#and im also waiting to hear about a dance company audition
now why do i get 10x more advertising emails when im waiting for an important one
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Yeojin x Reader
I'm here for you, I got your back and I always will
Requested by : anon 🐱🐉🐽
When Yeojin told you she wanted to enter the company known as BlockBerry Creative, as her big sister, you felt proud but also worried about her choice. Worried that she'll be sad if she wasn't accepted.
Sadly it happened and Yeojin was disappointed of course, she started crying as soon as she got the news. You've been there in every difficulties of her life as a caring and loving big sister so obviously you were there for her this time too.
"Hey, stop crying baby, it was your first try it doesn't mean your not talented, you're super talented. Let's just try an other company."
"No I don't want to."
You sat next to her, enveloping her in your arms even if she had her head on her knees.
"What do you want to do then ?"
Yeojin always liked the fact that you were never forcing her to do anything, you were there for her but she was still the one choosing.
"I want to try again. I want to train more and go back to BBC to audition again and show them that I'm worth it."
You smiled, she'll always surprise you by how she was getting more motivated after every defeat.
"Should I call the dance teacher immediately ?"
You knew Yeojin would pick up at those words, she got her head off her knees and looked at you with loving eyes, your favourite ones.
"I love you so much Y/N !"
Yeojin's body crashed on yours, hugging you tightly and crying even more but from happiness this time.
"Come on stop crying big baby, I'm here for you, I got your back and I always will."
After training with her for a month, you knew she was ready to go audition for BBC again.
"You're ready ?"
"I can't wait to show them unnie."
You smiled, kissed her forehead and got to the audition room with her. There was no way you would let her audition without being there. As you entered the room a lot of people looked at you wondering what was doing someone like you here, but you didn't even spare them a glance. Your only concern was Yeojin and her wellbeing as usual.
The pompous man was everything but nice, he was talking harshly without even giving a look at your sister. Yeojin didn't seem phased at all and you were proud of her for that but you had the urge to punch him in the face for talking like that to your sweet Yeojinnie.
"Im Yeojin."
"Go sit with the others."
Your jaw clenched at his lack of kindness and consideration, this time. Seeing you were about to speak your mind and not in a nice way, Yeojin grabbed your hand and pulled you to the bench before you could say things you'll regret.
Once sat, she played with your fingers, at first you thought it was only because she was trying to calm you but you finished by suspecting it might also be due to her own stress. She was rapidly called, so you gave her a kiss on the temple and a reassuring nood.
"Come on little sister, show them what talent is. And don't worry I'm here for you, I got your back.."
You didn't have to wait a long time for her to finish your anthem, she was used to it."
".. You always will."
"That's it, now go."
Yeojin looked so good while dancing and singing, her performance was as perfect as always. The judges were dumbfounded, the girl they saw a month ago was now at an all new level of dancing.
After a moment of debate between the three judges, one of them stood up.
"We won't take any more auditions in, we have the one we need, thank you."
Yeojin jumped in your arms. She did it, she was now part of BBC.
"Thanks Y/N, without you I couldn't have done it. I love you so much."
"I love you too."
Before you knew, Yeojin had become an idol, and debuted in the girl group Loona with eleven fellow members. All of them becoming her unnies, which was, you had to admit really weird for you and sometimes even upsetting.
At first you had some sort of jealousy rising up when Yeojin would turn to someone else than you for advices. But now, you understood that it was nothing but beneficial for Yeojin, she now had twelve people as mental and physical supports.
So even though it took some time, you got close to the others girls, some more than others. You were actually pretty much a big family.
That's why today you were on an interview for the celebration of Family day, an interview that would be diffused on this year AAA concert's website. Yeojin invited you because she claimed it was Family Day so there was no way she won't spend this day with you, her family.
You didn't have to do much, you were off camera just being Yeojin's guest that came watch her and cheer her up when she'll get nervous.
You were proud of how she talked about your family, you knew your parents would be proud while watching this at home.
"So Yeojin, I believe you also have a sister, is that right ?"
When the interviewer asked this question Yeojin's couldn't restrain a glance in your direction, giving you a big smile.
"Yes I do have a big sister. We actually don't have the same dad but it doesn't matter, she is my everything. I love her with all my heart, she is actually here right now, keeping an eye on me as always."
Before you knew it, you were asked to be interviewed too with an other camera. Your face and silver hair were shown on a big screen in front of the girls.
Yeojin gave you a questioning look from her sit but you only answered with a shrug. You didn't know either what was happening, you just brushed it off and dusted off your leather jacket before someone asked you to introduce yourself to the camera.
"Hi, I'm Yeojin big sister Y/N."
"Nice to meet you Y/N, can we ask you what are your origins since you don't really look Korean ?"
"Oh I'm half Korean, our mom is Korean but my father is a foreigner."
"So what do you think about your sister being an idol ?"
"I'm really proud of her, I always knew she would do big things. As soon as she was born she was already an idol to me that's why I fell in love with her. She's my soulmate, we were meant to be sisters."
You looked right into Yeojin's eyes as you said that, already able to see tears coming. You chuckled at how cute she was. The girls were all very touched by what you were saying about your sister, they all could once again feel how much you cared for her.
You gave a wink to your secret girlfriend, telling her you weren't forgetting about her before getting ready to answer the next question. But before asking anymore question the interview said they had some footage of your childhood memories.
On the big screen was now projected the videos from Yeojin's birth, a video of you feeding her milk from a feeding bottle, her small figure in your arms and your eyes as connected as today. The next showed your first dance lessons together, followed by a few recent ones from your month of practice before she debuted.
You heard Yeojin's sobs, she couldn't restrain herself anymore, it was too much memories in one go for her. You wanted to go comfort and hug her but you saw the girls were already on it, most of them crying too.
"You seem to care a lot for your sister, would you say you'll die for her ?"
"I would do anything for her and for her well-being."
You didn't even had to think before answering this question, it was logical for you.
"Do you remember the video BBC asked you to make when Yeojin debuted that was filmed on Family Day ?"
"Yes, they asked me to give a cheerful message for Yeojin to watch when she would feel down and I said exactly the same thing. I said that I would do anything for her."
Yeojin looked at you confused, you never told her anything about this video neither did her company.
"It was supposed to be a surprise for later in her carrier." You explained.
"That's exact, but especially for Family Day BBC allowed us to show her. So Yeojin, do you want to know what your sister said in that video ?"
Of course Yeojin was eager to find out what you said to her company. The video started and we could see you on your motorcycle with your gloves on, you saw your girlfriend gasped at the sight of your badass look.
In the video you explained that you were actually part of a biker gang, involved in women and children protection against domestic violence and harassment.
BBC asked you if they could meet the bikers leader at the time and being like a foster dad for you he accepted to say few words.
"If something were to happen to her group or Yeojin herself, we will come and protect them with all our might. Y/N tells us all the ups and down of the group, we learned to treat them as her family, we love Loona, care about them and also support them."
You were proud to be able to show the girls that they had backups in any circumstances.
"Hey, Yeojin and Loona. I love you all, don't give up, keep working hard. You are now Yeojin's family, girls, so you're my family too. Happy family day, fighting!".
After the final message of the video, the screen turned off, letting you hear them cry even more.
"Come on girls no crying on Family Day."
You opened your arms for them, ending the interview because none of them could still answer any more question. They rushed to your arms, forming a giant group hug.
After some time, most of the girls went to the van, letting you with Yeojin still in your arms.
"Are you going to stay here all day baby ?"
"I should with all the things you said."
As she spoke you noticed how her breathing wasn't as stable as it should be.
"Yeojin are you alright ? Did you take your vitamins this morning ?"
Yeojin didn't answer, she only shook her head, her state getting even worse.
"Okay we're going to the hospital."
You lifted her up from the floor and held her in bridal style. You got to your bike rapidly.
"You need to hold me tight now Yeojinnie, you're going to be fine just hold me."
You rushed to the hospital, in few minutes you were already asking for a cardiologist. You were used to her heart attacks but it wasn't one of her usual one, and it scared you even more.
Since birth Yeojin had troubles with her weak heart but until now some pills did the trick, maybe the overdose of emotions of today exhausted her too much. You couldn't help but feel guilty.
The doctor came back announcing you that Yeojin fell asleep for exhaustion but that after the first exams her heart seemed to had became too weak to keep her alive for more than a few years, starting from now.
You realised that all that idol lifestyle with it's unstoppable rhythm was too much for Yeojin's physical state. She would die in a few years if she doesn't get an heart transplantation.
You weren't ready to lose your sister yet.
You enjoyed your time alone with her before the girls and your parents arrived, called by the doctor. Once they arrived you eclipsed just long enough to ask the cardiologist to do a test in order to know if you were a compatible donor.
Few weeks after you learned that you were the perfect donor thank's to an letter sent by the hospital.
"I can't believe you're going to do that."
Your head turned towards your girlfriend and her crossed arms on her chest.
"Vivi please not again.."
"How can you just say that like it's nothing ?! You're going to die Y/N !"
You sighed, since you told Kahei about your decision, she kept getting angry at you.
"I know that, thanks."
"So what ?! Are you not scared !?"
"Of course I'm scared !"
"Than what ? You just prefer dying rather than waiting for an actual heart donor ? You prefer abandoning me rather than live ?"
"Of course not. I care about you Kahei, I love you. But it's my sister, I'll do anything if it means she'll be safe and yes it includes dying if it's what it takes for her to live an happy and long life."
Vivi got silent.
"Please don't hate me Vivi, I wouldn't be able to live with that."
"I'm sorry.. I'm acting selfishly. I shouldn't be asking you to let your sister die for me."
You took a step forward to embrace her, letting your chin on the top of her head.
"I'm sorry that I'll let you alone, but we still have some time we should be enjoying our time together rather than arguing, don't you think ?"
She smiled weakly at you before kissing your cheek.
"You're right."
"So are you going to help me with the video ?"
"Sit on the couch, I'll go get the camera."
That day you filmed a video message for Yeojin, for when she'll wake up after the heart transplantation. You explained her why you were doing that, reminding her about that interview and what you said about sacrificing your own life for hers if you had to.
"Don't think that I left you, my heart is beating in your chest, and when you're going to be rehabilitated you will dance again and receive amazing awards for it as always.
The bikers will protect you and your sisters the way I used to, they gave me their words.
But remember I am still and always with you, I will dance next to you, and as long as my heart beats in your chest, I am alive and always there, looking through your eyes.
I'm not saying goodbye, this is a new beginning, our new beginning. I'm here for you, I got your back and I always will, remember ? I love you my dear and beloved Yeojin. "
Vivi stopped the recording and crashed in your arms, sitting on your lap. She was crying.
"Hey baby don't cry, let's go get food, I'm not dying today, it's only if Yeojin need me one day."
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Hey, here is your request hope you'll like it. It's the longest scenario I wrote so far. As I told you I changed a few things hope you don't mind. I couldn't kill Y/N it was too hard 😐. Anyway give me feedback or else I'll come roast your last brain cells 😅😂😘 -Ael
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princessjungeun · 4 years
Because I Love You: Jeongyeon X Reader
Request: Hi! I’d like to request a fluffy jeongyeon scenario where she’s jealous that you’ve been hanging out with another idol and then you two confess 🥺
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You and Jeongyeon have been close friends since you two were in middle school. You were both JYP trainees together, however when she debuted and you didn’t, you left JYP company. You transferred from company to company for about three years before you decided the idol life wasn’t for you. However, you did still want to pursue dance so you auditioned to be a JYP backup dancer and assistant choreographer.
During your trainee days, you trained in JYP, YG, SM, Cube, and BigHit so you knew many different idols. You also went to school at two of the more popular schools for idols and trainees. Starting at one high school and transferring your third year to finish at another. Because of this you were friends with a lot of idols. Ranging from the members of BTS and Twice all the way to rookie soloists like Somi.
So it wasn’t unusual if you were seen with one of your sunbaes on a day off. Recently, you’ve been hanging with one of your oldest friends, Lisa of Blackpink. She typically had nothing to do because her company won’t give Blackpink a comeback anytime soon. You on the other hand were preparing Twice for their comeback, but they had other schedules so you didn’t have to work for a few days.
You sat across from Lisa with one of her cats on your lap. “So any chance of comeback?” You asked her hopefully. She responded with a laugh then said “you are one funny girl.” You frowned and asked “rosie’s solo still hasn’t been brought up right?” Lisa shook her head and said “even if we don’t have comeback. I just want Rosie to have something. Jennie and I have been doing a little things here and there but Jisoo and Rosie have nothing. My Rosie Posie always gets the short end of the stick.”
You told her “You and Chaeng are cute, I want a relationship like that.” She rolled her eyes and said “Well then make your move on someone. Ooh how about Jeongyeon. You’ve liked her for a while!” You blushed and tried to cover it up but she you both knew it was true.
