#and i think vibes are as potent an analytical power as facts
spyramy · 2 years
When I learned that ZA/UM had a studio in Brighton/Hove, I got thinking about some of the seaside areas on Martinaise, and took some pictures as I walked up the coast to Rottingdean.
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Brighton and Martinaise have a fair amount in common (and a lot not in common). There's a Harbour in Shoreham down the coast, a large amount of fading, crumbling infrastructure and one of the largest drug/alcohol problems in the country. What struck me most was Joyce Messier's story about how Martinaise was 'built' by the ruling class as a holiday destination.
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Brighton, at earliest recognisability, was a 16th century fishing village known as Brighthelmstone. It grew it's population into the 17th century, but saw economic decline into the 18th, and was then overhauled by the ruling classes as a 'health resort'. A move which brought wealth into the city, and built a grand Victorian seafront, boardwalk and (now burnt down) pleasure pier.
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Brighton also has no shortage of memorials to absurd royal figures. Chiefly the Royal Pavilion. Serving as much as a monument to a monarch's profligacy as to their greatness. Much like a certain exploding horse statue.
In the 20th century, due to its fading appeal as a resort, and the effects of the wars, the city became popular with artists, bohemians, communists and anarchists across the economic spectrum. A notable 1930s Anarchist called Harry Cowley still has a mutual aid organisation/bookshop/social space/anarchist club named after him on London Road. It's economic decline dipped lowest in the 1980s (like many places under Thatcherism). The exploitable fashionable nature of its history has now led to it being a hugely expensive place to live in the UK, as well as being service industry based and for those residents who don't work for the one or two global companies with offices here, financially crippling. It's also a mishmash of absurd uber-rich empty developments, studded into a town of rotting buildings, slum landlords, massive homelessness, and stretched to breaking drug and alcohol services.
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At my former job at a now sadly liquidated karaoke bar on a troubled street in the gay village, we used to call Brighton a city of lost souls.
As you walk across the cliffs, or look out over the sea towards the offshore wind farm, in the rays of a clouded dusk, you can sometimes feel the tension of the city dissipate. The rough edges between what this place was, what it has been, what it is now, and what it may become seem to soften slightly towards one another, like begrudging neighbors over long decades.
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A fishing village. A health resort. An artist's commune. A neoliberal grind.
I know you could draw connections between Revachol and any city in Europe. Possibly the world. That's the beauty and genius of the writing. But I'm grateful for the chance to reflect on my city, re-examining it through this lense has allowed me.
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Finally. The Smallest Church in Saint-Saïns is based on the song The Smallest Church in Sussex by Sea Power who were Brighton based for a long time. And describes the Seven Sisters, a nearby chalk cliff formation which I, and most others who live round here, have walked.
I would often go there
To the tiny church there
The Smallest Church in Sussex
Though it once was larger
How the rill may rest there
Down through the mist there
Toward the seven sisters
Toward those white cliffs there
I would often stay there
In the tiny yard there
I have been so glad here
Looking forward to the past here
But now you are all alone
None of this matters at all
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Beatus Solstitium
Happy Solstice, new moon, and solar eclipse my fellow stargazers. I’m sure all of you can cut this potent celestial energy with a knife. Throw in Mercury’s quarterly retrograde and there’s no doubt your chakras are on overdrive right now.  The second half of 2020 has major transformational energy coming our way. And today of all days is the best time to manifest the blessings you want to make their way to you. Manifestation energy is best on a new moon but not only that, solstices and solar eclipses are prime times to do so as well. Unlike Lunar eclipses that are better for banishing and sometimes bring unwanted occurrences or feelings of melancholy, solar eclipses honor their namesake and bring light and benefic changes into our lives.  But remember, the universe helps those who help themselves so if you do anything today, even if it’s speaking your intentions out loud, do not be afraid to do so. This is an auspicious time to call in good health, honor, and riches. The current celestial climate brings people together and is a good omen for ending conflict through peace negotiations. That is also a facet of Mercury Rx. Think about it, has anyone from your past come in contact with you again? Are their opportunities coming your way that looked hopeless and grim even just a month ago? For those of you who dabble in cartomancy, feel free to do a spread on what you can expect in the last 6 months of the year and how to get the best out of it? Since Tarot is not affected by Mercury’s backspin [Mercury rules the 6th house of work and routine and Tarot is about the 8th and 12th houses] the messages you received with still be clear. Still, be mindful that other powers are at play, you’ll see this in the social/ societal reconditioning of many nations throughout the world. People are awakening. That’s the energy of Pluto and Saturn retrograde still going on. You might find that you’re asking yourself “is what I’m doing in my day to day, serving my spiritual evolution?” Pay attention if this inquiry crosses your mind. Self-care is paramount during cosmic moments like these. Protecting and nurturing ourselves and others is more important than ever, and that's where we’ll find solace. Changes may even occur without your assistance. Be sure to check your transits but just in case you needed a little help getting started...
