#and if it gets colder or warmer outside during the day you can feel it change
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Dinosaur I drew to complain about the inadequate heating at work.
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ptersparkers · 2 years
hiii can you write something w Aaron where maybe he has a soft spot for Reader?
hi hi! i hope you enjoy this one and thank you for the request! x 
The small town in Kansas is colder than you’d anticipated. 
The precinct isn’t helping either. It’s cold inside the building, which surprises you because it’s nearly the same temperature outside. You’re already off to a bad start in your day because your favorite jacket to bring on work trips is hanging in the motel closet. 
Half of the team is gathered around the white board that has the names and photos of victims and possible suspects. Aaron, Dave, and Emily are already inside when you approach and you waste no time in formalities before diving into the conversation while the rest of the team are in the field. 
An hour goes by and your best efforts aren’t enough to keep you warm. The burnt coffee isn’t helping your shivers and neither is constantly pacing around the room. Emily and Dave step out for a momentary break when Aaron sees you rub your arms as you look at reports from where you’re seated.
“Cold?” Aaron asks. 
“A little,” you confess with a shrug. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
“Where’s your jacket?”
“I left it in the motel because I was running late,” you sigh, flipping through a multitude of reports.
He doesn’t hesitate when taking off his quarter zip pullover and you’re more than shocked when he hands it to you.
“Sir, I can’t take your sweater.”
“You’re freezing,” Aaron says, his voice laced with concern. 
“You’ll be cold, though,” you say with a frown. Aaron chuckles and gestures at the pullover in his hands. He watches as your nimble fingers grasp the fabric. 
“I’ll be fine. You look like you need it more than I do.”
You try not to blush as you tug the sweater over your head. The fabric is warm and you nearly melt when you think about how it smells exactly like Aaron. He gives you a once over, a smile adorning his face when he sees that you’re much warmer than you were when you walked into the precinct. 
Emily and Dave come back a few minutes later with coffee for the entire room. Both of them look between the two of you, and you’ve made yourself busy with looking through police reports to notice Aaron trying his best to divert their attention from you and back to the case at hand. 
Hours later, the team has regrouped at the latest crime scene to examine a lead that you had caught during your examination of police reports. Spencer’s the first to ask you if you’re wearing Aaron’s sweater and you’re bashful enough to answer. Derek hides a laugh that Aaron isn’t all too appreciative of. 
“Jesus, my hands are so cold,” you mutter to yourself. Aaron’s ears perk up and when he looks at you, you look as though you might fall from exhaustion. “I’m not built for this type of weather.” 
“Why don’t we wrap up and get some coffee,” JJ suggests. “I saw a place up the road I wanted to try.”
“We should probably get back to the precinct to finish the profile,” Aaron says. 
“Please?” you ask, rubbing your hands together. “We could use the break and the extra energy.”
Aaron looks at you and relents. 
“Let’s finish up and get some coffee.”
There’s a collective hum of agreement from the rest of the team and it urges all of you to finish the task at hand as quickly as possible. Derek nudges your arm with his elbow and you shoot him a quizzical look, but he just laughs. 
JJ leads all of you to the quaint coffee shop that smells like pumpkin spice and feels like a warm embrace. Everyone takes turns ordering and paying for their coffee, and you can’t help but salivate at the thought of sipping on a quality latte when all you’ve had is burnt coffee from the precinct. You’re about to pay for your latte when Aaron hands his credit card to the barista and orders a black coffee. 
Emily and JJ are giggling like schoolgirls and Dave doesn’t hide his amusement. You’re somewhat in awe of this kind gesture and tell Aaron that you’ll pay him back, but he brushes you off and he tells you that it’s not a problem. 
“Aaron,” you say pointedly, “seriously. Let me at least return the favor.”
He looks at you fondly and doesn’t correct you when you forego the formal names everyone’s been calling him. Instead, he looks at you with what almost seems like adoration when you say his name.
“When we get back.” The barista hands Aaron his coffee and he breaks his gaze. Emily snorts and Aaron pretends like his coworkers hadn’t caught him paying for your coffee. Your name is called last and you walk to the pick-up counter while Aaron rejoins the group.
“What, can’t afford to buy a coffee for all of us?” Dave muses.
“No,” is all he says because you’re walking back towards the group and Aaron feels like his cheeks might be a little too red.
When the case ends, it’s eleven in the morning and all of you elect to fly back to Quantico the moment the jet is ready. You thank your lucky stars and text your cousin that you’re, for once, available to meet for dinner that night while he’s in town. 
You keep yourself busy with an extra book you’ve packed. The chatter on the jet is muffled by the sound of the aircraft and when Aaron walks to the kitchenette to make himself a cup of coffee, he asks you if you want anything. 
“Can you make me a cup of tea?” Emily asks from in front of you.
“You know where the tea bags are,” Aaron says before turning around to get you a bottle of water that you’d asked for.
“Aaron whipped for you,” she says when he’s out of earshot. 
“I don’t know about that,” you say. “He’s my boss.”
“Your boss who’s whipped,” Derek interjects. “Come on, sweetness. Giving you his jacket and buying you coffee? You don’t see him doing that for any of us, do you?”
“Look, this pathetic little crush I have on him will die down soon and you guys don’t have to tease me for it,” you whisper, afraid that Aaron might be standing behind you. “Besides, it’s inappropriate.”
“Oh, honey, we aren’t teasing,” Emily relents. “We’re stating the facts.”
“You of all people know that Aaron can bend a few rules,” Derek says. “I mean, look at Rossi.”
You sneak a glance at the man who sits adjacent to you and he winks.
“Not you too,” you groan.
Aaron returns momentarily and you thank him for the water. You’re grateful that neither Derek nor Emily have decided to tease the two of you as Aaron takes a seat beside you, and you do your best to focus on the book in front of you.
The jet lands mid-afternoon and your go-bag is tucked away in a drawer in your desk when Penelope greets you with a bone crushing embrace. She smells of vanilla and sweet flowers, and you realize that you’ve missed her bubbly presence after being stuck in a small town for a week and a half. 
“God, I missed you guys,” Penelope says, moving from you to Emily, who walked in after you did. “Are you still going out with Adam tonight?”
“That’s the plan,” you say with a pleasant smile. “He’s picking me up in a few hours so I’m gonna try my best to not look like a zombie that came back to life.”
“Are you guys still going to that Italian place near your apartment?” Emily chimes in, leaning against your desk. “God, I’ve wanted to eat there for ages.”
“Hell yes,” you say with vigor. “He offered to pay so who am I to say no to free dinner?”
“I miss Adam,” Penelope says while dramatically fanning her face. “I will never forget when he took us to a cocktail bar and paid the bill like it was nothing. That is a man.”
“Who’s Adam?” Aaron says from behind you. 
“A hunk of a man,” Penelope responds, almost as if she’s stuck in a daydream.
He remains quiet for a moment.
“I hope you enjoy dinner,” Aaron says before beelining for his office. 
“Uh-oh,” JJ speaks. “I think Hotch might be a little jealous.”
“Jealous?” you ask. “Of my cousin?”
“I get the feeling that he doesn’t know Adam’s your cousin,” says Emily. “You should probably go in there.”
“And do what, Em? I’m gonna embarrass myself by explaining that Adam’s my cousin because Hotch probably doesn’t care that I’m going out with someone.”
“Girl, you are absolutely delusional,” Penelope chides. She gives your shoulder a nudge with her own. “He practically threw a fit just now. Hotch likes you and the only person who doesn’t know that is you.”
You sputter. “No he doesn’t.”
“Tell that to the man who’s brooding in his office because you’re going on a date tonight,” JJ points out.
“It’s not a date.”
“Again, Hotch doesn’t know that.”
You’re so wrapped up in the thought that Aaron might feel the same that you don’t register your feet carrying you into his office. You knock once with your heart thumping in your chest and his voice beckons you inside.
“Y/N,” he says. “Can I help you?”
“Do you want to get coffee with me this weekend?” you blurt out. “I still owe you a cup.”
“I don’t think that’s appropriate,” Aaron says. Your heart sinks and you’re wondering if you still have a job tomorrow. 
Your voice is small and you hide behind the false confidence you had from when you walked into his room. Aaron’s standing by his cabinets, filing away reports, when he turns to look at you.
“I just mean,” he begins. Aaron stops himself and you watch him shift his balance on either leg. “It would be inappropriate to take you up on coffee when you have a date tonight.”
“I’m not going on a date, Aaron.”
He raises his eyebrows in confusion. “You’re not?”
“No,” you say quietly, taking a step towards him. “Adam’s my cousin. He moved to the west coast a few months ago and I don’t get to see him as often as we used to, but he’s in town this week.”
“And you’re meeting up with him,” Aaron remarks slowly as if he’s piecing what you’re saying together.
“Exactly,” you say. “Besides, I’d really like to get coffee with you.”
Aaron’s gaze is fixed on you.
“Yeah?” You nod, biting your lip out of habit. 
“Yeah. How does Saturday morning sound?” 
“I can do Saturday morning,” Aaron replies. 
“It’s a date.” 
You leave his office with a lovesick grin on your face that Derek’s the first one to call you out for and from what you can see through his half-closed blinds, Aaron’s wearing the same look on his face.
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I think its time some of the creeps got some fluff :D
Puppeteer, Hobo, and Kate experiencing some wholesomeness with their S/Os? Mayhaps? Snuggles and cuddles oh my!
I tried to make it winter themed because it's that time of year :)
Listen, he's already pretty clingy over you, but once winter hits you basically never get rid of him. He always gets worried that you're gonna get too cold out there and get sick, and so he tends to hover over you, making sure you're dressing well and that you're staying warm enough in all of this winter weather. Winter is also the time of year when he starts (insisting) suggesting that you wear his clothes because they'll keep you warmer. He'll bundle you up in his sweaters, or a scarf of his, or a nice thick jacket, claiming it's totally necessary when really half of it is just that he thinks you look incredibly adorable when you're wearing his clothes, and so he gets super excited whenever you do so during the colder months. If you ever tease him and say that if you wear all his clothes he won't have any left for himself he will go out and buy doubles of his outfits so that you can't use that excuse anymore. Also, Pup never wants to let you out of bed in the mornings. He just wants to stay curled up beside you, cuddling with you, and spending the day resting with you because he feels much weaker and more tired because of the cold, so his solution to that problem is to get a good grip on you and just cuddle you until you can somehow manage to escape him about an hour later than normal.
Hobo is probably one of the cuddliest creeps, and you'll find that could pretty early on in your relationship with him. Nothing makes this poor touch starved bird boy happier than being able to get some love and affection from you, and luckily you're always happy to provide it. Nothing beats lazy mornings with you both sprawled out in bed, your body wrapped up in his arms and wings, the two of you content to lay there for as long as you'd like, in no rush to do anything else. Although, with it being winter, sometimes Hobo likes to get outside with you and spend some time exploring in the cold. He's never gotten to have fun with people out there before, and you're always excited to give him a chance to experience that. He's often entranced by the falling snow, spending hours just watching it fall. He'll sit out there with you, a wing protectively draped over you so you don't have to worry about it soaking into and chilling you. After you've spent some time outside, head in and make the two of you some hot chocolate, curl up in front of the fire or on the couch, put something on the TV, and just relax together underneath a blanket, and you'll have Hobo thinking he must be in heaven with how relaxed and content he feels beside you. He's a simple guy, and it doesn't take much for him to feel fully cheery and at ease beside you.
Kate absolutely loves wintertime, and she loves it even more when she gets to spend it with you, her favorite person in the entire world. I'm talking about building snowmen together, having snowball fights, making snow angels, fuck it, she might even ask if you want to put in the time and energy to build an igloo together. Kate just absolutely loves being outside and fucking around and exploring, and all of that is even more fun when you're out there with her. If you get too cold she's more than happy to go in with you, but she loves spending as much time as possible with you running around in the snow. When you finally go back in, she'll make the two of you some of her famous homemade hot chocolate, complete with marshmallows and whipped cream if you'd like it, and she'll sit by the mansion fireplace with you, laughing and telling jokes and stories with you to pass the time while you warm up together. After that is a nice warm shower, and then throwing on your pajamas and jumping into bed to snuggle up together. She'll make a blanket fort or just drown the two of you in a big pile of blankets, snuggle up to you, and just lay there and relax with you in utter bliss until both of you are too sleepy to stay awake any longer. Kate never thought she'd be lucky enough to have someone to do things like this with, so it makes her so incredibly happy to be able to have you by her side. 
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ken-dom · 6 months
Lingered Lips
Lars Lindstrom x gn!reader
7.2k words
∘₊✧ Summary: When you move from a warmer climate into the house next door to Gus and Karin during winter, Lars helps you to keep warm, and to feel a little more at home in the process.
∘₊✧ Author’s notes: This is for my pal @webbo0 who deserves all the warmth and comfort Lars would be able to give (that's a lot). I hope this is something close to what you imagined ! Thank you to my wonderful K (@heresthestorymorningglory) for beta reading and encouraging endlessly! Title from Holding Your Hand by Yung Bae.
∘₊✧ Please note: The story has two possible endings. If you want fluff and kissing with some suggestive bits only, stop when you reach the break in the text (indicated with a photo set), 5.5k. If you want to end on a spicy note, there is an optional NSFW scene after, 1.6k.
∘₊✧ Warnings/content: Fluff, homesickness, kissing, heated making out, lots of touching, nervous Lars. In the additional scene; NSFW, dry humping, touching over clothes, cumming in pants.
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To say there’s a chill in the air is an understatement. Somehow, it seems the inside of the house is colder than the outside. It had been left empty for a good few days before you arrived today with a moving truck full of your worldly belongings, but even so, feeling your fingertips turn numb, you never imagined you’d feel the chill this much.
An uncomfortable question flashes through your mind; Have you done the right thing?, but, already engaged in an internal battle to keep homesickness at bay, you force yourself to think about how you’d not had much of a need for thick duvets and firewood before, reminding yourself that you will adapt. That it will all be worth it. That the cold will soon feel like home.
The house is nice, and you know that once it warms through properly it will feel cosy and homely, even if right now it’s an empty shell of a building waiting for your stamp. But it’s getting there. You can already picture yourself settling down in front of a roaring fire with a blanket and a slice of pie.
