#and if not then
sunlitmcgee · 2 years
pro-life fucks that oppose abortion in cases where the fetus would be born so severely disabled that the baby would die after 20 minutes make me laugh cuz you KNOW that the same fuckers straight up drool at the idea of school systems being a living HELL for the disabled babies that make it.
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amynchan · 6 years
Hello everyone.
It feels like it’s been a while since I’ve addressed everyone like that.  Life’s been moving at a crazy pace for someone like me and I haven’t been up to addressing much of anyone as of late.
However, there are days when even the most hectic of times need to take a breath and take a break. I’ve decided that this is one of those times.  And I’ve decided to spend a portion of it talking to you.  The topic isn’t terribly controversial to my eyes, but I felt it was something I wanted to say.
I wanted to say “Merry Christmas”.  To everyone who celebrates it.  It can be a great time.  It can be a stressful time, too.
For me, it’s a time where, when the spirit of Christmas finally wraps up all around me, I get to be surrounded by my family.  Usually that’s good for me.  I see my family put aside their squabbles and distance to give each other gifts.  I see surprise flicker across the face of every child in my family, all 15 of them that I get to see!  I see my dad get to help my grandfather cook a very tasty meal. I see my mom talk with her mom for the first time in ages and reconnect with her brother.  I have to reintroduce myself to some of my cousins, but that’s been fading as they’ve been getting older.  However, it’s not necessarily a bad thing.  Introducing myself time and time again has made me see how I grow and how I get to be an even better cousin for them than last time.
And I know I’m very lucky to see this scene every Christmas.  I know that not a lot of people get to have this sort of happy holiday. I know some people work for the holidays and I know that some people haven’t been able to be with the ones who raised them in several years.  I know that some people have to stay with the ones who raised them without even really calling them ‘family’.  And that sucks.  It really does.  Separation, loneliness, isolation, despair?  Those all suck.
Those feelings are the ones I’ve experienced over the past few years.  The ones where I spent Thanksgiving and New Years alone.  My family would spend time away from town while I had to stay behind and either study or work. Or I’d take up a temporary job that happened to have me away from my family overnight during New Years while everyone else was awake and together and making memories.  The separation from those that I so desperately wanted to spend time with killed me inside.  And, yes, I cried whenever this happened.  I cried a little bit.  And I can’t say that this works necessarily for everyone, but there was one thing that kept me somewhat upbeat and joyful during the times I was alone:  Choosing.
I could have thought about and mourned over the quality time I was missing.  I could have sat and allowed the sadness to swallow me whole. And it did, for a time.  I sat around and I didn’t do much of anything besides wish that things were different.  But wishing causes the clock to go slowly and despair grinds the seconds to a halt.
One year after a while of sadness, I remembered that my friend had recommended a show to me. Something silly and ridiculous, but it beat sitting around and feeling sorry for myself.  I watched the show, found some fanart, and even found some fans who were willing to sit with me for a time.  I won’t go into the specifics here, but that alone passed one night.  I didn’t cry.
The day after was harder. I’d chosen to do something with my time and I’d laughed for a little while, but my family was still gone and I was still alone.  But something had changed:  I wasn’t content to just sit by myself and cry.  I wanted, no…  I needed to do something.  So I did.  I chose to bake a cake.
Let it be known that the cake produced that day was bitter and my teeth still hate me for it. But I don’t.  I don’t hate the fact that I baked something that failed so spectacularly.  It made me get up, get some more lemons, and make another one.  This next one was passable and I enjoyed making and eating it. I spent the rest of the day looking at recipes and thinking about what I could possibly try to make next.
Watching a television show made for children and baking a cake aren’t exactly festive past times. You can bake a cake straight from a box on any nice weekend and watching TV is something Americans do on the day-to-day. They aren’t reserved for “special” holidays, but nor are they something to be turned away when you really do need a distraction.  Some days, especially holidays, require one if only to stave off the sadness and loneliness you can’t do much about.
But you have to choose to let yourself be distracted.  It can be hard with all the festive lights and carols blaring from the radio and holiday TV specials.  I get it. But there are DVDs.  There is Netflix.  And, if you’re reading this, there’s the internet.  There are books and CDs and hobbies you’ve pushed off to the side until you had more time to do them.
Well, now you have time. Choose to do something with it.
So to anyone who wants to do anything to get away from this day, I want you to have a happy Tuesday. And Wednesday.  And Thursday.  And Friday. I want you to take the extra time you’ve been given and do something you want with it.  A new hobby, a new show, an old past time you want to delve into.  It’s your time.  You get to choose what to do with it.
So if you feel sad because of this day, because you’re alone or because you wish you were, that sucks. It does.  But you’ve got the power to change it just a tiny bit.  You’ve got the power to change your world and use your time to make you feel better.
Use it well.
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kieranculkingirl · 6 years
there’s a 5 day break in between yesterday’s show and the next one... 👀
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I am so hungry but I can’t eat anything sustainable yet ughhhhhhh
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finiteframe3 · 7 years
*Shuffles back* Ok I came back.
Oh gosh! I’m not sure how long this was in my inbox so if this is late I’m sorry! Mobile tumblr is pretty bad at notifying me ^^;;
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voxxian · 7 years
Yeesh, what an asshole.
nah it mightve been my friend lol
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eeveedel · 8 years
Fingers crossed I can get my shit together enough to put out chapter 1 of my new wip on friday (!!!!!!!) 
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pixie-strology-blog · 9 years
@ all of my amazing followers!! ; i’m sorry for not being on today or yesterday, i had a huge criminology exam today, and i worked a shit ton!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. <333
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nursey-patrol · 10 years
I would love to hear all of y'all's head-canons for Haze-a-Palooza. I may or may not be writing a fic about what Bitty went through (see the post I just reblogged. I would link but I'm on mobile) during his induction. I would also love to hear how you guys picture Bitty's high-school experience. Was it just little things said in the halls, or full on shoving into lockers, tripping, etc.? I have my own ideas but hearing from you guys would be perfect. Pretty please message me your headcanon's?
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ruebird · 10 years
someone tell me if hw link has a fandom name yet
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knightsandroses · 12 years
shut the fuck up if you're going to agree to having a Bat as your leader then you should've been prepared for a shit ton of secrets.
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mavvaru · 12 years
You know what i just came to think of?? If Jane DEFINETLY wont date Jake now, and she only sees Roxy as bffsies, then the only other kid left is... Dirk. Jane Dirk Jane Dirkjane THIS MIGHT REALLY HAPPEN DIRKJANE SHIPPERS
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twntyfirstpilot · 12 years
Wow... that giant has big hands... hmm
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dersitedreaming-blog · 13 years
is unexpected
wwhale then 
there won't be much to see here 
aside from me being a crazy person
forever tarnishing my image to those i know via side blogs
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