#and if you know me and my dog he's 120 lbs
cuips-not-cute · 4 months
my parents' farm is a lot of fun because everybody gets along but only barely, and they are all supervised by a giant 120 lb caucasian/antolian/pyr mix who looks like a wolf and a bear successfully interbred and produced offspring but is actually the biggest baby alive so you constantly find yourself in situations like the one i was in this morning, which went something like:
me (to dog): hello baby. here is your breakfast. i have fortified it with chicken broth and frozen blueberries to cool you down and keep you hydrated on this balmy summer day.
dog (to me): thank you human. i am going to drool all over this delicious food and let my mouth get all frothy because i am such a messy eater and i love chicken broth so much. do not worry, i do not have rabies, i just eat weird.
me (to dog): excellent, and i will watch the herd while you take your breakfast. please, as you were.
ducks (to other ducks): hey guys. look. the dog is eating. let us all waddle up reallyyy slowly to see if we can snag a bite.
me (to ducks): i am watching you. i know what you are planning. you do this litterally every time.
ducks (collectively): hmm hmm we are just a handful of ducks, strolling by. nothing nefarious going on here. no way.
me (to ducks, shooing them away): why are you trying to steal his food. do you realize he spends all day making sure you and your friends don't get eaten by hawks and foxes. show a little respect.
dog (to self). mmmm, blueberries.
ducks (to other ducks): aurrgh!! the huge featherless duck has figured out our clever plan!! time to circle around the great beast and see if we can steal his food the back way.
me (to ducks): i still see you. i am going to shoo you again.
sheep (to me, deciding to make an entrance): hello i see that you have knees!! mind if i headbutt them?
me (to sheep, he is my favorite sheep and this is our favorite game but i am very busy shooing the ducks): yes in fact i do mind. i would like to still be able to walk, please.
sheep (to me, uncaring): haha knees!! glorious knees!! i am going to smack them with my giant sheep skull!!
me (to sheep, bracing his giant skull with my hands so i don't get my kneecaps smashed in): buddy. now is not the time.
sheep (to me): aha!! i see you have bested me at my own game!! no matter, i will simply rub my wooly head all over your jeans!!
dog (to me, crying): there are ducks in my FOOD!!
me (to dog, pulling all the ducks away): hey buddy. you realize you are so very huge and could bat these ducks away by lifting only one of your giant paws, yes? you don't have to let them eat your food.
dog (to me): i do not know what you mean. they are birds who are eating my food. i don't know what to do when birds eat my food, because you taught me to be so very chill around these birds that i simply freeze up and cry when they begin theiving.
me (to dog): yes and you are so good with these birds, baby. i am sorry that i got distracted and allowed them to infiltrate your food bowl.
sheep (to self): haha!! even better than knees is the head!! and the human is crouching down to pet my very best friend the dog which means that our heads are level!! haha!! charge!!
me (to sheep, outsmarting him): look!! i am standing up now!! you cannot smack our heads together if you cannot reach!!
sheep (to me, then to self): ah yes of course of course!! silly me!! why, is that dog food i see? with chicken broth and blueberries? it's my lucky day!!
me (to sheep): you are a herbivore. stop trying to eat dog food oh my god.
dog (crying): there is a sheep trying to eat my FOOD.
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angelbl-00-d · 2 months
7/17/24 (limit 1,000)
Strawberry rice crisp (15), protein bar (200)
Mini wontons (120), broccoli (14), baby corn (16)
Eggs (140), egg white (25), lemon cake (88)
Baby puffs (75), konjac jelly (10), goldfish (140), mini waffle (97)
Coffee (5), sparkling water (0)
Water: 77oz/2.27L
Total: 945
Another okay day i think. It was the very last of the baby puffs in those containers (i was mixing peach and blueberry) so i just let it be more than usual, especially since tomorrow is my weekly liquid f@st. A little nervous cuz after work i have like 3 apartment tours but at least it will keep me busy right?
Also I'm going to try to take my dogs for a longer walk in the morning like i did today (someone tried to grab them from me? Like my 85+ lbs german shepard started freaking out when you walked up and you don't even know if he's aggressive or not and you're just going to grab his head harness? And tell me to let go??? Wtf) which sucks cuz in gonna get up earlier before work but hopefully it'll help us all be a bit more active
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
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Yes this is the real thing LOL we have several comments and I hear them and they're telling me so I'm going to say it I'm going to work on the bronco and make similar changes people want them you're wondering if air shocks would work they could raise the heights and people like that it could be an option and we'll see if it works. But we want to lower it and you make the wheel wells a little bigger and the front would have to be a little wider it wouldn't be much and the tires would not be so humongous they don't have to be it's not really an off-road era and they can order it in off-road package mostly the heights would be fine and air shocks could be optional and it's an easy change just turn it up and it goes up it's like my husband's firebird they thought it was pretty cool cuz he raise it up and it would look awesome like a drag car. So number
one: is the H2 that's the
second: part is I'm going to lower it not only the suspension but the tire height and leave the room the way it is and keep it all terrains and it will help with fuel and more and no reason for it to be way up there the height of the ceiling is pretty good and we're going to offer different models for each there be the four-door with the small pickup area the two door with the large pickup area the H1 would have a full size pickup area 8 ft bed and they approve that and it's as wide as a truck that's why and other items that you've seen there's a lot of them configurations it's not too many but your name pretty much what there is and there's more
Three: the door will open in the middle just like the mini and that's a change
Four: we don't have any Hummer chassis but we do have a lot of others and summer four-wheel drive but his idea is to use the four-wheel drive and front-wheel drive and most vehicles are and automobiles are perfect these are going to be light no matter what we're going to use kit car frprcr at first and that's what it's called and we use stainless others don't and it ruins the vehicle and I was just dirt either at 9:00 for crash rating and bullet resistance it was good to have some plastic to it so it doesn't explode when it impacted or if impacted and we're going to lighten it up meaning the interior is heavy with heavy seats and heavy interior material and it's not necessary all that stuff can be half of what it is by weight and still cloudy the seats will weigh about 40 lb instead of 120 it's like having another passenger and a strong metal it's really steel instead of metal and that's why and how
Five: I was offering 2x2 or 4x4 but they're going to be front wheel drive standard and that's because nobody uses the four-wheel drive it's a waste of damn time some of them will be rear wheel drive and those will be the trucks for some reason it seems to work better true and we'll have towing packages and more and the truck chassis will be used probably probably exclusively on the H1 and we'll probably use those on all of them it's a real all-terrain vehicle but it might be two wheel drive real wheel and they agree with that too and it would have a heavy payload a lot of people are interested because it's done correctly they say they want that model
And they'll be more than a minute what was going to offer the original colors and styles and rims but the tires will all be lower profile and the vehicle's going to be lower and air shocks will be an offer for an option
We'll be getting production today
I guess nobody is impressed like 3% or something is dog s*** and these guys are producing most things and they move fast on everything it's impressive and we don't know where they are
Olympus gee whiz the guy is hot okay and he is a retard okay everybody knows it and he looks real stupid most of the time
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lokilickedme · 3 years
Somebody help me chill, this is insane.
(under the cut because long and also pretty traumatic, for me at least)
Crazy neighbor, remember her?  Her son destroyed a piece of equipment we had attached to one of our trees at the fenceline last week, she denied it and called us insane liars - that’s the most recent craziness in the ongoing saga of the neighbor from hell.  I was sitting here reading my dash tonight and happened to glance over at the monitor for the surveillance camera husband got me the other day to watch that exact spot (where the equipment was smashed) and guess who I see bent over looking through the fence peering very closely at that exact spot?  Neighbor’s equally insane son, who we know did the actual dirty work.  And I, stupid like I am, took a screenshot of him and then immediately jumped up and ran outside in the dark in my pajamas (nearly 9pm, pitch black, their porch light is off because obviously they’re doing something they don’t want to be seen doing) and I ask “Excuse me, what are you doing?”
This lunatic immediately starts SCREAMING at me - I mean top of his lungs SCREAMING abusive threats, calling me a stupid psycho whore bitch, yelling at me to get my ass back in my house and generally just acting completely off his rocker unhinged nuts - and then his mother comes out and comes over to the fence and gets in my face while I’m just standing there and tells me to mind my own business.  I say I am minding my business, I saw him looking through the fence at my property right where we had vandalism happen last week so I came out to find out why he’s interested in my property.  She laughed in my face and said “No he wasn’t, he was standing right here looking at his phone like this” and she does this little pantomine of someone looking at their phone, which is funny because she wasn’t out there when he was doing it and there are no windows on that side of her house at all.  I ignored her and asked “What are you looking for?”  He kept screaming incoherent animal noises and insults from behind her so I asked again, “What are you looking for?”  And that crazy woman grinned at me and said “We’re just looking to see what kind of new devices you’ve installed!”
OMG.  She didn’t even take a breath in between lying and then contradicting her own lie.  And she’s grinning smugly at me the entire time, gesturing around pointing at our property cams and mosquito light (it flashes and apparently she thinks it’s watching her) and my bedroom window - which means she’s been snooping.  There is a cam sitting in my windowsill, aimed at the spot where the device was smashed.  Every bit of this equipment is on our property, some of it behind a privacy fence.  I tell her it’s none of her business what kind of devices we’ve got on our property, but she just yammers over me, and of course numbskull is still ranting like a psycho behind her, screaming at me to mind my own business and get back in my house and leave them alone.  At this point he’s pulled out his phone and shoved it over her shoulder toward my face and is recording me, which is just...fucking hilarious...because I’m literally doing nothing but standing there in shock and awe at how nuts these people are, and he’s still screaming abusive curses and names at me while he’s recording.
Anyway, for about 4.5 minutes we stood there with them shouting over me (I know the exact time because it was later discovered that our doorbell cam recorded audio of the entire event) and a little ways into it he screams “I WILL TEAR YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!!”
At this point psycho woman finally turns around and says “Addison Case!” and pushes him back.  He lunges at me and she tells him to go call the police (??what??  I mean...I wish he had...my phone was in my hand frozen solid, locked up because of the glitchy surveillance app I had to install to see the camera, or else I would have called them myself - but my god they really thought I was the one the cops needed to come for??).  Meanwhile I’m just standing there on my own property in the dark in my pajamas, all 5 feet and 120 lbs of me, while this rabid animal - he’s a 21 year old college boy - is lunging at me and screaming nonstop, calling me a fucking whore bitch loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear it while his phone’s camera light is in my face blinding me.  Crazy lady smiles that smug shit eating grin of hers and tells me to get back in my house, leave her alone, and move the hell away so she can live in peace.
Wow.  Just...holy shit.
This is the person who has allowed her dog to attack my very small 8 year old son on our property and send him to the hospital with injuries last year, then attempt to attack him again 2 weeks ago (he is now 9 at the time of the second attack) - again on our own property (in our back yard this time, in our front yard the first time), has allowed her dogs (multiple) to bark all night long and keep us awake (she leaves them outside and then goes away for the weekend and they bark the entire time she’s gone), then she had her crazy violent son destroy the BarkBox we put in our tree on our side of the fence last week (we put it up as a humane way to get the barking to stop without having to listen to her call us insane liars every time we complain about it).  Yet...she kept repeating over and over and over for us to leave her alone and stop harassing her.
All I could even do was stand there shaking my head.  It was surreal.  And frustrating, because they wouldn’t even let me get a word out without screaming over me, and she was doing that infuriating Karen thing where they shove their hand at your face and grin smugly while they’re telling you what you better do or they’ll call someone to make you.
I actually started laughing, it was so ludicrous.  She’s committed all those vile offenses against us and we’re the ones that need to leave her alone.  We’ve had to file four police reports against her and we’re the ones that are making her life miserable.  I just can’t stop thinking about that Liar Liar movie where the repeat offender keeps calling his lawyer to complain that the cops won’t stop arresting him and the lawyer finally yells THEN STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLE!!
It’s just like that.  My god.
SO -
She tells him to call the police again, and this limp dick shoves that phone light right up to my face and says “You think she’s worth calling the cops over?  Look at her, she don’t look worth it to me.”  And bitch starts laughing.  My god, these people are subhuman, I swear.  I’ve never seen anyone act like this in my life, over a person doing literally nothing to them.
So she finally orders her rabid son (who is just about foaming at the mouth, I swear he’s making these barking animal noises at me, it’s weird as hell) into the house and they walk away, with him still ranting like a madman until the door closes behind them.  I immediately go inside my own house and call my husband, who was way out at the back of our property in our camper (he self quarantines each day after work out there to protect us because there have been a lot of covid cases at his workplace) and he didn’t know anything was happening.  He immediately runs up to the house and I tell him I caught neighbor’s thug son messing around at our fence and that when I went out he threatened to kill me.
Tom grabs something - I don’t even know what it was, I think it was this piece of board that was sitting by the door, we’ve done a shelving project recently and a couple of leftover pieces have been there for a few days - and he stalks outside toward neighbor’s house.  I hear him yell COME OUT HERE BOY!!! and I stg you guys, if I wasn’t on the phone calling 911 I might have thought about getting naked right there and then because damn.
So anyway, let’s not go there.  This is serious by god lol (look for this to show up in a fic soon though because material like this doesn’t get handed to you for free every day).
