#and im back down but im still reeling
7roaches · 8 months
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chat is this real 🙁
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fooltofancy · 8 months
a problem with running dungeons with friends is that every time i do something stupid it becomes canon baby mode behavior.
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fabled-fiction · 1 year
Hiiii!! Can I request a hobie brown x fem reader where the hobie swings by the readers room and just cuddles with her because he’s tired from patrol and the reader loves it because he only has a soft spot for her! And it’s just very fluffy!
Open Window (Hobie Brown x Reader)
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Summary: Hobie didn't realize how strung out he was until a certain someone crosses his mind.
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: I tried writing in a fem reader and then realized as I was writing I neglected that. I tried going back it but it felt forced, I hope this still suffices!
It felt like he never slept.
When could he afford too? It seemed like every step forward he took in taking down Osborn and his regime, they took three. Every running start he had they moved the finish line.
It was exhausting to be honest.
And now on top of his own problems on his earth, this stupid watch wouldn’t stop beeping with anomalies that needed taking down and tethering back to their Earths.
Hobie could feel the bags forming under his already painted ones.
His head had been reeling recently. Jumping back to his Earth after coming from the Spider Society was never easy no matter how much radioactivity was coursing through his hardened veins. He had a theory that despite having the wristband that helped him jump back and forth, he needed one for his head. The shift in perspective, and what could be perceived as art styles of the different Earths were making his vision hazy. 
Perching himself onto the top of a billboard, Hobie hit the side of his head with the edge of palm. Maybe if he hit his head hard enough or in the right spot he could knock the buzzing in his brain out long enough for him to make sense of where he was. 
On occasion it almost felt like he was back in that stupid spider tower, or another unfamiliar Earth.
Shaking his head, he took a glance about the neon lit streets of his Earth.
Wait, he recognized this street…no wait. No yea he recognized where this street lead to. 
Pulling the edge of his suit wristband back, he pulled up the time on his watch.
Hobie knew exactly what he needed to rejuvenate, to put the rock back in his roll. 
Standing from his perch, he felt his bones begin to ache as they realized where they were about to be. Pulling his mask back over his head, he was about to flip when his watch started to buzz.
The holographic face of Gwen popped up.
“Hey! Hobie, Im glad I caught you. You got a seco-”
“Sorry Gwendy, can’t talk right now.”
“Wait! I n-”
He couldn't swing fast enough.
There was a warm purple light coming from your window, leaking through your curtains like a holy light.
He’d have to lecture you about leaving your window unlocked for anyone to crawl into later, it didn't matter that you were on the 14th story of your building. But as of right now, as he peeled your window open he saw it as a blessing as he tumbled head first into your room.
Hobie hadn’t realized how long it had been since he had seen you.His spider work had always been number one, taking down the rising regime of fascism in his city. Even the Spider society jobs have seen more of him than his own bed. It almost felt like he was more Spiderman than Hobie Brown, his heroism taking priority over everything else.
Well, almost everything else.
But now as he stumbled about, throwing his sneakers and guitar in the corner of your room the only thing on his mind was you. More specifically crawling into your bed that seemed to always be WAY more comfortable than his.
He hadn’t realized how much he missed you.
Hobie was so preoccupied with getting out of his Spidersuit that was growing increasingly more annoying by the second, he hadn’t even realized you were now leaning against your doorframe.
Sometimes you thought he played up these so called spider senses. There was no way he let you sneak up on him as many times as you have.
“Where..I know you ‘ave it somewhere in ‘ere.” He mumbled to himself, digging through your drawers with little regard to your neatly folded clothes there were already in there. 
Placing your cup of water on your nightstand, you perched on the edge of your bed and watched as your once clean-ish room transformed to match the thought process of the sleep deprived Spider in front of you.
You knew what he was looking for, Hobie had a tendency to leave shirts in your room whenever he stayed over. He said it was for convenience, it made it easier to switch from Spiderman to Hobie Brown. You couldn’t count the amount of times on your fingers when you had done laundry and realized nothing in the basket was yours. He almost had a full drawer in your dresser.
“Try the very bottom drawer.” You yawn, a few joints popping as you stretched out whatever you could stretch out.
Hobie turned his head to look at you for only a moment, and you hadnt even realized that he had discarded his mask somewhere into the clothed chaos that was hurricane Hobie.
Falling back onto your bed, you let out another big yawn as you made yourself situated. You could hear Hobie shuffling about your room, making himself more than at home as he slammed the window shut. A very loud click of your window lock followed by a thunk of a thwip made you chuckle.
“You seriously need to considah lockin’ your window. Could’a been an unsightly fella.” He muttered as he reached to fully close your curtains.
“Well I know who to call if I see one of these so called unsightly fellas.”
There was a grumble that came closer to your bed, and what you swore you was the gulping down of YOUR glass of water followed by the creak of your mattress.
It was like a second nature to the both of you even though you hadn’t physically seen eachother in what felt like months (in reality it was only a week but you too were too clingy to admit to each other it had felt longer). Molding into one another was easy for you too.
Hobie’s arm easily found its way over your waist, pulling you as close to him as he physically could. The minute he had his head resting on your chest he swore he could feel the color coming back to him. Feeling your hand run over his wicks, and eventually come to rest on the nape of his neck made him break into a hazy smile.
But then his stupid watch started buzzing. Didn’t he take it off?
He tried ignoring it for a moment, hoping whoever was calling him would get the message.
When you had started to pull away was when he had enough. 
Ripping the watch off his wrist, he threw it across the room and webbed it to a random wall. Before you could even protest that he had yet again left webbing that would take months to come off, he wrapped his arms around you and flipped around so that you were laying ontop of him. His arms basically locked around you, and solidified that you two would not be moving for the rest of the night.
He needed this, and he could tell based off the way that you melted into him that you needed this as well.
“Hobie shouldn’t you have answered that?”
He could deal with the consequences later, right now he was exactly where he needed to be.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 4 months
unexpected consequences
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words: 700
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, p in v sex, condoms breaking, pregnancy/breeding talk, unprotected p in v sex, established relationship, mention of marriage
“oh fuck, yeah.” you moan out, fingers gripping rafes shoulders. “right-right there.”
your moans are extra loud today, having been apart from rafe for nearly a week after he had business out of the country. rafe is just as pent up as you, thrusting harshly into your cunt to the chorus of his grunts.
“close.” rafe warns, but you could tell anyways by the swelling of his cock that he wouldn’t last long.
“oh my god, yes.” you moan out, back arching off the bed as your release pushes through your body, cumming with a final shout of your boyfriends name.
rafe drops his head into your neck as he cums inside of you, pushing as deeply as he can as your cunt pulses around him. you wrap your arms around his shoulders and press soft kisses to his head while rafe pants through his orgasm, until you shift slightly and feel it inside of you.
“rafe, pull out.” you shove at his shoulder, causing him to look up in concern, but he slips his softening cock out.
“what is it baby?” rafe asks. you look down at the condom he always wears, where theres always a bit of white cum gathered at the tip, but this time it looks practically empty, like he just rolled it on.
“rafe.” you hit his shoulder, causing him to flinch and look down.
“wha-” rafe suddenly realizes the issue, rolling himself off the bed as he walks into the bathroom, no doubt to inspect the condom and tell you what you already know is true.
“it broke.” rafe says when he comes out a moment later.
“i know.” you admit, shifting your hips from side to side again. “i can tell.”
“im so sorry baby.” rafe says with a sigh, laying on the bed next to you but not pulling you into his arms, not sure if you want to be touched.
“its okay.” you hum softly, mind still reeling. “you didn’t know.”
“what are we gonna do?” rafe asks, knowing you’re not on birth control due to affecting other medication you’re on.
“well, i can take a plan b in the morning…” you say quietly. 
“or.” rafe encourages you to continue, able to tell that you aren’t finished.
“or we could wait and see. i mean i probably won’t get pregnant just from one time, right?” you shrug.
“what about if it does take? and you’re pregnant?” rafe asks, looking at your tummy.
as if you’re thinking the same thing, you lay your hand over your stomach, knowing that even if you are pregnant there is nothing in there yet, but the thought alone has you rubbing gently over your skin. “i don’t know.” you admit.
“i want to keep it.” rafe blurts out. “if-if you are pregnant.” rafe can’t take not touching you any longer, pulling you close to him and tangling your limbs together.
“are you sure?” you raise your eyebrows. you think rafe would be an amazing father, knowing how protective he is of you, and how he strives every day to take even better care of you. “we are so young.”
“i love you. i want to be with you, i want a family with you. why not start now?” rafe questions. he won’t admit it to you yet, but he’s been thinking about taking the next step, having even gone ring shopping to see his options. “besides-” rafe smiles, “why are you trying to talk me out of it? you’ve always wanted kids.”
you grin back at him. “i know.” you let a giggle free, feeling giddy about the possibility. you’ve always wanted to become a mom, especially because you have so many younger siblings. “so, are we doing this?”
“yes.” rafe says definitively, pulling you in for a kiss, a comforting one that you truly need.
“oh my god, im so excited.” you break the kiss to mumble against his lips.
rafe nods in agreement, lowering a hand between your bodies to touch your stomach. “probably too early to start talking to your tummy, huh?” 