You sigh at the fireplace. You have no means to build a fire, and even if you did, where do you begin? Instead, you settle with lighting a few candles you found with a book of matches in the box marked ‘KITCHEN’ in a futile attempt to create a feeling of warmth.
Once you begin the process of dragging furniture around and unpacking boxes that, despite being labelled perfectly well before the move seem to be all out of order again, you generate a little heat as the rooms begin to take shape.
After a while (you’ve no idea how long; you’ve misplaced your phone in the bubblewrap and the clocks are currently hidden in an unopened box, but it’s long since been dark out) you grow tired of organising your things and decide rest is in order. If only that fireplace was roaring and there was a freshly baked pie on the kitchen counter…
You reluctantly blow the candles out, wolf down a couple of the cookies you’d packed for the road, and shiver yourself to sleep under a couple of thin blankets, planning to venture into the town tomorrow and purchase a few items to help you adapt to your new climate a little more comfortably.
You’d not yet had time to hang drapes, so when morning arrives, with it comes the sharp winter sun flooding your bedroom, disturbing your dreams and pulling you back to the cold reality you’d fallen asleep in.
You stretch, gradually taking in your new surroundings, and start your day by finding some warmer clothes and a pair of boots packed into one of your overflowing suitcases. 
You step outside to appreciate the crisp covering of snow. It crunches beneath your feet, and you think you could get used to that.
There’s a little parcel a few feet from your doorstep, wrapped in brown paper and tied up with string. Looking around for a sign of who might have left it and seeing no one, you pick it up to carry inside. It’s heavier than you anticipate and has a label attached to the string which you read the moment you drop the package onto the kitchen table.
‘Welcome neighbour! Don’t be a stranger! Karin and Gus x’
It must’ve come from the big, white house just a short walk from your own; your closest neighbours, the others being at least a couple of minutes walk away.
You pick at the knot in the parcel string, the paper beneath falling away as the string loosens, and you see a huge tray of pasta bake. It’s homemade and makes your stomach growl just looking at it. The homesick churn in your stomach relaxes in turn, and a smile pulls at your lips.
You should introduce yourself to this Karin and Gus before you venture into town today. That would be the neighbourly thing to do, right?
Rifling through the bag of snacks you’d packed for the road, you found the large tupperware of homemade hamantaschen cookies you’d raided the night before, and, removing just one more cookie to eat immediately, you tuck the tub under your arm, shove your hands into your pockets (adding gloves to your mental shopping list) and set off to greet your new neighbours.
Rounding the corner at the end of your driveway, you see the figure of someone swinging what looked like an axe outside that big, white house.
Gus, you remind yourself of the names on the parcels tag. Karin and Gus.
As you step closer, you can’t help but notice that this Gus guy is kind of…
No. Stop. You cannot find your neighbour attractive. You can’t.
Can you?
‘Hey, Gus?’ you call with a wave, and the man, frankly oozing sexual energy with his brawny arms and that big axe held in an exceptionally strong grip, turns around.
Oh shit. He’s handsome too.
Your gaze drops from his sparkling blue eyes to his handsome mustache, perfectly groomed and sort of dashing…
‘Hi… I uh… I just moved in next door,’ you gesture over your shoulder whilst trying to snap yourself out of whatever this is, and focus on the steamy breath you can see in the air every time you breathe out instead. ‘Gus, isn’t it?’
He doesn’t answer. He bites his lips together and averts his gaze, shoulders hunched.
‘I wanted to thank you and Karin for my welcome gift. It looks so delicious.’
Dropping the axe, the handsome Gus straightens up and your eyes widen at his height.
He steps back, blinking excessively, cheeks blazing hot and hands clenching into tight fists as his sides.
‘Hey, are you alright?’ you try. A whisper.
‘Y-yeah, I-’ he stutters, swallowing hard and thrusting a hand out to you with his eyes closed tight, as though he’s bracing himself for some sort of terrifying impact.
Carefully, you take it, feeling the way his arm tenses when your flesh meets his. He’s warm and clammy and you want to pull him close.
‘I- I’m Lars,’ he breathes, his hand dropping back to his side. ‘Gus is my brother.’
Lars. Your heart skips a beat.
‘Ah… Lars. Nice to meet you. I didn’t mean to startle you,’ you say softly, ‘I just wanted to bring some cookies over for Gus and Karin.’
Lars clocked the container under your arm and visibly settled. ‘Oh… oh, they’re not in right now. I could look after those cookies for you until they’re back though? I promise not to eat them.’
‘Ok, sure! I’ll maybe stop by tomorrow to introduce myself properly, but if you could tell them I said thank you for the warm welcome, I’d appreciate it?’
‘Sure,’ Lars nods, a little skittish.
‘And you can have a cookie,’ you joke, pushing the tub toward him.
Lars huffs out an awkward little chuckle and instead of taking the tub from you, whips what you thought was a thick blue scarf from around his neck.
‘Y-you look cold. Here-’
He shuffles toward you, averting his gaze as he fumbles with wrapping the little handmade blanket around your shoulders, his fingers delicate but shaky.
The fresh scent of laundry detergent mixed with light musk hits you and you all but swoon at the combination. It’s not just a swoon; it’s homely, too. Lars is homely.
‘Thank you,’ you breathe, smiling. Is everyone so kind and polite here?
‘It’s alright. I’m getting a bit hot from chopping wood anyway.’ Lars steps backward, staring at the ground as he creates a more comfortable distance between the two of you. Is it comfortable though? He feels an urge to go back to you. ‘You can bring it over when you’re warmed up and all unpacked.’
He’s so sweet you feel like your heart is on the verge of exploding.
‘I don’t have many winter clothes, actually. That’s where I’m heading now – into town to introduce some wool and a decent coat to my wardrobe, and a nice big duvet to my bed. I knew it’d be cold here but I didn’t think it would be this cold.’
Lars looks down, biting his lips together again, bracing himself to say something. You wait patiently.
‘W-where did you move from?’
‘Somewhere much warmer than this,’ you shiver, sucking in a sharp breath of cool air. ‘For a fresh start.’
Lars’s brow furrows and he lets out a small, ‘Ok!’ He isn’t sure whether it would be too much to question any further, so he drops the subject, reaching a hand out to you.
For a moment, you freeze, a whole movie playing out in your mind of what might await you in the future if you take his hand right now and just… kiss him.
Lars clears his throat. ‘The um… the cookies?’
‘Oh- yes.’ You push the box toward his outstretched hand. ‘Take a couple for yourself too.’
You see a crimson blush dust flare up on his cheeks again.
The air thickens then as your gazes lock, until  Lars turns away, and you wonder if you’ve overdone it. He did seem a painfully shy. Maybe he could read your mind and was horrified of what he’d witnessed… or the offer of a cookie was just too much.
Just as you open your mouth to ease the tension and singsong a, Well, see you around, Lars!, he sets down the tupperware full of cookies, gathers a few logs in those burly arms and turns back to you. His cheeks are positively glowing now.
‘Th-these are for you.’
There goes that lightheaded swooning feeling again. ‘Oh, Lars, are you sure?’
‘Of course! I’m really good at it. I chop the wood for Gus and Karin’s house all the time, so it’s really no problem to spare a few… for my neighbour.’
‘Oh! You live here too?’
Lars turns sheepish, nodding toward the garage behind you. ‘I live… there.’ He remembers the time he spent in his home with Bianca. Moments far and few between, but usually tender. He remembers dancing with her by firelight, a jazz record playing softly. He clears his throat. ‘Do you know how to build a fire?’ he asks, much more confidently.
You get the feeling he would take great pride in teaching you, but still feel a little silly admitting the truth to him. How could you accept these logs in all good conscience when you’ve never built a log fire in your life and have no idea where to begin other than… setting them on fire?
Embarrassment creeps onto your cheeks and you hold your breath, scrunching your nose up. ‘Nope. You got me. Something else for me to learn now that I live here.’
‘I could show you some time,’ Lars mutters, so quiet you almost don’t hear him. His voice cracks as he backtracks, ‘if- if you like?’
You nod, and both of you are blushing so hard you’re barely able to look at one another aside from surreptitious stolen glances.
You hug the firewood close to your chest and take a deep, steadying breath. ‘Thank you, Lars. For everything.’
As you trudge back over the undisturbed snow to store the logs in your porch, you chuckle to yourself. You needn’t have worried about the cold, all you have to do is talk to Lars for a few minutes and you’ll soon warm up.
Wrapped in the same paper and tied with the same string, another parcel appears on your doorstep the very next morning. 
Your head tilts as you bend to collect it, wondering what else Gus and Karin could possibly have sent you when you haven’t even met them yet. Would this turn into a never-ending exchange of reheatable meals and cookies?
It feels lighter, soft in your hands.
You tear the paper open right there and then, too curious to wait. Two thick sweaters spill into your hands, a small sheet of note paper floating to your feet.
They smell like Lars, and you know instantly that they’re his. It’s the same scent you caught from his blanket yesterday; the same one that lingered on his skin when he had leaned in close to wrap it around your shoulders – fresh and soft with a hint of musk. Comforting. Homely.
Butterflies soar in your stomach and for a moment, you forget that you’re standing in the frosty air in just your pyjamas and socks.
You collect the note up and shut out the cold, heart beating a little faster as you sit down to read it and learn what his handwriting looks like. It’s neat, large letters, cursive. Romantic.
You shake your head, still in denial that you’d ever dare to think of him that way, pretending you hadn’t fallen asleep wondering what his soft lips might feel like against yours and dreamed about him teaching you to chop wood, his strong arms braced around yours to guide you as you swung the axe.
You tried to focus on the words rather than the style of the handwriting or your own wandering mind, almost nervous to begin reading, wondering what he wants to say to you.
I hope you don’t mind me leaving these for you – I don’t wear them so much any more and thought they would be put to better use building up your winter wardrobe. 
One has a hole in the sleeve. I’m sorry about that. I would have fixed it but I never learned how to sew. It’s ok if you don’t like them.
Hope you’re keeping warm! 
Lars (your neighbour)(the one from the garage)
You bite your lips together to keep a whine from escaping. Your neighbour? The one from the garage? As if you could possibly forget him.
‘Could you be any cuter?’ you grin, and fold the letter, standing to head right back to your bedroom and dress immediately throwing on the new puffer coat you bought in the town yesterday over a Lars scented sweater, grab your last tub of cookies and head out, marching straight up to the door of the garage next door.
‘Hi.’ Lars swallows the word, opening his door just enough to poke his face through the gap. 
He’s just as handsome as you remember. Maybe more. The way the bright winter sun hits his eyes and sets the deep blue sparkling, the coy little smile he can’t quite hide beneath that impeccably groomed mustache…
‘Hi,’ you sigh. You might feel a twinge of embarrassment, but Lars seems so taken aback to see you, you don’t think he’ll notice your indiscreet little swoon.
You clear your throat. ‘Thank you so much for the sweaters, Lars. You really didn’t have to.’
‘Oh it’s nothing,’ he protests, struggling to meet your gaze and chewing his lips as though he’s scared of what he might say if he doesn’t bite them together.
‘I brought more cookies. Just for you this time.’
Lars squeezes his eyes shut, taking a deep steadying breath.
‘Are you ok?’
He blinks his eyes open again and finally looks into yours. ‘Hmm? Oh. Yeah. Yeah, I’m ok.’
Even so, his fingers fiddle with the slightly chipped paint around the edge of the door he’s holding ajar.
‘Alright, well…’
‘Did you use the firewood yet?’ he blurts, eyes closed again but voice much louder.
‘No, I never got the chance to look up how to build a proper fire last night, so-’
‘Would you like me to show you? Now?’ His face scrunches up in what looks like pain.
‘Yes! That would be great.’
Lars nods, smiling, and opens the door. ‘Please, come in,’ he breathes, and you notice his hand gripping so tight onto the door now that his knuckles have turned white.
You step inside the little garage apartment, immediately so at ease that you almost feel at home here.
There’s a jazz record playing softly, and you sway a little as you glance around, clocking the log burner in the corner. His bed is neatly made with two or three blankets layered on the top, warm and cosy. You wonder what he wears to bed.
The kitchen is sparse and clean, a small double hob occupying a whistling kettle and a pan. There are a few cupboards you imagine are mostly bare. 
A door to the left looks like it must lead to the bathroom, because aside from a small closet and a couple of shelves on the wall, that’s all of it. Lars’s entire home.
He doesn’t appear to have many worldly belongings, but what he does have, he appreciates and takes good care of. You smile at that. Maybe he would take good care of you, too.
In many ways, you think, perhaps without even knowing it, he already has.
Lars closes the front door, but doesn’t move from his spot beside it, staring down at his feet.
‘W-we might as well enjoy the fire after I show you how to get it going. Would you like to stay for a drink? We could share the cookies? If you like?’
He glances toward you with that pained look again, but it quickly softens when you answer simply with a gentle; ‘Yes. I’d love to.’
Lars grins, incredulous, and springs into action, preparing to start work on building the fire, dropping to his knees before the log burner.
‘Alright, the first thing we need to do is make sure the firewood is in good condition. I know mine is, of course, but it’s always worth checking, because…’
You sit beside him, fully intending to learn a valuable lesson that will no doubt serve you for many winters to come, but Lars picks up a log with such care the mere sight of it makes you shiver.
Carefully, he runs the tips of his long, thick fingers over the smooth edge of the wood, treating it so delicately that every word out of his mouth blurs into barely perceptible background noise and all you can manage to do is watch those elegant fingers tracing over the contours and try not to imagine how they’d feel on your skin instead.
Startlingly, he stops the demonstration short and turns to you. It’s far from abrupt, but it drags you out of your reverie nonetheless.
‘Got that?’ he asks eagerly.
‘Ready for the next step?’ Lars beams at you. He’s been talking nonstop, completely lost in the world of firewood while you were lost in the world of… Lars.
‘Yes, yes, of course,��� you lie, hoping the next part won’t be as difficult to take in and that you can piece together whatever you’ve missed.
