#and i think yall need to lower your expectations bc i would be SHOCKED if it was like joppers first kiss
demadogs · 2 years
i think im the only person who doesnt want a full on makeout session for bylers first kiss
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avvwritesstufff · 1 month
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Summary- Reader and Paige have a friends with benefits type of situation and their friends don’t know but they find out at the campus halloween party
Warning- Eating out(r! receiving) nothing else i don’t think…
yall chill on me bc it’s my first fic
Tonight was the big campus Halloween party, and Paige and I decided to go as matching vampires. Basic, sure, but undeniably cute. We got ready together, layering on the dark makeup and fangs. Paige insisted on pouring fake blood down my arm, laughing as she did.
"You look hot as fuck," she said, grinning as she stepped back to admire her handiwork.
"Aw, thanks, Bueckers. Can't say the same about you, though," ! teased, leaning in close, just to pull away at the last second, leaving her hanging.
With a laugh, I grabbed my bag, and we headed out. We'd decided not to drive, so we hitched a ride with Yanna and Ice.
When we got to the party, it was everything we'd expected-loud, wild, and packed with our friends. We found the group and quickly got into the spirit of things, which meant getting trashed, of course.
At some point, Paige and I broke off from the others, just walking around, dancing, and vibing. It was perfect-until I noticed a girl with black hair eyeing Paige a little too intently.
"That girl keeps eye-fucking you, P," I said, my annoyance probably too obvious.
"Who? The one with the black hair?" Paige asked, glancing around.
"You spotted her that quick?" | shot back, trying to keep my jealousy under wraps.
"Oh yeah, I met her at the bar earlier. She's hot," Paige said, looking back at me with a smirk.
"Paige Madison Bueckers," | warned, grabbing her arm before she could make a move, "Walk over there, and I'll beat your ass. You're staying here with me."
"Yes, ma'am," she replied, instantly obedient, though I could see the teasing glint in her eyes.
The rest of the night, Paige kept trying to make me jealous, playing it up just to get under my skin.
Eventually, we both had enough drinks to let loose completely, and we started dancing together.
Paige's hands were wrapped around my waist as I sang along to “Dress" by Taylor Swift, each lyric dripping with intention.
"I don't want you as a best friend, only bought this dress so you could take it off," | sang, my voice low and sultry, looking directly at her.
"Is that a promise?" Paige whispered in my ear, her breath hot against my skin.
"We can make it one," | smirked, but before things could go further, Aubrey and Aaliyah's voices cut through the moment, calling for us from across the house.
Reluctantly, we made our way over, ending up on a couch that was too crowded. I ended up on Paige's lap, not that I was complaining. We were playing some game, but I wasn't interested-I was too focused on Paige, leaning against her, feeling bold and, honestly, horny as fuck.
"I need you, P," | whispered into her ear.
Her eyes widened in shock, but she didn't waste a second before excusing us from the group. I led her out of the room, barely able to keep my composure.
A bedroom in a frat house wasn't ideal, but it would have to do. As soon as the door shut behind us, Paige locked it and immediately pressed me against the wall, our lips crashing together. I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her closer as she lifted me by my thighs, her lips trailing down my neck.
"Fuck," I gasped, barely able to speak as she smiled against my skin, lowering me onto the bed. I quickly flipped us over, straddling her hips as I grabbed her face and kissed her again, more deeply this time.
Paige's hands found my hips, guiding me as I ground against her.
"V..." she breathed out, her voice laced with desire.
I couldn't help but smile against her lips, keeping the rhythm. "A bedroom in a frat house wasn't where I imagined this happening," I joked, even as my heart raced.
"Hmm, so you've imagined us, huh?" Paige teased, flipping me over again, moving me to the edge of the bed. She started pulling down my underwear and stockings, her eyes meeting mine for permission. When I nodded, she spread my legs, kissing up my thighs before diving in, making me gasp her name.
We were so caught up that we didn't hear the knocking at first, but it quickly became impossible to ignore. Paige and I shared a panicked look as we scrambled to make ourselves presentable.
Paige went to the door, trying to act casual, only to find Yanna and Nika on the other side.
"Yo?" Paige greeted them, clearly trying not to panic.
"Oh, hey, p," Nika said, looking relieved. "We finally found yous. We're getting ready to go."
"Yeah, alright," Paige said, smiling as I stepped into view.
"Hey, guys!" | added, trying to sound normal despite everything.
"Someone's in a good mood," Yanna said with a knowing smile as she looked at me. I just smiled back as Paige wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close.
"Well, we're heading back. Are you coming?" Nika asked, trying not to overreact in the moment.
"Yeah," Paige replied, and we followed them out.
Once outside, Nika went to ride with Aubrey, Azzi, Caroline, and Amari, all heading to our dorm.
That left me, Paige, Aaliyah, Ice, and Yanna in Yanna’s car.
The car ride was quick and quiet, everyone too tired to talk. As soon as we got back to the dorm, i went to mine and paige went to hers to shower and change.
Nika barged in “OMG YOU AND PAIGE FUCKED” she yelled
“woah nik calm down” you said grabbing her shoulders laughing.
“The fuck- anyways nika its 2 am. please stop yelling.” I tell nika as we sit on my bed. I explain our situation to her.
“yo- oh hey nika?” paige says walking in.
“ugh if you guys are gonna fuck again, i’m sleeping at naheims. gay bitches” nika says joking and walking out.
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Geralt and the Minotaur
Y’all can thank @bounce-a-coin-off-your-witcher for encouraging me to do this, I defs would have just thought about it for a couple months then forgot 😂
Pairing: None for this part
Warning: talk of violence and murder, retelling of Theseus and The Minotaur myth, talk of human sacrifice, if theres more plz let me know!
Summary/Notes: Myth background in case you didn’t go past the PJO books with your mythology obsession like I did. In ancient Greek mythology they believed in ‘joint fatherhood’ so basically the kid would have attributes from both fathers (bc philosophy was the tits back then not necessarily biology) King Aegeus (Vessimir) couldn’t produce an heir with his wife so he went to the Oracle of Delphi and she told him to ‘open his wine sack’ (helpful right?) long story short he bangs a princess and then Athena (patron goddess of Athens) tells the princess to go down to the sea with an offering where she bangs Posiden (co-patron god of Athens) hence Theseus (Geralt) is not only a demigod but a bastard prince.  I think this is all the background yall are gonna need if you don’t already know the myth
Geralt knew the story well. For as long as he could remember, his mother would comb his stark white hair before bed and he would ask, “Tell me about my fathers?” She would smile fondly and begin to braid his hair in a pattern much like her own. 
“My little hero, your fathers are powerful, fair, righteous men. You have not only the blessing and favor of Poseidon, but the right to the throne of Athens.”
When he was younger he would squirm and protest, “I know mumma, but who were they?”
Vissena would sigh and change the subject until he was older, at which point she began letting the crumbs fall from her words. Crumbs Geralt followed to the truth of his heritage, piecing together stories his grandfather had told him about a sword and sandals pinned beneath a stone. 
When he was twelve, his mother told him the truth.
“You are destined to free the city of Athens from a terrible fate. When you can lift the stone and retrieve your father’s sword you may travel to his palace and claim your place as prince…” Her voice came to a strangled end before she coughed and continued “But you mustn't think about that now. You’ve rope to braid and cattle to feed.”
When he finally told her he was ready to try, her eyes welled with tears. She merely nodded, continuing to run the comb through her baby’s hair like she always had. He understood as he grew older why she was so reluctant to let him go. What mother can willingly send her child away in only destiny’s hands, regardless of his exceptional strength?
At 16, he succeeded in his first task, retrieving his father’s things, and set off to Athens. He went by land, wanting to rely on himself, not his grandfather’s wealth and power. He fought Perophes, disarming the practiced warrior with surprising little effort, to complete his second task. Fighting Coercion sent chills down his spine, with the man’s reputation for killing every opponent he faced he was certainly formidable, but he bested him nonetheless. His third task was complete. However, his name only became synonymous with ‘hero’ after slaying the wild boar. 
