#mainly cause it is medical stuff but she also said she is willing to be flexible with me on account of
lucaplushie · 3 months
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nokingsonlyfooles · 2 months
Help. Pls seal a competent doctor in an envelope and send them to me.
OK. I'm in danger. Ha. Still fighting to stay alive with what I have, but... uh... Two out of three doctors are confirmed incompetent and the third hasn't acquitted himself too well, but I'm not positive he's lacking information I need to live and resistant to learn it. The other two are definitely like that, and that's not good for the ol' complicated health problems. I'm not easy to treat and BOY DO THEY ALL HATE THAT!
Today was the gynecologist. I hate that. I hate having one of those. I hate having to navigate all this gendered shit that's phrased like people like me don't exist. Forget "nonbinary," I have to keep saying "total hysterectomy" over and over and OVER. I hate that this person sees me as NOTHING BUT my gendered body parts and she's REAPEATEDLY refused to engage with anything going on in the rest of my body. I go to this person's office and I become tits and a vagina. Mainly the vagina. With people intermittently forgetting I don't have the other standard equipment.
I didn't know how to prepare for today. I had a week. I made a phone appointment in order to beg for an in-person appointment to lay out all my complicated shit, and she tried to take care of it over the phone anyway. I had not prepared for that. I mentioned that my hair was falling out, as a persistent menopause symptom that was not being addressed, and she focused on that, interrupted me, and went off on how she could not regrow my hair. And, OK. But that wasn't what I meant and she didn't give me room to explain what I DID mean. I did manage to be annoying enough to get the in-person appointment. And then I didn't know what I ought to take with me.
I spent all week going in circles, wondering what she needed to know, and how to say it so she'd understand. I do have the neurodivergent inclination to, you know, explain things when I'm not understood. And I don't know how else to make a doctor understand the type of healthcare I need! Shouldn't they listen to me? I have ample evidence that they don't, but I don't know how they expect to treat me otherwise.
Over the phone, she hit me out of left field with the fact that she's been dragging her feet on my estrogen dose because I had a bad reaction to ONE MEDICATION, ONE TIME. I don't even know if it was the estrogen, it could've been a binding agent or some shit. She decided that for me, she also decided my breast pain was from too much estrogen (even though my dose is at post-menopausal levels) and she's been prescribing me medicine based on that story she told herself.
I told her my experience is that I've never had more breast pain with a higher hormone dose, it's always gotten better... and I'm pretty sure she doesn't believe me. Like, I said that, and she reiterated later that more estrogen causes breast pain. I reiterated, that wasn't my experience and I do have anecdotal evidence at least of women who have breast pain from low estrogen too. She basically went, "OK, here's some higher estrogen. Whatever."
Then I said I was also willing to use the injectable kind, or an implant. Oral estrogen hurt my liver earlier, so I agree with her that something other than that would be safer. I thought she would know about these other methods. I did not research their existence. I mean, estrogen injections? I'm active in trans circles, that's just... That's shit's not special. That's just Tuesday.
She said, "What is that? I've never heard of that." She didn't even know enough about it to think, for a second, "Hmm, maybe I should know about that. Maybe I shouldn't admit I don't know that." Nope. I'm asking for weird medication and the burden is on me to explain this craziness.
What I wanted to say was, "Don't you know even one transwoman? Aren't you in women's health??" But I didn't know what the hell that was gonna get me. I sputtered for a bit and finally managed, "That's... pretty basic gender clinic stuff..."
She said, "Do you want me to refer you to a gender clinic?" right away. Fuck, I should've just said, "YES! I WANT THAT SO MUCH! LET ME GO!" But I was so baffled and confused at that point that I was shaking.
The spouse found a name of an injectable estrogen brand and offered it to her. She had a look at his phone and said, "I don't know what that is and I'm not going to prescribe it if I don't know what it is." She offered a referral to another doctor that does, "Off-label stuff, the crazy stuff the rest of us don't want to deal with." Ha-ha, okay. Cool. Yeah. That's me!
So I have a new patch with more estrogen in it and GOD HELP ME if I have a bad reaction to it. I've never been on this particular type of estradiol before, but I wasn't getting any traction when I asserted there are different kinds of estrogen that I may tolerate better or not as well. No acknowledgement. No engagement. More irrelevant information from the special snowflake who looks things up on the internet and thinks they're smarter than a doctor. Fucking hell, BUT I KNOW WHAT ESTROGEN INJECTIONS ARE.
Oh, and because we waited over an hour past our appointment time to get in, the garage where we parked our car closed before we could get out. We had to beg to be let in. While I was melting down and feeling like I was gonna pass out.
I got a soda and some nuggets, I'm fine. I lived. I got home and looked up injectable estrogen + Canada, because, deep down, I do doubt myself and wonder if I'm insane. Maybe Canadian transwoman suck their hormones out of the mighty moose, fuck if I know. But, uh, no. It's a thing. Yeah. Pretty basic thing. Once weekly injections. No public option for it, though. Trans folks pay extra to be who they are!
Here's the kicker, while we were waiting for the nuggets and soda, the spouse said, "While she was saying that she didn't know what it was, the poster behind her, with the birth control options? Estrogen injection is the third one on there."
"God, why didn't you just point to it?"
"I didn't know what she'd do."
That's... Probably pretty wise, yeah. I don't think she would've done anything GOOD.
I'm not being allowed to participate in my own healthcare as an equal partner. People are just... making decisions for me and never telling me. And they fight me when I say it's not helping and I try to give them some reasons why. They want me to take what they give me and shut up. But that'll KILL me. It HAS BEEN KILLING ME.
The family doctor is at the root of this, he's in charge of everything. I can't get rid of him. I'm trying, but it's not set up so I can get rid of him. There isn't another doctor available who I can switch to. Clinics are filling the gaps, but I can't shitcan my actual doctor to get care on random from a clinic. They won't let me. I'm not familiar with this system. I know someone who knows it better and they're willing to help. We're going to have to get back in touch with them, and I hope they know what to do.
At the moment... I'm not safe. I'm not getting good care. I'm getting bullying, gaslighting and apathy. So much that I worry about posting this stuff on the internet. Like all y'all aren't going to believe me either. Surely, I must be exaggerating. This is... This reads like warmed-over Kafka, or Catch-22. This is my life. For now. While I'm able to fight for it.
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edna-skiffens · 3 years
The Best Medicine
Summary: You are in the hospital, but you can never sleep in hospitals. Good thing you have a very attractive night shift nurse who is willing to help out.
Word Count: 4.5K
Warnings: hospitals, light med talk, bad medical writing, fluff
A/N: Please ignore the plot holes or the fact that this isn’t the most realistic and also I know this isn’t how discharge works at the hospital.. It’s called fiction for a reason, darling. Also, I left the reason the reader is in the hospital open ended bc some of us may have medical conditions/reasons that we can attach to this, but if not I tried to keep it vague enough on purpose so that you can imagine whatever. Also if you like Nurse!Tom and have requests for him lmk bc i’m happy to write for him.
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Toss and turn. Toss and turn. The routine was getting old. This was your third night in the hospital and sleep just wasn’t coming to you.
Maybe it was the medicine they had you on. Maybe it was the constant symphony of sounds and people passing in the hallway. Maybe it was because you weren’t at home in your own bed.
Maybe it was just because you were in the hospital.
You couldn’t be sure. What you were sure of is that you weren’t falling asleep anytime soon.
Feeling another presence in the room, you looked from the ceiling to the doorway where you saw Tom, one of the night shift nurses, standing cautiously.
“I didn’t wake you did I?” He asked as he eased his way inside.
“So no sleep again, huh?”
“Sorry darling. Let’s go ahead and get these vitals over with.” He took your blood pressure, oxygen levels, temperature and wrote it down in your chart. Putting the clipboard back on its hook at the end of the bed, he looked up at your tired face. “Okay. So now about that sleep. What do you think will help?”
“Not being in the hospital.”
He chuckled lightly while walking back towards your bedside.
“I know. You hate it here. You’ve made that very clear and I try not to take too much offense to it.” You let out a slight laugh and held back the fact that he was the best part of this whole experience. He almost made it worth it. “I’m sorry we can’t give you any sleeping medication. Do you think it’ll help if I talk to you?”
“You mean tell me bedtime stories?” You couldn’t help but tease him at the adorable suggestion, though it sent a swarm of butterflies off in your stomach.
“I was thinking more like bore you ‘till you fell asleep. But whatever works.”
“You’re the nurse. If you think it’ll help.” You both sat there smirking at each other for a moment. Something unspoken floating in the air between you two.
“Well, I need to finish my round of vitals first. I’ll come check on you when I’m done and if you’re still up we’ll see about those stories.”
“I’ll be here.”
About fifteen or twenty minutes later you heard a light tap on your door followed by “Still awake?”
“You up for a chat?” Tom asked as he made his way to the stool then rolled slightly closer to your bed.
“Got nothing better to do.” You teased again.
“Okay. Well you should probably lay down.”
“Oh. It’s going to be that kind of story, huh?” His laugh was so beautiful and you were happy you were the cause of it.
“No.” He corrected in between laughs “The goal is to get you to sleep. So sitting up won’t help.”
“Right. Right.”
“Well.. anything in particular you’d like to talk about?”
“Why did you choose to become a nurse?”
“Ahhh. Good question. So I actually went to an art school.” You couldn’t help the brief expression of surprise that crossed your face. “I know. Shocking. I did training specifically in dance and gymnastics and I loved it.”
“Wait, so what happened?” You asked, turning on your side to face him more comfortably.
“Well one day we were rehearsing for a show and I fell. Ruined my knee. Had to do physical therapy for months. I tried to get back into it, but it just wasn’t the same. However, through that process I learned a lot about medicine and the health side of things. It really turned me on to it. And when my Plan A got a bit messed up I thought ‘hey, this could work’. So far it’s treated me pretty well.”
You smiled at Tom, admiring his passion for his career and the determination he had to keep pushing after his accident. You enjoyed hearing him talk about it too. If you didn’t know any better you would say it was helping you relax.
“My story that boring?”
“Your sarcasm has no end.”
“Oh… goodness.. you thought that was sarcasm?”
Tom only laughed and shook his head the way he often did with you.
You may just have been his patient and he may have just been your nurse, but you both bonded. He kept you company and gave you comfort. In return, you kept him entertained during the quiet night shifts.
“I’m not going to sleep. I'm just resting my eyes. But still listening.” You told him as you nestled further into the hospital bed, trying to find a position that would make it comfortable.
“Okay, darling.” He grinned at you.
“Tell me more. What kind of-” You had to stop to yawn, “What kind of art stuff did you do?”
“Oh. Well, I was in a few musicals. I really enjoyed dancing. I did ballet ever since I was young and I love the control I have over my body. The tricks I can do with gymnastics or the turns and leaps. I mean I can’t do them to that level anymore, but I try to stay active.” He glanced up and noticed you hadn’t moved, “Are you still with me?”
“Mhm.” You barely respond.
“Okay. Well it was a performing arts school so we really were trained in many areas. We had classes in acting, singing, dancing, all of it. It was a lot of fun and I met my best friends there.”
Tom began telling stories about his time at school. Before he knew it, he lost himself and track of time. He looked back at you, quiet and still.
“Y/N?” You were finally asleep. “Goodnight, darling.” He whispered as he gently made his exit.
Because Tom worked the night shift, you never saw him when you woke in the morning. Instead, Tanya, a sweet nurse that felt like a big sister, or Linda, Nurse Ratched in the flesh, came in for morning vitals and meds.
You counted down the days until your release. Life in the hospital was pretty uneventful with the limit on visitors and limited activity. There’s only so many sitcoms one can take in a given timespan. The only thing that you really looked forward to each night was when Tom clocked in.
“Hi Y/N.”
“Hi Tom.” You would smile at each other.
“How are we feeling today?”
“Better. Ready to get out of here.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear you are feeling better and still ready to jailbreak.” He smiled while writing something down on your chart. “They should be bringing up your dinner tray soon and then I’ll bring by your evening meds after that.”
“If you need me you know what to do.” He called to you before walking out the door.
You were disappointed when Shelley brought your evening meds by later. She was a nice enough nurse. She just wasn’t Tom.
You’d grown accustomed to mainly having him as your nurse during the evening shift. At first you weren’t sure if it was coincidence or on purpose, but after a few nights of staying up and talking, you grew closer to him. You saw less of the other nursing staff and more of Tom.
You tried not to build anything up in your head. You were sure everything he was doing was in his job description and a part of being a good nurse.
He would sneak you extra pudding cups from the cafeteria and bring you an extra heated blanket because you could never stay warm. If you needed a new IV, he held your hand to ease the anxiety. He kept you company and made you feel less alone in such a sterile and intimidating place. And when he noticed you had trouble sleeping he chose to sit with you to help you fall asleep. You couldn’t help the butterflies that built in your stomach.
It became a sort of routine. He checked on you during evening vitals, even if someone else was doing them, and you were always still awake. He would then come and sit with you and chat for a bit, telling you different stories until you eventually fell asleep.
Some nights when you were extra restless he would help you walk the halls.
“The doctors have to see you’re stable enough before you can be discharged. Plus, maybe it’ll tire you out.” He suggested.
He would help get your IV pole ready so you could walk with it. He helped you into your slippers and eased you out of bed after passing you your robe.
Walking the hall slowly, Tom knew he had to remain professional, yet he found a few excuses to graze his hand across your back to ‘steady you’ when you turned corners or he thought you were looking tired.
“It might take me a while to get back to my usual jogs in the park, huh?” You laughed in spite of yourself.
“You’ll get there. Baby steps.” He encouraged, as you turned around the Nurse’s Station. You missed the faces the other night shift nurses were giving you both, but Tom was sure to subtly flick them off. “So, do you like running?” He asked as you headed back towards your room.
Throughout your late nights together, he told you of his three younger brothers and his dog named Tessa. You spoke about what you would do when you were out of hospital. He talked about his friends and flatmates and the adventures they had. He told you many stories, but each morning when you woke up he was clocked out and the day shift nurses were there.
Tonight was your last night. You’re set to be discharged tomorrow and while you are ecstatic to go home, you’re going to miss one thing about this place.
“I bet you’re too excited to sleep tonight. I don’t know if my stories will even help.” Tom said as he sat down next to you.
You smiled up to him sweetly.
“What are you looking forward to the most once you get out of here?”
“Sleeping in my own bed.”
“Well that’s no surprise.” Tom laughed, a contagious sound making you giggle as well. “Isn’t there anything you’ll miss about this place?”
“Yeah.” He smiled “There’s one thing.”
“What’s that?” He asks.
“The pudding cups.”
“Ahh the pudding cups of course.” You giggled while fiddling with the IV line.
“They just don’t taste the same in the outside world.”
His smile grew wider as you giggled.
“No, but really. As much as I give this place grief and say I’m ready to get out of here - which I am,” You gave him a pointed look to which he held his hands up in mock surrender, fully believing you, “it hasn’t been too terribly awful I guess.”
“Oh, well, I’m glad we could make your stay not too terribly awful.. I guess.” He teased. “Do you have anything exciting to look forward to once you’re a free woman?”
“Nothing huge planned, really. The doctors did say to take it easy.”
“That’d be wise.”
“Yeah. I’ll just lay low for a while. My sister said she may try to come visit me though so that would be nice.”
“Oh that would be nice. She’s your older sister right?”
“Right. She moved away last year to be closer to her boyfriend.”
“Ah. Do you like him?”
“This boyfriend. Do you like him?”
“He’s alright, I suppose. He makes her happy.” Tom nodded along.
“And do you have a boyfriend that makes you happy?”
“N-No. No I don’t. Not at the moment.” You began fiddling with the IV cord again.
“No boyfriend or not a boyfriend that makes you happy?” He asked.
“Well that’s a shame.” If the heart monitor was connected you would’ve been screwed. “I just mean someone needs to look after you once you get home. I hope this sister comes through for a visit. You’ve got to take it easy.”
“Oh I’ll be fine.”
“I’m sure you will be.” He smiled.
“How has your shift been tonight? Busy?” You asked, fighting back a yawn.
“A bit busier than usual. There was a slight emergency earlier which is why Shelley handed out meds tonight. Sorry I didn’t come around.”
“It’s alright. I know you have other patients.”
“Yeah, but none like you.” You were sure he said that to all of his patients. After all, you’ve heard similar lines ever since you went to the pediatrician as a child. But it still gave you butterflies.
“Are you getting sleepy?”
“A little. But it’s okay.” He gave you a pointed look but continued to talk anyway. “It’s the last night. One final request for storytime. Make it a good one.”
You thought for a moment before asking your question.
“Do you ever wish that life turned out differently? That you never had your accident and you could’ve followed your dreams to be a dancer?” You asked while turning on your side and getting more comfortable.
“Sometimes. At least, I used to. But I think I’ve accepted it now. And I really can’t see myself doing anything but this.” You nodded taking in his answer “I look at it this way. If it wasn’t for my injury then I never would’ve changed my career path and found my love for medicine. I never would have made so many of the friends I’ve made or the memories I’ve made. I never would have met you.” He finishes with a sweet smile.
“That’s a very positive way of looking at it.” You told him. “Be honest, are you a therapist during the day?” He laughed out loud.
“No. I’m not. I guess I’m a big believer in ‘everything happens for a reason’.” You nodded while covering a yawn.
“So I’ve been curious to ask you,” He began, “Do you usually have this much trouble sleeping? Because you can get help for that you know?” You smiled at him.
“What? I thought a night nurse talking to you was the cure?” Tom smirked and shook his head. “I’m kidding. No, I normally don’t. It’s just the stiff sheets and hospital sounds I think.”
“Darn hospital.” He rolled his eyes and joked. “So this time tomorrow you’ll be sound asleep in your own bed then?”
You knew it was meant to be a happy statement, but you were a little sad at the thought of not having any more late night chats with Tom.
“Yes. Thank God.” You forced a smile.
You felt another yawn coming and tried to hold it back. It was already past the usual time that you fell asleep.
Tom could tell you were exhausted so he launched into a story from nursing school, hoping to lull you to sleep.
You yawned your way through listening, trying to soak up every last moment with Tom. In the morning he wouldn’t be here. You’d leave and likely never see him again.
When he finished, your eyes were half open and he wondered how you were still awake. Or maybe why.
“Why are you fighting it? The point is to sleep. Give in.” He told you gently after another yawn.
You looked up at him, half asleep and rubbing your eyes, not finding the confidence to tell him the true reason you were trying to stay awake.
“I’m happy right now.”
He smiled down at you.
“I am too. But you need your sleep, darling.” You weren’t sure what to say and you didn’t have much energy left in you anyway. “How about this. I’ve probably been in here too long as it is. Let me go check in at the Nurse’s Station and then I’ll come back and check on you soon and see if you’re still awake okay?”
The thought that he was leaving gave you a sad feeling in your stomach. You tried to remind yourself that he was just your nurse. Nothing more.
“Okay.” You smiled at him, sleepily, while settling further into the bed.
He stood up and instead of walking towards the door he walked closer to you. He grabbed the thin, white hospital blanket and pulled it closer around your shoulders.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He whispered before he walked to the door.
“Tom?” You called out just before he opened it. He turned around with an expectant look, “Thanks for everything.”
Even though the room was dim you could see his smile.
“You’re welcome, Y/N. Get some sleep.”
You don’t remember much after that. You don’t know if Tom came back to check on you. You just remember falling asleep with a smile on your face.
When you woke up the following morning it felt like any other morning in the hospital.
The hallways were much louder. Beeps, chatter, and phones were constant. The lights were brighter.
But you were quickly reminded that it wasn’t any other morning. You were going home today.
The door creaked open and Tanya, one of your regular daytime nurses, poked her head in.
“Oh good you’re up.” She made her way inside and over to the gloves. “How’d you sleep?”
“Pretty good. Thanks.” She gave you a smile, something hidden behind it.
“I’m sure.” She said quietly to herself. You gave her a questioning look. “Oh I just mean I’m sure you’re excited to get out of here.”
You nodded as she took your vitals one last time.
“Everything looks good. What do you say about getting this IV out?”
“I say that sounds amazing.”
She took it out and bandaged up your arm while informing you of how the morning would go.
“Dr. McCoy is making rounds now then he’ll be by soon to go over your discharge. You can get dressed whenever you’re ready. If you need help, buzz me. You’ll still have a breakfast tray come, but you don’t have to eat it.” She gave you a wink while taking off her gloves.
“Thanks Tanya.”
“Of course, sweetie. And in case I don’t see you before you go, you’ve been a wonderful patient. Take care of yourself.” You smiled at her as she left you to change into some leggings and a sweatshirt.
You were packing your remaining things into your bag when your doctor walked in.
“Y/N! How are we doing today?”
“We’re doing great because we’re going home.” You smiled while taking a seat to rest for a few minutes.
“I know you’re excited.” He laughed before explaining the conditions of your discharge. You had medicines to take, a follow up appointment, and strict instructions to rest for the next few weeks. After signing some forms he left you with a stack of papers. “Is someone coming to pick you up?”
“Yeah my neighbor should be here within an hour.”
