijah pulls back, staring into the same blue eyes. "No, no, you are. My name is Elijah Norris-Leclerc. My mother's name is Y/N L/N. Almost 17 years ago, she gave birth to me." Elijah rambles, the guy looking him up and down. 
"Elijah? Your name is Elijah? And your mother's name is Y/n L/n?" He repeats back, trying to control that hope building in his chest. "Yes! And you're my father! You're Nico Rosberg, and you're my father." Nico laughs, grabbing onto Elijah and yanking him into his chest. "That's right, that's right." Nico and Elijah hug before Elijah pulls away. "I didn't know about the letters. If I did, I would've written back." Nico smiles, patting his hair down. 
"Elijah, calm down. Does your mother even know?" Elijah makes a face, feeling that anger boiling up again. "Who cares if she knows! She's been lying to me for years." Nico sighs, he wants to be so happy to hold his son, but he still needs to respect those boundaries.
"Elijah, I think you need to go back to your mother. She must decide when the time is right, not now." Nico didn't want to make things worse. He has been working so hard to get Elijah in his life, but you refused but slowly started to give him minor updates. 
"No, no. What? You don't want me now? Ma lies to me about everything; Cece gets to know her true father; why is it I can't? Is there something about me that is so easy to leave? To not want?" Elijah cries, those feelings breaking free. Nico reaches for him, but Elijah steps back. "Of course, I want you, but-" Nico stops, eyes growing wide when he sees you running towards them, Charles and Lando behind you. 
"Elijah!" He flinches, hearing your voice as you yank him around, checking him over. "Oh, baby, are you okay? Lewis said you just got angry and rushed off, and we've been looking everywhere for you." You cry, spinning him to make sure he isn't hurt.
"Nico, thank you for finding our son." Charles smiles. Elijah and your eyes connect. Slowly you turn, looking right at Nico, Elijah's true father and the man who left you. "Stay the hell away from my son." Standing before Elijah, refusing Nico the privilege to look at your son any longer. 
"Your son? Your son?" Elijah steps away from you shaking his head. "I'm not your son. I don't even know who you are." Elijah spits at you, Lando, stepping forward. "Hey! Don't speak to your mother like that." Lando was tired of this disrespect. "Oh shove it, Lando, you're not even my father. He is! Nico is my father." Everyone goes silent, breathing heavily; Elijah wipes his nose.
"You and Charles can act like my fathers, but you're not. I could've known my real father. Instead, my mother hides all his letters and refuses to discuss him! Uncle Lewis even knew Nico was my father and about the letters. What else have you been hiding, huh!?" Elijah yells. 
"Elijah James Norris-Leclerc, don't you dare speak to your Dad and Pa like that. You want to be angry at someone. You be angry at me. They're the ones who raised you, not Nico. He's the bastard who left us. Not them. Apologize." You glare at your son, trying to reset the urge to scream at him.
"No. I will not apologize; he left you, Ma, not me. You made him leave me. I read one of the letters. You didn't even give him the chance to be my father." Nico flinches, not wanting to have this conversation right now. 
"Y/n? Is this true?" Closing your eyes, you stare into the destroyed eyes of Charles and Lando. "Is, is anything you told us true?" Charles whispers. "Yes, everything she told you is true." Nico steps in, refusing to allow his son's family to break apart.
"Elijah, I did leave your mother and you. I was terrified at the thought of being a father. That's not a lie. I didn't start writing to you until your 6th birthday. I saw Charles's post and just decided to write to you." Laughing, you have the urge to slap Nico. 
"Stay out of this, you bastard! You're not a part of my son's life or this family." Elijah rolls his eyes, looking at Lando. Seeing Lando shake, unable to look up, he feels something break in him. "Oh fuck off, Y/n, you're just pissed because all the lies you and Lewis kept from everyone are finally revealed. I'm tired of being the villain in your story; it's time to face that you are the villain." Charles steps up, pushing Nico back from you. "Stop, that is still my wife. Don't you fucking dare speak to her like that." 
"Don't touch my father." Elijah steps between, showing Charles's hand off his chest. All hell breaks loose in that moment as you and Elijah yell at each other. Nico yelled at Charles and Lando, standing back and watching everything crumble. "HEY!" The screaming stops as a booming voice breaks through their own screams. 
"I come here to watch the historic Monaco GP, see the battle for the WDC between Lando and Charles. Instead, I hear the screaming of toddlers. How shocked am I to find out those voices are my daughter, her scumbag ex, and my grandson. So, someone want to tell me what has caused this?" You and Nico stare at the older man before you all, you feeling like a little girl again while Nico feels like that dumbass driver who got his daughter pregnant. 
"Hey, Mr. Hakkinen. Good to see you again."
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 | Changes
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What do you do when the person you once were becomes the person you miss being the most?
Tags/Warnings: Aged up!Jungkook, Younger!Reader, Age Gap (9 years, JK is mentioned to be 34/35), Angst, Mature romance, Jungkook's ex wife, mentions of past physical abuse, mentions of alcohol abuse, fluff, flirty Jungkook, no smut in this I'm sorry pls still read it :( there's some tension tho!!
Length: 6.5k words
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"Thanks for picking him up." Taehyung sighs, his son happily in the living room, taking a nap from school as he tucks himself in on the couch while his favorite show plays on the TV.
"I would've asked her, you know, but I feel like I'm relying too much on her again." The young father sighs. "I'm basically treating her the same as I did years ago, just without the pay."
"I heard about that." Jungkook says, drinking his coffee at the kitchen table where he sits across Taehyung. "She used to nanny while you lived separately from your wife, I think it was." He hums, setting his cup down. Jungkook isn't on bad terms with Taehyung's wife- but he tends to not say her name, because he honestly harbors quite a bit of distaste towards the woman who refuses to properly take care of her own child.
"Well don't you seem to know a bit about her now." Taehyung squints his eyes in suspicion. "What happened to 'she's too young for me anyways' huh?" He teases, and Jungkook sighs.
"Well, things.. happened. And we talked." He shrugs. "We're not.. really a couple, but we agreed to spend time with one another." He explains.
"So you're friends with benefits?" He wonders, drinking his tea while Jungkook leans back.
"No." He shakes his head, even though deep down, it does kind of feel like that to him, now that he thinks about it a bit more. "It's.. a bit more complicated than that. We're simply talking, seeing where it goes." He says.
"Hmhm." Tae nods. "Just don't break her heart. I still got basically nightmares from her last relationship." He mumbles a bit angrily to himself, clearly a bit irritated even just by the thought of it.
"I.. wondered what happened." Jungkook says. "Dae said he was a drinker?" He wonders, and Taehyung nods.
"Drinker, druggie, abusive asshole." He huffs, crossing his arms. "It's the main reason she moved away when Daehyun was younger. She wanted to protect him- make sure he won't get hurt."
"Was he violent?" Jungkook wants to know, because honestly, he has a hunch that that might've been the case. Taehyung seems on edge now, clearly torn between probably saying the truth, and respecting your privacy. "I was intending to ask her anyways. But she seems like the type to downplay her problems in order to make things seem less serious, so I thought you might be more honest." He adds.
"Yeah, she is like that." Tae agrees softly. "I'm not too sure what exactly went down. But I do know that she.. distanced herself out of fear that Daehyun might get hurt." He tells his friend. "Greg started to pick her up every time she'd babysit Daehyun at my house, even after I told him I didn't like that. He still did, still argued, turned up drunk multiple times at my doorstep." The young father remembers. "I kept her with me, of course. I'd never let her drive home with that alcoholic- but I guess something must've happened because she just.. suddenly cut contact." He shrugs. "Sent me a text, changed her number, moved out her old apartment."