“definitely. i mean, we don’t even know if i’m pregnant, it may take a couple tries…” you trail off, hoping rafe gets your intention.
“well, i will just have to keep cumming inside you.” rafe shrugs. “in fact, we shouldn’t take any chances and i should fill you up again right now.”
rafes hand lowers from your stomach to your thigh as he grabs your flesh and pulls your leg over his hip, spreading your thighs for him as your cunt rubs up against his quickly hardening cock.
“rafe!” you shout with a laugh, but don’t stop him as he begins to grind his cock into your core.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @emma77645 @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart
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itsmrshamilton · 8 days
That's My Wife! | LH44
Summary: lewis & reader get married and make an instagram reel displaying their shock. (PLEASE check out this👇 reel cause it inspired me.) //www.instagram.com/reel/C6Wxj_zR_l1/
a/n: this is my first time writing on here. Im excited but nervous cause I feel like someone will judge me or call me out for copying (which i would never do). Let me know what you think & requests are open.
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You laughed loudly as Lewis' arms wrapped around you and pulled you back into his chest. The elevator you were in was bright and empty so your giggles bounced off the walls.
"Oh my gosh, Lew. We're going to fall over!" You exclaimed as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck and rocked the both of you side to side. You weren't actually worried but your intoxicated state did mean that if you went down, Lewis would have to bear all the weight.
"You smell amazing," he mumbled. "You look amazing, you feel amazing. God, I love you." He pressed kisses onto your neck, ear, and temple as you hummed in contentment. You and Lewis had left your wedding reception to get some time alone and rest before tomorrow's big brunch. The reception was somehow still in full swing at midnight with uncles and aunts from both sides tearing up the dance floor. It had been the best wedding you had ever attended. Gold and ivory fabric adorned every table, chair, and wall with large crystal chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings and fairy lights in the rose garden to top it all off. The wedding planning had taken months and left you with many sleepless nights, but in the end, it all came together and was worth the hassle.
Now, in the elevator on the way to your room, the two of you took a second to breathe. You reached up to stroke Lewis' head on your shoulder. "I love you more. I can't believe I get to spend eternity with you." You said to him. He straightened up just as the elevator dinged and opened it's doors, allowing him to lead you out by your hand. He stepped into the empty hallway of the hotel, walked over the wall and whipped out his phone to fiddle with it.
"What are you doing?" You asked as you stood there with the train of your big white dress draped over one arm and your silver heels in the other hand. "Give me a sec." His brown eyes connected with yours as he glanced over his shoulder before he quickly set his phone up against the wall. Lewis stepped back to take your shoes out of your hands and pull you closer to him in front of the camera. "I'm just introducing everyone to my wife, baby." He smiled at you.
Your breath hitched and you grinned back. Lewis calling you his wife was thrilling and you felt butterflies in your stomach. He pecked your lips then turned to his phone. "Hey! What are you looking at? Are you eyeing my wife?!" He said to the camera as he took on a threatening stance. You giggled at his antics before giving the phone a stink eye and leaning towards your reflection in it. "Yo, are you really trying my husband? You've got to get through me first." You were both boisterously laughing at this stage.
His beautiful brown eyes sparkled with pure joy when he looked you. He would never stop thanking his lucky stars that he had met you. You were truly the most etheral being he had ever laid eyes on. With your hair done up, your make-up accentuating your best features and your beautiful lips gracing him with a smile. You wrapped one arm around his shoulders and raised your diamond-clad left hand at the camera sassily. "You see this ring? I'm his wife! That's right." You laughed. He lifted his hand too to show off his diamond crusted ring as well.
"I'm her husband so you better back up" he placed his hand over yours so that both rings were on display for the phone still recording your shenanigans. "I'm a married man. I'm a hubby, now. So watch yourself."
You dissolved into more laughter at that. The glasses of wine you had drank all evening were definitely working through your system right now. "We're married! We're a married couple! I'm your wife! " you were yelling and laughing at the same time. Struggling to keep yourself upright, you leaned into Lewis more. He caught you and reciprocated your energy. "I know, baby! Oh, man. I can't believe it! How is this allowed??"
You looked at the man of your dreams. Looking beautiful in a white suit bedazzled with expensive jewels. His bright eyes, pinks lips, sweet dimple. All of him was yours. Yours to love and to hold til death do you apart. Facing you, he lifted his hands to your face and gently pressed a kiss to your lips. You smiled into it and wrapped your arms around his waist.
"I love you so so much, Mrs Hamilton." He whispered against your lips. He kissed you again, deeply this time and you groaned into his mouth. Feeling electricity run straight to his groin, Lewis pulled away to quickly turn to the camera. "And, now we're off to do married couple things!" He snickered.
"Lewis-" You exclaimed as he cut the video.
Thanks for reading. Be sure to interact with this post before you leave. 💗
Please do not translate, repost on another platform or alter my writing because I do not consent. If you do, I will send evil shongololos to bite your toes off at night.
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hana-no-seiiki · 7 months
yan! school grass (most handsome/perfect guy)/rival x crossdresser! male! reader x yan! friends - part one
tw/cw: mention of abusive parents (but not reader’s) and yandere themes. also your rival has some repressed sexual urges, he really needs to get laid or some head or something-
Like I imagine this the best with stoic and/or tsun yans the best. You know those types that want to be perfect but only feels perfect when they’re with reader.
ive always loved these tropes as a kid, from mulan to that one tawog episode where darwin fell in love with fem! gumball and like this was even before i knew i wasnt cis but gahd AAAAAAA
also inspired by @moyazaika ‘s rival work. go read it!!
but anyways have the fic, lowercase intentional for first part to differentiate povs.
it was a dare given by your friend group earlier last weekend. wear the girls uniform and a wig for the entire month. it was easy to get the materials necessary for the most part. your mother had several wigs and was more than happy to style her son in feminine clothing. she was just amazing and supportive about your whims like that.
it didn’t take long for you to realize that no one recognized you in your new look.
the day started like many of your other ones at the school, you’d race your rival as the first one in class and whoever wins gets rights to a smug look on their face until the next thing you guys eventually compete on.
but unlike the crestfallen expression you expected — nay wanted — from that stupid pretty boy, you were greeted by what you could only described as complete bafflement.
“what?” despite having a different reaction from what you imagined, you managed to keep a composed appearance. “cat got your tongue?”
“ah. . .”
and that were the only words he said to you the entire day. nothing else. not a single groan of anger whenever you answered everything correctly, he didn’t even attempt at stopping you mid-way or disagree with you answer simply because he wanted to annoy you.
and so you couldn’t help it, as soon as the bell rang signalling lunch time you swiftly turned around to face him.
“are you alright?”
you inquired. not at all worried about his well-being at the slightest. you hated him with all your being after all and you didn’t make an effort to be soft with your tone either.
“h-huh?” he looked dazed. like his head had been in the clouds and you just yanked him down to ground.
your rival never got distracted.
“you—“ you reached out about to smack his face to keep him in check.
“if you’ll excuse me!” he smacked your hand out of the way, screeched at you, and then left in a hurry to who knows where.
nevermind that was definitely him. that silly brat hated it whenever you touched him. he must have just been having issues at home again or something.
Haoyu was trembling — shaking uncontrollably as his breaths turned more shallow by the second. His heart was pumping blood in places of his body where it shouldn’t have been in the middle of school hours. Sweat lined his entire skin and it didn’t help how the bathroom he rushed into had nothing to keep the temperature down.
Who were you?
You sat at his rival’s seat. That nasty kid that always got in his nerves. No one questioned the boy’s absence and he would have asked the teachers on what had happened if you didn’t suddenly take his breath away.
You were, ethereal. Otherworldy even. When he first saw you he was taken away by the way your hair moved in the wind (if only he knew . . .).
Still, he was far too distracted by [Y/N]’s absence to properly let the feeling simmer.
Then, all that went away when you reeled in his mind back at you again at class. You were incredible, capable, intelligent, and oh so perfect. But unlike that stupid child that usually sat in front of him, he did not feel an ounce of envy at all.
If only who could see your eyes as you spoke; the tone of your voice conveyed so much passion that he wanted to see in those beautiful (e/c) orbs.
And his prayers were granted by none other than the goddess that is you,
“Are you alright?”
Your voice? Oh your voice! Haoyu’s heard it already of course, but each new time you spoke it was like a whole new melody, a new piece that immediately turned into his favorite.
His mind was too fried with these thoughts, thoughts that his parents would no doubt beat out of him if they found out.
His feels the parts down there suddenly move. He wasn’t completely unfamiliar with the phenomenon. He wasn’t without his hormones after all. But this was the first time it ever reacted that way so strongly, like if he didn’t give it attention himself it’d explode.
And for the time in his entire life, Haoyu does something he knew his parents would definitely be disappointed if not livid about. A hand on his mouth, and another in his school uniform’s pants.
lunch time.
you usually spent those studying or preparing for the next class as hanging out with your friends always ended with you being too distracted to do schoolwork but today you had to show up with ‘proof’ that you went through with their dare.
