#it was just supposed to be a style test why did i do this
warddokteur · 2 years
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this was originally going to be an arimnaes gets chased by kiane gag but clearly i went a little overboard by accident. whoopsie doodles.
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
I'm Having Your Baby
It's None Of Your Business
It was supposed to just be a one night stand. It wasn't supposed to be anything more. But three positive pregnancy tests later and she realises she's fucked.
(I actually don't like Harry Styles)
Warnings: smut, mention of abortion
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The bass was thumping, the music blasting and the lights flying in the club. She was letting loose, shaking her hips in time to the music. She was the envy of everybody in the club.
He was across the dance floor, sat in one of the booths lining the wall. In his hands was a jack and coke, the ice in his glass almost completely melted. Although he was on the other side of the club, he could still see her. Actually, he couldn't tear his eyes away.
Something about her drew him closer. He wove his way through the crowds of people until he was standing in front of her, hands of her gyrating hips. Wordlessly she wrapped her arms around his neck and moved her body along with his.
He knew he had to have her. Carlos kissed her that night. He pulled her close as he pressed his lips to her. Before long his tongue was down her throat and they had forgotten about dancing.
She ended up at his place that night. He laid her down in his bed and stripped off her clothes. She shivered in the cool air of his bedroom, but it wasn't long before his warm, naked body was on top of hers, thrusting into her, bring wave after wave of pleasure.
He rolled his hips against her, setting his pace according to his moan. He was completely focused on bringing her pleasure again and again.
Nobody had ever fucked her like that before. No single man had ever made her cum that many times.
But still, she was out of his bed, out of his house before he woke up, never to see him again.
The pregnancy test was taken three and a half weeks later. At 25 days she realised she had missed her period. It wasn't worrying until she remembered her counter in the club.
But she never expected it to come up positive. It must have been a fluke she realised. There was no way she was actually pregnant. Not after a single occurrence of unprotected sex.
But then she took another test. And then another. They all came up positive. Fuck, she really was pregnant. And she didn't even know the name of the father.
Actually, it was pretty easy to find out the name of the father. Her little brother was into Formula One, and she recognised him the moment he walked onto the screen.
She hadn't told her family of her pregnancy yet, and she wouldn't, not until she absolutely had to. She hid her pregnancy tests in her apartment and headed off to spend time with them.
It was a Sunday, so of course her brother was watching Formula One while her mother prepared Sunday night dinner. She was sat behind her brother, sipping lemonade as the driver's on the screen were interviewed.
The camera slowly panned across the Ferrari garage. Her glass dropped out of her hand, shattering on the floor. "What the hell?" Her brother shrieked as he stood up, avoiding the smashed glass.
"Who is that?" She asked as she pointed to the number 55 driver. He looked just as he did all those weeks ago, somehow better in his black fireproofs and red overalls.
Her brother gave her a frown. "That? That's Carlos Sainz, but why do you care?"
But she had already disappeared into the bathroom to throw up until she was dry heaving. Her baby daddy was Carlos Sainz, the world famous Ferrari driver.
It took her a moment to calm down. When she did, she opened her Instagram and went to his account. She scrolled through his account, as if to make sure it was definitely him. But it was undeniable.
It was a gamble going into his messages. But she had to do something to get his attention, had to let him know what was going on. If he didn't see it then so be it, she didn't need him to raise their baby.
Hi, you might not remember me but we hooked up a month ago. We met in the club and I was wearing a red dress with converse. Well, I'm pregnant.
She sent the message and walked out of the bathroom. The glass had been cleaned up from the living room floor and her family were already sat around the dinner table, the race on in the background. Her legs shook as she joined them.
"Is everything okay, dear?" Her mother asked and she nodded her head. She'd tell them, but not today.
Three days later Carlos Sainz messaged her on Instagram. She couldn't quite believe it when she woke up to that notification.
I remember
That was all he said. It was disappointing, actually. Where did she go from here?
Carlos Sainz said nothing more to her, not until a few months later. She got on with her life while their child grew inside of her, and he got on with his.
Or she assumed he did, at least. Actually, Carlos hadn't stopped thinking about it. It was distracting him from racing and training, and stopping him from eating and drinking.
He remembered her from the club, remembered fucking her. Remembered the way his cock slipped through her velvety folds.
It was one night, it couldn't have been his, right?
After four months of needless stress, Carlos finally messaged her again.
I'm sorry to do this but I need you to prove it to me
No, it was fair enough. She grabbed her pregnancy tests, stood in front of her mirror with her bump exposed. That was the picture she sent to Carlos. That was the picture that made him realise that he really was going to be a father.
Fuck. A new wave of stress rolled through him. What was he supposed to do now?
Are you keeping it?
Yes, she texted back. Yes, I'm keeping it
That wasn't the answer that Carlos wanted to see. He was going to be a father and he really didn't want to.
I want nothing to do with it
She sucked in a breath. Fine, she didn't need him. They didn't need him. But still she accepted Carlos' request on Instagram.
Something in her still wanted his attention. As soon as she could, and for as little money as possible, she booked tickets to the next grand prix.
It was hot, swelteringly so. She was dressed in a tight fitting shirt and shorts that showed off her bump. Her parents paid for paddock passes and she spent as long as she could walking in front of the Ferrari garage.
Carlos noticed her, but not right away. It was a minute before he regnised her. But then he was Marching over to her. "What're you doing here?" He hissed as he pulled her away from prying eyes.
She swallowed thickly. "I..." but she had nothing prepared to say to him, no excuse. She'd hoped him just seeing her bump would change his mind.
But it remained unchanged.
"I'm here with my girlfriend. You can't be here," he said. He hadn’t looked at her bump, not yet. "Get out of here," he hissed.
But she stepped up to him. "I'm having your baby, Carlos."
"It's none of my business." He turned on his heel and walked away.
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gin-juice-tonic · 2 months
my mother forbade me to cut my hair short ‘cause i’m supposed to look feminine😀 i hate it when she puts it like that. anyway, do you have any hairstyle recommendations to make my long hair more bearable? OR hairstyle recommendations in general, in case i can't stand it and go get a haircut in secret, lol
There's lots of ways to have masc long hair. I don't know a lot of names of things, so I just picked pictures. And I don't know what your hair type is, so I just kind of tried to pick a Lot of pictures. How your hair will be read will depend on other factors too, like the things you're wearing, so keep that in mind also.
The first thing you could do is just grow it and grow it and grow it. It might be the last thing you feel like doing, which is fair. Though I did this in high school when I was forbidden from cutting my hair short with the attitude of "you want it long? FINE. I WILL GIVE YOU LONG." So I could at least smirk at my act of rebellion. This hair is reminiscent of metal bands, skaters and surfers, and 90s grunge.
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If you want to add to it, I think wearing a hat or other accessory can up the masc factor. In school or work you may not be able to get away with this though.
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I could not find any cowboy hat pictures, but that's also a pretty good look if you've never tried it.
The next thing I thought of was the longer hair of the 60s and 70s. Skip this section if you don't have straight-ish hair or don't want to straighten it. Tended to be more styled than the longer hair above. It might feel reminiscent of "feminine" styles, I suppose. But fashion is weird like that. It might help if you re-frame your thought from "feminine" to "old school"
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You may notice some of these guys have mustaches. Which is cheating. but it's the thought that counts.
For hair types that may lay a bit flatter than the above. This haircut is one of those cuts that has about a million names. You're better off just finding a picture of it.
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Keanu Reeves has also had quite a few flat-ish hairstyles as well
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This next one I don't see very often, but I think the low-ponytail is also a good masc look without having to cut your hair. And it's easy to combine with other hairstyles. May be worth testing out even if you get a different haircut.
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Last one, my favorite one, the one I'm sure was expected of me. The perfect combination of long and short hair. Everybody hop aboard the mullet train.
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Now you might be wondering. Why I have included a picture of Lisa Lisa. Well that is because I think her hair is extremely cool regardless of how feminine she wears it.
But also I am going to include some pictures of famous short haired women if you want to show your mom
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And I also want to include the butches from this tumblr post
Because theyre a good example of mullets, low ponytails, and wearing hats.
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Anyway I hope that helps
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exhaslo · 22 days
Helloo! Can i request about moth reader and yandere miguel?.. I really appreciate all your writing! I hope you had a good day!
Tbh I'm not sure if you actually mean "moth" or if you meant "goth" but you know what...
Why not both? Haha, I think I have an interesting idea for it.
Warning: Possessiveness, experimentation, fluff, mentions of sex, manipulation
This was NOT how your experiment was supposed to go.
This was NOT how you expected your life to turn out.
This was NOT how you wanted Miguel O'Hara to see you.
You had always been the oddball at your job. Most told you that it was rare to find such a 'creature' like yourself. It was always frustrating to explain to those ingrates that you were just expressing yourself the way as many did during the Great Hero Age.
You were a proud goth. Not many committed to this life style anymore as they focused more on the future. Hell, you had spent a good amount of money trying to find old CDs and Vinyl's from back in the day. There were many things that had disappeared within the last hundred years.
All you wanted to do was bring back an old culture to the year 2099!
The only person who did not mind your lifestyle was one of your regulars...
Miguel O'Hara
The man was the definition of fine. He was tall, hot and oh so perfect. He had wanted to get to know you at your little coffee shop and quickly became your regular.
Miguel was understanding. He enjoyed listening to you talk and even took your suggestions. You knew someone as perfect as him would not join in your lifestyle, but you were just happy that he bothered to give you the time to explain.
How would Miguel react to you now?
You were desperate for money, so you decided to take an offer from Alchemax-the biggest company in the city...If not, the world. The only problem was that you didn't expect for the turnout. This was not what you were expecting at all!
It felt like a nightmare! You felt different already compared to your futurist coworkers, but now...to your fellow humans? Alchemax turned you into a freak! Who would bother to look at you now? What were you going to do now?!
"Ah, my dear (Y/N), how beautiful,"
From the moment he laid eyes on you, Miguel knew that you were special. Call it fate, but Miguel just knew that you were meant to belong to him.
Miguel knew that he had to control himself. He didn't want to scare you after all. So, he started by stopping by your work. Bringing up small chat, getting to know you. Loving everything about you. Loving to find out new things about you.
When you weren't working, Miguel would follow you home as Spider-Man. He needed to protect you. Such a fragile human like yourself knew not of how to protect themselves. You were a target for people to pick on.
And who better to protect you than Miguel?
Miguel made sure that no man got near you. Every guy who even dared smile or tried to flirt with you disappeared. Everyone who dared give you a hard time, Miguel made sure they were taught a lesson.
The more Miguel got to know you, the more he became obsessed with you. You were perfect for him. His lovely little doll. Miguel made a special room for you in his place. Put everything you would like and even started to take some of your stuff.
This room was going to be yours very soon. That bed would be where Miguel will show you his love. Where you will conceive his child and become his wife. Your body and soul will belong to him.
Miguel knew you were short for cash. He knew that no one wanted to help a freak like you. It was a shame. Only Miguel knew how wonderful and kind you were. How amazing your lifestyle was and how this world was too naïve to embrace you.
So, Miguel thought of a plan. He watched as you accepted the offer from Alchemax and went to get your blood done. It made Miguel shudder as he watched you undress for the doctor, wanting to make sure that you were healthy for the test.
That body was only for Miguel to see, but he will let this slide since it was a woman doctor.
Once the experiment began, Miguel watched from the sidelines. He waited for his moment to swoop in and change the procedure. Why? Because Miguel was going to give you a reason to stay with him.
"What have you done?!" You cried out, sobbing at your new form.
The doctors and scientists panicked and fled to find some information and excuse for what went wrong. While Miguel stood in awe at your beautiful new form.
Your DNA was now mixed with that of a moth. You had large gorgeous wings and your hair had streaks of white. You were crotched down on the floor, sobbing as you tried to cover yourself from the bright lights.
"Ah, my dear (Y/N), how beautiful," Miguel couldn't help but say cheerfully as he approached you, "Don't cry (Y/N), it's going to be okay."
"M-Miguel? W-What are you doing here?" You sobbed quietly, covering your eyes, "I-It's so bright...I'm getting dizzy."
"Shh, I know. I know,"
Miguel was careful with your wings as he wrapped his arms around you. Your warmth was comforting. Your scent, better than he could ever imagine. Who better than to love you now than him?
"I know you're confused, but come with me. I'll take care of you."
Miguel was true to his word. You had followed the man whom you had a crush on, scared for your new form. Miguel gently explained what happened, saying that it was an error on the scientists he watched over. Since it was under his watch, Miguel claimed to take responsibility for you.
You wanted to find it strange that Miguel already had a room for you, but you were too stressed to care. Your mind was all over the place and your body felt strange. The room was dark and cool. Much to your liking.
"(Y/N), I brought you some food." Miguel called out.
As he entered, he held up a small lantern, to which you felt drawn too. You pressed yourself against Miguel, wanting to reach for the light, but Miguel chuckled and brought you back to the bed. His hand stroked your cheek, placing the food on your dresser,
"You are so cute, (Y/N)," Miguel whispered, kissing your head. You hummed lowly,
"Why...are you so kind to me?"
"Ah," Miguel chuckled lowly as he held your hand, "Because I love you. We were meant for each other."
That sounded nice. Honestly, who would love you now as you were? Hell, who would even want anything to do with you now? You were part moth. At least now your gothic lifestyle matched your new look. Hell, it made your wings pop out more.
"Miguel...I...I um, I like you too."
Miguel could hardly control his laughter as you fell into the palm of his hand. Of course you loved him. You had no one else to turn too. No one else to help you.
Miguel made sure to keep you believing that you needed him. From helping you figure out your powers, to fucking you senselessly during the night and day.
Miguel gave you everything you wanted.
Just as long as you behaved and listen to everything he did and said. Miguel smiled as you approached him in the living room, showing off the new gothic attire he had bought for you. Doing a little spin, Miguel groaned softly as you let your wings spread.
"So beautiful." He hummed. You smiled, sitting on his lap,
"Miguel...could we go out? I want to fly for a bit," You begged.
Miguel just smiled as you waited for his response. You knew of his secret and made sure to not do anything he wouldn't like.
"Of course, baby, but I have to give you a good reminder on what to do and what not to do,"
You just nodded, smiling as Miguel pressed you against the couch. Your back to him as your wings were on full display. Miguel groaned softly as he held your waist, ready to give you some good reminders about going outside.
After all...
You were Miguel's.
Def unique and different, so I hope you enjoyed!!!
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myysaints · 7 months
saw your requests are open so i’d like to request something! something angsty because this came to me after listening to ‘cherry’ by harry styles :p reader is danny’s ex but they broke up, few months later he’s dating someone else and reader is now in a (new/fresh) relationship with another driver, max/charles i couldn’t decide so i’ll let you do that! ♡ just something angsty like him realizing how much he misses her but she’s moved on and happy 🫶🏼 hope this makes sense? ah, love your stuff btw!!!
thank u anon you're so sweet! and ughhhh this request was IMMACULATE cherry is one of my favourite harry styles songs. wasn't sure if you wanted a socmed fic, if u did lmk and i'd be happy to adapt it into one! but i hope you enjoy nevertheless :)
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I, I just miss I just miss your accent and your friends
Daniel stares down at his phone.
What a cruel twist of fate it is that the moment he opened his Instagram, he sees you.
You’re laughing in the picture, your hand looped around none other than Max’s neck. You’re sprawled on the Red Bull driver’s lap, and there’s a giddy grin on both of your faces, Max’s arm wrapped protectively around your waist. It feels bittersweet, seeing that familiar sweet smile of yours, only now it’s pointed at another man.