I call 911 and say the neighbor’s son just threatened my life and for them to come quick because he’s still over there but I know he’s going to leave any second (this is his mom’s M.O, the two times the police have tried to go talk to her she gets in her car and leaves before they can get from my house to hers, and I know he’ll do the same because COWARDS).  Tom comes back and says the little pussywillow wouldn’t come out of the house.  He’s breathing fire, you guys.  Pure fucking fire.  I tell 911 to get somebody out quick before the kid leaves, and just about 2 minutes after I hang up he does just that - we see him blast past our house in his truck and he’s gone, and then the police arrive about 3 minutes after.  I’m so mad I can’t see straight.  If they’d been able to see him in the state he was in, they’d have arrested him on sight.
Two squad cars (big SUV’s) pull up and block her driveway with full lights flashing, which makes me laugh because suddenly we’ve got neighbors coming outside to see what’s going on.  I meet the officers outside, and the crazy bitch next door does the same, yelling “Hello Officer!” and waving to them as they���re coming up to my porch.
They talk to me and Tom for a long time, I tell them everything that happened, they interview Big (he and Little were inside the open door and heard it all), we fill out our statements and talk with them more until one officer goes next door to talk to neighbor.  We can hear her dripping her fake sugar and spice while they’re talking on her porch and my husband loses his shit - he heads toward her house and yells “We got the entire thing on recording, don’t even try to lie!  Your kid, threatening to kill my wife?!?”  (he’s referring to the camera in my bedroom window, which actually only recorded about 2 minutes because I don’t have it set up correctly yet, but they don’t know that). The officer yells at him to get back, which, yeah - he shouldn’t have done that, but for god’s sake the woman’s peckerhead son just literally threatened murder on a member of his family, this is the final fucking straw and he’s mad.  And as he’s coming back across the yard the officer that stayed with me points at our new doorbell camera, just freshly installed as of about two weeks ago, and asks if it’s on.  We haven’t even really figured out how to use it yet, but yes, as far as we know it’s on.  The incident happened around the side of the house, but the doorbell records audio.
God bless technology.
I invite the officer inside the house and Tom gets his phone, pulls up the app for the doorbell, and starts skipping through the recording looking for the right timestamp.  Up till this point all they have is me saying the guy screamed a lot of abusive profanities at me and threatened to tear my head off, and they’re taking me serious but probably not that serious, you know?  Neighbors fight all the time, wars start over barking dogs, things get exaggerated, we’ve all seen the TV dramas.
Until Tom finds the segment on the footage and starts playing it to them on his phone.  It’s kind of quiet because we were a good distance away, but you can hear the guy screaming just like I said he was.  The officer asks if we have a speaker we can play it through so he can hear the words more clearly, because he needs proof of threat and that’s entirely in the words.
You guys, I’m tellin’ ya, sometimes you get a chance to fucking SHINE.  My husband is a musician and this cop is asking him if he’s got a good speaker.  So within minutes Tom’s got this huge venue-style amplifier designed for broadcasting music to the back wall of a freaking stadium pulled out into the livingroom and he’s hooking his phone up to it, and then he hits play and the other officer comes back from next door to join us and I can tell by the annoyed look on his face that neighbor bitch has likely charmed him and shed a plethora of persecuted tears and spewed her lies about how we’ve been harassing her forEVER and I think for a second that it’s a total loss now, he’s made his mind up in her favor.
And then...away we go.  Tom cranks the volume on the speaker and they both lean in to listen closely.
Just about a minute into the recording they have their proof - thugnuts screaming I WILL TEAR YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!!!
Both officers nod, close their notebooks, and the second officer makes a phonecall while the first one turns to me and says “That’s terroristic threatening and it’s a class C felony.  You’re going to need to go to the PA’s office with all the reports you’ve filed against them so far and all your evidence from tonight including that recording and hand it all to them.  They’re likely going to issue a no-contact so that he can’t interact with you ever again.”
This is a victory, but it’s just the first step, and I feel sickeningly disheartened that it’s all in my lap to do everything.  I want them to go demand his whereabouts from his mother and just go get his ass and haul him in.  But no, I have a ton of legwork to do now because these horrible people won’t fucking stop.
After several more minutes of me asking questions about what exactly we need to do and where we need to go, etc etc (I’m competent but I’m also fucking rattled, someone threatened to kill me tonight and I’m blanking hard on the instructions he’s giving me) they finally wrap it up and leave.  They’ve been in my house for a half hour waiting for me to finish filling out the report (I had to ask for more paper because honey I’m getting ALL the details in there) and I can just imagine how freaked out neighbor is when she sees what time they finally move their cars from in front of her driveway.
And now I’m coming down from the weird calm that I had through the entire event, and my heart feels like it’s going to EXPLODE.  I had heart surgery two months ago, do I need this??  The pathetic part is that I know now just how stupid those people are, and I know this won’t be the end from their side by any means.  We’ll start finding more stuff broken, or he’ll start climbing over the fence back at the back of the property to steal stuff from husband’s tool shed, or my tires will get slashed.  These people are that dumb and hateful, they proved it tonight.  He said if we had animals he would kill them, and then he made the same threat against me.  How stupid does a person have to be to stand there with his phone out recording himself ranting and making threats against a woman standing in her own yard in her pajamas?  Big tough man there.  And his mama grinning at me the whole time, telling me I’m crazy and she’s concerned for her own safety because of me, while her son is standing right behind her threatening my life.
I’m just...my god, I don’t even know what to think.  I thought people only acted like this in TV dramas, seriously.  I’ve seen some shit in my life but this particular brand of stupid has up till now evaded me, but now it’s been in my face and I’m sort of in shock.
I don’t like guns.  At ALL.  Tom has always had at least one hidden carefully away, safely locked up away from the house, but now there are two inside my house in immediate grabbing range.  He insisted that I let him show me how to use them.  Rules were laid down for the boys - never touch, never, don’t even get close to them - and now there is a box of shotgun shells on my fireplace mantel and a singleshot rifle by the door.  I hate this so damn much.
Don’t pick it up unless you’re ready to use it, he told me.  Without even thinking, I said back, “If I touch it it’s getting used.”
My god.  I told the cops that the drug lord that lived over there four years ago was a better neighbor than this woman.  They didn’t even laugh.
I guess they’re right, now that I think about it...it isn’t funny.
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finn-writes-stuff · 3 years
Congrats friend!!!
Me: I’m 5’6 and about 120 lbs. uuhhhhjh I’m stupidly pale and my skin gets super red even if I’m just like laughing or talking. I freakin love arts and crafts and I have a hard time throwing stuff out because I wanna use it all for my sculptures. Also, I’m neurodivergent and Semi-verbal. I love animals so much and I want to have as many pets as I can afford. I love music as well. I backpack, play hockey, ride horses, like video games, read, and write. I tend to be shy but once I’ve warmed up I’m the loudest person I know.
Hope this works! And again, so many congrats to you!
I'd pair you with Heisenberg!
-Heisenberg is an absolute mountain compared to you. The Wiki sets him at 5'10, but compared to Alcina he seems more around 6'0. Either way, he's much taller than you and hes definitely an ass about it.
-He thinks its funny to put things on high shelves where you can't reach. The worst kind of tall person😔 It mostly cause he likes it when you ask him for help though.
-Hes very curious how red you'd get if he made you proper blush. He will test this. Good luck with him.
-His factory is absolutely full of various half finished projects and scrap metal, he wont care if you fill your space with your own projects and materials.
-He genuinely thinks it's so cool that you make sculptures. Hes familiar with building things, and it's always more for practicality (and a bit of theatricality) rather than art for him. He'd love to watch you work if you let him.
-Hes simultaneously such a bastard and yet so accommodating and helpful. You arent up for talking? That's absolutely fine, if you have other methods of communication, you can use those, if not, he loves the sound of his own voice anyways and will ramble at you about whatever hes working on.
-there is a space in his factory that's set aside for you. Whether you need a space that's free from the constant noise of the factory or you just want time alone, it's there. He adds things every now and then as gifts, but won't admit it.
-I can guarantee that Heisenberg is bad with animals. Most of them do not like him when he is awake. Cats do. Dogs don't. He will get into a yelling match with a loud dog. He's essentially a loud dog himself sometimes.
-He let's you have whatever animals you want and will even get more for you but is very clear on the fact that he wants them kept out of his workshop. He doesnt talk about the times you've found him fast asleep with half your pets curled up in his lap.
-He does not leave his workshop often unless you drag him out, but once you do, he'll indulge you in whatever activity youd like. be careful with video games with him, if hes bad at them sometimes he'll accidentally mess up what ever device you're using to play them.
-He loves hearing you talk. He knows that when you guys are with other people that you dont know well, then you're more withdrawn, and when you get home with him and and loud and talkative again it absolutely delights him.
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ashfantasyworld · 3 years
It was the start of me falling for everyone, it was like any other day. I had turned 20 years of age, and had become what we consider in the middle of teens. My tail never does as I want it to, when I try to hide things or feelings. It always blows my cover, and in training I have started to flirt with this good looking human. I seriously melt when I see him, but how the hell do I tell another guy I like him. What if he dont like me? I know I'm ranting now but it's important I promise. I failed him and I failed my Mom, I failed everyone. As I'm writing this letter I am sitting in a cell waiting for the cultists to end me for being unholy. They call me, well I hope someone reads this as i think i will die today. And yes I'm crying. I can't help it. I'm still a kid, well let me tell you my story then. So if you read it you wont be as stupid as i was.
The start of the story is on my 18th birthday, my mom who cares for me alone had made me a cake. And I was eating it with her, as she told me of my dad, and how the humans had come. And I was a mix of Human and Tabaxi and so on, she misses my dad a lot after he died. So she talks about him on a regular basis, but it's okay if she is happy doing so I don't mind listening to it. And well I had plans today to meet up with a guy that looks amazing, and well we have exchanged looks sometimes and he is going to meet me tonight. But I need to train first. I aint so big on using close combat weapons. I rather like to use bows and crossbows but if i can i like to talk my way out of things. So I use most of my day for training, as a tabaxi I have to be combat ready when I'm around 18 to 20 so yeah. When I'm done with my work out I walk to take a shower and damn that's a long process. Have you tried to get fur dry?It's a nightmare. So when I'm done with my 3 hour long chore of showering for 30 min and using 2h 30 min to not smell like a wet dog. Ewww dogs….. It's time to meet up with Thor, it's night now and I have become smaller than what I was. It happens every night. I think it's due to my father and since he was not a cat, I am probably cursed. Thor doesn't mind, he finds it kinda cute, we are going to meet up by the hill so we can watch the stars together. I walk up there with ease as well. I'm a cat and move easily, not like dogs who walk all over the place sniffing pee. So I sit and wait for him, he is so slow I mean I can wait. I remember seeing him walking in, he looked so good. He has a nice beard and looks like something from a story book from the people up north, he sits down beside me. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest, and he asks me “what I think is up there”. I think a lot and look up, before I'm reminded of all the stories from my mom about dad. “I think my dad is up there watching over me, keeping me safe”. I can feel his hand touching mine, I tell him “that's okay, i feel the same for him”. He pushes me to the ground so I'm on my back, and kisses me. He sits back up and looks at me, I smile and move and kiss him back. It feels wonderful. I feel warm all over and I'm so happy. We smile and part ways after a while, I am so happy I am falling so hard for him. Everything was so good before I failed him.
Some days pass and well we meet up, hidden from everyone else. He decides that we should keep it hidden from everyone, and that's fine for me. He has become more bossy with me, and makes my decisions for me. But that's okay. I am kinda girly anyways, and I like to have someone in control of me. And well im 4*10 120 lbs so I'm small, and I dress kinda cute. So I am not someone who is in charge, It makes me smile just to think of Thor, my big viking. 
But one day I decided I don't know why but that i wanted to be in a dress for him you know female dress. They look so nice, and damn cute and I have the body to be in one. So stupid as i was i got one to be cute to him, my Mom told me i was always special and thats what she loved about me. And helped me get the dress on, we had to cut a hole for the tail tho. As that damn tail always got in the way, but we did and it looked kinda good. So I went to where I knew Thor usually did hang out. I went there and it did not go so well, as his friends were there and when they saw me. They called me alot, “Abomination, Little girl, Loser, ugly”. You know all the bad words, and Thor even made fun of me, and when I tried to run they caught me. And started to beat me up, I don't remember too much as it got black quickly. What I do remember though is Thor hitting me in my face with his friends. I did wake up later. My dress was bloody and ripped apart, I started to cry and ran to the spot where me and Thor first met. And sitting down made me even more sad, as I remembered him. I cried for a long time, before Thor walked up to me and sat down beside me. He told me it was my fault, and I said sorry so many times. He agreed to be with me if I did not behave like that ever again and made it up to him. It made me so happy I kissed his cheek and asked what he wanted, he said I had to get something for him from the smithy. When I asked what he smiled and said a special sword from the smithy, I agreed I just had to get that and he would be mine. I did not have any money though as i know he just wanted a gift, like i am supposed to give him. So i had to steal it, i said i would be back here in 3 hours to him with the sword. It was still night so I could get it, he smiled as I ran off, I know I can do it for him. I'm so lucky to get another chance after embracing him like that. When I'm at the smithy I manage to sneak my way over the fence, but then I see it. The terror itself, the thing that could be compared with the devil himself. Ewwww a small dog, it even looks like a rat. I was close to throwing up in my mouth, and now I have to touch it. I am sure I was close to dying right there and then. But for Thor I would, so I grabbed the dog. Made my skin crawl, as I held over its tiny mouth it started to lick me. I know how disgusting, that tongue has probs been licking buts and poop and pee and ewwwwwwww. But I did it, I moved the dog carefully to another place as it kept licking me all the way. Gives me even the shivers now as I write this while crying, but I move it far enough away. So I could sneak back in, and well when people are stupid enough to let a window be open, I mean it's like an open invitation. I stop and look at the Female sleeping, she is so cute she is older than me tho, must be like 25 to 30 in human years. But I have a mission, so I go and look at the swords. I'm not sure which he wants so I take the most fancy look, and move to the window. But stop looking at the girl. I feel bad for her. I will make it up to her, but I have to leave. So I leave and run back to Thor he smiles, as I give it to him, I feel so happy for giving it to him now he wants me back. He looks at me and hits me in the face with the back end of it, and pushes me to the ground and keeps beating me. Screaming at me how stupid i am for taking the wrong sword, I try to say sorry and that i love him in between the hits. But he dont stop, he keeps on beating me for a while. I deserve it though. I failed him, how could i be so stupid. 