“yiran ? yichen ?”
no response.
you sighed. as usual, the twins were late. what did you expect? those two would be caught dead before they could be early much less found in the library.
and so you spent the entire time reading,
unaware of the crowd that formed around you while you were busy studying.
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riksaes · 10 days
ni-ki | fluff fluff fluff , cute boyfie stuff
a/n : I’m trying to feed u all before I disappear for exam period + there might be spelling errors 😭
you were currently laying in bed waiting for him to come to your house after being out with his friends. scrolling endlessly through tiktok, instagram reels even youtube shorts before a slam from your bedroom door was opened.
it was the man you’ve been waiting for, with a plastic bag. looking over to him who was currently smiling at you like he won the lottery. “baby I got you some stuff that I want you to try on” he hid his smirk but was obvious between his words. sitting up looking at him with doe eyes and titling your head in a confused manner.
“what is it” you questioned to him while wondering what he got. “okay so I got you these lipsticks but because I didn’t know what shade would go well.. so! I got you a few” he said rubbing the back of his neck while placing the bag in front of you. peeking into the bag there were probably more than ten single lipstick boxes in there. “ki.. why did you get me these? not that I hate it im just confused” you looked up at him while he was absolutely red in the face.
“well I saw this trend on tiktok.. and I was wondering if you wanted to do it..” he flopped down next you on the bed wanting to scream in one of your plushies. "can i see the trend?" still in shock in the amount of EXPENSIVE lipstick there were in the small plastic bag. ni-ki grabbed his phone from the back of his pants, tapping a few thing until he founded what he needed. biting his lip which became a habit from jake because of how much they hanged out together. turning the phone around and laying it down on the bed so you could watch with him.
a familiar song "k." by ciggerates after sex started playing, until a girl in the video started placing lipstick on and smudging it. ni-ki wasnt watching the video in the moment, he was watching you and your expressions wondering if he did the right thing. the camera paned over her supposedly boyfriend covered in lipstick kisses and smiling at the camera. the video finished and ni-ki stayed nervous until you smiled down at him and ruffling the soft locks of his black hair. "of course i would like to do this with you ki! its so cute!!" mentally squealing while ni-ki felt happy and not so nervous anymore.
you looked through the plastic bag to find possibly one of the darkest but nice looking lipsticks which ended up being a saint laurent one. opening it quickly after seeing the packaging but being delicate with applying the first layer onto your lips. ni-ki watched with basically hearts in his eyes seeing you apply the lipstick in front of him.
"ki i need you to lay down on your back so i can get better access to your face" looking at the boy who was currently laying on his stomach until he flipped so he could lay on his back. grabbing the cheeks of his face before kissing him softly on his forehead and taking a look at it, before going back down to kiss multiple spots on his face except his lips.
ni-ki was enjoying the moment it was like he was on cloud nine because of his girl. he felt content and happy like he won life in this moment. eyes closed while little kisses were spreading like jam on toast. peaking an eye open to see you reapply the lipstick on now your stained lips before continuing back to your art piece.
as time went by ni-ki was now covered in his kisses and was ready to look pretty for the camera. for the last time you grabbed the lipstick and played the audio while applying the lipstick until smudging it for the video. a massive hand came in and wiped the lipstick away while cueing the part of the song making the camera pan around seeing ni-ki. he was covered in kisses from his face to his neck even some stains could been seen from the shirt. but what caught your eye was he wasn’t looking at the camera, he was looking at you lovingly.
after the video was done you both watched through it while trying not to smile at ni-kis part.
- bonus
all of the comments were from his friends saying how he was a love sick puppy to you and kept teasing him but he didn’t care he only worries about you
taglist [OPEN] (if not underlined or bolded username is invalid) add yourself here or comment !
@microwvdstrawb3rri3s @chaconkii @whois-miki @vousty @eluvhae @escapetheash @yourmomsneakylink
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kyuuviix · 16 days
hi lol here more laios content
NSFW - CW //
rough fucking, slight mentions of biting, deep penetration ig, unprotected, overstim !!
afab reader btw !!#*(!";;!?
okay enjoy
you grind your teeth together, molars clenched tight. your feet were steady on their tippy toes, trying to retain your own balance as another slam against your ass makes you reel.
your knees buckle as his dick kisses your womb once again, gaining a sharp whimper in return.
"shhhh, shhh, it's okay..." laios cooed softly against the shell of your ear, both of his arms tightly wrapped over your tummy, hefty balls smacking your puffy pussy lips with each thorough thrust.
your back arched away from him, tears running down your face. his fat tip scrapes against the mushy spot in your hole- your legs pathetically giving out.
"o-oh my-gu-ha!"
your words were turned to gibberish, a thin sheen coating your bruised lips as one of his large hands fanned out over your lower abdomen, pressing down softly.
oh shit.
you could only see white for a solid second, his other hand gripping the fat on your hip to hold you up.
his thrusts stuttered, a crackled whine broke from between his parted lips, tipping his head forward against the crevice of your neck. the heat of his breath coated your skin, hurried whispers following closely.
"mmm, 'm getting close, s-ooo good..."
sandy hair tickled your clammy skin as he perched you up, teeth slowly sinking into your warm flesh.
then, his hand on your stomach pushed down even more, a sloppy squelch following as slick trailed down your inner thighs, and he held still- raising a bicep over your ribs.
you could feel it. your mind was shattering beyond recognition, his cock bottoming out inside of you, twitching endlessly as he filled you to the brim.
it was disgustingly warm. made you feel all cradled and full, head lulled into that dreamy headspace you always ended up in when you two had sex, but this felt different.
the heat was feverish, tingling up your spine as your tears of pure pleasure beaded at your waterline, making you clamp your eyes shut.
you couldn't stop shaking- it felt like your orgasm had stretched out to last hours. you didn't even notice how you two were now cooped up in bed, laios nuzzling into your neck and praising you with sweet nothings.
"you okay?" his voice was still so soft, fingers running over your jawline as your eyes fluttered open.
"did i hurt you anywhere? are you comfortable?"
you responded with as small nod, curling your feet into the sheets. you were floating on cloud 9.
"'m fine," you gave a slight hoarse chuckle, twisting onto your side. "just a bit hungry."
at that, his eyes gave a small gleam, before he took two fingers and dipped them between the mess between your thighs, holding the mixture over your tongue.
"give it a taste, then."
idk how i feel bout this one i got a bit uninspired and drabbled this in boredom 😞 okay im probably gonna be a nsfw alphabet with him before i twist around and start writing that prompt up
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tojisun · 8 months
im giggling thinkin about biker!simon finding out you haven’t ever ridden a bike before and so the first thing he does is tell you to stay put before hopping on his harley and driving away.
you stand there, blinking, still reeling over what happened. you’re quite confused if your date really just left you, before giving up on worrying as you hold onto the hopes that he’d come back. he did say he will but how many of your dates and ex-partners fooled you because, apparently, you’re too “gullible” and it’s just too “funny”?
too fucking many times, that’s what.
you amble towards an empty bench while you wait, fluffing up your skirt and dusting your sweater before fixing your hair. you itch to message your friends, anxious thoughts buzzing underneath your veins, but simon had always been such a gentleman with you. always so caring and pampering. always so honest with his affections. he isn’t like anyone you’ve ever been and so you want to trust him.
and you do. god, you do. because you trust him with your safety. with your heart.
time crawls by but the agonizing drag does end. you didn’t have to wait long, you realize with a giddy heart, as you see simon driving back. his head whips around the park, trying to find you, and you giggle as you stand up, waving your hand above your head to catch his attention.
his helmeted head snaps towards your direction and you smile as the purr of his engine becomes louder, his bike devouring the space between the two of you eagerly.
“hey, sweetheart,” he says as he snaps his visor up, his beautiful eyes crinkled as he smiles at you.
the butterflies in your stomach roar, and you almost choke on the intensity of your happiness as you whisper back, “hey there, big guy.”
simon preens like he loves the nickname and you sear his reaction to your memory, already anticipating the next opportunity where you get to call him that again.
“i‘ve got somethin’ for you,” simon announces before twisting towards the other side of his harley, reaching for something that you couldn’t see. you tilt your head, trying to act cool as you wait.
simon turns back to you with a shy smile tickling his lips, and your eyes instantly flicks towards his hands where he cradled a cute little purple helmet – one of the many things you didn’t expect him to return with.
“is that a bicycle helmet?” you blurt out.
“yeah,” he laughs, a pretty sound. “this is all they have.”
“‘they’?” you finally move close to him as you ask this, taking tentative steps on the gravel.
“the closest bike rental,” simon replies, sounding embarrassed. “you said y’ve never been on a bike and, well, this is a safe environment so i thought, ‘why not?’”
you breathe in sharply, his words curling along the crevices of your heart. “lemme get this straight,” you begin, swallowing the lump in your throat. “you heard me say i’ve never been on a bike before so your first reaction was to drive away to find a closest bike rental so you can get me a helmet because you want to give me a safe bike ride?”
“…yeah,” he whispers, hesitant. “i mean, if you don’t want to then that’s oka- are you crying?”
