demadogs · 2 years
i think im the only person who doesnt want a full on makeout session for bylers first kiss
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elhopper1sm · 10 months
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Overprotective!Jopper x Suicidal! GN Reader
TW: Angst. Like really angry. Mentions of self harm. Overprotectiveness to the max. General depression and self neglect. Binge drinking mention and substance use mention. Mentions of food and weight. Drunk driving(no one gets injured luckily)
Also use of the term honey as a nickname from both of them instead of y/n. Or both actually.
You started behaving strange. You were binge drinking more often. Not just a beer after work or something. But like really drinking a lot. You acted more reckless. You slept all day and got no sleep at night. You were easily angered. You felt guilty because you didn't understand why doing simple things around the house or asked to do simple things made you so angry. You would spend more time alone. Reading or just looking for excuses to work on the car alone. Things you once liked no longer bring you joy. Hopper would hug you when you came home from work but no reaction. Joyce would bury her face in your shoulder and showered your cheeks in kisses and you'd look at her stone-faced. You weren't sad. It was worse you were numb. Everyday dragged on and on. You stared at clocks waiting for it to be time for you to sleep. You felt almost alien. You couldn't stand the thought of food. There'd be times dinner would be served and you'd just stare at a full plate absolutely zombified unable to even conceptualize eating. Yet somehow you still gained weight. The only time you did eat it was junk. That was the only food that brought you joy. Eating a proper meal felt like torture. It got to the point. You wouldn't even sleep next to Joyce and Hopper. You'd sleep alone on the couch listening to the sound of the TV. That is if you even bothered to sleep at all. You acted fine. You tried to. Tried to smile at them. And act like you enjoyed hanging out with them. But you felt guilty you couldn't fake it anymore not for much longer. One night you went for a drive . Only problem is you were noticeably intoxicated. You went at night because you didn't want anyone else to get hurt. Just wanted to hurt yourself. You grabbed your jacket and it must've been two in the morning. You drove. As you drive around Hawkins Indiana. You were stopped by Officer Callahan
"Hello. Uh we're gonna have to ask you to step out of the car. We're gonna need to see one license and registration" Officer Callahan spoke
You stepped out of the car . Handed the officer your license. The second you step out the car Callahan notices you're wasted
" Oh Y/N Y/L/N. We're gonna have to take you to the station" Officer Callahan replies
On your way to the station. They discover this is your first offense. You don't have any history of bad driving or any serious misdemeanors.
" Is there anyone you'd like to call to come pick you up? Since you're clearly not capable of driving yourself back home" Office St. Louis asked
"My wife. Joyce Byers" You replied
As she buried her way there after hearing what happened. The second you got home her and Hopper chewed you out
" Honey. What the hell were you thinking? Drunk driving at 2 in the morning???? At this time of night when you can barely see. You could've gotten killed" Joyce screamed.
"Yeah I don't know what's gotten into you. Just last week you were yelling at us for hugging you. What the hell has gotten into you!" Hopper was even louder clearly very disappointed.
"Oh fuck off! And get off my case" You replied. You snarled as you spoke. You hated them. Not because they were bad to you. But because they were so wonderful. Because they're the only things keeping you alive. And you wanted to leave without feeling guilty. Because if you pushed them.away you'd have nothing to stay for and you wanted to go in peace. To pass away
"What the hell has gotten into you?" Joyce asked. Extremely concerned. She'd never seen you like this before.
You got anxious wondered if the kids could hear. You realized you needed to lower your voice as to not disrupt them. You didn't want to put them through that kind of pain you knew what it was like.
"Nothing. Can't I just make stupid decisions once in a while? Jeez get off my case. I'm not a toddler" You responded
"It's not about stupid decisions. You could've gotten someone killed. You could've gotten yourself killed. You could have died. Do you understand? Now tell us right now why you did it because we're not leaving you alone until you do. And its not like you can just drive off because your license has been confiscated by the Hawkins PD." Hopper demands an answer. Almost foaming at the mouth for one.
"Ok fine you wanna know. I was planning to die. Crash into something. That's why I went at the dead of night. Where no one else would be. So no one could see me. Maybe go into the next town over and crash my car so I could rest in Peace. So no one would no how bad I felt. I just wanted to feel peace. Ok? Are you happy now?" You tried to be mindful of raising your voice the kids were asleep and you didn't want to disturb them. But you felt frustrated and angry. You were already crying. And drunk so it's not like logic would get thru to you.
Joyce immediately wrapped her arms around you and held you. Running her fingers thru your hair.
"Honey is that true? Do you mean that?" Joyce asked as her voice trembled. She held you closer. Already crying
You felt guilty seeing her cry this is the opposite of what you wanted.
"Yeah it's true. I'm sorry. So so sorry. I didn't intend for this to happen. I just I felt so horrible. And now I feel even worse. You all loved me so much. And I destroyed it by being a prick" You kept talking feeling overwhelming guilt.
Hopper walked over to you and tried to get you to look at him. You'd been avoiding his gaze. He'd been crying. And he rarely ever cried. Not since he lost Sarah did he cry that intensely. And you hated yourself more than ever. You felt so upset. You made them cry. And what if your kids wake up? And you bring them into this mess as well. You failed and being a partner and a parent. And you failed at your own death. You're an idiot and everyone else is paying for it. You cried. Silently because you couldn't handle waking up the kids. You held onto both of them. And you were so irritable it hurt. You cling to the for safety and held them close.
"Honey do you wanna tell us how long you've felt like that?" Joyce asked.
"I guess a few months ago. I just don't remember what happened. I just remember feeling guilty and it ate me up inside. I got lazier and it felt harder to do anything. And I was angry at the both of you for being so sweet to me. I just...." You looked up at Hopper and Joyce and tried to avert your eyes away from their gaze.
Hopper wipes the tears away.... To face you again.
"Y/N why didn't you tell us?"Hopper asked
"I felt guilty. I didn't want you to care or stop me. I felt horrible. And like I wasn't supposed to be around. I don't know how" You kept clinging to both of them for warmth and they gave it to you.
"Honey. Did you do any reckless things before today like things we should know about" Joyce asked politely still holding onto you.
"I uh cut myself. All on my thighs. I didn't want anyone especially the kids to see. I didn't want to be worried. Also scratching my thighs until they bleed. I would reopen old wounds." You said to her you didn't wanna lie. You already felt guilty enough
Hopper looked extremely distraught as he looked closer at you. He saw you had serious eye bags and your teeth were yellowing. You were wearing a jacket even though it was hot in the room probably iron deficient
"Jeez how'd we not notice sooner. You've been drinking more. You've been acting reckless. You're getting like no sleep. You don't eat enough. Your teeth are yellowing. I'm sorry honey we didn't notice." Hopper grabs your hand and takes you to the bathroom.
Joyce Follows him. They scrub your hair clean and comb it. And condition it and use dry shampoo. They help you brush your teeth. They clean your cuts and wrap new bandages around you. Throughout the next few weeks They continue looking after you. Reminding you to brush your teeth. Or eat. Something. Bringing you snacks at work. And helping you get ready for bed. You feel like a toddler again but it feels nice. Being tended to and cared for. In some strange way you feel nice for the first time. They lock away anything sharp or potentially dangerous even forks. And they keep the alcohol in a special cabinet you can't access. They drive you to and from work since you've gotten your license suspended. They always make sure you sleep near the and make sure you sleep as much as you need. Even having you call out of work if they feel you haven't slept enough the night before. They make you breakfast and dinner and make adjustments to any meal they need to as long as you promise to eat something. And they offer to clean any new injuries you may have given yourself without judgement.
"Honey I hope you know that you're going to get better ok? We promise we'll make you better. It's just a matter of time. No one here is gonna hurt you. We promise" The both say in unison before kissing you on the cheek.