It’s only one photo in a carousel of others posted by your best friend. Why Daniel still follows her, he has no idea. But he stares at the photograph of you for longer than he’d like to admit.
There’s a shuffling noise from the kitchen, and Daniel’s new girlfriend pokes her head into the room. “Danny, we still going out for dinner?”
Daniel can only stare at her for a moment, too caught up in the memories of you and him to reply.
He knows what he’s doing is wrong. He knows he shouldn’t be leading this poor girl along. He knows that all this relationship is to him is a way to distract himself from what’s really eating at him. He knows that she’s just a replacement for you.
But the quizzical smile his girlfriend sends has his heart aching in guilt, so he manages a feeble nod in response, quickly shutting his phone off and throwing it onto the bed, before making his way to her smiling face.
The guilt eats him alive as he makes small talk with her over dinner. He would never admit it, but sometimes he can’t stand to look at her; to roll over in bed and see someone other than you laying beside him.
Did you know I still talk to them?
Everything changed after Zandvoort.
Daniel was partially to blame, he knew that. The crash in free practice had taken a toll on him, not just physically but mentally. The season in AlphaTauri was his one shot at proving that he still had it in him to be a class Formula 1 driver - to the world, to Red Bull, and to himself.
You were supportive of him all the way. From the moment he entered talks with Red Bull and AlphaTauri to get back into F1, to when he first got in that white and blue car at Hungary, you were always there, by his side.
But Zandvoort changed things. Zandvoort changed him.
He started to push you away. The comments from the media, from fans, from people everywhere, all around him, were starting to get to him. Did nobody believe in him anymore? Was he really not cut out for Formula 1?
Was his time really up?
The weeks of recovery were dark for the both of you. For him, most of it was spent in bed, his mind fuzzy from the painkillers and medicine, too tired and too beaten to do anything. For you, it was utter torture. To see the man you loved, the man whose laughter and mere presence brought so many smiles to those in the paddock, the man who never knew when to give up, look so futile and disappointed? It hurt.
But he hurt you more.
Does he take you walking round his parents' gallery?
It’s funny. Fate, he means. How it has a way of testing him, how it has a way of bringing his mind and him back to you. Always you.
“Has anyone seen Max and Y/N? They were supposed to arrive a while ago, are they late? ”  
Instinctively, Daniel turns. It’s almost pathetic really. How just the sound of your name catches his attention and has him whipping around, his eyes searching for you. How you unwittingly made him into your own lapdog.
You aren’t there, though, so he keeps his head down and ignores the questioning look his girlfriend sends him.
In the final few weeks, and perhaps even months, of your relationship, Daniel hadn’t been kind on you. He became bitter, spiteful, even jealous. To him, you just didn’t understand the weight on his shoulder, the pressures he had to face. But how could you? Despite all your protests and pleading, he was shutting you out of his life, bit by bit.
Every time you came over, it ended with screaming matches and you leaving with tears in your eyes. Daily visits from you turned into weekly check-ins. He started to turn his head away from you when you tried to kiss his cheek. Those turned into brusque hand squeezes. His texts, too, became sparse and dry. He recoiled from you when you were around.
He could still remember the heartbreak on your face when he told you he wanted to break up. "It's for both of our own good," he mumbled. "I need to focus on racing. You should have a life outside of me."
It was a bitter end, and to this day, Daniel still regrets not putting up enough of a fight. How stupid he had been, to think that without you, he could give his 100% to racing. How stupid he had been, to think of you as a distraction.
He can’t imagine how stupid he must appear to you now, showing up on Sunday with a new girlfriend on his arm.
Don't you call him baby
“You sure you’re okay?”
You smooth down your dress for the umpteenth time, breathing out a nervous sigh as you smile back at Max, who glances at you in slight concern. His press officer is fussing over the both of you, the paddock entrance looming both terrifyingly and excitingly ahead.
It’s about to be your first public appearance with Max, and your first public appearance at a Formula 1 grand prix since… Well, since your relationship with Daniel ended.
It’s been a rough few months. It took time, getting used to Daniel’s absence. You hadn’t realised just how much of your life had revolved around his being; it became painful to even step foot in the paddock, to even switch on the television to catch up on the latest grand prix.
Even worse was the public scrutiny. You and Daniel had always been open about your relationship, frequently sharing bits and pieces of your life together on each of your social medias. So it was no wonder than when you both stopped posting each other, and when you took down all your posts with him, that fans knew something was up.
Things hadn’t been easy. But Max had made it better. What started as a friendly reaching out turned into a heartachingly romantic and sweet courting, and now, he was your boyfriend.
You smile at Max, reaching up to press a gentle kiss on his cheek. You can hear a flurry of cameras snapping away, and you resist glancing at them, choosing instead to focus on your boyfriend. At your peck, Max ducks his head, as if suddenly shy despite the two of you having dated for going on 3 months now. Still, the small grin on his face tells you all you need to know.
“I’ll be fine,” you say as you slip your hand into his, and give a nod to his press officer. Max’s thumb smooths over your knuckles, and you finally feel yourself relax. You look into his eyes, and in this moment, you know: You’re happy.
“Don’t worry ‘bout me, baby.”
We're not talking lately
Everyone notices when you enter the paddock.
Not only because it’s the first time in months that you’ve appeared at a Grand Prix, but because you have Max Verstappen beside you. With his arm around your waist.
“What’s happening?” his girlfriend asks, craning her neck to peer at the paddock entrance. “Did someone just arrive?”
“It’s Max,” a passing journalist calls, as he hastens towards the paddock entrance himself. “With Y/N!”
Daniel can’t help himself. Really, he can’t.
It happens before he can stop himself. He’s getting up and pulling his hand from his girlfriend and his feet are taking himself over to you as if they have a mind of their own. As if they still remember that it's where he’s meant to be. By your side.
The crowd doesn’t part for him. Not anymore. He finds himself standing on the outskirts of the gathering group, watching from afar as you bashfully smile for the many snapping cameras, and cling onto Max a little tighter, as the Red Bull driver nods politely at the journalists swarming you.
“Alright, alright, let us through, please,” he hears Max say, “Let my girl have some space, yeah?”
Something akin to jealousy rears its ugly head.
Then the horde of people are moving, and some are finally beginning to notice Daniel.
“Danny!” “Daniel, over here, please!” “How’re you feeling today, Daniel?” “Daniel, how does it feel that Max is dating your ex-girlfriend?”
The question has him reeling, and he can only stare at the waiting journalist incredulously. What a ridiculous fucking question. He has half a mind to charge at the dickhead and throw a punch that will send the cunt into a coma for weeks-
“Look, mate, leave us alone, yeah? Daniel, how’re you doin’?”
Max claps a good-natured hand on Daniel’s back, steering him away from the throng of journalists and photographers, who groan before turning their attention to Fernando, who’s just gotten out of his car.
Max’s friendliness momentarily stuns him, and all he can manage out is a half-convincing “Good, good” in return. This seems to satisfy Max enough, though, because then he’s smiling and nodding and rubbing Daniel’s shoulders.
It’s at this moment Daniel realises you’re still here.
He glances back at you, trailing behind him and Max.
You’re just as pretty as ever, he thinks to himself. It’s almost as if nothing had changed. Like you’re still the one he walked into the paddock with, like you’re waiting for him to finish a conversation with Max, not the other way around.
You don’t even look his way.
“…so then I told Charles, ‘No way, there’s no way you’re convincing Carlos that!’, and then, you know what he said? Really, it’s hilarious, he-”
Max stops his rambling midway, leaning down to listen to something you whisper in his ear.
“I’m gonna head to the garage first, okay?” Daniel hears you mumble, “I’ll see you later, baby.”
Then Max tilts your head up and presses a kiss on your mouth.
It’s at this moment that Daniel can’t help but feel a little foolish. Actually, more than a little. He feels stupid, downright idiotic standing here with his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend. Trying to pretend like everything was alright.
The worst part of it all, is that you don’t seem fazed at all. To you, it’s like he’s just another driver you bump into ever-so-often. You don’t seem to care about him. It’s like he and the weight of your shared history don’t even exist. Like it never did.
The sight of you walking away from him – again – pains him more than he thought it would. He can’t bear to lose you again, not when he’s still so fucking in love with you.
Soo he darts his hand out and grabs your wrist, and you whip around, eyes wide and stunned, and Daniel feels Max halt beside him, watching him intently.
And you’re looking at him now. Finally, you’re looking at him.
His eyes roam yours, trying to find a hint of familiarity, hoping desperately that he’ll find the same yearning and aching he feels for you reflected in your eyes.
“Don't you call him what you used to call me,” he whispers. Pleading with you.
Something in you seems to soften, and there’s a flash of pain in your eyes, but it's one that is quickly replaced with anger.
You wrench your hand from his grip and shove him away, storming off as Max follows you, casting an indecipherable look at Daniel in the process. Daniel watches as Max catches up to you, and he watches as you let him cradle you in his arms.
But it’s not your anger that hurts the most.
It’s the fact that you never once looked back at him.
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bxnnywrites · 9 months
🖤 Killers Reacting to Nervous!Reader Holding Their Hand (Pt. 2) 🖤
AN :: Since my last one was well received, I decided to do another one as a quickie! I'm also testing out a new layout so lmk what you think!! Hope you guys enjoy <3
Characters :: Kazan Yamaoka (The Oni), Eva MacMillan (The Trapper), Frank Morrison (The Legion), Susie Lavoie (The Legion), Bubba Sawyer (The Cannibal), Ellen Ripley (Bonus!) Pt 1 Here [link]
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༉ Kazan Yamaoka :: The Oni
[PT: Kazan Yamaoka: The Oni]
✴ He's surprised by it at first, your small hand in his giant one.
✴ It puts into perspective just how tiny you are compared to him, though these days it's rare for anyone to be bigger than he is.
✴ You're so small, so frail. It gives him a surge of protectiveness, the need to keep you safe.
✴ He leans over and brings the back of your hand to his lips, kissing it softly, gentlemanly.
✴ Fucking hell that makes you blush even more.
✴ He chuckles a bit, ruffling your hair with one hand. A small act of affection to let you know you're safe.
✴ He will keep you safe, no matter what.
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༉ Evan MacMillan :: The Trapper
[PT: Evan Macmillan: The Trapper]
✴ Honestly? He's a bit nervous too.
✴ He won't admit that though, won't even show it. Him? Nervous over someone holding his hand? Nah, he would never.
✴ He squeezes your hand in return, pulling you just a bit closer, but doesn't have much immediate reaction to it.
✴ Absolute sap about it in private though, can't stop thinking about it. It was so simple but it reminded him that you loved him, only him.
✴ The next time you're together he takes the initiative and holds your hand first. Keeping you close to him to really let everyone know who you belong to.
✴ Fuckin dork.
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༉ Frank Morrison :: The Legion
[PT: Frank Morrison: The Legion]
✴ Aw, lookit you! You're so nervous from just some hand holding.
✴ "You're damn cute when you blush like that, babe."
✴ You pout in return and he chuckles, pulling you a bit closer and kissing your forehead.
✴ "You're just provin' the point, y'know?"
✴ More pouting and he's grinning ear to ear, bastard that he is.
✴ But you suppose that's why you love him in the first place, cocky son of a bitch.
✴ Anyways, similar to Michael, his hand now. It shall be returned within 3-5 business days. Dw about it.
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༉ Susie Lavoie :: The Legion
[PT: Susie Lavoie: The Legion]
✴ asdfghjkl;'
✴ Oh my god hand? Hand Holding???? You are Holding her Hand?????
✴ Screaming internally
✴ You're blushing so much oh fuck you're so cute you're so pretty
✴ What does she do oh shit fuck uuuuuuh
✴ Holds your hand tighter, trying not to implode from her own nervous wreck of emotions.
✴ Eventually, and very quickly, she kisses your cheek.
✴ Trying not to die from her own blushing and embarrassment.
✴ You give her hand an affirming squeeze, smiling at her, and she relaxes.
✴ God how did she get so lucky?
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༉ Bubba :: The Cannibal
[PT: Bubba: The Cannibal]
✴ You...you're holding his hand?
✴ You're so gentle, your hands are so small, so soft.
✴ He could crush your hands if he wasn't careful, a similar worry to Michael's.
✴ But you were holding his hand!!! Your dainty little hand was in his!!!!
✴ It was a sign you loved him, really loved him!
✴ He starts giggling, he can't help himself. He doesn't even notice how nervous you are, consumed with his own delight.
✴ Pulls you into a really, really tight hug. One of the ones where you have to remind him to be gentle.
✴ He makes an apologetic noise and nuzzles his face into your hair, picking you up bridal style to hold you close.
✴ He's so happy you love him, he loves you just as much. He's so darn lucky to have you.
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༉ BONUS :: Ellen Ripley
[PT: Bonus: Ellen Ripley]
AN 2: wifewifewifewifewifewifewife
✴ Damn that's sweet.
✴ Sweet like the feeling of fresh coffee in her veins, like hearing her cat purr against her chest.
✴ And you're so damn cute all nervous like this, it makes her heart sing.
✴ God she's so glad to be trapped in this hellhole with you.
✴ She kisses the back of your hand and runs her thumb over it gently, giving you this look that lets you know you mean the world to her.
✴ And you look at her the same way.
✴ Wordless but full of meaning in such a simple touch. Affection that goes beyond what words could describe.
✴ The other survivors are gagging from how sweet you two are.
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Final Notes :: I'm a big butch lesbian so I added my Wife as a bonus because this was a bit of a sausage fest (besides Susie, perfect lil angel baby). It was weird writing romance for Susie tbh bc when I look at her I'm just like "Ah yes, my child." because whenever I play as her I get weirdly protective and if she gets palette stunned it becomes like, a personal offense. That's my fuckign niece dude!!!!! But I know some peeps would love to be romantic with her so I am here to provide. As is the authors duty. If you make it weird I'm shanking you behind a Wendy's.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to rb and follow if you enjoyed!! <3
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tangledupinyellow · 2 months
A Little Bit of Texas Fun | Chapter One: Late Night Rides
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authors note: this is something that's been in the works for quite a while now and i'm so excited to finally get it started!!
series summary: The night of your wedding, you sneak off with your new husband’s best friend. What was supposed to be a one time thing ends up being a two time thing, to a three time thing, to a once every week sort of thing. When you thought you had mastered keeping everything a secret, your husband finds the pregnancy tests.
series warnings/tags: pregnancy, no use of y/n, infidelity, husband’s best friend, no outbreak au, age gap (Joel is 36 and reader is around 25)
chapter summary: Your wedding night, which is supposed to be the best night of your life, ends up being your worst. Joel Miller finds a way to fix that.
chapter warnings/tags: 18+ only, no use of y/n, infidelity, very traditional wedding, mentions of drinking and alcohol, misogynistic comments, nicknames (sweetheart, darling, baby), truck sex, unprotected piv, slight breeding kink
word count: 7.3k
This was a moment you had dreamed of ever since you were a little girl. You would watch movies and read stories of women getting married to the love of their lives and having the perfect wedding. It was supposed to be a magical day that would always hold a special place in your heart. You were hoping that you would get the same kind of happy fairytale on your wedding day.  
You had spent months preparing this wedding for you and your fiance. You worked your ass off, making sure that everything was perfect. And for the most part, it was. Your dress was gorgeous, your hair was beautifully styled, the decorations were up to par with your expectations, everyone you had hired showed, and your entire family was there. Everything was falling into place. Everything would have been perfect, only if your fiance was about half as interested in the whole thing as you were. It was infuriating, but this was supposed to be a day about happiness and love. You weren’t going to let anything ruin it for you.