“shut up,” you whimper, hiding your face behind your palms.
you hear him curse, the engine of his bike shutting off, before hearing the way his feet drop on the gravel and march towards you. in a heartbeat, you are pulled in his embrace, with your face pressed on his chest, and you eagerly breathe in the scent of leather and ozone that is stuck on him. he pats your head softly, his palm dragging along your hair as he continues to comfort you.
you sniffle, unable to stop the tears because what the actual fuck.
you have never felt so loved. so adored. so revered.
you chew on your confession, your heart and mind syncing up for once. simon, i-
(later, when you’ve finally calmed down, you will let out a wet giggle and apologize for dampening the mood. simon will just smile at your adorable, tear-swollen face and tell you that you have nothing to apologize for. then, he’ll kiss your forehead before securing your helmet on your head. he’ll tighten the strap around your chin, gently knock on the shell, then pull you onto his bike. you two will spend the rest of the afternoon just making slow and gentle donuts around the park, laughing and chatting.
and then, gritting through the choking staccato of your heartbeat, you will tell simon that you want more than a flurry of dates. that you want something more official. then, you will tell him you love him and simon will buckle before you because,
“me too, sweet girl. i’m so in love with you too.”)
(ext.01) (ext.02) (ext.03)
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antidesire · 1 year
im willing to sacrifice all my limbs for you write leon putting reader in a mating press
woahhh woah ethan winters, let’s keep all our limbs in tact
disclaimer.. afab!reader x leon s. kennedy. 18+ only! p in v, mating press, dirty talk, praise, biting, pet names, size kink implied, creampie, don't be like them, use protection and practice safe sex. feel like my writing got sloppy at the end, i apologise.
reblogs and feedback are appreciated. requests are open
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“mating press?” you heard your boyfriend repeat, acting oblivious. blood quickly flowed straight to your cheeks, making them burn red,
“yes, it’s like a position, in bed, y’know..” you tried to explain, rather coyly.
leon laughed, which only caused you further embarrassment, your arms crossing over your chest and lips pressed together firmly, “it’s not funny.”
“it’s not, i just think it’s cute you still get all shy. baby, if you wanted me to turn you into a damn pretzel or wanted me crawling around on my knees in circles, i’d do it for you.” he cooed, mockingly as he cupped your cheeks.
“ugh, shut up, you’re such an asshole.” you groaned, jabbing his chest and swatting away his arms, suppressing the laughter bubbling in your throat.
you both had managed to make and maintain trust and comfort with exploring and talking about your sexual life, it made things much more exciting- not that it was ever dull, to begin with, but something about this all had made you become much closer, feeling like you both knew each other more than your own selves.
which is how you both found yourselves on the bed, tangled limbs and tongues, your fingers clawing at his clothing until they found grip on his belt, “m-mh, get off.” you huffed, almost scolding the leather holding his pants up, hearing leon chuckle against your ear amidst open mouth, wet kisses he was adorning your neck with, teeth grazing along your skin.
he was making it hard for you to rid him of his clothes- which you found quite unfair considering you had barely blinked and you were left in nothing but your jewelry, slick bastard.
his hips were grinding down on you, rough denim pressing against your bare cunt which had your body reeling upwards against him, “leon, help me out here.” you whine pathetically as you tugged his belt from his loop holes, throwing it aside somewhere amongst your pile of clothes.
he grumbled something- probably grumpy he had to turn his attention away from you, pushing himself up he raised his arms to tug his shirt over his head, your eyes wasting no time darting to the expanse of his bare chest, next came off the rest of his clothes in a haste.
“god, you’re so handsome.” you spoke your thoughts aloud, fingertips reaching out to rub along his stomach, over the bumps of his physic that all his years of training rewarded him with.
if you weren’t so distracted with your own advances you would’ve noticed the warmth that reached his cheeks, and his throat bobbing.
“I want you so bad.” your fingers curled into the flesh of his hip, legs parting until they clasped around his back, pushing against him with all intents to have him as close as possible, to entice him.
he could’ve sworn he felt all the blood rush straight down to his cock, evident by the way it twitched and the way his pearly pre cum sat pretty at the tip, “you’re gonna drive me insane.” he sighed out.
you would’ve laughed but the way the head of his length was rubbing past your puffy warmth and nudging your clit made your head feel fuzzy. your fingertips trailed from his chest up until they reached his shoulders, squeezing onto them in an attempt to retain some composure.
“please..” you breathed out quietly, nails dragging down his back just to scratch back upwards, feeling the goosebumps form on his skin.
to leon, there was nothing prettier than your sweet pleas, the way your features softened but your body lurched towards him and your fingers gripped any inch of his body they could get ahold of.
“i know baby.” he hummed, lips pushing against yours, you leaned up a little, eager to kiss him back with just as much passion, the taste of him your favourite thing in the world.
leon's arms ducked under your legs, lifting them upwards a little before his hips pressed flush against the lower back of your thighs, sheathing his cock inside you easily thanks to how soaking wet you were, “oh, leon..” you mewled, hand tangling in the long lock of his hair, squeezing his body into you.
“so warm.” leon squeezed onto the pillow beside your head as he began rocking his hips, back and forth, steadily at first, feeling your tummy flutter, that deliciously stretching feeling of adjusting to his size, how your body has gotten used to him, shaped exactly to him, for him.
“feel good, hmm sweetheart?” he pushed himself up a little, propelling your legs until they folded on each other, squished to your chest before lifting your calves to rest over his shoulders, “comfortable?” a smile tugged at the corners of his lips which had your heart fluttering.
“mhm, comfortable.” you squeezed his arm reassuringly before glancing down, looking between where the both of you were connected, the way you could see the bulge of him pressed against your tummy, drifting your hand down to push against it, “keep going.” you encouraged him, fluttering your eyelashes up at him.
leon’s eyebrows were furrowed and his tongue dashed out to lick over his lips, watching you beneath him like this was making his cock twitch inside you and it took every ounce of his sanity to not lose it all. he eased his hips back before stuffing inside you once again, leaning down to push his weight against you, the back of your thighs against his chest as your feet bumped in the air with every bounce, the bed frame creaking in tandem.
the tight, confined feeling of his weight pushing against you felt delightful, your body filled with leon, your mind, thoughts and heart swelling with him. you couldn’t move the lower half of your body an inch, not even a squirm, as close as he already was your arms flew out to crush him further into you, hugging him as close as possible, feeling his breath on your cheek- your own breath turned into small heaves, the air feeling like it was knocked out of your chest as he fucked you into the mattress, pussy squelching around him.
“i’m not going anywhere baby, this pussy is all mine to use, you’re all mine.” he gushed out, his arm reaching past your head until it settled on the headboard, tight-fisted grip making the wood creak and with every thrust it obscenely crashed into the wall.
“this what you wanted sweetheart? you’re so fucking obsessed with me, just can’t get enough..” he grunted, every pump of his hips getting more and more erratic and you could barely even form a sentence in your own head let alone babble coherent words.
“too much? i can slow down?” he teases, drawing out his words, chuckling when your eyes flew open in a panic,
“no, n-no—“ you gasped when he pushed flush against you, cock pressed so deeply inside of you, a strained squeal sounding from your throat, “oh my god, leon.” you cried out, “i love it s’much.”
that’s all he needed to hear, hips continuously slamming into yours, not even giving you time to catch your breath, your body bounces shallowly beneath him, clutching on to his arm before you turned your head to bite down on his wrist, hearing him hiss through his teeth.
“fuck!” he groaned, “i can feel you sucking me back in every time i’m not deep in your guts.” he chuckled out in bliss, finding the feeling out of this world, something he’ll never get enough of.
teeth marks were imprinted on his wrist when you let up, salvia glistening on your lips, eyes squeezed shut as you concentrated on that bubbling feeling at the pit of your stomach, “m’ so- oh!” you squealed when he changed the angle of his hips, somehow drilling his cock even deeper inside you, “leon!” you cried, legs over his shoulders spasming and your soppy, abused pussy was clenching around him as you climaxed, arousal coating his length, leon not letting up in his relentless pace, knowing you could take it.
he got whinier, higher pitched as he got even closer and closer to release, his pleasured sounds were oh so heavenly to you, especially in the state you were in, even though your ears were ringing and oversensitivity was kicking in, he was the most gorgeous precense.
his thrusts became sloppy, messy, and he buried his head against your neck, taking the opportunity to weakly reach up to his head, tangling your fingers through his hair and dragging your nails along his scalp, “cum baby, i want it so badly, please.” you pressed gentle kisses to his cheek.
“baby, you feel.. so, so good.” he muffled against your neck, feeling the way his hips stuttered before his hot release spurted out, filling you up. breathlessly gasping out at the feeling, you let him push into you over and over again to ride out his high, your nails still dancing along his scalp, occasional tug of his hair.
“mmh..” he panted out, eyes fluttering back open as he fell on top of you, wincing at the way your muscles ached, but you struggled to tell him to move yet, he was like a tired puppy all of a sudden, nose nuzzled into your neck and soft warm breaths fluttering along your skin, his arms maneuvered to around your waist in a strong hug.
“baby, as much as i love you so much, can we do this with my legs, not in the air.” you heard him muffle a laugh against you before pushing himself up, letting your legs relax back down on the bed.