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lordystrange · 2 years
Let’s break down good and bad arguments for Midleven
Let’s start with the bad ones
1. They are in love so they’re not gonna break up
There is literally no proof of them being in love. Loving each other platonically? Yes. But romantically no. (Also, even couples who are in love sometimes have to break up if they’re incompatible)
2. They won’t break up a straight couple for a gay one
Well, first time for everything.
3. Milkvan is the main ship! People who have been shipping them since season 1 would get so mad.
First, it’s not the main ship, at least not anymore. Lately Netflix has promoted Lumax and Jopper. Second, there are also bylers who have shipped their ship since season 1. Third, most of the GA would get mad if s5 continues forcefeeding us a ”main ship” that has no chemistry.
4. Mike is straight and in love with Eleven.
Couldn’t he also be bi and in love with El? Well, he could, but if he was confirmed bi, everyone would see who he’s actually in love with (Will).
5. El would be sad if Mike left her for Will
Mike isn’t leaving her for Will. They are gonna break up and then he’s gonna pursue a relationship with Will. Also, wouldn’t Will be sad if Mike just no-homoed him?
6. It would be misogynistic and ableist if they didn’t make Eleven end up with Mike.
It would be misogynistic and ableist to force her to stay in a relationship where she’s not happy in, just for her to become a normal american girl who gets married at 18 and makes babies for her husband without whom she couldn’t live.
7. They wouldn’t leave the main character end up single in the last season.
I know, that’s why Will will get to be with Mike. (Hahaha also yes they would, because they are showing us that it’s better to be single than stay in an unhappy relationship)
8. Mike is in love with El and him saying it 9 times in the monologue is the proof!
So we’re just supposed to ignore their fight about it earlier, where Mike called El ridiculous? And all the lies in the monologue? And how El didn’t actually like what she heard? And the fact that even if Mike was in love with El, it doesn’t mean that El is in love with Mike.
9. Mike and El were in good terms in the end of s4.
No they weren’t watch the show
10. There wouldn’t be enough time for byler to develop in s5 so milkman endgame.
All byler needs now is a few longing glances from Mike, the painting discussion, love confessions and kiss. If they were to make Milkvan a functioning couple, they would need at least 3 more seasons.
And now, for the actually good arguments for midleven:
Oh right there is none my bad.
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erikiara80 · 1 year
Theory: Jancy’s first lie scene is also about Jopper and the curse
I was rewatching Murray scenes in S2 and S3 and I noticed something in this one I never did before. This could be a big evidence that young Jopper, or at least Hop, are really cursed and that they probably were together in the og timeline.
I talk about the possible hints that they were married and are Will and El’s parents here
So, I think the first parallel/connection is when Nancy and Jon mention the theory that El is russian (later they also drink vodka)
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This is foreshadowing of Jopper’s storyline in S4, not Jancy’s. Hopper is in Russia, Joyce gets a doll from him but Murray suspects it might be pregnant with an explosive device. Something Owens compares El to a few episodes later. And interestingly the doll is actually “pregnant” with the message that Hopper is alive.
Then the first lie scene. If the vodka and the mention of Russia are foreshadowing of Jopper’s storyline in S4, this could be about their past
After Nancy and Jon say that they're just friends, Murray laughs. "You told me a lot of shockers today but that... that is the first lie.”
That reminded me of the First Shadow. In my defence, I couldn’t make the connection before they announced the prequel, lol.
And @chirpsythismorning noticed something very interesting. The song that plays when Hopper is stuck in the tunnels in S2 is Shadow in the tunnel. That doesn’t mean that he is the shadow, but that he is associated with it. 
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Nancy insists: "It's not a lie." Murray: "No? You're young, attractive, you've got chemistry, history. Plus, the real shit. Shared trauma." This could be about young Jopper too. Because we know that something bad happened way before 1983. In 1959, the year Hopper said he started to feel cursed.
Murray continues and tells Jon (our Hopper here): "Trust issues, am I right? Something to do with your dad." 
"No, I mean, my dad is..." 
Nancy: "An asshole." This is about Lonnie, but it could also be about Hopper's father, who thought his son was a piece of shit.
@shippingfangirl013​ I have to quote you here:  And the “my dad is…” “An asshole” Paired with the “well they must have gotten married for some reason” in S1. “I wasn’t around for that part” = Jonathan’s parents being in love.
And then Murray mentions a curse: “It's a curse to see so clearly."
First lie, First Shadow, and a curse...
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Hopper is the only character who’s been saying since S1 that he feels like he’s cursed. In S4 he even says that HE is the curse. And Jo pointed out that episode 4x02, Vecna’s curse, starts with Hopper apparently dying, only to reveal that he’s actually alive. Hm, stuck in a loop, maybe? I’m working on a post about Hopper and the curse, but I’ll just say that after he wakes up in 4x02, we see Max wake up too, from a Vecna nightmare, we see the poster of The Endless Summer and hear the clock-bike sound effect. Here the video.
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But back to Murray and the first lie. It’s Nancy’s turn. Murray tells her that she wants safety (like Joyce)
Then another big parallel with Jopper. The We like Steve (Bob) But we don’t love Steve (Bob) 
Murray calls Nancy out. Saying that she loves Steve (Bob) is the second lie of the evening (and so is Joyce not being with Jim, the man she loves)
As Kayla says: Safety = Bob = MK Ultra manipulation, because of the flashbacks she has in S3 after being around Hopper.
Then THIS poster. It never made much sense to me when I thought about Jancy. But it makes a lot of sense if the scene is not just about them, but a parallel with Jopper and Hopper, the cursed one.
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Here another parallel. Murray tells Nancy and Jon to have sex. The same thing he tells Joyce and Hopper in S3.
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(red and yellow here, El and Will’s colors)
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And I think this is important. That night Nancy and Jonathan GET together, and we don’t see the poster when they kiss, because they're not the ones that are cursed. Hopper and Joyce Maldonado are. The part with Murray is the parallel with Jopper’s past. Someone has been watching them for a very long time.
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Note: The poster is a Big Brother poster. Brother, The lost brother, the original title of The Lost sister, an episode with tons of references to One and the lab (here, here and here)
Kayla also made another great connection with the song at the end of S2, Every breath you take. Maybe it’s not just about Will or El. It’s about their family. They’re all there. Will, El, Jonathan, Hopper and Joyce.
And the last words we hear before the last shot, the Mind Flayer looming over the school: Oh don’t you see? You belong to me
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(Water is always involved too, right? Sorry, just wanted to point it out)
So, in conclusion I think that this Jancy scene is Jopper coded and maybe it tells us what happened to them. 
The question is: why is Hopper cursed? Were he and the others there, Joyce, Bob, maybe Scott Clarke, when the exorcism happened and something went wrong? Or maybe they stopped Betty, who wanted to help Henry, because they wanted to protect her (if she's really Bob's sister it makes sense) But without her help, something horrible happened. Or maybe something bad happened to her.
I feel like Hopper did something that changed everything. Maybe he thought he was doing the right thing but he was wrong and made things worse. We’ll see!
Anyway, I really like this theory. Tagging you too @lilitblaukatz​ 
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timetobeaghost · 9 months
Stranger Things 5 predictions
I think it's time, before the spoilers hit.
Things I am sure about:
Byler endgame!!!
Elmike drama/breakup/friendship arc very integral to the plot
Will has powers, duh.
Jopper endgame
Happy ending
which necessarily means Jonathan surviving!
and OG party surviving + El
VH1 dying, duh
Things I am pretty sure about:
Mike gets vecna'd
Will is like Henry, not like the lab kids, an OG power kid (his parents are Joyce and Lonnie)
Max survives, cause happy ending, dammit
Steve and Robin and Erica survive. Happy ending.
Lumax endgame!!