Now, standing at the altar, you stood face to face with your fiance, Daniel, who was about to be your husband in only moments to come. You could feel your nerves start to act up, but you couldn’t necessarily pinpoint the reason for them doing so. Your palms were sweaty, and your face felt hot. You brushed it off, thinking that it was just normal wedding nerves. After all, you weren’t going to be a single woman anymore. You were about to commit yourself to Daniel. Everybody gets at least a little nervous on their wedding night. You were sure of it. It wasn’t like this was something out of the ordinary.
Throughout the entirety of your vows, you found it hard to look at Daniel right in the eyes. You couldn’t express why that was the case, but you went back to blaming it all on your nerves.
“Do you, Daniel, take this woman in front of you to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, to love and cherish her in sickness and in health, until death do you part?” The priest standing in the center of the altar spoke, directing his eyes to Daniel.
Daniel stared at you with a smirk, but the gentleness and love that you usually see in a groom in the movies were absent in his eyes. “I do.” 
The priest then moved his attention over to you, going over the same old same old, repeating everything he had said to Daniel but to you instead.
You were barely paying attention to the words as you stared at Daniel. Your heart was pounding, and you felt like a nervous wreck. You didn’t understand how he was so calm and collected, but you envied that. You hesitated slightly and took a deep breath, preparing yourself to make the commitment as you looked around. As you did so, you caught the eyes of the best man who was just standing feet from Daniel.
Joel Miller was a great friend of yours personally, but he was Daniel’s best friend. You had met him when you first began dating Daniel. He was Daniel’s best buddy when they were growing up and had been a part of his life ever since they were kids. Daniel was always going on about some crazy shit that he and Joel would get into back when they were in high school. And with the two of them being so close, it was no surprise that Joel became a big part of your life, too.
Whenever you and Daniel had an argument that seemed pointless now but was near relationship ending back then, Joel was always there to help you through it. He always told you everything that you wanted to hear. 
Joel held a special place in your heart, for sure. Maybe a bigger place was reserved for him than you’d like to admit. 
But for somebody who was his best friend’s girlfriend, he was always there for you. He made sure that he was just as much your friend as he was Daniels.
Your eyes locked for a short moment with Joel’s before you tore them away quickly, looking back over at Daniel with a smile that you couldn’t tell was genuine or forced. “I do,” you whispered out, your voice more breathy than you intended it to be. It seemed only quiet enough for Daniel and the priest to hear. Not even the people in the first row were able to hear you.
The priest gave you both a kind smile filled with hope and fulfillment. It almost seemed like he was more excited to be here than you on your own wedding day. You cursed yourself for thinking in such a way. This was the night of your wedding, you should be overjoyed.
But you weren’t. Not even in the slightest.
You have heard numerous stories of getting cold feet on your wedding night, and so you assumed that was what was going on when you first started having second thoughts. It was normal, you thought. Everybody gets nervous on the night of their wedding, and that’s all it was—just your nerves getting the best of you.
You had hoped that all that would disappear when you met him at the altar. But the feeling never went away. You still had that dreadful feeling in your gut that made you feel like you were going to throw up. It was the biggest lump in your throat.
Saying ‘I Do’ at the altar has been a dream of yours since you were a little girl. So you couldn’t understand for the life of you why you weren’t more excited to be standing in front of your now husband, the love of your life, on the most important night of your life.
The rest of the priest’s words were a blur to you. You were too lost in your thoughts to pay attention to any of it. The next thing you knew, Daniel’s lips crashed into yours as his arms hugged you to his body while your friends and family clapped and cheered for you.
You quickly brought yourself back into reality and closed your eyes, returning the kiss. You were officially married. There wasn’t anything you could do about those restless nerves now.
You slowly opened your eyes while Daniel’s lips were still on yours in a passionate kiss, and through your squinted eyes, you could see Joel, his best man, standing right beside him, clapping for the two of you. And there it was again, that terrible, massive lump in your throat.
You take a rather large sip of champagne as you look around. You see your friends getting drunk and partying on the dance floor, having the time of their lives. At least they seemed to be enjoying your wedding more than you were. With another large swig of champagne, you take a deep breath in hopes that it will soothe your nerves.
You were never a huge fan of crowds, so you assumed that could be a possibility for your anxious behaviors tonight and that when you went back to the hotel room with Daniel, the reality of you two being married would hit and you would be in complete euphoria.
You could hear your mother try to start a conversation with you beside you, but you couldn’t hear a word she said. Swirling the champagne left in your glass, you caught the eye of your newly found husband in the crowd. He was holding a glass of amber liquor in hand, chatting it up with his close buddies. But Joel was nowhere in sight in that little group.
You’ve lost count of how many little glasses of whiskey your newly-found husband has drunk. After the third one you didn’t bother to keep count anymore. You didn’t need to keep track to know that he was absolutely wasted. Looks like you won’t be getting that relaxing cool down in the hotel room with him later tonight. But instead having to deal with a drunk husband who can barely stand up on his own two feet.
It wasn’t your first time seeing Daniel drunk, but it still annoyed you just as much as when you first saw him so intoxicated. He wasn’t a violent drunk or an aggressive one, either. But he irritated the hell out of you whenever he had one too many drinks. He was loud, obnoxious, made jokes that weren’t even close to being funny just to make him look cool around his friends and make you look like a complete idiot. You couldn’t stand it. And you were hopeful that he wouldn’t get so drunk on your wedding night. But while you were disappointed that he was already drinking so much when the night was still young, you couldn’t say you were surprised.
You thought you were doing the right thing by staying away from him for the time being, trying not to get pulled in as the butt of the joke along with him and his friends. You didn’t want to be put in a shitty mood by his shitty and, quite frankly, misogynistic jokes. It was your wedding night, and you couldn’t deal with that at any moment during what was supposed to be a special night not only for you, but for both of you. Clearly, one nice night was too much for you to ask of him.
However, with how drunk he was and how loud he tended to get during these times, you could practically hear him from the other side of the room. And while there was chattering and laughter from all around you from the other desks, his voice and obnoxious howls of laughter were all you could tune into. 
“Can’t believe I have myself tied down to one woman for the rest of my life. One pussy for the rest of my life, goddamn, can you imagine?” He yapped loudly with a laugh, followed by a chug of his whiskey.
The comment made your stomach turn up into knots. It felt like a blunt knife straight to the heart. Although his little comment hurt, it wasn’t something you weren’t used to. You’ve heard him slip comments occasionally, but you always took it on yourself to ignore them, trying not to look into it too much. You loved him. You didn’t want a couple of stupid comments ruining a relationship that took years for you to build up with him.
“You looked stunning up there, baby doll.” Your mother’s voice chimed in beside you. She had a glass of champagne in her hand as well. Except hers was freshly poured, and you only had less than a sip left.
“Oh, thank you.” You smiled at her. You weren’t in the mood to talk to anyone, even your own mother, but you still wanted to accept her compliment. You didn’t want to seem rude in any way, even though your glum mood was telling you otherwise. You were supposed to be happy and ecstatic on your wedding day, and you didn’t want your mother to know that you were feeling the complete opposite.
But she was your mother. She was the one who raised you for the past 25 years of your life. She could read you like the back of her own hand. She could sense when something was wrong with her daughter.
However, she decided to keep her thoughts hushed. She didn’t want to pry, not tonight at least. Instead, she gave you a reassuring smile and a rub on your arm. And with a whisper, she gave your hand a loving squeeze, “I’m proud of you.”
Joel’s eyes scanned the wedding venue with an old-fashioned in hand, taking sips here and there. He was there with Daniel and a few other of his friends. Despite them being deep in conversation and full of laughs, Joel was in a world of his own, deep in thought while people-watching around him.
He wasn’t really the biggest fan of weddings and would much rather be back at his home with Sarah and Tommy, watching whatever movie Sarah wanted to watch that night.
But, he was a friend of Daniels and a friend of yours. He was there to support you two coming together in marriage. However, he definitely had a social battery when it came to Daniel.
There were times when he could only be with him for so long until he got too much to be around. And he could feel that he was currently in one of those moments.
It had already been a long night, and he could feel a headache creeping on. He was already looking forward to returning home and passing right out into his bed.
Joel rolled his eyes as he listened to Daniel and the others make little comments here and there about you and marriage in general, ones that didn’t necessarily sit right with him. He tried his best to ignore them and took a sip of his old-fashioned, a larger one this time, while scanning the venue again.
As he did so, he caught sight of you, standing there with a nearly empty glass of champagne. He couldn’t deny that you looked gorgeous in your white dress, falling down right by your feet. He chuckled quietly to himself, knowing that his young daughter would describe you as a “real-life princess” if she were to see you.
You looked over at Joel when you felt a pair of eyes on you and gave him a small smile, one in which he kindly returned. With that simple exchange, you went back to talking with your mother, and he went back to trying to talk to Daniel about something different.
It wasn’t until a few minutes later that Joel looked around once more. This time, he noticed that your mother was left standing talking to somebody. Somebody other than you. He furrowed his eyebrows slightly and looked around a little more, keeping an eye out for you.
But you were nowhere to be found. It was as though you disappeared.
With a sigh, Joel set down his glass and looked over at his small group of friends. “I’ll be right back.”
You took a deep, shaky breath, hoping that the fresh night air would help you clear your mind. You needed a moment outside of the venue, away from Daniel, your family, and people where you had to pretend that you were so happy and so head over heels.
You sat alone on a bench outside, ignoring the stares you would get from people crossing your path here and there. You just wanted to take the moment to be by yourself and attempt to clear your thoughts.
However, your short moment of silence didn’t last too long when you heard a voice come from right next to you.
“Needed some fresh air too?”
It was Joel.
You looked up, pushing your hair out of your face to make eye contact with him. You let out a quiet, half-assed chuckle and shook your head, your hair falling back into your face despite your previous attempts.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that.” You finished the sentence off with a deep breath.
Joel chuckled quietly along with you before sitting down on the park bench with you. You noticed that he sat closer to you than usual, but you weren’t in a place to bother to care. You were too tired and drained from all the wedding excitement and an obnoxiously loud Daniel to care. All you wanted to do was go home, even though this was supposed to be your wedding. You were the bride. You were supposed to be the center of attention, Yet all you wanted to do was leave and be away from everything.
“You seem tired.” Joel piped up, his voice soft and warm. It reminded you of a crackling campfire under the night stars.
Turning your attention over to Joel, you nodded in response, “You too?”
Joel pursed his lips for a moment before shrugging his shoulders, his hands folded in his lap. “Tired of a few people, more like,” he said with a gruff laugh and a shake of his head.
You couldn’t help but smile and laugh a little as well, knowing full well who he was talking about.
“Well, you’re the lucky one out of the two of us. You get to go ahead and leave whenever you want. I, on the other hand, have to wait for everyone else to start heading out so I can leave with Daniel,” you muttered with an eyeroll.
Joel remained silent for a moment and stroked his mustache before leaning back on the porch seat with a deep sigh. “Y’know, I could bring ya home if you’d like,” he offered, turning his neck slightly to face you.
You furrowed your eyebrows and quickly shook your head, brushing him off with your hand, “No, you don’t need to do that. The night is still young, and all my friends and family are still here. I really should stay and thank them for being here. Would look kind of bitchy of me to just leave Daniel here all alone, don’t you think?” You forced out a laugh, even though humor was the last thing you felt.
Your chest was tight, and there was nothing more you wanted to do than to leave. But deep down, you knew that you couldn’t. Yet, maybe if you were to leave, would Daniel even notice your absence? He barely even talked to you after the ceremony and ran off with his friends. Hell, Joel noticed that you were outside before Daniel did. And you knew that he was still in there, completely oblivious to the fact that you weren’t inside anymore.
However, you couldn’t care less if he noticed you were gone or not. Because Joel noticed. Joel seemed to care.
“Y’sure?” Joel questioned once more, wanting to ensure you were alright with staying later.
You hesitated briefly before giving him a nod, your lips pressed into a forced smile, “I’m sure.”
Joel patted his hands on his knees and nodded before slowly standing up from the porch, “Alright then. Call me when ya get home, alright? Wanna make sure you get there safe.” He gave you a smile, a genuine, kind smile.
Your heart was racing in your chest from the anxiety. You wanted him to give you a ride so you could get an easy way out of here. But you knew that would cause questions in the end that you wanted to avoid. At the same time, this was a solution for the time being. The questions about your whereabouts could be dealt with later. You didn’t want to spend the rest of your wedding night sitting outside on a splintered bench, withering away in your anxieties and doubts.
You watched him walk off with a hint of regret tearing at your heart. You felt the lump in your throat. Letting him leave felt like the wrong decision, at least for now. What you thought was the right option wasn’t seeming so good after all. The inkling of regret moved from a nauseous feeling in your throat to a deep pit in your stomach.
Questions of “what ifs” came into your head. You knew that in the long run, you would regret not going back with Joel and staying here in your misery. You would spend the rest of the night wondering how it would be if you just said yes to Joel and went home, somewhere you felt comfortable and safe. Staying here wasn’t going to make you feel any better.
Swallowing that lump in your throat and ignoring the pit in your gut, you stood from the bench and called out his name, “Joel?” You were grateful your voice wasn’t shaky, considering the anxiety you had built up from just thinking about staying at this wedding.
Joel stopped walking and turned to face you, a slight grin already on his face, “Yea?” he called back out, shoving his hands into his pockets.
Hearing his voice washed away your anxiety and worries nearly instantly. 
“A ride would be nice.”
“So, talk to me.” Joel spoke up after a while of nothing but quiet, classic rock playing from his truck radio, Eagles Lyin’ Eyes.
You blinked a couple of times before looking over at him. You were lost in your own mind, drifting off as you watched the world go by as Joel drove past tree after tree on this long and winding dirt road. You weren’t expecting him to speak at all.
“Hm?” Was all you could muster, completely expecting this entire ride to be silent.
“Talk to me,” Joel repeated, as if you had missed him the first time. You heard him crystal clear. “What happened tonight? Everythin’ alright?” He glanced over at you for a quick second before looking back at the road in front of him.
You stayed silent for a moment, trying to process the question. Now, this was the last thing you had expected. You stared at the road before you, only illuminated by Joel’s headlights. You ran your thoughts through your head before looking over at Joel.
“Course I’m alright. I’m finally married to the love of my life, and we’ve got to celebrate it with my family. I just got tired.” You shrugged, lying through your teeth, whether consciously or subconsciously. You wanted to believe that it was the truth. And maybe by saying it, putting it out in the world, it would become the truth, even if you haven’t felt happiness quite yet.
Joel raised an eyebrow and looked over at you for another brief moment, taking a look between you and the dirt road. “And that’s why I found ya mopin’ around outside?” He chuckled and shook his head. He didn’t believe it for a second.
“I was tired.” You tried convincing yourself.
He sighed, “Darlin’, I saw you in there. You looked miserable. Now, if ya don’t want to talk about it, we don’t gotta-”
“I guess I was overwhelmed,” You cut him off with a shaky breath. He kept his eyes on the road as he listened to you solemnly, with a slight frown on the corner of his lips. “After the ceremony, I kept feeling like I just made a big mistake I can’t undo. Like I fucked up. I love Daniel, I do. I’ve loved him for so long,” You ignored the sour taste in your mouth as the words left your lips, “But I can’t help… I can’t help but feel he doesn’t love me as much as I love him. I mean, he got drunk not even two hours after the ceremony like the asshole he is.” You let out a scoff and a laugh, looking up to keep the tears from falling.
Joel noticed the change in your voice as you ranted on, and he looked at you with concern. “It’s nothing you did. He clearly had too much to drink..”