“if i clean you up can we cuddle and take a nap?” he stretched his arms upwards before rolling his shoulders back.
“how could i ever say no to you?” you giggled, leaning up on your elbows and pressing kisses to his face.
“i don’t know, guess i’m just the best boyfriend ever- not to brag or anything.” he shrugged his shoulders, followed by a dumb wink.
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miupow · 1 month
「 ♫ 」 ── 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 .
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you hated minho with everything you had, but you just couldn't stop yourself from coming back for more again and again... he was just so sexy when he was jealous, and no one else made you feel the way he did.
PAIRING ── lee know x fem!reader
WARNINGS ── college au, fwb!minho, frat boy!skz, toxic and possessive behavior, jealousy, he’s very mean in this im ngl, oral (m. rec), face-fucking, dirty talk, mean dom!lino, degredation kink and name-calling, humiliation kink, slut-shaming, facials, non-consentual photo-taking, i really mean it guys lino is not a good guy
WORDS ── 1.8k
A/N ── an old deleted work i've rewritten for toxic sneaky link minho hehe >< hope you enjoy!! comments and reblogs are always appreciated, thank you ♡
taglist: @mapofthemazeinthemirror , @linocz , @skzooluvr
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Minho's white-knuckle grip on your wrist was bruising, his blunt nails threatening to leave little stinging crescents dug into your skin-- you bit your lip to mask your giddy, triumphant smile as he tugged you into the spare bathroom, dragged you through the pulsating crowd as you tripped over your strappy heels. He only let go of you to slam the door shut and lock it swiftly behind him, his wild, firey eyes and grit-tooth scowl melting away to the bored and emotionless glare you were all to familiar with. It pierced through your vodka-soaked confidence in an instant, sent you reeling and scrambling for words to say as a dull throbbing took ahold at the base of your wrist, just over your pulse point. The flourescent lights of the bathroom made your eyes sting, too adjusted to the dark of the party outside-- it just made you struggle even more to look Minho in the eye. He always made you feel so small, towering over you and looking down at you as if you were nothing at all... and you hated it more than anything.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" you spat, rubbing your wrist, fighting to keep your strength as you leveled with his gaze. It wasn't like you to hold your ground like this-- you can tell it throws Minho off, pisses him off even further as he bullies his way into your personal space. The music that had been nearly deafening just moments before had been muffled into obscurity, stripped away to a booming bassline that nearly shook the floor; it reverberated through your body still, a thrumming under your skin that left you restless, nervous. Minho could read it all over your face.
“Excuse me?! What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he hissed back venomously, taller frame advancing on you quickly. His arms come to brace themselves on either side of you, effectively trapping you against the sink-- he crowds your vision, his warm breath fanning across your face, and you try desperately to look anywhere except into his deep dark eyes.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about—" you began, as sturdy as you could, but Minho's rough, humorless laugh cuts you off. His hands grip either side of the sink with force, and you can see the veins in his forearms ripple under the fabric of his rolled-up jacket sleeves.
“Don’t fucking lie to me.” there was something all too familiar about this, Minho’s voice poisoning and dripping with something that makes your thighs shake and rub together— those long fingers you came to hate and adore grabbed ahold of your chin, squeezing your plush cheeks together as he forced your eyes to meet his. a broken, barely-there whimper sneaks it’s way past your pursed lips. “Are you trying to piss me off? Is that it? Whoring around with other guys right in fucking front of me?!”
“We were just talking—“
Minho sneers. “Sure you were, rubbing up all over him and talking all sweet while dressed like a fuckin’ slut.”
He spits the words out like it was a nasty secret, jolting through you with a sickening shock— your cheeks flush hot between Minho’s cold fingers, your panties growing damp embarrassingly quickly, molded to your wet pussy folds… you loved it when Minho was jealous, loved how to see just how nasty you would make him when you hit him where it hurt.
And maybe you loved it because it proved to you, in some sick, backwards way, that Minho even cared about you at all.
“I’m not dressed like a whore,” you retort weakly, sounding far more petulant and pathetic than you meant to.
“Are you kidding me? Fucking look at you, shit. So damn beautiful. I can’t stand it.”
Minho let go of your face and backed away to take in your skin-tight dress, picked with care for the stupid frat party he had pulled you away from, the one that you didn't even want to go to— your hands twitched with the urge to cross your arms, hide and protect yourself in some way from Minho's piercing stare. Your little red dress barely covers the tops of your thighs, thin gold necklace sitting pretty just above the cleavage of your plush tits, spilling out over a push-up bra. Your outfit is complete with deep crimson lipstick painted on your quivering lips— Minho stared at them, wild and hungry, and it takes everything you have not to moan aloud.
"Slutty girl," Minho hummed, hand sliding up to caress at your exposed thigh. “So desperate for my attention… Gotta go whore yourself out so you can get put back in your fucking place? Remind you who you belong to?"
"I don't belong to you." You snapped. "We're not together, Minho-- you don't get to act like this when I see you with a different girl every week."
Minho just laughed, mean and ugly and right in your face, grabbing a rough handful of your thigh and squeezing. "Oh yeah?" he goads, the smirk on his lips doing little to hide the rage in his eyes. "You’re the one who keeps coming back for more, baby— just can’t live without this cock, huh? Constantly telling me it's over then crawling back into my bed. you’re not my girl but that pussy’s mine.”
"Fuck you," you spat, tears in your eyes.
Minho grinned venomously, opening up a pit in your stomach; his thumb ghosted across your skin, inched it's way underneath your dress, leaving a line of fire in it's wake. "Yeah, I know you want to."
You whimpered, torn halfway between pushing him off of you and begging for his touch-- the latter wins, despite all of your anger, your conflicted feelings. It always does. "please, Min--" you plead, desperate and wobbly, unsure of what you're even begging for.
"Get on your knees."
And like the slut you are, your knees hit the cold tile floor without any protest.
You were met immediately with the sight of Minho’s hard on, the outline of his thick cock straining the fly of his jeans. "'Atta girl,” Minho hummed, his voice low, one hand coming to cup your head and the other reaching to fumble with his belt. He looks his prettiest like this, you think, towering above you. Commanding attention and respect, no matter how lowly he treated you. He tugged his belt open, leaves it dangling from his belt loops, quick and rough in unzipping his fly; your mouth watered, eyes wide and hazy as you watch him pull his stiff cock out of his boxers, his shaft slapping obscenely against his belly. “Gonna fuck your face, gonna ruin that pretty throat— open wide, baby.”
His cock was flushed pretty pink and leaking precum, flared tip shiny and throbbing, begging for your tongue— you wasted no time to trail chaste kitten licks over the dripping slit, relish in the way Minho’s breath hitches from the feeling, his fingers tangling in your hair. You closed your eyes in rapture, lose yourself in the salty, bitter taste of his shaft… and Minho grunted low in his throat, tightened around a fistful of your hair and pulled you back off his dick harshly, shaking you out of your reverie and knocking you nearly on your ass in surprise.
“Said I was gonna fuck your throat, stupid bitch. Open your fucking mouth and stop teasing.”
Rougher than usual, he pushed you back to take his cock into your mouth, shoved you all the way down to his twitching balls. You gagged violently, tears collecting in your lash lines. “There we go,” Minho hissed, the hand in your hair rubbing soothingly over your burning scalp. “Take it like a good girl.”
He began to thrust into your throat in true earnest, uncaring for your comfort, heavy balls slapping against your chin in a dizzying rhythm— your whines and whimpers were muffled by his cock, nasty wet noises filling the bathroom as your boyfriend uses you like a toy; the perfect backing vocals for the slow song playing outside. “Shit!” Minho whined, his hips stuttering, your nose bumping up against his pelvis— your lips left smeared red marks along his shaft and the base of his dick, and some sick satisfaction bubbles up inside of you, makes you smile around the cock fucking your throat open; while Minho ruins your makeup, leaves you gasping, drooling and choking, you’re marking him up too. “Good girl, such a good fucking girl--!"
Your pussy throbbed, empty and aching, and it registered somewhere in the back of your mind that you were crying, hot tears and ruined mascara streaming down your flushed cheeks as Minho fucked your face. "I'm-- shit, I'm gonna cum! Gonna take it, yeah? Gonna make everyone know you're mine, all mine-- fuck, 'm cumming--!"
Your eyes rolled back in delight, pretty painted mouth opening impossibly wider in preparation to take his load, but it never came— to your shock and awe, Minho pulled you off of his cock with a sickening pop, just seconds before rope after rope of hot, thick semen shoots all over your face. On your nose, cheeks, chin, some droplets falling on the flat of your tongue— you moaned at the taste despite the abject horror settling in your chest. And you watch, wide eyed and too dazed and dizzy to fight back, as Minho pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of you. He smirked down at his phone screen before turning it around for you to see.
You were a mess. Your hair was disheveled, tangled everywhere from Minho’s hands. Your makeup was ruined, all over your face in tear-stained streaks... your face was pink and blotchy, shiny with splatterings of Minho’s cum, and your lipstick was smeared across your cheek, nearly to your ear. You gasped, frozen in place, unable to react any other way... Minho's smirk broke into a laugh, hollow and evil and eating you alive.