His first kill was at 17, still on the road to Athens. He could have let Procrustes live, could have delivered him to the nearest king for imprisonment, but his gut had twisted at the thought of the consequences of his failure. He tied Procrustes to the same small table he tied all his victims before slicing clean through the giant man’s limbs that hung off the edge. Leaving him to bleed out like he’d done to the skeletons littering the floor. It only seemed fitting, though the memory still made him queasy on nights when he couldn't sleep.
Even upon arrival at his father’s home, there was danger staring back at him in those beautiful amethyst eyes. The prophetess Yennefer would stop at nothing to keep the life of luxury and power she’d gained. She whispered false prophecies in King Vessimir’s ear, convincing him this boy who claimed to be his son was nothing but an imposter. Geralt should have expected such a welcome. 
As he lifted a cup of poisoned wine to his lips, Vessimir glimpsed the sword at his side, recognizing it in time to knock the ceramic out of his hand. 
The vessel had yet to shatter on the floor before Vessimir had rounded on the violet eyed woman with fury in his eyes like none Geralt had ever seen. 
The whole of the dining hall was holding their breath, waiting for the explosion to come.
King Vessimir whispered but one word, “Disappear.”
The woman glared daggers at Geralt as she waved her hand, stepping through a portal into nothing. He stared after her for a long time, having never witnessed manipulated magic up close and if he were honest with himself, he was a bit dazed.
As his father explained and apologized Geralt simply tilted his head in confusion, slowly putting the pieces together in his shock.
“Your sword, it was mine. You must forgive me, I believed a lie. I beg you.”
Geralt nodded, “You have a state to protect.”
Vessimir grasped him by his shoulders, “No, I have to protect you.”
Geralt smiled, endeared by the old king’s sudden saccharine sentiments, “I’m no boy anymore, you shouldn’t worry.”
As the rest of the guests at the banquet began to resume conversation Vessimir guided Geralt to a window overlooking the beautiful city that he would now be calling home, “So I’ve heard.  I would have thought your mother would raise you to be more merciful.”
Geralt eyed the ground, “Mercy for one who has killed so many and would kill again isn’t really mercy.” His voice was smaller than he would like, but after all these years of imagining his father, well he hadn’t expected a criticism of his ethics. 
“Good.” Vessimir nodded, leaning against the edge of the window, “We can work on your tone, but that’s a good start.”
A tentative smile took over Geralt’s face, “Work on my tone?”
“If you’re going to rule Athens and defeat Crete, you’ll need to be more assertive. But none of that now,” Vessimir waved a hand and a servant brought two more goblets of wine, “Now, I want to get to know my son.”
The following months were filled with lessons, from Vessimir’s top generals in battle strategy and formal combat, from a matronly maid in etiquette and the cultural customs of the port city, and from Vessimir himself in diplomacy. Geralt was thrilled at first, ready to prove himself worthy, but the routine slowly lost its shine. Eskel and Lambert were no doubt excellent fighters and leaders, but there were only so many ways to disarm someone with every weapon in the royal arsenal, and they were running out of challenges for the boy. If that’s what you could call him anymore. With regular meals, unlike during his travels, and the way his trainers pushed him he was starting to look more worthy of his Olympian heritage and place at the throne. 
He stood by his father’s side and paid careful attention to all of his meetings, every last one. Even the ones at dawn after a night of drinking with Eskel and Lambert. 
He sat on a stool, a step down from the platform where his father’s throne was carved out of stone as he observed the nobles bringing their worries, reports, and complaints to the king from the outskirts of the territory. The large amphitheater was teeming with men ready to share their opinion. Geralt found that rarely did anyone bring something that really needed fixing, just listening was usually enough to soothe their egos. It was all rather mundane now, Geralt could mouth the words his father would say before they filled the air, until the last representative. 
"My king, the spring is approaching, will we allow Crete to take our children yet again?”
Geralt’s brows knit together, eyes darting between the man and his father as they spoke.
Vessimir wiped a hand over his face, looking ten years older in an instant, “We don't have a navy that could even begin to challenge Crete’s. We have no choice.”
The gathered crowd erupted in shouts of outrage, only silenced when Vessimir stood, “It is the life of fourteen, or the life of the nation. Which will you surrender?”
There was more yelling, this time between a select few delegates, but Geralt ignored it and leaned to his right, lowering his voice so only Eskel could hear him. 
“What does he mean ‘the life of fourteen’?”
Eskel frowned, “He hasn’t told you?”
Geralt glared at him, waiting for an explanation.
“King Minos’ son was killed at the games a good twenty or so years back, so as penance he takes fourteen virgins from us every nine years. Seven men, seven women, and feeds them to his bastard Minotaur.” Eskel glanced over Geralt’s shoulder at the king, a look of worry clear on his face. 
“I thought the Minotaur was just a story, a parable of Crete’s barbaric nature.”
Eskel raised an eyebrow, not impressed by Geralt's literary analysis, “It’s no tale. It's as real as the ground under your feet, and it plays with its food.”
Geralt whipped his head back around to his father in time to catch his words, “There is no voting on war because of the brashness of your grandfather Letus, tread lightly. Until we have a reasonable plan of action all we can do is submit!"
Before he knew what his legs were doing Geralt was standing and shouting, "I'll go! Send me father! I'll kill the beast and return!" 
Cheers erupted from the crowd but Geralt only cared about his father's reaction and Vessimir was still as stone. For a moment Geralt worried for his heart, then Vessimir gripped his arm and leaned in with a panicked look on his face, "You are my only son, I will not send you to your death." He growled. 
Geralt felt a fire rising in his chest, "Your people are forced to send their children unwillingly yet when yours volunteers you're exempt? Does that seem fair to you?"
Vessimir’s grip tightened, nails digging into Geralt's arm, "Doesn't matter. You are the only heir. I can't risk the stability of the government."
Geralt stepped closer, making sure to stand at his full height, "Then you do not believe in me? In the power and blessings of Posiden that courses through me?" 
Vessimir snarled but said nothing. Surely not used to being challenged, especially not so publicly, about his devotion to the gods. 
Geralt lowered his voice, "I will go. I will free Athens as is my destiny, and I will come back to you unharmed." Geralt gripped his father's arm, and nearly pleaded, "I cannot sit idly by, you know I can't." 
Vessimir's eyes softened ever so slightly as he released his grip, "I should have known your mother would raise a stubborn man." 
Geralt grinned, "She said I got that from you." 
The amphitheater had gone quiet, all eyes on the king and this strange new prince. 
"Geralt will go." Vessimir sighed, clapping a hand on his son's shoulder. The crowd cheered in earnest this time and Geralt soaked it all in, their hope and elation. Vessimir raised a hand for silence and continued, "Now tell me, scholars and strategists, how will we bring him back alive?"
part 2 here!
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katsukikitten · 5 years
yo here’s an idea for you (just bc i feel like you’ll do this hc justice) a cybersex hc, like a facetime situation with bakugou (or whoever you like) idk how else to explain it
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A/N Welp I kinda did what you asked. ENJOY
Your phone pings in your pocket before you pull it out, a message from someone worth losing your kill streak for.
*"King needs a selfie kitten."*
You smirk down at your phone with a cheeky attitude as you angle the phone to get the smallest glimpse at your cleavage, you lean against a muscled arm beside you.
"Kiri, selfie." He turns to the camera giving it a cocky look as you wink with a peace sign sending it on it's way before the two of you continue to pwn noobs on yalls favorite online game.
"Who's that going to?" He asks, rubies glancing back here and there to see how low cut you allowed your shirt to be.
"Just a friend!" You muse, before he watches your face become a little crestfallen.
"Then why isn't your *friend* here?" He asks, nudging you with your shoulder to engage again. You pick up your controller sticking out your tongue.
Kirishima cannot deny that he wants that tongue to do more than tease him.
"He's working! You know how the hero work schedule is." You sigh openly this time, securing top of the leader board as you get a six kill streak is less than a minute.
"Oh a hero?" Kirishima teases as your phone pings, he hopes to see the name of said hero saved in your phone. Instead he just sees King Sama 💥 as the name.
"Yes. A hero!" You nudge him back, he fights the butterflies in his stomach, he wasn't sure how much longer he could be *just* friends with you if your laugh had him that twisted.