Rockie endgame
Things I predict, because I can:
Mike meets Max in the deeper mind lair or something, gets her out, has to stay/doesn't make it out with her
Vesna outs Mike in front of Max, cause another character being there makes it more interesting
Willel teamwork to go get Mike, no simple piggybacking possible because deeper mind lair - different ... time? (wth do I know?)
Flickegate - It doesn't have to be a kiss but timefuckery explaining the flickering with connection to Byler. I SEE THE VISION
Jancy not endgame, I think. Definitely no other Nancy ship tho!
I COULD see Nancy dying. I know I'm the only one, but I'm gonna predict it, It could be devastating without being show ruiningly devastating. It would fit thematically (when Steve for example would just be random cruelty so someone dies)I just have this feeling. Still, she might live and it's a happy ending sweep. If someone important dies, I say her.
Things I wish for:
For my beloved Mike/Max plot, I'll add Lucas thinking they are in love now (because Mileven breakup and Max obsessing about that Mike saved her and they need to get him out) and then being so relieved he is gay. Come on, there is always time for romantic hijinks and it would be such a fun thing for Lucas character. He would be all sad and saintly about it, so good.
In the last ep there is a moment that makes the painting prophetic. Mike leading Will and Lucas and Dustin into battle against the big bad.
I do want a moment of darkness from El, a fitting development from that time in S2 when she attacked Max - I do not mean attacking Max again, but maybe attacking Mike or ... something dark and the she has to actively choose the light again.
Kali comes back, proving that she wasn't for nothing.
10 appears! And somehow he is Eddie? 😂
STEVE/KALI the only Steve ship that truly slaps for some reason
Hopefully it will be the best "This only worked out because of everyone's actions" finale ever. Or at least second best since ST1.
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will80sbyers · 1 year
It probably won't happen like this at all but... idea n°18464872648 of what could happen in season 5:
First part of the season:
Will is having dreams about Max and he finds out those are not dreams but she's talking to him and she explains she's still here and asks for help...
So the whole party + Jonathan and Nancy decide to go to the upside down together to find Vecna and finish him
Jopper is dealing with the government, Owens betrayed El and Hopper punches him... Joyce shuts up Sullivan screaming at him and explaining to him that he's an idiot and she convinces him lol
They were meant to go too but they are being detained and questioned about El... while Hawkins is currently being invaded by all types of monsters
Owens gets killed
In the end the government + Jopper, Steve, Robin and Vickie ( rovickie happens at one point and they kiss) and Argyle and the other adults and the citizens of the town stay in Hawkins to fight there all together
The others go through a gate opened by El into the upside down and at one point they all get split up because they are attacked by various monsters...
First group: Mike and Will and Nancy
Mike gets hurt to one arm like in the s3 campaign at one point and byler things (almost) happen during all this time, it's now kinda (?) clear Mike has a crush on Will...it's explicit for bylers at least lol
Also at one point Nancy and Mike talk while they are in the woods and Mike asks her about feelings and stuff and being confused and she tells him her experience with Steve and Jonathan and this relates to byler obv and she says that she thought she loved Steve at one point but now that she has Jonathan she knows what's the real thing etc etc
He doesn't explain why he asked...
Second group: Lucas, El, Dustin and Jonathan
Lucas is the one that finds Vecna and they attack him and fight, Nancy, Mike and Will arrive when the fight is already on and help out and save some of them... In this fight Jonathan gets killed by Vecna in very cruel way, he rips out his heart in front of everyone
This makes El be so angry that she immobilizes him and Lucas chops his head off...
It's all tragic and raw and bloody
The upside down is still as it is around them but the battle is over
we see that Max wakes up in the hospital, Erica is with her and was defending her body from the demodogs being badass with some weapon, her parents + Murray are there too and they are fighting together and Murray dies protecting her
The party goes back to Hawkins where they won against all the monsters because they die when Vecna dies, and they bring Jon's body back, they show Joyce's pain and Will's pain and Nancy's
Time skip:
second part of the season
A few years pass and when we're back we find out what the characters are doing now and how they all changed, the gates have closed on their own, El and Mike are broken up, Max is back but she can't see from one eye... Life is goin on
The party is hanging out, drinking and partying together and Mike tries to kiss Will... Will rejects Mike and runs away!
The day after this night we find out that Mike went missing.
The adults are looking for him in the normal world and they are all worried about him
Will has a dream, Vecna is still alive somehow in this dream and he talks to him and tells him that if he wants Mike back he has to bring El to him because he still wants to have revenge on her and kill her and if he tells anyone else he kills Mike
He tells El and they decide to go alone
Dustin, Lucas and Max somehow find out and follow them
They all go to the upside down again because they think Vecna is still alive there somehow
In reality Vecna's conscience is still alive inside the mind flayer and he's trying to take over Mike's body and possess him
Mike is fighting mental visions in a loop in his mind - We see that the baby boy is in love with Will Byers and terribly afraid of being abandoned by everyone
So the main party goes in the UD to save Mike and they all get attacked with psychic torture and visions...
Lucas and Dustin and Max have their own visions
Lucas feels guilty for Max and trusting Jason
Dustin feels responsible for Eddie's death and sees Steve being killed too
Max gets tortured again but this time Vecna fails miserably with her, she's a survivor now, she wants to live and is not going to let anyone stay inside her mind again
As soon as they win in their visions they go back and find each other again
Meanwhile El decides to connect her and Will's mind to Mike's mind before Vecna can take over...
They find Mike in his loop but vecna takes over him and he has powers because he's being controlled by Vecna so in this mindspace they all fight... Mike.
but El gets trapped because she doesn't want to hurt Mike and all seems lost...
But Vecna doesn't want to kill them yet, he wants to torture them before...
He explains the upside down to Will, tries to make him give up his own body in Mike's place and makes him see visions of Jonathan... at this point Will overcomes these visions mentally thinking about his love for Jonathan and everyone else and understands that the key is love...
Then he starts talking about his own feelings for Mike because he knows love is the key to free him and this love confession gives so much power to Mike that he gets free from the mind flayer and Vecna's conscience is out of Mike's mind
Vecna tries to attack with the mind flayer and Will then uses his imagination powers by making a freaking dragon that fights the mind flayer!!!!!
El gets free too and Willel uses their now joined powers to finish Vecna's mind
They all go back into their bodies in the real world where Dustin and Lucas and Max were waiting for them to wake up
They all hug El
Mike kisses Will in front of everyone... the upside down fills up with light around them!!!!!!
because Vecna is dead and it is now free from him too and the mind flayer goes away opening a portal to Dimension X because it is a freaking alien that was controlled by Vecna
They won!
Back to Hawkins...
One year later
All happy scenes of the characters, lumax movie date, Erica is playing d&d with her friends, Steve and Dustin are leaving for a roadtrip together in a van, Robin and Vickie are still together cuddling on the couch while watching fast times, Argyle is hanging out with Eden and we see random recurring characters doing things
Nancy is talking on the phone with her mom and asks her how her and Holly are doing in their new apartment... she is in her ( very small) office! She's officially working as a journalist, she hangs up the phone and looks at her name tag on the desk, a picture of Jonathan right next to it...
Byler is making out in Will's new room and El tells them dinner is ready and to keep the door open 3 inches to make fun of them but Will uses his powers to shut the door... Yeah they both have powers now!
After this they all go to have a New year dinner party together with Joyce and Hopper!
Mike and Will kiss at midnight 😌
*sound of people cheering in the background*
*transition from the Byers TV to the Wheeler's TV*
The season ends with Ted Wheeler watching the people celebrate on TV and shutting it off to go to bed
hard cut to black with the effect of the TV shutting off
stranger things main theme starts playing 🫡
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schrijverr · 1 year
A Behind the Scenes of: A Collection of Kisses from 80s
Jonathan gives insight into the party's life in the 80s through kisses.