“Sounds good. Don’t hesitate to call us or come back in if you have any trouble or questions.”
“Will do. Thanks.”
A few minutes after he left a nurse brought in your breakfast tray. There wasn’t much of a point for it but since your discharge wasn’t technically until 10:30 am you were still a patient during breakfast.
You took the pudding cup that you requested with every meal off the tray before sliding it away. Smiling to yourself, you tucked it away in your bag. All you had left to do was wait for 10:30.
Tanya came in to check on you again and told you to buzz the Nurse’s Station when you knew your ride was here. At 10:27 you had a text from your neighbor that they were out front in the pickup zone. So you hit the call button.
“Yes?” Linda, the scariest dayshift nurse, answered.
“Um hi. Tanya told me to buzz in when my ride was here so I could go down.”
“Okay we’ll be right in.”
Not even a minute later you heard your door open. Expecting to see Tanya or maybe even Linda you looked up.
An audible gasp left your lips when Tom stood in your doorway with a wheelchair.
“I hear someone needs a ride?” He smiled as he made his way closer to the bed.
“Tom. What are you still doing here?”
“I pulled a double.” You wanted to ask why, but decided against it. You were still in a little bit of shock from seeing him again. “If you’d rather I can go get Linda to walk you down?” He pointed back towards your door.
“No! No.. I’m just surprised s’all.”
“Well come on. I thought you’d be running out of this place once the clock hit 10:30.” Glancing up you saw it was now 10:34. Your neighbor is probably tired of waiting already.
You grabbed your discharge papers and reached for your bag when you heard, “I got it.” Smiling at him, you sat down in the wheelchair. Tom placed the bag around his shoulder and kicked the brakes off the chair. “Ready?” You nodded up at him.
He rolled you out of the room that felt so small for a final time. You passed the Nurse’s Station and waved bye to the staff. He turned by the elevators and when you looked up at him in question, he read your mind. Looked down at you he said, “We’re taking the staff elevators.”
When you made it there he hit the button, turning you around and backing you in once the doors opened. He hit the button for the Lobby and leaned up against the wall of the elevator, briefly glancing at you, as you rode down together.
“Well you made it. You’re a free woman.” He smiled shyly.
“Yippee.” He met your eyes for a moment before looking back to the floor. The dynamics felt different. It wasn’t like your late night talks together.
“Listen, Y/N.” Tom began as he stood up from the wall and faced you. He was about to continue when the elevator ding cut him off, signaling you had reached your destination.
Maybe that was what was different. You had reached your destination.
You had a fun time talking with Tom and entertaining each other when you were both up late at night. He was fun to get to know and you enjoyed having someone care for you. He was easy to banter with and certainly easy on the eyes. But your time at the hospital was up. You knew it would be eventually. You wanted it to be.
Tom was a nurse. He was just doing his job. He was helping take care of you. He was being nice. He was trying to make your stay more comfortable. There was nothing to read into.
Your time being his patient was up and your time with him was up.
You tried to remain realistic, but the sadness still crept up as he rolled you closer to the door.
Once outside, you saw your neighbor exit the car and wave you over. Tom steered in the direction and slowed before rolling to a stop and hitting the brake locks on the wheels.
“Hi, I’m Taylor.”
“Tom.” They shook hands as Tom passed off your bag for Taylor to put in the backseat.
“I’m sorry for the circumstances, but it really has been a pleasure having you as a patient and getting to know you, Y/N.” Tom admitted as he walked around to face you. He grabbed the papers from your lap. “Take care of yourself, okay?” You had shared many smiles with Tom, but this one felt sadder.
“I will. Thank you for everything, Tom. I mean it.” You reached up and squeezed his hand. He gave you a light squeeze back while smiling down at you. Taylor returned from the backseat of the car and Tom turned to them.
“These are her important papers about follow up appointments, medications, what to do at home, all of that so please make sure she doesn’t lose any of them.” He emphasized the point.
“Got it. Thanks.” Taylor held onto the stack while Tom turned back to you.
“If I can’t handle a few papers on my own, then maybe I shouldn’t be going home yet, Tom.” You laughed.
“I know, I just wanted to make sure they made it home with you.” He walked closer. “You ready to get in?”
“Yeah.” You nodded. He helped you up, supporting you just as a precaution. Once seated, you took a moment to catch your breath as you pulled the seatbelt down. He met your hand, taking it from you to buckle you in.
“You good?”
You nodded with a smile, “Just a little tired. No biggie.”
He looked you over before returning your smile, though his didn’t quite reach his eyes, “If you need us, call us. Otherwise go home and rest.”
This was it. This was goodbye.
“Thanks, Tom.”
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
He shut the door. He walked back to the wheelchair, released the brake locks and headed inside. He looked back only when your car was driving away.
“Here’s those papers that are so important.” Taylor handed you the stack after they got in.
“So how are you feeling?”
“Better. Thanks.” You felt them looking at you as they joined traffic.
“You sure? You sound like you feel awful.”
You try to remind yourself to forget the sweet and attractive nurse and start moving forward.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m okay.” You decide to distract yourself by reading through your discharge paperwork, when something caught your eye. On top was a sticky note with the hospital’s letterhead. You were sure it wasn’t there before. Looking closer it read,
In case you need someone to talk to when you can’t sleep.
P. S. I have a connection to some pretty good pudding cups too.
The smile that grew on your face was undeniable. All the feelings you suppressed came flooding in. He wasn’t just being nice. He actually liked you.
One thing you knew for sure was that even though you would be in your own bed tonight, you still would be up, talking to a very special nurse.
Lmk if you want to be on my tag list
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girlmeetsliv3 · 5 years
Violent Delights
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Title: Violent Delights
Genre: Horror, suspense, & Psychological thriller
Pairings: Gang!BTS x reader ; Jimin x reader
Sypnosis: "These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which as they kiss, consume. What do you say, Y/n? Reckon we'll have a violent end." He maniacally grinned as he pressed the metallic point of the gun against your bleeding temple, the raw brass stinging against your open wound. "I don't know. We might."
Release Date: October 31st, 2019 6:30 pm (GMT-4)
Word Count: 9112
Warnings: The following story is not suitable for all audiences. It contains a lot of graphic violence, gore, varying levels of abuse, toxic relationship, dubious consent, implications of dangerous behavior, and a lot of other mature things. Please keep in mind this is a work of fiction and is not meant to reflect my personal beliefs or ideas, or the character of BTS. Thank you & enjoy.
Y/n stared at the round clock mounted on the wall, listening to the rhythmic ticking while willing the time to pass by faster. Kang Haneul, her therapist, was busy writing down his thoughts on their session today. “Is there anything else you would like to talk about before we wrap up?” His tone nonchalant, but from the tiny twitch of his ears she could tell he was listening intently. “No.” Y/n drew her attention back to the clock, anxiously waiting for the minute hand to land on the twelve. Dr. Kang looked up from his paper and focus on the anxious woman in front of him. Today’s session had been good. He was steadily making progress with the woman that his other colleagues had warned would be a tough case to crack, especially for someone with little experience. Kang did always love a challenge and he was determined to help Y/l/n Y/n no matter what.
           58..59…Finally. Y/n stood up from the tweed couch and began to gather her stuff. “Thank you doctor. Have a good evening.” Her purse was perched on her arm and her leg trembled slightly, she couldn’t wait to get home. “Have a good evening, Y/n. Remember to pick up your prescription from Joy at the front.” She nodded and excused herself, the soles of her rubber shoes squeaking slightly against the white tile floor. Y/n was always scheduled for the last appointment, three times a week, it made things easier and she didn’t have to worry about traffic. Joy had already finished packing up and seemed tired, but she still greeted Y/n with a smile. “Here you go.” Joy said placing the prescription bottle on the counter. It was small and white, anyone could easily confuse it for pain medication unless they read the label. “Thanks Joy. Have a nice night.” Y/n grabbed the bottle and dropped it into her bag, before walking away. “Wait. Y/n don’t you want me to order you a ride?” Joy asked as she peered outside through the large window, noting how dark it had gotten in just a couple of hours. Y/n looked back, a practiced smile on her face. “It’s no problem. It isn’t that long of a walk.”
           It definitely was a long walk. Nearly thirty minutes to her apartment, but Y/n enjoyed strolling through the city. It wasn’t the weekend so there wasn’t an abundance of people crowding the streets trying to seek entertainment in one way or another. She didn’t live in the best neighborhood, but she had lived there long enough to know her way and what streets to avoid if she didn’t want trouble. Problem is trouble usually came looking for her. It was as she was crossing in front of the older part of town, the one riddled with shabby looking buildings were mainly seniors resided that she heard it. A loud scream of pain followed by laughter. Don’t. Just keep walking. But it came again; this time she heard a loud metal clang and a groan. Y/n stood frozen on the spot, an alleyway to her right. It was practically shrouded in darkness if not for a small lamp that hung off the side of a building, several feet away. Y/n just keep walking. As much as she tried, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Doctor Kang had told her that it was important to lend a hand if someone was in trouble, no matter what her mind told her. “Try to place yourself in their shoes. Wouldn’t you want somebody to help you if they were in trouble?” Y/n cast one more look into the alleyway before taking a deep breath and stepping towards it.
            There was conveniently a large dumpster that she crouched behind. Y/n wasn’t about to walk head first into a situation without knowing what she was getting herself into. There was another holler of laughter, it dawned on her that there might be more than one perp. As stealthily as she could, Y/n sneaked a glance towards where the sound was coming from. The lamp was only illuminating a small section of the alleyway, but even with the faint light Y/n could see everything. There was a man and women laying on the ground, the man’s body was severely damaged. Several bruises lined his torso, his skull was cracked open, teeth scattered on the ground, and his hand was pressed against his abdomen which had been ripped open as he desperately tried to keep his intestines inside. The woman beside him had her clothes ripped to shreds and a large bruising on her side, evidence of broken ribs. Her head was also bleeding, and her eyes moved deliriously. Y/n’s entire attention was on the victims, until she witnessed a crowbar flighting into the man’s face driving his nose up into his skull. Y/n was in shock and her eyes slowly traveled to the left.
           There were several men, seven or eight maybe, who were standing above them. Laughing, smiling, or cracking jokes. Their clothes had been stained with blood and each of them had a weapon on hand, except for one who possessed a camera. All of them cheered as the man’s now dead body fell to the side. The woman beside him letting out a shrill of terror. Y/n observed everything with amazement and a sick fascination. This is wrong. What they’re doing is wrong. That was the phrase that kept repeating like a mantra inside her head. Doctor Kang would want her to call the police and get the men arrested, but even though her hand hovered over her phone in her back pocket, she never reached for it. Y/n didn’t like what the men were doing, nor did she get some twisted enjoyment off it. She simply didn’t care. There was a man and a woman on the brink of death right before her eyes and she couldn’t bring herself to care, even though she desperately wanted – needed to. Doctor Kang had said she was getting better, that she should begin to sympathize with people. Y/n hoped that she could, but now confronted with this situation all she could bring herself to care about was her survival. I have to get out of here.
           One of the men crouched in front of the woman, his face a few inches from hers. Y/n couldn’t tell what it is that he had told her, but she had an idea. Until, he stood up and backed away from her. If Y/n focused on him she could notice his face, the man had light hair paired with high cheekbones and pouty lips. His skin was tan and his eyes sharp, quite like that of a cat. He parted his lips to speak, a singular word exiting them. “Run.” The woman struggled to get on her feet, but she quickly took off running towards Y/n’s direction. Don’t be stupid. He’ll just – But the man stayed still, as did his friends simply watching the woman run away. Would they actually? By now the woman was only a few meters away from exiting the alleyway, it was when she neared the dumpster that the man broke out into a sprint after her. She had just managed to pass the dumpster when he tackled her to the ground.
           “No, please. Please don’t.” The woman thrashed around trying to fight him off, but it was evident he easily overpowered her. Y/n had forced herself into a corner and rolled into a ball, trying to look as inauspicious as possible. It would’ve been fine if the woman hadn’t turned towards her direction, making eye contact with Y/n. Y/n desperately shook her head, pleading her not to say anything. “Please help me!” She extended her arm out towards Y/n, causing the man to turn and look at her. A sadistic smile made its way onto his lips as he let out a dry chuckle. The perp focused his attention back on the woman, reaching into his pocket to pull out a knife and using it to jaggedly slice her throat. The woman flailed on the ground as the blood poured endlessly from her wound. Then she too was dead.
           The man stood up and casually wiped off his jeans. Though he wasn’t staring at her, Y/n knew that he was watching her. “Jimin, let’s go. The fun’s over.” A member of the group spoke up, but the man, Jimin, only laughed. “It’s not quite over yet boys.” He said as his eyes trailed up Y/n’s figure. In the blink of an eye, Jimin had pounced on her, dragging her up off the ground. “What do we have here?” Jimin’s face had blood splattered all over it, but when he smiled his teeth were pearly white. Y/n couldn’t speak too afraid of what he would do to her. “What the fuck is going on?” The other men had finally reached them, all making a slight circle around the two of them. “I found a rat by the trash.” Jimin spoke, his voice deep almost like he was growling. “That isn’t a rat, it’s a lady.” Spoke a rather tall boy with long hair, crossing his arms over his rather large chest. All of them looked different and even had different statures, so Y/n doubted they were related. Jimin’s hands had traveled from your arms to your neck, his grip tight. “What’s your name sweetheart?” One of them asked, he stood apart from the rest. He was tall, tan, and had sandy blonde hair. A kind smile adorned his features, though it seemed rehearsed.
           “Y-y/n.” It might have been rather reckless of her to give that away, but she was certain of her death. Sandy seemed pleased with her answer, but Jimin still let one of his hands drop towards her bottom, hovering over it until he located her phone. He quickly threw it to Sandy, who handed off to the guy who was holding the camera. “What’s your password?” Y/n quickly replied, eyes downcast as she tried to avoid Jimin’s intense stare. After a couple of minutes, the camera guy turned towards Sandy and nodded. Y/n couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or not. As if someone was watching over her, the man she long thought dead gasped drawing everyone’s attention. The men began to walk over to him and Jimin dragged her with them, his hand tightly wrapped in her hair. It seems he wasn’t dead just yet, which was some cruel miracle. “Yoongi.” Sandy muttered quietly, a grey-haired man stepped forward with a gun tightly clutched in his hand. He fired three blows into the man’s head; its contents flying all over the wall and floor.
           Unbeknownst to Y/n, Jimin had been observing her actions and was shocked at her apathetic reaction to having seen someone’s brains being blown out. “What’s wrong with you?” He asked her, forcing Y/n to look at him. She couldn’t answer him, didn’t want to really. Y/n just wanted them to get over with it. “Namjoon-Hyung, I’m bored let’s go.” Whined the man with long hair. He must be the youngest. “He’s right. The cops will be here any second.” Spoke a broad-shouldered man, “Let’s just take the entertainment home.” Y/n wasn’t given time to dwell on their words, for Jimin flashed her a quick smile before aiming his fist towards her. Knocking her unconscious, the second they hit their target. “Haven’t I warned you not to help others?!”
           Y/n came to when she felt searing pain on the side of her face. Her eyes peered open to view a concrete wall above her. When she tried to stand up, she was pulled back down by a strong force. “You’re not allowed to move.” She whipped her head to see, one of the men sitting next to her. His hair was wet, and his clothes smelled clean, but it was the dark swirls in his eyes that warned Y/n to proceed with caution. She didn’t speak, fearing saying the wrong thing. The man stared at her, taking in every detail of her face before speaking. “I’m Taehyung.” Taehyung looked around her age, his body lean and if she had seen him on the street Y/n might have considered him attractive. At the very least, she wouldn’t have considered him to be someone capable of cold-blooded murder. Taehyung observed her, watching the way she subconsciously made herself as little as possible. Keeping her gaze downward to avoid eye contact.
           Y/n tried to flex her jaw but winced at the pain she felt. That’s right he punched me. Though her face hurt, she was much more curious as to why she wasn’t six feet underground. Not that Y/n was about to question them, she had learned from experience how keeping one’s mouth shut saved their lives. “Ah, good. You’re awake. Tae go help Jin in the kitchen.” Sandy or should she say, Namjoon had just entered walked down the stairs. His hair wet as well, and Y/n deduced they all must be cleaning up. I must’ve not been out that long. Namjoon walked towards where she was on the couch, stopping right in front of where she was sitting purposely towering over her. Y/n looked up at him, preferring to focus on his face in general. Namjoon gave her that rehearsed smile before speaking, “Why are you taking anti-depressants?” Y/n froze, casting a look around trying to find her purse. At her lack of response Namjoon took hold of her chin and pressed against the forming bruise on the side of her jaw, causing Y/n to moan in pain. “I asked you a question.”
           “I-I have anxiety.” Y/n said, trying her best to remain calm. She wasn’t lying, sometimes her anxiety did swell up. “No that isn’t it.” Y/n was threading on thin ice, but it didn’t matter what choice she made – the ice would break and drag her down to the cool icy waters. Tears began to well in her eyes, as she couldn’t think of how to escape this situation. Namjoon smiled, “Are you afraid, Y/n?” She didn’t see a point in lying. “Yes.” Lying wouldn’t do her any good. It certainly wouldn’t get her out of this situation. Y/n didn’t know if she was playing her cards right, but she hoped everything she had endured as a child could prove useful somehow. Namjoon seemed pleased with her answer, letting go of her chin. Namjoon stepped back, “You’re probably hungry. There’s food in the kitchen, tell Jin I let you eat.” Y/n nodded and moved to stand when he suddenly grabbed her wrist, “Dr. Kang is your therapist, right?” It wasn’t a question. Even if she knew it wasn’t the right thing to do, Y/n nodded either way.
           “Oh, yes. Your food is in the microwave.” Jin mumbled as he focused on cutting the raw meat with the sharp butcher’s knife. The meat was lean and dark in color, it didn’t resemble anything you had ever seen before but Jin went about cutting it with such expertise. The man was probably accustomed to cooking it. Y/n walked towards the corner were the microwave was, only for Taehyung to beat her to it. He opened the plastic door and took out it’s contents: rice, greens, and small bits of meat. “Here. Go eat upstairs, third room to the left.” The only utensil she was given was a plastic fork, but that was somewhat understandable. Not that she could cause much harm with a real fork. “Fighting back only leads to more trouble.” Y/n took her plate and exited the kitchen, proceeding to climb up the large stairs. Their home, if it could be called that, was a warehouse that had been remodeled to be a home.
           Balancing everything on one hand, she entered the room assuming no one would be there. She was mistaken. Park Jimin still hadn’t removed the tack and gore from his clothing, simply resting on his bed waiting for Y/n to arrive. When she entered, he quickly stood up and shoved her inside the room; the plate nearly slipping from her hand. “Careful break a plate and I might have to break your neck.” Jimin enjoyed nothing more than seeing her frozen with terror. “I was waiting for you to wake up. Try the food, tell me what you think.” At those words, all her appetite seemingly vanished. Still Y/n moved towards a desk in the bedroom, trying to put the plate down. It’s likely poisoned. Even if it was from the piercing gaze of Jimin’s eyes she had no choice but to take a bite. If I don’t, he’ll probably stab me with the plastic fork. As if he needed a weapon to kill her.
           Tentatively she raised the piece of meat to her lips parting them open and placing it on her tongue. A few bites later, she was still savoring the meat until she finally swallowed. The taste was familiar, it created a sense of longing in her as she tried to figure out what it was. It tasted somewhat like beef, but not fully developed. Almost like veal. Almost like…Y/n began to gag as her eyes widened in horror at what she had just eaten. Jimin began to laugh, “Oh come on. It’s not that bad.” She strongly disagreed, Y/n felt like clawing her throat out. There were certain lines even she wouldn’t dare to cross and yet, unknowingly, she had crossed one of them. Even her mother had never done something like this to her. Jimin walked towards her, his arm coiling tightly around her waist as he pulled her against him. “What you don’t like it?” Jimin teased Y/n, trying to elicit more of her fear. As he gathered more information on her. It wasn’t that she was unafraid, very clearly, she was, her disregard was towards others.
           As Y/n tried to regain control over herself, and her queasy stomach, Jimin softly caressed her bruised jaw. Every time she winced, he would stop for a bit, but would continue nonetheless. Y/n didn’t know why she was still alive but being in a den filled with cannibals didn’t paint a hopeful picture. “Are you all…” She let the question trail off, hanging in the air. Jimin’s face became serious instantly, “Of course not. We’re not monsters. It’s just something we partake in time to time. Lessens the body count.” That made things worse somehow. Jimin twisted her around and pushed her onto the bed, giving her little time to readjust herself. There was a small window in the room, through which moonlight shone. Only the bed was illuminated so whilst Y/n was in the light, Jimin remained in the dark. “I’m going to shower, then we’ll go out.” She didn’t really have a response, so she just stayed quiet, he seemed fine with that. Jimin opened his bedroom door and walked out, it closed slowly behind him until he suddenly turned back. “Don’t leave the room. If you do, you’ll be dessert.”