That fucked up over just a normal sound and your smile.
Damn it was bright. He goes for a low blow as he adds
"Yet here you are with me, alone, on *Valentine's Day*." The stats come up on screen after they show the play of the game with you annihilating the enemy team.
"Yea well..." You tuck hair behind your ear, unsure of what to say. Heart clenching as Kirishima comes dangerously close. His breath mingles with yours as his tone deepens causing your stomach to flip.
"I wouldn't be afraid to show you off, Y/N." He says softly, leaning impossibly closer, just as his feather soft lips are about to touch yours, your phone rings. Blaring out the familiar tone of a facetime request. Ruby eyes burn into glass as they read King Sama 💥 coming between you and him once again.
"I uh gotta take this. I'll be right back." You say, standing and mostly pretending as if nothing happened. Kirishima plays along, waving the controller as if waving you away. All the while the plastic groans beneath his steely grip.
You slip into the bedroom down the hall, trying to push the thoughts of your room mate out of your mind.
You plug in the string lights to set the mood before you answer the call, his voice comes out of your phone's speaker like sinful velvet.
"I've been gone barely 16 hours and you're already disobeying me." A threat that has your core heating, "I told you to be in bed an hour ago. Shirt off kitten."
You notice that he already ready for bed, shirtless and in nothing but his black boxers. You lick your lips thinking of the prize beneath the soft fabric.
"And I told you I'd be staying up late in protest!" You half smile, half pout as you tell the truth, pulling your shirt over your head. He knew you always stayed up late with Kirishima on his weekend off from hero work.
You half wish Bakugou had instructed you to go to bed early because he was jealous of you spending time with someone else. Your stomach sours at the thought that he most likely hadn't done it out of jealousy or wanting to posses you.
"What was that? Are you talking back?" He expected this, he expected you to only half listen or fight back more so since he isn't there in person. Still he fights to keep the smile from his face.
"That's how a conversation works." You shrug, half agitated with him for being gone on valentines day.
As if he could help when he was sent to another city for work. Plus it wasn't as if you two were dating anyfuckinway.
Just fucking and occasionally hanging out. A dom with his bratty as hell kitten.
Kirishima's words have got you thinking. Maybe you did need something a little bit more. This one sided love, no matter how hot, was starting to hurt your heart. As if on cue your heart pangs out while the rest of your body ignites beneath his gaze.
"You sure have a smart mouth for someone who isn't standing in front of me Kitten." He says darkly, illuminated only by the soft hotel lamp and the light of his phone.
"You wouldn't do anything anyway." You even have audacity to roll your eyes. Bakugou's heart beat quickens, your banter seems to be less flirty and more stand offish than usual. Not being there in person today has him worried, not only are you alone with your male roommate but he knows he isn't there to force what ever is bothering you out of you. As there is no chance in hell you'll swallow your pride and tell him what's wrong.
"Oh I wouldn't Kitten?" His voice takes a sharp edge, "That's fine I'll remember that for later."
Silence stretches between the two of you for a moment as your gut twists, biting at your lip. Now frustrated with your body for still reacting to him as you feel your stomach tighten.
"For now let's address the fact that you're wearing that pair of underwear I got you." His smile is deadly as your face goes to slight shock considering you've only taken off your shirt for him, "It tells me when you've turned it on."
"I...I..I'm not wearing them."
"Oh?" He asks, thumb tapping the screen to activate the little vibe in the black pair of underwear. You let your phone tilt away from you as it buzzes against your clit, tightly pressed agaisnt you especially with how your thighs are pressed together.
"Keep the phone on your face kitten." You do as he asks, keeping the camera pointed at your face. Your cheeks redden quickly as your cunt clenches on it's own, desperate to have something to fill it.
But that wasn't happening tonight was it?
"Pants off." A command as you prop the phone up on your night stand to give him a full view of your body. He lowers the setting a bit while you shimmy your tight jeans down over your thicc ass and thighs. He groans as he watches, palming himself.
"Bend over, slide your underwear to the side so I can see how wet you are." Your body moves on it's own as you do what is commanding, keeping your moans whisper soft. He groans loudly when you move the fabric and a string of your slick sticks to it.
"What do you think Kirishima would do if he knew you were wearing a vibe for me today while you sat next to him? If he knew how much a slut you were?" He asks cranking it up, you let out a loud moan, "Quiet. Unless you want him to hear."
"Nnnnnn. No King I don't." You feel your body twitch as you press yourself against the bed, reminding yourself that he isn't here to slip himself in you.
"Remove your bra and sit pretty kitten." He commands leaving it on the agonizing steady setting.
"No please and thank you?" You ask with some bite to which he switches up the pattern to very low to shockingly high at unpredictable times.
"A king never asks." He smirks as even hundreds of miles apart you're softly moaning his name when he commands you, "Now help me cum baby."
He strokes himself on camera, the sight of it driving you mad, the little bit of precum you can see before he coats his head has you seeing stars. You'd do anything to have that in your mouth right now.
"Tell me what you're thinking." His voice is sultry, "Cause I'm thinking of making sure you're a quivering mess beneath me."
You gasp at the thought of him having his way with you, closely to how he is now.
"I... I.." But you can't tell him what you want as you can barely thing with how nicely this pair of underwear is pleasing you.
"Pull on your nipples for me." And you palm your breasts before pulling at the perked points, sending you closer to the edge that he has been silently denying. Knowing just when to change the setting lower, driving you completely mad. The vibrations go up and a loud moan escapes your mouth.
"Such a naughty thing." He sets it to the lowest setting as you pout, "Trying to cum without permission and being loud when I told you to be quiet."
"But you...Katsukiiiii." You whine instead as he changes it again but allowing you to continue to back talk.
"That doesn't sound like an apology to me." He says as his hand still goes up and down his length furiously. You follow his hand. Twisting this way and that in attempt to let up some of the pleasure as he ups the ante. The closer he gets the higher the setting.
He watches you twist restlessly as your gasped moans ring out over the speaker of his phone. He thanks God above and the creator for Facetime as he watches your cheeks and breasts flush.
And all for him.
He needed this after such a rough day, pops litter his forearms as he groans from the sight of you holding it in.
The sound of tiny explosions has you biting your palm to keep the moan contained. You love it when he's close.
"Who owns this pussy?" He asks, upping the vibration and switching up the pattern. Your nails dig into your thighs as you cover your mouth to keep from crying out.
"Y....you Sama. You own it." You say breathless as you try so so hard to obey him. To keep your release in, if you ended it on a good note he would allow you your crescendo.
He would also make your in person visit that much better.
"Fuuuuck kitten." He says, pumping hard even as cum leaves his throbbing cock in spurts. By habit your mouth is wide open, but you're holding your breath to keep from moaning.
One slips out much too loud and you bite your hand to keep yourself together. Tears collecting in your eyes as you're pushed closer and closer and closer. You begin to rut into the bed, hoping the extra friction with bring relief, cheeks reddening as you pray he gives you permission.
"Please sama please...." You cry out, loosening your cunt walls slowly to allow for the best release. Scarlet eyes watch you fight and bite at yourself in hopes to please him.
However his mind was already made up. He knows when you're at the very brink of your crescendo, he knows your eyes will start to roll back a few times as you focus on the stars you must see and he knows you're close because you're actually begging him.
You're about to snap, about to bite hard into your hand while the other pulls at your nipple like he instructed before the vibrator turns off causing you to let out a whimper.
"S...sama I think the battery may have died." You say, disappointment shrouding your face before he gives you a level look.
"No kitten, I turned it off. You were mouthy so this is your punishment. No cumming until I get back tomorrow. Got that?" Your face reddens as he expects, knowing full well the tantrum that is about to unfold. You stand as if that would make a difference over the phone huffing loudly.
"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" You yell, not allowing the heat of embarrassment to creep up your throat or the hot tears forming in your eyes since you are not getting your way. Despite knowing he's the only dom you've met that you actually listen to more times than not.
"It is fair kitten. I've been so lenient with you lately and you've been nothing but bratty."
"You're a brat tamer that's your job!" A hiss as your breathing hitches. He bites his lower lip, almost ready to give in and only because he is not there for the after care.