On AO3.
Ships: jargancy, steddie, byler, elumax, jopper, past-ronance
Warnings: mentions of nightmares
“Hi, I’m Jonathan Byers, the main photographer and editor of A Collection of Queer Photography,” he starts out the video. “Today I’m giving you a behind the scene look of A Collection of Kisses from 80s, which takes up page 60 and 61.”
“This is a collection, of course. I just said that, sorry,” Jonathan stumbles awkwardly for a second, before he picks himself up. “They don’t have individual titles, so I’ll just go through them and hope I remember which one it was when putting them on screen. Bear with me.”
“To try and keep it organized I’ll first do page 60 like reading a book, okay,” Jonathan nods to himself. “First the one of mom and dad.”
The photo that appears is of Joyce and Hopper, taken shortly after their return from Russia, behind them Hawkins still in tatters.
“Dad hadn’t been home in a year, undercover work. It was pure luck he was done right when Hawkins crumbled. I love the juxtaposition between their soft kiss and the ruins in the background, very dramatic,” Jonathan comments.
“Then the next one is of Dustin, Eddie and Steve,” he says.
It is of Eddie and Steve, both smacking one on Dustin’s cheeks, the boy grinning broadly into the camera.
“Dustin got his driver’s license that day. Steve and Eddie both gave him lessons, he’s like their little brother. It’s quite funny how they met Dustin separately. He’s the one that introduced them to one another,” Jonathan tells the camera. “Anyway, they were very proud of him and I think it’s a sweet photo.”
“Next up was taken in Boston already,” Jonathan introduces. “It’s of Steve and Robin with the couch.”
In the photo Robin is asleep on the couch. Her head is already shaven and she is hugging a pillow to her chest. Steve is laying a blanket over her and softly kissing her head.
“All of us have nightmares from time to time, so when one of us falls asleep somewhere, we try not to wake them,” Jonathan explains. “I love the caring nature of this photo. It’s a soft moment and I’m glad I captured it.”
“Then the next one is of Jane, Max and Lucas all cuddled up,” Jonathan smiles fondly.
The photo that appears on screen is of Max sitting on a couch, El next to her with her legs slung over Max’s, arms wrapped around her neck. Lucas is giving Max a kiss on the cheek.
“This is my mom’s couch, since they were hanging out there. This photo was taken right before they got together,” Jonathan says. “I love seeing how close they were already orbiting before that happened. We all kind of saw it coming with how often Jane tagged along on their dates or she hung out with both of them or Max all the time. It’s sweet.”
“Both Jane and Lucas love Max a whole lot. She got seriously hurt during the earthquake and was in a coma for weeks. Jane and Lucas grew very close then, sitting by her bedside. They had to be bribed to go home to shower and sleep,” Jonathan remembers with pain in his voice. No matter how much time has passed, thinking of that time never gets any easier.
“The next one is- it’s- it’s a little older than the other ones,” Jonathan says, pausing as emotions overtake him. This period also never gets easier to talk about. “It was a rough time.”
It is of Joyce and Will. Will is laying on a hospital bed, recovering from when he went missing. Joyce is holding one of his hands in both of hers, pressing a kiss to it. Tears are flowing down her face.
“This one was taken in ‘83. Will- uhm, he- he went missing that year,” Jonathan’s voice gets thick, but he talks through it. “He was out in the woods for a week. They found another body. We thought- we thought it was him. It was the worst week of my life. He was so weak when they found him, took him weeks to fully recover.”
He takes a shuddering breath, before he manages to go on: “I took this photo to prove to myself he was actually there. I put it on my bedside table to look at and assure myself when he was still at the hospital. God, I was so scared.”
A guilty look comes over him as he confesses: “I was supposed to be home the night he went missing, but I thought he’d be fine and I could work some extra hours. Fuck, I felt so stupid-”
“Hey!” Argyle cuts him off, sounding more stern than he ever has before. “Don’t blame yourself, baby boy. You know you couldn’t have prevented it by being home. Will even has said that. No beating yourself up.”
“Sorry,” Jonathan says, looking a bit like a kicked puppy.
“Wanna cuddle for a sec?”Argyle asks. Jonathan nods and then there’s a cut.
When he returns his eyes are a little red rimmed, but he looks a lot more settled than before. He smiles: “I’m back. I wanted to add that this photo shows that silent relief that can only out itself in crying, because you’re so glad they’re okay, but you’ve just been through hell. Just needing to feel that they’re alive. It’s a very impactful photo in my opinion.”
“Then the last one on this page is less heavy, just Eddie and Steve making out,” Jonathan laughs as he moves on.
Indeed in the photo, Eddie and Steve are photographed mid-make out session. It’s on the couch in the Byers apartment in Boston and the two had been high. They all had been. Steve is straddling Eddie’s lap, his hands buried in Eddie’s mane. Eddie is letting himself get pushed into the couch by the force of the kiss, hands resting on Steve’s ass. The side profile of the moment is captured.
“This is again when we were high. They don’t have an issue making out any other time, but these were the moments it’s easiest to capture them. It’s harder in the club and I wasn’t living in their house. I have a lot more photos of Argyle and Nancy making out,” Jonathan admits.
“Hell yeah,” Argyle comments, sounding as zen as always.
“I love the subtle push and pull of this photo,” Jonathan says. “Steve is pushing Eddie into the couch pretty forcefully, but then you have Eddie’s hands on his ass, that subtle sense of control and ownership. It isn’t overt, but it adds such a layer to the photo that I really appreciate.”
“Okay, next page I’m going to move along them in the same way to keep track of them, starting with the one of Robin and Nance,” Jonathan informs the camera, though it’s more for himself.
The photo that comes on screen is one of Robin kissing Nancy’s nose. Nancy looks surprised, her eyes wide and a little cross eyed to follow the kiss. Robin is quite clearly laughing.
“I took this one back when they were dating. It’s such an adorable, joyous moment and I’m so glad I managed to catch it,” Jonathan says.
“Some people ask me if it’s weird that Robin and Nancy used to date, but it really isn’t. She dated Steve before we got together, then we broke up, I started dating Argyle, she Robin and then after they broke up, the three of us got together. It’s been a whole thing and I’ve gotten used to it by now, you know? Plus, it’s been years since that. Decades even,” Jonathan shrugs. “I just care that they were happy then and that they worked it out.”
“Now the next one is of Erica and Lucas and it’s such a sibling photo,” Jonathan laughs.
On screen a photo of the Sinclair siblings appears. Erica is kissing Lucas’ cheek, while he makes a disgusted face, seemingly trying to fight her of.
“I think siblings are just hardwired to be little assholes to each other,” Jonathan says. “They were discussing DnD strategies, I think, right before I took this one. Erica spotted me with my camera and immediately did this just to be a dick. I love that about her. Truly little teen sibling behavior, same goes for Lucas.”
“Now the next one is a little bit more serious again. We wanted it to be a mix of all sorts of kisses – it is a collection – and the variety in them. We have romantic kisses, platonic kisses, familial kisses. We have silly kisses and serious kisses. Just all sorts of them and that was the message of this collection,” Jonathan explains.
The photo that comes on screen is taken of Hopper and El. It’s taken late at night on the couch, the two still in their pajamas. El is huddling under Hopper’s arm, which is slung around her. Hopper is placing a kiss on her head. Her hair is still buzzed, the picture is from the spring of ‘86.
“So, this one is of Jane and dad. It was a little after it all went down that spring. We were all still dealing with the direct aftermath. Sleep- well, as I said, it never does come easy. It’s such a private moment and I triple checked if they were okay with me publishing it and I’m glad they said yes, because it’s such a visual. I mean, you can learn so much about them from just this photo and that is what I love about photography. Sad what had to happen for this moment to be created, but glad I caught it,” Jonathan says.