You both ended up hanging around the dorm until you two got hungry and went out for lunch. A few people recognized Lisa and asked for pictures and autographs. She was thrilled and told them to hold on a little longer when they asked about a comeback.
When you got back to your apartment you saw Jeongyeon sitting on the couch on her phone. “So, how was your little date with Lisa?” You could hear a twinge of annoyance in her voice which caught you off guard.
You responded “I-it was good? Are you mad at me?” She replied “me mad at you? Don’t be silly? I’m not mad? Why would I be mad? You’re spending everyday with someone else but never me your best friend. But no I’m not upset at all. It’s fine I dont care.” You furrowed your brows and asked again “so you are mad at me?”
Jeongyeon stood up and said “no I said I don’t care.” You challenged her “well clearly you do if it’s got you this worked up. And besides Lisa is ROSIE’S GIRLFRIEND. Why are you jealous?” Jeongyeon scoffed “I’m not jealous. Who said I was jealous? You’re putting words into my mouth.” You laughed in annoyance and said “i’m just saying, that’s what it looks like right now.” She responded “well I’m not.”
You absolutely refused to lose this especially because you found it kind of funny. “Well it sure sounds like it. And why does it matter who I hang out with. You were literally working all day today.” She responded “even when im not working you never hang out with me! And when you’re with other girls they’re always all flirty and up on you!” Your voices began to rise “you said you didn’t care who I hung out with!” She raised her voice louder this time “like i said earlier. I don’t!” You responded matching her volume “Well you obviously care! And why do you care if someone is flirty with me huh?!”
This time Jeongyeon took a deep breath before yelling “BECAUSE I LOVE YOU. IVE LOVED YOU SINCE WE WERE 18 YEARS OLD. SO IM SORRY IF I GET UPSET WHEN I SEE SOMEONE HUGGING ALL OVER YOU AND KISSING YOUR CHEEKS AND HOLDING YOUR HAND. BECAUSE THAT SHOULD BE ME!” You froze not knowing what to do and Jeongyeon slowly realized she just confessed her feelings to you. She responded “well say something.” You were still processing what just happened trying to make sure you heard her right.
“Ok then I’m just gonna-” Jeongyeon went to turn around and leave but you grabbed her arm. “Wait. Wait. I’m sorry I was just taken aback.” She stood in front of you and you took a step closer to her, your faces almost touching. You said “I-i love you too. A lot. I have for a long time actually.”
Without hesitation she pulled you closer to her and kissed you. You both fell onto the couch where she deepened the kiss. You stayed like that for a few more seconds until she pulled away. Jeongyeon’s strong arms wrapped around you and she asked “be mine?” You smiled and nodded earning a small kiss on the lips before she held you closer.
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reeesea · 4 years
Something Sweet: Part Three
~sweet beginnings~
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
pairing: minsung, jisung/minho
warning: mild language 
words: 2.5k ish
summary: sweet beginnings and small apartments, also Seungmin baby shows up 
a/n: Im honestly just proud of myself for posting a third chapter woo!! lemme know if you read and enjoyed <3
also the spacing got wack trying to do the text convos, so hope the bold and non bold isn't too gross to look at. Minho and Jisung
Minho wakes up to the sun streaming in through the thinly veiled curtains over his window. Thankfully he woke up to a minimal headache in spite of having gone out to the bar and an impromptu concert the night before. Rolling over in his small twin sized bed he reached for his phone to check the time and any potentially important notifications. 
9:26 am 
[ 2 new messages from Rich Boy Han Jisung ]
Minho finds himself smiling at the new messages from the boy that had stumbled upon him last night. 
2:25 am
Youre right I do hear it all the time
but it sounds pretty sweet coming from you ;} 
I'll tell J.One you thought he was amazing
9:28 am
Careful Han, your cockiness is showing
Jisungs’s cocky demeanor does nothing but make him more endearing to the older, but something gave Minho the impression that the boy already knew this. Not expecting a reply from the other this early in the morning, Minho stretched out of bed and made his way out of his small bedroom and quietly to the shared bathroom. Not a small feat in the old apartment shared by him and his roommates. Creaky floorboards, squeaky doors, and over all close proximity to each other makes being quietly courteous in the morning a frequent challenge for the boys. 
The living room at the end of the small hallway was turned into a shared bedroom for Minho's two roommates. Felix’s mattress had gotten a bed frame from some trading website a few months back when he moved in. The makeshift wall of hung shower curtains and a fold out screen gave the boys the illusion of privacy between their respective sides of the room. Even though more times than not, Minho has come home to find the lanky brunette curled up in Felix's bed instead of on his designated couch. 
Climbing over the piles of the boys’ clothes, Minho makes it to the bathroom without disturbing the other two. The two were still passed out from working their night shifts, draped over each other on the freckled boy’s bed. Neither showed signs of awakening any time in the morning hours. Minho showered quickly and changed in order to make his way out of the apartment and on his way to the studio to practice his Saturday away
Minho would have thought that the both of them would have remained in their university dorms for the summer, if they weren’t able to find apartments on their own. But, at some point after he had graduated, he had gained himself plus two of his underclassmen as roommates. He really couldn't complain though, it all made sense as all three of them were a part of the same dance studio, barely a block away, and all had reasons to be saving money. Paying a fraction of rent really helped with all that had to be saved in order to pay for school, studio fees, living, breathing, and most importantly audition fees. 
As the summer had set in, so had the wave of audition opportunities for companies and crews. Felix had mentioned needing to prepare a video audition last week for a few entertainment companies in the area. Hyunjin was busy trying to save up his money to pay for the upcoming semesters at school to graduate like Minho had. 
Entering the practice room and being welcomed by the distinctive scent of a dance studio was enough to bring Minho back to reality. Since graduating, he had been stuck in his thoughts about what to do with his future a lot. His childhood dreams of getting into the prestigious Yellow Wood Dance Academy seemed to slip farther away from him with every passing year. His audition tapes each year during university were almost always sent back, along with a ‘We are sorry to inform you…’
 It’s not like Minho couldn't keep applying, but with every year the rejection stung a little bit more, and he wasn't sure if he would be able to take another blow. No matter how confident Minho acted about his looks, when it came to dancing his ego was glass fragile. His passion for dance sometimes felt like the only thing that kept him standing, but it had been a while since he had felt rewarded for his dedication. Even when his practically broken dream haunted him a little too much, focusing back to his craft really gave him a better grasp on reality. Making his way to the front of the room to plug in his phone to pick music, a new notification popped up. 
[Rich Boy Han Jisung]
dw dw its all fake i assure you, all just a ploy to get you to like me
What you up to on this fineee saturday mornin??
Hmmm wouldnt you like to know 
i only tell boys i like so...
Minho smiled in spite of himself. Even over text the sparkly eyed boy was able to pull out and dust off his genuine smile. It had definitely been a while since Minho had found himself freely smiling, but here comes Han Jisung crash landing into his life, running amuck. After spending a moment debating whether or not just to tell the younger of his activities anyway, he came to the conclusion that mentioning dance would only result in more questions, and Minho really wasn't feeling like spilling his passions and dreams with the other already.
Haha i am only even more motivated now >:D
Dont strain yourself too much with that, 
im just enjoying my saturday before my shift later.
Queuing up some music Minho migrated to the middle of the room to casually freestyle and warm up for the day. Allowing the music to flood his ears, movements to take over his limbs, and only his feet to remind him of where he was, Minho’s mind went blank as he began to relax and give up control of his body to the steady beats of the song.
By the time Minho wrapped up his practice and was  heading home the sun was already starting to settle on the lower half of the sky. Surprisingly the day had passed him by quickly. Spending the whole day grinding out a routine he had been recently working to perfect was not usually an overall fun time, but Minho found that he was able to keep his practice productive and enjoyable. 
His smile throughout the day certainly had nothing to do with his breaks to text to Jisung. The casual banter between them felt natural, and the light conversation made him feel lighter on his feet as he moved across the floor. Even with the flirty nature of their introduction, their conversation never steered far from how anyone would expect two close friends to interact. Minho found himself smiling more throughout the day as he checked Jisung’s messages throughout the morning and afternoon. 
12:25 pm
Also for the record my capacity to flirt is honestly quite unimpressive 
I hope you aren’t talking to me for my stage charisma and charm 
To sweep you off you feet, i may be a disappointment
Usually i'm just awkward, cant flirt, doesnt leave the house, Jisung
You almost tripped over your feet walking into the bar last night
Dw im not sure id want you to sweep me off my feet with that balance
You wound me ;--;
 By talking to Jisung, he had somehow managed to satisfy all of Minho’s previous curiosities while sparking new ones. Even with Minho generally avoiding giving away his own personal interests and dreams, Jisung didn't hold those same reservations and filled their conversation with “fun facts” and lively stories. Jisung’s lively play by play of the bickering taking place between his group mates, now officially introduced as Chan and Changbin, had Minho giggling on the floor of the practice room. The way Jisung described everything brought it to life in ways that he hadn’t expected from a casual text conversation. The boy was definitely a great storyteller even just over type, and Minho found himself wondering if he would get to hear his endless stories in person.
[Rich Boy Han Jisung]
3:36 pm
Youre one interesting man Lee Minho
Han, you know almost nothing about me
On the contrary I feel like I know a good amount
Youre name is Lee Minho
You work at the fancy restaurant Menu 98
You used to work at the bar we were at last night
You have a really beautiful smile
Are you quite done
Definitely not but if i start going off about how stunning your eyes are 
you might block me
Which would be a shame please dont
What happened to awkward Jisung who cant flirt huh?
Minho returned to the small apartment to find Felix attempting to cook some ramen in the microscopic kitchen and Hyunjin sprawled across the couch watching some variety show. Felix was probably fueling up in order to spend the night gaming the weekend away before his work overtook his weekdays again. Hyunjin barely looked to be conscious but still managed to wave a greeting to Minho as he walked into the room. 
“How’d practice go?” 
“Pretty well. Finally was able to clean up that middle section I’ve been messing up.” Minho hurried into the other room to shower once again before heading to the restaurant for his evening shift. 
“Oh glad to hear it.” Felix’s voice filtered in from his place by the stove that was shoved in a corner of the room, along with a fridge and a sink that barely classified it as a kitchen unit. None of the three were complaining, the stove heated up their ramen water and the fridge kept their milk cold, what more could they ask for?
“WAIT, did you talk to that guy at the bar last night???” Hyunjin’s loud voice carried from the couch through their thin walls allowing Minho to clearly hear even if his bedroom door was closed. 
“Which one, Jinnie?? You gotta be more clear than that.” Minho had actually stacked up a few numbers from his night and received atleast ten free drinks from other patrons. Not too bad for the first night out, but of course the only phone number he had bothered messaging happened to be the one he had been texting all day.
“You know the one, the rapper one you left to go see perform.” Minho of course knew, but he wasn't gonna admit it to his roommate so easily, and just hummed in response eliciting a groan from the younger. 
“If you haven’t, you so should. 3racha is all everyone from the bar is talking about. Their concert must have been a big deal or something.” 
“WHAT, 3RACHA? You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Felix, apparently a fan, shuffles in with his ramen in hand to accompany the loud outburst.
“Hyung! One of them gave you their number?? They’re literally like the next big thing in the music scene. Which one of them was it?”  
J.One, Han Jisung, the cute pink hoodie guy
“His name is Jisung I’m pretty sure.” Minho was very sure. “I didnt know they were such a big deal” 
“J.One gave you his number? Damn hyung, you don't even know. They’ve been performing locally for years but their fan base has grown a ton in the last year. There’s rumors that they've signed with a company and are going to come out with something soon.” Felix continued spouting off information on the group to them, as Minho continued his routine of preparing for work at Menu 98. 
[Rich Boy Han Jisung]
4:35 pm
Looks like my roommate is a fan of you guys
We’re not talking the tall beautiful bartender from last night right
No that was Hyunjin, Felix is the fan
Ah atleast ill be on the good side of one of ur roomies
Yeah tall boy was pretty, but something about him made me think he didnt like me
I think it was his face, and his height
Most tall pretty boys dont take too well to a squirrel boy being in their territory ya know. 
Whats not to like about a cute squirrel boy
Im sure he likes you and youre over thinking
If his two roommates like you, he’ll have to like you by association
Did Lee Minho just admit to liking me 
Wow the development, less than 24 hours 
We love to see it
Your ridiculous
I said nothing of the sort
Sure sure hyung
Gtg now, dinner shifts starting
Have fun at work!!!!
(wait can i call you hyung???)