After a while he stopped and looked at me with piercing eyes, “you failed me” the words kept ringing in my ears. As he walked off with the sword I had stolen from him, I walked home. My mom saw me beaten and bloody. She looks at me and shakes her head, “i am sorry” she smiles and follows me into the bathroom and finds some bandages and ointments to help with my wounds. She spends most of the evening cleaning me up, and treating me, I don't say much at all that night. My head is spinning around, everything that has happened. I slept for almost 2 days. Before someone comes knocking on the door at my house, my mom opens and asks me to come into the living room. I just put the comforter over my head, I do not want to do anything right now. After a good 10 minutes the lady comes into the room, the smith stares at me as I swallow hard. She closes the door behind me and we have a conversation, she told me that stealing is not okay. And doing so could get me killed. She offers me a job to work off what I owe, she says she had one give her a chance once and this was her doing the same. But if I was late or did not show, she would go to the guards. I started working with her smithy. Her name is Cynthia, she was not too pleased with me at the start, but after 6 months of me working there every day. She starts to take a liking to me, and teaches me about hard work. I have not heard from Thor in half a year, and I'm finally starting to get over him. Everyday I meet up, I do most of the labour around the smith like cleaning up and keeping it tidy. As I see her sell things to people and make deals, I smirk and one day I say to her. “Bet i could make more money off it” she smirks and tells me the bet is on i have 1 month to beat her. Every day I do everything I can to sell, I start playing music outside and to lure people in I let them haggle but manage to turn them around. After the month is over I have made 1276 gold 436 more than she made, I smirk and she smiles and tells me I have worked off all my debt. But I don't want to stop working. I ask her if I can continue, and she accepts with a smile. Another year passes. I'm 19 soon, 20 now and I am happy. My life's going great, I have worked with Cynthia and have been helping me alot with my bow skills and I continue to play music. She even managed to get me into playing in an inn every night, and I love it and the people love it. One day a guard walks into the smith, I freeze up as I see him. It's Thor. He is looking at swords. I gulp as he turns around and sees me too, “well well well”. He puts a sword on the table, “so you work here now” I look at him and swallow hard and nod. “That will be 50 gold coins”, he smiles and reminds me of what i did and threatens me. Before he takes it and leaves, which means I have to pay for it. I put 50 gold coins into the chest. Cynthia has seen it all, and we have a talk. I tell her the whole story, she hugs me. And tells me that we will just forget about it, and that it's not worth picking a fight with the guards over it. Another 6 months pass, as I work and people start to know me, and come alot into the smith it has become a place to hang out for some people. Where they can chat and buy stuff. I have turned 20 now, it's a big day and as I get to work. The guard jumps me and chains me down, Thor is standing there and reading up my accusations of being a thief, breaking the rules of the church and deserves to hang. Cynthia looks at me, and tries to talk her way out of it for me, but Thor is not budging. And they take me to the church, after a while the priest comes. They decide to take me to the caves where they can properly please the gods, they move me at night. And get me into this cell, they are not holy they are a cult. Planning to sacrifice me to their gods, they told me that my mom has been tossed out on the streets and Cynthia is facing charges. So that brings me to the end of my letter, of how I failed everyone. Just never do as I did, because of me people are hurt. I am sorry for getting the wrong sword, I am sorry mom for being a useless son and I'm sorry Cynthia you should never have given me a chance. I am ready now, to pay for my sins. This will be updated as the campaing goes on <3
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sing-selah · 3 years
If you read through the Psalms of the Bible, you’ll find this word regularly.
History has lost the true definition of the word, but it’s thought to express the sentiment of “forever”, or perhaps it means “to take a break.” One online dictionary indicates that it may indicate a pause for contemplation.
2020 was a year for Selah.
Everyone took a break, and it felt like it was going to last forever.
The whole world was forced to take a step back and evaluate operations, contemplate the nature of how we live. For many, the chaos and stress were too much to process. Mental health assistance was hot in demand, and so were yoga mats. I, myself, also attended therapy and bought a hot pink foam mat. We were all looking for comfort and means to cope in the chaos.
I lost 20 pounds and gained 80 with the new addition of my dog-son Samson. (He’s a Great Pyrenees, a massive fluff.) I know I’m quite blessed to be able to say I gained good things during the pandemic, when so many suffered unimaginable loss.
When the New Year approached, we all awaited with bated breath.
Would 2021 be a better year for us?
This year was the first New Year’s Eve I have ever spent alone. I thought this would sadden me, but as I sat on my bed sipping wine and watching Samson gobble down his celebratory ice cream, I was surprised at the peace I felt.
I had achieved more than I thought myself capable with losing that 20 pounds; making small but consistent changes in my daily diet and habits. As I reflected on this, I decided to make 2021 a year for even more growth!
I took to Amazon, searching for a goal-oriented planner. I knew I needed something more than years past, where I would make a list of what I wanted and promptly forget where it was placed (also forgetting the declarations therein).
I decided on a sunshine-yellow beauty by BoxcleverPress that broke the year into quarters and had sufficient room to document my goals and plan for success. This lovely agenda contained pages for 8 goals, with space to document what the goal would mean for me and keep track via quarterly check-ins. The blank pages in the back were perfect for brainstorming, and I made good use of it. I also asked friends on social media what their most rewarding resolutions had been and used that as fuel for thought.
Of the MANY ideas I had, I settled on the following:
1. Lose 60 pounds
· Being the shortie that I am, charts for my height indicates a “healthy” weight for me is 140 pounds. I haven’t been 140 lbs since I was 16 years old, and honestly I was probably being optimistic on my driver’s license even then…
· For those that hate the maths, this is only 5 pounds a month. This felt semi-do-able for me. I figured if I missed it, better to aim high (or low, as it were).
2. Create more, enjoying hobbies
· 1 piece of art
· 1 poem or song
· 1 playlist (I planned to make playlists for those I love, so this also seemed like a good relationship builder.)
· 1 journal entry per month
3. Read 1 book per month
· In my ambition, I thought it would be beneficial to pick a different category every month. I chose English lit, health/wellness, non-fiction, poetry, fiction, historical, International classic, self-help, biography, science focused, math focused, spiritual/faith. These distinctions were quickly thrown out of the window, as I already own a lot of books that needed to be read. And as all lit nerds know… I continue to acquire more! I’ve just been selecting the one I was most excited to read every month.
4. Better manage my finances.
· Save $1000 by the end of the year
· Eliminate my credit card debt
· Spend $120 on groceries per month
· Cut unnecessary spending (Read: regular online shopping for undies and makeup. I also found it helpful to take a break from social media, as this is where I was constantly being advertised to by my favorite brands.)
5. Explore areas of curiosity
· 1 focus per quarter
· I wasn’t sure what this would look like, I just wanted to focus on learning more about areas of interest, like fashion and nutrition.
6. Complete 1 home improvement project per quarter
· I had plenty to work with here. Fixing the kitchen light, garage door, garage light, painting front porch, painting back porch, painting the exterior, painting my bathroom, cleaning out the overgrown backyard…
7. Grow my abilities in the kitchen!
· 1 new savory (preferably International) dish per month
· 1 new baked good per month
· Note: Originally, I said 1 new recipe a week. This did not happen. I adjusted.
8. Be more intentional in my spirituality
· Keep the Sabbath regularly
· Fast once a quarter
That was a lot to outline! It seemed a little (a lot) ambitious, but I felt it would be better to set the bar high for myself. I wasn’t sure if I could manage all of that, but monthly self-check-ins were a helpful tool in seeing growth. Perfect, I am not. I’ve yet to meet all of those goals; but seeing even some achievement is a constant encouragement.
As the adage proclaims, change doesn’t happen overnight!
So why share now?
First, journaling once a month is part of the goals!
Secondly, I’m hoping a shared blog will hold me more accountable, and maybe I’ll even get some helpful tips from others as I work towards my goals.
Third, I believe any achievement is a result of hard work and blessings from God. I think it’s only right to share that light with others. I hope my journey can be encouraging, or at least entertaining, for my friends and family.
I’ll be sharing a blog post at least once a month, maybe more if I’m feeling feisty. I’ll be posting to tumblr under the username sing-selah and sharing on my social media.
I'll end my post by asking you to implement a little Selah (pause to contemplate) in your life.
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brelione · 4 years
Hii, I saw your post about with who you’ll ship us with obx characters. I was wondering who you’d ship with me.
I’m a Gemini with light brown/dark blonde medium length hair. Brown eyes and a medium white to olive liek skin tone. I’m 1,65 cm and weight 120 lbs.
I am a summer/winter person as I like swimming in the ocean and skiing down the mountain. I am addicted to coffee and in love with dogs (every dog owns my heart). I like to read and write and sometimes play the guiter (I say sometimes because I suck).
I have a fear of spiders and hate wasps, angry little things that stings multiple times... I don’t like commercials between movies, let me watch my movies in peace, please.
I used to be sorted in Gryffindor but when I retook the test I got sorted into Slytherin.
I guess that’s me in a nutshell😅
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JJ likes to do this thing where he’ll take your brewed cup of coffee and hide it in the microwave when youre not looking.You’ll turn back around and get confused cause you’re still half asleep and cant figure out whats going on.
You dog sit for kooks and he gets all excited when he gets to come with you.He just walks around the mansion and sniffs everything whether it be a candle, a plate or a pillow.He’ll do that until you scold him.
He likes to lay on top of you and makes you read to him because “IM BLIND I CANT READDDD”
He loves to read everything you write.Sometimes its short stories and other times its fanfiction but he’ll still read it.
He loves when you play guitar.He’ll send you songs randomly and ask you if you can learn how to play them.
He loves to put on premium movies on On-Demand because he knows that they have commercials.He laughs when you stand on the couch and start screaming in outrage. “YOU CANT BE FOR SERIOUS!”You shouted, nearly knocking over the bowl of popcorn.
The first time he said “I love you” he didnt really say those words.He simply told you that he’d get attacked by a family of wasps for you.
He pretends to be annoyed whenever you steal things like his hoodies or his boxers but it makes him really happy
He especially loves racing you.The two of you will stand at the edge of the boat while John.B counts down from ten before jumping into the water, swimming as fast as you could to a sandbar in the distance before swimming back.He let you win most of the time just to make you happy.But you’d bring it up for days.
“Can you grab me a cola, please?” “Can you learn to swim faster?”
He just randomly touches your hair throughout the day
But one time a lady hired him to come cut the roses off her bush and let him keep them.He stored them in a container until he got to your house, making you sit between his legs so he could make your hair into a long braid down your back before adding the flowers. “Rapunzel.”He grinned, kissing your forehead.
He’ll carry you on his shoulders too so that you can feel tall
“If you drop me I swear to god-” “What?What are you gonna do?If I drop you you’re gonna break your head so you cant do much.” “JJ!” 
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dustyard · 5 years
My daemon, he currently really likes this form, and it’s a possible final form. I was wondering as someone that has the same form, how do you project a form of that size, with moving around near people and small places like in shops. ?
Hi! So, this is probably not the answer that you want, but for me, projecting a large animal that follows me around is quite easy due to the fact that I have a service dog. I am extremely conscious of the amount of space he takes up, and while he isn't quite the size of a 120 lb cougar, he is a big boy and I am always very aware of where he is and what he's doing. I know that isn't that helpful for the average person, though. Having good spatial awareness definitely helps. I would suggest looking for videos/images of the animal type your dæmon likes and getting a feel for how big they are compared to other people. As much as I hate exotic animals being kept as pets, instagram and similar sites are rife with people posting videos of themselves with their pet cougars/leopards/wolves/whatever. I don't want to support those people in any way, and if you don't feel comfortable viewing their accounts, that's also fine. There are plenty of educational videos/images on youtube by zookeepers and animals caretakers from certified animal rescues and zoos. Another good tip is to think about either your pets or your friends; how close do you generally walk to each other? Probaly between six to eighteen inches. That's about the space that a large dæmon would be walking away from your side. You don't walk right on top of each other, you'd trip. My service dog walks at varying distances from me; when he's helping me walk, his side usually brushes my hip. When he's heeling, he's usually a bit further away so we aren't quite touching. However, that's very close. Is your dæmon clingy? Or more aloof? Getting a good feel for how they act will help with projecting them realistically. If you know what a large cat looks like in relation to a human, for example, add in about two feet of space to your left/right, and that's about what you'll need for your dæmon. Smaller dæmons will obviously need less, but that will also depend on how far away from you you think they'd be.