“Then there is the one with Mike and Will that’s more lighthearted to offset the vibes,” Jonathan moves on.
It’s indeed of Mike and Will. Mike is hugging Will from behind, using his height to his advantage to lean over and press a kiss onto Will’s cheek. Will is laughing, eyes closed and smile bright.
“I took this one on a barbecue during the summer. We all got together and I was taking photos. I noticed Will kind of getting into his head, but before I could get there to cheer him up Mike was already doing this,” Jonathan tells the audience.
He adds: “I appreciate that about Mike, you know. I give him a lot of shit, but he can make Will smile in seconds and that offsets all the little shit-ness he’s had since he was like eleven.”
“Now the last two are kind of a set together. They’re of Argyle and Nancy,” Jonathan introduces.
On screen two photos appear. The first one is of Argyle and Nancy, they’re on the bed, both sleep mused and blowing a kiss to the camera. The one next to it is of them making out.
“Technically, I took the one of them making out, before the one of them blowing a kiss to the camera, but I just loved the idea of them blowing a kiss to me before making out, so I put them the other way around. Purely for my own amusement,” Jonathan says.
“We can make out in front of you more, buttercup,” Argyle offers a little teasingly, yet also completely seriously.
Jonathan blushes bright red, before he mumbles: “I- I mean, I would… not be opposed to that.”
The people watching can’t see Argyle’s satisfied smirks, which he gives as reply, but Jonathan does and mutters: “Oh shut up.”
“Alright,” Argyle smiles, though he technically didn’t say anything.
Bravely, Jonathan moves on, ignoring how his cheeks still burn as he says: “These don’t really have a deep meaning, I just think my partners are beautiful in the morning and hot when they make out.”
“So, yeah, that was a behind the scenes of A Collection of Kisses from 80s. I hope that was interesting and I see you next time,” Jonathan signs off. “Bye!”
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heartbreak-sandwich · 11 months
What are your top five favourite stranger thing scenes/moments? 👀
Also, favourite Billy outfit?
Also also, fmk: Eddie, Steve, Billy *laughs evilly*
omg Joz came to torture me tonight with the fmk😂💕 ALSO THESE ARE GREAT QUESTIONS THANK YOU!!!💕 So my top five favorite Stranger Things scenes/moments: This was so incredibly difficult, they're in no particular order, and they're just little things that I could remember off the top of my head that I like a lot. I think I have more like a top 1,000 or something, so don't judge me too hard lmao.
Season 1 when Steve shows up to the Byers' house, and Nancy and Jonathan are about to fight the demogorgon, and Steve has a full on menty B shouting "this is crazy, this is CRAZY" lmao. Idk why, but that always gets me.
Season 2 when Steve and Robin are working at scoops (I think it's the beginning of episode 1) and the power goes out. Steve starts flipping the light switch, and Robin tells him it won't work, and he just flips it aggressively lol.
Season 3, Billy's introduction at the pool. The song choice, the red suit, the smoking, the homage to Fast Times all around just.... *chef's kiss.* His entrances are perfect, but that one's my favorite.
Billy's mirror scene getting ready in his room, of course. His cunty little vibes, his booty shake in the mirror, cologne sac, all of it. I'm just endlessly entertained and mesmerized by him lol.
Something dear to my heart is the friendship between Murray and Alexei. So I'm choosing the scene in the car where Murray tells Jopper to fuck already, and Alexei is just like "they haven't??" and it's so funny to me. I love those two forever <3
My favorite Billy outfit hands down is slutty red shirt with leather jacket❤️‍🔥
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BUT terminator Billy is a VERY close second 🤭
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Okay so the FMK I think this will be the most controversial thing I've ever said on the internet, so I apologize in advance, but I am going to play the game by the rules lmao.
FUCK - Billy Hargrove MARY - Eddie Munson KILL - Steve Harrington And this feels like blasphemy because I LOVE ALL OF THEM, and I really love Steve, but I don't want to be having six kids, so that was really the deciding factor there lmao.
ily Joz!! Thank you for filling my night with whimsy with these wonderful questions and giving me another excuse to muse about my favorite fictional man😅💕
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thewaywardkees · 1 year
Tag Game — Stranger Things Edition!
Tagged by: @destroya2005
Note: this was based purely on my opinion.
Ride or Die ship (OTP): Harringrove (Steve Harrington + Billy Hargrove). There is something about their dynamics that draws me in. Plus fanfic writers and video editors make the pairing believable enough! (:
Most annoying ship: personally, I don't really enjoy Steddie but it is mostly because of the toxic part of their fandom. I have seen a lot of people in that fandom bullying other m|m couples… makes me wonder why people love wasting their time making others feel miserable. Just chill and reblog some stuff! | Huge shout out to Steddie fans who don't witch hunt others! And to the ones who make amazing fanart!
Second favorite ship: Lumax (canon), Jopper (canon) and Argilly (non canon). Lumax and Jopper are definitely the best couples on the show! And Argilly??? How did people come up with that ship!? It is amazing!
Favorite platonic relationship: Stobin. I must admit I was a huge fan of the couple in S3 until Robin came out to Steve. The duo is one of a kind!
Underrated ship: Munver... tiger-freak... whatever you guys wanna call it. I mean... that ship has a lot of potential! Chrissy-Heather-Robin. Love them too! The fanart people are creating for the trio is chef kiss.
Overrated ship: — .
One thing I would change in canon: the whole introducing new characters in the show only to kill them in the last episode of the season... It is a never ending cycle. Like… don't be shy, kill some of the originals. The Duffers REALLY need to learn from George RR Martin… like, have you guys read/watch Game of Thrones (A song of Ice and Fire)?. The man doesn't give a crap about what fans think! He/She/They are your favorite chars? BAM! DEAD! 💀
Something canon did right: the 80's setting (music, clothes, cars, etc. Etc.).
A thing I am proud of creating for the fandom: I haven't posted my share yet, I am planning to… maybe someday… someday, yeah….
A character who is perfect to me: Hopper. He reminds me of my dad, they have the same personality.
Character I relate to the most and why: Steve Harrington, we are pretty similar in lots of aspects. We learn through experience (rights and wrongs) and both have deconstructed ourselves and created critical thinking of our own. — also, we both have great hair ;D
Character(s) I hate the most: Neil Hargrove, Henry Creel and Dr. Brenner… The three of them are monsters. (🚩🚩🚩)
Something I've learned from the fandom: I haven't interacted with the fandom as much so nothing yet. However, I admire how passionate people can be over their favorite characters.
Three tags I seek out on AO3: AU - Canon Divergence and/or Modern Setting, Happy Endings, Enemies to Lovers (👀).
Songs I associate with my OTP and/or Favorite Character: Harringrove — More than Words (Extreme), Words (F.R. David), Him and I (Halsey, G-Eazy), Bloom (The Paper Kites), There is a light that never goes out (The Smiths), Shameless (Camila Cabello). || Steve Harrington — Good old fashioned lover boy (Queen), The Archer (Taylor Swift), You are on your own kid (Taylor Swift).