             Kang Haneul was resting on his couch looking over Y/n’s file the blue hue from the muted television being the only source of light in the living room. It did little to help his degrading vision, but he needed to go to bed. Having a lamp on would only keep him awake for much longer than he needed. Kang looked over his notes transcribed on sticky notes posted all over the manila folder. Sure, he technically wasn’t allowed to take a patient’s file out of his office, but Kang had viewed other older professional’s do it before. His eyes skimmed the news clippings dating back several years as his head began to slightly droop. Kang kept trying to resist the urge, but eventually he did fall victim to his body’s intentions and fell into a deep sleep. Quite convenient for, that is when Kim Namjoon managed to arrive to the apartment. His hands tinkering with the old locks until they gave way. Namjoon quietly stepped inside, sure to avoid the sections of the wood floor that he knew would creak. “Ah doctor Kang, you really should know better.” This wasn’t the first time Namjoon had witnessed the man passed out in his living room couch when he should’ve been in bed.
           Still Namjoon hadn’t stopped by for a reunion or some quick small talk. As luck would have it, the purpose of his visit was sprawled on the doctor’s coffee table and lap. Namjoon quickly took pictures of everything he found, being amazed at just how much information there was. “I see your still up to your same old tricks, huh doctor?” Kang was still deep asleep and Namjoon took advantage to engrain the man’s face into his memory, it was the last time he would see him after all. “I’ll see you in hell, Kang.”
             Jimin had whisked her away to a bar in a shady part of town. Y/n had been forced to go under threat of death, mutilation, and other things she didn’t want to dwell on. The bar was nearly desolate except for the staff and several drunk men scattered along booths. Jimin had his arm wrapped tightly around her waist as he walked them over to an empty booth in a corner. Insisting that Y/n sit beside him. Y/n cast a look around trying to make eye contact with anyone in the bar hoping they might help her, she soon realized the irony in that sentiment. Jimin pressed himself against her, his lips brushing against the shell of her ear. “Choose one.” Y/n turned to meet his eyes, “What?” Jimin redirected her vision to the inhabitants of the bar. “Choose someone for me to kill or I’ll kill you, simple as that.” Y/n didn’t know what to do. She knew what she should do: refuse Jimin or tell him to hurt her, that would be the right thing to do. But I don’t want to die. Y/n’s survival instinct was drilled deep into her mind at such a young age, that she didn’t know any other way. So, she slowly lifted her hand and pointed at an older man, passed out on the table with drool coming out of his mouth.
           Jimin shook his head, “No. It has to be someone of equal value.” Y/n shook her head, her lip trembling. I don’t want to die. “I want someone that looks like you. A nice pretty girl that’s going to scream her guts out before I rip her to shreds.” Subconsciously, Y/n’s gaze landed on a young waitress serving the men. Her dark hair was tied into a messy bun and pulled away from her face, the harsh lines present on them might have fooled people into believing she was older. But it was her body that gave her away. Perhaps Y/n had lingered on her too long and that’s why Jimin had noticed. She hadn’t meant to single her out, Jimin had just been paying too close attention. “You do what you have to do to survive. No matter the consequence.” Jimin beckoned the waitress over, as she approached Jimin shot Y/n a cheeky smile. One that didn’t reach his eyes and was clearly meant as a warning.
           “Hello, I’m Lana. Anything to start you guys off today?” Y/n didn’t bother looking at her, keeping her eyes on the table. “Sorry, but is your manager around? We’ve ran into some car trouble it won’t start.” The lie rolled so easily off his tongue. Jimin oozed charming out of his pores, couple that with his looks and it was a deadly combination. Quite literally. “Uh, my managers not in. But I don’t mind helping you out.” Bad decision. Hadn’t a bad decision brought her to being stuck with a serial killer and being an accomplice to murder. A sudden chill traveled through her spine, doctor kang’s words echoing through her head. “Society has no place for those who break the law or aid other’s in doing so. They’re monsters after.” Hadn’t Kang told her that she wasn’t one though? That she could be saved? Maybe if I help her get away… That idea was shot down immediately by a sudden flash back to her childhood. “Helping others only gets you hurt.” Y/n felt Jimin’s eyes on her. “Babe let’s go.” As if doing so automatically Y/n slid out of the booth, Jimin following suit.
           “It’s here near the back. Didn’t want to risk it getting broken into.” Jimin commented as the three of them walked towards the back of the building. The waitress, Lana, simply nodded along to everything he said. Not finding it weird that the car was so far away, or that Y/n hadn’t spoken a word. “It’s a dangerous neighborhood. Have to be careful around strangers.” Lana responded, as she squinted her eyes to look ahead. “Which one is your car?” Lana asked, turning towards the two of you. Jimin didn’t even bother responding simply smiling before quickly grabbing a hold of her head, snapping her neck with a quick motion. Y/n watched Lana’s body fall to the ground, wanting desperately to feel something and only being more conflicted when she didn’t. “I was right.” Jimin spoke, turning to face her. “You don’t care.” Y/n gulped, her eyes being unable to look anywhere but Lana’s body. Not caring had made her an outcast amongst her friends and society. It had made them treat her like an outsider. But not caring had helped her survive.
           Jimin stepped forward which caused Y/n to take a step back. The two continued this, until Y/n took off running. Trying to outrun him was impossible consider how tall and fast he was, but she did try. Y/n managed to travel quite a distance until Jimin grabbed her and stabbed her in the left lowermost part of her abdomen. He laughed with glee at the silent moan of pain she released. “Why are you trying to ruin my fun?!” A sob tore through her throat as tears began to stream down her face. Jimin held her tightly against him, no space between them. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Y/n repeated over and over again, until Jimin rolled his eyes and showed her the bloody knife. “Be quiet. Let’s go.” He took of his jacket and tied it tightly around her waist, apparently making a makeshift tourniquet. “If we don’t hurry home, you’ll bleed to death. Don’t want that now do we?”
           When the two of them had returned to the warehouse Y/n’s skin color had faded to a pale white, her lips displaying the same color. Jimin had aided her along the way, mainly because dusk was settling and he didn’t want to be caught on the streets, but if it weren’t for him Y/n would’ve surely collapsed. As soon as the door opened, Y/n saw that all the men were gathered in the living room their aura’s deeply confrontational. It quickly dispersed when they laid eyes on her, “Sheesh Jimin. Couldn’t hold yourself back?” Laughed Yoongi, earning an intense glare from Jimin. Hoseok stood up and made his way towards them, only for Jimin to nearly snarl at him. “I’ve got her.” Hoseok backed up, his hands raised as if to show he meant no ill will. “Take her to the kitchen, I’ll be there soon.” Jin spoke. Even in her weakened state Y/n still processed his words, her eyes widening. Jimin smirked, “Don’t worry. You’re not on the menu. Not tonight at least.” He laughed quietly at his own joke, whilst all Y/n could do was take deep breaths and try to calm her breathing.
           Jimin pushed open the kitchen door and hoisted Y/n up into his arms, before laying her on the metallic table in the center of the room. She was certain of her death now. As Jin had said he emerged a few minutes later with a first aid kit in hand. Jin was allowed to raise her shirt and analyze the wound, before disinfecting it and stitching it up. Once he was done, he cast a glare at Jimin. “She needs a blood transfusion.” Jimin merely rolled his eyes in response, “Can’t we just feed her some cress?” Y/n was barely conscious, but she still put all her energy in listening to the conversation. She would be damned if she passed out and was left as easy prey. “I could call one of our guys, though he might not have her blood type. What’s your blood type sweetie?” Y/n incoherently mumbled back her blood type. “If not, we’ll just find somebody off the street. Can’t be too hard.” Jimin shrugged, he thanked Jin and gathered Y/n into his arms once again.
           As Jimin climbed up the stairs, a question kept surfacing in the back of Y/n’s mind. In her delirious state, she accidentally let it slip. “Why haven’t you killed me, yet?” Jimin didn’t look at her, simply kept on climbing the stairs until he reached the top. “Why don’t you care if others die around you?” Both questions had complicated answers, but neither of them wanted to elaborate on them.
             When Y/n woke up the next morning, she had desired that everything which had occurred the previous night had been a nightmare. Perhaps she had gone to bed watching a crime drama, her mind conjuring up the evil images all on its own. Y/n knew it wasn’t true though, whenever she had nightmares it was always the same ones. Not to mention that she had accidentally rolled over onto her side and the wound began to throb painfully. Y/n pulled the sheets off her body and forced herself out of bed. Her attire wasn’t pleasant: a large hoodie and even larger sweats. But Jimin had explained in explicit detail what he would do to her, if she slept with dirty clothes on his clean bed. Not like he wasn’t wearing bloody clothes on them last night. Y/n opened the bedroom door, looking around to make sure no one was there. Go. Escape. Now. As carefully as she could, so as not to rip her stitches open, Y/n traveled down the stairs only to see the men sitting on the couch enjoying their day. Jungkook was the first to notice her and gave her a large smile, she automatically reciprocated one. The last thing she needed was to make any of them upset.
           All of them, especially Jimin, terrified her. They all looked so normal. The picture of what a model citizen might look like, but Y/n had seen what they were capable of. Y/n didn’t know what to do so she remained in her place waiting for something to happen. Then it occurred, a knocking on the metal door. It was a soft rasp of sorts, not intimidating in any sense. Y/n began to feel a small twinge of hope. Could it be? Instead of two uniformed men standing outside the door, there were two women. One older and the other very young, both modestly dressed. “Can I help you ladies?” Hoseok spoke, a bright cheery smile on his face. Even from her position, Y/n could tell it had dazzled the women. “So sorry to interrupt you sir, but we were wondering if you would allow us to speak with you about the lord’s word?” Hoseok cast a glance towards the men on the seats. They all had abandoned their activities and were focused on the interaction. “I’m so sorry ladies, I am terribly busy. Unless…you wouldn’t mind coming in, would you? I have family over.” Both women exchanged a look before agreeing, “It’s no problem. The more the merrier I say.” Spoke the older one. Hoseok laughed along with her, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
           It dawned on Y/n that Jimin was absent from the room. She looked around but found no trace of him whatsoever. Hoseok must’ve spotted her still standing as he motioned her over, “Y/n come sit.” It wasn’t a suggestion, even though his voice had been nothing but cheery. Y/n walked and sat between Namjoon and Jin, both men leaning back to rest their arms on the head. Another warning. “I’m sorry about her. She’s quite shy.” Hoseok told the two women, trying to pass off the obvious tension as a nuisance. “Oh I know, I have a daughter at home. It takes her an hour after she wakes up to speak to anyone.” The older woman laughed again, from the way Hoseok’s smile faltered Y/n could tell it was beginning to irk him.
           “What are your names?” Namjoon asked, looking between them. Eyes wide with curiosity. “Uhm m-my name is M-mary and she’s C-crista.” The youngest, Mary, stuttered. “Don’t mind her. She stutters when she’s nervous.” Crista laughed, once again. “There’s no need to be nervous Crista.” Yoongi offered, he too was smiling. Y/n visibly tensed and tried to put as much distance between herself and the men as possible. “So, tell us about yourself.” Taehyung leaned forward eyes filled with a sadistic gleam. “Yes, what does our lord and savior say about redemption?” Jungkook followed up, a large bunny smile on his face.
           Despite what one may believe, what even Y/n believed, the conversation between all of them went on for quite some time. Y/n barely uttered a word, only nodding occasionally so as not to draw suspicion. Discussing philosophical matters such as morality, sins, and death. The men were playing the long game and Y/n didn’t want to be there when it reached its conclusion. “Sorry,” Mary said speaking directly at her, “Can you please show me to the bathroom?” Seokjin nudged Y/n slightly as she stood up. All eyes trained on her as she guided Mary to the bathroom upstairs. Y/n thought this might be the one opportunity to warn Mary of what might happen, but how would they escape without drawing attention. I have to do it before Jimin gets back. As they climbed up the stairs Mary got close to her, “How did you get that bruise on your jaw?” Y/n had almost forgotten about that.
           “Uhm…” Y/n didn’t know what say. What was the right choice? Should she tell her the truth or play it off? If she escapes, you might not be able to. Still, even if Y/n died that was still the right thing to do. To sacrifice herself for others, right? Don’t be stupid. Y/n strongly desired to one day be able to ignore the voice in her head and act out on her own. Maybe that day will be today. “Here.” They had reached the top floor and Y/n pointed towards the bathroom. Mary cast her a look, but simply went inside the bathroom locking the door. Y/n let out a heavy sigh she wasn’t aware she was holding in. “Smart move.” Y/n swore she had jumped at least a foot off the ground. She turned around to see Jungkook leaning on the stair’s railing. He stepped towards her, getting close enough that their chests brushed. “There’s no point in me wasting my breath to tell you the consequences should you choose to do something you shouldn’t.”  Jungkook’s hand traveled to Y/n’s waist and his fingers pressed into the stitched wound. It took all her will power not to cry out in pain, but Jungkook still got off on the expression of her face. “Jimin-Hyung went through a lot for you, so don’t fuck him over.” Y/n hadn’t realized she had started crying until Jungkook wiped away at her tears, it was then that she heard the toilet flush and the faucet running.
           Jungkook went back downstairs before Mary opened the door, making it seem like nothing had happened. When Mary opened the door, she was greeted by Y/n standing right in front of it. “Do you by any chance have a phone?” Mary seemed confused but nodded either way. Reaching into her front pocket to take out a rather small track phone. Y/n grasped her hand immediately looking around, “Don’t say anything.”
           There was a loud rumbustious laughter coming from down stairs when they returned and Y/n found that one stood out among the rest. When she and Mary came back downstairs, she saw Jimin’s golden blonde hair bouncing as he laughed. They all seemed to be sharing an inside joke of some kind, Crista was wiping away the tears that had formed from cackling too hard. “Oh, you boys are something else.” Y/n traveled towards the back of the couch, not wanting to pass in front of any of them, while Mary returned to her spot. A deep frown nestled between her brows that she quickly removed before it was too noticeable. “Oh babe, you’re back.” A beautiful smile was plastered onto Jimin’s face as he turned around to see face Y/n, his hand reaching up to take hers. “Oh, are the two of you a couple?” Crista asked, shock on her face. Y/n didn’t blame her, Jimin looked like a model right now and well Y/n looked like she had been kidnapped and tortured by a bunch of lowkey cannibalistic psychopaths.
           When Jimin’s hand wrapped tightly around hers, Y/n smiled back. “Y/n suffers from a lot of anxiety. Didn’t come from a good home, you know? So, she doesn’t do well around strangers.” Jin tone was casual, as if he was commenting on the weather and hadn’t just revealed that he knew about Y/n’s past. Y/n swore she felt her heart drop in that moment. There was nothing she could feel, but shock in that moment. How do they… Even though their attention wasn’t specifically on her, Y/n could tell all of them were gauging for her reaction. “Sometimes even when you want to cry, it’s better to stay quiet.” So, Y/n simply nodded and apologized to the women before her. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude.” Jimin didn’t seem satisfied with her response, for his nails dug deeply into her skin.
           “Well, I’m sad to say but we must be leaving.” Crista began to stand up, waving Mary along. “Oh, what a shame. Can’t you stay any longer?” Hoseok pouted. Are they really going to let them leave? Maybe the men could control themselves. Like wild animals, once they had satiated their needs, they could be quite polite. “I’m afraid not. It’s gotten quite late, it’s dangerous to walk the streets alone at night.” The mood in the room had shifted, but it seems Crista had not picked up on it. Yoongi shrugged, “Not as dangerous as entering a stranger’s home and annoying them with your obnoxious laughter to the point where they want kill you.” The silence that had consumed the room, made it so that Y/n could practically hear your own pulse racing. Crista attempted to laugh it off, but she was clearly nervous. Mary was frozen in shock at what she had just heard. Slowly the men stood up and approached the women, purposely taking their time right before they attacked.
           Jimin had made his way behind Y/n, his arms possessively wrapping around her figure as he rested his chin on her shoulder. “I have a gift for you.” She didn’t like the sound of that, “What is it?” Jimin smiled, he began to press kisses along her neck. “If you behave, you’ll find out.” The kiss he pressed against Y/n’s cheek was soft and sweet. It confused her. “Watch and don’t make a sound.” Then Jimin walked away, joining his brothers is in the massacre of the two women who had made the mistake of coming into their home. Y/n stood and watched, not moving, barely breathing when the bones began to break, screams resonated, and bodies were torn open in the most brutal ways. Almost feels like home.
             “Joy have you managed to get in contact with Y/n? This is the second appointment she has missed.” Kang yelled out from his office, looking over his calendar. The last time he had seen Y/l/n Y/n had been on Wednesday, it was now Monday and she failed to show up again. Joy appeared on the threshold of his door, “I’ve tried Doctor Kang. She doesn’t answer her phone.” The doctor placed his head on his hands, he was frustrated. Kang was so close to finally cracking Y/n open, but of course she had to slip from his fingers. A thought popped into his head just then, “I’ll stop by her apartment. I need to make sure she’s alright.” Haneul Kang grabbed his phone from the top of the desk and slipped off his white coat. “Are you sure that’s alright, doctor? Wouldn’t it be better to notify the police?” Joy was concerned about Y/n’s wellbeing, but more so about the therapist’s sudden keen interest in his patient. When Y/n hadn’t shown up Friday the men’s mood had soured terribly, now he looked a bit deranged.
           “Y/n has a bad history with the police. She’s extremely distrustful of them.” Kang was lying through his teeth, but there was no one there that knew any better, so it was fine. “If I don’t find her there, then we can call the police. Have a good evening, Joy.” He quickly placed his hand on the woman’s shoulder to ease her worries before marching out of the office. Y/n was never one to miss appointments. He might forgive her for missing one, but two in a row was far too many. Kang had a strange feeling in his stomach, one he’d possessed since he woke up Thursday morning on the living room couch. Everything looked perfect, but he could sense something was off. “Dear lord, please don’t let her have done anything stupid. Don’t let her be dead.”
             Y/n slid the key into her apartment’s lock, twisting it before opening the door. Jimin stepped in before her, taking in everything. Y/n looked around before walking inside and closing the door. It wasn’t big by any means. All she possessed was a small kitchenette, a fridge, her bed, some seats, a bookshelf, and the bathroom which behind a door to the left. Jimin looked at her book collection, laughing to himself at some of the choices until his eyes landed on a specific book. “Isn’t this a bit cliché? Never thought my girlfriend would enjoy something like this.” His girlfriend, Y/n had gotten quite used to the word. Jimin called her that whenever he was in a good mood. “It’s in that box. Under the bed.” Y/n said pointing to an old orange shoe box whose edge poked out from underneath the covers. Jimin walked over to the bed crouching as he pulled the dusty box out from its hiding place. “Come here.” She moved instantly going to sit on the bed, beside where the box was placed. Jimin leaned in and kissed her, lips moving hungrily against hers.
           Y/n tried to kiss him back but recoiled when she felt the familiar metallic taste on her tongue. “Ah.” Her bruised lips had suffered much under Jimin’s constant need to harshly kiss and bite them. Jimin smirked, before pulling her bottom lip into his mouth sucking on it. “Juh-jimin.” They were on a schedule, Namjoon had warned her if they weren’t back within an hour, he would personally track them down. “The box.” Jimin finally stopped kissing, his attention going back to the contents inside the box. Jimin pulled the lid off, carefully taking his time to look over everything; a small smile grazing his features when he found what he wanted. “You really are something Y/n.” Jimin looked like he had just won the lottery, while Y/n felt as if she had just given up all her life savings. As long as he’s happy I’m safe. “Is that everything Namjoon needs?” She asked, trying to avoid looking at the box as much as possible. Jimin closed it shut, “And so much more.” The smile didn’t reach his eyes and Y/n asked herself if it ever would. “I’m starting to think fate brought us together, babe.”
           Y/n didn’t get a chance to respond, interrupted by the harsh rasping of knuckles on her door. Both Jimin and she stared at the door in shock. “Y/n? Y/n open the door. I must talk to you.” It’s doctor Kang. She felt the sudden change in Jimin’s attitude, his eyes became hooded and he stalked towards the door, his hand reaching into the back of his pants under his hoodie; where the gun was. Y/n raced towards him immediately stopping him. “What if he’s with cops?” She whispered harshly saying the first thing her mind could conjure up. Jimin stood still arm still reaching for the gun, he turned towards her slowly. “Stop me and I’ll put a bullet in your head.” Jimin’s dark eyes pierced into hers and dared her to disobey him, his eyes were practically begging her too. “Don’t.” Y/n stepped back, her body hitting the wall as Jimin moved forward to entrap her. She was shaking, her eyes darting everywhere trying to avoid making eye contact. Y/n’s gaze landed on the box on the bed and the weathered copy of Romeo and Juliet laying on the floor.
           Jimin followed her line of sight, chuckling darkly when he saw what she was staring at. Jimin’s mouth wrapped around her neck, leaving open mouth kisses and hickies in its wake. “Look at me.” He mumbled against her skin. Jimin looked at her neck and upper chest area, it was scattered with his marks as well as bruises of all sorts. Jimin hadn’t taken long to mark her as his all over her body; he also never missed an opportunity to do it. When Y/n’s eyes met his, Jimin couldn’t help but preen with twisted glee. “So why is it in your bookshelf?” Jimin pressed, even if it might be a sensitive topic. “It was my mother’s.” Y/n had spoken so softly one might have struggled to hear her, unless they were as close as Jimin was. Jimin gently pecked her forehead, his face unreadable as he uttered a familiar phrase.