Minho left him on read as he walked into the restaurant, already bustling with waiters and the changing of shifts for the dinner crowd. ‘Less than 24 hours’ and Minho was already admitting indirectly that he liked the boy he had only just properly met the night before. Stranger things have happened he supposed. Minho continued to surprise himself with this one though. He was not one to seek out friendships or relationships. Anything more than the very occasional one night stand, was practically void from Minho’s social life. Other than the people he had met through dance and his roommates, there were very few others that Minho had chosen to form any kind of relationship with. Even his co-workers were mostly just faces and names he had to remember in order to do his job well. 
Well, expect Seungmin.
“You look awfully happy today, who spiked your coffee this morning?” Seungmin had been a newly inserted character in Minho’s life but they became fast friends after a few too many late night shifts without proper caffeination. 
Seungmin had been a newly hired host at Menu 98, just the average polite university student with enough experience to get hired. When Minho met him they exchanged the basic pleasantries and thought that would be the end of that, until one fated closing shift. A certain, tipsy, entitled, rich, high class asshole of a customer had held up Minho’s section for much of the night. Minho found himself being bossed around and verbally berated throughout the night, trying to serve the women who appeared to never be satisfied with the food or service Minho was offering. By the end of the night, she was their last customer and Minho saw her to the front to pay. His customer service smile, strained and barely holding up, and the woman’s complaints, even while paying, had him wanting to drop all his pleasantries and curse her out as she waltzed out the door.
    “What an absolute fucking pain in the ass of a woman”
Minho hadn’t thought he had said his thoughts aloud, but looked up to catch Seungmin, who had let the words come out in hushed tones as he held a sickening polite smile on his face. After that point the two had bonded over various pain in the ass customers and a mutual love for sarcastic backhanded insults. Minho's relationship with Seungmin was probably the closest thing to a friendship that the older had experienced in a while. 
“No spiked coffee, sadly” 
“Well something’s making your usual sad bitch face smile, so it's gotta be good. Hmm...Meet someone?” Seungmin’s signature puppy eyes were on full display, but not without the signature  mischievous glint they always held. 
“Well wouldn't you like to know Seungmo~ but me and my usually flawlessly beautiful face got to go charm our way into some extra tips.” Minho gave the boy a gentle pat on his head, that was met with a stubborn pout forming at the younger’s lips.
“You definitely met someone, you usually don't have this much self-confidence so early into the evening.” Minho did nothing but giggle at his comment and made his way to the back room to begin his shift. 
one ~ two ~ three ~ four ~ five ~ six ~ seven ~ eight ~ nine
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rkyoona · 4 years
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                                            ✧ TAKE TWO? ✧
Don’t Touch Me (1:27-3:27)
Im Yoona had never been good at dealing with her emotions. She had grown up in a very strict environment with a very strict family. Emotions were a weakness. She had also been the only girl out of three and she knew if she showed her true emotions then her brothers would tease her. So Yoona had never learned how to properly process her emotions and feelings. It’s because of this that she often took things to heart.
Being a singer had always been her dream. Sure, she was singing now, but it wasn’t the same. She wanted to be an idol, not a musical theatre actress (not that she hated it). It’s why you’ll always see her enter anything related to singing. It’s also why she took her last rejection so harshly. Plus, she knew how her father would react and she had not been looking forward to that. This time would it be any different?
It had taken her a lot to call the company and book an audition time. She had done a lot of debating with herself, weighing the pros and cons. It was her dream, but could she take another rejection? She had decided to try one last time to audition. If this didn’t go well, she was scared what she would do. she had decided to keep it quiet until she knew for sure how it went. She didn’t want to disappoint anyone again.
Arriving at the company building, Yoona signed in and waited. Waiting was always the worst part of, well, almost anything. It was the unknown that scared her more than the actual audition. Singing and dancing were nothing new to her. She often did both daily. While she could have played an instrument or found another skill, Yoona wanted to stick to what she knew best. After all, not trying had gotten her this far, right? There weren’t as many people waiting as there had been at her last audition, but then again this was a different company. Nova was her dream company. Nova was different. Nova will always be different.
The fact that this was her dream company only added to the pressure she felt to pass the audition. She knew just how bad she would get if she was rejected once again. She put her earphones in and tried to block the thoughts she was having. She needed to remain positive and stay focused. She kept repeating the song she was planning on doing, drilling it into her mind. She mouthed along with the words as she pictured how she would perform it in her head. She had learned the choreography and had practiced numerous times dancing and singing to it. Doing both was never easy, no matter how often she did it.
When it finally came to her turn, Yoona had to take a few moments to mentally prepare herself for what she was about to face. She was about to meet Hyun Bin. She was auditioning for the company she had wanted to join since she was young. This was it. She sucked in a few deep breaths before she nodded to herself and followed the staff member to the room. She thanked them before she turned the handle and made her way towards what could be her future.
When she got to the spot, Yoona bowed politely and smiled. “Hello. My name is Im Yoona and today I’ll be auditioning for you!” With her introduction kept brief, Yoona was ready to give this audition all she had.
Don’t say you’re sorry, don’t try to explain That’s enough now, stop before I scream Oh stupid, think about it, are you that slow? You will regret losing me who shines Let go of my hand, I don’t wanna see you Get out Get out Get out Get out let me go!
Normally, Yoon would be singing a ballad or a song that she knew would test her vocal abilities. She was auditioning for a company so of course she would show what she had. This audition, however, was different. She had to showcase a skill other than her singing and all she could really do was dance. She had danced at the competition and she had enjoyed herself. It was obviously good enough to get scouted again. She tried to keep the same mentality of not putting so much thought into everything and she had chosen this song for it’s upbeat, fun vibe. She always had fun when she danced along so why not do it? Plus, not a lot of people know it. Yoona started off with enough aegyo to match the moves and lyrics before she became fierce the more she sang. The moves were strong and well-rehearsed.  
Don’t touch me because I’m getting goosebumps Don’t call my name because I don’t wanna hear it What do you know? You don’t love me I don’t need you so go away, far away Don’t touch meI won’t go back to you I don’t love you I’m out! I’m out!
The chorus was one of the more fun parts and she always enjoyed dancing the quick moves. They were small but far from simple. Her voice seemed to match well to the original singer and this kind of dance style suited her. She kept her voice steady as she sang and danced. All her years as a musical theatre actress had trained her in what idols do often; sing and dance at the same time. This was nothing compared to some of the other dances she had to do in the past. Her vocal pitch and tone matched the lyrics, as did her facial expressions. She danced strong and powerful – or tried to at least.
I said a whole bunch of thorny words And perfectly turned away But why do tears keep filling my eyes? Get out Get out Get out Get out let me go! My heart aches but love is over You can deny it but it’s already over Now forget me and forget the past I hope you’ll be happy in your own way Don’t touch me
I’m out! I’m out! I’m out!
There was one high note at the end of the song that she was looking forward to and when it came up, she held it well. She closed her eyes during the high note but then reopened them a few seconds later so she could continue with the song. She made sure she ended on a high and she had hoped that her dancing was enough to get her through this time. She had tried to be charismatic, sexy and showcase her skills. Only time would tell if she had done enough. On the last ‘I’m out’ she turned and pretended to walk away as the song faded. She then turned back around to face the panel and bowed once more. She thanked them for their time, wished them a good rest of their day, and exited the room.
She wasn’t sure how she felt about this audition.
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rkseongmin · 6 years
mga4 audition day.     saturday june 16th part three; the interview 
this is where he is most nervous. 
dancing, hyunjoon can handle. rapping, singing, maybe even some attempted b-boying. he could handle all that. its kind of why he came anyway. to show case his dancing and pray that it was good enough for them to accept him. his dancing is what brought him here, but he knew--in the back of his mind--that dancing wouldn’t be all he would have to do. he knew this was for something much bigger than just auditioning for a company where he’d end up a private trainee. no, this was for a whole show. 
and while he has know in the back of his mind that meant probably taking and answering questions about things, hyunjoon had almost been hoping he could avoid it. that he would show some sick dance moves and they could yell YOU PASS. and he could go on is way without having to talk ever.
a recorded interview was the last thing he wanted to do.
it was hard to keep still as he was getting all dolled up with some makeup. hard to keep his expression from turning sour. because no matter how sour he was feeling, hyunjoon knows he needs to get through this. needs to put on his best student council face and go through with the interview like he was applying for a job. or like he was trying to get out of trouble after having obviously skipped school for three days in a row. 
he runs through the mock interview questions while waiting for his turn. ignoring the heavy feeling on his face from the makeup. it wasn’t a lot, not near as much as he remembered seeing on some of the idols faces in jype when he was little. but its still more than he has ever really worn before. he was never one for makeup. lacking the overall drive and energy to put it on. but he deals with it now. the worst will be actually answering these questions. actively talking. thats not something he has ever been good at. 
can you introduce yourself?
heo hyunjoon...... 15 years old, im in my third year of middle school. part of student council and cooking club in my school. 
it’s easy at first. though getting the words to leave his mouth prove to be the biggest issue. hyunjoon has never been a big talker. even when he has a lot to say he tends to cut it down into small bits and the long story turns into a rather short one. but interviews are a mix of long and show. he needs to know when to speak more and when to speak less. and this is all kinds of social clues he isn’t sure how to handle.
it helps that he is so good with this own emotions that all of this inner turmoil can’t be seen on his face. he keeps it all locked away where no one can see as he always does. helps him to keep grounded and to keep his answers level.
have you done anything in music before this?
i’m part of a dance crew, we busk in hongdae mostly. covering popular dances and sometimes singing or rapping along. um.. i took dance lessons when i was 6, though i stopped when i was 9. they wouldn’t teach me rain dances. 
you mentioned rain, is he one of your musical influences? 
yes. i know the dance to all his songs.
do you have any others?
this question was kind of funny for hyunjoon. a tiny smile cracked across his face as he answers it. being completely honest with himself and with the interviewer. though he does have to be a little vague with parts of his answer.
yes. for one, ricky hyung in nova ent. he’s always been an inspiration for me---i met him a few years ago during the wave fan sign, and then again at the nova dance class. i’ve always wanted to dance with him. 
there’s also my friends--my hyungs--im close with them. they’re all apart of the music world too, a couple are in the dance crew with me, and are the reason i joined. i really admire them for how much they enjoy dancing.
what is your reason for wanting to become an idol?
i like--no love, i love to dance. the feeling of freedom it brings. being an idol would allow me to dance--and to show my dances, to so many many people. and maybe rain hyung and psy hyung would notice me too. that would be awesome.
the kid in him was starting to bleed through in these. at least, more so than it had been. he is only fifteen. he wonders if he’s the youngest here--or at least apart of the youngest. it’s no wonder his age show through in his replies to the questions. hyunjoon has never really been one to try and act uber mature. he doesn’t baby himself up--but he also doesn’t try to act like he’s a grown adult. 
if you get signed, which company would you like? 
nova would be really sweet because of ricky hyung. and nova is known for good dancers so i think i would really improve there. but i also am very much a kt stan. i admire lee taemin in kt, and i hear they have a lot of other great trainees. so i think kt would be nice to be in too.
the questioning doesn’t go on for very long. the interview hitting the key elements and then coming to an end. which is fine with hyunjoon. he feels hes spoken his max number of words for the day. though it started rough, like pulling teeth, by the end he felt he was starting to get the hang of it.
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jihoonslattee · 7 years
Dance - Park Jihoon
Idea: 3 Years Younger! Reader X Sunbae! Jihoon
Summary: You and Jihoon had been close since you both were little but since you both had started to go to the same high school, things have gotten a little messy. Needless to say you both started acting in ways that screamed jealousy. 
Author’s Note:  WOW ITS BEEN FOREVER SINCE IVE WRITTEN (i have tests every week wow i hate school) I’m so sorry if this isn’t really what you wanted, I wasn’t sure how to write this bc I’m doing it from Jihoon being international age (18) which would make the character 15 so i made it super cute and not really angst? also bc i’m not good with writing angst IM SRRY ILY
Recent A/N: OH GOD IM READING THIS OVER AND I THINK ITS SUPER BAD SO IM SORRY TO WHOEVER REQUESTED THIS (also if this does not have the keep reading bar on mobile i am sorry rip the mobile ppl bc i made this really long FHDJSKFHK 
“oh Y/N look it’s Jihoon!”
you classmate almost yelled as you went towards the window of classroom. You saw park Jihoon walking into the school with his two friends and you couldn’t help but think about how handsome he was
Jihoon was almost like the school’s star, almost bc Kang Daniel was the school’s star. 
but nonetheless it didn’t matter bc you has a huge crush on him 
emphasize on the word crush because there were tons of other girls who liked him as well. 
the only problem you had...was well 
yall were three years apart. 
so like 
you were pretty sure that even if you had the chance to date him his army of fangirls will hunt you down and take you down like nothing mattered anymore. 
which was dance (along with all his other cute friends but you only focus on jihoon)
you two often got paired up since you were on the same level in a sense. So you got to know him well and you would say hi to each other in the halls, have small conversations, and other stuff. 
so every single day your crush on Jihoon kept growing and you’re friend knew this, always and I mean ALWAYS telling you where Jihoon was, expecting you to go say hi to him yourself 
like one time she told you that jihoon was outside playing basketball with Guanlin and you were like 
“How did you find that out that’s literally all the way on the other side of the school.”
but anyways going back to present time 
while you were watching him walk into the school, his head turned towards your classroom and you could’ve sworn that you two had eye contact for a couple of seconds 
the only reason why you couldn’t really tell was because you looked away almost immediately.
but after that your day went by slowly, you didn’t really see Jihoon anywhere and you friend decided to get checked out early bc she wanted to attend a company audition. 
so you were eating lunch alone at your usual spot when you see Jihoon walking towards your direction. 
so you go in to full out panic mode
you start SHOVING the food down your throat and manage to finish your lunch. You literally throw the food into your backpack and start to get up when you hear you name being called. 
