#and if everything goes to plan i'll be properly moving in by next week. maybe. hopefully
l1ghtn1ngstr1kez · 5 months
guess who's getting a new job!
that interview with jewel went better than i thought it would (i was. so nervous lol). this girl named tangle took me on a tour of the place after the interview too, and i got to meet some of the people working here! almost everyone seems to like working here a ton (except for this sheep lady. she seems kinda... i dunno. depressed? looks like she runs on coffee alone the poor thing)
these two people kept giving me strange looks though. a tenrec and a small fox i think. dunno what's up with them but they give me a weird vibe.
also i heard about this race they're holding in a couple months in collaboration with some other company. clean sweepstakes i think she called it? seems like i'm joining the restoration at the right time! i'd love to participate!
in other news, i'm still working out living arrangements, but i've got my eye on a little house nearby. if that doesn't work out i can just live in the hq's residential area for a while. i'm already sold on moving though, it's been love at first sight with this place for me. such a breath of fresh air from empire city
i don't think i've ever been this excited for change. i'm usually not very good at handling big changes lol. but this feels... different, somehow. like an adventure maybe. it feels good :]
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minty-malfoy · 4 years
“would you still love me if I turned into a worm?” | blurbs
🌱 pairings: reader x blaise zabini, cedric diggory, draco malfoy, fred weasley, george weasley, harry potter, hermione granger, luna lovegood, neville longbottom (sorted in alphabetical order)
🌱 warning tags: language, probably
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Blaise Zabini
“A what, now?” your boyfriend asks, halting the movements of his quill to look up at you; brows furrowed as if it’s the most absurd thing he has ever heard in his entire life.
“You know, those wiggly things that—”
“I know what worms are, (y/n). But what the hell?”
“Dunno,” you shrug. “I’m bored.”
“So you thought about what it’d be like to turn into a worm?” his eyes narrow out of pure bewilderment, blinking once, twice, as he finally turns back to his unfinished essay. “Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that head of yours.”
“Not my fault you’re taking so long with that assignment,” you grumble as you begin to shift on the puffy couch, feeling somewhat annoyed by how cold and empty it is without the other boy in it. “And besides, you love me.”
An amused chuckle escapes his lips. “Can’t say that I don’t.”
“Even as a worm?”
“Will you stop asking if I said yes?”
You nod happily, giving him the answer he needs— or well, wants, really. Even though Blaise couldn’t quite understand the pointless question, he knows it’s significant to an extent.
“Yeah, alright. I would. Now give me five minutes and we can get out of here. Deal?”
A glint of satisfaction flashes through your eyes as you give him a hum in return, thinking to yourself that maybe the silly questions could be more useful than you thought.
Cedric Diggory
The moment the words leave your mouth, Cedric's first reaction is to laugh. He didn't mean for it to come out in a condescending way. He hadn't even meant to laugh, to begin with. But judging by the way you pout with both arms crossed, that might just have been how it came accross.
"I'm sorry," he offers sheepishly. "you were saying?"
"You heard me. I said what I've said," you grumble, despite not being genuinely upset at the hufflepuff boy you've grown to love.
"Wait, I need to get this straight," he takes another breath of air. "You're serious?"
"What do you think?" you pout once again, turning away slightly from your boyfriend. This only seems to ignite his amusement as much as it does his guilt. A second or two later, his arm finds its way around your shoulder, the other brushing a few strands of hair behind your ear.
"You really haven't figured it out yet?" he asks with a genuine grin on his face. You begin to eye him curiously, appreciating the charm of his pearly white teeth as you wait for the boy to go on. Soon, he pulls you into his lap where his arms craddle you lovingly.
"Sunshine," he begins. "I'm surprised you still have to ask. But if that's one way of putting my love for you, then yes. You'd be my favorite worm in the entire world."
"Promise?" you present your pinkie finger as a final means to seal the deal.
With one last chuckle, he wraps his fingers around yours. "Promise."
Everything that happens next is a flurry of innocent pecks and kisses planted along your skin, coupled with the security of two warm arms holding you in place.
Draco Malfoy
"And what exactly do you expect me to say to that?" comes his first response after a long moment of trying to figure out just how in Merlin's name your mind came up with that question.
You, on the other hand, can't help but giggle at the slytherin boy's confusion. "Whatever's on your mind right now will do."
"Well, to be honest with you, I can't quite stomach the idea of my own girlfriend turning into a bloody worm." he nearly spits the words out, softening his edge only when your eyes meet once again. "If you were expecting a different answer, I suggest moving on to the next bloke."
Draco wasn't lying about that first bit. Worms have always been an insignificant, unseen creature in his world; wiggling in the muckiest of places where they could easily be stepped on. Hence, he doesn't like to imagine you—someone so perfectly ethereal and quintessential in every single way; the only source of light shining into his pathetic excuse of a life—to be compared to a dirty worm, of all things.
"That doesn't mean I don't love you, though," he adds in a bit of a guilty tone; voice much, much softer this time. He brings your hand to his lips, dropping a few kisses on its skin. "I just much prefer having you as you already are."
You snuggle deeper into him, indicating that you already know exactly what he means.
Fred Weasley
“A worm!” Fred exclaims, nearly forgetting the food on his plate altogether. "What a brilliant idea!"
A few seats away, you can already see Ginny clamping her mouth shut as to not burst into fireworks of laughter. You mirror her gesture, eyes now on Fred once again, watching him announce this idea of yours to your entire group of friends.
Ron, who's not that thrilled to see his brother's public displays of affection, lets out a groan. "Wouldn't have asked him that if I were you."
"You think so?" comes your reply. "He seems to be having a lot of fun with this." you both glance at Fred, who is indeed already coming up with some sort of thrilling plot.
"Did you hear that, George?"
"Sure did, Fred."
"I reckon we could come up with a potion for that," he muses, turning back to look at you. "Give me a week or two and we can start living out that worm dream of yours, love."
"Wait, Freddie, you're getting it all wrong," you begin explaining, tugging on the boy's sleeve slightly to keep his attention on you, "It was just a silly little question. I don't actually plan on turning into a worm or anything like that."
At this point, you half expect his enthusiasm to die down from the grounding effect of your words. In reality, it doesn't.
"S'that so?" he replies, earning a nod from you. "Looks like you're missing the bigger picture to me, (y/n). Isn't that right, George?"
"Right you are, Fred." the said boy affirms. "Sorry, (y/n). I'm with him on this one."
With a sigh, you turn back to Ron, who's busily stuffing his mouth with a look on his face that says I told you so. You shake your head with a small smile at your boyfriend's shenanigans. You're not sure how you can both dread and anticipate the day of his worm adventures.
George Weasley
"That's a new one," he asserts with an amused laugh. The boy rests his head against one of his palms, feeling instantly intrigued by your proposition. "Now tell me more about this worm business of yours."
"That's about it, actually." you admit sadly.
George frowns at this, wishing he could hear more worm stories and whatnot. Mostly he's just happy to see the way you talk about things passionately. Makes him feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside in a way he can't ever get enough of.
"That's quite alright. I'll do the talking, then." he offers, rubbing his chin to think of what to say next. You light up in your seat, eyes wide in anticipation. Now it's your turn to eagerly wait for his response once again.
"I've got an idea. We could run off and start a new life— as worms!" he beams all of a sudden. You raise a brow for him to go on, not exactly complaining about your boyfriend's excitement towards the topic. "I'm only turning into a worm to make sure I can properly take care of you, of course. Wouldn't want to—er—squash you between my big human fingers, now do we?"
You both erupt into a chorus of laughter at the conjectured image, melting into one another like two fitting puzzle pieces. When you finally catch your breath again, you pose the main question once more, "So I'm concluding you're still going to love me, then?"
"Love you?" he repeats. "Oh darling, I'll be marrying you in a grand worm wedding!"
You can't hold back the gasp that escapes your lips, more than thrilled to have the first mention of marriage between you. Not too long after, you transform into a complete fit of giggles when George continues. "Then we'll happily live our worm lives, 'till death do us apart. Or when, you know, some bloke accidentally steps on us. Whichever comes first."
You lean into him lovingly to steady yourself after all the laughing. Taking a deep breath in, you mumble a soft, "You always know how to make me laugh, Georgie."
And the truth is, he wouldn't have it any other way. Worms or not.
Hermione Granger
"I'm sorry, I don't think I understand the point of this question."
"Which part, exactly?" you inquire, watching your girlfriend pull out another book from the wooden library shelves.
A few seconds pass before you get your answer. "You're not a worm," she states simply, eyeing you up and down as if to prove her point.
"Yes, thank you for pointing that out, 'Mione," you follow her to the next section. "Which is why I said if I turned into a worm."
The girl looks at you again, analyzing your words and expression briefly before coming to another conclusion. "I still don't understand." she pauses to think. "Unless you might be interested in becoming an Animagus? Even then, opting for a worm wouldn't be very... effective."
You roll your eyes, speeding up to block the girl's way. She lets out a non-committal "Hey!", only for you to quickly muffle it with a warm kiss. A moment or two later, you pull away with a smirk that makes her heart melt. "Just answer the question, would you?"
Still slightly caught off guard from the contact, Hermione finally caves in. "Alright, you cheeky flirt. I love you. Even as a notional worm."
Satisfied with her answer, you plant another peck— this time on her cheek, before announcing a gentle "I love you, too."
Harry Potter
The way his lips purse into a straight line tells you that Harry doesn't exactly understand the question. Not really, at first. Aside from being an entirely foreign concept to his ears, it also seems like an odd thing to ask someone, unless— "Oh! You're an Animagus!"
The smile on your face instantly drops at this. "What? No—"
"Why didn't you just say so, (y/n)?" he begins what—at the time—you don't know is going to be a nearly endless ramble. "I was planning on telling you this for a while now, but I know someone who's an Animagus, actually. In fact, I think you two would get along fantastically!" he lights up at the sudden idea, flailing his arms in the air out of excitement. "Yes, maybe I can try getting the both of you to meet up. No promises, of course, but what do you think?"
"I think you've got it all wrong," you frown; knowing you would have to disappoint your boyfriend and how you're not very fond of the idea.
"What do you mean?" he asks, albeit barely giving you a second to reply. "(y/n), it's alright, really. You know you don't have to hide yourself from me. Besides, I think it's brilliant!— what you can do, I mean."
The smile he gives you is the epitome of love itself, and now you're not quite sure how to handle the messy situation without pulling out the rug underneath Harry's feet. All you can do is squeeze his shoulder with a guilty smile, promising to talk about it again after dinner.
Luna Lovegood
"Of course. Worms are lovely, don't you think?" she says with a dreamy smile. You gape at how easily the answer could be pried from your girlfriend; no questions asked. But then again, it's not like you hadn't expected this exact outcome already.
"Mhm," comes her gentle hum as she begins to stir her honeyed chamomile tea. A soft smile stays glued on her features, as if she's enjoying the conversation. "What kind of worm would you like to be, (y/n)?"
"I haven't really thought about it that far," You admit. "Are you sure, though? We won't be able to hold hands or anything like that."
You can't tell if you had just imagined the almost-frown tugging on her lips, because when she looks back up at you again, her sweet signature Luna smile is back in its place. "I suppose you're right. But I could carry you around everywhere with me. Wouldn't that be lovely?"
"It would be," you nod. "but can a worm even fit into that pocket of yours?" you question, noticing how hers are stuffed with unknown items; blades of grass sticking out ever so slightly. Flowers, perhaps.
"Oh, there's nothing to worry about. See?" she pulls out a couple of daisies and fairy foxgloves to reveal a now empty pocket. "Now, would you like some tea?"
You eagerly join her on the table, snuggling against your girlfriend ever so slightly as you both begin to talk about your day. The entire worm ordeal is slowly slipping out of your mind already.
Neville Longbottom
Neville stops in his tracks at your question, taking a moment to toss the idea back and forth in his mind before he can give you a proper answer. You nearly giggle when his face scrunches up, brows knit and lips parted as he innocently asks, “But why would you turn into a worm?”
"Neville, love, no. It's a hypothetical question."
His entire body relaxes at this, releasing what you assume is a breath of relief. "Oh. I thought you were being serious for a moment there."
You shake your head with a giggle, taking a step closer to adjust the scarf around your boyfriend's neck. "I'm just curious is all. Would you still love me, then?" you ponder.
"Yes! Of course!" comes his instant reply, hands balled up into fists that match the determination on his face. "I would get you a nice worm house with all your favorite flowers in it," he bends one of his gloved finger inwards, beginning to keep count of this hypothetical to-do list. "Would you still be able to have human food? Well, either way, I promise to feed you every single day!"
He pauses, only for a second or two. "Oh! And I'll sing you worm songs! Or maybe we can sing them together? I don't know if you would still be able to talk as a worm though."
You swiftly pull him into an affectionate hug, effectively bringing his rambling—as well as the entire worm topic—to an end. His hands sheepishly find their home around your waist, where he places them softly as if it's his first time hugging you. After all the months of being together, it certainly isn't.
"What was that for?" he dares himself to ask, avoiding your eye contact shyly.
"For being the most loving and adorable boyfriend I could ever ask for," you lean in to plant a soft, gentle kiss on his cheek. You don't miss the way he pulls up his scarf to hide the blossoming blush afterwards.