No pressure tags: @theladycarpathia , @bigdumbbambieyes , @hephaestn , @harrgrove , @lemonhitsu , @ihni , @thediktatortot . And everyone who wants to participate, really! 🩷
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moonbcrry · 2 years
Jim jopper as the readers boyfriend, give us your hopper bf head canons. Sfw and nsfw is fine, this would be soo cute thanks!! X
my first time writing headcanons so this is kinda shitty but i hope you like it <3
cw: fem!reader, age gap, below the cut mentions of; d/s relationship, praise kink, oral sex (fem!receiving), overstimulation, unprotected sex, degradation kink, name-calling(slut), lmk if i missed anything!
he definitely wouldn't make the first move cus this man has struggled a lot and yknow all those "im the curse" moods he's been in.
you'd be bringing coffee to his office in the mornings, excusing the department was on your way, or taking eggos for el cus jim is so busy with keeping the town safe and you want to help them with the least you could do <3
Jim would deny his feelings for you for as long as he could do and try to avoid you but it's not that possible when you keep popping at his door at the unexpected moments.
though when you finally start your relationship, with your endless efforts of course, he's all over you.
always keeping an arm around your waist, on your shoulders or just casually twirling his hand between your hair.
and we can't deny that he'd be a little possessive about you. like even for the smallest things. like you didn't wear your raincoat on a rainy day? congratulations, you won a grumbling, pouty hopper about how you could get sick at this weather while he puts his jacket over your shoulders.
would he be jealous when others stare at you two? yes, but he also would like that a lot. tightening his grip on your waist as you walked, placing a kiss on your shoulder, hiding his smirk behind that.
but if someone bothers you at a bar for example? that person is dead.
his favourite thing to do with you in the evenings is snuggling on his couch and watching some cheap-ass movies you rented.
his other favourite things are under the cut and NSFW, so no minors.
there's not a single time you could see the end of the movie, either you or hopper gets bored of the movie and you end up making out on the couch.
he lifts you by the waist and you're straddling his hips, hands clawing on his shirt covered broad chest as his tongue lap at your mouth. and you're already panting from arousal, hips jerking against his.
he'd chuckle against your mouth, noticing your growing neediness for him and you're hiding your face on his neck.
he flips you over so you're under him, continuing his attacks on your neck as he pampers you with praises.
when you're in his bedroom this man worships you.
he has you laid back in his bed, spreading your legs with his tight grip on the fats of your thighs as he eats you out like a starved man. when he's done with you, you'll probably have beard burn insides of your thighs
but he's a gentleman, he wouldn't fuck you before preparing you properly. you have to be ready to take him and enjoy every second with him.
have i said praise kink? yeah he fucking loves coddling you with praises as his cock buried deep inside you and your face flushing with his every word as if you weren't doing all the nasty shit with him.
though when he's frustrated or angry he'd be very degrading too. like - ughhh
he has your head flushed against the pillows, ass in the air, cock buried deep inside your pussy as you cry in overstimulation (again im saying this man loves overstimulation) and his calloused fingers digs at the flesh of your ass, "like that, huh? you like when treat you like the whore you are - nuh uh uh, don't shake your head darling. i can feel you squeezing me like vice, creaming on my cock. my little slut."
©moonbcrry 2022 !¡ do not copy, translate or repost ¡!
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longlivthemagic · 2 years
Just a reminder, byler wasn’t shut down this season. We still have S5.
just let me be hopeful for 20 seconds 😭
At the end, they paired off the groups in three distinct groups. Two of them were the byers with their endgame ship (jancy, jopper)
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the way they’re all separated so far apart is def not a coincidence because even though the writers might be bad sometimes, the directing is always top notch and if they didn’t want them positioned like this they would have just moved back millie and closed in the frame. i think this is to foreshadow the endgames of s5.
also, yes, the way they handled Will’s crush and making him help Mike say I love you to El was weird asf. but we need to remember that will is the one who got mike to say he loves her and not once did he say the words “in love”. love has many different meanings. and now that Will’s crush on Mike is confirmed and he’s crying about it all the time, there’s no way they don’t address it further in s5, and to address it only to have him rejected doesn’t make sense.
also, Mike said el was acting weird at the very end of the show after the tank. even mike can’t get to her. maybe this is to show that their fight, although they love each other, truly is a fight you can’t come back from as mike said earlier?
i think no matter what, next season Mike is going to find out about Will’s feelings for him. that’s 100% in my mind. whether or not mike likes will back is something that is up to the writing quality.
love you all and don’t give up <3 this didnt sink out ship at all, it just left it at the same place it did in s3 because they reused mike’s arc.
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45) relieved kisses, reader and Eddie (instead of Jopper, thinking he was dead, the Russian prison)
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A/N: It's only one per person, so I'm just doing this one. Also, just sticking the the "relieved kisses" part of the prompt since that's all I asked for in the original post
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You had never given much thought to the color white, but you were now certain the sterile shade painted on every wall of the hospital was the worst color you'd ever encountered.
Your leg bounced as you waited for Wayne to return. How long would it take for him to convince Powell to let you in? Surely Hawkins Lab had worked their magic by now. You didn't care if they had to put you in handcuffs. All you wanted was Eddie.
The call of your name made you jump. Your eyes focused on Wayne and in the next second you were on your feet.
"Is he okay?" you asked.
Wayne nodded. "He's awake. Doc says he'll make a full recovery, save for the scars."
Animal attack. That was the excuse Hawkins Lab had come up with. Eddie had been hiding out in the woods for days. With the earthquake and the fire, it was perfectly likely something got spooked and attacked.
You weren't sure how much Wayne bought it, but he didn't push. Like you, all he was worried about was Eddie.
He rubbed his hands on his jeans, before nodding his head down the hallway.
"I got you fifteen minutes. You up for it?"
You didn't trust your voice, but your solid strides forward were answer enough.
Wayne guided you past the front desk, each of you walking in silence down the long hallway. As you came further it, more and more people filled the halls, none of them staff. Hawkins police uniforms pressed up along side black suits, all conversing in a murmured hum.
"They don't still think he did it, do they?" you asked.
Wayne shook his head. "Powell said Eddie's been cleared of all charges. Circumstantial evidence. Also some new evidence has come up, something about residual chemicals. Same stuff that got that Holland girl a while back."
Your lips pressed together. You'd thought they'd come up with something better, but you supposed making up a serial killer out of whole cloth wasn't an option.
You spotted Callahan sitting in front of what could only be Eddie's room and frowned.
"So why all this?"
"Some people in town aren't so convinced," Wayne said, his face morphing into a grimace. "Lot of angry people."
You stopped in your tracks, a sudden surge of anger igniting in your blood.
Really? After everything Eddie had been through? After he had nearly died for this miserable town? This fucking town that treated him like shit? They were so ready to blame all their problems on him to the point he needed a security detail?!
A hand came to your shoulder, forcing you to focus on something else other than your rage.
"I know," Wayne said. "But don't let him see you like that. He's been worried about you too."
It took a moment, but your forced a deep breath through your lungs, then another, and another. He was right. You could get angry later.
As you stepped closer, Callahan spotted you, rising to his feet as he did so.
"Okay," he said, looking down at his watch. "You have fifteen minutes starting..."
"Oh cut it out Phil," Wayne interrupted. "Neither of them are going anywhere."
Callahan fumbled for a moment glancing between you and Wayne and back again. He then cleared his throat, giving you a hard look.
"Fifteen minutes."
"Got it." You shoved passed him, slipping behind the door before he could say another word.
You had an idea of what to expect when you walked in. The real thing knocked the air from your lungs.
There he was.
He was paler than usual. That horrible shade of white doing him absolutely no favors. His hair was a rat's nest. There were dark circles under his eyes. It was clear enough to see that the pillows at his back were the only thing keeping him up right. But his eyes were open, big and brown, and crinkled at the edges with the wide smile spread across his lips.
"Hey sweetheart."
You broke. Any plan you had jumping out the window as your ran across the room and into his arms.
"Careful," he grumbled. "Stitches."
You weren't really listening. All you could focus on were the feel of his body against yours; still warm, still alive. You crawled further up, pressing your lips against his in a desperate kiss. For the first time since finding him half dead in Dustin's arms, you felt like you could breath.
He caught on soon enough, his hands cupping your face as he kissed your even deeper.
"It's okay," he murmured against your skin. "I've got you baby. I'm right here."
You hadn't even realized you were crying until he pressed his lips to your cheeks and the corners of your eyes. His thumbs took care of the rest, wiping your tears away.