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Animals, Apparently, and Butt: Srihe Du 6025 Friendly and adorable Spike may look like a serious chap but he has a sunny personality-is easy to handle on leash and happily playful in the yard. Spike will make the perfect playmate and a wonderful partner for just chilling out on the couch, too. 43 63 Manhattan 2 ys ld TO BE KILLED 6/29/19 *** A $500 stipend will be offered to the New Hope partner that pulls Spike 56025.*** Get ready to goof around with Spike~ Friendly and Adorable Spike Wants to Win Your Heart Over <3 ~ A volunteer writes: Spike is ready to smile! He may look like a serious chap when you first meet, but take the time to play, pet and get to know him and he'll be sunny side up in a jiffy. We had so much fun on our first date, leisurely strolling around the block while Spike sniffed every snowbank and tree, then joyfully playing with toys indoors. He's the best of both worlds, a consummate gentleman and easy to handle on leash and a happy, play-bowing loon off leash. For an active family looking for the perfect playmate, Spike definitely fits the bill, but he'd make a wonderful partner for just chilling out on the couch, too. Seemingly house trained and ready to come, sit and stay for treats, he's smart and eager to please. So if you're keen to teach, he'll be happy to learn. As open-hearted as he is with us humans, Spike can be very selective with his four-legged playmates, so a home where he'll be able to settle in as your only pet before any new introductions are made (one-on-one, no dog parks, please) would be best. Meet this handsome boy at our Manhattan Care Center today! Another volunteer writes: Sweet Spike loves to play! ACC long-timer and fetch-n-snuggle superstar Spike is my favorite boyfriend at ACC and how he’s still not been scooped up by a new family is a mystery to me and everyone else who loves him. Spike arrived at the shelter on Feb 28 and aside from a very short adoption from which he was returned for playing too boisterously, he’s been waiting there ever since. Many dogs would succumb to depression or act out after so long in a cage but not our Spike. He’s just as affectionate, silly and tail-waggingly happy as ever and every date we have I fall even deeper under his spell. Spike is recommended for an only-dog home at this time but the more people to love, the better. This deserving boy is eager to find a true forever family who’ll love him as much as we all do, please share him far and wide! MY VIDEOS: Spike ~ a sweetrheart, a scholar and an athlete! https://youtu.be/0yfmgg8IB-I Beloved beauty Spike <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOJ3fuqMf40 Princess Brownie and Spike in Playgroup https://youtu.be/oDSlGdbSF_c Spike - Fetch MASTER! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSjSf_baXoA SPIKE ID# 56025, 2 yrs old, 43 lbs, Neutered Male Manhattan ACC, Large Mixed Breed , Brown / White Owner Surrender Reason: Return Shelter Assessment Rating: NEW HOPE ONLY Medical Behavior Rating: OWNER SURRENDER NOTES - BASIC INFORMATION: Means of surrender (length of time in previous home): Owner Surrender (adopted and returned after a few days) Energy level/descriptors: Spike is described as having a very high level of activity. Other Notes: Spike is reported to be mouthy in the home, nipping playfully at people. SHELTER ASSESSMENT SUMMARIES - Date of assessment: 3-Mar-2019 Leash Walking Strength and pulling: None Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: None Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Moderately social Call over: Approaches with coaxing Sociability comments: Jumps up socially when approaches, body soft Handling Soft handling: Accepts contact Exuberant handling: Accepts contact Comments: Body soft, stands still Arousal Jog: Follows (loose) Arousal comments: None Knock: Approaches (loose) Knock Comments: None Toy: No response Toy comments: None PLAYGROUP NOTES - DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: Due to sudden rapid escalation, a single dog residence is recommended for Spike at this time, until behavior around dogs can be followed up on outside of the shelter environment. 3/1: When introduced off leash to a female greeter dog, Spike initially attempts to mount, but when solicited with play, he engages in bouncy play. 3/2-3/3: Spike engages in running and bouncy play with male and female dogs. 3/4: When solicited with play, Spike growls, snaps, and pursues the other dog while continuing to growl and snap. IN SHELTER OBSERVATIONS:5/9 While Spike remains social outside of his kennel, he was observed to redirect when being moved throughout the kennel as he was reacting to the other dogs in passing. Spike was observed to mouth handler's wrist and arm. Spike has not displayed any on leash reactivity towards other animals outside of being moved throughout the kennels in the care center. The behavior team feels this behavior may be shelter specific as a result of Spike's overall level of stress and frustration being kenneled at this time. While at the Care Center, Spike has been an active participant in ACC's BouroughBreak program. On one occasion, Spike went to Central Park, on another occasion, he went to Randall's Island. He went on a hike, played with toys and saw horses. His handlers described him as 'popular', 'adventurous', and 'playful'. However, in shelter, Spike's level of stress and frustration has been displayed through reactivity towards other dogs and on one occasion was observed to redirect onto the handler, mouthing the handler's wrist and arm. Spike has not displayed any on leash reactivity towards other animals outside of being moved throughout the kennels in the care center. 6/22: Spike was being fitted for a harness to go on a Borough Break when he grabbed the handlers forearm in his mouth and would not let go. The handlers offered toys and treats but he would not release until an auditory interrupter was used. Significant bruising and red marks were left on the arm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: NEW HOPE ONLY Behavior Asilomar H - Healthy Recommendations: No young children (under 5) Single-pet home Recommend no dog parks Recommendations comments: Single pet/no dog parks: See DOG-DOG. No young children: Due to being mouthy in his previous home, we recommend a home without young children. Older children who are comfortable around large, jumpy dogs should have an in-depth interaction prior to adoption. Placed with a New Hope partner: While Spike continues to display social behavior with handlers in the care center, he has become increasingly challenging to manage and appears to be at high risk for deterioration. When overstimulated, Spike quickly escalates to jumping up high repeatedly towards handlers, mouthing hard (see "in-shelter observations") and is unable to readily recover therefore we advise safe and appropriate management. Due to the intensity of the behaviors observed, we feel that Spike may be best set up to succeed if placed with an experienced rescue partner who can assess his behavior after decompression/acclimation in a new home environment before permanent placement. Force-free, reward-based training only is advised. Potential challenges: Basic manners/poor impulse control Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition Low threshold for arousal Potential challenges comments: Spike is reported to be active and jumpy with people, in a playful manner. Please see handout on Basic Manners. Spike is has been observed to be extremely mouthy in the care center, the behavior intensifies as Spike becomes excited/overstimulated. Please see handout on Mouthiness. While being fitted for a harness, Spike appeared to have become over-aroused and mouthed handler's arm hard; Spike was reported to not release without use of auditory interrupter, this resulted in bruising and red marks. Please see handout on Arousal. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 29-Mar-2019 Progress Exam SO Volunteer noted 2 sores on P anus. P has been scooting / dragging butt on ground. BAR, very energetic and enjoys being pet. Rectal -- erythematous with mild crusting along the anus; anal sacs are mildly full and easily expressed. A perianal dermatitis r/o secondary to full anal sacs P expressed anal sacs rimadyl 100mg tablet -- give 1 tablet PO q24h x 3 days Continue to monitor in shelter 19-Mar-2019 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 2 years Microchip noted on Intake? Previously placed at MACC Microchip Number (If Applicable): History : Returned. Subjective: BAR Observed Behavior -Friendly, wagging his tail, taking treats, a lot of energy. Evidence of Cruelty seen -No Evidence of Trauma seen -No Objective T = P =120 bpm R =eup BCS 4.5/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: Mild tartar, grade 1/4 PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic, no c/s ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: M/N MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Clean externally Assessment: Apparently healthy Prognosis: Good Plan: No tx needed at this time SURGERY: Already neutered ---------------------------------------------------------- NOTES FIRST STAY - INTAKE 03-01-2019 SPIKE ID# 56025, 2 yrs old, 43 lbs, Manhattan Animal Care Center, Large Mixed Breed Cross, Brown / White Neutered Male, Intake Agency Shelter Assessment Rating: LEVEL 1 Single-pet home Recommend no dog parks Medical Behavior Rating: BEHAVIOR NOTES; Means of surrender (length of time in previous home): Stray SHELTER ASSESSMENT - Date of assessment: 3-Mar-2019 Leash Walking Strength and pulling: None Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: None Sociability Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Moderately social Call over: Approaches with coaxing Sociability comments: Jumps up socially when approaches, body soft Handling Soft handling: Accepts contact Exuberant handling: Accepts contact Comments: Body soft, stands still Arousal Jog: Follows (loose) Arousal comments: None Knock: Approaches (loose) Knock Comments: None Toy: No response Toy comments: None PLAYGROUP NOTES - DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: Due to sudden rapid escalation, a single dog residence is recommended for Spike at this time, until behavior around dogs can be followed up on outside of the shelter environment. 3/1: When introduced off leash to a female greeter dog, Spike initially attempts to mount, but when solicited with play, he engages in bouncy play. 3/2-3/3: Spike engages in running and bouncy play with male and female dogs. 3/4: When solicited with play, Spike growls, snaps, and pursues the other dog while continuing to growl and snap. INTAKE BEHAVIOR - Date of intake: 28-Feb-2019 Summary: Shy, allowed handling MEDICAL BEHAVIOR - Date of initial: 3-Mar-2019 Summary: Allowed handling ENERGY LEVEL: We have no history on Spike so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. At the care center, he displays a medium level of activity. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: Level 1 Behavior Asilomar H - Healthy Recommendations: Single-pet home Recommend no dog parks Recommendations comments: Single pet/no dog parks: See DOG-DOG. MEDICAL EXAM NOTES: 15-Mar-2019 Progress Exam HAD A BATH ON 03.15.2019 14-Mar-2019 Progress Exam hx: acs reports loose BM BAR P) monitor; no meds at this time 13-Mar-2019 Progress Exam HAD BATH 03.13.2019 8-Mar-2019 Post Op Exam SO Post op exam Skin -- incision site is clean and dry. A healing sx site P continue to monitor post op 6-Mar-2019 Spay/Neuter Summary Pre-surgical exam, anesthesia, and surgery performed by ASPCA. Green linear tattoo placed lateral to incision. Start 1 tablet carprofen 100 mg sid po x 2 days. 3-Mar-2019 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 3 years Microchip noted on Intake? NO Microchip Number (If Applicable): History : Found dog walking on street; brought by in police who said that the dog was easily leashed Subjective: little shy; hesitant to come out of cage; bright and alert Observed Behavior - comes up to outreached palm; easily scratched ears but does not seek; PE easily done with minimal restraint Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective P = 120hr R = 40 BCS 6/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: mild to moderate dental tartar PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: MI with 2 down MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Assessment apparently healthy Prognosis: good SURGERY: Okay for surgery * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * If you would like to adopt a NYC ACC dog, and can get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process, you can contact the shelter directly. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) If you CANNOT get to the shelter in person and you want to FOSTER OR ADOPT a NYC ACC Dog, you can PRIVATE MESSAGE our Must Love Dogs page for assistance. PLEASE NOTE: You MUST live in NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Northern VA. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a NYC ACC dog. Transport is available if you live within the prescribed range of states. Shelter contact information: Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309 * NEW NYC ACC RATING SYSTEM * Level 1 Dogs with Level 1 determinations are suitable for the majority of homes. These dogs are not displaying concerning behaviors in shelter, and the owner surrender profile (where available) is positive. Level 2 Dogs with Level 2 determinations will be suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience. They will have displayed behavior in the shelter (or have owner reported behavior) that requires some training, or is simply not suitable for an adopter with minimal experience. Level 3 Dogs with Level 3 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters, and the ACC strongly suggest that the adopter have prior experience with the challenges described and/or an understanding of the challenge and how to manage it safely in a home environment. In many cases, a trainer will be needed to manage and work on the behaviors safely in a home environment.
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racingtoaredlight · 3 years
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I apologize in advance for this post. This is torture for me but I feel like I need to offer some tribute to my best friend, who died one year ago.
Phoebe the dog lived from January 12, 2007 until January 14, 2021. At the end she couldn’t stand up on her own, she was going blind, she couldn’t sleep alone and she was on painkillers all day long. That’s not enough to quell the guilt i feel about having her put down. Maybe we could have gotten a second opinion? Maybe she was in pain from a twisted knee or something that could be fixed. It’s crazy really but I’ve been told that’s inevitable.
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One year ago we had just barely moved into a new house with a nice yard that would be perfect for Phoebe to just wander around and hang out. It was the first time in a while that we’d had access to a yard for her and I was thrilled that she wouldn’t have to hobble up and down stairs or down a long a hallway to touch grass. Or, more importantly, to touch snow. I assume every St. Bernard loves snow like I love drugs. In her younger days, Phoebe would get crazy eyes and run for hours in circles when she had the chance to play in the snow. She had the same reaction to sand at the beach, which always cracked me up. Mountain rescue dog by birth, beach dog by choice.
Death sucks and I don’t process it well. It’s been 26 and a half years since my dad passed and I still have an urge to call and talk to him on the phone. He died before I even left for college so who knows where that feeling comes from. But Phoebe’s death has been a heavier weight than I even expected. For one thing, our house is basically a shrine to her. There’s nowhere in here that isn’t full of little knickknacks and pictures of St. Bernards. For another, she was a service dog who never spent any time alone. She went with us everywhere. In stores, in restaurants, to people’s houses. I’m sure it was a strain to some people but there’s not much you can do. Leave a 120-lb dog with horrible separation anxiety at home by itself and good luck having a home to come home to.