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I have no idea why I wrote this either lol <3
🌷 draco taglist: @arossebyanyothername @kawaii-angelanne @thefandomplace @yuosmi @bbeauttyybbx @mywellspringoflife @slytherinsunrise @avatarbeeb @scarlet-says-hi @lunars @coldlilheart @beiahadid @justmimithings @soundsquid27 @youknowiloveyou-so @n3ssm0nique @ochrythum @explxsion @yaanasluv @autumnpleaves @booksmione @drxcomvlfx @the–queen-of-hell @aspiringsloth20 @runninglownad @snitches-at-dawn @badfvith
🌷 harry taglist: @teheharrypotter @badfvith
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btsxmalereaders · 4 years
1:31 AM
Pairing: Im Jaebeom x male reader
Genre: angst
☆ Requested
Word Count: 2,08k
🎵 잘 지내야해 1:31 AM
[I am always drowned in the thoughts of you. I get exhausted from crying, but I look for traces of you again...]
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The patter of the rain hitting the window has been the only thing that has set the gloomy place for the last couple of hours.
The catheter placed with an uncomfortable sticky tape on the back of your hand feels heavier and heavier. Your eyelids shutting even when you try to keep them open. You're tired despite only spending all the time laying on that stretcher.
Some nurses come from time to time to make sure you're comfortable and you only nod tightly to the questions they make; a routine that you don't have the energy to hate.
Of course, not all days are like this. Sometimes you wake up in a good mood and the personnel would take you out to the small garden behind the hospital, pulling your wheelchair since you're still weak, but it is still something. You would smile and take the sun on good days like those, and if a familiar visited,  they would bring you your painting tools for you to clear your head and have a good time.
But you haven't had good days, lately.
Your friends called you constantly and, when you had enough energy to respond, you tried to put your best smile for them.
You didn't see it as a bad thing, though. They didn't need to know that you were going through thick.
But there was someone you couldn't lie to.
"The receptionist told me 'You can see your fiancé now.'" Jaebeom says as he walks towards you, placing a cute bouquet of flowers on the small table next to you. He looks stunning and always walks in with the hugest smile on his face to greet you. Probably to lift up your mood, too. "Was that an insinuation?"
You can't help but giggle at that, "Maybe. But also they wouldn't let you in if I said you were only my boyfriend. And I don't want to keep this lie."
"Then I better hurry up, right?" He smiles, placing a kiss on your forehead and dragging the chair next to you, taking seat as he grabs your hand tightly. "As soon as you are discharged, I'll put a ring on your finger. I promise."
You keep the big smile to him and cup his cheek with your free hand, being careful because of the catheter. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you so much more," He murmurs. His semblance suddenly changing. "We've been really busy with the tour now that it is starting soon, I'm sorry. I wish I could see you everyday."
"It's okay, love. I understand."
A silence sets in after that. Jaebeom closes his eyes and enjoys your touch for a moment while you observe him in detail; every mole, every mark on his skin, his warm breath against your wrist and his grip on your hand, as if he would never want to let you go.
When he opens his eyes again they're full of tears. You don't even recall when was the last time you've seen him cry.
"Why are you crying? What's wrong?" You ask, sliding your thumb across his cheek to erase every trace of tears falling down.
"I'm sorry," Jaebeom softly whispers. "I hate that I can't do anything else for you."
You sigh, bringing him closer and moving a little, making a space for him to cuddle with you. "Come here. Don't cry."
He does as told, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, calming his nervousness with heavy breaths. It breaks your heart to see him like this.
Your boyfriend gets to calm himself as minutes pass by, with the help of your hand tracing circles on his back, and sweet words whispered to his ears.
You two get to talk properly afterwards, telling each other about how your days have been, although Jeobeom did most of the talk and you only listened, occasionally commenting about it and also asking about your friends.
"As usual, the boys send you greetings and hugs, but only I get to do that, right?" He chuckles, kissing your forehead for the nth time and making you blush. "They might even pop up at the videocall tonight since we'll be rehearsing."
"That's good, don't tell them I said this, but I actually miss seeing their faces and hearing their voices everyday."
Jaebeom laughs at that. "No wonder why I see Bambam sending you voice notes all the time."
A nurse comes back a moment later to let you know that the visiting hours is now over, so Jaebeom stands up and kisses you goodbye, "Don't forget that-"
"-we have a date. For dinner at half past eight. As we do almost every night. Of course I won't forget."
He smiles at you and kisses you again. "And that I love you."
"I love you too." You murmur with a smile and see him walk out of the room.
The nurse changes the serum, as usual, and you only stare at her, not knowing if you should ask...
"Is everything alright, ____?" She asks.
You've known her for a while now, it's almost as if you two were friends, but still, you were still undecided about something that has been in the back of your head for a couple of days.
"Noona, could you do something for me?"
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GOT7's tour was about to kick off two weeks after that visit, although it wasn't the last one. Jaebeom did make sure to visit you whenever he could; after rehearsing or even skipping his time to have meals to rush in to the hospital -thing that you obviously scolded him for, but he promised he would get something in his way back-. He also made sure to show you clips of the rehearsals and some videos with messages from the boys for you, which you truly loved.
However, even if that lifted your spirits, it wasn't enough to make you feel better from the terrible days you've had. Not only you couldn't move and hang out as you did weeks ago, but you were feeling so weak that most of the time you would spend it sleeping. In one of Jaebeom's visit you two were talking until you fell asleep, and next thing you know he was saying goodbye again with a worried expression on his face.
And the worst thing is that you didn't have to be a genius to know the reason why. The disguised words you heard from your doctor were enough confirmation for you to know what was about to come.
And you definitely weren't ready for it.
"So? You got good news for me?" You ask the nurse once you see her entering the room.
She tilts her head and sees the hope shining in your eyes, despite looking so small and weak. "Yes. I talked with the doctors and they gave the authorization."
And that was enough for you to feel happy for the rest of the day.
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"Are you sure you are okay?"
Unlike other days, today you have woken up happy and eager to go out. You suppose it is normal because you have anxiously waited for this day to come
You nod as an answer and the nurses carefully help you to get ready. 
To say you were nervous was an understatement. You weren't even sure how did the idea come to mind, but you were really determined to do it. And as you get in the van, you quickly send a message to Jinyoung to let him know that you were on your way there.
You've thoroughly planned all this; after all, it was a surprise for Jaebeom.
Of course he couldn't believe his eyes. He froze in his place while the boys almost ran to hug you; Jinyoung pushing the chair behind you and telling them to be careful, but you were too happy to even care about the bone crushing hugs you were receiving. It was all you wanted.
Jaebeom walks slowly to you and gives you a hug when they're done, letting out a sigh he didn't even know he was holding.
"Really? H-how did you even- Are you okay?" He asks, concerned, to which you laugh and nod.
"I'm good, hyungie. The doctor allowed it and I've been wanting to see you out of the hospital." You murmur, holding his hands. "And what kind of boyfriend and ahgase I'd be if I didn't attend your first concert of this new tour?"
They all seem very happy because they haven't seen you in a long time, so it's not surprising that everyone is around you all the time in backstage, asking you lots of questions and updating you on everything that happened since the last time they saw you, although no big news since you're used to chat and videocall them quite often.
While they are fascinated to have you there, Jaebeom seems to be more quiet and with a worried expression, indecipherable. You wonder if he knows or at least suspects about the reason behind it.
The concert finally starts and after more worried looks from your boyfriend, you decide to see from the first row the entire show. Even Yugyeom got you a lightstick for you to cheer them up, and Jaebeom stressed that whatever you needed you could ask anyone from the staff.
It goes pretty well, and you didn't feel uncomfortable or bad at all, but that didn't stop your boyfriend from making sure you were indeed okay every time he could; approaching the side of the stage right where you stayed and nodding in your direction from time to time, and the fans close to you were respectful and careful with your space.
Jaebeom gets somewhat sentimental while performing some songs, and when he stares back at you, you know it. He knows it.
So the first thing he does when the concert is over and gets to backstage is kneel in front of you and cry on your lap.
The boys don't understand the situation, but they leave you two alone for a moment, thinking that maybe their leader was too emotional tonight.
"What are you hiding from me? What have the doctors said?" He gets to babble while the tears are covering his face.
You're hurt from seeing him crumble like this in front of you, so you cry too, holding his hands and tracing circles on their back, trying to calm him down.
"Nothing you don't already know," You say. "You've seen me. I'm not doing well, and... I just had this feeling, I had to see you again, one last t-"
"No." He stops you. The lump on his throat making it harder to speak. "Don't say that. Please."
"Hyung, I'm sorry." You murmur, now caressing his back and placing a kiss on his head. "Please forgive me."
Before going back to the hospital, you say goodbye to your friends, who seem to now be understanding of the situation, but being too shocked to even say anything about it. They hug you more and try to lift the mood making lighthearted jokes that genuinely make you laugh.
Jaebeom doesn't want to separate from you anytime; he's either holding your hand or leaving kisses all over your face, letting you sleep on over his chest on your way back and whispering words to your ears.
"I'll come to see you again later today, alright?" He promises as you lay on the bed and get comfortable. "Sleep for now. I'll be here when you wake up."
He kisses you with so much love, not knowing it was the last time he would do it.
He didn't expect to receive that heartbreaking call that soon.
Just when he was getting ready to see you, he received the news, and he couldn't stop crying and shaking for a long moment. His friends were there, trying to calm him and themselves down; hurt by hearing they've just lost you and feeling so wrecked and weak. 
Naturally, the next shows were postponed, which raised suspicions and fear among the fans, who saw you just a few hours ago.
Jaebeom has never felt this empty and pained.
A part of him ruthlessly ripped away.
He can’t believe it,
That when he opens his eyes you won't be next to him.
Even if those memories make it hard on him,
It’s on his head again.
Even if he clears out all those memories,
He will always be drowned in the thoughts of you.
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{Flowers} Midoriya x Reader
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Summary// Soulmate!AU where everyone has different soulmate markers. Yours happens to be that flowers bloom where your soulmate gets injured. You just happen to be paired with the boy who breaks his bones daily.
Buds and small blossoms were the norm for you as a child. You would find yourself with little blooms on your palms or on your knees, your mother explaining that that meant your soulmate hurt themself. Maybe tripped or bumped into a table.
Your mom told you how the buds that bloomed on your cheeks meant someone was being mean.
As a teen you realize that the flowers on your body meant cruel things and cruel people.
"Hang on out there." You whisper to the flower on your shoulder, its soft petals tickling your skin. You wished you could talk to your soulmate through your skin like your mothers, how they could write on their skin and see the message on each other, or sing and hear the others voice like your uncle had with his wife. But you and your soulmate were connected by flowers.
What was going on in their life to have so many flowers? Sometimes you could feel phantom pains on your stomach as small bruise colored blossoms grew on your skin, or feel the sharp sting of a slap on your cheek the color of yellow daisies.
One day you're walking down the street when you bump into a green haired boy. You were in a good mood, lately there hadn't been new flowers on your body, which had to mean your soulmate was having a good week.
"Hi." You smile at the boy whose face immediately turns pink.
"H-Hi!" He stutters, his hand immediately going to the back of his neck. "Sorry for bumping into you, I should've been watching- not watching you! But watching out! You know- like how you walk and- and yeah.."
You chuckle. He was cute. Covered in freckles and with bright green eyes like the leaves of a tulip. "Don't worry about it." You hold out your hand and introduce yourself. "How about you?"
He shyly takes your hand. His grip is surprisingly stronger than you expected. "I'm Izuku Midoriya."
"Nice to meet you Midoriya." You smile and shake his hand firmly. "Guess I'll see you around."
"Y-Yeah." He smiles.
He smiles and for a moment the world slows to a stop.
You suck in a breath and hold onto your smile as you continue walking.
It's when you enter highschool that the flowers return.
You're in the middle of orientation when deep purple hellebores sprout from your finger. You flex your hand and feel the ghostly pains of a broken bone. Tears prickle at the corners of your eyes as you listen to the droning of your homeroom teacher.
What happened to start the cycle again? Why was your soulmate hurting? Who was hurting them?
For the first weeks of school, you're stuck with that question as you do nightly checks. Your arms were constantly covered in flowers, and if you were capable of laughing at something so serious, you would debate selling bouquets with the flowers you were growing.
The day of the U.A. Sports Festival you sit between your moms and listen to the pro hero Present Mic as he introduces the classes.
Your mom cheers from your left. "We’ll get to see the first years that survived the villain attack!"
Your mother on your right chuckles. "You say it like it was planned darling, they're only kids. They're probably scarred."
Your moms debate the mental health of the 1-A first years as you watch the students from your spot in the stands. The blooms were getting better and had receded, showing your soulmate had healed which allowed you to focus on the games below.
But then a new set of questions popped up.
Would your soulmate be watching too? Were they interested in the sports festival? Were they quirkless? Did they have a quirk? Did they want to be a hero? You couldn't stop the questions that flowed freely in your mind.
You lean on your palm with your elbow resting on your knee. Your face lights up with surprise as you spot a familiar face in the crowd of students from Class A.
"Hey I know that boy!" You point to Midoriya and tug on your moms sleeves. A smile forms on your face. You didn't know he was going to U.A. but then again you never asked. You didn't think to ask.
"I never got his number though."
Your mother hums. "Too bad, he's cute."
Your mom pats your back. "You can try after the games are over."
During the first and second event, you keep your eyes glued to Midoriya. He was a good strategist. Even if he hadn't shown his quirk yet, you could see how skilled he was. It was a far cry from how you met him. Stuttering and shy. He was confident now, albeit a little emotional. He felt different to you.
"You can do it!" You whisper to yourself, your hands clenched as you see him step up to begin his match. You believed in him!
