#and i remember my professor saying
bythepen98 · 8 months
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Severus 🐍
Aside from Harry and Hermione, he is arguably the next character whose pov I read about the most (gen or ship wise). Can't help that he's too interesting of a character for me to ignore when written right.
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redbootsindoriath · 22 days
Apparently in my absence this post had its 1000-notes-iversary.
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This time we get to see the culprit responsible for ruining our heroes' lives as well.
I've really missed you guys, by the way. I know I've said that already, but I'm serious. Once or twice this year I've been right on the brink of coming back but schedule stuff always keeps me from letting myself commit to that again, and that in turn has kept me from posting anything at all. But I've been in an unexpected drawing mood lately and so if I can get enough stuff to set up a queue we might pretend I'm back for a month or so sometime this year. Maybe. Hopefully. We'll see. No promises though. That's why I'm hiding this paragraph under the cut.
[Beren:] "Uhhh...barkeep...I think he's had enough now..." [Tolkien:] "No, I don't think he has...!"
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brambletakato · 7 days
Yknow what. Rank all the main themes from the Professor Layton series, I'll go first
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octoagentmiles · 1 year
Headcanon of The Day™ 💝
Y'know how everyone says "Aye aye!" instead of "yes" (excluding Barnacles, who afaik has only said it once/maybe twice)? Well 👀, I headcanon that NO ONE ever said it....... until Kwazii showed up.
When Kwazii first joined, he might've felt insecure or conflicted about his pirate vs. Octonaut identity (side headcanon: he still does sometimes). So, in order to make him more comfortable, the rest of the crew began to encourage and mimic some of his mannerisms; most notably his use of "Aye!".
Then it just ✨ stuck ✨.
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Mingjue's gaze softens.
"Didi. You are confused. You are misinterpreting brotherly love for romantic interest."
Huaisang clenches his firsts and stares down at the floorboards. His expression morphs into one of pain. He draws in a deep breath.
"Da-ge, please sleep with me." Mingjue's body jerks back at his little brother's words. "If I sleep with you, then I'll know for sure what I'm feeling."
#bro doing anything but organizing her code#my brother says i write like i wasnt allowed to go to school#recently my brother had to do a project for school where he had to pick up a new hobby#he didnt do the assignment and at the last day he was like brother im so fucked help me#so i let him use one of my fanfics for the before and told him to use his own fanfic as an after and present that#his professor told him his improvement was incredible#thats all i have to say#theres something so cringe about when i write#ill write it and be like yeah. and then i read over it and die#unironically i actually run away from my fics. i have never once read them again after finishing#like when i draw. i look at it. im like yeah that part is good that part is bad. pretty mid but its ok.#writing? i turn red and hide from the monster i have created#i think my writing could be lethal. like if i read all my fics one after the other id die from cringe poisoning#i regularly look at my old drawings and cry how much ive regressed. but i can look at them.#one time my friend wanted to torture me so he called me to read my fics out loud. i endorse this as an execution method#shit gets me sweating. i have to get normal about this#some words#wip#the second wip actually#the first one is the saber spirit takes over nmj and he fucks nhs on the training grounds infront of everyone.#second one is nmj is like brother you have to stop being a freak this is getting out of hand and nhs is like nuh-uh. but also how'd you kno#on a side note remember my former student that confessed? yeah well#he proposed marriage
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stararise · 1 year
i joke about how the writers give hershel layton a new tragic backstory every ten years but also. sometimes i think about how weirdly regular it is and how he lost his family at 6 and his best friend at 17 and his girlfriend at 27 and let's not even get into what happened when he was 37. and i think about how the human brain is pattern seeking and how hershel layton sees the world in puzzles and how he has trained himself over decades to solve any puzzle he's given. and i wonder if he's ever put the pieces together, this character who has no idea he exists solely as part of a narrative, this man who has lost family and friends and significant others every decade of his life. and i wonder how he felt, a decade after unwound future, with an 8-year-old daughter and a 16-year-old son and another daughter whose age we don't know, when he turned 47.
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evienyx · 11 months
Sometimes I’m hit by the devastating fact that my childhood is leaving. It’s slipping away but I’ve still got half a foot in it. I’ll never be twelve again. I can barely remember a moment of fourth grade, but I know what it felt like. We once spent a month making a trip poster on the hallway floor. I haven’t talked to you in four years. I tutor people in Calculus. I just learned long division. I buy plushies with money I earned at work. I still sleep with the same stuffed animal my grandma got me. Maybe when I wake up, my mom will be waiting to braid my hair, because I don’t know how to yet. My dog will be small enough to fit under the fence. We’ll play tag at recess. They’ll bring the laptop cart for English. I’ll be twelve again.