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I planned this blog pst to be a weight off but I don’t even have a direction to head. Just listing along here. So let me tell you my one dumb grief ritual that I have for friends and family that pass on. I assign absolutely horrible songs in my mind that will always remind me of them. For my dad it’s Bush “Comedown.” For Phoebe it’s this early 2000s masterwork:
So if you see some bearded idiot driving around blasting this piece of shit song and bawling his eyes out don’t be afraid to say hi.
This is really as much as I can do without devolving into maudlin listing of moments I loved. So I’ll sit here in my yard, weather cycling almost exactly the way it did last year (rain right after she passed, snow the next day) crying to myself and focusing on the horrible feeling of hugging my beautiful girl’s lifeless body. Happy Saturday.
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Happy belated birthday, I’ll miss you forever buddy.
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shaebean23 · 4 years
So I’m off work today and I can’t help but to think about my residents that have passed in the last couple months and it’s hitting me especially hard today.
The first one to pass was a woman I took care of and she had dementia and a couple other issues but her roommate was one that had to be fed so I would always talk to them. Well Ms. R would ask me every time “Honey! How’s your mother doing? You know I love her so much!” (She had never met my mama but I told my mom about her all the time that she would ask) and we would sit there and talk and talk and when I was done feeding her roommate she would come up to me and tell me she loved me and that I grew up to be such a hard worker ❤️❤️ I could always find her by the linen cart grabbing rags & gloves, tying them together and making little “trinkets” for me and I wish she was still here to make them for me 😭😭 she passed away due to Covid but I got to see her thru her window right before she passed. I cried the whole way home.
The second one to pass was a small man who was on hospice. Mr D was someone I’d always get up for breakfast and when I did he would tell me about the dreams he had and about how he was a huge member of his church (I can’t remember what exactly he said he was) but he always smiled and asked if I was ok after transferring him into his favorite recliner and he didn’t weigh more that 120 lbs, he stopped eating before he died and was coughing up a bunch of mucus I always made sure he would eat his bananas cause they were his favorite and to make sure that his tv was set to channel 8 so he could watch his favorite show on Saturday ❤️
The third one breaks my heart, when I first started working at my nursing home he & his wife were in the same room and had been married for 53 years. Sweetest couple, his wife passed away in July of 2020 (old age death) and she was the first one I did after death care to. It broke my heart but not as much as it did his. He had a severe case of dementia and anxiety so he didn’t remember her passing about three weeks after. He could tell she wasn’t here anymore though and would scream out her name looking for her, it broke my heart. He passed away a day before his birthday this year but I believe he had a happy birthday in Heaven with his wife and little girl (they had a daughter that passed away when she was 5) I just hope they both know I loved them so much 😭❤️
The last one always gave me grief about getting a bath and his wounds done but he would always let me, he would get mad at me and cuss me out but he knew I was taking care of him, after getting his wounds & a bath done I would take him out so he could smoke (it would calm his nerves afterwards) and I would talk to him and tell him that he needs to get his wounds done more often (he would refuse a lot) after he got his wounds, bath, and cigarette done he would always thank me and tell me he loved me. And I loved him even when he would cuss me like a dog cause his wounds would hurt. He was on hospice so when his time came there wasn’t much we could do besides give him comfort, that night before he passed I must have checked on him 40 times and prayed at least 50. I’m gonna miss him.
I might not be a nurse yet but I love my residents and they are what drive me to be better and do better, I’ve learned so much and seen so much. I love all my residents like they’re my own grandparents, I see them more than my own family, I’m there for their holidays, for the doctor appointments, the post surgeries for when they come back, I see their changes, the ups and downs, I know their preferences, their favorite foods, tv shows, and favorite music. I laugh, I cry, and I love them. I’m so grateful to be in the healthcare field.
Sorry this is so long, it’s been weighing heavy on my heart today and this was really therapeutic cause I don’t want them to ever be forgotten. ❤️
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Fox news AFC East draft grades: Dolphins soar, Pats perplex - NFL.com
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Fox news
Why provide prompt grades on the picks of prospects who own yet to decide an NFL snap? Well, you are studying this, are now no longer you? Brooding regarding the makeup of every and each roster and the components surrounding each and each employ, Gennaro Filice and Dan Parr strive a division-by-division assessment of the 2020 NFL Draft. Own in thoughts that these grades are in accordance to draft hauls alone -- picks traded for passe players weren't taken into epic. Below is Dan's assessment of the AFC East.
Credit score the Dolphins for laying within the gash to receive their guy. By the purpose draft week rolled spherical, Chris Grier and Brian Flores had astute soccer observers attempting to search out into the premise that they would decide an offensive care for with their first employ -- maybe even trading up for one -- or tear on the Alabama QB for Justin Herbert at No. 5. Obviously, that wasn't the opinion. No one knows if Tagovailoa's break woes will apply him into the NFL, but this used to be a shot Miami wanted to decide. The Dolphins didn't tank, and so that they soundless landed Tua. Well done.
Major disclaimer: Bill Belichick has forgotten extra about soccer than I am going to ever know. OK, with that out of the map, I was befuddled by this preference. What does Bill (or Nike the dogs) know that we kind now no longer be taught about Rohrwasser? Well, likely loads since we had been caught off guard by the employ. The customary Herd kicker wasn't invited to the NFL Scouting Mix or the postseason all-indispensable particular person video games, yet the Pats made him the main specialist off the board. If you happen to had instructed me before the 2020 NFL Draft that Fresh England had an even bigger grade on Justin Rohrwasser than Jake Fromm, I would perchance own wanted assistance restoring my jaw to its commonplace enviornment (maybe they didn't and right idea kicker used to be an even bigger need?). As a minimum, maybe this can flip out to be a gem of a employ, but it used to be positively a surprise gamble on a player who's already embroiled in controversy.
An option quarterback final season at Navy, Perry lined up at vast receiver in January at the East-West Shrine Bowl, and the Dolphins are listing him at running relieve, which is smart. I mean, the guy ran for the 2nd-most yards within the FBS final season (2,017). What Perry lacks in dimension (5-foot-9, 186 pounds), he makes up for in intangibles. He used to be one of the significant closing 10 picks of the draft, but I would perchance now no longer wager in opposition to him turning into a versatile contributor for the Dolphins.
NOTE: Draft classes are ranked from most productive to worst at some stage within the division.
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Miami Dolphins
RANK: 1 · 2019 RECORD: 5-11-0
» Round 1: (No. 5 total) Tua Tagovailoa, QB, Alabama; (No. 18) USC OT Austin Jackson; (No. 30) Auburn CB Noah Igbinoghene. » Round 2: (39) Robert Hunt, OL, Louisiana; (56) Raekwon Davis, DT, Alabama. » Round 3: (60) Brandon Jones, S, Texas. » Round 4: (111) Solomon Kindley, OG, Georgia. » Round 5: (154) Jason Strowbridge, DE, North Carolina; (164) Curtis Weaver, edge rusher, Boise Order. » Round 6: (185) Blake Ferguson, LS, LSU. » Round 7: (246) Malcolm Perry, RB, Navy.
This used to be the Dolphins' draft to protect watch over. They entered it with basically the most picks within the league, including three first-rounders, and weak the boatload of capital about as well to additionally they can. As I talked about earlier on this portion, I'm a fan of the threat they had been engaging to decide with their first preference. Tagovailoa's doable used to be too big to tear up, even with the break concerns. Jackson and Igbinoghene went sooner than many anticipated them to, but in those two players, Miami would possibly perchance want a future starting left care for and a now no longer easy, competitive, bodily nickel relieve -- it be significant to be right kind at those spots to rob in this day's NFL. We're now no longer right here to strongly dock the Fins for those choices, even supposing a case would perchance also be made that they had been reaches. The Igbinoghene employ foreshadowed the Dolphins' theme for Day 2 of the draft, because the grasp opinion of adding now no longer easy, bodily, great means used to be fully revealed with the picks of Hunt, Davis and Jones. Broad fan of the work they did on the line of defense on Day 3, landing a Senior Bowl standout (Strowbridge) and a doable steal in Weaver, who didn't allow below-real looking explosiveness to protect him from racking up 34 sacks over the past three seasons. Closing but now no longer least, Perry -- he of 2,017 speeding yards final season -- has an opportunity to create a enviornment as a versatile contributor who can assistance on offense and special teams. Now, the deserves of drafting a prolonged snapper also can likely be arguable, but all in all, a terribly good haul right here.
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Fresh York Jets
RANK: 2 · 2019 RECORD: 7-9-0
» Round 1: (No. 11 total) Mekhi Becton, OT, Louisville. » Round 2: (59) Denzel Mims, WR, Baylor. » Round 3: (68) Ashtyn Davis, S, Cal; (79) Jabari Zuniga, edge rusher, Florida. » Round 4: (120) La'Mical Perine, RB, Florida; (125) James Morgan, QB, Florida World; (129) Cameron Clark, OG, Charlotte. » Round 5: (158) Bryce Corridor, CB, Virginia. » Round 6: (191) Braden Mann, P, Texas A&M.
Sure, we know there's low-ground doable with Becton. We additionally own heard that he is a 6-foot-7, 364-pound mountain of a one who mauls of us. That's what I would possibly perchance be attempting to search out if I wished to present protection to my young franchise quarterback. So, Sam Darnold can relaxation a itsy-bitsy bit simpler at night (and with any luck couldn't own to wonder if Iowa OT Tristan Wirfs, who went a pair picks later, would had been the upper employ at No. 11). Oh, and GM Joe Douglas stumbled on a right kind cost in Round 2 even after trading down, improving Darnold's supporting solid all all over again with the addition of Mims. If he can grasp a extra advanced route tree than he used to be asked to flee at Baylor, sight out. Douglas then became to his defense, snagging one of the significant center-rounders who generated basically the most buzz this spring. This would possibly perchance be a gigantic employ if it all comes collectively for the freakishly athletic Davis, dubbed the draft's "thriller man" by one commonplace manager final month. The Jets would possibly perchance need reached a itsy-bitsy bit to bag a necessity with the Zuniga employ. The production (18.5 occupation sacks in four seasons) would no longer soar off the page, but injuries had been a bugaboo. Perhaps Gregg Williams can coax basically the most out of a player who surely has shown flashes. Douglas must own enjoyed his time scouting within the Sunshine Order, as he added a pair extra Florida males to originate up Day 3. Perine, who can churn out now no longer easy yards, used to be a beautiful different to bag a necessity within the relieve of Le'Veon Bell. We additionally weren't bothered by the choice to decide a shot on the best-armed Morgan as a backup for Darnold. Same goes for a vogue Douglas closed things out on within the draft's final few rounds, checking off needs and discovering good cost all all over again with Corridor in Round 5.
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Buffalo Payments
RANK: 3 · 2019 RECORD: 10-6-0
» Round 2: (No. 54 total) A.J. Epenesa, DE, Iowa. » Round 3: (86) Zack Moss, RB, Utah. » Round 4: (128) Gabriel Davis, WR, UCF. » Round 5: (167) Jake Fromm, QB, Georgia. » Round 6: (188) Tyler Bass, K, Georgia Southern; (207) Isaiah Hodgins, WR, Oregon Order. » Round 7: (239) Dane Jackson, CB, Pittsburgh.
Brandon Beane took care of his largest need final month, giving up a equipment of picks, including this year's first-rounder, for WR Stefon Diggs. Then all all over again, we're grading purely on the work done on draft weekend right here (their grade would be bigger if the Diggs deal used to be being taken into epic). Beane soundless did a right kind job along with his remaining capital, even supposing! He stumbled on a first-spherical-caliber player gradual in Round 2. Epenesa used to be once regarded as a probable top-15 employ, but fell out of prefer with the draft cognoscenti due in phase to an NFL Scouting Mix exercise that didn't inspire. That talked about, he filled Buffalo's top need coming into the draft and used to be one of basically the most productive values within the draft, in accordance to NFL Network draft knowledgeable Daniel Jeremiah. I like it, and would perchance recount the identical thing for the different of Moss, a violent runner who fills the void left by Frank Gore. Now, I would perchance own most well-most customary to explore Buffalo tear along with a nook with its first employ on Day 3 (Josiah Scott? Amik Robertson?) with Josh Norman in decline and playing on a one-year deal, but I stamp the appeal to of constant to add weaponry for Josh Allen, and the Payments did bag cost at the nook enviornment with the different of Jackson within the closing spherical. Davis has the size and safe radius to snag Allen's throws downfield and Hodgins is yet any other expansive tree who can tear up and receive it. The Fromm employ used to be an eyebrow-raiser, but I will be able to now no longer argue with the associated charge. Weird things happen on Day 3, as I was additionally bowled over they determined to reel in Bass in Round 6, but hi there, he used to be arguably basically the most productive kicker within the draft. Sorry, Stephen Hauschka.
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Fresh England Patriots
RANK: 4 · 2019 RECORD: 12-4-0
» Round 2: (No. 37 total) Kyle Dugger, S, Lenoir-Rhyne; (60) Josh Uche, LB, Michigan. » Round 3: (87) Anfernee Jennings, edge rusher, Alabama; (91) Devin Asiasi, TE, UCLA; (101) Dalton Keene, TE, Virginia Tech. » Round 5: (159) Justin Rohrwasser, K, Marshall. » Round 6: (182) Mike Onwenu, OG, Michigan; (195) Justin Herron, OL, Wake Wooded enviornment; (204) Cassh Maluia, LB, Wyoming. » Round 7: (230) Dustin Woodard, C, Memphis.