“And when you get drunk, you talk about how much you hate being tied down to your girlfriend or wife and that she’s nothing but a pain in the ass?” You scoffed sarcastically, trying desperately not to let the tears roll down your cheeks.
Joel felt a tightness in his chest as he listened to you carefully. He was very much single. Hasn’t been on a date in years, not since he’s had Sarah. Even though he’s been single for quite some time, that didn’t mean he lost his senses. He could never imagine himself talking so poorly about someone he was supposed to love, through sickness and in health, to death do us part.
“He’s an asshole. He may be a friend o’mine but an asshole. He doesn’t know what he’s got, how good he has it.” Joel shook his head as he stared at the road, the irritation clear in his voice.
Throughout his years, Joel hasn’t had much experience with love and relationships. He’s had a few here and there, but nothing too serious. The only serious relationship he had ever been in was with Sarah’s mother, but that didn’t end too well for either him or his daughter. 
Despite all of this, he still knew how someone was supposed to be treated and how to treat someone well. It didn’t take a genius to realize that Daniel wasn’t the best at it. But it wasn’t Joel’s place to overstep.
There was a lump in your throat and a boulder on your chest. You knew that Joel was right. You had always had that feeling that Daniel was nothing but an asshole. But Daniel was all that you had. Daniel was the only choice for you. It seemed as though Daniel was the only way for you to get married and have children. It had always been Daniel. 
“M’sorry,” Joel said, breaking the short silence between the two of you with a deep sigh. I shouldn’t be talkin’ ’bout one of my friends like that, ‘specially to his wife.” He let out a pitiful chuckle, the same boulder on his chest.
“No. You’re right,” You stopped him from his apology, “I married an asshole. Fuck, I married an asshole..” You repeated as if reality had finally hit you, “Can I.. Can I be completely honest for a second?”
“I’m all ears.”
You took a deep breath, feeling your palms starting to get sweaty before you began to talk, “I don’t know if I made the right decision, if this marriage was even ever a good idea. I felt like I had to marry him. He was all I had, the only person who’d shown me any kind of love. And maybe I was just scared of being so alone that I married him. But it doesn’t feel right now that it’s done, Joel. It really doesn’t.”
You felt like you could throw up, knowing this was your life now. You chose to have this life in fear that you could never find anything better. Daniel had you believing he was all you had and the only one you would ever have. It was a huge mistake, you knew that. But there was no reverse button. You would just have to learn how to live like this.
Joel stayed silent through your little rant, keeping his eyes on the road. With every word, his grip on the steering wheel grew tighter and tighter, but he remained silent.
You took a deep breath and ran a hand through your hair to get the fallen pieces out of your eyes. “But I don’t know. I guess it’s okay. It doesn’t feel right complaining on my wedding day.” You forced out a laugh.
Joel stayed silent other than a quiet groan as he glanced over his shoulder before pulling over to the side of the dirt road.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you watched him, confused.
“Is something wrong?” you asked, looking out your window and through the rearview mirror, worried that there could possibly be an issue with his truck.
Joel put the car into park and turned to look at you, “Course there’s somethin’ wrong. It’s your damn wedding night, and look how miserable you are right now. Ain’t too fair, don’t ya think?” He shook his head, “Just because you were dating him for a long time doesn’t mean you should feel pressured into marrying him, ain’t right.” He mumbled and rubbed his eyes and then his temples, almost as if this whole situation was giving him a headache. You couldn’t help but feel a slight ping of guilt, “Answer me this, did you really want to marry him?”
You frowned and nodded, “I did. I married him, didn’t I?”
Joel looked at you unconvinced as he said your name in a stricter voice, “You wanted to marry him? That’s why you were outside by yourself on the verge of tears, just wanting to leave? That’s why you’ve been complaining about him this whole drive t’me? I don’t know what your definition of love is, sweetheart, but that definitely ain’t mine.”
You kept silent, hating the fact that he was absolutely right. Love shouldn’t feel this way. Love shouldn’t be bringing you down as much as it was.
Biting the inside of your cheek, you took a deep breath and admitted your defeat, “I know, I know. I just, I never thought I would be able to find someone. I’ve been with Daniel forever, I don’t know anyone but him.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. There’s someone out there for everybody. And I can tell you right now that Daniel’s not for you. Someone who can be such an ass doesn’t deserve someone like you.” Joel shook his head, meaning every word that he said.
You stared at Joel, your eyes burning into him. He seemed to know you well, saying the things you had always been so terrified of saying. 
For years, you’ve been under the impression that Daniel was the only one who would ever find the heart to love you. He was the only one you would ever be able to get. But now, Joel is starting to change your whole perspective. Maybe this marriage was a mistake. Your entire relationship with Daniel was a mistake. And maybe he wasn’t the only one in this world who would want you.
There was a thick silence between the two of you, the sound of his engine running and his soft breathing all you could hear. You didn’t know what to say, and Joel had already said everything that he needed to.
“Darling...” Joel whispered and, after a minute of silence, placed a hand on your thigh to grab your attention.
“You’re right. You’re fucking right.” You felt breathless, and there was a huge lump in your throat, keeping you from saying much.
Joel frowned when he heard you and squeezed your thigh gently, a touch of reassurance to remind you that he was here to help.
Your mind was loud and quiet all at once. There were so many thoughts floating around but nothing you could understand. 
“Joel?” you whispered, glancing down at his hand resting on your thigh before looking back at him to meet his eyes. Your temples were nearly throbbing from this entire conversation, and you didn’t know what to do about it.
“Yes?” His voice was soft and caring, wanting nothing but to help you in this moment.
You weren’t entirely sure if there was a way that he could even help you. But, there was one thing and one thing only that came to mind.
You kept eye contact with him for a moment longer, your thoughts still swirling around in your head. Without saying another word, you moved in closer to him and pressed your lips against his in a deep kiss, closing your eyes.
Joel widened his eyes in shock for a split second before closing them, cherishing the kiss as he returned it.
While your mind was woozy and none of your thoughts seemed clear, you knew this felt right. With his lips on yours, your mind was finally clear. The throbbing in your head was gone. And you didn’t want this to end.
Joel’s heart was racing as he kissed you, his hand slowly moving from your thigh to your waist to get a better hold of you. There were still thoughts of Daniel in the back of his mind, knowing he was currently kissing his best friend’s new wife. But yet, he didn’t find himself feeling guilty and pulling away. He wanted the kiss to continue just as badly.
He hummed against your lips and gripped onto you gently, a soft squeeze to your hip. Your hands moved up into his hair, messing up the curls he had worked hard to maintain for the wedding. But neither of you seemed to care. 
His tongue entered your mouth and swirled around your own, wanting to taste you as much as he could. For years, ever since he’s known you, he’s been imagining a moment like this. But he knew he would never be able to act upon his wishes for you, who had been with Daniel the entire time. But as your relationship came crumbling apart, Joel was happy that he could be there for you, the one you would come to when needed.
Right now, Joel was the only person you wanted. This one kiss had so much more feeling and passion than any kiss you and Daniel ever shared. You had never wanted Daniel as much as you had wanted Joel at this very moment.
Joel pulled away from you slightly, much to your dismay. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” he asked, panting just a little against your lips. His lips were so close to yours that you wanted to pull him in and smash your lips against his yet again.
“Yes.” You said simply before pulling him back into you. Your arms wrapped around him as his hand moved down to your thigh, rubbing your leg gently while he focused on moving his lips with yours.
Your hands moved down his shoulders, feeling how big his arms were underneath his suit. You were dying to see how he would look without it. You parted lips again to quickly remove his tie and rid him of his suit jacket.
He took that moment as an opportunity to kiss down your neck, trying to find your most sensitive spots. He ached to make you feel good.
Daniel wasn’t even in the back of either of your minds. All you wanted was each other. Nothing else seemed to matter.
His lips remained on your skin as you undressed him from his top, revealing his muscular arms and chest covered in brown hair. He was even sexier than you would have ever imagined.
As you undressed him, he moved his hand up underneath your dress, reaching up to unhook your bra, all while his lips continued to kiss down your neck. He wanted to savor this moment with you. But at the same time, he didn’t know how much longer he would be able to wait.
He’s always wanted you but was always forced to stay on the sidelines because of Daniel. He was yours, and you were his. Joel was a good friend and didn’t want to get in the way. But after seeing how you were being treated on your wedding day, he couldn’t just sit around and watch anymore. He needed to take action. He needed to show you how it truly feels to feel cared about, to be with someone who actually wants you back.
He moved his hands up your back slowly before slipping your sleeves off of your arm, revealing your bare chest to him. You kept your eyes on him as you watched him stare at you, looking at you with such lust and admiration. 
You blushed, a smile appearing on your lips. You couldn’t even remember when or if Daniel had ever looked at you like that, but you didn’t care anymore. All you cared about was Joel.
Biting your lip, you moved your hands down to his belt, eager to rid him of them. Your fingers removed them with ease, pulling his pants down at the same time so he was now left in only his underwear in his truck. 
Without skipping a beat, he returned the favor and slipped your dress down to your feet. Having you like this in front of him, naked in just your panties, made his dick twitch in his underwear. He didn’t want to waste another second without making you his.
“God, you’re so damn gorgeous.” Joel shook his head and looked at you like he had just seen an angel on earth. He couldn’t understand why Daniel would treat someone as incredible as you the way he was.
But now, you were all his. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to have you for long, so he wanted to make this time count.
Joel’s eyes were glued onto your body as he slipped down his boxers, revealing his aching and throbbing member, precum leaking out of the tip, desperate to be inside of your wet pussy.
You gasped quietly when he revealed himself, a gasp that was shortly followed by a moan. He was a sexy man already, but this just made things even better. You’ve never seen a dick with the length and girth as his, and you couldn’t wait for it to be deep inside you.
“C’mere,” Joel mumbled, stroking his dick a few times while his eyes bore into you.
You did exactly as you were told and quickly moved over to the driver’s side of the truck, the seat already pushed all the way back to give you room. You moved onto his lap, wrapping your arms around him so you had something stable to hold onto.
Joel placed his hands on your waist to keep you in place. He lined himself up to your entrance, grabbing onto the base of his cock and teasing your clit with his tip. You bit down on your lip as you rubbed yourself against him, impossibly wet for him.
Slowly and gently, he pushed his length into you, a deep groan releasing from his throat, “Fuck.” he mumbled as he pulled you down onto his cock.
It felt like your voice was stuck in your throat, just a small string of moans coming out. He kept himself deep inside of you for a moment, not moving to allow you to get used to the feeling of him.
“You feel so fuckin’ amazing, sweetheart.” Joel whispered in your ear and rubbed your hips soothingly, cherishing the way your pussy hugged around him.
Digging his fingers into your waist gently, he began to thrust into you, keeping his pace slow and easy.
You leaned your head back, letting your eyes flutter close. All thoughts and regrets of marrying Daniel left your mind in a flash as Joel thrust into you, filling you up in a way you never have before. 
“Didn’t know you would be so wet for me, darlin’,” Joel smirked slightly as he quickened up his pace just a bit, “M’able to just slip right inside ya.” He groaned, rubbing your hips.
You nodded quickly and moved your hands up to his broad shoulders, holding onto his strong arms. You didn’t know that your body would react this way to Joel, but you couldn’t say you were surprised. You never knew how deprived you really were, how neglected your needs had been. “You do something to me, Joel,” you said between your moans.
Joel smiled when he heard you, a minor boost to his confidence as he moved one of his hands up to grab your breast, the other staying on your waist to keep you in place while he thrust in and out of you.
You leaned your head forward, your forehead resting on his shoulder. Gentle scratches were being made on your hip, only adding to the sensual experience. You didn’t want him to stop.
Joel was a man who knew who he was doing, something that Daniel had always lacked. You had never finished when you were ever in bed with him. But with the way things were going at the moment, you were confident that Joel would bring you to your climax.
“If you were mine, if I were able to have you every night,” Joel mumbled in between grunts and groans while thrusting into you, “I would be the happiest. Fuckin’. Man. Alive.” he moaned between his thrusts.
Small beads of sweat were beginning to form on his forehead while he lifted his hips to thrust into you. He wasn’t as young as he used to be and didn’t have the stamina he did when he was in his twenties, but he always aimed to please. Especially for you.
His breaths gradually grew into gasps and pants as he kept a quick pace with his thrusts. The moans of his name leaving your lips gave him more than enough motivation to make you finish. He wanted to put all of his focus on your orgasm rather than his. He wanted to see the look on your face, the way your eyes would roll in the back of your head when you reached your climax. Knowing that it would be him as the cause of you crossing the finish line made him feel a certain way.
He needed to make you feel good.
He lifted your hips up before pulling you back down on his cock, filling you up all the way so he was deep inside of you.
“Fuck!” You screamed out in pleasure, your nails digging into his shoulders. Still, he didn’t slow his pace. He was hitting exactly the right spot, the spot that made your head feel woozy.
Your eyes stayed closed, solely focused on reaching your climax.
Joel groaned as he watched you, thrusting inside of you deeply, wanting to get as deep inside of you as he possibly could.
“M’close baby..” Joel grunted and bit down on his lower lip, and grabbed onto your waist in a tighter grip.
Those words made you feel like jello in his hands, knowing that you had such an effect on you. Not even Daniel showed you this much pleasure.
“Fill me up, Joel..” You moaned and began riding his dick slightly, bouncing up and down on his cock, desperate to reach your own climax as well.
Joel groaned as those words left your lips before he grabbed onto your hips even tighter, thrusting one last time into you to get even deeper when he came. Stammering strings of breaths and moans were all that he could make out as he finished inside of you. He held you onto his dick as he finished, keeping you down.
The feeling of him being so deep inside of you, his hot breath panning against your bare skin, and his nails digging into your waist all helped to send you over the edge. You could barely speak as you came, your mind feeling as if it was a separate entity from your body. Your mind felt hazy, as if you were in a daze. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you came. You couldn’t remember yourself having an orgasm this intense with anyone else in your life.
Joel kissed your neck as you slowly came down from your orgasm, his chest still heaving from his own climax. Beads of sweat were visible on his forehead and chest as he tried to catch his breath and get his heartbeat back to normal.
A sense of guilt washed over him, but he tried to ignore it. He didn’t regret what he had just done, not in the slightest. But he knew the consequences would be hell if anyone ever found out.
Clearing his throat, Joel slowly slipped out of you before kissing your forehead.
Your chest felt tense, knowing that it was more than wrong. But just like Joel, you didn’t regret that it happened. You wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. Joel actually made you feel cared for, and he handled your body with such care.
He looked into your eyes for a moment and you gave him a small smile, one that he returned. It puts those thoughts of guilt in the back of your head. His smile made your heart skip a beat.
The two of you got dressed in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. The rest of the drive back to your place was silent as well. Your head rested on the window, staring outside as the trees passed you by with his hand on your thigh.
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voguescapes · 1 year
h. styles | vanity fair
pairings. harry styles x famous!reader
about. harry and (y/n) are guest on 'vanity fair' to do a lie detector test together, revealing multiple secrets from the pair.
warnings. not edited so disregard any errors, jealous harry cause why not, not my gif, kind of bad writing, a little cursing here and there. lmk if i missed something!
note. hiii everyone! i don’t know if i’m beck yet but i’m just going be leaving a quick fic because it’s been a little over three months which is outrageous!
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She rolled her eyes and shook her head sarcastically. "You're supposed to save the best for last, you should go first." Harry placed his hand over her and kissed the side of her head. "My girlfriend, everyone."