"When did she come back?" Jungkook wonders.
"According to Yoongi, a few weeks before the aftershow party." Taehyung responds.
"So that's why you didn't recognize her?" He figures, and Tae nods.
"She changed a lot. Not just visually. She's.." His eyes lower to the cup in his hand. "..a lot more quiet. Cautious. Jumpy." He informs his friend. "And at the same time, she seems to mask a lot of it- get's irritated easily. She's trying to be who she was, but it's obvious that something changed, and whenever someone notices, she becomes defensive."
Jungkook doesn't really know what to think. Looking at Daehyun on the couch, he can absolutely understand your standpoint back then to get away from Taehyung's family in order to protect them- but that means there must have been at least some form of fear against your former partner to make you believe that he could potentially be a danger to the young boy and his father. It could also just be jealousy, of course- but Taehyung is right. You are a little odd sometimes.
And he doesn't know if he wants to know exactly why, or if he wants to let sleeping dogs rest.
Jungkook leans back in his office chair, headache already almost too unbearable to him, especially considering the woman who's making her way up in the giant corporate building to see him.
She wants money again, he knows it. Evelyn only ever visits him if there's something she wants, after all.
"One might argue they'd know me by now." Evelyn huffs as she enters the office, hair a bit wet as she throws her coat over the chair in front of his desk, before she sits down. "How're you doing?" She wonders, and Jungkook doesn't look away from his laptop's screen whatsoever, still looking through his e-mails. He doesn't have to put too many thoughts into this conversation after all- she's most likely just here to leech off of him again.
"Cut it." He simply says. "What do you want?" He asks, phone on his desk vibrating and chiming with a new notification.
'I can just drop something off for you? I just got off work myself, so it's no hassle.' your message reads, an answer to a former rant from him about his headache, and the fact that he's 'locked in like a dog' in his office and without any proper food ever since this morning. It makes him softly smile a little, the fact that you want to bring him something to eat even though you're probably exhausted from your shift as well is something he's not used to. And he didn't even have to ask for it.
'Only if it's really not an issue for you' his answer reads, and you send a thumbs-up emoji as an answer, before you finish typing your proper answer.
'DW, is anything okay or do you want something specific?' you question, and he immediately types a response.
'Just whatever, really. Nothing too spicy though, please.' he offers, when a hand knocks on the table in front of him, the woman in his office dragging him back into reality with force. He signs, locks his phone before he puts it down, opening a chat with the front desk downstairs to let them know to bring you up when you arrive.
"You know, this was always the issue, Jungkook." Evelyn whines, leaning back in her chair with her arms crossed. "You're so consumed by your work, it's crazy." She shakes her head.
"That wasn't work, actually." He bites back with a monotone voice, not really offering her any emotion whatsoever- there's nothing left in him anymore he could offer anyways. She took it all, sucked it out of him like an insect, and now she's constantly upset that he's empty inside.
"Anyways, I got this letter recently stating that there was an issue with the bank transfer?" She says, giving him the letter to read- which he does, flying over it just to remember why that bank transfer did not go through. "I told them that they'll get their money by friday." She hums, leaning her face on her palm while he gives her the letter back.
"What do I have to do with it then?" He asks, and she sits upright again, tilting her head a bit in irritation. "You said they'll get their money by friday. Good. Why are you here then?" He asks, arms crossed, office chair squeaking a bit as he leans back into it.
"Well, it's your bank account!" She laughs a bit unsure. "I don't even know why there was apparently not a sufficient balance on it." She argues.
"I resigned the automatic transfer rights." Jungkook tells her, face not moving an inch as he breaks the news. "The letter doesn't mention an insufficient balance at all, Evelyn. It states that there's no bank account set for the automated transfer option at all." He informs her.
"What the fuck Jungkook?!" She barks. "And you didn't even tell me?!" She yells, standing up to slap her hands on his desk. "You can't just make these changes and not inform me about it! Do you know how expensive that was?!" She accuses, and he shrugs, noticing something move behind her, milky glass front of his office hiding what's going on inside and outside, only letting shadows be seen if someone's close enough. "I'll text you the invoice later, and you better fucking pay, you asshole!" She says, when she whips her head around, someone opening the glass door.
"Thanks." You tell the office lady having let you in, before your eyes widen, door closing behind you and instantly drowning out all noise except the very slight sound of the fan in the corner of the room.
"Ah, there you are." Jungkook sighs, suddenly feeling a lot lighter as he looks at you. "Come here- is it still raining a lot?" He wonders easily, taking the white plastic bag from you to set it on his table, before giving you a small hug to greet you. "I think that was all you wanted, wasn't it?" He asks Evelyn, who hasn't even gotten up from her seat, instead clearly studying you now.
"Actually, no." She tells him. "And it's kind of private, so it would be real nice if your assistant would leave." She tells you with a smile that reminds you of a snarling dog.
"Then come back a different day." Jungkook answers her however, offering to take your coat from you to hang next to his own on the wall close to the large windows. "Right now I'm really not in the mood for whatever it might be. Especially not with my girlfriend in the room." He bluntly says, and something seems to flash over her face at the mention of your alleged role in his life.
She slowly stands up to take her coat from the back of the chair, movements a lot slower now, a glare sent into your direction. "Don't get your hopes up, sweetheart." Evelyn tells you, slipping into the sleeves of her coat. "His first love will always stay his job." She almost threatens, before she takes her purse and leaves through the door, leaving a confused you, and a clearly exhausted Jungkook behind.
"Please, sit down." He offers, and you do so, watching how he leans back in his chair, hands running over his face before he sits up again. "I'm sorry. That timing couldn't have been worse." He sighs.
"Ah, here. Do you have water here?" You wonder, and he nods, pointing towards a water dispenser in the room. "Oh, fancy." You laugh, walking up to fill a cup to put in front of him. "I take them myself, they usually help really quickly. Not trying to murder you." You tease, and he chuckles, taking the medication and the cup for himself.
"Thank you, really." He sighs out before taking the pill, washing it down with half of the cup's contents before he closes his eyes for a moment. "God I hate her so much." He suddenly breaks out laughing, before he shakes his head, digging through what you've bought for him.
"I assume that was your ex wife?" You wonder, and he nods.
"I'm also really sorry for telling her you're my girlfriend when we haven't even talked about that yet." He tells you a bit.. shyly almost, while you pull the bag closer to take something out for yourself.
"It's fine." You shrug. "Got a nice ring to it, you know?" You joke, and he smiles, starting to eat.
It's quiet, but not oddly so. He enjoys this a lot, this company without any pressure, no eerie sense of something being about to happen. You're clearly here because you want to be, there's nothing you want from him, nothing you need, nothing you could gain from this. It's just what it is, nothing else, nothing to red between the lines.
"You can ask why she was here, by the way." He offers you, wiping his mouth with a tissue.
"I don't have to know." You say, however. "It's got nothing to do with me- right?" You ask, and he nods. "Then it's none of my business. You can rant to me about it, sure, but I can't really give you any opinions on it since I don't really know her, or the situation around you and her." You tell him.
Jungkook watches you for a moment, before he nods. "You're right." He agrees, letting go of the topic entirely for now. He know it's only fair to talk to you about it at some point- but right now is not the time for that, he decides. "Do you want me to drive you home later? I really only have to answer this one E-mail and then I can clock out." He tells you between bites, wiping his fingers before he taps away on his keyboard.
