#and i wanna write other stuff but i'm not good at juggling in that way
thedeathofduty ยท 2 years
Motion Sickness
I hate you for what you did
And I miss you like a little kid
Summary: You went for a morning ride in the Kingswood, as you sometimes did when you were a young girl in King's Landing. Unfortunately, you'd barely enough time to enjoy your hard-earned solitude before Prince Aemond arrived and started trying to speak with you. Reluctantly, you agree to work with him to mend the bonds that were broken years ago.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Lannister!F!Reader
Word Count: 8,305 (I got a little carried away)
Warning(s): Mentions and very brief description of child abuse, detailed description of a fight between two kids (not the eye incident), vague references to sexual trauma (Aemond)
A/N: So in the canon, Aemond claims Vhagar and gets his eye cut out when he's 10 years old, but I decided to change things a bit here and make it so that it happened when he was about 12. I messed with the canon timeline a few times here and aged Aemond up (babygirl is ~22 here), but every other change is actually addressed in-text. Also, I'm not 100% sure what the technical difference is between and OC fic and a Reader fic, but I am definitely on that line here. If anyone has an actual answer to that conundrum for me, please DM me and explain it to me, I am desperate to understand. I've been editing this as I go, but there might still be a few issues, so just be forewarned.
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Though it had been close to ten years since you had ridden your white mare down this twisted path in the Kingswood, you found that the memory of it was deeper than you thought. Despite the years, you still knew where to turn, where to slow down, and where to duck your head so a stray branch would miss your face. You'd been gifted Nymeria at the tender age of only twelve and, now as you were a young woman of twenty-two years of age, she was every bit an extension of you as the short nails just barely peeking past your fingertips and the golden braid bouncing off your back as you galloped through the forest.
The crisp morning air nipped at your flushed cheeks and your steady breaths came out of your mouth in thick clouds. You were grateful you had not left your riding gloves in your chambers or else you knew your fingers would be too stiff. As the trees around you thinned, you tugged on the reins and brought Nymeria to a slow walk. Soon enough, the two of you reached your destination: the apex of the little rivers that ran through the Kingswood. As a girl, you had loved this place, though you'd only laid eyes on it a mere handful of times. Back then, you had been too young to go out riding on your own as often as you did now.
You jumped down from Nymeria's saddle, your muddy riding boots crunching in the pebbles below. The soothing murmur of the water was a balm on your senses after the extravagant feast you'd been forced to attend the night before. With a deep breath, you led your horse to a nearby tree and hastily tied her there with the soft rope you'd grabbed from the stables in the Red Keep.
"Here you go, sweet girl," you crooned, petting her under her chin as she usually liked. After planting a kiss on her dark gray snout, you grabbed your book of poems from her saddlebags and wandered off to sit near the edge of the small river. It was shallow, barely a river at all, and perfectly clear. From your spot on the bank, you saw a few peach-colored fish swimming against the gentle current. Around you was the sound of a cool breeze stirring the tops of the trees, the rising chirping of morning larks, and a faint crunching off in the distance. It was far enough that you could ignore it for now.
You settled into your seat, balancing your book in your lap and humming contentedly as your face slowly warmed with the clear sunlight. With the cold still nibbling at you, the light did not feel golden so much as it did silver. Almost like moonlight. You wanted to truly soak in every moment you had left alone out here. After the unfortunate journey to King's Landing from Casterly Rock, then that overwhelming feast last night, you were desperate to have some time to collect yourself. It would inevitably be interrupted, though.
The crunching in the distance got closer and you could feel the pounding of hooves through the earth beneath you. You sighed, already pushing yourself up to stand as the sound behind you came to an awkward halt.
"Prince Aemond," you said, not even bothering to turn towards him as he struggled to get his horse to stop completely. He had always been a clumsy rider, at least when it came to horses. You hoped for the sake of the realm that he was better with his dragon. "It is both a pleasure and an honor to see you again." You refused to look at him until he had finally dismounted, considering it a great mercy on your part. As a child, he had fallen out of his saddle enough times that any attempts to help him would just infuriate him. Granted, he had been much smaller back then, bigger only than Princess Rhaenyra's second son.
When you did fix your gaze on him, it was without a warmer greet or even a smile, just your hands clasped together in front of you over your book and your chin held high. His riding boots were cleaner than yours and still held some shine, unlike yours, which had been dull and scuffed for some time now. Just as he had been the previous night, he was clad entirely in black. His thick overcoat had little splashes of mud along the bottom and the sight of it did admittedly cause your lips to curl a bit. He was fixing his eye patch, trying to adjust the strap over his windswept hair with one hand while the other held tight to the reins of his dark horse. Unlike you, he had forgotten his riding gloves.
"It did not seem to be either last night, Lady Y/N." His eye met yours and you snorted, shaking your head in disbelief.
He was referring, of course, to your refusal to dance with him. Given the farewell he had gifted you before you left King's Landing nine years ago, he should hardly have been surprised at your cold demeanor. It was, in truth, because of his harsh farewell that you and your family had been compelled to leave. After the way he had treated you, it was clear he no longer wanted you and so the royal family had no use for you and your ilk either. To say your father had been cross would be entirely inaccurate. No, he had been well and truly raging, swearing to the gods that you must have done something to displease the Prince.
You had, though you never shared it with him. Your mother, at least, had been kind to you in those early years, even as you pulled away from her. No matter how kind she was, though, or how close you sometimes felt to any of your sisters, you never told any of them the truth of it.
"I was weary from my travels and did not wish to be paraded around like a jester." It was not a complete lie. You probably would have danced with someone else, if a desirable hand had been offered to you. Prince Aemond's hand, however, was little more than an insult, a thick glob of spit in your left eye. "Come," you sighed, walking towards him and grabbing the reins from his hand. This close to him, you could feel how warm he must be under his layers of thick clothing. He was standing rigidly like a little wooden toy. "I will fasten your horse."
You redid your rope tie for Nymeria so it could hold both, smoothing another hand over your mare's soft face before putting your book away. Maybe you would have the opportunity to read later, but you doubted the Prince had lowered himself to come out here just to sit in silence with you. Though you were not eager to, you would listen to him. He was more than just your childhood companion now. He was the King's younger brother and possible heir to the throne.
"There are matters," Prince Aemond paused, rubbing his hands together before balling them into stiff fists at his sides, "matters we must discuss." He was having a hard time meeting your eyes, only being able to meet your gaze for a brief moment before looking away again.
"And what matters are those, Prince Aemond?"
"The manner of your return to King's Landing."
"Well, I came mostly on horseback, but whenever I grew tired, I rode in the carriage with my mother and sister." You offered him a cheeky smile as he sighed wearily and rolled his eyes.
"Gods, you are still just an intolerable as you were when we were children."
Intolerable? And yet he had spent nearly all of his time with you as a boy? Oh yes, that sounded quite reasonable. You crossed your arms over your chest, forearms digging into the golden lion's head clasps in your crimson riding coat. "Perhaps you would find me more tolerable if I was simply able to divine your motives for questioning me. Alas, I cannot."
He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath before speaking. "It has been many years since we have last seen each other. I am simply trying to get reacquainted."
On your last day in King's Landing, you had woken up before the sun and scrawled out a simple note asking him to meet you in the courtyard when he awoke if he wished to speak. With a thundering heart, you had given the folded paper to Ser Criston who stood guarding the door to Prince Aemond's chambers. He had promised to pass on your message, though he could scarcely look you in the eye.
Your family had planned to leave as the sun set to avoid the heat. He'd had all day to respond and to speak with you, but he had chosen not to even send a response. All you had wanted to do was apologize to him, but you knew now as a woman that you truly had nothing for which to apologize. In truth, what you had been feeling back then was a deep sense of shame and guilt for having hurt and angered the Prince as much as you had, but it had not been your fault.
You uncrossed your arms with a heavy sigh. "What is it you wish to know?" He pulled his hand away from his face.
"Did your parents tell you why you've returned?"
You shrugged. "In truth, I can see a few reasons why my family has dragged me back to this circus. There may be a war coming, after all."
"The Princess accepted our terms."
You smiled at him with feigned pity. "The Princess, yes, but what of her husband? Do you think they call him the Rogue Prince for his mild disposition and penchant for peace? Perhaps he'll kill her, return to King's Landing on dragonback, and burn the whole thing to the ground under cover of night."
He visibly swallowed, his pale neck bobbing. "Perhaps. But I doubt it."
"Let us hope you are correct, Prince Aemond."
He squared his shoulders and stood up straight, towering at his full height. There was enough distance between you that you did not feel dwarfed by him, but you knew it would be different if he were close enough to touch. As children, you had been the taller one for a time, until you stopped growing. When he had asked you to dance last night, your neck had actually hurt a bit at the strain of looking up at him. Your heart had been in your throat, breath hitching at the way the orange light in the grand hall danced on the side of his chiseled face. Prince Aemond was truly a man now, and the sight of him so grown twisted your insides.
"My brother is King now," he declared and you nodded with a slight smile on your face. "There are few who would dare stand against us."
If war was not an immediate concern, there was only one other reason for your family's return that seemed feasible to you. As a girl, you had been promised to the Prince who now stood before you, but the betrothal had been broken shortly after the loss of his eye. To this day, you were not sure who had finally decided to sever that tie. You only knew that before Prince Aemond left for his cousin's funeral on Driftmark, you were betrothed to him, and then a mere fortnight after his return, your father was screaming at you with his large fist in your hair, demanding to know what you had done wrong as your mother corralled your youngest sister out of the room. A lady only in station, as your mother often said of you, you refused to cower or cry whenever he flew into one of his rages. He was your Lord Father and you were the first in a line of five daughters, and the least ladylike girl at court. Was it any surprise he was often angry with you? In his eyes, you were his first failure as a man. Even with that, you were the only one of his daughters to inherit his temperament.
"Hm, then perhaps we are to be married off just as when we were children."
He wet his lips. "Does this displease you?"
"Oh, yes. Deeply." Something stirred in your chest then, some deep threatening rumble. Prince Aemond had written to you for years after your return to Casterly Rock and you devoured each and every word he wrote, but never once did he impart upon you the words you had wanted to read most of all. For two years now, he had stopped, and you would be lying if you said the loss had not broken your heart anew. "To be married to a man so proud and self-satisfied that he cannot even apologize?" You chuckled cheerlessly. "Gods, how unfortunate."
The atmosphere between the two of you grew heavy and oppressive. It seemed as though the trees around you were leaning closer to catch every single word exchanged. The water rushing behind the man in front of you grew louder, or maybe you were the one growing more tense and ready to strike back if he raised a hand to you out here.
His nostrils flared. "I was a child, Y/N."
"So was I," you hissed, jabbing a finger into your chest and baring your teeth at him. "You promised me that-"
"When you saw what had been done to me, you looked at me with so much-"
"I was devastated, Aemond!" Gods, your voice sounded so wild and shrill even to your own ears. You felt yourself get hot, tears coming to life in your clear eyes as you desperately blinked them away.
His mouth curled downwards in disgust. "Yes, I am aware of what you thought of the sorry state I was in."
You glared at him, your body vibrating as you fought to keep it in place. "Oh, and what is that exactly?"
When he spoke to you, he looked you up and down as if you were covered in manure and offending him just by being where he could see you. "That my deformity would shame you and your family, that I was incomplete."
"You are such a fucking imbecile!" you bellowed, your scream echoing briefly and then being swallowed in the cold air. "You were ashamed, you felt incomplete!" You swung your arms in the air, aching to punch him in the face, to climb on top of him and strike him as he had you all those years ago.
When Aemond's hand had made contact with your cheek back then, you remembered feeling an absolute, resounding emptiness inside yourself for one eternal moment before he was on you again, making you howl in pain as he fought you with all the desperation of a wounded animal. Thankfully, the milk of the poppy the maesters had given him had weakened him. His tears were hot and thick as they landed on your face wet with your own tears. You had managed to claw at his hands and neck, slashing blindly to try to create space between your bodies.
When Ser Criston stormed in with his sword drawn, he immediately sheathed it and separated the writhing tangle of screams and violence the two of you had become. You were only thirteen at the time, but you felt so much younger as you cowered behind the knight's white cloak, clinging to the fabric with your hands wet with blood, snot, and tears. It took nearly an hour before you could stop shaking. The Prince was not supposed to have visitors so soon after his injury, but nobody would tell you what had happen and you had gotten curious, so you had scaled the tall tree outside his chambers and climbed in through the open window. How you had grown to regret that curiosity...
You were both trembling in front of each other now, your legs and arms feeling like they were filled with tight copper coils. What would happen if you were to release that tension? Would you really attack the Prince? Would he attack you? More importantly, did he not deserve your ire, your ferocity, and your violence?
"You knew about the sort of man my father was," you said in a low voice, "And you..." You pointed an accusatory finger at Aemond and he flinched, looking at his shiny boots briefly before meeting your gaze again. "You promised me you would never raise a hand to me. You promised me that violence was not an inevitability. We were both children back then, yes, but were you still a child when you stopped writing to me?"
"Oh, spare me the theatrics," he groaned, "you never even wrote back!"
"I was waiting for an apology! Just one. That was all I wanted, all I would have needed. I know you were in pain, that you were not yourself, and I can forgive that. But I cannot forgive this lack of an apology."
"Did it ever occur to you that I was too ashamed to ask for your forgiveness?"
"Did it ever occur to you that I looked at you the way I did when I saw what that boy had done to you because it pained me to see you that way?" Neither of you said anything for a few long moments before you continued. "Nobody would tell me what was going on. All I knew was that you were not to be allowed any visitors, not even me. I begged your brother and sister to share their knowledge with me, but even Aegon kept the secret." You rubbed your arms as you felt yourself start shaking. Whether it was from the wind rushing through the clearing or the emotions surging through your body, you were unsure. "You were my only true friend in this ridiculous place and I was afraid for you and when I showed you my fear, you punished me for it. And then you never once offered any sort of apology, you just continued living your life and writing me those stupid fucking letters."
Guilt settled onto his pained face as he pursed his lips. "I am sorry, Y/N. Hurting you like that, it has been my biggest shame."
His words were like a lance through your heart. Why could he not have written that to you years ago? You shook your head, blinking away more tears as they twinkled in your vision. "I don't want it anymore. You had years for that, Aemond." Your lower lip trembled and you turned away, placing your hands flat on Nymeria's flank and focusing for a moment just on matching her breathing. It was an exercise you had tried for the first time after an explosive fight with your father and it was now one of the few things that could ground you when you were in genuine distress.
"What must I do to earn your forgiveness? Tell me, and it will be done. Please, Y/N, you were my friend as well. I wrote to you because I could not forget you."
You closed your eyes and pressed your forehead against your horse, your face rising and falling with her breathing.
When Aemond had allowed you to peek under his bandages to see the damage, his eye had been closed tightly. The angry cut underneath, coupled with the swelling, the thick black stitches, yes, it had all unnerved you. A deep primal feeling roared in your chest, a possessive need to both destroy and protect. You had never felt that way before. A sob had torn its way out of your throat, your eyes drowning in angry, impotent tears. If his own mother could not help him, what could you do? It seemed your look of horror and anguish was too close to disgust or, as was more likely, Aemond's own pain distorted your expression into one of pure revulsion.
It mattered little now. You had no marks anywhere on your person from that unfortunate day, not from Aemond or from your father. If nothing else, you were thankful for that. You never climbed again, having more than learned your lesson about curiosity and how little you stood to benefit from it.
You turned to him again, your heart clenching at the sight of his open, unguarded stare. "You broke my heart," you said simply, "but I read every letter. I wanted so badly to know that you were all right. What I wanted then was to protect you."
"You wanted to protect me?"
You nodded. "Do you not ever feel that way for someone in your life? The desire to defy time, to go back, and be there when they needed you most?"
"I often feel that way for my mother and sister, and... for you. Cole gave me your note that day, though..."
"You did not read it."
"I did not. What did it say?"
The years had washed away the specific words. "I wanted to see you in the courtyard before my family left. I had been hoping to beg for your forgiveness for having angered you so, and perhaps to salvage our betrothal. It's funny, I look back now and all I see is a scared little girl who just wanted her father so stop being mad at her. I am glad you did not come. I owed you no apology."
"You did not, I saw that even back then."
If only you had been able to see it, too.
You were the only one of your sisters to be born at Casterly Rock, but you had spent the vast majority of your life here in King's Landing. Your father traveled back and forth between the Rock and the Keep, leaving your uncle to look after the family in his stead. It was because of your uncle that you had even had the opportunity to meet Prince Aemond, his brother, and Princess Rhaenyra's sons in the training yard.
Your uncle did not care that you wore pants, thinking it to be a silly habit of childhood that you would willingly outgrow as you blossomed into a woman. He would be wrong, but freedom was always welcome. You had scaled the high stone walls around the training yard, carefully climbing up into the high branches of a tall tree to lounge in a cloud of bright green leaves and watch the boys practice. It was a few days before any of them even noticed you.
You had known Prince Aemond almost your entire life. The trust you'd had for him had been near-infinite before he hurt you. But you were a woman grown now. It had been nine long years since your departure and you had grown to understand why it had all happened the way it had. If Aemond understood that he had to earn your trust again and you understood why he reacted to you in such a cruel way, then what else was left but to continue in some simple way? If you knew your father at all, the reason he had dragged you back here was for a marriage pact.
"I think it is best to begin to make our peace with each other out here, away from prying eyes."
"Shall we say I left for Driftmark all those years ago and never returned?"
Your heart clenched. "It seems near enough to the truth to bring some comfort."
You both nodded, your bodies shuffling awkwardly before he broke the silence. "Shall we go for a ride?" You snorted when he gestured to the horses behind you. "What?"
"My Prince, it is not my wish to humiliate you."
"I'm not so bad."
"Some might find that to be just another way of saying you are not so good. Dragon riding and horseback riding are not the same. I cannot simply tell Nymeria to obey me and have it be done. She must know me first. It has nothing to do with me being worthy. I must earn her trust, her obedience, and her love everyday. What is your horse's name?"
He shrugged. "I haven't the faintest notion. He was the first horse I was able to find in the stables."
You nodded sagely. "Ah, so you are a fool." When he sputtered and opened his mouth to argue with you, you held your hands up with a laugh. "It is only a jape, my Prince! I would prefer to go for a walk along the water, if it pleases you."
In a few minutes, the two do you were walking side by side along the riverbank with your respective horses. When you looked down at your feet, you noticed that you and Prince were walking in step together and it brought a faint smile to your lips. You had missed him for many years, those letters he sent you making it near impossible to move on. After two full years without them, you had declared yourself cured of any affection for or attachment to the man beside you, but it was clear to you now that you had been deluding yourself. All your emotions had just been pushed into the darkest depths of your heart and being around him again brought sent them floating back to the surface.
"Is it true that you have an ever-burning blue flame under that eye patch?"
He snorted. "Obviously not. Is that what people are saying about me?"
"It's mostly just the women." You both smiled at each other. "You have striking features, it is no surprise you find yourself the subject of idle gossip."
"Was that a compliment?"
"Merely a neutral statement of truth, my Prince."
The apples of his cheeks were a dusty pink like the inside of a rose, but you were sure it was just the biting wind. "I must admit, my Lady, I never thought I would see you in a dress." At the mention of it, your ears burned red and hot like irons in a fire. You only wore dresses when your Lady Mother demanded it of you. Whatever your differences, you knew everything about you reflected on your house and it was not your desire to have a relationship with her that was full of constant strife. Because of that, you had acquiesced and worn the uncomfortable, form-fitting dress your mother had presented for you.
It was pretty. The fabric was a deep crimson and it hugged your curves, exposing you in a way that make you feel weak and irritable. Your breasts bulged over the top with every inhale, so you'd hunched your shoulders to try to hide it. Your mother had noticed, though, and corrected you with a firm hand on your back. Your bare neck and shoulders felt too much like an invitation to you and, as you'd expected, more men let their gazes linger on every bit of exposed skin and even worked up the nerve to speak with you. Of course your appearance emboldened them. You'd felt like a prey animal lost in the woods, naked and trembling in the breeze.
When you retired to your chambers last night, you had the servants draw you a hot bath and practically ripped the dress off your body. It seemed to cling to you like a desperate lover, but you took great pleasure in throwing it on the floor, along with your dainty golden rings, your ruby earrings, and the thin chain one of the servants had wound into your braids. You were not a doll, not a decoration, not a flower. You were a lion.
"My Lady Mother has me very well trained." If you so much as suggested wearing pants to any sort of gathering, she would immediately start wailing about how you did not love her and lived every moment of your life as a ploy to personally humiliate her and destroy your father's standing. After a few years, it became tiring to constantly be accused of plotting to overthrow your own house, and you learned to simply smile and wear a dress for a few hours.
"Hm, I thought it would be your father."
"No, he only demanded I dance with you, but I told him I would sooner put my neck on the executioner's block than agree to that. He told me he could arrange for it if I truly wanted it." The fights you had with your father now frequently bordered on the ridiculous.
"So you and your father still fight."
After your return from Essos six moons ago, it was not infrequent for him to threaten to cut out your tongue if you spoke out of turn, to which you would respond with a similar threat to his manhood. Whatever fear you'd had of him had worn away throughout the years, finally fading into nothing after your travels.
"Not as much. Maybe he's grown bored of the constant struggle, but my mother has taken up the mantle for him. I suppose that is what marriage is all about: sharing burdens. In truth, I do not believe the gods fashioned me for that."
"The gods fashioned us for love." You bit your lip to keep from laughing. Aemond had always been the pious sort, forever dutiful and tangled in his mother's skirts. It seemed time had not changed that, and it endeared you to him.
"Love, perhaps, but marriage? Childrearing? Do you truly see yourself in that?"
"I have always known it was my destiny to be married off to a Lady of a Great House and have children with her."
"But is it what you want?"
"I do not think those in our position can ask those sorts of questions. It is my duty, so it will be done. It is your duty as well. We should see ourselves as lucky that we have been able to outrun fate as long as we have."
You hummed, looking up towards the muted sunlight streaming through the tops of the trees around you. "An easy thing for you to say, my Prince, when you will never have to face the threat of bleeding to death in a birthing bed. Were we to have children, I would be the wound and you the knife."
"It needn't be that way," he said softly and you looked at him curiously. "A child can grow strong without a father, but he needs his mother. I would never risk that."
"So if it came down to it, you would not cut me open to save the babe?" It was a bold question, yes, but a necessary one. You had a right to know if your Lord Husband planned to kill you someday. If nothing else, you could make better use of your remaining time alive.
You knew most men, considering the wife's use to be at its end, would kill her to keep the son. Your own grandsire had done it to his first wife and had even boasted about his unflinching, steadfast commitment to having an heir. What a barbarian. When he finally died and your father was named the new Lord of Casterly Rock, your cheeks had hurt from how much you grinned at his funeral.
You gifted Aemond an affectionate smile, looking back down at your feet still marching in step together when he gazed back at you. "If you are being truthful, then you are a unique man indeed, peerless and without equal."
"You are kind, my Lady."
You let silence fill the space between your bodies, listening to the crunch of grass and pebbles beneath your boots as you walked together. The river felt even quieter now, a mere whisper in your ear. The sun was settling into its spot high in the sky, the light hitting you now closer to gold than silver. Though the day was still cold, you were starting to grow a touch too warm under your coat.
"What have you done with yourself these past few years?" You turned your head to Aemond in surprise. Curiosity was normal, you supposed, but it still confounded you. "You never answered my letters, so I was left to piece together gossip and tell myself stories."
"In truth, there is little to share. After my return to Casterly Rock, my relationship with my father was... difficult to manage, at first. I often felt that he saw me as little more than a failed son, but he grew to accept me in his own way. He allowed me to train with the sword, and to study nearly whatever I wished."
"You are fortunate. Perhaps when we return to the Red Keep, we can explore the library together." You could not help but grin sheepishly at his invitation, the fluttering in your stomach making you feel young and girlish. "You can show me your book, if you'd like."
"I would like that very much. I am afraid I do not have many peers. Though I love my sisters, we do not understand each other."
It felt as though your sisters and your mother all lived in their own world and had their own language-the language of girls, you'd heard it be called. Whatever it was, your tongue could not shape any of the words. You had been born a girl, but you did not fit with them or with the men. Mostly, you fit only with yourself.
"I feel the same way with my brother. Though we are both men, that is where the similarities end." Aemond at least felt a strong kinship with the women in his family. You... Well.
You supposed you did feel a certain strength in the bond you had with your father now, a certain comfort you could never have hoped for as a child. When you returned from your travels, the two of you spoke at length about Aemond, since he had found your hidden cache of old letters. There was nothing indecent in them, nor was there any mention of what had happened in the Prince's room that fateful day, so you were not punished for keeping the secret.
The two of you were in his study, where he managed the taxes and most of the trade out of Lannisport. For the first time in your life, you were sharing a pitcher of wine with him. 'It seems the boy still holds a torch for you, so why have you not answered him?'
'If he truly wanted me,' you'd said, swishing your drink around in its cup absently, 'he would have ridden his dragon out here to speak with me himself. These letters are nothing but the words of a craven masquerading as a romantic.'
He had leaned his head back then, and looked down his nose at you with a curious glint in his eye, as if he was regarding you for the very first time. The next morning, he gave you a present: a golden ring just like his but smaller. It was a signet ring with the Lannister crest on it held in the mouth of a lion with bright ruby eyes. Unless you were unable to wear it, it never left your hand.
"Yes, you and I have always been alike. Both dragonless."
"Both lonesome."
Your chest tightened at the memories his words brought back: memories of the rejection you had both faced for the ways you were different, but also of the comfort you had been able to find with each other. Mostly, you fit only with yourself, yes, but you had once fit with Aemond as well.
"You stopped writing to me," you grumbled. "I left Westeros with a cousin of mine for a time and upon my return, I expected a stack of letters to be waiting for me. To my surprise, there were only a few. Did you stop because I did not answer?"
"In part, yes."
"And the other part?" you pressed.
"I met a woman." Stupidly, you felt your mood sour, a bitter taste coating your tongue. Silly though it may be, some part of you imagined him to have been loveless and celibate all these years as a form of penance for you. The fact that he had well and truly gone on to live a life without you felt so indecent and wrong. Of course, you were being hypocritical. You, too, had lived your own life.
"Oh? May I ask her name?"
"You may not." Shame spread through your chest like spilled ink on parchment. "She is gone now anyway, and the less said about her, the better."
"She was not good to you?"
He hesitated before speaking. "She was lowborn, a witch, and a bastard."
You gaped at him. "Oh my. Your mother must not have liked that."
"No, she was furious with me." He sighed. "Looking back on my indiscretions now, I just feel foolish. Never in my right mind would I have pursued someone like that woman."
"But you did pursue her."
"She chose me, I did not choose her."
Slowly, you worked to complete the puzzle he was laying out for you. If he could speak plainly, it would be easier. "I'm afraid I don't understand."
He gave an exasperated sigh, twisting his mouth. "She bewitched me somehow, Y/N," he said slowly as if he were explaining the mixing of colors to a child, "I do not know how, but I know I was not myself. When I finally left her to return home, it was as though a great fog had been lifted from my mind and I could see her clearly again. By then, it was too late."