"Are you ready? I came up with some pretty interesting questions these past few days that I've been dying to ask you." She grinned.
“I was born ready. Plus," The singer smirked, looking at his girlfriend with sparkling eyes, "I get to ask you some questions after, so be careful with what you ask, babe, because it might come back to bite your ass." He winked and her face flushed a bright red.
Harry turned back towards the camera and clapped, "Let's get started!" A crew member laughed and instructed (Y/N) to move to sit at the other side of the table so they could attach Harry to the machine.
"Arms up." The man demanded sternly. Harry observed her blank, emotionless face and then turned to his girlfriend with furrowed eyebrows. She shrugged and wiggled her eyebrows at him causing him to break the silence and lightly chuckle. The man silently sent them glares, which they both ignored and continued making silly faces and giggled as quietly as they could.
"We're ready." A crew member called out from behind the camera breaking (Y/N) out of her daze and she looked at the man controlling the polygraph machine to ask a few questions.
"Alright, I'm going to ask you a few short, straightforward questions to calibrate the machine." Harry exhaled loudly and wiggled his fingers before nodding, gesturing for the man to proceed.
"Is your name Harry Styles?"
Harry nodded making the woman command him to answer verbally. His girlfriend snorted and stifled a laugh while he mustered out apologies.
"Are you 28 years old?"
"Finally, are you nervous?" He looked up with squinted eyes, something he did frequently whenever he was thinking about something.
"Uh, knowing (Y/N/N), kind of." He chuckled breathily. The woman nodded and laughed along while the polygraph operator gave her a thumbs up to begin.
"Okay, Hazza, first question! Have you ever fallen in love?" The man visibly laughed at how simple her first question was. "Of course. With you." She smiled at his kind words, practically feeling her heart melting. She looked at the polygraph examiner, seeing him throw up a quick thumbs up.
"You're too cheesy sometimes. You guys,"
(Y/N) spoke towards the lens, "pray for me. I have to deal with him every. single. day."
"Hey!" Harry exclaimed, lifting his hands in the air with an offended expression etched on his face. She turned to the camera and rolled her eyes in a jokingly manner before moving on to the next question.
"We watch Marvel movies quite often together. I work for Marvel, am I your favourite marvel actor?"
"Bubs, you're an actress." Harry spoke. (Y/N) shook your head and he tilted his as he awaited her response. "Haz, knowing you, I’m surprised that you of all people would say that! Anyways, women should be considered as actors too and not just actresses. After all, male and female doctors are both called doctors, not doctors and doctresses." She stated in a practical manner.
His voice changed pitch as he tried to imitate her. "Fine." He replied dramatically, pretending to flip his hair back with his hand.
"So, out of all the Marvel actors, am I your favorite?" She smirked and fixed her gaze on his middle and index finger, already tapping nervously on the metal table.
She touched her heart dramatically.
"That's a lie." The man behind the machine called out. (Y/N) dropped her hand and her smile fell. "Harold!"
"Okay, it's RDJ. I'm sorry, love." Harry cringed, shocked that the machine picked up on his lie so quickly. She narrowed her eyes and looked back down at her phone. "That's fair. He's everyone's favourite." She mumbled grumpily.
"Does Gemma actually like me?" Harry confidently nodded his head. "Absolutely. She adores you." He responded sweetly. She turned her head to the operator. He nodded towards her, "That's true."
She swiped her hand across her forehead, wiping imaginary sweat. "Good to know."
"Would you consider yourself to be an overly affectionate boyfriend?" She questioned. It was a question she thought of frequently. Harry loved to cuddle, hug, kiss, hold hands, and essentially shower her with love whenever he had the chance, but she wanted to know if he knew of his actions or if he would just do it subconsciously.
"Um, no. I think I'm just about the right amount of affectionate." And it was true, he actually thought that he wasn’t overly affectionate. She choked back a laugh and covered her face with her hand, quickly looking back down to her phone in hopes of finding a different question to quickly move on to.
"Hey, hey, wait! I saw that! You think I'm overly affectionate?" He inquired, his voice going at least 3 octaves higher. "I'm the one asking questions here, Hazza." She winked and scrolled for a question in her notes app.
"Do you think our children would be cute?" She questioned as a sweet smile prominently appeared on her face. She decided against asking if he wanted kids because he had already confessed he did a few months back. It was the purest, most heartwarming conversation she had ever had.
Harry looked at her as if it were crazy of her to ask that. To him, the answer was obvious. "Absolutely. I mean," he pointed in between the two of them, "look at us." He replied cockily. She eyed him, but eventually shrugged, realising that even though he sounded like such a dickhead in the moment, he wasn't wrong.
"Next. Does size matter?" She giggled, watching her boyfriends face contort.
"You're asking me that? What I think? Or what I think you think?" He questioned, waggling his eyebrows.
"Answer however you'd like." The corners of her lips lifted and her face contorted into a mischievous grin. Harry pondered for a while, furrowing his eyebrows as he searched his brain for a good response. "No, I don't think it does." He answered. “That’s true.”
"Okay! Next, Do you think if we met on The Ellen Show, we would have never gotten together?" She inquired. This was a question that she would often ask herself, however, she never had the courage to actually ask him in fear of some form of rejection, so she’d only ponder it while Harry was sleeping soundly beside you.
"Yeah. I think I would've seen you on instagram and slid in your DM’s or something." He admitted. The examiner nodded.
"Moving on. Have you ever lied to me?" She inquired. Harry pursed his lips and sighed. "Yes." He answered honestly.
"Elaborate, please." (Y/N) said, looking at him expectantly. "I’ve know you for over three years now, I’ve lied to you thousands of time." She nodded and moved onto the next question.
"Would you consider yourself to be a heartthrob?" She asked. She was aware of the huge fanbase he had developed since One Direction, people adored and swooned over him and his lovable characters in some of the roles he played.
"Yes." She turned to the polygraph operator and she nodded, "he's telling the truth."
"Damn right, my boyfriend's a heartthrob and he knows it." She said proudly as she looked into the camera.
Harry chuckled and rubbed his eye as he anticipated her final question.
"Last question. Frankly, the most important question. Does pineapple belong on pizza? This could determine the future of our relationship, Haz. I want you to really think about your answer." She warned dramatically. Harry pursed his lips.
"Yes. I think. I like pineapple on pizza, actually." (Y/N) clapped happily and puffed out a small breath of relief. "That's my baby!"
"Alright, my turn, loser."
Harry scoffed loudly and switched his attention to all the cords wrapped around his body parts. He frantically begged the man to remove all the 'gizmos' and 'doo-dads' as quick as possible.
Once he set the singer free, he pranced around the tiny room and threw his arms around his girlfriends body, giving her an enormous hug. "Love you." He mumbled in her hair.
The man then instructed her the same way she had done to Harry. "I can do this." She repeated for the millionth time in the last 5 minutes while a member of the crew hooked her up to the machine. They attached a series of different wires and cords around her chest, fingers and arm.
"I'm scared." She laughed, placing her hand where her heart was. She could feel it pumping quickly.
"Just to let you know, your questions were shit. Mine are actually spicy." Harry teased, excitedly scrolling through the questions on a page in his notes.
He would finally be able to ask some questions that he'd been dying to know about her that he was just too embarrassed to ask on a normal occasion. He hoped some of his questions/some of her answers would reaffirm some things for him.
"Shut up, Styles. I can see you were sweating through your shirt. You're not slick." She smirked, making him lift his arms, where there was a tiny yet noticeable wet patch on the fabric of his expensive shirt.
"Okay, Harry, you can begin asking your questions." The man called as Harry embarrassingly lowered his arm. (Y/N) facepalmed and giggled quietly at his foolishness to herself.
"Okay. Is your name (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?"
"Are you 26 years old?"
"Am I your boyfriend?"
"No." She lied.
"It jumped." The man called, "We're all good."
"Okay," Harry sighed, "I don't know what I would've said if that came out as true." He laughed. "Imagine?" She giggled.
Harry shook his head and read his first real question. "Do you think I'm overly affectionate?" Harry raised his eyebrows while he stared his beautiful girlfriend down. She chuckled and shook her head at his expression, "You're seriously still hung up on that?"
"Just answer the question!" He demanded over-dramatically. "Yes." He gasped and the crew members behind him attempted to cover up their laughs with coughs and sneezes. "But I like that about you. I enjoy your cuddles. That should be considered a compliment." The man confirmed her statement and Harry grinned like a toddler who'd just been told he was going to Disneyland.
"Do you want to get married someday?" He inquired, hope laced in his tone. Although the both of them had spoken about this before, he wanted to make sure. She hesitated for a second, but eventually nodded.
"Yes. As long as it's you." The man blushed and they could hear members of the crew letting out small 'aw's' as they watched them both intently.
"Or Tom Holland, to be honest."
"You just had to ruin the moment." He said moving on while (Y/N) giggled quietly at his disappointment. He swore he heard the serious, monotoned man laugh too.
"The internet made several memes about me after I gushed about your tattoo you got with Emma during our autocomplete interview. Would you get a matching tattoo with me?"
"Of course." Harry’s mouth dropped and turned to the operator for confirmation. He looked up at Harry’s hopeful eyes and nodded. She was telling the truth.
"It's official, everyone, we're getting matching tattoos first thing tomorrow!" Harry deadpanned into the camera, making her publicists laugh in the background.
"You write poems, a lot. I can confirm that," She let out a giggle and nodded her head. "Would you ever write and a poem about me?"
"Um, here’s the thing. I already made a poem or two about hot." She pulled her hair behind her ear nervously. Harry shook his head, his earrings bouncing side to side.
"Which one?" Harry asked childishly, causing her to nervously smile. "Dandelions.” She smiled at the excited boy.
He looked at the camera and mouthed “I knew it”.
"Next… you're known for being a very private person. You've never been public with any of your relationships before me." She nodded. "Out of all these relationships, am I the best boyfriend you've had?" (Y/N) rolled her eyes, expecting to hear the question sooner or later. "Yes, you idiot."
"She's telling the truth." Harry pumped his fist in the air and internally congratulated himself. "I'm so proud of myself, sorry." His cheeks turned red as he noticed everyone waiting for him to get over himself and get on with the next question.
"Before we met, did you listen to any of my songs other than from One Direction?" He rested his head in his palm as he watched her quizzically.
"Um, Duh! I was literally obsessed with you!" She said confidently, thinking back to her fan girl era.
"I already knew the answer to that, I just like hearing her say that she was in love with me." His response made her giggle softly.
"Do you think about the future a lot?"
"All the time."
"Am I in it?" She blushed lightly, "Always."
Harry smirked, repeating one of her previous questions. "Does size matter?"
"You really just took a turn in the opposite direction." She laughed, sending a 'Jim face' towards the camera. "Answer the question! Or else I'm gonna..."
(Y/N) leaned back in her chair as she awaited his answer along with everyone else on set, who was very entertained with the sarcastic couple.
"I'll hit your funny bone. Three times."
"You're adorable." The woman cooed at him while he grumpily pursed his lips. If she were closer, she would've already pinched his cheeks and dramatically rambled on about how cute, soft and innocent he was in front of the camera purposely.
"No, I don't think it does." She repeated his answer from earlier. It was Harry’s turn to roll his eyes. She threw her head back in laughter at his expression and shook her head.
"She's telling the truth." The operator spoke, snapping Harry out of his thoughts. He sent her a skeptical look, while she continued to laugh heavily.
He looked back down at his phone and continued on. "Do you find this man attractive?" Harry had attached a picture to his notes and set his phone flat on the table so the cameras could catch a glimpse of the photo.
It was a photo of Tom Holland at the premiere for his Spider-Man sequel, Spider-Man: Far From Home.
"Duh." She smiled cheekily, blood quickly rushing to her cheeks. Harry groaned as she grabbed his phone and zoomed in to get a better look at all his features. He could practically see her pupils dilate as she stared at the photo.
"Do you think he is more of a heartthrob than me?" She cringed, wondering how she should go about answering this question.
"That's true."
Harry’s jaw went slack. "What!" He shouted with wide eyes. She giggled and raised her hands innocently. "What? Tom Holland is one fine man. You can't get mad at me for that, I mean… look! at! him!" She handed him his phone, zoomed in on Tom's face.
Harry scoffed at her fangirl side coming out as he swallowed heavily.
"Would you leave me for Tom Holland?"
No. (Y/N) thought, holding back a laugh. She thought for a moment. "Yes. Absolutely. 100%. Definitely. No. Questions. Asked." She responded nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders and leaning back, still being mindful of all the equipment attached to her.
Harry looked down at the metal table and his jaw clenched. She could see his body physically tense as he waited for the polygraph operator to confirm or deny her answer.
"The machine jumped. She's lying."
Harry’s head shot up and he met his girlfriends gaze. She had a small smirk on her face and lifted her hands up to her face as she felt a blush creeping up to her cheeks.
Harry clenched his hands above his head and tilted his head back in his chair, letting out a small yell in triumph. He jumped our of his seat and sized up the camera, getting awfully close.
"You all heard that! I'm done! That's the last question, this couldn't have gone better." He dropped his phone and quickly made his way around the table, being careful not to trip on any wires or break the polygraph machine in any way.
He crouched down and wrapped his arms around her torso, burying his face into the crock of her neck because he couldn't stop his raging smile. "I knew it!"
She looked into the camera, still in her boyfriends embrace and gazed into the camera. She jokingly motioned a 'no' with her hands and mouthed 'Tom, call me', sending the camera a wink and bringing her right hand out with her pinky and thumb sticking out, making it look like a phone and bringing it up to her ear.
Harry felt her movement and looked up at her eyes. She quickly brought her hand to his shoulder and looked down at him as if nothing happened. He placed multiple tiny kisses all around her face, making her crinkle her nose and eyes.
He turned back to the camera for a spilt second. "You heard it here first, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) wouldn't leave me, Harry Styles for Tom Holland! Goodbye! Subscribe to Vanity Fair!" He saluted, still smiling uncontrollably as they both waved at the camera.
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melzula · 8 months
The Search
part two
pairing: Zuko x princess!reader
notes: part two is finally here! hope you enjoy, and reminder that not everything from the comics is covered in these pieces so i suggest reading the search to better your experience :) also if you’d like to be removed from the taglist pls let me know!
summary: the group arrives in Hira’a where the Princess’s patience is tested by Azula
~ part of the fire lilies series~
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It had been an eventful morning to say the least.
Azula’s frenzied outburst had led to your group having to put out the fires left in her wake, and though it was obvious she was clearly unfit to travel, Zuko insisted that everything was fine. You would continue your journey to Hira’a as planned, and without further discussion you found yourself back on Appa’s saddle flying towards the small town.
This trip was turning out to be much more eventful than you had originally anticipated, but still you tried your best to mask your apprehensions in support of Zuko’s search for his mother. However, you could sense that there was now something different about Zuko, as if a change had occurred overnight while you were sleeping, but if there was such a change he said nothing of it.
“You missed breakfast this morning,” you remind him as you place a mango in his lap and sit beside him on the saddle. “Is everything alright?”
“I’m not sure,” he laments quietly, staring down contemplatively at the fruit. “So far this trip isn’t going the way I pictured it.”
“It hasn’t been perfect,” you agree with a shrug, “but it could be worse. There’s still time to turn it around.”
“I wish I had your optimism.”
“That’s what I’m here for,” you counter with a teasing smile, “to balance out your negativity.”
“Two halves of a whole,” he replies with a quiet laugh. Despite the events of this morning and the contents of Azula’s scroll, Zuko’s mood is already beginning to improve. Maybe you’re right, and things will get better before the trip is over, but there’s still work to do, so your group will just have to wait and see.