"These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which as they kiss, consume.” Y/n remained silent, not knowing how to respond in a way that wouldn’t upset him. It was then that she saw the gun in his hand. The gun glinting in the light as it neared her. “What do you say, Y/n? Reckon we'll have a violent end." He uttered as he pressed the muzzle against her temple. Y/n simply shrugged, “I don’t know. We might.” Jimin pulled the safety back, before taking away from her temple and instead pointing it at her heart. “Don’t worry. We’re not near the ending yet.” He spoke, his eye dropping into a wink.
 Kang Haneul pulled up to the shady looking warehouse, he tried to see if there was any police officers around. He doubted it. This was such a bad neighborhood most law enforcement turned a blind eye for the sake of not having to do unnecessary paper work. Kang had been pounding on Y/n’s apartment door when he received a text from Kim Namjoon – a man he hoped to never see again. Kang strolled towards the large metal doors, trying the lock before knocking. It was unlocked by some miracle. Kang slowly pushed the door open, peering inside to make sure no one was around. It seems the doctor wasn’t the best at sneaking in for he didn’t notice Taehyung standing behind the door, gun ready to shoot. The second Kang stepped foot inside Taehyung tackled him to the ground and hit him across the head with the back of the gun. Knocking him unconscious immediately. “Far too easy.”
“Don’t waste any time Tae. Jimin will get here soon.” Namjoon spoke as he emerged from upstairs. Taehyung nodded and proceeded to lift Kang up into his arms, taking him into the kitchen were the others were waiting. “Namjoon. Jimin might not like this.” Jin had been standing by the stairs watching everything. He couldn’t help the bad feeling growing in his stomach, “He’s grown quite attached to her after all.” Namjoon rolled his eyes scoffing, “Jimin is bored and playing the long game. Do you really think he won’t kill her? At least this way her death will serve a purpose.” Jin simply walked away, deciding it best not to pick a fight with Namjoon when he was clearly riled up.
“Everything will go according to plan. Nothing will stop me.”
 Jimin had identified that something was wrong rather quickly. There were more patrols on the street than usual, the streets were empty, and no one had answered the phone. Y/n kept her head down staring at her lap while Jimin drove. They had taken longer than expected, but he had shot a quick text to Namjoon so that he wouldn’t bitch when they arrived. It wasn’t that Jimin couldn’t control himself around her – rather he didn’t want to. His hypothesis was proven correct when he saw the black convertible parked in front of the warehouse. “Y/n?” She raised her head to look at him, as Jimin simply focused on the car. His grip on the steering wheel getting tighter by the second. “When we go inside, I want you to behave.” Y/n’s brows furrowed, but she nodded either way noticing how white his fingertips had gotten. “I will.” Both of them stepped out of the vehicle heading for the front door, Jimin was wearing a smile on his face as he interlocked their hands. Not bothering to knock, Jimin fisted the key out of his pocket and opened the door. Acting as if he hadn’t noticed that it was unlocked. He turned toward Y/n flashing her a brief smile. “Ready?” Jimin doubted she was, but he was so amped for what would happen. He felt like a kid on Christmas only instead of tearing wrapping paper, Jimin was about to tore skulls open.
 When Y/n came to she was laying on the concrete floor of the warehouse. She could feel blood coming from her head and couldn’t move her arm. Looking around she saw several bodies sprawled around the floor, she recognized every one of them. “J-j…” Y/n tried to speak, but it was difficult. “Get up! Come on!” Y/n used her left arm to push herself off the ground, her head pounding when she did. When she tried to use her right arm, a searing pain had her biting her lip in order not to scream. This is it. With all the will power she could muster, she forced herself onto her feet stumbling slightly every time she took a step. Y/n couldn’t tell if it was the room that was tilting or she was, but she grasped onto every solid object she could to stabilize herself. “Y/n.” She whipped her head to see doctor Kang on the floor several gun shot wounds littered his chest as he bled to death. “Y/n thank god you’re alright.”
Y/n stepped towards him. “You can drop the act doctor Kang. I know why you were treating me.” The man’s eyes widened at her words. “Y/n please understand. I never meant to do you any harm. J-just like I never meant to do Namjoon or the others any harm.” Y/n shook her head, scoffing. “I don’t believe you.” She clutched her arm as her dead brother’s voice echoed in her head once again. “People will always lie to protect themselves. You should do the same.” Kang looked at her with tears in his eyes, “I truly did wish to help you Y/n. You aren’t past saving like they are. Woojin knew that.” Her heart skipped a beat at her brother’s name. Tears began to well in her eyes at his mention, “Stop lying.” Y/n refused to listen to his words, he had lied to her and tried to use her. Just like everyone else. Footsteps could be heard echoing through the warehouse, coming closer. Kang sobbed, “Please save yourself.” In his hand he held out an object, willing her to take it. “Please Y/n.”
Jimin appeared his clothes drenched in blood and a grin showing his pearly whites on display. Resembling the night they had first met Y/n was crouched behind the couch when he entered the living room. “There you are.” He said, as if he had been looking for her the entire time. Jimin sauntered towards her, hoisting her up into his arms and kissing her ardently. “Babe you missed quite a show.” Y/n observed at how much blood was present on his clothes and the decaying bodies laying around. He really killed them all…I don’t believe it. “Jimin what’s – ” He shushed her, “Don’t ruin the mood.” Y/n stayed quiet after that which seemed to please him greatly as he once again smiled. After a few seconds, she moved forward to kiss him letting her lips touch his for several seconds before beginning to move them. Though she expected Jimin to try and take control, he didn’t, simply letting her kiss him. It was a goodbye of sorts. When their kiss ended Jimin chuckled, an inquisitive look in his eyes. When she kissed him again, he looked calm. After the third, he smiled this time it reached his eyes.
“Why do you have to go ahead and ruin my fun?” Jimin spoke, his head tilting to the side as he stared deeply at her. Y/n couldn’t answer him. Didn’t want to. Jimin began to laugh, it was a sad laugh but Jimin quickly turned it into a maniacal laugh. “Oh Y/n…Y/n. Did you finally begin to care?” She nodded, tears streaming down her face. Jimin pressed his forehead against her’s, their noses brushing. "These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which as they kiss, consume. What do you say, Y/n? Reckon we'll have a violent end." He maniacally grinned as he pressed the metallic point of the gun against Y/n’s bleeding temple, the raw brass stinging against the open wound. "I don't know. We might." She muttered back. The gun was lifted from the side of her head before Jimin pressed it against her heart. “You won’t want me if you’re not broken.” Jimin muttered. Y/n couldn’t help but laugh, “I never wanted you in the first place.” Jimin pulled the safety off the gun, at the same time that Y/n reached behind her back for what she had grabbed from Kang. The knife plunged into Jimin’s heart the same time, the gun went off.
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kenzie-ann27 · 4 years
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My Obnoxiously Long Analysis of Danny Torrance and Richie Tozier
I have thought about this particular analysis for a while, and this has been a really fun thing to write, but at the same time, I feel like I am missing a large part of the story because I am struggling to figure out why? I know these characters are connected in some way, that part is obvious, but I am unsure of the significance. Why are these two characters so similar yet so different? This isn’t a case of the Stephen King self-insert where every male lead is an author but grew up in a weird place and lost a family member that causes him great distress even in his adult life (looking at you, Bill Denbrough and Gordie LaChance). The case of these two characters is different, as their personalities and lives are so different as to not have them be carbon-copies of each other, but at the same time they share so many traits and they have this connection that is interesting to me (though not as interesting anymore, thank you so much, Mike Flanagan).
First, I will talk about the gifs, since I think that’s probably the best place to begin. That quote by Dick Hallorann is so, so interesting to me because it directly relates back to It. Towards the end of the book, Richie recalls a very distinct moment when Bill killed a mosquito that was on the back of Richie’s neck, and he talks a bit about it and how bugs were often drawn to them (though he uses pheromones as an example). Leeches are also mentioned quite descriptively in It as well, them being Patrick Hockstetter’s fear and what kills him in the book. The other gifs are mainly a visual comparison, as I think that the way those two moments were carried out was pretty interesting. I was going to make another visual comparison with the weird cloudy eye effect that both films utilize very well, but that part in It: Chapter Two with Richie does make me pretty uncomfortable. In both movies, essentially, characters’ eyes get clouded over when they get into someone else’s head: Danny Torrance does this to Rose the Hat, while It does it to Richie.
To start off, both Richie and Danny grew up as only children in a family where they had close relationships with their parents despite them having a hard time understanding their children. They both felt closer to their mothers, as their fathers were often busy with work; both Maggie and Wendy seemed to ensure that Richie and Danny grew up with strong moral values, and both of the children were affected greatly when their mothers died. As children, they are forced into an environment where they deal with a supernatural evil, though they are not in any real danger unlike other characters until the end of the story (when Jack chases Danny and when Richie and the other Losers fight It for the first time); all other times, they mainly see things that make them aware of the danger that is present. Notice that with Richie, unlike the other Losers, is not physically affected by It really at any point. This is very different from how It works with the others because that danger is still there even after the event has passed. The blood in Beverly’s bathroom is still there even after she leaves and goes back. But with Richie, in the park, he is able to make the danger go away, he puts those glasses back on and everything goes back to normal (the others physically run away from the danger, but Richie is psychologically running away from it by telling himself it isn’t real). Anyway, this event stays with them long after they’ve grown up and moved far away from the place where the trauma occurred: Richie moved from Maine to California (Chicago in the film) while Danny moved from Colorado to Florida (later to New Hampshire). They then, turn to drugs and/or alcohol, which is said in Doctor Sleep to sort of repress the ability to shine and keep those negative past memories at bay; Richie seems to lean more towards drugs than alcohol, and vice versa for Danny. When they are 40, they are drawn back to the place where they were mainly abused as children and are able to use their abilities to destroy the evil thing finally before returning back home to their pets and their co-workers that they have weirdly close relationships with and all is good. That's essentially their main stories, but I'm also going to talk about a few specific connections that I think are cool to see.
Both Danny and Richie use their hands as the main source of their shining abilities. This is not obvious with Richie in the movie, but it is for Danny with him and Tony. However! In the book, Richie's main goal in life as a child is to become- of all things- a ventriloquist. You know, a person that uses their hands a lot like how Danny does to make it look like Tony is more than just a voice. Speaking of voices, that's Richie's main thing. Who is to say all those voices aren't like Tony in that they're a personification of the shining? (more on this below) This is also a connection between the two because neither of them is particularly good at doing voices, they essentially still just sound like themselves; this doesn't mean that those voices don't represent other people, though, even if they do come out of Danny's and Richie's mouths. The whole hands thing also works for the other members of the Losers Club, with each of the Losers relying on their hands for their jobs, just like Danny, who, in Doctor Sleep, is mentioned as being a janitor before becoming an orderly at a hospice (I would classify him more as an unregistered nurse, as he does say he’s had medical training). Hands and arms in general play huge roles in these two stories, which I think sort of puts the nail in the coffin of this argument. As a child, Danny Torrance gets his arm broken by his father, which is the moment when he starts talking to his imaginary friend/personification of the shining, Tony. While nothing huge happens to Richie’s arms in the book or movie, I would go as far to say (I am aware this goes off-topic, but bear with me here) that in the hierarchy of who shines the brightest of the Losers, Eddie is up there since not only does he get his arm broken twice in the book, it’s also what causes him to die because he gets his good arm bitten off and he bleeds to death. Eddie in his final moments is so strange to me, and I think the reason why that is is that he physically cannot shine. His only arm left is broken. Of course, It would want to take that away from him because it’s aware that Eddie has the ability to kill it.
Both Danny and Richie rely on the guidance of an old (dead) friend to keep them on the correct path. For Danny, this is Dick Hallorann, as he appears in Doctor Sleep to guide Danny to return back to the hotel. For Richie, this is Stanley, as a memory of Stan keeps Richie from going back home.
Both Danny and Richie are able to form a connection with the dead/dying. For Richie, he's mostly connected to those who have already died, while Danny seems to help more with people who are dying. I mostly noticed this in It after realizing the voices of people (rather than original characters) Richie seems to do more often- Humphrey Bogart, James Dean, and Pancho Vanilla (based on Pancho Villa, the Mexican general)- are all people who have died before 1958. I like to imagine that this is just Richie flexing with his shining ability and him being able to form those connections with those people by taking their voices and making them his own. Notice that in the book, “voices” is usually capitalized, as if it represents something a lot more important than just a kid doing an impression.
Both Danny and Richie have confusing relationships with others, specifically their bosses. This is more a personal thing rather than a fact, but I have realized that these characters do have rather strange relationships with others. With Danny, he meets Billy after taking a bus to New Hampshire, and Billy gives him a job and a place to stay. They become fast friends, though I mainly attribute this to their shared ability to shine (yes, of course, I’m going to mention that Danny often sings along to YMCA while working). Danny eventually tells Billy about what’s going on with the missing kids, and Billy is just unusually calm with the situation and agrees to go with him to Idaho to find Bradley’s glove. With Richie, however, I would say the strange coworker comes in the form of Steve, who is his manager in both the book and the movie. Obviously, if you have never been to my blog before, I really like Steve. He’s a fun character to look at not only because of the way he interacts with Richie but because I am willing to bet that that’s who Richie ends up with (at least, in the movie, since that was the plan in the 2010 script). Like Danny with Billy, Richie wants to tell Steve about the crazy stuff that’s happening, if he remembered what happened at all. I know this isn’t really a good explanation for the comparison between Danny and Richie, but I feel like their relationships with Billy and Steve are just really interesting and something that stuck out to me in the books and the movies.
Of course, now, I feel like I need to justify all of this. I need to come up with some reason why these two characters are connected and why I felt the need to write all of this garbage. And for the longest time, I didn’t know why. I didn’t know why these two characters stick out so much in this universe.
And then I rewatched It: Chapter Two.
Richie sticks out the most in that movie because of the way he acts is so different from the others. He feels distant, almost. From the minute I see him on screen I am able to look at him and say “that’s Richie”, but at the same time he feels so different to me, as someone who has looked at this character for a long time to try and dissect him. In his opening scene, for one, unlike all of the others, Richie gets a moment on stage where he stares out blankly and he hears these voices, memories from his past (I don’t remember the exact things they said, but essentially they were the voices of himself, Stanley, Eddie, and Henry). That sticks out to me so much because he is the only character that that happens to, even after he drank a glass of bourbon like a minute beforehand (of course, this also can sort of be explained as the shining is dulled by alcohol, not always taken away completely). To be honest, all of the Losers tend to turn to alcohol when faced with stressful memories throughout the movie. But it wasn’t until later that I realized that Richie was seen differently by the Losers. In the Neibolt House, I feel like the Losers tend to somewhat overreact when it comes to Richie after being attacked by the spider-Stanley (like… when Eddie broke his arm, most of them were focused more on Pennywise rather than helping Eddie). And later after Eddie got stabbed, he looks to Richie as if Richie is going to help him.
This goes back to my hierarchy statement before, but essentially, what I’m getting at is that Richie shines the most. Like… Danny Torrance levels of shine. That’s why they are connected. It’s shown in Doctor Sleep that those who shine the most tend to connect to each other, so who’s to say that Danny didn’t know about Richie? In my hierarchy, by the way, I would say that the order of who shines the most would be: Richie, Stanley, Eddie, Beverly, Bill, Mike, and then Ben. Of course, this would bring up the issue of “if Richie shined the most, then why didn’t the Turtle talk to him instead of Bill?”, and that can just simply be put down to the fact that Bill is the leader. That came to be not because of his shining, but rather simply because of the way he looked; the other Losers (I believe it was either Eddie or Richie) mention that they look up to Bill, mainly because he is taller and stronger and more handsome. Why would the Turtle go to Richie for help with this when Richie has been running away from himself his whole life? Bill was the logical reason because he could lead them in a way that Richie never did.
Overall, I feel like both Richie and Danny have these super similar qualities that are hard to ignore. I love both of these characters, so writing this long piece of garbage was a lot of fun. It was also fun to rewatch these movies and see that there is just this big connection that is there for fans of the books, so I am dying to see where it goes. It feels like they are waiting for The Dark Tower to bring them together with the mentions of the Turtle and Ka and space and all of that, but I feel like a whole new story would be really interesting as well. Plus, you know, I am dying to see a teenaged Abra trying to explain to shining to Richie.
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og-danny-dorito · 5 years
Spock Headcanons (There's No Reason This Time I Swear)
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S F W: 
- I don't even know why I like him so much I just do, but my dumb gay ass just loves this man. seriously no kidding
- spock is a child of two worlds; an outcast but a familiar part of both systems in their actuality, residing as the cross section between Vulcan and human that was frowned upon for so long. his intelligence was left unconsidered as he passed all of his classes with excellence, being known as not the intelligent Vulcan boy but as the dysfunctional human hybrid of a being
- so obviously he's probably got some insecurities
- they're not bad, but he tends to be a bit self deprecating sometimes when referring to capability of things. for instance if you ask him if he can say uhhh.... if he can draw something for example. he’ll most likely state that he has no talent or not enough skill or his previous artwork was terrible so he doesn't suggest asking him for it. 
- he knows what he logically isn't and is capable of, but the human doubt still crawls in the back of his mind like a parasite. he still feels emotions, just less outwardly, he's definitely capable of feeling and if you are observant enough you'll notice that he expresses himself through very very small gestures
- when he quirks a brow at something he either finds it surprising or he's being sarcastic, two things which don't happen often (except the latter)
- he's very private, obviously, but is still open to conversation about his interests. mostly he says that he just reads and works in his spare time, but that's not exactly the truth
- when he has nothing else to do, spock finds interest in cat videos and cat videos only. seriously, he'll watch them for hours if he's not got nothing to do, just staring at the screen in silence as he watches cats do stupid cute things like they're the most interesting beings in the world
- he secretly would like a cat as a pet, but yknow it's not really easy to keep pets on Starfleet considering he doesn't want to deprive the animal of connectivity with nature
- can and will debate you about whether cats or dogs are better. sulu once said he thought cats were problematic in spock’s general area of 10 feet in diameter and there was a very heated debate that went on for a good hour or so before sulu got frustrated and decided to just let him win
- spock also likes weird and exotic plants considering that their chemical composition is interesting. he finds it fascinating that different planets use the plants around them for food or medical treatment or a number of other things, so he finds that a way to start off with a culture study is to study the biotany of the planet first
- had NEVER seen a cactus before coming to earth, and now has like 10 of them just sitting in his quarters. he'll never tell anyone but they're named after the constellations that can be seen from Vulcan. he's just a nerd I swear
- Shakespeare nerd, although that's  fact not a headcanon
- romantically I think he'd have fairly bad self worth issues. a lot of the time he views himself as unworthy of his partner, and he'll have trouble with physical contact the first few times mainly because he doesn't exactly know what to do with himself
- not much for pda at all. he says it's because it's indecent, but it's really because he gets all flustered when you kiss his cheek or snake your fingers around his in public where there are people all around. he gets super embarrassed and it's cUTE
- wouldn't have a favorite part of his partner physically; he's genuinely only attracted to the mind. male or female or not even using that gender binary, if you fit whatever standard he holds for intelligence and actually love him he doesn't care what you physically are
- vulcans bond through souls so appearance basically doesn't matter. this doesn't mean he doesn't find you attractive, it just means he wouldn't care if you weren't. he loves everything about you anyway, beautiful or not to the world around you both
- you could call him pansexual and I feel like he prefers someone with a more feminine or elegant way of handling themselves. someone that generally is elegant and cunning seriously catches his attention, and on top of that someone who can and will openly challenge him genuinely makes him intrigued and enrapt with you
- he does kindof have a taste for people who can be reckless (cough Jim cough) due to impulse or bravery, seeing as he admires the fact that the person is willing to take a risk
- cannot be with someone closed off and cold, it just won't work cause he himself is basically a block of ice. he does feel but like barely, and even then he doesn't really show it
- one good way to tell the emotion is to look into his eyes. they speak more than he ever would about his feelings to anyone out loud
- writes poetry to give as presents to those he cares about; most commonly to lovers or his mom (at least he used to write for his mom, until she died). he writes actually very well, although his poetry is more structured than eloquent in a sense of interpretation and imaginativeness. he writes about things that he likes about you, which ends up describing all of you with very specific details you probably didn't realize until you read the lines
- appreciates art in all forms, although he's fairly certain he'd be bad at it. if you write stories or draw he's always open to helping you interpret characters or figure out a good way to express your own feeling through the ar if you're having trouble. encourages you to try new things with pretty much everything, but mostly art
- VERY very good at giving advice, he's basically the Strict Mom of the whole crew (I say strict mom because there are multiple different people who take the mom title, such as Leonard “Bones” McCoy; Stressed Mom). for instance if you're injured or being faced with mentally stressing conditions he'll most likely tell you to take breaks more often or suggest speaking about them to either your peers or to someone you trust. usually people go to him when they don't know what to do and he calculates the probabilities of each and suggest they put aside most emotional matters to think through it more clearly
- his ideal date would probably be like going to a museum or something, but all he’ll do is stay in a section with all the cool rocks and taxidermy animals while asking your opinion and knowledge on them curiously. he may know about pretty much everything in there but he doesn't care, he likes to watch you marvel at all the cool things in there
- 100% does buy the stuffed animals and figurines that are supposed to be models of stuff. yes, he knows that he can find that rock from that one planet practically anywhere but he still WANTS it because it GLOWS in the DARK
- probably would not think you're like seriously dating until the second month or so, mainly to calculate stability between you two
- is open to a marriage if he's been courting someone for a particularly long time, being at least three years or so. he's very very plan-oriented and organized and so he expects you to be lacking impulsiveness when making life-changing decisions
- bonding with his partner means the most to him in all honesty, though. it hold s such a high regard in his heart and soul that he genuinely feel s very very seriously and passionately about it. it's something he doesn't take with a grain of salt, mostly because he wants to be with the one he loves forever. you mean the world to him, and he wants to keep you as close as possible for as long as possible
- down to have kids, maybe a girl that he'd name Amanda, after his mother, or a boy named Grayson or some Vulcan name that you wouldn't be able to pronounce correctly without extensive practicing
- just thinks kids are nice, although he'd probably be a little hesitant and VERY protective
- OH and before I finish this is completely unrelated but I feel like he likes summer more than any other season since it reminds him of his homeland so much. that and he also likes that everything grows up nicely during this time
- his favorite flower is either the notch-leaf phacelia or the harvestbell mainly because he likes the colors and structure of them; he just thinks they look neat
- he'll get them for you whenever, most likely organize the flowers specifically himself for you, combining yours and his favorite flowers to look beautiful even though the could be completely different
- denies that he's a hopeless romantic, merely stating that he just wants you to know that he loves you by giving you poems and flowers 
- but we all know The Truth
- tbh he just cares a lot, although he's bad a thing showing emotions. Spock is calm and collected, but inside a whirlpool of thoughts flood his head daily. be patient with him and he'll open up over time, letting you see into the depths of the mind you'll come to cherish so deeply
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
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title:  i figured it was time for this
pairing: Dean x reader
square filled: Anti Possession Tattoo
rating: PG
tags: tattoo, projectile beer spitting, telling the boyfriend your pregnant
word count:
summery: not telling!
created for @heavenandhellbingo​
it was several months ago, you had found you had found the love of your life after he had rescued you from a vampire bleeder den... vamps had been draining you dry for weeks... 
but shortly after they brought you back HE was the only person who matter to you... he became your everything... now it was time for you to become an official hunter protected from every single part of the supernatural... 
today you were gonna get your Anti-Possession Tattoo...
