#and i wont tag the spoiler variations but :: ]
warddokteur · 2 years
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this was originally going to be an arimnaes gets chased by kiane gag but clearly i went a little overboard by accident. whoopsie doodles.
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radiashen · 1 year
re: this post i actually have a lot to say about post trimax vash and knives. brothers with no chance of reconciliation ever...
there is. so much to be said from their last fight. about how they see each other and how they interact with the world—based on how they see the other
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first of all: they both no longer want to continue in this world. even vash, who we always see is so defined by his undying determination, basically admits he doesnt think he should go on any longer. and its interesting to note the distinction between the two here: vash wants them done with because he thinks they have no use for humanity, vs knives wants them done with because only then does he think they can be free. the immortals crave nothing more than the ability to stop living endlessly
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i think not enough people talk abt this, but here knives recognizes that he was the one who pulled away first. who mangled their brotherhood into something like this. he recognizes that they will never see eye to eye. he knows what he did, doesnt regret it, and will never apologize for it. he also cant bear it. deep down, he cant bear that this road means vash will not be there beside him in the end. that vash will always stand in his way. and his solution: either vash or him should be gone
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and heres the kicker! as always, vash will be the contradiction. whenever they talk, vash always uses us. its always we for him. its vash and knives, together. he hasnt, will never give up on them. he knows they will always have opposing worldviews. he would choose to save knives anyway, always. like he does anyone else
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and knives... doesnt know how to deal with this. doesnt want to deal with it. to know the extent of what you did, and not regret it in a second, and to still have someone take your hand. to hear vash basically say: we still have a chance. because he disagrees. because for knives, if he cant have both of them together, then vash comes first. the apple tree, i think, is never his gift for humans. why would humanity care to accept a gift from him anyway, and why should he care? its his apology for vash. his apology that he chooses to leave first. his admission that he cant coexist with vash, in this world that they hurt. that vash still believes in.
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and thats the biggest heartbreak of them all, isnt it? to know that theres someone who couldve been by your side to accompany your lonely eternity. to have that someone hurt you, time and time again. and to still love and care for them because you cant help it. to have that someone choose to leave first, because they think solitude is better than a coexistence of neverending disagreement
and you disagree with that too
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itsaboutspies · 3 years
cool so it turns out that miraculous ladybug is the absolute worst fandom for tagging their spoilers
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dvhs-inactive · 6 years
psa: here is what the pearl and marina amiibo’s gear abilities are
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so if you’re like me and bought these amiibo not only bc they look cool but bc you wanted gear, you’re better off just buying marina alone instead of with pearl bc pearl’s stuff is Trash
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rose-coyote · 3 years
Guess who's still alive I guess?
Wow, it's been a thousand and one years since the last time I posted on any form of social media. But here I am I guess??
I don't even know how many (if any) of my friends and/or mutuals are still following my dead blog, but if anyone happens to still be around then hello! I wont get into all the details as it's a very long story, but I basically took an extended hiatus from pretty much all social media and to extent, most of the internet itself. But long story short, I do intend to return to using this blog relatively soon! Putting the rest of this below the cut in case it gets longer than I planned. (spoiler alert: It did)
Over the last couple of months I have slowly been dipping my toes back into the chaos and it seems like it's been going mostly well so far. I've been quietly lurking through my dashboard for a little bit now and every time I do I always find I feel a pull in my heart, and I decided to take that as a sign that not only was I ready to return to my online presence, but maybe that I was even starting to miss it.
It should go without saying that in the, what... probably several years it's been now? Since I've been away I've obviously changed as a person. I've always advertised my blog as being a personal blog, but even so it seemed like eventually most of my content and interactions became related solely to Yu-Gi-Oh. I just wanted to take this moment to be very clear that while I still love and appreciate the ygo fandom, I have a lot more different interests than I had back then and I fully intend to run my blog as a true personal blog, not a fandom specific blog.
If you only followed me for ygo art/content and aren't interested in seeing personal art/content or content from other fandoms then this is your chance to unfollow if you don't want to see that. I totally understand your choice to do so and by no means take it personally! Otherwise anyone who wants to stick around is more than welcome to join me in my madness, haha.
So TL;DR: I'm probably coming back to this blog and getting back on my shit again, but be prepared to see a lot more personal art and content than before. Also I'll post another warning a few days from now just in case any of my mutuals are still around and want to catch up, but I'll be changing my URL to some variation of my new online tag.
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afreesworn · 5 years
Trust NPC // Nabi Kharlu
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Selection: “Oh?! Me? Of course!”