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So fucking happy right now you have no idea
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joined a new book club, am going to become a bitch who reads Theory.
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another-clive-blog · 5 months
Who remembers that one time i dreamt that I was playing NWOS and freaking Clive showed up. Except that he was NOT there to help or cause drama or mean anything really, like he hung around doing nothing consequential for the fifteen first minutes of the game, waved goodbye at some point and then never came back for the rest of the game.
You read that right. Clive was gone before Chapter 2 even started. Go girl give us nothing I guess
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silentchamp · 6 months
[[Red in RE4s Leon outfit needs to happen. it's on my backlog of shit to draw.
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lucaplushie · 2 months
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barkingangelbaby · 16 days
wanna play the sims soooo baaaaad but bg3 takes up so much space I can't update it </3 maybe I'll ask N to help me clean out some stuff bc I simply Do Not Know things about computers lmao
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goldkirk · 11 months
I'm going through old files trying to consolidate things and guess what I've started finding? Old work from high school religous-culture-wars training.
tw for homophobia and mentions of abortion and religion
Prompt: Think forward to your life as a college student. Imagine an encounter with Americanism on campus. Describe it and how you can deal with it. This is one of the things I struggle most to recognize. I’ve grown up, very luckily, in a family where loyalty to the Church teachings has always been held above loyalty to worldly authority (etc.—morality above government, y’know?). So in regards to the major moral issues like abortion and homosexual acts, I don’t have trouble recognizing the Americanism when people say religion has no right to interfere with law/society at large/the government, etc. But a lot of times it’s not that blatant, and since I’ve been bombarded with “SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!” since I was little, it’s often really difficult for me to notice. I’ll work on that in college, for sure. It’ll be a good habit in general to look at everything I hear more critically, too, not just for Americanism.
tw for racist statements, victim blaming, discussion of communism, and BLM bashing
PROMPT: Describe a time you have personally observed Marxism in action. It’s everywhere, isn’t it? It’s pervasive in all western society now, as hard as our cultures fought in the last century to eradicate it. It just shifted, slinked off to the shadows to find new and more insidious ways of invading. It crept into discussions, education, homes. Any group of people that felt angry, unfairly treated, still angry over past wrongs…it wormed its way in and planted seeds in those hearts until now it’s everywhere. Even without realizing it, we, as a culture, employ the same philosophy that we claim to hate. We accept it now. Many even cling to it. It’s in the Occupy Movements, the Mike Brown (and assorted others) protests, the demand for more government encroachment, the societal entitlement, the political games, the first grade classrooms. It’s everywhere. PROMPT: Think forward to your life as a college student. Imagine an encounter with Marxism on campus. Describe it and how you would deal with it. Maybe it will be a student or professor spewing the ideology (though I doubt it in my case, I won’t be taking many—if any—classes where it would come up as a topic), or—more likely—it’ll be a pervasive undercurrent in a lot of peoples’ reasonings, opinions, and beliefs. I’ll have to always be looking out for it (just like the other “isms”, especially Americanism) and recognize when it’s rearing its head. Honestly, the best rebuttal to Marxism is usually just plain old common sense, and if you actually start thinking about it hard, it’s not difficult to get back to a healthier perspecive on the issues.
YIKES. Yikes on trikes.
Ah yes, modernism, the greatest of heresies:
tw for homophobia and moral judgements
PROMPT: Describe a time you have personally observed Modernism in action. Every :) single :) debate :) involving Church teaching :) and gay marriage :) ever :) Also divorce :) and sex outside of marriage :) and basically :) EVERY :) SINGLE :) MORAL/THEOLOGICAL TOPIC :) THAT CAN POSSIBLY :) BE :) DEBATED :)
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lollitree · 2 years
So it's pretty obvious most if not all of the Galar characters in pokemas are not voiced by actual British VAs. And I used to think Hop was the worst accent-wise but I think Victor might win it now ksdjfhs
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quibbs126 · 1 year
I’m thinking about the new Layton game, and while it would be fun to see old characters again like Flora, Emmy, or Descole, I feel like realistically the story’s going to be more standalone, with the only returning characters being Layton, Luke and maybe Inspector Chelmey and Barton
It’s been a long time since we’ve had a proper Layton game, and now with it coming to Switch, meaning it’ll reach a much larger audience than it likely ever did on the 3DS, meaning a lot of people who have never played the other games, so I feel like chances are they’ll want to play it safe, at least for this game, so that they can test the waters and see how receptive people are to a new Layton game. Also it’s likely meant to give us a return to formula
If they make more games afterwards, then bringing back old characters from the franchise might be more likely, but here I don’t think so
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