Lars opens up what he calls the damper, leaning forward to place kindling into the centre of the stove, his sweater rides up a little at the back, and although you try with all your might not to look, you can’t quite avoid it. Beneath those three layers, his exposed skin looks so soft and pale and… warm.
There are a few small beauty marks dotted close to his hip and you get the urge to trace them with your finger tips, follow them like a constellation and connect the stars with your tongue…
But you’re not supposed to be thinking about the flesh of Lars’s lower back under your fingers and lips. You’re supposed to be listening to his instructions.
You close your eyes and try to focus.
Good logs. Damper open. Something about kindling.
You can do this. You can.
Oblivious, Lars continues, arranging dry wood around the kindling and placing the logs gently on top, taking as much care as if he was creating a work of art.
He’s so passionate and thorough in the way he describes the process, the way he’s handling the equipment, that this in itself is making you come over too hot.
Is he this passionate and thorough with a lover? 
You shake the thought from your head and wonder if you will manage to actually sit in front of a blazing fire with him at all if he carries on like this. Carries on being so… so…
‘Would you like to do the honours?’ he grins, sitting back on his heels.
You swallow hard. ‘Sure!’ 
Lars hands you a half empty box of matches. His hands are no longer trembling, you notice, but yours have certainly begun to shake as you select and strike a match.
Lars’s palm slides over the back of your hand, warm and soft, to guide your flame to the kindling. Your head spins and you lean forward together, bodies pressing close as you hold the match still and wait.
Both of you watch with delight as the fire takes hold and bursts to life before you.
You smile at Lars, who beams back. There’s but an inch between you and you can’t help but lick your lips and you glance down at his.
‘We did it,’ he breathes. ‘Next time, you can try arranging the kindling-’ He stops himself. 
Next time.
Suddenly his face is burning, his forehead is damp and his chest is tight, and a voice in his head is firmly telling him to run in the opposite direction.
‘How about that drink?’ you remind him, hoping it’ll ease the tension.
Lars is more grateful than you could ever know for that simple suggestion. It gives him a reason not to completely consume you, which is both his greatest fear and his strongest urge with you so close. He isn’t sure whether the heat he feels is from the fire or from his burning attraction to you, but thinking about it is making him dizzy.
He snaps up to stride into the kitchen and start the kettle boiling, and you try to focus on breathing.
As you feel comforting warmth radiating from the glow of the fireplace and listen to him pottering in the kitchen, your eyes slip closed.
This is home.
‘Is hot chocolate ok?’ Lars calls over.
‘No lactose for me, please, Lars.’
‘No problem! I can work around that. See, if you mix the cocoa powder into a paste with a small amount of the water first, you can make it smooth and thick without the need for milk! Neat little trick, huh? And I can skip the cream topping, just for you.’ 
Lars is once again in his element. He seems so happy to share his habits with someone – with you – that it eradicates the overwhelming nerves he was fighting moments ago. 
‘That sounds wonderful. Thank you.’
‘Uhm- do you… do you mind if I have a little cream on mine?’ he asks, cautious. ‘I’ll only have a little bit.’
‘Of course I don’t mind!’
He chuckles quietly with a shaky exhale of nervous energy. ‘Ok!’
You watch as he finishes up and joins you again placing two big mugs of hot chocolate on the little rug in front of the fire.
‘You know, I used to treat myself to a hot chocolate now and then before I moved here, even though it was much warmer. I wonder if it’ll hit different now that I actually need heating up,’ you laugh, blowing out a steady breath to ripple over the surface of the steaming liquid before taking a careful sip.
Lars watches the way your lips move, snapping his eyes shut when he realises where his thoughts are going – the same place they went last night when he was trying to fall asleep but you kept appearing in his semi-unconscious state, asking if you could hold his hand and kiss him.
He clears his throat. ‘So, how are you adjusting? Have you seen the doctor yet?’
Your brow furrowed. Did you need to see a doctor just for moving here?
‘No, I mean, it has felt a little strange, but I thought it was just a touch of homesickness…’
‘I think that’s normal,’ Lars nods, face turning serious and voice lowering like he was keeping a secret from prying ears. ‘I had a girlfriend who came from a much warmer climate, you see. She was half Brazilian and half Danish, and she’d been used to warmer temperatures before she came here. So, I’m used to it.’
Lars shrugs and sips his drink, casually sure of himself.
‘Girlfriend?’ you blurt before you can stop yourself. You try to at least sound easygoing, but it comes off more strained than anything thanks to curiosity getting the better of you.
‘Oh, wait, I’m not suggesting that we’re uhm… friends of any sort- I mean-’
‘No… no, it’s ok.’ Another easy smile. ‘I just wondered about her, that’s all.’
You move to place your mug back down as Lars makes the same motion, and as you reach forward, your skin brushes his.
Time stops. Lars almost flinches, but he lingers instead, seeking you out once again, grazing the back of his fingers against the back of your hand, witnessing the connection, awe pulling at his features.
It’s different from when he guided your flame to the kindling, and he realises that then as much as now, your flesh against his feels almost… tolerable. More than tolerable. It feels good.
You hold your breath, needing to be closer again. Needing to feel heat from him and not just the fire, inhale that comforting scent that you’ve already come to associate with your new home, the one laced on his hand knitted blue blanket that you forgot to return today in your rush to get back to him. You don’t plan to tell him you’d slept clutching it for comfort, or that it remained beneath the covers on your unmade bed.
‘It’s getting a bit hot,’ you breathe shakily, eyes locking on his. ‘May I take off my coat?’
Lars doesn’t answer, he just helps you with removing the coat from your shoulders like a true gentleman, folding it neatly and placing it on the bed for you.
‘You’re wearing one of my old sweaters,’ he says quietly, staring at you as he takes in how it fits your form compared to his, how good it looks on you and how he wants to help take the sweater off your body, too…
His fingers wander to the collar, where he drags a fingertip gently over the familiar wool before dropping back to his lap.
The air between you grows thicker again and all at once you’re breathless.
‘You have some, uh…  cream… just-’
His gaze is intense on your lips as your fingers move to wipe the cream from his perfect mustache. It’s tender. Loving, almost. His breath is hot and ragged against your fingers and for a wild moment, you think about slowly pushing a finger between his plump, shiny lips.
Instead you come to your senses and bring it back down, coated in a light covering of the cream.
‘You know, lactose intolderance doesn’t always stop me,’ you smirk, licking the cream from your finger. ‘If it’s just a little bit. Perhaps… a little bit more?’
Lars doesn’t move as you press forward, closing the gap between you and leaving enough pause for him to move away. But he doesn’t. He presses his lips to yours and elicits contented hum that makes him simply melt into you.
There’s more cream on his mustache that smears onto your upper lip and you pull back, licking yourself clean and pushing forward to lick the last of it from him, too.
Lars parts his lips to allow your tongue inside. It feels natural yet unusual, not at all how he imagined kissing would feel. But it’s just as thrilling as he’d hoped it would be, and the butterflies in his stomach that he’d been trying hard to control begin to explode into something wonderful, a new sensation that he had the overwhelming urge to chase.
Your lips against his are so soft and wet, and his head is swimming with what all of this means.  The feeling growing somewhere deep inside him pushes through to the forefront. It’s something he can’t seem to control. It’s too new, too exciting, so he follows his gut.
With a shaky hand, he reaches forward to touch you. He’s not sure where, or how, but he’s overcome with that sudden urge to consume you entirely again, and he can’t stop the hand hesitating midair from grabbing your shoulder and pushing you down onto the rug.
He’s strong, and that sets your nerves alight. You knew when you saw the perfect control with which he wielded his axe. Your hands slide up over his biceps and squeeze the firm muscles, and Lars whines.
Even with this newfound dominance, he’s unsure, hesitant — but eager. Your tongue guides his, gently leading him into a steady rhythm with slow flicks and languid slides, each one setting his desire aflame until he’s breathless.
Your guidance doesn’t falter when he positions himself on top of you. If anything, the kiss turns hungrier and Lars moans, muffled in your mouth, and he wants more despite the nerves bubbling up in his stomach. Worries creep in that he’ll do something wrong, that he shouldn’t be doing this at all. 
There’s a nagging thought in the back of his mind that making out like this isn’t something he should be doing. It feels far too exciting to be allowed. Far too naughty, and that seems to spur on the excitement, and it all feels so good how could it be wrong?
His pants are getting tighter and he knows he can control himself if he just manages to get back outside and pick up his axe and burn it off, but he doesn’t want to this time. Not with you here, kissing him, touching him, making him feel good.
But what will Gus and Karin think when they find out he kissed their new neighbour with such fierce passion less than forty-eight hours after you arrived in town? Somewhere within his muddle of thoughts, he hears Gus muttering an impressed, ‘It’s always the quiet ones…’ and his cheeks burn a little hotter.
He feels you pushing at his shoulders then, a signal to stop, and he scrambles back to sit up, covering his face with his hands.
He was on another plane of existence just a moment ago and now everything was crashing down around him. He had gone too far, been selfish with his affections. What had he done?
‘I’m sorry. I’m so sorry-’ he sobs into his palms, muffled and desperate.
‘Don’t be,’ you soothe, sitting up to join him as you fight off the haze of pleasant lightheadedness his kiss had caused. ‘I liked it.’
You grab the half-full mugs of chocolate and pass him his. He accepts with a nervous smile and you sip the remaining drinks together in comfortable silence, enjoying the crackle of the fire, the kiss having broken the tension.
You lay your head on his shoulder and sigh, content. You hadn’t felt so at home since you’d arrived, and you didn’t want to leave. You also didn’t want to admit that you’d not really listened when he’d been kind enough to show you how to use the logs he’d gifted to you.
Meanwhile, Lars’s head is buzzing. He thinks over how he’s already shared his first kiss with you (first kiss with tongues, anyway — he’d kissed Bianca once or twice in moments of madness, but never with tongue). He thinks about how far he’s come since Bianca, and how if it weren’t for her he probably wouldn’t have had the courage to finish a conversation with you yet, let alone push you onto the floor and dare to let desire consume him for a short while.
And he can’t just leave it there now, not now he’s tasted you, shared a part of himself with you; he needs more. He decides he needs to act now or he will think about it so much he’ll scare himself away from the idea.
So before he can even formulate an actual plan to ask you out, he blurts;
‘You want me to show you around sometime? There’s the lake, and- oh, I have a treehouse there!- and we could go into the town together, too, maybe to the mall? Gus and Karin would love to have you over for dinner, I bet. They’re always asking me, so I could bring you as my guest! Do you bowl? I’m not very good, but I’m getting better and-’
‘I’m absolutely shit at bowling,’ you laugh, and Lars laughs too, relieved you’d stopped him talking himself into a certain hole he’d never climb out of. ‘But I still like to play. I’d actually really like to go with you sometime.’
You feel Lars holding all his breath in his lungs, and smile to yourself. He’s so easy to fluster. You could have fun with that, you muse, but stop yourself thinking on it for too long.
‘C-can we still… kiss?’ Lars stutters, trailing off, ‘I liked it, too.’
You chuckle to yourself, giddy at how nice this all feels. ‘Do you make a habit of kissing your neighbours, Lars?’
It’s a playful question, and although you can’t see his face you can sense that he’s blushing profusely, blinking hard again.
‘No! No, I’ve never-’
‘Good. But, how about… you do it again? Just for me?’
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Lars throws his coat and hat on so haphazardly to get out of work at the earliest possible moment, his hair is sticking out at every angle.
He rushes home, wheels spinning against the gravel before his car screeches to a halt outside the garage. He grabs his briefcase and the little plastic bag he carries his good shoes to work in, and darts out of the car to his front door.
Gus and Karin don’t know about you yet. Or rather, they know about you, but not about the way you’d touched and kissed Lars. Or the way you occupied his thoughts every second since. When they’d mentioned you to Lars over breakfast this morning, he made his excuses and ran, worried he’d give himself away with blushing cheeks or breathlessness.
He may as well have not gone into work today. He might have been physically present, but his mind was very firmly elsewhere. All he could think about was the way your lips felt when they had slid so sensually against his. Not burning or uncomfortable in the least. It’s almost jarring, how good it made him feel. He’d only ever been that comfortable with Bianca before, and the thought sets his teeth on edge and his heart racing.
His stomach churns every time he replays the kiss you’d shared. And the second kiss. And the third. Except it’s not churning exactly. It’s more like fluttering, low and unsettled in his belly. Is that what people mean when they say they have butterflies? He’s never felt that before.
Right now he needs to focus on getting inside before he’s stopped by Karin. His chest heaves when he finally unlocks his door and slams it shut behind him. Luckily Karin doesn’t see him, or has decided against chasing him for dinner tonight. She’d been better at that since Bianca, leaving Lars to mind his own business much more often than she used to. Lars thanks his lucky stars that tonight is one of those nights.
He’s trembling, he realises, as he hangs up his coat and sets his bags down. His stomach is in knots with these mysterious butterflies again, and his heart is thudding in his ears.
He braces himself against the wall by his coat pegs, resting his forehead to the back of his hand as he tries to force his breathing slow, and to focus on organising his thoughts.
All he has to do is choose a sweater, brush his teeth and comb his hair. Simple, easy steps. One thing at a time. Sweater. Let’s start there.
Within twenty minutes, there are six discarded sweaters scattered on his bed and Lars is staring himself out in the bathroom mirror, hair perfectly combed back, breath minty and teeth shiny. He runs his tongue over them, wishing he was running it over your teeth instead.
You settle down for dinner with a successfully built fire crackling and hissing in the hearth. You were a bit distracted as you spent far too long adjusting the kindling and remembering the order of the steps to take, piecing together the scraps of information you’d somehow retained from your lesson with Lars. But you did it, and now your house is the glowing, cosy home you’d hoped it would be.
Before you can take a bite of your delicious looking dinner, courtesy of Karin and Gus, an urgent banging at the door makes your heart jump in your chest.
Please be Lars, please be Lars, please be Lars, you hope, quickly checking your appearance in the mirror as you head for the front door, trying your very best to appear casual, and as though you haven’t been thinking about him nonstop since you left his place yesterday.
‘Lars!’ you exclaim, far more excited than you intend it to come out, and your cheeks prickle with heat.