"You don't seem tame to me." He shrugs, "I'm a dom kitten. Now be a good little one and listen."
"Well I'm not. I'm...I'm.." You think of anything you can just to spite him, to get under his skin, it comes out faster than you can think it over, "I'm going to ask Kirishima for help."
Katsuki goes quiet on the other side, you watch his face harden as his eyes turn into glowing hot embers. Silence passes between the two of you. Both too proud to admit how much that sentence hurts you both.
"That's fine Y/LN." He snarls, "We aren't dating. So go ahead. Use him to cum just be sure to let me know if he's better than your Sama."
You see red as your heart claws up your throat, especially by the use of your last name.
"Fine!" You hiss ending the call with out your normal good byes.
He sends a threatening text that he knows will egg you on, angry with you for wanting another man and himself for not being man enough to tell you that he likes you and has for the past several months.
That he may be in *love* with you.
*"If you do fuck him. Be sure to send pictures."*
The text makes you feel next to nothing to him as you silently scream. You shove off the underwear angrily, slipping in the dicking down shorts Katuski loves so much and the same ones you've caught even gentleman Kirishima eyeing from time to time before slipping back on your tight top.
You had asked for this. You told him explicitly no feelings and not to be light on punishments.
And look at you crying because he did exactly as you asked while you were the one stupid enough to break your own rule. You splash your face with cold water until it no longer looks as if you'd been crying. Scrubbing the towel over it before giving your reflection your best cat like smile.
You were going to eat Kirishima up.
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Bang a Gong//Get It On (SMUT)
anonymous said: Hello! I LOVE your writing!! I was wondering if you could write something about Roger and reader where they're like roommates/friends and one day she accidentally walks in on Roger while he's playing with himself and some sexual tension starts to develop cause like holy fuck that was hot and Rog is like big or something idduno ❤️
(a/n: almost 6000 words so its a big boi i’m such a crackhead i added a little bit more to the request than asked bc I wanted to make it kinda funny hehe okay but it still follows the request don’t worry  ANYWAYS yall im a mess this week hbu? Listen to T-Rex’s Electric Warrior album thx)
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It was late afternoon when you decided to head over to yours to continue your study session with Brian. He’d already graduated, but he had taken some of the same science courses as you, so he promised he’d help you in exchange for a warm, home-cooked meal that Roger had zero part in. Whether it was because he distrusted Roger’s cooking skills or fearing being poisoned since they’d been bickering more lately, you had no idea, but you did know one thing – Roger would most definitely be home at this time. He usually got home an hour or two before you, so he wouldn’t be expecting you and you were just hoping he wasn’t eating any of the food you were planning on making.
The sound of T-Rex’s newest album, Electric Warrior, greeted you when you opened the door to your shared flat, Brian directly behind you. Immediately, you zeroed in on the source, knowing that Roger was most likely listening to it in his room, and you wondering where he’d scrounged up the money for that as you sat your book bag down on the hallway floor, pulling your shoes off individually before sitting them next to the bag. Brian followed suit, grimacing at the loud volume of the gritty-sounding blues song that was playing out of Roger’s speakers.
“Rog?” you called out, making a futile attempt to get a response from him as the music overpowered your voice. When you heard nothing, you sighed and rolled your eyes. “He’s going to go fucking deaf before he even goes blind, I swear it.” Pulling your hair out of the bun you’d had it in for most of the day, you locked the door behind Brian before grabbing your book bag again, heading for the couch.
“Wonder if he can hear the record, maybe he needs to turn it up a bit,” Brian joked lamely, making you snort and shake your head at the attempt at a jab. Not his best work, but the message was clear. You decided it was probably a good idea for you to go ask him to turn it down – if Brian did the same, you imagined it would end about as well as any of their other interactions had recently – in flames.
Dropping your bag at the end of the couch, you heard Brian go into the kitchen for a glass of water while you headed down the hallway, the music becoming almost unbearably loud as you approached his slightly cracked door. You could just see into his room, his disheveled honey blonde hair visible as he had his back to you – the headboard of the bed was directly next to the door, since he was a big fan of the whole ‘run into the room and immediately flop on the bed’ movement. Not appearing to be doing much except for laying there, you rolled your eyes at the fact that he was asleep right now.
“Got your music loud enough?” you yelled teasingly, throwing open the door and almost screaming at what you walked in on. Roger had his trousers and briefs pushed down just a bit, and he’d unbuttoned them as much as he could, fully freeing his cock from any restraints. He was laying down on top of his duvet, at least before he realized you’d barged in, after which he’d scrambled to tuck himself back into his briefs before rolling over away from you and pulling his duvet with him. The frantic action caused him to fall off the bed, and he landed with a thud and a loud groan as he disappeared from your view for a moment.
Your jaw was practically to the floor as you stood there, in absolute shock at what had just happened. The music was still playing loudly, and you felt your cheeks burning with embarrassment as you tried to grapple with what you’d seen. After a moment, Roger’s head popped back up over the side of his bed, and he looked both pleasantly annoyed and humiliated as he stared at you, seeming twice as embarrassed as you were. “You said what about my music?”
The attempt to change the subject was a valiant effort in itself, but was lost on you as you pressed your hands to your cheeks, laughing in horror for a moment. “Shit, Roger, I’m- I meant to knock, but the door was open, so I-“
“You can turn down the music,” he interrupted, giving you a pointed look before glancing at the record player to your right. Still in a mild daze, you nodded and turned slowly, turning the music down as the lead singer’s voice barely whispered out ‘You’ve got the teeth of a hydra upon you, you’re dirty sweet and you’re my girl.’ That only made things far more awkward than they already were, Roger’s piercing blue stare upon you the entire time you moved. It felt so uncomfortable as the singer yelled out ‘Get it on, bang the gong, get it on!’ that you had to shut your eyes for a moment, then open them again and give Roger a strained smile.
“I’m making pasta and garlic bread. Bri is here.” With that, you nodded curtly and scurried out of the room, trying to mask the conflicting emotions on your face as you reemerged into the living room.
“Thank god he listens to you,” Brian remarked as you passed, going directly to the kitchen. “I think I would have gone mad if he hadn’t turned it down. The man’s an animal.”
You almost choked at the last part of his sentence, coughing to cover it up as you pulled out a pot to boil some noodles in. Your cheeks were still bright red as you moved along, boiling the water and grabbing ingredients to make alfredo while you tried to erase the image of Roger splayed out on his bed, in the middle of getting himself off.
For the moment you’d seen him in what he thought was alone time, his face was pleasantly void of emotion, in a state of bliss as he rested back against his pillows. He looked utterly relaxed, careless – and dare you say, enticing – as he played with himself, probably assuming you wouldn’t be home for several hours yet. So when that bliss had erased itself because of you, you felt a twinge of guilt. After all, who were you to deny him that pleasure?
And something else twinged inside of you too – envy? Desire? Something darker, deeper than you’d expected had blossomed in your stomach, which wasn’t new – Roger was by far the most attractive roommate you’d had, well, ever. But this time, it was overwhelming, and you had to shove it down until it was buried when you’d almost finished making the pasta and Roger sauntered into the living room, his eyes immediately on you through the doorway. There was a look on his face, a warning one, and he glanced at Brian before raising an eyebrow at you. You realized he was wondering whether Brian knew, so you shook your head and offered a small reassuring smile, returning to the pasta and letting out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding.
“Oi, Roger, done destroying your eardrums?” Brian teased, Roger rolling his eyes as he started towards the kitchen, still lazily sauntering as if nothing had happened.
“Hello, Brian. Did you know I saw Chrissy today?” Roger remarked to Brian, seemingly offhanded, but you knew he was trying to push Brian’s buttons as he came to the refrigerator, opening it and pulling out a beer. “Talked to her about you, in fact. We had a nice conversation, sweet girl. A bit tame for my taste, but sweet.”
“Really?” Brian asked, trying to mask the anxious tone of voice he suddenly took on but failing miserably. You could hear him hop over the couch and make his way into the kitchen, Roger moving over to get plates down for the three of you as Brian attempted to nonchalantly lean against the doorway and cross his arms. “What did you tell her about me? Fred said he’s been talking me up, but who knows whether that means he’s telling her I’m smart or that I have a big cock.”