Dean the love of your life was now taking you to a small tattoo parlour in Kansas near where they grew up... but something was awfully not right at all... for the last little bit before the tattoo parlour you felt as though something or someone was following the impala... 
though you dismissed those feelings as your love now had stopped the car... you looked around and made eye contact with the man who was at your side of the car opening your door... 
Dean: “you ready to have full protection from everything supernatural...”
YN: “im ready to get what stops demons from being able to possess... but how bad is it gonna hurt?”
Dean: “well given the fact that as a hunter you should have a high high pain tolerance... those shoulder resets, the self patching, the feeling you get when you sew yourself up and throw on some whiskey as a antiseptic is how you build that pain tolerance... sure it hurts at first but in our line of work we dont have time to do normal medical procedures... we learn alot from google and it also helps that we have friends of our fathers who are willing to help if we need... now lets go inside and get your tattoo...”
you take his hand as both of you walk inside the parlor... you let dean do most of the talking and then charging it to one of the many cards you had in your wallet... you still had a normal job, you ran your own mechanic shop... 
Dean enjoyed that idea cause he was mainly your main mechanic... you were the only person who Dean would be able to work with the amount of orders and people that came in... 
Dean: “so after this are we gonna go into the shop or gonna go back and see everyone...”
YN: “i do have paper work still to do and there are still 8 cars on the lot that still need fixing...  and we rely on the income its honest and it brings in a living... we have real money on top of all the scams and stuff you guys are running we need honest living... honestly i know its not a huge amount but our garage is the best in this entire side of the usa... we have people coming from everywhere... our garage is gonna make us rich... dont worry we are gonna be fine... now im strong enough to take the pain from this tattoo, and im strong enough to take you and Sam down in sparring... and im strong enough to be a badass huntress...”
Dean: “lets get her done baby girl.”
walking into the back of the tattoo parlor, you expose your chest... only so far as to have your area that you want the tattoo in exposure. the guy came in and began setting up his equipment.
Tattoo guy: “what will it be today?”
you hand him a drawing of the anti-possession symbol with your own personal touch. he loaded the ink into the machine and then he turned to Dean.
Tattoo guy: “this your girl dude?”
Dean: “yeah why?”
tattoo guy: “cause she has real guts to do a tattoo of this caliber, there is gonna be alot of shading to do... now before i get started there might be a little bit of seering pain at first, but there is also the option of a sweet numbing relief if you want it... you wont even feel it...”
YN: “yes i want the numbing relief.”
the tattoo guy gently put a bit of numbing gel on the area then he waited a few moments and then poked you in the numb area to see if you felt anything... you said no... so he proceeded. 
the process total time was 60 minutes... the outline time was 10 minutes, then came the filling in the parts that needed it that was what took the longest... it was a long time in that chair but Dean was the one massaging your back so you didnt stiffen up...
Tattoo guy: “well your almost done kiddo, the last part is what you added as extra it looks like... are you still wanting that on there... or just leave it...”
You had to think about it but then you took a glance at the man who loved you more than his own car (which is really saying something)... but you had found something out a few days ago... you had gone to a doctor you trusted cause you thought something was wrong with you... 
so you wanted to put the date of finding out the news you had been working so hard at hiding from the love of your life... 
YN: “yes put it in holographic silver below the symbol...”
tattoo guy did as requested... you were one of the many normal things that came out of hunting... you tried to be as normal as possible... but no one in their right mind would ever associate hunting with normality...
once the tattoo was done, the guy gave you a care package with instructions for the first 2 weeks for tattoo care. it was one of the proudest moments of being a hunter...
thats when you and Dean left and he asked you about the bonus addition...
YN: “remember how i was feeling off and i went to see the trusted doc and i went alone... i was late... my period was late... i had to make sure nothing was wrong... Dean its been 2 days since that appointment, i didnt want to keep this from you but its better left for when your sitting down, most likely your gonna pass out or something...”
Dean looked at you confused and wary of what you could possibly want to say... but yet waited till you both got back to the hotel you guys were staying at for a mini vacay away from the bunker... 
you both went into the hotel room but you hadnt been drinking the beer, or anything else alcohol related... but of course you werent gonna say why just yet...
getting into the room Dean sat on the bed and you came to sit beside him on the bed...
Dean: “what is so important that you wanted me to sit down for? and what does that extra tattoo mean?”
you were being careful... but then it just all came out just as Dean was taking a swig of his beer..
YN: “Dean im pregnant...”
this is how it happens, that is how you activate Projectile Beer...
Dean: “pregnant? are you sure?”
you pulled the ultra sound from your bag and handed it to Dean... his expression after a bit turned soft and calm... his facials were now full of joy and excitement... 
Dean: “YN i get now why you waited to tell me... dont worry we will not let this child of ours grow up with only one parent... we will both live to raise this child. i love you... and i very proud of you taking the numbing gel for the tattoo, i didnt do that cause it was my father around who told me and Sam to get ours and we wanted to prove ourselves to him... which was... come now darling let us relax...”
you both fall back to the bed and relaxation overtakes you both, now you felt relaxation cause you werent caring around that secret...
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starryknightace · 4 years
I had Top Surgery! (Post Op 1 1/2 Weeks pics)
Suprise! I had top surgery almost 2 weeks ago. It was a bit of a process to get to that point and i was literally counting down the hours til i went under. I kept joking to people i was most excited about my "induced 4 hour nap" more than anything. I got to my day surgery clinic early in the morning, to which i got changed into scrubs, was told to wait under a blanket to keep my body warm, and met with the nurse, anesthetist and my surgeon for pre op discussions. Then i was escorted into the operation theatre where i hopped on the table, got nice and comfy with blankets, tubes, oxygen mask annnnddd.... woke up 4 hours later forgetting i had surgery 🤣
I did this in my last surgery (which in comparission was more terrifying cause i had blood in my mouth and couldnt remember what happened to me), but i woke up and couldn't work out where i was, why i felt so dizzy and how i got clothed 🤣 i spent about 2 hours in the recovery room sat in a recliner chair dozing off, except to eat (cause i had been fasting prior) and drink. I did try to pee but couldn't which was frustrating 😅 then i was taken home, where i promptly went to sleep lol
I had my drains in for 72 hours and they were the worst part of recovery. I carried bottles in a pillow case and they had be be positioned lower than my chest at all times. Luckily i wasn't able to move much and while i was on strong pain medication i mainly slept. I had my mum stay with me for a week and i'm thankful she did cause she really saved my butt by doing everything for me (i really had to let go of my control which was weirdly hard, i just felt bad making her do things for me but she was happy to). The drains were uncomfortable and by the morning there were to be taken out i was really hurting where they were inserted. After they were taken out it was a blessing and recovery got A LOT easier. I had shallow baths every few days and my mum helped me was my hair. I had baby wipes for my armpits and chest area which again saved me from being stinky. I still mainly slept, or watched tv shows with my mum up until she left. She prepped me a LOT of meals before she left so i wouldn't have to cook.
Sleeping on my back was probably the most uncomfortable part (after the drains), because i'm a stomach sleeper. I have been managing to sleep though which has been nice (and Maple has been good, sleeping beside me all through the night!). I've been sleeping elevated to help with swelling. I actually got told off by my nurse while doing my week post op check up cause i was still doing too much. I went to Uni for a 6 hour workshop that day too and went to a costume showcase that night. Safe to safe i was exhausted the next day and didnt do much but sleep.
So i'm still quite swollen and bruised 1 1/2 weeks in, which will eventually settle down. my nipples seem to be taking well so crossing fingers the blood returns. I was worried about puckering but being able to closely examine my chest it's due to the swelling at the moment so hopefully that goes down too.
All in all i can't stop smiling at my chest - i finally feel like myself 😁
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Some tips for those looking to have Top Surgery based on my experience:
I have a high pain threshold - i was willing to go to uni a week post op because i could stand to - would recommend people booking off at LEAST 3 weeks prior to work/study if you can help it. I have only one class per week at the moment and its only theory so thats why i was able to travel and even then i was taken pain killers ever 4 hours.
In my mother's words "don't be a hero, if you need to take pain relief, do it". Best advice. I've weened myself off pain killers to 2 just before bed (panadine forte), or before i need to go out and do things (genral paracetamol). If you need to take more just do it - also write down when you've taken things (because its good to know how much you've had per day!) You can take iburofen and paracetamol intermittedly in 4 hour intervals (eg. Iburofen at 12pm, paracetamol at 2pm, another dose of iburofen at 4pm, etc).
You'll also be taking antibiotics - generally 3 times a day with meals. I also took probiotics 2 hours after taking my antibiotics to avoid the sideaffects of them (eg. Mouth Ulcers (which i did get dang it), thrush, etc).
I was also taking strong pain killers (for the first few days i took 2 every 4 hours then weened down to one per night). Be careful with strong pain killers - the thing doctors/people don't tend to mention is that they can be addictive/dependent drugs. Sometimes you would prefer to keep taking them and that can be an issue. I asked my surgeon at my 1 week if i could please get one more script of something a little stronger than paracetamol to take a night and it took a bit more of a discussion to get it. If you can try to get by on the paracetamol alone do so and remember you can alternate with iburofen every two hours.
With all these medications you'll more than likely get constipated so adding to the list of medications i also took good ol' laxatives. The first poop after surgery was like 3 days later and it hurt 😅 the laxatives helped me after to soften my stools (cheat mode is when you're lactose intolerent and you eat a bunch of cheesecake whoops 😅). Also peeing was weird for the first week due to the anesthestics in me. It took me ages to pee, sometimes i had the feeling of needing to pee but nothing happened, and i was peeing like, every hour.
Both in furniture sense and people sense.
My mum was my main support especially in the first week. She looked after me, my house and my cat. She grabbed things i couldn't access, drove me to my appointments, managed my medicine, cooked me food and generally just helped me around the place. Originally i only wanted her there for a few days but im glad she was there cause i was sore and out of it most of the time. Alongside her my two best friends were also a massive help - coming over to keep me company, drive me places, help me do my grocery shopping, tell me off for overdoing it, gave me plenty of entertainment (thanks to katie i finished wind waker!). Get yourself some support and let go of that control, you will honestly be too tired and sore to do anything anyway.
Make sure you get yourself some comfy pillows. I got myself a U shaped pillow and it has so far saved my neck so much pain. I sleep elevated which means more pillows to prop myself up. And pillows for my couch.
So for the first 72 hours i was just a gross gremlin with dry shampoo because of the drains. My chest was covered in bandages so i couldn't wash that area anyway. After the drains were removed i was told i could have showers, but i opted for shallow bathes anyway. I was able to wash myself fine (just go slow), then i would put pants on and get my mum to help wash my hair. After my 1 week check up i started having showers, but stood out of the stream. I only have tape to cover my stitches now (i took them off for the photo) so am able to carefully wash parts of my chest and back i couldnt get to before. I can now wash my hair (slowly). Raising my arms is still not easily fesable but i can lift them to a certain point.
Now, i wasn't as emotional as i thought i was going to be but i do know other trans guys who said they went through bouts of depression after their surgery. Its something to look out for. For me, it was emotionally draining to talk to people about it constantly. I didn't mind though and it was nice people checked up on me but it did wear me out. Its always good though to check in with your emotional state throughout to see how youre feeling. It's not an inmediate grattification, the swelling and bruising is a lot and it won't look right for a while. Also leading up to surgery people can feel fearful and doubtful, always chat to a loved one about your feelings! Personally i had no nerves leading up to surgery but afterwards i was constantly worried that i wasn't healing right. Talking to your surgeon will HELP trust me!
Ok this was a big shock to me so i hope this helps other people but scar medication/ointments don't actually work. I asked my surgeon about it and as a skin professional who has been studying the effects of scarring for over 40 years - this is a beauty scam you don't need to bite into.
"Time and your genetic biology are the only ways that help your scars heal, sorry to burst your bubble but save your money on that placebo".
Looking after yourself the first few months post op will help you get good results later.
Of course i understand if people will still want to buy scarring products but thought i would post the words of a professional too 😅 don't shoot the messenger on this one. And if you do decide to use the stuff then wait 6 months before doing so.
I think that's all i can think of at the moment. There's a really good private facebook group for top surgery and i got a lot of my info from there. If people are curious feel free to DM me, send me an inbox and i'd be happy to chat as best i can! My experience is based in Australia so people might have different expectations/experiences in different countries!
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legion1993 · 4 years
i figured it was time for this!
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title:  i figured it was time for this
pairing: Dean x reader
square filled: Anti Possession Tattoo
rating: PG
tags: tattoo, projectile beer spitting, telling the boyfriend your pregnant
word count:
summery: not telling!
created for @heavenandhellbingo​
heaven & Hell masterlist
it was several months ago, you had found you had found the love of your life after he had rescued you from a vampire bleeder den... vamps had been draining you dry for weeks... 
but shortly after they brought you back HE was the only person who matter to you... he became your everything... now it was time for you to become an official hunter protected from every single part of the supernatural... 
today you were gonna get your Anti-Possession Tattoo...
Dean the love of your life was now taking you to a small tattoo parlour in Kansas near where they grew up... but something was awfully not right at all... for the last little bit before the tattoo parlour you felt as though something or someone was following the impala... 
though you dismissed those feelings as your love now had stopped the car... you looked around and made eye contact with the man who was at your side of the car opening your door... 
Dean: “you ready to have full protection from everything supernatural...”
YN: “im ready to get what stops demons from being able to possess... but how bad is it gonna hurt?”
Dean: “well given the fact that as a hunter you should have a high high pain tolerance... those shoulder resets, the self patching, the feeling you get when you sew yourself up and throw on some whiskey as a antiseptic is how you build that pain tolerance... sure it hurts at first but in our line of work we dont have time to do normal medical procedures... we learn alot from google and it also helps that we have friends of our fathers who are willing to help if we need... now lets go inside and get your tattoo...”
you take his hand as both of you walk inside the parlor... you let dean do most of the talking and then charging it to one of the many cards you had in your wallet... you still had a normal job, you ran your own mechanic shop... 
Dean enjoyed that idea cause he was mainly your main mechanic... you were the only person who Dean would be able to work with the amount of orders and people that came in... 
Dean: “so after this are we gonna go into the shop or gonna go back and see everyone...”
YN: “i do have paper work still to do and there are still 8 cars on the lot that still need fixing...  and we rely on the income its honest and it brings in a living... we have real money on top of all the scams and stuff you guys are running we need honest living... honestly i know its not a huge amount but our garage is the best in this entire side of the usa... we have people coming from everywhere... our garage is gonna make us rich... dont worry we are gonna be fine... now im strong enough to take the pain from this tattoo, and im strong enough to take you and Sam down in sparring... and im strong enough to be a badass huntress...”
Dean: “lets get her done baby girl.”
walking into the back of the tattoo parlor, you expose your chest... only so far as to have your area that you want the tattoo in exposure. the guy came in and began setting up his equipment.
Tattoo guy: “what will it be today?”
you hand him a drawing of the anti-possession symbol with your own personal touch. he loaded the ink into the machine and then he turned to Dean.
Tattoo guy: “this your girl dude?”
Dean: “yeah why?”
tattoo guy: “cause she has real guts to do a tattoo of this caliber, there is gonna be alot of shading to do... now before i get started there might be a little bit of seering pain at first, but there is also the option of a sweet numbing relief if you want it... you wont even feel it...”
YN: “yes i want the numbing relief.”
the tattoo guy gently put a bit of numbing gel on the area then he waited a few moments and then poked you in the numb area to see if you felt anything... you said no... so he proceeded. 
the process total time was 60 minutes... the outline time was 10 minutes, then came the filling in the parts that needed it that was what took the longest... it was a long time in that chair but Dean was the one massaging your back so you didnt stiffen up...
Tattoo guy: “well your almost done kiddo, the last part is what you added as extra it looks like... are you still wanting that on there... or just leave it...”
You had to think about it but then you took a glance at the man who loved you more than his own car (which is really saying something)... but you had found something out a few days ago... you had gone to a doctor you trusted cause you thought something was wrong with you... 
so you wanted to put the date of finding out the news you had been working so hard at hiding from the love of your life... 
YN: “yes put it in holographic silver below the symbol...”
tattoo guy did as requested... you were one of the many normal things that came out of hunting... you tried to be as normal as possible... but no one in their right mind would ever associate hunting with normality...
once the tattoo was done, the guy gave you a care package with instructions for the first 2 weeks for tattoo care. it was one of the proudest moments of being a hunter...
thats when you and Dean left and he asked you about the bonus addition...
YN: “remember how i was feeling off and i went to see the trusted doc and i went alone... i was late... my period was late... i had to make sure nothing was wrong... Dean its been 2 days since that appointment, i didnt want to keep this from you but its better left for when your sitting down, most likely your gonna pass out or something...”
Dean looked at you confused and wary of what you could possibly want to say... but yet waited till you both got back to the hotel you guys were staying at for a mini vacay away from the bunker... 
you both went into the hotel room but you hadnt been drinking the beer, or anything else alcohol related... but of course you werent gonna say why just yet...
getting into the room Dean sat on the bed and you came to sit beside him on the bed...
Dean: “what is so important that you wanted me to sit down for? and what does that extra tattoo mean?”
you were being careful... but then it just all came out just as Dean was taking a swig of his beer..
YN: “Dean im pregnant...”
this is how it happens, that is how you activate Projectile Beer...
Dean: “pregnant? are you sure?”
you pulled the ultra sound from your bag and handed it to Dean... his expression after a bit turned soft and calm... his facials were now full of joy and excitement... 
Dean: “YN i get now why you waited to tell me... dont worry we will not let this child of ours grow up with only one parent... we will both live to raise this child. i love you... and i very proud of you taking the numbing gel for the tattoo, i didnt do that cause it was my father around who told me and Sam to get ours and we wanted to prove ourselves to him... which was... come now darling let us relax...”
you both fall back to the bed and relaxation overtakes you both, now you felt relaxation cause you werent caring around that secret...
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So, I started this comic page about a few months ago. (yeah, I know, it really narrows it down, huh?) This was a comic page intro I was going to do for my AU ContaminationTale. However, there are quite a lot of things stopping me from actually making the comic. I want to start a comic, but I think I would do fairly poorly at actually making a good comic that will keep attention.
I also have all of my characters designed for ContaminationTale, but I do not want to actually do them digitally cause I am afraid I will mess it up. I am bad at character reference sheets. I love to have something going on, or something more implied, and not just a character. However, I hope I will fix that with myself soon.