After finally arriving to Hira’a, Zuko suggests you all work to conceal your identities in order to avoid drawing attention to your group, and so you put on a Fire Nation style dress and remove any trace of your water tribe identity. The act is reminiscent to your time hiding in the Fire Nation after your breakup, but you try not to think too much about that as you attempt to tie a top knot in your hair.
“Allow me,” Zuko offers with a fond smile, taking the ribbon from your hands and carefully pulling back your hair before beginning to style the knot. His movements are gentle in order to avoid pulling your hair, and you’re immediately able to relax at the feeling of his touch.
“Thank you,” you say, ignoring the look of disgust Azula sends your way. It’s obvious she still isn’t very fond of your relationship with her brother, but you try your best to pay her no mind and focus on the task at hand.
“I thought Hira’a was supposed to be a small town,” Aang notes curiously as your group begins to walk into the bustling community, “why is it so crowded?”
“Looks like they’re performing some kind of play!”
“I recognize that scene!” Zuko exclaims with a smile. “It’s the final battle in Love Amongst the Dragons.”
You smile as a wave of nostalgia washes over you at the mention of the play. Though you’d never seen the performance yourself, Zuko often took it upon himself to reenact it for you during his visits to the South when you were children. If she was in a good mood and had nothing better to do, Azula too would sometimes join in on the reenactment as the part of the Dragon Emperor. It was their mother’s favorite play, and it was something Zuko felt he could share with you so that you could know her the way he did. You never got the chance to meet her, but you felt like you knew her from all the times he had talked about her.
When the play is over and the crowd begins to disperse, your group begins asking the remaining locals about any information they may have concerning Ursa. Though you’re mostly given pure rumors and speculation, a man by the name of Noren seems to be your best bet at discovering her whereabouts.
“I’m the director of the Hira’a acting troupe,” he says as he shakes Zuko’s hand. “Ursa was once a member.”
“Really?” Zuko asks with a surprised smile.
“That’s right!” A nearby local exclaims, clearly eavesdropping on the conversation. “She always wanted to play the Dragon Empress, but she never got the chance!”
“We should find a quiet place to talk, away from the crowds,” Noren suggests in response to the eavesdropper. “You’re all welcome to my home. We’ll share some tea and I’ll tell you everything I know.”
“It would be an honor. Thank you,” Zuko says gratefully before your group begins to follow the man to his home.
It seems you were right about still being able to turn this trip around for good. Because of Noren, Zuko is one step closer to finding his mother.
Thank the spirits for your optimism.
Noren’s home is the perfect place to relax after the eventful morning you’ve had, and you’re grateful for his wife Noriko’s tea and hospitality. Your friends sit spread out around the home conversing and enjoying their drinks, and you find yourself being kept company by the couple’s adorable daughter Kiyi and her doll little Kiyi.
“I like little Kiyi’s dress,” you tell her with a sincere smile, “you both match beautifully.”
“Thanks! She likes your dress too! She thinks you’re pretty.”
“Why thank you, little Kiyi,” you giggle. “You’re a wonderful hostess.”
“Hey, do you think your boyfriend would wanna meet my doll?”
“I’m sure he’d love to,” you smile, and when Kiyi holds out her little hand for you to take you graciously accept her invitation to get up and follow her to where Zuko and Azula are seated on the floor.
“Wanna meet my doll?” She asks as you sit yourself beside him.
“Of course,” he replies as Azula answers with a “No” at the same moment.
“This is Kiyi!”
“I thought your name was Kiyi,” Zuko notes with a chuckle as the little girl proudly displays her doll for him to see.
“It’s such a good name I used it twice!”
“It certainly is a lovely name,” you agree fondly much to Kiyi’s joy.
“Yes, but I must admit that little Kiyi has a very interesting… haircut,” the Fire Lord notes with an amused smile, carefully running his finger along doll’s the frayed strands of hair.
“I wanted to make her prettier, but it didn’t turn out very good,” the girl says with a frown.
“I still think she’s pretty,” you console with a genuine smile, “you just need to style her hair is all.”
“Really? Could you do that?” Kiyi asks in astonishment.
“My sister used to do stuff like that,” Zuko says in passing, prompting a sly smirk to form on Azula’s face at the mention.
“That’s right. Only I didn’t give them haircuts, I gave them headcuts!” She remarks snidely. “Would you like me to show you?”
“No!” Kiyi cries, immediately clutching her doll close to her chest and hiding behind you for protection.
“Azula, stop it!” Zuko scolds.
“Haven’t you terrorized enough dolls?” You accuse, recalling how she had beheaded your favorite doll when you were children. It had crushed you, and you weren’t about to let her do the same to poor Kiyi.
“That was ages ago, y/n. Don’t be so dramatic,” Azula dismisses you with a wave of her hand.
“You really haven’t changed,” you huff much to Zuko’s dismay. He feels guilty for having to put you through all of this, and though he had hoped this trip would be a chance for Azula to redeem herself it seemed now that that was unlikely.
“Kiyi,” Noren says as he enters the room with Sokka following close behind him, “are you being hospitable to our guests?”
"I’m trying!” She insists exasperatedly prompting you to frown.
“She’s the perfect hostess, Noren,” you assure him with a smile, your compliment alleviating some of Kiyi’s stress.
“Will you play dolls with me? I have an extra one you can borrow,” she asks.
“Of course, I’d be honored,” you smile, laughing quietly at the way she immediately bolts out of the room in search of her spare doll.
“You’re so… good with her,” Zuko notes quietly. “It almost seems to come naturally for you.”
“Well, teaching a new generation of children to water bend is certainly good practice,” you explain fondly.
The mention of your students has you feeling homesick, and you can’t help but wonder how your tribe was doing without you. You left them in the care of Hakoda and Pakku, so you knew they were in good hands, but a part of you still worried. The last time you’d been away from home things hadn’t gone so well, but you hoped this time would be different.
“I guess that’s true,” he notes with a chuckle, but his heart is full of admiration for you. Your gentle nature and kind heart are what he loves most about you, and seeing you interact with Kiyi only strengthens the adoration he has for you. He briefly begins to imagine what you’d be like as a mother, but he’s quick to remind himself to stay focused on the task at hand.
Your group learns from Noren and Noriko that Ursa was once a famous member of the Hira’a acting troupe, but her career was cut short when she was taken away to the Capital City and married into the royal family. No one truly knows what happened to her or her boyfriend Ikem, but some believe the two ran off to the Forgetful Valley. The story is pure speculation, but it’s enough to give Zuko a sense of what his next step in finding his mother should be.
You all are sure to thank the couple for their help and hospitality, and as you turn to leave a tug at your dress has you halting in your tracks.
“Will you and Zuko come again?” Kiyi pleads. “Please, please, please!”
“I really hope so, Kiyi,” he says with a smile.
“I promise I will do my absolute best to come and visit you again,” you assure her, and with that you and your friends depart from the family’s home and head for Appa.
“Ugh, more than once tonight I was tempted to burn that whole place down!” Azula scoffs in disgust. “But I resisted for you, Zuzu. I hope you appreciate it.”
“Azula!” You exclaim in shock at her words. “What an awful thing to say!”
“How could you even think that about such a lovely family?!” Katara cries angrily.
“Oh please, their charade disgusted me. Nobody’s that happy!”
“Aang and I are that happy!” Katara rebuffs only for Azula to scoff.
“Because you two are idiots,” she states plainly as if it’s the most obvious observation.
“Does that make Zuko and I idiots as well?” You counter, arms crossing over your chest indignantly.
“No, you and Zuko are a mistake,” she corrects you with a snide smirk. “Unnatural and unfit for each other.“
Though you’d learned early on to have a thick skin when it came to Azula, there was something about her words that got to you in a way she hadn’t been able to do since you were children. Your eyes zero in on her cruel smile and your hands begin to clench at your sides as you stare the girl down.
“What did you say?” You utter through gritted teeth, your sudden change in demeanor surprising even Katra.
“You must not be as smart as I thought if you honestly think you’re meant to be together,” she taunts with a sneer. “A Water Tribe Chief and the Fire Lord? What a joke.”
“Azula, that’s enough,” Katara attempts to intervene to no avail as you feed right into Azula’s mind games.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about. Zuko loves me.”
Your body feels as if it’s on fire as a result of her words, your chest tightening and fingertips beginning to curl instinctually for a fight. You know she’s just trying to get a reaction out of you, and yet you can’t help the anger and despair they bring you. Could it be the reason you were reacting so strongly to her words was because you knew there was some ounce of truth to them?
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Azula shrugs with a passive smile that only infuriates you further.
Sensing the rising tension amongst his friends and Azula, Sokka is quick to approach Aang and Zuko who are having a conversation a ways ahead of the group. “How much longer do you plan to keep this crew together, Zuko? I give it another two minutes tops before something’s either on fire or encased in ice!”
“One more place to visit and then we’re done,” he assures his friend. “We’re going to Forgetful Valley.”
Katara is sure to separate you from Azula as you climb onto Appa’s saddle and attempt to cool off from your spat. Across the way the fire bender sits with a smug smile on her face, clearly aware that she’d gotten under your skin like she’d been trying to do since seeing you again.
“You know she’s just trying to get a reaction out of you, don’t listen to her,” Katara consoles. “Zuko adores you, and nothing’s going to change that.”
“Do you really think the Fire Lord and the Chief can be together?” You ask, a sense of defeat in your tone. “Is it really possible?”
Your lack of usual optimism and confidence catches Katara off guard. She hadn’t heard you sound this despondent since you joined their team after your breakup with Zuko in Ba Sing Se. It worried her, and she wasn’t exactly sure what to say to make it better. Azula really had gotten under your skin.
“You and Zuko are meant to be together,”she says with a reassuring smile, “you wouldn’t have made it this far through everything that’s been thrown your way if you weren’t.”
Sensing her sincerity and acknowledging the truth to her words, your nerves begin to dissipate and you finally find yourself able to relax. Katara was right, you and Zuko had managed to overcome every hurdle in your relationship, and nothing was going to change that.
“Princess,” Zuko calls gently, and Katara takes this as her cue to leave. Taking her place beside you, he removes his cloak and drapes it carefully over your shoulders to ensure you stay warm during the flight to Forgetful Valley. “I’m sorry about my sister, I should have stopped her from speaking to you that way.”
“It’s alright,” you reply with a meek smile. It really isn’t, but Zuko has a lot on his plate and the last thing you want is to pile onto it. You can swallow your hurt and your anger for his sake.
“We should be arriving to Forgetful Valley by morning,” he informs you, “I think you should try and get some rest.”
“I don’t think I can sleep,” you admit dejectedly, contemplatively staring down at your scars. “Too much excitement at once, I suppose.”
“Then I’ll keep you company,” he insists with a gentle smile. “And when you do fall asleep I’ll be here to chase the nightmares away should they come.”
“Thank you, my love,” you utter gratefully, immediately melting into his touch when he cups your face in his hands and pulls you in for a tender kiss.
And unbeknownst to either of you, Azula looks on from across Appa’s saddle with a scowl on her face and a vengeful glint in her eyes.
| atla taglist: @rainteslerrrr @simpinforsukka @sirkekselord @protect-remus @chronic-daydreamer
| zuko taglist: @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @coldlilheart @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @zukh03s @taeeemin @user12345321
| fire lilies taglist: @titaniafire @dekahg @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @lozzybowe @izzieserra @melacholy @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @djskfkdkkf @xapham @yeetletzgetitjae @misnmatchedsox @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal @chilifrylizard2 @kyomihann @kaylove12 @kiwihoee @freggietale @neighborhoodpansexualdisaster @noodlesfluffy @moon-spirit-yue @bubblegum-bee-otch @zukoslosthishonor @ibelievein2dmensupremacy
*if your user is crossed out it means i couldn’t tag you*
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redrose10 · 2 months
Hi i had this idea of a short oc and idols BTS. Where they meet during the concert prep and OC is super strong and can whistle like a pro. Not the normal whislte though the one with fingers and is very loud
Here you go! I hope this is okay.
It was coming towards the end of your first week as a member of the styling team for BTS. Between having to lay out the clothes and help dress seven members for multiple performances, interviews, fan meets, photo shoots, and TWO music video shoots you were exhausted. The stress of all of this was starting to get to you. It didn’t help that the boys seemed to like to give you a hard time. A showing of love and acceptance according to one of the more senior stylists, but you saw it as they were testing the waters to see just how much you’d let them get away with.
Lucky for them you were pretty easy going and had more patience than most.
That’s why you didn’t even flinch when Jungkook “accidentally” popped off two buttons on his dress shirt five minutes before an interview causing you to sew so fast the needle pricked your finger countless times.
Or when Hobi stole all of your style plans and turned them into little origami swans leaving you having to guess who was wearing what to where for the whole day.
OR when Taehyung sat there watching and even recording as Yeontan happily chewed away on one of Jin’s shoes he needed for a photoshoot leaving you to have to run to the nearest store to purchase a new pair in panic.
You kept reminding yourself that today was the final day and then you were off for a few. The boys just had this final interview which should be easy enough to get through so you put the finishing touches on their outfits before standing back admiring your work. They could be annoying, but damn they were handsome.
Then you saw it. Their manager walked in carrying trays of drinks and bags of donuts as a quick breakfast since they’re all that was open. You looked at the boys standing there in their crisp all white outfits and your heart stopped.
Jungkook picked up a donut that was particularly heavy on the chocolate frosting and he smirked in your direction as he took as big a bite as he could. Frosting falling to the floor.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Namjoon going for a jelly filled one. It seemed like it was in slow motion, but you watched as a little glob of raspberry jelly fell from the donut landing directly in the middle of Yoongi’s thigh leaving a bright red stain. He jumped up waiving his hands trying to find a towel, but in the process knocked over his iced americano causing the liquid to spill all over the back of Jimin who was sitting on the carpet next to him unaware of what had just happened.
Jimin jumped up thanks to the ice cold drink running down his spine. Thinking that Yoongi dumped the drink on him on purpose he grabbed the nearest donut he could, a strawberry filled with pink frosting and sprinkles, and smeared it all over the front of Yoongi’s shirt.
Before you could even react Yoongi grabbed a drink from the table, matcha of course, and tried throwing it at Jimin. But thanks to Jimins quick reflexes he ducked, the drink completely missing him and instead landing all over Jin’s white pants.
Today was supposed to be easy. Today was supposed to be simple. You’d had enough of these guys shenanigans and were tired of them making your job difficult. You were going to set them straight.
All seven members were bickering back and forth. The other stylists trying to do damage control and save what they could. You on the other hand took a deep breath before placing two fingers in your mouth and whistling as strongly and loudly as you possibly could. Something you’d learned from your mom when you were younger.
Immediately everyone in the room froze and looked at you with wide eyes. “How did that sound come out of her? She’s so tiny?”, Jin whispered.
Jungkook gently placed Yoongi back on the floor, Hobi dropped the cinnamon sugar donut he was trying to stuff into Namjoon’s mouth, Taehyung smacked Jimin’s hand away when he tried to dump the last little drop of coffee onto Jin. Bang PD even sat up a little straighter.
“Alright listen. I’m done playing these games. You are all grown men so start acting like it. No more making things difficult or I swear on everything that I will make you regret it. Because I will spend every day hoping and wishing that each one of you wakes up feeling like there is a pebble in your shoe. Whenever you walk anywhere there will just be a tiny little annoying feeling on the bottom of your foot, but when you take off your shoe? Bam! Nothing is there. But you will still feel it.”
Jungkook started to snort at your odd threat, but Yoongi quickly smacked his shoulder to shut him up.
