#and i totally recognize that fact
soysaucevictim · 7 months
Hhh... didn't appreciate just how intense the winds/storm have been up in my neck of the woods.
I respect that delivery services are out of commission.
Just. Timing for me not taking care of myself on various fronts could definitely be better. (Like sleep and meds would stabilize me more in terms of emotions and meal planning. But bleh. I'll have to figure my own shit out here.)
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mikesbasementbeets · 1 year
"if they don’t tell me explicitly that mike was never attracted to el then that means he was"
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[removes hands while kissing]
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[unresponsive to kiss & "i love you," eyes wide open]
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[the sunglasses stay on during kiss, also get off me you're crushing the flowers i carefully placed right in between us]
[no fear]
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[one fear]
"idk if they don’t make it clear to me that he doesn’t love el romantically then that means he does"
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"they haven't given any indication yet that he doesn't like girls..."
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"yeah, mike has definitely shown attraction to girls"
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camellcat · 7 months
you ever realize you never properly learned how to say a character's name, so by the time you finally HEAR it, you have no idea who they're talking about? cause I feel like I keep doing this and it's very confusing to keep being corrected like that
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helv-ete · 1 year
We‘ve all heard of punk phase England by now, so I raise you punk phase Germany
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ringneckedpheasant · 5 months
my opinion of my roommate just gets worse & worse the older his kids get
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anissapierce · 4 months
Being a 'kazu bleaches his hair but doesnt use toner n thts why his hair looks so damn orange' truther is so hard
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bogunicorn · 8 months
reading the news is so exhausting bc at this point it's just wall-to-wall opinion pieces of z*onists saying the dumbest shit possible with their entire chests and then crying about how the entire world is against them because they invented a new definition for the word "genocide" and nobody with a partially working brain wants to adopt it
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museganjin · 21 days
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edit: eye design on the pin is based off of this video tutorial by yurie sekiya, creator of pero pero sparkles.
#art#artists on tumblr#my art#traditional art#doodle#yeah thats the phone i used to take these photos#i did these around very early june this year#every year there's a festival in the middle of my town celebrating it#its pretty much an event for local organizations and businesses to promote themselves#its kinda boring because its the same every year lol#but i go mainly because 3 4ths of the stalls give out promotional branded thingamabobs and free candyyyy (😋)#one of the local libraries gives out free books - daycares and kids centers have toys to play with#and lastly kids art schools have some crafts#which is how i got to work on the cd and badge in the photo#fun fact: the stall i did the cd at gave me a flyer printed on card stock which i used to make my arrangeable v a angel face#at the second stall i actually made the pin a total of two times because i lost the first one minutes after i walked away#and when i came back a second time the people hosting recognized me so i had to explain myself#on an unrelated note they were so impressed with my second pin that they asked to take a picture of me with it#and post it on their social media. and i agreed because yay someone likes my art ^W^#soooo there is a picture of this badge and my REAL FACE floating around on the internet#i regret it in the slightest because I have the reasonable fear of my appearance being out there out of my control#though i guess that's a lost cause because ive been in the background of friends' posts and school club social media posts#btw i wrote “(to) kill” in japanese in cutesy handwriting on the pin because i thought it would be funny#and i think it's even funnier to imagine that the social media of the kid's art school just has a post of a badge saying “KILL💖”#next to my smug ass face
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bylertruther · 2 years
just remembered lucas and will's excited tappy-hands hugs and also their strong, stable, full body, will's chin hooked over his shoulder hugs . i am both Healed and also Dead
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 10 months
my dad came in and saw me on the couch (for the first time all day and i had literally just sat down for less than a minute when he came in) w heating pad and immediately goes "you have two options" (different chores to do) (as if i was like 10 years old and getting punished for something that i didnt even know i did wrong). what about secret third option where you treat me like an adult or i don't come home for winter next year. Lol