You stiffened a bit at that, almost imperceptibly, but Roger noticed. His blue eyes were picking you apart at the moment, noticing every movement, every subtle shift in your body language. He was nervous, afraid that you were going to slip up and say something about it, but you bit down on your lower lip before continuing to stir the pasta. God, speaking of big cocks, who knew Roger Taylor had one? Of all people, my fucking roommate. This is terrible, why am I thinking about this?
“I described you in terms that were positively glowing,” Roger schmoozed, and you turned down the heat to the pasta as you went to go throw in the garlic bread. “Which coincidentally is also how I’d like to see you in hell.”
“Oh, piss off,” Brian grumbled, giving him the middle finger before he went to get himself a beer from the fridge. Peering over your shoulder at the pasta, Brian gave you an appreciative pat on the head before he grabbed the bottle opener from the cupboard, tossing it to Roger once he’d opened his beer. “That looks fantastic, Y/N, you’ve outdone yourself.”
With that, he exited the kitchen, heading to the bathroom to wash up since your sink was full of dishes – Roger was on your case as soon as the door had closed. “Did you tell him? You better not have told him.”
“I- Fuck, I didn’t tell him, Rog, relax,” you stuttered, alarmed by how aggressive he was being all of a sudden. On top of being slightly turned on from how hung your roommate was, now you were trying to fend off even more excitement as he basically trapped you in the corner, his tightly-closed fist resting on the counter near you and making all of the veins in his slim forearm protrude. You finally moved your gaze up from his hand to his face, and he had a stormy look in his eyes, something impenetrable about the emotions flitting across his face. “I know he’d never let it rest if I told him.”
“Good.” With that, he pushed off the counter, giving you a once-over before he grabbed his beer off the counter and popped the top off, taking a drink. “We don’t speak of this, alright?”
“Obviously.” You nodded as you spoke, and he got himself a plate before helping himself to some of the pasta as you pulled the garlic bread out of the oven, your hands shaky. It didn’t go unnoticed by Roger, but he chose not to speak on it, instead just taking a piece of the bread carefully so he wouldn’t burn himself. He then tossed it on his plate, looked up at you, and raised his beer, tapping it to his temple before tipping it at you.
“Cheers.” With a smirk and a final nod, he exited the kitchen, leaving you to wonder what in the hell was going through his mind. He sauntered off the way he came, heading for his room with a sway to his step that hinted he wasn’t nearly as ashamed about what had happened as you’d thought.
And obviously, he wasn’t, because two days later, you walked in on almost the same exact thing.
This time, you were alone, and thank God you were, because Brian would have caught Roger first for sure. You walked into your apartment to find it pleasantly quiet – Roger was playing that same album, but at a reasonable level this time. So, you figured he’d probably be in his room again, and you were right. What you didn’t count on was for the door to be wide open this time, giving you a full display of almost the exact same thing all over again as you approached the doorway.
Roger was pretty much spread eagle again, propped up against his headboard this time – his eyes were closed, his head having fallen back in ecstasy as he stroked his cock at a lazy pace, his grip loose on himself. Long tendrils of blonde hair were splayed out haphazardly across the pillow, and he was just in his boxers and a button up this time, but the button up might as well have been off – it was completely open, displaying the way his chest rose and feel with each shaky breath he was taking.
You debated whether to say anything or not, but you figured you had to talk this out with him one way or another, so you cleared your throat and watched as Roger’s eye peeked open, looking directly at you in the doorway. A sigh left his lips as he grabbed a pillow, covering himself up while he climbed off of the other side of the bed, tucking himself in before turning back to you with a hand on his hip. He kept the pillow placed strategically in front of him, nodding. “Lovely afternoon, isn’t it?”
“Roger,” you replied in a knowing tone, raising an eyebrow as you stepped into his room. “We’ve got to talk about this. What in the hell is going on?”
“You’ve been coming home early,” he shrugged, still standing in that nonchalant pose that was completely disrupted by the pillow. Honestly, you were surprised he hadn’t kicked you out of his room yet. He was still clearly excited, his eyes completely fucked out from how close he’d gotten to his high, so it was a wonder that he was entertaining your conversation right now.
“Not that early!” you retorted, crossing your arms as you crawled onto his bed with a hesitant glance at where he’d just been sitting. Placing yourself near the end, you sat cross-legged facing him and patted the bed in front of you. “Come on, what’s really going on?”
He gave you an eye roll before he carefully crawled onto the bed, imitating your sitting position and keeping the pillow in the same place as he crossed his arms, almost avoiding your gaze. “I dunno,” he offered in a mumble, shrugging again and looking down at his bed as he pursed his lips.
“Roger, I’ve literally been your roommate for a year now. I figured I’d walk in on this sooner or later, but twice in a few days? Your sex drive is…”
“What?” he pried, his head snapping up so he was staring directly at you. “Horrifying? Excessive? Yeah, imagine being the one that wants to fuck like a rabbit. Isn’t fun, thank you very much.”
“No!” you laughed, sitting back and stretching your legs out as you propped yourself up on your hands, resting your head on your shoulder. “Lord knows I can’t speak much on excessive sex drives. You know how many times you’ve almost walked in on me?”
“No fucking way,” he countered, looking at you in disbelief as he uncrossed his arms. “You’re the biggest prude I know.”
“Was Brian not here two days ago, or?” you asked, giving him a questioning look. “Besides, I hide my escapades very well. You’re just unpracticed, is what it is. I’ve had loads of people over that you haven’t even seen – takes skill to hide them as well as I do.”
“You’re lying!” he laughed, looking you up and down for a moment. When you raised an eyebrow and remained as serious as could be, his face was quickly taken over by a look of amazement. “Y/N, a bigger whore than Roger Taylor? Now, that’s news.”
“God, why do you always talk about yourself in the third person? You’re so weird.” You shook your head and laughed as he shrugged, his eyes wandering over your legs for a moment before looking back up to you with an odd, queer look. “What?” you asked, cocking your head as he stared at you as if he’d just thought of the most genius idea in the world.
“Let’s fuck.”
You literally jolted at the statement, not expecting the suggestion at all. Sure, you found Roger hot, and there had been loads of sexual tension between the two of you before, but you chalked that up to just being on your end because you wanted to jump a lot of people’s bones. But with Roger, you guessed it had been sort of different. Never had you held back so much on your own desires – you’d screwed around with plenty of roommates before, but you didn’t want to this time. You wanted Roger around, as much as you hated to admit it. Having him as constant, tantalizing, out of reach eye candy was better than shagging him once and having to move out after things got awkward.
When you didn’t reply, he took the opportunity to continue. “No, I’m serious! Let’s do it. Why not?”
“Why not?” You almost had to laugh, and you closed your eyes as you tried to think rationally. Don’t fuck your roommate. That’s, like, roommate code number 1. “Roger, we’re roommates. I don’t think that’s very smart.”
“I think it’s a great idea,” he replied simply, his slim pink lips parted slightly as he stared at you, a mischievous look on his face. “You’re hot, I’m hot, we’re both horny. It’s a winning situation, really.”
“But what if it makes things awkward?” Roger looked introspective for a moment, mulling over the possible outcomes of what he was suggesting, then returned to his mischievous look.
“Never know if we don’t try.”
He had a point. You tilted your head to the side for a second, wondering to yourself if you were really doing to go through with this, but your body spoke for your mind anyways. “Fuck it,” you murmured, moving to your knees and crawling over to straddle him as he tossed the pillow to the side, meeting you with open arms. His arms snaked around your waist as you smashed your lips against his, taking his face in your hands before threading your hands into his hair. Kissing back eagerly, he pulled you flush against him, pressing your chest against his and digging his fingers into your back a bit.
When you took his lower lip between your teeth and tugged a bit, the sound of his groan set off alarms in your head. On one hand, you panicked because this was Roger, your roommate – this sound should never be coming out of his mouth because of you. But on the other hand, the sound of it was so delicious that you smiled widely as you held on to his lip, lingering for just a moment before you let go.