"Welcome to the first match of the finals tournament!"
From above you could see the student across from him begin to speak. Obviously you couldn't catch what was being said, but you had high hopes for Midoriya!
"Ready? Begin!"
Midoriya begins to run forward, but right as he nears the middle of the platform, he freezes in place and stays there. You feel a shiver run through your body as you watch him. Why was he staying still?
"The fight has just begun and Izuku Midoriya is completely frozen!"
The other  boy’s lips start to move. Midoriya turns around and begins to walk back to his side of the ring.
No. He starts walking to get off of the platform.
“What is he doing?” Your mom mutters, “Silly boy, he's supposed to be heading the other way!”
Your mother murmurs in agreement. “Could it be his opponent’s quirk?”
You didn't quite care as you stood up from your spot and began yelling. “Come on Midoriya! You can do it! Don't give up!”
He was just a step away from the border of the platform when a giant blast of wind came from his hand. At that moment you felt the ghostly pains of your index and middle finger snap. Baby’s-breath grew from your fingers.
You look down at your hand in horror as the announcer screams over the intercom.
"What's this! Midoriya stopped just in time!"
Midoriya was an inch away from the platform, but all your focus was on the flowers that bloomed on your skin. Flowers in the same place as his injuries.
You sit back down, ignoring your mothers as they continue cheering when Midoriya goes back into action. You don't see what happens next, all you hear is that Midoriya won.
On went the battles, but your focus was on your hand and the flowers that slowly fell off as the broken fingers were healed.
When his next match came, you looked up from your stupor. He was fighting a boy who had so far sweeped his way through to the finals. A part of you wanted to cheer Midoriya on, knowing that his match would be a tough one, but the other part was reeling in horror at what would become of his body. He broke his bones using his quirk.
Day in and day out, you had seen flowers grow on you, and you never had a face to link them to.
Cuts, bruises, burns, broken bones.
All from him.
You don't watch his match, all you hear and feel is the shattering ice of his opponent and the flowers that burst from your skin in waves of color. First his fingers, then his arms.
The match ends, and you are left sitting with hydrangeas and hibiscus, poppies and peonies all littering your arms as if you were a living garden.
“Sweetie what happened?” Your mother finally asks from  beside you, or maybe you just weren't listening before. “Could your soulmate be that boy- hey!”
You stand up and push your way through the crowds, running down the line of stairs and around the stadium. The students were in seats across from you, which meant they had to have an entrance nearby.
A door lay in front of you, blocked by several Pro Heroes. You transform into a butterfly, not caring about the pain that rattled through your body at shifting into such a small creature as you fly past their watch and enter the stadium reserved for the students.
You fly past doors marked as waiting rooms until you reach the recovery center.
The door was cracked open, and inside you could see him. He was bandaged up, his body covered in scratches and bruises.
You shift back into a human and slam your flower coated fists on a nearby table.
His eyes open and he straightens up on the recovery bed, wincing in pain when he moves his arms. His eyes were dull with pain, but they had the same light in them as when you had met him for the first time.
Did that light drive him to hurt himself so much?
“You again- how did you get in here?” He sits up properly.
Your eyes are full of tears as you look at his casts.
“You.” You wipe at your eyes, spreading pollen across your face. “I've been a living garden for fifteen years and all you have to say is how did you get in here?”
You can hear the confusion in his voice as he mumbles a small “I’m sorry?”.
Summoning a claw, you pierce the side of your neck and make a thin line.
From his neck, carnations bloom from his skin at the same site of your wound.
His eyes widen in realization.
You both stay silent until you let out a breathy laugh. Now he knew. Now the cogs were turning. You were always so careful to not get hurt to keep from scaring your soulmate, but did he ever put in the same care?
“We’re soulmates..” He whispers.
“For fifteen years.” You repeat silently. “For fifteen years, I’ve had sleepless nights, knowing you were being hurt. For fifteen years you gave me flowers. Looking at flower shops were so painful because they reminded me of you. I couldn't even stand being at my uncle’s wedding because the arrangements reminded me of your pain.”
You hold up your hand. “Why do you hurt yourself so much? Why go through so much pain? This quirk.. Is it so important for you to become a hero if all you get out of it is pain?”
With blurred vision and eyes stinging from tears, you look at Midoriya who had a quiet look of contemplation on his face. It takes a beat before he looks you in the eyes.
“I want to become a hero that brings a smile to people’s faces. A hero you can rely on.” His Adam's apple bobs as he gulps. “A hero you can rely on. I never meant to make you cry. I'm sorry.”
You slump down to the floor. You hear him squeak and jump down from the bed, letting out a string of “ow’s” before crouching in front of you.
“Really, I’m sorry-”
You place a hand over his mouth and give him a stern look. “Just shut up.”
“Yes ma'am.” He mumbles from behind your hand, his face obscured by the flowers on your hand.
“Ma’am?” A small laugh threatens to escape you.
“I say things when I get nervous..”
Despite the weight of the emotions you had been carrying, you finally laugh.
He leans away from your hand, a blush on his cheeks as you hold you cover your own mouth to try and tame your laughter.
“So um.. Im free Sunday. If you want to talk about how this'll work..?” He questions meekly.
You wipe your eyes and smile. “I’d like that.”
You hang upside down from a tree as you watch Midoriya train. He had come over for dinner but as you waited for your moms to finish cooking, you both took to the outside. He had looked to your training grounds in awe and quickly pleaded with you to try out the course.
“It’s my mother’s, not mine, go ahead.” And how could you deny his bright eyes and smile? The damned thing could light an entire city.
He was nearly drenched in sweat by the time he stopped his run through of the course and his small session of shadow boxing. He wipes away his sweat with the back of his hand and sits down under the tree where you hung like a bat.
“Nice huh?”
“Yeah. What does your mother do to have a space like this?”
“She's a hero. But she patrols the west region. She comes back every few weeks to visit us.”
He bonks you on the head as he looks up in amazement. “She's the Transformation Hero Mystique?!”
You quirk a brow. “Bingo. How'd you get that?”
“Lucky guess.” He mumbles sheepishly. 
“You saw her hero costume didn’t you.” You ask bluntly.
He fiddles with his scarred fingers. “I may have taken a detour when I went to the bathroom..”
You turn your head and give him a kiss on the cheek. “Silly boy.”
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arminbitchlover · 3 years
reincarnated lovers (1)
armin arlert x f!reader
summary: in their past life, reader and armin's love journey is cut short with the tragic death of reader from a deadly plague. now, they are once again reunited, but somehow everything feels wrong between them.
word count: 2.5k
content warnings: death
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"Armin... it hurts." You dazed off and felt nothing but sharp pains all over your body.
Your throat was dangerously dry, and your stomach grumbled from the lack of food you couldn't properly digest. You suffered from the feeling of a knife being pushed into your lungs and when you tried to pick up your head, black dots overtook your fuzzy vision. Every time you tried to move a muscle, the pain would exponentially heighten, and experienced your abdomen compress with an exorbitant amount of pressure.
"N-no please don't leave me yet. What about all our plans together? Going to the beautiful forest behind the hills for our anniversary next week, building a house to move in together, getting married, a-and start a family..." Armin's voice cracked as tears cascaded down his cheek and dripped onto your arm.
You sensed a soft warm hand grab yours which caused your heartbeat to quicken as you felt it coarse throughout your body.
This is the end.
You knew this was your last few moments on earth with your soulmate. It was over so fast. Too fast. You couldn't believe you wouldn't be able to fill the promises you made with your lover. This was your only and last chance at this life, and it was over in nineteen years, only four of them being spent with the person you thought you would grow old with
"Stay away... get sick..." You jerked your arm away from Armin unaware that you didn't feel the need to chug a gallon of water to quench your throat and that the nauseating feeling from hunger completely vanished as you kept slipping in and out of consciousness.
"Don't do this shit to me right now, I'm staying by your side no matter what." He lightly caressed your face not caring about the black lumps that engrossed your skin.
He knew he would become infected sooner or later and understood that this would be it for you even though he couldn't find it in himself to believe it.
"I-I-I'm sorry." You felt the back of your throat get knotted up but couldn't produce any tears.
You slowly moved your hand back down to your side, not feeling the aching pain that had taken over your body, as you barely brushed his fingertips.
"Baby, what are you apolo... not your fault." He looked down to your palm and intertwined his fingers with your cold limp hand. He trailed his eyes back up to your face and saw your closed eyes.
"Y/n?" His breathing became shallow and irregular as he gently shook your body in an attempt to bring you back to consciousness.
You lightly squeezed his hand with the last bit of energy you had in you; letting him know that you were still with him.
This isn't the last time... swear to you we'll find each other again... I'll... protect you. I lo..."
And that was it.
The last words you heard.
Passing away was more peaceful than you imagined. It was just like going to sleep, except you knew that you wouldn't wake up with Armin by your side.
...we'll find each other again...
His last words kept replaying in your mind before your brain completely shut off. It made you happy. He made you happy. You died happy knowing that there was a chance to meet him again, but who are you kidding, this was it. It's over now.
Present Day
"I don't know if going on a date is the best thing to do right now, Sasha. I just got out of a three-year relationship with Jean and that was really rough." You grab a bag of chips and plop yourself onto your bed.
"Comeeee onnnnnn, y/n, I think you would really get along with this guy. I mean he's smart and kind anddddddddd has a pretty face!" She walks up to you and quickly steals a chip from you.
"Hey! Well as tempting as your mystery man sounds, my professors decided to assign a shitload of work, so I have to get busy." You pull out the box of textbooks from under your bed as you mentally prepare yourself for a draining weekend.
"Ugh, you're hopeless. Well, I'm going with Niccolo for a while, so have fun with... that! But if you change your mind, I'll text you his number." She grabs a Twinkie and skips out of your dorm room.
You figure that maybe she's somewhat right, but you know it's too soon to go out with another person. You and Jean had been together since high school and only broke up because you agreed that both of you needed time to find yourselves in college. It's very apparent that you still have some type of feelings for him even if it isn't love and it certainly didn't help that he goes to the same school as you.
But it is college. Even though the love you have towards Jean is still slightly there, maybe going out with another person was what you need to get over him. Even then, you wasted all your high school years getting good grades and being an A+ student that you never got to enjoy yourself and you weren't going to mess it up again. Besides what's the worst thing that could happen?
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roomie <3
Today 5:12 PM
can you send me his number
here ya go ;)
contact sent
ur a pain but thank u
you better tell me how it
love u
love you moreee
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While gazing at the contact, you can't quite explain the feeling you have in your stomach and could only call it excitement, but why?
You're just going out with a guy you've never even met before and for all you know, he could be some creepy perv who just wants to make you feel extremely uncomfortable for his own liking. You giggle to yourself as you keep on thinking of worst-case scenarios and become very aware of how in need you are of getting out of your dorm.
You sit and stare at your phone, wondering how to text someone who may not even remember his conversation about you with Sasha. But fuck it, it was just a date.
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Maybe: Armin Arlert
Today 5:20
hey armin, i'm y/n and i don't
if you recall giving your number
to sasha but she said we would make
a great match so i would love to go
out with you later today !
Hey y/n, I do recall Sasha
talking about you and everything
so I would be honored to take you out! (:
Do you want to go out for
a coffie in about an hour?
yeah, that sounds great !
We can meet at the library.
alright, see you then (:
Read 5:31
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You feel your face warm up, excited to finally do something out of school and maybe have the possibility to meet someone who could be special. You waste no time sitting around, given that you had only an hour to look your best, and got ready.
You have ten minutes to spare after prepping yourself and decide to walk to the library a bit early. You head out of your dorm, still in disbelief that you're going out with someone who was a stranger. It's definitely more of an exhilarating feeling than a nervous one; this would be the second person you've ever gone out with, Jean being your first and only partner and you have to admit that you feel good. You could feel yourself growing as a person even if this was just a silly first date that could potentially mean nothing.
You make your way to the front of the library and right when you were about to open the door you hear your name being softly called out. You turn around and see a blonde boy with a blue-collar shirt and khakis.
Damn, you have no idea who this boy is and you don't care, but why is someone this gorgeous calling out to you? His doll-like skin complexion looks so soft and smooth while his shirt matches his blue eyes perfectly, and his khakis just adding on to his soft persona.
"Are you y/n?" He snaps you out of your thoughts and back to reality.
"Oh, um yes, and you're Armin? How did you know it was me?" You can't keep your eyes off of him. This is the mystery man that Sasha fixed you up with and, fuck, he's more beautiful than you could've pictured.
"Sasha showed me pictures of the two of you and I must say you're more stunning in person." His cheeks turn into a bright pink as he looks down, feeling as if he's embarrassing himself.
"Thank you and you're a lot more attractive than I ever imagined." You give him a friendly smile when he looks back up as he hears your compliment.
"The uh coffee shop is not far off-campus so we can walk if you like." He rubs the back of his neck, unsure how to begin your date.
"Yeah, that sounds great." You both walk together in awkward silence, not knowing how to start a chat with each other.
"So, Armin, what are you majoring in?" You turn your head towards him, but Armin seems to not want to make any eye contact with his hands in his pockets.
"That's cool, have you always loved the ocean or are you just experimenting with different fields?" You try to carry on with the conversation, hoping he would open up to your about his studies at the least.
"I've always loved the ocean."
"Are the classes you're taking pretty difficult?" You feel your face heat up as he continues to be difficult about continuing your attempted dialogue.