“Y/N! Wait up!” 
your mind is instantly like “be chill y/n he’s just probably here to talk to you.” but then your mind is like “wait how does he know my lunch spot.” 
so you turn around and give him a slight smile 
“whats up?” 
“I need to ask a favor for you.” 
So you just nod and you both sit down on the bench. 
“So my friend and I are going to enter the school talent show. And we need two girls and I was wondering if you would be one of them?”
your mouth almost drops in surprise, which makes jihoon laugh a little 
“are you sure you want me to be apart of your group?”
“Yeah of course! You’re such a great dancer who wouldn’t want you to be in their group.”
So instantly from that comment you agree! One bc it seems like it’ll be a great way to get closer to jihoon and also you’ll be able to show others your talent! 
time skipp
so its been a week and a half and you and Jihoon have gotten super close! Not like best friends but more like close friends
and the other girl you were dancing with seems super nice too. She was super nice to your and also seemed close with the other two guys 
she also did know of your crush on jihoon (quote on quote she said it was obvious) 
but anyways 
you were on your way to the practice room when Jihoon stopped you in your tracks. 
“Y/N wait up! Let’s go to the cafe first, we’re gonna meet the other two there before we go practice.”
you kind of give him a weird look and he’s just like 
“I-It’s like a little treat today! Come on let’s go!” 
so you both arrive at the cafe and are sitting there with your drinks 
“Hmm it’s been a hot minute Jihoon I don’t see them coming anytime soon.”
“y/n it’s only been like five minutes.”
and you just kind of awkwardly laugh it off while sipping on your drink. 
“so anyways, do you know what you’re going to do for the solo dance project for class?”
jihoon casually asks while giving you a look that you can’t really describe, maybe lie anticipation?”
“i’m not sure i’ve been focusing on our dance that I haven’t really thought about it yet.”
“Me either, maybe we would meet up sometimes and hang out while also doing our dances?”
“why don’t we all hang out and do it then!”
you both instantly look up and see the other girl (lets call her jane) standing in front of your table, she sits down and gives you both a smile. 
“Woojin and I are both in your class, why don’t we all work on the project together!” 
you instantly nod bc one they are your upperclassmen so you can’t really deny. 
“Great! Anyways. Jihoon, the Chemistry teacher called us and a couple of other people to talk about the test we recently took, seems like we both got a bad score.” 
This obviously sends Jihoon into panic bc as from what he’s told you before, he hates getting bad grades. 
“Oh alright, i guess we can practice another day then. Get home safely Y/N!” 
they both walk away and you eventually go home. 
The next day was a little weird. 
you didn’t see jihoon anywhere. and even if you did he wouldn’t even glance at you. 
so while you’re eating your lunch (your friend decided to audition again bc why not) Jane comes up to you. 
“Hey Y/N I’ve got some bad news.” 
She gives you the most disappointed look ever 
“Since we got bad scores from the test yestreday, Jihoon decided that he didn’t want to do the talent show anymore since he needs to study. I hope you can understand.” 
she apologetically rubs your shoulder and you just nod. 
“yeah I get what you mean. Maybe i’ll ask him about it later.” 
she just gives you another smile and nods as she stands up
“Yeah for sure! i’m sure he would feel better about it if you talked to him. Anyways, I’ll see you later!” 
she walks away and you decide to go comfort Jihoon. 
you catch him walking alone in one of the hallways
he kind of stop in his tracks as you rush to catch up with him. 
“I heard about-”
“I don’t really wanna talk to you right now Y/N” 
you kind of give him a “wtf” look and decide to pry 
“um why not? I didn’t do anything”
he kind of gives a sigh and turns towards you
“You have been annoying me lately.” 
“Uh says the person who literally asked me if we could practice and hang out together just yesterday. Now whats up.”
“I was thinking about yesterday and you were doing some of my pet peeves, so I kind of want to be left alone for now.” 
you scoffed 
“seriously? We’ve been friends for a while now and you decide to let me get on your nerves now? After I actually decide I like you a lot?”
Jihoon’s eyes get wide and your mind is instantly in panic mode like 
“oh shit girl you done fucked up”
SO NOW you are like 
“haha well look at the time you asked me to leave you alone and now here i am, leaving you alone.” 
you start quickly running off but you don’t even hear jihoon call towards you so you just start walking at a normal pace when you feel someone grab your wrist strongly 
“Do you have-”
you turn around and you were initially prepared to fight whoever grabbed your wrist but it was jihoon, giving you the most dorkiest smile ever 
“You like me?” 
“Uh, not processing sorry” 
“Be real, you like me?” 
you legit just wanted to pretend that you just said it out of anger but hey, why not get it over with now?
“Yes I do, but you are literally 3 years older than me.”
“What would you say if i liked you back?”
you just gave him a look. A minute later you burst into laughter. 
“HAHA I love jokes but yeah let’s pretend this didn’t happen and I’ll go back to leaving you alone.”
you take your wrist out (or at least try to) but it doesn’t work as jihoon just pulls you into a hug.  
“For someone who said I was getting on their nerves you are bring pretty friendly rn” 
He laughs and your heart starts racing. “NO” your mind is screaming bc he literally was bad at your one second ago and now he’s hugging you. 
“why are you literally like hot and cold water.”
“i seriously like you too y/n”
you push away from him 
“i don’t know, i think ppl will give me weird looks. And your army of fangirls will ruin my life.”
“i mean if you’re that concerned we don’t have to date now. We can just be a thing until you are okay with putting a name on our relationship.” 
you just look at him and blink at him for a few times. 
“I-I mean if y-you’re comfortable with that.” 
he chuckles and nods his head. 
“Well since we’re a thing now, lemme do this real quick.” 
he comes a little closer and he starts leaning in
atm your heart is beating so fast that you are preparing to run away to calm your heart. 
Jihoon smiles and just goes up to kiss your forehead 
“You’re so cute Y/N” 
your face turns BRIGHT red and you just hit him a little 
“ANYWAYS why were you peeved off with me anyways.” 
“o-oh, well I was told something. i was told that you were only dancing with us to impress someone else.” 
you just kind of laughed it off and sat down at the nearby bench 
“Funny enough I’m guessing it’s jane.” 
he kind of looked at you in surprise and cleared his throat 
“y-yeah, how did you know?” 
“welll she told me that you wanted to stop doing the dance because you wanted to focus on your grades.” 
he laughed a little while taking a seat at the near by bench. 
“I should’ve known she would’ve been like that.”
you kind of just gave him a like “alright jihoon i have no idea what context you are using but alright.” so he replies
“She confessed to me before and i told her that i liked someone else and i guess she assumed it was you when you joined out dance group, which she was right on.”
you turned a little red again and you just turn around. 
“gosh dang it jihoon, hurry and go before i melt.” 
he just laughs and gets off the bench before turning you around and giving you a slight hug 
“i’ll talk to you later Y/N.”
after he walks away you just kind of sit there on the bench, not processing what had just happened. but soon after you received a text.
from jihoon
“Maybe instead of a group dance we should do a dance with just us~” 
you laughed and just sent a response back 
“nope, i wouldn’t want to let woojin down.” 
so there you have it, you somehow are now a thing with jihoon 
lets just hope his fangirls won’t find out anytime soon
end! thank you for reading! i am super apologetic to the requester, i did not mean to take this long 
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fmchiwon · 7 years
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hello babies !!! i’m jin and this is the loml ryu chiwon aka c.won ( nineteen, model / child actor, elite’s lead dancer & vocal, and the sweetest boy to ever exist ) nD I RLY SHOULDN’T BE JOINING bc school n exams are a goddamn mess thnx ***………..but i still love u dw anw i’m here and i’m super hyped!!! u can find me on discord or twt (u can ask me for either!!) but i’ll mostly be on the im’s jsghfhdj . like this post pls and i’ll (v eagerly) come to you to plot!!! meanwhile u can find chiwon’s bio here and plots here (wip!) for ur viewing pleasure but w/o further ado here is some stuff abt him under the cut!
just clearing stuff up bc his bio wasn’t that explicit and detailed! 
has been in the industry since he was five unfortunately n started out as a child model / actor
his family wasn’t that well-off but his parents had big dreams!!!! big hopes!!!! just……. not for themselves but for him…… mostly bc they missed their chance to shine a long time ago so now they’re projecting their aspirations onto him aka using him as an outlet to fulfil their dreams smh
he signed on with hjh ent at first but he found it so ?? stifling ???? esp since he had to grow up under the limelight and it was altogether just Tiring
modelling n stuff rlly took a toll on him bc he was expected to manage himself even at a young age and it stressed him out ??? ? ? ? so much, altho he got to hang out w the #starz but yea not enough compensation
it was kinda expected that along the way he discovered a passion for dance?? like i mean he was surrounded by idols…. and he often skipped modelling / acting lessons just to watch the sunbaes in the practice rooms
so he was more than happy when his contract was set to expire when he was 15,, he got the fuck out of that hellhole even tho his mom disapproved
their relationship has been tense ever since, mostly bc they lost their main source of income and she doesnt rly talk to him unless for him to send money back to their family
kinda has beef with hjh now, doesn’t make a habit of associating w them much. as a result, there have been like…….. wild rumors abt his absence and leave from the company
but in aug/sept of 2012, he secretly went for an audition that worldwide media was having, and entered as a trainee in october with dance
yeh now he’s here anxiously waiting for elite’s debut
if u knew him, u’d be surprised at how much on-camera chiwon = off-camera chiwon
the only difference that on camera chiwon is calmer and kinda intimidating bc his stage presence is off the charts?? 
but his smile is one of the first things people notice simply bc of how prominent and bright it is, n he’s vvvvv charismatic and always makes u feel like the most important person in the world whenever he talks to u bc he focuses all his attention on u
he’s literally always the epitome of bubbly and affable, whether u know him personally or not!! v playful friendly and energetic and always tries to see the best in people, it’s almost to the point which it’s unrealistic
never seen without a smile on his face, he always has enough love to go around. constantly the moodmaker!!! he’s super perceptive to his surroundings so once he senses the atmosphere going down he’s immediately there to bring it up
doesn’t seem forced at all, 100% genuine and ppl actually doubt him for it bc how has the cruelty of the industry not wear you down?
but ha it actually has, he’s actually hella insecure about a lot of things except that he doesn’t let anyone in on his feelings, cries a lot into his pillow when he thinks no one’s around and makes sure that he’s always bright and happy the next day
he never lets anyone even think for a second that he’s upset or smth though, whatever he does feels really genuine
on a s/n Drop Dead Gorgeous is he even real
LIKE FOR REAL HE’S SO FUCKIN HANDSOME 2017 adonis @ his finest
knows how to make everyone happy (except for himself…..) and in a way its a substitute for him to fill up on his own deprivation of love n happiness
but he has the biggest heart, tries to take time out to help everyone when he can, and is super affectionate and can come off as overbearing / overwhelming at times
but he’s also a Heartbreaker ; /  mostly bc he’s super nice n flirty to everyone and it can be kinda misleading at times? BUT ITS NOT INTENTIONAL especially since he doesn’t seem to understand that it’s not ok to go around dropping random kisses on people and proclaiming his love for them all the time
once secretly dated a female trainee to protect her from the company finding out that she was gay
but that quickly turned into rumors wherein he dated another male trainee which….. may not be entirely false
a good friend, will always make time to listen to u and offer comfort
in a lot of ways he’s like a shelter and has been described as such by a lot of people that are close to him? mostly bc of how reliable and sturdy he is and how much he’s willing to take just about everyone in
haha but when he gets angry thats a whole different story
has the ability to stand up for others and will never hesitate to do so, esp if he doesn’t like what ur doing. he’s v stubborn and strongly-opinionated, however he’s almost always unable to stand up for himself, and instead he absorbs all the criticism he hears and takes it to heart
humble to the point of demeaning. he doesn’t believe that he would even be here without his members and (family…..ish)
gets a lot of hate for his singing bc when knetz heard his voice in one of their earlier releases they were like uhhhhhhhhh whomst and got a lot of criticism, mostly bc they think he’s just another untalented pretty face and that’s it
like but he’s constantly improving? and he rlly rlly works super hard to be better, and now he even drops small covers sometimes
ok but dance is the goddamn love of his life )-: posts a lot of dance covers and choreographs some dances too!