Job: Geomancer (Healer)
Weapons: An aged wooden branch with golden buds and a butterfly charm with bells attached.
AI Behavior: She is a cautious healer, who will always try to have the tank above 50% health at all times or topped off. She may get distracted easily if DPS is taking damage however, especially if Anchor is also on the same team. Mostly because he tends to want to get right up on the monsters as if he was a tank (!!). Unless the actual tank is close to dying, she will make sure Anchor is also kept at full health. She is not wont to be close to the front lines, and will stay behind with the ranged, sometimes even taking cover behind objects. But if her teammates fall, she will forego her cover to aid them however way she can.
She will get distracted easily in between pulls if there are things to explore along the way of the dungeon, especially if it is her first time there. She will read tomes, writings, and anything that looks like it shares the lore of the place. She will only use healer LB 3 if she is the last one standing, otherwise she will save Limit breaks for the DPS.
In between pulls, she will ask those around her if they are doing alright. She may also hand them little prepacked snacks if they are low on mana/TP bar. Nabi will randomly comment on the foliage growing around them and or pick up various rocks along the way. If they have been idle for awhile, she will always start some kind of chitchat about random topics.
Battle Lines:
“O-oh! I think it noticed me!” - Starting Attack Line
“Oh, you’re hurt!” - Using Lustrate equivalent to insta-heal
“Get away from them!” - Using Vines to immobilize enemies or earthquake as a knock-back
“I’ll protect you!” - Using a shield (adloquium equivalent) spell
“Back up on your feet!” - Using revive
Limit Break:
“Mother, please let me save them all.” - Using Limit Break 3
“Oh... that hurt more than I thought.” - Variation 1
“Mayhap, if I had been stronger...” - Variation 2
“I am sorry I caused you worry.” - Variation 1
“I will be more careful.” - Variation 2
Dungeon Complete:
“Oh my! That was exciting! Can we come back here?” - Variation 1
“Can we wander about now? There are so much to see here!” - Variation 2
“I knew we could do it!” - Variation 3
Her “weapon” seems to be self made, although the butterfly charm that sits on the branch is unusually secured there by thin metal vines of gold and silver that coil around the wooden branch. A small strap hangs loosely from the trinket with a single small bell that is shaped like a flower, and it lets out a soft chime with her spellcasting. The golden buds of flower only bloom with her LB3 although a shimmering glow can be seen emitted from them when she casts spells.
Also during LB3 there is a glow effect from her back that resembles wings of some sort. Keeping that vague since well, RP spoilers that hasn’t happened yet! :>
Tagged by:@vanitysruin @jaliqai-and-company and @mischiefandmystics Thank you so much!!
Tagging: I am late to the party, who hasn’t done this yet? @meandering-mind? @anchor-management?@mirkemenagerie @fireiistarter@shaelstormchild @sentryandco @liadanswhisper @mai-takeda @eastraen @zhauric @wamoura @moonlifter @aegir-ffxiv @rhythmandrust @robyn-and-evadaro @ghostiemaiden @everyoneneedsmorefranz
Also a very special thanks to @finishing-touch for these banners!!! I am totally inept when it comes to these things but he was generous to help me out!
I also saw banner/fonts courtesy of @locke-rinannis, floating around and they can be found here! 
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 16 Review.
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Is this foreshadowing?
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We start the episode with Netto walking around, completely blindfolded.
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Looks like something spontaneus because not even Rockman Knows why is he doing this.
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We get a flashback of last episode where Enzan and Blues perform the Program Advance back when Count Elec did his static trick.
Back to Netto’s blindfolded walk, Rockman tries to help him but it only results in this funny scene.
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And that is why Rockman is the Navi and not the operator, also, I have to point out the lazy animation, right at the start I can tell the animation for this episode is gonna be low quality.
After Netto falls on his back like a turtle, Rockman reminds him that Meiru and Tohru’s battle is about to start, which was mention in the last episode. The match begins and we see Tohru’s un-official plug-in secuense.
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And we get a stand off between Roll and Iceman, who will win?
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The first two of many mistakes we will find in this episode.
After the title card appears, we get a description of both challengers. I am loving Roll’s picture.
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Followed by.. Tohru’s sad picture.
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Again, Tohru?! Does your father hit you or something? Because that’s what everybody’s gonna think when they see your picture!
Mariko-sensei wishes both of them good luck, Masa takes out his special flag, Yaito and Dekao start talking about who will win, and Netto manages to arrive just in time.