You start losing your patience with this boy. It frustrates you that no matter what you did he can't try to at least engage in the conversation. You knew from the beginning that this could've been a disaster, but it hadn't even started, and it's already exasperating.
You start to genuinely think of ideas to bail yourself out before it could get any worse, but no, you're going to finish this date whether it's awful or not and move on with your life. You told yourself you were evolving as a person and to bail would only be taking you a step back from the new you.
"How do you know Sasha," you ask him, making it your last-ditch effort to start a conversation as you arrive at the coffee shop.
"We met through a mutual friend at a party." He opens the door for you and both of you enter the cafe.
You and Armin are kindly greeted by the barista as you walk to to the cashier. Both of you order your drinks and sit at a table that's next to the glass wall.
"So, did you meet Sasha because you're dorm mates?" He finally ignites some type of conversation as he fidgets with his fingers.
"We actually somewhat knew each other through my ex-boyfriend and we randomly got paired to be dorm mates." You grin to yourself, thinking about how close you and Sasha got over the year.
Even if it was a bitter-sweet moment mentioning Jean, that you realize may not have been the best thing to do. You hear you and Armin's name being called, but right when you're about to get up Armin quietly spoke, "Stay here, I got it."
You watch him get up from his seat and walk back over to the cashier. He pulls out his brown leather wallet, pays for both of your drinks, and makes his way back to the table with a cup in each hand.
"Thank you for paying, you really didn't have to do that." You feel your cheeks get hot as you grab your drink, slightly grazing his fingers.
"It was no biggie." He shrugs his shoulder and slumps back to his seat.
Subsequently, the awkward silence is back, but a lot stronger than before. You can't understand why it's so difficult to get along with him if this was the date where you're supposed to get to know each other and have endless topics to discuss. You keep reassuring yourself that this would be over soon anyway and now you know that Armin just isn't the one for you and you're completely fine with that. At this point, you only see Armin as the boy you went on the most awkward date with and didn't even picture him as a friend.
"Sorry about this, I've never done anything like this before," he mumbles while tapping on the side of his cup, not wanting to look at you because he felt ashamed.
"O-oh, don't stress about it too much, it's my first date after getting out of my relationship so we're on the same boat." You both exchange warmhearted smiles, trying to break the tension but nothing seems to work.
"We can go back to campus. I have some assignments I need to finish up anyways," he suggests and you feel the weight being lifted off your shoulders. Even though Armin seems like a great person, both of you assume that your wavelengths couldn't match, and it was just best to end it.
"Yeah, that sounds good. I also need to catch up on schoolwork as well." Both of you grab your drinks and head back to school without trying to strike a conversation, knowing that it would just make the tension even more awkward.
As soon as you make it back to your dorm, you must say that you never feel happier to arrive in your shitty box.
"Well, thank you for the coffee and I hope you have a great weekend."
"Yeah, you too." You both wave bye and you walk into your dorm, feeling displeased.
While you didn't expect your date to be completely perfect and for you and Armin to fall in love, this was by far the last thing you wanted to happen.
It didn't take long for you to forget what had transpired as you change to comfortable clothes and start heavily working on your assignments. While you were finishing up on one of your worksheets, you feel your phone vibrate and see a text from Sasha.
༛༛ ༛ ༛༺༻༛ ༛ ༛༛
roomie <3
love you moreee
Today 7:47
you better still have some energy
left in you
i'm heading back to get dressed
cause we're going to go PARTYYYY
oh god sasha
i don't do well at parties
i can introduce you to my friends
they're really cool
okayyy sure
so get dolled up
i'll be there soon <3
Read 7:53
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next chapter | series masterlist
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ye4gerismarchives · 3 years
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the bachelorette chp 5, part 2: connie’s proposal
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an: hey yall 😛 i'll be posting another q&a before the final elimination chapter comes out. the day after that, i will close the poll, so make good choices! if you wanna change your mind, do it NOW! if you haven't voted, NOW is your chance😁 also, once again, i had to add an extended part to the connie family chapter because the full thing did not upload :( if the extended part helps you change your mind on connie, let me know! also, i really like this chapter because i could properly write a beach story! i went to a beach last week for the very first time and now i won't sound stupid when writing (and i'll never beat around the bush again!) link at the bottom!
tags: fem, black reader
tag list: @taybird
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Unlike Jean, Connie did give you an idea of where you were going. He told you to bring some sandals and a light outfit and "not to worry about swimming because I know you don't want to mess up your hair- or makeup". There was a high chance you would be going to the beach where you had your first solo date. It was also the first time you talked about Connie being your husband. He said something about being "wise" about your decision. Now that you think about it, there was a pattern of Connie trying to avoid the fact that you two would have to be in love. You wondered if he'd bring that up again while proposing to you. You wouldn't want to say no to Connie if he did that but the whole friend zone thing is a BIG turnoff (y'all's words, not mine 😉)
But there was a positive side to this maybe? You already knew Connie and he had a higher advantage than Jean. You wouldn't even have to think about building a connection with him because you already had one. But the problem was love. You knew would enter a relationship with Jean, y'all would be lovey-dovey BUT you would need to build a friendship too.
Damn, this was hard. But this would all be over soon. You'd get a big wedding and if you didn't like Connie or Jean, you could move on. It's not like you're signing papers at the televised ceremony.
But anyways 😭 let's starts Connie's date. No time for analysis!
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Connie had texted you that he was outside. You grabbed your purse and left the mansion. When you got outside, Connie was leaning on his car, being handsome and all.
"Hey," you greet him. You hold your arms out, hoping for a hug or even a kiss. Connie steps forward leans towards you but his head goes to the side and he's hugging you. Would this guy wait till the possible engagement before getting romantic with you or would the rest of your marriage be like this?
Connie pulls away. "I'm really excited," he says. You want to yell at him right now but the day just started. Maybe he was doing all this to lead you on and make sure you want to fight for him. To be real, this was getting tiring. Connie better be doing something big!
"I'm really excited to see what you have in store for me as well," you reply. Other than seeing Connie's next moves or his proposal, you were excited about the food. You knew Connie could cook, it was in his genes and he did cook for you multiple times throughout the show. As Connie opens the passenger seat for you, you begin to ask him what was on the menu today.
"Well, I've noticed how nauseous you get when under the pressure, so I made egg sandwiches and I packed juices and water. I hope that's alright. When we get engaged, I'll make you a big meal. I promise," Connie says before closing your door.
You thought it was sweet that Connie took note of that. When he got into the driver's seat, you gave him a small smile before opening your mouth. "Thank you, Connie. I really appreciate the fact that you thought about that."
Connie starts the car and begins the drive to the venue. There wasn't much talking done, probably because you would bring up the whole friendship thing. You wanted to get that settled but you also wanted to see what Connie has planned. These two dates weren't just about you saying yes or no but it was a way to see how much Jean and Connie wanted you. If there were problems in the past, they would try and fix them now.
Minutes later you were at the beach (you were right😁). Connie found parking and got out of the car to get the food. You got out on your own. It was weird not having someone rush to your side to open your door. Connie met you on your side of the car and offered you his hand. You can't remember him doing that before (if he has, forgive me yall🧍🏾‍♀️). But his hands felt nice, so you couldn't complain.
The same table from your solo date remained there. "Hey, Connie, just for you, I'll get in the water," you suddenly say. "Huh?! Really?!" he explains. 'Gosh, what a kid,' you think. "You just made this better, y/n! Thank you!" Connie continues. "Just my feet though. I didn't come here to get baptized or anything."
Connie places the picnic basket with all the little things he packed for you. He then proceeds to pull a chair out for you. When you sit, he pulls out one egg sandwich for you. "Juice or water?" Connie asks. "Um, (juice/water)," you reply. He places the drink of your choice in front of you and finally sits down. Connie sets up his food and is ready to dig in until he notices that you haven't touched any of your food.
"Hey...is everything alright? You feel sick?"
You shake your head. "Connie, we need to talk."
Connie sits up slowly. "What's up?"
You liked that Connie was able to see that something was up. This would be useful if you got married.
"How long are you going to friendzone me?"
Connie chokes in his spit. "What?"
"I mean sure we've been lovey-dovey but I still don't feel that romantic connection. If I do say yes to you, I expect us to start acting like a couple. I want you to be my husband, not my friend."
Connie is silent for a minute and then he opens his mouth. "But people who are friends-"
"Oh, shut up. You can be my friend but I want a husband! Please, stop bringing up those statistics and love me!"
You never thought you would be throwing a mini tantrum over a man. Is this who we are? Is this what we represent?
"Come with me," Connie says. You're hesitant to get up until he offers his hand to you. You take it and he pulls you up from the chair.
Connie slowly leads you down the water and you start to freak out mentally. Was he going to drown for telling him off? Connie wasn't that crazy right?
As you walked, you felt yourself slipping out of your shoes. The sand didn't hesitate to fill in the gaps of your toes and tickle your feet. The further you went, the deeper you were. Connie was just walking like it was nothing. You reached the water and Connie came to a stop. For a moment, he stared out into the ocean. You just stared at your feet. The waves pushed the water on your feet causing you to sink more into the sand. This was the world. You were on the edge. You weren't going to live for long, so you had to make the best of it.
"y/n, I hear your cries for love and I'm willing to give it to you. Marry me. I'll work on myself and you'll work on yourself. I promise you, I'll do anything to grow old with you."
Connie’s ring didn’t come in a box. He just pulled it out from his pocket. It was a diamond covered band with a halo shaped sapphire right in the middle.
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damn, wonder who y’all gonna choose🤒 LINK
if you’re curious about how these rings look like, here:
connie (left) jean (right , however, his doesn’t match the description i wrote😒)
also, sorry for the white hand. i took a buzzfeed quiz
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lonely-teddy-bear · 4 years
The King’s Mate➳ h.s. au
word count: 2.04k
It’s here and its Harry’s point of view! I promise it’s not boring, you get to know a little of what goes on in his little pretty head. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter Eight
*Harry's pov*
She doesn't want us. She never wanted us. Why wouldn't she just reject us instead of just leading us on? Why!
I rubbed my temples trying to reduce the headache I was getting from my wolf talking nonstop. He just can't stop talking for a minute so I could at least think, to at least say something.
You think she wanted someone else? Oh how I now want to kill that other boy.
My eyes widened at Rox's thought.
Rox stop. You better calm down before I calm you down. I hated talking to him. He was a control freak and so possessive of Valentina. I don't like it when he takes over part of my body because I know he would say something that will hurt her and the one to deal with the consequences will be me, not him.
Oh what are you going to do? Block me out? You can try but I'll push hard enough till I'm taking over your body and then maybe I will mark her and make her mine like we should have done the first night she slept in our home. I felt my hand turn into a fist and I just wanted to punch someone. He pisses me off. I hate how he just talks about her as if she was a possession, an item to just own. She was more than that, she was my mate, the one I will grow old with, the one I will have a family with. She was going to be queen and rule next to me. Now that I thought about that, I hadn't thought about the ceremony. The ceremony the king has to do to introduce his mate and the soon to be queen. Not only I had to deal with my wolf, Rox, but I had to deal with the ceremony and start planning it. I let out a sigh and leaned my head down on my hands. I was currently in my office, hiding from Valentina. I just didn't want to answer any questions she would have because I know she would have questions and I didn't want to be around her for the moment until my mind was clear and Rox was calm and wouldn't be able to do anything stupid.
Before I went to sleep I finished up some work that was left behind and made sure I had everything I would need to the meeting I had the next day.
I came out of my bedroom fixing up the sleeves and the ring I had in my hand when I saw Valentina for the first time since last night before I hid in my office.
"Hey," I didn't say anything, I instead just stared at her. She had a wrist brace and when I saw it I looked away quickly knowing I was the reason she was in pain, hurt.
"Where were you last night?" she spoke in a whisper, as if she was scared to speak up. "You didn't have dinner and you weren't in your bedroom, so where were you?" I looked at her taken back.
"You came into my bedroom? For what?" She looked away and I could tell she was embarrassed.
"I wanted to sleep with you in you bed last night but you weren't there so I figured you must have been out or something," she shrugged her shoulders as if shrugging it off. I cocked my head to the side so I could see her face properly, "I slept in the office, I had to finish some work for today. Did you have trouble sleeping last night or something?" I couldn't think of another reason on why she would want to go sleep with me in my bedroom, i'm usually the one to go to her bedroom to sleep with her.
"My arm started hurting but I wanted to have you next to me," she finally looked up at me and looked at me up and down, presuming she was looking at my clothes and not just checking me out. "Going somewhere?" I looked down at my suit I was wearing for today's meeting, it was one of the suits that were meant to make me look like a king and make me look like I had all the power, sort of because the suit had prints on it. The suit was black but with gold prints on them, they seem to be faces, I liked wearing this types of suits but sometimes the servants would give me clothes that were too much but I had to wear them because they know how to style and I wasn't going to argue with them.
"I actually am. I have a meeting with all the alphas, from U.K and from America. I'll probably be out all day today so Christina will come over and take you over to Christian's place so you can spend the day with Kayla since she will also be alone all day." She gave me a nod and kept staring at me and my suit.
"Penny for your thoughts?" I gave her a small smile. She looked like she had a lot in mind and I really wanted to know what was going on in her mind all the time.
"You look good in that suit, but I thing you look better in casual clothes," by the look of her face I could tell she was blushing, she has this color on her face that made her look reddish but because of her skin tone it was hard to tell but her heart was saying she was in fact blushing.