You were about to say some smartass remark when Roger gave you a wild look, cutting you off by diving straight back in for a open-mouthed kiss, his tongue expertly sliding into your mouth and tangling with yours for a moment before swirling around it. A small noise of pleased surprise emitted from the back of your throat, and Roger’s grip only got tighter on you in response.
After a minute or two of a hot and heavy makeout session to the background noise of T-Rex’s gritty glam rock sound, you felt Roger’s hands sneak under the back of your shirt, pushing it up as he went to unclasp a bra that he soon came to find out wasn’t there. “Ah, no bra? Very naughty,” he remarked, his voice breathy, but amused as he pulled away from the kiss for a moment, looking up at you with an undying smirk on his lips.
“You’re going to be one of those that narrates the entire thing, aren’t you?” you teased, pulling your shirt off over your head and tossing it to the side as Roger’s hands came up to rest on either side of your ribcage, his eyes darting between your breasts and your eyes as he shamelessly ogled at you.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” was his equally teasing reply, and you rolled your eyes playfully before starting to push his button up off, which he shrugged off and tossed in the same direction of your shirt. “Now,” he continued, wrapping your legs around his waist before skillfully flipping the two of you over – his hips pinned you to the bed immediately, and you almost gasped as you felt his clothed erection pressing against your thigh. “What d’you say we see if you’re consistent?” His large hands started to tug down your shorts, and he kneeled between your legs as he pulled them off, revealing – to no shock for either of you – that you were sans panties too. “Oh, Y/N,” he almost growled, watching fixedly as you spread your legs, now on full display for him.
“Spoiler: I am consistent.” He chuckled at your comment, only briefly, before he laid himself on his stomach, laying his cheek against the inside of your thigh before pressing a kiss there. This was followed by a series of kisses, each making you tingle with anticipation more and more, and by the time he’d worked his way up to your core, you were practically squirming.
Running your hand back into his hair, you gave it a gentle tug of encouragement as you watched him hook your legs up over his shoulders, giving you an impish grin. “Now don’t be too loud. Don’t want the neighbors to be calling in a noise complaint,” he murmured, and before you could quip something back his tongue was between your folds, licking a flat stripe up to your clit and making you gasp slightly at the sensation. Placing an open-mouthed kiss to your clit, he sucked just enough to make you shiver softly, your fingers curling up in his hair.
When you felt his left hand ghosting up the inside of your thigh, you giggled softly at the ticklish feeling it left behind, and he chuckled against your core, the vibration making you moan out his name in bliss. In moments, his fingers were in his mouth, briefly getting wetted down before he slid his index and middle finger into you, just testing the waters. But the feeling wasn’t enough, and you whined impatiently as he pumped his fingers in and out of you, his mouth leaving a small love bite on your thigh.
“More, Rog,” you urged, and you heard him make a pleasantly surprised noise before he inserted another finger, stretching you out more and making you hum in appreciation. “Fuck, yes, like that.”
He curled up his fingers as he moved his mouth back to your clit, sucking harder this time and sending all of your nerve endings into a frenzy as you moaned louder, not caring who heard. This man was a god to you right now, his fingers stimulating places you’d practically only heard about in legends. You thanked whatever gods there were that you’d let your common sense take a break on this one, because by the time Roger was crawling back up to hover over you, your face was flushed from pleasure. Splotches of red decorated your cheeks, contrasting with the blown-out pupils of your eyes, which watched him as he smirked down at you, maybe staring a bit too long.
“You going to fuck me or not?” you challenged, Roger laughing before crawling off the bed, easily pulling off his boxers and finally freeing his hard member once again. Openly staring, you realized you’d been correct in your observation that Roger was genuinely huge, and you could barely take your eyes off it as he grabbed a condom from his nightstand, crawling back on the bed as you sat up. He rolled the latex onto his cock slowly, eyeing you as you turned around and got on your hands and knees, peeking back over your shoulder at him and watching as he kneeled behind you, forcing his knee between your legs so he could spread them more. His broad hands came to a rest on your ass, giving the soft flesh a good squeeze before he looked up at you, thoroughly pleased with this whole situation.
“You sure you want to go through with this?” he asked, wrapping his hand around his cock and giving himself a few strokes as he ran the tip between your folds, eliciting something akin to a purr as he brushed up against your clit.
“Please, Roger,” you almost moaned, pressing your hips back eagerly and chewing on your lip. “Can’t just rile me up like this and then leave me hanging.”
“I mean, I could,” he taunted, pulling his hips back for a moment and sitting back on his heels as you whined in frustration, shooting him a nasty look over your shoulder. “I’m just joking, so impatient.” He clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he gave you a toothy grin, rising again and lining himself up before pushing into you, just barely. “You just look so pretty when you beg.”
“You bastard, fuck me already!” You didn’t care if you were being impatient – and to be honest, the thought of you needing him was enough to make him a bit dizzy, but he ignored the hazy edges of his vision as he thrusted into you with a tameless grunt, sliding home quite easily and making you cry out in a mixture of surprise and lust.
Thoughts of how sore you were going to be later edged into your mind, but they were quickly overwhelmed by a wave of pleasure as Roger wasted no time in starting to move his hips. Barely giving you time to adjust, he filled you over and over, making your arms wobble a bit as you moved down to rest on your elbows, barely able to support your own weight. Roger’s hands found purchase on your hips, pulling your ass flush back against him with each thrust, and he couldn’t help but groan your name as the sound of slapping skin filled the room and the smell of sex joined it.  
“Oh, Jesus,” you breathed out, gathering the sheets of his bed in your hands and clenching your fingers around them tightly as you let your eyes flutter shut, your eyelids feeling heavy from lust. Roger was the same, his eyelids threatening to close with every passing second as the view he currently had was phenomenal. Moving one hand to your shoulder to gain more purchase, he thrusted again and somehow buried himself at an even more satisfying angle as he leaned over your body, suddenly rolling his hips agonizingly slow. He then moved his other hand to your jaw, then letting it come to rest on your throat. He applied no pressure as he did so, just letting his hand rest on your skin, but the presence of it and the thought of what would happen if he were to just press in on the sides slightly enough to make you moan. “You’re so big, Rog.”
“Yeah?” he replied, his eyes lighting up as your praise swirled around in his mind, boosting his ego and reinvigorating his big mouth – he was never one for being quiet, anyways. “Taking my cock so well. You like that?” A nod from you confirmed his question, and he let out a satisfied grunt as he pulled out for a moment, flipping you over onto your back and running his fingertips down the bare skin of your stomach. He marveled at how this perspective was even better, getting so distracted by the view that he had to remind himself after a moment that you were waiting for him to continue. Pushing back into you with a quiet groan, his swollen lips parted slightly as erratic breaths came and went, a light layer of sweat making his bangs stick to his forehead in places. But he looked unbelievably attractive like this, the sight of him towering over you as he went back to work on you making you reach down to grab his hand, returning it to your throat.
He caught his lower lip between his teeth as he looked down at you, thrusting at an irregular pace as he struggled to stave off his orgasm, which was rapidly approaching. As desperately as he wanted to make you come undone first, everything about you was threatening to pull him over the edge. The way you closed your hand around his wrist, daring him to choke you, the fierce, almost feral look on your face as you gazed up at him. You weren’t afraid of getting what you wanted, and right now, you wanted him to fuck you until you were seeing stars.
His fingers started to press against the side of your neck as he relentlessly fucked into you, your eyes closing as you relished in the dizzy feeling that it brought to your approach to your orgasm. And Roger noticed this blissful look on your face, the sight of it too much to take as he mumbled, “God, sorry love, I might have to tap out early if you keep on looking like that.”
You were too wrapped up in your own ecstasy to care much that Roger was close, but you paid attention enough to tap on his wrist, after which he released the pressure he’d had on your arteries, and you opened your eyes to look up at him, smiling impishly. “Just let go, Rog. Don’t apologize.”
Those words reassured him and kept his hips moving as he reached up, sliding his fingers into your mouth. He groaned in approval as you wetted them down, and he reluctantly retracted them before reaching down to press them against your clit, rubbing it in time with his thrusts and making you moan out his name lowly. The sound of his name leaving your lips pulled him past the point of no return, and he came as he let out a loud groan, followed by a string of curses, his hips stuttering and pushing into you erratically as he rode out his high.