“Aren’t you just the prettiest little thing?” Minho snickered, sliding his phone back in his back pocket. "Might just have to show you off-- such a pretty picture deserves to be shared, don't you think?"
He’s quick to tuck his soft— still lipstick stained— cock back into his jeans and buckle back up his belt, fix his hair in the mirror. He looks a little sweaty but otherwise well-kept, and you wish now that you had kissed him more, marked up his face and neck with lipstick too and not just his dick, when you had the chance. "Clean yourself up, won’t you? You look like a mess.” 
And with that, Minho unlocked  the door and stepped  out of the bathroom, shutting it behind him with a dull click. 
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eelnoise · 5 months
zoro x afab!reader an: just some lovesick drabble because im weak in the knees for my big stinky boy. he's so cute and i wanna just snuggle w him so bad 🥺 cw: fluff :) wc: 1.1k @bby-deerling @kaizokuniichan @themushroomofdeath
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The flash of the morning sun hits Zoro’s face like a white-hot light as he descends from the crow’s nest, freshly exhausted from training. Squinting in the daylight, he looks upon the deck below as it comes into clearer view – silhouettes of the crew fade into focus, and quickly does he scan the scene for a brief headcount. A slight warmth fills his chest, and not from the tide of day washing over the ship.
You’re not among them. You’re still asleep.
Zoro’s boots hit the deck with an audible thud, and heads turn to greet him. He offers a sleepy ‘good morning’ nod before heading right in the direction of the women’s quarters. No one stops him, nor are any words exchanged. They all know where he’s headed, just as they know why you tend to sleep in.
It isn’t often that he gets this opportunity – to join you for a nap. Most days he retires from the watch far earlier than any of the women awake, sometimes avoiding his own bed all together and simply napping in the nest. The odds are in his favor this time, and he means to take full advantage of the very limited time he can have with you. Only you.
No sooner does he creak the wooden door open that his heart skips a beat beneath his ribs. You’re there, just as he hoped you would be, softly snoozing beneath the sheets. Your hair is folded wildly about your face and the pillow beneath your head, and your lips are slightly parted with just a speck of drool glistening down your chin. Zoro can’t help but find you endearing, and seeing you in a deep, restful sleep does something to soften his stoicism. 
He almost can’t bring himself to wake you, as the sudden shift on the mattress always causes you to stir – though you’re never soured by it. Never once do you make him feel unwanted or loathsome, always welcoming into your arms or by your side when he needs you most.
And, while not the most affectionate man, Zoro relishes in the love you give him. The good-willed and honest devotion that you deem him worthy enough to receive makes his head spin. Somehow you had latched onto his sin-soaked soul, cleansing it in your soft, practiced hands and invigorating him in ways long forgotten.
Memories that ache - that wear him down with the weight of the past, present and beyond - they all seem to slip away when he’s next to you. You’re his anchor, reeling him back from the somber reverie that so frequently plays in his mind. A light that burns bright even in the darkest of places, and somehow he always finds his way back to you. Zoro knows that real worth is wordless, actions speaking emphatically over all else.
And you show him that worth.
His worth.
Zoro kicks off his boots, practically tiptoeing his way around the bed to it’s open side – and though he knows it’s fruitless, he does make an attempt to slide in next to you as carefully as he can manage to. And you stir – as if right on cue, the sudden weight pressing into the mattress that rolls you against his chest. 
A sleepy hum of acknowledgement befalls your lips, a small - yet simple - gesture of welcome to the man now aside you.
A hint of a smile etches into the cooks of his mouth as he returns the gesture with a hum of his own before curling his arm around your middle and burying his face into your hair and breathing in deeply. Your body is warm to the touch, and with it comes elation. Oftentimes he appreciates that you had cast the first stone, releasing him from the nigh-torturous, unknown feelings that he couldn’t possibly have navigated alone.
Zoro clings to you, as if magnetically attached around your body. His thumb drags along your tummy, up and down in a soothing yet natural response to being with you. He murmurs a throaty “Good mornin’” against your ear that makes you shiver with longing. Far too little do you get to indulge in his embrace, and though you’re not as tired as he is, you aim to enjoy the time regardless.
“Morning,” You reply, twisting your head just enough to see him and allowing your hand to fall atop his and entwining your fingers together. “How was watch?”
“Same as ever.” He whispers into you, feeling that familiar tranquil serenity blossoming within him. Zoro squeezes your body against him and moves some of your hair out of your face to place a series of pecks to your cheek before trailing up to give you a soft, tender kiss to your lips. 
It hadn’t been easy, learning to love – but with you there, ready and willing to guide him at his chosen pace the whole way through his strained emotions. Not once in his life did he expect to feel this way, a man of action and ruthlessly devoted to his dream and to his course upon it. Zoro once saw life as just that – his own. A narrow pathway in hindsight, one fit enough for just himself at the end of all things.
Though now, the path had forked, widened, and along it do you walk beside him. Every decision, every step, every pinch of ash left in his wake has your name written upon it in dark, permanent ink. Zoro thinks with you in mind, acts with your face at the very forefront of his synapses. He’s grown to adore you, both body and soul.
Part of it terrifies him still. The thought of losing something more precious than words can explain dives deep into his core. In love, there is fear. Fear of loss, fear of weakness in life’s most pivotal moments, fear of losing one's sense of perception. 
Though, there’s also hope. Hope and happiness and support and all else that comes with devoting your very essence to another. Seeing you smile or laugh brings him a peace that borders on inexplicable. The feeling of your hand on his bids him well wishes, each kiss a reminder of sanctuary. Every tangle between the sheets when he makes love to you renders him spellbound - the saccharine, honeyed taste of your skin on his tongue mixed in with those sighs and coos of pleasure that only he can hear, a song that only he can make you belt, it makes Zoro’s head spin with just the thought.
To Zoro, you’re beyond compare. No single person in his life comes even toe-to-toe with you, and as you snuggle against him, he allows himself to feel vulnerable. You’re his safehaven, a blessing in disguise that nabs him by the heart and never fails to lull him into a rejuvenating respite. 
You’re home.
You’re his.
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athenaluthor · 2 months
past time
pairing: darth vader x reader
summary: vader indulges in his favourite past time, fucking his wife
warnings: 18+, minors dni, smut (obvi), married vader, emperor vader, breeding kink
side note: this is a snippet (unedited) on a new series im working on. should i publish?
Both of your skins are warm and sticky with sweat despite the cold air of the ship. The pleasure has you lost, you even can't remember how long he's been fucking you. You feel as if you're floating and drowning at the same time. Climax after climax, your body is limp and pliant just for him.
Now, Vader has you on your back, legs around his waist as he pounds into you, over and over. He grunts as he continues to thrust into you, pace unrelenting even as your pussy clamps down on him. You can't take it, you've been cumming on his cock so many times that now you're moaning incoherent words while your legs shake uncontrollably.
He likes you like this. All laid out for him to take, to pleasure and fill up whenever he liked. Today, he'd been drowned in his work, the Palpatine loyalists and Inquisitors remnants are certainly making their presence known.
So, he decides to indulge in his favourite past time, you. You are after all, going to be the beginning of his dynasty.
Vader's thick cock stretches you out so much it toes the line between pain and being so, so good. The first time he had you, he thought he'd never get his entire cock in. When he did, he didn't think he could live without fucking you again. He knew you hated him but it didn't matter. No matter how much you try to deny it, you love how he fucks you.
As he fucks you, he grunts in your ear, “That's it, my pretty little wife. Take my cock! You love it, don't you? No matter how much you say you hate me, you love being fucked like this.”.
You can't reply, you can't form sentences or words, only moans and whimpers. All your senses are in overdrive as you near another climax. You want to beg for him to slow down and let you rest. The pressure between your legs continues to build as he thrusts into you, tightening up each second he fucks you.
“Can't even talk back now,huh? So close to cumming on my cock again yet you say you don't want me to fuck you.”
It finally snaps, sending jolts through your body and clouding your brain. Your orgasm has you writhing and arching your back uncontrollably, you swear you see stars. Seeing you moan uncontrollably, nearly passing out, has him on the edge of his climax.
"That's it, that's it! I'm going to cum inside of you, deep inside you. Fill you up until it takes! he roars, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
His thrusts are erratic, he ruts into you without care as he chases his climax. You know he's so desperately close. Finally, he stills, with feral grunts he shoots ropes of his cum into you and coats your walls. It fills you up so much, the feeling has clenching down on him, milking each and every last drop.
There's so, so much of it. It leaks out of you and pools around his cock and your hole.
He rides out his climax, slowing down his thrusts. When he pulls out, he pulls out slowly, enjoying the wince you give as he touches your oversensitive clit.
Drops of his cum drip out of you and onto the sheets below you. His fingers scoops it and fingers it back into you. The movement has you reeling, body so overstimulated that you continue to drift away.
He enjoys you being dazed like this, body so weak and overstimulated from his fucking. He would fuck you again but he didn't want to break you. You gave him reprieve from the galaxy's troubles and he quite liked having you in his bed.