"If it's not a bother, sure." You shrug. "You said you got the weekend off, right?" You ask him, and he nods a bit absentmindedly. "Then how about you stay over?" You ask, and that definitely seems to catch his attention.
"Stay over?" He asks, just to make sure he heard it correctly, and you nod.
"Yeah." You nod. "It's, you know, what boyfriends do with their girlfriends." You tease, making him roll his eyes. "We could cook something, watch a movie. Oh, and one of the lightbulbs in my kitchen broke, so maybe you could fix that for me?" You chirp, and he suddenly smiles brightly to himself, clicking something on his laptop before he shuts it down. "What's that grin for, mister?" You ask, and he just shakes his head.
"Nothing, really." He tells you. "I'm just really happy." He confesses, and you smile the same, now a bit shy.
"Well, what's your answer then?" You wonder, watching him pack the leftovers back into the bag, before he walks to get both his and your jackets, helping you into yours.
"My answer is yes." He says, voice very close to your ear as he leans over your shoulder from behind you, hands on your arms for a second. "I'd love to stay over and fix that lightbulb too, of course.-"
"Since I heard that's what boyfriends do with their girlfriends."
"There we go." He says, slowly climbing down the plastic kitchen chair you're holding onto just in case. "Anything else while I'm here?" He genuinely asks, and you shake your head, moving the chair back to the small kitchen table.
"No, that was all. Thank you, really." You say, before you move to open the fridge, taking out some things while he stands around with his hands in his pockets. Your apartment is pretty small- living in it together with you would most likely prove to be way too much, but he still thinks it's better than his own, in terms of.. quality.
His own home feels empty. There's nothing in it, it's way too big for a single person, and the view from so high up above the clouds has long lost it's charm to him.
He sits down at the kitchen table, leaning on it a little as he watches you wash some vegetables before you grab a cutting board and a knife. "Daehyun said you're a little lonely without your dog." He says, and you giggle a little, smiling to yourself. "Have you considered getting another one?" He wonders, but you just shrug.
"I'm too busy at the moment." You deny. "I used to bring him to work with me, since he was a very quiet and calm dog, which fit perfect into our office." You remember. "He'd always sleep under my desk, right on my feet. Always kept them warm." You softly say, and he notices that he might've struck a still hurtful topic if only from the sound of your voice becoming somewhat tighter.
"I can imagine. I always wanted a dog too-" He sighs, leaning back. "But.. Evelyn, the woman you saw today, she doesn't like them. So it was out of the question."
"Really?" You wonder, cutting up the vegetables. "I mean, I guess, if both of you were really busy then it probably was for the best." You hum, tension leaving you again. "Gotta look at the bigger picture."
"Yeah, maybe it was for the best." He agrees. To be honest, Evelyn would've probably fought over the dog as well, just like she did over the apartment, and other more petty things like fucking furniture. She wanted to ruin him, if financially then emotionally, and somehow, she somewhat did.
It's quiet again, when you, surprisingly to him, cut into a topic he did not expect.
"His name was Greg." You say, filling a small pot with water before you place it on the stove, turning it on. "You probably talked about him with Taehyung."
"I did." He admits. "But there's not much I know." He offers. "And like you said about my situation, I don't have to know about things that don't concern me. However-" He begins, getting up to now stand closer, find your gaze that's turned downwards onto the cutting board. "-I don't want to accidentally do something that might make you uncomfortable due to past experiences." He says.
"What a tactful way to ask me if I've got any trauma from that guy." You chuckle, moving to put the cut up vegetables in a bowl before you continue the preparations for dinner.
"I'm trying to be gentle here." He attempts to lighten up the mood, and you indeed smile at that.
"And I'm very thankful for that." You offer him, before you sigh, setting down the knife. "I don't.. think we're at a point where I should be dumping all of what happened onto you." You inform him, and he nods, accepting that. "I don't like yelling. If I feel uncomfortable, I'll probably try and get myself out of a situation by any means necessary-" you admit, turning a little to look at him. "-and that will probably include some nasty words thrown your way, if that get's you away from me." You tell him. "And I don't like alcohol. Even if you hand me full on medical evidence that you can't even get drunk, the moment I smell it- I just can't trust you." You say, and he nods.
"Alright, I respect that." He nods.
"I'll also get pretty clingy over time." You add on, making him nod. "And I can be annoying. I'll text you a lot." You continue, and a small smile sneaks itself onto his lips as he shrugs, crossing his arms. "The moment you invite me into your home I'll practically steal half of your closet contents-"
"Is that what he told you?" He wonders, and you grow quiet, eyes avoiding him. "I'm obsessed with my work." He begins his own rant, standing up to walk closer to you. "I never have time for anything else. I'm boring. Sometimes rude, and immature. I'm a perfectionist, but I'm also lazy. I snore, and I work out too much to the point where I'm sweating buckets. I'm a little messy." He tells you, hugging you from behind, though not very intimately- giving you a clear way out if you so want to.
"…is that what she told you?" You answer, and he smiles.
"Let's just agree on getting to know each other just the way we are, not the way someone else described us in the past." He offers, and you nod.
"Alright." You hum, before you push him a little playfully. "Now go and let me cook in here, boyfriend." You tease, making him grin impishly, his tongue running over his bottom lip as he does not walk away from behind you, hands now flat on your ass. "Hey!"
"What? I'm out of your way like this." He tells you almost innocently, hands moving to hold your waist now.
"Sit down there and let me cook!" You laugh.
"But we wanted to cook together, no?" He wonders. "Like.. boyfriend and girlfriend." He leans his chin on your shoulder.
"Well, boyfriends let their girlfriends cook in peace." You threaten, making him chuckle as his fingers squeeze your hips a bit.
"Not if their girlfriend is this attractive." He purrs, making you roll your eyes.
"Jungkook…" You wonder, suddenly way more serious, making his stand up straight again so you can face him. "Is.. that what we are now?" You ask, and his lips part for a second, unsure of his own answer. "I mean, it's fine if we're just playing around. Just.. I'm scared that we might end up in some.. unnecessary drama down the line if we're blurring the lines too much without properly discussing things first." You say.
"What do you mean?" He asks, and you sigh.
"What if you end up calling me.. your girlfriend just as a joke? But I start believing it at some point- thinking we are something serious when we're not. Or the other way around." You explain. "I don't want us to get hurt again. Neither of us."
Jungkook takes a deep breath, and from this close proximity, you can make out two odd dots near his bottom lip you're not too sure of. You might ask him about them some other time.
"Let me take time off of work. Next week, three days." He offers, catching you off guard. "Let's go on a trip. Together. Someplace no one knows us, and we don't know either." He tells you.
"I mean- I would've had friday and the weekend off anyways but-"
"Okay, great, perfect. I'll cancel my Friday meetings." He tells you, hands moving- at first, they seem to attempt to hold your cheeks- but it's like that feels too intimate yet, so he settles for your shoulders. "Let's get to know each other. The real you and me that got.. buried at some point." He offers.
"Why on a trip?" You ask.
"Because it's perfect." He chuckles. "Close proximity of the hotel room we'll share, stress of navigating the unfamiliar environment, the tension of not being able to just 'escape' any uncomfortable situation right away forcing us to talk things out as they happen-" He begins, and your mouth shapes an 'o' as you realize what he's talking about.
"It's a stress-test." You say, and he nods, grinning.
"Exactly." He nods.
"…to be honest you're already stressing me out." You jokingly reply-
Jungkook laughing, and you have a feeling he's not done that in a long time, with the way his ears turn red and his hand covers his mouth in embarrassment of that outburst.