Panting as he came down from his orgasm, he kept his fingers pressed against your clit, applying more pressure and circling them faster as he still thrusted into you, albeit a lot slower. But it didn’t matter too much if he kept going, because you were soon calling out his name as you came too, your orgasm rocking your body to the core and causing waves of pleasure to consume you. 
Roger kept his fingers on your clit as you rode out your high, the already-sensitive nub in overdrive as he crooned softly to you throughout your orgasm, murmuring words of encouragement. When you were done, you finally collapsed back against the bed, exhausted from the mind-blowing, absolutely out of pocket sex you’d just had with your roommate. God, your roommate. Things were about to get real messy.
Roger pulled out of you slowly, making you feel incredibly empty as he left the bed and the room, disposing of the condom in the bathroom before coming back with a wet washcloth, cleaning you off as you watched him quietly, your chest rising and falling with each breath and heart racing as you attempted to catch said breath. When he was done, he tossed the washcloth God knows where before he pulled his boxers on and grabbed his shirt from the floor, handing it to you. You pulled it on gratefully, starting to button it from the bottom up as he finally came to rest next to you. He was about to speak when something in the doorway just past your head caught his eye, making his expression sour.
You turned your head to find Brian awkwardly filling the doorframe, his mouth slightly agape at the sight of you, pretty much fully naked except for the small expanse of skin on your tummy that the bottom two buttons on Roger’s shirt covered. “Oh shit,” was all you could say, and Roger quickly moved his duvet over your lower half as you tugged his shirt to at least cover up your breasts.
But Brian had already seen everything, so the attempt was futile. “Hey, Brian, mind telling me why the fuck you’re in my room right now?” Roger asked irritably, thoroughly annoyed that the tall, curly-headed man was just standing there, gawking.
Realizing that he was being a royal moron, Brian quickly composed himself, but his voice was lightly and apprehensive as he spoke. “Roger, may I have a brief word with you? Out here?”
“Brief?” Roger repeated incredulously, looking at you before sighing and crawling over you to get out of his bed. “I suppose you could, Bri, but I highly doubt it.” Brian turned after a terse nod in your direction, heading down the hallway, and Roger took the opportunity to turn in the doorway, watching as you crawled out of bed too, your ass peeking out from the bottom of his shirt when you turned for a moment to smooth out the duvet. Chewing on his lower lip, he grabbed your arm as you passed, stopping you in your tracks and making you face him.
“Bri’s waiting for you,” you warned, but he took no heed of your words, using the collar of his shirt on you to pull you in for a quick, searing kiss that left you reeling as he pulled away.
“Sorry, had to.” He quickly reached around you to pinch your ass, and you raised your eyebrow in response, trying not to smile as the devastatingly gorgeous roommate of yours sent you a cheeky smile to match his next words. “We’re not done here. Don’t get dressed quite yet.”
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ughthatimagineblog · 7 years
obviously, reid
  spencer reid x reader
  requested:  Hi hi hi I’m obsessed w all of your fanfics they’re amazing!! Can I request a Spencer Reid x reader where the reader and spencer are best friends, the reader finally admits she likes him, spencer says something along the lines of “let’s not make this weird”, but the reader needs to do whatever to move on bc she obviously misread the situation. Maybe the reader could start going out to bars/hooking up w guys to soothe the pain? Up to you anything is 👍🏼 (just want to say I admire your hard work)
  warnings: mentions of rape (for a case), sleeping around, mentions of drinking
  word count: 1149
  a/n: sorry if there are mistakes i wrote this at 4 am playing catchup with my imagines lmao love yall
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 A jab in the side and a giggle. Thats how your day started. “Spencer!” You giggled. Your best friend decided to play around and try and tickle you today and you were not having it.   “Why?” You whined and he grinned. You two had the office alone to work on a case together today and it was nice to be just the two of you. Just yourselves. “Did you know that our armpits, ribs, neck and inner thighs are all considered to be ‘ticklish’ because they’re our most vulnerable zones to attack. Some scientists even speculate that the reason we react with a jerk and laughter is because it’s an evolutionary defense mechanism.” He ranted and you couldn’t help but stare dreamily.
  You had feelings for the doctor ever since you two became friends back in Grad school. You both moved onto the BAU the closest of friends having gone through training together and you had been stationed at the same base.   You had it for him and you had it for him bad, but you could never admit it. You had tried, but that was when you had the case in Los Angeles and you caught Spencer kissing that Hollywood star.    It lowered your hopes for ever being something more, but you were still more content with being his best friend than being an ex. So you left what-could-be to your imagination.   And because of this, there were often times that biting your tongue became hard. Like now. When he went on rants similar to the one he went on about why humans are ticklish in the places they are it made your heart flutter. He was so intelligent and so attractive at the same time.  It made you blush as you began to think what he may think of you. If he ever did think of you. And if he did, what did he think about?   The way you’d feel in his arms at night, curled tightly next to his sleeping body. You thought to yourself but quickly snapped out of it when you realized Spencer had asked you a question. “I’m sorry?” You laughed, rubbing your eyes. “Sorry,” You apologized quickly. “I’m just tired.”    “It’s alright.” He dismissed it. “I was just wondering if you think they unsub is more likely residing in the Hillcrest area or in the apartment complex downtown.” Spencer was staring absentmindedly at the board and you looked at him dreamily before answering simply. “In the Hillcrest area. We are looking for a man who rapes his victims before killing them but also comes off as nice to the public eye and for a person who engages in these types of behaviors they perceive them to be supported by his peer groups and community. In the Hillcrest surrounding area there have been several court cases of women coming out with sexual assault and rape accusations and quite a few of them have lost.” You explained, zoning out into your work mode.   Little did you know, Spencer’s smile was growing. “’Atta girl.” He grinned before jumping up.   You sighed, grabbing your coat and turning out the office lights. “Long day.” Spencer sighed as you both walked out into the chilly air. “But a good one.” You countered and he chuckled. “Yes, it was.” He smiled down at you.   You were a few years younger than him and he was a head or so taller than you and you found it quite comical. Most nights.   But standing there, there was nothing humorous about the way he looked at your or the way your heart began to race.  “Spencer.” You said through the quiet. “Yes?” He replied, not taking his soft eyes off of you. “I, um, I like you. I have for a while.” You admitted quietly. He looked shocked but relieved.  “Oh thank goodness.”   Not the reaction you were expecting. “That’s such a relief. Thank you.” Spencer smiled, nearly chuckling at his own relief. “What?” You asked baffled.   “Thank you for the good news, Y/N, but don’t make this weird.” He called out to you, walking away leaving you dumbfounded.    You were frozen in place like you were that night for a while. But in a different way.
  “Have you guys seen Y/N?” JJ was whispering to the small group of people. “No, but eight people have.” Derek joked and Spencer decided to chime in. “What do you guys mean?” Spencer asked, taking a look at your office which had it’s blinds closed.   “You haven't heard?” He asked incredulously and Spencer shook his head. “She’s been sleeping with people in the office left and right. If she’s not in bed she’s at the bar,” Derek saw Spencer’s face heat up. “Listen, I love her like a sister man, but I’m telling you the truth. She drunk texted me three days ago.”   Derek showed him the messages and sure enough, she asked to hook up but it was obvious she was intoxicated.   Spencer felt heated. The girl he loved finally admitted she liked him back and then she goes around to sleep with every guy on the planet?   He stood up and marched over to her office, busting open the door, apparently waking her up from a hangover nap.  “What the hell, Y/N?!” Spencer shouted, not caring how startled she was when she woke up. “What?” She asked, voice groggy. He pressed his lips together, walking over to a small fridge she had. He grabbed a water and slammed one on her desk and pushed over some headache drugs she already had out. “Take these and start fucking explaining.” Spencer said and that’s when she woke up. He never cussed like that unless he was serious,       “Why the hell did you confess you like me then go and sleep around?” He asked, anxious but also demanding.   “You gave me an answer and I figured you didn’t like me back. It hurt. A lot. I didn’t know how to deal with it.” She answered with a shrug. “I, what?” He asked, thinking back and that’s when it hit him. “’Don’t make this weird’?” You reminded him and he sighed, his elbow on the desk before looking back up at you.   “That’s not what I meant.” He sighed. “Then what did you mean?” You asked, persistent. “I meant I want to be with you but don’t make it weird at work.” He sighed and a breath of relief left your body.   “Should have been more clear.” You stated, looking at him. He looked at you shyly. “Yeah, I should have.”   You both sat in silence and suddenly there was that tension again. The same tension of that night.   “Start over? I mean, would you like to try us out?” You asked and he smiled and nodded. “Of course. But no more sleeping around.” He winked and you blushed.   “Obviously, Reid.”
hope yall enjoyed ! 