No one's earned the superb to be assured extra than Bill Belichick, but this Patriots draft felt model of ... successfully, smug. They didn't trouble to take care of needs at quarterback or vast receiver and took a kicker when it used to be soundless early within the fifth spherical, making Rohrwasser the main specialist chosen in 2020. Belichick has talked about the choice to tear on drafting a QB 10 cases "wasn't by create," in convey that sounds love he didn't abominate the means at the enviornment on this draft. He right didn't in actuality feel compelled to decide one in a year where he is riding with Jarrett Stidham and Brian Hoyer. Alrighty then. The Pats did take care of just a few voids with their picks after trading out of Round 1 and deciding on up a further employ, even supposing. Dugger offers some unparalleled-wanted childhood at safety and whereas he comes from a minute college, he regarded love a man who belonged when he faced all-indispensable particular person competitors at the Senior Bowl. Uche, yet any other Senior Bowl standout, appears to be like to be a right kind fit with raw athletic tools that Belichick can mold. Jennings drew a comp to ancient Patriot Kyle Van Noy from colleague/draft guru Lance Zierlein, so it can appear he landed within the superb enviornment. Fresh England had to add at tight end, and lastly did in Round 3, trading up for both Asiasi and Keene, which had been a itsy-bitsy handsome choices on condition that there had been arguably better prospects at the enviornment available at both spots. The choice to add depth to the O-line in a while Day 3 made sense. Total, there had been things to love and things to seek details from on this class.
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sheusedtobesassier · 5 years
Day 10,175
1: Shorter. Maybe like 5′5″.
2: I wish our cat would come back.
3: Shia LaBeouf.
4: Bruh, The Sims.
5: Omar, Ally, and idk maybe Steve.
7: Excuse me?
8: Sanguine.
9: I don’t appreciate tickling.
10: Possibly bees.
11: Straight.
12: Coffee with creamer.
13: Cat.
14: Mermaid.
15: David Dobrik.
16: 5′10″.
17: Alma.
18: I think I’m 145 lbs, but I don’t weigh me ever.
19: Sure.
20: Mmmm let’s go with space.
21: Oh very.
22: Being selfish with the radio.
23: Wut.
24: Cassiopeia, queen of the night sky.
25: Lol I don’t know one.
26: No.
27: Sure.
28: Yeah but call it climate change. It’s less amusing.
29: I do not.
30: I need to make a new decision on that.
31: Not really, no.
32: A handful.
33: Some of this is not for me.
34: White.
35: Travel to Paris. Live in Albuquerque.
36: Newark, Ohio.
37: Brown.
38: Introvert.
39: I think they’re poetry.
40: Hugs and kisses.
41: Hahaha. Tonight? Honestly? Brandon.
42: Fucking Omar.
43: There’s some beautiful dermals.
44: Big time.
45: Ooh, I could smoke tonight.
46: I don’t have a crush. That is not the word.
47: Ooh ooh Twenty One Pilots.
48: Rainy Mood.
49: No.
50: No.
51: Currently it’s Shia LaBeouf and mm maybe Saoirse Ronan?
52: Wait you already asked this.
53: I’m a puddle.
54: This color if not whiter.
55: Don’t make me feel like crying please.
56: Writing.
57: I haven’t been diagnosed with anything.
58: Idk.
59: I don’t like the word most, but let’s say articulate, assertive, and fickle.
60: Loosely.
61: Um things that are too graphic/took kinky for me.
62: It comes down to the vibe.
63: The Dan Schweitzer and Zion Brooks kinds, lol.
64: I’m into a variety of bears.
65: Mm I’m too self centered to answer this.
66: The upside down smiley face.
67: Idk but the Peloton lady really amused me.
68: ENFP.
69: Pisces af.
70: I don’t have a dog.
71: Deep in a very serious sweatpants phase.
72: No.
73: Never.
74: I’m thinking about quitting which isn’t fun but is a fact so.
75: No.
76: Birds aren’t real.
77: I don’t like to swim, no.
78: Neither.
79: Snapchat.
80: A new message from Omar.
81: Double ears and a high one on my right.
82: Thinking about how my life could end up.
83: Mm conversations in the Hines kitchen.
84: I think I liked it straight away.
85: It doesn’t matter.
86: Lol I can actually.
87: Usually.
88: No.
89: Uh I think aquamarine. Which. I’ve never liked.
90: A lightning bug.
91: I don’t feel like a flower.
92: Mm, Forever 21 stresses me out now.
93: Very many.
94: Fly.
95: Haha I do a little yeah.
96: Summer.
97: Not that long.
98: Mm. Right now? Omar.
99: Uhhhh. Ummmm. Anybody free.
100: Zumiez.
101: Probably Adidas.
102: Wisconsin.
103: No.
104: Opals rule. Amethyst is gorgeous too.
105: I try not to.
106: Bugs are fine.
107: Mm, I can go back to murdering them now.
108: Teenagers reading my tumblr.
109: Decent.
110: I don’t care to come up with one.
111: Same thing I just said.
112: I don’t think so.
113: I can’t imagine it.
114: “She’s the partly sunny after your mostly cloudy.”
115: Tonight it would be Brandon which is such an interesting twist.
116: Big huge fluffy ones when the sky is blue.
117: Blue is good.
118: I wish.
119: Wit.
121: Fast forward.
122: Mm probably the sky.
123: Sour.
124: Dim.
125: Sure?
126: It gets redundant.
127: It’s scrapbooking and that’s nice.
128: That question sucks.
129: Uh something in cursive.
130: Omar.
131: How well I’ve taken care of me.
132: Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
133: NO TV.
134: I don’t and I never really have.
135: A little.
136: I can’t tell?
137: A little.
138: I’m a decent six and when I really try a low eight.
139: Do not call me Angie.
140: Mhm.
141: I would like to. I would really really like to.
142: Good.
143: Receiving.
144: Liars.
145: Just English.
146: Girls lol.
147: I am not.
148: Mm, I’m very in tune with who I am.
149: I can amuse almost anybody.
150: Omar. Brandon. Mary.
151: Hahaha, redoing YWAM the way I am now would be interesting.
152: I do like Buzzfeed.
153: I don’t have one now so I don’t have to answer this sad question.
154: I do not.
155: I do.
156: Not knowing what I’m talking about.
157: Orientation.
158: Hell I don’t know.
159: Quite a few.
160: 8,173.
161: 7.
162: How can you know that?
163: Last night because it’s been two months and he isn’t responding.
164: Shortish.
165: Long.
166: Because it’s what makes everything make sense to me.
167: Only if it’s beautiful.
168: I like it a lot actually.
169: I’m not interested in that.
170: I never lied. 
0 notes
winchesters-love · 7 years
Get To Know Me!!! A Little Too Well
1. Name: Nicole 2. Nickname(s): Nik, Nikki 3. Birthday: June 21 4. That makes you: 18 5. Where were you born: Nebraska 6. Location right now: Same place 7. Shoe size: 7 8. How many piercings?: None 9. Tattoos?: None, but I'd love a few <3 10. When you wake up you're: Confused and even more tired 11. When your about to sleep you're: Wide awake 12. Zodiac sign: Cancerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr/Gemini 13. Chinese sign: Rabbit 14. Righty or Lefty: Righty 15. Innie or Outie: Innie 16. School: Out of school :P Section Two: Looks 17. Nationality: White 20. Weight: 110 lbs 21. Height: 5'6 22. Braces? No 23. Glasses? Yes Section Three: Private Life 24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend? I do! 25. If so, who? The love of my life, Nate 26. If not, do you have a crush on someone? My boyfriend 27. Who has a crush on you? No one haha 28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf? Nope 29. Who was your first kiss: Nate, he kisses pretty good 30. Who was your last kiss: Nate <3 31. Are you a virgin? Yes 32. Ever had a threesome before? No 33. NQ- Ever been swarmed by ladybugs?: Nope 34. Have you ever been in love? Yes 35. Broken any hearts? Not that I know of 36. Got your heart broken? Quite a few times 37. Ever liked a friend? Yea 38. What happened? We started dating
Section Four: Past Relationships 39. How many relationships have you been in? 1 40. How many were serious enough to count: I'm in it 41. Who were those serious ones: I've only been in 1 42. NQ- Who USED to be your best friend: Well, he's still my best friend so 43. What made them different: Nothing 44. What happened: We started dating 45. Best boy/girlfriend: The one I'm dating 46. Worst boy/girlfriend: N/A 47. Ever been kissed: Yes 48. Who do you want back: No one 49. What do you regret: Focusing too much on guys 50. Why? Because I would've done so much better in school Section Five: Favourites 51. Song: Sound of Silence 52. Movie: Zootopia 53. Food: Anything really 54. Drink: Apple Juice 55. Store: Gamestop and Hot Topic 56. Television show: Stranger Things and Mom 57. Holiday: Christmas 58. Book: Grace Lost Series 59. Ice cream: Mint Chip 60. Sweets: Chocolate 61. Crisps: Doritos Jacked 62. Type of music: Pretty much every genre 63. Artist: Singer is Luke Bryan, Painter is Bob Ross 64. Word: Loquacious, vernacular 65. Time of day: Evening/night 66. Dressing: Ranch 67. Alcoholic drink: Don't drink 68. Colour(s): Blue, Red, Black, and White 69. Piece of clothing: Beanie 70. Character: My fursona 71. Smell: Fresh rainfall 72. Shampoo: Fructis 73. Soap: Fructis 74. Smiley: >3 75. Board game: Too many tbh 76. Sport: Soccer 77. Number: 5 78. Quote: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." Franklin D. Roosvelt 79. Animal: Wolf 80. Actor: Ryan Reynolds/Chris Pratt 82. Vegetable: Sugar snap peas 83. Fruit: Grapes 84. Place to be: In my room 85. Thing in your room: Pictures 86. Gum: 5-gum 87. Shape: Circle 88. Country: Europe 89. Mall: Any mall 90. Car: 67 Chevy Impala 91. Boy's name: Christopher 92. Girl's name: Chrissy 93. Family member: My brothers and my dad 94. Restaurant: Johnny Carinos 95. Movie place: The theater 96. Person to go to the movies with: Myself 97. Noise: Falling rain 98. Brand of Shoe: Airwalks 99. Brand of clothing: Aeropostle 100. Body part of a chicken: Thigh 101. Swear word: Asshat 102. Month: December 103. Possession: My ring 104. Team: Don't have a favorite 105. Season: Winter 106. Radio station: Pop station 107. Magazine: Don't read them 108. Favourite grade: Senior year 109. Least favourite grade: 5th grade 110. Teacher: Kindergarten 111. Least favourite teacher: Math teacher in 5th grade, he was a douche 112. Subject: Art/Choir 113. Subject to talk about: Anything and everything Section Six: Family 114. Who's your mum?: Not here 115. Who's your dad?: My role model 116. Any step-parents?: Yea, had a few 117. Any brothers?: 2 118. Any Sisters?: Nope 120. Coolest: Older brother 121. Loudest: Me 122. Best relative: My cousin 123. Worse relative: No one 124. Do you get along with your parents? My dad, yea 125. With your siblings? Mostly, we game with each other 126. Does anyone understand you? Yea 127. Do you have any pets? Nah 128. If so, what kind and name? 129. If not, what do you want as a pet? I want another dog, we had to get rid of ours Section Seven: School 131. Are you still in school? Nope 132. Did you drop out?: 2.75, I didn't pay attention freshman and sophomore year 133. Your current GPA: No thanks 134. Do you buy or bring lunch?: School bill paid for it 135. ABC's?: Know them 136. Favorite class: Choir and art 137. Play any sports at school?: Played soccer 138. Are you popular? With the outcasts 139. Favourite memory: Being the only girl good at soccer 140. Most humiliating moment: Falling in front of my close guy friends 141. Most funniest moment: Hitting someone in the face with a soccer ball 142. Most scared moment: Graduating Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear 145. Chicken: Bawk bawk 146. Dog: Soft puppy 147. Christina Aguilera: Music 148. Ricky Martin: Who? 149. 50 cent: Rapper 150. Poop: Emoji 151. Beach: Sand 152. Dessert: Cactus 153. Water: Blue 154. Osama: Bin Laden 155. Love: Life 156. Your little brother: Xbox One 157. Butt: Nice 158. Clowns: Pennywise 159. Wonder: Over Yander 16o. Brown: Pants 161. Banana: Yum 162. Sex: Rope 163. Parents: One 164. Homosexuals: Jensen and Jared 165. God: Father Section Nine: Do you believe in 166. God: Yes 167. Heaven: Yes 168. Devil: Yes 169. Hell: In a sense 170: Boogey man: No 171. Closet Monsters: Nah 172. Fortune telling: Nope 173. Magic: Nuh uh 174. Love at first sight: Depends 175. Ghosts: Nope 176. Voo-doo dolls: Nah 177. Reincarnation: Nope 178. Yourself: Ehh, not really Section Ten: Do you 179. Smoke: And kill my lungs? No thanks 180. Do drugs: Pfft, why would I? 181. Drink alcohol: Again, I'm not trying to die at a young age 182. Cuss: Yea 183. Sing in the shower: Sometimes... 184. Like school: Yea, it was the best place to be! 185. Want to get married: Mhmm, and I'm glad I found someone 186. Type with all of your fingers: Not really 187. Think you're attractive: Most days 188. Drink and drive: Fuck this 189. Snore: Sometimes 190. Sleep walk: Nope 191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: Best place to be honestly Section Eleven: Have you ever 192. Flashed someone: On accident 193. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: I don't drink 194. Told that person how you felt: Yep 195. Been arrested: Nope 196. Gone to jail or juve: No 197. Skateboarded: Yes 198. Skinny dipped: In a bath 199. Rock climbed: Do it every summer 200. Killed someone: Nope 201. Watched porn: Nah 202. Gone on a road trip: Kinda 203. Went out of the country: Nah 204. Talked back to an adult: Yes 205. Broken a law: Nope 206. Got pulled over: Don't drive 208: Cried to get out of trouble: I don't usually do anything bad 209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: I'm supposed to, I'm there to listen 210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: No 211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: No 212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: Nah, I usually eat it 213. Mooned someone: Yes, once 214. Shop-lifted: No 215. Worked at McDonald's: No thank you 216. Eaten a dog: A hot dog! 217. Give money to a homeless person: Yea, I've fed them too 218. Glued your hand to yourself: Yes 219. Kissed someone of the same sex: Playing Pocky 220. Had a one night stand: I have two right beside my bed 221. Smoked: Nope 222. Done drugs: No 223. Lose a friend because of your ex: I don't have any exes 224. Slap someone for being stupid: Yes 225. Had cyber sex: Sexted?? Kinda 226. Wish you were the opposite sex: A lot more often than I should sometimes. But for completely different reasons 227. Caught someone doing something: Yea 228. Played a game that removes clothing: Strip truth or dare ;) 229. Cried during a movie: All the damn time 230. Cried over someone: It's hard not to when you can't have an actor love you 231. Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yea, and I did 232. Hooked up with someone you barely met: Nah 233. Ran away from home: Nope 234. Cheated on a test: Once Section Twelve: Would you 235. Bungee jump: Nope 236. Sky dive: Hate heights 237. Swim with dolphins: Yes 238. Steal a friend's bf or gf: That goes against girl code 239. Try to be the opposite sex: No 240. Lie to the police: Hi officer my real name is Nicholas... Cage 241. Run from the police: No 242. Lie to your parents: Done it before 243. Backstab a friend for your own well being: That's just plain rude 244. Be an exotic dancer: Only for my boyfriend <3 245. NQ- Kill the president: Nah Section Thirteen: Are you 246. Shy: Yes, especially around new people 247. Loud: Extremely 248. Nice: I try to be 249: Outgoing: I fake being outgoing haha 250: Quiet: Yea 251. Mean: Depends, I'm mean to those I like 252. Emotional: Sad to say, but yea 253. Sensitive: Mhmm 254. Gay: I'm very happy 255. Strong: I wish, need to start working out 256. Weak: Yea 257. Caring: Yes, especially towards animals 258. Dangerous: Well, does this include caving? 259. Crazy: Uh huh 260. Spontaneous: I am the most random and spontaneous thing out there 261. Funny: I try to be, I fail at it 262. Sweet: To eat ;) 263. Sharing: With most things, but not my food 264. Responsible: Most of the time 265. Trustworthy: Definitely, if you want a secret kept come talk to me 266. Open-minded: Depends on what you mean 267. Creative: For the most part 268. Cute: Um, not even close, no matter how many of y'all say I am 269. Slick: They don't call me Nik the Slick for nothing 270. Smart: Yea 271. Dumb: I act like it 272. Evil: No 273. Ghetto: If only 274. Classy: As in sassy 275. Photogenic: Nope 276. Dependable: Only on a few select things 277. Greedy: Only with food 278. Ugly: Yes, 100 times over 279. Messy: With my life 280. Neat: With everything else 281. Perverted: You can say cookie and it'll go bad 282. Silly: Yea 283. A B****: I can be if you want me to be 284. A Good Listener: Mhmm 285. A Fighter: If you make me mad enough 286. A Party Animal: I'd rather read, thanks 287. A Game Freak: YES 288. A Computer Freak: I literally want to work on computers Section Fourteen: Future 289. Dream job: Animation 290. Dream house: Somewhere out in the country 291. Husband/Wife: My sweet redheaded boyfriend 292. Kids: 2 293. Names: Something with Ns 294. Pets: Literally so many 295. Car: Anything that gets me places 296. Age you would want to get married: I wouldn't mind getting married in the next few years 297. Best Man/Bride's Maid: My best friend Elena 298. Honeymoon: Anyplace that has a bedroom Section Fifteen: Your friends 299. Best friend: Elena, Nate, Jasmine, Kelsey 300. Known the longest: Nate 301. Craziest: Elena 302. Loudest: Elena and I 303. Shyest: Jasmine and Kelsey 304. Best hair: Kelsey 305. Best eyes: Kelsey 306. Best body: Nate 307. Most Athletic: Me 308. Hot-Tempered: Elena 309. Most impatient: Me 310. Shortest: Nate 311. Tallest: Kelsey 312. Skinniest: Me 313. Best singer: Me 314. Funniest: Literally all of us 315. Can always make you laugh: All of them 316. Wish you talked to more: Elena 317. Wish you saw more: All of them 318. Who drives you insane after a while: Elena, but in a good way 319. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of: All of them 320. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level': Nah, I'm dating Nate 321. Whose always been there when you need them: All of them 322. Who is like your family: All of them 323. How many friends do you have?: Quite a few, and I love each and every one of them 324. How many are really close? About 10? Section Sixteen: The last 325. Thing you ate: Poptarts 326. Thing you drank: Apple juice 327. Thing you wore: My hoodie 328. Thing you did: This meme 329. Place you went: The store 330. Thing you got pierced or tattooed: Nothing 331. Person you saw: My dad 332. Person you hugged: My dad 333. Person you kissed: Nate 334. NQ- Person you beat to a juicy pulp: I wish I had done that to a couple jerks 335. Person you talked to online: Nate 336. Person you talked to on the phone: Nate 337. Song you heard: Vulnerable by Secondhand Serenade 338. Show you saw: Mom 339. Time you fought with your parents: Um... about a month or two? 340. Time you fought with a friend: Haven't for a while 341. Words you said: Fuck you is what I said Section Seventeen: Now 343. What are you eating: Poptart 344. What are you drinking: Apple juice 345. What are you thinking: About my boyfriend 346. What are you wearing: My hoodie 347. What are you doing: Writing this up 349. Hair: Down 350. Mood: Tired 351. Listening to: Spotify 352. Talking to anyone: Yea 353. Watching anything: Nah Section Eighteen: Yes or No 354. Are you a vegetarian: Mostly 355. Are you a carnivore: Nah 356. Are you heterosexual: Yes 357. Do you like penguins: Yes 358. Do you write poetry: Yes 359. Do you see stupid people: Yes 360. You + Me: No 361. Do you like the Osbournes: Yes 362. Can you see flying pigs: No 363. Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: Yes 364. Are you from Afghanistan: No 365. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: No 366. Are you a zombie: No 367. Am i annoying you: Yes 368. Do you bite your nails: Yes 369. Can you cross your eyes: Yes 370. Do you make your bed in the morning: No 371. Have you touched someone's private part: Yes Section Nineteen: This or That 372. Winter or Summer: Winte 373. Spring or Autumn: Autumn 374. Shakira or Britney: Britney 375. MTV or VH1: MTV 376. Black or White: White 377. Yellow or Pink: Pink 378. Football or Basketball: Football 379. Mobile Phone or Pager: Mobile 380. Pen or Pencil: Pencil 381. Cold or Hot: Hot 382. Tattoos or Piercings: Tattoos 383. Inside or Outside: Inside 384. Weed or Alcohol: No 385. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi 386. Tape or Glue: Tape 387. McDonald's or In-n-Out: In-Out Section Twenty: Opinions 388. What do you think about classical music: I like it 389. About boy bands: Nah 390: About suicide: Talk to someone if you're thinking about suicide. It is a very real thing and should not be joked about. I don't want to find out that any of you are no longer here because of suicide. I've lost 2 very close friends that way. 391. About people who try to force their opinions on you: They can kindly fuck off 392. About teen pregnancy: Only if they know they'll be able to take care of the baby 393. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: With my husband in some country town 394. Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: Nate, Elena, Kelsey, Jasmine, hopefully all my friends 395. About gay men: They're human too Section Twenty-One: 396. Do you have a website: I'm working on building one 397. Current weather right now: Cold as balls 398. Current time: 7:00 399. Last thoughts: Byyyye
4 notes · View notes
topiom · 5 years
KSI vs Logan Paul 2 LIVE: YouTube stars clash in LA - latest updates and undercard results | Daily Mail Online
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KSI beat Logan Paul in a huge grudge rematch at Staples Center which saw the YouTube stars face off in a bid to end their beef once and for all.
In a closely-fought contest which saw both fighters hit the canvas, British YouTuber KSI emerged victorious, winning 57-54 56-55 while one judge scored it 56-55 in favour of Paul.
In the YouTubers first encounter they fought in Manchester with the result concluding in a majority draw, with the judges scoring the fight 57-58 in favour of KSI and the other two scoring it a 57-57, 57-57 draw. 
Follow Sportsmail's Ollie Lewis who will provide live coverage of this clash including undercard fights Billy Joe Saunders vs Marcelo Coceres and Devin Haney vs Alfredo Santiago.
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Ollie Lewis
Host commentator
That's all from us tonight
Thanks for joining us for our coverage of KSI v Logan Paul 2 this morning. 
For all the criticism garnered against the pair, KSI and Paul provided us with the most entertaining fight of the night, and their commitment to the sport cannot be questioned.
Billy Joe Saunders and Devin Haney will be pleased to come away with victories in front of a huge watching audience, but will perhaps be left to feel they could have put on more of a show on the big stage.
KSI and Logan Paul speak
KSI: 'Last year I was scared. This time I just kept going and going. 
'They saw how much bigger he was, but I was like 'screw that, I'm going to work my a** off!'
'Your boy has done it. I am victorious!
'I'm a dog. I keep saying it. 
'It took me about a minute or two to figure how I was but I came back. I don't want people to think "he's weak, he's not a fighter" I am a fighter and I keep going.
'I have never worked so hard man, in the ring, in camp it was tough man but I was ready and I was on fire. 
'It takes a big man to get in the ring, and you're a big man. Thank you for a good fight bro.'
LP: 'I just want to say fair play to JJ you are one of the toughest people I know and I wish you the best.'  
Those two points deducted have cost Logan Paul. The judges scored it 55-56 57-54 56-55 in favour of the Brit who looked rocked in the fourth round but recovered remarkably to win it on enemy soil.
Paul makes good use of the jab again to keep KSI at bay but the Brit is so determined to land the all important haymaker, but nothing doing. 
This is going down to the cards. How on earth is this going to be decided? One knockdown, two points taken off Logan Paul who finished strongly after KSI's bright start.
The effect of that upper cut cannot be underestimated. KSI looks to have had a load of confidence sapped as he looks to cover up from big Paul shots. 
If the american finds that killer instinct he can finish this in the sixth round. It's going to a grandstand finale. 
Sharp start to the round for Paul who lands a clean one-two on KSI, who is forced to back up. And then KSI goes down! Paul lands a clean upper cut while holding KSI's neck.
That seemed to daze KSI who has taken a few moments to gather his thoughts. The referee has scored the knock down but has deducted two points because Paul hit KSI while he was down. 
This is a big thirty seconds in the corner for KSI who looks stunned.
'What the f*** are you doing? Get behind the jab!'
KSI continues his barrage of wild swings and Paul is slowing down remarkably. The American is on his knee but the referee rules no knock down. 
Paul seems reluctant to use his right hand while his jab is falling short. This is bubbling away nicely
Logan Paul is using the jab well to keep KSI at a distance, but he can't evade another looping overhand right which catches Paul, leaving a mark just below the left eye. 
Based on the first two rounds, Paul is the better boxer technically, and KSI may blow himself out with the many missed shots so far.  
KSI is looking to close the range on the much larger and more imposing Paul. KSI swings wildly but can't quite catch the American, while Paul lands a sweet left hook of his own. 
A good first round, which the judges may give to KSI based on intent. 
We're almost ready to go
National anthems have been played, with an interesting violin version of God Save The Queen, before the Star-Spangled Banner is sung.  
Michael Buffer does his bit. Logan Paul's introduction is met by a chorus of boos while KSI lets out a roar across the ring with arms spread wide. 
The fighters are given their final instructions by the referee and we are moments away.
KSI is making his way out now to music by Rick Ross.
The Brit is in a red gown and a black and red mask. A rather subdued entrance for the big personality. 
First up...Logan Paul
Anticipation is building inside Staples Center as a Logan Paul montage is played on the big screen. 
Despite being the hometown fighter, boos ring out for the Ohio-born YouTuber. Paul is dressed in a custom made hoodie with the American flag, and his Maverick brand logo on his chest. 
Paul enters the ring and raises his right arm to the crowd, marching around the four corners, before climbing on the corner post to the crowd. 
It's the moment we've all been waiting for
We are moments away from the ring walk here and the broadcaster has shown the tale of the tape, with the added stat of the subscribers that KSI and Logan Paul have yielded. 
Minus the 600,000 difference in subscriber count, the most prominent difference between these two would seem to be the huge 6 lbs weight differential in favour of Logan Paul.
Michael Buffer is on the mic and the fighters are about to make their way into the ring.
What an absolutely farcical round of boxing that was. With 11 seconds remaining, Batista was clubbed to the canvas with a shot to the back of the head. With a little convincing from the referee to continue, the 35-year-old gets back to his feet to finish the round. 