After all, you are his wife and the future mother to his heirs. He would't risk the future of his dynasty.
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banner by @cafekitsune :)))
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batfleshh · 8 days
OMG adding into the priest!price idea just imagine him figuring out how much he loves boypussy and fucking reader while he forced him to read tbf bible out loud while he’s being fucking wrecked by price.
Omg imagine this big hairy ass loyal religious man fucking the shit out of you!!!!
Not proof reading this
Ty anon this gave me the biggest boner 😻✊
“P -Please Father, I can’t do it!”, you squeal as John pounds into your dripping cunt, your chest heaving as you try to steady your fingers to open up the religious book he had placed in your hands moments before. You’re bent over the pulpit where the book is usually sat, trembling hands trying to keep it steady as you blink away the tears of overwhelming pleasure clouding your eyes. He gently shushes you, tugging at the small chained necklace with the crucifix hanging in the middle at your throat. His cock digs deeper into you as he pushes his hips forward, ushering you with a low tone to carry on with what you were doing.
“Go on, boy,” he grunts, feeling just as dirty as you do as he reels his hips back, just to push them back forward. He flips through the chapters, each and every story flashes by until you reach a particular verse. He smirks to himself, a sly smile pushing up his facial hair as he grabs at your waist with one of his hands. You pant and moan as you try to focus on the words, ‘Galatians’ in bold at the top of the page. He trails his finger across the book for you to watch, stopping right at a verse. He then removes his hand from the thin page, placing both of his hands on your waist.
“Read.” He orders, beginning to thrust with a slow but rough pace. And you do, the words tumbling out of your mouth like fallen snow in an avalanche.
“The a- acts of the flesh are ob-vious!” You choke out, beginning to whimper as his pace picks up. You swallow down any kind of saliva forming in your mouth; continuing. “Sexual impurity and debauchery!”
Words like that only continued after. Berating any kind of disgusting acts in the eyes of the lord. Anything dirty, impure, improper, sinful. You choke down a sob as you get degraded by the text, knowing just how dirty you are in the hands of this priest. The only mortal being able to judge you. But here he was, this highly privileged prophet, slamming into your pussy without a doubt in his mind, pridefully ripping any kind of noises from you.
“I!- F- Fuck- warn you as I did b- before!”
You attempt to continue to shout, only to have the rest of your speech broken off by a sharp wail, leaning forward to put your head down on your arms. The feeling of him inside of you was too much, the feeling of him stretching you open a reminder that you were open to sin. Open to judgement. Oh, how it made you so riled up. Made you so unable to form coherent sentences. Price understood, chuckling as he leans over to finish the verse, his pace slowing up but more deep with his thrusts.
“Those who live like this,” he starts to groan, leaning forward to whisper into your ear with his low but rough voice. His scruffy facial hair scratches against your cheek gently, his hand coming up to lift your chin. Your head is raised up, teary eyes forced to look up at your creator. Him, forced to look down at his corrupted follower.
“Will not inherit the kingdom of God.” He finishes in your ear with a grunt, his cum spilling into you warmly. And you can only do the same, cumming around his cock with a loud moan, eyes still looking up for your God. Your head drops down on your arms, huffing and panting as Price slowly pulls out of you, thick fingers going down to spread open your pussy, chuckling as you whimper at the feeling of his hand. He watches his cum flow out slowly, your tear stained face looking back at him is enough for him to give a fake pout back, willing to help clean you up. He should think about making you read aloud more often.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 3 months
taken care of
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words: 2.2k
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, established relationship, exhibitionism, VERY BARRY HEAVY FIC!, fishing and like description of cooking fish??? does that need a warning lol, mention of drugs, rafe and barry are drug dealers in this but its very brief, drinking, female receiving oral, sharing is caring lol?, p in v sex, male masturbation, voyeurism
“you don't wanna get out?” rafe asks, his hands petting over your thighs.
“im happy watching from here.” you hum, leaning forward to give him a kiss.
“okay.” rafe sighs, digging in his pocket for his keys, placing them in your awaiting palm. “you can keep the ac and radio on if you want.”
“you know me so well.” you coo, giving rafe another peck on the lips as he goes to the back of his truck, pulling out his tackle box and fishing pole. you keep the door open until you reach over from your passenger seat and turn the truck on, allowing you to roll down the window.
you wave at barry when he notices you in the backseat. “brought sweetheart fishing?” he questions, making rafe let out a grunt, while you just giggle.
barry loves to flirt with you in front of rafe, because he gets pissed and you get so shy, always ducking your head or hiding behind rafe.
“just watching.” you shrug, adjusting yourself so you're comfortable, glad the side of the road is so close to the river bank, letting you stay in the truck but still be close enough to listen to rafe and barry as they chat.
“fish on.” rafe calls out, huffing as he begins to reel. you sit up a little bit, trying to spot the fish in the water before it breaks the surface. your boyfriend hauls it out, a large fish but not a kind he usually keeps.
“wanna hold it?” rafe asks, looking to you.
“no.” you shake your head, hand coming to the lock button on the truck just in case he tries to get closer. “but ill take your picture with it.”
you raise your phone, snapping a picture of rafe with his fish before he undoes the hook from its mouth. he tosses it back into the river, the fish quickly retreating into deeper water.
you send the picture to rafe, knowing the grin on his face is only because of you. he doesn't even bother to check when his phone buzzes in his pocket. all notifications are silenced except for yours, even barrys texts being delivered without notification, only his emergency calls making the phone ring.
you don't even realize that you've fallen asleep leaned against the seatbelt, the warm sun on your face and calming sounds of the river flowing. you only blink your eyes open when the drivers door closes. you rub your eyes and look over to rafe, a gentle smile on his face. “sorry i woke you up.”
“it's okay.” you hum, leaning over the center console, arms circling around rafes shoulders, just wanting to cuddle up to him now that you're awake. “did you catch some more?”
“yeah, some nice bass. put a couple in the cooler if you're feeling up for fish tonight.”
“you wanna know what i want?” you tilt your head to the side, pulling back to look at rafe.
“what?” he hums out, eyes glancing between your lips and meeting your gaze.
“you.” you say before leaning in and capturing his mouth in a kiss, frowning when rafe doesn't reciprocate the way you want him to.
you pull away with an intense pout. “rafeyyy.” you whine out.
“uh, babe-” rafe chuckles, a look of mischief in his eye. you hear someone clear their throat in the back seat. your eyes widen, turning to see barry sitting there with a smirk on his face.
“oh my god!” you squeal, turning forward so the seat blocks your view of barrys goofy grin, covering your red face with your hands. “rafe cameron, why didn’t you say something earlier?” you shout, reaching over to slap him on the arm as he laughs.
“you kissed me before i could say anything!” rafe argues back, still laughing as you turn back to barry and apologize. “hes coming over for dinner.” “okay.” you whisper. you know barry is a drug dealer, and you know rafe is part of it too, but he keeps you as far away as he can from the life of crime, insisting that hes being as safe as possible, only dealing to kooks at parties.
rafe and barry chat, with occasional interjections from you, as rafe drives the truck towards your shared house. you don’t even bother going inside as you all head towards the backyard where rafe has a fish preparing station as well as a full outdoor kitchen with an expensive grill that was your birthday gift to him last year. sure, you paid for it with his credit card, but its the thought that counts.
“gonna take a leak, back in a minute.” barry heads towards the renovated pool house instead of the main home as rafe swings the heavy cooler up onto the counter. “is he staying the night?” you ask. barry always stays in the pool house when he ends up sleeping over, usually because hes too drunk to get himself home. 
“why? afraid you’re not gonna be able to be loud?” the only negative is the pool house is not too far from the glass sliding doors that lead into your bedroom with a view of the backyard and then ocean just beyond the fence you insisted get put up to keep anything from getting in your pool.
“stop it.” you whine, propping yourself up onto a clean spot on the counter. “i want you so bad.”
“well, im making you dinner right now.” rafe shrugs. “you’ll have to be patient.”
“but you promise to fuck me tonight? come on, i don’t know how long i can wait and i don’t want you getting too drunk with barry to fuck.” you complain, feet swinging.
“promise you’ll get off.” rafe says, noting that his words don’t seem to truly please you as you continue to have a scowl on your face. he knows how quickly your attitude turns when you get too needy for him.
“what you want to drink, pretty mama?” barry asks as he emerges from the pool house. 
“hard lemonade.” you bat your eyelashes at barry, moving from your spot on the counter as rafe gets out the fish to prepare it. you hate seeing him cutting into it, so you move to sit on the outdoor sofa instead.
“will never understand how you guys can drink those.” you turn your nose up at the beer barry brings for himself, handing one to rafe.
“jeez, whats gotten into you?” barry lets out a stark laugh, cracking open his beer with his keys before doing the same with your hard lemonade, handing it to you. even with the alcohol diluted, you still don't like the taste as your nose scrunches.
“shes horny.” rafe simply says, not turning away from his preparation.
“rafe, oh my god!” you shout. 
“oh.” barry just smiles at you, inching closer. “she gets bratty when shes horny?” he questions, not even talking to you despite his eyes glazing down your body.