When Taehyung opens the door, he instantly greets his son who Jungkook has put down the moment he'd noticed the young father arriving at the front door to let him in.
"Oh wow." Taehyung laughs as Jungkook walks in, almost nervously running a hand through his hair. "Is the world ending? Apocalypse? Or am I high?" He jokes, making Jungkook roll his eyes. "No, seriously! I didn't even know you could still put those piercings back in!" He laughs, taking Dae's school backpack to take out his lunchbox so he can sort out the leftovers and wrappers from his snacks.
"It was a bit tricky, I won't lie." He laughs a little. "But they didn't really close all that much since I had them for so long, so it wasn't a big deal." He shrugs.
"What's the occasion?" Tae wonders, throwing the wrappers of Daehyun's snacks in the trash. "You most certainly don't look like you're gonna go to a meeting like that. What happened to 'I'm not in my twenties anymore' huh?" He jokes.
"I'm honestly not sure." He answers, hands in the pockets of his pants. "Just.. felt like it. And I'm not going to the office- I took time off." He confesses.
"Okay, are you running a fever?" Taehyung asks, and Jungkook laughs to himself. "Are you gonna meet up with your.. friend?" He air-quotes, and Jungkook nods, checking the silver watch on his wrist.
"Yeah- we're meeting up later, she's currently packing her things last thing she texted me." He nods. "Our flight is in about three hours from now, but it's her first time flying, so we wanted to be there a bit early just in case." Jungkook shrugs.
"Oh, fancy." Taehyung laughs. "Why though?" He wonders, washing the colorful lunchbox of his son in the sink.
"Stress testing." Jungkook offers. "We just want to see if we can handle each other under pressure." He says, and Taehyung sighs.
"My god Jungkook, can you just once try and not make everything more complicated than it has to be?" He worries. "Just spend time with her. Go out for a coffee or something, watch a shitty movie at home and let her suck you off during the commercial break or something, you know, like NORMAL people!" He whines. "You're acting as if this is some million-dollar business discussion. It's really not." He huffs out in frustration. "Listen, I know Eve fucked you over bad, and honestly you've always had a shit-taste in women to begin with because holy fuck if I think back to Lucy-"
"Can you get to the point?" Jungkook complains, a little embarrassed as his friend brings up his admittedly terrible dating history.
"-yeah, sorry." He laughs. "But, trust me-" Taehyung says, drying his hands before he puts them on his friend's shoulders. "-she's honestly perfect for you. Once you help her get her confidence back up, trust me, you've got yourself someone who's not a raging cunt for once." He finishes his rant, and Jungkook takes a deep breath.
"You think?" He worries, and Taehyung nods.
"I do." He says, patting his friend's back before he leads him to his front door. "Be yourself. And I mean, your real self. Be that goofy dude who cries during disney movies and folds his laundry to Depeche Mode at 3 am."
"Why would I do that?" Jungkook cringes, thinking his friend is joking- but he's surprised to find Taehyung with a soft gaze instead, an encouraging smile on his lips.
"Because that's the Jungkook I know." He offers, a somber look on his face.
"And I miss him."
"Let me take that." He offers, taking the suitcase from you. It's small, scratched up, and he can't help but notice the stickers on it. "You good to go?" He wonders, and you nod, closing the door before locking it, walking next to him out the apartment building towards his by now familiar car, his own luggage already in the trunk where he puts yours now as well.
The moment you sit next to him inside, is when you notice how.. different he is today. Not only from looks alone- but it feels different, oddly enough. Lighter. Not as serious as he usually is. "I wondered what those.. spots were." You say, looking at him from the passenger side, and he raises his brows while stopping at a red light, turning his head towards you, who points to your own lower lip.
"Ah, yeah." He chuckles, a bit bashful. "I.. got them done in my early twenties. Took them out though, because.. I don't know." He shrugs.
"You don't know, of do you just realize that the reason was stupid?" You giggle, and he sighs, with a smile on his lips however.
"Caught me." He confesses, changing lanes as he makes his way to the airport.
"Why'd you put them back in?" You ask, leaning against the car door a bit.
"Because I wanted to be myself." He explains. "I.. like I said. I want you to get to know me. And not the person I became to please others around me." He tells you.
"I assume your.. ex wife didn't like the piercings?" You ask, testing how far you can pry into his past and how much you can poke until he tells you off. But much to your surprise, he seems rather unfazed by the topic.
"She hated my tattoos as well. Wanted me to get them removed constantly." He chuckles, and you're intrigued.
"You've got tattoos as well?" You ask, and he nods.
"Maybe I'll let you see them later?" He flirts, and you grin to yourself, adjusting your legs a little as you stay quiet. "Either way, Evelyn didn't like a lot about me."
"Then why did she marry you?" You ask, noticing too late how mean that question could come off.
"Probably for my bank account." He simply laughs. "I was.. stupid. I thought she was fixing me." He shakes his head. "I thought she only had my best interest in mind." He says, setting his turn lights to enter the airport parking area. "But she always hated me. Still does." He sighs, searching for a proper parking spot.
"Well, I don't hate you." You tell him.
"Yet." He mumbles, before he finally parks the car, turning off the engine. "Do you have your passport and everything on hand? Don't wanna have to unpack everything in a rush later at check-in." He tries to change the topic, but you look at him with eyes so soft that he becomes scared of them.
"Jungkook." You say his name, and he hates how kind it sounds. "As long as you're not like him, I won't hate you. Honestly, I don't even hate him." You tell him, and he nods a bit stiffly, before practically escaping the car, instead putting on his jacket before helping you take out your suitcase and handbag.
Inside the airport, he notices your nervousness, hand constantly reaching out but never holding on to him at all, in any way. It makes him chuckle a little as he watches you fight with yourself for quite a while, before he helps you check in.
You're clearly a bit overstimulated by everything going on around you, looking around anxiously, biting the inside of your lips constantly, even as you both sit down to wait for your gate to open for boarding. "Hey-" He reaches out to tug your lip from your teeth with his thumb, before he smiles in reassurance. "Okay?" He wonders, and you nod, though you're not looking at him. "Come here. You can hold onto me, by the way, if that helps you." Jungkook suggests, and you move your arms to wrap around one of his, body scooting closer to lean your face against his shoulder, sweater soft against your skin. He moves his arm around your shoulders to keep you closer, hand offering itself for you to hold instead, and you do so, fingers cold. "What's that scar?" He wonders, thumb running over a faint scar over the palm of your hand.
"A shoelace." You say, a little quietly.
"A shoelace?" He repeats, and you nod.
"Yeah." You confirm. "I had.. I was in the midst of changing the laces of.. Gregory's boots, because the dog had chewed them. But he got mad anyways, and pulled them out of my hand." You remember. "It happened really quickly, but I remember that it hurt badly." You chuckle. "It was an odd pain. Like my body couldn't decide whether or not I was burned or cut."
Jungkooks hand on your shoulder starts to move a little in a soothing motion, fingers circling around. It's his first confirmation that something did indeed happen, and he's almost convinced that what you just told him was probably not an isolated incident, but simply one of many that went down during your entire relationship.
"I didn't want him to get mad at Yogi. He already hated the poor dog enough." You sigh, closing your eyes as you settle against Jungkook's side. He enjoys this close proximity, the domestic feel of this moment, even though it's out in public and for everyone to see. He doesn't care.
"You can heal with me, you know?" He says, and you look up at him from where you're leaning against his body. "I can't promise you that.. our time spent will be all smooth sailing, but I can assure you that it will be nothing like what you've experienced." He hums towards you.