"But you needn't worry about her. My grandsire helped to secure her and her son safe passage to one of the Free Cities. I did not ask which one." You stopped walking abruptly, your eyebrows furrowed in frustration. After a few steps, he too stopped and turned to face you. "Is something wrong?"
"Her son or your son?" He didn't answer. "Aemond. Did the child look like you?"
His gaze turned upwards, towards the sky, the trees, the gods. Away from you. "He was my son, yes. I don't know where she is now, but I hope never to see her again."
You smacked your lips together, rolling your eyes. It was true that jealousy was likely muddying your thoughts, but you could not help but feel anger towards him for sullying that unnamed woman's honor with a bastard child and then washing his hands of her so carelessly. Otto Hightower was an intimidating man with a steady, calculating gaze. As a child, you had been so scared of him that you could never even look him in the eye, much less speak to him. If he was intelligent, he had sent assassins to clean the Prince's mess instead of allowing her to flee to the east. It was what you would do.
It was more likely that the girl and her bastard son were cut from ear to ear and dumped in a river than that they were living a peaceful life in a manse on the coast of Pentos. Of course, if the Prince wanted to continue to delude himself, you would let him. The fantasy likely served as a way to ease a guilty conscience and, though you were unfamiliar with that feeling as a woman, you remembered it from your girlhood.
"I hope he sent her to Myr," you finally said and at your words, his body visibly relaxed, "I spent a few months there and I found it to be quite beautiful. The beaches are lovely at night."
"You will have to tell me about it, my Lady. I have never been to the Free Cities."
"That is very unfortunate, my Prince. Travelling broadens the mind and strengthens the spirit."
"If that is all it does, I've no need for it. I see enough of the world from atop Vhagar."
"You lack imagination, my Prince." Either that or he was afraid. You were not sure which option was pitiful and which deserving of sympathy. "Would you like me to regale you with stories of my travels? With a dragon, you could arrive in Pentos in mere hours. Perhaps my tales will light a fire in you and you will grow more adventurous."
"My last adventure ended with me as a witch's thrall," he muttered. Though the thorn of jealousy still pricked your chest, you softened at the bitterness in his voice. If the two of you were still children, this would be the moment where you reached out to take his hand or pulled him into a tight embrace until his breathing matched yours. Instead, you bit your lip and looked down at the dry grass below your feet.
"When I traveled with my cousin, I was rarely alone. We kept each other safe."
"Are you saying you would keep me safe?" There was a bemused smile on his face and the melody of his voice was soft like the song of a silver syrinx.
"I did tell you that I wanted to protect you when we were children. It appears you still need it." His eye swept over your face and down your body like a paintbrush over canvas. Though you tried, you could not help but squirm as he stared.
"How fortunate I am to have such a champion," he chuckled, gesturing for the two of you to keep walking. As you continued your aimless trek through the woods, you worked to swallow the pulsing lump in your throat. The day was warming up noticably now.
The Prince asked you about your studies and your time in the Free Cities, to which you responded with open enthusiasm. His blue eye sparkled in the warm sunlight like a precious jewel, the edges wrinkled by the easy smile on his lips. You knew you looked very much the same. The anger that had been bursting in your chest the night before was almost entirely forgotten as the two of you meandered back to where you had started.
Even on the other side of Planetos as you stood in the gardens of a lavish manse on the coast of the Narrow Sea in Pentos, your drooping eyes had been fixed on where you knew King's Landing to be on the horizon. For years, you had assumed the story you had begun to write with Aemond as a child was over, though you had not truly wanted it to be that way. A fantasy of him riding in on the dragon he had traded an eye for had filled your head with longing all that time. Despite all your various failings as a Lady, it seemed you still had some of the same dreams other women did: dreams of being a muse, of being love, desired, and adored completely, of being a home someone could return to and find comfort in. Though you had taken a few lovers during your travels, none truly moved you in the way you wanted.
You did not tell Aemond any of this. Instead, you simply answered the questions he asked you and offered him some of your own. Wherever his heart had lead him during your time apart, he was here with you now. If nothing else, you would have your friend back. You longed to reach a hand out and run your fingers along the strap of his eye patch, to slide it off his face and look upon him in a soft, restrained way.
Had his witch woman seen what lay beneath the dark leather? Had she been kind to him when he showed it to her? You hoped she had been, almost as much as you hoped he had not shown her. Despite the distance that had separated you all this time, he had remained in a class of his own in your mind. You wanted to cling to the idea that somehow, in some way, he had felt the same.
It was time to part and go back to the Red Keep and you were lingering, knowing you would immediately lose him the moment you starting riding. The sun was high in the sky now and you had unfastened all the ornate clasps in your coat to allow the breeze to cool you.
"Do you still wish to come to the library with me?"
"I do," you said. "I will bring my book of poems." You both swayed in place, unable to look at each other directly. "I suppose... we should ride back now, yes?"
"Yes," he murmured, but the moment you grabbed Nymeria's saddle, he spoke again, "wait. I... I have a question for you, so that I may understand what you hope to gain from this arrangement." His hands were flexing open and closed by his sides and you remembered the habit from childhood. He was nervous. When he noticed you looking at him hands, he hid them behind his back.
You dragged your eyes back up to his tense face. "What is your question?"
His face grew flushed and he opened his mouth once, twice, before finally asking, "did... did you think of me in our time apart?" His eye darted back and forth between yours, seemingly hoping to find the truth buried inside them.
There was a sharp tug in your chest, pulling you forward as you took a careful step towards him like you were approaching a frightened child. With your heart pounding the way it was, you very much felt like a frightened child. You cut the cord that was trapping you, allowing yourself to reach out to him slowly. If what he desired was to stop you, he had ample opportunity to do so, but he did not. With a shuddering breath, he allowed you to lay your hand on his cheek and cup the side of his face, the tip of your thumb brushing against the edge of his eye patch.
"I thought of you," you confessed, "long and often." Your eyes drifted down to his lips and the short breaths coming out of them.
As a girl, you had never kissed Aemond, though you had often wanted to as you both grew older. You considered it for a moment, tilting your mouth towards him so slightly, until you noticed the tension he was holding in his body, the way his breathing was still erratic, and how he could not seem to look at you. Gods, he looked terrified. This wasn't how you wanted it. A bit crestfallen, you retreated and granted him his space once more.
His hand darted out to grab yours in a grip so tight, it was nearly painful. "Aemond?" His eye was fixed on your joined hands, his hold loosening as his thumb gently glided over your knuckles. Just as suddenly as he had grabbed you, he released you. Something was wrong, though you could not venture a guess as to what it was. He seemed so brittle in front of you, like a thin shard of glass or a lone snowflake.
Silently, Aemond nodded once, as if steeling himself before his transformation. His shoulder squared at once, his hands carefully tucked behind his back, and an easy smile graced his lips without reaching his one blue eye. "My Lady," he stated as if reading off a bit of parchment, "I will meet you in the stables, so that we may walk to the library together."
Your skin bristled at his formal tone and you opened your mouth in protest, then thought better of it. "I look forward to it," you said with a tight smile. After giving him a polite nod, you climbed into Nymeria's saddle and charged forward without sparing him a glance.
The wind on your face was warmer now, but no less fragrant. Your stomach was in tight knots as you rode through the Kingswood, your heart filled with excitement, confusion, and embarrassment. You wished you could make some sense of it and just feel one thing then another, arranging your emotions in a neat column so they may be easier to digest.
Though Aemond still felt familiar to you, there were parts of him that were foreign and hidden. You did not know his witch woman's name or his son's or why he had seemed so timid and frightened just before you left. It was as if he was a home you had lived in your whole life, only for you to awake one morning and discover that someone had changed something in every room.
You hoped he could truly be your friend again. No, you knew he would if you were only to be given the time necessary to nurture that bond.
Your hands tightened on your reins as you quickened your pace.
After all these years, Aemond was to finally be your Lord Husband. There was a slight chance you were wrong, but you did not see the value in entertaining the possibility just for the sake of self-doubt. You knew your father, you understood the importance of your own house, and... Well, it was what you wanted. You were correct. You knew you were.
You and Aemond would have nothing but time to connect and explore. In time, he would once again be as familiar to you as the air in your lungs or your own face in the mirror. You could hardly wait.
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puddle-nerd ยท 10 months
HEYYYY IT'S ME hope you doing okkkk๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
Ok so here's the request if you're ok with it.
How about Jake Sully cheating on a neytiri without her knowledge like he's going around missing with other woman and y/n (aka us) accidentally caught them in the act and now she doesn't know what to do and Jake wants her y/n want her to keep silent about him cheating and all the way to do that is to r4pe y/n (aka us) sorry if it's not your thing๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ. If you don't wanna do it that's fine too
Anyway have a good day! (I was trying to explain more about the request๐Ÿ˜ญ)
Hey ANONYMOUS ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป
I'm doing okay. It might take me awhile to write it because I'm juggling writing for Kinkmas and a few big things IRL (work related, health related, moving, family stuff, etc.) but I can probably get it edited by New Years, if you're okay with a tiny bit of a wait...?
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If you want it sooner, I know @jakesullywhore is looking for inspiration. Maybe hit them up?
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rosegoldscarlet ยท 8 days
List your top 5 favorite tropes.
List your top 5 least favorite tropes.
Horror Themed Munday Asks
I already answered my least favorite, so I'm gonna answer my favorites.
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This got long I'm putting it under a readmore. NSFW warning for #5.
Number One: Vampires.
Look, you know it. I know it. I'm blatantly guilty of loving vampires. Why? They're sexy? I mean, yeah. It doesn't help that a lot of vampire media is meant to condemn sexuality or showcase it. Also, just saying that we need more lesbian vampires in media. Like, actually. I'm starving over here. Why do you think I'm writing this blog? I have to do everything myself.
Number Two: Kaiju.
And now for something radically different. I fucking love giant monsters. I love watching them stomp around and destroy shit. It definitely can be horrifying depending on how it's presented, but most of the time it's just fun. Fuck. Watch Godzilla Final Wars. Do it.
Number Three: Urban/Suburban Gothic
You know what I love? I love it when traditional horror stuff like vampires, magic and demons are put in a setting of normal human society. Like, going to a college that's mega haunted and weird. Or just trying to go to your 9-5 and having to make it home before dark bc there are rumors of werewolves. Or witches trying to juggle living normal lives and practicing their magical culture. This type of stuff is usually seen on American TV shows like Wednesday or Sabrina, and I love it.
Number 4: Gothic Horror
This was going to be Number 5, but I switched it and 4 around for the sake of people who don't wanna hear about the last one. Anyway, I just really love Gothic aesthetics dude. Castles, chapels, gargoyles, stained glass windows... That's all the good shit. That type of aesthetic just has a regal dark beauty to it, which can also be complimented with the grotesqueness of demons or whatever other monsters or taboo concepts that someone wants to introduce to the setting.
Number Five: Erotic Horror (NSFW)
*cough* I mean is this really a surprise? If you've seen some of the smut I've written then it shouldn't be. This is especially important to me when writing for a series like Touhou because I like to have the constant reminder that these women are monsters who are not going to act like normal humans during sex. The appeal of Erotic Horror is the dangers of being made vulnerable in front of a creature or person who is either supernatural, dangerous, or both. Horror is all about the thrill, after all. Anyway yeah, I'm not really a hentai person like at all. Erotic Horror is my preferred way to write smut.
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ill-say-this-fast ยท 1 year
Hi! Idk if you're still taking scarletsilver/maxicest asks but I'll just shoot my shot I guess.
Idk if I'm alone in this or not but one of my biggest maxicest headcanons is that if Wanda didn't magically create her twin babies... she still would have had them... with Pietro. (Ya know what I mean).
I know, I know, I know. There's plenty of reasons why it sounds illogical. BUT! I feel like if Wanda never loved Vision (or just said "frick it" and just elopes with her brother) or if she really really REALLY wanted to have babies (the 'traditional' way) and asked Pietro... you know that man is 1000% gonna go with whatever his beloved sister wants whether he likes it or not.
Another reason why is because I want them to raise my boys Thomas/Tommy and William/Billy. Especially our lil speed. Baby boy deserves all the nice things. We already see how Wanda interacts with her boys as their mother-not-mother. But imagine if Pietro was their actual dad and how he would interact with the boys?? So many possibilitiessss
And if Wanda and Pietro did raise them, they would also train/mentor Billy and Tommy with their powers early on which would probably make them more powerful or at least more in control in their powers.
Anyways, sorry for the rant! Just wanna know what you'd think of this headcanon of mine and anything you'd like to add really! :)))
I'm never not taking asks, thanks for sending this!
i love having them all as a family. for tommy especially. the kaplans are good parents, but tommy never got to have that and that sucks because wanda loved him so much the whole time and ughh they could have been happy. i would love more wanda and tommy stuff in canon or otherwise. but i also love pietro being more a part of tommys life. not sure if pietro is more competitive or concilliatory with him? bit of both probably. seeing himself in tommy and whether that creates friction or pride or pity.
like in 616 i feel like they have major old cat vs new hyperactive kitten energy and idk if that would be the same if pietro helped raise him from birth but i do love it. pietro's slightly put-on long suffering exasperation and tommy's overwhelming need to annoy this one guy in particular but underneath pietro's really fond of him and tommy's looking for attention and for someone to appreciate him and care that he exists. but they should also get to have stupid fun at high speeds (and together cause i imagine its usually pretty isolating).
in 616 i go with the headcanon that billy and tommy are pietros genetically, like wanda made them as if they were his, but it was still done magically and he just had to see it from afar. theyre the children she always imagined having, the ones she really wanted. so i have no qualms about just making them fully biologically his in AUs, its the way the rebirths and subsequent life experiences affect their personalities that i have to work around.
im working on (slowly) a 616 post childrens crusade fic where the two of them sort of readopt tommy. and they form this kind of nuclear family but dont talk to each other about it really because theyre all afraid the others will reject it. 100% happy ending they get the family they were supposed to have eventually.
also something i probably wont write but have as an idea. a very lighthearted fox xmen au where billy and tommy exist and theyre like 12-14 and pietro (peter i guess) has to keep juggling his job of Saving the World(tm) with dealing with whatever bullshit the boys have done. like the phoenix force is out of control and we need to do something to stop jean from destroying the world, but billy really wanted to see a dinosaur and now theres a time rift in the garden and pietro cannot let his coworkers find out about his children and their godlike powers, so he's bouncing between some really deep placatory conversation with jean and trying to find enough cages to put all the velociraptors in before wanda gets home and finds the house in a mess.
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rh3maji ยท 9 months
Anime Dubs My Beloved
Dubs are at the intersection of both technical and artistic skill and that's left me in awe for the past year and a half sooo lemme just kinda gush about this medium[?], for a sec I grew up watching anime [sub & dub] and for the longest time I didn't have a clue about how dubs got made beyond "words must fit lip movements" and "actors record separately", never in a million years would've thought sight-reading was a part of it! So imagine being in a booth ye? You got your script monitor and another monitor displaying the animated stuffs you'll be dubbing over. You've never seen the script until this moment and you've likely never even seen the footage before either. The director sets the scene for you so you have the needed context and of course a script writer writes with the flaps in mind, but at the end of the day it's on you to get the timing right, the performance right, the believability right [with or without other ppl's dialogue recorded depending on when your session was relative to your fellow castmates], and you're juggling all of this all while not getting to rehearse the scene beforehand. Maybe I'm just nerding out here, but to me being able to do that's really heckin cool! Finding out that most of the directors and script adapters are also VAs themselves has also been fun. I'd just be sitting there watchin' AoT, absolutely demolishing some hot wings, glance at the credits ,and go : "Script Writer Aaron Dismuke? ...wait he wha" [This discovery would singlehandedly send me spiraling down a dub-shaped rabbit hole I have yet to crawl my way out of] But while I think I know a lot more than I did as a kid, there's still so much about the process that I definitely don't know about yet. That ignorance is a lil frustrating tbh because i'd love to know more about the translation, audio engineering, directorial, and audio mixing parts of the operation ~FOR SCIENCE!~ And by "FOR SCIENCE!" I mean for my own peace of mind, and by "for my own peace of mind" I mean so that I could write about the process more confidently and accurately. This interest in the whole shebang is also why you might see me geek out abt or draw ppl who've adapted/voiced in my favorite shows at some point, the art stuff's sort of a side-effect of when I get way too invested in a subject~ Even in dubs where the script is kinda meh or I dislike a character's voice or a VA's delivery, I can still enjoy most of them on a technical level. Thankfully, dubs these days are pretty good on both fronts so I've been eatin' good ^^ Also PS; I am begging on my hands and knees to get a good look at an anime dub script, not even one for an actual existing property, I legit just wanna know the formatting of one. PS PS; I can tell from blurry snippets of Funimation/Crunchyroll bts stuffs that it looks like a spreadsheet with timecodes and a few different colored cells but no clue of what the values are. PS PS PS; I eventually found one well after writing this draft [courtesy of @thereubeh on twitter]
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stvlti ยท 6 months
Fic writer tag
@silenthillmutual tagged me in this challenge. Cheers! Here are my answers:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Not counting orphaned / anonymous works, I have 48 fics across both accounts
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
168,810 (sum total of both accounts)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
DC comics & related media; Death Note; Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (way way back); Noragami (also way way back).
I used to write RPF too (I was a teenager, of course I did) but I've scrubbed all that from my ao3 profiles.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
top 5 fics not including anonymous ones:
Old aches become new again (DCU | Jason & Dick shenanigans, background Jay/Roy/Kori)
Imposter Syndrome (DCU | JayRoy)
Growing Pains (DCU ร— The Lego Batman Movie | Dick & Batdad gen fic)
if you can't summon your own tentacles, store-bought is fine (DCU | JayRoy)
the hands that worship you (Black Mirror: Bandersnatch | Colin/Stefan)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always! It might take days weeks or months depending on what I have going on in my life but yeah :) unless it's a hate comment or bad faith criticisms. Oh and comments asking questions that I've already answered in the author's notes or in other comments or in the text itself (which yes, has happened before. I guess it was good for ""engagement "" but it's not stuff I want to explain again and again like a broken record. I'm not paid to do that - unlike at my day job.......)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
๐Ÿคก I've written my fair share of dark fics so it's definitely one of those ones. You can DM me if you wanna know but I am not telling on myself here
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Growing Pains, no contest, because it ends with trans acceptance ๐Ÿ’š
But I also think happy endings at the end of a high stakes fic are even more rewarding? In which case it would have to be This Mirror Ain't Big Enough For the Two of Us
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have, once, on a genderbend fic. Some guy was outraged I made Jason a girl lol. But hate comments are few and far between for me because I'm not a bnf by any means
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
Yeah. I write a lot of pwps because they're easy. From there I either go into pwp with feelings territory, crack territory or, well, if it's a dark fic...........one of my longest nsfw fics is a Jason Todd/Scarecrow fic. You get the picture. (That one isn't without plot though.)
10. Do you write crossovers? Whatโ€™s the craziest crossover youโ€™ve ever written?
Man. I actually once wrote a YouTube RPF x Death Note crossover. iykyk. But out of my surviving fics the only crossover that I still have posted online is a Death Note x DC fic.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've translated other people's fics, but I don't think I've had mine translated by others
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes but that's from before my ao3 days
14. Whatโ€™s your all-time favorite ship?
Rem x Misa (Death Note). I go through phases of shipping different pairings but Rem x Misa is the one that I can always come back to and write stuff for / look at art about.
15. Whatโ€™s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My Teen Titans Dark Academia au. And on that note: I don't even know if I'll have the time to come back to writing long fics period. It's been 8 months since I last worked on my Jaime (Blue Beetle)/Eddie (Kid Devil)/Rose Wilson/Traci 13 road trip & interdimensional travel fic...........
16. What are your writing strengths?
My prose when I'm in the mood to write well. Poetry is my main medium these days so I'm very good at throwing in lots of one liners into my prose too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Trying to pace my story beats and juggle multiple subplots once my projects get into 10K+ / long fic territory.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
As long as the author actually knows what they're doing. The language has to be authentic and not Google Translate gibberish. And then for accessibility's sake they should include the translation either in-text or in the end notes.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
YouTube RPF ๐Ÿ˜‘
20. Favorite fic youโ€™ve written?
It's a tie between:
And the encore lasts forever (DCU x Titans TV | trans!Jason/Rose)
Exit Strategy (DCU | Rose Wilson character study)
Tagging @kiseiakhun @thenaphorism @shhhenanigans @smagata @reaperlight @mihaelkeehl or any mutuals who post fics!
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iwritenarrativesandstuff ยท 1 year
Hi! I adore your analyses.
If it isn't too much to ask, I would love to hear about your general approach to analyzing works. I wanna learn how to analyze things better from other people, and I really like the way you methodically break things down.
In other words, pls sensei teach me your ways HAHAHA
No trouble if you can't, though! Your blog is always a joy.
Have a wonderful day!
Sensei... ๐Ÿซข
Ah, thank you, this is really flattering! I don't think I really do anything that special. Honestly, all it is was that I got misinterpreted a lot when I was younger and it made it difficult for me to express myself - so I ended up creating something of a system which I found seems to make things clear to others!
I can do a quick overview of it, for sure! I hope it helps! (It's under the cut :D)
Tip 1: Analyze things you love.
Look, this isn't school and I'm not a literary critic. I don't bother forcing myself to analyze things I'm just not feeling. Sometimes, I'll really enjoy something, but have nothing to say about it in particular. (Ex. Akutagawa. I adore him but for some reason don't feel compelled to analyze him as much... even though he's this blog's pfp...) That's not a commentary on the character/media nor my engagement with it. No need to analyze something you don't particularly care to - these write ups take a fair amount of time and effort, so you'll want to have enough raw energy at the start to sustain yourself. You should want to talk about it, is what I'm saying.
Tip 2: Understand the core themes of the story.
I cannot stress this enough! It's so important. The best stories will have their characters, plot arcs and settings all serve to enhance the major themes of the story in some way - figure out what these themes are, and keep them in the back of your mind. I think of themes like a filter - it should change the way you look at the story, and with any luck, draw a lot of seemingly loose threads together in interesting and surprising ways. There are typically about 2-3 major ones (Ex. BSD - living through uncertainty, good as a choice / Trigun - morality and autonomy, life after loss / Hatoful - love as salvation or corruption / there are other themes of course, these are just examples). From this point on, assume you have your "themes filter" active for completing the other tips.
Tip 3: Pick a small detail and think about "Why" and "How".
See, I used to go too big when doing analyses. I used to try and analyze everything there was to examine in one go, and it would become unwieldy and just have far too much information for me to juggle and process. So, it's better to start small. What's something that caught your attention? What was something you liked? Was there anything that confused you? Pick one thing... then ask yourself why and how. Why did I like this? Why did this character act in that way? How does this aspect of the story work? Etc. This will be your topic!
Tip 4: Read other people's thoughts.
I know we all hate going into tags and seeing some of the worst takes out there... so I don't actually do that. I only look through meta and theory tags, and most of those are done by people who put a lot of time and care into their theory crafting, so they at least usually bring the receipts. It always helps to read other's opinions. This is just a good thing in general - you need to open yourself up to different views. Even if you don't agree, you might be better able to articulate why you don't. There's some god-tier stuff in these theory tags, you just gotta look. :)
Tip 5: Pay attention to context and setting.
For most of the stories I analyze, the characters do not exist in a world or situation that is comparable to mine. Asking yourself "where did this character come from?" "what's the overall state of the world they inhabit?" "were this character's experiences different or similar to the rest of the cast? different or similar to their childhoods?" - this is really going to help you understand motivation, far more than core personality traits will alone. (Ex. remember that BSD is a newly post-war society. Tensions are still high. People are being hired at young ages. A lot of people grew up in the slums, and violence is common. How did the different characters interact with this world? What sides might one character have seen to this world that another didn't?)
Also, it's good to at least be somewhat aware of the author and the context they created their story in. Many of the works I analyze are from Japan. It's good to know where a work is from - typically you're going to see at least some expression of cultural values, and I find this is helpful to keep in mind. Some decisions made in story will make a lot more sense when you remember the story's place of origin.
Looking at author influences is also helpful! BSD has a great built-in source of background info, since the entire premise incorporates classic literature. This can be an excellent supplementary source!
Tip 6: Tell a story with your analysis.
Again, I'm doing this for fun. I'm not a literary academic, so I try to use conversational flow. I tend to write like I'm speaking - in fact, this is very much how I talk in real life. It's up to you the tone you set in your writing - just make it something that flows naturally. You can always go back and re-read it if something seems unclear.
What I mean by story is to break your analysis up into chunks. There's no hard and fast rule on how to do this. You can see a clear example of it in my "Dazai Likes People" post, which was long enough that I bolded the sections. It should have a beginning, middle, and end, roughly - beginning where you say what you want to analyze or lead into it somehow, middle (which I typically break up into individual topics), and the end, which honestly is just a rephrasing of the beginning (or sometimes I just leave it out). Sometimes, to break things up I'll add quotes or images that help me with my points; these serve as visual interest so the reader is not faced with a continuous wall of text. Bolding and italicizing key points can also do the trick.
A good way to see if the analysis flows is to see if you can say "so then..." between each paragraph. (Ex. Point 1 -> "so then..." -> Point 2 -> "so then..." -> Point 3, etc.) Each point should flow into the next - I try to make something of a narrative out of it. (It's why the word "so" pops up a lot in my analyses haha.) I'm sorry, I feel like this is the part that's the hardest to explain in a way that's easy to follow. It's mostly practice, really. It's also subjective how you want your analysis to read.
Tip 7: Fact check!
I hate spreading misinformation. Mostly because it's frustrating to have constructed a theory only to get called out that it's based on something misremembered, but also because, as a science student, I'm really mindful of keeping track of my sources. Always have your sources on hand! I spend at least three re-reads of my analyses consulting books, episodes, and manga to ensure that everything I've added is correct. (I might go a bit overboard with it sometimes... I can be a bit paranoid about this...)
And finally, my Golden Rule: โœจExplanation, not Justification!โœจ
If you have no other takeaway from this post, please remember this! Every character in the story should have their actions be explainable! This does not mean justifiable! Explanation is not just logic, and should always take into account character values, emotions, and situation. This will help prevent analyzing characters only from the perspective of relatability, and is very useful when analyzing antagonists/villains.
Character analysis is always about drawing a throughline between motivation and action. It's not about whether you would do the same, or whether you agree, or whether it is a choice you would forgive.
Everyone has their reasons for doing what they do. This is true in fiction, and it's also true in real life. I try to always keep this in mind.
I hope this was helpful to you, or to anyone who might want to read it!
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the-fangirl-diaries ยท 1 year
For those who are just following me or who've just become mutuals with me, here's a post that can help you get to know me a little bit more.
My name's Jessyca and I'm from Canada. I post now and then if I have anything remotely important to say or just wanna spew random thoughts. I'm also Batman, but you're not supposed to know that so forget I told you.๐Ÿคซ (This is a joke, by the way. I WISH I could be that awesome!)
I am in a lot of fandoms including (but not limited to) Avengers, Good Omens, James Bond, Peaky Blinders, Pirates of the Caribbean, Puss in Boots, Sherlock Holmes, The Sandman, Three Musketeers (2011) Twilight, and Umbrella Academy. I'd be happy to talk about any of those topics, or maybe you can introduce me to some new stuff.