tries to contribute by learning how to compose and write lyrics, he’s constantly learning n experimenting w the help of the staff and his group members
SPEAKING OF WHICH he’s a total softie 4 them ok like to the level where he would give anything up for his members they’re his FAMILY n literally the only ppl who he’s ever seen him down
v loud, makes his presence known almost immediately
also he’s so!!!!! boyfriend!!!!!! icb
a TREE he’s so tall smh (perfect 4 u to lean on, cuddle, and be the small spoon to)
fashion is another passion of his, his entire wardrobe = fashion week all year long
a little hard to get super, seriously close to though bc of how much he bottles up inside himself. but he’s a little way too trusting and that fact gets taken advantage of a lot
has pet names for everyone
looks like he cant be taken srsly but he’s really observant and sharp, listens and watches his surroundings and hence he can AND will use ur words against u if u go against them
if u read till here u deserve a gold medal
i’m rly just here to develop my chara so i’m definitely open to any kind of plots at all! i mean it when i say that so plsplspls hmu w any ideas u may have whatsoever!!! or at least until i sort out a proper plots page or smth yikes…
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im-youngmin · 7 years
[TRANS] 170728 MXM’s Interview with Xportsnews
Group Interview:
Youngmin: As someone who has the dream of becoming a singer, I’m very thankful for having had the chance to let people know of me through ‘Produce 101’. I’m very proud because it feels like I’ve reached my goal of debuting through this program. Although I’m worried that a lot of my lacking areas will be seen since I received this love so suddenly, I am in the middle of working hard in order to show my growing self.
Donghyun: I’m happy and thankful to have gotten a chance of debuting. If I received love for my overflowing charms during ‘Produce 101’, then I believe that I gained the opportunity to show my musical side through MXM, so I’m very content.
MXM’s pre-release title song, ‘GOOD DAY’, is a refreshing and bright song that is fitting of the first idol group to come out of their company, Brand New Music. It garnered interest once it was known to have been composed by WANNA ONE’s Lee Daehwi.
Youngmin: A lot of people predicted that a song would come out with Brand New Music’s hip-hop style. However, it’s formed with songs that are bright and strong with energy. ‘GOOD DAY’ is a song that we practiced we Daehwi, but it fit well with the concept, so we included it.
Donghyun: There’s a Busan dialect killing part by Youngmin hyung, but looking for that is one of the fun elements of this. I personally think it’s stronger than ‘I’m a bit intoxicated’ (T/N: Youngmin’s line from ‘Boys and Girls’). Since both of the pre-release songs are self-composed, I think you’ll be able to see MXM’s refreshing charms more.
MXM’s promotions are at the same time as WANNA ONE’s promotion period. As much as Lee Daehwi and Park Woojin from Brand New Music are under WANNA ONE, I feel like the meaning must feel different.
Youngmin: We haven’t been able to contact Daehwi and Woojin due to being too busy. However, what I believe to be meaningful is how the four of us practiced together, but will now be standing on the same stage. Them as WANNA ONE and we as MXM.
Donghyun: Even though our teams are different right now, since they are people who will be in the same team as us, I am thinking of it positively and we are supporting each other from our own spots. Although it’s different and fascinating to meet as a different team, I think we’ll still support each other a lot. It will be really fun if we meet. That also goes for WANNA ONE as well as other trainees from ‘Produce 101’ Season 2.
As expected of a duo, these two showed how they perfectly match. They especially showed showed off their friendship by saying that they have always picked each other for the trainee they are closest with. So to these two, what does the other’s existence mean?
Youngmin: I have always picked Donghyun as the trainee I am closest to. We lived together during ‘Produce 101’ as well and had a lot of instances of being on the same time. And our personalities normally match really well too. Although our tendencies are very different, they strangely fit well. So one of the meanings of our team name is ‘MIX & MATCH’, but I believe it’s because we think of each other a bit more and give into each other that we can match even better in the future.
Donghyun: I haven’t been a trainee for a long period of time, but the hyung I relied on the most while doing it was Youngmin hyung. We don’t express it well to each other. However, since he’s the hyung I relied on the most, I’m thankful and happy with the fact that I’m able promote as a unit under the same team.
When I asked to sum it up in just one phrase, Im Youngmin replied, “A real younger brother who seems like a friend” while Kim Donghyun answered “a needle and thread”. These two who are always together answered that the only people they contact even on breaks are each other. Kim Donghyun quickly added, “I’ll be the thread. Hyung, you be the needle,” and brought out laughter.
We asked what they wanted to say to fans since the two of them did not forget to express their thanks towards fans’ love during the entirety of the interview.
Youngmin: Although we were trainees, we were able to come out with an album due to the large amount of love we received. We heard that there were a lot of people who waited for a long time even after ‘Produce 101’ ended, so we worked hard to prepare this. Although we’re still lacking, we will work hard in order to show the best side we can, so I ask for a lot of love. We will show our continuously growing selves.
Donghyun: In order to give back to the large amount of love we have received, we are working hard in preparations. We will work harder on the album and show a better side, so I think I will be thankful if you could give a lot of support.
Youngmin’s Interview:
He is now 23 years old. What could have been the reason behind Im Youngmin creating his dream of becoming an idol?
Youngmin: I really liked dancing since I was in my 2nd or 3rd year of middle school, so I started it then. While dancing a hip-hop style, I naturally fell into hip-hop. I think I started my dream of being an idol ever since then.
However, he said that while being a trainee, his thoughts strengthened in wanting to be an artist who just does music rather than become an idol. It was also connected to the reason why Im Youngmin chose Brand New Music and not another place.
Youngmin: “Since I normally did hip-hop and rap, there were a lot of seniors that I liked in Brand New Music. While thinking it was a company I really wanted to go to, I heard that they were starting an idol project, so I applied and made it through the auditions. At that time, there was an offer from another company as well, but my ‘favorite’ was Brand New, so I ended up picking this. I believed that even if Brand New Music were to make an idol group, they would still help my artist tendencies grow.
To Im Youngmin who respects all artists in Brand New Music and sets them as his role models, we asked him who his role model outside of the company would be.
Youngmin: I really like Block B seniors. Of course I like their music style, and I think the color of a team that can harmonize well despite each of their colors having a variety is charming. On my recent guesting of tvN’s ‘Problematic Men’, Park Kyung senior was there, so I told him I was a fan, but because I was so nervous, I wasn’t able to express it enough, so that was regrettable. I also wanted to take a picture, but because I was so nervous and tense, I wasn’t able to ask. I want to go there next time and tell him for sure. Also, ever since I was younger, the person I set the most as my role model is Park Jaebum senior. It’s really cool to see how he can do everything including dancing, singing, and even producing. It’s also really cool to see him take good care of the singers in his company as the CEO of AOMG. I also thought a lot about ‘It would be nice if I were like that’. In the future, I hope to become that kind of artist.
Im Youngmin was a trainee whose fandom power was amazing even within ‘Produce 101’ Season 2. Including the subway support advertisements, they sold-out in a hoodie that he wore and showed that he has rose as a ‘trend’.
Youngmin: When we first did the broadcast, I didn’t know what was going on outside. However, from just seeing the support I received during the concert, I was receiving so much love. I’m really thankful for the advertisements as well and a lot of people sent in letters, but while reading one-by-one, I gain strength from their efforts. There were difficult times while preparing for this album, but I gained a lot of comfort from letters full of love’s sincerity that I haven’t received before.
When I told him that someone I know had Im Youngmin as their ‘ultimate bias’, Im Youngmin showed a happy smile and said, “Whenever I hear things like that, I feel really happy and good.”
To his subway advertisement, he stated, “Whether it be idols or someone who has dreamed of becoming a singer, there is an ideal image about things like birthday advertisements. I had the thought of ‘I want to be there too’, but I didn’t know I would receive it so quickly. I was deeply moved. Chinese fans also gave a lot of advertisements, but I hope an opportunity comes where I am able to visit their country and meet them.”
‘Produce 101’ Season 2, which has allowed Im Youngmin to rise as a star. What could his most memorable moment have been?
Youngmin: When we did our first recordings for ‘M! Countdown’, it was really difficult. It was a scene where 101 trainees danced to ‘나야 나’, but we matched the choreography for the entire day and set the formations through the night. Our recordings were the next day, but it was tiring to the point where I wondered whether or not be drained out if this continued. After we finished, I felt a big sense of freedom in thoughts that I successfully did it. Since I successfully did this, I felt that we could endure through almost any difficult situation that may appear.
Finally, the last live broadcast day. While the credits were rolling, Youngmin’s sobbing was captured on screen and made many fans feel sad.
Youngmin: I didn’t even imagine that would get captured (on camera). After it was over, I talked it with a lot of trainees, but Kim Taemin trainee was among one them. Since he was someone who had to leave due to being sick, I wasn’t able to contact him often, but he came to me and asked ‘You had hard time, right?’, but that one phrase made me explode in tears. Since there were a lot of trainees, I thought I wouldn’t be seen. I’m not the type to cry often, but once it exploded, I just refreshingly cried. I even heard ‘You cried prettily’ later on.
Im Youngmin, who went through many complications and is now debuting. It was recently known that he is appearing on tvN’s ‘Problematic Men’, and he is now officially starting promotions. What could his thoughts on his first variety show guesting be like?
Youngmin: The day before the schedule, I really almost threw up. I’m more on the side of liking math and science as well as logics. That’s why I was happy to the point of jumping when I heard about the guesting. A desire to do better formed, so I prepared this and prepared that, and before I knew it, I was so nervous that I was only able to sleep for around an hour the day before. During the recordings, they made the atmosphere very comfortable, so I was able to become less tense from the middle on. Although it’s regrettable that I wasn’t able to talk well, I think it was still fun. I asked the PD-nim to call me another time again. Saying that I can do even better.
Donghyun’s Interview:
Kim Donghyun, who is in charge of MXM’s vocals, revealed that he started his dream of becoming an idol ever since he was in his 3rd year of middle school.
Donghyun: I was in a band for my school club activity, but while performing during festival stages, I naturally formed my dream of becoming a singer. My parents’ strongly opposed at first, but I pleaded to them for a really long time. And my parents’ hearts weakened a lot from that. Now they really like it. They even say ‘Work even harder’.
When asked about how he joined his company, Brand New Music, Kim Donghyun brought up Hanhae’s name. He said that while listening to his songs a lot, he was able to gain a fantasy towards Brand New Music
Donghyun: The teacher who taught my singing had ties with the rookie development head of Brand New Music, so she introduced me to an audition. Since it was a company I really liked, I told her I would definitely do it. Because I had the thought of Brand New is a ‘company that’s good at music’ embedded in my mind. I auditioned with the thought that I would have much to learn and through that tie, I was able to become part of the company like this.
We asked who the role model of Kim Donghyun, who respects all of Brand New Music’s artists including Hanhae, would be besides someone from their company.
Donghyun: There are two people, but for music, it would be Park Hyoshin senior. Ever since I first started music, I wanted to learn from him and I practiced my singing a lot while always watching him. He improves on himself, changes his vocal styles, and even does musicals. Seeing how he works hard in various ways, I thought that I should always learn from him. Also, another person is ZE:A’s Im Siwan senior. He does his role as a member of his team and also receives a lot of acknowledgement as an actor as well. Because I think he’s a really cool person, I want to learn from him. If given the opportunity, I would also like to try out acting.
Kim Donghyun, who received a lot of love during Mnet ‘Produce 101’ Season 2, confirmed his high popularity through subway ads from fans even after being eliminated. To someone like that, when does he feel his popularity the most?
Donghyun: It’s really fascinating when I walk on the streets and they recognize who I am. When we were doing filmings, no one recognized me, but since many are recognizing me now, I feel that I’m receiving an even bigger love. We were given a break after the ‘Produce Finale Concert’ ended, but I was able to slightly feel (my popularity) upon having people from my hometown of Daejeon recognize who I am.
When asked about his most memorable moment during ‘Produce 101’ Season 2 filmings, Kim Donghyun answered, “Everything is memorable.”
Donghyun: But if I had to pick something that was most memorable, there was a time in the middle of filmings where I had to move to the interviewing area. There was a time where the PD-nim rode a golf cart, put me on, and dropped me off at the interviewing area, but during those short 3 minutes, I felt a big sense of freedom. The wind was refreshing and relieving. I remember talking endlessly with the PD-nim.
