#and if that energy isn't reciprocated practice self-compassion
aro-culture-is · 2 years
Romance favorable aro culture is being a little sad that you won't get to meet someone who you'll have a fairytale ending with becuase you don't really fall in love. I'm still upset that I dont
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highpriestess13 · 3 years
Fire Signs Reading!
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For my fellow fire signs! You may be dealing or connected to a libra, Gemini, or Virgo, or you might have these in your planetary placements. You're needing to focus on self right now, practicing self love and self care should be your main focus for right now. You may need to work on your throat chakra as well, you might want to start saying daily affirmations especially when it's pertaining to self. You might also want to start speaking highly of yourself even when you don't feel like yourself at times.
I see that you could've had options in the recent past or the present but I feel like these options weren't as they may seem. For some of you, these options could've been "potential" love opportunities and others of you, you could've been feeling confused about something or someone, this person or people may have been sending or giving you many mixed signals. These mixed signals may have caused not only confusion but you weren't sure what someone's intentions were and by you not knowing someone's intentions you always ended up with heartache and loss. I also feel that you're no longer caring or worrying about the past anymore, you're realizing that the hurt you've gone through were to help you to become stronger, stronger mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger right? Right! You may have been treated as an option by many people but I see that you're going to be putting your foot down and saying "I'm enough!" You may have been dealing with an air sign (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius). I feel like this person could've been someone who's very cold and distant but also brutally honest as well. I also feel like this person may have made you feel like you were less than, they may have even talked down on you or even verbally hurt you. Honestly, I feel like this person was like that because they too have been hurt by others, you know the saying, "Hurt people, hurt people." This could've been you that were doing these things to people as well because like stated before, "Hurt people, hurt people".
I see that you're going to be going into hermit or that's what you're being called to do right now. You need to start keeping your observations to yourself, what you see isn't for you to speak/tell. I see that for some of you, you're going to be able to gain some kind of knowledge or wisdom when you go within yourself, for others of you, I feel like you may be going through a dark knight of the soul or spiritual transformation or awakening. You won't be in hermit for long, I feel like it's only temporary but I'm also hearing " Take all the time that you need". This means that take all the time that you want and need to re-cooperate, rest, release and find yourself. When it's divine timing for you to come out of hermit, you're going to be able to live your best life! You'll feel so much better, happier, lighter and abundant. The strength you never thought you had will be radiating off of you, you'll be able to overcome so much whether it's challenges, heartaches and pain, losses, etc. It will come to a point where all of those things are not going to phase you anymore. Some of you could be dealing with another Leo or you may have strong Leo placements.
* Advice* The energy of Mother Gaia is surrounding you at this time, she wants you to feel the love and compassion that she has for you, and embrace it, use it to not only heal yourself but the people around you whether they are your friend, family, child or stranger. Heal the world around you and make it a better place for you and others to live in. She may be also sending you crows as well or maybe something about Autumn could be significant to you. Your spirit team is also wanting you to take the time now to rest, recharge, retreat and release, the letter "R" could be significant to as well. Equally exchange energies with those who are willing and wanting to reciprocate the same energies that you give. Equal give and take are very essential for you right now as these energies will help you to create the abundance that you need and deserve. Some of you may be into trading or sells but I feel like whatever it may be that you're selling you'll receive so much in return.
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