Lars is leaning with one hand up against the door frame, mock confidence oozing from him, and he looks so handsome it makes your head spin. He’s wearing a gorgeous sweater which you gather he must save for special occasions. His hair is combed back perfectly, and a warm smile graces his lips.
Your eyes lock with his when you’re done checking him out so obviously his cheeks are crimson now too, and you simply can’t say another word. The gaze between you is so intense, so filled with intention, the cold air turns thick and you can barely breathe.
Lars lunges forward and presses himself to you. Your lips crash, then his chest is flush with yours and you realise his arms are snaking around your waist, but it’s all so fast and so frenzied you can’t quite keep up. You just need each other and in that moment, knowing he’s close is enough.
With a shaky sigh, he rolls his hips into you. He’s rock hard. You gasp, and he whines into your mouth as the frictions tingles through his core.
He’s fighting to control himself but it’s so difficult when you want this as much as he does and he knows he can chase the thrill with you.
He didn’t even mean to get hard, but after thinking about you for twenty four solid hours and trying not to think about how you’d feel touching him there, it truly was a task not to succumb to the natural pull of arousal before now. He’d done well to last this long.
Only, what if you’d changed your mind since yesterday? He should have asked. He shouldn’t have assumed from your dilated pupils and the way you bit your lip as your eyes grazed over his lips. 
He pulls away, mortified. His body had betrayed him, he lost control, he-
But you push forward, reaching between your flush bodies to stroke the hard bulge tenting in his smartest pants. The fabric is soft against the flesh of your palm and you sigh into his mouth, rubbing needily over his length.
You’re ok with it, he thinks somewhere from within the haze of incredible pleasure and fading embarrassment, a prickly combination that falls away as he kisses you back and it all just becomes you and him. I can be ok with it, too. 
You pause for breath and Lars hisses from between gritted teeth, feeling the overwhelming urge to moan and to chase the coiling sensation tightening in his gut.
He needs more, but it’s already too much. He’s not sure how these things work exactly. He doesn’t know if you would consider him a… what are they called? A one night stand. Or if you’d expect something in return, or for him to make a move before he-
‘Ohhhmmnn…’ he groans. It’s low and primal for such a small sound and it makes your core ache.
His head falls to the crook of your neck while his fingers grip at your arms with a strength that makes your breathing catch in your throat, and just as you’re considering unfastening those smart, grey pants to get your hand inside and really feel him, Lars’s whole body shudders and you wrap your free arm around his lower back to steady him as he turns weak and flops against you, hips bucking as he spills, hot and thick, inside his pants.
A string of ragged, breathless moans and weak little whimpers slowly tear from his throat as he tries to regain composure.
Weak, he keeps his face buried against you for now, his eyes shut tight as you slide a hand up to stroke through his hair, bringing him back to you.
He needed that release, and with it came a sense of clarity that he only wants more of you. He wants to see you, feel you, kiss you every single day. Is that unreasonable?
The real reason he’d knocked on your door swells within his stomach, butterflies returning swiftly to replace the heated coil that had wound up and finally sprung free at your touch.
Desire – in particular, sexual desire – is not the original reason Lars came over tonight. He never dreamed he would make such a mess in his trousers or that you’d kiss like that again, even though he’s kinds of glad both of those things did happen. Glad but… embarrassed.
His underwear is sticky against his skin, and he knows his release is soaking through the front of his pants. Along with the uncomfortable sensations he wants to soothe away with a refreshing shower and a clean pair of underwear, shame consumes him as he struggles to peel himself off you. 
But you come to the rescue as you so often seem to do, guiding him over to your sofa and flopping down onto it with him. Your hand finds his, lacing your fingers together as you settle comfortably.
It feels like home. Lars feels like home, and once again you get that feeling in your gut that tells you never to leave his side.
‘Lars…’ you start, voice barely a whisper, and he turns to you, finally meeting your eyes, and you notice how wet his are. Had he cried when he came? 
‘Was there… a reason you came over tonight? You know, other than-’
Lars clears his throat before you can say any more. There’s still a pang of shame, and he knows what he did, he doesn’t need to hear it too. ‘Yes, I… I wanted to ask you something.’
As you prepare to hear it, he presses his lips together into a tight smile.
‘What is it?’ you ask gently. ‘Whatever it is, I’m ready.’
‘I wanted to ask you… well, I thought- maybe- I could be your boyfriend? I-if you’d like…’
Your answer comes as another bruising kiss, head spinning at the question until you pull back, panting, and rest your forehead against his. He nuzzles against it, never having found such comfort in anything but his blanket before now.
Lars smiles, ‘I think you mean yes.’
‘Yes,’ you confirm, your own lips curling upwards. ‘Take me bowling?’
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kokusfluffyhair · 10 months
Their Thoughts on Winter
(Demons can go out in the daytime/sunlight here)
+ It isn't his preferred temperature, but he can tolerate it
+ He doesn't want to show weakness, so he won't complain
+ He gets a little calmer when it gets dark earlier -- the less sun reminds him less that he can't do Sun Breathing
+ He likes to cuddle up at night with his s/o, and colder weather is good for that
+ But still, he doesn't like feeling cold when he's outside
+ His long, luscious hair helps keep him warm
+ He tries not to let the season change ruin his vibe
+ The cold air does dry out his eyes some, so he needs some eye drops for that
+ He likes it -- it keeps the riff-raff away
+ He's relieved when there are less crazy summer people on the streets
+ Everyone gets paler in the winter, so his own skin colour is less evident than in warmer months
+ He does get very angry that the sun isn't out as long
+ He wishes it could be colder but with long hours of sun
+ His little experiments aren't as productive as in the summer because he's always gritting his teeth about how it gets dark so fast
+ His patience wears thin easier and he kills more humans during the winter
+ If you're Douma or Gyokko, you probably get your body slashed in half more often during the winter
+ This one gets seasonal depression
+ He hates having to wear a coat or layers
+ He hates having to wear a hat to cover up that gorgeous hair of his
+ He complains a lot
+ He says that his bubbly personality needs the sun to give him energy
+ Because he gets depressed, he requires more intimacy with his s/o to get through the winter
+ The only joy he finds in the cold is working on ice sculptures
+ Still, the quality of the natural snow and ice is subpar compared to what he can create during any season
+ His first words are "fuck, man" whenever he walks outside
+ He's bundled up in so many layers but it's not enough for his skinny ass
+ He can see his breath in the air before anyone else does
+ Sometimes he pulls down his hat so far that it's almost covering his eyes
+ He doesn't understand how or why Daki is still not covering up and wearing skimpy clothes in this weather
+ His skin gets paler and it makes his birthmarks more evident
+ He gets bad dry skin in the winter too
+ Someone give him moisturiser and force him to use it, please
+ He wants to build snowmen and play in the snow but he always gets sick when he does
+ "Already?" he asks every day when it gets dark early
+ He's pretty tolerant to the cold
+ He likes having warm drinks and soups
+ If his s/o or best friend gets depressed in the winter, he'll feel bad and try to cheer them up
+ He would make candlelight hand-puppet shows
+ He loves to cuddle under blankets
+ He likes that he doesn't get as sweaty but wishes that the winter wouldn't last as long as it doesn
Daigo Kagemitsu
+ He hates winter even more than I do
+ He gets really cranky and angry when there's less sunlight
+ It reminds him of when it used to flood all the time and he gets anxiety from it
+ He's very sensitive to the cold but won't tell anyone
+ He looks like he wants to burn down the world whenever he has to walk in snow
+ He has a hard time waking up in the morning knowing that it's going to be grey and cold
+ This man really needs sunshine and he's struggling
+ He's invincible to the cold
+ But he's very sensitive to being wet
+ He's fine, as long as there's no dampness or freezing rain or snow
+ He gets sick when there's snow
+ He uses the cold weather as an excuse to cook more and experiment with food
+ He uses the oven a lot so he can leave it open and let the warm air come into the house
+ He gets tired when it gets dark early
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rinayeas · 10 days
going through the worst writers block fucking ever so here's a ficlet/something headcanon something about my interpretation of the clone theory ft snipes bc he is my fav and also i love writing him
Cw: depression, depersonalization?, you can just skip to the end after the small lines to read my explanation on the theory.
He felt an emptiness in his chest.
The first day after getting logged into respawn, his head was killing him. A piercing pain through his right eye, extending itself to the rest of his body. The doc had morbidly joked about how that's what a lobotomy felt like, but with every passing day Sniper was thinking that he had actually gotten lobotomized.
Something felt wrong, life was colder, it felt like he had something ripped out from within him. He went through all his belongings, trying to recall what each of them meant to him, and he got all of them right. His memories were not missing, so what was wrong with him?
He wasn't a fan of going to the doctor, but inevitably had to take it up to Medic, who ran a few tests in him and told him everything was completely normal, that maybe he should try speaking to a psychiatrist or a trusted one. He didn't know how to feel about that one, his trusted ones were kilometers away from him, and he'd heard psychiatrists were for basket cases, and if there was something he'd tried to prove throught all his adult life, it was that he was Not Crazy.
He found himself growing quieter by the day, he was a man of few words, but he didn't even feel like saying hi to his coworkers, opting to shutting himself off from the world in his room. He slowly lost all enjoyment from the things he used to love, like hunting or camping. Nowadays his evenings were filled with music and his own thoughts.
He was getting better at his job, though, more strategic, maybe. He chalked it up to having extra time to meditate his next moves at night, laying on his bed. He'd become perceptive enough to catch the enemy Spy red handed enough times in one match that the frenchman had just stopped bothering him that day.
He'd picked up on a new hobby recently. He'd climb to the highest point on the base, perch himself with his rifle and some coffee, and just, watch through his scope. He felt like a creep the first few times, but the more he did it the more it felt like he filled up whatever hole was on his chest. He sometimes watched his own team, it was a quiet affair. But most times his scope was drawn over to the RED territory, the ruckus, explosions and screams being so loud they involuntarily called to him like a siren.
He watched people that looked exactly like his coworkers, but felt and acted so different from them that his brain could barely process them being the same people. He was mostly fixated on his counterpart, the RED Sniper. Living in a van outside the base, he watched as his clone retreated for the day, sometimes crawling up to his roof to watch the stars, and he felt a nasty envy crawl up to him.
It didn't even make sense, sleeping in the base was the smarter option, it was warmer during the cold desert nights, he had easy access to whatever he could need, and he didn't have to walk like an idiot every single morning to the battlefield, and still, the other Sniper chose to sleep in solitude, his only company being the nature that surrounded him. It didn't make any sense, and yet Sniper wished he was him, covered in a mantle of stars, enjoying coffee at 2 am without even thinking that it would make his insomnia worse and arriving 5 minutes before battle the next day for the prior reasons.
Nothing about the other man made sense, and he missed when life felt that way.
One night, he removed his hat and his glasses and he poked his head out of his outpost, he stared at the stars and stayed like that for a bit, imagining he was the other guy. He closed his eyes and felt the breeze hit his skin, and just for a second, the ache in his bones dissapeared, making him feel whole again. But his eyes snapped open and he found himself staring at the ground, a few meters below him. He remembered he had to get up at six the next morning.
And he felt a bit silly then.
Anyways my clone theory is that the mercs got split into right brain (red) and left brain (blu)
Like all of the red team is wayy more impulsive, creative, and just, loud and passionate. While the blus are more analytical and logical. (This theory also makes it so that emesis blu could completely theoretically happen within the canon timeline while the red team is teleporting bread so haha funny)
Naturally the two sides of the brain work in tandem so to them it DOES feel like something's missing they just aren't sure what it is. And by the time 1971 rolls around their two halves merge and they go back to being whoever they were before everything (which isnt very different they r still the same guys just more complete like a side a or b of a cassette). This last thing is scientifically not true but i like to think that some mercs just are more in tune with a certain part of the brain ergo some ppl like spy medic or engie choosing to wear blue in stuff like the comics or the official mvm cinematic. It's not scientifically viable but like, this is fucking team fortress 2 does anyone really care abt that??? anyways!!!! This was garbage mama but i just wanted to get smth out of my system im still on brainrot mode im sorry to my followers!
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skylerhyrule · 6 months
ngl I've been sitting on a lot of this for a while and now that the brainrot has come to consume me once again, I have to inflict them upon you too because this is all your fault <3
woe, htbf winter headcanosn be upon ye
They don't take as many jobs in the winter because traveling in bad weather sucks which leaves more room for lazy days where none of them have any plans other than eating together and enjoying their company
the other 3 use the time to teach touya more skills or practice old ones like knitting/sewing, smaller woodworking projects that can be done indoors (not that touya or akito mind being outside in cold weather), or touya reads his favorite mystery books out loud to them and he lives how they speculate the ending or the twist all the while he knows exactly whats going to happen since he's read it before
Touya makes himself a sweater and it's awkwardly shaped and definitely has some missing stitches in some places but he made it with materials he bought with money earned and it's all his and he's proud of it
An and Kohane cried
All of the years touya spent his winters looked up in the castle, he thought he didn't mind the cold weather when really he was just overall unable to feel the warmth that he was missing, that even now, when he had literal ice magic and is physically cold all the time due to his naturally lower body temperature, he's never felt warmer
Sobs. Anyways
Touya has seen snow and walked in it before but he's never been allowed to play in the snow
After the first big snow that sticks to the ground, akianhane plan a massive attack on their training field, they pretend theyre going to train touya during prime ice season but SIKE they have a snow fight: a full battle field built up with pre-built walls and snowballs ready to attack
They prepared ahead of time because they thought touya might have a natural advantage but he was too nervous to actually use his magic with intent to fight his family so he gets his ass kicked
they have so much fun and anhane get so cold that they get sick after and the boys have to nurse them back to health. idiots
speaking of training, touya has been using the colder temps to experiment more with what he can create and how he can create things to use to his advantage
On clearer days he tries to practice making snow the same way he did at his failed execution (insert processing trauma here) but he hasnt been able to do it. most of the time he accidentally shoots a bunch of chunks of ice in the sky or makes hail but not snow-like crystals
Somehow someone suggests trying to get touyas adrenaline running because hes only been capable of big moves like that when tensions were high (escaping guards and escaping death)
They figure if they can elicit (a healthy amount of) fear from him, he can learn how to better act on instinct and not overthink it
Out in the training field, the other 3 take turns “fighting” touya with their magic to see if that can get something out of him (insert cool fights and banter here)
When that doesn't work, they take a break lying in the snow and talk about what scares them (insert emotional connection and vulnerabilities here)
They figure out touyas most “normal” fear is heights, so naturally Kohane lifts them all however high in the air so that they can see above the surrounding treetops. Touya is CLINGING to akito but not quite fearing for his life, just scared enough because he's not actually afraid of Kohane dropping them and his trust in An and Akito to intervene if something goes wrong is too strong
But theyre like NO you have to trust YOURSELF
Kohane says "I'm gonna drop us if you dont make it snow right now and itll be all your fault
yeah right, that's a bluff, Touya's confident
She shakes the platform a bit so the edges start crumbling to the ground and he feels that fight flight or freeze instinct come in (an and akito are also freaked out now) shes not kidding (but she probably is) (but what if she isnt)
she drops the platform barely a few centimeters and touya reaches an arm out and tries
Ummm he tries a bit too well and he sends a burst of magic up high and it shimmers down as snow. He did it!