The backstory behind ContaminationTale is besically something kinda similar but very adjacent to how Error Sans was formed. As confusing as it is, allow me to elaborate-
ContaminationTale is an AU where classic Undertale is taken over and corrupted by a strange human that is not Chara, or the other human souls. It is just a random human that had run across the world and watched the events of the world pan out. So in a way, they are like a way to breach the 4th wall, whilst not being able to communicate with the obersevers of the AU. (Myself, or people that may view my works) Here is the old set of information I made for ContaminationTale when it was first created. Including characters, places, items, food and other stuff like that.
[ ° Basic Information ° ]
» Classic Undertale ™ is slowly fading away, being overshadowed by it's many various AU's, which have became far more popular than the classic game. So when the infamous, and to-say-the-least very unwelcome 'Shadow Player' comes back, and completely takes control of the game, he controls all of the characters as well. Now, running on only hate, fear and sadness; Undertale is going to make a fatal, feral strike-back at the many AU that fans so ADORE.
[ ° AU Connections ° ]
➡ All of the AU, over a large span of years, have managed to completely coincide with each other and accept each other's existence. They even have come to think of each other as kin. Family and such. Error is way more level, having been around Ink and Blue so much made him less homicidal and seemed to get rid of his 'God-Syndrome'. Other more homicidal AU, such as Horror and Killer have also calmed down murder wise, however they do have their slip ups. Nightmare since then had also split into two versions of himself. Night, who is the one with no black ooze on him is able to be with dream, and be happy, and Nightmare, who is more level in the head, but still a jerk. At times there can be tension but they all get over it rather fast. This is called the 'Pacification of the Bad AU' (As restated later, this is NO WHERE NEAR CANON. This is for the plot of ContaminationTale.)
Quick Note: As another note, in this AU, the monsters hate killing, and Chara was pacified. He is in the same boat as the monsters. The monsters of ContaminationTale used what free code they were able to spare to make it to where any AU versions of themselves they killed respawned in the Flower Patch being as it was the furthest from most of the while they were able to keep their 'good' conscious. The person who hacked them was unable to reverse it.
[ ° Characters ° ] (All Characters keep their same personalities when in their 'Free Form' however, in their 'Contaminant Form' they all remain kind of similar to themselves, but become homocidal, and attack any AU characters soon there after, or instantly.
» Sans
» Papyrus
» Grillby
» Toriel
» Gaster
» Asgore
» Alphys
» Asriel
» Flowey
» Undyne
» Burgerpants
» Mettaton
» Nopstablook
» Temmie
» Doggo
» Monster Kid
» Monster Kids Parents
» Chara
» Frisk
» Endogeny
» Muffet
[ ° Common Reference Places ° ]
» The Waterfall
➡ No longer exists. When the world started to vanish, the waterfall went first and was unable to be brought back.
» Grillby's Bar
➡ Doesn't really function as a bar anymore. This place is actually more it less used for medical treatment and a weapon station.
» Echo Flower garden/field/cave
➡ All places that have echo flowers in them are or can be used for a torture room. When a person is trapped in there, the flowers only scream, cry and laugh at the being inside. There are no identified words that are ever said, other than 'DIE'.
» MTT Station
➡ This place is actually used for the Shadow Players base and planning area. Off limits and heavily guarded with technology. It had many secret operative plans that happen in it all the time.
»Asgore's Castle
➡ Mostly a moot point area. However when any of the classic monsters die they respawn in the center room of the castle. However the center room is also a jail cell and the monster that spawns there gets three days solitary confinement for getting killed.
» Flowey's Flower Patch
➡ Any au characters that are killed in ContaminationTale that are not part of the AU spawn in the flower patch. Other than that this location is rather useless.
» Toriel's Ruins
➡ Long since abandoned. However the au characters that come to ContaminationTale often regroup, stay and recoop themselves here. They use this as a base and plan area. It provides shelter to those AU that can't make Portals like Dream can.
» Alphys Lab
➡ Used to mix poisons, and is filled with mechanical body parts used to replace lost limbs that didn't kill the victim. It is also used to overview the town and make traps.
» Sans Station - Bridge Crossing
➡ Loaded to the brim with motion sensors and traps ready for the unsuspecting. This causes confusion is and can be very dangerous if you are not careful or nimble because stuff comes at you from all sides.
[ ° Common Food and Food Stats ° ]
- Cinnamon Bun - (Restores 25 HP)
- Hot Dog w/ Bun - (Restores 50 HP)
- Hard Tac (Restores 30 HP)
- Alfrado ( Restores 100 HP)
- Cupcake (Restores 10 HP)
- Spaghetti ( Restores 50 HP)
- Pie (Restores 40 HP)
- Candy (Restores 5 HP each)
[ ° Weaponry ° ]
» Sans Butcher's Knife
➡ /+30 ATK/ - /-5 SPD/ - /+10 HP/
↪ Fire Perk - With this Sans can give the Butcher Knives the ability to set themselves on fire on the blade. However this one lasts for a few attacks before he has to build up a charge again.
» Papyrus's Bone Staff
➡ /+40atk/ - /-5spd/ - /+15hp/
↪ Dead Weight Perk - The dead weight Perk is used to inflict extra damage on characters when a weapon is swung. The dead weight puts more pressure and force behind the attack. Depending on how willing he is the fight, it affects how well Papyrus is able to use his weapon.
» Gaster's Scythe
➡ /+10 HP/ - /-5 SPD/ - /+15-20 ATK/
↪ Invisibility Perk : This makes the weapon itself unable to be seen by the naked eye after so many attacks for a stent of time. However you can still see the weapons shadow is it is in a lit area. That's why Gaster is more likely not to be found in dark scenery or places. If there is light anywhere, that is where you need to stay. Gaster also has the ability to blend into the dark, and it makes him a harder opponent.
»Toriel's Arrows
➡ /+10 SPD/ - /- 5 HP/ - /+5 ATK/
↪ Tipped Arrows ; this means they are actually poisoned with a small odor causes nausea, draining HP, and confusion to enemy characters. It however takes a small toll on her health every time she shoots an arrow. This is why she alters the arrows she uses. Her alterations come in an irregular patterns and it is spontaneous when she pulls one out.
» Asgore's Scepter
➡ /-15 SPD/ - /+10 ATK/ - /+0 HP/
↪ Electricity : like any other weapon, this one reacts better to opposite elements. The weapons this one better completed and takes out are wooden and metal weapons. It can not travel through rubber or other materials that have specific metals that do not connect well with the ability to travel through. If he uses a lightning based attack on a material that is not a conductor, the electricity comes back to him and will either stun him, or be shot off somewere else.
» Asriel's Slingshot
➡ /+10 SPD/ - /+5 ATK/ - /+ 0 HP/
↪ Explosive pellets are the thing that Asriel launches from his sling. These pellets are strong mini fireworks packed with acid. When it touches skin,fur or bone, even metal, it burns around the area it hit with a 5-7 inch radius. Depending on where he hits and what he hits, it can cause serious damage and make someone get bad infections.
» Undyne's Spear
➡ /-0 SPD/ - /+5 HP/ - /+10 ATK/
↪ Dead Weight Perk: Similar to Papyrus, her Spears are made of basic magic they don't have any initial weight untill they are seeing seeing at a Target. So initially her perk is the same as Papyrus's perk from there. However, if she is close enough, she can cause her weapon to lose all it's weight for faster movement, and gain all of it for maximum impact.
» Mettaton's Gun
➡ /+15 SPD/ - /+0HP/ - /+10 ATK/
↪ Silencer - the gun have no special or notable perks but it is good for power and stealth kills. The silencer makes it to where there is only ever A very faint click heard if the gun is fired. The gun itself fires off long bullets/pellets that are filled with acid. The second the bullet goes into skin, or hits something and gets stuck, the acid will start to burn through it.
» Frisk's Staff
➡ /-10 SPD/ - /+5 HP/ - /+5 ATK/
↪ Knock Back Perk : This makes a large gust of pressurized air go at the opponent and knock them down effectively for 1-3 attacks. Mainly due to having the 'wind' knocked out of them. /Funny? Only me? Ok... ;W;/ either way, this makes it to where Frisk usually does not have to get too close to anyone or anything and keeps them a safer distance away from the action while still being able to help out.
» Chara's Knife
➡ /+15 HP/ - /+15 ATK/ - /+5 SPD/
↪ Long Range Perk : after weapon is used so many times, the weapon can go through a stent of long range power ups. That means when the blade is swung it creates a red projectile cutting Lazer in the form of the slice and can only go forward for for up to 15 feet. Once it reaches that and is unable to catch anything, the attack turns to the ground, and goes into it. This can cause the ground to gain holes in it that are up to 25 feet in depth. After so many missed attacks, it will cause the ground to collapse, taking less space for movement against the enemies.
» Grillby's Arrows
➡ /-10 HP/ - /+20 ATK/ - /+10 SPD/
↪ Fire Perk : the fire only goes out when he snaps his fingers, but his fire in particular can't burn polyester. However, after so many uses, his fire won't reactivate itself until he has had a 10 minute rest.
» Tikal's Lasso
➡ /+5 SPD/ - /+10 ATK/ - /+0 HP/
↪ no perks, batter for stealth attacks
»Muffet's Glass Throwing Knives
➡ /+10 SPD/ - /+5 ATK/ - /+5 HP/
↪ respawn: if the knives are broken, they rebuild the partial belt bag, it might be better just to have more battle ready
» Alphys' Axe
➡ /-15 SPD/ - /+20 ATK/ - /+5 HP
» Monster Kid/Family Tail + Crossbows
➡ /+25 SPD/ - /+30 ATK/ - /-10 HP/
↪ no perks
[ ° All Weaponless Characters ° ]
» Temmie
» Burgerpants
» Doggo
» Endogeny
» Napstablook
» Flowey
[ ° Weaponless Characters Abilities ° ]
» Temmie
- Speed Attack: Used to confuse and knock out characters. Temmie runs around them and strikes their body in various places to try to cause more consistent confusion.
» Doggo
- Lock Jaw: Doggo locks his jaw around anyone's limbs. He won't let go until you give into Contaminated or you break his jaw. On the same note, if you break his jaw, his teeth will break from his jaw and sink into your skin until the contamination is spread. In the matter of 3 hours, his teeth grow back, and his jaw repairs itself.
» Endogeny
- Corrupt : uses the shades to possess enemies and attack other enemies or take themselves out.
» Burgerpants
- Incinerate: he always has a lighter and gasoline on him somewhere. So when he reacts he can use it to gradually put on his enemies then he can burn them alive when he lights it up.
» Flowey
- Vines : Shred or Strangle - Flowey can either crush his opinions with several Vines or throw needles at the enemy that are hard to dodge and have incredible sharpness.
» Napstablook
- Sonic Scream: Nopstablook screams silently at the other one enemies and the sound waves lower defense, and confuse them. It also makes them unable to see straight, makes them nautious and can cause surrounding items or building parts to collapse, gain damage or go haywire
[ ° Common World Items ° ]
* Machine Parts
- (Commonly found in the lab, or Mettatons News Station.) The machine parts vary, however, there is no real use for gears anymore, otherwise as throwing weapons. However, longer machine parts are used to make traps, or as close range weapons such as bo-staffs.
* Desk Supplies
- (Can be found anywhere) Desk supplies unclude things such as tape, pencils, pens, paper and other forms of common utilities. These also serve as weapons. They are easier to hide, find, and store without being weighed down.
* Marbles
- ( A rare find that some monsters used to posses. Such as Toriel) These are used as a good tripping device, or as a good distraction to those that can't avoid them.
* Contaminated Black Tar
- (Everywhere) This black tar only forms when a monster from Undertale / ContaminationTale is killed. Instead of turning into a pile of ashes, or dust, the turn into black goo and reform in the stated 'respawn' point. This can afflict other AU or humans that enter the world and turn them into a being like the afflicted monsters. However, since they are not considered 'Undertale' characters, they find a way to kill / destroy themselves. If they are just a human from the surface world, they will destroy themselves and not regenerate. However, if the are an AU, they regenerate fully healed in Flowey's flower patch.
* Silverware
- (Anywhere) This also serves as a great weapon.
* Broken Pipes
- (Inside walls and other items they can be placed in) these are used both weapons on 'inobvious spyware. They are all stuck into walls in order to spy around and keep an eye out without being seen right away.
>> Other Things to Clarify <<
1) As you have seen, there are both a "Flowey" and an "Asriel" in this AU. This was not a mistake, or an error in planning. They are both separate characters.
2) The 'Affiliations with other AU' including known AU Sanses or other characters is NOT CANON. I know most of you know this already, however, this is to those who get easily offended. The other AU checking in on the 'Classic' world is because if something happens to destroy Undertale, ALL OF THE AU will be destroyed in the process.
3) Undertale and ContaminationTale are both the same thing here. I know you all think that since it is an AU like this, it might be like Dust, or Killer Sans and they diverge into another AU. Which is both true, and not true. It becomes it's own AU later, however I have it set up to exist where the other AU characters need to help the Undertale characters escape their situation and beat the hacker first.
4) After the hacker is beaten, ContaminationTale becomes its own AU where it lives abandoned, and no AU characters come into it anymore. Meaning the reason behind it's existance is actually kind of futile, and the human gets killed by the ContaminationTale monsters later only to come back. It turns into an ever-turning genocide AU.
5) ContaminationTale Characters can only kill other copies of theselves so they are more equally matched. If they attack a version of another monster, most of their attacks will be barely even able to cause damage, no matter how powerful. This is due to a slip-up in the coding that contaminated them.
6) The main reason the other AU care so much about helping this AU is because at the time it is still 'Undertale' not just 'ContaminationTale'. Undertales code is becoming unstable, and it is inevitable that it will cause Undertale itself to collapse. Killing all of the AU Sanses and their respective AU.
//Afternote: Another reason I made this AU is cause Classic is usually helping the other AU, and the other AU don't really help him out. So I wanted to change that. I also feel bad cause Undertale ins't as popular as it's AU anymore. I did a survey with all the Undertale Lovers in my school, and I was the only one who voted on Classic Undertale out of 76 kids. :( //
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RvB16 Episode 3 Review: Lost Time
(Old Blog Repost)
Wasn’t last week fun everyone? I thought it was fun! But yeah, a lot of shit happened despite Grif’s attempts to not let shit happen… that we can argue caused the shit to happen. Isn’t meta humor fun kids?! But yeah scary alien woman attacked (and converted Tumblr into her own group of worshipers from what I can tell), Donut is a God, and everyone’s been separated ala Season 3. Only this time with time travel… ala Season 3 but the separation happened before that part. I just gave myself a headache. Well.. lets get on with the review while my brain is still intact.
We begin on… IDK if it’s a planet or not, but someplace with snow! This is where Grif and Doc got sent… so this is the second time a portal sent Grif off to same snowy wasteland. Man, this really is like Season 3 only he’s taking Church’s role as the grumpy one while Doc is… Doc. Well at least he didn’t get hit in the nuts immideatly after this time or thrown in a cell! Anyways, yeah snowy wasteland. Doc is freaked out about the entire thing and what it means while Grif is trying to figure out how the portal gun works so that they can get out before they freeze. He’s also grumpy. But to be fair, if I saw a perfectly good pizza parlor blow up in front of me, I would be grumpy too.
Grif is also refusing to let Doc help or even get near him. Why? Well he’s pissed off cause they got roped into bullshit again, but the biggest thing seems to be that he got stuck with Doc who… you know, is a piss poor combatant, bad at his medic job, and had betrayed them not too long ago. To be fair, Doc… completely understands Grif hating him for that. Heck, he feels guilty for what he did. I’ll get into it more int he analysis portion, but it looks like Joe may be giving Doc character development… or is leading up to a joke later. but hey he’s giving Doc attention. More than I can say for Miles’ run (sorry Miles, I love you but I’m gonna point stuff like that out). Grif ignores the sob story to work on the gun,a nd to his credit he gets the thing to work… on shuffle. Okay, why did God put a shuffle function on the gun? Then again, God has his ways and as a Christian I should know to not question it… assuming that that’s the God we’re refereeing to anyways. Lets just pretend that’s the case for now.
Meanwhile, Tucker and Sister have made the same revelation. The two of them have ended up, to my glee, in Valhalla! Since the Recolleciton Trilogy is my favorite storyline, seeing it again makes me SO happy. IDK what point this is at. It could be before the Reds and Caboose got sent there, could be after the Reds fought Wash and the Meta, I don’t know. But who cares? It’s Valhalla again! I am happy! Also we learn that Tucker is atheist and Sister, like her brother, is agnostic. Good to know!
Tucker tries to figure out Donut’s cryptic warning of ‘the key to fixing the future is to fix the past’ or something along those lines. Sister however wants to hold it off and have a little ‘fun’ with Tucker… boy going through time to bang various historical figures! And Sister is officially more sexually ambitious than Tucker could ever hope to be. Tucker, being Tucker, is unhappy that… you know, she doesn’t want to bang him and all. He also refers to them apparently having had sex in Blood Gulch that… I forgot about I guess. But Sister says it didn’t happen and it wasn’t all that memorable anyways. Ouch… you know, when binging I found Sister pointless all in all and writing her out would have changed nothing. But now that she’s back and Joe is actually giving her attention, I freakin’ LOVE her. Keep it up Joe!
So now over to Simmons and Sarge with Simmons trying to figure the gun out. Him being a nerd, he’s far more confused and nitpicky about it than the others have been. Sarge is more than happy to accept having a ‘magic gun’ though and wants to get on to the ‘fixing the past’ thing. How? Well his first thought is to go to The Battle of Broken Ridge. Apparently it was rather traumatic for Sarge and going back would reopen some old wounds, but he’s willing to face it to fix it. We’ll talk more about this later. Simmons wants to instead go to a lab to get the gun taken apart to figure out how it works since nothing else had made sense and he wants to have something explainable. But Sarge convinces him to just figure it out by actually using the gun, leading us to the Battle of Broken Ridge… so using Ancient Egypt last episode was a total copout so no mummy fights. Damn it!
So yeah, after Gus, I mean Simmons, I mean Gus (come on, you can’t tell me he WOULDN’T do the same thing cause nerds) acts like a nerd by making a log, he and Sarge see the battle in progress. Past Sarge was a lieutenant at the time and sends his men out to make a surprise attack while he covered them from behind the ridges. This ended with them all getting massacred, and present Sarge figures that this is because the went in the wrong direction. SO he goes and tells them to go the other way.. which past Sarge makes them go back and… well, you can figure out how it ends. From the afterlife, I can just see Church laughing at them cause now they know how he felt during his time travel stint (yeah it was a simulation, but still)
Finally, we have Lopez coming back online after his head came off and Caboose fixed him. Shock of all shocks, I think Caboose has understood what Lopez is saying moreso than any other character as he tries to figure out Donut’s warning. He concludes on… universal savings… okay who let Joel write on the scripts?! But yeah, Caboose wants to create savings accounts for everyone in hopes of saving the universe. Too bad that he lost the penny he had on him, but it’s okay! Cause he actually figured out how the portal gun works! Because of course he did!
So the two end up back to the opening scene. Caboose tries to find his penny and… remember when Caboose seemed to lose focus and Grif had to remind him to find Donut? Turns out that it was resent Caboose and past Caboose actually didn’t lose focus. Ah, I love it when jokes come back around like that! So Caboose goes through another portal to keep looking, Lopez resigns himself to the end of the world, and somewhere Burnie is probably wondering how even with Church dead his character somehow always gets saddled with Joel’s. I guess we’ll never know.
This was shorter than last week, but BOY does it leave me plenty to talk about!
The episode seems to exist to explain how the time travel will work, some more character development setup, and just to have some comedic hijinks after last weeks more plot heavy episode. And I thought it was great! Like I said, it reminds me a lot of Season 3 when everyone was separated and the first episode with it jumping back and forth between the pairs, setting up their situations. IDK if this was an intentional callback, but I liked it nonetheless. And everyones current situations and the pair dynamics were done very well. So lets just go in order here:
Grif and Doc: This is the one I’m most interested in, and so far I’m pleased! Beginning with Grif, he’s reacting exactly how I expected him to, ala being angry at the whole thing. t makes sense. Despite his efforts, the universe decided to shit on him again and thrust him and the others into another adventure and one arguably more insane than ever before. He’s also stuck with Doc, who he’s never particularly been on good terms with. Heck when he WAS friendly to Doc back in Blood Gulch and even got validation for using CPR to cure Sarges head wound, Doc threw him under the bus when he realized that Grif was the butt monkey. That was a dick move. Of course Doc has been shit on by everyone far more at this point, but still Grif���s got a bit more of an excuse than the others. Plus again, he was’t there when Doc turned on them and he at least had the dignity to just quit an tell them that he quit before things went to shit instead of just turn his back on then in a dire moment.
