#and im lkke the opposite
russianprotesters · 2 months
1. I don't think it's fair to judge the people who were just released from prison so quickly. Can people have some empathy? I know most people haven't been to prison but can't you imagine what it must be like? Suddenly thrown out in society? After a totally different environment. Yes they're politicians but they're also human. Some were in solitary confinement. All this has to be massively disorienting.
2. I think that at least some have been taking things a bit too fast. Did they really need to be thrown out in public like that? Maybe so, but still. They need rest. They need a long time to adjust to normal life. They don't know a lot of what's going on. How can they possibly hit the ground running without missing a beat? Again, how can people be putting the pressure of the world on them? They may be public personalities but first and foremost they're human.
They may not have gone through the worst possible but it also was no picnic. People should at least have some compassion and listen to them. For one thing, both prison and the way they were ripped out of it was traumatic.
Some people pouncing on them like wolves on something wounded... sharks seeing blood in the water... that's just what the real enemy wants. I can just see putin's smug little face laughing at all this.
Good people with a common goal should unite. At least about the main things. Discussion and discourses are good-- they're part of democracy. But disagreeing doesn't mean you have to be mean, doesn't doesn't you have to make things unnecessarily nasty and personal. Especially not kicking people when they're down. Pouncing on people who are vulnerable.
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hyah-lian · 6 months
made the mistake of sitting down when i went back to grab my wallet. i want fancy coffee but i gotta walk for it fjdkfndjfkndn
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twilightarcade · 8 months
anyway sitting in the house doing nothing newspost
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saturnsexual · 1 year
i am so unbelievably blitzed right now that its stopped being funy and now feels slightly put out
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horsedenial · 1 year
its lkke equal opposite reaction and thats the whole point so im guessing kyubey will have his shit wrecked sometime soon
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holy shit
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thatfaerieprincess · 7 years
I just went on a very loud yelling rant while pacing around the living room about how we need god damn gun control and now I’m angrily stuffing my face with pizza goldfish...
This is the evening mood pretty much
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worldsendgirlfriend · 3 years
agh there was lkke One thing i meant to do At That Time like at night specifically but now the window has passed... i mean like it really does not matter at all to be quite frank but also. no matter how long i take to try and formulate what im thinking/trying 2 say in a message i still like. need to send multiple to like have rly tried my best to explain. nd even then i am the opposite of eloquent when explaining stuff bc im all over the place always like. Every aspect. but i try...... just know i try :(
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me yesterday: i wanna remember the feeling of the succ me now: TAKE IT BACK TAKE IT BACK
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holy shit
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