And you smile warmly, sighing. "Don't worry-" you giggle, closing your eyes.
"-It already is."
The hotel room is spacious, expensive looking, nothing like you've seen before.
Usually, you only really get to see things like these on vacation photos your friends show you- you yourself don't really travel, you technically don't take time off at all, rather always asking to have your off-days paid out instead if possible. You've got no reason to treat yourself with anything, be it time off or a full on vacation.
Your sense of self worth has shriveled up like rotten fruit over the years, now thrown out like the garbage it is.
Jungkook meanwhile clearly has a routine in him, as he walks through every room first to check if everything's okay, just to then place his bag somewhere near the bed, a big yawn escaping him as he opens the balcony door wide, letting the air of the seaside in. It's odd to see him dressed rather casual, simple but expensive sweater stretching over his broad back. His face still shows the clear stress he's accumulated, and it makes you wonder.
"Do you.. go on vacations often?" You wonder, and he shakes his head.
"No, usually I only fly out for business trips." He explains, watching you sit on the edge of the twin-sized bed. "I originally thought I should book two single beds, by the way. I just.. thought it might be more intimate like this." He tells you, leaning against the small balcony's edge outside, glass door open, as the wind blows through the curtains a little.
"It's okay like this." You nod, making him smile softly.
"Do you want to rest a little?" He asks, and you shrug, unsure. You only have three days- if you sleep now, it's probably annoying to him since he most likely planned something on this trip for you both to do. He at least comes across as someone who likes to have everything set out and structured- not like you, who dives in head first without any real plan. You don't want him to stay hidden inside the hotel room just because you're tired from the flight. "Hey." He asks, and you didn't even notice him squatting down in front of where you sit, his hands on your knees as he finds your eyes from where he's looking up at you. "Don't hesitate to speak your mind. If we want this to work, we need honestly, first and foremost." He encourages, and you nod.
"I'm tired- but I don't want to be boring." You worry.
"How would taking a nap be boring?" he chuckles. "I'm actually glad you're tired. I didn't want to come off as an old man who needs a break because he can't keep up." He laughs, standing up before he moves to lay down on the bed, patting the spot right next to him.
You lay down where he wordlessly suggested, taking in a deep breath while focusing your eyes on the collar of his sweater for a moment. It's when your gaze roams around that you notice something poke out on his wrist as he turns back around from removing his watch from the other arm. Your fingers curiously lift the fabric of the sleeve, making him chuckle quietly, before he moves to push the fabric up to his elbow, exposing different colors of ink underneath his skin.
What was Jungkook like when he was younger? Has he always been somewhat like this- or has he changed into this instead?
"Got them done in my early twenties too." He explains quietly. "Just.. lineart at first. Black and white." Jungkook remembers as he watches you trace some of the lines with your finger. "Then it got more. Over time, it looked a little messy- so I added color to it, this time actually going to a professional who specifies in forming sleeves." He tells you.
"Do you regret them?" You wonder. "Like.. your piercings and your tattoos?" You ask, and he shakes his head.
"It's not like I regret them." He denies. "I still like the look of them. The aesthetic of it. It's just.." He sighs, inked hand turning around palm up, and you put your own on top of his, making him move to compare your hand sizes palm to palm. "..they don't feel like me anymore." He shrugs.
"Maybe because they aren't." You offer, now holding his hand with both of yours, your eyes on the blurred ink underneath the skin. "Maybe.. you changed. Even though you didn't want to."
He did. He knows that he did- but what he struggles with, is the question if he can even go back now. He wants to, but at this point, he feels like he's crossed that line by now, too far to step back and take a different path. Most people around him nowadays only now this Jungkook, not the one he used to be. If he just reverts back to who he once was, will he lose every friendship and connection he's made after he married?
Marriage. The moment he changed.
Love can make someone truly blind to a lot of things. He overlooked so many warning signs, pushed old friends and even family away just because they saw what he did not- or more so refused to. He's not spoken to his own parents in years, by now too ashamed to admit that he'd been wrong for the entirety of his past relationship, that his mother was right about her. What would she think about you?
She'd like you, he's very sure about that. His father would probably be a little suspicious of the age gab, and his brother would most likely tease the living daylights out of him, but he knows you'd fit right in. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? What would they think of him?
He wants to ask you, but the moment he becomes aware and snaps out of his thoughts, your eyes are already closed, breathing even. You're still holding onto him, and he realizes that he's never actually had a moment like this with Evelyn in the past, not even when they were just a regular couple, and definitely not after they got married. He feels.. free. No pressure on him, no obligations awaiting him, nothing needed or expected from him. You're simply sleeping, and yet the act itself makes his pride swell, because of your display of trust towards him.
He knows you've been hurt. He knows that he's been hurt-
And maybe, just maybe, together, you can finally begin heal.
Change once more, for a final time, into a happier version of yourselves.
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shy-urban-hobbit · 9 months
"I'm telling you Geralt, my songs are definitely working."
"A few contracts not skimping on payment isn't proof Jaskier. It's coincidence." Geralt replied as he stuffed his newly purchased supplies into Roach's saddlebag. After two years, he didn't need to look to know the bard was probably doing his uncanny impression of a landed trout. His default expression when he thought himself gravely offended.
"Oh hoho. So it's proof you want? Fine, I'll get you proof you old cynic - wait, I'm here calling you old, how old are you? I know Witchers age differently but it's all so contradictory. I remember one text claiming you aged backwards. Backwards!"
Geralt was blessedly distracted from Jaskier's tangent by a small tug on his cloak causing him to look behind him and then down.
A small, tear stained face with huge, liquid brown eyes looked up at him. The hand that wasn't clutching Geralt's cloak fisted in the skirt of a green dress as she shuffled her small, booted feet. Witcher and child stared at one another and even Jaskier had fallen silent.
"Are you the White Wolf?" She asked in a small voice.
Geralt could only nod in response, keeping an eye and both ears out for angry adults about to accuse him of kidnapping.
"I can't find my Papa." She sniffled, voice trembling and eyes welling up.
He felt himself slip into Witcher mode, trying to think what could be snatching people from a crowded town in the middle of the day, "What do you mean you can't find him, has he gone missing or-"
"Sweetheart, do you mean you got separated from your Papa in the market?" Jaskier gently interjected before Geralt could start fully interrogating her. The girl gave a small nod, turning her attention to the bard now kneeling in the dirt next to her.
Geralt felt his face heat up. Right. Just a lost child. That was also a possible (and the most logical) explanation.
"It's ok, we'll help you find him. Won't we Geralt?" Jaskier's tone of voice leaving no room for argument.
It turned out that Jaskier's idea of helping was having the girl perch on Geralt's shoulders and scan the top of the crowd for her father while he stood playing silly little dittys to keep her from crying again. Geralt holding onto her shins lightly and trying to ignore the mess being made on his cloak by muddy feet.
"I see him! Papa! Papa!"
Geralt tightened his grip slightly as her weight shifted with her frantic waving. Waiting until he was clearly making his way over to them before setting her gently back on the ground.
"Mika! Oh thank the God's." He turned his attention to the two men, his eyes widened as he took Geralt in fully.
Geralt tried to hide his surprise as the man grasped his hand in a firm if slightly clammy grip. "My thanks Wolf. I swear, if I went home without her my wife would make sure I shared the same fate as that Hag from the song of yours." He said, smiling awkwardly at his own attempt at humour, "Come on Mika, say goodbye. Oh, here."