#.mei chats#soryr really my family is. great i need to stpo complain#i just wish theyd realize that im not incompetent#i do a really good job taking care of myself for the entire 10 months out of the year that i dont live with them#and im proud of the independence ive developed bc i worked really hard to feel ANY sort of positive feelings about myself#but they just dont recognize it at all when i come back#trying to tell me how to microwave my food and reminding me of paperwork i have to do#Thanks i literally managed the entire program tasks myself for the last 6~months but yeah you better remind me about the medical forms#or else ill totally forget and mess up the whole thing :'333 bc im just so stupid!! thakn you soooo much for taking care of me!!#<- not like ive been hypervigilant and anxious about making sure i do every little thing with it perfect#in fact there was actually an issue w one of my forms bc they made me submit it even though i didn't think it was filled out properly.#they were like “itll be fine youre overthinking” guess who got an email 3 days later saying the form was completely invalid.#god just bottom line why cantthey trust me when i say im on top of it. fucking trust me this program is my entire life right now#i am putting literally eveyr ounce of effort i've got into not ruining it. they just dont see the improvements and growth ive made at all#so frustrating bc ive worked so hard to pinpoint and fix that specifically but what can ya do#god this got long. sawry#.not f/o related
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foxcassius · 2 months
i was bored to death at work on friday and wrote out some oc thoughts on marnin and selp and their personalities and i want to reiterate/summarize them here too
marnin is, first and foremost, careful, nervous, and guilty—he is quick to blame himself in any situation and is as careful as he possibly can be, especially around selp (when he is of his own mind). however, marnin is also curious and obsessive, and these things can build up and like consume his thoughts and cause him to act impulsively and without thinking. as careful as marnin tries to be in toeing the lines of their weird relationship, he is DEEPLY curious about everything about selp and of such an obsessive personality (and the two of them being isolated together doesnt really help keep his mind straight either) that he ends up crossing lines he normally wouldnt and then wallowing in guilt about it later. his guilty conscience also keeps him from picking up consciously on the signals selp puts out that beg him over the hazy, unclear lines between them; he picks up those hints only unconsciously, as they feed into his obsession, curiosity, and want.
selp, however, is putting out those signals at almost all times. for all that marnin is careful and reserved, selp is possessive and analytical and jealous. these might not be the first words you would use to describe him upon meeting him (or upon reading the story he features in), but they are his deepest and some of his strongest personality traits, especially in regards to the relationship he and marnin share. don't get me wrong, he tries to be careful with marnin. he knows marnin well and becomes very quickly acquainted with marnin's anxiety and conscience. this is why he doesnt push or act himself, usually. he doesnt want to frighten or distress marnin. but selp is obsessive to a whole other degree. marnin wants to know things; selp NEEDS to know every last thing about marnin in his efforts to "have" and "keep" him. it is why, especially in the beginning, selp takes so many more liberties asking questions, touching and investigating marnin physically, and making decisions for him. once they are on the ship alone among the stars and the boundaries between them begin to blur and selp sees how much this confuses and distresses marnin, that is when he takes more of a backseat role and encourages, flirts, asks leading, dangerous questions, and utilizes this new body language he has never tapped into before but that marnin reacts to. as little as selp understands the physical draw he feels, due to it not being a thing at all in olss culture, he thoroughly enjoys each heightening moment of intimacy between them and truly it is a feat of his restraint that he manages to maintain his more passive role as his need and obsession and desire to "have" increase as their encounters cross further and further into the realm of the sexual. i would say, especially in some of these ways, selp is manipulative, though i would try to argue he never goes too far with his manipulation, and marnin's guilt is entirely his own creation, as selp is always quick to assure him that 1) theyve done nothing wrong, marnin has done nothing wrong and 2) they BOTH acted, mutually
marnin is walking repression and restraint carrying simmering want that is forced to build and bubble over in outbursts that cause him, after the fact, to panic and apologize and beat himself up. selp is a vibrating, horny 600 year old who doesn't even know what sex is but wants it so so bad but restrains himself tremuously, waiting until marnin is on his wavelength and then sending out a steady stream of sub-atomic invitations to partake of his flesh. and they were made for each other.