Now we start the battle with Roll moving first.
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EAT CANDY HEARTS! I dont remember this part from the dub, though.
Iceman avoids her hearts and shoots a snow crystal at her, which she evades gracefully.
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Meiru decides to send the Aqua tower battle chip with the same beautiful animation for Roll from episode 8, and Iceman tries to counter it by summoning his ice pillars from episode 6.
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This is what happens when two recycled animations collide.
Tohru decides to send the Ice cube or Ice block (Im not sure anymore) and Meiru sends the triple lance chip, which results in a draw.
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As everyone is focused on the battle, Netto doesn’t seem too invested for he is busy practicing the Program Advance with Rockman. Hey, his mullet is back! XD
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That’s mistake number three.
After this, we cut to the training room where two Net Navis are practicing for their next battles.
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The Navis talk about how they are gonna defeat their opponents who are... Bombman and Stoneman? Poor guys.
However, they wont have the chance to even fight them since said Navis suddently appear to take them out.
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Let’s cut back to the epic battle that is Roll vs Iceman.
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They seem evenly matched and everybody talks about how the battle might end on a tie. They both get up again, as Tohru tells Iceman to prepare to use his Blizzard attack, Meiru sends, what I imagine is another rare chip Yaito gave her, the Cyclone chip.
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Which makes Roll start spinning for some reason.
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The Cyclone is a variation of the Typhoon virus we saw in the last episode, which might confirm my theory of Virus chips and Battle chips having the same name.
It’s a face off between Iceman’s Blizzard and Roll’s Cyclone!
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This literally stops time with everybody, who cares about this match, waiting in suspense.
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How will physics play out in this battle?
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Like this, the Cyclone returns the blizzard to Iceman who freezes, resulting on the emo looking Tohru losing the battle. Iceman has been ICED!
The battle ends and Tohru congratulates Meiru for her victory. Oh look, Enzan was watching the battle too, does he have anything to say about it?
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Or he can just ignore it and focus on these mysterious looking giants on the hallway. To be honest, after seeing Enzan’s giant bodyguards, I don’t find their hight weird at all, maybe that means they’re either Americans or Europeons.
We cut to mistake number four with Roll’s hair gone, as everybody praises Meiru and Tohru for their battle.
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Except for Netto who is still doing the Program Advance air training.
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Midorikawa announces the next two battles with the two strange operators, one in the main “flower” dome and the other in the “micro” sub dome, for what I can see from these layouts, the crowd is either really tiny or none existing!
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Their Navis happen to be Bombman and Stoneman! We get full shots of both Navis resulting on consistant mistake number five, Bombman’s eyes are purple when they are suppoused to be red.
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I say consistant since this happens a lot throughout the episode, so I better count this as one.
Midorikawa tells the audience that Bombman and Stoneman’s opponents have not appear yet, resulting in both Navis winning by default.
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Its Drill Mach! Not Drillman! There is already a Drillman. EXE
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Now that I think about it, how does one trademark their Navi’s Name? Does the internet tell you when a certain name is taken?
Anyway, Bombman and Stoneman win by default and Midorikawa says that they remain unbeaten, this not only confuses Netto, but Mahajarama tells the other World Three operators that they are probably the new Navis sent by Dr.Wily.
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After commercials, we see the WWW operators having lunch outside the dome, complaning about these new operators whom they know nothing about. And I’m just focused on the weird hairdo of the little girl running in the background.
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Wouldn’t it be akward if Netto just suddenly appear and see them all together like this and accusing them to be the World Three in front of everyone? But Netto is in the training room practicing the program advance with Rockman while blindfolded, however, something seems wrong because after the official animation for the program advance (in a completely different background BTW) Rockman falls backwards.
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I’m gonna count that background fail as mistake number six.
Rockman tells Netto that there isn’t enough room, but Netto says that he is just too distracted by Bombman and Stoneman being unbeaten.
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I found mistake number seven!
Netto tells Rockman that Higure-san said that all of Bombman and Stoneman’s opponents were attacked before their matches, making both of them very suspicious. 
Dekao comes in to tell Netto that the pairings for the upcoming tagged matches are going to be announced. Meanwhile, Higure is trying to get an interview from the huge operators, but they end up destroying his mic leaving him terrified.
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Netto and Dekao happend to see this and decide to follow the mysterious netops, who attemp to murder them by throwing them off the second floor.
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Okay, there is water below, but turns out Dekao doesn’t know how to swim, and Netto does the mistake of trying to help him from the front.