“yeah. feel free to eat her out, man. itll get rid of her attitude while i finish grilling.” rafe says it so nonchalantly it takes both of you a second to realize he’s serious.
“really rafe?” you question. hes usually the most protective guy there is, always reacting badly when barry flirts with you.
rafe turns to look at the two of you on the couch. “why not? you’re just getting your cunt licked so you can stop being all pissy.”
“maybe because she’s your girl?” barry is just as surprised, though clearly eager from the way he keeps glancing between your thighs, now pressed tighter together.
“you’re not gonna fuck her. she’s not gonna touch your dick. you’re just eating her out.” rafe shrugs. “it’ll be doing me a favor, keeping her busy while i finish our dinner.” “well, i aint gonna argue. what you think sweetheart?” barry turns to you. you glance between him and rafe, only nodding when rafe gives you an encouraging nod. 
“perfect, now take those shorts off, let me see that pussy.” barry grins, gold tooth on display. 
you look to rafe as you stand up, surprised to see him already turned back to gutting his fish. you push your shorts and underwear down with a quick motion. he glances over his shoulder, simply smirking.
“i can’t believe he’s actually okay with this.” you mutter as you sit down, keeping your thighs pushed together as barry moves to his knees.
“just taking care of his girl for him. like how i take care of his drugs or people who fuck with him.” barrys hands come to your thighs, rubbing gently.
“you don’t have to do this though if you don’t want to-” barry can’t even finish his sentence as your legs spread open, revealing a sticky wet mess.
“i-um…” you blush. “i really am horny.” “i see that.” barry clears his throat, his eyes on your pussy. “now, lemme taste that.”
he leans in slowly, giving you a last chance to change your mind before his tongue swipes through your folds, making you shout out. you lean your head against the back of the couch as barry continues dragging his tongue around your cunt, purposely missing the areas you want him most.
“fuck, that’s good.” you moan, watching as rafe moves the prepared fish to the grill, looking over the way barry is hunched on the ground, knees digging into the pavement, his face surprisingly blank of jealousy.
“not as good as your boy though, right?” barry chuckles, hands coming to your cunt, pulling your folds apart to give him a view of your spread hole. 
“no.” you shake your head. it’s true, while barry feels good, he’s nothing compared to rafe. “sorry, bears.” you use the nickname for him reserved for moments when he lets his sweet side show. not often, but you occasionally get it.
“its alright, mamas.” barry shakes his head, eyes glossing over with lust as he sees the way your hole clenches around nothing, begging to be filled. “i know im just getting to eat you out this one time, i’m not gonna waste it.”
he leans in, done teasing as his tongue pushes into your entrance. you let out a moan, reaching down to grip onto barrys hair, undoing his ponytail so it falls into your fists. you hold his face closer as his tongue pushes in and out.
“god, you’re even tight around my tongue.” he groans, switching between kissing your entrance and fucking it with his tongue.
“and you’ll never get to experience it beyond this.” rafe smirks, knowing he’s the only one who gets to fuck you, your first and only. he flips the fish over on the grill, knowing by the look on your face that you’ll  cum by the time its done cooking.
“like having dessert before dinner.” barry slurps at your juices, tongue traveling up to your clit. 
“isnt she the sweetest?” rafe smiles at you, closing the lid of the grill as he gets the table ready, plates and silverware as well as a prepared salad.
“like candy.” barry murmurs, sucking your clit into his mouth, making your back arch as you let out a squeal.
“keep doing that!” you shout out, not caring that your neighbors may hear the way you’re screaming for him. at least the tall wooden fence blocks any view of your exposed sopping wet cunt.
“cum for him.” rafe commands. “dinner is almost ready.”
barry works his hardest, sucking your clit while his tongue simultaneously flicks over it. you try to hold on for a moment longer before your orgasm rips through your body, hips pushing up as you cum with a squeal.
barry switches to gentle licks as your clit pulses, working you through your high until you let go of his hair, pushing his head away as you pant, chest moving rapidly up and down.
“god, that was good.” barry pulls away, wiping his mouth against his sleeve as he stands, looking down at you as he squeezes his clearly hard length through his cargo shorts. 
barry grabs his beer off the table, moving over to take his seat at the outdoor table. you’re surprised how quickly he’s able to return to normal, as if he wasn’t just eating his friends girlfriend out.
“come on, princess.” rafe grabs your shorts, helping you slide them back up your legs. “fish is ready.” he presses a kiss to your forehead, then cheek, then finally against your lips.
“yeah.” you nod, standing and wobbling slightly, rafe wrapping his arm around your waist to guide you to the table until you’re in your seat.
“feeling better?” rafe questions, preparing your plate for you, seeing you still need a moment to recover.
“way better, actually.” you hum, no longer desperate for an orgasm. “thanks barry.”
“just helping my friends out.” he shrugs, lips still slightly glossy.
“leave it open.” rafe says as your hand moves to close the large curtain that covers the sliding glass doors. your eyebrows raise as you turn to rafe. 
“barry did you a favor earlier, might as well give him a view.” he smirks, pulling his shirt off.
you glance towards the pool house, rafe of course keeping him supplied with plenty of beers, enough that he was too tipsy to go home. he’s sitting on the bed, eyes meeting yours as the blinds have been left open.
it doesn’t take much longer for rafe to have you kneeling on the bed, tits bouncing as he plunges into you from behind, hands tight on your waist, holding you up on display for barry, stroking himself, his cock just in view through the window.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @folklorsweet @yourenogoodforme @auryyz @mayhem-72 @thestarlithideout
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jrueships · 2 years
Sagittarius (Diggs 😳)
I LOVE SAGS but i hate sags because i get mad toxic with sags. Not exactly TO them, more like me bein with them n tryin to keep em entertained cus they want that so bad n i want so badly to GIVE that to them... it makes me a menace to the public. Like mm i used to have this lil gang of me and a bunch of sags. N Like one pisces. Some scorpios. I used to think we were all funny n great friends, n we WERE.... but others DREADED us. Like not even funny dread bro straight up locked their doors when they saw us on the street dread
BTW i learned their signs cus a teacher actually used it in a lecture lmao like 'how can a bunch of kids be so disrespectful to authority? Oh its because YOURE a leo and you're a xx' .... we remained disrespectful to her. I feel bad n apologized to her when i grew up LMAO. In actuality we weren't BAD BAD but cus we were young n actin wild, everyone was scared for our future n treated us like we had the plague around other kids cus we'd affect em
So like the pisces, he was ALWAYS stuck in this ONE relationship tryna make it work. Girl kept cheatin on him, he kept struggling to understand why. It was a WHOLE mess. Everyday he would complain about it. N everyday the sags would make fun of it. Because they were honest! They thought he was a clown n shit ig? The pisces kept trying to make stuff work with his gf and us because idk HOW he didn't end up leaving our group. The sags just never understood him ! He was the exact opposite of them. But not really because they both like living life FULLY... just living fully can mean high emotions though
I enjoyed the sags but i hated seeing them interact with others. I thought they could be too mean or annoying, yeah, but also i think i was gettin possessive too. i never got how they could still remain close friends with the pisces guy after dumping on him all the time and getting dumped on in return. Like, oh a sag is so funny n creative n lovely, when they got a friend they'll love that friend forever. But if you ain't their friend, they can seem terrible. Too loud too annoying etc. N I was terrified of losing that friendship n having it turn that bad. So i clung to the sags and you don't do that with sags. But cus i was like the leader of our lil group, they expelled their feelings of being tied down onto others instead. Like girlfriends n shit, cheatin n treatin their emotions like they were just some fake shit. Just some funny shit to them.
N like i caused that cus i wasnt givin them that freedom, that space, to continue thriving without toxic action. Like a sag can be really great or really horrible. You want to love them so much because they're so great, but you might risk making them horrible. Which is like ruining a butterfly
#i really love sags but i had to learn to reel myself back n not get caught up in their fire#cus they burn bright as hell n make you a pyromaniac#i have a collegefriend sag n he was changing his majors constantly#wanted to major in the guitar once but he literally couldnt play the guitar.#then he wanted to move out the country to alaska (still part of the country)#n got rlly upset when i wouldnt help fund his move because i was studying in the med field and would be rakin in the money#like bro im gonna be rakin lawns just to eat after my scholarships call for student loans in med school#but i just stood back a bit n let him do him#thats smthin u gotta do with em sometimes#theyre really earnest n funny but their humor doesnt always gel with mine#they like to repeat funny jokes a lot bcs why change whats not broken? but i hate too much repetition#idk like i love sags i love their love for their families but ive had to learn their limits#n they aint the center of my universes even tho i wanna make em be cus i love em so bad#smthin smthin sometimes it hurts more to hold so tight than to let go#maybe why i can be so mean to diggs lol i need to keep reminding myself they aint all that#not their fault but mine which is why ive toned it down with them#im still friends with a lot of them but we dont hang hang like that no more#for our best interest#but theyre seriously so creative n fun i cant even describe it#theyll have a breakup from a relationship of like 5 years n throw a party#they love deep meaningful conversations n hate small talk like me#when we talked we TALKED but when we was quiet we gotta do our own thing n not try pushin what doesnt work#ted tumbunity things
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