Sometimes it takes me a bit to truly feel comfortable with someone, but I promise you I don't bite! ๐Ÿ˜
As far as activity goes, it's a bit of a toss-up. I will usually pop on in the early mornings before starting my day or at night just before bed, but other than that anywhere from 11:00AM - 8:00 PM is usually when I am busy with projects or staring at a blank screen watching the cursor blink.
Sorry, I was trying to be funny there.
Seriously, though. I have about five or six different stories that I am working on and have yet to publish to the world wide web, including two fanfictions, I make audios for YouTube and Patreon that I have to write scripts and record, I also make edits for TikTok.
By the end of the day I am left feeling pretty worn out mentally, so sometimes all I want to do is kick back, relax and watch a little bit of TV and unplug from social media.
On top of that, there are real life obligations I must tend to, as I am sure a lot of you do, and I have family coming over almost every week, which I honestly desperately need because it encourages me to unplug for a bit and live in the moment without worrying about deadlines and stuff.
It is tricky to juggle it all at once and schedules can change and if I don't respond to comments, messages and posts you've mentioned me in right away, please be patient with me and understand that I am in no way doing it on purpose and will respond when I can, even if it takes me a while to do so.
I wish I could just set a consistent schedule and tell myself to work on one thing at a time, but my brain hasn't gotten the message yet, so until then, I greatly appreciate your patience.
Just because we don't talk everyday or sometimes have periods where we don't speak for weeks or months at a time, it doesn't mean we're not friends, it simply means we trust each other enough to check in every now and then.
We all have struggles, some we keep hidden from the rest of the world, we all go through rough times, and if you are one of those people, I see you, I love you and I support you and I want you to take care of yourself, even if it means taking that extra step. Find your safe space, find a place where you can forget about your troubles for a bit, be it online or offline. If you are not in the right headspace to be on social media and need to take a break for the sake of your mental health, please do so!
I value healthy friendships, which means when we have conversations, we both feel comfortable around each other and we respect each other's time and feelings. Therefore, I am not obligated to respond to messages that are inappropriate or rude. Like I said, if I don't respond to messages, it is because I am busy with the things listed above, or I am asleep and I don't have the talent to text people in my sleep and need I go into time zones? They are wacky!
I am sure a lot of us would prefer to keep any sort of conversations light-hearted, and I can understand that because I do tend to worry a lot about everything and everyone, sometimes to the point I can't even sleep at night.
Anyway, that's all. I am sorry if this is long, I feel like I just needed to post this just in case any of you wanted to know a little more about me and my life behind the screens. Get it? Instead of behind the scenes? ...... I'm gonna show myself out now.
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presidentcynne ยท 2 years
Launching Nothingness
I've got a good thought of what to write about in my weekly essays over the week but when I started writing, all the emotions I need to write about in this post streamed down to a single loop like everything happened fast and I've got nothing else left to write about. This. This is exactly what I've been feeling throughout the episodes of wanting to start writing but every time I do, I easily ran out of imagination and I find it hard to begin.
Science calls this burnout. I've been up to so many responsibilities and I wanna run away from the rest of the world but at the same time, I'm also hopeful that maybe someday all of this will be over and I'd be able to live my life as I please. I don't know. I'm so lost. As you know, I'm a 3rd-year psychology student, who juggles two corporate jobs while freelancing as a content writer. In the daytime, I work as marketing staff for a local real estate company that also offers car trading and other stuff. While I work as an SEO Email Outreach Specialist at night. With all of this workload, I intricately insert my academic career between my corporate jobs so I could finish my bachelor's degree on time while supporting my brother finish his studies, and supporting ourselves to survive. For almost four years now, I've been doing this every day, and I'm mentally, physically, and emotionally tired of what I've been through. Yes, my brother's finishing his degree this May, but now, I'm piled up with all of this exhaustion. I'm demotivated to keep on keeping on. I just want all of this to be over. LOL. As of now, I'm not suicidal or completely hopeless. In fact, I'm hopeful. I'm just super duper tired and I just want a good number of people who would be willing to listen to me. Just listen. Just read this post. Just some people would be willing to engage in this essay without judgment. Unconditionally. I guess I'm really just lonely. That I lack a certain amount of validation. Well, you're not wrong. But I also want a breakthrough. I want to finish college. I want to live. I want to experience passing. I'm tired of always walking so fast, running at max, I don't know. Or maybe this generation is simply the saddest. I mean, I wanna disagree. But at the same time, I don't wanna diss out the sufferings that we have all been experiencing so far. And I'm goddamn sick of this. Well, I don't even know what I'm even writing this for. What I only is that I want to write everything that my mind says so this midnight. At the same time, I want to end this post by putting one good catch: I want to my writing legacy. So the future has something to celebrate with this once-in-a-lifetime contribution. LOL. Leave me anything kind here. [By the way, it's my first time on Tumblr, please be good to me.]
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girlbossminerva ยท 3 years
Brandish, Irene, and Ultear (female villains my beloved)
OUR beloved, comrade
first impression: It's been a long while since i saw her first appear on the manga, but i remember being disappointed by her design, yet intrigued by her
current impression: I love her, she doesn't get as much love, she's babby I also want to date her
favourite moment: I am way behind on my rewatch and can't remember most of her scenes, but I read the first like 15 chapters of 100 yq and it was horrible, the highlight was Brandish chilling in the middle of the sea. It's the holiday she deserves.
favourite headcanon: She has a doll house and when she needs some alone time but the Spriggan are being too annoying, she shrinks herself and escapes there, no one knows this.
favourite relationship: My gods, these bitches (Her and Dimaria) gay, good for them, good for them. I wanna write them but don't know how yet. In terms of platonic relationship, she could get long so well with evergreen tbh
idea for an au: I'm empty, no ideas sorry ;-; all I can think of is a one shot i think i read once, where she turned out to be lucy's half sister
unpopular opinion: I don't think she needed to be related to Lucy's past, it would have been cool to see a villain with no immediate relation to the main 4 people, or maybe she could have been related to someone else's past, when's the last time we've seen a villain from gajeel's past?
first impression: I just KNEW from the very first moment she would be Erza's mom
current impression: an evil, powerful milf who also happens to be a dragon? I lomve <3
favourite moment: all of them, but mostly the moment where she finally turned full dragon
favourite headcanon: OK CONSIDER THIS: Irene surviving the war, joining or at least hanging out near fairy tail, and suddenly becoming the dragon mama of all the slayers.
favourite relationship: Is it canon that Irene and Anna have met each other? Anyway, they liiiike each other. Platonically, Invel and her look like the ones with more braincells in the spriggan and like they would bitch about their colleagues over coffee.
idea for an au: I may or may not be planning an au where she raised Erza for a while (cause trying to posses a baby it's a stupid idea) and developed some care for her, also it includes Erza being kinda feral
unpopular opinion: I don't like her hair, the four braids seem too silly to me
first impression: When I first watched the anime a didnโ€™t think much of her
current impression: Wifey <3 who deserved better, and I would create stuff about her if i were confident in how to characterize herย 
favourite moment: There are many decisions on the alvarez arc that make no sense, but letting me see Ultear one last time when she helps Wendy with Dimaria made me very happy
favourite headcanon:ย ย  There is like one or two panels in the manga, at the very beginning, where sheโ€™s talking to jellal at the magic council and sheโ€™s balancing her crystal ball on her head. So i like to headcanon that she knows juggling.
favourite relationship: I donโ€™t have romantc ships with her, but I like her friendship with Jellal, besties with catholic trauma.
idea for an au: au where she lives. ACTUALLY, what if during the whole eclipse bullshit one of the people who travelled through time where AU!Ultear and while the Ultear from that main timeline sacrifices herself, the alternate one survives and joins Jellal and Meredy. This either could go with her hiding that sheโ€™s from a different universe or the other two dealing with the fact that their friend died but they have another version of her, yet sheโ€™s not the same.
unpopular opinion: Jellal shouldโ€™ve died instead of her and Ultear shouldโ€™ve gone on with Crime Sorciere.
Ask game
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mooifyourecows ยท 4 years
Ah! Could you do 18 and 56 for daisuga? I'm a sucker for a circus fic and I live for how you write daichi and suga
Letโ€™s take a looksy here... 18 is Circus AU and 56 is Awful First Meeting Oh my GOOOOOOD i love first meetings so much ๐Ÿคค this one is gonna be fun af
Okay okay okay lemme think for a minute....
Alright. so. First thing that comes to mind is Suga is in the circus and Daichi is not in the circus
BUT i like to go against the first thing that comes to mind because itโ€™s more fun that way.
so insteeeeaaad... letโ€™s say Daichi is the one in the circus and Suga is like... running away from home or something
okay so Daichi is a circus performer. What does he do? some options: lion tamer/animal training (humane training of course. like maybe he rescues mistreated animals from bad circuses and rehabilitates them or something, i dunno, thatโ€™s a slippery slope), knife throwing, trapeze, aerial acrobatics (either on hoops, straps, or silks), bullwhip (๐Ÿฅต), something with fire (fire juggling/eating, etc), lasso, tightrope, or of course he could be the Ringmaster
Uggghhhh decisions are so hard! I want him to do all of the above because thatโ€™s hot but hmmm lemme try and narrow it down. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”
alrighty so iโ€™m thinking... Daichi uses the bullwhip as well as the lasso, and he often does it on other surfaces. like the tightrope, Russian swing, teeterboard, slackwire, that big wheel of death thingy, those balls that they stand on and roll around, etc. and sometimes the whip/lasso is on fire and he does know how to breathe fire and does that on occasion too. but heโ€™s ALSO trained in some of the acrobatic things like trapeze and aerial and such. (yes, iโ€™ve decided that he and Iwa definitely do some Wheel of Death stuff together because hot. Hereโ€™s a video of that in case you have no idea what iโ€™m talkin about, thereโ€™s some flashing lights at the beginning so beware) (and he does a show where he lassos two clowns, Makki and Mattsun, and itโ€™s very popular both for the lasso tricks and the wacky clown antics)(like i dunno if youโ€™ve seen lasso tricks but Hereโ€™s a video of this guy named Loop Rawlins who does some cool stuff)
okey dokey so Daichi has been in the circus since he was birthed. his parents were circus performers and they took him on the road and taught him their skills. his mom was all about the bullwhip/lasso and other dexterous stuff like that. ya know like juggling and diabolo and devil sticks and poi spinning and risley and that sorta thing. and then his dad was more acrobatic and did the trapeze and wheel of death and aerial type stuffย 
So Daichi has a lot of circus skill. and he can stand in for performers if theyโ€™re injured or sick. there, i found a way to make him good at everything. iโ€™m amazing
alright so the circus is in town one week. Suga is Fed Up with his life. everything sucks, ya know? heโ€™s got big powerful/rich parents who put too much pressure on him and try to plan out his whole life. they want him to be like... a lawyer or a doctor or CEO or something like that to Make the Family Proud but heโ€™s like uuuuggghhh i donโ€™t wanna!!!ย 
so one night, he goes to the circus and wow itโ€™s so wild and fun and amazing like WOW (and it doesnโ€™t hurt that the hottie with the body doing lasso and whip tricks is wearing a super tight costume that accentuates his thighs and ass and everything else like *whistle* Suga is living LARGE)
so naturally, Suga is enraptured and heโ€™s just like wow this is how i wanna live my life, seriously, i wanna do this shit it looks so wild and fast and exciting and dangerous. no school, no annoying parents, no strict professional expectations. just traveling around, being a master at a craft that is very much Not Useful but still incredible to watch
heโ€™s been joking for years that heโ€™s totes gonnaย โ€œrun away and join the circusโ€ but this is the first time that heโ€™s Actually Considering it
so on the last night of the circus, Suga decides to see if he can get a job. honestly he is open to anything. he will carry their bags or bring them coffee man he doesnโ€™t care, so long as he gets to hit the road with a bunch of sexy performers.
everyone is pretty tired after the final show of the week but the lifestyle doesnโ€™t wait for relaxation so the crew is already getting to work tearing everything down and packing it up. Daichi just wants to sit down and rest but he catches sight of some of the performers (Noya and Tanaka) inching their way to the door, no doubt to go explore the city like they ALWAYS try to do, even though Daichi tells them No.
So Daichi reluctantly gets his lasso and goes after him. Except oops, Noya and Tanaka see him and TAKE OFF
Now itโ€™s a CHASE. Daichi goes running after them because thereโ€™s no way in HELL heโ€™s letting them ditch out on packing while the rest of them do all the work.ย 
The chase spans over the fairgrounds where the circus set up shop for the week. Daichi loses sight of them for a moment but then, aha, he sees movement in the shadows behind one of the trucks. Caughtย โ€˜em.
Daichi throws his lasso, snags the figure hiding in the shadows around the feet, and YANKS. They go down, WHOMP, and Daichi just starts DRAGGING them out from behind the truck and back in the direction of the tent, lecturing the ENTIRE way there.
Itโ€™s not until heโ€™s inside the tent, tugging his prey in after him, that he realizes that itโ€™s neither Noya nor Tanaka.
he just lassoed a random dude and then dragged him through the grass and dirt for like... fifty meters, nagging him about responsibility
oh, and to make matters worse, heโ€™s a cutie with a booty like damn as if it werenโ€™t already hard enough to find love when living with a traveling circus, now heโ€™s lassoing cute guys and kidnapping them? how embarrassing
Needless to say, itโ€™s an Awful First Meeting. Suga is all dirty and bruised and confused and Daichi is embarrassed and ashamed but also still pissed because that means Noya and Tanaka are STILL OUT THERE.
Daichiโ€™s likeย โ€œSORRY, but youโ€™re not supposed to be here so fuck offโ€ย 
then he just storms off into the night again to hunt Noya and Tanaka down, leaving Suga sitting there in the dirt as circus people mill about, packing things up.
while heโ€™s sitting there, the Ringmaster (uhhh Oikawa?) comes up and is likeย โ€œwhy are you just sitting there? thereโ€™s stuff to be packed! Get going!โ€
Suga is corralled off with the crew and put to work. well, thatโ€™s what he wanted, so he doesnโ€™t complain. maybe he can just blend in with the others and theyโ€™ll have no choice but to hire him once theyโ€™re several cities over ๐Ÿ‘€
Eventually, Daichi notices him. But yes, they are already in the next city when it happens. he just sees some crew member doing a very Bad job setting out Daichiโ€™s whips and lassos and other stuff and heโ€™s likeย โ€œyo, is this your first rodeo??โ€ย 
and then he recognizes him.
โ€œHey wait a second... arenโ€™t you that guy I lassoed?โ€
Sugaโ€™s likeย โ€œyeah you guys kidnapped me, can i get my name on the payroll now?โ€
Commence Suga joining the circus and being totally awestruck by Daichi and they slowly fall in love. there would absolutely definitely be moments when Daichi is teaching Suga circus stuff, taking him on the big trampoline and the trapeze and other shit. maybe Suga unlocks a certain talent in knife throwing or something like that and actually earns a spot in the performances and he and Daichi can do some PARTNER SHIT and itโ€™s super romantic and also sexy ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€
uhhh and thereโ€™d be some drama eventually. like Sugaโ€™s rich, powerful parents probably find him and accuse the circus of kidnapping him and thereโ€™s like a big criminal investigation and Suga has to finally stand up to his family like NAH Iโ€™M A CIRCUS CLOWN NOW, HONK HONK
and they live happily ever after the end ๐Ÿ–ค
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wachtelspinat ยท 4 years
It seems you have hard times and I hope you're ok. I'm just a random guy but I feel like I need to support you and tell you how awesome you are! There is something special about your artworks, smth I've never seen in anybody else's art, smth that makes me just stare at your art and think about story behind it even if I know nothing about the characters. You seem to put a soul even in small sketches, they all are very emotional. I just want to thank you for everything you've done !! :)
Heya, it is overwhelmingly amazing of you to reach out to me, thank you so much :โ€™โ€™)
This may be a little too much info now but Iโ€™ve learned that writing things down and telling someone about them, even if itโ€™s the void that is tumblr, can help in some way. Not gonna lie, the last months have been a constant up and down and between juggling university, helping out during the first corona wave here and generally trying to not lose my mind (we lost a family member and werenโ€™t able to attend to the funeral due to restrictions, my brain nagging me withย โ€˜the usualโ€™ that is telling me Iโ€™m useless, nobody likes me, etc etc) I have somehow lost my drive and will for drawing which... is a real kick in the guts since although I donโ€™t have a lot of original content and not much of an output, drawing is something I identify with. And now I donโ€™t even wanna draw and when I push myself to do it, I canโ€™t come up with good ideas or fun scribbles, and I think to myselfย โ€˜Why even. It doesnโ€™t matterโ€™.
This all sounds mighty bitter and grim but I can assure you that Iโ€™m actually fine. There are the usual thoughts that keep me awake at night, but nothing I canโ€™t handle. Itโ€™s just... I wish I could get back to drawing with a snip of my finger, but itโ€™s not that easy.ย 
Gonna try different things now which friends recommended to me about what they do when theyโ€™re stuck with a massive artblock, not giving up here :โ€™โ€™/ !
So coming back to your message; again thank you so much, it is a very amazing gesture and I really appreciate it! Itโ€™s very emboldening to hear that the stuff that I put out there brings a little joy to you and others, so yes, thanks a lot :โ€™โ€™)
Hope you have a good day, stay safe and all the best to you <3 !
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tenshindon ยท 4 years
*waves* Hi, I'm Silver. I want to write Yamcha more accurately (he seems really nice?), but I haven't the time or money to buy the manga or episodes, so... any tips, I guess? Can you help me? Thank you ๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ’œ
hiya !! iโ€™m always happy to talk about yamcha and The Character Of yamcha :) gonna put my thoughts under a read more cause this Might be long:
I havent watched Z or Super in a while but I do watch and read through the original Dragon Ball often so accuracy May Vary due to my trash memory. Iโ€™m also going to try to keep the gamesโ€™ depictions of him out of this since accuracy varies among those.
The first thing I wanna touch on is Yamchaโ€™s ego- especially how it evolves over the series. The main thing to keep in mind is that while he is generally cocky about his fighting abilities (which is a major weakness of his as he underestimates his opponents often and gets in trouble because of that), heโ€™s never overly confidant with himself as a person; he seldom tries to paint himself as a better person in comparison to others and rather keeps realistic skepticism about himself. Itโ€™s also worth noting that, depending on how old Yamcha is in your depiction, his awareness for his fighting inadequacy compared to his friends varies (the older he is obviously the more conscious he is).
Next thing Iโ€™ma talk bout is something that i see kind of treated inconsistently; Yamchaโ€™s relationship with women and his love life. I feel like a lot of people forget that Yamchaโ€™s defining character trait in Dragon Ball was his gynophobia- he chased Goku and his friends so long for the dragon balls so he could remedy his fear of women. Of course, he eventually does date Bulma as they realize dating each other would resolve their mutual wishes for Shenron (Bulmaโ€™s being getting a boyfriend and as mentioned before Yamchaโ€™s fear of women). As weโ€™re all aware though, nearly a decade later Yamcha and Bulma mysteriously separate, and the reason for doing so is never explicitly made clear in canon (I could honestly make a whole separate post on Bulma and Yamchaโ€™s break up- thereโ€™s a lot to discuss with it so if anyone wants that let me know lmao). The majority believe that Yamcha was unfaithful which, in review of his whole character, makes literally no sense- even just subtracting his fear of women (though Iโ€™ll elaborate on that later). But back on track and in regards to his fear of women, it never fully goes away. It just so happens that heโ€™s most comfortable around Bulma, and since Bulmaโ€™s the most prominent female character of the series we tend to forget his fear in the first place. When around other female characters, heโ€™s subtlety more anxious- or at the very least he isnโ€™t so much of a playboy as fanon interprets him to be. One final thing to note is- unless I remember the series wrong (and anyoneโ€™s free to correct me on this)- Yamchaโ€™s never implied to have gotten another girlfriend or even a lover at any point. Of course itโ€™s hard to track the intricacies of Yamchaโ€™s life- this is a shonen anime where slice-of-life episodes are limited, and even then Yamcha is far from being a prominent character anymore (post Dragon Ball).
Up next is his loyalty/friendships, methods of handling conflict, and overall courage because in my rat brain these all go hand in hand. Nevertheless, Yamchaโ€™s a devoted friend- heโ€™s shown time and time again to be supportive of his pals and, even in spite of his shortcomings, always does his best to help the gang out. Like i touched on before, as Yamcha gets older, heโ€™s more and more aware just how far behind in training he is in compared to his peers. But that doesnโ€™t stop him from trying to fight off whatever threatโ€™s present. So with that we can infer that even if Yamcha canโ€™t be the absolute best, thatโ€™s not going to stop him from at least trying if it means helping his friends or making them feel better. Additionally, heโ€™s quick to stand up for others, even if he doesnโ€™t know them too well or even at all and heโ€™s shown not to hold onto grudges. One thing to remember is that, presumably for 16 years, Yamchaโ€™s only companion was Puar (thatโ€™s not even considering his life before meeting her) and most interactions he has with people involve robbing them. His social skills might not be the best (though that doesnโ€™t mean he canโ€™t act socially capable- he clearly has no issue trying to make Beerus feel comfortable and like a friend at Bulmaโ€™s party) but again, his social skills varies with age and the situation. But again, referring back to his readiness to defend others, he isnโ€™t afraid of getting into conflict if it means helping someone else.
Last few topics Iโ€™m going to talk about are his relationships with property, finances, and goals- they seem like a small topics but I still want to talk about it. Now hopefully weโ€™re all familiar with Yamchaโ€™s beginnings of being a desert bandit- and seeing his methods of obtaining items, he didnโ€™t try to charm his victims into giving him their stuff. He just took it if he could if he couldnโ€™t intimidate them and retreated if he couldnโ€™t get what he wanted (which is also noteworthy of Yamchaโ€™s awareness of his limits- a bit contradictory to his fighting ego but it seems that if Yamchaโ€™s certain he isnโ€™t able to win something, then heโ€™ll save himself if it means delaying a goal or staying alive). He doesnโ€™t seem to mind playing the long game either, as heโ€™s willing to tail Goku and co. for months as he waits for them to gather the dragon balls without ever letting his true intentions slip. When it comes to finances, Yamcha doesnโ€™t seem to care to heavily about them: back in the desert, Puar mentions to Yamcha that he should wish for money to which Yamcha dismisses it quickly, stating he could just steal money if he really needed it. Itโ€™s also worth noting that despite being a successful baseball player by Super, Yamcha chooses to live in a modest apartment. Either heโ€™s very paranoid with money and, despite having enough to buy a full house, chooses to live in a cheaper apartment building or heโ€™s more comfortable with smaller living spaces- which makes sense since heโ€™d lived nearly two decades in a desert cave and had to scavenge for supplies (plus he seems to still think fondly of the desert as he has a painting of such in his apartment).
For the TL;DR version of this post, hereโ€™s essentially what you should keep in mind when portraying yamcha:
Heโ€™s generally a very lax, simple, and sociable person when he wants to be- though a bit socially awkward when he isnโ€™t prepared
Heโ€™s not egotistical, but he has a bad habit of underestimating his enemies at times. this changes over time of course.
While heโ€™s not itching for conflict, he is loyal and quick to stand up for friends and strangers alike
He acknowledges he isnโ€™t the best, but that doesnโ€™t stop him from trying
Heโ€™s ambitious and seldom gives up on his goals
He cares little for huge amounts of wealth or property and generally is just trying to get by in life comfortably
While not cripplingly petrified of women post DB, he still maintains a mild anxiety around women he doesnโ€™t know- even around women he does know pardon Bulma heโ€™s still a bit on edge
Iโ€™m done with my character study using the anime and manga, but I like talking about Yamcha so below this little buffer Iโ€™m going to get into how the games portray him. I mightโ€™ve forgot something or got some things wrong so feel free to talk to me about that if you want to. Anyways, you can stop reading if the above is all youโ€™re concerned with- regardless if you keep reading or not, I wish you the best of luck in writing Yamcha ! :)
If youโ€™re still reading, join me in my continuous ramble of the Rubix cube of Yamchaโ€™s character because Toei and Toriyama canโ€™t be consistent.
Something that seems to be portrayed a significant amount is that Yamchaโ€™s aware of his charm and that he uses this to advantage to smooth talk his way out of situations- not that he just so happens to be good looking and endearing and his panicked socialization just happens to work out for him. In regards to his way of talking out of situations, thatโ€™s honestly something I could see if Yamcha acknowledges heโ€™s against a threat much greater than his fighting abilities will allow him to handle- and itโ€™s not like he doesnโ€™t consider himself attractive, if weโ€™re to take his reaction to losing his tooth as anything (in case you arenโ€™t aware, he curses Goku for ruining his โ€œbeautifulโ€ face). An example of this is most prominent is his interaction with Frieza in FighterZ, where Frieza remarks that Yamcha is both โ€œhandsome and sensibleโ€, to which Yamcha attempts to keep the conversation casual so as to not have to fight (which he later points out to Goku once the latter urges that the three of them should just start fighting already). Though Iโ€™m sure his first reaction isnโ€™t to talk his way out of something- heโ€™ll just do it if the opportunity presents itself.
I obviously take huge issue with Yamchaโ€™s portrayal of being a womanizer- his major goal was to settle down, get married, and live out the rest of his life with someone. So for him to be portrayed as having to juggle girlfriends is a bit strange to say the least. You could maybe argue that Yamcha hypes himself up to be a ladyโ€™s man as a way to cope with his anxiety (fake it til you make it yโ€™know) but I have little faith in the characterization in Dragon Ball games and for them to think that complexly- plus, again, it contradicts with his humble and awkward personality.
Aside from these two notes, thatโ€™s all I have to say. so Iโ€™m done- forreal this time.