If you search up the name ‘Kim Donghyun’ on portal sites, there are almost 80 people with the same name. So does he have any thoughts on making a stage name?
Donghyun: I don’t think I’ll use a stage name during MXM promotions. However, won’t I use one later when we become complete and come out as a group? But if I am to use one, I want to use a Korean name rather than a name of a different language. There are many names that are pretty with just using Korean. I especially like pretty names like EXO’s Baekhyun senior, so since my name also has ‘Hyun’, I would like to similarly have a pretty name.
Where does Kim Donghyun, whose self-composing skills are amazing to the point where he participated in the composing of MXM’s new song, ‘I Just Do’, get his inspiration from?
Donghyun: I try to write songs whenever I have a chance. Because I normally enjoy watching movies, I’m the type that gains a lot of inspiration while watching a movie. I also read a lot of books, but I’m also receiving inspiration from Ha Sangwook’s collection of poems. The book I read recently is a book gifted by a friend called ‘The Temperature of Language’. Because my heart feels warm from it and I’m receiving a lot of influence musically, I’m currently trying to read a lot.
original source: xsportsnews 1, 2, 3 translation credits: @woojinprk
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, (06/24/17): Kaleidoscope Records has officially released information about main dancer, lead rapper, and maknae, Im Rihwan, on A-TEAM′s official website! Rihwan is a ‘00 liner and has been beloved by fans since his debut in 2015. Find out more about Rihwan below!
I, IM RIHWAN, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of MAKNAE and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of KALEIDOSCOPE RECORDS.
Preferred name: jemi
Pronouns: she/her
Timezone: gmt+8
Other muses: N/A
Faceclaim: NCT’s lee jeno
Name: im rihwan
Stage name (if applicable): N/A
Idol concept: rihwan is a-team’s “evil maknae” who’s known for being the older members’ favorite to “playfully” smack. with that he’s also considered the “maknae on top,” the youngest who could probably rule the entirety of south korea if he wanted to. rihwan’s playfulness certainly makes him fit for the part, but what most people overlook is his subdued maturity. in the way he speaks, the way he interacts with his members, he always knows he is accountable for whatever he does— that’s probably why he’s settled with his image— and whatever he does to the annoyance of his members he always apologizes for it at the end of the day. he usually uses this concept to his advantage to make the other members do his bidding, but rest assured, only up to a certain level.
Birth date and age: february 1, 2000 (17 years old)
Company name: kaleidoscope records
Group Name: a-team
Group Position: maknae
Strengths: dancing is his main strength, and he is also able to choreograph and teach choreography. he also raps quite a bit in their songs, and is trying to develop that skill as much as he can. having done several commercials as a child, he is also experienced in front of the camera and is capable (and wants to do more) of acting. within the group, he is also capable of cheering the other members on, a role even an “evil” maknae has to possess. with that, he’s also a very good listener and confidant.
Weaknesses: he isn’t much of a singer yet, and is very aware of that. rihwan’s insecure of his singing voice, but he’s able to carry a tune, at least. he also has a bad habit of comparing himself to others, which can make him feel very down about what he lacks. of course, as the youngest of his team he is also quite whiny—this goes for when his members don’t follow him or when he finally gets bossed around—but it isn’t overbearing.
Positive traits: committed, diligent, cunning, dependable
Negative traits: impatient, manipulative, insecure
bright lights and big cameras have stopped fazing him years ago. no stranger to the entertainment world, rihwan has almost never stopped working since he was four years old. people who know him say his mother’s to blame for this, and some other people also say he’s overworked. honestly, rihwan just wants to keep going. rihwan is far from tired, and believes that his real work is only beginning.
despite being a rookie in the idol world, rihwan isn’t an unknown face to many. a lot of people know him as the “angpang boy,” a little boy from that one seoul milk commercial for their kids’ variant called angpang. four-year-old rihwan made his mark as a korean household name, and has since then been working as a commercial actor. he still remembers his first shoot— the director loudly calls out a word he can barely understand as the lights are switched on. scanning the small crowd around him for a familiar face as he squints to adjust to the light, he finds his mother standing off to the side, giving him a reassuring smile and nod while mouthing, “rihwan, good luck.”
at four years old, he isn’t sure if he finds comfort in that. before he could respond to her, someone kneels down in front of him, speaking slowly and simply. instructions are fed to him, he nods, and everyone gets out of his way. when he gets asked if he’s ready, he replies with a loud yes, just like what he was told to do by his mom when she told him he would be on television. the cameras start rolling and he starts waddling with his bedroom slippers across the wooden floor like how they rehearsed at home, recalling hearing his little sister crying for food in the background. it’s honestly easy for him, despite his young age, to follow the script and everyone’s instructions. he knows what to do, but needs a little help on how to do it. multiple takes are spent redoing shots to get the right one, and as soon as they got that shot of him gulping down milk and wiping his lips on his sweater sleeve before showcasing a picture perfect smile, the lights go off as everyone claps and he’s brought back home holding his mother’s hand.
when he gets home he asks his mother if it would always be like this. his mother sets down his dinner plate in front of him as she sits beside him, and she replies with something along the lines of “if you want to.”
at five years old, a year later, he finds himself in a similar situation. in front of a couple cameras, given a few instructions—same old. after his first shoot, the kids at his kindergarten ask if that was him in that one milk commercial on TV. he just replies with, “maybe,” coyly but at the same time obviously flattered. this time it’s a shoot for some sort of food? rice? he doesn’t really know. all he knows was that he needs to whine and cry. he goes through with filming and when it finishes his mother wipes the tears he cried for the shoot away. “you did well today,” she says, and he responds with a nod.
it’s difficult to understand everything happening around you at just five years, and rihwan was feeling that insecurity and detachment from everything around him. for some weird reason, though, he enjoys it. being in the limelight feels right for him.
still, his life in show business wasn’t free of struggle. being the son of a working mother and a father working abroad he had to take care of his siblings growing up as well. this doesn’t mean his mother didn’t take care of all of them well—but he always knew he’s his mother’s favorite, being the firstborn. so he constantly figures he should spend time while he can with his sister who’s two years younger than him and his brother who’s three years younger.
at seven years old, when he isn’t at shoots, young rihwan spends time with his siblings, and the family dog, of course. their time is often spent by the pond at the park near their house, which doubles as a wishing well despite all the agitated koi fish. rihwan firmly believes in the power of his hundred-won wishes, holding his sister’s hand with his left and using his right to throw coins. the year he spent off working has a year of him studying, given, but it was also the year he started to frequent the wishing pond. now back into work, rihwan wishes he could do more cool things on camera to make his family (pet dog included) proud.
at almost ten years old, he realizes he’s gotten more than he bargained for. after seeing his face on so many CFs, entertainment companies have taken notice of his potential as a future idol visual. his second disappearance from commercials was short-lived, and soon he gets plunged into more auditions for more commercials after his mother gets her work life back together and rihwan does well enough in school. initially reluctant to accept offers to take rihwan in from companies, his mother figures it would be better to leave his management to people who, in her opinion, know better than her about managing kids. and so begins rihwan’s journey as a kaleidoscope trainee, the company out of the handful whose name mrs. im has heard about the most.
at eleven years old, he realizes that maybe his hundred won coins were well spent. half a year he has spent so far under kaleidoscope records has been tiring, to say the least, but hey, he’s been learning how to dance and he finds that a lot of fun. he’s still doing commercials, and also, he’s sure to get into that performing arts high school when he gets older. he does miss his family though, and wonders if his siblings are taken care of. living away from home is rough, but he trusts in the people around him enough to carry on. at that age he has started to process how things work in the industry. he realizes he can’t succeed if he doesn’t put in the work. so he works, and he works hard.
at twelve he finds that his passion for dancing has grown. the initial plan of him being a visual was overthrown by his rapid grasp of dance. after being surrounded by people who genuinely think “dance is life” he’s grown to love dance, and even performing in general. he misses filming for commercials, but then he also wants to focus on what his life is hopefully going to lead up to: becoming an idol. it was never in his plans—acting might have been, but never singing and becoming an idol. he finds the serendipity slightly funny. who knew he could actually make it? not his siblings, for sure, the ones who often joked about him ending up like the idols they saw on sunday afternoon music shows when they were young. well, even younger.
however, at fourteen years old, he gets tired. tired of waiting. he knows he’s still too young to debut, but at the same time, his almost three and a half years of training have been all too long for him. he still loves performing, and in fact has been dabbling in different dance styles and trying his hand and creating his own dances. his hunger to debut is strong, although he’s held back by his insecurity in singing. typically he skips intensive vocal training by chatting up his instructors or using dance practice as an excuse, but never does it on purpose. or so he likes to think. he’s secure in his dancing ability, and often resorts to avoiding singing by learning rapping and immersing in hip hop, which is useful in dancing, too. lately he’s been hearing talks of a new boy group being formed, and all his fingers are crossed.
he sends his sister text messages regularly, reminding her to toss at least three coins into the wishing pond for his speedy debut.
at fifteen, he finds himself being selected to debut as one of the members of “a-team,” kaleidoscope’s newest fresh-concept boy band. ecstatic, rihwan sure is, but just as scared. he’s trained with a lot of them before, but now being in a team with all of them is different. as the youngest of the bunch, he has to be taken care of but at the same time he has to be reliable. after all, he can’t be the weakest link. he doesn’t want to be.
seventeen and well into his work, he has settled into his niche in the group as the playful, impish youngest member of the team, but is still cautious about how his members feel. it’s funny how his (and his siblings’) coin tosses has gotten him to where he is now, enjoying a good amount of success as an idol— who would’ve thought? the child who has been working since almost birth is now an older child working even harder. rihwan’s career is only beginning for him, and he plans to take this ride as long as he can.
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kpoptart216 · 7 years
(W)rapped Around Her Finger
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A/N: I had my first request sent into my inbox. Thanks for trusting me enough to write something for you, I feel like what I write is trash. I don’t want to make this a series but I can see this being longer than one part haha. ALSO I suck at coming up with titles as you can see
Request: can i request a yoongi or jhope fanfic? im not creative maybe where you're both famous rappers and he has a huge crush on you i cant think of a plot (sorry) so surprise me! :) but i would like angst and fluff :)) thank you in advance if you decide to do it!! 💕💕
Pairing: J-hope x Reader (Ugh I love this little ball of sunshine so much I can’t stop writing about him.)
Summary: You and J-hope are both rappers and he seems to have a huge crush on you although you have always failed to see it. 
Genre: Angst,Fluff.
You knew from a young age that you wanted to pursue music and your parents allowed you to venture off into the field. They put you in all sorts of music classes, but little did they know that you would end up picking rapping.
They were a little disappointed with your choice, but tried their hardest to support your choices. You struggled for years, trying to make it big in the field. You slowly started to believe that you didn’t have what it took, but life has it’s way of opening doors for you when you least expect it.
You auditioned for a rather small company named BigHit and passed the initial audition. As later rounds passed, though, you were asked to do many other things. You were decent at singing and dancing, but you never thought it was good enough to show anyone else but your shower head.
You were accepted as a trainee with other girls and within a few years, you debuted as a girl group. You were the lead rapper, but you also sang here and there. Dance also became another way to express yourself, something that you didn’t realize was possible.
Within a few years, you and your were taking over charts left and right with each song you released and the company also allowed you to release music of your own. Music of your choice.
However, BigHit also debuted another group a year before you. BTS was taking the world by storm. Their success shocked you and you hoped that one day, you too could attain that level of success with your group.
Your group and BTS rarely crossed paths. They debuted before you if they weren’t busy doing something in Korea, they were touring the rest of the world. You wondered if they even knew who you were sometimes. “They must know their hoobaes...right?” you said to yourself one day as you walked into an empty practice room.
After promoting your latest album for the last couple of weeks, you were finally done and were given time off. Your favorite thing to do was chilling in the practice room by yourself and do whatever just came naturally to you: rap.
BTS had finally come back from tour a few weeks ago and they were already preparing their next comeback. The boys were planning to record tonight and they all excitedly ran through the familiar halls of BigHit, eager to record the new song produced by both Namjoon and Yoongi.
Taehyung ran excitedly ahead, excited to see some other producer hyungs and the rest of the maknae line shortly followed him. However, they soon stopped in front of the room in which you were in, peeking behind the door.
“Yah, what are you peeking at?” Jin asked as the Hyung line slowly followed.
“Isn’t she Y/N? Apart of the new girl group?” Taehyung asked Jimin as they still continued to peep through the door.
Hoseok had heard of your group and he felt bad that he never got to interact with another group from his company. Soon enough, he too was peaking behind the door. Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi decided they were better than that and headed to the studio. “Meet us there when you guys are done drooling” they said as they walked past.