He reached into his satchel and pulled something out. Geralt could smell warm sugar as he handed it over. "It's not much, but I don't know a single person who doesn't like cake. I could do with cutting down myself." He said, patting his own slight paunch before taking his daughters hand with a final "Thank you." Mika turning back to give a wave which they both returned before the two of them disappeared into the crowd.
"What?" Geralt asked as they left the town. The bard hadn't stopped grinning at him like the cat who'd got the canary.
"Nothing. It just, the timing and everything. Seems Destiny agreed with me for once. The songs are making a difference."
"Hmm." Geralt fought the urge to roll his eyes.
"Oh don't give me that." Jaskier said, swatting Geralt in the side as he unwrapped the package Mika's father had given them, "You saw as well as I did there were plenty of town guards around but she went to you. She wanted you. Oooh, maybe this would be good for a new song. The Gentle Wolf! Yes I- hey! "
"No cake for you until you stop." Geralt stated, popping a piece into his own mouth to hide his smile.
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roosterforme · 9 months
Don't Drag Your Feet (Rooster x Reader)
Part of The What If Collection of blurbs for Roo and Baby Girl. Written for an ask. My masterlist. Banner by @mak-32
Warnings: just fluff
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Bradley was lounging in his bunk on base in San Diego, partaking in his weekly phone call home to his parents. He smiled as he held the phone to his ear while Carole Bradshaw talked a mile a minute. He kept trying to cut in, knowing she would want to hear what he had to say, but she was going on and on about her cousin Brenda.
"Mom," he tried again, running his fingers through his hair. 
"Oh, Bradley, all the cousins want to see you. Do you know when you'll be back in Virginia? Your dad and I figured you'd be back on base here by Thanksgiving at the latest?"
But he closed his eyes and thought about the one thing that had him hoping to stay in San Diego permanently. "Mom. I met a girl."
The line went completely silent. 
"Mom? Are you there?"
And then all he heard was a loud screech that had him pulling the phone a few inches from his ear. "Goose!!! Baby! Get in here! He met a girl! Bradley met a girl!"
"Mom," he groaned into the phone. "It's not...anything serious." It wasn't. But he wanted it to be. 
"Maybe it's not serious yet, but Bradley, darling, you never tell us anything about the girls you're seeing. All I know is that there are plenty of them, and that you don't seem to let any of them stick around. So when can we meet her?"
He sighed as his dad's voice carried through the phone as well. "Who's the girl?" he asked, and Bradley could hear the smile in his voice. 
"He won't tell me anything about her!" his mom complained, even though she'd found out less than a minute ago and hadn't let Bradley speak at all. "What's her name? Are we allowed to know that much? And what does she look like? And did you meet her at work? And does she want to give me grandchildren?"
"Jesus, mom. Just, hang on and I'll text you a picture of her." 
As Bradley pulled up the photo he wanted to send, he smiled. You were gorgeous. He was obsessed with the perfect curve of your cheek and your smile. When he sent the photo he told them your name, and that you were also a naval officer with multiple degrees from the naval academy. And then a screech even louder than the first one came tearing through the speaker.
"Bradley! She's beautiful! Goose! Look at her! Our grandchildren will be stunning. And her name sounds perfect with Bradshaw after it."
"Mom, I think you're getting ahead of yourself here-"
"I can tell you're serious about her! I'm not getting ahead of anything."
Bradley sighed. "I just think I might have stronger feelings than she does."
"Have you told her yet? That you're in love with her?" she asked.
He was in love with you. But he was too afraid to say it yet. Not before the mission. It was too soon. 
Then he heard his dad's voice. "Some advice for you, son. If she's that pretty and that smart and you care about her that much, don't drag your feet."
But Bradley always dragged his feet. And women��never kept his attention. He was thirty five years old, and he had only had two girlfriends. 
You were different. He could tell right away. But you were way out of his league, and he didn't know the first thing about how to keep you. How to make you his. But he wanted to. He really wanted to. 
"Listen to your father, Bradley. We were engaged by our sixth date."
"Yeah, I know. You've told me about a million times." But he was smiling into the phone now, because even he knew that the kind of love his parents had was rare. He's grown up around it, but he'd never experienced it himself. Until now. 
Then he heard his mom ask, "Do you want me to fly out with my engagement ring? I can probably fly out on Tuesday so you have it for when you're ready. And then I can meet your dream girl. We can all go out to dinner with Mav."
Bradley laughed and cradled his forehead in his hand. "Do not fly out on Tuesday, okay? It's way too soon for that. And if you give me your ring, what will you wear?"
"I'll buy her a new one," his dad said immediately. "Something big and pretty for my girl."
Bradley knew there was no other way to get them off the phone, so he said, "Tuesday is no good for me. But I'll think about it, okay? I'll think about...taking your ring so I have it. Just in case."
When he told them he loved them and ended the call, he was already thinking about it.
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delululand · 5 months
hihi could you do what makes enha jealous & how will they act on it?
hiii, I got about 5 messages asking about enhypen jealousy so I think this is a really long awaited post hahaha
I’m incredibly grateful to the engine who asked those questions at the fansign because now we have not just guesses, but literally their answers about the limits
actually I was a little surprised that it would be okay for him if his girlfriend went out to dinner with a male friend and talked on the phone, he seemed a little more jealous to me. but okay, we know that texting every day, going to the cinema with male friend and going to an idol fansign would not be okay for him. and if you look at his answers, he is literally the only one who allowed this. and to me he seems like a guy with a calm type of jealousy. like if this was not some kind of open provocation or something rude, he would simply take you away from that guy and would of course be outraged, but rather just grumble like “oh did you see how he flirted with you? fucking asshole…”
first of all, I want to note how thoughtfully I approached questions about this and how carefully tried to answer. I always thought he’s a super protective guy and my suspicions were confirmed. he answered no to literally everything, he is against his girlfriend and male friends talking on the phone, texting every day, going to dinner together, going to the theater, any physical contact (he said that giving a high five is okay and maxim pat on the shoulder) and even when answering about patting on the shoulder, he said something like “probably if she has a lot of male friends, she’s used to it, so ok” and actually I think he's not really ok with it. he's struggling with a kind of protective boyfriend inside and respecting/understanding the other person's personal boundaries like on the one hand he'd like to keep his girlfriend out of it completely, but on the other hand he realizes he can't push and forbid anything. and in a situation that could make him jealous, he would initially try to behave persistently but tactfully, not because it is normal for him that that guy is flirting with you, but because he does not want to make you feel uncomfortable or awkward, however, if the situation were not changed even with his appearance, he absolutely would not have remained silent and showed that guy his place
ohhhh jake my sweet jake…. his playful puppy vibes and even the way he answered these questions... we won't even talk about his tendency to induce jealousy, but okay, the concept of jealous sex in real life always seemed a little strange to me, but JAKE... based on his answers to the questions, he also answered no to everything and if it was something serious, he certainly would not be happy, (but in fact I don’t think that he would really swear or get angry, he would rather be annoyed and discussed this situation asking you don’t communicate with that guy more). however, if it was something like a light momentary flirtation with a random guy, and especially if he knows that you are doing it on purpose to annoy him, I don’t know if you will understand what I mean, but with what intonation he says 이게 뭐야 (what's this) even out of context from his lips it sounds so flirtatiously seductive hahaha. and thinking about this situation, he would absolutely come up to you as soon as you finish the dialogue with that guy and, taking you to a secluded place, pressed you against the wall with the words «oh baby what was that?” and we all know what will happen as soon as you return home
as expected of him he answered no to everything and he answered with such confidence and enthusiasm hahaha. definitely the type who gets jealous easily and kind of shows it right away but not in an aggressive manner. for example, seeing you with another guy, he immediately comes up with a murderous look at him, but smiles sweetly at you and, as if by chance, puts his arm around your shoulders, but if that guy turns out to be dull and continues to flirt with you, then sunghoon would not remain silent and explain to him in a calm commanding tone that you are his girlfriend and what will happen to him if he doesn’t leave now
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everlastingdream · 24 days
When Xavier got her a phone, Wednesday was adamant about never using the thing. But Enid did make her to concede to some extent by constantly looking as abandoned puppy through the whole summer. Which she spent in Addams manor because according to Morticia: "It seems that our family is more equipped to help you ease into your transformations, darling". Mrs Addams said it looking directly at seething Esther Sinclair, laying a comforting but firm hand at Enid's shoulder.