Kohane brings them down slowly and once on the ground he tries to remember what it felt like and does it again but he didn't realize how low he felt due to the adrenaline and feels faint
the other 3 walk him home and keep telling him how proud they and what a good job he did
important to note that they never make him feel like he's burdening them with having to carry him home once he starts feeling sleepy or taking so much time to train him gradually even though touya thinks that he should be somewhat sorry for passing out on them again, if he apologized they would just yell at him
he falls asleep on Akito's back and wakes up under five blankets and the fireplace burning with dry clothes on and Akito sleeping on top of him
he has just enough strength to reach for the water on their bedside table and then he passes out again
next time he wakes up, its the next morning and he is absolutely dying of too many blankets, they went overboard with trying to warm him up and now he's too warm
he rolls out of bed without disturbing the others and carries on his morning with coffee and reading until the others wake :)
So these werent actually hcs. I think I just accidentally wrote a fic in bullet form HAHA APRIL FOOLs
I have some questions also if thats okay, if you find the time
is touya able to manipulate snow and/or any frozen water or is he just able to create it and to what extent is he able to precisely create his ice?
I also have questions about the mechanics of Kohane's magic because the argument can be made that ice is technically a mineral and therefore a part of the earth? I don't mean to be annoying but I am genuinely interested in the limitations of their magic abilities.
As far as like, winter holidays go, is there something like a celebration where they could exchange gifts?
Assuming the vsingers are gods, would their “birthdays” or anniversaries be considered holidays? Like is August 31st the most holy day of the year
Another unrelated question, what is the situation of Akitos runaway sister? because in my head, I have the rough idea of a plot where Mizuki and Touya become unlikely bestest best friends for life and accidentally find her and attempt to reunite her with akito which I think adds another interesting and unique family dynamic to this series full of interesting and unique family dynamics
Okay thats all for now I have more probably but I need to write them down first thank you for your time
Ngl i don't even want to answer this so it will be in my inbox forever actually. Anyway!
YOU’RE SOBBING???? I’M SOBBING!!!! Ana… my god. These are all canon now okay. Thanks.
Touya giving prizes (food/wooden hampter DHJAH) to whoever guesses the killer/motive first… Fighting to get Touya his next favourite book…
I am also going to cry. I want to write Touya making a sweater now… don’t make me do it. I already have too many wips and now you're gonna make me want to write MORE??? Fuck you.
SHUT UP OUGHH GH You don’t know how bad it is until it’s no longer normal. When the baseline is cold, of course you’re going to think it’s perfectly fine. Until you find a fire and realise you’ve been shivering the whole time.
Touya you’re the only snow angel I need ;)
Touya’s scared he’s gonna accidentally throw a chunk of ice and kill someone.
Touya “never been sick in his life” Tenma: Why are you dying?
Akito is relegated to heater so Touya has to make soup alone and he’s freaking out but then Anhane cry when eating it and he’s like IS IT THAT BAD?? But no they’re just like… Wrow… Touya’s homemade soup… I’m cured.
Touya freezing the grass so bad it just snaps in half when they walk on it lmao. Making spiral/snowflake patterns across the grass and river. And of course. The promised ice skating.
You’re just making me want to write this entire section you know. Was this your evil plan. Bc it’s working. So well.
Touya: “I’m afraid of heights…” Akito: Your bedroom was like 20m above the ground. Touya: Do NOT remind me.
An: Can you pelt Akito with hail?
Ice shields ice shields ice shie-
Haha freeze instinct.
Thank you for the touya fainting scenarios it’s what I think about like 50% of the time. And why I want to write this. I can be trusted with fictional characters.
Ough god they love each other and have to make sure they all freaking know it.
On the couch, straight up “sleeping under it” and by “it”, haha, well, let’s just say. Blankito be upon ye
Touya not in the bed that morning and they’re all freaking out thinking he melted or smth in the night.
The best April fools prank ever actually thank u can I write this (eventually)
There appears to be a lost Victorian child asking me questions in my inbox. Of course, Victorian child, I have time.
is touya able to manipulate snow and/or any frozen water or is he just able to create it and to what extent is he able to precisely create his ice?
Later on once he has way more control he can shatter natural ice, or fling it in a direction, but he couldn’t force it into a shape or make it float in the air. He can’t do anything to snow. I suppose technically he could bc snow IS ice, but the laws of nature are irrelevant to the laws of ME. If he concentrates hard enough he could make almost anything out of his own ice, but sharper edges are easier than curves.
I also have questions about the mechanics of Kohane's magic because the argument can be made that ice is technically a mineral and therefore a part of the earth? I don't mean to be annoying but I am genuinely interested in the limitations of their magic abilities.
She can’t pick and choose btwn minerals and the components of the earth that she moves. It’s sort of just an all or nothing grab at whatever area she chooses. She can manipulate chunks of rock like a cliff face, but not in large areas. She can’t use ice. And bold of u to assume I thought these through while writing.
As far as like, winter holidays go, is there something like a celebration where they could exchange gifts? + Assuming the vsingers are gods, would their “birthdays” or anniversaries be considered holidays? Like is August 31st the most holy day of the year
I was just gonna say “generic Christmas replacement.” (Len died for your sins) But yes I like that too much. I’ll say there’s a small gift swapping at the end of the year, but Miku’s birthday is more important/the bigger celebration. HM okay wait:
The Kagamine’s birthday is actually a great replacement for Christmas. So 27/12 they do a minor gift swap in their name. Kaito 17/2 can be Day of Devotion (did not steal that from FEH. (Valentines)). Meiko 5/11 is Thanksgiving?? Harvest day??  Luka 30/1 I want to put as some Astral celebration. Like. Guaranteed star showers or smth. They eat octopus to celebrate DSJAHDHAKJ.
Another unrelated question, what is the situation of Akitos runaway sister? because in my head, I have the rough idea of a plot where Mizuki and Touya become unlikely bestest best friends for life and accidentally find her and attempt to reunite her with akito which I think adds another interesting and unique family dynamic to this series full of interesting and unique family dynamics
Ena met Kanade and Mafuyua few years after she left and lives with them. I have not thought of it beyond that tbh. I mainly just mentioned her bc I wasn’t going to pretend Akito DIDN’T have a sister. Smth smth Mafuyu is a spirit trapped/connected to a snow globe from a curse she doesn’t remember. (she was human tho) Kanade had been trying to free her. Ena accidentally stumbles upon them and sticks around bc Kanade liked her art. She doesn’t have magic. Idk if I mentioned that in the fic. Kanade can write sheet music in the air and it will just. Play. Mizutouya besties yippee. Yes please. They go to a clothing store and Touya is like. Mizuki this woman looks like Akito’s sister. “No way! Akito’s way too ugly to be related to her!” Ena whips around like did someone say AKITO?? Ruh roh. Mizuki would eventually join Ena and n25, dragging them into the connected hmds group.
Anyway you've killed me dead are you happy i'm sobbing thank you so much
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cosmica-galaxy · 2 years
What about the main 4 in players world? How would they react to trick or treaters? Or even Carolers?
They would all have their own unique reactions to the Player's world and how it works. Especially if they manage to get a stable connection between Nevada and their world where they can come and go as they please. One major thing they seemed to have forgotten in Nevada, with the exception of 'Madness Day', were other holidays.
The Player's world is not stagnant like Nevada, it shifts and moves and seasons come and go. Just like night and day. When they visited during the time you called "summer" it was much warmer, almost as warm as Nevada. But now a new season had rolled around...and it was much colder than they're used to. But that wasn't the only surprise.
Imagine how surprised they are when they emerge from the portal to not only feel a chill in the air, but to see your home all decked out in Halloween decor and carved pumpkins sitting out with lit candles in them. Finally, you appeared...in a unique set of attire. You were wearing a "Costume", you explained to them and you even told them that they had arrived just in time for trick or treating.
"Trick or Treating?" Deimos had inquired as he looked about your abode and gave a mighty side-eye to the large candy bowl filled to the brim with sweets.
"Yes! Humans have a tradition where young kids dress up in costumes, just like me, and go house to house and trick or treat for sweets! It's all in good fun...and I just happened to live on a street that gets trick or treaters every year. They're about to come around, so you all get comfortable! After we run out of candy, we can turn the porch light off and start making dinner." You explain, before the grunts you've gotten to know decided to explore the house and see the decor.
Hank was the first to take notice.
Being naturally protective of his player, the moment the doorbell rang, he was up and at the door before you could even make moves to leave the kitchen. The door is swung open and Hank stares down at a bunch of little...things. Mini-Humans? They all looked so different from one another and were staring up at him with massive eyes. He stared back through his red goggles before one of the little ones managed to squeak out 'trick or treat'. Thankfully, you got to the door and pushed past your big guard dog and smiled happily at the children and complimented their outfits, handing them each large handfuls of candy. He watches, curious about what was transpiring before the kids scamper off your porch to hit the next house. Hank doesn't understand Halloween, but he finds your jovial and gift-giving personality likable. He still prefers watching horror movie marathons over socializing though.
Deimos and Sanford were much more bold.
You didn't even notice that they slipped OUTSIDE when you were in the kitchen and Hank was watching horror movies while 2B was observing from a seat near a window. The moment you notice them outside was when trick or treaters came to your door like usual. Then, you see Deimos taking pictures with some teenagers and Sanford backing him up with a thumbs up. You were worried, but then you hear the teenagers complimenting their 'costumes' and how they looked 'so real'. You could have sworn that one of the females asked if Deimos was single, which made your eye twitch. Despite that, it made you realize that this was probably the only time of year that they could walk around without questions being thrown at them. So, with a personal request that they at least stay close to the house, you let them roam around outside and look at the street that was decorated with Halloween decor from house to house.
2B was pretty introverted the whole night and wouldn't go near the door.
You just figured that since he was introverted or not typically a friendly or social grunt, that he just merely felt that it would be best to stay inside. Unlike Hank, he barely took interest in the horror movies that Hank would engross himself in. He was people watching and staring at Deimos and Sanford the whole time through the window he was sitting near. He was so still, that some people passing by seemed to think he was a prop before his head moved, making a couple of kids scream. Maybe it was the red goggles. But then, he begins to ask you questions about why humans were so adamant about giving away free sweets to others.
"What's with humans? Why all of the generosity?" He asked you in a confused manner.
"Because it's fun, 2B! The kids have a great time, the parents get to get a moment of peace, and teens get to drink and party. Plus, it's the only time of year where it's appropriate to dress up in public. It's a night of fun, sweets, and self expression." You gently explain from your place next to him.
". . . Humans are strange."
"Haha! If you think humans are generous on Halloween, wait until you guys visit around Christmas time!"
"There's more human holidays??!"
You can only laugh at 2B's expense.
It was an eventful and fun night. Even once the sun had long since set and the candy bowl was empty, you all still had your own brand of fun. Once the porch light was off and the trick or treaters began to slow to a mere few small groups, you and your grunts had a great dinner. You happily fed them, gave them a few drinks, and exchanged gut-busting stories about events that have happened over the past few years.
Halloween was fun before you met your grunts, but now?
Your Halloween was going to be better than ever before!
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wizardfrog69 · 2 years
This is fyodor x gn!reader, have fun
Cw: mentions of blood, death, using someone to ones advantage.
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There was a familiar knock on the door, ‘come in’ a soft voice of a Russian-speaking man echoed in the room in a response to the knock. In came a person holding a tray with a mug holding a soup known as borscht, next to it was a plate with a dish by the name of croquette on it. ‘You should take breaks more often, dear.’ they spoke with a hint of concern. ‘I need to finish this first, myshka.’ the Russian replied, not bothered to address the worry of their partner. ‘Here I made you something to eat... you should eat more darling before you turn into nothing but skin and bones, then who am I going to love?’ “Myshka” responded to the unfaithful remark of the Russian man known as “dear” or “darling." They started walking towards the man, stepping over cables carefully to not drop the tray onto the floor. After placing the tray with the meal on the table “myshka” was asked to leave, to leave the Russian man alone, just like they did every day. They missed the hands which would wrap around their waist, despite the cold nature they always felt warm, they missed the softness of the man's hair between their fingers, smooth, soft, it always smelt nice, like vanilla. They missed the feeling of someone hugging them in their sleep, the late walks at night, and the coffee and tea they drank while sitting together in front of the fire during those cold Russian winters. It has been a couple of weeks living in the news lands of Japan, the atmosphere was severely different than the one back home, better in a way, it was warmer and yet it felt colder.