"Well, I'll try to be as casual as I can be but since I am the king and the alpha, I have to wear decent clothing. You will soon be wearing non-casual clothing so don't get too comfortable with your clothes." I threw her a smirk and made my way down to my office to grab the papers I would need. I could hear Valentina following me but pretended as if I couldn't hear her.
"What you mean?"
I went inside my office and went around my desk to collect all the papers I would need for the meeting. Without looking at Valentina I answered her question, "well you will have to dress your part as a queen, you will have dresses bought and made just for you. You will have nice shoes to go with you dresses and," I looked up and gave her a smirk, "you will have different types of crowns for you to wear." She looked me as if I had grown two heads. Why was she not excited about this? Don't girls want to be dressed and be treated like a queen?
"You want me to change my wardrobe and the way I dress?" I places the papers I had in my hand back on the desk and leaned on my desk. "I don't want you to change, you will only wear dresses and your crown when we go out. Like me, I have this suit and many like this that have to be worn so I could be respected and be treated like the king that I am. I don't want you to change who you are, I would never to that. You just have to play the role, that's all and after that you can wear your sweatpants or jeans okay?" She stared at me for a moment, she just looked at me and didn't say anything until she sat down in front of my desk.
"Okay that's fine. Wait and don't you have to like crown me or something like that? You know in order for me to be queen?" And there's the question. I sat down on my chair behind the desk and rested my hands on the desk. I looked at her and cleared my throat before I started explaining to her about what was going to happen in order for her to become queen.
"Yes I do have to crown you. There will be a ceremony where alphas from other packs come and my pack joins as well. You will have a big dress made for you and you will have people helping you get ready. It is tradition so don't bother protesting this." I gave her a pointing look knowing she was about to say something about her being able to do it on her own.
" There's one thing you have to know about this ceremony, this day you become queen," I took a deep breath before speaking. "That day, the queen and king are supposed to sleep together." I stare at Valentina to see what she would say. She didn't say anything but stare.
"We already do that." I took a deep breath knowing I will have to explain.
"What I mean we have to sleep together. As in have sex. I have to mark you and mate with you. It's part of the ceremony, if we don't do it you won't be connected to me and my wolf, and you won't be connected to my pack. You won't be able to have control of the wolves if you aren't marked on that night." She had a shocked face and she looked like she wanted to get out of the room. I knew this would be too much and I didn't want to tell her all this today but she asked about the coronation and I had to be honest with her.
"Okay." I was taken back by her response. "Okay? What do you mean?"
She looked up to look at me in the eyes, " I mean okay as in I'm fine with it. At some point we have to mate right? And when will this ceremony be?" I cleared my throat after her mentioning about us sleeping together intimately.
"The coronation will be on the next full moon, which is in like two or three weeks. I actually have a meeting with alphas from UK and the rest of America in which we will talk about this. I will be discussing the date of the coronation and other things." I looked down at the folder in front of me,  I looked at the watch I had in my wrist and saw I had to leave soon. Grabbing the folder I got up from my seat and looked at Valentina.
"Okay well Christina will come by and take you to spend the day with Kayla since Christian will be going with me. I'll be calling you throughout the day to check up on you okay?" She nodded before furrowing her brows in questioning, "how are you going to check on me when there's no signal here?" Oh right.
"Right, I'll go buy a phone and have people come add some lines in here so I can check up on you. Christina is able to communicate with me so if you need anything from outside of here just let her know and I'll bring it for you okay?"
"Wait your not going to be in here? You are going out as in like to my town?" I nodded at her and waited for her to continue talking. "Do you think you can go over to my dorm and collect my stuff? I have important stuff from back home and I would really want to have them with me." I nodded quickly, not even having to think about it.  
"Anything for you. Would that be all or do you want something else? Anything you need from town?" She shook her head and stood up from her chair. I went around my desk and stood in front of her. I looked at her in her eyes, in her dark brown eyes, I placed my hand in her cheek and moved my thumb to feel her skin. To anyone she wouldn't seem perfect but to me she was all I needed and that's all that mattered to me. I didn't care that she had insecurities, I will love her along with all her flaws. Oh and how much I wanted to kiss her lips but I will wait until the night of the coronation. I just hope that day comes as fast as it can.
*internally screaming* I don't know but I'm just falling in love with Harry more after I reread this chapter. Chapter 9 is already on the making 😌
*This is the outfit that he used in the chapter okay.
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hopeless-lovex0 · 5 years
( San Ending )
Kim Hongjoong Fanfic
Warning: Angst. Cheating. Heartbreak. Cursing. Fluff.
Alas we are on the Finale of I Have A Dream!!! I honestly loved writing this story so much and I’m incredibly happy and thankful that people actually took time to read it so this final chapter goes out to everyone who has liked, shared or read in general I Have A Dream ❤️ Without further ado I hope you guys enjoy the option of choosing your own ending, I hope you guys enjoyed I Have A Dream. With much love Lizzie x 🥰❤️
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        Taking care of a 3 week old baby was sure a hard task, the loud wails of the little one resonating around the dimly lit apartment. Y/N was glad that Youngji decided to stay over at his friends house, or else she knew he would have a hard time falling asleep with Jongho making so much noise. It's not that Youngji minded, if anything he would be the first one up in the middle of the night feeding Jongho if Y/N was too tired, he would also help change him if Y/N was busy with something else.
     Y/N was extremely grateful for her brother, Youngji always cuddling Jongho the best he could, also taking great care of Y/N when she felt like the constant hours of sleep she lost where taking a tool on her body. Youngji loved his sister very much, he also loved his nephew Jongho as well, but even he felt like he was doing so little to help her.
     So he took matter into his own hands and requested help from someone he knew would never think about saying no, especially when it came to his sister and the recent family addition. San was more than willing to help Y/N around the apartment, constantly dotting over her and Jongho if they ever needed something. He didn't seem to mind either, helping Y/N with Jongho with a big smile on his face, Youngji swears he even heard San whispers Dad of the year to himself while he was carefully changing Jongho's dirty onesie.
     Y/N felt like they were doing too much, the guys constantly following right behind her, eager to help and it made her feel like she was taking advantage of San's sweet nature and her brother's overprotective actions. She wanted to learn and grow as a mother by herself, but now more than ever did she miss the extra pair of hands helping lull Jongho to sleep.
     The circular clock hanging over the kitchen entrance read 2:47 AM, Jongho first started crying around 12. It was nearing the third hour and Y/N had only managed to subside his desperate cries just a little. She had tried everything she could think of, he wasn't hungry as he rejected being breastfed, he also didn't need a diaper change as Y/N had checked more than 3 times.
     Y/N could slowly feel herself crack as the minutes ticked by, swaying her body and humming under her breath to help Jongho sleep but he just kept on crying. " Please baby... Just go to sleep! I dont know what's wrong.." Y/N whispered to Jongho, feeling tears well up in her sunken eyes as she struggled to help her baby calm down.
     The sudden knock on the door snapped her attention from her crying new born, anxiety shooting off the roof when she thinks about her brother's neighbors coming over and complaining about the noise. Walking up to the door with a crying baby in her arms, Y/N begins to give herself a little pep talk, fully preparing herself to see her brother's angry bald neighbor in his pijamas screaming at her for the noise.
     Opening the door, she expected the bald neighbor to start complaining but to her surprised a panting, what appered to be a freshly showered San was hunched right in front of her at 3 in the morning. Y/N gaped at him as he quickly stood straight and walked into the apartment, closing the door behind him then turning back towards Y/N, greeting her with a sheepish smile.
     " Wha.. What are you doing here..?" Y/N questions, standing there with a dumbstruck look on her face. " Youngji texted me saying that you might be having some trouble putting Jongho to sleep so I decided to come and help." San explains, as if its the most simple thing in the world for him to appear in the middle of the night, especially when he was an idol. " Why do you say that so casually?! Won't you get in trouble with the manager? What about your schedule for tomorrow! You need to go back!" She begins to panic, causing Jongho's cries to grow in volume again.
     San then takes a moment to actually study Y/N closely, her pijamas wrinkled as if she got out of bed in a rush, face pale and eyes sucken with dark bags under them to show the lack of sleep she has been getting. Walking up to her, he gently takes Jongho out of Y/N's arms and then takes one of her hands, leading them towards Y/N's room where Jongho's crib is placed. Y/N can't help but gasp out in surprise, the moment Jongho was taken from her arms and placed on San's muscular ones Jongho loud cries had gone down from loud wailing to quiet whimpers.
     " How did you...?" She begins to question before her voice dies off, Jongho now completely quiet as he continues to snuggle in San's arms. " I don't know how you do that." She sighs out, throwing herself on her bed and letting San deal with Jongho as he seems to be doing better than her.
     " Do what? Get him to quiet down?" He questions, Y/N humming back at him in response. " I really don't know.. Maybe we formed a bond the minute he was born." He smugly says, causing Y/N to snort out in annoyence. " I'm his mother and I can't even get him to sleep, what kind of mother can't even put her baby to sleep." Y/N whispers out, face twisted in a frown when she talks about her lack of knowledge on her own flesh and blood.
     San seems to notice her negative attitude towards herself, sitting himself down by Y/N's head, bringing his hand up and flicking her forehead. Y/N jumps up, bringing her hands up and wincing in pain as she begins to rub the red spot appering on her skin. " What was that for!!!" Y/N harshly whispers at him, glaring at him for his sudden action. " You don't give yourself enough credit." San tells her, Y/N saying huh in confusion.
     " There's so many things that you do for this little guy. He finds so much comfort in you and you don’t seem to notice just how much you do for him. You're not a bad mother just because you can't seem to get him to sleep, it'll happen once in a while." San finishes off, patting Y/N's head as she listens to San compliment her. " How do you know what to say too! Like I swear it's like we've been together for years." Y/N whines out, causing San to blush at her words though she doesn't seem to notice as her eyes begin to drop.
     " Go to sleep idiot, I can tell Jongho has been keeping you up and it's not healthy to deprive yourself of sleep." He says, getting up from the bed and pulling the covers off so that Y/N can slip in easier. " What about you? I can't just leave you to deal with Jongho all by yourself." Y/N slurs out, already feeling herself falling into a deep sleep.
     " I'll wait till he's completely asleep, and then head out. Don't worry, I don't mind taking care of him at all." He says, although he doesn't think Y/N caught all of it as she seems to be out like light before he's able to finish talking. Shaking his head, he lets out a chuckle and turns his attention to Jongho currently knocked out on his chest. " You and your mommy are just alike huh? But still.. I wouldn't have it any other way." He whispers to Jongho, placing a small kiss on the baby's peach fuzz head.
     Walking up to the crib next to the bed, he carefully places Jongho inside it then waits a couple minutes in case he suddenly wakes up crying. Once he knows that Jongho is not going to wake up, he walks towards Y/N and makes sure that she is comfortably tucked in. He softly tucks away some hairs behind her ear, showing her content expression, he feels his stomach burst with billions of butterflies. A loving smile appears on his face without him noticing, leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead. " You are a great mother, but on the day's where everyhting doens't seem to work out.. I'll be there to pick you up." He whispers out, staring at Y/N for a couple more seconds before finally walkingout the room and towards the entrance, making usre that the door is properly locked he leaves the apartment with a happy smile on his face.
                                         . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
     Loud screaming coming from the hallway outside of San's and Yunho's room wakes him up, an annoyed expression coming upon his face when he realizes that it's Wooyoung and Mingi that are screaming their lungs out. Turning over his bed, he squints his eyes against the sunlight pouring in through the windows of his room. He can't really tell what time it is, so he decides to check his phone, the device laying on the floor next to his bed.
     Grabbing the fully charged phone, he notices a message from his manager on their group chat, Hongjoong and Seonghwa having answered for the rest of the guys. No practice today, day off. Please, if you plan to go out wear face masks. Don't burn the dorm down and don't kill each other. We need everyone present for schedule. It reads, the rest of the guys apperantly already knowing from how loud they are at 8 in the morning.
     Letting out a groan, San begins to wiggle himself out the bed before finally feeling his body drop on the cold wood floor. The covers that dropped on top of his body helping him feel some warmth as the bitter cold of the floor seeps into his pijama covered body. He stays on the floor for a couple minutes, listening to all the ruckus going on behind the bedroom door, occasionaly hearing Yeosang’s soft spoken voice and Seonghwa's scolding coming from further in the dorm towards the kitchen area.
     Finally after what seems like an eternity, San reaches into the drawer next to his bed and begins to take out an outfit for the day, not sure if he should go for classy or more casual. He thinks about the various options he has to choose from, what's the point of dressing classy if I'm not doing anything big today. He thinks, moving aside various pairs of jeans and instead taking out a pair of joggers, along with a random t-shirt.
     Standing up, he walks up Yunho's side of the room and takes his hat hanging from a hook connected to the wall. Quickly getting dressed, he walks up to the door and throws it open, standing face to face with Wooyoung and Mingi as they seem to stop their fighting. " Seonghwa-Hyung send us to wake you up but since you are already up then we should tell you that he plans on giving Yunho your breakfast if you don't hurry up." Mingi says, pushing Wooyoung's face away when the dancer begins to tickle the friendly giant.
     Knowing that Seonghwa doesn't bluff, San pushes through them and runs towards the kitchen screaming Yunho's name as he sees the other giant taking small pieces from San's food. Running up to the middle island, he quickly snatches the bowl of food away from Yunho's prying hands, glaring at him when he notices that he was almost halfway done with the bowl. Grumbling under his breath, he begins to eat what is left of his food, missing the look of amusement Seonghwa is giving him, his lean but built body leaning against the kitchen countertop.