So yes, by the end of the summer Wednesday was accustomed to her phone and had several apps and contacts, which she tried to resist at first, but then agreed to. She gave the whole lecture that perhaps it was benefishial to have the means to reach everyone, but Pugsley pulled out the real whip to crack right in the middle of her speech. Enid blushed and didn't say a thing when equally flustered Wednesday (read: with just a bit flushed tips of ears) pulled him into torture room.
Well, yeah... Enid chose not to think about too hard. And every not easily defined moment they shared this summer...
So! When they started their second year Enid started a group chat, added Wednesday and instantly needed to teach her roommate how to mute it.
Wednesday muted everything she deemed unimportant which was everything and everyone. And it did sting just a bit, but Enid still considered Wednesday having everyone's numbers as her personal victory.
"Wens, I'll just grab second serving real quick. Try not to disappear like last time, okay?" It was a sore spot for Enid. After everything last year, she still started panic if Wednesday was gone without a word.
"I promised, I won't", even if her voice was annoyed, but Enid still noticed how guilt filled dark eyes.
"I believe you", Enid smiled softly, squeezing her shoulder to skip to the line. But she focused her hearing on the table she left behind.
"So when will you buy a ring, Addams? I need to empty a spot in my busy schedule to help if I want you picking something decent for my bestie", Yoko started as soon as she seemed to think that Enid was out of earshot. She was at it the moment Enid told her that Addams family was taking her for the summer.
"Never", Wednesday stated, not looking from her book. "Addams' gift a bracelet or a pendant. Rings can be in the way".
Yoko choked on her blood bag, and Enid felt a bit like doing the same.
"Nice one, Addams. Almost as nice as my meme you ignored yesterday", Bianka grimaced when Yoko's coughing almost covered her in blood droplets.
"I told you I muted all of you. I will check it at weekend when it won't interfere with my work".
"You are so- Oh my God, Yoko, you don't even need to breath, could you please stop getting blood everywhere?!" Wednesday nodded, even if she wasn't against blood, but coughing was starting to get on her nerves.
"It's not like wheeze It's not like I can just leave blood in my lungs. It would rot!" Yoko managed, looking ruefully at her almost empty blood bag. "For someone so principled you take it with you everyday. Text Enid to pick up me another bag".
Wednesday pulled her phone from thin air, earning rolled eyes from around the table. Enid felt a surge of pride. At the same time last year Wednesday would've refused, said that she was not Yoko's servant and in worse scenario take out a knife. But now she just casually texted Enid, leaving her phone on the table as she waited for confirmation. Her case was adorned with small sticker of scorpion Enid gifted her.
Enid checked the message to reply, sending a single smiling emoticon. Wednesday probably won't even look at it.
And then there was a clear minimalistic rington from across a cafeteria.
When Wednesday lifted the phone to read the message with small smile, Enid's heart skipped the beat.
"Damn, Addams, it's almost a love confession".
When Wednesday lifted her head from screen to meet Enid's eyes with almost soft look, Enid suddenly thought:
Perhaps it is
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matchesarelit · 2 months
Imagine If You Will...
In the aftermath of Garraka Lars makes his way back to the lab... You are just a little amused at the state he's in.
One-Liner: #7 from @deity-prompts' list here
Warnings: mentions of sticky, tacky slimy and moist/wet stuff
The door felt heavier than usual as Lars tugged it open, it was also substantially stickier... but that probably wasn't the door's fault. Lars shrugged off his red coat and turned it inside out in an effort to free himself of the wetness that refused to leave his outfit, and as he tied the arms around his waist a dribble of slimy... whatever... dripped from inside the cuffs to the tiles below him.
Walking through the halls, the sound of globs and droplets splattering to the floor was accompanied by the squelching of his boots with every step he took. Needless to say you heard him coming.
Most of your coworkers and the other scientists had gone to the firehouse to celebrate Ghost Corps being brought back, so the facility was all but silent. Your thoughts were torn from the document you were reviewing by his kerfuffle of an entrance and the strange sounds that were only growing louder. Peering out the door to your office you caught sight of Lars...
His hair was splayed in points in every which way, whatever he was coated in acting like some interdimensional hair gel. His Coat was a darkened red and shone with slime, Nevertheless the red made his eyes glow even more than you swore they always did. Irrelevant? perhaps, but you could never seem to stop yourself from noticing them.
Unable to hide your chuckle at his wet cat demeanor, you stepped back, opening the door wide and waiting for him to round the corner. As he trudged over the threshold, you made quick work of laying a towel across your spare chair before settling back into your own.
"Well... I don't think what you're wearing in suitable for the workplace." He scoffed, but the tug of a smile at his lips gave him away.
His tone was light as he whined "I save the world and that's the thanks I get?" Folding his jacket over the back of the chair, he shed the top half of his jumpsuit, tying it around his waist as he had the coat, before settling into the chair.
Tugging open one of the draws by your side you grabbed a spare piece of merchandise, tossing it his chest, "There you go, hero."
As he unfurled the top he narrowed his eyes at you, turning it so you could see the printed text 'Ghostbusting Apprentice in training' painted across the chest. Watching as he dropped it on the desk, you pretended to consider for a moment, as he watched you, eyebrows raiseed in a look that said... 'really?'
"I suppose you could have this one instead..." Reaching behind yourself you pulled out a freshly ironed t-shirt, unfolding this one yourself you laid it out on your desk in front of him.
His eyes bulged slightly, before his eyes were once again squinting in your direction, a challenging type look on his face now as his brows furrowed.
Across the chest of the green tee was the words 'Pukey's Splash Zone'.
"What? You thought the others could resist telling me what happened?" You weren't even trying to hold back your grin at this point, much too amused with his situation and now the added confusion that painted his face. "But... how? That was barely an hour ago." He muttered, perplexed, as he studied the text up close.
"I'd love to say I saw it coming and had it made ages ago, but..." Turning my head slightly I gestured to the iron and paper offcuts still lingering on top of a cabinet.
"Never make the mistake of thinking I'm without craft supplies."
Lars' expression was simply amused, all lingering frustration long gone. "I won't, I promise" Laughing through his words, he pulled the shirt on over his button up. The movement only ruffled his hair further, various pieces now pointing askew out to the side or straight upwards. Slightly disheveled and lounging in your spare chair he was entrancing. You struggled to think of something to break the silence, mind too caught in how soft it made him look to think up any more teasing.
"lovely..." is all you can manage to whisper, though you weren't sure if you were talking about his promise or him as a whole.
"I'm feeling much more work appropriate already" He joked looking down at the tee, only raising his eyes to consider you, when you remained silent. Your gaze was back on your computer, desperately avoiding staring, the room was caught in awkward tension, and the stress built up over the last few days was still thick in the air.