Myshka put on a coat and left, leaving to explore the beautiful streets of Yokoyama. Walking, visiting different shops, cafes, gardens, and anything which looked remotely interesting. After a long day of walking, thinking about their beloved "darling", they turn a corner, thinking there wouldn't be anything situated in an alleyway, they stumble upon a bar, and so they walk in. ‘hi! Excuse me do you speak English?’ Myshka asked in their broken Japanese, they never spoke in Japanese before now, not having many interactions with the outside world so they could spend at least a second with their beloved “Darling”. There was no response from the bartender about Myshka’s inquiry, nevertheless, another voice spoke. ‘He doesn't speak English.’ A Japanese man with brunette hair and hazel eyes to complement his hair, wearing what looked like a beige trench coat, mahogany brown pants, and a vest with a dress shirt underneath. The man looked up to Myshka and in less than a second he was in front of them, their hands in his, ‘would you like to die with me?’ beseeched the man. ‘Can I at least get a drink first?’ he looked a bit disappointed but then his earlier expression came back. ‘Order whatever you want!’ myshka looked away from the man to glance at the menu which was, unfortunately, for them written in Japanese. ‘What is there to order if I don't even know how to read in Japanese?’ ‘What do you usually get?’ ‘Just a beer’ the man later said something in Japanese which they could not understand. A beer was placed in front of them ‘how much do I pay?’ they asked the man once again. ‘Don’t worry about the bill’ and with a nod, they turned towards the bar and started drinking the beer. After sitting in comfortable silents for a while the man began to speak, ‘where are you from?’ Myshka was told by “darling” to never reveal their identity to anyone. Fortunately, Myshka knew more Slavic languages ‘Poland, Lublin.’ and so the conversation continued.
Looking back on the conversation, they forgot about their troubles and why they left in the first place. Their new so-called identity was this: a Pole coming from the streets of Lublin to visit Japan for a while, they were 24 years old and wanted to travel to a couple of countries before steeling down and getting a job. Now they found themselves Infront of the building hand opening the door. The inside was warmer than the outside by a seemingly three or five degrees Celsius. They took off their coat and waltzed into a dining area only to find the Russian man standing there like he was looking for something lost. Myshka ran up to him and hugged him tightly. ‘Where were you, I was looking for you, myshka.’ myshka felt happy to be, now, in the man’s arms, receiving the hug. Myshka hadn't received his affectionate in such a long time that they feared they had lost the feeling, but it came back, just as they remembered it. ‘I went for a walk.’ the man broke the hug and led the two of them to a coach, ‘Tell me about your travels in Yokoyama.’ his voice was warm, the opposite of what it was in the morning. ‘I found this cute cafe and the coffee is delightful...’ and so they kept talking about their day, leaving out the new friend they made. “darling” Listened with a slight smile on his face seemingly enjoying their rant about their day, in truth the Russian man did not care for them, what they did or drank, he just cared for one thing and that was controlling people to his advantage, his puppets.
‘Did you finish work?’ myshka asked, hope in their voice. ‘No, but I took your advice and wanted to spend my break with you.’ A smile appeared on myshka’s face, they were happy to hear he took a break and wanted to spend it with them. ‘I am tired so can we spend your break in bed?’ myshka offered. The Russian man nodded in response, he did feel tried, he always did but there was work to be done, and this was a part of the job, spending time with his puppet to keep their free will chained to his commands, it was his job, he was working, falling asleep while having a comfortable warm thing in his arms was all a part of the job, nothing more, nothing less, falling asleep was necessary for the job, he wasn't taking a break, he is working.
The sunlight hit the Russian man’s face, waking him up in the process, he opened his eyes and saw myshka, they were awake tracing shapes softly onto his chest. ‘Good morning, dear!’ myshka said enthusiastically. ‘Good morning.’ a small kiss was placed on Myshka's forehead as a greeting gesture, it felt nice, he liked this work and wished to stay like that for a while but there were more pressing matters, an organization found out he was in town, and they have a strong hatred for him. They were quite a strong organisation which discouraged him in sending his puppet out into the streets of Yokohama again, especially after the photographs of them, some of the photographs were pictures of them from their times in Russia, there were photographs of the two them walking through the snow covered park the first time they met, there were photographs of their family grave with their name added on, some photographs were resent while others were from five years ago or from their childhood years, a cassette tape was included with the hundred or so photographs, a transcript of the cassette tape accompanied it, the transcript was the Russian translation of what was said on the tape; the first twenty minutes of the tape was a familiar voice crying, the voice belonged to myshka, and then words were spoken in a unfamiliar language to him, ‘how far did you travel?’ a male voice spoke in what seemed to be Spanish, ‘twenty four hours, fifty nine minutes and twenty eight seconds’ myshka’s voice started to speak in the same language, ‘do you know why you’re here?’ ‘Because I killed your brother’ ‘yes but that’s not all you did, isn’t it?’ ‘I killed your brother, father, mother, grandmother, cousin, and pet goldfish’ ‘and why did you run' the next hour was silent, and the conversation was repeated in forty different languages with an hour break between each conversation, with a different male voice each language.
‘How many languages do you know myshka?’ “darling” asked at the table with a cup of coffee in his hand, ‘I think five, Russian, Polish, Czech, English, and Latin. Oh! And I'm learning Japanese ’ ‘Do you know any Spanish?’ ‘No. Why do you ask?’ ‘No reason, are you doing anything later on?’ ‘Maybe I’ll go and do some grocery shopping, would you like anything specific for dinner?’ ‘no.’ the natural silents filled the room again, it was as if all sound went deaf. The Russian man stood up and left for the office which crept into his mind making it his new home. A couple of hours went by when movement was last heard in the building, myshka had left the building to roam the Yokohama streets as they had previously said. The sound of a door opening, and plastic bags being placed on a table was proof to him that myshka had come back. The footsteps came closer to his door but instead of the familiar knock, there was the sound of paper sliding on the floor. He turned in his chair to find an envelope, opening it and reading the letter, he knew this wasn’t his puppet but someone else’s. It was their writing, but it wasn't them, the letter read: I am being held against my will at *****, please help me.
He was seemingly unfazed as always but there was a strange feeling in his breast as if someone was trying to rip his heart out. He left the room in a hurry and walked in a calm manner towards the and left.
He found himself at the address given, it was an alleyway but there seemed to be no one there. ‘You came and they told me you didn't love me and only saw me as your puppet.’ myshka’s weak voice sounded from the very end of the valley, hearing his puppet’s voice made the pain in his breast worse, yet he walked to the weak form in front of him. His puppet was sitting against the back wall, looking up to the Russian man, blood covering their physique. ‘What happened myshka?’ he said subconsciously kneeling to his puppet and took their hand in his, ‘say you love me’ ‘who'd done it.’ ‘Prove them wrong, say you love me.’ ‘I need to take you to a hospital.’ ‘I've seen enough death to know if someone going to survive... god I feel so tried’ the puppet spoke, weaker than before. He moved closer to their weak form and held their hand tightly, ‘you know I love you myshka.’ his eyes started to feel strange, ‘I love you too Fyodor...’ the spark in their eyes was gone. Their breath drew short before stopping, their life had stopped. Hearing his name being called with the last breath his puppet took felt... unfamiliar, suddenly his cheeks felt wet and there was a salty taste in his mouth. He stared at the body in his arms, he felt the pain in his breast become greater with every second which'd passed, his body started shaking, his warmth had turned cold.
This was kind of rushed, sorry if it's bad, I'm not used to writing shit like this, have a good day/night!
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starsmuserainbow · 10 months
Headcanon Time - Tamaran
It’s time for another (repost of a) headcanon! As visible in the above title, I’ll focus on my thoughts/views about Tamaran.
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As usual, find the headcanons below the cut!
Tamaran once was a very paradise-like environment. Lush, many plants and flowers and various creatures(I’ll refer to them as animals, but remember that some are very different to earthen animals) lived here.
Then there came the war with the Citadel, and as it got closer to finally being over, almost all of the former green was gone. Only very few plants and animals have survived, the ground is now barren and unable to produce new flora. - The tamaraneans try to keep the few remaining pieces of flora alive, doing their best to take care of plants where one appears.
Before the war, the tamaranean sky was golden during the day, and dark red at night. Now, it has a magenta-purple color all the time, though the magenta is stronger during the day and the purple during night time.
There is nothing like snow on Tamaran. Rain happens every now and then, but more rare than on earth and when it rains it does so very heavily and accompanied by strong winds.
It used to be mostly of tropical climate, but by now the air feels more desert-like (rough, dry, you get the idea), and the average temperature is like a hot summer day is here, say like 30°C/86°F. (I use a calculator for the °F values, for I don’t know about them) - There are fluctuations of course, and some days are a lot warmer still. - Colder days, on the other hand, are a very very very rare exception, though every few months there are about two to three nights where the temperature drops down rapidly to a freezing level. (-> These sudden changes were presumably a part of what caused the tamaranean resistance to temperature changes) On these cold nights, the air during the day is very humid and gives a big contrast to how the tamaranean air normally is, which is basically the only way to see the sudden temperature drop coming.
Tamaraneans were spread all over the planet, living anywhere and enjoying the nature that offered more than enough to live from (while being careful of the more dangerous species of animals of course). After the loss of most of the planet’s nature, that changed and there are much more tamaraneans in the same locations, this made the ‘cities’ a lot bigger and more populated.
There are a few ‘cities’ that were built only after the loss of most of the flora, and they were normally built around some remained part of flora. The tamaranean castle, on the other hand, was built before the tree inside of it grew (once the castle was finished a small seedling was placed in the middle of its most centered room and it grew over all the time that the castle already stands), and by now the tree is starting to reach another floor which will then have to have the ground/floor removed partly so that the tree can continue to grow.
Tamaranean buildings are tall, often with very high halls and only very rarely built with stairs. They have enough technology that actually provides non-flyers a way to get up to a floor, so there was never a reason to build much stairs.
The buildings are made of different material than earthen ones. Especially the outsides are much sturdier, made to withstand attacks of any kind (to a certain degree) if necessary. The inside walls are very strong too, any wall could easily withstand a starbolt or allergic sneezes (the allergies were a big reason for making the buildings very sturdy). They are very resistant against energy-like attacks (like the starbolts), and while they can better hold strong physical force than an earthen building could, a tamaranean full-force punch or throw or something of similar strength/force can easily cause damage to the inner walls. To the outer walls, as well, but the effort needed is quite a bit higher there. - I based this a lot on the fight that’s shown in ‘Betrothed’. If you pay attention, most of the breaks in walls and floors and such come from one of the two sisters crashing into them, and the starbolts often don’t even cause any crumbles in the walls.
Tamaran doesn’t have windows. Very often there aren’t even doors and instead simply archs (which fits better to making a room very tall anyway), and if there are things that look like windows, it’s actually only the ‘mesh’ of that what would be holding the glass if it was on earth.
As seen in betrothed, tamaranean tableware is very heavy. This isn’t on purpose, it’s simply because of the material they use. It had to be sturdy, yet not using any of the common metals that exist around Tamaran because people have allergies against those sometimes, and the resulting material was what they use now. It is heavy for human standards, but it wasn’t anything the tamaraneans had to worry about for they have their strength. It feels and acts a lot like metal, but it’s actually a kind of rock that exists on tamaran which can be formed/molded under high temperatures.
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ramshacklestar · 1 year
Yuuna (Yuu): Senses and Other Specific Headcanons.
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what  does  your  muse  smell  like  ? Lavender and clean linen, being as Ramshackle doesn't have a washer or dryer utility Yuu ends up needing to hand wash all of her clothes along with Grim's little ribbon as well as their bedding. There isn't really a scent to the soap she uses to wash her clothing with, just leaving it with a clean scent. However when bathing herself she uses a lavender scented shampoo and conditioner combo with again a mostly unscented soap.
what  do  your  muse’s  hands  feel  like ? Soft, delicate and consistently warm; Yuu takes very good care of herself and the only time the feel of her hands change is after being scratched by Grim. At that point her one hand was rough while the wound healed.
what  does  your  muse  usually  eat  in  a  day ? Yuu doesn't really eat much; she'll shove a toasted piece of bread in her mouth in the morning, usually because thanks to Grim they're running late. Lunch tends to be an egg salad with garden greens or a tuna salad also with garden greens and she tends to get a couple portions worth of the lunch to also save for dinner later unless Grim and Yuu have a pre-planned dinner at mostro lounge in which she usually goes for the whatever Grim chooses for himself and picks off his plate.
does  your  muse  have  any  bad  habits  or  nervous  ticks  ? Yuu stutters a lot when nervous or in a precarious situation usually because her mind it working to figure out what to say and her words get jumbled in her brain coming out as a stuttering mess. She also has a habit of losing herself in her thoughts whether it be in reference to school, work or if she's dreaming about the great seven again. During those moments it is fairly obvious she isn't listening, which can of course be perceived as rude.
does  your  muse  have  a  good  singing  voice ? Yuu has a fairly average singing voice, not spectacular by any means but not tone deaf. Every now and then you might catch her humming a tune from her own world but as for actually singing she needs to have quite a bit of trust in you to sing for you. This is because she's self-conscious about her own voice.
what  does  your  muse  usually  look  like/wear  ? When she isn't wearing her school uniform or gym clothing she'll be sporting a NRC branded sweatshirt (one of the few things Crowley provided her with) and jeans combo during the colder months. During the warmer months she'll wear a plain whatever color she chose that day t-shirt with either a skirt of pair of shorts. Outside of school she only wears her gym shoes leaving the dress shoes for her uniform.
is  your  muse  affectionate  ?  How  so  ? Yuu is the type that will offer kind words and an occasional hug for her friends providing them with a little affection but for a significant other she is very affectionate. Things such as combing through her s/o's hair, massages, giving frequent hugs and kisses and as many warming cuddles as the s/o may want are frequent things they would receive. Yuu is the type that definitely wants her s/o to be happy and comfortable as much as possible.
what  position  does  your  muse  sleep  in  ? Primarily on her side with Grim curled next to her midsection; occasionally she will flop onto her stomach with her head turned to the side and her arms under her pillow. That however, tends to be when she's having one of her many strange dreams/nightmares.
could  you  hear  your  muse  in  the  hallway  from  another  room  ? Only if she's yelling at her freshmen companions after trying to split up whatever fight they may have gotten into that day and her attempts to speak at a reasonable tone are ignored. Otherwise Yuu has a soft voice that can even border on hard to hear when in the same room as her.
Tagged By: @muraenide (Thank you <3 ) Tagging: My other blog (@sleepysilverknight) and whoever else has the patience to do this.