#dont get me wrong selp is also genuine and sweet and loving#he wants to know EVERYTHING about marnin not just inspect his body sexually. and he is genuinely interested#he is a scientist after all. so he has a genuine scholastic interest in marnin's culture and language and biology#that goes along with his possessive wanting interest in those things#i feel like when im just describing their relationship i do selp no justice. he is funny + understanding + caring + protective + smart#and these are all a part of their relationship too!! but i have somehow struggled to figure out how marnins timid personality would ever be#brave enough to lay his hands on selp and do what both of them want so badly to do. and it does HAVE to be him i have tried.#when selp initiates physically instead of just sending out supersonic waves marnin panics and doesnt know how to react#when marnin takes the initiative and therefore CAN blame himself for a second he is easier to assure him and he gets a little less guilty#every time. after a certain point. he feels more guilty every time until he reaches a breaking poiny and they have an intervention#(marnin had shied away from verbally recognizing the fact that they wanna fuck each other bc he didnt understand it. also taboo.)#and then after the intervention he feels a little better and more confident each time they touch each other (half the time not even sexually#btw) until he is totally comfortable and confident in it#<- shoves all that to the side* ANYWAY HAHA THIS SAYS NOTHING ABOUT ME IN COLLEGE. HAHA THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME PERSONALLY.#MY OCS ARENT A REFLECTION OF ME WHEN I MADE THEM THEY ARENT. THEY ARENT.#t
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sxilor-1010 · 3 months
I’m an au enthusiast (if you can’t tell), so I wanna know the deets. What kind of robot? is this similar to something like Detroit turning human or something else? Does Robot Egon imply he was ALWAYS a robot or just was put into a robot? Is he a ghost possessing a machine? I must know.
I feel stupid for not realizing you're an AU enthusiast but oh my god I'm so happy to be able to ramble about this!!! I did answer another ask about how this AU effects the storyline of Ghostbusters if you wanna give that a read first! It'll help to give an understanding for the plot c: But to answer your question, Robot Egon is pretty humanoid but he's not highly advanced humanoid like the Androids in Detroit: Become Human. His actual body (which is sorta designed like a mannequin doll) is made of the strongest metals the robotics company had at the time of the incident. His human skin is made up of rubber to cover up his metal body (which yes can be burnt off and its a bit of a scary sight), his hair is soft colored metal but scrunching it in your hand is akin to squeezing a metal sponge, and his blood mostly consists of oil and coolant. During the 'Awakening' period as a robot as Egon calls it, he took the time to study his body and what he was capable of now that he was beyond human flesh and bones. After a few days of studying his strengths and limits, the idea of experimenting and mechanically rearranging or upgrading parts of his body became known. With the help of Ray (much to slight discomfort of performing a live mechanical vivisection on his close friend), Egon managed to build himself into a living proton pack and ghost trap. The palms of his hands become neutrona wands, while his chest can suck up ghosts and hold them temporarily till they needed to be emptied. Oh, and he also upgraded his eyes to become PKE scanners. So if you see the sight of green light shining up and down, chances are it's Egon looking for the ghost with his eyes.
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br1ghtestlight · 4 months
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i refuse to qrt any trend on twitter But i need everybody here to understand how often i quote these two specific tweets in my life. probably weekly if not daily. they both have under 25 likes total. They matter to me and NOBODY else
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assmaster-8000 · 4 months
"why are your social media handles so weird" ok so u think im unsexy and i should just die
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kg2hub · 4 months
HII Do you headcanon Felix as having alexithymia?? That's so cool!! I can really see it
yeah absolutely!! i've had this hc for a while, as far back as when my old felix rp blog was new lmao.
i'm glad to know other ppl see it too, thank you!! :D <3 <3
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madamtrashbat · 2 years
Y'all might need this back after y'all's hissy fit yesterday:
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I have got to hand it to suddenlyalright, she did a really fucking good job running with the campaign that I'm salty over not getting picked for the zine and literally nothing else could have caused me to be upset at all, no sir, including a person who harassed me and a bunch of my friends and openly sends anon hate had nothing to do with it.
Efficiency is definitely something you want from a mod, I guess. Impartiality out the window, this bitch gets shit done.
Go bother someone else.
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