     " What are you doing today?" Seonghwa asks San as he continues to wolf down his food, scrunching up his face in disgust from the way San seems to swallow his food all at once. San stays quiet for a couple seconds, giving Seonghwa's questions some thought. Where should I go today? Maybe I can go to the mall with some of the guys? But I want to see Y/N and Jongho again.. Last night was way to short, and I didn't even get to play with Jongho. San thinks to himself, so many things he could do today or how many hours of sleep he could finally get, all of them sounding amazing, but in the end it all comes down to one thing (or in his case 2 people).
     " I'm gonna hang out with Y/N today." He says, struggling to get the words out with all the food stuffed inside his mouth. " Swallow your food before you choke, and didn't you see Y/N last night when we got out of pratice?" Seonghwa asks him, turning around and beginning to wash the mountain of dishes they used to make eachother breakfast that morning. Getting up from his chair, San scarffs down the last of his food before putting the plate in the sink, giving Seonghwa a sheepish smile when the older male gives him a nasty glare. " Barely, Jongho was up all night apperently and she couldn't put him to sleep, so I helped her and then a couple minutes after she fell asleep so I didn't really get to talk to her." Explains San, taking a glass cup from the cabinet over his head and filling it with the last bit of orange juice some of the guys left out.
     " Poor Y/N, I can tell she's having a hard time adjusting to being a mother, but I'm glad you and Youngji are doing your best to help her." Yunho butts in, walking up to San and taking his glass from him, Seonghwa hums in agreement. " Yeah I agree with you. So If you are visiting Y/N, Don't forget to wear a face mask so people don’t recognize you and tell Y/N that we'll all visit her soon when we have another day off." Seonghwa says, taking the empty glass from Yunho and washing it before they decide to leave it there throughout the rest of the day.
     Giving Seonghwa a thumbs up, San runs to his shared room and throws the door open, yelping in surprise when he notices Wooyoung chilling on his bed. " Hey Sannie! What are you doing today? I wanted to buy some new shoes but I don't want to go alone." Wooyoung says, taking one of San's plushies and hugging it close to himself as he watches San take out a pair of socks and shoving them on his feet. " Hey Woo, I actually have plans already. I'm gonna go see Y/N and Jongho since it was way too late last night and they were both tired." San tells him, walking over to his bed and grabbing his bookbag where his wallet and dorm keys are stashed away.
     " That's cool, I'll probably ask Yeosang to come with me instead. Also I see you are climbing up the ladder slowly, but surely am I right." Wooyoung teases, giggling to himself as he sees the deadpan look San give him in return. " You deserve to get your phone thrown out the window for saying that." San mumbles out, busying himself with other things as he tries to ignore Wooyoung’s loud squeaky laugh.
     " I'm just joking around! Plus what I said was true. I see that you are trying your hardest to get her to like you, and no offense with how much you are doing for her, it'll be pretty bogus if she doesn't choose you in the end." Wooyoung tells him, causing San to stop in his tracks and sigh out. " Whoever she chooses in the end, either way it won't stop me from loving her and doing whatever I can to get her to realize that I can treat her so much better." San finishes off, walking back to the door and exiting with a small wave directed to his loud but nonetheless amazing friend.
     He hears Wooyoung yell out a goodbye, snickering to himself when he hears the oldest of the dorm scream at him to shut up. As he walks up to the main entrance he feels the piercing gaze of someone in the living room, chills crepping up his spine when the feeling of being stared at doesn't go away. Turning towards the living room entryway he scans his eyes around the area, his sharp eyes landing on Ateez's leader. The male staring at San with an unreadable expression on his face, fidgeting in his seat as if he is ready to jump off the couch any minute.
     Deciding to ignore him, San walks up to the shoe rack and grabs his worn out adidas shoes, slipping them on without a hassle before grabbing his jacket and slipping it on. Digging in his pockets he takes out a black face mask and slips it on, arm reaching towards the handle before a very distraught voice screams out his name causing him to stop in his tracks. Turning around, the last thing he expects to see is a shaking Hongjoong deeply bowing his head to him, face practically almost touching the floor from how deeply he is bowing.
     San stares at him in shock, turning towards the rest of the guys as they seemed to gone quiet the moment Hongjoong screamed San's name. He gives them a confused look, the guys shrugging their shoulders letting him know that they also don't know what's going on. " Uhhh... What are you doing?" Questions San, yelping out when Hongjoong suddenly stands back up rapidly. " Please take good care of them." Hongjoong's voice resonates throughout the dorm, everyone else quiet as they watch the scene in front of them.
     San is about to question him, but instead gets cut off by Hongjoong's trembling voice. " Y/N and Jongho. I know my chance with Y/N ended when I decided to cheat, so I ask you to please take care of them for me. Jongho needs a good father to raise him, and Y/N needs a good man who will love her better than I could. That man is you." Hongjoong finishes off, harshly wiping away tears from his face as he holds intense eye contact with San. Walking up to him, San pulls Hongjoong in for a hug surprising not only the male currently being forced in a hug but the rest of the guys watching them from the living room and the hallway.
     " Y/N already sees you as Jongho's father so don't give me all the credit. I will take good care of them, so you don't need to worry." San says, pulling away from him and patting him on the shoulder, Hongjoong giving him a small smile in thanks. Again turning around, he makes his way over to the door and opens it, yelling out a goodbye to the rest of the guys.
     The walk to Youngji's apartment doesn't last that long, and before he knows it, he is standing in front of the same door he was standing in front of just last night. Knocking on it, he waits a couple minutes before the door creaks open, Y/N standing on the other side of it seemingly more awake than last night. They greet each other warmly, Y/N fully opening the door to let the idol in and then quickly closing it so that none of Youngji's neighbors come out of their apartments and try sneaking a look into her brothers.
     " Where's Youngji? I noticed he wasn't here last night as well." San questions, walking up to the Jongho's cradling bouncer and picking him up, the new born snuggling onto his warm chest without a fuss. " He stayed at a friends house last night since he got out work late and he didn't want to risk waking Jongho up but as you can tell from last night, he wasn't exactly sleeping." Y/N answers back from her room, voice sounding muffled due to her room being all the way down the hall. She comes back dressed in a pair of black leggings and a loose maroon blouse, cooing to herself when she sees Jongho snuggling San's chest.
     They both stand together in silence, Y/N drinking water from a glass cup while staring at San and her baby, San staring at Jongho with a loving look. Sensing her staring, San lifts up his head and stares right back at Y/N causing her to squeak in embarassment. She turns her head away, blushing bright red when she hears San let out a deep chuckle causing Jongho to wake up from his little nap. Y/N prepares herself for the loud cries of her baby to pierce the quiet setting of the apartment but instead stares in awe when she notices that he instead stares at San in wonder.
     San makes faces at the baby, causing him to let out little giggles in amusement. Y/N can help but silently swoon at the sight in front of her, she can't help but think that San would make a great father someday. With that thought, her mind begins to drift to various other scenarios of which include San with his own child or better yet, Jongho calling him dad. She thinks back to that day in the hospital when Hongjoong called her out on her feelings for San, and she won't lie that what he said isn't true because it is. Ever since that day when Y/N found San on the dirt road with a sprained ankle, she began to develop feelings for the dimpled man.
     All those times he would help her carry bags, bodies brushing against each other causing Y/N's heart rate to spike. She blamed it all on the pregnancy hormones but after her talk with Hongjoong she finally got some time to sit down and think, I really do like him. She is afraid though, the thought of being in a relationship scares her. What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if he decides to leave me for someone better? I can't even begin to imagine the pain I would feel if that were to happen again, and now I have a child. I can't be weak! I have to be strong for my baby. She thinks, turning her body away from the scene in front of her so that San won't be able to see her unhappy expression.
     San seemed to sense her sudden attitude change, puts Jongho back on his bouncer then walks up to Y/N taking her soft hands in his own. " What's wrong?" He asks her, grabbing her chin and turning her face towards his so that she'll look at him instead. Knowing that she can't lie to save her life, she decided to fess up sighing out when she thinks about what he'll say to her.
     " Do you... Do you think I could ever get back in a relationship with someone? Like do you think someone would be willing to date a single mother?" She questions, keeping her eyes down so that he won't see the doubt swimming in her eyes. " Who wouldn't want to be in a relationship with you? You are so amazing Y/N and you fail to see that, If someone doesn't want to be with you because you have an adorable, incredible baby then it's their loss!" San tells her, making sure to keep eye contact with her so she knows that he's telling the truth.
     They stare into each others eyes for what seems like an eternity, both of them flushing in embarressment when they notice just how close their faces were. " You once told me you had a dream to have a family of your own. A loving husband and two kids that you could spoil the heck out of. Don't let that dream leave your mind just because Hongjoong cheated on you, It was his mistake not yours. Anyone would be lucky to have you.. I would be lucky to have you.." San whispers out the last bit, avoiding eye contact with Y/N as he rubs the back of his neck in nervousness.
     He whips his head towards Y/N when her hears her let out a gasp, knowing that she probably heard what he said last. Y/N feels her head start to spin, body warming up when she replays San's words in her head, Don't let Hongjoong's actions affect your future Y/N! It's now or never! Y/N thinks to herself, fist curling up causing her knuckles to turn white.
     " I.... I LIKE YOU SAN..." Y/N says, walking away right after so that if San rejects her she won't be able to see it. She failed to see the blush covering San's entire face, his ears and cheeks burning up from the shock and disbelief he was experiencing in that moment. He feels the way his heart is rapidly racing and he hopes that Y/N isn't able to hear how loud it is, but as he turns around he sees that she's distractic herself with Jongho, checking his diaper in case he needed to be changed even thought she had chaged him an hour ago.
     He studies her for a couple seconds to see if what she said is true, and from the way she's acting extremely shy he can at least begin to think that YN might like him back. He begins to laugh quietly to himself, Y/N staring at him with wide eyes as his laughing progressively grows louder. Scurrying over to Y/N he pullls her in for a hug, Y/N having to steady herself as she's pratically lifted off the floor.
     She feels San's big grin from where he shoved his face between her neck, letting out various giggles as he swings Y/N around making sure that he doesn't hurt her or Jongho by accident. " Do you mean it..?" He whispers out, placing Y/N back down on the ground and putting his hands on her waist as he waits for her to answer him. " I.. I do., I found out a couple days after I left the hospital. I was just to scared to tell you." She says, keeping eye contact with him as best as she can without getting flustered. " You don't have to be scared.. I won't ever hurt you or Jongho, I'll get the guys to beat me up if I ever do." San laughs out, reaching forwards and tucking some hairs behind Y/N's ear as he continues to gaze lovingly at her. " So does this mean you'll give me a chance..?" He continues, nervously playing with her hair as she looks between him and Jongho napping a couple feet away.
     She remains quiet for a couple seconds before a smile begins to appear on her face, growing wider and wider as her grip around San grows tighter. ".. Yes.." She whispers out, bringing San in for a small kiss, pulling away when they hear Jongho begin to whine from the lack of attention. They both giggle out, San reaching down and placing another short kiss on Y/N's soft lips before pulling away and attending to his baby.
                           1 year and a couple months later....
     San wakes to a sudden disturbance on the bed, quiet giggling following the sudden movements coming from the right side of the bed, where Y/N usually sleeps. Pulling the covers away from his face, he peeks his eyes over the side of the bed, spotting a small toddler trying to jump on the bed. Throwing the covers away from him, he quickly reaches his arms over and picks up the squealing toddler, throwing himself back into the warm bed with a giggling boy in his arms.
     " Where's mommy?" San asks Jongho as he begins to tickle the squirming toddler, Jongho pointing at the hallway leading up to the main area of the apartment. Getting up from the bed, he scoops Jongho into his arms and exits the main room, making faces at Jongho as he walks towards the kitchen where Y/N is currently making breakfast. Putting Jongho down, the toddler runs up to his toys spraddled all over the living room floor. He walks up to an oblivious Y/N, swaying to a tune she's humming as she continues to cook some eggs and pancakes for breakfast.
     He snakes his hands on her waist, pulling her up to his body as he gives her exposed shoulder a kiss. He feels Y/N jump and then shudder, the feeling of his lips on her exposed skin leaving goosebumps in its wake. Turning around Y/N slips her arms over his neck, hugging San close to her as he begins to pepper her face with kisses, they both turn their attention to Jongho when he screams out at them. Jongho runs up to San and begins to jump up and down, pounting his lips from the lack of attention he is getting.
     Pulling away from Y/N, San leans down and picks up a whining Jongho, attacking him with kisses as well. Jongho begins to giggle again, throwing his hands up and pushing San's face away from his. " No daddy!" The toddler screams out, San's heart swelling with love when he hears Jongho call him dad. " Let's eat breakfast buddy." San tells him, walking up to the dining chair and placing Jongho in it.
     He walks up to one of the cabinets and takes out two ceramic plates and a colorful plactic plate for Jongho, walking up to the stove and placing the food on the plates. He watches as Y/N fills up two glasses with orange juice, then filling Jongho's sippy cup with warm milk, the toddler greedily sipping from it. Both adults sit down to eat as well, San keeping close watch on Y/N as she begins to eat slowly. " Do you think it's a stomach bug? We did eat sushi the other day and I swear it tasted funny." San tells her, worried for his girlfriend who has been throwing up for the past week.