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hvndredbattles · 3 months
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NAME: Richie Arden
RESIDENCE: In most verses (aka ones in which he's active duty, but not in a committed relationship), in the barracks wherever he's currently stationed, in the officers' SSLA area.
TYPE OF BED: I believe fulls are standard? Fulls or doubles, but I can't find the specific details right now. It's nothing fancy. A firm, spring mattress with standard issue linens. He makes it first thing in the morning, even if he's not expecting an inspection. He's used to it, if not worse. (It's actually difficult for him to sleep in nicer beds, due to that familiarity.)
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: Typically just the one sheet. A thicker, warmer blanket over top in cold climates or winter months.
NUMBER OF PILLOWS: The standard one or two, depending on the bed.
TYPE OF CLOTHING: Thin joggers/sweat pants, and plain t-shirt if it's a colder climate. (While deployed, he's had nights even within the current base where he'll just crash on top of his bedding in full day clothes, but he tries not to do that--sleep in full uniform--while not in the field, to avoid crossing wires in his brain.)
DO THEY SLEEP WITH COMPANY?: Outside of a committed relationship, very very rarely. He likes his space, and isn't huge on sharing it with others.
DO THEY SLEEP BETTER WITH COMPANY?: There's a direct correlation between relationship with said company, and the answer to this question. So no, but then at a certain point, yes. He'll struggle to sleep soundly while in bed with someone he doesn't know well. But once he's in a relationship, he sleeps markedly better when in bed with his partner than sleeping alone.
DOES IT MATTER WHERE THEY SLEEP?: Somewhat? In his line of work, he's definitely used to sleeping where he can, when he can, particularly while deployed. And that does carry over to the fact that you might catch him dozing during "team bonding" in a semi-private rec space. He'd like to sleep in a bed, as a rule of thumb, and somewhere he knows is secure is obviously a bonus, but sometimes beggars can't be choosers.
WHAT DO THEY DO IF THEY CANNOT FALL ASLEEP?: He'll usually lay there and grow increasingly annoyed that he can't sleep. He might get up and make himself a cup of tea (decaf), but getting out of bed feels so often to him like giving up, because once he's up and moving, sleepiness tends to recede to a point he can't reach. If he knows he's not going to manage it, he'll get up, maybe go for a jog, or do a light workout to try to wear himself down. Otherwise, he's likely to sit up in his office working at whatever paperwork he's been avoiding, or tracking down something work-related to read.
FREQUENT DREAMS, NIGHTMARES: Not a particularly active dreamer in either direction. He has the odd nightmare. The most prominent recurring one would be snatches of memories (or twisted memories) from his time as a POW; if he's already on edge going to sleep and rolls onto his back while asleep, one of these nightmares is more likely to occur. Otherwise, sometimes the odd dream from combat; he wouldn't always call them nightmares, though the ones he tends to remember are of heavier subject matter. And sometimes he dreams of his childhood home, and those feel just as strange.
DEEP SLUMBER OR NAPS: He sleeps through the night, generally. Naps are typically for when sleep simply Is Not An Option, due external constraints, or if it's been a particularly physically taxing day, he might try to sneak an afternoon nap to push through to the end of the day.
WHEN DO THEY SLEEP: When he gets the chance. He does like time to himself, so he tries to end the day at a reasonable hour and go home/to his room to unwind and sleep at a sane hour corresponding with his expected wake-up time the next day. But again, while deployed, it's a "whenever there's an opportunity, wherever he can take advantage of it" type of deal.
WHAT COULD WAKE THEM UP: Anything that sounds like it could be a combat-related sound. (Loud pops, bangs, that sort of thing.) Raised voices. All the usual sorts of things you would expect to rouse someone used to needing to be up in a flash should enemy engagement come while they're asleep. And anything angled specifically toward waking him up. (He'll also stir if his partner shifts around too much or gets out of bed, but he can be settled back into sleep easily in that particular circumstance.)
EARLY OR LATE RISER: Early riser. More-so out of habit (years and years of habit, even before the military) than true preference. He only indulges in lazing in bed and late rising if he's in a relationship, and in bed with his partner with time off.
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wyatt-06 · 4 months
Keep Your Furry Friends Well Groomed This Winter
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In winter, grooming doesn't end! In cool winter months, taking care of your dog's coat is much more important because the cold weather also promotes the growth of fur, which leads to matts and skin issues. These easy ideas for treatment help keep your dog's coat safe in winter and can be a fun experience for the entire family. There is a widespread misunderstanding that dogs should to be cared for or only cared for moderately during winter season. In the winter time, dog care is something many owners ignore, but it's necessary, we can’t neglect it. Well before bad weather really starts, having the dog absolutely cared for is a sensible thing so they can get ready for the bad climates or winter colds.  Grooming is not just during warm weathers.  Admittedly, dog grooming during the winter season is as essential as it is during the warmer months for the health and well-being of your dog. A good coat is like a (protector) – it functions like a temperature controller, holds the winter warm and keep the summer warm.   The main thing is to keep your dog in excellent condition over the seasons so that it can help to manage temperature. It includes simple maintenance, for example, washing, cleaning, hydrating, removal of tangles and mats.
Here are some good tips you should follow during winter seasons:
One of our most convenience and easy tip is preparing your dog's hair which is long and hard for colder months are to keep the skin and coat safe. Daily grooming is essential.  It’s all some few minutes every day you need and it's a good way to link up with your pets.  Other factor includes dog's winter coat may conceal skin nasties, such as bobble, sores or rashes. For various hair styles, special dog brushes are available. We Recommend:
TRIXIE, Dog Slicker Brush with Brush Cleaner
TRIXIE, Brush with Natural Bristles
TRIXIE, Trixie Soft Slicker Brush
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Like people, dogs also struggle during the wintertime- Hair and  dry face. Cold air, wind and heaters all add to dryness in the house. The easiest way to avoid hair and skin problems is to ensure that your dog doesn't suffer! Using a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner in winter leaves the face and pelvis safe and lascivious. We recommend:
Forbis Aloe Rinse Dog Conditioner, 750 ml
Forbis Long Coat Aloe Shampoo, 750 ml
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We prefer to go out less as the weather is cold, and our Dogs don't play or walk on pavement the way they always do. This means that their nails are not naturally wearing and require daily inspections. When you listen to some sound of their nails  on your floors, it is time for a trim. Hold the paws in top form. For nails cutting and clipping we recommend.
Andis Cordless Nail Grinder
Standard Pet Nail Clipper, Large
Dog/Cat Nail Clipper
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Like your skin, The paws of dogs will get dry even if outside in winter. The pads will crack and in some instances get infected if they are severe enough.  Using a hydrating balm on the pads will help stop cracks. Another simple and convenient approach is to clean your dog's paws after any round with a dry towel.  Even you can use good shampoos and products.
Many pet parents feel that the dog would be weakened by the haircut during the cold weather because the dog wants his coat to be warm. Although that's true, it's also important that most dogs aren't always living outside , usually in such a central warmed house with an owner. House dogs should not be dependent, as wild animals do, on long fur and a thick undercoat for warmth. It is okay to make a trim in winter to your dog. Consider a longer trim or a doggie jacket, whether you're worried about the coldness of your dog on outings. We recommend some trimmers for hair cut:
Andis 12-Piece Adjustable Blade Pet Clipper Kit
Andis 4x4 Quad Blade Drive For Animal Grooming Clippers
Daily baths and coater for the preservation of the natural oils of a puppy. This helps keep your skin and your shell protected and prevents dry skin or dandruff.
Thankfully, the expense of matting is usually when a dog's robe expands for a very long time in winter. But you knew a dog would be as cold with long matt fur as if rasped? Mats provide moisture on the skin that is not only cold but also provides a bacterial-friendly climate. It makes the dog excessively itchy and irritable, Matting is too incredibly painful. Through the growth of a long coat, you must note that protecting your dog's skin and hair is always important in order to ensure its wellbeing.
You may want to look for alternative ways to exert your dog mostly during winter if they are vulnerable to weight gain instead of cutting your dog's calories. Perhaps they should play indoor games or take them a few days a week to a doggy daycare where they can play indoor games. Fitness is part and parcel, but do not neglect this vital component of doggy care.
The only protection against blistering cold is your dog's coat during the winter. The hair of a dog will be influenced by its diet adversely. They will become thinly or dry whether they have food allergies or intolerance. If the coat of your dog is not safe and bright, you may want to have it taken for an allergy test to the doctor
Finally, it is important that daily cleaning are continued throughout the winter season. Many groomers prescribe a daily brushing at home every 4-6 weeks. Your groomer will keep your dog’s long winter coat, skin, paws and general cleaning fitness during the winter months on a daily basis. So take care of your dog’s health, stay safe, stay healthy. 
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velvethana · 6 months
PHONING... 𓂃 ࣪˖ sparks.
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Watching the fireworks with Yeonjun, nothing is as sweet as the final comedown.
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જ⁀➴♡ wc 700 : drabble ✧ fluff , comfort
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It was raining on the day that you met Yeonjun. With your hair wet and tangled, with droplets of water sliding down your cheeks like crystal teardrops and the uncomfortable feeling of sopping wet clothes clinging to your body.
It was in the midst of the longest you had gone without human contact when you met him; without the soft, conceding warmth of someone else's skin. The rain felt much colder alone.
You began to crave it after a while, missing the comfort one could provide. Missing the ability to obsess over the most trivial things they shared with you.
The small things like a hand on your shoulder or breakfast with company in the morning seemed much warmer in the past of your recollected memories.
When you met Yeonjun, it had been in the middle of wondering how long it would be before you’d lose all recollection of that love.
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It was in the lobby of the office’s building the two of you crossed paths, both seemingly recovering from the torrential downpour outside.
Maybe it was the position you were in at that time of your life, or maybe it was just his smile.
You realized that there was penance in yearning and the poverty that comes from pining for someone, rich only in the love that you gave away.
It was in the first time meeting him that you came to realize, sometimes the loneliest place to be is in love.
It changed the more you saw each other. Two strangers shaking from the rain somehow agreed to reunite in any weather, to experience it all together.
It was one sunny day when he took your trembling hands in his, placing a gentle kiss to your wrist as his eyes peered up at you with devotion.
“You’re safe with me.”
His touch was sweet like a memory of something long gone and you wanted to fold yourself into his arms like origami to stay with him forever, perfectly placed in his heart.
He tells you how precious you are to him and that he will spoil you with love if you allow him to.
It happened just like that.
One day you met him and for some inexplicable reason, you felt more connected to this stranger than anyone else.
No matter how you tried to find the reason, to understand the importance of your meeting, you always came up short.
Perhaps it was because Yeonjun carried an angel within him in your eyes.
Yeonjun, an angel sent to you for some higher purpose, to keep you safe during a perilous time.
To heal and gently put back together a heart that he did not break.
Regardless of the reasoning, you made the conscious decision to trust him.
Even if he came hand in hand with pain or suffering, you decided to risk it all for his smile.
Finding that the reason for his presence in your life will become clear in due time.
And as you grew to love him, you came to realize that his purpose isn't to save you but to show you how to save yourself.
And once this was fulfilled, the halo lifted but the glow in your heart remained all the same.
After the fireworks come down, the smell of gunpowder lingered and his arm pulled you into him, bodies coming together. Overwhelming your senses now with only him.
“It's so dark right now, I can't see any light around me.”
In the darkness, you felt the wind catch in your hair as your nose twitched at the cold.
The hushed whispers around you were drowned out by your favorite laugh, his lips coming down to press against your forehead gently.
“That's because the light is coming from you. You can't see it but I can.”
You had always thought that the feeling of joy Yeonjun gave you was a prelude to something wonderful— something greater than yourselves.
Like seeing a shooting star or getting a text from an old friend when you weren't expecting one, the unexpected but welcome development of love— the swift, surprising transition from nothing to everything.
A fleeting feeling that held a world of promise.
And then the light pierced through the dark as the rain stopped falling, leaving only the sparks of the fireworks behind.
And all the while, he held you whispering his confessions of love under them all.
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જ⁀➴♡ phone in ᝰ.ᐟ
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ddrv · 10 months
5 Things to Do Before RV Camping This Winter
Many RV owners who live in colder climates winterize and store their RVs through the coldest months of the year, counting down the days until they can finally get back on the road when spring brings warmer weather.
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But for some, winter RVing can be a superb family adventure. Whether you just got an outstanding deal at the leading Idaho RV dealers and want to break in your new rig or you’re towing your snowmobiles into the mountains to enjoy a few days of fresh powder, there are plenty of ways to enjoy a winter excursion in your RV.
Keep in mind, though, that winter brings unique challenges, especially when it comes to RVing. Before you embark on your adventure, it’s wise to put together a solid plan. During this process, take care of these five suggestions ahead of a winter RV trip.
Consider Winterizing Your RV Before Traveling
If you’d like to go RVing in the Rocky Mountains this winter, odds are you’ll experience temperatures below freezing. It’s vital that you take steps to protect your RV when the mercury drops below 32° F, so you’ll want to winterize your RV before you hit the road.
Most folks think of winterizing their RV as a step when preparing it for winter storage. However, you can still travel and camp in a winterized RV. You just need to empty the water tanks, drain the water heater and water lines, and disable the plumbing to prevent any potential damage.
Insulate Your RV to Stay Comfortable and Conserve Energy
Comfort is one of the primary reasons many families prefer RV camping to tent camping, especially as the weather gets colder. But if you don’t properly insulate your RV, you’ll find that your RV interior gets just as chilly as if you were camped outside in a tent.
Start by insulating your windows and skylight. You can even insulate a roof vent or two, but be careful to leave enough ventilation so your fan can run and prevent moisture accumulation. You should also cover your AC unit to keep cold air out. Don’t forget to insulate slide-outs as well if you bought one of the larger RVs for sale Boise has to offer.
Pack the Right Clothing and Winter Essentials
Depending on how much cargo space your RV has, it’s wise to pack for your winter RV trip as though you’re tent camping. Sleeping bags, warm clothing, and waterproof boots are critical. You’ll also want to inspect your RV’s emergency supply kit and consider adding some winter-specific items, such as kitty litter and hand warmers.