"I'm really glad you're all alright. I was more than a little worried about you Lars"
"Hey its okay, everyone's alright. Even the ghosts got out okay" He never really failed to bring a smile to your face and that little joke was enough for now.
"Wait why me?"
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riize119 · 6 months
Soulmate! Anton⋆。𖦹°‧⊹₊ ⋆
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Soulmates work in the oddest way
• There isn't a set way to how you're supposed to find them or just know who is for you
• As far as you know, anyway
• Everyone else in your family either has the distinguishable mark on their body in the same place as their soulmate, or were given a time and place to be that suddenly appeared whenever the universe decided that they were ready
• You, on the other hand, had not even a single clue
• But you didn't mind
•You thought that it was kinda boring to just know who it is anyway
• Where was the adventure? The thrill of piecing it all together for yourself?
• Of course, there's always the problem that you get it wrong and have to try again but
• Whatever!!
• Right?
• As for Anton, he's been in shock ever since he was ten years old
• A rare soulmate story for some couples ends up being that one has known forever while the other had no idea
• In this case, it’s you having no idea.
•Anton, knowing, and being terrified to tell you for almost a decade
• It probably wouldn't have been such an issue if you two weren't best friends throughout your entire childhood
• He often doubted that you were his soulmate, only because you just seemed to show zero interest in him in t h a t way
• But you only did that to not be selfish
• You liked Anton. Actually, you loved him
• He was your closest friend and no matter what the situation was, your spirits were always bright and happy whenever you were with him
• You always heard that those kind of feelings were perpetual whenever you were with your soulmate, so you found yourself wondering if Anton could be yours
• But years have passed with no hint towards it being true, so you pushed the intruding thoughts away every time you saw him
• You were content with just being friends though
• And oddly content with not finding your soulmate if you were happy enough with the friendship and life you already had
• Which made Anton worry
• The simple solution would be to just tell you the truth
• Pros: you two are soulmates and live happily ever after
• Cons: the universe messed up and that turns out to be a big joke and it's his fault for messing things up
• Now, he knows that's elaborate, but still can't help but question why you've never asked him yet
• So here comes the help of Sohee, the "golden boy" of your trio, as you both like to say
• He always has the best advice and outlook for everyone around him, so what better thing to do than ask him about this?
• The only thing is is that he already can see that you two are meant for each other
• Neither of you had said a single thing about it, though. Not until Anton’s last thread of hope started to fray
• "So.. you've known for several years...”
• "Yes"
• “And you haven't said a single thing to them?"
• “Right"
• "Well why not?"
• "Because I don't know if they're my soulmate"
• “…”
• And Sohee just stares at him for a while before nodding his head and continued eating
• Because “how else am I supposed to help Anton if Anton won't believe first?”
• So, Sohee apologizes to the universe for interfering with the work of fate first before talking to you
• He hates seeing his friends in this position, especially if it's an issue regarding their entire life
•And he texts you randomly
• “You never talk about it, but I wanna know. Who do you have a crush on?"
• Getting the notification scares you because???
• Why would he suddenly ask you this?
• But you still reply,
• "We can't have crushes, remember?"
• In which he comes back with
• "We're only human. We have crushes, so who's yours?"
• Some time passes before you say anything, quickly becoming anxious
• You've never felt scared to talk about Anton before, so why now?
• "You can't tell Anton...”
• And you explain every bit and ounce of your feelings for him to Sohee, who is smiling so wide on the other end (as he screenshots every message and sends them to Anton in real time
• Who then proceeds to panic
• Even though it's confirmed that you definitely are his soulmate, he's scared that you'll be mad for not telling him sooner
• And also mad at the fact that Sohee told him after you asked him not to
• So the next time you see Anton, he looks almost queasy from how much he's holding in It worries you, so you just ask
• "Are you gonna be okay? You don't look well...”
• He stares back for a while, not really processing your question and almost tuning out the entire world to focus on what he had to tell you before it really made him sick
• He couldn't even hear himself when he told you, his mouth going on autopilot until he saw your reaction
• Not the reaction he was expecting though
• Seeing you smile so big and bright and then laughing at his change in expression from scared to confused still worried him, but in a different sense
• "God…..I've been waiting for you to tell me for so long!" You said, immediately going to hold both of his hands in yours
• And the shock that immediately ran through his body caused him to freeze before he could say anything to you
• The shock being that your reaction was positive after he already rehearsed your rejection
• "But…how did you already know?" he asks
• You laugh a little at how oblivious hes been all this time
• "I've always felt it. I just wanted to spare myself of embarrassment if it wasn't you and just boldly stated that it is. I should've known though...but you, on the other hand, have know this forever and still never said? Why?"
• He gets nervous again, thinking about how silly his reasoning was
• *I just didn't want it to make things awkward for us, you know?"
• You nod while smiling at him again
• "But fate makes it so that everything works in our favor. It was gonna happen sooner or later, and I guess later is now"
• Finally getting a smile out of Anton, he holds your hands tighter, swinging them a little, side to side, before asking his final question
• “I really do love you. Even before I knew we were soulmates, I liked you so much it was almost embarrassing..do you think that if fate didn't exist, we'd end up together still?"
• "I was already daydreaming about us being together before all of this happened, so of course” you tell him, making his expression brighter by the second
• "So now that it's official, we've gotta go tell Sohee thank you" he said, standing up and holding just one of you hands now to lead the way
• "..he sent you my confessions, didn't he?"
• "Let's not worry about that until another time"
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lovelybee666 · 1 month
(In short, Larry having a crush on you and Lawrie being a victim /jk)
Autor's note: Every day I'm closer to getting Larry and Lawrie in Brawl Stars🗣️🗣️(Yeah uuh I still don't get them in Brawl Stars 😭) And now that I think about it, how the hell do you say Lawrie's name wth
Important: Here the reader will have they/them pronouns
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• So I say it in my dating hcs of Larry BUUUUUT here I will say it again, so I have the little hc that when he feels strong emotions (also Lawrie) the siren on his head turns on and sounds so good luck enduring the sound of his siren like 90% of the time you're with him
• Changing the subject, he's talking non-stop about you to Lawrie and sometimes R-T.
• He probably won't even realize he has a crush on you until like a week later
Red text: Lawrie
Orange text: Larry
"and then they said-"
"You've been talking about them all morning"
"Do you have a crush on-"
"WHAT? NOOOooo...."
• At first he would say that he only sees you as a friend and when he realizes that he is in love with you, he will have a short circuit.
• He's planning how to confess to you and Lawrie will be his test subject although uuh let's say Lawrie doesn't help at all.
"ok just act like them!"
"ok but was it necessary to wear this outfit?"
"It's to get into the atmosphere!"
"Ok, if you say so"
"ahem, S/O I want to-"
"could you at least try, it seems like you want to leave the place as soon as possible"
"Larry my face is like this"
"oh right-"
• after like the seventh attempt he was able to at least calm his siren so it doesn't ruin anything
• BUT THAT WILL BE FOR ANOTHER HC👻👻 (I clearly did not forget that this was crush hcs and not confess hcs)
• But anyway, he's talking with Lawrie about how much he likes you because he's the only one who can handle that (or at least a little more than other people-)
• Sometimes when you talk to him, he takes a few seconds to respond so every time you talk to him you will see Larry just staring at you smiling (If he wasn't with that permanent smile he'd probably be like this: 😐)
• He is a gentleman with you, although if you give him the slightest compliment his siren shines like the sun /hj
• To sum this up, Lawrie will be a victim of Larry talking non-stop about you
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I feel like this is kind of ooc but uuuh here you have more content of this cute fella
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