     " Actually I know what it is." Y/N mumbles out, picking at her food as San looks at her in confusion. " Why don't you go check the drawer next to our bed. I have something for you in there." She tells him, watching as San hesitantly gets up and makes him way back to their shared bedroom. Y/N busy's herself with cleaning the food all over Jongho's face before hearing a shout come from their bedroom.
     Thundering footsteps run back to the kitchen, San popping out from the corner holding 4 sticks in his hand. His face shows pure shock, mouth opening and closing like a fish, Jongho pointing at him and giggling in amusement. " Are you playing with me?!" San asks her, walking up to her and shoving the sticks on her face, she gives him a small smile and shakes her head. " I have an appointment next week to make sure, but no I'm not playing with you." Y/N tells him, taking the pregnancy tests from his hands and placing them on the kitchen counter.
     " You're pregnant.." San breathes out, pulling Y/N towards him and placing one of his hands on her flat belly. Y/N nods at him, San finally letting his excitement show as he practically starts to jump around the kitchen. He hears Y/N and Jongho giggling together and he immediately turns towards the toddler and picks him up, spinning him around with him while telling him " You're gonna be a big brother Jongho! You're gonna have a brother or a sister." San excitedly tells him, Jongho cheering out even though he doesn't know what going on.
     Walking up to Y/N he pulls her for a hug, Jongho stuck in the middle enjoying the hug both parents are giving him.
     " Thank you.. Thank you for making me a father again, I love you." San whispers out, pulling in Y/N for a kiss placing a kiss on Jongho's head when he whines out. Y/N giggles to herself, giving Jongho a kiss as well then pulling San in for another.
     " I love you.. I love our little family." She tells him, tearing up when she thinks about having another baby with San. San beams at her in return, content with life as he thinks to himself.
     She had a dream to have a family of her own, A loving husband and two kids that she can spoils to no ends, and even though we are not married yet, I plan on making her mine forever soon. He thinks back to the velvet box carefully hidden under all his clothes. He can't wait to marry this girl, and live together in their own little house.
              Their own little family...
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lovely-scents · 5 years
Hyungwon: Unknown Feelings
Hyungwon is sleeping soundly on the couch. But he is slowly gets awaken with the smells and the sounds from the kitchen. Still being half asleep, he is looking where did the smell came from. And when his sight caught a glimpse of someone at the kitchen, he gets dumbfounded. It feels like as if he is still dreaming.
“Who is it?” asks him without getting up from the couch, but still loud enough to be heard by the girl at the kitchen. She gets startled and turns to him. And when he saw her face, he just lets out a sighs.
“Oh, it’s just you.” he says and continue to lay his head down again.  Looks like he is still hasn’t get used by her presence in this house.
While rubbing on his sleepy eyes, he get himself up from the couch lazily, slowly walks towards the kitchen to check up on her. He is standing close behind her, trying to have a look at her cooking.
“Smells good. What are you cooking?” asks him with his husky, sleepy voice. 
“I made a chicken stew for lunch.” says her nicely. And he just nods.
“Okay. I’ll take a shower first.” he says before he left to their room. She turns to see him walks away from the kitchen. 
It has been three days since they’re living together, but it still feels awkward for her to be in here with him. And looks like he is still haven’t get used with her in here too.
It was an arranged marriage for them. She is the only child in her family, and her family want her to get married with a nice and reliable man who can take a really good care of her.
Meanwhile, Hyungwon is the oldest son from the three siblings. But the second son is proposing to their parents to get married first before him. Their parents are opposing, stating that he can’t get married before Hyungwon did. So, they decided to get him married with one of their friend’s daughter, which is her.
 And both of them ended up getting married after being arranged by their families.
Hyungwon just get back from his duty. And looks like he got injured quite badly, especially on his arms. He just casually walks from the front door directly into his room to get the first-aid kit.
He grabs the box from the shelf and walk away. He gets startled when she suddenly appears at the door. Both of them get surprised at each other.
But she gets even more surprised when she saw his hand, covered in blood. “Hyungwon.. Your hands.. A-Are you alright? What happened?” asks her in worries. He can sees her hands trembling in fear by looking at his current conditions right now.
“Oh, it was nothing. I just got injured while working.” he casually says as if it wasn’t a big deal for him. Well, it wasn’t anything new for him anyways. 
Having a job as a homicide detective is very risky, and dangerous too. So, getting injured and scratches while working is quite normal for him. He already get used to it.
He sits on the edge of the bed, waiting for her to finished treating his hand. He turns to his side, looking at his torned jacket, covered in his own blood. And he sighs.
“I just bought that jacket last week.. but, seems like I need to throw it out now.” he sighs in disappointment. And he gets back to face her.
He starts looking at her in confused, and leaning down a bit to peek on her face. 
“Are you crying?” asks him while taking a look at her face. She is just keeping herself quiet without answering. She will wipes away the tears with her back hand and sobbing quietly at times, but she is still continue to treat his hand carefully.
“Why are you crying?” asks him again when she is not answering. He takes another look at her, starting to get worries.
“S-Sorry.. I'm just.. I’m just worried about you.” she slowly says with her sad voice, quivering. “Are you always getting hurt like this?”
“O-Oh.. Yeah, I did. But it’s okay. I already get used to it. It’s normal to get hurted while working. Luckily I was being hospitalised just only that once.”
“Hmm? Oh, I mean.. It wasn’t anything serious. Don’t worry about it too much.” he says while scratching his head awkwardly.  He already lost for words to convinced her.
“I’m sorry that I made you worried. I already get used to face all these kind of things on my own. Nobody ever get worried about me like this before."
"Thank you for worrying about me. I’ll be more careful next time.” he says while wiping her tears with his fingers. And she just nods slowly. 
Weird. He feels something weird inside his chest. He never had this kind of feeling before. It feels a little bit unpleasant inside, but he doesn’t hate this feeling. It’s just making him confused. What kind of feeling is this?
Hyungwon is lazing around on the couch while searching for something good to watch on tv. But there’s nothing interesting for him to watch, so he just turn off the tv and sighs.
“Hey, sweetie.."
She put down the magazine in her hands and turns to him when he calls. “Yes?”
“I’m bored. Let’s take a walk outside for a while." 
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The weather is quite cold outside, but it’s a pleasant evening for both of them. 
“Give me your hand." he says while taking her hand and put it inside the pocket of his jacket. “.. so you won’t get lost.”
She is just letting him and starts walking slowly with him on her side. There are not so many people on the street at that time. And it feels a bit quiet too since none of them are saying anything along the walk. But the silence doesn’t feel uncomfortable at all. Maybe they already get used with each other now. 
As they are walking together on the street, there’s a sudden shriek from an old woman, asking for some help.
“Help! He is snatching my purse..!" the old woman screams aloud, asking for a help. And they can see a man, nervously run away with his bicycle after snatching a purse from that old woman.
Hyungwon just watches him quietly from afar. And when he is coming near into their direction, he casually kicks the bicycle from the roadside, making the snatcher falls dramatically from his bicycle.
She gasps quietly, surprised with his sudden action. She never thought that he would kick off that bicycle to stop the snatcher from running away.
The snatcher gets up angrily and starts to shouts. “Hey! What do you think you’re doing?!"
But Hyungwon doesn’t even budge at him at all. He just stares at him quietly and wait. And it makes the snatcher gets even more furious.
“Don’t you even dare to pick up a fight with me!”
The snatcher get his fist ready and try to hit him real good. But his plan failed as Hyungwon moves faster than him. He swiftly grabs that man’s hand and twist it to his back effortlessly. He then takes out a handcuff from his back and cuff the man’s hands.
“Hey! Let me go..!" says the man as he is struggling to escape. A police officer suddenly came after the old woman telling him about what’s happening.
“Is everything alright, sir? Did you get hurt?" asks the officer politely as soon as he arrives.
"No, everything is under control. I got him.” he casually says while handing the man to the officer. “Bring him to the station. Make sure he pays for his wrongdoing. And this purse belongs to that old lady.”
“You guys can go first. I'll get along shortly.” 
"Yes, sir!” And the officer takes the man away, followed by the old woman after she thanked him for helping her.
After everything is settled, he turns to her again. She looks so surprised with everything that happened just now. She is speechless and so dumbfounded right now.
Did he always bring the handcuffs whenever he goes out? Even just for a walk like this..?
And that one earlier.. How can he just kick that bike out of a sudden and catch that man in a swift like it was nothing? She is so impressed and amazed over him.
"I'm sorry, but I think we need to drop by at the station for a bit. There's thing that I need to settle up." he suddenly says while scratching his head.
"I hope you don't mind. I'll make it up to you later. I promise."
They're having a lazy night together at the couch, watching a movie that has been shown on the tv at the moment.
It's almost 10pm and he's getting sleepy right now. He gently lean his head on her shoulder and start closing his eyes to sleep.
She leans a bit to take a peek at him who's already starts to dozing off on her shoulder.
"Shh.. I'm tired. Just let me sleep for awhile." he says in half asleep, still with his eyes closed. And he starts nuzzling over her neck, moving closer to her. His hand slowly wrap over her waist, snuggling over her before he drift off to sleep completely.
She just sits there quietly in flusters. His body feels so warm, and his soft breath is gently touching on her skin. It makes her heart flutters, but it gives her a warm feeling insides too.
Her lips slowly curves into a smile. She is caressing his hair and his face lovingly, so tenderly that it almost feel like love.
He slowly awakes from his sleep. The tv is already off, and everything sounds really quiet right now. He take a look at the time with his sleepy eyes. It's almost hit 1am now.
He turn to his side, finding her that's still sleeping soundly on the couch besides him. He let out a quiet sigh.
He carefully lifts her up to bring her to sleep in bed and put her back to sleep. He gives her a gentle kiss on her forehead without knowing before he realised what he just did.
He let out another sigh and scratch his head in flusters.
"You're really driving me insane lately. I'm losing control over everything whenever I'm with you. I can't even control my own heart beat, and I don't even know how to breathe properly anymore."
"And sometimes you make me forgot how to breathe too." he whispers.
"I want to keep you for my own. I want you to stay close with me all the time. I like the way you make me feel whenever I'm with you. Sometimes I'm so eager to touch you, but I'm too afraid with the thought of losing you. I don't want to hurt you."
"I don't know what you have done to me. I've never been like this before. And this unknown feeling inside here is killing me. It's suffocating me. I wish I would know what this feeling is.."
Read Unknown Feelings part 2
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jiwonsssi · 6 years
— stress relief, p. 2
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All well that ends well.
Warnings: its pure pwp, idek where to start
Characters: Eun Jiwon/Sandara Park
Realisation of the upcoming uneasy conversation came upon Dara at the moment when he finally stopped a car in front of her apartment building; Jiwon was tensed at the point that even air was thick around them. He tried his best to afford it; to fail miserably. Dara could tell that he's stressed, because he squeezed the steering wheel to the point of white knuckles.
She wanted to break the atmosphere, to say something, that would ease his nerves. But what would that be? 'I didn't mean that, you know. You misunderstood. Hehe'.
No, Sandara doesn't want to take her words back. But the atmosphere now is changed. A lot. They barely even talked after he took her our of the event.
She said exactly what she meant to say. But with what have she been thinking when asking it; only God knows.
She was nervous as well. And it was no less obvious - tugging on the hem of her dress and not even looking at him; feeling like a teenage girl again. But shes not teenager anymore, right? It was her who said that, it's not like she can just bury her head in sand now.
So Dara found all the courage she had to ask him again.
Dear Lord and God and Jesus and someone out there, she had never did anything like that. Never in her life she stuck in a situation like that; Jiwon never helped her. Though he was never easy.
- So, I.. - she looked at the panel of his car, scanning with eyes smooth black plastic like it was the most fascinating thing she ever saw, - Look, I, um, it's not like I want to take my words back. In fact, I'd hate to, but I..
She hears him laughing all of sudden and looks at him with all anger she can manage. She was trying to say important staff! With all her courage! What audacity he really holds, huh.
- Don't make excuses, we both understand what it was, okay? You look ridiculous right now, - he continues smiling and Dara doesn't feel offended or something. They indeed understand. Yeah.
Dara smiles at him, nodding. She has no idea what should she understand.
- Coffee? You helped me earlier and took me home, I need to thank you now anyway, - atmosphere is still a little tense but it's not awkward anymore. She doesn't feel out of place. She has met him a few times and it all was in uncomfortable circumstances; yet she was always okay. It's all on him, right?
Jiwon helps her everytime in the end.
- Sure, - he agrees maybe a little too quickly. Maybe. And maybe she smiles a little too wide, - Let's go.
Fresh air feels incredible and Dara takes a few extra seconds to inhale; she had been crying like a bear just an hour ago and memories are still vivid. Her knees a little weak and hands shake slightly; it's difficult to make it to the elevator on heels, but she manages. She can sense that Jiwon waits for her by not walking too fast. And that is the part of a reason why she doesn't feel like falling to the floor and crying till the next morning.
- Aren't you tired? I can make it, - he stands a few steps away, burying his hands deep in the pockets and looking a lot more relaxed. Dara hopes that his brain is no longer filled with unnecessary thoughts and she's really happy about it, - I mean, your shoes. And in general. You know, the whole evening, all that cameras, people around..
He's rumbling and it's so cute, she smiles widely, not being able to surpass it. Oh, God. He cares. He really does.