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punkscowardschampions ยท 4 years
Janis & Jimmy
Janis: Boxing Day Extravaganza boop Jimmy: Okay so we know they're taking the train Jimmy: which appaz only takes like 35 mins so that's nice, not to have to entertain the kids for an age Jimmy: cos everywhere would be busy and hellish given that it's boxing day Janis: nice lil' journey, no one has time to get antsy, probably only need to do one hellish train toilet moment per child lol Jimmy: we can all get arty because Jimothy promised to keep doing the bae daily masterpieces Janis: get a table seat, love that for yous Jimmy: Cass just on her phone ๐ŸŽง being antisocial the whole time, love you gal, but the rest of us are living our best lives Jimmy: having hot chocolate and all the left over gingerbread and other festive snacks like ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: you'll end up having an alright time in your own tween way don't worry Janis: the plethora of christmas toys that you've simply had to bring Jimmy: maybe you can have a Lisa beach friends moment Janis: that'd be cute, some kids at the arcade or something Jimmy: much more British and chill because we haven't stolen Ian's car for you to cover with ๐Ÿšs sadly Janis: I used to make friends on hols, live laugh love with whatever kids have also been dragged to Skerries lol Jimmy: I did not which tells you everything you need to know about how shy I was and how much my sister didn't want us to have other friends when we were kids Janis: gatekeeper trace so rude Janis: okay, so we're getting there, what do we wanna hit, obviously all the beachy cliches we can and also some festive ones Jimmy: gonna have a dip in the sea even though it's freezing af even if you only put your feet in lads Jimmy: the awkward moment when you think you only have a day here so you're gonna cram it all in and then be like oh Janis: don't be babies you can do it Janis: not the actual babies though, you will die Jimmy: stay with Cass even though I'm certain Libi will wanna do it Janis: she will be tryna run lmao Jimmy: soz for that Cass Jimmy: you'll be able to go off with your mates when you meet them, just give jj the chance to be competitive in the sea for a sec Jimmy: obvs gotta win something piss easy in the arcade and then lowkey bankrupt yourself trying to get the same thing for the other kid as always happened to my dad LOL Janis: hohaha yes Janis: also last time we went to an arcade you could get gross sour sweets with the tickets so the kids will be pinging Jimmy: love that Jimmy: Jimothy see how many you can fit in your mouth/eat because I would Janis: changing money into all the 2ps for the penny falls and having the cup for the money fun Jimmy: I bloody love an arcade tbh all that good stuff and beach fun and snow fun because it has to snow more for the trains to stop running since you got there okay Janis: when you realize it's coming down fast hun Janis: and I oop Jimmy: should've tried to leave as soon as the snow started but we're not because we don't wanna Jimmy: even though that phone call to Ian to tell him you aren't coming back will be lovely and put you in a great mood Janis: like you LOVE spending time with your kids ok sir Janis: everyone gonna be lowkey pissed soz weather happens lads Jimmy: we're with all our fave peeps we'll soon cheer up and live our best lives Jimmy: we definitely need there to be some board games in this caravan Jimmy: crack out the uno Janis: its not like you're without shelter and warmth, everyone will be fine, we're all buzzing lbr Janis: yes, all the board games, there'll at least be a telly to watch festive shit on Jimmy: Jimothy will make so much tea, we'll be cosy Janis: you should also eat comfort food like beans on toast ty Jimmy: make a little soft world/den for the bubs Janis: campout in the lounge 'cos you're not gonna wanna share a room alone but also don't wanna be separated so enjoy the double moment Cass Jimmy: winning her over with that Janis: at least that's an excuse if we want to message 'cos no privacy whilst they're out here snuggling Jimmy: true that's a good idea Jimmy: and won't wanna wake them by talking out loud when they're eventually asleep which would probably take forever cos buzzing Janis: my thoughts exactly, and it means we can ref a bit without literally sitting here listing every possible thing ourselves Jimmy: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘? Janis: can't really accuse you of making it snow Janis: but my foot does feel in danger again ๐Ÿช“๐Ÿ’˜ Jimmy: just do ๐ŸŒง me Janis: next doodle sorted Janis: get loads of likes Jimmy: blank page would an' all long as I do a #goals caption Janis: show off Janis: not much chance of me giving you #goals muse inspo in day old clothes so you'll have to rely on that clout Jimmy: LITERALLY the opposite, about the muse not my ๐ŸŽจ Jimmy: and there's every chance if you don't wear any clothes, duh Janis: you still have to think up the words Janis: and ๐Ÿ”ฅ emoji usage ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ˜ฉ Jimmy: nowt challenging about that Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’•or ๐Ÿคค Janis: how much chance do you reckon there is of no clothes Janis: meant to be ๐Ÿฅถ to death here Jimmy: depends how ๐Ÿ”ฅ you reckon I am Janis: ๐Ÿ’ฏ Janis: obviously Jimmy: but I get it, any excuse for a shopping trip, girl Janis: ๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ˜ Janis: you know me so well Jimmy: meant to be working tomorrow, take your chance while there's still ๐Ÿ’ฐ to be after Janis: bummer Janis: it should clear soon, can't have you pining for it too hard, like Jimmy: ๐Ÿฅบโ˜•๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽป๐Ÿ˜ญ Jimmy: @ my manager before he has chance to miss me Janis: *replace you Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ถ Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Janis: literally who said that, omg Janis: so rude! Jimmy: brb gotta ๐Ÿ‘ป there to serve some lattes Janis: yeah, you'll need to wife it before you try and leave me with 3 kids Jimmy: weren't no ๐Ÿ’ in the grabbers, looks like we're going shopping after all, babe Janis: missed a trick there, honestly Janis: probably had a ring pop if we'd looked harder Jimmy: Libi'd have that right off you, mate Jimmy: don't even have to jilt you Jimmy: replaced mid-proposal Janis: true Janis: and she needs no more sugar ever again Janis: โŒ Janis: you'll have to just stay put, soz Jimmy: were gonna get you one of them mood rings but it'd give the game away by saying you weren't ALWAYS ๐Ÿ˜ Jimmy: only need the one fan ๐Ÿ‘€ Janis: how dare you doubt my acting abilities Janis: ALWAYS on and ready for my close up Jimmy: that ain't acting it's ๐Ÿ”ฎ OBVS Janis: magic, talent Janis: all the same to me ๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿ‘‘ Jimmy: alright bighead, go on Janis: go on what? Jimmy: always on, you said Jimmy: impress me with one of your talents Janis: here and now? Jimmy: might be on for a bit weren't what you said Janis: Libi's already seen you partially clothed once Janis: not trying to traumatize them permanently Jimmy: what you bringing me into it for? it's your talent Janis: already shown you how to juggle too Jimmy: there's nowt else? Janis: rude Janis: you made me sing to you as well, if you recall Jimmy: tah for the reminder to send that to Pete Jimmy: he's looking for a lead ๐ŸŽค so I've heard Janis: I'd literally kill you Jimmy: shouldn't have to beg you Jimmy: you know that's all I want Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ค Janis: obviously all I want it to have an ill-fated romance with Pete but you stagemomming me was not part of the dream Jimmy: you look SO cute when you're fuming Jimmy: what's your plan then? Janis: find a totally natural way to drop hints that I'm dead talented over my lattes, duh Janis: writing lyrics in a notebook, being SO cute ๐Ÿค” Jimmy: he's got a girlfriend with a normal sized head, but I think he can read so you're probably on to something there with the last bit Janis: normal? Janis: how...exciting Jimmy: you'll find a natural way to drop hints you're after a threesome an' all I'm sure Janis: sounds like a ๐Ÿฅˆ move Janis: if I can't get her chucked what is the point Jimmy: perfect for you, that Janis: in no world am I runner-up Janis: fake or otherwise Jimmy: not to her, just to me Janis: you don't do co-workers, you're disqualified Jimmy: you reckon you could get her chucked but I couldn't get him sacked Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Janis: then comfort him, that's evil Janis: okay ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘‘ Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Jimmy: haven't seen her for ages, bit of normality for you, that Janis: me? Janis: she's your favourite customer Janis: clearly spend loads of time chatting and plotting Jimmy: that's Tammy, how dare you Jimmy: she orders loads Janis: she needs the energy for her tiktok dances Janis: don't call her fat Jimmy: that were you Jimmy: I would NEVER Janis: nah, 'course not Janis: she's your bestie Jimmy: #BFF Jimmy: but that's you an' all so Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’” for her Janis: I'm not sharing Jimmy: I'm not making you Janis: you know she'd take a bigger piece Jimmy: she'd try but you'd ๐ŸฅŠ her Janis: you want me to fight for you Jimmy: if she's after me, you're gonna have to protect me Janis: alright Janis: guess I don't wanna see you squashed to death Jimmy: get these bandages off first before I need another set Janis: you can go have an ice bath Janis: if you wanna Jimmy: why would I want that? Jimmy: sounds fucking horrible Janis: not because you're being too ๐Ÿฅต idiot Janis: to help with the swelling Jimmy: ๐Ÿ™„ I got that Janis: you went in the sea Janis: you just have to sit for a bit longer Jimmy: you didn't wanna be left with 3 kids a bit ago Jimmy: make up your mind, Jeanette Janis: later then Janis: just don't scream and wake them up Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฅ‡ Janis: we'll ๐Ÿ‘€ Jimmy: yeah and you won't hear nowt Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: did it hurt less today Jimmy: [throws a cushion at her for the ๐Ÿ˜ and to distract from having to answer that because probably hurt more if anything all the fun and games they've done today] Janis: [inadvertantly start a pillow fight here which you need to then calm back down] Janis: don't think I didn't notice Jimmy: ? Janis: you didn't answer Jimmy: you reckon I never do Janis: it speaks volumes Janis: you're alright Jimmy: there you go then Janis: if you're alright with it being inferred, yeah Jimmy: dunno about your ๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ—จ Janis: ๐Ÿ™„ Jimmy: I'm alright, leave it out Janis: fine Janis: no hot chocolate for you Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’” Jimmy: you're SO rude Janis: yep Janis: that's what you get Jimmy: but Jimmy: we're best mates Janis: maybe Janis: but Bobbys nicer to me so he's getting extra marshmallows Jimmy: it were you going on about how you were gonna be nice to me Jimmy: should've known it were bollocks Janis: you threw the first pillow, mate Jimmy: you chucked out a pisstakey ๐Ÿ˜ before that Jimmy: weren't me who started it Janis: not my fault you're known for being well loud Jimmy: isn't it? Jimmy: I'd say it were your fault Janis: don't make me ๐Ÿ˜ again Jimmy: alright I'll make you ๐Ÿ˜ณ Janis: I'll blame the โ˜•s Jimmy: you want a hand? Janis: [throw a LOOK from your kitchen area] Jimmy: [come on over boy and be giving her a LOOK back the entire time obvs] Janis: [do the thing where the kitchen is too small so you're lowkey just in each other's way the whole time in a #mood of a moment like so much more of a hindrance than a help] Jimmy: [and also the thing where you kiss only to break apart as if nothing happened if anyone notices] Janis: [Bobby would be used to you having a gf about as the last one moved herself in but Libi is not so she'd be the kind of kid to be like UMMMMMMM] Jimmy: [Oh Libi you are such an icon] Janis: [just like why you kissing are you boyfriend and girlfriend, Janis like shh bitch] Jimmy: [Jimothy's turn to be ๐Ÿ˜ irl] Janis: [when you can't be like NO 'cos how confusing for the kids but you're like not gonna confess my love gal, hush, Libi is so gonna try and smooch Bobby watch out boy] Jimmy: [so here for that adorableness tbh] Janis: [when lil kids are like this is my boyfriend lmao] Janis: you've been replaced now Janis: how does it feel ๐Ÿ’” Jimmy: ๐ŸŽป๐ŸŽป๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Janis: that's what you get Janis: dumping me mid proposal Jimmy: you keep saying that Jimmy: but from here I ain't proposed yet Janis: don't let on Janis: she'll be raging Jimmy: I'll take her with me tomorrow when I go pick the ๐Ÿ’ Jimmy: get her back on side Janis: got a plan for everything, you Jimmy: ๐Ÿฅ‡ or nowt Janis: wait until its later in the year and I'm jonesing for more ๐ŸŽ again Jimmy: no need, you can have owt you want whenever you want it Jimmy: there's the plan, like Janis: well goals ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’• Janis: if nothing else Janis: plenty of ๐ŸŒจ to play with tomorrow Jimmy: I do take requests Jimmy: have a ๐Ÿ’ญ what โ›„ you want Janis: well you are pretty skilled Janis: have to think of something challenging Jimmy: you've got all night Janis: if they ever go to sleep Jimmy: you'll have to read them a long boring story Janis: โŒ voices โŒ personal cameos for you kids Jimmy: get Bill's ๐Ÿ‘ป in Jimmy: owt of his'll get the job done Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ so true but you didn't have to go there, babe Jimmy: he can't be fuming that I want you to stay with me, it's his whole brand Janis: ๐Ÿคž he don't get too carried away with your ๐Ÿ’€ scene now or they'll be having nightmares and then there'll be no time for โ›„ Jimmy: they'll be able to hack it Janis: hack you up into lots of pieces Jimmy: don't matter about me, long as no ๐Ÿ•s are ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ Janis: if nothing he knows his audience Jimmy: I get it, you wanna marry him Janis: pretty sure he's married Janis: bet he's got more than 3 kids as well Jimmy: and what you're gonna let that stop you? doubt that Janis: rude Janis: breaking up Pete and his groupie is one thing Janis: homewrecking is another Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘Œ Janis: you're ๐Ÿ‘Œ at me now Jimmy: I just did do Jimmy: you'll be chuffed to know I had a look and he has got 3 kids Jimmy: one of them was a twin called Judith, so you might be his daughter Janis: like he had twins or one survived Janis: I'll take being the ๐Ÿ’€ one if that's the option Jimmy: the dead one was a lad Janis: ugh Janis: great Janis: more lesbian jokes Jimmy: we've ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ them, you're alright Janis: had no idea Judith was such an old name Jimmy: can't say I ain't taught you owt ๐Ÿค“ Jimmy: know my audience an' all Janis: can't help yourself ๐Ÿค“ Janis: I reckon Jimmy: you can't help nerd flirting with me, more like Jimmy: about to crack the chess set out, you Janis: chequers, maybe Jimmy: dunno never played Janis: just chess for thick people Janis: less ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค“ more ๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿคฏ Jimmy: still too northern ๐Ÿ’” what were I gonna do make the bits out of ๐Ÿฅ” Janis: don't reckon we've got it in so you're safe Jimmy: what do you wanna do instead? Janis: that's the question Jimmy: answer it then Jimmy: [a LOOK] Janis: [๐Ÿ˜ณ] Janis: it's not obvious? Jimmy: might be but it should be just as obvious that I wanna hear it Janis: how badly I want some alone time with you just increased Jimmy: ๐Ÿšฌ? Janis: worth a go Jimmy: [do your best to try and escape lads] Janis: [probably enough into our hot chocolate/festive film to give you a few minutes here] Jimmy: [take your chance and leg it] Janis: [lord knows you need the moment Jimmy: [it's deserved you didn't know you'd still be here with all these kids and no privacy whatsoever] Janis: [what a time, at least you don't have to go home and separate 'cos heaven forbid] Jimmy: [that would suck, the time between boxing day and nye is weird enough if you like your fam and aren't a highkey teen in love so] Janis: [hence 'I missed you' like you've not spent forever together at this point and barely been apart] Jimmy: [hence the most genuine smile ever like an adorable nerd because whatever he was expecting her to say was not that but we're here for it] Janis: [when you go to nudge him like shut up but it's more of a feelsy lean and we all know it 'sorry about missing work' 'cos we feel bad even if there's fuck all we can or could do about it] Jimmy: [always gotta give that feelsy lean back regardless of how much it hurts us which gets him thinking about how much work would suck being this injured so we're ๐Ÿ˜’ which makes it seem like we're really annoyed about missing work even though we know he'd rather be here, hence the shrug he does when he snaps out of said thoughts 'you're my fave job any road, said it before' stop calling her a job sir even if you said that in a more feelsy tone than the words suggest] Janis: ['charming as the first time' and a ๐Ÿ™„ we're probably playing off as more jokey than it is] Jimmy: ['nowt I'd wanna be doing more than pissing about here with you, what could be more charming than that?' maybe if you'd said that in the first place boy instead of calling her a job again] Janis: ['I'm against serving coffee to ungrateful dickheads, it's not much to brag about, like' but a shrug and ๐Ÿ˜ 'cos we're not fuming over it] Jimmy: ['loads else you could if you wanted to' just telling her she's ๐Ÿฅ‡ basically there 'but I'll do it if not' casual hypeman is how that sounds but we're just ๐Ÿ˜] Jimmy: [when I was asleep a little list of things he likes about her/she could brag about came to me so I'll try and recreate it from memory for us now, first he was obvious and just wrote fit on her arm or wherever but then did a camera and painting mime to emphasise that and tell her she was a good muse before adding mysterious where he wrote fit but then it started getting cute cos he drew little vampire teeth in the air above her smile and a sun on her face which he added the ๐Ÿ˜ grin to obvs and then because we were in that general area he wrote nerd in caps on her neck across the biggest lovebite because not only is she such a one but to include nerd flirting then we moved to her throat and he did ๐Ÿ—จ because he likes talking to her and added a ๐ŸŽต inside because she's genuinely a good singer then wrote fun before adding the ny as well cos she's also a laugh then he went down to where her abs are and wrote athlete also in caps because DUH and finally on her ribs did the โœ” again because she's been taking care of him and is so kind and nice etc and while he was there got carried away just drawing an elaborate and massive rose for all the love and feels we can't currently express] Jimmy: [there might have been others I'm forgetting but those were definitely the main ones] Janis: [I'm dying boo, we're going to have to be physical because if we aren't speechless then things will be said but it's going to be the most intense and loving ever so we know] Jimmy: [not letting that be interrupted, soz children fend for yourselves for a minute please] Janis: [it's not like we've gone far, you're fine and we need this so we don't die] Jimmy: [my half asleep day dream has killed us all I am soz] Janis: [we're not soz at all, y'all living your best life] Jimmy: [the feels have never been higher] Janis: [are gonna have to force you back in eventually] Jimmy: [if only so y'all don't declare your love in words as well] Janis: [smack on that window children because it's too damn soon hush] Jimmy: [Libi ๐Ÿ‘€ to see if you're kissing] Janis: [she's gonna tell everyone lmao, tiniest shipper] Jimmy: [I love her with my whole heart] Janis: [mcvickers getting that lowdown they did not ask for when we're back, accidental snitching, at least we're being good-ish lmao] Jimmy: [Fearghal gonna be so amused, Tess will not LOL but yeah you've taken good care of this bub so you win points for that lads] Janis: [can't say fairer than that] Jimmy: [gonna be so heartbreaking when you're not allowed to stay there and see Libi, I could cry] Janis: [we have to make things go so downhill in a sec in a lot of ways, sad times] Jimmy: [winnie will love the drama, but for now go inside and try and get these kids to fall asleep] Janis: [threaten them with separation if they don't start to chill, that'll work] Jimmy: [try not to lol at how horrified they are at the prospect] Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’€ Jimmy: #relatable for you, that Janis: you wish Jimmy: ๐ŸŽ‚ Jimmy: ain't even Jesus' birthday no more Jimmy: can't piggyback off that Janis: sound like a right parent Janis: over before it's even started Jimmy: none of the fans know when mine is, might just have it so you have to get me more ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ Janis: that's not fair Janis: you'll get whatevers left in the grabber and that'll be that Janis: you'll have to pretend you won it for me and all or it's not very #goals Jimmy: told you loads of times I don't play fair, Jules ๐Ÿ† and that's that Jimmy: spoil me on my fake birthday or you ain't very #goals Janis: well used to bdays not being fair ๐ŸŽป๐ŸŽป Janis: 15 years too late for that to sting Jimmy: poor baby Jimmy: hang on, I'll knock you up your own ๐ŸŽ‚ Jimmy: [genuinely goes to make her a mug cake in secret, look away children there's none for you bye] Janis: such a ๐Ÿค“ Janis: [like we're not ๐Ÿ˜] Jimmy: So you don't want it? Alright Jimmy: [we know she do] Janis: never said that Janis: [grabby hands like gimme] Jimmy: [๐Ÿคซ which he always looks hot doing like okay cover me so you don't have to share this with the children] Janis: [๐Ÿค like I got this] Jimmy: [cleaning the kitchen but also sneaky doing this and when it's done gesturing for her to come here so they can swap places and she can sneakily eat it, just know he has 1000% put a little candle it in and lit it with the best lighter ever because every mum has a drawer of shit like that it's simply facts] Janis: [obviously taking a picture of this] Janis: why are you Jimmy: 'cause you're Jimmy: and I just Janis: you're Janis: too nice Jimmy: Bollocks Janis: nah Jimmy: yeah Janis: to me Jimmy: I'm as nice as I wanna be to you Janis: I ain't earnt it Jimmy: when have I said that? Janis: you haven't but it's still true Jimmy: up to me is what it is Janis: you hand out the ๐Ÿ† Jimmy: take yours Jimmy: you've been nice to me for ages Jimmy: what were it I said the other day, you'd be telling me to piss off by the end of this one Jimmy: worth a ๐Ÿ† that you've not Janis: just in it for the cake Janis: obviously Jimmy: you've done alright then Janis: it's not hard Janis: being nice to you Jimmy: I thought you were gonna say to make a cake Janis: [irl ๐Ÿ˜ from the kitchen trying not to lol] Jimmy: didn't know I were fake dating a dickhead like Paul Hollywood Janis: again, you wish Jimmy: no denying that ๐Ÿ‘ด๐Ÿ’• Jimmy: but I'll have to make do with a ย ๐Ÿค off you for now Janis: [obviously come back over and do said handshake like a nerd and like it's not dangerous to be anywhere near each other rn] Jimmy: [you know he's gonna run his thumb across her lip whether there's any chocolate there or not because the mood we're in and we can pretend it's because it's so secret like can't let the children see the evidence] Janis: [thank god for the solid excuse to snuggle like we're going sleep now come on] Jimmy: [just ๐Ÿ‘€ at these kids all the damn time like are you asleep yet] Janis: [finally] Janis: I think she's asleep Janis: he's 50/50 Jimmy: [chucks something at him, softly obvs] Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Janis: that was a risk Jimmy: [๐Ÿ˜ because we love a risk like that] Jimmy: didn't reckon on you as ๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€ Janis: you reckoned right then Janis: good for you Jimmy: ๐Ÿ† Janis: don't get carried away Janis: I'm the one that's not scared Jimmy: prove it Janis: [a look that's half well how would you like me to do that and half, I'm thinkin'] Jimmy: [just a LOOK like] Janis: [I like to think you two are at least in the middle 'cos Libi and Bobby wouldn't stop chatting so you had to make a human barrier lol, so that makes it less hard to kiss him now and give him a new quick love bite but also harder to just stop there] Jimmy: [you know you're getting one back for literally no reason whatsoever gal] Janis: [casually trying have a makeout sesh in total silence rn] Jimmy: [we know how impossible that is for either of you so good luck] Janis: [gonna have to stop and pretend you're just being like, see, not scared] Jimmy: [gonna have to go for that ice bath for all the reasons now boy lol] Janis: they're definitely asleep Jimmy: ๐Ÿคž Janis: I would've woke up Jimmy: you don't sleep ๐Ÿง› Janis: you want me to? Janis: [turning our back like night then] Jimmy: [you know we're rolling you back to face us girl even if it hurts us because have to be hot about everything] Janis: [a noise we're ๐Ÿคž just sounds like a sleepy sound 'cos there was no helping it] Jimmy: [kiss her so you don't make any of your own thank you sir, don't need to tempt fate and risk waking these kids up that soon] Janis: [can't even go to another room really 'cos doubt Cass is asleep] Jimmy: [she definitely isn't, soz lads for this struggle] Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ฃ ๐Ÿ˜– ๐Ÿ˜ซ ๐Ÿ˜ฉ ๐Ÿฅบ ๐Ÿ˜ข ๐Ÿ˜ญ ๐Ÿ˜ค ๐Ÿ˜  ๐Ÿ˜ก ๐Ÿคฌ ๐Ÿคฏ ๐Ÿ˜ณ ๐Ÿฅต Janis: just so you know Jimmy: I did but now it's in writing I've gotta do something about it Janis: ๐Ÿ‘ป rules or? Jimmy: the only ๐Ÿ‘ป rule is no touching, don't reckon that'll sort it Janis: remind me why we invited them Jimmy: Ian's a twat, that were mostly it Janis: right Janis: that sounds about right Jimmy: least the ๐Ÿ•'s not here an' all Janis: ๐ŸŒฆ Jimmy: give us a bit more โ˜€ Janis: that's me and you though Jimmy: what kind of dickhead am I pushing in front of you like that? SO rude Janis: I'm so shy Janis: understated, honestly Jimmy: [when you're trying to stop yourself from loling] Janis: [fake punch him like oi] Janis: about to call you chivalrous but you can forget it now Jimmy: soz you can't have the ๐Ÿ™Š it's a bit too risky for me to use Janis: such an idiot Janis: why'd I invite you again Jimmy: Dunno Jimmy: @ me when you've worked it out Janis: you're too busy to show me? Jimmy: โŒ Jimmy: too something though Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ฃ ๐Ÿ˜– ๐Ÿ˜ซ ๐Ÿ˜ฉ ๐Ÿฅบ ๐Ÿ˜ข ๐Ÿ˜ญ ๐Ÿ˜ค ๐Ÿ˜  ๐Ÿ˜ก ๐Ÿคฌ ๐Ÿคฏ ๐Ÿ˜ณ ๐Ÿฅต Janis: you needed an ice bath anyway Janis: see how far we get without freezing? Janis: [getting up carefully to find ๐Ÿšฌs or a lighter like ?] Jimmy: [doing a help me up style gesture] Janis: [do, do not drop him now and do a throwback by kissing him against the door as you go out] Jimmy: [we love a throwback in this house honey] Janis: [thank god for cigarette breaks even though it will be very cold, we're extra] Jimmy: [your extraness will help keep you warm] Jimmy: [literally reminds me of when Baze had just got together and went on a caravan hol with the fam] Janis: [yes, very that energy, the sneaking is less high stakes but still] Jimmy: [you can go in harder than they could out there because less likely to be caught and less of a problem if you are so you're welcome for that] Janis: [literally we just don't want to wake the kids and make them cranky or cringe Cass out so you're fine lads, go nuts, who is at this caravan park in December, barely anyone] Jimmy: [fill your boots, you're very in love rn] Janis: [lowkey something is gonna get said during we're gonna have to pretend we do not hear lmao] Jimmy: [walking such a tightrope at all times, god bless] Janis: [go pretend to sleep lol] Jimmy: [the amount of things he would have to stop himself from saying when they are, you hush your mouth I swear down] Janis: [hence you ain't allowed, commit to this act please and ty, no more chit chatting] Jimmy: [he's not even allowed to say her name at this point so literally shhhhhh] Janis: [made that rod for your back boo lmao] Jimmy: [no regrets, it will HIT when he does] Jimmy: [you know he's not asleep though cos you know he can't get comfortable thanks for that Ian you dick] Janis: you should go get in a bed to yourself Janis: if he wakes up, I can tell him where you are Jimmy: I'm alright Janis: alright Jimmy: [just being fussy though so clearly isn't] Janis: you're never going to be able to sleep though Jimmy: challenge accepted Janis: you're keeping me awake Jimmy: it's you ๐Ÿ—จ Janis: you're ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜ค Jimmy: but not ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Janis: I can still hear you Janis: and you keep moving about because you can't get comfortable Jimmy: stop being a dickhead Janis: I'm not Janis: go get comfortable and I'll keep an eye on them both, that's nice Jimmy: how's chucking me out nice? Janis: for the aforementioned reasons Jimmy: for you that I won't be doing your head in Janis: no, so you aren't in as much fucking pain, idiot Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Janis: [angrily stomp off for a wee hen] Jimmy: [do your own to that ๐Ÿ› when she gets back] Janis: [oh the drama] Janis: thanks Jimmy: there's nowt to stop you ๐Ÿ˜ด Jimmy: crack on Janis: hardly Janis: there's two small, wriggly children Janis: don't need to be moody about it Jimmy: ๐ŸŽป๐ŸŽป๐ŸŽป Jimmy: don't need to go on at me now you've got what you want Janis: ๐Ÿ™„ Jimmy: or ๐Ÿ™„ at me either Janis: alright, shut up then Jimmy: you Janis: it's not my fault Jimmy: never said it were Janis: then stop taking it out on me Janis: do something about it that's actually gonna help you feel better Jimmy: I've not, I've said nowt about it Jimmy: you're the one who can't leave it out Janis: you're in a mood Jimmy: not with you, dickhead Janis: I know that Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’ญ what it were like when you fucked your ankle up Jimmy: this actually were my own fault Janis: no it ain't Janis: and I'm meant to just ignore it then, alright Janis: won't be doing that, sorry Jimmy: Bollocks, you can't go about being a massive dickhead and expect no pushback Jimmy: but it weren't this bad before Janis: it's too far Janis: you could literally be in hospital and it wouldn't be an overreaction Janis: there's no call for that Jimmy: it ain't you who decides where the line is Jimmy: or where I'll end up Janis: it's a pretty widely agreed upon line Janis: he could ask garda if he wanted to do something about you taking the car Jimmy: we've been mates for a minute, what do you know? Janis: that doesn't have nothing to do with being able to tell he took it too far this time Jimmy: you don't know fuck all about me or what he has or hasn't done Janis: I've seen the state of you, for fuck's sake Janis: I'm not saying shit about previous or implying that it means anything but you can barely breathe right now Jimmy: the state of me is right, what bit of this has owt to do with you? Janis: I'm not going to piss about with you doing stupid shit if you aren't handling your actual Janis: that's what Jimmy: piss off Janis: you Jimmy: who the fuck are you giving me ifs and buts Jimmy: you piss about with me whenever it suits you Janis: fuck this Jimmy: yeah Janis: [hear that door go] Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Janis: I'll be back when I need to be Jimmy: for all you know you've woke every dickhead up and that's now Jimmy: but alright, keep giving it out like you're so bothered about the state of me and the bollocks I can't do while you leave me here on my own Jimmy: not fake at all Janis: I know it ain't Janis: and if you're gonna leave a 4 year old kid to freak out that'd be on you Janis: I don't have to stay and listen to you, who the fuck are you Jimmy: fuck's sake Janis: I didn't slam the door, they're asleep Jimmy: that's alright then Jimmy: forget I said owt Jimmy: top reaction Janis: yeah 'cos you've got fuck all room to talk Janis: be better for you if I did Jimmy: I don't wanna do this Jimmy: talk about it Jimmy: have to fucking handle it or whatever it were that you said Janis: then don't talk about it Janis: it's the bare fucking minimum to not expect me to ignore that you're in pain Jimmy: and what, you think I don't know that? Jimmy: that I wouldn't do a better job of this if I could Janis: apparently, I've got no right so Jimmy: you shouldn't have to hack this an' all Janis: I don't Janis: all I was doing was saying go sleep on a proper bed Jimmy: it's just Jimmy: I don't know Jimmy: weird Janis: how is it Jimmy: I said I dunno Jimmy: it's been ages since anyone bothered to say owt worth listening to like that Janis: well Janis: why fuck yourself up more Janis: that's it, it's no deeper than that Jimmy: Why not? Jimmy: that's been the question up to now Janis: if you're gonna self-harm Janis: don't do it in front of me Jimmy: you get to hold the ๐Ÿ”ช my dear, and when you do it'll be a pisstake if you don't go harder than that Janis: I'm not playing right now Jimmy: nor me Jimmy: what I meant were, it don't matter to me what happens to me if it only happens to me Jimmy: very catholic of me, I know Janis: i'm not interested in having no more blood on my hands Jimmy: not bleeding out as of now Jimmy: you're welcome to piss off again if I ever am Janis: ๐Ÿ‘ Jimmy: is it? Janis: yep Jimmy: what kind of answer is that? Janis: what do you want? Jimmy: and what kind of question is that an' all? Janis: I'm not in the mood Janis: to talk to you or do this Janis: I'll be back to do my share and then we'll go back as soon as we can Jimmy: just come back now Jimmy: it's freezing Janis: I'm fine Jimmy: I won't be if I have to piss about looking for you Janis: don't Janis: I know where I am, it's not your concern Jimmy: don't make me Janis: for fuck's sake Jimmy: is right Jimmy: come back and ignore me from here Janis: don't tell me what to do Janis: I'll come back when I'm ready Jimmy: don't be a twat Jimmy: then I won't have to Janis: how far do you reckon I've got in this time Janis: I'm basically outside Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฅ‡ you Jimmy: might've ๐Ÿƒ anywhere Janis: it's snowing Janis: in case you'd forgotten Jimmy: that'll be why I want you to come inside Jimmy: tah for recognising it Janis: don't come near me then Jimmy: alright Janis: [show up a few minutes later] Jimmy: [we do be giving her space like she requested thankfully but we have made her a tea because it's our love language and it is cold af out there no lie] Janis: [act like you're not gonna take it for as long as you can but clearly do] Jimmy: [go to your bed sir and give it a while before you come at her again] Jimmy: What did you mean? Janis: about what? Jimmy: you said you don't wanna do this, which bit? Janis: I was talking about tonight Janis: not permanent plans Jimmy: weren't how it sounded Jimmy: you had a plan and it were to piss off back there as soon as Janis: both gotta work Janis: both got kids that don't belong to us Janis: just the obvious next step, really Jimmy: if you wanna pretend that's why, go on, obviously Janis: I'm not pretending shit Jimmy: you don't have to be a massive dickhead to keep it going just 'cause I already were Janis: obviously I don't want to spend no more time with you too Janis: why would I Jimmy: no idea Janis: there you go then Jimmy: alright then Janis: she'll be gutted Jimmy: ? Janis: Libi Jimmy: already spent ages longer here than we were going to Janis: true Jimmy: and she don't need to know that you're #overit and me Janis: makes playdates a bit awkward Jimmy: what's a bit more faking? nowt we haven't done before Janis: right Jimmy: she's less thick than most of our audience but still only a kid Janis: no need to break them up Jimmy: agreed Janis: sorted Jimmy: โœ” Janis: anything else we need to? Jimmy: like what? Janis: dunno Janis: why I asked Jimmy: it's your question, weren't me who asked it Janis: I don't ask questions I know the answer to Janis: as a rule Jimmy: if you had something in mind, say it Janis: there's loads of shit Janis: potentially Janis: mainly how we're finishing this if we are Jimmy: up to you that Jimmy: it's you who wants to Janis: no it isn't Jimmy: weren't me who said I wanna go back or that I dunno why you're worth spending time with Janis: like you've not said shit tonight Janis: and neither of those is saying I want to finish it, anyway Jimmy: what else does not wanting to spend any more time with someone mean? Janis: we've been mates for what, a minute? Janis: we were doing it before then Jimmy: so you just don't wanna be mates? Janis: not worked out so great thus far Jimmy: bit rude Janis: ๐Ÿ™„ Jimmy: it were going alright Jimmy: you don't need to chuck it all Jimmy: not for something that weren't about you Janis: you bighead is really showing Jimmy: how is it? Janis: 'chuck it all' Janis: I was fine before you came about, tah Jimmy: you know what I mean Janis: how you say shit matters Jimmy: how I say loads of bollocks Jimmy: you get most of it Janis: I'm dickhead lingual, I guess Jimmy: I'm sorry, alright Jimmy: for what I said when I was in pain, that load of bollocks Janis: if you never phrase it like that again Janis: alright Janis: forget about it Jimmy: deliberately will ALWAYS phrase it like that now, each time Janis: if you could not make a habit of it, be appreciated Jimmy: being a MASSIVE dickhead? bit late for that Janis: I can handle that Janis: taking shit back that you've said Janis: leave off that Jimmy: not a habit I want Jimmy: only fancy the ones that'll ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ me which that ain't gonna if it makes you piss off out of it Janis: a deal then? Janis: deal back on, actually Jimmy: if we shake on it Janis: okay Janis: come out then Jimmy: come here then Jimmy: meant to take your advice and stay put like a good lad here ๐Ÿ› me Janis: you're awkward how and when it suits you Janis: [but does, obviously] Jimmy: [will shake your hand and pull you into a hug gal] Janis: [the most dramatic hug, definitely forgetting to be careful here soz] Jimmy: [not caring that much because we care more about the bae knowing how soz we are and how many feels we have] Janis: [likewise, the tension got too much and went wrong, as it does, and we're #shooketh] Jimmy: [straight up asking her to stay for a bit because we're in our emotions so we're just saying what we wanna say without thinking about it] Janis: [just nodding 'cos that's all we can do] Jimmy: [making room for her as if this isn't a single bed lol] Janis: [at least you'll remember to be careful again and not hug him so hard, but then you're like oh, 'cos don't want to make it a Thingโ„ข again so 'sorry, if you think I was making it all about me'] Jimmy: [a noise like no that is not what we think because 1. the strength of how much we don't think that 2. what are words and just hugging her for the emphasis] Janis: [shrugs like it's okay but we're not gonna keep going like we don't believe him even if we lowkey don't] Jimmy: [just looking at her like ! 'I think it's more of a headfuck than you signed up for, nowt else'] Janis: [just looking like how do I even explain that that's not your fault and literally the last thing either of us should be concerned about because it does not matter, just shaking our head like nah] Jimmy: [playing with her hair cos it would've had snow on it recently because there is too much we wanna say about our feels and so much we feel like we can't say about our family situation] Janis: ['I CAN handle it' like trust me] Jimmy: ['me an' all' like same even though you lowkey can't] Janis: [soft kiss] Jimmy: [you can have some little kisses too gal like my boo loves] Janis: [just being the most soft] Jimmy: [you gotta] Janis: ['we're alright, yeah?'] Jimmy: [a nod because the emotions are still too high rn and I'm not letting you say shit thank you] Janis: [sigh of relief] Jimmy: [hugging you again cos we don't want you to leave] Janis: [you can stay here lads, the bubs will be alright and you'll hear if they ain't] Jimmy: [snuggle it's what you both need] Janis: [let 'em be for a hot sec] Jimmy: [mhmm] Janis: [what shall we do in the AM?] Jimmy: [make breakfast together for these bubs obvs because all the domestic bliss needed] Janis: [might have to trek to the shop to get supplies, that'll be an adventure] Jimmy: [maybe you can make them some kind of sledge because you're both crafty art hoes] Janis: [I bet there's some kind of tings in a caravan that would work, cannot think what exactly but we know the vibes, get creative] Jimmy: [I wouldn't have the first clue but you two would figure it out and you can get Cass to help she'd be into that] Janis: [as well as snowball fight and snowman making competition, which are 2 points we wanted to hit too] Jimmy: [love that and you can also make snow dogs for these bubs] Jimmy: [the question is should we let them have another night here before we send them back or is that too dangerous] Janis: [I think we should for the danger of it/to prove we can lol] Jimmy: [I'm down, just don't have another argument please] Janis: [hohaha, be good] Jimmy: [I have faith in you] Janis: [the only thing I've said you've done is baking/crafts so apart from that enjoy your snow/beach funtimes, you should also get chips for dinner, obvs] Jimmy: [yeah I'm trying to think if there's anything else they should do] Janis: [there's potential the kids have said more? because this is a whole long weekend and they don't know/care not to so, that's potentially something we need to know] Jimmy: [oh that's a good idea, is there any tea you want spilled] Janis: [hmm, she'd probably just KEEP talking about her parents like all the things she's been told about Edie specifically, so all that tea, just more than we've got out so far] Jimmy: [likewise can picture Bobby really driving home the point that he doesn't have a mum and like what he remembers about her being basically nothing so it'd be obvious they haven't seen her for ages not just since they moved] Janis: [poor babs, just bonding and JJ are here like and I OOP] Jimmy: [I hope Cass isn't around when you're spilling that tea bub cos she will be fuming] Janis: [that is potentially a thing unless he knows better by now lol] Jimmy: [this boy living his best life with his new bff deal with it Cass] Janis: [soz hen, you'll be hanging with your new mates as much as you can so we're probably fine] Jimmy: [getting all that arcade swag] Janis: [love that we're pretending we don't hear any of this clear drama lmao ly babes] Jimmy: [poor Jimothy having to just sign all this back and forth like] Janis: [I do think for a bit Libi would keep shouting like he'll hear her eventually 'cos she's only little so that'll be amusing/a time just screeching everything lowkey] Jimmy: [that's really pure babe I do stan you] Janis: [people like that's a loud child lollollol] Jimmy: [I hope you're not still shouting when you go home hun, hilarious as that would be] Janis: [mcvickers like lawd, she'll be showing them how to sign what she's learnt like just in case bobby comes round] Jimmy: [which he definitely will at some point, all the playdates forever] Janis: [fully gonna just try and take herself to Jimmy's all the time like no gal] Jimmy: [shows up at his door because they literally live that close to each other everyone like !!!???] Janis: [troublemaker baby] Jimmy: [do so love the edition of her to this lil family unit JJ are making here though, she really does add to it] Janis: [agreed, it's very cute, she'd probably have told him about how Astrid is technically her auntie but like a year younger 'cos that's wild to kids, so gonna get a sense of how messy this fam is lol] Jimmy: [and she doesn't talk either so Libi would be used to having to find ways to communicate with her too even though we know Ro be pretending there's no issue rn] Janis: [exactly dr phil, we all been knew and trying to work around it apart from ro lmao, just giving a lowdown on every auntie she has which would be amusing and probably a lowkey drag for some of y'all ladies, we know Janis and Billie are her faves] Jimmy: [I can wholeheartedly support those faves gal, Billie would always be doing the most for her and Astrid, fuck you Ro you dusty bitch, Bobby would love all this cos they lowkey have no fam] Janis: [take 'em for rides on your fancy wheelz, they'd love that, just like you can come meet them when we get back like okay JJ, all this is happening regardless, soz] Jimmy: [if she was here you'd have a bomb sledge hens she's probably built Libi and Astrid all kinds of things, Bobby will love all of Ali's animals and shit she has too, casual farm moment] Janis: [probably telling you every cats name too, poor Jimothy is gonna need a break lol] Jimmy: [unrelated but related do you think Ali would have space for any horses because I have all that Cass horse content] Janis: [I think it makes sense, I too have some gay horse content, like it wouldn't be a working farm but I think she'd have various farmyard animals just for the household] Jimmy: [yeah it made sense to me too, like your auntie vibes] Janis: [mhmm, and it could've been just land when we inherited it but she's swagged it up now she has more time/the kids aren't bubs etc] Jimmy: [Bobby just asking if they can have a kitten, Jimothy like NO] Janis: [I'm cackling, 'cos Libi like YEAH] Jimmy: [just like okay can we have a chicken/pony/donkey whatever else creatures there are, Jimothy like lawd] Janis: [just shoving the whole barn into your rental home, god bless you tiny fools] Jimmy: [and then Bobby obvs wants to phone Twix and Jimothy is just trying to distract him because we don't wanna phone Ian and he won't play along with this thank you] Janis: [distract y'all with an activity fast] Jimmy: [they could make dog treats, it's not very difficult] Janis: ]that's a good idea boo] Jimmy: [casual gift to these pups] Janis: [they'll enjoy that, kids and dogs, also can have a tea party for the toy pups lol] Jimmy: [so CUTE gonna say that Jimothy draws you a little comic strip or something about these pups kids] Jimmy: [I don't know what daily doodle you're getting today Janis, but something loved up for sure] Janis: [frankly, we're all living today hun] Jimmy: [do you wanna do this night like we did the one before with them chatting again or are we just saying it's a chill loved up vibe?] Janis: [hmm hmm hmm, let's do it, maybe we can be cute] Jimmy: [you start it then gal cos I did before] Janis: [on it sonic] Janis: ๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ’ช Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: come on, we bossed it Jimmy: no need to sound surprised Jimmy: just that kind of team Janis: not going to disagree Janis: ๐Ÿค 'til they ๐Ÿ˜ด aside Jimmy: don't wanna fight with you either, you're alright Janis: really? Janis: ๐Ÿ€ night Jimmy: unless you desperately wanna ๐ŸฅŠ with me, obvs Jimmy: can't turn you down then Janis: I'm gutted, obviously Janis: but I think I'll survive Jimmy: good Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ ain't happening til they're ๐Ÿ˜ด either Janis: that's a promise? Jimmy: depends Janis: ? Jimmy: do you want me to break it or keep it? Jimmy: 'cause they might not be asleep for ages Janis: ๐Ÿ˜’ Janis: should've laced the hot chocolates, you're right Jimmy: we'll have to go properly on the run if either of them ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ Jimmy: I'm in Janis: knew you would be Janis: you can break your promise then Jimmy: round 2 โ˜• coming up Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: warn me next time you plan on being so ๐Ÿ˜ yeah Jimmy: be loads of warnings Jimmy: never shut me up Janis: just say you aren't up to it, babe Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ถ Jimmy: Why would I lie to you, girl? Janis: well you don't need to shut up on my account Jimmy: I get it, you need ๐Ÿ”Š Janis: needs a big word Jimmy: is it? Janis: don't you think? Jimmy: that's not an answer Janis: I know what I want Janis: you'll have to convince me on need Jimmy: alright Janis: not mad about it if you aren't Jimmy: Why wouldn't I be? Janis: it's been a pretty knackering day being the ๐Ÿ˜Ž brother and translator Jimmy: *standard Jimmy: nowt if not used to all that Janis: alright, show-off Janis: you're ๐Ÿฅ‡ we get it Jimmy: you've done alright an' all, don't be ๐Ÿ’” Janis: don't worry Janis: not a title I'm after, I know I'm not that good Jimmy: how do you? Janis: I don't do half as much with Libi Janis: or for her Jimmy: she still reckons you're ๐Ÿฅ‡ I had to translate her going on and on about it Janis: don't act like it was a chore ๐Ÿ˜˜ Jimmy: you just said it were Jimmy: make up your mind, Jules Janis: no I never Jimmy: knackering, I think it were Janis: that's looking after this lot Janis: not hyping me up Janis: that's a privilege, DUH Jimmy: so funny, you Janis: oi Jimmy: what? Jimmy: you wanted a compliment Janis: say it like you mean it, boy Jimmy: [writes it on her how he did the other day] Janis: [try not to lol 'cos we know you ticklish and ๐Ÿ˜ณ] Jimmy: [go over it again like look how much I mean this, soz gal] Janis: [just wriggling away like staph] Janis: you're such a pisstake Jimmy: what, you still don't believe me? Janis: I believe you Janis: don't tickle me again or I will have to get you back Janis: been warned Jimmy: [obviously does by writing how? as in how will you get me back?] Janis: ['scuse us for our lols children, I hope you're sleepy enough that this doesn't devolve into an entire group tickle fight lmao] Janis: [but the LOOK will speak for us regardless] Jimmy: [always gonna give you a LOOK back] Janis: [smile at him too, like we can't even help it] Jimmy: [of course you're getting one back too because that kind of thing is infectious but also ๐Ÿ˜ because her smile is always cute] Janis: you're fit Jimmy: you Janis: you x2 Jimmy: you ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ† Janis: you're being very giving with the ๐Ÿ†s lately Jimmy: and what? Janis: maybe I think I should do more to earn 'em Jimmy: I might reckon you have Janis: I can do better Jimmy: go on then Janis: wait Jimmy: but Janis: blame them Janis: [pisstakey evils at the children] Jimmy: [just mime killing them in all the ways boy] Janis: when we get back Janis: you'll give me some alone time before you go Jimmy: that a question or an order? Janis: a ? would be polite, I guess Jimmy: don't sound like you, that Janis: cheek Jimmy: I'll give you owt you want, since you asked Janis: *nicely Jimmy: you could do better Janis: ['please' in his ear 'cos deserved after the tickling] Jimmy: [bite your lip please sir because we all know that affected you very much but the children don't need to] Janis: [pleased with ourselves dot com] Janis: better? Jimmy: it'll do for now Janis: gutted they're too young to leave in the arcade as well Jimmy: or chuck out in the snow Janis: it is melting a bit Janis: can go back tomorrow Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’” Janis: not saying it to ๐Ÿ’” now Jimmy: ๐Ÿคž I ain't gonna start ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ now Janis: you'd never Janis: too ๐Ÿ˜Ž Jimmy: too northern Janis: same Jimmy: SO much in common, us Janis: Does that mean we ain't star-crossed enough? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Jimmy: it'll mean the #haters have to work harder at it Jimmy: Bill's gonna be chuffed to bits with that Janis: true enough Janis: if you're still here when school starts, Lucas is ready and waiting Jimmy: do you reckon he got any new ties for christmas? Janis: from who? the ex Janis: unlikely, that bitch Jimmy: ๐ŸŽ… DUH Jimmy: bound to be best mates Jimmy: both into having kids on their laps Janis: ugh Janis: ๐ŸŽ… gonna have snitched about us Jimmy: be about right Jimmy: fucking dickhead Janis: ๐Ÿ’” Janis: no presents no more lift offers Jimmy: only the full orchestra following you round Jimmy: poor baby Janis: tell me about it Janis: gonna be depressing as fuck Jimmy: can't have that Jimmy: you're my โ˜€ Janis: ๐Ÿ”ซ the ๐Ÿฅ for me Jimmy: what? Janis: don't orchestras have drummers? Janis: ๐ŸŽน๐ŸŽป then Jimmy: bit weird that you went right for him ๐ŸŽฏ Janis: so #notlikeothergirls of me Jimmy: not knowing if he exists Jimmy: might be a copout of you Janis: just meant he ain't the lead singer but yeah Janis: ask Pete Jimmy: can't be, that's you Janis: well I am my own favourite person but no need to spread that about Jimmy: can't do that either, your fav's meant to be me Janis: hang on Janis: I'll post something to that effect Janis: [do] Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Jimmy: [have a little socials flirting sesh to further ramp up the tension that's always there] Janis: [you're always about that kids] Jimmy: โ˜•? Janis: if you mean tea Janis: I'll ๐Ÿคฎ if I have another hot chocolate Janis: and the gals aren't here to impress Jimmy: ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿช? Janis: fuck off ๐Ÿ˜ Jimmy: [IRL ๐Ÿ˜] Janis: [just checking him out whilst he makes tea so casually] Jimmy: [will do the lingering touch when he gives it to her cos we're in a rom com] Janis: I get it, you miss work SO much Jimmy: nowt to do with missing you Janis: don't be silly Jimmy: ๐Ÿค Janis: insensitive to suggest we deafen her too? ๐Ÿคท Jimmy: she has done every other dickhead Janis: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Janis: only fair Jimmy: [mime some ways you can deafen this poor bub] Janis: [trying not to IRL ๐Ÿ˜‚] Jimmy: [trying not to be ๐Ÿ˜ af because she's the cutest] Janis: face'll get stuck like that Jimmy: already stuck as ๐Ÿ˜’ Janis: exactly Janis: don't ruin it Jimmy: know how much you're into ๐Ÿฅบ though Jimmy: [does it] Janis: [pinching his bottom lip between her finger and thumb like she's so ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ™„ but there's no hiding the truth hen] Jimmy: [once again running his thumb across her bottom lip because we don't need a reason] Janis: [holding his hand but squeezing it first 'cos must] Jimmy: [drawing a ! on her hand because we get it] Janis: you're Jimmy: [drawing a really slow ? as we give her a LOOK] Janis: [shaking our head, like I can't] Jimmy: [draw a ๐Ÿ—จ like tell me] Janis: all things considered Janis: this has been alright Jimmy: yeah Janis: I mean it Jimmy: me an' all Janis: [looking away 'cos we're so overwhelmed and ๐Ÿฅฐ] Jimmy: [kiss her because likewise] Janis: [don't hate children] Jimmy: [we know you ship it] Janis: [reminds me, Libi probably saying something so embarrassing about 'when they get married' like gal shut up but never do] Jimmy: [about to sob because they will and you can be a bridesmaid gal even though you'll be a teen by then] Janis: [so nice, 'cos Edie wouldn't have been old enough for a proper one which is sad, at least she'd start going on about hers and Bobby's so y'all don't need to feel too awks lol] Jimmy: [break my heart boo cos yeah they would've been engaged but she was but a child still so no actual wedding for y'all] Janis: [she was only 16 for like 2 months so even if Ali had agreed] Janis: [omg hang on] Janis: [what if she did 'cos like, end of the day, make your own mistakes etc and who is she to say no 'cos Cali lmao but technically Drew could be considered to have 'parental responsibility' if he's been paying which let's say he has, it seems wishy-washy but if he was like NO, 'cos just show up to do the least last minute is such a vibe for him, I think it'd count 'cos you need both parents if you have 2] Jimmy: [I love that and we must because it was like OG Cali vibes to have an underage teen wedding moment] Janis: [like so sorry do not need to be creating drama last minute in your life but also it makes sense, because as much as it's like who tf are you, it'd be conflicting because she's only wanted a dad and for him to care this whole time so] Jimmy: [soz not soz about how happy this makes me and Libi will have that wedding video to go with all the others she has] Janis: [it just makes sense that they'd try, obviously, that Ali would say yes even if she's got the reservations she has, so yeah, anyway, that's not to do with y'all lmao I just had a thought] Jimmy: [gutted this isn't Ali's caravan cos there would've been a whole dressing up box for you bubs if it were] Janis: [you can have a fake wedding when you are home lol] Jimmy: [for now make some paper doll bride and grooms that'll keep you busy] Janis: [burn that evidence, Tess is gonna be horrified, like what's this about ANOTHER teen wedding] Jimmy: [honestly this fam do make me cackle] Janis: [not enough time has passed since ruster getting married at 18 we're all triggered lmao] Jimmy: [would Edie's be before theirs or after? I get so confused] Janis: [hmm, let me think, theirs would be about 34...which is when Libi is born, so yeah, Edie is about 15 so it's the year before, 'cos obviously they get married like RIGHT before they die in 35] Janis: [talk about a YEAR for the fam, hi I'm having a baby @ 14 and hi I'm getting married to my cousin @ 18 oh and I'm also going to get pregnant] Jimmy: [we are so wild I love us] Janis: [if anyone's kids would, it is Alison's but omg, we're shooketh, not to mention we cripple Billie, then the Junior baby drama...no one getting out unscathed] Jimmy: [and now we've got jj triggering everyone and Grace out here about to also think she's a teen mum for a hot sec] Janis: [this is why everyone chats shit about