The ref had taken a point off of Ababiy for that and as the bell sounded for the end of the round Batista decided to launch at Ababiy, leading to the referee disqualifying the veteran. 
That recklessness may just have cost him in the pocket.
Not long to go now
Just one more fight to go before the main event you've all been waiting for. 
Nikita Ababiy takes on Jonathan Batista in a four round contest.
UP NEXT! 💥@KSIOlajidebt and @LoganPaul settle it all in the ring #KSIvsLoganPaul2 📲 Book to watch here: https://t.co/VRyaSNKnjb pic.twitter.com/uWRCMBSake
— Sky Sports Boxing (@SkySportsBoxing)
Haney: 'I dislocated my right shoulder'
'I felt like I could have done better. In one of the rounds i dislocated my right shoulder but i was a true champion and carried on and got the win.
'I threw a right hand and overextended but it's alright I showed I was a true champion and can fight through anything.
'He was very crafty, I showed that I could adjust.
'In 2020 I want all the top guys. I want to unify. Me and Lomachenko can get it on. I'm going to take a rest but in 2020 i want all the big fights.' 
All three judges score the contest 120-107 in favour of Haney as The Dream retains his WBC Lightweight championship.
A complete shut out on paper, but very little sparkle from that one.
The crowd jeers as this one comes to a close. A disappointing night for Devin Haney, the much-touted future of American boxing. 
The 20-year-old should win this comfortably on the cards, but it hasn't been pretty at all. 
Eddie Hearn said he wanted to give boxing fans world class fights on this undercard. It has to be said that the two world championship contests tonight have fallen flat. 
Haney lands a clean overhand right and, as has been the case since the fifth round, Santiago clinches.
But the champion hasn't changed his approach at all to pose new questions to the challenger throughout this contest.
Between rounds Haney complained to his team of Santiago's clinching on the inside, the young man is certainly frustrated with how the night is unfolding. 
The 20-year-old continues to stalk his prey but can't land anything decisive enough to put him away. 
Better from Haney, who lands up top before thundering a big body shot on the challenger, who clings for dear life to smother the pace of his opponent. 
Haney tries to repeat the body shot but finds his strike land below the belt and the referee intervenes. 
There's no doubt that Haney is in control of this fight, but he will be disappointed that the tempo has slowed so considerably since that strong fifth round. 
Santiago is a tough puzzle to solve but on current evidence the likes of Luke Campbell and Vasilily Lomachenko won't be too concerned by this performance.
Fairly pedestrian round there. Perhaps the big occasion of being a defending champion for the first time is getting to the 20-year-old. 
Haney ends the round in the ascendancy as Santiago scampers for cover but the bell separates the two men. 
Haney will be disappointed with that round. The champion seemed to have taken his foot off the gas as Santiago looked to buy himself time by engaging in the clinch when Haney gets close. A good recovery round for the challenger.
Much like Billy Joe Saunders, things haven't been going too swimmingly for the overwhelming favourite. 
Haney is now finding his way through, unloading heavy shots on Santiago which land clean. 
And down goes Santiago, that had been coming this round. The wheels have come off big time for the challenger as Haney goes through the gears, landing a big right hand that puts down the man in bright green. 
If it wasn't for the bell, that could have been curtains for the challenger, who looks upset in his corner. 
Did not expect this. Santiago switches to southpaw and lands a clean shot on Haney. The challenger is making life tricky for Haney, setting a fast pace and managing to land counter strikes on the champion. 
The 5' 11'' man is proving an awkward proposition for Haney, who is frustrated with Santiago's willingness to clinch at every opportunity.
Haney is looking to find his rhythm here. You sense that once he does, it could be a very quick ending for Santiago, who isn't causing too much trouble for the 20-year-old. But the challenger will take heart from his opening three rounds here.
A rather tentative opening three minutes with both men looking to pounce to counter punch the other. Haney whips his right hand across but fails to land anything meaningful on Santiago, but boy does he look sharp. 
The fighters make their way to the ring
Haney and Santiago are in the ring, with the Dominican Republic fighter sporting a bright green pair of shorts as his entourage wave Dominican flags while David Diamante introduces the challenger. 
The Dream is in silver shorts lined with purple and looks at complete ease, bouncing lightly on his toes in his corner. 
The fighters come together as the referee gives his instructions. We are moments away now. 
Next up is hot prospect Devin Haney as he defends his WBC lightweight title against Alfredo Santiago.
Billy Joe Saunders: 'Canelo...take me while you think I'm spent'
'There's no excuse. I knew from Round 9 I have to get this man out of here. I wanted to impress the American crowd and i hoped you enjoyed the knockout that's all i could give you tonight.
'I knew to stay calm, people might have said 'he's taking this a bit slow' but I knew I had to turn it up at some point.
'I could see he was wearing down, I was making him miss and then I was trying to find that left hand over the top. Once he went down once I knew that was it.
'Canelo...take me while you think I'm spent. Take me now.'
The second knockdown was the pick of the bunch, as Saunders landed a beautiful rear upper cut that sent the Argentine sprawling. 
BILLY JOE SAUNDERS WINS! The Brit comes off his stool like a man possessed and knocks down Coceres THREE TIMES before the referee steps in to call the contest off. It certainly wasn't pretty but the 30-year-old gets the job done.
What on earth did Dominic Ingle say before that round?
Dominic Ingle is becoming increasingly animated in the Saunders corner as he implores his charge to get the better of Coceres. 
Coceres is a man full of confidence, lowering his hands and taunting Saunders. This debut isn't going according to plan.
Demtrius Andrade not impressed by Billy Joe tonight
So tough to separate Saunders and Coceres this round. Neither man is afraid to back down, with Saunders looking to turn up the pace in the final 30 seconds of that round. 
Saunders is not oozing the class and composure that we are used to seeing from him. This is a far more gritty performance. 
Eight rounds in and Saunders is absolutely fighting with the scorecard in mind. The Brit landed scoring punches this round, with an emphatic one-two on Coceres. 
The Argentine seems to have been cut above the eye by that one. 
Another nip-and-tuck round. Both fighters aren't afraid to mix it up, fighting on the inside and outside but Coceres is outworking Saunders. 
For every body shot Saunders lands, the challenger is landing double. 
We're halfway through and on balance, Saunders is edging the rounds, but he will have to step up a gear in the second half of this fight. 
Coceres lands a sharp counter right straight as Saunders threw a left. The Brit performs an Ali shuffle as the bell sounds but he lost that round/ 
A strong round for Coceres. The Argentine has seen some good results from his straight right hand tonight, landing one flush as Saunders looks to impose his will.
The challenger looked to be on the front foot that round and is still very much in this contest.  
Saunders' glove touches the canvas but the referee rules no knockdown, just a slip from the 30-year-old. 
What's happened here then? Coceres takes another shot below the belt and turns away from Saunders, the referee goes to separate the pair but the Brit lands a shot on an unexpected Coceres. The referee warns Saunders and the contest continues.
Coceres ends the round backing Saunders up but the Hertfordshire-born man looks unfazed by his opponent's power.
Good work from Saunders in the opening stages of round three to evade a flurry of shots from Coceres before countering with a sweet left hook. Coceres momentarily has Saunders on the ropes but the Briton escapes any punishment despite landing a right hand flush on the champion. 
A quarter of the way through this one and Saunders is in control. 
Both Saunders and Coceres have their hands down as both men look to beat the other to the punch. There is a slight pause in the action after Saunders landed a low blow on Coceres with the Argentine returning fire with a couple of sharp shots. Better round for the challenger, although nip and tuck as to how the judges scored that one. 
A good opening round for Saunders, as the champion takes the centre of the ring before landing numerous jabs on Coceres. 
The Brit ends the round with a flurry of shots at the Argentine who was backed into the corner as Saunders looks to feel out his opponent.
Saunders and Coceres make their ringwalks
The fighters make their way to the ring, with Argentine Coceres sporting a vibrant blue hoodie with a cap, while WBO champ Saunders looks energised and ready to showcase his talents to the watching world.
David Diamante introduces the judges, referee and fighters for this world championship bout, as the pair come head-to-head with the referee giving his final instructions.  
We are moments away from action here folks.
Meanwhile...Devin Haney is in the house
HANEY IN THE HOUSE 🏠@Realdevinhaney makes the first defence of his WBC world lightweight title on the #KSILoganPaul2 card tonight 📲 Book to watch here: https://t.co/VRyaSNKnjb pic.twitter.com/Sp7FFAjWcA
— Sky Sports Boxing (@SkySportsBoxing)
Saunders looking to be embraced by new crowd
The 30-year-old has taken a leaf out of Tyson Fury's book, donning red and white shorts representing the colours of the American flag as he looks to attract an array of new fans at the Staples Center. 
Billy Joe Saunders to make his US debut next
We've had knockdowns, points decisions and even a marriage proposal in an exciting undercard but up next is Billy Joe Saunders, as the WBO Super Middleweight Champion makes his US debut this morning against Argentine Marcelo Esteban Coceres.
KSI is in the building
British YouTube superstar has arrived at the arena. The 26-year-old looks to be in a calm mood as he rolled up with his entourage moments ago. 
Welcome to Staples Center, KSI 🇬🇧#KSILoganPaul2 pic.twitter.com/eYvt6Rfl5S
Logan Paul has arrived
Logan Paul has taken this fight week in his stride. The 24-year-old was up against it in August 2018 when he made his boxing debut in front of a hostile Manchester crowd, but the American has cut a relaxed figure this week. 
With younger brother Jake in tow, the bookies' favourite has arrived at Staples Center.
Billy Joe Saunders arrives at Staples Center
Billy Joe Saunders will be looking to make a statement as he makes his US debut with Matchroom Boxing. 
The 30-year-old has had a stop-start career having taken his foot off the gas since his emphatic win over David Lemieux in 2017. Here's hoping this morning's fight with Marcelo Esteban Coceres can kickstart mega-fights with Canelo and GGG. 
BJS x USA 🇬🇧 @bjsaunders_ arrives ahead of his world title defence on the #KSIvsLoganPaul2 undercard 👉 Book to watch the fight here: https://t.co/VRyaSNKnjb pic.twitter.com/12BNNT95ni
— Sky Sports Boxing (@SkySportsBoxing)
A look at the coaches
The prospect of going head-to-head with no head protection and smaller gloves has meant that both KSI and Paul have had to take their preparations with the utmost seriousness, and they have both got wise coaches in their respective corners.
Paul has brought in the help of former two-time heavyweight champion Shannon 'The Cannon' Briggs, whose cries of 'Let's Go Champ' have appeared to have gotten under the skin of the KSI camp.
Meanwhile, KSI has stuck by young trainer Viddal Riley, a highly respected up and coming fighter himself. Riley has a 3-0 record in professional boxing and was in the corner for the first fight in Manchester as well as for the win over Joe Weller. 
There has been plenty of back and forth between the two coaches, with Briggs threatening 'to break his [Riley's] f***ing jaw' at the press conference on Thursday.
So...why are they fighting?
One word. Ego. KSI, or JJ as he is known to his friends, and Logan Paul are both at the summit of the YouTube world, boasting a collective 40 million subscribers on the platform.
The pair have never experienced the taste of defeat, and are vying for the number one spot as the top entertainer in the internet world. With a six-round bout with no headguards and ten ounce gloves deemed the appropriate environment to settle their grudge. 
A win this morning will give the victor a huge boost while the loser will be made a 'meme' for the foreseeable. 
Living the high life
As their respective stars have risen, so have the pair's bank balance. From buying a Lamborghini Aventador, to designing a $500,000 diamond necklace, KSI is not shy in flaunting his wealth.
Meanwhile Logan Paul is no stranger to the lavish lifestyle either. The 24-year-old bought a £4.8million mansion in 2017 and owns a collection of custom cars. 
Sportsmail took a look into the extravagant lifestyles of the two men.
This Saturday, two of YouTube's wealthiest stars take to the ring where 'the biggest event in internet history' will take place. Here, Sportsmail takes a look at the lavish lifestyles of KSI and Logan Paul.
Who are KSI and Logan Paul?
A fight of this scale has certainly divided the boxing community, with many deeming it an insult to the sport that two novices with very little experience are taking to the biggest of stages this morning.
But who are KSI and Logan Paul? Sportsmail gives you the run down here
YouTube duo KSI and Logan Paul are to go toe-to-toe once again inside the squared circle. Sportsmail provides you with what you need to know on the pair and the fight on November 9.
An exciting night of boxing is ahead of us
The two internet stars are set to make their ringwalks at around 4am, with a number of exciting bouts to take place on the undercard.
WBC Lightweight World Champion Devin Haney is set to make his first defence of the belt when he takes on Alfredo Santiago on home turf. The American is undefeated in 23 bouts and at 20 years old has been earmarked as one to watch as a future star.
Meanwhile, Britain's Billy Joe Saunders will make his US debut with new promoter matchroom as he defends his WBO Super Middleweight belt against Marcelo Esteban Coceres.    
Hello and welcome to our coverage of KSI v Logan Paul
Welcome to our coverage of this morning's highly-anticipated fight between YouTube stars KSI and Logan Paul. 
The pair are fighting again after their draw at Manchester Arena in the summer of 2018, but this time the bout is being promoted by Eddie Hearn and backed by Sky Sports and the mega money of DAZN in the sunny climes of Los Angeles. 
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KSI vs Logan Paul 2 LIVE: YouTube stars clash in LA - latest updates and undercard results
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