But going to Doc… his reaction is good. He actually takes responsibility for his actions, feels guilty that it contributed to everything that happened (Wash getting shot), and that he ultimately couldn’t talk the Blues and Reds out of their plans. He feels that he failed both sides and that in doing so, everyone got hurt. He even completley understands Grif hating him for it since he feels the same way about it. He doesn’t try to make excuses, even when honestly he has very valid reasons to make excuses. He’s been constantly shit on, forgotten about, and even got trapped in another dimension before and everyone just forgot about it and didn’t care. But we could say that betraying the guys when he knows that the Blues and Reds have fallen off their rocker was going a tad too far, even if he did try to use it to convince them to stop and failed. But its a nice look into Doc’s current psyche and Matt did a great job expressing how disappointed in himself he is.
Now will this lead to anything? It might. Normally with Doc, it’s hard to tell. I feel there may be a point where Doc either sacrifices himself to save Grif in a pivitol moment, like shoving him through a portal when one of the villains find him, or he goes all O’Malley to make a sacrifice play so that Grif can escape. IDK, but going off the self-loathing there’s a god chance that something’s gonna happen and this time it may have more of an impact. We’ll have to wait and see, but  hey it’s something. Can’t wait to see what happens with these two next!
Tucker and Sister: Their moment is mainly for comedy but it was good! Like I said, I loved seeing Valhalla again. IDK if they’ll still be there later, but hey I appreciate the callback. It’s also nice to see Tucker being… well, Tucker again. Hes had a lot of character development since Chorus, and it was very well done. But after last season, while I personally didn’t find him OOC, I an see why the way he was written was frustrating for people. Plus after all the events in Chorus and S15, I think we needed to see him in a happier state of mind, and it looks like he is. I said before that it felt like S15 was Joe trying to put the bookend on Blue Team’s problems, and I think it shows. Tucker seems far more relaxed and comedic, like during Recollection. Hopefully he still has his newfound competence, and I assume that when things go to shit again we’ll see that. But he’s in a place where he can be comedic Tucker without him coming across as an arrogant idiot, so this is good.
Then we have Sister… OMG Sister. SO as I said above, I did not care about Sister when I was watertight Blood Gulch. She wasn’t particularly bad, her personality was strong and fitting for the cast of characters she was in. But… she didn’t really do anything. According to Burnie on the DVD commentaries, he had wanted to add her for a while and S5 was the only place he could, but still you could write he rout and very little would change. Her being gone for over half the series since then doesn’t help. But the upside to adidng her back is now they can actually do stuff with her, and so far I’m happy!
Okay so Sister’s so far only expressed wanting to bang historical figures and I kind of hope we can see her do more than make sex jokes. But hey, we can officially confirm her bi now so yay canon bisexual character! Plus the way her and Tucker’s banter was written was very well done. It was really funny and her proving to be far more ambitious with her sex life and finding Tucker not worth remembering was hilarious. Plus her just not giving a shit about Tucker’s advances are both hilarious and make me very happy. Sorry Tucker, but hey at least our probably the only guy who an claim to have had sex with an entire planet… and still paying the lawsuit for it XD
Sarge and Simmons: It was hilarious, Plain and simple. It’s been a pretty good while since these two had one-on-one time and so far I’m pleased with what we have. Simmons wanting to study the gun and have some kind of explanation he can cling to when noting else is making any kind of logical sense is perfectly IC. I’m also glad to see him actually disagreeing with Sarge and trying to get his own point across. Simmons has mostly grown out of the kissass phase, at least tot he extent he was in Blood Gulch, and I’m glad to see that sticking. He feels a lot mroe independent but still the nerd we all know and love. Character development, yay!
Then we have the Battle of Broken Ridge and all the continuity stuff it brings up. If I had to guess, it takes place early in Sarge’s military career before he became an ODST or this was before he got put into Blood Gulch. Considering we don’t completely know how these outposts operate aside form how they use the SIM troopers, I don’t find it hard to buy that Sarge has been on multiple Red Teams before getting recruited for Blood Gulch. But these guys have brown armor so… IDK. But still, it’s good to see some backstory and it was good to see Sarge try to save his men. Sure it looks like he failed, but hey he tried.
Still, it really DOES make me ponder on this whole ‘fixing the past’ thing. Like… what does Donut mean by the past? For the Reds and Blues to fix their own pasts? I’m assuming not since Sarge only inadvertently caused it. Did the villains do something in the past and damage it? Why didn’t Donut just say that though? Or is ‘God’ just using the Reds and Blues to invoke what will fulfill the prophecy mentioned in Episode 1? After all, it’s said they end the world and this may be the catalyst that cause sit, hence why Huggins (where is she BTW?) has to follow them around. But I would hope that the puppetmaster would have made a reasonable explanation about what had to be fixed to provoke that. IDK, it’s way too early to tell and this is a multi-part saga, so we’re just gonna have to see how it plays out.
And finally…
Caboose and Lopez: THIS WAS EVERYTHING I HOPED FOR. Caboose being… Caboose, but also showing that he CAN be competent in his own way. Sure he got Donut’s message wrong, but at least he was thinking about it. Plus he was able to both fix Lopez and actually understand what he said. IDK if Caboose can speak Spanish, but I absolute believe that he can just until what Lopez is saying. And unlike everyone else, except maybe Simmons unless they just used shuffle enough times until they got the right portal (which if that isn’t the case, kudos to Simmons for figuring it out on his own), Caboose is the only one who figured out how to make the gun work. So now hes on a Penny Quest as Lopez continues to regret his own existence. I love it!
I admit I wasn’t sure how this was going to work since Caboose and Lopez are the two most incomprehensible characters int he show. Caboose is random and dimwitted, and no one an understand Lopez at all. But it’s surprisingly really funny so far! Normally having characters together alone like this without someone else to keep it balanced can be annoying very quickly. But in this case, it came off as really funny and not exaggerated. I guess it helps that Caboose can understand what Lopez is saying, but still it’s just the right balance. Which is good since I assume that they’re going to be the comedy relief pair for now. But who knows?
Final Thoughts
As I said, this seems to be here to show us how the time travel will play out and I assume the next episode will either cut to Chorus or focus on one pair for the majority of it. We’ll have to see. Still, this was good! The interactions were really good and I really enjoyed seeing it play out. Everyone felt IC and leaves plenty of setup for their respective situations. It leaves the question of what happened to Donut, but I guess we’ll find out eventually. But overall, this was a fun episode that perfectly sets up what we can expect. Hopefully, we’ll be delivered just what we’re hoping for.
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neilsdimples · 6 years
Oh no no. I'm definitely here. Just the situation sucked, and I kinda just dropped off the face of the planet for a minute there. But you have a niece! Congratulations!! I love babies. The only good thing that happened while I was away was that I actually got to celebrate my nephew's birthday with him. ^_^ It's good about you and your dad, that you could just be. I understand that. Fancy new phone sounds so exciting! I love clicking pictures of random things all the time. 🌼
You can fly a toy drone?! That must have been so much fun!! I am such an uncoordinated person, I don't think I could. Also, what YouTube channel?! What's it about? I'll watch the hell out of this! Whatever it is. Oh and I totally get that emails are so much easier than calls. Adulting is difficult at times. We gotta do what we gotta do. More power to you. 🌼
i’m gonna answer under the cut in case it gets long again! (spoiler alert it did)
totally understandable! i’ve had days where i just ignore all social media, even when my best friend texts me i just can’t do it and i leave it for sometimes even a week or two... so don’t worry, i get it, if it ever happens again ^-^
yes!! she’s the sweetest baby ever! i got to hold her a few times now and she was always super quiet, sleeping in my arms and like, it just amazed me how comfortable she was with me... i got so obsessed with just paying attention to her and not at all to her parents so they joked that they were gonna check my bag when i left in case i stole her :^D
ohh happy birthday to your nephew! i’m glad you got to enjoy that ^-^
and yeah, my dad has been... let’s go with problematic, in the past, but recently he’s been a lot better (partly bc he’s seeing a therapist and taking medication against depression and stuff, which shocked me that he was willing to do that) and he even said how he was kinda mad at himself bc i was the one who reached out to him and he swore to himself he’d do it this time, since i’m usually always the first one to call.. idk it’s nice and unexpected and it feels like respect
well, i could fly this one toy drone model that the tech company brought :^D it was basically a remote control with two joysticks so it wasn’t too hard, and they even said gamers had an advantage (which doesn’t explain why i was good, all i play are pc games gqrvsfsefd) but yeah, i don’t think i’ll do it a lot, mainly bc i don’t see the point and also i can’t even find time to do things i like htrgsfse (throwback to when i was a writer.........where is she)
no youtube channel yet!! i need to learn how the phone works, and then get the confidence to film myself, then get over the sound of my own annoying ass voice and then edit the video and then maybe i’ll post it but i’m not even sure what kind of stuff i’ll put up... i’m thinking kpop reactions bc i love them and i love kpop so like win-win, but i also might wanna do makeup or something, or idk stupid shit tsgrefedds you can see i’ve got it all planned out (also make stuff with robin, i haven’t forgotten about him cause i know he reads these posts regsfed) BUT i’m glad i already have one subscriber then :^D
i’m really glad i got to hear from you again ^-^ and just know you can talk to me about whatever, and whenever you want
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calliecat93 · 6 years
RvB16 Episode 3 Review: Lost Time
Wasn’t last week fun everyone? I thought it was fun! But yeah, a lot of shit happened despite Grif’s attempts to not let shit happen... that we can argue caused the shit to happen. Isn’t meta humor fun kids?! But yeah scary alien woman attacked (and converted Tumblr into her own group of worshipers from what I can tell), Donut is a God, and everyone’s been separated ala Season 3. Only this time with time travel... ala Season 3 but the separation happened before that part! I just gave myself a headache. Well.. lets get on with the review while my brain is still intact.
We begin on... IDK if it’s a planet or not, but someplace with snow! This is where Grif and Doc got sent... so this is the second time a portal sent Grif off to same snowy wasteland. Man, this really is like Season 3 only he’s taking Church’s role as the grumpy one while Doc is... Doc. Well at least he didn’t get hit in the nuts immideatly after  or thrown in a prison cell this time! Anyways, snowy wasteland! Doc is freaked out about the entire thing and what it means while Grif is trying to figure out how the portal gun works so that they can get out before they freeze. He’s also grumpy. But to be fair, if I saw a perfectly good pizza parlor blow up in front of me, I would be grumpy too.
Grif is also refusing to let Doc help or even get near him. Why? Well he’s pissed off cause they got roped into bullshit again, but the biggest thing seems to be that he got stuck with Doc who... you know, is a piss poor combatant, bad at his medic job, and had betrayed them not too long ago. To be fair, Doc... completely understands Grif hating him for that. Heck, he feels guilty for what he did. I’ll get into it more in the analysis portion, but it looks like Joe may be giving Doc character development... or is leading up to a joke later. but hey he’s giving Doc attention. More than I can say for Miles’ run (sorry Miles, I love you but I’m gonna point stuff like that out). Grif ignores the sob story to work on the gun, and to his credit he gets the thing to work... on shuffle. Okay, why did God put a shuffle function on the gun? Then again, God has his ways and as a Christian I should know to not question it... assuming that that’s the God we’re refereeing to anyways. Lets just pretend that’s the case for now.
Meanwhile, Tucker and Sister have made the same revelation. The two of them have ended up, to my glee, in Valhalla! Since the Recollection Trilogy is my favorite storyline, seeing it again makes me SO happy. IDK what point this is at. It could be before the Reds and Caboose got sent there, could be after the Reds fought Wash and the Meta, I don’t know. But who cares? It’s Valhalla again! I am happy! Also we learn that Tucker is atheist and Sister, like her brother, is agnostic. Good to know!
Tucker tries to figure out Donut’s cryptic warning of ‘the key to fixing the future is to fix the past’ or something along those lines. Sister however wants to hold it off and have a little ‘fun’ with Tucker... by going through time to bang various historical figures! And Sister is officially more sexually ambitious than Tucker could ever hope to be. Tucker, being Tucker, is unhappy that... you know, she doesn't want to bang him and all. He also refers to them apparently having had sex in Blood Gulch that... I forgot about I guess. But Sister says it didn’t happen and it wasn’t all that memorable anyways. Ouch... you know, when binging I found Sister pointless all in all and that writing her out would have changed nothing. But now that she’s back and Joe is actually giving her attention, I freakin’ LOVE her. Keep it up Joe!
So now over to Simmons and Sarge with Simmons trying to figure the gun out. Him being a nerd, he’s far more confused and nitpicky about it than the others have been. Sarge is more than happy to accept having a ‘magic gun’ though and wants to get on to the ‘fixing the past’ thing. How? Well his first thought is to go to The Battle of Broken Ridge. Apparently it was rather traumatic event for Sarge and going back would reopen some old wounds, but he’s willing to face it to fix it. We’ll talk more about this later. Simmons wants to instead go to a lab to get the gun taken apart to figure out how it works since nothing else had made sense and he wants to have something explainable. But Sarge convinces him to just figure it out by actually using the gun, leading us to the Battle of Broken Ridge... so using Ancient Egypt last episode was a total copout so no mummy fights. Damn it!
So yeah, after Gus, I mean Simmons, I mean Gus (come on, you can’t tell me he WOULDN’T do the same thing cause nerds) acts like a nerd by making a log, he and Sarge see the battle in progress. Past!Sarge was a lieutenant at the time and sends his men out to make a surprise attack while he covered them from behind the ridges. This ended with them all getting massacred, and present!Sarge figures that this is because the went in the wrong direction. So he goes and tells them to go the other way.. which past!Sarge makes them go back and... well, you can figure out how it ends. From the afterlife, I can just see Church laughing at them cause now they know how he felt during his time travel stint.
Finally, we have Lopez coming back online after his head came off and Caboose fixed him. Shock of all shocks, I think Caboose has understood what Lopez is saying moreso than any other character as he tries to figure out Donut’s warning. He concludes on... universal savings... okay who let Joel write on the scripts?! But yeah, Caboose wants to create savings accounts for everyone in hopes of saving the universe. Too bad that he lost the penny he had on him, but it’s okay! Cause he actually figured out how the portal gun works! Because of course he did!
So the two end up back to the opening scene. Caboose tries to find his penny and... remember when Caboose seemed to lose focus and Grif had to remind him to find Donut? Turns out that it was present!Caboose and past!Caboose actually didn’t lose focus. Ah, I love it when jokes come back around like that! So Caboose goes through another portal to keep looking, Lopez resigns himself to the end of the world, and somewhere Burnie is probably wondering how even with Church dead his character somehow always gets saddled with Joel’s. I guess we’ll never know.
This was shorter than last week, but BOY does it leave me plenty to talk about!
The episode seems to exist to explain how the time travel will work, some more character development setup, and just to have some comedic hijinks after last weeks more plot heavy episode. And I thought it was great! Like I said, it reminds me a lot of Season 3 when everyone was separated and the first episode with it jumping back and forth between the pairs, setting up their situations. IDK if this was an intentional callback, but I liked it nonetheless. And everyone's current situations and the pair dynamics were done very well. So lets just go in order here:
Grif and Doc: This is the one I’m most interested in, and so far I’m pleased! Beginning with Grif, he’s reacting exactly how I expected him to, ala being angry at the whole thing. It makes sense. Despite his efforts, the universe decided to shit on him again and thrust him and the others into another adventure and one arguably more insane than ever before. He’s also stuck with Doc, who he’s never particularly been on good terms with. Heck when he WAS friendly to Doc back in Blood Gulch and even got validation for using CPR to cure Sarges head wound, Doc threw him under the bus when he realized that Grif was the butt monkey. That was a dick move. Of course Doc has been shit on by everyone far more at this point, but still Grif’s got a bit more of an excuse than the others. Plus again, he was’t there when Doc turned on them and he at least had the dignity to just quit and tell them that he quit before things went to shit instead of just turn his back on then in a dire moment. 
But going to Doc... his reaction is good. He actually takes responsibility for his actions, feels guilty that it contributed to everything that happened (Wash getting shot), and that he ultimately couldn’t talk the Blues and Reds out of their plans. He feels that he failed both sides and that in doing so, everyone got hurt. He even completely understands Grif hating him for it since he feels the same way about it. He doesn’t try to make excuses, even when honestly he has very valid reasons to make excuses. He’s been constantly shit on, forgotten about, and even got trapped in another dimension before and everyone just forgot about it or just didn’t care. But we could say that betraying the guys when he knows that the Blues and Reds have fallen off their rocker was going a tad too far, even if he did try to use it to convince them to stop and failed. But its a nice look into Doc’s current psyche and Matt did a great job expressing how disappointed in himself he is.
Now will this lead to anything? It might. Normally with Doc, it’s hard to tell. I feel there may be a point where Doc either sacrifices himself to save Grif in a pivotal moment, like shoving him through a portal when one of the villains find him, or he goes all O’Malley to make a sacrifice play so that Grif can escape. IDK, but going off the self-loathing there’s a good chance that something’s gonna happen, and this time it may have more of an impact. We’ll have to wait and see, but hey it’s something. Can’t wait to see what happens with these two next!
Tucker and Sister: Their moment is mainly for comedy but it was good! Like I said, I loved seeing Valhalla again. IDK if they’ll still be there later, but hey I appreciate the callback. It’s also nice to see Tucker being... well, Tucker again. Hes had a lot of character development since Chorus, and it was very well done. But after last season, while I personally didn’t find him OOC, I can see why the way he was written was frustrating for people. Plus after all the events in Chorus and S15, I think we needed to see him in a happier state of mind, and it looks like he is. I said before that it felt like S15 was Joe trying to put the bookend on Blue Team’s problems, and I think it shows. Tucker seems far more relaxed and comedic, like during Recollection. Hopefully he still has his newfound competence, and I assume that when things go to shit again we’ll see that. But he’s in a place where he can be comedic Tucker without him coming across as an arrogant idiot, so this is good.
Then we have Sister... OMG Sister. SO as I said above, I did not care about Sister when I was watching Blood Gulch. She wasn't particularly bad, her personality was strong and fitting for the cast of characters she was in. But... she didn’t really do anything. According to Burnie on the DVD commentaries, he had wanted to add her for a while and S5 was the only place he could, but still you could write her out and very little would change. Her being gone for over half the series since then doesn’t help. But the upside to adding her back is now they can actually do stuff with her, and so far I’m happy!
Okay so Sister’s so far only expressed wanting to bang historical figures and I kind of hope we can see her do more than make sex jokes. But hey, we can officially confirm her bi now so yay canon bisexual character! Plus the way her and Tucker’s banter was written was very well done. It was really funny and her proving to be far more ambitious with her sex life and finding Tucker not worth remembering was hilarious. Plus her just not giving a shit about Tucker’s advances are both hilarious and make me very happy. Sorry Tucker, but hey at least our probably the only guy who an claim to have had sex with an entire planet... and still paying the lawsuit for it XD
Sarge and Simmons: It was hilarious, Plain and simple. It’s been a pretty good while since these two had one-on-one time and so far I’m pleased with what we have. Simmons wanting to study the gun and have some kind of explanation he can cling to when nothing else is making any kind of logical sense is perfectly IC. I’m also glad to see him actually disagreeing with Sarge and trying to get his own point across. Simmons has mostly grown out of the kissass phase, at least to the extent he was in Blood Gulch, and I’m glad to see that sticking. He feels a lot more independent but is still the nerd we all know and love. Character development, yay!
Then we have the Battle of Broken Ridge and all the continuity stuff it brings up. If I had to guess, it takes place early in Sarge’s military career before he became an ODST or this was before he got put into Blood Gulch. Considering we don’t completely know how these outposts operate aside form how they use the SIM Troopers, I don’t find it hard to buy that Sarge has been on multiple Red Teams before getting recruited for Blood Gulch. But these guys have brown armor so... IDK. But still, it’s good to see some backstory and it was good to see Sarge try to save his men. Sure it looks like he failed, but hey he tried.
Still, it really DOES make me ponder on this whole ‘fixing the past’ thing. Like... what does Donut mean by the past? For the Reds and Blues to fix their own pasts? I’m assuming not since Sarge only inadvertently caused it. Did the villains do something in the past and damage it? Why didn’t Donut just say that though? Or is ‘God’ just using the Reds and Blues to invoke what will fulfill the prophecy mentioned in Episode 1? After all, it’s said they end the world and this may be the catalyst that causes it, hence why Huggins (where is she BTW?) has to follow them around. But I would hope that the puppetmaster would have made a reasonable explanation about what had to be fixed to provoke that. IDK, it’s way too early to tell and this is a multi-part saga, so we’re just gonna have to see how it plays out.
And finally...
Caboose and Lopez: THIS WAS EVERYTHING I HOPED FOR. Caboose being... Caboose, but also showing that he CAN be competent in his own way. Sure he got Donut’s message wrong, but at least he was thinking about it. Plus he was able to both fix Lopez and actually understand what he said. IDK if Caboose can speak Spanish, but I absolute believe that he can just get what Lopez is saying. And unlike everyone else, except maybe Simmons unless they just used shuffle enough times until they got the right portal (which if that isn’t the case, kudos to Simmons for figuring it out on his own), Caboose is the only one who figured out how to make the gun work. So now hes on a Penny Quest as Lopez continues to regret his own existence. I love it!