- If you were wondering why I cried, it's because I was overwhelmed with 'the whole evening', you are absolutely right here, - Dara looks at him, trying to ignore everything that she feels about the whole thing. Because now she is not less overwhelmed, to be honest. But with different emotions somehow. Because maybe they stand a little too close, - I'm good now, so don't worry. Let me do it for you, okay? I'll be in my fluffy slippers, so it should be fine.
Jiwon smiles again, hiding with hand and it also feels amazing. He truly is her teenage year's crush. But now she is no longer a teenager, and he is no longer unattainable.
If it would be possible to tell teenage Sandara that something like that would happen in the future.. God, she would live only by waiting for it.
- Okay. Only because of fluffy slippers, - and the atmosphere is so good, she literally cannot hide how happy she is. Dara feels herself so light-headed. Like that shitty day, even, maybe, a week, suddenly came to this exact point to bring her an actual cure in the face of Eun Jiwon. Totally worth it.
- Feel yourself at home, - she offers him to enter first, apologizing that she has only one pair of fluffy slippers and even offering it to him; he says no, but Dara believes it's only out of politeness. No one can say 'no' to pink fur in their right mind.
She then goes to kitchen, feeling like she's flying - those heels really made her look fine as hell, even she was sure about it, but now she doesn't feel less fine without them; just a lot more short. A lot. Ugh.
She hears water splashing from afar when she had only turned a coffee machine on, and so at the next moment, he's standing beside a small kitchen counter already without a jacket and three upper buttons undone, looking through his phone with utterly serious expression. Jesus Christ. That is no good for her mental stability.
- My manager was looking for me. I feel like I'm five, - he puts his phone on a surface and rubs his face; Dara gets it quickly - he's annoyed.
- And so as an adult you patiently told him where you are so he wouldn't be nervous, - she turns to pay attention to the working machine, which already filled the air with strong coffee aroma, - Didn't you?
She doesn't get response quickly, but when she does, it's equally cute and hilarious.
- No, I told him to fuck off, - and Jiwon is so puzzled with himself now, it's written on his face clearly. Dara just laughs again, shaking her head and proceeding to make americano, - In my defense, I was polite.
- You cannot say 'fuck off' politely, - technically you can. Possibly.
- But I did, - he's now standing behind her, looking above her shoulder on what she's doing, - Smells nice.
- Thank you, it's all on her, - she tups the top of coffee machine, ignoring how a brood of goosebumps ran down her spine.
Dara turns around to get another cup, not proceeding that Jiwon is right behind her. A lot more closer than she thought, actually. It's such a cliché.
- But still, - he's not planning on moving tho. She can feel him tensing up a little and the next thing he says.. any other man in any other situation would have been kicked out in seconds; but God knows, thoughts on their minds are absolutely the same, - Is there a chance I still can ask you that question?
She waits just a second, melting under his gaze, and he is oh-so-close and mother raised a decent woman but it doesn't matter anymore.
She is a decent grown up woman and she can sleep with whoever she wants to.
The thing is, she is the only one who thinks it's something bad. And her face shows it; Jiwon frowns and tilts his head a little. Like a cute little puppy, but Dara is sure you cannot look cute while being that hot.
- I'm not going to leave after, I promise. We can try to.. - he places his hand on her cheek and her exhale is so shaky. She desperately wants to give up to him, she can feel that pulsating sensation in her body when she's even imagining it for a second. She bites lower lip, frowning her brows a little. Why is she so scared? Jiwon clearly can sense it. That's why his breath is not better, it lingers on her lips, she feels every his word on her skin. The perfect distance to make her lose her mind, - I'll ask you on a date no matter what your answer would be, Sandara. Don't be so nervous. I'll wait as long as you need. And I'm okay with..
She doesn't let him finish when he unconsciously touches her lip with his thumb and she kisses it. His face is priceless. She would never forget this moment; she sees it like in slow motion. His pupils delaying and the way he gulps and furrows his brows. And that low slow 'fuck' under his breath when she takes it further, licking the tip, sucking on his thumb deeper, looking him directly in the eyes.
She's not going to regrer it.
It's not a secret that she likes him. It was even on national TV, like, a lot of people know that. But it's on another level when Jiwon kisess her; being firmly pressed against the wall and feeling his hands pushing up a short dress she wears - it's the whole new level. And she's so down for the game.
They barely able to breath properly because the kiss intensifies exponentially and Jiwon doesn't want to let her go just as much she doesn't want to get away from the heat his body radiates. She already gave up on trying to unbotton his shirt since it's not possible to make shaking fingers work properly. His lips are hot yet soft and he bites. God, he did bite her lip. And make her look at him in the process. She's trapped under his gaze, Dara moan silently, when he sucks on that bite gently.
She is at the point when everything that he does make her lose her mind. And he did bare minimum.
She hits her head on a wall when his lips starting to move down her neck; she wants to get rid of that dress so fucking much she's ready to rip it. And judging by how Jiwon grips the material, trying to find a zipper, she's not alone in that wish.
He pulls back to push his hair back and breath and Dara can't stand it. Fuck that dress, he looks glorious. She doesn't give herself a credit when she sucks on his Adam's apple and leaves tiny wet kisses on his hot skin, trying her best to undo his shirt finally. It's so impossibly satisfying to simply be that close to him. His scent, that filled her head rapidly; perfect mix of bitter smell of cigarettes and wooden, fresh cologne. Her head is spinning, and if not him pressing her to the wall, she would have fallen on weak knees.
He has all the chances to have her on her knees.
Everything that happens right now, on her mind or with her body, is strongly not like Dara acts in her life. Yet she loves it.
Her fingers meet his on his shirt and she doesn't expect touches this tender, when he squeezes her palms gently and holds it for a second, looking at her with a small smile and that soft peck on the tip of her nose. Goddammit.
- Please, stop doing it, I'm afraid I might fain, Jiwon, please, - she meowls it impatiently into his lips when he tries to kiss her and he smiles brighter, kissing her chin.
- What? - he's so proud of himself she wants to hit him. She meant his gaze, but God. She lets out a long moan under her breath, feeling his fingers messaging her through thin material of panties. Dara hits her head again, much harder this time, but she doesn't care. She cares about how does it feel like to grind on his hand while chasing his lips madly. Because that feels incredible.
Their faces are so close; she can feel his hot breath on her lips, how he sucks on air, when she moan louder because he decided to apply more power on her and his quick pecks everywhere when he can put himself together. Her nails digs in his skin harder when he pushes her underwear to the side to slide two fingers in. So slow, Sandara feels every millimeter and she moans all the way; his fingers are so fucking long. For a reason, apparently.
He moves them steadily, building rhythm in unison with her pinched meowls and hips' moves. She tries to chase for his hands, make him do it with more force and she doesn't know what to think when he complies. He understands everything she needs; he knows exactly what to do.
Dara surrenders to him; she has never felt this right in someone else's arms.
Jiwon made her cumming on his fingers in a few seconds.
She's blaming it on the fact that she was alone for a long time now; but she knows that it's her body reacting on him. In the ways she didn't know she was capable of.
Letting her head rest on his shoulder, she basks in the feeling of his palms gently soothing her bare skin.
She wants to hug him so much. To hug and to stay in his comfort forever. And she does. Dara pulls him closer, squeezing the material of his shirt in her hands. Somehow she wants to cry again.
- Do you think I did something wrong?
She's so afraid he would call her whore and leave. She doesn't care about anyone who have seen them leaving together, the press, internet. The whole world. She cares about waking up without him. She cares about finding disgust in his eyes. And..
- Sandara Park, God, if I told you that I don't, than I don't, - he pulls her face with his both palms to make her look at him and squeeze her cheeks, - And Lord knows I fed up with jerking off.
Jiwon looks at her with mixed adoration and his eyes are still filled with immense desire. She knows that she acts stupid and he suffers because of it. Yeah. Very stupid.
- Sorry, I just..
She starts rumbling and Jiwon rolls eyes, fighting the urge to shut her up. So Dara feels his kiss being a little bit forceful than she expected. But she quickly catches a hint; Jiwon moves away a bit, unzipping his pants and helping her to take off her underwear. No one talks about dress that is now pushed to her belly at this point.
There is a second before she kisses him again, tugging on his underwear to put it down enough to free his erection. Jiwon bites her lip and grunts lowly, when she strokes him painfully slow, squeezing the base lightly. Jiwon grunts again, throwing his head backwards and shuts his eyes, gulping and Dara thinks that that sight would be printed forever in her mind.
Jiwon's kisses are urgent now, he pulls her hand away and guides her to turn around and she complies to the hand on her spine to sag, pushing her hips into him. Dara is no less impatient by now. She has no idea how it is possible to make her this worked up just by doing.. Nothing. He did nothing. And she still wants him so much. He doesn't even imagine.
He pulls her closer with a hand snaking around her waist firmly and finds his way between her legs with another. Dara leans backwards, squeezing her palm on his wrist when he slides into her. He's painfully slow and when his full length is inside, he stops and places sloppy kisses at the base of her neck.
Sandara feels everything at once and it's a hard punch on her senses. And when he starts moving, she can't find any strenght to moan less louder. The only thing she cares about is him thrusting rapidly, his low grunts to her ear and the sound of skin slapping and it's the most erotic sound she has ever heard. Her head is spinning, it's impossible to stay still and she has nothing to cling to. Dara grips on the wrist of his hands and he starts to make steady rhythmic circles on her clit; Jiwon bites her ear, places a kiss there after and she meowls at his next words, feeling how the world turns into a blur when she turns her head, trying to look at him.
- Do it yourself, c'mon, - he can persued her to do anything with that voice. And he does. Jiwon tugs her palm and places it under his, letting Sandara doing it. She shuts her eyes tightly, finding herself equally ashamed and exciting, - Have you ever done it while thinking about me?
Jiwon doesn't stop even for a bit, but Dara can sense that he's a lot erratic and impatient now. He moans in her shoulder when she squeezes him and Dara is not twenty anymore. It's not like he could make her blush at everything he does or says. Even tho she can't help but blush hard.
- And you? - she shows one of her hand backwards, pulling on his hair and he particularly growls, - I know that you have.
Jiwon doesn't answer her, instead he thrusts harder, placing his forehead to the crook of her neck and guides her fingers to move, because she's so lost, she can't control her own body. She's on her toes by now, pushing her hips into his every time he puts any more pressure and it's so overwhelming. It's too much, she loses her sanity.
- I have and I'm not proud of it, - Jiwon whispers to her ear and she feels every part of her body tensing, like strings and she doesn't know if it's his husky voice, or scent in which she's drowning or his powerful movements. It's everything about him mixed up, that made her see blurred bright circles under her eyelids. She doesn't have strength to moan, just silent broken exhale and she grips his hair so hard, her fingers ache.
Jiwon pulls her impossibly close, he pushes her to the wall and after few moments she feels the loss of him, whimpering at the feeling. It feels cold suddenly, when he doesn't hold her anymore, now supporting himself with his hand on the wall. Dara turns around, nearly falling and covers his hand with hers and it's his turn to moan silently; there is not even a second when he releases in her palm, grunting low 'fuck' somewhere below her ear.
They stay like that.. Dara doesn't know for how many minutes. She listens to his now less erratic breath and tries to calm her own. It's like she's in another world right now, she doesn't know what to think about.
Right now, Sandara doesn't want to think about anything.
It's silence and than there is coffee machine beeping wildly, and she jumps in surprise, making Jiwon flinch and he.. laughs. Jiwon is laughing quietly, kissing her cheek and he hugs her gently, adjusting her dress so it falls down again.
She doesn't want to think about anything, but ahe does and it's not pleasant. If he would leave today, if he would go and forget about it, Dara doesn't know what would she do then. She doesn't want him to think that she does it everytime, because God knows she has a fucking checklist for a man who claims to get her in the bed.
Jiwon took that list, screwed it up and threw it to somewhere around her dignity.
- If you still think I'm going to leave, you are dumb, - he kisses her again, placing small pecks on her face, looking at her finally. With such adoration, she's sure she feels butterflies in her stomach having a great party.
Maybe it's not that bad?
Dara thought he was going to despise her. She really did. She even accepted it in some way. But he smiles gently at her, kissing the tip of her nose and she sighs deeply, bumping her forehead on his shoulder to hide that happily stupid smile.
- I asked you to not to do that, please, - he kisses her temple, laughing and hugging her so strong her ribs clench.
- It's not like I sleep with women like that, you know. I'm no less surprised with myself right now, - he kisses her temple again and Dara can't help but close her eyes, drowning in his comfort, - What if you would think I'm not decent enough for you? Too careless or something?
- You are not, - she looks at him, finding him nodding to her answer.
- And so you too, - she proceed it for a second, not finding any lies in his words and frowns, realising that it's difficult to fight with logic.
- You might be not wrong, - he laughs at her choice of words and moves away, to adjust his clothes and goes to turn off the poor coffee machine that is still trying to keep coffee warm.
Dara looks at him from afar, smiling. He always says that he's not sure if he can make people comfortable; yet she has never been more comfortable around anyone.
And would never be, perhaps. That's why she doesn't regret anything.
She hugs him from behind, bumping her forehead between his shoulder blades, feeling his warm hands, stroking hers so gently she wants to cry.
He's not going to let her regret it. And she would do everything to make the same for him.
- If we wouldn't go to sleep in five minutes, I would fall asleep here, and than, - he stresses it, locking his fingers with hers, - You are totally going to regret it.
- You, my teenage crush, just had me against the wall in my fluffy slippers, I'm not going to regret anything at this point, - Dara hears him laughing and she shakes her head, squeezing his fingers stronger, - Let's go.
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