How the Solstice/Eclipse will affect your sign:
You’ll be hit right in the feels. Nostalgia might be at play more than usual and aspects of your home life may shift. In fact, changes in your foundation may shift completely. Are you ready to move out?
Speaking from the heart will elevate your power. Why? Because this eclipse will affect your house of communication. You might find yourself having difficult conversations with friends or family members. Look out for misunderstandings [there may be a few] and be sure to approach discussions with as much diplomacy as you can.  Your grounded natures can help you find the best solution and come out with fair and balanced understandings from both sides.
Pay attention to your coins. Be resourceful with your money and save up. Why? Because the eclipse is affecting your house of income and value. I know your dad is on vacation at the moment but it would be best to use all that analytical prowess and be extra vigilant regarding your savings. Is the gamble on that game really worth it, honey? Make sure there are no glitches in your money flow that could be avoided. Your future self will thank you.
It’s your season right now so anything you’re dealing with will most likely affect your house of self. As a result, self-care is paramount. Take time to just sit with your feelings and practice some much-needed TLC. Embrace your emotions and softer sentiments. Utilize mediation [I beg you] and see how a few moments of undisturbed peace can make a difference.
The same that was said for Cancer can be said for you. The solstice will be affecting your house of spirituality ruled by Neptune. The house of the hidden. Take time to be introspective, meditate, study. Turn your phone off and really take some time to tune out the world. You never know what insights might hit you out of nowhere. What could be revealed to you during your unconscious moments? What you could see or what could be revealed in your dreams.
The eclipse will pinpoint your house of friends and community. your place in the world/society as a whole. Don't be shocked if relationships and dynamics within your social group start shifting or redefining themselves. Eclipses bring about inevitable changes, so your acquaintances/friends might be showcasing sides of themselves you didn’t know where there. Their true colors, so to speak, for better or worse.
This solar blackout will be affecting your house of reputation and career my peace-loving friends. Get ready for some shifts in the way you approach things in your public sector. You're examining and reevaluating where you stand in your work life/space. Changes are inevitable here. It’s up to you to make the most of it. Will you?
The house of exploration and the higher mind is getting hit from all sides, my fellow arachnids.  Jupiter is working overtime here. You might find yourself daydreaming about new places, exploration, etc. In general, higher-minded activities will bring you happiness. Learning new things from different people from different places can bring you more wealth and happiness than you’d expect.
Heavy 8th house energy coming at you, Sag. Your house of transformation will be affected by this solar eclipse. Resources, other people’s money or inheritances, what people find mysterious and raw about you or aspects of your life, sex in general. But you might find freedom in realizing where you can push your boundaries. Enjoy the transformative ride toward growth.
House of relationships and love will be at the forefront of this eclipse for you.  Love may create issues, so boundaries are important. Take time for yourself. Take time to listen to the one you feel is most important to you. Your relationships in general could see some changes. By taking the time to really evaluate what’s going on, you can isolate any molehills before they become mountains.
6th house energy hitting you all day, Aqua. Your daily routines, mundane matters, schedules, work-- all of that. Changes will be seen there. You may even find yourself seeking a new routine. Go for it. It will be beneficial to your overall vibe.
Hope you all are doing okay out here. For such an empathetic sign, the current energies have to be a lot for you to handle. This is why you’ll need to may attention to what makes you happy. Your house of pleasure and fun, children, and merriment will be affected during this time. You’ll see changes occurring there that will bring sweet sweet rewards. Connections deepening with others. Stronger ties. Questions that you’ve always had about these things? Now’s the time to discuss them.
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