In a winterized RV, you’ll want to be sure you bring plenty of water for washing, cleaning, and, of course, making hot chocolate. There’s nothing quite like a warm beverage on a frigid day.
Prepare for Winter Driving
Whether you’re traveling in a brand-new rig or you opted for one of the top used motorhomes for sale at your RV dealer, you need to prepare yourself for winter driving. Driving an RV, especially a large Class A or Super C, can be challenging enough on a clear day. But when you add inclement weather to the mix, the driver needs to be at the top of their game.
Know your braking distance, check your headlights, and measure your tire pressure. Above all, drive defensively and pad your itinerary with plenty of extra time to get from point A to point B so you never feel rushed.
Keep an Eye on the Forecast
Winter weather can be extremely limiting both on the road and in the campground, and this is especially true when you’re in an RV. That’s why it’s crucial that you keep an eye on the forecast both leading up to and during your winter RV trip.
The last thing you want is to get caught in a freak storm. If there’s a chance that such conditions might develop while you’re on the road, put some serious thought into rescheduling your trip. After all, it’s difficult to enjoy a winter RV adventure if you’re going to be fighting bad weather the whole way.
About DDRV
When you’re ready to hit the road and immerse yourself in the Gem State’s natural beauty, start your next adventure with DDRV. For nearly 50 years, Treasure Valley families have turned to DDRV for RVs, boats, snowmobiles, ATVs, and much more. After all these years, DDRV is still family-owned. That means you can stop by and shop with confidence, knowing their friendly, knowledgeable staff will treat you like a neighbor, not a number. You’ll also find a fully stocked parts center and a skilled service team featuring the most Master Certified technicians in Idaho. Visit DDRV today to check out their impressive in-stock selection, including a thoroughly inspected used inventory. Discover everything the leading Idaho RV dealers have to offer at DDRV.
Discover Idaho’s natural wonders in a new RV, boat, or ATV from DDRV at https://ddrv.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/46t068o
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eazy-group · 1 year
Seasonal Skincare Switch-Up: Adapting Your Routine for Winter and Summer
New Post has been published on https://eazybeauty.net/seasonal-skincare-switch-up-adapting-your-routine-for-winter-and-summer/
Seasonal Skincare Switch-Up: Adapting Your Routine for Winter and Summer
Seasonal changes can have a significant impact on our skin, and it’s important to adapt our skincare routine accordingly. As the weather gets colder in winter and hotter in summer, our skin’s needs change, and we need to switch up our products and techniques to keep it healthy and glowing. In this article, we’ll explore the best ways to adapt your skincare routine for winter and summer, so you can keep your skin looking and feeling its best all year round.
Winter Skincare: Tips for Keeping Your Skin Hydrated and Protected from the Cold
As the seasons change, so should your skincare routine. During the winter months, the cold weather can wreak havoc on your skin, leaving it dry, flaky, and irritated. To combat these issues, it’s important to adapt your skincare routine to the colder weather.
First and foremost, hydration is key. The cold air outside and the dry heat inside can strip your skin of its natural moisture, so it’s important to use a hydrating moisturizer to keep your skin soft and supple. Look for moisturizers that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides, which help to lock in moisture and protect your skin’s barrier.
In addition to using a hydrating moisturizer, it’s also important to exfoliate regularly. Dead skin cells can build up on the surface of your skin, making it look dull and dry. By exfoliating, you can remove these dead skin cells and reveal the fresh, glowing skin underneath. However, be careful not to over-exfoliate, as this can actually damage your skin and make it more sensitive to the cold.
Another important step in your winter skincare routine is to protect your skin from the elements. The cold wind and snow can be harsh on your skin, so it’s important to use a protective barrier, like a scarf or hat, to shield your face from the cold. You should also use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, even on cloudy days, as the sun’s rays can still damage your skin in the winter.
Finally, don’t forget to take care of your lips. The skin on your lips is thinner and more delicate than the skin on the rest of your face, so it’s more susceptible to dryness and cracking. Use a lip balm with hydrating ingredients like shea butter or coconut oil to keep your lips soft and moisturized.
By following these tips, you can keep your skin hydrated and protected during the winter months. However, as the weather starts to warm up, it’s important to switch up your skincare routine once again.
During the summer months, the heat and humidity can cause your skin to produce more oil, leading to breakouts and clogged pores. To combat these issues, it’s important to use lightweight, oil-free products that won’t clog your pores.
One of the most important steps in your summer skincare routine is to use a lightweight, oil-free sunscreen. Look for a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 that is labeled “non-comedogenic,” which means it won’t clog your pores. You should also reapply your sunscreen every two hours, especially if you’re swimming or sweating.
In addition to using a lightweight sunscreen, it’s also important to cleanse your skin thoroughly to remove any excess oil and sweat. Use a gentle cleanser twice a day to keep your skin clean and clear.
Another important step in your summer skincare routine is to use a toner. Toners help to remove any remaining dirt and oil from your skin, and they can also help to balance your skin’s pH levels. Look for a toner that contains ingredients like salicylic acid or witch hazel, which can help to unclog your pores and prevent breakouts.
Finally, don’t forget to hydrate your skin. Even though the weather is warmer, your skin still needs moisture to stay healthy and glowing. Use a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated without clogging your pores.
By adapting your skincare routine to the changing seasons, you can keep your skin healthy and glowing all year round. Whether you’re battling the cold winter weather or the hot summer sun, these tips will help you keep your skin hydrated, protected, and beautiful.
Summer Skincare: How to Adjust Your Routine for Sun Protection and Sweat
As the temperature rises and the sun shines brighter, it’s important to adjust your skincare routine to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun and sweat. Here are some tips on how to adapt your skincare routine for summer.
First and foremost, make sure to use a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day, even if you’re not planning on spending much time outside. The sun’s UV rays can still penetrate through windows and cause damage to your skin. Look for a sunscreen that is water-resistant and broad-spectrum, meaning it protects against both UVA and UVB rays.
In addition to sunscreen, consider using a hat or umbrella to provide extra shade and protection for your face and body. Sunglasses are also important to protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays.
As the weather gets hotter, you may find yourself sweating more than usual. This can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. To combat this, make sure to cleanse your skin thoroughly twice a day with a gentle cleanser. Look for a cleanser that is specifically formulated for your skin type, whether it’s oily, dry, or combination.
Exfoliating once or twice a week can also help to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. However, be careful not to over-exfoliate, as this can cause irritation and dryness.
To keep your skin hydrated and healthy during the summer months, use a lightweight moisturizer that won’t clog your pores. Look for a moisturizer that contains ingredients like hyaluronic acid or glycerin, which help to lock in moisture without feeling heavy or greasy.
If you’re planning on spending time in the water, whether it’s at the beach or in a pool, make sure to rinse off as soon as possible afterwards. Chlorine and salt water can be drying and irritating to the skin, so it’s important to remove them as soon as possible.
Finally, don’t forget to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. This will not only help to keep your skin looking healthy and glowing, but it will also help to regulate your body temperature and prevent dehydration.
In conclusion, adapting your skincare routine for summer is all about protecting your skin from the sun and sweat, while keeping it hydrated and healthy. By following these tips, you can enjoy the summer months without worrying about damaging your skin.
The Importance of Exfoliation in Seasonal Skincare Switch-Ups
As the seasons change, so should your skincare routine. The cold, dry air of winter can wreak havoc on your skin, while the hot, humid days of summer can lead to excess oil and breakouts. One key element of any seasonal skincare switch-up is exfoliation.
Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. This not only helps to brighten and smooth your complexion, but it also allows your other skincare products to penetrate more deeply and work more effectively. However, not all exfoliants are created equal, and the type of exfoliation that works best for you may vary depending on the season.
In the winter, your skin is more prone to dryness and flakiness. This means that harsh physical exfoliants, such as scrubs with large, gritty particles, can actually do more harm than good. Instead, opt for a gentle chemical exfoliant, such as an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) or beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) toner. These types of exfoliants work by dissolving the bonds between dead skin cells, allowing them to be easily swept away without causing irritation.
Another great option for winter exfoliation is a gentle enzyme exfoliant. Enzymes are natural proteins that break down dead skin cells, and they are particularly effective for those with sensitive skin. Look for products containing papaya or pineapple enzymes, which are gentle yet effective.
In the summer, your skin is more likely to produce excess oil and sweat, which can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. This means that physical exfoliants, such as scrubs or brushes, can be a great option for keeping your skin clear and smooth. However, it’s important to choose a gentle exfoliant that won’t cause irritation or inflammation.
One great option for summer exfoliation is a konjac sponge. These sponges are made from the root of the konjac plant and are gentle enough to use every day. They work by gently buffing away dead skin cells and impurities, leaving your skin feeling soft and smooth.
Another great option for summer exfoliation is a clay mask. Clay masks work by drawing out impurities and excess oil from your pores, leaving your skin feeling clean and refreshed. Look for masks containing kaolin or bentonite clay, which are gentle yet effective.
No matter what type of exfoliant you choose, it’s important to be gentle and not overdo it. Over-exfoliation can lead to irritation, inflammation, and even damage to your skin’s natural barrier. Aim to exfoliate no more than once or twice a week, and always follow up with a hydrating moisturizer to keep your skin soft and supple.
In conclusion, exfoliation is an important part of any seasonal skincare switch-up. In the winter, opt for gentle chemical or enzyme exfoliants to combat dryness and flakiness, while in the summer, physical exfoliants such as konjac sponges or clay masks can help keep your skin clear and smooth. Remember to be gentle and not overdo it, and always follow up with a hydrating moisturizer to keep your skin healthy and glowing all year round.
Natural Ingredients to Incorporate into Your Seasonal Skincare Routine
As the seasons change, so should your skincare routine. The harsh winter weather can leave your skin dry and flaky, while the hot summer sun can cause damage and breakouts. To keep your skin looking its best all year round, it’s important to adapt your skincare routine to the changing seasons. One way to do this is by incorporating natural ingredients into your routine that are specifically suited to the season.
In the winter, it’s important to focus on hydrating and nourishing your skin. The cold weather can strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry and prone to irritation. One natural ingredient that can help combat this is honey. Honey is a natural humectant, which means it helps to lock in moisture and keep your skin hydrated. It also has antibacterial properties, which can help to prevent breakouts and soothe any existing irritation. To incorporate honey into your winter skincare routine, try using a honey-based face mask once a week or using a honey-infused moisturizer.
Another natural ingredient that can be beneficial in the winter is shea butter. Shea butter is rich in fatty acids and vitamins, which help to nourish and protect your skin. It’s also deeply moisturizing, making it a great choice for those with dry or sensitive skin. To incorporate shea butter into your winter skincare routine, look for a shea butter-based body lotion or face cream.
In the summer, it’s important to focus on protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. One natural ingredient that can help with this is aloe vera. Aloe vera is known for its soothing and cooling properties, making it a great choice for sunburned or irritated skin. It also contains antioxidants that can help to protect your skin from free radical damage caused by the sun. To incorporate aloe vera into your summer skincare routine, try using aloe vera gel as a lightweight moisturizer or using a sunscreen that contains aloe vera.
Another natural ingredient that can be beneficial in the summer is green tea. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which can help to protect your skin from UV damage and prevent premature aging. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to soothe any existing irritation or redness. To incorporate green tea into your summer skincare routine, try using a green tea-infused toner or face mist.
Incorporating natural ingredients into your seasonal skincare routine can help to keep your skin looking and feeling its best all year round. Whether you’re dealing with dry winter skin or sun-damaged summer skin, there’s a natural ingredient out there that can help. By adapting your skincare routine to the changing seasons and incorporating these natural ingredients, you can ensure that your skin stays healthy and radiant no matter what the weather brings.
How to Transition Your Skincare Routine from Winter to Summer (and Vice Versa)
As the seasons change, so should your skincare routine. The harsh winter weather can leave your skin dry and flaky, while the hot summer sun can cause damage and breakouts. It’s important to adapt your skincare routine to the changing seasons to keep your skin healthy and glowing all year round.
Transitioning from winter to summer skincare can be a bit of a challenge, but with a few simple changes, you can make the switch seamlessly. Here are some tips to help you transition your skincare routine from winter to summer (and vice versa).
Switch to a lighter moisturizer
During the winter months, your skin needs a heavier moisturizer to combat the dry air. But as the weather warms up, you’ll want to switch to a lighter moisturizer that won’t clog your pores or leave your skin feeling greasy. Look for a moisturizer that’s oil-free and has a lightweight formula.
Use a gentle exfoliator
Exfoliating is important all year round, but during the winter months, you’ll want to use a gentler exfoliator to avoid irritating your skin. As the weather warms up, you can switch to a more intense exfoliator to help remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. Just be sure not to overdo it, as too much exfoliation can damage your skin.
Protect your skin from the sun
Sun protection is important all year round, but it’s especially important during the summer months when the sun’s rays are stronger. Make sure to use a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day, even if you’re just running errands or spending time indoors. And don’t forget to reapply every two hours if you’re spending time outside.
Use a hydrating serum
During the winter months, your skin can become dehydrated due to the dry air. To combat this, use a hydrating serum that will help lock in moisture and keep your skin looking plump and healthy. As the weather warms up, you can switch to a lighter serum that won’t leave your skin feeling oily.
Switch to a lighter cleanser
During the winter months, you’ll want to use a heavier cleanser to remove makeup and dirt without stripping your skin of its natural oils. But as the weather warms up, you can switch to a lighter cleanser that won’t leave your skin feeling dry or tight. Look for a gentle cleanser that’s free of harsh chemicals and fragrances.
Don’t forget about your lips
Your lips can become dry and chapped during the winter months, so make sure to use a hydrating lip balm to keep them moisturized. As the weather warms up, you can switch to a lighter lip balm that won’t feel heavy or greasy on your lips.
Transitioning your skincare routine from winter to summer (and vice versa) doesn’t have to be difficult. By making a few simple changes, you can keep your skin healthy and glowing all year round. Just remember to protect your skin from the sun, use a gentle exfoliator, and switch to a lighter moisturizer and cleanser as the weather changes. And don’t forget to hydrate your skin with a serum and your lips with a hydrating lip balm. With these tips, you’ll be ready to face any season with beautiful, healthy skin.
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