“SHH Hyung she’s going to hear us!” Jungkook said.
But you couldn’t. You were too immersed in the music and you had your earphones in. You sat on the floor, looking at the lyrics you wrote when you had time and rapped away, not noticing the set of four eyes on you.
Something stirred inside of Hoseok. The way you effortlessly rapped, or the fact that when you messed up, you would lightly hit your head. The way you smiled when you knew you got something right, or the way you stuck your tongue out when you realized you didn’t like that one line in the lyrics. He couldn’t help but smile at you small figure sitting in the corner of the room. 
“Wahhh, she’s really pretty!” Taehyung whispered. 
“Should we introduce ourselves?” Jungkook asked. 
“No we should wait to introduce ourselves to the whole group. We should go for now” Jimin said as he pulled the two younger ones with him. “Hyung you coming?” he asked as he started to walk towards the studio.
“Huh? Yeah..yeah just give me one second” Hoseok said, not really listening to Jimin.
“Ooh looks like someone’s fallen in love at first sight” Jungkook teased.
Usually Hoseok would get his revenge on the maknae for making such a comment, but he couldn’t really hear anything but you rap at the moment. While you were completely immersed in the music, Hoseok was completely immersed in you.
Hoseok continued to stare your way, not even noticing the time passing. Suddenly, though, his phone started to buzz in his pocket and before he knew it, his ringtone filled the hallway and your room with it’s sound. And thats when you noticed him. He fumbled with his phone, trying to turn it to silent and you got up, tearing the headphones off of your head and staring wide eyed at Hoseok.
“Hello, Sunbae!” you say excitedly, quickly identifying the man behind the door.
“Uhh hi! I didn’t mean to scare you. You’re...You’re Y/N right?” he asks as he runs his hand through his hair.
“Yes! You know me? Wow! It’s so nice to meet you finally!” You say back.
Hoseok couldn’t help but smile at you. “You..You rap really well” he says as he gives you your biggest smile.
Since that night, about 2 months passed. Since that night, many things changed. Since that night, you made seven new friends. Since that night, you made one new best friend.
Hoseok and you spent a lot of time together since. You both started to spend your free time together and it nice spending time with someone who wasn’t in your group for a change.
Hoseok’s small crush had grown into something far bigger. He got butterflies every time he saw you. He loved making you laugh with his stupid faces and aegyo. He was mesmerized at the way you rap. The way you wrote lyrics. The way you learned to carry yourself on stage. You had a confidence in you that he admired. But at the same time, you were just a soft squish when it came down to it. Your voice was angelic to him. He loved your casual style, the way you wore your skinny jeans and converse. But he also loved how feminine you were when you pulled out a dress sometimes too. 
He was surprised you never caught him staring at you because god knows everyone else caught it. Hoseok’s managers even warned him not to drool.
Hoseok constantly would seek you out, asking your opinion on the music he himself wrote to. He valued your input, not just because he adored you, but because what you said made sense.
Hoseok was falling for you hard and falling for you fast, but he realized that you might not feel the same way. And it scared him. He became so used to seeing you around in his daily life, that he didn’t remember what it was like when you weren’t in his life. He tried to swallow his feelings, knowing that you two shouldn’t date anyways. But he realized he needed you in his life one way or another. 
I can’t lose her...
A/N: SO looks like there’s going to be another part to this. I don’t want to write like a huge story all in one go. I kind of know what I want to do with this, so hopefully I can get out the next part sometime soon! THE ANGST WILL COME XD Thanks for requesting!! :D
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jypark-gae · 6 years
Their Non Idol S/O Can Sing Well
requested - “Hi!! I see you have a lot of requests right now, but if it's alright I'd like to ask for a BTS reaction to finding out their (non-idol) S/O can sing really well. You can take your time with this one and thank you!”
ask -
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— here it is ;)) I had fun writing this for some reason ?? also i watched ugandan knuckles videos (I know I’m late oof I didn’t really care) for like 30 minutes im not okay —
When Jin opened the door and entered your apartment he wasn’t expecting to hear such beautiful vocals. He was taken aback and rushed to the source. Dancing while doing the chores was you, belting out notes to the song playing in the background. With a smile on his face he joins you and it takes you by surprise, your singing stopping. Jin frowns at your action, pouting and telling you how great your voice is. “What? I didn’t tell you to stop. I love your voice, Y/N.”
Yoongi was meeting your parents and your mom decided to embarrass you and show him all your childhood videos. Your suffering amused him and he happily played along. But then a video of you from high school started playing, what he thought were perfect vocals coming from your mouth. He didn’t know you could sing but he did know. Instead of laughing and making fun of you he praised you; later scolding you for hiding such a talent. “Why didn’t you tell me you could sing? Is there something else you’re hiding from me?”
You thought you were alone, but little did you know that Hoseok was leaning on the door frame, a smile on his face. After singing your heart out to your favorite song you heard footsteps and felt arms around your waist. Your boyfriend muttered sweet words into your skin and expressed his love for your voice that you hid away from him. “Yah, you’re so talented. Why haven’t you shared your talent to the world?”
He was curiously browsing the internet, and after watching a cover that a fan made he found himself in a black hole of cover videos. It was like the deep web, but not so graphic. Then a video of a girl who looked oddly similar to you played. After a minute of you singing like an angel he realized it was you, just younger. He liked your voice and wondered on why you haven’t auditioned for a company yet. Surely no one would pass up on such talent. Namjoon called you and didn’t even let you speak, trying to convince you to audition. “Your voice is so good, babe. Why didn’t you tell me you could sing? I really think you could get into the big 3!”
I really see Jimin smothering you with compliments when he finds out you can sing. He does the same as Namjoon, he begs you to audition so the whole world could know of his talented beautiful s/o aka you. You were in an empty hallway and sang to yourself, wanting to see if the room could echo. Jimin heard your angelic like singing and tracked down the source. And he saw you, singing beautiful lyrics with your beautiful voice. He would join you like Jin, and instead of stopping you’d smile & keep going. “We make a good team! So when are you auditioning?” “Wait what-“
You two were in the car, driving off to a date when your favorite song began to play. Eyes lighting up you turn up the volume and begin to sing along. Taehyung thought nothing of it as you sang jokingly, but when your voice got more serious he felt his heart racing. He would find your singing voice lovely, it’d honestly make him flustered. You got so into it that you didn’t even think about Taehyung, you just sang your little heart out. It was when you heard your boyfriend’s deep voice that you remembered where you were situated. “Wow, Y/N I- That actually made my heart race. You’re so talented I love you.”
He would probably tease you about the fact that you hid your talent. But that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t compliment your vocals. You were showering and you were one of those people who liked to sing in the shower. Jungkook simply went in to ask you for something but stopped speaking when your vocals filled his ears. “Jungkook!” You weren’t embarrassed about him walking in while you were showering, you were embarrassed because no one knew about your hidden talent. “Why are you so embarrassed? You’re good. We should do a cover together~”
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viralnewstime · 4 years
Shaggy (real name Orville Burrell) could be the most enduringly important artist to emerge from the ’90s – his reggae-fusion now a global movement and spawning yet other dancehall hybrids.
The Kingston, Jamaica deejay/MC/singer – who, having relocated to New York in his teens, served as a US Marine in the Gulf War – broke out nearly three decades ago with 1993’s dancehall cover of the Folkes Brothers’ ska staple ‘Oh Carolina’. Two years on, he crossed over internationally with Boombastic, which, aside from entailing that popular title-track, won the Grammy for Best Reggae Album. However, Shaggy became a superstar in 2000 following his fifth album, Hot Shot, home to the hits ‘It Wasn’t Me’, ‘Angel’ and ‘Luv Me, Luv Me’ (originally cut as a duet with Janet Jackson for the How Stella Got Her Groove Back soundtrack). He’ll commemorate the LP’s 20th anniversary.
Shaggy has defied reductive mainstream media perceptions of him as a fluke or novelty act. Indeed, he’s released some of his most credible music in the 2010s. Shaggy connected with dub legends Sly & Robbie for 2013’s Out Of Many, One Music, describing it as “a pure, all-reggae album”. In 2018, he and the former Police frontman Sting aired the Caribbean-inspired 44/876 – which entered the UK Top 10 and landed him another Grammy (last month Shaggy appeared at his friend’s Rainforest Fund 30th Anniversary Concert, We’ll Be Together, in NY). In 2019, Shaggy presented Wah Gwaan?! (“what’s goin’ on?”). This time, he delved into personal topics, ruminating on a difficult relationship with his mother (and parenting) on ‘Wrong Room’.
Shaggy continues to vibe with contemporary urban, dance and pop figures, from Major Lazer to Kylie Minogue. Recently, Shaggy inadvertently caused online drama in revealing that he declined an opportunity to contribute to Rihanna’s upcoming dancehall album, reported to have had input from a who’s who of the scene. Characteristically gracious and open, Shaggy told the UK tabloid Daily Star that the Barbadian phenom’s team “approached” him to submit ideas – but he works differently. “There’s a lot of great people involved but for me I didn’t need to audition to be on the record, I’ll leave that to younger guys.” Poor Shaggy raised the ire of Rihanna’s Navy and was even a talk show topic. (The details were later disputed by an anonymous representative.)
Curiously, speaking to Music Feeds in the same timeframe, Shaggy cites schedules as the issue – while expressing his own enthusiasm for what should be a classic RiRi album. He also talks of being an early Cardi B champion and bonding with his oldest offspring, Richard Burrell, better known as the Florida cloud rapper Robb Bank$.
Shaggy has a formidable reputation as a live performer, impressing the late James Brown himself. In fact, he went viral when booked for 2017’s Glastonbury. Last in Australia five years back, Shaggy is finally returning for a co-headlining tour with Sean Paul of ‘Get Busy’ fame, hitting the Gold Coast’s sold-out One Love Festival and national side-shows – band in tow.
Music Feeds: You have a great relationship with Australia because you’ve recorded with Merril Bainbridge and Kylie Minogue.
Shaggy: Well, if we wanna go a little further, we got Faydee also, with [‘Habibi] (I Need Your Love)’, who’s also Australian. So, you know what, I’ve had a great relationship – you’re absolutely right. It’s one of the places that I’ve always had a really good reception every time we’ve gone. I remember doing the Rumba festivals. I remember doing a couple of these [Raggamuffin] festivals over the years. And I remember actually coming and doing my own solo tours in Australia. It’s always been great; always been good. I wish we’d come back a little bit more often, but I think it’s just how far it is that makes it really difficult and expensive at times. But it’s cool to be coming back in a setting like this; where it’s cool with me and Sean [Paul] and the gang.
MF: Of course, Sean blew up after you. What kind of relationship have you cultivated over the years – because I’m sure your paths are always crossing?
S: I mean, hey, we cool. We both live in Jamaica and we don’t live very far from each other. We have a very cordial relationship, him and I. I’m not gonna say that we hang out and make music together, but there’s times that he might call me… I called him on the birth of his son and had a conversation. He might call me… I remember I did an interview on [the US morning radio show] The Breakfast Club and it got really personal about a bunch of stuff and he kinda called me on that. It was like, “Yo, dude, I watched that – it was mad deep” and stuff like that.
Yeah, we do correspond and stuff like that. We’ve just never gotten to this whole thing where we’re gonna work together – ’cause he was like my rival and I was like his rival to a lot of people, so there’s always a bit of a friendly competition there. But just him and me together, we’ve always been good. And, yes, coming on this tour is gonna be really, really cool – it’s all linking up. There’s people in his band that are friends of mine and people in my band that are friends of his. Jamaica’s really small, man (laughs). So we’re all cool!
MF: You had an album, Wah Gwaan?!, in 2019. What can you tell us about it?
S: You know what? It’s an album I was supposed to put out a year before. I was all set and ready to go and then Sting and I just bunched in and we ended up doing this whole 44/876 album and kind of shelving that [other] album for a minute. And, once we were finished touring for 44/876, and it came around, the label was pressing me here, “You’ve gotta put this album out.” I went back in and redid it, and I did probably around 80 per cent of it over – and I did it in a relatively quick time. I would say I wrote all the lyrics in about six days and then ended up just doing a bunch of new songs.
When I was done with it, I was pretty pleased. I showed it to the A&R at 300 [Entertainment]. He came in and listened to it and he came to me and says, “I love this – it’s even better than what you had before.” I was like, “Wow, OK.” I didn’t expect that he would go with it because I did it so quickly. He thought it was great and we just went ahead.
But it was my last album on [300], so I knew it was gonna be a tough one. It’s hard to get record companies to give that 110 per cent on records when they don’t have an option. So it’s just part of their whole thing.
MF: Why did you re-record it? Were you just sick of the material – or were you in a different headspace?