I admit I wasn’t sure how this was going to work since Caboose and Lopez are the two most incomprehensible characters in the show. Caboose is random and dimwitted, and no one an understand Lopez at all. But it’s surprisingly really funny so far! Normally having characters together alone like this without someone else to keep it balanced can be annoying very quickly. But in this case, it came off as really funny and not exaggerated. I guess it helps that Caboose can understand what Lopez is saying, but still it’s just the right balance. Which is good since I assume that they’re going to be the comedy relief pair for now. But who knows?
Final Thoughts
As I said, this seems to be here to show us how the time travel will play out and I assume the next episode will either cut to Chorus or focus on one pair for the majority of it. We’ll have to see. Still, this was good! The interactions were really good and I really enjoyed seeing it play out. Everyone felt IC and leaves plenty of setup for their respective situations. It leaves the question of what happened to Donut, but I guess we’ll find out eventually. But overall, this was a fun episode that perfectly sets up what we can expect. Hopefully, we’ll be delivered just what we’re hoping for.
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mechaspirit · 6 years
Author’s note: Here’s a fanfic for Choicescreates#51, theme Finding Hope Again hosted by @mariawalkerwrites  and @clonedhayden. Just an idea that came up to me and this is just a drabble on how the Endless had to suffer as a lone survivor on the island and eventually fighting her way through the time loops to save everyone. Also, it would be interesting to see him/her encounter few other versions of ES MC before going to the one who finally “breaks” the cycle.
Pairings: Sorry guys, but there won’t be any pairings on this one.
Rated: T
Summary: Two thousand, one hundred, and thirty-nine times, the Endless has traveled through time on the island to save her friends, only to see them died over and over again. A few times, she encounters another (and in few cases, younger) versions of herself who is struggling as well, both physically and emotionally. One time, she contemplated suicide, feeling that there was no point in fighting anymore. But the moment the cycle has finally broken, something builds inside her that she hasn’t felt for a long time. Hope.
The Endless remembered all the hardships she had to face the first time she stepped into La Huerta and trying to surviving the craziness. The moment all her friends died on this cursed island, all the kindred spirit she had inside her has been replaced with despair. The light in her forest green eyes faded and became dead with hollow as she stared at the mounds of graves containing their corpses. She gripped the hilt of the shovel as she hung her head down with tears finally escaping her eyes.
“Why? Why? Out of all the people who survived, why did it have to be me?”
Moments later, she was out of the cave, covered in dirt and blood, and aimlessly wandered around the jungle in the unbearable heat. She didn’t even care if she’s going to have heatstroke, nonetheless, the fact that she was going to pass out in the wilderness waiting for a certain sabertooth tiger or blue-skinned warriors to appear and kill her.
It wasn’t until then that the Endless discovered the time loop in this mysterious island and that she can traveled through time, even for thousand years to the past. Maybe, she thought, just maybe, she could use this time loop to her advantage in order to prevent her friends’ deaths.
But that was proven easier said than done. The law of time still applies to the universe, including La Huerta itself. Creating a drastic change, such as killing Rourke for example, would end up creating a disastrous results for herself and her friends. So the Endless had to adjust her methods to help her friends, changing as little as possible in each timeline so she wouldn’t create disastrous butterfly effects. Also, time travel for thousand years back and forth had caused her to age abnormally, looking old enough to be anyone’s grandmother. But she didn’t care. As long as it meant saving her friends, she’s willing to risk anything. Unfortunately for her, the more she tried to change and travel through time, the more she had to see her friends died over and over again.
Within those timelines, the Endless had also sometimes witness her younger self died as well, in few cases, earlier before her friends did. Few of times were when she ended up sacrificing herself to save the others, her best friend, Diego, included. Other times were natural disasters or when the Arachnids attempted to capture her for Rourke’s interests in her ability. One time, one of the most sorrowful one in the Endless’s opinion, her younger self was pregnant with the child (though she wasn’t surprised there weren’t any protections used since there weren’t any on the island) and she didn’t make it through labor despite Michelle’s expertise in the medical field. The baby didn’t make it, either. The Endless literally has to stepped away from that scene and reset the cycle to prevent anymore heartbreaks for herself.
There were couple of times when the Endless encountered her younger self face to face. The first time, they were dangerously close to each other to the point where both of them can disappeared in the timelines and cease to exist so the Endless had to run away before that could happened. The second time, the Endless built a red-clad spacesuit, mainly to protect herself from disappearing in case she encounter her younger self again. The moment she did, she saw her younger self wandering through the harsh snow storm, perhaps sometime after she pushed Aleister through the window towards his deaths, and collapsed out of exhaustion waiting for death to take her. As light faded in her dark green eyes, her younger self managed to glanced up at the Endless and croaked weakly, “Who are you?”
The Endless didn’t answer. She did, however, knelt down to pushed the strand of her long hair away from her pale face. That action had caused the younger woman to widened her eyes in realization and jerk a little bit, as if she was hit by lighting or possibly by some sort of vision. “Y-You’re…!”
The Endless didn’t get to hear her finished her sentence for that someone was coming towards their away, and the former have to escape once again leaving her younger self for death. Once she’s back on the volcanic mountains, she started to think that all her efforts were futile and decides to end it here. What’s the point of living if the ones she loves are not here with her?
Before she can stripped herself off her spacesuit and stepped off to the crater of lava, she felt the ground shook beneath her, causing her to nearly tripped backwards. There was a strange tension in the air, and out of confusion and curiosity, she looked up to the starry night. Something has changed in this island. But what?
It was only until she found out that another one of her younger self, the one in the 2,139th timeline, had finally broken the cycle with all her eleven friends alive. How in the world she did it, she does not know completely. But for the Endless, the miracle was brought forward and she realized that there is hope after all. Mostly for the younger self, but for her as well.
The Endless took her chance to meet her other self at the dragon cave and told her what she needed to do before the the lava enters their pathway.
“Listen to me. You’re the miracle I’ve waited for. You’re the only one who could keep everyone safe. I need you to recover the Island’s Heart from Rourke. With it, we can preserve La Huerta and protect our friends.”
With that, the Endless disappeared from her sight through the tsunami of lavas. There’s still so much that needed to be done, but at the very least, there’s still a chance that everyone can be saved. Hope have ignited in her once again.
Time had pass since the gang was back together, manages to get away from another one of Rourke’s facility, and then deal with the time travel from where the wedding first took place on the island. As everyone else is preparing for battle against Cetus to get the second half of the Island’s Heart, Yurika Hoshina stood by the dockside of Dorado, looking out at the sea lost in thoughts.
After her second encounter with the Endless, the college girl can’t help but wonder how much her older self had to deal with after experiencing the gang dying over two thousand times. Moreover, she was still bothered by her methods of manipulating the time events and the Vaanti to keep everyone else alive, even though it was for good intentions. Not to mention, it caused a lot of pain for the Vaanti. Mainly Uqzhaal. He’s still pissed at Yurika (or rather her older self) to the point where he attempts to kill her with the liquid time crystals. She may have to deal with him later.
Just then, Yurika felt something cold and fluffy nudging against her leg, causing her to look down and smile face to face with the blue snow fox. By the time she allowed Furball to climb up on her shoulder, she saw Diego walking towards her and stood beside her.
“Thinking about that Endless again, Rika?
She nodded in response, “I still can’t handle the fact of all the things she did to keep all of us alive as much as possible, even though she had good intentions,” The young woman glanced at her best friend worriedly, “Doesn’t it bother you that the Endless is…y’know, technically me?” Diego puts his hand on her shoulder, looking at her right through the eye, “Yurika, you’re practically my best friend here. None of that is going to make me think less of you. Besides, you’re different from her. You’re not going to take drastic measures like setting Varryn’s people up to help us out, even though it did bring us closer together. Plus, you still have us. We’re with you all the way, no matter what.”
Yurika smirked at the last comment, “Sounds a bit cheesy there, Diego.”
“…Okay, it does sounds cheesy,” he agreed before putting an arm around her shoulder, “But that’s because it’s actually true! We’ll handle the other stuff later, Rika. I promise. Right now, we have other problems to deal with.”
The leader of the gang smiled and leaned her head against her best friend shoulder, “You’re right. We have to focus on what we have to do now. And that’s getting the Heart back from Cetus.”
Too much betrayals and mistrusts had already been made. Not to mention, there was much more to be done once they got the second half of the Island’s Heart. She still wasn’t happy with the ways the Endless handle the situations, but if there’s anything that Yurika learned from her, it’s to have faith that everything will be okay for her and her friends.
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lunanightingaleart · 6 years
I’ve Been Waiting a Long Time (Dark/Damien Fan Fic) Part 5
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“Hey Damien!” Damien glanced over his shoulder and found his heart beating rapidly. It was Bethany, walking up with that same innocent smile she always held. Ever since that moment between them, when they got drunk and had that one night stand, he’s seen things as...well....different. Every single detail about her he’d notice now. When she’d change her hair up, or when she’d wear makeup or start wearing nicer clothes rather than her over sized hoodie. The laugh she’d have with him and him alone, and the blush on her cheeks when she was really happy. God, what has gotten into him?
“-ien....Damien?” He snapped from his thoughts, a sudden flush across his face. 
“Sorry! Sorry, I spaced out. Can you say that again?” Bethany smiled patiently, wondering what Damien had been spacing out about. He’s been doing that a lot lately. She wondered if he was stressed, or maybe thinking about someone.
“It’s okay, I was trying to tell you your sister is looking for you.” Damien paled a bit. “My Sister?”
“Damien~!” The young woman ran up to Damien, wrapping her arms around him and smiling. She wore darker clothes and cool colors of makeup. Despite all of her darker style she seemed to be very kind, her aura reading of trustworthiness. 
“Celine, what are you doing here?” 
“Can’t I just come and visit my brother?” 
“Not usually...?” Bethany smiled softly and watched the siblings talk, finding it a little funny. 
“Oh, this is Bethany right? Your little friend~?” Celine grinned brightly towards Damien, who pushed his lips into a straight line while staring at his sister. How the hell did she know about Bethany?
“A girl knows her ways Damien~” She walked over to Bethany, and offered her hand. “It’s so wonderful to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you~” 
“Oh yeah..? It’s nice to meet you too.” Bethany shook her hand and smiled, but she felt a little scared. What if Damien mentioned what happened that night to his sister? Just how close were they?
The answer is not at all. Of course Damien didn’t say anything, why would he? They promised not to say a word to anyone about it, plus Damien knew his sister. She always did find a way to know everything about his life. It doesn’t help that she’s been playing with tarot cards and crystal balls. Damien shook the thought away, going back to the conversation....only to see his sister reading Bethany’s palms.
“Very interesting...I don’t know why but I can’t really see anything about you after the age of about twenty-four. You don’t die....but everything gets fuzzy.”
“Celine I believe that’s enough for now.” Damien walked over and subconsciously grabbed Bethany’s hand from Celine, looking to Celine.
“Now, can you tell me what you’re doing here already?” Celine pouted a bit, but glanced down and smiled mischievously. Damien hadn’t realized he was still holding Bethany’s hand, rather tenderly if that. 
“Just came by to drop off some things from mom and dad. I thought I’d come bug you for a bit, maybe come meet your...close friend~” Celine grinned and looked to Bethany. 
“Let’s hang out sometime Bethany~! You shouldn’t have to be friends with just a bunch of boys, just think of me as your sister too~” Bethany smiled softly, while Damien didn’t like the sound of that at all.
“Sure that sounds great~!”
“Wonderful, here’s my number.” She handed her a piece of paper already written on, as if she knew this would happen.”
“Okay, I’m off. See you around~!” As Celine walked away she bumped right into Will and Mark who were having an animated conversation, but seemingly forgot everything they were saying. 
“Whoops, excuse me boys~” She walked passed them, Will and Mark both watching her leave with half gaped open mouths. Damien sighed and looked to Bethany.
“Be careful around my sister. While I’ll admit she’s a good person and I love her...she’s often up to something. She gets what she wants no matter what the cost is, and sometimes that is very dangerous.”
Bethany had no idea what Damien meant at the time, but knew it would ease his nerves if she agreed with him. Which it did. At that moment Damien realized he was still holding Bethany’s hand, let it go, and apologized sheepishly. 
“So, that was your sister?” Mark walked up with a bright smile. 
“She’s....really pretty.” Will mumbled more to himself.
“Don’t even think about it Mark.” Damien said while Mark shrugged with a big grin. Will seemed out of it, his cheeks powdered pink as he was thinking of something....or someone. 
“So hey Damien, are you doing anything this afternoon?’ Damien looked to Bethany a bit surprised.
“This afternoon? Not particularly, why do you ask?” He watched her start to fiddle with a hair band on her wrist. She’d often fiddle with something on her wrist or neck when she was showing signs of being nervous. Another thing he noticed a lot more often.
“Well, I was going into town for supplies. I thought it would be a lot more fun to go with someone. We’ve never hung out outside of the college campus before, I don’t know it’s kind of stupid.” Her eyes darken when she thought poorly of herself, or became disappointed. He hated to see that look. It felt like he was being punched hard enough to break teeth or cause vomiting.
“No it’s okay, it wasn’t stupid. By all means, I’d love to go shopping with you. Honestly I need a few things as well, it’s the perfect opportunity.” He smiled, which made Bethany feel her chest lighten in weight. How did he do that? How in the hell did he make her feel like this with just a simple smile? Like she was on a cloud?
“Great~! Around four then?”
“Sure, I’ll see you then.” As they parted ways, Mark and Will now both caught on to what was happening and was giving Damien pats on the back and telling him he was going on a date with Bethany, to which he argued and said it was just a shopping trip into town. 
“Well, you’ve already slept with her. It’s not like you can get any more intimate with her, am I right?” Damien playfully pushed Mark and Will out of his personal space, rolling his eyes at the goofballs he called his best friends. 
Bethany practically squealed when she got back to her room, spinning around and plopping on her bed like she was going to float up into the clouds at that very moment. God, why was she like this? She knew it was just a shopping spree, but spending time with him, by themselves, out in public? Something felt so romantic about that. 
Around four came, and Damien arrived at Bethany’s door, wearing a nice casual outfit, but not too casual. He also had his hair combed back, just like the first day they met, which was Will’s idea the dork. Bethany answered her door, wearing a long form-fitting purple sweater, black leggings, and flats. Her hair was brushed out of her face and a singular hair clip held half of her bangs out of her eyes, showing the bright autumn brown sparkle up into his puppy dog brown ones. 
“Wow, you look really great! I love your hair.” Bethany complimented Damien first, who stuttered out a you too and then realized what he said, nervously fixing himself and trying desperately to figure out what he even meant by his statement. Bethany simply watched, entertained by the whole scene. 
“Thanks~ Come on, we better go before it gets too late.” The two left the college campus, going into town and grabbing what they both said they needed. But afterwards, seeing as the day was actually of comfortable temperature and without any crazy weather, they decided to walk around and keep the hangout going. 
“-and then my dad told the guy to screw off because he was batman. Needless to say, my tenth birthday was a very eventful one.” Damien laughed, imagining the scene very well and turning red from laughing.
“I can see you take after your father, especially when drunk~” Bethany grinned while glaring at him.
“Oh bite me, King of Beer Pong~” The two laughed, enjoying each other’s time. It was nice, not letting that one night stand make anything awkward grow between them. Well, it did for the first week, but after they had their time to think they both got over it, deciding friendship was much more important than some stupid drunk sex. While walking, Bethany glanced over at a store and smiled.
“Whoa! Hey check this out!” It was a window shop. They sold mainly items involving pure silver, knick-knacks, accessories, you name it. Bethany had her eyes on a single choker necklace, purple satin as the fabric and a single metal pendant dangling from the fabric. 
“I’m going to check out how much it is. Come on, let’s check some stuff out! Maybe we can find you something~!” Damien chuckled and rolled his eyes. She acted like such a child sometimes, but he had to admit, she was adorable. Stop it Damien, just a friend remember?
“Alright, but don’t bankrupt yourself~” They went inside, and Bethany immediately went to go and check the price of the necklace. Damien scoped around the store, not finding much he’d be willing to pay for. Nothing, until his eyes caught it. A silver headed cane. The head of the cane was carved to perfection, and his hand gripped to it so perfectly. He wanted it, he made his decision on buying it, Bethany was right. He could find something worth while in this store. He turned and went to go to the cashier, only to stop seeing Bethany putting the necklace back in the window where she found it. Her eyes were dark, showing her disappointment. 
“Bethany, what’s wrong?” He walked over, grabbing her attention. The necklace was too expensive. She sent a lot of her money to her parents for her dad’s medical expenses, so she didn’t have enough for the necklace. When she tried to make a deal with the cashier, he said that it was a one of a kind, and that there was no way he could sell it for any lower than the tagged price. 
“Oh, it’s nothing. Hey, cool cane. You going to get it?” Damien looked to the cane, and then to Bethany.
“Don’t change the subject. I thought you wanted that necklace, is it too expensive or something?” Bethany shrugged a bit.
“Yeah, but it’s fine. It’s just a necklace. If I had to pick between sending money back home and buying a necklace I’d definitely pick my family. I can just search the internet for a cheaper one anyway. It’s whatever.” Damien looked to the cane, and then to Bethany. 
“I get it, sorry you can’t afford it.”
“It’s fine. Hey, how about instead of spending my money on a useless necklace, I go buy us some food from the place across the street?” Damien smiled, and nodded. 
“Yeah, hey I’ll be there in a bit. I got to get something real quick.”
“Okay, it’s a good cane by the way! It suits you.” Damien watched as Bethany left the building to across the street. His smile became a soft disappointed one, letting out a sigh as he set the cane down where he found it. He couldn’t afford both of them, so he had to choose. Walking back over to the cashier, he put on a soft smile.
“Hello, I’d like to buy this.”
Bethany paid for the two’s orders of food, grabbing the bag and thanking the cashier before leaving the building. Seeing Damien she smiled and ran up to him, as he sat at an outside table. 
“Hey! Where’s the cane? Come on, strike a pose with it!” Damien smiled softly and picked up the small bag he had by his feet, setting it on the table and looking up at her.
“Didn’t you want that cane?”
“I did, but I found something better. Here, open it.” Bethany set the food down, pure confusion on her face. She grabbed the bag and opened it, immediately freezing and covering her mouth. She could see the purple fabric in the bag.
“Damien, you didn’t...” Damien smiled and watched as Bethany pulled the necklace from the bag.
“I know you really wanted it. No matter how hard you tried to deny it and say it was whatever, Besides, what am I gonna do with a cane?” His eyes widened as he saw tears start to roll down Bethany’s cheeks.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Are you okay? I thought you-” 
“Thank you.” Damien found himself at a loss for words, seeing Bethany smile with tears running down her face. She went around the table and hugged him tightly, burying her face into his neck and continuously repeating thank you. He wrapped his arms around her, letting her cry out her thank you’s. She smelled so sweet, like cotton candy and strawberries. She was so warm too, like a heated blanket. He let out a content sigh, finding himself smiling and slowly letting her go as she pulled away. She was still wiping her eyes. 
“I still can’t believe you did this.” 
“Believe it, now come on try it on.” Bethany picked up the necklace, handing it to Damien with a begging look. Damien only chuckled and nodded, standing up and holding the necklace. Bethany turned her back to him and lifted up her hair, letting Damien wrap the fabric around the front of her neck and slowly clip it around her throat. Turning back towards him she smiled brightly, posing with her hand behind her head and the other on her hip.
“How does it look?” Damien smiled watching her. Many words came to mind. Beautiful, stunning, adorable, precious. He knew he couldn’t say a single one though, remembering they agreed to stay friends after the incident. 
“It looks great on you Beth, really great.” The two of them looked at each other, smiling. Bethany bit her lip and glanced down, then toward the food. 
“So, who’s hungry?” The two of them ate and talked about random topics just as before. Damien couldn’t focus however. He kept staring at her, smiling and watching her every movement. The way she talked with her hands when she was trying to think. The way she lit up a room with just her smile. Why she was glowing! Once it was all over and they went home, he walked into the dorm room he shared with Mark and William, only to look at them with pure surprise.
“So, how did it go?” Will said with an accusatory tone. Mark was smiling while drinking a soda. Damien was still at a loss for words, staring at the two of them while choking on his own words.
“You guys were right...” The two looked to each other, and then to Damien.
“About what? We’re right often so you’ll have to clarify~” Mark asked, but his grin told him he knew what Damien meant. Damien reevaluated his thoughts again, trying to see if he came up with any other option, but couldn’t find a single one.
“...I’m in love with her.” 
“I CALLED IT!” William said while cheering and jumping around the room like a school girl watching her favorite drama. Mark applauded Damien while smiling.
“Congratulations on realizing what we realized day one. Welcome to the Obvious Club, Captain.” Damien was still in shock, sitting on his bed and holding his head. Holy shit he was in love with her. 
Bethany was laying in her bed, twirling the silver pendant in between her fingers. The way that Damien just smiled as her while telling her she looked great. How he bought her that necklace instead of buying his own cane. She stared at the ceiling, a solid ten minutes going by in silence as she thought of literally everything involving him. Even day one where they met. She then sat up right, eyes wide.
“Holy Shit, I’m in Love with Him.”
Start from the beginning Here
Part 6 Here
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