"So, you really would be upset if I died," he teased.
"Shut up," you shot back, caught between a laugh and a sob.
He only grinned before kissing you all over again.
Things were a mess, but in that room, at that moment, none of it mattered. You had Eddie. He was all you could want.
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xxmarzimoonxx · 2 years
it’s funny because the more i look at twitter and tiktok and just think about what we were given in regard to byler this season, the more it kinda seems right? don’t get me wrong, we were definitely queerbaited to an extent, and that’s completely disappointing, and using will’s sexuality to further mileven was just terrible, but i actually feel kinda hopeful for season 5? anyways heres some mixed thoughts on byler that i don’t feel like adding to my pinned post and some will stuff too bc he’s my main guy <3
since the writers revealed that the jopper kiss was planned day of by winona and david, i sincerely believe that finn and noah could convince the writers to allow for smth between their characters, especially considering the way they have their characters act around each other (lip glances, longing looks, etc)
the lighting in the cabin scene? the stick figure drawing and the way it was framed? the dead flowers? these are not coincidences!!
almost every scene w mike and el has will standing in the background. again, definitely not a coincidence.
i also think that, in regard to season 4, completely fixing mike and wills relationship over the course of two packed finale episodes would have been forced. they have an entire season to work out their relationship now, and i truly believe byler will happen between the hints/parallels in s4, as well as everything finn and Mike have said (keep in mind they’ve seen parts of the script for season 5, and most likely already know how their characters are going to end up!) i have strong hopes, like noah said, i really feel that they’re building it up. we really need to see a post s4 interview w either finn, noah, or both of them. this way we can see how they react in regard to byler.
since filming for season 5 began early and the actors have already seen versions of the scripts and know where their characters are going, i truly believe what noah has said in interviews about byler being “built up” and stuff. it would explain finns behavior during interviews too if he knows smth will happen between them next season.
adding onto this, i feel pretty certain at this point that a lot of the actors be getting confused w what happens in each season 😭. like this would explain why it seems like a lot of them lied abt what would happen in season 4, and why a lot of leaks and hints as to what would happen didn’t. filming two seasons pretty much around the same time has to have had a lot of them confused, because im not sure why else all that would’ve happened…
bro im hyped for main character will next season. i don’t care if he’s a villain. i don’t care if he’s a hero. he can be whatever tf he wants as long as he’s not dead and is the main character (and main character he will be!!!)
my guess is that will gets vecnaed at the start of the season before they do that weird time skip thing. considering noah was in his s4 clothes in the pic w the harness (and that pic was posted around the same time david had said they started shooting early, so it makes sense that it’s for season 5).
im super curious tho as to how they’re gonna handle the time skip? i don’t know how they’re going to make it make sense, and i am worried it’s going to take away a lot from the characters (and no, not just mike and will, literally every character), so maybe they’ll do some sort of two part thing where the first part kicks off where we left off and the second jumps forward? kinda like the season 4 volumes but more evenly distributed.
everyone on twitter saying will might get killed off next season, SHUSH. as much as they like to hurt mr byers, imagine the backlash they would face after killing off one of two queer characters.
i saw someone on twitter say that like the point of wills arc this season was to highlight his emotional struggle and detachment from the group (his friends, johnathan, etc) to lead into his plot for next season. and yeah. that makes sense! and it’s also giving villain vibes 😍
it’ll also be really cool to see everything start with will and end with will. especially if he’s a villain. he would be helping the one thing (vecna/henry) that ruined his life, maybe even finding comfort in him. something about that is kinda cool, and im all down for a will byers villain arc. like imagine him showing mike memories of each time mike hurt him (verbally ofc) or smth like that and be like “look! it’s every time you broke my heart! now ill break yours 🤪💅🏻”. he wouldn’t kill him tho. we still want byler to happen. it would just be very slay of will. OKAY ILL SHUSH NOW.
i might add to this haha but it’s just some thoughts on will in season 5. if more byler stuff comes up in the coming interviews i might add it here rather than my pinned post because it’s just kinda easier. smh for not doing bullet points on that one.
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tweekscoffeebean · 2 years
Does anyone else find it interesting that both Nancy and Mike are in love triangles during season 4 and that the season ends with neither triangle being fully resolved?
Like I m probably reaching here but its very interesting to me that they would have Nancy and Mike both be in love triangles and have parallel elements to both triangles.
Steve/Nancy /Jonathan triangle:
Nancy is lying to Jonathan. Jonathan is lying to Nancy.
Nancy and Steve were shown in various shots were it appeared they were going to Kiss, Steve openly confesses to Nancy that he isn’t over her yet when he tells her that his dream of settling down with Six kids and then admits later that she was the one he wanted to have the kids with.
She also doesn’t say “but i love Jonathan “ in this moment either( unless I missed it)
You could say she rejects Steve when Nancy runs to Jonathan but she never fully rejects him.
Nancy/Jonathan’s relationship is also left ambiguous in the end. Like yes they are shown with jopper and are implied to be end game, but they also had that brief moment where Jonathan once again lies to Nancy about his college acceptance letter. Nancy also lies here cause its obvious she has unresolved feelings with Steve but she is still denying that fact.
Will/Mike/El triangle.:
El lied to Mike through out the majority of the first part of Season 4.
Will both Called El out for her lying to Mike, and then told Mike El was lying to him, but then Will lies to Mike ( cause he selfless) so Mike would feel better about his relationship with El.
Mike doesn’t know that Will lied about El’s feelings and was actually confessing to Mike in that scene. This is important for two reasons.
1. . This can be seen as a parallel to Steve’s first confession when he originally tell’s Nancy the story about how he wanted to settle down with a wife , and six kids and travel. So in that sense we should expect a second confession where Will tells Mike (or Mike asks) since Steve later admits Nancy was the girl/woman in his family fantasy.
2. mike entire love confession to El is build on Will’s lie. The feelings he was reacting too that made him confess were Wills feelings not El’s. Will in fact has to keep encouraging Mike to go on, and he pauses on the word hurt and looks at will. Plus the whole “ my life started” part of the speech mirrors the speech he gave to save Will when Will was in danger . This thus implies his actual ‘love’ confession is an actual lie as its based on feelings between Byler and not Mil*ven.
Forgot to add that Mike keeps staring at Will’s lips.
Lets talk about that. Byler is shown not only with the two ‘end’ game couples one of which is also Mike’s sister and involved in a love triangle.
It all adds up.
Nancy and Mike’s stories are parallel.
They both are lying to the people they love, and lying to themselves , and they both are implied ( YES even Mike) to have feelings for someone else.
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celinecooperjones · 2 years
Fluffy jopper fic/head cannon where they are lying in bed together after being intimate just talking having pillow talks and hopper is brining up the idea to Joyce of having a baby…
There’s a thin layer of sweat covering both of them, their chests rising and falling rhythmically as they try and catch their breath.
Hopper tugs the comforter over them, tucking it around Joyce’s backside and pressing a kiss to the top of her head, his fingers running through her mussed hair.
“Mmm, good morning.” Hopper chuckles, the sound vibrating low in his chest.
Joyce giggles, burying her head into his shoulder in embarrassment. She had all but jumped his bones the second he had woken up, it was much too tempting now having him in her bed every night and day. “Not a bad way to wake up, huh?”
“Not at all, makes me look forward to waking up early,” he tilts his head to capture her lips and she looks towards the alarm clock on the nightstand. “How much time do we have?”
“About twenty minutes,” She informs him, snuggling into his warmth.
Twenty more minutes of peace and quiet before the kids would be up. Twenty minutes before they’d have to actually be parents and get themselves out of bed to make breakfast.
“Want me to make some coffee? We can drink it in bed.”
She thinks on it for a moment before shaking her head, her arms tightening around him. “As appealing as that sounds, I don’t plan on letting you out of this bed until I have to.”