y'all, but imagine the lowkey weird guilt 'cos nothing does happen to the twins really, aside from the obvious, but it's bad enough this all happens in your fam and then everyone won't shut up about it like] Janis: [also Nancy and Ava by that extension 'cos Buster embroils himself in it all and the Chloe and James of it] Jimmy: [that's why Grace is how she is guys, this fam and shit nan ruining her life lowkey] Janis: [when you can't complain 'cos it's like um well Edie's dead and Billie is crippled for life so bye, hence Janis just does as she pleases and is a bitch to everyone 'cos call her a troublemaker and whatever then, like fine, it's better than trying to deal and act like you're #grateful and #blessed] Janis: [and that's all the drama that's yet to come out, oh guys] Jimmy: [I'm gonna go re-read what I said about Jimothy's ex on the school trip because only time she's been mentioned and maybe tone that situation down depending what I've committed to because the cali fam is a LOT] Janis: [I remember the basic vibe was pregnant and with her dad's friend but yeah, go look] Jimmy: [yeah but hopefully I haven't gone in mentioning that so far and we can be like โŒ] Janis: [yeah, even if it was just a lad her own age-ish and preggo now, 'cos it may have even been 2 kids and they're only 15 now so] Jimmy: [I think we've got away with implying she's a very messy bitch who has now changed her ways at least somewhat so that's fine because I don't think I've mentioned her in any of the festive convos] Janis: [we'll let you live gal] Jimmy: [anyway we've been derailed] Janis: [truly, y'all want to settle these children down again tah] Janis: ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ Jimmy: [get in your little den bubs] Jimmy: *๐Ÿฅฑ๐Ÿฅฑ Jimmy: ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž Janis: Ideal Janis: just saying, not going to their wedding Jimmy: we'll be long ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ mate, don't worry Janis: not if she makes herself a loo roll veil and has done with it Janis: poor Bobby has had no say in the matter Jimmy: ain't seen him shake his head Janis: such a romantic Jimmy: Dunno where either of 'em get that from Janis: dread to think Jimmy: no need to ๐Ÿ’ญ about owt that isn't #goals, you're alright Janis: ๐Ÿคต๐Ÿ‘ฐ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿคข Jimmy: don't fancy the look of your new scale much Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: not a question I'd even fake pop, don't be ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Jimmy: not even if every dickhead but me ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ?! Jimmy: so ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฅ‡ you Janis: even if I had fuck all, you wouldn't be getting half of it Jimmy: keep your ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ” I get it Janis: you don't whore for those tips for nothing, yeah Jimmy: in the job description, that Janis: why else would you apply Jimmy: my โ˜•๐ŸŽจ going unappreciated in this lifetime is an #ultimatekink Janis: of course Janis: ๐Ÿ’” fuels your craft Jimmy: ๐Ÿ–‹โœŽ๐Ÿ–Œ๐Ÿ”ช๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿ”จ๐Ÿช“ Janis: ๐Ÿฅฑ to ๐Ÿคค Jimmy: massive scale that one Janis: one time speed is impressive Janis: have it Jimmy: if you ain't bringing up either of us being ๐Ÿฅ‡ at driving Janis: that aside Janis: ๐Ÿƒ too Janis: not where my ๐Ÿง  was obvs Jimmy: tah for not wanting to piss off Jimmy: mine's not on ๐ŸŽจ at this very minute so I ain't after the ๐Ÿ’” Janis: ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ Jimmy: ? or ! Janis: bit of both Janis: request and an order Jimmy: come here then Janis: [a look like dare I/do I but also a LOOK obvs] Jimmy: [giving a LOOK back always] Janis: [get snuggled in this den moment best you can without disturbing the kiddos] Jimmy: [being as sneaky as we can cos don't need these kids getting extra about your rom com life again but pulling her into his lap, injury be damned because we miss it] Janis: [missed it too and our expression would say as much] Jimmy: [it's been forever like literally pub crawl was the last time] Janis: [upsetting and rude, frankly] Jimmy: [it really is, excuse you Ian] Janis: [thank god she's skinny if tall, not gonna kill you] Jimmy: [gotta do what we gotta do cos shameless fave thing ever] Janis: [just drawing doodles all over his arm with her finger] Jimmy: [playing with her hair while she does] Janis: [we're happy and that always scares us ah] Jimmy: [likewise, oh lads] Janis: [go on your phone and see about the NYE party you aren't gonna get to go to and show him like] Jimmy: [ooh good idea boo] Janis: [are we saying it's at Mia's or did I imagine that] Jimmy: [I think we did to make it more of a thing that they don't go, because we all know Mia literally never hosts a function like it's only this all year] Janis: [so it would be such a to-do for the flat whites 'cos lord knows you've not got the reps you think you have ladies] Jimmy: [yeah exactly and we know her and Pablo are over/on the rocks so she'd be even more extra about it] Janis: [thankful we miss it tbh] Jimmy: [hard same and not just cos I love the drama] Janis: [its all the drama mick, we know it'll be a terrible party but yes, rn you can plan how you're gonna slay it if you wanna] Jimmy: Go on, how are we topping ๐ŸŽ„ with them? Janis: already done ๐Ÿ˜‡ Janis: so it'll have to be ๐ŸŒŸ Jimmy: I thought you were gonna say ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Janis: also a possibility Janis: this party is one of the only way she has of winning + at this point Janis: how do we really ruin it for - Jimmy: where's her dad? be real hell for him, this Janis: some beach in the Caribbean Janis: he couldn't miss that to continue her punishment Janis: ๐Ÿ’” he don't care as much as you thought, babe Jimmy: still probably won't take much to get him back Jimmy: that lass ain't had another go at a party since we fucked up hers Janis: he is with her mother so fuck knows how he manages to have a good time Janis: assumedly it's one giant swingers convention or whatever Janis: true, I wanna do it worse though Janis: more personal, just need to ๐Ÿ’ญ how Jimmy: what I'm hearing is you want me to ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ them for you Janis: like the sound of that Jimmy: so say it and I'll do it Janis: that's how it works, yeah Jimmy: you can have owt you're after from me, you know it works like that Janis: only if we post it Jimmy: you've got my permission to hold my ๐Ÿ“ท while I've got the ๐Ÿ”ช Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: can't promise quality Jimmy: what are you promising? Janis: you know what Jimmy: don't get more top quality than ๐Ÿฅ‡ Janis: whatever you want Janis: that's what I'll give you Jimmy: I just want Janis: go on Jimmy: [kiss her please because I'm not going to let you say something extra right now] Janis: [intense silent kisses ftw rn] Jimmy: [I do hope these children are asleep because silent is not his forte for very long] Janis: [we'll give you that, as Libi has already rinsed you lol] Jimmy: [and keeps spilling all the fam tea] Janis: [gotta let you have something lads or you'll go cray] Jimmy: [and we're ruining it all for you soon] Janis: [ugh shit nan, soz not soz you're getting floored hen] Jimmy: [honestly wish it was worse cos so deserved] Janis: [as if this is the time for you to drag up Caleb's drama, like didn't even mention he had to go and get killed, like ffs] Jimmy: [hopefully Ali will ban you from the gaff because we're all sick of your shit my love] Janis: [we were humouring you to be nice but like, no] Jimmy: [the amount of chances she's already given you through the years, dread to think tbh] Janis: [we all know she gives too many, like she never banned either Caleb or Drew from seeing their kids or being involved, she's not that bitch if she doesn't have to be] Jimmy: [likewise with Joe and Ronnie, nothing if not consistent and I love you gal] Janis: [and ro lbr] Jimmy: [the tea] Janis: [oh rosaline, this do not be about you though, again, off topic] Jimmy: [I wanna say he's thought of something to ruin this party we don't get to go to because we just wanna give the bae everything she wants but I don't know what] Janis: [we can because as it won't get to come to fruition, we can be vague lol, just kissing him even harder] Jimmy: [how intensely we're doing literally everything rn because the feels are so high] Janis: ['we need to go' when you mean to the bedroom but that just comes out that dramatically lol, obviously we're whispering 'cos if you wake up now lmao] Jimmy: [try not to fall over the obstacle course of all the stuff these children have left everywhere because we all know you're gonna kiss the whole way there because forever a cliche] Janis: [as funny as that would be, one of you is injured and the other has only just recovered so be careful tah] Jimmy: [and you'd be fuming if you got cockblocked rn, we don't need another argument happening between anyone] Janis: [Cass I hope you're out or otherwise entertained 'cos yeah] Jimmy: [maybe you're asleep too tbf because we never get any at home and you've been busy having friends and living your best life] Janis: [let's go with it, we're all content] Jimmy: [hook up to your heart's content lads we'll be sending you back in the morning] Janis: [so you'll be going back 28th, just so we know where we are] Jimmy: [thank god you can work things out properly my boo] Janis: [gives us a few days to do with what we want so that's nice] Jimmy: [is there anything else on the list or have we done it all?] Janis: [the only things we have is Twix being ill and one of Asia's sisters having a bday party, we could do Twix in this period, can't really do a party between xmas and ny even they're not that dumb] Jimmy: [we should do that bday party when she gets back and things are really awkward between them because Bobby can be like I want Libi to come with me because they thing they are in love rn] Janis: [yeah, and they could fuck with Asia and when have they needed much more than a flimsy excuse so] Jimmy: [that was my thought, an excuse to get them back together that isn't just school] Janis: [think that was the plan, we can skip to when they're back if you'd like, don't think this has been that long] Jimmy: [I know we always say that but it shouldn't have actually been that long this time lol] Janis: [we alright, also back home and separated] Janis: everyone's sufficiently sure we haven't permanently damaged the kid here so ๐Ÿ† Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Jimmy: Ian ain't gonna give me no ๐Ÿ† Jimmy: no longer the season Janis: and his nice act was SO convincing Jimmy: IKR Janis: ๐Ÿ™„ if I needed acting lessons Janis: which I don't Jimmy: you're in luck there 'cause my mum'd be the one for it putting up with his bollocks for as long as she bothered Jimmy: but about as likely as him chucking out the welcome wagon for us Janis: Shame Janis: better not tell him about the wedding Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ก ๐Ÿคฌ all 'round Jimmy: the ๐Ÿ’ฐ saver of making it a double might do something about that but with how you feel about sharing Jimmy: it'd be you fuming Janis: look like we'd hired mini-mes Jimmy: bit of a mix up with yours Janis: it happens Janis: get what you pay for ๐ŸŽป Jimmy: she's spot on with matching your โ˜€ personality, babe Jimmy: nowt else matters Janis: low Janis: don't compare me to a toddler ๐Ÿ˜‚ Jimmy: work on her volume ๐Ÿค and no dickhead'll know the difference Janis: you're gonna talk big now I can't do nothing about it Janis: twat Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: doing my bit so you ain't ๐Ÿ’” missing us Janis: very thoughtful Janis: I'll be buzzing to sleep in a proper bed on my own Jimmy: just that kind of twat, me Janis: I know Janis: how many treats he given the dog then? Jimmy: come on, none of us can count that high Jimmy: need you for that Janis: I'll have to come see you then Jimmy: won't let you ๐Ÿ˜ด heard you about wanting your own bed Janis: it's not that good, honestly Janis: but you know Jimmy: sounded alright to me, might just be the no kid ๐Ÿ’ญ๐Ÿ’ก though Janis: yeah Janis: unlucky Janis: least you won't have to make a fort every night Jimmy: depends how ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ญ๐ŸŽป he gets missing her Jimmy: might have to do all sorts of bollocks Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: tin can phone might actually work from that distance and with her volume Jimmy: dinner and tonight's crafts โœ” Janis: caravan life makes you so resourceful Jimmy: โ›บ๏ธ next? Janis: calm down bear grylls Jimmy: only answer to daddy ๐Ÿป or baby when you INSIST on a compromise Janis: well, baby Janis: imagine the previous 2 nights, in a tent, with no room to hide Jimmy: all of it or just the bits I wanna ๐Ÿ’ญ? Janis: the bits you wanna wouldn't have a lot of hope of repeating, is my point Janis: unless yours is making dog treats was your fave Jimmy: OBVS Janis: dickhead Jimmy: time of my life that were, think about it constant, no room for nowt else but ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿช Janis: yeah, you do LOVE that dog Janis: fair enough Janis: you two go on your camping holibobs Jimmy: bit rude you're not coming, but alright Janis: no room Jimmy: loads under the โญs girl Janis: ๐Ÿคฉ Janis: tents are for pussies Jimmy: it's a yeah now then? Janis: just us? Janis: and the ๐Ÿ• Janis: bit unfair to call the kids pussies but probably more unfair to make 'em rough it like that Jimmy: reckon I'll just leave the ๐Ÿ• with our kid, so he's not as ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ญ๐ŸŽป you reckon he's not ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜Ž Jimmy: it's a ๐Ÿ‘ถ an' all Janis: I never slagged him off Janis: he's alright Janis: just Jimmy: just us Janis: yeah Janis: and all the โญs Bill knows the names of Jimmy: he'd have me name them after all the ones I've got for you Janis: why the pricks not invited Jimmy: keep it between us that we're even going Janis: ๐Ÿ—ข๐Ÿ”’ Jimmy: til we get there Jimmy: ๐Ÿ—จ๐Ÿ”Š then if you want Janis: *need Janis: least we get to christen Mia's bed this party Jimmy: ๐Ÿคž we find her diary an' all Janis: can put it on the site Janis: the good bits, anyway Jimmy: trash her room since she was so chuffed the last time Janis: wonder if daddy keeps anything incriminating about the house Jimmy: he'll have an office Jimmy: dickheads who spend every minute at work always do Janis: yeah, I know the sort Janis: and keeping it locked'd be too suspicious Jimmy: piss easy Jimmy: where on the scale'll ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘‘ end up if we christen his desk an' all? Janis: I'd guess ๐Ÿ˜ฉ ๐Ÿฅบ ๐Ÿ˜ข ๐Ÿ˜ญ but we'll see 'cos I know where I am Jimmy: go on Janis: guess first Jimmy: or what? Janis: I won't tell ya Janis: play the game Jimmy: you're ๐Ÿ˜ณ Janis: close Janis: ๐Ÿคฏ you keep having such good ideas Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ฃ it ain't tonight Jimmy: might have a ๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿ’ก for tonight if you play nicely yourself Janis: how do I do that? Jimmy: do you need me to tell you? Jimmy: done a top job of it without that Janis: might be part of the fun Jimmy: I dunno what fun we're having yet, just that Ian'll have had an easy go of it while we were gone Janis: bet it was well hard for him to act like he gave a shit you was gone for longer Janis: plenty of ways to get to the truth of it Jimmy: can't promise you'll ๐Ÿ‘€โญ's but there'll be ๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ‡ Janis: I'm in Jimmy: we should be out first, dunno why I'm pissing about here when he is to chuck the kids at Janis: there is loads for Bobby to tell him Jimmy: and my sister to go on about an' all Jimmy: and there's this Jimmy: [evidence of whatever carnage Twix has caused] Janis: ๐Ÿ™Œ Janis: told you she was on side Jimmy: [evidence of how much she's wilding because they are back and she is lowkey scared of Ian] Jimmy: Dunno about that, doing my head in already, her Janis: n'awh Janis: shut up you ๐Ÿ’˜ it Jimmy: sounds and feels right fake Janis: then you're used to it Jimmy: you coming out or what? Janis: you reckon that's how Romeo got invited up the balcony mate Jimmy: no hot chocolate included in my invite, what more to do you want, Jules? Jimmy: ๐ŸŒน? Janis: yeah Janis: love ๐Ÿ’€ things Jimmy: chuck me off the balcony then Janis: don't tease me, baby Jimmy: I mean it Janis: where do you wanna meet Jimmy: where are you? Janis: still at my grandparents so Jimmy: Alright, hang on Janis: where do you wanna go Jimmy: where do you? Janis: I don't care Jimmy: it don't matter Janis: yeah Janis: it really don't Jimmy: just don't let Libi see us Janis: I'll come out Janis: she's not taking over again tah Jimmy: I'll warm you up Janis: I'm not scared, remember Jimmy: yeah Janis: but you can Jimmy: if I don't I know what will do Janis: scare me? Jimmy: ๐ŸŒก Janis: bighead ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: not not true though Jimmy: you and your one track ๐Ÿง  sweetheart Janis: Bill ain't invited Janis: don't need to pretend Jimmy: Oi, I've got a ๐ŸŽ for you and it ain't just ๐Ÿ†๐ŸŽ€ Janis: what you done that for Janis: not christmas no more Jimmy: ๐ŸŽ…'s for life Jimmy: so's pissing off Ian Janis: oh, go ahead ๐Ÿพ Jimmy: [show up boy because she's not far and hand over what you've stolen from Ian's replenished stash and I'm gonna say one of the bottles has a post it stuck to it with today's doodle which is like something to do with them stargazing obvs] Janis: [take the bottle and stick the post it on his head whilst you take a swig 'did he find his car or what' 'cos we left it somewhere then dipped so] Jimmy: [stick it on her back like excuse you it's for you when you take the bottle to take your own swig and then nearly choke cos you're loling because he hasn't because I see no reason why he would have considering where they left it and he knows nothing about Janis or where she lives] Janis: [stick it on the back of your phone or something to keep it safe, shaking our head and smirking because it's funny but also 'what's your long term plan?'] Jimmy: [shrugs 'depends' like it's so casual and we don't think about how much we hate Ian constantly lol] Janis: ['yeah, depends if he takes it to the police' kicking a stone as we walk 'we'd both be seen in it on CCTV' shrugs 'you probably want to return it or make sure someone worse takes it now'] Jimmy: ['he's not that kind of dickhead' because he isn't lbr 'he can have it back before he's in work again, don't need him hanging about having a longer holiday'] Janis: [nods like good 'glad you have a plan' and a look like NEVER had one of them before lollol] Jimmy: [a look like are you because we know we're all thinking about if this plan works and he has to leave] Janis: [shrugging it off 'not getting arrested for you' and quickening our step so we're a beat ahead] Jimmy: [๐Ÿ’” mime before she gets ahead of us and lighting a ๐Ÿšฌ when she is] Janis: ['bit rude' when you're not offered one immediately] Jimmy: [pull her back a step like it was rude of you to walk off and so you can light one for her in a saucy and intimate manner] Janis: [this ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜ฃ truly I shan't elaborate] Jimmy: [a look like what even though we know] Janis: [taking the bottle back like that's what] Jimmy: [writes a ? in the condensation on the bottle because we like being annoying] Janis: [rubs it out and uses said condensation to draw a cross on his forehead] Jimmy: [that's cold and ticklish so we gotta retaliate by putting our forehead to hers OBVS even though we literally could have done a million other things] Janis: [the effort of NOT kissing him right now just to prove a point] Jimmy: [when you could just kiss her but you want her to do it so you're just doing the thing where you pull her closer to you even though you're already close af] Janis: [can't even LOOK at him you're that close, just this bottle between 'em] Jimmy: [you can lick your lips though boy and you shall] Janis: [bite your own like how dare you] Jimmy: [pull her hair like how dare YOU and also to bring her even closer] Janis: [noise between a gasp and you know what] Jimmy: [getting one back always] Janis: ['why'd you have to-' but interrupting ourself to kiss him finally] Jimmy: [have an intense makeout sesh for a bit] Janis: [idk where you are randomly in the street tis the season] Jimmy: [they blatantly are and I love that for you] Janis: [always the vibe, always the mood] Jimmy: [trying to think of somewhere you could go even though neither of you actually care] Janis: [oh the places you can't go when you're a teen or lowkey ever, just chillin'] Jimmy: [would love if there was somewhere you could go 'camping' for a little moment but idk] Janis: [there's always the park but yeah literally idk where else] Jimmy: [everywhere else would probably be a trek sadly] Janis: [maybe you can go cali house way, there's ample camping space there but probably not tonight luvs] Jimmy: [put a pin in that dream] Janis: [emotions too high rn] Jimmy: [rn and forever tbh] Janis: [we're not okay but also the best we've been in forever, very confusing lmao] Jimmy: [we know he's in exactly the same boat and that's why you are #fated] Janis: [what a time] Janis: [you should probably have to go properly home at some point tonight gal] Jimmy: [can't avoid it forever we haven't moved you in yet] Janis: [and you have been gone since boxing day so your mother would kinda exist hen] Jimmy: [yeah exactly and you don't hate her as much now she's a sassy single mum so] Janis: [yeah we're not thrilled by it all but we are gonna be running away soon so we'll give you a hot sec fam] Jimmy: [you can't be together always lads it's too dangerous because of all the shit we can't let you say] Janis: [plus Junie hasn't made an appearance this year so you all have to go a bit harder than normal soz] Jimmy: [that whole shitshow is very fresh] Janis: [mhmm, it's very recent lmao, and Caleb and honestly Edie, oh the mess, god sake shit nan why] Jimmy: [we're all struggling, not to mention we said that Carly died around this time of year so Ali really doesn't need this shit nan] Janis: [sad times all round honey] Jimmy: [remind me to decide when Jimothy's mum went missing in terms of that anniversary because I've not] Janis: [noted] Janis: [enjoy that bus gal] Janis: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Janis: ๐Ÿค– Jimmy: if the driver ain't human, it ain't me you wanna be telling Janis: you with your facebook ma ๐Ÿ‘ Janis: the driver is deffo human, can smell him from here Jimmy: piss off Jimmy: might be trying to get a lift to anywhere Janis: not quite the midnight train Jimmy: can't be bothered to wait that long Janis: let me know how anywhere is Jimmy: no need Jimmy: you can have the ๐Ÿ‘Ž now Janis: oh, it is you Janis: ๐Ÿ˜’ Jimmy: who else were you after? Janis: checking you weren't ๐Ÿค– Janis: or ๐Ÿ‘ต Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ด Jimmy: soz to ๐Ÿ’” you Janis: why would that ๐Ÿ’” me Janis: my type, no Jimmy: you've had to piss off, for a start Janis: I'll survive Janis: have to pick up all the farmyard critters your brother ordered anyway Jimmy: tah for that Janis: you're welcome Janis: ๐Ÿค  Jimmy: ๐Ÿคž there's no room left for Ian Janis: maybe in the shed Janis: if he's lucky Jimmy: the trampoline's a good shout Janis: ๐Ÿค” might be too much fun Jimmy: with his back? Nah mate ๐ŸŽป๐ŸŽป Janis: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Janis: least he doesn't have the ๐Ÿ‘ต bladder Jimmy: he's welcome that we keep nicking his stash Janis: I appreciated my gift Janis: even if it weren't ๐Ÿ†๐ŸŽ€ Jimmy: far as street corners go, didn't reckon that one were ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ Janis: I weren't gonna tip you Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ต๐Ÿ‘œ๐Ÿ’ฐ Janis: she was not gonna get involved Janis: watch, maybe Jimmy: that's what I said Jimmy: different street maybe Janis: well it's pretty rude you can't perform without a big audience Jimmy: never said that Janis: hmm Jimmy: weren't asking for a review either but alright Janis: not giving one don't worry Jimmy: it's the fans who'll be dead relieved Janis: that we don't hoe it up on street corners? Janis: as they weren't there with ๐Ÿ“ฑs out, probably Jimmy: that and you don't reckon I'm always ready to perform Janis: I'd never say that Jimmy: you did Janis: not to the fans Jimmy: you're alright, not my own biggest one Janis: yeah right Janis: your head is the the only one to maybe rival mine in size Jimmy: don't sound like me, that Jimmy: dunno which ๐Ÿ‘ต or ๐Ÿค– you're on about Janis: you aren't shy Jimmy: you got a scale for that an' all? Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ถ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿคฎ Janis: something like that Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒน Janis: I know you're ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: but I'll ๐Ÿค Jimmy: you Janis: you reckon? Jimmy: duh Janis: pretty nice Janis: could've gone ๐Ÿ˜ฒ Jimmy: still time for you to change my mind if you're that ๐Ÿ’” Janis: you like calling me scared, is all Janis: I'd go for ๐Ÿ™ƒ Janis: very dead in the eyes Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘'s a bit strong Janis: yeah, it's an exclusive list Jimmy: obvs your ๐Ÿ‘€ are on it Janis: just my eyes? Jimmy: you reckon I never answer questions, what makes you think I'll do that one? Janis: miss 100% the shots you don't take, babe Janis: worth one, like Jimmy: I get it, you miss your coach and teammates Janis: coach is a bit much for the PE teacher who oversees all the girl's teams Janis: but whatever fantasy you're having, go off Jimmy: it's your ๐Ÿ’ญ๐Ÿ’• Janis: fuck off is it Jimmy: SUCH a #lad I only know about ๐Ÿฅค shots Janis: we're pretending you're a jock now Janis: okay, catching up Janis: ๐Ÿ“ธโŒ Jimmy: Bill will be fuming if we start performing Grease Janis: such a snob Janis: loves the limelight way too much, that one Jimmy: you'll have to picture me in short shorts on your own time Janis: when I'm not thinking about my teammates, I'll give it a ๐Ÿ’ญ๐Ÿ’• Jimmy: brb ๐Ÿ’ญ about the wrestling bit of the montage ๐Ÿคผ๐Ÿ’• Janis: pervert Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜˜ Janis: ๐Ÿ™„ Jimmy: Oi, what happened to whatever fantasy I were having, crack on? Janis: I can't help not being a lesbian Janis: you'll have to keep it in your head, won't you Jimmy: UGH fine Janis: you're such a twat Jimmy: SO complimentary today, you Janis: yeah, warn me if you want to screenshot and I'll bother Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘Œ Janis: Whatever Janis: talk to you later Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: cool Jimmy: is it? Janis: 'course Janis: I've got nothing to say about this bus, you're chatting shit Jimmy: bit rude Janis: is it? Jimmy: how isn't it? Janis: Some things my one track mind ain't interested in Jimmy: meaning what? Janis: just stop taking the piss Jimmy: alright Janis: sorry, I'm not in the mood Jimmy: What's wrong? Janis: just Janis: the lesbian shit Janis: I know you were joking but don't Jimmy: It's my homoerotic scene not yours, you're not Danny Zuko, soz girl Janis: alright, foreign exchange student Jimmy: I'm not into firing shots that'll actually wound you Jimmy: blanks are ๐Ÿ‘ด perks Janis: alright Janis: let you off then Jimmy: ๐Ÿคž? Jimmy: no point you being fuming if I can't see how fit you look Janis: going home is shit Janis: know you already have Jimmy: I've not Janis: you've not? Jimmy: there's every point Ian being fuming and he won't be if I'm about to ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿƒ or babysit Janis: where are you gonna go Janis: for the forseeable Jimmy: what kind of question is that? Janis: Come on Janis: I wouldn't have gone yet Janis: if you'd said Jimmy: that'll be why I didn't Janis: you're going to be bored Janis: and cold Jimmy: I'm northern Janis: now I seem like a total dick, right Jimmy: you went 'cause you had to Janis: least all the pubs are open Jimmy: ๐Ÿป Jimmy: I'll find some ๐Ÿ‘ด mates Janis: yeah Janis: you will, right Janis: or go church, ALWAYS open, you know Jimmy: Jesus IS my BFF Janis: exactly Janis: keep you warm Jimmy: bit of ๐Ÿ™'ll do that Janis: ah, the homoeroticism strikes again Jimmy: nowt warmer than hell fire, babe Janis: I'll see you there still Janis: loads of ways to get in Jimmy: alright, but I only wanna see you if you recreate your angel outfit Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ˆ is a fallen angel Janis: he'll allow it Jimmy: chuffed to bits to know he'll be a fan Jimmy: loads of ours won't make it down Janis: they lack the imagination Janis: ๐Ÿ’” Jimmy: what they lack would be a massive list Jimmy: I'd bother telling you what else I like before I did them bulletpoints Janis: ๐Ÿฅง๐Ÿบ๐Ÿฅ”๐Ÿ‘€ Janis: I can keep up Jimmy: ain't you who's illiterate Janis: welcome for the pictures Janis: you can give me one more, for being nice Jimmy: ๐Ÿšฌ Janis: copout but fine Janis: add it to the list Jimmy: you never said it had to be one you didn't know Janis: didn't say it was a cheat Janis: just a bit...lazy? rude? idk Jimmy: I dunno what emoji I would do for what you smell like without making it weird 1. ๐Ÿ‘ƒ? 2. ๐Ÿฝ? Janis: can't believe the emoji library has let you down like this Janis: ๐Ÿฝ is cuter, less creepy, anyway Jimmy: there you go then Janis: I'll add it to the list Janis: I could just use ๐Ÿšฌ for you, that's what you smell like Jimmy: can't say I don't do owt to give you an easier go of it Janis: bit of a stretch to blame/gift your addiction to me but yeah Jimmy: but more romantic Janis: that is what's important here Janis: what do I smell like, now I'm worried Janis: at least you like it Jimmy: if I could narrow it down I'd have done Jimmy: you're not a vape Janis: nicest thing you've ever said to me? ๐Ÿค” Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿฅฐ ๐Ÿ˜˜ Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Janis: you really are great at this romance shit Jimmy: tah for not being ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿจ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿง๐Ÿฐ๐ŸŽ‚ it means loads to me an' all Janis: wouldn't be able to live with myself, tbh Jimmy: wouldn't be able to die with you Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜ท Janis: ruin the ending, ๐Ÿ‘ป FUMING Jimmy: I'll tell him to take it up with ๐Ÿšฌ for only fucking your sense of taste Janis: there goes that sponsorship Jimmy: *๐Ÿค Janis: I was doing great work saying how fit of a smell it was Janis: ffs Jimmy: Where? Janis: I put it on my list, duh Jimmy: said you could not that you did Janis: there you go then Jimmy: say it then Janis: I like the way you smell too Janis: and there should be a less creepy way to say it, you're right Jimmy: ๐Ÿ—จ can still stay on the list, not that you've even remembered it Janis: I've not forgotten it Janis: just doubt you like it as much as ๐Ÿฅ” for example Jimmy: what's it that I'm doing now? Jimmy: bit rude to doubt me Janis: I'm not a good conversationalist, not something I've got an ego about Jimmy: it's my list, dickhead, not yours Janis: but you're ๐Ÿ—จ about ๐Ÿ—จ to me Jimmy: and I'm ๐Ÿ—จ ย I rate it Jimmy: you don't get a say in what I like, we're not ๐Ÿ‘ฐ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿคต Janis: I just don't believe you Janis: but that don't matter Jimmy: why? Janis: s'your list, like you said Jimmy: why don't you believe me? Janis: 'cos I never know what to say, I told you Jimmy: so you manage to say the right things without knowing Jimmy: that's ๐Ÿ† Janis: only when they've been written for me Jimmy: it were you who said she's a more boring version of you Jimmy: you know that's not when I mean Janis: ๐Ÿค Jimmy: I like talking to you, I said it ages ago and I'm still going on about it now so there's something in that Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿด Janis: alright, alright Janis: I'll believe you mean it Jimmy: that's 3 things about you you've had off the list, so I will shut up now, like Janis: I'm not giving your 2 IOUs Janis: not fair Jimmy: so just tell me now Janis: I'm ๐Ÿ’ญ Jimmy: don't hurt yourself Jimmy: I get it's WELL difficult Janis: Shut up Janis: I don't want you accusing me of copying you, is all Janis: I like your voice, that's different from ๐Ÿ—จ Jimmy: ๐Ÿฅ‡๐ŸŽค me Jimmy: goes without ๐Ÿ—จ the accent is an' all Janis: I'm not ๐Ÿคค 'cos you're English Janis: make me sound like them Janis: but Janis: I like not loads of other cunts have heard it Jimmy: none of 'em have, my customer service voice isn't how I ๐Ÿ—จ ย or any other dickhead really does Janis: โœจ so special, me Jimmy: my sister and Ian don't wanna talk to me and our kid can't with ๐Ÿ—จ so you're basically it Jimmy: when Libi ain't shouting over you Jimmy: but don't let your head get too massive, can't have you stuck on that ๐Ÿš Janis: ๐ŸŽˆ๐Ÿ“Œ Janis: promise Jimmy: I'd have to swap uniforms and ๐Ÿš’๐Ÿช“ you out Jimmy: what a ball ache Janis: more cliche too Janis: no one actually wants to fuck the police Janis: gotta keep it niche Jimmy: go on then, is that your last โœ”? Janis: that's only 2, I'm not adding your real/fake persona, soz ๐Ÿ‘ฎ Janis: alright, as you went ๐Ÿ‘€ I'll go ๐Ÿ’‹ Jimmy: fuming that you'd make me wanna kiss YOU when giving ME a compliment but alright Janis: we're both well kissable, that's fair to say Janis: ask the fans Jimmy: shh I'm ๐Ÿ’ญ and I don't want any of them twats popping up Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ถ Janis: oops, defeats the point a bit Jimmy: you're alright, I control the ๐Ÿ”Š in my head, I'll put you on proper loud Janis: I'd add that to my list but then you'd owe me Janis: not very ๐Ÿ˜‡ Jimmy: you'll have to be ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Janis: your ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ then Jimmy: for a start Janis: I'm not going to put my own on my list Jimmy: spoilsport Janis: there can be crossover Jimmy: I already know you like the ๐Ÿ”Š I can get you to, so don't worry if ๐Ÿšฌ were a copout that is Janis: you can't claim eyes forever Janis: or I'll just list all the good stuff now and you'll be well fucked Jimmy: not that long of a ๐Ÿš ride Janis: contrary to what you reckon Janis: not that hard to think up the shit I like Jimmy: do it then Jimmy: I'm not ๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€ Janis: you might float away Janis: if you're still out Jimmy: got nowt else on or anywhere else to be Jimmy: ๐ŸŽˆ sounds decent enough Janis: ๐Ÿคก Jimmy: Dunno if I'm chuffed or gutted you didn't go for ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: trust you Jimmy: well you being a better ๐Ÿคน ain't going on the list Jimmy: fuming Janis: you're still good with your hands Janis: just different way Janis: ๐Ÿ–•โœŒ๏ธ๐ŸคŸ Jimmy: I Jimmy: wish you were here sounds like we're still at the ๐Ÿ– and I'm ๐Ÿ–‹ a postcard but Janis: you can draw me one Janis: wish I had something to do that weren't wistfully staring out of windows but Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ด flirting Janis: they are pretty saucy, you know Jimmy: never heard anyone use saucy since before I โšฐ๐Ÿ‘ป so tah for that, Judith Jimmy: racy is another one I miss ๐Ÿ‘ด๐Ÿ’” Jimmy: #thegoodoldcourtingdays Janis: ๐Ÿน to please Janis: and I know my audience Jimmy: ๐ŸŽฏ Janis: ๐Ÿ’˜ Jimmy: you had me at getting your MASSIVE ankle out Janis: oi, my ankle is perfectly normal now, don't try and trick me into sending you such a scandalous picture Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ Jimmy: proof's in the ๐Ÿ“ท you set yourself up for that Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ฑ but my reputation! Jimmy: ๐Ÿฆถ size matters, my dear Janis: [obviously sends a picture with all sorts of pisstakey emojis and bants] Janis: dainty, I think you'll find Jimmy: [obviously sends a ๐Ÿ˜ af selfie back which isn't even that pisstakey because we are feeling that rn and always] Janis: You're indecent Jimmy: can be if you like Jimmy: there's nobody else at the park Janis: how long do you want my list to be Jimmy: how long is it now? Janis: embarrassingly long Jimmy: can't have that Jimmy: needs to be so long you're past caring about ๐Ÿ˜ณ Janis: what will I do when you fuck of ๐ŸŽˆ Jimmy: come with Janis: alright Janis: we'll work on your list some more and see Jimmy: alright Janis: your โŒ๐Ÿ†s to give thing makes the list easy though Janis: just FYI Jimmy: you're welcome Janis: you probably wanna avoid being that guy at the park though Janis: if I'm there, different vibe Jimmy: you heard there's no ๐Ÿ‘€ or ๐Ÿ‘‚ Jimmy: you'd have to be the one reporting me Janis: I need you with me too bad to do that Janis: I don't need bars between us as well as distance, like Janis: even Bill didn't go there Jimmy: The antlers are long gone, even if the ๐ŸŽต's live on in my ๐Ÿง  Jimmy: no reindeer games that involve a jailbreak, I promise Janis: Shame Janis: how are you going to top your festive #lewks? Jimmy: ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” Jimmy: nowt but full body glitter? Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: sounds itchy Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘‘ not have a pool? ๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽป๐ŸŽป Jimmy: SUCH a letdown Janis: ๐Ÿ’ก Janis: have to ask Janis: clog the filters right up Jimmy: hot tub'll do IF IT HAS TO but it don't have the #drama Bill's after Janis: she's definitely got one of them Janis: sti soup that it is ๐Ÿคข Jimmy: really painted a picture for me there Jimmy: might just leave the โœจ on so she knows where I've been Janis: imagine how many secretaries have been disappointed in there Janis: not to mention the lads not quite swallowed whole Janis: not going to be unnoticed, I guess Janis: shine on Jimmy: Dunno if I wanna ๐Ÿ’ญ Jimmy: more tragic than owt Bill's ever written Janis: #bonerkiller Janis: she's ๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽป๐ŸŽป daddy could ever be anything less than ๐Ÿ’ฏ as well Jimmy: ๐Ÿคž he sends her a postcard, can't wait to nick that off the fridge Janis: so hot when you're mean Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ Jimmy: not even started yet, baby Jimmy: didn't reckon on being chuffed to bits for her party but Janis: I know Janis: should thank us Janis: no one has ever been this buzzing Jimmy: except those lads when they realised they'd FINALLY ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ Janis: you're special, babe Janis: not everyone likes it like you Jimmy: don't put that on your list Jimmy: makes me sound like a twat Janis: if I did it'd make me sound like a psychopath so Janis: ๐Ÿค Jimmy: least we ain't made a list of the other dickheads we want to die Jimmy: length of it would be a nightmare Janis: and we're looking for less attention, not more Janis: school therapist can do one if she wants to chat Jimmy: bit rude she ain't introduced herself to me, been here ages struggling with this bloody paddy language barrier Janis: how dare she not want to start an inappropriate relationship with you Janis: Lucas doing all the heavy lifting for her ๐Ÿ˜ค Jimmy: am I losing my new boy โœจ or what? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Janis: her cardigan collection means she's either celibate or a massive lesbian so Janis: you're still so โœจ I SWEAR Jimmy: Why not both? #dontlimityourselflove Jimmy: OH THANK GOD Janis: read that as #doityourselflove so, yeah Janis: must be what she's up to in her office, bless Jimmy: Be Lucas in detention an' all Jimmy: will have spent the hol practicing with them new ties so he's ready to go Janis: you better be here Janis: or my trauma is on your hands Jimmy: can't have that Jimmy: plays right into the hands of that gay therapist Jimmy: you don't know it weren't her spreading those rumours Janis: make sense Janis: did turn her down last time Janis: doubt she works commission for every fucked up kid she 'helps' Jimmy: I'll be here to save you, Joanne Janis: Ian don't move fast Janis: I've noticed Jimmy: he's got the ๐Ÿ• and ๐Ÿ‘ถs to bring him ๐Ÿบ๐Ÿฅง๐Ÿฅ” when there's no Sharon, no need to move Janis: so what's your next step Jimmy: body in the boot when I bring the car back? Janis: his or john/jane doe Jimmy: Sharons obvs Janis: duh Janis: we're framing him Janis: okay, where's she hang out Jimmy: depends Janis: when she ain't photocopying things Jimmy: she's always photocopying her tits, full time job, that Jimmy: what it depends on is which Sharon you mean Jimmy: but probably find any of them in the hair dye aisle Janis: all of 'em at once Janis: like confused blonde gazelles Janis: *blonde, with bad roots and tell-tell greys ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Janis: have to stack 'em up Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Janis: not a list, technically Janis: Sharon x ??? Jimmy: be weird seeing their real names in all the papers Janis: for your dad too Janis: can pin them on his cell wall Jimmy: Dunno what he calls 'em Jimmy: @ him Janis: I'm not sure I need to ๐Ÿ’ญ Jimmy: ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€ Janis: bit late for the christmas card Jimmy: crack on drafting your new year's text Janis: Dear future father in law Janis: terrified Jimmy: *daddy in law Janis: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Janis: even better Jimmy: do they not make new years cards? ๐Ÿ’” missing something if it's not ๐Ÿ–‹๐Ÿฉธ Janis: you send the text before the rush hun Jimmy: oh tah, I'll make sure our kid gets on the tin can ๐Ÿ“ž proper early Janis: yeah, little socialite will be well busy Jimmy: got a wedding to plan if nowt else Janis: don't tell him it's her 4th Jimmy: he'd never stop ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Jimmy: I'll ๐Ÿ“ž him now, let Ian sort that Janis: nursery gets wild, what can she say Jimmy: gutted she can't come to the party ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘‘'d never survive her review Janis: ๐Ÿ’” Janis: have to arrange a play date Janis: ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘‘ n #2'd keel over ๐Ÿคž Jimmy: I'll stick in it the group chat Janis: make sure you make it clear there'll be kids there Janis: don't want them to die of excitement before we can do it ourselves Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Janis: not playing with them Janis: can't make me Jimmy: could but I won't Jimmy: you're my best mate, they ain't having you Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ณ Janis: can I put that on the list Jimmy: do you want to? Janis: yeah Jimmy: so there's your answer Janis: what emoji means BFFs Jimmy: ๐Ÿค? ๐Ÿค—? Janis: ๐Ÿค Janis: I don't know what that other fucker is doing Jimmy: looks like when dickheads mime they're being kissed, do you know what I mean? Janis: well, we aren't THOSE kind of friends Jimmy: what sort are we? Janis: strictly ๐Ÿค professional Janis: don't get any ideas Janis: so friendzoned Jimmy: alright Janis: ๐Ÿ˜‚ Janis: is it? Jimmy: have to be now you've said, won't it? Janis: not necessarily Janis: what kind of friends do you think we are? Jimmy: I weren't planning to stick a post it on your head Janis: might help you remember my name Jimmy: I know your name, Juliet Jimmy: dunno what you're on about Janis: mhmm Janis: my mistake Jimmy: not as thick as I look, remember Janis: I know Janis: mates, remember Jimmy: ๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿค Janis: โœจ Jimmy: you gonna wear them for the party an' all? Janis: couple outfit!!1 Janis: I don't know Janis: it's gonna be all LBDs and sparkles so Janis: got to do better Jimmy: question is, shopping trip or crafting session? Janis: I've had enough crafting for one holiday Jimmy: thought you were gonna say one life Janis: and ๐Ÿ˜ข you like that? Janis: not very nice Jimmy: being nice I were about to offer to take you ๐Ÿ› ย after work Janis: yeah? Janis: ๐Ÿ˜‡ boy Jimmy: never said I'd ๐Ÿ’ฐ for owt Jimmy: steady on Janis: duh Janis: don't need money Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ˆ then Janis: we can pretend Janis: you will be sick of using your customer service ๐Ÿ”Š๐Ÿ˜ Jimmy: already am Janis: I'll come in a bit early Janis: you can talk to me properly Jimmy: you're being too nice now Janis: that a no? Jimmy: it's a what do you want? Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ˆ Jimmy: go on Janis: tell me when you're off and you'll see if I turn up early or on time Jimmy: [a time] Janis: sorted Jimmy: what about about now? Janis: what could I possibly do that was ๐Ÿ˜ˆ now Janis: ๐Ÿค” Jimmy: you're right, no chance of topping the ๐Ÿฆถ๐Ÿ“ท Janis: that kind of shameless reverse psychology will always work Janis: hold on Jimmy: don't need to be a school therapist Janis: bringing her up ain't gonna get you anything ๐Ÿ”ฅ Jimmy: if you can't give me owt ๐Ÿ”ฅ when you're under it from any bollocks going, what kind of muse are you? ๐Ÿ’” Janis: you get what you give, dickhead Jimmy: [gives her something ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ obvs] Janis: [more risque pic back than last time, idk the scale but one up from whatever we did before] Jimmy: alright, I take back what I said Janis: you better Jimmy: โŒ Janis: ๐Ÿ‘ Jimmy: should've said you were so ๐Ÿ† I'd have offered to lend you my ๐Ÿ“ท before the killing spree Janis: I prefer when you take them Jimmy: that going on the list? Janis: I don't know if I'm that comfortable with the spotlight Janis: but you make me look alright Jimmy: nowt to do with me Jimmy: how you look Janis: nah, but I don't immediately wanna hide or flip you off so Janis: take it Jimmy: gutted ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ’• Janis: [pic of] Janis: anything for you, dearest Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Jimmy: there she is Janis: not been mugged by some random slag Jimmy: bit awkward I were so into it if you were Janis: yeah, she'll be fuming if she ever finds out Jimmy: our secret Janis: fuck off Janis: supposed to say I could never get mugged 'cos I'm so ๐Ÿ’ช Jimmy: I dunno how many fake muggers there were, mate Janis: don't matter Janis: GOD Jimmy: were he there an' all? bit rude of him not to help you out Jimmy: such a good catholic lass Janis: he helps those whole help themselves Janis: and you might be friends now but known me longer so he'll definitely let me smack you Jimmy: wouldn't stop you myself, how could I when you're THAT ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฅ‡ Janis: ๐Ÿ˜’ Janis: shush Jimmy: walking wounded, me Jimmy: about to turn into a โ›„ Janis: stop it Janis: focus on finding a decent pub Jimmy: without you as my sat nav? Janis: why'd you let me go dickhead Janis: I'm mad Jimmy: why'd you have to? Jimmy: there's your answer Janis: they'd all survive Janis: I don't care Jimmy: I'll live Janis: yeah Jimmy: don't be pissed off at me Jimmy: ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค— Janis: do what you like, mate Jimmy: *๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ Janis: you're so annoying, you know Jimmy: I'll go back when you have, it's ๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿค of me or some bollocks Janis: don't go back 'til you want to Janis: just do something that ain't freezing to death, tah Janis: I get why you don't wanna be there Jimmy: never ain't an option Jimmy: and the park's nice, loads of ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ’ญ Janis: okay Janis: that's true Janis: what you can remember Jimmy: that you offering to fill in the gaps or what? Janis: I don't know what you and don't ๐Ÿ’ญ Jimmy: could just tell me what you do, for a start Janis: could do Jimmy: so? Janis: we first went there after we ruined that bitch's shit party, yeah Jimmy: with half the other dickheads who left Jimmy: for a bit Janis: right, but no one's got any stamina so then it was just us Jimmy: feels like ages ago Jimmy: but all our ๐ŸŽจ's still here Janis: I remember that Janis: and it pissed it down, like school trip Janis: weird how it wasn't long ago at all, actually Jimmy: ๐Ÿšซ๐ŸŒจ Janis: not festive but Jimmy: you were ๐Ÿฅถ๐Ÿฅถ any road, I remember that Jimmy: had to chuck you a jacket Janis: you insisted, I remember Janis: as per Jimmy: don't sound like me, that Jimmy: don't think you do ๐Ÿ’ญ Janis: was one of the many other lads I take there, was it? Jimmy: or all them sonnets Bill's got you bothering with Janis: if that's as far as your ๐Ÿ’ญ goes Jimmy: if that's as far as my memory goes, what? Janis: you don't remember as much as I do Jimmy: never said it were Janis: go on then Jimmy: I said sorry for being ๐Ÿ˜’ and having my own personal ๐ŸŒง over my head the way I would if you were really pissed off with me now Janis: what a nightmare Janis: making you say sorry all the time Jimmy: *not enough of the time Janis: not the kind of mate I'm trying to be Jimmy: why not? Janis: bit naggy Janis: bit more stepmum energy, that Jimmy: that weren't your reaction how I remember it Jimmy: might just be that the Sharons have done a shit job at giving out the right #energy Janis: I know it weren't Janis: weren't that drunk that night, if at all Jimmy: bit busy sorting that lass out for trying to make you look a twat Janis: n trying to hop on your dick, yeah Jimmy: that's every lass Janis: no need to flex, I've heard, like Jimmy: no need to 1. make it about me when it were about you 2. call me a lightweight Janis: 1. everything is about me, far as you're concerned baby ๐Ÿ’• 2. clearly not as your ๐Ÿง  so clear Jimmy: clearly were saying you dunno what I do or don't remember a bit ago when you reckon you barely drank owt Janis: maybe you've got a shit memory Janis: not gonna assume nothing Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ด๐Ÿ’” Janis: ๐Ÿ™„ Jimmy: what? Janis: you're being irritating again Janis: what's your point? Jimmy: how am I? Janis: I don't know, just being pedantic and saying shit you know I'm not saying Jimmy: bollocks Janis: this is what I mean Janis: what's wrong, just come out with it Jimmy: nowt's wrong with me, I dunno what you mean Janis: alright Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Janis: rewind then Janis: before you were using emojis solely to chat Jimmy: before we met's a bit far, Judith Janis: well they ain't my idea Janis: ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ˜˜โ˜•๐Ÿธ๐Ÿ’– Janis: #inspo Jimmy: I get it, you want full verses Jimmy: hang on Jimmy: [writes her a decent poem cos just that bitch] Janis: where'd you steal that from Janis: I can't find it on google Jimmy: you won't Jimmy: it's from my ๐Ÿง  Janis: just now? Jimmy: sound more surprised, dickhead Jimmy: you chucked me loads of #inspo Janis: I am, sorry, like Janis: how do you do that Jimmy: what? Janis: say such Janis: ๐Ÿคฏ things Jimmy: just pissing about, me Janis: it's a skill Janis: you could use it for evil Janis: if you wanted Jimmy: have used it for ๐Ÿ’ฐ Jimmy: at my school before Janis: yeah? Janis: ๐Ÿ‘ Jimmy: no dickhead's gone above ๐Ÿฅ” prints Jimmy: had to do something to make it less grim Janis: you and your ๐ŸŽจ temperament Janis: should do it here Janis: ๐Ÿ’ฐs a ๐Ÿ’ฐ Jimmy: massive language barrier Jimmy: don't ๐Ÿ—จ paddy Janis: gutted Janis: I'd help but Janis: need emotions and shit for that Jimmy: to proofread? Janis: yeah Janis: โ“โ— me Jimmy: nowt but going over it with a green ๐Ÿ–‹ is it? Janis: depends how ๐Ÿ’• these notes are gonna be Jimmy: depends how ๐Ÿ’ฐ they are Janis: so you'll do homework as well, sick notes? Jimmy: homework's a bit far Jimmy: unless it's about Bill obvs Janis: obvs Janis: you should do it Janis: you piss it out easy, evidenced loads of times Jimmy: know how to piss out a website and ads an' all, tah sir Jimmy: it's like he knew Janis: what a babe Janis: guardian ๐Ÿ˜‡ Janis: don't put it on ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘‘ site, be a dead giveaway Jimmy: she'd have me doing ๐Ÿ’Œ for daddy Jimmy: talk about piss easy ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค Jimmy: xoxo ๐Ÿ‘ป boy Janis: keep it professional, babe Janis: she'll never pay if you sound as thirsty as you do Jimmy: she'd never pay Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ cold dead hands Jimmy: would need your ๐Ÿ’ช Janis: I'd LOVE to fuck her up Jimmy: not just her, any twat who's ๐Ÿ’ฐ shy Janis: you reckon I'll be ๐Ÿ˜ข? Jimmy: *๐Ÿ˜ Janis: exactly Janis: โ˜team Jimmy: SUCH a โ˜€ you Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’” you're not here Janis: how cold are you? Jimmy: how northern am I? Janis: stubborn* Janis: pretty damn stubborn Jimmy: *๐Ÿ’ช Jimmy: VERY is right Janis: I won't disagree Janis: everyone's ๐Ÿ‘€ Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: it's rude Jimmy: why? Janis: I can't look at you ALL the time Jimmy: can if you want Janis: can't right now Jimmy: ๐Ÿ“ท Janis: but then the second problem becomes the first Jimmy: ? Janis: can't touch you Jimmy: you've got your perfect ๐Ÿ’ญ recall from when you did Janis: have to do Jimmy: I'll ๐Ÿƒ Jimmy: race the ๐Ÿš back Janis: very classics Janis: bit after Bill's time but he's down Jimmy: are you? Janis: you know I miss you Jimmy: not what I asked Janis: it'd keep you warm Jimmy: not for long if your mum won't have me through the door Janis: she's got loads of kids, won't notice one more Janis: you can come, if you wanna Jimmy: alright Janis: I want you too Jimmy: then I'll be there in a bit Jimmy: he'll be chuffed to have his car again Janis: yeah Janis: wanna take it for one last ride though Jimmy: what kind of question is that? Janis: I know Janis: redundant Jimmy: I get it, you just wanna hear it from me Janis: naturally Jimmy: it's a yeah, never not a yeah to you Janis: ๐Ÿ’€ me Jimmy: as promised Janis: s'all I want Jimmy: so slowly, so painfully Janis: shit Jimmy: if you can't feel the whole ๐Ÿ”ช we'll just have another go Janis: death by a thousand cuts might seem a bit ambitious Janis: but I've got trust in you Jimmy: ๐Ÿฅ‡ or nowt baby Janis: you are Jimmy: you Janis: but you Jimmy: you heard me Jimmy: you're Janis: you're more Janis: whatever you were going to say Jimmy: that's just you Jimmy: more than I can ๐Ÿ—จ Janis: but you make me feel so Jimmy: I should be fuming that you make me feel owt but there's no room for bollocks like that Janis: yeah Janis: like, I should care, be careful Janis: but I don't and I can't Jimmy: fuck it Jimmy: nowt matters but this Janis: fuck it Janis: if you're alright with it, so am I Jimmy: you're all I want Janis: then I'm yours Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ Jimmy: I've got no words for what that felt like Janis: but ๐Ÿ‘ not ๐Ÿ‘Ž Janis: yeah? Jimmy: like the twist of a ๐Ÿ”ช Jimmy: ๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿ‘ Janis: good Janis: you're welcome Jimmy: I'll never get there if you keep being so Janis: It's hard being quiet when there's so much I could say to make you Janis: but I will Jimmy: it's hard being quiet Janis: you don't have to be, do you? Jimmy: not the one on a packed ๐Ÿš but Janis: I've got loads of practice Jimmy: I'm not putting it on my list but take your ๐Ÿ† Janis: you don't have to Janis: when we get to mine, there's places we can be as loud as we want Jimmy: okay Janis: warm, comfortable places Janis: don't worry Jimmy: Oi Janis: I know, you're VERY ๐Ÿ’ช and even more Northern Janis: but I want you to feel comfortable before I kill you Jimmy: don't be making out that owt worries me but how fucking far into the middle of nowt you live Janis: I know, it's very inconvenient Janis: miss his car, like Jimmy: why didn't I just come with you? fuck's sake Janis: same reasons I didn't stay with you Jimmy: ๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿ’ก us Janis: Don't tell the fans Janis: so disappointed Jimmy: far as they know we're never apart Janis: if only, babes Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’ญ๐Ÿฅบ Janis: I am more bored Janis: when you aren't about Jimmy: that it? Jimmy: the full scale of your feelings Janis: shh Jimmy: you're less ๐Ÿ˜ณ when I'm not about Jimmy: greatest ๐Ÿ’” this town's ever had to go through Janis: if anyone wants to disagree I'll ๐Ÿฅบ at them Jimmy: What kind of dickhead would dare? It's the sort of ๐ŸŽจ that ain't subjective, soz Janis: you'll have to let 'em know Jimmy: ๐Ÿ“ข OI Janis: ๐Ÿ˜‚ just like that Jimmy: know what I'm doing, me Janis: you don't need to tell me Janis: but I am going to need you to show me again, like right fucking now please Jimmy: seeing as you were so polite about it, my dear Jimmy: what can I do for you right fucking now? Janis: just Janis: tell me you feel it too Janis: how much you wish I was there, or you was here Jimmy: I feel it Jimmy: the fans aren't the only dickheads ๐Ÿคž we were together all the time Janis: not my fault everyone else is shit Jimmy: ๐Ÿค your fault you're not but Janis: you're not even meant to be here Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ป barely am, it's alright Janis: no it's not Janis: but I don't care Jimmy: it is, we can just Janis: just Jimmy: stick together Janis: yeah Jimmy: ๐Ÿค Janis: ๐Ÿค Janis: makes sense Jimmy: good Jimmy: how much I like having you about is too much of a copout for the list Janis: when you're gone Janis: be more of a test Janis: always about now, like Jimmy: we're going together so โšฐ budge up dickhead Janis: shared enough single beds with you to manage Jimmy: might wanna stretch out a bit for the afterlife Janis: double plot?! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿฅด Janis: can only dream Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘‘ Janis: chuck ourselves off the same bridge, loads of room to swim about Jimmy: ๐Ÿงœ๐Ÿฝ Janis: know I beat you so bad boxing day but it's okay Janis: can't drown once you're ๐Ÿ’€ Jimmy: bollocks did you Jimmy: could've broken all my ribs and I'd still ๐Ÿ† Janis: the fact you've brought up your handicap speaks ๐Ÿ”Š Jimmy: of how ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฅ‡ I am Janis: ๐Ÿ‘Œ Jimmy: you're done being nice now, I get it Jimmy: ๐Ÿฆˆ Janis: you don't like it when I'm nice really Jimmy: don't I? Janis: nah Janis: do you? Jimmy: you reckon you know my โœ” Jimmy: no need to answer Janis: if you wanna be my mate you clearly don't โœ” nice very highly Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘Œ Jimmy: you were talking bollocks when going on about how nice you ALWAYS are to me Janis: by my standards Janis: too nice Janis: but by everyone else's, not winning no ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ† Jimmy: 1. I give out the ๐Ÿ† 2. no fucker else has any standards around here Janis: what's your verdict then Jimmy: on how nice you are or how much I rate it? Janis: both Jimmy: what's my verdict on you asking questions you know the answer to, more like Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ณ you Jimmy: you Janis: tell me how nice I am, go on ๐Ÿ˜ Jimmy: make me Janis: ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ Jimmy: it don't work without your ๐Ÿ‘€ Janis: [๐Ÿฅบ selfie] Jimmy: rude Janis: no, I'm nice Jimmy: it'd be nice if you were here and I could just Janis: what would you do Jimmy: you know what Jimmy: I'm nice Janis: yeah Janis: I can say it Jimmy: might do but you can't take a compliment Janis: psh Jimmy: alright so if I ๐Ÿ—จ nobody's ever been this nice to me, you won't be ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ? Janis: maybe a ๐Ÿค but you don't need to know Jimmy: I want to though Jimmy: your ๐Ÿ˜ณ is high on my list Janis: because it makes me look so ๐Ÿค“ Jimmy: it makes us even Janis: [adorable nerdiness] Jimmy: might not remember when I got on the ๐Ÿš— to tell you the story of being a twat but I do and when it happened an' all Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ณ before it were ๐Ÿ˜Ž me Jimmy: it's just something you can do, Janet ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒน Jimmy: to be fuming about but I'm not Janis: Then you won't be mad that I do remember Jimmy: 'course you do, you were ๐Ÿ™€ I were gonna fall off Janis: 'scuse me for not wanting to watch you get injured when I could have the pleasure of doing it myself Janis: not Lucas Jimmy: compared to him you're a saint Jimmy: but don't worry I won't let your shit nan know Janis: just not a watch in the cupboard type Janis: I wouldn't bring up the subject, she might assault you or something Jimmy: can't have that or any more time off work ๐Ÿค Janis: ๐Ÿ’” Janis: the world needs it's caffeine and it's eyecandy Janis: can't be selfish like Jimmy: direct your ๐ŸŽป๐ŸŽป @ my manager SO hard done by that I didn't do boxing day he's given me every shite shift going til we're in school Janis: what a prick Janis: what shifts will he be working, I wonder Jimmy: there you go with the questions you know the answers to, girl Jimmy: if it weren't a full time job pissing off Ian, what with him being so easy going and it taking ages to do his head in, I'd add him to the hit list an' all Janis: fair, did do that one for effect, babe Janis: they'll send him off to some over shithole and you'll have a new one in a month, s'what they do with managers, yeah Janis: not worth the ๐Ÿ•– or ๐Ÿ’ช Janis: other* Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’” it ain't what they do with Ian's role within his company Janis: a good sex pest is hard to come by Janis: keeping tight hold, like Jimmy: every other dickhead stopping at stealing ๐Ÿ–‹s Jimmy: pisstake Janis: he must be good at whatever the fuck he's actually meant to be doing besides ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ– Janis: try to be selective so we don't have no more famines n shit Jimmy: @iantaylor8 for the Q&A Janis: think I'm ๐Ÿ˜ for accounts Janis: no tah Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Janis: you're gonna have to offer me something more to pretend to be ๐Ÿ˜ for your dad, soz Jimmy: I'm alright for you not fake dating him an' all Janis: good Janis: not seeing how that would EVER make him wanna leave anyway Janis: such a delight Jimmy: when you ๐Ÿ’” him duh Jimmy: but it's still a no tah Janis: think of some way before resorting to that Jimmy: I'd stay before that Janis: I appreciate it Jimmy: me an' all that you don't wanna fuck my dad Janis: ๐Ÿคข Jimmy: right Janis: you don't look that alike Jimmy: I'll take that compliment Janis: you can definitely have it Jimmy: that'll be the nicest thing you've ever said to me Jimmy: even if I were about forever Janis: bit sly to challenge me to compliment you loads Janis: ๐Ÿฅฐ you Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: he's clearly just pissed he's past it, and weren't as ๐Ÿ˜Ž as you to begin with Jimmy: we're all ๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽป๐Ÿ˜ญ he gave his best years to Debbie when there's loads of Sharons cracking on with doing their roots as we ๐Ÿ—จ Janis: ๐Ÿ™„ Jimmy: *๐Ÿ˜ข I know Janis: yet again, SUCH a shame my ma's a natural blonde Janis: been a widow for ages, give him some tips Jimmy: for her Jimmy: what a bloody catch she's missed out on there Janis: ๐Ÿ’”๐ŸŽป๐Ÿ˜ญ all over again Janis: 'tis the season Jimmy: ๐Ÿคž they've taken the mistletoe down in his office Janis: can he hang on 'til NYE Janis: such a lad, it seems unlikely Jimmy: the things that Q&A would be full of if you'd only crack on, girl Janis: I'm naturally curious, don't be rude Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ˜ผ Janis: you saw all the fuckers Janis: just more siblings Jimmy: and I had to tell our kid all their names Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ Janis: unlucky Jimmy: you gonna stop pissing about and get fluent or what ๐Ÿค“? Janis: oi Janis: give me a break, it hasn't ACTUALLY been that long, remember Jimmy: I get it, I'm no Mr Lucas ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Janis: who is Janis: ๐Ÿ† lifetime achievement best teacher ever Janis: anyway, I like it when you talk, remember Janis: only so much your brother and me need to ๐Ÿ—จ about Jimmy: I were more thinking about you pulling your weight when him and Libi ๐Ÿ—จ but alright Janis: how long did it take to learn it Janis: actually Janis: obviously you didn't before ๐Ÿ‘ถ Jimmy: no different from learning any other, how good's your spanish? Jimmy: it's about how much you bother, have to every day Janis: makes sense, not like it's optional Janis: and my Spanish is pretty shit, Lucas don't teach it ๐Ÿ’” Janis: it's like Portuguese but barely know any of that either, shit nan being predictably shit Jimmy: what about ๐Ÿ€? Janis: little better Janis: did offer my services in good faith earlier Jimmy: to answer your Q, still get things wrong and he's been about and deaf for ages Jimmy: but it says fluent on the CV, nowt else matters Janis: ๐Ÿ‘Œ Janis: long as you got the basics down, he ain't ๐Ÿ’€ any time soon Janis: might try it with my cousin Janis: she don't speak Jimmy: bring her on the playdate long as Libi won't be ๐Ÿ’” Jimmy: our kid could have a teaching ๐Ÿ† an' all Janis: her ma probably won't have that Janis: not Libi stealing my phone to come up with the excuses there Jimmy: she the one from church? Janis: ๐Ÿ’€ crew's oldest member, yeah Jimmy: next time there's a catholic occasion, we'll steal the kid Jimmy: can't really stop us, her Janis: ๐Ÿฆด as a weapon? Jimmy: better bring the ๐Ÿ• in case Janis: ๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿฅ‡ Janis: alright, I'm down Jimmy: ๐Ÿ‘ Jimmy: you off that fucking ๐Ÿš yet or what? Janis: how far have you even got Jimmy: if it was real ๐Ÿ’• you'd have got off to ๐Ÿƒ an' all Jimmy: have met me in the middle Janis: thank god it's fake Janis: don't need us both aimlessly ๐Ÿƒ about Janis: but I'm basically back now, so I will keep a ๐Ÿ‘€ out Jimmy: have a ๐Ÿฅƒ if you've got owt left from that ๐ŸŽ dunno where I am Janis: put your location on so I can santa-track you Janis: know what you and ๐Ÿ‘ are like, you'll get well off track and well distracted Jimmy: nowt to do with your ๐Ÿ‘€ OBVS Jimmy: [does put his location on] Jimmy: Where am I then? Janis: you can compliment me when you're nearer Janis: well done for being in the right county Janis: ๐Ÿค” okay, hang on Jimmy: ๐Ÿป Janis: I'm gonna get your dad's car and come find you Janis: may as well Jimmy: that's how lost I am ๐Ÿ˜’ Janis: that bus takes long enough Janis: I wanna see you now Jimmy: alright Janis: you didn't fuck up that horrifically Jimmy: bollocks Janis: it's even more classics that you're lost Janis: very goals Janis: really should pick you up on horse but fuck that Jimmy: fake a ๐Ÿด when we tweet it, be alright Janis: as long as you're not feeling let down Jimmy: NEVER Janis: good Janis: so โœจ you Jimmy: I just wanna see you an' all Janis: ๐Ÿ‘€ at me long as you like Jimmy: very subtle challenge Janis: yeah, 'cos that's all I want Jimmy: need an even longer lens to stalk you from the north Jimmy: make the most of my ๐Ÿ˜ dickhead Janis: ๐Ÿ˜’ Jimmy: what? Janis: nothing 'cept someone just got off at my stop so I might be about to be murdered Jimmy: Oi, I ain't falling for that again Jimmy: you're too ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฅ‡ baby, weren't that what you wanted me to say about the mugging? Janis: ugh Janis: so tough being this tough Jimmy: whoever that dickhead is can't ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ you Jimmy: not part of the plan Janis: I'll let 'em know you said so Jimmy: ๐Ÿ“ข OI Jimmy: my victim, piss off Janis: **fake girlfriend Jimmy: *best mate I've ever had Janis: oi Jimmy: ? Janis: meant to be scaring off weirdos, not being soft Jimmy: just claiming you, Jessica, if you wanted to be pissed on, you should've said Janis: got to draw the line somewhere Jimmy: I'll chuck you a pen Jimmy: can stab that prick with it after Janis: ๐Ÿง›๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿฉธ Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: don't fill up on him Janis: come on Janis: I could never get enough of you Jimmy: ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’” Janis: Baby Janis: I don't want anyone else Jimmy: control your ๐Ÿฉธ lust for a bit longer, tah very much Jimmy: you can have all mine Janis: you know you've got all of mine Jimmy: hurry up and come here Janis: I am, I swear Jimmy: on what? Janis: my ๐Ÿ‘€s? Jimmy: both of them? Jimmy: if I have to craft you an eye patch I might as well fucking sign up for Pinterest Jimmy: be that mum Janis: do you have a preference? Janis: bit weird Jimmy: is it? Jimmy: ๐Ÿค Janis: you do not Janis: you're taking the piss now Jimmy: am I? Jimmy: not telling you now, mate Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ฃ Jimmy: do you want me to have a favourite one? Janis: that's no sort of answer Jimmy: it's a question for you to answer, so go on Janis: I don't think you do Janis: but I wouldn't be mad if you did Jimmy: it's the one on my left Janis: I'm gonna have to stop to look Janis: and then look at yours when you get here Jimmy: no #hate to the other one Jimmy: it's just Janis: you're just Jimmy: I don't know how to explain Janis: you don't need to Janis: I get it Jimmy: might be able to get your head round it if you have a look Jimmy: no good with words, me Janis: it IS weird but I feel it too Janis: I've ๐Ÿ‘€ at you enough to have favourites and ๐Ÿ‘€ things that it feels Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ณ to admit to noticing Jimmy: I thought you were gonna say you'd looked at yourself enough to have a favourite eye Janis: charming ๐Ÿ˜‚ Jimmy: probably don't spread that about, babe Jimmy: I mean, I get it, if I were you'd I'd be in the mirror all the time an' all but Janis: you know what you look like Janis: #bigheadconfirmed Jimmy: I never said I don't look at myself loads in every shiny surface of the CG Jimmy: what else am I gonna ๐Ÿ‘€ @ the customers?! I'm alright for that Janis: don't blame you Janis: obvs Jimmy: so go on, you said you've got favs Janis: I am not giving you them all Janis: right now Jimmy: one for one Janis: fair enough Janis: your freckles Janis: the ones on your back, especially but all of them Jimmy: you should've said before now, I'd have chucked you a pen for them an' all Jimmy: be a bit rude of me to do it to yours Janis: I can use my hands Janis: not that I scratch with purpose or intent Jimmy: ๐ŸŽจ Janis: I should ๐Ÿ“ธ Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: I won't get a weird close up of your eye or owt though Janis: do what you like Janis: just leave it off the feed if it ain't #goals Jimmy: whatever we do is #goals Janis: just too good Jimmy: ๐Ÿฅ‡ Janis: alright, I'm getting near, stay still now Jimmy: ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿšฌ Jimmy: though that does sound like you're ๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€ of sudden movements Janis: just mean don't keep walking and walk right past me/into the headlights tah Jimmy: not how you wanna ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ me Jimmy: I'll leave it out Janis: you'll be glad you did Jimmy: never been a letdown, you Janis: don't need to big me up until I prove it Jimmy: I'm only saying you have, not that you don't have to keep doing it Janis: have to? Janis: ๐Ÿ˜ Jimmy: I said what I said Janis: [turn up] Janis: get in Jimmy: [does obvs but not before opening her car door and kissing her because simply must] Janis: [pulling him into the car on your side so you're both in the driver's seat now, having a moment] Jimmy: [fully support that wherever you are rn] Jimmy: [telling her he's missed her in between kisses when he's capable of forming words that don't just come out as sounds, we've probably had to have a few attempts at it lol] Janis: [she's not going to be any better so don't you worry boy, probably just keep saying 'I' and 'you' and not finishing any sentences here] Jimmy: [it's a mood and we all know it, like he's been drinking from Ian's stash but not enough that we can run away with ourselves, he's already said a lot of feelsy shit here, we see you and your fave eye sir] Janis: [we've said a lot without saying it in a way that seems serious af but we know honey we know] Jimmy: [not even doing it deliberately so it hurts more when she runs away, the feels are just naturally high and things be progressing] Janis: [mhmm, damn you shit nan, why you gotta ruin it] Jimmy: [she can't, you'll get back to this lads and beyond it] Janis: [that's true] Janis: [for now, stay in this car as long as you wanna, then go back to the cali gaff and live your best life some more] Jimmy: [soz fam that they can't bear to be separated] Janis: [its lowkey a good thing anyway, you can take the car to work/back to Ian, at least she's at home, like we all know you'll take that] Jimmy: [we all just want you to be happy hen] Janis: [though we are suspish/triggered by you Jimothy, we're not wilding yet Jimmy: [soz about that Jimothy, Liam really did you dirty] Janis: [oh lads, the fact we'll never really know the truth of that whole situ] Jimmy: [we really did something there, I love us] Janis: [do you think anyone would watch the tapes before Libi? 'cos like Ali would wanna but wouldn't but I could make a case that Ruster MIGHT, which would be drama] Jimmy: [oooh yeah good point, I do like the idea of that drama because I am rude] Janis: ['cos they could still come away from it thinking he was just a stalker or whatever we want] Janis: [but it would potentially give some closure before Libi is old enough to watch and understand 'cos they'd clearly love each other] Jimmy: [yeah agreed, I definitely think there's a lot of potential there with what they could take away from viewing all those vids] Janis: [okay, noted for later honeybuns] Janis: [is there anything we wanna vibe for tonight] Jimmy: [I think we've done a lot and this is probably getting long] Janis: [coolio hun]
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turnaboutyandere ยท 3 years
Alright SOOO a lot of dirtee stuffs ahaid ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿงน
my irl friend and I are raymond and shelly simps
and they told me about how shelly probably has a knife kink
I thought he'd be gentle, soft kisses, gentle touches- but now that they mentioned THAAAT I'm just "Wow. the need to have him sex me is MUCH stronger" BECAUSE LIEK??1?1$/!!:!/?1??1! AWOOGA IG
HE WOULD NOT BACK DOWN IG MAN SMH HUMMINA HUMMINA They also mentioned shelly knife kink only fans as a joke and I just [Insert screams of flustered panic] HES SO HOT I JUST WANT HIM TO AIUUIIAIIJBZB He's also defo passionate he barely gets touch
He can probably juggle being soft and whatever his knife kink entails and I WOULDNT MIND I'd be like "Hey bby u so fine bring u n ur knives over HERE BOY๐Ÿ‘"
But he'd also be terrified if he accidentally hurts his s/o and immediately would stop everything to take care of them because he's obsessed
Raymond on the other hand
He's gentle 100%! making sure his s/o enjoys it, kind words, soft touches, he's literally all about his s/o's enjoyment โ˜บ๏ธ He's so caring, definitely wants to be close with them, making them happy is his goal! Definitely wants to cuddle after, mans loves physical touch โค๏ธโค๏ธ He is just SO FINE I wanna KITH HIM he's so pretty and sweet I'll just "Heeeeeyyyyy~ Hi Raymond~ hiiiiiiiiiii siiirrrrr~ heeeeeyyyyyy" he is just soft and itS MMMM DELICIOUS
I wasnt expecting to write this much but I am PASSIONATE about these men -Sweets anon, heavily simping why are they so fiNE
Oooooooย ๐Ÿคญ Shelly with a knife kink is EVERYTHING!
I imagine heโ€™d tie them up real tight to make sure theyโ€™re not squirming too much since he doesnโ€™t want to seriously hurt them. He also keeps them blindfolded to create a feeling of suspense as he chooses where to place the knife next. He drags it across their skin gently and leaves shallow little cuts here and there, reveling in hearing his darling gasp whenever he does so.
Heโ€™d also really want to cut his family name into their skin (probably on the small of their back) as a sign of ownership. That way, theyโ€™ll always have something to remind them of him and his claim on them, even if they manage to escape. However, he wonโ€™t push them to do it (or tell them why he wants to do it).
And Raymond, oh Raymond. That man is GENTLE and CARING and LOVING and he LOVES his s/o with ALL HIS HEART.
Heโ€™d be so attentive during sex, itโ€™s adorable. Heโ€™s always making sure his s/o is comfortable and feeling good, and he always gets them off before himself. Also, he has a massive praise kink. Donโ€™t even try me on this. I know it for a fact.
Heโ€™s very talkative during sex and always tells his s/o how good they feel, how beautiful they are, how much he loves them etc. Homeboy will also nut in an instant if his s/o praises him back. Thereโ€™s just something about their tired, pleasure-laced voice telling him how good he is that really gets him going, ya know?
- Mod Dollie
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thelocalshooter ยท 4 years
The Local Shooter Vs. B-LIFE
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(LS) Hello thank you being apart of a great come up and welcome, may we get a small introduction for the people reading who donโ€™t know who you are, where are you from? Who are you? And what do you do?
(B) I'm B-L1FE or B to most. I am an Indiana native but for the last 4 years I've been in the Houston, TX area. I do everything except make beats. I'm a recording artist myself, I engineer, DJ, design, visuals, animations, curate. To add to all that I'm also the CEO of my own record label, FAITHร—VICTORY Records. I also am the CEO of three other companies: SupportArt which is a promotion company that also houses a collective, and MeditatedMerch which is my clothing line. There is stuff I'm missing I'm sure but I'm basically the one stop shop for good underground business.
(LS) Being a Texas native how do you feel that the music scene has impacted you and your creativeness?
(B) The scene in the H has never really impacted me much but surround regions have amazingly unique sounds that are almost nice accents to a style like mine that blends hip hop with metal and alt rock. The Dallas FT. Worth area is full of this new wave sound that people like Jah or $not really helped catapult. Then south Florida is known for the wild hype sounds they give us like Pouya. I think these regions influenced me by just kind of telling me hey its ight to let go and just be me. I used to be signed under a different stage name and to be honest it was all bullshit. All the rules and what they wanted me to be. This area in general just let the monster loose I guess you could say.
(LS) You also run a blog on your own called supportart where its a platform for many creative artist in the underground, how did that come about and how long have you been running it?
(B) We are gonna be two years old in June which is unreal. We house 20 artists at the moment including myself. It honestly all started as a group chat of artists trying to put together a collective mixtape. Most people didnt come through but it actually opened a networking portal that led us to our first client who was King Kap who at the time was signed to Quality Control. We continue to work with him to this day and alongside the leaders I make the calls with (Yung N ICy, Fat Daddy J, Psych Ward, Penny the Shabba, Waveon, wa55up, & Kaster) we just had the flood gates opened on us. Alot of trial and error but never once have we been exposed or finessed. We work hard for the underground and have new ways coming soon to showcase hidden talent.
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(LS) you seem to be a jack of all trades with graphics, producing, and much more! What do you feel is your strongest creative outlet for you and why?
(B) All the other crafts came from being a recording artist. I think I truly shine there. Away from the art and visuals, I've had some pretty big accomplishments as the rapper B-L1FE. Sometimes I forget to push my own stuff when I'm so busy pushing the underground or my artists. In 2019 I dropped my first and sophomore album which did well. Underviews did an article naming me a young mogul. I made the underground freshman list which was amazing to be with the likes of GNAR, Lord Xan, 916frosty, and more. But if anything compares it's my graphic design. I've been doing design since I was 14 and I'm almost 28 now. I still have every graphic I've done and my portfolio now have close to 6000 pieces. It's the main reason I could leave the day job life behind.
(LS) You also happen to be on all major platforms with a couple single releases, where did you first find your passion for music? Also how did you know that it was going to be a career for you?
(B) My parents didnt really do much parenting but they did raise me around terrific music. I have right now I believe 83 songs on all major platforms which is quite a bit since my contract from the previous record label didnt expire until April of 2018. My parents raised me around Dr. Dre, Bone Thugs, Snoop, Nas, Destinys Child, Master P, and all the greats. So I had this around me so much at 12 I started writing structured songs and didnt even realize it. Football was passion #1 but when I decided to rescend my commitment to Eastern Michigan University, I started toying around with being in a band. After awhile my vocal cords suffered from pure metal music. So I turned to rap which was also like a hobby. Then once I began to network in around 2012 I noticed I had something alot of others didnt. So it was then I knew. The rest was waiting for the contract I signed stupidly to expire. My biggest influences would be Chronic 2001 by Dr. Dre and Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park.
(LS) Your most recent single regurgitate and thereโ€™s a single called โ€œWelcome To Hellโ€ which did amazing numbers on Twitter! What was the whole process behind those songs and why did you pick that specific song to shows case the project?
(B) The process behind these two singles were both random to be honest. I put out my second EP back in December and wanted to take my time on my third album so I do what I call SINGLE SZN. I drop a new song on major platforms every week. It started with my first single of 2020 which was 'Never' and 'Welcome to Hell' was the second. With that one it was Angry Orphan's concept (featured artist) and he sent me his parts and a rough idea and I thought since we both are lyrical artists let's do what Em and Royce do when they collab and take these same schemes but change our words and small parts of our flows. It made a very cohesive song. The marketing is always the same for me. I let people know way before something drops that it's coming. The main key is promoting stuff more than once. So many people drop a track, run it through some group chats for that day, and then leave it to die. You gotta keep pushing content towards people. With 'Regurgitate' I hadn't even planned a part of it. I woke up to an email from SupportArt's head engineer, Penny the Shabba, that two beats. One was the beat for that song. Wrote it in 15 mins recorded it mixed it, he mastered it while I did the cover, and within 4 or so hours a full song was ready and off to distrubution.
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(LS) Whatโ€™s a regular day in the life of B-LIFE? Do you wake up in the morning go to the studio? Do you wake up in the morning and start interviewing people and check on your blog? What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
(B) The minute I wake up I need a shower. Cant start the day right without it. My studio and everything is at home so I just go off my daily planner. I keep everything written down including my own personal stuff and I usually pick whatever project I really dont wanna do to start. That way I'm getting through the 'blah' jobs with full energy and the shit I'll enjoy doing I save for later when I'm drained. Usually first thing I do business wise is touch base with my team. We use telegram so we can avoid social media. We a family so they come first. Next is clients. Always touch base with any clients waiting still or people I may have had halfway to the payment phase.
(LS) juggling music, blogs, graphics, and also a clothing brand how do you know when to find time for each creative outlet? Do you set a certain schedule for certain things? Do you have a certain day for certain things how does that work for you?
(B) I wish I knew. Everyday is dedicated to everything. I didnt want to say okay Tuesday we design only covers and logos but sell 5 videos the night before that Tuesday. I ask my clients for deadlines and bundle clients I tell them the timeframes. To be honest my turnaround is so quick and I've done this for so long I do it super fast. Some AMV clients get their video back in an hour with their mind blown. I try not to look at it as such a big work load. Whenever I do feel overwhelmed then its time for like 30 mins on the xbox or a jog. Somehow I never run out of creativity which certainly helps.
(LS) Whatโ€™s your main goal as far as music? Do you plan on getting signed, are you looking to stay independent? Is music even your full on passion or are you looking to stay more on the blog and manager/artist development side or what is your main goal?
(B) Main goal is to get my label signed how Travis Scott did with Cactus Jack. It keeps the artist safe and in it's own way allows you to stay independent but with proper funding. Music is the main passion. I never say I manage my artists. We push them to build their own brands and we help them with that. I'm simply just keeping a platform all about love. The rest does it's own thing all by itself. Truly amazing.
(LS) Thank you again for being a part of this great come up, is there anything else you would like for the readers to know about you? Or should we keep our eyes peeled for anything to come in 2020? What are some links that you can share were new readers can go ahead and find your work?
(B) You can find everything related to be via my linktree which is linktr.ee/lifewitha1
Album 3's first single drops May 1st and you can already pre order it on Apple Music. Its titled 'Bob Ross' and ensomber produced it. Tune in. Tap in. We out here not just for us but for everybody with the it's always love approach. Just dont get shit twisted haha. You can find me everywhere but soundcloud. Bless up everybody and much love to The Local Shooter. Houston we strong!!
The Local Shooter Vs. B-L1FE
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