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Which is kind of weird because fat people are suppose to float easily, but it looks like he was just exaggerating since they stop splashing after Saloma appears to help them out.
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FYI, when trying to help somebody who is drowning, never aproach from the front! Always grab them from behind or else they will take you down too.
Anyway, Saloma tells them that she is paired up with Dekao and, by the power of super plot conviniense, are gonna fight against Bombman and Stoneman.
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Its Bombman, not Bomberman!
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I didn’t even now he was in the tournament.
We start the first match of the tag team battles with Saloma’s first plug-in sequence.
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Now its time for the mystery operators to plug-in.
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We start the battle with Saloma telling Dekao that Woodman will fight Stoneman, so Gutsman charges at Bombman and starts punching him. Woodman uses some vines to inmobilized Stoneman, something I had no idea he could do.
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Dekao then sends a Battle Chip to Gutsman which he calls by the wrong name.
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This doesn’t do anything to Bombman, and Stoneman frees himself from Woodman’s vines. The two Navis tell their opponents that they will never be able to move them, making Meiru cheer for Dekao for once.
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I don’t ship them but this is cute.
Dekao sends the same exact battle chip from before but this time with the right name, so I’m gonna count the scene from before as mistake number eight.
Gutsman uses the Guts Hammer but Bombman blocks it with a barrier, and Woodman summons wood towers only for Stoneman to break them as easy as breaking a toothpick.
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During this, Netto tells Yaito that there is something strange going on with the mystery operators since they haven’t move since the battle started, which Miyuki, Enzan and Mahajarama noticed as well.
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In fact, Mahajarama uses an insane Alakazam psychic move to prove his theory to the other World Three members.
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Mahajarama is a POKEMON! That’s why he can use Teleport! O0O
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How can you see that from up there?!
Higure tells her that they are not plugging out and Enzan figures out the truth.
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Who said that? Did Netto hear Enzan say that just now? HOW?!
Stoneman and Bombman, with another shot of Bombman’s purple eyes, reveal the identity of the operators before the whole audience.
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They are Robots! What is even happening right now?!
Turns out Stoneman and Bombman are completely independant Net Navis, which means that they don’t need operators to battle or plug them in. Which raises the question of how they even manage to enter the tournament in the first place. Maybe the staff is even more incompetant than I thought.
Gutsman and Woodman decide to attack again, but Bombman and Stoneman are just too much for them and end up beating them easily.
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Still counting the purple eyes as one.
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Gutsman and Woodman are forced to log out, and Bombman and Stoneman declare that Sharkman and Rockman won’t stand a chance, spoiler alert!
The next tag battle is Netto teaming up with Commander Beef, who suddenly appears next to him.
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This is followed by Yaito’s remark of the Commander feeling familiar.
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Huh, he helped you get rid of the fire viruses back in episode 13, remember?
So Netto ends the episode staring at his future opponents, determined to beat them.
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My thoughts?
This episode would feel like a huge filler if it wasn’t because it introduced Bombman and Stoneman, although we already saw them back in episode 14, their names were still a mystery. Anyone who played the game know that Bombman and Stoneman were World Three Navis, but there was no mention of them having operators, so the anime kept it that way by making them the first independant Navis.
The animation for this episode was very low quality since it featured a lot of miscolors and mistakes, shots were reused and others were added, and I’m not talking about the dub, this is to save money in the animation.
If you follow me on Deviantart you would know that I call the art style for this episode “Simple”, because it is usually found in episodes that don’t require a lot of movement and the action sequenses are kinda slow.
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An example of this style being used was in episode nine, which also featured some minor animation mistakes.
For the dub version, Roll throwing her hearts at Iceman was cutted for some reason, and for the dialogue change, the scene where Yaito talks about the Commander feeling familiar was changed to her noticing that Masa was gone, which makes more sense since he was sitting above them.