“Is that right?” His voice is lower now, his lips nibbling along her neck. “And what do you plan to do with me while you’ve got me?”
“What we just got done doing,” She whispers huskily. “Unless you have other ideas. We could watch the news, do a crossword...”
He quiets her rambling teasing with a kiss. “I like your first option,” He opens his mouth for her, letting her tongue slide against his as she presses her body tighter to his.
His hand lazily dips around her, resting on her stomach when he pulls her impossibly closer. His thumb strokes along her soft skin, dipping into the divot of her navel as his thoughts take over.
Joyce seems to notice, his kisses having grown lazy and distant. “Hop? You with me?”
He shakes his head, breaking his daze. “Huh? Yeah, sorry,”
“What are you thinking about?” She wonders, her hand stroking the rough hair on his cheek.
“It’s silly.”
“I like silly,” She comforts. “Tell me.”
His eyes drift down to his hand on her stomach, focusing in on a cluster of freckles as he speaks the thought on his mind, the tips of his ears burning. “I was thinking about what it would be like if we had a baby.” He blurts, and Joyce’s eyes widen in surprise, she wasn’t expecting that. “Told you it was silly.”
“That’s not silly, Hop.” Joyce assures him. “It’s surprising, but it’s not silly. I didn’t think you would want another baby after…” She trails off, the topic of Sarah always a tough one, but he knows nonetheless. “And with El getting older.”
“It’s just a thought, Joyce, nothing I’ve thought about seriously.” He insists. “Let’s just forget it.”
He tries to kiss her again but she squirms away. “I want to talk about it,” Joyce tells him.
“You do?”
She smirks. “Hopper, you just said you’re thinking about having a baby with me. Yes, I want to talk about it.”
“The idea doesn’t completely freak you out?” He’s propped himself up on his elbow now but his hand continues to drift along her skin.
“I won’t lie, it makes me a bit nervous, but recently, with the kids getting older, I have thought about it.” She admits. “Not in depth or anything but there has been a nagging part of my brain that says, what if? Y’know?”
“Yeah, Joy, I know,” He smiles. “Maybe we should talk about it, I mean seriously talk about it. See if we still feel this way in a couple months.”
“You do realize if we were to have a baby together we’d be even more of a hot topic in the town’s gossip.”
“Ah, let’em talk,” Hopper decides, swiftly pulling Joyce back to him and kissing her soundly. “Our baby would be cute as hell.”
“It’d be a very hairy baby,” Joyce teases, fingers trailing over the thick patch of hair on his chest.
“And very short,” Hopper fires back, pressing a kiss to her nose. “I love ya, y’know that?”
Joyce just smiles stupidly at him, arms looping around his neck. “I had a feeling.”
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blognarrymybabes · 2 years
My mini Rant !!!
I have couple of questions to ask duffers with all this mess in the vol2 regarding Byler and El. Now, looking at the tag I do have some hope but I still don’t know if I trust duffers at all.
Why did they involve Will in that mess of Milkvan relationship?
They had the opportunity with cali plot to get Will a love interest. They introduced so many characters this season why not one more ?
And if that is such a pain then they could have shown Will crushing on some guy in the new school or finding someone attractive(like they showed Mike idolizing Eddie).
This would have clearly indicated audience towards Will’s sexuality and then later they could have addressed this with a coming out scene with either Jonathan or Mike. This way they could have kept all of Will’s inner turmoil the same that would make him vecna’s target.
If they are sticking to Milkvan Endgame, they could have focused more on Will’s connection to Vecna rather than involving him into their relationship.
I noticed the pattern they have for every season for Milkvan : they split at the start of the season and they end up together at the end.
Now I am confused whether the Duffers think that is romantic, creates some tension between the main couple and that works, that’s their whole story
Let’s for a second consider that their idea of Mike and Eleven. Then why not make their relationship healthy with each season. Why make their reunion rushed in someone way. Because god they have so many problems !!!!
1. They never learn from their mistakes instead just kiss each other at the end
2. They never talk, no actual deep heart to hearts ever
( this is my biggest problem with them! All the other couples have meaningful heart to hearts that showcases the problems they are going through, the character struggles and them working on it.
why not the main couple????!)
3. They never speak the truth to each other. They lie, a lot ! maybe out of fear of losing each other but they pretend to be someone they are not
4. They have very different ideas of each other and therefore different expectations.
5. Mike only sees her as a superhero. Even in his monologue that vision of his doesn’t change when in their fight Eleven clearly states she doesn’t like it. And during his monologue that should have changed, which it should if he loves eleven because then it looks hero worshipping , him still thinking of her as E.T and that is not ideal.
Now looking at Jopper, Jancy and Lumax. Especially, Jopper and Lumax they can write a healthy relationship. They can write a good slow burn. And they can showcase relationship problems and know how to tackle them.
They just don’t do it for Mike and Eleven.
Honestly, I think the entire Milkvan fans don’t ship Mike and El they are more into Millie and Finn. They love the two leads and they want them to be together (no hate to anyone this is just my personal opinion)
If Milkvan is the ship the audience is supposed to root for. If Milkvan is true love and love conquers all. If Milkvan is the endgame then why the love triangle?!
Leave Will alone. No need to add him into it. Show him as this miserable kid, never happy with now his ‘one-sided’ love and his feelings that were used for that shitty monologue
There was no need for that. Period.
But they did !
That’s what gets me !!
If I have to trust duffers and the whole subtext, the whole narrative then I believe they are trying to showcase how Milkvan doesn’t work, how it is not true love. Then the fact that eleven doesn’t defeat vecna after monologue, them not talking after whole confession that Eleven desperately wanted would makes sense.
Especially considering all the problems above and the side by side build up of Byler in vol1
Also, the whole switch in Mike’s character. If they don’t like or want Byler then Mike could still be Will’s bestfriend, supportive and still the same Mike from season2 now just in a relationship, has a girlfriend. Nothing has to change.
But they didn’t.
He flips between Will and El showing us two completely different versions of him when he is alone with either. That for me is obvious in all of the Byler scenes and especially the ones when Mike reunites with Eleven (this includes the Pineapple pizza scene)
If they wanted substance for Will’s main character era or want to showcase him with the heaviest trauma then he already has a lot of that!! This unrequited love wasn’t necessary.
My worry for Will’s character is that they will make him struggle to either make him sacrifice himself or just sideline him with Eleven coming to his rescue.
That is another problem I have with the duffers, the blatant importance to Eleven’s character in the series. I love her, I do. But it’s just so much detailed backstory, so much showcasing of her relationship with other characters and emphasis on her that from season3 it felt more like her show. This sidelined other characters especially the original main characters both Mike and Will.
The other characters have their separate storylines that doesn’t involve her so that is good.
But Mike and Will’s storyline are completely intertwined with hers. This way atleast Mike gets showcased although poorly as only her boyfriend.
And Will’s character gets more sidelined due to him in love with Mike’s.
They could have had a much better storylines for these two character separate from her.
Now with vol2 I don’t know where to stand. I worry they won’t do Will justice, rectify Mike or even go for Byler.
I feel this is why a lot of Bylers are a mess right now because the narration, character placements, subtexts and last scenes from vol2 point towards Byler endgame. But they also held no clear indication of Mike’s feelings.
I feel if we had even a slight peek into Mike’s mind we would know for sure where this is headed for us.
Maybe that is the point ? They want to keep the suspense
But then it also comes as of one-sided Byler which then paints Mike as a horrible, self absorbed person if he truly is straight and in love with Eleven
My biggest question is that His contradictions are intentional or just bad writing ?
Also it makes it hard to hope for Byler when Milkvan is so in the face and loud !
These are my thoughts for now, please let me know what you guys think in the comments !! I would really like to know your perspective.
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