You continued, “Understood? Good! Now let’s clean up and then remove any of your clothes that are stained and we’ll replace them with what we can. There’s only fifteen minutes until your interview so let’s hurry up.”
As quickly as possibly the boys cleaned up their mess while the make-up artists and stylists tried to salvage what they could.
Thankfully the interview went great. The guys looked presentable. Not what you’d imagined, but not the worst you’d ever seen them look either. The guys all apologized for the way they had been acting and promised it wouldn’t happen any more. They even had dinner delivered from your favorite restaurant as a peace offering.
As you were packing up the last of your belongings and making your way to your car you found a very disgruntled looking Namjoon standing in the hallway. He had two fingers in his mouth and was blowing so hard you thought he might pass out. When he noticed you giving him a concerning look he awkwardly chuckled, “Y/N, please teach me how to whistle like that. That was amazing. I could really use it. I’ve been trying for hours, but I just can’t get it.”
You giggled before motioning for him to follow you offering to give him a lesson.
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sovereignjojoz · 2 years
How Bucci squad would carry you/carrying them
Warnings: bizzare
Pairings: Bruno x reader, Mista x reader, Giorno x reader, Narancia x reader, Fugo x reader, Abbacchio x reader
Note - firstly thank you so much for 40 followers! And ik I’ve been away for so long but I’m back and I’ll start answering requests now!
Bruno Buccarrati
He’s a gentleman and a man of class, he will undoubtedly carry you bridal style.
He definitely prefers carrying you around to you carrying him.
Probably makes a stupid joke about how he swept you off your feet literally.
If you wanted he could carry you for hours, so long as you don’t mind.
He’ll definitely carry you if your sick or injured or needing to be taken care of!
Carrying him
Not a fan of it.
Unless you REALLY like it or beg incessantly he will most likely say no.
The only time you’d be able to carry him would be if you caught him of guard yet even that may be brief.
I think he’d be most tolerable to be carried piggyback style or likewise bridal style.
Narancia Ghirga
He may look small and as though he may not be able to carry you but surprisingly despite his stature he’s really strong.
Good luck with him, once you get picked up you’re not getting put down.
Carrying you on his shoulders is his favourite thing to do since he can still be mobile and he can scare you by pretending to drop you.
He’ll even go as far to suggest testing out those obscure poses on the internet and will attempt to carry you with no hands, which will result in a bruised head!
Carrying him
Do not offer or else you’ll be carrying him all day.
He’ll treat you like his chauffeur, making you carry him along to places he needs to be!
If you’re both short, it’s an efficient method to get stuff down from high places.
If he’s feeling cheeky he’ll feign an injury to be carried.
His favourite way of being carried is piggyback!
Leone Abbacchio
Why should he carry you, you move around yourself perfectly fine.
No matter how much you whine or beg he won’t indulge you, only choosing to do so when you become evidently disheartened.
If you annoy him he will drop you.
He doesn’t get the appeal but if you’re rendered immobile he supposes he’ll carry you.
Once he saw someone being carried by their ankles online and decided to try it on you.
Laughed when he dropped you on your head.
Carrying him
Absolutely not.
He doesn’t like it one bit.
Although he will be impressed if you can even carry him since he’s a six foot two male.
You’d have to catch him completely by surprise in order to carry him.
Realistically you’d probably be able to only carry him once before he clocked on.
Guido Mista
So unruly
Anywhere, any time, any place ,if you allow it, he’ll carry you.
Over the shoulder
Fireman carry
Piggy back
Bridal style
Shoulder ride
You name it he’s doing it
He’s so unnecessary, he’ll even do it whilst you do your daily tasks.
Want to make breakfast? He’ll fireman carry you to the kitchen, need something from upstairs? Over the shoulder and up the pair of you go. Need the toilet? Don’t worry he’ll piggyback you to your destination.
Those around you would 100% be used to it.
If your sick or injured it becomes ten times worse, you won’t even be able to take a step out of bed without being carried to where you want to go.
Attempted to lift you by your arm once and almost dislocated your wrist.
Doesn’t have a favourite way of carrying you, he enjoys it all!
Carrying him
Not afraid to admit that he quite enjoys it at times, especially since he gets to relish in the fact that you have to do all the work!
He’d want to be carried bridal style since he wants the royal treatment.
He’ll jump into your arms randomly just so you fall over whilst attempting to carry him.
If he’s injured or sick expect on over dramatised performance where he informs you that he expects you to carry him like he did you (he’s only half joking).
Pannacotta Fugo
He doesn’t love carrying you nor hate it, yes somewhat in the middle.
For some reason the first time he carried you he carried you from under your knees and it was very awkward.
Was definitely embarrassed after that.
Then progress and evolved into giving you piggybacks, although they’re not proper piggyback since he just lets his hands drape at the side of him.
Partial to fireman carrying also since it’s easy.
Carrying him
Again he’s more on the no side but will make an exception if he has to.
The first time you carried him you carried him from under his knees like he did to you and he was extremely embarrassed.
After that he’s so done with your attempts of carrying him.
Giorno Giovanna
Not the type to carry you often however when he does it’s very spontaneous.
Type of guy to carry his damsel in distress.
When you want to be put down he’ll put you down.
But he’ll also tease you when your being carried by him.
Not subject to carrying you only one way but also a huge enjoyer of bridal style.
Carrying him
Doesn’t hate it doesn’t love it.
Initially surprised at how weird it feels be carried bridal style.
If he’s injured he’ll let you carry him.
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positively-mine · 11 months
Study buddy Lucifer
You fail one of your classes, and Lucifer is set on making sure you pass with flying colours for the next one
A/n: Since I got my exam results back and saw how horrendous they were. A comfort fic for all fellow students (・・;) Also, very sorry for the sudden hiatus. I'll explain what the delay was later. Still hope you enjoyed this!
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Ok yeah you flunked that exam. But are you really the one at fault here? Despite all your time being in the Devildom, how were you supposed to know the anatomy of demons?
Sure you lived with 7 of them but you don’t spend your time asking about their internal structure and whatnot. That would be weird.
However, even with your very understandable excuse, Lucifer did not seem to buy it.
“As the representative of the human wold, I have high expectations of you ___.”
You watch Lucifer tending to his never seemingly ending pile of documents from your spot on the table opposite of him.
He had called you to his office when he caught wind of how terribly you did for the test. Giving you a long lecture about who knows what. Honestly, you were tired and it did nothing to help with the fact that Lucifer was pacing back and forth.
“Your not even listening now are you?”
You snap out of your stupor to look up at him. He was already giving you one of his frowning looks. Though no weight behind them. If any of his brothers were here now, they would be able to see the fondness that he held in his eyes. All of it just for you.
Who knows? Maybe he had an alternative reason for making you come to his office.
“Sigh. Maybe it’s time for a break.”
That, coming from Lucifer said a lot.
“I can’t help it that I don’t know much about demons," you say lazily.
"And that's why I'll be tutoring you from now on. At least until you can pass that is."
And that was exactly how your weeks went by. Until the next exam was around the corner.
At first, you would spend one or two days tucked away in his office. Studying beside him while he did his work. But with exams around the corner, you were practically holed up in his room everyday.
Like clockwork, as soon as you got home from school you would wash up and scurry to his office. Lest you want to receive one of his lectures.
One question however was giving you a very difficult time.
Not really sure what to write, you wrote the first thing that came to mind.
"That," Lucifer said, "is definitely not the right answer."
He gets up from his seat opposite of you and heads over to stand behind your chair. His figure looming over your body.
"A demon's wingspan varies based on what type of demon they are, so..." He flips to one of the pages of your textbook in front of you. His front pressing flushed against your back. "It should be..."
His words lost to your relaxing form. You couldn't help but feel relaxed with his warmth enveloping your figure. His words lulling you to sleep.
Lucifer glances down towards your resting figure. A small smile spreading across his features.
Now that he thinks about it, he has been coming down hard on you lately. A little break for you wouldn't do any harm.
He reaches his arm over the chair to carry you bridal style to his bed. Careful not to make any jerky movements.
Gently placing you onto the bed, he tucks you into his sheets. His eyes catches a glimpse of the digital clock at his bedside. The clock displaying the time 12.48pm.
He supposes a break for himself wouldn't do much harm either.
He heads over to the other side of the bed that isn't occupied by you and pulls you closer to him. You shift slightly but show no sign of waking up.
Gently placing a kiss on your head, he mumbled a small goodnight to you to. The waves of drowsiness pulling him to sleep.
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punk4ndisorderly · 1 year
could you write about quinn?
had a dream last night: Quinn was in New Jersey for a Canucks and Devils game and went out with his brothers to a roller rink (?), met a girl by the candy machine (her candy had gotten stuck and he politely punched the machine to catch it) they spent the night talking (the two youngest Hughes looking for him like fools) and he invited her to watch the game and, soon after, a date; she said she would go to the game but would only accept the date if he scored a goal for her (he scored a hat trick)
Hi!! I was not expecting to get requests but hey, I'll give this a go! I took your prompt and switched up a few details (hope you don't mind!)... Here it is! Let me know what you think about it 😊
wrong stop, right time
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“Mom is going to kill us.”
“Calm down, Moose. It’s only been ten minutes.” Jack sighed, typing another text to their older brother.
“Jack, we lost Quinn in the New York subway system.” the youngest Hughes pointed out, pulling on his curls, pacing back and forth in the busy station.
“Correction: Quinn got lost. I told him to get closer to the door and not to leave our side. What did he do? Lagged behind and couldn’t get out on time... And now he doesn’t have service. Amazing.”
Quinn Hughes was very good at a lot of things. Using public transportation wasn’t one of them. A lot of people. A lot of lines. A lot of stops that, to him, looked exactly the same. He didn’t remember the name of the one he was supposed to step out of the train on with his brothers. His phone didn’t have service.
Never in his wildest dreams had he thought there would be that many people on a train, all trying to leave at the same time. He did the polite thing, he waited for others to go first. The train wouldn’t leave the station with people still lining up to leave, right? Wrong. The door closed right in front of his nose and he watched as his younger siblings’ smiles turned into matching horrified expressions while they saw him disappear.
Why had he let them convince him that using the subway to go into the city was a good idea? They should’ve just let him drive. This was all on Jack’s recent obsession with carbon dioxide emissions. Leave it to him to watch a random documentary the week the Canucks were supposed to play the Devils and decide he was going to save the planet.
After the shock wore out, he concluded the logical thing to do would be to get out at the next stop and catch another train that went the other way. Waiting by the doors, the hockey player waited anxiously for the vehicle to stop before immediately stepping off once they opened. A wave of relief washed over him. He was going to figure this out. He was going to reunite with his careless little brothers in no time.
“Oh, come on!” someone groaned loudly.
Quinn turned his head to his right, his eyes landing on a young woman desperately pushing every other button of the old-looking vending machine in front of her, tapping the glass as if that was going to solve whatever her problem was. Checking the screen above him for the next train, he couldn’t help but let his gaze travel back to the girl.
“I am not going to leave before you give me what is mine, asshole.” she huffed, making him chuckle. He was definitely not the only person the Universe had decided to test that day.
“Can I help you?” he asked, drawing closer to the machine.
“Not unless you’re the maintenance guy, buddy.” the young woman replied, turning to look at him.
The frown on her face softened almost instantly when they locked eyes. Normally the offers to help came from creepy old men, seedy-looking individuals who gave her chills. This one, though... He was different. His hair was on the long side, neatly styled so it looked effortless, his jaw covered with stubble, and his gorgeous blue eyes were currently scanning her face, a soft smile pulling at the corner of his full bottom lip. Y/N couldn’t quite put her finger in it, but she was sure she had seen him before.
“I’m not the maintenance guy, but I’ve got cash on me if you need it.” Quinn shrugged, trying to play it cool as he stood in front of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.
“Oh, no. I’ve got cash, but I’m not giving any more of it to the goddamn machine. It ate up my money at it won’t give me what I paid for. It’s unethical.”
“I don’t think the machine knows that.” he chuckled, finding her annoyance adorable.
“Yeah, but I do. So, …”
“Quinn.” the hockey player provided.
“Quinn. I am going to get my gummy bears now. Don’t rat me out.”
“Wouldn’t think of it, …”
“Y/N.” she introduced herself, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “I’ve been trying to get them to fall, but I don’t think I’m doing it hard enough.”
“Would you like me to try?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” Y/N winked, stepping aside.
Quinn inspected the old piece of metal, trying to shake it the best he could.
“Do I know you?” 
“I don’t think so.” he mumbled, looking around before closing his fist and hitting the side of the machine swiftly.
The small package of sugar coated gummy bears fell, hitting the bottom with small thud. The Canucks' defenseman crouched down, picking it up and handing it to the beautiful woman standing beside him. It wasn't like him to risk someone seeing him break rules, but he couldn't help but want to make her happy, even if they had just met.
"Are you sure? I feel like I've seen you before." Y/N insisted, eyeing him up and down. "Thanks, by the way. Very knight in shining armor of you, Quinn."
"No worries." the eldest Hughes brother shrugged. "You can come visit me in prison when they arrest me for theft."
"Hey! I did pay for this."
Quinn smacked his own forehead, jokingly. "Right. Forgot about that detail. We're probably good, then." he smiled.
Y/N's lips curled into a matching grin. "I think so."
"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but we lost our brother in one of your trains." Luke told the woman working at the help counter, looking behind him to check if Jack was still talking to Brock on the phone. "Can we get like an alert or something going around so he knows we're here? I don't think he has service."
"Sir, breathe, please. We can, what's his name?"
"Quintin. Or Quinn, for short."
"Alright." the subway employee spoke calmly, typing something into the computer in front of her. "And how old is Quintin?" she inquired, looking up at his face, by now devoid of any color.
"He'll be twenty-four in October."
The lady scowled at him, shaking her head disapprovingly.
"You young people should get a ticket for wasting our time like this. These services are provided for children or people with particular health conditions. Does your 24-year-old brother have any particular health conditions, young man?"
"He's a bit nearsighted."
"Luke!" he heard his brother call from behind him. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Testing my patience." the woman replied, rolling her eyes. "Next!"
Jack dragged his younger brother away from the counter, forcing him to sit down in one of the benches.
"Luke, chill. Brock says he'll only be in trouble if he doesn't show up for morning skate tomorrow."
"Why aren't you worried they'll think we're trying to sabotage them?"
"That is the dumbest thing you have ever said."
"You're clearly not from around here so... What brings you to New York, Quinn?" Y/N asked, holding out her gummies so he could take a few while they sat waiting for the next train.
"I heard there were a lot of girls in need of help with their candy."
"Oof, that came out wrong." she snorted.
Quinn's cheeks immediately turned red, embarrassment washing over him as Y/N nudged his shoulder with hers.
"I'm messing with you, Mr. Shy."
"I'm here for a game." the oldest Hughes admitted, looking up at the board again.
"Oh, nice. Let me guess... Basketball?"
"Not with this height." Quinn chuckled. "I do have a great jumpshot, though."
"So you're not here to watch?"
"I'm here to win." he replied, his blue eyes meeting hers.
"Oh, Quinn, that was hot. Well done!" Y/N praised, fanning herself.
The Canucks' defenseman didn't know if Y/N could tell he had gulped when she said those words, but he was hoping he could play it cool, for the sake of them both.
"What do you play?"
Something seemed to click inside her head, making her eyes turn wide as she struggled to chew the gummy bears in her mouth quickly enough so she could ask her question.
"Wait a minute, that's where I know you from! Hughes, right?"
"That's me."
"Oh my roommate showed me so many TikTok videos of your brother... is it John?"