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Cat Hybrid!Woozi
Requested by anon: that was so cute omg can I request cat!hybrid woozy… angst bc feelies, but majority fluff? 
warnings: tHIS SCENARIO SUCKS SO MUCH IM SO SORRY ITS SO BAD and also Woozi got so cute and sweet it gave me diabetes 5 times rip i need more Manly Jihoon smh
Oh boy,,,, here we go
With another woozi au jesus christ yall
I can def see him being a cat anywayz let’s get to it
The sun was shining, a v v beautiful day!!!
so you and your friends decided to go out
You were walking in downtown and you guys were just aimlessly strolling and checking out shops as you went along
And then you’re like
O m y g o d wHA T IS TH A T
And you pointed to a cat cafe and you’re like pL S LET’S GO THERE NOW!!!
And your friends are like o boy ok sure bc they know how much you love cats
When you push open the door a little cute bell jingles and you’re already in love with this place
When you ring the bell, a bunch of cats perk their ears up and they’re like !!!! a human!!!!!!
You’re like aaaaAAAAA LOOK AT THE CUTE LITTLE KITTENS I AM SCREAMINGGGGGGG look yall cats arent my fav but there are seriously some cute kitties
“We need to buy a drink first we gotta wait”
“B-b-b-ut,,, but the kitties,,,,,,,,,,,, :((((((“
You reluctantly leave the petting area and eventually join your friends in line on the other side of the cafe
You’re just sulking bc all you wanna do is pet the kittens :(((
As soon as your drink arrives you’re boLTING to the other side again
Your friends are like smh they canNOT BE TAMED
You’re sipping your coffee while petting a cat and slowly one by one more are attracted to you bc of the sweet scent of your drink :’)))
And you’re like this,,,,, is this what heaven feels like,,,,,
And in this au hybrids are quite common so you see a bunch here and there
You’re in the middle of petting a kitten whose head is leaning against your touch and purring contentedly when you notice,,,,
A lonely cat hybrid is sitting on a sofa diagonal from you and he has a slight downcast expression and you’re like omg :((((
You slowly get up and approach the smol little one and carefully sit next to him :(((
And you’re like ,,,,,hello,,,,,
He’s like :O!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone is talking to me!!!!!!!!!!!
He’s just kinda staring at you with the cutest shocked expression ever
And you’re like oh,,,, my heart,,,,,
“You look a lil lonely :(((“
And he’s nodding like yes :(((( no one wants to pet/talk to me :(((
And you’re taken aback bc he’s the most gorgeous kitty ever??? He has the purest whitest fur and he screams elEGANT just by how he’s leaning on the armrest
Why would no one come approach him??? He is a cute little cinnamon bun
And you’re like im sorry 2 hear that :(((
“Would you like,,, me to pet you??” you ask hesitantly
And he’s like o,,,,okay,,,,,,,
You slowly reach out your hand and start stroking him behind his ears and he bREAKS OUT INTO THAT CUTE GRIN YOU KNOW WHICH ONE I’M TALKING ABOUT
And you’re like oMG IM GONNA BURST
He’s slowly snuggling into your hand and you’re like :’)))) im ded
“You can lie down on my lap if you want!!”
And poor woozi is just so shy and he’s blushing but he eventually rests his head on your lap and you’re like hE IS SO CUTE
You continue petting him and he almost falls asleep bc its just so soothing and he’s purring so much
An hour passes and you’re still there LMAO your friends are just like when can,,, we leave,,,,
“We haven’t done anything else since we got here,,,,,,”
“Fine :/ we can leave in ten minutes”
The whole time you’ve been petting woozi’s lil head especially around his ears
You wanna test whether he’ll wake up if you stop so you put your hand back to your side and anticipate his reaction
Just as expected, you feel him stirring within a few minutes
Pls save me
You really don’t wanna leave this cute lil one but you have to :((( and your friends may or may not be gesturing you to hurry tf up
You’re like hello,,,,, i must go now lil one :((((
Woozi is suddenly fully awake
He sits up and looks straight into your eyes and gIVES YOU THE SADDEST KITTY EYES lmao get it
Do you guys know that one selfie he took where he’s pouting??? Bc i’m reminded of that rn
You look so forlorn about his sad expression sdldljdjldf who can leave him alone!!!!
You give him one last pat and give him a sad smile
“I’ll get going now..!!”
As you lower your hand his eyes follow it but suddenly he grabs it and you’re like w ha t omg???
“You’ll,,,, be back,,,, right?”
And you give him one last reassuring pat on the head
“Of course, uh…..?”
“Woozi. That’s my name” and you’re tryING NOT TO MELT BC THAT IS A CUTE NAME FOR A CUTE CAT
You: *melts* “ok,,, Woozi. I will try to come back soon!”
And that was the last time he saw you :((((
For now
you arrive at the cafe about a week later!!! But this time you’re by yourself
As soon as the bell rings he’s like iS IT HER??!!! AND HIS EARS PERK UP AND HE SHOOTS UP FROM HIS SEAT
AND WOWIE!!!!! IT IS!!!!
He’s literally about to leap off the couch but he’s like @ himself ,,,chill,,,, ur chill,,,, u are very chill,,,,
And you nonchalantly glance over at where the couch is aND YOU GUYS MAKE EYE CONTACT
*.* – an actual representation of woozi
And you’re like aaaa he is here!!! And he’s at the same exact location!!!
You: *does a cute wave and smiles*
Woozi: i think i saw an actual angel
You get your drink and make your way over to him
He’s like aaa my fav is backkkk
He instantly curls up in your lap and i THINK I JUST GOT DIABETES FROM WRITING THIS???
You’re trying not to drop your drink bc wOW HES REALLY CLOSE
You start giggling and drinking your coffee
“Did you miss me that much woozi?”
he doesn’t answer, all he does is rub his head against you
And you take that as a sign to pet him behind the ears and his body relaxes even more
You stay there for around an hour before you have to leave again darn :((
and every. Single. Time. he gives you those sad eyes pls woozi let mE LIVE
It becomes a weekly routine to visit the cat cafe and just pet woozi for an hour
The cafe owner soon catches on how woozi would only look happy when he’s with you and he’s just like,,,, do you wanna adopt him or smth
“wHA T???? But isn’t he supposed to stay in this cafe??”
“Look, i’m not that blind to ignore how attached Woozi is to you and only you. Even when other customers come and pet him, he’s still sulky. You can have him if you want him.”
And you’re like ,,,,,,,omg,,,,,,,,
You go over the necessities of taking care of Woozi and you’re walking back with a spring in your step
“Woozi guess what!!! You’re gonna be living with me now!!!!”
And he’s like w h a t happened
“The owner noticed you,,, were only happy when i arrived,,,, and offered me to just take you,,,,,,,,,,,”
And woozi is like oh gosh,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well it’s true,,,,,,,,,,,,,
“If you’re uncomfortable with that, I can just tell him–”
“nO NO THATS OK!!! I’m,,,, just astonished,,,, someone would want me,,,,,,,”
And you’re like omg that’s ridiculous??? You’re the best looking one here????
You take his hand and you’re like “let’s go home woozi!!! :)))”
Woozi Has Stopped Working
And he’s so happy that he literally curls up next to you and you’re like oKAY I NEED TO MOVE PLS
So he’s like ,,,,fine,,,, and just stays really close to your body with your arms closely squished together
And you’re off walking to your home together :’))))
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