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Yeah so i wont be spoiler free
That was obvious
Ill tag everything with all variations of "voltrom season 6" I can think of
God be with us
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chronotopes · 6 years
memed by @bajroan tysm
rules: answer 30 questions, tag 20 blogs. (spoiler alert boy howdy am i not doing that)
nicknames: eugene calls me a different mangled version of my name every time he sees me (“kantinatio” etc) but that’s more of an inside joke than a nickname. other than that uh not really
gender: grace i don’t want 2 rip off your reply but “girl i guess” really is The Mood Constantly
sign: leo!! (with a moon in uhh aries i believe)
height: 5′4″ :/ 
time: 1:19 pm est
birthday: august 18 2000
favourite bands: uh the mountain goats obviously. also it’s Been stars and the decemberists for like two years but sometimes a girl has just got to accept her basic-in-certain-circles music taste and move on. oh also i like the shins not that this improves things. ooh and fleetwood mac. 
favourite solo artists: carly rae jepsen, phil ochs (grace i know philliam is not particularly niche but i’m still always excited when i meet people who like him), connie converse (*blows a kiss to the open road* for connie), and ani difranco. 
song stuck in my head: the loamlands cover of ‘fall of the high school star running back’ because i’ve been catching up on i only listen to the mountain goats 
last movie i saw: i think it was star wars the last jedi; i RLLY don’t see a lot of movies lmao
last show i watched: black mirror
when did i create my blog: july of 2013 :/
what do i post: whatever i am currently thinking too hard about . at the moment that’s mainly sad thoughts about julian bashir’s character arc
last thing i googled: “frost at midnight” because gotta love coleridge
do i have any other blogs: yyyyeah most of them totally inactive. where’s that one post about Leo Culture being having fifty sideblogs
do i get asks: moderately often, generally either for memes or more rarely “what’s wrong with x” after i make a post about not liking x. (i actually.... really like answering those lmao)
why did i choose my url: i got into les mis back in 2015 and couldn’t think of any good les mis urls that weren’t taken, so instead i took the end off the 93 quote “whatever creates night in our souls may leave stars”. 93 is not a book i have read or plan on reading in the future
following: 194, which is rlly weird ; it always feels like more :/
followed by: exactly 666 actually 
average hours of sleep: seven if we are being optimistic
lucky number: 27
instruments: i took piano as a kid but boy howdy is that not a thing anymore
dream job: secondary or post-secondary education; post-secondary is The Dream but uhh a phd in english rlly doesn’t land you many good places so i’ve been increasingly fond of the former option conceptually. assuming of course that the school system will not have collapsed by then. also being A Writer but like :/
favourite food: this is genuinely impossible to answer but i WOULD die for any goat cheese/tomato combination, or any variation on the theme of ‘eggplant-based foods’ (caponata >>>>>> ratatouille tho. italians know what they’re doing)
nationality: russian
favourite song: i always answer “cry for judas” by tmg but maybe “jenny” has surpassed it who knows. 
last book i read: i’m reading mark twain’s personal recollections of joan of arc for my honors project 
top 3 fictional universes i want to join: star trek or bust (probably the ent-d because even though ds9 is miles and miles better i don’t want 2 die.) uh aside from that.. discworld, probably, and maybe series nine from diana wynne jones’s related worlds. as in in the chrestomanci novels. (series nine is the one the protagonists live in right. i have the book sitting on my shelf but i am too lazy to check)
i’m tagging anyone who wants to do it as i am wont to
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thespacelizard · 7 years
its time for another one of muse's semi-regular gender crisis posts!!!!
this is a mess but idc
like every time i try and figure out what i am i just. help? bc i try and think well, have i always been this way and didn't realise it? (like all those posts about thinking back and realising how fucking gay you were all along and its so obvious now you think about it) but like.
argument: as a kid i was always tomboyish. always played with boys, got on with them better. once got told it was clear i belonged with them bc i must have been a boy in a past life and that felt good.
counter argument: i played with girls and mixed gender groups too, esp. when the play was imaginative, not just tag, or sitting around talking, or kiss chase (which. what bullshit game was that did any other schools have that? also that was the beginning of my realisation that i Wasn't Pretty bc no one ever wanted to catch me. i mean they werent wrong i was a weird lookin kid)
so was it a 'i really belong with boys bc im closer to one/am more of one' thing or a baby internalised misogny thing where the girls weren't encouraged as much to rough, imaginative type play and thus i didn't engage with or connect with them?
(can you even have interalised misogyny when you're like. 7?)
argument: i was again friends more with boys in secondary school, always one of the guys, more comfortable in that environment.
counter argument: but! again bc they shared my more 'nerdy' interests, and 'other girls' which i was 'not like' were more 'girly'. but that's society right? so it cant have been a gender thing bc i was friends with the few girls who were openly nerdy too?