S: No, I was just in a different place. It was a year where I was just in a whole different place.
MF: The album with Sting actually had a huge push down here, but it did really surprise people. What did you make of the response? Did you get a kick out of the fact that people didn’t expect that project?
S: Yeah, that’s kinda why we did it! We did it because Sting and I have one thing in common: we’re both allergic to boredom. We wanted to do something that was a bit unique and really would not look right on paper, but we knew it worked really well together. We knew that before everybody else, so we literary were just in everybody’s face until they got to know what we knew.
MF: You recognised Cardi B’s talent when she was just coming up and put her on a remix of ‘Boom Boom!!!’; Popcaan as well. What did you see in her at that time? Do you stay in touch?
S: Yeah, nah, nah. I saw her at the Grammys recently and we stopped and chatted for a bit. I’m cool with her. But, when she came to me, she was brought to me by a friend of mine; he brought her in. She had not had ‘Bodak Yellow’ or anything like that. But she was on [the reality show] Love & Hip Hop [New York] at the time and just had crazy bars, just the way she spit was dope, her personality was wild – you know, you meet her and she just fills the room up. And those are the things that I look for. I was like, “Yo, I wanna do a record with her” and actually did the record with her and Popcaan. I put Popcaan on it and it was a big vibe. But then the thing kinda went south in a way because Popcaan didn’t like some of the content that she’d said – and it just got really bad. So I just put the record out there and then hell hit. It was crazy. I mean, I wanted to go as far as doing a video and all that, but it got a little toxic afterwards – on no part of hers; it was just Popcaan had some issues.
MF: Rihanna’s working on a reggae album – a pure reggae album. There’s a remix of her ‘Umbrella’ with you online – I’m not sure if it’s official! But I wondered if you would ever work with her on that; if you’ve ever even had exchanges about a full collaboration?
S: I know a couple of people that have collaborated on this new dancehall album she’s doing. I was asked to collaborate on it; I haven’t gotten around to it. I know her A&R very well. But there’s a lot of things that I’m doing at the same time. When the situation presents itself the right way, then I probably will do it. But I know a lot of people who are collaborating on that album and they’re stellar people; people who I know are really great songwriters and great musicians in the dancehall field and I think they’re gonna do it incredibly well.
MF: That’s intriguing. There are so many rumours about this album floating around – I can’t wait ’til I hear it. But it’d be great if you worked together.
S: It’s gonna be good; it’s really great… Demarco [who remixed Rihanna’s ‘Rude Boy’] is one of those artists that’s on it. He’s one of the top dancehall producers and a songwriter and he has a couple of songs on there. There are a couple of people who I know that are really, really strong people that are on there.
MF: Your son Robb Bank$ is doing hip-hop – cloud rap, experimental hip-hop. Are you a fan of the music he does? Have you given him advice – if he even takes advice?
S: Yeah, I spoke to him last night, funny enough. The thing about him – he’s passionate about the music itself. Recently he spoke to me about doing some dancehall and collaborating with some dancehall artists here and there. He works out of my studio in NY as well as in Miami. It’s where his passion lies, man.
I introduced him to hip-hop music – the Biggie album [The Notorious BIG’s Ready To Die] was an album that he loved, it was one of his favourites. I used to play it a lot. He knew everything about hip-hop music; not just doing the music but knew about the culture of it and knew about the history of it. That’s what I really love about him.
It’s all urban music at the end of the day. He’s really strong with his Jamaican roots. He’s been coming to Jamaica every year since he was born…. So he’s very much intertwined with the culture, but he’s just doing hip-hop. He likes hip-hop, he likes the vibe of it and the energy – and I love it, too. I listen to a lot of stuff he does.
Shaggy and Sean Paul’s Australian tour kicks off next week. Dates below. 
Shaggy & Sean Paul 2020 Australian TourWith special guest Josh Wawa
Wednesday, 29th January Sidney Myer Music Bowl, Melbourne Tickets: MJR Presents
Friday, 31st January Hordern Pavilion, Sydney Tickets: MJR Presents
Sunday, 2nd February Perth Convention Centre, Perth Tickets: MJR Presents
The post “I’m Allergic To Boredom”: Shaggy On The Art Of Doing Things That People Won’t Expect appeared first on Music Feeds.
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, (05/03/17): Kaleidoscope Records has officially released information about main dancer, lead rapper, and maknae, Im Rihwan, on A-TEAM′s official website! Rihwan is a ‘00 liner and has been beloved by fans since his debut in 2015. Find out more about Rihwan below! 
I, IM RIHWAN, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of MAKNAE and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of KALEIDOSCOPE RECORDS.
Preferred name: jemi
Pronouns: she/her
Timezone: gmt+8
Other muses: N/A
Faceclaim: NCT’s lee jeno
Name: im rihwan
Stage name (if applicable): N/A
Idol concept: rihwan is a-team’s “evil maknae” who’s known for being the older members’ favorite to “playfully” smack. with that he’s also considered the “maknae on top,” the youngest who could probably rule the entirety of south korea if he wanted to. rihwan’s playfulness certainly makes him fit for the part, but what most people overlook is his subdued maturity. in the way he speaks, the way he interacts with his members, he always knows he is accountable for whatever he does— that’s probably why he’s settled with his image— and whatever he does to the annoyance of his members he always apologizes for it at the end of the day. he usually uses this concept to his advantage to make the other members do his bidding, but rest assured, only up to a certain level.
Birth date and age: february 1, 2000 (17 years old)
Company name: kaleidoscope records
Group Name: a-team
Group Position: maknae
Strengths: dancing is his main strength, and he is also able to choreograph and teach choreography. he also raps quite a bit in their songs, and is trying to develop that skill as much as he can. having done several commercials as a child, he is also experienced in front of the camera and is capable (and wants to do more) of acting. within the group, he is also capable of cheering the other members on, a role even an “evil” maknae has to possess. with that, he’s also a very good listener and confidant.
Weaknesses: he isn’t much of a singer yet, and is very aware of that. rihwan’s insecure of his singing voice, but he’s able to carry a tune, at least. he also has a bad habit of comparing himself to others, which can make him feel very down about what he lacks. of course, as the youngest of his team he is also quite whiny—this goes for when his members don’t follow him or when he finally gets bossed around—but it isn’t overbearing.
Positive traits: committed, diligent, cunning, dependable
Negative traits: impatient, manipulative, insecure
bright lights and big cameras have stopped fazing him years ago. no stranger to the entertainment world, rihwan has almost never stopped working since he was four years old. people who know him say his mother’s to blame for this, and some other people also say he’s overworked. honestly, rihwan just wants to keep going. rihwan is far from tired, and believes that his real work is only beginning.
despite being a rookie in the idol world, rihwan isn’t an unknown face to many. a lot of people know him as the “angpang boy,” a little boy from that one seoul milk commercial for their kids’ variant called angpang. four-year-old rihwan made his mark as a korean household name, and has since then been working as a commercial actor. he still remembers his first shoot— the director loudly calls out a word he can barely understand as the lights are switched on. scanning the small crowd around him for a familiar face as he squints to adjust to the light, he finds his mother standing off to the side, giving him a reassuring smile and nod while mouthing, “rihwan, good luck.”
at four years old, he isn’t sure if he finds comfort in that. before he could respond to her, someone kneels down in front of him, speaking slowly and simply. instructions are fed to him, he nods, and everyone gets out of his way. when he gets asked if he’s ready, he replies with a loud yes, just like what he was told to do by his mom when she told him he would be on television. the cameras start rolling and he starts waddling with his bedroom slippers across the wooden floor like how they rehearsed at home, recalling hearing his little sister crying for food in the background. it’s honestly easy for him, despite his young age, to follow the script and everyone’s instructions. he knows what to do, but needs a little help on how to do it. multiple takes are spent redoing shots to get the right one, and as soon as they got that shot of him gulping down milk and wiping his lips on his sweater sleeve before showcasing a picture perfect smile, the lights go off as everyone claps and he’s brought back home holding his mother’s hand.
when he gets home he asks his mother if it would always be like this. his mother sets down his dinner plate in front of him as she sits beside him, and she replies with something along the lines of “if you want to.”
at five years old, a year later, he finds himself in a similar situation. in front of a couple cameras, given a few instructions—same old. after his first shoot, the kids at his kindergarten ask if that was him in that one milk commercial on TV. he just replies with, “maybe,” coyly but at the same time obviously flattered. this time it’s a shoot for some sort of food? rice? he doesn’t really know. all he knows was that he needs to whine and cry. he goes through with filming and when it finishes his mother wipes the tears he cried for the shoot away. “you did well today,” she says, and he responds with a nod.
it’s difficult to understand everything happening around you at just five years, and rihwan was feeling that insecurity and detachment from everything around him. for some weird reason, though, he enjoys it. being in the limelight feels right for him.
still, his life in show business wasn’t free of struggle. being the son of a working mother and a father working abroad he had to take care of his siblings growing up as well. this doesn’t mean his mother didn’t take care of all of them well—but he always knew he’s his mother’s favorite, being the firstborn. so he constantly figures he should spend time while he can with his sister who’s two years younger than him and his brother who’s three years younger.
at seven years old, when he isn’t at shoots, young rihwan spends time with his siblings, and the family dog, of course. their time is often spent by the pond at the park near their house, which doubles as a wishing well despite all the agitated koi fish. rihwan firmly believes in the power of his hundred-won wishes, holding his sister’s hand with his left and using his right to throw coins. the year he spent off working has a year of him studying, given, but it was also the year he started to frequent the wishing pond. now back into work, rihwan wishes he could do more cool things on camera to make his family (pet dog included) proud.
at almost ten years old, he realizes he’s gotten more than he bargained for. after seeing his face on so many CFs, entertainment companies have taken notice of his potential as a future idol visual. his second disappearance from commercials was short-lived, and soon he gets plunged into more auditions for more commercials after his mother gets her work life back together and rihwan does well enough in school. initially reluctant to accept offers to take rihwan in from companies, his mother figures it would be better to leave his management to people who, in her opinion, know better than her about managing kids. and so begins rihwan’s journey as a kaleidoscope trainee, the company out of the handful whose name mrs. im has heard about the most.
at eleven years old, he realizes that maybe his hundred won coins were well spent. half a year he has spent so far under kaleidoscope records has been tiring, to say the least, but hey, he’s been learning how to dance and he finds that a lot of fun. he’s still doing commercials, and also, he’s sure to get into that performing arts high school when he gets older. he does miss his family though, and wonders if his siblings are taken care of. living away from home is rough, but he trusts in the people around him enough to carry on. at that age he has started to process how things work in the industry. he realizes he can’t succeed if he doesn’t put in the work. so he works, and he works hard.
at twelve he finds that his passion for dancing has grown. the initial plan of him being a visual was overthrown by his rapid grasp of dance. after being surrounded by people who genuinely think “dance is life” he’s grown to love dance, and even performing in general. he misses filming for commercials, but then he also wants to focus on what his life is hopefully going to lead up to: becoming an idol. it was never in his plans—acting might have been, but never singing and becoming an idol. he finds the serendipity slightly funny. who knew he could actually make it? not his siblings, for sure, the ones who often joked about him ending up like the idols they saw on sunday afternoon music shows when they were young. well, even younger.
however, at fourteen years old, he gets tired. tired of waiting. he knows he’s still too young to debut, but at the same time, his almost three and a half years of training have been all too long for him. he still loves performing, and in fact has been dabbling in different dance styles and trying his hand and creating his own dances. his hunger to debut is strong, although he’s held back by his insecurity in singing. typically he skips intensive vocal training by chatting up his instructors or using dance practice as an excuse, but never does it on purpose. or so he likes to think. he’s secure in his dancing ability, and often resorts to avoiding singing by learning rapping and immersing in hip hop, which is useful in dancing, too. lately he’s been hearing talks of a new boy group being formed, and all his fingers are crossed.
he sends his sister text messages regularly, reminding her to toss at least three coins into the wishing pond for his speedy debut.
at fifteen, he finds himself being selected to debut as one of the members of “a-team,” kaleidoscope’s newest fresh-concept boy band. ecstatic, rihwan sure is, but just as scared. he’s trained with a lot of them before, but now being in a team with all of them is different. as the youngest of the bunch, he has to be taken care of but at the same time he has to be reliable. after all, he can’t be the weakest link. he doesn’t want to be.
seventeen and well into his work, he has settled into his niche in the group as the playful, impish youngest member of the team, but is still cautious about how his members feel. it’s funny how his (and his siblings’) coin tosses has gotten him to where he is now, enjoying a good amount of success as an idol— who would’ve thought? the child who has been working since almost birth is now an older child working even harder. rihwan’s career is only beginning for him, and he plans to take this ride as long as he can.
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