"Jack." he corrected, smiling softly.
"Right. Oh boy, she'd kill me if she knew I referred to her crush by the wrong name to his own brother."
"It's fine, I always thought he looked more like a John too."
Y/N looked up at him with a glint in her eye, matching his laughter with her own. Wasn't she something else?
"She did send me a couple of videos of you as well."
"Yeah? How were they?"
"Don't look up Quinn Hughes pony... ever."
That sent the two of them into a spiral, not caring if everyone else waiting for the train was giving them dirty looks. God, she was funny. She didn't seem phased by his presence either, now that she knew who he was.
"Tell me how I can repay you for helping me with the much needed candy." Y/N demanded, bringing him back to planet Earth.
Now or never, Q.
"Well, I think you should definitely make it up to your roommate first, you know, for making her look bad with the fake intel on my brother."
"Hmm... Right..." she played along. "How would I do that, exactly?"
"You could take her to the Canucks/Devils game tomorrow night." Quinn shrugged, hearing the train coming from afar.
"I'm listening..."
"I can get you a couple of tickets and you can come with her, have a good time." he added, getting up.
"Oh, you can?"
"I know people." the defenseman winked, rejoicing internally once he saw the smile on her face.
"Right, right." Y/N nodded.
"I'll leave them to Y/N..."
"Y/L/N. It suits you."
He pulled out his phone, a flood of texts and missed calls filling his screen. He typed out her name, handing her his phone so she could give him her number.
"Stop being so smooth, Quinn." Y/N fake whined, checking if she had put down her digits correctly. "I can't fall in love with a man who lives in Canada."
"Sucks for you, because you're going out on a date with me afterwards."
The train pulled up to the station, signaling it was time for them to part ways.
"No can do. It will break my heart."
"You owe me, right?"
"Well, I'm already coming to your game."
"Doesn't count, that's a gift for your friend."
People were scrambling out of the carriages, but Quinn wasn't budging.
"Fine. I will go on one date with you if you score a goal or whatever you call it."
The Canucks' defenseman smiled broadly, reaching to squeeze her hand before stepping onto the train.
"I'll text you the details, Y/N!" he called out, already inside.
Y/N chuckled to herself, her cheeks turning pink at the movie scene playing out in front of her.
"You need to score first!"
"I'm coming for that heart, Y/N!"
"There he is! The prodigal son returns!" Jack announced, making Luke let out a sigh of relief.
"Don't ever do that to us again!" the youngest Hughes added, rushing to his big brother.
"Damn, Moose, you sound like mom." Quinn chuckled, meeting them halfway. "I'm scoring three times tomorrow, by the way."
"Yeah, we'll see about that."
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
I would die with happiness if you did Eris x adhd!reader 💕💕💕
Eris x adhd!reader
A/n: I’m so happy that these headcanons are getting some love
Warnings: some angst, mentions of verbal abuse, and mentions of mental health struggles
Growing up in the Autumn Court your parents always expected perfection
You were the oldest of your siblings so you were expected to set the example of how to behave
When your tutor brought up to your parents that you have ADHD and that you should be tested for an official diagnosis they just brushed the tutor off
Your parents refused to believe there was something wrong with their perfect daughter
Growing up when your symptoms would show like zoning out, forgetting things, or blurting things out when you weren’t supposed to speak your parents would become very angry. When you were in private they would yell at you for acting disrespectful or stupid or tell you that you made them look bad in front of the court and worse the High Lord
The only person who wouldn’t yell at you and who understood you was Eris
He understood that not everyone acted the same and some people just worked differently
Masking your ADHD took a lot out of you and you were very anxious that everyone could see through it or were looking at you when you attended parties or dinners
You hated loud noises or certain sounds, they drove you crazy and all you wanted was silence when you got overwhelmed
Eris could tell when you were anxious he would always float over to you and help soothe your worries
“It’s alright little fox, I’m here with you and you can get through this.” He’d coo at you and place his hand on your lower back
Even though the room would be crowded he would walk you through and then take you out into the gardens for fresh air. You’d sit by a fountain and just space out listening to the water trickle as Eris rubbed circles on your back
Fidgeting and being overstimulated were your worst problems and you hated that they would draw attention to you. You hated feeling like people were looking at you with disgust or annoyance because something so small was bothering you
Eris was always there to make you comfortable
Eris would always ask you to hold something for him if you were moving around so you had something to focus on or toy around with
if you were biting at your nails or cracking your fingers too much Eris would take your hands in his and start playing with your fingers and kissing your hands as a distraction, it always made you happy
When it comes to being overstimulated your big thing is usually the texture of clothes or food
You liked simple things, nothing over the top or frilly
When you were at a dress fitting for the Autumn Solstice ball Eris went with you
Your mother had picked out the fabrics and style the dress would be so you automatically knew you’d hate it and need Eris there for moral support
Once you put the dress on you could tell it was too tight and the fabric was too itchy, overwhelming your senses
When you stood in front of the mirror with the tailor and Eris behind you he could tell you were on the verge of tears
Not only was the interior uncomfortable, the outer materials of the dress bothered your exposed skin when you put your arms down. You just couldn’t find a comfortable position in the dress
Eris excused the tailor so she wouldn’t see you break down. “I hate this,” you say with tears forming in your eyes, “not just the dress. Why can’t I just be normal for once.” Eris turns you around to face him. “Hey, you are normal. Just because you feel things differently doesn’t make you abnormal.”
“They’re going to call me difficult and hate me even more than they already do if I don’t wear this.” You cried. Eris pulled you to his chest shushing you. “I’m sorry Eris, gods this is so stupid. I’m sorry I’m just so much.”
“You aren’t too much little fox, your perfect. We’re going to get you a new dress ok.”
It always broke his heart when you talked down on yourself. He thinks that your perfect and he couldn’t believe you couldn’t see it
He would always get you to see the positives about your ADHD like how creative you are, your view of the world is refreshing, and you have this joyful spark in you that makes him forget how awful things are at times
“You are so beautiful little fox, did you know that?” “I didn’t even think of that. You are so smart fox.” “I’m so happy you’re mine, and that I get to be with you.” “You are always the best part of my day, did you know that my love?”
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messers-moony · 2 years
Teacher | F.H
Pairing: Teacher!Five Hargreeves X Teacher!Wife!Reader
Summary: Five agrees with their nosy students.
“ Mrs.Hargreeves? “ A student named Alex called as he raised his hand, “ Yes? “ 
Alex didn’t know if this question was an invasion of privacy or not. It was a dare from his friends to ask their junior year English teacher, Y/n Hargreeves if she had any relationship with the senior calculus teacher, Five Hargreeves. 
He coughed nervously, “ Are you and Mr.Hargreeves related or married? “
“ Is that any of your business? “ She queried with her arms crossed from her desk, “ No, I suppose not but- “ 
“ Exactly. It isn’t your business. “ Y/n retorted politely, “ I’d prefer if you went back to working on the assignment, please. “ 
The class was silent after that. Questions like the one asked earlier was nothing new. She probably got asked about a hundred times a day, but that didn’t make it any less annoying. She was more approachable than Five was. He was a strict math teacher who cared tons for his students. 
Perhaps that’s why they stayed at the school for hours on end tutoring or helping their students. Five and Y/n had been married for years now. They met in college and got married shortly after. It wasn’t a huge wedding. Something that just the two of them did alone in a courthouse. Despite the begging from her and his family to have an actual wedding, it wasn’t their style. 
They both taught at the same school. While Y/n taught 11th graders, her husband taught 12th graders. His class was college-level, making it more critical than others. Her class was an average Literature class, so she got quite a few characters sometimes. 
Nevertheless, they both cared immensely for their jobs. The pay was enough for them to live relatively comfortably. Not to mention Five multitude of inheritance he got from when his father had passed. Admittedly most of it was still kept in a bank account in savings for who knows what. 
When the students left, it was eerily quiet, but that didn’t both Y/n. Frequently she’d turn off the lights in her classroom and turn on the decorative ones hanging near her whiteboard while grading papers. She never left without Five due to going in the same car. 
She never knew if students stayed after class or not. Most of the time, he’d arrive in her classroom saying that he was done for the day while she caught up on some grading. Y/n had just begun looking through essays when her classroom door opened to show her husband. 
“ Hey, love. “ He smiled, shutting the door behind him, “ No kids after school? “ She asked as he sat on a children's stool in front of her desk. 
He shook his head, “ No. Test today. So I might have a few this week for makeups or corrections. “ 
“ Mmm. “ Y/n hummed, “ You don’t happen to have Alex Dallas in your class, do you? “ 
“ The name doesn’t ring a bell; why? “ Five inquired, “ Well, apparently he’s curious about why our last names match. “ Y/n spoke sourly. 
“ And I can tell from your tone you aren’t happy about it. “ Five stated, “ Ding ding ding. We have a winner. “ Y/n smiled sarcastically. 
Five took her hand in his, “ Maybe we should tell them. “
“ Wouldn’t that be unprofessional? “ Y/n questioned, “ Plus, they're students. Not our kids. “ 
“ I know they aren’t our kids, but they aren’t oblivious. “ He replied, “ They’re more intelligent than they look. You can trust me on that. “ 
Five laughed, “ There are some kids that step in my classroom, and I don’t even know how they got there, but their work is always top-notch. “ He elaborated. 
“ Yes, I understand, but I just still don’t think it matters. “ Y/n complied as she set the papers down on her desk, “ You’re my wife. “ He stated. 
She snorted, “ I sure as hell hope so. “
“ We knew that working at the same school. This would happen. I’m not ashamed to admit that Mrs.Hargreeves, the hottest teacher in the school might I add, is my wife. “ Five sweet-talked, and she rose an eyebrow, “ Anyways. I don’t see an issue with telling them. “ 
“ For a math teacher, you do have a way with words. “ She muttered, “ What was that? “ He teased, smirking mischievously. 
She smacked him upside the head, “ Alright, Professor Hargreeves, let’s go home. “ 
“ Never call me Professor again. “ Five whined playfully as they stood from the desk, “ Why not? Does it do something to you, darling? “ Y/n teased. 
Five took her hand and pulled her the closest he could to his body, “ I’ll show you what it does. “ 
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fandomwritingbit · 1 year
I don't know about you, but tests and all that scary stuff is coming around for me next week, and all year I've been having horrible little thoughts about William lately.
So get this, lets say you actually study for that type of stuff (i know i don't) and you just can't get the information to stick in your head!
✨Magically!✨ You or Will, idrc comes up with the bright idea on how to get it to stick in your head by sitting on his dick and reading or going over whatever you've gotta remember
i might've read this somewhere butttttt, i'm a needy little whore at 1 am lets goooo
Before I forget, I love your fics and I have never submitted one before so...! As usual, drink your water, eat some food, and remember to get rest! unlike some of us Lastly, don't forget to sexualize your favorite old man/woman/other
Hi, thanks for the request, this one was an absolute joy to recieve, I love all your little asides lol. Please feel free to send others!
Exams season is a killer and I really hope you get what you want out of it, just remember that tests and numbers and shit don't define you as a person Xx
That being said, whilst this may not be the most optimal way to study, its certainly the most enjoyable...
william afton x (gn)reader
A/N- Reader's between 18 and early 20s. William is a neighbour, for my plot convenience lmao.
You're sitting at the kitchen table to do some studying today, rather than barricaded in your room as usual. You'd read something online about a change of scenery being good for remembering stuff and because your parents were out it seemed a good opportunity.
With each passing minute, you dawned to the conclusion that that post was bollocks because it wasn't working.
You had your laptop open in front of you, surrounded by a frankly obnoxious amount of papers, trying to wrap your head around content for an exam tomorrow. But each time you wrote a line it was like your mind was rubbed blank, Men in Black style. It was so frustrating, and you knew you should have done it earlier but, good god, why was it so hard to remember anything?
So engrossed in feeling inadequate, you flip the laptop shut angrily, tilting your head back so it touched the chair in anguish. Defeated. It was as you did this that you clocked a figure in the kitchen doorway, making your body jerk up-right and turn round in one fluid moment.
Keep reading
"Mr Afton, how long hav- what are you doing here?" you blurt out, quick to try and compose yourself, you weren't physically or mentally ready for guests, especially ones you'd been casually hooking up with since you moved back home.
"Just dropping this off for your dad. I didn't want to interrupt cos you seem to be... trying not to cry?" 
He laughed as he said the last part, moving over towards you and helping himself to a chair. Pushing all your papers to the side without asking. "What's wrong then, been missing me?"
Usually you'd laugh at that but you just shrug at him, half angry at his expression and half at your situation. "You know, I could fucking cry." You do manage a laugh, but its shaky, "Because I'm going to fucking fail this fucking exam because I can't drill any of this shit through my fucking thick fucking skull." You rattle off quickly, each use of 'fucking' harsher than the last.
You hadn't really meant to let any of that out. But frustration had taken hold a bit too strongly there.
Afton just stared at you for a few seconds, his lips pressed into a hard line and you could tell he was trying not to laugh at you. You were a bit unsure how you'd react if he did.
After a few moments of silence you place your forehead in your hands and mutter 'sorry'.
"You're alright. Though you shouldn't be studying whilst you're upset, no wonder nothings going in."
"...If you tell me to calm down, I'll lose it." you say, head still in hands, laughing a bit at how much this was bothering you, it was an exam, a booklet of paper, what kind of melt would be this upset. Literally everyone else, you suppose. You take a deep breath.
"Right. Uh when's the test?" he asks you, half looking at a sheet of notes, his interest quickly peaked.
You laugh shortly. "9am."
"Then you've got... What, 20 hours? You've got time to calm down and revise." He put his hand on your shoulder, "You, sweetheart, need to relax."
You swat his hand away, laughing at his cockiness you could tell where this was going, "That's why you came over then? Heard dad's car door shut and your shoes were half-on I'll bet?"
He flashed you a smarmy grin, "You're not far wrong." You shake your head, messing about with this prick was the last thing you should be doing, but the first thing you needed.
"You know, if this type of revision isn't working for you... I heard that associating information with a sense can help you remember things."
You could hardly believe him, seeing you upset and still vying for what he came for. A risky move, Really. You suppose it took cojones, could have made you want to grab a hold of his, or squash them under your shoe.
"Oh yeah?" you ask sarcastically, "What are you suggesting?"
You're not sure how long it took for fresh marks to appear on your neck and your pants to be around your ankles, but you quickly find yourself sitting on his lap and letting his cock slip inside you.
As familiar as the low grunt from behind your ear was becoming, the feeling of him stretching you open always surprised you.
You raise your hips up and press back down again, moaning slightly, he let you slowly ride him for a few moments before, just as your rhythm increased, he grabbed your hips.
"Easy," his voice was thick, brushing against your neck, "You're supposed to be fucking studying."
You groan your protest, a hair away from booing him. "What is it you study again?" His question makes you laugh and you lean back against him with your back arching, causing him to grunt. He gripped your hips harder now forcing you still.
"Fuck 's sake. History."
He hummed in your ear, thinking for a minute, whilst your body throbbed around him desperate for some kind of stimulation. "And what's this on?" He could tell you were aching for something so he pushed you forwards, dragging you back, the angle allowing him to press so fucking deep.
"Come on, sweetheart."
"Civil war. Spanish."
Your gruff answer mirrored his growing frustrations.
"And uh... I don't- who won that?" The fact he couldn't move inside your tight hole was making him white-knuckled with restraint.
With your one word answer that was enough studying for the both of you. He started to move your hips along him, letting your eager pace take over.
You knew that you were going to be up all night doing this now, but you didn't really mind.
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