(the point i keep circling back to is: was any of my youth 'evidence' of a vaguely trans narrative or was it all just variations on a theme of internal and external misogyny?)
college & uni - when i felt the LEAST connected to my classmates. spoiler: the time when my classes were majority female for the first time. but was i just being an anti-social nerd? (i went to rp societies (AGAIN THERE'S THE IMAGINATIVE PLAY CONNECTION) which were, ofc, majority male, bc d&d and larp are still HUGELY male dominated spaces). and i felt more at home there.
bc of dudes? or imaginative escapism?
i just.
i know the answer is you're supposed to just 'know' that you are your gender, whatever that might be. and it should be that, right? the way i know im bi?
(but i always get paranoid about that too, bc am i REALLY bi or am i just attracted to ladies bc media pushes a very attractive-ladies-you-should-be-attracted-to kind of stance? am i bi bc the world is constantly shoving lady-attraction in my face or am i actually attracted to ladies? the cons of having no close straight girl friends: i cant ask them if they ever watched music videos to see the half naked girls when they were a kid.)
i just want a litmus test. i hate not knowing. i hate being 'questioning'. i just want to know. i dont want to declare and then trick myself into that being my identity.
(and then the brain goblin starts up again with: 'you're only thinking you are THIS bc you watch a lot of trans/gnc youtubers now. remember when you watched a lot of gamers and wanted to make games? or watched a lot of vloggers and wanted to be a youtuber? THIS IS THAT ALL OVER AGAIN ONLY WORSE BC YOU'RE A TRANSTRENDER)
and i can remember being comfortable being seen as female, i think? or at least being fine dressing feminine and being ~sexy~ but now i cant. do it? i feel weird putting on a dress, i feel weird when my breasts are obvious.
i feel fine naked. clothes are the problem.
i know (mostly) that im not a boy. like thats fairly certain. i dont have any huge amounts of dysphoria or anything. im fortunate enough to be small chested so i wont ever know if breasts are really a big issue for me. i could care less about my genitalia.
can gender just. not be a thing please. i dont want to deal with it. im opting out.
0 notes
kpopgerapitico · 4 years
Song of the Week
BTS exists, and I will have comments. Hopefully there is some other stuff too!
Honorable Mentions:
Goopy’s sound in Stay feels influenced by a lot of the pop music from the 2000s, and little bit of more indie guitar stuff. I like it for being simple and pretty happy. Also the video is kind of adorable? Like it is very obviously just shots of everyday life for the singer and his friends, and they all seem so happy.
Okay, so it’s an MV week for me. I love the chest mounted Go Pro in BADROOM’s We Used to Do. It is my least favorite of the songs he has put out so far, but I don’t mind it. I also think the feature is interestingly done, both visually and musically.
I like the emotions behind UNVS’s Timeless. And in general I am pro people debuting later, as they tend to have lived fuller lives and seem to portray the emotional side better. Also because then I don’t worry about people being super gross about being fans (only creepy). I do wonder if they were just unlucky so they didn’t debut sooner, or if they have less skill then their younger senior artists. Timeless is forgettable, but pleasant enough.
Rockstar continues the trend of Ravi’s rap tracks in that I don’t like it, and am mostly confused in the video. It bucks the trend by having a moment in the leather jacket with fringe, and being a whole lot less hard hitting than he usually tends to. Still too much autotune for me though.
I have never made it through a Younha track, but adding a rapper has made it a bit easier. Winter Flower shows off her stellar vocals, and lets RM have a beat to work with by forcing a little bit more in the mix than she normally has. I’m not an instant fan, but it is nice to hear such talent on display. Also cute animated video is a plus.
Okay, now for the BTS commentary we are all waiting for. And quick spoiler: 1. they are getting the win this week. 2. im not going to tag it because 3. bts fans scare me, and wont just be saying nice things.
Anyways, On is a great track. The fact that they put some many effects on their vocals bothers me more than a little bit, but the chorus is super great, and it is a march out to war track in the best way. And hype songs are what I live for a lot of the time. On the other hand, it has problems. The chorus could go harder into the paint and would probably be better. None of the rappers have particularly impressive verses, especially when I have heard better from them before. And the video . . . y’all big hit has all this money for a big conceptual video, but there are some rough special effects. Like some poor super talented effects studio got all the raws, and then big hit was like “we realized later that this field J-Hope is standing in is boring af, fix that please!” And the studio was like how, and big hit was like, idk, weird trees or some shit. And the whole tree growth thing at the end could have been so cool if they had been able to add more variation, but instead it is so obviously cg that it pulls out of the moment. Also, the cg contrasts so heavily with the great on set work that was done. It makes me wish that they were a little less extravagant in scale and stuck to the stuff they absolutely killed.
See, opinions.
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